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5000 Word Dissertation Structure – Full Guide

Dec 3, 2022 | 0 comments

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Dec 3, 2022 | Blog | 0 comments

So you’ve been assigned a 5,000-word dissertation. Now what? This can seem daunting, but don’t worry. We’re here to help. In this blog post, we’re going to give you a step-by-step guide to writing a 5,000-word dissertation structure. We’ll start with the basics, like the introduction and literature review, and then move on to the more difficult sections, like data collection and research methodology. We’ll also discuss the results and analysis, discussion and conclusion, and future work sections. By the end of this post, you should have a good understanding of how to structure a 5,000-word dissertation.

Writing Process of the 5000 word Dissertation Structure

There are a few steps that go into writing a dissertation. You can break down the academic process of writing a dissertation into five stages: creativity, research, writing, revision, and submission. In this section, we will discuss each stage in more detail.

The first stage is Ideation. This phase involves developing an idea for the dissertation and developing it into a full proposal. During this stage, you should also decide which study area you would like to focus on. After you have developed your proposal, you move onto the Research Stage. Here, you gather the necessary information to support your thesis statement . You should also consult with other scholars to get feedback on your proposal and ideas for the dissertation.

The next stage is Writing. This is where you write the dissertation text itself. It would be best if you took care to structure your work so that it makes sense and is easy to read. Remember, no one else will be reading your work except for possibly someone who has approved it! Once you have finished writing, you move on to the Revision and Submission stages, where you make any final changes before submitting it to your supervisor or institution for review.


When writing a 5000-word dissertation, it is important to keep in mind the following guidelines: an introduction should be no more than 1500 words, the body of the dissertation should be between 3000 and 35000 words, and there should be at least one literature review and one data collection section.

To structure a 5000 word dissertation properly, it is necessary first to identify the purpose of your research project. After that, you must outline your argumentative strategy and develop your thesis statement. Next comes the research section, which should include both primary and secondary sources. The dissertation conclusion paragraph is also key; make sure to provide a summary of your findings as well as any recommendations you have for future research projects.

Literature Review

A literature review is a type of essay that provides an overview of significant literature on a particular topic. This can be useful for the reader, as it allows them to understand the findings of others. By discussing the findings of various sources, a literature review helps to create an understanding of the topic.

To write a good literature review for a 5000 word dissertation, start by reading relevant articles and then organizing them according to specific criteria (e.g., methodological approaches, theoretical concepts). Finally, synthesize these findings into an essay-style article that expands on key points made in the source material.

A literature review should have an introduction, body, and conclusion like any other essay. The introduction will introduce the topic and discuss why it is important. The body will thoroughly examine each source discussed in the review. The conclusion will summarize what has been learned and offer advice or suggestions for further reading on the topic.

A well-organized literature review should provide a clear overview of the sources discussed. Sources should be cited accurately, as this will help to support the argument made in the review. Additionally, a literature review should be coherent and make sense on its own. Ultimately, a literature review effectively provides readers with an understanding of significant literature on a particular topic.

Research Methodology

When writing a dissertation, it is important to follow a specific research methodology to ensure accuracy and thoroughness. This methodology should be designed in consultation with your professors and advisors and should reflect the content of your thesis. Additionally, it is important to collect data rigorously and accurately to support your arguments. Here are some tips on how to structure a research methodology for a 5,000 word dissertation:

– Begin by outlining the main points you want to make in your paper.

– Then, develop these points by referencing relevant literature reviews and studies.

– Next, flesh out these ideas by writing analytical essays that explore the implications of this research on specific topics or issues.

– Finally, use this information as evidence to support your arguments throughout the paper. Following this step-by-step process will ensure that your dissertation is well organized and rigorous – perfect for earning a prestigious academic degree!

Data Collection

you can collect a variety of different types of data for a dissertation. This includes data from literature reviews, surveys, interviews, and focus groups. Selecting the right data type is important to achieve the most accurate results. Additionally, it is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of data before selecting which methodologies to use.

Once you have selected the appropriate methodology, it is important to ensure that the data collection process is as easy as possible for your participants. This may involve setting up schedules and conducting research sessions in a convenient location. Finally, it is always helpful to have tips on utilizing your data once it has been collected!

Data collection can be time-consuming but essential for any research project. To ensure accuracy and completeness in your data analysis, plan by gathering information from different perspectives (e.g., interviews vs. surveys), tracking changes over time and using qualitative methods when appropriate. Once all of your data has been collected, it is important to analyze it systematically using appropriate tools (e.g., statistical models or Grammatical Analysis Software).

There are a variety of different ways to collect data for a dissertation. One popular method surveys. Surveys allow you to gather input from many respondents, which can provide valuable information about your target audience’s opinions and attitudes. Additionally, you can use surveys to examine how people think about certain issues or problems.

Another common type of data collection is interviews. Interviews allow you to get personal insights from your participants about their experiences and thoughts on specific topics. This information can help you better understand the motivations behind people’s actions or beliefs. Finally, interviews can also help develop theories or hypotheses about complex phenomena.

Focus groups also offer many benefits over traditional survey methods. Focus groups are typically more informal than surveys and can provide more detailed feedback than interviews. Additionally, focus group discussions often generate new ideas you would not have considered if you monitored only individual responses.

Results And Analysis

The Results and Analysis chapter will present the data you collected during your research. This data can be presented in various ways, such as tables, graphs, or maps. Your interpretation of this data will make up the rest of this chapter. Be sure to discuss any patterns or trends you see in the data.

Your data analysis will help you develop conclusions about your topic. You may find that certain patterns are more evident than others. For example, you might discover a correlation between two variables. In this case, you would likely want to explore why this correlation exists and what it means for your research.

You also may be able to draw some general conclusions about your topic from the data. This could include statements such as “The majority of people in this dataset identify as either heterosexual or homosexual” or “People living in urban areas tend to have higher incomes than those who live in rural areas.” However, these general conclusions should not be taken as gospel; rather, they should be considered suggestions based on your collected data.

Conclusion and Future Work

As students continue to explore the potential of their research, they must discuss the conclusion and implications of their findings in light of what was already known about the research problem. Additionally, they should highlight how their study has advanced scientific knowledge. Students should suggest areas for future research.

Isabella Robertson

I am dedicated to creating engaging blog posts that provide valuable insights and advice to help students excel in their studies. From study tips to time management strategies, my goal is to empower students to reach their full potential.

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Writing your dissertation - structure and sections

Posted in: dissertations

dissertation 5000 words structure

In this post, we look at the structural elements of a typical dissertation. Your department may wish you to include additional sections but the following covers all core elements you will need to work on when designing and developing your final assignment.

The table below illustrates a classic dissertation layout with approximate lengths for each section.

dissertation 5000 words structure

Hopkins, D. and Reid, T., 2018.  The Academic Skills Handbook: Your Guid e to Success in Writing, Thinking and Communicating at University . Sage.

Your title should be clear, succinct and tell the reader exactly what your dissertation is about. If it is too vague or confusing, then it is likely your dissertation will be too vague and confusing. It is important therefore to spend time on this to ensure you get it right, and be ready to adapt to fit any changes of direction in your research or focus.

In the following examples, across a variety of subjects, you can see how the students have clearly identified the focus of their dissertation, and in some cases target a problem that they will address:

An econometric analysis of the demand for road transport within the united Kingdom from  1965 to 2000

To what extent does payment card fraud affect UK bank profitability and bank stakeholders?  Does this justify fraud prevention?

A meta-analysis of implant materials for intervertebral disc replacement and regeneration.

The role of ethnic institutions in social development; the case of Mombasa, Kenya.

Why haven’t biomass crops been adopted more widely as a source of renewable energy in the United Kingdom?

Mapping the criminal mind: Profiling and its limitation.

The Relative Effectiveness of Interferon Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C

Under what conditions did the European Union exhibit leadership in international climate change negotiations from 1992-1997, 1997-2005 and 2005-Copenhagen respectively?

The first thing your reader will read (after the title) is your abstract. However, you need to write this last. Your abstract is a summary of the whole project, and will include aims and objectives, methods, results and conclusions. You cannot write this until you have completed your write-up.


Your introduction should include the same elements found in most academic essay or report assignments, with the possible inclusion of research questions. The aim of the introduction is to set the scene, contextualise your research, introduce your focus topic and research questions, and tell the reader what you will be covering.  It should move from the general  and work towards the specific. You should include the following:

  • Attention-grabbing statement (a controversy, a topical issue, a contentious view, a recent problem etc)
  • Background and context
  • Introduce the topic, key theories, concepts, terms of reference, practices, (advocates and critic)
  • Introduce the problem and focus of your research
  • Set out your research question(s) (this could be set out in a separate section)
  • Your approach to answering your research questions.

Literature review

Your literature review is the section of your report where you show what is already known about the area under investigation and demonstrate the need for your particular study. This is a significant section in your dissertation (30%) and you should allow plenty of time to carry out a thorough exploration of your focus topic and use it to help you identify a specific problem and formulate your research questions.

You should approach the literature review with the critical analysis dial turned up to full volume. This is not simply a description, list, or summary  of everything you have read. Instead, it is a synthesis of your reading, and should include analysis and evaluation of readings, evidence, studies and data, cases, real world applications and views/opinions expressed.  Your supervisor is looking for this detailed critical approach in your literature review, where you unpack sources, identify strengths and weaknesses and find gaps in the research.

In other words, your literature review is your opportunity to show the reader why your paper is important and your research is significant, as it addresses the gap or on-going issue you have uncovered.

You need to tell the reader what was done. This means describing the research methods and explaining your choice. This will include information on the following:

  • Are your methods qualitative or quantitative... or both? And if so, why?
  • Who (if any) are the participants?
  • Are you analysing any documents, systems, organisations? If so what are they and why are you analysing them?
  • What did you do first, second, etc?
  • What ethical considerations are there?

It is a common style convention to write what was done rather than what you did, and write it so that someone else would be able to replicate your study.

Here you describe what you have found out. You need to identify the most significant patterns in your data, and use tables and figures to support your description. Your tables and figures are a visual representation of your findings, but remember to describe what they show in your writing. There should be no critical analysis in this part (unless you have combined results and discussion sections).

Here you show the significance of your results or findings. You critically analyse what they mean, and what the implications may be. Talk about any limitations to your study, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your own research, and make suggestions for further studies to build on your findings. In this section, your supervisor will expect you to dig deep into your findings and critically evaluate what they mean in relation to previous studies, theories, views and opinions.

This is a summary of your project, reminding the reader of the background to your study, your objectives, and showing how you met them. Do not include any new information that you have not discussed before.

This is the list of all the sources you have cited in your dissertation. Ensure you are consistent and follow the conventions for the particular referencing system you are using. (Note: you shouldn't include books you've read but do not appear in your dissertation).

Include any extra information that your reader may like to read. It should not be essential for your reader to read them in order to understand your dissertation. Your appendices should be labelled (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B, etc). Examples of material for the appendices include detailed data tables (summarised in your results section), the complete version of a document you have used an extract from, etc.

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How to Write a Dissertation | A Guide to Structure & Content

A dissertation or thesis is a long piece of academic writing based on original research, submitted as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree.

The structure of a dissertation depends on your field, but it is usually divided into at least four or five chapters (including an introduction and conclusion chapter).

The most common dissertation structure in the sciences and social sciences includes:

  • An introduction to your topic
  • A literature review that surveys relevant sources
  • An explanation of your methodology
  • An overview of the results of your research
  • A discussion of the results and their implications
  • A conclusion that shows what your research has contributed

Dissertations in the humanities are often structured more like a long essay , building an argument by analysing primary and secondary sources . Instead of the standard structure outlined here, you might organise your chapters around different themes or case studies.

Other important elements of the dissertation include the title page , abstract , and reference list . If in doubt about how your dissertation should be structured, always check your department’s guidelines and consult with your supervisor.

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Table of contents

Acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures and tables, list of abbreviations, introduction, literature review / theoretical framework, methodology, reference list.

The very first page of your document contains your dissertation’s title, your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date. Sometimes it also includes your student number, your supervisor’s name, and the university’s logo. Many programs have strict requirements for formatting the dissertation title page .

The title page is often used as cover when printing and binding your dissertation .

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The acknowledgements section is usually optional, and gives space for you to thank everyone who helped you in writing your dissertation. This might include your supervisors, participants in your research, and friends or family who supported you.

The abstract is a short summary of your dissertation, usually about 150-300 words long. You should write it at the very end, when you’ve completed the rest of the dissertation. In the abstract, make sure to:

  • State the main topic and aims of your research
  • Describe the methods you used
  • Summarise the main results
  • State your conclusions

Although the abstract is very short, it’s the first part (and sometimes the only part) of your dissertation that people will read, so it’s important that you get it right. If you’re struggling to write a strong abstract, read our guide on how to write an abstract .

In the table of contents, list all of your chapters and subheadings and their page numbers. The dissertation contents page gives the reader an overview of your structure and helps easily navigate the document.

All parts of your dissertation should be included in the table of contents, including the appendices. You can generate a table of contents automatically in Word.

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If you have used a lot of tables and figures in your dissertation, you should itemise them in a numbered list . You can automatically generate this list using the Insert Caption feature in Word.

If you have used a lot of abbreviations in your dissertation, you can include them in an alphabetised list of abbreviations so that the reader can easily look up their meanings.

If you have used a lot of highly specialised terms that will not be familiar to your reader, it might be a good idea to include a glossary . List the terms alphabetically and explain each term with a brief description or definition.

In the introduction, you set up your dissertation’s topic, purpose, and relevance, and tell the reader what to expect in the rest of the dissertation. The introduction should:

  • Establish your research topic , giving necessary background information to contextualise your work
  • Narrow down the focus and define the scope of the research
  • Discuss the state of existing research on the topic, showing your work’s relevance to a broader problem or debate
  • Clearly state your objectives and research questions , and indicate how you will answer them
  • Give an overview of your dissertation’s structure

Everything in the introduction should be clear, engaging, and relevant to your research. By the end, the reader should understand the what , why and how of your research. Not sure how? Read our guide on how to write a dissertation introduction .

Before you start on your research, you should have conducted a literature review to gain a thorough understanding of the academic work that already exists on your topic. This means:

  • Collecting sources (e.g. books and journal articles) and selecting the most relevant ones
  • Critically evaluating and analysing each source
  • Drawing connections between them (e.g. themes, patterns, conflicts, gaps) to make an overall point

In the dissertation literature review chapter or section, you shouldn’t just summarise existing studies, but develop a coherent structure and argument that leads to a clear basis or justification for your own research. For example, it might aim to show how your research:

  • Addresses a gap in the literature
  • Takes a new theoretical or methodological approach to the topic
  • Proposes a solution to an unresolved problem
  • Advances a theoretical debate
  • Builds on and strengthens existing knowledge with new data

The literature review often becomes the basis for a theoretical framework , in which you define and analyse the key theories, concepts and models that frame your research. In this section you can answer descriptive research questions about the relationship between concepts or variables.

The methodology chapter or section describes how you conducted your research, allowing your reader to assess its validity. You should generally include:

  • The overall approach and type of research (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, experimental, ethnographic)
  • Your methods of collecting data (e.g. interviews, surveys, archives)
  • Details of where, when, and with whom the research took place
  • Your methods of analysing data (e.g. statistical analysis, discourse analysis)
  • Tools and materials you used (e.g. computer programs, lab equipment)
  • A discussion of any obstacles you faced in conducting the research and how you overcame them
  • An evaluation or justification of your methods

Your aim in the methodology is to accurately report what you did, as well as convincing the reader that this was the best approach to answering your research questions or objectives.

Next, you report the results of your research . You can structure this section around sub-questions, hypotheses, or topics. Only report results that are relevant to your objectives and research questions. In some disciplines, the results section is strictly separated from the discussion, while in others the two are combined.

For example, for qualitative methods like in-depth interviews, the presentation of the data will often be woven together with discussion and analysis, while in quantitative and experimental research, the results should be presented separately before you discuss their meaning. If you’re unsure, consult with your supervisor and look at sample dissertations to find out the best structure for your research.

In the results section it can often be helpful to include tables, graphs and charts. Think carefully about how best to present your data, and don’t include tables or figures that just repeat what you have written  –  they should provide extra information or usefully visualise the results in a way that adds value to your text.

Full versions of your data (such as interview transcripts) can be included as an appendix .

The discussion  is where you explore the meaning and implications of your results in relation to your research questions. Here you should interpret the results in detail, discussing whether they met your expectations and how well they fit with the framework that you built in earlier chapters. If any of the results were unexpected, offer explanations for why this might be. It’s a good idea to consider alternative interpretations of your data and discuss any limitations that might have influenced the results.

The discussion should reference other scholarly work to show how your results fit with existing knowledge. You can also make recommendations for future research or practical action.

The dissertation conclusion should concisely answer the main research question, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of your central argument. Wrap up your dissertation with a final reflection on what you did and how you did it. The conclusion often also includes recommendations for research or practice.

In this section, it’s important to show how your findings contribute to knowledge in the field and why your research matters. What have you added to what was already known?

You must include full details of all sources that you have cited in a reference list (sometimes also called a works cited list or bibliography). It’s important to follow a consistent reference style . Each style has strict and specific requirements for how to format your sources in the reference list.

The most common styles used in UK universities are Harvard referencing and Vancouver referencing . Your department will often specify which referencing style you should use – for example, psychology students tend to use APA style , humanities students often use MHRA , and law students always use OSCOLA . M ake sure to check the requirements, and ask your supervisor if you’re unsure.

To save time creating the reference list and make sure your citations are correctly and consistently formatted, you can use our free APA Citation Generator .

Your dissertation itself should contain only essential information that directly contributes to answering your research question. Documents you have used that do not fit into the main body of your dissertation (such as interview transcripts, survey questions or tables with full figures) can be added as appendices .

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5000 Word Dissertation – A Complete Guide on Word Count Breakdown, Structure And Format

5000 Word Dissertation – A Complete Guide on Word Count Breakdown, Structure And Format

  • Posted On: March 26, 2023
  • Posted By: admin
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Dissertation writing is not an easy task. You will face several complexities during the research and dissertation writing process. You must have complete knowledge and a good grip on how to write a 5000 word dissertation before starting the writing process. If you learn and understand the complete process of dissertation writing and comprehend the structure and requirement of the word count, it will become easier for you. We will discuss the main points you must consider while writing a 5000 words dissertation.

How To Structure A 5000 word Dissertation?

Understanding a dissertation structure can solve several problems you might face otherwise. Once you comprehend every dissertation requirement, the dissertation writing process will become incredibly easier. Each dissertation component is particularly targeted for a specific research objective. While you are working on organising your dissertation structure, make sure that:

  • You focus on the individual requirements of each dissertation chapter
  • You know about the components to be included in each section of the dissertation
  • You write the dissertation chapters in a way which makes the entire work achieve its objectives and goals

You will need to know the total number of chapters in the dissertation you will write. All of these chapters have further relevant components that are mandatory for completing the requirements of a dissertation. Let us discuss the format of a 5000 words dissertation now.

How Long Does It Take To Write A 5000 Word Dissertation?

It’s not difficult to complete a dissertation of 5000 words in one week. The time to finish a 5000 words dissertation depends on several parameters. Some of those parameters include the following:

  • The complexity of the dissertation topic
  • The mental state of the writer
  • The experience of the writer
  • Availability of relevant sources
  • Access to necessary academic materials etc.

Normally, a comparatively inexperienced person will take 3-5 days to write a 5000 word dissertation. An experienced writer can easily write it in 1-3 days. The bottom line is that you can write a 5000 word dissertation in a week if you keep working on it consistently.

Can a Dissertation be 5000 Words?

Yes, a dissertation can be 5000 words. Generally, you must submit a dissertation or research project at the end of your final year of post-graduate degrees. Such a piece of work has major significance in deciding your academic grades and typically ranges between 5000-12,000 words per project.

Dissertation Breakdown, Simple And Easy To Understand

The format of a 5000 word dissertation is simple and easy to follow compared to the dissertations with greater word counts . Here is a simple breakdown of such a dissertation:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Data Collection + Analysis
  • Conclusions and Recommendations

Each dissertation, no matter the word count, has a proposed structure which must be followed to ensure the objectivity of the research work or the dissertation. Each chapter of your work has significant and different weightage in your dissertation; you will need to stay careful with each section and chapter.

How to Write a Dissertation Introduction? Find Out Here:

The best introduction of a dissertation is the key to capturing the attention of your targeted readers and keeping them hooked till the end. That is why it is necessary to craft an impressive introduction to engage your reader till the end.

The perfect introduction section of a dissertation includes the following parts:

  • A definition of your argument
  • The background of research
  • The scope of the work you perform
  • Research aim and objectives
  • Research questions
  • Assumptions about the possible results

Be careful not to include lengthy details of the next dissertation chapters in the introduction section. It ruins the impression of an otherwise good introduction section.

What should be the Dissertation Introduction Word Count to Capture the Reader’s Attention?

As a general rule, 1/10 th of the word count of the complete dissertation will be enough for the introduction chapter of your dissertation. For a dissertation with 5000 words, it will be best to write an introduction section with no more than 500 words. These 500 words will be your only way to capture your reader’s attention and make them read your entire dissertation. To effectively engage your reader, it is necessary:

  • To know what to add
  • and how much to include

in the introduction section of your dissertation.

How Many Words Is A Dissertation Literature Review Considered Ideal?

The literature review chapter of your dissertation will include a critical and concise summary of all the existing literature you have consulted and used in your research work and dissertation. It can be rightly called the heart of your dissertation. The main objective of the literature review section is to provide the reader with complete details on the selected topic so that he can understand your claims and arguments through the writing.

As a general rule, 1/3 rd of the complete word count of the dissertation should constitute the literature review section. For a 5000 word dissertation, it will be enough to dedicate 1600 words to the literature review chapter of your dissertation. You must ensure the balance; otherwise, the reader may get bored while reading and move to the next chapters. It will have a negative impact on your grades.

What Is The Ideal Length Of the Methodology Chapter?

In the methodology chapter of your dissertation, you will have to mention the details of methods employed for research and writing the dissertation. It is necessary to save readers from getting distracted and confused while reading your dissertation. Writing this section might be difficult as most students struggle to implement the research methodologies. A possible solution to this issue is getting professional help from academic specialist writers online.

Generally, the ideal length of a methodology chapter of 5000 word dissertation is 750-800 words. It would be best to encapsulate the entire methodology section in these dedicated words. If you do so, your structuring will be perfectly balanced. Try managing this section in approx. 800 words, and rest assured your professor will be pleased with the impeccable structure of your dissertation.

How To Perfectly Balance The Data Collection + Analysis

In this dissertation chapter, you must state the data you collected after the research and detailed and extensive analysis.

In a dissertation having a word count of 5000 words, this chapter should ideally take up to 1000 words. It must provide the reader with a detailed analysis of your findings. It should also show their relevance to the scope of your research. It would help if you learned to make it precise as your reader might lose interest while reading the complicated ways of data collection and analysis techniques. Remember that the key to writing a balanced dissertation is maintaining a perfect balance in individual chapters.

How Long Should A Dissertation Conclusion Be? Let’s Find Out!

It will be the final chapter of your dissertation and the most important one too. It describes the outcome and final result of your research work. Always ensure that you provide the mandatory details and the findings in this section of your dissertation.

Talking about how long a 5000 word dissertation conclusion should be, we believe the ideal length of the conclusion and recommendation chapter will be 1000 words. In these 1000 words, you will have to thoroughly explain the outcomes of your research work. In this chapter, you must also add your opinions and recommendations for further research.

Can You Write a 5000 Word Dissertation In A Week?

Now that we are clear on how to write a 5000 word dissertation let us discuss the time it would take to write a dissertation of such length. If you are a student who starts working only when the deadline approaches near, it can be challenging to finish all the research and writing processes in a week. However, if you have already performed some preliminary processes, finishing the dissertation in a week will not be difficult. For an experienced writer, it will generally take 1-3 days to finish a 5000 words dissertation.

How Many Sources for a 5000 Word Dissertation?

Generally, there should be around 8-10 references for every 1000 words for a 5000 words dissertation. The longer the dissertation, the greater number of references will be required. It also depends on the type of dissertation you are writing.

  • In the literature review section of a dissertation, you will need to cite the most references along with the subsequent extensions or contradictions and conflicts with the existing theories.
  • You may also follow the advised number of sources specified by your institute or advisor. If any such number is specified, strictly following such instructions will be best.

If the nature of the dissertation requires you to add multiple numbers of sources consulted and references included, then you should meet the requirements of your dissertation.


The key to writing a flawless 5000 words dissertation with a definite structure lies in maintaining the balance among all sections. Once you master maintaining this balance, you will not need to worry about anything other than missing your deadline. The general rule to finish a dissertation of 5000 words in 3 days is to start early and write consistently. The word count breakdown we have provided in this article will help you structure and organise your dissertation in the best manner. If you are in trouble, you can ask for online assistance from dissertation writing services in the UK .

How Long Does It Take To Write A 5000 Word Literature Review?

Writing a 5000 words literature review can take anywhere between 24 to 48 hours. It depends on the complexity of the literature review section of your dissertation. Following the instructions specified in our article, you can easily organise and finish your literature review in a day.

How Long To Write a 5000 Word Dissertation?

You can easily write a 5000 word dissertation in a week, provided you have already completed some basic research work earlier. Finishing a 5000 dissertation in a single day can be challenging, but it is not impossible either. You will have to spend hours intensively writing to finish such a dissertation in 24 hours. An easy way to tackle this problem is to hire a dissertation writing service online to craft an impeccable dissertation in a day. You will save yourself from severe academic stress this way.

How to Write a 5000 Word Dissertation In One Night?

Writing such an dissertation in a few hours may be tough but not impossible. To write a 5000 word dissertation in one night, you will need to follow the following points:

  • Make all the accessories available and prepare yourself for a night of intensive writing
  • Make an outline and a dissertation plan
  • Decide what to write and how much to write in your dissertation
  • Stock up on snacks for studying all night
  • Keep taking short breaks during the writing process
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Caffeinated drinks can help too
  • Ensure that you do not get distracted while working on your dissertation

These tips will help you finish your 5000 word dissertation in one night.

What Is The Best Dissertation Writing Service In The UK To Write A 5000 Words Dissertation?

The top three academic writing agencies which can write the best 5000 word dissertation in one day are the following:

  • The Academic Papers UK
  • Affordable Dissertation UK
  • Dissertation Writers UK

You can contact these service providers at any time of the day or night. Once the order gets confirmed, rest assured that you will receive your finished papers 24 hours before the deadline.

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Dissertations 1: getting started: starting your dissertation.

  • Starting Your Dissertation
  • Choosing A Topic and Researching
  • Devising An Approach/Method
  • Thinking Of A Title
  • Writing A Proposal

What is a Dissertation?

A dissertation is a research project completed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Typically, a dissertation will enable you to present your findings in response to a question that you propose yourself. It is probably the longest piece of academic work you will produce. At undergraduate level, word count requirements can range anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000 words while a Masters level dissertation can be 10,000 to 15,000 words long! 

Why are you required to write a dissertation? 

A dissertation is a core requirement of most university degrees. 

The dissertation will enhance your employability. For instance, you will develop transferable skills in inter-personal communication, data collection and analysis, report writing and effective time-management.  

While it is demanding, writing a dissertation is your chance to explore, in depth, a topic that interests you. Therefore, ensuring you choose a topic you are passionate about will make your experience more rewarding and even enjoyable! 

Supervision Advice

A supervisor will be assigned to you to assist with guidance on how to prepare, produce and improve your dissertation.  

The supervisor’s role is to: 

Assist in the organisation of the project in the early stages of preparation 

Advise you on the feasibility of what you plan to do 

Advise on methods and ethics of your research  

The supervisor is not expected to: 

Proofread your work 

Provide you with a topic or research question 

Direct the research  

Ensure that a dissertation is of sufficient quality to pass: this is your responsibility 

To get the best out of your time with your supervisor, you should: 

Check formal requirements early 

Check arrangements for supervisions and how your supervisor likes to work 

Organise regular supervision meetings and prepare work for each one 

Let your supervisor know how you work best 

Using Dissertation Marking Criteria

Your dissertation, like your previous assessments, will be marked against a set of assessment criteria which is published in your module or course handbook and posted on Blackboard.  

Assessment criteria are intended to: 

Ensure you meet the learning outcomes. 

Help you understand how your work is assessed. 

Allow tutors to focus their feedback. They will let you know what you are doing well and what needs improvement. 

Dissertation assessment criteria usually specifies what the tutor expects in terms of: 

Clarity: have you expressed your ideas clearly? 

Relevance: does your work fit into/fill a gap in existing research/literature on similar topics? 

Originality: does it offer a fresh perspective on a topic? 

Meeting course requirements: does it meet the word count / deadlines, for example? 

Before starting your dissertation, it is essential that you check what is expected of you and how your work will be graded. It is also useful to regularly check what you have written every few weeks and after you have finished to see if you are on track to meet the assessment criteria.  

First Steps

Ready to get started but uncertain how to begin? These are normally the first steps of dissertation writing:  

Choose a topic 

Conduct a literature search 

Devise research question(s) / hypotheses 

Devise your approach (e.g. if undertaking primary research, you will need to devise your methodology, methods, etc.) 

Think of a title 

Plan your time 

Write a proposal (if requested)

These steps are addressed in the tabs of this guide.

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dissertation 5000 words structure

How to... Write a dissertation

Most undergraduate business courses and post-graduate MBAs require students to complete a dissertation. This is an extended piece – often structured like a report – which usually involves undertaking research or a project (this may be based your placement or previous work experience) as well as reflection on and discussion of that work.

The focus of this article will be on writing the dissertation – that is, producing the finished report.

The whole project and dissertation process can cause students a lot of grief. It differs from what most have previously produced in requiring more of most things – more research in greater depth, more reading, more time, more independence (students select their own topics and work on them in isolation), more planning, and above all, a more extended piece of writing.

As distinct from an essay, where you critically evaluate other people’s ideas, you will need to report on your own research or work and offer your own thoughts and interpretation. However, you will also need to include and critique the ideas of other writers in order to provide a theoretical framework for your own ideas.

On this page

Prelims & end matter, presentation, getting to the finishing line.

The first thing to say – and hopefully it is not too late for those of you reading this – is that you need to allow yourself sufficient time for the writing process. You may have done all the right reading, have a waterproof design and brilliant data, but if you don’t allow yourself sufficient time for the write-up you will let yourself down.

Writing a dissertation is a much more involved process than the average assignment; you might occasionally have been able to burn the midnight oil over an essay but you are unlikely to be able to be able to keep up that level of intense writing for a longer piece of work.

In fact, it’s best to start thinking about the writing from the start of the project. Probably the first thing to do is to get dissertation guidelines from your institution which should tell you the requirements on length, as well as what academic qualities you are expected to show.

Anglia Business School (Cambridge, UK) requires its students to produce a dissertation of maximum 8,000 words, which should demonstrate:

  • Evidence of scholarly research, which can be empirical (i.e. consciously obtained through surveys etc.) or library-based
  • Evidence of independent thought
  • Interpretation of evidence – mere description is not sufficient
  • An understanding of the topic’s conceptual and theoretical framework
  • Clarity and lucidity of argument
  • Ability to use appropriate referencing and bibliographic style.

Once you have determined the length of the dissertation, ensure that it does not remain an abstraction by calculating the number of pages involved – at 300 words per page double spaced, an 8,000 word dissertation would have around 26 pages, more with the addition of prelims and end matter, which do not come within the word count.

Dissertations vary enormously in length – in the UK, some professional bodies require a piece of work of around 5,000 words (17 pages) while a higher level dissertation could be as long as 40,000 words (140 pages) although the latter would be unusual at undergraduate level. Also, note requirements as to what should go into the main body of the text – some organisations require you to put your methodology in the appendix for example.

You should also have a plan for how you do the writing, taking account of:

  • Your available time to write, noting the times you are likely to be relatively alert.
  • What you have to write – do a plan of your chapters and their sections and what you aim to achieve in a given time.
  • The stages of writing: the various drafts, time for your supervisor to comment, time for editing.
  • The final stages – proof reading, and binding (check with your university repro department how long this is likely to take).

You should start to think fairly early on how you will organise your work. This will depend on the basis for the dissertation – research, project, work experience, whether you are exploring one issue, or several, or taking a critical overview – and we shall describe below different types of structures.

If you will be carrying out some kind of research or an organisation-based project, you should be able to do some of the writing – at least in draft form – before or while you are doing your field work. Except in some projects which use grounded theory – which involve going back into the field several times with a new perspective – you will establish your research or project design fairly early, and in quantitative research, you will do your literature review before your field work. These chapters can be written up front, which will have the double advantage of getting some of the writing out of the way and also helping you practice the type of writing you will need to master.

Various structures are possible for your report depending on the type of project and the audience. The main ones are outlined below: others are possible, and you should always discuss your proposed structure with your supervisor.

Generic structure

The following is possibly the most common and assumes an academic audience. The research is likely to be deductive and quantitative, with the literature review preceding data collection.

Introduction What is the scope of the research and why is it important? What are its objectives? What is the research question/hypothesis? Some essential background, but not too much. Should end with a brief summary of findings and the conclusion. The introduction is a very important part of your dissertation and is worth getting right.
Literature review This will set the research problem in its conceptual framework and gives a critical perspective. It should be a discussion rather than a description, and you should highlight concepts and theories which have a particular bearing on the research.
Research methodology Your research design: what data did you collect; where did you collect it; how did you analyse it; why did you use those methods and what alternative approaches could you have taken. You could also discuss here the setting of the research, and how you selected your sample.
Findings Summarise the data, possibly with charts and tables, indicating the main themes that emerge.
Discussion Note: may be combined with the above. This should be an analysis of the findings, relating back to the conceptual models and the research question. Has the latter fully been answered? Is the research hypothesis supported? Are there any weaknesses or limitations? What is the main contribution to knowledge?
Conclusions What are the main lessons to be learnt from your study? What would you have done differently? What were the main problems and how did you overcome them? What are the implications for the stakeholders concerned, and what are the possible future directions of the research?

Structure for a multi-issue or qualitative dissertation

The above structure assumes a linear progression for the research, and may not be suitable for situations when:

  • You are adopting a qualitative approach, where research and literature review are more interwoven.
  • You are looking at several themes, and the dissertation will benefit from separating these out structurally.

In this case, you may wish to follow a more thematic structure:

Thematic structure

Introduction As above
Literature review Provides an overview
Issue A
Issue B
Issue C
Literature review and description of data collection methods
Research Design  
Issue A
Issue B
Issue C
Presentation and analysis of data; conclusions
Discussion Summary of findings, along with critique of method, implications for corporate setting, research etc.

An alternative to the above would be to combine the literature review, but have separate chapters/sections for the data.

Structure for a report aimed at a business sponsor

If you have been sponsored by a specific organisation, or your college has arranged for a placement on which your dissertation will be based, they may want a different kind of report or presentation. The structure of the report will depend on the scope you have been given, in particular to recommend or implement changes.

If you are limited to analysing a situation and making a proposal for change, or you are reflecting on a project from the past, Maylor and Blackmon (2005, p. 407) recommend that you should concentrate on:

  • analysis of the practical problem
  • potential solutions
  • recommendations and suggestions for implementation.

The academic parts such as the literature review and the research methodology should be either condensed or put in an appendix, although you should include (in the body of the report) enough to show the validity of your recommendations.

If you are tasked with solving a business problem and expected to lead (to some extent) the resulting change, you are into the realm of action research. This is different to applied research and the structure of your report may be able to reflect this – speak to your supervisor to confirm. If so, Dick (1993) recommends:

Dick (1993)

Introduction Describe the situation and the reason for the project or study. Explain the structure of the thesis and the reasons for it.
Research methodology Outline and justify your approach. Explain the topic then consider possible research approaches, emphasising the need for responsiveness.
Iteration A
Iteration B
Iteration C
Action research generally consist of a number of ‘plan-implement-review’ cycles. For each stage/major finding, clearly summarise then discuss the conclusions you have reached, your reasoning, the relevant confirming and disconfirming literature, and the implications.
Conclusions What are the overall conclusions of the research or project? What ultimately happened? What does the study contribute – what is now understood that was less well understood before?

The inclusion of prelims and end matter is another way in which the dissertation differs from the more run of the mill piece of written work. The former require Roman as opposed to Arabic numerals for page numbers.

Here is a rough guideline as to what should be included:

Title page Title; author surname and initials; ‘A thesis submitted to…in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of…in month/year’ (wording as directed by institution)
Abstract A short summary covering the topic, the rationale for choosing it, the methodology and the conclusion
Executive summary A short summary giving a background to the issue discussed, the main recommendations, evidence for them, and the methods used to arrive at them
Contents page List main chapters/sections
List of main figures and diagrams  
Acknowledgements Thank the people who were especially helpful to you in compiling the report
Main body See above
References All the works referred to in the body of the report, with full citations
Bibliography Other sources which you used but did not quote, also listed in full
Appendices Material that is relevant but not essential to the main report: could include your research instrument, background information, etc.

Exactly what to include will depend on your audience and the length of the report: the contents page, list of figures and acknowledgements can be omitted for a short report, while a business-orientated report should have an executive summary rather than an abstract (you may find it useful to leave in the former in an academic report for the benefit of any sponsors).

Writing style, presentation and layout are all important in gaining you a good mark.

We have already talked about how the dissertation will be divided into chapters or sections: within those divisions, there will be others, marked by headings and subheadings. This is another difference from the essay, but one that will work in your favour as these headings can serve as ways of organising your thoughts as you plan.

Use a font that is easy to read (and one you like as you will get very used to seeing it on the screen!), and make sure you have wide margins.

Writing style

This should be formal, concise and academic. Here are a few guidelines:

  • As you are writing in an academic style, you will be building an argument, which you should support with evidence. Back up assertions with sources, and make sure you give credit for the ideas of others.
  • Avoid illogicalities and errors in reasoning. These include contradicting something you said in one paragraph in the next (or even the same paragraph), complete jumps of sense between or within paragraphs, so that one statement does not follow on from another, deducing incorrect conclusions from evidence.
  • Make sure that everything is relevant to your case. Don’t go off at tangents, and don’t elaborate on points that are secondary.
  • Don’t over justify – all research has constraints. Be honest about yours. Be critical about the limitations of your research, and look at other ways of doing things. The ability to see things from all sides is one of the features of academic writing.
  • Don’t go overboard on political correctness but avoid terms that may be offensive, for example using ‘man’ to refer to either gender.
  • Assume knowledge on the part of the reader – those examining your dissertation will only need definitions of terms that are peculiar to your subject.
  • Provide the reader with signposts. For example, refer to relevant points dealt with in other sections, and provide summaries and rough précis of your intentions for the forthcoming section. Judicious use of headings (see layout, above) will also provide a roadmap through your report.
  • Use tables and diagrams where these will illustrate your point, but use them wisely and not just because they will look decorative.

The stages of writing

It’s helpful to consider writing as a reverse pyramid, in which you start off working on the more conceptual aspects and finish off with the detail of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Here are some stages you might go through:

  • Make a plan of your dissertation, with your main chapters, and within the chapters, the main sections.
  • Get your main ideas for your core chapters down on paper, and try and get the argument right.
  • Read through for logic and structure.
  • Edit for clarity and readability, making sure that your style is approachable and concise.
  • Look at grammar, punctuation and spelling, consulting a good dictionary or style guide if you know that you are weak in these areas.

Writing is also a process of pruning – of bits that are not essential to your main thesis, and above all of excess words so you can meet your word length (remember how you never thought you could write that many words?). You will probably find that you can get rid of ‘nice to have but not essential’ material at stage 3, and that at stage 4 you prune your style so that you get rid of unnecessary verbiage. Writing to word limit is very important and is considered a key management attribute.

Putting in references is something best not left to the end – if you have kept good notes on your sources you should be able to put these in as you go along. But you will obviously need to check that all your references are correct before finally submitting your report.

Writing as a group

Group projects can provide particular interpersonal challenges, as teams cope with difference of views, non-performing team members etc., and particular problems can arise at the writing stage. If you split up the chapters amongst different people, then you will get different writing styles and even ideas about what the report is about. Ways of ensuring consistency included swapping around writing and editing, so that the text gets seen by a different pair of eyes, or having an overall ‘master editor’.

We’ve already mentioned the importance of planning; we can’t over emphasise the importance of allowing yourself enough time at the end for printing and binding – remembering that everyone else will be mobbing the repro department and monopolising the printers. The other thing to avoid is endlessly tinkering with an otherwise complete report – if you have met your objectives, hand it in.v

  • Dick, B. (1993), You want to do an action research thesis? Available online at:
  • Maylor, H. and Blackmon, K. (2005),  Researching Business and Management , Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK

Grad Coach (R)

What’s Included: The Dissertation Template

If you’re preparing to write your dissertation, thesis or research project, our free dissertation template is the perfect starting point. In the template, we cover every section step by step, with clear, straightforward explanations and examples .

The template’s structure is based on the tried and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research projects such as dissertations and theses. The template structure reflects the overall research process, ensuring your dissertation or thesis will have a smooth, logical flow from chapter to chapter.

The dissertation template covers the following core sections:

  • The title page/cover page
  • Abstract (sometimes also called the executive summary)
  • Table of contents
  • List of figures /list of tables
  • Chapter 1: Introduction  (also available: in-depth introduction template )
  • Chapter 2: Literature review  (also available: in-depth LR template )
  • Chapter 3: Methodology (also available: in-depth methodology template )
  • Chapter 4: Research findings /results (also available: results template )
  • Chapter 5: Discussion /analysis of findings (also available: discussion template )
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion (also available: in-depth conclusion template )
  • Reference list

Each section is explained in plain, straightforward language , followed by an overview of the key elements that you need to cover within each section. We’ve also included practical examples to help you understand exactly what’s required in each section.

The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX.

FAQs: Dissertation Template

What format is the template (doc, pdf, ppt, etc.).

The dissertation template is provided as a Google Doc. You can download it in MS Word format or make a copy to your Google Drive. You’re also welcome to convert it to whatever format works best for you, such as LaTeX or PDF.

What types of dissertations/theses can this template be used for?

The template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research projects such as dissertations or theses, so it is suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences.

Some universities may have some additional requirements, but these are typically minor, with the core structure remaining the same. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to double-check your university’s requirements before you finalise your structure.

Will this work for a research paper?

A research paper follows a similar format, but there are a few differences. You can find our research paper template here .

Is this template for an undergrad, Masters or PhD-level thesis?

This template can be used for a dissertation, thesis or research project at any level of study. It may be slight overkill for an undergraduate-level study, but it certainly won’t be missing anything.

How long should my dissertation/thesis be?

This depends entirely on your university’s specific requirements, so it’s best to check with them. As a general ballpark, Masters-level projects are usually 15,000 – 20,000 words in length, while Doctoral-level projects are often in excess of 60,000 words.

What about the research proposal?

If you’re still working on your research proposal, we’ve got a template for that here .

We’ve also got loads of proposal-related guides and videos over on the Grad Coach blog .

How do I write a literature review?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack how to write a literature review from scratch. You can check out the literature review section of the blog here.

How do I create a research methodology?

We have a wealth of free resources on the Grad Coach Blog that unpack research methodology, both qualitative and quantitative. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here.

Can I share this dissertation template with my friends/colleagues?

Yes, you’re welcome to share this template. If you want to post about it on your blog or social media, all we ask is that you reference this page as your source.

Can Grad Coach help me with my dissertation/thesis?

Within the template, you’ll find plain-language explanations of each section, which should give you a fair amount of guidance. However, you’re also welcome to consider our dissertation and thesis coaching services .

Free Webinar: Literature Review 101


Formatting Your Dissertation (or Thesis): Structuring Your Dissertation (or Thesis)

  • Table of Contents
  • List of Figures and Tables
  • Chapters and Sections
  • References or Bibliography
  • Font and Typography
  • Margins and Page Layout
  • Headings and Subheadings
  • Pagination and Page Numbering
  • Change page orientation
  • Add a border to a page
  • Insert page numbers
  • Change margins
  • Microsoft Word Tips and Tricks
  • Managing Images and Graphics
  • Collaboration Tools and Version Control
  • Templates and Style Guides
  • Checking for Consistency and Coherence
  • Grammar and Spelling
  • Formatting Checks
  • Seeking Feedback and Peer Review
  • Professional Editing Services

Purpose of Structuring your Dissertation

The purpose of structuring your dissertation is to organize and present your research in a logical and coherent manner.

By structuring your dissertation effectively, you facilitate a clear and organized presentation of your research, enabling readers to grasp the scope, methodology, findings, and conclusions of your study. A well-structured dissertation enhances the impact and credibility of your research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your field.

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dissertation 5000 words structure

Breakdown of Number of Words in Each Chapter in Dissertation

  • Nancy Whitehouse
  • March 21, 2022

Breakdown of Number of Words in Each Chapter in Dissertation

Table of Contents

This is a guide for structuring a dissertation. It covers each and every aspect of dissertation structure. You won’t go wrong with this dissertation structure and breakdown of the word count for each chapter.

Do you have a clear idea about the word count of each chapter in your dissertation?

It’s important to know this information since it will give you an idea about how many words you should write in each chapter.

Your dissertation is different from all other thesis papers you’ve written before. It needs to have a well-defined structure, and that’s what this article is going to help you with.

One of the most common ways of structuring a dissertation is in the chapters and sections. This article will give you an example of how long each chapter should be and what proportion of the total word count they loosely form.


10% of your total word count

This is the first main chapter of a dissertation. The introductory chapter of a dissertation should consist of roughly 10% of the whole dissertation. 

This chapter of the dissertation has numerous purposes. The first main chapter of a dissertation is effective in setting the stage, so to speak, for the following chapters and the major questions, ideas and methods to be used in answering these questions will be introduced in this chapter.

Literature Review

30% of your total word count

The literature review chapter is the second chapter of a dissertation or thesis and should consist of 30% of the whole dissertation. It is arguably one of the most important chapters in the whole dissertation, because it is where you state your purpose and justify its significance while referring to existing research on the topic.

The literature review chapter lays the foundation to your dissertation. It enables you to prove your idea and provides a strong rationale as to why the literature on your topic is inadequate. In addition, it allows you to justify why there is indeed a need to do this study in the first place. 

dissertation 5000 words structure

Research Methodology

15% of your total word count

The research methodology chapter of a dissertation consists of 15% of the whole dissertation. This chapter describes the techniques, processes, methodologies and methods used to conduct the research project. The chapter is comprehensive and describes the theoretical framework under which data collection process was followed.


5-10% of your total word count

The findings or results chapter of a dissertation consists of 5% – 10% of the whole dissertation. This is the chapter where you present your data, findings and results in a logical and clear way that is easy to follow for anyone else who wants to check your work.

25-30% of your total word count

The analysis or discussion chapter of a dissertation consists of 30% of the whole dissertation. In these words, you will have to provide a complete overview of the implications of the results which are relevant to the main theme of your dissertation.

The main purpose of this chapter is to sort out where and how do all your previous research results fit in with each other and what they might lead to, so that they can be more easily interpreted by the readers and intended audience.

The dissertation conclusion chapter is the last part of a dissertation and it’s also, arguably, the most important part of a dissertation . It sums up the problem that you have tried to solve, its nature, your methodology for completing the research and main conclusions about it in addition to your recommendations. 

In this chapter you will get to summarise the main points of your dissertation and leave the reader with no doubts as to why they should accept your arguments and find your research convincing.

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How to write a dissertation

  • September 12, 2023

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When you start university, one of the final pieces of work – your dissertation – seems like a long way off. Three years passes more quickly than you think, and before you know it, you’re being told it is time to start work on your dissertation. It can feel incredibly daunting, especially if you aren’t accustomed to writing extended pieces of work. Although it probably won’t feel like an easy task (it is supposed to challenge you!) with the right preparation, you can minimise the amount of stress you encounter, and manage your project with enough time.

We’re not going to focus on how to carry out your research in this post, because there are too many variables between subjects, but rather, looking at how to tackle the writing-up process.

Table of Contents

What is a dissertation.

A dissertation is an independent piece of academic work that reports on research that you have carried out, and is much longer and more in-depth than a regular essay or research project. Word counts for UK dissertations are typically between 8,000 words to 20,000 words, but the length, along with the criteria for the sections that are required depend on the subject of your degree and the university you’re studying with.

In the UK, dissertations are different from theses. Although they are similar in that they are independent works, theses are significantly longer, and tend to refer to research projects for doctoral degrees. Theses are normally made accessible in the university library when the candidate has been awarded their doctorate. Undergraduate dissertations and theses for master’s degrees aren’t routinely available in libraries, but are sometimes made available by faculties. 

Young serious Asian man in checked shirt and glasses reading information on laptop and making notes while sitting at table

How long does a dissertation take to write?

How long your dissertation takes to write will be influenced by the word count, and how long your research takes. However, many professional writers who know their subject (and perhaps don’t require such accuracy) don’t write more than 5,000 words in a day – so don’t assume you can write your dissertation during the week before the deadline! You’ll have a good idea how many words you can write comfortably in a day, so take that figure, divide it and work backwards. If you can do 1000 words (many people work with a much lower number!) and your dissertation is 10,000 words – then you need an absolute minimum of 12 days, since you’ll need time for reading, editing, spotting mistakes, and getting your dissertation bound and handed in. 

Although many people thrive under a certain amount of time pressure, don’t leave getting started to the last minute. Give yourself more time than you think you’ll need for writing each section, and when you have completed a section, move straight on – don’t waste time waiting for the next writing window you have scheduled. You might find that other sections need extra time to complete. 

Don’t forget to leave plenty of time for editing your work – most students need to do a lot of editing – and leave contingency time in case of IT failure, illness, or any other interruptions. 

Why are dissertations so hard?

During dissertation time, university campuses worldwide are full of stressed students. Dissertation projects are massive pieces of work that have to be tackled by yourself, and your degree classification can be dramatically impacted by the mark you receive for your dissertation – which is why many students feel the pressure!

Dissertations present all kinds of problems, here are a few of the best tips we can to prevent you getting too stressed. 

  • Planning ahead is essential – by planning, you’ll be able to manage your time much better, including breaks for eating, relaxing and exercise, which means you can think much more clearly and won’t be as stressed. 
  • Create a plan for your work – knowing what you’re working on and when will keep you on track and ensure you don’t go off on a tangent or get too far behind. 
  • Allow contingency time for emergencies – you don’t know if something will interrupt your writing time. Be sure to leave plenty of time ahead of the deadline to make sure you’re not over-stressed. 
  • Don’t procrastinate – running out of time is one of the biggest problems that students encounter. Pulling a string of all-nighters to meet the deadline won’t result in your best work. 
  • Set up autosave, and back up your work – IT staff aren’t miracle workers – so don’t work for three hours without saving, and be sure to save research in the cloud (in your Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox) as well as on your PC. 
  • Do enough research – a dissertation requires much more than finding a few papers and quoting from them. You need to analyse resources in depth, and use the information correctly to support the points you are making.

How do I get started?

Start by attending all the sessions provided by the course team, and read all the information and guidance that are provided by the faculty, since this is where you’ll find out any specific requirements. Before you start writing, make sure you know:

  • The word count (and whether you will be penalised for being too many words over or under) 
  • Any compulsory sections and the structure required
  • The style of writing required
  • What types of sources are permitted
  • The types of methodology you are allowed to use
  • The deadline for submission
  • The requirements for submitting your paper copy for marking, such as formatting and binding 
  • Where, when, and how you submit your dissertation

Once you know these important points, you can start to get into the details and decide on your research topic. 

You can read much more about the different types of roles in these areas here .

By choosing an area that you find interesting and meaningful, you’re more likely to put more effort in, and your enthusiasm will be evident, which is likely to result in a higher mark.

How should i choose my research topic.

Choosing your research topic is possibly the most important part of your dissertation. By choosing an area that you find interesting and meaningful, you’re more likely to put more effort in, and your enthusiasm will be evident, which is likely to result in a higher mark. If you choose an area that is related to your career aims, you’ll be able to mention your work at future job interviews. 

If you don’t feel inspired, check course materials for modules that particularly interested you and head for the library. Academic journals and other publications in the field will contain ideas, and help you to know what is currently of interest in the field. 

You can also work with your dissertation supervisor or personal tutor to narrow the focus of your research topic, discuss the best methods and to ensure your proposal is a realistic study in the time you have to work with.

Do I need to write a dissertation proposal?

Dissertation proposals aren’t mandatory at every university, but where they are, they tend to have a 500 or 1000 word limit. Even if it isn’t a requirement for you, taking the time to put together a dissertation proposal can help you understand how to plan the project. It will help you to define: 

  • The research area that your dissertation will focus on
  • The questions you will examine 
  • Some existing theories that you’ll refer to
  • The research methods you will be using
  • What you expect the outcome will be

woman writing a dissertation

What structure should my dissertation take?

In this next section, we’ll cover the sections that are usually required in a dissertation. Different universities and subjects have different requirements, so check the guidance from your faculty to ensure you have all the sections you need. 

There are usually strict guidelines for formatting your dissertation’s title page, but normally you’ll need to include:  

  • The title of your dissertation
  • The faculty or school you’re studying in 
  • The name of the institution 
  • The degree programme you’re studying
  • Your student number 
  • The name of your supervisor 
  • The university’s logo

If your university requires your dissertation to be printed and bound, your title page is usually your front cover. 


This section may not be mandatory, but gives you space to thank people who have supported you through your dissertation. You might mention specific members of the course team, research participants, or simply friends and family.

This is a short summary section that gives readers a brief overview of what is contained in your dissertation. Abstracts are usually less than 300 words, and should include: 

  • The topic and the aim of your research
  • Details of your methods 
  • A short summary of the results 
  • Your conclusions

Since it needs to detail what is contained in your dissertation, abstracts should always be written when you have finished the rest of your dissertation.

Table of contents

Most institutions require dissertations to have page numbers and a list of chapters and subheadings, including any appendices. You can generate this automatically in Word when you have finished writing your dissertation. 

List of assets

If you have included lots of tables, graphs, or images in your dissertation, you may need to include an itemised list. You can generate this automatically using the Insert Caption function in Word.

List of abbreviations/glossary

This optional section may be appropriate if you have included a lot of specialist terms or abbreviations. If you have used both, you may need to include both sections separately.


This is where you detail the topic, and explain what the reader can expect. The introduction provides more detail than your abstract, and will help readers to understand:  

  • Your research topic and background information 
  • The focus and extent of the research
  • Current research and discourse around the topic 
  • How the research will contribute to a wider issue or discussion
  • The objectives and research questions
  • Details of how you intend to answer the questions
  • The structure of your dissertation

Keep your introduction succinct, and only include information that is relevant, so the reader can understand what your study is about, why you have chosen the topic, and how you plan to carry out the research. 

Literature review

Your literature review should show a deep understanding of existing academic work. It should be a substantial section, and you’ll need to gather sources, critically evaluate, and analyse the works, and make connections between them. Your literature review may help you to identify: 

  • A gap in the literature 
  • An opportunity to use a new theoretical or methodological approach 
  • A solution for a problem that was previously unsolved
  • That you can contribute to existing theoretical debate 
  • That existing research needs strengthening with your data

You’ll be able to use your literature review to justify why you have chosen to carry out the research in your dissertation, so be sure to complete it in detail.


This section will detail what research you carried out, and the methods you used, which is essential to show the validity of your work. This section is an account of what you did, and why you did it. You will need to include: 

  • The approach and type of research (was it qualitative, quantitative, experimental, ethnographic?) 
  • The methods used to collect data (did you carry out interviews, surveys, or use information from archives?) 
  • Where and when your research took place, and information about any participants (you’ll need to anonymise personal information) 
  • How you analysed the data (did you use statistical analysis or discourse analysis, for example) 
  • Which tools or materials you used (computer programs or specialist lab equipment) 
  • Information about any restrictions or hindrances you encountered and how you moved past them
  • An assessment or evaluation of your methods

The results section should clearly illustrate what you found. This could mean you include tables, graphs, and charts to present the findings. Think carefully about the best method to show your results, and only use graphs, tables and charts where they provide extra information – don’t use them to repeat what is in the text. 

Don’t include raw data here – you can add that in your appendices. Depending on the type of research you have carried out (and faculty guidance) results may be combined with the discussion. 

This section reflects on the meaning of the work you have done. You’ll demonstrate understanding of what the results show, and whether they match what you expected. You’ll also examine other ways of interpreting the data, and if your findings are at odds with what you expected, you’ll suggest reasons for why this could have happened.

Whether your results support your hypotheses or not, you’ll contextualise your study with existing research to explain how it contributes to wider discussions about the topic.

Here you’ll go back to your research question, and demonstrate understanding of your research, and the validity of the study. You may make recommendations for future research in this section. 

As you already know, there are different referencing formatting conventions that are used by different subject fields. But since you’ll lose marks if you don’t do them correctly, it is essential to have your references stored accurately, and to format them correctly before you submit your dissertation.

You’ve probably already found the method of keeping references that suits you, such as using reference management software, or using Word referencing, but keep notes as you go, so you can compile your references section easily.

Referencing Help: FREE Harvard Referencing Generator >>

If there is information that you want to be included but isn’t essential to understanding your research, you may add this as part of an appendices. This could include transcripts, copies of surveys or complete tables of raw data.  

Where can I get help with my dissertation?

Although your dissertation must be an independent piece of work, there are still sources of help if you get stuck. There are thousands of online resources, but here are a few more points of help:

Study skills support is available at most universities, and the team may be able to offer you assistance with your dissertation. Bear in mind there is likely to be a huge demand on this service during dissertation time, so ask early if you need their support.  

Your personal tutor or dissertation supervisor can provide general advice, and you’ll probably have several review meetings during the writing period. However, your supervisor is likely to have a large number of students and their availability may be restricted. 

Subject librarians will be able to advise you where to find relevant resources. 

If your mental health is the issue, support can be found from counselling services that are available both from university and from external agencies, while the multifaith chaplaincy team may be able to support you with spiritual matters during your dissertation.

Final thoughts

Your dissertation project is a major part of your final year, and with exams and the pressure to decide your next steps, life can get a bit stressful. You might be planning to apply for a postgraduate degree such as a master’s degree , another type of qualification or moving into employment, but the results of your dissertation will have a huge impact on your prospects, so performing to the best of your abilities is essential.

One top tip we have is to make sure you’re not getting overworked with stress. Try studying outside of your dorm room, in a coffee shop or library. You can discover the best places to study in London on our blog.

While your dissertation is a large piece of work, with great planning and careful management, you can start to enjoy the process. 

  • Student Life
  • dissertation , student life

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Leeds Beckett University

Skills for Learning : Dissertations & Literature Reviews

Dissertations  are extended projects in which you choose, research and write about a specific topic. They provide an opportunity to explore an aspect of your subject in detail. You are responsible for managing your dissertation, though you will be assigned a supervisor. Dissertations are typically empirical (based on your own research) or theoretical (based on others’ research/arguments).

The  Dissertation IT Kit  contains information about formatting your dissertation document in Word.

Look at the  Library Subject Guides  for your area. These have information on finding high quality resources for your dissertation. 

We run interactive workshops to help you prepare for your dissertation. Find out more on the  Skills for Learning Workshops  page.

We have online academic skills modules within MyBeckett for all levels of university study. These modules will help your academic development and support your success at LBU. You can work through the modules at your own pace, revisiting them as required. Find out more from our FAQ  What academic skills modules are available?  

Dissertation proposals

What are dissertation proposals.

A dissertation proposal is an outline of your proposed research project. It is what you imagine your dissertation might look like before you start. Consider it a temporary document which might change during the negotiation process between you and your dissertation supervisor.  The proposal can help you clarify exactly what you want to cover in your dissertation. It can also outline how you are going to approach it. Your dissertation plan and structure might change throughout this process as you develop your ideas. Your proposal is the first step towards your goal: a completed dissertation.

Structuring your dissertation proposal

The structure, content, and length of your dissertation proposal will depend on your course requirements. Some courses may require that your aims and objectives are separate from the main body of the proposal. You might be expected to write a literature review, and/or provide a detailed methodology. You might also be asked to include an extensive context for your proposed study. Consult your module handbook or assignment brief for the specific requirements of your course. 

Give each section of your proposal a heading You can also experiment with giving your proposed dissertation a title. Both of these approaches may help you focus and stay on topic. Most dissertation proposals will have a fairly standard structure, under the following headings:

Sections of a dissertation proposal

  • Aims and objectives
  • Rationale for your study
  • Methodology
  • Brief literature review
  • Benefits of your research

Describe what you plan to investigate. You could write a statement of your topic, a research question(s), or a hypothesis.

  • Explain why you want to do this research.
  • Write a justification as to why the project is worth undertaking.
  • Reasons might include: a gap in existing research; questioning or extending the findings of earlier research; replicating a piece of research to test its reliability.
  • Describe and justify how you plan to do the research.
  • You might be reviewing the work of others, which mainly involves secondary, or desk-based, research. Or you might plan to collect data yourself, which is primary research. It is common for undergraduate dissertations to involve a mixture of these.
  • If you are doing secondary research, describe how you will select your sources. For primary research, describe how you will collect your data. This might include using questionnaires, interviews, archival research, or other methods. 
  • Others will have researched this topic before, or something similar.
  • The literature review allows you to outline what they have found and where your project fits in. For example, you could highlight disagreements or discrepancies in the existing research.

Outline who might potentially gain from your research and what you might find out or expand upon. For example, there could be implications for practice in a particular profession.

Dissertation style and language

A dissertation is a logical, structured, argument-based exploration of a topic. The style of your writing may vary slightly in each chapter. For example, your results chapter should display factual information, whereas your analysis chapter might be more argument-based. Make sure your language, tone and abbreviations are consistent within each section. Your language should be formal and contain terminology relevant to your subject area. Dissertations have a large word count. It is important to structure your work with headings and a contents page. Use signposting language to help your reader understand the flow of your writing. Charts, tables or images may help you communicate specific information. 

Top tip!  To signpost in your dissertation, use the ‘Signalling Transition’ section of the  Manchester Academic Phrasebank .

Download the Dissertation Project Checklist Worksheet to help with planning your dissertation work. 

  • Dissertation Project Checklist Worksheet

The  Dissertation IT Kit  also contains information about formatting your dissertation document in Microsoft Word.

Past dissertations

Exploring past dissertations within your academic field can give you an idea as to how to structure your dissertation and find similar research methodologies. You can access dissertations and theses completed by students at Leeds Beckett and other universities. To find external dissertations, look at our FAQ answer ' Are there other dissertations I can look at?' . To find dissertations completed by Leeds Beckett students, use the FAQ answer ' Can I find copies of past dissertations in the Library? '

Sections of a dissertation

Not all dissertations will follow the same structure.  Your style can change depending on your school. Check your module handbook, assignment brief or speak with your course tutor for further guidance.

To decide what to include:

  • Think about your project from an outsider’s perspective. What do they need to know and in what order? What is the most clear and logical way for you to present your research?  
  • Discuss your project with your supervisor. Be open about ideas or concerns you have around the structure and content. 

Each section of a dissertation has a different purpose. Think about whether you're doing an empirical or theoretical dissertation and use the headings below to find out what you should be including.

You can also use the Leeds Beckett Dissertation Template to help you understand what your dissertation should look like. 

  • Leeds Beckett Dissertation Template

Empirical (research-based)

  • 1. Abstract
  • 2. Contents Page
  • 3. Introduction
  • 4. Literature Review
  • 5. Methodology
  • 6. Findings / Results
  • 7. Discussion
  • 8. Conclusion
  • 9. Reference List / Bibliography
  • 10. Appendices

Abstract : provides a brief summary of your whole dissertation.

The abstract outlines the purpose of your research and your methodology (where necessary). You should summarise your main findings and conclusion.

Top tips! Give the reader a sense of why your project is interesting and valuable. Write in the past tense. Aim for about half a page.

Contents page : lists all the sections of your dissertation with the page numbers. Do this last by using the automatic function in Word.

Introduction: introduces the reader to your research project.

Provide context to the topic and define key terms. Ensure that the scope of your investigation is clear. Outline your aims and objectives, and provide a brief description of your research methods. Finally, give an indication of your conclusion/findings.

Top tips! Start broad (background information) and get more specific (your research aims and findings). Try writing the introduction after the literature review and methodology chapters. This way, you will have a better idea of your research aims.

Literature Review : positions your research in relation to what has come before it.

The literature review will summarise prior research on the topic, such as journal articles, books, government reports and data. You should introduce key themes, concepts, theories or methods that provide context for your own research. Analyse and evaluate the literature by drawing comparisons and highlighting strengths and weaknesses. Download the Critical Analysis Questions and Evidence Matrix Worksheets to help you with this process and for more information on literature searching see Finding Information .

  • Critical Analysis Questions Worksheet
  • Evidence Matrix Worksheet

The literature review should justify the need for your research and highlight areas for further investigation. Avoid introducing your own ideas at this point; instead, compare and comment on existing ideas.

Top tips! Your literature review is not a descriptive summary of various sources. You need to synthesise (bring together) and critically analyse prior research. Sophisticated use of reporting verbs is important for this process. Download our Reporting Verbs Worksheet to help you with this.

  • Reporting Verbs Worksheet

Find out more about literature reviews elsewhere on this topic page.

Find out more about critical thinking.

Methodology : provides a succinct and accurate record of the methodology used and justifies your choice of methods.

In this section, you describe the qualitative and/or quantitative methods* used to carry out your research/experiment. You must justify your chosen research methodology and explain how it helps you answer your research question. Where appropriate, explain the rationale behind choices such as procedures, equipment, participants and sample size. You may need to reference specific guidelines that you have used, especially in subjects such as healthcare. If your research involves people, you may also need to demonstrate how it fulfils ethical guidelines.

Top tips! Your account should be sufficiently detailed so that someone else could replicate your research. Write in the passive voice. Remember, at this point you are not reporting any findings.

*Qualitative research is based on opinions and ideas, while quantitative research is based on numerical data.

Find out more about the research process.

Findings/Results : presents the data collected from your research in a suitable format.

Provide a summary of the results of your research/experiment. Consider the most effective methods for presenting your data, such as charts, graphs or tables. Present all your findings honestly. Do not change any data, even if it is not what you expected to find.

Top tips! Whilst you might acknowledge trends or themes in the data, at this stage, you won’t be analysing it closely. If you are conducting qualitative research, this section may be combined with the discussion section. Important additional documents, such as transcriptions or questionnaires, can be added to your appendices.

Discussion : addresses your research aims by analysing your findings.

In this chapter, you interpret and discuss your results and draw conclusions. Identify trends, themes or issues that arise from the findings and discuss their significance in detail. These themes can also provide the basis for the structure of this section. You can draw upon information and concepts from your literature review to help interpret your findings. For example, you can show how your findings build upon or contradict earlier research.

Top tips! Ensure that the points you make are backed up with evidence from your findings. Refer back to relevant information from your literature review to discuss and interpret your findings.

Conclusion : summarises your main points.

Provide an overview of your main findings and demonstrate how you have met your research objectives. Set your research into a wider context by showing how it contributes to current academic debates. Discuss the implications of your research and put forward any recommendations.

Top tips! Do not introduce any new information in this section. Your conclusion should mirror the content of your introduction but offer more conclusive answers.

Reference List / Bibliography : a complete list of all sources used.

List all the sources that you have consulted in the process of your research. Your Reference List or Bibliography must follow specific guidelines for your discipline (e.g. Harvard or OSCOLA). Look through your module handbook or speak to your supervisor for more information.

Find out more about referencing and academic integrity .

Appendix (single) or Appendices (plural):  presents raw data and/or transcripts that aren’t in the main body of your dissertation.

You may have to be selective in the data you present in your findings section. If this is the case, you may choose to present the raw data/extended version in an appendix. If you conduct qualitative research, such as interviews, you will include the transcripts in your appendix. Appendices are not usually included in the word count.

Top tips! Discuss with your supervisor whether you will need an appendix and what to include.

Theoretical (argument based)

  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Main body (divided into chapters)
  • Reference list / Bibliography

Provides a brief summary of your whole dissertation.

The abstract outlines the purpose of your research and your methodology (where necessary). You should summarise your main findings and conclusion.

Top tip!  Give the reader a sense of why your project is interesting and valuable. Write in the past tense. Aim for about half a page.

Contents page : lists all the sections of your dissertation with the page numbers. Using the automatic table of contents feature in Microsoft Word can help you format this.

The  Dissertation IT kit provides guidance on how to use these tools. 

Introduces the reader to your research project.

Provide context to the topic and define key terms. Ensure that the scope of your investigation is clear. Outline your aims and objectives, and provide a brief description of your research methods. Introduce your argument and explain why your research topic is important. Finally, give an indication of your conclusion/findings.

Top tip!  Start broad (background information) and get more specific (your research aims and findings). Try writing the introduction after the literature review and methodology chapters. This way, you will have a better idea of your research aims.

Summarises prior research on the topic, such as journal articles, books, and other information sources. You should introduce key themes, concepts, theories or methods that provide context for your own research. You should also analyse and evaluate the literature by drawing comparisons and highlighting strengths and weaknesses. 

Many (although not all) theoretical dissertations will include a separate literature review. You may decide to include this as a separate chapter. Otherwise, you can integrate it into your introduction or first themed chapter.

Find out more about literature reviews on the  Literature Reviews  page.

Divide the main body of your research into chapters organised by chronology or themes. Each chapter should be like a mini-essay that helps you answer your research questions. Like an essay, each chapter should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. Develop your argument and demonstrate critical thinking by drawing on relevant sources. Compare and contrast ideas, and make suggestions or recommendations where relevant. Explain how each chapter helps answer your main research question.

Top tip! Divide each chapter into chunks and use subheadings where necessary to structure your work.

Find out more on the  Critical Thinking  pages. 

Top tip!  Do not introduce any new information in this section. Your conclusion should mirror the content of your introduction but offer more conclusive answers.

List all the sources that you have consulted in the process of your research. Your Reference List or Bibliography must follow specific guidelines for your discipline (Harvard, APA or OSCOLA). Look through your module handbook or speak to your supervisor for more information.

Find out more about  referencing and academic integrity .

Appendix (single) or Appendices (plural):  presents any data, such as images or tables, that aren’t in the main body of your dissertation.

You may have to be selective about the information you include in the main body of your dissertation. If this is the case, you may place data such as images or tables in the appendix. Appendices are not usually included in the word count.

Top tip!  Discuss with your supervisor whether you will need any appendices and what to include.

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Before using any generative artificial intelligence or paraphrasing tools in your assessments, you should check if this is permitted on your course.

If their use is permitted on your course, you must  acknowledge any use of generative artificial intelligence tools  such as ChatGPT or paraphrasing tools (e.g., Grammarly, Quillbot, etc.), even if you have only used them to generate ideas for your assignment or for proofreading.

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  • Writing your Literature Review Video
  • Dissertations Methodology Chapter Video
  • Dissertations Results and Analysis Chapter Video
  • Dissertations Editing Video

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  • Annotated Bibliographies Worksheet
  • CRAAP Test Worksheet
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  • Synthesising Sources in Writing Worksheet

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EPQs: writing up your dissertation

The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is an opportunity for you to work independently on a topic that really interests you or that you think is important. It is equivalent to an A-level qualification. These articles are designed to help you if you are enrolled on an EPQ.

See previous article in series: Finding and using evidence

Writing up your dissertation.

Being able to communicate well is an essential skill for both university and working life. One of the aims of the EPQ is to help you develop your skills in using different communication tools, so you can communicate what you have found clearly and appropriately for different audiences.

Communication is also a vital part of the research cycle. The progress of research thrives on the exchange, review and discussion of ideas. Writing is one of the ways in which we communicate what we have found out and share it with others. 

Sharing the results of your research by writing well and effectively gives your readers the opportunity to learn from the work you have done.

This article offers suggestions and support for developing your skills in writing in the academic style that is needed for your EPQ dissertation.

Graph of the EPQ cycle

Getting organised .

It’s worth considering a few practical points first. The start of writing is a good time to gather your material together and get yourself organised. 

  • Don’t lose your work
  • Timings & deadlines
  • Organise your records
  • Laying out the document
  • Tables, graphs and charts

You don’t want to find yourself a few days – or hours – from the submission deadline when a computer breakdown or accident means you lose everything you’ve done.

It has happened before, and you don’t want it to happen to you!

Build a routine for backups into your work pattern. For example, when you sit down to write, save a copy (named, for example, Version 1, Version 2 ... Version 25 ...) of the existing document before you make any changes.

And back up your backup. Once a week, make a backup copy of your files (your dissertation, your notes and the resources you have collected) to an external hard drive, memory stick or cloud storage.

Work out how much time you have to write your dissertation, and how much time you want to allocate to each section. (There’ll be more on this shortly under ‘Structuring the dissertation – Start with the structure’.)

Make sure you know – and have written down! – the deadlines for submitting your dissertation, including deadlines for any draft versions your teacher might want to see. Use these to help plan your writing time.

There are many tools to choose from to keep yourself on track.  For example, you could create a table with a list of tasks.

Table 1 
Week Task Done
1–2 Write research review ✔️
3–4 Write discussion of results
5 Write analysis of evidence
6 Write conclusion
7 Write introduction and abstract
8 Create and check reference list
9 Swap drafts with Sam for review
Check my draft for spelling and grammar
10 Review Sam’s comments and make final changes
Submit draft to Dr Jones 

Or you could make a simple Gantt chart, using a spreadsheet. If you use Microsoft Excel, it has some Gantt chart templates. The advantage of a Gantt chart is that it makes it easier to see how you can overlap some tasks, and you can mark important milestones such as submission deadlines .

Example of a Gantt chart

As you have gone through the process of collecting and analysing the evidence you need to answer your research question, you will have gathered records of:

  • what you looked for (the search terms you used in your searches)
  • where you looked (search engines, websites, etc.)
  • what you read / watched / listened to (academic papers, articles, videos, podcasts, etc.)
  • the notes you made on your reading, listening and watching
  • the data you have gathered.

All these sources contribute to the content of your written dissertation. Hopefully you have good records, but if you got a bit behind, now is the time to sort them out and remind yourself what you did and what you found out.

If you need a reminder of what information you need to keep, look back at  Article 2 – Finding and using evidence .

Organising your records and keeping a note of the sources you mention in the text as you write helps you build a comprehensive reference list.

There is more information on how to set out your reference list later in this article (see ‘Structuring the dissertation – Referencing styles’ ).

Laying out your document in a clear and neat style helps make your readers’ life easier.

For the  text , use a classic font such as Arial, Helvetica or Times New Roman. It’s best to avoid quirky fonts such as Comic Sans, or difficult to read fonts such as Lucida handwriting.

For easy reading, the  font  shouldn’t be too small. 11 or 12 point is a popular choice for the main (or body) text, which is usually black in colour. You can use larger fonts for headings and sub-headings, and perhaps make them bold or a different colour.

Generous margins also make the document easier to read. As a guide, around half the area of the page should be white space; on an A4 page, that means margins of about 2cm all round.

Use the paragraph styling tool . It’s well worth investing some time learning to use paragraph styling in  Microsoft Word  and  Mac Pages ; it can really speed up the creation of long documents and help you produce good-looking work.

This tool gives you control over the appearance of the text in your document. For example, you can use it to include automatic numbering for your headings ( Word  or  Pages ). This means you don’t have to manually change all the numbering if you insert a new heading or delete one that is no longer useful. You can also use automatic numbering for figure and table captions. Or, if you decide you don’t like the font you have used, you can change it in the paragraph style and it will be changed throughout the document.

Some kinds of evidence – such as numeric data – work well when displayed as graphs, charts and tables.

Readers should be able to make sense of the graph, chart or table without explanation.

Look at Table 2. Is it clear what information the creator wanted to share?

Table 2 
SUA2 core salt precipitates (0-30cm) muddy
nose (tip of corer) salt precipitates (30-34) muddy

A better example can be seen below in Table 3:

Table 3 
Town or city Total population in 2020 Male Female
London 8,960,924 4,494,611 4,466,313
Birmingham 1,159,888 575,432 584,456
Liverpool 589,774 292,878 296,896
Bristol 580,199 290,344 289,855
Manchester 566,896 288,714 278,182
Sheffield 557,039 278,024 279,015
Leeds 516,298 255,099 261,199
Leicester 415,584 208,466 207,118
Coventry 388,793 197,892 190,901
Bradford 358,573 177,748 180,825

Graphs and charts need titles too. They should also have axis titles (naming what is plotted on each axis, with the relevant units) and axis labels (the values plotted).

When it comes to plotting graphs, using different shapes or line styles can help readers distinguish different data points or collections of data on a single graph. You can use contrasting colours, but keep in mind that too many colours can be distracting for the reader. And some readers – for example, people who are colour-blind or have vision problems – might not be able to distinguish between certain colours, so choose carefully.

Look at Figure 3. Does it have all the elements of a good graph? Could anything be improved?

Comparison of four search terms used in Google in the UK from Jan to May 2021.

This has many of the requirements of a good graph. The title explains what the graph is about, the axes are labelled and the four search terms are each given their own colour, with a key to show which is which.

It could be made better by:

  • making the graph larger, so that the four lines are more separate
  • choosing different colours – the orange for ‘Perseverance’ and the yellow for ‘astrobiology’ are difficult to distinguish from each other.

Evidently, something interesting must have happened in mid-February to cause this spike in searches – you might remember that on 18 February 2021, the NASA Mars Perseverance Rover mission landed on Mars!

Structuring the dissertation .

Facing a blank page and the prospect of writing 5000 or so words can feel daunting. But you can structure the way you write to help make the task easier.

  • Start with the structure
  • Facing the blank page
  • The narrative arc
  • Finishing things off
  • Referencing styles

Starting with the structure will help you consider how you want the dissertation to flow, and how to allocate your time and effort.

This example, taken from the Edexcel documentation, gives a suggested word count for the different sections of a ‘research review’ dissertation. All the exam boards publish their requirements, so you should  check the requirements for your board and the type of EPQ you are doing .

Table 4 
Word count
Abstract (summary) 150
Introduction 650
Research review 1500
Discussion / development / analysis 2300
Conclusion 400
Bibliography (reference list) -

A ‘research review’ dissertation would probably follow something like the structure above. For other kinds of project, check with your teacher or look at the exam board’s requirements.  Knowing what structure the exam board is expecting helps you to know where to focus your effort.

In Table 4, you can see that the biggest section of the dissertation is the discussion/development/analysis of the argument, so it would make sense to spend the largest part of your writing time on this section. Look back at the Gantt chart under ‘Getting organised – Tables, graphs and charts’ for an example of time allocated in this way.

You’ve opened a new document.  You know the sections you need to include.

How do you get started on the sentences that will fill the gaps in between?  Two researchers offered suggestions from their experience.

Robert, a space scientist.

Robert, a space scientist, says he usually works out the first paragraph in his head before sitting down to write.

  • Ann’s summary

This is how Charlotte described her approach. First step, open a Word document!

Second step, write titles and sub-headings on the page. These can be working titles that you can come back to and polish once you have developed the document. But getting that structure down on the page is a key step for Charlotte in building the document and working out how the manuscript is going to flow. Once she’s broken the document up into sections, it feels much less daunting for her. Instead of starting at word one of six thousand, she’s working on smaller, more manageable chunks – word one of a hundred, or two hundred.

Step three is to write down the aims, objectives and scope of the document. And then she goes on to write the conclusions. And she says yes, that’s not a typo – if you’ve done a good job of researching the topic, developing the aims and objectives and making your notes, then writing the conclusion first should be relatively easy. The benefit of writing the end of your manuscript before the beginning is that you’re less likely to go off on tangents when you’re writing the rest of the manuscript, because you know where you’re heading.

If you feel you’ve thoroughly researched your topic and you’re still finding it hard to work out what your conclusions are, then it may be a good idea to turn your research notes into a presentation, during which you can ask yourself ‘what key message do I want the audience to walk away with?’, and that will be your conclusion.

Step five: write the remaining sections of the dissertation, justifying and building your arguments for each conclusion.

Charlotte’s main points

Photo of Charlotte

Charlotte’s steps are:

  • Open a Word document!
  • Write titles and sub-headings on the page.
  • Write down the aims, objectives and scope of the document.
  • Write the conclusion – ask yourself ‘what key message do I want the audience to walk away with?’
  • Write the remaining sections, justifying and building your arguments for each conclusion.

Headings and sub-headings

Charlotte described how she likes to set up the headings and sub-headings that structure her writing, even though she knows they might change as the document develops.

Using descriptive headings, such as ‘The history of ...’ tells the reader what to expect in that section or chapter. This is sometimes called ‘signposting’, because the headings and sub-headings guide the reader around your work. 

As well as descriptive headings, you can number your headings and sub-headings: 

  • Section 1: An introduction to… 
  • Section 1.1 : The history of ... 

This means you can refer the reader back and forth (e.g. ‘see Section 1.2’), which cuts down repetition and wasted words.

Both approaches have the merit of getting something on to the blank page, which makes it look much less scary.

Whether you start with an opening paragraph, a set of headings, or another method that works for you, getting those first few words on the page is one of the biggest hurdles to clear.

Narrative – the story thread that runs through any piece of work we create – is important in any piece of writing.  Stories keep people’s attention, as storytellers have known for hundreds of years. Writers, broadcasters and podcasters continue to make use of this fact today.

One way to think about how you shape your story is to consider its narrative arc. Yes, even the most ‘science-y’ of dissertations has a story.

Click on the crosses on Figure 6 to find out more about the components of the narrative arc.

Figure 6   The narrative arc

Points on the narrative arc

Description : A parabolic curve representing the narrative arc of a story. The first half of the curve rises to a peak, showing the points that   build interest  in the story. The second half falls back to the baseline, showing how we  reflect   on the details of the story and bring it to a close.

– In the Introduction , attract the reader’s attention at the start, perhaps by telling them what got you interested in the question; a personal interest, an ambition or a desire to know more about a topic.

– In the Introduction , describe the journey to your research question. Make sure you do actually tell your reader what your question is (you’d be surprised how often people forget that!)


– In the Research Review section, you show the reader how you found your evidence; tell them about the keywords you used, the mindmaps, flowcharts, tables you made; what information was important and what was not; what stayed in and what didn’t.

– This is your analysis of the material you found, showing how you pulled together the information you uncovered in your review and what it meant for your question. However, this isn’t an absolute rule; where you put the analysis depends on the kind of dissertation you are writing.

– Tell the reader what you found out and how it relates to what is already known.

– Use the Conclusion to round off your story. What’s the answer to your research question? What did you discover? What’s still not known?

There are a couple of sections of the dissertation that are best dealt with towards the end of the writing process: abstract and bibliography.

The abstract

At the beginning of the dissertation, you should provide a short summary or abstract.

An abstract is like a trailer for a film or television programme. It gives the reader a sense of what’s in the dissertation. However, unlike a trailer, it’s OK to give away the ending! Someone who only reads the abstract, and never looks at the dissertation, should still understand the scope of your work.

For this reason, it’s easier to write the abstract towards the end of your writing time, when you have a complete picture of your work in your mind.

The abstract is usually quite short (perhaps only 200 words) and is written in one paragraph. That’s not much space, so what should you include?

A typical abstract would tell the reader:

  • why  you did this research –  the question you set out to answer
  • how  you did the research –  the methods you used to collect the data and where you looked for it
  • what  you found out –  a summary of your main findings
  • the  key message  –  the answer to your question; if your readers could remember just one thing from your dissertation, this would be it.

One way to approach writing the abstract is to read through your dissertation section by section. For each section, write one or two sentences that summarise the main point. Click on ‘example’ to see what we mean.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is growing rapidly among young people, but the usefulness and safety of some therapies is controversial. Therefore, I investigated the question: what are the best places to reach young people with information about CAM?

Using Google Scholar, I searched for articles using different combinations of these search terms: ‘alternative medicine’, ‘complementary medicine’, understanding, knowledge, motivation, CAM. I filtered the results to keep only articles that related to the use of CAM by young people. I defined ‘young’ as people under the age of 25. I downloaded twenty complete papers, articles and other resources from open access sources and the Open University research repository.

Use of CAM by young people has increased since 2000. Young women use CAM more than young men. The most common sources for getting information about CAM are friends and family and social media.

Key message

The best way to provide information for young people about CAM is through social media.

Take away the headings and polish the sentences and you have an abstract:

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is growing rapidly among young people, but the usefulness and safety of some therapies is controversial. Therefore, I investigated the question: what are the best places to reach young people with information about CAM? Using Google Scholar, I searched for articles using different combinations of these search terms: ‘alternative medicine’, ‘complementary medicine’, understanding, knowledge, motivation, CAM. I filtered the results to keep only articles that related to the use of CAM by young people. I defined ‘young’ as people under the age of 25. My search found twenty relevant papers, articles and other resources, which I downloaded from open access sources and the Open University research repository. My results show that young people’s most common sources for information about CAM are friends and family and social media. Therefore, I believe that using social media is the best way to provide information about CAM for young people.

The bibliography or reference list

The last thing to include in your dissertation is the bibliography or reference list * .

Your reference list shows the people who read (and mark!) your dissertation how well you have researched your subject and how your arguments are supported by evidence from other people’s research. 

It is also evidence of how you have been open and honest in your work. Readers can use it to find the sources that you used and check that you have read and used them correctly. 

Using your reference list, a reader should be able to find that source for themselves if they want to follow up an idea or check something you have written. Including a reference list helps you avoid plagiarism (passing off someone else’s work as your own), because readers can check the original source if they have any doubts.

If you need a reminder of what information you should keep, look back at  ‘Finding and using evidence – Keeping track’ .

* A reference list is a list of all references to other people’s work that you have mentioned in your dissertation. A bibliography is a list of references, plus the background readings or other material that you have read but not actually mentioned.

The Open University Library Services’  Referencing and plagiarism   page has lots of help and pointers to further information about references and referencing styles.

If you go on to study at university, and have to write essays, assignments and reports, you will be asked to set out – or ‘style’ – reference lists in a specific way. There are many different referencing styles; which one you are asked to use will depend on the subject you are studying and the university’s requirements.

For the EPQ, check the requirements of your exam board or ask your teacher what these are.

Even if you aren’t asked to use a specific style, you should aim to include as much information about the sources as possible. The minimum information would be:

  • the authors’ (or creators’) names
  • the year the source was published
  • the title of the article or book chapter, or the name of the artwork, film or video
  • the title of the journal or the book in which the article/chapter appeared
  • for books – the name of the publisher
  • for online sources – the name of the website and the page on which the article appeared, the URL of the website, and the date on which you read the article*.

*The date you found the article is important for online sources, as websites sometimes disappear or are changed. If the reader can’t find the same article but knows when you found it, that suggests they can trust the source.

These examples are laid out in the Harvard referencing style, which is a style used in many university subjects.

Books and ebooks

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title . Edition if later than first. Place of publication: publisher. Series and volume number if relevant.

Mukherjee, S. (2011)  The Emperor of all Maladies .  London: Fourth Estate.

Article from an academic journal

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference. Doi: doi number if available OR Available at: URL (Accessed date)

Ungar, S. (2008) ‘Global bird flu communication: hot crisis and media reassurance’,  Science Communication ,  29(4), 472-497. DOI: 10.1177/1075547008316219

Article from a newspaper or magazine

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Rice-Oxley, M. (2021) ‘Do good things come to those who wait?’,  The Guardian ,  26 February. Available at (Accessed 26 February 2021).

Organisation (Year that the page was last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

BBC Online (2020) How New Zealand relied on science and empathy . Available at: (Accessed 17 September 2020).

Writing clearly .

Good writing takes time, effort and energy. Being able to produce clear, readable, logical and well-argued pieces of writing is important in both university and in your working life.

  • Precise & concise
  • Keep it simple
  • A word about style
  • Quoting others

Sketch of Blaise Pascal

Blaise Pascal was a seventeenth-century mathematician, physicist, inventor, philosopher and writer.  He once wrote:

‘ Je n’ai fait celle-ci plus longue que parce que je n’ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte ’ .

–Blaise Pascal, Provincial Letters, Letter XVI, December 1656.

Translation:  ‘I wrote this very long [letter] because I didn’t have the time to make it shorter’.

What do you think Pascal meant by this?

Photo of Claire

Claire, whose research looks for evidence of how we might ‘ sniff’ for life , produced a mind map of what she thinks Pascal meant (Figure 9). The audio below describes her process.

Claire's mind map

Claire’s mind map takes us on quite a journey. Starting from Pascal’s premise that it’s better to write short than long, slower than quicker, makes her think about the need for concision, to look for concise words, words that are specific and measured, not being confusing, the need to choose the right word. Not always easy in English, where one word can have a variety of meanings. 

She suggest perhaps using a thesaurus, but that could lead down the pathway of having too many words to choose from and not being able to decide which one to pick. Thinking about the dissertation, she introduces a word we all dread – waffling! No one wants to be a waffler, and giving too much information might make your readers’ heads explode. 

And yet we must explain our concepts, because we want our writing to be understood by everyone but that means a balance with explaining too much. We need to give enough detail to make our point understood, and scientific, if it’s that kind of research question, without being too complicated. All in all, it comes down to the need to simplify.

More tips from Ann

As Pascal – and Claire – suggest, taking out what isn’t needed is as important as putting in what is.

Writing clearly and to the point takes time, effort and energy. Allow yourself plenty of time to draft, review, get feedback, edit ... draft again, review again, get more feedback, edit again … … check, proof-read, finish.

As we established earlier, your dissertation will have a word allowance. EdExcel, for example, suggests a research review dissertation should be around 6000 words. That sounds like a lot, but then, you’ve done a lot of work that needs to be included.

The exact figure will depend on the exam board’s requirements and the kind of EPQ you have carried out, so check before you start writing, or ask your teacher.

The best writers keep things as simple as possible. It’s a way of being kind to your readers and making the task of reading easier.

However, keeping things simple isn’t simple. As Steve Jobs, the designer and co-founder of Apple said: ‘Simple can be harder than complex: you have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple’. The same applies to writing.

When you’ve done a complex piece of work, it’s tempting to think you can only describe it in complex language. But you should try to avoid the pitfall of using over-complicated language. You don’t want to run the risk of sounding pompous or making your text too difficult to understand.

You’ve almost certainly come across simple questions with unnecessarily complicated answers before. Here’s an example. Which is the best answer to this question?

The Up Goer Five challenge

To practise writing in simple language, you can take the Up Goer Five challenge. This is a project by the artist Randall Monroe, creator of  XKCD . 

The challenge is to explain a  hard idea using only the ‘ten hundred’ most common words  in the English language.  As an example, how might we explain ‘astrobiology’?:

We think about where we might find living things. We take stuff from places – dry places, cold places, hot places – and we put it in stuff that we think has what living things need to grow. We wait, then we use a seeing-small-things tool to look for the living things. At the moment, we look at stuff from here but one day, we want to look at stuff from other stars.

Screenshot from the UpGoer project

Have a go at using the  Up Goer Five text editor  (which has a  link to the ten hundred most common words ) to explain an idea related to your research topic. If you find it tricky to think of an idea, here are a few to get you started:

  • global warming and its consequences
  • what causes earthquakes
  • the problems caused by the misuse of antibiotics.

You wouldn’t write your dissertation in this style, but experimenting with writing like this helps develop skills in keeping things simple, avoiding jargon and complicated language and writing in short sentences and paragraphs.

We all write in different ways every day, depending on who we’re writing for. The style of a textbook is different from the style of a WhatsApp message; we write an email to a family member in a different style from the way we would write a personal statement for a university application.

When we write anything, we start by thinking about our readers and the kind of writing they are expecting to see.

For the EPQ dissertation, start by checking the requirements of the exam board you are studying with. It is very likely that the exam board will want the dissertation to be written in a formal style; the kind of style you will have seen in the academic articles and books you drew on in your research.

Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as your own. It is, essentially, theft of someone else’s work. 

Learning alongside a friend, discussing ideas or sharing your thoughts can be helpful and valuable. We have also encouraged you to take notes on everything that you find. So, it is likely that you have ideas you want to present in your report that are not entirely your own.

Plagiarism can occur in a variety of ways. It can mean copying someone else’s text and passing it off as your own, or copying and pasting text/images from a web page and pretending they are your own work. It can also overlap with what is called ‘collusion’, which means collaborating with someone to share work on a task that you are expected to complete by yourself.

Try this interactive resource from OpenLearn to understand some of the challenges and ways to avoid plagiarism. This is aimed at university students, but it will be relevant for the EPQ.

All my own work

All my own work

Plagiarism comes in all shapes and forms. Step into the shoes of a university student to learn the challenges and temptations facing her during her assignment, and help make it all her own work.

Level: 1 Introductory

There will be points in your dissertation when you want to present ideas that have come from someone else’s work. How can you do this while avoiding plagiarism?

Identify your sources

If you have used an image, graph or chart created by someone else, identify where the image has come from and who made it.

Responses to feedback

You might remember this image from  Article 1 , in the section on dealing with feedback.

This image comes from an online picture library, They have placed it in the ‘public domain’, which means it can be re-used freely. Show this information in the image caption within your work.

If you create a graph, chart or table yourself, identify the source of the data, as you saw earlier in ‘ Getting organised – Tables, graphs and charts ’.

If you find a phrase or a sentence in a source that helpfully illustrates a point you are trying to make, you can quote that in your work. You must quote it exactly as the authors wrote it. After the quote, you give the name of the author, the date of publication and the page where the quote is from. Then give the full reference in your reference list (see ‘ Structuring the dissertation – Referencing styles ’). For example:

This shows that the format of an infographic can influence people’s responses to the evidence. For example, ‘ graphs commonly used to show descriptive statistics, such as line or area graphs, may also appear “scientific” and create a pseudo sense of trustworthiness ’ (Li et al., 2018, p. 4).

The quote marks (‘…’) show which words are the quote.  

We use the Latin phrase ‘et al.’ (meaning ‘and others’) when an article has more than three authors, so that the reader doesn’t have to read through a long list of names. In the reference list, you would see the full list of authors along with the other source details:

Li, N., Brossard, D., Scheufele, D., Wilson, P. and Rose, K. (2018) ‘Communicating data: interactive infographics, scientific data and credibility’,  Journal of Science Communication, 17(2), A06. DOI: 10.22323/2.17020206

When you paraphrase, you express an idea that has come from someone else in your own words. You might do this to re-state the idea in simpler language, or to bring together the ideas of several writers on the same topic. Paraphrasing can also help you show that any new ideas you’ve put together from your research are supported by earlier research.

You should show where the ideas you have paraphrased came from, but because you are not directly quoting, you need only give the authors’ names and the date of publication. For example:

My survey of fifty young people aged 16 to 18 showed that their social media posts were most often connected with current events. This is supported by earlier research, which shows that the most common topics for young people’s posts are current events, health and fitness, and celebrity and entertainment news, closely followed by science and technology (Hargittai, Füchslin & Schäfer, 2018) .

In the reference list, you would see:

Hargittai, E., Füchslin, T. and Schäfer, M. (2018) ‘How do young adults engage with science and research on social media?’,  Social Media + Society, July-September 2018, 1-10, DOI: 10.1177/205630511879772

Although your dissertation must be all your own work, you can ask for help to review what you have written.

How do you ask for help, then, while keeping the dissertation all your own work and avoiding plagiarism?

Reviews – who and when?

Before you ask someone to review your work, you can check some things for yourself. 

Check the  spelling  and  grammar . Microsoft Word has built-in tools, or you can use online ones such as  Grammarly . The more technically correct your writing is, the more your reviewers will be able to focus their energy on the content.

Then  read it all through yourself . Some people like to read through silently, line by line, others prefer to read the text out loud. You can record yourself and listen back later, or use the Read Aloud function in Word, if you’re using that software. This has the advantage of using a different part of your brain – when you listen, you hear mistakes that you just don’t see in writing.

After you have reviewed it yourself, ask others to do the same. Getting someone else’s feedback on your work is immensely valuable. This is where you can collaborate with friends or classmates – if you ask them to review your work, you can offer to review theirs. And families can help too; even if they don’t know anything about your topic, the questions they ask will help you review your work.

  • Michael asks for help
  • Who could you ask for help?

Photo of Michael

Listen to the audio in the next tab about how Michael, who is a microbiologist, asks for help. When does he do this, and who does he ask?

Michael turns to his colleagues, his family and his senior colleagues at work. He asks for help at different stages: perhaps when he’s struggling a little, when he’s written the first draft and later on at the final stages, when he’s finished editing.

For Michael, feedback is incredibly important, not only for the actual content of the work, but for assessing how easy it is to understand. And he felt it’s always important to consider reviews of our writing from the viewpoint that the reviewer wants to help us improve our work, not criticise it. In terms of who he asks, first he calls on his peers; when he was at school, friends in his class and year, and now his colleagues, who can comment on the content of the work and how easy it is for them to follow. When he was at school, he also turned to his parents. During high school, his parents helped with input on grammar, spelling and how easy it was to understand. Now, his wife performs that role. As he says, by having someone from outside the field review your work, you can gain valuable insights. He also thinks about his seniors – in his current job, his senior colleagues will read multiple drafts of a manuscript before it’s complete. This is always an advantage – it allows him to get input from someone more experienced and means the work is improved.

In terms of when, he asks for help when he’s struggling, perhaps to find the right direction for a piece of work. Discussing the work with a friend or a teacher can start him developing insights on where it should start. Certainly after completing and spell-checking a first draft, he’ll ask for help.

And of course it’s always important to go back and review after editing, because when you change a piece of work, it’s easy to introduce errors, as well as fix them.


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Other articles in this series...

EPQs: designing your research question

EPQs: designing your research question

You’ve already decided to do an EPQ, so it might seem a little odd to start this resource by asking you to consider why you want to do a research project. People do an EPQ for all sorts of reasons. Why do you want to do an EPQ?

EPQs: finding and using evidence

EPQs: finding and using evidence

Finding the evidence that will help you understand a topic or answer a question is an important stage in the research process. And once you have found it, you will need to examine it closely and carefully, to judge how reliable it is and whether it is useful to help you answer your question.

EPQs: why give a presentation?

EPQs: why give a presentation?

What are the guidelines for the presentation?

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Dissertation Help UK : Online Dissertation Help

5000 word dissertation structure

March 8, 2021

Dr Jana Martiskova

Click here to place an order for topic brief service to get instant approval from your professor.

Table of Contents

In academic writing, the term “5000 word dissertation structure” is used for describing a kind of structure that is used. The structure has been created in order to allow students to finish their academic papers. The way it works is quite simple actually. For every 5000 words you write, you must first write 5000 words about the topic of your study. By writing the bulk of your paper this way, you will save time. This article will show you how to make this process easier.

A 5000 words dissertation structure

Defining main topic.

First, begin by defining your main topic. It can be a matter of world history, social science, technology, or religion. You will need to determine what aspects interest you most. After you have decided on the main topic, look at all the literature you have on that topic.

Research Essay

The next step involves writing a research essay. In this essay, you will write about what you have learned so far and what you hope to learn in the future. The main topic should not appear in the Essay Introduction; however, you should mention it towards the end of the essay. Do not waste time here by merely describing your main topic. Instead, spend one paragraph stating why you believe this is your main topic and why you have written this essay.

Next, write your body with the facts gathered from your research papers. These include quotes, diagrams, charts, and pictures. You should also include some additional research on your main topic if you can locate it. Do not plagiarize anything when writing this part of the dissertation because you may find yourself with a paperweight. Save all quotes, charts, and pictures in MS Word.

Thesis Statement

In the middle of your writing, you should construct the rest of the thesis statement . The thesis statement is simply the main point of your paper and the entire point of your paper. In fact, the thesis statement can be the longest part of your writing. However, it should be organized in the correct way to ensure that everything makes sense. Do not start writing the thesis statement until you have read and understood your entire document.

Organize Notes

Once the writing has been completed, you will need to organize your notes. Your notes should include your main topic, any additional research that you did, and any additional supporting evidence that you are able to find. The idea behind the arrangement of your writing is that you are presenting your ideas in an orderly fashion to support your main topic. You should start with the most important information first so that your reader does not have to search through numerous documents for the data that they are interested in.

After the thesis statement has been completed, you should close your introduction. This will give a clear summary of what your paper is about as well as the reasoning behind your argument. It will also summarize any appendices that you included in your writing. Any appendices should be included with the conclusion so that the reader can understand them and see how they fit into your arguments. The final step in writing your essay is the conclusion.

The conclusion will summarize everything that you wrote in the previous sections of the paper. Writing a good conclusion is necessary because it gives a good reason as to why your main topic is important and the rest of the research can be linked back to the main topic. The introduction and the thesis statements are what make up the bulk of your writing. As you go through the writing process, you will learn about how and when to use each section and what should go where.

Follow the above guideline for making 5000 word dissertation structure to save your time and deliver your 5000 word dissertation on time.

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Dissertation examples

Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written. Refer to your module guidelines to make sure that you address all of the current assessment criteria. Some of the examples below are only available to access on campus.

  • Undergraduate examples
  • Taught Masters examples

These dissertations achieved a mark of 80 or higher:

The following two examples have been annotated with academic comments. This is to help you understand why they achieved a good 2:1 mark but also, more importantly, how the marks could have been improved.

Please read to help you make the most of the two examples.

(Mark 68)

(Mark 66)

These final year projects achieved a mark of a high first:

For students undertaking a New Venture Creation (NVC) approach, please see the following Masters level examples:

Projects which attained grades of over 70 or between 60 and 69 are indicated on the lists (accessible only by students and staff registered with School of Computer Science, when on campus).

These are good quality reports but they are not perfect. You may be able to identify areas for improvement (for example, structure, content, clarity, standard of written English, referencing or presentation quality).

The following examples have their marks and feedback included at the end of of each document.





The following examples have their feedback provided in a separate document.


School of Media and Communication .

The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 78)
(Mark 72)
(Mark 75)

(Mark 91)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 85)
(Mark 91)

(Mark 85)
(Mark 75)

This dissertation achieved a mark of 84:


LUBS5530 Enterprise

MSc Sustainability




The following outstanding dissertation example PDFs have their marks denoted in brackets.

(Mark 70)

(Mark 78)


EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

  • The Inquiry Process
  • Developing a line of inquiry
  • Finding and selecting sources
  • Working with ideas

Expressing your ideas

dissertation 5000 words structure

This is the stage you have been building towards - writing your report. Although that is largely the focus of this page , it is not all there is to the EPQ.

Your EPQ will be assessed on:

  • Your completed Production Log
  • if your project is a research based written report of any kind (e.g. a science investigation or an essay) it should be approximately 5,000 words long
  • If your project is an artefact, it must be accomapanied by a research based written report of a minimum of 1,000 words. For artefacts, you may include photos showing various stages of the production process as well as the final product. You do not need to submit a large artefact as evidence - photographs or other media are fine.
  • If your product was itself a presentation then you still need to produce a presentation about the process of producing it!
  • Your presentation must be delivered live to a non-specialist audience and might use flipcharts or posters, presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Prezi or short video clips. The evidence for your presentation will  include a record in your Production Log of questions your supervisor asked and how you responded.

On this page you will find guidance on:


As well as resource boxes on:

Am I ready?

Am I ready to start writing my essay?

Before you start writing, think:

  • Is my investigation largely complete? As you write you may find that you need a few additional resources or information to support your argument, but you should not sta rt to write until you are largely sure where your argument is going.
  • Have I filled in a Research Organiser (which you will find on the Working with Ideas tab)? This will help you to organise your thoughts and make sure you understand the argument you intend to make and have the evidence to support it. While not compulsory, it makes writing your final essay significantly easier.
  • Do I understand how to write in an appropriate academic style? Guidance is given in the Academic Writing box below.
  • Do I know how to import my sources from my Investigative Journal? Don't waste time putting all your citation data in again! Import all your sources as you set up your document. There are helpsheets in the Resources for PC / Mac users boxes to the right.

You should use the Oakham APAv3 Academic Writing Template (below) rather than a generic Word template to set up your essay.

(The image below is taken from the EE LibGuide, but the template is just as useful for EPQs)

dissertation 5000 words structure

Citing and referencing

There are many different ways to acknowledge the sources you use. These are called referencing styles . You are free to use any recognised referencing style you wish for your EPQ, but Oakham's 'house style' is APA. We suggest you use this because we already have a lot of support in place for it. APA is an 'Author-date' system, meaning that you show which source you have used by putting the author and date in brackets after it in your text, and then put the full reference in an alphabetical list at the end of the essay. The Library does not support 'footnote referencing', where you put all the information in a footnote at the bottom of the page. If you want help with this then please talk to the member of staff who suggested that you use it.

For detailed information and guidance on how to use sources in your writing and how to cite and reference them accurately using the tools in Microsoft Word, consult the Citing and Referencing LibGuide . This site includes information about how to reference all sorts of different kinds of sources, including videos and works of art, and what to do if you are using a source written in a language that is not the language of your essay. It also gives some examples of how to use in-text citations , whether quoting, paraphrasing or just referring to a source more generally, and how to use the automatic citing and referencing tools in Word .


Academic writing

Stages in an academic essay


Your thesis is the point you want to make. It emerges from your research and your task is to use the evidence you have found to establish it as the most reasonable response to that research.

A persuasive (or argumentative) approach proceeds from the answer to the research question through a detailed analysis of the arguments surrounding the research question — their claims, their evidence, and their assumptions.

In both approaches, you must state the research question in your introduction, and make sure you return to it in your conclusion .

Sections required in your essay

Have a look at the Formal Presentation guide in the sidebar for a guide to laying out your essay.

Paragraph Structure

Paragraphs themselves have a structure - the most common you will have come across is likely to be PEEL. The letters often stand for slightly different things in different subjects, but the idea is largely the same - introduce your main idea for the paragraph ( Point ), justify it with Evidence and/or Examples , and Evaluate this evidence. Finally, Link back to the Research Question and/or Link forward to the next paragraph.

This is not the only way to write a paragraph and, with experience, you will soon find that your argument develops a flow of its own that does not require a formula - indeed, your essay would be very dull if every paragraph followed exactly the same structure. However, this structure can be a useful scaffold to get you started and make sure you don't miss anything important.

Paragraph structure

The structure of academic writing

Note that the following graphic was originally produced for the IB Extended Essay, but is equally applicable to the EPQ.

dissertation 5000 words structure

Planning your essay

It is vital to plan your essay before you start writing. An essay plan provides an outline of your argument and how it develops.

What sections and subsections do you need?

Although this might change as you write your essay, you should not start writing until you have your overall structure. Then think about roughly how you are going to divide your 5000 words between the different sections. 5000 words seems like a lot before you start writing, but it is much easier to write to the limit, section by section, than to try to cut your essay down once it is written.

What will the reader will expect to see and where?

Look back at your checklist and think about where in your essay you are planning to include the required information. Make sure the flow of your essay makes sense to a reader who may be a subject expert but knows little about your topic. Have you included background information? Details of experimental methods? Arguments and counter arguments?

Now get writing!

You've read all the guidance. You've made your plan. Now you have a blank screen in front of you and you just need to get started! Start with the section you think you will find easiest to write and work outwards from there, or follow the steps below to get started. Don't forget to write with the word limit in mind though.


What if you are writing lots of paragraphs but your essay just doesn't seem to be coming together?

1. Condense each paragraph into a short statement or bullet point. This is the skeleton structure of your essay.

2. Look at the order of the statements.

  • Is the order logical?
  • Does each point follow another in a sensible order?
  • Do you need to change the order?
  • Do you need to add paragraphs?
  • Do you need to remove paragraphs?

3. Add, subtract and rearrange the paragraphs until your structure makes sense.

4. Redraft using your new paragraph order.  

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

Willard, D. (2003) My journey to and b eyond tenure in a secular university . Retrieved from: . Accessed: 9th May 2020

Oh no! It's too long!!

If you haven't managed to write to the word limit and are suddenly faced with cutting down an essay that is over the word limit, try these tips on concise writing from Purdue Online Writing Lab.

dissertation 5000 words structure

Use the menu on the left of this page from Purdue OWL to browse the four very practical pages on writing concisely and one on the Paramedic Method for reducing your word count.

AQA Guide to completing the Production Log: Expressing your ideas

dissertation 5000 words structure

AQA copyright notice

The presentation above contains slides from the AQA presentation  Teaching slides: how to complete the production log  (available from the AQA EPQ Teaching and Learning Resources website ).  These slides are Copyright © 2020 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved.

A downloadable copy of the Production Log can be found here , on the Home tab of this guide.

Submission checklists

  • First Draft Checklist A guide to make sure you stay on track and complete everything required for your first draft.
  • Final Draft Checklist A guide detailing everything that needs to be completed before submitting your EPQ.

Guides for PC users

  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Windows
  • Creating a Table of Contents in Word 2016 for Windows

Guides for Mac users

  • Managing Sources in Word 2016 for Mac
  • Citing and Referencing in Word 2016 for Mac
  • << Previous: Working with ideas
  • Next: Reflecting >>
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  • How to Write an EPQ Essay

dissertation 5000 words structure

Writing an EPQ essay can seem like a daunting task, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help make the whole process easier.

In addition to the A-Levels you’re already doing, you can choose to take an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification). An EPQ is an independent research project, and it’s extremely beneficial as it counts towards UCAS tariff points.

Consisting of around 5,000 words, an EPQ essay is an in-depth assignment which takes about 120 hours to complete.

That may seem like a lot of extra work to take on alongside your existing studies, however it can be hugely beneficial when applying to get into university.

Choosing to undertake independent research and reading can prove to future educators that you’re willing to take on extra work to really show what you can do academically, as well as demonstrating that you have interests that go beyond the curriculum. An EPQ sits nicely with a summer school course such as a law summer school , business summer school , engineering summer school and medicine summer school . During your course you have the chance to explore and understand your subject further, demonstrating your commitment to your studies, and develop ideas for your EPQ.

How do you write an EPQ essay?

To write an EPQ essay, you need to: come up with a compelling idea that you’re interested in, write down everything you know about the subject to generate further ideas, find the best essay question to use, reference your sources properly, write a sharp introduction and conclusion, get feedback on your essay, and make sure you double-check your work before submitting it.

The key to writing any extended document is planning, which is why we’ve written this nine-step guide to help you write the best EPQ essay.

Read on for our top tips on how to write an extended project essay.

9 steps to write your EPQ essay

1. come up with an idea.

One of the main reasons students fail their EPQ is because they’ve chosen the wrong subject matter. It’s vital that you choose a topic you’re genuinely interested in, otherwise you won’t have any motivation to work on it. Because of the extra workload, many students choose to start their EPQ over the summer holidays, and with all the distractions that summer brings (trips to the beach, sunbathing in the garden or hanging out with friends in the park) there’s even more reason to pick a subject you don’t find boring, or you’ll just look for any excuse to avoid doing it. Before finalising your topic, you might want to discuss your ideas with your supervisor so they can check you’re on the right track.

2. Write down everything you know about the subject.   

Before doing any extra reading, it’s really helpful to write down everything you already know about your chosen subject. This can help to get your thoughts and ideas – which are often jumbled up – out of your head and down onto a piece of paper or computer screen so that you can begin to organise and make sense of them. This is also useful for identifying any gaps in your knowledge. However, if the gaps in your knowledge are vast and your chosen topic isn’t giving you enough inspiration, don’t be afraid to abandon your original idea entirely and come up with something new. It’s better to start again from scratch at this stage, rather than 2,000 words in.

3. Think of a question

Whatever your chosen topic, you’ll need to think of a question to answer. This is an extremely important part of your EPQ and will form the basis of your essay, so it really is worth thinking long and hard about. The way in which you phrase your question or hypothesis will affect the structure and flow of the whole essay. For example, some typical essay question formats include ‘Compare and contrast’, ‘Critically evaluate’ and ‘Analyse and conclude’. The type of question you want to answer will affect whether you need to highlight and critique a number of theories or evaluate how useful a particular concept is. And remember that your extended project essay needs to be approximately 5,000 words long, so you should choose a question that allows for extended research and arguments. It’s also worth bearing in mind that questions without definitive answers are better as there will generally be much more to write about.

4. Research the topic

Next, you should start thinking about the main body of the essay and how you’re going to go about fleshing out your ideas. Ideally, this step should take up half the amount of total time you spend working on your EPQ essay. You should spend a good deal of time reading books, papers and online journals that have been written about your chosen subject. The Internet is an excellent source of information, but anyone can write anything and publish it online, so make sure your sources are credible and recognised by the examining body. Wikipedia, for example, should be avoided as a reliable source of information as anyone can edit the text that’s been written there. While doing your research, you’re going to come across many different opinions and arguments and it’s all going to come from a variety of sources. So now is also a good time to think about how you’re going to organise it all.

5. Remember to reference your sources

As with any piece of academic work, referencing your sources is vital so the examiners can check you’re not plagiarising. It’s also good to demonstrate that your information has come from a range of places so the person marking your essay can see that you’ve researched your topic widely and have considered several different viewpoints. You’ll need to provide a bibliography at the end of your EPQ essay and if you can’t say where your information has come from, you’ll be unable to use it, so it’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing this as you go along. Whether you choose to create a spreadsheet on your computer or annotate photocopies and clippings with a pen, it doesn’t matter how you go about doing this as long as you remember to do it. It’ll make your life so much easier in the long-run!

6. Create subsections

Splitting your essay up into sections can help to make sure you’re writing enough and exploring the topic in as much depth as possible. Keep your word count in mind when dividing up your essay and try to split each section equally. But while mini topics are good for breaking the 5,000 words down into more manageable chunks, you have to make sure each one relates back to your original question, otherwise you could risk wasting some of those words on irrelevant information. Don’t sacrifice the important stuff by shoehorning facts and figures into your chosen subsections. It’s worth thinking about the order of these sections too. It’s usually best to write in a ‘news story’ format, with the most important subtitles at the top and the less relevant stuff filtering down to the bottom, however you could consider working chronologically if that works better for your chosen topic.

7. Write an introduction and a conclusion

As strange as it sounds, it can be helpful to write your introduction and conclusion paragraphs once you’ve completed the main body of the essay. This is because your thoughts on the subject matter are more likely to be more organised, therefore it will be easier to summarise the main points clearly and concisely. Your first paragraph should introduce the subject matter, briefly expanding upon your question and how you’re going to go about answering it, while your conclusion should refer back to the title and answer the question you asked at the beginning of your essay. Ensure that both paragraphs are as direct and succinct as possible, in order to show that you have a clear understanding of your topic.

8. Ask for feedback

Whether it’s a friend, a relative or – even better – your course tutor, it’s a good idea to have your work checked over by someone else. Because you’ve spent hour upon hour absorbed in your subject matter, you can lose sight of certain things, so it makes sense to have your EPQ essay looked at from a different viewpoint. A second opinion can ensure that everything you’ve written is concise and accurate and the person checking your work can give you advice on what to leave out or add in; especially if they already have some knowledge on the subject matter.

9. Double-check everything before submitting your work

It’s a good idea to leave it a day or so before coming back to your essay to proofread it so that you’re viewing it with a fresh pair of eyes. We recommend going over it a couple of times – once to check that you’ve covered everything in terms of the subject matter and another for housekeeping. You want to ensure that you don’t lose any marks for basic things like spelling, punctuation and grammar. You should also take this time to make sure footnotes are accurate, as well as checking over any graphs, charts, diagrams and images.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this step-by-step guide and we’re confident that you now have everything you need to go on to successfully write an EPQ essay. Good luck!


  • Dissertation Blogs

10000 Word Dissertation Breakdown for New Students -Uniresearchers

Writing a lengthy dissertation can be a bit tricky task because organizing the structure and deciding the word count. It is because of this reason that there are dissertation help in the UK to provide students with correct guidance on how to write a lengthy dissertation. There are many dissertation writing services in the UK. A dissertation is required to be structured in a particular manner and the word count and the type of research topic also plays a key role in the. Of the total word count, 10% of it should be dedicated to writing the introduction part which is the first chapter of the dissertation. Since a base or platform of the entire dissertation is required to be created within this chapter, therefore, 10% of the word count is required to be allotted to this section. Within this section, the research aims and objectives, research questions, the background of the research and the outline of the research are covered. Since each of these aspects are required to be covered in small portions of words therefore, 10% of the word count is justifiable in this section. Thus, in a dissertation of 10000 words, 1000 words are required to be allotted to the introduction chapter.

The next chapter is the literature review which is one of the lengthiest chapters of the dissertation as the theoretical foundation of the dissertation is required to be build in this chapter. Of the total word count the literature review section is required to have a 30% of the total word count. In this chapter the views and the opinions of the different authors and scholars are covered and arguments are presented to understand the different perspective about the subject. Furthermore, the theories and the models related to the research subject are covered in this chapter. Since arguments and counter arguments are required to be given in all the sub headings of the literature review to enhance the overall quality, the high word count is

allotted to this section. Not only this, a sub section of research gap is also required to be covered in the literature review which although does not require majority of the word count but still, clarity of aspects is required to be considered which makes it up to a significant portion of the word count. Thus, 30% of the total word allotment for the literature review section is justifiable. Therefore, in a dissertation of 10000 words 3000-word count allotment to the literature review is apt.

The next chapter of the dissertation is research methodology which is known for providing a blueprint of information about the manner in which the research is intended to be carried out. The different research methods are discussed at a stretch in this chapter. Basically Sounder’s onion model is used in this chapter to understand the manner in which research aspects are bifurcated and the manner in which each of them is required to be selected. Furthermore, the philosophical approach and the data analysis approach is required to be presented in this chapter. Not only this, the manner in which data is to be analysed is discussed along1 with the sampling aspects. Therefore, allotting a total of 15% of the total word count to this chapter is sufficient. Data findings is the next chapter which is headed after the research methodology chapter. In this section, the collected data is simply put down in words and therefore, allotting just 5% of the total word count is sufficient. An in-depth analysis of dissertation findings is required to be provided in this section which does not cover much of word count. Critical thinking and discussion is the next chapter involved which is again the main part of the dissertation and thus a major part of the word count is required to be allotted to this section. A comprehensive overview of the results and their relevance to the dissertation is required to be covered in this dissertation. The findings are required to be discussed in congruence with the themes of the dissertation. Therefore, in a dissertation of 10000, allotting 3000 words to this chapter is justifiable. Conclusion is the last chapter of the dissertation which is required to be about 10% of the total word count. Thus, in this chapter, all the necessary information and findings from the dissertation are required to be summarised and at the same time, some recommendations are also required to be provided. Thus, in a dissertation of total 10000 words, 1000 words are justifiable for the conclusion chapter.

It is necessary to maintain the word count per section throughput the entire document as it helps in preventing from over boarding with the writing and at the same time ensures that nothing is underwritten. A 10000 word dissertation structure is given below-

Structing the dissertation

A dissertation is required to have 5 or 6 chapters. The format consists of-

  • Topic introduction
  • Analysis of existing literature for forming theoretical base
  • Outline of how conclusions were coming upon
  • In-depth analysis of findings and relevance to the field
  • Summary of results that demonstrates the value of study
  • ent id details are given

Acknowledgement – expressing the gratitude to all who contributed in the dissertation Abstract – providing a brief synopsis of work Table of contents – List of chapters along with page numbers are provided. List of figures – the figures used in dissertation along with the page number are mentioned

Introduction – Groundwork of the dissertation is presented

Literature Review – compiling the previous data from the past researches.

Methodology – the overall credibility of the research can be found out on the basis of methodology provided.

Results – the data gathered from the different sources is presented in this chapter. This chapter can be organised in different manner as per the requirements.

Discussion – the significance and application of findings of the research are discussed in this chapter. The findings are analysed and explained how they relate to the hypothesis.

Conclusion – the summary of the dissertation is presented along with the recommendations based on the findings. List of references- an exhaustive reference list of different sources used is given. Appendix – only relevant information that is in context to the information used in the dissertation is included in this section.

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5,000 word dissertation

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Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)

Will artificial intelligence put legal graduates out of work?

Will artificial intelligence put legal graduates out of work?

Why industry placements are so important for business students

Why industry placements are so important for business students

You don’t need to take a law conversion course for the SQE… but here’s why you should

You don’t need to take a law conversion course for the SQE… but here’s why you should


  1. 5000 word dissertation structure

    dissertation 5000 words structure

  2. 5000 Word Dissertation

    dissertation 5000 words structure

  3. How to Write a 5000 Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It? [Tips

    dissertation 5000 words structure

  4. 5000 Word Dissertation Structure

    dissertation 5000 words structure

  5. How to Write a 5000 Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It? [Tips

    dissertation 5000 words structure

  6. How to Write a 5000 Word Essay and How Many Pages Is It? [Tips

    dissertation 5000 words structure


  1. Congrats

  2. PhD thesis & Dissertation Structure ll MS, PhD

  3. Writing 10000 words ESSAY DISSERTATION in 2 hours| UK

  4. How to Structure Your Dissertation Scribbr

  5. Dissertation Support- Key Words for Literature Review

  6. Structure de la dissertation argumentative. Plan dialectique


  1. Dissertation Structure & Layout 101 (+ Examples)

    Time to recap…. And there you have it - the traditional dissertation structure and layout, from A-Z. To recap, the core structure for a dissertation or thesis is (typically) as follows: Title page. Acknowledgments page. Abstract (or executive summary) Table of contents, list of figures and tables.

  2. 5000 Word Dissertation Structure

    Here are some tips on how to structure a research methodology for a 5,000 word dissertation: - Begin by outlining the main points you want to make in your paper. - Then, develop these points by referencing relevant literature reviews and studies. - Next, flesh out these ideas by writing analytical essays that explore the implications of ...

  3. Writing your dissertation

    abstract, appendices, conclusion, discussion, essay title, introduction, literature review, method, references, results, structure. In this post, we look at the structural elements of a typical dissertation. Your department may wish you to include additional sections but the following covers all core elements you will need to work on when ...

  4. How to Write a Dissertation

    The structure of a dissertation depends on your field, but it is usually divided into at least four or five chapters (including an introduction and conclusion chapter). The most common dissertation structure in the sciences and social sciences includes: An introduction to your topic. A literature review that surveys relevant sources.

  5. How To Write A Dissertation Or Thesis

    Craft a convincing dissertation or thesis research proposal. Write a clear, compelling introduction chapter. Undertake a thorough review of the existing research and write up a literature review. Undertake your own research. Present and interpret your findings. Draw a conclusion and discuss the implications.

  6. How to Write a Dissertation: Step-by-Step Guide

    Most dissertations run a minimum of 100-200 pages, with some hitting 300 pages or more. When editing your dissertation, break it down chapter by chapter. Go beyond grammar and spelling to make sure you communicate clearly and efficiently. Identify repetitive areas and shore up weaknesses in your argument.

  7. 5000 Word Dissertation

    The format of a 5000 word dissertation is simple and easy to follow compared to the dissertations with greater word counts. Here is a simple breakdown of such a dissertation: Introduction. Literature Review. Methodology. Data Collection + Analysis. Conclusions and Recommendations.

  8. Dissertations 1: Getting Started: Starting Your Dissertation

    A dissertation is a research project completed as part of an undergraduate or postgraduate degree. Typically, a dissertation will enable you to present your findings in response to a question that you propose yourself. ... word count requirements can range anywhere from 5,000 to 8,000 words while a Masters level dissertation can be 10,000 to ...

  9. Write a dissertation

    Dissertations vary enormously in length - in the UK, some professional bodies require a piece of work of around 5,000 words (17 pages) while a higher level dissertation could be as long as 40,000 words (140 pages) although the latter would be unusual at undergraduate level. ... Structure for a multi-issue or qualitative dissertation. The ...

  10. Free Dissertation & Thesis Template (Word Doc & PDF)

    The cleanly-formatted Google Doc can be downloaded as a fully editable MS Word Document (DOCX format), so you can use it as-is or convert it to LaTeX. Download The Dissertation Template. Download Grad Coach's comprehensive dissertation and thesis template for free. Fully editable - includes detailed instructions and examples.

  11. Structuring Your Dissertation (or Thesis)

    By structuring your dissertation effectively, you facilitate a clear and organized presentation of your research, enabling readers to grasp the scope, methodology, findings, and conclusions of your study. A well-structured dissertation enhances the impact and credibility of your research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in your field.

  12. Breakdown of Number of Words in Each Chapter in Dissertation

    10% of your total word count. This is the first main chapter of a dissertation. The introductory chapter of a dissertation should consist of roughly 10% of the whole dissertation. This chapter of the dissertation has numerous purposes. The first main chapter of a dissertation is effective in setting the stage, so to speak, for the following ...

  13. How to write a dissertation

    A dissertation is an independent piece of academic work that reports on research that you have carried out, and is much longer and more in-depth than a regular essay or research project. Word counts for UK dissertations are typically between 8,000 words to 20,000 words, but the length, along with the criteria for the sections that are required depend on the subject of your degree and the ...

  14. Dissertations

    Overview. Dissertations are extended projects in which you choose, research and write about a specific topic. They provide an opportunity to explore an aspect of your subject in detail. You are responsible for managing your dissertation, though you will be assigned a supervisor. Dissertations are typically empirical (based on your own research ...

  15. EPQs: writing up your dissertation

    Facing a blank page and the prospect of writing 5000 or so words can feel daunting. But you can structure the way you write to help make the task easier. ... Table 4 Structuring the dissertation by word count; Word count; Abstract (summary) 150: Introduction: 650: ... But getting that structure down on the page is a key step for Charlotte in ...

  16. 5000 word dissertation structure

    Table of Contents. In academic writing, the term "5000 word dissertation structure" is used for describing a kind of structure that is used. The structure has been created in order to allow students to finish their academic papers. The way it works is quite simple actually. For every 5000 words you write, you must first write 5000 words ...

  17. Dissertation examples

    Dissertation examples. Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written.

  18. Smallbone Library: EPQ Guide: Expressing your ideas

    Reflecting. Expressing your ideas. This is the stage you have been building towards - writing your report. Although that is largely the focus of this page , it is not all there is to the EPQ. Your EPQ will be assessed on: Your completed Production Log. A written report (sometimes referred to in this guide as an essay)

  19. How to Write an EPQ Essay

    Consisting of around 5,000 words, an EPQ essay is an in-depth assignment which takes about 120 hours to complete. ... The way in which you phrase your question or hypothesis will affect the structure and flow of the whole essay. For example, some typical essay question formats include 'Compare and contrast', 'Critically evaluate' and ...

  20. 10000 Word Dissertation Breakdown for New Students -Uniresearchers

    Thus, in a dissertation of total 10000 words, 1000 words are. justifiable for the conclusion chapter. It is necessary to maintain the word count per section throughput the entire document as it. helps in preventing from over boarding with the writing and at the same time ensures that. nothing is underwritten.

  21. 5000 Word Dissertation Structure

    5000 Word Dissertation Structure - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of dissertation writing and provides a solution. It states that writing a 5000-word dissertation requires extensive research, analysis, and structuring. It can be difficult to juggle the demands of academic work alongside other responsibilities.

  22. 5,000 word dissertation

    Of a 5k dissertation I'd say this should be around 800 words roughly. Leave yourself around 900 words for a conclusion and how you structure the rest is up to you. Speak to your supervisor. Ask your module convenor for examples of good work from previous cohorts.