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  • 22 Aug 2024
  • Research & Ideas

Reading the Financial Crisis Warning Signs: Credit Markets and the 'Red-Zone'

While fears about slowing economic growth have roiled stock markets in recent weeks, credit markets remain stable and bullish, and a recession hasn't materialized as some analysts predicted. Robin Greenwood discusses the market conditions that are buoying the economy—and risk signals to watch.

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  • 05 Aug 2024

Watching for the Next Economic Downturn? Follow Corporate Debt

Rising household debt alone isn't enough to predict looming economic crises. Research by Victoria Ivashina examines the role of corporate debt in fiscal crashes since 1940.

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  • 23 Jul 2024

Forgiving Medical Debt Won't Make Everyone Happier

Medical debt not only hurts credit access, it can also harm one's mental health. But a study by Raymond Kluender finds that forgiving people's bills—even $170 million of debt—doesn't necessarily reduce stress, financial or otherwise.

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  • In Practice

The New Rules of Trade with China: Navigating Tariffs, Turmoil, and Opportunities

Trade tensions between the US and China have continued well beyond the Trump Administration's tariffs. Harvard Business School faculty offer insights for leaders managing the complexities of doing business with the world's second-largest economy.

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  • 18 Jun 2024

Central Banks Missed Inflation Red Flags. This Pricing Model Could Help.

The steep inflation that plagued the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic took many economists by surprise. But research by Alberto Cavallo suggests that a different method of tracking prices—a real-time model—could predict future surges better.

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  • 28 May 2024

Job Search Advice for a Tough Market: Think Broadly and Stay Flexible

Some employers have pared staff and reduced hiring amid mixed economic signals. What does it mean for job seekers? Paul Gompers, Letian Zhang, and David Fubini offer advice for overcoming search challenges to score that all-important offer.

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  • 21 May 2024

What the Rise of Far-Right Politics Says About the Economy in an Election Year

With voters taking to the polls in dozens of countries this year, could election outcomes lean conservative? Paula Rettl says a lack of social mobility and a sense of economic insecurity are some of the factors fueling far-right movements around the world.

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  • 11 Apr 2024

Why Progress on Immigration Might Soften Labor Pains

Long-term labor shortages continue to stoke debates about immigration policy in the United States. We asked Harvard Business School faculty members to discuss what's at stake for companies facing talent needs, and the potential scenarios on the horizon.

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  • 01 Apr 2024

Navigating the Mood of Customers Weary of Price Hikes

Price increases might be tempering after historic surges, but companies continue to wrestle with pinched consumers. Alexander MacKay, Chiara Farronato, and Emily Williams make sense of the economic whiplash of inflation and offer insights for business leaders trying to find equilibrium.

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  • 29 Jan 2024

Do Disasters Rally Support for Climate Action? It's Complicated.

Reactions to devastating wildfires in the Amazon show the contrasting realities for people living in areas vulnerable to climate change. Research by Paula Rettl illustrates the political ramifications that arise as people weigh the economic tradeoffs of natural disasters.

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  • 10 Jan 2024

Technology and COVID Upended Tipping Norms. Will Consumers Keep Paying?

When COVID pushed service-based businesses to the brink, tipping became a way for customers to show their appreciation. Now that the pandemic is over, new technologies have enabled companies to maintain and expand the use of digital payment nudges, says Jill Avery.

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  • 17 Aug 2023

‘Not a Bunch of Weirdos’: Why Mainstream Investors Buy Crypto

Bitcoin might seem like the preferred tender of conspiracy theorists and criminals, but everyday investors are increasingly embracing crypto. A study of 59 million consumers by Marco Di Maggio and colleagues paints a shockingly ordinary picture of today's cryptocurrency buyer. What do they stand to gain?

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  • 15 Aug 2023

Why Giving to Others Makes Us Happy

Giving to others is also good for the giver. A research paper by Ashley Whillans and colleagues identifies three circumstances in which spending money on other people can boost happiness.

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  • 13 Mar 2023

What Would It Take to Unlock Microfinance's Full Potential?

Microfinance has been seen as a vehicle for economic mobility in developing countries, but the results have been mixed. Research by Natalia Rigol and Ben Roth probes how different lending approaches might serve entrepreneurs better.

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  • 23 Jan 2023

After High-Profile Failures, Can Investors Still Trust Credit Ratings?

Rating agencies, such as Standard & Poor’s and Moody's, have been criticized for not warning investors of risks that led to major financial catastrophes. But an analysis of thousands of ratings by Anywhere Sikochi and colleagues suggests that agencies have learned from past mistakes.

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  • 29 Nov 2022

How Much More Would Holiday Shoppers Pay to Wear Something Rare?

Economic worries will make pricing strategy even more critical this holiday season. Research by Chiara Farronato reveals the value that hip consumers see in hard-to-find products. Are companies simply making too many goods?

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  • 21 Nov 2022

Buy Now, Pay Later: How Retail's Hot Feature Hurts Low-Income Shoppers

More consumers may opt to "buy now, pay later" this holiday season, but what happens if they can't make that last payment? Research by Marco Di Maggio and Emily Williams highlights the risks of these financing services, especially for lower-income shoppers.

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  • 01 Sep 2022
  • What Do You Think?

Is It Time to Consider Lifting Tariffs on Chinese Imports?

Many of the tariffs levied by the Trump administration on Chinese goods remain in place. James Heskett weighs whether the US should prioritize renegotiating trade agreements with China, and what it would take to move on from the trade war. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

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  • 05 Jul 2022

Have We Seen the Peak of Just-in-Time Inventory Management?

Toyota and other companies have harnessed just-in-time inventory management to cut logistics costs and boost service. That is, until COVID-19 roiled global supply chains. Will we ever get back to the days of tighter inventory control? asks James Heskett. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

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  • 09 Mar 2022

War in Ukraine: Soaring Gas Prices and the Return of Stagflation?

With nothing left to lose, Russia's invasion of Ukraine will likely intensify, roiling energy markets further and raising questions about the future of globalization, says Rawi Abdelal. Open for comment; 0 Comments.

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Centre for Economic Policy Research ( CEPR )

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RePEc (Research Papers in Economics)

Aarge clearinghouse of Economics paper repositories. Some searching is more advanced than others depending on the functionality of the repository in question (you can also search across all the repositories). Provides citation tracking, related articles, etc. 

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75 Sources of Economic Data, Statistics, Reports, and Commentary


In honor of the Theoretical Law and Economics Conference, to be held at the Yale Law School December 7-8, 2012 and sponsored by the Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund, here are some of the best places to find economic data, statistics, and more…


1. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics – Employment, productivity, working hours, and more. 

2. U.S. Federal Reserve – Bank assets, exchange rates, interest rates, industrial activity, and more.

3. U.S. Treasury – Data, statistics, and charts on interest rates, economic trends, and the impact of fiscal policies. 

4. U.S. Census Bureau – Historic and current economic trends, statistics by sector (e.g., construction), and more. Calculate basic/descriptive statistics online using the “ Data Ferrett .”    

5. U.S. Department of Commerce/Bureau of Economic Analysis – GDP, balance of payments, “Economy at a Glance…”, and more. This agency produces the “Statistical Abstract of the U.S.” and related publications, available online or in the Reference room .

6. Council of Economic Advisors – Fact sheets and reports on current issues in the U.S. economy, ranging from the median cost of a college education to veterans’ skills and salaries. 

7. – National data on agriculture, education, manufacturing, and more, including geospatial data. 


8. Bloomberg – Economic research reports, SEC filings, current company, industry, and country data, and more.  

9. Hoovers – Records for public and private companies (e.g., income statements), CEO profiles, and more. 

10. Wall Street Journal Index – Index of company, industry, and general news for the previous month, quarter, and year. See also, “ Real Time Economics ” and “ The Wealth Report ” from the Wall Street Journal. 


11. EIU Databases – Collection of databases containing historical, current, and forecast data and research reports on key markets and industries around the globe. 

12. International Financial Statistics – Database maintained by the International Monetary Fund, with statistics on balance of payments, external trade, prices, and more for countries around the globe.  

13. OECD iLibrary Statistics – Energy projections, migration data, and other country-level data and statistics. 

14. World Bank Data – Data, statistics, and graphics on “key indicators” in debt, health, education, and more. 

15. African Development Bank Data Portal – Statistics and interactive graphics on GDP, GNI/capita, inflation, and more for the continent of Africa. 

16. Asian Development Bank – Data on key economic and social indicators for economically developing countries in Asia and Eastern Europe. 

17. Inter-American Development Bank – Trade, inflation, debt, and other data for Latin American countries and beyond.  


18. Department of Agriculture/Economic Research Service – Data on commodities, imports and exports, regulations, and more, nationally and state-by state. 

19. Department of Defense Budget Data – Data on procurement, personnel costs, and more. 

20. Department of Education/National Center for Education Statistics – Data on teacher salaries, costs of educational programs, child care expenditures, and more. 

21. Department of Energy/U.S. Energy Information Administration – Data and statistics on coal and natural gas rates, energy tax credits, and more. 

22. Department of Health and Human Services – Data on health care costs, disease rates, FDA recalls, and more. 

23. Department of Homeland Security – Data and statistics on FEMA expenditures, intellectual property, immigration, and more. 

24. Department of Housing and Urban Development/Office of Policy Development and Research – Data on housing and rental markets, subsidized housing, tax credits, and more. 

25. Department of Interior – Data on natural resource expenditures, natural disasters, land use, and more. 

26. Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Statistics – Data on block grants to law enforcement agencies, prison expenditures, and more.  

27. Department of State/Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs – Statistics and reports on international economic threats, commerce opportunities, trade, and more. 

28. Department of Transportation/Bureau of Transportation Statistics – Data and statistics on airlines, shipping, fuel costs, and more. 

29. Department of Veterans Affairs/National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics – Data and statistics on veterans’ health care, housing, education, and other costs. 

30. Environmental Protection Agency – Cost estimates and expenditure data for environmental projects such as reduction of drinking water toxins, methane emissions, and more. 

31. Internal Revenue Service/IRS Data Book – Data on tax returns filed, tax credits, penalties and more. 

32. Office of Management and Budget – Data and statistics on the federal budget and federal agency procurement, performance, and more.  

33. Small Business Administration – Wide-ranging data on consumers, business capital, economic trends, and more. 


34. Consumer Confidence Survey/Conference Board – Data, statistics, and reports on U.S. and international consumer spending and confidence. 

35. Consumer Price Index/Bureau of Labor Statistics – Monthly reports on consumer spending on myriad commodities.  See also, Producer Price Index/Bureau of Labor Statistics for changes in sales prices over time.  

36. “ Cost of Capital: Estimation and Applications,” “IntelliNews Reports from ISI Emerging Markets,” and other resources via LexisNexis – LexisNexis economic databases and reporting services covering company, industry, national, and international trends. Tip: Search Orbis for the name of the resource (e.g., Cost of Capital). 

37. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) – Data, statistics, and reports on credit ratings and credit ratings agencies. 

38. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Data and statistics on individual banks, banking companies, and the banking industry. 

39. Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller “Housing Views” – Recent housing, foreclosure, and default statistics and expert economic analysis. 


40. ALA Guide to Economics & Business: Reference – 1,300+ sources for economics and business information, mostly print. YLS Reference Room, HB61.A423X   

41. “Free Exchange,” The Economist – Blog that encourages debates on current and historic topics in economics and includes occasional short treatises on economic theory.   

42. Investopedia – Definitions of key terms used to make financial predictions and decisions. See the entry : “What are leading, lagging and coincident indicators? What are they for?”   

43. “ Understanding Economics and Money, ”  TeachersFirst  – Elementary activities and explanations of economics to share with the youngsters in your life. 


44. Dan Ariely’s blog – Duke University behavioral economist offers advice on using economic leverage to improve policy and personal outcomes.  

45. Ian Ayres’ blog – Yale Law School professor and economist analyzes current research at the intersection of law and economics, including behavioral economics research on incentives and personal goal-setting. 

46. The Big Picture – Economic journalist Barry Ritholtz and others analyze domestic and international stock market and macroeconomic trends. 

47. Calculated Risk – Up-to-date analysis of economic data, with commentary on how to accurately forecast domestic and international markets and industries.  

48. Freakonomics – Analysis of the economic side of current events ranging from employment policy to school funding with a focus on incentivizing pro-social behaviors.

49. John Cochrane, “The Grumpy Economist” – University of Chicago Economist provides commentary, statistics, and graphics at the intersection of finance and macroeconomics.

50. Paul Krugman, “The Conscience of a Liberal” – Nobel Prize winning economist and political commentator writes on international trade imbalances, macroeconomic fiscal policy, national debt reduction, and more. 

51 . Greg Mankiw’s Blog – Economic insight from renowned expert in New Keynesian economics on taxation policies, government spending and debt, economics education, and more. 

52. Marginal Revolution – George Mason University economists analyze national and global fiscal policy, encouraging debate and commentary from a wide range of readers.

53. National Public Radio/Planet Money – Blog and podcasts covering current events in U.S. and international economics, and providing detailed explanations of economic phenomena such as compound interest. 

54. Nouriel Roubini Blog – New York University economist analyzes under-appreciated macroeconomic risks and fiscal shortcomings. 


55. Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog – University of Florida Law professor D. Daniel Sokol and guests analyze current antitrust rulings, research reports, and more. 

56. Banking Law Prof Blog – Ann Graham of Hamline Law and guests scrutinize banking reform, fiscal policy, and current events in the banking industry. 

57. “The Legal Pulse” – Members of the free enterprise promoting Washington Legal Foundation analyze agency decisions, federal rulings, and economic trends. 

58. The John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business at Harvard Law School – Web site links to working papers, fellowships, and more. 

59. Law, Economics & Organization Workshop at Yale Law School – Web site links to interdisciplinary workshop series.  

60. Ludwig Center for Community & Economic Development at Yale Law School – Web site links to entrepreneurship and economic innovation podcasts, research publications, and more. 

61. M & A Law Prof Blog – Brian J. M. Quinn of Boston College Law and guests analyze current affairs in mergers and acquisitions. 

62. Tax Prof Blog – Paul L. Caron of Cincinnati Law and guests dissect contemporary tax law and forecast the impacts of proposed tax reforms.  

63. Wills, Trusts and Estates Prof Blog – Gerry W. Beyer of Texas Tech Law and guests analyze state, national, and international trends in estates law. 


64. Almanac of Business and Industry Financial Ratios – Company financial information drawn from more than 5 million IRS tax returns. 

65. Best’s Aggregates and Averages – Financial information for property-casualty companies, property-liability companies, and other insurers, including annual statements, underwriting gains/losses, and more.

66. Budget of the United States Government (historical) – U.S. budgets on microfiche and in print from 1971-present.


 67. Anup Malani : University of Chicago Law School blog , Huffington Post , University of Chicago Law School research page

68. Oren Bar-Gill : Oxford University Press blog , New York University Law School research page

69. Joel Watson : , University of California, San Diego research page      

70. Ezra Friedman : IDEAS research papers , Northwestern Law research page 

71. Tracy Lewis : Duke University research page

72. Louis Kaplow : Harvard University Law School research page

73. Andrew Daughety : Vanderbilt University research page

74. Jennifer F. Reinganum : Vanderbilt University research page

75. Eric Talley : “In the News”/Berkeley Law blog , Berkeley Law page

Image: “More than better” by Nam June Paik (1932-2006)

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Economic Data and Information

  • Federal Reserve Economic Data FRED is the St. Louis Fed’s tool to find, graph, download, and understand economic and social science data
  • American Economics Association-Undergraduates A great source for students currently studying or thinking about studying Economics.
  • American FactFinder Great source for Census Data such as Annual Economic Surveys or Economic Census.
  • Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Provides tables for working with national, industry, international and regional economic data.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics Data A primary resource for data about employment and unemployment;also living conditions, working conditions,and how technology influences productivity.
  • Economics A-Z List of economic terms for students.
  • EH.Net Historical Datasets Historical datasets from Economic History Association

Economic Indicators and Resources

  • American Economic Association's Resources for Economists
  • Consumer Price Indexes
  • Federal Reserve: Economic Research Federal Reserve of Atlanta's link for Economic Research sources.
  • GPO--Economic Indicators
  • Index of Economic Freedom
  • National Bureau of Economic Research
  • Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions The Beige Book (1996 - present)
  • Survey of Current Business
  • Treasury Bulletin
  • U.S. Census Economic Statistics
  • YourEconomy(YE)

Public Policy Resources

  • Brookings Institution Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization that conducts high-quality, independent research to provide innovative, practical recommendations that advance three broad goals: 1. Strengthen American democracy; 2. Foster the economic and social welfare, security and opportunity of all Americans; and 3. Secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system.
  • Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) CEPR was established in 1999 to promote democratic debate on the most important economic and social issues that affect people's lives.
  • The Peterson Institute for International Economics The Peterson Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy.
  • Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality Clearinghouse on poverty and inequality trends, including crime, labor markets, public opinion, housing, retirement, and health with open source graphing. Graphs can be downloaded into either .pdf or .jpeg, and data into Excel or ASCII files.

Economic Data about Other Countries

  • The CIA World Factbook The Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.
  • Doing Business-Ranking of Economies Economies are ranked on their ease of doing business. A high ranking on the ease of doing business index means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm.
  • Global Edge Created by the International Business Center at Michigan State University more... less... globalEDGE™ is a knowledge web-portal that connects international business professionals worldwide to a wealth of information, insights, and learning resources on global business activities.
  • IMD World Competitiveness Online (free version) Annual report on the competitiveness of nations, ranking and analyzing how a nation’s environment creates and sustains the competitiveness of enterprises.
  • Library of Congress Country Studies Each online book contains historical and cultural background information on the country it covers. Formerly known as the Area Handbooks from the Department of the Army.
  • NationMaster "A massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD."
  • UN States--On The Record Provides direct access to official documents reflecting the views of United Nations Member States by bringing together in one place documents available elsewhere.
  • U.S. Department of State-Country Fact Sheets Brief profile on country with a focus on its relationship with the U.S. Includes links to relevant external websites.
  • Worldbank--Countries and Regions World Bank data and analysis on countries and regions.
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Database of statistics and historical data as well as surveys, reports, working papers and articles.

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by John Wihbey, The Journalist's Resource April 28, 2011

This <a target="_blank" href="">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

The economics category of Journalist’s Resource includes scholarly material on a wide variety of subjects that touch on areas such as banking , business , taxation , and real estate . The studies included are selected for their timeliness, authority and public-policy importance.

Many more such studies can be found in databases such as SSRN or Google Scholar . When searching, try to find studies that are published in research-oriented journals, that come from universities or non-partisan research organizations, and that cite other studies published in journals. One place to look for the work of leading scholars is in the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). (Journalists are eligible for a free subscription.)

Here are some other helpful resources for more information in this area:

U.S. Government

  • Federal Reserve System: Economic Research and Data : Online access to statistics and historical data as well as surveys, reports, working papers and articles.
  • Economic Indicators : This monthly compilation provides economic data on prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, and money.
  • U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis : Provides national and regional economic accounts data, including national industry data by GDP.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics : A wealth of data on the U.S. Labor force from the Dept of Labor.
  • Current Population Survey (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) : A monthly survey of U.S. households gathering data on the labor force.
  • Laborsta (ILO Bureau of Statistics) : Provides data on employment, unemployment, wages, hours of work, occupational injuries and more. Also includes employment projections through 2020.
  • Statistical Abstract of the United States Ref HA202 .A2 : The single most comprehensive source of statistical data on the United States.
  • Budget of the United States Government : This online resource provides the full-text of U.S. budgets from 1997 to the present. (Also see the White House budget page .)

State and Local Level

  • American FactFinder (U.S. Census) : Provides population, housing, economic and geographic data for states, cities and towns.
  • State and County Quick Facts (U.S. Census Bureau) : This website provides brief demographic and economic data for counties and for some metropolitan areas in the U.S.
  • State and Metropolitan Area Data Book : This title presents a variety of statistical information for states, metropolitan areas and central cities. Includes a section on state and metropolitan area rankings.

Global Sources

  • UNdata : Extensive data including commodity trading, energy, environment, health, global indicators, and links to international statistical agencies.
  • Data: The World Bank : Includes World Development Indicators and country profiles. Check the Data Catalog for links to other sources of data including datasets in raw format.
  • International Economics Gateway (Alta Plana): Provides links to international economic organizations, data archives, and national government economic statistical websites.
  • International Statistical Agencies : Links to national statistical agencies by country. Here you will find demographic, economic and social data.
  • WebEc (University of Helsinki) : An extensive index to free economics data on the Web.

Other sources

  • Resources for Economists (RFE) : Sponsored by the American Economic Association, this site links to over 2000 economic resources for academic and practicing economists.
  • RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) : Provides links to working papers and journal articles in economics.

Site list courtesy of the Harvard Kennedy School Library . Tags: economy, employment.

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John Wihbey

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