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How to write a thank you speech

With a short thank you speech sample and a printable planner

By:  Susan Dugdale  

A thank you speech or appreciation speech prepared and given with sincerity means a lot to those you acknowledge.

Dive right in. There's all the assistance you need on this page to write an excellent speech of thanks.

What you'll find on this page

  • the types of occasions it could be good to have a thank you speech ready to give
  • best practice and content suggestions to guide you step by step through writing a short thank you speech
  • a short  sample thank you speech for an award (and a link to an example thank you speech for a 18th birthday party)
  • a printable thank you speech planner to download
  • links to thank you quotations you may like to use
  • notes covering rehearsal and delivery   

thanks giving speech to school

'No man is an island'

When we achieve, we usually do so because others have helped. Your speech of appreciation is the gift or acknowledgment you give in return for what was given you.

When is a thank you speech appropriate?

Any time is good to say thank you! However, a more formal speech of thanks could fit any of these occasions.

  • for coming to my graduation, farewell, birthday, or retirement party
  • for the promotion
  • for the award
  • for coming to our wedding and your gifts, our engagement party, our 50th wedding anniversary
  • for coming to the opening of my new business...

Be prepared! Best practice guidelines

Generally the decision to leap to your feet and give a thank you speech is not spontaneous. You will likely have some forewarning and time to consider exactly what you want to say and who you want to mention.

Deciding on the content

Cover these three content areas and you'll be fine.

  • WHO are you thanking? Note their names in ranking order- the most important first.
  • WHAT are you thanking them for? Be specific rather than general. Naming what you are grateful for gives your thanks more meaning.
  • WHAT did their gift of time, expertise, encouragement, money... mean to you? Again, be specific. This is your chance to publicly give credit where it's due, to compliment, to praise. Take it.

Writing your speech

When you've sorted out who you wish to mention and what for, you are ready to begin writing.

Like any other form of speech you need 3 parts:- an opening, the body or middle where you put all your acknowledgments, and a conclusion.

1. Introduction/opening

In your introduction or opening give the reason for the occasion and why it is you're going to thank everyone. What you say, and how you say it, will set the tone for the remainder of the speech.

Depending on the number of people on your 'thank you/appreciation' list and the amount of time you have, consider including a small story about the lead-up making this event possible. A well-chosen personal anecdote will always go down well because it lets those listening share your experience more deeply.

Check out this page on story telling in speeches for more information.

In the body of your speech, start at the top of your list of people to thank and work your way through it. Take care to give the most important people the most time.

For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function.

Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough."

3. Conclusion

In the conclusion, summarize your main points and finish.

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A short thank you speech sample 

Here's a short example thank you speech for you to see how it could be done. There are many ways covering the required content. This is just one.

The person giving this speech is thanking an organization for giving him an award. 

It is 374 words long. When spoken it will take approximately 2 minutes + to deliver. That's about the right length. It's brief and covers everything needed.

As you read it through imagine hearing it out loud. 

Speech text

"Who's considered the incredible power and range of meaning in 'thank you'?  Those two words express gratitude, humility, understanding, as well as acknowledgement.

I am here with you: my family, many of my friends and colleagues because I need to say all of that, and then some more.

Thank you for coming to share my being given the Fred Smith Award for Community Service. It's very humbling.

There's a phrase I'm sure you know: it takes a village to raise a child. In this case it's not a child that's been raised but awareness and a long-needed community resource - the  Parksville Community Literacy Center.  The village behind it and me, is you.

In particular, thank you to my wife Marlene who has always understood and shared my conviction that communities are healthiest when its resources are equally shared, and that the ability to read underpins long term social and economic wellbeing.

I know the hours I spent after work helping to establish our new Center tested her, especially when I was home late, again.

Remarkably she continues to support, and love me.  For that I will always be grateful.

Mary Hill, Catherine Beech and Matthew Fall from the Fred Smith Foundation – thank you for sharing the vision of an integrated community and for being so incredibly supportive. You understood what we were trying to achieve and helped make it possible. Your generous gifts of time, expertise and funds are deeply appreciated.

This award may have my name on it, but in truth it belongs to everybody who has worked to make the center a reality. Have you got a spare day or two? If I called out all those people we'd be here for quite some time! Instead, I'll simply say thank you. You know who you are.

The time and effort you've given ensures that the Parksville people who want it will have access to effective literacy programs and resources. That is a priceless gift.  As Nobel Peace Prize winner former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan said “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.”

Thank you for the award and thank you on behalf of all those who will cross that bridge to a brighter future." 

thanks giving speech to school

Here's another example. This one is a thank you speech for a birthday . The speaker is thanking their parents and guests for the celebration in honor of their 18th birthday. 

Thanks but NO thanks!

What I really need is a Thanksgiving Speech!

Image: - a string of autumn leaves. Text: Thanksgiving - a time to say thanks for life, family, friends and food, in a speech.

And it's here. Choose a theme. Complete the template. And give your Thanksgiving Speech with confidence.

Get a printable thank you speech planner

Regardless of whether you are preparing a thank you speech for the guests who came to your wedding, engagement, retirement, farewell, graduation or birthday party, the steps are the same.

This printable planner will guide you through the four needed. Each one is fully explained with an example.

Completing it will make writing your speech so much easier.

Either click the link or the image below to: download a printable thank you speech planner .

Banner: Download a printable thank you speech planner

Use a quotation to help show your gratitude

Image: blue forgetmenots. Text: Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. GB Stern

Before you finalize the content, check out these 'thank you quotations' .

They offer different ways of expressing your gratitude. You could find just what you need to spark your creativity and provide the thread/theme to unite your speech. It can be so much more than a long string of thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you ...

Tips to help you get your thank you speech right

Rehearsal, practice and feedback.

Image: Black and white photo of a young man standing on a stage. Text: About rehearsing a speech.

Many people make the assumption that once they've got the words of their speech sorted, they're set to go.

That's not true! Practice completes the process.

Giving yourself several  rehearsals, firstly by yourself and then in front of  friends or family, will help enormously. Click the link for detailed information about  how to rehearse effectively .

For the condensed and shortened version covering good rehearsal practice follow the points below.

1. Content check

Before investing too much time and energy into rehearsing your speech say it through in front of a few trusted friends or colleagues.  It is much, much easier to change text prior to practicing it than after you've begun working with it. Ask them to listen:

  • to make sure you've included everyone you should, in the right order and thanked them for the right things.
  • for tone. Does the vocabulary fit the occasion? Are the stories right? Is the speech positive? Is it inclusive?

Edit as needed, and then have your test audience listen again. 

Getting the timing right is an essential part of making it a success. Go on too long and people stop listening. Be too brief and there's a danger you've missed things out.

The only way to find out how long your speech is, is to time yourself as you say it out loud at a normal speaking rate. If it's too long, look for areas you can cut. Maybe you need to group a few  more people together or perhaps you need to shorten some of the specific examples about why it is you're thanking someone.  If it's too short, add more detail.  Repeat until you get the length right.

If you'd like to check the number of words you have in your speech against how many minutes it will take to say them go to: how many words per minute are there in a speech .

3. Use cue cards

If you're at all worried about forgetting things, losing your place or muddling what you want to say, use cue cards. They'll take the anxiety away.

Write the main points of your thank you speech on cue cards. Good notes will keep you on track while ensuring you cover everything you want to like, for instance, the name of every person you want to thank and why.

(Click the link if you don't know about using or how to make cue cards . Cue cards are preferable to reading your speech.

However sometimes you just have to read because...for all sorts of reasons. If that's you, do it well. Find out how to read a speech effectively .)

Are you sweating over a business thank you speech?

One thanking your colleagues for a job well done?

Here's a good one to use as a template. It's utterly adaptable. Takes bits out, flick bits in... until you have it just as you want it.
Get thee pronto (quickly) to the  !

speaking out loud 

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Thanksgiving Speech Samples for Students in English


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 23, 2024

Thanksgiving Speech

Thanksgiving Speech: Thanksgiving is a public holiday in many Christian countries, such as the USA, Canada, Germany, Brazil, etc., and is mostly celebrated in October or November. As the name suggests, Thanksgiving is celebrated to thank god for giving us life and a prosperous harvest the following year. Thanksgiving is a family reunion time, especially for those who have nuclear families and are living in different cities, states, or countries from their families. 

thanks giving speech to school

A traditional part of Thanksgiving is having dinner with family and friends, where a roasted turkey is served. After the dinner, the family members express their gratitude by giving a Thanksgiving speech. This speech is an opportunity for appreciation for the positive aspects of life, such as success in life, good things for family, etc. Today, we will provide school students with some samples of Thanksgiving speech. Stay tuned.

Also Read: Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Speech: Sample 1

‘I would like to thank each one of you for gathering on this auspicious occasion of Thanksgiving. It is a special time of the year when we pause to reflect on the blessings we’ve received, express gratitude to all the people in our lives, and share the warmth of togetherness.

Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to every member of our family, even to those who are not here today. Your presence adds joy and meaning to this occasion, and I’m thankful for every one of you. Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, a time to count our blessings. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, but today, we take a moment to appreciate the good things that surround us.

I am thankful for the love and support of my family. Family is the cornerstone of our lives, providing a foundation of strength, encouragement, and unconditional love. As we sit around the table today, let us cherish the moments we share and the memories we create together.

Friends, both old and new, bring a unique richness to our lives. I am grateful for the friendships that have withstood the test of time and for the new connections that continue to enrich my journey. Let us also take a moment to appreciate the broader community we belong to. Whether it’s our neighbors, colleagues, or fellow citizens, the sense of community adds depth and meaning to our lives.

Together, we contribute to something greater than ourselves. Our acts of kindness and generosity can make a significant difference in the lives of others, and this holiday season is an opportune time to extend a helping hand to those in need.

As we enjoy this Thanksgiving feast, let’s not forget the importance of gratitude. May this day be filled with warmth, laughter, and an abundance of joy. Thank you all for being an integral part of my life, and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

Cheers to family, to friendship, and to the countless blessings that make life beautiful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Also Read: Speech on Republic Day for Class 12th

Thanksgiving Speech: Sample 2

‘A very warm good morning to all the teachers and my fellow mates present here. It is an honor to stand before you today and present my Thanksgiving speech. Thanksgiving holds a special place in our hearts as it reminds us to pause, reflect, and express gratitude for all the blessings and wonderful things in our lives.

On the auspicious occasion of Thanksgiving, our friends and family come together to celebrate and share a meal, but it’s more than just a feast. It’s about recognizing the blessings we have, both big and small. So, today, let’s talk about the importance of gratitude and giving thanks. 

Our families, friends, and teachers play a significant role in shaping who we are. Take a moment to appreciate the love and support they provide. Remember to say ‘thank you’ not just today but every day for the little acts of kindness that make a big difference.

Think about the opportunities we have in school—the chance to learn, make friends, and discover new things every day. Our teachers work hard to guide us and help us grow. Let’s express our gratitude to them for their dedication and patience.

Now, let’s talk about the small joys in life. It could be the smile of a friend, the laughter in the classroom, or the warmth of the sun on a cold day. These simple pleasures are the threads that make up the beautiful tapestry of our lives. Take a moment to appreciate them.

As we enjoy our Thanksgiving celebrations, let’s remember the true meaning of this holiday. It’s not just about the delicious food, the colorful decorations, or the excitement of the season. It’s about acknowledging and appreciating the abundance of goodness that surrounds us. 

So, my fellow students, let’s pledge. Let’s make gratitude a daily habit. Let’s appreciate the people, moments, and opportunities that make our lives special. Thank you for your attention, and may your Thanksgiving be filled with warmth, laughter, and a heart full of gratitude.

Ans: ‘It is an honor to stand before you today and present my thanksgiving speech. Thanksgiving holds a special place in our hearts as it reminds us to pause, reflect, and express gratitude for all the blessings and wonderful things in our lives. Thanksgiving is about recognizing the blessings we have, both big and small. So, today, let’s talk about the importance of gratitude and giving thanks. Our families, friends, and teachers play a significant role in shaping who we are. Take a moment to appreciate the love and support they provide. Remember to say ‘thank you’ not just today but every day for the little acts of kindness that make a big difference.

Ans: Expressing thanks to someone is a thoughtful and meaningful gesture that can strengthen relationships and show appreciation. Here are some popular lines to express thanks to someone: I owe you, You are a lifesaver, I can’t thank you enough, Much obliged, You are the best, etc.

Ans: Thanks a lot for everything. -I am happy to have you by my side. -I wish everyone could have a friend like you. -You have been so helpful with all my homework

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The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Thank You Speech: Examples and Tips

Are you feeling anxious about giving a thank you speech? I get it – public speaking can be nerve-wracking. But, fear not! I have been there too, and after years of practice and research, I’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you craft and deliver a memorable thank you speech. Whether it’s for an event or acknowledging the support of friends and family , this guide has got you covered. So, let’s get started on making your next thank you speech one to remember !

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Practice makes perfect . Practicing your thank you speech helps build confidence and improves delivery. Use a mirror, record yourself, or rehearse in the actual setting to get comfortable.
  • Be genuine and specific when expressing gratitude. Mentioning specific examples of how someone helped you makes your speech more impactful and meaningful.
  • Connect with your audience from the start. Acknowledge their presence and effort to attend, making them feel valued and important right from the beginning.
  • Share personal stories or anecdotes to make your thank you speech relatable and memorable. This approach strengthens your connection with the audience.
  • Proper preparation is key for a successful delivery. Prepare an outline, maintain good eye contact, use positive body language, manage nervousness, speak clearly at a moderate pace, use expressive gestures, take pauses when necessary, and handle mistakes gracefully .

Express gratitude and honor

Showing gratitude is key in a thank you speech. I learned this both from my own experiences and while crafting the ultimate guide on giving thank you speeches. It’s about honoring those who’ve supported, encouraged, or helped us reach our goals.

In every thank you speech, it’s crucial to acknowledge these individuals sincerely and specifically.

I start by greeting the audience warmly before expressing genuine appreciation for the honor or opportunity given to me. Sharing personal stories makes my gratitude more impactful, connecting with my audience on an emotional level.

By thanking specific people for their unique contributions, I show true acknowledgment and respect for their support and encouragement in my journey.

Understanding the Purpose of a Thank You Speech

Understanding the Purpose of a Thank You Speech is essential. It’s about acknowledging the audience and connecting the gesture to a bigger picture.

Acknowledge the audience

Starting your thank you speech by acknowledging the audience sets a welcoming tone . You show them their presence matters. Say something like, “I’m thrilled to see so many familiar faces here today.” This makes everyone feel included and important right from the start.

You must also recognize the effort people made to attend . Mention, “Your support by just being here is greatly appreciated.” It instantly connects you with your listeners , making your words more impactful.

Acknowledging the audience isn’t just polite; it’s crucial for making your speech memorable and engaging.

Connect the gesture and reward to a bigger picture

When expressing gratitude, connect the gesture of thanks to a bigger purpose or impact . Show how the act of thanking someone is part of a larger cycle of kindness and support in our lives.

By linking the gesture and reward to a wider context , such as the impact on your work, relationships, or community, you create a more meaningful and resonant thank you speech that goes beyond simple words of appreciation.

Now let’s dive into how to write an impactful thank you speech for different occasions.

How to Write a Thank You Speech

Identify who to thank and reflect on what you are thanking them for. Express the significance of their gifts or support .

Identify who to thank

When crafting a thank you speech, it’s crucial to identify everyone who deserves appreciation. This includes colleagues, friends and family members , as well as any other supporters or benefactors .

Acknowledging their contributions is an important part of delivering a meaningful thank you speech that truly expresses gratitude. Now let’s delve into reflecting on what you are thanking them for in the next section.

Reflect on what you are thanking them for

In my thank you speech, I reflect on the reasons for expressing gratitude . It’s essential to articulate why we are thankful, whether it’s for support during a difficult time or acknowledgement of hard work and dedication.

This provides depth and sincerity to the expression of appreciation. By reflecting on what we are thanking them for, we ensure that our gratitude is specific and heartfelt , making it more meaningful for both the speaker and the audience .

By thoughtfully considering what we’re thanking others for, we can craft a genuine message that resonates with our listeners. Whether it’s acknowledging their unwavering support through challenging times or recognizing their outstanding contributions , reflecting on the reasons behind our gratitude brings authenticity to our thank you speech.

Express the significance of their gifts or support

Now, let’s talk about why it’s important to express the significance of the gifts or support you’ve received. When acknowledging someone’s contribution , it’s crucial to explain how their help made a difference.

This helps them understand the impact they’ve had and reinforces your gratitude . By highlighting the value of their support, you show sincerity and deepen your connection with your audience.

It also adds depth to your speech and makes it more meaningful for both you and your supporters.

Remember, expressing the significance of their gifts or support can elevate your thank you speech from a simple acknowledgment to a heartfelt recognition that resonates with everyone involved.

Delivering a Thank You Speech

Prepare and practice for a successful delivery . Read on to learn more about tips for delivering a thank you speech!

Preparation and practice

To prepare for delivering a thank you speech, I recommend practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself to improve your delivery. Start by preparing an outline with key points and practice speaking naturally without memorizing every word.

Remember to focus on maintaining good eye contact , using positive body language, and managing any nervousness through controlled breathing . Additionally, rehearse in the actual setting if possible to get comfortable with the space and equipment you’ll be using during your speech.

After preparation comes practice; this is where confidence grows. Aim for clarity and articulate speech by slowly pronouncing each word while keeping a steady pace. Practice expressing gratitude sincerely and avoid rushing through your words during the real thing.

Tips for a successful delivery

After thorough preparation and practice, it’s time to focus on delivering your thank you speech. Maintain good posture and make eye contact with the audience to establish a connection.

Speak clearly and at a moderate pace so everyone can follow along without feeling rushed or bored. Engage your audience by using expressive gestures and varying your tone of voice to emphasize key points.

Remember to breathe and take pauses when necessary – this allows for impactful delivery while maintaining composure.

To ensure an engaging delivery, be genuine in expressing gratitude, letting it shine through in every word you say. By being authentic, you’ll captivate your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impression.

Examples and Templates

Explore diverse sample thank you speeches for various occasions and learn how to personalize your speech – for more insights, read the full blog!

Sample thank you speeches for different occasions

Here are some sample thank you speeches for different occasions. For a graduation speech , I would begin by thanking the faculty and staff for their dedication to our success. Then, I will express my appreciation to my fellow students for their friendship and support.

In a thank you speech at an event, start with thanking the organizers for their hard work and attention to detail. Next, recognize the guests for attending and making the event memorable.

When it comes to acknowledging colleagues , emphasize how their collaboration has contributed to success in challenging projects or tasks. When expressing gratitude towards friends and family , share heartfelt anecdotes or memories that illustrate why they hold a special place in your heart.

Tips for personalizing your speech

Consider sharing personal stories or anecdotes to make your speech more relatable and impactful. Relate the gratitude you’re expressing to specific instances or experiences that made a difference.

Connect with your audience through genuine emotion and sincerity , using language that feels natural to you.

When thanking people, be specific about their contributions . Highlight particular instances where their support was especially meaningful. This specificity adds depth and authenticity to your expression of gratitude, making it resonate more with both the recipients and the audience.

The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Thank You Speech: Examples and Tips offers practical advice. Dr. Avery Thomas, a renowned expert in communication and public speaking with over 20 years of experience, assesses the guide’s utility.

Holding a PhD in Communications from Stanford University, Dr. Thomas has contributed significantly to speechwriting methodology.

Dr. Thomas highlights the guide’s structured approach for crafting speeches that genuinely express gratitude while connecting on a personal level with the audience. According to him, incorporating personal stories as suggested enhances relatability and impact.

He praises the safety measures concerning ethical acknowledgments and transparency about sources of inspiration or help received . Dr. Thomas points out that adherence to such principles ensures speeches are respectful and inclusive.

For daily use, he recommends practicing components of the guide in everyday interactions to bolster confidence and grace when publicly expressing thanks.

Dr. Thomas gives a balanced view on its applicability compared to other resources available, noting its straightforwardness but urging readers also to seek experiences outside their comfort zone for growth.

His final judgment declares this guide exceptionally helpful for beginners in public speaking by providing solid foundations for effective thank-you speeches .

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Ryan Nelson is the founder of Speak2Impress, a platform dedicated to helping individuals master the art of public speaking. Despite having a crippling fear of public speaking for many years, Ryan overcame his anxiety through diligent practice and active participation in Toastmasters. Now residing in New York City, he is passionate about sharing his journey and techniques to empower others to speak with confidence and clarity.

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How to Write a Wonderful Thanksgiving Toast: Ideas and Examples

Last updated on August 11, 2023 - © Free-Sample-Letter.com

The Significance of a Thanksgiving Speech

Thanksgiving is more than just a feast; it's a time-honored tradition of pausing to reflect on the blessings that fill our lives. Giving a speech on this special day is a heartfelt way to articulate our gratitude , connecting with family and friends, and verbalizing what we’re most thankful for.

Thanksgiving speeches not only bridge generations and bring communities closer but also allow us to acknowledge and honor the people who have enriched our lives with kindness and generosity. This tradition serves as an opportunity to also appreciate ourselves, considering the challenges we've overcome, the personal growth we've experienced, and the goals we've achieved throughout the year. Gratitude is a gift, and there is no better way to express it than by saying thank you and sharing our feelings with those we love.

Crafting a Memorable Thanksgiving Toast: Essential Writing Tips

Creating a Thanksgiving toast that resonates with your audience requires attention to certain key elements. Here's how you can make your speech stand out :

Keep It Concise

While there’s much to be thankful for, it's best to keep your toast brief and poignant, typically no longer than a few minutes. Your words should encapsulate the essence of gratitude without overstaying their welcome.

Express Genuine Gratitude

Be specific in acknowledging what you're thankful for. Whether it’s your health, family, friends, or personal accomplishments, articulating these thoughts will make your toast more heartfelt. Example: "I am so grateful for the unwavering support of my family, the good health we enjoy, and the community that surrounds us".

Include Personal Anecdotes

Sharing personal stories or memorable moments can add depth and personality to your speech. Reflect on joyful or touching memories that encapsulate the spirit of Thanksgiving for you and those around you.

Use Positive Language

Focus on the bright side of life, emphasizing the positive and avoiding any negative undertones. Express gratitude for what you have, appreciating the richness of your life even if it isn't perfect. Example: "While life has its challenges, I find joy in the simple things and am truly thankful for the love and warmth that fill my days."

Connect with Your Audience

Aim to touch the hearts of those listening. Your words should resonate with them, creating a collective sense of appreciation and community. Speak from the heart, and don’t be afraid to show emotion.

Practice Makes Perfect

Rehearse your speech to ensure a smooth delivery. Familiarity with what you're going to say helps you speak more naturally and confidently, making your message even more impactful.

Your Thanksgiving toast is more than just words; it's an expression of love, gratitude, and the shared values that bind us together. With these tips, you can craft a speech that not only honors this tradition but also leaves a lasting impression on those you hold dear.

Inspiring Words for Thanksgiving Day – A Speech Sample Easy to Adapt

Example of a sincere thanksgiving speech.

Well, I would like to say a few words if I may. We are all here today, friends and family, to give thanks as our forefathers did so long ago. This yearly tradition is one of my favorites because it brings us all together, makes us stop our daily lives to spend the (afternoon) together over some good food, some good wine and lots of good company!

We are all so busy with our daily lives, our jobs, our friends and loved ones, that there are not that many occasions that we get, to get together as a family, but this is one of them and it's my favorite one!

It’s one of those holidays we love to prepare as a team and chip in with our different recipes and add-ins that we each want to include to make the meal that extra little bit more special!

So today, with us all gathered here, I hope that we can make it through the day without any major arguments...Thanksgiving seems to bring out the best in us, whether it is because we have all come together and aren't used to each other's intense company or that we are all just simply hungry! I like to think that the reason for misunderstandings on Thanksgiving is just because we are all so hungry! ...Right?!

So on that note,...as we are all very hungry, with all those great smells coming out of the kitchen and great dishes already laid out before us in this wonderful spread on the table, we need to shift our focus to enjoy the meaning of this holiday!

So before we dig in, dear family of mine, thank you for this day, thank you for each other, thank you for making this day what it is and thank you for all of you just being you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

A Basic Thanksgiving Toast for Friends and Family

Good evening everyone, and a very happy Thanksgiving to all of you!

I am so grateful that we have the opportunity to come together today and celebrate this special holiday. As I pause to reflect on all the things I am thankful for in my life, the first thought that comes to mind is my family and friends. The love and support they have shown me throughout the years is something that I will always cherish.

I am also grateful for my health and all the wonderful experiences I have had in life. Every day I wake up feeling blessed to be alive and to have so many opportunities in front of me. But above all, I am thankful for the little things: for the warm sunshine, for the rain that nourishes our land, and for the warm meal on the table.

So let us raise our glasses today to give thanks to all those who bring joy and meaning into our lives. Thank you, and cheers to a blessed Thanksgiving!

A Thanksgiving Tribute to Teachers and Educators

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, as we gather around with our families and loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are compelled to reflect on the things we are most grateful for. Among the many blessings in our lives, I wish to dedicate this moment to recognize a group of individuals who possess a quiet yet profound influence on our lives and the lives of our children: our teachers and educators.

These are the people who walk into classrooms every day, armed not with just books and lesson plans, but with a passion to ignite curiosity, a commitment to nurturing minds, and a love for inspiring the hearts of the young ones they serve.

Teachers are the architects of our future, shaping the minds that will one day lead us, invent new technologies, cure diseases, and write the poems that will stir our souls. They are not merely imparting knowledge; they are building character, instilling values, and planting the seeds of empathy, resilience, and understanding.

This Thanksgiving, let us pause and give thanks to the educators who have gone the extra mile to help a struggling student, who have stayed late to grade papers, who have spent their own money on supplies, and who have wept with joy at the success of their students.

To those who have taught our children to read, to question, to calculate, and to dream, we owe a debt of gratitude. For it is not only the lessons in mathematics, literature, or science that they impart, but the life lessons of perseverance, kindness, and integrity.

To every teacher who has ever felt overwhelmed or undervalued, know this: Your work is the foundation of all professions. Your dedication creates opportunities, your patience fosters growth, and your guidance leads to success.

In this season of gratitude, let us raise our glasses to our teachers and educators. For your unending passion, your tireless efforts, and your unwavering belief in the potential of every child, we say: Thank you.

May your Thanksgiving be filled with the love, joy, and respect you so richly deserve, and may we continue to support and appreciate you, not just on this special day but throughout the year.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the educators out there! Your work makes the world a better place, one student at a time. Thank you!

A Thanksgiving Toast to Employees and Colleagues: Celebrating Teamwork

Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends,

As we gather around this table to celebrate Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to reflect on the year behind us and express my profound gratitude to each and every one of you.

In the fast-paced world of business, it's easy to get caught up in deadlines, meetings, and targets. But today, we set aside our laptops and spreadsheets, and we come together as a team to celebrate something that's equally important: our shared success and the bonds that hold us together.

When I look around this room, I don't just see colleagues; I see a family. A family that laughs together, works together, faces challenges together, and most importantly, succeeds together.

Each of you, in your unique way, has contributed to where we stand today. Whether it's the late nights, the innovative ideas, the unwavering support, or the cheerful smiles on Monday mornings, every little effort has shaped our collective achievements.

So today, let's toast to the team that doesn't just work for the company but works for each other. Let's toast to the milestones we've reached and the mountains we'll conquer. Let's toast to the failures that taught us and the successes that motivated us.

Let's also take a moment to recognize those who support us outside of work, our families and friends, who give us the strength to give our best every day.

In this season of gratitude, I am thankful for this incredible team. I'm thankful for the culture we've built, the friendships we've formed, and the growth we've experienced together.

As we enjoy this meal and the company of those around us, let's remember that the essence of Thanksgiving lies in appreciating one another and recognizing the blessings in our lives.

Here's to us, to our unwavering spirit, to our collaboration, and to the bright future ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Thank you for everything you do, and cheers to continued success!

Thanksgiving Salute to the Military: Honoring Dedication, Service and Sacrifice

Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Citizens,

Today, as we gather around festive tables with friends and family to give thanks for the many blessings we enjoy, let us not forget those who are far from home, those who stand on the front lines to protect our freedom and way of life. I stand before you to extend a heartfelt salute to the members of our military, whose unwavering dedication deserves our deepest gratitude.

In this season of thanks, we pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and coastguardsmen. They endure long separations from loved ones, face dangers we cannot even begin to comprehend, and commit themselves to a calling higher than self.

We are here today, able to celebrate in peace and security, thanks to their vigilance and courage. They are a symbol of what is best in our nation, living the values of honor, duty, and commitment every day.

To our brave men and women in uniform, and to their families who support them, we send our heartfelt thanks. We recognize that our mere words cannot match the magnitude of your sacrifice, but we hope that our thoughts, prayers, and appreciation reach you, wherever you may be serving.

To those who have served in the past, we honor your legacy and thank you for laying the foundation upon which our present-day heroes stand. Your service continues to inspire new generations to answer the call.

On this Thanksgiving, let us all commit to not only uttering words of thanks but to showing our gratitude through actions. Let's reach out to military families in our communities, let's send care packages, write letters, and make sure that our gratitude is felt.

In closing, I propose a toast to our armed forces. Here's to the brave souls who patrol the seas, march on the ground, and soar through the skies. Here's to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and to the families who bear the weight of loss.

May this Thanksgiving remind us all of the extraordinary gift of freedom and the extraordinary people who ensure it.

Happy Thanksgiving to our military members, their families, and to all of you here. May we never take for granted the sacrifices made on our behalf.

Thank you, and God bless our troops and our great nation.

A Heartfelt Thanksgiving Tribute to Caregivers and Healthcare Professionals

Today, we gather to celebrate a very special Thanksgiving. As we count our blessings, we must pause to acknowledge a group of people whose compassion, resilience, and dedication have touched our lives in profound ways – our healthcare professionals and caregivers.

In a world that has seen immense challenges, where uncertainty and fear have become common emotions, these extraordinary individuals have become symbols of hope and healing. They are not just treating illnesses; they are nurturing spirits, holding hands, and providing comfort in times of need.

Doctors, nurses, therapists, home health aides, family caregivers – each one of you has made a commitment to care that goes beyond mere duty. You've chosen a path that demands everything you have, every single day, without pause, without complaint.

You've worked long hours, often putting your own health and family aside to ensure that others receive the attention and care they need. Your selfless acts have not gone unnoticed, and on this day, we stand to honor and thank you.

To the family caregivers, who juggle work, home, and the extraordinary responsibility of caring for a loved one, we see your sacrifice, and we applaud your love and dedication. You are the unsung heroes, providing comfort and normality in the most challenging of circumstances.

To our healthcare professionals, who faced unprecedented challenges and worked relentlessly to keep us safe, we are in awe of your strength and expertise. You've been a beacon of light in dark times, and your efforts have saved countless lives.

We know that words can never fully express the gratitude we feel, but we hope that our appreciation resonates in our actions. Let us not just say thank you; let us show our thanks by supporting our healthcare workers, by being patient, by following their guidance, and by recognizing their humanity.

Let us commit to understanding, empathy, and kindness, for these are the virtues that you, our dear caregivers and healthcare professionals, embody every single day.

So, here's to you – the healers, the nurturers, the caregivers. May you find in our gratitude the strength to continue your noble work. May you also find time for yourselves, to rejuvenate, to be cared for, and to feel the warmth of the appreciation that surrounds you.

Thank you, from the depths of our hearts. Happy Thanksgiving, and may you always know how much you mean to us all.

A Journey Through Time: The Historical Essence of Thanksgiving

The story of Thanksgiving begins in 1621 when the Pilgrims, who had sailed to the New World on the Mayflower, celebrated their first successful harvest in Plymouth, Massachusetts. They were joined by the Wampanoag people, who had helped them survive that harsh first winter and taught them how to cultivate the land.

This three-day feast was not called Thanksgiving at the time, but it laid the foundation for a custom that would evolve and spread across the burgeoning nation.

During the American Revolution, Thanksgiving observances were held, but they were sporadic and varied by region. It was President George Washington who proclaimed the first national day of Thanksgiving in 1789. However, it wasn't until 1863, amidst the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday, to be celebrated on the last Thursday in November.

But what is Thanksgiving? Is it merely a date on a calendar, a sumptuous meal, a gathering of family and friends? Or is it something more profound?

Thanksgiving, at its core, is a universal human expression of gratitude. It's a time to reflect on the bounty and blessings of the year, a moment to acknowledge those who have helped us, guided us, and stood by us.

Over time, the way we celebrate Thanksgiving has changed, influenced by cultural shifts and commercial interests. Yet, the heart of this holiday remains unaltered. It's a time to come together, to put aside differences, to share, and to give thanks.

As we look around our world today, we see that the need for gratitude and unity is as vital as ever. In an age of division and uncertainty, Thanksgiving reminds us of our shared humanity, our interconnectedness, and our capacity for kindness and compassion.

So, as we enjoy our Thanksgiving feast, let's remember the lessons of history. Let's honor the Native Americans who shared their knowledge and resources. Let's reflect on the strength and resilience that has shaped our nation. And let's embrace the spirit of gratitude that binds us all.

May this Thanksgiving be not just a reflection of our past but an inspiration for our future. Let it be a day where we acknowledge our blessings, reach out to one another, and cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that endures all year long.

Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving to all!

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20 Thanksgiving Toast & Speech Ideas That Actually Aren’t Cheesy

Exactly what to say if you're at a loss for words.

Thanksgiving toast and speech ideas are all about gratitude.

Ah, Thanksgiving. Typically a time to gather with family and friends to engage in merriment and passive-aggressive squabbles. Some people celebrate with family members they don’t see often, others get together with a smaller crew, and some sign on to Zoom for the occasion. But one thing that can be a party of your holiday no matter how you celebrate? The tradition of the Thanksgiving toast. If this year has you feeling less than thankful, these Thanksgiving toast and speech ideas will help provide you with plenty to say if you get nominated to give a Thanksgiving toast.

Regardless of how you'll be celebrating this year — your usual big family party, trying out a solo holiday dinner , hosting a Zoom Thanksgiving for a handful of friends or family — one thing is for sure: Thanksgiving is never dull. Even if 2022 wasn’t your favorite year, there is always something to be grateful for. This isn't to say you need to go full toxic positivity . But taking a small moment to recognize the things that got you through the year — whether that's friends, family, your pets, or Postmates — can feel kind of good. If you're at a loss for words this year, these 15 Thanksgiving toast and speech ideas will have you covered.

1. Express Your Love For Food, Family, & Friends

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to express your gratitude to family and friends for standing by your side this year. Consider this quote from Marcel Proust: "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

2. Thanksgiving With Friends Toast

If you’re making a speech during your Friendsgiving, try this quote about friendship from Marilyn Monroe. "... Always remember your friends will be there quicker than your family. Learn to remember you got great friends, don't forget that and they will always care for you no matter what. Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life.”

3. Love & Kindness Toast

Lady Gaga is always good for quotes about love, tolerance, and kindness — which are relevant themes for Thanksgiving, and the double meaning of feeding your family and friends and feeding the community is perfect. Try this quote of hers about acceptance: "I believe in a passion for inclusion... I think tolerance and acceptance and love is something that feeds every community ... You can try to find something beautiful in every single person, no matter what."

Focus on gratitude during your Thanksgiving toast.

4. Gratitude Toast

If you’re looking to express gratefulness in your Thanksgiving speech, try this quote from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose : “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”

5. Thanksgiving Blessings Toast

Maya Angelou’ s quote is the perfect Thanksgiving blessing. “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

6. On Seeing The Bright Side Speech

Looking for a lighthearted toast? Try this quote from Ellen DeGeneres in The Funny Thing Is... on gratitude that’s sure to make the crowd chuckle : “Gratitude is looking on the brighter side of life, even if it means hurting your eyes.”

7. Thanksgiving Poem

This excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s We Thank Thee is a simple but effective Thanksgiving toast.

For each new morning with its light,

For rest and shelter of the night,

For health and food, for love and friends,

For everything Thy goodness sends .

8. Acknowledging The Good Toast

Author Sarah Ban Breathnach’s quote on gratitude is a great reminder for the table. “Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgment of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.”

9. Take Note Of What Unites Us All: Food

If your Thanksgiving crew is there for the food and the food only, let this Nora Ephron quote be heard loud and clear. "The turkey. The sweet potatoes. The stuffing. The pumpkin pie. Is there anything else we all can agree so vehemently about? I don’t think so.”

10. Lift Each Other Up Toast

If you’re getting over a tough year, try this uplifting line Christopher Robin said to Winnie the Pooh as your Thanksgiving toast: " You are braver than you believe , stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Let family and friends know how grateful you are during your Thanksgiving speech.

11. Show Gratitude For Everything, Good Or Bad

If you’re looking for a Thanksgiving speech that highlights the real meaning of gratitude, try this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson : “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

12. A Moment of Reflection

Charles Dickens’ quote will remind the table to pause and reflect: “Reflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

13. Just Be Present

If you want to focus on how thankful you are to be surrounded by family and friends after a rough year, try this Maya Angelou quote: “Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”

14. A Perpetual Thanksgiving

Henry David Thoreau’ s quote on gratitude Thanksgiving is a simple but effective toast: "I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual."

15. Everyone Says What They're Thankful For Toast

Make your Thanksgiving toast participatory by reading this gratitude quote by William Arthur Ward and asking everyone to go around the table and state one thing they are grateful for:

“ Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”

16. Shoutout Your Guests

Be sure to show love to the people — family or chosen family — that you spend the day with. Try a simple toast like “There may be better people in this world... but I don’t know them!”

17. Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Address the humor of the holiday and make your guests laugh before digging in. “Thanksgiving isn't like other holidays. It's the only day of the year that you won't get offended when your grandma gives you the bird across the dining room table. Cheers!”

18. Take A Moment To Honor Those You’re Missing

Holidays can be a time of rememberence if there’s someone from your family you’rve lost over the years. Honor them briefly with something like “I'd like to take a moment to think of [Insert family or friend here]. We're remembering her here today at this table where we've shared so many meals.”

19. A Personalized Toast

You can get a bit personal with your speech if you prepare a bit ahead of time. Think of everyone that will be sitting at the table and prepare a few words specific to each of them to make them feel special and welcomed to your feast.

20. Share A Simple Rhyme

Keep is short and sweet with something like “Lotta bread, lotta meat, good God, let’s eat!”

This article was originally published on November 10, 2017

thanks giving speech to school

Public Speaking Resources

Thank you speech: how to perfect cordiality in a speech

Appreciation is the sincerest form of flattery. It makes people feel seen, and their efforts feel recognized.

Any leader worth their salt knows that the key to winning the loyalties of their team is regular appreciation.

Giving a thank you speech is not just good manners but gives an insight into your character. The acknowledgement only works if it comes from the heart and rings genuine. 

So, how do you give a thank you speech? 

Let’s jump into it!

Table of Contents

When is it appropriate to give a thank you speech?

In a company, at an award function, for friends and family, structure of the opening statement, thanking the speakers after the event, thanking the organization, thanking the organization team, have you missed anyone, concluding your thank you speech, mention people by name, positive ending, get it over with.

You don’t really need an occasion to thank somebody. However, in a more formal setting, there may be occasions that specifically call for it. The following are the times when it is most appropriate to give a thank you speech:

  • After getting a promotion
  • After celebrating an achievement
  • Appreciating your team after tackling a tough project
  • When receiving an award or recognition
  • When establishing a new venture

The list can go on endlessly as your field might have different occasions to give a vote of thanks. Make sure not to miss any opportunity to acknowledge the reasonable efforts of the people around you!

Things to keep in mind

When you’ve decided to give a thank you speech, you need to keep a couple of things in mind. This advice differs according to why you are giving a thank you speech and who is in your audience.

If your company is celebrating you for a milestone or recognition of hard work, make sure you don’t only talk about yourself.

Be generous with your words when talking about the company itself and the great work it does.

Elaborate on how much you enjoy working here and what exactly the company does the right to make it happen.

This will make sure your higher-ups feel appreciated for the work environment they’ve created.

If you are receiving an award by a third party for your work, make sure you adequately express how honored you will be selected.

It is always a good idea to highlight what a recognized organization it is and how you are happy to be a part of it.

If you’re giving a speech to thank friends and family, the setting is much more intimate. You can drop the formalities and talk about how special these people are to you.

As they have gone the extra mile to appreciate you, make sure you return the favor by talking about how lucky you are to have them and their support.

How to write a thank-you speech?

There is no need to beat around the bush with a thank you speech. You can simply start off by expressing gratitude.

An award or recognition means that you can simply open by thanking the company or organization for the honor.

You don’t need to come armed with quotes. In fact, that might actually seem much more disingenuous. Your opening statement also sets the tone for the rest of your speech.

Some factors might determine how formal or informal you need to be with your opening:

In a formal setting, it is best to keep it cordial. Assuming it is a suit and tie event, most people are dressed up and expecting you to keep it classy as well.

As such, we recommend you go for something along the lines of, “I’m so honored to be taking up this renowned stage. Words cannot express how grateful I feel to be the recipient of this award.”

An informal event can be anything from an intimate gathering of loved ones to anniversary parties of a broader range of friends.

In such an event, you can express yourself more freely and don’t have to hold back.

We suggest opening with something along the lines of, “I can’t believe my luck on being able to be surrounded by such wonderful people. I’m immensely 

grateful for each and every one of you and honored to be taking up the stage tonight.”

We have drafted a script for your opening statement. Feel free to customize it as per your needs.

Good evening, Distinguished [name], Honorable [name], Mr. Chairman, Respect Host/Hostess, and all our beloved guests.

It is my honor and privilege to have been given the opportunity to present a vote of thanks on this momentous occasion.

I am honored to represent [Company/Organization] on this prestigious [Event] stage.

I’d like to give a respectful nod to the entire [other supporting/sponsoring organization, team, crew, special guests present in the audience] that have stood behind me to make this possible.

My gratitude extends to all the speakers as well as organizers and hosts due to whom we’ve all come together on this eventful night.

Another possible scenario as a host is that you might have to thank the line of speakers that took up the stage during an event. Please find and customize the script for this as follows:

Let’s hear a big round of applause for [name speaker], His/her incredible delivery on [speech topic] leaves us all leaving this Event a little more aware. 

Pick up on the central theme and reiterate it as a reminder to the audience and to show the speaker that you were paying attention.

If there are more speakers, then follow suit and consider using these thank you examples:

I’d like to thank our second speaker [name speaker] for her take on [speech topic]. Her view on [central theme] was poignant and worthy of a big round of applause.

Furthermore, let’s also express a sincere appreciation for [name speaker] for gracing our stage with her strong opinions on [speech topic]. [Refer to central theme]

Following up, I’d like to thank [name speaker] for providing such an in-depth analysis of [speech topic]. [Reference]

We are grateful to [name speaker] for having the audience in stitches with her insightful yet light-hearted presentation. [Reference].

I would like to hear a resounding round of applause for [name speaker] for his/her inspirational speech that has surely revved up our drive to achieve more.

We are lucky to have the opportunity to listen to your craft and are leaving here today, all inspired by your beautiful words!

This script is for when you need to express appreciation for the organization that is holding this event. It is usually added to the end of a speech. Feel free to edit it as required.

And last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to [organization] for allowing us to use their beautiful venue.

Our utmost thanks to the logistic support that made this Event the smooth success that it has been. Our appreciation further extends to the technical team and organizers who’ve worked tirelessly for this [fun] evening. 

In the case of sponsors: I would also like to extend my thanks to [brand name] as well as [brand name] for their enormous cooperation in making this Event possible.

Mix and match these various styles so that it doesn’t get repetitive as you speak. 

As they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Such is the case with this Event as well. There have been many people working for weeks across multiple group chats and meetings to make this possible.

Getting every detail right and lining up one after other fantastic speakers. Our biggest thank you to the dedicated organizing team for working on every tiny detail and helping create this amazing Event.

I cannot thank everyone enough for their involvement. Each and every one of you is to be credited for your dedication and the willingness to take on the completion outside the realm of their comfort zones! 

Read the room and decide the degree of the flair of formality that needs to be adjusted. People will be happy that their efforts are being recognized. Just make sure not to be too ostentatious about it.

The only thing that is worse than not being appreciated for your work is being singled out or left out.

Make sure you think hard about all the people that have put in their time and effort. Are you sure you haven’t missed anybody? How about anybody from the following list?

  • People who sent out invitations
  • Special guests who made time for the Event
  • People behind the technical arrangements
  • The team responsible for location hunting, stage setting and lighting
  • Any musicians or other performing entertainers
  • People in the catering team
  • People from the press and media who are covering the Event

Now all your thank you speech needs is a neat bow to tie it up cleanly. Try this on for size:

Mr. Chairman, ladies, and gentlemen, I would like to thank all of you for being a wonderful audience.

It has been an absolute pleasure to have such a delightful crowd presence. Once again, I’d like to give a big round of applause to all of the speakers for gracing our stage with their well-refined speeches. One last round of applause for all of us here, thank you very much!

Extra Tips to Keep in Mind

While we’ve covered most of our tips, sometimes the simple things can get away from us. And you know what they say, “Better safe than sorry.” So here they are:

A handy tip for appreciation versus criticism is this: When acknowledging people for their good work, always use their name, however, when handing out criticism in front of a crowd, try to generalize as otherwise, you will end up embarrassing people. 

Instead of simply thanking your team, use their names if possible in the given time limit. This will make your appreciation seem much more personalized.

Make a list of all the people you’d genuinely like to thank. If you have time, briefly talk about how they’ve helped you in your journey.

Emphasize how important they’ve been and how. Speak from the heart, and it will definitely ring true.

For phrasing, try something along the lines of:

“From the bottom of my heart, I’d like to give a special thanks to some of the amazing people without whom I cannot imagine standing up here on this stage. Name your supporters and give out your sincere thanks.

If you have extra time, you might want to add in a few lines to thank your supervisor or boss as well. It is customary to make sure they don’t feel left out.

It can be challenging to achieve this as we’re sure any crowd consists of so many people that someone is bound to feel left out.

Your goal is, don’t leave out any of the higher-ups and the important people. But don’t start listing just about everybody just because they are in the crowd. This can reduce the impact of your gratitude for people who have actually helped you.

You’ve given your thanks to so many people who’ve made you who you are. The stage has gotten quite emotional at this point, and your audience is looking at you.

You need to end on a high note. If you simply say your thanks and leave, it can feel incomplete and lacking.

Try to say something inspirational and uplifting. Suppose you’re being recognized for your work.

In that case, you can give your team a motivational boost by saying, “The journey is not yet over, but I can’t imagine being on this ride with any team that is more dedicated or competent than the one at [name].

Let’s wear these tires out and keep this smooth ride going!”

You can also go for dedication to your strongest support or mentor. Something like, “And lastly, I want to leave you with the words of my strongest support, my [name].

When I was full of doubts and insecurities, they’re the ones who said [something inspirational].

This award is for you and your belief in me. I hope I’ve made you proud. Thank you for everything!”

We know, we know, this is your moment on stage. After all, this is such an honor, and there are so many people to thank.

But your audience is eager to get to the catering table! Be considerate, and keep it clear but brief. You don’t want to take the audience through your entire journey.

A good thank you speech is no longer than two and at most three minutes. Use your time well and remember: It is always better to leave them wanting more than getting them to be like, “Get it over with already!”

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How to Write a Thank You Speech

Last Updated: February 20, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. There are 8 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 993,540 times.

Writing a thank you speech can be intimidating. It is challenging to remember all of the people who have helped you along the way. If you recently reached a personal, spiritual or career milestone, you may be wondering how to compose a ‘thank you’ speech. A ‘thank you’ speech needs to identify all of the people you are thankful for, as well as the specific things you are thankful for and their personal or professional meaning to you. While ‘thank you’ speeches are relatively straightforward, they can be tricky to write, especially if the list of people to thank is very large or very small.

Sample Thank You Speeches

thanks giving speech to school

Prioritizing Your Thank You List

Step 1 Make sure you have a complete list.

  • Who helped you become the person you are today?
  • Who offered you the most encouragement?
  • What specific contributions are you thanking people for?
  • Who gave you the time of day when you really needed help?
  • Who offered valuable expertise at crucial moments?

Step 2 Start ordering your list.

  • For instance, under the category expertise, you could rank individuals from most to least important contributions of expertise to the project or award you are giving the speech for.

Step 3 Determine the top ranked people.

  • For instance, a ‘thank you’ speech at a wedding should be no longer than three minutes long.

Composing Your Speech

Step 1 Outline the structure of your speech.

  • In 1985, Sally Field spoke from the heart in her Oscar thank you speech. She said, “I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now you like me!”
  • In 1970, at the age of 61, John Wayne was genuine about how long it took him to win, upon accepting the award for best actor for the role of one-eyed Rooster Cogburn. He said, “Wow! If I’d known that, I would have put the patch on 35 years ago.”

Step 4 Express humility.

  • For instance, you could say: “I am so humbled by this honor.”
  • You could also use humor. For instance, when George Clooney won best supporting actor in 2006 but lost the best director award, he drew on his self-deprecating humor. He said, “Well, it looks like I’m not winning best director…”

Step 5 Avoid verbosity.

  • If it is a short ‘thank you’ speech, it is often best to skip the intro entirely. The audience will know why you are giving the speech, so follow the example of Abraham Lincoln who always skipped the introduction.

Step 7 Write about the most important people on your list.

  • Once you have written about the most important individuals, you can always edit the speech later for concision.
  • Budget your time for each person. Remember that if you spend too much time on any one person, you may not be able to get to others who still really need to be thanked.
  • If your speech needs to be really short, you could say: "I would like to thank Charley, my wonderful husband for supporting me through the long nights. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks to my beautiful daughters, Kiera and Emily. Mommy can play more now. To Jeff Goldstein of Caracas, for feeding my crew; to Jake, Mindy, Paul, and Gwen for staying up so late, so we could get it right..."

Step 8 Finish composing the body of your speech.

  • To recognize people by function, you could say, “I also want to thank everyone who brightened up this long journey with good humor, such as John, Johnny, Arjen, Peter, Ann, Zoe, etc.”
  • So, for example, you might say: "And for the catering, thanks to Joe, Mike, Mindy, and Jeanette."

Step 9 Compose a conclusion.

  • “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, “thank you,” that would suffice (Meister Eckhart)
  • “We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love” (Mother Teresa)
  • “I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks” (William Shakespeare)

Timing, Memorizing and Practicing Your Speech

Step 1 Time your speech.

  • You could try using online script timers to get a rough sense of your speech time. However, you should still practice with a real timer because everyone speaks at a slightly different pace.

Step 2 Write keywords or phrases on note cards.

  • You could dress up in the clothes you will be wearing at the event.
  • Try practicing the speech at the event location to get more comfortable.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Have fun. Yes, you will be standing up in front of a crowd of people thanking them, but the important thing is that you do it. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't worry about the length too much. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you forget somebody, especially somebody important, send them a thoughtful note right away explaining that you were nervous during the speech, and that what they have done for you or your organization is important and valuable. Let them know that they are appreciated and that you feel bad for leaving them out. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

thanks giving speech to school

  • Don't mumble and keep looking down at your page, or it may seem too rehearsed. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't say anything that is likely to upset people in the audience, such as inside jokes. Thanks Helpful 4 Not Helpful 2

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  • ↑ Patrick Muñoz. Voice & Speech Coach. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
  • ↑ http://www.write-out-loud.com/thank-you-speech.html
  • ↑ https://www.comm.pitt.edu/structuring-speech
  • ↑ https://www.examples.com/education/thank-you-speech.html
  • ↑ https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/just_one_thing_speak_from_the_heart
  • ↑ https://libguides.newcastle.edu.au/foundation-studies/feedback/verbosity
  • ↑ http://www.write-out-loud.com/thank-you-quotes.html
  • ↑ https://www.unr.edu/writing-speaking-center/student-resources/writing-speaking-resources/speech-delivery

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

Writing a thank you speech can seem intimidating, but if you make a list of the people you’re grateful to first, it should be relatively simple. Make a note of anyone who has helped you get to where you are now, whether professionally, supporting you emotionally, or giving you valuable advice. Order the list by how grateful you are to each person. When you write your speech, give the top few people more time and add a few details about how they helped you. Then, you can list the people further down the list together. For example, say, “And I also want to thank my colleagues, Peter, Ann, Zoe, and John.” Practice saying your speech out loud so you can keep it within the time limit. For more tips, including how to prepare for giving your speech, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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vote of thanks speech

14 Excellent Vote of thanks Speeches [ 14 Samples & Writers Guide ]

Vote of thanks is the expression of love, respect and sincere wishes. It is given at a certain events, meeting, presentation, function in school, attending meeting, for gratitude etc.

For your ease, we have managed to write Best Vote of thanks speeches that include; definition,purpose, samples, templates of Vote of thanks and writers guide.

Vote of Thanks Speeches | Vote of Thanks Speech Samples For Function, Meeting, Presentation [ Writers Guide ]

There is brief introduction of vote of thanks speech. It is very important for a speaker to know and study all the factors for comprehensive delivery of vote of thanks speech. It is formal way of ending any function.

We have seen whenever there is any function; there are efforts of number of people to organize that function. It is very important to pay homage to their hearty efforts.

A vote of thanks speech is a speech in which we officially say thanks to single person, people or a group for doing something.

It is speech whose main theme revolves around offering gratitude for showering respect and love. We all have attended many functions in which organizers have tried hard to give their best to audience. A number of arrangements are made for this purpose.

It includes decorating the place, preparing skits, taboos and several other shows etc and delicious food. It is usual practice to offer gratitude to all the people for their care, respect and all bountiful arrangements.

Our vote of thanks speech consists of words to appreciate the efforts of people for a particular function. We are often thankful for number of things which contributed to make that particular time very special for listeners.

Vote of thanks is a modest speech usually at the end of function. It may be by the speaker or host to offer gratitude to all the audience.

It is organized way of ending the function. It shows the organizers of this event are ending the show officially in a formal way.

Vote of thanks speech is not too long. It is usually short and to the point. It is not only delivered by the host. We have often seen chief guests are called for saying few words regarding particular function. It has been usually observed that audience is tired at times.

They are not that much interested in vote of thanks. Thus, it is very important to catch the attention of your audience. All of your audience must be all ears while you are delivering a vote of thanks. One should always use effective to deliver vote of thanks speech.

Modesty is the best way to offer your gratitude. One should not be churlish or rude while delivering the vote of thanks. The core values of vote of thanks are offering gratitude by best of your words and complete modesty.

No one should be insulted in your vote of thanks. It is very important to give respect to every person who is nominated in your vote of thanks speech. Every word should be thoughtful and crystal clear. Audience should not be suspicious about your any word.

Definition of Vote of thanks

“It is an act of thanking a person or an organization for something they have done.”

Vote of thanks means offering your gratitude to people for their efforts to arrange a desired event. It is well developed and well managed speech in which person delivers thanks to all the organizers, listeners, host and all the participants.

One acknowledges all the dire and hard working efforts of all the people. Any event cannot be successful without the efforts of organizers. There are number of people in back ground. It is very important to appreciate them for their efforts.

It is significant and crucial part of every event. In fact, every event is considered to be incomplete without it. Speaker has to diligently deliver this speech. It is very important to observe all the arrangements.

Speaker should keenly look at the preparations of function. It is the best way to prepare and deliver really worthy and comprehensive vote of thanks. In case of farewell, it may also be offering gratitude to people for memories and long time together.

In it, person says thanks to all his colleagues. In such case, there are always emotions and sentiments associated with it.

One wants to thank for number of things and for beautiful journey together. Vote of thanks speech is always prepared accordingly to the event.

Purpose of Vote of thanks Speech

As the name indicates, the main purpose of vote of thanks speech is to say thanks to the people or organization for their efforts.

It is speech totally comprising of offering gratitude to specific audience. Vote of thanks speech is usually delivered at the end of event.

It is official way to say thanks to people. It is well prepared speech pay homage to the efforts of people who put their heart and soul in organizing event. It is little effort to appreciate the hard work of crew.

Speaker say thanks to people for attending the ceremony. It offers thanks to people gathered, the chief guest, the president, the teachers or students etc. it usually mention all the people who work hard in this regard.

There are many people who offer their help either financially or morally. The main idea of vote of thanks is to offer gratitude to all the people for their help and efforts.

How to Give Vote of thanks Speech?

There are following steps or guidelines to be followed for effective vote of thanks speech:

  • It is very important for speaker to be well prepared for the vote of thanks speech.
  • It is very important to start with opening sentence so that people clearly get idea of it.
  • Speaker should be confident and well dressed
  • Vote of thanks speech should be brief and effective
  • It is very important to announce names of all people and it is important to learn correct pronunciation of names.
  • It is very important to be modest in tone and attitude.
  • Speaker should take all the names with respect and do not humiliate any person.
  • Speaker should say thanks all the organizers, participants and audience.
  • Speaker should acknowledge the efforts of organizers.
  • Speaker should not try to gush. Be calm and speak the words clearly.
  • Use appropriate words and gestures during delivering vote of thanks speech.
  • Conclude your vote of thanks in effective way.

14 Samples of Vote of thanks speeches

Following are the samples of vote of thanks speeches. These are quite helpful for students to come up with their vote of thanks speech

Vote of thanks speech for attending the meeting

Good morning! I offer warm welcome to all the guests and organizers on this beautiful and glorious sunny day.

I am really gratified for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech to such a honorable audience. It was really a great time with you.

I am assured that you have also got a lot from this meeting. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage and spirit to arrange this glorified event. His blessing has turned this event into grand success.

I, on behalf of my team members and all the organizers, pass my warm thanks to all the audience for their significant presence in this meeting. I specially want to thank our chief guest respected Mr. (name) for his vital appearance.

Sir! Thanks a lot for giving us precious time in your busy schedule. It really means a lot to us. You have surely added to the charm of this event. Here I want to say thanks to our head of institute. Sir! It was truly impossible without your motivation.

You really motivated us to give our best. I also want to say thanks to all the speakers who have entertained us with their important and worthy opinions. I want to appreciate their efforts to make this event informative for all of us.

All the speakers give their best. Further, I want to pass my gratitude to our hosts. They perform their duty really gracefully. I would like to place my hearty thanks to all the people who work in background.

All the participants and volunteers have made this event even more graceful and glorified. Such a big event was not possible without their keen efforts. They really put their zeal and zest to make all the preparations.

It is very important to thanks all the members of our institute. Their combined efforts bear fruit otherwise it would be impossible. They show strong unity and high spirit make this event highly true. I offer my gratitude to my audience.

We are thankful to you for hearing every speaker with full concentration. Your applause really helps our performers to perform well. You make them to give their best by listen to their words attentively.

Your presence and participation make this event up to the mark. At last! Once again a warm thanks to all the people in this hall for making this event a grand success.

Vote of thanks Speech Function in School or College

Good morning! I offer warm welcome to all the guests, parents, students and teachers on this beautiful and glorious sunny day. I am really thankful for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech to such an honorable audience.

It was really a great time with you. I am assured that you have also enjoyed a lot at this function. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage and spirit to arrange this glorified function. His blessing has turned this event into grand success.

I , on behalf of my team fellows, all the teacher and staff, pass my warm thanks to all the audience for their significant presence in this function. I specially want to thank our chief guest respected Mr.(name)for his vital appearance.

He has truly honored our school by his presence. I also want to thank the head of school federation Mr. (name) for giving us precious and valuable time from busy schedule. Here is list of our guests whom presence means a lot to us.

Mr. (name) Mr. (name) Mr. (name)

We all are thankful to them for their time. These personalities have added to the glory of our function. I am gratified to the most important and special person our principal

Sir.—-. This function was not possible without his efforts. Sir! Thanks a lot for motivating us. I extend my gratitude to all the parents who specially come here for our function. Their presence and appreciation are very significant for our school.

A special thanks to all the teachers and their students. They all work round the clock for success of this function. Every teacher beautifully completes his assigned duties. They trained their students and guided them to perform perfectly.

All the performers were truly amazing today. They turned this function into the grand success. All the credit goes to hard work of teacher and students. I would like to thanks our supporting staff and all the volunteers.

These people were working in background and looking after everything. All the people show unity and zeal and zest for this glorified event.

I appreciate the efforts of all the people. At the end, I would say thanks to our audience for coming and appreciating our performers.

Their participation added to the beauty of this function. Once again thanks a lot to all the people in this ground for making his function honorable and mesmerizing.

Vote of thanks Speech for Guest Speaker

Good evening! All of you are welcome to this seminar. This seminar has been a great success so far as it imparted a lot of knowledge to all the people.

I, on behalf of my institute, want to deliver vote of thanks speech. I am really thankful to my teachers for giving me a chance to deliver this speech.

Ladies and Gentleman! I want to thank our guest speaker Mr. (name) for his active participation in our seminar.

Sir! You truly make this day full of knowledge for us. Your deep and intellectual way of imparting knowledge has added to the glory of this seminar.

Today, we have got a lot of information which will truly help us in our life. We have no words to offer gratitude for your valuable presence in this seminar. You gave deep insight into the topics and reveal some interesting facts.

It was really informative seminar in true sense. I am pretty sure the precious knowledge you gave us will definitely help us in our studies and future.

This seminar was truly worthy. Sir! You really motivated us to gain more and more knowledge and work hard in our respective fields.

Once again I would like to thank Mr. (name) for taking out time from his busy schedule and enlightening us with knowledge. We will wait for some more seminars like that for improving our knowledge and ourselves.

I would also want to thank our head of institute Mr. ABC for giving permission for this seminar. Your motivating words and interest in this seminar mean a lot to all the students and teachers. I would like to thank our teachers for making all the arrangement.

A big thanks to our student committee who really work hard for this seminar. Also, thank you to all the students for attending this seminar and paying attention. I would end my speech here. Thank you.

Vote of thanks Speech for teachers on teacher`s day

Good morning! A very warm welcome to this prestigious function of teacher`s day for our worthy and respectable teachers.

This day is truly memorable and respect worthy for all of us. We have proved our love and respect for this day by arranging this function.

It is basically our little effort to pay homage to our teachers for their dedication and hard work. We have gathered to celebrate their spirit, love and dedication for their honorable profession. I am really pleased to offer the vote of thanks speech on behalf of my school and fellows.

I would like to thank our chief guest Mr. (name) . We are really honored to have him among us. He is also well known lecturer and imparting best of his knowledge to his pupils. Our entire institute is thankful to you for your precious time.

We know very well you are always busy in your work. Sir! Thanks for taking out most important and precious time out of your busy schedule.

Your speech was truly amazing. It made us realize that teachers are really nation builder and put their hearty efforts to make our future bright.

We are all thankful for your words. These words really mean a lot to us and have encouraged us to respect our teachers. I extend my gratitude to our principal. Sir! We are really thankful to you for arranging this function.

This function has truly highlighted the importance and worth of teacher. Let me not forget our parents in this function.

Their presence makes this function even more glorified. They are also our teachers and teach us a lot of things to live a morally developed life.

I want to thank all the teachers. They are true nation builders. We fully believe that we are nothing without their guidance.

They have always motivated us to be a good person and better human being. All my love and respect to all the teachers there.

We salute you for your efforts and I have no words to say thanks. At the end, I am thankful to all the non-teaching staff, volunteers and all the people who are working in background. They all help us to make this function great success.

I will end my vote of thanks speech by thanking you all once again. This celebration would not be possible without your efforts. Thank you.

Vote of thanks Speech on Farewell

Good evening! I warmly welcome all the audience on such a soulful and beautiful eve. I hope you are enjoying it and it is quite evident from your faces. These smiles on your faces are really looking very beautiful.

I am truly gratified to my teachers for giving me a chance to deliver vote of thanks speech on our glorious farewell party.

It is very our last party in this college and we are really excited. All the arrangements, speeches and skits were truly memorable.

We all enjoy them a lot. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for His grace and blessings. We have completed our educational career with success and collecting a lot of memories. Allah Almighty has helped us a lot during this journey.

I would like to offer my thanks to our principal for making our college one of the best colleges of the city. He has always motivated us to achieve the best in life. His efforts are really fruitful in true sense. We will always remember your valuable advice.

These worthy advice lead us towards the road to success. Sir! You are truly blessing for all the students of the college. I pass on my gratitude to the teachers of our college. These are people who made us capable of achieving our dreams.

Throughout the journey, our teachers were always a driving force. They imparted the best of their knowledge through their insight. I truly have no words to say thanks to my teachers. All the sentiments are bonded with your love and respect and it is certain we are going to miss you.

Undoubtedly, we got the best teachers of the world. Thank you so much for making us capable. At the end, I want to say thanks to all my fellows and juniors. We all have mixed feeling on this occasion.

On one hand, we are pleased for completing our degree but on the other hand we are sad for departing from our friends.

Every moment is truly memorable in this college. We are going to miss that roars of laughter, sharing our lunch at canteen, playing games in playground, making fun and many more.

I am truly thankful for all of these sweet memories. All these warm friendships and fun have given us a lot.

Thank you guys! You have made this journey full of fun and truly mesmerizing. I am also thankful to all the staff of this college for treating us with love and care.

Thanks to all the volunteers and college administration for arranging such a glorified farewell party for all of us. Thank you all. May God bless this college even more!

Vote of thanks Speech for Inaugural Function

Good morning! A very warm welcome to all the audience for their presence on this glorified sunny day. It is my privilege to have been asked to propose a vote of thanks on this occasion.

I, on behalf of my institution and all the members, offer hearty thankful to all of you. First of all, I am thankful to Almighty for giving us courage to start our new journey. I hope He will help us during our journey and fulfill our dream.

May God help us and give us more power and courage to move on the road to success. Amen. I would like to thank our honorable chief guest Mr. (name) for his valuable presence.

Sir! We all are thankful to you for your precious time. We all know you are very busy these days. Once again thanks a lot for taking your precious time out of busy schedule.

Your words have truly encouraged and motivated us and we will follow your valuable advices and guidelines. I further pass on my gratitude to our honorable guests from the city.

Mr. (name) Mr. (name) Mr. (name) and Mr. (NAME)

Your presence has added to the honor of our event. We are really blessed to have you and thanks a lot for your precious prayer. I offer my thanks to our head of our institute for his initiative.

I hope this institute will bring a positive change in our society and help to develop humanity on true basis. I am certain that this institute will make success by leaps and bounds. I want to thank all the people who put their efforts to develop this institute.

It would never be possible without your help. Their dedication and hard work bear fruit today. I hope they will continue to work with same passion.

I am also thankful to all the volunteers for their valuable efforts. I must appreciate their hearty efforts and firm determination. All of them work round a clock for making this intuition a grand success.

At the end, I am thankful to all the staff for their efforts and arranging this function. All the speakers have beautifully added to the glory of this event. I am very gratified to all the audience for coming here and for their best wishes on this augural event.

We will try our best to work according to your expectation. Thanks a lot for appreciating us. I will end my speech here. Once again thanks to all the people for their precious presence. Thank you.

Words to thank my Students

Good morning! I hope you all are enjoying this function. It is my privilege to say some words for my dear students. First of all, thanks to Almighty for such a beautiful journey of my life. it has been very amazing journey so far.

I myself have learned a lot. I am truly thankful to all my students for showing very deep interest in learning. You have always been very attentive during lecture. Your questions have made me to deliver best of my lectures.

I must appreciate your thirst for learning. You are very cheerful and bright students and I truly enjoyed having you in my class. You have always respected me and listened to me carefully. I am really blessed to have students like you.

You have always acted upon my advices. This thing has always made me proud. You have always respected me in the class and even out of class. I will always remember your love and respect for me. Your association in class was mind blowing.

You always helped each other in understanding lectures. You were always together. Your bonding was truly amazing. Your friendships and all that determination were excellent. I am really proud of you all.

You all were very imaginative and creative with great ideas. Your projects, presentation and art work were always up to the mark.

You all have tons of potential. You are very intelligent and capable people. You have participated in all the school function.

You have been integral part of all the functions. We all are going to miss your active and determined participation in all the events. Your class was truly jack of all trades in true sense. I am pretty sure you have bright future ahead.

No one can stop you. You all will get your most cherished and wanted dreams in your life. Thank you for being such a amazing class. At the end, I will say never give up. Keep working hard will dedication.

Your firm determination will take you to the pinnacle of success. Always respect your parents and teachers. You should always try to work for betterment of humanity.

You are really ideal students and I am certain you are going to make your prominent name in this world. Thank you for such a exceptional teaching experience with all of you. May God bless all of you!

Vote of thanks Speech for Seminar:

Good evening everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful time during our seminar today. On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to attend this event.

We had an amazing lineup of speakers who shared their knowledge and expertise with us on various topics. Their insightful presentations were truly thought-provoking and I believe we have all gained valuable insights from them.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed guest speakers who traveled from different parts of the country to be with us today. Their contribution has been instrumental in making this seminar a success.

A special mention goes out to our sponsors whose support and participation have been crucial in bringing this event to fruition. We truly appreciate your generosity and continuous support towards our cause.

I would also like to thank our team of dedicated volunteers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly. Their hard work and dedication have been invaluable.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for being such an engaging audience. Your active participation and insightful questions have made this seminar truly interactive and engaging.

I hope you all had a great learning experience today and will take back valuable knowledge that you can apply in your personal and professional lives.

With that, I would like to conclude by once again thanking everyone involved in making this seminar a grand success. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause for being a part of such a fantastic event.

Thanks You Speech for attending Church Event:

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

I am honored to stand before you today to express my sincere gratitude for your presence at this wonderful church event. It is a blessing to see so many of you gathered here as we celebrate our faith and unity.

Firstly, I would like to thank our heavenly Father for guiding us in organizing this event and for bestowing his grace upon us. We are truly grateful for his love and mercy.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our beloved pastor, Reverend [Name], for his inspiring message and continuous guidance. Thank you for leading us in the right direction and helping us grow in our spiritual journey.

To all the members of the organizing committee, thank you for your hard work and dedication in making this event a success. Your tireless efforts have truly paid off and we are blessed to have such talented individuals in our church.

A special thank you goes out to all the volunteers who selflessly gave their time and energy to help with various tasks throughout the event. Your contribution has been invaluable and we couldn’t have done it without you.

I would also like to express my gratitude to all the performers and speakers who shared their talents with us today. Your performances were truly uplifting and inspiring, reminding us of the power of faith and worship.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and every one of you for being here today. Your presence has made this event even more special and we are grateful for your support and participation.

Thank You Speech after an Event:

Hello everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for being a part of this event. It has been an absolute pleasure and honor to be surrounded by such talented individuals and I am truly grateful for the experience.

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who was involved in organizing this event. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Without your efforts, this event would not have been possible and I am truly thankful for everything you have done.

Next, I would like to extend my thanks to all the attendees. Your presence and support mean a lot to me and I am grateful for your participation in making this event a success.

I also want to thank our sponsors for their generous contributions. Your support has made a significant impact on this event and I am truly grateful for your partnership.

To the speakers, thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. Your presentations were insightful and inspiring, leaving a lasting impression on all of us.

Last but not least, I want to express my gratitude to the entire team who worked behind the scenes to make sure everything ran smoothly. Your hard work, dedication, and attention to detail did not go unnoticed and I am truly thankful for your contributions.

Appreciation Words for Chief Guest:

It’s not every day that we have the opportunity to welcome a chief guest to our event. Their presence adds a special touch and brings with it a sense of honor and importance. So, how do we show our appreciation for their time and contribution? Let’s explore some words of gratitude that we can use to express our thanks to the chief guest.

Firstly, expressing gratitude towards the chief guest is important because it acknowledges their presence and shows that we value their time. We can start by saying “Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here with us today.” This statement conveys a sense of gratefulness and acknowledges that the chief guest has made an effort to attend our event.

Next, we can express our appreciation by highlighting the significance of their presence. For example, we can say “Your esteemed presence has made our event even more special and memorable.” This statement not only shows gratitude but also acknowledges that the chief guest’s presence has added value to our event.

We can also express our appreciation by thanking the chief guest for their contribution or support. For instance, we can say “Your insightful speech has enlightened us and added depth to our event.” This statement not only expresses gratitude but also acknowledges the chief guest’s contribution towards the success of our event.

Furthermore, we can show appreciation by highlighting the positive impact that the chief guest’s presence has had on the audience. For example, we can say “Your words have inspired and motivated everyone present here today.” This statement not only thanks the chief guest but also acknowledges the positive influence they have had on the audience.

Finally, we can express our gratitude by acknowledging the chief guest’s role as a leader and their support towards our cause or event. For instance, we can say “We are honored to have such a distinguished leader like you grace us with your presence.” This statement not only shows appreciation but also acknowledges the chief guest’s leadership qualities and support.

Vote of thanks for Independence Day:

Good morning everyone!

On this special day of Independence, I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who have made today’s celebration possible.

Firstly, I want to thank our honorable chief guest [Name], for gracing us with your presence and making this occasion even more memorable. Your inspiring words have truly enriched our minds and hearts.

I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to [Name], for delivering such an enlightening speech, reminding us of the sacrifices our ancestors made to earn us this freedom. Your words have truly moved us and will stay with us forever.

A special thanks goes out to all the organizers who worked tirelessly behind the scenes, planning and executing every detail flawlessly. Without your hard work and dedication, this event would not have been the grand success it is today.

On this note, I also want to extend my gratitude to all the performers who showcased their talents through various cultural programs. You have truly made us proud and brought alive the spirit of Independence.

I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of our security personnel for ensuring our safety during this celebration. Your service and sacrifices are deeply appreciated.

To all the participants, thank you for being a part of this celebration and making it more lively and colorful. Your enthusiasm has truly added to the festive atmosphere.

Lastly, I would like to thank each one of you in the audience for being here today and making this event a memorable one. Let us all take a moment to reflect on the significance of this day and remember our responsibility towards preserving our freedom.

Thank you once again, and I wish you all a happy Independence Day. Jai Hind!

Funny Vote of Thanks:

Thanks for joining us today! I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Before we wrap things up, let’s give a big round of applause to everyone who made this event possible. To the organizers, thank you for putting together such an entertaining and memorable gathering. And to all the volunteers and staff, your hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed.

But let’s not forget to give a special shoutout to the speakers and performers who kept us entertained throughout the event. Your talent and energy definitely made this event one for the books.

Now, as we end this gathering, I want to leave you with some parting words of wisdom. Remember to always find humor in life, even during tough times. Laughter truly is the best medicine and can bring people together in the most unexpected ways.

And lastly, let’s not forget to thank ourselves for taking the time to come together and enjoy this event. Without our participation and enthusiasm, this would not have been such a success.

So with that being said, let’s raise our glasses one more time and cheers to a fun-filled day! Until we meet again, keep on smiling and spreading joy wherever you go. Thank you all once again for being a part of this special event. Goodbye everyone! And remember, always vote for laughter and happiness in life. It’s the best kind of vote there is! See you next time! Cheers!

Vote of Thanks for Promotion:

Congratulations on your recent promotion! It is truly a great achievement and a testament to your hard work and dedication. As you embark on this new chapter in your career, please allow me to express my gratitude through this vote of thanks.

Firstly, I would like to thank the management team for recognizing the value and potential in promoting our colleague. This decision not only benefits the individual but also reflects positively on the company’s culture of growth and development.

Secondly, I would like to thank our colleague for setting a high standard for excellence in their work. Your dedication, commitment, and positive attitude have not gone unnoticed by your peers and superiors. You have gone above and beyond in your role, and it is no surprise that you have been rewarded with a promotion.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank our team for their support and encouragement. Your contributions have contributed to the success of our colleague, and I am proud to work alongside such a talented and hardworking group of individuals.

Lastly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to our clients for their trust and continued support. It is through your satisfaction with our colleague’s work that this promotion was made possible.

In conclusion, I would like to congratulate our colleague once again and wish them all the best in their new role. Your growth and success are an inspiration to us all, and we look forward to seeing you thrive in your new position. Thank you for being a valuable member of our team, and we are excited to see what the future holds for you. # Thank you!

Vote of thanks speech is a simple speech to offer gratitude to all the people who put their efforts in particular function. It is formal speech at the end of function. It is brief speech involving thanks to chief guests, principal, teachers, volunteers and audience etc.

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Words Of Appreciation For School

40 Thank You Speech and Words Of Appreciation For School Management and Principal

As parents or guardians, you are not supposed to wait for teachers ‘ day, open day, or principal appreciation days before we appreciate those who care for and teach our children. The more we appreciate them the more they realize that you acknowledge their effort and their hard-noticed ice. Words of appreciation for school management and the principal will always get them motivated to joyfully deliver better service to your kids.

Appreciation goes a very long way no matter the standard of the school or the qualifications of the teachers in the school. As much as they teach your child and that child is doing excellently well I feel such teachers or schools need to be appreciated for a well-done job.

The four walls of a school build a child for six years of primary school and another six years of secondary learning, this is a huge task for them. It is high time we inculcated the art of acknowledging the effective work of a school that makes learning, development, growth, and many other avenues a convenient place for students.

In this collection of words to appreciate a school, the management of the principal, we have put together sweet and mind-blowing words of appreciation for the school.

Thank You Speech for School Management

Appreciation words for school principal, school appreciation speech, school appreciation quotes.

1. We appreciate you, you are doing a great job. You are such a great teacher Thank you! It gladdens my heart to say this school is the best among all the schools around. Your excellence in everything makes this school stand out and we are proud of it as a parent-teacher association.

2. We want to say thank you, we notice all the good things you are doing. All your efforts have the effect of obvious improvement in our children’s learning skills, they keep improving every day and they are doing well academically. This has always been the Joy of parents to see their children succeed.

3. I love your school, you guys are doing a great job, I love your teaching style and the school environment, and the school uniforms are like no other in this community. My mind is rest assured that my children are in safe hands and at the best school ever.

4. This great Citadel of learning has been amazing, helping your student, by all means, to do well academically is what I appreciate the most. I wish other schools could be like this and have this kind of teaching pattern. You guys are good at what you do.

5. I would like to give accolades to the school management for giving room to capable teachers who are qualified for the work and to the staff thank you for giving your best in the class and to the school. Your effort has been a noticeable positive change. Thank you!

6. The story of the success and huge difference of our children cannot be complete without involving the school management. The roles have played in children’s lives are amazing. Am saying thank you to the school principal, staff, and non-teaching staff for their zealousness to see the children excel.

7. Our children keep saying a lot of good things that have happened and how the teachers take good care of them. We can see the effect of your hard work and commitment in their lives. We are saying thank you for this utmost transformation academically.

8. Thanks to your esteemed principal, able teachers, and other faithful members of the staff. During the term I noticed the new potential my son just discovered, he’s not doing well in his science subject. I’m so happy to see you active like this. Thank you for this special role you took in his life.

9. We want to use this moment to say a very big thank you to the school management for a successful term. I appreciate the extracurricular activities that were organized for the students. It has been an amazing period for the student

10. My genuine appreciation goes to the whole school management, you all are amazing in your doings. The school and everything in it has been exceptional out there. Thank you for every time you show love, discipline, and correction to our children. We are grateful!

11. Your compassion and understanding of our students are admirable and your ability to connect with them is inspiring. They all truly love to be around you to learn more about how to be a good example of themselves and stand out in their academics. We are truly thankful for all you have done.

12. Dear principal, thank you for the countless efforts you put into our school. Your commitment and support to the school environment, staff, and students are truly inspiring. With this new revolution, I believe they are going places. Thank you for always and constant support to us all

13. You brought passion and enthusiasm that has positively impacted everyone in our school. You have led by example, modeling the traits of a good leader, integrity, respect, compassion, and perseverance everyone can now relate with each other with love and assistance

14. You have created a safe, conducive, and supportive learning environment where students can show their talent and apply wisdom without the help of teachers. Students feel supported and valued even though the staff are constantly appreciated.

15. Your vision for the school is truly extraordinary and remarkable from other schools. The discipline, standards, and academic excellence are uncommon. We are lucky to have a principal like you. Thank you for your daily guidance and support. You have made a positive and remarkable impact on our lives.

16. I want to say thank you for being the principal every student would love to have. You know how to control students without abusive words or insults. You are so patient and flexible with students no matter who they are. No comparison in your arms of love and that makes us love you the most. You are the best so far and you will remain the best .

17. I appreciate you sir for everything you are doing to advance the school, your new motives and renovation have been the talk of the town and many can’t wait to gain admission to the school. I’m very blessed to have a principal like you, you care and understand students so well.

18. I can beat my chest and say that if other school principals can initiate your kind of vision and personality and the like, we would have a high probability of raising thoughtful future leaders of tomorrow. You are one of the big role models for your students to emulate. I’m saying thank you to you and the entire staff.

19. Dear Sir, your presence in our school is a true gift. You are a role model for students and staff. Thank you for making our school the best place for learning, vocational skills, and growth where many will love to be given admission. We are thankful for your hard work and support.

20. You are a natural leader that people love to follow. Thank you for inspiring us every morning on the assembly ground. every one of your words took firm ground in our hearts. You make learning enjoyable. We sincerely appreciate you for all you’ve done.

Relevant topic : thank you message to students for good performance

21. Dear loving parents, we want to thank you for trusting us and for your unwavering help and engagement in your child’s education. Your dedication and involvement have played a vital part in their success throughout the session and I know it is not stopping here. Thank you!

22. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to the best parents ever. Thank you for your exceptional dedication and for entrusting us with the care and education of your children. We are honored for such trust. Your encouragement and support have helped us this far.

23. We appreciate you for your everyday concern towards your child’s learning journey. It has made learning easy for them and the school environment has grown stronger. This means a lot to us and we must say we are happy to partner with yoOurOut partnership has brought a huge difference to the school.

24. Dear parents, we cannot appreciate you enough your consistent involvement in your child’s education has motivated us all. We are thankful for your constant support and the huge positive impact it has on our school. We are blessed to have you all as our parents.

25. What then can we say to our champion parents you all are amazing, for your tremendous support and engagement in our school events and activities. Your passion and enthusiasm have made a wall and world of difference. We celebrate and appreciate you all.

26. From the deepest part of us as the school management we would like to express our gratitude to our parents and to reflect on the academic calendar we realize that your consistency in support and your dedication has brought us this far. Every one of you has been incredible towards the learning of your children. We want to say thank you!

27. To the super amazing parents of our students we are grateful for choosing us and not giving up on your children’s education. This term has been so amazing alongside your inspiration, contribution, and dedication to the school community. We are grateful for your support.

28. We want to appreciate all the parents who have been constantly active in school activities and dedicated to the upbringing and development of their children. It has been a great Joy to notice your impact on your children’s assignments and other homework. Thank you very much!

29. To our supportive parents we want to extend our heart of appreciation and gratitude for your help and engagement over the term. We noticed all you did individually and collectively. We can only say thank you because we are nothing without your cooperation.

30. Dear parents, we are full of joy to convey our appreciation to you. Thank you for your support, understanding, contribution, and loyalty. We enjoy your unwavering effort towards your children’s learning journey and always yielding to our calls whenever your attention is needed in the school. We hope to have more great success this term. Thank you!

Read also : Remarks of Teachers on Students’ Progress

31. It takes a large heart to help shape a small mind. As we reflect on the school calendar we cannot look away but recognize your support as a parent to the school and its environment. Your time and resources honestly count and we appreciate it the most. Thank you!

32. We appreciate all that you do, this school wouldn’t have attained this height if not for your generosity and contribution. Thanks for planting seeds of knowledge into the lives of your children. Your support and crucial role in their academics are excellent. We love you all!

33. Thank you for making a difference every day, we are super amazing at the positive difference, the kids have been doing excellently well since they started this school and that is good news all the way. God will continue to give you wisdom and knowledge to lead and train them right.

34. This school made me realize that You don’t just teach, you inspire. Your hard work has inspired the children to always want to learn and grow in all aspects. Thank you for giving it your best to see them excel and be the champions they are meant to be. We are grateful!

35. Appreciation is a good thing to do, it makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. Because divided we fall United we stand. Cooperation and transparency in the partnership with the schools and parents can only make a better future. We are thankful for your kindness !

36. A shout out to those incredible educators who make you a better person and teach every day for you to grow. It hasn’t been an easy task but your reward will always be yours. We are grateful for helping in growing the children and exposing them to a better future.

37. We want to show thanks for all that you have done. You are the best of all the best. We can’t deny all of your support, commitment, contribution, prayers, and advice. They have helped us to stand for the right thing and go for the best. We appreciate you!

38. Hats off to all our students and parents. We are proud of you. The success story of this school can never be complete without a salute to our lovely parents. You have given us your best time and resources. We would love to partner with you more in this next session. Together we can do it!

39. Your financial support and encouragement have helped us to this noticeable height. The school has been coming first in all external exams, quizzes, debates, and many more. Please encourage your children to study hard for their goals to be easy to achieve.

40. We want to appreciate our loving parents no other. We see all that you do and we acknowledge it. Thank you for your time and consideration. It has been helpful to every member of the staff and the school itself. We pray that God continues to bless you more and more for you to do your responsibility as parents.

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thanks giving speech to school

Thank You Speech for Students and Children

Introduction to thank you speech.

Thank you is a powerful magic word. It is a word that quickly generates respect in the heart of others for the one saying it. Furthermore, it is a word that can bridge gaps and build friendly relationships. Moreover, saying thank you is a way of expressing gratitude to someone who has done you a favor. Different people in our life our deserving of this word. Read Thank You Speech here.

Medical Benefits

Research has indicated that individuals who are grateful by nature are happier. Furthermore, the research also tells us that such people are likely to maintain good friendships.

According to research by the Institute of HeartMath, a state of gratitude is helpful for maintaining a healthy heart. Furthermore, the research also tells us that such a state will reduce stress and allow a person to think more clearly. Obviously, if you think about it, it is impossible for a person to be thankful and stressful at the same time.

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Builds Strong Relationships

Sometimes you may feel like saying thanks may not matter to you much. However, it matters a lot to the person you express your gratitude to. A small thank you from you can have a profound positive long term effect on your relationship. Furthermore, when you say thank you, the person is highly likely to remember you in the future. Immediately you make a positive image about yourself in the other person’s mind.

When you say thank you, you create a platform to build a strong relationship. After all, it is hard to dislike or ignore a person who acknowledges your effort and expresses gratitude. Also, this other person will look forward to helping you in the future and return the favor.

Be Thankful to Simple Things

You don’t have to wait for momentous occasions to be thankful. If you wait for such moments only, then remember this that such moments are rare. Therefore, you will have very few occasions and moments to be thankful to. That certainly is a wrong approach.

What each person should do is to be thankful for simple things in life. One may say there is not much fun in simple things and they are not precious. Well, that’s certainly a wrong attitude. One must always try to focus and cherish the little things in life.

Taking a simple walk every day for a few minutes is a simple reason to be thankful. Be thankful when you walk on the road or in a garden. Cherish the surroundings while walking like trees, flowers, birds, etc.

A meal is something that we consume every day. But how many of us actually acknowledge the fact that we are lucky enough to eat food and enjoy it. Delicious food is a blessing that we should greatly admire each and every day of our lives.

Saying thank you at work is another good and simple way of expressing gratitude. You can send thank you notes to your fellow employees saying that you value their friendship and warm company. Look for opportunities to say thank you to fellow employees whenever they do something good. Besides, you must also say thank you to individuals like the gatekeepers, security personnel, janitors, etc.

Finally, there are some individuals who feel that they have nothing good in life and their life is full of calamities. Well, in that case, I will suggest such an individual go and visit places like hospitals and graveyards. Such places will make this individual feel sad and be thank full for even the smallest things in life.

Saying thank you is one of the best yet simplest of things you can do in your life. It’s a precious word that each individual must make use of from time to time. Be thankful for whatever opportunity or blessing you get in life.

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Speech for Students

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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Thank You Speech for Students

Thank you speech generatorfor volunteers.

thanks giving speech to school


  • Greeting: “Hello everyone, dear students, teachers, and staff,”
  • Purpose: “I am here today to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation.”
  • “I want to start by thanking each and every one of you, my fellow students, for making our school journey memorable and enriching.”
  • “A special shoutout to [Student’s Name/Teacher’s Name], for [specific reason, like help in a project or constant encouragement].”
  • “I am also grateful to [specific groups, like the student council, sports team, etc.], for your dedication and spirit.”
  • “Let me share a quick story that perfectly encapsulates our incredible school spirit and camaraderie.”
  • “Our time here at [School Name] has been filled with invaluable learning, both academic and personal.”
  • “I am thankful for the endless support, friendship, and guidance that I have received from each one of you.”
  • “Together, we have faced challenges, celebrated successes, and grown immensely.”


  • “I want to reiterate my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your incredible impact on my life.”
  • “As we move forward in our journeys, let’s carry the lessons and memories we’ve shared.”
  • “I am excited to see the amazing paths each of us will take, armed with the knowledge and experiences we’ve gained here.”
  • “Thank you once again for everything. Let’s make the most of our remaining time together and create even more memories!”

Sample Thank You Speech for Students

“Hello everyone, dear students, teachers, and staff,   I am here today to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation. I want to start by thanking each and every one of you, my fellow students, for making our school journey memorable and enriching.   A special shoutout to Mrs. Thompson, for her unwavering support and encouragement in my science fair project. Her guidance was instrumental in helping me achieve success. I am also grateful to the members of the student council, for your dedication and spirit, which have been a cornerstone of our school’s vibrant community.   Let me share a quick story that perfectly encapsulates our incredible school spirit and camaraderie. Last year, during the annual sports meet, despite the pouring rain, our football team, along with a crowd of students, stayed on the field, cheering and supporting each other till the very end. It was a moment of unity and perseverance that I will never forget.   Our time here at Springfield High has been filled with invaluable learning, both academic and personal. I am thankful for the endless support, friendship, and guidance that I have received from each one of you. Together, we have faced challenges, celebrated successes, and grown immensely.   I want to reiterate my heartfelt thanks to all of you for your incredible impact on my life. As we move forward in our journeys, let’s carry the lessons and memories we’ve shared. I am excited to see the amazing paths each of us will take, armed with the knowledge and experiences we’ve gained here.   Thank you once again for everything. Let’s make the most of our remaining time together and create even more memories!”


Text prompt

  • Instructive
  • Professional

Write a thank you speech for teachers at the end of the school year

Compose a thank you speech for volunteers who helped during the school festival.

Talk to our experts


  • Thank You Speech for Teachers


Introduction to the Speech

The term "teach" comes from the Middle English word "techne," which means "to demonstrate or instruct." A teacher is a person that has played an important role in everyone's life. He or she shows their students the right path and educates them in the areas of wisdom, virtue, competence, and so on. Here we have provided both long and short thank you speeches for teachers for the students of Classes 1 to 12.

Long Thanks Giving Speech for Teachers

Greetings everyone! I am ABC and today I have the pleasure of hosting this program and delivering the thank you speech to teachers who have made us what we are today. This is a very emotional time for all of us because, on one hand, we are moving towards a new life. On the other hand, we are leaving our favorite place, our school, where we spent the most formative years of our lives.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of our teachers for preparing us to compete in the global marketplace. Our teachers are a symbol of our strength and will always be a  wonderful source of support for us all. They are tough in the form of fathers and loving in the form of mothers, caring for us as if we were friends, strict disciplinarians but always looking out for us. Our teachers are great individuals who have shaped us after our parents and made us wise to deal with the world. We've accepted everything and worked hard to overcome our flaws as a team.

I recall being a timid and introverted student when I first enrolled in this class. I've struggled with public speaking, and today I'm giving a gratitude speech for teachers who helped me overcome my shyness. This is due to the effort and care they showered on me. They didn't leave any stone unturned in their efforts to alter my personality and attitude. 

I don't think I need to say that they've done a pretty good job of preparing me for the outside world. The teacher resembles a mentor and serves as an excellent role model for students. Every word spoken by the teacher is embraced by the students. Teachers are excellent and selfless people who accept each student without prejudice.

In comparison to other students, I found it more difficult to complete my projects and assignments. You took extra time to prepare me for the real world' and paid close attention to me. I recall a time in class 11 when I had given up all hope. You all encouraged me in your own unique way and shared stories of great people who rose to fame after adversity.

You instilled in me the importance of working hard and not compromising on small matters. All of these things I've learned from you. I am confident that all of my friends would like to express their gratitude to our dear teachers, as we are always grateful to all of you.

On behalf of myself and my classmates, I would like to express my gratitude to all of the  Teachers who helped us in our journey.

Short Thanking Speech for Teachers

When I first met you, I despised you. You made me stand up straight, which I despised. I despised the way you forced me to wear my uniform correctly. I despised the way you forced me to speak properly. Most of all, I despised the way you insisted on only accepting my work if it was the best I could do. And the best always seemed to necessitate more effort than I was willing to expend.

At first, we had a lot of disagreements. I recall being kept in a lot during lunch. And, despite my screaming and threats – and even a few tears – I recall you never lose your cool. You've always been very patient with me. You were always willing to listen to me whenever I needed to be heard.

I consider that period to be pivotal in my growth into the person I am today. You instilled discipline in me. You instilled in me the value of respect. You taught me much more than English, which was what you were supposed to be teaching me. You taught me that I was capable of much more than I or others believed. Instead of being a clown, I could be a success. 

A motivator. An inspiration. An Enthusiast. These three qualities are just a few of the many you show every day with all of your students, including me.

Too often, we rush through the ‘ropes of life,' oblivious to the importance of taking the time to express our gratitude and genuine appreciation for the support you so generously provide for our development as not only students but also as global citizens.

Thank you for your honesty. Thank you for seeing me as a learning and sharing partner. Thank you for allowing yourself to be who you are. Thank you for being one of the few outstanding educators in the world. May you be an inspiration to others to achieve greatness as you have.

10 Lines for Thanks Giving Speech for Teachers

We have curated 10 lines for students of Classes 1 to 3 which will help them in writing a gratitude speech for teachers.

Thank you to all of the teachers who are present at this school. Because of your love, care, advice, and support, all of us students will become so capable.

For us, all of our professors have been a source of inspiration.

As I've gotten older, I've realized that teachers play a critical role in the lives of children.

They aid in the development of our interpersonal skills, communication skills, writing skills, overall gestures, and presentation skills.

For any school or educational center to exist, teachers must be present.

The great teachers who have been a part of this journey have given me the courage and self-confidence that I have today.

My professors have led and supported me as if they were my parents and friends, and as a result, they hold a special place in my heart today.

I believe I have learned a lot from first grade to the last session of 12th grade.

Thank you to all of my professors for helping me become a better citizen. Thank you all for attending this meeting.

Teachers have a significant influence on our lives. They influence our lives by passing on their wisdom, and they never fail to inspire us to dream, fight, and never give up. They work tirelessly every day to ensure our success. It's critical to recognize and honor the teachers who have devoted their lives to the advancement of the country.


FAQs on Thank You Speech for Teachers

1. What to say to thank you, teachers?

Students who want to thank their teachers can write a thank you note by starting with dear madam, or dear( teacher’s name) and then, they can write their message for the teacher about how your teacher is so special to you. And the way she has helped you throughout the year, etc. A simple message with genuine feelings will work well.

When you write for your teacher you can make some reference to a particular situation where your teacher has helped you and you were so grateful for it.

Being a teacher is a tough job, your teacher works really hard to groom you well and help you to be a good human being. Students should always respect their teachers and a thank you message or card is always appreciated by a teacher, it makes them feel loved.

2. What is the best message for the teacher?

A teacher plays a very important role in a student’s life, it can be anywhere from kindergarten to school to college. Teachers help students to be good and be successful in whatever they do. Students can send a thank you message to their teacher to make them feel special and happy, and let them know how important she is for you.

Thank you messages written by you should be genuine and filled with love. Students can use affectionate words to write their message and also they can describe a particular moment they shared with the teacher and thank her for always being there for them. With this students will be able to write the best message for their teacher.  

You can connect with Vedantu to get help to write the best message to make your teacher feel very special. You can get messages for any occasion with Vedantu as the experts will help you to know what you want and so you can customize your message accordingly. 

3. How do you start a thank you note to a teacher?

Thanking notes should be very particular, especially when it is for your teacher, who is one of the most important people in your life.The person who guides you and helps you to achieve your goals and motivates you to be what you want to be in your life. Teachers are role models for students and if a student wants to thank their teacher then they don’t need any expensive gifts, the best gift for a teacher is a well-written thank-you note or card, it makes them feel honored.

To start a thank you note, students should start with greetings to the teacher. Students should write a genuine message and describe what they are thankful for, it can be any particular situation where their teacher has guided them and they are thankful for it. It can be a thank you message for extra classes which your teacher has taken for you to excel in your exam. 

4. Why are teachers important in our life?

The person who helps us to be what we are today is either our parents or our teachers. They are the one who guides us and shows us a way to move forward in our life. Motivating and inspiring us with their thoughts and teaching us wisdom in everything we do.

The Teacher is our guiding angel who gives us moral support and encourages us to be good human beings and live our life happily. They teach us how to treat everyone with quality and live equally in our society.

No one in this world can help you in the way your teacher does, she helps you to correct all your mistakes and polish yourself for this highly competitive world. No one wants to see the other one successful, only your parents and your teacher push you to work hard and be successful in your life.  

Students should frequently do little gestures to make their teachers know how thankful they are for everything. The best way to thank a teacher is a thank you message. It can be a card or letter or speech. Anything will be great. You just need to find perfect words to express what you feel for your teachers. This will be the best present a teacher can get.

5. Where can I get the best thank you speech for teachers?

Vedantu is the one-stop solution for all your educational queries. To find the best thank you speech for your teacher you can check the Vedantu portal where you can find the best speech which is written by professionals. This portal helps you to take expert guidance and get solutions to all your problems.  Vedantu has a team of most experienced teachers that are highly qualified. Students can take one-to-one online classes to get personal guidance for any topic. You can download a Free PDF for Thank you speech for teachers with Vedantu, the best online learning portal.

Thank You Speech Samples for Teachers, Students, Party, and Personal Events

Here you will get best Thank you speech samples for Teachers, Students, Party, and Personal events. These thank you speech formats help you in various programs in your office and school.

Table of Contents

Thank You Speech for the Teachers (600 Words)

This is a thank you speech for teachers for introducing teacher. This appreciation speech will help you in your school seminars and various events.

I am grateful to you for accepting me as a part of your class. I know I have not always made things easy for you. I was not as consistent as other students in studies, yet you used to treat me like you used to do with other students, but you did not get angry or punished me; rather, You always showed me the right path.

Today, on this occasion, I especially thank (teacher’s name) will take a moment out of this ceremony, which will always be my guide and show me the right direction and path to walk.

Thank You Speech for a Farewell Party for Various Events

Thank you speech for farewell event. You can use this appreciation speech on both school and office parties for thanking.

Today is a sad time to say goodbye to him. But before that, I would like to share with you some moments spent in this office. I still remember that he joined this office ten years ago. However, it never is known to us that how this long time has passed with Mr. Brijesh happily.

“He has to change often, who will be constant in happiness or knowledge.”

And I had very good friends in the office, spending time with them will be unforgettable for me throughout my life.No one can take their place in this office, that place will always be empty.

At the end of this speech, I would say that you all are a part of our office, and you would always be. So anytime you need help, guidance, or help, just contact us whenever we are happy to help you.

Thank You Speech for Colleagues on an Award Function (600 Words)

Good evening to all respected seniors and my colleagues. Wow! What a great day, today I am feeling extremely honored to receive such an important award (mentioning the name of the award). When I first heard, I could not believe that.

Today I am taking this award (mentioning the name of the award). It would not be possible without the inspiration from my colleagues. My imagination and hard work lead me to achieve this award, and in the future, I will work again with the same dedication for the development of the whole company.

Thank You Speech for Father (600 Words) or Personal Speech

This is a thank you speech for personal and family event. You can make changes and use this speech for various family events to appreciate and thank someone.

Discipline – Dad always teaches me to be in discipline, and he is also in discipline himself. From morning to night, their entire routine is in discipline. He gets up in the morning to go to the office to do the daily chores and return on time after completing his work. And even then, he does not rest, but he also takes me to rotate in the evening every day. Ask me, how was the day, any problem?

I feel wonder, is my Father is a superman? I believe that this is not at all possible for a common person like me. Today, I am addressing here amidst all my friends and well-wisher to celebrate my success.

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20 Short Thank You Speech Samples For Various Occasions

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Words have the ability to etch a lingering and everlasting impact on any listener. Therefore, we believe that expressing thankfulness is something that can go a long way in conveying gratitude to a person. But saying a mere “thank you so much” makes it look more like a formality rather than demonstrating indebtedness. Hence, a thank you speech can be used to demonstrate appreciation in a heartfelt manner. Keeping this in mind, we have prepared a set of Short thank you speech samples for various occasions to make it easier for you to give credit to your loved ones in a wholesome manner.


Short Thank You Speech Samples For Various Occasions


  • Here’s to those who inspire you and don’t even know it.
  • Let us be kinder to one another.
  • Thank you for being an important part of my story.
  • A moment of gratitude makes a difference in your attitude.

Wedding Thank You Speech

A wedding thank you speech from the bride and groom is a special way to thank all the loved ones and the guests. The wedding thank you speech is a way to heartfully thank everyone around for making the most important day of their life special.

Rachel and I want to thank all of our guests for being here to celebrate our special day. We are grateful to the love and courtesy which everyone has garnered upon us, not just today but since the time you all have known us. We also want to thank everyone who was involved in the planning of the wedding. The wedding would not have been as beautiful without your service. As we venture into our married life, I hope that the love and support which we have received continues. I thank you all, again, for taking out time out of your busy schedules to be here on our special day. It means a lot to both of us, and words fall short to express my thankfulness today.


  • It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.
  • The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.

Business Thank You Speech

The most important rule in corporate life is acknowledgement and appreciation. If your colleague has done extraordinary work or helped you in some day. If you have been promoted and want to formally thank everyone in your team, a speech is formally the best way to do so.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome which you all have bestowed upon me. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in opening the operations of our well-renowned business. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the CEO for giving me the responsibility to head the Indian operations. The employees, who are the strength of our company, cannot be thanked enough for making this company a global giant. I would also like to thank the Indian citizens for their hospitality and receiving our company so openly and warmly. Lastly, I would like to thank the government for allowing us to set up operations in the country and fast-tracking the permits and the licensing processes.


  • Thank you for always being there for me even when I’m being a pain in the rear.
  • Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them, the rest of us could not succeed.

Event-Based Thank You Speech

Thank you speech in the beginning and end of the event is a way to express your gratitude to all the people who supported the event.

Thank you, everyone, for being a part of this charity drive on empowering women from rural towns and villages. We feel humbled from the immense support which we have received from everyone for this cause. Since we are an NGO, it is only your unconditional assistance which makes it possible for us to garner more support and concern towards this critical issue. I would also like to express my gratitude to the event organisers for implementing this event at such short notice and making it a memorable one. The sponsors, also deserve a mention, for giving us the needful funds which brought this issue into the minds of everyone. Lastly, I would like to thank all the volunteers and we assure you that your voice will not go unheard and your donations will be put to fruitful use.


  • A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.
  • For it is in giving that we receive.

Retirement Speech

Retirement is a time when you feel so overwhelmed and feel short of words. Express your mixed feeling and thank everyone around with a short flattering speech. Retirement speech can be for your own retirement or for the retirement of your mentor.

Thank you, Mr Morris, for the kind and flattering words. It has been a joy working for you over the past 22 years. Moreover, I want to thank everyone for being present here on my last day at the office. I must particularly mention Mr Brooks, Mr Finch and Mrs Brown from the Sales Department, who have been with me for the past 22 years. Thank you, all three of you, for teaching me so much and developing me into the person that I am today. I would also like to thank Dora for taking care of all of us and making sure that the coffee which we received every morning was always strong. Lastly, I would like to thank my family without whom none of this would have been possible.


  • Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.
  • It’s not about how much we give but how much love we put into giving.

Birthday Thank You Speech

It takes a lot to spare some time from everyone’s busy lives and plan something special for someone. If you have been lucky to have surrounded by people who throw a surprise birthday party or take some time for your birthday party, make sure to bestow them with a kind thank you speech.

Thank you, everyone, for taking out some time and being present on my 25 th birthday. I don’t mean to be a buzz killer, therefore, I’ll keep it short and simple. Birthdays make me realize how grateful I am to each and every one of you, who have played such an immense part in my life. I would like to thank all my friends, with whom I’ve shared innumerate memorable moments. My colleagues from work deserve a special thanks for teaching me so much in such a short time span. I would also like to thank my boss who has allowed me to take a day off on my special day and made time to grace this occasion. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents for their unconditional support and making this life possible for me.


  • There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.
  • Thank you for making so many ordinary moments, extraordinary.
  • Thank you for always giving me the extra push I need.
  • You are the best because you brought out the best in us.
  • We don’t know them all, but we owe them all! Thank you.
  • I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you, my heart has no bottom.
  • We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.
  • Thank you for touching my life in ways you never know.

There were some thank you speech samples for various occasions like wedding, birthday, retirement and many more. Hope these words give you an idea for your next remarkable speech.

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Use the End of the School Year to Express Specific Gratitude

Thanking your child's teacher benefits both you and your child in multiple ways..

Posted June 17, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

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  • When giving positive feedback, be specific about what a teacher did that positively impacted your child.
  • Don’t assume your child’s teacher knows how you appreciate their efforts with your child.
  • Thanking teachers in writing and copying administrators can get you and your child goodwill.

A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog post about generosity . This month, I'd like to focus on the important quality that acknowledges generosity: gratitude . Gratitude demonstrates appreciation and offers thanks for others' gifts, help, or kindness. Both generosity and gratitude are qualities that draw others to us, and both can be cultivated and nurtured in even very young children. To do that, though, we may want to start with ourselves.

Stefano Oppo/Corelens

While most of my posts have explored ways parents can positively affect their children's well-being in school, I am going to take a more indirect approach in this post by encouraging parents to show gratitude toward their children's teachers. Shifting focus from your children to those who teach them gives you an opportunity to boost the morale of teachers you appreciate and, if your kids are older, to model showing your appreciation. It can also have long-term benefits for your children and to your reputation among their teachers, and it can even positively affect the children those teachers teach in the future.

You may be surprised to learn how rarely parents or students thank teachers for the time and effort they take to guide and instruct their students. The reality is that teachers are leaving their classroom careers at higher rates than ever. They are increasingly burdened by enormous workloads and demanding administrators and often feel underappreciated by parents and students. COVID exacerbated this situation, and it was the last straw for many exhausted and underpaid teachers.

The end of the school year is a perfect time to let the teachers for whom you have been grateful know about the differences they made in your children's lives. If your children's teachers encouraged them, inspired them to believe in themselves, gently pushed them to be their best selves, or even saved them from themselves at times, letting those teachers know that you are aware of and appreciative of the special care they gave your kids will make them feel seen and valued.

Parents of especially challenging children—perhaps those with a learning or behavioral issue—may feel grateful that a teacher kept them from being marginalized in the classroom, building bridges that helped the other kids work with theirs. Parents of high-achieving children may feel fortunate that a teacher went out of their way to suggest extra reading or enrichment opportunities to encourage their kids' enthusiasm for a subject. If you know that your children are easily triggered, but they have a teacher who thinks they are fabulous, acknowledge the teacher's skill at anticipating triggers and avoiding the kinds of tricky outcomes you have seen in past years. These kinds of teachers are exceptional and need to hear it.

Expressing your gratitude in writing is best because it can be looked at for years. I know teachers who have a folder in their desks called their "rainy day file" containing messages that remind them on challenging school days why they get up every morning to do what they do. If you send an email, consider cc-ing the teacher's supervisor. School administrators rarely get to watch their faculty in action, so giving them glimpses into talented teachers' classrooms will make them feel proud, too. Administrators may even share your words about the teacher with the rest of the faculty as an example of the kind of teaching valued in their school. It also keeps special teachers in mind for teaching awards and other opportunities to showcase what they do well.

Many parents send their kids to school with token gifts for teachers on the last day of the year. The kind of note I am talking about is more personal and specifically directed at expressing how teachers made a difference in your kids' lives. The more specific you are in describing what you have appreciated, the more likely these teachers will be inspired to continue teaching with the attentiveness and passion they brought to your children's classrooms. It is incredibly energizing for teachers to realize that what they have strived to accomplish has hit the mark. Although your primary purpose is not getting teachers to say nice things about you, it will likely be a side benefit of your expression of gratitude. We tend to like people who value us; when the words are genuine and specific, they carry more weight.

If your children are older, you can tell them you are writing a thank-you letter to their teacher, teaching them to do the same. While there's certainly an expectation that all teachers provide support to their students, the degree of that support and the willingness and effort they take to provide it are all qualities your older child should be aware of. There's no teacher who won't appreciate being appreciated.

Pamela D. Brown Ph.D.

Pamela D. Brown, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist, certified school psychologist, and licensed professional counselor with over 20 years of professional experience.

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Thank You Speech for Teachers in English for Children and Students

February 8, 2024 by Prasanna

Thank You Speech for Teachers: The word ‘teach’ has been taken from the Middle-English word ‘techne’ which means ‘to show or instruct.’

A teacher is a name or an identity that has played essential roles in everyone’s lives. He/ she show the right path to their students and educate them on in the fields of knowledge, virtue, competence, etc.

Everyone at least once played the role of a teacher which later, led to great pride and joy when the respective student succeeded. Being a teacher is not everyone’s cup of tea. But I would like to thank all my beloved teachers who helped me achieve what I am today.

Students can also find more  English Speech Writing  about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc.

Long and Short Speeches on Thank You for Teachers for Kids And Students In English

This article provides a long speech on the topic Thank You Speech for Teachers in 500 words and a short speech of 150 words. It also offers its readers ten lines on the topic to help them understand the subject better.

This article will help students, teachers, kids, and other people willing to give a Thank You Speech for Teachers.

A Long Thank You Speech for Teachers is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. A Short Thank You Speech for Teachers is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Long Thank You Speech for Teachers 500 Words In English.

Good morning to everyone present here today. Today, I am here to share how thankful I am to have teachers who have built me into the person I am.

The first word that strikes my mind hearing the word teacher is my school. It would be an unimaginable scenario if there would be no teacher to guide me through the fourteen years of school.

It is this time when we either build ourselves or break ourselves. The rational thinking that develops, the values that are culminated into us, shows a lot about the teachers who educated us. Most of our personality traits and our way of judging other people are developed in these crucial years.

The teachers have a significant role to play in the character building of a student. Not only a school teacher, but any educator has the power to influence our minds to a great extent.

The first work of a teacher is teaching, which everyone is well aware of. To make complicated things easy to understand for the students is the core work of the teacher. That is the magic that they have. But this magic does not come for free. They put all their efforts, hours of practice, thinking, research, etc. to make things easier.

I have known teachers who have worked hard night and day to solve a particular student’s problems. The teachers are our guardian’s right after our parents. They scold us when we are wrong and support us when we are right. They know what is best for us, though, at the time, we may feel its unfair, but as we grow up, we start to understand the real world. We also realize that our teachers always had the best interest of us in mind.

Growing up is hard, but if we still remember the values that we were taught in school by our teachers, we could easily face real-world problems. They taught us to fight our problems and not run away from it but face it bravely.

I am and will always be grateful to my teachers, who had a significant influence on my life. I was never an excellent student, but my teachers were always there to support me, directing me to the right path and encouraging me to do better than before.

As we come to the end of the speech, I would like to thank all my teachers who had molded me into the person I am today. I do a job that I am happy to do, and I am an independent person, I speak up against the wrongs. I hope they will be glad to know that I do my best as a responsible citizen and preach the same.

Thank you, teachers, for all the lessons you people have taught me. I couldn’t ask for more.

With this, I come to the end of the speech. Thank you, everyone, present here for being such an attentive audience. I hope you all have a great day ahead.

Short Thank You Speech for Teachers 150 Words In English

Short Thank You Speech for Teachers 150 Words In English

Good morning and welcome everyone who has gathered the given topic. Thank you, speech for teachers.

No speech can do justice to the contributions a teacher makes. A teacher can make a lousy student good. He/ she is not only concerned with a student’s academic curriculum but also helps in the overall growth and development of the kid.

The contributions of a teacher in the lives of their students cannot be described in words. All words fall short. One can only be grateful for the presence of the teachers in their lives.

Thus, we should always respect our teachers and pour them with happiness and joy. It is our duty and responsibilty as students to make them proud of our actions. And never forget the significance of the roles they played to mold our lives. In this lifetime, one might not get enough time to convey how grateful we were to get the gift of teachers.

10 Lines On Thank You Speech for Teachers

  • Teachers are like our parents; they guide us through our way when we feel lost.
  • They had always taken care of us when we were at school, made us learn the difference between the right and the wrong.
  • There have been times when life was difficult, and our teachers have taught us to fight in difficult times.
  • Almost every student had one teacher whom they always look up to as their inspirations or role models.
  • Teachers always kept their student’s priority first.
  • Gave extra classes to students who lagged in class.
  • They helped the financially weak students to pursue their dream and encouraged them to achieve it.
  • They taught us there is nothing called impossible. The real meaning of impossible is ‘I am possible.’
  • Our teachers taught us lessons that we would never forget.
  • Teachers had played an extraordinary role in the lives of hundreds and thousands of students. Their contribution to the lives of the students cannot be expressed simply in words.

10 Lines On Thank You Speech for Teachers

FAQ’s On Thank You Speech for Teachers

Question 1. Who are the teachers?

Answer: Teachers are the persons who provide young kids with knowledge and educate them on various subjects.

Question 2. Can I be a teacher?

Answer: In order to become a teacher one must have a degree in B.Ed or apply for government exams to be a teacher in a government school.

Question 3. What is the job of a teacher?

Answer: The teacher’s job is to teach their students various subjects like English, Bengali, geography, history, etc. It also includes giving lessons regarding one’s behavior and the difference between right and wrong. It includes grooming of a child into a well-mannered and well-educated human being.

Question 4. How do we know if a teacher is good or bad?

Answer: If you understand what the teacher explains easily, if your teacher can solve your questions related to the subject, you have a great teacher. But if the teacher is unable to make you understand the subject, then you should try another teacher for better results.

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Thank You Speech For Teachers, Samples and Examples

thanks giving speech to school

The Most Deserving of Thanks: Teachers

The education process, which we started by learning to read and write, continues until we gain our professional life. We complete this whole process with teachers. For this reason, the people whose efforts we cannot ignore are teachers. That is why it is important to remember and thank teachers. A heartfelt thank you to the teachers will make them happy. They will also be proud of this situation. At this point, it is possible to talk about the necessity of preparing a thank you speech for teachers. It takes some tricks to prepare this and you are in the right place right now.

Details for Thank You Speech For Teachers

Example of a thank you speech for the teacher.

Teachers are people’s heroes. With their presence, societies develop and grow. The teacher’s hand has always touched every person’s life. For this reason, the teacher is the most important person to be grateful for. And you are the person I respect the most, and I am most grateful to, teacher. You have always supported me, you have trusted me. You convinced me that I could achieve anything. Thanks to you, I loved this life more. I came to this day with what you taught me. Whenever I felt bad, I thought about the advice you gave me. In this way, I continued life again and without fear, every time. I am one of the hundreds of students you sacrificed and I am very happy to be. I offer all my good wishes and love to you. I will never forget you, my teacher.

Another Example of a Thank You Speech for the Teacher

I am giving this speech to thank all the teachers as well as my teacher. Teachers reveal the hidden abilities and thoughts of students. You helped me find the features that make me who I am. Thank you very much, teacher. After I grew up, I understood many things that I could not understand when I was with you. I saw that you prepared me for the things that I can experience in my future life. Therefore, I am very grateful to you. For me, you are the best teacher. I am very lucky to be your student. I owe you my current life and work. I got these with the courage and faith you gave me. You gave me a pen, I still keep it. That pen has become my most precious item for me. I will always walk the path you taught me. You deserve the best of everything.

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thanks giving speech to school

Jonathan Groff Thanks Family For Supporting 'Passions Without Judgment' In Moving Tonys Speech

Ben Blanchet

Jonathan Groff thanked his family for backing his love for theater in a touching acceptance speech after his first Tony Award on Sunday.

The actor and singer, who previously received Tony nominations for his roles in “Spring Awakening” and “Hamilton,” won Best Actor in a Leading Role in a Musical for his portrayal of Franklin Shepard in the Broadway revival of “Merrily We Roll Along.”

“Thank you for letting me dress up like Mary Poppins when I was 3. Thank you for letting me act out scenes from ‘I Love Lucy’ on my 10th birthday. Thank you for always allowing my freak flag to fly without ever making me feel weird about it,” said Groff of his parents, Jim and Julie Groff, and his brother, David.

He added, “Even if they didn’t always understand me, my family knew the lifesaving power of fanning the flame of a young person’s passions without judgment. I walked through life with an open heart because you let me know that I could.”

Groff mentioned his move to New York City, where he got a job waiting tables and volunteered with Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids, and expressed his gratitude to those involved in “Spring Awakening” who helped him become part of the Broadway community.

″[You] not only made that dream come true but also inspired me to come out of the closet when I was 23,” said the actor, who came out as gay in 2009.

“I’m now 39, and musical theater is still saving my soul.”

Jonathan Groff accepts the Best Leading Actor in a Musical award Sunday for "Merrily We Roll Along" during The 77th Annual Tony Awards at David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center in New York City.

He went on to thank “Merrily We Roll Along” director Maria Friedman and fellow cast members Lindsay Mendez and Daniel Radcliffe. Radcliffe also won his first Tony Award on Sunday.

“You are more than old friends; you are soulmates,” he said of the two actors, “and I’m looking forward to watching each other change for the rest of our lives.”

He ended his speech by looking back on his childhood in Pennsylvania, when he would record the Tony Awards on VHS.

“To actually be able to be a part of making theater in this city and just as much to be able to watch the work of this incredible, incredible community has been the greatest gift and pleasure of my life,” he said.

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    a simple two step process to follow: Step one - theme, audience, purpose, style. Step two - outlining your speech (with a free printable) an optional side-serving of thanksgiving history. a link to collection of useful thank you quotations. an example thanksgiving speech to read. a few delivery tips for nervous first time speakers.

  2. How to Give a Thank You Speech (With Examples)

    1. Start with an expression of gratitude. Right off the bat, you can start by saying thank you for the award or honor you're receiving. An acknowledgment of why you're giving the speech is the most natural way to start. Your expression of gratitude will set the tone for the rest of your speech.

  3. How to write a sincere thank you speech [with examples]

    For those whom you want to mention but don't have enough time to make individual acknowledgments consider grouping them according to function. Example: "To Alex, Mary, Judy and Sam, thank you for making me remember to laugh. You helped me keep my sanity and perspective when the going was tough." 3.

  4. Thanksgiving Speech Samples for Students in English

    This speech is an opportunity for appreciation for the positive aspects of life, such as success in life, good things for family, etc. Today, we will provide school students with some samples of Thanksgiving speech. Stay tuned. Also Read: Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving Speech: Sample 1

  5. The Ultimate Guide to Giving a Thank You Speech: Examples and Tips

    Practice makes perfect. Practicing your thank you speech helps build confidence and improves delivery. Use a mirror, record yourself, or rehearse in the actual setting to get comfortable. Be genuine and specific when expressing gratitude. Mentioning specific examples of how someone helped you makes your speech more impactful and meaningful.

  6. Thanksgiving Speech- Samples & Free Download

    The Significance of a Thanksgiving Speech. Thanksgiving is more than just a feast; it's a time-honored tradition of pausing to reflect on the blessings that fill our lives. Giving a speech on this special day is a heartfelt way to articulate our gratitude, connecting with family and friends, and verbalizing what we're most thankful for.

  7. 20 Thanksgiving Toast & Speech Ideas To Use This Year

    I don't think so.". 10. Lift Each Other Up Toast. If you're getting over a tough year, try this uplifting line Christopher Robin said to Winnie the Pooh as your Thanksgiving toast: " You are ...

  8. How to give a thank you speech

    Speak from the heart, and it will definitely ring true. For phrasing, try something along the lines of: "From the bottom of my heart, I'd like to give a special thanks to some of the amazing people without whom I cannot imagine standing up here on this stage. Name your supporters and give out your sincere thanks.

  9. How to Write a Thank You Speech (with Pictures)

    8. Finish composing the body of your speech. Once you have written about the people at the top of your 'thank you' list, write a few paragraphs devoted to people who have served particular roles or functions in your life. If this doesn't work, you could also try organizing the list by keywords such as job categories.

  10. Thank You Speech in English For Students

    10 Lines about a Thank You Graduation Speech. A thank you speech is given by a person who has accomplished something. To prepare for a speech you should have the information about the event. A gratitude speech should always start with the speaker showing his respect toward his friends and family member who helped help throughout his journey.

  11. 14 Excellent Vote of thanks Speeches [ 14 Samples & Writers Guide ]

    14 Excellent Vote of thanks Speeches [ 14 Samples & Writers Guide ] Vote of thanks is the expression of love, respect and sincere wishes. It is given at a certain events, meeting, presentation, function in school, attending meeting, for gratitude etc. For your ease, we have managed to write Best Vote of thanks speeches that include; definition ...

  12. 40 Thank You Speech and Words Of Appreciation For School Management and

    I'm saying thank you to you and the entire staff. 19. Dear Sir, your presence in our school is a true gift. You are a role model for students and staff. Thank you for making our school the best place for learning, vocational skills, and growth where many will love to be given admission.

  13. Thank You Speech for Farewell for Students

    Acknowledging the Teachers. First of all, I must acknowledge our teachers. Furthermore, I think I speak for all the students when I acknowledge the teachers. Dear teachers, you have been the source of our education and knowledge these last several years. Most noteworthy, teachers not only educate us, but they teach us about the lesson of life.

  14. Thank You Speech for Students and Children

    One must always try to focus and cherish the little things in life. Taking a simple walk every day for a few minutes is a simple reason to be thankful. Be thankful when you walk on the road or in a garden. Cherish the surroundings while walking like trees, flowers, birds, etc. A meal is something that we consume every day.

  15. Thank you Speech for Teachers

    Listed below we have some great thank you speech for teachers examples in PDF. Choose which you want and simply click the download button. 1. Thank you Speech for Teachers Template. campionschool.in. Details. File Format. PDF. Size: 181 KB.

  16. Thank You Speech Example for Students

    Body: "I want to start by thanking each and every one of you, my fellow students, for making our school journey memorable and enriching.". "A special shoutout to [Student's Name/Teacher's Name], for [specific reason, like help in a project or constant encouragement].". "I am also grateful to [specific groups, like the student ...

  17. Thank You Speech for Teachers in English

    10 Lines for Thanks Giving Speech for Teachers. We have curated 10 lines for students of Classes 1 to 3 which will help them in writing a gratitude speech for teachers. Thank you to all of the teachers who are present at this school. Because of your love, care, advice, and support, all of us students will become so capable.

  18. Thank You Speech: Learn How To Draft The Perfect Thank You Speech

    First of all, thank the speaker for their particular speech. Then laudthe speaker for his or her valuable ideas. You can provide information on the audience's actual reactions to the speech. Reminding the speaker time and again of his gift for presenting his topic will inspire him.

  19. Long and Short Thank You Speech for an Event in English

    Long Thank You Speech for an Event 600 Words in English. Very good morning to everyone present here today. I have the urge to pinch myself for this moment seems unbelievable.10 long years I have toiled relentlessly and waited for this opportunity. I have pictured myself holding this award, crying with joy and speaking continually, almost ...

  20. Thank You Speech Samples for Teachers, Students ...

    This appreciation speech will help you in your school seminars and various events. Good morning to the respected teachers and my dear colleagues ' friends. You all know why today we have all gathered here and are holding the conference. First of all, I want to express my gratitude to the teachers of my class because they gave me such a great ...

  21. 20 Short Thank You Speech Samples For Various Occasions

    Thank you for making so many ordinary moments, extraordinary. Thank you for always giving me the extra push I need. You are the best because you brought out the best in us. We don't know them all, but we owe them all! Thank you. I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you, my heart has no bottom.

  22. Use the End of the School Year to Express Specific Gratitude

    Gratitude demonstrates appreciation and offers thanks for others' gifts, help, or kindness. ... The end of the school year is a perfect time to let the teachers for whom you have been grateful ...

  23. Thank You Speech for Teachers in English for Children and Students

    This article provides a long speech on the topic Thank You Speech for Teachers in 500 words and a short speech of 150 words. It also offers its readers ten lines on the topic to help them understand the subject better. This article will help students, teachers, kids, and other people willing to give a Thank You Speech for Teachers.

  24. Thank You Speech For Teachers, Samples and Examples

    And you are the person I respect the most, and I am most grateful to, teacher. You have always supported me, you have trusted me. You convinced me that I could achieve anything. Thanks to you, I loved this life more. I came to this day with what you taught me. Whenever I felt bad, I thought about the advice you gave me.

  25. Judge dismisses Thad LaVallee's free speech case against Dedham school

    Why the judge dismissed LaVallee's free speech case. Dein outlined a number of negative teaching evaluations, some of which predate the dispute over the Pledge of Allegiance.

  26. Britain's millionaires exodus to double amid private school tax raid

    The number of millionaires leaving Britain is expected to double this year amid Labour's tax raid on non-doms and private schools.. A record 9,500 people with assets, excluding property, of $1m ...

  27. Privately educated Labour frontbenchers accused of hypocrisy over VAT

    The party hopes the policy will raise £1.7 billion, which it has pledged to spend on recruiting 6,500 new state school teachers, rolling out a new national programme for oracy - the ability to ...

  28. Fed's Musalem Signals Wary Approach to Cutting Rates in Debut Speech

    US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

  29. Drexel University's Unforgettable 2024 Commencement Ceremony

    A class whose members might have lost out on high school ceremonies due to the COVID-19 pandemic was treated to a night full of inspirational speeches and colorful fireworks. Graduating Dragons braved the weather for a communal event in Citizens Bank Park. A class whose members might have lost out on high school ceremonies due to the COVID-19 ...

  30. Jonathan Groff Thanks Family For Supporting 'Passions ...

    Jonathan Groff thanked his family for backing his love for theater in a touching acceptance speech after his first-ever Tony Award win on Sunday. The actor and singer, who previously received Tony nominations for his roles in "Spring Awakening" and "Hamilton," won Best Actor in a Leading ...