How to Write and Format a White Paper: The Definitive Guide

Mary Cullen

Table of Contents

What is a white paper, use and value, how to select a white paper topic:, white paper preparation, white paper format, final thoughts.

You’re ready to compile and share your company’s deep knowledge of your industry. A white paper seems like the perfect format. It’s a useful product that highlights your company’s expertise and a valuable marketing tool.

But how do you transform your knowledge into white paper content?

White papers are similar but distinct from business reports . In order to write a successful one, you need to understand the difference and include key elements. This article will help you decide if a white paper is right for you and how to prepare and produce one.

To write a white paper, thoroughly research a topic and propose a comprehensive solution in a well-structured, factual, and persuasive document.

A white paper should include: 1. Title (accurate but enticing) 2. Abstract (including the Problem Statement) 3. Background (may be detailed and technical or broad and high-level, depending on audience) 4. Solution (the ‘ta-da’ moment of the white paper) 5. Conclusion (the summary of findings) 6. References (using the correct industry format)

A white paper is an authoritative document intended to fully inform the reader about a particular topic. It combines expert knowledge and research into a document that argues for a specific solution or recommendation.

The white paper allows the reader to understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

White papers are data-centric, text-heavy business documents. Due to a large amount of data and research, white papers are deep reads and tend to have a formal tone.

Businesses write white papers both to record expertise and to market themselves to prospective customers.

White papers are generally written for an audience outside of the business. Therefore, they are a tool to attract readers to the company by offering top-quality industry knowledge.

However, a white paper is not a sales pitch. It sells the company by highlighting the internal expertise and valuable recommendations, not by bidding for business.

Sales Pitch: 8 Ways ABC Marketing will save money on your social media budget

White paper: Social Media Advertising: Matching marketing needs and platforms


Write an actual white paper with individual instructor guidance.

Our Report Writing Course includes written and live instructor feedback.

Choosing the right topic is essential to have your white paper read. There are three major factors:

1. Audience

As with any business writing, your audience is your first consideration. The white paper must be written with a target reader in mind. The audience may be long-time customers familiar with the industry or new prospective buyers who are entirely new to the field.

Reflect on the reader’s pain points or major questions. Within these topics, look for ones that have not been fully investigated or the available information is out-of-date.

2. Expertise

Your white paper should match and highlight your company’s expertise.

The entire document should provide a complete investigation, including external research and internal knowledge. The business’s own know-how informs the content that is included and how it is compiled.

3. Problem-based and solution-focused

White papers should identify and address a particular problem. The problem should be relevant and timely in your field. The document may focus on issues such as common dilemmas, new trends, changing techniques, and industry comparison.

The white paper must have a proposed solution or recommendation to answer the problem. This solution is based on thoroughly examining the problem and potential solutions.

The selected topic must be thoroughly researched. Information should be pulled from online references, industry resources, and internal documents. White papers are data-focused, so they should be supported by significant research.

There’s no hard and fast rule on citations, but you need to cite any information that is not public knowledge and that you didn’t know before beginning your research. However, understand that the reader’s confidence will likely increase with an increasing number of cited references.

Of course, all resources must come from authoritative sites. To write a valuable document, all research materials must be from credible, reliable sources.

Read other white papers

Are there white papers covering your topic or area already? Read them to determine the knowledge gaps and the opportunities to build on existing content. This review will also ensure that your white paper is novel instead of redundant.

Use a mind-map

It can be overwhelming to keep track of the many sources, ideas, and content involved in preparing a white paper. A helpful organizational tool is the mind map. A mind map lets the writer catalog and connect the many pieces into one visual overview.

We suggest using the free tool MindMeister to organize your content. It’s simple to use and free.

FreeMind is another alternative, but some organizations don't allow it to be used since it must be downloaded.

Don't forget visual elements

When designing a white paper, the written content is most important. However, taking the time to create an aesthetically pleasing design cannot be ignored. It should be remembered that the visuals used can greatly contribute to the overall impact of your white paper. Using visual elements such as images, animations, videos, charts, and graphs that reinforce and illustrate arguments can greatly increase clarity for the reader while making key points stand out.

White papers generally follow a standard document format. The content order may seem similar to other business reports, but there is one major difference:

A white paper places the conclusion at the end.

Many business communications, such as technical reports or proposals, include the main conclusion at the beginning of the document. This order responds to the reader's desires and preference for receiving the information.

In a white paper, the content and research inform the reader and increase their understanding of the problem throughout the document. The final section provides the ‘ta-da!’ moment when the reader receives the solution, which is supported by the evidence in the document.

The reader’s journey and preferences in a white paper and business report differ, and the major findings follow suit.

If you’re unsure of these distinctions or want to improve your business writing skills, consider enrolling in our online self-paced Technical Report Writing Course (see all of our courses here ).

And, no matter the journey, the document must be easy to understand and include informative headings for easy navigation.

Choose an accurate title

A good title is essential. It should clearly indicate what the reader will learn from the white paper and be enticing.

Bland title example: White paper on Law 123.4 Referencing Environmental Impact Assessments.
Enticing title example: The Rules are Changing: White Paper on the Environmental Impact Assessment Legislation Proposals in 2018

The phrase ‘white paper’ does not necessarily need to be in the title. Some audiences are seeking that authoritative indicator, while others may be scared off from valuable content because of the term. As always, think of what your audience would prefer.

The abstract offers a brief overview of the white paper’s main points. It allows the reader to ensure they have found a document relevant to their needs. After reading, the reader should be able to know if they are ‘in the right place.’

Problem statement

The problem statement specifies the issue the white paper will address. It needs to be defined and placed in a context to ensure the reader understands it.

This section provides the background information required for the audience to grasp the problem and, ultimately, the solution. The content may be detailed and technical or broad and high-level. The content depends on the reader and the problem.

The methods should be communicated if original research is completed for the white paper.

The ‘ta-da’ moment of the white paper.

The solution is now presented based on the preceding information. It is developed and argued for using the evidence gathered and the expertise of the author and their company.

This section summarizes the white paper’s major findings. Recommendations based on the solution are provided.

This section must include all sources used to develop the white paper. Citing sources adds validity to the document and gives the reader content for further research. Depending on your industry, follow MLA or APA citation formats. 


Write any complex document and get feedback on your actual business writing.

Writing a good white paper is not a simple task. However, investing time and skill can produce a valuable document that shares your company’s knowledge, contributing to overall education and progress in your industry. A good white paper also increases business opportunities.

As you develop an informational document such as a white paper, it's helpful to strengthen your writing process with our Report Writing Course . 

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Expert Commentary

White papers, working papers, preprints, journal articles: What’s the difference?

In this updated piece, we explain the most common types of research papers journalists will encounter, noting their strengths and weaknesses.

Stacks of open books

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by Denise-Marie Ordway, The Journalist's Resource February 25, 2022

This <a target="_blank" href="">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

This tip sheet, originally published in May 2018, has been updated to include preprint research, a type of research featured often in news coverage of the coronavirus pandemic.

Journalists rely most often on four types of research in their work. White papers, working papers, preprints and peer-reviewed journal articles.

How are they different? And which is best?

Below, we explain each, pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. As always, we urge journalists to use care in selecting any research to ground their coverage and fact-check claims.

Peer-reviewed article

Peer-reviewed research — the kind that appears in academic journals and that we highlight here at The Journalist’s Resource — has undergone a detailed critique by scholars with expertise in the field. While peer-reviewed research is generally the most reliable, journalists should keep in mind that publication in a prestigious journal is no guarantee of quality and that no single university or research organization always does the best research on a given topic.

It is safe to assume, however, that articles published in top-tier journals have been reviewed and given a stamp of approval by a number of accomplished scholars. For journalists who are uncertain, we’ve put together a list of 13 questions  to ask to gauge the quality of a research article.

Keep in mind that not everything that appears in a scholarly journal has been peer reviewed. Journals publish various types of content, including book reviews, editorials, letters to the editor and, sometimes, even poetry.

Working paper

This broad category describes research papers that have not been peer reviewed or published in a journal. Working papers can be in various stages of completion. One might be ready for publication in a prestigious journal while another requires significant editing and other changes that could actually alter its main findings. Sometimes, working paper findings are so preliminary, authors will advise against citing their work .

Even so, working papers are a great way for journalists to gain access to new research quickly. The peer-review and publication process can take months to a year or longer, which means that by the time studies get published, their findings are sometimes not as useful or the data are old.

In choosing working papers, journalists should communicate with scholars about the progress of their research and how confident they are in their findings. It’s a good idea to seek corroboration from peer-reviewed research and to ask other researchers for help assessing a study.

A preprint is similar to a working paper in that it has not been vetted through a formal peer-review process. However, preprints tend to be more complete . Also, preprints submitted to public servers such as the Social Science Research Network and the health sciences server medRxiv get a cursory screening before they’re published online for public view.

Preprints, like academic journal articles, are assigned a Digital Object Identifier , or DOI, and become a permanent part of the scientific record.

White paper

A white paper is a report, often compiled by government agencies, businesses and nonprofit organizations, that outlines an issue and often explores possible solutions to a problem. For example, in November 2021, the federal Office of Community Oriented Policing Services released a white paper looking at factors that help or hinder law enforcement recruitment of Black Americans. Earlier in the year, the Advanced Technology Academic Research Center published a white paper on the American Rescue Plan ‘s widespread implications for government agencies.

In the business world, white papers also are used for marketing purposes — to describe a new product or approach, for instance, or diagnose a problem.

While a white paper can help journalists get up to speed quickly on an issue, it’s important to note some white papers advocate a specific position or policy change. Some rely on incomplete research or research that has not been peer reviewed.

Looking for more guidance on writing about research? Check out our tip sheets on covering biomedical research preprints amid the coronavirus and what journalists should know about peer review .

The Journalist’s Resource would like to thank Matthew Baum , the Marvin Kalb professor of global communications and professor of public policy at Harvard Kennedy School, for his help preparing this tip sheet.

About The Author

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Denise-Marie Ordway

  • Marketing and customer experience

white paper

Nick Barney

  • Nick Barney, Technology Writer

What is a white paper?

A white paper is an authoritative, research-based document that presents information, expert analysis and an organization or author's insight into a topic or solution to a problem. Companies or vendors use these papers in business-to-business ( B2B ) marketing models as part of a content marketing strategy. In these contexts, white papers are written to persuade clients, stakeholders, customers and prospective customers to purchase a product or service offered by the organization. They're also used to establish an organization's authority and thought leadership in a field.

White papers are more technical and in-depth than other types of content, such as blogs and case studies. They use research, statistics, expert opinions and original analysis to promote a product, service or methodology. These products and services are often referred to as solutions by technology vendors, as they are claimed to solve a client's particular issue.

White papers can be effective tools at multiple stages of the sales funnel . They generate sales leads at the top of the funnel, and they're good for nurturing leads already inside it. For instance, a company's blog post may include a call to action linking to a white paper to get a potential customer to make a purchase or to continue fostering a strong customer experience ( CX ).

Other organizations, such as research institutes, universities, nonprofit groups and government agencies, use white papers to present findings and guidance, and to propose policies and initiative. The term white paper most likely arose in England in the 19th century to distinguish shorter government reports from lengthy ones known as blue books .

Diagram of the where white papers fit in the sales funnel.

Key characteristics of a white paper

White papers in business and technology are characterized by their extensive length and in-depth technical information. The following key characteristics are common in white papers:

  • They have an authoritative and objective style that differentiates them from sales pitches and promotional content.
  • They're written for a well-defined target audience with CX in mind.
  • They're used before a sale for lead generation.
  • They're generally at least 2,500 words long.
  • They present educational information and facts before offering an expert analysis and proposed solution.
  • They include references, citations and footnotes.
  • They cite case studies and data, and use data visualization design elements, such as graphs and infographics to support analysis.
  • They include numbered lists and bullet points with headings such as "10 Things You Need to Know."
  • They use a narrative structure that feels like a factual story about an industry problem and its solution.
  • They end with a call to action.

Main purpose of a white paper

Sales and content marketing professionals frequently create and use white papers. Information technology and other companies with complicated products tend to rely on white papers to explain in detail the benefits of their offerings and how they work.

White papers provide these other benefits that make them ideal sales and marketing tools:

  • Build trust. White papers speak to readers with authority, using an educational approach, expert analyses and data-backed research.
  • Generate leads. They offer valuable insights and data to potential customers who then look to the brand for more of this input.
  • Nurture leads. When offered as free content, white papers help educate potential customers about a brand and its offerings.
  • Propose solutions. They're a platform for companies to make the case for how their product and services solve specific issues. They let government agencies and nonprofit organizations propose new policies.
  • Create brand visibility. White papers build brand awareness both for startups and established companies.
  • Increase sales. White papers inform customers and potential customers, and move them closer to buying decisions.

Diagram of how lead nurturing fits in the sales funnel.

Types of white papers

There are several types of white papers, including the following:

Problem-solution. This is a standard type of white paper that identifies a particular problem of the target audience and proposes a data-driven solution.

Thought leadership. These white papers are written to make an organization appear authoritative and visionary. Thought leadership white papers focus on a current issue or debate, explaining it in a way that informs the audience.

Backgrounder. These papers provide the technical evaluations, key takeaways and promotions of an organization's product or service.

Numbered lists. These are structured with headings and bullet points that highlight the key features of a product or service. For example, a white paper on load balancing , might be "3 Things You Need to Know About Load Balancers."

Technical paper. These white papers provide in-depth technical analyses of a product, service or technology. They are informational documents, written for people who use the product, service or technology on a daily basis.

Market research. The market research white paper is based on new or relevant original research findings that an organization thinks its customers and potential customers should be aware of. It's intended to educate readers about a specific subject matter and demonstrate authority.

Visionary. Visionary white papers reveal an organization's insightful thinking to readers. Similar to the thought leadership white paper, the goal of visionary white papers is to look beyond the scope of current issues toward where the writer thinks a debate or technology is headed.

Examples of white papers

Many professionals in the tech industry rely on white papers to stay educated and knowledgeable about current topics and evolving technology.

White papers often require a reader to fill out a registration form for access. These forms let organizations collect information about the people reading their content, such as a reader's company and role, so they have a better understanding of who their audience is.

Successful white paper examples include the following:

  • Gartner's "Reinvent Strategic Workforce Planning."
  • McKinsey & Company's "Developer Velocity: How software excellence fuels business performance."
  • Satoshi Nakamoto's "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System."
  • TechTarget's " 2022-2023 Media Consumption and Vendor Engagement Study ."

White paper screenshot.

How to create a white paper

Writing white papers involves the following steps:

  • Define the target audience. Before writing, the author or organization should be aware of sectors the paper is targeting. Organizations often define their audience through customer segmentation .
  • Select a topic. The writer selects a topic that is relevant to the target audience. For most companies, topics often center around the field or issue their product addresses. For instance, if a company is selling a network detection and response technology, and has a target audience of executives and IT professionals, a relevant topic would be cybersecurity, its risks and prevention.
  • Research the topic. The author conducts extensive research to determine what the target audience wants to know about the topic and how to answer those questions. This research covers both the technical aspects of the topic and search engine optimization research if it's going to be posted online.
  • Write a compelling introduction . White papers must have a compelling introduction and a concise, early declaration of the problem statement. A compelling introduction attracts a reader's attention, and a concise problem statement lets the reader know the purpose of the paper.
  • Present data and analysis . The white paper should be filled with the most important information, data and original analyses. White papers rely on original research as well as other pieces of market, scientific and technical research available to the general public or hidden behind paywalls or membership requirements. A diversity of sources lends authority to a white paper and can strengthen an author's analysis. This research data should also be provided through engaging visuals such as graphs.
  • Present a solution . After analyzing a topic, an author must offer a unique solution to the problem and recommendations for next steps. If a white paper is authoritative and educational enough, the reader will be prepared to learn how they might solve their own version of the problem statement.
  • End with a call to action . White papers should end with a clear next step or call to action. This should be an action the reader can take immediately, such as requesting a free demo for a product or service, talking directly to a product expert or signing up for a newsletter. Getting the reader to take this step is the essential purpose behind a white paper.

White papers vs. e-books

White papers and e-books are two distinct, long-form content marketing tools that are often confused.

White papers

These in-depth reports typically aren't more than 20-30 pages and are usually shorter than e-books. White papers are more singularly focused on a topic and used in B2B business models to target specific audiences.

E-books are longer and broader in scope than white papers. For example, rather than focus on a specific problem within an industry, an e-book might focus on the industry itself. The target audience for e-books is also broader than the audience for white papers. For instance, e-books might offer how-tos and other kinds of guides for the general public. E-books are used more in business-to-consumer ( B2C ) contexts and tend to be more visually engaging than white papers.

Table describing B2B and B2C marketing models.

White papers are an important part of generating leads for e-commerce companies. Learn how to create an e-commerce content strategy to improve sales .

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  • 21 lead generation tools to fill the sales funnel
  • Sales funnel vs. flywheel: How sales and marketing has evolved
  • B2B vs. B2C e-commerce: What's the difference?
  • 5 examples of e-commerce content marketing strategies

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How to Write a Compelling White Paper: Step-by-Step Guide

A white paper is an authoritative document designed to inform and persuade stakeholders by providing in-depth research and solutions to specific problems. Key elements include the title, abstract, introduction, problem statement, solution, conclusion, and references. Creating a detailed outline is essential for organization and effectiveness. Writing and formatting tips include using clear language, supporting claims with data, and incorporating visuals. Templates and examples can guide the structure and design. The time required to write a white paper varies based on complexity and research needs. Understanding how to write a white paper ensures the creation of a professional and impactful document.

White papers are authoritative documents designed to inform and persuade stakeholders by providing in-depth research and insights on specific issues. They play a crucial role in business and technical fields, helping companies establish thought leadership, generate leads, and drive decision-making.

Understanding how to write a white paper is essential for businesses looking to present comprehensive analyses and propose solutions to complex problems. This guide covers every aspect of writing a white paper, from defining its purpose to finalizing its format. You’ll learn how to create a white paper document, including the essential steps and key elements involved.

We’ll also explore how to format a white paper to ensure it is professional and engaging. Whether you’re wondering how to write a white paper outline or seeking a how to write a white paper example or template, this guide provides detailed instructions and tips. Finally, we’ll discuss how long does it take to write a white paper, offering time estimates based on various factors. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to write a technical white paper and be equipped with the tools to create an impactful document.

What is a White Paper?

white paper research

1. Detailed Definition

A white paper is an authoritative document that addresses a specific issue, provides comprehensive analysis, and proposes a well-supported solution. Originating from governmental use, white papers are now a staple in various industries, including technology, finance, and healthcare. They serve multiple purposes, such as educating stakeholders, influencing decision-making, and establishing thought leadership.

White papers are distinct from other forms of reports due to their depth and detail. They are typically targeted at a professional audience looking for detailed information and insights on a particular topic. Understanding how to write a white paper involves structuring the document to communicate complex ideas and data effectively.

2. Historical Context and Evolution

White papers have their roots in early 20th-century Britain, where they were used by the government to present policy proposals and legislative intentions. The term “white paper” was introduced to distinguish these concise reports from the more detailed “blue books” and preliminary “green papers.” One of the earliest examples is the 1922 Churchill White Paper, which outlined Britain’s policy in Palestine.

Over the years, white papers evolved beyond government use to become essential tools in business and technology sectors. Companies use white papers to present detailed analyses, propose solutions, and establish authority on specific subjects. For example, in the technology industry, white papers often detail new technologies, such as AI algorithms or blockchain platforms, providing comprehensive overviews for investors, users, and regulators​.

3. Common Uses in Different Industries

White papers serve multiple purposes across industries. In technology, they explain complex products and innovations. In finance, they analyze market trends and investment strategies. In healthcare, they discuss medical advancements and regulatory changes. Understanding how to write a technical white paper can help you tailor the document to your industry’s needs.

Mastering how to write a white paper outline ensures your document is organized and effective. Whether you’re creating a how-to-write, a white paper example for internal use or a public how-to-create white paper document, the principles remain the same. Use clear language, support your claims with data, and structure your content logically.

By following these guidelines, you can produce white papers that establish your authority and engage your audience. This foundation will help you understand how to format a white paper and make it compelling and informative.

How to Create a White Paper Outline

white paper research

1. Importance of an Outline

Creating a detailed outline is crucial for the success of your white paper. It helps organize your thoughts and ensures a logical flow of information. An effective outline acts as a roadmap, guiding you through the writing process and keeping your content focused. This is an essential step in mastering how to write a white paper. A well-structured outline allows you to break down complex information into manageable sections, making the writing process smoother and more efficient.

2. Step-by-Step Process to Create an Outline

Define the purpose and audience.

Start by identifying the purpose of your white paper and understanding your target audience. Knowing how to create a white paper involves tailoring your content to meet the specific needs and interests of your readers. Ask yourself what problem your white paper aims to solve and who will benefit from it. This clarity helps you to craft the content that resonates with your audience and achieves your objectives.

Research and Gather Information

Thorough research is the backbone of any effective white paper. Collect data, case studies, and expert opinions that are relevant to your topic. This is a key aspect of how to write a technical white paper, as it provides the necessary evidence to support your arguments. Use credible sources and ensure your information is up-to-date. Organize your research material into categories to make it easier to reference during the writing process.

Organize Sections Logically

Structuring your white paper logically is essential for readability. Begin with a strong introduction that outlines the topic and its significance. Follow with a detailed problem statement explaining the issue at hand. The main body should present the proposed solution, supported by data and examples. Conclude with a summary of key points and actionable recommendations. This logical flow is vital in formatting a white paper effectively.

Detail Each Section with Key Points

Break down each section into key points or sub-sections. For example, in the problem statement, list the specific challenges your audience faces. In the solution section, outline the steps or strategies you recommend. This detailed approach is crucial in how to write a white paper outline as it helps maintain focus and ensures that all relevant aspects are covered comprehensively.


  • Define the topic.
  • State the purpose.
  • Outline the main points.

Problem Statement:

  • Describe the problem.
  • Explain why it matters.
  • Provide context and background.


  • Present the proposed solution.
  • Support with data and case studies.
  • Explain the benefits and advantages.


  • Summarize key points.
  • Offer actionable recommendations.
  • Highlight the importance of the solution.

References and Appendices:

  • List all sources.
  • Include additional data or documents.

Creating a detailed outline is a fundamental step in writing a white paper. It ensures that your document is well-organized and easy to follow. Whether you are developing a white paper example or using a white paper template, a comprehensive outline helps structure your content effectively. By following these steps, you can produce a white paper that is clear, persuasive, and impactful, meeting the needs of your target audience and achieving your communication goals.

Writing and Formatting Tips for a White Paper

white paper research

1. Writing Tips

A) use clear and concise language.

Effective white papers are easy to read. Use simple language and avoid jargon. This is essential when learning how to write a white paper.

b) Adopt an Engaging and Persuasive Tone

Engage your readers with a compelling narrative. Use a tone that persuades and keeps them interested. This is particularly important in writing a technical white paper, where maintaining reader interest can be challenging.

c) Support Claims with Data and Evidence

Back up your arguments with solid data, statistics, and credible sources. This adds credibility and supports your conclusions. Knowing how to create a white paper document involves extensive research to gather this supporting information.

2. Formatting Tips

A) consistent style and structure.

Maintain a uniform style throughout your white paper. Consistent formatting makes your document look professional. Understanding how to format a white paper is crucial to achieving this consistency.

b) Use Headings, Subheadings, and Bullet Points

Break up text with headings, subheadings, and bullet points. This improves readability and helps readers quickly find the information they need. When considering how to write a white paper outline, plan these elements carefully to enhance the document’s structure.

c) Incorporate Visual Elements

Use charts, graphs, and images to illustrate key points. Visual aids make complex information more digestible and can enhance engagement. Examples of how to write a white paper example often include these elements to demonstrate best practices.

3. Additional Writing Tips

A) draft and revise.

Write multiple drafts and revise them. Editing improves clarity and ensures your message is communicated effectively. This step is essential in how to write a white paper and ensures the final product is polished.

b) Use a Professional Tone

Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout your white paper. This will enhance your credibility and appeal to your target audience.

c) Cite Sources Properly

Always cite your sources. This not only gives credit where it’s due but also strengthens your arguments by showing the depth of your research. Proper citations are a key part of how to create a white paper document that is authoritative and reliable.

4. Additional Formatting Tips

A) create a table of contents.

For longer white papers, include a table of contents. This helps readers navigate the document easily and find sections of interest quickly.

b) Ensure Visual Consistency

Make sure that all visual elements are consistent in style and format. This uniformity contributes to a professional appearance and enhances readability.

c) Proofread Thoroughly

Check your white paper for grammatical errors and typos. A well-proofread document reflects attention to detail and professionalism. This is an important aspect of how to write a white paper template that will be used as a model for future documents.

By following these writing and formatting tips, you can create a compelling and professional white paper. Whether you’re seeking a white paper example or developing your own template, these guidelines will help ensure your white paper is effective and well-received. Additionally, considering how long does it take to write a white paper depends on the thoroughness of your writing and formatting efforts. Proper planning and attention to detail can streamline the process and enhance the quality of your final document.

Examples and Templates for White Papers

white paper research

1. Overview of Useful Templates

Using a template can significantly streamline the process of writing a white paper. Templates provide a pre-designed structure, ensuring that your document is organized and professional. Many resources offer how to write a white paper template that includes essential sections like the introduction, problem statement, solution, and conclusion. These templates can be customized to fit the specific needs of your project, helping you learn how to format a white paper effectively.

2. Analysis of Successful White Paper Examples

Examining successful white papers can provide valuable insights into what works well. For instance, looking at how to write a white paper example from leading companies can show you how to present data, structure your arguments, and use visual elements. Effective white papers often feature clear problem statements, well-supported solutions, and concise conclusions. By studying these examples, you can learn how to create a white paper document that engages and persuades your audience.

Here are some key elements found in successful white papers:

  • Clear and Compelling Titles: Titles that grab attention and reflect the content.
  • Structured Content: Logical flow with clear headings and subheadings.
  • Visual Elements: Charts, graphs, and images to illustrate key points.
  • Credible Data: Well-researched and sourced information to support claims.
  • Professional Formatting: Consistent style and clean layout.

3. Links to Downloadable Templates

Several platforms offer downloadable templates to help you get started. Websites like Visme , HubSpot , and Piktochart provide a variety of templates tailored to different industries and purposes. These templates serve as a white paper outline, guiding you through each section and ensuring nothing is overlooked.

  • Visme: Offers customizable templates with a focus on visual elements.
  • HubSpot: Provides comprehensive templates that include tips for each section.
  • Piktochart : Features visually appealing templates that can be easily modified.

Using these resources, you can find a template for writing a white paper that fits your needs, making the process of writing and formatting your white paper more manageable.

4. Practical Tips for Using Templates

When using a template, customize it to match your brand’s voice and style. Ensure that all sections are relevant to your topic and audience. Templates are a starting point; your unique insights and detailed research make the white paper valuable.

Remember, templates can guide the writing of a technical white paper by providing a structure that highlights technical details clearly and concisely. This ensures that even complex information is presented understandably.

In conclusion, leveraging templates and examples is an effective way to learn how to write a white paper. They provide a solid foundation, ensuring your document is well-organized and professional. By customizing these tools to fit your specific needs, you can create a compelling and persuasive white paper that stands out.

How Long Does it Take to Write a White Paper?

white paper research

1. Complexity of the Topic

The complexity of your topic plays a significant role in determining the length of a white paper. Technical subjects or those requiring deep analysis take more time. Understanding how to write a technical white paper often involves extensive research and detailed explanations, which can lengthen the process.

2. Amount of Research Required

The more research is needed, the longer it will take. High-quality white papers rely on credible data and thorough analysis. When considering how to create a white paper document, factor in the time required to gather and verify information from reliable sources. This step is crucial in how to write a white paper that is both informative and persuasive.

3. Writer’s Experience

Experienced writers may complete a white paper more quickly than novices. They know how to format a white paper and can efficiently structure their content. Familiarity with how to write a white paper outline also speeds up the process. Conversely, less experienced writers might need additional time to learn these aspects.

4. Average Time Estimates

Writing a white paper typically takes between a week and several months. Here’s a breakdown of what influences this timeline:

  • Simple Topics: Can be completed in 1-2 weeks. These require less research and have straightforward solutions.
  • Moderately Complex Topics: Usually take 3-6 weeks. These involve more detailed research and data analysis.
  • Highly Complex Topics: This may take 2-3 months or longer. These require extensive research, multiple drafts, and reviews.

For example, if you’re writing a white paper on a new technology, you’ll need to account for the time needed to gather data, analyze trends, and consult with experts. Similarly, using a white paper template can help streamline some processes but won’t eliminate the need for thorough research and review.

5. Efficient Writing Tips

To manage your time effectively, follow these tips:

  • Set Clear Deadlines: Break down the project into smaller tasks with specific deadlines.
  • Use Templates: Leverage how to write a white paper template to structure your document efficiently.
  • Conduct Parallel Tasks: Research while outlining to streamline the process.
  • Seek Feedback Early: Get input from stakeholders during the drafting phase to avoid major revisions later.

Understanding how to write a white paper involves recognizing the time investment required for each phase of the project. By planning and using available resources wisely, you can produce a high-quality white paper within a reasonable timeframe. Whether you’re crafting a white paper outline or detailing how to create a white paper document, managing your time effectively is key to success.

white paper research

Writing a compelling white paper involves several crucial steps. First, understanding how to write a white paper requires defining its purpose and audience. Thorough research and a structured outline are essential. The key elements of a white paper include a clear title, an engaging introduction, a detailed problem statement, a well-supported solution, and a concise conclusion.

To create an impactful white paper, maintain clear and concise language throughout. Use a professional and persuasive tone to engage your readers. Support your arguments with credible data and sources. Ensure proper formatting with consistent styles and use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability. Visual aids like charts and graphs can enhance understanding and retention of information.

Understanding how to format a white paper and how to write an outline is crucial. These steps help organize your content logically and make it easier for readers to follow. Whether you’re using a white paper template or creating one from scratch, these guidelines will ensure your document is professional and effective.

Armed with these insights and tips, you are now ready to start writing your white paper. Remember, the process may take time, especially depending on how long it takes to write a white paper based on its complexity and the amount of research required. However, with a well-defined outline and thorough research, you can produce a white paper that effectively communicates your message and establishes your authority in the field.

If you’re ever unsure about how to write a white paper, refer back to this guide. By following these structured steps and tips, you can confidently create a white paper document that is both informative and persuasive. 

Ready to craft your own white paper but need expert assistance? Check out Content Whale , one of the top content writing services in the US , for professional writing help that can create impactful and persuasive documents. Let their expertise elevate your content and drive your business success.

What is the Primary Purpose of a White Paper?

The main goal of a white paper is to inform and persuade. It addresses a specific problem and presents a well-researched solution. Knowing how to write a white paper helps establish authority and credibility in your industry. White papers are often used to influence decision-makers and generate leads.

How Detailed Should the Problem Statement Be in a White Paper?

The problem statement should be clear and detailed. It sets the stage for the rest of the document. A thorough problem statement includes background information, context, and the significance of the issue. This is a crucial step in creating a white paper that effectively communicates the importance of the topic.

Can I Use Images and Charts in a White Paper?

Yes, incorporating images and charts enhances understanding and engagement. Visual aids help illustrate complex data and support your arguments. When learning how to format a white paper, make sure to use high-quality visuals that are relevant to your content.

How Often Should I Update My White Paper?

Updating your white paper regularly ensures it remains relevant and accurate. The frequency of updates depends on the topic. For rapidly changing fields, consider reviewing and updating the document every 6 to 12 months. This practice is part of maintaining a high-quality white paper.

Is it Necessary to Hire a Professional to Write a White Paper?

Hiring a professional can be beneficial, especially if the topic is complex or if you lack writing experience. Professionals know how to write a white paper outline, conduct thorough research, and present information clearly. They can also ensure the document is formatted correctly. However, with the right resources and dedication, you can learn how to write a white paper example and create a high-quality document yourself.

Understanding these FAQs can help you navigate the process of how to write a white paper effectively. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking for a how to write a white paper template, these insights will guide you in creating a compelling and professional document.

white paper research

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White Paper: Purpose and Audience

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What is a White Paper?

Originally, the term white paper was used as shorthand to refer to an official government report, indicating that the document is authoritative and informative in nature. Writers typically use this genre when they argue a specific position or propose a solution to a problem, addressing the audience outside of their organization. Today, white papers have become popular marketing tools for corporations especially on the Internet since many potential customers search for information on the Web. Corporations use white papers to sell information or new products as solutions that would serve their customers' needs.

The Purpose of a White Paper

Typically, the purpose of a white paper is to advocate that a certain position is the best way to go or that a certain solution is best for a particular problem. When it is used for commercial purposes, it could influence the decision-making processes of current and prospective customers.

What Kind of Problems Do Readers Want to Solve?

The audience for a white paper can be the general public or multiple companies that seek solutions to their problems or needs. Typically, you will not know your audience personally, unlike when you write a recommendation report for your client. And yet, in order to persuade your audience, you need to focus on their needs. If you can address the problems that your readers want to solve, they will read your white paper for a solution. Otherwise, your white paper may not be read. It is important to emphasize your readers' interests rather than your interests, as shown in the example below:


Writing a White Paper (Format, Tips, Examples & Templates)

Get white paper examples by leading companies. Learn how to write & format a white paper for business and marketing. Create, write & design white papers A-Z.


8 minute read

Whitepaper examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What is the best white paper format?

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement
  • Solution Overview
  • Benefits and Advantages
  • Case Studies or Examples
  • Technical Details or Methodology
  • Recommendations
  • References or Sources

What makes an effective business white paper?

An effective business white paper format is concise, well-researched, and addresses a specific audience's pain points. It offers actionable solutions, incorporates compelling visuals, and establishes the author's authority on the subject.

Key considerations when creating a business white paper

Audience Understanding : Know your target audience's needs and preferences.

Clear Objective: Define the purpose of the white paper.

Visual Appeal: Incorporate relevant charts, graphs, and images.

Credibility : Cite reliable sources and provide evidence.

Engaging Narrative: Craft a compelling story in content and design that guides the reader.

How to write a white paper (step-by-step guide)

Writing a white paper is no small feat. It requires research, understanding, and a knack for presenting information engagingly.

But with the right approach, your white paper can position your brand as an industry leader, driving leads and fostering trust. Remember, it's all about offering value and meeting the needs of your audience.

Step 1: Grasp the white paper's core

Recognize that a white paper is more than just a long article. It's a detailed report on a specific topic, designed to educate and address issues.

Understand its origins from government documents and its evolution into a tool for thought leadership.

Step 2: Define your target audience

Identify who you're writing for: industry professionals, novices, or another group.

Tailor your language, tone, and content depth to their needs and interests.

Step 3: Prioritize value over promotion

Keep the content educational and avoid overtly promotional language.

Aim to establish trust and position your brand as a reliable information source.

Step 4: Embrace the drafting process

Don't aim for perfection in the first go.

Write multiple drafts, take breaks, and seek feedback for refinement.

Step 5: Build your content around a narrative (not facts)

Use storytelling techniques to maintain reader interest.

Introduce problems, provide solutions, and share success stories for context.

Step 6: Dodge common mistakes

Avoid a salesy tone; keep it educational.

Base your content on thorough research.

Invest in good design for readability and engagement.

Ground your content in real-world examples and actionable insights.

Step 7: pay attention to format and design

Use design elements to highlight key information when formatting your white paper.

Stay updated with design trends, but ensure they align with your topic and audience.

Step 8: conclude and review

Summarize the main points and insights.

Review the entire content for coherence, clarity, and value.

16 impactful white paper examples for business and marketing

Discover exemplary business white paper formats from industry leaders to refine your approach. Draw inspiration from best practices and elevate your corporate documentation standards, and learn est practicess based on our in-depth analysis of each example.

Microsoft white paper

The white paper from MSA discusses the future of operational development, emphasizing changes in the operational landscape. It targets professionals in the operational and business development sectors.

white paper research

Good Points:

Forward-Looking: The document does an excellent job of forecasting future trends and aligning them with current industry practices, making it highly valuable for strategic planning.

Cohesive Structure: The white paper is organized logically, allowing for easy navigation and comprehension of the content.

Inclusion of Data: The use of data, charts, and figures strengthens the arguments and offers readers empirical evidence to support the presented information.

Engaging Imagery: The inclusion of relevant images and diagrams aids in visualizing the concepts discussed. The visuals are not only explanatory but also break the monotony of continuous text, making the reading experience more engaging.

Bad Points:

Generalized Statements: At times, the document can be a bit broad in its statements, lacking specific details that might be beneficial to the reader.

Heavy Text: The document leans heavily on text, with fewer visual elements like charts or infographics, which might make it denser for some readers.

Lack of Actionable Insights: While the paper provides a broad overview of the future landscape, it could benefit from more actionable recommendations for businesses to apply immediately.

Lack of Summaries: While the content is well-structured, there's a missing element of concise summaries or key takeaways at the end of major sections. Providing these could aid readers in recapping the essential points discussed.

Missing Call to Action: The document provides valuable information but lacks a clear call to action, guiding the reader on the next steps or how to further engage with the topic or the organization.

Google Cloud white paper

Google Cloud's white paper emphasizes its commitment to privacy in Generative AI. Targeted at enterprise customers, it belongs to the cloud computing and artificial intelligence industry.

Google short technical white paper

Detailed Explanations: The document provides thorough explanations of how user data is treated, ensuring transparency.

Relevance to Current Trends: Addressing privacy in AI is timely and crucial, making this paper highly relevant to current industry concerns.

Repetitiveness: Some points, especially around data ownership and privacy, are reiterated multiple times, which might make the content feel redundant.

Lack of Practical Examples: While the commitments are clear, real-world examples or case studies would help readers understand the practical implications better.

Visual Enhancements: While the design is clear, it could benefit from more engaging visuals or infographics to highlight key points or statistics, adding an extra layer of engagement.

Interactive Elements: Given the digital nature of the topic and the platform (Google Cloud), the integration of interactive elements or links to online demos, tutorials, or related resources could further enrich the reader's experience.

Amazon AWS white paper

This document from AWS provides a framework for designing and operating machine learning workloads using best practices. It's intended for solution architects and ML practitioners in the tech industry.

AWS Whitepaper

Depth and Breadth: AWS dives deep into each of the five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework. It provides thorough explanations, ensuring that readers understand each concept.

Use of Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies are included, which offer readers practical insights and relatable scenarios.

Relevance: The document clearly understands its target audience. By providing specific AWS service recommendations for different ML scenarios, it offers actionable insights.

Technical Jargon: While it's aimed at professionals, the language can sometimes be overly technical, which might make it less accessible to newcomers.

Length: The document is quite lengthy. While it covers a lot, it might be overwhelming for some readers, especially those looking for quick solutions.

Assumed Prior Knowledge: The document sometimes assumes the reader has prior knowledge of AWS services, which might not always be the case.

Engaging Design Elements: While the document is informative, it could benefit from more design elements, such as infographics or pull quotes, to break up the monotony and highlight key points.

Apple white paper

This document by Apple introduces ProRes RAW, a new video codec, detailing its features and benefits. It's crafted for video professionals, filmmakers, and content creators in the multimedia sector.

Apple Whitepaper

Technical Mastery: Apple showcases its technical prowess, diving deep into the intricacies of the codec, which will be appreciated by professionals in the field.

Benefits Highlighted: The document effectively underscores the advantages of using ProRes RAW, making it clear why it stands out from other codecs.

Practical Use Cases: Apple includes scenarios and cases where ProRes RAW can be best utilized, providing context and clarity to readers.

Assumed Knowledge: The white paper assumes a certain level of technical expertise from the reader. While this is okay for its target audience, it might alienate novices.

Limited Comparisons: Although the document does a great job explaining ProRes RAW, it could benefit from direct comparisons with other existing codecs.

Dense Terminology: There's a heavy use of technical jargon without sufficient explanations, which could be challenging for those not deeply versed in video codecs.

Lack of Interactive Elements: Given the brand and the nature of the topic, incorporating interactive elements like QR codes leading to video demonstrations or tutorials could have added significant value.

Missing Call to Action: While the document provides a plethora of information, it doesn't guide the reader on the next steps, whether that's purchasing a product, joining a workshop, or any other related action.

IBM white paper

Market Connections' white paper focuses on enhancing data utility and management. It caters to business leaders, data analysts, and professionals in the data-driven decision-making realm.

IBM research whitepaper

Engaging Visual Design: The document uses a vibrant color palette, dynamic shapes, and appealing graphics, which make the content pop. This design approach draws the reader in and keeps them engaged.

Relevance to Current Trends: In today's data-centric world, the paper's focus on supercharging data is timely and resonates with the needs of modern businesses.

Concrete Recommendations: The document provides specific strategies and tools for improving data utility, making it actionable for readers.

Case Studies & Testimonials: The inclusion of real-world examples and testimonials lends credibility and offers a practical perspective on the discussed topics.

Lack of Technical Depth: While the paper is informative, it doesn't delve deep into the technical aspects of data management, which might leave some tech-savvy readers wanting more.

Generic Advice: Some sections offer generalized advice that can be found in many other resources, making them less unique.

Potential Bias: The paper occasionally comes across as promotional for Market Connections' services, which might detract from its objectivity.

Oracle White Paper

This document from Oracle delves into the integration of Oracle Content and Experience with Oracle WebCenter Portal. Targeted at IT professionals, it belongs to the tech and software industry.

Oracle corporate whitepaper

Clear Structure: The paper is well-organized with distinct sections, making it easy for readers to navigate and find specific information.

Visual Aids: The use of diagrams and flowcharts helps in understanding complex processes and integrations.

Technical Depth: The paper provides in-depth technical details, ensuring that IT professionals can grasp the intricacies of the integration.

Jargon-Heavy: While it's intended for IT professionals, the heavy use of jargon might alienate readers who are not deeply familiar with Oracle's suite of products.

Lack of Real-World Examples: The paper could benefit from real-world use cases to illustrate the benefits of the integration.

Aesthetic Appeal: The design is quite basic, and a more modern and engaging layout might make the content more appealing to a wider audience.

SAP white paper

SAP's white paper delves into digital manufacturing within regulated environments, emphasizing quality and compliance. It's designed for manufacturing professionals, quality assurance teams, and regulatory compliance officers.

SAP whitepaper

Industry-Specific Insights: SAP offers valuable insights tailored to regulated manufacturing environments, ensuring the content is highly relevant to its target audience.

Holistic View: The document covers a wide range of topics, from digital transformation to compliance challenges, offering a comprehensive overview.

Expertise on Display: SAP's deep industry knowledge is evident, lending credibility to the information and recommendations provided.

Complexity: The document, at times, delves into intricate details which, while valuable, might make it challenging for readers unfamiliar with the topic.

Promotional Tone: There's a noticeable push towards SAP's solutions, which, while understandable, might come off as less objective to some readers.

Lack of Practical Examples: While the paper is rich in information, it could benefit from more real-world examples or case studies to illustrate the discussed concepts.

Lack of Visual Summaries: While the document is rich in content, it misses out on visual summaries (like infographics) that can quickly convey complex information. Given the technical nature of the topic, such visuals would be beneficial for comprehension.

Pfizer white paper

This white paper by Pfizer delves into the significance of community engagement in diversifying clinical trials, particularly focusing on the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine trial.

It aims to address the healthcare disparities highlighted by the pandemic and the urgent need for diverse representation in clinical trials.

The target audience includes healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Pfizer research whitepaper

Comprehensive Structure: The document is well-structured with clear headings, subheadings, and a table of contents, making it easy for readers to navigate and understand the content.

Relevant Data and Citations: The white paper provides relevant statistics, data, and references to support its claims, enhancing its credibility.

Clear Objective: The paper's goal is evident from the beginning, ensuring that readers understand its purpose and the importance of the topic.

Lengthy Content: Some sections are quite detailed, which might be overwhelming for readers looking for quick insights.

Lack of Visuals: The document could benefit from more graphs, charts, or infographics to break the monotony and present data in a more engaging manner.

Repetitive Emphasis: While the importance of diversity in clinical trials is a crucial topic, the paper occasionally reiterates the same points, which could be condensed for brevity.

AT&T white paper

This white paper delves into the importance of mobility in the modern collaboration era. It's intended for business leaders, IT professionals, and teams looking to enhance collaborative efforts in the digital age.

AT&T company whitepaper

Well-Structured: The document is organized in a logical manner, with clear sections and subheadings, facilitating easy navigation.

Actionable Advice: It provides concrete strategies and recommendations on enhancing mobility for collaboration, ensuring readers can take immediate action.

Potential Overemphasis: While mobility is essential, the document occasionally seems to overstate its importance, which might come across as a bit unbalanced.

Lack of Diverse Case Studies: While there are some examples, the paper could benefit from a broader range of case studies across different industries.

Assumed Context: The paper sometimes assumes readers are fully aware of the current collaboration landscape, which might not be true for everyone.

Tesla white paper

Dell Technologies' ESG report showcases their commitment to driving human progress through sustainable technology, emphasizing their efforts in advancing sustainability, cultivating inclusion, transforming lives, and upholding trust.

Tesla whitepaper

Highly Specialized Content: The paper zeroes in on a niche topic within the energy sector, providing deep insights that are valuable to a specific audience.

Clear Explanations: Complex concepts related to net billing tariffs are broken down and explained in a comprehensible manner.

Data-Driven Arguments: The use of charts, figures, and empirical data adds weight to the points being made and supports the document's claims.

Narrow Focus: While the specialized content is a strength, it also means the paper might be too narrow for a general audience or those looking for a broader overview of the energy sector.

Stylized Language: At times, the document uses language that's a bit too stylized or technical, which might make it less accessible to some readers.

Potential Bias: The paper seems to advocate for specific tariff structures, which might come off as less objective to some reader mmunities.

CitiBank white paper

This white paper delves into the transformation and disruption in financial market infrastructures, focusing on the evolution of securities services. Intended for financial professionals and industry leaders, it belongs to the banking and financial services sector.

Citi whitepaper

Comprehensive Coverage: The document provides a holistic view of the securities services landscape, touching upon various aspects like settlement transformation, digital assets, and the role of Central Securities Depositories (CSDs).

Data-Driven Insights: The paper is backed by quantitative data, with surveys involving 483 individuals globally, offering credibility to its findings.

Complex Jargon: The document uses industry-specific terms that might be challenging for readers unfamiliar with the financial sector.

Lengthy: While comprehensive, its extensive coverage might be overwhelming for someone looking for quick insights.

Lack of Visual Aids: More charts, graphs, or infographics could have made the data more digestible and engaging.

General Electric white paper

GE's white paper discusses the evolving landscape of global power markets. Intended for energy industry decision-makers. The document provides a holistic view of the energy market, touching on various aspects from production to consumption

General Electric whitepaper

Comprehensive Overview: The document provides an in-depth exploration of power markets, encompassing historical data, current trends, and future projections. This thorough approach offers readers a holistic perspective on the subject.

Effective Data Visualization: The use of charts, graphs, and tables is commendable. They present intricate data in a digestible format, allowing readers to quickly grasp key trends and insights.

Segmented Content Approach: The content is divided into distinct sections, each addressing specific facets of power markets. This segmentation aids in navigation and allows readers to delve into areas of specific interest.

Dense Text: Some sections are text-heavy, which might be overwhelming for some readers. Breaking up the content with more visuals or bullet points could improve readability.

Design Uniformity: While the document is rich in content, there's room for improvement in terms of design consistency, particularly in the color schemes and visual elements used.

Static Design: Given the technical and extensive nature of the topic, integrating interactive elements or links to supplementary multimedia resources could enhance the reader's engagement and understanding.

Clarification of Technical Aspects: The document occasionally uses industry-specific terms and concepts. Including a glossary or providing side notes with explanations would ensure accessibility for readers not deeply familiar with power markets.

ExxonMobil white paper

A comprehensive exploration of ExxonMobil's commitment to the energy transition, focusing on innovative solutions for lower-emission marine fuels. Targeted at stakeholders in the marine industry and those invested in sustainable energy solutions.

ExxonMobil whitepaper

Relevant Data: The white paper provides specific data points, such as projected energy consumption and emission reduction targets, which lend credibility to the content.

Engaging Visuals: While I couldn't directly view the visuals, the structure suggests the inclusion of charts or images, which can help break up the text and provide visual context.

Lengthy Content: Some sections could benefit from concise writing to ensure the reader remains engaged throughout.

Call to Action: While the document provides valuable information, it could benefit from a clearer call to action, guiding readers on the next steps or how to get involved.

World Economic Forum (WEF) white paper

The World Economic Forum's white paper delves into the emerging concept of the industrial metaverse. It's crafted for industry leaders, technologists, and policymakers keen on understanding the future intersection of industry and virtual realms.

World Economic Forum (WEF) whitepaper

Cutting-Edge Topic: The WEF addresses a novel and emerging trend, making the paper a valuable resource for those looking to stay ahead in the tech and industrial sectors.

Expert Contributions: The document includes insights from industry experts and thought leaders, lending credibility and depth to the content.

Global Perspective: As expected from the WEF, the paper provides a global view, considering the implications and developments of the industrial metaverse across different regions and cultures.

Infographics and Visual Aids: The use of charts, graphs, and other visual aids complements the text and provides a break from long passages. This not only makes the content more engaging but also aids in quicker comprehension of complex data.

Conceptual Density: The topic, being new, is also complex. The paper sometimes delves into highly conceptual discussions which might be challenging for some readers.

Potential Overhype: While the industrial metaverse is undoubtedly exciting, the paper occasionally might come across as too optimistic, without sufficiently addressing potential pitfalls or challenges.

Lack of Practical Guidance: The document is rich in forecasting and analysis but could benefit from more actionable insights or steps for businesses to start their metaverse journey.

Lack of Interactive Elements : For a topic like the metaverse, which is inherently interactive and dynamic, the inclusion of QR codes or links to interactive demos, videos, or web pages might have enhanced the reader's experience.

Siemens white paper

Siemens explores the transformation towards smart manufacturing, emphasizing the integration of digital and physical realms. Aimed at manufacturers, it belongs to the industrial automation and digitalization sector.

Siemens whitepaper

Holistic Approach: The paper offers a comprehensive view of the smart manufacturing journey, from challenges to outcomes, ensuring readers get a full picture.

Use of Models: The introduction of concepts like the Digital OODA Loop provides readers with actionable frameworks to apply in their operations.

Human-Centric Focus: Beyond just machinery and processes, the paper emphasizes the importance of human-centric outcomes, highlighting the balance between technology and worker well-being.

Assumed Familiarity: The paper dives deep into specific Siemens solutions without always providing sufficient background, which might be challenging for those unfamiliar with Siemens' offerings.

Limited External Perspectives: The paper heavily focuses on Siemens' solutions. Incorporating third-party testimonials or case studies might have added more credibility and a broader perspective.

Verizon white paper

This white paper emphasizes the importance of network resilience in the face of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Targeted at C-level executives, it belongs to the telecommunications and cybersecurity industry .

Verizon whitepaper

Verizon thought-leadership white paper

Practical Recommendations: The document offers actionable steps for C-level leaders to enhance network resilience, making it a hands-on guide.

Relevance to Current Threat Landscape: By focusing on DDoS attacks, which are prevalent today, the paper addresses a pressing concern for many businesses.

Promotional Content: The inclusion of Verizon's own solution (DDoS Shield) might come off as promotional, potentially detracting from the paper's objective tone.

Lack of Case Studies: Real-world examples or case studies could have added more weight to the paper's arguments and made it more relatable.

How to design a white paper for engagement

White papers are essential tools for businesses, especially in the B2B sector, to establish authority, inform potential customers, and influence their decisions.

But beyond the content, the design of a white paper plays a pivotal role in capturing the reader's attention and ensuring the message is effectively conveyed.

Best practices for white paper design

Readability is Key: Ensure that the text is easy to read. Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and subheadings to break up the content. The choice of font and its size also plays a crucial role in readability.

White Space: Don't clutter the design. Proper use of white space can make the content more breathable and aesthetically pleasing.

Mobile Optimization: With many users accessing content on mobile devices, ensure that your white paper design is responsive and looks good on all screen sizes.

Interactive white paper design

Engage with Multimedia: Modern digital platforms allow for the integration of videos, GIFs, and animations in white papers. These multimedia elements can make the content more dynamic and engaging.

Clickable Elements: Incorporate hyperlinks, clickable infographics, and call-to-action buttons. This not only provides additional resources to the reader but also encourages them to explore related content or take desired actions.

Feedback Loops: Allow readers to leave comments, ask questions, or even participate in polls within the white paper. This interactivity can provide valuable insights into what your audience thinks and feels about the content.

Here is what a static white paper looks like compared with an interactive white paper:

white paper research

Designing White Papers for Storytelling

Narrative Flow: Just like a compelling story, a white paper should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that outlines the problem or challenge, delve into the details in the main content, and conclude with a solution or call to action.

Visual Elements: Use graphics, charts, and images to break the monotony of text and illustrate complex ideas. These visual elements not only make the content more engaging but also help in explaining intricate concepts in a digestible manner.

Consistent Branding: While the white paper should be informative, it's also an opportunity to subtly reinforce your brand. Use consistent colors, fonts, and logos that align with your brand identity.

Here's an example of storytelling white paper design:

Business white paper interactive storytelling templates

With traditional PowerPoint slides, your content may blend into the crowd. Storydoc's interactive white paper templates elevate your content, making it dynamic and memorable.

Unlike static slides, Storydoc's animated, annotated, and narrated templates engage readers, making them twice as captivating as standard reports.

Moreover, they're cost-effective and let you quickly produce your white paper.

white paper research

I am a Marketing Specialist at Storydoc, I research, analyze and write on our core topics of business presentations, sales, and fundraising. I love talking to clients about their successes and failures so I can get a rounded understanding of their world.

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A 2024 Guide to White Papers (with Templates and Examples)

white paper examples and templates featured image

White papers are an essential tool for establishing thought leadership, educating audiences, and generating leads. They offer a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their expertise and establish themselves as industry leaders. Plus, they’re not too difficult to create, especially with the right tools.

In this article, we’re going to look at what exactly white papers are and why they matter. We’re also going to give you white paper examples to inspire your next project, and what types of data visuals and designs you can include in your white paper to provide the most value.

If you want a hassle-free way to create these visuals, sign up for a free Piktochart account and use our platform to create professional-looking white papers in minutes.

Table of Contents

What is a white paper, types of white papers, elements of an effective white paper, compelling title and cover page, table of contents and executive summary, logical flow and organization, skimmable format, thought leadership and expertise, design and branding, call-to-action, white paper best practices and tips, inspiring white paper examples, conclusion and next steps, frequently asked questions.

A white paper presents information, research, or findings on a specific topic comprehensively and authoritatively. It presents research findings, incorporates expert opinions, and offers evidence-based recommendations. White papers are written in a clear, authoritative, and unbiased tone to establish the writer’s knowledge as respectable.

White papers are often used as marketing tools by businesses to show off their expertise and inform the target audience about a specific issue or solutions to a problem.

Because they provide valuable insight and solutions to problems that might be encountered by prospective customers, white papers are also a highly effective way of generating leads.

White papers are known for their in-depth analysis and research-based approach. They provide readers with a thorough understanding of the subject, supported by credible sources of information.

White papers can fit into four main categories, each with its own focus and purpose.

  • Backgrounder/Product – Provides an in-depth look at a specific product/service.  Highlights key features, benefits, and successful use cases.
  • Numbered List/How-to – Written in a step-by-step format and contains instructions for readers for solving a problem or achieving an objective.
  • Problem/Solution – The most common type of white paper, they identify a specific issue or challenge faced by the target audience and present a solution offered by the company, often to promote a product or service.
  • Survey Findings/Market Research – Presents data and information from surveys or market research carried out by the organization used to showcase industry trends and consumer preferences, or to promote a product or service.

The elements you should include in a well-drafted white paper are:

Your white paper’s title and cover design form readers’ vital first impression. Craft a compelling title that clearly conveys the value readers will get. Use meaningful keywords to help it get found.

An eye-catching cover image can also help hook readers and set your white paper apart. But keep it professional – avoid cheesy stock photos.

A table of contents makes it easy for readers to navigate through the document and allows them to jump quickly to sections of interest.

Follow this with a concise executive summary. An executive summary presents a short overview of key points covered by the white paper. Call out the key problem, main takeaways, and a teaser of the solution. This sets expectations and motivates readers to dive in.

A well-crafted white paper follows a logical flow and is organized in a way that makes it easy for the reader to follow. By flow, we mean it should have a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion. The main body should be divided into sections with catchy headings to keep the reader engaged. Then, these sections should “flow” into one another with transition words and sentences.

Having a logical flow not only improves readability but also adds credibility to your white paper. It shows that you have put thought and effort into creating the document, which reflects positively on your brand.

Not all readers will have the time or patience to read through your entire white paper. Use a skimmable format to make it easier to navigate and digest, no matter who your reader is.

Make an effort to include:

  • Short paragraphs, centered around one idea at a time
  • Bullet points, to emphasize lists that might get lost in paragraphs
  • Headings and subheadings, to break up and organize your content
  • Call outs and quotations, to highlight key points
  • White space, to give your readers’ eyes a rest
  • Visuals, to convey information quickly and make it easy to understand

White papers aren’t just about promoting your products or services – they should be well-researched and provide valuable insights and information. This is where thought leadership comes in. By showcasing your expertise, you establish credibility and trust with your readers.

For example, if you’re a software company specializing in data analytics, you can create a white paper discussing the latest trends and best practices in the industry. By referencing your data, you demonstrate that you have unique and valuable knowledge from the field.

It’s important to design and brand your white paper to draw attention and build credibility. Maintain consistency with the company image by following brand guidelines on color, font, and images. A professional and polished appearance will build trust with your audience and give your paper an authoritative feel.

In view of the growing popularity of digital formats, it is important to create interactive white papers that allow readers to engage with them through features like clickable links, videos, and animations. As a result, the reading experience is enhanced and sharing on social media platforms is made easier.

Ending your white paper with a clear call to action (CTA) is key. After reading, what are the next steps your reader should take? Prompt them to schedule a consultation, sign up for a newsletter, buy a product, or check out a resource. Whatever your paper hints at, this is the moment to bring it to the surface to make it easy for your reader to try.

White papers may also be gated, meaning that readers have to provide contact information before they can access the content. Businesses can use this to generate leads and build their email list.

Let’s take a look at some good practices and tips to create an efficient white paper.

You need to know the target audience and their pain points if you’re going to make it through your white papers.

What’s the challenge they’re facing? What’s the information they need to solve this problem? Use these insights to shape your white paper’s focus, structure, and language. The more relevant it is to readers’ needs, the more impact it will have.

A common mistake marketers make is to use white papers as a thinly veiled sales pitch. Instead, focus on educating the reader and providing them with valuable information. In this way, you build trust and demonstrate your credibility in your space.

Remember: you’re the authority, and you want to prove that, but your readers can’t always match that. Write clearly and simply without too much jargon or technical terminology to make your white paper accessible.

Don’t just post your white paper and pray. Actively promote it across multiple channels, such as:

  • your websites
  • email marketing
  • social media platforms
  • advertisements

The more touchpoints you create, the more likely it is that potential customers will read your white paper.

White papers are a valuable source of content because they are great for repurposing . You can, for example, turn key points from your white paper into blog posts, infographics, or even video content. This enables you to reach a variety of people and maximize the impact of your white paper.

Looking for inspiration for your next white paper? These examples from various industries showcase the diverse possibilities of the format.

white paper on power of personalisation by infigo

Source: Infigo

1. “The State of Marketing Automation” by Ascend2

This paper highlights research on the current state of marketing automation and its implications for businesses. You’ll notice Ascend2 utilizes stacked bar charts to visualize the data they include, making it more accessible. Stacked bar charts are available with Piktochart’s functions.

2. “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Advertising” by Mayple

This is an in-depth analysis of the trends, strategies, and best practices for businesses advertising on social media, made into an article. They know what they’re doing by posting this white paper as an article, using pre-written content to boost engagement on their blog. Piktochart has tons of templates that can help you do this for any format.

3. “The Future of Work” by ILR CAHRS

The future of work and how technology will shape it in the years to come is explored in this Cornell white paper. While it may not be the most dynamic of our examples, they use branding that carries through at the top and bottom of every page to keep things consistent.

4. “The Power of Personalisation” by Infigo

This white paper looks at how web-to-print software can help your printing business grow through personalization. It illustrates this point perfectly with stunning visuals and dynamic colors throughout that keep you engaged while reading, hence why they are our example above. Piktochart can help you create something just as visually beautiful that will keep your audience looking.

5. “The State of Cybersecurity 2023” by Sophos

This white paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of cybersecurity, its challenges, and emerging threats. Based on a survey of 3,000 IT professionals in 14 countries, it’s a report with lots of hype around it, but Sophos utilizes the paywall method to keep this valuable information to only those who give them more valuable information.

6. “The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing” by AWeber

A step-by-step guide on creating effective email marketing campaigns is presented in this white paper. It’s a lengthy document, so AWeber breaks it up using headers and a table of contents so you can navigate to the info you need quickly.

7. “The State of Virtual Events 2023” by Kaltura

The results of a survey that asked over 500 marketing professionals about event planning in the face of worldwide uncertainty can be found in this paper. This is another whitepaper that uses a pay/information wall, which positions their white paper as a method for gettting capital.

8. “Your Ultimate Guide to eCommerce SEO” by Pimberly

This white paper provides an in-depth analysis of search engine optimization (SEO) and its importance of online businesses. Pimberly does a great job of gauging interest up front, not only by asking for an email, but also by providing a summary and an expected read time, 15 minutes.

9. “Challenging the Modern Myths of Remote Working” by IBM

This white paper explores the rise of remote work and its potential benefits for businesses. IBM uses plenty of white space and visuals to keep their paper interesting, formatting you can recreate easily with Piktochart’s dynamic templates.

10. “The Power of Video Marketing” by Craig Charters

The benefits of video marketing for businesses, including the impact on customer engagement and brand awareness, are dealt with in this white paper. While video is hard to capture in a physical document, Charters uses links and tons of photos to get physical examples in his work, making it accessible and fun as well as informative.

White papers are a vital tool for businesses who seek to establish themselves as though leaders and draw up leads. Through research and a clear tone of voice, they provide useful information and solutions to audiences. If you take the advice given above, you’ll be well on your way to producing a persuasive and visually stunning white paper.

If you’d like some extra help, Piktochart provides any white paper template you might need to start your business, including the following:

  • Simple white paper
  • Government white paper
  • Social media white paper
  • One page white paper

Here’s an example of what your white paper could look like with our help:

example of white paper on world population and increasing age

Source: Piktochart

Our easy-to-use platform makes it simple for non-designers to create professional-looking white papers in minutes. And if you need additional assistance or guidance, our team is always available to help.

A white paper shouldn’t be hard to make or read. Sign up with Piktochart today and start making next-level content that pushes your business further than ever before!

How to Write a Whitepaper?

Writing a white paper can be tough, but it can be an effective lead generation tool by providing valuable in-demand content to your target audience. We have a few steps to follow to help you start:

  • Choose a Topic: Select an appropriate and efficient topic based on your business/industry experience.
  • Research: Conduct extensive research on the selected topic so that you have solid data, statistics, and insights for your white paper.
  • Outline: Create an outline that includes key points you want to cover in each section of the white paper.
  • Introduction: There’s a reason you’re writing this white paper and why your audience is reading it, so start with an attractive introduction that clearly sets out the purpose.
  • Body: Present your findings, data, and analysis in a logical order with supporting evidence and examples.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and come up with recommendations/solutions based on the information you provided.
  • Design: Use graphics like graphs, charts, and illustrations to make your white paper more interactive and easier to read.
  • Proofread: Prior to publication, make sure all grammatical and spelling errors have been rectified.

What is a White Paper Template?

A white paper template is a pre-planned document which can be used as a starting point to draw up a paper. It’s composed of sections like:

  • introduction
  • problem statement
  • research and analysis
  • recommendations

The time needed to complete the white paper can be reduced by using templates, with a view to ensuring that its structure is consistent. It is also a good way to ensure that you don’t miss anything of importance in each section.

What is the Difference Between a White Paper and a Report?

While both white papers and reports present information, there are some important differences.

Reports are often more factual and objective than white papers, while white papers usually use a more persuasive tone to convince readers of a specific point or solution. Compared to reports, white papers tend to be more detailed and complex.

They can also be used at different times. Reports are generally drawn up after a project is completed, while white papers are often used at the beginning of projects or for proposing solutions.

What are White Papers Examples?

White papers can cover a wide range of topics and industries. While we have some specific examples listed above, here is what they would generally look like in some of the most prominent industries:

  • Technology – A white paper that discusses the benefits fo using cloud computing for businesses.
  • Healthcare – A white paper that examines the impact of telemedicine on patient care.
  • Finance – A white paper that analyzes the use of blockchain technology in financial transactions.

Why is it Called a White Paper?

The term “white paper” originated in the United Kingdom’s government as a way to present policy proposals. They were called white papers because they were typically printed on white paper and presented factual information without any bias or opinion, making them pure or “white”.

Who Writes White Papers?

White papers are usually written by experts in a specific field, such as industry professionals or academics. They have the knowledge and expertise to provide valuable insights and analysis on complex topics.

Within a company, white papers can be written by various departments, such as marketing, research and development, or product teams. It is important to have a strong understanding of the topic and access to relevant data when writing a white paper, so think about who in your company would be best qualified to talk about the task at hand authoritatively when deciding who will write your white paper.

How Long Should a Whitepaper be?

Typically, white papers range from 6 to 20 pages. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the amount of research and data presented. For simpler topics, or those that they plan to repurpose as a social media post, some companies prefer to use a one page white paper .

What are Good White Paper Topics?

White papers are usually focused on a specific industry or problem that your business addresses. Some examples of topics for white papers could be:

  • The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
  • The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behavior
  • Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Conservation

It is essential to choose a topic that aligns with your business and can provide valuable insights to your target audience.


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What Is a White Paper?

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White Paper: Types, Purpose, and How to Write One

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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Thomas J Catalano is a CFP and Registered Investment Adviser with the state of South Carolina, where he launched his own financial advisory firm in 2018. Thomas' experience gives him expertise in a variety of areas including investments, retirement, insurance, and financial planning.

white paper research

Investopedia / Michela Buttignol

A white paper is an informational document issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

White papers are also used as a method of presenting government policies and legislation and gauging public opinion.

Key Takeaways

  • A white paper promotes a certain product, service, or methodology to influence current and prospective customer or investor decisions.
  • Three main types of white papers include backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution white papers.
  • A white paper provides persuasive and factual evidence that a particular offering is a superior product or method of solving a problem.
  • White papers are commonly designed for business-to-business (B2B) marketing purposes between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer.

White papers are sales and marketing documents used to entice or persuade potential customers to learn more about a particular product, service, technology, or methodology.

White papers are commonly designed for business-to-business (B2B) marketing purposes between a manufacturer and a wholesaler , or between a wholesaler and a retailer. It can provide an in-depth report or guide about a specific product or topic and is meant to educate its readers.

The facts presented in white papers are often backed by research and statistics from reliable sources and can include charts, graphs, tables, and other ways of visualizing data. A white paper can communicate an organization’s philosophy or present research findings related to an industry.

Types of White Papers

A startup , large corporation, or government agency will use white papers differently. There are three main types of white papers: backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution white papers.

Backgrounders detail the technical features of a new product or service. Designed to simplify complicated technical information, they are used to:

  • Support a technical evaluation
  • Launch a product
  • Promote a product or industry leader

Numbered lists highlight the key takeaways of a new product or service, and are often formatted with headings and bullet points such as the following familiar format:

  • 3 Questions to Ask
  • 5 Things You Need to Know

Problem/solution papers identify specific problems faced by potential customers and suggest a data-driven argument about how a featured product or service provides a solution to:

  • Generate new sales
  • Educate salespeople on product characteristics
  • Build industry interest

White papers differ from other marketing materials, such as brochures. Brochures and traditional marketing materials might be flashy and obvious, but a white paper is intended to provide persuasive and factual evidence that solves a problem or challenge.

White papers are commonly at least 2,500 words in length and written in an academic style.

A white paper should provide well-researched information that is not found with a simple Internet search and has a compelling narrative to keep the reader’s attention. The author of a white paper should:

  • Research and fully define the topic
  • Create an accurate outline of information
  • Write an attention-grabbing introduction
  • Format the paper for easy reading
  • Revise and proofread

What Is an Example of a White Paper?

All of the documents listed below, publicly available on Microsoft’s website, focus on aspects of the company’s suite of cloud services. In contrast with brochures, these white papers don’t have a clear sales pitch. Instead, they dive into relevant topics, such as cloud security, hybrid clouds, and the economic benefits of adopting cloud computing.

  • Digital Transformation and the Art of the Possible
  • Harvard Business Review Analytic Services: Drive Agility and Innovation with ERP in the Cloud
  • IDC: The Business Value of Migrating and Modernizing with Azure

How Have New Industries Used White Papers?

Cryptocurrencies have also been known to publish white papers during initial coin offerings (ICOs) and frequently issued white papers to entice users and “investors” to their projects.

Bitcoin famously launched a few months after the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto issued its famous white paper online in October 2008.

Why Is It Called a White Paper?

White papers may have developed from the use of “Blue Papers” in 19th century Britain, where a Parliament report cover was blue. When a topic for the government was less serious, the blue cover was discarded and published with white covers. These reports were called White Papers. In the United States, the use of government white papers often means a background report or guidance on a specific issue.

A white paper is an informational document issued by a company, government agency, or not-for-profit organization to promote the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer. The facts presented in white papers are often backed by research and statistics from reliable sources and are commonly written in one of three formats: backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution papers. " Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System ."

Michigan State University. " Finding British Parliamentary Papers in the M.S.U. Libraries, Collections Guide No. 6 (Advanced): Parliamentary, or Sessional Papers--Discussion ."

white paper research

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Blog Marketing 20+ White Paper Examples [Design Guide + White Paper Templates]

20+ White Paper Examples [Design Guide + White Paper Templates]

Written by: Sara McGuire Jun 28, 2023

white paper examples Venngage

There’s a reason why white papers are a marketing staple. When created right, white papers boost your authority, solve problems for your clients and stakeholders and act as powerful lead magnets.

But how to you create a white paper that will drive results? In this guide and with the help of Venngage’s White Paper Maker , you’ll learn how to write and design white papers that engage readers, impress clients and generate sales leads.

To add an element of enjoyment to the process, you can explore our collection of white paper templates that offer captivating and informative formats for narrating your story.

[Watch] How to Create a White Paper with Venngage:

White paper examples we’ll cover (click to jump ahead):

Business white paper examples, marketing white paper examples, government white paper examples.

  • Policy paper examples

Research white paper examples

Hr white paper examples.

  • White paper FAQ

Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

Businesses write white papers for a number of reasons. It’s a great document to showcase a company’s expertise in the field and to win over investors. A white paper can also be used for marketing purposes and brand awareness (which I’ll discuss in the next section ).

Here’s an example of a business white paper:

business white paper example employee engagement guide

This business white paper example by Google aims to persuade the reader into adopting AI by leveraging Google’s authority. It also contains a technical deep dive for more advanced readers.

This is a perfect case of a business using white papers to demonstrate its expertise and establish itself as the thought leader in the industry.

To create a business white paper like this one, you can use a white paper template . Here’s an example of one:

white paper research

Just so you know, some of our templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

This business white paper template discusses the importance of employee engagement and different strategies to optimize engagement in a company. A staffing consultancy firm could create a business white paper like this one to demonstrate its expertise.

Now, if you already have a draft of your white paper content, you can just copy and paste it to a template you like. (If you haven’t written it yet, here’s a white paper writing guide you should definitely check out!)

But how do you make the most out of a business white paper template like the one above? Let’s take a look at some design tips you can apply:

1. Create an eye-catching white paper cover page

Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of an eye-catching cover page. Like the cover of a book, a captivating cover page will entice people to open it and read it further.

At first glance, your readers should have an idea of what the white paper will contain. Use a photo that reflects the theme of your white paper, or create a visual using diverse icons .

Let’s check out a B2B white paper example on employee engagement. The two men on the cover could easily be a manager speaking with one of his team members. 

Employment Engagement White Paper Template

Both look energized and engaged, indicating that this business white paper will offer valuable insight to companies looking to invigorate their employees.

2. Highlight key takeaways to summarize the information in your white paper

Blue Simple Social Media White Paper Examples

White papers tend to pack a ton of information within their pages. But in reality, many people aren’t going to take the time to read the whole paper cover to cover.

Try highlighting a few key takeaways that will get them excited about reading your white paper. Or outline exactly what they will trade their time to learn about.

As you can see in this white paper example, there’s a whole section that highlights the key takeaways in the report. Because it’s right on the front page, it’s hard to miss, which is a nice touch:

Modern Marketing White Paper Examples

Pro Tip:  Not sure which template is right for your use case? Venngage has a massive catalog of 500+ professional and engaging templates you can customize today. No more boring Word documents or endlessly struggling with expensive design tools.  Browse our white paper templates.

3. Incorporate photos which resemble your target users in your white paper layout

Photos help create a connection between the information in your white paper and your reader. Using a photo on the cover also tells the reader what they can expect to find within the pages.

In this healthcare white paper template, the image of a child with a sugary dessert connects directly to the topic. The reader will instantly know what the paper is about.

Health White Paper Template

If your goal with white papers is to promote your services and generate leads, your message needs to be memorable. Incorporating visuals resembling your target audience is one way to do so.

This content marketing white paper template depicts someone hard at work while downing a cup of coffee. The image would resonate most with professional marketers you’re trying to reach in a B2B capacity:

marketing white paper example on content marketing

Businesses can use white papers as part of a content (and sales) marketing strategy such as lead generation . Most of the time, the white paper is gated — you need to insert your contact information before downloading/accessing the document. Here’s an example:

white paper research

This white paper example by Frost & Sullivan (commissioned by Samsung Electronics America) explores the trends in the insurance industry. Specifically, it discusses the impact of digital transformation on this industry and how companies can deal with the change.

In order to access the white paper, you need to put in your contact information:

example of white paper being gated content to generate leads

Now, let’s take a look at some more white paper design tips you can apply to make the best out of your marketing white paper:

4. Use high-quality photos with a consistent style

Photos, icons, and illustrations can play an important role in how effectively your white paper communicates information. It’s almost as important as knowing how to write a white paper that conveys information succinctly.

Don’t just use images for decoration. Instead, use photos to illustrate important concepts, to make information easier to understand, and to convey a mood. Marketing white paper examples, like this one, use bright, colorful photos to engage and excite readers.

Modern Poster Marketing White Paper Examples

Venngage’s integration with Pexels and Pixabay makes it easy to find thousands of high-quality stock photos. Check out our  guide to incorporating stock photos  seamlessly into your design. 

Pro Tip:  Use Venngage’s image swap button to change the images in a template in just 1-click. Your images and icons will be replaced with a new image that is already formatted to the template.

5. Use a neutral color scheme for a modern technology white paper design

Say you want to create a white paper to introduce new technology or explain tech-based solutions to problems. A white paper design with a sleek, modern and minimalistic design will likely appeal to techie people.

Pick a neutral background color like white or light grey. Then, pick visuals with similarly sleek color schemes. Tech white paper examples like this use a cool and muted grey palette:

Minimal Modern Tech White Paper Examples

But a great way to add some visual appeal to your white paper layout is to pick an accent color that you can use to make parts of your page pop. For example, this content marketing white paper template contrasts two cool corporate blue accents:

B2B Content Marketing White Paper Template

Pro Tip:  With Venngage, you can scale your white paper creation without sacrificing quality. How? Once you’ve created a white paper you like, save it as a template to reuse it again. Or hand the design reins to a team member. Want to create a white paper with your team? Our  real-time collaboration  feature (Business plan only) can help.

Learning how to write a white paper that speaks to your readers is important. For example, when selecting images for your white paper, keep an eye out for people who resemble your target audience .

This will help communicate that your white paper is actually relevant to the group you’re trying to reach.

Guide to Email Marketing White Paper Template

That said, in some cases, including photos resembling your target audience might not make sense. If this happens, I’d recommend including non-generic stock photos or authentic product images. 

This modern business white paper template uses real product images as well as authentic stock photos to give it that visual flair:

Modern White Paper Template

Pro Tip: Need help with creating personas for your target audience? Our in-depth user persona guide  will help you quickly get upto speed.

6. Use creative backgrounds for a trendy white paper design

A simple design trick to make your white paper more engaging is to use the right background. You can opt for a simple background pattern design to add some visual impact to your white paper layout, or even try a trendy color gradient.

For example, take a look at how a color gradient background gives this content marketing white paper template some wow factor:

Gradient Content Marketing White Paper Examples

Here’s a simpler marketing white paper template that opts for a vibrant color gradient background but with simpler font choices to give it a sleek professional look:

Vibrant Information Technology White Paper Template

Alternatively, you can use a different color gradient on your white paper template to make it stand out. Remember to keep your branding in mind when choosing the color combination so readers recognize the white paper as belonging to your brand.

Gradient Email Marketing White Paper Template

It’s so easy to experiment with white paper backgrounds, so don’t be shy about trying out different options. With Venngage, you can change your white paper background with 1-click:

20+ White Paper Examples & Examples

Pro Tip: Even if you don’t have any design experience (I don’t), the right background image can instantly make your white paper look more polished and professional. Keep this simple yet effective trick in mind, so you can create white papers that captivate readers.

7. Include calls to action throughout your white paper

If you’ve been wondering what makes a great white paper, it’s the strategic use of calls to action (CTAs).  It’s an important part of understanding how to write a white paper that readers will engage with.

In a white paper, there are plenty of opportunities to position your product or service as a solution to your target audience’s pain points. This means that there will be ample opportunities to include CTAs throughout your white paper.

For example, if you mention a feature of your product, you can place a clickable CTA button beside it:

Social Media Marketing White Paper Examples

CTAs are a great way to move people through the  sales pipeline , from your white paper to a  landing page  or blog post. 


Governmental organizations write white papers to outline policies before proposing new bills and legislations. A white paper is a good tool for gathering feedback from the public before implementing wide-reaching policy changes.

This is an example of a government white paper:

government white paper example aha

There are a lot of ways you can make your government white papers more engaging. Here are some design tips:

8. Make your page numbers stand out so your white paper is easy to scan

Technical Business White Paper Examples

When designing your white paper, it’s important to keep your readers in mind. Don’t just think about what they want to read, but how they want to read it.

Your white paper isn’t the latest installment of Stranger Thing s , so it’s unlikely that every reader is going to sit down and read it cover to cover. In fact, there’s a good chance they’re going to want to skip ahead to specific sections that interest them. 

Making your page numbers easy to read will be appreciated by your readers who are trying to locate a particular topic in your white paper.

Take a look at the page numbers in this policy white paper template:

Simple Business Policy White Paper Examples

The above government white paper template can be used by a government to communicate complex social, political, and economic issues to an audience.

Healthcare white paper templates, for example, can be useful in proposing healthcare policies to the general public.

Governments can distribute healthcare white papers to communicate crucial healthcare policy changes to residents in an easy-to-read and accessible format (just like the one above by the American Heart Association).

The white paper example below has a format that’s easy to customize for any industry. Its straightforward table of contents and simple design elements keep the focus on the text.

Go ahead and customize this template with our intuitive drag-and-drop editor:

Electric Blue Cyber Security White Paper Template

You can create a functional table of contents by adding hyperlinks to individual chapters and sections. This will help your readers navigate the white paper’s contents.

Select the text you’d like to turn into a link, then click the link icon in the top bar. Along with the option to add a URL, you can select pages within the eBook. When you download your design, download it as an  Interactive PDF .

Whitepaper ToC Example

9. Highlight themes in your white paper template using icons

This white paper template, from the cover page onwards highlights the cybersecurity topic it is focused on — phishing scams — by using a hook icon. The cover also introduces a circle motif that is used throughout this technical white paper, to give it a cohesive design and summarize information.

Modern Tech White Paper Examples

Pro Tip:  Do you work in a boring industry? Whether you’re in finance, law or health care, you can set yourself apart from the competition by creating engaging, yet informative white papers. A well-designed white paper can give you an unfair advantage when it comes to making technical information easy to understand and positioning the value of your business.

Policy white paper examples

Good policy white paper examples include a brief description of the scope of a problem or issue to be discussed, alongside recommendations.

This policy white paper from the Australian government is a good example:

policy white paper example from Australia

Policy papers also include data to give context to issues. The Australian policy white paper above includes a bar graph describing the percentage of Australians born overseas to illustrate the country’s multicultural societies:

policy white paper data visualization example

On that note, here’s some ways to best incorporate data visualizations to your white papers:

10. Visualize your white paper data using charts and pictograms

A common problem that marketers and consultants face when creating white papers is finding a way to make the data engaging and easy to understand. 

The solution? Visualize your data using charts and pictograms.

While everyone on your team is busy creating boring Word documents, you can be the creative genius that uses charts and pictograms to create visually engaging white papers.  

The type of charts you use will depend on the type of data you’re visualizing. Here’s a guide to picking what types of charts to use that can help you there. 

You could use a line graph to show revenue growth over time . Or you could use pie charts to show parts of a whole, like in policy white paper examples such as this.

Modern Economic White Paper Example

Pro Tip: With our online graph maker, you can create charts and graphs that are more creative and engaging than standard Excel charts. A plain old bar graph won’t do much to inspire anyone, but a creative chart that tells a story can. 

Pictograms are also a creative and effective way to visualize statistical data. Take a look at how pictograms are used in technology white paper examples like the below. They act as visual aids to showcase key statistics and changes as it relates to the IT sector.

Simple Information Technology White Paper Template

Don’t be afraid to mix it up. They say variety is the spice of life — the same can be said of white papers! This business white paper design, for example, combines both bar graphs and pie charts.

Tech Startup Marketing White Paper Examples

For more ways to add data visualizations to your white papers, check out this post: How to Visualize Data In Your White Papers

Just like other white papers, research white paper examples include reported facts and data aimed at educating readers around a particular topic. Research white papers are also written to help readers understand and address specific problems.

If you’re writing a research white paper for your business, here’s some ways to make it more engaging:

11. Highlight featured quotes using a big font

Creative HR White Paper Examples

This is a design trick you’ve probably seen used in magazines and news publications. Well, guess what — it works great for white paper design as well! Pull particularly impactful and persuasive quotes and make them stand out from the rest of the text using big, bold fonts.

Not only will this draw readers’ eyes to the quotes, but it also gives your page design more visual variation. Company white paper examples like this one use a bright orange font to help their featured quotes stand out.

Simple HR White Paper Examples

Human resources white papers tackle issues around employment, management, employee retention and churn. HR white papers can also be used to attract potential employees by showcasing the company culture and ethos.

12. Incorporate your branding into your white paper design

Blue Modern Health White Paper Examples

To improve brand recognition , you need to have consistent branding across all marketing collateral. This not only helps your marketing efforts  but also helps you maintain consistency in your internal and external comms.

Be sure to incorporate your logo , brand color palettes, and fonts into your white paper design.

Venngage’s Brand Kit makes it easy to save your logos, brand color palettes, and brand fonts for later. Then, you can easily apply them to your designs with one click. No designer needed:

20+ White Paper Examples & Examples 3

Try thinking of creative opportunities to incorporate your branding . This white paper design, for instance, extends the use of its signature color beyond standard headers and icons.

It actually applies a transparent color overlay to the images, adding an additional punch of color and reinforcing its brand palette in an unexpected way.

Red Productivity White Paper Examples

Pro Tip: Need help with creating your own brand-style guide? Our guide on brand guidelines will help you create brand collateral that will dictate the look and feel of your brand and in the process, help you stand out from the herd.

13. Use icons to emphasize section headers in your white paper template

Healthy Eating White Paper Examples

One of the primary purposes of a white paper is to visually communicate information in an engaging way. But many businesses end up creating something that reads like a college textbook. No one wants to read that…just ask any college student.

TechSmith studied over 4,500 office workers and found that people absorb information 7% faster when they’re given text with accompanying images, versus just plain text. When designing your white paper, look for opportunities to make the text easier to scan with visuals. 

An easy way to bring attention to important points is to place an icon beside the text. Government white paper examples like the one below are text-heavy. But the icons help direct the eye to each section header and break up the text.

Orange Simple White Paper Examples

This marketing white paper layout uses icons to punctuate the headers and add a dash of personality to reinforce its fun and lively color palette.

Vibrant Startup Marketing White Paper Examples

Here’s another example of a white paper design where icons are used to visualize points and make information easier to find.

Business Information Technology White Paper Examples

14. Use a visual motif that reflects your white paper topic

A visual motif is a visual element that is repeated throughout your design. When you’re designing a multi-page document like a white paper or a report, your pages should have a cohesive look and flow.

To pick a motif for your white paper design, think of some themes reflected in your white paper. Is your white paper about social media engagement? Then a motif of birds (“tweeting”) or speech bubbles could work.

A white paper topic that is focused on establishing a sprint process could use a race track motif instead.

Hiring strategy white paper examples like the below use a leaf motif. Plants reflect the theme of growth associated with recruitment.

Modern Trendy Human Resources White Paper Examples1

Or you can also use a simple shape motif throughout your white paper design. This approach is more subtle but can still lend to a cohesive and well-thought-out white paper design.

For example, this simple white paper template uses a hexagon motif (it kind of makes you think of a beehive, doesn’t it?).

Simple White Tech White Paper Examples

15. Break up chunks of text with visuals when writing a white paper

When you’re laying out your white paper pages, put your storytelling cap on. Think: what kind of flow do I want my report to have? Where can I use visuals to emphasize certain points? Where can I illustrate an idea?

A common mistake novice designers make is to cram too much text into a page, rather than breaking up the text and giving it space to breathe.

Don’t hesitate to dedicate big chunks of your page–or the page in its entirety–to pictures. Images give the eyes a rest and help to reinforce information.

Visual headers are also a great way to break up expanses of text while still having the visuals serve a purpose (yay for purposeful design!). You can create your own illustrations using icons–they can make for some fun and quirky headers, like in workplace tech white paper examples.

Yellow New Technology White Paper Examples

16. Open your white paper with a boldly colored glossary

Simple Orange White Paper Examples

Like any design project, it’s important to start off on the right foot. You can do this by creating a glossary for your white paper. Think of it as a map that outlines exactly what your white paper will cover. 

In bright white paper examples like the one below, you can see how the designers used a bold color to bring attention to the glossary. This ensures that it will be seen by a reader, and actually used to navigate the content.

If you make your white paper design engaging, a lot more people are going to want to read it:

Modern Orange White Paper Examples

Try using a full-page color fill (like in this white paper example) for your glossary. Otherwise, readers may miss it when quickly flipping through the pages.

17. Include tables and boxes to emphasize key points and takeaways

Simple Health White Paper Examples

Visualizing information or data isn’t limited to just graphs. When writing a white paper, you can also section off important pieces of information using tables and boxes.

In the white paper examples below, the designers used a table to organize key points and takeaways from each main section:


Here’s another example of a white paper layout that uses a table to highlight some key statistics:

Environmental Awareness Workbook Course White Paper Template

Breaking up lengths of text with boxes will help make your white paper easier to read:

Environmental Awareness Workbook Course White Paper Template

18. Vary the color, fonts, and styles of your headers

Modern Business White Paper Examples

You can create a hierarchy by using a different font or color for your headers and sub-headers. This also helps give your page design more variety.

In this example, they use different fonts and colors for each level of header. This helps make the distinction between main and sub-headers more noticeable.


Your main design goal should be to create a white paper that’s engaging to readers and easy to navigate. When you are working with this much text, it’s important to make it easy to skim through.

19.  Dedicate pages to particularly important points

Modern Travel White Paper Examples

The primary goal of your white paper should be to educate readers. But you also want to strike a balance between being informative and entertaining.

If there is a central point that you want readers to remember, you may want to dedicate an entire page to that one point and an accompanying image to help drive the message home.

Pages like this should be used sparingly. That being said, they can deliver some real impact to readers.

Take this white paper example that dedicates a page to an evocative quote and photo:

Modern Travel White Paper Examples

20.  Allow for plenty of white space on your pages

Minimalist Business White Paper Examples

Unlike one-page reports where you have to fit a lot of information into a small space, white papers allow for more freedom to spread the information out. That will allow you to create page designs with plenty of white space.

In the design world, white space is the empty space around design elements on the page. Leaving some room for your text and images to breathe will help your design look less cluttered.


Check out how this example uses plenty of white space on nearly every page. The result is an organized and modern white paper design.

21. Break chapters or sections into separate columns

Simple Policy White Paper Examples

Dividing your page into columns is a good way to organize your information and save space on the page. For example, in the white paper above, the Overview and the beginning of Chapter 1 are organized neatly into their own columns.

This makes it easy to jump from one point to the next, without getting lost.


22. Include a question on the front page of your white paper


Speaking directly to your readers can really grab their attention. Asking a question can get them to want to actually read your white paper.

In this white paper example, a simple question to the reader introduces what the report will cover. The designers even bolded it so it was the first thing readers would see!

Purple HR White Paper Examples

Now they could have just said “We are going to cover Topic X” on the cover. But that doesn’t place their white paper in the perspective of the person it’s meant to help — the reader.

On the other hand, when you address a common problem people in your niche face, that will pique their interest.

23. Vary your page layouts to keep readers engaged


When people look at the same thing over and over again, it can cause visual fatigue. Their eyes glaze over and their attention drifts.

Varying your page layout will help keep readers engaged by going against their expectations. When the eyes have something new to look at, it’s easier to stay engaged.

Blue Email Marketing White Paper Template

This white paper template uses a few different page layouts. One page may have a featured image, another a large quote, and the next only includes written content. This white paper layout is fresh and interesting.

Use these white paper examples to create a design that reflects your brand

Use these examples of white papers as springboards for your own unique and brand-appropriate designs. Knowing how to write a white paper that considers your audience every step of the way will help you develop the perfect response to their questions and make your designs accessible .

FAQs about white papers

What is a white paper.

In the business world, a white paper (or whitepaper) is an in-depth informational report that explains a complex or technical concept in addition to providing a persuasive solution to a problem. 

For example, here’s what a technical white paper looks like:

Green Marketing White Paper Examples

Unlike ebooks , which may address a broader scope of topics, white papers have a singular focus. They’re designed to solve a specific problem for readers and build brand trust in the process.

White papers are also research-based and widely considered to be a valuable resource. In fact, Equinet reports that a whopping 75% of B2B would share information about themselves and their company in exchange for a white paper.

What is the format of a white paper?

White papers can be formatted in any number of ways, but depending on your industry, you may want to consider formatting your white paper for printing on standard printers. In that case, it’s best to stick to a letter-sized page, whether in portrait (8.5×11) or landscape (11×8.5).

These documents also are best in the PDF file format; this is the easiest way both to share them online and to have them printed.

Why should you create a white paper?

White papers can be extremely valuable documents to educate your stakeholders, clients, and top-of-funnel traffic — when the white papers are actually interesting. According to the Demand Gen 2018 Survey Report , 71% of B2B buyers used white papers in the last 12 months to research purchasing decisions.

How long is a white paper?

Typically, white papers are around 3 to 20 pages long. But some white papers can be longer. A white paper should be long enough to cover the concept or problem at hand. Since this usually includes case studies or new research, plus explanations and analyses, a good rule of thumb is writing white papers to provide enough evidence to back up your claims.

How to write a white paper that people will actually read?

If it doesn’t have an appealing design, your white paper probably isn’t going to work as well as you want it to. As with any type of content — from writing blog posts to making presentations to crafting ebooks —a lot of your white paper’s success comes down to the design.

Take this eye-catching hiring strategy white paper example; it uses dramatic images, colors, layouts, and icons to elevate its content to another level.

Neon Digital Hiring Strategy White Paper Template

How to format a white paper with design in mind:

  • Make sure your cover page immediately informs readers what your white paper is about.
  • Summarize key takeaways at the start after writing your white papers.
  • Don’t forget to think about your readers’ experience. Use clear page numbers to make it easier to scan your white paper.
  • Visualize your data to make your white paper more engaging.
  • Use consistent brand colors and fonts throughout your white paper format. This will make your design look more polished and professional.
  • Use high-quality photos with a consistent style.
  • Keep your target users in mind throughout the design process. If you’re using images of other people make sure they resemble your target users.
  • Emphasize section headers in your white paper with icons.
  • Break up walls of text with visuals like infographics and charts.
  • Use a glossary to outline the specific topics you aim to address.
  • Incorporate calls to action throughout your white paper design.
  • Format your white paper to allow for plenty of white space. This will prevent your white paper design from looking cluttered.
  • Switch up your page layouts to keep readers interested.

This article is also available in Spanish Más de 20 Ejemplos de White Paper Increíbles [Guía de Diseño + Plantillas] and Portuguese White paper: mais de 20 exemplos cativantes [guia de design + modelos]

You might also be interested in some of these helpful design guides:

  • What is a White Paper? 15+ White Paper Examples to Get Started
  • How to Write a White Paper (Tips & Templates)
  • How to Visualize Data In Your White Papers
  • What is a Marketing Plan & How to Create One [with Examples]
  • 90+ Annual Report Design Templates, Inspirational Examples & Design Tips

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White Paper Style Guide

  • When to Use a Whitepaper
  • How to Format a Whitepaper
  • Citation in Technical Papers

Links to Helpful Content

  • Purdue OWL Video on Writing White Papers
  • WhitePaper Guy, (Gordon Graham)

White Paper or Whitepaper?

White paper is more widely used and it has strong documentation to back it up. At the end of the day, white paper is the safer choice. You won't be wrong for choosing to use the space-separated version. When it comes down to it, whitepaper is an acceptable preference at best, while white paper is the standard. (from blog linked above, May 12, 2016)

(In 2022, the age of the adjective/noun mashup for naming apps and businesses, this seems a quaint opinion.)

A  white paper  is a research-based report which offers a focused description of a complex topic and presents the point of view of the author or body represented by the author.  The purpose of a white paper is to give readers understanding of an issue, which in turn helps them solve a problem or make a decision.

The term originated in Britain, where it refers to a type of government issued document. In a business context, the purpose of white papers has evolved to an aspect of marketing and is often used to persuade.

Key Characteristics of White Papers

White paper experts including Gordon Graham have identified these key characteristics for a white paper:

  • A document containing narrative text
  • At least 5-6 pages long
  • Oriented in portrait format (landscape format tends to be for B2B e-books)
  • Educational, practical and useful, not a sales pitch
  • Used before a sale, not after a sale
  • Provides facts, not just opinion
  • Includes an introduction or executive summary

If a document has all these characteristics, it’s probably a white paper

from "That White Paper Guy"

Purpose of White Papers

"A whitepaper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution.

Marketers create whitepapers to educate their audience about a particular issue or explain and promote a particular methodology. They're advanced problem-solving guides. Typically, whitepapers require at least an email address for download (usually they require information more than that), making them great for capturing leads."

A whitepaper is NOT:

"A product pitch. Although Investopedia , [see above], defines a whitepaper as 'an informational document issued by a company to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service', be warned that overtly shilling your own stuff could turn off your readers. The goal of a whitepaper is to inform and persuade based on facts and evidence, not tell the world why your product is the best and they need to buy it now." [Investopedia seems to have backed off from this stance.]

from Hubspot

  • Next: How to Format a Whitepaper >>
  • Last Updated: May 11, 2023 1:13 PM
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The 2024 Ultimate Guide: How to Write and Format a White Paper

The step by step guide to succeeding with white paper marketing.

Frame 16 (1)

  • 1 What is a white paper?
  • 2. White paper examples
  • 3 How to write a white paper
  • 4 Mistakes a white paper should avoid
  • 5 White paper Format
  • 6 Gating your white papers
  • 7 White paper distribution
  • 8 Handling your white paper leads
  • 9 Choosing the right white paper template
  • 10 Final thoughts


White papers are a popular and powerful tool for content marketers. They can be used to position your company as a thought leader and authority on a particular topic by presenting useful and persuasive research findings and technical information about your products and services.

White papers can also be used as a powerful asset to generate more leads when the information is valuable enough for readers to submit their personal details in order to access your findings. This ultimate guide will teach you everything you need to make white paper marketing a formidable addition to your content marketing strategy . 

How to Write and Format a White Paper Infographic

1. What is a white paper and why is it important?

A white paper is an in-depth report or guide informing readers about a specific topic and its problems. It is meant to educate readers and help them to understand and solve an issue. It is important as it helps establish a company as an expert in its field, educates customers, and influences decisions. 

In the world of marketing, a white paper is a long-form piece of content , similar to an eBook . The difference between the two is that white papers tend to be more technical and in-depth. The facts and opinions expressed in white papers are often backed by original research or statistics that the publisher has aggregated from reliable sources. They often include data visualizations such as charts, graphs, tables, and more.

The term "white papers" originated in England as government-issued documents. One famous example is the Churchill White Paper , commissioned by Winston Churchill in 1922.

Today, the term is most commonly applied to “deep dive” style publications for marketing purposes. Businesses — especially in the consulting, financial, or B2B sectors — use them to communicate their organization’s philosophy on a topic, make the case for the superiority of their product, or simply to present important points related to their field.

White papers are no less editorial than other forms of content, but the depth of research lends them an authoritative tone. For this reason, they are good candidates for promoting thought leadership .

Who uses white papers?

In the past, white papers were most often produced by governmental agencies, NGOs, think tanks, consultancies, and financial institutions that needed to present the findings of their ongoing research in a succinct format.

With the widespread growth and adoption of content marketing (the creation and distribution of non-promotional content intended to generate interest in a business and its offerings), white papers have become more common in other industries as well. Any organization that engages in content marketing can benefit from producing white papers.

Their popularity across industries is due to their versatility. While all white papers have certain elements in common, a B2B startup will use them differently than a large consultancy, and both will use them differently from a governmental organization.

Types of white papers

There are numerous types of white papers a business might publish.

  • One type is the backgrounder , in which the benefits of their product, service, or methodology are explained in depth.
  • Another is a problem-solution approach, which walks the audience through the solution to a problem that is common in their industry.

Other types of white papers simply present a summary of useful statistics and information about the state of a particular field or industry. An example of this would be the Content Marketing Benchmarks Budgets and Trends from the Content Marketing Institute.

Whatever type you produce , the contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area. Your audience is searching for an information document and will look for an authoritative source — a business they perceive as having in-depth knowledge of a subject.

The contents of your white paper should serve to showcase your expertise in a given area.

How can a white paper benefit businesses or organizations?

White papers enable you to build trust with your audience. They show readers that you're reliable, experienced, and adept in a given domain. When potential customers search for an informational document to help them understand a problem or opportunity they're facing, and you provide them with a quality white paper that helps, they'll turn to you again in the future.

This perception of authority can also serve to boost sales in an organization. More than half the respondents to the Eccolo Media B2B Technology Content Survey reported having read a white paper before making a buying decision. Buyers prefer to purchase from vendors they trust and see as experts in their field.

Finally, white papers are extremely useful for lead generation . The Content Preferences Survey from DemandGen found that more than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for a white paper — more than for eBooks , case studies, analyst reports , podcasts, brochures , or infographics.

With all of these potential benefits, utilizing white papers in your content marketing strategy can produce great results.

More than three-fourths of survey respondents were willing to exchange personal information for a white paper.

2. White paper examples

When you think about white papers, you probably think of PDF articles with thousands of words. But times are changing and so is the way we produce and consume content.

Nowadays, every marketing collateral (including white papers) needs to be well-written, well-structured, and designed for every type of visitor. 

Here are some great examples of white papers doing exactly that. 

White paper example - CodinGame

This unique one-pager presenting findings from the Developers at Work Survey demonstrates how a white paper should be done. The animated, interactive data charts show off just what's possible with our embed feature .

Open white paper example #1  

White paper example - BDO GDPR

Privacy and the GDPR - BDO

This well-produced special edition produced by BDO and creative agency Monte Media does an incredible job of turning a conventionally dull topic into a piece of content that's engaging and comes to life.

Open white paper example #2

White paper example - content-marketing-strategy

This white paper is a step by step guide to succeeding with content marketing.

See more  white paper examples

Start creating white papers with Foleon

3. How to write a white paper

Starting a white paper can be a daunting task. So much information and research are required that it’s easy to get lost in that portion of the work and let it become a roadblock to actually putting things on paper.

Even after the writing itself has begun, white papers are tricky to do well. Simply listing statistics without some form of narrative arc is a surefire way to keep your white paper from ever being read. Luckily, following a few simple guidelines can help keep a white paper engaging and make the process of finishing it much easier.

Pick the right topic

This might seem obvious, but without a topic that resonates with your audience, your white paper is not likely to be read. When choosing the right topic, you should consider three important criteria:

  • It should be something you are qualified to write about.
  • It should be something your audience is interested in.
  • It should address a topic around which little content has been written already and thus fill a " content gap ."

Naturally, finding a topic that brings points 1 and 2 together is vital. White papers are meant to be authoritative pieces of content based upon the author's experience and expertise, so it's important to write about what you know . But you must match this to the interests of your readers if you're to produce something they'll be eager to engage with .

Don't be afraid to crowdsource information from within your organization. If the topic of a white paper is related to engineering, why not interview an engineer or have them look over what you’ve written? The same goes for other roles. Crowdsourcing knowledge means having the power of a true expert in many fields.

Finally, filling a "content gap" will help your white paper get noticed and gain traction. By addressing a topic no one else has written about definitely, your white paper will be more likely to rank highly on search engines and even be featured elsewhere on the web.

Pro tip: You can even ask your audience what they would like to see in your upcoming white paper. You'll get ideas, make your topic more relevant, and you'll generate buzz around your content even before it's finished. In fact, we used the same method for this guide!

white paper promotion slack

Define your audience

Defining your audience goes hand in hand with choosing the right topic. But moving beyond your audience's interests, it’s important to think of the kinds of people who will be reading your white paper.

  • Are they fellow professionals, well versed in your subject?
  • Are they likely to be reading something they are relatively unfamiliar with?

Knowing this helps establish the voice you should use and whether industry-specific jargon is appropriate. It also narrows the scope of the research you should include. It’s always important to ensure all arguments are logically sound and well supported, but the stats and information presented should be relevant to the specific audience you're targeting.

Part of defining an audience in the age of Google centers around how people will find the white paper. This means thinking about which platforms specific personas use for research and what search terms they put in. Not only will this help a white paper get found by the right people, but it is useful when outlining the white paper later on.

Optimizing for keywords is important, but remember to write for people, not for search engines. Google is getting better all the time at understanding and matching search intent with relevant content . This has become particularly important with the advent of AI-powered language models which can produce long-form content at scale. 

Wrap it in a great intro and outro

Ad with all good writing, your intro should serve to captivate your audience, pique their curiosity, and entice them to read further. It's good practice to provide a brief summary of what they'll find in the white paper and to emphasize exactly what benefit they'll get from reading it.

Your outro is equally important, especially if you're using your white paper to market your products or services. You should avoid any self-promotion in the body of your white paper, but you can certainly mention your relevant product offerings and how to obtain them — perhaps using a compelling call-to-action — at the end.

Pack it with value

White papers are not meant to be advertisements for your company, and you should avoid any overt promotion. Instead, you should provide plenty of useful information that will be valuable to readers even if they don't become customers. Emphasizing value is the key to a great white paper that will get shared and widely read.

Remember, white papers serve to showcase your expertise as a company or brand in a given field. Your readers should come away having learned something useful and with the impression that you're a reliable source of expert information. As pointed out earlier, generating this kind of reputation will lead to greater business success as buyers are more likely to purchase from companies they trust.

Emphasizing value is the key to a great white paper that will get shared and widely read.

Don’t be scared of multiple drafts

No first draft is ever a finished work. Elizabeth Bishop, the renowned and Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, wrote seventeen drafts of her poem “One Art” before it was completed. It’s now considered one of the best villanelles ever written .

While a white paper may not need seventeen drafts, there will undoubtedly be points missed and logical inconsistencies in the first version. Finishing a draft, stepping away, and coming back to it with a fresh mind is the best way to ensure quality. If there’s another good writer at your company, getting another set of eyes on it is even better.

Keep it interesting

White papers should be more detailed and thorough than blog posts or eBooks . This may cause them to be more dry and formal, but this doesn't mean they have to be boring.

A trap that white papers easily fall into is using statistics as a crutch and not maintaining interest throughout. Technical as it may be, you still want your white paper to be read. To make this happen, it’s useful to borrow techniques from fiction and creative nonfiction writers.

There are lots of resources for learning about a plot, but generally, it has five parts, as illustrated in Freytag’s pyramid:

White paper plot design

These won’t always correspond perfectly in a factual piece of writing like a white paper, but they can get you thinking about how to create and hold interest. Use those ideas to keep readers’ attention until the very end.

4. Mistakes a white paper should avoid

There are some pitfalls and common mistakes to avoid when writing a white paper. Each of these has the potential to make an otherwise stellar piece of content into a wasted effort. Here's a brief list of things to look out for.

Sounding like a sales pitch

When white papers are used as part of a marketing campaign where businesses showcase their product, a common mistake is to make them sound like a sales pitch . Don't let this happen; it will immediately turn your readers off. In a white paper, your audience is seeking unbiased, educational information that will help them, not try to persuade them. Save the sales pitches for other content, like product brochures .

Lack of adequate research

As previously mentioned, white papers should be well-researched documents. Conducting lengthy original research may indeed be outside a marketing team’s budget, but merely including a few stats from the first page of a Google search simply won’t cut it.

Aggregating statistics and searching through scholarly work may take time, but the result will be worth it. For your white paper to achieve its intended effect, It’s important to establish your content as an authoritative source to which the audience would want to return.

Poor design

We'll go in-depth into design in the next section, but it's worth mentioning here. The written content of a white paper is what matters most, but neglecting design is a big mistake. Design makes your salient points stand out and helps the reader understand what they're reading. Using visuals (like images, animations , videos, charts, and graphs) that support your arguments is crucial.

Check out this white paper example built with Foleon!. Open the white paper

Not telling a story

White papers are informative and factual. We’ve driven that point home already. That doesn’t mean they should be boring. Backgrounders, problem-solution white papers, and research findings all have a story to tell, and the reader is far less likely to make it through the entire piece without some form of narrative to keep them engaged.

Setting up a problem, elaborating on a solution, and including some type of success story is a proven formula for making any type of content more story-like.

Leaving it abstract

Because most white papers will involve sharing research findings, it can be easy to leave them in the realm of theory without explaining how to utilize those findings on a practical level. This is true more of backgrounders but can be the case with problem-solution white papers as well.

A good example is the abundant amount of content on employee engagement. Many B2B cases have covered the importance of employee engagement and the pitfalls of getting it wrong. Too little of this content goes further and gives concrete examples of what companies in specific verticals can do to alleviate the problem.

5. White paper format

Before addressing anything else, we first need to talk about the format you'll use.

A picture is no longer worth a thousand words. Today, its value is in the number of eyeballs it can keep glued to your content and the ratio of those viewers it convinces to click through to other sections of your website.

Your carefully crafted copy and painstakingly gathered statistics won’t earn those clicks on their own. The average human attention span is now less than that of a goldfish . And with 3.3 million Facebook posts, 448,800 tweets, and 149,513 emails sent every minute , competition for your readers' attention is intense, to say the least. Long form mediums like the white paper need serious sparkle just to compete.

How to format a white paper

You'll need more than just black text on a white background. Your design choices regarding things like color, typography, and the use of visuals will play a prominent role in the success of your white paper. Here are a few important principles to keep in mind for creating a quality white paper design.

Keeping mobile visitors in mind

More than 54% of internet traffic is now mobile , and web designers have adapted to this trend by creating what's known as responsive design . Before this, web pages simply scaled according to the size of a user's screen, retaining their layout. Naturally, this made most pages both unreadable and unnavigable on smaller devices.

Responsive design solved this by allowing elements on a page to rearrange, resize, or be completely hidden from view in response to the size of the screen. When a smaller screen is used, font-sizes increase, buttons become larger for touch screens, and the entire layout adjusts to make the page mobile-friendly.

But while this has become standard for web designers in a mobile-first world, producers of other digital content assets like white papers have generally not adapted . Surprisingly, most companies that offer white papers and eBooks on their websites still use PDF format .

The problem with PDFs is that they're unreadable on smaller screens . They're fixed-layout documents — they can't adjust or adapt to different screen sizes. Reading them on a mobile device requires excessive zooming and panning around, which is a terrible experience for users.

Mobile traffic is ever-increasing. If you decide to produce your white paper as a PDF , you risk excluding this vast segment of your audience. It's a design mistake that will cost you views and conversions.

Responsive white paper example - NGData

See examples of responsive white papers

Emphasis and readability

Because in-depth white papers contain lots of text and visuals, as well as supplementary information like footnotes, figures, logos and copyright info, the danger is that your design becomes cluttered. Clutter accumulates before you realize it. You may choose a clean layout and color scheme, to begin with, but as you continue to add content, things can get crowded. Often, you must make tough choices about what not to include to strike the right balance between completeness and readability.

Good design makes bold choices and prioritizes important information. These choices and priorities affect layout, placement, color, font size, page order and more.

Use these design elements to create emphasis on vital pieces of information. But be careful. Emphasizing too many pieces of information — or too few — will cause readers to struggle to discern what’s important.

Good design makes bold choices and prioritizes important information.

Have a look at what's trending

Bold fonts and color schemes are in. If you look at the hippest tech companies right now, you’ll see lots of pastels and color gradients. Of course, all that might change tomorrow. But still, a great way to get inspiration when you're just starting is to take a look at what design trends are currently popular.

U2's frontman, Bono, sings "every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief." And he's right. Good designers are always drawing inspiration from other designers.

The best way to create a successful design is to spend a lot of time looking at what others are doing successfully. Use Evernote , or a bookmarking service to save white papers and other exceptional designs that you encounter for future reference.

Don’t know where to start looking? Dribbble and Behance are two networks where great designers share their latest work. They consistently have material that’s on the cutting edge of what’s trending.

Design for your audience

While trends may inspire you, it's more important to align your design with your audience and your subject matter.

  • Will you be addressing suit-and-tie financial executives or blue-collar management at construction firms?
  • Are you writing about changes to privacy regulations in the tech industry, or about the effects of farming on biodiversity?

White paper format and design

Your design should support and strengthen your topic. The colors and typography should be consistent with what you're writing about, the tone you've chosen, and the audience you've defined.

Writing a white paper for a funeral parlor? Hot-pink headlines might be a bad choice. Taking color psychology into account can help you achieve the look and feel you're after.

Brush up on the basics

No prior knowledge of design? No problem.

If you don’t have a designer working with you in-house, you can still teach yourself the basics of design and check work against those principles. A big part of the battle is knowing the search terms that will get you the knowledge you need. Luckily, good primers on basic graphic design are abundant.

After doing a bit of reading, start creating. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. If you create a white paper and don’t like the design, try to pinpoint what it is about the design that needs improvement.

After the reading you’ve done, you’ll have the tools to critique your own work and the work of others. This is the best way to improve and create well designed white papers.

Choosing the right tools

At Foleon, we pride ourselves on providing a tool that makes creating responsive digital white papers easy, even for those with no prior graphic design experience.

Choosing a tool like this, which takes the guesswork out of design, will shorten the time it takes for you to produce great white papers. There is a vast ecosystem of tools out there, each of which is geared toward a different purpose and skillset. The right one will enable you as both a designer and a writer.

See how you can scale engaging content creation .

6. Gating your white papers

For most companies, lead generation and growing lists of contacts for the sales and marketing teams are important activities. Attracting visitors to your site and offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information is a proven method for filling the top of your funnel.

But for this type of inbound marketing to work, two things are needed: exceptional content that visitors are eager to acquire, and a method for gating (or walling off) that content behind a form.

Gated white paper

Many brands skip the first part and move straight to the second. They quickly produce something mediocre and put it behind a form. This might work in the short term for generating lists, but keep in mind that users expect more from content they “pay” for. The quality of your gated content serves as an indicator of the quality of your brand will affect your ability to turn prospects into customers down the road.

So how do white papers fit into your b2b content marketing funnel ? They may act either as lead generation tools themselves or can be used to direct readers to other parts of a website that captures lead information.

What is gated content?

Walling expert content off behind a form designed to capture personal details is one of the most common techniques for generating leads. Gated content is any content that a reader cannot access until after they input some personal information, such as their name and email address. White papers and eBooks are two of the most common types of content used for this purpose.

Typically, a company will create a landing page that includes a description — and perhaps a preview — of what information readers can expect to find inside. The landing page will include a form for visitors to enter their personal information and thus gain access. After entering the required information, visitors are either presented with a download button or receive the gated content in their inbox.

There are plenty of variations on this formula, but the basic technique of providing “free” content and asking readers to “pay” by providing their personal information has been very important part of content marketing for a long time.

To gate or not to gate

While gating your best content is great for lead generation, there are some drawbacks as well. Walling off your white paper will mean it gets read by fewer people as not everyone is willing to give away their contact details.

An open-access white paper will be read by a wider audience. If it’s in-depth and authoritative, it may also do well organically and improve your search rankings. Gating it behind a form, however, will prevent search engines from indexing it.

It’s important to consider what the primary goal of your white paper is: disseminating information and gaining brand awareness or generating leads. If the latter is more important, then gating is a great option.


Another variation on gated content — and one that’s growing in popularity — is semi-gating . This can give you the best of both worlds by allowing your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Semi-gating gives readers a taste of your white paper without requiring them to give up any info. You can, for example, make the first few pages of your white paper open access, and then make visitors fill in a form to read more. This works well because digital content is so abundant and brands must offer more for free or risk visitors turning elsewhere.

Allow your white paper to reach a wider audience while still retaining the ability to generate leads.

Offering more content for free also builds trust and brand loyalty among your readers. Let them know your white papers are valuable and helpful, and they’ll be more interested in giving you their personal information. You’re also more likely to gain qualified leads if readers have a chance to sample your white paper before converting.

Of course, semi-gating doesn’t mean giving away your entire white paper. Typically, there’s at least one section of the white paper that is exclusive to those who go through the gating process. Semi-gating can help reach a wider audience, build trust and loyalty, increase lead quality, and still help you capture the contact information you need.

There’s a concept in marketing and design known as friction . Friction is anything that causes the sales process to slow down. It’s like a roadblock that makes it less likely prospects will convert, sign up, download, or purchase. It can be caused by a multitude of things including poor design, confusing navigation, subpar copy, too many form fields, and more.

Your ability to generate leads with a gated white paper will largely depend on how much friction is involved. Asking for more information than you really need is one common and unnecessary source of friction that can lead to losing potential readers.

The entire field of conversion rate optimization is geared toward removing friction — or making user interactions easier. CRO specialists make forms simpler, navigation more intuitive, and design CTAs that are more likely to be clicked. Optimizing your landing page for conversions is a vital part of any lead generation campaign.

But the reality is, asking for personal information will always be an obstacle for a large number of people. So the key here is to make the process easy and noninvasive as possible.

An excellent way to do this is by reducing the number of form fields to the bare minimum and using mid-gating to ensure your ask is timely and yields immediate value for the reader: "Fill out this form to get access to the rest of this white paper, we've saved the best for last!".

Create white papers and eBooks that integrate with your favorite CRM or marketing automation platform. Get started

7. White paper distribution

So, after following the tips in this guide, you create an engaging, informative white paper that inspires readers to take action and deepen their relationship with your company. You mid-gate (or semi-gate) it to capture readers’ information and gain valuable insight into the interests and demographics of your consumer base.

Now, you publish it on your website, sit back, and wait for your Pulitzer.

Only, the traffic never comes… Where did you go wrong? You didn't think about your white paper distribution strategy . 

The importance of distribution

The internet isn’t the same as it once was. Thanks to the massive amount of content produced every day for and an ever-growing number of channels, it’s a lot harder to get noticed. Unless you’re Gabriel García Márquez back from the dead, simply writing something and posting it online doesn’t guarantee readership.

To get eyes on your white paper, you need to be smart not only about writing and design but distribution as well. Some content marketing thought leaders go so far as to claim that you should spend 20% of your time on content creation and 80% on promotion.

Distribution is all about identifying traction channels where your ideal customers consume content and making your white paper highly visible on those channels. Depending on the audience you defined in the beginning, some will be more relevant for you than others.

Social promotion

If you’re at all familiar with marketing, advertising, or online media, chances are you’re aware of how important social media is to visibility. People from all walks of life, and from all over the world, are on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Ensuring that you share your content regularly on these platforms will give you a solid base of promotion on which to build.

But it's not enough to simply write a post and tweet it into the void. Try to find communities like Facebook and LinkedIn groups where your target audience is likely to congregate. Search for relevant hashtags on Twitter and Instagram . Find subreddits relevant to your industry.

Once you’ve found your audience, it’s much easier to connect with them. If you contribute to these spaces regularly, you’ll have an easier time keeping their attention and distributing your white paper.

Influencers and earned media

Public relations isn’t what it once was; influencer marketing has taken its place as the way to get noticed by the masses.

These days, influencers — people with large, engaged followings on social media and newsletters — are better equipped to amplify your content than traditional journalists. They play a growing role in shaping public opinion and even in setting business trends . Shares from an influencer can even help you land spots in major publications the way press releases used to.

Social media is the best place to find influencers in your vertical. When you investigate the best communities in which to promote your white paper, look for the content that people are already referencing and sharing. Eventually, you’ll start to get a picture of who’s putting out content that’s getting widespread traction. These are the people whose voices can amplify your brand.

Start by interacting with them. Begin a conversation, comment on their pieces with regularity, and give them feedback on their work. There are great tools, like Voila Norbert and ContactOut , to help you quickly track down email addresses.

After building enough rapport, try offering to collaborate on future white papers or other types of content. This process can take some time because your goal here is to build a relationship.

Eventually, you can ask an influencer to share your white paper. You might even consider quoting them in the white paper itself — anything that gives them an incentive to share your work is helpful.

Pro tip: Try to find an expert in your white paper related subject and interview them. It will add value to your white paper and you'll increase the chance that the expert shares your content with his or her extensive network.

Email marketing

The jungle of online content may thicken daily, but there are a few places you can still get readers’ attention. Email distribution has stood the test of time in this regard. It provides greater ROI than social , and it shows no signs of weakening.

If the purpose of your white paper is lead generation, email marketing will not be applicable. But for boosting sales, building trust, and establishing your brand as a trustworthy source of information, it's important not to neglect your existing contact base.

Although email may not have the appealing viral possibilities associated with social media, it does have other advantages. Namely, anyone who subscribed to your email list chose to be there. This means you can expect a higher level of engagement from this audience than those who come in via other channels. Capitalize on their loyalty and engagement by encouraging contacts to share your white paper with their networks and thus multiply your distribution efforts.

This was discussed in the previous section, but it's worth mentioning again here: another big advantage of Foleon's gating features is that when your existing contacts share your white paper with their contacts, those people will be confronted with a login form that will allow you to capture their info and expand your email list further.

Going beyond the basics

The techniques discussed above are essential items in your white paper distribution toolbox. However, they’re not the only ones. The best way to distribute your white paper depends largely on your target audience and the industry to which your content speaks.

Take some time to critically evaluate and research how knowledge is shared in your industry. Every industry will be slightly different. Reaching people in these places is the best guarantee of effective distribution.

8. Handling your white paper leads

As we've discussed, white papers can serve a variety of objectives. They’re commonly used for thought leadership and to disseminate important research, relevant to a specific industry.

When it comes to content marketing, however, the most common use for white papers over the last several years has become lead generation. In chapter 6, we discussed how to bring readers to your white paper and capture their information.

Once you've properly gated your white paper and set up a solid distribution strategy, it's time to think about how you'll handle the leads that come in. If not properly tracked and nurtured, leads will quickly become cold and won't lead to increased sales for your company. So how do you follow up with leads and maximize the opportunity you’ve created with your white paper?

How to track your white paper leads

The buyer’s journey outlines the steps a person goes through, from becoming aware of a problem they have, to learning about different solutions to that problem, to eventually purchasing a product or service (hopefully yours) that solves their problem.

White paper customer journey

To maximize the chances your new leads become paying customers, you must take the abstract concept of a buyer’s journey and map it to your specific content ecosystem. The actions your prospects take on your website can be indicative of what stage of the journey they're in.

For example, you may see someone read a blog post on your site, then come back a day later to get your white paper, and then finally sign up for a free trial or an email list. After that, they might decide to make a purchase. As patterns begin to emerge around the journey your customers take, you'll learn what actions on your part can help them to advance.

There are many tools available to help you analyze this journey for yourself. Google Analytics is probably the most widely used. It lets you track and compile data regarding user behavior on your website. You can define goals and generate reports that will show you steps users tend to take before completing those goals.

Targeting stages of the buyer’s journey

As it becomes more clear what actions visitors take before purchasing, you'll better understand where to use your white paper in the buyer's journey.

The question you should seek to answer is, where does it provide the most value to your potential customers? Do you see greater success when accessing your gated white paper is a prospect's first interaction with your company? Or is it perhaps more effective to use it as an offer once visitors have returned a second (or third) time to your site?

You can see that white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of an ecosystem. The related blog posts, landing pages, emails, social messages, and follow up sequences must all be carefully orchestrated and properly timed.

This process takes practice. It takes trial and error, and you must be a keen observer of trends . However, that effort will pay off.

...white papers don't exist in isolation but act as a member of a content ecosystem.

Following up with your leads

Depending on where in the buyer's journey you use your white paper, the way you'll want to follow up with leads will be different.

  • If, for example, your white paper targets the awareness stage and the leads you gather are relatively unfamiliar with your company, it might be smart to enroll them in an email sequence that highlights other pieces of content on your site such as blog posts that are relevant to the topic they showed interest in.
  • Suppose your white paper is for people in the consideration stage, and leads are already familiar with what you have to offer. In that case, you might consider following up by sending them special offers or exclusive deals — again, closely related to the topic of interest.
  • If you're taking a highly targeted approach to distribution and using your white paper to generate hot leads that you think are already close to making a purchasing decision, the best way to follow up might be for a sales representative to reach out directly by phone.

This is what it means to nurture leads. By proactively keeping in touch with leads and offering them more relevant content, you maximize the likelihood of them becoming a customer.

9. Choosing the right white paper template

In 2021, Hubspot reported that 82% of marketers actively invest in content marketing. Thus, the need to create interactive content experiences that stand out amongst your competitors has never been more critical in your content marketing strategy as the volume of published white papers grows yearly. 

For this reason, the visual representation of your white paper has become increasingly crucial for retaining your audience's interest. In addition to the value your white paper content provides your audience, the single most significant factor at your disposal to maintain content engagement is how your white paper is visually presented. 

For whitepapers, the white paper template you opt for to present your content can significantly influence the success of your publication. The template is more than just a matter of aesthetics; it represents a strategic decision that affects user engagement, experience, and even how your brand is perceived.

Below are some factors you should carefully weigh when choosing your white paper template .

Target audience and content

The two biggest influences that will determine the selection of your white paper template are your target audience and the purpose of your content. 

For example, if you create an annual report that provides Financial Services information or a research piece exploring trends in Software & IT salaries, you’ll want to use a template that easily represents data-rich elements such as tables and eye-catching statistics. In contrast, visually-oriented templates containing hi-res imagery or videos are better suited for online catalogs or digital magazines . 

Think about your target audience's needs and how your template's layout can optimize your content's engagement. 

Creative control with flexible features 

You’ll get the most value out of your interactive white paper with a content creation platform that allows you to harness professionally designed white paper templates that are easy to use and fully customizable with a drag-and-drop interface. This will allow everyone in your team to create content quickly with no coding experience required. 

Custom templates set your white paper up for success by providing a starting foundation to help guide the layout and structure of your content. Custom features allow you to design your white paper any way you like by quickly changing blocks, fonts, and colors according to your brand guidelines with the added ability to add or remove sections. 

Mobile experience and device responsiveness

As of September 2023, over 55% of website traffic is from mobile devices. Therefore, it is essential that your white paper is responsive across all devices. 

Most content creation platforms have integrated tools that automatically adapt your content to different screen sizes. However, to ensure the best possible user experience, you should always test your white paper on multiple devices as part of your content creation process before publishing.

Finally, website speed is one of the most significant factors influencing user experience and playing a pivotal role in organic rankings. According to , 32.3% of visitors bounce from a webpage if it takes more than 7 seconds to load. Ensuring that your content creation platform and hosting services are optimized for website performance is critical in maximizing your readership when choosing your white paper template.

10. Final thoughts

Be prepared to write a lot more content.

By this point, you should have all the ingredients you need to make your white paper a rousing success. However, you’ll notice by now the reality that your white paper fits into a larger ecosystem of marketing actions and content.

In today’s business world, producing quality content is one of the best ways to get your target market's attention. But not everyone will be ready for the same piece of content at the same time.

From white papers to blog posts, to podcasts, the type of content that will drive conversions for your business is something you'll discover over time. What’s certain is that one type won't satisfy all your audience's needs. Because of that, you should be prepared to fill the rest of your buyer’s journey with other appropriate content.

This means lots of writing. There’s no way around that. It means coming up with content ideas, creating them, distributing them, and measuring their success — then rinsing and repeating. After this primer, you should be fully equipped for success writing not only white papers but whatever content you choose along your journey.  

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White Paper

An authoritative guide that discusses issues on a certain subject along with a solution on how to solve them

What is a White Paper?

A white paper is an authoritative guide that discusses issues on a certain subject, along with a proposed solution for handling them. The term, “white paper”, came about after the government color-coded reports to indicate who could access them, with the color white referring to public access.

White Paper

White papers are commonly used today in the fields of business , politics, and technology to discuss challenges, issues faced, and solutions on how to overcome the challenges.

Types of White Papers in Companies

There are three types of white papers that are commonly used by companies:

  • Benefits of the business – A case study of how a business process or specific technology can increase productivity
  • Technology – Discusses a specific technology and its benefits
  • Hybrid – Addresses the benefits to the business along with some technical details on the product/service.

Also, white papers are now being used commercially as a document for marketing and sales. They are also prominently used in the field of technology to discuss the potential uses of a new product and how it can help increase the efficiency of processes in companies.

Although a white paper discusses the uses of the product, it is ultimately a marketing tool that promotes the company through a sponsorship of the document. The distribution of the paper also helps the company gain sales leads .

Choosing a Topic for a White Paper

Keep the following points in mind when selecting a topic for a white paper:

1. Audience

Similar to writing an article or an essay, the audience is the first factor that is considered when writing a white paper. For a business, they can be longstanding customers of the company or new customers who will learn more about the business and its products and services through the document.

The white papers published by the government will discuss urgent issues and current events in the economy that the general public will want to learn more about.

2. Expert analysis

The white paper must be written by someone with extensive industry knowledge of the product or service and a thorough understanding of the subject at hand. For companies, the document should provide in-depth research on the product and highlight how it can help benefit customers.

3. Problem-solving

While the white paper provides detailed information about the company’s product/service, it should also address problems faced by customers and how the product can solve the problem. The problem must be relevant to the industry and the customer. Very often, white papers are written to address how a product can help the customer evolve with the new trends and techniques in the field.

A white paper should be structured in the following way:

1. Introduction

The introduction is an overview of the white paper. It discusses the main points that comprise the document. It also helps the customer identify if the content in the report is relevant to them.

2. Problem statement

The problem statement is the specific problem issue faced by customers that the white paper will discuss. The statement must be in line with the product/service. It also needs to be stated clearly so that it is understood by the reader.

3. Information

The information section is the most important part of the paper, where the introduction and problem statement are tied in together to discuss the product and all its features. The information will lead to a solution.

4. Solution

The solution section will help generate leads for the company, as it discusses how the product/service will help the reader. The solutions need to be relevant and backed by evidence to support the claims in the paper. This section must contain both quantitative and qualitative information.

5. Conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of the entire paper and can include a list of its key takeaways.

Uses of White Papers

White papers help increase the authority of a business and improve their credibility with customers. They can be utilized in a number of different ways, including the following:

1. Case study

Very often, many companies market lengthy case studies as white papers. A case study is a story about a business, the challenges it faced, and how the company’s product helped them overcome a problem.

A case study contains detailed and technical information and enables customers to see themselves using the product. Case studies help provide a real-world example of how the company helped its customer achieve success.

2. Reference

White papers are lengthy and detailed and may provide a lot of extra information that the customer doesn’t really need. However, they can often serve as a reference guide for other companies in the industry to help them improve their business.

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Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health

Research & Reports

New white paper details quality improvement through swing bed utlization.

white paper research

Stroudwater has released a new brief detailing how Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) utilization of the swing bed program increased quality scores.

A CAH in southcentral Kentucky needed to improve its risk-adjusted mobility performance scores for its swing bed patients, and their rehabilitation and nursing staff needed to work as a team in motivating their swing bed patients to achieve their mobility goals, heal, and return home.

To learn how we helped this CAH improve its risk-adjusted mobility score by over 20%, please click here .

Recently, we published a white paper detailing how CAHs can enhance their role as providers of high-quality, community-centered care through proactive quality reporting and strategic use of data insights.

To read the full white paper, please  click here .

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How to Write a Research Paper [Steps & Examples]

As a student, you are often required to complete numerous academic tasks, which can demand a lot of extra effort. Writing a research paper is one of these tasks. If researching for the topic isn't challenging enough, writing it down in a specific format adds another layer of difficulty. Having gone through this myself, I want to help you have a smoother journey in writing your research paper. I'll guide you through everything you need to know about writing a research paper, including how to write a research paper and all the necessary factors you need to consider while writing one.

Order for Preparation of your research paper

Before beginning your research paper, start planning how you will organize your paper. Follow the specific order I have laid out to ensure you assemble everything correctly, cover all necessary components, and write more effectively. This method will help you avoid missing important elements and improve the overall quality of your paper.

Figures and Tables

Assemble all necessary visual aids to support your data and findings. Ensure they are labeled correctly and referenced appropriately in your text.

Detail the procedures and techniques used in your research. This section should be thorough enough to allow others to replicate your study.

Summarize the findings of your research without interpretation. Use figures and tables to illustrate your data clearly.

Interpret the results, discussing their implications and how they relate to your research question. Address any limitations and suggest areas for future research.

Summarize the key points of your research, restating the significance of your findings and their broader impact.


Introduce the topic, provide background information, and state the research problem or hypothesis. Explain the purpose and scope of your study.

Write a concise summary of your research, including the objective, methods, results, and conclusion. Keep it brief and to the point.

Create a clear and informative title that accurately reflects the content and focus of your research paper.

Identify key terms related to your research that will help others find your paper in searches.


Thank those who contributed to your research, including funding sources, advisors, and any other significant supporters.

Compile a complete list of all sources cited in your paper, formatted according to the required citation style. Ensure every reference is accurate and complete.

Types of Research Papers

There are multiple types of research papers, each with distinct characteristics, purposes, and structures. Knowing which type of research paper is required for your assignment is crucial, as each demands different preparation and writing strategies. Here, we will delve into three prominent types: argumentative, analytical, and compare and contrast papers. We will discuss their characteristics, suitability, and provide detailed examples to illustrate their application.

A.Argumentative Papers


An argumentative or persuasive paper is designed to present a balanced view of a controversial issue, but ultimately aims to persuade the reader to adopt the writer's perspective. The key characteristics of this type of paper include:

Purpose: The primary goal is to convince the reader to support a particular stance on an issue. This is achieved by presenting arguments, evidence, and refuting opposing viewpoints.

Structure: Typically structured into an introduction, a presentation of both sides of the issue, a refutation of the opposing arguments, and a conclusion that reinforces the writer’s position.

Tone: While the tone should be logical and factual, it should not be overly emotional. Arguments must be supported with solid evidence, such as statistics, expert opinions, and factual data.


Argumentative papers are suitable for topics that have clear, opposing viewpoints. They are often used in debates, policy discussions, and essays aimed at influencing public opinion or academic discourse.

Topic: "Should governments implement universal basic income?"

Pro Side: Universal basic income provides financial security, reduces poverty, and can lead to a more equitable society.

Con Side: It could discourage work, lead to higher government expenditure, and might not be a sustainable long-term solution.

Argument: After presenting both sides, the paper would argue that the benefits of reducing poverty and financial insecurity outweigh the potential drawbacks, using evidence from various studies and real-world examples.

Writing Tips:

Clearly articulate your position on the issue from the beginning.

Present balanced arguments by including credible sources that support both sides.

Refute counterarguments effectively with logical reasoning and evidence.

Maintain a factual and logical tone, avoiding excessive emotional appeals.

B.Analytical Papers

An analytical research paper is focused on breaking down a topic into its core components, examining various perspectives, and drawing conclusions based on this analysis. The main characteristics include:

Purpose: To pose a research question, collect data from various sources, analyze different viewpoints, and synthesize the information to arrive at a personal conclusion.

Structure: Includes an introduction with a clear research question, a literature review that summarizes existing research, a detailed analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes findings.

Tone: Objective and neutral, avoiding personal bias or opinion. The focus is on data and logical analysis.

Analytical research papers are ideal for topics that require detailed examination and evaluation of various aspects. They are common in disciplines such as social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences, where deep analysis of existing research is crucial.

Topic: "The impact of social media on mental health."

Research Question: How does social media usage affect mental well-being among teenagers?

Analysis: Examine studies that show both positive (e.g., social support) and negative (e.g., anxiety and depression) impacts of social media. Analyze the methodologies and findings of these studies.

Conclusion: Based on the analysis, conclude whether the overall impact is more beneficial or harmful, remaining neutral and presenting evidence without personal bias.

Maintain an objective and neutral tone throughout the paper.

Synthesize information from multiple sources, ensuring a comprehensive analysis.

Develop a clear thesis based on the findings from your analysis.

Avoid inserting personal opinions or biases.

C.Compare and Contrast Papers

Compare and contrast papers are used to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. The key characteristics include:

Purpose: To identify and examine the similarities and differences between two or more subjects, providing a comprehensive understanding of their relationship.

Structure: Can be organized in two ways:

Point-by-Point: Each paragraph covers a specific point of comparison or contrast.

Subject-by-Subject: Each subject is discussed separately, followed by a comparison or contrast.

Tone: Informative and balanced, aiming to provide a thorough and unbiased comparison.

Compare and contrast papers are suitable for topics where it is important to understand the distinctions and similarities between elements. They are commonly used in literature, history, and various comparative studies.

Topic: "Compare and contrast the leadership styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X."

Comparison Points: Philosophies (non-violence vs. militant activism), methods (peaceful protests vs. more radical approaches), and impacts on the Civil Rights Movement.

Analysis: Describe each leader's philosophy and method, then analyze how these influenced their effectiveness and legacy.

Conclusion: Summarize the key similarities and differences, and discuss how both leaders contributed uniquely to the movement.

Provide equal and balanced coverage to each subject.

Use clear criteria for comparison, ensuring logical and coherent analysis.

Highlight both similarities and differences, ensuring a nuanced understanding of the subjects.

Maintain an informative tone, focusing on objective analysis rather than personal preference.

How to Write A Research Paper [Higher Efficiency & Better Results]

Conduct Preliminary Research

Before we get started with the research, it's important to gather relevant information related to it. This process, also known as the primary research method, helps researchers gain preliminary knowledge about the topic and identify research gaps. Whenever I begin researching a topic, I usually utilize Google and Google Scholar. Another excellent resource for conducting primary research is campus libraries, as they provide a wealth of great articles that can assist with your research.

Now, let's see how WPS Office and AIPal can be great research partners:

Let's say that I have some PDFs which I have gathered from different sources. With WPS Office, these PDFs can be directly uploaded not just to extract key points but also to interact with the PDF with special help from WPS AI.

Step 1: Let's open the PDF article or research paper that we have downloaded on WPS Office.

Step 2: Now, click on the WPS AI widget at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3: This will open the WPS PDF AI pane on the right side of the screen. Click on "Upload".

Step 4: Once the upload is complete, WPS PDF AI will return with the key points from the PDF article, which can then be copied to a fresh new document on WPS Writer.

Step 5: To interact further with the document, click on the "Inquiry" tab to talk with WPS AI and get more information on the contents of the PDF.

Research is incomplete without a Google search, but what exactly should you search for? AIPal can help you with these answers. AIPal is a Chrome extension that can help researchers make their Google searches and interactions with Chrome more effective and efficient. If you haven't installed AIPal on Chrome yet, go ahead and download the extension; it's completely free to use:

Step 1: Let's search for a term on Google related to our research.

Step 2: An AIPal widget will appear right next to the Google search bar, click on it.

Step 3: Upon clicking it, an AIPal window will pop up. In this window, you will find a more refined answer for your searched term, along with links most relevant to your search, providing a more refined search experience.

WPS AI can also be used to extract more information with the help of WPS Writer.

Step 1: We might have some information saved in a Word document, either from lectures or during preliminary research. We can use WPS AI within Writer to gain more insights.

Step 2: Select the entire text you want to summarize or understand better.

Step 3: Once the text is selected, a hover menu will appear. Click on the "WPS AI" icon in this menu.

Step 4: From the list of options, click on "Explain" to understand the content more deeply, or click on "Summarize" to shorten the paragraph.

Step 5: The results will be displayed in a small WPS AI window.

Develop the Thesis statement

To develop a strong thesis statement, start by formulating a central question your paper will address. For example, if your topic is about the impact of social media on mental health, your thesis statement might be:

"Social media use has a detrimental effect on mental health by increasing anxiety, depression, and loneliness among teenagers."

This statement is concise, contentious, and sets the stage for your research. With WPS AI, you can use the "Improve" feature to refine your thesis statement, ensuring it is clear, coherent, and impactful.

Write the First draft

Begin your first draft by focusing on maintaining forward momentum and clearly organizing your thoughts. Follow your outline as a guide, but be flexible if new ideas emerge. Here's a brief outline to get you started:

Using WPS AI’s "Make Longer" feature, you can quickly elaborate key ideas and points of your studies and articles into a descriptive format to include in your draft, saving time and ensuring clarity.

Compose Introduction, Body and Conclusion paragraphs

When writing a research paper, it’s essential to transform your key points into detailed, descriptive paragraphs. WPS AI can help you streamline this process by enhancing your key points, ensuring each section of your paper is well-developed and coherent. Here’s how you can use WPS AI to compose your introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs:

Let's return to the draft and start composing our introduction. The introduction should provide the background of the research paper and introduce readers to what the research paper will explore.

If your introduction feels too brief or lacks depth, use WPS AI’s "Make Longer" feature to expand on key points, adding necessary details and enhancing the overall narrative.

Once the introduction is completed, the next step is to start writing the body paragraphs and the conclusion of our research paper. Remember, the body paragraphs will incorporate everything about your research: methodologies, challenges, results, and takeaways.

If this paragraph is too lengthy or repetitive, WPS AI’s "Make Shorter" feature can help you condense it without losing essential information.

Write the Second Draft

In the second draft, refine your arguments, ensure logical flow, and check for clarity. Focus on eliminating any unnecessary information, ensuring each paragraph supports your thesis statement, and improving transitions between ideas. Incorporate feedback from peers or advisors, and ensure all citations are accurate and properly formatted. The second draft should be more polished and coherent, presenting your research in a clear and compelling manner.

WPS AI’s "Improve Writing" feature can be particularly useful here to enhance the overall quality and readability of your paper.

WPS Spellcheck can assist you in correcting spelling and grammatical errors, ensuring your paper is polished and professional. This tool helps you avoid common mistakes and enhances the readability of your paper, making a significant difference in the overall quality.

Bonus Tips: How to Get Inspiration for your Research Paper- WPS AI

WPS Office is a phenomenal office suite that students find to be a major blessing. Not only is it a free office suite equipped with advanced features that make it competitive in the market, but it also includes a powerful AI that automates and enhances many tasks, including writing a research paper. In addition to improving readability with its AI Proofreader tool, WPS AI offers two features, "Insight" and "Inquiry", that can help you gather information and inspiration for your research paper:

Insight Feature:

The Insight feature provides deep insights and information on various topics and fields. It analyzes literature to extract key viewpoints, trends, and research directions. For instance, if you're writing a research paper on the impact of social media on mental health, you can use the Insight feature to gather a comprehensive overview of the latest studies, key arguments, and emerging trends in this field. This helps you build a solid foundation for your paper and ensure you are covering all relevant aspects.

Inquiry Feature:

The Inquiry feature allows you to ask specific questions related to your research topic. This helps you gather necessary background information and refine your research focus effectively. For example, if you need detailed information on how social media usage affects teenagers' self-esteem, you can use the Inquiry feature to ask targeted questions and receive relevant answers based on the latest research.

FAQs about writing a research paper

1. can any source be used for academic research.

No, it's essential to use credible and relevant sources. Here is why:

Developing a Strong Argument: Your research paper relies on evidence to substantiate its claims. Using unreliable sources can undermine your argument and harm the credibility of your paper.

Avoiding Inaccurate Information: The internet is abundant with data, but not all sources can be considered reliable. Credible sources guarantee accuracy.

2. How can I avoid plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, follow these steps:

Keep Records of Your Sources: Maintain a record of all the sources you use while researching. This helps you remember where you found specific ideas or phrases and ensures proper attribution.

Quote and Paraphrase Correctly: When writing a paper, use quotation marks for exact words from a source and cite them properly. When paraphrasing, restate the idea in your own words and include a citation to acknowledge the original source.

Utilize a Plagiarism Checker: Use a plagiarism detection tool before submitting your paper. This will help identify unintentional plagiarism, ensuring your paper is original and properly referenced.

3. How can I cite sources properly?

Adhere to the citation style guide (e.g., APA, MLA) specified by your instructor or journal. Properly citing all sources both within the text and in the bibliography or references section is essential for maintaining academic integrity and providing clear credit to the original authors. This practice also helps readers locate and verify the sources you've used in your research.

4. How long should a research paper be?

The length of a research paper depends on its topic and specific requirements. Generally, research papers vary between 4,000 to 6,000 words, with shorter papers around 2,000 words and longer ones exceeding 10,000 words. Adhering to the length requirements provided for academic assignments is essential. More intricate subjects or extensive research often require more thorough explanations, which can impact the overall length of the paper.

Write Your Research Paper with the Comfort of Using WPS Office

Writing a research paper involves managing numerous complicated tasks, such as ensuring the correct formatting, not missing any crucial information, and having all your data ready. The process of how to write a research paper is inherently challenging. However, if you are a student using WPS Office, the task becomes significantly simpler. WPS Office, especially with the introduction of WPS AI, provides all the resources you need to write the perfect research paper. Download WPS Office today and discover how it can transform your research paper writing experience for the better.

  • 1. How to Write a Hook- Steps With Examples
  • 2. Free Graph Paper: Easy Steps to Make Printable Graph Paper PDF
  • 3. How to Use WPS AI/Chatgpt to Write Research Papers: Guide for Beginners
  • 4. How to Write a Proposal [ Steps & Examples]
  • 5. How to Write an Abstract - Steps with Examples
  • 6. How to Write a Conclusion - Steps with Examples

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NIST CSWP 36 (Initial Public Draft)

Applying 5g cybersecurity and privacy capabilities: introduction to the white paper series.

    Documentation     Topics

Date Published: August 15, 2024 Comments Due: September 16, 2024 Email Comments to: [email protected]

Michael Bartock (NIST) , Jeffrey Cichonski (NIST) , Murugiah Souppaya (NIST) , Karen Scarfone (NIST) , Parisa Grayeli (MITRE) , Sanjeev Sharma (MITRE) , Thomas McCarthy (AMI) , Muthukkumaran Ramalingam (AMI) , Presanna Raman (AMI) , Stefano Righi (AMI) , Jitendra Patel (AT&T) , Bogdan Ungureanu (AT&T) , Tao Wan (CableLabs) , Matthew Hyatt (Cisco) , Steve Vetter (Cisco) , Dan Carroll (Dell Technologies) , Steve Orrin (Intel) , Corey Piggott (Keysight Technologies) , Michael Yeh (MiTAC Computing) , Gary Atkinson (Nokia Bell Labs) , Rajasekhar Bodanki (Nokia Bell Labs) , Don McBride (Nokia Bell Labs) , Aarin Buskirk (Palo Alto Networks) , Bryan Wenger (Palo Alto Networks) , Todd Gibson (T-Mobile)


5G technology for broadband cellular networks will significantly improve how humans and machines communicate, operate, and interact in the physical and virtual world. 5G provides increased bandwidth and capacity, and low latency. However, professionals in fields like technology, cybersecurity, and privacy are faced with safeguarding this technology while its development, deployment, and usage are still evolving.

To help, the NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has launched the Applying 5G Cybersecurity and Privacy Capabilities white paper series. The series targets technology, cybersecurity, and privacy program managers within commercial mobile network operators, potential private 5G network operators, and organizations using and managing 5G-enabled technology who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess, and mitigate risk for 5G networks. In the series we provide recommended practices and illustrate how to implement them. All of the capabilities featured in the white papers have been implemented in the NCCoE testbed on commercial-grade 5G equipment.

We are pleased to announce the following white paper which introduces the series: Applying 5G Cybersecurity and Privacy Capabilities: Introduction to the White Paper Series . This publication explains what you can expect from each part of the series: information, guidance, recommended practices, and research findings for a specific technical cybersecurity or privacy-supporting capability available in 5G systems or their supporting infrastructures.

This document introduces the white paper series titled Applying 5G Cybersecurity and Privacy Capabilities. This series is being published by the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) 5G Cybersecurity project. Each paper in the series will include information, guidance, and research findings for an individual technical cybersecurity- or privacy-supporting capability available in 5G systems or their supporting infrastructures. Each of the capabilities has been implemented in a testbed as part of the NCCoE project, and each white paper reflects the results of that implementation and its testing.

Control Families

None selected


Publication: Download URL

Supplemental Material: 5G Cybersecurity Project

Publication Parts: CSWP 36A

Document History: 08/15/24: CSWP 36 (Draft)

general security & privacy

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University of phoenix college of doctoral studies issues white paper on thinking globally to impact business and career pathways.

Author Dr. Erik Bean explores how adopting a global perspective embraces diversity of thought and contributes to workforce revitalization

PHOENIX, August 16, 2024 --( BUSINESS WIRE )-- University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies announces the release of a white paper by Erik Bean, Ed.D., associate research chair with the Center for Leadership Studies and Organizational Research (CLSOR) , titled "Think Global, Act Local: The Impact of a Global Mindset to Awaken Local Career Opportunities."

The 2024 Career Optimism Index® study , conducted by University of Phoenix Career Institute® highlights the importance of lifelong learning and continuous skill development in maintaining career optimism and adaptability in a globalized world.

Bean’s white paper explores how adopting a global perspective can revitalize local career momentum. "A global perspective fosters innovation and creativity. Exposure to different cultures and business practices encourages the exchange of ideas, leading to creative solutions for local challenges," Bean states. "By fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and bridging skills gaps, a global perspective can revitalize local economies and create a more inclusive and dynamic workforce."

Bean holds a doctorate in education from the University of Phoenix, with research interests in media literacy, cultural competence, immediacy, leadership, and mental health. He is the section editor of Leadership Perspectives in The Journal of Leadership Studies , a publication by Wiley® that is sponsored by the University of Phoenix.

The Michigan Chapter Leader of Media Literacy Now, Bean also is the author of several educational books such as Social Media Writing Lesson Plans , Using Microsoft Word AutoCorrect for Rigorous Grading , WordPress for Student Writing Projects , and Bias Is All Around You: A Handbook for Inspecting Social Media & News Stories . He is a recipient of the 2022 Gold Medal in American Writing Awards and two silver medallions from Nautilus and Readers’ Favorite.

The full white paper is available at the University of Phoenix Career Institute ® webpage or as a direct link here .

Bean has been employed with University of Phoenix for over 25 years.

About University of Phoenix

University of Phoenix innovates to help working adults enhance their careers and develop skills in a rapidly changing world. Flexible schedules, relevant courses, interactive learning, skills-mapped curriculum for our bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and a Career Services for Life® commitment help students more effectively pursue career and personal aspirations while balancing their busy lives. For more information, visit .

About the College of Doctoral Studies

University of Phoenix’s College of Doctoral Studies focuses on today’s challenging business and organizational needs, from addressing critical social issues to developing solutions to accelerate community building and industry growth. The College’s research program is built around the Scholar, Practitioner, Leader Model which puts students in the center of the Doctoral Education Ecosystem® with experts, resources and tools to help prepare them to be a leader in their organization, industry and community. Through this program, students and researchers work with organizations to conduct research that can be applied in the workplace in real time.

About the Career Optimism Index®

The Career Optimism Index® study is one of the most comprehensive studies of Americans' personal career perceptions to date. The University of Phoenix Career Institute® conducts this research annually to provide insights on current workforce trends and to help identify solutions to support and advance American careers and create equity in the workplace. For the fourth annual study, fielded between December 5, 2023-January 2, 2024, surveyed more than 5,000 U.S. adults who either currently work or wish to be working on how they feel about their careers at this moment in time, including their concerns, their challenges, and the degree to which they are optimistic about their careers. The study was conducted among a nationally representative, sample of U.S. adults and includes additional analysis of the workforce in the top twenty DMA markets across the country to uncover geographic nuances. The study also explores insights from 501 U.S. employers to provide comparison between the workforce and those who hire, train, and retain them. Additionally, for the first time, a statistical modeling analysis was conducted to illustrate how employers and employees can benefit financially from investing in career optimism.

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Sharla Hooper University of Phoenix [email protected]


Global Opportunity Index 2024: Attracting Foreign Investment

Photo of Maggie Switek

The Milken Institute designed the Global Opportunity Index (GOI) to assist investors seeking opportunities outside their local markets, as well as countries intending to improve their business environments. The index is based on 100 indicators classified into five categories: Business Perception, Economic Fundamentals, Financial Services, Institutional Framework, and International Standards and Policy. By capturing key investment conditions in a country, the GOI and accompanying data tool serve as an objective benchmark, offering vital information to investors and policymakers.

The GOI remains a strong predictor of capital movements 10 years after its inception. The index alone explains 64.7 percent of the variation in per capita foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and 51.7 percent of per capita portfolio inflows to countries across the world. The 2024 GOI report provides a global overview of countries’ attractiveness and capital flows. The emerging trends are:

Denmark leads this year’s rankings, followed by Sweden, Finland, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Among regions with emerging and developing (E&D) economies, E&D Europe stands out with the highest average GOI score.

Latin America and the Caribbean (LATAC) stands out in Economic Fundamentals.

The 20 countries with the highest GOI scores are all Advanced Economies.

E&D Asia performs relatively well in Financial Services.

Middle East and Central Asia (MECA) leads the way among E&D regions in Institutional Framework.

Woman with light brown hair smiling, wearing a pink blouse against a neutral background

Maggie Switek

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The White   House Initiative on Women's Health   Research

President Joe Biden, joined by First Lady Jill Biden, signs the Presidential Memorandum on Women’s Health Research

We have a clear goal: to fundamentally change how our nation approaches and funds women’s health research. First Lady Jill Biden, at an event announcing funding for women’s health research on february 21, 2024.

The President and First Lady launched the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research in November of 2023 with a clear goal:  to fundamentally change how our country approaches and funds research on women’s health.

Women are over half the population, but research on women’s health has ALWAYS been underfunded and under-studied.

TOO MANY medical studies have focused on men and left women out.

TOO MANY of the medicine dosages, treatments, medical school text books, are based on men and their bodies – and that information doesn’t always apply to women.

That means there are BIG GAPS in medical research on:

  • Diseases and conditions that only affect women (e.g., menopause, endometriosis)
  • Diseases and conditions that disproportionately affect women (e.g., Alzheimer’s)
  • Diseases and conditions that affect women and men differently (e.g., heart disease)

These gaps in research mean we know far too little about women’s health – and those gaps are bigger for women of color and women with disabilities.

We are going to change that.

Together, we will build a health care system that puts women and their lived experiences at its center. Where no woman or girl has to hear that “it’s all in your head,” or, “it’s just stress.” Where women aren’t just an after-thought, but a first-thought. Where women don’t just survive with chronic conditions, but lead long and healthy lives. First Lady of the United States on February 21, 2024. 

Resources on the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research

First Lady Jill Biden attends a Women’s Health Research roundtable, Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at Coda at Tech Square in Atlanta.

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  1. FREE 32 White Papers in PDF

    white paper research

  2. 15 Best White Paper Templates (How to Format)

    white paper research

  3. 38+ Sample White Paper Templates

    white paper research

  4. 49 White Paper Templates

    white paper research

  5. Research Proposal White Paper Template in Word, Google Docs

    white paper research

  6. What is a white paper and how to write it with examples

    white paper research


  1. How to Write and Format a White Paper: The Definitive Guide

    This article will help you decide if a white paper is right for you and how to prepare and produce one. To write a white paper, thoroughly research a topic and propose a comprehensive solution in a well-structured, factual, and persuasive document. A white paper should include: 1. Title (accurate but enticing)

  2. White papers, working papers, preprints: What's the difference?

    Learn the differences and strengths of four types of research papers journalists may encounter: white papers, working papers, preprints and peer-reviewed journal articles. Find out how to assess the quality and reliability of each type and get tips on covering research topics.

  3. What Is a White Paper? Types, Examples and How to Create One

    A white paper is an authoritative, research-based document that presents information, expert analysis and an organization or author's insight into a topic or solution to a problem. Companies or vendors use these papers in business-to-business ( B2B) marketing models as part of a content marketing strategy. In these contexts, white papers are ...

  4. How To Write & Format a White Paper [Tips & Templates]

    Learn how to create an engaging and informative white paper with tips and templates from Venngage. Find out how to structure, design and write a white paper that establishes you as a thought leader in your industry.

  5. How to Write a Compelling White Paper: Step-by-Step Guide

    A white paper is an authoritative document designed to inform and persuade stakeholders by providing in-depth research and solutions to specific problems. Key elements include the title, abstract, introduction, problem statement, solution, conclusion, and references. Creating a detailed outline is essential for organization and effectiveness.

  6. White Paper: Purpose and Audience

    The Purpose of a White Paper. Typically, the purpose of a white paper is to advocate that a certain position is the best way to go or that a certain solution is best for a particular problem. When it is used for commercial purposes, it could influence the decision-making processes of current and prospective customers.

  7. Writing a White Paper

    Learn how to write a white paper, a deeply researched report on a specific topic that presents a solution to a problem within an industry. Find out the purpose, audience, structure, format, and style of a white paper, and see examples and tips.

  8. How to Write a White Paper in 10 Steps (+ Tips & Templates)

    Step 2: Conduct Thorough Research. Once you've chosen your topic, it's time to collect information and data to create insightful content that delivers actual value. You can use both internal and external sources to gather information for your white paper.

  9. Writing a White Paper (Format, Tips, Examples & Templates)

    Designing White Papers for Storytelling. Narrative Flow: Just like a compelling story, a white paper should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Start with an introduction that outlines the problem or challenge, delve into the details in the main content, and conclude with a solution or call to action.

  10. What is a White Paper [+ Examples & Templates]

    A white paper is an authoritative guide (or in other words, an in-depth report) designed to address a business problem and provide possible solutions. They often have original research as their foundation, and they will typically take a strong position on what decisions need to be made to solve problems.

  11. A 2024 Guide to White Papers

    A white paper presents information, research, or findings on a specific topic comprehensively and authoritatively. It presents research findings, incorporates expert opinions, and offers evidence-based recommendations. White papers are written in a clear, authoritative, and unbiased tone to establish the writer's knowledge as respectable. ...

  12. White paper

    White paper. A white paper is a report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. A white paper is the first document researchers should read to better understand a core concept or idea.

  13. White Paper: Types, Purpose, and How to Write One

    White Paper: A white paper is an informational document, issued by a company or not-for-profit organization, to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service. White papers ...

  14. What is a White Paper? Definition and Purpose

    White Paper: Definition and Purpose. A white paper is a document that outlines an organization's position on an issue and provides educational context to potential customers or stakeholders. White papers are designed to present persuasive research, detail a problem at hand, and provide a solution to an issue.

  15. 20+ White Paper Examples, Templates + Design Tips

    Just like other white papers, research white paper examples include reported facts and data aimed at educating readers around a particular topic. Research white papers are also written to help readers understand and address specific problems. If you're writing a research white paper for your business, here's some ways to make it more ...

  16. What is a White Paper? (Definition, Templates + Formatting Tips)

    A white paper is an in-depth, authoritative document explaining or promoting a concept, idea or methodology in a formal, research-backed manner. Below is an example of a white paper template you can customize: Customize this template and make it your own! Edit and Download.

  17. A Guide to White Papers: Definition, Format and Titles

    A white paper, also known as a whitepaper, is an informative document that presents research and expert knowledge about a particular recommendation or solution. These documents ‌help the reader in making a decision, solving a problem or understanding an issue. White papers are text-heavy and typically contain at least 2,500 words.

  18. How To Write and Format a White Paper in 9 Steps (Plus Tips)

    Take the time to consider all of these factors to ensure you write a white paper that's relevant, valuable and supports your end goal. Related: A Guide to White Papers: Definition, Format and Titles 2. Perform research White papers require extensive research before you can publish them and expect others to take them seriously within an industry.

  19. LibGuides: White Paper Style Guide: When to Use a Whitepaper

    A white paper is a research-based report which offers a focused description of a complex topic and presents the point of view of the author or body represented by the author. The purpose of a white paper is to give readers understanding of an issue, which in turn helps them solve a problem or make a decision. The term originated in Britain, where it refers to a type of government issued document.

  20. How to Write and Format a White Paper

    White papers are informative and factual. We've driven that point home already. That doesn't mean they should be boring. Backgrounders, problem-solution white papers, and research findings all have a story to tell, and the reader is far less likely to make it through the entire piece without some form of narrative to keep them engaged.

  21. White Paper

    Format. A white paper should be structured in the following way: 1. Introduction. The introduction is an overview of the white paper. It discusses the main points that comprise the document. It also helps the customer identify if the content in the report is relevant to them. 2. Problem statement.

  22. 25 White Paper Examples & Templates to Use Right Away [2024]

    25 Organizational Design White Paper Example. In stark contrast to the red accent color, this organizational design white paper example uses a cool color scheme with blues and greens. This is a great color scheme to use for a more creative industry or topic. Create your own White Paper with this easy-to-edit template.

  23. Researching the White Paper

    The research you do for your white paper will require that you identify a specific problem, seek popular culture sources to help define the problem, its history, its significance and impact for people affected by it. You will then delve into academic and grey literature to learn about the way scholars and others with professional expertise ...

  24. How to Write a Research Paper: A Step by Step Writing Guide

    A research paper explores and evaluates previously and newly gathered information on a topic, then offers evidence for an argument. It follows academic writing standards, and virtually every college student will write at least one. Research papers are also integral to scientific fields, among others, as the most reliable way to share knowledge.

  25. New White Paper Details Quality Improvement Through Swing Bed

    Research + Reports; Programs. Hospital and Healthsystem Initiatives. Hospital and Healthsystem Initiatives; Critical Access Hospitals. ... Recently, we published a white paper detailing how CAHs can enhance their role as providers of high-quality, community-centered care through proactive quality reporting and strategic use of data insights. ...

  26. How to Write a Research Paper [Steps & Examples]

    The length of a research paper depends on its topic and specific requirements. Generally, research papers vary between 4,000 to 6,000 words, with shorter papers around 2,000 words and longer ones exceeding 10,000 words. Adhering to the length requirements provided for academic assignments is essential.

  27. CSWP 36, Applying 5G Cybersecurity and Privacy Capabilities

    This series is being published by the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) 5G Cybersecurity project. Each paper in the series will include information, guidance, and research findings for an individual technical cybersecurity- or privacy-supporting capability available in 5G systems or their supporting infrastructures.

  28. University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies Issues White Paper on

    PHOENIX, August 16, 2024--University of Phoenix College of Doctoral Studies announces the release of a white paper by Erik Bean, Ed.D., associate research chair with the Center for Leadership ...

  29. Global Opportunity Index 2024: Attracting Foreign Investment

    Senior Director, Research Maggie Switek, PhD, is a senior director on the research team at the Milken Institute. She heads all projects related to economic growth and opportunities across regions and communities in the US and abroad.

  30. White House Initiative on Women's Health Research

    First Lady Jill Biden attends a Women's Health Research roundtable, Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at Coda at Tech Square in Atlanta. (Official White House Photo by Erin Scott) First Lady Jill ...