Introduction to Geometric Optics

Chapter outline.

Geometric Optics Light from this page or screen is formed into an image by the lens of your eye, much as the lens of the camera that made this photograph. Mirrors, like lenses, can also form images that in turn are captured by your eye.

Our lives are filled with light. Through vision, the most valued of our senses, light can evoke spiritual emotions, such as when we view a magnificent sunset or glimpse a rainbow breaking through the clouds. Light can also simply amuse us in a theater, or warn us to stop at an intersection. It has innumerable uses beyond vision. Light can carry telephone signals through glass fibers or cook a meal in a solar oven. Life itself could not exist without light’s energy. From photosynthesis in plants to the sun warming a cold-blooded animal, its supply of energy is vital.

We already know that visible light is the type of electromagnetic waves to which our eyes respond. That knowledge still leaves many questions regarding the nature of light and vision. What is color, and how do our eyes detect it? Why do diamonds sparkle? How does light travel? How do lenses and mirrors form images? These are but a few of the questions that are answered by the study of optics. Optics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of visible light and other electromagnetic waves. In particular, optics is concerned with the generation and propagation of light and its interaction with matter. What we have already learned about the generation of light in our study of heat transfer by radiation will be expanded upon in later topics, especially those on atomic physics. Now, we will concentrate on the propagation of light and its interaction with matter.

It is convenient to divide optics into two major parts based on the size of objects that light encounters. When light interacts with an object that is several times as large as the light’s wavelength, its observable behavior is like that of a ray; it does not prominently display its wave characteristics. We call this part of optics “geometric optics.” This chapter will concentrate on such situations. When light interacts with smaller objects, it has very prominent wave characteristics, such as constructive and destructive interference. Wave Optics will concentrate on such situations.

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  • Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: College Physics 2e
  • Publication date: Jul 13, 2022
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13 Introduction to Geometric Optics

The ray aspect of light, instructor’s note.

There are three ways in which light can travel from a source to another location. (See Figure 1.) It can come directly from the source through empty space, such as from the Sun to Earth. Or light can travel through various media, such as air and glass, to the person. Light can also arrive after being reflected, such as by a mirror. In all of these cases, light is modeled as traveling in straight lines called rays. Light may change direction when it encounters objects (such as a mirror) or in passing from one material to another (such as in passing from air to glass), but it then continues in a straight line or as a ray. The word ray comes from mathematics and here means a straight line that originates at some point. It is acceptable to visualize light rays as laser rays (or even science fiction depictions of ray guns).

Experiments, as well as our own experiences, show that when light interacts with objects several times as large as its wavelength, it travels in straight lines and acts like a ray. Its wave characteristics are not pronounced in such situations. Since the wavelength of light is less than a micron (a micrometer μm or a thousandth of a millimeter), it acts like a ray in the many common situations in which it encounters objects larger than a micron. For example, when light encounters anything we can observe with unaided eyes, such as a mirror, it acts like a ray, with only subtle wave characteristics. We will concentrate on the ray characteristics in this chapter. Since light moves in straight lines, changing directions when it interacts with materials, it is described by geometry and simple trigonometry. This part of optics, where the ray aspect of light dominates, is therefore called geometric optics. There are two laws that govern how light changes direction when it interacts with matter. These are the law of reflection, for situations in which light bounces off matter, and the law of refraction, for situations in which light passes through matter.

Section Summary

  • A straight line that originates at some point is called a ray.
  • The part of optics dealing with the ray aspect of light is called geometric optics.
  • Light can travel in three ways from a source to another location: (1) directly from the source through empty space; (2) through various media; (3) after being reflected from a mirror.

Homework Problems

In geometric optics, we will use a lot of, well, geometry. Here are a few problems to help you review the needed geometric concepts. If you need some review, have a look at:

  • OpenStax Pre-algebra – Section 9.3: Use Properties of Angles, Triangles, and the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • OpenStax Pre-algebra – Section 9.4: Properties of Rectangles, Triangles, and Trapezoids.

Problem 3: In geometric optics, we do analyses using similar triangles. This problem is here to help you practice working on these again.

Problem 4: Look at this map and determine the angle.

Problem 5: For this set of intersecting lines, use the following information to find the missing values.

The Law of Reflection

Whenever we look into a mirror , or squint at sunlight glinting from a lake, we are seeing a reflection. When you look at the page of a printed book, you are also seeing light reflected from it. Large telescopes use reflection to form an image of stars and other astronomical objects.

The law of reflection is illustrated in Figure 1, which also shows how the angles are measured relative to the perpendicular to the surface at the point where the light ray strikes. We expect to see reflections from smooth surfaces, but Figure 1 illustrates how a rough surface reflects light. Since the light strikes different parts of the surface at different angles, it is reflected in many different directions, or diffused. Diffused light is what allows us to see a sheet of paper from any angle, as illustrated in Figure 1. Many objects, such as people, clothing, leaves, and walls, have rough surfaces and can be seen from all sides. A mirror, on the other hand, has a smooth surface (compared with the wavelength of light) and reflects light at specific angles, as illustrated in Figure 1. When the moon reflects from a lake, as shown in Figure 1, a combination of these effects takes place.

- \theta_r = \theta_i

The law of reflection is very simple: The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.


The angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.

When we see ourselves in a mirror, it appears that our image is actually behind the mirror. This is illustrated in Figure 6. We see the light coming from a direction determined by the law of reflection. The angles are such that our image is exactly the same distance behind the mirror as we stand away from the mirror. If the mirror is on the wall of a room, the images in it are all behind the mirror, which can make the room seem bigger. Although these mirror images make objects appear to be where they cannot be (like behind a solid wall), the images are not figments of our imagination. Mirror images can be photographed and videotaped by instruments and look just as they do with our eyes (optical instruments themselves). The precise manner in which images are formed by mirrors and lenses will be treated in Applications of Geometric Optics: Terminology of Images .


Take a piece of paper and shine a flashlight at an angle at the paper, as shown in Figure 3. Now shine the flashlight at a mirror at an angle. Do your observations confirm the predictions in Figure 3 and Figure 4? Shine the flashlight on various surfaces and determine whether the reflected light is diffuse or not. You can choose a shiny metallic lid of a pot or your skin. Using the mirror and flashlight, can you confirm the law of reflection? You will need to draw lines on a piece of paper showing the incident and reflected rays. (This part works even better if you use a laser pencil.)

  • A mirror has a smooth surface and reflects light at specific angles.
  • Light is diffused when it reflects from a rough surface.
  • Mirror images can be photographed and videotaped by instruments

Homework Problem

Problem 6: Indicate where the outgoing ray from a mirror intersects the dotted line.

Law of Reflection in Terms of the Particle Picture of Light

\theta_i = \theta_f

Speed of Light in Materials

The changing of a light ray’s direction (loosely called bending) when it passes through variations in matter is called refraction.

Why does light change direction when passing from one material (medium) to another? It is because light changes speed when going from one material to another. So before we study the law of refraction, it is useful to discuss the speed of light and how it varies in different media.

The Speed of Light

 2.26 \times 10^{8} m/s



 n \ge 1

Index of Refraction in Various Media
Air 1.000293
Carbon Dioxide 1.00045
Hydrogen 1.000139
Oxygen 1.000271
Benzene 1.501
Carbon disulfide 1.628
Carbon tetrachloride 1.461
Ethanol 1.361
Glycerine 1.473
Water, fresh 1.333
Diamond 2.419
Fluorite 1.434
Glass, crown 1.52
Glass, flint 1.66
Ice at 1.309
Polystyrene 1.49
Plexiglass 1.51
Quartz, crystalline 1.544
Quartz, fused 1.458
Sodium chloride 1.544
Zircon 1.923

Speed of Light in Matter

Calculate the speed of light in zircon, a material used in jewelry to imitate diamond.

 v = \frac {c}{n}

This speed is slightly larger than half the speed of light in a vacuum and is still high compared with speeds we normally experience. The only substance listed in Table 1 that has a greater index of refraction than zircon is diamond. We shall see later that the large index of refraction for zircon makes it sparkle more than glass, but less than diamond.

  • The changing of a light ray’s direction when it passes through variations in matter is called refraction.

Problem 7: What is the speed of light in water? In glycerine? The indices of refraction for water is 1.333 and for glycerine is 1.473.

Problem 8: Calculate the index of refraction for a medium in which the speed of light is 1.416×10 8 m/s.

Why Light Bends

A wave is a wave is a wave

We have seen in our first unit that electrons and photons are similar in many ways; “a wave is a wave is a wave.” With that in mind, consider the following situation. An electron is traveling in some region when it enters another region where it travels more slowly (perhaps because of more potential energy and thus a decrease in kinetic energy). Which path of the electron is qualitatively correct?

A is correct.

Wave hitting interface perpendicular

If the wave comes in straight perpendicular, does it bend?

Digging More into Wave-Particle Duality and Refraction [1]

Now, let’s think about some of the other properties of the light wave, beyond speed, and how they might change as we go from one material to another. Starting with wavelength.

We know from Unit I that light is made of photons and that these photons have energy

 E_\gamma = \frac{hc}{\lambda}

Example: Reduction of wavelength in materials

 \lambda_0 = 6 \, \mathrm{nm} = 6 \times 10^{-9} \, \mathrm{m}

and given he energy of the photon cannot change due to conservation of energy:

 E_\gamma^{\mathrm{vacuum}} = E_\gamma^{\mathrm{material}}

we can set the two expressions equal to another:

 \frac{hc}{\lambda_0} = \frac{hv}{\lambda_n}

Thus, we have

 n = \frac{\lambda_0}{\lambda_n}

Substituting in our values, we have:

 \lambda_n = \frac{6 \, \mathrm{nm}}{1.5} = 4 \, \mathrm{nm}


The speed of light went down by a factor of 2/3 and so did the wavelength!

 v = \lambda \nu

Amplitude / Number of Photons

As you know from Unit I, the amplitude of the light wave and the number of photons are both related to the light’s intensity . Thus, these quantities are more about how much light is absorbed by the material than its index of refraction. Glass and air absorb very little light in the visible range, meaning that the amplitude and number of photons is not very much reduced in these materials. Water on the other hand, is very effective at absorbing visible light photons. As shown in the Figure, at a depth of 200m, almost no visible light penetrates resulting in creatures with special adaptations to live in complete darkness.

Problem 10: Which of the properties of a light ray change as it goes from glass to vacuum?

Problem 11: What are the wavelengths of visible light in crown glass?

The Law of Refraction

Figure 1 shows how a ray of light changes direction when it passes from one medium to another. As before, the angles are measured relative to a perpendicular to the surface at the point where the light ray crosses it. (Some of the incident light will be reflected from the surface, but for now we will concentrate on the light that is transmitted.) The change in direction of the light ray depends on how the speed of light changes. The change in the speed of light is related to the indices of refraction of the media involved. In the situations shown in Figure 1, medium 2 has a greater index of refraction than medium 1. This means that the speed of light is less in medium 2 than in medium 1. Note that as shown in Figure 1 (a), the direction of the ray moves closer to the perpendicular when it slows down. Conversely, as shown in Figure 1 (b), the direction of the ray moves away from the perpendicular when it speeds up. The path is exactly reversible. In both cases, you can imagine what happens by thinking about pushing a lawn mower from a footpath onto grass, and vice versa. Going from the footpath to grass, the front wheels are slowed and pulled to the side as shown. This is the same change in direction as for light when it goes from a fast medium to a slow one. When going from the grass to the footpath, the front wheels can move faster and the mower changes direction as shown. This, too, is the same change in direction as for light going from slow to fast.

The amount that a light ray changes its direction depends both on the incident angle and the amount that the speed changes. For a ray at a given incident angle, a large change in speed causes a large change in direction, and thus a large change in angle. The exact mathematical relationship is the law of reflection, or “Snell’s Law,” which is stated in equation form

 n_1 \sin \theta_1 = n_2 \sin \theta_2



A classic observation of refraction occurs when a pencil is placed in a glass half filled with water. Do this and observe the shape of the pencil when you look at the pencil sideways, that is, through air, glass, water. Explain your observations. Draw ray diagrams for the situation.

Determine the Index of Refraction form Refraction Data



 n_1 = 1.00

Snell’s law is

 n_2 =  n_1 \frac{\sin  \theta_1} {\sin  \theta_2}

Entering known values,

 n_2 =  1.00  \frac{\sin  30.0^{\circ}} {\sin  22 .0^{\circ}} = \frac{0.500}{0.375}

This is the index of refraction for water, and Snell could have determined it by measuring the angles and performing this calculation. He would then have found 1.33 to be the appropriate index of refraction for water in all other situations, such as when a ray passes from water to glass. Today we can verify that the index of refraction is related to the speed of light in a medium by measuring that speed directly.

A Larger Change in Direction

 n_2 = 2.419

And angle is thus

 \theta_2 =  \sin^{-1} 0.207 = 11.9^{\circ}

Problem 12: Suppose you have an unknown clear substance immersed in water, and you wish to identify it by finding its index of refraction. You arrange to have a beam of light enter it at an angle of 48.6∘, and you observe the angle of refraction to be 32.4∘. What is the index of refraction of the substance? Water has an index of refraction equal to 1.333.

Problem 13: A beam of white light goes from air into water at an incident angle of 83.0 ∘ . At what angles are the red 660 nm and violet 410 nm parts of the light refracted? Red light in water has an index of refraction equal to 1.331 and that of violet light is 1.342. 1.342 ">

Problem 14: Given that the angle between the ray in the water and the perpendicular to the water is 28.3 ∘ , and using information in the figure above, find the height of the instructor’s head above the water. Water has an index of refraction equal to 1.333.

  • A note to more advanced readers - the following derivation of why the wavelength changes and not the frequency is not 100% correct, there are more complex effects at play due to Einstein's Theories of Relativity. However, the essence of the argument depending on energy conservation is correct and so is the result. ↵

A smooth surface that reflects light at specific angles, forming an image of the person or object in front of it

for a material, the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to that in the material [latex] n = c/v [/latex]. Always greater than 1.

Power per area:

or, using P = E/t,

Incoming ray

A ray that has been bent by a refraction, such as in a lens.

Physics 132: What is an Electron? What is Light? by Roger Hinrichs, Paul Peter Urone, Paul Flowers, Edward J. Neth, William R. Robinson, Klaus Theopold, Richard Langley, Julianne Zedalis, John Eggebrecht, and E.F. Redish is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Prof. George Barbastathis
  • Prof. Colin Sheppard
  • Dr. Se Baek Oh


  • Mechanical Engineering

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  • Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Quantum Mechanics

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Light rays are traced from the object, through two lens-air interfaces, to create the inverted image on the far side of the lens. The first and second focal points and chief ray are all labeled at their intersection with the ground plane.

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You are here, phys 201: fundamentals of physics ii,  - ray or geometrical optics i.

Geometric optics is discussed as an approximation to wave theory when the wavelength is very small compared to other lengths in the problem (such as the size of openings). Many results of geometric optics involving reflection, refraction (mirrors and lenses) are derived in a unified way using Fermat’s Principle of Least Time.

Lecture Chapters

  • Light as an Electromagnetic Phenomenon
  • Review of Geometrical (Classical) Optics
  • Fermat's Principle of Least Time and Its Corollaries
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All right, welcome back. We’re going to do a brand new topic. Well actually, a brand old topic, because it’s about light, but I’m going to go backwards in time, because just before the break, we had this finish with a flourish, Maxwell’s theory of light. We took Ampere’s law and Lenz’s law and Faraday’s law and all kinds of stuff, put them together and out came the news: the view that electromagnetic waves can exist on their own, travel away from charges and currents. And they travel at a speed which happened to coincide with the speed of light, and people conjectured, quite correctly, that light was an electromagnetic phenomenon. And it was an oscillatory phenomenon, but what’s oscillating is not a piece of wire or some water on a lake, but what’s oscillating is the electric field. It’s oscillating in strength. The field is not jumping up and down. The field is a condition at a certain point, you sit at a certain point, sometimes the field points up, sometimes the field points down, it’s strong, it’s weak, and you can measure it by putting a test charge. It’s that condition in space that travels from source to some other place.

Now that point of view came near the second half of the nineteenth century, and it came after many, many years of studying light. And what I’m going to do is to tell you two different ways in which you can go away from the theory of light, of electromagnetic waves. One is, when the wavelength of light is much smaller than your scale of observation, namely, you’re looking at a situation where you’re thinking in terms of centimeters and meters and so on, and the wavelength of light is 10 centimeters, then light behaves in a much simpler way. You can forget about the waves, then you get this theory of light in which you have what’s called geometrical optics. Geometrical optics is just light going in a straight line from start to finish, from source to your eye. So if you take Maxwell theory and apply it to a situation where the wavelength is very small, then you get this approximation that I’m going to discuss for a while today. But when you say very small, you always have to ask, “Small compared to what?” Do you understand that? When someone says wavelength is small, as it is, it has no meaning. I can pick units in which the wavelength is million or 1 millionth. That has no meaning. Small and large can be changed by change of units.

What we really mean is the following: suppose I have a screen and there’s a hole in the screen. And behind the screen, there is a source of light. Then I put another screen here and the light goes through that and forms an image which you can obtain just by drawing straight lines from start to finish. So you illuminate a region which is the same shape as what you had here. That’s what makes people think of using ray optics. Ray optics, the light rays come out, they’re blocked by the screen except near the hole, except inside the hole, and the light escapes through that hole and fans out and forms an image of the same shape. If you made a blip here in the hole, you’ll get a blip in the image, because it will simply follow the shape. Now I can tell you what I mean by, the wavelength is small or large. It’s going to be small or large compared to the size of this opening. If λ, the wavelength, is much less than , which is the size of that opening here, then you have this simpler geometric optics. That’s the approximation. It’s like saying, if you have understood Einstein’s relativistic kinematics, if you go to small velocities — again, one must say, “Small compared to what?” The answer is small compared to the speed of light — you get another kind of mechanics called Newtonian mechanics, which is simpler and was discovered first.

Likewise, geometrical optics is simpler than the real thing and it was discovered earlier. You will note that this picture is incomplete if λ becomes comparable to the size of that hole. Then you will find out that if you put a very tiny hole in a screen, and it would be very tiny compared to wavelength, the waves have then spread out and formed something much bigger than the geometric shadow. Then you will have to realize that drawing straight lines won’t do it. In other words, if I show you a side view, you would think, if you had a source, you’ll form an image of that dimension on the screen, but actually it will spread out much more. And the smaller the hole, the more the light will fan out. You’re not going to get that from geometrical optics. But in order to realize that, you will have to deal with apertures small comparable to the wavelength of light and the wavelength of visible light is 5,000 angstrom, which is very small. So it wasn’t known for a while.

Now you might say, okay, if you want, you can go back in time, but you should probably start with this and build your way to electromagnetic theory a la Maxwell. Well, it turns out Maxwell isn’t right either, and to see where Maxwell’s theory fails, you will have to take light of very low intensity. Remember, intensity is the square of the electric field, or the magnetic field. They’re all proportional. If light becomes really dim, you might think the electric field is going to be smaller and smaller, because or is a measure of intensity, but something else happens when light becomes really week. You realize that the light energy is not coming to you continuously like a wave would, but in discrete packets. These are called photons. But you won’t be aware of photons if the light is very intense, because there are so many of them coming at you. It’s like saying, if you look at water waves, you see this nice surface and you’re looking at the description of that surface undulating. You have a wave equation for that. But if you really look deep down, it’s made of water molecules, but you don’t see them and you don’t need that for describing ocean waves. But on some deeper level, water is not a continuous body. It’s discrete, made of molecules. Likewise, light is not continuous. It’s made up of little particles called photons. And that we will talk about later.

So you understand the picture now? You’re going back in time to the ancient theory of light, then we did Maxwell’s. I won’t stop there, because I have already done it, and we’ll go onto the new theory of light, which involves photons, and that’s part of what’s called quantum mechanics, so we’ll certainly talk about that.

So what did people know about light? Well, they had an intuitive feeling that something bright or shiny emits some light and you can see it. It seemed to travel in a straight line, and for the longest time, people did not know how fast it traveled. It looked like it traveled instantaneously, because you couldn’t measure the delay of light in daily life. You can measure the delay of sound, but not the delay of light. They knew it travels in a straight line, unlike some, because if I close my face, you can hear me, but you cannot see me. So sound waves can get around an obstacle, but not light waves. That one, everybody knew. But they did not know how fast it travels. Sound, they knew, travels at a finite speed, because you go to the mountain and start yelling at the mountain, it yells back. You can even time it and find the velocity of sound.

So Galileo tried to find the velocity of light by asking one of his buddies to go stand on top of one mountain, and he’s going to stand on top of the other mountain with a lantern which is blocked. Then he’s going to open the lantern and the minute his friend saw this light, he was supposed to signal back with another light signal, come back to Galileo. Meanwhile, he was timing it with his pulse. Then he was going to — well, that’s the only clock you had in those days. I think the two mountains were like 20 miles apart or something, so it’s not impossible that with the pulse, you can probably find the velocity. So you’ve got some answer, but I think he realized very quickly that that answer just measured the reaction time of him and his friend. Do you know how you will realize that, that it’s the reaction time and not the propagation time? How will you find out? You all had a good laugh at Mr. G. but what will you do? How will you know that it’s really — yes?

Vary the distance between them.

You vary the distance. If he and his friend, instead of being on two different mountains, are in the same room, and they do the experiment and they get the same delay, then they know that it’s nothing to do with the travel time. It’s just how long it takes them to react. So the real serious measurement of light, you can’t ask yourself, “How am I going to measure it if it’s traveling that fast?” First of all, you don’t even know if it takes any finite time. It’s possible to imagine that if you turn something on, you can see it right away. It looks very natural. So the fact that it could take a finite time was a hypothesis, but to measure it, if it’s going very fast, you need a long distance. Even the distance equal to the circumference of the earth is not enough, because it takes one seventh of a second for a light signal to go around the earth, if it could be made to go in a circle. So that’s too fast. So the idea of finding the velocity of light, the first correct way, came from Roemer, I think in 1676.

He did the following very clever experiment: here’s the sun, let’s say, and here is the earth and here is Jupiter. It’s got one of these moons called Io. And the moon goes round and round Jupiter, and we know from Newtonian physics that it will go in an orbit with a certain time period. If the earth was stationary, this would go round and round with some period. I’ve forgot what it is, an hour and something, to go once around Jupiter. So what you do is you record the pulse. Let’s say you wait until it’s hidden behind Jupiter, or it comes right in front of Jupiter. Pick any one key event in its orbit, then wait for the next pulse, and wait for the next pulse, and wait for the next pulse. You understand what I mean by pulse? You can see it all the time, but wait till it comes to a particular location in its orbit, then repeat, then time them. So that should be one hour and something. Let’s say one hour exactly. But you notice that as the earth begins its journey around the sun, it takes longer and longer and longer, the pulses get spaced apart a little more. And he found out that if you go to this situation when the earth is here, Jupiter hasn’t moved very much in this time, it takes about 22 minutes more. Namely, this pulse, with respect to the anticipated time, is 22 minutes delayed.

Do you understand? The delay is continuous, but take the case now and take the case six months later, and the pulse should have come right there if it was not moving, but it comes 22 minutes later. And he attributed that to the fact that it takes light time to travel, and it takes an extra time of traveling the whole diameter of the orbit around the sun. And that’s the 22 minutes. And how do you know you are right? Well, you know you are right, because as you start going back now, the remaining six months, the pulses get closer and closer. So this delay is clearly due to the motion. Yes?

How could they still see it [inaudible]?

Well, it’s not all in the same plane. So you can try to see it, even if it’s not the… If you can see Jupiter at night, which you do, then you’ll be able to see the satellite also. All right, so he calculated based on that timing and this distance, which was known to some accuracy at that time, a velocity of light, that was roughly 2/3 the correct answer. The correct answer is what, 3×10 meters per second. He got 2×10 or roughly that much. That was quite an achievement. I mean, it’s off by some 50 percent, but till then, people had no clue. Also he used the best data he had, but the travel time was not really — the delay was not really 22 minutes, but maybe 13 or 14 minutes and he didn’t have the exact size of the orbit of the earth around the sun. But it was quite an achievement, take a number that could have been infinity and to nail it to within 50 percent accuracy. Then after that, people started doing laboratory experiments to measure the velocity of light. I don’t want to go into that. Everybody has something to say about velocity of light. That’s not the main thesis. The main thesis is to tell you that what people had figured out by the seventeenth century is that it travels, and it travels at a certain speed.

Now you guys have learned geometrical optics in high school, right? Everybody? Who has not seen geometrical optics, lenses and mirrors? You’ve not seen? Okay, that’s all right. But I will tell you, I’ll remind you what the other guys have seen. I’m going to show you another way to think about it. First thing they teach you is if light hits a mirror, it bounces off in such a way that the angle of incidence is the angle of reflection. Second thing they will teach you is that if light travels from one medium to another medium, say this is air and say this is glass, then the first thing to note is that the velocity of light, , is the velocity in vacuum. When light travels through a medium, that’s not the velocity. The velocity is altered by a factor called , which is bigger than 1 or equal to 1, and is called the refractive index of that medium. I think glass is like 1.33. Every medium has a refractive index and the effective velocity of light is slowed by this factor, . So let us say, this medium, let’s not call it air, , this is refractive index . If a beam of light comes like this and hits this interface, it won’t go straight. It will generally deviate from its original direction, and if you call this the theta incident, and you call this the theta refracted, then there is a law, called Snell’s law, which says sin is times sin . And theta is measured — in fact, let me call it and .

This is called Snell’s law. Look, the way to think of the law is, if is bigger, then sin will be smaller, so this angle would be smaller. So when light goes from a rare medium to a dense medium, it will go even closer to the perpendicular, or to the normal. And if you run the ray backwards, from the dense medium to the rare medium at some angle, it will go away from the normal even more. That was done and that was measured and all that stuff. Then you can look at more things. You look at mirrors, parabolic mirrors, where you know if a light ray comes like that, parallel to the axis, it goes through what’s called a focal point. Every parallel ray goes through the focal point, so you can use it to focus the light ray. That’s what you see. Whenever you have these antennas, your own satellite dish, here’s the dish in which the rays come and they’re all focused onto one point. That’s where you put your probe that picks up the signal from the satellite. It’s a way to focus all the light into one place, so it’s a property of these concave mirrors that they will focus all the light at the focal point. Then you learn other stuff. If you don’t have the object at infinity sending parallel rays, if you have an object here, what happens?

Well, you have to do other constructions. If you have an object here, for example, you want to know what image will be formed. You draw a parallel line and that goes through the focal point. You draw a line through the focal point. That comes out parallel, and where they meet is your image. And this is called , this is called . That distance is called , that’s called , and you have this result, 1/ + 1/ is 1/ . By the way, there is no universal agreement on what to call these distances. Some people call it and for image and object. When I was growing up, they called it and . I don’t care what you want to call it, but this is the law.

Then you’ve got lenses. This is a piece of glass and it has the property that when you shine parallel light from one side, it all focuses on the other side. That’s called the focal length. And if you have an object here, it will go and form an image on the other side, which will be upside down and that also obeys the same equation, except is the distance of the object and is the distance of the image and is the focal length.

So there’s a whole bunch of things you learn. That’s all I want you to know. Then there are some tricky issues you must have seen yourself, that if you got a lens that’s not concave but convex, like this, and if you shine light on that guy, what will happen? This parallel ray of light, you can sort of imagine, will go off like that. In fact, the way it will go off is as if it came from some point called the focal point. In other words, these rays of light in this mirror, instead of really focusing at some point, seem to come from the focal point. And if you draw a ray of light here, since that is a vertical part of the mirror, you use . That will go off at . That ray of light when seen by person here will seem to come from there, and if you join them, you get an image here. That’s the virtual image, in the sense that this is a concave mirror — convex mirror like the one you have in your car. And if forms a reduced image of the object. Okay, so this is the scene from . That’s the dinosaur, and there’s the I mean, the image of that, and it says, “Objects may be bigger than what they appear in the mirror.” That’s what it’s all about, because one of these mirrors will make an image, but it’s called a virtual image. In other words, if you put a screen there, you won’t see anything. It’s on the other side of the mirror. Here, if you put a screen, if you put a candle here and put a screen here, you will see a bright image of the candle.

So this is a real image, and that’s a virtual image. The way you do these calculations, you use the same formula, except will be a negative number. Instead of really focusing, it anti-focuses, so the focal point, if you want, is on the wrong side of the mirror. You’ll get all the right answers if you use a negative . So your textbook will have many examples of how to solve these problems, very simple algebra. But what I want to do, since many of you have seen this, and to make it interesting for you, is to show you there is a single unifying principle, just one principle, from which I can derive all these laws. All the things I mentioned, this is why I didn’t stop and go into detail, every single one of them comes from one single principle. Anybody know what that principle might be? Have you heard of anything? Yes?

I don’t know how to pronounce the name. It starts with an “H.”

You mean Huygens’ principle?


No, that’s a different guy. This is the famous Fermat, who had this theorem with prime numbers. His principle says light will go from start to finish in a path that takes the least amount of time. That’s the path it will take. That’s the Principle of Least Time. Now we find a lot of pleasure when we can derive many, many things from a single principle and you will see then, all the stuff I wrote, I can deduce from this one principle and that’s what I want to do today. So you don’t have to carry all that baggage. You can derive everything. So let’s see how it goes. So first let’s say I am here and you are here, you send me a signal. What’s the path it will take? Where is the path of least time? And everybody knows that’s a straight line. No point going any other way. So that tells you first, light travels in straight lines when there’s no other obstacle.

The next possibility is, I want the light — let me do this right because I’m going to really draw some pictures. I want the light to hit the mirror and then come to me, so it’s like a race. You are here. You’ve got to touch the wall and go to the finish line. Whoever gets there first wins. That’s the path light will take. Now there are different attitudes you can have. First is, you can start wandering like this. You know that person’s a loser, because that’s not the way to optimize your time. So we don’t even listen to that person. There are other reasonable people who may have a different view. One person may say, “Look, he told me to touch the wall, so I’m going to get that out of my way first. Then I’m going to go there.” Fine, that’s a possibility. Another person can say, “Well, let me touch the wall right in front of this person, then run over to meet the person. That’s another possibility.” So there are different options open to you. And we’ve got to find from all these possible paths the one of least time. That’s the goal. Now I already said, when you look at paths, the path to the mirror has got to be a straight line. You gain nothing by wiggling around. And the path back from the mirror to the receiving point should also be a straight line, because the winner lies somewhere there. Anybody who doesn’t follow a straight line in free space is not going to win.

So the only freedom you have, the only thing you want to ask, is the following: “Where should I hit that mirror?” right? So let’s call that point where you hit as . Let’s say the distance between these two points is . This is at some height , this is at some height . So what I will do, is I will simply calculate the time, then find the for which the time is minimum. So what’s the time taken for the first segment? So let’s find the total time. It will be the distance, , divided by the velocity of light + distance divided by the velocity of light. , you can see, is + , divided by + + squared divided by , just from Pythagoras’ theorem, right? It’s /c + /c. So let’s multiply everything by . That doesn’t matter. Whether you minimize or , it doesn’t make any difference. So let’s take of this whole expression and equate it to 0. That’s how we find the minimum of anything. So let me take of the first term. That is x divided by square root of + . You understand? Something to the power ½ is ½ times something to the power -½ times derivative of what’s inside, that’s the 2 . That’s what cancels the ½ and you get this. This is the of the first term. The of the second term will look pretty much the same.

It will look like divided by + , but when you take the derivative of , you get a 2 times and another - sign from differentiating that guy, so you will get that. And that’s what should = 0. Therefore the point x has to satisfy this condition, but what is over ? This is just over = over . So here is and here is . So over is cosine of this angle and that is cosine of that angle, right? I don’t know what you want to call it? Let’s say it’s cosine α = cosine β. That means α = β. Or if you like, 90 - α is 90 - β and 90 - α is what one normally calls the angle of incidence and this is called the angle of reflection. So you get = θ . Now it’s something everybody should be following, because if you don’t follow, you should stop me. But it’s very interesting that is the way for light to go from here to there after touching the mirror in the least amount of time. So this is the first victory for the Principle of Least Time. It reproduces this result.

Now I’m going to reproduce a second result. That’s when light changes the medium. So here it is. Now the challenge is different. So here is in a medium with a refractive index , and you want to go there in a medium, refractive index , and the distance between these points is . So imagine you are the light ray and this is the beach and this is the ocean. You are the lifeguard and here is the person asking for help. Now how do you get there in the least amount of time? One point of view is to say, “Look, let’s go in a straight line, because we have learned that’s always good.” But it may not be always good, because maybe you want to spend less time in the water, because you are slower in the water. One point of view is to say, “Look, let’s go as far as we can in the land, and then minimize the swimming time because we can swim slower than we can run.” That’s a possibility. Or you can draw all kinds of possibilities. So we’re going to find one that has the least amount of time. If this happens to be the answer, it should turn out in the end, so once again, let’s assume that we do that. And let this be at a distance from the left. Now what do you want to minimize? Again, you want to minimize the travel time, . That’s going to be + x divided by c. That’s the only subtlety, because the time — I’m sorry, not c — time . It’s over . You want to divide by the velocity in the medium. Velocity is divided by . Also you should know, it’s going to take longer in anything but a vacuum, so should come on top. Then you have the other term, that is, + squared divided by times . And this will tell you what to do.

So you see, I’m teaching you a lot of practical things in this course. I taught you, if you’re in a tsunami situation, remember what you should do? You should calculate the gradient and go along the gradient. On the other hand, if it’s a volcano and you calculate the gradient, you go opposite the gradient. So this is one more thing. If you want to rescue somebody, you’ve got to go towards the water in such an angle that this function is minimized. So I suggest we calculate it and keep the answer ready, because if you really want to be a lifeguard, what you should do is swim and measure your speed, run and measure your speed. It’s the ratio of those two speeds, to , that will tell you where to hit the water. Okay, so we’re going to do that now. So I take of all of these things. What’s the difference? It looks the same, except you’ve got an n everywhere, right? + x should = /h + (L − x) . So what is over this?

This is the . So x over that distance = cosine of this angle. You understand? That’s the sine of that angle. over that is cosine of this angle or the sine of that angle, since people like to write it in terms of sine, you get this result, sin .

So this is Snell’s law. It also comes from the principle of least time. Each one of them has got interesting consequences. I don’t have time to do it, but you can imagine some of the consequences are, if you are in the bottom of a lake, and you look outside, the light rays go like that, because lake is dense, air is not so dense. That means you can see stuff right up to the horizon by taking an angle, so that this comes exactly here. So if you’re a fish and you look out, you can see right up to the surface of the lake without going to the surface of the lake, because all the light, right up to the surface, bends and comes into you. Or if you’ve got a flashlight and you’re sending a signal, maybe hoping somebody there will see it, actually it will bend and somebody at this angle will see it. And if your angle is a certain critical angle, your flashlight will go to the surface, and beyond that, it will just get fully reflected. It won’t be able to go to the other side. So another useful thing to know, if you’re going to be under water, you’re lying there, you’ve got some concrete blocks you’re dealing with. Meanwhile you’re trying to send a signal.

What angle should you send it? You’ve got to remember that it’s not going to go in a straight line. These are all useful lessons from 201.

All right, so now I’m going to do the third thing. The third thing is very interesting, which is the following: we say, take the path of least time, right? Now there is a problem that occurs when there’s more than one path of least time. That’s what we’re going to talk about now. What if there’s more than one answer? I’m going to give that to you, so here it is. Take an elliptical room, Oval Office. You stand here, at one of the focal points, and you want to send a signal to the person in the other focal point, a light signal. You know what you have to do. That portion of the mirror is like horizontal mirror, right? So it’s like the tangent to the horizontal, so it’s very clear that if you send it like that, it will end up here, because it will obey , and you can see from similar triangles, that distance and that distance are equal, and therefore they are similar triangles. Are you will me? This is the angle at which you should send it. If you send it to this midpoint, by symmetry, it will come to the other focal point. Okay, so now imagine that this is not a mirror, but some steel walls and you have a gun. You’ve got one bullet left. You are here and your enemy is here. Now what direction will you fire in? Pardon me?

At him.

Right. So you can fire — very good. See, this is why I forgot. So that’s a little steel plate. Now what will you do? That’s like asking the light how to go from A to B without hitting the mirror, I agree, that’s the shortest time. But if there’s something blocking you, then you know the other person’s at the other focal point. Now which direction should you aim? You know the answer. I gave it, right? Give me an answer then. Yes?

At that point in the wall.

At that point in the wall. But it turns out, you can aim anywhere you like. You will thank me when you use that rule. In other words, you can shoot any direction. See? This is the guy who took only Physics 200. This person took Physics 201. That’s what 201 gives you. Now that’s amazing, right? I’m telling you, shoot anywhere you want. You know that bullets are like light. They follow angle of incidence = angle of reflection. This beam obeys . You can see by symmetry. How about this one I shot at some random angle? The way to think of that is to draw a tangential plane mirror there. As far as this beam is concerned, the mirror could be flat. It doesn’t know it’s curving away. That angle better be equal to that angle. That’s the way you should fire it, because you find the tangent, then draw the normal to the tangent, and choose and angle so that that and that become equal, and the bullet ends up here. But I’m saying you don’t have to do all that. You shoot anywhere you like, you go crazy, shoot in any direction, they will all end up on this person.

So why is that? Pardon me? That’s the definition of an ellipse, but why does the definition — if you follow the Principle of Least Time, why should that also work, according to the Principle of Least Time? I know this path is a path of least time, because it obeys with respect to this mirror, so I know it’s the path of least time. You agree?


That is correct. In other words, the time it takes is really that length + that length. But an ellipse is a figure that is drawn keeping the sum of that distance to that distance constant. That’s how an ellipse is drawn. Take two thumbtacks and put them in the paper and you take a string of some length, and you stretch it out, grab your pencil and move it, and you will draw the ellipse. So that distance is and that distance is , + r = constant is what defines an ellipse. But the time taken is really + r divided by . So if you were to design a surface so that if you shot something one point, it will all end up here, all the light from here will focus here, you should build an ellipse, and send the light from one focal point. Likewise, if you talk, also the sound will come to that other point. Now sound waves behave more like waves rather than geometrical optics, but if it’s high, long, short wavelength sound. Suppose you’re talking to your dog, then you can talk to the dog from here. At sufficiently high frequency, the dog will hear it here. So it’s a focusing effect.

So the way focusing works, is that there’s more than one way to go from start to finish. But you are supposed to follow the Principle of Least Time. That means all those paths take the same time. That’s the key. When you look at a mirror in front of — an object in front of a mirror, there’s only one path, hit the mirror and bounce out. But if you have a geometry like this one, curved, then it’s not true. There is more than one way to go from start to finish. Okay, so now let us ask how you build a focusing mirror. Here’s what we want to do. So this is not very practical. This is very useful, but it’s not what I’m talking about, because I didn’t discuss that in things you knew from high school. Here’s what you knew from high school, how to make a focusing mirror. So the deal is, light’s going to come from some object at infinity, therefore it’s coming in some parallel lines from a very distant object. You want to put some mirror of some shape so that every one of these guys will come to the same focal point. You can ask, “Can I even design such a thing? Is it possible? If so, what do I have to do? What’s the shape of the object?” So let’s do the following. Let’s take the ray that goes along the axis of this thing. It goes here. It goes to that mirror, hits the mirror, then it comes back a distance .

So in the time it takes to go from here to here, had it continued going, it would have gone to this wall here, also at a distance . Do you agree? The time it takes for it to hit the mirror and come to the focal point is the same as the time it would have taken, but for the mirror, to go the other side the same distance . Okay, now I take a second ray that’s not on the symmetry axis, but above the axis. It comes here, and having come here, if it has to take the same time as the other beam, it’s the time to go there. But you want it to instead come here. So how will that happen? What will ensure that that happens? Can you guys think of what condition you have? Yes?

The two distances need to be the same. The distance from the mirror to the —

Do you understand that? That’s very important. That distance and that distance have to be equal. Let’s be very clear on why we are doing that. See, these guys came from infinity. They’ve been traveling in a parallel line. Start with some plane here, so that everybody is counted from now on and see how much time you take. The ray from this center goes to the mirror and goes an extra distance , because that’s what it does. So that’s the distance to which any distance these rays would have gone, but for the mirror. That’s how much time you have. So if you went there and you want to turn around and come here, that extra distance better be equal to the distance to go to that plane, because that’s the same time for everything. So that’s the condition of the surface. It is a surface with a property that its distance, any point on that curve, has the same distance from a fixed point as from a fixed line. If you can find that, that’s the surface you want. Now that happens to be a parabola, but we’ll derive that, but that’s what you learn in high school. A parabola is a curve which is equidistant from a point and from a line. Distance to the point is very clear. Distance to the line is obtained by drawing a perpendicular and measuring that distance, the shortest distance.

So I’m just going to equate these two, that’s it. That will give me the equation for this curve. So let this graph, the shape of the mirror I’m trying to design, let this be the origin. This is some point with coordinate and , and is some function of that I’m going to find out. That’s the goal. What’s the function of that you want? So let’s find out the different distances. So what is that distance it has to travel? You can see, is the coordinate of this point. It’s got to do that and another extra on the other side. So going horizontally, it’s got to do an here and an there, so it’s got to do . That’s the distance from the mirror to this fictitious plane. That’s the time they have. They all have the time to go to this fictitious plane. So I’m going to equate that to this distance. This one, you’ve got to use Pythagoras’ Theorem. So this height is . So it’s + (f − x) , because this side here is , because the whole distance is and that’s . You follow that? is the coordinate of this point. You drop a line down here. That distance is . This is and that’s .

That’s that length. You want these two to be equal. So if you have a square root, you know what you have to do. You’ve got to square both sides. You square both sides, you get + f + 2 = + (f − x) . So cancels, cancels, then I get = 4 . That’s the equation of the parabola. You’re probably used to drawing parabolas that look like this, but it’s the same thing. I’ve just turned it around. So if you go a distance here, then this is quadratic in the . So that’s the equation, that’s the process by which you can design a mirror that will focus light from infinity. So it can be done. Likewise, if you said in the elliptical case, “Can I find a surface inside which the distance will go from here to there after touching the figure is independent of where I touch it?” the equation you will get will be an ellipse. That’s more complicated to derive. This is a lot easier to derive. This is the equation of the parabola.

So if you want to build a dish that will really focus light, no matter how far, how wide the beam is, this will do it. Parabolic mirrors is something like what Hubble would use. Anybody would use parabolic mirrors, but there is a cheap trick people use if they cannot afford a parabola, because it’s very hard to design things in a parabolic shape. Do you know what the simplest solution is? It’s a sphere. Now a sphere is not quite a parabola, but you can imagine that if you have a parabola like this, and have a sphere, the sphere can sort of mimic the parabola up to some distance. Then of course it will deviate. But if you promise that you’ll only take beams very near the axis, then the two are just as good, except it’s easier to make a spherical mirror than to make a parabolic mirror. But if you’ve got the money, parabola is what you want. Otherwise, this is the cheaper solution. So let’s ask ourselves the following question: if I take a sphere of radius R and I slice a part of it, okay, it’s a hollow sphere and I slice a part of it and I paint it with silver, so I’ve got a mirror, this part of it, what will be the focal length of that?

That’s what we are asking. I get that by saying the following: so here is that sphere. It’s got radius R, and there is some point on that sphere. Then if this is my origin, the equation for a sphere will be = . See, normally is + y = , right? That’s when the origin is at the center of the sphere. But the center of this sphere is at a point , so the equation in this coordinate system will look like this. So you open everything out, you get + R - 2xr + = . You cancel the and you get = 2xr + x . I want you to compare this equation to the equation for a real parabola. They don’t look the same. Yes?

: [inaudible]

Yes, that’s correct. Yes. Now the way to think about this is that but for this − term, this equation looks like a parabola, but if you compare the two, you find that 4 = 2 . That means . Or, if you like, the focal length is /2. But we’re not done yet, because I just threw away the second term. I’ve got to give you a reason for throwing the second term. So here is where you’ve got to get used to the following notion of big and small numbers. Whenever you deal with a mirror or a lens, things like are all going to be treated as big numbers. Things like that take you off the axis are going to be considered small numbers. Things like are even smaller. So the hierarchy is, , big, is small, is small squared. You can see that already. Suppose someone tells you to look at this equation. You can look at the two terms. One is times , other is times . So times beats times , because one is a small number, one is a small number squared.

So we’re going to drop that term. Then we get, in that approximation, this condition. But that had to be such an approximation, because a sphere can never equal a parabola. It can look like a parabola only for small deviations from the axis. This is cautioning you that if your rays come too far off, like way over there, then the times term will be comparable to the term and it will no longer look like a parabola. So you should be very clear. When you make a real parabolic mirror, it will focus rays, no matter how far they are from the origin. If I take a spherical approximation to it, it will work only if the rays are very close to the center. So here’s a spherical mirror. You cannot have the rays going too far from here, in the scale of and Yes?

With the first equation, if = 0, isn’t it a plane?


But the focal point isn’t at the origin, is it? Because the plane here has —

Yeah, what did you want to do for that one?

If you put = 0, so you have the focal length = 0.

Plane mirror is focal length = infinity.

Infinity. Oh, it’s the other way around. Okay.

It’s the fact there is bending that’s focusing it. As you straighten it out more and more, it will just reflect it and go right back. And when will those lines meet? They’ll meet at infinity. So I want to do one thing. I want to show you something. Here is a spherical mirror I’ve cut out. I want to send a parallel beam. I’ve already shown you that this should go through the focal point, because it’s the path of least time. But you can say, “How do I know once again this is the same as ?” Suppose you grew up on incidence = reflection. I’m not going to reassure you continuously. I’m going to do it one last time, okay? Don’t ever ask me again. It’s the last time. I’m going to show you that Principle of Least Time is the same as . I don’t want to do it over. Here’s the last time we’re going to do this.

So what’s our question? Question is, if I draw a tangent to that graph and drew the normal to that tangent, right, we want to know that that angle will be equal to that angle . That’s what we want to show. But where will this go? If that’s a circle, if it’s a spherical mirror, you draw a normal to the tangent, it will go through the center of the sphere.

You understand? And this one is supposed to go to the focal point. Now let this height be . Now let this angle is also . This figure is too small, so let me draw you a bigger figure so you can see. This is sort of exaggerated so you’ve got to be a little careful that the — let’s call that and that’s also . Let’s call this . This is and this is . I hope you understand why. That’s the important part. This mirror is locally tangential to that line, tangent to the circle. And the normal to the circle is pointing towards the center. That’s the way circles work. You draw a perpendicular from the circumference, you hit the center, but that’s looking like the plane mirror for that particular light ray. That light ray doesn’t care if you bend it somewhere else. As far as this ray is concerned, you are a plane mirror. You want that angle to be equal to that angle. That’s what I want to show you. So let’s take this height h here, and you can notice that tan = and tan = . Can you see that? That’s and ? For small angles, for a small angle, I remind you again and again, sin is roughly and tan is roughly and cos is roughly 1 + corrections of order .

So we delete the tan. And if you use the fact that = 2 , it becomes over 2 , you can see that = /2. So = /2. That means is twice as big as , but in any triangle, the external angle is sum of the internal opposite angles, therefore if this is 2 and this guy is , that’s also . That means the angle of incidence is the angle of reflection. So what I’m telling you is, you can always go back to angle of incidence = angle of reflection, but it’s going to take more work because you have to find the tangent. You’ve got to draw the normal to the tangent. You’ve got to find the angle with respect to that normal and equate it with that angle. You will find in fact every ray goes through . But it works only in the small angle approximation. The small angle basically means your object is not too tall compared to the radius of the mirror. That’s because if the object is comparable, then the approximation I made that a circle will approximate a parabola is no longer valid. So remember, if you took a real parabola, if you have the stomach, you can do the following calculation.

Take a real parabola, you will find angle of incidence is angle of reflection exactly. Whenever you draw a line, horizontal line, that hits the mirror, comes to the focal point, if you find the local value of the perpendicular, you’ll find , no matter how far you go. But if you approximate it by a spherical mirror, we have seen, the spherical mirror is only an approximation to the parabola, when you can drop the term.

Okay, so we have seen the Principle of Least Time is able to give us , Snell’s law and focusing of a parabola. Now I want to consider the following thing: just because a parabola can focus light ray at infinity to a focal point does not mean if you put a finite object at a finite distance from it, it will form a clear image. It’s only an approximation. And I will show you what we normally get from geometrical optics. I’ll remind you what we know from geometrical optics. Geometrical optics tells you the following: if you have an object of height h at a distance u from the mirror and you want to know where the image will be formed, you first draw a horizontal line whose fate you know. It has to go through the focal point.

The second one says you draw a line through the focal point and it’s got to come out horizontal. How do I know that? I know that if I run the ray backwards, a horizontal ray will go through the focal point, but if going backwards, it’s a good idea, namely least time, it’s also a good idea going forward. That’s why we know that parallel will go through focus. Through focus it will come out parallel. So you join them and you’ve got the image there. And that’s at a distance at a height . So I’m now going to use ideas of geometrical optics, having shown you enough times that least time and geometrical optics are equal, to find the usual relation between and .

So how do we do that? We say, take that triangle with angle alpha and that with angle alpha and draw a triangle like this here. Then you equate tangent of this angle to tangent of that angle. Then you find tan = divided by , that distance, = /f. Actually, there’s a tiny bit. It’s not quite . It’s , but is negligible compared to , so we won’t worry about that.

You see this triangle here? That height is certainly . That length is not quite . goes all the way to the mirror, but if I drop a perpendicular here, there’s a tiny little inside. I’m now showing you that . I’ve been neglecting it. In other words, you really should put an , but is quadratic in the small numbers, so we’re not going to keep it. Then draw another similar triangle. This angle β is the same as this angle β. So let’s say tan β found two ways it’s equal. This one, tan β on the top, you can see is the / and that’s going to = the tan β of this triangle, which will be divided by . These are the two conditions you get. Okay, I may want to draw bigger pictures. Can you guys see this, or there’s no hope? Can you see in the last row? Cannot. You should tell me when you cannot, because I’ll be happy to fix that. So let me draw this bigger. The reason that I’m drawing everything small is that I don’t want the rays to go too far up the axis, but I’m not going to worry about that. So let’s make sure you can see the rays. There’s one guy who did that, one which did that, correct? This is α and that is α and this is β and this is β`.

That’s all I’ve done now. So tan α = divided by this side, where is the distance from the mirror, you take away , because that’s That’s over . It’s the same as tan alpha measured on this triangle. That tan α is / - a tiny portion, which is the , which I’m dropping. But similarly for β, you have a similar rule. So here’s all you can get out of these two rays. So let’s multiply this one and this one and that one and that one. So I’ll get h over times . I’m going to cross multiply like that. It = h over . That tells you, times = . You may not have seen it this way, but it’s a very symmetric way to write the equation. If you measure all distances, not from this point here but from the focal point, then it says times equals . But let’s make contact with what we all know. So let’s open out the brackets, so I get squared = . You cancel that guy. Then you get = . Now divide everything by . You divided everything by , you’ll get . Anyway, this is derived by standard geometrical optics, without going back to the Principle of Least Time.

So this is the result. But there’s one more result, because you’ve got two equations, you can learn one more thing. You can ask yourself, what’s the ratio of the object size to the image size? You can say, what is /h ? So /h is divided by . Or let me write it another way, it’s easier. /h = . That’s equal to - 1. is times and is + 1 over - 1. And if you do that, you’ll find it’s just over . So the ratio of the object size to the image size is just the ratio of the object distance to the image distance. And people sometimes define a magnification to be − . What they mean by the - sign is that if this comes out negative, the object is in the upside down version. The image is an upside down version of the object. In this problem and are both positive, then will come out negative. It just means it is that much bigger, but flipped upside down. In some other mirrors, you will find is negative because the image is virtual. Then it will mean is positive. That means the object is upright.

That’s when you look into the mirror, the bathroom mirror, then your image has the same orientation as your face, not upside down. Then will be positive.

Okay, now here’s a question one can ask. When you do geometric optics, there’s a question one can ask, which usually occurs about 30 years afterwards. I never asked that question. I kept doing all the problems. Then a few years ago, when I started teaching this course, I began to ask myself, you know, you can always draw two rays and they will always meet. What if I draw another one? What if I draw one that goes like this? How do I know it will come here? A lot of pictures show you that coming here, but should it come here? Maybe it won’t, so let me check this thing. Let me make sure that if I have a ray coming to the center of this, it will also end up where the other two guys came. Well, if you do the center, remember, it’s angle of incidence = angle of reflection, that means the tangent of the angles are equal. That means /u should be /v. Luckily that happens to be true, because /h is in fact . Thereby you can show that this ray, which hits the center of the mirror, will also come to where this one came.

But that’s not enough, because somebody can draw yet another one and yet another one. How do you know they will all come to the same focal point? How will you know they’re all from the same image? Do you understand the question now? You have to show that every ray leaving that source hits the mirror and comes back to the very same image point. And it’s not enough to draw two rays and show them meeting, because two rays will always meet. Now I’ve drawn a third one and shown you that it certainly comes to the right place, but that’s not enough. You can sort of argue that the evidence is overwhelming it will come here, because if you look at all the rays fanning out of this, the one that went to the top came here. One that went to the bottom and also came here, but that’s pretty solid. This involves the focal point. One in the middle also came to the same point. You can sort of say, “Look, this end is good, that end is good, point in the middle is good. What do you think will happen? We don’t know. Sometimes it can happen that there are three points which are good, but everything else is wrong. So what is the way to nail this thing? I’m not going to do it today, but I want you to think about what calculation will satisfy you that no matter where I hit the mirror, I will get the same time. What do you think I have to do? What would you do? What do you want to check? Yes?

You can make the object infinitely small [inaudible]

Yes, if you make the object infinitely small, perhaps every ray will start looking parallel. That’s correct.

You can take infinitely small pieces [inaudible].

No, I think I’ll explain what my question really is. Then you can think about it. Here is the mirror, right? I took an object here, that’s the focal point, and I draw some number of rays, three of them in fact, right? This one, that one and one through the center. They all came. If I want to show you that if I took an arbitrary point at height — yes.

Create an ellipse based off of the two points.

Pardon me?

Could you create a function for an ellipse off of two points?

Yes. What you have to do is to pick a random generic point on that graph, not a parabola, and ask how long it will take light to go to that point and come here. So what do I want to show? Every ray of light hitting this is going to end up here, correct? For every possible altitude, all the way from 0 to the full height. Now in order to show that it will come here, it also has to be a path of least time, because you need to go in the path of least time. These three guys are obviously path of least time, the three rays I showed you. I want you never to forget that. If three rays leave here and they meet here, that means they take the same time, because light travels in a path of least time. If three guys get there, they all take the same time. But it’s not enough to consider that height, 0 height and that height. I only took a height , and 0. I want to take a generic height , and I want to calculate that distance, divided by velocity of light. Just take that distance + that distance and show that the answer does not depend on . The answer does not depend on , then you vary any you like. Then you get the same time.

So I’m not going to do the calculation, but I want you to think about what it is you want to calculate. I’m going to set it up, but then come back next time and do it, because it takes some time. I’m going to exaggerate everything so you can sort of see what we are trying to do here. You want to go to that guy, not at that height , sorry. I want to pick an arbitrary height , then I wanted to form an image here. So that’s at , that’s at , that’s . I want to find that distance and I want to find that distance and add them up, and the answer should be the same as any of the winners. The winner I want to take is this guy, which came like this, which I know is one of the least time. If you want, that corresponds to = 0. So the time we are trying to match is really + + + divided by , but I’m not going to divide by . Just imagine everywhere we’re dividing by . The path length for this path that goes to the middle of the mirror and comes out, you can see from Pythagoras’ Theorem’s + u and + v . And that’s going to be equal to this length + this length . And they will depend on . and will depend on . And we want to expand it as a function of and make sure it doesn’t vary with , and I’ll tell you the details next time.

[end of transcript]

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geometrical optics

I doing an experiment now.

My structure has 700nm periodicity.

The surface of the unit structure is sloped at 45 degrees from the normal incidence angle.

My laser is 500 nm.

I can expect there will be diffraction.

I wonder if the geometrical optics can be applicable for my case?

Or just I need to consider the diffraction?

I am asking this question because I have something that I can not explain.

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  • geometric-optics

hft's user avatar

It depends on what you mean by whether "geometrical optics can be applicable".

Geometric optics will work fine with a system with a grating like the one you mention, although you need to know the rules for calculating the directions and strengths of the transmitted / reflected rays. There are three main points to heed here:

In general, several separate rays will emerge from the incidence of one ray;

Their directions are governed by the Bragg Resonance Condition .

Their relative strengths are governed by the actual shape of the periodic structure: these are related to the amplitudes of the components in the Fourier series describing the periodic index variation.

The reason that geometric optics works well here is that a ray stands for essentially a plane wave i.e. a wavefront that has minimal aberration over length scales that are typically much longer than the length scales in the grating you mention. Plane waves incident on a grating give rise to a set of plane waves, one for each integer solution in the Bragg resonance law.

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geometric optics homework

university of arizona college of optical sciences

John E. Greivenkamp, Professor

John E. Greivenkamp, Professor

Course Information  |   Homework Schedule  |   Downloads  |   Helpful Links

Geometrical and Instrumental Optics II

John E. Greivenkamp

College of Optical Sciences, Rm. 741

(520) 621-2942

[email protected]

Course Information

Goal: This course will provide the student with a fundamental understanding of optical system design and instrumentation. The course builds upon the foundations of geometrical optics that were presented in OPTI-201R to discuss a variety of elementary optical systems. Other topics include chromatic effects, camera systems and illumination optics. A special emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of the design of optical systems.

Instructor Notes: Required and can be downloaded below. Some of the Notes carry over from OPTI-201R.

Required Text:

Field Guide to Geometrical Optics John E. Greivenkamp  ISBN# 0-8194-5294-7

Note that this book is available as an e-book through the UA library as well as an app for Android  (search “SPIE”)

References: A useful list of optics references

Full Course Syllabus: Syllabus – Includes Course Policies

A: Excellent – has demonstrated a more than acceptable understanding of the material; exceptional performance; greatly exceeds expectations

B: Good – has demonstrated an acceptable understanding of the material; good performance; meets or exceeds expectations

C: Average – has demonstrated a barely acceptable understanding of the material; adequate performance; meets minimum expectations

D: Poor – has not demonstrated an acceptable understanding of the material; inadequate performance; does not meet expectations

E: Failure – little to no demonstrated understanding of the material; exceptionally weak performance

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Hoya Glass Catalog

Ohara Glass Catalog

Blank Ray Trace Sheets

300 Year Quest for Binocular

History of Telescopes and Binoculars

Binoculars and Telescopes Presentation

Other Links

Museum of Optics

Lens Movies – Courtesy of Marshall Scott

     Positive Lens

     Negative Lens


SPIE – The International Society for Optics and Photonics

OSA – Optical Society of America

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The Journal of Optometric Education


Optometric Education

The journal of the association of schools and colleges of optometry.

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Application of an Online Homework Tool in Optometry for Geometric Optics Improves Exam Performance

Varuna Kumaran, MS, B.Optom, Krishna Kumar, B.Optom, MPhil, PhD, and Naveen Mahesh, B.E.

Geometric optics requires strong problem-solving skills that can be improved through practice. Due to time constraints, more practice in the classroom is not typically possible. An online homework application called Kognify (Kognify Assessment and Skill Development, PL, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) enables students to perform online “workouts” at their convenience. Thirty-four students used Kognify from July to September 2016 to practice problem-solving skills related to the course Geometric Optics-II (GO-II). This differed from the approach in previous semesters, during which only in-class, on-paper quizzes were used. When Kognify was used, students achieved better scores on mid-semester and comprehensive exams (p<0.02 in both cases) as well as in overall course performance (p=0.005).

Key Words: Kognify, geometric optics, training, online, digital

Online homework has been replacing traditional paper-based homework in many fields, including chemistry, statistics, physics, accounting and mathematics; however, its impact on exam performance is ambiguous. While improvements have been observed in many studies, 1-24 other studies show little or no improvement. 25-32 Regardless, students and faculty have shown a strong preference for online homework systems. 1-32 Students receive feedback on their homework performance instantly and automatically as practice problems are completed, which lowers the burden of evaluation for faculty members. 8,15,21

The use of technology in optometric education is becoming more common. Recently, a study compared the use of digital assessments with paper-based tests in geometric optics. 33 The creation of an online problem set for optics was also reported, but the report did not discuss its use by students. 34 There are no publications to date that describe the effectiveness of online homework systems in the field of optometry.

This research paper describes the use of an online homework system — Kognify (Kognify Assessment and Skill Development, PL, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) — for training students of optometry in the Geometric Optics-II (GO-II) course. In previous semesters, 15- to 30-minute paper-based quizzes were used to assess GO-II students’ knowledge of the subject matter. The quizzes were conducted weekly during the 2.5- to 3-hour class periods. Each quiz assessed knowledge of the concepts that had been covered in the previous class. A teaching assistant evaluated the answer sheets within the following week. Any individual or common mistakes were discussed on a later date. This method was time-consuming but used because more practice for problem-solving and application of concepts was crucial at this early stage of learning. Students in these previous semesters felt the need for more faculty guidance in solving problems, but extra class hours could not be allotted due to time constraints. To address these concerns, Kognify was employed in 2016.

Kognify is an online homework application. 35 Many school systems use Kognify in high school education. 35 The faculty create a database of multiple-choice questions in Kognify along with topics and objectives that can be tagged to their questions. Students can access Kognify through the Google Chrome or Firefox web browsers or an Android app for mobile use. Groups of questions are presented randomly as “workouts” that are given to students on a regular basis. Faculty can customize the number of questions in a workout, the time limit and the number of workouts per week. Faculty monitor performance in terms of accuracy and response time. A report is generated and shared with each student for every topic. Concepts are then reinforced as needed during class time via student-teacher interactions.

We tested whether Kognify would improve exam performance compared with employing regular weekly quizzes. This paper reports data that support the efficacy of Kognify in improving exam performance scores in the GO-II course in optometry.

The study was conducted at the Elite School of Optometry, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, which is affiliated to Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India. The study compared two groups of students. The first group took GO-II in July to December of 2015 (CO2015). CO2015 consisted of 31 students (10 males and 21 females), ages 17-19 years as of January 2015 (mean age ±SD = 18.08 years ±0.41). The second group of students took GO-II in July to December 2016 (CO2016). CO2016 consisted of 34 students (9 males and 25 females), ages 17-19 years as of January 2016 (mean age ±SD = 17.98 years ±0.5). Note that South Asian Indian optometry students are younger than their North American counterparts because optometric education is an undergraduate degree program in India. However, the syllabi for geometric optics courses do not substantially differ between the two types of programs. The syllabi for the Geometric Optics-I (GO-I) and GO-II courses taught at Elite School of Optometry, Chennai, are shown in Appendix A .

Both CO2015 and CO2016 had the same syllabus, and the same faculty members taught their theory classes for both the GO-I and GO-II courses. Both classes went through the university-mandated continuous assessment process during the semester. This consisted of three evaluation components (EC1, EC2 and EC3), a comprehensive exam and a practical exam. Table 1 shows the breakdown of the total course grade. EC1 and EC3 were paper-based class assessments on topics covered for that month alone. EC2 (a mid-semester exam) and the comprehensive exam were scheduled written exams that covered topics taught up to those points. A common examination format was followed for all the semesters for EC2 and the comprehensive exam as suggested by the institution (Table 2) .

The CO2015 students were trained using frequent in-class quizzes as described above. For the CO2016 students, Kognify was used as a replacement for the in-class quizzes.

Implementation of Kognify workouts for GO-II

Each CO2016 student was given a free password-protected user account. An initial training session on use of Kognify was given at the premises on July 18, 2016. Students were invited to perform timed workouts two to five days per week from July 19 to Sept. 16, 2016. Faculty added multiple-choice questions on a regular basis and tagged the questions with their topics and learning objectives. Five to 10 questions formed a part of each workout. The questions, as well as the answer choices, were randomized. The questions reflected topics covered in the class that week (every Monday). The concepts and problem-solving techniques delivered in the class were therefore revisited through the workouts.

geometric optics homework

Table 3. Click to enlarge

Students with Android phones performed the workouts through their phones, while the rest used laptop or desktop computers. The students could log-in multiple times in each workout and had the option of re-attempting questions until they submitted the workout or the time expired. The time allotted for the workouts was liberal. Students were allowed to refer to books. Individual doubts were clarified via e-mail and WhatsApp messaging. The students were aware of their scores via the summary reports generated in their individual user accounts. Once most of the students had completed a workout, the assessment with the answer key was e-mailed to them for future reference. The students were encouraged and reminded to take these workouts, but no incentives were given to students to complete the workouts. The compliance and performance in these workouts were not considered toward the final scores in any way.

geometric optics homework

Table 4. Click to enlarge

If a student wanted a repeat workout due to absence, a power outage, accidental logout or any other reason, it was arranged for them. If the faculty felt that unusually less time was taken, or a workout was badly performed (less than 50%), a repeat workout for only those students was arranged. The repeat workouts consisted of the same assignment, but the questions and answer choices were randomized. Workouts could be repeated only once. Table 3 provides details regarding the number of students who took repeat workouts. Before the mid-semester exam (EC2), a review workout was given for practice.

Students used Kognify from mid-July to mid-September 2016 until the comprehensive mid-semester exam (EC2), which included subject matter covered for EC1 (involving significant mathematical calculations, formulas and important concepts) (Table 4) . Kognify was not employed prior to the end-of-semester comprehensive exam.

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) considered the study proposal and declared it exempt from a formal IRB approval.

Statistical analysis

Data analysis and plotting of graphs were performed using the statistical package RStudio, (R version 3.3.2, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing). 36 The normality of the data distribution was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. First, GO-I scores for each of the classes were compared to establish a similar academic ability between the classes. The EC2 and comprehensive exam were compared for the GO-I course for CO2015 and CO2016 using the Mann-Whitney U test. Then, GO-II scores for the mid-semester exam (EC2) and final comprehensive exam for CO2015 were compared to those for CO2016 using the Mann-Whitney U one-sided test. It tested the alternative hypothesis that the GO-II scores of CO2016 were better than the GO-II scores of CO2015. A p-value of 0.05 was considered statistically significant in all analyses.

EC1 and EC3 were not separately analyzed because they were not assessed in a structured and common examination format across classes and semesters. Practical exam scores were also not compared separately.

Because many scores in CO2016 were not normally distributed, nonparametric statistics were used. Normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test for the comprehensive exam and EC2 (mid-semester exam) across all semesters. Distributions deviated from normality for the comprehensive exam (W=0.916, p=0.01209) for GO-I in CO2016. EC2 (W=0.911, p=0.009) for GO-II in CO2016 also lacked normal distributions.

The academic skills of CO2016 and CO2015 were similar, as confirmed by the absence of statistically significant difference in their GO-I scores [Mann-Whitney U test: EC2 exam (Med. diff.=0 marks, W=468.5); comprehensive exam (Med. diff.=3.50 marks, W=500.5); p>0.05 (not significant) in both the cases]. Table 5 summarizes the means, standard deviations, medians and 95% confidence intervals for the mid-semester exam (EC2) and comprehensive exam scores in GO-I and GO-II for CO2015 and CO2016.

Mid-semester exam (EC2) and comprehensive exam (Comp) Scores in Geometric Optics-I and Geometric Optics-II for CO2015 and CO2016.

Figure 1 presents the box plots for scores obtained in GO-I and GO-II for both classes. Better scores are seen in the class that used Kognify compared with its CO2015 counterpart that used conventional practice methods [Table 5: Mann-Whitney U test: EC2 exam (Med. diff.=2.63 marks, W=369, p=0.0193); comprehensive exam (Med. diff.=7.31 marks, W=210, p<0.0001).

The results of the study suggest that Kognify improved students’ performance over the conventional method of weekly on-paper quizzes. This is evident from the performance of the CO2016 students on their GO-II exams, which was much better when compared with the performance of the CO2015 students.

Concepts and problem-solving skills acquired in the GO-I and GO-II courses lay a strong foundation for other subjects such as visual optics, contact lenses, optometric optics, dispensing optics and low vision aids. Thus, reviewing concepts and practicing solving problems are essential. Remote faculty interaction with Kognify makes these goals achievable outside of time-constrained classroom hours. Apart from setting up the workouts and reviewing performance reports daily or weekly, faculty communicate with students individually about needed areas of improvement via email, SMS and WhatsApp. This further reduces dependency on additional teaching staff, who may instead be trained to set up Kognify workouts and analyze students’ performance.

Kognify provides instant feedback, a feature of great benefit to students and teachers, as with other online homework systems. 8,15,21,27,39-41 In addition, Kognify provides a summary report of student performance across all topics covered. Feedback from Kognify coupled with off-line comments from faculty increased student motivation to study, as reported by students during informal conversations with faculty.

Kognify also helps to build rapport between faculty and students. Students who were generally hesitant to seek help in the classroom were given a platform from which to reach out to faculty or peers on a regular basis. Such benefits of online homework systems have been reported previously as well. 4,5

Adoption of Kognify for the current study went smoothly except for a couple of instances. One student forgot her password and it had to be reset. Also, despite several reminders, 50% of the students (17 of 34) missed one or more workouts. One student didn’t use the system fully due to health issues and completed only 9 of the 27 workouts. Students who missed two or fewer workouts had better scores on the mid-semester (EC2) and comprehensive exams, but this negative correlation is weak (p=-0.24, Spearman’s rank correlation) (Figure 2) . Many factors influence performance on exams; therefore, additional studies can be conducted to identify the population, based on skill and motivation level, that will benefit most from online homework.

geometric optics homework

Figure 2. Scatter plot showing Geometric Optics-II mid-semester exam (EC2) scores for batch CO2016 vs. number of Kognify workouts missed. Click to enlarge

In the current study, the students were given the liberty of multiple logouts and repeat tests. Although encouraged to take workouts without any help, they had the opportunity to re-learn a concept and re-do a question. Each student has a different learning strategy, which can influence performance on exams. Future studies can evaluate the effect of study habits (e.g., average time spent on workouts, number of repeat attempts and performance on online workouts) on final exam performance, as has been done elsewhere. 43-45

The students were initially highly motivated to perform the Kognify workouts, but participation dropped over the weeks. With the burden of other subjects and activities, they needed more reminders to complete their tasks. Nevertheless, the minimum compliance was 61% (21 of 34 students participated across all workouts). To make students more participative, timely completion of Kognify workouts and scores in the workouts can be considered in determination of final grades, as suggested elsewhere. 46-48 Further, if students bear the cost of the Kognify subscription, better compliance may be expected. Dedication and motivation level of faculty members, teaching assistants and students are important to the success of online homework systems, as reported earlier. 4,13,49

Although this study took a quasi-experimental approach, it can pave the way for future prospective, randomized, controlled studies. A questionnaire to gauge students’ satisfaction with Kognify would be useful in the future.

This study suggests that online homework systems such as Kognify can be effective in training optometry students in problem-solving skills for geometric optics courses. Kognify can be useful for students facing qualifying exams, fellowship exams and board exams. As experienced in this study, Kognify can help faculty to plan classroom time to review concepts taught earlier and to clarify student questions before proceeding to the next lecture. It can also help students better understand the concepts with well-planned workouts that can be used anywhere, anytime.


We thank Sarala Arumugam for creating the user accounts and providing technical support for this project. We also thank the students in the class of 2013-2017 for their valuable feedback that prompted the study, the 2014-2018 students whose data were used in the analyses, and the 2015-2019 students who used Kognify.

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Naveen Mahesh is the founder of Kognify Assessment and Skill Development, PL. While he was instrumental in providing the idea for this study, he was not involved in the data collection and analyses for the study. Execution of the study, including creation of the questions database and collection and analyses of data, was independent of any influence from the Kognify company. Varuna Kumaran and Dr. Krishna Kumar had no financial agreement with Kognify Assessment and Skill Development, PL, to conduct this study.

geometric optics homework

Appendix A. Click to enlarge

Varuna Kumaran [ [email protected] ] is a visiting faculty member at the Elite School of Optometry, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, and has been teaching geometric optics since 2014. She is also a visiting faculty member and involved with research projects at other optometry schools.

Dr. Kumar is the Principal at the Elite School of Optometry, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, and has various publications to his credit. He specializes in the areas of low vision aids and occupational optometry.

Naveen Mahesh is Managing Trustee with Headstart Learning Centre International, Tamil Nadu, India. He is a serial entrepreneur and has founded many successful initiatives such as Headstart Learning Centre (IGCSE School), Explorers Basketball Club, Militvaa (entrepreneurship challenge), Karthavyam (public problem-solving diploma), Elina (integrated services for special education), Beyond 8 (ecosystem for continuous learning) and Kognify (learning with understanding). Mr. Mahesh spent many years in the United States before becoming interested in education and learning in India. What he initially started as learning experiments in schools 15 years ago has become a habit of innovation in education redesign. He is passionate about getting schools to meet the global capacity challenge using emerging innovations and dynamic solutions.

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  1. Chapter 23- Light: Geometric Optics

    geometric optics homework

  2. HW #12

    geometric optics homework

  3. 50+ geometric optics worksheets for 9th Class on Quizizz

    geometric optics homework

  4. Geometric Optics Worksheet

    geometric optics homework

  5. 50+ geometric optics worksheets on Quizizz

    geometric optics homework

  6. 50+ geometric optics worksheets on Quizizz

    geometric optics homework


  1. Geometric & Physical Optics

  2. Geometric Optics || Engineering Physics

  3. Geometrical optics by NV sir

  4. Homework

  5. How to Solve This Geometric Symmetry. The Beauty of Circles

  6. Geometric & Physical Optics


  1. Ch. 25 Introduction to Geometric Optics

    Geometric Optics Light from this page or screen is formed into an image by the lens of your eye, much as the lens of the camera that made this photograph. Mirrors, like lenses, can also form images that in turn are captured by your eye. Our lives are filled with light. Through vision, the most valued of our senses, light can evoke spiritual emotions, such as when we view a magnificent sunset ...

  2. ‪Geometric Optics‬

    Explore the principles of geometric optics with interactive simulations on lenses, mirrors, and light refraction.

  3. Geometric Optics: Basics

    How does a lens or mirror form an image? See how light rays are refracted by a lens or reflected by a mirror. Observe how the image changes when you adjust the focal length, move the object, or move the screen.

  4. PDF Lecture Notes on Geometrical Optics (02/10/14)

    i. Geometrical Optics (ray optics), treated in the first half of the class. Emphasizes on finding the light path. Especially useful for studying the optical behavior of the system which has length scale much larger than the wavelength of light, such as: designing optical instruments, tracing the path of propagation in inhomogeneous media. ii.

  5. 13 Introduction to Geometric Optics

    Homework Problems. In geometric optics, we will use a lot of, well, geometry. Here are a few problems to help you review the needed geometric concepts. If you need some review, have a look at: OpenStax Pre-algebra - Section 9.3: Use Properties of Angles, Triangles, and the Pythagorean Theorem.

  6. ‪Geometric Optics: Basics‬

    Explore the fundamental concepts of geometric optics through interactive simulations involving lenses, mirrors, and light rays.

  7. PDF Homework "Geometric Optics"

    PHYS 3800 "Optics". omework "Geometric Optics"1) Determine the minimum height of a wall mirror that will permit a 6-ft (183 cm) perso. to view his/her entire height. Sketch rays from top and bottom of the person and determine the proper placement of the mirror such that the full image can be seen, regardless of the pe.

  8. OPTI 502

    The course begins with the foundations of geometrical optics, which includes the first-order properties of systems, and paraxial raytracing, continues with a discussion of elementary optical systems, and concludes with an introduction to optical materials and dispersion. ... Homework Assignments & Solution Sets: Homework and solutions will be ...

  9. Optics

    Now, with expert-verified solutions from Optics 5th Edition, you'll learn how to solve your toughest homework problems. Our resource for Optics includes answers to chapter exercises, as well as detailed information to walk you through the process step by step. With Expert Solutions for thousands of practice problems, you can take the ...

  10. Optics

    This course provides an introduction to optical science with elementary engineering applications. Topics covered in geometrical optics include: ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design, apertures and stops, radiometry and photometry. Topics covered in wave optics include: basic electrodynamics, polarization, interference, wave-guiding, Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, image formation ...

  11. PHYS 201

    Overview. Geometric optics is discussed as an approximation to wave theory when the wavelength is very small compared to other lengths in the problem (such as the size of openings). Many results of geometric optics involving reflection, refraction (mirrors and lenses) are derived in a unified way using Fermat's Principle of Least Time.

  12. OPTI 201R: Geometrical and Instrumental Optics

    THE UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA WYANT COLLEGE OF OPTICAL SCIENCES 1630 E. University Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85721 520-621-6997 [email protected]

  13. homework and exercises

    1 Answer. Sorted by: It depends on what you mean by whether "geometrical optics can be applicable". Geometric optics will work fine with a system with a grating like the one you mention, although you need to know the rules for calculating the directions and strengths of the transmitted / reflected rays. There are three main points to heed here:

  14. OPTI 202R

    Goal: This course will provide the student with a fundamental understanding of optical system design and instrumentation. The course builds upon the foundations of geometrical optics that were presented in OPTI-201R to discuss a variety of elementary optical systems. Other topics include chromatic effects, camera systems and illumination optics.

  15. Homework 12 Geometric Optics

    Homework 12 Geometric Optics. Homework is due at 11:59pm on either Tuesday (usually) or Thursday (after one of the non-instructional days). It must be handwritten, not typeset. It is strongly recommended that you print the assignment and work the assignment on the printed copy. You may add additional pages asneeded.

  16. Application of an Online Homework Tool in Optometry for Geometric

    An online homework application called Kognify (Kognify Assessment and Skill Development, PL, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) enables students to perform online "workouts" at their convenience. Thirty-four students used Kognify from July to September 2016 to practice problem-solving skills related to the course Geometric Optics-II (GO-II).