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Create PowerPoint Presentation Graphics in Photoshop

Marko Prljic

So, you're about to have a public speech and need to support it with good-looking presentation slides? Today we're going to learn how to do this by designing a PowerPoint presentation in Photoshop. The purpose of a presentation is to present information in best possible way. Before you start with the design you need to know if your presentation is meant to entertain, inform, persuade or sell. In today’s tutorial I will show you how to design a PowerPoint presentation that needs to inform (of course) and show presenters creativity and diversity. Let's get started!

Tutorial Assets

The following assets were used during the production of this tutorial.

  • Ink Scratches (Graphic River)
  • Ink Scratches (Free Alternative Brush Set)
  • Vector Circles Photoshop Shapes

Step 1 - Creating the Background Pattern

Before we start drawing on a bigger canvas we need to create some patterns for our background effect. To do this open a new document, 70x70 px, fill it with white color #ffffff. Go to View > Show > Grid, it will turn on Grid view. This will help us easily draw a perfect pattern. Now, choose the Line Tool (U) and draw a vertical 1px, black line on the far right of the document.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Duplicate the line and align it to the grid.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Do the same now for horizontal lines. Please note that I left out the top and left line, I didn't fill the whole grid. This is because the pattern will be repeated and the right and bottom line of next pattern to come will fill that gap.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Create new layer. Choose Marquee Tool (M) and holding shift draw a selection that fits exactly within one unit of our document grid. Fill the layer with black color #000000 and give it 60% opacity.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Duplicate that layer to create a patter like shown in the following image.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Go to Edit > Define Pattern, give it a name (I named it "mozaik") and click OK. Close the document. It is saved now and will appear in our patter library.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 2 - The Big Canvas

Create new 1024x768 px document and save it as background.psd. Unlock the background layer by double clicking it and clicking OK in dialog box (this removes the lock icon from the layer). Double click again on the unlocked background layer, a effects dialog box will pop up. Add gradient effect like shown in the image. Gradient colors from left to right: #f9fff4, #ebf7e7 and #e3f9ed.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Create new layer above and fill it with white. Set blend mode to Multiply and add the pattern overlay with previously created pattern "mozaik". In effects settings set Opacity to 4%, leave other values default.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 3 - Content Layout

Create layer folder and name it "Layout". Select Rectangle Shape Tool (U) and draw out a 365x747 px shape, fill color #ffffff.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Add gradient effect like shown in the image. Gradient colors from left to right: #e5e3e3, #f6f6f6 and #ffffff. Add Inner Glow effect, color #ffffff, opacity 87% and size 54. Leave other settings default.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 4 - Shadow

Create new layer underneath the rectangle shape layer.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Hold Command/Ctrl + Click the shape layer to create a selection from it. While the newly created empty layer is selected, fill it with black #000000. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and enter 6px radius.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Add Layer Mask by clicking the small mask icon at the bottom of the layer palette. Choose a 300px soft brush and set background color to black #000000.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Now, gently brush the parts of the shadow you want to mask (hide), doing this we'll create a nice shadow effect.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 5 - Dotted Lines Pattern

We want to give the content layout a bit more of a real paper look so we need some horizontal paper lines. In order to add them we need to create the pattern first. Create new document 70x70 px, just like we did with our first pattern. Turn on Grid view and draw out two (2) white (#ffffff) rectangles on both sides. Leave the center of the document empty (transparent) size of one grid unit. Draw a black rectangle size of half the grid unit like shown in the image.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Go to Edit > Define Pattern, give it a name (dotted) and save it. Close the document.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 6 - Paper Effect

Now we can apply this pattern to our content layout. Copy rectangle shape layer, remove the effects and change color to #838383. Add Pattern overlay effect and choose the dotted pattern we created in previous step. Change layer Blend mode to Multiply and set opacity to 14%.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

I wanted to give it a bit worn look so I masked the horizontal lines with a grunge brush. To do this first go to Graphic River and grab some cool grunge brushes . Click the small mask icon at the bottom of the layer palette, select one of the grunge brushes (any will do), set background color to black #000000 and slightly mask the center of the content layout (lines) keeping the lines visible at the edges.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

To make it pop out more, I added a semitransparent black border. Do this by duplicating the base shape layer and move it underneath it. Expand the shape by 20px on each side, remove all effects from it, set background color to black and opacity 3%. Done!

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 7 - Creating the Ribbon

Create new layer folder under the content layout (layout folder) and using Rectangle Shape Tool (U) draw a 78x72 px rectangle. Place it so that it is hidden about 10px underneath the content layout. Fill it with gradient overlay as shown in the image with colors from left to right: #525739 (location 0%) and #d6dbbf (location 27%).

Switch to Direct Selection Tool (A) and select the path. Now change to Pen Tool (P) and add an anchor point in the bottom middle part of the path as shown in the image. Adjust the handles so they're close to each other.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

With this anchor selected hold Shift and using arrow up key nudge the point one time (10px).

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Create new layer above. Select Custom Shape Tool and choose the one shown in the image.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Command/Ctrl + click the ribbon shape layer underneath, go to Select > Modify > Contract and enter value of 4px. This will contract the selection by 4 px creating a nice border around.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

While selection is active, click the star shape layer (select it) and click the Mask icon at the bottom of the layer palette. This will automatically mask the star shape by the marquee selection we contracted earlier.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Change the color of masked star shape to #b2b7a1 and set opacity to 25%.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 8 - Slide Counter

Create new layer above the content layout and using Ellipse Tool draw a small 52x52 px circle. Fill it with #e25601.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Create another layer and place it under the red circle. Select Custom Shape Tool and choose the star burst shape like shown in the image. Fill it with #e9c000. Holding Shift key draw the shape from center of the red circle. Set layer opacity to 20%.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Copy the star burst shape layer and place it under the original star burst shape. Using the Transform Tool hold Shift key, rotate and scale the shape so it is placed like shown in the image.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

I spiced it up just a tiny bit more by adding a circular mandala shape (using custom Photoshop Brush) underneath the layers and lowering the opacity to 40%, but you can skip this step, it will still look great!

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Finally, add your content and you're done with the first slide design! I've chosen to crate welcome screen text directly in Photoshop instead of inserting it in PowerPoint because I use custom fonts and graphics.

Step 9 - Inner Page

After creating the welcome screen we're now going to create a generic background that'll be used for all other slides of our presentation. Copy the background.psd and rename it to inner.psd. Delete the ribbon layer folder and all content, leaving just the content layout. Nudge all remaining graphics 50px from document top.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

First select the base rectangle shape (the one with the gradient effect), choose Direct Selection Tool (A) and select two bottom anchor points of that shape. Holding Shift, press arrow down to expand the rectangle till it overspills the document boundaries.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Do the same with horizontal lines shape...

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Finally repeat the step with the semitransparent border. Optionally you could scale or redraw the shadow too.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Change the slide number inside the red circle, add title and footer. That's it!

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Final Image

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Step 10 - The PowerPoint

We created the design, now we need to make a real presentation out of it. Export PSD designs to high quality jpeg using the Save for Web option in Photoshop. Name files accordingly and place them in your presentation folder. Fire up PowerPoint and click File > New presentation.

By default PowerPoint adds a title and text field to newly created slide. Go ahead select and delete them because you're not going to need them.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Right click the slide thumb preview in sidebar and click Format background, a popup screen will be shown. Select Fill from the popup sidebar, select Picture from popup top menu and choose the previously exported background image for welcome slide.

You can copy the first slide or create new one, repeat the step above for inner page (slide) and choose the second background image.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

And you're done. Well... almost done, because now you need to create the rest of your slides and prepare for the speech! I hope you learned a trick or two how to create custom designed PowerPoint presentation and I wish you all the best with your public speaking. See you next time!

PowerPoint Templates on Graphic River

Check out some of these fantastic templates available on our sister site Graphic River.

Armonio PowerPoint Template | $20 | by EAMejia

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Contemporary PowerPoint Template | $15 | by Femo

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Simply Premium PowerPoint Template | $15 | by Kilik

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BIGIdea PowerPoint Presentation | $20 | by EAMejia

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Fast Motion Presentation Template | $20 | by Vladedimovski

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SharpDesign PowerPoint Template | $20 | by Mikestraser

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Modern Agency Presentation | $20 | by EAMejia

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Clouds Keynote Template | $15 | by Segen

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Fresh Creative "Chalkboard" Presentation | $15 | by Jorne

how to make a presentation in photoshop

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How to Create a Photoshop Slideshow (Step by Step)

Jenn Mishra

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Slideshows make sharing pictures with friends and family a special event. It is also a professional way to showcase your images to clients or for a presentation. Adobe Lightroom has a slideshow feature, but you can also create a slideshow in Photoshop . Photoshop is almost as easy as using Lightroom and you can save your slideshow as a video file to share on social media. In this article, we’ll take you through the steps on how to create a Photoshop slideshow.

Creating a Photoshop Slideshow

Step 1: select images.

Choose the pictures you want to include in your show. There is usually a theme that unites them. You can showcase a product or your best photos. You can also show pictures from a recent trip or create a project. Choose images that are eye-catching and different enough from each other to be interesting. Keep your show short as most viewers have a short attention span. Decide on the order you want the images to play. Start and end your show with your best. Consider if there is a story or natural sequence that influences the order.

Step 2: Open Images in Photoshop

Lightroom screenshot open as layers in Photoshop

Step 3: Resize Images

Photoshop screenshot free transform tool

Step 4: Create Video Timeline

Photoshop screenshot timeline window

Step 5: Order Images

By default, the bottom layer is the first image in your show. You can change the order by grabbing an image and dragging it into a different position along the timeline.

Step 6: Time Slides

Photoshop screenshot change time on slides

Step 7: Add Transitions & Effects (Optional)

Photoshop screenshot add transitions

Step 8: Add Music (Optional)

Photoshop screenshot audio

Step 9: Create Slideshow Video

Photoshop screenshot render video

With Photoshop, you can create a slideshow to share on your website or send to friends. Create an introduction slide with text and end credits to make your slideshow more professional. Photoshop slideshow is a simple tool to create a video project.

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Create Stunning Slideshows with Music in Photoshop: A Step-by-Step Guide [Includes Tips and Stats]

Create Stunning Slideshows with Music in Photoshop: A Step-by-Step Guide [Includes Tips and Stats]

Short answer: Photoshop slideshow with music

Step-by-step guide: creating a photoshop slideshow with music, photoshop slideshow with music faq: everything you need to know, top 5 facts about creating a slideshow with music in photoshop, tips and tricks for making an impressive slideshow with music in photoshop, why you should use photoshop for your next slideshow instead of other tools, what makes adobe photoshop an ideal choice for creating beautiful slideshows with music, table with useful data:, information from an expert:.

Photoshop can create a slideshow with music by combining images into a sequence and adding audio. Simply import your photos, arrange them in the desired order, add background music or sound effects, and export the finished product as a video file. Adobe Premiere Pro is recommended for advanced editing options.

If you’re looking for a creative and engaging way to showcase your photos, a Photoshop slideshow with music is a great option. With the right tools and know-how, you can create a memorable presentation that will captivate your audience.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a Photoshop slideshow with music:

Step 1: Gather Your Photos The first step in creating any slideshow is to gather your photos. Choose images that are high-quality and visually interesting. You should also consider the theme or message you want to convey through your slideshow.

Step 2: Import Your Photos into Photoshop Once you have gathered your photos, it’s time to import them into Photoshop. Open the program and select “File” from the top menu, then “Scripts,” then “Image Processor.” This will allow you to upload multiple photos at once.

Step 3: Organize Your Photos into Layers Once all of your photos have been uploaded into Photoshop, organize them into layers . Each photo should be on its own layer so that you can easily edit and arrange them as needed.

Step 4: Add Transitions Next, add transitions between each photo in your slideshow. This can be done by selecting each layer and using the “Layer Style” panel to add different effects such as fades or wipes.

Step 5: Layer in Music No slideshow is complete without music! To add music, simply drag and drop an audio file onto the timeline at the bottom of the screen. You can also adjust the length of each slide based on how long you want each photo to display.

Step 6: Customize with Text and Effects To make your slideshow truly stand out, add text overlays or special effects such as color grading or filters. This will help add visual interest and enhance the overall flow of your presentation.

Step 7: Export Your Slideshow Once everything is set up just as you like it, it’s time to export your slideshow. You can do this by selecting “File” from the top menu and then choosing “Export” or “Save As.” From there, select the appropriate format for your presentation, such as a video or GIF file.

There you have it – a step-by-step guide on how to create a professional-looking Photoshop slideshow with music! With just a little bit of creativity and attention to detail, you can impress your audience and make a lasting impression with your photos.

Photoshop Slideshow with Music FAQ: Everything You Need to Know!

Are you looking to create a stunning photo slideshow with music? Adobe Photoshop has got you covered. With the help of this amazing software, you can create a mesmerizing presentation that will leave your audience awestruck. But, before you dive into creating your own masterpiece, let’s answer a few frequently asked questions about Photoshop Slideshow with Music.

1. What is a Photoshop Slideshow?

A Photoshop Slideshow is essentially a collection of images presented in an animated format. These images are arranged in sequential order and are displayed one after the other on screen, often accompanied by background music.

2. Can I Add Background Music to My Slideshow?

Yes, you can add background music to your slideshow in Photoshop quite easily! To do so, simply upload your favourite audio track and sync it up with your photos using the software’s built-in tools . The end result will be an amazing visual display enriched by beautiful tunes.

3. What Kind of Formats Does Photoshop Support for Audio Files?

Photoshop supports most common audio formats such as MP3, WAV, and AAC files so that you don’t have to worry about choosing any specific format for adding music.

4. How Do I Choose Images for My Slideshow?

Choosing images is perhaps the most crucial part of creating a stunning slideshow in Adobe Photoshop. You need to carefully select high-quality pictures that complement each other while telling a compelling story – A great tip is always focus on having variety in terms of colors as well types of spaces shown e.g architecture along wildlife could give impressive contrast further highlighting pictures individually.

5. How Long Should My Slide Show Be?

Your slide show should not drag on too long but should tell a complete story without rushing through too many visuals too quickly which shows ample time should be provided for each picture – usually 5-10 sec per image considering how much detail or number of elements one particular picture has.

6. What Is the Ideal Transition Time for Photos During the Slideshow?

The transition time between each image should approximately be between 1-3 seconds, and this usually a default setting in the software when selected is 1.5 seconds.

Final Words

Now that you know everything you need to create an amazing Photoshop Slideshow with Music, it’s time for you to get started! Keep these tips in mind and let your creativity take flight as there is so much potential when it comes to creating beautiful presentations with Adobe Photoshop!

In today’s age of digital media, creating a slideshow has become an essential part of our lives. Whether it is for a wedding, birthday party or a corporate event, slideshow presentations have the power to entertain and inspire any audience.

While there are many tools available online that can help one create a slideshow, Adobe Photoshop remains one of the most versatile programs to use for this task. In this post, we will share with you the top 5 fun facts about creating a slideshow with music in Photoshop.

1. Importing images:

Photoshop offers users the ability to import images from their devices or other sources such as social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The image size is not an issue; it is highly adjustable within Photoshop.

This feature provides flexibility when it comes to selecting visuals for your project as you can carefully curate each photo used in your presentation.

2. Adding music:

The key characteristic of slideshows that make them poignant is their relation to music. In photoshop, users can import audio files in various formats such as MP3s or WAVs over which effects could be applied (such as reverbs) through different editing techniques thus uplifting the quality of production altogether.

3. Transition effects:

The selection of transition effects plays a crucial role in elevating the quality and efficacy of your slideshow presentation by providing seamless transitions between each picture slide shown on screen. Photoshop offers users numerous transition animations affecting both pictures and text- giving rise to endless possibilities when designing your show!

4. Text addition:

Text could accent enhancing elements within video projects- Titles, captions as well informational aspects needed on presentations couldn’t come across effectively if there were no text additions made evident enough for the audience following along without confusion.

Photoshop’s comprehensive set of fonts makes type setting easy allowing stylistic options par excellence!

5. DVD playback option

Finally, after honing all images into perfection- including transitions & effect settings implemented, and adding the best music ever; Photoshop smoothly burns these projects into DVD discs or saved as a file for online distribution. Or even better: using photoshop video player tool or playing it on Apple TV.

Bottom Line

Photoshop has remained an industry standard owing to its versatility in producing creative work with one of the many tasks being editing pictures or videos, and slideshow making couldn’t be left out on this versatile list! And what’s not to love about creating a slideshow that is well executed, visually stunning while providing excellent narration aptly fitting specific occasions? With these fun facts we’ve shared, creatives can confidently find themselves steering their way through navigating around Adobe Photoshop to create an impressive masterpiece!

For photographers, designers or any creative person out there who wants to make their presentation, portfolio or just a personal project come alive – creating an impressive slideshow with music is something that can be achieved easily with Adobe Photoshop. One of the best features of this software is its ability to combine both videos and images along with great sound quality. But how do you create a memorable slide show? Here are some tips and tricks to get you started:

Choose Your Content Wisely

Before even opening up Photoshop, decide what type of images and videos you want in your slideshow. It’s dependent on the theme, story or purpose of the presentation. Ask yourself: What feeling am I trying to convey? What message am I trying send? Ultimately choosing content that speaks to your audience.

Use High Quality Images

There’s nothing worse than viewing pixelated or low-quality images on a slideshow. To avoid this, ensure that all photos are taken in high resolution, professionally shot or edited as such so they appear crisp and clear.

Choose Coherent Music

The selection for background music is critical in how an audience responds emotionally to a presentation. Select music surrounding the same rhythm and tonality as your chosen images and video clips will help develop believability for your project.

Design With Simplicity

Avoid cluttering too many text blocks or elements within each slide which can lead viewers to becoming quickly overwhelmed – simplicity should rule the design space! Use negative space strategically by allowing individual items like typography, pictures or transitions “pop” while giving visual breathing room between text boxes or other graphic elements .

Slideshows Are A Visual Storytelling Medium

People connect better through stories then facts – it not only helps readers remember more but also creates another emotional level for them rather than just reading data points. Whether telling your brand’s story visually through meaningful visuals (e.g., product manufacturing process), using bold text with impactful quotes/sayings/strategies or discussing the benefits of a new product/service offering—in all cases it pays to tell your audience something they will be able to remember.

Think About Transitions

Transitions are an important part of any slideshow and can play a significant role in making it visually interesting. In Photoshop, there is an abundance of options available such as fades, wipes, dissolves or slides depending on what footage you choose.

Experiment With Motion And Animation

From simple animations like scale or fade in/out to more complex ones such as 3D rotations or zooming focus that put emphasis on particular pieces within a slide. Using these elements can provide more fun visual impact and build engagement with your audience!

All about Timing

Often the difference between a good slideshow and one people remember is timing- too long or too short could hinder your overall perception of the presentation. Know specifically how many images should be included per second (normally aiming for 24 fps), set clear intention on how long each image/video needs to show up before diving deeper into composition creation! The ideal duration would vary dependent on what context the slideshow is being presented in- whether it’s meant for TV display versus a live event projector screen.

Final Thoughts:

Creating impressive slideshows with music is not rocket science after all – it requires some thoughtful planning around choice of content, design concepts and transitions combined with creativity which will ultimately help make the users’ stories come alive! If you get stuck don’t forget there are countless online tutorials help walk you through each stage so you can learn at your own pace – stay curious and have fun!

When it comes to creating a stunning slideshow, there are plenty of tools out there that can get the job done. You could use PowerPoint or Keynote, for instance, or even opt for a free online tool like Canva or Google Slides.

But if you really want to take your slideshow game to the next level, there’s one tool that stands head and shoulders above the rest: Photoshop.

Now before you dismiss this as just another piece of Adobe propaganda, hear me out. There are several compelling reasons why Photoshop is your best bet for creating a truly unforgettable slideshow.

For starters, Photoshop gives you unparalleled control over each and every element of your presentation. Unlike other tools where you’re limited to pre-made templates and layouts, with Photoshop you have complete creative freedom to design everything from scratch.

This means you can customize each slide exactly how you want it – tweaking individual graphics, adjusting text formatting down to the pixel level and manipulating any images or photos to fit precisely in their frames.

Of course, with great power comes great responsibility – mastering Photoshop takes time and skill. That being said there are plenty of YouTube tutorials that can help get you on the right track (as well as virtual assistants like me who can provide guidance).

Another advantage of using Photoshop is its ability to handle high-resolution images without distortion or loss of quality. Other presentation software may struggle when it comes to handling heavy files but not photoshop thanks its advanced graphics capabilities that enable many design techniques such as smart objects and vector shapes

And while we’re still discussing visuals- Let’s talk about Animations! Yes—Photoshop Does animations too- GIFS specifically! This feature allows your presentations come alive with eye-catching visuals that will be etched in people’s minds long after they’ve left the room. Can other presentation tools do this? I think not!

Lastly let’s not forget all those professional editing features (like enhancing lighting,color correction etc) that come with Photoshop. You can turn mediocre images into striking visuals using the right editing techniques and let those front-row people to appreciate your work

If you’re searching for a reliable software to create stunning slideshows with music, then undoubtedly Adobe Photoshop is the ideal pick. Adobe Photoshop, a pioneer graphic designing software from Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, has all the necessary features to elevate your slideshow-making experience and take it to the next level. Whether you are a professional photographer or someone who wants to create an impressive presentation, Adobe Photoshop can help transform your vision into reality.

Here’s why we think Adobe Photoshop is a fantastic choice for creating beautiful slideshows with music:

1) Advanced editing tools: Adobe Photoshop offers an extensive range of advanced editing tools that let you edit and enhance images easily. With the help of these useful features like colour correction, cropping, compositing images, and more – it becomes convenient to create picture-perfect slideshows. You have absolute control over every single aspect of your images making them look just the way you want.

2) Visual Effects: Transforming ordinary pictures into captivating visuals isn’t easy without an arsenal in your creative tool kit. Luckily, with Adobe Photoshop’s broad range of visual effects features like layers masks or filters – which come with all sorts of customizable controls like gradients or opacity – you can produce visually pleasing imagery that will make your audience crave more.

3) Incorporate Music: A good soundtrack plays a key role in any slideshow, especially when trying hard to evoke emotions from viewers through your created work. That’s why most people choose appropriate background scores carefully; well-suited instrumental beats match up with what’s happening on-screen perfectly. Imagine tailoring soundtracks down to such specifics as rhythms and melody arrangements not excluding synchronization footage at that precise moment – this gives added dimensionality by enhancing viewers’ immersion into the experience- something that only Adobe Photoshop excels at.

4) User-friendly Interface: The intuitive user interface design makes it simple for even beginners wanting better presentations in their projects yet having no previous knowledge about software of such caliber can press ahead and generate impressive results. Believe it or not, Adobe Photoshop provides a vast arrangement of in-built templates that are ready to use making the process even easier for you.

In conclusion, Adobe Photoshop allows everyone who wants a polished finish with their slideshows an opportunity to synchronize images and background sounds. Using film-arits techniques akin to green screen effecting, filters common to professional video editing get included as well thus providing excellent facilities necessary for storytelling via visual content. With extensive features that include advanced image manipulation tools, easy-to-navigate UI design process, seamless incorporation of music amongst other capabilities evident in this software – clearly one can only succeed when using adobe photoshop undoubtedly!

Slideshow creationPhotoshop allows you to create stunning slideshows with music that can be exported in various file formats and shared with friends and family.
Music integrationYou can easily integrate music from your personal library or choose from a selection of built-in tracks to enhance the slideshow experience.
Customizable slideshow templatesPhotoshop provides a range of customizable templates that can be tailored to suit different occasions or themes.
Transitions and effectsAdd such as transitions, animations, and filters to your slideshow to make it more dynamic and engaging.
Fully editableEach slide is fully editable, giving you complete control over the text, images, and multimedia content.

As an expert in Photoshop, I highly recommend using the software to create a slideshow with music. Not only does it provide a creative and personalized touch to any presentation or video, but it also allows for complete control over the visual aspects of each slide. By adding music, you can enhance the emotional impact of your slideshow and capture attention like never before. There are numerous tutorials available online to guide you through the process step by step , so don’t hesitate to try it out! Historical fact:

The use of slideshows to display photographs accompanied by music dates back to the early 1900s, with lantern slide shows featuring musical accompaniment being a popular form of entertainment in both Europe and America. However, the integration of digital technology and software like Photoshop made it possible to create more advanced and sophisticated photo slideshows with music in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


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MA_Presentations in PS

Presentations in photoshop.

In this lesson I show you the techniques I use when giving presentations using Photoshop. The ideas can be used for a lot more than presentations, but I thought you might want to know how I iteratively modify layers when the Photoshop interface is hidden.

RTF | Rethinking The Future

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation

how to make a presentation in photoshop

You know the struggle: you have to create a visually engaging presentation using PowerPoint . Yet, the look and feel of the presentation simply aren’t professional enough. Enter Adobe Photoshop. Traditionally a tool associated with image manipulation and editing, Photoshop might not be at the top of your list when it comes to tools for creating refreshing presentations. However, the vast variety of graphic design tools the software offers makes it an incredible complement to software like Powerpoint and Slides. Unsure about where to start? Keep reading this article for ten top tips on using Adobe Photoshop for your presentations.

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet1

1: Make Sure Your Scale is Consistent

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet2

The key issue when creating graphics for Powerpoints in Photoshop is the scaling of the graphics themselves. If one is formatted differently than the other, then transferring your graphics from one platform to another goes from being a success to a disaster. Before you begin, make sure to match your Photoshop canvas size to the Powerpoint slide size. And remember – Photoshop uses pixels while Powerpoint uses inches, so make sure to convert the dimensions when you’re adjusting your Photoshop canvas!

2: Less is More!

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet3

If you are designing graphics for a text-based presentation, make sure to not let your graphics stand out. While graphic design is vital to a great presentation, it is only meant to focus a viewer’s eye on the points being made – not take away from the point by being overtly eye-catching. 

3: Still… Don’t be Afraid to be Bold!

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet4

Even though your focus should be to allow the text on your slides to speak to a viewer, don’t be afraid to use the graphic design tools of photoshop to take your presentation to the next level. After all, you wouldn’t be using Photoshop for your presentation if you simply wanted a run-of-the-mill presentation!

4: Use Adobe Colour

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet5

One of the first steps in building beautiful graphics for a presentation is finding a colour palette that suits the tone and graphics of the presentation that is visually appealing. To help you in this quest, use another tool in the Adobe suite of products – Adobe Colour – to help you create the colour palette that will truly match your presentation. Adobe Colour has a contrast checker that helps you make sure your text colour will be readable against your background colour for maximum impact. It also helps you make sure your colour choices adhere to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) so that your presentation is truly accessible to everyone on the internet. 

5: Make the Best of Both Worlds

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet6

While Adobe Photoshop remains the premier tool for graphic design, it lacks movement-based effects that can also be incredibly important to a powerful presentation. However, even the less advanced tools of Powerpoint can be a blessing on this front! Use Photoshop to create graphic objects to layer above your background graphics, and use Powerpoint to animate them in your presentation to add a new dimension to your slides (both literally and metaphorically).

6: Use Photoshop’s In-house PDF Slideshow Feature for High Quality Renders You Can Easily Share

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet7

When sharing your graphics with clients, don’t hesitate to use Photoshop’s in-house high-quality rendering capabilities. By using the software’s PDF download function (rather than downloading your PowerPoint as a PDF or PPT) you enable the viewer to gain the best possible viewing experience across multiple kinds of devices.

7: Use Adobe Cloud Sharing for Easy Collaboration

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet8

No matter how confident we are in our skills, we sometimes need some help. For assistance from your colleagues, use Adobe’s cloud sharing capabilities to share your graphics with other people. This prevents you from constantly saving high-memory renders of your graphics to send to your colleagues and allows them to add suggestions and make changes to your document directly, saving all of your important time. 

8: Use Adobe’s Cross-device Synchronisation of Platforms to Your Advantage

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet9

As convenient as a trackpad or mouse can be for a skilled graphic designer, sometimes a pen and paper are simply best. In these moments, use Adobe Photoshop’s unique ability to save designs across devices to access graphic designs you created on your computer on a tablet, where you can use a stylus to make the adjustments that take your graphics to the next level. 

9: College Students – Use Your College Student Discount or Your School’s Photoshop Licence

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet10

The tips in this article apply to presentations in the workplace – but why not get started earlier in your career? If you are a student struggling to make interesting presentations for your classes and are looking for a way to upskill yourself, try and learn photoshop! This is made even easier by most colleges buying licences for use of photoshop that you can access for free. Don’t hesitate in getting started!

10: The Devil is in the Details

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet11

At the end of the day, Powerpoint already has its own graphic design capabilities – so make sure your use of Photoshop is worth it. Take the effort to make every small detail in your graphics valuable, and it will clearly show in the quality of your presentation. 

Childress, A., 2019. How to Make PowerPoint Slide Backgrounds In Photoshop (PPT Size/Format?) . [online] Envato Tuts+. Available at: <https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/make-powerpoint-backgrounds-in-photoshop–cms-34122> [Accessed 7 August 2022].

Color.adobe.com. n.d. Adobe Color . [online] Available at: <https://color.adobe.com/create/color-contrast-analyzer> [Accessed 7 August 2022].

10 Tips on using Photoshop for presentation - Sheet1

Aaditya Bhasker he is an undergraduate student of Architecture and Urban-Studies at Haverford College. He hopes to channel his passion for architecture into social justice work surrounding housing reform in India. Outside academia, they also enjoy watching movies, reading, and hiking with their dog in Hong Kong, where they currently lives

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  • Presentations

How to Make PowerPoint Slide Backgrounds In Photoshop (PPT Size/Format?)

Andrew Childress

So, what's the right PowerPoint slide size for Photoshop? In this tutorial, we'll look at PowerPoint slide dimensions, Photoshop PowerPoint template sizes, and more. We'll even make a PowerPoint slide size Photoshop background.

Microsoft PowerPoint is perfect for creating a presentation. Adobe Photoshop is the top choice for graphic design. What's better than one powerful app? Two top apps brought together! Great PowerPoint slideshows use advanced graphics designed with Photoshop.

creative powerpoint design photoshop

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set a PPT slide size in Photoshop. This helps you design supplemental graphics in Photoshop. You'll also see the best premium templates (from Envato Elements) with the PPT slide size for Photoshop already set for you. 

 Let's learn more! Now, let's take a closer look at how Photoshop and PowerPoint work together to help you create the best PowerPoint backgrounds.

Photoshop and PowerPoint: Two Apps, Better Together

On their own, Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint are powerful apps. But use them together, and you're sure to benefit.

PowerPoint is all about ease-of-use. Photoshop gives you every graphic design tool you could need. Use them together to bring highly advanced graphics to presentations.

As you can see in the tutorial below, visual presentations are more important than ever. That means you need tools like Photoshop to bolster your presentation.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Here are a few questions that you may face when you start working with the two apps together: 

  • What's the size of a PowerPoint slide for Photoshop?
  • What size is a Photoshop PowerPoint template?
  • What's the correct PowerPoint size for backgrounds?
  • What are PowerPoint dimensions: pixels, inches? 
  • How do you set your Photoshop document to match your PowerPoint presentation?
  • What PowerPoint size should I use? 16:9? 4:3?

These are also the questions that we'll answer in this tutorial. Keep reading to find out more.

PowerPoint Dimensions: Pixels, Inches, or Ratios?

So, what's the deal with PPT slide size? Photoshop works very differently. Here's some quick facts to help you sort out your PowerPoint slide size, for Photoshop or any other work environment.

  • As of 2023, default PowerPoint files have a 16:9 ratio. This is called "Widescreen" within the software.
  • This means you can take these PowerPoint dimensions to Photoshop or elsewhere and convert them to pixels or any other metric.
  • You can also have your PowerPoint background size at a 4:3 ratio. This is called "Standard" within the software.
  • You can also have a Custom Slide size in PowerPoint.

How to Choose and Check Your PowerPoint Document Size

Veteran graphic designers know that document size is critical. Setting the size of a PowerPoint slide for Photoshop is a must to avoid redesigning. You don't want your Photoshop PowerPoint template to be the wrong size! If you don't have the right PowerPoint slide size, Photoshop isn't going to have that info for you.

If you're accustomed to working in Photoshop, you probably think in terms of  pixels.  The challenge is that Microsoft PowerPoint's default unit of measure is inches. Setting the size of a PowerPoint slide for Photoshop requires converting the units.

To see your PowerPoint document size, go to the  Design  tab on PowerPoint's ribbon. Then click on the  Slide Size  drop-down. Finally, choose  Custom Slide Size. 

PowerPoint slide size pop-up

On the pop-up window, you can see the default options shown in inches. Type in the Width and Height boxes to change the presentation dimensions.

The size of a PowerPoint slide for Photoshop depends upon these options. Check these dimensions, then use the section below to convert the units.

The most critical choice you can make is between  widescreen  and  standard . This choice changes the  ratio  of width versus height. Choose from a wide selection of presets tailored to standard sizes.

Checking your PPT slide size for Photoshop is essential to designing graphics and assets for your presentation. Make your  Slide Size  your first check before you start working in Adobe Photoshop.

How to Convert Your PowerPoint Document Size From Inches to Pixels

To set your PPT slide size for Photoshop, you've got two options:

  • Set your Photoshop preferences to use inches instead of pixels
  • Calculate your PowerPoint presentation's size in pixels and input those dimensions

For our first example, let's assume that we want to find the pixel dimensions of a PowerPoint document. PowerPoint doesn't use pixels, so we'll need to convert inches to pixels.

It helps to know that PowerPoint assumes a  96 dpi  screen resolution. If you take the slide size in inches and divide it by the dots per inch, you'll arrive at the pixel dimensions.

Here's an example calculation:

13.333 inches wide / 96 dpi = 1280 pixels

Then, you can repeat the same math for the other side of your PowerPoint presentation:

7.5 inches wide / 96 dpi = 800 pixels

If your PowerPoint slide is already set up, pixel dimensions are helpful to know. Use your pixel dimensions to create a corresponding document in Photoshop.

Set pixel sizes in Photoshop

Struggling with the math? Check out the Ninjaunits online tool . Make sure to set the "scanner DPI" dropdown to 96 dpi. Then, type in the pixel dimensions and convert to inches.

Learn more about PowerPoint slide sizes in our guide below. It covers even more on PowerPoint slide dimensions. Photoshop PowerPoint template designers will want to check this out.

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Another Option: Change Your Photoshop Default Unit of Measure

Another option is to set Photoshop to work in PowerPoint's units, inches . With a simple change to the preferences, you can work directly in inches.

In Adobe Photoshop, go to the  Preferences > Units & Rulers  option to set the default unit in the app.

Preferences  Units and Rulers options

On the  Preferences  window, find the section labeled  Units.  Change the drop-down section labeled Rulers  from  Pixels  to  Inches. 

Don't forget to set the Screen Resolution  to 96 pixels/inch  to match PowerPoint's defaults. Now, all Photoshop's menus and dialogues will use inches as the default unit.

Changing the Photoshop Default Unit of Measure

Changing your units means that you never have to convert. This helps you design PowerPoint backgrounds with the perfect size. Set Photoshop to  Inches  if PowerPoint and printed products are your primary output.

One More Option: Set Your PowerPoint Presentation to Pixel Size

Believe it or not, you can set your PowerPoint presentation to a specific set of pixel dimensions. This approach is helpful if you're   starting   with a Photoshop document that you need to migrate to PowerPoint. When it comes to PowerPoint dimensions, pixels are often more Photoshop friendly.

In PowerPoint, return to the  Design > Slide Size > Custom Slide Size  menu. In both the  Width  and  Height  boxes, you can type in pixel dimensions by typing a numeric value, like "2560 px." The spacing and typing the unit in that exact format is important! Check out this example of PowerPoint background size, below.

Set pixel dimensions

Once you click outside of the boxes, PowerPoint automatically converts the units back to inches. But it sets those inches to the proper size based on 96 dpi. 

That's it! Your PowerPoint presentation is now set to an exact pixel dimension. You can now design at PPT slide size in Photoshop.

Designing For PowerPoint in Photoshop

So far, you've seen several ways to achieve the same goal: creating perfectly sized graphics for Photoshop. To do this, you can change your size, app preferences, or dimensions. Any of these methods saves you from re-working and adjusting your Photoshop document to get the perfect PPT slide size for Photoshop work.

Setting the PowerPoint background size is one of the most important parts of creating your own Photoshop PowerPoint template. Use one of the techniques above (like converting your PowerPoint presentation to pixels). Let's demonstrate how you might do this in Photoshop.

With Photoshop open, create a new Photoshop document with the corresponding pixel dimensions. You can do so by going to File > New .

Then, open the Layers panel. We can do this by going to Window > Layers . Here's a screenshot of what your workspace should look like:

photoshop powerpoint template size

Next, let's work with a fun and interesting graphic. I decided to use this abstract pattern from Envato Elements. You could use any graphic of your choice. 

Open your chosen graphic by going to File > Open , and then select the file from your computer. Photoshop opens it up. Once the file is open, go to Select > All to select the entire image.

Then, we can go to Edit > Copy to copy it. Return to your new document and go to Edit > Paste . This pastes the image onto a new layer. 

Here's what the result should look like. In the Layers panel, you'll see the image on a new layer on top of the background.

abstract photoshop background

However, your pasted image might not be positioned the way you'd like it, in your new document. Let's work on that next.

Go to Edit > Free Transform . After you've done so, you'll notice that your image has visible resize handles. With the Move tool selected (in the Tools panel), click and drag on any of the resize handles around the perimeter to resize the image. You can also use the Move tool to reposition your image. Just click and drag to do so!

Here's a look at how I scaled and repositioned my image.

photoshop free transform

When you're creating PowerPoint backgrounds, you may want to tone down the graphics so that they aren't distracting. 

For example, this pattern might be too intense for content to be overlayed on top of it. Let's bring the opacity down so that it won't interfere with content. We can do that from our Layers panel.

First, make sure that the image layer is selected. We know that it's selected when it's highlighted, like shown in the screenshot below. 

Then, click on the Opacity Slider , shown below, as well. We can click and drag to lower the opacity. You can also type in a specific number. I lowered the opacity to 65%.

photoshop opacity

When you're finished with your work it's time to export it. Go to the File > Save As  option to export the finished design. I recommend saving as JPG file. You can choose your file format where it says Format in the Save Dialog box.

photoshop format

Finally, let's return to PowerPoint. I typically drag-and-drop my graphics onto the slide to add it to a presentation. Since we already figured out the perfect PowerPoint dimensions in Photoshop, it's a snap. It's at the perfect PowerPoint size!

That's it! The graphics are far better than anything you can create inside of PowerPoint, so it helps to use both apps.

custom powerpoint background

Where to Source Perfectly Sized PPT Slides (With Unlimited Downloads)

For the savvy graphic designer, this tutorial features all the information you need to set the PPT slide size for Photoshop. PowerPoint background size isn't quite as straight forward as you might think. It's those PowerPoint slide dimensions in Photoshop that can change things. Your PowerPoint slide size for Photoshop depends on those ratios (like 16:9 or 4:3).

But maybe   you're looking for the fastest way to create a presentation. You're on a time crunch with deadlines to meet, and you need help.

That's the usefulness of Envato Elements , an all-you-can-download service for creatives. It features thousands of pre-built PowerPoint templates. They already have the PPT slide sizes set perfectly.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

Envato Elements PowerPoint templates

Besides PowerPoint slides, you'll also unlock Photoshop templates . Align these to the dimensions for a PowerPoint background for creative slides. And again, it's all included for a single cost. Use these templates and never worry about the size of a PowerPoint slide for Photoshop! All the PowerPoint dimensions, Photoshop design elements, and other content is sorted out for you.

And, if you're looking for even more PowerPoint template inspiration, check out these awesome collections:

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Learn More About Using Adobe Photoshop

Now that you've had a taste of working in Photoshop, how about digging into more? There's a wealth of free Photoshop tutorials here on Envato Tuts+. Continue learning and take your presentations to the next level with even more Photoshop expertise. Check out these beginner friendly, free tutorials today:

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Learn More About Using Microsoft PowerPoint

If you're already an Adobe Photoshop master, maybe you want to build a similar skillset for PowerPoint. Both apps have a deep set of features, but also have a learning curve.

That's why it helps to follow our guide to master Microsoft PowerPoint. Our resource, How to Use PowerPoint (Ultimate Tutorial Guide) is the single most comprehensive guide. It features beginner to master level tutorials.

The Ultimate Tutorial Guide is so deep that it helps to have a roadmap. Here are three beginner tutorials that we highly recommend:

how to make a presentation in photoshop

Use PowerPoint With Adobe Photoshop Today

Powerful apps are better when paired together. The perfect example is Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft PowerPoint. The advanced design features mesh well with PowerPoint's ease-of-use. 

As you just saw, setting your  PowerPoint document size to match your PPT slide size is important. Remember, templates from Envato Elements already have the size set.

Use PowerPoint and Photoshop together with the help of these tips. With this article, you'll always use the proper PPT slide size for Photoshop. Download a pattern and start creating great PowerPoint backgrounds today.

Editor's Note : This tutorial was originally published in 2019. It's been comprehensively updated with help from Daisy Ein .

Andrew Childress

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Animating a slideshow in Photoshop

Colin smith.

In this tutorial, Colin Smith shows you how to add different types of motion to a slideshow in Photoshop. Pan, zoom and spin your photos, to create a dynamic presentation.

From Colin’s video title Video in Photoshop for Photographers and Designers. 

how to make a presentation in photoshop

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