AP English Language and Composition Practice Tests

The new AP English Language and Composition Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and broken up into two sections.

Section I: One hour (45 percent of total score)

50–60 multiple-choice questions about several nonfiction prose passages

Section II: Two hours and 15 minutes

Three essays (55 percent of total score)

Essay 1: an argument for or against an idea presented in a short passage incorporating provided published sources

Essay 2: an analysis of a prose passage

Essay 3: an essay commenting on the validity of an opinion expressed in a statement or short passage

AP English Language and Composition Glossary

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AP English Language and Composition Multiple-Choice Practice Tests

  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 1
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 2
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 3
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 4
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 5
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  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 7
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 8
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 9
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 10
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 11
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 12
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 13
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 14
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 15
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 16
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 17
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 18
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 19
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 20
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 21
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 22
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 23
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 24
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 25
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 26
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 27
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 28
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 29
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 30
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 31
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 32
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 33
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 34
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 35
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 36
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 37
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 38
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 39
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 40
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 41
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 42
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 43
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 44
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 45
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 46
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 47
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 48
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 49
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 50
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 51
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 52
  • AP English Language and Composition Practice Test 53

AP English Language and Composition Free-Response Practice Tests

  • AP English Language and Composition Free-Response Practice Test 1
  • AP English Language and Composition Free-Response Practice Test 2

AP English Language and Composition Downloads

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  • AP English Language Practice Test 3 pdf download
  • AP English Language Practice Test 4 pdf download
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  • AP English Language and Composition Introduction to the Argumentative Essay
  • AP English Language and Composition Introduction to the Synthesis Essay
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  • AP English Language and Composition Knowledge Review: Argument
  • AP English Language and Composition Knowledge Review: Synthesis
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2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam Guide

11 min read • june 18, 2024


Your guide to the 2025 AP English Language and Composition exam

We know that studying for your AP exams can be stressful, but Fiveable has your back! We created a study plan to help you crush your AP English Language and Composition exam. This guide will continue to update with information about the 2025 exams, as well as helpful resources to help you do your best on test day.  Unlock Cram Mode  for access to our cram events—students who have successfully passed their AP exams will answer your questions and guide your last-minute studying LIVE! And don't miss out on unlimited access to our database of thousands of practice questions.

Format of the 2025 AP English Language and Composition exam

This year, all AP exams will cover all units and essay types. The 2025 AP English Language and Composition exam format will be:

  • 45 questions in 1 hour
  • 1 synthesis essay
  • 1 rhetorical analysis essay
  • 1 argument essay

Scoring Rubric for the 2025 AP Lang Essays

Synthesis Essay

  • 1 point for a defensible thesis that responds to the prompt
  • Max of 4 points for providing evidence from at least 3 sources that support the line of reasoning AND commentary that explains and analyzes the evidence
  • Sophistication : - 1 point any of the following: - Creating a nuanced argument - Showing the limitations of the argument - Making effective rhetorical choices - Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive Rhetorical Analysis Essay
  • 1 point for a defensible thesis that analyzes rhetorical choices
  • Max of 4 points for providing specific evidence AND consistently explaining how the evidence relates to the line of reasoning AND showing how the rhetorical choices contribute to the author's message .
  • Explaining the significance of the rhetorical choices ( rhetorical situation )
  • Explaining the complexities of the passage and their purpose
  • Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive Argument Essay
  • 1 point for a defensible thesis
  • Max of 4 points for providing specific evidence AND consistently explaining the relevance of that evidence.
  • Crafting a nuanced argument by identifying complexities
  • Explaining the limitations of the argument by placing it in a broader context
  • Making rhetorical choices to improve the argument
  • Employing a style that is vivid and persuasive Check out our study plan below to find resources and tools to prepare for your AP English Language and Composition exam.

When is the 2025 AP English Language and Composition Exam and How Do I Take It?

The exam will take place on Wednesday, May 14, 2025 at 8:00 AM your local time.  

How Should I Prepare for the AP Lang Exam?

  • First, take stock of your progress in the course so far. What areas have you excelled and which sections need more focus? Download the  AP English Language Cheatsheet PDF  - a single sheet that covers everything you need to know at a high level. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses!
  • Build your study plan to review every unit and question type, but focus most on the areas that need the most improvement and practice. We’ve put together this plan to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam- - Practice essays are your best friends! The more essays you write, the more automatic the process will come, and the easier the AP exam will be!- - Try some of the past exam questions  [object Object]
  • We've put together the study plan found below to help you study between now and May. This will cover all of the units and essay types to prepare you for your exam. Pay special attention to the units that you need the most improvement in.
  • Study, practice, and review for test day with other students during our live cram sessions via  Cram Mode . Cram live streams will teach, review, and practice important topics from AP courses, college admission tests, and college admission topics. These streams are hosted by experienced students who know what you need to succeed.

Pre-Work: Set Up Your Study Environment

Before you begin studying, take some time to get organized.

🖥 Create a study space.

Make sure you have a designated place at home to study. Somewhere you can keep all of your materials, where you can focus on learning, and where you are comfortable. Spend some time prepping the space with everything you need and you can even let others in the family know that this is your study space. 

📚 Organize your study materials.

Get your notebook, textbook, prep books, or whatever other physical materials you have. Also, create a space for you to keep track of review. Start a new section in your notebook to take notes or start a Google Doc to keep track of your notes. Get yourself set up!

📅 Plan designated times for studying.

The hardest part about studying from home is sticking to a routine. Decide on one hour every day that you can dedicate to studying. This can be any time of the day, whatever works best for you. Set a timer on your phone for that time and really try to stick to it. The routine will help you stay on track.

🏆 Decide on an accountability plan.

How will you hold yourself accountable to this study plan? You may or may not have a teacher or rules set up to help you stay on track, so you need to set some for yourself. First, set your goal. This could be studying for x number of hours or getting through a unit. Then, create a reward for yourself. If you reach your goal, then x. This will help stay focused!

2025 AP Lang Study Guide

🚧 unit 1 foundations of rhetoric: analysis of the rhetorical situation and claims., big takeaways:.

Unit 1 is an introductory unit that lays the foundations for the reading skills associated with how to understand and analyze complex texts. Skills here include identifying the ASPECTS of a text, analyzing the claim given and the evidence used to support that claim, and determining the function of the “chunks” in the argument. Because the content in this unit is very foundational, it is looped throughout the rest of the course instruction.

Definitely do this:

📚 Read these study guides:

Unit 1 Overview: Claims, Reasoning, and Evidence

1.1 Identifying the purpose and intended audience of a text

1.2 Examining how evidence supports a claim

1.3 Developing paragraphs as part of an effective argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Overview of The Rhetorical Situation .- Fiveable’s  How to Read Like an AP Student .- Rhetorical Analysis Thesis Statements - Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs ✍️ Practice:

Use the  Fiveable ASPECTS Guidesheet to help you break down a complex text. 🗺 Can you identify these rhetorical devices?

You won’t be asked to name drop on the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare.

Unit 2 Foundations of Argument: Analysis of an author’s choices in appeals and evidence

Unit 2 is an introductory unit that builds onto the foundations of rhetorical ASPECTS and moves toward planning and writing your own arguments. This unit focuses on the relationships between subject, speaker, and message, including examination of the structure and purpose of the given argument. The unit then moves into the developing thesis statements and building your own arguments with a clear line of reasoning.

Unit 2 Overview: Organizing Information for a Specific Audience

2.1 Analyzing audience and its relationship to the purpose of an argument

2.2 Building an argument with relevant and strategic evidence

2.3 Developing thesis statements

2.4 Developing structure and integrating evidence to reflect a line of reasoning 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Identify Rhetorical Situation in a Pre 20th Century Text . 

Fiveable’s video on  How to Find Rhetorical Devices 📰 Check out these articles:

Here’s a  list of recommended rhetorical devices with definitions and examples! ✍️ Practice:

Use the  Fiveable Rhetorical Precis Guidesheet to help you break down a complex text. 🗺 Can you identify these elements of practical argument?

You won’t be asked to name drop of the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare.

👥 Unit 3 Confluence: Synthesis of multiple sources in argumentation

Unit 3 approaches multiple perspectives in argument through the lens of synthesis (that’s FRQ 1). In this study, you learn to identify effective and faulty reasoning while integrating a variety of evidence from credible resources that is properly cited in an original text.

Unit 3 Overview: Perspectives and How Arguments Relate

3.1 Interpreting character description and perspective

3.2 Identifying and avoiding flawed lines of reasoning

3.3 Introducing and integrating sources and evidence

3.4 Using sufficient evidence for an argument

3.5 Attributing and citing references

3.6 Developing parts of a text with cause-effect and narrative methods 🎥 Watch these videos:

Fiveable’s Introduction into  Synthesis Essays and  How to Begin Your Argument

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Complexity in Argument . 🗺 Can you identify these elements of synthesis?

👀 Unit 4 Reasoning: Analysis of argument from introduction to conclusion

Unit 4 includes a greater depth of focus on the writing of effective arguments -- the line of reasoning created in the introduction, built with modes of discourse, and strengthened in the conclusion. An important note about these skills of argumentation is that they build toward all parts of every FRQ. 

Unit 4 Overview: How writers develop arguments, intros, and conclusion

4.1 Developing and connecting thesis statements and lines of reasoning

4.2 Developing introductions and conclusions

4.3 Adjusting an argument to address new evidence 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Understanding a Line of Reasoning .

Fiveable’s  Effective Annotations . ✍️ Practice:  

Try Fiveable’s  Guide to LOR Body Paragraphs . 🗺 Can you identify the rhetorical modes?

You won’t be asked to name drop them on the exam, but it can be helpful to use devices when discussing strategies. Try  this Quizlet to help prepare.

🧐 Unit 5 Commentary and Analysis: Analysis of complex argument and intentional rhetoric

In Unit 5, the skills look at the minutiae involved in argumentation: development of the line of reasoning that produces strong commentary and maintains the primary claim through all parts of the writing. To achieve these goals, this unit includes a focus on transitions , modifiers , and qualifications for argumentative perspective .  

Unit 5 Overview

5.1 Maintaining ideas throughout an argument

5.2 Developing commentary throughout paragraphs

5.3 Using modifiers to qualify an argument and convey perspective

5.4 Using transitions 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s video on  How to Improve Analysis Part 1 and  Part 2 - As well as how to  Embed Quotes into Body Paragraphs - Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs - Synthesis Essay Body Paragraphs - Argument Essay Body Paragraphs 📰 Check out these articles:

Tara Seale’s adaptation for  Creating a Line of Reasoning . ✍️ Practice:

Try Fiveable’s  Guide to LOR Body Paragraphs .

🏃‍♂️ Unit 6 Rhetorical Risks: Analysis of multiple perspectives, bias, and shifts with new evidence

In Unit 6, you will notice a direct link building on the ideas of Unit 3 as this instruction looks at position and perspectives while synthesizing information strategically to support a claim.  For greater depth, this unit moves to modify a current argument to include new evidence.

Unit 6 Overview: Position, Perspective, and Bias

6.1 Incorporating multiple perspectives strategically into an argument

6.2 Recognizing and accounting for bias

6.3 Adjusting an argument to new evidence

6.4 Analyzing tone and shifts in tone 🎥 Watch these videos:  

College Board’s Instructional Video:  Creating a Nuanced Argument . 

Fiveable’s video on  Tracking an Author’s Argument

🚀 Unit 7 Complex Argumentation: Analysis of effective arguments, including concession and refutation

The skills of Unit 7 are about putting all units of study together to look at the complexity of a given argument and the effectiveness of the pieces built into that argument.  Though many teachers will have addressed counterarguments, concessions, and refutations before reaching this unit, those skills are highly scrutinized in this segment of learning.

Unit 7 Overview: Successful and Unsuccessful Arguments

7.1 Examining complexities in issues

7.2 Considering how words, phrases, and clauses can modify and limit an argument

7.3 Examining how counterargument or alternative perspectives affect an argument

7.4 Exploring how sentence development affects an argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s video on  Arguments and Counterarguments

College Board’s Instructional Video:  How Argument Demonstrates Understanding . ✍️ Practice:

Check your progress with  Fiveable’s AP Language Skills Matrix .

📝 Unit 8 Style: Analysis of how style influences the audience movement

Unit 8 covers how to understand the influence style has on the audience , and the purpose behind each decision. By analyzing these various tactics, students are able to understand the author’s audience, and how to effectively persuade them. Style is an important part in connecting the rest of the course and understanding how the rhetorical choices and devices are used to accomplish a purpose.

Unit 8 Overview: Stylistic Choices

8.1 Choosing comparisons based on an audience

8.2 Considering how sentence development and word choice affect how the writer is perceived by an audience

8.3 Considering how all choices made in an argument affect the audience

8.4 Considering how style affects an argument 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s  Analysis of the Mindset of the Audience - College Board’s Instructional video:  Analyzing and Understanding the Audience 📰 Check out these articles:

College Board’s explanation of  Elements and Context for Style ✍️ Practice:

Review this quizlet on  Elements of Style for more practice.

✏️ Unit 9 Craft: Creation of your own complex argument with synthesis and rhetoric

The final unit of AP Language and Composition covers how to effectively form your own arguments by acknowledging and understanding complexities to create a nuanced and sophisticated argument. It focuses on your ability to comprehend and connect multiple sources to create a well reasoned, and detailed argument as well as how to add in your own rhetorical devices and choices to make your writing more persuasive and effective.   

Unit 9 Overview: Developing a Complex Argument

9.1 Strategically conceding, rebutting, or refuting information

9.2 Crafting an argument through stylistic choices like word choice and description 🎥 Watch these videos:  

Fiveable’s video on  Creating your own Synthesis Arguments

College Board’s video on  Complexities within Arguments and  How to Create a Nuanced Argument

Key Terms to Review ( 38 )

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How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay + Example

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What is the ap lang synthesis essay, how will ap scores affect my college chances.

AP English Language and Composition, commonly known as AP Lang, is one of the most engaging and popular AP classes offered at most high schools, with over 535,000 students taking the class . AP Lang tests your ability to analyze written pieces, synthesize information, write rhetorical essays, and create cohesive and concrete arguments. However, the class is rather challenging as only 62% of students were able to score a three or higher on the exam. 

The AP Lang exam has two sections. The first consists of 45 multiple choice questions which need to be completed in an hour. This portion counts for around 45% of your total score. These questions ask students to analyze written pieces and answer questions related to each respective passage.  All possible answer choices can be found within the text, and no prior knowledge of literature is needed to understand the passages.

The second section contains three free-response questions to be finished in under two hours and 15 minutes. This section counts for 55% of your score and includes the synthesis essay, the rhetorical essay, and the argumentative essay.

  • The synthesis essay requires you to read 6-7 sources and create an argument using at least three sources.
  • The rhetorical analysis essay requires you to describe how a piece of writing evokes specific meanings and symbolism.
  • The argumentative essay requires you to pick a perspective of a debate and create an argument based on the evidence provided.

In this post, we will take a look at the AP Lang synthesis essay and discuss tips and tricks to master this part of the exam. We will also provide an example of a well-written essay for review.  

The AP Lang synthesis essay is the first of three essays included in the Free Response section of the AP Lang exam. The exam presents 6-7 sources that are organized around a specific topic, with two of those sources purely visual, including a single quantitative source (like a graph or pie chart). The remaining 4-5 sources are text-based, containing around 500 words each. It’s recommended that students spend an hour on this essay—15 minute reading period, 40 minutes writing, and 5 minutes of spare time to check over work.

Each synthesis essay has a topic that all the sources will relate to. A prompt will explaining the topic and provide some background, although the topics are usually broad so you will probably know something related to the issue. It will also present a claim that students will respond to in an essay format using information from at least three of the provided sources. You will need to take a stance, either agreeing or disagreeing with the position provided in the claim. 

According to the CollegeBoard, they are looking for essays that “combine different perspectives from sources to form a support of a coherent position.” This means that you must state your claim on the topic and highlight relationships between several sources that support your specific position on the topic. Additionally, you’ll need to cite clear evidence from your sources to prove your point.

The synthesis essay counts for six points on the AP Lang exam. Students can receive 0-1 points for writing a thesis statement, 0-4 based on the incorporation of evidence and commentary, and 0-1 points based on the sophistication of thought and demonstration of complex understanding.

While this essay seems extremely overwhelming, considering there are a total of three free-response essays to complete, with proper time management and practiced skills, this essay is manageable and straightforward. In order to enhance the time management aspect of the test to the best of your ability, it is essential to divide the essay up into five key steps.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

As soon as the clock starts, carefully read and analyze what the prompt asks from you. It might be helpful to markup the text to identify the most critical details. You should only spend around 2 minutes reading the prompt so you have enough time to read all the sources and figure out your argument. Don’t feel like you need to immediately pick your stance on the claim right after reading the prompt. You should read the sources before you commit to your argument.

Step 2: Read the Sources Carefully

Although you are only required to use 3 of the 6-7 sources provides, make sure you read ALL of the sources. This will allow you to better understand the topic and make the most educated decision of which sources to use in your essay. Since there are a lot of sources to get through, you will need to read quickly and carefully.

Annotating will be your best friend during the reading period. Highlight and mark important concepts or lines from each passage that would be helpful in your essay. Your argument will probably begin forming in your head as you go through the passages, so you will save yourself a lot of time later on if you take a few seconds to write down notes in the margins. After you’ve finished reading a source, reflect on whether the source defends, challenges, or qualifies your argument.

You will have around 13 minutes to read through all the sources, but it’s very possible you will finish earlier if you are a fast reader. Take the leftover time to start developing your thesis and organizing your thoughts into an outline so you have more time to write. 

Step 3: Write a Strong Thesis Statement 

In order to write a good thesis statement, all you have to do is decide your stance on the claim provided in the prompt and give an overview of your evidence. You essentially have three choices on how to frame your thesis statement: You can defend, challenge or qualify a claim that’s been provided by the prompt. 

  • If you are defending the claim, your job will be to prove that the claim is correct .
  • If you are challenging the claim, your job will be to prove that the claim is incorrect .
  • If you choose to qualify the claim, your job will be to agree to a part of the claim and disagree with another part of the claim. 

A strong thesis statement will clearly state your stance without summarizing the issue or regurgitating the claim. The CollegeBoard is looking for a thesis statement that “states a defensible position and establishes a line of reasoning on the issue provided in the prompt.”

Step 4: Create a Minimal Essay Outline

Developing an outline might seem like a waste of time when you are up against the clock, but believe us, taking 5-10 minutes to outline your essay will be much more useful in the long run than jumping right into the essay.

Your outline should include your thesis statement and three main pieces of evidence that will constitute each body paragraph. Under each piece of evidence should be 2-3 details from the sources that you will use to back up your claim and some commentary on how that evidence proves your thesis.

Step 5: Write your Essay

Use the remaining 30-35 minutes to write your essay. This should be relatively easy if you took the time to mark up the sources and have a detailed outline.  Remember to add special consideration and emphasis to the commentary sections of the supporting arguments outlined in your thesis. These sentences are critical to the overall flow of the essay and where you will be explaining how the evidence supports or undermines the claim in the prompt.

Also, when referencing your sources, write the in-text citations as follows: “Source 1,” “Source 2,” “Source 3,” etc. Make sure to pay attention to which source is which in order to not incorrectly cite your sources. In-text citations will impact your score on the essay and are an integral part of the process.

After you finish writing, read through your essay for any grammatical errors or mistakes before you move onto the next essay.

Here are six must-have tips and tricks to get a good score on the synthesis essay:

  • Cite at least four sources , even though the minimum requirement is three. Remember not to plagiarize and cite everything you use in your arguments.
  • Make sure to develop a solid and clear thesis . Develop a stable stance for the claim and stick with it throughout the entire paper.
  • Don’t summarize the sources. The summary of the sources does not count as an argument. 
  • You don’t necessarily have to agree with the sources in order to cite them. Using a source to support a counterargument is still a good use of a source.
  • Cite the sources that you understand entirely . If you don’t, it could come back to bite you in the end. 
  • Use small quotes , do not quote entire paragraphs. Make sure the quote does not disrupt the flow or grammar of the sentence you write. 

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Here is an example prompt and essay from 2019 that received 5 of the 6 total points available:

In response to our society’s increasing demand for energy, large-scale wind power has drawn attention from governments and consumers as a potential alternative to traditional materials that fuel our power grids, such as coal, oil, natural gas, water, or even newer sources such as nuclear or solar power. Yet the establishment of large-scale, commercial-grade wind farms is often the subject of controversy for a variety of reasons.

Carefully read the six sources, found on the AP English Language and Composition 2019 Exam (Question 1), including the introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the most important factors that an individual or agency should consider when deciding whether to establish a wind farm.

Source A (photo)

Source B (Layton)

Source C (Seltenrich)

Source D (Brown)

Source E (Rule)

Source F (Molla)

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis presents a defensible position.
  • Select and use evidence from at least 3 of the provided sources to support your line of reasoning. Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

[1] The situation has been known for years, and still very little is being done: alternative power is the only way to reliably power the changing world. The draw of power coming from industry and private life is overwhelming current sources of non-renewable power, and with dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, it is merely a matter of time before coal and gas fuel plants are no longer in operation. So one viable alternative is wind power. But as with all things, there are pros and cons. The main factors for power companies to consider when building wind farms are environmental boon, aesthetic, and economic factors.

[2] The environmental benefits of using wind power are well-known and proven. Wind power is, as qualified by Source B, undeniably clean and renewable. From their production requiring very little in the way of dangerous materials to their lack of fuel, besides that which occurs naturally, wind power is by far one of the least environmentally impactful sources of power available. In addition, wind power by way of gearbox and advanced blade materials, has the highest percentage of energy retention. According to Source F, wind power retains 1,164% of the energy put into the system – meaning that it increases the energy converted from fuel (wind) to electricity 10 times! No other method of electricity production is even half that efficient. The efficiency and clean nature of wind power are important to consider, especially because they contribute back to power companies economically.

[3] Economically, wind power is both a boon and a bone to electric companies and other users. For consumers, wind power is very cheap, leading to lower bills than from any other source. Consumers also get an indirect reimbursement by way of taxes (Source D). In one Texan town, McCamey, tax revenue increased 30% from a wind farm being erected in the town. This helps to finance improvements to the town. But, there is no doubt that wind power is also hurting the power companies. Although, as renewable power goes, wind is incredibly cheap, it is still significantly more expensive than fossil fuels. So, while it is helping to cut down on emissions, it costs electric companies more than traditional fossil fuel plants. While the general economic trend is positive, there are some setbacks which must be overcome before wind power can take over as truly more effective than fossil fuels.

[4] Aesthetics may be the greatest setback for power companies. Although there may be significant economic and environmental benefit to wind power, people will always fight to preserve pure, unspoiled land. Unfortunately, not much can be done to improve the visual aesthetics of the turbines. White paint is the most common choice because it “[is] associated with cleanliness.” (Source E). But, this can make it stand out like a sore thumb, and make the gargantuan machines seem more out of place. The site can also not be altered because it affects generating capacity. Sound is almost worse of a concern because it interrupts personal productivity by interrupting people’s sleep patterns. One thing for power companies to consider is working with turbine manufacturing to make the machines less aesthetically impactful, so as to garner greater public support.

[5] As with most things, wind power has no easy answer. It is the responsibility of the companies building them to weigh the benefits and the consequences. But, by balancing economics, efficiency, and aesthetics, power companies can create a solution which balances human impact with environmental preservation.

More examples can be found here at College Board.

While AP Scores help to boost your weighted GPA, or give you the option to get college credit, AP Scores don’t have a strong effect on your admissions chances . However, colleges can still see your self-reported scores, so you might not want to automatically send scores to colleges if they are lower than a 3. That being said, admissions officers care far more about your grade in an AP class than your score on the exam.

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AP English Language Exam

Can you apply the rhetorical triangle to a piece of writing? Are you able to argue a position? The AP ® English Language and Composition exam tests topics and skills discussed in your Advanced Placement English Language course. If you score high enough, your AP English Language score could earn you college credit!

Check out our AP English Language Guide for what you need to know about the exam:

  • Exam Overview
  • Sections and Question Types
  • How to Prepare

What’s on the AP English Language & Composition Exam?

The College Board is very detailed in what they require your AP teacher to cover in his or her AP English Language & Composition course. The exam tests your abilities to understand how authors use rhetoric and language to convey their purpose. Students are also expected to apply these techniques to their own writing and research projects. Some of the major skills tested include the ability to:

  • Identify an author’s purpose and intended audience
  • Recognize rhetorical devices and strategies in an author’s work
  • Demonstrate understanding of citations in research papers
  • Apply these skills and techniques to their own writing
  • Create and organize an argument defended with evidence and reasoning
  • Plan, write, and revise cogent, well-written essays

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AP English Language Sections & Question Types

The AP English Language & Composition exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and consists of two sections: a multiple-choice section and a free response section.

Section 1

60 minutes

45 multiple choice questions


Section 2

2 hours and 15 minutes

3 free response questions


Read More: Review for the exam with our  AP English Language Crash Course 


For AP English Language multiple-choice questions, you are presented with two Reading Passages and three Writing passages. The two Reading passages are nonfiction passages taken from all sorts of works. The idea is to get you to focus on rhetorical devices, figures of speech and intended purposes, under rigid time constraints and with material you haven’t seen before. The three Writing passages are student-produced essays. The idea is to get you to revise the essay that help the writer accomplish his or her goal.

Free Response

The AP English Language section contains three essay prompts: a synthesis essay, a rhetorical analysis essay, and an argument essay.

  • Synthesis essay: You’ll be given a scenario and tasked with writing a response using at least three of six or seven short accompanying sources for support.
  • Rhetorical analysis essay: Asks you to analyze the techniques an author uses, and discuss how they contribute to the author’s purpose.
  • Argument essay: Presents a claim or assertion in the prompt and then asks you to argue a position based on your own knowledge, experience, or reading.

How to Interpret AP English Language Scores

AP scores are reported from 1 to 5. Colleges are generally looking for a 4 or 5 on the AP English Language exam, but some may grant AP credit for a 3. Each test is curved so scores vary from year to year. Here’s how AP English Lang students scored on the May 2022 test:


Extremely qualified



Well qualified






Possibly qualified



No recommendation


Source: College Board

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How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay with Example

September 5, 2023

If you’re highly interested in learning more about writing analysis, then chances are you enrolled in AP Lang. Essentially, AP Lang is an advanced course for high schoolers that combines interest and knowledge in English with critical thinking. In the class, students learn how to analyze and synthesize a variety of texts to construct well-reasoned arguments. If you take AP Lang, then you can opt to take the AP test at the conclusion of the school year. On the exam, students write the AP Lang synthesis essay to demonstrate their learned abilities. In this article, we’ll look at what the AP Lang synthesis essay requires and show an example to provide better understanding of what to expect on the exam.

AP Lang Exam Basics

The AP Lang exam is separated into two sections. In the first section, students have one hour to answer a series of 45 multiple-choice questions. Here, about half of the questions are based on passages students read. The other half are focused on the best revision techniques. Essentially, the answers for the latter 20-22 questions are geared toward revising mock essays.

In this article, however, we’ll focus mainly on the second part of the exam: the AP Lang synthesis essay.

In this second section, students have two hours and 15 minutes to write three essays of their own design. The three open-ended questions in this section are intended to be free-response and allow for a variety of approaches. Each question is intended to allow up to 40 minutes to complete.

For the AP Lang synthesis essay, students are presented with a scenario of the College Board’s design. The scenario will provide its own thesis statement. Usually, scenarios relate to real-world problems like environmental concerns, media, or government policies.

For each scenario, students are provided with 6-7 outside sources. These sources could be in the form of an image, visual graph, or written paragraph. For written paragraphs, the sources are usually no more than 500 words.

Students are then expected to incorporate at least 3-4 of these outside sources into their essay response. The outside sources are intended to be used as supporting evidence for the student’s chosen stance or argument. Students are able to either agree with or disagree with the thesis presented in the original scenario.

AP Lang Exam – Scoring

In the second part of the AP Lang exam, students can earn a possible 6 points on each essay. 1 point is earned for the development of a thesis. Up to 4 points can be earned for evidence and commentary. The final 1 point is earned for sophistication of thought.

AP Lang Exam – Takeaways

Ultimately, the goal of the AP Lang synthesis essay is not whether the student is “right” or “wrong” in their argument. The key is that students are able to reasonably and clearly support their argument using the provided sources as evidence .

The College Board looks for your ability to identify relationships between texts , form a coherent argument , and interpret external sources .

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples

If you’re not sure how the questions will look on the AP Lang synthesis essay section, we’ll provide an example. After the example, we’ll break down the strengths and weaknesses of the response. That way, you’ll have a better idea of what the College Board is looking for.

Additionally, the College Board has released previous AP Lang synthesis essay examples you can review. They even have essay questions as recent as 2022 . For further support, a scoring commentary and comments from the Chief Reader are also available to view. Additionally, there are other examples you can view from earlier years .

Note: A good strategy to study for the synthesis essay AP Lang exam is to review your rhetorical devices and literary devices . Understanding how these devices function can be essential in constructing a cohesive essay.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Sample Question

Below is a sample question from the AP Lang synthesis essay and a response to the prompt. This question was taken directly from a 2022 exam . However, the response to the question will be originally crafted for the purpose of this newsletter. As well, all supporting evidence will be originally created and does not correspond to any previous test.

The Question

Since the early 2000s, the United States government and a number of corporations have sponsored initiatives to improve education in the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The emphasis on STEM subjects in elementary, secondary, and higher education reflects concerns that United States students are less proficient in these areas than are students in other countries. Additionally, there is a belief that mastery in STEM fields is now essential in order to join a highly technical and specialized workforce. However, not everyone is convinced that a STEM-focused curriculum is necessary and/or effective.

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible
  • Select and use evidence from at least three of the provided sources to support your line of Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your

How to Approach the Question

Maybe your first thought upon seeing this block of text is to feel overwhelmed. But don’t panic. There are effective ways to approach the question so you will be more prepared in your response.

It’s a good strategy to first isolate the thesis . What is the main idea of the text, and what is its argument?

Try it out. Reread the prompt and see if you can identify what the statement is asking you to develop an opinion on.

Think you’ve got it? In this example, we will be focusing on whether or not a STEM-focused curriculum in K-12 education is necessary and/or effective. In short, we will be arguing either for (highlighting the benefits) or against (highlighting the pitfalls) a STEM-focused curriculum.

How do we know what this statement is asking us?

Well, the statement provides a lot of background information. For example, we receive a definition of what STEM stands for. As well, we know that since 2000, there has been a greater initiative for STEM-focused classes.

When you read the prompt for the first time, it’s a great strategy to learn how to differentiate between background and contextual information from the heart of the argument .

A good way to learn how to isolate the argument is to look for transition words. Usually, these appear near the end of the question. Words like “however” and “yet” are signals that the statement is offering a differing opinion. Typically, the statement will tell you which two positions it’s offering for argument. These opinions are usually signaled by contrasting transition words.

So, now that we know what the question is asking us, what is the best way to respond?

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Sample Answer

The following is an essay response I crafted to the above question. After reading the sample, I will break down what it does well and what areas can be improved.

A STEM-focused curriculum is not as essential to providing a meaningful K-12 education. Because the majority of high school students are not proficient in STEM-focused classes, prioritizing these classes causes harm to student’s mental health and academic performance.

As seen in Source A, 60% of high school seniors in the Midwest only scored a C average in math and science-based classes (Langston). This statistic suggests that the majority of students do not resonate with STEM classes and therefore perform poorly. Earning a low score in any class does not bode well for students’ mental health.

When looking at the primary argument in Source C, it’s clear that most high schoolers prefer creative outlets to fact-based research (Kohler). Allowing students the opportunity to be more creative and initiate conversations about coursework lets students be more active in their learning. When students can discuss the nuance in their opinions, more personal growth happens. These conversations are not always easy to have in STEM-focused classes.

As well, when looking back to Source A, it’s clear that high school students in the Midwest earned higher grades, on average, in their English and art classes (Langston). This figure suggests that students perform better in these classes because they relate more to the source material. When relating to what they learn, they perform better in class.

In conclusion, STEM-focused curriculum is not as essential in K-12 education because most high school students do not relate to their STEM classes. When students do not earn satisfactory grades in these classes, it negatively affects their future college applications and job prospects.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang Examples – Answer Breakdown

So, what does this essay response get right, and where can it be improved? Let’s start with what the response does well.

First, the response establishes its thesis right away. Usually, it’s a good idea to clearly state your argument within the first paragraph. Not only is this a good practice because a reader can easily identify your stance, but also you can refer to your thesis as you write to make you stay on track.

With your thesis, it’s also a good idea to include one to two supporting sentences with the reasons why the thesis is concluded . Like in this example, I wrote that STEM-focused classes should not be prioritized because they can negatively affect both mental health and academic performance.

Another positive aspect of this response is that it is sure to not only reference but also cites its sources . It’s important that the reader understand where your information is coming from. That way, the readers can ensure you are interpreting the sources correctly.

AP Lang Synthesis Essay (Continued)

However, when rereading the instructions, it’s clear that this response fails the basic requirement of referring to at least three sources. Always make sure to reread the instructions to ensure you meet the standard requirements for incorporating source material.

Further, this AP Lang synthesis essay does not fully support its arguments . Ideas are simply stated and are not expanded upon.

For example, I mentioned a few times that earning low grades in STEM classes leads to negative mental health for high school students. However, there is no source referenced that either confirms or denies this claim. Therefore, there is no sufficient evidence to support my argument. It relies purely on inference.

Additionally, this AP Lang synthesis essay does not arrive at a sufficient level of sophistication of thought . Basically, sophistication of thought means avoiding broad generalizations and vague claims. The more specific you can be, the better your argument will sound.

Synthesis Essay AP Lang – In Conclusion

In the end, it’s always helpful to read the prompt thoroughly before writing. As well, making notes while you read could be a good strategy to pinpoint main ideas both in the prompt and the sources. That way, you can reread the material quickly. Similarly, sketching an outline may also be helpful. In addition, you should always carefully read the instructions to ensure all guidelines are followed.

As long as you avoid broad generalizations and use enough supporting evidence for your claim, you will be on the right path!

  • High School Success

Meghan Dairaghi

With a BA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, Meghan has served as a writing tutor at the University of Missouri St. Louis and Maryville University. Additionally, Meghan has held editorial roles at River Styx and Boulevard, and was a prose reader at Farside Review . Most recently, her work has been featured in Belle Ombre , Flypaper Lit , and Mag 20/20 , among others, and she was nominated for the Mary Troy Prize in Fiction. 

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Exactly What to Expect From AP Language Multiple Choice

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Advanced Placement (AP)


Perhaps because the free-response section of the AP Language and Composition exam is worth more than the multiple-choice section, some teachers spend much more time preparing you for free-response than multiple-choice. While it's great to be prepared for the essays, this might leave you feeling like a lost and confused lamb when it comes to the AP English Language and Composition multiple choice section.

But never fear, the guide is here! This guide will give a brief overview of the AP Language and Composition multiple-choice section, the eight question types you can expect to see on the test, three preparation strategies, a slate of AP practice question resources, and finally some tips for success on test day.

The Multiple-Choice Section: An Overview

Section I of the AP English Language and Composition test is the multiple-choice section. This section will have 45 questions testing you on how well you can read and understand nonfiction passages for their use of rhetoric.

These questions are divided into two categories: Reading questions and Writing questions. According to the College Board, you'll see 23–25 Reading questions and 20–22 Writing questions on the multiple choice section of the exam.

On the exam, the questions will be presented in five sets, and each set will be attached to what's called a "stimulus passage." You will receive a bit of orienting information at the beginning of this passage, for example "this essay originally appeared in a major national newspaper in the 1980s." Each passage will have about 7-10 questions associated with it.

The College Board tests eight core skills on the AP Language exam. Here are the skills you'll need to know along with what percentage of the exam covers each skill:

Rhetorical Situation—Reading 11-14%
Rhetorical Situation—Writing 11-14%
Claims and Evidence—Reading 13-16%
Claims and Evidence—Writing 11-14%
Reasoning and Organization—Reading 13-16%
Reasoning and Organization—Writing 11-14%
Style—Reading 11-14%
Style—Writing 11-14%

The AP Language multiple choice section is worth 45% of your total exam score. You will receive one point to your raw score for every question you answer correctly. However, as on other AP exams, your raw score will be converted to a scaled score from 1-5.

But what's actually on the multiple-choice section? The next section explores what kinds of questions you can expect to actually be asked on the exam.

The 8 Types of Multiple-Choice Questions

There are eight kinds of multiple-choice questions on the AP Language exam. In this section, I'll go over each type, provide an example question, and walk you through answering it. All of the example questions come from the 2014 " Course and Exam Description. " You can find the original passages these questions are referring to there as well.

Type 1: Reading Comprehension

As you might expect, reading comprehension questions are about testing if you understood the passage on a concrete level: what does this particular sentence mean in a literal sense You can usually identify them from phrases like "according to" and "refers."

To succeed on these kinds of questions, your best strategy is to go back and re-read the part of the passage the question is asking about. Do so carefully, and when you then answer the question, focus on what the passage is actually saying outright. Don't infer on reading comprehension questions!


Let's go back and look at Lines 23-26 to answer this question: "But 'books are not about schedules,' author Stephanie Nolen argues; rather, they are 'about submerging yourself...about getting consumed.'"

To return to the question, what is her "primary criticism of book clubs," then? Well, she says, "books are not about schedules." So, they shouldn't have to be a scheduled-in obligation. The only answer that choice that resembles what she actually says in the passage is that the problem with books clubs is that they (A), "are too programmed."

Type 2: Implication

This question style moves beyond basic, concrete reading comprehension into the realm of implication. Implication is what the author seems to say without actually coming out and saying it directly. However, even though the answer may not be written out clearly in the passage, the question will still have a clear correct answer based on textual evidence. You can identify implication questions from phrases like "best supported," "implies," "suggests," and "inferred."

As for reading comprehension questions (and indeed, all multiple-choice questions on the AP) turn and look back at the relevant part of the passage before you answer. Then ask yourself: Which interpretation put forth by the answer choices does the passage *most* support?


First, we need to find where in the passage names for hurricanes and tornadoes are discussed. We can find this in lines 14-17: "A tornado, although more violent than a much longer lasting hurricane, has a life measured in minutes, and weathercasters watch it snuff out as it was born: unnamed."

What answers about why tornadoes are unnamed and hurricanes are named are at all supported by this line?

Choice (A), "there are too many of them," is clearly incorrect as the line says nothing about the frequency of either weather event.

Choice (B) says, "their destruction is not as great as that of hurricanes." This is a trap! You may know based on your own knowledge that hurricanes generally incur much greater damages overall than tornadoes, but the passage doesn't say that. You have to choose an implication that is actually supported by the passage, and the passage doesn't say which causes more destruction.

Choice (C) says "they last too short of a time." The passage does say that hurricanes are "much longer lasting" and that the life of a tornado is "measured in minutes." This could be a reasonable answer, but let's make sure it's the best one before we select it.

Choice (D) says "they move too erratically to be plotted" and Choice (E) says tornadoes "can appear in any area of the world." It doesn't matter if either of those statements is true since the question asks what the passage implies, and the passage does not discuss either their movements or where they appear. Thus, (C) is the answer most supported by the passage.


It's a trap! Don't be fooled.

Type 3: Overall Passage and Author Questions

Overall passage and author questions want you to identify key, overarching elements of the passage or author's views, like the purpose of the text, the author's audience, the author's attitude toward the subject, and so on. These questions are identifiable because they won't refer back to a specific place in the text but will instead ask general questions that apply to the entire excerpt.

These questions can be a little more difficult to answer than those where you can look to a specific place in the text to answer your questions. You'll really need to have an overall impression of the passage based on its overarching details. It might be helpful to jot down a couple overall impressions of the excerpt right after you read it, to refer back to when faced with overall passage questions.


This passage is about the rise of book clubs. The first paragraph gives examples to demonstrate that book clubs have become a popular phenomenon. The second discusses book club backlash and some book club guides. The third paragraph asserts that book clubs are positive and sharing literary experiences is a good thing.

Which of the answers fits with the passage? Answer (A) can be eliminated right away because there is no personal narrative.

Answer (B) can also be eliminated because the passage begins with an example about Oprah, not any "empirical" (numbers-based) data.

Answer (C) can be eliminated because the passage never introduces any questions related to the practice of book clubs.

Choice (D) could be good—the first two paragraphs give mostly description, and the third and final paragraph gives an evaluation.

Choice (E) doesn't fit because there is no initial condemnation of "the practice" (i.e. of book clubs). So (D) is the correct answer.

Type 4: Relationships Between Parts of the Text

Another question type will require you to identify or describe a relationship between two specific parts of the text. This could be paragraphs or shorter line segments, or a specific part of the passage compared to the rest of the passage or the passage as a whole.

My advice for answering these questions is similar to my advice for most questions—go back and read the parts of the passage in question!

You may want to jot down an overarching impression of what each part of the text is accomplishing or saying as you do, which should help you compare them and identify the relationship.


Because this passage is only two paragraphs long, this question is essentially asking us about the relationship between the first and second halves of the passage.

What is the main idea of each of the sections? Well, the first paragraph describes essentially what makes a strong writer. The second paragraph establishes that Carlyle is "such a writer" and then discusses some of his works and why they are important.

When we look at the answer choices, what matches up best with our main idea descriptions? Clearly (A), which describes how the first paragraph describes the strengths of a writer (which we know Carlyle has based on the topic sentence of the second paragraph), and the second describes Carlyle's "legacy."


What kind of relationship do the parts of the text have?

Type 5: Interpretation of Imagery/Figurative Language

This type of question is concerned with the underlying meaning or implication of imagery or figurative language used in the excerpt. What is the author trying to accomplish with this particular phrase or this metaphor?

Again, it is critical that you go back and read the part of the passage that the question refers to, or you will be completely lost on these questions (more so than on most others). You may want to re-read a few lines before and after as well so you can get a sense of the imagery in context.


For this to make sense, we need the entire sentence the "acorns" appear in: "It is an idle question to ask if his books will be read a century hence: if they were all burnt as the grandest of Suttees on his funeral pile, it would only be like cutting down an oak after its acorns have sown a forest."

What could this mean? Well, acorns come from oak trees and make more oak trees. So this must refer to something that comes from Carlyle and is somehow a replication of him or his works. The best choices if we think about that, then, would be (A) his children, or (C) the ideas in his books. However, since the passage doesn't mention anything about his children that would be an irrelevant detail and can't be what the acorns represent. So the answer must be (C).

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Type 6: Purpose of Part of the Text

These questions will ask you to choose the answer that best states the purpose that a given part of the text serves in the piece. What is the author hoping to accomplish with this specific example/sentence/device? These questions can usually be identified because they will ask specifically about purpose or function of a specific moment.

To address these questions, you will need to, of course, re-read the part of the text in question. Think about what point the author is trying to make in that specific moment, and how that would serve their larger argument.

All parts of a given text will serve the larger argument if they are well-constructed, so if it seems like an interpretation of the text presented in the answer choices doesn't work with the main argument, eliminate it.


Here are the lines this question is referencing:

"You may meet a man whose wisdom seems unimpeachable, since you find him entirely in agreement with yourself; but this oracular man of unexceptionable opinions has a green eye, a wiry hands, and altogether, a Wesen, or demeanor, that makes the world look blank to you, and whose unexceptionable opinions become a bore; while another man who deals in what you cannot but think 'dangerous paradoxes,' warms your heart by the pressure of his hand, and looks out on the world with so clear and loving an eye, that nature seems to reflect the light of his glance upon your own feeling."

This sentence is really overwhelming, so let's try to break it down and re-write it in a simpler way. Here's how we might summarize it: "You might meet a man who seems wise because he agrees with you, but this man might eventually become a bore; while a different man who presents challenging ideas may warm your heart and eventually convince you." This idea fits into the larger argument because Carlyle is the writer who presents challenging ideas, and this piece is in praise of Carlyle and his legacy.

Now that we have a handle on what the passage is saying, let's go through the answers and see which choice fits best.

Choice (A) describes a contrast between a writer who reinforces reader viewpoints and one who challenges them. This sounds like it could be right—let's keep it.

Choice (B) describes an analogy between kinds of people and types of writing they prefer. There's no analogy in these lines, so we can eliminate (B).

Choice (C) says that these lines challenge the idea that writers modify their ideas to appeal to readers. But since this passage overall refers to Carlyle's legacy and doesn't give any indication that he modifies his views to appeal to readers, so we can eliminate it.

Choice (D) doesn't even refer to writers, and Choice (E) doesn't work because the lines say nothing about good and evil. So (A) is the best answer choice.


Good and evil? Aren't all these questions evil?

Type 7: Rhetorical Strategy

For these questions, you'll need to identify the specific rhetorical strategy used by the author in the specific place in the passage. Essentially, you'll be identifying the particular argumentative "move" that the author is deploying to try to convince the audience of their position.


The passage identified in the question reads as follows:

"The character of his influence is best seen in the fact that many of the men who have the least agreement with his opinions are those to whom the reading of Sartor Resartus was an epoch in the history of their minds. The extent of his influence may be best seen in the fact that ideas which were startling novelties when he first wrote them are now become common-places. And we think few men will be found to say that this influence on the whole has not been for good. There are plenty who question the justice of Carlyle's estimates of past men and past times, plenty who quarrel with the exaggerations of the Latter-Day Pamphlets, and who are as far as possible from looking for an amendment of things from a Carlylian theocracy with the 'greatest man', as a Joshua who is to smite the wicked (and the stupid) till the going down of the sun. But for any large nature, those points of difference are quite incidental. It is not a theorist, but as a great and beautiful human nature, that Carlyle influences us."

So which of the rhetorical strategies in the answer choices makes the most sense? Choice (A) says the author berates Carlyle's opponents. This doesn't seem accurate—while she mentions those who disagree with him, she doesn't berate or insult them.

Choice (B) says she acknowledges but discredits other arguments. While, again, she acknowledges that there are those who disagree with Carlyle, she doesn't really mention their specific arguments or discredit them.

Choice (C) suggests she claims most people don't recognize Carlyle's genius. This can't be right; she says "few men will be found to say that this influence on the whole has not been for good" and describes how many of his ideas are now "commonplace."

Choice (D) says she cites facts. She doesn't—she gives examples of his works and describes reactions.

Thus, choice (E), which says she gives examples that reflect his influence, is correct. This is the best choice as the passage repeatedly emphasizes that even those who don't agree with him are affected by his thoughts.

Type 8: Style and Effect

The last question type asks you about stylistic moments in the text and the effect created by those stylistic choices. Essentially, what does the author accomplish by making that particular stylistic choice?

To address these questions, re-read the sentence or moment in question with an eye for how it sounds and feels. Don't just think about what it says—what does it evoke?


The sentence says, "'Oh God, that I were a writer!' She cried. 'Surely a writer could not string words together about Henry Irving's Hamlet and say nothing, nothing .'"

The stylistic choice in question is the italicization of "nothing, nothing." We may notice that this mirrors the italicization of "writer." Italics generally indicate emphasis—so what's the effect of emphasizing "writer" and "nothing, nothing"?

Be careful here, because it might be tempting to choose (B) — indicate a sarcastic tone. This kind of emphasis is often used to communicate sarcasm. However, that doesn't fit with the rest of the passage, or the fact that she "dropped her pen in despair" just before. The best choice is (A), that it emphasizes her frustration.

With the eight question types addressed, we can move on to more general strategies to prepare to take the multiple choice section of AP Language and Composition.


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How to Prepare

There are several key strategies you can use to prepare yourself to rock the multiple-choice section of the AP Language and Composition exam.

#1: Read and Engage With Nonfiction

A key prep strategy is to read nonfiction of all different types, particularly nonfiction that argues a position or advances an agenda of some kind. When you read, you should work on identifying and understanding how the author makes use of rhetorical strategies and techniques . Ask yourself:

What is the author's argument?

What evidence do they use to support their position? What is the nature of their evidence—anecdotes, statistics, illustrative examples?

What rhetorical techniques and strategies do they use to build their argument?

Are they making particular kinds of appeals?

Is their argument strong? If yes, what makes it strong? If no, what makes it weak?

Constantly considering these questions as you read will help you learn to analyze passages quickly and informally, which is an essential skill for answering multiple-choice questions focused on rhetorical analysis.

#2: Learn Rhetorical Terms and Strategies

In order to analyze works, of course, you need to know rhetorical terms and strategies. You will undoubtedly learn many techniques and strategies from your teacher, and you should definitely review those before the exam. You can also check out my essential list of 55 AP English Language terms you need to know.

Make sure you aren't just memorizing the terms and the definitions, but that you can actually identify all of the techniques at work in the things you read!

#3: Practice Answering Multiple-Choice Questions

To succeed on the multiple-choice section, you need to practice answering multiple-choice questions! This will help you get familiar with the feel of the multiple-choice section and identify any gaps in your understanding.

The next section will suggest tons of sources for practice multiple-choice questions.


A whole pile of practice questions!

Practice Question Resources

There are a variety of practice test resources you can use to hone your multiple choice skills. The best multiple-choice practice resources come from the College Board . This is because they write the AP exam, so their practice questions are the most like real AP multiple-choice questions. Unfortunately, there are not as many official resources for the AP Language and Composition exam as there are for some other tests.

However, once you run out of official College Board practice questions , there are still some unofficial resources that you can use for multiple choice practice. In this section I'll go over both.

Official Multiple-Choice Resources

The College Board offers both complete released exams and sample multiple-choice questions.

Complete Released Exams

Complete official exams are a great resource if you can find them, because they will have complete multiple-choice sections for you to practice with.

Unfortunately, the College Board has not released any official previous exams for AP Language and Composition, as they have for many other tests. You may, though, still be able to find complete official exams from past years by Googling "AP Language complete released exam" or similar variations on that.

You might also ask your AP teacher if there are copies of old AP exams you can use for practice. They often have access to past exams and may be able to loan them to you.

Sample Questions From the " AP Course and Exam Description "

The current AP Course and Exam description for AP Language and Composition includes 17 sample multiple-choice questions.  

The multiple-choice section of the AP Language exam changed in 2020. The same skills are being tested, but there will be fewer questions in general. This means you can still use old exam descriptions to practice since the skills and content of the exam haven't significantly changed! The 2014 course description contains a whopping 50 multiple-choice questions, which five more than you'll see on exam day!


Better get a safe so you can put it in the bank!

Unofficial Multiple-Choice Practice Resources

There are tons of sites out there offering free multiple-choice practice questions and quizzes for the AP Language and Composition exam. But they aren't all created equal! In this section I'll highlight just several of these resources that are most worth your time. For an even more comprehensive list, see my list of all practice tests available for AP Lang and Comp.

College Countdown Complete AP Language Practice Test

This site has a complete unofficial practice test. You can ignore the essays for the purposes of multiple choice practice. The wording of questions on the multiple-choice section aren't exactly the same as on a real AP exam, but the tasks are very similar and the passages are well-selected. This is a great source for sample multiple choice questions once you run out of College Board official options.

Albert English Language Practice

Albert has a decent number of small multiple-choice quizzes that offer practice questions analyzing the rhetoric of various notable nonfiction passages. The style of the questions is a little more informal and to the point than genuine AP questions published by the College Board , but they are still good practice for answering multiple-choice questions about rhetorical techniques deployed in a passage. So when you've exhausted your other resources this is still a solid multiple-choice practice question source.

In order to answer questions, you need to sign up for a free account. It then costs "credits" to answer questions. You can both buy additional credits and earn credits for answering questions correctly, so if you are good at answering questions, you can use this service for free pretty much indefinitely! Otherwise I don't really advise buying credits since there are frankly better paid resources available (like review books).

The Princeton Review AP English Language Study Guide

Using a study guidebook to practice for the AP Language exam can be a really useful tool, and The Princeton Review has one of the best out there. This guide combines practice questions, practice exams, and expert analysis to help you ace your AP test. It has four complete practice tests.

Barron's AP English Language and Composition Study Guide

We like this guide because of how many practice exams it has — five, to be exact! That gives you the ability to assess your skills before you start studying, then use practice tests to gauge your progress before your actual exam date.


You might need a nap after you do all of these questions.

4 Test Day Tips

Here are four key strategies to help you succeed on the multiple choice section on test day.

Tip 1: Interact With the Text

When you are initially reading a passage, do some preliminary marking up! Underline things that seem particularly significant, like a thesis statement or major shift in the text. Make notes of motifs or confusing sentences. These marks will help you familiarize yourself with the text and navigate it when you come back to answer the questions.

Tip 2: Identify Main Ideas

Once you finish reading a passage through, quickly jot down the main idea/argument of the piece, the author's purpose, and the intended audience. This will help you answer overarching passage questions . Additionally, preemptively identifying these points before addressing the questions should help make many of them more clear and help you keep the passage framed in your mind as you work through questions.

Tip 3: Always Re-Read

Never rely on your memory when the question is about a specific place in the text: always go back and read the line in question. If the answer still isn't clear once you've consulted the text, read a little bit around the specified line for more context and clarity.

Tip 4: Eliminate Off-Topic Answers

An easy trick to eliminating wrong answers for many questions is to simply identify answer choices that are clearly off-topic. At a first pass these might not be obvious, since they may use a word or phrase from the passage and will sound stylistically similar to the other choices. But a closer look will reveal that the answer has nothing to do with the paragraph or passage topic!

Here's an example:


The sentence says, "'Oh God, that I were a writer! ' She cried. 'Surely a writer could not string words together about Henry Irving's Hamlet and say nothing, nothing. '"

We might see the words "writing" in answers (C) and (D) and think they are on topic—after all, Ellen Terry wishes she "were a writer." However, the very point of the sentence is that she is not a writer. So does it make sense for the effect to have to do with writing parts for actors or how to succeed at writing? No! Those answers are completely off-topic.


A highly professional and profound production of Hamlet.

Key Takeaways

The multiple-choice section of AP Lang and Comp has 45 questions and is worth 45% of your exam grade.

There are eight types of questions you can expect to see on the AP Language and Composition multiple choice exam:

#1 : Reading comprehension #2 : Implication #3 : Overall passage and author questions #4 : Relationship between parts of the text #5 : Interpretation of imagery/figurative language #6 : Purpose of part of the text #7 : Rhetorical strategy #8 : Style and effect

The multiple-choice section of the AP Language and Composition exam can be challenging for students who are more used to literary close-reading than rhetorical analysis. However, you can learn to succeed!

Here's how to prepare:

#1 : Read and engage thoughtfully with nonfiction so you can identify essential rhetorical elements quickly and thoroughly.

#2 : Learn rhetorical terms and strategies and both how to identify them in other works and how to use them in your own writing.

#3 : Practice for the multiple-choice section!

There are a number of resources, both official and unofficial, where you can get practice AP language and composition multiple-choice practice questions. There are some official resources from the College Board and some unofficial free online resources, though you should always be careful to thoroughly investigate unofficial material for quality.

Once it's time for test day, here are four strategies to succeed on the multiple-choice section:

#1 : Interact with the passages as you read them for the first time.

#2 : Identify the main ideas—the author's purpose, argument, and audience—right after the first time you read the passage.

#3 : Always go back and re-read the part of the passage in question—don't rely on memory!

#4 : Watch out for answer choices that are clearly off-topic and eliminate them!


Ready like a freshly baked muffin!

What's Next?

If you need more help with AP Language and Composition, we have a total list of practice tests and a complete guide to the exam .

In addition to our guide to AP Lang terms , we also have several more detailed articles about specific literary devices that might prove helpful. We recommend reading through our posts on point of view , tone words , personification , and the literary elements you'll find in every story . For analyzing poetry and poetic prose, we have specific articles on assonance and iambic pentameter , with explanations and examples of each.

Taking other AP exams? See six tips for acing your AP exams , our five-step AP prep plan , and our guide to finding the best AP practice tests .

Wondering if you can retake AP exams ? We have the answer!

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

These recommendations are based solely on our knowledge and experience. If you purchase an item through one of our links, PrepScholar may receive a commission.

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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AP English Language and Composition

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About the Course

We are surrounded by written language that is often used intentionally to achieve a purpose. In AP English Language and Composition, you’ll read nonfiction texts through the eyes of a writer, exploring the choices writers and speakers make to persuade their audience. By analyzing how writing is composed, you’ll be able to construct your own persuasive pieces.

New for 2024-25: MCQs Will Have Four Answer Choices

Starting in the 2024-25 school year, AP English Language and Composition multiple-choice questions (MCQs) will have four answer choices instead of five. This change will take effect with the 2025 exam. All resources have been updated to reflect this change.   

Skills You'll Learn

Reading closely, analyzing, and interpreting a piece of writing

Evaluating a source of information

Gathering and consolidating information from different sources

Writing an evidence-based argument

Drafting and revising a piece of writing

Equivalency and Prerequisites

College course equivalent.

An introductory college-level literary analysis course

Recommended Prerequisites

Wed, May 14, 2025

AP English Language and Composition Exam

This is the regularly scheduled date for the AP English Language and Composition Exam.

About the Units

The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.

Course Content

You’ll learn to identify and analyze the claims in a text and determine whether the writer backs up their assertions with reasoning and evidence.

Skills you will practice may include:

  • Identifying the purpose and intended audience of a text
  • Examining how evidence supports a claim
  • Developing paragraphs as part of an effective argument

You’ll learn about how writers organize information and evidence to support a specific argument and appeal to a particular audience.

  • Analyzing audience and its relationship to the purpose of an argument
  • Building an argument with relevant and strategic evidence
  • Developing thesis statements
  • Developing structure and integrating evidence to reflect a line of reasoning

You’ll explore the range of perspectives around a topic and how various arguments can relate and respond to one another.

  • Identifying and describing different claims or lines of reasoning
  • Identifying and avoiding flawed lines of reasoning
  • Introducing and integrating sources and evidence
  • Using sufficient evidence for an argument
  • Attributing and citing references
  • Developing parts of a text with cause-effect and narrative methods

You’ll examine how a writer makes choices about methods of developing arguments, introductions, and conclusions.

  • Developing and connecting thesis statements and lines of reasoning
  • Developing introductions and conclusions
  • Developing parts of a text with comparison–contrast and definition–description methods

You’ll focus on the very specific and minute choices a writer makes to bring all the parts of an argument together.

  • Developing commentary throughout paragraphs
  • Maintaining ideas throughout an argument
  • Using modifiers to qualify an argument and convey perspective
  • Using transitions

You’ll work to understand the difference between position and perspective, how to consider bias, and how to integrate and address multiple perspectives in an argument.

  • Incorporating multiple perspectives strategically into an argument
  • Recognizing and accounting for bias
  • Adjusting an argument to address new evidence
  • Analyzing tone and shifts in tone

You’ll consider the breadth and complexity of arguments around a topic and what makes each successful or unsuccessful.

  • Examining complexities in issues
  • Considering how words, phrases, and clauses can modify and limit an argument
  • Examining how counterargument or alternative perspectives affect an argument
  • Exploring how sentence development affects an argument

You’ll explore the stylistic choices a writer can make and how those choices affect an argument.

  • Choosing comparisons based on an audience
  • Considering how sentence development and word choice affect how the writer is perceived by an audience
  • Considering how all choices made in an argument affect the audience
  • Considering how style affects an argument

You’ll consider a wide range of perspectives as you develop a complex argument.

  • Strategically conceding, rebutting, or refuting information
  • Crafting an argument through stylistic choices like word choice and description

Credit and Placement

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Course Resources

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Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results in AP Classroom. Sign in to access them.

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AP English Language and Composition Reading Study Skills

Advice to keep up with the reading workload in your AP class.

AP English Language and Composition Writing Study Skills

Learn to craft your writing process.

AP English Language and Composition Course and Exam Description

This is the core document for the course. It clearly lays out the course content and describes the exam and AP Program in general.

The Difference Between AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition

Learn the similarities and differences between these two courses and exams.

  • Go to College Board Blog

See Where AP Can Take You

AP English Language and Composition can lead to a wide range of careers and college majors

Additional Information


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  3. AP English Language and Composition

    Explore essential teacher resources for AP English Language and Composition, including course materials, exam details, and course audit information.

  4. How to Write the AP Lang Argument Essay (With Example)

    What is the AP Lang Argument Essay? The AP Lang Argument Essay is one of three essays included in the written portion of the AP English Exam. The full AP English Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, with the first 60 minutes dedicated to multiple-choice questions. Once you complete the multiple-choice section, you move on to three equally weighted essays that ask you to synthesize, analyze ...

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  6. AP English Language and Composition

    Get exam information and free-response questions with sample answers you can use to practice for the AP English Language and Composition Exam.

  7. AP English Language and Composition Practice Tests

    Real AP Past Papers with Multiple-Choice Questions. The new AP English Language and Composition Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long and broken up into two sections. Section I: One hour (45 percent of total score) 50-60 multiple-choice questions about several nonfiction prose passages. Section II: Two hours and 15 minutes.

  8. 2024 AP English Language and Composition Exam Guide

    This year, all AP exams will cover all units and essay types. The 2024 AP English Language and Composition exam format will be: Section I: Multiple Choice - 45% of your score- - 45 questions in 1 hour. Section II: Free Response Section - 55% of your score- - 2 hours and 15 minutes for:- 1. synthesis essay. - 1.

  9. Expert Guide to the AP Language and Composition Exam

    Questions about the AP English Language and Composition Exam? Our complete guide lays out everything you need to know about the test.

  10. Every AP English Language and Composition Practice Exam

    With the AP English Language and Composition exam coming up, it's important to find the best practice resources, and that includes practice tests! The AP Language and Composition exam has two sections: a multiple-choice section with 45 questions, and a free-response section with three essay questions—one synthesis prompt, one analysis prompt, and one argument prompt.

  11. Ultimate Guide to the AP English Language and Composition Exam

    The Language and Composition exam is one of the longer AP exams, clocking in at 3 hours and 15 minutes from start to finish. The Language and Composition exam is structured in two sections—one featuring multiple-choice, the other free-response questions. Section 1: Multiple Choice. 1 hour | 45 questions | 45% of score.

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    Synthesis Essay Materials. The two synthesis essay questions below are examples of the question type that has been one of the three free-response questions on the AP English Language and Composition Exam as of the May 2007 exam. The synthesis question asks students to synthesize information from a variety of sources to inform their own ...

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    9 Essays earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for the score of 8, and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument, thorough in development, or impressive in their control of language.

  17. PDF AP® English Language and Composition

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  19. Exactly What to Expect From AP Language Multiple Choice

    Confused about the AP Language and Composition multiple choice? We explain the different question types and offer expert tips to help you ace the exam.

  20. AP English Language and Composition

    About the Course We are surrounded by written language that is often used intentionally to achieve a purpose. In AP English Language and Composition, you'll read nonfiction texts through the eyes of a writer, exploring the choices writers and speakers make to persuade their audience. By analyzing how writing is composed, you'll be able to construct your own persuasive pieces.

  21. PDF AP® English Language and Composition

    It is suggested that you spend 15 minutes reading the question, analyzing and evaluating the sources, and 40 minutes writing your response. Note: You may begin writing your response before the reading period is over. (This question counts as one-third of the total essay section score.) Vertical farms are indoor agricultural facilities in which ...

  22. PDF AP English Language and Composition 2018 Free-Response Questions

    Suggested time— 40 minutes. (Thisquestion countsforone-third of the total essay section score.) In 1997,thenUnited StatesSecretary of StateMadeleine Albright gave thecommencementspeech to the graduating class ofMount Holyoke College, a women's college inMassachusetts.Read the following excerptfrom herspeech carefully.