Speech on World Environment Day for Students and Children

Short speech on world environment day.

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 globally. It is a day on which we spread awareness about the environment and the need to conserve it. Moreover, it is essential to advocate for a greener environment and conservation of nature. It is quite simple as when we conserve the environment today, the future generations will be able to lead a healthier life. We cannot be so selfish and use up all the resources for ourselves. World Environment Day is the perfect opportunity to make people aware of the issues we are facing and how one can contribute to saving it. Thus, it is quite important in its own way.

speech on world environment day

Importance of World Environment Day

World Environment Day reminds us to strengthen the world and ensure that nature is preserved at all costs. It throws light on the causes which are causing serious harm to our environment. For instance, industries and factories are contributing largely to pollution. They are deteriorating the quality of air that we breathe and the water we consume.

Thus, this day serves as an eye-opener for many citizens who aren’t aware of all this. In other words, it spreads awareness amongst the common people which the environment is facing right now. Moreover, it also encourages the public from different societies and communities to take active participation in celebrating the day.

Further, it also urges them to become active agents in developing environmental safety methods. Not just that, it also encourages everyone to keep their nearby surroundings safe and clean so that everyone can have a cleaner, greener and more prosperous future.

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Every Little Deed Matters

On the occasion of World Environment Day, it is essential for all to realize that every little deed matters when it comes to saving the environment. No matter how small a step you are taking to lead a greener lifestyle, it does make a difference. Because, if everyone starts doing little deeds one by one, it will turn into something big. As the saying goes every drop makes an ocean, it is true in this case as well.

As there are a lot of diseases that originate due to unhygienic living conditions and dirty water, we must begin there. For instance, when water remains stagnant or unclean for long, various insects and bacteria start growing there. This results in deadly diseases like Malaria, Dengue and more. So, we must make sure to cover the tanks, pots, coolers and more which may become a breeding ground for such insects and diseases.

Similarly, we have to talk about the issues of garbage disposal. Especially in our country, people litter around everywhere. It is essential to firstly dispose of waste properly and also segregate the wet and dry waste accordingly.

These little deeds will make you realize how wholesome your life will become. It is not always about the money and luxury, the little fulfilling things and change in habits can also prove to be very effective.

Thus, we have the World Environment Day which serves as a reminder to protect the environment at all costs. All the resources of nature from forests to oceans and soil to air, we must conserve.

To sum it up, always remember that the gifts and blessings which nature endows on us are priceless. It is rather essential to conserve them all for a better future and life for all. Always remember that small steps will help you reach your goal.

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Environment Day Speech

Preparing to write a speech on World Environment Day? Read the article for information about Environment Day and the need to let everyone know that it is time we did something to save our environment.

The term ‘environment’, in the literal sense, could simply mean surroundings. It has a lot of other connotations as well. It can mean nature, the natural world or ecosystem, a particular political or social setting and so on. However, we will be discussing ‘environment’ in the very literal sense here – the surroundings we all live in.

The article will give you an overview of how the Environment Day came into being, the various important events that took place on Environment Day through the years, and sample speeches you could refer to when you sit down to prepare your speech for the Environment Day. The topics below will navigate you through.

  • History Behind World Environment Day
  • Environment Day Through The Ages
  • Environment Day Speech In English
  • Speech About Environment Day In 300 Words
  • Short Speech On World Environment Day
  • One Minute Speech On Environment Day

FAQ on World Environment Day

History behind world environment day.

The UN Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day(WED) in 1972. It was done to create an awareness of the kind of environment we are living in and the need to conserve and preserve it for the present and the future. ‘Only One Earth’ was the slogan for the first celebration of the World Environment Day in 1974, and from then on, the commemoration of the World Environment Day has become a platform to create consciousness on the environmental issues we are facing on a global scale. It also turned out to be a chance for everyone to rethink the ways in which they are exploiting the environment we are a part of.

Environment Day through the Ages

Down the years, the WED has become a pathway to the restoration of the ecosystem which includes the recovery of destroyed ecosystems and preserving the ecosystems that are still in shape. Every year, the WED is hosted by a different country and has a different theme. In the year 2020, the WED was hosted by Columbia and Germany under the theme, ‘Time for Nature’.

Pakistan will be the global host country this year (2021), and the theme is ‘Reimagine. Recreate. Restore’ and aims at Ecosystem Restoration.

Environment Day Speech in English

Here are a few speeches you can refer to in order to help prepare yours.

Speech about Environment Day in 300 Words

As human beings, the environment we exist in plays a very important role in the well-being of every life possible on this Earth, and it is our duty to preserve and keep everything in check. Throughout the years, there have been many movements and awareness campaigns around the world that have been put forth to make people environmentally conscious. Chipko Movement, dated way back to 1970, carried out by rural villagers, particularly women, was directed towards stopping the government from cutting down trees and demolishing forests for various reasons. Van Mahotsav is yet another initiative, an annual tree-planting festival that goes on for a week in the month of July, which was initiated in 1950 by K. M. Munshi, the then Union Minister for Agriculture and Food. There were also many others like the Save Silent Valley Movement, the Jungle Bachao Andholan, Tehri Dam Movement and so on.

We, at our school, have been following the same path for the past few years. It is necessary that all of us, as inhabitants of this planet, understand the need to be aware of our surroundings and find ways to protect it in every possible way. It is not just enough for us to be aware but also let the others know that we owe a great deal of respect and concern for all that the Earth we live in is providing us with. So here we are today to hold hands in making every little difference we can, together. Let us stand together and make this world a wonderful place, not just for us but for the future generations as well. To ‘Only One Earth’ and giving more ‘Time for Nature’.

Short Speech on World Environment Day

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken,” said Leo Tolstoy. The relationship between human beings and the environment is important and it is necessary that they understand and work to keep it strong.

World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5 th of June every year. It is celebrated to raise awareness and to take actions to conserve the environment. It was initiated in 1972 by the UN Assembly and has come a long way since. The concern for preserving the environment did not just start then. People have been taking initiatives to do whatever is possible on their own, to make life better for everyone by creating awareness about preserving nature. Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” and that is exactly what all of us are here to do today. Let us join together and do our part in making our environment and our life on this planet as wondrous as it should be.

One Minute Speech on Environment Day

Nature has been painting for us infinite pictures of beauty every day, according to John Ruskin. It is just that people fail to see what nature has to offer. It is for this reason that we have occasions like the World Environment Day to remind us of what we are missing out. Planting a sapling, holding placards, shouting slogans, going on a rally – all of this is definitely something but not everything. We should be a lot more conscious of the kind of environment we are a part of and try to make it sustainable. In order to do that, it is not enough to do all of this just for a day, but make it our lifestyle. Join in, let us work together to make some real change.

Why is Environment Day celebrated?

Environment Day is celebrated every year to create awareness on problems faced by the environment due to air pollution, global warming, deforestation, wild forest fires and so on. It also helps us make a check on the kind of life we are all living that harms and destroys nature.

Why is 5th June celebrated as World Environment Day?

The UN General Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day for the first time in 1972, and since then, every year, June 5 is commemorated as World Environment Day all around the world.

What is the theme for Environment Day?

The theme for Environment Day changes every year. ‘Only One Earth’ was the theme in 1974 when it was first celebrated. It was ‘Time for Nature’ in 2020 and ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ is the theme for 2021.

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Speeches on the occasion of the UN World Environment Day

Dear Users,

Today, on 5 June, is World Environment Day! This day gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our own ecological footprint and on how we can reduce our impact on the environment. It is high time we do so, since we are running out of time. The climate clock is ticking. Therefore, it is encouraging that especially young people all over the world are committed to fight climate change and to raise awareness for the urgency of the matter. Against this backdrop, the Speech Repository Team invites you to practise your skills with the following themed speeches. Enjoy!

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For more information on the UN World Environment Day vistit:


mandatory field

UN Environment

All over the world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity’s existence depends are reaching a tipping point. This is why  World Environment Day  2024 focused on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”  

Successful land restoration requires an approach that uses knowledge, drive and ambition across all generations. Everybody alive now is part of a generation that is the first to witness the devastating effects of environmental degradation and the last to take measures to counter it and be on track to achieving global goals on climate and biodiversity. We can be the generation that finally makes peace with land. We can be #GenerationRestoration.   

Drought, desertification and land degradation are a growing threat to the planet and people.  

  • Globally, more than 2 billion hectares of land are degraded – an area nearly the size of India and the Russian Federation combined. 
  • Every year, an estimated 12 million hectares of land are lost to degradation, impacting food and water supplies across the globe.  
  • 55 million people are directly affected by droughts every year, making it the most serious hazard to livestock and crops in nearly every part of the world.  

The disappearance of once-productive land is having a devastating effect on the least fortunate. 

  • Land degradation affects 3.2 billion people, or 40 per cent of the world’s population. It disproportionately harms those who are least equipped to cope: rural communities, smallholder farmers and the poor.  
  • Land degradation could reduce global food productivity by 12 per cent , causing food prices to soar by up to 30 per cent by 2040.   
  • By 2030, drought, land degradation and desertification could force 135 million people to migrate as the climate crisis worsens. Land degradation threatens human rights to life, health, food, water and a healthy environment. 
  • Young people are part of a growing category of involuntary migrants called ‘environmentally displaced people’ as environmental degradation fuelled by climate change forces them to migrate due to inability to make a decent living from their land. 
  • In fragile contexts, land degradation can fuel conflict and violence due to displacement and competition over scarce resources between different communal groups such as farmers and herders.  

The global economy is struggling under the weight of drought and land degradation. 

  • An estimated US$10 trillion in global Gross Domestic Product could be lost by 2050 if ecosystem services continue to decline.  
  • Globally,  12 million hectares of land  capable of producing 20 million tonnes of grain are lost due to drought and desertification each year, potentially leading to food insecurity for millions of people.  
  • Land degradation can interrupt the natural processes of the Earth, causing soil erosion and clean water shortages. It is also the driving force behind a crisis that is pushing 1 million species to extinction.  

Climate change and a broken food system exacerbate drought and desertification.  

  • Climate change exacerbates desertification and land degradation by increasing the frequency and severity of droughts, heatwaves and wildfires.  
  • Deforestation and soil degradation further feed climate change by damaging forests, drylands and grasslands, which are major stores of planet-warming carbon molecules. 
  • Agriculture is a major driver of land degradation. The expansion of farming has cleared or transformed an estimated 70 per cent of grasslands and 50 per cent of savannahs worldwide. 

To counter desertification and land degradation, the world must restore damaged ecosystems. 

  • Every dollar invested in ecosystem restoration—the process of halting and reversing degradation— results in up to US$30 in ecosystem services, and helps the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals , humanity’s blueprint for a better future. 
  • Restoring 15 per cent of converted land in the right places could avoid 60 per cent of expected species extinctions.  
  • Ecosystem conservation and restoration could help counter climate change and climate-related disasters by reviving the full capacity of forests, peatlands, drylands, wetlands and rivers to store carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and absorb disaster impacts. 
  • Urban areas occupy just  three per cent of the Earth’s land surface  but are home to more than half its people. They are a powerful force in the global ecosystem accounting for some 75 per cent of global resource and energy use ; produce more than half of global waste; and at least 60 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. Due to their outsized impact, cities can play a huge role in land restoration efforts and building drought resilience.  

Globally, there has been encouraging progress in recent years in the effort to restore degraded landscapes. 

  • Countries are making progress in delivering on their commitments under the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration , a global push to revive damaged natural spaces. Countries have vowed to restore 1 billion hectares of degraded land and make similar commitments for marine and coastal areas. 
  • Currently, between 765 million and 1 billion hectares are earmarked for restoration. Almost half of the area to be restored is in sub-Saharan Africa, with significant commitments also in Asia and Latin America.  
  • The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’s World Restoration Flagships —a series of pioneering initiatives—already show how restoration delivers a wide range of environmental benefits, including increased productivity, carbon sequestration and biodiversity preservation.  
  • The  Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, a landmark pact to protect nature signed in 2022, includes a target that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and marine and coastal ecosystems are under effective restoration. 

World Environment Day is a chance to shine a spotlight on solutions to drought, desertification and land degradation. 

  • Since 1973, World Environment Day (WED) has raised awareness about critical environmental issues, from climate change to the depletion of the ozone layer. The Day has helped spur governments, businesses, civil society groups and individuals to take action, and address these challenges. 
  • WED 2024 is hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with a focus on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience. 
  • The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) spearheads WED, which is celebrated annually on 5 June. 

Indigenous Peoples, women and youth play an important role in reviving damaged ecosystems and countering land degradation, desertification and drought. 

  • Indigenous communities are the unsung heroes of conservation. 36 per cent of remaining intact forests are on Indigenous Peoples’ lands and on average, ecosystems managed by Indigenous Peoples tend to be less degraded 
  • In developing countries, women make up 45 per cent of the agricultural labour force , ranging from 20 per cent in Latin America to up to 60 per cent in parts of Africa and Asia. Involving women is critical for the success of ecosystem restoration.  
  • Engaging youth and investing in youth-run green enterprises is crucial to land restoration efforts and sustainable land use.  

The official World Environment Day celebration is over, but everyone can be part of the 2024 campaign and contribute to efforts to restore lands for present and future generations all year long.

  • The beauty of ecosystem restoration is that it conveys a message of action and hope, and it can happen at any scale. 
  • Get involved in land and soil restoration work using UNEP’s practical guide.  
  • Spread the word and inspire others by sharing how you are helping to revive lands, using the hashtags #GenerationRestoration and #WorldEnvironmentDay. 
  • Visit the website to access resources, latest updates, stories, news and tips. 
  • Use communication assets from the campaign and share them among your friends, peers, partners and networks to highlight solutions and best practices. 
  • Share and amplify World Environment Day messages within your community on how to get involved in land restoration efforts in various settings, from office buildings, schools, and gardens to agriculture fields, parks, and even streets.   

Monarch butterflies on a branch

World Environment Day

The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment. 

The theme of the 2024 World Environment Day is “ land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience .”


As we mark World Environment Day and World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, UNESCO is calling for a renewed commitment to life in all its forms. Our Organization's commitment can be summed up in three verbs: alert, promote and restore.

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best speech on world environment day

Designation of this Day

The year 1972 marked a turning point in the development of international environmental politics, with the first major conference on environmental issues, known as the  Conference on the Human Environment , or the Stockholm Conference. Later that year, on 15 December, the General Assembly adopted a resolution ( A/RES/2994 (XXVII) ) designating June 5 as World Environment Day and urging "Governments and the organizations in the United Nations system to undertake on that day every year world-wide activities reaffirming their concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness."


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5 and 10 Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 4, 2024

Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

Lines on World Environment Day: In 1972, the United Nations designated June 5 as the official date to celebrate World Environment Day. This day aims to draw attention towards the plethora of problems our planet is facing, like deforestation, pollution , biodiversity loss, and ozone layer depletion. Therefore, the annual observation of World Environment Day serves as a reminder to acknowledge individual and collective responsibility towards Earth . As the day is approaching, schools have started organizing related activities such as the Environment Day quiz. Here are samples of how to write a few lines on World Environment Day in English for students. 

Also Read: Samples of Lines on Save Environment for Students

5 lines on World Environment Day for Class 3, 4, and 5

  • World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. 
  • It aims to raise awareness about the importance of reversing the impact of human actions on the environment.
  • On this day, schools organize activities such as tree plantation and clean-up drives to encourage students. 
  • We can help by following the 3 Rs, recycling, reducing, and reusing.
  • Let’s work together on this World Environment Day and make our Earth clean and healthy.

10 lines on World Environment Day for Class 3, 4, and 5

  • It was first observed on June 5 1993 in Switzerland.
  • The day is dedicated to remembering the importance of taking care of our beloved planet Earth. 
  • It is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) .
  • The theme of World Environment Day in 2024 is  “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” 
  • People all over the world come together to plant more trees, save water, defeat deforestation, and fight climate change. 
  • Schools organize related competitions and lines such as Earth Day quizzes. 
  • It is a day to recognize that even small actions and taking individual responsibility can lead to big changes. 
  • We can start with something small, like saying no to plastic, practising the 3Rs, and using eco-friendly products. 
  • On this World Environment Day, let’s take the responsibility to protect our planet and its resources. 

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Parul Sharma

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The theme of this year’s World Environment Day is “land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.”

Humanity depends on land. Yet, all over the world, a toxic cocktail of pollution, climate chaos,...

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World Environment Day: A rallying call to restore our ecosystems

Remarks prepare for delivery at the press conference to announce Pakistan as host of the 2021 World Environment Day

I thank the Honorable Minister for inviting me to this press briefing. First of all, on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme, I would like to thank Pakistan for offering to host the 2021 World Environment Day, which will be held on 5 June, on the theme of ecosystem restoration.

Pakistan is integral to global efforts to combat the three interconnected environmental crises the world faces today, namely, climate change, nature and biodiversity loss, and pollution and waste levels. In Pakistan these crises are manifested in air and water pollution, pestilent and erosive land-use practices, desertification and extreme weather events. According to a recent study, Pakistan is ranked 5th in vulnerability to climate change.

The global restoration of ecosystems to their former glory is key to addressing those crises and to keep check of our consumption and production patterns. Restoration of eco-systems is also our single largest nature-based opportunity for climate change mitigation.

On this year’s World Environment Day, we are also formally launching the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Together with Pakistan, and through the World Environment Day platform, we shall be making a global call for the protection and revival of ecosystems around the world, in recognition of the mutual benefit for nature and people.

WED in Pakistan

The science is clear: the next ten years are paramount in the fight to avert climate change and the loss of nature and biodiversity. As we commence the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration in 2021, it is vital that we all grasp and acknowledge that restoration is a global mission; it is an enormous task that is too big for any one organization or country to undertake. Here, I would also like to thank all the member states that have shown interest to financially contribute towards implementation of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, in particular financial support that UNEP has received from Finland and Germany for its launch.

This World Environment Day 2021, with Pakistan as its official host, we must couple the rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems with actions. With much of nature being on life-support, we need to find inspiration wherever it resuscitates. Such encouragement can be drawn from Pakistan’s Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme to restore its forests and wildlife and from citizen initiatives across the country working to green both the rural and the urban landscapes. Such initiatives reflect the ambition and action needed by nations, businesses, international organizations and individuals to enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and start to rebuild our collapsing ecosystems.

I commend Pakistan for its leadership and very much look forward to the 2021 World Environment Day and the official launch of the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration on June 5.

  • Restoration
  • Marine Litter
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Further Resources

  • World Environment Day Website
  • Pakistan to host World Environment Day 2021
  • UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021 – 2030

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    Short Speech on World Environment Day. "One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken," said Leo Tolstoy. The relationship between human beings and the environment is important and it is necessary that they understand and work to keep it strong. World Environment Day is celebrated on ...

  8. World Environment Day Speech in English

    World Environment Day was observed two years after the designation, with the theme "only one world." "Save the Earth, save yourselves. Think green. Be green. Stop polluting" is the slogan for Earth Day. Different countries observe World Environment Day. This event was held in Sweden in 2022. This festival is held with a different theme each year.

  9. World Environment Day: turning point in our race to restoration

    This year, World Environment Day will direct the world's gaze to three perilous, though often-overlooked, challenges: land degradation, desertification and drought. One-fifth of earth's land is now degraded. Our lakes are shrivelling up. Our forests are disappearing. Our farms are turning into dustbowls. This degradation affects the well ...

  10. World Environment Day Speech: History, Significance, Sample Speeches & FAQs

    A Brief Speech on World Environment Day. "The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness," said John Muir. The relationship between humans and the environment is crucial, and we must strive to strengthen it. World Environment Day, celebrated every year on June 5, aims to raise awareness and inspire action to protect our ...

  11. World Environment Day Essay & Speech Ideas for Students

    World Environment Day 2023: Essay & Speech Ideas. Start with writing what day it is celebrated, why it is celebrated, and the purpose of its celebration. Write in brief about its history, and how and when this day came into existence. Don't forget to mention the roles played by the United Nations in creating awareness about the environment.

  12. Speeches on the occasion of the UN World Environment Day

    Today, on 5 June, is World Environment Day! This day gives us all the opportunity to reflect on our own ecological footprint and on how we can reduce our impact on the environment. ... Against this backdrop, the Speech Repository Team invites you to practise your skills with the following themed speeches. Enjoy! EN: 28209, 28208 and 28155. HU ...

  13. The UN Secretary General

    The theme of this year's World Environment Day, "Only One Earth", is a simple statement of fact. This planet is our only home. It is vital we safeguard the health of its atmosphere, the richness and diversity of life on Earth, its ecosystems and its finite resources. But we are failing to do so. We are asking too much of our planet to maintain ways life that are unsustainable. Earth's ...

  14. Did You Know?

    Key Messages. All over the world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity's existence depends are reaching a tipping point. This is why World Environment Day 2024 focused on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the slogan "Our land.

  15. World Environment Day

    5 June. The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion ...

  16. 5 and 10 Lines on World Environment Day in English for Students

    World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of reversing the impact of human actions on the environment. On this day, schools organize activities such as tree plantation and clean-up drives to encourage students. We can help by following the 3 Rs, recycling, reducing, and reusing.

  17. Messages from United Nations Officials for World Environment Day

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres . The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.". Humanity depends on land. Yet, all over the world, a toxic cocktail of pollution, climate chaos, and biodiversity decimation are turning healthy lands into deserts, and thriving ecosystems into dead zones.

  18. The Secretary-General Message on World Environment Day

    Speech The Secretary-General Message on World Environment Day 05 June 2023 This World Environment Day is a call to beat plastic pollution. Every year, over 400 million tons of plastic is produced worldwide - one third of which is used just once. Every day, the equivalent of over 2000 garbage trucks full of plastic is dumped into our oceans ...

  19. UN Secretary-General Message on World Environment Day

    Speech UN Secretary-General Message on World Environment Day 05 June 2024 The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. Humanity depends on land. Yet, all over the world, a toxic cocktail of pollution, climate chaos, and biodiversity decimation are turning healthy lands into ...

  20. UN Secretary-General's Message for World Environment Day 2024

    Press Release. UN Secretary-General's Message for World Environment Day 2024. 05 June 2024. The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.". Humanity depends on land. Yet, all over the world, a toxic cocktail of pollution, climate chaos, and biodiversity decimation are turning ...

  21. Un Secretary-general'S Message for World Environment Day 2024

    Speeches and Statements; Reports/Publications "This Week in DPPA" Newsletter "Politically Speaking" Magazine; News from our Missions; 02 Jun 2024. UN SECRETARY-GENERAL'S MESSAGE FOR WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY 2024. The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience."

  22. World Environment Day: A rallying call to restore our ecosystems

    This World Environment Day 2021, with Pakistan as its official host, we must couple the rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems with actions. With much of nature being on life-support, we need to find inspiration wherever it resuscitates. Such encouragement can be drawn from Pakistan's Ten Billion Tree Tsunami Programme to ...

  23. World Environment Day

    World Environment Day in India. World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment.It is supported by many non-governmental organizations, businesses, government entities, and represents the primary United Nations outreach day supporting the environment. [1] [2]First held in 1974, it has been a platform for ...