1. Spring Gun

    A simple spring gun to launch marbles. The potential energy of the spring is converted to the kinetic energy of the marble.Website: https://www.concepts-of-p...

  2. Spring gun experiment

    TITLE: E3 - The Range of a Spring Gun. INTRODUCTION: The spring gun experiment is used to study the gravitational forces, where a steel ball will be shot from the top of a laboratory table. With this experiment we will be able to determine the μ and the kinetic energy the ball experiences at different ranges. The ranges will be changed using a ...

  3. Test Your Knowledge: Energy (11 of 30) The Spring Gun: Part 1

    Visit for more math and science lectures!In this video I will find a) maximum velocity=vmax=? of the ball of weight=w=0.02lb from a...

  4. PDF Lab #4: Projectile Motion of A Ball Fired from a Spring Gun

    Set the spring gun so that it is horizontal and near the edge of the table. Check that the spring gun platform is level to ensure that the projectile is being fired in the horizontal direction (Make sure that the ball does not role forward in the spring gun). Carefully and cleverly mark a spot (with masking tape) on the floor directly below the ...

  5. PDF Projectile Motion

    EXPERIMENT The experiment consists of measuring the range R of a small ball fired from a spring gun at various angles from the vertical. The apparatus (see Fig. 1) allows both the angle of projection and the initial velocity to be varied. (Note: Do not load or fire the spring gun until its use has

  6. A Simple Spring Gun: Experiments; Demonstrations

    A spring gun is described which is useful in experiments where an approximation of a point mass of known initial velocity is desired. The velocities imparted to a 3 4-in. steel ball range continuously to 12 m/sec and are reproducible to ±2%.The gun is of simple design, easily built in a departmental shop, and its dynamics readily understood.

  7. 1D60.40

    Procedure: Set the spring gun to the desired angle against the white background. Use one of the black balls out of the happy sad ball set as the projectile. Set the meter stick on the bottom of the background so that you can scale the video captured movie if desired. The projectile motion sticks can be stuck to the blackboard with the attached ...

  8. Spring Gun

    Demonstration. First connect the pole and stand to form the base of the demonstration. Connect the spring gun to the base using the clamp. There are two settings of the spring to vary the strength of the gun. Once the spring is set, place the solid ball in the indentation of the platform. Then slide the ball with the hole onto the other side of ...


    EXPERIMENT 3 PROJECTILE MOTION I. THEORY The purpose of this experiment is to measure the initial velocity of a ball that is fired from a projectile launcher (spring gun) by measuring its horizontal and vertical displacement. You will use the equations of motion for projectile motion to calculate the initial velocity.

  10. Conservation of Energy

    1M40.48 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY - SPRING GUN. Shoot a ball horizontally, measure the distance it travels and calculate its initial velocity. Place the ball catch box ~4 m away. (mount spring gun on side of short, tall cart.) (hold tarp in box with binder clips) Shoot the ball vertically, mark the highest point and calculate its initial velocity.

  11. Masses & Springs

    A realistic mass and spring laboratory. Hang masses from springs and adjust the spring stiffness and damping. You can even slow time. Transport the lab to different planets. A chart shows the kinetic, potential, and thermal energy for each spring.


    In this experiment, we employ a spring gun in order to minimize unfortunate incidents. A ball is fired horizontally into a pendulum and becomes embedded in it. The pendulum swings and is caught at the top of its swing by a toothed rack, which allows for the measurement of the vertical height the pendulum rises.

  13. 1M40.65

    Set the spring gun to the desired spring compression position. There are three different positions to chose from. Observe that different mass balls will go to different heights at the same spring compression setting. We usually use the 2nd notch of compression for this demo. The cup in the spring gun that the ball sits in has a mass of 56.5 g ...

  14. Physics

    Visit for more math and science lectures!In this video I will use "another method" to find maximum velocity=vmax=? of the ball of w...

  15. PDF Experiment 4: Projectile Motion

    26 Experiment 4: Projectile Motion flight path is secure, cock, then fire the spring gun to determine the target location. Place the target. 6. Place the wastebasket against the wall, in the line of fire; do not allow the ball to hit the bare wall. Fire the spring gun once and measure x. 7. Determine v0. 8. Record your value for v0 in the ...

  16. Experiment Lab Report pdf

    TITLE: THE RANGE OF A SPRING GUN. INTRODUCTION [1 mark] PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: To find the relationship between the range of the spring gun and the trigger setting. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To determine the spring constant k and the friction coefficient μ • RESULTS & CALCULATIONS. Length of channel (barrel), l: 0 ± 0 m. Height of spring gun, h: 0 ...

  17. 1D60.30

    The first is that this uses a spring gun and not an air gun. The second is the make up of the magnet that hold the monkey. Instead of having a continuously energized electromagnet, this uses a permanent magnet that is momentarily canceled with a electromagnet. ... April Fowler, "A Projectile Motion Experiment", TPT, Vol. 34, #3, Mar. 1996, p. 155.

  18. A Simple Spring Gun: Experiments; Demonstrations

    A spring gun is described which is useful in experiments where an approximation of a point mass of known initial velocity is desired. The velocities imparted to a 3/4-in. steel ball range continuously to 12 m/sec and are reproducible to ±2%. The gun is of simple design, easily built in a departmental shop, and its dynamics readily understood. A brief description is given of uses which we have ...


    Studies of spring and winter crops fields, which were carried out in 2010-2015, revealed their 100% infestation [11] (figure 2). ... A field experiment was used to study the effect of agricultural activities on the growth of cow parsnip. We carried out plowing, disking, harrowing of soil infested with cow parsnip, followed by planting of ...

  20. (PDF) A pilot screening of prevalence of atopic states and

    A pilot screening of prevalence of atopic states and opisthorchosis and their relationship in people of Tomsk Oblast

  21. PDF Experiment 4: Projectile Motion

    26 Experiment 4: Projectile Motion PART 2: Inclined Launch (θ0 > 0 ) 12. Elevate the front of your spring gun by removing the launcher and reattaching it to the vertical mount slots at an angle. Be certain that the back edge of the spring gun is aligned with the back edge of the table. Adjust the wastebasket at the wall if neces-sary. 13.

  22. Nazino: Stalin's Cannibal Island of Despair

    On May 18, 1933, the first group of deportees (around 322 women and 4,556 men) arrived on the island. By the time the barges arrived at the island, 27 people had already died in transit and over a third of the deportees were unable to stand due to weakness. On May 27, 1,200 more deportees arrived along with 20 tons of flour at Nazino Island.