
Essay on Personality Development

Students are often asked to write an essay on Personality Development in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Personality Development


Personality Development refers to enhancing one’s traits for a holistic growth. It’s about improving communication, leadership skills, and maintaining a positive attitude.

Importance of Personality Development

A strong personality helps in better interaction and boosts confidence. It helps us to face challenges and achieve success.

Factors Influencing Personality Development

Various factors like environment, education, and relationships shape our personality. These elements help us grow and evolve as individuals.

Personality Development is a continuous process. It helps us to be better versions of ourselves, making us more adaptable and successful in life.

250 Words Essay on Personality Development

Personality development is a comprehensive term that encapsulates the improvement of an individual’s traits and attributes, which contribute to their overall character and image. It is an ongoing process that involves the growth and maturation of one’s personality, leading to self-awareness and personal enhancement.

Significance of Personality Development

Personality development is crucial as it enables individuals to enhance their interpersonal skills, which are vital in today’s highly competitive world. It aids in the development of traits such as confidence, optimism, and resilience, which are key to overcoming life’s challenges. Furthermore, it promotes effective communication skills, leadership qualities, and emotional intelligence, which are integral to personal and professional success.

Several factors influence personality development. The environment, including family, school, and community, plays a significant role in shaping one’s personality. The experiences, both positive and negative, that an individual encounters throughout their life also contribute to their personality development. Genetic factors, although not entirely controllable, also play a part in defining an individual’s temperament and behavior.

In conclusion, personality development is a lifelong process that involves the continuous growth and enhancement of an individual’s character and attributes. It is a critical aspect of human development that can significantly influence one’s personal, academic, and professional success. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to focus on their personality development and strive for continuous self-improvement.

500 Words Essay on Personality Development

Personality development is an enduring process of cultivating behaviors, attitudes, and communication patterns that make an individual distinctive. It involves both the improvement of personal traits and the development of a holistic persona that plays a crucial role in achieving success in life.

The Essence of Personality Development

Several factors contribute to personality development, including genetic predisposition, upbringing, education, environment, and experiences. Genetic factors contribute to the fundamental aspects of personality, such as temperament. Upbringing and education, on the other hand, shape our values, beliefs, and attitudes.

Environment and experiences play a significant role in shaping our personality. The environment we are exposed to, the people we interact with, and the experiences we have all contribute to the development of our personality. Positive experiences contribute to a confident, well-adjusted personality, while negative experiences may lead to a lack of confidence and low self-esteem.

Role of Personality Development in Success

The process of personality development.

Personality development is a continuous process that starts from the time we are born and continues throughout our life. It involves a constant interaction between our innate characteristics and the environment. This process can be influenced by consciously deciding to improve ourselves by learning new skills, adopting healthy habits, and developing positive attitudes.

In conclusion, personality development is an essential aspect of our lives that influences our success and happiness. It is a continuous process that requires conscious effort and commitment. By understanding the factors that influence our personality and taking steps to develop our personality, we can enhance our potential, improve our relationships, and achieve success in life.

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education and personality development essay writing

Psychology Discussion

Essay on personality development.


After reading this essay you will learn about Personality Development:- 1. Definition of Personality Development 2. Characteristics of Personality Development 3. Three Cases 4. Freudian Analysis 5. Swami Vivekananda’s Concept.

  • Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Personality Development

Essay # 1. Definition of Personality Development:

Personality is concerned with the psychological pattern of an individual— the thoughts, emotions and feelings—that are unique to a person. In fact, the totality of character, attributes and traits of a person are responsible for molding his personality.

These inherent personality traits and the different soft skills interact with each other and make a person what he or she is. It helps bring out a number of intrinsic qualities of a person, which are a must in any responsible position.

In simple words, personality is a set of qualities that make a person distinct from another. The word ‘personality’ originates from the Latin word ‘persona’, which means a mask. In the theatre of the ancient Latin-speaking world, the mask was just a conventional device to represent or typify a particular character.

It is the sum of the characteristics that constitute the mental and physical being of a person including appearance, manners, habits, taste and even moral character. The personality of a person is how he presents himself to the world; it is how others see him.

It has been aptly said:

Reputation is what people think you are.

Personality is what you seem to be.

Character is what you really are.

When we do something again and again, we form a habit. Ultimately these habits form a particular behaviour. If they recur frequently, they become a part of our psyche. They are reflected in all our activities—what we say, what we do, how we behave in certain circumstances and even in how we think. They become the core of our personality.

Personality analysis is thus a methodology for categorizing the character and behaviour of a person. Personality is made up of some characteristic pattern of thoughts, feelings and behaviour that make one person different from others.

Each of these individual attributes has its own individual characteristics, as indicated in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 Personality Attributes and their Characteristics:

According to a theory expostulated by Carl Jung (1875-1961), a contemporary of Freud, all personal characteristics are a by-product of two fundamental attitude types: introversion and extroversion. Extroverts are optimistic, outgoing and confident, while introverts are averse to going out and facing the world outside.

Besides introversion and extroversion, different temperaments of indi­viduals play an important role in determining their personality. Long ago, Greek physician Hippocrates put forward the theory that the temperament of a person is dependent on certain fluids (which he calls ‘humor’) present in the human body.

Disproportionate mixtures and increase of any of the humors causes a change in the human temperament.

According to this categorization, human temperaments have been classified into four categories:

Sanguine temperament — caused by excess of blood

Melancholic temperament — caused by excess of spleen

Phlegmatic temperament — caused by excess of phlegm

Choleric temperament — caused by excess of bile

Individual attributes of these temperaments are given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2 Attributes and temperaments:

This ancient theory of Hippocrates has undergone many modifications but the main principle still holds good. However, these individual attributes are not the only factors that mould the personality: heredity and environment also play a major part in influencing one’s personality. Here are a few comprehensive case studies illustrating the points discussed.

Through the following three case studies, it will become clear that personality is a multi-dimensional issue with the following key characteristics:

1. One’s personality sends out a signal that others read.

2. Consciously different personalities can be powerful.

3. There is no ‘one right personality’ ; it differs by role.

Essay # 2. Characteristics of Personality Development:

Case i: one’s personality sends out a signal that others read :.

Nelson Mandela had a towering personality. The world respects him, and knows many aspects of his personality. Yet, as you read through the different anecdotes of this great leader, what strikes you as a refreshing revelation is that Mandela very effectively ‘worked on’ his personality. He was conscious that his personality reflected the confidence he exuded in others, and his demeanor was a signal to his people.

As stated in a TIME magazine article (2008), during a presidential election campaign. Nelson Mandela’s propeller plane developed a snag a few minutes before landing. Mandela, however, continued to be calm, reading a newspaper. The plane had an emergency landing and Mandela came out safe.

Later Mandela said, ‘Man, I was terrified up there!.. Of course I was afraid!… But as a leader, you cannot let people know. You must put up a front.’ Richard Stengel wrote in this TIME magazine article about Mandela as he reflected on this episode:

‘And that’s precisely what he learned to do: pretend and, through the act of appearing fearless, inspire others. It was a pantomime Mandela perfected on Robben island, where there was much to fear.

Prisoners who were with him said watching Mandela walk across the courtyard, upright and proud, was enough to keep them going for days. He knew that he was a model for others, and that gave him the strength to triumph over his own fear.’

Similarly, while Mandela was always bitter about his long imprisonment, he always put up a positive demeanour about it.

India’s cricket captain, Mahendra Singh Dhoni too sends a cool and composed signal to his team at all times. Even in the most stressful situations, he appears completely in control and unruffled.

Yet, internally he churns his thoughts at all times, with a deft combination of planning his moves and being outright street-smart. He is aware that his unflustered exterior is a signal that keeps his team composed and focused, without losing their nerve in crunch situations.

Personality, unlike what many people believe, is not in-born and static. It can be consciously developed and changed. With conscious effort, one can project the desired personality.

For example, in preparation for an interview session, or in one’s professional career, a person may have to work on his personality. Every role comes with certain personality expectations.

By consciously working on the desired traits over time and projecting the desired ones, one can make a very tangible change to his original self to meet the expectations.

One’s personality is a signal that others read at all times. This includes every gesture and every articulation of the person. This signal is read by the interviewer or by superiors in a professional world. In turn, opinion gets formed and selection choices are made based on such impressions.

In one’s career, it is therefore important to recognize at all times that there is a direct correlation between the personality signal one sends out and one’s career growth. Those who do not align these expectations may get stunted in their careers.

Case II: Same Person: Consciously Different Personalities can be Powerful :

Mandela’s powerful personality always reached his people. Waving hands with a smiling face and wearing bright coloured print shirts showed him as a fulfilled patriarch of modem Africa. His tight fists during his run for the Presidency showed his determined resolve.

Wearing fatigues and sporting a beard while he was the leader of the African National Congress’s (ANC’s) underground wing showed his aggression (TIME 2008). Thus, it is possible, and even desirable, to not have the same personality under all conditions. Consciously working on, and demonstrating different personalities under different conditions can be very powerful.

In a corporate-setting, appearance and body language matter. One’s attire, demeanour and style reflect one’s personality. Hence, it is important to consciously work on one’s appearance so that it creates the desired impression during an interview or subsequently in one’s career.

Case III: There isn’t One Right Personality; It Differs by Role :

In an interview for a global team leader position, an experienced candidate, Seema, was pitted against a well-qualified and outspoken John. Seema had worked in several companies, and led small teams. John, on the other hand, was a brilliant researcher and had primarily worked in individual contributor roles.

During the interview for the team leader position, the interviewer presented a case where the work to be done is split across two teams—one in India, the other in the US. The team in India looked at their counterpart in the US as a threat, and vice versa. Each team wanted to get a bigger share of the pie and own more of the quality work than the other.

When John was asked how he would handle the leadership of the India team, he said he would outmaneuver the US team by demonstrating clear innovation excellence and superiority of his team over its counterpart.

He confidently articulated the many methods he would use to showcase to his management how the work he did will clearly be of higher value and impact. This would ensure increased ownership of the work by the India team, and hence a larger share of the pie.

Seema, however took a completely different view. She said she would first call for a joint face-to-face interaction session between the US and the India teams. The intent would be to break any mental barriers and misgivings between the teams and the respective leaders.

She said it is critical that the teams on both sides of the globe think of themselves as one team—since they both represented the same company, working to win against the competition. Subsequent to that session, the teams will work cohesively, supporting each other at all times, to win more customer business.

This way, she explained, the total work pie can be grown, benefiting both the teams. It would give both the India team and the US team more responsibilities.

The interview team liked John’s aggression and confidence, but felt that these personality traits, while valuable in many cases, were not appropriate for this role. The current role required a strong ethic of teamwork and global collaboration.

John’s focus would lead to more internal strife and competition. He would dissipate more energy on winning internal battles. Seema’s strategy was to build a strong global team and to focus her energy externally to win against competitors.

Essay # 3. Personality Development from the Three Cases:

The three case studies clearly bring out an important learning:

Personality is our identity, as perceived by others. A particular personality can be groomed.

This is well-stated in a video on personality development by Economic Times (2009), which states:

‘Personality development is a continuous process and the evolution of an individual’s personality is linked to his personal and professional growth. It is often multi-faceted, and individuals display different personalities at different places and in different phases of their life.’

‘The need to develop your personality in line with people, place, time etc., underlines the importance of personality development. The process of personality development requires a set of skills that need to be learned and at times unlearned.’

The three case studies bring out the following:

There is no one right or wrong personality. It varies by the role and situation at hand. An aggressive personality that is critical to achieve success in some situations may be counterproductive in another situation. Similarly, an introverted personality may be better-suited for some roles than an extroverted personality.

It is also important to be conscious that one’s personality constantly emits a signal for others to read. Thus, it is important for one to have a deep realization of the role one intends to pursue and its expectations—and work on grooming the desired personality traits.

Essay # 4. Freudian Analysis of Personality Development:

According to Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), personality consists of three structures (Fig. 1.1):

3. Superego

Of these three, the id is absolutely unconscious; it has nothing to do with reality. It acts per the pleasure principle that demands immediate gratification irrespective of the environment. However, such instant satisfaction of the needs is not always realistic or socially acceptable.

Examples of id would be the instinct to grab a beautiful piece of artistry from a museum to satisfy our own craving. Another example could be to want to hit a person in public as a reaction to an abuse.

Next is the ego, which is actively concerned with the reality principle. It intends to realistically meet the demands of the id in accordance with the outside word. Freud considered the ego to be very sensitive and prompt to react to anything it considers unsavory in the outside world that it confronts.

However, having a strong ego has the positive advantage of reacting positively to criticisms and problems. It urges one to proceed forward with determination to achieve the desired goal.

For example, the ego would make the person realize that there is armed security in the museum and there is no way to grab the piece of artistry from the museum. The ego, in the other example, would also tell the person that there is no way to smack the other person who is much stronger physically than him.

Finally, the superego, according to Freud, is the moral branch of personality, which goes beyond being the realistic. It reflects the values arid judgment, including the ones developed during one’s childhood upbringing that forces the demands of the id to be met not only realistically but morally.

Freud believed that one’s personality is based on the dynamic interactions amongst these three components. The super ego would reflect, and realize that the consequence of grabbing the piece of artistry from the museum or smacking a person in public would not only be construed as a criminal offence, but will be morally improper.

The person may instead choose to look at other options to procure at low cost a replica of the same piece of art. Similarly, instead of hitting, stating a counter-point that communicates strong displeasure may be more appropriate. It is interesting to note that all-round development of the personality is also the main theme of the philosophy of Swami Vivekananda.

Essay # 5. Swami Vivekananda’s Concept of Personality Development:

According to the Vedantic concept advocated by Swami Vivekananda, all-round harmonious development of personality is possible if proper attention is given to the five dimensions that are involved in forming and developing the human personality.

Good leadership qualities are the outcome of different types of personality traits.

Psychologists have categorized personality types as follows, based on the Enneagram, which dates back at least two thousand five hundred years.

1. Perfectionists

3. Achievers

4. Romantics

5. Observers

6. Questioners

7. Enthusiasts or adventurers

8. Bosses or asserters

9. Mediators or peacemakers

It is critical to note that an individual’s personality should not be made to force-fit into one of these categories. Inherent in individuals is a mix of personalities, which shows itself in different circumstances and contrasting environments.

In one’s career too, one needs to demonstrate a combination of these personalities that best suits the situation. Each of these personality attributes also bring out different classes of leadership. Working with leaders that exhibit these characteristics at different stages of one’s career can be a great learning opportunity for professionals.

The different personality types can be described as follows:

a. Perfectionists:

Leaders who are perfectionists set a very high bar of expectation for themselves.

They are principled leaders with the following personality traits:

1. Strive for excellence in everything they do—however large or small :

Perfection in content and look-and-feel are both important to them. These leaders are very dedicated, and have an extremely intense work ethic. As a natural consequence, such leaders often expect the same from their people. Their motto for their team is to do every aspect of the job in a way that cannot be improved upon.

2. Foundation built on a strong focus of quality :

To such leaders, a flaw in execution is an absolute no-no. Hence, to ensure flawless execution, they develop and pursue systematic processes with intense rigor. These processes include multiple checks-and-balances at each step to ensure that errors surface in the early stages and get rectified.

3. Lofty standards :

Another characteristic of such leaders is setting lofty standards. They benchmark themselves with the highest global standards, and strive for themselves and their teams to achieve the same. They have internal metrics to constantly compare themselves and their teams against the benchmark. Their high standards make them respected by their people for the quality of what they produce.

However, perfectionist leaders could potentially get slowed down by the weight of their own expectations. It is not uncommon to see programmes led by such leaders getting delayed over and over again. This happens due to the perfectionists’ constant desire to improve, without making a judgment call on the right time to stop, and move on to the next programme.

Individuals wanting to pursue a career in a design can learn from perfectionists. Companies which look at design as their core competency value the skills of perfectionists.

b. Helpers:

These leaders seek out opportunities to assist others. They are often good coaches and sounding boards for their people. Their personality is built on sincere skills to listen to, and to understand the needs of others. These leaders thrive on building and nurturing relationships.

Three key attributes of these leaders that are based on strong interpersonal skills are:

1. Smiling demeanor:

They have a pleasant personality, are optimistic, and have a cheerful attitude not only about work, but also about life.

2. Generously appreciative:

To get the best out of their teams and peers, they are always generously appreciative of the work they do. They do not lose an opportunity to encourage their people and give a pat on their back to increase their team’s enthusiasm to encourage further contributions. They show that they care.

3. Empathy:

This implies understanding the position of someone from one’s own position. In other words, these leaders put themselves in the other’s shoes and try to understand how they would feel if they were in the same position.

Helpers, however, often get trapped in their over-zealousness to please and support many people. Their weakness is their inability to say ‘no’ . They cannot turn down requests from others. Thus, they bring unto themselves huge mental stress as more and more people get to depend on them.

Strong leaders who exhibit this personality trait find a way to overcome this handicap, by coming up with a scalable model with others sharing the load of supporting the people who are dependent on them. Individuals looking for roles in human Resources or coaches/mentors in organizations can build the ‘helper’ personality.

c. Achievers:

These are leaders who excel in a single-minded pursuit of their goals. What characterizes these leaders is their focus and relentless pursuit of moving ahead while removing obstacles that come their way.

These leaders have the following personality traits:

1. Goal setting:

These leaders set aggressive, but realistic goals. They begin with a clear vision of what they set out to do for their work groups and for themselves. They break it up into near-term milestones for the teams—and ensure that the team remains focused on them at all times.

2. Execution:

Achievers are highly execution-oriented and this is their biggest strength. They overcome barriers that come their way. They plan well, monitor risks at all times, and provide for contingencies. They are also known for building a culture of efficiency in their organization.

Lack of efficiency and competence in their teams that slows execution frustrates them. Speed means a lot to achievers—and they do everything to inculcate these traits amongst their team members. Learning from achievers can give a jump-start to a young professional’s career.

By observing such leaders, one can understand the art and science of goal-setting and instill in themselves the spirit of maniacal execution. People with highly ambitious career goals develop the personality traits of achievers and learn from those who practice it effectively.

d. Romantics:

Romantics are idealistic leaders. They crave for Utopia—in terms of where they want to see themselves, and their groups and organization. They set goals that may not be realistic—but ones that ‘looks and feels glamorous’. They are expressive and often excel in artistic pursuits as part of, or in addition to their chosen profession.

Some personality traits of romantics are:

1. Set lofty vision that may not be grounded in reality:

These leaders lack realism. They dream and set goals that are impossible to meet—but create a (short-lived) feel-good ambience.

2. Lack focus and are poor in taking decisions:

Romantics are unable to focus on a goal and take hard decisions that are needed to move forward in pursuit of the vision.

3. Kind and people-friendly:

They are kind-hearted, humorous, love to interact with people, can spend long hours discussing how things should be (and are not today).

e. Observers:

These leaders have a strong sixth sense. They are highly intuitive in gauging situations.

1. Intuitive:

Observers are highly perceptive. They have a keen power to process the events around them, do a causal analysis, and come to their own conclusion. They are more curious than others, and often get deeply entangled in analyzing seemingly minor events around them for a long time.

2. Critical:

The observations made by these leaders lead to critical and sharp conclusions, sometimes bordering on pessimism.

Observers are loners. In fact, they appreciate being left alone and be given the time to analyse situations in depth.

Observers like to be respected for their well thought through views and in-depth analysis. They do not take to criticism very lightly and tend to get argumentative if doubted.

In one’s career, having some aspect of the traits of the observer can help an individual be perceptive of the situation around them, and take the right career decisions.

f. Questioners:

These are leaders who keep an organization honest and move in the right direction without getting into complacency.

Key attributes of questioners are:

1. Analytical skills:

Questioners possess the gifted ability to think on their feet. They have a sharp analytical bent of mind which helps them in finding flaws in arguments and in the rationale.

2. Lateral thinking:

These leaders possess the skills for lateral thinking. When most others in a team are naturally drifting towards a conclusion, questioners bring in fresh perspective and lateral thinking.

3. Articulate:

These leaders communicate crisply and forcefully. They are usually respected for their views. Having questioners in a team can be an asset to ensure an organization does not drift in the wrong direction. They may come across sometimes as negative or ones who slow down the standard process, but they may be ignored at the organization’s peril.

These leaders allow one to think through the non-obvious and thereby avoid risky pitfalls. They also ensure that teams do not get into the trap of group-think in the wrong direction.

g. Enthusiasts or Adventurers:

Enthusiasts lend an air of optimism around them.

They have the following attributes:

1. Variety:

They thrive on variety. Enthusiasts tend to move from one role to another, and even change professions completely over the course of their career.

2. Story teller:

Enthusiasts love to dream a future, and tend to get their teams-excited about it. These dreams may not be grounded in reality, but that does not bother the enthusiasts. They tell stories to their teams about how the world will be in their desired future state.

3. Spontaneous:

They are spontaneous, have high energy and eternally optimistic. Often they have an infectious personality that rallies people around them. Enthusiasts or adventurers, however, fail to sometimes carry through on their commitments. Their execution and attention to detail are sloppy, and need strong people to balance them.

People interested in following a career in public speaking need to have some traits of Adventurers, as they go from one situation to the other, telling stories of successes and new models for growth.

h. Bosses or Asserters:

People with the ‘Boss’ personality are those with high determination and are possessed with a sense of direction. They have a clear idea of the direction to be taken, and are dismissive of other’s views.

Some of the traits bosses or asserters exhibit are:

1. Courageous:

Asserters have strong conviction of thought. They have an independent mindset, and are confident of their approach. They are not afraid to take unpopular decisions.

2. Power orientation:

They love to have the power and even demonstrate the power to their subordinates and peers. They come across as dominating in meetings and sometimes are poor listeners.

3. Supportive of team:

Strange as it may seem to some, asserters fight for their people and protect them in discussions where their worth is challenged. Asserters are strong personalities who may be dismissive of good suggestions from their team members, if these are contrary to their opinion.

Extremely assertive leaders sometimes lead to a high-stress situation in organizations, and often cause bum-out. One who needs to turnaround an organization from a crisis by taking hard decisions can learn from the skills of asserters.

i. Mediators or Peacemakers:

An organization cannot do without peacemakers. Conflicts are common in any organization, and peacemakers ensure these do not go out of hand. While peacemakers play an important, sometimes invisible role in an organization, they sometimes feel frustrated at the lack of due recognition for the thankless role they play.

Peacemakers are characterized-by the following:

1. Good at arbitration and trustworthy :

These leaders observe situations and carefully listen to positions of all concerned. They then deftly look for possible middle-ground. They are trusted by all, because they do not play games and are genuinely interested in a solution. This helps them to be effective in volatile situations.

2. Hate conflict :

Peacemakers try to take the steam out of confrontational situations. They tell the warring parties why ‘winning’ is inconsequential and take both sides to a compromise. They thrive in harmony.

3. Like to be respected :

They have an inherent desire to be respected for the critical role they play in an organization to keep the harmony. But whatever might be the types of personality of a leader, leadership in general means the ability to influence others and convert them to their own opinion. A leader is capable of changing the scenario from you versus me, to you and me.

It has been said that a leader is a person who knows the road, who can keep ahead and who pulls others with him. A leader gains the confidence of others because he has confidence in himself whatever might be the adversities he faces.

He knows that even if he can’t direct the winds, he can at least adjust the sails. He understands how to win the heart of others and win his objective. Leadership qualities can be ascertained with the help of different kinds of personality tests.

Related Articles:

  • Personality Development: Definition and Characteristics
  • Top 9 Types of Personality Traits
  • Personality: Short Essay on Personality
  • Role of Will and Character in Personality Development

Essay on Personality Development | Role of Education in Personality Development

Essay on personality development.

Education is an important factor in the personality development of individuals. The school, after the home, is one of the social structures every child will pass through and one of its purposes is to build the character of that child. We shall be looking at some of the roles it plays in this process.

What is personality development?

Character development.

As I stated earlier, the school plays a great role in the overall personality development of an individual.

In school, virtues such as honesty, fairness, kindness, and respect are taught. The teachers and educationists have a tremendous influence on students and they are seen as role models so it is necessary that set good examples always.

There are several methods of building character in students and when the character is inbuilt in the student, positive behavior is almost automatic. There are several schools of thought that have provided different pillars that help build character.

Here, I have listed a combination of these pillars to help in the personality development of our young ones. They are:


1.2 – respect.

They should be taught the need to show respect to others by being courteous, acting with dignity, giving autonomy, tolerating opposing views, and accepting criticism.


1.4 – fairness.

This is a character trait of being fair to all and in all situations. They should be taught the importance of this.

1.5 – CARING

The students should be shown why this character trait is essential and how it tells well of them.


1.7 – teamwork, 1.8 – excellence.

The student should learn how important it is to excel in whatever they do and that excellence has its rewards.


Set the rules.

Be clear of what is acceptable and unacceptable. It is also advisable to discuss them with the students. To make this work, make sure that you set an example for them so that it would be easier for them to follow.

You should be kind, neat, and punctual in class. You should also show respect to others and finish your work within schedule. By doing so, they will realize that they themselves do not have an excuse to fail or disregard rules.

They should always exhibit positive behavior so as to become role models for the students. It would also be good if a reward system can be put in place to reward good behavior.

Point them towards positive role models

Students would easily want to measure up to the character of someone they admire. The teacher should talk about such people that the students can learn from.

They can also be asked to describe, assess, and match the personality traits and behaviors of those people. The teacher can also talk about the behavior and lifestyle of current world leaders and celebrities and as the student to assess if their words match their actions.

Build a culture of respect

Teach them to talk positively.

Further Reading

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Importance of Education in Personality Development

For all those who are doing higher studies, personality development is amongst one of the most common terms heard by them. Such an important practice of this term signifies its importance. Personality development does not mean to enrich a person’s outlook. Personality development is not achieving good grades. Personality development is not just one thing but it is a cluster of many things. Personality development is the knowledge of what you are. It includes all the traits you have, your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing them is just not sufficient, you need to accept them. If you are not ready to accept them, then change them. Personality development is self-confidence and positivity. Self-confidence is the first and the most important trait of personality development. Someone who desires a dashing personality should have self-confidence and he must toss out all the negativity away from his mind. He needs to have an optimistic approach to life. Personality development means to be courteous. A person who is always admired for his personality is always courteous towards others.  He will be always ready to help others and will be very polite and humble with everyone he meets. And last but not the least personality is enhanced by the attire that suits the occasion. Obviously going to a board meeting wearing shorts and tees is not at all acceptable. On the other hand, for girls, going to their work while you are wearing so many jewellery pieces is not a trait of good personality.

If you want to succeed in life you must have a good personality. Wherever you go, it is your personality that describes not the words you speak. Suppose you go to a party wearing a very good suit and you just look awesome in it. You are being admired for your looks, for your achievements and everybody is praising you. Suddenly a waiter comes and by mistake drops some drink on your suit and says sorry. Instead of forgiving him for his mistake you slap him in front of everyone and yell at him very badly. This scene will make a fuss of your whole personality. You will no more be praised, but everyone will speak against you behind your back. This may be a great stop in your career and achievements also. This may bring you down from topmost priority to the last priority. But if you had forgiven the waiter, you would have increased your number of admirers. Personality plays a very important role in success. Your personality can make you more preferred over others. Your personality may provide with more opportunities. A good personality can bring in many surprises in your life. Personality development is often conjugated with a good education. Education plays a very important role in developing a good personality.

Role of Education in Personality Development

  • Education gives Knowledge:   Knowledge is important. If you sit in a group of people without any knowledge, you will be considered not less than a fool. Lack of knowledge can cut down the pleasing effect of politeness and a good dressing sense. Knowledge will let you indulge in a good discussion with your fellow mates and will leave your unforgettable imprint in their mind. It is just like a magical booster to your personality. Education increases your intellectual growth. Education can keep your mind directed in the right direction. It can give you a motive in your life. So you will get to know what you are doing and will be its consequences. For every step you take in life, you will know why you are doing so. This will reflect in your personality and enhance it.
  • Education can Teach you Ethics:   To be successful, you need to face many defeats. You will have to accept the defeats. Education will teach you to use fair means no matter what happens. A cheater is always a cheater and this reflects his personality. The badge of a cheater is more than enough to completely ruin your personality. Education will teach you to be fair to everyone. In every situation, you need to avoid cheating and dishonesty. Education will give you many lessons so that you can differentiate between what is right and what is wrong. And when the time comes, you will know what the truthful track is and you will opt for that. Remember, lies are temporary and the truth is forever. So whatever personality you make by incorrect means, it will be temporary. Only fair means will offer you a good and a permanent personality.
  • Education Boosts your Confidence:   Confidence is a must for personality development. Education is the only booster which can help you in passing the hurdle of low self-confidence. Most of the people are usually very shy. Education gives them a chance to develop self-confidence. Education system gives them a chance e to sit with other people, talk with them, befriend them, have a healthy communication with them, learn new things and clear the doubts. Every little step will increase your confidence. Every new person you meet in your day, you need a lot of confidence to talk to them. We can see that children studying in schools can easily talk with other people without any shyness. They can also address a group of people. This is because the education system is injecting confidence in them and they are using it to enhance their personality.
  • Education can give you Opportunities and Experience:   A good personality needs opportunities. Opportunities can be considered a way to show off your personality. A personality without an opportunity is of no use. Your personality has nothing to do if you have to just sit idle at your home. Opportunities and experience are interrelated. Opportunities give you experience and experience gives you more opportunities. Opportunities to teach you many new things. There are some things which can only be learnt through experience, not through education. But then also these experiences come from opportunities given by education.
  • Education can teach you how to Behave:   A good behaviour towards others is always appreciated and admired. As quoted above, a wrong behaviour can spoil the whole personality that you have created for many years. Code of conduct that is how to behave is also taught by the education system. Education can teach how to act when you are in a conference or at a party, or somewhere else. Education can teach how to talk to other people. Education can teach you what to speak and what not to. In the modern education system, you are surrounded by many people around you and you need to communicate with them some or the other time. This can be considered as a practical test for your code of conduct. You can develop into a very good person if you can learn how to behave.
  • Education can Develop Healthy Habits:   Healthy habits can be associated with good manners. It includes how to eat, how to walk, how to talk, and many others things. These things are taught to students from the very beginning. These are the first things taught to them when they join the school. An important factor in healthy habits is cleanliness within you and outside you. This is also taught in the education system. Schools often teach the student to keep their surroundings neat and clean. They also teach them to stay physically neat and clean. Bathing daily, cutting nails, regular haircut, are all part of cleanliness within you. At some point in time, these things affect the personality of a person.
  • Education can help Increase Memory and Thinking Skills:   Memory and thinking skills can be considered as showstoppers of your brain. Your thinking skills and memory can easily impress anyone. Excellent thinking skills will lead to healthy discussion and will give you an unforgettable personality. Sharp memory skills will let you remember previously met faces and facts. When you remember something which you have not encountered for a long time it is quite impressive. It leaves a positive remark on your personality. You and your personality will be praised. Memory and thinking skills are god gifted to some people and others get this skill from education. Education can sharpen these skills.
  • Education makes a Person Disciplined:   Discipline is always overlooked. But it is a very important trait in personality development. Discipline is what differentiates between man and wild. Obviously behaving wildly will show your non-serious attitude and an unwanted and unappreciated personality.in the schools, from beginning to passing, students are taught to stay in the discipline. In all professional areas, discipline is a must. If you are undisciplined, you will be soon kicked out of there. On the other hand, if you will always be in discipline, everyone will praise your work, everyone will like you, and no one will have any problems with you. This is what a good person wants.

Conclusion Everybody wants a good personality. But it cannot be made in an eyes blink. It needs time, patience and handwork. It is just like a plant, you need to nourish it to get the fruit. Similarly, you need to do to nourish yourself, physically and mentally. You need to put in positivity in your mind. You need knowledge. You need experience and opportunities. You need to be disciplined. When you will mix in all these, the magic portion of your personality will be developed. For acquiring all this, you need to get the education first. Without education, it is next to impossible to get all these things. Education can give you almost everything. A good personality is one of those things. If you want to develop a good personality, take education seriously. Education is not a joke. If you will take it lightly, you will develop a personality which is next to a joke.

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Updated On: 18-Sep-2018

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education and personality development essay writing

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Essay on Importance of Education for Students

500 words essay on importance of education.

To say Education is important is an understatement. Education is a weapon to improve one’s life. It is probably the most important tool to change one’s life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. Education improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the personality and attitude. Most noteworthy, Education affects the chances of employment for people. A highly educated individual is probably very likely to get a good job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell you about the value of education in life and society.

essay on importance of education

Importance of Education in Life

First of all, Education teaches the ability to read and write. Reading and writing is the first step in Education. Most information is done by writing. Hence, the lack of writing skill means missing out on a lot of information. Consequently, Education makes people literate.

Above all, Education is extremely important for employment. It certainly is a great opportunity to make a decent living. This is due to the skills of a high paying job that Education provides. Uneducated people are probably at a huge disadvantage when it comes to jobs. It seems like many poor people improve their lives with the help of Education.

education and personality development essay writing

Better Communication is yet another role in Education. Education improves and refines the speech of a person. Furthermore, individuals also improve other means of communication with Education.

Education makes an individual a better user of technology. Education certainly provides the technical skills necessary for using technology . Hence, without Education, it would probably be difficult to handle modern machines.

People become more mature with the help of Education. Sophistication enters the life of educated people. Above all, Education teaches the value of discipline to individuals. Educated people also realize the value of time much more. To educated people, time is equal to money.

Finally, Educations enables individuals to express their views efficiently. Educated individuals can explain their opinions in a clear manner. Hence, educated people are quite likely to convince people to their point of view.

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Importance of Education in Society

First of all, Education helps in spreading knowledge in society. This is perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of Education. There is a quick propagation of knowledge in an educated society. Furthermore, there is a transfer of knowledge from generation to another by Education.

Education helps in the development and innovation of technology. Most noteworthy, the more the education, the more technology will spread. Important developments in war equipment, medicine , computers, take place due to Education.

Education is a ray of light in the darkness. It certainly is a hope for a good life. Education is a basic right of every Human on this Planet. To deny this right is evil. Uneducated youth is the worst thing for Humanity. Above all, the governments of all countries must ensure to spread Education.

FAQs on Essay on Importance of Education

Q.1 How Education helps in Employment?

A.1 Education helps in Employment by providing necessary skills. These skills are important for doing a high paying job.

Q.2 Mention one way in Education helps a society?

A.2 Education helps society by spreading knowledge. This certainly is one excellent contribution to Education.

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Personality and Emotional Development Essay

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Personal development of every child is as important as acquisition of scientific facts and learning of the basic laws of the universe. Ability of a person to apply social-emotional skills in adulthood can be considered as a positive contribution of the system of education to it. Positive social development in a wider range of social roles and responsibilities of an individual can be reached through such personal skills and capabilities as leadership, respect to others, non-abusive behavior, and ability to negotiate.

An individual should respect others, be able to negotiate over certain issues, avoid verbal and physical abuse to persuade a person or display his/her emotions or ideas, and try to succeed in all activities he/she participates in. as such, all abovementioned skills can be analyzed in complex with regard to their close connection to each other.

Family environment can be as encouraging as discouraging in terms of development of social-emotional skills of children. As such, the best qualities of the family environment that can positively contribute to the development of social-emotional skills in children include the following:

  • Encouragement of initiatives and leadership skills in children can make them be more independent and active in their activities;
  • Respect for decisions of children as well as other adults in the family is the key quality to developing of respect and non-abusive behavior in children;
  • Discussion of problems openly is aimed at making children not afraid of having their own ideas and making decisions in accordance with the viewpoints of other members of the family. If parents notice some changes in the behavior of their children, they should be ready to discuss it openly within the family and with the teacher.

At the same time, family environment can have negative effect on development of social-emotional skills. In this respect, the qualities that can inhibit the child’s development for a range of roles and responsibilities in society include lack of respect in the family to the opinion of other members.

This can be seen through prohibitions and denial of a child’s own will when parents tend to decide what is ‘better’ for their children. Existence of this quality in the family may prevent a child from obtaining such social –emotional skills as leadership and ability to negotiate because he/she is taught at home to have no personal viewpoints.

On the other hand, such quality as verbal or physical abuse can prevent a child from respective adults in general and those who can resemble the one who makes the child suffer from abusing. Moreover, a child can treat abusing as a norm of behavior and use it as an argument when he/she can see no chance for peaceful negotiation. In addition, physical and verbal abuse can be the reason for a number of other problems in a child’s development.

Classroom environment can be really encouraging for students in terms of development of their social-emotional skills that can be further applied to a wider range of roles and responsibilities. For instance, a teacher can introduce group activities so that children could practice their leadership skills and show respect in reaching an agreement while working on the assignments.

As suggested by Slaving et al. (2003), “cooperative learning activities can be planned with groups of children at different levels who can help each other learn” (cited in Slavin, 2009, p. 46). Besides, a teacher can “create rules in the classroom that recognize positive behavior, such as co-operation, caring, helping, encouragement and support” (Elias, 2003, p. 8).

At the same time, another positive quality of the classroom environment that can contribute to development of social-emotional skills is relationship between students and attitude of the teacher toward interest groups and encouraging students to make friends.

Classroom environment can become the reason for problems a child encounters in terms of social-emotional development. For instance, if a teacher does not care about the relationship between classmates, children can behave in a negative manner affecting others and preventing each other from making progress.

Besides, a teacher can negatively affect children in case he/she show disrespect for one of student or another teacher thus showing a vivid example. Probably, students would follow such an example and disrespecting people with no reason and abusing them verbally or physically to show them superiority would become a norm.

Such theorists as Erik Erickson and Maurice Elias have contributed greatly to understanding the necessity of developing social-emotional skills of children.

For instance, Erik Erickson introduced a number of virtues that can be developed in a specific age; as such, competence is one of the virtues that can be developed in the age of 6-11 years and a teacher should make sure that no child feels inferior when comparing himself/herself to other children in class. At the same time, Maurice Elias presented explanation of emotional intelligence, a concept that can be seen when people try to respect each other and negotiate to reach and agreement.

Elias, M. J. (2003). Academic and social learning . Brussels, Belgium: International Academy of Education. Web.

Slavin, R. E. (2009). Educational psychology theory and practice (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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IvyPanda. (2018, December 27). Personality and Emotional Development. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personality-and-emotional-development/

"Personality and Emotional Development." IvyPanda , 27 Dec. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/personality-and-emotional-development/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Personality and Emotional Development'. 27 December.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Personality and Emotional Development." December 27, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personality-and-emotional-development/.

1. IvyPanda . "Personality and Emotional Development." December 27, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personality-and-emotional-development/.


IvyPanda . "Personality and Emotional Development." December 27, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personality-and-emotional-development/.

How to Masterfully Describe Your Personality in an Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide 2023

Personality essay


Step 1: self-reflection and introspection, step 2: identifying core values and beliefs, step 3: gathering evidence and examples.

  • Step 4: Show, don't tell

Step 5: Structuring your essay effectively

Step 6: balancing self-awareness and humility, step 7: seeking feedback and editing.

Describing your personality in an essay is not simply an exercise in self-expression; it is a transformative process that allows you to artfully communicate and convey the intricate nuances of your character to the reader. By delving into the depths of your self-awareness, personal growth, and the values that serve as the compass guiding your actions and decisions, you embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. In this comprehensive step-by-step guide , we will navigate the intricacies of crafting a compelling personality description in your essay, providing you with the necessary tools to masterfully articulate your unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives.

At its core, the act of describing your personality in an essay is an opportunity to authentically showcase who you are. It is a platform to illuminate the multifaceted nature of your being, unveiling the layers that make you distinct and individual. Through self-reflection and introspection , you delve into the recesses of your soul, gaining a deeper understanding of your own personality traits and characteristics. This process of self-exploration allows you to unearth the strengths that define you and the weaknesses that provide opportunities for growth.

Identifying your core values and beliefs is another essential step in effectively describing your personality. By exploring your fundamental principles and ideals, you gain insight into the motivations behind your actions and the driving force behind your decisions . These values serve as the undercurrent that weaves together the fabric of your personality, giving coherence and purpose to your thoughts and behaviors. Understanding how your personality traits align with your core values enables you to articulate a more comprehensive and authentic depiction of yourself.

To breathe life into your personality description, it is crucial to gather evidence and examples that showcase your traits in action. Recall specific instances where your personality has manifested itself, and examine the behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that were present. By drawing on these concrete examples, you provide tangible proof of your personality claims, allowing the reader to envision your character in vivid detail.

However, it is not enough to simply tell the reader about your personality traits; you must show them through vivid and descriptive language. By employing sensory details and evocative storytelling, you paint a vibrant picture that engages the reader’s imagination. It is through this artful depiction that your personality comes to life on the page, leaving a lasting impression.

Crafting an effective structure for your essay is also paramount to conveying your personality in a coherent and engaging manner. A well-structured essay captivates the reader from the outset with an engaging introduction that sets the tone and grabs their attention. Organizing your essay around key personality traits or themes creates a logical progression of ideas, enabling a seamless flow from one aspect of your personality to the next. This careful structuring enhances the readability and impact of your essay, allowing the reader to follow your journey of self-expression with ease.

In describing your personality, it is essential to strike a delicate balance between self-awareness and humility. While it is important to acknowledge your strengths and accomplishments, it is equally crucial to avoid sounding arrogant. Honesty about your weaknesse s and areas for growth demonstrates humility and a willingness to learn from experiences, fostering personal growth and development.

Also, seeking feedback and diligently editing your essay play a vital role in refining your personality description. Sharing your work with trusted individuals allows for constructive criticism, providing valuable insights into how effectively your personality is being portrayed. By carefully incorporating this feedback and paying attention to grammar, punctuation, and clarity, you can ensure that your essay is polished and ready to make a lasting impression . Below are the step by step guide on how to masterfully describe your personality in an essay

How to Masterfully Describe Your Personality in an Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

Before diving into writing, take the time to deeply understand your own personality traits and characteristics. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses , considering how they have influenced your actions and interactions with others. Additionally, contemplate significant life experiences that have shaped your personality, providing valuable insights into who you are today.

Your core values and beliefs are the guiding principles that define your character. Explore what truly matters to you and the ideals that drive your decisions . By connecting your personality traits to these fundamental values, you create a more comprehensive understanding of yourself, providing a solid foundation for your essay.

To effectively describe your personality, draw upon specific instances where your traits were on display. Recall experiences that highlight your behavior, thoughts, and emotions. By utilizing concrete examples, you lend credibility to your claims about your personality, allowing the reader to envision your character in action.

Step 4: Show, don’t tell

Avoid falling into the trap of generic and vague descriptions. Instead, use vivid language and sensory details to bring your personality to life. Engage the reader’s imagination by painting a clear picture through storytelling. Let them experience your traits firsthand, making your essay more engaging and memorable.

Crafting a well-structured essay is crucial for conveying your personality in a coherent and engaging manner. Begin with an attention-grabbing introduction that captivates the reader’s interest. Organize your essay around key personality traits or themes, ensuring a logical progression of ideas. Maintain a smooth flow between paragraphs, enhancing the overall readability of your essay.

While it’s essential to highlight your strengths, be careful not to come across as arrogant. Emphasize your accomplishments and positive attributes without boasting. Simultaneously, be honest about your weaknesses and areas for growth , demonstrating humility and a willingness to learn from experiences. This balance showcases maturity and self-awareness.

Sharing your essay with trusted individuals can provide valuable perspectives and constructive criticism. Seek feedback from mentors, teachers, or friends who can offer insights into your essay’s strengths and areas that need improvement. Revise and refine your essay based on this feedback, paying close attention to grammar, punctuation, and clarity.

Incorporating these steps and techniques will allow you to masterfully describe your personality in an essay, capturing the essence of who you are in a compelling and authentic manner. Whether you are writing personality essays, an essay about personalities, or an essay on personality, the introduction of your personality essay should create a strong impression. It serves as a gateway for the reader to delve into your unique characteristics and perspectives. By effectively integrating these steps and maintaining a balanced approach, you can create a personality essay introduction that sets the stage for a captivating exploration of your individuality. So, how would you describe yourself? Use these guidelines and examples to express your personality with confidence and authenticity in your essay.

Mastering the art of describing your personality in an essay allows you to authentically express yourself and connect with readers on a deeper level. By embracing self-reflection and emphasizing personal growth, you create a c ompelling narrative that showcases your unique qualities. So, embark on this journey of self-expression and let your personality shine through your writing. Embrace authenticity, as it is through effective self-expression that personal growth and understanding can flourish.

If you’re looking for professional essay writing and editing services, GradeSmiths is here to help. With a team of experienced writers and editors, GradeSmiths offers reliable and high-quality assistance to students in need of essay support. Whether you need help with essay writing, editing, proofreading, or refining your content, GradeSmiths can provide the expertise you require. Their dedicated team is committed to delivering well-crafted essays that meet academic standards and showcase your unique ideas and voice. With GradeSmiths, you can trust that your essay will receive the attention and care it deserves.

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Education For Personality Development (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


Personality development is the process of developing the personality of a person. This is to assess the personality of the person by conducting an examination to their cognitive and behavioral well-being. The person responsible for facilitating personality development is either the psychologist or the psychiatrists. Character management is important when developing the personality of the individual, which is to ensure that their behavioral pattern improves as patient attends training sessions to improve their personality. Developing the personality of the person takes place for several sessions before the character of the person becomes well-developed for a certain period of time. After the therapy session is done for several seasons, it is the time to refresh the behavioral and cognitive performance of the person or involved groups.

Education for personality development is when the facilitator is required to be trained. This is when they will take a formal education program by means of enrolling themselves in an accredited academic institution before they will be obtaining a degree. Obtaining a degree is important because it helps a person to become professionally recognized either as a psychiatrist or a psychologist. For psychologists, there is a four-year bachelor’s degree program applied by potential psychologists. Psychiatrist course is an advanced graduate program that requires future professionals to have another four years of training. This is a program that requires an extensive training and skills development for professionals in the future who will be handling patient’s mental and cognitive well-being. As a result, the educational program for personality development increases the skill and knowledge of individuals to ensure that their behavioral integrity becomes productive to the community, households, and to their profession (Hettema & Deary, 2013).

Education for personality development involves knowledge and skills development for participants who are aiming to improve their character. The first is the management of knowledge for the intended patient. Having the ability of the person to utilize their ability to widen their horizon is important because it will be focusing on their mental capacity to think and to improve their memory pattern. As for the skill, there are several designated skills that are applied in order for every individual to become highly productive with the career or hobby that they are involved with. Skills development can be enhanced by applying different therapeutic techniques as learned from the proper academic institution responsible for providing a formal educational development for the patient. For this reason, the personality of the patient becomes comfortable with the interest and hobby that can turn into a new passion for their productivity.

The most important for education for personality development is the process of conducting assessment. Self-actualization is an important measure applied by individuals to ensure that proper personality development should be applicable for both the teacher and the patient. In this case, both facilitators and patients will be doing the self-actualization process to express all their frustrations before undergoing the therapy process. The main reason is to maximize the full advantage of establishing an empathetic relationship between the facilitator and the patient. Transforming empathy to sympathy will complicate the issue, which creates a negative form of undesirable therapeutic process that impacts the welfare of the personality development issues between the facilitator and the patient.

  • Hettema, P.J. & Deary, Ian J. (2013). Foundations of Personality. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 7. ISBN 978-94-011-1660-2.

education and personality development essay writing

Personality Development

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education and personality development essay writing

Personality development means molding one’s character in a way that makes them unique from the other person (Joseph, 2013). The process can involve injecting oneself with a new lease of positivity and confidence. Developing one’s persona may mean changing a lot of things among them style of speech, motion, and overall look. An individual may also decide to incorporate etiquette which previously might have been lacking. It might also involve a shift in abilities as well as expand one’s knowledge boundaries (“Personality Development,” 2017). Development of personality occurs in two ways. One may decide to intentionally modify their character, the way of doing things and mentality to bring out an entirely different person. On the other hand, this development may just come automatically, may be instigated by some factors such as the environment that one grows or lives in, psychological factors, biological factors such as genes or even one’s culture.  One can also decide to follow a set of simple rules and practices that will help them change their personality. Character development is beneficial in that it leads to the creation of a positive impression on oneself and others (“Personality Development,” 2017). It might also come in handy in a relationship and one’s dream career. It pushes one to their full potential and capability. There are personality traits that one can adopt to improve their health, build and maintain relationships and earn admiration from other people (Joseph, 2013). Enhancing one’s personality calls for one to look at everything from a positive perspective and at the same time avoid comparing themselves to others (Joseph, 2013). Several theories explain, or rather contribute to personality development. They list down the factors that may be responsible for the characters that exist in different people.

education and personality development essay writing

There are three primary aspects, theories or factors that contribute to personality development. The first theory is that one’s persona is shaped by heredity factors. The second one is that environmental factors are responsible for the result. And third, the outcome is pointed towards psychological factors.  Heredity factors include biological factors, age or maturation as well as physical appearance (Kumar, n.d.). When you look at traits such as aggressiveness, outspokenness, leadership and ability to bond and interact with anyone out there, it is mainly a case of being passed down the line. People from a particular lineage seem to be good speakers. Even though training and learning can change character, it is only in a few that artificial mechanisms can overturn genetically or hereditary possessed behaviors. Maturity or age shapes one character when they are forced to quit some habits that are not suitable for their age. For example, you cannot have a sixteen-year-old boy playing with toys. Irrespective of passion that might have existed for the same thing some time back, age dictates that it is time to move on. People are open to changes at all times in their lifespan (Roberts & Mroczek, 2009). Therefore, change in character is likely to happen across all age groups. Some physical appearance also referred to as constitutional make-up comes out as more enticing while others do not (Kumar, n.d.). For example, people endowed with heights and muscular or curvy bodies create a better impression on others than short individuals or those with physical defects. Genes of intelligence can also be passed down generations. That results in people from certain lineages being able to make better decisions than others. They are also able to adjust or adapt to various conditions and systems better than the less intelligent (Mumba, n.d.). Another physiological factor that determines the character developed by individuals is their gender. You are likely to find boys being more aggressive and daring whereas girls are more sensitive and reserved (Personality Development Tips, 2016). That explains why you are most likely to find girls or women seated in a group gossiping about some issue or someone, which is not a scene that can be associated with men. The reason is that such a trait is inbuilt or exists naturally in ladies.

education and personality development essay writing

Biological factors include the nervous system, glands and blood chemistry (Mumba, n.d.). They form the basis of how we behave owing to their functioning and coordination. The role played by genetics in personal development may be that strong such that after deviating from their former selves, it takes most people a short time to revert to their biological setup (Roberts & Mroczek, 2009). When we come of age, a physiological factor, it is only normal for individuals to become more responsible, warm and calm as their age progresses (Mumba, n.d.). A real-life example is how rowdy campus youths can be at times. They don’t seem to find amicable solutions to problems that face them and often resort to riots, violence, and vandalism in the process. However, the same people later mature to become company managers and C.E.Os in their prime. As much as this can be associated with the added responsibility, age also plays a role. They know that younger generations are looking up to them as well as being role models to many in society, and thus they have to change their personality from an aggressive one to a calm one.

Another theory behind the development of character is that it can be driven by environmental factors. There are several categories under environmental influence, among them physical environment. The division involves the place where an individual lives (Personality Development Tips, 2016). Climatic conditions can affect how a person behaves. For example, in drought-stricken areas, the poverty levels are likely to be wanting. Individuals in these regions tend to develop a personality of being aid dependent. They are more probable to be hostile or unwelcoming due to the troubles that they go through. The social environment refers to the society that one lives in, and particularly the people that surround an individual (Personality Development Tips, 2016). The people around us shape our lives regarding character developed.  Family members, friends, schoolmates, church mates and members of the community all fall under the social environment (UK Essays, 2017). The family teaches one to be loving and trustworthy (Sinha, 2016). Therefore, if one is brought up in a family where the two lack, then it is no wonder they develop a personality deficient of love, affection, and trust. Parents that allow their children to go out there and explore the world make them develop an independent attitude or behavior (Sinha, 2016). Those that limit their kids make them adopt a dependent behavior that may even extend to adulthood. At some point in life, peers have the strongest influence in one’s life. One of the most vulnerable times to shaping one’s personality is during the adolescence stage. It is at this juncture that people most share their experiences with others. They are under pressure to create an identity for themselves, gel with their peers and gain what is referred to as social acceptance (Personal Development, n.d.). In a bid to conform with their peers, most end up not creating their own identity (Personal Development, n.d.). For example, you find kids brought up in the church by very strict parents. However, when those same children reach adolescence or young adulthood, they become influenced by their age mates to indulge in irresponsible behavior. You find that in wanting to keep up with their friends or rather mimic their living style, they partake in drug and illicit sexual practices. Their style of dressing may also change to fit in with that of their peers.

The school is responsible for developing some personal attributes. A positive school environment endows one with decision-making and problem-solving skills (Personal Development, n.d.). One also learns of ways to relate to figures of authority as well as implementing and obeying rules. Life virtues such as honesty are taught and instilled in school. Religion is another determinant of personality. The majority of people look upon religion to guide them on what ethical and moral values to adopt (Personal Development, n.d.). Most stick to the religious beliefs taught during childhood. Other social factors that influence personality include language. Language is the medium of communication and interaction between one and other community members. Culture and norms are passed across generations using language (Mumba, n.d.). Another is the social roles that one as to play in different stages of their lifetime. The roles of a brother or sister, father or mother, husband or wife, call for one to adopt different personalities (Kumar, n.d.). Self-concept also shapes behavior. If one holds themselves in high regard, then it is likely to show in their behavior. At the same time, how others perceive one is likely to shape them. If others don’t hold you high, then it is likely that you are going to feel unworthy, have low self-esteem, and seem withdrawn (Kumar, n.d.). The media and technology are other social factors that shape personality. Youths especially are very susceptible to media influence (Personal Development, n.d.). Finally, under environmental factors we have culture. Some societies call for boys and girls to behave differently (UK Essays, 2017). Culture prescribes and limits behavior in some instances, therefore playing a role in the outcome of character (Sinha, 2016). In African culture, for example, girls were required to adopt the mentality of being mothers and wives and therefore learn tasks such as babysitting and domestic chores. Boys, on the other hand, were encouraged to go out there and engage in masculine tasks.

education and personality development essay writing

Finally, we have psychological factors as a theory behind personality development. They encompass our motives, goals, objectives, will, abilities and attitudes (Kumar, n.d.). The above determine how people come out in various situations, and therefore play a role in growth, development, and personality (Mumba, n.d.). There are some instances where thinking and reasoning may be needed and psychological attributes come in handy. For example, a person who has the will to do something will think and act faster than those who are reluctant (Kumar, n.d.). Inner drive pushes one to the direction of success (Personality Development Tips, 2016). Those individuals that come out as having strong personalities always have goals spurring them. The nature of wanting the best for others and not being prejudiced molds character because it influences how one treats others (Personality Development Tips, 2016).

Identifying one’s personality helps in knowing areas that need improvement. Heredity and environmental factors may be natural determinants of personality, but one can choose to take a different course. That is why we do have psychological factors, which are values that we instill in ourselves. Letting psychological factors be the primary drivers for one’s character is the best decision. This is because one can discern good from bad and is able to choose the right course. One can select those attributes that make them role models and likable.

  • Joseph, N. (2013). Personality Development .
  • Kumar, S. What are the Factors Affecting Personality Development .
  • Mumba, E. Factors affecting Personality Development .
  • Personal Development. Personal Development- Your Environment Affects Who You Are (pp. 49-62). Personality Development . (2017).
  • Personality Development Tips. (2016). Factors that Influence Personality Development .
  • Roberts, B., & Mroczek, D. (2009). Personality Trait Change in Adulthood. PMC , 17 (1), 31-35.
  • Sinha, A. (2016). Top 3 Factors Influencing Personality Development . Psychology Discussion .
  • UK Essays. (2017). How Environment affects Personality . UKEssays .
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Early Adulthood and Personality Development

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Published: Feb 12, 2024

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  • Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity: Youth and crisis. W.W. Norton & Company.

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Personality Development

Updated 12 December 2023

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Category Life ,  Sociology

Topic Personality

Personality is the belief, behavior, and value which makes a person who he or she is (LeVine, 2018). Even though it is recognized at birth, personality continues to develop throughout the person's life (Buss and Plomin, 2014).

According to Cervone and Pervin (2015), personality symbolizes the qualities which are consistent across different moments and times in a person's life. Personality is made out of moments people put themselves in and the influences they allow to impact them. The environment can be good or bad, but what a person takes from the situation is what lets them grow and prosper. The environment is essential in personality development because an individual's traits determine how they adjust and react to their environment in different situations (Specht, 2014). People are likely to change depending on the environmental needs they face (Schultz and Schultz, 2016).

Environmental Factors

Various potential environmental factors shape personality. The neighborhood, people around such as family, friends, schoolmates, and church community are some of the environmental issues which can shape a person's personality. For example, a girl and a boy are socialized differently in almost all societies because of the people who give them different messages as they grow.

Impact of Environment

From birth, the environment in which a child is brought up impacts their personalities and continues through their lives. An environment where things are done the right manner is unlikely to produce bad behavior. The social environment creates enough conditions for its appropriate expression. The parents, friends, social norms, values, and people around an individual create an environment that influences their personality growth. The status of a kid, adolescents, adults, and old people in the community is not similar because of the development in their personality depending on their environment.

Buss, A. H., " Plomin, R. (2014). Temperament (PLE: Emotion): Early developing personality      traits. Psychology Press.

Cervone, D., " Pervin, L. A. (2015). Personality, binder ready version: theory and research.         John Wiley " Sons.

LeVine, R. A. (2018). Culture, behavior, and personality: An introduction to the comparative    study of psychosocial adaptation. Routledge.

Schultz, D. P., " Schultz, S. E. (2016). Theories of personality. Cengage Learning.

Specht, J., Bleidorn, W., Denissen, J. J., Hennecke, M., Hutteman, R., Kandler, C., ... "             Zimmermann, J. (2014). What drives adult personality development? A comparison of             theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence. European Journal of Personality, 28(3),            216-230.

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Essays on Personality Development

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The journey by which an individual develops is both very personal and also very predictable. It is predictable by way of accomplishing certain milestones at particular times. Development is marked by these milestones and through them, an individual's development is able to be termed “normal’ or “abnormal.” However, it is personal in that each person achieves these milestones at different times in their development. The similarities between the development of each person allow for the timeline of development to be documented and analyzed.

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Psychosocial development incorporates the behavioral advancement of an individual from childhood to adulthood. According to Erikson, personality development is based on the attitudes developed by each individual. The concept displayed by Erickson shows that two people in the same age group can present completely different character traits while reacting to similar life situations. Moreover, the manner in which a person carries himself through one stage determines the success of the succeeding stage. Erickson asserts that there is a crisis at the end of every stage as a person transits to the next stage.

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According to Mayer (2007), “personality is a system of parts that is organised, develops, and is expressed in people’s actions”. The ‘system of parts’ would mean components of self that include emotions and motivations. Personality is, thus, a complex whole formed by intersection of various external and internal factors. It is a gradual process of development. While some researches have considered personality as stable and consistent, recent researches suggest that personality develops during a person’s lifetime. The following section discusses some of these recent researches.

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Technical Writing vs Essay Writing: 5 Insights to Consider for Content Creation

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Technical writing and essay writing should not be incorrectly identified as being the same thing. Though both concepts are about sending an easily understandable message, the applications and recipients are very dissimilar. More understanding of every style’s goal and necessity causes the general improvement of writing. When you understand the differences between technical and essay writing, you’ll have a sharp insight to help you develop content appealing to the readers.

Table of Contents

How Goals Differ Between Technical Writing and Essay Writing

Essay writing is the process of writing essays and other forms of academic papers such as term papers, theses, and dissertations among others.

Technical writing is more of persuading the readers, by providing them with information in the most direct manner. Its purpose is to state facts, views, and findings in a precise and impartial manner. On the other hand, essays are used to convince and look at issues creatively or philosophically.

Technical articles should not be too difficult to read, lengthy, or grammatically incorrect. And sometimes finding good technical manuals that are simple and easy to read is quite a tedious job. It can be in any form, such as:

  • An instruction manual or user guide
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In this fast-paced digital age, technical writers must utilize certain strategies to achieve true reader engagement. Indeed, this is a huge challenge!

This type of writing employs formal and professional language and does not include expression of emotion since it covers facts and also provides instructions. Awareness of the emotional language is not present in the document.

The essay tends to be more free and may have elements of personal observation and emotions. Professional Essay Tigers writers try to involve the author’s feelings, attitudes, judgments, beliefs, and opinions to influence readers’ subliminal minds.

Anyway, the main goal of content creation is to capture people’s attention. Interesting material must be educational, and entertaining, and stimulate different ideas in one’s mind. It grabs the attention of the reader and makes them interested to read the further part of the passage.  

Key Differences in Research, Structure, and Style

Technical writing implies extensive reference to reliable sources to guarantee the total accuracy of the information used. Checkable information is used and the content is often tightly organized based on certain key points.

Writing essays enables the writer to be more creative since they do not limit them to specific areas of writing. Interpretations and emotions can be used to formulate an argument by writers. It may be less structured, as the aim here is to collect some remarkable examples and stories that can illustrate the given topic.

Regarding its structure, technical writing conforms to a traditional pattern and includes an abstract, introduction, methods, results, and conclusion.

Unlike writing, particularly in the style of research papers, essays have a less strict structure that is logical and connected.

Compared to other types of writing, the essays sound more like an informal discussion and therefore have a higher tendency to have different sentence structures. Opinions can also be expressed effectively, especially when the writer is passionate and tries to convince the reader.

Technical documents are used in a strictly functional way as their primary aim is to convey information and provide instructions. Some essays are meant to provide people with some entertainment and food for thought on rather abstract matters. As much as technical writing skills are important to most professions, the ability to write good essays is useful throughout one’s life, both in private and professional spheres.

It is helpful for a writer or online writing service to have the ability to specialize in various styles of writing. Being knowledgeable about the differences between technical and essay writing is important when writing for any purpose and any audience. It should be understood that these two styles are quite different but are very similar in terms of importance; with practice, a writer can easily move between the two.

5 Insights to Apply When Creating Content

1) focus on your audience.

Whether writing technical or essay-style content, focus on your target audience. Consider their needs, knowledge level, and reasons for reading the content. For technical writing, use concise and objective language while for essays adopt an engaging and persuasive tone. In both cases, choose a vocabulary and level of detail appropriate for your readers.

2) Structure Matters

For technical writing, use headings and subheadings to logically organize thoughts while for essay writing, structure paragraphs into an introduction, body, and conclusion. An effective structure helps readers follow your main ideas.

3) Clarity and Accuracy Are Key

Write clearly and accurately by choosing a precise language and checking facts. Being concise is particularly important in technical writing but also helps engage readers of essays. Provide examples and explanations as needed to ensure your content is fully understood.

4) Use an Active Voice

In both technical and essay writing, use an active voice as much as possible. Active voice makes writing more engaging and impactful. For example, say “The scientist experimented” rather than “The experiment was conducted by the scientist.”

5) Review and Edit

Carefully proofread and edit your work to ensure a high-quality result. Double-check for any errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Do it by yourself or turn to professional online agencies .  Review how well your writing flows and make any necessary changes to the structure or wording. Polish and perfect your work before publishing.

To Sum Up, technical writing and essay writing have their differences, but they also share some key similarities. Whether you’re crafting an essay or technical document, strong organization, clarity, and precision are must-haves. While essays allow more creative freedom, technical writing demands adherence to strict style guidelines. Understanding these nuances helps writers adapt their approach to each genre. But no matter what you write, engaging your readers and delivering your message effectively should always be the goal. Though the writing style changes, quality content that resonates with the intended audience remains paramount.

Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee is a distinguished Personal & Career Development Content Writer at ESS Global Training Solutions, where he leverages his extensive 15-year experience to create impactful content in the fields of psychology, business, personal and professional development. With a career dedicated to enlightening and empowering individuals and organizations, Matthew has become a pivotal figure in transforming lives through his insightful and practical guidance. His work is driven by a profound understanding of human behavior and market dynamics, enabling him to deliver content that is not only informative but also truly transformative.

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Band 6+: Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas. To what extent do you agree?

Poorer and undeveloped countries should make all efforts to improve their health, education, and trade proportions. In that case, the role that governments play is very important. I utterly agree that rulers of developed countries should take more responsibility for helping the poorer countries.

It is instantly clear that every single person should help other people. On the one hand, the borders between countries are artificial and have changed repeatedly across time. So, people must not be a fanatic person about their religions or the regions that they grew up in. If we change our minds and see things in another way, we will realize that people look like each other without any primacy. Only under certain circumstances will governments know that all humankind sits at the same ship and if they do not care, we will be drowned.

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In conclusion, my opinion is that helping poor countries by rich countries makes our world a better place, and these actions would end the vicious cycle. Actually, selfishness is not fair in most, if not all, cases.

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  4. Education

    Education Boosts your Confidence: Confidence is a must for personality development. Education is the only booster which can help you in passing the hurdle of low self-confidence. Most of the people are usually very shy. Education gives them a chance to develop self-confidence.

  5. Role of education in personality development

    Role of education in personality development. Better Essays. 13618 Words. 55 Pages. Open Document. The question what is education or if i may be more precise what is the purpose of education . Some think that education is the purpose for which one acquires some skill in a particular field and gets to wear that black hat and get a photo with the ...

  6. The Importance Of Personal Development

    As Bob (2010), described that "Personal development refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. ... Free Essay: Subject: Education: Wordcount: 4222 words: Published: 17th ...

  7. Essay on Importance of Education in Life and Society (500+ Words)

    Education is a weapon to improve one's life. It is probably the most important tool to change one's life. Education for a child begins at home. It is a lifelong process that ends with death. Education certainly determines the quality of an individual's life. Education improves one's knowledge, skills and develops the personality and ...

  8. Essay Samples on Personal Growth and Development

    Remembering an unforgettable quote I have read from a book called "Life, the Truth, and Being Free" by Steve Maraboli, like a miracle, it has played a significant role on changing my mind and the way to choose to face the obstacles. "Once your mindset... Growth Mindset. Personal Growth and Development. Success.

  9. Personality and Emotional Development

    Personality and Emotional Development Essay. Personal development of every child is as important as acquisition of scientific facts and learning of the basic laws of the universe. Ability of a person to apply social-emotional skills in adulthood can be considered as a positive contribution of the system of education to it.

  10. How to Masterfully Describe Your Personality in an Essay: A Step-by

    Organizing your essay around key personality traits or themes creates a logical progression of ideas, enabling a seamless flow from one aspect of your personality to the next. This careful structuring enhances the readability and impact of your essay, allowing the reader to follow your journey of self-expression with ease.

  11. Education For Personality Development, Essay Sample

    Education for personality development involves knowledge and skills development for participants who are aiming to improve their character. The first is the management of knowledge for the intended patient. Having the ability of the person to utilize their ability to widen their horizon is important because it will be focusing on their mental ...

  12. Personality Development Essay [1773 Words] GradeMiners

    Sources. Personality development means molding one's character in a way that makes them unique from the other person (Joseph, 2013). The process can involve injecting oneself with a new lease of positivity and confidence. Developing one's persona may mean changing a lot of things among them style of speech, motion, and overall look.

  13. Personal Development Essay

    Personal Development Essay. Topics: Growing Up Personal Growth and Development Study. Words: 1536. Pages: 3. This essay sample was donated by a student to help the academic community. Papers provided by EduBirdie writers usually outdo students' samples.

  14. Early Adulthood and Personality Development

    Early adulthood is a critical phase in the development of an individual's personality, with significant changes taking place during this period. Erikson's theory offers insights into this stage, particularly in terms of the interplay between intimacy and isolation. According to Erikson, early adulthood revolves around the concerns of forming ...

  15. Personality Development

    On our website, students and learners can find detailed writing guides, free essay samples, fresh topic ideas, formatting rules, citation tips, and inspiration to study. WritingUniverse aims to provide students with access to a unique set of self-study services and online tools that would unlock their true learning potential.

  16. Personality Development Essay Examples

    Example Of Essay On Developmental Theories Of Erik Erikson, Piaget, And Vygotsky. Introduction. Development is a word that describes the process of growth, adaptation, and changes that people undergo during their lifetime characterized by personality, physical, cognitive, socioemotional, and language developments.

  17. Band 6: Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for

    The essay presents a clear and well-developed argument in favor of traditional schooling. The writer effectively compares and contrasts the two approaches, highlighting the benefits of school-based education. The essay could be strengthened by providing more specific examples to support the claims made.

  18. Personality And Professional Developmental Planning Education Essay

    The purpose behind the doctrine of personal development program is to construct upon the capacity of single or group how they are larning, reexamine it, program it and do rectification if required. The motivation behind the personality development program is to happen out the concealed unleash potency of any single or group.

  19. Technical Writing vs Essay Writing: 5 Insights to Consider for Content

    How Goals Differ Between Technical Writing and Essay Writing. Essay writing is the process of writing essays and other forms of academic papers such as term papers, theses, and dissertations among others. Technical writing is more of persuading the readers, by providing them with information in the most direct manner.

  20. Band 6: Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for

    Opinion Band 6+: Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.

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    Students can maintain their academic integrity while receiving the assistance they require by selecting a trustworthy and open service. Top 5 Essay Writing Services For Non-Native English Speakers in Higher Education If you are a non-native English student looking for an essay writing service, there are several options to consider. Here are ...

  22. Essay On Education And Personality Development

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  23. Essay On Education And Personality Development

    Essay On Education And Personality Development. Discuss the details of your assignment and rest while your chosen writer works on your order. For expository writing, our writers investigate a given idea, evaluate its various evidence, set forth interesting arguments by expounding on the idea, and that too concisely and clearly.