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  • Prof. Shaoul Ezekiel


  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

As Taught In

  • Atomic, Molecular, Optical Physics
  • Electromagnetism
  • Quantum Mechanics

Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics

Course description.

This resource contains demonstrations used to illustrate the theory and applications of lasers and optics. A detailed listing of the topics can be found below.

Lasers today are being used in an ever-increasing number of applications. In fact, there is hardly a field that has not been touched by the laser. Lasers are …

Lasers today are being used in an ever-increasing number of applications. In fact, there is hardly a field that has not been touched by the laser. Lasers are playing key roles in the home, office, hospital, factory, outdoors, and theater, as well as in the laboratory.

To learn about lasers and related optics, one usually takes a course or two, or acquires the necessary information from books and journal articles. To make this learning more vivid and more exciting, and, one hopes, more understandable, one needs to see some of the basic phenomena involved. To fill this need, Professor Ezekiel has videotaped 48 demonstrations that illustrate most of the fundamental phenomena relating to lasers and physical optics.

By using split-screen inserts and a wide range of video-recording capabilities, it is possible to show real-time effects in lasers and optics with the simultaneous manipulation of the components that cause these effects. In this way, one can see effects in close up that would be difficult, if not impossible, to display in front of an audience or in the classroom.

These video demonstrations are designed for:

  • The individual student of lasers and optics who wants to observe the various phenomena covered in theoretical treatments in courses, books, and technical papers.
  • The Instructor in lasers and optics in a company, university, college, or high school who wants to illustrate, in class, many of the fundamental phenomena in optics and lasers.

These videos were produced by the MIT Center for Advanced Engineering Study.

A photograph of green laser light hitting the edge of a transparent cylinder and then curling into a helix due to total internal reflection.

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applications of lasers

Applications of LASERs

Jul 09, 2012

590 likes | 1.19k Views

Applications of LASERs. University of Surrey School of Physics and Chemistry Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK. Jeremy Allam Optoelectronic Devices and Materials Research Group Tel +44 (0)1483 876799 Fax +44 (0)1483 876781. 1. General lasers. • coherent • monochromatic. Interferometry

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  • long pulses
  • wavelength conversion
  • high power lasers
  • long coherence lengths
  • spontaneous emission


Presentation Transcript

Applications of LASERs University of Surrey School of Physics and Chemistry Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK Jeremy Allam Optoelectronic Devices and Materials Research Group Tel +44 (0)1483 876799 Fax +44 (0)1483 876781

1. General lasers • coherent • monochromatic • Interferometry • Holography 2. High power lasers • material processing • medical applications • nuclear fusion • high CW power • high pulsed powers 3. ‘Ultrafast’ lasers • short pulses (<5fs) • broadband gain(>300nm) • high peak powers (>TW) • dynamics of physical, chemical, biological processes • spectroscopy, pulse shaping • high energy processes, wavelength conversion Applications of lasers

1. General lasers • coherent • monochromatic • Interferometry • Holography Applications of lasers

Longitudinal Coherence of Laser Light phase noise or drift (spontaneous emission, temperature drift, microphonics, etc) leads to finite spectral width phasor at t=0 phasor at t=t1 leads to finite coherence time tcoh. (or length lcoh.) tcoh. (orlcoh.)

Measuring Longitudinal Coherence M1 optical fibre M2 L1 BS M1 BS L1 detector M2 L2 detector use interferometer e.g. Michelson interferometer for long coherence lengths, use optical fibre delay D(path length) = 2L1-2L2 << coherence length lcoh. 2L1-2L2 ~ lcoh.

Applications of interferometers Measurement of length: {see Smith and King ch. 11} LINEAR TRANSLATION: interferometric translation stage FLATNESS/UNIFORMITY: e.g. Twyman-Green interferometer LINEAR VELOCITY OF LIGHT: famous Michelson-Morley experiment c is independent of motion of reference frame DETECTING GRAVITATIONAL WAVES: minute movement of end mirrors ROTATION (e.g. of earth): Sagnac interferometer as an optical gyroscope: For N loops of area A and rotation rate W, phase difference is: Measurement of optical properties: REFRACTIVE INDEX: Rayleigh refractometer LIGHT SCATTERING: heterodyne spectrometry ULTRAFAST DYNAMICS: pump-probe / coherent spectroscopy Numerous other applications...

Holography photograph illuminating beam 2D representation of image (no depth) object photographic plate eye reference beam beam expander illuminating beam reconstruction beam LASER hologram BS object reconstructed image Hologram (photographic plate) diffracted reference beam eye {see Smith and King ch. 19} RECORDING READING / RECONSTRUCTING Photography - record electric field intensity of light scattered by object Holography - record electric field intensity and phase

2. High power lasers • material processing • medical applications • nuclear fusion • high CW power • high pulsed powers Applications of lasers

Laser fabrication of Be components • a high-speed, low-cost method of cutting beryllium materials • No dust problem (Be dust is poisonous) • autogenous welding is possible • Achieved using a 400-W pulsed Nd-YAG laser and a 1000-W CW CO2 laser • Narrow cut width yields less Be waste for disposal • No machining damage • Laser cutting is easily and precisely controlled by computer

1kW Nd:YAG cutting metal sheet

Laser Tissue Welding Photograph of the laser delivery handpiece with a hollow fiber for sensing temperature. The surgeon is repairing a 1 cm-long arteriotomy. Laser tissue welding uses laser energy to activate photothermal bonds and/or photochemical bonds. Lasers are used because they provide the ability to accurately control the volume of tissue that is exposed to the activating energy.

Nuclear Fusion: National Ignition Facility

Why femtosecond lasers? (Titanium-sapphire properties) • timing physical processes • time-of-flight resolution ultrashort pulses (5fs) THz pulse generation 1 broadband gain (700-1000nm) • pulse shaping • coherent control 2 generate: • UV • X-rays, • relativistic electrons high power (TW) parametric conversion 3

What is “ultrashort”? One month Computer clock cycle Human existence Camera flash Age of pyramids 10 fs light pulse Age of universe 1 minute Very short pulses! Very high powers! -14 -9 -4 1 6 11 16 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Kilo (k) 10+3 Milli (m) 10-3 Mega (M) 10+6 Time (seconds) Micro (µ) 10-6 Giga (G) 10+9 Nano (n) 10-9 Tera (T) 10+12 Pico (p) 10-12 Peta (P) 10+15 Femto (f) 10-15 Atto (a) 10-18

Current record: 4.0 fsec Baltuska, et al. 2001 Active mode locking Passive mode locking Colliding pulse mode locking Intra-cavity pulse compression Extra-cavity pulse compression Mode-locked Ultrafast Lasers A 4.5-fs pulse… 1000 Shortest Pulse Duration (femtoseconds) 100 10 '65 '70 '75 '80 '85 '90 '95 Year Ultrafast Ti:sapphire laser Reports of attosec pulses, too!

–6 10 –9 10 –12 10 –15 10 Ultrafast Optics vs. Electronics Electronics Speed (seconds) Optics 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Year No one expects electronics to ever catch up.

Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy: Why? Most events that occur in atoms and molecules occur on fs and ps time scales. The length scales are very small, so very little time is required for the relevant motion. Fluorescence occurs on a ns time scale, but competing non-radiative processes only speed things up because relaxation rates add: 1/tex = 1/tfl + 1/tnr Biologically important processes utilize excitation energy for purposes other than fluorescence and hence must be very fast. Collisions in room-temperature liquids occur on a few-fs time scale, so nearly all processes in liquids are ultrafast. Semiconductor processes of technological interest are necessarily ultrafast or we wouldn’t be interested.

Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Photosynthesis The initial events in photosynthesis occur on a ps time scale. Arizona State University

The 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to Professor Ahmed Zewail of Cal Tech for ultrafast spectroscopy. Zewail used ultrafast-laser techniques to study how atoms in a molecule move during chemical reactions.

Selective photochemistry Gustav Gerber • A chemists dream: control of chemical reaction pathway by selective optical excitation of chemical bond The difficulty with using CW light or long pulses is intramolecular vibrational redistribution: excite one bond, and a few fs later, the whole molecule is vibrating and the weakest bond breaks.

Gustav Gerber Coherent control with shaped fs pulses • SOLUTION: • (1) Use fs pulse to break bond before IVR occurs • (2) shape the pulse to optimise the desired yield • Termed “coherent control” of chemical reactions

Pulse shaping in time and frequency domains • Intensity and phase of an optical pulse may be specified in either the time or frequency domain: • Similarly, modulation can be performed in time or frequency domain: • easy! • difficult - modulators too slow!

The Fourier-Synthesis Pulse-shaper Amplitude mask Transmission = T(x)= T(l) Phase mask Phase delay = j(x)= j(l) grating grating f f f f f f Fourier Transform Plane

Micromachining with CW lasers • Laser ablation with CW and long pulse (ns) : • High average power • Dominant process: thermal • material heated and vaporised • expansion and expulsion of target material • Possible problems • crater formation • heat affected zone (HAZ) • surface contamination (dross) • shock wave damage to underlying material • limiting precision / resolution • collateral damage • absorption within illuminated region • poor vertical control

Femtosecond pulses in micromachining • Ultrashort high peak intensity (ps or fs) pulses: • High peak power, low mean power • Dominant process: creation of plasma • direct and rapid generation by multi-photon ionisation • incident energy absorbed in plasma • negligible cratering, HAZ, shock-wave damage or dross • strong NL effects only at focus -> sub-surface machining Extreme conditions* at focus of ultrashort pulse: 1µJ pulse focussed to (1 µm)3 gives: T~1MK p~10Mbar *Eric Mazur, Harvard University

Femtosecond vs. picosecond laser ablation • ablation with fs pulses appears to be more deterministic • due to (?) statistics of photoionisation (by light field or by multi-photon absorption) and subsequent avalanche ionisation

Applications of femtosecond micromachining • high-precision ablation • encoding information on micron scale • engineering dielectrics for e.g. optical waveguides • surgery...

Surgery with femtosecond laser pulses - 1 • small, high precision cuts without kerf • no thermal or mechanical damage to surrounding areas • i.e. no burning or coagulation • sub-surface surgery pig myocardium drilled by excimer laser, illustrating extensive thermal damage surrounding the hole. pig myocardium drilled by an USPL showing a smooth-sided hole free of thermal damage to surrounding tissue.

Surgery with femtosecond laser pulses - 2 thermal damage and cracking to tooth enamel caused by 1-ns laser ablation. smooth hole with no thermal damage after drilling with a USPL.

Femtosecond laser surgery of cornea - 1 Femtosecond LASIK Femtosecond interstroma

Femtosecond laser surgery of cornea Lenticle removal using Femtosecond LASIK

(Biomedical) imaging using ultrashort laser pulses • Problems with conventional microscopy • transparent objects require staining (toxic, fading) • 3D imaging by sectioning • internal structures (e.g. retina) not always accessible • opaque objects cannot be viewed in transmission • low contrast due to background transmission • Ultrashort pulse imaging methods address some of these problems : • Multi-photon imaging • ballistic photon imaging • optical coherence tomography • T-rays

t t Nonlinear microscopy for 3D imaging filter z femtosecond pulse detection of nonlinear signal region of NL interaction Linear processes do not favour the focus signal~intensity x area~z-2 x z2 ~constant Nonlinear (‘multi-photon’) processes favour the focus signal~(intensity)2 x area~z-4 x z2 ~ z-2 (2-photon) signal~(intensity)3 x area~z-6 x z2 ~ z-4 (3-photon) Two photon fluorescence Three photon fluorescence Third harmonic generation

Two-Photon Fluorescence* Imaging *requires fluorescent dye Pollen grain (Clivia Miniata) Conventional image (using fluorescence) ~14 µm 46 sections separated by 0.5 µm in the axial dimension. 2 seconds/image 1.5 µm axial resolution 200 mW in 16 beamlets

Imaging by Third Harmonic Generation (THG) 125 µm • THG occurs at focus of intense ultrashort pulse • Uniform material: • THG light from either side of focus interferes destructively • Discontinous material: • allows some constructive interference and THG emission. • THG imaging depends on Dc(3) • THG is sensitive to interfaces Demonstration using an optical fiber in index-matching fluid (~100 fs pulses at 1.2 µm, 1 kHz repetition rate.) Barad et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 922 (1997)

Sectional THG images of spiral algae formation Squier et al, Optics Express 3, p. 315 (1998)

More Real-Time THG Images Artificial blood vessel (two cover slips) with real red blood cells flowing in it. Scanning scheme used a Lissajou pattern.

Time-resolved imaging for opaque media scattering medium diffusive photons (late arrival): large lateral scattering, high intensity) ‘snake’ photons ‘ballistic’ photons (early arrival): small lateral scattering, low intensity • Scattering is a major problem in e.g. mammography • The problem is weak signals: • mean free path for photons = Ls ~ 0.5 mm for breast tissue • sample length = L=25mm • fraction of ballistic photons is exp(–L / Ls) = exp(–50) = 10–22 • but … • for a pulsed laser with 1 Watt average power, there are only • 1019 photons per second ...

Optical Coherence Ranging and Tomography • cross-sectional micron-scale imaging • real-time, in-situ, in-vivo • optical fibre coupling for internal organs • commercial device available for ophthalmologists This work has been pioneered by Jim Fujimoto and coworkers of MIT. Huang, et al., Science, 254 (1991)

OCT can see otherwise invisible micro-tears in the retina Photographs can’t see the tears

Inside a blood vessel (in vitro) OCT IVUS The OCT images have significantly higher resolution than intravascular ultrasound (IVUS). Brezinski, et al., Am. J. Cardiology 77 (1996)

THz imaging for biomedical applications • fills “THz gap” between microwave and optical frequencies • mixed time / frequency domain spectroscopy • chemical fingerprints at THz frequencies • (e.g. rotational transitions) • strong sensitivity to water content … • coherent method (like OCT) • imaging on 100 micron scale • many variation of imaging method: • intensity • time-of-flight • absorption at key frequencies (f1) • relative absorption (f1/f2)

THz imaging of biomedical samples Centre of Medical Imaging Research University of Leeds TeraVision project (EU-IST)

Surrey Femtosecond high-power broadband source Principles: System:

High rep rate near-infrared system (Spectra) • high rep rate (80MHz) for good signal-to-noise • workhorse system for communications wavelengths • <200fs pulses over range 350 - 1600 nm

Dual colour / mid-infrared system (Coherent) • Ti-sapphire oscillator and regenerative amplifier • high pulse energies for THz beam generation, material processing, and upconversion of weak luminesence • dual parametric amplifiers for non-degenerate pump-probe, and difference frequency generator for mid-infrared • wavelength range 550nm to >10m • ultrashort pulse version: < 60fs pulses

Broadband sources for spectroscopy UV visible NIR MIR FIR mmW RF Ti-S THG Ti-S SHG Ti-S laser OPA SFM DFM HG-OPA THz Ultrafast electronics FEL

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228 Best Laser-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

With over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too" id="category_description">crystalgraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. below you’ll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 228 best laser templates for powerpoint and google slides. the text you’ll see in in those slides is just example text. the laser-related image or video you’ll see in the background of each title slide is designed to help you set the stage for your laser-related topics and it is included with that template. in addition to the title slides, each of our templates comes with 17 additional slide layouts that you can use to create an unlimited number of presentation slides with your own added text and images. and every template is available in both widescreen and standard formats. with over 6 million presentation templates available for you to choose from, crystalgraphics is the award-winning provider of the world’s largest collection of templates for powerpoint and google slides. so, take your time and look around. you’ll like what you see whether you want 1 great template or an ongoing subscription, we've got affordable purchasing options and 24/7 download access to fit your needs. thanks to our unbeatable combination of quality, selection and unique customization options, crystalgraphics is the company you can count on for your presentation enhancement needs. just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers from virtually every leading company around the world. they love our products. we think you will, too.

Widescreen (16:9) Presentation Templates. Change size...

 Presentation with laser - PPT theme having blue eyes technology - health vision sight - woman background and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme having health vision sight - woman eye with laser correction frame

 Presentation with laser - Cool new slides with laser or plasma cutting metalworking backdrop and a gold colored foreground

Slides with laser or plasma cutting metalworking with sparks

 Presentation with laser - Slide deck featuring vision-correction-laser-eye-surgery background and a coral colored foreground

Slide deck featuring vision correction laser eye surgery and health concept - close up of young african american woman face over blue background

 Presentation with laser - Cool new slides with cnc laser cutting of metal backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slides with cnc laser cutting of metal modern industrial technology small depth of field warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions a little bit grain and maybe blurred backdrop

 Presentation with laser - Colorful presentation theme enhanced with laser light and electromagnetic waves backdrop and a ocean colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with people technology future and progress - man in futuristic 3d glasses and microchip implant or sensors over gray background with laser light and electromagnetic waves

 Presentation with laser - Presentation theme enhanced with surgery - medicine eyesight control laser correction background and a coral colored foreground

Presentation theme enhanced with medicine eyesight control laser correction people and health concept - beautiful young woman pointing finger to her eye and over blue background with eye chart

 Presentation with laser - Cool new slide set with health vision sight - woman eye backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slide set with health vision sight - woman eye with laser correction frame

 Presentation with laser - Audience pleasing PPT theme consisting of surgery - beautiful eye with laser close-up backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT theme consisting of beautiful eye with laser close-up backdrop

 Presentation with laser - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of bright red laser light backdrop and a violet colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of rock concert background large group of people enjoying party having fun in night club in bright red laser light active night life music star performance backdrop

 Presentation with laser - Red planet with red laser looking lights over it and black background

Red planet with red laser looking lights over it and black background

 Presentation with laser - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of leaves in the autumn woods backdrop and a violet colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of health vision sight - woman eye with laser correction frame

 Presentation with laser - Slide set enhanced with cnc laser plasma cutting background and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with cnc laser plasma cutting of metal modern industrial technology small depth of field warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions a little bit grain and maybe blurred background

 Presentation with laser - Presentation theme with cnc machine tool - industrial laser or plasma cutting background and a seafoam green colored foreground

Presentation theme with industrial laser or plasma cutting processing manufacture technology of flat sheet metal steel material with sparks

 Presentation with laser - Beautiful slide deck featuring ophthalmology surgery surgeon's hands backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Slide deck featuring ophthalmology surgery surgeon's hands in gloves performing laser eye vision correction correction

 Presentation with laser - Theme with engineering - cnc laser plasma cutting background and a navy blue colored foreground

Theme with cnc laser plasma cutting of metal modern industrial technology small depth of field warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions a little bit grain and maybe blurred

 Presentation with laser - PPT layouts consisting of blurred streets of city moscow background and a cream colored foreground

PPT layouts consisting of movement of microparticles by beams of laser in dark lab

 Presentation with laser - PPT layouts having hologram on her eyes ophthalmology background and a sky blue colored foreground

PPT layouts having young woman with a digital laser hologram on her eyes ophthalmology eye surgery and identity scanning technology concept

 Presentation with laser - PPT theme enhanced with experiment-with-laser-device background and a ocean colored foreground

PPT theme enhanced with experiment with laser device in optical laboratory

 Presentation with laser - Amazing PPT layouts having cnc laser plasma cutting backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

PPT layouts having cnc laser plasma cutting of metal modern industrial technology small depth of field warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions a little bit grain and maybe blurred

 Presentation with laser - Cool new PPT layouts with hologram on their eyes ophthalmology backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

PPT layouts with women with a digital laser hologram on their eyes ophthalmology eye surgery and identity scanning technology concept

 Presentation with laser - Cool new slide set with process engineering - metal working laser cutting technology backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set with metal working laser cutting technology of flat sheet metal steel material processing with sparks authentic shooting in challenging conditions maybe little blurred

 Presentation with laser - Slides featuring experiment-with-laser-device background and a ocean colored foreground

Slides featuring experiment with laser device in optical laboratory

 Presentation with laser - PPT theme with permanent-hair-removal background and a sky blue colored foreground

PPT theme with permanent hair removal on the forearm with the alexandrite laser in the cosmetic studio background

 Presentation with laser - Slide set consisting of metal working plasma or laser background and a gold colored foreground

Slide set consisting of metal working plasma or laser cutting technology of flat sheet metal steel material with sparks

 Presentation with laser - PPT theme featuring her eye over blue background and a sky blue colored foreground

PPT theme featuring health medicine identity vision and people concept - beautiful young woman with laser light lines on her eye over blue background background

 Presentation with laser - Cool new slide deck with laser-cutting-machine-is-cutting backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Slide deck with laser cutting machine is cutting the wooden plank

 Presentation with laser - Slides enhanced with medical laser - equipment for cosmetics background and a sky blue colored foreground

Slides enhanced with equipment for cosmetics in the modern clinic

 Presentation with laser - Beautiful PPT theme featuring laser cutting machine is cutting backdrop and a coral colored foreground

PPT theme featuring laser cutting machine is cutting the wooden plank

 Presentation with laser - Amazing slides having green laser light backdrop and a forest green colored foreground

Slides having green laser light

 Presentation with laser - Colorful presentation enhanced with doctor-removing-birthmarks backdrop and a coral colored foreground

Presentation enhanced with doctor removing birthmarks with a laser ray beautiful face of a young woman mole removal plastic surgery skin lifting and aesthetic medicine

 Presentation with laser - Presentation design consisting of free 3d - 3d technology virtual reality entertainment background and a navy blue colored foreground

Presentation design consisting of 3d technology virtual reality entertainment cyberspace and people concept - happy young man in virtual reality headset or 3d glasses playing with ray of laser light over black background

 Presentation with laser - Presentation having industrial laser or plasma cutting background and a gray colored foreground

Presentation having industrial laser or plasma cutting processing manufacture technology of flat sheet metal steel material with sparks

 Presentation with laser - Slide set featuring scientist in white lab coat background and a ocean colored foreground

Slide set featuring science future technology and people concept - male doctor or scientist in white lab coat and safety glasses with laser light over black background background

 Presentation with laser - Theme featuring test vision table over cyan background and a sky blue colored foreground

Theme featuring beautiful woman with laser hologram and test vision table over cyan background background

 Presentation with laser - Amazing slide set having cnc laser plasma cutting backdrop and a tawny brown colored foreground

Slide set having cnc laser plasma cutting of metal modern industrial technology small depth of field warning - authentic shooting in challenging conditions a little bit grain and maybe blurred backdrop

 Presentation with laser - Audience pleasing presentation theme consisting of laser tag - barcode scan shopping backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

Presentation theme consisting of barcode scan shopping backdrop

 Presentation with laser - Cool new presentation theme with club drugs - green shining disco ball backdrop and a forest green colored foreground

Presentation theme with green shining disco ball in motion lightened by a green laser

 Presentation with laser - Slide set enhanced with beach-bikini-model-in-red background and a light blue colored foreground

Slide set enhanced with beach bikini model in red swimsuit and skirt for wellness spa luxury hair removal laser treatment for legs and body summer ready vacation asian woman walking relaxing at caribbean travel holiday

 Presentation with laser - Amazing slide deck having beautician-for-permanent-hair-removal backdrop and a lemonade colored foreground

Slide deck having beautician for permanent hair removal with the alexandrite laser in the cosmetic studio

 Presentation with laser - Audience pleasing slides consisting of laser therapy - modern equipment in the beauty backdrop and a light gray colored foreground

Slides consisting of modern equipment in the beauty salon

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    the laser beam to grow. The factor by which an input beam is amplified by a medium (during one pass through) is called the gain and is represented by G. LASER: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation "light" could mean anything from microwaves to x-rays Essential elements: 1. A laser medium - a collection of atoms, molecules ...

  2. Laser Fundamentals I

    Laser Fundamentals III (cont.) Fiberoptics Fundamentals Laser Fundamentals I. Viewing videos requires an internet connection Topics covered: Why the interest in fiberoptics; How light propagates in an optical fiber; What determines the loss in a fiber; Single mode and multimode propagation; Single polarization fiber ...

  3. PDF Lecture 5: Introduction to Lasers

    March 22, 1960: Townes and Schawlow, under Bell Labs, are granted US patent number 2,929,922 for the optical maser, now called a laser. With their application denied, Gould and TRG launch what would become a 30-year patent dispute related to laser invention. 1961: Lasers begin appearing on the commercial market through companies such as Trion ...

  4. PDF Introduction to Laser Physics

    Core - ion doped, ~ few mm diameter. Cladding - few 100 mm diameter. Optical waveguides. Light guided and amplified in core doped with lasing ions. Er ~ 1.5mm, Yb ~ 1mm. Efficient - up to 40% wall plug efficiency. High average power - 10s - 100s kW. Excellent single mode quality. Low pulse energy - mJ.

  5. PDF Unit -I LASER Engineering Physics

    Ruby laser. Ruby laser is a three level solid state laser and was constructed by Mainmann in 1960. Ruby (Al2O3+Cr2O3) is a crystal of Aluminium oxide, in which 0.05% of Al+3 ions are replaced by the Cr+3 ions. The colour of the rod is pink. The active medium in the ruby rod is Cr+3 ions.

  6. PDF Lecture 11: Principles of Laser

    Principlesof Laser Principlesof Laser. Light is considered to stream of small lumps or QUANTA of energy, known as PHOTONS. Each photon carries with it a precisely defined amount of energy which depends upon its wavelength or frequency -. W. ph = hf = hc. where h is Planck's constant = 663x10-36 J s and c is the velocity of propagation of the ...

  7. DOC Introduction to Lasers

    Also review the PowerPoint presentation titled "lasers.ppt" available on the course home page. SAFETY: You must wear laser goggles when performing any of the experiments described below. Never look directly into the beam of a laser, and when using portable lasers (like the helium-neon laser) make sure you do not point the laser towards any one.

  8. PDF Introduction to Lasers and Optics

    PREFACE. This Reference Guide was developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC) as a resource for instructors teaching with Introduction to Lasers and Optics Student Guide. Introduction to Lasers and Optics is an introductory course for students who have limited prior knowledge of lasers, optics, or photonics.


    Laser Fundamentals • The light emitted from a laser is monochromatic, that is, it is of one color/wavelength. In contrast, ordinary white light is a combination of many colors (or wavelengths) of light. • Lasers emit light that is highly directional, that is, laser light is emitted as a relatively narrow beam in a specific direction.

  10. Video Demonstrations in Lasers and Optics

    This resource contains demonstrations used to illustrate the theory and applications of lasers and optics. A detailed listing of the topics can be found below. Lasers today are being used in an ever-increasing number of applications. In fact, there is hardly a field that has not been touched by the laser. Lasers are playing key roles in the home, office, hospital, factory, outdoors, and ...

  11. PPT PowerPoint Presentation

    Typical experiment. TW laser focused on a solid target creating a plasma 0.1-1mm. Plasma heated to keV temperatures and ablates at the speed of sound. ~10 Mbar max thermal pressure (greater than conventional explosives. ... PowerPoint Presentation Author: WALTER ZACHERL Last modified by: Walter Zacherl Created Date: 1/27/2007 6:14:51 PM ...

  12. PPT

    Laser Principle . Eman Ali Ateeq. : objectives. Introduction Properties of laser light Lasing process Optical cavity and laser modes Types of lasers Lasers applications. Introduction. Laser technology is one of the most rapidly developing areas in modern technology. Slideshow 1586531 by marnie.

  13. PDF Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy

    Ultrafast laser spectroscopy involves studying ultrafast events that take place in a medium using ultrashort pulses and delaysfor time resolution. It usually involves exciting the medium with one (or more) ultrashort laser pulse(s) and probing it a variable delay later with another.

  14. PPT

    Jul 09, 2012. 590 likes | 1.19k Views. Applications of LASERs. University of Surrey School of Physics and Chemistry Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK. Jeremy Allam Optoelectronic Devices and Materials Research Group Tel +44 (0)1483 876799 Fax +44 (0)1483 876781. 1. General lasers. • coherent • monochromatic.

  15. Topological insulator laser: Experiments

    Fig. 1 Topological insulator laser: Lattice geometry. (A) Microscope image of an active InGaAsP topological 10 unit cell-by-10 unit cell microresonator array. (B) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) image of the outcoupling grating structures used to probe the array at the orange-outlined locations indicated in (A).

  16. 228 Best Laser-Themed Templates for PowerPoint & Google Slides

    228 Best Laser-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 228 best laser templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  17. Ultra‐Wideband Terahertz Integrated Polarization Multiplexer

    Laser & Photonics Reviews is an interdisciplinary journal at the interface of photonics and optics publishing outstanding science for more than 15 years. ... Open in figure viewer PowerPoint. ... we perform experiments for high-speed data transmission with on-off keying (OOK) and 16-QAM modulations. ...