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Lesson Plan: AP Government: Argumentative Essay Practice

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The Federalist Papers

Boston College professor Mary Sarah Bilder gives a brief overview backgrounding the Federalist Papers


This is intended as an end-of-course review activity for practice with the argumentative essay format included on the AP United States Government and Politics exam since the 2018 redesign. Eleven practice prompts are provided, reflecting content from Units 1-3.


  • Review the provided Argumentative Essay Prompts in either an individual or jigsaw format.
  • Write a thesis statement for your selected prompt(s) and identify the selection you would make from the provided list and the second piece of evidence you would choose.
  • If there are prompts for which you struggle to develop a thesis, or items on the bulleted lists with which you are not conversant, use the hyperlinked C-SPAN Classroom resources to extend your understanding of the required founding documents and SCOTUS cases that you found challenging.


  • Chose one or more of the provided Argumentative Essay Prompts , as assigned, and use the planning and exploration you did above to write a full essay in response to your designated prompt(s) in 25 or fewer minutes , since that's the time limit you'll face on the AP Exam!
  • Exchange essays with a classmate and evaluate each others' work.
  • 1st Amendment
  • Branches Of Government
  • Constitution
  • House Of Representatives
  • Separation Of Powers
  • Supreme Court

ap gov judiciary argumentative essay

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AP US Government and Politics Argument Essay

AP U.S. Government and Politics: Argument Essay

Question 4 of the AP U.S. Government and Politics free response section will always be the Argument Essay. These questions begin with a brief paragraph about a given topic, such as the balance between federal and state powers. The prompt will then give specific instructions about how you must format your essay, including a list of several required foundational documents that are relevant to the topic at hand. You will need to discuss one of the listed documents as well as another piece of specific evidence from your own knowledge.

Argument Essay Strategies

While the scoring for the first three free-response questions is more straightforward—you earn points (or not) based on fully addressing each part of the prompt—the scoring for the Argument Essay is a little more complex. The following rubric outlines what the AP readers are generally looking for when they grade your Argument Essay; note the various categories and the ways you can earn points.

Sample Question

  • Formulate a defensible thesis that establishes a chain of reasoning.
  • Federalist 10
  • U.S. Constitution
  • Take your other piece of evidence from a different foundational document from the list above OR from your own study.
  • Logically explain why your evidence supports your thesis.
  • Present and reply to an alternative viewpoint using refutation, concession, or rebuttal.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

Step 2: plan your response.

You’ll want to create a brief outline before you start writing, just like you would for any other full-length essay. As you saw from the rubric, AP readers are interested in your thesis development, your use of evidence, and your treatment of an alternative view. Everything you write should be toward one or more of those ends.

You will need to state a thesis that specifically addresses the prompt and makes a claim. Avoid rewording the prompt or being too general. A good question to ask yourself is, “Am I actually taking a position on this issue that someone else might argue against?” Also, while the Argument Essay necessitates a longer, more detailed response than the other free-response question types, it does not require a formal introduction; in fact, writing a lengthy introduction can take up valuable time and frustrate the AP reader who is scoring your essay. Assert your thesis as soon as possible, and then move into the rest of your response.

It is important to note that the Argument Essay’s topic and prompt wording will always intentionally allow for multiple positions. Therefore, you should be strategic and choose the position that you can best back up with evidence. You may even advocate for a different position than the one you personally agree with! To that end, no matter how strongly you feel about a topic, always present your evidence and claims in a balanced manner. Throughout your essay, even and especially when responding to an alternative viewpoint, avoid wording that makes it seem like your argument is simply your personal opinion (e.g., “I think” or “I believe,” or any language that is overly emotional).

With all of this in mind, a high-scoring writer might write the following outline:

Thesis: Trustee is the best model (ideals of Constitution)

  • Madison’s fear: large country + big gov’t = factions (many groups disagree)
  • Trustee can mediate, come to concl, act in best interests
  • Needed trustee model to make change
  • Civil rights and women’s rights movements
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965

Response to alternative view: Anti-Feds would fear large repub (Brutus), but pol system in place would keep trustee honest

Step 3: Action! Write Response & Step 4: Proofread

Sample high-scoring response.

The trustee model of legislative representation is the best reflection of the founders’ intentions in setting up American democracy because it offers the best hope for what the Preamble to the Constitution calls “a more perfect union,” one that will bring together war- ring factions and increase harmony.

As James Madison pointed out in Federalist 10, it is inevitable that a republic will contain many groups which vehemently disagree. The bigger a country grows, the more frequent and violent factional clashes are likely to become. Madison was looking ahead to the U.S. that would burst the bounds of the original colonies and create more factionalism. This vision of an expanding, clashing nation makes the trustee model very appealing. A trustee Congressperson is one who will listen to all sides, make an independent judgment, but then go on to explain it so that opponents may be persuaded to change their minds, thus bringing resolution to conflicts.

A trustee is a representative willing to do the principled thing even if the public thinks otherwise. Many issues in our history have seemed so polarized that they were beyond resolution and could not wait for popular consensus. This was the case with civil rights issues and legislation in the 1960s. Technically, African Americans had the right to vote since the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment in 1870. However, this right was violently suppressed through intimidation tactics and a variety of restrictive measures such as poll taxes and literacy tests. It was not until the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 that substantial voting protections were extended to all black people. The Voting Rights Act outlawed literacy tests and other tactics; under this act, federal officials were sent to the South to ensure that African Americans were allowed to vote free from fear and intimidation, and the election practices of local governments were held under greater scrutiny. Civil rights movement leaders had challenged discriminatory practices for decades, but due to intense polarization in society, there was no public consensus on how to address racism in voting practices or even agreement as to whether to address it at all. Legislators had to go against the opinions of the majority in order to act in a way that advanced American ideals for all citizens, and the public eventually caught up.

Similarly, legislators pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was supported by people within social movements but not by the general populace. Additionally, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 touched on the goals of not just the civil rights movement but also the women’s rights movement; for example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibited sex discrimination in public accommodations. Members of these movements had been working for years to get society at large to expand rights and protections to all people. However, if legislators had waited to act until a majority of their constituency approved of these civil rights bills, the bills may never have passed. In this way, the trustee model can be used to uphold the rights of the minority despite majority resistance.

The trustee idea would have been opposed by Brutus and other Anti-Federalists. Brutus 1 warns that a large republic would necessarily be disconnected from its people. Following this logic, a concern with the trustee model would be that the representative would deviate too far from the will of the people and become despotic. But it is important to note that the people have the ultimate voice if they disagree with the trustee’s judgments: the power of the ballot. The legislator’s desire to stay in power is a strong check on him or her, acting as an incentive to listen to constituents.

All in all, the trustee is in the best position to reduce the intense factionalism Madison feared. Even before the advance of mass media, the trustee had many means to learn of the people’s different views and to explain why the legislator was voting a certain way, or advancing this or that philosophy. This give and take of ideas surely helped to get the republic through its rocky early decades, and also helped the country to recover from the volatile growing pains and changes in the mid-twentieth century by finding ways to bring people together and advance equal rights for all.

Sample Response Explanation and Scoring

  • Thesis (0–1 pt): The writer sets up a clear X because Y sentence to introduce the thesis, which could be paraphrased as, The trustee model brings about harmony. Everything that follows is connected to the founders’ ideal of harmony. The writer would therefore earn 1 point for Thesis.
  • Support (0–3 pts): There is more than enough evidence to gain the full 3 points for Support, as the writer explains Madison’s argument in Federalist 10 and elaborates upon relevant historical examples of disharmony that those acting as trustees helped to fix through assertive actions. In addition, the references to the Constitution and Brutus 1 (while unnecessary for earning full credit in Support) show a strong command of course material.
  • Reasoning (0–1 pt): The writer earns the 1 point for Reasoning by clearly explaining how a trustee offers the best hope for Madison’s vision. Specifically, the writer asserts in paragraphs 3 and 4 how trustees could not wait for public opinion in order to act.
  • Reply to Alternative Viewpoint (0–1 pt): There is a whole paragraph at the end dedicated to rebutting the Anti-Federalists’ objections. In this way, the writer makes it clear that this requirement has been met and earns the final 1 point.

Question-Specific Rubric: 6 points (1 + 3 + 1 + 1)

Learn more about the other free response questions on the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam. Concept Application   •   Quantitative Analysis   •   SCOTUS Comparison

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AP US Government and Politics Scotus Comparison

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AP Gov Free Response Questions (FRQ) – Past Prompts

12 min read • june 18, 2024

Fatima Raja

Fatima Raja

Dalia Savy

We’ve compiled a sortable list of a bunch of the AP US Government & Politics past prompts! The AP Gov essays (or all written portions) are 50% of the exam including short-answer questions (SAQs) and an Argument Essay. It’s important that you understand the rubrics and question styles going into the exam. Use this list to practice!

By practicing with previously released free response questions (FRQs), you’ll build critical-thinking and analytical skills that will prepare you for the exam. These past prompts have been designed to help you connect concepts and ideas to each other while applying your knowledge to real-life scenarios.

The AP Gov curriculum was updated in 2018 to focus more on primary documents and have more specific course content outlines, but the past prompts are still a good resource to practice with!

If you need more support with AP Gov, join us live for reviews, concept explanations, practice FRQs, and more!

All credit to College Board.

👉 2019 AP Gov FRQs

Qualitative Analysis

Interactions Among Branches of Government (Congress, Policy-making, interest groups)

Since 2008 the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian interest group, has promoted an annual event known as Pulpit Freedom Sunday. On this occasion, pastors are encouraged to challenge a provision of the tax law known as the Johnson Amendment, which prohibits political activity by certain nonprofit organizations, including religious organizations. While the Johnson Amendment does not restrict religious leaders from speaking out regarding social issues, it does prohibit them from contributing money to political campaigns or speaking out in favor or against candidates running for political office.

On Pulpit Freedom Sunday, as an act of civil disobedience, pastors and religious leaders preach openly about the moral qualifications of candidates seeking office.

Describe an action Congress could take to address the concerns of the interest group in the scenario.

In the context of the scenario, explain how partisan divisions could prevent the action described in part A.

Explain why the Alliance Defending Freedom might argue that their constitutional rights are threatened by the Johnson Amendment.

What are they actually asking?

To carefully read the provided passage and then use the information provided to describe responses that Congress could take, potential partisan obstacles, and how an interest group could argue their rights are being threatened by the scenario.

Quantitative Analysis

American Political Ideologies and Belief (political parties, polls)

Identify the political affiliation of people who are most likely to believe elected officials should compromise.

Describe the difference between Democrats and Republicans on their attitudes of whether government officials should stick to their principles, based on the data in the bar graph.

Explain how the data in the bar graph could influence how a Republican candidate would shift his or her campaign positions after securing the Republican nomination for president.

Explain how the data in the bar graph could affect policy making interactions between the president and Congress.

Using the graphic provided and your knowledge of the AP Gov course, analyze the data provided and apply it to the situations provided.

Supreme Court Case

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (civil rights, Fourteenth Amendment)

In the 1950s, Pete Hernandez, a Mexican American agricultural worker, was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison by an all-white jury in Jackson County, Texas. Hernandez’s defense claimed that people of Mexican ancestry had been discriminated against in Jackson County. They pointed to the fact that no person of Mexican ancestry had served on a jury in 25 years and that the Jackson County Courthouse itself practiced segregation in its facilities. The five jury commissioners, who selected the members of the grand jury, testified under oath that they selected jurors based only on their qualifications and did not consider race or national origin in their decisions.

In the ensuing case, Hernandez v. Texas (1954), the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of Hernandez, deciding that evidence of discrimination against Mexican Americans existed in Jackson County and that the Constitution prohibits such discrimination.

Identify the clause in the Fourte enth Amendment that was used as the basis for the decision in both Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and Hernandez v. Texas (1954).

Explain how the facts in both Brown v. Board of Education and Hernandez v. Texas led to a similar decision in both cases.

Explain how an interest group could use the decision in Hernandez v. Texas to advance its agenda.

Using your knowledge of the 14th Amendment and Brown v. Board of Education , explain the decision and explain how you would apply it to Hernandez v. Texas .

Argument Essay

Foundations of American Democracy (federalism)

The United States Constitution establishes a federal system of government. Under federalism, policy making is shared between national and state governments. Over time, the powers of the national government have increased relative to those of the state governments.

Develop an argument about whether the expanded powers of the national government benefits or hinders policy making.

Use at least one piece of evidence from one of the following foundational documents:

The Articles of Confederation

The Federalist 10

Using one of the documents listed and additional outside evidence, argue whether or not the expanded powers of the federal government is good or bad for policy-making.

👉 2018 AP Gov FRQs

Political Participation (political parties, third-parties)

Political parties seek to win elections to control government

Identify two activities that political parties do to win elections.

Describe one way third parties can affect elections.

Explain how single-member districts make it difficult for third parties to win elections.

Explain how electoral competition is affected by gerrymandering.

What are they actually asking for?

Demonstrate your understanding of how electoral competition affects third-parties and is affected by gerrymandering.

Political Participation (polls)

Public opinion polls are commonly used by politicians and the media.

Identify two characteristics of a reliable scientific public opinion poll.

Describe two ways polling results are used by politicians.

Explain how frequent public opinion polls impact media coverage of political campaigns.

Demonstrate your understanding of polling by explaining what makes a poll reliable and how they are used.

Quantitative Reasoning

Interactions Between Branches (vetos)

The United States Constitution gave Congress and the president specific legislative powers. As a result, the interactions between the two are dynamic and complex.

Describe the constitutional principle of checks and balances.

Describe EACH of the following presidential powers in the legislative process:

State of the Union address

Using the data in the chart, describe the relationship between the number of presidential vetoes and the number of congressional overrides.

Explain how Congress can reduce the likelihood of a presidential veto.

Demonstrate your understanding of checks and balances by explaining the relationships between vetos, the State of the Union Address, and congressional overrides.

Interactions Between Branches (republicanism)

In a democracy, what the majority wants should influence public policy. The opinion of the majority is sometimes, but not always, reflected in policy change.

Explain how interest groups reduce the influence of public opinion on policy.

Explain how EACH of the following increases the likelihood of policy change.

Newly elected president

National crisis

Describe the role of EACH of the following institutions in the policy process.

Demonstrate your understanding of the policy-making process by explaining the influence of interest groups, the media, and public opinion and explain how different situations can affect it.

👉 2017 AP Gov FRQs

Foundations of Democracy (Supreme Court)

The framers of the Constitution intended the Supreme Court to be politically insulated. Despite this intent, the Supreme Court is not completely insulated from political influences.

Describe one constitutional provision that seeks to insulate the Supreme Court from public opinion.

Identify a power exercised by the Supreme Court that acts as a check on another branch of the federal government.

Explain how each of the following can limit the independence of the Supreme Court.

Explain how the Supreme Court protects its political independence.

Explain how the Supreme Court maintains its independence from public opinion and how Congress and the President can limit it.

Political Participation (Interest Groups)

Interest groups play an important role in the political process.

Identify the primary goal of interest groups.

Describe EACH of the following strategies used by interest groups.

Amicus curiae

Explain how EACH of the following hinders the success of interest groups in obtaining their primary goal.

Separation of powers

Bureaucratic discretion

To describe the functions and goals of interest groups in policy-making.

Interactions Among Branches of Government (Federal Spending)

Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are all mandatory spending programs, also known as entitlement programs.

Identify a change in federal spending between 1970 and 2023 (projected) based on the chart above.

Describe the difference between entitlement programs and discretionary programs.

Describe one demographic trend that has contributed to changes in entitlement spending.

Explain why changes in entitlement spending make balancing the federal budget difficult.

Explain how deficit spending affects the projected trend in net interest.

To describe how federal spending, including entitlement and discretionary programs, functions and is affected by different factors.

Interactions Between Branches of Government (federalism)

The balance of power between the United States national government and state governments is shaped by the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings.

Describe EACH of the following constitutional provisions.

Supremacy clause

Tenth Amendment

Explain how ONE of the following court rulings changed the balance of power between the national government and state governments.

United States v. Lopez

Obergefell v. Hodges

Describe TWO advantages of federalism for the creation of public policy in the United States.

To explain how the relationship between the state and federal governments is shaped by constitutional clauses and has changed over the years.

👉 2016 AP Gov FRQs

Political Participation (linkage institutions)

Linkage Institutions - such as political parties, the media, and interest groups - connect citizens to the government and play significant roles in the electoral process.

Describe one important function of political parties as a linkage institution in elections.

Describe the influence of the media on the electoral process in each of the following roles.

Gatekeeping/agenda setting

Scorekeeping/horse race journalism

Describe two strategies interest groups use to influence the electoral process.

Explain how, according to critics, interest groups may limit representative democracy.

Describe the relationships between interest groups, political parties, and the media as linkage institutions and the federal government and how they affect elections and policy-making.

Political Participation (Demographics and Elections)

The United States is experiencing a dramatic change in the makeup of its population. These changes have political consequences for political institutions.

Identify a trend depicted in the chart.

Assuming that recent voting patterns continue, explain how the trend identified in (a) is likely to affect the electoral success of either the Democratic Party or the Republican Party.

Explain how the demographic changes shown in the chart above are likely to affect the way in which parties operate in Congress.

Describe two specific actions that presidents can take to respond to the demographic changes in the chart above.

Describe how demographic changes will affect political parties and the electoral process.

Interactions Between Branches of Government (policy-making)

The public policy process involves interactions between Congress and the bureaucracy.

Identify the primary role of Congress in the policy process.

Explain how divided party control of Congress can make the policy process difficult.

Identify the primary role of the bureaucracy in the policy process.

Explain how one of the following increases the power of the bureaucracy in the policy process.

Rule making

Explain how each of the following enables Congress to limit the power of the bureaucracy.

Oversight hearings

Power of the purse

Describe the policy-making process, its challenges, the bureaucracy's role within it, and how Congress conducts oversight over the bureaucracy.

Interactions Between Branches, Political Participation (federalism, voting)

The Constitution limited the power of the national government and restricted popular control; however, citizen participation has changed over time.

Explain how each of the following constitutional features protects against the concentration of power in the national government.

Checks and balances

Explain how one of the following features of the Constitution limited the people’s ability to influence the national government.

Electoral college

Selection of senators before the Seventeenth Amendment

Describe a constitutional amendment that increased suffrage.

Describe the effect of one of the following laws on citizen participation in elections.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Motor Voter Act)

Explain how the power of the federal government is limited, how people's influence on the federal government was limited, how suffrage increased, and how the passage of certain legislation affected voter participation.

👉 2015 AP Gov FRQs

Interactions Among Branches of Government (presidential roles)

American politics has often been called an "invitation to struggle." Although in recent years the president has been thought to have an advantage in policy making, there are still constraints on the power of the president.

Describe a power of the president in each of the following roles.

Chief legislator

Chief bureaucrat or chief administrator

Explain how each of the following limits the president’s influence in policy making.

Civil service employees

The Supreme Court

Describe the influence of divided government on the policy-making process.

Explain how the president can influence policy-making as well as the limits that the Supreme Court, civil service, and a divided government could place on. them.

The framers of the Constitution devised a federal system of government that affected the relationship between the national and state governments.

Compare state sovereignty under the Articles of Confederation and under the Constitution.

Explain how each of the following has been used to expand the power of the federal government over the states.

Commerce clause

Explain how each of the following has played a role in the devolution of power from the national government to the states.

Block grants

Supreme Court decisions

Describe how the relationship between the federal and state governments has changed and how different branches have played a role in that change.

Qualitative/Visual Analysis

Political Participation (electoral college)

The framers created the electoral college to elect the president of the United States. This system influences the campaign strategies of presidential candidates.

Describe one reason that the framers chose to use the electoral college as the method to elect the president.

Describe the message the cartoon above conveys about presidential elections.

Explain why California, Texas, and New York do not appear prominently in the cartoon above.

Describe two campaign tactics presidential candidates use to win the key states identified in the cartoon above.

Explain the electoral college, how it functions, and how it affects presidential campaigns.

Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (civil rights and liberties)

The Fourteenth Amendment protects civil rights and civil liberties.

Describe the difference between civil rights and civil liberties.

Identify the primary clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that is used to extend civil rights.

Describe a specific legislative action that extended civil rights to each of the following.

Persons with disabilities

Identify the primary clause of the Fourteenth Amendment that is used to extend civil liberties.

Explain how civil liberties were incorporated by the Supreme Court in two of the following cases.

Gideon v. Wainwright

Mapp v. Ohio

Miranda v. Arizona

Demonstrate your understanding of civil rights and liberties, the Fourteenth Amendment, and Supreme Court cases affected by it.


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AP U.S. Government and Politics Exam Tips

The following strategies for answering the free-response questions will help you on exam day.

  • Answering essay questions generally requires a good deal of training and practice. Students too often begin to write immediately, which can create a string of disconnected, poorly planned thoughts. You should approach questions methodically and plan your answers before putting pencil to paper.
  • Carefully analyze the question, thinking through what is being asked, and identify the elements that must be addressed in the response. Each AP Exam asks different types of questions about each subject. For example, some questions may require you to consider the similarities between people or events, and then to think of the ways they are different. Others may ask you to develop an argument with examples in support of or opposing a particular movement or policy. Be sure to carefully craft your answer in response to what is actually being asked in the question prompt.
  • After you have determined what is involved in answering the question, consider what evidence you can incorporate into your response. Review the evidence you learned during the year that relates to the question and then decide how it fits into the analysis. Does it demonstrate a similarity or a difference? Does it argue for or against a generalization that is being addressed?
  • Whenever you offer evidence to illustrate contrast or similarity, clearly state your intent. Then, with additional information or analysis, elaborate on the ways in which these pieces of evidence are similar or different. If there is evidence that refutes a statement, explain why it argues against the statement. Your answer should reflect an understanding of the subtleties of the questions.
  • Begin writing only after you have thought through the evidence you plan to use and have determined what your thesis statement will be. Once you have done this, you will be in a position to answer the question analytically instead of in a rambling narrative.
  • Learn how to present your thesis statement: make your overarching statement or argument and then position your supporting evidence so that it is obviously directed to answering the question, as opposed to being a string of abstract generalizations. State your points as clearly as possible and explicitly connect them to the larger thesis. Do not leave it to the reader to infer what is meant or how something illustrates a point.
  • If you have done the analytical work required prior to writing, you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the question. You should state your thesis, introduce the elements that support the thesis, and demonstrate the logic that led you to link the elements in support of the thesis. By applying these ideas you will construct an excellent essay.
  • While essay writing in general is a valuable exercise, you may wish to work specifically on free-response questions from previous AP Exams. This will allow you to compare your own responses with those that have already been scored and evaluated. Free-response questions are available through the AP Program in numerous formats. Fnd sample essays for U.S. Government and Politics on the Past Exam Questions page at AP Central.

Pay close attention to the task verbs in the question. Each one directs you to complete a specific type of response. Here are the task verbs you’ll see on the exam:

  • Compare : Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences.
  • Define : Provide a specific meaning for a word or concept.
  • Describe : Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic.
  • Develop an argument : Articulate a claim and support it with evidence.
  • Draw a conclusion : Use available information to formulate an accurate statement that demonstrates understanding based on evidence.
  • Explain : Provide information about how or why a relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome occurs, using evidence and/or reasoning. Explain “how” typically requires analyzing the relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome; whereas explain “why” typically requires analysis of motivations or reasons for the relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome.
  • Identify : Indicate or provide information about a specified topic, without elaboration or explanation.


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Free-response questions, or FRQs, on the AP US Government exam are more straightforward than those on some other AP tests, but they can still be tough if you're not ready for them. In this guide, we will lay out a simple step-by-step method for answering AP Government FRQs , go through a real example, and tell you where you can find additional practice resources.

AP Government Free-Response Section Format

The free-response section lasts one hour and 40 minutes and consists of four questions , each of which is worth 12.5% of your total score. So as a whole, the free-response section accounts for half your total AP Gov score (the other 50% comes from the multiple-choice section). Each FRQ is worth 3-6 raw points.

Here are the four types of FRQs you'll get on the AP Government exam:

  • Concept Application (3 raw points)
  • Quantitative Analysis (4 raw points)
  • SCOTUS Comparison (4 raw points)
  • Argument Essay (6 raw points)

The free-response questions will ask you to integrate your knowledge of the various content areas covered by the course. This includes analyzing political events in the US, discussing examples, and demonstrating your understanding of general principles of US government and politics. You'll also be asked to examine data from charts, define key terms, and explain the roles that different parts of our government play in the political system.

The following chart shows specifically what you must do for each FRQ on the AP Government test. All info below comes from the 2020 AP US Government and Politics Course and Exam Description .

1. Concept Application Presents students with an authentic scenario. Assesses student ability to describe and explain the effects of a political institution, behavior, or process. Additionally, this question assesses student ability to transfer understanding of course concepts and apply them in a new situation or scenario.
2. Quantitative Analysis

Presents students with quantitative data in the form of a table, graph, map, or infographic. This question assesses students' ability to perform the following:

3. SCOTUS Comparison

Presents students with a description of a non-required Supreme Court Case and its holding. This question assesses students' ability to do the following:

4. Argument Essay

Assesses students' ability to do the following:

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AP Government FRQs: 5-Step Solution Process

This section provides a step-by-step process for answering any question on the AP US Government exam. Here's a sample question from the 2020 AP Gov Course and Exam Description that I'll reference throughout so you can see how these steps might work in practice:


Step 1: Read the Introductory and Concluding Sentences

Free-response questions #1 and #3 will include passages, while question #2 will have an image or a chart with data. Skim the first and final sentences of the passage (or title of the graphic for #2) before you get to the tasks (labeled A-C or A-D). This will help you get a rough sense of what to expect in the rest of the question.

It's a good idea to read the intros and conclusions to all the FRQs before choosing which one to begin with. Doing this might help build up your confidence and improve your efficiency to start with a question that's easier for you.

In the sample question above, you would read the title of the graphic ("Public Education Spending: Amount Spent per Pupil by State in 2014") and then skim the image itself to get a sense of what it's asking you to analyze.


Step 2: Identify (and Underline, If You Want) the Command Verb

For each task in each FRQ, you're given specific instructions on the type of answer that is expected; these instructions include command verbs that tell you what to do. It's important to be aware of exactly what the question is asking so you can earn full points.

These command verbs are the first words you should zero in on as you approach a question. If you think it'll help keep you focused, you can underline these verbs .

Here are the most commonly used task verbs, as described in the AP Gov Exam Description :

Compare: Provide a description or explanation of similarities and/or differences.

Define: Provide a specific meaning for a word or concept.

Describe: Provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic.

Develop an argument: Articulate a claim and support it with evidence.

Draw a conclusion: Use available information to formulate an accurate statement that demonstrates understanding based on evidence.

Explain: Provide information about how or why a relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome occurs, using evidence and/or reasoning. Explain "how" typically requires analyzing the relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome, whereas explain "why" typically requires analysis of motivations or reasons for the relationship, process, pattern, position, situation, or outcome.

Identify: Indicate or provide information about a specified topic, without elaboration or explanation.

In part A of the sample question, the command verb is "identify," indicating that you need to correctly interpret the data in the image. In part B, the command verb changes to "describe," which means you'll need to go one step further and interpret and analyze data in the graphic that you have found.

Part C starts with "draw a conclusion," meaning that you will need to tie together the evidence you found in part B to come up with a final (accurate) statement on what this means. Finally, part D begins with the task verb "explain," showing that you must make a clear connection between the data in this graphic as a whole and the principle of federalism.

Step 3: Know Where You'll Earn Your Raw Points

In general, each part in a question (A, B, C, and D) will correspond to 1 raw point , but not all questions are like this.

After finding the task verb in the part of the question you're answering, take note of how many examples or descriptions you need to provide , as each will likely correspond to a point in your raw score for the question. There might also be more than one task verb in a question, in which case you'll likely get at least 2 raw points for it.

As a reminder, here is the maximum number of raw points you can earn for each question (don't forget that each question is still worth the same percentage of your score: 12.5%):

Take care to answer the question thoroughly but directly , addressing all points in a way that will make it easy for graders to assess your response. Remember that you don't need to write an essay for the first three FRQs, so just go straight for the answer to avoid any ambiguity.

In the sample question, we know there will be 4 raw points you can earn. And since the tasks are divided into four parts (labeled A-D), we can assume that each part will be worth 1 raw point .

You can see more sample FRQs and how they're graded with the official scoring guidelines here .

Step 4: Reread Your Answer

Once you've come up with an answer, reread what you wrote to ensure it makes sense and addresses the question completely . Did you give the correct number of descriptions or examples asked of you? Does your answer directly respond to what the question is asking?

If you're satisfied, move on to the next part of the question and return to step 2!

Step 5: Pace Yourself

The final step is to keep track of time so you can be sure you're pacing yourself effectively and are not spending too much time on any one question. As a reminder, you'll have one hour and 40 minutes for the entire free-response section of the AP Government exam.

It's suggested that you spend the following amounts of time on each FRQ:

FRQ #1: Concept Application 20 minutes
FRQ #2: Quantitative Analysis 20 minutes
FRQ #3: SCOTUS Comparison 20 minutes
FRQ #4: Argument Essay 40 minutes

As you can see, you should spend about an equal amount of time on the first three FRQs and save most of your time for your essay , which will likely require the most effort of the four.


A Real AP Government FRQ Example + Analysis

Now, let's go through the answers to a real AP Government free-response question from the 2019 released questions to show you what your responses should look like. This question is an example of a Concept Application question on the exam, meaning it's worth 3 raw points (1 point each for parts A, B, and C).


This question is all about the Johnson Amendment, which does not allow religious organizations to engage in political activities and contribute money to political campaigns. As this passage explains, the Alliance Defending Freedom, a religious group, encourages pastors to challenge this law by participating in an annual event called Pulpit Freedom Sunday.

Below, we go through how to answer each of the three parts correctly using the scoring guidelines .

Part A—1 Point

Part A asks you to come up with an example of a specific action Congress could take to address the concerns of the Alliance Defending Freedom. In other words, what could Congress do to allow groups such as the Alliance Defending Freedom to speak freely about political campaigns?

Note that the command verb used here is "describe," meaning you must "provide the relevant characteristics of a specified topic," or elaborate on what you're proposing and why it would work.

There are two possible answers you could put down here, according to the scoring guidelines:

  • Congress could pass a law that would reverse the Johnson Amendment.
  • Congress could pass a law to allow religious organizations to participate more directly in politics.

Part B—1 Point

Part B asks you to go into more detail about what you proposed in part A . You must talk about how partisan divisions (i.e., differences in political parties among politicians) could stop whatever you proposed in part A from going into effect (whether that's a new law altogether or a reversal of the original Johnson Amendment).

The task verb used here is "explain," so you must use evidence to show how the action you wrote down in part A could be blocked or reversed.

Here are two possible answers , according to the scoring guidelines:

  • Partisan divisions make it more difficult to pass a law because parties adhere to different ideological points of view.
  • If Congress and the president are from different political parties, the president might threaten to veto the legislation.

Part C—1 Point

The final part of this free-response question asks you to examine the scenario again, this time from the perspective of the Alliance Defending Freedom , or the religious group in question.

How might the Alliance argue that the Johnson Amendment, which prevents them from speaking on political issues and contributing money to political campaigns, is taking away their rights?

The key here is to first think about what rights these could be . Perhaps freedom of speech or freedom of religion? As you probably noticed, the task verb is "explain," so once again you must use plenty of evidence to show why this contentious relationship exists between the Alliance and the Johnson Amendment/the US government as a whole.

Here are examples of answers you could write, according to the official scoring guidelines:

  • The Alliance Defending Freedom and other religious groups might argue that their First Amendment rights are being violated.
  • The Alliance Defending Freedom and other religious groups might argue that their freedom of speech/religion is being violated.


Essential Resources for Practicing AP US Government FRQs

There are several resources you can use to hone your skills for answering AP Government FRQs.

Official College Board Resources

The College Board website hosts free-response questions from previous tests that you can use for practice. I recommend starting with the 2019 FRQs (unfortunately, they don't come with sample student responses), as these will look the most like the questions you'll get on test day.

Once you've used those, you can look at FRQs from the 2018 test and earlier; most of these come with sample student responses so you can see what a good response looks like.

If you're hoping to practice FRQs in the context of a full-length test, here are some links to past AP Government exams you can download (as always, prioritize the most recent tests):

  • 2018 Practice Test
  • 2013 Practice Test
  • 2012 Practice Test
  • 2009 Practice Test
  • 2005 Practice Test
  • 1999 Practice Test

These are by far the best sample AP US Government free-response questions you can get because they most accurately represent what you'll see on the real test.

AP Government Review Books

AP Government review books are also solid resources for free-response practice, though they vary a lot in quality.

The Princeton Review's prep book for AP Gov includes five full-length practice tests , so there should be tons of free-response questions you can use to hone your skills. Barron's AP US Gov review book also has some useful practice tests and free-response questions.

If you use these unofficial free-response questions for practice, just be sure to intersperse them with official questions from the College Board so that you maintain an accurate sense of what to expect on the real test.


Recap: Everything to Know About AP US Government FRQs

The four free-response questions on the AP US Government and Politics exam can be approached methodically to earn the maximum number of points.

Read the intro and conclusion to the question first so you can get your bearings. Then, for each of the separate parts, identify the task verb, figure out where you'll earn your raw points, and double-check your answer for any missing pieces or careless errors.

You should also pace yourself so that you're spending no more than 20 minutes each on the first three questions and 40 minutes on the essay.

I suggest practicing at least a few free-response questions before heading into the AP exam. The best resource to use is the College Board website, which contains an archive of past questions accompanied by scoring guidelines and sample student responses. These questions are pretty simple compared to the free-response questions on other AP tests once you get the hang of them!

What's Next?

Not sure where to begin in your AP prep? Our five-step plan will prepare you to take on any AP test .

If you're missing some of your notes that you need to study for AP Gov, check out this article with links to all the content you need to know for the test . You can also learn about the test as a whole with our comprehensive AP Government and Politics review guide .

Do you have a target score in mind for this exam? Learn more about what it takes to earn a 5 on an AP test and whether you should aim for one yourself.

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Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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Why the $4.5 Billion School E-Rate Program Is Headed to the Supreme Court

ap gov judiciary argumentative essay

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday agreed to take up a potentially important case involving the $4.5 billion federal E-rate program that provides discounted internet and other telecommunications services to schools. The court agreed to hear the appeal of a Wisconsin telecom provider facing a civil trial under a federal fraud statute for allegedly overcharging schools under the program.

Meanwhile, the court declined to hear the appeal of a former student with an intellectual disability who was Tased by a school resource officer after a violent outburst at his high school.

The telecom case, Wisconsin Bell Inc. v. United States ex rel. Heath , involves the Schools and Libraries Universal Service Support Program, or E-rate, which is funded by telecom providers and administered by a private company, the Universal Services Administrative Co., under the auspices of the Federal Communications Commission. In 2023, some 1,600 telecom providers performed $2.46 billion worth of reimbursable work for the 132,000 schools and libraries enrolled in the program, court papers say.

The E-rate program requires service providers to charge schools and libraries the “lowest corresponding price”—the price a provider charges for similar services to a similar nonresidential customer in terms of geography, traffic volume, contract length, and other cost factors. After telecom companies provide services to eligible schools and libraries, either the providers or recipients submit reimbursement requests to USAC for the amount of the discount.

Todd Heath, a Wisconsin resident who ran businesses helping schools uncover telecom billing errors, sued Wisconsin Bell, a regional telecom provider owned by AT&T, under the False Claims Act, a Civil War-era statute designed to root out fraud in federal contracting. Under that law, those found liable for fraud are subject to triple damages and other penalties, and the statute allows private citizens with knowledge of alleged fraud in federal programs to pursue claims and receive a portion of the government’s recovery.

Heath alleged that Wisconsin Bell did not comply with the lowest-corresponding price requirement from 2008 to 2015 and that the company failed to train its sales representatives about the rule or put in place any mechanism to comply with it until 2009. To give an example of price differentials cited in the case, Wisconsin Bell allegedly charged Bruce Guadalupe Community School in Milwaukee $1,110 a month per circuit for an Integrated Services Digital Network product, which provides voice, data, images, and video over a single line. Meanwhile, it charged Messmer High School, also in Milwaukee, just $743 for the same product.

“[Wisconsin Bell] has never presented any facts to dispute that BGCS and Messmer were similarly situated customers,” one of Heath’s lower court briefs said. “They clearly were.”

A federal district court granted summary judgment to Wisconsin Bell on grounds that Heath had failed to provide evidence that the company had provided false information or had knowledge of wrongdoing. That court did not rule on the company’s argument that the FCA did not apply because money in the E-rate program was not federal funding.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, in Chicago, reversed the district court, holding that Heath had presented enough evidence for the case to go to trial. The court ruled that the E-rate program was sufficiently tied to the federal government for the false-claims law to apply to any alleged fraud in the program.

Wisconsin Bell appealed to the Supreme Court, arguing that the 7th Circuit decision conflicts with a ruling by another federal appeals court and that “it is private telecommunications carriers—not the federal government—that supply the money used in the E-rate program.”

Two industry groups, USTelecom-the Broadband Association, and CTIA-The Wireless Association, said in a friend-of-the-court brief supporting Wisconsin Bell that the 7th Circuit decision puts their member companies “under the threat of novel—and potentially ruinous—liability.”

“For some providers, this threat may eclipse the benefits of participating in a Universal Service program,” the industry groups said.

The Supreme Court granted review of the case and will hear arguments in its next term.

Court declines case alleging excessive force on student

The declined case about the use of a Taser on a student with a disability is J.W. v. Paley . It involves Jevon Washington, a student who has an unspecified intellectual disability.

In November 2016 at Mayde Creek High School in the Katy, Texas, school district, Washington had an argument with a fellow student, punching him before storming out of a classroom, court papers say. He then threw a desk, kicked a door, and yelled as he headed toward a school exit door.

School resource officer Elvin Paley and three school staff members stopped Washington, who was 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighed 250 pounds. Washington tried to push past the security guard, and the student eventually squeezed out the door. Paley fired his stun gun at Washington, according to court documents. The student screamed and fell to his knees, and the officer continued pressing the device against the student’s body. Washington was briefly handcuffed before being treated by paramedics.

Washington and his mother filed claims in federal court under the Fourth Amendment for excessive force and the 14th Amendment for a violation of due process of law. A federal district judge dismissed most civil rights claims against the district and all but one civil rights claim against the resource officer. The court rejected qualified immunity for Paley on the Fourth Amendment excessive-force claim, though that decision was reversed by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, in New Orleans.

In a separate ruling on Washington’s suit in August 2023 , the 5th Circuit said the school resource officer may have used poor judgment in Tasing Washington but held that Washington could not proceed with his 14th Amendment claim that his restraint by the school resource officer violated his right to substantive due process of law, which provides protection for fundamental rights beyond mere procedural due process.

The court said it was bound by a 1990 5th Circuit decision, Fee v. Herndon , which held that “as long as the state provides an adequate remedy, a public school student cannot state a claim for denial of substantive due process through excessive corporal punishment.”

Texas provides various civil and criminal remedies for excessive use of force by school personnel, the court noted.

In their appeal to the Supreme Court, lawyers for Washington argued that the case presented an important question of whether excessive-force claims brought by students should be analyzed under the Fourth Amendment or the 14th Amendment.

The question was “exceptionally important,” they argued, because “as the number of school resource officers increases, so, too, does the potential for violent police–student interactions.”

“It is essential to recognize that the Fourth Amendment applies to these interactions and other similar seizures by school officials,” the appeal said.

The student received support from the libertarian think tank Institute for Justice , as well as the progressive Southern Poverty Law Center .

The school resource officer, Paley, filed a response only after being prompted to do so by the Supreme Court (an indication that at least one justice was giving the case a serious look). His brief argued that students subjected to excessive force have state law remedies in Texas and no matter what the Supreme Court might decide on the Fourth Amendment standard, the officer would still be entitled to qualified immunity in this suit.

“Although excessive student discipline should neither be tolerated nor condoned, the 5th Circuit has appropriately recognized that ‘the Constitution is not a criminal or civil code to be invoked invariably for the crimes or torts of state educators who act in contravention of the very laws designed to thwart abusive disciplinarians,’” the officer’s brief said.

The court declined the student’s appeal without comment or recorded dissent.

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ADF Senior Counsel and Vice President of U.S. Litigation David Cortman, left, and Liam Morrison speak at a press conference following oral arguments before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit on Feb. 8, 2024.

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  22. Why the $4.5 Billion School E-Rate Program Is Headed ...

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