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Eating Disorders, Essay Example

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Eating disorders affect men and women of all ages, although adolescents tend to be the age group that is more susceptible. This is because, as their bodies are changing, they may feel more pressure by society as well as peer groups to look attractive and fit in (Segal et al). Types of eating disorders include Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive Overeating, which can also be related to the first two. The reasons behind Eating Disorder usually stem from a reaction to low self-esteem and a negative means of coping with life and stress (Something Fishy).  Eating disorders are also often associated with an underlying psychological disorder, which may be the reason behind the eating disorder or which may develop from the Eating Disorder itself. Mental health disorders that are often associated with Eating Disorder include Anxiety, Depression, Multiple Personality Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, BiPolar, BiPolar II, Borderline Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder and Dissociative Disorder. The longer a person suffers from ED, the more probable that they will be dealing with another mental illness, most likely Anxiety or Depression (Something Fishy). The eventual outcome of Eating Disorder can be deadly. “Some eating disorders are associated with a 10-15% mortality rate and a 20-25% suicide rate. Sometimes, anorexia, bulimia and compulsive eating may be perceived as slow suicide (Carruthers).” In order to prevent the deadly consequences of Eating Disorder and to prevent it from becoming more pervasive in society, it is necessary to recognize the correct treatment method for this disease.  Traditional treatments have focused on providing risk information to raise awareness of the consequences of Eating Disorder (Lobera et al 263). However, since Eating Disorder is a mental illness, a more effective treatment is one that offers psychological evaluation, counseling and treatment. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is emerging as a more robust and effective method that can be used not only to treat Eating Disorder but the associated mental illnesses that may accompany it.

The Problem

Eating disorder is pervasive in society and can have deadly consequences on those that suffer from it. Many time Eating Disorder goes undetected by family members and friends because those suffering will go to great lengths to hide their problem. However, there are some signs and symptoms that can be clues that a person is suffering from some sort of eating disorder. According to Segal, these signs can include:

  • Restricting Food or Dieting: A change in eating habits that includes restricting food or excessive dieting. The person my frequently miss meals or not eat, complaining of an upset stomach or that they are not hungry. A use of diet pills or illegal drugs may also be noticed.
  • Bingeing: Sufferers may binge eat in secret, which can be hard to detect since they will usually do it late at night or in a private place. Signs of potential bingeing are empty food packages and wrappers and hidden stashes of high calorie junk food or desserts.
  • Purging: Those who suffer from bulimia will force themselves to throw up after meals to rid their body of added calories. A sign that this is occurring is when a person makes a trip to the bathroom right after eating on a regular basis, possible running water or a fan to hide the sound of their vomiting. They may also use perfume, mouthwash or breath mints regularly to disguise the smell. In addition to vomiting, laxatives or diuretics may also be used to flush unwanted calories from the body.
  • Distorted body image and altered appearance: People suffering from Eating Disorder often have a very distorted image of their own body. While they may appear thin to others, they may view themselves as fat and attempt to hide their body under loose clothing. They will also have an obsessive preoccupation with their weight, and complain of being fat even when it is obvious to others that this is not the case.

There are several possible side effects from Eating Disorders, both physical and psychological. Physical damage can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity of the eating disorder and the length of time the person has been suffering from it.  Psychological consequences can be the development of a mental illness, especially depression and anxiety. Some sufferers of Eating Disorder will also develop a coping mechanism such as harming themselves, through cutting, self-mutilation or self-inflicted violence, or SIV (Something Fishy).

Physical consequences of Eating Disorders depend on the type of eating disorder that the person has. Anorexia nervosa can lead to a slow heart rate and low blood pressure, putting the sufferer at risk for heart failure and permanent heart damage. Malnutrition can lead to osteoporosis and dry, brittle bones. Other common complications include kidney damage due to dehydration, overall weakness, hair loss and dry skin. Bulimia nervosa, where the person constantly purges through vomiting, can have similar consequences as Anorexia but with added complications and damage to the esophagus and gastric cavity due to the frequent vomiting. In addition, tooth decay can occur because of damage caused by gastric juices. If the person also uses laxatives to purge, irregular bowel movements and constipation can occur. Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis can also common negative heath effects (National Eating Disorders Association).  If the Eating Disorder goes on for a prolonged time period, death is also a possible affect, which is why it is important to seek treatment for the individual as soon as it is determined that they are suffering from an Eating Disorder.

Once it is recognized that a loved one may be suffering from an Eating Disorder, the next step is coming up with an effective intervention in time to prevent any lasting physical damage or death. The most effective treatment to date is Cognitive-behavioral therapy, an active form of counseling that can be done in either a group or private setting (Curtis). Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to help correct poor eating habits and prevent relapse as well as change the way the individual thinks about food, eating and their body image (Curtis).

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered to be one of the most effective treatments for eating disorders, but of course this depends on both the counselor administrating the therapy and the attitude of the person receiving it.  According to Fairburn (3), while patients with eating disorders “have a reputation for being difficult to treat, the great majority can be helped and many, if not most, can make a full and lasting recovery.” In the study conducted by Lobera et al, it was determined that students that took part in group cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions showed a reduced dissatisfaction with their body and a reduction in their drive to thinness. Self esteem was also improved during the group therapy sessions and eating habits were significantly improved.

“The overall effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy can depend on the duration of the sessions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered effective for the treatment of eating disorders. But because eating disorder behaviors can endure for a long period of time, ongoing psychological treatment is usually required for at least a year and may be needed for several years (Curtis).”

  Alternative solutions

Traditional treatments for Eating Disorders rely on educating potential sufferers, especially school aged children, of the potential damage, both psychological and physical, that can be caused by the various eating disorders .

“ Research conducted to date into the primary prevention of eating disorders (ED) has mainly considered the provision of information regarding risk factors. Consequently, there is a need to develop new methods that go a step further, promoting a change in attitudes and behavior in the  target population (Lobera et al).”

The current research has not shown that passive techniques, such as providing information, reduces the prevalence of eating disorders or improves the condition in existing patients. While education about eating disorders, the signs and symptoms and the potential health affects, is an important part of providing information to both the those that may know someone who is suffering from an eating disorder and those that are suffering from one, it is not an effective treatment by itself. It must be integrated with a deeper level of therapy that helps to improve the self-esteem and psychological issues from which the eating disorder stems.

Hospitalization has also been a treatment for those suffering from an eating disorder, especially when a complication, such as kidney failure or extreme weakness, occurs. However, treating the symptom of the eating disorder will not treat the underlying problem. Hospitalization can effectively treat the symptom only when it is combined with a psychological therapy that treats the underlying psychological problem that is causing the physical health problem.

Effectively treating eating disorders is possible using cognitive-behavioral therapy. However, the sooner a person who is suffering from an eating disorder begins treatment the more effective the treatment is likely to be. The longer a person suffers from an eating disorder, the more problems that may arise because of it, both physically and psychologically. While the deeper underlying issue may differ from patient to patient, it must be addressed in order for an eating disorder treatment to be effective. If not, the eating disorder is likely to continue. By becoming better educated about the underlying mental health issues that are typically the cause of eating disorder, both family members and friends of loved ones suffering from eating disorders and the sufferers themselves can take the steps necessary to overcome Eating Disorder and begin the road to recovery.

Works Cited

“Associated Mental Health Conditions and Addictions.” Something Fishy, 2010. Web. 19 November2010.

Carruthers, Martyn. Who Has Eating Disorders?   Soulwork Solutions, 2010. Web. 19 November 2010.

Curtis, Jeanette. “Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for Eating Disorders.” WebMD (September 16, 2009). Web. 19 November 2010.

Fairburn, Christopher G. Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Eating Disorders. New York: The Guilford Press, 2008. Print.  

“Health Consequences of Eating Disorders” National Eating Disorders Association (2005). Web. 21 November 2010.

Lobera, I.J., Lozano, P.L., Rios, P.B., Candau, J.R., Villar y Lebreros, Gregorio Sanchez, Millan, M.T.M., Gonzalez, M.T.M., Martin, L.A., Villalobos, I.J. and Sanchez, N.V. “Traditional and New Strategies in the Primary Prevention of Eating Disorders: A Comparative Study in Spanish Adolescents.” International Journal of General Medicine 3  (October 5, 2010): 263-272. Dovepress.Web. 19 November 2010.

Segal, Jeanne, Smith, Melinda, Barston, Suzanne. Helping Someone with an Eating Disorder: Advice for Parents, Family Members and Friends , 2010. Web. 19 November 2010.

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Essay on Eating Disorders

Students are often asked to write an essay on Eating Disorders in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Eating Disorders

Understanding eating disorders.

Eating disorders are serious health problems. They occur when individuals develop unhealthy eating habits that can harm their body. They often start with an obsession with food, body weight, or body shape.

Types of Eating Disorders

There are three main types of eating disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder. Each has different symptoms but all can be harmful.

Impact on Health

Eating disorders can damage important body parts like the heart and brain. They can also affect mental health, causing anxiety or depression.

Getting Help

If you or someone you know has an eating disorder, it’s important to seek help. Doctors, therapists, and support groups can provide treatment and support.

250 Words Essay on Eating Disorders


The most common types are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder. Anorexia is defined by a refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight. Bulimia involves frequent episodes of binge eating followed by behaviors like forced vomiting to avert weight gain. Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by frequent overeating episodes but without subsequent purging actions.

Sociocultural Influences

Sociocultural factors play a significant role in the onset of eating disorders. The media’s portrayal of an ‘ideal’ body size and shape can contribute to body dissatisfaction and consequently, disordered eating behaviors.

Health Implications

The health implications of eating disorders are severe, impacting both physical and mental health. These can range from malnutrition, organ damage, to increased risk of suicide.

Eating disorders, therefore, are serious conditions that require comprehensive treatment. Increased awareness, early diagnosis, and interventions can significantly improve the prognosis and quality of life for those affected.

500 Words Essay on Eating Disorders

Introduction to eating disorders.

Eating disorders represent a group of serious conditions characterized by abnormal eating habits that can negatively affect a person’s physical and mental health. These disorders often develop from a complex interplay of genetic, psychological, and sociocultural factors.

The Types of Eating Disorders

The underlying causes.

Eating disorders are typically multifactorial and can’t be attributed to a single cause. They often coexist with other mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Genetic predisposition plays a significant role, suggesting that eating disorders can run in families. Sociocultural factors, including societal pressures to be thin, can also contribute to the development of these disorders.

The Impact on Physical and Mental Health

The physical consequences of eating disorders are profound and can be life-threatening. They range from malnutrition, heart conditions, and bone loss in anorexia, to gastrointestinal problems and electrolyte imbalances in bulimia. Binge eating disorder can lead to obesity and related complications like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Treatment and Recovery

Treatment for eating disorders typically involves a multidisciplinary approach, combining medical, psychological, and nutritional therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often effective, helping individuals to understand and change patterns of thought and behavior that lead to disordered eating.

Early intervention is crucial for recovery. However, stigma and lack of understanding about these disorders can often delay treatment. Therefore, raising awareness and promoting understanding about eating disorders is essential.

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 26). 161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/eating-disorders-essay-topics/

"161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/eating-disorders-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/eating-disorders-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/eating-disorders-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 26, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/eating-disorders-essay-topics/.

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Essay Samples on Eating Disorders

College students face various challenges, and one of the most critical ones is eating disorders. As a result, essays on this topic have become quite popular among students. Writing a college essay about eating disorders can be challenging, especially if you have not experienced it before. However, it is a critical topic that requires attention.

An eating disorder essay typically addresses the psychological, emotional, and physical impacts of eating disorders. It also covers factors that can cause an eating disorder, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Additionally, the essay provides information about the types of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.

When choosing among eating disorder essay topics, it is crucial to choose the one you are interested in, as it will make the writing process more manageable. You could choose to write about how eating disorders affect mental health or explore the relationship between social media and eating disorders. Furthermore, you can also provide tips on how to prevent or overcome an eating disorder.

To write an effective essay, ensure that you research extensively to gather relevant information about the topic. Also, maintain a clear structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Finally, proofread and edit your work to eliminate any errors.

A college essay about eating disorders is an an opportunity to raise awareness about the harmful impacts of eating disorders and provide tips on prevention and management. Use this section to get inspiration and find essay samples on this topic.

Causes and Treatment of Childhood Obesity

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Why Teenagers Are Developing Eating Disorders

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Anorexia As An Eating Disorder

Anorexia Nervosa, commonly called anorexia, is one of the most dangerous eating disorders. It is where individuals relentlessly starve themselves to pursue their ideal body image, which is to be thin. In doing so they starve their body from obtaining vital nutrients. There are a...

Anorexia: Psychiatric Illness Or Not

Anorexia Nervosa is a serious psychiatric illness that deeply affects the lives of both the victim and the victim’s close friends and family in that those afflicted with anorexia have an overwhelming desire to remain thin where they obsess over calories, the fat content of...

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Coping Methods To Get Through Thanksgiving

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Eating Disorder: Types, Causes, and Treatment Options

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Taking Care of Eating Disorders During Holidays

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The Link Between Memories, Emotions and Motivation

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Bulimia Affects More Women than Men

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The Study of Neuroscientifical Approach to Anorexia Nervosa

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The Role of Social Environmental Issues in Anorexia and Eating Disorder

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Recovery from Eating Disorder Fueled by Compassion

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Best topics on Eating Disorders

1. Causes and Treatment of Childhood Obesity

2. Lactose Intolerance: Main Topics About Disorder

3. Why Teenagers Are Developing Eating Disorders

4. Anorexia As An Eating Disorder

5. Anorexia: Psychiatric Illness Or Not

6. Coping Methods To Get Through Thanksgiving

7. Eating Disorder: Types, Causes, and Treatment Options

8. Taking Care of Eating Disorders During Holidays

9. The Link Between Memories, Emotions and Motivation

10. Bulimia Affects More Women than Men

11. The Study of Neuroscientifical Approach to Anorexia Nervosa

12. The Role of Social Environmental Issues in Anorexia and Eating Disorder

13. Recovery from Eating Disorder Fueled by Compassion

14. Stop Eating Fast Food: The Link Between Fast Food And Health Disorders

15. Overview Of Eating And Feeding Disorders

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Home — Application Essay — Liberal Arts Schools — My Struggle with an Eating Disorder

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My Struggle with an Eating Disorder

  • University: Cornell University

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Words: 498 |

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Words: 498 | Pages: 1 | 3 min read

In this personal essay, I share a humorous yet poignant story of my quest for immunization records to attend a summer program at Brown University. Along the way, I inadvertently confront concerns about my eating disorder. The essay touches on medical mishaps, literary discussions, and my journey to obtain essential documents.

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- "Relate a clever anecdote from your life in which you make veiled references to your academic abilities, talents, and personality in the fashion of a college essay. Be neat."

Last summer, I was accepted to attend Brown University for a four-week creative writing program. However, there were a few more bureaucratic hoops I had to jump through before I could get on a plane to Providence. For starters, I needed to provide evidence of immunization.

I went straight to the source on this one: my parents.

- "Mom, have I been immunized?"

- "May I have the records to this? Preferably notarized. And mailed to this address by four p.m. today. Oh, and here's 37 cents. Thanks in advance."

Unfortunately, my mother had no such records. But perhaps my doctor did.

So, I called up the only clinic in the Sunbelt covered by my HMO and asked for my records. They informed me that only a doctor could access my records, because they apparently require Level 50 Pentagon clearance.

Unluckily for me, my HMO doesn't cover medical expenses incurred as a result of "injury" or "disease." Furthermore, the operations that they do cover (currently limited to animalist rituals and blood donation) requires co-payments most third party campaigns couldn't afford. However, these records were vital, so I asked my parents for money, and drove down to the clinic.

After a brief wait during which I read an outdated "Newsweek" highly critical of the McKinley administration, I met with Dr. Franklin, whose first words were "You've lost weight."

I realized then that in my fervor to obtain the records, I had overlooked the fact that my doctor had the silly notion that I was anorexic. Whoops. And I thought it was a bit suspicious that they weighed me before going in.

So, we got into an argument. She pounced on me for being "anorexic," and I sort of sat there and acquiesced. Then she wrote down on a little pad "Anorexia Nervosa" very patronizingly and slid it over. Again, acquiescence.

Fortunately, the mood changed, and we got into a discussion about literature. (The flow was: eating disorder --> repression --> social norms --> iconoclasm --> 20th century authors) Apparently, she personally knew Kurt Vonnegut many years back, which I thought was pretty interesting, since I loved Cat's Cradle.

In the end, she suggested I read Siddhartha (which I would find interesting, but not astounding) and said the Brown trip would be "therapeutic" for me. And she didn't have the immunization records.

That left me out a $20,000 co-payment and several hours of my time, all for a sticky note. In a final show of defiance, I placed the anorexia note on my breast and drove to my school, which would certainly have those useless records.

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The dramatic irony of this final scene exists in that I did not know I was still wearing the note. But it all worked out, as I would go on to successfully attend Brown without spreading my horrible infections to very many people.

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writing about eating disorder college essay

Is it okay to write about mental illness in an essay? Answered

I had an eating disorder, but I'm recovering now. I also started an Instagram account to help other runners with eating disorders. I want to write about this in my commonApp/ApplyTexas essay (UT Austin).

When I search this question on the Internet, I see a lot of advice against writing about it because the colleges might be afraid to admit people who have/had mental illness. But if I'm in recovery and am trying to help others, then is it ok?

Do you have any examples for what you/other people have done about this in the past?

This is perfectly normal.

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After reading a lot of commentary about certain college essay taboos I would say that writing about an eating disorder can have mixed results. Please hear me out. Let's say your application reader at UT Austin is a woman who similarly had an eating disorder and overcame it and became a strong human. She may look at this topic as a triumph and advocate for you. On the other hand what if you get a sis male ex-jock who never understood this kind of disease personally and pre-judges you and feels that you pose somewhat of a risk in ensuring that UT can rely on you as a viable addition to the class makeup. Do you want to leave it up to chance? I'm not sure it's a toss of a coin 50/50 but perhaps the majority of readers may not completely feel this is the best topic for you to uncover about your personal self.

There are so many interesting things about every applicant that you need to ask yourself if perhaps you can pique someone's interest about you by writing about a different facet of your personality. When you have a disorder like bulimia or anorexia laypeople who are not familiar with it or being part of a friend or family member's recovery might make uneducated assumptions about the causality or circumstances that created this situation in your life and make the wrong non-clinical judgment. If you don't get into UT, and you write this essay topic, you might not forgive yourself for thinking that it was misunderstood. My suggestion is that you assess your risk for writing it and if they are beyond your comfort zone, pick another topic.

An extreme view is that some people might think a hard college like UT is already full of stressors so they want to be sure that their future class has the most success at thriving no matter what kind of rigor is thrown at them. I have a friend who is currently suffering from bulimia and lost 25 lbs this summer over-exercising and calorie counting. She is currently in therapy, intense therapy with multiple docs and although I know she will overcome this, it will not be something she wants to share with colleges yet, let alone her friends and family members.

I’d agree but I’d lean towards the optimistic side but don’t make it depressing have an upbeat tone and focus on your personality not the eating disorder then you absolutely can write about it.

@CameronBameron gave a great answer, but I just want to chime in - it is a risky topic, but if you decide it's right for you, try not to focus too much on the ED and more on how you overcame it. A common mistake with essays on serious topics/illness/tragedy is focusing too much on the event, and not enough on how you responded to it. Hope this helps, and best of luck! It's awesome work you're doing out there :)

As long as you give a story of how you overcame it and make it personal enough that it shows me that YOU came to a realization that changed who YOU are it should be a fine topic to talk about. The major issue I would have is with the Instagram account. It can lead you into going out of topic. Don't forget, the essay is supposed to be about you, not what you accomplished. Also, does the instagram account have a huge following? (more than 10k at least) If yes, then it is something you can mention (after saying your story and how that story led you into creating the account) since you can say you made some sort of impact on other people and your community. If the answer is no, then you can say you are trying to make an impact through the account, but if we are being realistic, colleges love people that have ALREADY succeeded so you mustn't talk that much about it.

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Essay about eating disorder?

I had a long post written out before, but I decided to delete it because the post was VERY detailed. That said, I was thinking about making my CA essay about my eating disorder and how I turned this weakness (poor self-confidence, basically) into a strength (setting my mind to achieving anything). Thoughts? Also, if you want to read my academic profile to see how it would go along with this topic idea, you can read that here: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1894117-is-nyu-or-usc-a-dream-or-a-possibility.html#latest


You should not post your essay online, it opens you up to plagiarism risk. You have time to edit.

@intparent this is not my essay AT ALL. I was just elaborating on what my essay would be about. I would not be using any of the text I have posted here.

@intparent are you saying I should still take it down?

In general, I would not write on this. Don’t take the prompts too literally – remember that the college admissions office didn’t make up these prompts, they are from the Common App. You want topics that make them want you on campus. Anything about any kind of mental health disorder is a risk. If you feel a need to write about it, do it in a diary or talk with a therapist (and I genuinely mean that) – but don’t do it in your college essays. There is more to you than your eating disorder – show them that.

This type of question comes up every year. The consensus is the same: why write about something that would give a college a reason to be concerned about admitting you? I’ll grant you that writing about overcoming a problem seems like a strong response. I would not go there.

First off, congratulations on overcoming an eating disorder! They are nasty, nasty things that ruin lives. Never being hospitalized or officially diagnosed doesn’t make it less hard on you. Kudos, for real.

That being said, I don’t see this as a particularly compelling college essay. At least the way you describe it, you overcame your eating disorder by “setting your mind to it”-- while I’m glad you’ve recovered, this description seems to kind of blame a lot of people who continue to suffer with eating disorders. It doesn’t leave a great taste in my mouth, and I can’t imagine it would for the adcom reading either, especially if they had a close family member/friend with an ED. The background about middle school seems important when explaining how it started, but seems really out of place in a college essay-- if the thoughts of high schoolers are rarely organized into interesting thoughts/essays, thoughts of middle schoolers are probably more trivial.

Being vegan could be done if done right; I would leave out how it stemmed from an eating disorder, and avoid any harsh language against the typical diet with meat and dairy. At best, it comes off as “just another one of those preachy vegans…”, which may turn off an adcom. If you can spin it like it’s what you believe in morally and you don’t care if you get flak for it, and then show other examples of how your resistance to following the crowd has helped you in life (again, being careful to avoid “other kids partied, i studied, now i’m valedictorian and they work at mcdonald’s!” shaming language) then I think it could be a cool read.

@intparent Thank you for your honest opinion. I definitely agree with what you’re saying, but my idea was to show how I overcame the eating disorder and how it made me a stronger person mentally, physically, and academically. By overcoming it (with no treatment or therapy, FYI), I also proved to myself that I am capable of anything I set my mind to. Similarly, my “defining characteristic” would be about how I’m now vegan and how that has shaped my world view, too. If you still feel like this is too risky/too personal/doesn’t really showcase all I have, I would love some more advice. I’m really coming at this openly.

It is, bluntly, not a good topic. Pick something completely different.

@novafan1225 thank you for your genuine feedback! I figured I’d be getting some responses like the ones I have been getting, and I truthfully think it’s healthy for me to get this upfront advice. Yeah, I’m strongly leaning towards the vegan topic (and no, I am definitely not a “preachy” vegan, and people I know would tell you that, but I know a few who are haha). I also have never been one to “follow the crowd,” like growing up making YouTube videos despite people making fun of me, so I’m thinking of taking that spin (not necessarily the videos part, but the part about not following the crowd). Thanks again!

Let me +1 on the “don’t write about xxxxxx mental health problem”. Colleges might fail to admit you because they’re worried about something happening to you because you might fall into relapse. Suppose someone decided to write about overcoming depression. If that student relapses and commits suicide on campus or something (like in a dorm), it won’t look very good on the school.

Don’t pick a topic that can give the impression that you are mentally unstable, preachy, or just plain annoying.

This is very close to home for my family. Our daughter overcame an eating disorder. Her struggle concluded near the end of the tenth grade. Her overall profile as a High School student was extremely strong. The list of schools she was applying to was quite reach heavy. We had the discussion about how risky it was to write her primary essay about her experience with an eating disorder. As her parent I was troubled by the thought of an admissions person thinking less of our wonderful daughter, the thought of her entire High School experience being dismissed because of she being perceived as a risky admit. Our daughter understood the risk, I was so intent on protecting her that I encouraged her to not to write about her eating disorder. She decided to, she felt she had to no matter the consequences. I supported her decision because it was her decision to make. I was very concerned though. It worked out for her. I do believe she was extremely fortunate! Best Wishes for your continued good health, and good luck to you!


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eating disorder in essays

tw ed (duh)

so https://www.reddit.com/r/ApplyingToCollege/comments/nv671n/do_not_write_about_mental_health_or_any_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 this post really shook my stance because I was thinking about writing about my journey with food and fitness (weird way to word it but u get it) in at least one of my essays bc it was quite lifechanging

turns out that I shouldn't do that!!🙂 and although I was suggested to refrain completely from writing about it, I was wondering if it could be a little more "acceptable" to frame it not as an eating disorder recovery but as a personal journey of overcoming beauty standards and all that shit. i really learned (the hard way) about holistic (ik we all hate this word I'm sorry) health and grew, both mentally and physically: i used to hate every muscle fiber on my body, and now I just can't get enough of it.

TLDR: still no? would there be no magical way of wording my eating disorder recovery into a statement proving that i am a healthy individual for colleges worth investing in?

FYI, my eating disorder was anorexia, and although there is no way of measuring the severity of it, mine was not the "dramatic dramatic type." never got hospitalized, but went to like therapy and stuff.

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  1. Can I Write About My Eating Disorder In College Essays?

    The truth is that some essays surrounding an eating disorder can be well-received by your college of choice. It depends vastly on chance. The chances of getting into a top school with an essay like that are low because many people choose to write about various mental illnesses that they suffered from. The bottom line is that it depends on how ...

  2. Discussing my eating disorder in college essays

    When choosing an essay topic, the key is to focus on how the experience has shaped you and enabled personal growth. If you believe that your journey with an eating disorder has been a transformational part of your high school experience and has changed you in a significant way, it is worth considering as an essay topic.

  3. Should I write about my eating disorder in college essays?

    <p>Just for background info, I developed an eating disorder toward the end of freshman year and received treatment for it during the summer after sophomore year. I am now a junior and I still struggle with my demons, but I can proudly say my eating disorder no longer strongly interferes with other areas of my life. During sophomore year, when I was deepest in my struggle with bulimia, my ...

  4. Eating Disorders, Essay Example

    Eating disorders affect men and women of all ages, although adolescents tend to be the age group that is more susceptible. This is because, as their bodies are changing, they may feel more pressure by society as well as peer groups to look attractive and fit in (Segal et al). Types of eating disorders include Anorexia, Bulimia and Compulsive ...

  5. Talking about eating disorders in college essays?

    Hello! It's understandable that you might be unsure about discussing such a sensitive topic in your college essay. While it is certainly possible to write about an eating disorder, it's important to consider the way you approach the subject. Admissions officers appreciate honesty and personal growth stories, but you should focus on the lessons you learned, how you overcame the obstacle, and ...

  6. Eating Disorder Essay • Examples of Argumentative Essay Topics

    2 pages / 809 words. Eating Disorders (EDs) are serious clinical conditions associated with persistent eating behaviour that adversely affects your health, emotions, and ability to function in important areas of life. The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder (BED) and bulimia nervosa.

  7. Essay on Eating Disorders

    The physical consequences of eating disorders are profound and can be life-threatening. They range from malnutrition, heart conditions, and bone loss in anorexia, to gastrointestinal problems and electrolyte imbalances in bulimia. Binge eating disorder can lead to obesity and related complications like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

  8. 161 Eating Disorders Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Bulimia: A Severe Eating Disorder. The main symptoms of bulimia include intermittent eating of enormous amounts of food to the point of stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation, and blood in the vomit due to irritation of the esophagus. Eating Disorders Among Medical Students.

  9. Eating Disorders Essays at WritingBros

    College students face various challenges, and one of the most critical ones is eating disorders. As a result, essays on this topic have become quite popular among students. Writing a college essay about eating disorders can be challenging, especially if you have not experienced it before. However, it is a critical topic that requires attention.

  10. Eating Disorder Recovery

    During the first two years of high school, my facade of overachievement hid a secret spiral into an eating disorder. By the end of tenth grade, I had two Abbot Academy grants, a history department prize, and a medical leave of absence from Andover. Conscious of the stigma surrounding mental illness, I cited "family issues" when my friends ...

  11. Mentioning an eating disorder on essay?

    College Essays. I'm currently a junior in college and my goal is pursue a dual PhD in neuroscience along with a DVM (I love the idea of comparative medicine). I was wondering if writing about an eating disorder will help (or hurt) my chances at a competitive research internship, and eventually grad. school & vet school.

  12. Is it appropriate to write about my eating disorder in my CA essay?

    College Essays. common-and-coalition-application. deliar February 19, 2021, 4:08pm 1. I recovered from an eating disorder as a Sophomore in high school. ... I don't HAVE to write about my eating disorders or include my work to help others with them on my application. I have won several writing awards, been published in magazines, and am a ...

  13. My Struggle with an Eating Disorder [Admission Essay Example]

    In this personal essay, I share a humorous yet poignant story of my quest for immunization records to attend a summer program at Brown University. Along the way, I inadvertently confront concerns about my eating disorder. The essay touches on medical mishaps, literary discussions, and my journey to obtain essential documents.

  14. Is it okay to write about mental illness in an essay?

    If the answer is no, then you can say you are trying to make an impact through the account, but if we are being realistic, colleges love people that have ALREADY succeeded so you mustn't talk that much about it. Add a comment. After reading a lot of commentary about certain college essay taboos I would say that writing about an eating disorder ...

  15. Eating Disorder Essay Examples

    Students get assignments to write essays about eating disorders because it is a modern-day issue affecting many people in the United States and globally. The causes of these problems are complex and poorly understood so far. ... Each eating disorder college essay in our database is well-researched and written by a proficient writer. They ...

  16. writing about anorexia

    College Essays. happywaffles November 30, 2017, 3:41am 1. ok so. I wrote my common app essay and one of the UC personal insight questions (the personal hardship one) about me working to overcome anorexia. I spent A LOT of time on it and in the end I thought it was a decent essay and I submitted EA to chapman and all my UC apps already.

  17. can i talk about my eating disorder recovery in a college essay?

    Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help! It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. Please be cautious of possible plagiarism if you do decide to share your essay with other users.

  18. Writing about eating disorder in supplement essay

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to SAT/ACT test prep, career guidance, and more. ... Members Online • Astronaut_Pretend . Writing about eating disorder in supplement essay Application Question Hello! So one of the ivies has a prompt asking ...

  19. Can I write my college essay about my eating disorder?

    13 reasons why it's okay to write about trauma. Do not write about mental health or any of the following topics. Trauma in essays: why it can work and when it doesn't. I think the general idea is that writing about traumatic stuff can be done right if you focus on your personal development and growth, but it can often be hard for people to pull ...

  20. college essay about eating disorder

    Eating disorders have a high relapse rate during periods of developmental transition, such as when individuals graduate and go to college. You don't know who will be reading your essay and how sensitive the reader will be to your situation. When adcoms are looking for any reason to reject someone, I can't help but question whether there ...

  21. Do I talk about an Eating Disorder on a overcoming challenge essay?

    r/ApplyingToCollege is the premier forum for college admissions questions, advice, and discussions, from college essays and scholarships to college list help and application advice, career guidance, and more.

  22. Essay about eating disorder?

    College Essays. thefloridavegan June 2, 2016, 2:28am 1. I had a long post written out before, but I decided to delete it because the post was VERY detailed. That said, I was thinking about making my CA essay about my eating disorder and how I turned this weakness (poor self-confidence, basically) into a strength (setting my mind to achieving ...

  23. eating disorder in essays : r/ApplyingToCollege

    Hey there, I'm a bot and something you said made me think you might be looking for help! It sounds like your post is related to essays — please check the A2C Wiki Page on Essays for a list of resources related to essay topics, tips & tricks, and editing advice. Please be cautious of possible plagiarism if you do decide to share your essay with other users.