mba 111 assignment 1

MBA-111 Financial Management


School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1

MBA – 111

Paper Code: MBA–FM/DFM

Paper Title: Financial Management

Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 1 Mark each.

  • 1. Answer all the questions:
  • What is risk? How do you distinguish between systematic and unsystematic risk?
  • Define “Miller and Orr model” of cash management.
  • State the features of money market.
  • Define the significance of international finance management .
  • State the relationship between BOP and national economy.
  • Differentiate “arbitration” and “speculation” in foreign exchange market.
  • Define marginal cost of capital.
  • Write a short note on JIT.
  • What are the conditions for the redemption of redeemable preference share?
  • Mention the different types of dividend paid by companies.

NOTE: Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (500 Words).

Q.2 what do you understand by “Financial Management”? Discuss its significance in Business Management.

Q.3 what is capital budgeting? Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of capital Budgeting proposals.

Q.4 Define dividend policy. Explain briefly the factors which affect the dividend policy of a firm.

Q.5 what is meant by inventory control? Explain the different costs associated with inventory.

Define cash management. Discuss in detail the factors that determine the needs cash of a firm.

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mba 111 assignment 1

How To Write A Solid Assignment Introduction

By: Derek Jansen | December 2017

Henley MBA Introduction Chapter

I’ll kick off this post by making a bold assertion:

The introduction chapter of your assignment is the single most important section in your entire assignment.

Yip. Not the analysis chapter. Not the recommendations chapter. The introduction chapter. Yip, that short 200/300/400-word chapter that so many students rush through to get to the meatier chapters.  Why do I say this? There are a few reasons:

It creates the first impression.

Apart from the executive summary (which some assignments don’t have), the introduction creates the very first impression on your marker. It sets the tone in terms of the quality of the assignment.

It introduces your industry.

You might have decades of experience in your industry – but your marker won’t. This means that the simplest concepts can be misunderstood (and thereby cost you marks) if not explained right at the beginning of your assignment. A good introduction lays the foundation so that the marker can understand your upcoming arguments.

It defines and justifies your topic.

The introduction, if developed correctly, clearly outlines what the assignment will be about (and what it won’t) and why that’s important (i.e. a justification). In other words, it makes it clear what the focus of the assignment will be about, and why that is worth investigating. This clarity and justification of the topic are essential to earning good marks and keeping you focused on the purpose of the assignment.

It clarifies your approach.

Beyond the what and why, a good introduction also briefly explains how you’ll approach the research, both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This lays a clear roadmap both for the marker and for yourself. For the marker, this improves the readability and digestibility of the document (which is essential for earning marks). And for you, this big-picture view of the approach keeps you from digressing into a useless analysis.

In short, a good introduction lays a solid foundation and a clear direction for the rest of your assignment. Hopefully, you’re convinced…

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The 5 essential ingredients.

In this post, I’ll outline the key components of a strong introduction chapter/section. But first, I want to discuss the structure.

Some assignment briefs will provide a proposed structure which combines the introduction and analysis chapters. I always encourage my clients to split this up into two chapters, as it provides a clearer, more logical structure. You’ll see why once I discuss the core components.

#1 – The Four Ws

A logical starting point is to assume the marker knows nothing about your business . Make sure you cover the basics:

  • Who – what is the name of the business? If its multiple words, you should take the opportunity to introduce an acronym here. Then, stick to the acronym throughout the rest of the assignment. It’s also good practice to provide a list of acronyms in the appendix.
  • What – explain what the business does, in simple English. Avoid industry jargon and explain the basic operating model of the business.
  • Where – explain where the business operates from and where its customers operate. If you have multiple offices and serve multiple markets, a visual representation can save you some words.
  • When – mention the age of the business, and how many staff it employs. You can also note the ownership structure (private company, listed entity, JV, etc).

If you’re only going to focus on one country/branch/department, make mention of this now. Also, be sure to justify why you’re focusing on that (for example, due to limited access to data).

If done right, you will have now painted a very clear (but concise) picture of the organisation for the marker. The next step is to discuss the context that the business operates in.

#2 – A brief discussion of the context.

Now that you’ve introduced the business, you need to move towards identifying the key issue(s) that will form the focus of the assignment. To do this, you need to lay a context, which will then lead to the issue(s). This will vary between assignments, and could be something like:

  • The entry of new competitors resulting in reduced market share (STR, SM)
  • A merger leading to a culture clash and poor performance (MP)
  • A corporate scandal resulting in reputation damage (R&R)
  • Changing regulation leading to the opening of a new potential country market (IB)

In other words, you need to present a (brief) story of how the key issue(s) or opportunity has arisen – X has lead to Y, which caused Z.

#3 – Identification of the key issue and research question(s).

With the context set, you need to clearly state what the key issue(s) or opportunity is, and why this is worth investigating (for example, due to the financial impact if left unresolved). This is pretty straightforward, but it is a critical step often missed by students, and results in the marker questioning the quality of the entire assignment.

With the key issue identified, its time to lay out your research question(s). In other words, state in question format, what question(s) your assignment will seek to answer.

For example:

  • “What has changed in Organisation X’s competitive context, and how should it best respond to ensure sustainable competitive advantage?”
  • “Should Organisation X internationalise to Country Y?”
  • “What segments exist within Industry X and which segment should Organisation Y target?”
  • “Which digital business model should Organisation X adopt?”

By stating your research question(s) up front, you are providing a very clear, focused direction for your assignment, thereby reducing your risk of getting distracted by the shiny objects that will invariably pop up along the way. You are stating clearly what you will and won’t focus on, and ring-fencing the assignment to a manageable breadth. This is critically important for earning marks, as it allows you to go deep into a highly relevant set of theories and develop meaningful insights, rather than superficially fluttering with numerous less-relevant ones.

What’s critically important is that you achieve alignment between the context, the issue(s) and the research question(s). They should all flow in a logical fashion, as shown below. 

mba 111 assignment 1

If you achieve this alignment, you have a rock-solid foundation for your assignment, and your marker will be crystal clear regarding your direction, and why you chose that direction.

#4 – A brief outline of your theoretical approach.

Now that you’ve made it clear what your assignment is aiming to achieve (i.e. what research question(s) it wants to answer), it is very good practice to briefly mention:

  • How you will approach the analysis.
  • What key theory you will draw on.

In other words, you should give the marker an indication of how you approached the analysis, and on what theoretical basis. For example:

“The report begins by briefly looking at the organisation’s broader strategy, as well as values using Schwartz’s model (1994). It then reviews stakeholders using Mitchell et al.’s framework (1997) and identifies a key group with which reputation needs to be managed to achieve strategic alignment. It then analyses antecedents, reputation, and outcomes of the said group using Money et al.’s (2012) RELATE framework. This is followed by proposed strategic actions.”

As you can see, this excerpt clearly outlines how the analysis was approached, and what key theory was used in the relevant sections. This gives the marker a big-picture view of the assignment, which aids the digestibility of the document.

#5 – A brief outline of your fieldwork.

Now that you’ve communicated the approach, structure and underpinning theory, it’s best practice to make a quick mention of your fieldwork. Yes, you’re typically supposed to collect some primary data (for example, undertake some semi-structured interviews or a survey), as well as secondary data (for example, review industry reports, company data, etc), for your assignments – especially in Stage 2 and 3 of the program. 

In this final section, you should very briefly outline what you did in this respect so that the marker can rest assured that your assignment is not an opinion piece. A quality assignment draws on multiple data sources to make well-informed, data-backed arguments. Show that you’ve done this, and be sure to refer the reader to the appendices for evidence of this work (for example, interview transcripts, survey results, etc.).

Lastly, make mention of your relationship with the business, and your broad responsibilities. Remember to keep this in third-person language. For example:

“The author is employed as the [INSERT YOUR TITLE] and is responsible for X, Y and Z.”

Let’s recap.

In this article, I’ve hopefully convinced you of the critical importance of writing a strong introduction chapter. I’ve also presented 5 essential ingredients that you should bake into your intro in every assignment. By incorporating these ingredients (ideally, in this order), you will set the foundation for a strong assignment.

To recap the 5 essentials:

  • A (plain language) explanation of the organisation.
  • A brief discussion of the context.
  • Identification of the key issue and research question(s).
  • A brief outline of your theoretical approach.
  • A brief outline of your fieldwork and your professional position.

Rishen Moodley

Informative and easy to apply advice…tx D

Derek Jansen

You’re welcome, Rishen 🙂


It is a very useful and understandable explanation of writing a research paper. Thank you so much for the sharing free such a useful example.

Yours sincerely Tara

Paul Murphy

This is really good, thank you.

Thanks for the feedback, Paul. Best of luck with your Henley MBA.


Very useful guide for the MBA. You mention that it’s good practice to use a range of sources to support arguments. If an assignment task isn’t that strategic (e.g. reviewing a process for a particular team within the business), can the assignment be supported purely by ‘fieldwork’ and models/theory? Thank you.

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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1

Master of Business Administration

Paper Code:                    MBA– 111

Paper Title:                     Financial Management

Last date of submission:                                                                                              Max. Marks: 30

Note: Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 1 Mark each.

(i) What is risk? How do you distinguish between systematic and unsystematic risk?

Answer: Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value.[1] Values (such as physical health, social status, emotional well-being or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction

(ii) Define “Miller and Orr model” of cash management.

Answer: The Miller and Orr model of cash management is one of the various cash management models in operation. It is an important cash management model as well. It helps the present day companies to manage their cash while taking into consideration the fluctuations in daily cash flow. As per the Miller and Orr model of

(iii) State the features of money market.

Answer: Distinguishing features of money market are given below: 1. Constituents of Money Market 2. Heterogeneous Market 3. Dealers of

(iv) Define the significance of international finance management.

Answer: International Finance is an area of financial economics that deals with monetary interactions between two or more countries, concerning itself with topics such as currency exchange rates, international monetary

(v) State the relationship between BOP and national economy.

Answer: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Income (GNI) are core statistics in National Accounts.   They are both important economic indicators and useful for analysing the overall economic situation of an economy

(vi)Differentiate “arbitration” and “speculation” in foreign exchange market.

Answer: Arbitrage is where a trader will simultaneously purchase and sell an asset with hopes to make a profit from the differences in the price levels of the asset that is bought and the asset that is being sold. It must be kept in mind that the assets are bought and sold off different market places;

(vii) Define marginal cost of capital.

Answer: Definition

The cost associated with raising one additional dollar of capital. The marginal cost will vary according to the type of capital used. For example, raising funds through the use of unsecured or subordinated

(viii) Write a short note on JIT.

Answer: JIT is defined as “A technique for the organisation of work-flows, to allow rapid, high quality, flexible production whilst minimising manufacturing waste and stock levels.” (CIMA official

(ix) What are the conditions for the redemption of redeemable preference share?

Answer: 1) Subject to this section a company having a share capital may, if so authorized by its articles, issue preference shares which are, or at the option of the company are to be, liable to be redeemed and the redemption shall be effected only on such terms and in such manner as is

(x) Mention the different types of dividend paid by companies.

Answer: (1) Subject to this section a company having a share capital may, if so authorized by its articles, issue preference shares which are, or at the option of the company are to be, liable to be redeemed and the redemption shall be effected only on such terms and in such manner as is provided by the articles.

NOTE: Answer any four questions. Each question carries 5 Marks. (500 Words).

Q.2 What do you understand by “Financial Management”? Discuss its significance in Business Management.

Answer: Meaning of Financial Management

Q.3 What is capital budgeting? Critically examine the various methods of evaluation of capital Budgeting proposals.

Answer: Capital budgeting is the process in which a business determines and evaluates potential expenses or investments that are large in nature. These expenditures and investments include projects such as building a new plant or investing in a long-term venture. Often times, a prospective

Q.4 Define dividend policy. Explain briefly the factors which affect the dividend policy of a

Answer: A dividend policy is a company's approach to distributing profits back to its owners or stockholders. If a company is in a growth mode, it may decide that it will not pay dividends, but

Q.5 What is meant by inventory control? Explain the different costs associated with inventory.

Q.6 Define cash management. Discuss in detail the factors that determine the needs cash of a firm.

Answer: Cash management is the corporate process of collecting, managing and (short-term) investing cash. A key component of ensuring a company's financial stability and solvency. Frequently

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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1

Master of Business Administration / DM

Paper Code:               MBA/DM– 111


Last date of submission:                                                                                     Max. Marks: 15

Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.

           It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)

Q. 1.    Answer all the questions:

(i)         Differentiate between mini computers and mainframe computers. Give suitable examples.

(ii)        How RAM is different from RAM?

(iii)       What are the characteristics of good programming language?

(iv)       What do you understand by Protocols? Give examples.

(v)        What are Digital Signatures?

Note: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q. 2.    What are Topologies? Discuss five types of topologies with suitable diagrams.

Q. 3.    What is the use of Encryption? Discuss public and private key encryption methods.

Q. 4.    ‘Internet is widely used in business and reseach’.Justify the statement with suitable  examples.


Internal Assignment No. 2


(i)         Mention the characteristics of Secondary storage devices.

(ii)        What is data transmission mode?

(iii)       What do you understand by computer network? Give examples of peripheral devices.

(iv)       What is multiplexing?

(v)        What do you understand by data backup?

Q. 2.    Write a short note on desktop publishing softwares.

Q. 3.    Discuss in detail the difference between system software and application software.

Q. 4.    What are the basic functions of an operating system? Describe various types of operating systems.

  • (i)Define coordination
  • (ii)“Controlling is looking back.” Comment.
  • (iii)“Human Behavior is generally caused and predictable.” Explain
  • (iv)Write a short note on application of perception in organization.
  • (v)What do you mean by group cohesiveness?

Q. 2.    Discuss the 14 principles of management as given by Henry Fayol.

Q. 3.    What are the leadership qualities that you would look for in a manager? Distinguish between innate and acquirable qualities with examples.

Q. 4.    Describe the ways in which people may overcome the negative consequences of stress.

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