proposal business plan kopi

Contoh Proposal Bisnis Plan Coffee Shop beserta Analisis SWOT

  • 1 Pendahuluan
  • 2 Deskripsi Usaha
  • 3 Tujuan Bisnis
  • 4 Analisis SWOT
  • 5 Kesimpulan
  • 6 Apa itu Proposal Bisnis Plan Coffee Shop dan Analisis SWOT
  • 7 Analisis SWOT Coffee Shop
  • 8 Kekuatan (Strengths)
  • 9 Kelemahan (Weaknesses)
  • 10 Peluang (Opportunities)
  • 11 Ancaman (Threats)
  • 12.1 1. Apakah kopi yang ditawarkan adalah kopi lokal?
  • 12.2 2. Apakah ada menu makanan non-kopi yang tersedia?
  • 12.3 3. Apakah terdapat program membership atau loyalty yang ditawarkan?
  • 12.4 4. Bagaimana dengan harga produk kopi di Coffee Shop ini?
  • 12.5 5. Apakah tersedia fasilitas WiFi di dalam coffee shop?
  • 13 Kesimpulan

Membuka sebuah coffee shop bisa menjadi peluang bisnis yang menarik di tengah pertumbuhan industri kopi yang pesat. Berikut ini adalah contoh proposal bisnis plan untuk mendirikan sebuah coffee shop dengan analisis SWOT yang mendalam.


Coffee shop telah menjadi tempat favorit bagi banyak orang untuk bersantai, bekerja, atau bertemu dengan teman. Minat yang tinggi dan kepopuleran kopi menjadikan bisnis ini menarik perhatian banyak entrepreneur. Oleh karena itu, kami ingin memperkenalkan proposal bisnis plan untuk mendirikan coffee shop yang unik dan berbeda.

Deskripsi Usaha

Coffee shop kami akan diberi nama “Santai Kopi” yang menggambarkan suasana hangat dan nyaman bagi pelanggan. Kami akan menawarkan berbagai macam jenis kopi yang bervariasi dan dibuat dengan kualitas terbaik. Selain itu, menu kami juga akan mencakup berbagai jenis makanan ringan dan kue.

Tujuan Bisnis

Tujuan dari bisnis ini adalah memberikan pengalaman kopi yang istimewa kepada pelanggan. Kami ingin menciptakan suasana yang santai namun tetap profesional di mana pelanggan dapat menikmati secangkir kopi berkualitas tinggi sambil bekerja atau bersantai.

Analisis SWOT

1. Kelebihan (Strengths) – Letak strategis: Coffee shop kami akan berlokasi di pusat perkantoran yang ramai, sehingga dapat menarik banyak pelanggan. – Kualitas produk: Kami akan menggunakan biji kopi yang berkualitas tinggi dan melatih barista kami untuk menghasilkan kopi terbaik. – Desain interior yang menarik: Kami akan merancang interior coffee shop kami dengan desain yang modern dan unik, menciptakan suasana yang nyaman dan instagrammable.

2. Kelemahan (Weaknesses) – Persaingan yang ketat: Pasar coffee shop saat ini sangat kompetitif, maka dibutuhkan strategi pemasaran yang efektif untuk menarik pelanggan. – Biaya modal awal yang tinggi: Untuk mendirikan coffee shop ini, diperlukan biaya yang tidak sedikit, termasuk untuk menyewa tempat, membeli peralatan, dan bahan baku.

3. Peluang (Opportunities) – Minat masyarakat terhadap kopi: Kebanyakan orang saat ini memiliki minat yang tinggi terhadap kopi premium, sehingga peluang bisnis dapat meningkat. – Kerjasama dengan supplier lokal: Dengan menggunakan biji kopi lokal, kita dapat mendukung industri kopi di Indonesia.

4. Ancaman (Threats) – Peningkatan harga bahan baku: Harga biji kopi dan bahan baku lainnya dapat mengalami fluktuasi, yang dapat mempengaruhi keuntungan bisnis. – Adanya risiko perubahan tren: Selera konsumen dapat berubah seiring waktu, sehingga menciptakan kebutuhan untuk mengikuti tren terbaru.

Dengan memperhitungkan analisis SWOT ini, kami yakin bahwa coffee shop “Santai Kopi” memiliki peluang yang baik untuk sukses. Dalam proposal bisnis plan ini, kami telah merencanakan strategi pemasaran yang efektif, menyediakan kopi berkualitas tinggi, dan menciptakan suasana yang nyaman bagi pelanggan. Kami berharap dapat menjadi tempat favorit bagi pecinta kopi dan memberikan kontribusi positif bagi industri kopi di Indonesia.

Apa itu Proposal Bisnis Plan Coffee Shop dan Analisis SWOT

Proposal bisnis plan coffee shop adalah dokumen yang berisi rencana dan strategi untuk mendirikan dan mengoperasikan sebuah toko kopi. Proposal ini mencakup berbagai aspek bisnis, seperti tujuan dan visi perusahaan, analisis pasar, strategi pemasaran, proyeksi keuangan, dan analisis risiko. Tujuan dari proposal ini adalah untuk meyakinkan pihak-pihak terkait, seperti investor atau pemberi pinjaman, bahwa bisnis ini memiliki potensi untuk sukses dan menguntungkan. Dalam proposal bisnis plan coffee shop, juga harus ada analisis SWOT yang menyeluruh untuk mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman yang mungkin dihadapi oleh bisnis ini.

Analisis SWOT Coffee Shop

Kekuatan (strengths).

1. Lokasi strategis di pusat perkotaan yang ramai. 2. Produk kopi berkualitas tinggi dan inovatif. 3. Tim manajemen yang berpengalaman dalam industri kopi. 4. Desain interior yang menarik dan nyaman. 5. Bahan baku kopi berkualitas tinggi dari petani lokal. 6. Jaringan suplai yang handal dan efisien. 7. Merek yang terkenal dan memiliki reputasi yang baik. 8. Layanan pelanggan yang ramah dan efisien. 9. Promosi yang kreatif dan efektif. 10. Program loyalitas pelanggan yang menarik. 11. Keahlian barista yang terlatih dan berkualitas. 12. Penerapan sistem manajemen yang efisien dan transparan. 13. Adanya ruang untuk acara komunitas dan pertemuan. 14. Kemitraan dengan produsen makanan lokal. 15. Dukungan dari komunitas lokal yang kuat. 16. Adanya fasilitas WiFi dan colokan listrik untuk pelanggan. 17. Kerjasama dengan bisnis lokal untuk promo gabungan. 18. Harga yang kompetitif dan terjangkau. 19. Ketersediaan makanan dan minuman non-kopi. 20. Jam operasional yang fleksibel untuk melayani pelanggan pagi hingga malam.

Kelemahan (Weaknesses)

1. Ketergantungan pada anggota tim utama. 2. Tingkat persaingan yang tinggi di industri kopi. 3. Keterbatasan ruang parkir di sekitar coffee shop. 4. Harga bahan baku kopi yang fluktuatif. 5. Kurangnya kehadiran di platform e-commerce. 6. Ketergantungan pada suplai kopi dari petani lokal yang mungkin tidak stabil. 7. Kurangnya promosi melalui media sosial. 8. Kesulitan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kopi organik dan fair trade. 9. Pelanggan yang mungkin tidak cocok dengan cita rasa kopi yang ditawarkan. 10. Kurangnya variasi makanan dan minuman non-kopi. 11. Kurangnya pengetahuan tentang kopi pada sebagian besar pelanggan. 12. Ketergantungan pada musim kunjungan wisatawan untuk meningkatkan penjualan. 13. Kurangnya ketersediaan tenaga kerja yang terlatih dan berkualitas. 14. Kecepatan pelayanan yang terkadang lambat saat jam sibuk. 15. Tidak adanya parket di area café yang dapat mengganggu kenyamanan pelanggan. 16. Ketidakhadiran pemilik ketika diperlukan dalam pengambilan keputusan penting. 17. Kurangnya fasilitas yang ramah difabel. 18. Program loyalitas dan diskon yang kurang menarik. 19. Kualitas kopi yang terkadang bervariasi tergantung pada barista yang bertugas. 20. Tidak adanya delivery service untuk pelanggan yang tidak dapat datang langsung ke café.

Peluang (Opportunities)

1. Pertumbuhan minat masyarakat terhadap budaya minum kopi. 2. Tren kopi artisanal yang sedang berkembang. 3. Potensi pasar kopi spesialis yang belum terjamah. 4. Perkembangan teknologi pembuatan kopi yang inovatif. 5. Permintaan pasar akan kopi organik dan fair trade. 6. Kesempatan untuk bekerja sama dengan penyedia makanan sehat. 7. Kolaborasi dengan komunitas lokal untuk event spesial. 8. Potensi mitra bisnis baru dalam industri makanan dan minuman. 9. Penawaran program kemitraan dengan pihak lain. 10. Pengembangan menu khusus dengan cita rasa lokal. 11. Ekspansi ke pasar online dan pengiriman kopi yang meningkat. 12. Peluang untuk menyediakan ruang kerja bagi pekerja remote. 13. Tawaran paket acara spesial untuk perusahaan dan komunitas. 14. Penggunaan media sosial sebagai platform promosi yang efektif. 15. Penggunaan teknologi untuk meningkatkan efisiensi operasional. 16. Penawaran pelatihan barista untuk pengunjung yang tertarik. 17. Kolaborasi dengan influencer kopi untuk memperluas jangkauan. 18. Penawaran paket gift atau merchandise kopi yang unik. 19. Tawaran ekspansi ke daerah dengan tingkat persaingan yang rendah. 20. Pengembangan program penghargaan pelanggan yang lebih menarik.

Ancaman (Threats)

1. Persaingan dari toko kopi besar dan rantai kafe internasional. 2. Perubahan tren minuman yang dapat mengurangi minat masyarakat terhadap kopi. 3. Fluktuasi harga bahan baku kopi secara global. 4. Perubahan kebijakan pemerintah yang dapat mempengaruhi operasional bisnis. 5. Lokasi yang tidak strategis atau sulit diakses oleh pelanggan. 6. Situasi ekonomi yang buruk dapat mengurangi daya beli pelanggan. 7. Keterbatasan kapasitas dan fasilitas saat ada event atau jam ramai. 8. Ketergantungan pada kehadiran wisatawan untuk menjaga omzet penjualan. 9. Keberhasilan kompetitor dalam memperluas bisnis mereka. 10. Kelemahan dalam manajemen persediaan dan pengadaan bahan baku. 11. Perubahan citra merek yang membuat pelanggan beralih ke kompetitor. 12. Penurunan kualitas kopi akibat perubahan metode atau sumber bahan baku. 13. Ketidakstabilan harga kopi yang dapat mempengaruhi jalannya bisnis. 14. Risiko perlambatan pertumbuhan pasar kopi spesialis. 15. Peningkatan biaya operasional, seperti listrik dan upah tenaga kerja. 16. Keterbatasan peralatan dan mesin dalam memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. 17. Tidak adanya rencana kontinjensi untuk menghadapi gangguan operasional. 18. Resesi ekonomi yang dapat mengurangi daya beli pelanggan. 19. Penurunan kunjungan wisatawan yang dapat merugikan bisnis ini. 20. Resiko kegagalan mendapatkan izin usaha yang diperlukan.

Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ)

1. apakah kopi yang ditawarkan adalah kopi lokal.

Ya, kami menggunakan bahan baku kopi berkualitas tinggi dari petani lokal untuk mendukung ekonomi lokal dan memberikan dukungan kepada petani kopi.

2. Apakah ada menu makanan non-kopi yang tersedia?

Tentu, kami juga menyediakan berbagai makanan dan minuman non-kopi untuk memenuhi beragam preferensi pelanggan kami.

3. Apakah terdapat program membership atau loyalty yang ditawarkan?

Iya, kami memiliki program keanggotaan dan loyalitas yang menarik untuk pelanggan setia kami. Dengan menjadi anggota, pelanggan dapat menikmati berbagai keuntungan dan penawaran eksklusif.

4. Bagaimana dengan harga produk kopi di Coffee Shop ini?

Kami menawarkan harga yang kompetitif dan terjangkau untuk produk kopi kami. Kami ingin memastikan bahwa pelanggan dapat menikmati kualitas kopi yang tinggi tanpa harus merogoh kocek yang terlalu dalam.

5. Apakah tersedia fasilitas WiFi di dalam coffee shop?

Tentu, kami menyediakan fasilitas WiFi gratis bagi pelanggan yang ingin bekerja atau berselancar di dunia maya sambil menikmati secangkir kopi kami.

Setelah melihat analisis SWOT dari proposal bisnis plan coffee shop ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa coffee shop ini memiliki potensi untuk menjadi bisnis yang sukses. Dengan mengambil langkah-langkah strategis untuk memperkuat kekuatan, mengatasi kelemahan, memanfaatkan peluang, dan menghadapi ancaman, coffee shop ini dapat menarik pelanggan yang loyal dan menghasilkan keuntungan yang berkelanjutan.

Kepada pembaca yang tertarik dengan ide bisnis ini, kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai investor atau pelanggan setia. Dengan bergabung bersama coffee shop ini, Anda dapat ikut serta dalam menjalankan bisnis yang berpotensi besar dan menjadi bagian dari perkembangan industri kopi yang sedang berkembang pesat.

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Business Plan Proposal for Coffee Shop: A Coffee Lover’s Blueprint

Coffee shops have become more than just places to grab a quick cup of joe. They have evolved into social hubs, community gathering spots, and creative sanctuaries. With the ever-increasing demand for high-quality coffee and the rise of the café culture, opening a coffee shop presents a compelling entrepreneurial opportunity.

In this article, I will outline the key components necessary for launching and running a great coffee shop.

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

Additionally, the executive summary delves into your target market, identifying the specific demographics, preferences, and needs of your potential customers. It highlights the competitive advantage your coffee shop possesses, whether it’s through superior quality, innovative offerings, exceptional customer service, or a combination of factors that sets you apart from existing market players.

In essence, the executive summary acts as a captivating hook, designed to pique the interest of potential investors and partners by succinctly communicating the most compelling aspects of your coffee shop business plan. It serves as a persuasive tool, enticing stakeholders to delve further into the details of your comprehensive proposal.

2. Market Analysis

In order to achieve greatness in the coffee industry, a deep understanding of the market and target audience is essential. Conducting a comprehensive market analysis becomes the foundation for making informed business decisions. By analyzing the industry, you can identify emerging trends that shape consumer preferences and demands. This knowledge enables you to tailor your offerings and stay ahead of the competition.

Examining local demographics is another critical aspect of market analysis. Understanding the age groups, income levels, and lifestyle preferences of the target market allows you to align your coffee shop’s offerings with their specific needs and desires. For example, if the area has a younger population with a preference for specialty coffee, you can focus on providing unique and artisanal coffee options.

3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Consider various factors that can contribute to your USP. It could be a specific coffee brewing method that creates a distinct flavor profile, a signature blend crafted from premium beans sourced directly from growers, or a strong commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing practices. Whatever aspect you choose, it should be something that resonates with your target audience and aligns with their values and preferences.

4. Menu and Product Offering

Expanding beyond beverages, it is beneficial to develop a selection of artisanal pastries, light meals, and healthy snack options. Freshly baked croissants, muffins, and scones can complement the coffee offerings and entice customers with their delicious aroma. Additionally, offering options like salads, sandwiches, and wraps caters to those seeking a light and satisfying meal.

You create a coffee shop that appeals to a broad range of customers by curating a diverse menu that incorporates various brewing methods, artisanal pastries, light meals, and conscious ingredient sourcing. This attention to variety and quality enhances the overall coffee experience and fosters customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Location and Facilities

Seek out areas with bustling foot traffic, such as busy shopping districts or near offices and educational institutions, to maximize visibility and attract potential customers. Additionally, a vibrant community atmosphere can contribute to a steady flow of patrons.

When evaluating potential locations, carefully consider the size of the space. It should be spacious enough to accommodate both seating areas for customers and a well-organized production area for coffee preparation. This ensures efficient workflow and a comfortable environment for both staff and customers.

6. Marketing and Promotion

To ensure the longevity of your coffee shop, it is essential to develop a robust marketing strategy that effectively raises awareness and attracts customers. A combination of online and offline marketing channels can be leveraged to reach a broader audience.

Engaging with customers is key to building loyalty. Implement loyalty programs that reward repeat visits and offer personalized discounts. Regularly introduce specials, seasonal promotions, or limited-time offers to keep customers engaged and entice them to try new offerings.

7. Operations and Management

When outlining the operational aspects of your coffee shop, it is crucial to address staffing, training, and day-to-day processes. Clearly define roles and responsibilities for each team member, placing strong emphasis on providing exceptional customer service and product knowledge. Implement efficient inventory management systems to ensure a smooth supply chain and establish reliable relationships with suppliers.

Read more about: Business Plan for Selling Coffee Online: From Farm to Digital Cup

8. Financial Projections

Additionally, outline your profitability targets and set financial goals to drive growth and sustainability. By meticulously planning your finances and regularly monitoring your performance, you can make informed decisions, optimize your operations, and achieve long-term profitability for your coffee shop.

9. Risk Assessment

Unforeseen events can also pose risks, such as pandemics or economic downturns. In response to such challenges, develop contingency plans that allow your coffee shop to adapt and thrive. This could involve diversifying revenue streams, such as offering online ordering or delivery services, or implementing cost-cutting measures during lean times.

Opening a coffee shop requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a passion for providing an exceptional coffee experience. By crafting a comprehensive business plan that addresses market analysis, differentiation, operations, and financial projections, you will be well-positioned to navigate the competitive landscape and brew popularity in the coffee industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: how much does it cost to open a coffee shop.

A: The cost of opening a coffee shop can vary depending on factors such as location, size, equipment, and renovations. On average, it can range from $80,000 to $300,000.

Q: Do I need prior experience in the coffee industry to start a coffee shop?

Q: what permits and licenses are needed to open a coffee shop.

To learn more on how to start your own coffee shop, check out my startup documents here.

I (like you may be) knew the coffee industry well. I could make the best latte art around and the foam on my caps was the fluffiest you have ever seen. I even had the best state-of-the-art 2 group digital Nuova Simonelli machine money could buy. But I knew that these things alone would not be enough to lure customers away from the name brand established coffee shops.

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Related posts, best ways to implement sustainable practices in your coffee shop, how to host events at your coffee shop, best coffee shop loyalty programs to implement, infusing style and substance: a blueprint for coffee shop design, infusing comfort and charm: small coffee shop design concepts.

Proposal Coffee Shop

Contoh Proposal Usaha Coffee Shop (Download DOC / PDF)

Proposal Usaha Coffee Shop – Proposal usaha merupakan salah satu dokumen yang harus dipersiapkan ketika anda ingin memulai usaha coffee shop. Fungsi utama dari proposal usaha ini untuk menggambarkan bagaimana bisnis coffee shop akan dijalankan.

Proposal juga berfungsi untuk memperoleh perizinan usaha dan bantuan dana dari investor untuk mengembangkan usaha coffee shop mengingat banyak sekali masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan yang menyukai kopi sehingga potensinya untuk berkembang sangat terbuka lebar.

Dalam membuat proposal usaha, ada banyak hal detail yang harus diperhatikan agar setiap pihak yang terlibat mampu memahami bagaimana usaha dijalankan. Berikut ini contoh proposal usaha coffee shop yang bisa anda jadikan referensi untuk usaha anda.

Download Proposal Coffee Shop

Proposal Coffee Shop

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Proposal Usaha Ombe Coffee

Bab 1: pendahuluan.

Latar Belakang

Kopi merupakan salah satu minuman yang mendunia dan diminati oleh berbagai kalangan usia mulai dari remaja hingga orang tua. Bahkan di Indonesia sendiri banyak masyarakat yang menjadikan kopi sebagai minuman wajib yang harus dikonsumsi setiap hari.

Budaya minum kopi masyarakat Indonesia ini membuat peluang bisnis dari coffee shop terbuka lebar. Apalagi industri kopi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mengalami peningkatan pesat sehingga banyak coffee shop berdiri dengan konsep yang berbeda-beda.

Saat ini coffee shop juga telah menjadi salah satu tempat yang sering dikunjungi para pecinta kopi dengan berbagai tujuan, mulai dari santai, berdiskusi bahkan menjadi tempat mengerjakan tugas yang nyaman. 

Oleh karena itu Ombe Coffee memanfaatkan peluang usaha yang ada dengan membuat coffee shop kekinian dengan tema berbeda dengan coffee shop lainnya dimana kami memilih lokasi yang berada di sekitar area persawahan yang jauh dari pusat kota.

Tujuan utama kami adalah memberikan ruang yang luas dan nyaman bagi setiap orang yang datang serta kami juga ingin menyerap tenaga kerja di sekitar untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran daerah ini.

Konsep Usaha

Ombe Coffee didirikan dengan konsep yang unik yaitu coffee shop kekinian yang berdiri di dekat area persawahan dengan fasilitas penunjang yang lengkap mulai dari Wifi, mushola, dan toilet yang bersih untuk sebagai bentuk pelayanan terbaik dari kami.

Meskipun berlokasi di area persawahan namun menu yang kami sajikan adalah kopi kekinian dan menu-menu pendamping lainnya dengan harga terjangkau sehingga bisa dinikmati oleh masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan.

Visi : Menjadikan Ombe Coffee sebagai tempat nyaman dengan pelayanan terbaik, menu yang berkualitas, dan harga terjangkau bagi seluruh pengunjung dari berbagai kalangan usia.

Misi : 

  • Menyajikan menu-menu yang berkualitas dan bercitarasa nikmat yang dikemas dengan kekinian untuk menarik perhatian para pengunjung.
  • Memberikan pelayan terbaik dengan tersedianya tim yang solid dan beretika bagi seluruh pengunjung yang datang.
  • Menciptakan atmosfer coffee shop yang nyaman dan relax dengan fasilitas yang lengkap dan pilihan menu yang beragam untuk seluruh pengunjung.
  • Selalu berprinsip bahwa kepuasan pelanggan adalah tujuan utama dari Ombe Coffee sehingga dengan pelayanan terbaik pelanggan akan tetap datang ke sini.

BAB 2: Analisa SWOT


Ombe Coffee berlokasi di dekat area persawahan yang jauh dari pusat perkotaan sehingga atmosfernya akan berbeda dengan coffee shop pada umumnya. Ombe juga memiliki beragam varian kopi mulai dari kopi murni hingga kopi kekinian yang dikemas secara modern.

Selain itu Ombe Coffee memiliki pangsa pasar yang sangat luas karena harganya terjangkau dan menunya beragam sehingga bisa dikonsumsi oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat mulai dari usia 15-60 tahun.


Proses perizinan untuk pendirian Ombe Coffee cukup sulit sehingga membutuhkan waktu lebih lama dari perkiraan sebelumnya. Selain itu untuk mewujudkan konsep coffee shop sedemikian rupa membutuhkan modal yang tidak sedikit.


Budaya minum kopi dari masyarakat Indonesia membuat pertumbuhan dari Ombe Coffee cukup signifikan. Apalagi saat ini coffee shop tidak hanya menjadi tempat ngopi biasa, melainkan menjadi tempat yang dikunjungi dengan berbagai tujuan.


Persaingan bisnis yang mulai menirukan usaha coffee shop dengan tema yang serupa dengan Ombe Coffee dan menawarkan harga yang jauh lebih murah menjadi tantangan utama kami sehingga menyebabkan tarif pajak meningkat.

BAB 3: Rencana Usaha

Nama usaha:

Nama coffee shop yang kami jalankan adalah “Ombe Coffee” dimana ombe berarti minum dan coffee berarti kopi. Pemilihan nama ini kami dasarkan pada kebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia yang sering meminum kopi dalam berbagai kesempatan.

Dengan nama ini kami berharap agar seluruh pengunjung yang datang ke Ombe Coffee bisa merasakan esensi minum kopi yang nikmat dan berkualitas dengan harga yang terjangkau serta suasanya yang nyaman.

Produk yang dihasilkan:

Secara umum kami fokus untuk menyediakan produk kopi berkualitas yang dikemas secara modern. Namun kami juga menyediakan beberapa menu non coffee yang bisa dinikmati oleh pelanggan yang tidak bisa meminum kopi.

Selain itu untuk melengkapi kegiatan minum kopi, kami juga menyediakan berbagai menu pilihan dengan citarasa khas Indonesia yang dijual dengan harga terjangkau. 

Rincian harga:

  • Espresso : Rp. 25.000
  • Coffee Latte : Rp. 35.000
  • Cappuccino : Rp. 30.000
  • Matcha Latte : Rp. 30.000
  • Red Velvet : Rp. 30.000
  • Thai Tea : Rp. 25.000
  • Lemon Tea : Rp. 20.000
  • Pisang Coklat : Rp. 17.000
  • Keju Aroma : Rp. 21.000
  • Roti Bakar Spesial : Rp. 18.000

Target market: 

Target market dari Ombe Coffee adalah seluruh masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan usia dan penghasilan yang ingin merasakan kopi di tempat yang luas dan memiliki suasana berbeda.

Strategi pemasaran:

Secara umum kami menggunakan dua strategi pemasaran yaitu secara offline dan pemasaran online. Untuk pemasaran offline kami menyediakan brosur yang kami sebarkan di jalanan dengan menyertakan diskon pembelian di Ombe Coffee.

Selain itu pemasaran offline juga kami lakukan dengan menjadi sponsorship berbagai acara mulai kedinasan, acara sekolah, hingga acara-acara komunitas. Sedangkan pemasaran online kami lakukan dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan media sosial dengan rutin membuat konten.

Tidak hanya itu kami juga menggunakan jasa Google Ads, Instagram Ads, serta review influencer daerah untuk memperkenalkan Ombe Coffee ke masyarakat luas.

Sistem usaha:

Sistem usaha dari Ombe Coffee adalah penjualan secara langsung dengan membuka coffee shop di dekat lokasi persawahan. Saat ini kami belum bekerjasama dengan aplikasi ojek online karena kami fokus untuk memberikan experience yang berkesan bagi pengunjung yang datang.

Sistem pembagian hasil:

Saat ini kami sedang berupaya untuk memperluas area coffee shop, maka dari itu kami membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang ingin bekerjasama dengan investasi sebesar 40% atau senilai Rp. 75.000.000.

Masa kerjasama dari investasi ini adalah 3 tahun dan dana investasi akan dikembalikan ketika masa kerjasama telah berakhir. Sedangkan keuntungan usaha akan dihitung berdasarkan laba bersih penjualan setiap bulan.

BAB 4: Analisa Keuangan

1 . Modal  

Kebutuhan Perlengkapan

Mesin Penggiling KopiRp. 2.000.000
Drip Coffee MakerRp. 250.000
Moka PotRp. 100.000
Mesin EspressoRp. 2.500.000
Set Alat MasakRp. 2.500.000
Set Piring, Gelas, SendokRp. 1.000.000
Kulkas PenyimpananRp. 4.500.000
Blender dan JuicerRp. 1.500.000
Alat KebersihanRp. 300.000
Pendingin UdaraRp. 3.500.000
Aplikasi KasirRp. 3.000.000

Sewa Tempat

Biaya Sewa TahunanRp. 20.000.000
Biaya Renovasi Coffee ShopRp. 250.000.000

Gaji Karyawan

2 BaristaRp. 7.000.000
2 Staf DapurRp. 6.000.000
5 WaitersRp. 12.500.000
1 KasirRp. 3.200.000
2 Staf KebersihanRp. 4.000.000

Biaya Operasional

Listrik Rp. 750.000
AirRp. 300.000
InternetRp. 500.000
Belanja Bahan BakuRp. 20.000.000

Biaya Promosi

Cetak BrosurRp. 250.000
Instagram AdsRp. 500.000
Google AdsRp. 500.000
Influencer Rp. 3.500.000

2. Harga Pokok Produksi

Espresso Rp. 15.000Rp. 25.000Rp. 10.000
Coffee LatteRp. 20.000Rp. 35.000Rp. 15.000
Cappucino Rp. 15.000Rp. 30.000Rp. 15.000
Matcha LatteRp. 15.000Rp. 30.000Rp. 15.000
Red VelvetRp. 15.000Rp. 30.000Rp. 15.000
Thai TeaRp. 15.000Rp. 25.000Rp. 10.000
Lemon TeaRp. 10.000Rp. 20.000Rp. 10.000
Pisang CoklatRp. 10.000Rp. 17.000Rp. 7.000
Keju AromaRp. 12.000Rp. 21.000Rp. 9.000
Roti Bakar SpesialRp. 10.000Rp. 18.000Rp. 8.000

3. Perkiraan Keuntungan

Nama ProdukTarget Penjualan PerhariKeuntungan Kotor Per Hari
Espresso 25 gelasRp. 250.000
Coffee Latte25 gelasRp. 375.000
Cappuccino 25 gelasRp. 375.000
Matcha Latte25 gelasRp. 375.000
Red Velvet20 gelasRp. 300.000
Thai Tea20 gelasRp. 200.000
Lemon Tea20 gelasRp. 200.000
Pisang Coklat25 porsiRp. 175.000
Keju Aroma25 porsiRp. 225.000
Roti Bakar Spesial25 porsiRp. 200.000

4. Estimasi Balik Modal

Keuntungan Kotor BulananRp. 80.250.000
Biaya Operasional BulananRp. 59.000.000
Keuntungan Bersih BulananRp. 21.250.000

BAB 5: Penutup

Ombe Coffee merupakan salah satu coffee shop yang memiliki konsep berbeda dengan coffee shop lainnya sehingga persaingan usahanya masih relatif rendah dan potensinya untuk berkembang pesat sangat terbuka lebar.

Oleh karena itu kami berharap agar kerjasama ini bisa terjalin dalam kurun waktu yang lama sehingga bisa memberikan keuntungan bagi kedua belah pihak.

proposal business plan kopi

  • Restaurant Website Builder

></center></p><h2>Coffee Shop</h2><p>How to write a successful coffee shop business plan (with template).</p><ul><li>By Taylor Anderson</li></ul><p><center><img style=

Dreaming of opening a coffee shop ? You’re not alone. The coffee industry is bustling with passionate business owners eager to make their mark. However, becoming successful coffee shop owners requires more than just a love for the brew. It demands a clear vision that differentiates your coffee house in a saturated market. A well-crafted business plan not only gives life to your idea but also sets your business on a path to thrive. Whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned entrepreneur, this guide, complete with a free template, will help you craft a business plan that markets and propels your coffee venture to success.

What is A Coffee Shop Business Plan?

A coffee shop business plan is a comprehensive document that explains what your business idea is, how you intend to penetrate the coffee market, and the strategies you’ll employ to run your coffee shop successfully. When opening a cafe, many aspiring cafe or coffee shop owners underestimate the value of a structured plan. However, this document does more than just outline the needs to open a coffee shop; it gives a detailed roadmap for your new business, offering clarity on every aspect of its operation.

More than that, presenting a well-structured business plan to potential investors is essential. It not only showcases your commitment but also your understanding of the industry, making it a vital tool for securing funding. While crafting a business plan can seem daunting initially, it’s the foundation that both clarifies your idea and sets your business on the trajectory for growth and success in the competitive world of cafes and coffee shops.

Why A Business Plan Is Important For A Successful Coffee Shop Business?

1. Clear Vision and Objectives

When you set up your coffee shop, having a business plan establishes a clear vision and defines your objectives. It is the backbone that steers every decision you’ll make. Without a clear outline, you may find yourself swaying from one idea to the next. With a detailed business plan, you can present a clear business proposal to stakeholders, ensuring them and yourself of the path you plan to tread.

2. Financial Planning

A comprehensive business plan is imperative for accurate financial planning. It will include information on how much capital is required to start, what your ongoing costs will be, and the revenues you plan to generate. If you’re seeking external funding, investors will want to see how you plan to use their money, and most importantly, how you plan to make a return on that investment. If you plan to sell specialty blends or unique treats, the financial section can also help you plan a strategy for pricing, promotion, and sales forecasts.

3. Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency is the linchpin that holds all business operations together. A business plan will map out every detail, from supplier agreements to employee schedules. You may want to create special events or loyalty programs for regular customers, and this is where a business plan can help you plan a strategy for success. It becomes the reference point, ensuring that daily tasks align with the broader objectives, guaranteeing that resources, time, and efforts are used optimally.

Step-by-step Guide To Write A Coffee Shop Business Plan

1. Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is like the introduction of a novel – it provides a snapshot of what is to come. Typically, you write the executive summary last, even though it appears first in your business plan. It encapsulates the essence of your coffee shop’s mission, objectives, and financial overview, succinctly explaining what your business concept is about. This section is crucial because many coffee shops fail to engage potential investors right off the bat. Ideally, it should be concise – a page or two.

What should you cover in an Executive Summary?

  • Introduce Your Coffee Shop or Cafe: Provide a company overview, giving readers insight into what makes your coffee shop unique from the myriad of coffee bars in the market.
  • State Your Mission and Vision: Describe what drives your coffee business and where you see it in the future.
  • Outline Your Objective: Define clear, measurable goals that you aim to achieve.
  • Provide a Financial Overview: Highlight projected profit margins, a brief balance sheet, and other pertinent financial data.

2. Coffee Shop Business Description

This section paints a picture of your coffee shop. It’s where you elaborate on how you plan to infuse the local coffee market with your unique brews and pastries.

What should you cover in the Coffee Shop Description section?

  • Coffee Shop Concept: Dive into the types of coffee drinks you plan to offer, whether it’s a rich espresso or a classic brewed coffee.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Discuss what makes your coffee shop stand out, be it a special blend of coffee beans, a unique roasting method using a specific coffee roaster, or artisanal pastry offerings.
  • Operational Plan: Briefly touch upon how you’ll manage your coffee shop, from sourcing beans to serving cups of coffee.

3. Market Analysis

Before pouring your first espresso, performing market research before starting your coffee business is essential. This section dives deep into understanding your potential customer base and the coffee industry landscape in your area.

What should you cover in this section?

  • Target Market: Describe your ideal customer. Are they local residents, office workers, or students?
  • Location: Discuss the significance of your chosen location. Are there many coffee shops in the area? How does your location cater to your target market?
  • Competition: Analyze existing coffee shops. What coffee and food products do they offer? What pricing strategy do they employ? How will your coffee shop compete or complement them?

4. Organization and Management

Behind every successful coffee shop is a robust organizational structure and a competent management team.

What should you cover in the Organization and Management Plan?

  • Coffee Shop Ownership Information: Highlight the business’s legal structure.
  • Profiles of Your Coffee Shop Management Team: Include details about your baristas, perhaps a part-time accountant, and someone to manage marketing. It can be helpful to create profiles for each role, detailing responsibilities and expertise.

5. Sample Menu

Your menu is the heart of your coffee shop. It’s more than just a list of coffee and tea; it’s an expression of your brand.

What should you consider when creating a Sample Menu?

  • Menu Items: Detail the types of coffee, espresso drinks, and pastries you plan to offer. Maybe consider including non-coffee items like teas or specialty drinks.
  • Unique Selling Proposition: Reiterate what makes your coffee or food items different from other coffee shops in the area.
  • Menu Pricing : Discuss your pricing strategy, keeping in mind profit margin, competitors’ prices, and your target customer base.

6. Marketing Plan

To brew success, it’s not enough to have a fantastic coffee product; you must effectively market it.

What should you cover in a Marketing Strategy for your Coffee Shop Business?

  • Define Your Brand: What voice, theme, or emotion do you want your coffee shop to evoke?
  • Lay out your plans for social media campaigns, local partnerships, loyalty programs, SEO for website, and other promotional strategies.
  • Considering using an  online food ordering system  in your food truck
  • Create a  digital menu with QR code  to make your menu easy for your customers to access online

7. Operations Plan

Efficiency is key to the daily grind of running a cafe. The operations section provides a detailed look at the day-to-day operations of your coffee shop business.

What Operational Issues should you address in your Business Plan?

  • Supply Chain: Where will you buy your coffee beans? Who will be your coffee roaster?
  • Operating Hours: Consider the best times to cater to your target market.
  • Staffing: Detail roles, such as barista, manager, and part-time support.
  • Equipment: List down essential equipment, from espresso machines to ovens.

8. Financial Plan

In this crucial section of your business plan, delving into the financial specifics is paramount to lay out a concrete roadmap for the fiscal aspects of your coffee shop.

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Coffee Shop?

Starting a coffee shop is not just about brewing the perfect espresso; it’s also a substantial financial commitment. The cost for opening a coffee shop can range from $80,000 to $250,000. These costs can vary widely based on factors such as location, size of the establishment, equipment quality, and inventory requirements. Moreover, the process of opening a coffee shop might also involve unexpected expenditures, so it’s essential to account for some buffer in your budget.

How Many Ways to Fund Your Coffee Shop?

There are multiple avenues for funding your coffee venture. Traditional bank loans, personal savings, angel investors, crowdfunding campaigns, and partnerships are just a few options. It’s crucial to assess which option aligns best with your business vision and financial situation.

Important Questions to Consider When You Create Your Funding Request If you’re seeking funding, there are several questions you’ll need to answer in your business plan:

  • How much money do you need to start and maintain your coffee shop until it becomes profitable?
  • What will the funds be used for specifically?
  • How do you plan to handle financial challenges that might arise?
  • How do you plan to repay any loans or provide a return on investment?

9. Financial Projections

The financial projections section of your business plan forces you to translate your coffee shop vision into numbers, ensuring you’ve accounted for all key metrics that can make or break your venture.

Break-even analysis:

This is the point where your coffee shop’s total revenues equal its total costs. Simply put, it’s when you neither make a profit nor a loss from selling coffee.

Use this formula:  Fixed Costs / (Price – Variable Costs) = Break Even Point

Projected profit and loss statement:

This will provide a forecast of your expected income and expenses, giving a clear view of your venture’s profitability.

Cash flow analysis:

Essential for understanding the liquidity of your business, this tool is especially crucial for coffee shops, considering the fluctuating expenses and incomes coffee shops offer. When drafting this, consider who will read it, as stakeholders like investors or lenders might have specific expectations.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

  • Mission: To offer the community high-quality coffee in a comfortable and vibrant environment.
  • Vision: To become the go-to local coffee spot that fosters community connections and coffee appreciation.
  • Coffee Shop Description: “Java Junction” will be a modern coffee hub that emphasizes direct-trade coffee beans and a relaxed, inclusive atmosphere.
  • Costs: Estimated initial costs are $125,000.
  • Profits: Projected annual profit by year two is $75,000.

2. Description of the Coffee Shop

  • Coffee Shop Concept: A community-focused café emphasizing artisanal methods.
  • Coffee Shop Name: Java Junction. (Consider using a coffee shop name generator for more ideas).
  • Coffee Shop Type: Sit-down café with an adjacent mini-library.
  • Location: Main Street, Downtown Area – chosen for its high foot traffic.
  • Order Fulfillment: Orders taken at the counter with table service for food.
  • Working Hours: Mon-Fri (7 am – 9 pm), Sat-Sun (8 am – 10 pm).

3. Menu Offer

  • Type of Food and Drink: Coffee, teas, pastries, and sandwiches.
  • Offer: From classic espresso shots to unique blends like “Lavender Latte”.
  • Unique Selling Point: Every coffee product uses direct-trade beans, ensuring farmer fairness.

4. Market and Competition Analysis

  • Market Analysis: The local population includes a mix of professionals, students, and tourists. Many search for quiet spots to work or relax.
  • Target Customer: Professionals aged 25-40 and students.
  • Size of the Target Customer: Approximately 15,000 individuals.
  • Competition Analysis: Three established coffee shops within a mile.
  • Size of the Competition: Ranging from small boutique coffee shops to a larger chain.
  • Competitors’ Offer: Basic coffee drinks, with limited specialty items.
  • Competitors’ Prices: Average of $4 for a coffee drink.

5. Investment Plan (Detailed Cost Analysis)

  • Equipment: $30,000
  • Renovations: $20,000
  • Initial Stock: $10,000
  • Licenses: $5,000
  • Miscellaneous: $10,000
  • Rent: $3,000
  • Salaries: $10,000
  • Utilities: $1,000
  • Stock: $2,000
  • Marketing: $1,000

6. Financial Forecast

Year one is projected to break even, with a profit of $50,000 expected in year two, and $75,000 in year three, considering growth and expanding customer base.

  • Owner: Jamie Smith, a coffee enthusiast with a business degree.
  • Manager: Alex Brown, previously managed a successful coffee chain for five years.
  • Baristas: A team of 4 skilled individuals passionate about coffee.

8. Marketing Plan

Java Junction will use a mix of social media marketing, local print advertising, and loyalty programs to attract and retain customers. Regular events, such as “Buy Our Coffee Day” and collaboration with local businesses, will drive foot traffic and community engagement, integral components for starting your coffee shop and making it successful.

This coffee shop business plan sample is hypothetical and serves as a template. Tailoring specifics to your local market, vision, and unique aspects will be necessary. Every coffee shop has nuances that can make them successful, whether it be the coffee products they sell, the environment they cultivate, or the events they host. Focus on what will make your coffee shop stand out and be sure to engage your community.

Tips For Writing a Business Plan For a Coffee Shop

Your business plan becomes the blueprint of your vision. Here are essential tips to consider:

  • Comprehensiveness is Key: Ensure your plan encompasses all sections you should include, such as marketing, financial projections, and operations. A well-rounded plan provides a holistic view of your business.
  • Tailor to Your Audience: If you’re presenting to potential investors, focus on profitability and growth projections. For a landlord, emphasize the benefits your coffee shop will bring to their property.
  • Specialize in Marketing: Given the competitiveness in the coffee industry, it’s crucial to have a solid marketing plan. If marketing isn’t your strength, consider hiring someone to do marketing for your venture. A strong online presence, loyalty programs, and community engagement can set you apart.
  • Research Your Market: Understand what nearby coffee shops include in their offerings. Identify gaps in the market and strategize on how your shop can fill them.
  • Stay Flexible: While a business plan provides direction, remain adaptable. The coffee industry is dynamic, and your ability to pivot can prove invaluable.
  • Separate Sections for Clarity: If your plan becomes too dense, you might want to create a separate document for specific sections like a detailed marketing strategy or an in-depth market analysis. This makes your primary business plan concise and more readable.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how profitable is owning a coffee shop.

Owning a coffee shop can be profitable, depending on factors like location, quality of products, and management. On average, after expenses, many coffee shops report a profit margin of around 3% to 5%, with some successful ones achieving even higher. However, it’s essential to factor in initial setup costs, ongoing expenses, and market competition.

2. How do I start a coffee shop business plan?

Starting a coffee shop business plan involves multiple steps. Begin by defining your coffee shop’s mission and vision. Conduct market research to understand your target audience and competitors. Then, detail out sections like your product offerings, pricing strategy, marketing plan, financial projections, and operational procedures. If you’re thinking of opening a coffee shop, a well-thought-out business plan is indispensable.

3. What is a business plan for a coffee shop?

A coffee shop business plan is a detailed document that outlines your coffee shop’s objectives, strategies, and operational procedures. It acts as a roadmap, guiding you from the startup phase to establishing a thriving business. Moreover, if you need a coffee shop business loan or investment, this plan becomes crucial in convincing stakeholders of your venture’s viability.

4. What are the 4Ps in a coffee shop business plan?

The 4Ps stand for Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. In the context of a coffee shop:

  • Product: What type of coffee and related products will you offer?
  • Price: How will you price your coffee? Will it be premium or competitive?
  • Place: Where will your coffee shop be located? Is it accessible to your target audience?
  • Promotion: How will you market your coffee shop? Will you offer promotions or loyalty programs?

These elements help in creating a marketing strategy tailored to your coffee shop’s unique needs and market position.

Related Coffee Shop Resources

  • How to start a coffee shop with no money
  • How much do coffee shop owners make
  • Coffee shop names
  • Coffee shop name generator

Launching a coffee shop is not just about brewing the perfect cup but weaving a narrative that resonates with your community, fostering an ambiance that people gravitate towards, and maintaining a seamless operation that drives profitability. The meticulous creation of a business plan is a pivotal step in this endeavor. It’s the beacon that guides budding entrepreneurs through the complexities of the coffee industry. In such a competitive marketplace, a well-structured, comprehensive business plan can make the difference between a fleeting venture and a thriving institution. To potential coffee shop owners, embrace the process, let your passion shine through in your plan, and remember that every great coffee shop started with a simple idea, much like a single coffee bean ready to brew greatness.

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How to write a coffee shop business plan

  • Nirit Braun
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 14 min read

How to create a coffee shop business plan

A coffee shop business plan is a detailed and strategic document outlining the essential aspects of starting and operating a coffee-focused business. It encompasses a comprehensive analysis of the business's goals, target audience, competitive landscape, marketing strategies, financial projections, operational procedures and more. This plan acts as a roadmap that guides entrepreneurs through the various stages of establishing and running their coffee shop, providing clear direction and a solid foundation for success.

When starting a business, especially in the competitive and dynamic realm of the coffee industry, creating a comprehensive and clear business plan is of paramount importance.

Ready to get your business brewing? Take Wix’s website builder for a whirl.

Top benefits of creating a coffee shop business plan

A well-crafted business plan helps entrepreneurs articulate their business goals, whether it's about offering unique coffee blends, creating a cozy ambiance or supporting sustainable sourcing practices. At the same time, a business plan requires entrepreneurs to identify and understand their target audience. This insight helps tailor marketing strategies, menu offerings and the overall customer experience to meet the specific preferences and needs of the intended customers.

Here's an overview of some key advantages to creating a coffee shop business plan:

Attracting investors and funding: A well-structured business plan acts as a persuasive tool when seeking investors or raising money for your business . It showcases your thorough understanding of the coffee industry, market trends and your strategies for success. This level of preparedness increases your credibility and instills confidence in potential investors, making them more likely to support your coffee shop venture.

Clear resource requirements: Writing a business plan prompts you to identify the specific resources, supplies and staff necessary to launch and operate your coffee shop. This includes everything from coffee beans and brewing equipment to furniture and interior decor.

Strategic financial planning: A comprehensive business plan outlines your financial projections, startup costs, operating expenses and revenue forecasts. This level of financial planning helps you determine how much funding you need to start a business . It also guides you in setting prices, managing cash flow and assessing profitability.

Market understanding and differentiation: Through market research and analysis, a business plan allows you to understand your target audience's preferences, behaviors and expectations. This knowledge helps you tailor your coffee shop's offerings, ambiance and marketing strategies to effectively attract and retain customers.

Risk mitigation: The process of creating a business plan prompts you to identify potential risks and challenges that your coffee shop might face. By acknowledging and addressing these risks early on, you can develop contingency plans and strategies to mitigate their impact.

Operational efficiency: A business plan outlines the operational processes required to run your coffee shop smoothly. It includes staffing plans, inventory management strategies and quality control measures. By establishing efficient procedures from the outset, you can minimize wastage, optimize resource allocation and ensure consistent customer satisfaction.

Goal setting and tracking: Your business plan serves as a benchmark against which you can measure your coffee shop's performance over time. By setting clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs), you can track your progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on course toward achieving your objectives.

How to create a coffee shop business plan in 6 steps

Now we’ll walk through the six essential steps for crafting a coffee shop business plan tailored to your company's unique needs.

Executive summary

Business and domain names

Market analysis and research

Operations plan

Marketing and advertising plan

Financial plan

01. Executive summary

Your executive summary is a concise and compelling overview of your coffee shop business plan. It encapsulates the key elements of your plan and provides a snapshot of your business concept, strategies and financial projections. While appearing at the start of the business plan, it's often written last, as it draws from the content of the entire document.

A clear executive summary for a coffee shop business should include:

The essence of your coffee shop: What makes it unique? What kind of experience will customers have when visiting your establishment?

Market potential and your target audience: Explain why your coffee shop is well-positioned to capture this opportunity.

Competitor landscape: Identify what sets your coffee shop apart from the competition. This could be your specialty coffee blends, unique ambiance, sustainable practices or exceptional customer service.

Example executive summary for a coffee shop: "Bean Haven Coffee is a meticulously crafted coffee shop that aims to provide not just beverages, but an immersive coffee experience. We pride ourselves on our curated selection of ethically sourced beans, offering customers the finest hand-crafted brews in a cozy, rustic ambiance. Our competitive edge lies in our commitment to sustainability, from our bean-sourcing practices to our eco-friendly packaging. With a strong emphasis on community engagement and partnerships with local artists, we are set to become a cultural hub that brings people together over a shared love for exceptional coffee. Through strategic marketing campaigns, leveraging social media and collaborating with nearby businesses, we aim to establish Bean Haven Coffee as the go-to destination for coffee enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike. Our projected financials indicate that we will reach profitability within the first 18 months of operation. We seek funding to cover initial startup costs and our business model is designed to achieve sustainable growth and profitability."

02. Company and domain names

Knowing how to name a business is crucial for a coffee shop venture and a key step before you register your business . A strong and memorable name can resonate with customers and differentiate your coffee shop from competitors. Use descriptive words that reflect your coffee shop's essence, whether it's about taste, ambiance or values.

Utilizing a business name generator like the one from Wix can provide inspiration and spark creativity. Play with different combinations of words and ideas until you find a name that feels right. Once you've settled on a name, check its availability for domain registration. A domain name that matches your company name is essential for an effective online presence.

When choosing a domain name consider the following best practices:

Ensure that the domain name reflects your coffee shop's identity and offerings

Choose a name that is easy to spell and remember

Opt for a timeless name that won't become outdated quickly

If possible, include relevant keywords in the domain to improve search engine visibility

Steer clear of names that are easily confused with competitors or other brands

03. Market analysis and research

With more than 38,000 coffee shops in the U.S. alone, there are plenty of competitors to analyze. Including a comprehensive market analysis in your business plan is essential for understanding the competitive landscape and formulating effective strategies. Research your local coffee market, identify existing competitors and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Determine your target audience's preferences, behaviors and demographics to tailor your offerings and marketing campaigns accordingly.

A well-rounded market analysis can guide your business strategy, helping you position your coffee shop effectively, develop compelling value propositions and devise strategies to capture your desired market share.

04. Operations plan

The operations plan is a crucial section of your coffee shop business plan. It outlines the practical aspects of running your coffee shop. Use it to describe your chosen location and its significance for foot traffic, accessibility and target audience reach.

Then, take the opportunity to detail the interior design, layout and ambiance of your coffee shop to create a welcoming atmosphere. Next be sure to list the equipment needed for brewing, food preparation and service. Ensure it aligns with your menu and production capacity. Finally define the roles and responsibilities of your staff, from baristas to managers, and outline their qualifications and training needs.

05. Marketing and advertising strategies

The marketing and advertising portion of your business plan outlines your strategies for promoting your coffee shop and attracting customers. Depending on your target audience and brand positioning for this type of business , consider a mix of traditional and digital marketing methods. This means using social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to showcase your coffee creations, engage with customers and share your coffee shop's story. Collaborate with influencers, local organizations or other businesses to expand your reach and tap into new customer segments.

Additionally, you can choose to participate in community events, farmers' markets and collaborations with other local businesses to increase your visibility. Also consider implementing loyalty programs that reward repeat customers and incentivize them to visit regularly.

You’ll need to develop a suite of brand assets to use in your marketing as well, starting with a company logo. You can use a free logo maker to get a professional design in minutes.

Learn more: How to make a website

06. Financial plan

The cost to start a coffee shop business can range from $50,000 for a mobile operation to over $400,000 for a brick-and-mortar location with booth seating and a drive-thru. This hefty expense is just another reason why a financial plan is so important.

The financial plan is the backbone of your coffee shop business plan. It outlines your startup costs, operating expenses, revenue projections and funding strategy. Investors and lenders will closely scrutinize this section to assess the viability of your coffee shop venture, so remember to do the following:

Detail the initial investment required for equipment, interior design, licenses and permits

Estimate ongoing costs such as rent, utilities, supplies and salaries

Provide realistic revenue forecasts based on your expected capacity and customer traffic

Specify how you plan to secure funding

Highlight when you anticipate reaching profitability and generating positive cash flow

By meticulously planning your finances, you demonstrate a solid understanding of the financial aspects of your coffee shop business and showcase its potential for success.

steps to developing a business plan

Coffee shop business plan examples

Below we’ve put together business plan templates for two hypothetical coffee shop businesses, including all the sections discussed in our previous how-to steps.

Coffee shop business plan template 1: Coffee Haven Café

Coffee Haven Café is a charming coffee shop dedicated to delivering a premium coffee experience in a cozy and inviting setting. Our unique blends, ethically sourced beans and commitment to sustainability set us apart in a competitive market. By fostering community engagement and partnering with local artists, we aim to become a cultural hub that brings people together over exceptional coffee. Through strategic marketing efforts and a strong online presence, we project profitability within 18 months.

Company and domain name

Company name: Coffee Haven Café

Domain name:

Our marketing analysis revealed a growing demand for specialty coffee in our target location. We've identified key competitors and highlighted their strengths and weaknesses. Our target audience consists of young professionals and students who value quality and ambiance. By understanding these dynamics, we can tailor our offerings and marketing strategies effectively.

Location: Centrally located in a busy commercial area with high foot traffic

Premises: Rustic and inviting interior design that promotes relaxation and conversation

Equipment: High-quality espresso machines, grinders, brewing equipment and display cases for baked goods

Staffing: Experienced baristas, friendly waitstaff and a dedicated manager to oversee operations

Social media: Engage customers through Instagram, Facebook and X with enticing coffee shots and behind-the-scenes content

Local events: Participate in local festivals, art exhibitions and collaborate with nearby businesses for cross-promotions

Content marketing: Regular blog posts on coffee trends, brewing tips and spotlight features on local artists

Loyalty programs: Offer a loyalty card program with rewards for frequent visitors

Partnerships: Collaborate with nearby bookstores for reading sessions and local influencers for social media endorsements

Startup costs: $70,000 for equipment, furnishings, licenses and initial inventory

Operating expenses: Estimated monthly costs of $12,000 covering rent, utilities, supplies and staff salaries

Revenue projections: Projected revenue of $300,000 in the first year, growing to $450,000 in the second year

Funding strategy: Initial funding from personal savings and a small business loan from a local bank

Profitability timeline: Aim to achieve profitability within 18 months of operation

Coffee shop business plan template 2: Brew & Gather Coffee House

Brew & Gather Coffee House is a community-focused coffee shop aiming to create a warm and inclusive space for coffee enthusiasts. Our commitment to locally sourced ingredients and artisanal brewing techniques sets us apart. By fostering partnerships with neighboring businesses and hosting regular events, we aim to become a staple in the neighborhood. Our projected financials indicate profitability within the first two years.

Company name: Brew & Gather Coffee House

Domain name:

Through extensive market research, we've identified an opportunity to serve a diverse community seeking an authentic and welcoming coffee experience. We've assessed competitors' offerings and identified an untapped niche. Understanding our target audience's preferences and values will guide our menu and marketing strategies.

Location: Situated near a local park, providing an oasis for relaxation and community gatherings

Premises: Modern yet cozy interior design with flexible seating arrangements to accommodate groups and individuals

Equipment: State-of-the-art espresso machines, pour-over stations and an open bakery display

Staffing: A blend of skilled baristas, friendly hosts and a community engagement coordinator

Social media: Utilize Instagram and TikTok to showcase brewing techniques, share customer stories and host virtual coffee-tasting sessions.

Local events: Host open mic nights, book clubs and workshops to engage the community.

Content marketing: Publish a monthly newsletter featuring coffee culture insights, staff spotlights and local partnerships.

Loyalty programs: Introduce a tiered membership program offering exclusive discounts and early access to events.

Partnerships: Collaborate with local farmers, artisans and musicians to create a truly immersive community experience.

Startup costs: $100,000 for leasehold improvements, equipment, permits and initial inventory

Operating expenses: Projected monthly expenses of $15,000, covering rent, utilities, wages and supplies

Revenue projections: Anticipate revenue of $350,000 in the first year, with a 15% increase in the second year

Funding strategy: Initial investment from personal savings and a crowdfunding campaign targeting the local community

Profitability timeline: Aim to reach profitability within the first two years of operation

How profitable is a coffee shop?

The profitability of a coffee shop can vary depending on a number of factors, including location, business model and marketing strategy. However, in general, coffee shops can be quite profitable.

According to a report by IBISWorld, the average profit margin for coffee shops is 8.33%. This means that for every $100 in revenue, coffee shops generate $8.33 in profit.

Some coffee shops are even more profitable. For example, coffee shops located in high-traffic areas, such as airports and office buildings, can generate profit margins of up to 15%. And coffee shops that sell specialty coffee drinks and food items can also generate higher profit margins.

Here are some tips for increasing the profitability of your coffee shop:

Choose a good location. A good location is essential for success. Look for a location that is convenient for potential customers and has high visibility.

Offer a unique selling proposition. What makes your coffee shop different from others? What can you offer that your competitors cannot?

Provide excellent customer service. This is essential for building a loyal customer base. Make sure your staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and that they are always willing to go the extra mile for your customers.

Market your coffee shop effectively. Let potential customers know about your coffee shop and the unique offerings you have. You can do this through online marketing, social media and word-of-mouth.

Control your costs. Coffee shops have high costs, so it's important to control your costs as much as possible. This means negotiating good deals with your suppliers, managing your inventory carefully and keeping your labor costs under control.

Why do coffee shops fail?

There are a number of reasons why coffee shops fail. Some of the most common reasons include:

Poor location: A coffee shop in a bad location won't attract enough customers to be successful. Coffee shops need to be located in areas with high foot traffic, such as near office buildings, universities and parks.

High overhead costs: Coffee shops have high overhead costs, such as rent, utilities and labor. If a coffee shop can't generate enough revenue to cover its overhead costs, it will eventually fail.

Poor management: Poor management can lead to a number of problems, such as low customer satisfaction, high employee turnover and financial difficulties. Coffee shop owners need to have a strong business plan and be able to manage their finances effectively.

Lack of marketing: Coffee shops need to market themselves effectively to attract new customers and keep existing customers coming back. Coffee shop owners need to develop a marketing plan and budget, and they need to track their results to see what is working and what is not.

Competition: The coffee shop industry is very competitive. Coffee shops need to offer something unique to stand out from the competition.

Coffee shop business plan FAQ

How do you start a coffee shop business plan.

To start a coffee shop business plan, you need to consider the following factors:

Location: Choose a location that is convenient for potential customers and has high visibility.

Target market: Identify your target market and tailor your business plan to their needs and preferences.

Menu: Develop a menu that includes a variety of coffee drinks and food items that will appeal to your target market.

Pricing: Set prices that are competitive and generate a sufficient profit margin.

Operating costs: Estimate your operating costs, such as rent, utilities, labor and inventory.

Marketing: Develop a marketing plan to reach your target market and generate awareness of your coffee shop.

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From Beans to Business: How to Craft a Coffee Shop Business Plan

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Are you looking to start your own coffee shop? Fantastic . Opening a cafe can be a lucrative investment that can generate anywhere between $50,000 and $250,000 annually ( Hotshot Coffee Sleeves , 2023). But to truly revel in the riches of a vibrant and profitable cafe, your business needs to be built on a robust coffee shop business plan. 

Without a business plan, your journey will be rudderless and you’ll struggle to assess whether the steps you’ve taken have brought you closer to or further away from your goal. 

Direction is crucial and your coffee shop business plan is a roadmap that will propel you to your business objectives whilst minimizing the stress, frustration, and confusion of running a business. 

But why is this important? 

Well here are some important coffee shop stats:

  • Around 32% of people purchase coffee from a coffee shop one to three days a week ( Drive Research , 2023)
  • There are approximately 38,411 cafes in the USA today ( Statista , 2022)
  • 517 million cups of coffee consumed per day ( Coffee Affection , 2023)

The caffeine craze is real. If your cafe fails to meet expectations, your customers will turn to the one across the road. 

In an industry that's flourishing, yet fiercely competitive, we've outlined the important steps that you need to create an effective coffee shop business plan that will keep you on the front foot. 

What is a coffee shop business plan?

A coffee shop business plan serves as a blueprint for your coffee shop venture, outlining your goals, strategies, and the tactics to achieve them. It's a comprehensive document that guides you through every aspect of your business, from conceptualization to execution. 

Luck should not be your crutch, but rather, rational planning and informed decision-making will be the foundation on which your coffee shop's success is built.

The Building Blocks of a Winning Coffee Shop Business Plan

1. creating your coffee shop identity.

With nearly 50% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 drinking coffee, as well as 70% of seniors, coffee has become an integral part of our culture ( Toast , 2023). We don’t have to travel far to satisfy our caffeine cravings, which poses an important question for all coffee shop owners…

Why should customers buy from you?

If you want to stand out from the crowd, you’ll need to create a powerful brand identity that turns heads and pulls people to your cafe. First define your mission and values, and then build your coffee shop's identity around these foundational principles.

What messages do you want to communicate? What purpose do you want your coffee shop to serve for customers? What promises are you making to your customers?

Only once you’ve answered these questions will you be able to tell the story of your brand. 

A barista at a coffee shop is preparing some coffee orders.

2. Understanding Your Target Audience

The most successful brands in any industry’s niche understand their customers inside out. It’s one of the prerequisites to success and it’s no different in the coffee industry. The first step is to define your target market . 

Are they young professionals looking for a quick caffeine boost? Or are they more family-oriented? Pinpointing your target demographic will help you tailor the experience to their preferences and set the foundations for a loyal customer base. 

Try to go beneath the surface and investigate A-Z of your target market’s interests, personalities, and preferences. Once gathered, you’ll be able to align this data with your brand identity to create a captivating coffee shop experience that will resonate with your customers. 

3. Crafting a Compelling Menu Design

Your menu design isn’t just a list of food and drink items — it’s a powerful marketing tool used to influence spending decisions and boost profit. The very look and feel of one can set the tone for the cafe experience, either nudging a customer to reach for the muffin, the mocha, or the iced americano, or even leave . 

This means that you should use your menu as an opportunity to:

  • Communicate your brand’s story
  • Present items in a way that entices orders
  • Promote your best products with higher margins
  • Promote special offers and deals 

Here are some tips to follow:

  • Prioritize readability
  • Use the design to reflect your brand personality
  • Be descriptive in your copy about your items — specificity drives persuasion
  • Highlight potential allergies in item descriptions
  • Don’t use dollar signs — studies show that customers are more likely to spend more when they just see the number representing the cost of the item ( Cornell Chronicle , 2009) 

4. Building the Right Interior Design and Ambiance

The most successful cafes are able to strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics to create the ultimate customer experience. It’s an opportunity to bring your brand personality to life and make it resonate with your target market, allowing you to build a loyal customer base that will boost your cash flow. 

Everything from the lighting and colors to materials and furniture will have an effect on the subconscious mind, so it’s crucial that you ensure the ambiance strategically aligns with the character of your brand. 

Here are some key design elements to focus on in your cafe business plan:

  • The layout for optimal traffic flow
  • Colors and lighting
  • Decor and furniture

The interior of a coffee shop with lots of natural light and greenery.

5. Hiring the Right Talent

Employees are the lifeblood that keeps your business alive. They’re the front line of communication with customers and are responsible for leaving a lasting impression that can either elevate your coffee shop or undermine its success. 

Poor customer service is enough to contaminate your brand image and create friction with your customer base, so it’s absolutely essential that you recruit the right talent . Below are the best practices to follow when hiring staff for your coffee shop.

Define Essential Roles

Identify critical roles for seamless coffee shop operations: skilled baristas, customer-engaging servers, and dedicated kitchen staff. These roles collectively create a stellar customer experience.

Prioritize Skill and Customer Focus

Highlight that your team represents the heart of your coffee shop. Their interactions mold perceptions, foster loyalty, and establish a welcoming atmosphere. Seek communicative, coffee-passionate individuals who value customer connections.

Strengthen Training and Retention

Explain your approach to building well-prepared teams. Outline training that maintains quality and service standards. Showcase your commitment to retention via competitive compensation, growth opportunities, and nurturing a positive workplace culture.

Note: Want a more efficient way of managing your workforce? Check out our coffee shop payroll and workforce management software to optimize employee management. 

6. Developing an Effective Marketing Strategy

A powerful marketing strategy is the bedrock of any successful coffee business. And being in the digital age, where people see anywhere between 4,000 and 10,000 ads per day, it’s crucial that your coffee shop’s messaging is strategically positioned to resonate and capture the attention of your customers. 

Without this, your coffee shop will struggle to be seen and you’ll feel the pressure of an inconsistent cash flow that will only guarantee stress. Below are the most important marketing tactics to include in your coffee business plan to accelerate growth. 

Include Your Plan for Reaching Your Target Audience

Outline the avenues through which you'll engage your intended customers. Define demographics, preferences, and behaviors to tailor your approach effectively. Whether it's young professionals, students, or families, your strategy should resonate with your audience.

Optimize Local SEO

If someone in the area is looking for a coffee shop, you want to be one of the first listings that appear. Optimizing your Google My Business Profile is a cost-effective and guaranteed way to put your business on the map (quite literally), getting more customers through the front door.

Here’s how to optimize your profile:

  • Include target keywords 
  • Gather 100+ citations 
  • Ask for ratings from customers
  • Have high-quality photos of your cafe 
  • Portray brand personality in your description
  • Include an updated menu with prices

Leverage Social Media, Local Events, and Collaborations

Leverage the power of social media platforms to showcase your coffee shop's uniqueness. Engage customers through captivating content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive posts. Additionally, tap into local events, festivals, and collaborations to introduce your coffee shop to a wider audience and build community relationships. ‍

A to-go coffee cup with a coffee shop's instagram handle written on it.

Final Thoughts on Crafting a Coffee Shop Business Plan

Brewing the perfect cup of coffee won’t be enough to keep you at the forefront of today’s competitive and crowded coffee shop marketplace. It's crucial that you have a robust coffee shop business plan to build your unique identity, connect with your audience, and carve out a lasting niche in this bustling landscape.

By investing in a rigorous coffee shop business plan, not only will you remain competitive, but you’ll maximize your chances of creating a thriving coffee business with a loyal customer base that becomes the heartbeat of a vibrant community, rewarding you with more than just money. 

Want a fast and easier way of managing your coffee business?

Then book your free demo now to organize your workforce management in one place and eliminate the headaches of HR, payroll, scheduling, and so much more!

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How to write a business plan for your coffee shop.

business plan for a coffee shop

Starting a coffee shop is a great idea because it provides an opportunity to bring people together in a communal setting and it can be a great source of income.

But, first thing first, you need to write a business plan.

A business plan is a crucial part of starting any new project, such as a coffee shop. It outlines the objectives, strategies, and competitive advantages that will be used to make the business successful. A business plan helps guide the development of the venture and ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page.

In short, a good business plan will help make sure your coffee shop is profitable .

What should be included in the business plan of a coffee shop? How can it be effectively planned? Which financial figures should be part of the analysis? What are some steps I can follow to quickly create a business plan?

Look no further! This article will cover all these questions and give you the answers you need.

One last thing: it's not mandatory to start your business plan from scratch.

You can download our customizable business plan for a coffee shop and customize it to fit your needs.

business plan coffee house

Crafting a business plan for a coffee shop

Do you require a business plan for your coffee shop.

Yes, you do need a business plan for your coffee shop.

Crafting a well-structured business plan will help you to:

  • learn about the coffee shop market
  • stay abreast of the industry's newest developments
  • discover what makes a coffee shop thrive
  • understand what people value in a coffee shop
  • find a unique value proposition for your café
  • identify potential competitive threats
  • find competitive advantages for your coffee shop
  • find a business model that guarantees a return on investment
  • implement a robust and tactical action plan
  • assess potential risks involved in operating a coffee shop, such as equipment maintenance, staff training, and customer satisfaction

Our team has created a business plan for a coffee shop that is designed to make it easier for you to achieve all the elements listed.

How to outline a business plan for a coffee shop?

A business plan presents a variety of information, content, metrics, and financial data. It needs to be organized so that it can be easily read and understood.

When we made our business plan for a coffee shop business , we ensured it was organized correctly.

We've categorized it into 5 sections (Opportunity, Project, Market Research, Strategy and Finances).

1. Market Opportunity

The initial section is named "Market Opportunity."

In this section, you will find comprehensive insights and analysis on coffee shops, including coffee trends, brewing techniques, customer preferences, and ambiance design, guiding entrepreneurs in establishing successful and inviting coffee shop establishments.

We constantly update this section to make sure data is fresh.

2. Project Presentation

In the "Project" section, you can present your coffee shop, outlining the variety of coffee beans and brewing methods you offer, signature coffee drinks, cozy and inviting ambiance, pastry and snack selection, community engagement initiatives, and the unique value proposition that creates a welcoming and caffeine-rich experience for coffee lovers.

Remember to introduce yourself at the end of this section.

Discuss your passion for coffee, your knowledge of different coffee beans and brewing methods, and how you plan to create a welcoming and inviting coffee shop experience for customers. Highlight your commitment to using high-quality coffee beans, your skilled baristas, and your dedication to providing exceptional customer service that ensures every cup of coffee is brewed to perfection and every visit to your coffee shop is a delightful coffee journey.

We wrote some content in our business plan. Change it to fit your concept.

3. Market Research

Then, we reach the "Market Research" section.

The purpose of this section is to introduce the market segments for your coffee shop.

It includes a competition study, outlining other coffee shops in the area. Your shop's unique coffee selections and competitive advantages are also highlighted. A customized SWOT analysis is included.

4. Strategy

Within the "Strategy" section, a 3-year development plan is outlined, specifying the necessary initiatives to make your coffee shop highly profitable.

Moreover, you will find a marketing strategy, a risk management approach, and a Business Model Canvas specifically designed for a coffee shop in this section.

5. Finances

Ultimately, the "Finances" section is where you can lay out the financial plan and forecasts for your project.

business plan coffee shop business

How to write the Executive Summary for a coffee shop?

The Executive Summary offers a brief glimpse into the business plan of your coffee shop.

Keep it brief, with a maximum of 2 pages. Focus on the important aspects.

This is the first section of your business plan that the investor will look at. It needs to interest them and make them want to read the rest of the plan.

In the Executive Summary of your coffee shop, answer these questions: what services and products does your coffee shop offer? who is your target audience? are there other coffee shops in the area? what makes your shop special? how much funding do you require?

How to do the market analysis for a coffee shop?

Conducting a market study for your coffee shop enables you to grasp external factors like customer demands for coffee beverages, competition within the café industry, and emerging trends in specialty coffee.

By conducting an extensive market analysis, a coffee shop can understand customer tastes, offer a variety of high-quality coffee options, optimize pricing strategies, and execute targeted marketing campaigns, ultimately leading to a loyal customer base, increased sales, and a prominent position in the local coffee culture.

This is what we've outlined in the "Market Research" section of our business plan for a coffee shop business :

  • recent data and statistics about coffee shops, including coffee consumption habits, specialty coffee trends, and the growth of coffeehouse culture
  • a compilation of potential customer segments for a coffee shop
  • the competitive analysis
  • the potential competitive advantages for a coffee shop

business plan coffee shop business

The key points of the business plan for a coffee shop

What's the business model of a coffee shop, business model of a coffee shop.

A coffee shop's business model centers around preparing and serving a variety of coffee beverages, tea, pastries, and light snacks.

The shop aims to create a welcoming environment for customers to socialize, study, or work. Revenue is generated primarily through beverage sales (coffee, tea), food sales (pastries, snacks), and specialty drink sales (espresso-based beverages).

Additional revenue streams may include catering, online sales, or merchandise partnerships. The business model emphasizes creating a unique coffee experience, providing quality products, and fostering a sense of community and ambiance for customers.

Business model ≠ Business plan

Remember, "business plan" and "business model" are not the same thing.

A business model outlines the way a company creates value, generates revenue, and operates.

In a business plan, you make use of the Business Model Canvas as an easy-to-understand tool to depict how your business operates.

And, of course, there is a Business Model Canvas (already completed) in our business plan for a coffee shop business .

How do you identify the market segments of a coffee shop?

Market segmentation for your coffee shop involves dividing your potential customers into different groups based on their coffee preferences, demographics, and lifestyle choices.

These categories may include factors such as espresso lovers, specialty coffee enthusiasts, health-conscious consumers, or customers seeking a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

By segmenting your market, you can offer a variety of coffee blends, brewing methods, and ambiance options that cater to each segment's preferences. For example, you might provide a selection of single-origin and artisanal coffee for enthusiasts, offer organic and alternative milk options for health-conscious consumers, create a warm and inviting atmosphere with comfortable seating for customers seeking a cozy coffee shop experience.

Market segmentation allows you to effectively target your marketing efforts, create a unique coffee menu, and provide a delightful coffee experience that appeals to each customer segment.

In the business plan for a coffee shop business , you will find a complete market segmentation that allows you to identify your potential customers effectively.

How to conduct a competitor analysis for a coffee shop?

Without surprise, you won't be the only coffee shop in your city. There will be other establishments offering a variety of coffee drinks and a cozy atmosphere for customers.

To create a successful business plan, you must carefully study your competitors. This involves identifying and examining their key qualities, strengths, and weaknesses.

Recognize their weaknesses (such as inconsistent coffee quality, slow service, or lack of seating capacity).

Why should you pay attention to these points? Because these weaknesses can impact the customer experience at coffee shops. By addressing these aspects, you can offer a variety of high-quality and specialty coffee beverages, provide a cozy and inviting coffee shop atmosphere, and deliver friendly and skilled baristas, establishing your coffee shop as a preferred choice for enjoying a perfect cup of coffee and a welcoming social space.

It's what we call competitive advantages—building them is essential for a standout business.

Here are some examples of competitive advantages for a coffee house: specialty coffee blends and beverages, cozy and inviting atmosphere, friendly baristas.

How to draft a SWOT analysis for a coffee house?

A SWOT analysis can help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to ensure the success of a new coffee shop.

As you can guess, there is indeed a completed and editable SWOT matrix in our business plan for a coffee shop business

The strengths for a coffee shop

When we talk about the "S" in SWOT, we're referring to Strengths, which are the project's beneficial features.

For a coffee shop, possible strengths could include a friendly atmosphere, quality coffee, a variety of food options, and quick service.

The weaknesses for a coffee shop

W stands for Weaknesses, pointing to the areas or aspects of the project that need to be made stronger.

In the case of a coffee shop, potential weaknesses could include a lack of foot traffic, high competition, limited menu options, and inefficient inventory management.

The opportunities for a coffee shop

The "O" in SWOT represents Opportunities, indicating the potential advantages or favorable factors that can contribute to the project's achievements.

In the case of a coffee shop, potential opportunities could include offering delivery services, introducing new menu items, hosting events, and partnering with local businesses.

The threats for a coffee shop

T stands for Threats in SWOT, representing the external factors or situations that may hinder the project's progress.

How to develop a marketing plan for a coffee house?

A marketing strategy is a key factor in acquiring customers and increasing revenue, so include it in your business plan.

A well-executed marketing strategy will draw in coffee lovers to your coffee shop, offering them a cozy and inviting environment to enjoy their favorite brews.

Coffee lovers won't frequent your coffee shop without effective marketing; creating a cozy atmosphere and offering exceptional coffee varieties is necessary.

Are you implementing effective marketing strategies for your coffee shop? Consider offering loyalty programs, creating a cozy and inviting ambiance, and utilizing social media platforms to engage with coffee enthusiasts and promote your unique blends.

Don't fret if you have zero knowledge about marketing and communication – it's not a problem.

How to build a solid financial plan for a coffee house?

A solid business plan must include detailed financial information such as projected income, expenses, cash flow, and balance sheets.

As you prepare your business plan, it is important to include revenue forecasts for your coffee shop.

Of course, this revenue forecast will have to make sense.

Our financial plan for a coffee shop business is easy to use and includes built-in checks to help you identify and correct any assumptions, ensuring you create reliable projections with confidence.

It goes without saying that you'll have to develop a provisional budget for your coffee shop. Double-check that you haven't missed any expenses. If you have a doubt, we have listed them all in our financial plan!

The break-even analysis is central in the financial plan as it will tell you whether your coffee shop will be profitable or not.

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How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

Executive summary image

You are a smart entrepreneur. You don’t jump right in and open a coffee shop just because you decoded the secret of making perfect cups of steaming delicious coffee.

Instead, you wait and plan to write a unique business plan that resonates with your coffee shop’s concept.

But hey, writing a business plan is actually complex. Without any structural format or direction, you may end up making a hotchpotch of your business idea.

To ensure that your business concept translates properly into a plan, we created this step-by-step guide that will prompt you to write an insightful coffee shop business plan in great detail.

Also, get a free coffee shop business plan template that has all the relevant examples for you to get started.

So get yourself a cup of coffee and decode the secrets of writing a stellar plan in easy steps.

Let’s get started.

Why Prepare a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

A lot of variables play together to write the success story of your coffee business.

From choosing a shop location to remodeling it as per your unique concept, hiring staff, determining sales strategy, acquiring licenses and insurance, and planning operations-you need to undertake multiple activities, consecutively at a time, to start and run a coffee business.

A business plan will guide you like a map in the right direction. It will ensure that all the business objectives are achieved without breaking a compliance code.

It forces you to assess the viability of a coffee shop idea before you invest the money in it. You can strategically plan the coffee shop’s success by making detailed financial projections relating to the company’s sales, revenue, costs, and expected expenses, and cash flow.

And most important of all, a business plan will help you acquire the required funds by winning the trust of potential investors.

How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan: A Complete Guide

Let’s walk through the process of writing a coffee shop business plan with detailed step-by-step instructions.

1. Write an executive summary

An executive summary is like a north star of your business plan. It will act as a guiding light for stakeholders to understand your journey ahead.

Investors will read the executive summary of your coffee shop business plan before even allowing you a presentation.  So definitely it needs to be compelling and converting.

Keep your executive summary concise but detailed enough that it summarizes the key points of your entire plan. Include the problems you would be solving and the solutions you have to offer. Adapt a storytelling tone and focus on highlighting the business goals, financials, objectives, and overall business strategy.

Now, move ahead and visit this part when you are done writing for the entire plan. Summarizing becomes much easier and more effective when you are aware of the entire plan’s details.

Also, two pages are more than enough for writing a capturing executive summary .

2. Conduct a competitive and market analysis

Build a strong foundation for your coffee business by diving deep into the market research of the coffee industry, competitors, target audience, market trends, and your attainable target market.

Analyze the coffee shop industry from a macro viewpoint and then gradually narrow it down to your particular market. For instance, the revenue in the US coffee market size was $85.2 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow by 3.21% between 2023-2028.

Now, identify your targeted available market (TAM) from this and analyze the growth potential of your particular coffee shop. Overall, try to show that the coffee shop business has a thriving opportunity to grow in the market.

The market analysis for a coffee shop business must include the study of the following:

Customer analysis

Customer analysis is essential to identify your target customers. Having a thorough understanding of your target market will help formulate the business and market strategies appropriate for your business.

Create the buyer persona of your ideal customer. Focus on these details to outline your ideal customer:

  • Customer demographics: Age, gender, location, income, occupation, and ethnicity of the customers who will visit your coffee shop.
  • Customer psychographics: Beliefs and values of your ideal customer, their interests, spending pattern, and their media consumption.

For instance, the ideal customer for Steamy Sips is 23-38 years old and works in a corporation. He/ She likes to spend money on coffee regularly and prefers fresh roasted seasonal brews, is socializing, and loves working in a cafe remotely.

Competitors analysis

After determining your target market, look around and identify your potential competitors.

Begin by identifying the top competitors of your coffee shop. This can be neighboring coffee shops, kiosks, or coffee karts that offer similar services to your business.

Now conduct a SWOT analysis of these coffee shops by analyzing their strengths and weaknesses. Also, analyze your strengths against competitors and highlight your competitive edge in the market. Be realistic with your assessment as this will form the foundation of your related business policies.

Lastly, identify if there are any stellar opportunities for you to leverage in this market.

SWOT analysis of a coffee shop business

Collect data from highly authoritative websites, data publications, and local studies specialized in the coffee industry. For instance, SBA , SCA coffee , Mintel , Business Wire , COFFEEBI , etc.

This section is your chance to prove to the potential investors that you are aware of the market challenges and there exist favorable chances for your coffee shop to thrive and grow.

3. Prepare a company overview

Just like the executive summary of your coffee shop business plan, this section includes a brief business description of your coffee shop. It offers readers a peek into your business structure, goals, mission, and company values.

Depending on your market analyses choose the type and structure of your business concept. Clearly describe whether you will start a cafe or coffee shop, coffee kart, coffee bar, or coffee house and whether the business structure will be LLC, partnership, or sole proprietorship.

Further include your mission statement, coffee shop objectives, and goals to complete the company overview section.

Mission statement: A mission statement highlights the purpose of your coffee shop’s existence and its long-term objective.

For instance, Steaming Sips’ mission is to cultivate a culture of freshly roasted coffee, serving a welcoming space for young individuals to connect, create, and unwind with every cup of our brews.

Coffee shop objectives: In this part, highlight your business objectives in terms of milestones, growth goals, revenue goals, sales numbers, etc.

For instance, Steaming Sips aims to open 3 branches across San Fransisco by the end of 2025.

4. Present your sample menu

The market research earlier helped you understand your potential audience in great detail. Now, it’s time to decide what to offer on your menu.

A sample menu is an important component of your coffee shop business plan. With a menu, investors will know what exactly you will be serving and what makes you different.

A coffee shop can stand apart selling just coffee drinks. However, there are many coffee shops that sell coffee and food products together. Depending on your coffee shop concept and the target market, decide the menu items.

Here are a few things to consider while making your menu and establishing yourself as a specialty coffee shop.

  • Different types of coffee drinks that suit your customer’s taste. For ex. filtered coffee, frappuccino, brewed coffee, hot coffee, etc.
  • The type of coffee beans to produce high-quality coffee, e.g. organic coffee beans.
  • Different types of coffee roasts, e.g. dark roast, medium roast, light roast.
  • Different types of milk, e.g. plant-based milk options and dairy milk.
  • Seasonal coffee specialties.

Strategically place the items in your menu and add the prices alongside. Incorporate branding elements of your coffee shop in the menu as well.

5. Coffee shop design and layout

Till now, the coffee shop idea was just a business concept, jumbled randomly across your mind. Writing a business plan will help you to sort those ideas, one section at a time.

The design and layout section helps potential investors visualize the appearance of your coffee shop. It is your chance to help them understand your coffee shop concept and the aspects that set you apart from other coffee shops.

Begin by highlighting your coffee shop location in this section. Briefly explain how the location is suitable for your potential customers.

Also, present the moodboard of your coffee shop and highlight the branding and visual elements of its design.

Overall, explain how you will create a welcoming atmosphere for your customers by incorporating design and decor elements in your shop.

location of coffee shop business

6. Prepare a coffee shop marketing plan

Now that you have the concept, design, and menu for a coffee shop, it’s time to work on its marketing plan . The coffee market is intensely competitive and only a solid marketing action plan can differentiate your business from other coffee shops.

Using your market research, identify the best marketing strategy for your business. Ideally, coffee shops build a cohesive brand image using a mix of digital marketing practices.

For instance, a website can be used to build a robust web image, while social media can be used to connect with your target audience organically. Similarly, your coffee shop emails can focus on special offers and promotional invites while paid ads can help you target the wider audience.

In this section, you also highlight various promotional activities for your cafe such as karaoke evenings, art workshops, musical nights, happy coffee hours, etc.

Overall a comprehensive marketing plan must answer the following questions:

  • How will you draw coffee enthusiasts to your coffee shop?
  • What will be the pricing strategy of your coffee shop?
  • What will be your marketing budget?
  • What marketing channels will you use and who will undertake the marketing activities?
  • Will there be any promotional events at the cafe? If so, what type of events?

marketing strategy for coffee shop business

7. Introduce your management team

In this section, you will introduce the management team that will ensure the smooth functioning of your coffee shop business.

Begin by introducing the coffee shop owners and their relevant experience in the coffee market. Also, clarify if you will work both as owner and manager or hire a coffee shop manager to look after the day-to-day operations.

If you are going to hire a manager, introduce them and their key responsibilities in the section. Offer a brief description of their skills, experience, and expertise that can help your coffee shop business.

Overall, this section shows the potential investors that you have all the right people in a team to drive your coffee shop toward success.

8. Outline your operational plan

Operation section of a coffee plan offers brief details of everyday business processes that will guide you to build and run a successful coffee shop.

An operations plan includes a lot of details, answering some of these prominent questions.

  • Inventory and stock management: How will you manage and track the inventory? Who will be responsible for stock management? How often would you restock the inventory?
  • Production: Who will develop the recipes for coffee beverages? Will there be recipe cost cards for coffee preparation? Will there be kitchen staff working with food orders or will you outsource that?
  • Coffee shop equipment: What equipment will you buy for the coffee shop, i.e. espresso machine, coffee grinders, etc? Will that be a new purchase or a second-hand one? How much will the equipment cost?
  • Management: Who will serve the food and coffee in the shop? Who will look after customer complaints? What is the conflict resolution system at your coffee shop?
  • Technology: What technologies will you use at your coffee shop? Which payment and POS system will you use? Will there be an ordering kiosk?

A well-planned operations plan demonstrates your ability to run a coffee shop to your readers. So keep it detailed and revamp it as and when needed.

9. Create a Financial Plan

A financial plan helps assess the viability of your business idea by evaluating its financial aspects. It’s an important part of your coffee shop business plan whether you want to seek funding or not.

A well-built coffee shop financial plan is presented in numbers, graphs, and charts and includes the following:

  • Evaluation of startup costs: Identify the startup costs of your proposed coffee shop. Take into account the costs for lease rental, licenses, equipment, remodeling as well as operating expenses for the first few months.
  • Sales forecasts and pricing: Determine the drink sales for your coffee shop and your pricing structure by conducting market research.
  • Operating costs: Your financial projections should include a thorough calculation of operating expenses to run a coffee shop business.
  • Balance sheet: A balance sheet will help investors assess your assets and liabilities and the liquidity of your business.
  • Cash flow statement: Make cash flow projections and demonstrate the inward and outward flow of money in the business.
  • Income statement: The figures in this sheet help evaluate the profitability of your business
  • Break-even analysis: The calculations here will help determine the sales level after which your coffee shop will start making a profit.

Now, making all these financial projections and calculations is a bit taxing. Not only that, you will have to create visual reports to make the financial section appealing and insightful.

Well, let’s make things easier with our financial forecasting tool. Simply enter your assumptions in a tab and our tool will generate important key reports for your business.

Don’t stress. You don’t need to worry about the visual reports anymore. Go, check your dashboard. You will have all the visual reports ready to be added to your financial plan.

coffee shop business profit breakdown

And that’s your detailed guide to writing your coffee shop business plan. Now, let’s check the latest industry trends ruling the coffee shop market. 

Coffee Shop Industry Highlights 2023

Let’s dive further deep into market analysis with these latest industry trends in the coffee shop market:

  • Coffee shop industry: The US coffee shop industry grew from $36 billion to 45.8 billion dollars between 2020-2022.
  • Number of coffee shops: According to Statista , in 2022 there were a total of 38.4 thousand coffee shops in the US.
  • Coffee drinkers: A performed market research indicates that the top coffee consumers aren’t youngsters, but seniors. Nearly, 70% of seniors consume coffee regularly.
  • Employment growth rate: The total number of people employees in the coffee shop industry in th US increased on average by 4.9% between 2018-2023.
  • Specialty coffee market: According to Grandview research , the US specialty coffee market is expected to grow at 10.9% CAGR between 2023-2030.
  • Price per cup: According to Business Insider , the average price per coffee cup in the coffee shop is almost $5, making it an affordable luxury for people.

Download a sample coffee shop business plan

Need help writing your business plan? Let’s ease your plan writing process with our coffee shop business plan pdf . Download it for free and customize it as per your needs.

This modern intuitive template offers a step-by-step guide that will help you write a comprehensive and actionable business plan. It’s designed specifically for coffee shop businesses and includes examples relevant to your industry.

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Write your business plan with Upmetrics

Enhance the quality of your business planning with Upmetrics. With more than 400+ customizable sample business plans , it offers features like AI assistance to write an impactful business plan.

Whether you are starting your own coffee shop or taking over an existing coffee business, Upmetrics’ insightful guides and resources will help you craft a compelling business plan in easy steps.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key components of a successful coffee shop business plan.

The key elements of a coffee shop business plan are

  • Executive summary
  • Business overview
  • Coffee industry and market analysis
  • Sample menu
  • Coffee shop design and layout
  • Marketing and sales plan
  • Key management team
  • Operations plan
  • Financial plan

Should we consider franchising our coffee shop?

Yes, you can. Franchising is a proven way of increasing the reach and profitability of your coffee business. Moreover, it’s easy to scale your business through a franchise business model.

What is a traditional business plan for a coffee shop?

A traditional plan is very similar to modern business plans. It includes a summary of the company’s goals, objectives, business values, marketing objectives, and financial plan. The modern plans, however, are intuitively designed to be more suited to investors interest.

Do I need a business plan to secure funding for my coffee shop?

Yes. Investors and investing firms will ask for a business plan before giving you a chance to present the coffee shop concept. By studying your plan, they will gauge the viability of your coffee business, and depending on the analysis they will decide whether to invest or not.

What should I include in the financial projections section of my business plan?

The financial projections of your coffee shop plan must include the following:

  • Sales forecast
  • Startup cost estimates
  • Operating costs
  • Balance sheet
  • Income statement
  • Cash flow statement
  • Break-even analysis

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proposal business plan kopi

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Contoh Bisnis Plan Minuman Sederhana Coffee Road PDF

Berikut adalah contoh Bisnis Plan minuman sederhana untuk bisnis cafe kopi kekinian. Bisnis Plan adalah dokumen yang menjelaskan secara terperinci bagaimana suatu bisnis baru dijalankan dengan perencanaan yang baik.

Bisnis Plan minuman ini berisi rancangan dari sudut pandang pemasaran, keuangan, dan operasional.

Contoh Proposal Bisnis Plan Minuman “Coffee Road”

Latar belakang usaha, deskripsi perusahaan, struktur manajemen, target pasar, strategi pemasaran, strategi produk, strategi harga, analisis pesaing, langkah pengembangan, pelaksanaan, anggaran biaya, download business plan sederhana pdf doc.

Contoh Proposal Bisnis Plan Minuman "Coffee Road"

  • Coffee Road
  • Author : Tipkerja
  • Terbit pada : 9 Desember 2020

Produk minuman kopi menjadi salah satu produk minuman yang digemari oleh masyarakat. Kopi yang disajikan tidak hanya kopi hitam atau americano , melainkan banyak jenis kopi lain seperti cappucino dan frappucino .

Saat ini berbagai macam inovasi-inovasi juga dilakukan, sehingga produk kopi menjadi lebih beragam.

Tidak hanya masyarakat pecinta kopi yang membeli minuman kopi, bahkan masyarakat yang tidak terlalu suka kopi juga menikmati minuman kopi, namun dengan kadar kopi pada minuman yang lebih sedikit.

Tentu saja kita temui banyak kedai kopi atau coffee shop baru dengan menawarkan kelebihan-kelebihan sendiri.

Dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa peluang bisnis minuman dengan bahan dasar kopi ini cukup menjanjikan. Maka dari itu, perusahaan kami merupakan sebuah perusahaan dengan produk minuman kopi, namun dengan cara penyajian yang berbeda.

Jika di Indonesia kebanyakan minuman kopi terdapat di kedai-kedai, maka kami menyajikan “Coffee Road” yaitu “Kopi di Jalan”. Dengan penyajian seperti ini, maka masyarakat tidak perlu membeli minuman kopi yang dia inginkan di kedai kopi, mereka dapat membeli langsung di jalan.

Nama dan lokasi usaha

Nama perusahaan adalah “PT. Coffee Road Indonesia”. Lokasi usaha pada tahap awal yaitu di sekitar kawasan kampus. Namun kami juga merencanakan untuk melebarkan pasar di kawasan perkantoran serta mengikuti event-event tertentu.

Visi dan Misi Perusahaan

Visi: Menjadi bisnis yang dapat menyajikan kebahagiaan dari secangkir minuman kopi.

  • Menciptakan varian minuman kopi yang menarik dan unik serta nikmat
  • Meningkatkan jangkauan pemasaran
  • Menyajikan kopi dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau
  • Melestarikan minuman kopi sebagai bagian dari budaya masyarakat setempat

Identifikasi produk

Produk yang kami tawarkan adalah minuman kopi dingin maupun panas dengan berbagai varian produk yang menarik.

Varian produk pada awal ini yaitu espresso, americano, moccacino dan cappucino .

Deskripsi perusahaan

Coffee Road Indonesia merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang minuman berbahan dasar kopi. Minuman kopi yang disajikan dapat dinikmati baik dingin maupun panas.

Perbedaan dari minuman kopi kami yaitu lokasi usaha. Tahap awal, usaha kami dapat ditemui di sekitar area kampus, namun kami merencanakan untuk melebarkan pada di beberapa tempat seperti kawasan wisata, area perkantoran dan area event.

Dengan menyebarnya pemasaran, maka akan lebih memudahkan masyarakat untuk menikmati hidangan kopi, sehingga tidak perlu untuk bepergian terlalu jauh.

Pendanaan perusahaan

Dana yang digunakan untuk bisnis ini berasal dari modal pribadi serta bantuan dari keluarga. Perusahaan tidak meminjam modal awal melalui bank maupun lembaga keuangan lainnya.

Baca juga: Contoh Bisnis Plan Sederhana untuk Mahasiswa

Perusahaan ini dijalankan dengan team sebagai berikut:

  • Manajer Produksi
  • Manajer Pemasaran
  • Manajer Keuangan.

Job Description:

  • Sebagai penanggung jawab terhadap perusahaan
  • Membuat keputusan
  • Memastikan bahwa seluruh kegiatan berjalan lancar.

2. Manajemen Produksi :

  • Menjaga kualitas produk
  • Melakukan inovasi-inovasi produk
  • Melatih pegawai untuk menyajikan minuman kopi yang berkualitas sesuai SOP.

3. Manajemen Pemasaran :

  • Menyusun strategi pemasaran untuk mengembangkan usaha
  • Mengatur kegiatan pemasaran
  • Melakukan promosi
  • Memastikan terjalin hubungan baik antara perusahaan dan konsumen.

4. Manajemen Keuangan :

  • Mencatat semua transaksi yang ada dalam perusahaan
  • Memproses data transaksi menjadi laporan keuangan.

Segmentasi pasar perusahaan kami sangat luas yaitu meliputi masyarakat yang menyukai kopi ataupun yang ingin minum kopi untuk menunjang pekerjaan.

Seperti kita ketahui bahwa kopi merupakan salah satu produk yang dapat kita andalkan untuk menjaga mata agar tetap terbuka untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

Namun, tahap awal kami akan menargetkan pasar di area kampus. Area kampus dipilih karena dosen serta mahasiswa umumnya pada jam kuliah siang sudah tidak terlalu bersemangat seperti saat pagi hari.

Selain itu, dengan berbagai macam tugas terkadang membuat mahasiswa membutuhkan kopi untuk membantu agar tidak mengantuk.

Selanjutnya kami akan mencoba untuk berusaha di sekitar area perkantoran. Area tersebut dipilih karena sifat dari karyawan kantor yang membutuhkan kopi untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

Terlebih jika mereka kurang tidur pada pagi hari, kopi dapat menjadi produk alternatif.

Kami menjual produk dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau. Hal ini karena kami tidak menggunakan gerai dalam pemasaran, sehingga kami dapat memangkas biaya operasional seperti sewa tempat.

Dengan harga yang terjangkau maka diharapkan menjadi nilai positif dan memiliki efek psikologis bagi konsumen.

Profil pelanggan

Umur> 15 tahun
PendapatanMenengah ke bawah
Lokasi geografisArea kampus
Alasan membeliMenyukai kopi, menginginkan manfaat kopi, mengonsumsi minuman kopi untuk mendapatkan manfaat dari kopi

Strategi pemasaran yang kami lakukan yaitu:

  • Menentukan brand serta branding pada produk dan bisnis. Dalam hal ini termasuk di dalamnya penentuan kemasan, penataan eksterior kedai berjalan sehingga eye catching , mempersiapkan katalog, serta menentukan seragam
  • Pembuatan akun media sosial seperti instagram, facebook, twitter untuk lebih dekat dengan konsumen
  • Membuat website perusahaan
  • Pada saat launching memberikan promo yang disampaikan melalui akun sosial media.
  • Mendapatkan data-data acara yang akan digelar sehingga akan lebih meningkatkan pemasaran.

Dilakukan dengan upaya diverifikasi terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Ke depannya dirancang untuk inovasi rasa dan jenis minuman kopi.

Pada awal produksi akan diterapkan sistem face to face , sehingga masyarakat tahu keberadaan dari Coffee Road. Produk minuman yang disajikan dapat dinikmati secara panas ataupun dingin sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen.

Strategi harga dilakukan saat awal launching, harga produk ditetapkan sesuai dengan kantong dari semua kalangan. Awal penjualan produk ini, harga yang dijual akan menggunakan harga miring. Strategi harga dilakukan dengan tetap menjaga kualitas dari minuman kopi yang dihasilkan.

Dilihat dari lokasi usaha, belum terdapat pesaing yang menjalankan usaha yang benar-benar sama seperti kami. Namun, untuk bidang usaha yang sama yaitu minuman tentu saja ada seperti minuman dingin, es kelapa, sop buah dll.

Usaha yang sejenis dengan kami belum ada di Kota Padang, sehingga menjadi peluang bagi kamu untuk meningkatkan jangkauan pemasaran. Usaha kopi yang ada yaitu berupa coffee shop.

Beberapa coffee shop yang terkenal di Kota Padang adalah kopi janji jiwa dan foresthree.

Langkah yang dilakukan jika usaha ini mulai berkembang dan tingkat permintaan tinggi adalah dengan mempertahankan keunggulan dan kualitas minuman. Selain itu, dapat memperluas jangkauan pemasaran serta membuat varian kopi lain yang disukai oleh konsumen. Namun tentu saja, harga yang ditawarkan akan lebih murah dibandingkan minuman kopi dari coffee shop .

Terdapat delapan tahap pelaksanaan dalam bisnis ini, yaitu:

1. Tahap persiapan dan survei

Tahap persiapan dan survey pasar diawali dengan mempersiapkan tempat. Kami menyusuri kawasan kampus dan perkantoran serta menentukan beberapa pilihan titik lokasi usaha yang sesuai, sebelum akhirnya diputuskan secara tim.

2. Pengadaan alat dan bahan

Pada tahap ini pembelian alat penunjang serta bahan dilakukan. Pemilihan kualitas alat maupun bahan demi kualitas produk merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Peralatan yang digunakan antara lain:

  • Mesin penggiling kopi ( coffee grinder )
  • Drip coffee maker
  • Peralatan penyimpanan
  • Genset kecil
  • Blender & Juicer
  • Peralatan kebersihan

Bahan yang digunakan yaitu:

  • Kopi yang sudah digiling

3. Pembuatan produk

Pembuatan produk dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kualitas barang sehingga pembeli tidak akan kecewa dengan barang yang akan dibeli. Berikut cara pembuatannya :

  • Masukkan dua sendok kopi bubuk ke dalam wadah french press
  • Tuangkan air panas ke dalam wadah yang telah berisi kopi bubuk.
  • Setelah menuangkan air, tunggu sekitar 30 detik supaya aroma dan minyak dari kopi tersebut keluar. Hal ini akan menambahkan rasa dari minuman yang dihasilkan.
  • Kemudian aduk kopi dan diamkan hingga 4 menit. Setelah itu, tekan bagian plunger dengan perlahan untuk menyaring kopi. Setelah espresso selesai diseduh, langsung dituang untuk menghindari rasa pahit. Espresso dapat disajikan.
  • Masukkan kopi bubuk ke dalam french press
  • Tuangkan air panas. Pastikan bahwa saat menuang air panas posisi teko lebih tinggi dari pada french press. Dengan teknik ini maka akan membuat gelembung kopi yang lebih banyak sehingga aroma kopi akan lebih harum
  • Aduk perlahan dan diamkan 4 menit
  • Setelah itu tekan tutup french press perlahan dan kopi siap disajikan.

Tahap awal pembuatan cappucino yaitu membuat espresso . Cara pembuatan espresso telah dijelaskan di atas. Setelah espresso jadi, maka langkah selanjutnya:

  • Panaskan susu segar hingga 90 derajat celcius
  • Press 120 mililiter susu menggunakan french press. Terkait proses ini, membutuhkan tenaga untuk menghasilkan foam yang cukup dan enak saat mencicipi cappucino.
  • Setelah foam diperoleh, tuangkan susu panas ke dalam espresso dengan perlahan
  • Tambahkan bubuk coklat di atasnya atau serutan kayu manis untuk menambah tampilan cappucino
  • Cappucino siap disajikan

Proses pembuatan moccacino sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan proses pembuatan cappucino. Tahap pertama yaitu pembuatan espresso yang telah dijelaskan di atas. Langkah selanjutnya yaitu:

  • Press 120 mililiter susu menggunakan french press. Terkait proses ini, membutuhkan tenaga untuk menghasilkan foam yang cukup dan enak saat mencicipi cappucino
  • Tuangkan susu, creamer, gula pasir dan espresso ke dalam gelas lalu aduk sampai larut
  • Tambahkan foam di atasnya, moccacino siap untuk dinikmati

4. Tahap Promosi

Publikasi dan menyebarluaskan info mengenai produk yaitu dengan melakukan kerjasama dengan distributor-distributor besar, tempat pelayanan publik dan sejenisnya untuk memperkenalkannya pada massa yang lebih luas.

Selain itu, mempromosikan melalui pembuatan dan penyebaran brosur, pamflet, pengumuman, info pada blog-blog, facebook,  twitter, dan instagram agar semua kalangan tau keberadaan coffee road ini.

5. Tahap penjualan produk.

Diawali dengan memberikan contoh produk yang kami jual, melalui tahap promosi yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya, kemudian coffee road akan segera beroperasi.

Pelanggan dapat langsung memesan kopi saat bertemu dengan coffee road.

6. Tahap evaluasi perkembangan usaha

Pada tahap ini dilakukan penghitungan pengeluaran dan pemasukan dari produksi minuman kopi. Pada tahap ini pula kami menganalisis apakah strategi pemasaran sudah berhasil secara maksimal atau belum.

Selain itu, dilakukan pula evaluasi terhadap modal yang ada, evaluasi terhadap jaringan dan mitra kerja.

7. Evaluasi kegiatan

Evaluasi diadakan untuk mengetahui secara keseluruhan sejauh mana usaha ini berjalan, kekurangan dan kelebihan serta rincian secara keseluruhan.

8. Laporan pertanggungjawaban

Laporan ini dilaksanakan pada akhir periode kegiatan

Anggaran biaya digunakan untuk melihat berapa total biaya yang digunakan dalam pendirian usaha. Anggaran biaya Coffee Road sebagai berikut:

Peralatan Penunjang

MaterialKuantitasHarga SatuanTotal
Alat penggiling kopi1Rp 1.000.000 Rp 1.000.000
French press maker1Rp 200.000 Rp 200.000
Moka Pot1Rp 200.000 Rp 200.000
Alat penyimpanan10Rp 20.000 Rp 200.000
Galon1Rp 50.000 Rp 50.000
Silverware10Rp 10.000 Rp 100.000
Blender1Rp 230.000 Rp 230.000
Pengemasan1000Rp 1.000 Rp 1.000.000
Peralatan Kebersihan1Rp 100.000 Rp 100.000
Genset kecil1Rp 3.000.000Rp 3.000.000
TOTAL Rp 3.080.000
MaterialKuantitasSatuanHarga SatuanTotal
Kopi5Kilogram Rp 105.000 Rp 525.000
Susu5Kaleng Rp 12.000 Rp 60.000
Gula pasir5Kilogram Rp 16.000 Rp 80.000
Air1Galon Rp 5.000 Rp 5.000
Es batu100Buah Rp 1.000 Rp 100.000
Total Rp 770.000

3. Perjalanan

MaterialKuantitas HargaTotal
Motor1 Rp 13.000.000 Rp 13.000.000
Transportasi pembelian peralatan – Rp 250.000 Rp 250.000
Transportasi pengiriman kopi – Rp 300.000 Rp 300.000
Total Rp 13.550.000

4. Lain-lain

MaterialKuantitas Harga satuanJumlah
Upah tenaga kerja1Rp 1.500.000Rp 1.500.000
Pembuatan laporan5 Rp 10.000 Rp 50.000
Presentasi2 Rp 30.000 Rp 60.000
Dokumentasi5 Rp 100.000 Rp 500.000
Brosur3 Rp 10.000 Rp 30.000
Poster5 Rp 15.000 Rp 75.000
Total Rp 2.215.000

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  • Bisnis plan jasa
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  • Bisnis plan makanan ringan

Itulah contoh bisnis plan minuman lengkap yang bisa digunakan untuk membangun bisnis kafe atau untuk tugas kuliah mahasiswa.

  • 7 Contoh Bisnis Plan PDF untuk Makanan, Minuman, dan Jasa
  • 4 Contoh Proposal Kegiatan di Lingkungan Masyarakat Word
  • Contoh Bisnis Plan Makanan Sederhana Terlengkap
  • 3 Cara Edit Slip Gaji PDF di HP dengan Mudah
  • Bisnis Daring dan Pemasaran : Profil, Prospek Kerja, & Gaji

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Susunan dan Contoh Proposal Usaha Coffee Shop yang Menarik

Susunan dan contoh proposal usaha coffee shop yang menarik .

proposal usaha coffe shop

Susunan Proposal Usaha Coffee Shop

Contoh proposal usaha coffee shop.

  • Memberikan solusi kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan tempat untuk melepaskan penat dan lelah.
  • Membuka lapangan kerja untuk masyarakat sekitar kedai kopi.
  • Menambah pengalaman dan melatih kreatifitas diri.
  • Menambah penghasilan dengan membuka kedai kopi.
  • Memberikan pelayanan yang prima
  • Menggunakan bahan baku dan peralatan yang berkualitas dan higienis.
  • Mesin Penggiling
  • Mesin Kopi Ekspreso
  • Drip Coffee Maker
  • Peralatan Kebersihan
  • Produk yang berkualitas
  • Harga yang terjangkau
  • Banyaknya produk baru dalam usaha kopi, termasuk kedai kopi
  • Harga bahan baku yang cenderung selalu naik.

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How to Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan

If your goal is to open a successful coffee shop , writing a business plan is a smart place to start. The idea of a business plan is overwhelming and even scary for MOST people – But it doesn’t have to be. To put it simply, the point of a business plan is to get the idea for your business off of the cocktail napkin into a more organized and thought out format. It forces you to ask yourself some tough questions, get organized and think things through before you spend the first dollar. The first phase of writing a coffee shop business plan is figuring out if your business concept is even remotely viable. Meaning, is there even a market for this? Then after some high level analysis of some key points of research, if it seems plausible, you move into the second phase which is compiling all the costs associated with launching the business. This will include things like rent, equipment, buildout, and so on. After you have figured out what it will cost to launch the business, you need to figure out how long it will take to get the your initial start-up investment back out of the business. Finally, you need to figure out what the next steps are for growing the business once it has become profitable. This is an essential document if you seek financing or outside investment in your coffee shop business. Again, it doesn’t have to be difficult, you just need to know what the lenders and investors are looking for. To write a coffee shop business plan just follow this step-by-step template. 

7 Essential Elements in a Coffee Shop Business Plan

1: executive summary.

The executive summary is the introduction to your business plan. It highlights the most essential elements of your plan in a clear, concise manner–it shouldn’t take more than two pages. Using positive language, this section may summarize your goals and objectives, a description of the gap you’re filling in the market, and your high-level business concept. You want the person reading this section to have enough information to feel optimistic about your idea and eager to dive deeper into the details. 

Even though this is the first section in your business plan, it might serve you to write it last. It needs to be refined and polished, as it can be the make-or-break section for potential stakeholders. You’ll be able to more effectively prioritize and bring to light the best parts of your business plan once you’ve written all of them out.

2: Company Summary

The company summary section of your coffee shop business plan features a nuts-and-bolts description of your company and explains the concept in depth, and what will make it disruptive and different from every other coffee shop. Include the following:

  • Proposed name of the coffee shop
  • Owners’ names 
  • Location (it may just be a city and state for now)
  • Mission and Vision
  • Company history (Any information that describes events that led up to the idea for the business)
  • Overall unique and differentiating concept (what sets it apart)

(Remember, anybody can have a great product or service. Meaning, anybody can start a coffee shop business and sell delicious coffee, pour beautiful latte art, and have an aesthetically pleasing interior design. At this point these factors are expected by consumers – They fall within the most basic consumer needs. Sadly, most coffee shop owners believe these are their major differentiating factors… Think about the last five coffee shops you’ve visited. They probably all offered around 95% the same user experience, menu, and messaging with slight twists on the aesthetics. You need to dig deeper. How will you set your business apart from all the rest? What will make your coffee business unique, disruptive, and special? Most importantly, how will you keep your coffee business fulfilling and relevant 2 years from now?)

3: Management Team Overview

The credibility of a new business always hinges upon the credibility of its management team. The goal of this section of your plan should be to impress upon the reader the trustworthiness and credibility of your team. Include information on the background and experience of each member, and highlight their main accomplishments in this (or related) businesses up to this point in their careers.

4: Product and Customer Targeting Strategy

Every coffee shop serves a slightly different group of people. Who are YOUR people? Men. Women. Anyone who drinks coffee? This would be way too general! You first need to know your unique selling proposition that sets you coffee shop apart. (It isn’t having great coffee! Everybody in the coffee business says they have great coffee.) You need a unique point of view where you can plant your flag in the ground to differentiate from other coffee businesses. Then you need to identify who specifically will align most with your concept, vision, and unique point of view. (YOUR people, also known as a target audience.) How will you reach your target audience? How will you influence their buying behaviors? What is your marketing budget? (For more information on identifying your ideal customer, read our post here. )

5. Store Design Ideas, Equipment Choices, and User Experience

In this section, describe not only the design choices and aesthetic of your cafe, but go into detail about your disruptive and unique user experience too. Make sure the environment and user experience directly tie into your business concept and the aspects that make it unique and disruptive. Think about how customers can interact with your environment, products, and staff differently than every other coffee shop. How will it stand out? (Here’s a tip. Don’t look for your inspiration inside the 4 walls of the specialty coffee industry. Dare to be different. We suggest looking for inspiration in unlikely and unrelated places.)

These are topics we discuss in great depth in our 3-Day Coffee Business Master Class and our How to Open a Coffee Shop Online Class , we also provide sample coffee shop floor plans, equipment lists, and guide students through creating coffee shop concepts with staying power. Check out our class schedule to learn more.

6: Proposed Location and Market Analysis

Successful coffee shop owners know that location is especially important in this business. One major point to consider is that it takes more than just finding a location near a major thoroughfare, business park, residential area or shopping center. You need to make sure the “soil is fertile” with YOUR specific target customers that will actually support your coffee shop business concept. Propose a handful of specific locations that are rich with your ideal customers. Also, do some research into factors such as market size, the area’s projected growth over the next 5, to 10 years, drive-by-traffic, and walk-by traffic. (For more information on finding the right location for your market, read our post here. )

7: Financial Plan

A successful business start up is one that is able to ramp up sales fairly quickly, with the goal of bringing in more revenue than it requires to keep the business running. In other words, it needs to be able to turn a profit. This is what your financial plan can help you determine. 

Sit down with a good spreadsheet software program and make educated but slightly conservative estimations on factors like:

  • Estimated number of transactions per day
  • Projected average $ transaction
  • Estimated gross sales per day, week, month, and year
  • Start-up budget based on your location’s estimated earning potential
  • Operating budget including fixed expenses and prime costs
  • Projected net profit after all expenses have come out
  • Return on start-up investment timeline
  • 5 Year growth strategy

This is one of the most critically important aspects of writing a coffee shop business plan. We teach our students a very detailed and easy to grasp process for how to project all of the above financial bullet points of the business plan and a lot more in our 3-Day Coffee Business Master Class and our How to Open a Coffee Shop Online Class . We also provide a coffee shop 5 year financial plan template and budgeting spreadsheets. Since we have helped so many students open successful coffee shops over the years, this is something we have a lot of hard data on – not just vague industry averages! If you need help writing your coffee shop business plan, we help!

Write your coffee shop business plan with expert guidance

For many entrepreneurs, writing a business plan is the first step in putting their ideas into motion. For comprehensive, step-by-step training to open, manage, or own a coffee shop, register for our Texas Coffee School classes in person and online.

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3-Day Coffee Business Master Class

Hands-on training for every step of starting your coffee shop business.

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2-Day Barista Training Class

Designed for home enthusiasts and barista staff training. No experience necessary!

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Coffee Shop Manager Training Course

A 1-day course designed to rapidly advance coffee shop operations, knowledge & management resources.

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Sagittis scelerisque nulla cursus in enim consectetur quam. Dictum urna sed consectetur neque tristique pellentesque. Blandit amet, sed aenean erat arcu morbi.

Sollicitudin tristique eros erat odio sed vitae, consequat turpis elementum. Lorem nibh vel, eget pretium arcu vitae. Eros eu viverra donec ut volutpat donec laoreet quam urna.

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  • Quis elit egestas venenatis mattis dignissim.
  • Cras cras lobortis vitae vivamus ultricies facilisis tempus.
  • Orci in sit morbi dignissim metus diam arcu pretium.

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Coffee Business Categories

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Open a Coffee Shop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Architecto accusantium praesentium eius, ut atque fuga culpa, similique sequi cum eos quis dolorum.

proposal business plan kopi

Run a Coffee Shop

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Velit facilis asperiores porro quaerat doloribus, eveniet dolore. Adipisci tempora aut inventore optio animi., tempore temporibus quo laudantium.

Barista Tips

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint harum rerum voluptatem quo recusandae magni placeat saepe molestiae, sed excepturi cumque corporis perferendis hic.

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Register for a Coffee Class

We’ve helped hundreds of students successfully launch their own coffee shop businesses. Join us in our 5-Star Rated Coffee Classes, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur looking to open a coffee shop, a manager, a barista or home enthusiast looking to sharpen your skills.

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Death Before Decaf? – Why Customers Are Reconsidering Decaf Coffee

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Opening a Mobile Coffee Cart

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5 Things District Coffee Is Doing Right

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Coffee Shop Marketing Plan for 2023

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4 Reasons Coffee Shop Owners Burn Out (and How to Prevent Them)

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How to Write Your 2023 Coffee Shop Business Plan

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6 Mistakes to Avoid When You Start a Coffee Business

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How to Provide Excellent Coffee Shop Customer Service

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3 Ways to Dial in Coffee Shop Operations

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5 Smart Business Strategies for Coffee Shops in 2022

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Galindo’s Is the Hybrid Business Model of Tomorrow

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Why Are We One of the Best Coffee and Barista Schools?

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Managing Coffee Shop Costs of Goods Sold and Labor

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Hybrid Coffee Shop Models: The Future of Coffee Shops

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How Inflation Affects Coffee Shops and How to Still Succeed

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How Coffeepreneur® David Bednarek Grew His Coffee Shop Revenue

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How to Scale and Grow Your Coffee Shop

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Social Media Tips for Coffee Shops

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Coffee Shop Innovation in 2022

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Coffee Shop Operations Best Practices

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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Start a Coffee Shop

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Benefits and Challenges of a Drive Thru Coffee Shop

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How to Open a Coffee Shop in 2021: Our Top Posts

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Coffee Shop Design Rules

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A Coffee Business With a Cause: Kind Cafe

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Support Independent Coffee Shops this Holiday Season

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Tips for Successful Coffee Shop Management

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What’s the Secret to a Successful Coffee Shop?

Coffee Fuels Rapid Business Growth: Pop’s Coffee Company

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5 Impactful Ways to Grow Your Coffee Business This Year

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How to Start a Successful Coffee Shop in 2021

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How much does it cost to open a coffee shop?

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Building a Career, Lifestyle, and Culture, with Shannon Neffendorf

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Top Entrepreneur Tips for Coffee Shop Owners (Part 2)

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5 Reasons Why Cafe Startups Fail

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Top Entrepreneur Tips for Coffee Shop Owners (Part 1) 

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Why Right Now Is a Great Time to Start a Small Business

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4 Things You Will Only Learn at the Best Coffee Schools

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This Commercial Cold Brew Solution Will Change the Game For Your Coffee Shop

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Using Oat Milk in your Coffee Shop Menu

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How to Find the Best Barista Courses

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Coffee Shop Marketing Strategies

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How to Start a Coffee Shop with Loyal Customers

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How to Make Better Tasting Cold Brewed Coffee at Home

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Are barista training classes worth it? 

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What to Expect as a Coffee Shop Owner

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4 Coffee Business Lessons from Former Students

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5 Things Only the Best Baristas Know How to Do

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They Didn’t Just Open a Coffee Shop, They Created a Lifestyle Brand

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Why Veterans Make Successful Coffee Shop Owners

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Why You Don’t Have to Wait to Open a Coffee Shop

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Coffee Shop Industry Trends in 2020

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How to Become a Coffee Shop Owner

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7 Things to Think About When Designing a Coffee Shop Floor Plan

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How Pivoting to a Drive-Thru Coffee Shop Transformed This Oklahoma Sno Cone Business

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Coffee Shop Owners Need Business Education, Not Just Barista Training

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3 Barista Training Musts for Coffee Shops

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Why Now is the Right Time to Start a Coffee Shop

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Answers Regarding COVID-19 and Upcoming Classes

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How to Open a Successful Coffee Shop

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The Pathways To Success Podcast (EP 163): Tom Vincent, Founder of Texas Coffee School

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Texas Coffee School Coffeepreneur® Spotlight: The Garden Foundation and Dig It! Coffee Co.

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The Unstoppable CEO Podcast (EP 124): Tom Vincent, of Texas Coffee School

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Auto Tampers Are Changing The Espresso Game

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2 Must Haves For A Coffeepreneur® Starting A Coffee Shop Business

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The 5 Step Approach Of A Successful Coffeepreneur®

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Coffee Shop Recipes: House-Made Gingerbread Syrup

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Are Too Many Menu Options Stifling Your Coffee Shop’s Success?

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New Year’s Resolution – Get Your Beans Back

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The Texas Coffee School French Press How-To Guide

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Hand Brewed Coffee vs. Machine Brewed – Which is Best For Your Coffee Shop Business Plan, Barista Training?

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How To Make Vacuum Siphon Coffee: A Step-By-Step Brew Guide

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Coffee Class: Why The Coffee Grinder Is The Most Important Component In Your Home Coffee Brewing Setup

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Coffee Business Matters: Service Beyond the Cup

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How To Make Better Tasting Cold Brewed Iced Coffee (Using a Home Toddy Maker)

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Opening a Coffee Shop Business – 5 Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

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The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template

The Ultimate Coffee Shop Business Plan and Template

Coffee Shop Marketing Ideas to Supercharge Your Business

If you are looking to write a coffee shop business plan, you have come to the right place.

A coffee shop business plan is an essential tool for coffee shop owners or people who want to open a coffee shop. A business plan will help you plan your strategy for success and act as a guide as you look to build your coffee shop.

In this article, we’ll look at why you should write a business plan for your coffee shop or cafe, as well as provide you with a sample and a template that contains inspiration for the things you should include in your coffee shop business plan.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan?
  • 2.1 Executive Summary
  • 2.2 Company Overview
  • 2.3 Market and Customer Analysis
  • 2.4 Sales and Marketing Plan
  • 2.5 Management Team
  • 2.6 Financial Plan
  • 3 Wrapping Up

Why Write a Coffee Shop Business Plan?

Latte on a Table

The basic idea behind a coffee shop is simple. The business needs to sell enough coffee products to cover costs and make a profit. However, many variables will define whether your business is successful.

A coffee shop business plan will help you plan a strategy for success. It will consider factors such as opportunities, risks, and how you will market yourself . By having a good idea of this before you start a coffee shop, you will be better placed to overcome or avoid any difficulties.

Here are some examples of how a business plan could help iron out any difficulties:

  • While creating the market analysis section, you may decide that competition is too intense. If this is the case, you could look for a new area with fewer competitors or find a way to make your coffee shop business stand out.
  • By creating a marketing plan before you open, you can put yourself in an excellent position to make sales from the moment you start a coffee shop.
  • By creating cash flow projections, you will be able to spot any potential financial issues well before they come to light, preventing cash flow problems.

Without a business plan, you would either not know about the potential difficulties listed above, or you would be aware of them but lacking any defined strategy for overcoming them. By creating a coffee shop business plan, you can tackle issues with a clearer head.

Business plans are also essential documents if you plan to apply for funding for your coffee shop.

You’ll likely need to submit the business plan to the bank when applying for a loan, or to investors when applying for equity funding. Having a well-thought-out business plan shows you have done your market research and analyzed your idea which helps give investors an overview of the risks and potential rewards of investing.

If you are going to use your business plan to apply for funding, you’ll need to go into a little more detail about the financials of your business. This will include your income and expenses and you’ll also need to include a section that discusses how you will use the money you’re raising.

Coffee Shop Business Plan Template

Trendy Coffee Shop

A Google search will reveal differences when it comes to the exact sections you should include in your coffee shop business plan.

Nonetheless, a coffee shop business plan template will include the sections listed below. In this part of the article, we’ll go through a coffee shop business plan template and discuss what you should include in each section.

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a short overview of your coffee shop business plan. It should include all the important details about your business. When deciding what to include, think about what you would want someone to see if they told you they would only read this one section of your plan.

Open your executive summary with a statement about what your coffee shop business is all about. Talk about what it will offer that is unique and mention why you think it will be successful. Is it the only coffee house in town, for example?

Coffee shop name: AI Coffee Shop

Executive Summary:

AI Coffee will serve high-quality coffee to office workers and business people who work nearby. We will sell espresso-based drinks with a focus on providing quality at speed. We will sell coffee to take away as well as to eat in, with an indoor seating area with space for 25 customers in our coffee shop.

While there are other coffee shops in the area, we believe that there is demand for more — especially ones that focus on a high-quality product. We will also provide a light lunch menu and pastries that we believe will differentiate us from other coffee shops in the area. 

Company Overview

Barista Holding Latte

In the company overview section, you should include practical details about your coffee shop business. This will include:

  • The structure and ownership of your coffee shop
  • The staff you plan to hire and what you will pay them
  • Your company’s mission statement, and startup expenses

While this may seem like a lot of work, the good news is this also serves as a way to kill two birds with one stone. As you flesh out your company’s goals & vision statements, it’s important to track this information in an internal wiki . Not only will this help your business stay true to its course, but it can also serve as a great resource for your staff.

AI Coffee will be a privately held company owned entirely by Mr Smith, who will also manage the coffee shop. We will hire two full-time employees with at least two years of barista experience, as well as four part-time employees to help during busy periods.

Startup costs for the coffee shop will be $70,000, which will be spent on rent, renovations, and purchasing equipment. The owner has put up half the money and has borrowed half from a bank. Based on annual sales of $160,000 and after costs and wages, we expect to be profitable within the second year. 

Market and Customer Analysis

In the market analysis section, you should include details about the local market. This can include information on competitors, such as other coffee shops or any fast-food joints, restaurants, or bars that you think will be competing for your coffee shop’s money.

You should also outline what makes your coffee shop business unique and why you think it can be successful despite the competition. You can also include wider information about the coffee industry.

In the customer analysis section, you need to include information about your target market. Include details on who they are and why you think they will like your coffee shop, with metrics where possible. If you performed market research before starting your coffee shop business plan, include that here.

Market Analysis

The coffee industry is expected to keep growing between 2020 and 2024 in the U.S. Research suggests that coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the country, with the average person drinking two cups per day. We believe that this growth, plus the high volume of coffee people drink each day, makes opening a coffee shop a good business opportunity . 

Competitor Analysis

AI Coffee will be located in a vibrant district that is seeing offices open up and new companies move in. There are currently two other coffee shop competitors in the immediate area, but we believe there is room for more.

Our shop’s main advantages are that it is closer to a new office building than the other shops. We also plan to differentiate ourselves by offering a small lunch menu, unlike any of the existing coffee shops, as well as various customer loyalty schemes . 

Customer Analysis

The location of the coffee shop has high footfall, especially before and after work and during lunchtimes. The area has a high proportion of local professionals who can afford to spend money on coffee and other drinks. 

The office blocks in the immediate vicinity are home to around 2,500 people. There are also other buildings being developed nearby. The location is also close to shopping and entertainment districts. We expect to receive significant revenue from passersby, who will keep us busy during the day. 

Sales and Marketing Plan

Business Plan Doc

Before you start a coffee shop, you should have a clear idea of what your business’s sales strategy will be.

Your sales strategy contains practical details on how you will handle sales. You should also include sales forecasts and how you have come up with these forecasts. In this section, you should include information about the products you will sell and your pricing strategy.

Your marketing plan will discuss the strategies you will use to get customers through the door. Discuss your budget and expected returns on investment. If you have a particularly complex marketing plan, you may want to create a separate document for this and only include the highlights in your business plan.

AI Coffee will open from 7.30 a.m. until 7.30 p.m. seven days a week. We expect the hours immediately before and after office hours, as well as between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m., to be the busiest of the day, with much of our sales being to take out. 

We will use a commercial espresso machine and we expect to be able to produce up to a maximum of 70 cups of coffee per hour, which should be sufficient during busy times. 

We will sell our espresso-based drinks and tea at between $3 and $6, depending on the drink and the size. We will sell pastries at between $2 and $5, as well as light meals at between $7 and $12. These meals will be packaged so customers can either eat them on-site or take them away. 

We expect to generate around $730 per day from food and drink sales. 

Marketing Plan

We will market our coffee shop to customers in the nearby area through display marketing in relevant locations. We will also use social media marketing to target people nearby, and we will connect with people through our social media accounts. We will use these accounts to keep customers updated with new menu items as well as offers and discounts. 

We will also create a website and an app, which we will use to run a customer loyalty scheme . We will provide the option to order coffee through the app and pick it up at the shop. We think this will appeal to busy professionals. 

Our marketing will focus on the quality of the coffee we sell, as well as the benefits of our shop to office workers ( in-app ordering ). During the week after we open, we will offer substantial discounts on coffee to attract people to our business. This offer will be central to our marketing during this period. 

We will encourage repeat customers using a loyalty scheme that will give them a free cup of coffee when they buy eight drinks.

Our marketing budget will be $500 in the first two months, but we will cut this down to around $350 a month after that. 

Operating Plan

Barista Making Latte

The operating plan will include details of how you will run your coffee shop. This will include costs, as well as specifics about things like opening times, food and drink production, prices, and more.

It will also allow you to spot any potential conflicts. For example, if you plan to serve 150 office workers between 7:30 a.m. and 9 a.m., can you do it with only two members of staff or would you be better off hiring another employee?

You can also use this section to explain any licenses or certifications you need to get before you open your shop, as well as how you will train employees.

We will open from 7:30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. We will always have at least three staff members in place to take care of making coffee, process sales, and keep the coffee shop tidy.

We will buy our coffee wholesale from a supplier that specializes in high-quality coffee. This coffee will cost $40 per five-pound bag. We will keep enough coffee in stock to last for at least one week. 

In terms of equipment, we will use a commercial grinder to grind beans before making each cup. 

We will buy pastries and light meals from a local supplier who will also take care of the packaging. We will receive a daily delivery at 7 a.m., thirty minutes before the shop opens. 

We will thoroughly clean up the shop after closing to ensure it is ready for the following day. We will build HACCP processes to stay compliant with food safety regulations. All members of staff will receive training so they know about these processes.

Management Team

In the management team section, you should include who the business owners are and who will manage your coffee shop. You should write about any experience or qualifications they have that will help make them successful.

If the owners won’t be managing the coffee shop, you should include details about who will take care of the day-to-day running of the business. In this section, include how much you will be paying each of the management team as well as how any profits will be shared amongst the owners.

The owner will also manage the coffee shop. The owner has over ten years’ experience working in coffee shops, including six years in various management positions. AI Coffee will also hire two full-time employees. These employees will have at least two years’ experience working in a coffee shop. We will pay each full-time employee $22,000 a year.

We will also hire four part-time employees with or without experience to work at weekends and provide cover during the week. We will pay these employees $10 an hour. 

Financial Plan

The final section of the coffee shop business plan is the financial plan. Here you need to go into detail about how your business will be financially successful.

Include operating costs (this includes the cost of equipment), loan repayments, cash flow and expected revenue (in the first year, especially). Also, include a balance sheet analysis that shows how much revenue you need to take in to become a profitable coffee business.

In this section, we will explain our financial plan, including costs, expected sales, and profit. We will also include a balance sheet. We believe this plan accurately illustrates why AI Coffee will be financially successful. 


Wrapping Up

That’s all for our coffee shop business plan guide. We hope that this has equipped you with enough knowledge on how to start a coffee shop and will help you with your business planning.

To find out more about getting a business up and running, check out our guides to writing a business proposal in 2019 and writing a small business marketing plan.

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Contoh Rencana Bisnis untuk Usaha Kuliner dan Kopi

Anda bisa ikuti contoh yang kami berikan untuk memulai bisnis di kedua sektor ini

Bambang Winarso - 14 November 2023

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Contoh Bisnis Plan untuk Usaha Kuliner dan Kopi

Rencana bisnis adalah dokumen yang menguraikan rencana komprehensif untuk menjalankan dan mengembangkan sebuah bisnis. Ini termasuk ringkasan eksekutif, deskripsi bisnis, analisis pasar, struktur organisasi, informasi tentang produk atau layanan, strategi pemasaran dan penjualan, kebutuhan pendanaan, proyeksi keuangan, dan lampiran dengan dokumen pendukung.

Rencana ini penting untuk mengarahkan operasi, menarik investor, dan mengukur kemajuan bisnis.

Ada bebeberapa alasan mengapa membuat rencana bisnis itu penting, antara lain:

  • Panduan Strategis : Rencana bisnis menyediakan panduan strategis yang jelas, membantu untuk menetapkan tujuan jangka panjang dan jangka pendek, serta merumuskan strategi untuk mencapainya.
  • Pendanaan dan Investasi : Rencana bisnis yang baik sering diperlukan untuk menarik investor dan mendapatkan pinjaman. Ini memberikan jaminan kepada pihak luar tentang potensi dan keberlanjutan bisnis.
  • Memahami Pasar : Melalui analisis pasar, rencana bisnis membantu memahami kondisi pasar, kebutuhan pelanggan, pesaing, dan potensi pertumbuhan.
  • Mengidentifikasi Risiko dan Peluang : Rencana bisnis membantu mengidentifikasi kemungkinan risiko dan peluang, memungkinkan pemilik bisnis untuk mengembangkan strategi untuk mengatasi tantangan dan memanfaatkan peluang.
  • Manajemen dan Organisasi : Ini memberikan struktur tentang bagaimana bisnis akan diorganisir dan dikelola, termasuk struktur kepemilikan dan informasi tentang tim manajemen.
  • Fokus dan Prioritas : Membantu dalam menentukan fokus dan prioritas bisnis, memastikan bahwa sumber daya dialokasikan secara efisien.

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Aspek penting dalam membuat bisnis plan usaha kuliner dan kopi.

Ketika membuat proposal bisnis plan untuk usaha kuliner, ada beberapa aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan:

  • Ringkasan Eksekutif : Ini adalah bagian pertama dan salah satu yang paling penting dalam proposal bisnis. Ringkasan eksekutif harus menjelaskan konsep usaha kuliner Anda secara singkat dan menarik, termasuk visi dan misi usaha.
  • Deskripsi Bisnis : Jelaskan secara detail tentang jenis usaha kuliner yang akan Anda jalankan, termasuk jenis makanan atau minuman yang ditawarkan, target pasar, dan keunikan usaha Anda dibandingkan dengan pesaing.
  • Analisis Pasar : Lakukan riset pasar untuk menentukan target demografis pelanggan, tren pasar terkini, dan analisis kompetitor. Termasuk juga informasi tentang lokasi usaha dan mengapa lokasi tersebut strategis untuk usaha kuliner Anda.
  • Strategi Pemasaran : Tentukan bagaimana Anda akan menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan. Ini termasuk strategi promosi, branding, dan pemasaran, baik online maupun offline.
  • Operasional dan Manajemen : Jelaskan struktur operasional usaha Anda, termasuk jam operasional, staf yang dibutuhkan, peralatan dan bahan baku yang diperlukan. Juga sertakan struktur manajemen dan kualifikasi tim.
  • Menu dan Layanan : Sediakan contoh menu atau produk yang akan Anda tawarkan, termasuk kisaran harga. Jika ada, tambahkan inovasi atau layanan khusus yang membuat usaha Anda berbeda.
  • Rencana Keuangan : Ini adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dalam proposal bisnis. Sertakan proyeksi keuangan, seperti perkiraan pendapatan, biaya operasional, dan analisis titik impas. Juga sertakan anggaran untuk modal awal dan operasional.
  • Risiko dan Tantangan : Identifikasi risiko dan tantangan potensial dalam menjalankan usaha kuliner dan bagaimana Anda berencana mengatasinya.
  • Pendanaan : Jika Anda mencari investor atau pendanaan, jelaskan berapa banyak dana yang dibutuhkan, bagaimana dana tersebut akan digunakan, dan rencana pengembalian investasi.
  • Lampiran : Termasuk informasi tambahan yang relevan seperti desain layout restoran, foto-foto prototype produk, atau laporan riset pasar.

Contoh Bisnis Plan Usaha Kuliner

Bisnis makanan, dengan sifatnya yang dinamis dan terus berkembang, menawarkan banyak peluang namun juga dihadapkan pada berbagai tantangan. Industri ini didorong oleh permintaan konstan akan makanan, yang merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia. Inovasi menjadi kunci, terutama dengan meningkatnya popularitas tren seperti makanan sehat, vegan, dan organik, membuka jalan bagi pengusaha yang kreatif untuk menawarkan sesuatu yang baru dan unik.

Perkembangan teknologi dan pengaruh media sosial telah merevolusi cara bisnis makanan beroperasi dan berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan. Media sosial, khususnya, telah menjadi alat pemasaran yang sangat efektif, memungkinkan bisnis untuk menjangkau audiens yang lebih luas dan mendapatkan umpan balik langsung dari konsumen.

Namun, industri makanan sangat kompetitif. Untuk bertahan dan berkembang, bisnis perlu menonjol dengan menawarkan produk berkualitas tinggi, layanan yang luar biasa, dan memiliki ciri khas yang membedakannya dari pesaing. Selain itu, pengelolaan operasional yang efisien adalah penting, mengingat margin keuntungan yang sering kali tipis.

Contoh bisnis plan bisnis makanan, bisa Anda lihat di tautan ini .

Contoh Bisnis Plan Usaha Kopi

Bisnis kopi menawarkan prospek yang menarik dan berpotensi menguntungkan, diperkuat oleh popularitas kopi yang terus meningkat di seluruh dunia. Kopi bukan hanya minuman, tetapi telah menjadi bagian dari gaya hidup, dengan konsumen yang semakin mencari pengalaman minum kopi yang unik dan berkualitas. Hal ini mendorong pertumbuhan kafe dan roasteri lokal yang menawarkan produk kopi khusus, menciptakan peluang bagi pengusaha untuk berinovasi dalam hal rasa, sumber, dan metode penyajian.

Selain itu, tren seperti kopi berkelanjutan dan fair trade menjadi semakin penting, dengan konsumen yang semakin sadar akan asal-usul kopi dan dampak lingkungan dari pembelian mereka. Ini membuka peluang bagi bisnis yang fokus pada praktek etis dan berkelanjutan dalam pengadaan dan penjualan kopi.

Namun, bisnis kopi juga menghadapi kompetisi yang ketat, baik dari kafe lokal maupun rantai internasional. Diferensiasi menjadi kunci, baik itu melalui kualitas produk, pengalaman pelanggan yang unik, atau branding yang kuat. Keberhasilan dalam bisnis kopi juga sangat bergantung pada pemahaman pasar dan tren konsumen, serta kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan selera dan preferensi.

Dari segi operasional, pengelolaan rantai pasokan yang efisien dan memastikan konsistensi kualitas adalah aspek penting lainnya. Dengan popularitas kopi yang tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda penurunan, bisnis kopi tetap menjadi arena yang menjanjikan bagi pengusaha yang berinovatif dan responsif terhadap dinamika pasar.

Lihat contoh bisnis plan bisnis kopi di tautan ini .


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    Dokumen tersebut merangkum tentang rencana bisnis pembukaan kedai kopi bernama Gentlemen's Love Coffee. Kedai kopi ini akan dibuka di kota Serang, Banten dengan target pasar mahasiswa dan pekerja. Kedai kopi ini akan menawarkan berbagai jenis kopi dan makanan ringan dengan harga terjangkau serta menyediakan fasilitas seperti buku, musik, dan wifi untuk menarik minat pelanggan.

  20. Rencana Bisnis "Indonesian's Coffee Shop"

    Keywords: Business Plan, Business Strategy, Business Model Canvas, Coffee Shop Abstrak: Proyek ini dilakukan untuk menguji kelayakan rencana bisnis kedai kopi yang


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