100 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for biostatistics

1. What is the primary objective of biostatistics? a) To analyze data from clinical trials b) To study biological processes c) To apply statistical methods to biological data d) To develop new medical treatments

2. Which of the following is an example of quantitative data? a) Blood type b) Gender c) Age d) Eye color

3. Which statistical measure is used to describe the spread or dispersion of data points around the mean? a) Median b) Mode c) Variance d) Skewness

4. What is the purpose of a control group in a randomized controlled trial (RCT)? a) To provide a comparison to the experimental group b) To ensure all participants are treated equally c) To maximize the sample size d) To reduce the risk of bias

5. Which type of study design is commonly used to study the causes of diseases? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

6. What is the p-value in hypothesis testing? a) The probability of making a Type I error b) The probability of making a Type II error c) The level of significance d) The probability of obtaining the observed results by chance alone

7. Which statistical test is used to compare means between two groups? a) Chi-square test b) T-test c) ANOVA d) Wilcoxon rank-sum test

8. In a normal distribution, what percentage of data falls within one standard deviation of the mean? a) 34.13% b) 50% c) 68.27% d) 95.45%

9. What does the term “odds ratio” represent in epidemiological studies? a) The difference between two groups’ odds of an event occurring b) The relative risk of an event occurring in one group compared to another c) The absolute risk of an event occurring in one group d) The number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one event

10. What is the purpose of blinding in a clinical trial? a) To keep the researchers unbiased b) To keep the participants unaware of the treatment they receive c) To prevent confounding variables from affecting the results d) To ensure the sample size is large enough

11. Which of the following measures of central tendency is affected most by extreme outliers? a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) Standard deviation

12. A researcher is investigating the association between smoking and lung cancer. What type of study design would be most appropriate? a) Randomized controlled trial b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Cross-sectional study

13. Which type of bias occurs when participants who do not complete a study differ from those who do? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Attrition bias

14. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between two categorical variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Pearson correlation coefficient

15. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable? a) Gender b) Marital status c) Height d) Blood type

16. What does the term “p < 0.05” indicate in hypothesis testing? a) The results are statistically significant b) The results are not statistically significant c) The effect size is large d) The sample size is small

17. In which phase of a clinical trial are potential side effects and safety assessed? a) Phase I b) Phase II c) Phase III d) Phase IV

18. Which measure of dispersion is not affected by extreme values in a dataset? a) Range b) Variance c) Interquartile range (IQR) d) Standard deviation

19. What does the term “confidence interval” represent in statistics? a) The range of values within which the true population parameter is likely to lie b) The margin of error in a statistical estimate c) The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis d) The level of significance

20. Which type of study design is most susceptible to recall bias? a) Randomized controlled trial b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Cross-sectional study

21. Which statistical test is used to compare means between multiple groups? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Wilcoxon rank-sum test

22. A researcher is investigating the relationship between age and blood pressure. Which type of correlation is the most appropriate? a) Positive correlation b) Negative correlation c) No correlation d) Partial correlation

23. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between two continuous variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) Correlation coefficient d) ANOVA

24. What does the term “sensitivity” represent in diagnostic testing? a) The probability of a positive test result in individuals without the disease b) The probability of a positive test result in individuals with the disease c) The ability of the test to correctly identify individuals with the disease d) The ability of the test to correctly identify individuals without the disease

25. In a clinical trial, what is the purpose of randomization? a) To ensure all participants receive the same treatment b) To ensure the study is double-blinded c) To minimize bias and confounding variables d) To increase the likelihood of a statistically significant result

26. What is the difference between a parameter and a statistic in statistics? a) A parameter is a characteristic of a sample, while a statistic is a characteristic of a population. b) A parameter is a characteristic of a population, while a statistic is a characteristic of a sample. c) A parameter is used in descriptive statistics, while a statistic is used in inferential statistics. d) A parameter is used in inferential statistics, while a statistic is used in descriptive statistics.

27. Which type of bias occurs when participants misreport their exposure or outcome status? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Recall bias

28. What is the purpose of stratified sampling in research studies? a) To increase the sample size b) To reduce the risk of selection bias c) To increase the external validity of the study d) To ensure equal representation of all demographic groups

29. Which of the following is a measure of relative risk in epidemiological studies? a) Odds ratio b) Standard deviation c) Hazard ratio d) Variance

30. In a normal distribution, what percentage of data falls within two standard deviations of the mean? a) 34.13% b) 50% c) 68.27% d) 95.45%

31. Which statistical test is used to compare proportions between two groups? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Wilcoxon rank-sum test

32. What is the purpose of a placebo in a clinical trial? a) To provide a reference point for comparison b) To ensure participants

are blinded to the treatment c) To ensure the study is double-blinded d) To maximize the placebo effect

33. Which type of study design is best suited for establishing cause-and-effect relationships? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

34. Which statistical measure is used to summarize the variability of a sample mean estimate? a) Median b) Mode c) Variance d) Standard error

35. What does the term “type I error” refer to in hypothesis testing? a) Incorrectly rejecting a true null hypothesis b) Incorrectly accepting a false null hypothesis c) Incorrectly rejecting a false null hypothesis d) Incorrectly accepting a true null hypothesis

36. What is the purpose of a two-sample t-test? a) To compare the means of two independent groups b) To compare the means of two paired groups c) To compare the variances of two independent groups d) To compare the proportions of two independent groups

37. In a contingency table, what does the term “marginal totals” represent? a) The total number of observations in each row and column b) The sum of the cell frequencies c) The average value of the cells in each row and column d) The standard deviation of the cell frequencies

38. Which measure of central tendency is most appropriate for ordinal data? a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) Standard deviation

39. Which of the following statements about the normal distribution is true? a) It is positively skewed. b) The mean, median, and mode are equal. c) The area under the curve is always less than 1. d) It is a discrete probability distribution.

40. What does the term “power” refer to in statistical hypothesis testing? a) The probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis b) The probability of correctly accepting a true null hypothesis c) The level of significance d) The probability of making a Type I error

41. Which statistical test is used to compare means between multiple groups and control for confounding variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Regression analysis

42. What is the purpose of the Central Limit Theorem in statistics? a) To determine the sample size needed for a study b) To describe the shape of a normal distribution c) To estimate population parameters from sample statistics d) To calculate the variance of a sample

43. Which type of bias occurs when the study results are influenced by factors other than the exposure or intervention being studied? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Observer bias

44. What is the purpose of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve? a) To compare the survival rates of different groups over time b) To assess the normality of a distribution c) To estimate the population mean d) To visualize the spread of data points

45. In a chi-square test, what does the chi-square statistic represent? a) The difference between the observed and expected frequencies b) The measure of effect size c) The probability of a Type I error d) The probability of a Type II error

46. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between a categorical variable and a continuous variable? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Regression analysis

47. In a randomized controlled trial, what is the purpose of intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis? a) To assess the efficacy of the treatment on the per-protocol population b) To minimize the risk of selection bias c) To analyze the data without considering the treatment assignment d) To control for confounding variables

48. Which of the following study designs is most appropriate for investigating rare diseases or outcomes? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Randomized controlled trial

49. What is the purpose of a p-value in hypothesis testing? a) To determine the effect size of the study b) To assess the statistical power of the study c) To measure the probability of obtaining the observed results by chance alone d) To calculate the margin of error in the study

50. Which statistical measure is used to describe the shape of a distribution? a) Median b) Mode c) Skewness d) Standard deviation

51. What does the term “confidence level” represent in statistics? a) The level of significance used in hypothesis testing b) The probability of making a Type I error c) The probability of making a Type II error d) The level of certainty in the interval estimate

52. Which type of bias occurs when participants are not representative of the target population? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Sampling bias

53. What is the purpose of a correlation coefficient in statistics? a) To measure the strength of the relationship between two variables b) To determine the direction of causation between two variables c) To calculate the margin of error in a study d) To assess the normality of a distribution

54. Which type of study design is commonly used to study the prevalence of a disease or condition? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

55. Which statistical test is used to compare the means of three or more independent groups? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Wilcoxon rank-sum test

56. What does the term “p-value” stand for in hypothesis testing? a) Probability value b) Population value c) Percentage value d) Power value

57. In a normal distribution, what percentage of data falls within three standard deviations of the mean? a) 34.13% b) 50% c) 68.27% d) 99.73%

58. Which type of bias occurs when the study results are affected by the way data are collected, recorded, or interpreted? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Observer bias

59. What is the purpose of a placebo in a randomized controlled trial? a) To ensure all participants receive the same treatment b) To provide a reference point for comparison c) To maximize the placebo effect d) To minimize bias and confounding variables

60. Which measure of central tendency is most appropriate for nominal data? a) Mean b) Median c) Mode d) Standard deviation

61. What is the difference between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis in hypothesis testing? a) A null hypothesis states that there is no effect, while an alternative hypothesis states that there is an effect. b) A null hypothesis states that there is an effect, while an alternative hypothesis states that there is no effect. c) A null hypothesis is always rejected, while an alternative hypothesis is always accepted. d) A null hypothesis is always accepted, while an alternative hypothesis is always rejected.

62. Which type of sampling method involves dividing the population into subgroups and then selecting a random sample from each subgroup? a) Simple random sampling b) Stratified sampling c) Convenience sampling d) Cluster sampling

. What does the term “standard deviation” represent in statistics? a) The average value of a dataset b) The spread or dispersion of data points around the mean c) The difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset d) The proportion of data points that fall within one standard deviation of the mean

64. Which type of study design is best suited for studying the prevalence of a disease at a specific point in time? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

65. Which statistical test is used to compare means between two paired groups? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) Paired t-test d) Wilcoxon signed-rank test

66. What is the purpose of a sample size calculation in research studies? a) To determine the effect size of the study b) To assess the normality of the distribution c) To estimate the population parameters d) To ensure the study has sufficient statistical power

67. Which type of bias occurs when participants who experience a particular outcome are more or less likely to be included in the study? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Survivorship bias

68. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between three or more categorical variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Regression analysis

69. In a contingency table, what does the term “expected frequencies” represent? a) The sum of the cell frequencies b) The frequency of a specific event c) The frequency distribution of the variables d) The frequencies that would be expected under the assumption of independence

70. What does the term “alpha level” represent in hypothesis testing? a) The level of significance used to determine statistical significance b) The probability of making a Type I error c) The probability of making a Type II error d) The measure of effect size

71. Which type of bias occurs when the exposure and outcome are measured at the same time, leading to an incorrect association? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Temporal bias

72. What is the purpose of a hazard ratio in survival analysis? a) To measure the strength of the relationship between two continuous variables b) To compare the means of two independent groups c) To assess the normality of a distribution d) To estimate the relative risk of an event occurring over time

73. Which statistical measure is used to describe the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables? a) Median b) Mode c) Correlation coefficient d) Standard deviation

74. In a chi-square test, what does the null hypothesis state? a) There is a significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies. b) There is no significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies. c) The population proportion is equal to the sample proportion. d) The population mean is equal to the sample mean.

75. Which type of study design is most appropriate for investigating the incidence of a disease or outcome over time? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

76. What does the term “effect size” represent in statistics? a) The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis b) The level of significance used in hypothesis testing c) The strength of the relationship between two variables d) The difference between the observed and expected frequencies

77. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between a categorical variable and a continuous variable while controlling for other variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Multiple regression analysis

78. What is the purpose of a scatter plot in data visualization? a) To display the distribution of a single variable b) To compare the means of two independent groups c) To visualize the relationship between two continuous variables d) To summarize categorical data

79. Which type of bias occurs when the study population is not representative of the target population due to non-random selection? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Sampling bias

80. What is the purpose of a 95% confidence interval? a) To provide a range of values within which the true population parameter is likely to lie b) To determine the level of significance in hypothesis testing c) To calculate the margin of error in a study d) To estimate the standard deviation of a sample

81. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between two continuous variables while controlling for other variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Multiple regression analysis

82. In a randomized controlled trial, what is the purpose of a washout period? a) To ensure all participants receive the same treatment b) To minimize the risk of selection bias c) To eliminate the effects of prior treatments or interventions d) To control for confounding variables

83. What does the term “survival analysis” refer to in biostatistics? a) The analysis of continuous variables over time b) The analysis of survival rates and times in a study population c) The analysis of categorical variables and their associations d) The analysis of the effects of interventions on health outcomes

84. Which type of study design is most appropriate for investigating the natural history of a disease or condition? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Experimental study

85. What is the purpose of a Z-test in hypothesis testing? a) To compare the means of two independent groups b) To compare the means of two paired groups c) To compare the means of three or more independent groups d) To compare the means of a sample to a known population mean

86. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between two categorical variables while controlling for other variables? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Multiple logistic regression analysis

87. What is the purpose of a Kaplan-Meier estimator in survival analysis? a) To estimate the population mean b) To calculate the variance of a sample c) To estimate the survival function over time d) To assess the normality of a distribution

88. Which type of bias occurs when participants provide responses that they believe the researcher wants to hear? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Social desirability bias

89. What is the purpose of a sensitivity analysis in statistical modeling? a) To determine the effect size of the study b) To assess the normality of the distribution c) To estimate the population parameters d) To evaluate the robustness of the results to different assumptions

90. Which statistical measure is used to describe the relationship between two categorical variables in a contingency table? a) Median b) Mode c) Odds ratio d) Standard deviation

91. In a chi-square test, what does the degrees of freedom represent? a) The difference between the observed and expected frequencies b) The number of cells in a contingency table c) The number of categories in a variable d) The number of independent variables in the analysis

92. Which type of

bias occurs when participants are not aware of their exposure or outcome status? a) Selection bias b) Information bias c) Confounding bias d) Recall bias

93. What is the purpose of a confidence interval in hypothesis testing? a) To determine the effect size of the study b) To assess the normality of the distribution c) To estimate the population parameters d) To provide a range of values within which the true population parameter is likely to lie

94. Which statistical test is used to compare means between two independent groups with non-normal distributions or small sample sizes? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) Mann-Whitney U test d) Wilcoxon signed-rank test

95. What does the term “interquartile range (IQR)” represent in statistics? a) The average value of a dataset b) The spread or dispersion of data points around the mean c) The difference between the highest and lowest values in a dataset d) The range of values that fall within the middle 50% of a dataset

96. Which type of study design is best suited for investigating the incidence of a disease in a specific population over time? a) Cross-sectional study b) Case-control study c) Cohort study d) Randomized controlled trial

97. What is the purpose of a paired t-test? a) To compare the means of two independent groups b) To compare the means of two paired groups c) To compare the variances of two independent groups d) To compare the proportions of two independent groups

98. Which statistical test is used to analyze the association between a continuous variable and a categorical variable with two levels? a) T-test b) Chi-square test c) ANOVA d) Linear regression analysis

99. In a randomized controlled trial, what is the purpose of blinding the participants and researchers? a) To ensure all participants receive the same treatment b) To provide a reference point for comparison c) To minimize bias and confounding variables d) To maximize the placebo effect

100. Which measure of dispersion is resistant to extreme values and outliers in a dataset? a) Range b) Variance c) Interquartile range (IQR) d) Standard deviation

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Biostatistics and Research Methodology MCQs with Answers

Biostatistics and research methodology, 1.a : introduction to statistics and biostatistics.

1. According to Crexton and Cowden which arrangement of component of statistics is true? a. Collection of data – Analysis of data – Presentation of data – Interpretation of data b. Collection of data – Presentation of data – Analysis of data – Interpretation of data c. Presentation of data – Analysis of data – Interpretation of data – Collection of data d. Interpretation of data – Collection of data – Presentation of data – Analysis of data Ans: b

2. Which is not step of Descriptive Statistics? a. Collecting b. Organizing c. Hypothesis testing d. Presenting Data e. Summarizing Ans: c

1.b : Introduction to Statistics and Biostatistics

3. Which is related to Frequency Distribution? a. Tally Mark b. Variable c. Frequency d. Class Interval e. All of above f. Option a and b g. Option c and d Ans: e

4. If Class intervals are not given, then it is called as a___________. a. Discrete Frequency Distribution b. Continuous Frequency Distribution c. Grouped Frequency Distribution d. None of above Ans: a

5. Types of Class intervals are_____ a. Exclusive b. Discrete c. Inclusive d. Continuous e. Option a and c f. Option b and d g. Option a and b h. Option c and d Ans: e

1.c : Graphical Presentation of Frequency Distribution

6. Age and Salary are Continuous variables. True or False?

a. True b. False Ans: a

7. Figure indicates which type of Graph?

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a. Line frequency Graph b. Histogram c. Frequency polygon d. Ogive e. Frequency Curve Ans: c

8. Figure indicated which type of graph?

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a. Histogram b. Frequency polygon c. Ogive d. Frequency Curve Ans: c

9. Cumulative Frequency curve also known as_____ a. Histogram b. Frequency Polygon c. Grouped Frequency d. Line frequency curve e. Ogive Ans: e

1.d : Measure of Central Tendency

10. Mean is also known as ____ a. Median b. Mode c. Average d. Range Ans: c

11. Which is Positional central tendency? a. Arithmetic Mean b. Geometric Mean c. Harmonic Mean d. Median e. All of above Ans: d

12. Which is NOT mathematical central tendency? a. Arithmetic Mean b. Median c. Harmonic Mean d. Geometric Mean Ans: b

13. Simple arithmetic mean of 2, 8, 7, 3, 4.2, 6.1, 8.2, 7.1, 10, 9 is ________ a. 4.64 b. 7.46 c. 8.64 d. 6.46 Ans: d

14. Which of the following is a equation to derive arithmetic mean in grouped data by short cut method.

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15. Mean for following Data _____

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a. 11.9 b. 25.9 c. 29.5 d. 19.5 Ans: b

16. is the equation for_____

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a. Arithmetic mean by direct method b. Arithmetic mean by short cut method c. Arithmetic mean by Step deviation method d. Arithmetic mean by indirect method Ans: c

17. If all the weights in weighted arithmetic mean are equal, then the weighted mean is the same as the _____________. a. Arithmetic mean b. Geometric mean c. Median d. Mode e. Option a and b f. Option c and d Ans: a

1.e: Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean

18. __________ = ???????????????????????????? [1???? ????????????????????] a. Harmonic mean b. Geometric mean c. Arithmetic mean d. Weighted arithmetic mean Ans: b

19. What is Harmonic mean for : 18, 12, 16, 21, 7, 9 a. 11.9 b. 9.1 c. 1.9 d. 12 Ans: a

20. Geometric mean is defined as the nth root of the product of n values. True or False? a. True b. False Ans: a

1.f : Median and Mode

21. Calculate median of the following data gives the height of five student in c.m., 168, 173, 153, 164, 158 a. 153 b. 173 c. 168 d. 164 Ans: d

22. _________ = ???? +(????/2– ????????)/???????? ???? a. Median b. Mode c. Harmonic Mean d. Quartile deviation e. Standard deviation Ans: a

23. Find median of daily wages of employees in hospital

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a. 180 b. 185 c. 200 d. None of above Ans: b

24. Calculate Median for following data

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a. 125.125 b. 100.125 c. 101.125 d. 103.125 Ans: d

25. ________ =

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a. Median b. Mode c. Harmonic Mean d. Quartile deviation e. Standard deviation Ans: b

26. Calculate mode for following data

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a. 112.857 b. 110.112 c. 112.112 d. 25 Ans: a

1.g: Types of Measures of Dispersion

27. Which is NOT type of variability?

a. Biological variability b. Random variability c. Real variability d. Experimental variability Ans: b

28. Which is NOT type of Measure of Dispersion? a. Mean b. Range c. Mean absolute deviation d. Standard Deviation e. Quartile Deviation Ans: a

29. What is the coefficient of range for the given data : 8, 6, 7, 9, 12, 3, 15, 18, 5, 6 a. 6 b. 15 c. 0.714 d. 21 Ans: c

30. Find coefficient of Mean deviation for : 10, 20, 28, 34, 23, 17 a. 0.285 b. 0.287 c. 2.87 d. 8.27 Ans: b

31. The square of standard deviation is called ____________ a. Quartile deviation b. Mean absolute deviation c. Range d. Variance Ans: d

32. Coefficient of variation also known as ___________ a. Coefficient of Quartile deviation b. Standard deviation c. Relative Standard deviation d. Coefficient of Mean deviation Ans: c

33. _______ = √(????−????̅)2???? a. Coefficient of Variation b. Variance c. Coefficient of Mean deviation d. Standard deviation e. Correlation coefficient Ans: d

34. What is Standard deviation for: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 a. 20 b. 200 c. 400 d. 40 Ans: a

1.h: Correlation

35. The value of correlation coefficient will very from ____ a. 0 to 1 b. -1 to +1 c. -∞ to +∞ d. -1 to 0 Ans: b

36. If the value of one variable is increase, then value of other variable also increases on an average, then the correlation said to be positive. True or False? a. True b. False Ans: a

37. If the value of one variable decreases, then the value of other variable decreases on an average, then the correlation said to be Negative correlation. True or False? a. True b. False Ans: b

38. The relationship between more than two variables is said to be _________ a. Simple Correlation b. Random Correlation c. Parital Correlation d. Multiple correlation Ans: d

39. r = 0 indicates… a. a positive correlation between variables b. a negative correlation between variables c. no correlation between variables d. All of above Ans: c

40. Figure indicates ______

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a. Perfect positive correlation b. Perfect negative correlation c. Positive correlation d. Negative correlation e. None of above Ans: e

41. If the points are widely scattered in a graph, the correlation is said to be _________ a. Highly Negative b. Negative c. Zero d. None of above Ans: c

42. Equation ???? =????????????√????????2????/2 Stands for ______ a. Spearman’s Rank coefficient of correlation b. Quartile deviation c. Karl pearson’s coefficient of correlation d. coefficient of condurrent deviation. Ans: c

43. Which is equation for spearman’s rank coefficient of correlation?

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44. Calculate coefficient of concurrent deviation for following data:

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a. 0.1773 b. 5.7735 c. 0.5773 d. None of above Ans: c

2.a: Regression

45. In regression analysis independent variable is also known as _______ a. Regressor b. Predictor c. Explanatory variable d. All of above e. None of above Ans: d

46. The equation for the standard error of the regression (S) is _______

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2.b : Probability

47. What is probability of head when tossing coin one time? a. 1 b. 2 c. 1.5 d. 0.5 Ans: d

48. What is probability of 3 when throwing dice once. a. 1/6 b. 2/6 c. 3/6 d. 1 e. None of above Ans: a

49. In probability theory, two events are said to be mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time or simultaneously. True or False? a. True b. False Ans: True

50. If one event is unaffected by the outcome of another event, the two events are said to be a. Dependent b. Independent c. Mutually exclusive d. All of the above e. Both b and c Ans: b

51. Which is true for Probability of an Event P(E). a. 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1 b. 0 < P(E) ≤ 1 c. 0 ≤ P(E) < 1 d. 0 < P(E) < 1 e. None of above Ans: a

52. Five coins are thrown simultaneously. Find the chance of getting four heads. a. 5/64 b. 7/64 c. 1/64 d. None of above Ans: a

53. Suppose, we have a production process of some item that is manufactured in large quantities. We find that, in general, the proportion of defective items is p = 0.01, A random sample of l00 items is selected. What is the probability that there are no defective items in this sample? a. 0.184 b. 0.921 c. 0.368 d. 0.08 Ans: c

54. ????(????) =???????????? −????/????! equation Stands for____ a. Binomial distribution b. Poisson distribution c. Normal distribution d. All of above Ans: b

55. For Normal Distribution which statement is false? a. For Normal distribution, mean = median = mode b. It is symmetry about the center c. 50% of values less than the mean and 50% greater than the mean d. None of above Ans: d

56. Gaussian distribution is known as _______ a. Normal distribution b. Binomial distribution c. Poisson distribution d. Random distribution Ans: a

2.c : Sampling

57. Which is NOT Probability sampling technique? a. Simple random Sampling b. Stratified random sampling c. Cluster Random Sampling d. Quota Sampling Ans: d

58. Which is NOT Non-Probability sampling technique? a. Snowball sampling b. Purposive sampling c. Cluster Random Sampling d. Quota Sampling Ans: c

59. Nonprobability sampling techniques involve random selection. True or False? a. True b. False Ans: b

60. Purposive Sampling techniques is also known as _______ a. Snowball sampling b. Haphazard sampling c. Quota sampling d. Judgmental Sampling Ans: d

Pharmacokinetics MCQs with Answers (Part:- 2)

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics mcqs with answers.

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  • October 2020
  • Edition: Third Edition
  • Publisher: Academic Publishers
  • ISBN: 9789387162662

Indranil Saha at ICMR-Centre for Ageing & Mental Health; Division of Non-Communicable Diseases; Indian Council of Medical Research

  • ICMR-Centre for Ageing & Mental Health; Division of Non-Communicable Diseases; Indian Council of Medical Research

Bobby Paul at All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata, India

  • All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health, Kolkata, India

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801T MCQ Biostatistics and Research Methodology MCQ with Answers

Bp801t mcq biostatistics and research methodology mcq with answers.

Unit 1 MCQ Introduction, Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion, Correlation MCQ

Unit 2 MCQ Regression, Probability, Parametric test MCQ

Unit 3 MCQ Non Parametric tests, Research, Graphs, Designing the methodology MCQ

Unit 4 MCQ Regression modelling, Practical components of Industrial and Clinical Trial MCQ

Unit 5 MCQ Design and Analysis of Experiments, Response Surface methodology MCQ

Biostatistics and Research Methodology Mix MCQ

Answer: collection of data

Answer: better quantitative picture.

Answer: greater than mode

Answer: Histogram

Answer: average of x and y

Answer: Coefficient of variation.

Answer: non-parametric

Answer: y=a+bx

Answer: Small sample test

Answer: High-quality glossy.

Answer: First name

Answer: Type I error

Answer: status

Answer: Economics

Answer: Science

Answer: standard deviation

Answer: positive correlation.

BP801T Biostatistics and Research Methodology, Notes, PDF Books

Suggested readings

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  • Structure and function of ecosystem
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Regenerative Medicine: Rejuvenating the Body’s Natural Healing Potential

A legacy of loss: the contaminated blood scandal and haemophilia, percutaneous aortic valve replacement (tavr): a minimally invasive option for heart valve disease, you may have missed, severe combined immunodeficiency (scid).

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Multiple choice quiz questions for biostatistics

Author(s): Skylar Hopkins 1 , Jeremy M Wojdak 1

Radford University

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Version 1.0 - published on 10 Aug 2020 doi:10.25334/SYXN-W519 - cite this

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A set of 157 multiple choice quiz questions that were designed for learning evaluation in introductory undergraduate biostatistics courses. The questions provide students with a figure, dataset, or example problem, and evaluate whether they can apply 18 concepts/skills: Coding in R, Confidence Intervals, Critical Consumption, Data Organization & Wrangling, Data Visualization, Descriptive Statistics, Hypothesis Testing, Independence, Modeling Checking, Populations vs. Samples, Prediction, Probability Distributions, Randomness and Variation, Random Sampling & Assignment, Responsible Production, Type I and Type II Errors, Statistical Inference, and Variable Types. To find questions covering a specific concept/skill, you can search the Excel spreadsheet included in this resource. These questions could be used on tests, quizzes, or worksheets that are completed by students during or outside of class time. All questions are multiple choice, so they are amenable to automatic grading and immediate feedback from course management software.

These quiz questions were originally designed for a pre/post-test and 11 quizzes in a course that used specification grading. Each week, the students completed two six-question quizzes using course management software outside of class. There were two versions of each quiz, which were taken one week apart. The goal was for students to evaluate their mastery of the concepts on version 1 of the quiz, spend a week reviewing and improving their mastery of those concepts, and re-evaluate their mastery using version 2 of the quiz. The questions on versions 1 and 2 are therefore different but cover the same concepts/skills. The questions and the spreadsheet are divided among the quizzes as originally organized for the course, but the questions could easily be separated or combined to tailor learning evaluation tools specific to other course designs.

The instructor notes are available to instructors who log in to QUBEShub. 

Indian Journal of Dermatology

biostatistics and research methodology mcq pdf

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Mar-Apr 2024 - Volume 69 - Issue 2

  • Editor-in-Chief: Dr. (Brig.) Manas Chatterjee
  • ISSN: 0019-5154
  • Online ISSN: 1998-3611
  • Frequency: Bimonthly

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Clinico-Epidemiologic Profile of Non-Syndromic Congenital Ichthyosis – A Retrospective Chart Review of 107 Patients

Indian Journal of Dermatology. 69(2):113-118, Mar-Apr 2024.

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A Critical Appraisal of Gluten in Skin Disorders, the Evidence So Far, and Updated Recommendations

Indian Journal of Dermatology. 69(2):152-158, Mar-Apr 2024.


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Laser and Lights in Psoriasis

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Association of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with the Use of Oral Propranolol in Infantile Haemangiomas: An Ambispective Comparative Study

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Prospective Versus Cross-Sectional Study Design – Wordplay of Timing of Study Conduct and Measurement

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A Two-Year-Old Child with Bilateral Symmetrical Papulosquamous Lesions

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Comparative Study Between Tacrolimus 0.1% Ointment Versus Topical White Soft Petrolatum Jelly in the Treatment of Oral Retinoid-Induced Cheilitis

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Bilateral Symmetrical Hyperpigmented Patches on the Lower Extremities

Indian Journal of Dermatology. 69(2):204, Mar-Apr 2024.

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About the Journal

Published since 1955, Indian Journal of Dermatology (IJD®), (ISSN: Print- 0019-5154, Online - 1998-3611) is the oldest published journal of Dermatology in Asia and one of the oldest peer-reviewed journals dedicated to this particular discipline. The journal is being published regularly since its inception and continues to be one of the pioneer medical journals from India.

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Profile image of Indranil Saha

This text book is a comprehensive, user friendly and easy to read resource on Biostatistics and Research Methodology. It is meant for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students and allied biomedical sciences (Dental, Nursing, Psychology, AYUSH, Nutrition, MSc and PhD students). Health researchers, research supervisors and faculty members may find it useful as a reference book. Unique features of 3rd Edition: This book unveils - • All the facets of research process i.e. from protocol development to publication technicalities • How to conduct literature search using search engines • Details of different research designs and methods of data collection • Description of data presentation methods, scales of measurement, measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal distribution, sample size calculation, sampling techniques & variability, probability etc. • Assumptions of tests of significance, correlation, regression and their interpretations • Numerous examples on application of each statistical method • Theory questions and Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) at the end of each chapter for self assessment

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90+ Research Methods and Statistics Solved MCQs

A.state craft
B.science of state
C.political state
D.political craft
Answer» C. political state
A.state administration
B.population statistics
C.fact of day-to-day life
D.all of the above
Answer» A. state administration
A.data, its analysis and interpretation
B.observation of samples
C.method for analysing numers
D.conducting census
Answer» A. data, its analysis and interpretation
C.a.m. tuttle
Answer» C. a.m. tuttle
A.w.i. king
B.a.l. bowley
C.prof. h. secrist
D.none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above
A.aggregate of facts
B.multiplicity of causes
C.numerically stated
D.complex manifestations
Answer» B. multiplicity of causes
Answer» D. data
A.numerical method
D.all the above
Answer» C. accuracy
A.it is probabilistic than deterministic
B.it is deterministic than probabilistic
C.a definite date collection method is unnecessary
D.data sources should be clear
Answer» A. it is probabilistic than deterministic
A.analysis is easy
B.method is systematic and empirical
C.construction of conclusion is easy
D.data is relevant to the purpose
Answer» D. data is relevant to the purpose
B.systematic inquiry
Answer» C. comparison
Answer» A. descriptive
A.presentation of data
B.collection of quantitative data
C.assisting in making decisions
D.summarization of data
Answer» C. assisting in making decisions
A.numerical facts
B.statistical methods
D.none of the above
Answer» B. statistical methods
A.a tool of analysis
B.helps processing the raw
C.descriptive nature
D.processing done by systematic analysis & interpretation.
Answer» C. descriptive nature
B.intelligence quotient (iq)
D.x2 test
Answer» B. intelligence quotient (iq)
A.consumer preference
B.strength of the desire of people
C.wealth of nation
D.economic conditions of people
Answer» D. economic conditions of people
A.per capita income
B.cost of living
C.gross national product
D.maximum retail price
Answer» B. cost of living
A.effective planning
D.none of the above
Answer» B. budgets
A.government policy
C.population analysis
Answer» B. planning
A.description and summarizing
B.description and indication
C.description and induction
D.applied mathematics and induction
Answer» C. description and induction
C.single events
D.group characteristics
Answer» D. group characteristics
A.simplification and quantitative approach
B.knowledge acquisition and description
C.easiness and analytical
D.all the above
Answer» A. simplification and quantitative approach
D.numerical data
Answer» D. numerical data
A.results are representative
B.information on rare events
C.results are reliable
D.in appropriate method for enumeration
Answer» D. in appropriate method for enumeration
A.cost is prohibitive
B.time consuming
C.large efforts
D.all the above
Answer» D. all the above
A.haphazard selection
C.definite rules
Answer» C. definite rules
A.to draw inference
B.to check units of population
C.to collect numerical data
D.to make census
Answer» A. to draw inference
A.statistical theory
B.law of inertia of large numbers
C.law of statistical relativity
D.law of statistical regularity
Answer» D. law of statistical regularity
A.sampling is not related to calculation
B.sample chosen possess some features of the whole
C.chosen sample can follow the statistical methods
D.none of the above
Answer» B. sample chosen possess some features of the whole
A.it is not average of the whole
B.it would be representative
C.it would not be equal to the population
D.all the above
Answer» B. it would be representative
A.both the statements are correct
B.both the statements are wrong
C.only the first statement is correct
D.only the second statement is correct
Answer» C. only the first statement is correct
A.opposite of the law of statistical regularity
B.same to the law of statistical regularity
C.sample in large numbers create big variations in results
D.opposite to the mathematical theory of probability
Answer» B. same to the law of statistical regularity
A.collect data from some states
B.collect data from all the states
C.collect data from one or two states
D.collect data from more than half the number of states
Answer» B. collect data from all the states
Answer» D. dependent
A.statistical error is low
B.saves time
C.cost is low
D.none of the above
Answer» A. statistical error is low
A.both the statements are correct
B.both the statements are wrong
C.only the first statement is correct
D.only the second statement is correct
Answer» A. both the statements are correct
D.none of the above
Answer» A. induction
A.stratified sampling
B.probability sampling
C.proportional sampling
D.none of these
Answer» B. probability sampling
A.kendall and
B.b. smith b) l.h.c. tippet
C.british census report
D.fisher and yates
Answer» D. fisher and yates
A.unrestricted random sampling
B.simple random sampling
C.stratified random sampling
D.cluster random sampling
Answer» C. stratified random sampling
A.systematic sampling
B.stratified sampling
C.cluster sampling
D.none of the above
Answer» B. stratified sampling
Answer» A. multistage
A.purposive and deliberate
B.purposive and systematic
C.stratified and systematic
D.purposive and stratified
Answer» D. purposive and stratified
A.connecting relations
B.small population
D.none of the above
Answer» A. connecting relations
A.population is not seen
B.total size of population is not known
C.researcher’s acquaintance influence the research
D.contradicts with conventional nations
Answer» A. population is not seen
A.s.p. gupta
B.p.l. bhandarkar, t.s wilkinson
C.pauline v. young
D.l.r. potti
Answer» D. l.r. potti
A.research article
B.research report
C.interim report
D.research report
Answer» D. research report
A.research proposal
B.summary report
D.research report
Answer» A. research proposal
A.research report
B.research abstract
C.research proposal
D.research design
Answer» A. research report
Answer» A. mean
Answer» B. median
Answer» B. mode
A.frequency table
B.simple table
C.cross table
D.two way table.
Answer» A. frequency table
A.statistical analysis
B.data processing
D.table construction
Answer» C. tabulation
A.frequency polygon
C.line graph
D.bar charts
Answer» B. histogram
A.bar charts
Answer» C. pictograms
A.lorenz curve
B.bar charts
Answer» C. ogive
C.circle charts
Answer» B. pictograms
B.grouped data
C.central tendency
Answer» C. central tendency
A.central tendency
B.measures of dispersion
C.arithmetic mean
Answer» B. measures of dispersion
Answer» A. range
A.general public
B.target audience
C.participant audience
D.scientific community
Answer» D. scientific community
Answer» B. abstract
C.conceptual framework
D.review of literature
Answer» D. review of literature
B.title page
Answer» B. title page
Answer» C. editing
A.plan of the study
B.design of the study
C.pie test
Answer» B. design of the study
Answer» B. concepts
Answer» C. classification
Answer» A. coding
Answer» B. editing
B.pie chart
C.line graph
D.bar chart
Answer» B. pie chart
Answer» C. transcription
Answer» C. hypothesis
A.statistical analysis
Answer» A. statistical analysis
A.scientific method
B.experimental study
D.social science research
Answer» C. research
A.cumulative frequency polygon
B.frequency polygon
Answer» A. cumulative frequency polygon
A.research plan
B.research proposal
C.research design
D.research methodology
Answer» C. research design
Answer» B. independent
Answer» D. variable
C.focus group
D.participant observation
Answer» A. observation
C.body of the report
D.content section
Answer» B. preliminary
A.author index
Answer» D. bibliography
Answer» C. footnotes
Answer» A. findings
Answer» C. mode
A.standard deviation
Answer» D. median
Answer» A. graphic
Answer» A. vertical
A.content analysis
B.observation method
D.focus group study
Answer» C. case-study
Answer» A. formulating
A.research design
B.research methodology
C.research planning
D.research discussion
Answer» B. research methodology
Answer» A. applied
Answer» D. mean
B.body of the report
C.main text
Answer» C. main text

Biostatistics and Research Methodology - BP801T

[ bpharm (bachelor of pharmacy) ].

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Pharmacy - Bpharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) - 8th Semester - 4th Year - Subject/Paper: Biostatistics and Research Methodology - BP801T - Notes, Important Questions, Semester Question Paper PDF Download

Important Questions

University question paper.


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    Description. A set of 157 multiple choice quiz questions that were designed for learning evaluation in introductory undergraduate biostatistics courses. The questions provide students with a figure, dataset, or example problem, and evaluate whether they can apply 18 concepts/skills: Coding in R, Confidence Intervals, Critical Consumption, Data ...

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    INDRANIL SAHA, BOBBY PAUL. Academic Publishers, Oct 20, 2020 - Medical - 416 pages. This text book is a comprehensive, user friendly and easy to read resource on Biostatistics and Research Methodology. It is meant for undergraduate and post graduate students of medical and biomedical sciences. Health researchers, research supervisors and ...

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    Unique features of 3rd Edition: This book unveils - • All the facets of research process i.e. from protocol development to publication technicalities • How to conduct literature search using search engines • Details of different research designs and methods of data collection • Description of data presentation methods, scales of ...

  17. 90+ Research Methods and Statistics solved MCQs with PDF download

    Take a Test Download as PDF. Tags. Question and answers in Research Methods and Statistics, Research Methods and Statistics multiple choice questions and answers, Research Methods and Statistics Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Research Methods and Statistics, Research Methods and Statistics MCQs with answers PDF download.

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    Biostatistics and Research Methodology - BP801T - Study Material, Notes, Important Questions, Semester Question Paper PDF Download. Pharmacy - Bpharm (Bachelor of Pharmacy) - 8th Semester - 4th Year - Subject/Paper: Biostatistics ... Biostatistics and Research Methodology - APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University AKTU - Question Paper 2021 June ...

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    Biostat MCQ - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document contains sample questions from a question bank for the subject Biostatistics & Research Methodology, which is part of an 8th semester B.Pharm program. The questions are divided into 4 units and cover topics like central tendency, correlation, statistical tests, clinical trials, research ...

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    Biostatistics mcqs - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Biostatistics mcqs

  21. Biostatistics and Research Methodology PV

    Biostatistics and Research Methodology PV (1) - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. The document appears to be a scanned collection of pages from a book or manual. It contains images of many pages with text and diagrams but no clear overall narrative or topic. The pages discuss a variety of technical topics including electrical components ...

  22. Research Methodology MCQ Questions With Answers

    396845588 Research Methodology Mcq Questions With Answers - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  23. Research Methodology MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

    This document provides a multiple choice quiz on research methodology concepts. It includes 21 multiple choice questions with explanations on topics like research methods, sampling techniques, hypotheses testing, longitudinal research, evaluation research, and characteristics of research. The main purpose of the quiz is to improve the test taker's knowledge of key concepts in research methodology.