
A3 Problem Solving Template

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A3 Problem Solving Excel Template

The A3 Project Report tool is ideal for systematically structuring and standardizing your problem-solving process. This free template aims to assist you in tackling workplace problems. 

The A3 template is based on the A3 problem-solving method, which is a popular method for continuous improvement in Lean and Six Sigma methodologies. It walks you through a structured process of defining, analyzing, and resolving a problem, allowing you to communicate your findings and proposed solutions clearly.

The Template also includes an example of a complete A3 to use as benchmarking and as an example of how a complete A3 can look.

Learn how to conduct A3 problem solving with our in-depth A3 Problem Solving Guide .


Training information.

Structured Approach: Based on the A3 problem-solving method, this template provides a step-by-step process for defining, analyzing, and resolving problems.

Customizable Fields: The template is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and requirements. Add or remove fields, adjust the formatting, and input your data with ease.

Root Cause Analysis: The template includes a comprehensive root cause analysis section, allowing you to gather and analyze data to identify the underlying causes of a problem.

Solution Development: The template guides you through the process of developing and evaluating possible solutions, helping you choose the most effective solution.

Implementation Plan: Once a solution has been selected, the template provides a plan for verifying its effectiveness and ensuring successful implementation.

Clear Communication: The template helps you to clearly communicate your findings and proposed solutions, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and support your efforts.

Microsoft Excel Format: The template has been developed in Microsoft Excel format, making it easy to use and accessible to a wide range of users familiar with the software.

Free to Download: Best of all, the A3 Problem Solving Excel template is completely free to download.

This template works on any recent Microsoft Excel software, including Office 365.

A full guide on how to use this template and complete A3 problem solving can be found in our guides section: A3 Problem Solving Guide.


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A Deep Dive into the A3 Problem-Solving Approach

  • 11 mins to read
  • June 20, 2023
  • By Reagan Pannell

In today’s fast-paced and fiercely competitive business world, organisations must find ways to continuously adapt, evolve, and excel. Amidst the myriad methods and techniques for achieving improvements and driving continuous improvement, few have proven as profound and transformative as Toyota’s A3 problem-solving approach. 

A significant driving force behind the company’s rise to global prominence, the A3 process fosters a culture where problems are embraced as opportunities for growth and learning. In this article, we’ll explore the origins and underlying principles of the A3 approach and uncover the secrets to its success in unlocking the power of improvements.

Understanding the A3 Approach

The A3 methodology is an integral part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), a set of principles and practices that have shaped the company’s approach to manufacturing, management, and continuous improvement over the years. Named after the A3 sheet of paper that was historically used to capture the plan, analysis, and follow-up on a single page, the A3 process represents a simple, yet powerful, tool for addressing complex challenges and discovering lasting solutions.

At its core, the A3 approach is rooted in three key elements:

1. Thorough problem analysis: The foundation of the A3 process lies in digging deep to diagnose the true nature and root cause of an issue, rather than jumping to hastily devised fixes that merely address symptoms.

2. Structured documentation: The A3 report serves as both a communication tool and an iterative planning device, with each section building on the previous ones to guide problem solvers through a comprehensive analysis, solution development, and execution process. It’s the foundation of good continuous improvement.

3. Cyclical learning and improvement: Leadership and employees alike are encouraged to commit to hypothesis-driven inquiry, observation, experimentation, and reflection, leading to a culture that actively seeks and leverages opportunities for growth by solving problems.

A3 Problem Solving Format

How to Implement the A3 Process in Your Organisation

The Lean Thinking A3 approach can be distilled into seven essential steps:

1. Identify the problem: 

Clearly articulate and define the issue at hand, avoiding the temptation to jump to solutions or assume important facts to be self-evident..

When identifying the problem, it is important to ensure that all relevant stakeholders in the organisation are consulted. This helps to ensure that the issue is accurately described and understood from multiple perspectives. A thorough problem analysis should also include conducting research into possible causes or root issues, and clearly documenting any observed symptoms of the problem. Additionally, it is essential to identify any major risks associated with not finding a solution and recognise any constraints (both external and internal) that may exist which could limit potential solutions. Lastly, it is important to consider any potential opportunities which may arise from addressing the issue that may have been overlooked at first glance. This is the problem statement part which is a critical component that identifies the difference between the current condition and the target condition.

At this stage, we are not looking at how to solve problems being faced or at the potential solution to solving problems. It’s about developing a good understanding of how the actual results differ from the expected results and providing an in-depth systematic approach to process improvement and developing problem-solving skills.

2. Establish the context and background: 

Provide a high-level overview of the problem, describing the stakeholders involved, relevant data, and the broader organisational context in which the challenge has arisen..

It is important to ensure that all stakeholders are properly considered when identifying any potential solutions as their perspectives can play a vital role in determining an effective solution. All related data should be thoroughly analysed to understand the full scope of potential solutions. This includes resources, costs, timelines, and any legal or regulatory issues that may need to be considered. Additionally, it is important to consider how well-proposed solutions fit within existing organisational policies and procedures as this could impact implementation success. Finally, understanding how proposed solutions would interact with other initiatives or processes currently taking place in the organisation can help inform decisions about whether or not they are viable options. It may include conducting some value stream mapping to dig deeper into the current state.

It is important to fully explore any underlying factors that may be contributing to the issue at hand and ensure in-depth problem analysis. This includes looking deeper into existing systems, structures, and processes related to the problem in order to identify potential areas of improvement or optimisation. Additionally, it is essential to consider any relevant industry trends or external influences that could impact how the problem manifests within the organisation.

When analysing a problem, collecting data from various sources is important to get a more comprehensive understanding of how a particular issue can be addressed. This includes mapping the current process using the VSM, SIPOC, Process Mapping or Flowcharting techniques. Additionally, interviews and surveys can be conducted with stakeholders to gain insights into how they perceive the issue and their perspectives on potential solutions. Lastly, it is important to observe any real-world activities related to the problem to uncover key areas where time, effort, resources, money etc is being wasted. This is the time improvement that may not have been identified otherwise.


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3. Set a Goal:

Now that you have identified the problem and outlined the relevant context, it is time to set a project goal or outcome..

This involves clearly articulating the desired state of affairs and any key deliverables of the proposed solution. Whether it is reducing operational costs, increasing efficiency, improving customer experience, or something else entirely – defining specific objectives with measurable metrics can help ensure that project teams stay focused and remain aligned on their ultimate destination.

At this stage, it is also important to consider how long it will take to reach the desired outcome. Establishing an implementation timeline will help safeguard progress and provide a framework for tracking results along the way. Setting milestones for achieving particular goals at certain points in time can be especially helpful in keeping teams accountable throughout the process. Additionally, having a plan for evaluating success after reaching the end target will allow stakeholders to gain further insights into how effective their approach has been in addressing underlying problems, as well as how well-proposed solutions have fared once implemented.

4. Investigate root causes:

Use a variety of techniques (e.g., the 5 whys, fishbone diagrams, pareto charts) to probe the problem’s underlying causes and avoid settling on proximate reasons..

The process of identifying root causes is essential when using data-driven tools. We always want to find the simplest root cause approach.

One of the most widely used methods for root cause analysis is the ‘5 Whys’ technique. This method involves asking a series of ‘why’ questions to determine the underlying cause of a particular symptom or issue. The goal is to keep asking “Why?” until you reach an answer that can provide insight into how to address the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Another commonly used tool for root cause analysis is the fishbone diagram (also known as Ishikawa diagrams). This approach involves visualising all potential causes which could be causing a symptom or issue in a logical format, allowing users to identify patterns and uncover links between root causes and their respective effects. This technique can be helpful in identifying and focusing on key areas for improvement, as well as helping to identify interdependencies between components within an organisation’s systems.

Finally, Pareto Charts are useful for analysing data collected from surveys, interviews, observations, etc., concerning the severity or frequency of occurrence. This type of chart helps users quickly identify which factors are contributing most significantly towards an issue, allowing them to focus resources towards addressing those areas first and foremost. Additionally, Pareto charts can also be used to prioritise different solutions based on their estimated effectiveness in addressing an issue.

In conclusion, understanding the root cause of an issue through rigorous techniques such as 5 Whys, fishbone diagrams, and Pareto charts provides invaluable insight into how best to address it effectively while preventing it from reoccurring in the future. By leveraging these tools along with other data-led approaches such as process mapping and flowcharting, organisations can ensure that any proposed solutions are well-informed by both qualitative and quantitative data sources as well as ensure they are building consensus across the entire organisation.

5. Countermeasures:

Identify the right countermeasures (corrective actions) to implement that will directly impact the root causes identified..

Brainstorming is a useful tool for identifying potential improvements. It involves coming up with ideas and solutions in an open and collaborative manner, without judgement or criticism. By allowing team members to share their thoughts freely, brainstorming can help uncover innovative solutions that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Additionally, looking at how waste reduction, flow and pull can be used to improve processes can also provide valuable insights into where improvement opportunities lie.

Brainstorm potential solutions that directly target the root causes and create detailed action plans for implementation, complete with assigned roles, responsibilities, and timelines.

Once the countermeasures are identified, it is important to design an implementation plan and assign roles & responsibilities. This will help ensure that all stakeholders understand their part in the implementation and can work together to achieve the desired outcome. Additionally, it is important to track progress along the way – setting measurable milestones that can be tracked against goals established during the initial problem-solving phase will help keep teams accountable and allow for course corrections if needed.

By utilising A3 Problem Solving Tools such as a template, organisations can easily document and share their analyses with relevant stakeholders throughout each stage of the project. Having detailed record-keeping like this also helps teams stay on target over time while providing insights into how proposed solutions may need to be re-evaluated down the line. This implementation plan provides the entire organisation with a clear project status on a one-page report.

6. Evaluate the results:

Measure the impact of your countermeasures against the problem, using well-defined success criteria, key performance indicators, or other relevant metrics..

Once the countermeasures have been implemented, it is essential to measure and evaluate their success. This can be done by tracking performance against the initial objectives established during the goal phase, as well as establishing key performance indicators to gauge how well the proposed solutions have fared.

Additionally, stakeholders should also consider conducting a post-implementation evaluation in order to assess how successful their approach has been in addressing underlying issues and determining what lessons can be learned from the experience. This will enable teams to identify strengths and weaknesses within their existing processes and make any necessary adjustments going forward. By understanding the outcomes of their improvements, organisations are able to gain valuable insights into how well they’ve succeeded in achieving their goals and ensure continued success moving forward.

Once the countermeasures have been implemented and their success measured, it is important to compare the results against the initial objective. This can be done in a variety of ways, including graphical analysis such as charts, process maps or flow diagrams. Graphical analysis helps to visualise the differences between results achieved before and after the implementation of new measures in a meaningful way. It also provides an increased level of clarity when assessing whether the desired outcomes have been achieved or not.

Process maps can be useful in understanding how changes made during the improvement phase have impacted processes within an organisation. By mapping out existing processes and then comparing them against those following implementation of countermeasures, teams can easily pinpoint where improvements were made and analyse how they led to improved performance overall.

Charts, on the other hand, enable users to quickly identify trends that may have emerged from data collected during the project. For example, if performance metrics are tracked before and after countermeasures are implemented, users can use charts and graphs to more clearly observe any patterns that may indicate an improvement or regression in performance over time – providing further insights into which areas need further attention or adjustment moving forward.

Finally, dashboard views provide an effective means of displaying results at a glance while highlighting any anomalies that might warrant further investigation. Dashboards allow stakeholders to gain access to important information quickly and easily while also helping them keep track of progress towards goals set out during initial problem-solving phases. Additionally, because dashboards support data visualisation capabilities they offer a highly interactive user experience which can help teams understand underlying trends with greater clarity and precision.

7. Standardise and share:

If a countermeasure proves successful, integrate it into the organisation’s standard operating procedures and share it with other teams as a best practice..

Once the countermeasures have been successfully implemented and measured against the initial objectives, these changes need to be integrated into the organisation’s standard operating procedures (SOPs) and shared with other teams as best practices. This will ensure that any improvements made during the problem-solving phase are consistently applied across all teams within the organisation.

In order to ensure that these improvements become part of the organisation’s long-term strategy, process maps should be updated to reflect the new improved way of working. Process maps provide a visual representation of how workflows are structured within an organisation, and by updating them in line with newly-implemented countermeasures, organisations can ensure that their processes continue to remain up-to-date and efficient moving forward. It may also be necessary to build a follow-up plan if not all tasks are fully completed as well as develop a Lean-focused PDCA cycle to ensure long-term effective collaboration on the solutions that were implemented.

Process documentation should also be updated in order to keep track of changes made during problem-solving. By documenting not just the solutions that were proposed but also why they were proposed, teams can gain valuable insights into their decision-making process which they can leverage for similar future problems.

Furthermore, it is important to update key performance indicators (KPIs) to accurately reflect any progress made during problem-solving. By tracking performance against objectives established before and after countermeasures were implemented, organisations will be able to identify any areas that may still need improvement or require further adjustment going forward. Additionally, tracking KPIs over time will help teams understand whether or not their current strategies are leading them towards meeting their goals in a timely manner or if additional measures may need to be taken in order to achieve desired results more quickly.

Finally, organisations should share successful solutions with other teams in order to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing amongst stakeholders throughout different parts of the business. This will allow for ideas generated through one team’s problem-solving efforts to benefit multiple departments – helping foster creativity and innovation while ensuring that everyone is on board with necessary changes being made throughout the organisation. The last step is key to Toyota’s PDCA management system designed for the entire organisation.

By breaking down the problem-solving process into these seven discrete stages, the A3 method offers practitioners a comprehensive, end-to-end framework for tackling complex challenges and driving improvements in any organisation.

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Training the team on A3

To get A3 started, everyone in the entire organisation needs to learn how to use this single-sheet or single-page document. This means training people across all parts of the company so that everyone knows how to use the A3 Problem Solving Tool and A3 template. Training will help make sure that everyone follows a structured approach when using A3.

Getting the organisation fully onboard with A3 Problem Solving is not an easy task and will require a dedicated effort to ensure its successful implementation. To this end, it is important to start with specific areas of the business – whether it be operations, finance or marketing – by setting up targeted training sessions for both operational teams and senior managers. This will help everyone understand how and why A3 is used, as well as the potential benefits it can bring to their business.

Once everyone has mastered the basics of working with an A3 template, companies should look to regularly review and evaluate its effectiveness. This could include setting up quarterly reviews or running workshops where teams discuss successes and areas for improvement when using the A3 tool. Doing this will ensure that any issues are identified early on, allowing the team to quickly adjust accordingly.

At Leanscape, we understand that transitioning to A3 Problem Solving can be a daunting task. With our team of specialists, we can provide your teams with the necessary training and coaching to ensure that they are able to adapt quickly and efficiently. Our comprehensive approach to A3 will equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully use this powerful tool for improving performance in all areas of your business.

We are committed to helping you develop a culture of continuous improvement within your organisation by teaching best practices and providing guidance through every step of the problem-solving process. Through our specialised training programs, we will help your teams learn how to use the A3 template more effectively, as well as how to interpret data visualisations quickly and accurately – enabling them to take action swiftly when required. Our experienced coaches will also share insights from industry experts on how best to integrate countermeasures into standard operating procedures (SOPs) and process maps, keeping up-to-date with industry trends in order to stay ahead of the competition.

By leveraging Leanscape’s expertise in A3 Problem Solving, you can rest assured knowing that your team is in good hands. Our team is dedicated to providing you with the support needed for successful implementation so that you can achieve sustained performance improvements over time.

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The implementation of A3 Problem Solving provides a comprehensive framework for organisations looking to successfully address complex problems in an efficient and cost-effective manner. By breaking down the problem-solving process into seven distinct stages, users can structure their approach and track the progress of their countermeasures over time.

In order to ensure successful implementation, organisations should dedicate time towards training their teams on how to use the A3 Problem Solving Tool and A3 template. This will give everyone a solid foundation for carrying out future problem-solving activities more effectively, as well as provide insights into the effectiveness of certain countermeasures over time.

Through Leanscape’s specialised training programs, you can ensure that your team is fully equipped with the necessary skills to successfully adopt and incorporate A3 Problem Solving into all areas of your business. Our experienced coaches are committed to helping you develop a culture of continuous improvement within your organisation – providing guidance through every step of the process

Final Thoughts

The A3 approach is an invaluable tool for unlocking the power of improvements within any organisation. By leveraging its structured framework and cyclical learning approach, businesses can remain agile and responsive to ever-changing conditions, allowing them to navigate change more successfully and emerge stronger than ever before. Ultimately, this makes Toyota’s A3 problem-solving process one of the most effective ways to ensure long-term success in today’s fast-paced and competitive market.

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Reagan Pannell

Reagan Pannell is a highly accomplished professional with 15 years of experience in building lean management programs for corporate companies. With his expertise in strategy execution, he has established himself as a trusted advisor for numerous organisations seeking to improve their operational efficiency.

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A3 problem solving is a structured approach to Problem Solving that uses a single sheet of paper (the A3) to guide the process and communicate the results.

A good lean coach uses each step of the A3 summary to challenge the person they're coaching in areas like problem grasping and framing, depth of data analysis and brainstorming. The A3 summary is a fantastic way to increase Practical Problem Solving capability for 3 reasons

It requires a structured approach to solve a problem to root cause

It becomes part of a library of knowledge to share across operations leaders

It provides a way for the coach to challenge the coachee at each stage to develop a better understanding.

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A3 Lean: Template, Process and Examples

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A3 Lean: this article explains the use of the A3 Lean template in a practical way. It covers its advantage and the process in steps, along with examples. It also contains a downloadable and editable A3 format lean single page template . After reading this article you will understand the basics of this powerful problem solving tool.

What is the A3 Lean template?

Most organizations are perfectly capable of solving problems. However, realizing a structured problem solving approach is often much more difficult.

Car giant Toyota has included the ability to continuously carry out improvements in operational performance in a structured process. This is called the A3 Lean Thinking Process .

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Toyota describes problem identifications in a 10 step plan in which cooperation and personal development of employees is promoted. Both the results of the problem identification and the planning are represented in a concise A3 report . The name of the A3 Thinking Process is derived from this paper format.

Advantage of the A3 Lean template

Problems within an organization are often addressed superficially. The deeper, underlying causes of the problem are not always considered, allowing repetition to lie in wait. The same problems will resurface with the result that operational performance does not improve. The A3 Thinking process helps to arrive at a joint and detailed problem resolution. Underlying causes are thus eliminated.

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Figure 1 – A3 Lean Thinking Process

A3 Lean template: steps and example

The A3 Lean template can be applied in almost any problem situation provided the ten steps are followed in the process:

Step 0. Identify a problem or need

The problem is recognized, acknowledged and identified by the team members of the A3 Lean template. This is also known as a problem statement.

Example : Structural late deliveries to customers.

Step 1. Understand current position

The problem can only be addressed by understanding the current situation. Toyota indicates that it is important to determine the extent of the problem.

Example : What percentage of the deliveries are late?

Step 2. Target

By drawing up countermeasures a new target will be formulated. The A3 Thinking team will specifically describe the expected improvements.

Example : Because of the new form of communication, the status of the delivery will be clear to the customer and the company.

Step 3. Root Cause Analysis

By finding out the causes of the problems, measures can be taken. The main causes are identified by the so-called ‘ why ’ questions via a Root Cause Analysis .

Example : Why are deliveries late? Why this percentage? Why are customers not informed?

Another good LEAN Manufacturing tool to analyse data is the Pareto Analysis

Step 4. Countermeasures

The underlying causes can be properly addressed by using countermeasures. As a result of this, structural changes are made in the work processes and the work will become more efficient once more. The A3 Thinking process team can work purposefully by pointing out the contents and the details of the countermeasures.

Example: the analysis in Step 2 has appointed ‘ Poor communication to customers ’ as the main cause.

A countermeasure could be that Stock Control maintains contacts with both the suppliers and the customers on a daily basis.

Step 5. Implementation plan

To achieve the goal, a carefully thought-out and workable implementation or action plan will be drawn up. This execution plan consists of an action list, responsible participants and has a time limit. Expenses and resources can also be included.

Example : The number of complaints must be decreased by 70% within three months.

Step 6. Follow-up plan

The follow-up plan checks whether the changes and adjustments will actually yield the best results. The follow up plan enables the correct and proper execution of the implementation plan.

Example : by carrying out spot checks, it will become clear whether the deliveries have improved.

Step 7. Involve affected parties

It is of vital importance to discuss the plans with all the affected parties. Without a consensus, the plan is doomed to fail. By discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the plan with several parties, the plans can still be refined.

Step 8. Approval

The A3 Lean template process team must obtain approval from an authority within the organization. This could also be the team leader.

Step 9. Implementation

Without a final implementation there can be no (radical) change. Through regular meetings, the A3 Lean template team can map out the steps of the execution, tasks, actions and deadlines.

Step 10. Evaluation

Only by means of evaluation it is impossible to determine whether the final results have been achieved. When there are deviating results, it is important to find out what could have caused these deviations. Subsequently, changes and/or adaptations will have to take place in the process, so that the goal will still be achieved.

A3 Lean: the Cycle

Based on the evaluation, another problem can be identified, as a result of which the whole cycle of the A3 Thinking Process begins again. Steps 0 up to 6 will be included in the A3 report. By documenting this part of the A3 Thinking Process, the people involved will have a better understanding of the working method and the problem analysis and problem resolution will have more structure. Thus, repetition is reduced.

A3 Lean template format

Do you want to bring the A3 methodology into practice? Start solving problems with this ready to use A3 paper template.

Download the A3 format Lean template

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Now It’s Your Turn

What do you think? Is A3 problem solving / A3 template applicable in today’s modern businesses and organizations? What is your experience using the A3 Thinking process? What are your success criteria for a good A3 Thinking process?

Share your experience and knowledge in the comments box below.

More information

  • Liker, J., & Convis, G. L. (2011). The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence through Leadership Development . McGraw-Hill .
  • Shook, J., & Womack, J. (2008). Managing to Learn: Using the A3 Management Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor and Lead . Lean Enterprises Inst Inc.
  • Sobek II, D. K., & Smalley, A. (2008). Understanding A3 Thinking: A Critical Component of Toyota’s PDCA Management System . Productivity Press.

How to cite this article: Mulder, P. (2012). A3 Lean: Template, Process and Examples . Retrieved [insert date] from Toolshero: https://www.toolshero.com/problem-solving/a3-lean-template/

Published on: 16/10/2012 | Last update: 12/13/2022

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Patty Mulder

Patty Mulder

Patty Mulder is an Dutch expert on Management Skills, Personal Effectiveness and Business Communication. She is also a Content writer, Business Coach and Company Trainer and lives in the Netherlands (Europe). Note: all her articles are written in Dutch and we translated her articles to English!


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  • How Do I Use an A3 Template?

How Do I Use an A3 Template?

A3 is a versatile problem-solving method and continuous improvement tool. It’s called A3 because it fits on a standard sheet of paper. Download our free A3 template and you’ll have everything you need to get started.  Why to Use A3 A3 is a step-by-step approach for applying plan-do-check-act, also known as PDCA or the Deming cycle. PDCA is a Lean technique that has proven effective in driving productivity and efficiency across industries and around the world. With PDCA, you identify the problem, assess the current state, and create a Plan to solve the problem and gauge success. In the Do phase, you test the plan by running an implementation pilot. Next, you Check and analyze the results of the pilot against the objectives identified in the plan. If things didn’t turn out as you hoped, you cycle back to the plan phase and adjust your approach. If everything looks good, you Act by implementing the plan on a larger scale.  As you can imagine, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by PDCA. The model itself is simple enough, but teams are often unsure when to move from one step to the next (or, back to a prior step). PDCA can also generate a ton of data and analysis that teams struggle to sift through.  A3 streamlines and visualizes PDCA, which makes it a lot easier for teams to make quick decisions. It’s hard to get lost or confused when everything is on one sheet of paper.   When to Use an A3 A3 is a good fit for:

  • complex problems,
  • cross-functional improvement initiatives (e.g., end-to-end process improvement),
  • strategy development,
  • communicating project status reports, and
  • building the critical thinking and problem-solving capabilities of a team.

Not all business problems require an A3. If you’re faced with a simple problem that has a known cause, just go solve it! But if you have a more challenging issue to tackle, pull out the A3. How to Fill Out an A3 For best results, the A3 should be filled out collaboratively in a workshop format. The amount of time required depends on the scope of the problem and stakeholders’ schedules, but the process of filling out an A3 can generally be done in a series of three workshops. Gather stakeholders together and provide each with their own copy of page 2 of APQC’s A3 template . Replicate page 1 of the template on a whiteboard. To get participants into a Lean mindset, open the session by walking through the eight types of waste on page 3. Now, you are ready to begin filling out the template together.

  • Define the problem statement. Collaboratively determine what problem needs to be solved and how it impacts the business and its customers. At this stage, the problem statement will be a bit “fuzzy,” and that’s OK.
  • Understand the current state. Explore the current state around the problem to assess its impact and potential causes (including the eight types of waste). Bring data into the discussion where possible, but don’t go too far into the weeds just yet.   
  • Identify an improvement opportunity and business benefits. Write down how solving the problem would help in achieving business goals and KPIs. Be as specific as possible.  
  • Determine the root cause. Now, it’s time to really dig into the data around the problem. Look closely at all potential causes as well as upstream and downstream relationships that could impact potential solutions.  
  • Identify solutions and a future-state vision. Discuss potential solutions and what the future might look like if they were implemented.   
  • Build an implementation plan. Define what needs to happen, who will do it (resources), and how they will do it (training, if necessary).   
  • Verify results. Examine the results of implementation to determine whether desired results were achieved.  
  • Did you miss some aspects of the current state (e.g., undocumented variations, exceptions, or workarounds)?
  • Did you misinterpret the root cause?
  • Do you need to do a better job of articulating business benefits and a future state vision build buy-in?

Making A3 Work for Your Company You can purchase A3 modeling software, but it’s not necessary and it’s definitely not a silver bullet. The keys to success with A3 are training, facilitation, and data availability. You get the best results when participants have a foundational understanding of Lean, are supported by a strong facilitator, and have easy access to relevant information. For more templates like this, see APQC’s collection of Benchmarking and Improvement Tools.  

The Lean Post / Articles / How to Start the A3 Problem-Solving Process

hands holding a paper with A3 template on it

Problem Solving

How to Start the A3 Problem-Solving Process

By David Verble

July 19, 2022

Why the best, most productive way to “start an A3” is by recognizing that the A3 problem-solving methodology is a “slow-thinking” process.

Are you having trouble getting started solving problems using you’re the  A3  problem-solving process ? When I teach workshops on A3 thinking, creation, and use, this comes up as one of the most challenging parts of executing the A3 process .  So if you find yourself looking at a blank sheet of 11-by-17 paper  wondering where to start, here are some thoughts from what I’ve learned doing and teaching the A3 problem-solving methodology for years, which I believe may help you.

The first lesson is simple if counterintuitive. When people ask, “Where do I start to ‘write an A3?’” I reply, “Don’t start with writing.” They generally respond by asking, “Then where do I start?” And my answer is always: “Start with the  thinking .”

Resolving issues using the A3 methodology should involve lots of asking, listening, and communicating …

There are two key points to keep in mind here. First, the A3 report , or storyboard (the written document), is the  result  of A3 thinking, not the  process   of A3 thinking itself. So, the A3 is a way to capture and organize your plan-do-check-act ( PDCA )  problem-solving  thinking, but completing it does not automatically lead to valid A3 thinking.

Second, A3 thinking is a way to  work  systematically through how to address a problem or need. Getting to that result involves understanding the problem or need at a concrete level, understanding the factors in the situation that are barriers to moving to desired conditions, and determining the best options for making changes in the direction you want. And resolving issues using the A3 methodology should involve lots of asking, listening, and communicating throughout to be sure you are getting the knowledge, thinking, concurrence, and support of others who have a stake in the situation.

That’s a lot of work and thinking. And it can’t be accomplished by simply starting to fill in the boxes in the A3.

Use the A3 as a Guide

When starting an A3 problem-solving initiative, you should consider the blank A3 merely as a guide leading you through the problem-solving process, one “box,” or step, at a time. But at each stage, you must first think about and investigate the problem situation and only then record your thinking.  

However, do not expect to complete the process sequentially. As you work through the A3 methodology and complete the storyboard, you will continue learning about your problem situation. So, be prepared to go back and revise what you wrote earlier as you get deeper into the problem. 

The A3 process and the storyboard that results must also tell a problem-solving story that is convincing to others …

Understanding and following these guidelines are crucial to a successful A3 problem-solving because the A3 process must do more than identify a resolution to the problem. The A3 process and the storyboard that results must also tell a problem-solving story that is convincing to others — that brings them along in a thinking process and demonstrates the actions you are recommending make sense. Gaining this buy-in requires getting as many facts as possible in a reasonable time and having the right facts to support your conclusions. Unfortunately, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to create such a convincing story using “fast thinking.”

Why ‘Slow Thinking’ is Vital to A3 Thinking

The difference between “Fast Thinking” and “Slow Thinking” and the importance of the difference between the two is described in a book by Daniel Kahneman. Kahneman received the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics for his behavioral research on human judgment. The book summarizes 25 years of research, by Kahneman and others, on the basic patterns in how humans solve problems and make decisions. He contends that our brains have two different thinking systems, one that works fast and one that is slow.

  • System 1, our fast-thinking system,  houses our emotions and intuition, and it processes information and makes decisions automatically. “What you see is what there is” basically describes our minds jumping to conclusions, drawing simply on what is in front of us without looking for further evidence or data.  
  • System 2, the slow-thinking system,  describes the part of the brain that gets engaged in rational, logical thought, concentration, and fact-based judgments. It saves us from many of the runaway knee-jerk reactions of System 1. However, its influence on our problem-solving and decision-making habits is limited because of our automatic reliance on System 1.

If Kahneman’s claim is valid — and he makes a pretty good case for it with the research — it contains a couple of important messages for anyone thinking about putting themselves on the line as the owner of an A3. First, go-fast, jump-to-solution (or action), take-what-you-see-and-run-with-it thinking seems to be our default problem-solving and decision-making process. That means we have to be excellent at seeing and 100% accurate in our impressions, assumptions, and intuitions to hit the mark with our solutions and decisions. 

Second, the alternative of slow, systematic, getting-the-facts-and-knowing-the-actual conditions reasoning is not a natural act for most of us. That means we must make an effort to slow down when we start work on an A3 because our preferred thinking style is unlikely to produce a problem-solving story that will stand up to scrutiny when we make claims about what action should be taken based on it.I have had the experience of being out there on an A3 limb making claims without the facts to support them, and it’s not fun — unless you just like pain and embarrassment. That is why I advise anyone needing to do an A3 to prepare for the work ahead by trying to activate the slow-thinking system in their brain. 

Editor’s Note:  This Lean Post  is an updated version of an article published July 18, 2012, one of the most popular posts about this vital lean practice.

Managing to Learn

An Introduction to A3 Leadership and Problem-Solving.

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About David Verble

A performance improvement consultant and leadership coach since 2000, David has been an LEI faculty member for 17 years. Recognized as one of the first Toyota-trained managers to bring A3 thinking from Japan to the United States, he has conducted A3 problem-solving and leadership programs for 30 years. Overall, his…

Thank you very much! Very educational, one thing I would like to contribute is most of the people doesn’t want to think and the prioritize so that’s a reason for some A3 not make sense

Thank you David. It was great and useful.

Excellent insights into the making of A3 Report. A3 physical Report being a Result rather than a Process was an eye opener!

Couldn’t agree more that A3 problem-solving is about thinking, not writing. That said, I often find it helpful to think through the issues by drawing / sketching the A3, or at least things that I might want to include in it. in other words, writing and drawing help me think. Also, let’s not forget that the A3 is at least as important as a basis for discussion and dialog and consensus-building, probably more so, than it is for documentation. As our friend John Shook once said, it takes two to A3. Thanks for the great post, David!

I had read most of them posts. And they are all very helpful and educational, this one here is the most powerful positive influencia involving the fast, the slow thinking and judgment I appreciate it thanks so much

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A3 Thinking: A Structured Approach to Problem Solving

A3 Thinking


Also known as A3 Problem Solving.

Variants include 8D and CAPA.

A significant part of a leader’s role involves addressing problems as they arise. Various approaches and tools are available to facilitate problem-solving which is the driving force behind continuous improvement. These methods range from the advanced and more complex methodologies like Six Sigma to the simpler and more straightforward A3 thinking approach.

The power of the A3 approach lies in its systematic and structured approach to problem-solving. Although it appears to be a step-by-step process, A3 is built around the PDCA philosophy. It relies on the principle that it is much better to address the real root-cause rather than trying to find a solution. Hence, it’s important not to jump to the solution when solving a problem as it is likely to be less effective.

A3 thinking provides an effective way to bring together many of the problem-solving tools into one place. For example, techniques such as the 5 Whys and fishbone analysis can be used during the ‘Analysis’ stage to help identifying the root causes. Additionally, visual aids and graphs are highly recommended in the A3 report, as they are more effective than text in communicating ideas and providing concise project updates.

A3 thinking involves the practice of consolidating the problem, analysis, countermeasures, and action plan onto a single sheet of paper, commonly an A3-sized sheet. This brief document serves as a summary of the project at hand and is regarded as a valuable storytelling tool for project communication. Utilizing the A3 approach doesn’t require any specialized software or advanced computer skills. You may however use readily available A3 templates , or rely on basic tools such as paper, pencil and an eraser as you will need to erase and rewrite several times.

A3 Paper

One of the characteristics of the A3 approach is that it does not get into specific details. Detailed documents are usually attached to the A3 report to prevent overwhelming the reader with an excess of information.

The A3 process is typically structured in multiple stages based on the PDCA model. The primary focus is on developing understanding of the current situation and defining the desired outcome before thinking about the solution. While the exact number of stages may vary depending on the preference of the company, what truly matters is adhering to a structured approach to problem-solving.

A3 Problem Solving Models

A3 Seven Stages Model

An A3 process is often managed by an individual who should own and maintain the A3 report. This individual takes the lead in steering the process, facilitating team involvement, and preparing the A3 report with team input. One of the most common models for A3 thinking is the seven stages model which is described in the following.

A3 Seven Stages Model

1. Background – The first step is to identify the business reason for choosing this problem or opportunity. In this stage, you need to identify the gap in performance and the extent of the problem.

2. Current situation – The purpose of this stage is to document the current state of the problem. You may need to refer to the process map or go to the Gemba to truly understand the current situation.

3. Target – The purpose of this stage is to define the desired future state. Clearly identify the expected benefits from solving the problem, the scope, and the key metrics that will help measure the success of the project.

4. Analysis – The objective of this stage is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and understand why it’s happening. It might involve tools like the 5 Whys and cause-and-effect analysis, as well as advanced statistical methods.

5. Countermeasures – Countermeasures are the actions to be taken to eliminate root causes or reduce their effects. The team should brainstorm and evaluate possible countermeasures based on the analysis conducted earlier.

6. Implementation Plan – To achieve the target, develop a workable plan to implement the countermeasures. Gantt charts are great ways to manage implementation plans very simply and easily. Once the action plan is finalized, the team should begin working on the activities needed to implement the countermeasures.

7. Follow-up – The final stage involves evaluating the implementation of the plan and the results achieved. Follow-up actions are important to ensure the benefits extend beyond the project’s completion.

A3 Template Example

A3 thinking is considered to be the practical form of the PDCA model.

a3 template for problem solving

There are many online templates that can be used to manage your problem-solving efforts. One of the simplest and most straightforward ways is to use this A3 problem solving template .

Wrapping Up

A3 thinking represents a logical and structured approach for problem solving and continuous improvement. This approach can be used for most kinds of problems and in any part of the business. Originating from the Toyota Production System (TPS), it has been adopted by many Lean organizations around the world.

A3 thinking not only provides a systematic approach for problem-solving. The development of a continuous improvement culture is at the core of A3 thinking. It has become one of the most popular Lean tools today where people and teams work together to solve problems, share results and learn from each other.

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A3 Problem Solving

A3 Problem Solving Template

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Effectively solve problems with the A3 problem-solving template

Reading time: about 5 min

  • Organization and evaluation
  • Strategic planning

To successfully create a culture of continuous improvement, people must:

  • Identify problems and potential issues that could impact productivity and quality. 
  • Determine the cause of problems so they develop and implement viable solutions.
  • Document the solution and share knowledge to ensure the problem doesn’t reoccur.

In this article, we’ll discuss how an A3 template can help you accomplish all three of these goals.

What is the A3 problem-solving method?

Like most concepts and techniques associated with Lean management and Lean manufacturing, A3 problem-solving was developed in Japan as part of TPS. 

This problem-solving approach takes its name from the A3 paper size, which is part of the ISO 216 international standard for paper sizes. The closest paper size to A3 in the United States is 11x17, also called ledger or tabloid size.

The A3 method uses a structured, systematic approach to solving problems. The idea is to clearly and concisely document the problem, root cause, solution, implementation plan, and results on a single sheet of paper called an A3 report. The A3 report is shareable and gives everybody an easy-to-understand visual representation of the process for solving a specific problem.

Toyota believed that if a problem was too big to be explained and solved on one side of A3 paper, it should be broken down into smaller pieces. These pieces could then be explained, analyzed, and solved in their own A3 process.

When to use the A3 problem-solving process

We often hear about a problem and try to fix it without considering its cause. We might assume we know what’s going on based on experience. But if we don’t accurately determine what is happening, we could miss important information to prevent its reoccurrence.

The A3 problem-solving process helps you better understand problems and create better solutions.

Consider using A3 to solve problems when:

  • You need a framework for identifying, analyzing, understanding, and solving problems.
  • You want to collaborate with team members, other managers, and key stakeholders to get feedback from multiple perspectives. Collaborating with others eliminates personal biases and provides a better understanding of problems and their root cause so you can make more informed decisions.
  • You want to align your team with an easy-to-read document that breaks down important information.
  • You are cultivating a culture of continuous improvement. The systematic A3 problem-solving approach helps the organization learn from past mistakes and perform more consistently.
  • You want to standardize your process for working through problems in organizations of any size in any industry.

The basic steps of A3 problem-solving

The A3 problem-solving process typically uses the following basic steps:

Step 1: Define the problem

Provide context for the problem you need to solve. Clearly define the problem, its impact on the department or organization, and why it needs to be solved. To better understand the situation, consider observing the work. That way, you visualize the problem and get valuable input from team members about what might be causing it.

Step 2: Analyze the current situation

Gather data by sending surveys, interviewing team members, mapping the process, etc. The data will give you valuable information about the current state of a process or project. This can help you identify contributing factors to the problem and get closer to identifying potential root causes.

Step 3: Set targets and goals

Clearly state what you hope to achieve through this process. Setting specific and measurable targets helps you monitor progress as you find the right solutions.

Step 4: Root cause analysis

If you don’t identify the root cause of a problem, your solutions will only address the symptoms. Treating a symptom is generally temporary, and the problem will eventually return.

 a3 template

Use this 5 whys template to dig deeper, identify the root cause of a problem, and reach a solution faster.

Step 5: Propose potential solutions and countermeasures

Once you understand what the root causes of your problems are, use the collected data to propose solutions or countermeasures. By offering different solutions, you and your team can easily evaluate options to reach a consensus.

Step 6: Develop an implementation plan

After you have determined which solution to use, create an implementation plan . This should include clear steps, task ownership and responsibilities, timelines and target dates, and expected outcomes.

Step 7: Monitor and follow-up

Monitor how well the implementation of your solution is working. Determine if improvements need to be made and implement adjustments as necessary.

How Lucidspark can help with the A3 problem-solving process

Lucidspark brings together hybrid teams to collaborate in real time on a single document. Try our free A3 template to get started.

 a3 template

Each section of the A3 template includes resources to help you complete the document. For example, the “root causes” section includes an Ishikawa diagram (or fishbone diagram) that guides you inidentifying potential root causes.

A lot of the work in the A3 template has been done for you. All you need to do is edit and modify each section to match your use case.

The A3 problem-solving method encourages organizations to use a standardized, systematic, and collaborative problem-solving approach. 

As with most TPS and Lean management documents, the A3 report is not static. It is a living document that encourages teams to practice continuous improvement by frequently reviewing processes and refining methods. And its concise and easy-to-read format makes processes and progress more transparent, which helps keep the entire organization focused and aligned with the company vision.

 a3 template

Explore hundreds of free templates to simplify workflow and boost problem-solving skills.

About Lucidspark

Lucidspark, a cloud-based virtual whiteboard, is a core component of Lucid Software's Visual Collaboration Suite. This cutting-edge digital canvas brings teams together to brainstorm, collaborate, and consolidate collective thinking into actionable next steps—all in real time. Lucid is proud to serve top businesses around the world, including customers such as Google, GE, and NBC Universal, and 99% of the Fortune 500. Lucid partners with industry leaders, including Google, Atlassian, and Microsoft. Since its founding, Lucid has received numerous awards for its products, business, and workplace culture. For more information, visit lucidspark.com.

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A3 Thinking

Last updated by Jeff Hajek on February 17, 2024

What is A3 Thinking?

A3 thinking is a philosophical approach to problem solving that centers on a well- communicated team approach to using the PDCA cycle . The tool used to apply this way of thinking is known as the A3 report.

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A3 Thinking Background

Whether you are a leader or a process owner, a big part of your job will entail problem solving. Taking on problems in a haphazard, random manner is a recipe for inconsistent results. A3 thinking, while not a magic solution to problems, does increase your chances of successfully solving them. The power of the A3 report lies in the structured approach it takes to solving problems.

A3 Thinking is a Structured Form of Problem Solving

A3 Thinking is a Structured Form of Problem Solving

Before diving into the A3 report, though, let’s take a look at what a problem is. Essentially, a problem is any situation when “should be” does not match reality.

That gap develops in one of two ways. Either the target gets higher, or performance drops. Regardless of how the gap came to pass, the basic problem-solving system is the same, even though the specific actions taken to close the gap may vary.

Problems with Problem Solving

There are three common failure modes that keep people from effectively solving problems.

  • They treat symptoms. Treating just the surface issue leaves the root cause untouched. It will likely pop out sideways, possibly in a worse way.
  • They don’t set clear goals . Without a clear end point, it is impossible to know when to stop working. Furthermore, people won’t agree on whether the project was successful or not.
  • They don’t build consensus. Most significant problems cross team boundaries. Without support from affected people, problem solving fails. 

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

At the heart of most effective problem-solving methodologies is the PDCA Cycle (aka the Deming Cycle).

  • Plan: Create a solid plan for solving the problem. This should include creating a deep understanding of a problem, identifying the root cause, defining the problem, and setting goals.
  • Do: The plan must be implemented.
  • Check: Poor problem solvers stop after the “Do” step. Good problem solvers check to see if the solution they put in place really worked.
  • Act: When you identify an area where the “Do” step fell short, you must actually fix it.

The A3 Report

The A3 process is a specific, structured method of problem solving. While the A3 report is the visible centerpiece of the process, it is actually more of a result of the process than the actual process itself. The A3 report is simply a concise, communication tool. Because of the recognizable format, individuals can rapidly share ideas and have confidence in what they are talking about.

A3 Thinking and PDCA

A3 Thinking Relies on the Use of PDCA

The A3 report gets its name from the “A3” size of paper used in Japan where the report originated. It is relatively close to the size of an 11×17 sheet of paper in the US.

As you continue to read about the A3 report, keep in mind that there is no set format, other than that the sections should follow the PDCA cycle. Templates (such as the ones offered at www.Velaction.com/a3-template/ ) are handy to use as starting points, but feel free to deviate from the precise layout if there is a good reason to do so. One warning, though, if you do make a change: make sure that sufficient space is devoted to the plan step.

A3 Communication

The A3 report is not intended as a tool for independent use. A3 reports involve several people. There should be an owner who is responsible for maintaining the document and managing the problem-solving efforts.

He or she should also have an experienced mentor who can help guide the problem solver through the A3 process. This mentor typically uses a healthy dose of the Socratic Method, pointing the person toward ways to overcome roadblocks rather than actually giving answers. The mentor, in many cases, also lends his authority to the A3 report, so the problem solver acts on the mentor’s behalf in solving the problem. This implies that the mentor needs to have some clout in the organization. Because of the mentor’s support, there is authority strapped to the A3 report. That translates to higher prioritization.

There will also be a variety of stakeholders with a vested interest in the outcome of the A3 project.

Finally, there will be the people involved in data collection, analysis, and, of course, implementing the solutions.

In most organizations, people are busy, and there is a lot coming at them. They have to separate the wheat from the chaff. One of the benefits of the A3 process is that it gets people’s attention. It is generally used for only the most significant problems in the organization, so people tend to take notice when they see the A3 report.

Another big reason that people pay attention to A3 reports is that the somewhat standard format lets them quickly get a handle on what is going on. The A3 report acts as a standardized communication tool. Readers can follow the storyboard and, without much wasted effort, know the background and status of the project.

a3 template for problem solving

The A3 Process

A3 thinking takes a systematic approach to problem solving. Typically, a project owner draws up the A3 report with ample support and input from all involved people. The author then runs it by the mentor throughout each step. The feedback and ideas from the discussion are then integrated into the report.

The background section is exactly what it sounds like. It is a brief section that clarifies the problem and adds context. Metrics are often shown in this box.

  • Current Conditions

The current conditions section summarizes, not surprisingly, the current situation. It can show an overview of the process, highlight problems, or present anything else that will help people gain understanding of how things are now.

Specific goals should be set. In most cases, goals should have dates associated with them. An A3 report, though, is a storyboard to guide you through a process. At this point, you only know where you want to go, not how long it will take to get there. The goal dates will come out indirectly in the countermeasures step. Once the project is more fully fleshed out, though, you should add dates to the goals.

  • Root-Cause Analysis

This step can take a substantial amount of time, as it is the most important one. If the root cause is not clearly identified, you’ll be solving the wrong problem. Mentors should spend significant time reviewing this step to make sure the author has it right.

  • Countermeasures

Only when the root cause is understood should an A3 report author start coming up with solutions. For big projects, the countermeasures listed here might have action plans associated with them. Of particular importance is that the projected improvements from the countermeasures should add up to reach the goal.

  • Effect Confirmation

It is particularly important that the effects of the countermeasures are confirmed. On occasion, positive but unexpected changes happen. If they were not predicted with the countermeasures, the root cause is likely still present. Go back and try again, or you’ll be starting the whole project over down the road.

  • Follow-Up Actions

Follow-up items are not things that have to be done to get a new process up and running. They are intended to capitalize on an opportunity to add further improvement, or to help spread knowledge. In no case should the failure to do a follow-up action item prevent the full implementation of the solution.

Let me stress that point…

The success of a project should not be contingent upon follow-up actions.

If the action item list is never touched, the gains you made should be real, and they should stick. Follow-up items should be focused on going beyond the goals, or simply ‘buttoning down’ loose ends.

Benefits of A3 Thinking

  • The consistency of the process supports the mentoring
  • The systematic approach and recognizable format promote collaboration.
  • The A3 process acts as a hands-on classroom, promoting learning and growth.
  • Because of the methodical approach, solutions are more likely to have permanent fixes.
  • The A3 report’s format makes it easy to spread gains around the organization.
  • The act of assigning a problem-solving owner increases the likelihood of a successful project.
  • The economy of language in the A3 report engages people. They know they won’t have to waste time trying to figure out what is going on.
  • The collaborative process means more effective decision making.

Lean Terms Words of Warning

Words of Warning With A3 Thinking

  • No problem is ever truly solved. You can always go further. Some people make a point of avoiding the word “solved” altogether. You don’t need to go to that extreme but do keep in mind that improvement is an ongoing process and you will likely address the same process repeatedly over the years. You’ll identify incremental improvement opportunities, changing customer requirements will demand further improvement, or you’ll be fighting back entropy as outside forces affect your processes.
  • While purists advocate handwriting an A3 report, the world is a changing place. Teams are often spread out around the whole globe, and more people than ever are working remotely. In the spirit of continuous improvement , adapt the report to suit your needs. A good technique is to handwrite the section you are working on, and then transfer it to a computer for ease of update, review, and transmission.
  • Don’t expect immediate expertise in A3 reports. You’ll need a lot of practice to get good at them.
  • Don’t expect immediate expertise in A3 reports. You’ll need a lot of practice to get good at them. (Note that this is intentionally mentioned twice. It is that important.)
  • Don’t focus heavily on the report. The A3 thinking process is far more important.
  • Use copious graphics on the report. They take far less space than words and are much clearer.
  • Make sure targets are specific. Collaboration requires clarity in what people are agreeing to.
  • Keep an appropriate scope . The A3 report is not an annual plan. It should be focused on a specific problem. Think “reduce dings on doors”, not “improve quality”.
  • Don’t move forward without consensus. If stakeholders are not bought in…

Extended Content for this Section is available at academy.Velaction.com

Lean Terms Frontline Notes

In an organization that embraces A3 thinking, you will have a big role to play. While you may not be designated as the author or owner of a report, there is a great likelihood that you will see people visiting your work area, scribbling on large sheets of paper.

You will probably be asked many questions and may even be asked to collect data . If you are approached with an A3 report, ask to see it. It will give you a better understanding of how the A3 team leader sees the problem. Chances are you are closer to the process than he or she is and can probably offer some great insight. You may even identify an error that can help prevent your life from being harder down the road.

A3 Thinking and Promotions

If you aspire to move up in your organization, the A3 process is a great way to show what you can do. They tend to be used for important projects and have a good deal of attention paid to them by the decision-makers in the company. Ask your boss for some opportunities to participate in the A3 process.

Tip: Sitting in on a mentor meeting is a good way to gain knowledge about the process a little more quickly.

Lean Terms Leader Notes

If you want to be a top performer in a Lean company, make A3 thinking your go-to problem solving methodology for anything that crosses a functional boundary or involves multiple work areas. In addition to helping you develop critical thinking, it hones several other skills that will be invaluable to you.

Many new leaders struggle with talking to senior managers. The A3 report gives them experience in a structured manner. They know what to expect, are working on something positive, and have a chance to be well-prepared for the meeting. It can provide a great opportunity to build a network.

That network building also extends to managers at equal levels. In some companies, leaders are so compartmentalized they seldom get to know their peers as anything more than casual acquaintances. Working together on an A3 report helps build strong relationships.

Communication skills are also refined. Put bluntly, many managers are horrible writers. Grammar aside, it can be a challenge to figure out what a person is saying. Sugar coating abounds. People are reluctant to commit to an idea…

Lean Terms Key Points

Key Points About A3 Thinking

  • A3 thinking is more than just filling out an A3 report. It is a way of training oneself to approach problem solving and leadership in a structured manner.
  • A3 thinking is a structured thought process that is based on the PDCA cycle.
  • The A3 process is not an individual activity. It requires the effort of the whole team.

Lean Terms Next Steps

Next Steps to Creating an A3 Report

  • Determine if your organization has anyone with experience in mentoring others on A3 Thinking. (If you do not have anyone who can help train your organization and need help, contact us at [email protected] .)
  • ID a few key people for each A3 mentor to develop.
  • Train the team members on the Fundamentals of A3 Thinking .
  • Identify basic projects for each individual to lead.
  • Complete the projects, meeting periodically to help individuals learn from each other.
  • Repeat with increasingly challenging projects.

Lean Terms Forms and Tools

We offer A3 templates for sale in our online store .

There are a few different sizes available. The templates are created in PowerPoint, so you can modify them to suit your needs.

Remember, though, that there is no set format for the A3 report. Our templates are just intended to be used as a starting point in your problem-solving efforts.

We also offer a free A3 Template, which you can get by clicking the image below.

a3 template for problem solving

Get this A3 Template Free by Clicking the Image

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A3 Problem-Solving: Thinking & Templates

Picture of Alba Rodriguez

  • ·   May 26, 2023

As a factory manager, you’re already familiar with problem-solving, but how familiar are you with the A3 problem-solving method?

Today, we tell you everything about the A3 problem-solving method and why it can be precisely what you need to get your factory running as smoothly as ever.

Download your A3 problem-solving template

What is A3?

We already stated that the A3 method is a problem-solving method, so let us dig deeper.

A3 refers to the size of the paper you’d normally use to document this problem-solving process.

A3 paper is bigger than your regular A4, measuring roughly 30 by 42 cm in case you were wondering —or if you’re a fan of the imperial system, 11 by 17 inches—

The reason behind using this specific paper size is that it gives you enough space to present all problem-related information clearly and concisely.

This approach is highly structured, following a step-by-step process to help you develop and implement solutions.

What is A3 thinking?

Before the A3 method, we have A3 thinking. This is the heart of this whole problem-solving process.

A3 thinking deals with issues in a structured and logical way, always relying on the principles of continuous improvement. This means you should look at problems from different angles, gathering as much data as possible. Only then you’ll be able to make a truly informed decision.

The key operating principle behind A3 thinking is that the best way to solve a problem is by having an in-depth understanding of the problem and its causes. This is the only way forward to plan, develop, and implement a permanent solution.

How does the A3 problem-solving method work?

Because this is a structured approach to problem-solving, there are a few key steps to follow to implement it right. Let’s take a look:

A3 Problem Solving

STEP 1 ― Identify the problem

As with many other problem-solving methods —if not all— the first thing to do is identify the problem that needs solving. 

You can use root cause analysis to make sure you’re tackling the root of the issue and not just fixing the problem at a superficial level.

STEP 2 ― Gather information

Without proper data, your chances of fixing the problem for good are quite slim.

By getting all the information you can through all the sources available —collecting data, conducting surveys, speaking to relevant people involved with the problem— you make sure you have a complete picture of the problem and its magnitude.

This will help you get a comprehensive understanding of the problem, which is key when developing a solution to fix it permanently.

STEP 3 ― Develop a plan

After gathering all the information, you develop a plan to solve the problem.

In this stage, you can hold a brainstorming session, evaluate different options, and select the best approach.

STEP 4 ― Implement the plan

Time to put your plan into action!

A good way to secure success in your problem-solving efforts is to test your solutions before you implement them, adjust anything according to the situation, and monitor your results.

STEP 5 ― Evaluate your results

When you implement your solution, you need to evaluate your results to make sure your plan is working.

The best way to do this is by collecting additional data or analysing production metrics. 

At this stage, you might identify areas for improvement — don’t ignore them, address them.

Advantages of the A3 problem-solving method

Some of the benefits of the A3 method are more obvious than others. Let’s take a look!

Better collaboration — To get the most out of the A3 method, you need to look at your problem from different angles. The best way to do this is by getting several relevant points of view. This improves collaboration and communication across the whole organisation. 

Increased efficiency — Because this approach has a set number of steps, it becomes a predictable process. This means your teams will work more efficiently to solve the issue, as they’ll know what their next steps are. This also means you’ll successfully avoid wasting time or resources on solutions that won’t work.

Improved decision-making — By gathering data and focusing on factual information rather than opinions or gut feelings, you —and your team— will get better at decision-making. This means you’ll leave the guesswork out of your problem-solving process , ensuring your solutions are based on actual, updated data. 

Continuous improvement — This method is a key part of any continuous improvement process. By identifying and solving problems, you can keep improving your operations, products, and services.

How to use an A3 template successfully

To harness the full potential of this method, you can use an A3 template.

A template helps you present information clearly and concisely, making the process way more efficient.

An A3 template typically includes the following sections:

  • Background —   Here you write a short overview of the problem. It should include information about when the problem first emerged, how it’s impacting your operations, and what stakeholders are affected
  • Current State — In this section, you describe the current state of the problem. This might involve outlining the symptoms, identifying the root cause, and highlighting any contributing factors
  • Goal Set — Time to outline your proposed solution to the problem! This might involve identifying specific actions to take, assigning responsibility for those actions, and setting a timeline for completion
  • Analysis — Use this section to highlight what problem-solving method you’re using ( the 5 Whys , 8D , A3…) to identify the underlying causes of the problem. This section might also include information about potential solutions
  • Suggestions — This is the time and the place to highlight any suggestions for improvement and problem-solving
  • Schedule of Touchpoints — Here, you explain which actions are going to happen when, who’s responsible for them, and an estimated completion date.

By using an A3 template, you can ensure a standardised process for problem-solving. This helps everybody work more efficiently.

mlean ® and the A3 problem-solving method

As far as problem-solving methods go, the A3 is quite effective and straightforward.

But we all know paper is hard to keep track of, and big chunks of A3 that are fundamental for your factory’s operations should be stored away safely for future reference.

Our mlean ® Production System (mPS) is the best way to ensure your problem-solving processes are digitally stored, accessible, and readily available when you need them.

Our software creates a knowledge database using the problems you’ve already solved . This makes your operations much more quick and efficient, increasing productivity, boosting continuous improvement processes, and accelerating your growth.

Book a free demo and see for yourself!

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A3: Thinking, Reports, Examples & Templates

A3 thinking.

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An Introduction to A3

In the design and construction industry – as in all industries – complex problems arise daily. Each project contains hundreds of decisions containing thousands of variables, and sorting them out to arrive at the best outcome is critical.

A3 problem solving provides teams with a strategy to effectively and efficiently deal with problems that they encounter and decisions that need to be reached. In true Lean fashion, A3 process improvement brings the entire team into the collaborative problem-solving process and allows teams to embrace out-of-the-box solutions.

an example as report from mccarthy

What is A3?

An A3 is a one-page report prepared on a single 11 x 17 sheet of paper that adheres to the discipline of PDCA thinking as applied to collaborative problem solving, strategy development or reporting. The A3 includes the background, problem statement, analysis, proposed actions, and the expected results.

The History

A3 thinking was developed by Toyota in the 1940s. Toyota believed that any problem should be capable of being explained and solved using one sheet of paper (an 11 x 17 sheet being the largest sized paper that is capable of being faxed and closest in size to the traditional A3). 

The company also believed that if a problem is too complex to fit onto an A3 report, it should be broken down into smaller bits that would be solved individually. If your problem cannot fit onto an A3, you should reconsider the scope of what you are hoping to accomplish.

Who Uses A3 Strategies?

Today, A3 strategies are deployed across various industries that employ Lean thinking such as:

  • Design & Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Project Management
  • Engineering & Architecture
  • Service Industries

LCI’s Meaning of A3

A3 thinking is an extremely useful tool when utilized correctly. By distilling the entirety of a problem on a single sheet of paper, A3 Lean thinking forces team members to collaborate and rationalize through the problem solving process. A3 thinking makes for more effective problem solving and produces written explanations that can then be passed on to senior management. An effectively completed A3 report will also build management’s confidence in the team and its ability to solve problems.

A3 Reporting

A well-written A3 report should show and explain the consideration that went into the counter-measure to the problem listed. Properly executed plans include the input of team members from all across the stakeholder spectrum and should allow members to emerge as leaders in its problem solving. A3 papers can also be referenced later, allowing the lessons learned during the process to be shared with future project teams.

Understanding A3 Thinking

A3 thinking does not provide a solution to the problem your team is facing. Rather, it guides your team’s process to help it reach the best possible countermeasure with the tools it has at its disposal.

An A3 report is to be filled out by one person on the team – the “champion” – who will gather assessments and intel from other members in a collaborative fashion. Bringing all of the knowledge and expertise of the team to bear when solving a problem is the best way to come to a satisfying outcome.

Problem Solving: An A3 Process

A3 thinking allows for many different types of decision-making. But ultimately, all decisions are fundamentally a form of problem solving. For example, A3 thinking can be deployed to guide the team in optimizing decisions during the design phase, or for solving a constructability challenge.

a3 infographic showing it is a problem solving process

The First Step to A3 Thinking

The first step of the A3 process for problem solving is to correctly identify the problem. From unexpected lead times on materials to communication breakdowns among design teams, “problems” are in no short supply in the design and construction industry. Before engaging in A3, ask yourself the following questions about the problem you are working to solve.

Questions to Facilitate the Process

  • What are you trying to address or solve?
  • What is the current situation?
  • What are clear Conditions of Satisfaction (CoS) I can develop?
  • Where can I brainstorm and analyze the 5 whys/root cause ideas?
  • What’s a recommendation I can put forth?
  • What is my plan to implement the recommendation above (if applicable)?

State plan to check and adjust using the PDCA cycle.

More on the PDCA Cycle

PDCA stands for Plan, Do, Check, Adjust. Explore each element of this acronym for more information about how it supports both the problem solving questions above as well as A3 problem solving as a whole.

Identify an issue in your process and exercise continuous improvement by planning your course of change.

Perform your case study by applying the corrective actions outlined in the “plan” stage in an experimental manner.

Follow the performance of your experiment and measure it to determine whether it is having the desired effect.

If your plan worked, implement the change to the necessary areas of your process. If it did not, determine what you will do differently next time and repeat the cycle.

A3 Reports for Solutions

While A3 reports broadly follow the PDCA cycle, the actual journey of an A3 process is a bit more granular. Let’s analyze the various steps and sections of an A3 report.

Describe the problem, theme, or issue. List out all of the details including the champion’s name, date, and the names of all of the collaborators who will be helping with the report.

Establish the business context & importance. Provide additional information on the problem being addressed.

Current State

Describe what is currently known about the problem. Note potential variables and roadblocks that may stop your team from solving this problem and additional information you hope you acquire.

Future State or Goal

Identify the desired outcome for your experiment. Identify the Conditions of Satisfaction (CoS) for the project.

Analyze the situation and underlying cause.


Provide a recommendation for process improvement that your team can implement for the future.

Create a follow-up/review process.

A3 Examples

A3 thinking is frequently applied in Lean design and Lean construction during all phases of the process for the purposes of making sound decisions. In the example below, A3 thinking is applied to the process of learning Lean design and construction techniques.

LCI's a3 template

A3 Template

The Lean Construction Institute seeks to educate companies all throughout the design and construction industry on Lean practices and methods. Here is our A3 template which you can use to guide your decision-making processes.

A3 Training

The Lean Construction Institute offers A3 training as well as tools , events , education , and networking opportunities for Lean practitioners in design and construction all around the world. Whether you’re a Lean expert or are just learning about Lean for the first time, LCI can provide the tools you need for problem solving and continuous improvement in your business.

Lean Assessments

How strong is your Lean knowledge? Take a Lean assessment to determine your current state so you have a baseline for improvement. Lean assessments are available for individuals, teams, and organizations alike. Whether you’re new to Lean or are an experienced Lean practitioner, Lean assessments are a great way to get started at LCI!

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William R. (Bill) Seed, Executive Editor

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Ion Core Technology

The A3 Problem-Solving Template: A Structured Approach for Lean Organizations

Last updated: November 1, 2023

By Alexander Connor

Discover how the A3 problem-solving template can help lean organizations effectively solve problems and improve processes, enabling them to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement in a world that constantly demands increased quality and reduced costs.

The A3 problem-solving template is a widely adopted tool in lean organizations. This structured approach allows businesses to effectively address various problems and drive continuous improvement. 

By following a logical and structured approach within the four-stage model based on the PDCA (Plan – Do – Check – Adjust) management philosophy. A3 report templates enables the visibility of problem-solving progress and shared learning among teams, improving the decision-making processes used in the organization.

In a time when efficient problem-solving is crucial, it’s important for leaders, coaches, and project teams to have the ability to think critically and make informed decisions that can be reviewed and understood by all parties involved. 

The implementation of A3 management process can notably enhance the quality of decision-making processes, increasing the capability of teams to confront the root causes of diverse difficulties.

Providing a consistent structure to the problem-solving process, the functionality of the A3 report templates has expanded well beyond its original purpose. Industries worldwide, from manufacturing to retail to healthcare, have begun to embrace this tool in their problem-solving initiatives.

What is the A3 Problem-Solving Template?

The A3 problem-solving template is a one-page report format originally developed by Toyota , a company well-known for its lean thinking. The design of the ledger size paper encourages concise communication and collaboration among team members, as it requires the problem definition, root cause analysis, countermeasures, and follow-up plan to fit on a single page.

Here’s a quick rundown of the components of an A3 problem-solving template:

  • Background : A brief explanation regarding the importance of the issue, spanning no more than three to four sentences.
  • Current State : Describes the current situation, detailing the problematic area that needs to be addressed.
  • Future State / Goal : Highlights the objective or desired state that your organization wants to achieve after resolving the issue.
  • Analysis : Incorporates root cause identification and root cause analysis, using tools like fishbone diagrams , Pareto charts, or 5 Whys, to identify the underlying concern.
  • Recommendations : Suggests countermeasures to tackle the issues identified during the analysis phase. The proposed solution should aim to remove the root cause of the problem.
  • Follow-Up : Stresses an action plan for the implementation plan of the recommended solution, allocating responsibilities to team members, and designating a timeline for completion.

Lean organizations leverage the A3 problem-solving template as a tool to improve their problem-solving initiatives. This is done by encouraging rationalization among team members to ensure a systematic and holistic problem-solving process. 

This form of communication and collaboration brings out the best skills in team members and can be applied across various areas within a business, ranging from manufacturing and supply chain to customer service and process improvement.

Benefits and Applications

The A3 problem-solving template offers an array of benefits to lean organizations. It essentially simplifies the complexity of problem-solving and injects an organized approach to an otherwise daunting task. Here are some key benefits that come with the application of the A3 template:

  • Promotes clear and concise communication : The A3 template condenses complex problem-solving steps into a single page. This requires teams to communicate the essential elements of the problem, the analysis, their recommendation, and action plan in a clear, simplified manner. This clarity of communication ensures that every team member, regardless of their expertise, is on the same page.
  • Encourages root cause analysis : The template frames problem-solving in the context of root cause analysis. It forces teams to not just focus on symptoms or immediate fixes, but encourages them to dive deeper to identify underlying root causes.
  • Facilitates data-driven decision-making : Through requiring an analysis of the current state and concern, the A3 template promotes fact-based, data-driven decisions. This results in more effective and sustainable solutions, as decisions are made based on analysed data and not guesses or assumptions.
  • Enhances collaboration and feedback : As the template necessitates input at multiple stages, it forges cohesive relationships among team members. It also promotes feedback at each stage of the problem-solving process, ensuring a more refined and effective solution.

The A3 problem-solving template is a universal tool that can be applied across various departments and diverse industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, retail, construction, etc.

A3 Report Templates and Resources

Several A3 templates and resources are available to assist organizations in implementing the A3 problem-solving structure. These templates equip teams with a standardized structure that guides them through the process of problem definition, root cause analysis, countermeasures, and action planning.

In addition to templates, the market offers a myriad of books and training resources on lean and agile methodologies to enhance the understanding and application of the A3 problem-solving structure. 

There are resources available specially designed for all lean organizations, whether they are just starting their lean journey or are well-established lean practitioners, to ensure a smooth transition to adopting the A3 reporting system.

Several online platforms and software providers also offer A3 report templates tailored to business requirements, making it simpler for organizations to adopt this problem-solving tool and providing them with opportunities for continuous improvement and learning.

A3 Problem-Solving

The A3 problem-solving template is an invaluable tool for lean organizations aspiring to boost their capability in problem-solving and stimulating continuous process improvement. 

By utilizing this structured approach, teams can effectively handle diverse challenges, promote collaboration, make data-driven decisions, and effectively bring continuous improvement into their daily operations with the help of A3 report templates and resources.

In a nutshell, the A3 problem-solving template ingrains a problem-solving culture into organizations, empowering teams to excel in their problem-solving skill sets and consistently deliver improved operations. It’s more than a mere problem-solving tool; it’s a mindset shift towards heightened efficiency and efficacy.

Embrace it today, and witness the transformative power of A3 structured problem-solving for your organization. Unlock the potential to navigate challenges and drive continual improvement proactively, helping your organization adapt and thrive in the ever-evolving business environment.

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The KaiZone

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A3 Problem Solving: Free Templates, Tips, Books & More

As John Shook originally stated, “ A3s are deceptively simple ” . . . and that’s the whole point!

A3 Problem Solving:  What is an A3?

An A3 is simply a single sheet of paper with a sequence of blank sections on which a learner documents their problem solving efforts.  Typically the document will feature spaces for the problem solver to communicate the following information about the problem they are solving:

  • Context and impact of the problem
  • Statement and breakdown of the problem
  • Objectives and desired outcomes
  • Assessment of root cause
  • Development of countermeasures
  • Plan to test, verify and take action.
  • Follow-up and control

The “tool” itself is simple, but don’t let that deceive you.  The value and the emphasis of the A3 process is intended to be placed on the thinking that goes into the creation of the documents, which is difficult.  A3 problem solving provides a powerful method for problem solvers to transform their knowledge from tacit to explicit , making it visible to others.  As a result, mentors review the document frequently with the learner during the problem solving process, ultimately resulting in better countermeasures, development of the learner’s thinking / skills, and on a broader scale, problem solving / improvement as a core competency within an organization.

A3 Problem Solving:  Tips and Best Practices

A3 problem solving, A3 tips, A3 training, A3 reports, A3 template

Click for Free .pdf

A3 Problem Solving:  Free A3 Templates

Free, downloadable Lean problem solving template

Click on the images or links above to download your free A3 problem solving templates.  The A3 report template for kids makes for a great parenting tool and can help your children develop their problem solving skills.   Feel free to use or share, but please do not modify.

A3 Problem Solving: Examples

A3 problem solving, A3 template, A3 form, A3 report, A3 managment

Above are a few examples of completed A3 problem solving reports from the Leanable Moments series, which show how I apply lean thinking and A3 problem solving to my home and family life.  Click the links to read the full post.

The Best in A3 Problem Solving Books

A3 report, A3 book, A3 problem solving, A3 template

The A3 problem solving movement gained widespread notariety in 2008 with the publications of Understanding A3 Thinking and Managing to Learn .  Since then, a few additional texts on A3 problem solving have been penned, but the two classics are still the best resources available.  Personally, I give  Understanding A3 Thinking the slight nod for its breadth and for the diversity of its examples.

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How to use A3 report – example and template for free

A3 report is one page report about project progress, its background, and challenges. It is easily explanation tool for broader audience, and stakeholders interested in the project.

this article contains:

What is A3 problem solving report?

A3 report out as a option, steps to create a3 report, a3 report example – restaurant improvement, a3 report at project start, a3 report as project progress, a3 report at project end.

  • A3 report template download

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  • Project management theory turn into practical usage
  • Your career planning

First 30 minutes of consultation for free, every additional 1 hour 10 USD.

On a literal level, A3 refers to a paper size 29.7 x 42.0 in cm 11×17 in inches. In the lean six sigma world, we use this report out tool to show teams thinking, when addressing project goal. Use A3 during whole project life cycle. Create A3 right after project charter creation.

a3 template for problem solving

Six sigma tools to use in your (not just) first project – read here

Well, I suggest to agree with stakeholders, the way they want to see project report out. There are different ways possible. And A3 is one of possibilities.

So, no need to use A3 in every project. But be consistent, once using it.

A3 creation, preparation and updating is much faster, than creating presentation for example. It is simple to use and read. It is great tool, when presenting more projects updates in one meeting. A3 helps team focusing on the project goal and its deliverables, and makes it much simpler to review progress for those interested in the project.

5 simple Green belt project ideas – read here

A3 form template, is available for download in the end of this article. For free. Use it, share it.

a3 template for problem solving

These are areas should be filled at project beginning, as already mentioned.

  • Project name,
  • Current state pains
  • Project goal, and the
  • Section with team information

It takes some time with working on projects following DMAIC. But it worth it. So, do not jump into the solutions however attractive and tempting it would be. Try to understand current problem, identify your ideal state, and create a plan to reach it.

a3 template for problem solving

Here is a link to download project charter template for your usage, with the brief description of each section. You are free to share and distribute this list.

I do videos, blog posts, and all templates for free, in my free time. I will appreciate if you can donate me a cup of cofee, for more energy in my creation. (1 dollar counts, too 😉 Click on this link: I would like to support Erik in his effort

A3 sections to be updated this way..

  • Create 4 sections prior project start, as mentioned.
  • Develop high level activities and their schedule in project beginning together with team. It can be DMAIC phases at beginning. You can add more details as progressing with project.
  • Update the rest of A3 areas with project progress. Do the update together with your team.
  • Review A3 during one on one project progress review with sponsor, prior showing to stakeholders.
  • Update stakeholders regularly. Minimally after finishing each project phase.

What are Six Sigma project types? (+templates) – read here

Let me share an A3 report example with you. A3 refers to my earlier video – improving fast food restaurant, called “Eating mania”.

OK, you can argue, that there is no real stakeholder in this project, to whom to report out. It is true statement. I will show correlations between project, and reporting out progress by A3.

Restaurant owner has a problem with very slow business growth. And he would like to develop process, that would bring 15% more customers in 3 months. This is perfect project goal.

Download DMAIC tools list, I suggest allways to follow.

a3 template for problem solving

22 green belt certification companies prices review – read here

And this is how A3 would look like when project starts:

a3 template for problem solving

Team have developed high level project plan right after project kick off. There are leaders of each step, time frame where each step should be addressed. It needs teams discussions to define those steps, when there is no experienced leader.

a3 template for problem solving

How to select your first green belt project? – read here

As team is progressing, accomplished tasks are updated with current status. Additional information, as Analysis, and project challenges is provided to the report. Use pictures, graphs or other visualization to show used tools in the analyze section.

Follow ups and challenges are here to share with stakeholders and sponsor, what difficulties team is facing. You might ask for helping hand in the case team is stuck up.

You can update any A3 section accordingly, as project goes on. It must reflect reality.

a3 template for problem solving

Construction DMAIC improvement example – read here

And this is A3 after finishing whole project. Note, there are project results showed in follow up, and analyze section. It is important to share positive things, as well as those, which did not run very well, and need some more attention, or different approach.

And there you are. Filled A3 report after project finalization.

a3 template for problem solving

A3 report template

What you will get, by downloading this file:

  • A3 form Excel template
  • Restaurant example – filled A3 report (above used pictures)

a3 template for problem solving

To download entire A3 report template –click on the link below

Do not forget to visit and subscribe my YouTube channel . I am uploading Six Sigma, Lean and Project oriented videos regurarly. So, stay tuned.

Yours sincerely Erik.

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  4. Lean Problem Solving Templates

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  5. A3 Problem Solving Template

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  6. A3 Problem-Solving

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  10. Free A3 Problem Solving Template

    TEMPLATE. A3 problem solving is a structured approach to Problem Solving that uses a single sheet of paper (the A3) to guide the process and communicate the results. A good lean coach uses each step of the A3 summary to challenge the person they're coaching in areas like problem grasping and framing, depth of data analysis and brainstorming.

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    A3 Problem Solving: Free A3 Templates. Click on the images or links above to download your free A3 problem solving templates. The A3 report template for kids makes for a great parenting tool and can help your children develop their problem solving skills. Feel free to use or share, but please do not modify.

  23. How to use A3 report

    Blank A3 problem solving report - Excel template. To download entire A3 report template -click on the link below. Download A3 report - excel template. I do videos, blog posts, and all templates for free, in my free time. I will appreciate if you can donate me a cup of cofee, for more energy in my creation.