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Technical Translation Projects: A Guide for Every Industry

Technical Translation Projects: A Guide for Every Industry

The demand for technical translation services is soaring, particularly in fields like engineering, software, and manufacturing. If you're venturing into international markets, the precision and cultural relevance of your translations can make or break your success. 

Let’s explore strategies to enhance your technical translation projects, integrating expert knowledge with advanced tools for industry-specific challenges.

The importance of technical translation services

Technical translation services are critical for industries that rely on detailed and accurate technical documentation. Misunderstandings in translation can lead to operational failures, safety hazards, and legal issues. 

Have you ever considered what is involved in translating technical documents? It's not just about language fluency but also about understanding technical jargon and context to ensure messages are conveyed accurately and effectively.

Read more: Technical Translation: A Comprehensive Guide

Advanced tools for ensuring accuracy

In technical document translation, precision is paramount. Employing tools such as glossaries, translation memories , and AI-enhanced quality assurance systems is essential. However, there's a noticeable gap in the conversation about how advanced technologies like AI and machine learning could revolutionize technical translation accuracy. 

These technologies not only speed up the translation process but also enhance its accuracy by learning from corrections and improving over time. How do you ensure accuracy in your translations? By incorporating these cutting-edge tools to support your human translators.

Industry-specific challenges in technical translation projects

Each industry faces unique challenges in technical translation projects, from handling specialized terminology to ensuring compliance with international standards. Here’s a look at how these challenges manifest across various sectors:

Engineering : Handling highly specialized terminology and ensuring that the technical nuances are accurately conveyed. Regular updates in technical standards also require ongoing revisions of translated materials.

Software : Dealing with rapid product updates and the need for consistent terminology across multiple platforms and user interfaces. Localization must also address usability in different cultural contexts.

Manufacturing : Translating technical manuals and safety instructions while maintaining absolute accuracy to avoid operational hazards. Additionally, dealing with multilingual compliance issues for international markets.

Pharmaceuticals : Ensuring compliance with local regulatory requirements, which can vary significantly from one country to another. Accuracy is critical in translating clinical trial documents, product labels, and usage instructions to avoid legal issues.

Automotive : Managing technical descriptions and marketing materials that must be adapted for specific regional markets while retaining the precise specifications of automotive components and technologies.

Read more: What Is the Most Difficult Field to Translate?

Expertise: the backbone of technical translation

When dealing with engineering translation services, the expertise of your translators is crucial. They must have not only language skills but also a deep understanding of the engineering field. 

For example, translating an engineering manual requires knowledge of specific industry terminology and practices. Employing professional technical translators who are experts in the field ensures that your translated documents are both accurate and technically precise.

Best practices for technical translation projects

To get the best practices when translating technical documents, we interviewed Tomedes' technical translators and operations team. Here's what we learned:

Integration of Specialist Knowledge : Involve translators who not only have language expertise but also a deep understanding of the specific technical fields relevant to the project. This ensures that complex concepts are accurately translated.

Use of Industry-Specific Tools : Employ tools like CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tools that are equipped with technical glossaries and translation memories specific to the industry to maintain consistency and accuracy.

Adoption of Advanced Technologies : Leverage AI and machine learning technologies to enhance translation processes, especially for large datasets, while ensuring that the translations maintain the required precision and relevance.

Dynamic Quality Assurance : Implement rigorous, ongoing quality control procedures that are adapted to the specific requirements of technical content, which can include peer reviews and automated checks.

Cultural and Contextual Localization : Ensure that translations are not only linguistically accurate but also culturally and contextually adapted to meet the expectations and regulations of the target market.

Proactive Update Management : Maintain a system for regularly updating translations to reflect changes in the original documents, which is crucial in fast-evolving technical fields.

Feedback Integration : Create mechanisms to gather and incorporate feedback from end-users and clients to continually refine and improve the translation process.

Read more: Translation Workflow Management: A Complete Guide

Navigating cultural and linguistic nuances

It's not just about translating content when it comes to navigating cultural and linguistic nuances in multilingual technical support. It's also about adapting your content in a way that aligns with the specific cultural contexts of your target audience. This process, called localization, makes sure that your technical materials are not only understood but also culturally relevant, which really improves the user experience and satisfaction. 

Effective localization considers cultural sensitivities and follows local regulations, which is especially important for technical content that may include industry-specific terms and practices. By doing so, it makes sure that your technical communications are both compliant and relevant to each unique market.

When it comes to technical translation, details matter. Investing in high-quality technical translation services is crucial for ensuring your international success. By prioritizing precision, leveraging advanced tools, and understanding the importance of expert knowledge, you can overcome the challenges of technical translation and ensure your documents are accurate, culturally relevant, and technically precise. Take action now to enhance your global communication strategies and secure your place in the international market.

Ensure precision and clarity in your technical documents with Tomedes' expert translation solutions. Don't let language barriers compromise your specifications and data. Contact us today to discuss your project and see how we can help you achieve global success!

technical translator presentation

By Clarriza Heruela

Clarriza Mae Heruela graduated from the University of the Philippines Mindanao with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, majoring in Creative Writing. Her experience from growing up in a multilingually diverse household has influenced her career and writing style. She is still exploring her writing path and is always on the lookout for interesting topics that pique her interest.

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  • Translation

Technical Translation Guide: Decoding Technical Docs

  • June 14, 2024

Table of contents

Demystifying the world of technical translation, understanding technical documents: the blueprint for accuracy, core skills and expertise for technical translators, the technical translation process, benefits of utilizing professional technical translation services, the future of technical translation, bonus: tips for selecting a technical translation service provider, faqs: demystifying technical translation.

In today’s interconnected world, information travels faster than ever before. But what happens when that information is filled with complex technical terms and industry-specific jargon? This is where technical translation comes in. It’s the specialized process of translating technical documents from one language to another, ensuring clear and accurate communication across borders.

Imagine a cutting-edge engineering manual written in Japanese needing to be used by a team in Germany. Or a groundbreaking medical research paper published in French that requires global understanding. A skilled technical translator bridges this language gap , meticulously converting the content while preserving its technical accuracy.

The demand for technical translators is booming, with the growth of international trade and globalization. A recent report by U.S. News estimates a 20% increase in the need for translators from 2019 to 2029. This surge is fueled by advancements in various industries, from engineering and technology to medicine and science. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of clear and accurate communication across international markets.

Technical translation has a rich history, dating back to the Industrial Revolution. During this period, the need arose to translate technical manuals and instructions for a growing workforce operating complex machinery. Over time, the field has evolved to encompass a wider range of technical documents and specialized knowledge .

This technical translation guide serves as your comprehensive roadmap to navigating the intricacies of this specialized field. Whether you’re a business owner considering outsourcing translation services , an aspiring technical translator, or simply curious about this growing profession, this guide will equip you with the essential knowledge. We’ll delve into the different types of technical documents, the core skills required for success, the benefits of utilizing professional services, and the exciting future shaped by innovation . So, buckle up and get ready to explore the fascinating world of technical translation!

In the world of communication, some documents are like simple postcards, while others are complex blueprints. This technical translation guide wouldn’t be complete without diving into the different types of documents that require this specialized skillset .

Imagine a technical translator tackling a user manual for a complex airplane engine. The process would be vastly different from translating a medical research paper on the latest cancer treatment. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse world of technical documents:

  • Instructional Materials: User manuals, assembly guides, and quick-start guides fall under this category. These documents provide step-by-step instructions for operating or assembling products, often containing illustrations and diagrams.
  • Technical Reports: These reports detail research findings, project analyses, or technical investigations. They are typically used within a specific industry or field and may include data, charts, and graphs.
  • Intellectual Property Documents: Patents, trademarks, and copyrights are all legal documents requiring precise translation to protect intellectual property rights on a global scale.
  • Product Specifications: These documents outline the technical details and functionalities of a product, often including dimensions, materials, and performance data.
  • Industry-Specific Documents: Engineering schematics, scientific research papers, and software documentation all require in-depth knowledge of the relevant field for accurate translation. These documents are packed with technical terminology and concepts specific to their respective disciplines.

Beyond the written word, technical translation can also encompass :

  • Audiovisual Materials: Narrations for training videos, safety briefings, or product demonstrations may require translation to ensure clear communication across languages.
  • Technical Drawings & Diagrams: These visual aids often accompany technical documents and require a thorough understanding of the subject matter for accurate translation of labels, annotations, and symbols.

The importance of understanding the subject matter for accurate technical translation cannot be overstated. Imagine a technical translator unfamiliar with medical terminology attempting to translate a surgical procedure manual. The consequences of even minor errors could be significant. A skilled technical translator not only possesses exceptional language skills but also has a strong grasp of the technical concepts and terminology specific to the documents they handle. This ensures the translated information is not only clear and concise but also technically accurate.

As you delve deeper into this technical translation guide, you’ll gain valuable insights into the core skills required for success in this field . We’ll explore the importance of technical expertise, the translation process itself, and the numerous benefits of utilizing professional technical translation services .

In the world of technical translation, you need to be both a language whiz and a bit of a tech guru. This technical translation guide will equip you with the essential skills to crush it in this field. Take software instruction manuals, for example. Being fluent in two languages is just the first step. You also need to understand the ins and outs of coding languages and how software actually works to translate those instructions accurately.

So, what does it take to become a successful technical translator ? Here’s a breakdown of the key areas you’ll need to master :

  • Multilingual Fluency with a Technical Twist: Being fluent in both the source and target languages is a no-brainer. However, technical translation goes beyond everyday conversation. Translators need a deep understanding of technical terminology specific to their chosen field. This means mastering industry jargon, scientific concepts, and the nuances of technical writing styles in both languages.
  • Technical Knowledge: A skilled technical translator isn’t just a language expert—they’re also a subject matter specialist. In-depth knowledge of a particular technical field, such as engineering, medicine, or information technology, is essential. This allows them to grasp complex concepts, decipher technical jargon, and ensure the translated information remains accurate and relevant to the target audience.
  • Tech-Savvy Translator: Thankfully, technical translators don’t have to rely solely on their brains (although a good memory certainly helps!). Several translation tools can significantly enhance their workflow and accuracy. Computer-assisted translation (CAT) software helps manage previously translated content, ensuring consistency and efficiency. Terminology databases serve as valuable resources for storing and referencing technical terms specific to different industries.
  • Research Powerhouse: Technical documents are often filled with unfamiliar concepts and terminology. Excellent research and analytical skills are crucial for technical translators. They need to be adept at researching unfamiliar topics, understanding complex technical information, and ensuring the translated content reflects the original meaning accurately.
  • A Keen Eye for Detail: Even the slightest mistranslation in a technical document can have serious consequences. Strong attention to detail and meticulous proofreading abilities are essential for technical translators. They need to be eagle-eyed in catching errors, ensuring the translated document is not only clear and concise but also technically flawless.

As you progress through this technical translation guide, we’ll delve deeper into the technical translation process itself. You’ll learn about the different stages involved, the importance of quality assurance, and the numerous benefits of utilizing professional technical translation services .

Ever need a complex engineering report translated for an international project? Let’s face it, ensuring clear and accurate communication across languages is crucial. That’s why this technical translation guide dives into the meticulous process that goes into translating these documents. Unlike translating a quick news story, technical documents demand a structured approach to stay true to the original content . Here’s a breakdown of the key steps involved in a technical translation project:

  • Project Initiation & Client Briefing: The first step involves establishing a clear understanding of the project requirements. The technical translator gathers information from the client, such as the target audience, the purpose of the translation, and the desired deadline. This initial briefing ensures the translator approaches the project with the correct focus and terminology.
  • Source Text Analysis & Terminology Preparation: A thorough analysis of the source document is crucial. The translator meticulously examines the text, identifying technical terms, concepts, and specific formatting requirements. Terminology databases and glossaries are often consulted during this stage to ensure consistency and accuracy in translating technical terms.
  • Translation, Editing & Revision: This is where the magic happens! The translator utilizes their language proficiency and technical expertise to meticulously convert the source document into the target language. Maintaining clarity, accuracy, and the original flow of information is paramount. Once the initial translation is complete, an editor with a keen eye for detail reviews the work, ensuring consistency and adherence to style guides. The translator then incorporates the edits and revisions for a polished final draft.
  • Desktop Publishing (DTP) & Quality Assurance: Technical documents often contain specific formatting elements like tables, diagrams, and charts. The DTP specialist ensures these elements are accurately transferred to the translated document while maintaining the original layout and visual presentation. Finally, a final quality assurance check is conducted to identify any potential errors or inconsistencies before the translated document is delivered to the client.

This technical translation guide has only begun to explore the technical translation process. In the next sections, we’ll look at the many advantages of using professional technical translation services, examine the exciting innovations shaping the future of the field, and share valuable resources for those aspiring to become technical translators .

The world of business is more connected than ever before, and clear communication is key—especially when it comes to technical documents packed with jargon and complex ideas. That’s why, in this technical translation guide, we wanted to talk about the benefits of using professional technical translation services . Imagine the peace of mind knowing an expert is meticulously translating your critical engineering documents , ensuring your international partners receive everything crystal clear. Now that’s a weight lifted off your shoulders!

Here’s a closer look at the key benefits of partnering with a professional technical translation service :

  • Accuracy & Quality You Can Trust: Technical translations require meticulous attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Professional translators possess the expertise to deliver accurate translations that faithfully represent the original document’s meaning and intent. They ensure technical terminology is translated precisely, preventing misinterpretations that could lead to costly errors or safety hazards.
  • Industry Expertise at Your Fingertips: The world of technical translation encompasses a vast array of specialized fields. Professional translation services employ translators with in-depth knowledge of specific industries, such as engineering, medicine, or information technology. This industry expertise ensures your documents are translated by someone who understands the nuances of your field and can translate technical concepts with accuracy.
  • Efficiency & Speed You Can Count On: Meeting deadlines is crucial in today’s fast-paced business environment. Language translation services have established workflows and leverage technology to ensure projects are completed efficiently and on time. This allows you to focus on your core business activities while your documents are translated quickly and accurately.
  • Compliance Guaranteed: Many technical documents need to adhere to specific industry standards and regulations. Professional translation services ensure your translated documents comply with all relevant requirements, mitigating any potential legal or safety concerns. They stay up-to-date on industry regulations and can translate your documents accordingly.
  • Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run: While the upfront cost of professional translation services might seem high, it can actually save you money in the long run. Accurate translations from the outset prevent costly errors and revisions. Additionally, professional services can help you avoid delays caused by inaccurate translations, ensuring your projects stay on track and within budget.

By partnering with a professional technical translation agency , you gain access to a wealth of expertise, ensuring your technical documents are translated accurately, efficiently, and in compliance with industry standards. This technical translation guide has only just begun to explore the valuable resources available for those seeking to navigate the world of technical translation. In the following sections, we’ll delve into the exciting future of the field shaped by innovation and offer valuable tips for selecting a technical translation service provider .

The world of technical translation is constantly evolving , shaped by advancements in technology and the ever-growing demand for clear, global communication. This technical translation guide wouldn’t be complete without a glimpse into the exciting future of this field.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are rapidly transforming various industries, and technical translation is no exception. Machine translation (MT) tools powered by AI have the potential to revolutionize the translation process. Imagine intelligent software capable of processing vast amounts of technical text data and generating accurate translations in a fraction of the time it takes a human translator. This could significantly improve efficiency and potentially reduce costs associated with technical translation services .

However, it’s important to remember that AI-powered translation tools still have limitations . The nuances of technical language, the importance of cultural context, and the need for creative problem-solving remain challenges for AI. For the foreseeable future, human expertise will likely remain irreplaceable in technical translation. A skilled technical translator’s deep understanding of the subject matter, critical thinking skills, and ability to ensure clear and concise communication will continue to be crucial.

While AI may not be ready to take over the technical translation world entirely, it can certainly be a valuable asset. Translation memory (TM) tools that store previously translated content and terminology databases are already being used by translators to improve efficiency and consistency. As machine learning algorithms continue to develop, AI-powered tools will likely become even more sophisticated, assisting human translators with repetitive tasks and allowing them to focus on the more complex aspects of technical translation .

This technical translation guide has equipped you with a strong foundation for navigating the world of technical translation. In the next section, we’ll provide valuable tips to help you choose the right professional translation service provider for your needs . We’ll also explore additional resources for aspiring technical translators who want to embark on a rewarding career in this dynamic field.

In our interconnected world, technical translation is crucial for sharing knowledge and supporting global business operations . This technical translation guide has provided you with a thorough understanding of this specialized field, covering everything from the different types of technical documents to the essential skills needed for success.

Imagine a groundbreaking scientific discovery documented only in one language. Through the meticulous work of a technical translator, this knowledge can be shared with researchers worldwide, accelerating scientific progress. Or, picture a cutting-edge medical device accompanied by clear, translated instructions—this ensures its safe and effective use by medical professionals across the globe. Technical translation bridges language barriers, fostering collaboration, innovation, and the exchange of vital information.

The future of technical translation is brimming with promise. As technology continues to evolve, AI-powered tools will likely become more sophisticated, assisting human translators and streamlining workflows. However, the irreplaceable value of human expertise remains paramount . The ability to understand complex technical concepts, think critically, and ensure clear communication will continue to be the cornerstone of success in this field.

For aspiring technical translators, numerous resources are available to help you hone your skills and embark on a rewarding career path . Universities and colleges offer translation programs with a focus on specific technical fields. Professional organizations provide training courses, certifications, and networking opportunities.

The more you hone your language skills, technical knowledge, and translation abilities, the more valuable you become in the booming world of technical communication . This technical translation guide has just been a glimpse into what technical translation is all about, but hopefully, it’s sparked your curiosity and given you a roadmap to explore further. So, dive deeper, embrace the challenge, and be a part of the exciting future of technical translation!

Choosing a technical translation service can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry! This technical translation guide is here to help you navigate the process with confidence. We’ve created a checklist to ensure you find a partner who delivers accurate, high-quality translations tailored to your specific needs . So, let’s dive in and find the perfect fit for your project!

  • Experience in Your Field: Not all translation agencies are created equal. Look for a provider with a proven track record of success in your specific technical field. Whether you require translations for the engineering, medical, or IT industry, experience ensures the chosen agency has a deep understanding of the relevant terminology and nuances.
  • Translator Qualifications & Certifications: Just like doctors specialize in different areas, so too do technical translators. Inquire about the qualifications and certifications of the translators who will handle your project. Look for translators with subject matter expertise in your field and certifications from recognized translation organizations.
  • Quality Assurance Procedures: Accuracy is paramount in technical translation. Ask about the agency’s quality assurance procedures. This may include multi-stage review processes, terminology checks, and collaboration with subject matter experts for specific projects.
  • Technology Embracement: While human expertise remains irreplaceable, advanced translation tools can significantly improve efficiency and consistency. Inquire about the translation technologies used by the agency. This may include translation memory tools, terminology databases, and computer-assisted translation software.
  • Communication & Customer Service: Clear communication is key throughout the translation process. Choose an agency that values open communication and provides regular updates on project progress. Look for a provider with responsive customer service that addresses your questions and concerns promptly.
  • Competitive Pricing & Turnaround Times: While cost is a factor, focusing solely on the cheapest option can backfire. Obtain quotes from several agencies and compare their pricing structures. Don’t be afraid to negotiate, but remember, quality translations often require a fair investment. Discuss turnaround times to ensure they align with your project deadlines.

Think of these factors as your checklist for finding the perfect technical translation partner— someone you can trust to bridge the communication gap across borders . This guide has hopefully given you the knowledge and confidence to navigate the world of technical translation . So, put that newfound knowledge to work! Use the tips we’ve shared, and get ready to embark on a journey of successful global communication.

This FAQ section complements our technical translation guide by providing answers to some insightful questions you might not have readily found online.

While your technical knowledge is invaluable, translating your own documents can be risky. Nuances of language and cultural adaptations are crucial for clear communication. A professional technical translator can ensure your documents are not only accurate but also resonate with your target audience.

The cost of technical translation depends on various factors like document complexity, language pair, and urgency. However, investing in high-quality translations can save you money in the long run. Inaccurate translations can lead to costly errors, delays, and reputational damage.

While fluency in the target language is essential, technical translators don’t necessarily need to be native speakers. Deep subject matter expertise and a strong grasp of the source language are equally important. The best technical translations often involve collaboration between native speakers and subject matter experts.

Accurately translating complex technical concepts and ensuring consistency in terminology across lengthy documents are some of the biggest hurdles. Cultural adaptation and staying up-to-date with evolving technical jargon also present ongoing challenges for technical translators.

If you have a passion for languages, an analytical mind, and an interest in a specific technical field, then technical translation can be a rewarding career choice. The demand for skilled technical translators is growing, and the field offers opportunities to work on diverse projects and collaborate with international clients.

Numerous online resources, professional organizations, and university programs cater to aspiring technical translators. This technical translation guide is a great starting point, but consider exploring online courses, workshops offered by translation associations, or even pursuing a degree in translation with a technical specialization.

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FAQs about translating PowerPoint documents

1. what is the best way to translate ppt documents.

We recommend that you use an online translator such as our tool, which not only allows you to upload entire PPT documents, but also preserves their layout.

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3. What languages can I translate PPTs into with DeepL?

By browsing the available target languages for the translation, you'll see the various languages we offer.

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How to Translate in PowerPoint

Cover for How to Translate in PowerPoint

Delivering a PowerPoint presentation using native connotations or sharing it with a target audience in a native language can immensely help your performance. Whether you are a teacher, student, business professional, or someone trying to pitch your ideas to a potential investor, the value of using the local language can never be emphasized enough. There are a number of ways you can translate in PowerPoint, whether you’re using PowerPoint templates or creating slide decks from scratch. Let us show you how!

The Need for PowerPoint Translation

Let’s assume you speak Spanish and are awaiting a presentation by someone who is not a native Spanish speaker. How would you feel if the presenter could present in your local language, give references from the local culture, and present ideas that resonated with your beliefs? Language plays an important role in the battle to win hearts and minds. Due to a language barrier, many presenters can find it challenging to connect with an audience. While English is widely spoken and understood worldwide, adding captions targeted to non-English speakers can be essential to win hearts and minds. This is why people from different fields of work aim to learn new languages to better connect with the local people.

Even if you don’t master the language to the point of being a native speaker, having your slide deck translated into the target language as a presentation handout can pose as a winning factor. This is why the need to translate your slide deck should not be overlooked.

Benefits of Translating PowerPoint Presentations

Before we discuss the different ways to translate in PowerPoint, let’s take a look at some of the benefits of translating PowerPoint presentations.

Better Accessibility of Information for the Audience

Translated presentations in some niches can be beneficial to increase the audience’s overall understanding of your speech. For example, if you are delivering a technical presentation about new machinery, some attendees may miss important details due to not being acknowledged with advanced jargon. 

Improved Communication and Consideration for Cultural Sensitivities

Language barriers can leave a lot to be lost in translation. You can even offend the audience because of misunderstanding how a term or phrase is perceived. This can be avoided by translating PowerPoint presentations.

Improved Audience Engagement

Reaching out to the local audience in their language can help improve audience engagement. People can be more enthusiastic when a presenter aims to reach out to them in their language, even if they might not be proficient in speaking or writing. This is the same approach when a traveler aims to speak to locals in their language – although the skill is not perfected, locals highly value the interest in their culture.

Global Outreach

Translated PowerPoint presentations, especially when shared in different languages online, can significantly help as people look to cater to a global audience. Various businesses often share critical information in multiple languages, including copies of slide decks with manuals, key information about the business, and investment options.


Providing the audience with translated content can make the presentation professional and reflect the presenter’s thoroughness. This can be an excellent way to leave a positive impression on your audience.

Legal Requirements

Sometimes, it might be a legal requirement to translate content to make it accessible for all stakeholders. Hence, translating a presentation with essential information might be required for legal compliance.

When Should You Translate a PowerPoint Presentation?

While translating a PowerPoint presentation can be a good approach, it is also necessary to determine the time and place for using translated PowerPoint presentations.

Determining the Right Timing

Determining the right time to use a translated PowerPoint presentation is important. For example, you might need to translate your presentation and handouts at multi-cultural events where people with different native languages might attend the conference, workshop, training, etc. Such practices help to reduce the friction between the attendees and the event’s organizing staff as key information (hotel accommodation, transportation, the event’s agenda, etc.) are stated in their own languages besides English.

Reasons for Translating a PowerPoint Presentation

You should be clear about the reasons for translating the PowerPoint presentation. Do you wish to expand your business by wooing investors, need to reach out to a multicultural audience regarding a social issue, or need to address employees from a global team? By being clear about the objectives for translating the PowerPoint presentation, you can determine how to articulate best and translate the content. It won’t deliver the same effect as translating in a neutral, online translator tone as hiring the services of a professional translator.

Considerations and Audience Analysis

It is important to know the language(s) for translating the PowerPoint and to determine cultural sensitives, terms that might be offensive in the local context, and the use of terms that might be pleasing to the target audience to some extent. An audience analysis prior to creating and translating your slide deck can help avoid cultural pitfalls that can cause inconvenience when delivering your presentation.

Localization of Content

Besides language considerations, the contextualization is crucial. For example, if you are discussing road safety, does your audience live in a country with left-hand traffic or right-hand traffic? Similarly, when talking about a topic like climate change, you might want to consider its impact on different people in the audience and look for native terms that might be appropriate for discussion and explanation.

Academic or Research Presentations

When translating information in academic or research-related presentations, you might want to ensure that you can cater to the needs of a diverse audience. Some terms might not have a native language word that can be translated from another language. In such a case, you might need to explain the information in more than just a single word or phrase by dedicating a few lines to the topic.

Manual Translation Procedures

While there are different methods for automatically translating PowerPoint presentations, manual translations can be more accurate, considering the cultural context.

Modes for Manual Translation

You can opt for the ideas below to manually translate PowerPoint presentations.

Translate it Yourself

If you are familiar with the local language or can translate the presentation with the help of a dictionary or some help from online tools, you can do it yourself.

Hire a Consultant or Freelancer

You can hire a consultant or a freelancer from online portals to translate a PowerPoint presentation into different native languages.

Assign it to an Employee or Subordinate at the Workplace

Different multicultural organizations have people who can speak and write in different languages. You can assign the translation task to an employee or subordinate or request another department to help you.

Request a Friend or Colleague

If you know a friend or colleague who speaks the local language, you can request them to help you with the translation.

Advantages of Manual Translation

Accurate and appropriately translated text .

Translating text manually can help avoid embarrassing errors caused by incorrectly translated text using automatic translation apps. Sometimes, certain connotations can even be offensive if not properly translated. Manual translation can help avoid such pitfalls, as the person is aware of cultural connotations.

Better Reflection of Cultural Context

Manual translation can help better reflect cultural context and enable the presenter to win hearts and minds using culturally appropriate terminologies or metaphors in storytelling.

Better Understanding of Local Terms

By getting text translated into a local language, a presenter might be better able to determine whether words and phrases have alternatives in local languages or whether using some terms from another language might be just as good. For example, many languages don’t have alternative words for certain English terms such as ‘internet’ or ‘cake.’ Such information can help determine the best use of phrases that might be easier for a non-native presenter.

Limiting Information to Maintain Confidentiality

If a relevant individual manually translates the text, it can help maintain confidentiality and security where needed. This can also help avoid placing sensitive information in automated apps, where the threat of data breach can occur.

Disadvantages of Manual Translation

Just as there are advantages, there can also be a number of disadvantages to the manual translation of PowerPoint presentations.

High Cost of Translation

Getting PowerPoint presentations translated manually can incur a high cost. This is particularly true if you frequently require translation of presentations.


Manual translations can be time-consuming and lead to delays in preparing presentations. Languages that do not share the same alphabet also may require extra time to translate technical terms accurately.

Inconsistency in Text and Errors

While automatic translations can also have errors, manual translations can suffer from human error and inconsistencies in how the text is translated. Unlike automatic translations, the uniformity in how text is translated can be lost in manual translations or if several team members are working on the translation.

Security and Confidential Concerns Due to Third-Party Involvement

By letting a third party translate information for you, there can be a threat to maintaining the confidentiality and security of sensitive information. Sometimes, such confidentiality might even be required interdepartmental, where getting translations from an individual in another department might not be appropriate. NDA agreements are particularly useful in this regard.

Tips and Best Practices for Manual Translation of PowerPoint Presentations

Take some time to consider the context.

Manual translations should never be done in a hurry. You should take some time to consider the local context. A bit of research into what might click with your audience might be helpful. If you are using a professional translation service or consultant, you should consider discussing clarity regarding the local context.

Ensure Legibility of Text

The font style and writing scripts can be very different for different languages. Ensure you can maintain legibility by using the right font, font size, and text distribution over a slide.

Maintain Consistency

Unlike online tools, consistency can be an issue in manual translations. To avoid confusion, you should try to ensure that different words and phrases are consistently used in the translation.

Avoid Cultural Minefields

A simple translation misstep can lead to stepping into a cultural minefield. You can inadvertently offend your audience without even knowing what you did wrong. This is why it is important to be mindful of this conundrum and avoid anything that might appear potentially inappropriate for your audience.

Professional Translation Services

Role of professional translators.

Professional translation services and translators can be a quick and easy way to translate PowerPoint presentations accurately. You would want to engage a service provider or consultant who can be reached for your assignments to ensure their timely completion and ensure that you have more than one service provider available in case of any eventuality.

When to Consider Professional Services

You might want to consider professional service providers if you can submit your slide decks or required text a few days ahead for translation. Very few translation service providers or individuals might be able to translate text manually within a short period of time, and doing so might lead to the risk of errors.

Professional translation services are also a must when the data to be translated can imply severe legal consequences if done wrong: i.e., product manuals, product presentations, academic presentations, etc.

Tips and Best Practices for Finding and Collaborating with Translators

You can consider the following tips for finding and collaborating with translators.

Freelancing Platforms

Various freelancing platforms, such as Upwork and Fiverr, can help you reach out to translators and build a pool of professionals who might be available for your translation tasks. You can also ensure quick payment and quality of service by using such portals. Consider checking the service provider’s or freelancer’s rating to look for the best possible resource within your budget. We highly recommend taking extra time to run a test before assigning a time-bound job.

Advertise an RFQ

To seek translators’ resumes, you can submit a request for a quote (RFQ) or advertise on various websites such as Craigslist, Impactpool, Workable, and job boards.

LinkedIn and Online Portfolio Websites

LinkedIn and online portfolio websites might be another good place to consider looking for professional translators. Assess professional profiles and look for translators with whom you can work.

Suggestions from Your Connections

You can always take suggestions from your friends, colleagues, and connections via Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media websites to seek suggestions to connect with translators.

Online Tools, Software, and Translation Plugins for PowerPoint

Online tools and translation software can make your translation tasks a breeze. There are many popular platforms for PowerPoint translation that you can integrate into your daily workflow.

Microsoft Translator

PowerPoint has an AI-powered built-in translation tool called Microsoft Translate that can help translate text in over 70 languages. Microsoft Translate also has an API that offers personal, business, and educational integration.

Microsoft Translator Tool

Google Translate

Google Translate is a popular PowerPoint translation option. Whether you use the online tool or have it integrated into a service, Google Translate can be your go-to option for translating your slides.

Please consider that Google Translate works best when the translation is done from English to another language. If you want, say, to translate from French to Spanish, the translation will be far more consistent if you translate French > English, then English > Spanish. Unfortunately, that’s the way the tool works.

Translate ppt with Google Translate

Bing Translate

While Bing Translate also powers Microsoft Translator, you can also use the online tool or an integrated version of the tool in service to translate text for your slides. Similar guidelines apply to the point mentioned before about the English language translations vs. other languages.

Bing PPT Translate

Deepl is another translation tool that can translate text between different languages. A competitor of Google and Bing’s translation tools, Deepl offers similar translation options, including integration with various services.

DeepL web translation services

Transifex is a commercial translation service with products aimed at streamlining digital translations. Transifex can be integrated for business use for digital content translation.

Transifex Tool

Google Slides

Another quick way to translate for PowerPoint is to upload your slides to Google Slides and use the translation extension to get your slides translated. You can even download your Google Slides presentations in PowerPoint format in different languages.

DeepL Google Slides add-in

Advantages of Online Tools and Software

Ease of access.

Unlike reaching out to someone to get your presentations translated, online tools and translation software are easier to access, with 24/7 availability.

Quick Translation

Online tools can be quick to use and can help translate large chunks of text in no time.

Cost Saving Option

Online translation tools and software are cheaper options than translating presentations manually. This is especially true if you frequently need to translate your slide decks. 

Consistency in Translated Text

Online tools come with a uniform and consistent method of translation that can help avoid manual errors and maintain consistency.

Integration with Services

Different translation tools are integrated with various services, allowing instant translation even when you need it on the fly, such as when closing a sale with a customer who requires information in their native language. You can quickly translate instructions in slide decks or other relevant information by using integrated tools that come with plugins for sales, marketing, websites, and other platforms. The use of the Google Translate API is one such example.

How to Translate a PowerPoint to Spanish

If you’re wondering, “ How do I translate a PowerPoint document or a slide deck to Spanish? ” you can use Microsoft Translate, which comes built-in to Microsoft apps for translation, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. You can access Microsoft Translate in PowerPoint using the Review tab. Simply select the text to translate and click Translate .

Selecting text to translate in PPT slide

The tool can also be accessed via the right-click menu. Selecting the text and going to Translate will enable you to translate the selected text instantly.

Access Microsoft Translate

A sidebar will appear with the original text and the translation in a language you can select from the bottom of the pane.

Translate PowerPoint to Spanish

In this case, our Spanish-speaker team members tested the accuracy of the translation, and although it’s grammatically correct, contextually, it would sound better if it said:

“Más de 50.000 Plantillas de PowerPoint. Descarga diapositivas de PowerPoint listas para usar, 100% editables para tus presentaciones. Termina tu trabajo en menos tiempo.” Once again, context is key.

Microsoft Translate supports over 70 languages, and you can translate text.

Translate entire PowerPoint slide deck to any language

After translating the text, click Insert to add it to the slide. You can use the language toggle to change the language from which the text is to be translated to the language in which you wish the text to be translated.

Toggle icon to switch translation language

By going to File -> Get Add-ins in PowerPoint, you can search for translation add-ins from the Office Store to suit your needs. In addition to the software and tools mentioned earlier, you can look for other services that can be integrated as add-ins in PowerPoint to translate text between supported languages.

Office translation add-ins

The Importance of Context 

Significance of localization cultural considerations in translation.

Spanish-speaking nations have diverse linguistic variations, cultures, and traditions that need to be understood when translating content. This means that text translated in Castilian might be very different in terms of context compared to Mexican Spanish. Hence, the variation in dialects is essential to understand, as is the type of Spanish spoken by your audience and the appropriate cultural context. This is why localization and cultural considerations are essential for any language, especially languages like Spanish that have diverse dialects.

Adapting Content for Spanish Audience

When adapting text for Spanish audiences, you might want to consider the below-mentioned aspects.

Choose the Right Spanish Variation

Does your target audience include people who speak European Spanish, Latin American Spanish, or some other variation? Knowing which Spanish variation to use is important to ensure that grammatical changes are accurately reflected. And even if, Latin America has a broad range of Spanish variations, as the vocabulary used in Chile is somewhat different to what you can come across in Uruguay or Argentina. The differences mainly lie in colloquial terms and how foreign words are adapted into the language.

Localization of Visual Elements

Graphical references, such as advertising, maps, etc., are different from a European perspective to a Latin American one. Consider this factor when building the graphics for your slides, as the attendees may not be familiar with terms as common as supermarket chains, weather/geographical terms, and the list goes on.

Addressing Local Concerns

Different topics will have a very different context for different types of Spanish-speaking audiences. Be it trade, marketing, climate change, educational priorities, economic dynamics, or other topics. Addressing local concerns would be essential to get your message across as a presenter to avoid your message getting lost in translation. For example, the global economic downturn is affecting different Spanish-speaking countries differently. This is due to the differences in government policies, financial structure, population, geographical location, and other factors. This may not be the case in some other Spanish-speaking countries where the focus lies on women’s rights, immigration policies, etc.

Regulatory Compliance

In some countries, it might be necessary to present information according to the country’s regulatory compliance, where essential information must be presented before a specific target group to ensure transparency related to data, privacy, advertisement, etc. This factor must be considered when creating content for Spanish-speaking audiences to ensure compliance (where applicable). 

Translating a PowerPoint presentation helps improve accessibility, communication, and audience engagement by using the local language. It can also enhance professionalism, meet legal requirements, and ensure that the presentation resonates with the target audience’s cultural context.

The benefits include better accessibility of information, improved communication, enhanced audience engagement, global outreach, a professional appearance, and compliance with legal requirements.

You should consider translating your presentation when addressing a multicultural or international audience, when trying to reach out to potential clients or investors in their native language, or when you need to comply with legal requirements.

You can manually translate a PowerPoint presentation by translating it yourself, hiring a consultant or freelancer, assigning the task to an employee, or requesting help from a friend or colleague who speaks the target language.

Manual translation offers accurate and culturally appropriate translations, better reflection of cultural context, and the ability to maintain confidentiality and security of sensitive information.

Manual translation can be time-consuming, costly, prone to human errors and inconsistencies, and may pose security concerns if handled by third parties.

Professional translation services should be considered when accuracy is critical, such as for legal, technical, or formal presentations, or when the translation needs to be completed within a specific timeframe.

You can use tools like Microsoft Translator, Google Translate, Bing Translate, Deepl, Transifex, or Google Slides with translation add-ins to translate PowerPoint presentations.

Online tools offer ease of access, quick translation, cost savings, consistency in translated text, and integration with various services for on-the-fly translation.

You can use Microsoft Translator by selecting the text to translate, going to the Review tab, and clicking Translate. You can also access it via the right-click menu. The translated text can be inserted into the slide.

Consider the specific Spanish dialect (e.g., European Spanish vs. Latin American Spanish), localization of visual elements, addressing local concerns, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements when translating to Spanish.

Yes, you can translate an entire PowerPoint slide deck using tools like Microsoft Translator or other translation add-ins available in PowerPoint.

Translating PowerPoint can be a powerful method to reach a diverse, global audience using local language and context. It can open new avenues for people in different professions if done correctly. However, it is vital to ensure that you can translate information accurately through manual or automated means. This is to avoid preventing the end goal of your PowerPoint presentation from getting lost in translation.

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Slide Translato Blog

“Mastering the Art of PowerPoint Translation: A Step-By-Step Guide”

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Are you looking to effectively convey your PowerPoint presentation in multiple languages? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the art of PowerPoint translation, providing you with valuable insights and useful tips to ensure your message reaches a global audience.

Translate Into: One of the first steps to master PowerPoint translation is selecting the language(s) you wish to translate your presentation into. Evaluating your target audience and their preferred languages will allow you to determine the scope of your translation project.

Translate Online: With the advent of online translation tools, the process of translating your PowerPoint presentation has become much more streamlined and accessible. Online platforms offer a quick and efficient way to convert your text into different languages, making it easier than ever to reach international audiences.

Translate Document: PowerPoint presentations are typically saved as files, such as PPT or PPTX. To translate your entire presentation, it is important to choose a translation method that allows you to seamlessly convert the entire document while preserving formatting and design elements.

Translate Translator: When it comes to PowerPoint translation, utilizing the expertise of a professional translator can greatly enhance the quality and accuracy of your translated content. Professional translators possess not only language skills but also cultural fluency, ensuring that your message resonates with your target audience.

Best Translate: To achieve the best possible translation for your PowerPoint presentation, it is essential to employ high-quality translation techniques. This may involve using professional translation software, conducting thorough proofreading, and seeking feedback from native speakers of the target language.

Translate Site: If you have an accompanying website for your PowerPoint presentation, it is important to translate that as well. Translating your website will not only help you reach a wider audience but also provide a cohesive experience for your international users.

Translate File: Your PowerPoint presentation may consist of numerous files, such as images, videos, or audio recordings. When translating your presentation, it is crucial to ensure that all supporting files are appropriately translated or localized to maintain a consistent message across all components.

Go Translate: Once you have determined your translation strategy, it’s time to start translating! Take the leap and embark on the exciting journey of making your PowerPoint presentation accessible to a global audience.

Online Documents Translate: Online translation tools also offer the ability to directly translate documents like PowerPoint presentations. By utilizing these tools, you can streamline the translation process and improve efficiency.

Translate Word Document: Sometimes, PowerPoint presentations are created by converting Word documents. If this is the case, you can leverage various translation methods specifically designed for Word documents to seamlessly translate your content into multiple languages.

Translate PPT: Lastly, PowerPoint presentations created using the PPT format can be easily translated by utilizing professional translation services or online platforms. Ensure the formatting and design elements are preserved throughout the translation process.

Mastering the art of PowerPoint translation requires careful attention to details and an understanding of effective translation techniques. By following this step-by-step guide, you will be well-equipped to produce high-quality, translated PowerPoint presentations that effectively convey your message to a global audience.

Are you looking to save time to translate all your slide deck? Do not wait and click here to try Slide Translato today.

By Mike from Slide Translato

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Translation management

Technical Translation: Definition, Importance, and Challenges

technical translator presentation

Technical language is everywhere. Knowledge bases, user guides, and software applications all contain specialized terms and complex concepts that require precise wording and a great degree of accuracy. When it comes to global businesses, accurate and efficient technical translation  is what helps ensure that customers around the world understand the product or service they’re using.

As a result, technical translation has become a key component of a successful global business strategy—and just like any strategic endeavor, technical translation comes with its own set of challenges. In this guide, we’ll see what technical translation is, what hurdles it might present, and why businesses that streamline the translation process with localization technology enjoy a competitive edge across markets.

What is technical translation?

Technical translation is the process of transferring the meaning of a technical text from one language to another. This requires scientific or technical knowledge, proficiency in the use of technical terminology and jargon in both the source and target language, and the ability to transpose concepts with precision.

Technical terminology is often specific to an industry, such as software development or medicine, and can contain peculiarities, such as abbreviations, that you wouldn’t find in everyday language. As such, any mistranslation—even of a single word—can change the entire meaning. The consequences could be pretty serious, from delivering a product with an inaccurate warning label to failing to prevent product idea theft in the case of patent translation.

Why technical translation matters

Technical translation is key to the international success of a product or service. Today, more and more businesses are going global, aiming to increase their market size or improve the customer experience by offering localized language versions of their products.

From compliance with local and international standards to the need for accurate technical communication with users, companies must make sure that all their products—especially those containing complex information—are properly translated.

Think of a global software product: Without a technical translation of the user interface and user guide, users in foreign countries wouldn’t be able to understand how to use it. The impact on the company’s bottom line resulting from lost sales and frustrated customers would be significant.

Technical translation helps companies:

  • Improve customer experience by communicating complex information accurately (knowledge bases, product specification sheets, user manuals)
  • Comply with local and international standards for products and services (product labels, safety instructions)
  • Secure intellectual property in foreign markets (patent translations)
  • Increase reach and sales by offering local-language versions of products

How do you translate documents of technical nature?

While technical translation demands technical writers and translators who can provide technical expertise, translation technology—such as neural machine translation, translation memory, term bases, and automated quality assurance checks—can help streamline the process. The tools available today have matured over the years to make it easier to tackle complex technical translation projects in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

Today, it’s possible to use any of 3 key approaches to the translation of technical documents, depending on the nature of the project and its requirements:

Human translation

This option requires professional translation services from linguists with technical expertise to manually translate documents. This has the advantage that the precision of the translation is assured—as long as you work with specialized translation providers.

Because of their understanding of context, as well as cultural and linguistic nuances, human translators are able to solve ambi­guities, determine the most popular terms in a given locale, and ensure that the final product is of a high quality.

On the flip side, human translation is a manual process, so it can be slow and costly. Moreover, if no translators are available, it can create delays in the process. The project management overhead—to ensure the linguists have all the necessary information and that the content is delivered on time—can also be quite substantial.

Machine translation (MT)

Machine translation is a fast and cost-effective way to generate translations automatically. Neural machine translation (NMT) is the most advanced and reliable type of MT available today. It involves using an automated system to translate text from one language into another without human intervention.

The main disadvantage of machine translation compared to human translation is that it lacks some translation skills that humans possess, such as context interpretation and cultural nuance. For example, linguists are able to adapt their translations to different registers, tones, and styles, and to come up with creative ways to express ideas.

Having said that, technical translation is one of the best use cases for machine translation because it involves precisely defined terminology and highly structured documents. You won’t normally find idiomatic expressions or subtle nuances in technical documents, and fluent language is usually not as important as accurate terminology, so machine translation can do a good job—provided that you use the right technology.

Machine translation post-editing (MTPE)

This approach, which is becoming popular within the myriad of translation services available to businesses, combines the best of both worlds: human and machine translation. Professional linguists are in charge of editing the draft translations generated by a machine translation engine to ensure accuracy, clarity, and high translation quality .

MTPE is a popular choice for companies with large localization projects, since it provides the speed and cost-effectiveness of machine translation while ensuring that they meet quality standards. The larger the set of data fed into the MT engine, the better results you can expect. Because of machine learning, when linguists review and correct MT drafts, you will be training the engine to generate higher-quality translations each time you use it.

Types of technical translation

Technical translation covers a wide range of topics and disciplines, from healthcare and tech to reports and finance. Here are some of the most common types of technical translation that companies need:

  • Patents: To protect a company’s inventions in foreign markets, patents—usually in the medical, pharmaceutical, mechanical, engineering, or technological fields—need accurate translation in line with the specific legal regulations in each country.
  • Health and safety documents: It involves translating technical documents related to health and safety regulations in different countries, such as instructions for medical devices. Errors in the translation of these documents—such as omission, inconsistency, or incorrect termin­ology—could result in harm to patients or users.
  • User manuals: The translation of instructions and other documentation related to the use of software, hardware, and consumer electronic products allows international consumers to use these products properly.
  • Knowledge bases: Having help articles, websites, blogs, FAQs and other content in an organization’s knowledge base available in more than one language helps provide global customers with the best user experience.
  • Software strings: Translating strings of technical text used in software, web, and mobile applications, such as buttons, menus, labels, and other user interface elements, is essential for a product’s success in international markets.
  • Product descriptions: By translating product descriptions into different languages, companies can expand their reach and sell their products in other countries.

The key challenge in technical translation

While quality and accuracy are always a priority in any translation project, they take on an even greater role when it comes to technical translations. This is because small inaccuracies can have serious consequences: fines, lawsuits, public embarrassment, or even patent rejection—with the subsequent inability of the company to continue operating in that market.

In other words, with technical translation, compliance and corporate responsibility are tightly linked to the quality of the technical translations that the company produces. Every specialty in technical translation has its own prerequisites and specialized terminology and requires a highly qualified, experienced team of linguists who are familiar with the field.

In the case of intellectual property rights (IPR)—which includes patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, licensing, and unfair competition—for example, translators need to master a very specific and highly regulated language. They also require interdisciplinary knowledge since they have to be familiar with aspects of technology, business, economy, and law.

The solution: terminology management and subject-matter expertise

Terminology validation in technical translation is a key tool for achieving accurate translations. This process involves developing, managing, and consistently implementing, before the start of any translation project, a shared terminology database (also known as glossary or term base ) so that the same terms are used throughout all translations.

It’s paramount that this be a concerted effort between specialized translators, legal experts, and local-market consultants. Ideally, the glossary of terms should include technical terminology, domain-specific expressions, acronyms, abbreviations, etc.

Effective management of specialized language and terminology, in combination with in-depth understanding of the subject matter, can significantly reduce the risk of costly mistakes or oversights in technical translation projects. It may take some effort to get everyone in your organization to agree on and adopt a glossary, but once it is established, translators will have reliable reference material for industry-specific jargon and frequently used terms.

This can help improve the efficiency, accuracy, and turnaround of your translations, as well as ensure consistency across markets. Additionally, carefully reviewing and validating all terminology related to your products and services can improve the cohesiveness of your global marketing messaging, resulting in a brand that customers around the world will recognize and trust.

How localization technology can streamline technical translation

With the advancement of technology, businesses have access to an array of cloud-based tools and services that can alleviate the challenges of technical translation. The term to refer to the various tools, platforms, and translation software solutions used to manage the translation and localization of digital products, like web or mobile apps, as well as content, is localization technology.

Before localization technology was a thing, manual processes and spreadsheets were the norm when it came to translation workflows. This often led to errors and mistranslations, which could have negative consequences for businesses—such as delaying time to market, lowering output quality, increasing costs, and damaging reputation—often outweighing the benefits of going global in the first place.

Localization technology arrived on the scene to revolutionize technical translation and localization projects. For example, a translation management system (TMS) provides an end-to-end solution for managing workflows and automating manual tasks, encompassing everything from machine translation and terminology management to translation memory and term bases, as well as quality assurance automation tools.

By leveraging the latest solutions, businesses can manage large amounts of content, reduce errors, save time and money, and maintain consistent quality across all translations.

There are a number of reasons why localization tools are so important for businesses that want to solve the challenges of technical translation—they can help:

  • Automate and streamline repetitive and time-consuming tasks associated with traditional translation workflows, such as extracting content from technical texts and sending them to translators, and importing the translated documents back to the original source
  • Improve the quality and consistency of your translations by providing you with a central repository for all your company’s terminology
  • Flag any errors or inconsistencies that might otherwise go unnoticed by running automated quality assurance checks for spelling and grammar errors, or other potential issues
  • Reduce time to market by streamlining processes and workflows that enable the production of more high-quality content in less time
  • Increase efficiency and decrease costs with an effective translation process that reuses translated content
  • Save money by combining AI and human expertise by leveraging machine translation

Make the most of technical translation with the Phrase Localization Platform

Reaching customers in new markets and easily guiding them on how best to use your product is now easier than ever, thanks to the Phrase Localization Platform. Offer your technical documentation in many languages, so your knowledge bases, support content, user manuals, and product descriptions are available in the language of your global customers.

Approaching technical translation with Phrase lets you: 

  • Automate translation workflows: Continuously translate additions to your documentation with the help of our API or integrations. These automatically detect new content, sync it to our enterprise-ready translation management system, Phrase TMS , trigger the translation process, and send the finished translations back to the source.
  • Get the terminology right: Phrase TMS has an advanced term base where you can define preferred and forbidden terms, link terms, and enforce QA checks.
  • Rely on subject-matter experts: In Phrase TMS, you can create project templates with vetted translation providers. Alternatively, you can make use of the automatic linguist selection—suggesting linguists that previously worked on similar content—so you always work with experts, without creating additional manual tasks for project managers.
  • Leverage machine translation: A help center can easily grow to 100,000+ words. When localizing it, leveraging MT is the most cost-effective way. Let our AI-powered features pick the most suitable MT engine for each content piece and language pair. Once your content is machine-translated, you can define criteria based on which article should undergo post-editing by human translators (e.g., based on views or user reactions).

As businesses aim to reach a global audience, technical translation can be the difference between being successful or being left behind. The most reliable way to meet this challenge is by using cloud-based localization technology, like the Phrase Localization Platform, that enables teams to collaborate seamlessly and automate tasks with ease.

Speak with an expert

Want to learn how our solutions can help you unlock global opportunity? We’d be happy to show you around the Phrase Localization Platform and answer any questions you may have.

Book a call

Last updated on September 26, 2023.

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How to translate PPT: Get outstanding presentations in any language

Get fast, reliable, and high-quality translations now

Translate ppt - Smartcat blog

Effective communication across languages and cultures is crucial for success in today's globalized business environment. This applies to all areas of business communication—advertising, social media, B2B, internal documents and more. The humble PowerPoint presentation is no different. To reach a global audience, you'll have to translate PowerPoints at some…point.

PowerPoint (and equivalents such as Apple's Keynote or Google Slides) is a great visual tool for business. A PowerPoint presentation allows you to communicate ideas with text, images, and multimedia, making the messaging more engaging and easy to follow. Not only is this great for an in-person meeting or live presentation, but it lends itself well to virtual communications. In the academic world, slideshows are also used as teaching/learning aids to help communicate complex topics.

The design elements of a PowerPoint make them harder to create than simple text documents, but the results are worth the effort. Unfortunately, all that effort is wasted if your audience needs help understanding the language!

In this article, we'll explore why companies should translate their PowerPoint presentations and the potential consequences of not doing so. Additionally, we'll delve into the challenges that companies may face when undertaking this task. Finally, learn how to overcome those challenges with our tips for easy, accurate, and cost-effective PowerPoint translations!

5 best practices for translating PowerPoint presentations

1. don't just translate—localize.

Localization is the process of adapting content to suit a specific target audience's cultural, linguistic, and regional preferences. For example, your cricket metaphors and images might inspire audiences in the UK or Australia but confuse North American clients.

Get to know your audiences' preferences before you start. It's always better to go the extra step and localize for best results in different markets rather than just translate word-for-word.

2. Utilize specialized AI translation tools

Leverage advanced AI localization tools, such as Smartcat, to enhance efficiency and accuracy in translating PowerPoint presentations. Although not always perfect, these software tools can provide almost high-quality translations that human experts can finalize. This saves time and money while still delivering excellent results.

3. Maintain consistency in terminology

Establish and adhere to a consistent terminology throughout the PowerPoint presentation to ensure clarity and coherence. Consistency helps avoid confusion among the audience and reinforces the brand's message across different language versions.

4. Adapt visual and design elements

Localize images, graphics, and visual elements to resonate with the cultural preferences and sensitivities of the target audience. Be extra careful about graphics that contain text, and check if they also need translation. Ensure that visuals are appropriate and relatable to the local context to enhance audience engagement and comprehension.

Adjust text layout and formatting to accommodate translated text, especially for languages that require more space than the source language. Ensure proper alignment, font size, and spacing to maintain visual appeal and readability in the localized version.

5. Collaborate with local teams and linguists

Engage local teams or linguists familiar with the target market's language and culture to review and refine the translated content. Their insights and expertise can help ensure linguistic accuracy and cultural appropriateness, enhancing the overall quality of the localized PowerPoint presentation. Local experts will also catch any mistakes before you show your presentation to its intended audience.

How to translate PowerPoint presentations using Smartcat

If you're looking for a solution that helps you incorporate the above best practices, then Smartcat might be right for you. To get the best of both worlds, Smartcat offers a powerful solution that leverages AI and human workflows to streamline the translation process. Follow these steps to translate your PowerPoint presentations seamlessly with Smartcat:

Step 1: Upload your file

Go to the Smartcat platform and sign up or log in to your account.

Click on the shortcut “Translate a file” in your workspace.

Choose your language (source/original language and target language). Simply drag and drop or manually upload your PowerPoint (.PPT) file into the designated area to initiate the translation process.

Step 2: Translate with Smartcat AI

Once your file is uploaded, click on “Translate files” and Smartcat AI will automatically begin translating the content. This usually just takes a few seconds. Smartcat's AI translation provides contextual and near-human quality results, ensuring accurate translations that capture the nuances of your content.

Step 3: Review and edit in Smartcat editor

After the initial translation is complete, navigate to Smartcat Editor.

The Editor provides a preview of your PowerPoint, allowing you to see the translations in context. You'll be able to see how text fits with your images and design elements.

Review the translated text and make any necessary edits or adjustments to ensure accuracy and clarity.

Step 4: Collaborate with local teams or subject matter linguists

You can also invite local teams within your company to collaborate and review the translations. They can make edits directly within Smartcat Editor.

Alternatively, you can hire subject matter linguists from the Smartcat Marketplace to review and refine the translations, ensuring high-quality results. Smartcat eliminates the hassle of finding talent by automatically matching you with contractors based on your project needs.

Step 5: Store your files and utilize translation memory

Smartcat's Translation Memory feature automatically stores previously translated content, allowing you to reuse translations for future PowerPoint presentations.

If you need to create new assets, utilize the Smartcat Content Generator. This tool pulls from existing content to efficiently generate new translations. It remembers your previous work, ensuring the new material is consistent with your brand.

7 reasons why you should translate PowerPoint presentations

Unless your company is hyper-local to a monolingual area, you likely have several compelling reasons to translate PowerPoint presentations. Here are just a few things that translating presentations will help you achieve:

1. Reach a global audience

Translating PowerPoint presentations allows companies to reach a broader audience by communicating in the native languages of their target markets. This inclusivity enhances engagement and understanding among diverse audiences—people prefer to receive information in their native language and will be more likely to pay attention.

For example, English is the most spoken language in the world, with over 1.4 billion speakers . But that's still only 17% of the population. Plus, the majority of those do not speak English as a native language. If you want to maximize global reach, it pays to translate your PowerPoints to the native languages of your target markets.

Source: Statista

2. Ensure clarity and understanding

Reaching a new audience won't help much if they can only understand 20-60% of your message. Translating PowerPoint presentations ensures they accurately convey key messages, concepts, and data to the audience. This clarity is essential for effective communication and decision-making.

3. Win hearts and minds

We get it—it takes more time to translate PowerPoint than to re-use the same slides. But think of the impression you give to your audience.

By neglecting to localize your slides for each audience, you inadvertently prioritize your convenience over their experience. It gives the impression that you do not value their engagement enough to invest the time in localization.

Instead, show the audience that you care about them by translating the slides. This will make them feel appreciated, and they will be more likely to engage with your message.

4. Project professionalism

It's not just about making the audience feel good. It's also about projecting the right image for yourself or your organization. Presenting information in the audience's language demonstrates professionalism and respect for their cultural and linguistic backgrounds. It helps build trust and credibility with clients, partners, and stakeholders.

This is especially important in people-centered fields such as e-learning and marketing. Having presentations in multiple languages demonstrates your commitment to your audience and your organization's technical competence. You can project this competence without breaking the bank thanks to modern AI translation platforms.

5. Enhance collaboration and cohesion within teams

If your business has any international ambitions, you likely have team members from different linguistic backgrounds. You may have teams focused on foreign markets, multinational subsidiaries, or an outsourcing partner based in another country. For example, a US company may have a software development or customer service team in Argentina or India.

In such cases, translating PowerPoints will help streamline internal communications and keep your different language speakers on the same page. This builds consistency and makes distinct teams feel valued in the company.

6. Competitive advantage

Companies that invest in translating their presentations gain a competitive edge by effectively communicating their value proposition, products, and services to international markets ahead of competitors who only operate in one language.

The 'first mover' advantage is real. Establish yourself in a new market as a 'local' brand in the customer's first language. A competitor in a different language will be seen as difficult or foreign and have an uphill struggle to overtake you.

7. Compliance and legal requirements

In some industries, such as law, pharmaceuticals, or finance, translating presentations may be necessary to comply with regulatory requirements or legal obligations in different regions. Be sure to check regulations in the market that you operate in. If you already make a practice of translating your company materials, you'll be prepared for any eventuality.

5 pitfalls of not translating PowerPoint presentations - don't make these mistakes!

On the flip side, failure to translate your PowerPoints can lead to negative consequences for your organization, including:

Miscommunication and misinterpretation - Presenting information in a language the audience needs help understanding can lead to misinterpretations and confusion. This can undermine the credibility of the presenter and the company.

Lost opportunities - Failure to translate presentations may result in missed business opportunities, as potential clients or partners might overlook the benefits or details of the offerings presented.

Damage to brand reputation - Presenting poorly translated or untranslated content reflects negatively on the company's professionalism and attention to detail. It can damage the brand's reputation and credibility in the eyes of international stakeholders.

Legal and compliance risks - In regulated industries, failure to provide translated materials where required by law or industry standards can lead to legal consequences, fines, or reputational damage.

Limited market reach - Without translations, companies limit their market reach and growth potential, as they may struggle to connect with non-English-speaking audiences effectively.

Challenges in translating PowerPoint presentations

While you can achieve basic word-for-word machine translations with Google Translate, it's usually not so simple to translate a PowerPoint. These are the key issues you should be aware of before you start:

Ensuring language quality and cultural appropriateness

One of the primary challenges in translating PowerPoint presentations is ensuring high-quality language that is culturally appropriate for the target audience. Literal translations may not capture the nuances or idiomatic expressions of the source language, leading to misunderstandings.

Even famous brands can make mistakes. Have you heard of KFC's notorious Chinese translation of 'Finger-licking good' to 'Eat your fingers off' in Hong Kong? Blunders like this are why it’s crucial to work with local experts.

Maintaining consistent terminology

Maintaining consistency of terminology across slides and presentations can be challenging, especially when multiple translators or agencies are involved. Even in English, terminology like 'soda' vs. 'fizzy drink' vs. 'pop' for carbonated soft drinks will resonate with different regions. Inconsistent terminology can confuse the audience and undermine the coherence of the presentation.

Localizing images

Images used in PowerPoint presentations often contain text or cultural references that require localization. An audience in one country may not recognize images of certain celebrities, historical events, or other references from another country. Failing to translate or adapt these images can hinder comprehension and relevance for the target audience.

Formatting and design issues

Translating PowerPoint presentations can present formatting and design challenges, particularly when the source text is lengthy. Some languages require more space (characters) than others to communicate the same thing. You may find that, after a basic translation, your design elements move or obscure text. Adjusting layouts, fonts, and spacing to accommodate translated text without compromising visual appeal is essential.

Slow turnaround times

Dependence on external agencies or translators for PowerPoint translation can result in delays, especially when important meetings or events are coming up. Slow turnaround times can disrupt business operations and impact decision-making processes.

Get that pitch-perfect presentation

Translating PowerPoint presentations is essential for companies looking to expand their market reach. Fortunately, good translation and localization services are much more accessible than they used to be. By addressing these challenges proactively and leveraging advanced technologies like Smartcat AI, companies can effectively achieve their business objectives on a global scale.

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How to Translate PowerPoint Presentations (2024)

 Shu ni Lim headshot

Find the best way to translate a PPT document by using the filters below . We’ll show you the method that suits your need.

I'm translating PPT for:

Professional use: Translate PPT files using a translation management system

Best for: Professional use; more cost-effective; maintains formatting.

  • maintains document formatting;
  • integrated features such as machine translation and translation memories;
  • improved team collaboration (no more countless back and forth e-mails).

If you need to translate a PPT file for business use, the most cost-effective solution is using a translation management system (TMS) , such as Redokun. This tool is specifically designed to make your document translation easier so that you spend less time getting to your final deliverable.

By using a TMS to translate your PowerPoint presentation, you can automate three main tasks that tend to be the most time-consuming when done by hand. They are:

  • Extracting the text into organized segments for translation
  • Getting translation suggestions for each segment
  • Preserving the styles, images, and layout of your presentation

Here's a quick video of how to translate your PowerPoint on Redokun. If you prefer, you can also continue scrolling for the step-by-step tutorial.

Here are the 5 simple steps to translate your PPT document with Redokun (look out for the productivity boosters).

Step 1: Upload your PPT document to Redokun

First, sign in to your Redokun account and upload your PPT document. Tip: You can activate your free trial without entering credit card information.

See Redokun in action: See how you can translate a PowerPoint document in Redokun with our interactive demo.

technical translator presentation

The upload wizard will guide you through setting up your PPT translation project, which is pretty simple.

  • First, set the source language of your PPT presentation.
  • Then, select the target languages you want to add to the project.

technical translator presentation

Step 2: Assign your translators for each target language

For each target language you selected in Step 1, you can assign one or more translators (or even yourself) to work on that specific language.

Of course, it doesn’t have to be a translator. You can loop in your editor, your business partner, or anyone involved in approving the final translation of your PPT presentation.

Productivity Booster 1: And just by uploading your PPT file to Redokun, you can happily skip over one of the most tedious jobs in translation history. Copy-pasting your translatable text into a spreadsheet - Redokun does this automatically for you.

Don't have an in-house translation team? Here is a list of 40+ places you can find a translator .

Step 3: Pre-translate your entire PPT presentation (Optional)

Next, you’ll have the option to pre-translate your PPT document. This will pre-fill all text segments in your presentation with machine translation or previous translations you’ve confirmed on Redokun.

By pre-translating, your work is half done before you even open the document. Now you can focus on making the translations perfect rather than starting from a blank slate.

technical translator presentation

Step 4: Translate with your team using the enhanced Web Editor

Now you and your team members can start translating your PPT presentation in the Web Editor, which will look like this:

technical translator presentation

Here’s quick tour of what you can do in the Web Editor:

  • Discuss the project and tag your teammates: You’ll have two ways to do this. You can use the top section to leave general comments and instructions for the project. Or you be more specific by leaving comments at a specific text segment you need help with.
  • Translate your document in context: On the left side, you’ll see the page previews of your PPT presentation. This is better than translating in a spreadsheet because you’ll have access to the visual context while translating each segment. Knowing where the text will go in a presentation - and what other texts surrounds it - can help you better understand how to translate them.

At the segment level, there are also a couple of neat things you can do:

  • Get machine translation suggestions: Google Translate and DeepL machine translators are built into your workspace. Just click on any segment and the suggestions will appear below it.
  • Get suggestions from your Translation Memories (TM): ou can automatically reuse any translations from other projects you’ve completed on Redokun before. TM is the key to language consistency, especially if your PPT slides are just one part of your business presentation.

You are likely to use the same terminology or phrases across different documents, and you don’t have to keep translating them. Even if a new segment is only 70% similar to an old segment, you can pull up the old translation to update it.

technical translator presentation

If you have more than one translator assigned to your document, they can translate together in real time - just like in Google Docs. You can see who is online in the Web Editor and what they’re currently working so you don’t accidentally override their work.

Productivity Booster 2: Imagine if Slack, PowerPoint, and Google Translate were rolled up into one tool. The Web Editor is basically that. I find it extremely convenient to not have to switch between tools while translating a document, which often breaks my concentration (like when I accidentally switched to YouTube).

Step 5: Download translated PPT presentation from Redokun

Once you have filled up all the segments, click Confirm Translation at the top right corner of the Web Editor. This will lock your document from further changes and save your work into your Translation Memories database for future reference.

On the Document Detail page, click Download to generate a copy of your PowerPoint presentation in the target language. All the original images and text arrangements will remain. You’ll have a complete set of PPT slides ready to be shown to a new audience.

technical translator presentation

Productivity Booster 3: This is perhaps the biggest booster of them all. Using a TMS like Redokun, you can skip an entire stage in your translation workflow - the design stage. You’ve already spent so much time creating the original PPT presentation. Why spend even more time re-creating the same presentation… but in another language? You have the ability to auto-generate a translated PPT slide deck, which only needs a little

Personal use: Use the built-in translation tool in Microsoft PowerPoint

Recommended for: Personal use; maintains simple formatting.

Pros Cons

You can translate your PPT document within Microsoft PowerPoint. This method creates a simple machine translation of your content that is suitable for personal reading (here is a guide with all the info about machine translation software ).

First, open your PowerPoint Presentation. On the toolbar, select Review > Translate .

technical translator presentation

The translator menu will appear on your right as seen below. You may click on any text box you wish to translate, and the selected text will automatically show up in the menu.

Next, choose your source language and target language. Once the translation is complete, click the Insert button to replace the original text on the slide with its translation.

technical translator presentation

Keep in mind that you can only translate one text box at a time using the built-in translator. If you have multiple text boxes on each slide (e.g. title, subtitle, captions), you need to manually insert each corresponding translation.

Important Info

  • You can only translate PPT documents slide-by-slide; one text box at a time. This isn't the most productive method for PowerPoint presentations with a significant number of slides.
  • Since you're doing the manual work of transferring the translations into the text boxes, you have control over the slide layout (additionally, here is a list with the most common translation problems and their solutions including the design and formatting issues). However, it also means you need to spend time adjusting the font styles and sizes if the target language doesn't support the original style.
  • Microsoft Translator is a free machine translation service that is not suitable for business use. The translated copy may contain inaccuracies and inconsistencies that must go through intensive post-editing.
  • Only recommended if you're only translating a PPT file for your own understanding.

Personal use: Upload the PPT slides to Google Translate

Recommended for: Personal use; does not maintain formatting.

This is another fast and free method to translate a PPT file for your own reading.

In almost the same way you can also translate word documents , translate excel spreadsheets , and pdf documents .

First, go to Google Translate on your browser and select the Documents tab.

technical translator presentation

Select the source language and the target language of your choice. Then, upload your PowerPoint presentation, which can be either a .ppt file or a .pptx file.

technical translator presentation

Once you click Translate, the entire translated PPT presentation will appear as plain text in your browser. As shown below, any images and font styles will not be maintained. You may only transfer the translation into your PPT document yourself using the good ol' copy-paste method.

  • Translations for Google Translate are usually sufficient for those who want to translate a PPT file for their own reference. However, it is not so suitable for professional use, such as in business meetings or market distribution.
  • As mentioned, there is no way to download the translation as a PowerPoint file with all its headings and design elements intact. If you have a 30-page PPT presentation to translate, there are better solutions further down this list.
  • To protect your valuable data, it's best to avoid uploading your business documents onto free translation websites.
Curious to learn more? Here is a detailed guide about machine translation , its history, and thoughts on whether or not it will replace human translators.

Why use Redokun to translate PPT files?

Do you translate your PPT slides (among other types of documents) for your business? Do you feel like you and your team spend way too much time preparing documents for multilingual markets? So much so that it takes away your focus from the actual marketing work you still need to do in those markets?

If you do, then you should use a translation management system like Redokun, which helps you breeze through the manual tasks that nobody likes to do. With just one simple tool, you can manage your team and assets centrally while speeding up your translation process.

Here are eight more reasons to adopt Redokun today.

1. It's super easy to start using the tool with your entire team.

Redokun is intentionally simple so that busy marketing teams can start enjoying the features and delivering projects right away . When you first open the software, you'll know where everything is, and what each button does - no guessing game.

You can introduce the tool to your team at the start of the day and get everyone on board in just a few hours (if not minutes). Redokun might be packed with features, but it doesn't come with the headaches and lengthy onboarding that usually come with learning a new tool.

2. You can easily keep track of your projects and collaborators, making sure deadlines are met.

The administrative work can build up very quickly when you're translating one document into three or more languages. You need to start the email thread, CC and BCC the right people, extract the text for the translator... the list goes on. Once that's done, you still need to follow up with the translators or else the project might come to a standstill.

With Redokun, you only need to upload your original document and assign a translation team to each language pair by entering their email. The text extraction and notification of assignment are done automatically. When your team starts translating on Redokun, you can check the overall progress from your dashboard. If someone do fall behind schedule, you can also quickly ping them within Redokun to find out what's going on.

3. Help your translation team feel more productive and speed up their work.

Speaking of falling behind schedule, it's usually because the content is complex or technical, or you have large volume of text to translate. So how can you help your translators speed things up when they feel overwhelmed by that 20-page document they need to translate?

The quick solution is computer-assisted translation , such as using Google Translate or DeepL. Redokun integrates these tools into its Web Editor. So whenever your team feels like they need a little inspiration, they can receive translation suggestions in just one click. You can even pre-translate an entire PPT document so that the only work left to do is to review and polish.

4. Preserve the design and layout of your translated PPT files effortlessly.

By translating on Redokun, you save a lot of time because you don't need to manually reproduce the PPT file for each language . Once the translation is done, Redokun automatically generates a PPT file for you, which contains the translation in the exact same design and layout as your original PPT file.

So instead of spending hours on design interventions, you can generate multilingual version of your PPT presentations in a couple of minutes.

5. Translate your frequently used terms and terminologies consistently.

By being consistent, your brand voice becomes more easily recognizable. Since your Translation Memory database is built into Redokun, you won't need to second guess how to translate the terminologies you often use.

Now “terminology” is a broad term that encompasses a number of things. It could be your product names, your headings and subheadings, or even industry-specific jargon.

Now you only need to translate these segments once. And in subsequent projects where they appear again, the Web Editor tells you exactly how you translated them the last time. Saves you the hassle of going back to check an older PPT file that's stashed somewhere in the archives.

6. Update your PPT presentation across multiple languages quickly.

Let’s say the translations are already in progress but your PowerPoint presentation needs to be updated. It’s easy to update it in one language but doing it in multiple languages is harder. But with Redokun, you only have to upload the revised PPT document in the source language . Your translators will be automatically notified of newly added text they need to translate - without compromising any of the translations they’ve completed.

7. Translate different types of documents with the same tool.

PowerPoint isn’t the only document you can translate on Redokun. You can also upload your Word , Excel , XML , HTML , or SRT subtitle files to the Web Editor.

You will likely have content that is written in different file formats. Having them under one roof saves you time and money because you don't need to switch to another tool or workflow just to translate another piece of content. You can also ensure that your translations are consistent across different content types.

In fact, many businesses fail at doing marketing translation because they look at each content separately. But in the grand scheme of branding, every piece of content you publish is related to one another, regardless if it’s a PowerPoint slide deck or a product catalog. The medium may be different, but the messages should stay the same so that your audience remembers you.

That’s why businesses with effective global branding should consider using Redokun for its translation memory software .

8. Create a translation workflow that's clear and enjoyable for everyone.

Your team feels more motivated when they always know what their next step is (and who to ping if they don’t). By consolidating your efforts on one platform, you’ll always know where to find what you need and how to deliver important updates.

How to know if your team dynamics are suffering? If you find that your current translation workflow is messy because it involves a number of people, it’s a sign to evaluate the core of your operations.

Where do you start the conversation when creating a new translation project? How do you pass along key information to your translators and anyone who comes after them? Where do they translate your documents?

If any of the above is done manually or executed on separate platforms… then the missing piece in your workflow is a translation management system.

Now I understand that not everyone on your team will feel like this tool is necessary, and you might have some hesitations yourself. So here’s a way to try a translation management system without any kind of commitment. I’d like to invite you and your team to a 14-day free trial of Redokun .

Just create an account with any email and follow the guide above to translate your first PPT presentation together.

Till next time,

Shu Ni Lim is a seasoned SaaS content marketer specialising in creating actionable content for both B2B and B2C audiences to support product-led growth.

With more than 5 years of experience in content creation and strategy, her expertise extends to collaborative translation and effective management of marketing materials for different channels.

Her content management experience covers channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and e-commerce platforms.

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Technical translation

Published by Elmer Stevens Modified over 5 years ago

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Five Tips for Translating Technical Documents

Five Tips for Translating Technical Documents

Technical documentation is very specific and it requires following special guidelines in order to produce high-quality text. When it comes to translating technical documents, the translator needs to be aware of the principles of technical writing and successfully implement them in the translation process to guarantee consistent output regardless of the language. 

As a matter of fact, technical translation is one of the leading forms of translation in terms of output. According to   “Technical translation and related disciplines,”   by Geoffrey Kingscott, more than 90% of all the translated texts are completed by technical translators. The same results are also confirmed by the   2018 edition of the European Language Industry survey . It reveals that manufacturing, life sciences, and automotive are the most translation-demanding industries within Europe and not only.

Since   poor translations can cause a warehouse of problems   for manufacturers, distributors, and the entire business as a whole, it is essential to use professional   technical translation services   and to follow the best principles and practices of the industry. When translating technical documents, there are certain tips that can help you get the highest possible quality of translation. Remember that this is a process that involves several parties and that the final output highly depends on the input as well.  

1. Know the elements of good technical translation 

As technical translation is more specific in its essence, it is necessary to know well the elements of good technical translation. Accuracy is one of the main principles to be followed and achieved by a   technical translator . 

A technical text needs to be clear and simple in order to be understood by the reader regardless of the language it is written in. Therefore, when translating technical documents, a translator needs to:

  • Avoid fluff   – it is absolutely unnecessary in a technical document and has no merit for the quality of the text in general, as well. 
  • Use simple, clear, and short sentences   – it is better to split a longer sentence from the source language into two or three in the target language if that will make the message clearer.  
  • Eliminate ambiguity   – there should be no doubt for the user reading the instructions about what should be done next or how each step is implemented. If the source text is ambiguous, then the translator needs to ask for clarification rather than render the same uncertain message in the target language.

There are a few other tips that can ensure the high quality of the technical translation as those listed below, and when all of them are applied together, the results are more than satisfactory.  

2. Be aware of the technical writing principles 

In order to get a reliable translation of your technical documentation, you need to provide high-quality source text. The principles of technical writing are very important and need to be followed when creating a text so that it can be useful for the final user. It is even more important to apply the technical writing principles for documents that are to be translated as this will guarantee a smooth flow of the text, regardless of the language. 

To better understand the necessity of employing a technical writer and a translator familiar with this type of text creation it is necessary to check the definition given by   YourDictionary , which says “A good technical writer can make a difficult task easy and can quickly explain a complex piece of information.”

An experienced translator will convey the same message using the principles of clearness and simplicity when translating technical documents.  

3. Ensure quality when translating technical documents: Here’s how

An accurate technical translation will guarantee the quality of the translated technical document. To achieve that you need the following prerequisites:

  • A well-structured source text 
  • Compliance with the principles of technical writing  
  • Clear, short, concise sentences 
  • No cultural references 
  • No slang, idiomatic expressions, humor 
  • No wordiness and ambiguity 

These elements will entail a high quality of the translated text and facilitate better understanding for all of the users who do not speak the original language of the document. 

It is also very important to look for coherent translation services. In other words, the terminology used in previous translations should be the same as the current one. A glossary of all terms, abbreviations, and other reference materials will significantly facilitate your LSP in translating technical documents to the standard you are demanding.  

4. Establish a sound process prior to translating technical documents 

Quite often the translator is the first person to read a technical document. So, as   professionals,   they have the opportunity to assess its quality and see if any improvements are needed in the original prior to translating it.

Such feedback is positive both for the company and for the future end-users of the technical documentation.  

When the translator reviews the document, they need to note any questions or issues found and seek clarification prior to embarking on the translation. Any piece of the text that raises ambiguity should be clarified prior to being translated.  

It is essential to have a sound process of communication between the client and the LSP prior to the actual translation as this will ensure better   quality. When the requirements and terms of each side are clarified and taken into account, the final results will be as expected.  

5. Follow established practices while translating technical documents 

When the actual translation of the technical documents starts there are certain ”best practices” that can ensure accuracy and high quality. Some of the tips to help you with that include:

  • Avoid misunderstandings by using simple and clear instructions . Strings of nouns, for example, may lead to confusion and misinterpreting of the phrase.
  • Use active rather than passive voice   as this grammatical structure is easier to understand.
  • Use similar structures   when translating   identical   types of instructions or using bullet points or subheadings. Thus, the reader will follow the instructions easier.
  • Be consistent in the terms that you use . The goal of the technical text is to give clear instructions and it is not suitable for showing your linguistic abilities and word knowledge. Select a word for each term and use it throughout the text without substituting it with synonyms to avoid confusion.

Translating technical documents is a task that requires knowledge of the subject matter and awareness of technical writing principles. It is important to select an LSP that has experience and expertise in this field in order to be satisfied with the results.

Mariela Peneva

Mariela Peneva

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Best Practices for Translating Technical Documentation: A Guide

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In today's globalized world, businesses are increasingly expanding their reach beyond borders. When it comes to technical documentation , accurate translation plays a vital role in ensuring effective communication with international audiences. This article explores the importance of translating technical documentation accurately and the benefits it brings to global audiences.

Importance of translating technical documentation accurately

Accurate translation of technical documentation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows businesses to cater to the diverse needs of their global customers, enabling them to understand complex instructions , product specifications, and safety guidelines in their native language. Secondly, it ensures that important information is not lost or misinterpreted during the translation process, reducing the risk of misunderstandings, errors, and potential safety hazards. Finally, precise translation instills confidence in users, enhancing their overall experience and trust in the product or service.

Benefits of providing translated documentation to global audiences

Providing translated documentation offers numerous benefits to global audiences. It enables businesses to reach a broader customer base and tap into new markets by breaking down language barriers. By providing technical information in users' native language, businesses can improve user satisfaction, reduce support inquiries, and enhance the overall user experience. Moreover, translated documentation demonstrates a commitment to customer needs, fostering a positive brand image and building stronger relationships with international customers.

Preparing for Translation

Conducting a thorough content review.

Before embarking on the translation process, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive content review. This involves assessing the technical documentation for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. Addressing any existing issues or ambiguities in the source content will lay a strong foundation for an effective translation.

Identifying target languages and locales

Identifying the target languages and locales is a critical step in translating technical documentation. Understanding the specific regions and languages in which the documentation will be used helps in tailoring the translation to the cultural and linguistic nuances of the target audience. This consideration ensures that the translated content is contextually appropriate and resonates with the local users.

Establishing translation requirements and expectations

Setting clear translation requirements and expectations is key to a successful translation project. This involves defining the desired tone, style, and terminology guidelines to ensure consistency across the translated documents. Additionally, determining the timeline, budget, and any specific formatting or localization requirements will facilitate a smooth and efficient translation process.

By meticulously preparing for translation, businesses can enhance the accuracy, quality, and effectiveness of their translated technical documentation, enabling them to effectively reach and engage global audiences.

Engaging Professional Translation Services

When it comes to translating technical documentation, partnering with professional translation services can significantly enhance the quality and accuracy of the translated content. Here are key considerations for engaging such services:

Selecting qualified translation providers

Choosing qualified translation providers is crucial for obtaining accurate and reliable translations. Look for providers with expertise in technical translation and a track record of delivering high-quality work. Evaluating their credentials, certifications, and client testimonials can help you make an informed decision.

Ensuring expertise in technical subject matter

Technical documentation often involves specialized terminology and industry-specific knowledge. It is essential to collaborate with translation services that have subject matter experts familiar with the technical domain. Their understanding of the subject matter ensures accurate translations that capture the nuances and intricacies of the content.

Establishing clear communication and collaboration channels

Effective communication and collaboration between you and the translation service provider are essential for a successful translation project. Clearly communicate your requirements, expectations, and any specific guidelines to the translation team. Establish regular checkpoints, feedback mechanisms, and a process for addressing questions or clarifications.

Adapting Technical Content for Localization

To effectively localize technical content for different target markets, it is essential to consider cultural and linguistic nuances, adapt measurements and formats, and localize user interfaces and visuals. Here's how you can ensure a seamless localization process:

Considering cultural and linguistic nuances

Localization involves more than just translating words. It requires understanding the cultural context and adapting the content accordingly. Consider cultural preferences, inclusivity ,  sensitivities, and conventions to ensure that your documentation aligns with the target audience's expectations.

Adapting measurements, units, and formats

Technical documentation often includes measurements, units, and formats specific to a particular region. Adapting these to match the target locale's standards ensures that users can easily understand and apply the information. Convert measurements, currencies, dates, and other relevant data to the appropriate formats.

Localizing user interfaces and visuals

User interfaces and visuals play a crucial role in conveying information effectively. Localize user interface elements, such as menus, buttons, and error messages, to provide a seamless user experience. Adapt visuals, images, and graphics to reflect the cultural diversity and preferences of the target audience.

Following Translation Best Practices

To achieve high-quality translations of technical documentation, it is crucial to follow best practices that maintain clarity, consistency, accuracy, and precision. Here are some key practices to consider:

Maintaining clarity and consistency in terminology

Consistency in terminology is essential for clear and effective communication. Establish a glossary of terms specific to your industry and ensure that translators adhere to it. This helps maintain consistency throughout the translated documentation and avoids confusion for users.

Ensuring accurate and precise translation

Accuracy and precision are paramount in technical translation. Translators should have a deep understanding of the subject matter and expertise in the specific field to accurately convey complex concepts and instructions. Clear communication between the translators and the technical team is crucial to address any queries or ambiguities.

Implementing quality assurance and review processes

To ensure the quality of translated documentation, implement robust quality assurance and review processes. This may include proofreading, editing, and testing the translated content to identify and rectify any errors or inconsistencies. Collaboration between the translation team, subject matter experts, and native speakers can help improve the overall quality of the translated materials.

Ensuring User-Friendly Translated Documentation

Creating user-friendly translated documentation is essential to maximize its effectiveness and usability for target audiences. Consider the following factors to enhance the user experience:

Formatting and layout considerations

Maintain consistent formatting and layout elements in the translated documentation to provide a familiar structure for users. Ensure that translated content is properly aligned, formatted, and visually appealing. Pay attention to fonts, headings, bullet points, and other formatting elements to facilitate easy navigation and readability.

Providing clear instructions and context

When translating technical documentation, it is crucial to provide clear instructions and context to help users understand the content effectively. Ensure that the translated text accurately conveys the intended meaning and provides step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow. Provide sufficient context and examples to clarify complex concepts or procedures.

Testing usability and comprehension with target users

Test the usability and comprehension of the translated documentation with representative users from the target audience. This can involve conducting user testing sessions, gathering feedback, and making necessary revisions based on user insights. By involving the target users, you can identify any potential language or cultural barriers and make improvements to enhance user-friendliness.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, translating technical documentation accurately and effectively is vital for businesses seeking to communicate with global audiences. By recognizing the importance of accurate translation and the benefits it brings, companies can bridge language barriers, expand their reach, and deliver a superior user experience to international customers. 

technical translator presentation

Moran Altarac

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  • > The Cambridge Handbook of Translation
  • > Translating Technical Texts

technical translator presentation

Book contents

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Translation
  • Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics
  • Copyright page
  • Contributors
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction
  • Part I The Nature of Translation
  • Part II Translation in Society
  • Part III Translation in Company
  • Part IV Translation in Practice: Factual Genres
  • 16 Translating Technical Texts
  • 17 Translating Academic Texts
  • 18 Translating Medical Texts
  • 19 Translating Legal Texts
  • 20 Translating News
  • Part V Translation in Practice: Arts
  • Part VI Translation in History

16 - Translating Technical Texts

from Part IV - Translation in Practice: Factual Genres

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  10 March 2022

Given the problematic concept of ‘text’ in the context of technical content, and of what is ‘technical’, Chapter 16 focuses on practices in which technical content figures. Technical translation is closely connected to technical authoring, and the two activities share some of the materials that are used, the competences that are required, the motivations that drive them, and their ultimate purposes of producing technical content that will enable users to achieve their goals. Drawing on work in genre analysis, the chapter suggests that it would be useful for translation studies to research professional contexts in which translated technical content is focal, for example, software development and industrial manufacturing, in laboratories and research centres, and in diverse installation and operation settings.

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  • Translating Technical Texts
  • By Maeve Olohan
  • Edited by Kirsten Malmkjær , University of Leicester
  • Book: The Cambridge Handbook of Translation
  • Online publication: 10 March 2022
  • Chapter DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108616119.017

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Presentation Translator

Display live, translated subtitles as you speak while giving audience members the opportunity to follow along in their own language, on their own device..

Presentation Translator

“Translator gives me the opportunity to reach my students in a way I never could before. I love seeing their faces light up when they realize they actually understand the message I’m trying to get across. They can participate in class discussions like never before.” – Kacie Solar, Humanities Teacher, Mill Creek MS

About Presentation Translator

Presentation Translator broke down language barriers by allowing users to offer live, subtitled presentation straight from PowerPoint. As you spoke, the add-in powered by the Microsoft Translator live feature, allowed you to display subtitles directly on your PowerPoint presentation in any one of more than 60 supported text languages. This feature could also be used for audiences who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Additionally, up to 100 audience members in the room could follow along with the presentation in their own language, including the speaker’s language, on their phone, tablet or computer.

After originally launching in The Garage, Presentation Translator was introduced as a standalone app in the Microsoft Store before many of the features were added natively to PowerPoint.


Live subtitling : Speak in any of the 11 supported speech languages – Arabic (Modern Standard and Levantine dialect), Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish – and subtitle into any one of the 70+ text translation languages .

Personal translations : Share a QR- or five letter conversation code and your audience can follow along with your presentation, on their own device, in their chosen language.

Inclusivity through Accessibility : Help audience members who are deaf or hard of hearing follow the presentation and participate in the discussion.

In December 2016, our team launched the Translator live feature which lets users have live, translated conversations in real-time. We’re the first to offer real-time translation, giving people a personal universal translator directly from their mobile device when connected to the internet.

We saw how powerful this technology was and how it’s a valuable resource when language is a barrier, so we leveraged this technology and incorporated it into Presentation Translator for PowerPoint.

Partnering with the Garage to launch Presentation Translator gave us the opportunity to reach a broader audience of tech enthusiasts, collect feedback, iterate, and implement feature requests that shaped the add-in as it exists today.

After launching in July 2017, the add-in was quickly adopted by PowerPoint users in different use cases.

Presentation Translator was initially developed to translate a speaker’s presentation into other 60 languages. For example, if you speak English and want to translate your presentation into Japanese, you can choose Japanese subtitles and it will capture your audio and translate it on the screen.

We knew from the work our team did integrating Microsoft’s speech translation into Skype (aka Skype Translator) that this was also potentially very interesting for accessibility scenarios.

So, we proactively reached-out to contacts in the education space to use the add-in for a different use case in classroom environments: captioning for hearing impaired students.

A couple of months after launch, customers such as Rochester Institute of Technology’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) adopted the use of Presentation Translator in a few pilot classrooms. It’s proven to be an invaluable resource for not only deaf or hard of hearing students, but also for international students and to provide class notes for all students.

The features of Presentation Translator were integrated natively into PowerPoint beginning in 2019 before Presentation Translator was retired in 2020.

The Translator team hopes to continue our mission to provide translation technologies like Presentation Translator, to break language barriers and provide a means to accessible communication regardless of the language, use-case, app, and device used.

Presentation Translator team photo

Presentation Translator team: (from left to right) Tanvi Surti, Xuedong Huang, Michael Seltzer, Chris Wendt, Huaming Wang, Arul Menezes, Igor Syrisko, Sundar Poudel, Kevin Vu, Christophe Poulain, Ivo Santos, Lauren Dapiaoen

Not pictured: Laurent Bussard, Pradip Fatehpuria, Ralph El Hage, Will Lewis, Olivier Nano, Jeff Stock

Microsoft’s Presentation Translator translates presentations in real time TechCrunch

Microsoft PowerPoint adds real-time presentation translation Engadget

Microsoft’s live translation tool for PowerPoint is now open to all Venturebeat

Microsoft delivers ‘AI-powered’ Presentation Translator add-in for PowerPoint ZDNet


Florida Department of Environmental Protection

Florida Department of Environmental Protection


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Anastasia State Park Public Meeting

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DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, 3 – 4 p.m. (ET)

PLACE: First Coast Technical College – The Character Counts Conference Center, Building C – 2980 Collins Ave, St. Augustine, FL 32084

GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: Presentation of a proposed amendment to the unit management plan for Anastasia State Park followed by public comments.


Anastasia State Park Draft UMP Amendment 

Reference Map

  • Conceptual Land Use Map

The meeting agenda is available online and can also be obtained by contacting: Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, Office of Park Planning, 3800 Commonwealth Blvd., MS#525, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, or by email at  [email protected]

Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, national origin, age, handicap, or marital status. Persons who require special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or persons who require translation services (free of charge) are asked to contact DEP's Limited English Proficiency Coordinator at (850)245-2118 or [email protected] at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, please contact the agency using the Florida Relay Service, (800)955-8771 (TDD) or (800)955-8770 (voice).

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The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship – protecting our air, water and land. The vision of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection is to create strong community partnerships, safeguard Florida’s natural resources and enhance its ecosystems.

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The Sixteenth Meeting of the WHO-UNICEF Technical Expert Advisory group on nutrition Monitoring (TEAM)

Meeting report, 20–22 March 2024

The Sixteenth Meeting of the WHO-UNICEF Technical Expert Advisory group on nutrition Monitoring (TEAM)

In 2015, WHO and UNICEF established an independent Technical Expert Advisory group on nutrition Monitoring (TEAM) to advise on enhancing nutrition monitoring at all levels. TEAM’s primary responsibility was completing development of a set of indicators to monitor the Comprehensive Implementation Plan on Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition consistent with the global nutrition targets decided by the World Health Assembly (WHA). For the past few years, TEAM has expanded its scope of work that are relevant and priorities for global nutrition monitoring. The scope of work for TEAM is expected to be expanded more in the coming years.

The sixteenth TEAM meeting was held virtually on 20–22 March 2024. This report provides a summary of presentations, discussions, recommendations, and decisions emanating from this meeting. The agenda and list of participants are included in Annexes.

More information

Technical Expert Advisory group on nutrition Monitoring (TEAM)


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  2. Technical Translation

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  3. Microsoft Presentation Translator

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  1. Presentation Translator for PowerPoint

    Presentation Translator subtitles your live presentation straight from PowerPoint, and lets your audience join from their own devices using the Translator app or browser. ... Customizes speech recognition for industry-specific vocabulary, technical terms, acronyms, and product or place names. Customization will reduce these errors in your ...

  2. Technical Translation Projects: A Guide for Every Industry

    Read more: Technical Translation: A Comprehensive Guide. Advanced tools for ensuring accuracy. In technical document translation, precision is paramount. Employing tools such as glossaries, translation memories, and AI-enhanced quality assurance systems is essential. However, there's a noticeable gap in the conversation about how advanced ...

  3. Keys to successful technical translation

    Keys to successful technical translation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... This presentation succinctly explains each of the 5 crucial steps in this highly regarded translation process, and how and why things go astray if it isn't followed. Or if it's whizzed through in perfunctory fashion to meet a deadline.

  4. Technical Translation Guide: Decoding Technical Docs

    In the world of technical translation, you need to be both a language whiz and a bit of a tech guru. This technical translation guide will equip you with the essential skills to crush it in this field. Take software instruction manuals, for example. Being fluent in two languages is just the first step.

  5. Translate PPT documents effortlessly with DeepL

    1. Create a free DeepL account. 2. Upload your PPT document. 3. Select your desired target language. 4. Click "Translate". Once the translated document is ready, you can download and review it.

  6. Presentation Translator, a Microsoft Garage project, Translates and

    Today, Microsoft Translator launches Presentation Translator, a Microsoft Garage project. This PowerPoint add-in translates and subtitles live presentations, displaying subtitles directly on a presentation in any one of more than 60 supported text languages.. In addition to translated subtitles, audience members in the room can follow along with the presentation in their chosen language using ...

  7. How to Prepare for a Bilingual Presentation as a Technical Translator

    If you are a technical translator, you may have to give a bilingual presentation at some point in your career. Whether it is for a conference, a workshop, or a client meeting, you want to deliver ...

  8. How to Translate in PowerPoint

    Translate entire PowerPoint slide deck to any language. After translating the text, click Insert to add it to the slide. You can use the language toggle to change the language from which the text is to be translated to the language in which you wish the text to be translated. Toggle icon to switch translation language.

  9. "Mastering the Art of PowerPoint Translation: A Step-By-Step Guide

    To translate your entire presentation, it is important to choose a translation method that allows you to seamlessly convert the entire document while preserving formatting and design elements. Translate Translator: When it comes to PowerPoint translation, utilizing the expertise of a professional translator can greatly enhance the quality and ...

  10. Technical Translation: Definition, Examples, Best Practices

    Technical translation is the process of transferring the meaning of a technical text from one language to another. This requires scientific or technical knowledge, proficiency in the use of technical terminology and jargon in both the source and target language, and the ability to transpose concepts with precision. ...

  11. Translate PPT presentations easily with AI

    Click on the shortcut "Translate a file" in your workspace. Choose your language (source/original language and target language). Simply drag and drop or manually upload your PowerPoint (.PPT) file into the designated area to initiate the translation process. Step 2: Translate with Smartcat AI. Once your file is uploaded, click on ...

  12. How to Translate PowerPoint Presentations (2024)

    Step 3: Pre-translate your entire PPT presentation (Optional) Next, you'll have the option to pre-translate your PPT document. This will pre-fill all text segments in your presentation with machine translation or previous translations you've confirmed on Redokun. By pre-translating, your work is half done before you even open the document.

  13. Technical translation

    Presentation on theme: "Technical translation"— Presentation transcript: 1 Technical translation Technical translation is a type of specialized translation involving the translation of documents produced by technical writers (owner's manuals, user guides, etc.), or more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject areas or texts which deal with the practical application of ...

  14. 6 Fundamentals of Translating Slides and Presentations

    After translating the file and adjusting the formatting, always check the presentation for any technical, layout or graphical issues. Play it. Check any animations, if used.

  15. Five Tips for Translating Technical Documents

    2. Be aware of the technical writing principles. In order to get a reliable translation of your technical documentation, you need to provide high-quality source text. The principles of technical writing are very important and need to be followed when creating a text so that it can be useful for the final user. It is even more important to apply ...

  16. Best Practices for Translating Technical Documentation: A Guide

    Identifying the target languages and locales is a critical step in translating technical documentation. Understanding the specific regions and languages in which the documentation will be used helps in tailoring the translation to the cultural and linguistic nuances of the target audience. This consideration ensures that the translated content ...

  17. PowerPoint

    The Presentation Translator add-in for PowerPoint will no longer be available for download beginning July 31, 2020. If you have already downloaded the add-in, it will continue to work however we will no longer be providing technical support or updates. You can use the native features in PowerPoint to add live subtitles and captions to your ...

  18. 5,000+ Technical Translation PPTs View free & download

    Mastering Translation: Understanding the Four Main Types of Translation - Dive into the world of translation with their comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that focuses on the four main types of translation. Discover the intricacies of literary, technical, scientific, and legal translation, and gain a deeper understanding of their unique characteristics and challenges.

  19. Technical translation

    Technical translation is a type of specialized translation involving the translation of documents produced by technical writers (owner's manuals, user guides, etc.), or more specifically, texts which relate to technological subject areas or texts which deal with the practical application of scientific and technological information.While the presence of specialized terminology is a feature of ...

  20. PowerPoint Translator

    PowerPoint Translator subtitles your live presentation straight from PowerPoint, and lets your audience join from their own devices using the Translator app or browser. ... Customize the speech recognition engine using the vocabulary within your slides and slide notes to adapt to jargon, technical terms, and product or place names ...

  21. 16

    Summary. Given the problematic concept of 'text' in the context of technical content, and of what is 'technical', Chapter 16 focuses on practices in which technical content figures. Technical translation is closely connected to technical authoring, and the two activities share some of the materials that are used, the competences that ...

  22. PDF Difficulties In Translating Scientific And Technical Texts

    l articles, business contracts and other commercial technical proposals. The main difficulty in translating artistic texts is the need to interpret the author's int. ntions, preserve his literary style, psychological and emotional elements. However, the task of the translator of the scientific and technical text is simpler: to co.

  23. Presentation Translator

    Partnering with the Garage to launch Presentation Translator gave us the opportunity to reach a broader audience of tech enthusiasts, collect feedback, iterate, and implement feature requests that shaped the add-in as it exists today. After launching in July 2017, the add-in was quickly adopted by PowerPoint users in different use cases.

  24. Anastasia State Park Public Meeting

    DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, 3 - 4 p.m. (ET) PLACE: First Coast Technical College - The Character Counts Conference Center, Building C - 2980 Collins Ave, St. Augustine, FL 32084 GENERAL SUBJECT MATTER TO BE CONSIDERED: Presentation of a proposed amendment to the unit management plan for Anastasia State Park followed by public comments.

  25. Solutions Engineer

    What you can expectThis individual serves as the lead advocate for customers. You will translate technical needs into product development recommendations, test customer environments and drive customer demand/features internally within Zoom. The SE must be able to understand and articulate Zoom's architectural advantages to our customers. You will support the Account Executive when it comes to ...

  26. The Sixteenth Meeting of the WHO-UNICEF Technical Expert Advisory group

    This report provides a summary of presentations, discussions, recommendations, and decisions emanating from this meeting. ... In 2015, WHO and UNICEF established an independent Technical Expert Advisory group on nutrition Monitoring (TEAM) to advise on enhancing nutrition monitoring at all levels. TEAM's primary responsibility was completing ...