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Book Review Template for Kids (Tips & Activities)

  • July 21, 2019
  • Kids Printables

Aren’t your kids interested in reading more books? How can you enhance their understanding skills after reading a book? 

Here is a solution ! How about asking them to write a review? Don’t be funny you say ! No, I am just saying if you have colorful “ Book Review Templates” for kids , you can actually ask them to write what they understood.  

Ask your kids to share their point of view and discuss about it with their friends and family. While this is a small circle, writing a review about the book will help them introduce it a bigger circle or people, at the same time improve their thinking and writing skills.

You might want to check out book templates for kids , who are interested in compiling or writing a book. 

book review template

Your kids read books? Do they have the habit of sharing their view about the books? Do they share their review about every book they read? Or do you want your kid to write review about the books they read? Do you want to teach them on how to write a book review? Well, this topic is help and satisfy all the above needs.

Yes, In this article we are going to see in detail about what is book review and how to make your kids write a book review. We are here to help you with the wonderful set of templates that will help teach your kids and encourage them write review about books. All you have to do is just a click away, select the template you like from here, download it, print and teach your kids on how to write a book review with the help of it. All these templates are available for free and you can download and use it anytime, anywhere.

What are Book Review Templates?

First of all let us see what is book review template and what are the components in it to be filled. As the name says, it is nothing but the template to write review about books, which will help you teach your kids on how to write a book review and what all needs to be included/excluded while writing a book review. Below are some of the components that needs to be filled in order to complete a Book review.

book review template for high school

  • Title – Name of the book
  • Author/Illustrator – Name of the Author and/or Illustrator of the book
  • Word difficulty – They need to predict the difficulty level they had while reading the book. For Example, Too easy, Just right, Medium, Too hard,
  • Did your like the book/Rating – This is to rate the book. As it is for kids, it can be represented with the STAR rating. If not, by numbers. For example, 4.2 out of 5. Or you can ask them to describe the book in one word by proving them a set of words to choose. For example, Exiting, boring, impressive, stupid, funny, sad, heart warming, interesting, excellent, entertaining, educational and so on.
  • Summary in one sentence – Ask them to summarize the story of the book in a sentence, that needs to be short and crisp.
  • Characters – Describe in brief about the character involved in the book.
  • What was your favorite part of the book? / What I liked best – This will help them recollect the memories of reading the book and describe their favorite part in the book.
  • What I didn’t like – Ask them to summarize the part of book which the kids did not like
  • Draw your favorite character from the book – If it is a picture book or activity book that would contain more pictures and images, then you can guide them to draw their favorite character from the book.
  • Draw your favorite scene from the book – every kids will have a favorite part from the book and you can encourage them to visualize their favorite scene, which in-turn will develop their drawing skills also.
  • Recommendation – They can tick mark the box. For example, Highly Recommended, Reasonable, Not recommended.
  • Reviewer Name – Your kids name who is writing the review.
  • Date – date on which the review was written.

These are few of the points that must be covered as part of a book review. Apart from this the kids can add anything extra as part of the template while writing the review.

book review template for childrens books

Are your kids exited to write a book review? Wondering how to guide them on it? Then we are here to help you, as we have provided wonderful set of book review templates for kids in this page that will attract your kids. Do you want to make one on your own? Well, that is allowed as well. All you have to do is to just chose your template from here and download it for free. As we have designed it for your ease, you can just edit the template as per your need by changing the font, background, borderline of the template etc and create/make your own Book review templates within seconds,without spending even a single penny from your pocket. Is it not amazing? Create one instantly and help your kids write a book review.

Uses of Book review template?

book review template for middle school

Let us see below the uses of writing a book review.

  • Will help the kids to improve their creative writing skills and reading comprehension.
  • Will encourage the kids to share their opinion
  • Will help others to decide on whether to read/purchase the book or not.
  • Will provide the in-depth analysis of the story and content of the book.
  • Will capture the main theme of the book and help readers understand the author’s style.

These are few of the benefits of writing a book review. Apart from these it will improve their book reading skills and increase their interest to read more books and write review for those.

How to use – Book review template for teaching in classroom

book review template for primary school

In order to help teachers with book review templates and few sample activities that would help them teach in the classroom,we have listed few activities as below to make their work easy:

  • Providing Sample Book review – You can take few sample reviews written by others for a book and share it in the classroom for the kids to basically understand what is a book review and what are the basic elements and points to be captured while writing a book review. Best source to teach them is from the famous/favorite magazine or even newspaper.
  • Together read a book review – Pick up an appropriate and favorite book review and read it aloud along with the students in the classroom. Cover everything from title of the book, author, brief summary of the book, strengths and weakness and your own personal opinion about the book.
  • Provide a book to review – Provide a book or a short story to read in the classroom and write their review about it. Encourage them to make note of the key points of the story Post which you can read the review they have written and correct those along with the students.
  • Questions about the book – Provide a book review template template and guide them with few questions that will help them recollect the incidents in the story and come-up with a good review. Questions should cover on the genre of the book (whether it is Comic or fantasy or detective or humor),  about the favorite part of the book, likes and dis-likes, about the main characters of the book, briefly about the author of the book, did they enjoy reading the story, etc. Also ensure to have their reviews explained in details. 
  • Classroom flip book review activity – Prepare a flip book with an interesting topic and introduce it to the students. Provide them with a book review template from him as per your wish and let them write review on the flip book. This will help them improve their thinking capacity as well.

  How to use – Book Review template for students

book review template for year 5

Making children write a book review is a great way to motivate them to read lot of books. Having said that let us see few activities  that will help them learn and write a good and perfect book review.

  • Book review activity Packet – You can choose a sample book for the students to read, be it a short-story or fun book or a comic story. To start with you can provide them a book under their favorite genre which will help them read it with full involvement and write a good review. Then you can choose a template from here for there to express their thought and opinion about the book and write a review.
  • Character book review Activity – Decide a book for the student to read, preferably a picture book or fun book. Later you can collect the pictures of the different characters in the book and make cards out of it. Once the student completes the book, you can provide these cards carrying different characters in the book and as them to write review about each character. This will help children to understand and judge themselves with how much involvement they have read the book.

All the activities listed above looks awesome right? Waiting to involve your kids/students in reading books and write a review for the book? Then you can involve them in any of the above activities. To start with, you can make them read a book of their favorite genre, which will help them practice writing a book review at initial times.

Can Book Review Template help kids to learn science?

book review template ks1

In order to make students develop their interest towards science, you can introduce it to them through book review activity as well. Wondering how? Here is an example for you to help them develop their interest towards science. You can create a Flip book with different forms of energy (like heat, sound,chemical,thermal etc) or any other science related topics like state of matter or chemical changes, with the pictures related to it. You can ask students to make a research on each of the picture in the flip book, hence introducing science to them.

Help them in understand it which in-turn will make them write good reviews. Later, once they complete the flip book, provide them with few book review templates and as them to write their opinion about each science topic in the flip book, that will help them know their understanding about the science and develop interest towards science. Similarly you can make them read various science related fun books (like 11 Experiments That Failed or Ada Twist – Scientist) which will introduce science to them and ask them to write review for the same.

Tips to help your kids write a book review

book review template ks2

Writing a book review is not an easy task for the children at initial times. Below are you tips which will help you guide your children to write a good book review.

  • Motivate them to make note of the important points while reading the books. This will help them remember the favorite characters and scenes in the book.
  • Make them ask questions about the book to come-up with an perfect book review.
  • Guide them to have a structure for the book review they write. For example , starting from the Author to the strength and weakness of the book.
  • You should be ready to proofread it at the end. Once the kids complete writing a review, you should have a check on it for any spelling mistakes, meaning of the phrases and help them correct their mistakes in the next review.

Do’s and Don’ts of a Book review

my book report

Having discussed in details on how to write a book review, we shall now see the do;s and dont’s while reviewing a book.

  • Provide a short phrase/title that will explain your review’s content.
  • Be very specific in describing what you liked or did not like in the book. Do not generally say “it was bad”,”not satisfactory”. Describe why was it bad and not satisfactory.
  • Do not drag the review too long. Make it crisp and brief. Do not completely summarize the book.
  • Do not criticize it badly just because it was not as how you expected.
  • Describe your favorite character and be very careful and conscious in what you say about the story to avoid controversies.

Following these  points along with the tips, you can select any of the activities along with the book review template from our page and teach your kids on how to write a good book review.


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book review template for 9 year old

Book Review Template for Kids

Are you looking for a book review template for older kids? This simple book review template is ideal for grown-up children. Prompt your child to write a book review each time after finishing a book. It will encourage them to brainstorm and share their viewpoint.

Reading books and writing reviews also aids in developing good literacy skills. Other than writing reviews, you can also ask your child questions about the book. Not only they will learn how to analyze and evaluate, but it will also start a healthy conversation with them.

Book Review Format

Book reviews are not just a summary of the plot; they are your ticket to sharing your thoughts, opinions, and insights about a literary work with the world. Crafting an engaging book review requires more than just enthusiasm – it demands a well-structured format that brings out the essence of the book and your perspective on it. Here’s a simple format guide to help you master the art of writing a captivating book review if you are writing one for young kids or want your kids to master it.

  • Introduction: Introduce the author, the book’s title, and provide some context about the book’s significance. Then, kick off with a catchy sentence that makes us want to read more. How about a sneak peek into the most exciting part?
  • Peek into the Plot: Give us a taste of the story without giving away all the secrets. Who are the main characters? What’s the adventure they’re going on? But remember, no spoilers are allowed! Keep it engaging and intriguing to pique the reader’s curiosity.
  • Characters’ Corner: Let’s talk about the characters. Did you find a friend in one of them? Who made you laugh the most? Share your thoughts and tell us what you liked about them. Dive into the characters’ personalities, motivations, and development throughout the story.
  • Story Themes and Lessons: What did the book teach you? Did it make you see things differently? Maybe it had a big message hidden in the story. Tell us what cool things you learned.
  • Style Spotlight: Describe how the author writes. Is it funny and clever? Does it feel like magic? Let us know if the words painted pictures in your mind as you read.
  • Twists and Turns: Discuss any plot twists, surprises, or turning points that added excitement or depth to the story. Did the story have any surprises that made you gasp? Maybe a twist that you never saw coming? Spill the beans on those exciting moments!
  • Your Feelings Matter: Did the book make you smile, cry, or laugh out loud? Share how the story made you feel and why those emotions were bubbling up.
  • The Big Finish: Wrap up your review by sharing your final thoughts. Did you absolutely love the book? Would you tell your friends to read it? Tell us if this adventure is a must-read or not, and why you think so.

Remember, a book review is your chance to share your thoughts and feelings. There’s no right or wrong – it’s all about your unique perspective. Your review could help another young reader find their next favourite book. So, have fun writing, and let your excitement shine through!

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Book Review & Report Templates

This book review template for kids includes the following questions:

What was the title of the book? Who was the author of the book? What did you like best/least about this book? Would you recommend this book to your friends? Why or why not? Which characters in this book did you like the best? Describe their traits What happened in the story? What was your favourite part?

Print the pdf file by clicking the pictures below or the download button.

Simple One-Page Book Review Template

Book Review Template for kids | Book Review Format

Book Report Template for KS1, KS2 and KS3 Kids

Click the below book report template for ks1 ks2 and ks3 kids to download.

Book review template for ks 1 ks2 and ks3 kids | book report

Fun Simple Book Review Template

Click the below book review template for ks2 kids to download.

book review template for kids | Ks1 and ks2

Book Report Template Worksheet

Click the below book report template for ks1, ks2 kids to download

Book report template ks1 | Book review writing

In-depth Book Review Template

Click the below extensive book report template bundle to download.

book report template | Book review worksheets | Book review format

Also, Check:   Quiz Questions for Kids

What is the purpose of a book review?

A book review serves the purpose of providing potential readers with insights and information about a book. It offers an evaluation of the book’s content, style, and overall quality. Additionally, book reviews help readers decide whether the book aligns with their interests and whether it’s worth investing their time in reading it.

What is the format of a book review?

A typical book review follows a structured format that includes an introduction, a brief summary of the book’s content and context, an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses, a discussion of characters and themes, and a concluding evaluation. The introduction engages the reader, the summary offers a snapshot of the book, the analysis delves into its various aspects, and the conclusion provides a final recommendation or judgment. This format ensures a comprehensive and organized review that informs readers while conveying the reviewer’s perspective effectively.

Why is it important to include a brief summary of the book in a book review?

Including a brief summary of the book in a review helps readers understand the context and premise of the book. This summary provides essential background information, introduces key characters and plot elements, and ensures that readers have a basic understanding of what the book is about before delving into the reviewer’s analysis and opinions.

In a book review format, what does the “Introduction” section typically include?

The “Introduction” section of a book review typically provides a hook to capture the reader’s interest. It may contain background information about the author, the book’s genre, and its relevance. The introduction also sets the tone for the review and often includes a thesis statement that gives a hint of the reviewer’s overall opinion.

What key information should be covered when discussing characters in a book review?

When discussing characters in a book review, key information to cover includes their names, roles, and significance within the story. It’s important to analyze their development, motivations, and how they contribute to the plot’s progression. Mentioning whether the characters are relatable or well-crafted adds depth to the review.

Why is sharing your personal feelings and opinions important in a book review?

Sharing personal feelings and opinions in a book review adds a subjective element to the analysis. Readers often connect with reviewers who express genuine emotions, and this can help potential readers determine if their tastes align with the reviewers. However, it’s crucial to balance personal opinions with objective analysis to provide a well-rounded evaluation of the book’s merits and drawbacks.

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You can surely share the link to this resource post so other people can also download it from here. This is for personal or personal classroom use only. To share, please share a link to this page, not the file. You cannot include these worksheets in your product or upload them to your site and have people download them from there because that would be copyright violations .

This may not be hosted or stored on any other site (including Facebook, Dropbox, etc.)

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3 thoughts on “Book Review Template for Kids”

Excellent blog post. I certainly appreciate this site. Stick with it!

Hi Mahlikka, I am glad you found this post useful 🙂 Thanks for your appreciation.

Your insights are a valuable contribution to the discussion.NaN

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Book Review Templates

50 best book review templates (kids, middle school etc.).

A book review template enables you to illustrate the intentions of the author who wrote the book while creating your own opinions and criticisms about the written material as a whole. By writing this template, you formulate your own opinions about the ideas presented by the author. In some cases, teachers assign students with the task of writing a book review template too. Through this, the teachers can determine how well the students understood the book.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Book Review Templates
  • 2 How long should the book review template be?
  • 3 Book Review Templates For Kids
  • 4 Parts of a book review template
  • 5 Book Review Templates Middle School
  • 6 Planning to write your book review
  • 7 Book Review Templates High School
  • 8 Starting to write your book review
  • 9 Book Review Templates for College
  • 10 What to include in your book review?

Free book review template 01

How long should the book review template be?

One main purpose of a book review template is to help other people determine whether or not they would feel interested to read a book . A book review worksheet serves as a “sneak peek” at a book. Written well, it can encourage others to read the same book to see what all the fuss is about.

Just don’t make your review too short as it might not serve its purpose. Conversely, a review that’s too long might bore the reader, thus, prompting them not to finish reading all the way to the end. Instead of focusing on the length of your review, focus on what you want to say in it.

Book Review Templates For Kids

Free book review template 10

Parts of a book review template

If you’re a student, all you have to do is give your own opinions and thoughts about the book you have read. But if you want your review to stand out, you may want to include more information:

  • A brief summary When writing a book review template, include a brief summary along with some background information about the topic and the author. As you write, don’t assume that the readers have already read the book. This is why you should explain the main ideas and topics you have read and their significance.
  • Background information about the topic As you write the background information, do a lot of research about the main topic to provide comprehensive data. Even if it’s a fictional story, doing research is essential. That way, the opinions and evaluations you share about the book come from your own good understanding of what you have read. For non-fiction, you may choose to include studies or research about the topic of the book to come up with a comprehensive review that your readers will appreciate.
  • Your evaluation Conclude your book review worksheet with an evaluation of what you’ve read. More than just your opinions, provide an evaluation of the strong points, weaknesses, and even the objectives of the book and if the author met these objectives. After this evaluation, you can include your opinions. Explain your reactions and the reasons for these reactions. Don’t just say “I didn’t like the book.” Specify the parts you didn’t appreciate and your reason why. This makes your review more believable, especially when you’re writing for a book that’s available for purchase.

Book Review Templates Middle School

Free book review template 20

Planning to write your book review

You can write a book review template for books of all genres and for different purposes. Of course, writing a book review template for different genres requires skill. While you would follow a single format for these reviews, the content varies greatly. Part of the writing process is to plan what to write in your review. Here are some tips to guide you:

  • Create an outline that includes all of the most important points that you want to include in your review. In the outline, include information about the plot, the characters, and other important details in the book.
  • For each point in your outline, create a paragraph that talks about it.
  • You should have a good understanding of the plot so that you can write your review effectively.
  • Analyze the writing techniques that the author used. This makes it easier for you to understand why and how the author wrote the book.
  • Analyze the characters of the book to see if they seem realistic, believable or even logical, especially in terms of the roles they play in the plot of the story.
  • Decide whether you would recommend the book you’ve read to other people. If you want to recommend it, explain why. If not, provide an explanation for this decision too.

Book Review Templates High School

Free book review template 30

Starting to write your book review

Most book review templates start with a brief summary of the book. If you decide to start the “traditional” way by writing a summary, make sure that you don’t give away too many details about the book. You shouldn’t retell the story or share too much information that the reader won’t even bother to read the book because they already know what it’s about. More importantly, people don’t appreciate it when reviews include spoilers.

When it comes to reviews, you can also begin in different ways depending on your preference or the requirements given to you by your teacher. Here are some suggestions for you:

  • Provide background information about the book Here, you share what makes the book interesting or important. It might have a well-known author, it may be part of a series of books or it may even be a bestseller. The background information you provide should hook the reader and make them feel curious.
  • Explain an important term used in the book If you think that an important term or phrase in the book might confuse the readers, you can start your review by providing a short explanation for it. This makes it easier for readers to understand the book and not feel intimidated by it.
  • Share an interesting fact about the book This way of starting your review is particularly effective for nonfiction books. By sharing an interesting fact that you have taken from the book, you will catch the interest of your readers.
  • Start with a quote Finally, you can also begin your review using a striking quote you’ve taken from the book. This is a powerful way to begin your review and it also makes the whole document more interesting to read.

Book Review Templates for College

Free book review template 40

What to include in your book review?

Thinking about what you want to say in your book review template can feel like a challenge. But it doesn’t have to be. As long as you have an idea of the content to include in your review, the words may start flowing easily. Here are some ideas of what your book review may contain:

  • General information Talk about what kind of book is it – is it an adventure book, a fantasy book, a nonfiction book, a novel, and more. State if it is a standalone book or if it’s part of the series. You can even share interesting facts about the author of the book if you feel like this information can help your readers. Here, you can also compare the book to others of the same genre or topic. Talk about the style of the book and the language the author used for it. You can even recommend the age groups the book is most recommended for.
  • Plot Writing this part is the most challenging since you want to provide your readers with a taste of what the book is all about without divulging too many details or spoilers. When writing a book review for stories, never give away the ending!
  • Characters Your review should provide good information about all the characters in the story. You can learn more about the characters by analyzing their dialogues, actions, and how they interact with the other characters in the story. When talking about the characters, you can share some examples of instances that stood out in your mind. But again, don’t give away too much.
  • Theme Here, you talk about what the book is really about. Apart from the plot, you should also try to share the ideas behind the story that you’ve read. For instance, is the book about hope, love, friendship, the triumph of good over evil, and so on. This is another important piece of information that your readers may appreciate.
  • Setting This refers to the place and time when the story happens. When including this information, don’t just share the location. You can even add descriptions to make this part more interesting to read.
  • Opinions and analyses Finally, this is where you would share your reactions to the book. After giving the facts, it’s time to talk about how the book moved you, what you thought about it, and how you interpreted everything you’ve read. This would be the “meatiest” part of your book so you should spend more time on it. This also happens to be the main purpose of the book – your review – which is why it’s called a review!

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Book Review Writing Examples

Examples: learn from the efforts of others.

Learning how to write strong reviews takes time and not a little effort. Reading the reviews others have done can help you get a feel for the flow and flavor of reviews.

If I Never Forever Endeavor Review by Hayden, age 4, Southeast Michigan Mensa

If I Never Forever Endeavor cover

This book was about a bird who didn't yet know how to fly.

The bird has to decide if it will try to fly, but it was not sure if it wants to. The bird thought, "If I never forever endeavor" then I won't ever learn. On one wing, he worries he might fail and on the other wing he thinks of how he may succeed. He worries that if he tries, he may get lost in the world. That makes him want to stay in his nest where he's safe.

I think this book would help other children to learn that trying new things can be scary, but sometimes when we try, we can find things that make us happy too. And this book will help others know that mistakes are okay and part of learning.

My favorite part is that the bird tried and learned that she could fly. I also liked that I read this book because it gave me a chance to talk to mom about making mistakes and how I don't like making them. Then I learned they are good and part of learning.

Boys and girls who are 3 to 8 years old would like this book because it teaches about trying a new thing and how it's important to get past being scared so you can learn new things.

I give the book 5 stars since I think it's important for other children to learn about courage.

Flesh & Blood So Cheap Review by Umar B., age 8, Central New Jersy Mensa

Flesh & Blood So Cheap cover

I liked this book. People who are interested in national disasters and US history as well as immigration will most probably be interested in reading this book.

Readers can gain knowledge of what it was like to work in New York City in the early 1900s. One of the things that was especially interesting was that there were no safety laws at work. Also, there was a big contrast between the rich and the poor. Some people may not like this book because it is very depressing, but it is an important event in history to remember.

This book was very well written. It has black and white photos along with descriptions of the photos. These photos give us a better idea of what people's lives were like. This book is suitable for 9-20 year olds.

I give this book 5 stars.

Galaxy Zach: Journey to Juno Review by Young Mensan Connor C., age 6, Boston Mensa

Galaxy Zach: Journey to Juno cover

Journey To Juno is the second book of the Galaxy Zack series. It is just as good as the first one. It's awesome!

Zack joins the Sprockets Academy Explorers Club at school. They fly on a special trip to Juno, a new planet no one has ever visited. Zack gets paired up with Seth, the class bully, and that's dreadful but Zack is excited when he finds a huge galaxy gemmite. A gemmite that large had not been found in 100 years! Kids will love this book!

Boys and girls will both like it. It's an easy chapter book with pictures on every page. I love the illustrations. I think ages 6-8 would like this but younger kids would like the story being read to them.

My favorite parts are the galactic blast game (it is similar to baseball except there are robots playing), recess at Zack's school where everything is 3-D holographic images, the rainbow river in a crystal cave on Juno, and the galaxy gemmite that Zack finds on Juno. I also loved when a life-size holographic image of his Earth friend appears in Zack's room because he calls him on a hyperphone. I give this book one hundred stars! There is a "to be continued" at the end so you have to read the next book see what's in store. I can't wait to find out what happens!!!

I Capture the Castle Review by Lauren W., age 17, Mensa in Georgia

I Capture the Castle cover

Dodie Smith's novel I Capture the Castle is a journey through the mind of a young writer as she attempts to chronicle her daily life. Seventeen-year-old Cassandra Mortmain has recently learned to speed-write, and she decides to work on her writing skills by describing the actions and conversations of those around her.

Cassandra lives in a fourteenth-century English castle with an interesting cast of characters: her beautiful older sister, Rose; her rather unsociable author father and his second wife, artist-model Topaz; Stephen, the garden boy; a cat and a bull terrier; and sometimes her brother Thomas when he is home from school. One fateful day they make the acquaintance of the Cotton family, including the two sons, and a web of tangled relationships ensues.

While I definitely recommend this book to other readers, I would recommend it to older teenagers, mainly because it will resonate better with them. The writing is tame enough that younger teens could also read it, but most of the characters are adults or on the verge of adulthood. Older readers would take the most from it since they can not only relate, but they may also better pick up on and appreciate Cassandra's sometimes subtle humor.

Over the course of the novel, Cassandra undergoes a definite transformation from child to mature young adult, even though it's only over the course of several months. I love that I could see into her mindset and read exactly what she was feeling when she thought out situations. Her thoughts flowed well and moved the book along very quickly.

Cassandra's narrative voice is wonderful. She is serious at times, but also very witty, which makes for an engaging read. It feels absolutely real, as though I'm reading someone's actual journal. Sometimes I forget that I am reading a story and not a real-life account. Her emotions and the dialogue are so genuine, and they are spot-on for a seventeen-year-old girl in her situation.

Cassandra has many wonderful insights on life, on topics ranging from writing to faith to matters of the heart. I personally have had some of the same thoughts as Cassandra, except Ms. Smith was able to put them into words.

Capture the Castle should be essential reading for aspiring writers, those looking for historical fiction or romance, or anyone who loves reading amazing classic books. Dodie Smith is an exceptional writer, and I Capture the Castle is a book that will never become obsolete.

Frankenstein's Cat Review by Zander H., age 12, Mid-America Mensa

Frankenstein's Cat cover

I appreciated Frankenstein's Cat for its fascinating explanation about the often baffling subject of bioengineering and its sister sciences. Emily Anthes explains the many sides of today's modern technology, such as gene modification, cloning, pharmaceutical products (from the farm), prosthesis, animal tag and tracking and gene cryogenics. This book provides a well-rounded summary of these complicated sciences without being boring or simply factual. Her real world examples take us on a journey from the farm, to the pet store and then from the pharmacy to the frozen arc.

Have you ever wondered if the neighborhood cat is spying on you? Read about Operation Acoustic Kitty and find out if this feline fantasy fiction or fact. Do you think bugs are creepy? What about a zombified cyborg beetle? Is Fido so special that you want two of him? Money can buy you an almost exact copy of your pooch BUT don't expect the same personality. Emily Anthes makes you crave more information. She makes you want to know the future of Earth's flora and fauna, as well as humanity itself.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who desires a guide to the future of biological science and technology. Frankenstein's Cat is best read by the light of a glow-in-the-dark fish, while cuddling your favorite cloned dog and drinking a glass of genetically modified milk.

About Marsupials Review by Connor C., age 6, Boston Mensa

About Marsupials cover

About Marsupials is the title so the book is about...marsupials, of course. It's non-fiction. I really think everyone would like the book. I think someone who likes animals would especially like to read it.

The glossary of facts in the back of About Marsupials is the most useful part. I thought the most interesting parts were that some marsupials have their pouch at their back legs and one marsupial, the Yellow-footed Rock Wallaby, is very small but can jump 13 feet wide!

Kids in the 4-8 age range would like this book. Even though it's not a story book, 4 year olds would like the few words on each page and they would love the beautiful pictures. But older kids would like it because of all the facts in the back of the book. There's a lot of information for each animal. I think boys and girls (and parents) would enjoy reading it. This book is very interesting. I give it 4 stars.

Mapping the World Review by Umar A., age 10, Central New Jersey Mensa

Mapping the World cover

Every day, people around the world use maps. Whether it is an airplane pilot or businessman, housewife or museum group, maps have always and will continue to provide useful information for all.

Mapping the World talks about the uses of maps, as well as how to differentiate between the type of map projection and type of map.

In this series, we travel to the past and learn about historical mapmakers, from Claudius Ptolemy (who stated the idea that the Earth is at the center of the universe) to Gerardus Mercator (who created one of the most widely used map projections) and more. This series goes into tremendous detail on the cartographer's life and maps. We then journey to the present era to learn about map projections and the diverse types of maps used today. You might ask, "What is the difference between the two? They sound the same to me." No map projection is perfect, because you cannot really flatten a sphere into a rectangle. An uncolored projection could be used in many ways. We could use it for population concentration, highways, land elevation, and so many other things!

For example, we could make a topographic map of the U.S., which shows land elevation. We could make it a colorful map that shows the amount of pollution in different areas, or it could be a population map, or it could even be a map that shows the 50 states, their capitals and borders! Our last step in this amazing excursion is the near future, where we see some hypothetical solutions as to what maps will be used for. Currently, we are working on better virtual map technology.

Now, scientists have been able to put maps on phones. Back in the early 1900s, people had to lug a lot of maps around to find your way from place to place, or just keep asking for directions. Now, all the information is on a phone or global positioning system (GPS). It is amazing how much maps have changed technology and the world in this century.

The Mapping the World 8-book set goes into amazing levels of detail. It is a long read, but it gives an immense range and amount of information that you would not find in any other book or series on maps. The flowing way the chapters and books are organized makes it easy to link passages from different books in this series together. Mapping the World is a treasure box, filled with the seeds of cartography. Collect and plant them, and you soon will have the fruits of cartography, beneficial to those who want to be cartographers. Use this series to the utmost, then the fruits of mapping will be sweet for all who endeavor to succeed in cartography.

This series of lessons was designed to meet the needs of gifted children for extension beyond the standard curriculum with the greatest ease of use for the educator. The lessons may be given to the students for individual self-guided work, or they may be taught in a classroom or a home-school setting. Assessment strategies and rubrics are included at the end of each section. The rubrics often include a column for "scholar points," which are invitations for students to extend their efforts beyond that which is required, incorporating creativity or higher level technical skills.

The Only Book Review Templates You'll Ever Need

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Blog – Posted on Thursday, Nov 11

The only book review templates you'll ever need.

The Only Book Review Templates You'll Ever Need

Whether you’re trying to become a book reviewer , writing a book report for school, or analyzing a book, it’s nice to follow a book review template to make sure that your thoughts are clearly presented. 

A quality template provides guidance to keep your mind sharp and your thoughts organized so that you can write the best book review possible. On Reedsy Discovery , we read and share a lot of book reviews, which helps us develop quite a clear idea what makes up a good one. With that in mind, we’ve put together some trustworthy book review templates that you can download, along with a quick run-through of all the parts that make up an outstanding review — all in this post! 

Pro-tip : But wait! How are you sure if you should become a book reviewer in the first place? If you're on the fence, or curious about your match with a book reviewing career, take our quick quiz:

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Book review templates for every type of review

With the rapid growth of the book community on Instagram, Youtube, and even TikTok, the world of book commentary has evolved far beyond your classic review. There are now many ways you can structure a book review. Some popular formats include:

  • Book reports — often done for school assignments; 
  • Commentary articles — think in-depth reviews in magazines and newspapers; 
  • Book blog reviews — short personal essays about the book; and
  • Instagram reviews — one or two-paragraph reviews captioned under a nice photo. 

But while the text in all these review styles can be organized in different ways, there are certain boxes that all good book reviews tick. So, instead of giving you various templates to use for different occasions, we’ve condensed it down to just two book review templates (one for fiction and one for nonfiction) that can guide your thoughts and help you nail just about any review. 

book review template for 9 year old

⭐ Download our free fiction book review template  

⭐ Download our free nonfiction book review template  

All you need to do is answer the questions in the template regarding the book you’re reading and you’ve got the content of your review covered. Once that’s done, you can easily put this content into its appropriate format. 

Now, if you’re curious about what constitutes a good book review template, we’ll explain it in the following section! 

Elements of a book review template

Say you want to build your own book review template, or you want to customize our templates — here are the elements you’ll want to consider. 

We’ve divided our breakdown of the elements into two categories: the essentials and the fun additions that’ll add some color to your book reviews.

What are the three main parts of a book review?

We covered this in detail (with the help of some stellar examples) in our post on how to write a book review , but basically, these are the three crucial elements you should know: 

The summary covers the premise of the book and its main theme, so readers are able to understand what you’re referring to in the rest of your review. This means that, if a person hasn’t read the book, they can go through the summary to get a quick idea of what it’s about. (As such, there should be no spoilers!) 

The analysis is where, if it’s a fiction book, you talk more about the book, its plot, theme, and characters. If it’s nonfiction, you have to consider whether the book effectively achieves what it set out to do. 

The recommendation is where your personal opinion comes in the strongest, and you give a verdict as to who you think might enjoy this book. 

You can choose to be brief or detailed, depending on the kind of review you’re writing, but you should always aim to cover these three points. If you’re needing some inspiration, check out these 17 book review examples as seen in magazines, blogs, and review communities like Reedsy Discovery for a little variation. 

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Which additional details can you include?

Once you’ve nailed down the basics, you can jazz things up a little and add some personal flavor to your book review by considering some of these elements:

  • A star-rating (the default is five stars but you can create your own scales); 
  • A bullet-point pros and cons list; 
  • Your favorite quotation from the book; 
  • Commentary on the format you read (i.e., ebook, print, or audiobook);
  • Fun facts about the book or author; 
  • Other titles you think are similar.

This is where you can really be creative and tailor your review to suit your purpose and audience. A formal review written for a magazine, for instance, will likely benefit from contextual information about the author and the book, along with some comment on how that might have affected the reading (or even writing) process.

Meanwhile, if you’re reviewing a book on social media, you might find bullet points more effective at capturing the fleeting attention of Internet users. You can also make videos, take creative pictures, or even add your own illustrations for more personal touches. The floor is yours at this point, so go ahead and take the spotlight! 

That said, we hope that our templates can provide you with a strong foundation for even your most adventurous reviews. And if you’re interested in writing editorial reviews for up-and-coming indie titles, register as a reviewer on Reedsy Discovery !

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  • Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 
  • Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing
  • Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans
  • Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development
  • Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving
  • Why You Should Trust Us

Best Online Financial Advisors 2024: Find the Right Fit for Your Needs

Paid non-client promotion: Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate investing products to write unbiased product reviews.

What Are Online Financial Advisors?

A financial advisor is a catch-all term that includes financial planners and investment advisors. Most online advisors offer investment management — whether it's carried out by a human or a sophisticated computer algorithm — and financial planning services or tools.

Types of Online Advisors

The main types of online financial advisors are: 

  • Robo-Advisors: Automated investment platforms (aka robo-advisors) use algorithms to generate a custom investment portfolio based on an individual's risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Robo-advisors typically offer low-cost ETFs as a cost-effective way to instantly diversify an investor's asset allocation and mitigate risk. 
  • Human Advisors (Virtual): Financial advisors that offer personalized financial planning and investment advice online through virtual meetings, email, and other virtual communication channels. 
  • Hybrid Models: Some online brokerages offer hybrid financial advice, combining automated investment advice and management through a robo-advisor and one-on-one consultation from a human advisor. 

Benefits of Using Online Financial Advisors

Online financial advisors allow you to ditch the in-person hassle and access expert financial guidance from your phone or home computer. Online financial advisors leverage investment technology and generally low-cost compared to traditional in-person consultants.  

Not only does it make investing more affordable for many individuals, but clients can more easily adjust and monitor their investments on their own time. Robo-advisor and hybrid online advisors typically offer online dashboards and tools for convenient managing and monitoring. 

Compare the Top Online Financial Advisors 2024

For this list, we didn't consider online advisors that match clients and advisors for comprehensive financial  planning services, such as Zoe Financial or Facet Wealth . Instead, we focused on tech-driven firms where you can access an automated and personalized portfolio and consult a professional for advice when needed.

Here are our top picks for the best online financial advisors as picked by Business Insider editors in 2024.

SoFi Automated: Best Online Advisor for Low Fees 

SoFi SoFi Automated Investing

SoFi Automated Investing supports individual investment accounts, joint accounts, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, and 401(k) rollovers.

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No account minimum or management fees to invest
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal planning and automatic portfolio rebalancing
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Range of other account options across SoFi website
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. SoFi offers complimentary CFP access across all accounts
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No tax-loss harvesting
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No socially responsible portfolio options

SoFi Invest is one of the best investment apps and the best investment apps for beginners. It's a great platform for US investors who are looking for an intuitive online trading experience, an open active or automated investing account, and assets like cryptocurrencies.

  • Promotion: None at this time.
  • Consider it if: You're new to investing and want to leave the trading decisions to professionals.

SoFi Automated Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage accounts , traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA.

SoFi stands out for its lack of advisory fees, free one-on-one consultations with CFPs, portfolio diversity, and goal-planning features. SoFi builds a personalized investment portfolio based on your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. Additional SoFi membership perks include loan discounts and career counseling. 

What to look out for: SoFi doesn't have tax-loss harvesting features and limited portfolio diversity. 

SoFi Invest review

Betterment: Best Online Advisor for Diversified Investing

Betterment Betterment Investing

Betterment offers individual or joint accounts, IRAs, trust accounts, and cash reserve or checking accounts.

$0 to open, $10 to start investing ($100,000 for premium plan)

$4 per month (or 0.25%/year) for digital plan; 0.40%/ year for premium plan; 1%/year for crypto portfolios

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. No minimum for standard investing account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Goal-based planning, tax-loss harvesting, charitable giving, and socially responsible investing available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app with external account syncing options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You'll have to pay to consult a human advisor, unless you have the premium plan
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. $4 monthly fee (or 0.25% annual fee)

Betterment is best for hands-off investors who want to take advantage of professionally built, personalized ETF and cryptocurrency portfolios. The platform offers CFP access, so it could suit those in search of additional guidance from human advisors.

  • App store rating: 4.7 iOS/4.5 Android
  • Consider it if: You want access to robo-advice with multiple service levels.

Betterment Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, inherited IRA, and trust.

What stands out:  Betterment is a robust trading platform offering premium plans with unlimited access to CFPs through phone or email. Investors can use the platform's goal-setting feature, ESG investing, automatic rebalancing, and easy-to-use financial dashboard. 

What to look out for:  Accounts with a $100,000 balance can upgrade to get advisor access, but the annual fee increases from 0.25% (an industry low) to 0.40%

Betterment review

Wealthfront: Best Online Advisor for 529 Plans

Wealthfront Wealthfront Investing

Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

$1 ($500 for automated investing)

$0 for stock trades. 0.25% for automated investing (0.06% to 0.13% for fund fees)

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Low annual fee for investment accounts; crypto trust investments available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Tax-loss harvesting, portfolio lines of credit, 529 college savings plans available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Cash account
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Mobile app and investing and retirement tools
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You need at least $100,000 to utilize additional investment strategies
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No human advisor access

Wealthfront is one of the best robo-advisor options if you're in search of low-cost automated portfolio management, and one of the best socially responsible investing apps for features like tax-loss harvesting, US direct indexing, and crypto trusts.

  • Consider it if: You're balancing several goals and want to streamline your finances.
  • Promotion: Fund your first taxable investment account with at least $500 in the first 30 days of account opening and earn a $50 bonus.

Wealthfront Investing offers individual and joint taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, SEP IRA, trust, and 529 savings plan .

Wealthfront is one of the best online financial advisors for college education savings and cryptocurrency trusts. You can borrow up to 30% of your investment balance at a low interest rate with a portfolio line of credit. Wealthfront also offers personalized recommendations with smart financial planning software. 

What to look out for:  On-staff financial advisors don't offer personalized advice

Wealthfront review

Ellevest: Best Online Advisor for Financial Planning and Personal Development

Ellevest Ellevest

Ellevest offers two investing portfolios to fit your needs.

$1 - $240 (varies by portfolio)

$54 - $97 annually; $5 or $9/month

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Personalized, automated investment advice with a $0 minimum requirement
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Monthly plans include discounted access to certified financial planners
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Automated IRA accounts and 401(k)/403(b) rollovers available
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Private wealth management for individuals, families, and institutions who have at least $1 million to invest
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. No active trading opportunities available; money is mainly invested in stock ETFs and bond ETFs
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. You can only open individual investment accounts and retirement accounts; joint accounts or custodial accounts not available

Ellevest is one of the best robo-advisors for goal-focused investing. It could be a good fit if you want automated investing and retirement accounts.

  • Consider it if: You're looking for a one-stop shop for financial planning.

Ellevest offers individual taxable brokerage, traditional IRA, Roth IRA, and SEP IRA (all held at Folio Investments).

Ellevest is a comprehensive financial advisor and trading platform built around women's unique needs and challenges. Investors get access to an extensive library of content and advisor-led workshops. Additionally, Ellevest offers a socially responsible investment portfolio and monthly progress reports. 

What to look out for:  Financial coaching costs extra (but members get 30%- 50% off). Access to retirement account management requires an upgrade.

Ellevest review

Ameriprise Financial Investments: Best Online Advisor for Retirement Saving

Ameriprise Financial Services Ameriprise Financial Investments

Ameriprise Financial Services has been operating for 130 years Ameriprise Financial Services is licensed in all 50 states but only has 10 physical locations throughout the US; it's currently headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Varies by account

$500 annual advisory fee, 2% AUM

  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Access to personal finance research and investment tools
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Fiduciary financial advisor access
  • Check mark icon A check mark. It indicates a confirmation of your intended interaction. Various account and investment options
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. High account minimums
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Difficult to navigate website
  • con icon Two crossed lines that form an 'X'. Complex fee structure

Ameriprise Financial Services is a brokerage and financial advisory firm best for experienced, passive investors interested in using the site's financial planning services, wealth management tools, and fiduciary advisor access.

Ameriprise Financial Investments offers three managed account options that can be opened as an individual brokerage account, traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, Simple IRAs, SEP IRAs, 401(k)s, 403(b)s, 529 plans, and Coverdell education savings accounts (CESA). 

Ameriprise Financial Investments is one of the largest registered investment advisors in the US and is best for experienced investors looking for advanced charting and investing features. You'll get access to fiduciary financial advisors for consultations or account management. 

What to look out for: Ameriprise 's managed account fees are high, and it has a complex fee structure. 

Ameriprise Financial Services review

How Much Do Online Financial Advisors Cost?

Financial advisors providing financial advice often charge by the hour, typically between $100 to $300. Advisors creating a comprehensive financial plan tend to charge a flat rate between $1,000 and $3,000. 

If you hire an advisor to manage your investment portfolio, you'll be charged a percentage of your account balance, typically between 1% and 3% annually. In comparison, that's much higher than the fees that the best robo-advisors charge; you get the added benefit of building a relationship with a trusted source who can adjust your strategy as needed, provide personal recommendations, and answer questions when they arise.

How to Choose the Best Online Financial Advisors

The best online financial advisor for you depends on your goals, risk tolerance, investments, and time horizon. If you're a new investor interested in passive investing, an online robo-advisor is likely a good place to start. On the other hand, if you're looking for professional insight and a customized financial plan, you're better off with access to a human advisor through phone or video calls. 

You can also meet with an expert in person for financial guidance. So if you prefer to meet face-to-face, here are some tools to find some in your area:

  • This is a database of all CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals who are authorized to use their CFP® marks by the CFP® Board and are accepting new clients.
  • Using the advanced search function, you can choose from over 40 focus areas you're looking to get help with and include your current amount of investable assets.
  • Click here to visit the CFP Board website .
  • This database helps connect young professionals — those in generations X and Y (millennials) — with individual advisors.
  • Every advisor holds the CFP® certification, is a fiduciary , does not require a minimum net worth to take on new clients, and does not earn commissions.
  • Click here to visit XY Planning Network .
  • This platform maintains a database of fee-only financial advisors, not specifically CFP® certificates, who commit to a fiduciary oath once a year. 
  • You can filter by location to see a list of advisory firms in your area.
  • Click here to visit the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors website .

Online financial advisors are generally trustworthy. The best advisors follow the fiduciary rule, meaning they operate in their clients' best interest and are fee-only. This means client fees are their only compensation, and they don't earn a commission when they invest in certain funds or buy financial products.

Not everyone needs a robo-advisor, but beginners or passive investors looking for a hands-off approach to stock trading may prefer how cost-effective and convenient robo-advisors are. Affordable financial advisors can be hard to come by, so robo-advisors are a great alternative for many people. However, a financial advisor may be better if you need specific advice on your finances or investment strategy or if you're too overwhelmed or confused by your money to plan for retirement or invest in the stock market. 

The cost of an online financial advisor varies from platform to platform and advisor to advisor. The cost largely depends on the services, licensing, account balance, and complexity. Robo-advisors typically charge lower fees than human advisors. 

Why You Should Trust Us: Our Methodology

We Reviewed the best online financial advisors using Business Insider's methodology for rating investment platforms . We compared a long list of Registered Investment advisors (RIAs), considering fees, investment selection, access, ethics, and customer service. The best online advisors have top marks in all five categories. Investment platforms are given a rating between 0 and 5.

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What happened in the 2024 NBA Draft: Full recap and analysis of every pick

book review template for 9 year old

Bronny James, son of LeBron, joins father with Lakers

NEW YORK — Years of speculation have finally ended. Bronny James, the eldest son of Lakers star LeBron James , indeed has a home in the NBA , on his father’s team.

Bronny James, one of the most highly scrutinized amateur basketball players of the last decade, was taken 55th overall Thursday night in the NBA Draft by the Los Angeles Lakers. The selection capped 12 long months of guessing about James’ place in the game, which included questions about whether he could compete professionally following a cardiac arrest.

“My dream has always just been to put my name out, make a name for myself, and, of course, get to the NBA,” James said at the NBA Draft Combine in May.

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Full second-round results

Full first-round results

Bronny James selected by Lakers with No. 55 pick in NBA Draft, joins father’s team

Bronny James selected by Lakers with No. 55 pick in NBA Draft, joins father’s team

Jovan Buha

Rob Pelinka on how the Lakers will handle the additional media attention with LeBron James and Bronny James Jr. potentially playing together: "The biggest moment in sports happened with the Lakers. And that's how we're built. And we're excited to see this story unfold."


Mark Cooper

Rob Pelinka's news conference after drafting Bronny James

Lakers general manager Rob Pelinka on the possibility of LeBron James and Bronny playing together: "That feels like something that could be magical. We know and have to respect that LeBron has a decision about his opt-out, and I'm sure he and his family and his agent will deliberate what they're going to do there and of course, he has freedom to decide whatever's best for him and his family. But if it worked out that he was on our team next season, NBA history could be made and NBA history should be made in a Lakers uniform."

The Athletic NBA Staff

NBA Draft 2024: Full second round results

31. Toronto Raptors: Jonathan Mogbo | 6-6 forward/center | San Francisco

32. Utah Jazz: Kyle Filipowski | 6-11 forward/center | Duke

33. Milwaukee Bucks: Tyler Smith | 6-9 forward/center | G League Ignite

34. New York Knicks: Tyler Kolek | 6-1 guard | Marquette

35. Indiana Pacers (from Spurs): Johnny Furphy | 6-8 wing | Kansas

36. San Antonio Spurs (from Pacers): Juan Núñez | 6-4 guard | Ratiopharm Ulm

37. Detroit Pistons (from Timberwolves): Bobi Klintman | 6-9 forward | Cairns Taipans

38. Oklahoma City Thunder (from Knicks): Ajay Mitchell | 6-3 guard | UC-Santa Barbara

39. Memphis Grizzlies: Jaylen Wells | 6-7 wing | Washington State

40. Phoenix Suns (from Knicks via Thunder): Oso Ighodaro | 6-10 center | Marquette

41. Philadelphia 76ers: Adem Bona | 6-8 center | UCLA

42. Charlotte Hornets: K.J. Simpson | 6-0 guard | Colorado

43. Atlanta Hawks (from Heat): Nikola Djurišić | 6-7 wing | Mega

44. Miami Heat (from Hawks via Rockets): Pelle Larsson | 6-5 wing | Arizona

45. Toronto Raptors (from Kings): Jamal Shead | 6-0 guard | Houston

46. LA Clippers: Cam Christie | 6-5 wing | Minnesota

47. New Orleans Pelicans (from Magic): Antonio Reeves | 6-5 wing | Kentucky

48. San Antonio Spurs: Harrison Ingram | 6-5 wing | North Carolina

49. Indiana Pacers: Tristen Newton | 6-3 guard | Connecticut

50. Indiana Pacers: Enrique Freeman | 6-7 forward | Akron

51. Dallas Mavericks (from Knicks via Suns, Wizards): Melvin Ajinca | 6-7 wing | Saint-Quentin

52. Golden State Warriors (from Thunder via Blazers, Warriors): Quinten Post | 7-0 center | Boston College

53. Memphis Grizzlies (from Timberwolves via Pistons): Cam Spencer | 6-3 guard | Connecticut

54. Boston Celtics: Anton Watson | 6-8 wing | Gonzaga

55. Los Angeles Lakers: Bronny James | 6-2 guard | USC

56. New York Knicks (from Suns): Kevin McCullar Jr. | 6-5 wing | Kansas

57. Toronto Raptors (from Grizzlies via Timberwolves): Ulrich Chomche | 7-0 center | NBA Africa Academy

58. New York Knicks (from Mavericks): Ariel Hukporti | 6-11 center | Melbourne United

Law Murray

Per team source to The Athletic

LA Clippers will sign SF Trentyn Flowers as an undrafted free agent.

John Hollinger

And now, the after-party: Teams will be working the phones with undrafted players for 2-ways and summer league commitments. Under the old format, FO staffers were up until the wee hours of the morning; the new, humane draft schedule should let them finish at a respectable hour.

Shams Charania

Undrafted Clemson big man PJ Hall has agreed to a two-way contract with the Denver Nuggets, per his agent, Matt Bollero. Hall had significant second-round interest, but chose Denver, which didn’t have a second, as his best situation.

Eric Koreen

To John Hollinger's point, it is no surprise that Masai Ujiri wanted to take the first-ever pick from the NBA Academy in Africa. Ujiri is from Nigeria and has been helping Africa through Basketball Without Borders and his own charity, Giants of Africa, for two decades.

Ujiri has been monitoring the process of the Basketball Africa League closely. Ulrich Camoche played just three games in the BAL and is the youngest player in the draft. He doesn't turn 19 until December.

The final pick is a pure stash, as the Knicks traded all the way down to the last pick in the draft and then selected German big man Ariel Hukporti. Because two picks in the second round were forfeited, the 2024 NBA Draft is now over.

What Ulrich Chomche brings to Toronto

Toronto jumps into the 57th pick to select Ulrich Chomche, a serious developmental prospect straight out of the NBA Academy in Africa. I don't want to say "two years away from being two years away," but Chomche is almost certain to be a multi-year 2-way while he refines his game in the G League.

Sam Vecenie

Round 2, No. 58: New York Knicks draft Ariel Hukporti

Round 2, No. 58: New York Knicks draft Ariel Hukporti

(Photo: Kelly Defina / Getty Images)

The New York Knicks selected 22-year-old Melbourne United center Ariel Hukporti with the 58th and final pick.

The Athletic NBA Draft analyst Sam Vecenie on Hukporti: Ariel Hukporti is not going to be for everyone, but I can see certain organizations being interested. It all depends on how you value bigs who perform the nonnegotiable aspects of being a big at a high level versus how you value upside to do more. Hukporti is in the former camp. He’s an awesome rebounder and good rim protector, and I think he can play in drop coverage in the NBA. He plays incredibly hard, and he’s willing to be physical. There’s no ego to his game. But I don’t see a ton of value beyond that. Offense must be simple for him with transition play, screening, rim-running, offensive rebounding and dunking. I don’t see much potential to shoot or score outside of 10 feet. He gets far too sped up in terms of processing on offense to be a high-level passer.

However, I do like Hukporti more than recent international second-round center picks Tristan Vukčević (42nd to Washington in 2023), Khalifa Diop (39th to Cleveland in 2022), Karlo Matković (52nd in 2022) and Marko Simonovic (44th in 2020). Hukporti is a potential backup center if he can just improve his processing ability, overall precision and general skill level a tad on offense.

Round 2, No. 57: Toronto Raptors draft Ulrich Chomche

The Toronto Raptors selected NBA Academy Africa center Ulrich Chomche with the No. 57 pick.

Chomche was ranked No. 82 in The Athletic 's Sam Vecenie's top 100.

book review template for 9 year old

(Meg Oliphant / Getty Images)

In arguably the least surprising selection of the 2024 NBA Draft, the Lakers drafted Bronny James Jr., the son of Lakers superstar of LeBron James. It’s a monumental moment that marks the first time a father-son duo have been active NBA players — and potentially the first time a father-son duo has been teammates, depending on what happens with LeBron this summer. Bronny, 19, is a 6-foot-2 3-and-D guard who will likely spend most of next season in the G League. After suffering a cardiac arrest last summer, it’s a miracle Bronny was able to play basketball again, let alone continue pursuing his dream of playing in the NBA. He has a ways to go as a prospect, but the Lakers are revamping their player development staff and strategy, and are confident they can maximize his potential.

In theory, this selection should solidify LeBron’s return to the Lakers, whether in the form of him optioning into his $51.4 million contract or opting out and re-signing. At the same time, LeBron and his agent and Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul — who is also Bronny’s agent — have denied that the two are a package deal. Only time will tell the truth. Regardless, this is a historic moment and another example of the Lakers going above and beyond to cater to their superstars, which is a considerable point of pride for the organization.

Anthony Slater

The Warriors traded cash to reacquire the 52nd pick and drafted Boston College center Quinten Post, per league source. That officially hard caps the Warriors at the second apron. They are now unable to go over it this season, which was the plan regardless, but it is notable as they enter the weekend with dreams of a big trade and with some Chris Paul and Klay Thompson business to figure out.

What Kevin McCullar brings to the New York Knicks

What Kevin McCullar brings to the New York Knicks

(Jamie Squire / Getty Images)

I wasn't sure McCullar would get drafted because of all the concerns about his myriad injuries, on top of the fact that he's a poor shooter and one of the oldest players in the draft. His basketball IQ and defense at least make him interesting on a 2-way, although it's possible that New York's ongoing tax apron dance pushes him into a roster contract for the rookie minimum.

Round 2, No. 56: New York Knicks draft Kevin McCullar Jr.

Round 2, No. 56: Phoenix Suns draft Kevin McCullar Jr.

(Photo: Jamie Squire / Getty Images)

The New York Knicks selected 21-year-old Kansas wing Kevin McCullar Jr. with the No. 56 pick.

The Athletic NBA Draft analyst Sam Vecenie on McCullar: It comes down to the shot. If defenders must play Kevin McCullar honestly from distance, the rest of his game as a smart drive-and-kick player and intelligent cutter opens up enough to play a complementary role on offense. If the shot isn’t there, it’s hard to imagine his drives being impactful, as teams sagged off him as he spaced behind the 3-point line. That would also impact his high-IQ cutting ability if someone is there waiting for him instead of honoring the threat of his jumper. McCullar will defend in any scheme. He's an impact guy who can play physical, switchable defense and be available to scramble around. He also makes winning plays and is willing to get on the ground for loose balls to create extra possessions.

It’s simple: If you think the jumper will improve and McCullar will stay healthy, it’s reasonable to have a first-round grade on him. Unfortunately, he’s done neither of those things throughout a significant sample of his collegiate career, so I couldn’t get to that level.

Shocker of shockers! Bronny James is going to the Lakers! Who could have foreseen such a thing? LeBron James gets to be on the same team as his son, which would be the first time in NBA history this has happened, and the Lakers presumably eliminate any residual risk of James walking as a free agent his summer.

What Anton Watson brings to Boston

What Anton Watson brings to Boston

(Mike Mulholland / Getty Images)

I didn't expect Watson to get drafted, but this is a defensible late pick because he's a good defender who can play the 4. Watson could potentially soak up some of the minutes filled by Oshae Brissett this season, as the latter opted out of his deal for the coming season to become a free agent.

Round 2, No. 55: Los Angeles Lakers draft Bronny James

Round 2, No. 55: Los Angeles Lakers draft Bronny James

The Los Angeles Lakers selected Bronny James, the eldest son of Lakers star LeBron James, with the No. 55 pick.

The Athletic NBA Draft analyst Sam Vecenie on James: We need to be upfront about this: We would not be talking about James as an NBA prospect if not for his father. He is nowhere near ready for the NBA. He’s at least two years away if every single thing goes right with his development in the next couple of seasons. For him to get the development he needs on the ball and to iron out his consistency as a shooter, he must spend the next two years in the G League. To me, that’s not a worthwhile investment given that his upside is something in the ballpark of a rotational 3-and-D guard. That upside is littered with potential landmines.

I couldn’t rank him outside of the top 75 on my board because he’s young, athletic and clearly has excellent basketball IQ in addition to a great motor on the defensive end at 19. If this goes right, you can see an outcome that is similar to Devin Carter. Still, he is outside of the range of players whom I have two-way grades on in this class. I have an Exhibit 10 grade on Bronny and think he would have been much better served heading back to school to get the reps he needs offensively.

Round 2, No. 54: Boston Celtics draft Anton Watson

Round 2, No. 54: Boston Celtics draft Anton Watson

(Photo: Chris Gardner / Getty Images)

The Boston Celtics selected 23-year-old Gonzaga wing Anton Watson with the No. 54 pick.

The Athletic NBA Draft analyst Sam Vecenie on Watson: Anton Watson is one of my sneaky favorites in this class, and I have a two-way grade on him. I think he can defend within an NBA scheme right away and has potential to add a lot of value on that end of the court if his offense improves enough to keep him on the floor. He’s switchable and long, plus has great strength and good hip flexibility to stay on-balance in space. His help defense is sharp, and he is a good scramble defender. Offensively, I don’t love his skill package, even if he maintains his ability to cut and finish around the rim. Shooting is the key for me. There are some signs of Watson becoming a capable shooter, as he made 41 percent on limited attempts this year. But it’s hard to buy into his jumper becoming a consistent NBA weapon given that he turns 24 this year and has always been a low-volume attempter.

If he can improve his shooting to the point where he consistently hits corner 3s, his defense may be valuable enough to stick in the NBA. That will take some time for his jumper to come around. Still, I’d be willing to bet a two-way deal on expediting that process, because if it does, Watson has some value in the NBA.


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  3. How to Write a Book Review

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