ib extended essay workshop

Extended Essay (EE)

IB Website - Extended Essay

ib extended essay workshop

IB - Role of the Librarian Video

Useful resources, branksome hall asia - ee website - new.

UWCSEA presentation

American School of the Hague - Extended Essay LibGuide

Branksome hall asia - ee libguide.

Sample guides, presentations and LibGuides from Western International School of Shanghai; International School of Luxembourg, UWCSEA, Singapore, the American School of the Hague and Branksome Hall Asia. Please credit these schools if using this content and check the currency of the materials.

G11 Research - an excellent document shared by Yvonne Barrett

This hyperdoc is to support IB Extended Essay & secondary students revising and developing independent research skills

The role of the Librarian in the IB DP

Recent article from the Investigating Knowledge Website

ib extended essay workshop

Philpot Education

Great support site for the Extended Essay. Created and run by Brad Philpot and John Royce.

The site also contains Free teaching and learning materials for students and teachers with ready-made units, course guidance, skill-building activities, marked samples & teacher support, by experienced IBDP workshop leaders, textbook authors and examiners

ib extended essay workshop

IB Extended Essay - Step By Step Guide

ib extended essay workshop

The International Baccalaureate (IB) Extended Essay is a crucial component of the IB Diploma Program, providing students with an opportunity to engage in independent research and develop essential academic skills. In order to successfully complete this demanding task, students must understand the requirements and guidelines set forth by the IB. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the necessary steps involved in crafting an exceptional Extended Essay.

Firstly, it is imperative for students to choose a well-defined research question that aligns with their interests and strengths. Conducting effective research is also crucial, as it allows students to gather relevant information and evidence to support their arguments. Organizing the essay structure in a logical manner ensures clarity and coherence throughout.

Additionally, writing a compelling introduction captures readers' attention and sets the stage for the rest of the essay. Editing and proofreading are vital for polishing one's work, while proper formatting and presentation enhance its overall appeal.

Furthermore, managing time efficiently and avoiding procrastination are key strategies for success. Lastly, utilizing resources such as IB Pros can greatly assist students throughout their Extended Essay journey.

By following these guidelines, students can navigate through this challenging process with confidence while producing high-quality essays that meet IB standards.

IB Extended Essay

Key Takeaways

  • IB Extended Essay is a crucial component of the IB Diploma Program and offers an opportunity for independent research and academic skill development.
  • Crafting an exceptional Extended Essay involves choosing a well-defined research question, conducting effective research, organizing the essay structure logically, and ensuring proper formatting and presentation.
  • Time management and avoiding procrastination are key strategies for success in the Extended Essay.
  • Utilizing resources like IB Pros can assist students in their Extended Essay journey by providing study guides, textbooks, personalized feedback, and a safe learning environment.

Understanding the IB Extended Essay Requirements

The IB Extended Essay requirements can be likened to a road map that guides students through the rigorous process of conducting independent research and producing an academically rigorous essay. These requirements serve as a framework for students to follow, ensuring that they meet the necessary criteria to achieve success in their extended essay.

To begin with, students must choose a subject area for their extended essay that aligns with one of the six academic disciplines covered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. They are then required to formulate a research question within this subject area, which will act as the foundation for their investigation.

Furthermore, students must demonstrate a clear understanding of relevant theories and concepts related to their chosen topic. They are expected to critically analyze existing literature and present an argument or perspective that contributes new insights or knowledge to the field.

Additionally, students must adhere to strict guidelines regarding the structure and formatting of their essay. This includes proper citation and referencing techniques following a recognized academic style guide.

By understanding these requirements, students can navigate through each stage of the extended essay process with confidence. The next section will delve into selecting an appropriate research question, which is essential for successfully embarking on this academic journey without any setbacks or challenges.

Choosing the Right Research Question

When selecting a research question for an extended essay, it is crucial to choose one that aligns with the academic requirements and guidelines. The chosen research question should be carefully considered to ensure that it is focused, feasible, and allows for in-depth analysis within the given word limit. It is important to select a topic that falls within one of the six subject groups offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and relates to a specific area of interest or expertise.

To meet the academic requirements and guidelines, students should aim for a research question that can be answered through critical thinking, analysis, and application of appropriate methodologies. The question should also be clear and concise, providing a framework for investigation while allowing room for exploration.

Furthermore, choosing a research question that aligns with personal interests can enhance motivation and engagement throughout the extended essay process. However, it is essential to strike a balance between personal interest and ensuring sufficient scholarly resources are available on the chosen topic.

Selecting an appropriate research question sets the foundation for conducting effective research in an IB extended essay. Once a suitable question has been identified, students can proceed with conducting thorough investigations into their chosen area of study.

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Conducting Effective Research

To maximize the effectiveness of research in an IB extended essay, it is crucial to conduct thorough investigations into the chosen area of study, employing critical analysis and appropriate methodologies. Effective research involves gathering relevant information from credible sources, such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Additionally, it is important to critically evaluate the gathered information by considering its reliability and validity.

One way to ensure a comprehensive investigation is by employing different research methods. This could include conducting surveys or interviews with experts in the field, analyzing existing data sets, or performing experiments if applicable to the research question. By using a combination of these methodologies, researchers can obtain a well-rounded understanding of their topic.

In order to evoke an emotional response in the audience while maintaining safety language, a table can be used to present statistical data or comparisons. For example:

Safety MeasuresBenefitsImportanceRegular handwashingReduces risk of infectionCriticalWearing protective gearPrevents injuriesEssentialFollowing safety protocolsEnsures workplace safetyVital

By organizing your essay structure effectively and incorporating these research techniques, you will be able to present a well-supported argument that addresses your research question without compromising on safety measures.

[Transition sentence into subsequent section about organizing your essay structure.]

Organizing Your Essay Structure

Effective organization of the essay structure is essential for presenting a coherent and logical argument that effectively addresses the research question. To keep your audience engaged and interested in reading further, consider the following four key elements when organizing your essay:

  • Clear Introduction: Begin with a captivating introduction that provides background information on the topic and clearly states the research question. This will set the stage for what follows.
  • Well-Structured Body Paragraphs: Divide your arguments into separate paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect related to your research question. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence and provide supporting evidence to strengthen your points.
  • Logical Flow: Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs by using appropriate linking words or phrases such as "furthermore," "however," or "consequently." This will help maintain coherence throughout your essay.
  • Strong Conclusion: Summarize your main points while restating their significance in relation to the research question. End with a thought-provoking statement that leaves readers contemplating the broader implications of your findings.

By following these organizational guidelines, you can effectively present your ideas in an engaging manner that captures and holds the attention of your audience. Transitioning into writing a compelling introduction, it is crucial to grab readers' interest from the very beginning to ensure they continue reading eagerly into subsequent sections.

Writing a Compelling Introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a crucial role in capturing the audience's attention and setting the stage for the subsequent sections. It serves as the gateway to the main body of work, providing readers with an initial glimpse into what lies ahead. To effectively engage and retain their interest, writers must craft a compelling introduction that entices, informs, and motivates further exploration.

When writing an introduction for an academic essay, it is important to adopt a language style that is appropriate for an audience seeking safety. This means using objective and impersonal language that eliminates personal pronouns and focuses on presenting facts rather than subjective opinions. By doing so, writers can establish a sense of credibility and professionalism while maintaining a level of distance from personal biases.

In addition to creating intrigue, the introduction should also seamlessly transition into the subsequent section about developing strong arguments and analysis. By employing effective sentence transitions or linking phrases, such as "Furthermore," or "Moreover," writers can smoothly guide readers from the introductory paragraph towards deeper analysis without explicitly stating 'step'. This allows for a coherent flow of ideas throughout the entire essay, ensuring clarity and logical progression.

Developing Strong Arguments and Analysis

Developing strong arguments and analysis requires the skillful examination of evidence and logical reasoning to support the central thesis. It is essential to present well-structured arguments that are based on reliable evidence and sound reasoning in order to persuade the audience effectively. This involves critically evaluating different sources, such as scholarly articles, books, and credible websites, to gather relevant information that supports or challenges the main claim.

To further enhance the depth and complexity of the analysis, a 2-column, 3-row table can be used. This table presents a comparison of different viewpoints or evidence related to the topic under investigation. By organizing information in this format, readers can easily identify contrasting perspectives or key pieces of evidence that contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the issue at hand.

When developing arguments and analysis for an audience concerned with safety, it is important to emphasize accurate information backed by reputable sources. By doing so, readers can trust the validity of the presented arguments and make informed decisions regarding their own safety.

Developing strong arguments and analysis necessitates thorough examination of evidence through logical reasoning. By presenting well-supported claims and incorporating additional resources such as tables for added clarity, one can effectively convey complex ideas without compromising safety concerns. Moving forward into discussing 'citing sources and avoiding plagiarism,' it is crucial to maintain these principles while acknowledging external contributions in academic writing.

Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism

Moving on from the previous subtopic, which focused on developing strong arguments and analysis, it is crucial to address the importance of citing sources and avoiding plagiarism in academic writing. Citing sources not only adds credibility to your own work but also acknowledges the contributions of others. Plagiarism, on the other hand, is a serious offense that undermines academic integrity and can have severe consequences.

To avoid plagiarism, one must properly cite all sources used in their research. This involves providing accurate references within the text and creating a comprehensive bibliography at the end of the essay. Additionally, paraphrasing ideas from other sources should be done with care to ensure that proper credit is given.

Now let us consider an unordered 5 item bullet list in markdown format to evoke an emotional response in our audience who values safety:

  • Properly citing sources ensures transparency and accountability.
  • Avoiding plagiarism promotes fairness and respect for intellectual property rights.
  • Crediting original authors fosters a sense of collaboration and appreciation for knowledge sharing.
  • Ethical writing practices create a safe environment for academic discourse.
  • By acknowledging our sources, we uphold academic standards that prioritize accuracy and rigor.

With a firm understanding of how to cite sources effectively, we can now transition into discussing the next section: crafting a coherent and well-supported conclusion.

Crafting a Coherent and Well-supported Conclusion

Crafting a coherent and well-supported conclusion culminates the essay with a powerful synthesis of ideas, leaving the audience feeling satisfied and enlightened. A strong conclusion not only summarizes the main arguments presented throughout the essay but also provides a sense of closure to the readers. It is important to ensure that all key points and evidence are effectively summarized without introducing new information.

To create a coherent conclusion, it is essential to restate the thesis statement and briefly recapitulate the main arguments. However, this should be done in a concise manner, avoiding repetition or redundancy. Additionally, it is crucial to emphasize the significance of the findings and their implications within a broader context.

Language appropriate for an audience seeking safety includes using clear and precise language devoid of any biased or subjective statements. Objective tone conveys credibility and reliability, hence ensuring that conclusions are based on evidence rather than personal opinion.

In transitioning towards editing and proofreading your essay, it is imperative to meticulously review your work for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies in formatting. By doing so, you can refine your ideas further and enhance clarity within your essay structure.

Editing and Proofreading Your Essay

Editing and proofreading your essay allows for a meticulous review of the work, ensuring grammatical accuracy, consistency in formatting, and refinement of ideas to enhance clarity within the essay structure. By carefully reviewing your essay, you can identify and rectify any grammatical errors or typos that may have been overlooked during the writing process. This attention to detail not only improves the overall quality of your work but also enhances its credibility by demonstrating a commitment to accuracy. Additionally, editing allows you to ensure that your ideas are presented coherently and logically. It provides an opportunity to refine your arguments, eliminate any inconsistencies or redundancies, and ensure that each paragraph contributes effectively to the overall flow of the essay.

Proofreading goes beyond grammar and spelling; it involves examining sentence structure, punctuation usage, and word choice. This careful analysis ensures that your writing is clear and concise, allowing readers to easily understand your intended message. Furthermore, proofreading helps maintain consistency in formatting throughout the essay. By adhering to specific formatting guidelines (such as font size or citation style), you create a polished and professional appearance.

Editing and proofreading are essential steps in refining an essay's content before its final presentation. Once these aspects are addressed with precision and care, it is crucial to focus on formatting and presenting your essay seamlessly without disrupting its flow or coherence.

Formatting and Presenting Your Essay

Presenting an essay with precise formatting and a seamless flow is crucial in order to convey the information effectively and engage the audience on a deeper level. To ensure your essay is well-presented, consider the following:

  • Formatting : Use a consistent font throughout your essay and apply proper headings and subheadings to organize your ideas. Additionally, include page numbers and adhere to any specific formatting guidelines provided by your institution.
  • Spacing : Maintain uniform spacing between lines and paragraphs for readability. This creates a visually appealing layout that allows the reader to navigate through your essay easily.
  • Citations : Accurately cite all sources used in your research according to the required citation style (such as APA or MLA). This not only gives credit to the original authors but also adds credibility to your arguments.

By adhering to these formatting guidelines, you create an organized and professional presentation of your ideas, which enhances the overall impact of your essay.

Transitioning into managing time and avoiding procrastination, it is important to establish a clear schedule for completing each stage of the writing process.

Managing Your Time and Avoiding Procrastination

In the previous subtopic, we discussed the importance of formatting and presenting your IB extended essay. Now, let's delve into another crucial aspect of completing this task successfully - managing your time and avoiding procrastination.

Time management is a fundamental skill that can greatly impact the quality and completion of any project. When it comes to writing your extended essay, effective time management is even more critical due to its length and complexity. To help you stay organized and on track, consider utilizing strategies such as creating a detailed timeline, setting specific goals for each stage of the process, and breaking down tasks into manageable chunks.

Additionally, combating procrastination is essential for ensuring productive work sessions. Procrastinating can lead to unnecessary stress and compromised outcomes. To overcome this challenge, try implementing techniques like prioritizing tasks based on urgency or importance, eliminating distractions, and rewarding yourself for meeting milestones.

To further assist you in your extended essay journey, IB Pros provides valuable resources and support. From sample essays to expert guidance, their platform offers comprehensive assistance tailored specifically for IB students. Utilizing these resources will undoubtedly enhance your understanding of the requirements and enable you to produce a well-researched and compelling extended essay.

Utilizing IB Pros Resources and Support

Utilizing the extensive range of resources and support provided by IB Pros can greatly enhance your extended essay journey, equipping you with the necessary tools and knowledge to produce a well-researched and compelling piece of academic writing.

  • Access to a vast library of subject-specific content: IB Pros offers a wide range of comprehensive study guides, textbooks, past papers, and other relevant materials to assist you in understanding key concepts and theories related to your chosen topic. This wealth of resources ensures that you have access to reliable information throughout your research process.
  • Personalized feedback and guidance from experienced teachers: IB Pros provides opportunities for students to seek assistance from experienced educators who can provide valuable feedback on their work. This personalized guidance helps students refine their research question, improve their overall structure, develop critical thinking skills, and ensure that they are on the right track towards producing a high-quality extended essay.
  • Peer collaboration through online forums: IB Pros facilitates communication among students through its online forums where individuals can exchange ideas, ask questions, and provide support to one another. Engaging in discussions with peers who share similar interests or have expertise in different areas can foster collaboration and create a sense of community throughout the extended essay process.

By leveraging these resources and support systems offered by IB Pros, you can maximize your potential for success while ensuring a safe learning environment during your extended essay journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i choose a research question that is not related to my chosen subject in the ib extended essay.

No, the research question for the IB Extended Essay must be related to the chosen subject. This requirement ensures that students engage in in-depth research within their chosen field, promoting academic rigor and specialization.

How can I effectively manage my time and avoid procrastination while working on my IB Extended Essay?

To effectively manage time and avoid procrastination while working on the IB Extended Essay, it is important to create a schedule, set realistic goals, break the work into smaller tasks, eliminate distractions, and seek support from teachers or mentors.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when citing sources and avoiding plagiarism in my IB Extended Essay?

Common mistakes to avoid when citing sources and avoiding plagiarism in an IB extended essay include failing to properly attribute information, using excessive direct quotations, and not correctly formatting citations according to the required citation style guidelines.

Are there any specific formatting requirements for the IB Extended Essay that I need to follow?

Specific formatting requirements for the IB Extended Essay include using a 12-point font, double-spacing the text, and including page numbers. Citations should follow a recognized style guide such as MLA or APA.

How can I make the most out of IB Pros resources and support while writing my IB Extended Essay?

To maximize the benefit of IB Pros resources and support for your IB extended essay, utilize their guidance on research, topic selection, and essay structure. Their experienced team can provide valuable assistance throughout the writing process.

In conclusion, the IB Extended Essay is a challenging but rewarding academic endeavor that requires careful planning, research, and organization. By understanding the requirements, selecting an appropriate research question, conducting effective research, and structuring the essay effectively, students can create a compelling piece of work. Additionally, proper editing and proofreading, formatting and presentation skills are crucial for producing a high-quality essay. Lastly, time management and utilizing resources like IB Pros can help students avoid procrastination and achieve success in their extended essays.

ib extended essay workshop

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Extended Essay (IB): Seminars and Workshops

  • The Inquiry Process

EE Seminar 1

EE Seminar 2

  • IT Workshop 1
  • EE Investigation Days

EE Writing Days

  • Choosing a subject and topic
  • Developing a line of inquiry
  • Finding and selecting sources
  • Working with ideas
  • Expressing your ideas
  • Using ManageBac
  • Supervisor resources
  • Who can help?

This page gives you an overview of what will happen at each event. Click on the links below (or select from the tab above) during and after each event to view any presentations and resources used.

EE Seminar 1: Thursday 16th November 2023

Ee seminar 2: wednesday 17th january 2024, it workshop: february 2024.

IT Workshop

ib extended essay workshop

During this workshop you will learn how to create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word that meet the IB's referencing standards.

After the workshop, you can access support with creating citations and bibliographies on the Citing and Referencing (APA) Libguide , including IT helpsheets for both PCs and Mac users. 

EE Investigation Days: February 2024

ib extended essay workshop

During the EE Investigation Days you get time off timetable to start investigating your topic - finding and working with sources and/or planning experiments and data collection. It is vital you make good use of these days as this is your springboard to getting started with your EE, and the last formal, organised support you will have until the Writing Days. The resources and links on this page are intended to help you to make the most of this time.

EE Writing Days

ib extended essay workshop

  • Constructing your understanding as you prepare to write
  • Structuring your essay
  • Academic writing

It will focus on the Working with ideas tab .

In the Summer Term you will have a further Writing Day to work on the first draft of your essay, including advice on:

  • Including your research in your writing
  • The formal presentation requirements of the EE
  • The importance of rewriting

It will focus on the Expressing your ideas tab .

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  • Next: Overview >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 24, 2024 10:46 AM
  • URL: https://oakham-rutland.libguides.com/ib-extended-essay

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Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay

What is the extended essay.

  • The York School Extended Essay Handbook 2021/2022

IB Extended Essay Guide (updated November 2023)

Student responsibilities, tips for a successful ee journey, extended essay workshops 2022-2023, extended essay workshops 2021-2022, support for the extended essay.

  • Reflections
  • Choose a Subject
  • Choose a Topic
  • Draft a Research Question
  • Develop Your Search Strategy
  • Computer Science
  • Visual Arts
  • World Studies
  • Introduction
  • Academic Integrity
  • Common Questions
  • For Supervisors
  • EE Examples

EE Coordinator

Profile Photo

MS/SS Librarian

What is the significance of the extended essay.

The extended essay provides:

  • practical preparation for undergraduate research
  • an opportunity for students to investigate a topic of personal interest to them, which relates to one of the student's six DP subjects, or takes the interdisciplinary approach of a World Studies extended essay.

Through the research process for the extended essay, students develop skills in:

  • formulating an appropriate research question
  • engaging in a personal exploration of the topic
  • communicating ideas
  • developing an argument. 

Participation in this process develops the capacity to analyze, synthesize and evaluate knowledge.

An extended essay can also be undertaken in world studies , where students carry out an in-depth interdisciplinary study of an issue of contemporary global significance, across two IB diploma disciplines.

How is study of the Extended Essay structured?

Students are supported throughout the process of researching and writing the extended essay, with advice and guidance from a supervisor who is usually a teacher at the school.

Students are required to have three mandatory reflection sessions with their supervisors. The final session, a concluding interview, is also known as  viva voce .

The extended essay and reflection sessions can be a valuable stimulus for discussion in countries where interviews are required prior to acceptance for employment or for a place at university.

How is the Extended Essay assessed?

All extended essays are externally assessed by examiners appointed by the IB. They are marked on a scale from 0 to 34.

The score a student receives relates to a band. The bands are:

A – work of an excellent standard. B – work of a good standard. C –work of a satisfactory standard. D – work of a mediocre standard. E – work of an elementary standard.

Find out how points awarded for the extended essay contribute to a  student’s overall diploma score .

IB Diploma Points Matrix (TOK + EE)

IB DP matrix

Source: International Baccalaureate. (n.d.).  What is the extended essay?   https://www.ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/extended-essay/what-is-the-extended-essay/ 

International Baccalaureate

Regarding the EE in general:

  • Observe the extended essay regulations as set by the school and the IB
  • Meet all EE deadlines
  • Practice Academic Integrity by careful note-taking and proper referencing & citation of information sources used
  • Maintain and update the Extended Essay workspace in ManageBac

Regarding subject choice:

  • Choose a subject in which you are already enrolled,   and which you thoroughly understand and are comfortable with
  • READ the subject-specific requirements for your chosen subject

Regarding your supervisor:

  • Initiate regular communication with your supervisor & respond to their communications
  • Attend  3 mandatory   reflection sessions with your supervisor

Start EARLY! 

Talk to diploma subject teachers. Ask questions!

Map out a timeline of deadlines, research days, writing days. Allow for unforeseen delays. 

Plan your information sources. Keep track of what you've used through a working bibliography. 

ALWAYS proofread your drafts before submitting them

Get a Toronto Public Library card (free access to their databases & resources)

What strategies can students use to discuss the extended essay in their university application?

  • Intro to EE Research Resources Presentation from November 2022 sessions.
  • Choosing & Refining a Topic / Identifying Sources Presentation from December 2022 sessions.
  • Annotating & Evaluating Sources Presentation from January 2023 sessions.
  • Rocking the Research Question Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Identifying & Accessing Sources Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Evaluating Sources Workshop Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Structure & Formatting for the EE Workshop Presentation from May 3, 2022 EE Research Day.
  • Awesome Editorial Techniques Workshop Presentation from May 3, 2022 EE Research Day.

Librarians can provide important and additional support in some of the fundamental research and information literacy skills. These skills can include:

ib extended essay workshop

  • Next: Timeline >>
  • Last Updated: Jun 12, 2024 3:38 PM
  • URL: https://yorkschool.libguides.com/extendedessay
  • Support Sites

Extended Essay Support Site

This page presents 'the basics' of the Extended Essay. It is a good starting point for candidates and first-time supervisors. For an in-depth understanding see the official IB guide or explore this Support Site further. 

In a nutshell

The Extended Essay is a 4,000-word research paper that must be written to earn the full Diploma from the International Baccalaureate (IB). It is based on a topic of the candidate's choice and, in most cases, one of the candidate's six subjects. The EE provides students with an opportunity to develop their skills in academic research and writing. Candidates work under the guidance of a supervisor , who is usually one of the student's subject teachers. Besides informal meetings and 'check-ins', candidates meet with their supervisor for three sessions to complete their Reflections on Planning and Progress Form ( RPPF ). The essay and RPPF are externally assessed by an IB examiner for 34 marks. The five assessment criteria are common for all subjects and applied to all essays, though examiners, candidates and supervisors are encouraged to read the subject-specific interpretations of the criteria. Grade boundaries are applied to convert marks into letter grades. The letter grade from the EE is combined with the letter grade from Theory of Knowledge (TOK) to award up to 3 bonus points toward the Diploma. Candidates should spend at least 40 hours working on their essay. Supervisors should spend between 3-5 hours supervising each candidate.

Short introduction to the EE


Learner profile

An IB learner is an inquirer. The Extended Essay is your opportunity to engage in inquiry. What does this mean? Think of yourself as a detective, solving a mystery. Think of yourself as a journalist, asking difficult question. The best way to do inquiry is to be curious, inquisitive and critical.

yellow line

2016-2025 IB Extended Essay: Workshops

  • Workshop 1: Getting started
  • Workshop 2: EE Options
  • Workshop 3: Selecting a topic
  • Workshop 4:Research Questions
  • Workshop 5: Supervisors and Reflections
  • Finding Books & Ebooks
  • Primary Sources
  • Citation Guide
  • Subject guidance
  • Sample IB EE's

Workshop 6
Workshop 7 Workshop 8 Workshop 9
Workshop 10 Workshop 11 Workshop 12
Workshop 13 Workshop 14 Workshop 15
  • << Previous: Home
  • Next: Workshop 1: Getting started >>
  • Last Updated: Aug 25, 2024 12:34 PM
  • URL: https://lewishs-fcps.libguides.com/IBExtendedEssay

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Dwight’s internationally diverse community, paired with Dwight’s legacy as a pioneer in the International Baccalaureate curriculum, makes Dwight campuses around the globe sought-after IB World Schools.

Dwight Global Online School — ranked one of the two best online high school in the U.S. by Newsweek — was selected by the International Baccalaureate (IB) as a partner to pilot the delivery of the two-year Diploma Programme (DP) in an online school environment.

The pilot is designed to gain insights into the benefits of this pedagogical model and to make the DP more accessible to more diverse cohorts of students unable to attend a brick-and-mortar school.

Dwight Global Online School, a leader in online education since 2014, is proud to document the benefits of delivering the DP in a collaborative online learning community.

Dwight Global is one of only two schools in the world to offer the IB DP entirely online.

What is the International Baccalaureate?

The IB DP, the culminating program in the IB curriculum, is one of the most challenging academic programs available and recognized by university admissions directors around the world as the “gold standard” in college preparation based on the breadth and depth of the curriculum.

In the two-year course of study during Grades 11-12, students take six classes concurrently, in addition to  core curriculum courses. The core is the bedrock of the program and fosters critical thinking, community engagement, and research. The DP is uniquely  designed to include common curricular and assessment threads across all courses. This allows students to approach learning in similar ways, regardless of their individual class selections. 

Additionally, all faculty utilize similar pedagogies, including best practices and maximizing student engagement.  Dwight Global works as a community to foster student growth and establish preparedness for college-level work.

Director of IB Studies

What are the Diploma Program requirements?

Can students personalize their course selection, does dwight global offer the world academy of sport extended study option, what are some additional benefits of the diploma program.

To be a Diploma Candidate, students must take:

  • one subject course from each Group 1-5
  • a sixth subject from Group 6 or an additional course from Groups 1-5. 
  • Theory of Knowledge course, which explores the nature and dimension of knowledge
  • Extended Essay, where students write an academic research essay
  • Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) program
  • Candidates must take a a minimum of three Standard Level (SL) and three Higher Level (HL) courses, but can also opt to take two SL and four HL courses. SL and HL courses will be determined based on a student’s previous coursework and possible placement assessments.

The DP offers students the ability to personalize their educational journeys with a wide range of subjects to choose from. During course planning meetings with students, we craft a schedule that best fits their interests and academic pursuits. 

Students select their classes both at Standard and Higher Levels. Higher Level courses allow DP candidates to spend more time and effort on the subjects they’re passionate about. Each DP course offers students freedom to pursue areas of personal interest.

Dwight is the first US-accredited school and is proud to be an Athlete-Friendly Education Center in partnership with the World Academy of Sport . 

Athletes with an intensive training schedule may  spread their Diploma Program out during 3-4  years to help balance their training and school work. 

This program is available to elite athletes who represent their sport at the regional, national, or international level. Visit the World Academy of Sport for more details.

College and university admissions directors worldwide are impressed with the IB Diploma Program.  The IB DP is considered the "gold standard" in secondary education and prepares students to engage in complex issues from a variety of perspectives.  

Research shows that DP graduates are better prepared for university and are more likely than non-IB graduates to remain enrolled and prosper throughout their higher education journeys. DP graduates also report that the curriculum prepared them well for college coursework, particularly in the areas of writing, critical thinking, study skills, and time management.

The DP allows for college credit in the United States and can be the gateway to university admissions outside the US.

Interested in learning more about Dwight Global Online School’s IB program? 

Contact us today!

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Course Selection

ib extended essay workshop

To be a Diploma Candidate, you need to take one course from each Group 1-Group 5; you will also take a sixth subject that can be from Group 6, or you can take an additional course from Groups 1-5. Finally, you need to take the Theory of Knowledge course, write an Extended Essay, and participate in CAS. You need to take a minimum of three SL and three HL courses; however, you may take two SL and four HL courses. SL and HL courses will be determined based on your previous coursework and possible placement assessments.







group 4:

lab sciences

group 5:


group 6:

the arts


English Literature

English Language and Literature

**Spanish, French, Mandarin, German A





**English B



Global Politics

Business Management





Applications and Interpretations

Analysis and Approaches


Film SL

TOK: Theory of Knowledge

EE: Extended Essay

CAS: Creativity, Activity, Service

***Group 1 is meant to be a course in the mother-tongue, or prolonged school exposure. Group 2, English B, only applies to those who have not studied or taken courses in English for a prolonged period of time.

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LIVE WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS Extended Essay in IB Business Management 3 hours

  • Explore all phases of the EE: choice of a topic, development of the research question, research phase, writing the EE and reflecting on it
  • How to choose tools beyond the syllabus
  • Presentation tips
  • Understand the assessment criteria and how to score high in Criterion C
  • Tips on reflections
  • Marking activity of EEs
  • Post-workshop access to materials

About the trainers

Tonye Fubara

Tonye Fubara is an experienced IB examiner with over 15 years experience as an Extended Essay examiner. She is an experienced IB business management educator with extensive experience in curriculum development and mentoring and training business teachers. Tonye is currently Head of Business at Creative Secondary School in Hong Kong.


Eva Stavrinaki

Eva Stavrinaki is the Chief Education Officer of ibGenius and an experienced IB examiner specializing in Internal Assessments. She has experience in leadership positions, she is an enthusiastic trainer and a passionate IB teacher with more than 20 years of professional experience.

She is passionate about education and technology but she strongly believes in the teachers’ magic role for the future well-being of humanity!

Eva Stavrinaki

Subscribe now as there is a limited number of participants per workshop!

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ib extended essay workshop

Brad Cartwright

Effectively supervising the world studies extended essay.

Teacher-to-Teacher Workshop

ib extended essay workshop

Soon Available On-Demand!


Filling the Gap!

Filling the gap between what the IB expects us to do and how to actually do it in the classroom!

- Workshop Details -

The Mark Scheme - The answers are all in the mark scheme--and thus the mark scheme is the foundation of our understanding the what the World Studies Extended Essay actually "needs to do".

Subject Specific Guidance - Here in lies the keys to the task in every World Studies Essay! As Extended Essay Supervisors we must know the World Studies Subject Specific Guidance thoroughly and completely.

World Studies Extended Essays: Sample Papers - Included in the Workshop Resource Module is access to 35 Student Sample Papers that received either and A or B from an IB Examiner.

The Reflections - This is a critical piece of an Extended Essay! We will dig deep to understand how to guide students to effectively write evaluative reflections.

The Four Key Elements - Each one of us will take an in depth look at the Four Key Elements of a World Studies Extended Essay that will ensure that we understand how to properly support our Advisees.

Creating a Four Step Student Action Plan - The culminating moment of the workshop will be where each of us constructs a unique Four Step Action Plan that will guide our students over the multi-month Extended Essay process at our own individual schools.

The Promise - You will finish the workshop with a thorough understanding of what being an effective World Studies Extended Essay Supervisor involves by taking control of your own individual situation!

Plan to register more than five teachers? Reach out for a group discount.

- IB Teacher Workshop Testimonials -

Hear it straight from IB Teachers and IB Coordinators who attended previous workshops!

“I have been to a great many IB trainings, both MYP & Diploma Programme. This is the first training I walked away from feeling re-invigorated and excited about making changes for our program. This training was practical, applicable, and relevant. I am looking forward to a customized training experience!”

ib extended essay workshop

“This was undeniably one of the most informative, well organized and applicable IB trainings that I have encountered. It also has many useful resources that you can access after the workshop! The Q&A cumulative session was a wonderful bonus! Thanks Brad and Kurt for sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience! ”

ib extended essay workshop

“I am so glad that I attended Brad Cartwright’s IB Extended Essay Workshop, since it was insightful, informative, and useful. His practical, specific, and encouraging approach really outlined the role of the supervisor and how to guide the student to his/her best abilities. Thank you for showing us “what and how” we can bridge the objectives of the tasks and the mark scheme. I would absolutely recommend this, and all of his other workshops, whether you are a new or experienced IB teacher. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“Best value for money IB course in the market. If you are realtively new in delivering the IB Economics course, your students will see a marked improvement in your delivery of the content from week 1 and will thank you for taking the course! Also, a great opportunity to meet fellow IB Economic teachers from around the world who are committed to improving the classroom learning experience of Economics for their students, as well as help foster a life long interest in the subject.”

ib extended essay workshop

“As a new Economics teacher, I was struggling to find the right pace while trying to fill the gap between what IB wanted students to know and what I needed to do as a teacher to facilitate this so my students would be well prepared for their exams. I had many questions - do I teach everything? how do I support my students so they not only know the content, the diagrams, the facts but have those critical skills to be able to analyse and evaluate with conviction? how do I know my IA marking is on par with the IB examiners? Not only I got answers to these questions, during the workshop I've also gained valuable skills and resources to teach confidently. Thanks to Brad, I feel my students are now well supported to not only succeed in their exams but become knowledgeable and critical thinker economists. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“The Launching the School Year workshop was immensely helpful in ramping up for the school year. Having never taught IB DP Economics before, I entered the course not knowing where to begin or what to focus on. I felt like I learned, in four weeks, what it might otherwise take me three years to figure out on my own. The workshop not only laid out a clear architecture for thinking about the course; it also gave me ways to think and talk about and plan for the course that I could put to use with my students immediately. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“I thoroughly recommend Brad’s workshops both for teachers new to IB economics and for those with a few years under their belt. The workshops are well organised and allow for active participation by participants. I have come away with fresh ideas of how to organise the material and have implemented many of them already. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“This is an ideal course for anyone who is starting to teach IB economics, whether they are familiar with the IB and not Economics, or familiar with Economics but not the IB. Brad covers every aspect of the course. Gives very useful and practical advice on how to teach, allocate time according to the topics and skills.”

ib extended essay workshop

“This workshop wasn’t “extra” for my professional development, I would say it was ESSENTIAL! As someone new to the IB curriculum and to teaching Economics the workshop covered all of the vital concepts I needed to know to survive my first semester of teaching. Your workshop contained high quality content that was delivered with passion and a genuine desire to share your knowledge and to present it in a way that becomes useful to teachers even with varying levels of experience. In terms of what we covered and were able I am so glad that I attended Brad Cartwright’s IB Extended Essay Workshop, since it was insightful, informative, and useful. His practical, specific, and encouraging approach really outlined the role of the supervisor and how to guide the student to his/her best abilities. Thank you for showing us “what and how” we can bridge the objectives of the tasks and the mark scheme. I would absolutely recommend this, and all of his other workshops, whether you are a new or experienced IB teacher. to achieve in only 2 days, the workshop exceeded all of my expectations. The pace was fast but reasonable. You answered every question with grace, simplicity, and absolute competence demonstrating your mastery in the field. I loved your energy, passion, and generosity as a facilitator- and it is clear that it is your mission to help us become the best teachers we can be. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“your level of experience teaching IB Economics. The biggest problem that the majority of us face as IB teachers is the lack of certainty of what and how to guide the EE process. Brad’s style of delivery is clear and well paced, and he provided us with solid strategies and resources to guide our students through the Extended Essay process. Another thing that Brad did was that he assumed zero prior knowledge. I loved this, because as a new IB Economics teacher I have felt a bit overwhelmed in the other workshops I’ve attended. The fact that he explained each area of the Extended Essay process in a non-judgemental way made it easy for everyone to ask any question that they wanted. Finally, it comes clear as day that Brad really cares. IB teachers need support, understanding and guidance, not judgement and ridicule. I got so much peace of mind from this workshop and left feeling empowered to guide my students. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“Brad’s workshop was just what I needed when teaching Market Power. He clearly explained IB expectations, had great teaching strategies, and shared resources that I immediately used in the classroom. Plus, it was super enjoyable, because Brad is a remarkable person and dedicated professional. I highly recommend his teacher workshops and all of his online materials -- they are very helpful! ”

ib extended essay workshop

“The most helpful part of Brad’s workshop was the clarity on the structure of the Internal Assessment and the best type of articles to use to get the most out of the IA commentary. I was very grateful for Brad’s continuous ability to answer my questions throughout to ensure that I fully understood what was being communicated and could challenge some of my current practices. Even though the workshop was full, the session was very interactive and felt almost personalized. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“I can say without reservation that this was the best IB workshop I have ever attended. Not only was it completely beneficial in meeting my needs, but Brad’s relaxed and enthusiastic approach allayed many of the concerns I have as a first year IB Economics teacher. ”

ib extended essay workshop

“The best part of Brad’s Internal Assessment workshop was the practical and easily actionable step-by-step approach he took us through. It was very much a “how to” workshop that cut through unnecessary material and explained to us exactly how to guide students through the Internal Assessment process. It was a very powerful and empowering workshop. I highly recommend any of Brad’s teacher workshops! ”

ib extended essay workshop


  1. Extended essay

    Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for the extended essay, find examples of extended essay titles from previous DP students and learn about the world studies extended essay. Learn more about the extended essay in a DP workshop for teachers. Extended essay subject brief

  2. Find professional development workshops

    Contact the IB about university admission and recognition. International Baccalaureate® (IB) professional development (PD) workshops are designed to engage educators and leaders in rich learning experiences and challenging ideas about the IB's mission. They also serve as a powerful tool to ensure schools meet professional learning requirements.

  3. Cohort Model for the Extended Essay

    The workshop is designed to fill the gap between what the IB expects us to do, and how to actually lead your school through the Extended Essay process. Together we will study every step of the process, from the multi-month school-wide structure, to our innovative Cohort Model, to effectively diagnosing the mark scheme, down to tangible and ...

  4. IB Librarians' Workshop

    Great support site for the Extended Essay. Created and run by Brad Philpot and John Royce. The site also contains Free teaching and learning materials for students and teachers with ready-made units, course guidance, skill-building activities, marked samples & teacher support, by experienced IBDP workshop leaders, textbook authors and examiners

  5. DP extended essay updates

    The new extended essay (EE) will be launched in February 2025. First assessment will take place in May 2027. Below you will find an overview of the course updates. For a technical breakdown of the DP curriculum and assessment methods for this course, read the extended essay subject brief. You also can view information on the current extended ...

  6. IB Extended Essay

    The IB Extended Essay requirements can be likened to a road map that guides students through the rigorous process of conducting independent research and producing an academically rigorous essay. These requirements serve as a framework for students to follow, ensuring that they meet the necessary criteria to achieve success in their extended ...

  7. Course: Extended Essay Support Site

    Welcome to this free Support Site on the Extended Essay for the IB Diploma Programme.The content, created by Brad Philpot and John Royce, provides coordinators, supervisors, teachers and students access to student samples, writing tips, guidance and discussion groups. This site is developed independently from the IB. Feel free to browse this Support Site as much as you need - a subscription is ...

  8. IB Core Workshops & Trainings

    Live Workshop The Cohort Model for The Extended Essay: October 5, 2024 Course IB Coordinator Kurt Supplee and Brad Cartwright team up to present a comprehensive look at the multi-month process of effectively guiding faculty and students through the Extended Essay process.

  9. John R. Lewis Library: 2016-2025 IB Extended Essay: Workshop 5

    2016-2025 IB Extended Essay: Workshop 5: Supervisors and Reflections. Home; Workshops Toggle Dropdown. Workshop 1: Getting started ; Workshop 2: EE Options ; ... This document will be sent with your Extended Essay to the external examiner; The reflections will be assessed - and are worth 6 marks (see Criterion E in the rubric) ...

  10. Seminars and Workshops

    At the end of the Spring Term, your Planning and Writing Day, you will have a seminar covering: Constructing your understanding as you prepare to write. Structuring your essay. Academic writing. It will focus on the Working with ideas tab. In the Summer Term you will have a further Writing Day to work on the first draft of your essay, including ...

  11. Supervising the World Studies extended essay

    Once participants complete all the learning engagements, they will be able download the completion certificate. In this resource on supervising the DP world studies extended essay, you will receive subject-specific guidance, learn about the assessment criteria, and explore three examiner-annotated student samples.

  12. The York School Library: Gr. 11-12 Extended Essay: Home

    This guide explains the process required to complete the IB Extended Essay. Home. What is the Extended Essay? The York School Extended Essay Handbook 2021/2022; IB Extended Essay Guide (updated November 2023) ... Extended Essay Workshops 2021-2022. Rocking the Research Question Workshop. Presentation from April 6, 2022 EE Research Day.

  13. Extended essay: Start here

    The Extended Essay is a 4,000-word research paper that must be written to earn the full Diploma from the International Baccalaureate (IB). It is based on a topic of the candidate's choice and, in most cases, one of the candidate's six subjects. The EE provides students with an opportunity to develop their skills in academic research and writing.

  14. John R. Lewis Library: 2016-2017 IB Extended Essay: Workshops

    IB Diploma Program. Extended Essay Research Guide; Class of 2025 - Workshops; IB EE Workshops. Workshop 1: Workshop 2: Workshop 3 : Workshop 4: Workshop 5: Workshop 6

  15. Supervisor Training for Any Extended Essay

    Methodically built as an extension of the Extended Essay mark scheme, this workshop guides Supervisors through the the guidance from their subject area, thus providing the necessary link for student success. Each Supervisor will build a unique four-step process for their specific Extended Essay Subject Area for their students to follow.

  16. International Baccalaureate (IB) Programs Online

    Dwight Global Online School — ranked one of the two best online high school in the U.S. by Newsweek — was selected by the International Baccalaureate (IB) as a partner to pilot the delivery of the two-year Diploma Programme (DP) in an online school environment. The pilot is designed to gain insights into the benefits of this pedagogical ...

  17. WORKSHOP: Extended Essay in IB Business Management

    Tonye Fubara is an experienced IB examiner with over 15 years experience as an Extended Essay examiner. She is an experienced IB business management educator with extensive experience in curriculum development and mentoring and training business teachers. Tonye is currently Head of Business at Creative Secondary School in Hong Kong.

  18. Examples

    The International Baccalaureate® (IB) programme resource centre, a key resource for educators at IB World Schools, includes several examples of extended essay titles. These highlight the diverse range of topics covered by International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) students during their extended essays. Some examples are:

  19. World Studies Extended Essay Workshop

    This three-hour workshop empowers you to be the best Supervisor of the World Studies Extended Essay. Methodically built around the Extended Essay Mark Scheme, the World Studies Subject Specific Guidance, and 35 student examples, you will leave feeling confidently supervise the World Studies Extended Essay.


    Recently I finished my IB DP Extended Essay Cat 3. workshop under the title "The Role of the Supervisor in the Extended Essay" (certificate awarded). The aim of this workshop was to assist teachers in developing an appropriate framework of support for students while they are engaged in writing the extended essay.

  21. Extended Essay resources

    The International Baccalaureate® (IB) provides several resources for IB World Schools. These include support materials for the extended essay. Items in the IB store are available to everyone. Publications include: 50 more extended essays, a DVD of essays submitted in the DP that all fulfil the requirements for an 'A' grade in the current ...

  22. Diploma Programme online

    Online DP pilot. The online DP pilot allows IB students and non-IB students to complete the full DP remotely. The IB works with selected pilot partner organizations to deliver a fully online DP and empower students to thrive in their learning journey who are unable to access a brick-and-mortar IBWS. Read more about the online DP pilot.

  23. Find an IB World School

    The International Baccalaureate (IB) provides a world-class preparation for university and life beyond. IB students consistently demonstrate the critical thinking and research skills needed to excel in their university studies—and they tend to get into the world's best universities. Find countries and universities that recognize the IB.