5 Steps to Writing a Cover Letter as a Career Changer (With Samples!)

person sitting on a couch typing a cover letter on their laptop

Preparing for a career change can feel like walking up to a ride at Six Flags: It’s exciting, but also somewhat terrifying. What if, for example, some less open-minded hiring manager takes a look at your resume and dumps it right into the “no” pile because they don’t immediately understand why someone who’s spent their career in software engineering is applying for a financial analyst role? That’s where your cover letter comes in.

I know, drafting a cover letter—let alone a compelling one—can be stressful and time-consuming. But cover letters are a potent secret weapon for career changers. While resumes can be a great way to showcase your work experience, cover letters give you the opportunity to explain how that experience will help you excel in your next role. And you always want to do everything you can to help sell a prospective employer on why you’re the right person for the job.

5 steps to a persuasive career change cover letter

Here’s your step-by-step guide to writing a career change cover letter that’ll tell your unique story and help a hiring manager envision how you would benefit their organization.

1. Start strong with a unique opener.

Get the reader’s attention right away by putting the opening line of your cover letter to work! Don’t start with a tired old trope about being the perfect person for the job, and avoid leading with the sentence, “I’m excited to apply for [role] at [Company],” if you want to maximize your opportunity to draw the hiring manager in.

Ask a question, tell a story, or begin with an interesting tidbit about your experience or maybe a short anecdote that leads into why you’ve decided to switch career paths. Just be sure it relates to the specific role for which you’re applying.

2. Introduce yourself—succinctly.

If you could only tell a hiring manager three things about yourself, what would they be? How do you want to market or package your experience?

For example, are you a tech-savvy customer relations specialist eager to flex your talents in a sales role? Are you an exceptionally organized office manager looking to make a move into human resources ? Are you a graphic designer turned software engineer on the lookout for a job where you can blend your creativity with your technical expertise? Use this portion of your cover letter to emphasize those qualities that make you a unique individual and employee.

There’s no need to include your entire life story here, so try to avoid over-explaining your experience with sentences like, “After graduating from college in 2015, I decided to apply for an administrative assistant job…” Instead, try a line like, “I’m an organized, deadline-driven administrative assistant with a talent for wordsmithing executive emails and jazzing up corporate announcements.” Your goal should be to keep your introduction short, snappy, and relevant to the job.

3. Share your career-change story.

This is where you explain the why behind your career change . Were you inspired by a newsworthy event? Have you always secretly wanted to be in this industry? Did working on a side project spark your interest in pursuing it full time? Give the hiring manager a little insight into why you’re so excited about their job opening, despite your unconventional background.

4. Highlight your transferable skills.

This is going to be the meat of your cover letter. Hiring managers are notoriously short on time, so don’t send them on a scavenger hunt to figure out how your experience might make you a great fit for the job—they’re more likely to just throw the indecipherable map away and move on to the next applicant. Instead, connect the dots for them as clearly and concisely as possible by emphasizing your transferable skills and experience.

Bullet points can be effective in doing this in an organized and efficient way. Try pulling out the top three to five skills that are required for this role, and then briefly explaining how your experience relates to each. Even better? Provide evidence demonstrating that your experience created a positive impact or contributed to team or company goals. Hiring managers can’t help but be impressed by hard numbers and facts.

Be realistic here. If you don’t have any familiarity with a particular topic, don’t mention it in your cover letter. Stretching the truth might land you an initial interview, but your fib will almost always catch up with you in the end.

Whatever you do, don’t apologize for the experience you don’t have . Rather than saying, “I know I don’t have any direct experience with employee training…” write something like, “Having worked in a dynamic business development environment for the past four years, I’m excited about the opportunity to leverage my personal experience in a sales enablement role.”

5. Bring it all together.

Think of the final lines of your cover letter as the closing argument. You’ve spent the preceding paragraphs making a case for why you deserve an interview, so use your closing sentences to tie everything together.

And be sure to highlight what you can do for the company, not the other way around. So while you may be genuinely thrilled about the idea of learning all there is to know about digital advertising, now isn’t the time to mention it. Instead, say, “I look forward to discussing how my marketing and public relations expertise might benefit the digital advertising team!”

Sample career change cover letters

Here’s what this advice might look like, depending on where you are in your career and how much experience you have.

Sample career change cover letter for an early career professional

Dear Ms. Alice Chen,

Over the past few months, I’ve volunteered to represent my company at local college recruiting events, and I had no idea how much fun job fairs could be. As I meet with eager students, collect resumes, and chat with soon-to-be graduates about business development opportunities at Sunny Sales Inc., I often find myself thinking, I wish this were my full-time job. So you can imagine how excited I was when I discovered the university recruiting coordinator opportunity with Cloud Tech!

After completing a degree in business administration, I decided to put my outgoing personality and laser-focused organizational skills to work as a business development specialist for Sunny Sales Inc. Over the past two years, I’ve sharpened my communication skills in client meetings, fine-tuned my presentation experience, and sourced more than 300 warm leads. Working in sales has given me an invaluable foundation, and now I’m ready to move from business development to recruiting.

I’m energized by the prospect of applying my interpersonal skills and sales experience to the university recruiting coordinator opportunity with Cloud Tech. I think my enthusiasm for recruiting and ability to learn on the fly will serve me well in this role. I’ve outlined how my skills might fit with your specific needs below:

  • Applicant outreach: As a business development specialist, I’m comfortable seeking out new opportunities, making cold calls, and selling potential clients on the advantages of Sunny Sales software.
  • Interviews: I make an average of 50 phone calls a day, meet with at least five clients a week, and am at my happiest when I get to interact with a lot of different personalities. I’ve also gotten to participate in 10 interviews as part of a sales panel, resulting in two new hires for our organization.
  • Application management: I track my 1,500+ business development contacts as well as activities, pipeline, and 30+ active opportunities in a customer resource management system. As an organized, tech-savvy professional, I think I’d be able to master an applicant tracking system in no time.

I’d love to learn more about your university recruiting strategy for the coming year and to discuss how my experience and recruiting exposure might benefit the Cloud Tech team. Please let me know if there’s any additional information I can provide, and thank you so much for your consideration.

Sample career change cover letter for a mid-career professional

After you’ve helped a client navigate a tricky IRS audit or file taxes for their new small business venture, you start to feel like you can handle anything a customer might throw at you.

I know I do. In my 15 years as a personal tax accountant, I’ve helped people through some of the most stressful and sensitive financial undertakings imaginable. Doing this with the right balance of empathy and pragmatism can be tricky, but it feels great when I get it right.

I’ve come to realize that working with people, helping them understand complicated or frustrating concepts, and serving as a client advocate are some of the things I love to do most. Getting to use these skills through my accounting practice has been very rewarding, but now I’m ready for a new chapter and am excited about the opportunity to focus exclusively on customer relations as a client services specialist.

Diamond Design has a stellar reputation when it comes to customer service, and I’d be thrilled to join a team that shares my passion for helping others. Here’s a brief overview of how I believe my experience would translate into a client services role.

  • Identifying client goals: Understanding customer needs is an essential element of my current role. Over the past few years, I’ve fine-tuned my approach, and have been recognized for my ability to create open dialogue by asking thoughtful questions and soliciting feedback.
  • Taking a customer-first approach: As a tax specialist, I approach every account with a solution-focused mindset. This had yielded a 95%+ customer satisfaction rating for the past six years.
  • Developing lasting relationships: My commitment to delivering an exceptional customer experience has yielded a 75% client retention rate. More than half of my clients have worked with me for five years or longer.

I’d be eager to learn more about Diamond Design’s client service goals and discuss how my background might serve to enhance the customer experience further.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to speaking soon.

Bonus tips for writing a career change cover letter

Here are a few more tips to ensure your career change cover letter does the trick:

  • Address your cover letter to the right person or people . Do some research to try to find out the name of the hiring manager . But always avoid “ To Whom It May Concern .”
  • Tailor your career change cover letter for each position. Don’t just swap in the position title and company name from your last application. All of the content of your cover letter should show why you’re qualified for this job specifically.
  • Keep it to one page or less . Don’t get too caught up in explaining every detail of your choice to change careers or your past jobs until this point. Just tell the hiring manager enough to know they want to invite you for an interview and learn more.
  • Edit ! Always reread your cover letter before you send it to check for any errors. If you have time, you can ask someone else to look it over with fresh eyes as well.

As you draft your cover letter, you’ll want to make sure that it emphasizes your unique talents, transferable skills, and passion for this new field. Spelling this out for prospective employers will help them piece together your qualifications—and up your chances of moving forward in the process.

Regina Borsellino contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

cover letter shifting careers

How To Write the Best Career Change Cover Letter

Switching careers can feel like embarking on a journey into uncharted territory — this is particularly true in the tech industry , where a career change often means navigating an entirely different set of digital tools, work processes, responsibilities, and skills. 

You may have prepared yourself for the challenges ahead, furthered your education, and even identified job postings you believe to be a great fit. But without an excellent career change cover letter, your new professional journey could be stalled before it even begins!

Hiring managers only look at resumes for seven seconds before deciding whether to proceed with the application. So, your cover letter has to make an immediate and lasting impression. 

To help you land the job you’ve been dreaming of, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on career change cover letters.

Here are the topics we’ll explore —feel free to skip around to the sections that interest you most:

  • What makes it a career change cover letter?
  • How to write a career change cover letter in 8 steps

Career change cover letter example: UX design

  • Career change cover letter example: Frontend development
  • Key takeaways

1. What makes it a career change cover letter?

Before we look at the format and structure of the cover letter, let’s clarify something: it may seem obvious, but what distinguishes traditional cover letters from those written by career changers?

The key difference lies in the way you present yourself and the story you tell. A career change cover letter must demonstrate three main things:

  • Your understanding of the job and industry,
  • your existing skills and experience, and
  • how those can be applied to the new position.

This can be done in several ways, but the most effective cover letters strike a balance between emphasizing transferable skills , demonstrating adaptability, and highlighting your motivation for the career transition. 

Unlike traditional cover letters, they can also address potential concerns about your experience, showcasing your ability to transcend the boundaries of one professional field and excel in another.

2. How to write a career change cover letter in 8 steps

Writing winning cover letters is an art that requires practice, and career-change-specific cover letters are even trickier to tackle. But thankfully, you can follow a few best practices to create a compelling document that will make it easier for potential employers to imagine you in the new role.

This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of writing an effective cover letter for your career switch, from the opening line to the closing paragraph. So, grab a pen or open up your favorite word processor and write that first draft using the following tips:

1. Address the right person

To avoid using the impersonal salutation, “Dear hiring manager,” take the time to research who will be reading your cover letter. 

If the job ad doesn’t include a name, try searching for the company’s website or LinkedIn page and go to the employees’ section to track down the right person and job title. For example, if you’re applying for a UX designer role , search for “Director of UX Design,” “Creative Director,” or similar.

2. Introduce yourself with a hook

Begin your cover letter with an engaging opening that captures the reader’s attention. 

This could be a statement of your intent, a specific project you’ve recently completed, or a personal connection to the industry that demonstrates your passion and motivation for the career switch. This will set you apart from other candidates and create a memorable first impression.

3. Explain why you’re changing careers

To address your career change head-on, provide a clear rationale for the shift by sharing your personal career change story. For example, you could highlight your enthusiasm for the new field, noting what attracted you to it and any relevant experiences or interests supporting your decision. 

Then, use the power of personal branding to infuse the letter with your unique voice, personality, and vision, focusing on the value you can bring to the new sector. This transparency shows employers you’ve thoughtfully considered the move.

4. Demonstrate understanding of the company

Demonstrate your genuine interest in the organization by showing that you’ve thoroughly researched the company. You can achieve this by discussing its mission statement, values, and recent accomplishments. 

Align your skills, background, and career goals with the company’s objectives to showcase your potential fit within its corporate culture. Doing so will convey your enthusiasm for the role and the organization, increasing your chances of standing out as a suitable candidate.

5. Detail why you’re a great match

A personalized cover letter should also explain why you’re a strong candidate for the position in question. This means identifying the unique qualities that set you apart from other candidates, whether that’s your adaptability, problem-solving abilities, or valuable soft skills that can be applied across various industries. 

Use real-world examples to demonstrate how your skills and past experiences align with the job requirements, and mention how these traits can benefit the company in the long run.

6. Showcase transferable skills

One of the key objectives of your career change cover letter is to demonstrate your value to potential employers in your new field. To do this effectively, pinpoint the skills you’ve acquired in your previous career that are transferable to the new role. 

Use specific examples to illustrate how you’ve applied these skills in different contexts and how they are relevant to your new position. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can effectively demonstrate to employers that you have what it takes to excel in your new career path.

7. Mention relevant professional development

List any skills and knowledge you’ve gained through relevant courses, certifications, or training to showcase your commitment to learning and willingness to invest in your career transition. 

This will set you apart from other aspiring career changers, prove your enthusiasm for the role and help paint a picture of what you can bring to the new position. Doing due diligence upfront will make it easier for potential employers to imagine you in the new role and increase the chances of securing an interview.

8. Conclude on a positive note

When concluding your career change cover letter, it’s essential to end it enthusiastically. For example, name one way you can add value to the company and link it to your overall career vision. 

Finally, thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your excitement about joining the team. Doing so will show you’re committed to the role and motivated to make a success of your career transition.

3. Career change cover letters example

Want to see cover letter examples that nail these key points? Check out these two samples, written specifically for career changers in the tech sector. Best practice for the email subject line? Put the job title from the job ad along with your full name. 

Career change cover letter: Frontend development

4. key takeaways.

Writing a convincing cover letter that highlights your skills for a role you’re hoping to transition into is an essential step in the job application process. 

A thoughtfully crafted career change cover letter can be the reason why employers take a second look at your resume, despite your limited experience in the new field.

In this article, we’ve gone through the basics of what makes a career change cover letter unique and how to write one tailored to your experience and goals. We’ve also looked at practical tips for structuring your letter and provided examples for your inspiration. 

We hope this guide will give you the confidence to write a standout cover letter and put your best foot forward when applying for jobs.

Looking for more tech-specific application support? Check out our practical guide to crafting the best tech resume , complete with valuable tips and real-world examples.

For further education support on your career change journey, try our free tech short courses ,  or speak directly with a program advisor.

With the help of expert instructors, personalized feedback, and a wealth of learning resources, you’ll soon be ready to tackle even the most complex challenges future employers might throw at you. 

Enjoyed this blog post? We think you’ll like these, too:

  • How To Successfully Change Careers in 2024: Your Step-by-Step Guide
  • The Top 5 Transferable Skills and How They Can Help You
  • How to Build a Personal Brand for Your Tech Career

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How to write an impactful cover letter for a career change


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How to write a cover letter for a career change

Career change cover letter examples.

8 tips to write a successful career change cover letter

Learning to navigate career changes

As a job seeker, your primary objective is to stand out from every other candidate — and writing a strong cover letter is a great way to do this.

But if you’re trying to change careers, it might seem more complicated. Crafting a compelling letter for a career change needs to put your best foot forward while explaining how your experience and transferable skills make you the best fit. 

Luckily, like any application, cover letters give you a unique opportunity to make a strong first impression on a prospective employer. They’re your opportunity to spin a perceived drawback into a valuable asset, showing hiring managers your unique perspective and ability to make a change.

Let’s start with the basics. Like any other professional communication, every word of your career change cover letter counts. Your relevant skill set, work experience, and communication style let a recruiter, hiring manager, or potential supervisor know what it’ll be like to work with you. 

Here’s how to use your cover letter to make an impact: 

1. Start with a powerful introduction

The first few lines of your cover letter set the tone and pique your reader's interest (or spur disinterest). Skip generic introductions and aim for an opening line that quickly encapsulates the value you can bring to the new job. It can also reflect your unique personality, within reason.

Don’t be shy about identifying yourself as a career changer. It’s an opportunity to showcase important soft skills — such as courage, intellectual curiosity , and a resilient mindset — and connect relevant experiences with valuable transferable skills . With the right framing, it may be the key to standing out as an interesting candidate.

Here’s an example: “As a seasoned journalist, I’m eager to transition into public relations. I've spent the last 20 years sharpening my critical-thinking, research, and copywriting skills, which will serve me well in this new role.”

2. Develop your full character

Your opening paragraph should include your previous role and new career ambition. Next, it’s time to offer a glimpse of your professional drive and explain in more detail what you bring to a career switch, especially if you’ve been upskilling, taking classes, or attending trainings. This is an opportunity to blend your established reputation with your new career goals. If you’re making the change to pursue your passion or do more meaningful work, putting that fact on diisplay creates a fuller image of your personal values , mission, and vision for the future. 

For example: “I currently manage a team of 50 sales representatives in the constantly evolving healthcare sector. The most fascinating and fulfilling part of my job has always been developing a deep understanding of my client’s needs. Acting as a bridge to better service, consulting with them about updating their tools and training to focus on providing excellent treatment to their patients is so rewarding. I’m excited by the prospect of leveraging my social skills and years of experience working directly with healthcare providers to move into software development for the healthcare sector.” 

3. Show some emotion


Carefully placed action verbs and feelings help make your experience jump off the page. Potential employers aren’t just looking for a list of key skills — they want to imagine the person behind them. Choose language that conveys enthusiasm, drive, and work motivation , like “I’ve always been passionate about problem-solving and teamwork” or “I immediately connected with your company’s vision and commitment to sustainability.” 

4. Describe your past performance

Your successes in previous roles are the best predictor of the meaningful work you’ll accomplish in the next one — even if you’re moving to a new industry. Focus on accomplishments that demonstrate flexibility and a learning mindset to help the hiring manager envision a successful transition. You need to make the most out of your letter of interest , portfolio , and resume, so put the highlights on your resume and tell the story in your cover letter. 

For instance: “I oversaw a project to automate sales tracking systems, working with our tech team to evaluate the best strategies for the sales department. The project improved efficiency by 25% and decreased overhead costs by 15%.” 

Metrics quantify the value of your growth mindset and show off important skills like team collaboration , project management , and adaptability. 

5. Align your skills with the job description

Even if you’re at the height of your career, a hiring manager needs to know you can bridge the gap between your current role and the new position. Pay careful attention to the soft and hard skills they mention in the job posting and work them into your career transition cover letter. Don’t embellish for the sake of standing out, but do highlight the skills you can back up with valuable, direct experience. 

6. Write a memorable closing

Your closing is your opportunity to reiterate your excitement about the job opening. Adjectives like “eager,” “excited,” and “thrilled” demonstrate you’re ready to hit the ground running. 

Additionally, your cover letter for switching careers should invite further dialogue with a call to action. For example: “I’m eager to learn more about the role and look forward to sharing how I can bring my unique perspective and years of experience in [industry] to your organization.” 

Before digging into your resume or cover letter, a potential employer may peruse your job application or LinkedIn profile to understand your value as a candidate. Your cover letter is your first opportunity to turn a list of skills and experiences into a well-rounded picture of your character. 

The best cover letters balance highlighting your unique personality and perspective with proving you have what it takes to fill the job description. While your letter should represent you, you don’t have to start from scratch. Instead, build your own using a basic structure and templates for inspiration. You can also ask ChatGPT to generate a first draft for you with strategic prompts .

Here’s a general career change cover letter sample to consider:

Dear [hiring manager’s name], 

Thank you for considering my application for [ prospective job title] at [company name]. 

I’ve spent the last [years of experience] learning the ins and outs of [current industry], where I currently work as a [most recent job title]. I gravitated toward [industry] because of my passion for [the factors that pushed you to your current career]. The most fulfilling part of my career has been [transferable skills relevant to the new job posting]. I’ve built my expertise around [relevant skills], which were instrumental in accomplishing [a notable achievement or project]. 

I’m excited to transition into a new career chapter and follow my calling in [new field]. Reading about your company, I immediately connected with [core value]. I’m thrilled by the prospect of contributing [your vision or skills] and am eager to apply my unique perspective as a [current job title] in a new context. 

Attached is my resume. I’m eager to learn more about the company and how my background aligns with your needs.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue the conversation. 


[Your name]

When changing careers, you may feel worried about potential red flags in your resume, like career gaps or lack of direct experience . While your technical abilities are important, many recruiters and hiring managers prioritize soft skills , like leadership, critical thinking, and communication. Here’s a cover letter that balances proven soft skills and highlights your excitement to fill the gaps: 

Thank you for the opportunity to apply for [prospective job title] at [company name]. While I’ve developed my career in [industry], my enthusiasm for [relevant interest] combined with my proven [relevant transferable skills] has prepared me for this career path. 

Over the last [years of experience], I’ve cultivated a solid foundation in [relevant skills], which mirror the dynamic demands of [new industry]. 

I’m attracted to [new industry] because of [your interest or inspiration to switch to a new field]. The [specific aspect of your new field] that [company name] embodies deeply resonates with my personal values and professional aspirations. I’ve spent the last [months or years] learning [valuable technical skills or industry knowledge] through [examples of learning experiences, such as a class, seminar, or networking opportunity]. 

Attached is my resume, which underscores my transferable skills and [relevant coursework or certifications]. 

I’m confident that my adaptability, dedication to quality work, and passion for learning position me to hit the ground running and become a strong asset to your team. I look forward to discussing how my excitement and skill set align with your objectives. 

8 tips to write a successful career change cover letter 


Now that you have some cover letter examples for changing careers, let’s get into the fine print. Here are eight tips to help your career change cover letter lead to an interview: 

  • Address the letter to the right person: General salutations — like “Dear hiring manager” — may give the impression you’re copying and pasting the same cover letter across several job postings. Likewise, it signals to the reader that you lacked the initiative and dedication to find out more about the role and the hiring team beyond what’s in a brief job posting. Take the time to learn the hiring manager's name and use it to kick off communications. 
  • Keep things short: The objective of your cover letter is to spark a hiring manager’s interest and encourage them to read your resume . Keep your cover letter to a few well-curated paragraphs that balance your unique value with the requisites for the job role. 
  • Research, research, research: The company’s website, social media, and other branded materials can provide insight into the organization’s mission and core values. Aligning your vision with the company’s is a great way to capture a hiring manager’s attention and let them know you fit the company culture .
  • Explain your reasons for changing careers: The courage to take a chance on yourself and switch careers speaks volumes about your character. It’s nothing to shy away from. Highlight the reasons you decided to make the difficult career decision —  your resilience, fortitude, and decisiveness can provide a competitive advantage over more traditional candidates. 
  • Mention new skills: Highlight how you’ve learned about your new industry, acquired technical skills, and prepared for the career switch. Whether it’s a one-day seminar or several months with a career coach , your drive for personal and professional development helps make your case for a smooth transition into a new industry. 
  • Source references: Having a list of professional references and their contact information ready to send to a hiring manager is always a good idea. Carefully choose colleagues who can speak to your passion for your new industry and ability to adapt to change.
  • Align all your communications: Consistency and clarity are important to hiring managers. When your LinkedIn profile, letter of intent , and resume have mismatched skills and work experience, the person reading them may pass you over for a candidate with a profile that’s easier to understand and imagine in the role. Double-check that all your information is up-to-date and consistent across all platforms and lines of communication. 
  • Proofread : An enthralling story about your decision to dive into a new field can be thwarted by a misspelled word or poorly placed comma. Spelling and grammar errors can jeopardize your chances of an interview — hiring managers may worry that a lack of attention to detail could show up in more important areas of your work performance. If you’re not a natural copy editor, double-check your work with a proofreading app like Grammarly.

Learning to navigate career changes 

A career change is a big life decision , no matter where you are in your professional journey. After you’ve settled into your niche, shaking things up at 30, changing careers at 40 or following a new calling in your 50s might feel increasingly overwhelming. 

But it’s never too late to embrace change. Your professional life occupies a big part of your time, energy, and personal identity. You deserve to feel fulfilled — even if that means choosing a road less traveled. Carefully crafting a cover letter for a career change is an effective way to capture a hiring manager's attention from the jump and move one step closer to an exciting new opportunity. 

Understand Yourself Better:

Big 5 Personality Test

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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    Your cover letter should demonstrate why you’re a great candidate and how your skills and background have equipped you with a unique and valuable perspective. In this article, you’ll find out how to write an eye-catching career change cover letter that could help you land a job in a new field.

  2. How to Write a Career Change Cover Letter (With Samples ...

    A cover letter is a career changer’s biggest asset. Use these tips and examples to write one that clearly shows why you’re perfect for the job. A great cover letter is your key to unlocking a new career path.

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter When You’re Changing Careers ...

    You can help recruiters and hiring managers understand more about your interest in a role by explaining why you’re changing careers and what you’ve done to streamline your transition. It helps to align your cover letter with a resume objective, which can be especially useful for career changers.

  4. How To Write the Best Career Change Cover Letter - CareerFoundry

    A thoughtfully crafted career change cover letter can be the reason why employers take a second look at your resume, despite your limited experience in the new field. In this article, we’ve gone through the basics of what makes a career change cover letter unique and how to write one tailored to your experience and goals.

  5. How To Write a Career Change Cover Letter + Examples - Zety

    This guide will show you: Career change cover letter examples better than 9 out of 10 others. Step-by-step instructions on how to write a career change cover letter. Tips to help you highlight transferable skills on a career change cover letter. Why achievements matter in a change of career cover letter.

  6. How to write an impactful cover letter for a career change

    Your cover letter is your first opportunity to turn a list of skills and experiences into a well-rounded picture of your character. The best cover letters balance highlighting your unique personality and perspective with proving you have what it takes to fill the job description.