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The Thesis Process

The thesis is an opportunity to work independently on a research project of your own design and contribute to the scholarly literature in your field. You emerge from the thesis process with a solid understanding of how original research is executed and how to best communicate research results. Many students have gone on to publish their research in academic or professional journals.

To ensure affordability, the per-credit tuition rate for the 8-credit thesis is the same as our regular course tuition. There are no additional fees (regular per-credit graduate tuition x 8 credits).

Below are the steps that you need to follow to fulfill the thesis requirement. Please know that through each step, you will receive guidance and mentorship.

1. Meet with Your Research Advisor

Upon admission to the program, set up an introductory meeting with your Research Advisor to discuss potential thesis topics as well as course selections that can support your thesis path. 

When you have completed between 24 and 32 credits, you work more intensively with your assigned Research Advisor to determine a specific thesis topic.

Log in to MyDCE , then ALB/ALM Community to schedule an appointment with your assigned Research Advisor via the Degree Candidate Portal.

Failure to work with your Research Advisor initially and then more intensively may result in your Crafting the Thesis Proposal (CTP) Application not being approved (see below) and/or the selection of a different thesis topic.  

Thesis Topic Selection Guidelines

Every effort is made to support research interests that are grounded in your ALM course work, but faculty guidance is not available for all possible projects. Therefore, revision or a change of thesis topic may be necessary.

  • The above point about topic selection is particularly pertinent to scientific research (e.g., biology) that is dependent upon laboratory space, project funding, and access to private databases.
  • This point is also critical for our candidates in ALM, liberal arts fields (i.e., anthropology, English, government, history, international relations, psychology, and religion) who are required to have Harvard faculty direct their thesis projects. Review Harvard’s course catalog online ( My.Harvard.edu ) to be sure that there are faculty teaching courses related to your thesis topic. If faculty are not available, you will need to choose an alternative topic.
  • Your topic choice must be a new area of research for you. You cannot re-purpose prior research. If you want to draw or expand upon your own previously written scholarship for a small portion of your thesis, you need to obtain the explicit permission of your research advisor and cite the work in both the proposal and thesis. Violations of this policy will be referred to the Administrative Board.

We’ve put together this guide  to help frame your thinking about thesis topic selection.

While it is natural to follow your interests in selecting a thesis topic, it is important to avoid choosing a topic where your own passions might produce insurmountable biases and assumptions. A thesis is not a piece of advocacy work where you are out to prove something that you already believe. Thesis projects must take a fair and balanced stance by bringing in differing points of view from respected scholars in the field. 

2. Prepare Your Crafting the Thesis Proposal Application

Once you and your Research Advisor have confirmed your thesis topic, the next step in the process is to prepare and submit the CTP Application in order to gain registration approval for the Crafting the Thesis Proposal (CTP) tutorial or course.

The CTP Application process confirms that you have done enough prior reading and thinking about your thesis topic to generate a pertinent and answerable research question. Pre-CTP preparation is critical as it helps to ensure that you will benefit from and succeed in the CTP.

Application Approvals and Denials. Your Research Advisor will provide feedback on your CTP Application.  If your application is not approved after 3 submissions, your Research Advisor cannot approve your CTP registration. 

If not approved, you’ll need to take additional time for further revisions and submit a new CTP Application during the next CTP submission cycle (if your five-year degree completion date allows).

Application Eligibility Requirements. To be eligible to submit a CTP Application, you need to (1) be in good standing and (2) have completed a minimum of 32 degree-applicable credits, including the research methods/statistics and Engaging in Scholarly Conversation requirement, if required for your field.

Advising Note for Psychology Candidates View More

Students in psychology sometimes face difficulty securing necessary IRB approvals for certain projects. For this reason, Research Advisors will not approve proposals that raise significant concerns about feasibility. Such concerns include cases where projects would require the researcher to possess a level of expertise or experience exceeding documented capabilities, as well as instances where the researcher is unlikely to be able to obtain appropriate faculty supervision for a proposed topic, question, method, or procedure. You must schedule an appointment with your Research Advisor at least three months in advance of the CTP Application deadlines to discuss potential research projects to ensure adequate time for assistance in developing a viable project idea.

Advising Note for Biology and former Biotechnology and Bioengineering and Nanotechnology Candidates View More

Thesis projects in these fields are designed to support ongoing scientific research happening in Harvard University, other academic institutions, or life science industry labs and usually these are done under the direction of a principal investigator (PI). Hence, you need to have a thesis director approved by your research advisor  prior  to submitting CTP Application. Your CTP Application is then framed by the lab’s research. Schedule an appointment with your research advisor a few months in advance of the CTP Application deadlines in order to discuss potential research projects and thesis director assignment.

The CTP Application is sent to our central email box:  [email protected] by the following firm deadlines:

  • June 1 for fall CTP
  • November 1 for spring CTP.  
  • September 1 for the three-week January session (ALM sustainability candidates only)
  • International sustainability students who need a student visa to attend Harvard Summer School must be officially admitted to the degree program before February 1, must submit the CTP Application on February 1, and must register for the CTP course on March 1 in order to submit timely I-20 paperwork. See international students guidelines for more information.

3. Register and Successfully Complete Crafting the Thesis Proposal

Once your CTP Application is approved, you register for the Crafting the Thesis Proposal (CTP) tutorial or course as you would any other degree requirement.

The goal of the CTP is to produce a complete, well-written draft of a proposal containing all of the sections required by your Research Advisor. Creating an academically strong thesis proposal sets the foundation for a high-quality thesis and helps garner the attention of a well-respected thesis director.

Thesis proposals typically include approximately 15 to 20 pages of text, in addition to any required reference sections, such as bibliographies and glossary/definition of terms.

Tutorial experience. The fall and spring CTP  tutorials are not courses in the traditional sense. Although there will be assignments for you to complete during the CTP, with due dates, and there will be times when you and your classmates meet as a group with your Research Advisor, there won’t be a regularly scheduled class meeting time for the CTP. 

The main work for the CTP will consist of your working independently on your proposal with your Research Advisor by submitting multiple drafts and scheduling individual appointments.

Grading. You need to make self-directed progress on the proposal without special prompting from the research advisor. You receive a final grade of SAT or UNSAT (failing grade).

You are expected to incorporate all of your Research Advisor’s feedback and be fully committed to producing an academically strong proposal leading to a thesis worthy of a Harvard degree. If you are unable to take advice from your Research Advisor, follow directions, or produce an acceptable proposal, you will not pass the CTP.

The CTP for sustainability is a three-week course in the traditional sense and you receive a letter grade, and it must be B- or higher to receive degree credit for the course.

Academic Integrity. Successful CTP completion also includes a check on the proper use of sources according to our academic integrity guidelines. Violations of our academic integrity policy will be referred to the Administrative Board.

Maximum of two attempts . If you don’t pass the CTP, you’ll have — if your five-year, degree-completion date allows — just one more attempt to complete the CTP before being required to withdraw from the program. If you fail the CTP just once and have no more time to complete the degree, your candidacy will automatically expire. Please note that a WD grade counts as an attempt.

If by not passing the CTP you fall into poor academic standing, you will need to take additional degree-applicable courses to return to good standing before enrolling in the CTP for your second and final time, but only if your five-year, degree-completion date allows. If you have no more time on your five-year clock, you will be required to withdraw from the program.

Human Subjects

If your thesis, regardless of field, will involve the use of human subjects (e.g., interviews, surveys, observations), you will need to have your research vetted by the  Committee on the Use of Human Subjects  (CUHS) of Harvard University. Please review the IRB Lifecycle Guide located on the CUHS website. Your research advisor will help you prepare a draft copy of the project protocol form that you will then finalize with your thesis director to send to the CUHS. 

Given the amount of time that can be required for IRB review, drafting of the required CUHS project protocol forms need to be started with your Research Advisor during the CTP tutorial, before a thesis director has been assigned.

4. Post-CTP Proposal Approval, Thesis Director Assignment, and Registration

Successfully completion of the CTP means you have completed a well-written full draft proposal. Ordinarily, this full draft is not a final accepted proposal. Most students reach the final accepted proposal stage by submitting additional changes and edits to their RA post-CTP.

Post-CTP Changes and Edits Deadline. We expect you to work diligently and quickly with your RA post-CTP to move from full draft to final proposal stage. Indeed, you should have an approved final proposal and be registered in the thesis soon after CTP completion, within weeks, but no later than 3 months. You cannot delay. If you take longer than 3 months after the CTP to register for the thesis, you may be required to retake the CTP.

Thesis Director Assignment. Once your RA has determined that your draft has reached the final proposal stage, you move to the thesis director assignment stage. The Research Advisor places you with a thesis director by sending out your final proposal to prospective Thesis Directors.

Do not approach faculty to ask about directing your thesis.  You may suggest names of any potential Thesis Directors to your Research Advisor, but it must be the Research Advisor who makes contact with them. (If they are eligible/available to direct your thesis, after you have an approved thesis proposal.) You are not permitted to approach faculty to ask them about directing your thesis.

Registration. When a Thesis Director has been identified or the thesis proposal has been fully vetted by the preassigned life science Thesis Director, you will receive a letter of authorization from the Assistant Dean of Academic Programs officially approving your thesis work and providing you with instructions on how to register for the eight-credit master’s thesis. The letter will also have a tentative graduation date as well as four mandatory thesis submission dates (see Thesis Timetable below).

When registering for the thesis, you will have two weeks to pay in full.  This is an eight-credit course, so be sure to have the necessary funds available when you register.

You must be good academic standing to register for the thesis. If not, you’ll need to complete additional courses to bring your GPA up to the 3.0 minimum prior to registration.

Thesis Submission Deadlines and Graduation Timetable

The thesis is a 9-to-12-month project that begins after the Crafting the Thesis Proposal (CTP); when your Research Advisor has approved your proposal and identified a Thesis Director.

The date for the appointment of your Thesis Director determines the graduation cycle that will be automatically assigned to you:

Thesis MilestoneFor May GraduationFor November GraduationFor February Graduation
March 1 – June 30August 15 – October 15November 1 – February 15

February 1July 15October 1

March 1August 15November 1

April 1September 15December 1
April 15October 1December 15
(see step 7 below).May 1October 7January 3

As you can see above, you do not submit your thesis all at once at the end, but in four phases: (1) complete draft to TD, (2) final draft to RA for format review and academic integrity check, (3) format approved draft submitted to TD for grading, and (4) upload your 100% complete graded thesis to ETDs.

Due dates for all phases for your assigned graduation cycle cannot be missed.  You must submit materials by the date indicated by 5 PM EST (even if the date falls on a weekend). If you are late, you will not be able to graduate during your assigned cycle.

If you need additional time to complete your thesis, you need to formally request an extension by emailing that petition to:  [email protected] .  Regardless of when you started, the maximum allotted time to complete your thesis, including any granted extensions of time is 12 months.

Advising Tip to Meet Your Five-Year Deadline: The last possible time you can register for the CTP to meet your five-year deadline date is the fall term two years prior or, if a sustainability student, in the January session one year prior. It is not, however, recommended to wait this long. Indeed, it is vigorously discouraged.

For example, if your five-year deadline is May 2026:

  • Complete the CTP in fall 2024 (or in January 2025, if a sustainability student)
  • Be assigned a Thesis Director (TD) in March/April 2025
  • Begin the 9–12-month thesis project with TD
  • Submit a complete draft of your thesis to your TD by February 1, 2026
  • Follow through with all other submission deadlines (April 1, April 15 and May 1 — see table above)
  • Graduate in May 2026

5. Working with Your Thesis Director

You must work diligently and independently, following the advice of your Thesis Director in a consistent, regular manner equivalent to full-time academic work to complete both the research and the writing phases of your thesis by your required timeline.

You are expected to incorporate all of your Thesis Director’s feedback and be fully committed to producing an academically strong thesis worthy of a Harvard degree. If you are unable to take advice from your Thesis Director, follow directions, or produce an acceptable scholarly thesis product, you will not receive a passing grade.

You are required to produce at least 50 pages of text (not including front matter and appendices). Chapter topics (e.g., introduction, background, methods, findings, conclusion) vary by field.

Once registered in the thesis, we will do a 3-month check-in with you and your Thesis Director to ensure progress is being made. If your Thesis Director reports little to no progress, the Dean of Academic Programs reserves the right to issue a thesis not complete (TNC) grade (see Thesis Grading below).

6. Thesis Template, Format Review, and Academic Integrity Check

All ALM thesis projects must written in Microsoft Word and follow a specific Harvard Extension School format. A properly formatted thesis is an explicit degree requirement; you cannot graduate without it.

You are required to use the Extension School  ALM Thesis Template  or the Extension School ALM Thesis Template for Creative Writing  (specifically designed for creative writing degree candidates). The template has all the mandatory thesis formatting built in.

Besides saving you a considerable amount of time as you write your thesis, the template ensures that your submitted thesis meets the mandatory style guidelines for margins, font, title page, table of contents, and chapter headings. If you use the template, format review should go smoothly, if not, a delayed graduation is highly likely.

Your Research Advisor will complete the format review  prior  to submitting your thesis to your Thesis Director for final grading according to the Thesis Timetable (see above).

Academic Integrity. Format review also includes a check on the proper use of sources according to our  academic integrity  guidelines. Violations of our academic integrity policy will be referred to the Administrative Board.

7. Mandatory Thesis Archiving

Once your thesis is finalized, meaning that the required grade has been earned and all edits have been completed, you must upload your thesis to Harvard University’s electronic thesis and dissertation submission system (ETDs).

Uploading your thesis ETDs is an explicit degree requirement; you cannot graduate without completing this step. Furthermore, no changes to the thesis are allowed once it has been graded and archived in ETDs.

The thesis project will be sent to several downstream systems:

  • Your work will be preserved using Harvard’s digital repository DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard).
  • Metadata about your work will be sent to HOLLIS (the Harvard Library catalog).
  • Your work will be preserved in Harvard Library’s DRS2 (digital preservation repository).

By submitting work through ETDs @ Harvard you will be signing the Harvard Author Agreement. This license does not constrain your rights to publish your work subsequently. You retain all intellectual property rights.

For more information on Harvard’s open access initiatives, we recommend you view the Director of the Office of Scholarly Communication (OSC), Peter Suber’s brief introduction .

Thesis Grading

You need to earn a grade of B- or higher in the thesis. If you fail to complete substantial work on the thesis, you will earn a grade of TNC (thesis not complete). If you have already earned two withdrawal grades, the TNC grade will count as a zero in your cumulative GPA.

If you earn a grade below B-, you will need to petition the Administrative Board for permission to attempt the thesis for a second and final time. The petition process is only available if you are in good academic standing and your five-year, degree-completion date allows for more time. Your candidacy will automatically expire if you do not successfully complete the thesis by your required date.

If approved for a second attempt, you may be required to develop a new proposal on a different topic by re-enrolling in the CTP and being assigned a different thesis director. Tuition for the second attempt is calculated at the current year’s rate.

If by not passing the thesis you fall into poor academic standing, you’ll need to take additional degree-applicable courses to return to good standing before re-engaging with the thesis process for the second and final time. This is only an option if your five-year, degree-completion date allows for more time.

The Board only reviews cases in which extenuating circumstances prevented the successful completion of the thesis.

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Submission date

Submission date and extension of time

This page outlines the final date by which your thesis should be submitted, the expected completion date and extensions of time. 

Full-time students

Maximum submission date.

This is the final date by when your thesis should be submitted to the Examination Schools. Check whether you are required to submit sooner by any funding body supporting your studies.

The maximum submission date is usually 12 terms for DPhil students and nine terms for MLitt or MSc (by Research) students from the start date of your studies and is amended accordingly based on any suspension of status or extension of time. The Graduate Studies Assistant in your department / faculty will be able to tell you your maximum submission date.

Expected completion date

The expected completion date is the maximum submission date plus six months. This is to allow adequate time for your viva examination, and if requested by the examiners, to undertake any minor corrections required and to submit your revised thesis.

The extra six months is not additional time for you to complete your research as your maximum submission date remains the same.

Extension of time: DPhil students

You are expected to submit your thesis within 12 terms of starting your course. You will lose your DPhil status if you have failed to complete your thesis within 12 terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.

Extension of time: MLitt and MSc by Research students

You are expected to submit your thesis within nine terms of starting your course. You will lose your status as a MLitt or MSc by Research student if you have failed to complete your thesis within nine terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.

Applying for an extension: all students

In exceptional circumstances extensions of time can be given for up to six terms for DPhil students, and up to three terms for MLitt and MSc by Research students. Your department/faculty/division will normally only approve one term of extension at a time.

If you are funded by a research council or charity you may need to make a separate application to the funding body in parallel to that being made within the University. Your funding body’s regulations for extension of time will not necessarily be the same as those of the University. Ask your department for advice on extensions in the first instance.

If your application for an extension of time is declined by your department or faculty and you are dissatisfied with this decision, you can follow the University Student Complaints Procedure .

Part-time students

The maximum submission date is usually 24 terms (eight years) from the start date of your studies and is increased accordingly based on any suspension of status or extension. The Graduate Studies Assistant in your department / faculty will be able to tell you your maximum submission date.

You are expected to submit your thesis within seven or at most eight years of starting your doctoral course. You will lose your DPhil status if you have failed to complete your thesis within 24 terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.

In exceptional circumstances extensions of time can be given for up to three terms. Your department/faculty/division will normally only approve one term of extension at a time.

If you are funded by a research council or charity you may need to make a separate application to the funding body in parallel to that being made within the University. Your funding body’s regulations for extension of time will not necessarily be the same as those of the University.

If your application for an extension of time is declined by your department or faculty and you are dissatisfied with this decision, you can follow the  University Student Complaints Procedure .

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Sample request letter for extension .

Sample Letter Request For Extension of Thesis / research work Submission. Request an extension of your thesis submission date.

Sample Letter Requesting Extension of Time

[Your Name]

[Recipient’s Name]

[Recipient’s Address]

Subject: Extension Request

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request a brief extension of time for [briefly state the reason]. I kindly ask for [number of days] additional days to ensure the quality of my work. Your consideration is greatly appreciated.

Requesting a Deadline Extension

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Deadline Extension Request

I am writing to respectfully request an extension for the upcoming deadline on [mention the deadline date] for [briefly explain the project or task]. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I require [number of days] extra days to ensure the project’s completion to the best of my abilities. Your understanding and consideration are greatly appreciated.

Request Letter to Extend Date

[Recipient’ Name]

Subject: Request for Deadline Extension

I am writing to formally request an extension for the deadline of [mention the original deadline date] for [briefly describe the task or project]. Unfortunately, due to [briefly explain the reason for needing an extension], I am unable to meet the original deadline.

I kindly request an extension of [number of days] to ensure that I can complete this task effectively and to the best of my abilities. I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and apologize for any inconvenience caused. Your understanding and consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sample Request Letter for Extension

Subject: Letter of request for extension for submission of thesis

Respected Graduate Studies office,

I am writing this letter to request an extension in the deadline for submitting my Master thesis. The date for submission is Sep 19, 2023, but I still have some writing work pending and fear that I will not be able to complete it within the original time frame.

Kindly consider the following reasons why I could not complete my research on time: At this stage in the research we are considering filling a patent file before we submit the thesis to the external reviewer only we need few weeks. Kindly consider my personal circumstance since I got pregnant and I had some complications during that time and after the childbirth. I wasn’t in any condition to work or study and hence, was unable to do any work on my thesis during almost one year. (A medical report is attached with the form). further more, I ‘m working in a full time job which slowed me down to finish my experiment work.

Considering my problem, kindly grant me an extension of few weeks only for submitting the thesis. I assure you that I will complete and submit my thesis well before the revised deadline.

Yours Sincerely,


Sample Deadline Extension Appeal Letter

To, The Dean, Allied University, Texas, United States of America.

Respected Sir,

With due respect, it is to state that I am student of M. Phil and I had scored good GPA in my two semesters of theory, but now this year is my thesis year and the date for submission for the thesis is ————, but I am unable to meet up the deadline as my some writing work is still pending because patent is to be reviewed by external reviewer before submission of the research thesis. I am pregnant as well and is facing complications in it and was unable to study or do any work related to the research and as a proof of my words I am attaching medical certificate of mine with this application and I am a working woman as well. All the three reasons are genuine in their nature and I need few weeks more in submission of the final research paper.

Kindly see to this matter and grant me more time for the completion of my thesis. Thanking in anticipation.

Yours Truly,

Ms. Rita Ronny,

Sample Letter for Extension

It is stated with due reverence that I am the student of this estimable university. I am in my final year and I have to submit my research project on 23rd of March. It is to inform you that recently my brother died and I could not handle myself. This drastic loss took a lot of my mental peace and time. It is my request to extend the submission date of my final research project. My nature of reason is very genuine and I hope you comprehend. I am sure that I will complete it by that time and submit you promptly.

Yours Faithful,


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Ultimate Letter Requesting Extension of Time (Template Included)

In this article, I’m sharing my step-by-step guide on how to craft these letters effectively, along with a customizable template and personal tips from my experiences.

Key Takeaways: Understand the purpose and importance of a request for an extension of time. Free Templates :  Utilize the provided templates to simplify the process. Learn the essential components of an extension request letter. Follow a step-by-step guide to write an effective letter. Gain tips on how to make your request more compelling and likely to be granted.

Whether you need extra time for a project at work , a school assignment , or any other deadline-bound task , knowing how to properly ask for an extension can make all the difference. Let me guide you through the steps to writing an effective extension request letter.

Understanding the Need for an Extension

Real-life situations often require flexibility. Whether it’s due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or personal emergencies, or simply underestimating the time required for a task, requesting an extension is a common and necessary practice in both academic and professional settings.

Essential Components of an Extension Request Letter

  • Polite Tone : Start with a courteous greeting and maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter.
  • Clear Purpose : State the purpose of your letter in the first paragraph.
  • Specific Details : Mention the original deadline and the length of the extension you are requesting.
  • Reason for the Request : Explain the circumstances prompting your request, being as specific as possible.
  • Proposed Plan : Outline your plan to complete the task within the extended timeframe.
  • Gratitude and Understanding : Express appreciation for the recipient’s consideration and acknowledge any inconvenience your request may cause.
  • Formal Closing : End with a formal closing and your name.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Your Letter

Step 1: start with a formal greeting.

  • Address the recipient by their proper title and name.

Step 2: State Your Purpose

  • Clearly mention that you are requesting an extension and specify the task or project involved.

Step 3: Explain Your Reason

  • Detail the reasons for your request. Be honest and concise.

Step 4: Provide a New Timeline

  • Suggest a new deadline and assure the recipient of your commitment to meet this revised date.

Step 5: Acknowledge the Impact

  • Recognize any potential impact on the recipient or the overall project and express your willingness to mitigate any issues.

Step 6: Close Formally

  • Thank the recipient for considering your request, and close with a formal sign-off.

Sample Letter Requesting Extension of Time

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Today’s Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Their Title] [Company/School Name] [Address] [City, State, Zip]

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to request an extension for [Name of Task or Project] originally due on [Original Deadline]. Due to [Reason for Request], I am unable to meet the deadline and kindly ask for an extension until [Proposed New Deadline].

During this time, I plan to [Outline of Your Plan to Complete the Work]. I understand the importance of this task and am committed to completing it within the extended timeframe.

I appreciate your understanding and am sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for considering my request.

[Your Name]

Tips for a Successful Extension Request

  • Be Honest : Provide a genuine reason for your request.
  • Be Early : Request the extension as soon as you realize you need it.
  • Offer Solutions : Show your commitment to completing the task.
  • Keep It Professional : Maintain a respectful and formal tone.
  • Proofread : Ensure your letter is error-free and professional.

Template: Sample Email for Extension of Deadline

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position/Title] [Company/Organization Name] [Address]

Subject: Request for Extension on [Project/Assignment Name]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request an extension of time for [specific task/project/assignment]. Due to [reason], it has become challenging to complete the work by the originally agreed deadline of [original deadline].

In light of these challenges, I kindly request an extension until [new deadline]. This additional time will enable me to [explain briefly what you will accomplish during the extension period].

Table: Adjusted Timeline | Milestone                       | Revised Date          | |———————————|—————————| | [Milestone 1]                  | [New Date 1]           | | [Milestone 2]                  | [New Date 2]           |

I appreciate your understanding and patience in this matter. Thank you for considering my request, and I am available for any further discussion or clarification.

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

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Extension Cost Estimator

Frequently asked questions (faqs), q: what is the best way to formally request an extension of time for a project deadline.

Answer: In my experience, the best approach is to clearly outline the reasons for the delay, such as unforeseen circumstances or dependencies on other tasks. It’s crucial to propose a new realistic deadline and assure the recipient of your commitment to meeting this revised date.

Q: How should I address a letter requesting an extension of time to my supervisor?

Answer: I always start by addressing the supervisor respectfully by their title and last name. Express appreciation for their understanding and support before stating the request, as this sets a cooperative tone for the discussion.

Q: Can I request an extension for a personal matter affecting my professional deadlines?

Answer: Absolutely, I’ve found it effective to be honest about personal matters that impact my work. Briefly explain the situation and how an extension will help you maintain the quality of your work, ensuring you remain professional in your request.

Q: What details should be included in an extension request letter?

Answer: Based on my writing experience, your letter should include the original deadline, the requested new deadline, specific reasons for the delay, and a plan to prevent future delays. Being transparent and detailed builds trust and shows professionalism.

Q: How can I ensure my request for an extension is granted?

Answer: From what I’ve learned, it helps to submit your request as soon as you realize the need for an extension. Provide a well-reasoned explanation and demonstrate how you plan to manage the extended time efficiently. This proactive approach often leads to a positive response.

Q: What tone should I use when writing a letter requesting an extension?

Answer: I always recommend using a polite and formal tone, showing respect for the recipient’s time and authority. Convey urgency without sounding desperate or demanding, which encourages a favorable outcome.

Q: What is a “motion for extension of time form” typically used for in legal proceedings?

Answer: In my experience, a “motion for extension of time form” is used to formally request additional time to meet a deadline in a court case. This could be for filing documents, responding to motions, or preparing for trial. It’s crucial to justify the need for more time convincingly to the court.

Q: How do I ensure my “motion for extension of time form” is accepted by the court?

Answer: Based on my personal dealings with such motions, it’s essential to file the request early and provide a valid reason for the delay, such as unforeseen circumstances or complex legal issues that require more time to address properly. Clear communication and adherence to local court rules significantly increase the chances of approval.

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Sample Letters

Sample Letters

Writing an Impressive Extension Request Letter (Free Templates)

Having written many unique extension request letters, I’ve learned the nuances that can make your request compelling and successful. In this article, I’ll share my tips, personal experiences, and three proven templates you can use to craft your own extension request letter.

Key Takeaways

Key InformationDetails
Purpose of LetterTo request additional time to complete a task or obligation.
TonePolite, respectful, and professional.
Essential ElementsReason for the extension, new proposed deadline, appreciation for consideration.
Template IncludedYes, a customizable template provided.
Persuasive TipsBe honest, provide valid reasons, and show gratitude.

Understanding the Importance of an Extension Request Letter

An extension request letter is a formal document you send to request additional time to complete a task or fulfill an obligation. Whether it’s a project deadline, a bill payment, or a job assignment, asking for more time can be necessary due to unforeseen circumstances. The key is to ask in a way that is respectful and provides a valid reason.

My Experience with Extension Request Letters

Over the years, I have written numerous extension request letters for various reasons—project deadlines, academic assignments, and even personal obligations. One common factor in all these letters is the need to balance politeness with a compelling justification.

How to Structure Your Extension Request Letter

Here’s a structure that I’ve found particularly effective:

  • Address the recipient formally (e.g., “Dear Mr. Smith”).
  • Get straight to the point in the opening sentence.
  • Be honest and concise about why you need the extension.
  • Suggest a reasonable new deadline that you can meet.
  • Thank the recipient for considering your request.

Real-Life Example

Once, I had to request an extension for a major project due to an unexpected family emergency. Here’s a snippet of how I approached it:

“Dear Professor Jones, I am writing to request an extension for the research paper due on May 15th. Due to an unforeseen family emergency, I have been unable to dedicate the necessary time to complete the paper to the best of my ability. I am requesting an additional week to finalize my research and submit a quality paper. I sincerely appreciate your understanding and consideration.”

Tips from Personal Experience

  • Honesty builds trust. If you’re straightforward about why you need more time, your request is more likely to be granted.
  • Acknowledge the inconvenience your request may cause and assure them you are committed to meeting the new deadline.
  • Always thank the person for their time and consideration, regardless of the outcome.

Extension Request Letter Template

Here’s a customizable template you can use for your extension request letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Company/Organization] [Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request an extension for [specific task or obligation] which is currently due on [current deadline].

Due to [brief explanation of the reason], I am unable to complete it by the given deadline. I am kindly requesting an extension until [new proposed deadline] to ensure that I can deliver quality work.

I understand the impact this may have and appreciate your understanding and consideration. Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.

[Your Name]

Final Thoughts

Writing an extension request letter can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can effectively communicate your needs and increase the chances of a favorable response. Remember to be polite, honest, and appreciative. Drawing from my extensive experience, these elements are crucial in crafting a successful request.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: what should i include in an extension request letter.

Answer : When I write an extension request letter, I always include the reason for needing more time, the new proposed deadline, and a brief outline of what I’ve accomplished so far to demonstrate my commitment to completing the task.

Q: How do I politely ask for an extension on a project deadline?

Answer : I find it effective to politely request an extension by acknowledging the original deadline, explaining my circumstances without making excuses, and expressing my continued dedication to delivering quality work within the new timeframe.

Q: Can I request an extension via email, or is a formal letter better?

Answer : In my experience, both formats can be appropriate, but I prefer using email for its convenience and speed, ensuring my message is clear, professional, and includes all necessary details just as I would in a formal letter.

Q: How early should I request an extension before the original deadline?

Answer : I always aim to request an extension at least a week in advance, giving my supervisor ample time to consider my request and allowing me to make necessary adjustments based on their response.

Q: What if my extension request is denied?

Answer : If my request for an extension is denied, I typically thank my supervisor for considering my request and immediately work on a revised plan to ensure I meet the original deadline, possibly seeking support or resources to help manage the workload.

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Extension of time: research component submission

If you wish to take time off from your non-doctoral postgraduate programme rather than extend, please visit Suspending study of a postgraduate programme (excluding doctoral) .

We recognise that things may happen that are outside of your control and affects your ability to complete your studies.

An extension of time means that you are asking for additional time to complete your research component beyond the expected submission date due to exceptional circumstances.

Exceptional circumstances and supporting evidence

An extension request is based on exceptional circumstances so you will need to provide some evidence to support your application. 

For more information, please see Postgraduate extensions and suspensions supporting evidence .

We understand that providing evidence can be difficult in some circumstances. If you have any concerns about providing evidence, please contact us by email.

Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care is also available to you and provides a safe, confidential and free service to support the health, wellbeing and safety of everyone at University.

For more information, please see Te Papa Manaaki | Campus Care .

Maximum extensions available

Please note that extensions are calculated in calendar months. For example, if you request a one-month extension starting 14 July, your extension will end on 13 August.

  • Thesis, research portfolio : you can apply for an extension to your submission date, usually for no more than eight months , in exceptional circumstances
  • Dissertation, research essay, research project : you can apply for an extension to your submission date, usually for no more than two months , in exceptional circumstances

Bachelor (honours)

  • Dissertation, research essay, research portfolio, research project or thesis : you can apply for an extension to your submission date, usually for no more than two months , in exceptional circumstances

Postgraduate diploma

  • Dissertation, research essay or research project : you can apply for an extension to your submission date, usually for no more than two months , in exceptional circumstances

Postgraduate certificate

  • Postgraduate Certificate programmes do not allow for an extension of time to submit research, but do allow for an extension to the duration of your programme, please see  Extension of time: postgraduate programme duration

If you’ve applied for an extension, you will be charged additional fees for the additional months you take to complete your programme. 

Please note:

  • If you’re receiving funding from StudyLink, including a student allowance or student loan living costs, you must notify StudyLink. To contact StudyLink, please see Contact us
  • If you’re an international student, an extension may impact your visa. You should speak with an International Student Adviser to discuss these impacts. For more information, please visit Contact the International Office
  • If you’re a scholarship recipient, an extension may also impact your scholarship payments. Please refer to the terms and conditions of your scholarship to understand the impacts of a suspension


If you have a supervisor, you must discuss your request with them before applying for an extension. Your supervisor needs to support your application in writing for an extension.

You will need to also confirm with your supervisor if they are able to continue supervising you after the extension period ends.

If you’re applying for an extension, please note that your application must be submitted at least two weeks before your final submission date. This is to allow time for a decision to be made.

If your submission date has passed, please contact us to discuss your situation:

You can submit an application for an extension for a: 

  • Research portfolio
  • Dissertation
  • Research essay
  • Research project

*It is important that you discuss your plans with your supervisor if you are enrolled in a research component.

What happens after you apply

If you’re approved for an extension:

  • Enrol into your courses for the upcoming enrolment period
  • You will need to pay the required additional fees

If you're not approved for an extension to submit your research component, and you are in a masters, bachelors (honours), or postgraduate diploma programme, you may appeal this decision. 

The appeal must be made in writing to the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) within one month  of the decline being officially communicated. 

Your application must: 

  • Clearly set out the grounds of your appeal
  • Contain all relevant documents to support your appeal

The decision by the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education) is final. 

Related links

  • Extension of time: postgraduate programme duration
  • Postgraduate extensions and suspensions supporting evidence
  • Fees charge for extensions of time for research components

Academic Registry and Council Secretariat

Request an extension of your thesis submission date.

This webpage and the extensions application form have been updated as of 10 July 2020. These changes take into account issues raised by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The main changes made are:

  • The guidance notes on the form have been re-organised and updated.
  • “Covid-19 disruption to study” has been added to the reasons for requesting an extension.
  • Normally an extension can be applied for on one occasion only except in exceptional circumstances. Where the reason for the extension is due to the Covid-19 pandemic more than one extension can be applied for.
  • The evidence requested in support of the application has been reduced. Students are asked to provide a timetable for completion of all work on the thesis and the proposed new thesis submission deadline. Draft thesis chapters are not required.
  • Statements have been included in the approval sections for the primary supervisor and Director of Graduate Studies

Students in their final 12 months of study or who have writing up status may apply for an extension to the period of registration and the thesis submission deadline.

Please read the guidance here and the notes on the extension request form, carefully, before requesting an extension.

PGR Extension of Thesis Submission Form [XLS 133KB]

  • You may request an extension of up to one year if your studies are being affected by circumstances beyond your control.
  • Extensions can be granted in periods of whole months.
  • Extensions may be permitted for a number of reasons, including illness, maternity/paternity/adoption leave, personal reasons and financial difficulties.
  • Normally only one application is permitted except in exceptional circumstances, for example if the reason is due to Covid-19 issues.
  • Requests should normally be applied for at the latest 3 months in advance of the current thesis submission deadline
  • Students who have taken up employment during their writing-up year or final 12 months of study may apply for an extension.
  • An extension will not be approved solely to allow students to take up training, work placements, or teaching opportunities.
  • Extensions will not be approved for students who are not making adequate progress.

If you will not be able to work on your research programme at all for a period of time it may be more appropriate to request permission to interrupt your studies .

Application process

First, discuss your application with your Primary Supervisor to review your progress to date and to develop a timetable for completion of all work on the thesis and to agree a new thesis submission deadline.

On the form please explain how circumstances beyond your control make it impossible for you to complete the thesis by your current thesis submission date, and attach your timetable for completion of all work on the thesis and the proposed new thesis submission deadline. The thesis completion plan should include a table of contents, chapter headings and timetable for thesis completion for each chapter. Please use the template provided.

Requests for extensions must be approved by your Primary Supervisor and the school/institute Director of Graduate Studies. Your Primary supervisor and the Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) will review your application and, if they support your request, the DGS will forward the application to the Research Degrees Office by email to  [email protected]

Your request will be considered and the decision made by the Research Degrees Programmes and Examinations Board. When a decision has been made on your application, the Research Degrees Office will notify you and your school/institute.

Immigration permission

If you have Student Immigration Permission (formerly a Tier 4 visa) you may need to apply for an extension of your visa. Please see the  Advice and Counselling Guide before completing this form.

UKRI Research Council funded students

Students who receive their stipend funding from grants awarded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI – the Research Councils) should check the UKRI doctoral training grant terms and conditions with their Doctoral Training Manager before applying for an extension. UKRI monitors the thesis submission rates of its funded students. Please refer to Council specific guidance for further detail. The terms and conditions of UKRI funding take precedence over the Queen Mary Academic Regulations.

Writing-up status

Students in their final 12 months of study who have not already transferred to writing-up status should discuss with their supervisor submitting an application to transfer to writing-up status using the online form in MySIS . A student who is in writing-up status by the time of the start of the extension period will not pay fees for the extended period of study.

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Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division

  • Graduate school
  • Information for postgraduate research students
  • Extensions and Suspensions

This section contains information about what you need to do if you need to apply for an extension of time or suspend your status.

When can extensions potentially be granted?

Students working for the DPhil are expected to submit their thesis within three to four years of full-time study, and MSc by Research students within two to three years. If you are prevented ‘by exceptional circumstances’ from completing your research within the maximum period normally allowed by the University (9 terms for MSc by Research, 12 terms for the DPhil), you may apply for an extension of time. The maximum total periods of extension are up to six terms for DPhil and three terms for MSc by Research candidates. Students are only allowed to apply for a maximum of three terms at any one time. However, it is divisional policy to approve an extension of one term only at a time, so that your progress can be kept under close review .

How do I apply for an extension?

If you need an extension of time, you must apply formally using the online  form GSO.15 . You must give full reasons for your request, and these must also be supported by your supervisor and college. The Director of Graduate Studies will wish to know the present state of your thesis, i.e. how much has been completed and how much remains to be done, and to see a new timetable for completion and the expected submission date for your thesis. Your application must be submitted before the end of your maximum submission date to avoid your status being lapsed (see below). An extension will only be granted if the Director of Graduate Studies is satisfied that you are working actively on your thesis. If this is not the case your status will be allowed to lapse and it will be necessary for you to apply for subsequent reinstatement if you wish to resume work or to submit your thesis. 


When can suspensions potentially be granted?

If for a temporary period, you are unable to pursue your course of study or research, you may apply for suspension of your student status. Relevant circumstances could include illness, accident, domestic crisis or unforeseeable financial difficulty. Alternatively, it might be essential for you to concentrate temporarily on some other project (e.g. gaining some other qualification) which could not reasonably be deferred until after your postgraduate work was completed; or you might wish to take up temporary work which was likely to be important to your future career, and the opportunity for which was unlikely to recur.

How do I apply for a suspension?

Applications must be made using the form GSO.17 . You will need to specify the exact term(s) you require suspension for, and must have the support of your supervisor and college. Students are allowed to apply for a maximum of six terms suspension in total. However, you may only apply for a maximum of three terms at any one time.

Students wishing to apply for a suspension of status for  Maternity, Paternity or Adoption Leave  will need to complete form  form GSO.17b .  Please refer to Your Rights and Responsibilities  for further information and guidance.

What happens when I return from a suspension?

If you are intending to return from your suspension of status you will need to ensure that you complete the Returning from Suspension of Status form, GSO.17a , prior to your return.     

Failure to return the completed form will delay the reactivation of your student status. The completed form should be returned to the MPLS Graduate Office ( [email protected] )

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  • Introduction
  • Fees and Charges
  • Supervision and Termly Reporting
  • Your rights, responsibilities and policies
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  • Lapsing and Reinstatement
  • Submitting your thesis
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Honors Program

  • Thesis Extensions
  • Thesis Supervisor
  • Online Submission Instructions
  • Online Approval Instructions
  • Publishing in Open Commons

For May 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by April 26th, in Quest. For August 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by August 31st, in Quest. For December 2024 graduates, approved theses are due by December 6th, in Quest.

IMPORTANT: Students who cannot meet the deadline posted above must contact their thesis supervisor and Honors advisor to gain their support for an extension and set up a timeline for submission, review, and approval at a later date.

Have you Been Approved for a Two-Week Extension?

For May 2024 candidates, if you need additional time to complete your thesis, up to two weeks (to May 10, 2024) you must:

  • Contact your thesis supervisor and your Honors advisor to ask if they will support an extension and new timeline for review and approval of an additional two weeks.
  • Confirm support for up to a two week extension from both advisors - no official form or paperwork needed by the Honors office.
  • IMPORTANT: Be aware that a late grade entry may leave you off the published Dean's List if you are eligible. If it applies, the Dean's List notation will appear on your transcript upon entry of the final grade.
  • Understand that a two-week extension will not prevent you from attending the Honors Medals Ceremony or Commencement activities.
  • Submit your thesis online at quest.uconn.edu and confirm approval from both advisors by the end of the two week extension (May 10, 2024).

You do not need to notify the Honors Program via email, phone, or fill out a special request form, if your thesis is submitted and approved within the two week window.

NOTE: August and December candidates who are interested in extensions must contact [email protected] .

Steps for Further Extensions for May Graduates

  • Contact your thesis supervisor and your Honors advisor to determine if they will both support an additional extension.
  • With input from both advisors, determine a new mutually agreed upon timeline for completion, review, and approval.
  • confirming that you have the support of both advisors for a further extension;
  • providing Honors with the agreed upon new deadline;
  • and to learn your options for graduation.

For May 2024 Graduates: Your thesis will need to be submitted to Quest and approved by both advisors by the extended deadline or by the final degree deadline of May 31, 2024 at 12:00 noon .  All of your grades and Honors credit must be noted on your transcript and all of your normal and Honors degree requirements must also be met by this time.

Extensions beyond the final degree deadline will result in postponement of your degree conferral to August or later.

Online thesis submission and approval process.  If you have any questions about submitting your thesis and graduating as an Honors Scholar, email [email protected] .

Home » Application » Application for Extension of Time for PhD – Sample Application for Requesting Extension of Time

Application for Extension of Time for PhD – Sample Application for Requesting Extension of Time

thesis extension of time

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

Live Editing Assistance

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To, __________ (Receiver’s Name), __________ (Name of the University) __________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for extension of time

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, my name is __________ (Your Name) studying in department __________ (mention your department) holding roll number __________ (Mention roll number).

I am writing this letter to request for extension for __________ (Mention time duration). The reason for extension is __________ (Mention reason). I hope you accept this application. I will be highly obliged.

Yours Sincerely/ Faithfully, _________ (Signature), _________ (Name), _________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • It's advisable to request an extension as soon as you realize you may need one, ideally well before the original deadline. This allows sufficient time for the university to review and process your request.
  • Provide a clear and valid reason for needing the extension, such as unforeseen personal circumstances, additional time required for data collection or analysis, or unexpected challenges encountered during the research process.
  • Depending on the university's policies, you may be required to provide supporting documentation, such as a medical certificate or a letter explaining your circumstances. Check with your department or supervisor for specific requirements.
  • If your extension request is denied, you should discuss alternative options with your supervisor or academic advisor. They may be able to provide guidance on how to manage your workload and meet the original deadline.
  • While it's possible to request multiple extensions, it's important to demonstrate valid reasons for each request and to communicate openly with your supervisor or academic advisor about your progress and any challenges you may be facing.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • Sample letter requesting a time extension for Ph.D
  • Time extension request letter for PhD

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Library Guide for Harvard Extension School

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Helpful Links for Thesis Writers

Alm theses online, alm theses in harvard archives.

  • Other Libraries
  • One-Minute Videos
  • The  Guide to the ALM Thesis  is the primary resource for Harvard Extension School degree candidates seeking to create an original thesis in their field of study.
  • The  Harvard Extension School Thesis Process  webpage outlines the steps to follow for thesis preparation, registration, and completion. 
  • The  Harvard Extension School Capstones  webpage provides a detailed overview of Capstone Courses and Projects. 
  • Beginning in 2016, DCE theses are only available online, in DASH , the Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard.
  • From the above link, to search within the DCE theses collection, under the search box change the option to search "This Collection" and enter your search words.
  • Older copies (currently, all copies prior to 2013) are available in the  Harvard Archives , and are listed in  HOLLIS . 
  • 2014-2015 copies are currently in processing and are not yet available through the Harvard Archives.
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Examination of Thesis Fees

• M.Phil TT$100.00

• Ph.D TT$150.00

Higher Degrees (MPhil and PhD)

Students must continue to pay fees until the submission of the thesis to the Office of

Graduate Studies & Research, after which they are required to continue to register every semester and pay the registration fee until awarded.

If the thesis or project is submitted before September 30 - semester I or end of

February - semester II, only the registration fee of TT$20.00 is payable.

  • Online ePayment Facility
  • Online ePayment Instructions
  • For General Student Online Payments Click here:  https://secure.touchnet.net/C24203_ustores/web/classic/store_main.jsp?STOREID=17&SINGLESTORE=true


A candidate registered for the MPhil degree who wishes to upgrade his or her registration to the PhD must apply after a period of one year full-time, or two years part-time, from the date of initial registration, and should complete the upgrade of registration by the end of three years full-time, or five years part-time from the date of initial registration.  The candidate must have the support of the supervisor and the relevant Head of Department and have given evidence of having the qualifications necessary for writing a thesis for the PhD. (Regulation 1.40)

The Procedure for Upgrading of Registration

  • Consult with supervisor and then write to the Senior/Assistant Registrar, through the Supervisor and the Head of Department/Unit or Director of Institute/Centre, formally seeking an upgrade of your registration.
  • The Senior/Assistant Registrar will seek a recommendation from the Head of Department, advising him or her of student’s eligibility for the upgrade.
  • If the Head of Department is in agreement with the student’s request to upgrade, he/she will submit the recommendations for the Upgrade Assessment Committee to the Chair of the Campus Committee for approval.
  • Report on the work done and accomplishments to date under the M.Phil. registration.
  • Proposal to upgrade the work to the Ph.D. beyond the M.Phil. level.

Upgrade Proposal Document

The precise form of material considered as part of the Upgrade Proposal will vary across Departments and disciplines so the student should draft his/her Upgrade Proposal in consultation with his or her Supervisor(s).  The Upgrade Proposal should be no more than 100 pages.

It should cover at least the following components:

  • An introduction giving the context of the work;
  • A literature review;
  • A research question and hypothesis;
  • A section on methodology
  • A substantial piece of work towards the thesis objectives;
  • A plan and timetable for the reminder of the work; and
  • A bibliography.

Guidelines for upgrading MPhil to PhD (link to document in Research Degree Document Library)

Upgrade Seminar

The upgrade seminar will consist of at least a 30 minute oral presentation of the work and proposal by the student, followed by the questions posed to the student by the Assessors.

Possible Outcomes

  • Pass – upgrade of registration to PhD; or
  • Adequate – subject to revision of the Upgrade Proposal to the satisfaction of the Supervisor within two (2) months; or
  • Inadequate – Revise and resubmit the Upgrade Proposal for second and final attempt at the upgrade seminar within six (6) months; or
  • Fail – MPhil to be completed within a specified time.

Progress Reports (Reg 1.69)

  • Your Chief Supervisor must submit biannually to the Campus Committee through the Head of Department, a report on the work you have done under his/her supervision.
  • Members of your Advisory Committee are required to meet with you at least once per year and based on these meetings should submit to the Campus Committee, through your Head of Department, an annual report on your progress.
  • Your Supervisor shall supply you with a copy of these reports, and you shall be invited to verify that you have seen these reports.
  • Supervisor’s Progress Report Form (For students not on a graduate scholarship) - updated Jan 2021

Graduate Research Seminars (Reg. 1.68)

  • Students enrolled for an MPhil degree must satisfactorily complete at least two (2) research seminars, to be convened by the relevant Head of Department, prior to the submission of their MPhil thesis.
  • Student enrolled for PhD degree must satisfactorily complete three (3) research seminar prior to submission of their PhD thesis.
  • The upgrade seminar will count as one of the three (3) seminars for the PhD, provided that it is not the last seminar.
  • Assessments of student’s seminars must be included in their progress Reports.
  • Students enrolled in Professional Doctorates must satisfactorily complete research seminars as specified in Programme requirements.

Guidelines for Mandatory MPhil & PhD Seminars   (link to documents library)

Examination of Theses/Manuscripts

Entry for Examination by Thesis/Manuscript

  • A candidate must submit for the approval of the Campus Committee, the exact title of his/her thesis/Manuscript at that time when he or she applies for entry to the examination.  An approved thesis title may not be changed except with the permission of the Campus Committee.
  • An MPhil candidate must have satisfactorily completed two (2) seminars and at least six (6) credits of courses before applying for entry to the examination of the thesis.
  • The PhD candidate must have satisfactorily completed three (3) seminars and at least nine (9) credits of courses before applying for entry to the examination of the thesis.
  • Candidates must apply to enter for the examination by thesis on the prescribed form,  Application for Examination of Thesis not less than three months before the expected date of submission of the thesis.
  • The application must be accompanied by the required examination fee and must be signed by the candidates Supervisor and Head of Department.
  • Candidates will be invited to submit their thesis/manuscript for examination when the Office of Graduate Studies and Research has received approved nomination of examiners from the Head of Department/Dean or Deputy Dean.

Documents Required for Submission of theses/Manuscripts for Examination

When invited to submit the following documents must be e-mailed to [email protected] :

  • One (1) electronic copy of the thesis in PDF and Word format (Please submit large files via drop box or Google Drive link),
  • An electronic copy of the Turnitin Report in PDF Format
  • A scanned copy of the Certificate of Completion signed by your Supervisor(s) and Head of Department.   Certificate of Completion of Thesis/Research Paper/Project

Re-Submission for Re-Examination: Documents Required

When re-submitting for re-examination the following documents must be e-mailed to [email protected] :

  • One (1) electronic copy of the revised thesis in PDF and word format (Please submit large files via drop box or Google Drive links),
  • An electronic copy of your signed statement of revisions document

Re-submission Before Proceeding to Oral Examination: Documents Required

When submitting a revised thesis/Manuscript before proceeding to the Oral Examination the following documents must be submitted to [email protected] :

  • A memo or letter from your supervisor/examiners certifying that you have done all your revisions to their satisfaction.

Documents Required for submission of the corrected Thesis/Manuscript (for the award of the degree)

When submitting your final corrected Thesis/Manuscript the following documents must be e-mailed to [email protected] :

  • An electronic copy of your signed statement of corrections document
  • An electronic copy memo or letter from supervisor/examiners certifying that you have completed your corrections to their satisfaction.
  • An electronic copy of the signed declaration form.

Award of High Commendation (Reg. 1.75)

The award of an MPhil/PhD shall be conferred with High Commendation where the Examiners are unanimous in their recommendation that such an award should be made (see Reg. 3.25).

 In the case of Professional Doctorates (PhD Business Administration and the Doctor of Business Administration), candidates must also have attained a Grade A average over the coursework component of the Programme, and a candidate failing a course (Including an elective course) required for the completion of the programme shall be ineligible for the award of High Commendation.  Failure in a co-requisite course shall not exclude the student from receiving high commendation.

High Commendation will not normally be awarded to candidates who have exceeded the time limits for registration.

Extension in Time for Submission of Thesis/Manuscript

  • A candidate whose period of registration is about to end (See Regulations 1.49-1.50) may apply for an extension of time.
  • Campus Committees may approve extensions of time limits of up to 2 years for MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorates theses.
  • Extensions in time are decided at your Faculty of Board of Examiners Meetings which are held after each semester.  You are advised to speak to your Supervisor or Head of Department about your desire to have an extension in time to submit your thesis/Manuscript.

Leave of Absence Reg. 1.37)

  • A student who for good reason wishes to be absent from an academic programme for a semester or more may apply for a formal leave of absence to the Campus committee , stating the reasons for the application.
  • Leave of absence will not be granted for more than two consecutive academic years, unless the Board for Graduate Studies and Research in any particular case decides otherwise.
  • Applications for Leave of Absence for a semester shall be submitted by the end of the third week of the relevant semester.
  • Applications for leave of absence for the academic year shall be submitted by the end of the third week of Semester I.

How To Apply for Leave of Absence

  • Log in to the new student portal (my.uwi.edu)
  • Go to ‘mySecureArea’
  • Go to ‘Student Services & Financial Aid’
  • Click on ‘Registration’
  • Click on ‘Application for Leave of Absence’
  • Follow the steps required for the application and click ‘Submit’

Please note:

  • Medical Certificates are required if your reason for the application for leave of absence is medical.
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to your new student portal Email with a tracking number once your application is submitted.
  • Students can track the progress and status of their application by logging into Banner and clicking on the specific Tracking Number to see details.  When making enquires, please use your tracking number as a reference.
  • All updates will be communicated to the applicant through The UWI Official Student email.
  • For further info you may contact: 662-2002 Exts. 84191 and 85018.

Contact Information

Mrs. Rachel Harripaul - [email protected] (School of Educations, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology)

Ms. Sherelle Trim  - [email protected] (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, School of Humanities, Seismic Research Unit)

Mrs. Shernelle Babb  - [email protected] (Faculty of Food and Agriculture, Faculty of Social Sciences, SALISES, Institute of International Relations)

Ms. Vanessa Duncan - [email protected] (Administrative Assistant, MPhil and PhD Matters)

Should you wish to speak to a member of staff please access our LIVE CHAT at https://sta.uwi.edu/admissions/postgrad/ ) between the hours of 8.30 am to 4.30 p.m) 

Quick Links

  • 2020/2021 GSR Calendar

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The University of the West Indies St. Augustine

Tel: (868) 663-1334 / 662-4394 Fax: (868) 663-9684


  • Postgraduate Programmes
  • Campus Ethics
  • School for Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies and Research UWI St. Augustine Tel: (868) 662-2002 ext. Email: @sta.uwi.edu

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Application for Extension in Submission Time for Thesis

Application for Extension in Submission Time for Thesis



Higher Degrees by Research and Thesis

Application for Extension in Submission/Resubmission Time for Thesis

1.1This form should be used only for extensions to the submission or resubmission time for a thesis.

1.2Extensions beyond the continuation year are granted only on medical grounds or in grave and exceptional circumstances and normally limited to a maximum of six months. Extensions in resubmission time are granted only in exceptional circumstances and are normally limited to a maximum of three months. Concessionary evidence should be supplied with the application.

1.3A student seeking an extension to the deadline for the submission/resubmission of a thesis should first complete section 2. The form should then be passed to the supervisor.

1.4The supervisor should provide a report on the student’s work, including specific comments on the reasons for delay and on the timetable for completion.

1.5The form should then be forwarded to the School Officer, who will submit it for the approval of the School Director of Graduate Studies (Research Programmes), accompanied by the student file.

1.6If the student is applying for a second extension to the submission deadline the School Officer will then submit the form for the approval of the Faculty Director of Graduate Studies, care of the Faculties Support Office, accompanied by the student file.

  • Student’s Statement
  • Supervisor’s Statement
  • Recommendation of the School Director of Graduate Studies (Research Programmes):
  • Recommendation of the Faculty Director of Graduate Studies


thesis extension of time

Letter Request for Extension of Time for Document Submission

Letter Request for Extension of Time for Document Submission

If you are in a situation wherein you know that you will not be able to submit the documents within the time limit then it is always recommended to write a request letter for extension . The request letter to submit pending documents time extension is a simple letter which must include the amount of extension and the reason for the same. The Sample Request Letter for Extension can be followed for the same.

In this post, we bring to you a sample letter request for extension of time for document submission. You can use this formal extension letter for drafting your own letter.

Request Letter Format for Extension of Time for Document Submission

Anthony Smith

45, Raymond Road

Date: June 25th, 2022

Mr. Richard Roy

Vice Chancellor

New York University

Sub: Regarding request for time extension for document submission.

Respected Sir,

I, Anthony Smith, am writing this letter to request you for time extension for submitting my documents for admission in your esteemed university.

I have applied for the course of Bachelors in Commerce with your university and my application has been approved. To complete the process of admission, I am required to submit my original documents with the university by July 1 st , 2022.

I am writing this letter to allow me an extension of three days because there has been some unforeseen delay at the end of the courier company with which I have sent my documents to the university. I am in constant touch with the courier company and they have reassured me that my documents will reach the university latest by July 4 th , 2022.

I hope you will understand my situation and will consider it by granting me an extension of three days.

Thanking you.

Other Related Letter Format, Example

Application Letter for Loan Date Extension Letter to Different Branch with Documents for Signature By Customer Enclosed

Top File Download:

  • https://www club4ca com/formats/letter-formats/letter-for-extension-of-time-for-document-submission/#:~:text=To complete the process of my documents to the university
  • Sample letter request for extension of time for document submission

Related Files:

  • Application for Closing Bank Account due to Death
  • Budget Approval Request Letter Sample Format & Example
  • Product Warranty Claim Letter Template & Example
  • What is HUF and Format for Declaration for Creation of HUF?

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Thesis submission

Once your thesis has been accepted by your department and Faculty, and all other degree requirements have been met, you will need to provide the University with an electronic copy of your approved thesis.

The thesis itself becomes the property of the University but other concurrent forms of publication are allowed. There is no restriction on the use in the thesis of material that you have already published, provided that this published material describes work done during your graduate enrolment at the University of Waterloo and that appropriate permission is obtained. The use of external laboratories or other facilities for research contributing to the thesis may be allowed with the prior approval of the department and Faculty. Theses approved by Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) will be indexed by the University Library and by Library and Archives Canada, and will be accessible electronically.

Jump to: Deadlines | Submission process | Restrictions | Paper copies

Your thesis must be approved by GSPA by the end of term in which you defend, in order to avoid the need to register for a subsequent term. If you do need to register in a subsequent term, the tuition refund schedule outlined in the  Graduate Studies Academic Calendar  applies (e.g. if your thesis is approved prior to the 100% refund deadline, you may be eligible for a 100% tuition refund).

Following final acceptance/approval from the Examining Committee, your thesis must be submitted to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (GSPA) for final approval. Your thesis will be reviewed once GSPA has received the 'Thesis Acceptance' form from the Faculty/department. Once approved by the GSPA, your thesis is deposited in  UWSpace , the University’s institutional repository for the research and scholarship produced by its faculty, students, and staff.

  • You must submit a copy of your thesis (.pdf format only) and any  supplementary files  (Library website) via UWSpace for review by GSPA. Detailed submission instructions can be found on the  Library's thesis submission guide .
  • The Library and Archives Canada ‘Thesis Non-Exclusive License’ has been incorporated into the University of Waterloo ‘Thesis Non-Exclusive Distribution License’. The license-granting is completed electronically as part of the UWSpace submission process.
  • Theses submitted to  UWSpace  will be reviewed within 3 to 5 business days of GSPA receiving the 'Thesis Acceptance' form from the Faculty/department.
  • If any revisions are required, you will be contacted by email. Revisions must be made and the updated thesis resubmitted to UWSpace for final approval before you can be degree complete.
  • Once the thesis submission is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.
  • Retain a copy of GSPA/UWSpace approval email to submit to  W Print  if paper copies of your thesis are required.


The University will not consent to any restrictions being placed upon the circulation or availability of a thesis following its deposit to UWSpace, unless a student's interests (e.g., patent rights) would be jeopardized by publication.

In the case where a student’s interests would be jeopardized by publication:

  • The publication of the thesis within UWSpace can be delayed for a period of four months, one year, or two years from the date of UWSpace approval. These restrictions should be discussed and agreed upon between the student and supervisor(s) at the time of defence. The student must select the appropriate restriction option from the drop-down list located under the "Restriction Terms" title on the " Describe Item " page in the UWSpace submission interface
  • Any request for extension to an approved restriction must be submitted using the  Request to restrict circulation of thesis form  (Graduate Studies forms website), and must be received in Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at least two months before the date of release. If no further extension is requested or approved, the thesis will be released in UWSpace.

Paper copies

Students may choose to have any personal copies of the approved thesis bound privately or through the services provided by  W Print  at the University of Waterloo.

Related links

  • Thesis and defence
  • Thesis formatting
  • Thesis editing, copyright, and embargoes

An official website of the United States Government

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  • File Your Taxes for Free
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  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
  • Your Online Account
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  • Estimated Taxes
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Forms & Instructions

  • Form 1040 Instructions
  • Form 4506-T
  • Form 1040-X
  • Circular 230

Get an extension to file your tax return

If you need more time to file your taxes, you can  request an extension through October 15. You must file your request by the April tax filing due date to get the extension. Make sure you pay any tax you owe by the April filing date. The extension is only for filing your return.

Automatic extensions

You may qualify for an automatic tax filing extension if you’re:

  • In a federally declared disaster area
  • In the military stationed abroad or serving in a combat zone
  • A citizen or resident alien living outside the U.S.

Get an extension

There are 3 ways to get until October 15 to file your tax return.

Pay online and check the box

Pay what you owe using an online payment option and check the box that you are paying as part of filing for an extension. You don’t have to file a separate extension form and you’ll receive a confirmation number of your extension for your records.

Use Free File (no income limit for extensions)

Use IRS Free File to electronically request an automatic tax-filing extension.

Request an extension by mail

1. File Form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return . You can file by mail, online with an IRS e-filing partner or through a tax professional. 2. Estimate how much tax you owe for the year on the extension form: Subtract the taxes you already paid for the filing year.

Find more on extensions for: Businesses or corporations Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns Form 1138, Extension of Time for Payment of Taxes by a Corporation Expecting a Net Operating Loss Carryback U.S. citizens or resident aliens living outside the U.S. Form 2350, Application for Extension of Time to File U.S. Income Tax Return (For U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens Abroad Who Expect To Qualify for Special Tax Treatment) Exempt organizations Form 8868, Application for Extension of Time To File an Exempt Organization Return   Retirement plans Form 5558, Application for Extension of Time to File Certain Employee Plan Returns Estates Form 4768, Application for Extension of Time to File a Return and/or Pay U.S. Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes Form 8892, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Form 709 and/or Payment of Gift/Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Information return filers Form 8809, Application for Extension of Time to File Information Returns


  1. Application For Extension Of Time For Phd Sample

    thesis extension of time

  2. Extension to Thesis Submission Deadline

    thesis extension of time

  3. Extension of Thesis Proposal Submission

    thesis extension of time

  4. Fillable Online Request for Extension of Time to Submit Thesis

    thesis extension of time

  5. Example of a Thesis Timeline for Organized and On-Track Writing

    thesis extension of time

  6. Master Thesis' Deadline Extension

    thesis extension of time


  1. The Thesis Process

    If you need additional time to complete your thesis, you need to formally request an extension by emailing that petition to: [email protected]. Regardless of when you started, the maximum allotted time to complete your thesis, including any granted extensions of time is 12 months.

  2. Submission date and extension of time

    Extension of time: DPhil students You are expected to submit your thesis within 12 terms of starting your course. You will lose your DPhil status if you have failed to complete your thesis within 12 terms of being admitted as a research student, and will no longer be registered as a student of the University.

  3. Sample Request Letter for Extension DocumentsHub.Com

    Sample Letter Request For Extension of Thesis/ research work Submission. Request an extension of your thesis submission date. Sample Letter Requesting Extension of Time [Your Name] [Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Address] Subject: Extension Request Dear [Recipient's Name], I am writing to request a brief extension of time for [briefly state the reason].

  4. PDF Request for Extension to Thesis/Dissertation Deadline

    EXTENSION DEADLINE TOb Extensions dissertation asis. The committee to the deadline for submission of a thesis/dissertation wil. be reviewed and approved on chair. m in s p m by themselves deadline. of thesis/dissertation committee a special, c ase-by-case. graduation term. a c acknowledge Their signatures members i ndicate t t o review of the ...

  5. Ultimate Letter Requesting Extension of Time (Template Included)

    Real-life situations often require flexibility. Whether it's due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness or personal emergencies, or simply underestimating the time required for a task, requesting an extension is a common and necessary practice in both academic and professional settings. Essential Components of an Extension Request Letter

  6. Application for Extension of Time Limit

    I hereby apply for an extension of the time permitted to submit my: (Please tick appropriate box) MSC/MA/MED/MSW/LLM Research paper M.Phil Thesis PhD Thesis ORIGINAL DATE FOR SUBMISSION: _____ LENGTH OF EXTENSION REQUIRED: _____

  7. Writing an Impressive Extension Request Letter (Free Templates)

    Start with a Polite Greeting. Address the recipient formally (e.g., "Dear Mr. Smith"). State Your Purpose Clearly. Get straight to the point in the opening sentence. Explain the Reason for Your Request. Be honest and concise about why you need the extension. Propose a New Deadline.

  8. Extensions, suspensions, deletions and withdrawals

    The maximum extension for a dissertation is two months and for a thesis it is four months. There are extra fees associated with an extension. To apply for a formal extension of time you will need to submit the online AS-503 form. You must have the following supporting documents prepared before submitting the form:

  9. Extension of time: research component submission

    An extension of time means that you are asking for additional time to complete your research component beyond the expected submission date due to exceptional circumstances. ... research portfolio, research project or thesis: you can apply for an extension to your submission date, usually for no more than two months, in exceptional circumstances;

  10. Request an extension of your thesis submission date

    Requests should normally be applied for at the latest 3 months in advance of the current thesis submission deadline. Students who have taken up employment during their writing-up year or final 12 months of study may apply for an extension. An extension will not be approved solely to allow students to take up training, work placements, or ...

  11. Program Extension Policy and Procedures

    The Extension request form can be found by clicking here. Extension forms must include signatures from Thesis, Research Project or Graduate Program Supervisors. Normally, Graduate Studies will approve requests for extensions for full-time Master's students without review until the end of their third year.

  12. Extensions and Suspensions

    The maximum total periods of extension are up to six terms for DPhil and three terms for MSc by Research candidates. Students are only allowed to apply for a maximum of three terms at any one time. However, it is divisional policy to approve an extension of one term only at a time, so that your progress can be kept under close review.

  13. PDF Dissertation/Thesis Submission Deadline Extension Signature Form

    If more time is needed, please use the online form to explain why. ... No extension has been granted until you receive a response to the form you submit online. Last name: First name: Student ID Number: Graduate program: I hereby request an extension of the deadline to submit my dissertation or thesis and completion forms to the Laney Graduate ...

  14. PDF Extension of time limit for submission of research paper-thesis

    DATE OF LAST EXTENSION: (If applicable): _____ NUMBER OF PREVIOUS EXTENSIONS REQUESTED: (If applicable): _____ ... EXTENSION OF TIME LIMIT FOR SUBMISSION OF RESEARCH PAPER/THESIS REQUEST FORM . Title: Microsoft Word - extensionform.rtf Author: 10016705

  15. Thesis Extensions

    For May 2024 candidates, if you need additional time to complete your thesis, up to two weeks (to May 10, 2024) you must: Contact your thesis supervisor and your Honors advisor to ask if they will support an extension and new timeline for review and approval of an additional two weeks.; Confirm support for up to a two week extension from both advisors - no official form or paperwork needed by ...

  16. Application for Extension of Time for PhD

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  17. Research Guides: Library Guide for Harvard Extension School: Theses

    The Guide to the ALM Thesis is the primary resource for Harvard Extension School degree candidates seeking to create an original thesis in their field of study. The Harvard Extension School Thesis Process webpage outlines the steps to follow for thesis preparation, registration, and completion. The Harvard Extension School Capstones webpage ...

  18. PDF Delay and Extension of Time: the Real Issue in Conflicts Between Time

    have been able to finish thesis without their supervision and advice. I would like to thank my mother, brothers and sisters. They were always ... 3.4 The Need For Extension of Time Provision 43 3.5 Prevention and Time at Large 52 3.6 Prevention and Accrued Right to Liquidated 55 Damages 3.7 Conclusion 56 ...

  19. Research Degrees

    Extension in Time for Submission of Thesis/Manuscript. A candidate whose period of registration is about to end (See Regulations 1.49-1.50) may apply for an extension of time. Campus Committees may approve extensions of time limits of up to 2 years for MPhil, PhD and Professional Doctorates theses.

  20. Application for Extension in Submission Time for Thesis

    I anticipate that I will need an extension to the submission/resubmission time for thesis. This statement should provide: 2.1An account of the present state of the work: 2.2The reasons why an extension is required: 2.3An estimate of the extra time required to complete the thesis: 2.4A timetable for completing the thesis agreed with the supervisor:

  21. (PDF) Analysis of Extension of Time Impact on Project

    consequences of time extension in term of projects time and co st and impact of extension of time in projects. Binod Aryal & Bhawani Dhakal; South Asian Res J Eng Tech; Vol-4, Iss-5 (Sept-Oct ...

  22. (PDF) Extension of Time In Construction Projects

    Janani Selvam. Lincoln University College. Malaysi a. *Corresponding author. [email protected]. AB STRACT. Timely complementation of project is highly focused. Wi th an aim to. assess the c ...

  23. Letter Request for Extension of Time for Document Submission

    I, Anthony Smith, am writing this letter to request you for time extension for submitting my documents for admission in your esteemed university. I have applied for the course of Bachelors in Commerce with your university and my application has been approved. To complete the process of admission, I am required to submit my original documents ...

  24. Thesis submission

    Your thesis must be approved by GSPA by the end of term in which you defend, in order to avoid the need to register for a subsequent term. If you do need to register in a subsequent term, the tuition refund schedule outlined in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar applies (e.g. if your thesis is approved prior to the 100% refund deadline, you may be eligible for a 100% tuition refund).

  25. Get an extension to file your tax return

    Form 5558, Application for Extension of Time to File Certain Employee Plan Returns Estates Form 4768, Application for Extension of Time to File a Return and/or Pay U.S. Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Taxes Form 8892, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Form 709 and/or Payment of Gift/Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax

  26. Royal College of Art Extends Strategic Partnership with Thesis

    Ranked as the number one university for art and design for ten consecutive years, the RCA's extension with Thesis comes at a critical time for the College as it continues its upward trajectory ...

  27. PDF Organizational Development & Leadership Graduate Student Guidebook

    the approved advisor and committee members must be submitted to the Registrar's Office at the time you register for the thesis. Registration for the thesis may be completed at the beginning of any ... within the required time and do not register for the 1credit Dissertation Extension, grades of F will be - recorded for both Dissertation I and ...

  28. PDF SCHOOL OF INTEGRATED HEALTH Division of Counseling

    Thesis Option ..... 79 . Bound Thesis ... (317) 574-3980 or extension 3980 . Graduate Counseling Division Faculty/Staff Email Phone Number IWU Extension. [email protected], Rob 317-713-6154 6173 Buquo, Melissa [email protected] ... This is also a time when you can discuss a thesis option, adding a certificate to your program, ...

  29. Angels' Perry Minasian gets 2-year extension, now it's time for him to

    This is where Minasian struggled, dating to when he signed infielder David Fletcher to a five-year extension in 2021. The same Fletcher who is now a Double-A knuckleball pitcher with the Braves .

  30. PDF Shadows in Time: A Study of Temporal Metaphysics through Hard Science

    Much like the stories of this thesis, Wells' Time Machine sacrifices certain physical limitations and logical consequences in order to further 7 Mark Strauss. "Ten Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction" ... "Not artificial gravity, per se, but an extension of the Earth's gravity. Technically, our feet are pointed towards the Earth ...