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Jobs and Employment essay questions for IELTS

Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "Employment and Business" topic.

Some people say that teenagers should work part-time and earn money. This way they will learn basic lessons about work and become more disciplined. Others argue that teenagers shouldn't sacrifice their rest and after-school activities to work.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many people think that to become a successful specialist it's better to choose a career early in life and never change it later.

To what extent do you agree with this view?

Support your opinion with relevant examples.

What do you think are the main causes of unemployment?

What solutions can you suggest?

A lot of people spend a major part of their adult life at work, so job satisfaction is very important for individual happiness.

What are the main factors that contribute to job satisfaction?

What are the possible solutions for people who are unsatisfied with their jobs?

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction.

Do you agree or disagree?

Provide relevant examples if necessary.

Some people hesitate between getting a job and starting their own business. While the idea of not having a boss and working on one's own schedule may sound tempting, financial risks and stress sometimes outweigh these advantages.

In your opinion what are the pros and cons of working in a company?

Famous sportsmen often earn a lot more money than people in other professions. Although sport is important in our lives, everyone should be equal and such big incomes of sport professionals are unjustified.

employment essay ielts task 2

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic: JOB

ielts writing topics 2019

1.  Some people prefer to work for a large company. Others prefer to work for a small company. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.  

Sample Answer

The issue whether working for a large company is better than working for a small  company is a controversial one. From my everyday experience and observation I think  that every option has its advantages and disadvantages. I base my opinion on the  following points.

From the one side working for a large company brings many benefits. First of all, one  has better medical insurance, higher salary. Often employees of a large company have  less responsibility. Moreover, they feel more secure because their company has more  clients and this means better chance to survive on the modern market. However, one  working for a large company has less chance to be promoted because one’s manager  does not want to lose his or her job unless she or he is promoted too. Also, from my  observation, managers of a large company do not pay much attention to one’s solutions  and suggestions.

From the other side working for a small company has many advantages too. Firstly, one  has better chance to be promoted. Secondly, one can talk to the owner of the company  about any improvements that can be done in order to get more profit. Another important  aspect of working for a small company is the opportunities to find out more about how  company works. As a result of this one can gain more experience and get better  recommendations. However, this also has some disadvantages. For instance, one can  get less salary, worse medical benefits, etc.

To sum up, I think that every person chooses for himself what he or she wants. If one  wants better career and more responsibilities then a small company is better choice.  Otherwise, working for a large company may be a good option too.

 (286 words)

2.  We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.

A large number of people spend most of their time at work. Our life is divided into three  equal parts: 8 hours – sleep, 8 hours – work, 8 hours – family time. So, in the most cases,  one’s co-worker plays an important role in one’s life. From my opinion, the essential  characteristics of a co-worker are the following.

First of all, a person who works closely with me must like his job. I think it is very important for a person to feel satisfaction with his job. My husband is a software  developer. He is fond of his job and people enjoy working with him because they see  how many energy he puts into his job.

Second of all, my co-worker must be persistent and never give up. I like when people  who came across a problem try to solve it, find a good decision instead of looking for  another person to hand it over. Another important aspect of this is that a good worker  should always ask himself “What can be improved?” and suggests new solutions.

In addition, he must be a good team player. In the modern world good communication  skills and the ability to work in a team are among the common position requirements.  Personally, I think it is great to help each other, share new ideas, develop new  solutions, etc. It helps to create a team spirit and improve labor productivity.

Finally, my co-worker must be punctual. He or she should finish the job on time I think  that It is unacceptable to make the rest of a team wait while a person finishes his or her  job. Also, my “ideal co-worker” should always be ready to offer his or her help and be  supportive.

To summarize, I think if a co-worker possesses all of these qualities mentioned above  he can make work with him really enjoyable and productive.

 (314 words)

3.  What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Many people have to work under somebody’s supervision. In most cases an employee  does not choose his or her boss, unless a supervisor is elected. In the following  paragraphs I will list the most important qualities of my “ideal boss”.

First of all, he must be impartial. I believe that it is very important to make a technical  decision, think about somebody’s promotion, etc. impartially. For instance, my friend is a  supervisor on a dairy mill. It is his family’s business so a lot of his relatives work there.  But he never promotes someone because he or she is his family. I think it is a good  quality for a boss.

Second of all, my “ideal boss” must be honest, patient and attentive. He should pay  attention to people’s feelings, encourage them by increasing their salary, listen to their  suggestions about improving labor conditions and productivity. For instance, if he does  not satisfied with the result he should understand the origin of the problem and explain  people how to fix it. In addition, he must know how to solve conflicts that can arise  between employees.

Another important quality of a boss is the ability to choose the right decisions and to  learn on somebody’s mistakes.

Finally, I think a good boss must value his or her employees because the profit directly  depends on the people who work there.

In conclusion, I think a good boss should be able to make his people enjoy the work  they are doing and encourage their diligence.

 (252 words)

4.  Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I would have to completely disagree with the statement above. In the following  paragraphs I will outline the basic concepts of my position.

First of all, I will least the major disadvantages for employers. On the today’s market a  company must be very flexible in order to compete with other firms. So, imagine the  situation when a company can not fire its employees to stay on the market. It will lead to  loosing not only a profit, but the clients, market share and competitive ability. Now,  imagine the situation when a company is growing fast, everything is good and the next  few years are going to be excellent. So, employers need more people to extend the  production. However, nobody can tell what will happen in a few years. In this case,  employers will be afraid to hire new people and extend their business because they will  not be able to fire them if something goes wrong. Another important aspect of this is that  a company can not have the best employees. It can not hire the better one without  dismissing another employee.

What kind of disadvantages will have an employee in exchange for this kind of job  security? First of all, it will be very difficult to find a job if one is not the best, because an  employer does not want to spend money on one’s education. Besides, employer will not  have a chance to fire one if he does not do his job well. Second of all, employees with  this kind of security tend not to perfect themselves because after they are hired they can  not lose their job.

In conclusion, I would like to add that this statement has some positive aspects too such  as constancy, a strong spirit of the company, etc. This system takes place in Japan and  some companies succeeded in it. But I think that the reason of it subsists in the  Japanese traditions, the particular cultural features, habits and customs. However, on  today’s market here in the United States a company can not afford to hire employees for  their entire life.

 (349 words)

5.  Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Form my everyday experience and observation I think that all people who succeeded in  life had to work hard and gain more knowledge and experience in order to reach their  goals. From the other hand, people who all their life do things they already do well and  do not improve their knowledge do not move forward. I base my statement on the  following points.

First of all, people who want to succeed must constantly improve their knowledge and  gain more experience. Moreover, they must be the best at their profession. So, they  need to try new things, take risks sometimes and work hard.

Second of all, it is impossible to live without trying new things. Imagine one wants to  learn how to drive. He will never be able to do it without learning new things such as  driving rules.

Personally, I think that it is very interesting to learn new, to gain more experience, to  make new goals and reach them. Life is too short to stay on one place. People need  changes because they make our lives more beautiful and exiting. We find out new  things, learn new things and dream to know other things. People need challenges  because while overcoming obstacles we make new discoveries, become stronger,  perfect ourselves and move forward.

To sum up, I believe that people’s aspiration for learning new things is the main reason  the way we live now. People make many discoveries and inventions that make our lives  easier, happier and longer.

 (249 words)

6.  Companies should encourage employees who work in a high position to leave at the age of 55 in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

I totally disagree with the idea of high-level employees leaving at the age of 55 to make  room for the upcoming generation. While it is true that the energy level and fresh ideas  of youth can rejuvenate a company, the steady hand of experience can still best guide a  company in most cases.

In English there is a saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” In the fast-paced  world of business, bolstered by even faster hi-tech innovations, a younger more pliant  mind would seem to be able to adapt with greater flexibility, while such an environment  might boggle an older more set-in-its-ways mind. Take, for example, Microsoft’s Bill  Gates, whose energy and brilliant insights as a youth helped him to pioneer new territory in the computer software world and establish a digital empire. Now as a more  mature CEO, this king of the “computer” mountain is constantly on the verge of being  knocked down by upcoming digerati entrepreneurs. However, it is now the experience  he has accumulated as an older man which keeps him on top. So, combining the vigour  and innovation of younger workers with the experience of older workers would seem to  be the winning hand in the world of business.

The assertion is to give opportunities to the younger generation. If everyone retires at  55, there will be smaller pool of experience at the company. So, who will show them the  ropes of the trade? It would be as if we lopped off the last few chapters of a textbook.  On this point the argument would seem to be built on false presumptions.

And think of all the other problems retirement at 55 would create. With life expectancy in  many advanced nations at 70-plus years, how would the state along with private  enterprises be able to support their retirement pensions? The economic repercussions  of such an idea could be great.

Besides, the Western form of capitalism is built on competition and merit and not  seniority according to age, and democracy is built on equality for all regardless of one’s  age, so the argument clearly goes against these two pillars of Western society.

Granted, my counter-arguments are perhaps as simplistic as the original assertion itself,  but without qualifying the assertion with greater supporting evidence or background  information, both sides can be argued. Nevertheless, even after thoroughly considering  the argument, I believe I would still adhere to my viewpoint that the assertion lacks merit  for the aforementioned reasons. Besides, when I am 55 I do not fancy the idea of being  put out to pasture. I think I will still be full of vitality and have a desire to work, so I hope  my workplace will view me as a treasure house of valuable experience to pass along to  the next generation and keep me on until I am at least 65 if not older.

 (478 words)

7.  In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Meanwhile, we see some politicians enjoying power well into their eighties. Clearly, there is little agreement on an appropriate retirement age. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?

Mandatory retirement age varies from society to society, perhaps a reflection of economics,  population pressures or simply value systems. Indeed, retirement at 50 can probably be as  easily justified as that at 70. It is my belief, however, that the longer an able person is allowed to work, the better for both the individual worker and the employer.

Chronological age is not always a true indicator of ability. While some 65¬ year-olds may not  perform as well as they did in their past, many workers at this age do just as well or better than  they used to. People’s suitability for a position should be a reflection of their performance in the  job, rather than the number of wrinkles or grey hairs they have. Employers concerned about the  increasing age of their employees need only observe their work records. Those doing poorly  may be asked to retire, but those as yet unaffected by age should stay on. Indeed, it would  appear economical for an organisation to retain its older employees when possible rather than  spend time and money on training new workers. 

Remaining in one’s job for as long as one is able makes sense as life expectancies increase  aro und the world. As people live longer, they are longer able to contribute to society in the form  of meaningful work. But they are also in need of income for a longer period, so a mandatory  retirement age of 55 for someone who is statistically likely to live to 77 becomes increasingly  difficult to justify. At a time when populations are ageing, governments are less able to provide  for their senior citizens, so by keeping able workers in paid employment for as long as is  practicable, public expenditures are less strained.

Thus, workers who can still demonstrate their capacity to carry out their work should not be  asked to retire simply because they have reached a certain age. Societies that insist on early  retirement may do well to look again at their policies.

 (333 words)

8.  When should people be made to retire? 55? 65? Should there be a compulsory retirement age?  

Many old people work well into their 70s and 80s, running families, countries or  corporations. Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to  retire in their or even earlier because of company or national regulations. This essay will  examine whether people should be allowed to continue working for as long as they want  or whether they should be encouraged to retire at a particular stage.

There are several arguments for allowing older people to continue working as long as  they are able. First of all, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and  experience which can be lost to a business or organization if they are made to retire. A  second point is that older employees are often extremely loyal employees and are more  willing to implement company policies than younger less committed staff. However, a  more important point is regarding the attitudes in society to old people. To force  someone to resign or retire at 60 or 65 indicates that the society does not value the  input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over.

Allowing older people to work indefinitely however is not always a good policy. Age  alone is no guarantee of ability. Many younger employees have more experience or  skills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their  working lives. Having compulsory retirement allows new ideas in an organization. In addition, without age limits, however arbitrary, many people would continue to work  purely because they did not have any other plans or roles. A third point of view is that  older people should be rewarded by society for their life’s labor by being given generous  pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure.

With many young people unemployed or frustrated in low-level positions, there are often  calls to compulsorily retire older workers. However, this can affect the older individual’s  freedom – and right – to work and can deprive society of valuable experience and  insights. I feel that giving workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age  will benefit society and the individual.

 (355 words)

9. Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work, and thus are having less and less time to relax. What is your opinion?

In modern society, especially in big cities, undoubtedly hard work has become a very  important feature of ordinary people’s everyday life. It seems that many people are  under the impression that their work is becoming more pressing and urgent, and thus they sacrifice more and more leisure time.

In the first place, with the rapid development of science and technology, work today is  more demanding than it used to be. For example, college graduates nowadays have to  master English, computer science and driving skills before they can find decent jobs.  People have to spend more time acquiring new techniques and skills. And their spare  time tends to be fully occupied, not with leisure pursuit, but with work-related pursuits.

In the second place, competition is becoming more intense. Many people feel anxious that they may be “laid-off” if they can’t work as hard as others. And they also feel at a  disadvantage before new graduates. Therefore, it is understandable that people keep  themselves involved in intensely hard work in order to preserve their positions.

In my opinion, the worst aspect of this phenomenon is that the huge pressure of work  will gradually affect people’s mental health. Excessively hard work means that people  can never get rid of the fatigue of their work, even in their leisure time. This means that  they can not enjoy a normal life.

In a word, in modern society overwork is stealing our leisure time. however, I believe  this problem will be settled eventually with the development of science and technology.

 (254 words)

10.  People have different job expectations for jobs. Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, whereas others prefer to change jobs frequently. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of each viewpoint?

In the modern workplace there is no longer the attitude that „a job is for life‟. Nowadays, many  people take the option to change jobs, while others prefer not to. In my essay, I will explore the  good and bad points of the above attitudes.

One of the main benefits of staying in one job is security. Changing employer often means a  period of instability, where one may have to think about moving house, or temporarily losing a  steady source of income. Staying in one job means these problems are avoided.

Another benefit of not changing occupation is that one is able to gain a lot of experience and  expertise in his specific profession, thus enhancing job security. One’s company may recognize  their loyalty and reward their service. On the other hand, those who often change jobs may be  seen as unreliable, lacking in experience and employers might be reluctant to hire and invest  training in them.

However, there are arguments in favour of changing job frequently. One is that a worker  improves his employability. Working in several different jobs often means that the individual has  more skills. Such people are seen as more dynamic and versatile.  Another benefit of changing jobs frequently is that one never gets stuck in a rut. From my own  experience, I got bored when I spent too long in a job. Following this, the quality of my work  would suffer. I also believe that employers generally don’t tend to greatly reward loyalty or  commitment. Increased wages and promotion are often easier to attain by changing jobs.

Overall, it can be said that the disadvantages of changing jobs are the advantages of staying  put, and vice versa… In my opinion, I feel that changing jobs every once in a while is of more  benefit.

 (299 words)

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Tips, Lessons & Models

Success in IELTS writing task 2 is based on using the right techniques. These free tips, model essays, lessons, videos and information will help develop the skills for writing task 2. This page will teach you how to maximise your IELTS writing task 2 score. All lessons are on this page are for both GT and Academic writing task 2.

On this page, you will find for free:

  • PRACTICE LESSONS (writing skills, topic ideas etc)

1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Test Information

Learn about your IELTS writing task 2 test. All lessons and tips on this page are for both Academic and GT writing task 2.

  • IELTS Writing has two tasks: Task 1 (a report) and Task 2 (an essay).
  • The total time is one hour for both tasks. You should spend only 40 mins on task 2.
  • The time is yourself to manage. No one will tell you when to move from task 1 to task 2.
  • The essay if a formal essay. You should not use informal language in your essay.
  • The instructions say “write at least 250 words”. This means you need to write over 250 words.
  • Writing task 2 is worth about 66% of your total writing score. Click here: Total Writing Score Calculations
  • There are four marking criteria which you must learn about. Click here: WRITING T2 BAND SCORES & MARKING WITH TIPS

The Essay Task

Below is an example task you will be given in IELTS Writing Task 2.

  • You will be given a topic.
  • Topics contain specific issues or opinions that you must address.
  • You are given a task, such as to discuss and give an opinion. 
  • Examples are based on your experience of the world in general, not your personal life.
  • There are FIVE ESSAY TYPES . 

2. IELTS Practice Essay Questions

Practice essay questions to help you prepare ideas for topics in IELTS writing task 2. These questions have been written based on questions reported by IELTS students.

Over 100 IELTS Essay Questions (repeated topics)

3. Essential IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

The most important writing tips for a strong IELTS essay in writing task 2. Learn about the recommended essay length, how to plan your essay, when to give your opinion and how to write an introduction etc. Some videos linked below are old, but still 100% relevant today. Click below:

Essay Structure & Paragraphing

Key Linking Words List

Types of IELTS Essays

Essay Planning Tips

Paraphrasing Tips & Examples

Common Essay Topics

When & How to give your opinion

Video  Using the last 5 minutes

4. IELTS Model Essays

IELTS Essays have a specific format, structure, style and band score requirements. These model essays are at band 9 and illustrate how an IELTS writing task 2 essay should be written. Use them as a guide to creating an essay suitable for a high band score in IELTS. Remember, language only counts for about 50% of your marks, the rest is IELTS essay techniques.

  • Agree Disagree Opinion Essay: Health
  • Advantages & Disadvantages Essay: Language
  • Cause  Solution Essay: Crime & Punishment
  • Direct Questions Essay: Happiness
  • Opinion Essay: Social Media
  • Discussion Essay: Work
  • Do Advs Outweigh Disavs Essay: Reading
  • Direct Questions Essay: Family
  • Direct Questions Essay: Art
  • Positive or Negative Development: Social Media
  • 2 Model Essays about Economy & Money /Buildings
  • Model Essay & Question for Topic of Education
  • Two Question Essay: Technology

More Writing Task 2 Tips

  • Deleting Words in your Essay
  • Should I indent the first word of my paragraphs?
  • 10 sentences to avoid in your IELTS essay
  • Video:  How to add examples to your essay
  • Tips: Under Words Penalty
  • Finding idea for topics
  • Can you use quotes, idioms or proverbs in your essay?
  • Handwriting: Using cursive writing or not
  • Video : Grammar – How to Add a Clause
  • Video : Grammar – Connecting Sentences

5. Practice Lessons for Writing Task 2

Various lessons for: IELTS Essay Writing Skills, Topics, Language 

  • Improving Sentences for a Higher Score
  • Essay Topics for 2024
  • New Topics in 2023
  • IELTS Essay Topics Prediction 2022
  • Grammar Test : Using “the” with countries and nationalities
  • Paraphrasing Practice
  • Using Passive Voice for Giving Opinions
  • Essay Ideas: Employment Competition
  • Essay Ideas: The Importance of History
  • Essay Ideas: Housing & Trees 
  • Essay Ideas: International Aid
  • Essay Ideas: City Transport
  • Essay Ideas: Salaries
  • Essay Ideas: Function of Schools
  • Essay Ideas: Female Staff in Senior Positions
  • Writing Skills: Punctuation Practice
  • Writing Skills: Linking Word Practice
  • Essay Ideas: Littering in Cities
  • Listen and Write Dictation: Natural Disasters
  • Discussion Essay with Feedback: Music Topic
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences: Ebooks Topic
  • Essay Ideas: Banning Mobile Phones
  • Two Question Essay with Feedback: Judging Business Success
  • Essay Ideas: Tourism and Local Communities
  • Essay Ideas: Traffic & Pollution
  • Writing Skills: Improving a Thesis Statement
  • Writing Skills: Improving Sentences (1)
  • Essay Ideas: Handwriting Skills
  • Essay Ideas: Promoting to Children
  • Essay Ideas: Older or Younger Leaders
  • Writing Skills: Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skill: Opinion Essay Introduction Feedback
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Body Paragraphs
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Introduction
  • Writing Skills: Opinion Essay Finding Main Points
  • Writing Skills: Thesis Statement
  • Essay Ideas: Public Services .


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Job satisfaction (Band 8)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

As most people spend a major part of their life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

What factors contribute to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer:

employment essay ielts task 2

There is no doubt that most adults spend the majority of their day at work. Thus, it is extremely important that their job is both rewarding and fulfilling. In this essay, I will examine factors related to job satisfaction and how realistic these factors are.

First of all, the most important reason that people work is for the money. A recent survey by a leading HR firm revealed that people working in a high paying job are 80%  happier than those who are not. However, job satisfaction is not only limited to financial reward. The office environment and the long term prospect of the career path are equally important. For example, people whose efforts  are not being appreciated by their company will not be enjoying what they are doing.  On the other hand, many people may be enjoying their job but the limited money that they earn might make  them unhappy with their profession. For example, many artists find it difficult to make a living even though they may feel lucky to be doing what they love.

So, in order to have a highly satisfied career, a person needs to be doing a job that they enjoy, working for a company with great environment, and getting paid for what they deserve. All these components are essential to achieving job satisfaction. Realistically, it is not easy for someone to have all that under the  same roof.

In conclusion, it is very difficult to get an ideal job that satisfies all the requirements of job satisfaction. However, everyone can still be happy with reporting to work everyday if  they are willing to make some sacrifices. 

Total Words: 264

Task Achievement: 8

Coherence & cohesion: 8, lexical resources: 8, overall score: band 8.

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Very useful

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Thank you Dina.

Happy New Year to you and good luck with your IELTS exam.

Cheers, Atul.


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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Self-Employment (IELTS Cambridge 14)

by Dave | Cambridge 14 | 12 Comments

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Self-Employment (IELTS Cambridge 14)

This is an IELTS Cambridge 14 Sample Answer for task 2 writing from a real past past on the topic of work and self-employment.

If you want to get my best materials and support me, please sign up for my exclusive ielts ebooks here on patreon., regardless of the country where you are currently living, this is probably a really pertinent question. it seems that everyone wants their own business – me included, read on to see how i dealt with it as well as for some vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar activities and more, if you need some review on structures your can read about ielts task 2 writing structure here ., here are some other ielts task 2 writing sample answers that i wrote , keep up the good work.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organisation. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?

An increasing number of people today are opting to start their own companies instead of working for a company mainly because of the increased support for young entrepreneurs. In my opinion, the main disadvantages of not having an employer are lack of expertise and its overall effect on businesses.

The number of self-employed is related to young entrepreneurs and has its origin in widespread angel investment across a variety of industries. one well-known example of this can be seen on the popular show ‘shark tank,’ where a panel of investors and executives hear product pitches and compete to purchase stakes in budding entrepreneurs’ businesses. this show has launched a number of successful products by securing initial funding, which has led to a trickle down effect from this show: not only has it turned specific dreams into realities but it also encourages viewers in general to be more ambitious and has therefore been one of the main catalysts for the frenzy of self-run businesses popping up in recent years., though there are undoubtedly positives to all these start-up companies, i think that the overall impact is negative because it results in many poorly run businesses. for example, in recent years a number of ride-sharing apps including uber, grab, lyft, be, go-viet and countless others have sprung up. the established companies provide a functioning app with high-quality service to meet the growing demands of this industry. however, the majority of small start-ups find themselves in over their heads with apps that barely function and driver shortages that specialise in inconveniencing customers. it would be better for the people starting these derivative businesses to either work in companies, gain valuable experience, look for gaps in the market, and then develop develop worthy competitors or simply be content to have a good job in a good company that they do not own., in conclusion, i feel that the rising number of new companies has led to a cult of overconfidence. if more people were satisfied working for others rather than pursuing unrealisable ambitions, this would likely lead to better consumer products across the board as well as increased national economic prosperity., ielts examiner sample answer analysis, 1.  an increasing number of people today are opting to start their own companies instead of working for a company mainly because of the increased support for young entrepreneurs. 2. in my opinion, the main disadvantages of not having an employer are lack of expertise and its overall effect on businesses., 1. the first sentence paraphrases the essay topic. this sentence is relatively unimportant so write it as fast your pen/pencil can fly, 2. my second sentence states my opinion – always have a clear opinion or you risk getting band 5 for task achievement…, 1.  the number of self-employed is related to young entrepreneurs and has its origin in widespread angel investment across a variety of industries. 2. one well-known example of this can be seen on the popular show ‘shark tank,’ where a panel of investors and executives hear product pitches and compete to purchase stakes in budding entrepreneurs’ businesses. 3. this show has launched a number of successful products by securing initial funding, which has led to a trickle down effect from this show: not only has it turned specific dreams into realities but it also encourages viewers in general to be more ambitious and has therefore been one of the main catalysts for the frenzy of self-run businesses popping up in recent years., 1. my first sentence is a topic sentence that gives the main idea for the paragraph: investment has led to more entrepreneurs. , 2. my second sentence begins my example. don’t waste any time getting to your example as it is all that really matters for your task achievement score, 3. the third sentence further develops and connects the example to my main idea. usually i write longer paragraphs (and shorter sentences) but there are always exceptions aim for about 4 – 5 sentences per paragraph for your writing., 1. though there are undoubtedly positives to all these start-up companies, i think that the overall impact is negative because it results in many poorly run businesses. 2. for example, in recent years a number of ride-sharing apps including uber, grab, lyft, be, go-viet and countless others have sprung up. 3. the established companies provide a functioning app with high-quality service to meet the growing demands of this industry. 4. however, the majority of small start-ups find themselves in over their heads with apps that barely function and driver shortages that specialise in inconveniencing customers. 5. it would be better for the people starting these derivative businesses to either work in companies, gain valuable experience, look for gaps in the market, and then develop develop worthy competitors or simply be content to have a good job in a good company that they do not own., 1. the first sentence is another topic sentence with the idea for the paragraph: this development is bad because it results in bad businesses., 2. my second sentence again begins my example right away., 3. the third sentence continues to develop the example. don’t run away from your examples – take some time to date them, 4. my fourth sentence also continues the same example. notice all the great vocabulary that comes out of a specific, detailed example, 5. my fifth sentence focuses on the effect of the example and relates it back to my main idea., 1.  in conclusion, i feel that the rising number of new companies has led to a cult of overconfidence. 2. if more people were satisfied working for others rather than pursuing unrealisable ambitions, this would likely lead to better consumer products across the board as well as increased national economic prosperity., 1. my first sentence states my opinion for the second time and my main reason why: overconfidence., 2. i finish the essay with a suggestion for how to encourage this in the future. be sure to have some extra detail/suggestion at the end of your writing beyond just a summary of your opinion, sample answer vocabulary, try to figure out what the words in bold below mean. don’t use a dictionary at first see if you can write your own definition based on the sentence and then check in a dictionary. guess if you have to but don’t cheat even if you want to, an increasing number of people today are opting to start their own companies instead of working for a company mainly because of the increased support for young entrepreneurs . in my opinion, the main disadvantages of not having an employer are lack of expertise and its overall effect on businesses., the number of self-employed is related to young entrepreneurs and has its origin in widespread angel investment across a variety of industries. one well-known example of this can be seen on the popular show ‘shark tank,’ where a panel of investors and executives hear product pitches and compete to purchase stakes in budding entrepreneurs’ businesses . this show has launched a number of successful products by securing initial funding , which has led to a trickle down effect from this show: not only has it turned specific dreams into realities but it also encourages viewers in general to be more ambitious and has therefore been one of the main catalysts for the frenzy of self-run businesses popping up in recent years., though there are undoubtedly positives to all these start-up companies , i think that the overall impact is negative because it results in many poorly run businesses. for example, in recent years a number of ride-sharing apps including uber, grab, lyft, be, go-viet and countless others have sprung up. the established companies provide a functioning app with high-quality service to meet the growing demands of this industry. however, the majority of small start-ups find themselves in over their heads with apps that barely function and driver shortages that specialise in inconveniencing customers. it would be better for the people starting these derivative businesses to either work in companies, gain valuable experience , look for gaps in the market , and then develop develop worthy competitors or simply be content to have a good job in a good company that they do not own., in conclusion, i feel that the rising number of new companies has led to a cult of overconfidence . if more people were satisfied working for others rather than pursuing unrealisable ambitions, this would likely lead to better consumer products across the board as well as increased national economic prosperity ., opting: choosing, entrepreneurs: people who start their own business, lack of expertise: not experts/skilled in an area, overall effect: the main impact of something, origin: cause/where it comes from, widespread: common, angel investment: early investment in a start-up company, panel of investors: group of people giving money to a product or service, product pitches: making a case/proposing a service or product, purchase stakes: buy a piece of a company, budding businesses: early/beginning/just forming businesses, launched products: started/premiered, securing initial funding: getting early money for something, trickle down effect: domino effect/effects other areas indirectly, dreams into realities: makes hopes/dreams comes true, main catalysts: primary causes, frenzy: lots of activity, popping up: appearing, though there are undoubtedly positives: despite the fact there are advantages, start-up companies: companies that are just beginning, poorly run: not well managed, ride-sharing apps: applications on your phone to call a ride like uber, established companies: well-known companies with good reputations, meet the growing demands: be able to provide a service for people who want it, in over their heads: beyond what they are capable of, barely function: hardly works at all, driver shortages: not enough drivers, specialise: focus on/become an expert in one area of, derivative: unoriginal, gain valuable experience: learn a lot, gaps in the market: areas where no company is meeting current demand/need, cult of overconfidence: lots of people being arrogant, unrealisable: impossible to make into a reality, across the board: everywhere/in all areas or industries, prosperity: wealth, vocabulary practice, remember and fill in the blanks:, an increasing number of people today are _______________  to start their own companies instead of working for a company mainly because of the increased support for young _______________ . in my opinion, the main disadvantages of not having an employer are _______________  and its _______________  on businesses., the number of self-employed is related to young entrepreneurs and has its _______________  in _______________  across a variety of industries. one well-known example of this can be seen on the popular show ‘shark tank,’ where a _______________  and executives hear _______________  and compete to _______________  in _______________  entrepreneurs’ _______________ . this show has _______________   a number of successful _______________  by _______________ , which has led to a _______________  from this show: not only has it turned specific _______________  but it also encourages viewers in general to be more ambitious and has therefore been one of the _______________  for the _______________ of self-run businesses _______________  in recent years., _______________ to all these _______________ , i think that the overall impact is negative because it results in many _______________  businesses. for example, in recent years a number of _______________  including uber, grab, lyft, be, go-viet and countless others have sprung up. the _______________  provide a functioning app with high-quality service to _______________  of this industry. however, the majority of small start-ups find themselves _______________  with apps that _______________  and _______________  that _______________ in inconveniencing customers. it would be better for the people starting these _______________ businesses to either work in companies, _______________ , look for _______________ , and then develop develop worthy competitors or simply be content to have a good job in a good company that they do not own., in conclusion, i feel that the rising number of new companies has led to a _______________ . if more people were satisfied working for others rather than pursuing _______________  ambitions, this would likely lead to better consumer products _______________  as well as increased national economic _______________ ., links from youtube and articles, worst shark tank pitches, brightwheel pitch, best pitch ever, 50 entrepreneurs share priceless advice  , comment below – do you want to open your own business someday, i’m not into that sort of thing…, i’d make a great…, i’d give it a shot if …, no chance because …, recommended for you.

employment essay ielts task 2

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employment essay ielts task 2

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Hi, This is an amazing essay, but I cannot use such a framework for my own writing since it too long(more than 350 words) takes a lot of time to do that. So I should find a way to write shorter introduction and conclusion and also boy paragraphs.


Yes, some of my answers run a little too long. They are the perfect ideal! You should aim for around 300 words and you can keep it there by getting to your example fast and not wasting time with general sentences.

Habib Hussain

sir, its too diffcult for me, so i can not understant what do I do for this.sir, my reading skill is weak,firstly i can not manange in time and secondly i do not achieve more than 15 score, so please help me

If you need help with reading, you can look here:

But it seems your English level is not high enough to study for IELTS yet:


Hi, this is an awesome essay, but I answered in my own essay with three reasons for people choosing self-employment, and three disadvantages of entrepreneurship. I think this was possible because I didn’t write any examples. Is it a bad approach?

Yes unfortunately that approach is not wise because you cannot fully support your main ideas and you will probably get band 5 for task achievement. It is much better to focus on one , with a long detailed example even though that is much more difficult!

Thanks, Dave. A question just popped up in my mind when I was reading this essay. In the beginning of the second paragraph, you wrote “the number of …,” but considering the context, isn’t it correct to use “a number of…”? Is it a typo or my misunderstanding? I can’t get the exact meaning of that sentence.


Thanks a lot!


I have heard from other IELTS teachers on various platforms that we shouldn’t add anything new to the conclusion otherwise we would risk losing points. So are you absolutely sure we can include one extra bit of info at the end?

Yes, Anon, you shouldn’t add a completely new main idea to develop.

But you can add a final thought that kind of restates the importance of one of your ideas.

I know many examiners that will cap your TA score at 7 if you don’t have a final thought to finish it off!


Thank you for your great writing approach. I’m practising IELTS writing according to your method. Please help me correct this essay. Thank you very much!

In the information age, with the support of the internet, there is easier than ever to be a freelancer or entrepreneur, as a result, many workers have chosen to quit their job. I assume that this bears some pressure to those who consider to being self-employed.

There are several reasons to quit a stable job as a worker. Those who have a low-income job which provide them insufficient wages compared to opening a shop on Facebook. They can leverage their networking, friends and relatives to sale their products. It is possible for those small businesses to extend their activities if they improve their marketing skills and open more online shops on other social e-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Shoppee. For other cases of leadership spirits, they are born to be entrepreneurs who want to create their own brand name rather than working for others such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates who are the greatest CEOs of all time.

However, to be a CEO or freelancer goes along with invisible pressure. The obvious one should be capital, financial struggle while the company has not yet earned a benefit at early operating months. Another concern is a marketing strategy, if the CEO does not have a stable scheme for their organization, it is hard to build a sustainable development. The initial stage is the most difficult period because a new company has to compete with an established one which has been already well-known on the market. In addition, some companies with poor management and lack of experience could have bankrupted as soon as launching if they had not calculated carefully.

In conclusion, some causes to lead to the trend of “working for yourself”, it also includes some burden. Individuals should consider thoroughly before making any important decisions.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures

The four most common IELTS writing Task 2 questions are: Opinion, Advantages and Disadvantages, Problem and Solution Discussion

IELTS Task 2 Essay Structures

Knowing how to structure your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is an essential skill that can make the difference between getting and not getting the band score you deserve. With that in mind, we have outlined the most common IELTS Writing Task 2 structures below.

Image: IELTS-Writing-Task-2-Structure

Nearly all of my Task 2 essays follow this basic structure: The sentences you put in each paragraph will depend on what type of question you get.

The five most common IELTS Writing Task 2 questions are:

  • Opinion (Agree or Disagree)
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Problem and Solution
  • Discussion (Discuss both views)
  • Two-part Question

Below I will outline examples and a structure approved by experienced IELTS teachers and examiners for each type of question. This will help you write a clear, coherent answer and hopefully boost your IELTS band score. I also include an example answer for each type of question so you can see the structure in a real essay.

Please note that these are general structures and may vary slightly depending on the question.

Please also note that no ‘one’ Task 2 essay structure will get you a high score. There are many types of structures that can get you a high score. These are just some I think are effective and easy to learn. 

Please visit the lessons below for more detailed guidance on each type of question. I have provided a link at the end of each section.

employment essay ielts task 2

Opinion Questions (Agree or Disagree) 

Typical Question Words –

What is your opinion?

Do you agree or disagree?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Direct question.

Example Question –

Some people believe that unpaid community service should be compulsory in high school programmes (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children).

Essay Structure 


1- Paraphrase Question

2- Give your opinion and outline the main ideas.

Main Body Paragraph 1 

1- Topic Sentence

2- Explain Topic Sentence

Main Body Paragraph 2


1- Summary of main points and opinion

Student Sample Answer

It is argued that volunteering should be made part of the school curriculum. This essay agrees with that suggestion completely because it help pupils develop soft skills and helps them gain much-needed work experience.

Education should not be limited to strictly academic pursuits, and those in education should also develop life skills, such as teamwork, empathy and self-discipline, and one of the best ways to hone these aptitudes is through community service. Serving those less fortunate than ourselves teaches us many lessons, including how to work with people from other backgrounds and the value of hard work, thus enabling us to hone these skills before becoming an adult. For example, many young people from wealthier countries take a gap year and help those less fortunate than themselves to increase their gratitude for what they have and improve their work ethic.

Many colleges and companies are also increasingly looking for this type of experience. Most school leavers have the same grades, and charitable work can help set you apart from other students when making college applications. For example, Cambridge and Oxford receive thousands of applications from straight-A students yearly and can only accept a small percentage of applicants. What you have done outside the classroom often differentiates you from everyone else and gets you that coveted spot.

In conclusion, teenagers should be made to partake in unpaid work as part of their schooling because it will help them learn things they wouldn’t ordinarily learn from their teachers, and it will also boost their chances of getting into third-level education.

For more detail on how to answer agree or disagree questions, please visit our opinion essay lesson . 

Need help writing essays like this? Check out our ESSAY CORRECTION SERVICE .

Advantages and Disadvantages Questions

Typical Question Words 

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Example Question

Technology is being used more and more in education.

Essay Structure

2- Outline Main Points

Main Body Paragraph 1

1- State Two Advantages

2- Expand/Explain First Advantage

3- Expand/Explain Second Advantage

1- State Two Disadvantages

2- Expand/Explain First Disadvantage

3- Expand/Explain Second Disadvantage

employment essay ielts task 2

1- Summary of Main Points

Student Sample Answer 

It is argued that technology plays an ever-increasing role in schools and universities. Increased access to information and student freedom are the main advantages, whereas dependency on technology and decreasing levels of face-to-face contact are the main disadvantages.

Access to more information and student autonomy are the principal advantages of increasing the use of electronic devices in education. With the internet, students can access all the information available about any topic, regardless of what books and other resources are available in the school. Furthermore, students can focus on whatever topic or subject they want and study it in depth. A prime example of this is the number of online university courses available to students, covering a myriad of subjects that, up until recently, were unavailable to most learners. This has resulted in more people studying third-level degrees than ever before at a pace and schedule that suits them.

The main disadvantages associated with the increasing use of technology in education are the dependency on this technology and the decrease in face-to-face interaction between students. With many students now using the internet as their primary source of information, they often struggle to use other academic resources to find what they’re looking for. As well as this, students spend more time looking at computer screens by themselves than interacting with each other, which is thought to lead to lower levels of emotional intelligence. For instance, the recent explosion in smartphone use has been at the expense of genuine human interaction. This results in soft skills, such as verbal communication and empathy, being affected.

In conclusion, the benefits technology brings to education, such as unrestricted access to information and student autonomy, must be weighed against the drawbacks, such as dependency on this technology and the negative effects on human interaction.

For more detail on how to answer advantage and disadvantage questions, please visit our  advantage and disadvantage lesson . 

Discuss Both Views Question (Discussion Essay)  

employment essay ielts task 2

Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

Example Question 

Technology is being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences.

Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

1- Paraphrase Question and/or state both viewpoints.

2- Thesis Statement

3- Outline Sentence

1- State first viewpoint

2- Discuss first viewpoint

3- Reason why you agree or disagree with viewpoint

4- Example to support your view

1- State second viewpoint

2- Discuss second viewpoint

Sentence 1- Summary

Sentence 2- State which one is better or more important

There is an ever-increasing use of technology, such as tablets and laptops, in the classroom. It is often argued that this is a positive development, whilst others disagree and think it will lead to adverse ramifications. This essay agrees that an increase in technology is beneficial to students and teachers.

The Internet has provided students with access to more information than ever before. This has allowed learners to research and learn about any subject at the touch of a button. It is therefore agreed that technology is a very worthwhile tool for education. Wikipedia is a prime example, where students can type in any keyword and gain access to in-depth knowledge quickly and easily.

However, many disagree and feel that technology deprives people of real human interaction. Human interaction teaches people valuable skills such as discourse, debate and empathy. Without these soft skills, many people find it difficult to become successful in work and their personal lives. Despite this, human interaction is still possible through the internet, and this essay disagrees that technology should be dismissed for this reason. For instance, Skype and Facebook allow people to interact in ways that were never before possible.

While the benefits of technology, particularly the internet, allow students to tap into limitless sources of information, some still feel that people should be wary of this new phenomenon and not allow it to curb face-to-face interaction. However, as long as we carefully consider the importance of human interaction in education, the educational benefits are clearly positive.

For more detail on how to answer discussion questions please visit our  discussion essay lesson . 

Problem and Solution Questions

employment essay ielts task 2

Problem and solution.

Cause and solution.

Students are becoming more and more reliant on technology.

What are some of the problems associated with reliance on computers, and what are some of the possible solutions?

2- Outline Sentence

1- State Problems

2- Explain First Problem

3- Explain Second Problem

4- Example of Second Problem

1- State Solutions

2- Explain First Solution

3- Explain Second Solution

4- Example of Second Solution

Learners are becoming increasingly dependent on technology, such as the Internet and mobile devices. This essay believes the main problems associated with dependence on computers are the lack of original thought and copying original work from others and suggests critical thinking classes and writing analysis software as the most viable solutions.

The principal problems with over-reliance on technology are people being unable to think for themselves and plagiarism. With access to so much information, students often rely on other people’s opinions instead of forming their own. As well as this, they often use search engines to answer a question and copy the text from a website rather than thinking about the question. This practice is prohibited in schools and universities and stunts students’ intellectual development because they will never truly think for themselves, which is what university is supposed to be for. For example, many teachers complain that students copy web pages straight from Wikipedia word for word rather than giving a reasoned answer to their questions.

Solutions to these worrying problems are special classes to focus on critical thinking and teachers using anti-plagiarism software to detect copying. If teachers create situations where students have to infer meaning and express opinions based on a small amount of information, this will ensure that students have an opportunity to develop these skills. Also, if students know that their assignments are being checked for plagiarism, this will be enough to deter them from doing so. For instance, many universities already use this kind of software to scan coursework for plagiarism, and it could be extended to include all homework by learners in both secondary and tertiary education.

In conclusion, the main problems with the overuse of technology in education are the lack of original thought and plagiarism. These can be solved through special classes that teach students analytical skills and plagiarism detection software.

For more detail on how to answer problem and solution questions please visit our  problem and solution lesson . 

Two-Part Questions

employment essay ielts task 2

There will normally be a statement, and they will then ask you to answer separate questions.

As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.

What factor contributes to job satisfaction?

How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?

2- Outline Sentence (mention both questions)

1- Answer first question directly

2- Explain why

3- Further explain

1- Answer second question directly

As most adults spend most of their time at work, being content with your career is a crucial part of a person’s health and happiness. This essay will first suggest fair pay as a key element leading to job satisfaction, and it will then state that it is not very likely that everyone can be happy with their job.

The most important thing that satisfies someone at work is being compensated fairly. If those more senior than you respect you as a person and the job you are doing, then you feel like you are valued. A fair salary and benefits are important marks of respect, and if you feel you are being underpaid, you will either resent your bosses or look for another job. These two factors came top of a recent job satisfaction survey conducted by, which found that 72% of people were pleased with their current role if their superiors regularly told them they were appreciated.

With regard to the question of happiness for all workers, I think this is and always will be highly unlikely. The vast majority of people fail to reach their goals and end up working in a post they don’t really care about in return for a salary. This money is just enough to pay their living expenses which often means they are trapped in a cycle of disenchantment. For example, The Times recently reported that 89% of office workers would leave their jobs if they did not need the money.

In conclusion, being satisfied with your trade or profession is an important part of one’s well-being, and respect from one’s colleagues and fair pay can improve your level of happiness; however, job satisfaction for all workers is an unrealistic prospect.

Can I get a band 8 or 9 following these structures? 

Nobody can give you a Task 2 IELTS structure that guarantees high scores. Your score is dependent on how good your grammar and vocabulary are and how well you answer the question. A good structure will help you answer the question to some extent and boost your score for coherence and cohesion, but you must use relevant ideas and use these ideas well to answer the question.

You can see how my student scored a Band 8.5 in IELTS Writing here:

employment essay ielts task 2

Next Steps 

We hope you found those IELTS Writing Task 2 structures useful. Looking for some more sample questions? Here are over 100 sample questions from past exam papers.

If you would personalised feedback and guidance until you get the score you need, you can join the Waiting List for my VIP Course here.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.


IELTS Writing Task 2: All You Need to know

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“With the help of this article, know all about the format, tips, and techniques to crack your IELTS Writing Task 2 all before kickstart your IELTS preparations!“

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 requires you to write an essay in response to a given general topic. This task is designed to assess your skills based on presenting a clear position, developing an argument logically, and organizing ideas coherently.

To achieve a high score, you must understand the task format and question types, analyze prompts effectively, and structure your essay appropriately. This blog post will break down everything you need to know from the format of the IELTS task 2 writing to tricks to solve it effortlessly.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Test Papers

IELTS General Writing Task 2 Test Papers

Difference between ielts writing task 2 academic vs general.

To understand the differences between Academic and General Training in IELTS Writing Task 2, here is a helpful comparison table:

Related to education, science, technology, social issues Related to everyday life situations, hobbies, work, relationships
Formal, impersonal Semi-formal, personal experiences are acceptable
Complex vocabulary, high-level grammar Intermediate vocabulary, grammar
- Technology use in schools, Government investment in sciences, Causes of unemployment - Importance of hobbies, Managing workplace stress, Raising children
"As major cities continue to grow, the problems of overcrowding and traffic congestion are worsening. What causes these issues, and what are some possible solutions?" "Stress and mental health issues are becoming increasingly common among high school students. What are some of the causes and what can be done to address this problem?"

IELTS Writing Task 2 Format

Task Requirement: Write an academic-style essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem.

Assessment: Assesses your ability to present a solution or opinion in a logical, structured way.

Duration: 40 minutes

IELTS Writing Task 2 Scoring Criteria

To understand how your IELTS Writing Task 2 essay is evaluated by the examiner, it is crucial to be familiar with the assessment criteria!

IELTS Writing task 2 evaluation criteria

Have a look at the table below to learn more about the evaluation criteria!

Measures how well you address all parts of the task and present a fully developed position.
Assesses how clearly linked and logically structured your essay is.
Evaluates your range and accuracy of usage.
Measures the variety and precision of your grammar.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

There are 6 types of questions in the IELTS Writing Task 2 and you may get any one type in your IELTS test. Hence, get to know about them to identify the question prompts effortlessly!

  • Opinion 

You need to pick a side of the given two sides of an argument write in support of it and provide reasons for your opinion.

  • Agree/Disagree

Here, you need to state whether you agree or disagree with a given statement and support it with reasons and examples.

Discussion (Discuss Both Views)

This type requires you to discuss both sides of an issue and then give your own opinion at last.

  • Problem/Solution

You have to identify problems related to the topic and suggest possible solutions.

  • Advantages/Disadvantages

This question asks you to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation or issue.

  • Double Question (Direct Questions)

You must answer two or more direct questions related to a single topic and support it with proper examples as well.

Useful IELTS Writing Task 2 Tips

IELTS Writing Task 2 is the second part of the two writing tasks and is one of the most challenging parts of the IELTS test. Most students also find it more difficult than Writing Task 1. Therefore, access to some quick tips for task 2 writing IELTS:

  • Understand the Task: Test-takers should identify the key components, the question type, and any specific instructions before outlining the key points that should be covered.
  • Plan Before You Write: Before diving into the essay, candidates should spend a few minutes planning the response. A clear outline needs to include an introduction, the main points for each body paragraph, and the conclusion.
  • Follow a Structured Essay Format: Every essay type has a specific structure. So, sticking to the traditional essay structure with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concluding summary enhances the readability of the essay.
  • Provide Supportive Examples: Test-takers should support their arguments with concrete examples and evidence. This not only strengthens the expressed opinion but also showcases the ability to develop ideas.
  • Use Linking Words and Phrases: Candidates should employ linking words and phrases to connect ideas within and between sentences. This improves the overall flow and coherence of the essay.
  • Revise and Proofread: This is one of the most vital steps and test-takers need to allocate some time at the end to review and edit their essay. They should check for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence and ensure that the essay effectively communicates their ideas.
  • Write Regularly Under Time Constraints: Practice writing essays within the 40-minute. This helps improve your time management skills and ensures that you can effectively express your ideas within the given constraints.
  • Seek Feedback: To understand the weak areas and improve them, test-takers need to share their practice essays with teachers, peers, or online communities like the one created by IELTSMaterial . Constructive feedback helps identify areas for improvement and provides valuable insights.

Top 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Writing Task 2

1. misunderstanding the question.

Many test-takers misunderstand the question, leading to off-topic essays.

2. Poor Time Management

Struggling to manage time effectively often results in incomplete essays.

3. Lack of Ideas

Difficulty in generating relevant ideas quickly is a common problem.

4. Disorganized Structure

Failing to organize thoughts into clear, logical paragraphs is a frequent mistake.

5. Grammar Errors

Frequent grammar errors can significantly lower the writing score.

6. Limited Vocabulary

Using a limited vocabulary makes it hard to express ideas effectively.

7. Weak Evidence

Providing weak examples usually weakens arguments and doesn’t provide a strong essay.

8. Incorrect Word Count

Not meeting the required word count can negatively affect the score.

Band Descriptors IELTS Writing Task 2

Structure For Answering the IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

The IELTS Writing Task 2 section has different types of essays that may be asked, each requiring a specific structure and approach. The main 6 IELTS Writing Task 2 question types and their standard structure are summarized in the table below:

Opinion Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs with your opinion and supporting reasons/examples. Conclusion summarizing opinion.
Discussion Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing both sides/perspectives on the topic. Conclusion summarizing the discussion and providing your opinion.
Agree/Disagree Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs agreeing and disagreeing with the statement, giving reasons/examples. Conclusion summarizing main points.
Advantages/Disadvantages Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing the advantages and disadvantages. Conclusion summarizing the main points.
Problem/Solution Essay Introduction with background information and paraphrase of question. Body paragraphs discussing the problem(s) and suggesting solutions. Conclusion summarizing main points.
Direct Question Essay Introduction rephrasing the question. Body paragraphs directly answer the question with reasons/examples/explanations. Conclusion summarizing answer.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types with Sample Answers

Let's look at the different IELTS writing task 2 essay types that may appear in Writing Task 2:

Opinion Essay

These prompts simply ask for your  opinion  on a topic without presenting two views.

Sample prompt:  "Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime. What is your opinion on this?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay below:

  • Some People Believe that Nowadays We Have Too Many Choices- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Opinion Essay Topic: Prevention is better than cure
  • Universities Should Accept Equal Numbers of Male and Female Students in Every Subject – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Doing an Enjoyable Activity with a Child Can Develop Better Skills and More Creativity Than Reading – IELTS
  • All Children Should be Made to Wear School Uniforms- IELTS Writing Task 2

Agree and Disagree Essay

These questions ask your opinion on a statement or proposal. You must decide whether you agree or disagree and support your view.

Sample prompt:   "Unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs." To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Agree and Disagree Essay below:

  • It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Foreign Visitors Should Pay More Than Local Visitors for Cultural and Historical Attractions – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some people believe that air travel should be restricted Sample Essay
  • When a Country Develops its Technology the Traditional Skills and Ways of Life Die Out – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV Sample Essay

These prompts present two perspectives on an issue and ask you to  discuss  and examine both sides.

Sample prompt:   "Some people think the manufacturers and shopping malls should sell fewer packaged products while others argue that people have the responsibility to buy products with less packaging. Discuss both views and give your opinion."

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Discussion Essay below:

  • In Some Countries, a Few People Earn Extremely High Salaries – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some People Think that Children Should Start School Sooner- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some People Think that it is Better to Educate Girls and Boys in Separate Schools- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Some Companies Sponsor Sport and Sports Stars as a Way to Advertise Themselves – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • University Students Should Study Whatever They Like Sample Essay

Problem/Solution Essay

These questions given in the  problem/solution  essay describe an issue and ask you to propose solutions.

Sample prompt:   "In many cities, public transport systems are inadequate and road congestion is increasing. What are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?"

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem/Solution Essay below:

  • Many Working People get little or no Exercise either During the Working Day- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Doctors Recommend that Older People Exercise Regularly- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Over Population Of Urban Areas Has Led To Numerous Problems – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • An Increase in Production of Consumer Goods Results in Damage to the Natural Environment- IELTS Writing Task
  • In the Developed World, Average Life Expectancy is Increasing- IELTS Writing Task 2

Advantages/Disadvantages Essay

These prompts ask you to analyze the  advantages and disadvantages  of an issue.

Sample prompt:  "Studying overseas has many benefits for students. However, there are also some disadvantages. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion."

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantages/Disadvantages Essay below:

  • People now have the Freedom to Work and live Anywhere in the World- IELTS Writing Task 2
  • In Some Countries People Prefer to Rent a House than Buy One – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Planners Tend to Arrange Shops, Schools, Offices and Homes in Specific Areas – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Technology is Increasingly Being Used to Monitor What People Are Saying And Doing Sample Essays
  • In the Past, When Students Did a University Degree, They Tended to Study in Their Own Country – IELTS

Direct Question Essay

These prompts which are also known as  Direct Question  essays give you a statement along with a related question.

Sample prompt:   "A growing number of people are living alone in many major cities. What are the reasons for this? Why do they choose to live alone?

Check out more IELTS Writing Task 2 Direct Question Essay below:

  • Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Many People Like to Wear Fashionable Clothes – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Consumers Are Faced With Increasing Numbers of Advertisements From Competing Companies – IELTS
  • There are Many Different Types of Music in The World Today – IELTS Writing Task 2
  • More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes- IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers

Below is the list of IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Answers which you can refer to for the exam.

  • Topic: Family
  • Topic: Press, news on internet & newspapers
  • Topic: Families
  • Topic - Environment
  • Topic: Invention 
  • Topic: Aging Population
  • Topic: Art & Technology
  • Topic: Career
  • Topic: Dangerous Sports
  • Topic: Technology
  • Topic: Travel & Tourism
  • Topic: International Car-free Days & Sample Essay
  • Topic: Traffic
  • Topic: Transportation
  • Topic: TV or Radio
  • Topic: Communication Technology
  • Topic: Living in Campus
  • Topic: Crime
  • Collocations - Topic: The Environment
  • Useful Collocations - Topic: Government

Trending Essay Topics

  • Every year several languages die out
  • Some People Think That Parents Should Teach Children How to be Good Members of Society
  • Happiness is considered very important in life
  • In some countries the average weight of people is increasing
  • Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school
  • Research Indicates That the Characteristics We are Born With Have Much More Influence On Our Personality

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with Sample Essays

Below is the list of Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics with   Sample Essays :

  • Topic 01: Media
  • Topic 02: Successful Sports Professionals
  • Topic 03:Smoking
  • Topic 04: Children today play very violent games
  • Topic 05:The birth rate in most developed countries
  • Topic 06: Many families find it necessary for both parents go out to work
  • Topic 07: Women and men are commonly seen as having different strength and weaknesses
  • Topic 08: Increase in violent crime among youngsters
  • Topic 09: Good Job
  • Topic 10: Different medical traditions
  • Topic 11:Need to prepare for tests and examinations
  • Topic 12: Eating Fish
  • Topic 13:Concerned about the number of children who are overweight
  • Topic 14: Freedom of Speech
  • Topic: Architecture & History
  • Topic: Digital Communication
  • Topic: Economic Development
  • Topic: Education
  • Topic: Environment
  • Topic: Food & Transport
  • Topic: Government
  • Topic: Newspapers
  • Topic: Sports
  • Topic: Television & Children
  • Topic: Economic Growth

The key is to practice regularly and make writing a habit until your final   IELTS Writing  test! With this preparation, you'll be ready to achieve your desired band in no time. We bet you’re all aware of the IELTS Writing Task 2 so now get ready to gather our expert tricks to crack your writing task 1. Pick between  IELTS General Writing Task 1  and the   IELTS Academic Writing Task 1  as per your preference and start now!

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3220 – Band 8.5

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Education , Task 2 essay , Work and Employment , Writing samples , Writing topics

The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

It is undeniable that hard work plays a key role in success, and, in my opinion, this is probably the main motive for most diligent people to put more time and effort into their duties. However, I also believe that working too hard can have a negative impact on our personal and social lives.

Hard-working people tend to have either different personal traits or goals from their peers. Some people are more dedicated to their work than their colleagues simply because they feel more committed to their responsibilities. This group of people, who nowadays are a rare breed, do not look for anything in return for the extra time and effort that they put into their duties. However, in my opinion, the factor that encourages people the most to try harder is their insatiable hunger for progress in their careers or education. These individuals believe that the more they try, the more they get, and I view this as a true outlook that has been the fountain of most of the human’s technological and scientific achievements.

Alongside the essential role that hard work has in our success, it can certainly cause some discomfort or even damages to our lives. Firstly, if we have a hectic work schedule, we will not have enough free time to spend on our favourite pastimes, and therefore our lives will become less joyful. Furthermore, working too hard could isolate us from society and lead to personality disorders like depression. Perhaps most importantly, devoting excessive time to our occupations usually means that we have less time to dedicate to our families, which may damage the foundation of family, as the most important unit of society. In other words, spending too much time on a job would probably decrease our quality of life.

In conclusion, although diligence is often known as a positive trait that leads us to success, we should not overlook the possible harm that working too hard can bring to our lives.

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

February 28, 2024

IELTS Writing Band Descriptors:

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Two-Part Questions

Posted by David S. Wills | Jul 18, 2018 | IELTS Tips , Writing | 1

IELTS Writing Task 2: Two-Part Questions

Today we’re going to look at an IELTS writing task 2 question that often makes students a little worried: the two-part question . This is also sometimes referred to as “the direct question” as it is more direct than other types of writing questions, such as advantages and disadvantages or causes and solutions .

In this lesson, I will show you what this question looks like and explain how to answer it.

Table of Contents

What is a two-part question, two-part question examples, analysing the question, structuring a two-part question essay, sample answer.

In IELTS writing task 2, there are different sorts of questions you may be asked. One of them is called the two-part question (or sometimes “the direct question”). It is most commonly called a two-part question because it contains two distinct questions.

Of course, some other questions also contain two parts. For example, a problem and solution essay is two parts. However, what we mean by a “two-part question” is one that contains two questions . The reason this is sometimes called a “direct question” task is that the questions themselves are more direct than other IELTS writing task 2 question types, which instruct candidates to explore an idea. This is rather vague , whereas the two-part question is very specific .

To understand this idea better, let’s look at an example two-part question:

In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?

Ok, the first thing that you may notice is that there are three parts to this question! However, the first part is actually a lead-in statement. It is not particularly important. The parts that you need to address in your essay are the two questions. This is why some people say “two-part question” and others say “direct question”.

Here is another example:

Happiness is often considered difficult to define. Why is this? What factors determine happiness?

Here the first question contains a pronoun, “this”, which refers back to the idea in the first sentence. In other words, the first question is “Why is it often considered difficult to define happiness?”

Finally, here is one more example question:

Success is often measured by wealth and material possessions. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?

As you can see by now, each question has three parts: an introductory statement and two individual (but related) questions. You will see this exact format used with numerous IELTS topics .

Sometimes the lead-in statement will be very long, and sometimes the questions are quite closely linked. Other times the statement may be short or the questions ask quite different things.

How to Answer Two-Part Questions

The first thing to remember is: DON’T PANIC! Two-part questions often make students a bit nervous, but really they are not so bad. They are no more difficult to answer than the other IELTS task 2 question types.

In fact, this type of question may even be the easiest one to answer!

Although the questions themselves are sometimes a bit challenging, they are direct questions . This means that it is less likely you will stray off-topic while writing. In other words, your task is actually more straightforward than it would be with an agree/disagree question, for example.

Let’s look at an example question so we can analyse it. This is the first thing you should do in any IELTS writing task 2 essay, and it’s important to spend a minute or two thinking carefully about it.

Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to do whatever they want. Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older?

We can take three steps to analyse this question.

  • Let’s look at the first sentence: What is it about? It is about permissive parents – ie parents who give their children too much (or who give in to their child’s demands) and let them do too many things.
  • Next, the first question contains a pronoun (“this”) which refers to the ideas in the first sentence, and asks if it’s good or not.
  • The second question talks about the consequences – not for the parents, but for the children.

I have deliberately chosen a slightly difficult question here in order to show you how to answer it. Usually, the questions are a little more direct and obvious, but here you need to consider the three sentences in order, making sure to understand each fully.

In a situation like this, if you make an incorrect assumption about the first or second parts of the sentence, it may cause a serious lack of coherence and cohesion , in addition to poor task achievement .

For example, if you thought it was just about children not being made to study enough, you might write the next paragraph all about a lack of studying and the following one may come back closer to the correct idea because of the more specific question. This would look bad, indicating a lack of unity in your writing.

Thankfully, it is not difficult to create a perfect two-part essay structure. In fact, it is very easy!

Here is a basic essay template:

Explain the main idea
Give an
Body paragraph #1Answer the first question
Body paragraph #2Answer the second question
Summarise your essay briefly

In a previous article, I talked about whether to use a 4 or 5 paragraph essay . This is one case when you definitely want to use a four-paragraph essay.

Here’s the video, if you want to review it:

I have lots more posts on the topic of IELTS essay structures. Here are a few: 

  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Structures
  • Planning IELTS Writing Task 2 Structure
  • How to Structure a Paragraph

In this section, I will give you my sample answer to the above question, using the basic four-paragraph structure that I mentioned. Obviously, my ideas will be different to yours, but the structure which I outlined can be used 100% of the time.

In today’s society, some parents are becoming increasingly permissive. They do not impose sufficient discipline on their children, and in some cases buy them too many things. This essay will explore why this is not a good way to raise children and why it will have negative impacts upon them in future. While it is understandable that parents want to give their children expensive toys and let them run freely in the streets, this is actually not really an appropriate method of parenting. Having too many toys encourages children to be materialistic and does not offer them the same change to develop social skills like sharing. Furthermore, when children have asked for the toys, it gives them a sense of entitlement and even power over their parents. As for giving children too much freedom, there are obviously a great many dangers in this world from which they need to be kept safe. Children also need rules and boundaries to encourage them to develop into mature and responsible adults. If parents insist on this permissive style of parenting, their children will grow up with very different values from those of stricter parents. Children who were never forced to study will end up with poorer grades in school, and those who were given everything they wanted as children will expect everything to come easily as adults. In short, they will lead difficult and disappointing lives, in contrast with what their parents hoped. In conclusion, although it is tempting to give children whatever they want, parents ought to set rules and boundaries, and to be careful with how they reward children. If parents fail to impose a basic level of discipline, children may grow up with a poor attitude that will cause them and others to suffer.

There are really no words or phrases that are unique to the two-part question essay. Just use regular academic English as with any other IELTS task 2 question, and of course stick to the topic.

For my essay, I used the word “permissive.” It means allowing too much and not setting enough rules. You could use similar words like “liberal,” “easygoing”, “live and let live”, and so on, although they vary slightly in precise meaning.

Here are some more useful terms that you can use to talk about parents:

employment essay ielts task 2

As always, remember to avoid IELTS phrases and other cliches. Learn new vocabulary by topic and in collocations rather than isolation.

Tips for Two-Part Questions

Finally, a few tips to remember:

  • Practice this question type often before the exam – it’s pretty common!
  • Make sure you understand each part of the question before answering.
  • Always use the four-paragraph essay structure.
  • Work on idea generation at home in order to come up with good, on-topic answers.

I made this article into a short video. Please give it a ‘LIKE’ and subscribe to the channel if you find it useful.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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could someone evaluate this and give the band score it deserves? here is my writing of the given topic….. In education and employment, some people work harder than others. 1. Why do some people work harder? 2. Is it always a good thing to work hard?

ans : It is often seen that some people put in more effort than others in the field of education and employment . The possible reasons could be due to the workload pressure or genuine passion .While passion for accomplishing task is a good thing, working hard due to constant pressure and other circumstances could be a problem . This essay explores the potential reasons as to why some work more than others and also discusses whether it is good to do so or not.

While students work hard due to their caliber and interest in studies working people work hard due to circumstances .Although there are a few students who study due to constant nagging by mentors or parents, most of them develop a genuine interest towards the subjects. Employers, on the other hand, work up to their innate potential to make both ends meet. For example, some workers work overtime that is for longer hours in order to earn higher salary or during the weekends to cope with the pending works . Sometimes they complete their tasks in advance in case they have any upcoming projects or plans outside the workplace to compensate for the missing working days.

Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing completely depends on the situation. Any work, no matter how important and urgent, if done against will and under high pressure will never give good outcomes . Instead it will lead to anxiety and stress if not accomplished on time. But if one is passionate and hungry for success and enjoys pursuing their interest, it will undoubtedly bear fruits and their hard work will eventually pay off.

All things considered, hard work is the key to success with respect to both education and employment. But it is important to make a note that one should have a great deal of passion and sincerity to achieve success and should not be forced to work due to helplessness or under pressure.

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The ultimate guide to mastering the detailed approach to writing ielts writing task 2: introduction.

Writing a captivating IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction is one of the topics that many IELTS test takers are interested in while preparing for the exam. How can you create an effective IELTS Task 2 introduction to impress the examiner during the actual IELTS test? Refer to the article below to fully grasp the art of writing an Introduction for Writing Task 2!

The ultimate guide to mastering the detailed approach to writing IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

I. Structure of the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

1. writing the general statement, 2. writing the thesis statement.

In writing the introduction for IELTS Writing Task 2, it is important to adopt a mindset of being concise and avoiding excessive elaboration and vague statements. The primary objective of the introduction is to effectively introduce the content of the essay and provide a clear direction for the reader regarding the upcoming discussion.

Firstly, it is crucial to understand the components of the introduction. The introduction in Task 2, known as the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction, consists of two parts: the General Statement and the Thesis Statement.

  • General Statement: This introductory sentence or two serves to introduce the topic of the essay. It should provide enough context to orient the reader and establish the relevance of the chosen subject matter. However, it is important to avoid going into too much detail or introducing specific arguments at this stage. Instead, focus on providing a broad overview that sets the stage for the subsequent discussion.
  • Thesis Statement: Following the general statement, the thesis statement provides a roadmap for both the writer and the reader. It succinctly outlines the main points or arguments that will be addressed in the essay, serving as a preview of the forthcoming analysis. The thesis statement should be clear, concise, and directly relevant to the essay prompt, outlining the writer's stance or position on the topic.

Structure of the Introduction in IELTS Writing Task 2

For further reference, please consult the following article:

  • How to Write a Topic Sentence in IELTS Writing Task 2!

II. How to Write an IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction

The topic sentence in IELTS Writing Task 2 introduces the topic of the essay. Since the essay topic is provided in the task's prompt, you can simply paraphrase it to write the General Statement.

Task: Some people think that children must be given homework everyday to be successful at school. Others think they should be allowed to enjoy their leisure time after school without homework. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Writing the General Statement

For the given prompt, which presents two contrasting views, you can use the following structure to incorporate both views into the General Statement in the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction:

There is an argument about whether SV

Since the prompt discusses two opposing viewpoints but generally focuses on the same subject (in this case, "young children"), this structure allows you to express both ideas in one sentence without repeating the subject. Applying this structure to the prompt, we have the following sentence:

➡ There is an argument about whether young students should be assigned homework on a daily basis or allowed to enjoy their leisure time free of extra work from school.

The Thesis Statement serves as a roadmap for both the writer and the reader. In this sentence, when writing the IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction, you have two options:

Task: Some people think that children must be given homework every day to be successful at school. Others think they should be allowed to enjoy their leisure time after school without homework. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


  • For prompts that ask for personal opinion (e.g., "Discuss both views and give your opinion") ➡ Express your personal standpoint. A note to consider is that we often write a contrasting sentence to indicate that we acknowledge viewpoint A but still support viewpoint B. The following sentence uses the structure "Although SV, SV" to convey this idea: ➡ Although some may advocate the latter view, I would contend that the practice of accomplishing given homework is highly beneficial to students.
  • For prompts that do not ask for personal opinion (e.g., "Discuss both views") ➡ Simply outline the plan for the essay without expressing a personal opinion ➡ This essay will discuss both sides of the issues before a conclusion is drawn.

Hopefully, the insights on writing an IELTS Writing Task 2: Introduction shared by PREP above will be helpful for IELTS test takers. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding the knowledge presented in the above section, please leave a comment below the article to receive the most helpful response from PREP.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Sample Answers & PDF

  • Last Updated On August 21, 2024
  • Published In General

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

Maps have been humanity’s silent guides, charting courses from uncharted lands to bustling cities. Now, they’ve become a challenge in the path to IELTS success .

Table of Content

With the average IELTS writing score hovering around 7.0 in 2024 , mastering the art of map description is essential. To transform geographical data into compelling prose, you need more than just direction — you need the language of a map expert.


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In this blog, you’ll explore essential IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary words that can help you improve your descriptions and boost your overall writing score. Using the right terms and phrases ensures that your map descriptions are detailed, accurate, and aligned with the standards needed to achieve a score of 7.0 or higher. 

Want to ace IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary? Dive in!

Key Highlights

Here is a table detailing this blog’s key points that will help you ace the IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary.

Before and After, Proposed Changes, Comparative Maps
North, South, Adjacent to for precise location descriptions
Words like: ‘expanded,’ ‘reduced,’ and ‘transformed’ 
Incorrect tense usage, Repetition of words

What is IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary?

In IELTS writing task 1, map vocabulary plays a crucial role as it helps you accurately describe the changes and features shown in different maps. Your ability to use precise terms like “ constructed ,” “ demolished ,” and directional phrases like “ north of ” or “ adjacent to ” is essential for achieving a high score.

This vocabulary is assessed under the Lexical Resource criterion, one of four areas, along with Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each contributes 25% to your overall Task 1 score.

Here is a table that outlines the key types of vocabulary used in IELTS Writing Task 1 map descriptions:

North, south, adjacent to
Constructed, demolished, expanded
Converted into, replaced by

These terms help you convey the map’s details clearly and concisely, which is crucial for achieving a high score.

Types of Map Charts in IELTS Writing Task 1

Familiarising yourself with the common map chart types will enhance your ability to effectively apply IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary in your response. 

Here are some of the most frequently encountered map types in this task.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

  • Before and After Maps : These maps highlight how a specific area has changed, showing developments or transformations.
  • Proposed Changes Maps : These maps depict plans for an area, such as new infrastructure or urban development projects.
  • Comparative Maps : These maps compare locations or areas, highlighting their similarities and differences.
  • Single Time Point Maps : These maps present the layout of a place at one specific moment, offering a snapshot of that location.
  • Tourist or Transport Maps : These maps focus on key tourist attractions, transportation routes, or other thematic elements related to travel and navigation.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Key Terms

The overall average IELTS score for 2024 is reported to be 7.5 , emphasising the need for precise language skills, particularly in specific tasks like map descriptions. Mastering IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is crucial for accurately conveying changes, locations, and features in map-based tasks.

This section outlines essential terms and phrases to enhance your ability to describe maps effectively, helping you align with the high standards reflected in the current average IELTS scores.

Below are tables of key terms, each with an explanation of the key terms and their usage.

1. Regions and Directions

Regions and directions are essential for accurately locating features on a map. These terms help describe the geographical placement of different elements.

Here is a table outlining key vocabulary for regions and directions.

North, South, East, WestBasic cardinal directions on the map.
To the north/south/east/westSpecifies a feature’s position relative to others.
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, NorthwestProvides precise intercardinal directions.

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2. adverbs and prepositions.

Adverbs and prepositions are crucial for describing the relative positions and movements of features on the map.

Here is a table of important adverbs and prepositions used in map descriptions:

To the left of, To the right ofIndicates position relative to another feature.
Upstairs, DownstairsSpecifies vertical position for multi-floor maps.
Clockwise, AnticlockwiseDescribes movement or orientation around a central point.
In the middle of, In the centre ofHighlights central placement within the map.
Inside, OutsideSpecifies whether a feature is within or outside a boundary.

Nouns identify various features and areas on a map, helping to categorise and describe different elements clearly.

Here is a table of key nouns used in IELTS map descriptions:

Housing area, Residential area, Sleeping areaRefers to zones designated for living spaces.
Entrance, DoorwayEntry points to buildings or areas.
Edge, Boundary, End, FringeDescribes the outer limits of an area.
Crossroad, Intersection, JunctionPoints where roads or paths meet or cross.
Site, Place, LocationGeneral terms for specific spots on the map.
Area, Field, ZoneBroad terms for larger sections of the map.

4. Verbs to Describe Changes

Verbs describe actions, movements, or changes in features on the map. They are key to detailing developments over time.

Here is a table listing important verbs for describing changes on maps.

Build, ConstructIndicates the creation of new structures.
Extend, ExpandDescribes the enlargement of existing features.
RemoveRefers to the elimination of structures.
Is located, Is situated, Lies, There isDescribes the static position of a feature.
Go up, Go downIndicates vertical movement or position change.
Start byRefers to the initiation point of a feature or process.
Cross, Pass over, Cut acrossDescribes movement from one side to another.

5. Paraphrases for Maps

Paraphrases offer alternative expressions to add variety and avoid repetition in your map descriptions .

Here is a table of common paraphrases used in IELTS Writing Task 1 maps.

Town centreCity centre, Center of the town
Housing areaResidential area
Is locatedIs situated, Lies, Is

Most Commonly Used IELTS Map Vocabulary in 2024

Writing Task 1 of the IELTS Academic test often includes a map description, a task you may find challenging. In this task, you need to describe the given map in a clear, well-organised essay of at least 150 words.

To maximise your score, it’s important to avoid repetition and demonstrate a broad range of vocabulary. 

To help you prepare, here’s a list of commonly used IELTS map vocabulary that can help you aim for a Band 9 in Writing Task 1.

Changed from one use or purpose to another.
To separate from a route or path and go in a different direction.
Raised or situated above the ground level.
Made larger or expanded in size.
Lengthened in space or time.
Made level or even, removing elevation.
To cross or pass through, typically referring to roads or paths.
Separated from others, placed apart.
A road or path that curves back on itself, forming a loop.
Combined or joined together.
Changed or altered slightly to improve or adapt.
A body of water that can be travelled by ships or boats.
Positioned at a distance from something else, not aligned.
A bridge or road that crosses over another road or railway.
A route or track between two places, typically narrower than a road.
The outer boundary or edge of an area.
Rearranged or changed the layout or structure.
Moved to a different place.
Taken away or eliminated.
Substituted with something else.
Reduced in size or amount.
Extended across a distance or space.
Beneath the surface of the ground.
Made wider, increased in width.

Example Sentences for IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Descriptions

When describing maps in IELTS writing task 1, using varied and precise vocabulary is key to conveying changes and locations effectively.

Below are some example sentences that illustrate how to use map vocabulary correctly. These examples will help you understand how to describe various features and developments on a map with clarity and detail.

  • The hospital is located on the southeast side of the road.
  • In that year, there was a significant decrease in rainfall.
  • Over time, the village had steadily developed.
  • The trees underwent rapid growth.
  • During these years, the buildings were expanded.
  • There was a shop positioned in the middle of the street.
  • A roundabout was developed at the junction of the road.
  • The depth of the pond was over 20 metres.

Structure for IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Questions

A clear and organised structure is crucial for effectively communicating your analysis when tackling IELTS writing task 1 map questions. Using precise IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is essential for accurately describing changes, locations, and developments over time.

Below is a detailed structure that will help you approach these questions systematically.

  • Introduction : Start by paraphrasing the prompt. Mention the key features on the maps, such as the periods, the areas involved, and any significant changes that stand out.
  • Overview : Provide a broad summary of the main features or trends. Highlight general changes, like urbanisation or expansion, without delving into specifics. This sets the stage for a more detailed analysis.
  • Main Body Paragraphs : Break down 6-8 significant changes in detail. Use a variety of tenses to describe past, present, and future developments. Specify locations and directions, utilising precise IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary words such as “north of,” “adjacent to,” and “demolished.” 

Read more about IELTS Academic or General: Which is the Easiest Test?

Common Features of Map Charts in IELTS Writing Task 1 

In IELTS writing task 1, various symbols and icons represent different map features and changes. Understanding these symbols is key to accurately describing the map’s details.

Here is a table detailing the various icons and how to translate them into your essay seamlessly:

Square/RectangleBuildings such as houses, schools, or commercial structures
CircleTowers, roundabouts, or public facilities
Solid LineMain roads or streets
Dashed LineFootpaths, secondary roads, or proposed roads
Tree IconParks, forests, or green spaces
Wave LinesRivers, lakes, or coastal lines
Mountain/Hill IconElevated land or mountainous areas
Bus/Train IconBus stops, train stations, or transport hubs
Airplane IconAirports or airstrips
Playground/Sports IconPlaygrounds, sports fields, or recreational areas
Swimming Pool IconSwimming pools or water parks
Bridge IconBridges over rivers or obstacles
Tunnel IconTunnels through mountains or other areas

Also Read: IELTS Connectors and Linking Words for 2024

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map – Band Score 8.5 Sample

Achieving a Band 8.5 in IELTS writing task 1 requires exceptional precision and clarity, especially when describing maps. Mastery of IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is crucial for effectively communicating changes, locations, and developments.

This Band 8.5 sample showcases how to expertly use map vocabulary to create a detailed and accurate description for IELTS Writing Task 1.

The maps below show the town of Stokeford in 1930 and 2010. Write a report of at least 150 words, summarising the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

Sample Answer

Here is a sample answer to the above question.

The two maps illustrate how Stokeford changed between 1930 and 2010. The main point of the city was its transformation from rural to urban areas, along with the increased infrastructure and the disappearance of farmland. 

In the year 1930, the town was a farmland area with a large number of livestock located both in the southwest and the northeast. There were two shops and a post office in the west, with a primary school just on the east of the road and an individual big house with gardens between the north and south of the area. During the next 80 years, the town saw several significant changes. The most noticeable is that all of the farmland areas were transformed into a housing area, where the two shops were demolished, and several houses were built along with two connecting roads in the northwest and northeast.

Moreover, the large house and the gardens were knocked down, and several retirement houses were built in 2010. In contrast, only the bridge, the post office, and the River Stoke remained in the exact same condition for 80 years, although the primary school was added with two retirement houses in 2010.

Our blog post on IELTS Writing Task 1 Map provides further details on how to structure your answer for writing task 1. 

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Vocabulary: Grammar Tips

Precision in vocabulary and grammar is crucial for success in IELTS Writing Task 1, particularly when describing maps. 

Choosing the correct tense is key to accurately describing the changes and features shown in maps. Here’s how to effectively use language in your map descriptions.

  • Present simple tense is ideal for describing the current layout of a map.

Example: “A library stands in the centre of the town.”

  • Past simple tense is used to describe past states or changes.

Example: “The area was a vast forest in 1980.”

  • The present perfect tense is useful for describing developments that have occurred up to the present.

Example: “The village has expanded considerably in the past decade.”

  • Future simple tense should be used for proposed or planned changes.

Example: “A new highway will be built along the city’s northern edge.”

  • The past perfect tense is applied when describing changes that happened before another event in the past.

Example: “By 2005, the old market had been replaced by a shopping mall.”

Strategies for Tackling Map Charts in Task 1

You should begin by closely examining the map provided. Identify significant changes or differences between the maps and consider periods, symbols, and icons.

Read below on how you can expertly proceed from here to craft a high-score-worthy essay answer.

ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary

1. Planning Your Response

Carefully plan your response by grouping related information based on similar locations or directions. This will help you create a logical and coherent description.

2. Writing Your Response

Structure your writing into the following three clear sections:

  • Introduction : Paraphrase the task statement and briefly overview the maps.
  • First Body Paragraph : Describe the features of the initial map, focusing on key elements.
  • Second Body Paragraph : Compare the maps, highlighting major changes such as new constructions, removals, or modifications.

To Conclude

Mastering IELTS writing task 1 map vocabulary is essential for achieving a high score, especially with the overall average IELTS score for 2024 being 7.5.

By using precise directional language, descriptive terms, and correct verb tenses, you can effectively convey the changes, locations, and developments shown on maps, making your descriptions clear and accurate.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what is ielts writing task 1 map vocabulary and why is it important.

A. IELTS Writing Task 1 Map vocabulary refers to the specific words and phrases used to describe maps in the IELTS exam. This vocabulary is crucial because it helps you accurately convey changes, locations, and developments in map-based tasks, which can significantly impact your score. Mastery of this vocabulary allows for clearer, more precise descriptions.

Q. How can directional language improve your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. Directional language, such as “north,” “south,” “adjacent to,” and “between,” is an essential part of IELTS maps vocabulary. It helps you describe the exact locations and movements of features on a map, making your descriptions more precise and easier for the examiner to understand. Using these terms correctly can enhance the clarity and accuracy of your response.

Q. What are some common verbs in map task 1 vocabulary that describe changes?

A. In map task 1 vocabulary, verbs like “constructed,” “demolished,” “expanded,” and “replaced” are frequently used to describe changes over time. These verbs effectively convey the development or removal of structures and features on a map. Correct verbs are key to providing clear and accurate descriptions of changes.

Q. How do prepositions play a role in map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1?

A. Prepositions such as “along,” “beside,” and “near” are important in map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 because they help describe the spatial relationships between different features. These words allow you to precisely indicate where one feature is located about another, which is crucial for creating an accurate map description.

Q. Why is it important to use descriptive language in your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. Descriptive language in IELTS maps vocabulary, like “expanded,” “reduced,” or “transformed,” helps to detail the size, scale, and changes of features on a map. This language adds depth to your descriptions, making visualising the map’s content easier for the examiner. Detailed descriptions can increase scores as they demonstrate your ability to convey information.

Q. How should tenses be used in map task 1 vocabulary when describing maps?

A. Tenses play a critical role in map task 1 vocabulary, as they reflect the time frame of the changes described. For example, use the past simple tense for past changes, such as “The park was expanded in 1990,” and the future simple for planned changes, like “A new road will be constructed next year.” Correct use of tenses ensures that your descriptions are accurate and contextually appropriate.

Q. What types of areas should you be familiar with in map vocabulary IELTS Writing Task 1?

A. In map vocabulary IELTS Writing Task 1, it’s important to know terms for different areas such as “residential area,” “commercial zone,” and “industrial area.” These terms help you categorise and describe various sections of the map, providing a clear and organised explanation of the map’s layout and features.

Q. Can you explain the importance of relative locations in IELTS Writing Task 1 map vocabulary?

A. Relative locations, such as “adjacent to,” “next to,” and “between,” are vital in IELTS Writing Task 1 map vocabulary because they help describe where features are positioned about one another. Using these terms correctly can significantly improve the clarity and detail of your map descriptions, making it easier for the examiner to understand the relationships between different elements.

Q. What are some key phrases in IELTS maps vocabulary for describing natural features?

A. Key phrases in IELTS maps vocabulary for natural features include terms like “green space,” “water body,” and “forest area.” These phrases help you accurately describe natural elements on a map, which is essential for providing a complete and detailed response. Accurately describing natural features can enhance your overall map description and contribute to a higher score.

Q. How can map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 enhance your score?

A. Map vocabulary for IELTS Writing Task 1 enhances your score by enabling you to describe map features and changes with precision and clarity. A strong command of this vocabulary allows you to convey complex ideas succinctly, making your descriptions more effective and easier to follow. This can result in better task achievement and overall higher marks.

Q. What strategies can help improve your IELTS maps vocabulary?

A. To improve your IELTS maps vocabulary, regularly practise describing different types of maps using a variety of terms and phrases. Focus on learning directional language, descriptive adjectives, and verbs related to changes and developments. Consistent practice with these terms will help you become more comfortable and proficient in using them during the actual exam.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1471 - artificial intelligence is replacing people in more and more jobs, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, as the world becomes technologically advanced, artificial intelligence (ai) is replacing people in more and more jobs., what are some job positions that may be lost because of artificial intelligence what are some problems that may result from this situation.

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employment essay ielts task 2

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