Information Technology

Choosing a BibTeX Style

  • How to Choose a Specific Style

The Seven Standard Styles

Styles recommended by reed.

  • Citation Commands Within NatBib

Biblatex-Chicago Style

Discipline specific listings of bibtex journal styles.

The great feature of BibTeX is that it takes a standardized database of books, articles, and other bibliographic entries and puts it in a customized format. A BibTeX style can change how a work is cited and how the bibliography is formatted. For more about using BibTeX than is described here, read our BibTeX documentation .

How to Use a Specific Style

  • Choose your BibTeX style from the list below. Place it in the same folder as your LaTeX document.
  • Change the \bibliographystyle line of your LaTeX document to reflect the style you chose. Remember to remove the file extension. For example, if you wanted to use the American Anthropologist style, \bibliographystyle{ filename } would become \bibliographystyle{humannat}.
  • Many BibTeX styles require the inclusion of a package at the top of the document. The comments about a style will tell you exactly how to include its package. To learn more about your specific style, open up the .bst in your LaTeX editor or read the readme file, if available.
  • Anytime you want to cite a document, type \cite[ pagenumber ]{ citekey }. The square brackets and page number are optional. Some BibTeX styles use non-standard citations. Such styles include citation directions within the .bst itself or an included readme file.
  • You will need to typeset your document four times, first LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX, and then LaTeX again. Your bibliography will now appear in the style of your choice and your citations will be correctly formatted. If question marks appear where citations should, that means you need to LaTeX your document once more. If the citations are entirely missing, you have likely forgotten to BibTeX your document.

Every computer with LaTeX comes with the following seven standard styles. While they work, we recommend the natbib interpretations below. NatBib is a citation package that standardizes citation commands across many different bibliography styles, so you can switch from using plain.bst to acm.bst without having to change your in-text citations.


The following two styles were created or modified by Reed to match the following style manuals as closely as possible. Right-click (Control-Click on a Mac) on the linked name to download the style you want.

This is a custom style created by Ben Salzberg to duplicate the APA style as closely as possible. Make sure to include natbib as a package or it won't work. The following line should appear in the preamble: \usepackage{natbib}. 

This is a custom style created by Ben Salzberg to duplicate the Modern Language Associate style manual (6th Edition) as closely as possible. Make sure to include natbib as a package or it won't work. The following line should appear in the preamble: \usepackage{natbib}. MLA asks for citations of the form (LastName PageNumber), which is unsupported by Natbib's citation styles. We have asked Dr. Patrick Daly to provide support for these type of parenthetical citations in his next revision of natbib. In the meantime, citations of the following form will provide the correct citation:


Natbib Standard Styles

(Items in bibliography sorted in order cited)


Citation Commands Within Natbib

For additional modifications not covered above, this is a great NatBib reference sheet put out by a physical science professor in France.

And this one too!  - This reference sheet includes instructions on how to change (Jones 1990, 341) to (Jones 1990: 341) [or (Jones, 1990: 341) to (Jones 1990: 341)] using the \setcitestyle command

You will see that your urls are formatted in typewritter font. If you want to change the font of your urls, add the command \urlstyle{same} to your preamble to make them the same font as the body of your paper. 

back to top

To use biblatex-Chicago, you need to change the backend from "bibtex" to "biber." To do this, pull up the preferences window (TeXShop/Preferences... or "⌘,"). Go to the "Engine" tab and change the entry in the BibTeX Engine field to "biber." This does require a somewhat new-ish version of tex, so if it's not working and you have an old version, you may need to download a new one.

Chicago A (footnotes)

To use Chicago style citations, comment out or remove the following line from the preamble: \usepackage{natbib}

To use Chicago A (footnote style citations), add these lines to the preamble (where "thesis" should be changed to the title of your .bib file): \usepackage{biblatex-chicago} \bibliography{thesis}

Then go to the end of the .tex file and remove the following lines: \bibliographystyle{APA/apa-good} \bibliography{thesis}

And replace them with this line: \printbibliography[heading=bibintoc]

Chicago B (parenthetical in-line citations)

To use Chicago B (parenthetical in-line citations), add these lines to the preamble (where "thesis" should be changed to the title of your .bib file): \usepackage[authordate,autocite=inline,backend=biber, natbib]{biblatex-chicago} \bibliography{thesis}

In order to have the author and year all in parenthesis, use \autocite for in-text citation. If you want only the year in parenthesis, use \citet instead. 

Explore the Biblatex-Chicago readme  on CTAN to find customizations.

Styles Available at is the official LaTeX archive containing both the official LaTeX packages and items contributed by LaTeX users. Many of these BibTeX styles have either been created by journal editors or publishers for their authors or by users creating packages to fulfill a personal need. One problem with the user-contributed styles is that they may not match the official style they claim to implement exactly. However, the journal-specific styles will exactly match the journal's house style, as they were designed by the journals. Therefore, we recommend testing any non-journal style by using it with a large BibTeX database and compare the resulting bibliography to the official style.

  • Human Nature (humannat.bst)
  • American Anthropologist (humannat.bst)
  • Behavior and Brain Sciences (bbs.bst)
  • American Journal of Human Genetics (ajhg.bst)
  • American Medical Association Journals (JAMA, Cancer, etc.) (ama.bst)
  • Applied Bioinformatics (openmind.bst, include openmind package)
  • Applied Bionics and Biomechanics (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Applied Biotechnology, Food Science and Policy (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Applied Environmental Science and Public Health (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Applied Health Economics and Health Policy (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Applied Nanoscience (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Applied Population and Policy (openmind.bst, include openmind)
  • Bioinformatics (bioinformatics.bst, include bioinformatics package)
  • Council of Biology Editors (includes such journals as American Naturalist, Evolution, etc) (cbe.bst)
  • Cell (cell.bst)
  • Development (development.bst)
  • Ecology (ecology.bst, include natbib, emboj, floatfig packages)
  • Human Biology (humanbio.bst)
  • Human Mutation (humanmutation.bst, include humanmutation package)
  • Journal of Bacteriology (jbact.bst)
  • Journal of Molecular Biology (jmb.bst)
  • Journal of Neuroscience (namedplus.sty, include namedplus package)
  • Journal of Super Computing (jsupercomp,include jsupercomp package)
  • Journal of Theoretical Biology (jtb.bst and newjtb.bst)
  • Methods in Enzymology (methenz.bst)
  • Molecular Cell Biology (molcellbiol, include molcellbiol package)
  • National Cancer Institute (nci.bst, include nci and \usepackage[normalem]{ulem})
  • Nature (nature.bst, include nature, citesuppernumber, naturefem packages)
  • Neuron (neuron.bst)
  • Nucleic Acid Research (nar.bst)
  • PLoS: Public Library of Science Journals (plos.bst, include natbib package)
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (pnas.bst)
  • Proteins (proteins.bst, include proteins, citesupernumber packages)
  • Science (science.bst, scicite.sty)
  • American Chemical Society Journals (achemso.bst, include achemso package)
  • Journal of Computation Chemistry (jcc.bst)
  • Journal of Physical Chemistry (jpc.bst)
  • Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (pccp.bst)
  • Reviews in Computational Chemistry (revcompchem.bst)
  • American Economic Review (aer.bst, include harvard, aer, aertt, and ulem packages)
  • Canadian Journal of Economics (cje.bst, include cje package)
  • Econometrica (econometrica.bst, include harvard package)
  • Economic Theory (et.bst, include et package)
  • Journal of Economics and Business (JEB.bst, include JEB, harvard, endnotes, caption2 packages)
  • Journal of Finance (jf.bst, include harvard package)
  • Journal of Investing (JOI.bst, include JOI, harvard, endnotes, caption2 packages)
  • Macroeconomic Dynamics (et.bst, include et package)
  • Review of Financial Studies (rfs.bst)
  • English and Creative Writing
  • Abbreviated (abbrv-fr.bst)
  • Alphabetical (alpha-fr.bst)
  • Plain (plain-fr.bst)
  • Unsorted (unsrt-fr.bst)
  • Abbreviated (abbrvdin.bst)
  • Alphabetical (alphadin.bst)
  • Nat Bib for German (natdin.bst)
  • Plain (plaindin.bst)
  • Unsorted (unsrtdin.bst)
  • Abbreviated (gerabbrv.bst)
  • Alphabetical (geralpha.bst)
  • Apalike (gerapali.bst)
  • Plain (gerplain.bst)
  • Unsorted (gerunsrt.bst)
  • Ancient Greek
  • CSLI (cslibib.bst)
  • Language (laslike.bst)
  • Lingua (lingua.bst)
  • Linguistic Society of America style sheet (lsalike.bst)
  • Natural Language Semantics (nals.bst)
  • Association for Computing Machinery (acm.bst)
  • Association for Computing Machinery Transactions (acmtrans.bst)
  • alphabetical (amsalpha.bst)
  • plain (amsplain.bst)
  • American Statistician
  • Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
  • Journal of the American Statistical Association
  • Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
  • Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
  • Technometrics
  • Biometrika (biometrika.bst)
  • Computer Journal (cj.bst)
  • Design Computing Unit, University of Sydney (dcu.bst)
  • IEEE Transactions (ieeetr.bst)
  • Annals of Applied Probability
  • Annals of Probability
  • Annals of Statistics
  • Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (rss.bst)
  • Numerical Algorithms (numalg.bst)
  • American Association for Artificial Intelligence (aaai.bst)
  • American Institute of Physics Journal (phaip.bst)
  • Astronomy (astron.bst)
  • Computer Physics Communications (phcpc.bst)
  • International Atomic Energy Agency Conferences (phiaea.bst)
  • IEEE with annotations(IEEEannot.bst)
  • Journal of Computational Physics (phjcp.bst)
  • Journal of Quality Technology (jqt1999.bst)
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fusion Letters
  • Optical Society of America (osa.bst)
  • Physics of Fluids
  • Reviews of Modern Physics (amsrmp.bst)
  • Physical Review (covers A, B, C, D, E, Special Topics, Focus, and Letters) (apsrev.bst)
  • Translate Physics Journals Initials into Full Names
  • American Political Science Review (apsr-new.bst)
  • Sorted (gost71s.bst)
  • Unsorted (gost71u.bst)
  • Sorted (gost780s.bst)
  • Unsorted (gost780u.bst)
  • American Journal of Sociology (ajs.bst)
  • American Sociological Review (asr.bst)
  • CV & Media Features
  • Spaceflight Research
  • Aging and Mobility Research
  • ADHD Research
  • My Teaching Philosophy
  • YouTube Channel
  • Selected Course Materials

Adding and formatting citations for your UF dissertation (using Overleaf / LaTex)

Picking my format.

First off, forgive me in general if I’m using any of the terms here incorrectly. My only goal in these dissertation posts is to chronicle *one* way that *works* for formatting a University of Florida dissertation using LaTex (instead of Microsoft Word). As described previously , I’m using the UF Overleaf template for formatting my dissertation. In this post, I’ll discuss the way that I formatted my bibliography.

First off, I needed to decide how to format my references. UF requires that you submit a journal article that you used as a model when formatting your references:

So, I used Frontiers formatting as a model for several reasons:

  • First, I have several papers in Frontiers journals already, and so I am familiar with their formatting. Also, this means I can just submit one of my previous papers as the ‘model paper’ to UF.
  • Second, I plan to submit at least 1-2 of the papers in my dissertation to Frontiers journals, so it’s useful to already have the intended citation formatting going.
  • Third, Frontiers has, in my opinion, a nice in-text (author, date) format, and a nice APA-like reference list format.
  • Fourth, and most importantly, I knew off-the-bat that Frontiers has LaTex templates . This was critical. This means I didn’t have to do any extra digging to figure out how to set up a Frontiers-style bibliography formatting file. I could just download the relevant Frontiers files from their website. While these did end up needing a tiny bit of tweaking, this was much easier than starting from scratch, or editing other style files more significantly.

So, I decided to use my paper ( Hupfeld et al., 2020; Front. Syst. Neurosc i ) as the model paper. Here are a few example article citations from my paper:

The few big take-aways of this formatting : -Uses et al. if >6 authors -Spells out the word “and” instead of “&” sign for linking the last two authors -Abbreviates journal names -Includes the DOI

Thus, when setting up my LaTex bibliography, I made sure that the resulting formatting identically matched each of these points. You can also see here for more specifics from Frontiers regarding their reference list style.

Inputting references into your LaTex bibliography on Overleaf

Next, I hopped back to my dissertation Overleaf file, and spent a bit of time teasing out the documentation regarding reference lists. I started by understanding which file(s) I would need to input my actual references.

First off, there was a file included in my Overleaf package called bibliography.tex . You can delete this file . This is an old file that does references differently, as explained in the header comment. It is not needed for proceeding. (I verified this by changing its name; my PDF still compiles in the identical way, with no new errors with or without this file.)

Then, head to sample.bib . This is your bibliography file. It already contains some examples of how you should input bibliography information for each reference. Although note that here, I’ve also inputted a DOI line because this will be required for my Frontiers-style formatting.

This is where you’ll continue to add more and more references as you write your dissertation. Note that you don’t need to manually type out these things. If you find a paper on Google Scholar, simply hit the quote button to pull up citation options, followed by the BibTex button .

thesis bst file

Clicking BibTex will route you to a page with only the relevant information, already formatted as you will need it:

However, do note that this Google Scholar BibTex formatting doesn’t seem to include DOI. Thus, if you’re using a reference style that needs DOI, you may have to grab that on your own, or using a BibTex formatting link from the journal’s website instead of Google Scholar. I’ll update if I find a more efficient way to grab DOIs.

This is essentially it, then, for adding references to your Overleaf file to be able to cite them. Head to sample.bib (though you could rename this file whatever you’d like). Copy-paste in a BibTex-style reference from Google Scholar. Repeat this for all of your citations. Again, will update if I specifically implement a more efficient way to do this (e.g., if you’ve previously worked on a paper in LaTex, you can just copy-paste or copy in that BibTex-style bibliography; there’s also likely ways to export other papers’ bibliographies in BibTex format, though I haven’t played with that yet).

Also, do note that you may want to manually edit several things in your BibTex citations:

  • Journal name formatting : you’re probably going to just want to manually edit the journal name if it doesn’t already contain the capitalization you want, or the name abbreviation you want.
  • DOI : as stated previously, if using a format with DOI, you’re probably going to need to add that yourself if pulling your BibTex citations from Google Scholar.

Downloading and setting up the *.bst file

Now comes the ‘fun’ part of figuring out how to get your reference list inserted into your Overleaf file properly.

First, you’ll need a reference formatting file, called a *.bst file . The UF Overleaf template already came with a few of these (see the bst folder in your Overleaf project). However, (as described in their comments in the main.tex file), you’ll want one specific to your model journal article.

So, heeding their advice, I headed to the Frontiers website and downloaded their LaTex template folder.

This folder contained exactly what I was looking for — a Frontiers *.bst file . Specifically, I decided to use the frontiersinSCNS_ENG_HUMS.bst to match my model journal article (“ For articles in Science, Engineering and Humanities and Social Sciences domains “).

thesis bst file

Next, I simply made a blank file in the bst folder of my Overleaf project, called frontiersinSCNS_ENG_HUMS.bst. In this file, I just copy-pasted in the entirety of the content in the frontiersinSCNS_ENG_HUMS.bst file from the Frontiers LaTex template folder.

thesis bst file

Then, I uncommented this *.bst file in my main.tex file, to let my project know that I wanted to use this formatting, instead of the other available formatting options.

Calling your reference list in your dissertation file

Now, the test! We have the reference list (*.bib) and formatting (*.bst) all set up — but we still need to integrate this all into the actual dissertation file, so that both the in-text references and the reference list show up as we expect.

First, call your *.bib file in main.tex . I renamed sample.bib to ref_list.bib, so I need to call ref_list in my main.tex file.

This should now populate a reference list at the end of your document. In my case, I still had the template’s introduction, which contains a few references, so these now populate — in Frontiers format — in my reference list at the end of my document.

To add new citations in-text, see your *.bst file. (At least this was the case for the file I downloaded from Frontiers — they spelled out everything very nicely for me within the *.bst file.)

After reviewing it, for me, I’ll probably primarily use two of these options for calling my references in-text: \citep and \citet. For example:

This yields the intended output:

thesis bst file

Note as well the ‘key’ you need to call the article. This is the first line of your BibTex file (e.g., strickler1998contamination). I think of this as a nickname for each article. You can change them to be whatever you’d like after you grab the BibTex citation for each reference. I’m calling each reference something that makes sense to me personally, which makes for super easy citing as I work through all of my writing.

Finally, if you want to cite more than one article , you just need a comma between the calls for the 2+ citations:

Tweaking your *.bst formatting

Lastly, in checking how my reference list matched up with my model article, I noticed two (small) differences I wanted to fix.

thesis bst file

First, my model article has a space between the colon following ‘doi’ and the start of the doi. My outputted reference did not. Second, for some reason the doi was written in a different font than the rest of the citation, which looked sloppy.

Both of these were easy fixes after I probed a little. I went into my *.bst file to the doi formatting lines, which start at line 1538 in my file. To fix the first issue, I just added a space between doi: and \discretionary…, as shown below.

To fix the second issue, I had to play a bit more. Ultimately what worked was described in this tex Stack Exchange post . I just had to change \urlstyle{rm} to \urlstyle{sf} in line 1541. Thus, my updated *.bst file code looked like this:

And my fixed citation in my reference list looked like this:

thesis bst file

This reference now nicely matches those examples at the top of the page from my Frontiers paper; for instance, here is a screenshot of a reference from my model paper:

thesis bst file

Adding your reference list to the table of contents

In my version of the UF LaTex dissertation template, their call to add ‘references’ to the table of contents didn’t appear to work. At least when I compile their template, the reference list (which comes after everything else, but before the biosketch) is not listed:

thesis bst file

Exploring the *.cls file, they tried to add the reference list to the TOC, but this approach does not work for the BibTex reference list (whereas this line does work for other ‘extra chapter’ sections like the biosketch, where we want them in the TOC, but we don’t want to assign them a chapter number). My guess is that this did work for the previous iteration of the template where they note that BibTex wasn’t used, and they do note that BibTex integration isn’t complete in this template, so that’s fair that it’s not working at 100% here. Here’s how they tried to pipe in the reference list to the TOC as an extra chapter:

This took a decent bit of Googling and playing around, but here’s a fix that worked for me. No promises that this is the “most correct” fix, but it worked, which was my sole goal. In main.tex , I added the following two lines before the bibliography call:

I also commented out the above line in the *.cls file, although this doesn’t seem to make a difference in the compiled file. Note that this only worked when I put these two lines in the main.tex file, but not if I added them into the *.cls file instead. Also note that I edited the StackExchange code to say ‘extrachapter’ instead of ‘chapter’ because I didn’t want the reference list to be a numbered chapter.

thesis bst file

That’s all for now! Will update if any other tips or fixes I encounter as I continue working on my dissertation.


  • Dissertation Writing
  • Fellowships
  • Google Apps
  • Manuscript Prep
  • Neuroimaging
  • NIH F99/K00

No Search Results

  • Bibliography management with natbib

When it comes to bibliography management in L a T e X , the package natbib is a package for customising citations (especially author-year citation schemes) when using BibTeX . This article explains how to use natbib to format and cite bibliographic sources.

Note : If you are starting from scratch it's recommended to use biblatex because that package provides localization in several languages, it's actively developed and makes bibliography management easier and more flexible. However, note that most journals still use bibtex and natbib .

  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Basic usage
  • 3 The bibliography file
  • 4 Adding the bibliography in the table of contents
  • 5 Reference guide
  • 6 Further reading


A minimal working example is presented below:


In this example there are four basic commands to manage the bibliography:

 Open an example of the natbib package in Overleaf

Basic usage

A simple working example was shown at the introduction, there are more bibliography-related commands available.


There are a few changes in this example:

  • The options square and numbers in \usepackage[square,numbers]{natbib} enable squared brackets and numeric citations respectively. See the reference guide for a list of package options
  • The styles abbrvnat is used here, see bibliography styles
  • The command \citet adds the name of the author to the citation mark, regardless of the citation style .

 Open another example of the natbib package in Overleaf

The bibliography file

The bibliography files must have the standard bibtex syntax and the extension .bib. They contain a list of bibliography sources and several fields with information about each entry.

This file contains records in a special format, for instance, the first bibliographic reference is defined by:

The information in this file can later be printed and referenced within a L a T e X document, as shown in the previous sections, with the command \bibliography{sample} . Not all the information in the .bib file will be displayed, it depends on the bibliography style set in the document.

Adding the bibliography in the table of contents

If you want the bibliography to be included in the table of contents, importing the package tocbibind in the preamble will do the trick:


 Open an example of natbib and table of contents in Overleaf

Adding the line

to the preamble will print the "References" or "Bibliography" in the table of contents, depending on the document type. Be careful, it will also add other elements like the Index, Glossary and list of Listings to the table of contents. For more information see the tocbibind package documentation .

Reference guide

natbib package options

  • round for round parentheses
  • square uses square brackets
  • curly curly braces
  • angle angle braces or chevrons
  • semicolon separates multiple citations with semicolons
  • colon same as semicolon
  • comma separate multiple citations with commas
  • authoryear for author-year citations
  • numbers for numerical citations
  • super superscripts for numerical citations, as in Nature
  • sort orders multiple citations according to the list of references
  • sort&compress same as sort but multiple numerical citations are compressed if possible
  • compress compress without sorting
  • longnamefirst the full name of the author will appear in the first citation of any reference
  • sectionbib To be used with the package chapterbib to add the bibliography to the table of contents as a unnumbered section instead of an unnumbered chapter
  • nonamebreak prevents hyphenation of author names
  • elide to omit common elements of merged references

Standard entry types

Most common fields used in BibTeX

address annote author
booktitle chaper crossref
edition editor institution
journal key month
note number organization
pages publisher school
series title type
volume year URL
abstract keywords price
copyright language contents

Further reading

For more information see

  • Natbib bibliography styles
  • Natbib citation styles
  • Bibliography management with biblatex
  • Bibliography management with bibtex
  • natbib documentation at CTAN web site
  • tocbind package documentation
  • International language support
  • Table of contents
  • Documentation Home
  • Learn LaTeX in 30 minutes

Overleaf guides

  • Creating a document in Overleaf
  • Uploading a project
  • Copying a project
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Using the Overleaf project menu
  • Including images in Overleaf
  • Exporting your work from Overleaf
  • Working offline in Overleaf
  • Using Track Changes in Overleaf
  • Using bibliographies in Overleaf
  • Sharing your work with others
  • Using the History feature
  • Debugging Compilation timeout errors
  • How-to guides
  • Guide to Overleaf’s premium features

LaTeX Basics

  • Creating your first LaTeX document
  • Choosing a LaTeX Compiler
  • Paragraphs and new lines
  • Bold, italics and underlining


  • Mathematical expressions
  • Subscripts and superscripts
  • Brackets and Parentheses
  • Fractions and Binomials
  • Aligning equations
  • Spacing in math mode
  • Integrals, sums and limits
  • Display style in math mode
  • List of Greek letters and math symbols
  • Mathematical fonts
  • Using the Symbol Palette in Overleaf

Figures and tables

  • Inserting Images
  • Positioning Images and Tables
  • Lists of Tables and Figures
  • Drawing Diagrams Directly in LaTeX
  • TikZ package

References and Citations

  • Bibtex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex bibliography styles
  • Biblatex citation styles
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using polyglossia and fontspec
  • Multilingual typesetting on Overleaf using babel and fontspec
  • Quotations and quotation marks

Document structure

  • Sections and chapters
  • Cross referencing sections, equations and floats
  • Nomenclatures
  • Management in a large project
  • Multi-file LaTeX projects
  • Lengths in L a T e X
  • Headers and footers
  • Page numbering
  • Paragraph formatting
  • Line breaks and blank spaces
  • Text alignment
  • Page size and margins
  • Single sided and double sided documents
  • Multiple columns
  • Code listing
  • Code Highlighting with minted
  • Using colours in LaTeX
  • Margin notes
  • Font sizes, families, and styles
  • Font typefaces
  • Supporting modern fonts with X Ǝ L a T e X


  • Environments

Field specific

  • Theorems and proofs
  • Chemistry formulae
  • Feynman diagrams
  • Molecular orbital diagrams
  • Chess notation
  • Knitting patterns
  • CircuiTikz package
  • Pgfplots package
  • Typesetting exams in LaTeX
  • Attribute Value Matrices

Class files

  • Understanding packages and class files
  • List of packages and class files
  • Writing your own package
  • Writing your own class

Advanced TeX/LaTeX

  • In-depth technical articles on TeX/LaTeX

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BibTeX bibliography style: plain

The plain BibTeX style is one of the four standard bibliography styles in BibTeX.

CTAN » tex-archive » biblio » bibtex » base » plain.bst

BibTeX plain bibliography style example with in-text references and bibliography

  • Bibliography examples for all BibTeX entries

plain: example of a bibliography item for an article entry


plain: example of a bibliography item for an incollection entry


plain: example of a bibliography item for an inproceedings entry


plain: example of a bibliography item for an mastersthesis entry


plain: example of a bibliography item for an proceedings entry


plain: example of a bibliography item for an unpublished entry

  • Supported BibTeX fields
  • howpublished
  • institution
  • organization
  • Other styles
  • elsarticle-num

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LaTeX instructions

Download the journal article template package opens in new tab/window

The Elsevier article class

The Elsevier article class helps you to format the frontmatter of your manuscript properly. It is part of the elsarticle package. This package is contained in most TeX distributions and is available in the template. The elsarticle documentation opens in new tab/window  and some common templates and bibliographic styles are part of this package as well.

Two additional class files and templates are available for single and double column. These can be downloaded from  here opens in new tab/window .

Elsevier reference styles

Some journals require a specific reference style. Please check the Guide for Authors for the journal requirement. The relevant bibliographic styles for LaTeX are packed with the  sample manuscript opens in new tab/window  are available in the “doc” folder.

Submitting your manuscript

Most journals accept a PDF of your manuscript at initial submission.

When you are asked to submit your manuscript source files, do the following:

Build a PDF of your manuscript source files on your computer and attach it with item type 'Manuscript'.

Bundle all manuscript source files in a single archive and attach it with item type 'LaTeX source files'. Source files include LaTeX files, BibTeX files, figures, tables, all LaTeX classes and packages that are not included in TeX Live and any other material that belongs to your manuscript.

For step-by-step instructions, please refer Submitting LaTeX Files to Editorial Manager opens in new tab/window

Frequently asked questions

Here we have answered some of the most common questions that arise at the point of submitting an article in LaTeX. If your question relates specifically to the Latex template, please contact [email protected]

Can I use subfolders in my TeX submission files?

No. LaTeX submissions containing subfolders cannot be processed by EM. All submission files – including figures, tables, and style and bibliographic files – must be stored at the same folder level.

Can I use Overleaf (WriteLatex Ltd) to create my LaTeX manuscript and import it into EM?

Yes, you can use Overleaf to create your LaTeX manuscript using TeX Live 2022. When using Overleaf, please check the PDF carefully to ensure that the LaTeX file was compiled without any errors. Unlike EM, Overleaf generates a PDF even if compilation errors occurred – it does not stop at every error. In EM, however, compilation errors will generate an error log PDF only.

Which item types should I select for LaTeX submission files?

Select the Manuscript item type for .tex, .bbl, .bst, .sty, .bib, .nls, .ilg, and .nlo files. Select the Figure item type for images and graphic files.

Depending on the publication, Manuscript, Figure, or other item types may have different names. Contact our Support Team via the contact options at the bottom if you need clarification.

Why are my figures not appearing in the PDF?

You may have stored your images in subfolders. EM cannot process LaTeX submissions in folders with a directory structure, so it cannot find files referenced in a different directory from the root.

Why does my PDF show question marks instead of bibliographic citations?

If you have compiled your bibliography in a separate file and question marks appear in your PDF instead of the content in the associated bibliography file, your .tex manuscript file may contain incorrect formatting.

For more information and support, see the  Elsevier Support Center opens in new tab/window

Preparing CRC journal articles

Camera-ready copy (CRC) journals are those that reproduce the author's manuscript exactly, with no intervention by the typesetter. Such journals are the exception rather than the rule; if a journal is CRC, this fact is clearly indicated in the instructions to authors. The  Procedia  series of journals, for example, are genuine CRC. Please read carefully the journal's instructions to authors.

For LaTeX authors of camera-ready articles, we provide the ecrc.sty package. This is a small package designed to work with the elsarticle document class. All the features of elsarticle are available, along with a few extra commands specific to CRC reproduction. Documentation for the use of ecrc.sty is included in the manuscript template file available below.

The archive file opens in new tab/window  contains all the necessary files to run this package. To install ecrc.sty, unzip the file. Usually the file can be unzipped directly in the local tree of your TeX distribution (for TeX Live, this would be in the texmf-local directory). The archive contains the following files:

The elsarticle document class, elsarticle.cls opens in new tab/window

The elsarticle documentation, elsdoc.pdf opens in new tab/window

A BibTeX style file for the numbered reference style, elsarticle-num.bst opens in new tab/window (other bibliographic styles are available (see above), but Elsevier CRC generally uses a numbered reference style)

The package file for Elsevier CRC, ecrc.sty opens in new tab/window

Journal logo files Elsevier-logo-3p.pdf opens in new tab/window and SDlogo-3p.pdf opens in new tab/window used to make the CRC article (when compiling with pdflatex )

Alternative logo files Elsevier-logo-3p.eps opens in new tab/window and SDlogo-3p.eps opens in new tab/window for use with latex

A template manuscript file, ecrc-template.tex opens in new tab/window

Once the package has been installed, edit the manuscript file ecrc-template.tex according to the instructions in that file, and save with a new name. The manuscript file should be compiled with  pdflatex  (and  bibtex  if desired).

Please only use these packages after confirmation from the journal's editors.

Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings opens in new tab/window

Procedia Computer Science opens in new tab/window

Bucknell Thesis LaTeX Template

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The files below include a set of LaTeX class files for Bucknell University theses, and examples of how to use them. Theses classes are based on simple modifications to the standard LaTeX book class. (The class for undergraduate honors proposals is based on the standard article class.) The goal is a single class that will automatically generate the title page, text formatting, pagination, etc., called for by the Bucknell Honors Program. (For proposals, see, Proposal Preparation Guidelines , for undergraduate honors theses see, Thesis Preparation Instructions (I know this link is broken, but I can't find a replacement, ML, 8/30/2016), and for Masters Theses, see Thesis Formatting Instructions . or for Masters Degrees. As of May 2017 there are separate class files for the Honors Program and Engineering Masters Theses. The longer term goal is to produce a single class file with options, and load it in the standard TeX path on the Bucknell Linux network.

This LaTeX class was used for the first time by students in April 2005, and most recently in Spring 2017. The examples below are written assuming that graphics files are in the PDF format, and that the document will be compiled with pdflatex . This is not essential. The same class file can be used with latex and EPS files. I expect to modify the class file based on the experience of users. Please send questions, comments, and suggestions for improvement to Marty Ligare ( [email protected] ).

Undergraduate Honors Program

  • buthesis.cls - This is the class file for an Undergraduate Honors Thesis. It must be in the working directory or in the users TeX path.

BibTex users should use the following files:

  • sample_bt.tex - This is a sample tex file that uses bibtex to get the references from a .bib database.
  • thesis_num.bst - A .bst file that formats the references pulled from the database much like a Physical Review paper. For other formats it's easy to make alternate .bst files, or you can use standard .bst files. (Contact Marty Ligare for help.)
  • samplebib.bib - Simple .bib file.
  • speaker.pdf - A PDF figure that is used in sample_bt.tex . (There is nothing special about this file; use any PDF figure.)
  • sample.pdf - The output produced from sample.tex and the buthesis class.

Files for those inputting references "by hand":

  • sample.tex - This is a sample tex file that has the bibliography put in "by hand," i.e., with a section that starts \begin{thebibliogrpaphy} and individual references entered as \bibitem 's.
  • speaker.pdf - A PDF figure that is used in sample.tex . (There is nothing special about this file; use any PDF figure.)
  • sample.pdf - The output produced from sample.tex . and the buthesis class.

Files for Proposals:

  • buthesis_p.cls - This is the class file for proposals. It must be in the working directory or in the users TeX path.
  • sample_p.tex - This is a sample tex file for a proposal for the Undergraduate Honors Program
  • sample_p.pdf - The output produced from sample_p.tex and the buthesis_p class.

Engineering Masters Theses

  • buthesis_masters.cls - This is the class file for Masters Degree in Engineering. It must be in the working directory or in the users TeX path. This assumes that you are creating the bibliography using BibTeX.
  • sample_masters.tex - This is a sample tex file for a proposal for the Undergraduate Honors Program
  • sample_masters.pdf - The output produced from sample_masters.tex and the buthesis_masters class.
  • Put the appropriate class file in your working directory. (I'll get this in the standard TeX path on the Linux network once I'm more confident that it's robust.)
  • Make the first line of your thesis either \documentclass[numbib]{buthesis} or \documentclass{buthesis} The first gives numerical citations, i.e. [1]; the second gives author-year citations, i.e., [Ligare, 2005]. (If you want author-year, it's probably best to use \citep instead of \cite to enclose the citation in parentheses.)
  • Make sure you have uncommented the appropriate graphics package. I use graphicx but I know some of you may use graphics which has a slightly different command syntax for \includegraphics .
  • See the attached file sample.tex for other things. You enter the author, title, advisor, abstract, acknowledgments, etc., in the appropriate curly braces, and then the \maketitle command makes the right kind of title page. Note: Don't use the standard \title command; use \butitle{} instead.

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Bibliography style file help

Post by FreddieWidgeon » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:19 pm

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Post by localghost » Fri Jun 01, 2007 5:59 pm

Post by FreddieWidgeon » Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:00 pm

Post by FreddieWidgeon » Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:30 pm

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Post by pumpkinegan » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:46 pm

Re: Bibliography style file help

Post by FreddieWidgeon » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:16 am

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Latex BibTex doesnt find database entry

For my thesis I used the following latex template. But even in the template, the library does not work properly with me.

The following message appiers after using the BibTeX Command:

Process started This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.6630 64-bit) The top-level auxiliary file: TUM_Thesis_Template.aux The style file: plain.bst A level-1 auxiliary file: titlepage.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: titlepage_inside.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/EidesstattlicheErklaerung.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/Abstract.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/Acknowledgements.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/ExampleChapterOne.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/ExampleChapterTwo.aux I couldn't open database file bib/references.bib.bib ---line 29 of file TUM_Thesis_Template.aux : \bibdata{bib/references.bib : } I'm skipping whatever remains of this command A level-1 auxiliary file: content/AppendixExample.aux I found no database files---while reading file TUM_Thesis_Template.aux Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "hartley2004" (There were 2 error messages) Process exited with error(s)

I have no idea how to react on this error message. My notebook is a corporate notebook and the versions of Miktex and Texmaker are the only ones released.

incognito's user avatar

The error message contains "I couldn't open database file bib/references.bib.bib".

You need to change



since it will add on the ".bib" extension automatically.

Source: Documentation for \bibliography

Jon Strutz's user avatar

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thesis bst file

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由于GitHub最近访问很不稳定,如果下载链接失效请使用 Gitea分支 的 下载链接 。

This project provides the LaTeX template for UESTC theses, aims to help the students in UESTC efficiently complete the thesis writing task. The template provides various convenient commands, automatically typesets the portions of the thesis, render it perfectly fits the requirements of the school. To support better font effects, the template is based on XeLaTeX, and gives up the dependence on CTeX, to attain better reliability.

The template is authored by Wang Wen, a 2014 master graduate of UESTC. Because of the problems that occurred in thesis writing, an ideal solution is expected, and a LaTeX template is provided overcoming such difficulties. Wishes to the further development of this project, to spare the students' overheads on this matter.

使用模板需要系统安装任意一种TeX环境,如 TeXLive 、 MacTeX 和 MiKTeX (都自动带有XeLaTeX引擎,但是不推荐CTeX),安装有 SimSun 和 SimHei 字体(其实就是宋体和黑体)以及 Times New Roman 英文字体。在 MacOS 系统下编译会自动识别操作系统,使用 Songti SC 和 STHeiti 字体,但需要启用 --shell-escape 编译选项。Linux 使用者可以下载 字体文件包 解压到文档根目录。

模板采用LaTeX类的形式封装,导入模板只需要把 thesis-uestc.cls 文件放在文档所在目录,在文档开头使用 \documentclass{thesis-uestc} 命令将文档的类设置成 thesis-uestc 即可。使用BibTeX录入参考文献还需要 thesis-uestc.bst 风格定义文件。

模板类有bachelor、master、promaster、doctor和engdoctor五个学位选项,对应本科、硕士、专业硕士、博士和工程博士的毕业论文,默认选项为 master 。文档内容的书写参考范例 main.tex 。英语使用者可以启用 english 选项,模版会按照英语论文的格式排版。(The english option can be added for international students and english users; the thesis will be typesetted accordingly in english.)


命令即可自动调用相关程序进行编译,处理各种文件依赖并自动预览。执行 latexmk -c 命令清理所有缓存文件。

编译多文件结构的文档将文件名替换成 main_multifile.tex 即可。使用TeXstudio、Texmaker或WinEdt等编辑环境请将编译引擎设置成latexmk,如果在Windows平台下使用MiKTeX还需要安装 Perl语言解释器 。


使用BibTeX录入参考文献需要先运行一次xelatex,运行一次bibtex,再运行两次xelatex。使用BibTeX录入攻读学位期间的研究成果的情况下还需要额外运行一次 bibtex accomplish.aux 。所以完整地编译包含两个BibTeX文献列表(一个是参考文献,一个是攻读学位期间的研究成果)的文档需要按顺序运行以下命令:

使用Overleaf在线编辑只需点击下方图片链接打开发布在 Overleaf Gallery 里的模版,点击 Open as Template 即可使用,在线自动编译和预览。Overleaf模板唯一的区别在于直接使用放置在项目根目录的字体文件。

thesis bst file

论文封面和扉页由 \makecover 命令添加,可以显示论文题目,作者,指导老师等。正式提交论文时文印中心会统一提供封面和扉页,无论自己排版的封面是否符合格式要求。已经包含的封面也不会影响任何前期的审核。独创性声明可以由 \originalitydeclaration 命令生成,添加扫描版签名后的声明使用 \signatureofdeclaration{signature.pdf} 命令。


命令名称 参数#1 参数#2
\title{#1}{#2} 中文标题 英语标题
\author{#1}{#2} 作者中文名 作者英文名
\advisor{#1}{#2} 导师中文名 导师英文名
\school{#1}{#2} 学院中文名 学院英文名
\major{#1}{#2} 专业中文名 专业英文名
\studentnumber{#1} 学号

此外可以用 \setdate 命令设置扉页所显示的日期。这个命令的三个选项 oral , submit 和 confer 分别对应答辩,论文提交和学位授予的日期。

选项 例子 定义
oral \setdate[oral]{2019年4月15日} 答辩日期
submit \setdate[submit]{2019年3月15日} 论文提交日期
confer \setdate[confer]{2019年6月8日} 学位授予日期

如果想使用自己定义的封面,可以用 \bindpdfcover 命令添加已经做好的PDF格式的封面,如 \bindpdfcover{cover.pdf} 。

中英文摘要应包含在 chineseabstract 和 englishabstract 环境中,对应的关键字使用 \chinesekeyword 和 \englishkeyword 命令添加,并包含在相应的环境中。模板自动设置页眉和页脚,其中中文摘要标题中间空一格,页眉不空格。依照学校的格式说明,模板自动根据摘要结束所在的页数决定是否再空一页。

论文目录由命令 \thesistableofcontents 添加,并且自动处理标题,页眉以及缩进等问题。依照学校的格式说明,模板自动根据目录结束所在的页数决定是否再空一页。

绪论是毕业论文的第一章,由于学校要求标题两个字中间有半个空格,由命令 \chapter{绪\hspace{6pt}论} 添加,而页眉不会显示空格。

论文主体的写作参考一般的LaTeX教程(如中文版的 lshort ),可以自由添加章节,章节内添加所需要的内容,分小节,插入公式、表格和图片。

数学环境的字体加粗可以使用 \mathbf 或者 \bm 命令,使用斜体粗体的符号。正体加粗可以使用 \mathbd 命令。由于 Times New Roman 字体的拉丁字母字形修长,偶尔会出现字符粘连的情况。这种情况下可以使用占位符波浪号调整距离,如 $f^{~l}$ 和 $\hat{f~}$ 。

致谢部分由命令 \thesisacknowledgement 开始,实际上是一个无编号的章节。

使用BibTeX录入参考文献由 \thesisbibliography 命令导入 *.bib 文件数据库,参考文献风格自动设置为 thesis-uestc 。当参考文献数目超过100时,可以使用 large 选项调整编号的宽度,如 \thesisbibliography[large]{reference} 。

在这个命令之前使用 \nocite{*} 命令会在文档中列出数据库中的所有条目,无论是否引用,其他情况下只列出引用过的条目。有些编辑器会识别 \bibliography 命令导入的数据库文件,并提供更好的编辑支持,所以模板也支持原生的 \bibliography 命令导入文献列表,只需要导入之前指定参考文献风格( \bibliographystyle{thesis-uestc} )即可。

参考文献的在文中的引用分两种:在原文中作句法成分的为直接引用,使用 \cite 命令,否则为 \citing 命令,在文中文献编号显示为上标。

模版支持所有常用的条目类型,文献条目处理兼容 Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore 和 ScienceDirect 的引用格式,还有其他主流的数据库。获得参考文献条目信息,只需要在对应的文章页面点击下载引用的按钮(Google Scholar 为文献条目下方第二个显示为双引号的按钮;在 IEEE Xplore 中是文章标题下方的 Cite This 按钮;在 ScienceDirect 中为文章标题上面的 Export 链接),选择BibTeX格式,将文本复制到 bib 文件即可。其他一些类型的条目如专利、学位论文等可以参考 reference.bib 提供的样例。

当引用中文文献,而文献作者超过三位时,后面的作者想使用“等”字省略,可以在文章条目添加语言选项 language = {zh} 。模版会自动按照中文的习惯处理作者信息。

手动录入参考文献使用 thesisthebibliography 环境,在环境中使用 \bibitem 命令添加文献条目。

附录部分由命令 \thesisappendix 开始,之后每一章都会被当作是一个附录,使用大写拉丁字母编号。如果只需要单独一个附录则使用 \thesissingleappendix 命令,在后面添加小节,附录本身没有编号。


使用BibTeX录入研究成果由 \thesisaccomplish 命令导入 *.bib 文献列表,方法与参考文献相同。文献列表风格自动设置为 thesis-uestc 。此命令没有可选参数,自动在文档中列出数据库中的所有条目。编译过程中需要注意所使用的编译方式正确执行 bibtex accomplish.aux 命令,否则不会生成研究成果

在2022年的格式规范中要求毕业论文作者的名字加粗显示,只需要在 *.bib 文件中将作者本人的姓名使用 \textbf 命令标注,与在正文中使文本加粗所使用的方式相同。如原先作者的条目为 author = {肖珍新} 改为 author = {\textbf{肖珍新}} 。

手动添加使用 \bibitem 命令将文章条目列在 thesistheaccomplish 环境下,方法与参考文献相同,这种方法优势在于可以在条目间加小标题区分项目或论文成果。

本科毕业论文要求翻译一篇外文资料,资料原文应由命令 \thesistranslationoriginal 开始,资料译文由命 \thesistranslationchinese 开始。为了书写方便可以继续分小节,但是这部分中的小节不会在目录中显示。

插入图片使用 figure 环境,自动调整图片前后的间距,添加子图则使用 \subfloat 命令。学校格式规范要求子图题写在分图题后面,不要填在分图题标号之后,具体写法请参考模版代码样例。若子图过多需要跨页则在间断处插入 \floatcontinue 命令。插入表格使用 table 环境,自动调整表格前后的间距和默认的字体大小。

图片文件可以统一放在 ./pic 目录下。具体插入图片和表格的代码参考范例 main.tex 。


算法描述使用 algorithm 环境,具体写法请参考范例 main.tex 或 chapter\c3.tex 。模板类自动加载 algorithm2e 宏包,详细的用法请参考 algorithm2e宏包文档 。

枚举使用标准的 enumerate 、 itemize 以及 description 环境。脚注使用标准的 \footnote 命令插入。


命令名称 字符 Unicode 编号
\chinesecolon FF1A
\chinesespace 3000
\chineseperiod 3002
\chinesequestion FF1F
\chineseexclamation FF01
\chinesecomma FF0C
\chinesesemicolon FF1B
\chineseleftparenthesis FF08
\chineserightparenthesis FF09

另外 \blankpage 命令可以强制生成一页空白。

模板提供的样例( main.tex )将所有内容写在同一个文档里,使用者认为必要可以将各个章节写在不同的子文件内,使用 \input 命令统一包含。

模版提供另一个多文件的范例( main_multifile.tex ),执行相应的命令即可自动编译:

其中每个文件对应独立的章(参见 chapter/template.tex )、摘要、致谢等(见 misc/ )。分割的文件使用 \input 命令包含到主文档内(参见 main_multifile.tex )。所有需要使用的宏包在主文件中导入,编译方法保持不变。

图目录、表目录分别对应 \thesisfigurelist 和 \thesistablelist 命令,这些列表不会出现在目录里。对于有多个分图的情况,如果不想在图目录中显示分图题,可以使用 \caption[<short caption>]{<full caption>} 命令的短标题选项,在图目录只会显示短标题而不是带有分图题的原始标题。例如:

缩略词表使用 glossaries 宏包实现。生成缩略词表需要在文档导言区加入 \makeglossaries 命令,再在缩略词表显示的位置使用 \thesisglossarylist 命令。定义缩略词使用 \newglossaryentry{<label>}{<description>} 命令,例如:

或者 \newacronym[description=<chinese>]{<label>}{<abbrv>}{<full>} 命令,例如:

只有在正文使用命令恰当引用的缩略词才会在缩略词表中列出。正文中引用缩略词时,使用 glossaries 宏包提供的 \gls 、 \Gls (首字母大写)或 \glspl (复数形式)等命令引用缩略词的 <label> 。 具体使用方法参考 glossaries宏包文档 。

若想在缩略词表中列出所有定义过的条目,无论在正文中是否引用,可以在 \thesisglossarylist 之前使用 \glsaddall 命令。

手动编译包含有缩略词表的文档,执行 xelatex 编译命令后需要执行 makeglossaries main (注意没有.tex后缀)创建缩略词索引,再执行 xelatex 命令完成编译。所以手动编译一个包含参考文献、研究成果、缩略词表的完整文档命令为:



模版推荐使用latexmk的方式编译。很多编辑器有自己的编译选项,标明使用xelatex方式进行编译的,使用之后没有生成攻读学位期间所取得的成果。这种情况是编译过程中漏掉 bibtex accomplish.aux 命令,在各类编辑器中相当普遍。推荐无论是命令行还是编辑器都明确指定latexmk的编译方式。






使用bibtex录入成果无法划分部分,但是使用 thesistheaccomplish 环境添加成果可以在文献列表中间插入小标题。


模版提供的 reference.bib 包含所有可用条目类型的样例,包括期刊论文,会议论文,专利、学位论文和电子出版物等,可以参考这些条目录入文献信息。



欢迎各位同学交流技术经验,如果希望使用QQ即时交流可加成电LaTeX模板交流群(926297104)。验证信息请回答问题,不要空置。如有问题还可以在项目 Issue 模块提出,或者邮件联系作者( [email protected] )。类模板完全由作者手动编写,并非由代码工具生成,相对容易修改和阅读。在此欢迎高阶的使用者分享更好的写法,提出改进的建议。

thesis bst file

Contributors 3

thesis bst file

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Theoretical investigation of janus ti 2 bst (t = o, se) monolayers as anode materials for na/k-ion batteries †.

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* Corresponding authors

a Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China E-mail: [email protected]

b National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Mineral Salt Deep Utilization, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China

c Key Laboratory for Palygorskite Science and Applied Technology of Jiangsu Province, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China

d School of Materials Science and Engineering, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 224051, China E-mail: [email protected]

e Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Eco-Environmental Materials, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 224051, China

The structures, stability, and electrochemical performances of Janus Ti 2 BST (T = O, Se) monolayers as anode materials for Na/K-ion batteries (NIBs/KIBs) are investigated by first-principles calculations. The results demonstrate that Ti 2 BST monolayers are mechanically, dynamically, and thermally stable. The electronic structures display good conductivity. Moreover, the low diffusion barriers of 0.107/0.039 eV (0.111/0.063 eV) for Na/K indicate that the Ti 2 BSO (Ti 2 BSSe) monolayer has excellent rate performance for NIBs/KIBs. Low average open circuit voltages (OCVs) (0.322–0.439 V) can produce a high voltage in NIBs/KIBs. Meanwhile, little structural changes during charge/discharge ensure great cycle stability. Especially, the Ti 2 BSO monolayer has a high theoretical capacity of 691.64/537.75 mA h g −1 for NIBs/KIBs. The outstanding performances demonstrate that the Ti 2 BST monolayers are potential anode materials for NIBs/KIBs.

Graphical abstract: Theoretical investigation of Janus Ti2BST (T = O, Se) monolayers as anode materials for Na/K-ion batteries

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thesis bst file

Theoretical investigation of Janus Ti 2 BST (T = O, Se) monolayers as anode materials for Na/K-ion batteries

Y. Wang, L. Xie, R. Huang, S. Yan, X. Xie and Q. Zhang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 2024, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4CP01188K

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apa-good.bst question [closed]

I'm very unfamiliar with .bst files. I'm not using BibLatex yet, just standard BibTex. If I want the apa-good.bst to work with my thesis, do I have to also have the apa.cls in the same directory? I apologize up front for the newbie question.

lockstep's user avatar

  • No. (Did you try it?) :) –  Alan Munn Commented Feb 18, 2013 at 3:57
  • @AlanMunn Honestly, I don't know whats going on... when I try to compile the thesis Bibtex I get 3087 errors (literally) so I'm just trying to find out what I needed to get it to run the apa format. –  BoZiffer Commented Feb 18, 2013 at 4:32
  • 1 Before working with your thesis, try a simple small document with one or two citations, natbib and no other packages loaded. Does that work? What kind of errors are you getting, and when? (During the latex compilation or the bibtex compilation?) –  Alan Munn Commented Feb 18, 2013 at 4:42
  • @AlanMunn I managed to muscle my way through it. Thanks Alan. –  BoZiffer Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 18:21

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thesis bst file


  1. Which BibTeX Styles are Available on Overleaf?

    Here's a specific list of the .bst files that are already installed on Overleaf's servers (so you don't have to add them specifically to your project): Base styles acm.bst

  2. Referencing a Bachelor's Thesis

    Copy the code of the entire function (ca. 16 lines) and paste the copy below the existing function. Change the new function's name from mastersthesis to bachelorsthesis. Change the string "Master's thesis" to "Bachelor's thesis". Save the new .bst file either in the same directory as your main .tex file or somewhere in your TeX distribution's ...

  3. Bibtex bibliography styles

    Introduction and example. When using BiBTeX, the bibliography style is set and the bibliography file is imported with the following two commands: \bibliographystyle{ stylename } \bibliography{ bibfile } where bibfile is the name of the bibliography .bib file, without the extension, and stylename is one of values shown in the table below . Here ...

  4. Using a custom .bst in Overleaf

    3. Generally just uploading the bst to the project should make it discoverable as @AlanMunn mentioned. However, depending on how you are coding your thesis, the bib and its style might be set up in to your cls file or in a sty file associated with the thesis "template." If you are stuck and can't figure out how the bibliography is working for ...

  5. Choosing a BibTeX Style

    How to Use a Specific Style. Choose your BibTeX style from the list below. Place it in the same folder as your LaTeX document. Change the \bibliographystyle line of your LaTeX document to reflect the style you chose. Remember to remove the file extension. For example, if you wanted to use the American Anthropologist style, \bibliographystyle ...

  6. PDF A BibTeX Guide via Examples

    The merlin.mbs file is a master bibliography style file, and a bst file is extracted from this mbs file under the given options that you will choose now. 1. Type latex makebst.ins in the command mode. This will generate makebst.tex and makebst.drv. 2. Type latex makebst to create a bst file.

  7. Is there an (easy) way to create or personalize .bst files?

    I don't know of any software with a fancy GUI that allows the creation of bst files, but the usual recommended way for custoized styles is the custom-bib package. It will ask you many detailed questions about your style (including an option for an eprint field), and will create a bst file from that. You can even change some of your answers in the recorded dbj file, so you can create variants ...

  8. Adding and formatting citations for your UF dissertation (using

    Journal article: Along with your thesis document, you must submit an electronic copy of a sample article from the journal's reference system you used as a model when formatting your thesis reference citations and list. ... First, you'll need a reference formatting file, called a *.bst file. The UF Overleaf template already came with a few ...

  9. BibTeX

    BibTeX chooses from the .bib file(s) only those entries specified by the .aux file (that is, those given by LaTeX's \cite or \nocite commands), and creates as output a .bbl file containing these entries together with the formatting commands specified by the .bst file [..]. LaTeX will use the .bbl file, perhaps edited by the user, to produce the reference list.

  10. Bibliography management with natbib

    There are a few changes in this example: The options square and numbers in \usepackage[square,numbers]{natbib} enable squared brackets and numeric citations respectively. See the reference guide for a list of package options; The styles abbrvnat is used here, see bibliography styles; The command \citet adds the name of the author to the citation mark, regardless of the citation style.

  11. BibTeX plain bibliography style [examples]

    Usage. \documentclass[a4paper,10pt] { article } \begin { document } This is an example of a paragraph with in-text. citations using the plain BibTeX style. Here is a reference to a journal article with. a single author \cite { article1 }, to a journal. article with two authors \cite { article2 } and. three authors \cite { article3 }, and to a book.

  12. LaTeX instructions for authors| Elsevier

    Select the Manuscript item type for .tex, .bbl, .bst, .sty, .bib, .nls, .ilg, and .nlo files. Select the Figure item type for images and graphic files. Depending on the publication, Manuscript, Figure, or other item types may have different names. Contact our Support Team via the contact options at the bottom if you need clarification.

  13. LaTeX Thesis Template || Bucknell Physics & Astronomy

    thesis_num.bst - A .bst file that formats the references pulled from the database much like a Physical Review paper. For other formats it's easy to make alternate .bst files, or you can use standard .bst files. (Contact Marty Ligare for help.) samplebib.bib - Simple .bib file. speaker.pdf - A PDF figure that is used in sample_bt.tex. (There is ...

  14. Bibliography style (vancouver)

    This function is added to the .bst file and the following line in the {article} function of the .bst file. journal "journal" output.check is changed to . format.journal "journal" output.check. Name the new .bst file jabbrv_thesis. I've put a copy here: Modified .bst file. Now you can use the jabbrv package to do the abbreviations. To do this ...

  15. Bibliography style file help

    A search on Google for details on how to modify the resulting .bst file lead to an unsuccessful attempt to learn the postfix language used in them. The University style is defined as the following: This is a journal [1] a book [2], proceedings [3]and a PhD thesis [4]. References [1] A.N.

  16. bib-style format for bibtext bst file- explained by an example

    The next instruction is empty$. This will test if the top item of the stack is empty and deletes it, hence the need for the duplicate$. The result of the test is either 1 or 0, which is left on the stack. So the top item on the stack is now either 1 or 0, and the next item is the value of eprint. Next you have an if$ statement, which is in ...

  17. PDF How to Use the IEEEtran BibTeX Style

    IEEEtran.bst is invoked using the normal LATEX bibliography commands: \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran} \bibliography{IEEEabrv,mybibfile} String definition files must be loaded before any database files containing entries that utilize them — so the file names within the\bibliographycommand must be listed in a proper order.

  18. Elsevier style citation for biblatex

    At the very least, you should provide a link to the exact .bst file you want to have emulated. Elsevier is providing you with a template latex document and accompanying bibtex file. You shouldn't use biblatex just because you prefer that over bibtex - just like you shouldn't use LibreOffice Writer instead of Latex.

  19. Latex BibTex doesnt find database entry

    This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.6630 64-bit) The top-level auxiliary file: TUM_Thesis_Template.aux The style file: plain.bst A level-1 auxiliary file: titlepage.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: titlepage_inside.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/EidesstattlicheErklaerung.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: content/Abstract.aux A level-1 ...

  20. GitHub

    模板采用LaTeX类的形式封装,导入模板只需要把 thesis-uestc.cls 文件放在文档所在目录,在文档开头使用 \documentclass{thesis-uestc} 命令将文档的类设置成 thesis-uestc 即可。. 使用BibTeX录入参考文献还需要 thesis-uestc.bst 风格定义文件。. 模板类有bachelor、master、promaster ...

  21. Adding comma if exactly two authors from *.bst file (bibtex)

    I'm using bibtex with a custom .bst file for the thesis. Unfortunately, the .bst file doesn't produce a comma separating the author names when there are only two authors, and I need to add this comma. In the .bst file, here is the format.names function:

  22. Theoretical investigation of Janus Ti 2 BST (T = O, Se) monolayers as

    The structures, stability, and electrochemical performances of Janus Ti 2 BST (T = O, Se) monolayers as anode materials for Na/K-ion batteries (NIBs/KIBs) are investigated by first-principles calculations. The results demonstrate that Ti 2 BST monolayers are mechanically, dynamically, and thermally stable. The electronic structures display good conductivity.

  23. bibtex

    2. This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center . Closed 11 years ago.