UiT The Arctic University of Norway

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The list below gives an overview of relevant PhD courses organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education.

For more information, please visit the UiT course website .

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Lecturer: Associate professor Fredrik Nyseth

Course website

Lecturer: Professor Rita Sørly

Course credits: 5 ECTS

Lecturer: Professor Katrin Losleben

Course website  

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Lecturers: Associate professor Hilde Marie Pettersen, Professor Turid Moldenæs and Professor Kjell Arne Røvik

Lecturers: Professor Kjersti Fjørtoft and Associate Professor Melina Duarte

Course credits: 3 ECTS

Emneansvarlig: Førsteamanuensis Siri Sollied Madsen

Studiepoeng: 5



For søkere utenfor UiT: 1. desember 2023, i  søknadsweben . Søkerkode 9301.

For ph.d.-studenter ved UiT: 1. februar 2024 i  studentweben .

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Lecturer: Professor Hilde Bjørnå

Time and place: Nov. 15, 2023 – Nov. 17, 2023, Tromsø  

Lecturer: Professor Synnøve T. Andersen

Lecturer: Professor Katrin Losleben    

Lecturer: Associate Professor Christina Lentz

Time and place: Oct. 16, 2023 – Nov. 21, 2023, Tromsø  

Lecturer: Associate Professor Fredrik Nyseth

Course credits: 7 ECTS

Time and place: Sep. 4, 2023 – Oct. 10, 2023, Tromsø

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2024-2025 Catalog

Doctoral degrees.

The University of Idaho awards the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in recognition of high achievement in scholarly and research activity. The degree of Doctor of Education is granted for high scholarly attainment and in recognition of the completion of academic preparation for professional practice. See the "Ph.D. and Ed.D. Procedures" tab for more details. The Doctor of Athletic Training is offered through the College of Education and the Department of Movement Sciences (see the "DAT Procedures" tab for more details).

The major professor and program offering a particular doctoral program indicate the general philosophy of the degree program, the objectives of courses and seminars, the research specialties available, and requirements unique to the department. Admission to the doctoral program is granted only to those who have a recognized potential for completing the degree.

Requirements for Doctoral Degrees

Credit requirements.

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D., a minimum of 78 credits beyond the bachelor's degree is required.; At least 52 credits must be at the 500 level or above and at least 33 of the 78 credits must be in courses other than 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation). A maximum of 45 research credits in 600 (Doctoral Research and Dissertation) including 6 credits of 599 (Non-thesis Research) or 500 (Master's Research and Thesis) may be in the 45 research credits used toward the degree. For the D.A.T., a minimum of 66 credits is required and follows a prescribed set of courses set by the program.

Courses numbered below 300 may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a doctoral degree; courses numbered 300-399 may be used only in supporting areas and are not to be used to make up deficiencies. Individual programs may require additional course work. Applicants having a doctoral degree may obtain a second doctoral degree subject to the approval of the Graduate Council. The Graduate Council will establish the requirements for the second degree.

Credit Limitations for Transfer, Correspondence Study, and Non-degree

For the Ph.D. and Ed.D. degrees, a student must complete at least 39 of the 78 required credits at the University of Idaho (U of I) while matriculated in the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred to U of I with the consent of the student's major professor, the committee (if required by the program), the program's administrator, and the dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Credits can be transferred only if the institution from which the credits are being transferred has a graduate program in the course's discipline. All credits used toward graduate degrees must be from regionally accredited American institutions or from non-US institutions recognized by the appropriate authorities in their respective countries. Transfer credits are subject to all other College of Graduate Studies rules and regulations. Correspondence study courses may be applied to the degree only with the prior written approval of the College of Graduate Studies. Courses used toward an undergraduate degree, professional development courses, and courses on a professional development transcript are not available to be used toward a doctoral degree.

Time Limits

Of the credits submitted to satisfy the requirements for a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree, a maximum of 30 may be more than eight years old when the degree is conferred, provided the student's committee and program administrator determine that the student has kept current in the subjects concerned. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their preliminary or general examination. These time limitations can be extended only on recommendation of the committee and approval by the Graduate Council.

Awarding Doctoral Degrees to Members of the Faculty

Regulations are outlined in Section 4920 of the Faculty-Staff Handbook.

Particular Requirements for the Ed.D. Degree

A period of professional practice is required for the Doctor of Education degree; the period involved is determined by the student's supervisory committee. While the Ed.D. is a College of Education degree, you should consult with the departments in the College of Education to learn of specific emphasis requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Education Degrees

Appointment of major professor and committee.

Refer to " Appointment of Major Professor and Committee for All Degree Seeking Graduate Students " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section. In addition, a doctoral supervisory committee consists of at least four people: the major professor as chair and at least one additional UI faculty member from the program, the balance of the committee may be made up of faculty members from a minor or supporting area, and faculty members from a discipline outside the major. If the committee has a co-chair, the minimum number of committee members is five.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is a program option and serves to assess the background of the student in both the major and supporting fields and to provide partially the basis for preparation of the student's study program. A particular program may or may not require a master's degree as a prerequisite for the qualifying evaluation. As soon as the program's qualifications are met, a supervisory committee is appointed.

Preparation of Study Plan

Refer to " Preparation and Submission of Study Plan " in the preceding General Graduate Regulations section.

Preliminary Examination for Ph.D. Degree

The preliminary examination should be scheduled only after the student has completed the majority of the courses on their study plan. The student is required to be registered during the semester the preliminary examination is taken. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the preliminary examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the preliminary examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the preliminary examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified enrollment status and is no longer in the degree program.

General Examination for Ed.D . Degree

When the student approaches the end of their course work, has completed the professional experience requirement, and has outlined the dissertation subject in detail, the supervisory committee approves the holding of the general examination. The student is required to be registered during the semester the general examination is taken. The examination is both written and oral and is intended to assess progress toward degree objectives. The student's committee certifies to the College of Graduate Studies the results of the general examination and if passed, the student is advanced to candidacy. Graduation must occur no later than five years after the date on which the candidate passed their examination. If the general examination is failed, it may be repeated only once; the repeat examination must be taken within a period of not less than three months or more than one year following the first attempt. If a student fails the general examination a second time, or the program does not allow the student to repeat the examination after the first failure or the student does not retake the examination within one year, the student is automatically moved to unclassified status and is no longer in the degree program.

See the General Graduate Regulations section regarding application for advanced degree, registration requirements, final defense and dissertation requirements.

Procedures for Doctor of Athletic Training

The culminating clinical project.

Students enrolled in the Doctor of Athletic Training (D.A.T.) will engage in research projects during the curricular phase of the program. These project(s) will lead to at least two publication ready manuscripts, and all students must meet professional authorship requirements (regardless of order). See the  Department of Movement Sciences and Doctor of Athletic Training webpages for more information.

The Team (Committee)

All D.A.T. project team committees will have at least four committee members: two members of the athletic training faculty (all with graduate faculty status), the student's attending clinician (who is the student's on-site mentor during the student's residency), and an expert in the student's chosen area of clinical research. The athletic training faculty members will always chair the CCP, provide research guidance, and serve as the experts in the development of advanced practice in Athletic Training. A situation may arise in which one or both of the members of the committee that are outside of the AT program faculty may have a degree less than that of which the student is seeking; however, the intent of the third and fourth D.A.T. committee membership is to provide outside validation of the student's progress toward advanced practice and clinical utility of action research studies.

Culminating Clinical Project Hours

These dissertation hours may be used in instances when the CCP has not been successfully completed and the curricular phase of program has been completed.

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Our community has grown significantly in recent years, with almost 600 PhD students. At the University of Trieste we believe that these young researchers are the core of cutting-edge research, thanks to their vital energy, innovative ideas, and surprising curiosity. Research has its roots in doctoral students. Therefore, we are constantly committed to enhancing our PhD programs, extending our educational offerings and the quality of our services, in order to guarantee the best professional opportunities for our PhD students.

Life and Health Sciences Area

Environmental life sciences.

In collaboration with University of Udine 

Length: 3 years Official language: Italian Organizing Department: Life Sciences

Molecular Biomedicine

In collaboration with International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - ICGEB Trieste

Length: 3 years Official language: English Organizing Department: Life Sciences

Neural and cognitive sciences

Personalized medicine and innovative therapies.

Length: 3 years Official language: English Organizing Department: Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences

Social sciences and Humanities Area

Circular economy.

Length: 3 years Official language: English Organizing Department : Economic, Business, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

History, Philosophy and Political-Social Studies

In collaboration with University of Udine

Length: 3 years Official language: Italian Organizing Department: Humanities

Technological and Scientific Area

Applied data science and artificial intelligence.

Length: 3 years Official language: English Organizing Department: Mathematics, Informatics and Geosciences

Length: 3 years Official language: Italian Organizing Department: Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Length: 3 years Official language: English Organizing Department: Physics

Civil-Environmental Engineering and Architecture

Length: 3 years Official language: Italian Organizing Department: Engineering and Architecture

Industrial and Information Engineering

Nanotechnology, earth science, fluid-dynamics and mathematics. interactions and methods, joint phd programmes.

The following Phd programmes are delivered and run by other Universities in partnership with the University of Trieste.  

For further information, please contact the organizing University (see below).

Law and Innovation in the European Legal Space

Organizing University: University of Udine Coordinator: Paolo Giangaspero Deputy Coordinators: Elisabetta Bergamini and Dimitri Girotto

Go to Law and Innovation in the European Legal Space website

Ancient Heritage Studies

Organizing University:  Ca' Foscari University of Venice Coordinator: Filippomaria Pontani Contact person in Trieste: Fulvia Mainardis

Go to Ancient Heritage Studies website

Language and literary studies

Organizing University: University of Udine Coordinator: Elena Polledri Deputy Coordinator: Caterina Falbo

Go to Language and literary studies website

National Phd programmes

Made in italy design: identity, innovation and sustainability.

Organizing University: University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Coordinator: Alessandra Cirafici Contact person in Trieste: Lucia Gardossi

Go to Made in Italy Design: Identity, innovation and sustainability website

Earth Processes and Management of Resources and Risks for a Resilient Society and Territory

Organizing University: University of Bari "Aldo Moro" Coordinator: Roberto Sulpizio Contact person in Trieste: Stefano Parolai

Go to Earth Processes and Management of Resources and Risks for a Resilient Society and Territory website


Organizing University: University of Salerno Coordinator: Giovanni Spagnuolo Contact person in Trieste: Alessandro Massi Pavan

Go to Photovoltaics website

Sustainable Development and Climate Change 

Organizing University: Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia Coordinator: Mario Martina Contact person in Trieste: Gianluigi Gallenti

Go to Sustainable Development and Climate Change website

Space Science and Technology

Organizing University: University of Trento Coordinator: Roberto Battiston Contact person in Trieste: Anna Gregorio

Go to Space Science and Technology website

Teaching & Learning Sciences: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation

Organizing University:  University of Macerata Coordinator: Catia Giaconi Contact person in Trieste: Paolo Sorzio

Go to Teaching & Learning Sciences: Inclusion, Technologies, Educational Research and Evaluation website

New York Medical College a Member of Touro University

  • Family Health Center

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Integrated Ph.D. Program (IPP)

General format.

The IPP provides the most direct route to a Ph.D. in the GSBMS. In this program, you will enter the GSBMS without initially declaring an academic discipline. You’ll gain exposure to our different program areas—such as biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and immunology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology—before choosing the one you wish to pursue for your Ph.D. degree. 

Financial Support

Ph.D. students receive a full tuition scholarship, stipend, and health benefits from the GSBMS.

Integrated Ph.D. Curriculum

You'll get started with the foundational core curriculum that every Ph.D. student will need, regardless of their track. You'll learn the principles of biochemistry and cell biology, as well as how to conduct rigorous biomedical research and statistical analysis. You'll also have the opportunity to take electives in areas like mammalian physiology, microbiology, and gene expression.

While taking your core courses, you'll explore three laboratory research rotations. With the experience gained in these labs, you'll be ready to choose your specialized discipline. For detailed information on the goals and coursework in each separate discipline, visit the respective program page:

  • Biochemistry Ph.D.
  • Cell Biology Ph.D.
  • Microbiology and Immunology Ph.D.
  • Pathology Ph.D.
  • Pharmacology Ph.D.
  • Physiology Ph.D.

Ph.D. Degree Timeline

Students take a common set of courses (the core curriculum) in the fall, spring and summer semesters, along with elective course options that may differ for each student.

First-year students also participate in three different laboratory rotations – one in each academic term.

Students continue formal coursework towards an overall minimum of 32 didactic (i.e., letter-graded) credits. This includes both core and program-specific requirements and electives. Coursework should be complete or very nearly complete by the end of the second year.

Students begin working in their dissertation laboratory and form an advisory committee.

At the end of the second year, many students attempt to pass a qualifying exam that tests the student’s integrated knowledge of the core curriculum and the discipline-based curriculum. (Students in some programs, such as Pharmacology, take these exams at the end of the fall term of the third year.)

During the third year, the student presents a formal dissertation proposal to the dissertation advisory committee.

The student is required to engage in an approved teaching activity at least once during their enrollment in the program. Students may undertake various approved teaching activities within the GSBMS, other academic units of NYMC, or academic institutions external to NYMC.

The student keeps the dissertation committee apprised of the progress of the research project and, when its major goals and objectives are achieved, the student writes a scholarly dissertation on the work and defends it publicly before the faculty and scientific community of the College.

Most students complete their Ph.D. requirements in five to six years.


Tetyana Cheairs (Kobets), M.D., M.S.P.H.

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Graduate Degree in Statistics

Overview of the statistics graduate program.

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers graduate degrees in statistics at the MS and PhD levels. Note that until 2023, these degrees were granted as concentrations of the corresponding math degrees.  This page summarizes the main features of the Statistics degrees, and contains the most up-to-date information. The information on this page supersedes the information in the Axioms (Handbook), which are in the process of being updated.

The MS degree provides students with training in statistical applications, statistical computing and theory, preparing them for statistics and data science careers in industry, government, educational organizations, consulting firms, health care and research organizations, or for moving on to a PhD in Statistics or Biostatistics. The PhD provides a combination of theory and application preparing students for positions in academia, industry or government. The Certificate in Statistical and Computational Data Science is a joint program with Statistics and Computer Science. Each of these programs is described in more detail below.

MS Degree in Statistics

The MS program in Statistics is designed to prepare students for statistics and data science positions in industry, government, educational organizations, consulting firms, health care and research organizations. It also serves as a basis for future work towards a PhD in Statistics or Biostatistics. This program is designed to provide the student with a background in basic theory along with experience in various applications, including computational aspects. As part of their training, students will receive comprehensive exposure to popular statistical software packages. In addition to courses offered within the department, the program allows room for the students to take statistics courses in other departments on campus.

Prerequisites:  Students entering the MS program are expected to have had Linear Algebra and Calculus up through Multivariate Calculus (this is typically covered by a three-semester sequence in U.S. schools).

The requirements for the MS degree in Statistics involve coursework, a project and consulting or qualifying exams.

The student must complete 30 hours of coursework with grades of C or better, including at least 24 hours with grades of B or better (pass or fail grades cannot be used to satisfy this requirement). In addition, the student must have at least an overall B average.

The required 30 hours must include:

  • Stat 625: Regression Modeling
  • Stat 607-608: Probability and Mathematical Statistics I, II
  • Stat 535: Statistical Computing
  • At least five other courses which are either Statistics courses numbered 526 or above, from within the department, or some courses outside the department numbered 500 and above subject to prior approval by the Statistics coordinator (pre-approved list below).

Consulting or Basic Exam

Students completing the MS program in Statistics are required to either complete at least one credit of statistical consulting (typically STAT 598C) or pass two of three basic exams we offer: applied statistics, probability, and statistics, which are based on ST625 and ST535, ST607, and ST608, respectively. The Basic Exam is given twice a year, in January and in August.

The project is completed under the guidance of a faculty member. This project must have prior approval of the Statistics coordinator and involves 3 credit hours which may be used to satisfy the 30 hour coursework requirement. The project can take many forms; an expository report on a particular area, an examination of methods through simulations or a detailed statistical analysis of real data. A final report is required. This requirement is typically satisfied by the successful completion of the project seminar course Stat 691P.

Accelerated (4+1) M.S. in Statistics

This section explains how a UMass Amherst or Five College student can complete the M.S. degree in statistics in a fifth year.

Preparing and Applying for the Accelerated (4+1) M.S. in Statistics

In order to enter the Accelerated M.S. in Statistics program, students need to do the following.

  • a maximum of 6 credits can be counted toward both the MS in Statistics and the baccalaureate degree ("double-counted")**, and
  • an additional 6 credits completed as an undergraduate student may be applied to the M.S. degree if completed "over and above" the requirements for the Baccalaureate degree, meaning the course(s) cannot be used to satisfy any undergraduate degree requirements.
  • Apply in their senior years to the Accelerated M.S. program in Statistics program by following instructions  here . The priority deadline to apply is January 10 for fall admission.

Important notes regarding preparing for the 4+1 in Statistics:

1. Taking fewer than 12 transferable credits is permitted to pursue the Accelerated M.S. in Statistics, but taking the full 12 makes for the smoothest path to completing the M.S. in 1 year. Students who enter the accelerated program with less than 12 credits may need additional semester(s) to complete their M.S. degree.

2. **Per the University's multiple credentials policy, a course can only be counted towards two credentials. If a course is already double-counted towards two undergraduate majors, or a major and a minor, it is not eligible to be used as a double-counted course for the M.S. in Statistics. 

3. Any graduate-level coursework completed by a 4+1 applicant that is not Stat 535, 607, 608, or 625 must be approved by the Statistics Coordinator in order to be eligible for transfer to the M.S. in Statistics.

4. The Accelerated M.S. in Statistics can be completed at either the Amherst or Newton (Mt. Ida) campus. When submitting an application for the 4+1 program, please submit an application for the campus you are applying for.

Finishing the 4+1 M.S. in Statistics

After being accepted into the program, students

  • need to take additional 18 credits and fulfill the requirements for the regular MS degree in statistics in the fifth year (typically 9 credits in fall and 9 credits in spring), if eligible to transfer all 12 credits to the graduate program as stated above
  • may take longer than 2 semesters to complete the M.S. in Statistics if transferring less than 12 credits (depending on the number of remaining credits)
  • are not obligated to finish the program in the fifth year, although financial assistantship, if any, is only guaranteed for the fifth year

Please note that students who are interested in the fifth year MS program in statistics should start planning during the fall of the their junior year and contact the  coordinator of the statistics program  if there are any questions. To process the transfer of credits from undergraduate to the graduate degree, students must submit a  Transfer of Credit  form. This must be submitted to Graduate Program Manager Kaitlyn O'Konis at  @email . It is recommended that this form be submitted during the summer between your undergraduate senior year and first semester in the graduate program.

MS in Statistics at Newton Satellite Campus (Boston Area), Completely Flexible (In Person/Remote or 100% Remote)

-For information regarding this program, please see the following link.

-A 100 percent remote option is available for this program.


-Note: non-degree students can register for graduate statistics courses at Newton Mount Ida starting one week before the beginning of classes each semester. See:


PhD Degree in Statistics

The PhD degree in statistics prepares students for academic positions or positions in academia, or as applied statisticians in industry or government. Entering students are expected to have had linear algebra, calculus, and advanced calculus. Typically, an incoming student in the PhD program in statistics will have had an introductory course or two in statistics at the undergraduate level. Students seeking the PhD degree in statistics must complete the following: coursework, qualifying exams, language requirement, and dissertation.

  • The student must complete successfully 36 hours of coursework, including Math 523 (or Math 623, or Math 605), Stat 535, 607, 608, 625, 705, and 725.
  • The student must also complete five elective courses, including two 600 level statistics courses, and 3 courses of the student’s choice, which require prior approval by the statistics coordinator (pre-approved list below).
  • Qualifying Exams

There are two tiers of exams, basic and advanced, which are intended to measure a student's overall mastery of standard material. The exams are administered during the week preceding each semester (August and January).

Basic Exams:  The student must pass three basic exams at the PhD level: the Applied Statistics exam and the Basic Probability and Basic Statistics exams, which cover the material from Stat 535 and Stat 625, Stat 607 and Stat 608 respectively.

Advanced Exams:  The student must pass the Advanced Exam in advanced statistics and the oral literature-based exam. The advanced statistics exam version I is based on advanced topics in Stat 607 and Stat 608, and topics from Stat 705. The advanced statistics exam version II is based on advanced topics in Stat 607 and Stat 608, and topics from Stat 725. The two versions are offered in alternate years depending which of Stat 705 and Stat 725 is offered in a year. For the literature-based exam, students need to choose a topic from the list of topics in the Axioms and form an exam committee that includes the primary faculty of that topic and two secondary faculty. Students are then given reference papers on the chosen topic to read. The exam is in the form of oral presentation and responding questions in front of the exam committee. A student may select a non-standard exam topic, in which case, the student must have the agreement of their committee members on the topic and the reading list. In order to take the literature-based exam, a student is responsible for forming an exam committee by the end of September for a January exam, or by the last day of spring classes for an August exam. Decisions on passing the exam are by unanimous consent of the exam committee. A student who does not pass will have one more chance to pass the literature-based exam. The second attempt may be on the same or a different topic.


After passing the Advanced Exam, the student becomes a PhD in statistics candidate. The student must write a satisfactory dissertation and pass a final oral examination (primarily a defense of the dissertation) and must satisfy all other requirements of his or her dissertation committee. The student is required to register for a minimum of 18 dissertation credits.

Data Science Certificate (possible to earn completely remotely/online)

The Certificate in Statistical and Computational Data Science is offered jointly between statistics and computer science. The certificate can be completed in one year and requires five courses total, with a minimum of two courses each of statistics and computer science.

It is possible to earn the certificate completely remotely/online. Please visit:  https://people.math.umass.edu/~conlon/statmtida/datascience.html

For more information on the certificate, please visit:


Approved Courses Outside the Department

The following courses are pre-approved to count toward STAT MS and PhD degrees (as specified) without additional prior approval.  Please contact the statistics coordinator for pre-approval of any other courses outside the department.

Toward MS degree only:

  • PHYSICS 597D (ST- Topics in Statistics and Data Analysis)
  • COMPSCI 514 (Algorithms for Data Science), CS 590V (Data Visualization and Exploration)
  • Biostats 597D, Biostats 650, Biostat 690Z  

Toward MS or PhD degree:

  • CS589 (Machine Learning), CS 682 (Neural Networks), CS 688 and CS690OP, CS 690D, CS 696DS, CS 611 (Advanced Algorithms), COMPSCI 688 (PROBABILISTIC GRAPHICAL MODELS),
  • Biostat 683/Biostat 690B (intro to causal inference), Biostat 690T (Applied Statistical Genetics), Biostat 730, Biostat 740 (Analysis of Mixed Models Data), Biostat 743 (Categorical), Biostat 748 (Applied Survival Analysis), Biostat 749 (Clinical Trials), Biostat 750 (Applied Statistical Learning), Biostat  790A,
  • Psych 891FM
  • PoliSci 797TA (Text as Data)

Related Information

  • Program Overview
  • Applied Mathematics MS
  • Remote Statistics MS
  • How to Apply
  • Financial Aid
  • Admissions FAQ
  • Recent Courses
  • Alumni Testimonials

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Manonmaniam Sundaranar University PhD Admission 2024

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University was established by the Government of Tamil Nadu as a teaching-cum-affiliating University on 7th September, 1990 to cater to the long-felt needs of the people of the three southern most districts of Tamil Nadu viz., Tirunelveli, Tenkasi, Thoothukudi, and Kanyakumari. It is a dynamic institution of higher learning, set in a rural milieu of southern Tamil Nadu, with a campus spread of 550 acres. The University is named after the renowned Tamil Poet scholar, Professor P. Sundaram Pillai (1855-1897), the author of the famous verse drama Manonmaniam. It is his poem that has become “Tamil Thaai Vazhthu” the official invocation song sung in all functions in Tamilnadu.

Minimum Qualifications for admission of Ph.D Programme

For admission to the PhD programme under the above-specified categories, a candidate has to fulfil the following minimum qualifications:

  • Full- time/Part-time - Pass in Master‟s Degree with 55% marks for General and OBC Category; 50% for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/differently abled or equivalent grade at the Post-graduate level as prescribed by the UGC norms (Master‟s degree shall be in the same or allied subject after the completion of the Under Graduate degree).Candidates who have passed Master‟s Degree through Open University system is not eligible; however, candidates who have secured their Master‟s Degree under (11+1) / (10+2) + 3+2 pattern of courses of study are eligible andCandidates who have 10+3+2+2 pattern of courses of study shall be eligible for Ph.D programme.
  • Candidates who have cleared the M.Phil. lottery sambad  Course work with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade 'B' in the UGC 7-point scale (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and have successfully completed the M.Phil. Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do research work leading to the Ph.D. Degree in the same Institution in an integrated programme. 
  • A relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%, or an equivalent relaxation of grade, may be allowed for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC(non-creamy layer)/differently-abled and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the UGC from time to time.

Application Process

The candidates desirous of registering for Ph.D. Programme shall apply in the prescribed application form downloaded from the University website, fill-in all the necessary details and submit through proper channel wherever applicable, before the due date as indicated in the notification issued from time to time. Ph.D admission shall be done in two sessions (i.e) January and July session. For that Registration shall be done during September and April itself through online. However, fellowship candidates, the registration shall be done as a special case.

Selection Procedure

  • Candidates seeking admission for Full – time, Part-time will be admitted through a common entrance test for each discipline, followed by an interview. Both the entrance test and the interview shall be organised by the University Research Section in the University premises. The results are valid for one year. UGC NET/UGC/CSIR (JRF) examination / SET/ GATE qualified candidates and Teacher Fellowship holders are exempted from the Entrance Test and Interview
  • The Entrance Examination will comprise 50 multiple choice questions with 4 options (A, B, C & D) for 50 (50 x 1 = 50) marks with a maximum time limit of 90 minutes. The weightage of qualifying Entrance Examination shall be 50% for Entrance Test, 20% for Interview Marks and 30% for PG Marks.

Live Application Form 2024

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National Council for Vocational Education and Training - NCVET - NCFVETN

  • New Delhi, Delhi

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GNA University

  • Kapurthala, Punjab

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Mahatma Gandhi University

  • Nalgonda-Telangana, Telangana

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DES Pune University - DPU

  • Pune, Maharashtra

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Raksha Shakti University

  • Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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National Law University Haryana

  • Sonipat, Haryana

Offered Course

Admission Open 2024
Doctor of Philosophy in Dramatics
Doctor of Philosophy in Indian Theatre
Doctor of Philosophy in Dance
Doctor of Philosophy in Yoga
Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology
Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science (Zoology)
Doctor of Philosophy in Life Science Botany
Doctor of Philosophy in Thin Films
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Nuclear Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science
Doctor of Philosophy in Kinematics
Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Thermodynamics
Doctor of Philosophy in Biophysics
Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Physiology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Pathology
Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary Parasitology
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Current PhD Students

  • PhD in Nursing Science Program
  • Current Students

2022 - 2023 Cohort

Rose feinberg.

Rose Feinberg graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 with a BA in Health and Societies. She went on to complete a master’s degree in public health in the Department of Maternal and Child Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, after which she worked as a public health analyst at RTI International, focusing on access to health coverage and care for low-income and uninsured individuals. In 2020, she completed her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Duke University while participating in the University Scholars Program, which seeks to facilitate multidisciplinary and intergenerational collaboration across the university. Following graduation, she worked as a public health nurse at a county health department in Colorado, a role that deepened her passion for addressing root causes of maternal and child health disparities. In 2021, she returned to research at RTI and headed back to school once again. During her doctoral training at Vanderbilt University School of Nursing, Rose hopes to pursue research related to maternal health disparities and social determinants of health. She is interested in a multidisciplinary research approach that draws on expertise from a variety of fields – including the policy sphere – and centers the perspectives of individuals and communities most affected by health inequities. 

2021 - 2022 Cohort

Vera borkowski.

Research Interests: Nursing Informatics, Social determinants of health and pediatric populations, School-based services

Vera Borkowski graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a Bachelor’s in Science, Nursing with Highest Distinction in 2004.  She worked in a variety of settings as a Registered Nurse for 11 years, including Neonatal Intensive Care, Pediatric Intensive Care, Post-anesthesia Care Unit, and Pediatric Transport. In 2015, Vera graduated from Georgetown University with a Master’s in Science, Family  Nurse Practitioner degree. Since 2015, she has practiced in School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) at Child and Family Agency of Southeastern   Connecticut. She is also Adjunct Online Faculty for undergraduate nursing students and works per diem with a national telehealth service. Vera has received the Health Resources and Service Administration NURSE Corps Loan Repayment Award and the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Loan Repayment Award for her work with underserved populations with limited access to healthcare.

Vera has worked on numerous projects for the SBHC program including the “National Quality Initiative Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (CoIIN)” and “Enhancing the Female Adolescent Well-care Visit” with the School Based Health Alliance. She was also part of the National Project on Implementing the Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), in schools, attending the 2018, 2019, and 2020 SBIRT Convenings with the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Her most recent project involved implementation of an alerts system for use in her SBHC program, with publication in the  Journal for Nursing Informatics  in 2021 .  In her doctoral program at Vanderbilt, Vera hopes to explore informatics utilization for healthcare providers serving vulnerable populations, addressing social determinants of health.

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Mariann Piano and Alvin Jeffery

2020 - 2021 Cohort

Francesca blanchard.

Research Interests:  Provider-patient communication in pediatric palliative care  

Francesca Blanchard graduated from the University of Miami in 2009 with a BSN. While completing her undergraduate nursing program, she received the Baptist Health South Florida Service Excellence Award and was inducted into the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. In 2013, she completed an MSN specializing in Pediatric Primary Care at Florida International University (FIU). In the course of her studies at FIU, she had the opportunity to do a research practicum in the area of child bereavement. For several years, she has enjoyed volunteering with the Dr. Moises Simpser’s Ventilation Assisted Children’s Center Camp for children with chronic conditions. More recently, she has provided care to children in several villages in Ghana and supported the training of local nurses. As she joins Vanderbilt University’s PhD in Nursing Science program, it is her intent to study communication between nurses and children with life-limiting conditions and their families as a way to improve palliative care training for nurses. 

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Deonni Stolldorf and Terrah Foster Akard

Amy Campbell

Research Interests: Autism and abnormal feeding behaviors in pediatric patients

Amy Campbell earned her BSN from Purdue University (2001), graduating with honors. Early in her career as a staff RN at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, Indiana, she became passionate about pediatrics and caring for children with special needs. These interests led her to obtain her MSN from Indiana University (2007) with a specialization as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. For several years, Amy has worked as a PNP in a private pediatric primary care setting in Denver, Colorado, providing care to children of all ages and including children with special needs. Amy gained valuable research experience in her MSN program, participating in pediatric diabetes research, as well as being involved in several studies when she worked as a PNP at the University of Colorado Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center. Both her research experience and extensive experience in pediatrics inspired her to pursue her PhD in Nursing Science. Amy’s research interests focus on autism and abnormal feeding behaviors as an early indicator of autism. Her research goals are to help identify additional signs of autism in infants and young children to start interventions earlier and help with their overall long-term prognosis. 

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Sharon Karp and Mulubrhan Mogos

Stacey Carter

Research Interests: Disparities for Hispanic women in breast and cervical cancer screening  

Stacey Carter earned her BA in Biology from the University of Texas at Austin in 2010, followed by her BS in Nursing from the University of Texas at Houston (UTH) in 2013. During her time at UTH, she was accepted into the honors program, inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, and won multiple research awards. Her many awards included receiving the Undergraduate Research Award as a senior at UTH’s Research Symposium. This research was conducted at The Methodist Hospital in Houston and focused on assessing and implementing patient centered communication. Its aim was to improve communication between providers and patients to help bridge the gap between medical necessity and patient understanding. After graduation, she took a job at St. Luke’s Emergency Department in the greater Houston area. This unearthed her passion for working with underserved, minority populations. Soon after, Stacey enrolled in Georgetown University’s Master of Nursing Program, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude in 2016. Stacey then began working as a nurse practitioner in Chicago at ACCESS Community Network, a Federally Qualified Health Center. She worked primarily with Chicago’s underserved Hispanic population and began witnessing firsthand, the discrepancies in breast and cervical cancer screenings between the United States’ population (as a whole) versus Hispanic women. This realization drove Stacey to discover new ways to increase access to breast and cervical cancer screenings among Hispanic women. To further her knowledge about this subject, she is bringing her talents to Vanderbilt University’s Nursing Science program. She looks forward to continuing the work that she did in Chicago and addressing disparities in Tennessee’s health system and implementing programs to help Hispanic women increase their access, quality, and affordability to breast and cervical cancer screening programs. 

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Kate Clouse and Mary Jo Gilmer

Emma V. Clark

Research Interests: Maternal health and human resources for health  

Emma V. Clark graduated from Smith College cum laude with a BA in Economics in 2006. Following a Fulbright Fellowship to Botswana, where she studied adherence to AIDS medications, she completed a master’s degree in global disease epidemiology and control at Johns Hopkins University in 2008 and worked on humanitarian health programs in Jordan and Iraq. In 2010, she received her BSN from New York University and returned to international work, first in South Sudan, then with Somali refugees in Kenya, and finally managing humanitarian health programs in Somalia itself. During her time in Africa, she also pursued an MSN from Frontier Nursing University. After receiving her degree in 2013, she became a full-time Certified Nurse Midwife at a federally-funded health care center in Washington, DC. Though she continues to serve there on a per diem basis, she returned to global work four years ago and is currently a Senior Maternal Health Advisor at the United States Agency for International Development. She was a 2016-2017 Duke University-Johnson & Johnson Nurse Leadership Fellow. She is Chair of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition’s Maternal Health Supplies Caucus and Chair of the American College of Nurse-Midwives Division of Global Engagement Networking Committee. She also teaches in the nurse-midwifery program at Georgetown University. Emma’s research in maternal health and human resources for health will specifically build the evidence base for investments in midwives in low-income countries, particularly fragile settings, to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes.  

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeremy Neal

Rachel Hilton

Research Interests: Implementation research relating to utilizing technology to increase healthcare access  

Rachel Hilton graduated with her BS with honors in Movement Science from Texas Christian University in 2011. She then developed wellness grant-sponsored programs for oncology patients before returning to study at Vanderbilt University, obtaining her MSN as a Hillard and Nancy Travis scholarship recipient. She is a board certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. During her master’s education, Rachel had the incredible opportunity to work with Vanderbilt University’s Dr. Leanne Boehm, as a research assistant examining the role of telehealth in ICU recovery care. During this work, Rachel’s passion for implementation science and technology innovation bloomed. She has recently presented posters on topics such as utilizing behavior change and social marketing principles in global health quality improvement and has submitted work regarding post-traumatic growth for publication. She is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. During her doctoral training at Vanderbilt, Rachel hopes to pursue implementation research relating to utilizing technology to increase healthcare access. 

Faculty Advisors: Drs. Lori Schirle and Bethany Rhoten

2019 - 2020 Cohort

Heather bradford.

Research interests:  Provider weight bias and birth outcomes in women with obesity

Heather Bradford graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia summa cum laude with her BSN in 1999 and MSN in midwifery in 2001. She also holds a BA from Boston College. Heather has practiced as a full-scope midwife since 2002. She is full-time faculty and the Assistant Program Director for the Nurse-Midwifery/Women's Health Nurse Practitioner (WHNP) and WHNP Programs at Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies. Her passion is to help grow the midwifery and women’s health NP workforce, with a special focus on retention of students of underrepresented groups. She is an active member of the American College of Nurse-Midwives, where she serves as Vice Chair of the Fellows of ACNM. Throughout her career, her goal has always been to improve maternal and child health outcomes and care, with a focus on marginalized populations. She has served on the WA State Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Panel as well as the WA State Hospital Association Safe Delivery Roadmap Steering Committee. Her research area of interest is understanding why women with obesity are more likely to birth via cesarean section, with a focus on provider weight bias in the intrapartum setting from a health services perspective.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jeremy L. Neal

Emilie Cecil Pozoulakis

Research Interests: Symptom management, clinical and functional outcomes, and quality of life in adults with head and neck cancer

Emilie Cecil graduated with honors in 2015 with her MSN from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. She went back to obtain her post-master’s certificate as an Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner In 2018, graduating with honors from George Washington University. Though she started her nursing career in the medical ICU, she found her true passion working and caring for the irradiated head and neck cancer patient as an RN. She now practices as a full-scope nurse practitioner in radiation oncology at The Johns Hopkins Hospital where she has had the opportunity to foster her love for scientific inquiry and clinical research. Emilie is an active member of Sigma Theta Tau International and the Oncology Nursing Society. She recently authored a head and neck cancer book chapter. She is passionate about improving functional and clinical outcomes alike and minimizing the late effects of treatment for these patients. Through her doctoral program at Vanderbilt University, she hopes to pursue research that seeks to mitigate these late effects, such as fibrosis and lymphedema, while intertwining her enthusiasm for the phenomenon of exercise as medicine.  

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bethany Rhoten

Maggie Root

Research interests: Pediatric palliative care nurse retention and burnout

Maggie Root earned her BSN from Marymount University in 2010. During her work as a pediatric oncology nurse after graduation, she became interested in the role of pediatric palliative care teams. She received her MSN in 2015 from the University of Pennsylvania with a minor in palliative care. She also holds a BA in Rhetoric and Media studies from Willamette University. Maggie is a board-certified Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Certified Pediatric Hospice and Palliative Care Nurse. She is an active member of the Pediatric Palliative Care Research Network and Hospice and Palliative Nurses’ Association, where she serves as co-chair of the Pediatric Special Interest Group. Maggie has presented at national conferences on the state of pediatric palliative care research and role of the Advanced Practice Nurse in palliative care. Her research area of interest is how pediatric palliative care teams affect children’s hospitals, using a health services approach. Her specific area of inquiry examines the role that pediatric palliative care teams play in supporting bedside nursing staff, and the association with nurse retention and burnout. 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Terrah Foster Akard

Jenine Yager Stone

Research interests: Treatment adherence and self-management behaviors among individuals with diabetes, with a focus on habit formation

Jenine Yager Stone is a graduate of Yale University School of Nursing where she earned an MSN in 2015. She earned a BA in Psychology in 2006 from San Diego State University. She is a member of Psi Chi and Sigma Theta Tau international honor societies in psychology and nursing, respectively. She is board certified as a Family Nurse Practitioner and specializes in research and clinical care for individuals with diabetes. She serves as a clinical trial investigator and the Assistant Director of Research at AMCR Institute, a clinical research center in Escondido, CA focused primarily on diabetes research. In this role, she contributes to protocol development for diabetes device, human factors, and behavioral research trials. Jenine has several publications and abstracts published in reputable peer-reviewed journals such as Diabetes and Expert Review in Endocrinology and Metabolism. Her goal is to conduct research related to treatment adherence and self-management behaviors among individuals with diabetes. 

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Shelagh Mulvaney

Bethany Young

Research interests: ICU delirium, post-intensive care syndrome, and neurocritical care  

Bethany Young graduated with her BSN from Cedarville University in 2009. During this time, she was awarded the Cedarville Scholars Award for academic achievement, leadership, and service. She subsequently earned an MSN from The Ohio State University in 2014. Bethany is board certified as an Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist. She is a clinical expert in Neurocritical Care and an active member of the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses, Neurocritical Care Society, and American Association of Critical Care Nurses. In 2017, she received the American Association Critical-Care Nurses, Circle of Excellence Award for achieving excellent outcomes in the care of acutely and critically ill patients and their families. Bethany has presented at national and international conferences on early mobilization in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and various other quality improvement initiatives in the Neurointensive care unit. Her work has been published in the  Neurocritical Care Journal, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing,  and  Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America . Bethany’s research interests focus on ICU delirium and long-term clinical outcomes in patients with primary brain injury. Her specific area of inquiry seeks to describe delirium and its relationship to long-term functional, cognitive, and psychiatric outcomes in patients with primary brain injury.  

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Phone: 208-885-4001

Email: [email protected]

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Graduate Programs and Certificates

Select program to review admissions requirements and apply.

Accountancy (M.Acct.)

Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership (M.S.)

Agricultural Education (M.S.)

Animal Physiology (Ph.D.)

Animal Science (M.S.)

Anthropology (M.A.)

Applied Economics (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Art (M.F.A.)

Athletic Training (D.A.T.)

Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Biological Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemistry (M.S., Ph.D.)

Childhood Development (M.S.)

Civil Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Climate Change - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Computer Engineering (M.Engr., M.S.)

Computer Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Criminology (M.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (M.Ed.)

Curriculum & Instruction (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.)

Cybersecurity (M.S.)

Dietetics (M.S.)

Education (Ed.D., Ph.D.)

Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S.)

Electrical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Emerging Media (M.A.)

Engineering Management (M.Engr.)

English (M.A.)

Entomology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Environmental Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Experimental Psychology (Ph.D.)

Family and Consumer Sciences (M.S.)

Food Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Aspects of Sustainable Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Habitat Assessment Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Intelligence Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geotechnician Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: GIS Programming Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Natural Hazards and Emergency Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Remote Sensing (M.S.)

Geographic Information, Skills, Mapping, and Monitoring - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Geography (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geological Engineering (M.S.)

Geology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Gerontology (M.S.)

Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.)

History (M.A., Ph.D.)

Human Factors (Psychology M.S.)

Hydrology (Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.))

Integrated Architecture and Design (M.S.)

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Interdisciplinary Studies (M.A., M.S.)

Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences (M.S.)

Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Master of Natural Resources (Natural Resources (M.N.R.))

Mathematics (M.A.T.)

Mathematics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Mechanical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Ph.D.)

Music (M.A., M.Mus.)

Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication (@MOSS) (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Neuroscience (M.S., Ph.D.)

Nuclear Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Nutritional Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)

Online Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Physical Education (M.Ed.)

Physics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Plant Pathology (M.S.)

Plant Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Political Science (Ph.D.)

Precision Nutrition for Human and Animal Health - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.))

Psychology (M.S.)

Psychology (Ph.D.)

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Secondary Education (M.A.T.)

Soil and Land Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Special Education (M.Ed.)

Statistical Science (M.S.)

Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.)

Technology Management (M.S.)

Theatre Arts (M.F.A.)


Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Water Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Key program takeaways

Streamlined admissions.

No GRE Required

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You can access local, national, and international sites easily from Dallas

Immersive Education

Strong emphasis on global research

Excellence unleashed

Ranked among elite programs globally

90% Success

Graduates employed within 6 months

Thriving global network of alumni

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Placeholder testimonial has definitely made an impact on me, and I plan on coming back to help with future students.

Student Name ’22, M.S. in Computer Science

Interview - Students

Jobs you can land

With an M.S. in Cybersecurity, you’ll have the knowledge and skills to work in may roles including:

  • Cyber Security Engineer
  • Cyber Security Operations Analyst
  • Cyber Security Risk Analyst
  • Cyber Security Architect
  • Cyber Security Tools Manager

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Take the next step towards an exciting future by starting your application for our graduate program at SMU. Ready to explore other academic opportunities? Discover our range of exceptional programs to find the perfect fit for your academic aspirations.

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Teaching and learning in higher education - course for PhD fellows

Do you want to improve your teaching skills the course teaching and learning in higher education is aimed at phd fellows who want to improve their teaching skills..

The course gives you fundamental skills in teaching, enabling you to:

  • plan and conduct different teaching activities
  • develop your own teaching skills
  • discuss teaching and learning based on relevant theories and research
  • start documenting your teaching competence

The spring semester course will have two sessions: April 4 th and 5 th , and May 30 th and 31 st . The first session will be at Sommarøy, the second one at Campus Tromsø. 

Who can apply? Research fellows at the UiT with teaching activities during spring semester 2017

Language of instruction: English.

Application date: 15 th of February 2017

Application form: See attached document



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    For admission to a PhD program at UiT Norway's Arctic University, you must be formally qualified for admission. The requirement for admission to the PhD program at the Faculty of Law is the degree of cand. Jur. or a 5-year master's degree in law with good grades. The faculty may on a case by case basis approve a corresponding degree (at least ...

  2. Ph.d. ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

    UiT Noregs arktiske universitet (UiT) har åtte ph.d.-program; program i humaniora og samfunnsvitskap, i ingeniørvitskap, i naturvitskap, i nautiske operasjonar, i realfag, i samfunnsvitskap, i helsevitskap og i rettsvitskap.Programmet i nautiske operasjonar er ein fellesgrad med Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL), Noregs teknisk-naturvitskaplege universitet (NTNU) og Universitetet i Søraust ...

  3. PhD Programme in Science

    The PhD-program in Science consists of 180 ECTS, where 30 ECTS is the instruction component and 150 ECTS is the thesis (research project) itself. The trial lecture and public defence are counted as parts of the thesis. The thesis is the main focus of the education.The thesis is to be an independent piece of academic research that meets ...

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    INFORMATION FOR PHD CANDIDATES FROM OUTSIDE UIT WILL COME LATER.-----This course is open for PhD candidates in the 2nd, 3rd, and, if they have 4 years contracts, 4th year of their PhD (at the course time - Autumn 2025). The applicant must be admitted to a study program at the time of application and have active status until December 2025 ...

  5. PhD Programme in Health Sciences

    The programme is standardized to a three year duration, extended to four year for mandatory duties. Part-time study is possible, with a requirement that at least 50 % of the working hours will be dedicated to the PhD programme. HEL-8900 Doctoral thesis in Health Sciences (150 credits) Courses within the training component should be at a ...

  6. PhD Programme in Health Sciences

    The PhD programme in Health Sciences is a structured research education and consist of independent research work with a doctoral thesis (150 credits) and a training component (30 credits). Questions about the study. E-post: [email protected].

  7. Taking a PhD at UiT

    PhD on track - PhD on Track is a web resource aimed primarily at PhD candidates and early career researchers. The aim is to enable beginning researchers to easily access information on searching and reviewing scholarly literature, on academic writing, and on sharing and publishing reports and data. The project is a collaboration between six ...

  8. PhD courses « PhD school in Chemistry

    The PhD program includes an instruction component ( opplæringsdelen) of 30 ECTS credits. The project description of a new PhD student includes a tentative plan over PhD courses to take. This plan has to be approved by the Head of Department and the Faculty of Science and Technology. It is possible to change this plan during the PhD.

  9. UiT The Arctic University of Norway

    The list below gives an overview of relevant PhD courses organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. For more information, please visit the UiT course website. ... For more information, please visit the UiT course website. Subareas. 2023; 2024; Ongoing. Theory of Science.

  10. PDF Organizing international thematic PhD courses at UiT

    •intensive three-day course •AYer the course, there was a workshop on aspect that PhD students were welcome to aZend at their expense ("Aspect in the Arc\c" organized by the same team with course instructors as invited speakers, September 5-6, 2019, 18 talks). program, book of abstracts Official course page at UiT study catalogue:

  11. PhD programme in Humanities and Social Sciences

    The PhD program in the humanities and social sciences is standardised at 180 credits and is divided between the educational component (30 credits) and the dissertation (150 credits) . Theory of science and research ethics. Total of 10 credits. Subject-specific theory and method/academic approaches and positions. Total of 15 credits.

  12. Doctoral Degrees < University of Idaho

    For the D.A.T., a minimum of 66 credits is required and follows a prescribed set of courses set by the program. Courses numbered below 300 may not be used to fulfill the requirements for a doctoral degree; courses numbered 300-399 may be used only in supporting areas and are not to be used to make up deficiencies.

  13. PhD Programme in Science

    The PhD program in Science offers research education in several disciplines, including physics, geosciences, computer science, chemistry, technology, mathematics, statistics, bio-informatics, molecular- and structural biology. The candidates will be able to work with research on a high international level after graduation.

  14. PhD Programmes: Course List for the Academic Year 2024-2025

    2024-2025 Course list. Listen. Our community has grown significantly in recent years, with almost 600 PhD students. At the University of Trieste we believe that these young researchers are the core of cutting-edge research, thanks to their vital energy, innovative ideas, and surprising curiosity. Research has its roots in doctoral students.

  15. Online Master's and Doctoral Programs

    To get your questions answered, reach out to the College of Graduate Studies by email or by phone at 208-885-2647, or request additional information today. The University of Idaho's College of Graduate Studies offers online master's and doctoral degrees using a convenient and flexible format.

  16. Integrated Ph.D. Program

    In this program, you will enter the GSBMS without initially declaring an academic discipline. You'll gain exposure to our different program areas—such as biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, microbiology and immunology, pathology, pharmacology, and physiology—before choosing the one you wish to pursue for your Ph.D. degree.

  17. Graduate Degree in Statistics : Department of Mathematics and

    The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers graduate degrees in statistics at the MS and PhD levels. Note that until 2023, these degrees were granted as concentrations of the corresponding math degrees. This page summarizes the main features of the Statistics degrees, and contains the most up-to-date information. ... If a course is ...

  18. New PhD course

    The course has a maximum of 25 seats. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of places available on the PhD course, applicants will be ranked from category 1 to 4. Category 1: Students admitted to the PhD Program at UiT; Category 2: Participants in the Associate Professor Program that fulfil the educational requirements

  19. Phd Course Uit

    Manonmaniam Sundaranar University PhD Admission 2024, Entrance Exam, Syllabus, Fee Structure, Course Structure, Date Sheet, Online Admission Process, Results, Admission Schedule, Entrance Exam, Counseling process, Courses, Course Detail, Fee Detail Phd Course Uit. Apply for admission collection center.

  20. PhD in Nursing Science Program

    2022 - 2023 Cohort Rose Feinberg. Rose Feinberg graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2010 with a BA in Health and Societies. She went on to complete a master's degree in public health in the Department of Maternal and Child Health at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, after which she worked as a public health analyst at RTI International, focusing on access to ...

  21. PhD Course in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

    The course is in English and can accomodate 25 PhD fellows. If the course is filled and we are unable to provide you a place this autumn we will contact you to ask whether you wish to be added to a waiting list. For information, a similar course is planned in Norwegian for the spring of 2021.

  22. PhD Programme in Law Studies

    Program description. Cand. jur. (master's degree) or a five-year integrated master's degree in law with good grades. The faculty may at its discretion approve other equivalent qualifications as a basis for admission. Moreover, the applicant must document sufficient potential for research. The PhD degree in Law is conferred on the basis of:

  23. PhD in Management Information Systems

    The PhD in Management Information Systems is approved as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Designated Degree Program. Under the Optional Practical Training program, international students who graduate from the program are able to remain in the United States and receive training through work experience for up to 12 months ...

  24. Doctoral Programmes

    Applications for the 2022/23 academic year are open from March 1-11. We spoke to HSE University doctoral students about their work and about how scholarships have helped them pursue their research goals. Education international students doctoral programmes India scholarships the USA. February 25, 2022.

  25. International admissions

    At UiT, this affects the assessment of applications for admission to certain master's degree programmes, as well as certain singular courses on master's and PhD level. Export controls are applied to countries where there is a justified suspicion or specific information about activities relating to the development and use of weapons of mass ...

  26. Graduate Programs and Certificates

    Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.)) Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.) Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.) Choose a graduate program of study from list to view ...

  27. Anthropology, Ph.D.

    Key program takeaways . Streamlined admissions. No GRE Required. Unique Research Infrastructure. You can access local, national, and international sites easily from Dallas. Immersive Education. Strong emphasis on global research. Excellence unleashed. Top 5%. Ranked among elite programs globally.

  28. Teaching and learning in higher education

    The course Teaching and learning in higher education is aimed at PhD fellows who want to improve their teaching skills. The course gives you fundamental skills in teaching, enabling you to: The spring semester course will have two sessions: April 4 th and 5 th, and May 30 th and 31 st. The first session will be at Sommarøy, the second one at ...