StandOut CV

11 Cover letter templates with examples

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Not sure what type of cover letter is going to catch the eye of hiring managers, so they actually read your CV?

A well-written cover letter can be a game-changer in your job search, so long as you think carefully about what you include.

No need to panic, though.

For an easy win, use one of our 11 impressive cover letter templates, along with inspirational examples and a step-by-step writing guide.

CV templates 

Basic cover letter template

Dear [Recruiter’s name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name], as advertised on [Website name]. With [Number of years of experience] in [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

During my current job at [Company name], I [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to bring my [Mention suitable skill + aspirations] to the [Job title] at [Employer’s name] and I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Kind regards,

[Name] [Phone number] [Email]

Basic cover letter example

Basic cover letter example

Short cover letter template

Hi [Recruiter name],

I’d like to express my interest in the role of [Job title] as advertised on [Website name].

I am currently working in a [Current role] role for [Current employer], where I am responsible for [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I’m looking for a new challenge that will [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill].

It would be great to hear from you, and I am available to interview at any time.

Short cover letter example

Short cover letter example

Admin cover letter template

Good morning [Hiring Manager],

I am writing to submit my application for the position of [Role name] at [Company name]. As a passionate and committed individual with [Number of years] of experience and a track record of [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to the continued success of your institution.

I have gained valuable insights into the [Core responsibilities of role + more quantified achievements.] In my current role as [Current role], I have continuously facilitated positive change and enhanced [Company name’s] reputation.

Some notable achievements I would like to mention include [List quantified achievements].

With all my experience and a [Qualification] in [Subject], I hope that you recognise my enthusiasm and will consider me for the position.

Kind regards, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

Admin cover letter example

Admin cover letter example

Finance cover letter template

I am excited to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name]. As a results-orientated professional with a track record of [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible], I am confident that my expertise aligns perfectly with the needs of your organisation.

With [Number of years] of experience, I have developed [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

In my current role as a [Current role] at [Current employer], I implemented a [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of further discussing my qualifications, skills, and contributions I will bring as your new [Job title].

Finance cover letter example

Finance cover letter example

Sales cover letter template

I hope you’re well. I am writing to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name]. With [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to apply my proactive and goal-orientated approach to drive revenue growth at [Company name]. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience to discuss how my dedication and skills can contribute to the success of your sales team.

Sales cover letter example

Sales cover letter example

Customer service cover letter template

I’d like to apply for the position of [Job title] as advertised on [Website name].

With [Years] of experience in customer-facing positions for leading retail companies, I have gathered extensive customer service skills in [Type of setting].

In my current role with [Company name], I am responsible for [Role responsibilities + quantified achievement if possible].

My role has given me [Aspirations + mention suitable skill].

I believe my skill sets and product knowledge will allow me to fit perfectly with the requirements you are seeking in a candidate, and I am available for an interview at short notice.

Customer service cover letter example

Customer service cover letter example

Project management cover letter template

I am interested in applying for the role of [Job title] . My experience in [List core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am enclosing my CV for your consideration, which further highlights my experience, which I am positive fully meets the demands of this role.

Project management cover letter example

Project management cover letter example

Education cover letter template

I hope you’re well.

I am writing concerning the advert for a [Job title] at [Name of educational setting]. Over the past [Number of years], I have [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am seeking a new opportunity that will allow me to [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill].

I am keen to talk to you more about the job role, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Education cover letter example

Education cover letter example

Internal promotion cover letter template

Hey [Recruiter name],

I hope you and the team are well! I am thrilled to apply for the promotion to [Job title] of the [Department] team at [Company name], as advertised on [Website name]. With my [Number of years] of service as a [Current role], within the company, supported by [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

As a dedicated member of staff, I am eager to streamline and innovate the administrative operations at [Company name] in this new role. I would love to discuss my vision for this role further in an interview at your discretion.

All the best, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

Internal promotion cover letter example

Internal promotion cover letter example

Student cover letter template

Good morning [Recruiter name],

I would like to submit my application for the [Job title] at [Company name], where I believe my skills in [Industry] can make a valuable contribution.

As a highly driven [Core responsibilities of studies + quantified achievement if possible].

I am eager to continue learning and to have the opportunity to work alongside the team at [Employer’s name]. I am available for an interview at your convenience to further discuss my qualifications. Thank you for considering my application.

Student cover letter example

Student cover letter example

No experience cover letter template

I am an enthusiastic [Job title/student] at [Current employer/School or university name] with excellent [Core skills], seeking to apply for the [Job title] at [Company name].

In my current role as [Current role] at [Current employer], I [Core responsibilities of role + quantified achievement if possible].

I am excited to contribute my [Aspirations + mention of suitable skill]. I am available for an interview from [Insert date] and I am eager to discuss how my skills can benefit your company’s success.

Thank you for considering my application.

Sincerely, [Name] [Phone number] [Email address]

No experience cover letter example

No experience cover letter

How to write a cover letter

Here are five steps on how to write a cover letter to ensure you get hiring managers in the UK and beyond to look at your CV .

Include your cover letter within the email or message

When submitting your job application, always include your cover letter within the body of your email or message. Never attached it as a separate document.

“But why?”, you ask.

Well, you should instantly grab the recruiter’s attention the moment they look at your application. If they have to endure the hassle of opening a document, it slows everything down, and they may not even bother.

Here’s how to include your cover letter in the body of your application message:

Where to write cover letter

Tailor your greeting by directly addressing the recruiter

To get your cover letter off to a great start, make a brilliant first impression by using the hiring manager or recruiter’s name.

Avoid sounding overly formal or informal, though.

For instance, you could address the recruiter using:

  • Hi [insert recruiter’s name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Skip the conventional “Dear Sir or Madam” unless you’re targeting highly formal companies.

Here are a few tips on how to locate the recruiter’s name:

  • Check the job ad – Sometimes, you can find their name and email address within the job advert itself.
  • Visit the company website – Look at the “About Us” section to unearth the contact info for the recruitment team or head of department.
  • Use LinkedIn – If you’re having a hard time pinning down the specific team and company related to the job opening, a quick search can reveal the person in charge of hiring for that specific job.

If you have no success in finding their name, don’t stress. Just say “Hi” – that’ll more than do the trick. Aim for a greeting that is both professional and welcoming.

Here are some examples of how to address your cover letter if you have trouble finding their name:

How to address a cover letter if you can't find a name

Be personable and professional

Your cover letter should be a blend of personality and professionalism .

Coming across as too casual can make you sound a little unprofessional while appearing excessively formal can make you look stiff.

Go for a professional, friendly tone.

Begin with something such as, “I hope you’re well” to bring a personal touch.

Professional greeting

Pinpoint your applicable skills

Your cover letter’s purpose? To entice hiring managers to read your CV . To do this, quickly allude to your relevant skills tailored to the job you’re interested in.

Review the job description and note the essential qualifications and skills the recruiter wants.

Suitable skills in cover letter

Concentrate on these skills in your cover letter and tell them why you’re perfect for the role.

This gives recruiters the confidence they need to consider you for the job.

For instance, you could say:

  • Finance – “My strategic planning skills allowed me to identify key growth opportunities and revenue drivers, ultimately leading to the impressive revenue increase of over £100 million.”
  • Marine engineer – “I excel in the development and implementation of predictive maintenance programs, ensuring equipment reliability and longevity. I implemented a predictive maintenance programme that reduced downtime of critical equipment by 25%, as well as saved £120K+ annually through purchasing supplies from suitable industry vendors.”
  • Medical writer – “My capacity to translate complex medical information into clear and accessible content for various audiences is a core skill that has empowered me to produce 15 high-quality educational materials. Moreover, my strong research proficiency was instrumental in increasing audience comprehension and patient satisfaction scores by 30% and 15% respectively.”

Conclude and add a professional signature

Your sign-off must be warm. So, say something like “Best regards” or “Kind regards.” Just be yourself while staying polite.

To add a nice finishing touch to your cover letter , add a professional signature at the very bottom.

Doing so helps the person on the other end know how to reach you and gives your cover letter a professional touch.

Here’s what you need to include in your professional sign-off:

  • Your full name – Add your first and last name, like “Jessica Smith”. It’s just there so recruiters know who you are.
  • Your phone number – Preferably, put your mobile number in here so recruiters can quickly get hold of you.
  • Your email address – This must be a professional email address, like [email protected]. Don’t include an overly casual email – remember, this is a job application.

If you like, you could also include a couple of extra details:

  • Your job title – For example, “Administrator” or “Delivery Driver.”
  • A link to your LinkedIn – If you use LinkedIn, insert a link to your profile – this is like your professional social media.

Cover letter professional signature

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  • Careers advice
  • Cover letters

There is a problem

How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. 

It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long.

When to include a cover letter

You should always include a cover letter when you apply for a job using a CV. 

You can write it as an email if you’re applying online or print a copy to go with a paper application.

When writing a cover letter, let the employer know you’re keen by showing that you’ve researched the company. Learn more about what they do through:

  • their website
  • recent news articles
  • talking to people you know who work there

Send it to the right person

It's important to try to address your cover letter to someone by name. Check you have the details of the person you need to send it to. 

You'll need their name and preferred title. For example, ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Ms’, and their job title. You should also make sure you have the right company name and address, including postcode.

If you do not know their name

If the job advert does not include a name you can check the company website. Try to find details of the head of the department, head of human resources or a recruitment manager.

If you still cannot find a name, you can start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.


Introduce yourself and explain how you found the advertised job. You can mention the job title, and reference number if there is one. 

If you’re asking about any job openings and not applying to a vacancy, tell them what sort of job you’re looking for. Let the employer see how keen you are to work for them.

Show you're right for the job

Highlight the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for. 

Convince them that you're enthusiastic about working for them. Let them know you share their work values, culture and style.

Give extra information

If you have gaps in your employment history, you could talk about the skills you gained while you were out of work.

If you’ve mentioned on your CV that you have a disability, you might want to talk more about this in your cover letter. Organisations like Disability UK can give you advice on how to do this. You do not have to mention your disability at this stage if you prefer not to.

You can get more help with specialist advice on finding work if you have a disability.

Ending your cover letter

Thank the employer for considering your application. Let them know that they can get more details from your CV, and tell them you're looking forward to hearing from them.

Let them know how they can best contact you. Make sure your contact details are correct on both your cover letter and CV.

Yours sincerely or yours faithfully

If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’.

If you’ve addressed the letter ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, you should end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’.

Tips for writing a cover letter

When writing your cover letter, remember to:

  • write a new one for every job you apply for and make sure it’s tailored to the company and the specific role
  • use the same font and size as you do for your CV, so it looks consistent
  • make sure the company name and recruiter’s details are correct
  • use the right language and tone: keep it professional and match the keywords used by the employer in their job advert
  • show you’ve done your research into the job and the company
  • highlight your most relevant skills and experience to stand out from other applicants
  • back up any statements you make with facts and use the STAR method
  • double check spelling and grammar before you send it
  • keep a copy of your cover letter as they may ask you about it in an interview

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How to write a cover letter

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What is a cover letter and why is it important?

When do you need a cover letter, how should you structure your cover letter, what should go in your cover letter.

A cover letter is a letter that you write about yourself and submit alongside your CV when applying for a job. Within it, you explain why you’re the right candidate for that role, based on your experience and skills. 

A potential employer might use a cover letter as an introduction to you before moving on to your CV, so it’s important to make a strong impression.

Just like you would tailor your CV to the specific role you’re applying for, you should write a cover letter with a particular job in mind. The concise structure of a CV can make it hard to stand out. But the structure of a cover letter gives you more room to showcase your skills and personality. 

A job application will tell you whether you need to include a cover letter or not. Most applications do ask you to, or some may get you to fill out some online questions instead. You probably won’t need a cover letter for a part-time job as a student, for example.

If a job description doesn’t say anything about a cover letter, play it safe and include one just in case. It’s a great opportunity to demonstrate your skills and show you’ve gone the extra mile.

A cover letter should be roughly one side of A4 and broken up into short paragraphs so it’s easy to read. Just like your CV, stick to a sensible font type, size, and colour.

Ideally, you should submit it as a PDF version with a clear filename, so it always looks the same regardless of the device it’s opened on.

Contact details

You should include the same contact information at the top of your cover letter as you would for your CV, in case it gets separated.

  • phone number
  • email address

Who to address your cover letter to

Ideally, you want to address your cover letter to the specific person who will be reading it. The job listing should say who this is. This might someone who works in HR or the person you will report to if you get the job.

If the job listing doesn’t clarify who this is, don’t be afraid to get in touch directly by phone or email. This shows initiative and is an early opportunity to make a personal connection, which can work in your favour.

If you’re struggling to find an individual to address your cover letter to, you should write ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ or ‘To whom it may concern’ instead.

Clarify the role you're applying to

Begin by stating the role you are applying for. Sometimes it can be useful to say how you heard about the role, whether it was on a particular website or through someone you know..

I am writing to apply for the Data Analyst position in your organisation, as advertised on your website.

Now you’ve clarified the role you’re applying for; you can highlight why you’re the right candidate for it.

Describe yourself and your experience

Next, say who you are – easy, right? You don’t need to tack on any bells and whistles.

If you’re a school or college student applying for a part-time job, say where you go to school, what year you’re in, and what you’re studying. You may want to drop in your future plans (if you have any).

I’m in my second year of my A-levels at St John’s College, studying English, biology, and drama. I've received a conditional offer from the University of Sussex to study English and drama in September.

If you’re a graduate applying for your first job out of uni – say where you’ve graduated from, your qualification and grade.

I’m a graduate of the University of Sussex with a first class bachelor’s degree in English and Drama.

If you've taken a gap year, include what you did and how this has made you a stronger candidate for the role.

For example

I’ve spent the last six months volunteering in Ethiopia, leading a missionary programme – a role that’s been personally fulfilling, and has equipped me with a range of skills that I’m excited to bring to a role like this, including motivating a team and problem-solving.

If you’re currently working and applying for another job, outline the field you’ve been working in, including some of your key responsibilities.

I’ve been working in digital marketing for a charity for the past three years. My main responsibilities are email marketing, social media management, and content creation.

By highlighting a few of the areas you’ve been involved with, you may be kept in mind for another role if you're unsuccessful here.

Why you’re looking for a new role

You will want to touch on why you’re applying to this role, especially if you’re currently employed. Below are some tips about tailoring this to the role you're applying to.

  • Do you want to move into a new field? Perhaps one that you’ve had a taste of and really enjoyed? 
  • Do you want to do the same role, but in a different sector, such as moving from a commercial business to a charity? 
  • Are you looking for more responsibility which you can’t get in your current role to progress on to a long-term goal? 
  • Have your personal circumstances changed? An example would be relocating to be closer to family.

Demonstrate your key achievements

Now it’s time to show what you’ve done or achieved up to now, and how this makes you the perfect fit for the role in question (including any standout achievements or stats to back this up).

Don’t forget to relate these to the key skills or knowledge that have been set out in the job description and use the extra space to elaborate on these. Don’t just repeat your CV word for word.

  • If you’re a school/college student applying for a part-time job or a degree apprenticeship, what have you achieved in your studies that demonstrates these key skills?
  • Have you won any awards or come top in your year in your exams – this would show your work ethic. Have you headed up any clubs or societies where you’ve had to be organised, or lead by example?
  • Are you involved in any societies or sports teams where you’ve worked closely with and motivated others?
  • Have you completed any volunteering or internships?
As editor of the university newspaper, I was responsible for overseeing the production of over 40 issues, including sourcing exciting new contributors and managing strict budgets. In that time, the paper won several awards for its investigation into X.

If you’re currently working and applying for another job, you’ll have already mentioned the general areas you have experience in, but now it’s time to highlight the impact you’ve made.

After just a few months of completing the company’s graduate scheme, I was promoted to the role of account manager for several clients across different sectors, involving planning, implementing, and reporting on all their paid display activity. While it was challenging, I’ve continued to meet key targets. My ability to manage clients’ expectations satisfactorily was pulled out as a key strength in a recent client review survey.

You might want to back this up with key statistics:

One client has seen sign-ups climb 31% in a year since I’ve led on their account, resulting in a 5% growth in annual revenue.

Or being part of a project that's been big news in your field.

I was part of the team that worked on Project X, which received critical acclaim within the X industry. I was specifically responsible for overseeing X, Y, and Z in this project. This wonderful experience early in my career was capped off by winning an X award for Y.

Why that company/organisation/field?

This is your opportunity to show you’ve taken some initiative, done your research, and are passionate about getting this role especially. You want to prove this isn’t just another application you’ve churned out. Is there something about this role that makes it stand out from similar roles elsewhere?

The chance to apply my skills and collaborate with Dr Jane Smith and her team is one I couldn’t let slip. Also, the opportunities to grow in this organisation through X, Y, and Z fill me with confidence.

Is the organisation entering a particularly significant period that you’re keen to be a part of (and most importantly, that you feel you can contribute to in a big way)?

The organisation’s expansion into South America is something I would be thrilled to be a part of. My sixth-month stint in Mexico delivering the X project gave me a whole new perspective on this market but was all too short. Returning to the continent with the experience I now have would be a fresh, exciting challenge.

Is the role or organisation involved in something you’re personally invested in?

A family member’s recent experience with X has given me a whole new appreciation of the work Y do. I have been volunteering for Z for the past six months, something that has been a great source of fulfilment. To contribute further in a professional capacity would be all the more rewarding, while I believe my distinctive perspective would benefit the work I do and the organisation as a result.

This is where it may help to mention any ambitions or goals you have for the future, although be careful not to take your eye off the role you’re applying for.

Conclusion: reiterate with impact

Finish up with a short, punchy conclusion reiterating some of the key aspects you’ve outlined above.

Do this in a way that will make an employer excited to meet you for an interview (or at least get across your enthusiasm to meet them and learn more about the role).

If you’ve addressed your cover letter to a specific individual, sign off with ‘Yours sincerely.' If you don’t know the name of the recipient, stick to ‘Yours faithfully.'

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Sample cover letter

Cover letters add context to your CV and when used correctly are a great way to convince employers that you're right for the job. This sample cover letter should help you get started

A cover letter demonstrates to recruiters how well you express yourself, so you need to make sure that you don't just repeat your CV or give rambling explanations. Instead, use this opportunity to focus on your skills and experience, saving your qualifications for your CV.

The basic cover letter structure covers:

  • why you're writing the letter
  • why you think you're suitable for the job (with examples)
  • relevant skills and experience
  • summary of your interest in the role.

Double check what you've written as spelling mistakes or lack of attention to detail will put your cover letter straight on the no pile.

Please be aware that this is an example. Use this cover letter template to help generate ideas and structure your own document but avoid copying and pasting. Your cover letter needs to be original and tailored to the job you're applying for.

Avril Lee 115 My Street Mytown WX55 1CQ [email protected] 07777999888

Harry Smith Graduate HR director Big Company Ltd Woodcotes Business Park The Midlands MX9 6PQ

5th May 2023

Dear Mr Smith

Re: Logistics graduate scheme

I would like to apply for the logistics track of your graduate training scheme, advertised on the website. As requested, I am enclosing my CV.

I am in the final year of my geography degree, expecting a 2:1. Always intending to have a career in business, I have taken modules on the geography of business and GIS modelling. My final-year dissertation is on changing patterns in retail. During my degree, I have developed my analytical skills and ability to read, manage and present data. I have also become familiar with a range of business intelligence sources.

As you can see from my CV I have experience in:

  • Retail - moving from shelf stacker to checkout operator to team leader in my two years with Fresh Foods. I contributed to the store consistently being in the top five for the region by providing excellent customer service.
  • Warehouse operations - picking and packing to meet targets over the busy Christmas period.

I have also:

  • Worked in and led teams at Fresh Foods, on course projects and in sports.
  • Communicated with colleagues at all levels in retail and warehousing.
  • Solved problems as a team leader, ensuring staff cover and dealing with customer complaints.
  • Worked flexibly doing both early and late shifts and covering for absence, sometimes at short notice.
  • Managed my time when combining study with work and sport.

My semester in Germany exposed me to a different culture and improved my language skills. In addition, my voluntary work with young people has increased my resilience and ability to mix with people from all walks of life.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

(Sign your name here)

Find out more

  • Get more information on cover letters .
  • If you're applying for a job that's not advertised take a look at an example speculative cover letter .
  • Learn more about the 5 things to avoid when writing a cover letter .

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Writing the perfect cover letter

Guidance on writing a cover letter that boosts your CV’s chances of being read – and getting your foot in the interview room door.


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Your CV should be a living, breathing, growing document. And even if you don’t have any new roles or skills to add to it, you’ll more than likely need to adapt it to specific jobs, sectors and companies.

They say you should never judge a book by its cover: too bad nobody ever thought to extend the same teaching to CVs. All too often, worthy candidates find themselves at the bottom of the recycling bin because their covering letter fails to highlight the promise within.

Some candidates fail to realise that writing a covering letter – or more often than not, a covering email – is a part of the job application process requiring just as much thought as crafting your CV.

Elsewhere on the Office Angels website we have already offered a guide to writing the perfect CV.

Here, we provide a similar depth of advice to help you get to grips with creating a great cover letter.

What is a covering letter?

A covering letter is a letter of introduction accompanying any piece of written communication that needs explanation. In job seeking terms, a covering letter is your first and best opportunity to explain why you are perfect for the position on offer.

A good covering letter can be of even greater worth than a properly formatted CV. Though you should certainly be tailoring CVs to the position on offer, a cover letter allows you to specifically highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job.

  • An explanation of why you are sending your CV
  • Details of how you found out about the position, especially if that demonstrates an established interest in the company
  • Specific qualifications and skills that fulfil the most important requirements in the job description
  • An answer to any questions specifically asked in the job advert
  • A demonstration of your desire to progress your career, as well as your general personality and positive attitude to work
  • An indication of how you intend to chase them to see if you were successful

Be aware that additional cues may be taken from the quality of your letter: a letter filled with spelling mistakes or even poor formatting may irritate your recipient, for example.

What to include in a covering letter

As with most pieces of writing, the key to creating an excellent cover letter is to have a strong beginning, middle and end.


Capture the reader’s attention by keeping it to the point. State the exact position you’re applying for if you’re replying to a specific advert, or explain why you’re applying to that particular company if you’re applying speculatively.

Experience and skills

In this section, explain how your skills are suitable for the advertised role using the job spec for structure. Focus on transferrable skills if the job you’re applying for is in a different sector to the one you’re currently working in.

Demonstrate your passion for the company you’re applying to by explaining how you fit with and can contribute to its successes and values.

The sign-off

End on a positive note by explaining that you’d welcome the chance to meet the people you’re applying to and discuss your suitability in more detail.

Sample covering letter

The following is a traditional example of a covering letter, the kind you would expect to send for a business, accountancy or retail position.

Some sectors – particularly in creative industries – would find this kind of letter too formal and uncreative.

Dear Ms Smith,

I am writing in response to the position currently advertised on your website, and have attached my CV for your consideration.

Along with my previous work experience in a similar position at the local council, I feel my degree course makes me especially prepared for this position. The job description specifically mentions independent research, something I demonstrated when completing my final year dissertation. Additionally, a second year module specifically involved researching a section of the public that your agency deals with.

As mentioned in the skills section of my CV, I am a skilled writer capable of around 60 words per minute with a high degree of accuracy. I have been looking for a position which emphasises a little more independence than the simple data-entry positions I have previously had. This position looks ideal, and I am particularly excited by the prospect of progressing in the company.

Thank you for taking time to consider my application. I will phone to confirm receipt of my application in the near future, and look forward to speaking to you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Joanna Mason

Covering letter with CV

  • Never mention anything about your personal skills that isn’t also in your covering letter
  • Make sure everything you highlight in your covering letter is relatively easy to find in the CV you submit
  • Using the same font and formatting in both documents will look extra professional
  • Aim for consistency in the formality of both documents
  • When posting your application, staple or hole-punch your documents together in the upper left corner
  • When emailing your application, include your CV as an attachment, but put your covering letter in the main body of the email

For best results, follow the Office Angels guide to writing a tip top CV. Within the same area of our website, you will also find advice for other aspects of your job search such as best practice for interviews.

Remember, you can always talk to our friendly and highly skilled recruitment advisors for advice when applying for your ideal job.


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How to write a cover letter: 10 things to remember

Cover Letter

How to write a cover letter: top tips for maximum impact

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Person sitting at a laptop writing a great CV and cover letter

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how to make a cover letter uk

Cover Letters

A cover letter is a document you send to an employer alongside your application. It helps to introduce you and outlines your interest in the role.

  • Newcastle University
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  • Making applications
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On this page

Your CV should always be accompanied by a cover letter. This is unless the employer tells you otherwise.

It is a key part of your application. Your letter should:

  • explain your motivation for applying
  • show your suitability for the vacancy
  • highlight the most important parts of your CV

Your letter should only be one side of A4 and you should use the same font style and size used in your CV.

We also run regular workshops on writing cover letters during the academic year.

What to write in your cover letter

We'd suggest the following structure for your cover letter.

The order for the second (why you) and third paragraph (why them) is flexible. You can swap these around if you prefer.

  • Write to the correct person. It's important to get their name and job title right. If a name is not given, try to find out who you should address your letter to. You can do this by contacting the organisation or checking the website.
  • If you are making a speculative application you should contact the organisation to ask for a key contact who can help with recruitment .
  • Address your letter correctly. Use their title and last name only. If you're unsure about their gender, marital status, or preferred pronoun, you can use their full name. If you can't find out the name of the person, use a generic term such as ‘Dear Hiring Manager’ or ‘Dear Recruitment Team’.

First paragraph: Introduction

  • Briefly explain what you are doing now and why you are writing. If the job or placement was advertised, include where you saw the advert.
  • A strong, confident and positive opening statement makes a good first impression. For example: 'I believe I have the relevant skills, knowledge and experience to make a difference in this role and in your organisation.'
  • If you are applying speculatively, be as specific as you can about what you are looking for. Consider giving the employer a range of options. If there are no vacancies available, you could get involved another way. This could be work experience, shadowing or even the chance to meet and ask questions.

Second paragraph: Why you? Summarise what you have to offer

  • Summarise the most relevant skills from your CV. What can you bring that makes you attractive to the employer?
  • Keep your summary concise, with specific examples from your experiences. Try to avoid highlighting generic skills and qualities in isolation. Instead, focus on how you developed your skills. For example, 'I am a reliable and trustworthy person with good communication skills' doesn't show how you developed your skills.
  • If you’re not applying for a specific advertised post, you may not have a job description to help you. You’ll need to work out which skills are required. To help with this, look at the job profiles on the Prospects website.
  • Convey your enthusiasm for the job and what you can bring to the company, rather than talking about yourself in a general way.
  • Give reasons why the organisation should consider you. What have you got to offer them? Talk about any relevant experience, knowledge and skills and how you could contribute. Your examples could come from a variety of places. Your degree, internships, part-time jobs, volunteering or extra-curricular experience are all valuable.
  • Try not to repeat phrases from your CV. Make sure that your CV clearly provides evidence for statements that you make in your letter.

You can split this paragraph into two, depending on how much you have written.

Third paragraph: Why them and why this role? Target the employer

  • Each letter should be tailored to the organisation and role. Recruiters will not be impressed with a generic covering letter. This is especially important if you are applying speculatively. Find out as much as possible about the field of work, the company and the type of role you are interested in.
  • Explain why you want to work for this organisation. This could be their ethos, training or product/services. Mention any contact you have had with the company.
  • Show that you have researched the company and know what they do but don't just repeat what is on their website.

Optional paragraphs: Other relevant information

It may be relevant to include other information in your covering letter. This could be explaining the circumstances of disappointing academic grades. Come and talk to us if you have concerns about explaining these or other issues in your letter. To do this, b ook a CV appointmen t via MyCareer.

For advice on asking for adjustments from an employer, see these websites:

  • asking for reasonable adjustments
  • British Dyslexia Association: applying for jobs and promotions. This includes examples of reasonable adjustments employers could make during the application process.
  • example of disclosing a disability in a cover letter
  • Finish your letter in a polite and friendly way, saying when you would be available for interview. End on a positive note. 'Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. I look forward to hearing from you' is a good example.
  • To end your letter, write ' Yours sincerely ' if you know the name of the person you're writing to. It is ' Yours faithfully ' if you don't know the name, followed by your signature.

How to follow up a speculative application

A speculative application involves contacting an employer to ask about opportunities. The employer may not be advertising a vacancy, but they may have opportunities that are not advertised . 

Follow up a speculative application with a polite phone call or email a week later. This shows you're proactive and motivated.

Reiterate your interest in working for the organisation and the reasons why you're a suitable candidate. Keep your call or email brief and thank the hiring manager for considering your application.

Example cover letters

See our example cover letters to help you think about structure and content. They can also give you ideas on how to demonstrate your skills. Compare your own draft and see if there’s anything you need to add or improve.

Cover letters for graduate and part-time jobs

  • Graduate job cover letter example  (PDF: 72KB)
  • Part time job cover letter example  (PDF: 118KB)
  • Speculative graduate job cover letter example  (PDF: 120KB)

Advice about writing effective cover letters, with examples 

Find further advice about writing cover letters on these websites:

  • Cover letter essentials for graduate vacancies
  • How to write a cover letter - this includes advice and example cover letter endings
  • Example cover letter for an internship .
  • Cover letters - there are tips and example cover letters, including speculative cover letters. There is also a cover letter showcasing how to disclose a disability
  • Academic cover letter template - this is a teaching-focused lectureship post.

CVs and Cover Letters workbook

For more advice on writing CVs and cover letters, see our  CV and covering letter workbook for students  (PDF: 384kb).

Additional tips

For more advice on writing an effective cover letter, see the following websites:

Get Feedback

Our online AI-generated checker, CareerSet gives you instant feedback 24/7.

CareerSet scores your cover letter on key skills that recruiters look for. It focuses on impact, brevity and style . You can use the feedback to edit your letter and re-submit it to CareerSet as many times as you like. You can also match your letter with a job description, to help you tailor it to a specific role.

You can access CareerSet directly or via MyCareer .

After using CareerSet, we recommend you book an online or in-person CV appointment to go through your cover letter. Alternatively, you can send your cover letter to us for written feedback via MyCareer. You don’t need to have achieved a specific score on CareerSet to do this.

If you would like any of the content in an accessible format , you can request this from CareerSet. See their accessibility statement  for details.

How to Use CareerSet

1. Log in to CareerSet

You can  access CareerSet directly  or via the  CV and Covering Letter Pathway .

Log into CareerSet with your  Newcastle University email address  to get an authentication link. This will log you in for the duration of one session. Your account will be created on your first login.

To access CareerSet you’ll need our Newcastle University  graduate voucher code . This is listed in the  CV and Covering Letter Pathway .

The Careers Service will have access to your scores and feedback reports. This helps us develop further support and advice, but your CV is not stored in CareerSet. All information is in line with the University’s  data protection policy .

2. Accept the:

  • privacy policy
  • terms of use

3. Click on Review my Covering Letter. 

Upload your cover letter. This takes about 30 seconds. Your cover letter must be in  PDF format:

  • how to  convert a Word document to PDF

You can also copy and paste the job description you want to compare your cover letter to or choose an example. 

4. Review your score and work your way through the feedback and tips to help you improve your cover letter.

There’s no such thing as a perfect cover letter, so you don’t need to try to get to 100%. We’d suggest aiming for a score above 70%, but if you’re struggling to reach that, don’t worry.

You can book an online or in-person CV appointment to get help from a CV adviser. You can then upload your cover letter again to see if you’ve improved your score. 

The Careers Service will have access to your scores and feedback reports to help us develop further support and advice, but your cover letter is not stored in CareerSet. All information is in line with the University’s data protection policy .

What CareerSet can't do

CareerSet is a valuable tool for getting feedback on your cover letter, but there are certain things it can’t do. Instead, you can book an in-person or online appointment or submit a query via MyCareer if you:

  • don’t have much work experience to add to your cover letter. Book a information appointment for help on how to find relevant opportunities and develop your skills
  • want to discuss how to include reasonable adjustments or extenuating circumstances on your CV

Feedback from a CV adviser

Before you book a CV appointment or send us your cover letter for feedback, you need to complete the CV and Covering Letter Pathway on MyCareer first. This includes uploading your CV/cover letter to CareerSet.

Once you have completed the Pathway and made any changes suggested by CareerSet, you can then receive 1:1 feedback from a CV adviser. 

You can also send your cover letter (in Microsoft Word ) to us for written feedback. This can take up to 5 working days. Click on Queries/CV in MyCareer (top right hand corner) to submit your query and CV.

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Free online cover letter generator

Create the best cover letter now.

Our online cover letter instruments allow you to generate a detailed, passionate and informative appeal within minutes. No more agonizing over creative sentences, doubting your writing style or worrying about emotional perceptions. Powerful web tools and recruiter expertise are here to help!

Use our tech tools to write truly next-level cover letters and resumes . In a digital world, it’s important to stay competitive. Old-school methods have their place and charm, but if you want to land that dream job – it makes sense to get an edge over the other candidates.

Want to test out more beautiful designs? Quickly adjust the formatting? Easily generate multiple cover letters for several employers? This is now possible with our builder in record time and no technical knowledge required.

Our cover letter template designs and samples have been carefully crafted to maximize their visual and textual impact. You want recruiters to fall in love with your professional story before they even meet you. That’s what we aim to help you with.

Proven cover letter templates

Why our cover letter builder helps you getting the ideal job.

Finally, you don’t have to build anything from scratch. That’s always the most difficult part. And now it’s the part you can just skip. Our free cover letter templates are ready to use and fill in with minimal effort. The attention-grabbing beautiful designs and organized structure have been tested and vetted. All our cover letter templates have been approved by recruitment experts.

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Go beyond just files and documents. Actually control and analyze your application process in one powerful dashboard. Our job tracker helps you monitor every stage of the job hunt. It provides a bird’s eye view of your successful tactics, as well as possible improvements. Add jobs to your shortlist to pursue later. Keep tabs on your offers. Stay on top of scheduled interviews, follow up on completed ones and more.

Reviewed by the community. Trusted by professionals

How to build a cover letter.

It used to be the case that you needed creative writing skills to build an amazing cover letter. And time. Lots of time. Now, all you need is the perfect online builder - and you’re good to go!

Go to our varied collection of beautifully designed cover letter templates and pick one that suits you! We have created templates and samples that align with jobs, industries and professional image goals. All you need to do is consider which one strikes your fancy and is appropriate for your potential employer.

Add your contact information, as well as any needed (and appropriate) personal data the employer requires. Our well-designed templates make sure your info won’t get overlooked and your documents don’t get lost due to boring visuals. After all, your cover letter is your ambassador.

Save tons of time, condensing the long journey of a convincing professional appeal to several minutes and keystrokes. You can use our free guiding samples that show mock-up cover letters, written by hiring professionals based on years of experience. With all the technical and guiding support - this won’t take long!

Tailor the design, structure and formatting of your cover letter in a couple of clicks. The template and other aspects of your document can be adjusted as you see fit. And what’s more, you can experiment as long as you want - our online and offline sync features mean you won’t lose any of your changes even if you lose your internet connection.

Whether your employer uses an Applicant Tracking System or prefers email, whether they use Mac or PC - we’ve got you covered. Make use of PDF files to perfectly preserve your beautiful cover letter formatting.

Land that dream job now!

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How To Write a Cover Letter in 3 Easy Paragraphs

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Application Materials Career Center Career Services Interviewing Job Search

Although you might have written a resume before, cover letters can be a bigger mystery. The good news is: by following a simple, three-paragraph process, you can quickly write a cover letter that will get attention and likely lead to a job interview!

What Is a Cover Letter?

Imagine you’re handing your resume to someone in person. Maybe you’re at a job or career fair, going into an employer’s office, or even handing it to an acquaintance so that they can get it to the hiring manager. You wouldn’t just give that person your resume, turn, and walk away without saying a word. You would probably take the time to  introduce yourself  and explain why you’re giving that person your resume, how you found out about the job, and why you think you’re qualified for it.

That’s the  purpose of a cover letter .

The cover letter is a more personalized introduction than your resume. It’s a message that represents what you would otherwise say in person, face-to-face. It should be uniquely written for each company and position, follow a standard; one-page business letter format, and consist of three to four paragraphs. If possible, it should also include the hiring manager’s name.

The cover letter usually accompanies a resume. It allows you to expand on the  information in the resume  or explain something that might appear as a red flag or barrier to employment. However, just as important is that the cover letter allows the recruiter to assess your written communication skills!

Why Do I Need a Cover Letter?

Cover letters aren’t always required for a job application. Often, they’re listed as an optional document. Most applicants  won’t  submit a cover letter because of this (let’s face it, job applications can take a lot of time!). However, this also means that submitting a cover letter is an extra step that will help you to stand out from the other applicants — and show how interested you are in the position!

How Do I Write a Cover Letter?

Here’s how to write a cover letter in three easy paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 (About You)

This is where you briefly introduce yourself, what position you’re interested in, and how you discovered it (i.e., job posting site, flyer, social media). If someone recommended you for the position, drop their name in the very first sentence and include their title and affiliation.

Also be enthusiastic! List three of your most important or impressive qualifications from your resume to explain why you’re applying for the position. You may also wish to include the degree or program you’re currently studying.

Example: I’m applying for your Human Resource Specialist position found on LinkedIn, as recommended by John Smith, your Office of Human Resource Manager. I would be a valuable addition to your team, with my five years of administrative experience, BAS in Organizational Management, and Microsoft Office certification.

Paragraph 2 (About the Company)

Answer the question “Why do you want to work here?” by researching the company and writing about at least one way that you resonate with its culture, values, or mission. You can get great information by visiting the company’s website (check the About Us or Mission/Vision pages) or by looking them up in the news category of your favorite search engine. Emphasize how your experience meets the company’s needs and why it would be a privilege to work for them.

Example: Congratulations on your team participating in a local Habitat for Humanity build. I would love to work for an organization that is so committed to improving our local communities. I’ve personally participated in four Habitat for Humanity builds; the skills I’ve learned, coupled with the knowledge I gained, have inspired me to seek out other, similar volunteer opportunities within our community.

Paragraph 3 (Thank You and Closing)

Be sure to thank the employer/hiring manager, provide contact information, and mention that you look forward to hearing from them. Express enthusiasm about an upcoming interview!

Example: Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to discussing my professional experience in greater detail in an upcoming interview. You can reach me at [phone number] or [email address].

Is There a Cover Letter Template I Can Use?

Microsoft Word has many attractive and pre-formatted cover letter templates you can use. Simply open Microsoft Word, click new, and then search for “cover letter” to browse all the options.

how to make a cover letter uk

You can also use this cover letter template sample for reference:

how to make a cover letter uk

Who Can Help Me Write a Cover Letter?

Eastern Florida State College’s Career Services team is here to assist! Did you know you can  schedule meetings with an EFSC Career Services Coordinator  to get help writing a cover letter?

Whether you have questions about your career path, job hunting, or interview preparation, you can contact your campus’ Career Services Center for personalized assistance or  check our our upcoming events . We look forward to helping you succeed this semester and beyond!

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript? Here are the Tips and Examples

  • 3 minute read

Table of Contents

A cover letter is often the first thing an editor reads when reviewing your submission. As your first pitch to the editor, the cover letter helps them gauge the suitability of your manuscript for publication in their journal. Imagine your work shaping the future of your field, gathering citations, and sparking discussions. A powerful cover letter is thus the first step to making that vision into a reality.   

In this article, we will guide you through the process of writing an effective cover letter and explain how you can get it right every time with examples. First, let us get started with the basics!  

Getting the Basics Right  

When writing a cover letter, it is crucial to address the editor by their correct and complete name¹ . If there are multiple co-editors, you can address your letter to the right person, based on their specialization or designated responsibilities. If unsure, it is okay to go with a more general salutation, such as “Dear Editors”¹ .   

Presenting your Research  

Provide a clear and concise title for your submission and specify whether it is an article, communication, review, perspective, or a manuscript belonging to some other category. If the journal guideline recommends, consider including a list of all authors in the manuscript.   

After covering the preliminary information, briefly explain your paper’s central theme or focus to give the editor an idea of its contents. Ensure this stays a brief outline, without going into too much detail.   

Conveying the Importance of Your Work  

How you communicate the impact of your work can make or break your cover letter. To make a strong impression on the editor, articulate the significance of your research clearly, emphasizing its relevance to the field. Additionally, show how your work aligns with the journal’s scope and mission.  

Including a Formal Declaration  

Some journals require a set of declarations from you to ensure that your manuscript adheres to its ethical code and the larger ethical standards of scientific publishing. Here are the required declarations in a cover letter:  

  • Originality of work:  
  • Confirm that your work is original and has not been published elsewhere. This tells the editor your research is unique.  
  • Conflict of interest statement:  
  • Be clear about any potential conflicts of interest. This includes any personal, financial, or professional connections that might affect your research.  
  • Funding source (if applicable):  
  • Tell where your research funding came from, if any. This includes any support or grants from organizations.   

Including Personal Suggestions for Reviewers on a Separate Page (optional)  

If there is no part of the submission process that collects researcher suggestions for reviewers, and there are special requests from the researcher for reviewers (e.g., recommending the inclusion or suggesting the exclusion of a specific reviewer, etc.), you may also make a note about this in the cover letter.  

Combining these five points, here is a good example of a cover letter for researchers’ reference:  

Example of a Cover Letter

(This image is intended to demonstrate the norms of formatting and tone of expression in a cover letter, it is to be used only by the researcher as a reference in writing² .)  


A strong cover letter can go a long way in ensuring success for researchers looking to publish their manuscripts! Your cover letter is the opening act, setting the stage for how editors perceive your manuscript. So, look at it not as just another formality but as a crucial opportunity to make a strong impression.   

Understanding what to include, what is optional, and what is best left unsaid can be tricky. That is where our team of experts at Elsevier Language Services can step in. We will provide personalized recommendations and expert guidance to help you craft a cover letter that perfectly complements your manuscript. Reach out to us today to make a great first impression and embark on a successful academic journey!  


  • Nicholas, D. (2019). How to choose a journal and write a cover letter. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, 13(5), 35.  
  • Loyola University Chicago. (n.d.). JCSHESA Sample Cover Letter.  

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    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. Closing the letter. Sign off your cover letter with 'Yours sincerely' (if you know the name of the hiring manager), or 'Yours faithfully' (if you don't), followed by your name.

  13. Cover letters

    Typically, three to five short paragraphs, cover letters should not exceed one A4 page. If sending electronically, put the text in the body of the email rather than as an attachment, to avoid it being detected by spam filters. Applications should always include a cover letter unless the job advert instructs you differently.

  14. How to Write a Cover Letter: Guides & Examples

    Cover letter paragraph 1: The introduction. The position you are interested in and why you are applying for it - a brief introductory passage that covers three things: Why you're writing the letter. What job role you are applying for. How you found out about the job. Something like:

  15. How to write a cover letter in 5 steps

    2. Use an appropriate greeting. If you know the name of the hiring manager for this job, begin your cover letter by addressing them directly (Example: Dear Jane). When writing your CV, it's important to avoid weak and passive verbs, stay away from business jargon or clichés, and watch out for tired words and phrases.

  16. Sample cover letter

    Your cover letter needs to be original and tailored to the job you're applying for. Avril Lee 115 My Street Mytown WX55 1CQ [email protected] 07777999888. Harry Smith Graduate HR director Big Company Ltd Woodcotes Business Park The Midlands MX9 6PQ. 5th May 2023. Dear Mr Smith.

  17. Cover Letter Examples 2024 for All Job Applications

    Firstly, you should include the job title and reference (if provided) above the first line of your letter. If you have a name for the recruiter or hiring manager, you should use this to open the letter. 'Dear Sarah Green' or 'Dear Mrs Green' are perfectly acceptable, for example.

  18. Writing the Perfect Cover Letter| Office Angels UK

    Aim for consistency in the formality of both documents. When posting your application, staple or hole-punch your documents together in the upper left corner. When emailing your application, include your CV as an attachment, but put your covering letter in the main body of the email. For best results, follow the Office Angels guide to writing a ...

  19. How to write a cover letter: 10 things to remember

    1. Address the contact mentioned in the job advert and quote the reference. Take care when addressing your cover letter to ensure it is received by the correct person and make it clear which role you are applying for. 2. Outline your current job situation and why you want to move on - don't be negative. If you are currently employed, explain ...

  20. Writing a cover letter

    This includes uploading your CV/cover letter to CareerSet. Once you have completed the Pathway and made any changes suggested by CareerSet, you can then receive 1:1 feedback from a CV adviser. You can also send your cover letter (in Microsoft Word) to us for written feedback. This can take up to 5 working days.

  21. Free online cover letter generator

    Finally, you don't have to build anything from scratch. That's always the most difficult part. And now it's the part you can just skip. Our free cover letter templates are ready to use and fill in with minimal effort. The attention-grabbing beautiful designs and organized structure have been tested and vetted.

  22. How to use the best cover letter format (With examples)

    Related: How to Write a Sales Cover Letter (With Examples) 2. The hiring manager's address and date. The next section of your cover letter contains the letter's date, followed by the hiring manager's contact information. Add a space after the date and before the name of the hiring manager. You can use this structure:

  23. Cover Letter Guides on How to Write Master Your Cover Letter

    How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter in 2024. Learn how to write a cover letter with ChatGPT. Discover tips and see our unbiased look at the pros and cons of ChatGPT cover letters. All you need to know about writing job-winning cover letters. Use our examples and templates to write an outstanding cover letter faster than ever before.

  24. How To Write a Cover Letter: A Guide for Job Seekers

    Here's how to write a cover letter in three easy paragraphs: Paragraph 1 (About You) This is where you briefly introduce yourself, what position you're interested in, and how you discovered it (i.e., job posting site, flyer, social media). If someone recommended you for the position, drop their name in the very first sentence and include ...

  25. Free AI Cover Letter Generator

    Cover Letter Copilot is an AI cover letter generator that acts as your ultimate assistant for applying to jobs. Say goodbye to the stress of cover letter writing by generating AI cover letters in less than 60 seconds. Finally, a free AI cover letter generator that sounds like you.

  26. How to write a simple cover letter (with examples)

    Here's a list of steps on how to write a simple cover letter: 1. List your personal information. The first step in writing a basic cover letter is to list your personal information. Even though this cover letter may be shorter than a traditional cover letter, it's still important for you to provide your contact information so that the hiring ...

  27. How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

    Approaching your cover letter like this can make a huge difference in your job search. It can be the thing that moves your application from the "maybe" pile (or even the "no" pile) to the ...

  28. How to Write a Cover Letter for Your Manuscript

    How you communicate the impact of your work can make or break your cover letter. To make a strong impression on the editor, articulate the significance of your research clearly, emphasizing its relevance to the field. Additionally, show how your work aligns with the journal's scope and mission. Including a Formal Declaration


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  30. How to write an IT engineer cover letter (with examples)

    Writing a cover letter for an IT engineer role can be daunting, but it's an important part of your job application. A well-written cover letter clearly presents your skills and experiences relevant to an IT engineering role. By learning more about IT engineer cover letters, you can prepare a compelling and personalised letter that can potentially stand out to employers.