marketing trainee application letter

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How to Write an Effective Marketing Intern Cover Letter and Resume

A great way to kick start your career in marketing is to get a marketing internship. Your marketing intern cover letter and resume can help you stand out in the competitive pool of eager new graduates. An effective cover letter can get an employer’s attention and help you get an internship interview to land an entry-level job in marketing. 

This guide shows you how to present yourself as the best candidate for a marketing intern role. A perfect cover letter and resume are critical if you want to impress a hiring manager. To use your application documents to your advantage, we’ll give you the best tips to articulate a great cover letter and resume.

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Marketing intern cover letter guide.

You want your cover letter to show your passion for marketing. Hiring managers want to see more than your profile information when they receive your cover letter from the application pool. Your cover letter should articulate why you’re the best-suited candidate for the marketing role. You should make sure to mention your practical marketing skills and professional goals.

Why Does Your Marketing Intern Cover Letter Matter? 

A marketing cover letter introduces you to the hiring manager or recruitment team. It allows you to show why you are excited about the marketing internship. A cover letter is your first impression to a potential employer, and you want to make it a good one. You must include how an internship in their company will help you reach your career goals.

To land your dream marketing internship, your cover letter should state how you plan to contribute to the company. You can mention any distinguishable accomplishments or even particular software skills that will invite them to read your resume. You can use your letter to show potential employers that they should hire you because of the value that you bring.

A stellar marketing intern cover letter must reflect your strong communication skills. If you can market yourself, you’ll prove that you have what it takes to become a great marketing professional. While a resume lists your credentials and technical skills, a cover letter can share your story on one page.

Essential Components of Your Marketing Intern Cover Letter

Below, we’ve detailed the essential components of your cover letter for a marketing intern. You’ll want to write these with care by double-checking the information for any errors.

  • Salutation. After reading the job description and considering who you are sending it to, you must address the cover letter accordingly.
  • Personal information. Add precise and up-to-date information about yourself, including your contact details.
  • Skillset. Your opening should introduce your relevant skills to grab their attention to be considered for a marketing intern role.
  • Capstone project. To make your case more substantial, include any projects or coursework you completed for which you performed important marketing tasks. Add the hard and soft skills that you demonstrated or a capstone project from your final year in school.
  • Closing. You want to thank the hiring manager for the time they took to read your documentation. You can also briefly mention again why you are a good fit for the role. It should share your interest in proceeding to the next level of the recruitment process.

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Marketing Intern Cover Letter

No matter what position you plan on applying for, there are a few essential tips to help strengthen your cover letter and stand out from the crowd. You should always include a few crucial elements in a professional cover letter, even for an internship position.

  • Professional formatting. At first glance, your cover letter should have a professional look. Templates are available online to help you draft your cover letter. You can also use a cover letter builder to ensure your cover letter has consistent formatting and gives a clean look. Each paragraph should be concise and clear.
  • In-demand skills. Before you write your cover letter, look at sample cover letters and marketing intern job descriptions. Those will give you an idea of what skills are in-demand for a marketing intern role. Highlight critical skills in your cover letter to provide the hiring manager with a picture of your background.
  • Focus on the job description. The job posting will tell you much about what the employer is looking for in a perfect candidate. You could lose the internship opportunity by not reading the description carefully. The skills mentioned on your cover should not only be popular, but relevant to the company’s position.
  • Academic credentials. Some companies like to hire candidates from accredited universities and who have formal educational backgrounds. You can mention the academic institution you attended and what degree you earned.
  • Show interest. Before you start to write your marketing cover letter, read about the company and what they do. Show your interest in their work and mission, and tell them how it resonates with you. Make sure they understand that you are willing to learn from them and would like to be part of their team.

Marketing Intern Cover Letter Example

As a marketing student, writing a marketing internship cover letter can be a daunting task. Below you will find an example to show you how the components of a marketing intern cover letter fit together.

Marketing Intern Cover Letter Sample

[Company name]

Dear [hiring manager’s name],

I am interested in the marketing intern position at your company. With a passion for marketing and future career goals in mind, it would be an excellent opportunity to get an internship with your company. I believe my qualifications and extracurricular experience will match perfectly with expectations for this internship role. 

I am applying for this internship because your company has adopted the most modern marketing campaign methods. In my previous role, I was involved in department communications related to marketing for all types of customers. I am a strong candidate for the marketing internship position because I have an analytical mind and a willingness to learn.

Thank you for your consideration of my application. My attached resume will describe my most significant accomplishments, community work, and involvement in marketing projects. I am looking forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at my email address, [your email address].

Best regards,

[Your name]

Marketing Intern Resume Guide

marketing interns laughing while working on a campaign

Along with a cover letter, professionals have to submit a resume for job applications. You’ll want to submit a cover letter and a matching resume tailored to each marketing role. Your resume lists your credentials and highlights your professional goals.

Why Does Your Marketing Resume Matter?

Hiring managers have a pool of applications and only a few seconds to glance at your resume to decide if they want to read it in its entirety. You want to present a catchy resume tailored to each position. If you are an entry-level candidate for marketing, your resume emphasizes your skills when you don’t have very much professional experience.

A resume reflects your past experiences and skills in marketing to show you are a deserving candidate for the internship role. Many internship candidates worry about their lack of knowledge. You don’t want to undersell yourself because your resume could get you a chance at an internship that will teach you a lot more.

Essential Components of Your Marketing Resume

You can use a resume builder to help you make a resume for marketing internships. When you’re writing your resume, make sure it contains the essential components we’ve listed below.

  • Contact information. Add accurate personal information, including your full name, address, professional email address, phone number, and professional social media accounts. It is usually present at the top of the resume.
  • Company information. Address the resume to the correct person by using the hiring manager’s name. Additionally, you need to research the company’s mission and vision to find out what they strive for as an organization.
  • Coursework. You want to list coursework you completed that is related to marketing strategies. Social media marketing experience is often desirable. Share course projects that you are proud of that helped you gain professional skills.
  • Work experience. If you have done social media campaigns and projects on social media platforms, describe what you did. Mention any training in business marketing or relevant subjects.
  • Volunteer work. Recruiters like to see volunteering jobs and community work. It shows that you have a genuine interest in learning and growing, even when there are no financial incentives.

5 Tips for Writing a Strong Marketing Resume

You want to write a resume for your internship application that will impress the hiring managers and the rest of the marketing team. It is the first introduction before they see you in an interview.

  • Formatting. You want to write a well-formatted resume by carefully choosing the fonts, colors, and style. Use consistent spacings and margins in the entire resume. Keep both the PDF and Microsoft Word document versions of your resume on hand at all times in case recruiters ask for a specific type of document.
  • Brief length. Don’t get carried away with elaborate details of every course, experience, or accomplishment. As hiring managers often have many documents to go through, keep your resume to one page in length.
  • Clear language. Write your resume in clear and understandable language. Use simple sentences and make use of a bullet list format to separate qualifications. Be clear in your description of projects and keep them simple. A clean resume gives the reader a broad view of what you can do and how they can use your potential.
  • Proofread. Sometimes candidates don’t proofread their resumes. You’ll want to read it multiple times to avoid any grammatical mistakes. When employers read those errors, they doubt your seriousness about the job.
  • Awards and certifications. Mention any awards or scholarships you received during your academic career. You can also mention any training or certifications you have completed. If you have received a professional certificate or participated in a MOOC related to the marketing firm’s products or services, don’t hesitate to mention that.

Marketing Intern Resume Examples

If you have followed our step-by-step guide to writing your resume, match it with the resume template below to further personalize it for a marketing intern position. The sample section below shows how to address the section most struggle with during the application process, as well as a template for the full resume. 

Marketing Intern Resume Sample: The Objective Section 

Objective: Graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing looking for an internship opportunity. I initiated and managed multiple projects during my education at the University of Marketing. Along with excellent interpersonal skills, I have technical skills in data analysis and SEO. I have a passion for marketing that I wish to develop further by working at your company.

Sample Marketing Intern Resume Template

Personal/Contact Information

[Full name]

[Professional email address]

Venus profile photo

"Career Karma entered my life when I needed it most and quickly helped me match with a bootcamp. Two months after graduating, I found my dream job that aligned with my values and goals in life!"

Venus, Software Engineer at Rockbot

[Telephone number]

[LinkedIn profile]

[State why you’re submitting this resume]

Work Experience

[Job title, Company, Location, Duration of the experience]

  • [Primary responsibilities]
  • [Other relevant job duties]

[High school/University, location, GPA]

  • [Certificate or degree]
  • [Year of graduation]

[Project title, associated organization]

  • [Key achievements]
  • [Deliverables]

Volunteer Work

[Volunteering title, company/cause, location, and duration of the experience]

  • [Main contributions]

Extracurricular ActivitIes

[Role, association, duration]

  • [Tasks and contributions]

Marketing Intern Resume Template Resources

  • CIEE: Council On International Educational Exchange . These tailored resources are ideal for internship and trainee roles. New graduates may find this helpful, especially if they’re at a loss during the overwhelming task of writing their resumes.
  • Enhancv . This platform allows you to build creative and straightforward resumes for free. You will meet a virtual assistant to guide you in making a resume personalized for your career.
  • University of Toronto . UTM offers resources to build cover letters and resumes. They have many valuable tips to craft a good cover letter and a toolkit to make it easier. There are many templates and samples to guide your application process.

Importance of a Marketing Intern Cover Letter and Resume

If you are a marketing graduate about to enter the marketing field, your cover letter and resume are your selling tool. A perfect cover letter and strong resume will show the hiring manager that you have great potential to work at their marketing agency. Your marketing skills and professional goals will make you an asset in their marketing firm.

Marketing Intern Cover Letter and Resume FAQ

If you have no previous experience, highlight any relevant skills and educational experiences you have. Thoroughly read the job description and explain how you can be the best candidate for that role.

You don’t want your cover letter to be more than one page. It should be enough to reflect your personality and any skills that will be an asset for the company. Make sure any cover letter templates you use aren’t too long. 

To get a job in digital marketing , you should have excellent communication skills, interpersonal skills, and organizational skills. Digital marketing interns will also need to know about search engine optimization (SEO), have a good grasp of CRMs, and have strong design skills.  Technical skills that you can include are things like writing marketing proposals and presentations. You can add soft skills like adaptability, creativity, and proactiveness.

First, you can write a simple, professional resume objective to show your interest in getting the internship. Give an idea of why you are the ideal candidate for the job because of your skills.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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Marketing Trainee Cover Letter

15 marketing trainee cover letter templates.

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Sample

How to Write the Marketing Trainee Cover Letter

In response to your job posting for marketing trainee, I am including this letter and my resume for your review.

In the previous role, I was responsible for primary administrative support to the director of marketing including scheduling meetings, calendar management, organizing and maintaining office space, and ordering supplies.

Please consider my experience and qualifications for this position:

  • Manage adhoc special projects as they arise
  • Assist with the development and implementation of all New York events
  • Day-to-day support of partnership management team
  • Prepare and ship tickets and guest communication materials
  • Prepare event summary documents and track event results over program
  • Event operations at multiple locations
  • Personal travel expense management
  • Assist in all phases of the research process, including vendor contact, study design, questionnaire development, monitoring field and tab, data analysis and report generation

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my cover letter and to review my resume.

  • Microsoft Word (.docx) .DOCX
  • PDF Document (.pdf) .PDF
  • Image File (.png) .PNG

Responsibilities for Marketing Trainee Cover Letter

Marketing trainee responsible for primary administrative support to the directors of marketing and service line management including scheduling meetings, calendar management, organizing and maintaining office space, and ordering supplies.

Marketing Trainee Examples

Example of marketing trainee cover letter.

Please consider me for the marketing trainee opportunity. I am including my resume that lists my qualifications and experience.

In the previous role, I was responsible for support for miscellaneous planning and management activities such as office changes/moves, induction of new employees and general floor maintenance.

I reviewed the requirements of the job opening and I believe my candidacy is an excellent fit for this position. Some of the key requirements that I have extensive experience with include:

  • Knowledge of HTML programming/coding
  • Knowledge of graphic design tools, Photoshop
  • Interest in in Marketing, Communication, content management systems or other related discipline would be an asset
  • Willingness to travel extensively including weekends and holidays, and work non-traditional work hours
  • Capacity to become knowledgeable on our client’s industry, brand and product offerings
  • Willingness to travel extensively (including weekends) for weeks at a time
  • Swiss German as mother tongue and good English knowledge
  • Higher education in the area of marketing, economics, communications, business or tourism (Bachelor or still studying)

Thank you for considering me to become a member of your team.

Frankie Mueller

I would like to submit my application for the marketing trainee opening. Please accept this letter and the attached resume.

Previously, I was responsible for new endeavor support to WGU with calendar and contact management, meeting and travel preparations, reporting and office filings.

  • Student from top universities / business schools
  • Student in Sciences Po or a leading business school
  • Knowledgeable in CAC 40 companies, highly interested in the economic and social issues French media universe
  • Good computing skills (Excel, databases…)
  • Interest in the press and business news
  • First commercial work experience, ideally within Marketing & Sales in an international corporation is preferred
  • A highly motivated and driven personality who enjoys working in a dynamic team environment
  • Analyze the impact of TV adverts, announcements, leaflets, daily sales

Story Ledner

In my previous role, I was responsible for administrative support for marketing senior leader(s) and teams (including calendar and travel management, expense management, presentation development and support, research and word processing, and other clerical and administrative support as needed).

  • Open, communicative, team player, positive
  • Has no problem to approach people
  • Keeps calm and track of things also when under pressure
  • Practical and s forward when it comes to implementing ideas
  • Passion for languages and travel
  • Brand Management Support
  • A natural interest in digital marketing
  • Marketing and/or communications related work experience is considered a benefit

Thank you in advance for reviewing my candidacy for this position.

Greer Bergnaum

Previously, I was responsible for oversight and management of staff responsible for the management, development, maintenance and training for system applications, data extracts, etc.

Please consider my qualifications and experience:

  • A proactive and positive attitude towards work
  • Management of administrative tasks (support in the control of budget, creation of purchase orders, request specifications and costs from providers)
  • Good aesthetic taste and excellent writing skills are needed for the preparation of briefings, advertisement pieces
  • Problem-solver, creative thinker and team player
  • Interested and engaged on various social media platforms
  • Interest in sales or marketing as a career
  • Weekend, holiday and non-traditional hours in a team atmosphere
  • A first significant experience in a marketing department

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Alexis Wilkinson

I am excited to be applying for the position of marketing trainee. Please accept this letter and the attached resume as my interest in this position.

Previously, I was responsible for strong daily inspiration, leadership, and management to digital teams, including recruitment, employee training and development, and performance management.

  • Collaborate in promotion preparation (giveaways in packs, budget)
  • Bachelor in Business Administration, Economics, Commerce, ITM or related field
  • Very high level of English and Spanish
  • Good working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs (Excel, Power Point)
  • Communication, Marketing, or Research Analytics preferred
  • Intermediate computer skills, including GoogleDocs, Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Microsoft Outlook for both Mac and PC
  • Market Research and Campaign Evaluation Trainee
  • Product Communication Administrator

Stevie Lakin

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Create a Cover Letter and Resume in Minutes with Professional Templates

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marketing trainee application letter

Professional Marketing Intern Cover Letter Examples for 2024

Your marketing intern cover letter must illustrate your enthusiasm for the industry. Demonstrate genuine passion for brand storytelling and audience engagement. Highlight your adaptability and eagerness to learn. Show them how your fresh perspective can bring innovative solutions to their team.

Cover Letter Guide

Marketing Intern Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter Format

Cover Letter Salutation

Cover Letter Introduction

Cover Letter Body

Cover Letter Closing

No Experience Marketing Intern Cover Letter

Key Takeaways

Marketing Intern cover letter

Crafting a marketing intern cover letter can be a daunting task, especially when you realize it's more than a resume echo. You've been applying for jobs, and you know it's the gateway to your dream role, yet it must tell your unique success story succinctly, without resorting to tired clichés. In this guide, we'll show you how to distill your proudest professional moment into a compelling, formal narrative that fits neatly onto a single page.

  • Some inspiration from other professionals' job-winning cover letters;
  • The best structure and format for your marketing intern cover letter;
  • Insights on how to write about your best achievement to stand out;
  • A creative twist on your marketing intern cover letter intro.

Upload your marketing intern resume to Enhancv's AI, which will quickly scan and prepare a job-winning cover letter for you.

If the marketing intern isn't exactly the one you're looking for we have a plethora of cover letter examples for jobs like this one:

  • Marketing Intern resume guide and example
  • Actuary Internship cover letter example
  • Undergraduate cover letter example
  • Intern cover letter example
  • Accounting Intern cover letter example
  • Graphic Design Student cover letter example
  • Product Manager Intern cover letter example
  • Architecture Intern cover letter example
  • Entry Level Engineering cover letter example
  • MBA Graduate cover letter example
  • Data Analyst Intern cover letter example

Marketing Intern cover letter example

Darrel Caegan

New York, NY


[email protected]

  • Quantified achievements provide concrete evidence of the applicant's capabilities, such as improving data quality by 20% and increasing lead generation by 30%.
  • Highlights industry-specific experience by referencing success in the luxury goods market and a prominent luxury brand, Hermès, demonstrating an understanding of the niche's distinct challenges and consumer base.
  • Emphasize the ability to develop innovative marketing strategies that improved workflow efficiency by 15%, showcasing both creative thinking and a results-driven approach.
  • The cover letter is tailored to the organization's esteemed reputation and aligns the candidate’s desire to contribute with the company's commitment to excellence, suggesting a good cultural fit.

What should your marketing intern cover letter look like - formatting and organizing your information

Have you ever wondered what are the must-have sections you need to include in your marketing intern cover letter? Our builder sets those up for you with:

  • Header - dedicated to your contact information, the role you're applying for, and the date (don't forget to include your name);
  • Greeting and opening paragraph - to create a personalized and memorable experience for recruiters;
  • Body paragraph - emphasizing your skill set and knowledge that aligns with the role and helps you to stand out;
  • Closing paragraph - leaving a great impression and ending with an optional signature.

Use a cover letter template to discover the best formatting for your marketing intern cover letter: that is single-spaced paragraphs and wrapping your content in a one-inch margin.

Ensure that both your resume and marketing intern cover letter are in the same font . Stand apart from the crowd by using modern, yet simple fonts, like Chivo and Rubik, instead of the overused Arial and Times New Roman.

Did you know that the Applicant Tracker System (or ATS) won't be assessing your marketing intern cover letter? Instead, submit your profile in PDF to recruiters to keep the same formatting and the design intact.

The top sections on a marketing intern cover letter

  • Header: This includes your contact information and the date, ensuring the recruiter knows who you are and how to contact you, which is essential for any follow-up.
  • Greeting: Address the recruiter by name if possible to personalize your cover letter, which demonstrates your attention to detail and interest in the position.
  • Introduction: Briefly state your intent to apply for the marketing intern role, conveying enthusiasm and showcasing an understanding of the company and its brand, which is crucial in marketing.
  • Body: Highlight relevant coursework, projects, or experiences and how they have prepared you for a career in marketing, demonstrating your skills and potential value to the marketing team.
  • Closing: Express your eagerness to contribute to the company's marketing endeavors, provide a call to action inviting the recruiter to contact you for an interview, and thank them for their time, leaving a professional and memorable impression.

Key qualities recruiters search for in a candidate’s cover letter

  • Creativity and innovation: Recruiters look for candidates who can think outside the box and bring fresh, innovative ideas to marketing campaigns.
  • Strong communication skills: As a marketing intern, conveying ideas clearly and effectively is crucial, whether it's through writing copy, pitching ideas, or collaborating with team members.
  • Familiarity with digital marketing tools: With the rise of digital marketing, knowledge of social media, content management systems, and email marketing platforms is highly valued.
  • Analytical abilities: Being able to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and campaign performance is essential for making data-driven decisions.
  • Understanding of marketing principles: A foundational knowledge of marketing concepts like the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) ensures the intern can hit the ground running.
  • Adaptability and eagerness to learn: Marketing is a dynamic field. Recruiters look for interns who are flexible and willing to quickly adapt to new challenges and learn new skills.

What greeting should you use in your marketing intern cover letter salutation

A simple "Hello" or "Hey" just won't work.

With your marketing intern cover letter salutation , you set the tone of the whole communication.

You should thus address the hiring managers by using their first (or last name) in your greeting.

But how do you find out who's recruiting for the role?

The easiest way is to look up the role on LinkedIn or the corporate website.

Alternatively, you could also contact the organization via social media or email, for more information.

Unable to still obtain the recruiter's name?

Don't go down the "To whom it may concern path". Instead, start your cover letter with a "Dear HR team".

List of salutations you can use

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [Company Name] Team,
  • Dear [Department Name] Hiring Team,
  • Dear [Mr./Ms./Dr.] [Last Name],
  • Dear [Job Title] Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [First Name] [Last Name],

Get creative with your marketing intern cover letter introduction

Recruiters are going to assess plenty of candidate profiles for the role. Thus, anything you do to stand out will win you brownie points.

Use your marketing intern cover letter introduction to share something memorable about your experience .

But before you go down the rabbit hole of creativity and humor, align your message with the company culture.

For example, if you are applying for a role in some startup, use those first two sentences to tell a funny story (about your experience) to quickly connect with the recruiter.

Storytelling in the middle (or body) of your marketing intern cover letter

You've got your whole resume sorted, detailing your achievements and skills. What else can you write in your marketing intern cover letter ?

For starters, take the time to re-assess the job requirements and re-discover the most crucial skills and requirements (or keywords).

After making a list of these important keywords, look back on your experience to select just one of your past accomplishments.

Choose the achievement that is the most noteworthy, relevant to the role, and matches the required skills.

Use the next between three and six paragraphs to narrate how:

  • you've grown your skill set, thanks to your achievement;
  • you'd use the know-how you've gained in your new role;
  • your accomplishment could help your potential employers grow.

Remember that recruiters don't need a retelling of your whole resume, but want to find out what makes you, you.

Ending your marketing intern cover letter to avoid "Sincerely yours"

Yes, this sort of closing statement may work best before your signature.

But you want to give recruiters something more with your marketing intern cover letter ending .

Some professionals choose to go down the path of promises. In a single sentence, they map out what they'd bring about to the role (whether that's a particular technical skill set or personal traits).

Others, decide to be more concrete by thanking recruiters for their time and prompting for their next interview.

Whatever path you choose, remember to always be polite and respectful of the opportunity you've had. Good manners go a long way.

Which story should you tell in your marketing intern cover letter when you have zero experience

Candidates, lacking professional experience in the field - this one is for you.

Your marketing intern cover letter is an exercise of integrity, honesty, and, above all, spinning a positive narrative around your strengths.

And what better way to capture recruiters' attention than with your most job-relevant achievement (this could be from your internship or volunteering experience)?

Make sure to back up your success with transferrable skills that are relevant to the job (e.g. how your year, studying abroad, has taught you to be more motivated and handle multicultural environments).

Another safe card you can bet on is your career dream: in the body of your marketing intern cover letter, go into the details of how your ambitions would help make the company you're applying for better.

Key takeaways

Your marketing intern cover letter is your best shot at standing out by showing your motivation and the unique skills you'd bring to the job:

  • Chose no more than one achievement, which you'd be talking about in the body of your marketing intern cover letter, by focusing on skills and outcomes;
  • Address recruiters with their first or last name, or "Dear Hiring Manager" in your marketing intern cover letter greeting;
  • Introduce in no more than two sentences what makes your profile unique (perhaps it's your motivation, enthusiasm, or appreciation of the company you're applying for);
  • Select the same font you have used in your resume (avoid Times New Roman and Arial, as most candidates tend to invest in them);
  • Close your marketing intern cover letter with a promise of how you see yourself growing in the company and the benefits you'd bring about.

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Cover letter examples by industry

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Enhancv harnesses the capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a streamlined interface designed specifically focused on composing a compelling cover letter without the hassle of thinking about formatting and wording.

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  • Lightning-fast responses

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Megan's project manager resume got her 2 job offers in 3 months

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Marketing Intern cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

Marketing internships are a great way to gain valuable experience in the industry, provided you can beat out the competition, that is.

But if you’re not sure how to illustrate your enthusiasm and relevant skills effectively, this guide is for you.

Below, we’ll share all our top writing tips, along with some marketing intern cover letter examples to shape your own.

CV templates 

Marketing Intern cover letter example 1

Marketing Intern cover letter 1

Marketing Intern cover letter example 2

Marketing Intern cover letter 2

Marketing Intern cover letter example 3

Marketing Intern cover letter 3

The Marketing Intern cover letter examples above should give you a good idea of the type of content you need to include in your own cover letter, and how it should be structured.

But if you’re really looking to wow recruiters and get your CV in front of the very best employers, then check out our guidance on how to write your own effective cover letter below.

How to write a Marketing Intern cover letter

Here’s how you can write your own eye-catching cover letter, broken down into simple steps.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

When writing your Marketing Intern cover letter, it’s best to type the content into the body of your email (or the job site messaging system) and not to attach the cover letter as a separate document.

This ensures that your cover letter gets seen as soon as a recruiter or employer opens your message.

If you attach the cover letter as a document, you’re making the reader go through an unnecessary step of opening the document before reading it.

If it’s in the body of the message itself, it will be seen instantly, which hugely increases the chances of it being read.

Write cover letter in body of email

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

To start building rapport with the recruiter or hiring manager right away, lead with a friendly greeting.

Try to strike a balance between professional and personable.

Go with something like…

  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Stay away from old-fashioned greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very formal companies – they can come across as cold and robotic.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try to uncover it via these methods.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you’ve opened up the cover letter with a warm greeting to start building a relationship, it is time to identify which role you want to apply for.

Recruiters are often managing multiple vacancies, so you need to ensure you apply to the correct one.

Be very specific and use a reference number if you can find one.

  • I am interested in applying for the position of Marketing Intern with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 406f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for a junior project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

It is best to keep your cover letter brief if you want to ensure you hold the attention of busy recruiters and hiring managers. A lengthy cover letter will probably not get read in full, so keep yours to around 3-6 sentences and save the real detail for your CV.

Remember the purpose of your cover letter is to quickly get recruiters to notice you and encourage them to open your CV, so it only needs to include the highlights of your experience.

Sign off professionally

To round of your cover letter, add a professional signature to the bottom, giving recruiters your vital contact information.

This not only gives various means of contacting you, it also looks really professional and shows that you know how to communicate in the workplace.

Include the following points;

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Warm regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network – e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Gerald Baker Senior Accountant 07887500404 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip : To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application email, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate document that you could copy in.

Email signatures

What to include in your Marketing Intern cover letter

Here’s what kind of content you should include in your Marketing Intern cover letter…

The exact info will obviously depend on your industry and experience level, but these are the essentials.

  • Your relevant experience – Where have you worked and what type of jobs have you held?
  • Your qualifications – Let recruiters know about your highest level of qualification to show them you have the credentials for the job.
  • The impact you have made – Show how your actions have made a positive impact on previous employers; perhaps you’ve saved them money or helped them to acquire new customers?
  • Your reasons for moving – Hiring managers will want to know why you are leaving your current or previous role, so give them a brief explanation.
  • Your availability – When can you start a new job ? Recruiters will want to know how soon they can get you on board.

Don’t forget to tailor these points to the requirements of the job advert for best results.

Marketing Intern cover letter templates

Copy and paste these Marketing Intern cover letter templates to get a head start on your own.

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Jessica Black, and I am writing to apply for the Marketing Internship position at View Agency. As a driven and creative second year business student with a passion for marketing, I am eager to contribute my skills and knowledge to the agency and work alongside your esteemed team.

Throughout my studies, I have acquired a strong foundation in marketing principles and consumer behaviour, which I put into practice during my university’s marketing club. As the club’s social media manager, I successfully executed engaging campaigns, resulting in a 30% increase in followers and higher event attendance in 2022. I am well-versed in digital marketing tools and have experience with Google Analytics and social media analytics to measure campaign performance and make data-driven decisions. My ability to analyse data and generate actionable insights can help the agency develop targeted and effective marketing strategies for clients. Moreover, my proficiency in graphic design using Adobe Creative Suite allows me to create visually compelling content that resonates with audiences across various platforms.

Thank you for your consideration and I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Kind regards,

Jessica Black

I hope you’re well. I am thrilled to apply for the Marketing Internship at Bulb Solutions. As a marketing student at Queen Mary’s University with hands-on experience, I am confident that my dedication and innovative mindset align perfectly with the company vision.

During my current voluntary role at Beat the Streets Non-Profit, I have successfully coordinated and executed a social media campaign that raised £10,000 for their cause and set up a successful Tik Tok and Twitter account. My ability to craft compelling messaging and engage with the target audience resulted in increased online donations and community awareness. I am well-versed in SEO best practices and have implemented them during my university’s marketing class project, which led to a 20% increase in website traffic for the client. As an active member of my university’s marketing club, I have collaborated with cross-functional teams to organise 15 events and activations, showcasing my strong communication and project management skills. My proficiency in content creation and copywriting has allowed me to develop impactful blog posts and email newsletters.

I would be keen to discuss my skills further in an interview which I am available for at your convenience.

Good morning, Jon

As a Marketing student with a strong passion for creating compelling content and driving engagement, I am excited to apply for the Digital Marketing Intern position at L’Oreal.

During my 3-month internship at Lyne Ltd, I successfully orchestrated a social media giveaway campaign that resulted in a 40% increase in Instagram followers and a 25% boost in website traffic. Additionally, I played a key role in selecting influencers for the relaunch of the ‘Jaguar 3 Leggings,’ generating over 1 million impressions and a 15% increase in engagement.

Additionally, my coursework at Westminster University, including Digital Marketing Communications and Consumer Behaviour, has equipped me with a solid understanding of marketing principles and trends.

With my knowledge of digital marketing strategy, content creation, and analytics, I am confident in my ability to support your L’Oreal’s multichannel online presence and brand awareness initiatives whilst building on my knowledge and expertise.

Thank for your consideration and I am available for an interview at your convenience.

Josh Hudson

Writing a strong attention-grabbing cover letter is a vital step in landing a good Marketing Internship.

Use the tips, strategies and examples above to get more responses from you job applications and start lining job interview up.

Good luck with your job search!

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Example

As a Marketing Trainee, the individual will undergo comprehensive training in various aspects of marketing, including market research, campaign development, digital marketing, and customer engagement. To succeed in this career, the marketing trainee should be eager to learn new concepts and be able to use the rope in a real-time world.

A Good Cover Letter determines if you can get the job or not. So, it is always wise to come up with some good cover letter examples that describe all necessary sections of a professional cover letter. Want some tips and ideas for writing your cover letter, refer to our Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Samples.

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter example

  • Cover Letters
  • Marketing & Sales

Marketing Trainee is an entry-level role designed to provide hands-on experience and exposure to different marketing techniques and strategies. Marketing Trainees are typically recent graduates seeking to begin a career in marketing. They work closely with experienced marketing professionals to learn the nuances of the industry and contribute to the implementation of marketing initiatives. The professional gains practical experience in different facets of marketing, from market analysis and strategy development to execution and performance measurement. Generally, they participate in training programs, and workshops to build foundation skills and knowledge.

What to Include in a Marketing Trainee Cover Letter?

Roles and responsibilities.

  • Participating in training sessions and workshops to learn about various marketing concepts, strategies, and tools
  • Assisting in market research activities, including gathering data, analyzing market trends, and identifying target audiences
  • Contributing to the development of marketing campaigns , including brainstorming ideas, creating content, and designing promotional materials
  • Supporting digital marketing efforts, such as social media management, email marketing, and website content updates
  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including design, sales, and product development to coordinate marketing initiatives and ensure alignment with business objectives
  • Assisting in the execution of marketing events, trade shows, and promotional activities , including logistics, setup, and attendee engagement
  • Monitoring and analyzing marketing performance metrics, including website traffic, social media engagement, and campaign effectiveness.
  • Providing administrative support to the marketing teams, by maintaining databases, organizing files, and scheduling meetings.

Education & Skills

Marketing trainee skills:.

  • Excellent communication skills, and the ability to articulate ideas and collaborate effectively.
  • Basic understanding of marketing principles, concepts, and techniques.
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite.
  • Familiarity with marketing software and tools.
  • Strong analytical skills and attention to detail, with the ability to gather, and interpret data.
  • The ability to work independently and as a part of a team in a fast-paced environment.
  • Eagerness to learn, and take initiative.

Marketing Trainee Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business Administration, or Communications.
  • Strong interest in marketing and a desire to pursue a career in the field.
  • Prior internship or work experience in marketing or advertising.

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Example (Text Version)

Dear Mr./ Ms.,

I am writing to acknowledge my interest in the Marketing trainee job of [Company Name] listed on the job site. I am thrilled about the opportunity to begin my career with your dynamic team because of my love for marketing and my drive to learn and grow in the industry.

My Bachelor’s program in marketing gives me a theoretical foundation in marketing principles, customer behavior, and market research methods. I completed my education in digital marketing, social media marketing, and marketing analytics, and I am excited to apply this knowledge in my professional career.

Furthermore, what interests me most about [Company Name] is its innovative marketing strategy, industry leadership, and employee involvement initiatives. I’m pleased about the opportunity to learn from knowledgeable specialists in the area while also contributing fresh ideas and an enthusiastic approach toward the team.

My major accomplishments-

  • Collaborate in the creation of marketing campaigns, such as market research, content creation, and campaign analysis, contributing to the increase of brand visibility and target audience engagement.
  • Encourages involvement in cross-functional activities within teams across sales, product development, and client service, helping to merge marketing campaigns and facilitate achieving business objectives.
  • Devise ingenious and appealing marketing materials, social media posts, blog articles, and email newsletters, helping to give the company’s online presence and activation a high profile.
  • Assisted in the management of marketing events and promotions, the entailment of logistics, monitoring of vendors, and on-site event management, thus enabling the success of the events and better attendance.
  • Engage in developing thoughts and recommendations for fresh marketing campaigns and tactics, showcasing originality and inventiveness in the design of advertising and message.
  • Optimized workflows and efficiency in marketing operations by using analytics and marketing automation solutions to increase campaign performance tracking and streamline procedures.

I am confident that I am a strong candidate for the Marketing Trainee position at [Company Name] because of my excitement, love for marketing, and openness to learning. I appreciate your consideration of my application. I’m excited about the chance to talk about how my experience and credentials meet your company’s demands.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

As seen in the above cover letter sample, every cover letter should be short and precise. The cover letter should barely contain three to four paragraphs and should include these –

  • Once you have addressed the employer, your next statement should include your reason for writing this letter, the exact position, and the source from where you got to know of this opening. It should also draw the attention of the reader to read the letter with interest
  • The middle paragraph should be used to mention the job description and connect your skills and experience with the job listings. Highlight your key accomplishments but don’t mention everything as given in the resume
  • In your final paragraph, summarize your skills, and knowledge and repeat how those traits will suit this position. Before signing off, show your gratitude by thanking the employer for taking the time to view your application, and requesting them to set up a time for an interview.

This is what an effective and interesting cover letter should look like. We have a resume database that will enable you to construct a riveting Marketing Trainee Resume Sample !


Customize Marketing Trainee Cover Letter

Get hired faster with our free cover letter template designed to land you the perfect position.

Related Marketing & Sales Cover Letters

Sales Officer Cover Letter Example

  • Cover Letter

Marketing Internship   Cover Letter

Marketing internship cover letter (with examples).

If you’re on the hunt for a rewarding and educational marketing internship opportunity, you’ll need to write a cover letter that illustrates your enthusiasm and qualifications.

Although many full-time jobs and paid professional opportunities require applicants to send a cover letter along with their resume during the application process, writing a cover letter is even more important for interns.

Since many students and entry-level employees seeking roles as an intern have little to no previous work experience, writing cover letters allows job-seekers to fill in the holes in their resume and explain why they’re the best candidate for the role.

Marketing internships are informational and educational positions for students or trainees looking to gain practical, hands-on experience in the marketing industry. Internships, both paid and unpaid, can be essential for satisfying graduation and meeting entry-level marketing job qualifications.

Therefore, writing a top-notch cover letter will directly affect your career prospects.

Job-hunting for an internship in the marketing industry isn’t always easy. The field is highly competitive, so you’ll need a well-structured resume and a perfect cover letter to land your dream role and break into the business.

Writing a solid cover letter for a marketing intern role can even help maximize your chances of being promoted or landing an internal position in the future.

By following a cover letter template you’ll stand-out to hiring managers and make a great first impression on marketing managers and prospective employers.

Looking for a job? These position are hiring now near you:

  • Marketing Internship
  • Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing Associate
  • Social Media Marketing Assistant
  • Marketing Management Internship

Parts of a Marketing Intern Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter may seem like a daunting task, but if you successfully tackle each part of the letter, you’ll land your dream marketing internship in no time.

Your cover letter is your chance to highlight the skills and qualifications listed on your resume. It’s a great platform to discuss accomplishments that may not be included in your resume, tell anecdotes to stand-out and reiterate the qualifications and experiences listed on your resume, and convey your personality, work style, and professional goals.

Since many job-seekers looking for marketing internships are college students or have little to no professional experience in the industry, a successful cover letter should, generally, focus on education, classroom experiences, and skill sets.

Successful marketing intern cover letters should highlight a candidate’s creativity and the qualifications and skills listed in the job posting.

Some of the best marketing internship cover letters discuss excellent communication skills, experience reaching and developing marketing campaign strategies, knowledge of products and unique customer cultures, expert social media skills, and experience developing appropriate business plans.

The most effective marketing intern cover letters are written in a professional tone, easy to read, and properly formatted. Hiring managers are much more likely to call you in for an interview if your cover letter is clear and concise.

Professionals applying for marketing internships should make sure their cover letter is between three and four paragraphs long (and definitely less than one page ), is formatted with standard one-inch page margins, is written in a generic font, like Times New Roman, and is organized into grammatically correct sentences and paragraphs.

You don’t want to squash your chances of getting an internship because of a few typos.

Diving into the meat of the cover letter, you’ll need a professional header, a compelling introduction paragraph, a dense body paragraph that focuses on marketing skills, resume achievements, and interest in the position, a conclusion that offers a proposal or shows why you’re the best-suited candidate for the role, and, finally, a professional signature.

Marketing Internship Cover Letter Opening

The opening paragraph is, perhaps, the most important element of a marketing intern cover letter. The first few lines of a marketing internship cover letter should be interesting, informative, and attention-grabbing.

In the opening paragraph, your goal is to introduce yourself , state your interest in the role that you’re applying to, and convey your enthusiasm. The opening of a perfect cover letter should be clear, concise, and to the point.

The amount of time and consideration a hiring manager spends reviewing your application is often directly linked to the success of the opening lines of your cover letter.

A compelling introduction will impress the hiring manager, prompting them to read on and learn about the relevant skills summarized in the body of your letter. Contrarily, a lousy first few lines might result in a hiring manager tossing your application back into the pile, lowering your chances of being called in for an interview and landing your dream marketing internship.

In addition to perfectly curating the first few lines of your marketing internship cover letter, you’ll also want to make sure you include a correctly formatted header , as you would in any business or professional letter, and properly or professionally address the hiring manager.

If you’re unsure of the hiring manager’s name, you can address the letter “Dear Hiring Manager,” or one of its many alternatives .

For marketing internships, in particular, it’s important to highlight why you’re applying for the role or any education you have or are pursuing, in the field of marketing. Remember, the key to a successful marketing internship cover letter opening is introducing yourself and standing out among the pool of applicants.

Here’s a great example of what the opening sentences of a marketing internship cover letter might look like:

Max Alexander Marketing Manager Media Works 100 Bentley Road Oceanside, CA 92058 Dear Mr. Alexander, I am very interested in the opportunity to work as a Marketing Intern at Media Works. I hope you will agree that I am a good fit for this position. My background and training in business marketing, social media, and communication at UCLA — where I graduated with a cum laude Bachelor’s in Digital Marketing — has equipped me with the necessary skills to find success in this role and help grow and enrich Media Works’ brand. I am passionate about using modern marketing methods and strategies to boost sales, assist brand establishment, and develop calculated and successful business plans.

Search For Marketing Internship Jobs

Marketing internship cover letter body.

The body of your cover letter is where you emphasize your greatest skills and strengths. This is your chance to shine.

Discussing relevant skills, highlighting your qualifications, and citing examples that illustrate how you’ll be the best candidate for the internship are all great ways of tackling the body paragraphs of your marketing internship cover letter.

The body of a marketing internship cover letter should highlight key skills in communication, special events marketing, social media, content marketing — including conceptualized blog content and strategic brand distribution — analytics, graphic design, media relations, business plan development, and marketing strategies.

If you have a professional connection at the company who recommended you for the role or who can vouch for your skills, it might be a good idea to include that in the body of your cover letter. Adding an employee referral to your cover letter can result in a faster response rate and a more efficient hiring process.

Before writing the body of your cover letter you should closely read the specific job posting you're applying to, and work to tailor your cover letter to the skills, qualifications, and work responsibilities listed in the ad.

For instance, if the role requires expert social media marketing skills, you might want to include your knowledge of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, and any experience, whether in a paying job or on a college campus, you have using social media platforms to promote or publicize a company, brand, or idea.

Here’s a strong sample that you can use as a template when writing the body paragraphs of your marketing internship cover letter:

While at UCLA, I worked as a student intern in the university’s Athletics Department, where I used my classroom knowledge and practical marketing skills to promote sporting events and increase athletic merchandise sales on campus. As a marketing intern, I was personally responsible for managing the department’s social media accounts, creating graphics and blog posts, drafting engaging department communications — including email blasts and press releases — collecting data on fan engagement, and assisting in the development of business plans and implementation of strategic marketing proposals. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I’ve learned, both in and out of the classroom, will be a great benefit to your marketing team. I am eager to begin a rewarding career as a marketing specialist and am confident that an internship with Media Works will be mutually beneficial to both your company’s marketing campaigns and my professional growth.

Marketing Internship Cover Letter Closing Lines

The closing lines of your marketing internship cover letter should tie up any loose ends and serve to bring the letter full circle by reinstating your interest in the job and summing up your qualifications .

An effective cover letter should conclude by asking for a phone or in-person interview . Conveying your interest in continuing in the hiring process and thanking the hiring manager for their time spent reviewing your cover letter and job application will up your chances of getting a callback.

The closing lines of a marketing internship cover letter are also a great place to include a proposal of a strategic marketing strategy you hope to assist the company implement or develop throughout the internship.

Sharing a proposal that’s too good to pass up can be a surefire way to pique a potential employer’s interest, land an interview, and get your dream marketing internship.

Lastly, make sure you close your marketing internship cover letter with a professional signature, which includes your contact information.

An excellent way of closing your marketing internship cover letter is like this:

My passion and excitement for this internship are rooted in a deep admiration for the marketing strategists used at Media Works. I understand how essential a marketing team is to a brand’s success, and there are no other industry professionals I’d like to work with than those leading Media Works’ cutting-edge marketing campaigns. I would love the opportunity to discuss this position and explain how I can help grow Media Work’s marketing campaigns. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Elaine Smith (760) 543-8876 [email protected]

Example of a Professional Marketing Internship Cover Letter

If you’re in the market for a top-notch marketing internship, following a cover letter template could help you land your dream role and break into the business and marketing industry. Here’s a great example of a professional and properly formatted marketing internship cover letter:

Max Alexander Marketing Manager Media Works 100 Bentley Road Oceanside, CA 92058 Dear Mr. Alexander, I am very interested in the opportunity to work as a Marketing Intern at Media Works. I hope you will agree that I am a good fit for this position. My background and training in business marketing, social media, and communication at UCLA — where I graduated with a cum laude Bachelor’s in Digital Marketing — has equipped me with the necessary skills to find success in this role and help grow and enrich Media Works’ brand. I am passionate about using modern marketing methods and strategies to boost sales, assist brand establishment, and develop calculated and successful business plans. While at UCLA, I worked as a student intern in the university’s Athletics Department, where I used my classroom knowledge and practical marketing skills to promote sporting events and increase athletic merchandise sales on campus. As a marketing intern, I was personally responsible for managing the department’s social media accounts, creating graphics and blog posts, drafting engaging department communications — including email blasts and press releases — collecting data on fan engagement, and assisting in the development of business plans and implementation of strategic marketing proposals. I am confident that the knowledge and skills I’ve learned, both in and out of the classroom, will be a great benefit to your marketing team. I am eager to begin a rewarding career as a marketing specialist and am confident that an internship with Media Works will be mutually beneficial to both your company’s marketing campaigns and my professional growth. My passion and excitement for this internship are rooted in a deep admiration for the marketing strategists used at Media Works. I understand how essential a marketing team is to a brand’s success, and there are no other industry professionals I’d like to work with than those leading Media Works’ cutting-edge marketing campaigns. I would love the opportunity to discuss this position and explain how I can help grow Media Work’s marketing campaigns. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. Kind regards, Elaine Smith (760) 543-8876 [email protected]

Tips for Writing a Marketing Internship Cover Letter

At the end of the day, writing a cover letter is pretty similar across a wide range of professional industries. For a marketing internship cover letter in particular, though, there are a few things you need to keep in mind in order to write a professional and compelling cover letter.

Here are the top three tips all applicants should follow to write an effective cover letter and land a competitive and top-notch marketing internship:

Highlight your marketing education early on. If you just graduated or are pursuing a degree in marketing or a related field, you should highlight that early on in your cover letter. Holding a marketing degree from an accredited university or a certification from a top-notch marketing course will make you a highly-desirable intern.

Hiring managers prioritize education and industry knowledge when looking for successful marketing interns. It’s essential to disclose this information in the first few lines of your cover letter in order to stand out among other applicants and impress hiring managers .

Discuss key communication and business skills. Even though you might not be the most experienced professional in the marketing industry yet, that’s not to say you don’t still have some high-level and key skills to be successful as a marketing intern.

Internships are designed to be educational and help applicants gain experience in their field, so hiring managers won’t expect you to know every last detail about the industry, but they will expect you to have top-notch communication and business skills .

Highlighting your experience developing business plans, assisting with marketing strategies, and properly representing a brand or company through clear, concise, and influential written and verbal communication will help you land your dream marketing internship and meet your professional goals.

Emphasize your passion for marketing. Since the majority of professionals applying for marketing internships don’t have much experience, it’s essential to convey passion and enthusiasm to fill in this gap of professional expertise.

Sophisticated marketing internships cover letters highlight skills and education and emphasize passion by discussing long- and short-term career goals, avenues for growth and development at a specific marketing firm, and proficiency in completing tasks required of interns.

Final Thoughts

Your cover letter is your chance to get noticed and stand out among the stack of resumes sitting on a hiring manager’s desk. You only get one shot at making a positive and lasting first impression in your marketing internship cover letter.

By using the tips and template provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a perfect cover letter. Highlighting your professional skills, marketing knowledge, and relevant education while clearly conveying your enthusiasm and passion is essential when writing a marketing internship cover letter.

Putting your best foot forward and using your cover letter to emphasize your strengths and career goals will help you make a solid first impression and land that marketing internship of your dreams.

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Marketing Internship Cover Letter Guide With Examples

Master the art of crafting a compelling marketing internship cover letter. Get tips, examples, and guidelines to grab the attention of hiring managers.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

Read more posts by this author.

Securing a marketing internship is an exciting opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience and kick-start a rewarding career in the dynamic marketing field.

However, a well-crafted marketing internship cover letter is essential to stand out from the competition and land your dream internship.

Furthermore, your cover letter is your perfect tool for grabbing the hiring manager's attention and portraying your unique identity. How you write your cover letter will determine whether you land an interview (or not).

To assist you in your internship journey we have included the following in this blog:

  • real-life examples of marketing internship cover letters for different scenarios
  • relevant skill sets to highlight in your cover letter
  • practical advice for tailoring your cover letter to specific companies and positions
  • and much more!

So, let us brush through the basics of making a professional cover letter and explore our list of carefully curated marketing internship cover letters for you.

Skills to Consider in Your Marketing Internship Cover Letter

Your skills are your true identity. They tell your potential employer what you bring to the table and how capable you are. Therefore, you must include it in your cover letter.

Not all skills will be applicable in your cover letter. It will depend on the position and the company you are applying to.

To make it easier for you, here are some key skills to consider when drafting your marketing internship cover letter:

  • Market research
  • Social media management
  • Content creation
  • Campaign planning
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Creative thinking
  • Digital Marketing
  • Brand management
  • Data analysis
  • Basics of marketing fundamentals

Including these skills will show that you are a good fit for the role and increase the chances of your application standing out. It will impress both human readers and automated systems (ATS) that scan applications.

Now, Lets us explore some cover letter examples that you can use as a guide in creating your own. We will cover different scenarios to cater to.

Marketing Internship Cover Letter Example: Fresh Graduate with No Experience


[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [LinkedIn Profile]

[Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Position] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I am excited to submit my application for the marketing internship position at [Company Name]. As a recent graduate of [University Name] with a Bachelor's degree in Marketing, I'm excited to begin my career in the dynamic field of marketing.

While at [University Name], I completed several coursework projects that gave me a solid understanding of marketing fundamentals. Moreover, I developed strong analytical and communication skills, enabling me to identify consumer trends and create effective marketing campaigns.

I am excited about this opportunity to contribute to the marketing initiatives at [Company Name]. With my strong academic background, passion for marketing, and eagerness to learn, I will be a valuable asset to your team. I am confident in my ability to adapt quickly, collaborate effectively, and bring fresh perspectives.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further and how I can contribute to your organization's marketing success.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Marketing Internship Cover Letter Example: Fresh Graduate With Previous Internship Experience


Dear [Recipient's Name],

During my academic journey, I was privileged to intern at [Previous Internship Company] and contribute to diverse marketing initiatives. This hands-on experience allowed me to develop skills in market research, social media management, and content creation. I also gained valuable experience collaborating with cross-functional teams, analyzing campaign data, and assisting in the execution of successful marketing strategies.

This internship gave me real-world insights into applying marketing principles and reinforced my passion for the field. With my strong academic background and internship experience, I am confident I can make meaningful contributions to the marketing team at [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing this internship opportunity further and how I can contribute to your organization's marketing success.

Marketing Internship Cover Letter Example: A Career Transition to Marketing


I am writing to express my strong interest in the marketing internship position at [Company Name]. As a professional seeking a career transition into the dynamic field of marketing, I am eager to leverage my transferable skills and passion for creativity to make a meaningful impact.

With a background in [Previous Industry], I have developed strong communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills that will complement a career in marketing. I am drawn to the strategic nature of marketing campaigns, the power of storytelling, and the ability to connect with target audiences on a deeper level.

While I may not have direct professional experience in marketing, I have proactively pursued online courses, certifications, and personal projects to expand my knowledge and expertise in the field. These experiences have allowed me to develop a solid foundation in market research, digital marketing strategies, and brand management.

My strong work ethic, adaptability, and commitment to learning will enable me to thrive in a marketing internship at [Company Name]. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my unique perspective, dedication, and creativity to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing this internship opportunity further and demonstrating how my transferable skills make me a valuable candidate for [Company Name].

7 Steps to Write a Marketing Internship Cover Letter

Crafting a compelling cover letter for a marketing internship demands attention to detail and a strategic mindset. Here are some essential steps to help you craft a standout cover letter:

1. Research the Company

Before you begin writing, take the time to research the company. Understand their mission, vision, and values. In addition, look into their products or services and familiarize yourself with their current marketing campaigns.

This will allow you to tailor your cover letter to align with their goals and showcase your genuine interest in their organization.

2. Personalize the Salutation

Whenever possible, it is recommended to address your cover letter to a specific person. Use "Dear Hiring Manager" only as a last resort.

Personalizing the salutation demonstrates that you've done your homework. It adds a personalized touch to your application.

Use "Dear Hiring Manager" only as a last resort.

3. Start with a Strong Opening

Begin your cover letter with a compelling opening paragraph that grabs the reader's attention. Highlight your enthusiasm for the marketing internship position and briefly mention what makes you a strong fit.

For example, "I am excited to apply for the marketing internship position at Vantage Lens. With my strong academic background in marketing and genuine enthusiasm for creating impactful campaigns, I believe I am a great fit for the role."

4. Showcase Relevant Skills

In the cover letter body, highlight the skills that make you a suitable candidate for the marketing internship. Take some reference from the skills that we have mentioned in this blog.

Using keywords relevant to the marketing field increases the chances of your cover letter passing through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

5. Provide Examples

Support your claims by providing specific examples from your coursework, projects, or previous experiences demonstrating your marketing skills and achievements.

The examples will validate your skills. Furthermore, quantify your accomplishments whenever possible — it will showcase your impact.

6. Express Enthusiasm and Eagerness to Learn

Emphasize your passion for marketing and convey your eagerness to learn and contribute to the company's marketing initiatives. Afterall, employers value candidates who are:

  • Adaptable, and
  • Continuously seeking growth opportunities.

7. Conclude with a Strong Closing

End your cover letter with gratitude for the opportunity to apply and reiterate your interest in the marketing internship.

In addition, mention that you have attached your resume and express your enthusiasm for the possibility of further discussing your qualifications in an interview.

For example, "Thank you for considering my application. I have attached my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing this opportunity further and how I can contribute to your organization's marketing success."

What Should You Include in Your Marketing Internship Cover Letter?

If you've reached this point, you're already familiar with the key elements of a marketing internship cover letter. To simplify your work and ensure clarity, here's a quick checklist of what to include:

  • Your contact information: Include your name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • The recipient's contact information: Include the hiring manager's name, position, company name, and address.
  • A professional salutation: Address the hiring manager by name, such as "Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name]." If you can't find the specific name and details, use "Dear Hiring Manager" as a salutation.
  • Relevant skills: Highlight the marketing skills you possess, such as market research, social media management, content creation, or campaign planning.
  • Education: Mention your degree, major, university name, and relevant coursework or academic achievements.
  • Previous experience: Mention any previous internship experience or relevant work experience you have had.
  • Passion for marketing: Express your passion for marketing and your eagerness to learn and contribute to the company's marketing efforts.
  • A professional closing: Use a closing phrase such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name.
  • Your signature: Sign your cover letter above your typed name.

Most importantly, remember to keep your cover letter concise, focused, and tailored to the specific marketing internship you are applying for.

Expand your cover letter expertise and broaden your horizons by exploring our wide range of cover letters tailored to various situations and professions.

Enhance your understanding and gain valuable insights to elevate your cover letter game.

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Key Takeaways

Writing a strong marketing internship cover letter is crucial for securing the internship opportunity you desire. It serves as a tool to highlight your skills, abilities, and accomplishments effectively.

In this blog post, we have covered all the best practices. By implementing these, you can create a compelling cover letter that captivates the attention of hiring managers.

Now let us go through the key takeaways:

  • Research the company and personalize your cover letter to demonstrate your genuine interest in their organization.
  • Start with a strong opening paragraph that grabs the reader's attention. Moreover, highlight your enthusiasm for the marketing internship.
  • Incorporate skills that align with the marketing field and can be tracked by applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Provide specific examples of how you have applied your marketing knowledge and skills in coursework, projects, or previous experiences.
  • Express your passion for marketing throughout your cover letter.
  • Tailor each cover letter to the specific internship opportunity. Also, Highlight how your skills align with the company's goals and values.
  • Proofread your cover letter for errors and ensure it is concise, professional, and error-free.
  • Consider following up with a polite email to express your continued interest in the position.

You're all set to apply for your dream internship! Channel your inspiration and create a standout cover letter that showcases your personality, passion, and potential as a marketing intern. Let it reflect your value, convey enthusiasm, and make a compelling case for why you're the perfect fit for the internship position.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. how do i write a cover letter for a marketing intern.

Start with a professional greeting and introduction. Highlight relevant coursework or projects, marketing skills, and any experience in marketing or a related field. Explain your interest in marketing and the specific internship, then conclude with an appreciation for consideration and your contact details.

2. How do I write an entry-level marketing cover letter?

Begin by introducing yourself and the position you're applying for. Discuss relevant education, skills, and marketing-related activities you've engaged in. Highlight your eagerness to learn and contribute. Express your interest in the company and the role, then sign off politely.

3. Is a marketing internship good for my resume?

Absolutely! A marketing internship provides practical experience, reinforces what you've learned in your studies, and shows potential employers that you have hands-on experience in the field.

4. How do I write an internship cover letter with no experience?

Focus on your academic achievements, coursework related to the internship, and transferable skills. Highlight your enthusiasm for the field, eagerness to learn, and why the internship perfectly fits your career aspirations.

5. What skills should I highlight in my marketing internship cover letter?

Emphasize skills relevant to marketing, such as creativity, analytical skills, communication, and knowledge of marketing strategies or tools. Coursework or projects related to marketing can also be beneficial to mention.

Sanjoy Khan Choudhury

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury . He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens . His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.

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Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Sample

Learn more about Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Example, Cover Letter Writing Tips, Cover Letter Formats and much more. Start editing this Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Sample with our Online Cover Letter Builder.

marketing trainee application letter

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Templates

Hiring Managers expect information to appear in standard formats or close to it. Many companies and Job Portals use ATS (Applicant Tracking System), searches for keywords and don't recognize certain types of layouts, odd-shaped bullet points, columns, or creative fonts.

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Table of Contents

Best Marketing Trainee Cover Letter

What is the Marketing Trainee cover letter?

Why do Marketing Trainee cover letters matter?

  • Structure of the Product Manager cover letter

How to write a great Marketing Trainee cover letter?

Marketing Trainee Cover Letter Example Tips

Whenever a job seeker applies for a Marketing Trainee role in a new company, he/she must signal their value through multiple mediums. While the Marketing Trainee resume will be the most well-known part of the Marketing Trainee job application, but, do consider the Marketing Trainee cover letter equally important for landing a job. Writing a great Marketing Trainee cover letter plays an important role in your job search journey.

Many employers no longer ask for cover letters these days, whereas, many employers still ask for cover letters from job seekers. And if you are sending an email to the recruiting team to apply, your email itself acts as a cover letter.

An engaging Marketing Trainee cover letter can help you grab an employer's attention, which can lead to landing an interview for a job. Before creating a job-winning cover letter that really works for you, you need to know what content and format are to be used. Check out our perfect Marketing Trainee cover letter example and start creating one for you on our easy to use cover letter builder.

When writing a Marketing Trainee cover letter, always remember to refer to the requirements listed in the job description of the job you're applying for. Highlight your most relevant or exceptional qualifications to help employers see why you stand out from other candidates and are a perfect fit for the role.

CV Owl's Marketing Trainee cover letter example will guide you to write a cover letter that best highlights your experience and qualifications. If you're ready to apply for your next role, upload your document on CV Owl for a review service to make sure it doesn't land in the trash.

Here we will discuss what a cover letter is, how to write a cover letter, why it matters for your job search, and what its structure should look like.

Must Read: How to Write a Cover Letter & Cover Letter Writing Tips explained

A cover letter is a narrative about who you are and why the recruiter should invest time in evaluating you, rather investing in other candidates. You need to showcase that you're the right fit for that specific job opening. It's important to always remember that the role of the cover letter is to share a narrative which is completely different from a resume for your job application.

Whereas, the Marketing Trainee resume should highlight all your quantitative values where you need to prove your worth through concrete numbers. Your Marketing Trainee cover letter should be different from your resume where you need to demonstrate a story about yourself in a way that your resume will never be able to do so. Alternatively, students who study web development can ask for Python assignment help at AssignmentCore whose experts handle various projects in Python language.

Your resume acts as a demo video for employers, which includes quick hits and stats on why you are the best solution whereas your cover letter acts like a customer testimonial white paper. Make it sound like an in-depth discussion with a couple of concrete and impactful experiences that bring you to life as a human being.

Check out professional cover letter templates at CV Owl's cover letter directory and you can use those templates for free for creating your Marketing Trainee cover letter using our professional cover letter builder.

Must Read: How to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed by Employers

The cover letter is kind of a test for you. It tests to see whether you can craft a compelling narrative about yourself. By testing your cover letter writing abilities, the company is trying to assess whether or not you would be able to craft compelling narratives on behalf of that company in the future.

Many companies will let you optionally attach a cover letter along with your application. If you take this as a challenge for yourself and do so, it will showcase your firm commitment to the company, and allows you to tell a story about yourself as a leader and as a collaborator. A solid cover letter will leave a long-lasting impression in the recruiters mind and will help make you stand out from other candidates.

And here's the most important reason of all: the process involved is more important than the output. When you get into the cover letter writing process, you're compelled to figure out the story about yourself, and how you are the best solution for the company's pain.

You're advised to conduct pre-interview research about the company so that you know exactly what you're meant to tackle, and you know exactly how to position yourself throughout the interview. Once you've written your Marketing Trainee cover letter, you'll have a mental reference point about how you want to talk about yourself across all of your interviews, and that's incredibly valuable!

Must Read: Things you need to know before start writing a Cover Letter

Structure of the Marketing Trainee cover letter

The most effective and impact making cover letters consists of three core parts.

The first part is the introduction. The first paragraph should include the following key details: which company you're applying to, what role you're applying to, and a summary of how you will add value to the company.

Many cover letters fail to mention either the job title or the name of the company. This provides a clear indication to the employer that you're using the same cover letter for many companies, which further indicates that you aren't serious enough or you don't care enough about making a good impression. If this is the case, it's better to not write a cover letter at all! And, always make sure you're sending the right cover letter to the right company.

Most of the time, applicants take advantage of cover letter examples or cover letter samples , and forget to clean it up. You need to ensure that you've put in all the hard work in personalization of your cover letter - be professional!

It shouldn't really be about you - rather, it should be about how you're excited about what the company is doing, and about how you're the perfect fit to solve their needs. And if you feel that you can't directly address the job requirements on the company website, you may need to consider applying for a different role instead.

The second part is the narrative. The second paragraph includes your story where you tell about yourself, and where you showcase that your past experiences have made you capable enough to be the best suited candidate available for that specific position.

Use it to address questions that might come up in an interview, such as “what was your proudest moment”, “how did you overcome failure”, and “tell us about a time when you took an initiative from start to end successfully.”

Always remember to customize your cover letter to the specific employer and the specific role that you're applying for rather than using a standard one for all which lands in the bin.

Finally, the last part is the conclusion. In the last & closing paragraph, summarize what value addition you'll bring to the company and why you're the perfect fit for the specific role. Express your excitement about being a part of the team in the near future. Remind them that they should reach out to you to schedule an interview so that they can learn more about how you're the best person to solve their problems.

With a cover letter created with the above structure, you're definitely gonna leave a solid impression that will grab the attention of hiring managers which significantly increases your chances of getting a job interview.

Must Read: Tips for Customizing your Cover Letter

Before you write a single word of your cover letter, you must first prepare your thoughts and pen down on a blank paper.

Ask questions to yourself like: What are your strengths? Where do you stand as a Marketing Trainee? Which of your work experiences is the best so far for the companies you've worked with?

Similarly, conduct research on the company . What is their product, their competitors, their mission, and what is their culture? What problem statement are they trying to solve with the Marketing Trainee role that you're applying to?

So now you must be having 2 stories - one for you and the other of the company. Write down both the stories on a paper. Review your two stories and your pre-interview research, and use that to hammer out your introduction and your conclusion. !

Now bring the whole thing down to a single page eliminating all the unnecessary and unrequired stuff. When the hiring managers assess your cover letter or your resume, they do not evaluate you on the basis of your sum of your experiences but on the average of your experiences. Hence, try to eliminate or cut out every single irrelevant word you've put in as it's gonna bring down the averages of your experience.

One of the simple ways to make sure that your cover letter stands out from the numerous other candidates' cover letters is to personalize your cover letter which helps you grab the hiring manager's attention. Express your enthusiasm about the job showcasing why you're the perfect fit for that specific role and how excited you are to be the part of the team.

Make use of the job description to which you are applying for which will help you to write a cover letter that clearly demonstrates how your skills, experience, or background make you the best available candidate to be a Marketing Trainee for the company. You should demonstrate exactly how much you are interested in the organization and the position, showing that you are able to meet the needs of the company.

Don't forget to learn about the organization. Take some time out to peruse the company's website and learn their values, mission, and then incorporate that information in your cover letter. Let the recruiters know how you came across this position and detail how your ideals are in line with the organization's goals and how your plans for your career can benefit their objectives.

Always make sure you only focus on the skills in the cover letter which the organisation demands and have highlighted in their job description. Specifically, the ones that are listed as being required separately, do not forget to put them in. Give a brief on these skills by offering concrete examples of how you are using or have used them with any success story(if any).

Proofreading & Iterating - Once you're finished writing your cover letter, edit your cover letter and ask for the feedback from your friend or of you have any consultant/mentor, and repeat this process until you and your reviewer agree and are satisfied that you are the best fit for the job from all other candidates that are applying. Learn to use grammarly .

Key points to remember - don't worry too much about the salutation or the greeting. It doesn't matter whether you use "dear sir or madam" or "dear hiring manager" or "to whomsoever it may concern" - the ultimate goal is to demonstrate that you're the stand out candidate out of everyone who's applying for that job posting. Just focus on the core value that you're bringing to the company! If you experience difficulty in composing your cover letter professionally, you can hire an essay writer at CustomWritings to have your cover letter or job application paper written from scratch.

Must Read: Things to remember while sending a Cover Letter

Even with a use of a cover letter sample or template, sometimes it can get even more trickier to make a perfect cover letter. Below listed are some tips to keep in mind when writing your Marketing Trainee cover letter.

  • Use a proper cover letter format (one-inch margins, line spacing of 1.15, and an 11pt or 12pt classic font).
  • Always have an attractive yet professional cover letter header.
  • Show you're the best for the position and explain why you want to be part of the company and the value you will bring.
  • Always remember to provide your contact information (e.g. phone number and email address), and if possible add a link to your LinkedIn profile which brings more professionalism.
  • Do not add or share other social media links such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Always proofread your cover letter before sharing with hiring managers. Double check for any typos or grammatical errors. Spell check is your best friend here! Use grammarly!

Make note of these key points and remember that you're selling yourself to not only the hiring manager but also the company.

Must Read: Avail Professional Cover Letter Writing Services

Your Marketing Trainee cover letter is an opportunity for you to tell your story, without being stuck in the formatting constraints of the Marketing Trainee resume. Make use of this chance and let the hiring managers know why you're the best fit for the role!

Start with an attention grabbing introduction, followed by your key narratives as you were answering an interview question . Make sure that your key narratives focus on the pain of the company and how you can take them out of it. Conclude with a conclusion summarizing your value proposition and expresses your excitement about the role.

Notice how your cover letter answers multiple Marketing Trainee interview questions. It should answer the questions “tell me about yourself,” “what are your strengths”, “tell me about a time when you led an initiative”, and “tell me about a time when you overcame a challenge.” If you know how to write a good cover letter , you know how to crack a solid portion of the interview process too!

As you write more and more cover letters, you'll find that you've become better at positioning yourself as a product.

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