research companies jamaica

research companies jamaica

  • B2B Market Research
  • Brand Market Research
  • Concept & Product testing
  • Consumer Market Research
  • Consumer Online Panel
  • Global Physicians Panel
  • Healthcare Market Research
  • Omnibus Research
  • Online Market Research
  • Tracking Research
  • Focus Groups / Online Focus Groups
  • Ethnographic Market Research
  • In-Depth Interviews
  • Online bulletin boards
  • Usability and Testing Research
  • Face to Face Interviews
  • Online Surveys
  • Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews (CATI)
  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI)
  • Central Location Test
  • Animal Health
  • Automotive Industry
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • Chemical Industry
  • Consumer Health
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Food and Drinks
  • Government and Public Sector
  • IT and Telecommunication
  • Medical Devices and Diagnostics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Retail Industry
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Esomar 28 Questions
  • Market Research Associations
  • Research Methods
  • Terms of Business
  • Privacy Policy
  • Animal Health Market Research
  • Automotive Market Research
  • Banking and Financial Services Market Research
  • Chemical Market Research
  • Consumer Health Market Research
  • Consumer Packaged Goods Market Research
  • Energy and Utilities Market Research
  • Food and Drink Market Research
  • Government and Public Sector Market Research
  • IT and Telecommunication Market Research
  • Research Services

research companies jamaica

Market Research Company in Jamaica

InVeritas Research is one of the Top market research company in Jamaica . We are a full service quantitative and qualitative market research Fieldwork Company committed to providing high-quality data collection and market research services.

We are among the best market research company in Jamaica for recruiting difficult to reach audiences and quality data collection and have in-depth experience of applying suitable methodologies across a wide range of different industries, geographies, and cultures. We are consistently making an impact on the growth of our clients’ businesses.

Types of different market research and data collection we do:

Face to Face Market Research in Jamaica InVeritas Research with its team of highly trained and experienced professionals has successfully conducted many F2F with consumers, decision makers and healthcare professionals in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North and South American regions either directly or with the help of trusted partners.

We help our client to identify the target audience and understand the perspectives and experiences of a particular industry or community and further help them to gain insight and strategize their approach.

Central Location Tests in Jamaica

A central location test is a practical way of implementing the survey which ensures high-quality results and offers key advantage of Face to Face interview which is the ideal for conducting many tests like the introduction of the new or modified product.

InVeritas Research with its team of highly trained and experienced professionals has successfully conducted Central location testing in Asia, Europe, Africa, and North and South American regions.

Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews in Jamaica (CATI)

Our CATI team works closely with clients to understand the needs and accordingly the project is designed and executed. We have 20 professionally trained and experienced CATI interviewers with a multilingual capability and our strong quality control team which analyses every interview so that the client gets the highest quality deliverables.

Computer Assisted Personal Interview in Jamaica (CAPI)

CAPI researchers help to control the interview processes as the interviewer is present with the respondents at the time of interview and after the interview, the data collected is sent to the central computer through a secured connection.

We had have successfully conducted many CAPI research in Asian and the Middle East countries using our proprietary panel as well as through our trusted partners for B2B, B2C, Physicians Specialist, Allied Healthcare Professionals, KOL’s and C-level Executives.

Online Surveys in Jamaica

InVeritas research is one of the Global leading providers of Consumers, B2B and Healthcare Online Market Research in the industry.

With over 4 million Consumer and B2B panelists across 25+countries and more than 400,000+ Physicians of 70+ specialties across the globe makes us stand out among all.

In-Depth Interviews in Jamaica

In-Depth Interviews are qualitative data collection method which helps to analyze, explore, study perception, attitude and respondent behavior to a particular idea or concept. The questions are open-ended, less structured, flexible and continuous.

We at InVeritas Research have conducted many IDI’s in different geography in persona and over the phone with difficult to reach respondents who are identified as a potential source of information and allows the researcher and respondent latitude to explore an issue within the framework of the guided conversation

Focus Groups / Online Focus Groups in Jamaica

InVeritas Research market research services use Focus group discussions for consumers or businesses to collect data and insights which are most of the time less known to the provider.

Focus group discussions are more effectively utilized when the objective of the investigators is to understand consumers or professional’s views and gain in-depth insights which can be used to provide the client with data and greater clarification to determine their strategy.

Ethnography Studies in Jamaica

Ethnography is a kind of research conducted within the context of consumer experience, social interaction, behaviors and perceptions in the real world within teams, groups, organizations, and communities. It helps to understand the consumer’s environment through direct observation and exploration of their social, economic and cultural aspects which affects and influences their product selection and uses traditionally in consultation with an Anthropologist.

Online Bulletin Boards in Jamaica

InVeritas Research uses Online Bulletin board for researches involving long-term discussions which allows the respondents to share their opinion and thoughts more clearly, additionally, participants can log in at their convenience which allows more time to express their thoughts and provide richer insights.

Usability Testing in Jamaica

InVeritas Research focuses on to get a high-value aspect of the user experience which affects user satisfaction by determining their perception, needs, and anticipated cost and in turn profitability.

Pharmaceuticals Market Research in Jamaica

InVeritas Research with its team of highly experienced leaders and directors who have spent almost 15-25 years in the pharmaceutical industry, working across different geography and different level has made conducting research processes and understanding unmatched deep insights easy for clients.

Medical Devices Market Research in Jamaica

InVeritas Research has successfully completed and delivered over 150 projects on Medical devices of different specialties in European, Middle-East, Asia and North and South American Market.

Our team of highly experienced Project Manager, Consultants, and directors who have spent almost 10-20 years in the Medical devices industry, working across different geography and different level has made conducting research processes and understanding unmatched deep insights easy for clients.

Healthcare Market Research in Jamaica

InVeritas Research’s Healthcare Market Research services specialize in delivering ad-hoc research services and recommends quantitative or qualitative data collection methodology, sampling & analysis plan based upon individual project’s requirements which provides deep insights to our clients.

We can reach Physicians, Allied healthcare professionals, Healthcare executives, influencers and patients/caregivers whose opinion and insight plays a crucial role in healthcare decision making.

Our verified proprietary Panel consists of more than 400,000+ Physicians of 70+ specialties and 250,000+ Allied HCP’s of 40+ specialties across the globe.

Industries We Serve

  • Food and Drink
  • Medical Devices and Diagnostic

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Industries We Serve in Jamaica

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What we offer, explore our solutions / services.

HOPE Caribbean Company Limited, formerly HOPE Enterprises Limited, is a research and evaluation house located in Jamaica with a   footprint in the Caribbean and Florida. It is registered in Jamaica as a limited liability company. The registered offices are located at:

                  25 Burlington Avenue,

                  Kingston 10, Jamaica

The firm is a full-scale market research consultancy company that conducts commercial and social research in the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora in North America and the United Kingdom. We have provided market research services to many corporations (local and multinational), government ministries, government agencies and NGO’s for over twenty years conducting various types of specialized research.

The company has been very involved in social research since 1988 when the first AIDS/STD baseline studies were undertaken. Much of our work has involved probing knowledge and attitudes on very sensitive topics. We have worked closely with international agencies such as FHI/AIDSCAP, Constella/Futures Group, CDC, AIDSCOM as well as having formed many strategic alliances with local professionals from the University of the West Indies.

For many years we have enjoyed partnerships with multinationals and Fortune 500 companies working in the following markets: Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados, Bahamas, US Virgin Islands, Antigua, St. Vincent, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Suriname, Haiti, Guyana, Suriname, Belize, St. Maarten, Aruba and Curacao.

research companies jamaica

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Gain insights into international markets, caribbean market research.

Conduct market research across the Caribbean region from our regional headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica. Our services include:

Our services include:

  • Focus Group Facilities & Moderators
  • Interviews (Ethnographic, IDIs, Tele-Depth)
  • Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI)
  • Mall Intercepts
  • Pre-Recruited/Face-to-Face Interviews
  • Healthcare Provider (HCP) & Patient Research
  • Medical Product & Device Research
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Healthcare Survey Programming
  • Program & Project Management
  • Business Analytics
  • Strategic Decision-Making
  • Process Improvement
  • Change Management
  • Prompt delivery of results
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Studies
  • Call Center covering Spanish Speaking Latin America
  • Online Healthcare & Consumer Panels

research companies jamaica

From our Kingston, Jamaica office, we offer a multinational panel for both regular consumer and healthcare research across the Caribbean.

We offer fully equipped focus group facilities across the Caribbe an region.

research companies jamaica

  • Consumer Market Research
  • Healthcare Market Research

Discover More of Our Business Solutions

Contact accurate market research today to learn more about our international research services., privacy overview.

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Our Mission

…to provide valuable insight to key decision-makers  in the Caribbean, through sound marketing research practices, and a commitment to quality & innovation in all aspects of the research process.



Our services, research and development company.

Lefusion Research and Developmental Company is sponsored by International Partners as well as the Government of Jamaica. Its mandate is to conduct research and make recommendations on how to improve the quality of life for rural and inner city communities.

Why Choose Lefusion Research for your company?

research companies jamaica

Lefusion Research and Developmental Company is sponsored by International Partners as well as the Government of Jamaica. Its mandate is to conduct research and make recommendations on how to improve the quality of life for rural and inner city communities . It seeks to undertake independent research on social trends, needs and issues relevant to a variety of communities. It further aims to empower community members in the development process through discussions and involvement in the decision-making process. The required end result is a community that is healthy, safe, inclusive, and culturally rich, with dynamic resilient local economies.

research companies jamaica

Mission Statement

Lefusion Research seeks to provide planning that ranges from definition of service needs to coordination and evaluation of program and service delivery. Provide access to both professional and voluntary expertise on a wide range of social, economic and cultural issues. It also provides sophisticated policy analysis and research-based proposals to enhance community development.

  • Improving the quality of life for rural and inner city communities
  • Research social trends, needs and issues relevant to communities
  • To bring about a safe, culturally rich and dynamic local economy
  • Empower community member through involvement in decision-makings
Research is the first step to a better quality of life

“There is a great difference between knowing and understanding: you can know a lot about something and not really understand it.” – Charles F. Kettering

research companies jamaica

Vision Statement

To become the leading social research company within the region, ensuring that sustainable models of partnership and programmes are implemented to guarantee highest service deliveries. To be rated among the best social research companies in the world who engages in constant monitoring and evaluation of communities to ensure that they are benefiting from the processes established and that those processes continue to be relevant.

Quality Research are our top priority!

research companies jamaica

Improve quality of Life

Conducts research and make recommendations to improve quality of life in the inner cities

research companies jamaica

Research Social Trends

Provide professional expertise on a wide range of social, economic and cultural issues

research companies jamaica

Empower Community Members

We aim to empower community members in the development process through discussions and involvement in the decision-making process

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Jamaica Market Research

Get your survey respondents in jamaica, request a quote.

Our team will be in touch as soon as possible to discuss your needs.

Global Coverage

Local presence around the world, end user specialist, reach difficult target audiance, gain local insights with us, why choose us, engaging the right research participants.

Tracking down and reaching the right respondents for your research is an essential and critical step for successful research. To accomplish this, 1+1 Research’s dedicated recruitment team, with the help of its existing infrastructure, sources high-quality participants saving both time and money.

Faster Turnaround Time

Time advantage is a big factor for the success of any project. We at 1+1 Research aggressively follow the deadline and make our quality felt while delivering the project. Our experienced in-house experts are always available and work round the clock in different schedules to discuss with clients, offer support, and kick-off a project as soon as it is awarded.

High Quality Deliverables

1+1 Research is committed to High-quality project management and execution for delivering high-quality data, research insights, and findings by following rigorous quality control SOP by our QA experts at every step of project management. This keeps a tab on the operations and narrows down the quality concerns to the minimum.

research companies jamaica

1+1 Research did an amazing job, they responded swiftly and had a good understanding of what we needed. I couldn’t be happier with the quality of their work in our several market research projects. All our projects were completed well on time as agreed. 

Research Director

A Top UI & UX Design Company

Some Of Our Services

Focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, online surveys, central location test, usability & testing.

Jamaica Market Research – Jamaica, an island country in the West Indies. The third island the size of the Caribbean Sea, after Cuba Hispaniola. Jamaica is about 146 miles (235 km) long and varies from 22 to 51 miles (35 to 82 km) wide. It is located 100 km (160 km) west of Haiti, 90 miles (150 km) south of Cuba, 390 miles (630 km) northeast of the nearest point on the continent, Cape Gracias a Dios, on the Caribbean coast of Central America. The national capital Kingston.

Jamaica is the director of both state-owned enterprises and businesses in the private sector. Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, petroleum refining, financial services, and insurance. Travel and mining lead to leading other countries. Half the Jamaican economy relies on services with half its money from services such as tourism. An estimated 4.3 million foreign visitors travel to Jamaica every year.  According to the World Bank, Jamaica is a high-income country, like its Caribbean, is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, floods and hurricanes.

Jamaica’s economy is mixed but with increasing services, especially tourism and finance. Since the country gained independence in 1962, the country has developed surprisingly well but unequally. Mining and manufacturing are very important to the economy in the latter half of the 20th century when agricultural exports declined. Since the 1980s, the state has reduced its role as a major player in the economy, in part because structural reform and economic liberalization prefer private businesses as the engine of economic growth. During the 1990s, however, the financial crisis forced the government to rescue certain industries and financial institutions.

Agriculture continues to be one of the mainstays of the island’s economy, accounting for about twenty-one percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and about one-third of the workforce. The main crop of sugarcane and its main products are molasses and rum. Fruits, including oranges, coconuts, and bananas, are also important. At the beginning of the 21st century, with the end of the Treaty of Lomé Convention, which provided a safe haven for the banana market in Britain, the historic banana industry was reorganized to focus on the local market. At the same time, the government has sold most of its struggling sugar businesses to a Chinese company. Also important are coconut, coconut, coffee, allspice (pimento), cocoa (cocoa bean sprout), tobacco, and ginger. Blue Mountain Coffee, a popular gourmet brand, is grown on slopes just under 1,500 feet and is being processed by a group of Jamaican companies; some varieties of coffee are grown in lowland areas. Marijuana (ganja) is illegally grown in many places; however, anti-drug programs supported by the U.S. have reduced their exports to North America and Europe.

Timber production does not meet the country’s needs, and much of the wood, cork, and edible paper is imported. The government is promoting deforestation. Fishing is big business, supporting thousands of people. Pedro Bank, part of an island shelf about 60 miles [100 km] southwest of Jamaica, is a major fishing village, but some fishermen are trying to reach a distance of about 300 miles [500 km]; car fishing has seriously damaged Jamaican coral reefs.

Large amounts of bauxite (aluminum ore) are found in central Jamaica. Iron ore, gypsum, and marble are located east of Jamaica, and clay occurs in the west. Silica sand and limestone are found throughout the island. Other mineral sources include peat, gravel, and a small amount of lignite, copper, lead, zinc, and phosphates; Jamaica’s black sands contain some titanium.

Mining accounts for only a small percentage of GDP and labor, although Jamaica is one of the world’s largest producers of bauxite and aluminum. The country’s historical vulnerability to global economic fluctuations is reflected in the unprecedented demand and prices in the global aluminum market. U.S. Aluminum Manufacturers They left the island in the 1990s and were replaced by Russian businessmen in the early 21st century. Most Jamaican gypsum is extracted for export. Cement is widely used in local construction.

Generally generated accounts account for eight GDP and less than one-tenth of the workforce. The main products are processed foods (including sugar, rum, and molasses), textiles, and metal products. Prints, chemicals, and cement and clay products are also notable. Imports, which helped the manufacturing industry, were abandoned in the 1980s.

Jamaica imports petroleum to almost all of its energy needs, including power generation. Electrical appliances and bagasse (cane residues) produce less electricity. Generators, part of which are under government control, provide a lot of electricity, and private areas provide large industries.

Jamaica Market Research – 1+1 Research ( 1Plus1 Research ) is one of the top market research company in Jamaica providing quantitative and qualitative research services. We are committed to providing high-quality data collection, opinion mining, and sentiment analysis to companies worldwide. 1+1 Research is considered as one of the best market research company in Jamaica to work with because of our in-house capabilities including the recruitment team which can recruit difficult to reach target audiences from different geographies, cultures, and business sectors.

Data collection methods we do in Jamaica

In-depth interviews in jamaica.

1Plus1 Research, with its team of highly experienced researchers at Jamaica Market Research have done scores of In-depth interviews which are a valuable method in market research that provide rich, detailed insights into consumers’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. These one-on-one conversations allow researchers to probe deeper into respondents’ opinions and experiences, gathering nuanced data that may not be captured through surveys or focus groups. In-depth interviews can be conducted in-person, over the phone, or online, and often involve open-ended questions that encourage respondents to share their stories and perspectives. These are later analysed by the researchers with the help of transcripts and patterns recorded.

Face to Face Market research in Jamaica

Face-to-face market research involves collecting data through in-person interviews or focus groups, providing rich and nuanced insights into consumer behavior. 1Plus1 Research team at Jamaica Market Research use F2F when required and this method is particularly effective for understanding complex attitudes and opinions, and can help businesses tailor their strategies to target audience segments. Conducting face-to-face research can also help build trust with participants, leading to more honest and accurate feedback. By using face-to-face market research, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience and make more informed decisions about product development, pricing, marketing tactics and many more.

Central Location Tests in Jamaica

Central Location Tests (CLTs) are a type of market research method where respondents are asked to rate products or services in a neutral, public setting. This technique helps 1Plus1 researchers at Jamaica Market Research gather feedback on how products or services will perform in real-world scenarios. CLTs are particularly useful for evaluating in-store experiences, packaging, and branding, as well as testing new product concepts. We have our own CLT’s venues where we conduct tests. By using CLTs, researchers can gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences, ultimately informing marketing strategies and product development.

Computer Assisted Personal Interview in Jamaica (CAPI)

CAPI is a survey methodology that combines the personal interaction of face-to-face interviews with the efficiency of computer technology. In CAPI, 1Plus1 Research interviewers at Jamaica Market Research use handheld devices or tablets to administer questionnaires, allowing for real-time data entry and reduced errors. This approach is particularly useful for gathering sensitive or complex data, as well as for conducting surveys in remote or difficult to reach areas or areas with limited internet penetration. By leveraging CAPI, market researchers can collect high-quality data more quickly and cost-effectively.

Computer Aided Telephonic Interviews in Jamaica (CATI)

CATI is a method of conducting interviews over the phone using computer software to guide the conversation. It allows 1Plus1 researchers to quickly and efficiently collect data from a large sample size, reducing errors and increasing accuracy. With the help of CATI, our interviewers at Jamaica Market Research can easily record responses and skip questions that are not relevant to the respondent, making it a cost-effective and time-saving tool. By using CATI, market researchers can gather valuable insights and opinions from customers, providing valuable feedback to inform business decisions.

Online Surveys in Jamaica

Online surveys provide a convenient and cost-effective way to gather opinions and feedback from a large sample size of customers, allowing researchers to gain valuable insights into consumer behaviour and preferences. Through online surveys also known as CAWI, researchers can reach a wider audience, including those who may be difficult to reach through traditional methods. Online surveys can be used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data, providing a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and attitudes. 1Plus1 Research team at Jamaica Market Research can script, programme and host online surveys and later the data collected is analysed as well as shared with client in their desired format.

With over 5 million+ consumer and B2B panelists across 22+countries and more than 500,000+ Physicians of 650+ specialties across the globe makes us stand out among all

Online communities in Jamaica

Online communities provide a platform for researchers to gather insights from diverse perspectives, facilitating deeper understanding of target audiences. By participating in online forums, social media groups, and discussion boards, researchers can collect qualitative data on consumer opinions, behaviours, and preferences. 1Plus1 Research Online communities also enable researchers to monitor trends, track brand mentions, and identify emerging issues, helping to inform marketing strategies and product development. Additionally, online communities can be used to test new ideas, gauge reactions to new products or services, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

1Plus1 Research at Jamaica Market Research use several applications which help respondents to engage on formats which requires multiple days involvements.

Focus Groups / Online Focus Groups in Jamaica

Focus groups bring together a small, diverse group of participants to discuss specific topics, providing valuable insights into consumer opinions and behaviors. Online focus groups can be conducted remotely, making it easier to reach a wider range of participants and reducing the need for physical facilities. This method allows 1Plus1 researchers to gather qualitative feedback and identify patterns and trends in consumer attitudes and preferences.

1Plus1 Research at Jamaica Market Research have its own viewing facility where client can observe the focus groups and in case of online focus groups we use platforms and applications which can help client observe as well as hear the conversation in their preferred language.

Usability Testing in Jamaica ( UX Research )

Usability testing is a crucial aspect of UX design, where real users interact with a product or prototype to identify areas for improvement. Through this process, designers gather valuable feedback to refine the user experience, increasing user satisfaction and conversion rates. 1Plus1 researchers utilize usability testing to validate product assumptions, identify pain points, and inform product development. By conducting usability testing, businesses can gain a competitive edge by creating products that meet the needs of their target audience. We at 1Plus1 Research use UX research for both physical product as well as for mobile and gaming applications.

Ethnography Studies in Jamaica

Ethnography studies involve immersing researchers in the daily lives of their subjects to gain a deeper understanding of their behaviors and cultural practices. At 1Plus1 Research as well as in market research, ethnography is used to observe and analyse consumer habits, rituals, and routines to identify patterns and trends that inform product development and marketing strategies. Observing people in their natural environments, ethnography helps researchers uncover nuanced insights that may not be apparent through traditional surveys or focus groups. As a result, ethnography has become an increasingly valuable tool for businesses seeking to understand their customers’ needs and desires.

Healthcare market research in Jamaica

Healthcare market research involves studying consumer behavior, preferences, and attitudes towards healthcare products and services. This information is crucial in developing effective marketing strategies to reach and engage target audiences. We at 1Plus1 Research helps healthcare including pharmaceutical and medical device companies identify market trends, competitor analysis, and customer needs, allowing them to make informed decisions about product development and marketing campaigns. By using market research in the healthcare industry, companies can improve patient outcomes, reduce overall costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

Reach Us Today

We are here for all of your market research needs.

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Analytics Jamaica

Jamaica’s Data Analytics company

Make Jamaica a better place, by making all Jamaicans better decision makers.

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Our services

Data analytics, strategic management consulting, market research, product development, marketing analytics.

Analytics Jamaica was formed in 2021 to provide Global leading Data Analytics and Research Services to Jamaican Companies, to solve Jamaican Problems

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Traditional Research

Consumer neuroscience, digital insights and analytics, retail analytics, business intelligence, artificial intelligence.

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Larren Peart Chief Executive Officer

Jenée Stephens-Taylor Chief Insights Officer

Kimberley Shaw Projects, Admin & Client Communications Manager

[email protected]

SIS International Market Research

Market Research in the Caribbean

Market Research and Strategy Consulting in the Caribbean

How can market research empower businesses to navigate this diverse region effectively? From the allure of its tourism industry to the growing demand for local products and services, understanding the market dynamics is essential for success. That’s why market research in the Caribbean offers businesses the insights to enter this market and thrive.

What Is Market Research in the Caribbean? Why Is It Important?

Market research in the Caribbean analyzes consumer behavior, industry trends, and regional competitive landscapes. From conducting surveys and focus groups to analyzing economic indicators, market research provides a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.

This market research also helps businesses tailor their products and services to meet local consumers’ specific needs and desires. It enables businesses to identify emerging trends and untapped market segments within the Caribbean. By uncovering new opportunities, businesses can position themselves strategically for growth.

Additionally, in-depth market research helps businesses mitigate market entry or expansion risks. Businesses can make informed decisions and minimize uncertainties by understanding market challenges and potential pitfalls. However, it brings some other benefits, including:

  • Accurate Decision-Making : By gathering data on consumer behavior and market trends, businesses can make informed decisions aligned with the demands of the Caribbean market.
  • Customized Product Development : Understanding consumer preferences through market research allows businesses to develop products and services tailored to Caribbean consumers’ unique needs and cultural nuances.
  • Risk Reduction : Caribbean Market research helps businesses identify potential risks and challenges early on, enabling proactive risk management strategies.
  • Strategic Market Entry : With comprehensive market insights, businesses can devise effective market entry strategies that maximize opportunities and minimize obstacles in the Caribbean market.
  • Competitive Advantage : With insights from market research, businesses can gain a competitive edge by optimizing their offerings and positioning against regional competitors.

Top Benefits of Doing Business in the Caribbean

This beautiful region is also business-friendly. Most of the countries have trained and educated workforces and reliable infrastructure. It is a region characterized by stable democracies. The Caribbean has a large population of English speakers. Some of the territories are also French, Dutch, and Spanish-speaking.

Tourism is growing in the Caribbean. The infrastructure in this region is excellent, even in the more impoverished territories. This tourist destination is the perfect setting for investors intending to build hotels. The Caribbean attracts millions of tourists yearly with its beautiful scenery, rich culture, breathtaking attractions and accommodations, and warm populace.

Doing business in the Caribbean has many benefits. One that potential investors often overlook is the lifestyle. The Caribbean is a beautiful location with magnificent beaches. Its annual temperatures range from 74F to 81F, with gentle sea breezes. There are lots of luxury real estate business deals from which to choose.

Great location

Moving to the Caribbean for business has a competitive geographical edge. It has a strategic location. Even territories in the south such as Grenada and Trinidad are a mere five-hour flight away from the US.

Who Uses Market Research in the Caribbean?

A diverse range of stakeholders benefit from utilizing market research in the Caribbean:

  • Local Businesses : Caribbean-based businesses leverage market research to understand consumer behavior, identify growth opportunities, and refine market strategies.
  • International Corporations : Multinational companies looking to enter or expand within the Caribbean region rely on market research to assess market feasibility, understand regulatory environments, and adapt their global strategies to local contexts.
  • Government Agencies : Government entities use market research to inform policy decisions, support economic development initiatives, and attract regional investment.
  • Nonprofit Organizations : NGOs and nonprofit organizations utilize market research to better understand community needs, assess program effectiveness, and advocate for social change.
  • Investors and Financial Institutions : Investors seeking opportunities in Caribbean markets rely on market research to evaluate investment potential, assess market risks, and make informed investment decisions.

However, before embarking on market research in the Caribbean, businesses should consider asking the following key questions:

  • What are the specific objectives of the research? : Clearly define the purpose and goals of the research to ensure alignment with business objectives and decision-making needs.
  • Who is the target audience? Identify the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the Caribbean target audience to tailor research methodologies and approaches accordingly.
  • What is the competitive landscape? : Understand the competitive environment within the Caribbean market, including key players, market share, and competitive strengths and weaknesses.
  • What are the regulatory considerations? : Investigate regulatory frameworks and legal requirements relevant to the industry and market sector in the Caribbean.
  • What are the cultural and socio-economic factors? : Consider cultural nuances, socio-economic conditions, and consumer behaviors that influence market dynamics in the Caribbean.
  • How will the research be conducted? : Determine the most suitable research methodologies, such as surveys, focus groups, or secondary data analysis, based on the research objectives and target audience.
  • What is the budget and timeline? : Establish realistic budget constraints and timelines for conducting market research in the Caribbean to ensure effective planning and resource allocation.

Key Industries in the Caribbean

The Caribbean region encompasses a diverse range of industries that drive economic activity and present opportunities for business development. Some key industries include:

Tourism and Hospitality : The Caribbean is renowned for its tourism industry, attracting millions of visitors annually to its pristine beaches, resorts, and cultural attractions.

Agribusiness : Agriculture is a significant sector in the Caribbean, with production ranging from tropical fruits and vegetables to coffee, sugar, and spices.

Manufacturing : Certain Caribbean countries have developed manufacturing industries, particularly textiles, food processing, and light manufacturing.

Financial Services : Several Caribbean countries serve as offshore financial centers, offering banking, insurance, and investment services.

Energy : The Caribbean region has been exploring renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Key Target Audience in the Caribbean Market

The target audience in the Caribbean market encompasses a diverse range of consumer segments and business entities. Some key segments include:

  • Tourists and Travelers : Given the region’s robust tourism industry, tourists and travelers represent a significant target audience for businesses in sectors such as hospitality, retail, and entertainment.
  • Local Residents : The local population of Caribbean countries comprises consumers with varying income levels, lifestyles, and cultural backgrounds, making it essential to segment based on demographics and psychographics.
  • Businesses and Investors : B2B (business-to-business) targeting involves businesses seeking partnerships, suppliers, or investment opportunities within the Caribbean market.
  • Expatriates and Diaspora : The Caribbean diaspora residing abroad, particularly in North America and Europe, represents a unique target audience for remittance services, cultural products, and investment opportunities in their home countries.

How to Conduct Market Research in the Caribbean

Market research in the Caribbean requires a tailored approach to effectively capture insights and navigate the region’s unique characteristics. Here are some methodologies that market research firms can apply:

  • Surveys and Questionnaires to gather quantitative data on consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and satisfaction levels across Caribbean markets.
  • Focus Groups with local participants to explore attitudes, perceptions, and preferences related to specific products or services.
  • In-depth Interviews with key stakeholders, industry experts, and decision-makers to gain nuanced insights into market dynamics and challenges.
  • Secondary Research l everaging existing data sources, market reports, and academic studies to supplement primary research findings and provide broader context.

What are the Largest-Growing Segments in the Caribbean Market?

The Caribbean market is evolving, with several sectors experiencing notable growth and expansion. Here are some of the largest-growing segments within the Caribbean region:

Tourism and Hospitality : The tourism industry remains a crucial driver of economic growth in the Caribbean, attracting millions of visitors annually. The segment includes luxury resorts, boutique hotels, eco-tourism ventures, and cruise tourism, focusing on sustainable practices and unique experiences.

Renewable Energy : With a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility, the Caribbean is witnessing significant growth in renewable energy projects. Solar, wind, and geothermal energy initiatives are gaining traction, supported by government incentives and international partnerships.

Agribusiness and Food Processing : The agriculture sector in the Caribbean is expanding, driven by demand for fresh, locally sourced produce and value-added food products. Agribusiness ventures include organic farming, speciality crops, and agro-processing for domestic consumption and export.

Information Technology and Telecommunications : The digital economy is growing in the Caribbean, driven by increased internet connectivity and mobile penetration. Technology startups, e-commerce platforms, and fintech solutions are emerging, catering to a tech-savvy consumer base.

Financial Services : The Caribbean is an offshore banking and financial services hub that attracts international investors and corporations. Fintech innovations, including mobile banking and digital payments, are transforming the financial landscape.

Opportunities and Challenges

There are many investment and business opportunities in the Caribbean. Each has unique benefits. Nonetheless, moving to this region is no guarantee of success. You must ensure you have the right niche in any chosen country. It means conducting qualitative, quantitative, and strategy research for each location. It’s the best way to discover the advantages and shortcomings of setting up shop. Your analysis must give you extensive knowledge about the business environment. For example, you need to know about the cost of transportation and banking systems. Such knowledge makes it easier to project your profit margins.

Unfortunately, the Caribbean is vulnerable to hurricanes. An example is Hurricane Dorian, which devastated the Bahamas in 2019. Dorian hovered over the Bahamas for almost two days. This deadly system created a massive storm surge. It flooded the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama, leaving hundreds dead in its wake. If you’re interested in investing in the Caribbean, it’s essential to factor in the risk of these superstorms.

There is poverty in the Caribbean. However, the levels continue to decrease as the economy progresses. Determining where the economy stands is essential. You also need to know how easy it is to set up a business. Market research will enable you to compare the Caribbean with other economies.

Market Drivers

In the dynamic Caribbean market, various factors drive business growth and opportunities. Understanding these market drivers is crucial for strategic planning and decision-making. Here are some key drivers shaping the Caribbean market:

  • Tourism Growth : The Caribbean region continues to attract a growing number of tourists seeking sun, sand, and unique cultural experiences. Tourism drives demand for hospitality services, retail, entertainment, and transportation, contributing significantly to the local economy.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) : Increased FDI flows into the Caribbean support infrastructure development, manufacturing, and services sectors. Proximity to major markets and government incentives attract international investors seeking strategic partnerships and market access.
  • Trade Agreements and Partnerships : Trade agreements within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and international partnerships facilitate regional trade and market integration. Reduced tariffs and streamlined customs procedures benefit businesses engaged in cross-border trade.
  • Digital Transformation : Increasing internet penetration and mobile connectivity spur digital transformation across industries. E-commerce platforms, online banking, and digital marketing enable businesses to reach wider audiences and streamline operations.

Market Restraints

While the Caribbean market presents attractive opportunities, certain factors pose challenges and constraints for businesses operating in the region. Understanding these market restraints is essential for mitigating risks and developing effective business strategies. Here are some key market restraints in the Caribbean:

  • Infrastructure Limitations : Inadequate infrastructure, including transportation networks, utilities, and telecommunications, can hinder business operations and investment attraction in certain Caribbean countries.
  • Economic Volatility : Some Caribbean economies are susceptible to external economic shocks, such as fluctuations in commodity prices, tourism demand, or global financial conditions. Economic volatility may impact consumer spending and business investment.
  • Regulatory Complexity : Regulatory frameworks in the Caribbean can be complex and subject to change, affecting business licensing, customs procedures, and foreign investment regulations. Navigating regulatory compliance requires local expertise and resources.
  • Climate Vulnerability : The Caribbean region is vulnerable to natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, and flooding. Climate-related risks can disrupt supply chains, damage infrastructure, and impact tourism activities.
  • Skills Shortages : Certain industries face challenges related to skills shortages and talent gaps in specialized areas such as technology, healthcare, and hospitality. Developing a skilled workforce and retaining talent is essential for business sustainability.
  • Market Fragmentation : The Caribbean market comprises diverse countries and cultures, each with unique consumer preferences and business environments. Market fragmentation can complicate market entry strategies and distribution logistics.

How SIS International’s Services Help Businesses

SIS International offers market research and consulting services that empower businesses to navigate the Caribbean market effectively and achieve strategic objectives. Our services are designed to mitigate risks, boost revenue, save costs, accelerate growth, and enhance overall business performance. Here’s how SIS International’s services can benefit businesses operating in the Caribbean:

Market Research Expertise : SIS International’s team of experienced researchers conducts comprehensive market studies, consumer surveys, and competitive analyses tailored to the Caribbean market. Our insights help businesses understand market dynamics, consumer behaviors, and industry trends.

Strategic Consulting : We provide strategic consulting services, including market entry strategies, feasibility studies, and business expansion plans. Our consultants offer actionable recommendations based on market intelligence and industry best practices.

Risk Mitigation and Opportunity Identification : SIS International helps businesses identify and mitigate market risks while identifying growth opportunities within the Caribbean region. Our research-driven approach minimizes uncertainty and informs strategic decision-making.

Customized Solutions : We offer customized solutions to address specific business challenges, such as regulatory compliance, market positioning, and competitive differentiation. Our tailored approach ensures relevance and effectiveness in achieving business objectives.

ROI Optimization : Our services focus on maximizing ROI by providing data-driven insights that support revenue growth, cost savings, and operational efficiency improvements.

Innovation and Growth Acceleration : SIS International supports innovation and growth initiatives by providing market intelligence that fuels product innovation, market expansion, and business transformation.

About Market Research in the Caribbean

SIS International  can give you the Quantitative and Qualitative data you need. We can tell you the time, procedures, and cost of starting up and operating a business in the Caribbean. Qualitative Research methods include Focus Groups, Customer Interviews and Online Communities.  Quantitative Research methods include Mobile, App and Telephone surveys.  Strategy Research consists of Market Opportunity & Entry Research, Competitive Analysis and Go-To-Market Strategy. 

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Market Research in the Cayman Islands

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Market Research in the British Virgin Islands

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Market Research in The Bahamas

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Market Research in Jamaica

Market Research in Jamaica

Market Research in Dominica

Market Research in Dominica

Market Research in Barbados

Market Research in Barbados

Market Research Haiti

Market Research In Haiti

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Computer assisted (capi & cati) surveys, data collection, management & analysis, baseline & endline surveys, balcostics law & legal services, some of our clients.

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Balcostics Research is a research Management & outsourcing company. Balcostics was started in 2011 by Luwayne Thomas and Abi-Gaye White – both then students at the University of the West Indies. Balcostics came out of a need for research assistance for students struggling with data analysis and data entry projects.

Balcostics Research  was formed in August of 2011, bringing to fruition a desire that had matured. In June 2020, we added  Balcostics Law to the fold. Balcostics Law, represents another major milestone that have been in the making for several years, and thanks to the Covid-19 lock-down, we finally took the initiative to integrate legal services into our Balcostics’ offerings.

Research posts on Balcostics Ed:

Our research: jamaica smes survey.

Balcostics Research in partnership with the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) conducted a survey of Jamaican SMEs. The survey provide a profile of Jamaica’s SMEs and highlight the main challenges they faced.

Main Challenges Facing Female Owned Businesses in the Caribbean

The research investigate the main challenges facing female-owned businesses across the Caribbean (Jamaica, T&T, Barbados, OECS etc). A panel research methodology was used. 

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Dichter & Neira Jamaica

Address: Kingston, Jamaica

Full service offices in 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic, is a genuine leading market research company in Latin America and the Caribbean. ...

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We use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world

The Scientific Research Council (SRC) is Jamaica’s principal public sector agency, responsible for the fostering and coordination of scientific research and the promotion and application of its results. It was established as a statutory body by the passing of a bill by the Legislature, under the leadership of His Rt. Excellent Norman W. Manley (former Premier and now National Hero) in June 1960. Many of the Council’s projects support the growth and development of the agro-industrial sector in Jamaica through research, adaptation of available technologies, creation of new and appropriate technologies and the provision of training and technical assistance. The Scientific Research Council is the only institution with a mandate by law to “collect, collate and review information concerning scientific research schemes or programmes relevant to the development of the resources of Jamaica (and) to establish and maintain a scientific information centre for collection and dissemination of scientific and technical information”.

Scientific and technical information is increasingly driving productivity and economic growth in developed economies and is proving to be of greater significance in national development than other assets such as natural resources, cheap labour and finance. The popularization of Science and Technology (S&T) in various forms, especially among the youth, is, therefore, a focus area for the SRC, as it is driven by the philosophy that S&T is a means for improving the quality of life. The SRC is an agency of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining (STEM) and attained ISO 9001:2008 certification. Its analytical laboratories are also 17025 accredited which speaks to SRC’s commitment to continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and quality service at international standards. SRC also offers a certification mark that denotes product quality and safety for placement on products developed by SRC, commercialized through technology transfer or on any product that meets the stipulated criteria.

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Top Marketing Research Companies in Jamaica

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  1. Political Teflon Dons


  1. Hope Caribbean

    HOPE Caribbean Company Limited, formerly HOPE Enterprises Limited, is a research and evaluation house located in Jamaica with branch offices in Trinidad and Florida. Since we first opened in Jamaica 30 years ago, we have grown steadily, providing market research services to a long list of regional and international clients.

  2. Market Research Company in Jamaica

    Online Surveys in Jamaica. InVeritas research is one of the Global leading providers of Consumers, B2B and Healthcare Online Market Research in the industry. With over 4 million Consumer and B2B panelists across 25+countries and more than 400,000+ Physicians of 70+ specialties across the globe makes us stand out among all.

  3. Hope Caribbean

    25 Burlington Avenue, Kingston 10, Jamaica. The firm is a full-scale market research consultancy company that conducts commercial and social research in the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora in North America and the United Kingdom. We have provided market research services to many corporations (local and multinational), government ministries ...

  4. Market Research in Jamaica

    Market Research in Jamaica. Jamaica is the third-largest Caribbean island and the region's largest English-speaking island. It is about 285 miles north of the Central American continent. Haiti, to the east, and Cuba, to the north, are near neighbors. Jamaica is home to almost three million people. Kingston, the island's capital and ...

  5. Caribbean Market Research

    Contact Accurate Market Research Today to learn more about our international research services. Accurate Market Research SA is a multinational market research company that coverages the Latin American and the Caribbean. Conduct market research across the Caribbean region from our regional headquarters in Kingston, Jamaica.

  6. Marketing Strategy Limited

    Marketing Strategy Limited (MSL) is a full service marketing research company located in Kingston, serving JAMAICA and the Caribbean. With over 20 years experience, MSL prides itself in the efficient delivery of accurate data and actionable insights. ... JAMAICA, W.I. Telephone +1 876 978-3236 (Flow) +1 876 618-3236 (Digicel) +1 407 802-3236 ...

  7. Lefusion Research

    Lefusion Research and Developmental Company is sponsored by International Partners as well as the Government of Jamaica. Its mandate is to conduct research and make recommendations on how to improve the quality of life for rural and inner city communities . It seeks to undertake independent research on social trends, needs and issues relevant ...

  8. Top Market Research Firms in Jamaica

    Market Research Companies in Jamaica. In the realm of market research, Jamaica is home to several reputable market research firms that cater to the needs of various organizations. These companies play a crucial role in helping businesses and non-profit organizations gather valuable insights to make informed decisions.

  9. Jamaica Market Research

    Jamaica Market Research - 1+1 Research ( 1Plus1 Research ) is one of the top market research company in Jamaica providing quantitative and qualitative research services. We are committed to providing high-quality data collection, opinion mining, and sentiment analysis to companies worldwide. 1+1 Research is considered as one of the best ...

  10. The Jamaican Edge: Unveiling Market Research Companies

    Company A. Company A is a leading market research firm in Jamaica, specializing in providing comprehensive research solutions for businesses across various industries. With a team of experienced professionals, they offer a range of services, including qualitative and quantitative research, data analysis, and market trend assessments.

  11. Home

    Analytics Jamaica Jamaica's Data Analytics company Our Goal Make Jamaica a better place, by making all Jamaicans better decision makers. Previous Next Our services Data Analytics Strategic Management Consulting Market Research Product Development Marketing Analytics Analytics Jamaica was formed in 2021 to provide Global leading Data Analytics and Research Services to Jamaican Companies, to ...

  12. About Us

    Market research methods established before the digital boom, e.g. polls, surveys etc. Consumer Neuroscience. Real time analytics of the consumer brain. Digital Insights and Analytics. Discover the digital pressure points of your audience. ... 73 Harbor Street, Kingston, Kingston Jamaica.

  13. Market Research in the Caribbean

    A Caribbean Market Research Company assists businesses in comprehending their unique and intricate target markets for future expansion. ... Market Research in Jamaica Jamaica is the third-largest Caribbean island and the region's largest English-speaking island. It is about 285 miles north of the Central American continent.

  14. Balcostics

    Location: Unit 10 QVilla Plaza, 7-9 Villa Road, Mandeville, Manchester. Jamaica, WI. Email:[email protected]. TelephoneOffice: (876) 964-4046. Mobile: (876) 805 - 6688. Our Services Computer Assisted (CAPI & CATI) Surveys Learn More Data Collection, Management & Analysis Learn More Baseline & Endline Surveys Learn More Balcostics Law ...

  15. Top 10+ Market Research Companies in Jamaica

    Dichter & Neira Jamaica. Address: Kingston, Jamaica. Full service offices in 14 Latin American and Caribbean countries, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and the Dominican Republic, is a genuine leading market research company in Latin America and the ...

  16. SRC

    We use the power of leading-edge science to save and improve lives around the world. The Scientific Research Council (SRC) is Jamaica's principal public sector agency, responsible for the fostering and coordination of scientific research and the promotion and application of its results. It was established as a statutory body by the passing of ...

  17. MarketMe

    WHAT WE DO. We work with each client to build a plan that is just for YOU. Each client will have a different experience because each client requires something different to meet their objectives. We are able to achieve some amazing results because we don't believe in the traditional client and agency relationship.

  18. Scientific Research Council

    Scientific Research Council. 1,842 followers. 4w. The Scientific Research Council is excited to invite researchers, academics, industry professionals, and practitioners to submit abstracts for the 31st National Science and Technology Conference. All abstracts must be submitted to [email protected] by August 31, 2024.

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    Connect with Us Quirk's Insights Media 4662 Slater Road, Eagan, MN 55122 651-379-6200. [email protected]

  20. ESOMAR

    Our market research directory connects you with professional insights, data and market research companies worldwide. Whether you're seeking specialised expertise or expanding your client base, the ESOMAR Directory streamlines collaboration and success. Plus, trust and reliability are built-in. Listed companies adhere to the industry's highest ...

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  22. 569 Research jobs in Jamaica (12 new)

    Today's top 569 Research jobs in Jamaica. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Research jobs added daily. ... Company Clear text. Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (16) Rentokil Initial (5) Mindrift (4) EQUALS TRUE (3) We Clone You (2) Done Location ...