গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱস বা গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ ভাষণ | Republic Day Speech in Assamese

গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱস বা গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ ভাষণ | Republic Day Speech in Assamese

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গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱস বা গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ ভাষণ | ভাৰতৰ গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱসৰ ভাষণ | ভাৰতৰ গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ ভাষণ | গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱসৰ অসমীয়া ভাষণ | গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ অসমীয়া ভাষণ | ২৬ জানুৱাৰী তাৰিখৰ ভাষণ | ২৬ জানুৱাৰী তাৰিখৰ অসমীয়া ভাষণ | Republic Day Speech in Assamese | Indian Republic Day Speech

গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱস বা গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ ভাষণ

নমস্কাৰ, সম্মানীয় আজিৰ এই ৭৫তম গণৰাজ্য দিৱস উদযাপনৰ বাবে উপস্থিত হোৱা সভাপতি মহোদয়, মোৰ শ্ৰদ্ধাৰ প্ৰধান শিক্ষক মহোদয়, মোৰ সহকৰ্মীসকল, উপস্থিত শ্ৰদ্ধাৰ মুৰব্বীসকল আৰু মোৰ মৰমৰ ছাত্ৰ-ছাত্ৰীসকল আৰু কণ কণ ভাইটি-ভন্টিসকল।

পোন প্ৰথমে মই মোৰ তৰফৰ পৰা গণতন্ত্ৰ বা গণৰাজ্য দিৱসৰ আন্তৰিক শুভেচ্ছা জ্ঞাপন কৰিছো লগতে মোক এই পবিত্ৰ দিনত দু-আষাৰ কোৱাৰ সুযোগ দিয়া বাবে বহুত ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন কৰিলোঁ।

আজি আমি ইয়াত ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ ৭৫তম গনৰাজ্যা গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱস উদযাপন কৰিবলৈ একত্ৰিত হৈছোঁ। আজিৰ দিনটো ভাৰতবৰ্ষৰ বাবে এক গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ দিন। আজিৰ দিনটোতে অৰ্থাৎ ১৯৫০ চনৰ ২৬ জানুৱাৰী তাৰিখৰ পৰা আমাৰ দেশ ভাৰতৰ সংবিধান খন কাৰ্যকৰী হৈছিল।

আচলতে, ভাৰতবৰ্ষ স্বাধীন হোৱাৰ আগৰে পৰাই আমাৰ দেশ ভাৰতৰ বাবে এখন নিজা সংবিধান ৰচনা কৰাৰ বাবে চিন্তা চৰ্চা কৰি থকা হৈছিল আৰু সেই মতে ১৯৪৬ চনত এখন সংবিধান সভা গঠন কৰা হৈছিল। সংবিধান সভাই ভাৰতৰ বাবে এখন সংবিধান ৰচনাৰ কাম আৰম্ভ কৰে আৰু ১৯৪৭ চনৰ ২৯ আগষ্টত ড° ভীমৰাও ৰামজী আম্বেদকাৰ ৰ নেতৃত্বত এখন খচৰা কমিটি গঠন কৰি লয়। ১৯৪৯ চনৰ ২৬ নৱেম্বৰত এই খচৰা কমিটি খনে প্ৰায় ৩ বছৰ কাল অশেষ পৰিশ্ৰম কৰি সংবিধানখন লিখি উলিয়াই আৰু সভাপতি ড° ৰাজেন্দ্ৰ প্ৰসাদে ইয়াত চহী কৰে আৰু সংবিধান সভাত গৃহীত হয়। ১৯৫০ চনৰ ২৬ জানুৱাৰীৰ পৰা এই সংবিধানখন সম্পূৰ্ণৰূপে কাৰ্যকৰী হয় আৰু তেতিয়াৰ পৰাই প্ৰতি বছৰে ২৬ জানুৱাৰী তাৰিখে গণৰাজ্য দিৱস উদযাপন কৰি অহা হৈছে।

গণতন্ত্ৰ দিৱসৰ মূখ্য সমাৰোহ দিল্লীৰ লগতে ৰাজ্য সমূহতো উলহ-মালহেৰে উদযাপন কৰা হয়। এই দিৱস উদযাপনৰ জৰিয়তে ভাৰতৰ স্বাধীনতাৰ হকে প্ৰাণ আহুতি দিয়া ব্যক্তিসকলক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়। স্কুল-কলেজৰ লগতে সকলো চৰকাৰী অনুষ্ঠান-প্ৰতিষ্ঠান আদিত পতাকা উত্তোলন কৰা হয় আৰু স্কুল কলেজ বোৰত বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ প্ৰতিযোগিতা আদি অনুষ্ঠিত কৰা হয়।

শেষত মই আৰু এটা কথা কওঁ যে সংবিধানে আমাক ৬ বিধ মৌলিক অধিকাৰ আৰু ১১ বিধ মৌলিক কৰ্তব্য দিছে যিবোৰ তোমালেকে ডাঙৰ হলে ওপৰৰ ক্লাছত পাবা। আমি যাতে আমাৰ নিজৰ দায়িত্ব আৰু কৰ্তব্য খিনি ভালদৰে পালন কৰি আমাৰ দেশ ভাৰতৰ নাম বিশ্বৰ ভিতৰতে উজলাই তুলিব পাৰো তাৰেই কামনা কৰিলোঁ আৰু মোৰ বক্তব্যৰ সামৰণি মাৰিলোঁ। ধন্যবাদ। বন্দেমাতৰম। জয় হিন্দ।।

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Bellal Hossain Mondal

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Assamese Essay | 100+ অসমীয়া ৰচনা

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Assamese Essay

Apart from the NCERT/CBSE/SCERT, students of  SEBA , AHSEC , and Competitive Examination can also use these topics to prepare for their exams.

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Partition Studies

Orunodoi: Print Media, Modernity and Public Discourse

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Orunodoi Print, The Sikhs Trophy Gun forming up in the front of Monghyr, (Engraver, Young), Wood Engraving, August, 1847

For British imperial geography, Northeast India was a significant military borderland between the lands of the East India Company and the kingdoms of China and Burma, besides being strategic for the opium and tea trade routes. In 1826, Assam was handed over to the British East India Company with the Treaty of Yandabo, and became part of the Bengal Presidency. The transformations that the British brought to the Northeast as part of its colonial plans of evangelism, trade and capitalism has been manifold, and central to this has been the role of the printing press. With the coming of the American Baptist Missionaries in 1836 in Assam, print media became the catalyst for debate around modernity and public opinion, along with the relationship between authority, nationalism and public discourse. In particular, the first Assamese periodical Orunodoi (Dawn of the Day) published from January 1846 to December 1880, has been instrumental in shaping this modern sensibility. It is also a historical document which can be read in terms of its contribution to the visual culture of colonialism and the beginning of graphic arts in Assam.

Originally, Northeast India was comprised of undivided Assam and the independent princely states of Manipur and Tripura. Being the gateway to the region, Assam has a rich cultural history that can be traced back to the 7 th century AD. The earliest literary evidence of the art of Assam is traced to royal gifts presented to Hiuen Tsang and Harshavardhana by Kumar Bhaskaravarman, the king of Kamrupa. [1] The gifts included colored or painted cloth in the pattern of jasmine flowers, and carved boxes for painting and brushes. [2] The Nidhanpur plates (a set of copper plates inscribed in Sanskrit) dates to the same century and offers material from the Kamrupa kingdom along with the written records of Hiuen Tsang. This kingdom had trade relations with the ancient Guptas, [3] and references to wall murals, chitrakars and patuas are found in Assamese literature of the medieval period. [4] Archeological explorations have also revealed rich examples of primitive rock engravings and ancient temple sculptures. In particular, the Ahom Kingdom (1228 – 1826) provided a firm royal patronage of 600 years that shaped its assimilative cultural character and we find architecture, murals, traditional sculptures, manuscript painting, and crafts flourishing in this period.

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Nathan Brown (Ed.), Maheswar Neog (Re.Ed.), Orunodoi 1846-1854: Publication Board Assam, 2008

To trace the trajectories of the role of the printing press and modernity, the years of 1793 and 1813 become significant in this context. William Carey, the founder of the English Baptist Missionary Society (1792) arrived in India in 1793 and was instrumental in spreading Christianity in several provinces in India. Headquartered from 1800 at Serampore (near Calcutta), he established the Baptist Mission Press with William Ward and Joshua Marshman and engaged in translating the Bible to Sanskrit, Bengali and Assamese, among other Indian languages. In 1813, the Charter Act was passed (first formulated in 1793) which offered residence licenses to European missionaries along with the responsibility of ‘social reform, religious education, and moral improvement’ to Indian people, [5] allowing for the growth of evangelism in the following years. Krishna Chandra Pal, the first Bengali Christian, began evangelical work in the Khasi and Jaintia Hills in 1813; however, it was not the British or American Baptists who were the first missionaries in the Northeast – the Portuguese Jesuit Priests arrived in 1627 to set the task for their religious agenda.

In April 1818, the Serampore press published their first monthly journal Digdarshan in Bengali, followed by the weekly newspaper Samachar Darpan in the following month. [6] William Carey and his team were careful to present these publications as secular ones that imparted general knowledge on various subjects, and avoided political discussions. The success of these vernacular publications encouraged the growth of the vernacular press in Calcutta and set the precedent of Christian missionaries supporting such endeavors across colonial centres in India. It was through the activities of Serampore Mission Press that Assam received its Christian incitement through the efforts of British and American Baptist Missionaries, who moved beyond evangelist practices to the realm of education and language. The British Baptists set their mission in Guwahati in 1829 with James Rae establishing an Anglo-Bengali school in 1830, but this mission closed down in 1836 as they could not expand their influence in the socio-cultural sphere because of economic constraints. [7]

As part of colonial administrative policy, the Bengali language was introduced in 1836 as the official language of Assam and became the medium of instruction in courts and schools till 1873. The annexation of Bengali speaking districts of Sylhet, Cachar and Goalpara to Assam in 1874, the reorganization in 1905 to Eastern Bengal and Assam (with more Bengali districts including Jalpaiguri), and the reversal of this Partition in 1911 had a lasting influence on the linguistic antagonism till 1947, and in post-colonial Assam. The role of the American Baptist Missionaries (from the mid-1830s) becomes significant as they rallied for the Assamese language to be used in schools and publications, including Orunodoi , creating public opinion around official recognition and legitimacy, to which the Assamese middle class responded in their literary field and cultural nationalism.

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Opening of Parliament, speech from the throne, Orunodoi, May 1846.

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Dost Mahomed Ameer of Cabul, Orunodoi, February 1854.

The American Baptists entered Assam with political and commercial intent, apart from evangelist pursuits as they wanted access to the lands of Southeast Asia and China to further the colonial project amongst the Burmese tribes and Chinese populace. The geography of Assam and its multi-lingualism made this pan-Asian project an impossibility, [8] and settling in Sadiya in 1836, the first American Baptist families of Nathan Brown and Oliver Cutter established their mission and brought the first printing press. They also discovered that the languages in Sadiya were different from Burmese, including Assamese which at first had appeared to be a dialect of the Bengali language. They were later joined by other missionary linguists who learnt Assamese among other local tribal languages, and decided to establish mission schools to impart vernacular education to transfer the principles of Christianity and challenge Brahmanical Hindu dominance. The Khamti tribe rebellion in 1839 led to the closure of the Sadiya Mission, after which the Baptists relocated to Sibsagar in 1841 and concentrated on missionary work in the Brahmaputra Valley. [9]

While British policy had initiated the Bengali language to be used in government schools, the schools begun by the American missionaries in the important centres of Gauhati, Sibsagar and Nowgaon imparted Assamese as the tool of instruction. The Sibsagar Mission Press had the facilities to print in Assamese, Bengali and English. [10] Curricular material for the missionary schools were also published in this press, and to elucidate further:

“According to the report of 1851, at the mission press of Sibsagar were printed the New Testament in Assamese, a second and enlarged edition of the Hymn Book in Assamese whose 3000 copies were also been issued, and the Geography of Asia , with maps and illustrations, 1000 copies of which had been published by 1851. Also there were number of books that were published and put on sale at the Sibsagar Mission Press. It was thus generally hoped by the American Baptist missionaries, that the printing press which had proved to be a powerful instrument in other lands, may be fully utilized in the work of enlightenment in Assam as well.” [11]

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Phases of the Moon, Orunodoi, February 1849.

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The Air Brahmus, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, April 1849.

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African Juju House, Wood Engraving, from the Illustrated London News, Orunodoi, May 1852.

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Nathan Brown, Account of the Nagas. Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, June 1848.

With the British language policy, the Sibsagar Mission Press did not have government support to print vernacular literature till 1874 when it became the Chief Commissioner’s Province and until then, this press was the centre of printing in Assam. It followed the editorial policy of Digdarshan and Samachar Darpan emulating 18 th century ideas of European enlightenment, maintaining a high editorial standard throughout the years. It offered new ways of seeing and understanding the world – a modern view of geography with Europe as the centre of progressive thought. In an analysis of the first publication of Orunodoi in 1846 which had twelve issues, Charvak Mukhopadhyay writes of three categories: General Intelligence (32 percent), Religious Intelligence (2.5 percent), Science and Geography; the Solar System; Physics, Chemistry and Technology; Science of Health; and moral fables, narratives of other lands etc. (66 percent with headlines). [12] There were also poems, riddles, embroidery designs, and illustrations with woodcuts copied from the engravings of the Illustrated London News (observed by E.A. Gait in 1897). [13] Orunodoi was subscribed by both Assamese intelligentsia and Europeans, and for the benefit of the latter, the articles and news items had subtitles in English. [14] The Baptist missionaries made every effort to circulate this journal amongst the masses and villages; thus Orunodoi became quintessential of Assamese Renaissance trends.

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Young man and woman of Australia, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, January, 1851. – P.C: Raj Kumar Mazinder

News pertaining to the northeast was of key importance followed by those of the European Empire, the rest of India, Africa and America. [15] The illustrated woodcuts showcased tribal people of distant lands including Australia and this anthropological dimension of Orunodoi led to the construction of identity, “the ‘self’ and the ‘other’, of ‘our own area’ and the ‘other countries’ including the Empire and its ‘other colonies’, apart from bringing basic science and social science to the readers as another important aspect of modernity.” [16] The Desh Bidesh Sanbad in this journal opened the world to the Assamese reader, [17] and the upholding of modern rationalism against superstition, the ill-effects of opium on the populace, the need for social reforms in marriage and position of women, changed minds dramatically.

While all this proved to expand worldviews, the evangelist ideas remained biased towards Christian theology, sexual mores which did not adhere to Hindu and Christian morality were seen as debased, and at the same time the Bengali language transformed to being the language of the colonizers. It was in 1874 that the Assamese language was restored as the medium of instruction in schools, courts and government offices, through political assertions and popular discourse in the public sphere led by the local middle class intelligentsia.

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Picture of Printing Press, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi 1849. – P.C: Raj Kumar Mazinder

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Immolation of Widows, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, May, 1846 – P.C: Raj Kumar Mazinder

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Young (Self Portrait), Khamti Engraver, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, July, 1848. – P.C: Raj Kumar Mazinder

The publication of Assamese manuscripts in Orunodoi was another important endeavor of the American Baptist missionaries, and a large number of Assamese and Sanskrit puthis were collected by the early missionaries in the 1840s-50s in Sibsagar and Nowgaon. [18] In 1915, they were transferred to Gauhati and were worked upon by Dr. S.K. Bhuyan – and many Buranjis like the Purani Asam Buranji , the Dodhai Asam Buranji , Kamrupar Buranji, Lakshmi Singhar Buranji , [19] and the legendary Chutia Rajar Vamsavalli [20] among others, were published in this journal. Orunodoi promoted numismatic study by publishing the fascimiles of quite a large number of coins of Ahom and Koch monarchs and Mughal emperors, found in Assam. [21] The journal also published first ethnological studies in Assamese of the tribes of Assam, along with news of the explorations of commercial resources like tea and coal. [22]

In the realm of visual culture, it was in Orunodoi that the art-illustrations in wood-block relief printing were introduced (for the first time) and reflected all the characteristics of British Academic Realism. [23] Nathan Brown as the first editor of this journal was also a proficient printmaker and some research point to names who carved the wood-blocks for printing as well. There are two kinds of styles that one witnesses in the prints of Orunodoi; firstly, some illustrations copied the style of European journals such as the Illustrated London News, in both subject-matter and craftsmanship of the 19 th century printing production process. [24] Secondly, others illustrate the influence of Indian manuscript traditions and also folk painting traditions. [25] This woodblock printing activity could not be sustained locally by the American Baptist missionaries due to funding restrictions, which did not support artistic activity. These unknown wood-engravers who contributed to Orunodoi are now acknowledged to have inspired book-illustrations and printmaking in Assam, [26] in techniques that are European yet interpreting local geography, history and culture.

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Rail Road Car, Wood Engraving, Orunodoi, January, 1846. – P.C: Raj Kumar Mazinder

Notes and References

  • Meghali Goswami, Folk and Traditional Art of Assam , Feature, Art & Deal Magazine, February 2013 ↑
  • Raj Kumar Mazinder, Voices from the Margin: A Study of Present Scenario of Art Education and Practice in Northeast India, 2018 ↑
  • David Ludden, Where is Assam?, Himal South Asian Magazine, November 2005, www.himalmag.com ↑
  • Goswami, op.cit., Art & Deal Magazine, February 2013 ↑
  • Nathan Brown (Ed.), Maheswar Neog (Re.Ed.), Orunodoi 1846-1854: A Monthly Paper devoted to Religion, Science and General Intelligence , Publication Board Assam, 2008. ↑
  • Tilottoma Misra, Social Criticism in Nineteenth Century Assamese Writing: The Orunodoi, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XX, No.37, September 14, 1985. ↑
  • Anupama Ghosh, Evangelism in Assam: Schools and Print Culture (1830s-1890s), Indian History Congress, Vol. 75, 2014. ↑
  • Charvak Mukhopadhyay, Print Media Comes to North East India, Global Media Journal, Vol. 6, No 1&2, University of Calcutta, 2015. ↑
  • Raj Kumar Mazinder, The Orunodoi and Nineteenth-Century Wood-block Prints from Assam – A Brief Overview, Nezine , 2015 ↑

republic day essay in assamese language pdf

Amrita Gupta is Co-founder and Executive Editor at Partition Studies Quarterly. An art historian and writer, she is involved in art education, archiving and cultural management. With roots in Shillong and a research interest in the visual culture of northeast India, she has documented its art history with a focus on Assam. Her art writings have been published in edited books, journals and websites. She is program director at Mohile Parikh Center, Mumbai, with curatorial interests in social ly engaged  art and creative placemaking.

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Essay on Republic Day for Students and Children

500 words essay on republic day.

Essay on Republic Day – India celebrates Republic Day on January 26 annually with a lot of pride and fervor. It is a day that is important to every Indian citizen. It marks the day when India became truly independent and embraced democracy. In other words, it celebrates the day on which our constitution came into effect. On 26 January 1950, almost 3 years post-independence, we became a sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic republic.

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History of Republic Day

While we got independence from British rule on August 15, 1947, our country was still lacking a concrete constitution. Moreover, India also did not have any experts and political powers which would help in the functioning of the state affairs smoothly.  Up until then, the 1935 Government of India Act was basically modified in order to govern, however, that act was more bent towards the colonial rule. Therefore, there was a dire need to form an exclusive constitution that would reflect all that India stands for.

Thus, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar led a constitutional drafting committee on August 28, 1947.  After drafting, it was presented to the Constituent Assembly by the same committee on November 4, 1947. This whole procedure was very elaborate and took up to 166 days to complete. Moreover, the committee organized sessions were kept open to the public.

No matter the challenges and hardships, our constitutional committee left no stone unturned to include rights for all. It aimed to create the perfect balance so all citizens of the country could enjoy equal rights pertaining to their religions, culture, caste, sex, creed and more. At last, they presented the official Indian constitution to the country on January 26, 1950.

Moreover, the first session of the India Parliament was also conducted on this day. In addition to that, 26 th January also witnessed the swearing-in of India’s first president, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Thus, this day is very important as it marks the end of the British rule and birth of India as a Republic State.

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Republic Day Celebrations

Indians celebrate January 26 each year with lots of enthusiasm and zeal. On this day, people forget their religion, caste, creed, sex, and more. It brings together the country as a whole. It truly shows the diversity of our country. The capital city of India, New Delhi, celebrates it with a Republic Day Parade that showcases the might of the Indian Military and the cultural diversity of our country.

These parades take place in other cities as well, where a lot of schools participate in. It is a delight to watch the children and professionals put in so much effort. The way they grace the parade makes one proud of their country.  We also do National Flag Hoisting on this day. In New Delhi, after the President of India hoists our National Flag, 21 guns salute follow it with the national anthem played by the military band.

Further, in schools, March Past takes place and it is mandatory for every student to attend the celebrations. In many schools, they distribute sweets on this day as well. While it is a very joyous day, we must not forget the struggle of freedom that our forefathers took part in. Moreover, it is a day to celebrate the spirit of freedom and make sure to help India reach greater heights in the future.

FAQs on Republic Day

Q.1 Why do we celebrate Republic Day?

A.1 We celebrate Republic Day as it was the day when the constitution of India came into effect.

Q.2 In which year was the constitution of India formed?

A.2 The official Indian constitution was presented to the country on January 26, 1950.

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History and Biography Read in Assamese

History of Assam in Assamese । অসমৰ ইতিহাস

History of Assam in Assamese

Table of Contents

অসম নামৰ উৎপত্তি Origin of the name Assam

‘অসম’ নামটোৰ উৎপত্তি সম্বন্ধে সঠিককৈ ক’ব নোৱাৰি। পূৰ্বতে এই ভূখণ্ড কামৰূপ আৰু প্ৰাগজ্যোতিষপুৰ ৰাজ্য নামেৰে প্ৰসিদ্ধ আছিল আৰু তাৰ ৰাজধানী প্ৰাগজ্যোতিষপুৰ (পূবৰ পোহৰৰ নগৰ) আছিল গুৱাহাটী বা তাৰ দাতি-কাষৰীয়া অঞ্চল। ত্ৰয়োদশ শতিকামানত আহোমসকলে এই ভূখণ্ড জয় কৰাৰ পাছত ‘অসম’  (History of Assam) নামটোৰ প্ৰচলন হয়। আহোম স্বৰ্গদেউসকলৰ দিনত ৰচিত বুৰঞ্জী, সাহিত্য, চৰিত পুথি আৰু বৈষ্ণৱ সাহিত্যত পঞ্চদশ শতিকামানৰ পৰা অছম, আছাম, অসম, আসম, অহম, আহম, আহোম আদি শব্দৰ প্ৰচলন লক্ষ্য কৰা যায়। 

অসম নামৰ উৎপত্তি সম্বন্ধে কোনো কোনো পণ্ডিতে পোষণ কৰে যে, এই ভূখণ্ড পৰ্বত-পাহাৰেৰে অসমান হোৱা বাবেই ইয়াৰ নাম অসম হ’ল। আনহাতে, এনেকুৱাও হ’ব পাৰে যে, প্ৰাকৃতিক সৌন্দৰ্যত অসমৰ সমতুল্য আৰু কোনো নাই বাবে অসমৰ নাম ‘অ-সম’  হ’ল। আন কোনো কোনো পণ্ডিতৰ মতে আহোম ৰজাসকলে শাসন কৰিছিল বাবেই ‘আহোম’ শব্দটোৰ পৰা অসম (History of Assam) হৈছে। কিন্তু অসম শব্দটোৰ পৰা আহোম হৈছেনে, আহোম শব্দটোৰ পৰা অসম হৈছে, তাক সঠিককৈ ক’ব নোৱাৰি। সংস্কৃতত ‘অ-সম’ শব্দটোৰ অৰ্থ যাৰ সমান কোনো নাই’ অথবা প্ৰতিদ্বন্বীহীন, অদ্বিতীয়। অৰ্থাৎ, এই ভূখণ্ডত বাস কৰা মানুহখিনিৰ সমান আৰু কোনো ক’তো নাই।

ডঃ বাণীকান্ত কাকতিৰ মতেও অপৰাজেয় আৰু অদ্বিতীয় অৰ্থ বুজাবৰ বাবেহে ‘আছাম’ শব্দৰ জন্ম হৈছে। টাই আৰু প্রাচীন আহোম  ভাষাত ‘ছাম’ মানে পৰাজিত। তাৰ লগত অসমীয়া ‘আ’ উপসৰ্গ যোগ কৰিলে হয় ‘আ-ছাম’, অৰ্থাৎ, অপৰাজেয় অথবা বিজয়ী৷

পণ্ডিত বেডেন পাৱেলে তেওঁৰ Indian Village Community নামৰ গ্ৰন্থত অসম নামটো এই ভূখণ্ডৰ আদিম জনগোষ্ঠী বড়োসকলৰ ‘ছো-ছাম’ (নিম্নভূমি বা সমভূমি) শব্দৰ পৰা আহিছে বুলি কৈছে।

অসম  (History of Assam) ইংৰাজৰ অধীনলৈ যোৱাৰ পাছৰ পৰা ‘আছাম’ আৰু ‘আসাম’ শব্দ দুটা প্ৰচলিত হৈ পৰে। শেষত এই ভূখণ্ড ‘অসম’ আৰু ইয়াত বাস কৰা অধিবাসীসকলক অসমীয়া বোলা হ’ল। ইংৰাজসকলেই ‘অসম’ বা ‘আসাম’ৰ ইংৰাজী ASSAM বুলি কৈছে।

Assamese map of Assam

অসমৰ ভৌগোলিক অৱস্থান Geographical location of Assam

অসম (History of Assam) ভাৰতৰ উত্তৰ-পূব কোণত অৱস্থিত এখন ৰাজ্য । ভৌগোলিক অৱস্থান অনুসৰি অসম প্ৰায় ৯০ ডিগ্ৰীৰ পৰা ৯৭ ডিগ্ৰী পূব অক্ষাংশ আৰু ২৪ ডিগ্ৰীৰ পৰা ২৮ ডিগ্ৰী উত্তৰ দ্ৰাথিমাংশত অৱস্থিত।

অসমৰ চাৰিসীমা The Boundaries of Assam

অসমৰ উত্তৰে – অৰুণাচল প্ৰদেশ আৰু ভূটান;

পূবে – অৰুণাচল প্ৰদেশ, নাগালেণ্ড আৰু মণিপুৰ;

দক্ষিণে – মিজোৰাম আৰু ত্ৰিপুৰা;

পশ্চিমে – মেঘালয়, বাংলাদেশ আৰু পশ্চিমবংগ

ৰাজ্যখনৰ উত্তৰ-পশ্চিম দিশৰ এক অতি ঠেক ভূখণ্ডৰ জৰিয়তে অসম ভৌগোলিক ভাৱে ভাৰতৰ আন অংশৰ সৈতে সংলগ্ন হৈ আছে I

Geographical location of Assam

অসমৰ মাটিকালি Area of Assam

৭৮, ৪৩৮ বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ

অসমৰ প্রাকৃতিক বিভাগ Natural of Assam

অসমৰ ঘাই প্ৰাকৃতিক বিভাগ তিনিটা। উত্তৰত পূবা-পশ্চিমাকৈ (১) ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ উপত্যকা দক্ষিণত (২) বৰাক উপত্যকা আৰু এই দুই উপত্যকাৰ মাজত (৩) কাৰ্বি আংলং আৰু উত্তৰ কাছাৰৰ পাহাৰীয়া অঞ্চল ।

অসমৰ প্ৰধান নদী ‌ Main River of Assam

অসমত অসংখ্য নদী আছে যদিও প্রধান নদী প্রকৃততে দুখন ঃ- ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ আৰু বৰাক । বাকীবোৰ এই দুখন মূল নৈৰ উপনদীহে ৷ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ নদী হিমালয়ৰ মানস সৰোবৰৰ পৰা অলপ পূবফালে অৱস্থিত ‘টামচুক খামবাৰ’ নামৰ এটা হিমবাহৰ (প্রায় ৩১ ডিগ্ৰী উত্তৰ অক্ষৰেখা আৰু ৪২ ডিগ্ৰী পূব দ্ৰাঘিমা) পৰা উৎপত্তি হৈছে আৰু বিভিন্ন নামেৰে এই নদী বৈ আহি অসমৰ মাজেদি গৈ বংগোপসাগৰত পৰিছে। ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰ নদী দীঘলে প্ৰায় ২,৮৮০ কিলোমিটাৰ | এই নদী প্ৰায় ৭২৫ কিলোমিটাৰ জুৰি অসমৰ মাজেদি বৈ গৈছে। অসমৰ আন এখন ঘাই নদী বৰাক ৷ প্রায় ৯০০ কিলোমিটাৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্যৰ বৰাক নদী নগা পাহাৰৰ পৰা উৎপত্তি হৈ মণিপুৰৰ মাজেৰে বৈ গৈ কাছাৰ জিলাত সোমাই বদৰপুৰৰ ওচৰৰ সুৰমা আৰু কুশীয়াৰা নামে দুটা শাখাত বিভক্ত হৈ বাংলাদেশত সোমাইছে। আৰু শেষত মেঘনা নামেৰে মিলিত হৈ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰত (পদ্মা) পৰিছে।

অসমৰ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ প্ৰধান উপনদীসমূহ

সোৱণশিৰী, জীয়াভৰলী, বৰনদী, পুঠিমাৰী, পাগলাদিয়া, মানাহ, ন-দিচাং, দিখৌ, দিচাং, জীজী, ভোগদৈ, ধনশিৰি, কপিলী, জীয়াঢ়ল, ৰঙানৈ, দিক্ৰং, বুৰৈ, বৰগাং, চম্পাৱতী, সৰলভাঙা, সোণকোষ, ডিব্ৰু, বুঢ়ীদিহিং, ডিগাৰু, কুলসী, শিংৰা, দুধনৈ, কৃষ্ণাই, জিঞ্জিৰাম আদি।

অসমৰ বৰাকৰ উপনদীসমূহ

যদুকাটা, জিৰি, জাতিংগা, বগাপানী, সোণাই, লংগাই, শিংৰা, ৰাকনি, ধলেশ্বৰী, মাধুৰা, চিৰি আদি।

অসমৰ আন কেইখনমান প্রধান উপনদী


সোৱণশিৰি          – চাৰিকৰীয়া, কুমতীয়া, জীয়াঢল

ন-দিহিং             – ডিৰাক

ডিব্ৰু                  – ডাঙৰী, ডুমডুমা

বুঢ়ীদিহিং            – টিপলিং, টিংৰাই, নামচাং, চেঁচা

কাকডোঙা         – ধলী

ধনশিৰি             – দৈয়াং, নামবৰ, কলিয়নী

মানাহ               – আই

কপিলী              – বৰাপানী, যমুনা, কিলিং

অসমৰ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ দলং সমূহ

Brahmaputra map river in assam

শৰাইঘাট দলং –

ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ ওপৰত নিৰ্মিত এইখন প্ৰথম দলং । গুৱাহাটী মহানগৰীৰ পৰা প্রায় ১০ কিলোমিটাৰ দূৰৈত নিৰ্মিত শৰাইঘাট দলং ৰে’ল আৰু মটৰ গাড়ী একেলগে যাব পৰা ভাৰতৰ প্রথম দলং। দলংখনৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্য ১,২৯৫ মিটাৰ (১.২৯ কিলোমিটাৰ) । ১৯৬০ চনৰ ১০ জানুৱাৰীত দলংখনৰ আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন কৰা হয় আৰু ১৯৬২ চনৰ অক্টোবৰ মাহত দলংখনৰ  ৰে’ল পথটো মুকলি কৰা হয়। ইয়াৰ পাছত ১৯৬৩ চনৰ ৭ জুনত প্ৰধান মন্ত্ৰী জৱাহৰলাল নেহৰুৱে শৰাইঘাট দলং জীনুষ্ঠানিকভাৱে দেশক উদ্দেশি মুকলি কৰে । শৰাইঘাট দলঙৰ তলত ব্ৰডগজ ৰে’ল লাইন আৰু ওপৰত ৭.৩ মিটাৰ বহল ৰাস্তা তথা ১.৮ মিটাৰ বহল দুটা পদ আছে। দলংখন নিৰ্মাণৰ সৰ্বমুঠ ব্যয় ১০ কোটি ৬৫ লাখ টকা । শৰাইঘাট দলঙে ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ দক্ষিণ পাৰৰ পাণ্ডুৰ লগত উত্তৰ পাৰৰ আমিনগাঁৱক সংযোগ কৰিছে।

কলিয়াভোমোৰা দলং

তেজপুৰৰ পৰা প্রায় তিনি কিলোমিটাৰ পূবে অৱস্থিত কলিয়াভোমোৰা দলং ভাৰতৰ তৃতীয় দীৰ্ঘতম পথ দলং। এই দলঙে ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ উত্তৰ পাৰৰ ৫২ নং ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় ঘাইপথ আৰু দক্ষিণ পাৰৰ ৩৭ নং ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় ঘাইপথক সংযোগ কৰিছে। কলিয়াভোমোৰা বৰফুকনৰ স্মৃতিত নিৰ্মাণ কৰা এই দলঙৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্য ৩.০৫ কিলোমিটাৰ । ভাৰতৰ ৰে’ল বিভাগৰ উদ্যোগত নিৰ্মিত এইখন দলঙৰ নিৰ্মাণ ব্যয় প্রায় ৮৯ কোটি টকা।

নৰনাৰায়ণ সেতু

  ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ ওপৰৰ তৃতীয়খন দলং নৰনাৰায়ণ সেতুৱে উত্তৰে বঙাইগাঁও জিলাৰ যোগীঘোপা আৰু দক্ষিণে গোৱালপাৰা জিলাৰ পঞ্চৰত্নক সংযোগ কৰিছে । ২.৩ কিলোমিটাৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্যৰ এইখন দলং ১৯৯৮ চনৰ ১৫ এপ্ৰিলত আনুষ্ঠানিকভাৱে মুকলি কৰে প্ৰধানমন্ত্ৰী অটল বিহাৰী বাজপেয়ীয়ে ৷ দুখলপীয়া এই দলডঙেদি একেলগে ৰে’ল আৰু মটৰ গাড়ী যাব পাৰে। নৰনাৰায়ণ সেতুৰ নিৰ্মাণ ব্যয় প্রায় ৩৩১ কোটি টকা। |

 উল্লিখিত তিনিখন দলঙৰ উপৰি সম্প্ৰতি ডিব্ৰুগড় চহৰৰ পৰা ১৭ কিলোমিটাৰ পশ্চিমে বগীবিলত আন এখন দলঙৰ নিৰ্মাণ কাৰ্য চলি আছে। দুখলপীয়াকৈ সাজিবলগীয়া এই দলঙখনৰ তলৰ খাপত ৰে’লপথ আৰু ওপৰ খাপত মটৰ গাড়ী যাব পৰা বাট থাকিব । দলঙখনে উত্তৰ পাৰৰ ধেমাজি জিলাৰ ৫২ নং ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় ঘাই পথৰ লগত (চিচিবৰ গাঁও) দক্ষিণ পাৰৰ – ডিব্ৰুগড় জিলাৰ ৩৭ নং ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় থাই পথক (চাউলখোৱা গাঁও) সংযোগ কৰিব। ১৯৯৭ চনৰ ২২. জানুৱাৰীত আধাৰশিলা স্থাপন কৰা আৰু ২০০২ চনৰ ২১ এপ্ৰিলত নিৰ্মাণ আৰম্ভ হোৱা এই দলং ২০১৪ চনৰ ভিতৰত সম্পূৰ্ণ হোৱা কথা । দলঙখনৰ দৈৰ্ঘ্য ‘৩২ কিলোমিটাৰ আৰু প্ৰস্তাৱিত নিৰ্মাণ ব্যয় ১,৭৬৭ কৌটি টকা। 

অসমৰ ৰাষ্ট্ৰীয় উদ্যান সমূহ

National Park of Assam

অসমৰ ব্ৰহ্মপুত্ৰৰ প্ৰধান নদীদ্বীপ

মাজুলী আৰু উমানন্দ। মাজুলী পৃথিৱীৰ বৃহত্তম নদীদ্বীপসমূহৰ অন্যতম।. ( মাটিকালি প্ৰায় ৯২৯ বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰ ) আৰু উমানন্দ পৃথিৱীৰ ক্ষুদ্ৰতম নদীদ্বীপ ( মাটিকালি ১৬.৩৩৫ বিঘা ২ কঠা ৫ লেচা )।

সমুদ্ৰ পৃষ্ঠৰ পৰা উচ্চতা

অসম সমুদ্ৰ পৃষ্ঠৰ পৰা গড়ে প্রায় ৭৯.৫ মিটাৰ উচ্চতাত অৱস্থিত – শদিয়া ১৩৪ মিটাৰ, ডিব্ৰুগড় ১০৪ মিটাৰ, গুৱাহাটী ৫০ মিটাৰ, গোৱালপাৰা ৩৭ মিটাৰ আৰু ধুবুৰী ২৮ মিটাৰ।

অসমৰ তাপমান শীতকালত গড়ে ১৬ ডিগ্ৰী চেলছিয়াছৰ আৰু গ্ৰীষ্মকালত সৰ্বোচ্চ গড়ে ৩০ ডিগ্ৰী চেলছিয়াছ মাজত থাকে।

বৰষুণৰ পৰিমাণ  

অসমৰ মৌচুয়ী অঞ্চলৰ ভিতৰতে এখন অধিক বৰষুণ হোৱা ঠাই। ইয়াৰ গড় বৰষুণ বছৰি ১৭৮ চেণ্টিমিটাৰৰ পৰা ৩০৫ চেণ্টিমিটাৰ । সাধাৰণতে জুনৰ পৰা ছেপ্টেম্বৰ মাহৰ ভিতৰত ইয়াত বৰষুণ হয়।

অসমৰ জলবায়ু ঘাহকৈ গৰম আৰু সেমেকা মৌচুমী জলবায়ু। দাক্ষিণাত্যৰ পশ্চিম উপকূল, দক্ষিণ আফ্ৰিকা আৰু দক্ষিণ আমেৰিকাৰ উপকূল অঞ্চলৰ লগত অসমৰ জলবায়ুৰ মিল আছে। অসমৰ জলবায়ুত জলীয় ভাপৰ মাত্ৰা অধিক ৷ অসমৰ জলবায়ুক ( ১) শীত , ( ২) প্ৰাক্‌ মৌচুমী , ৩) মৌচুমী আৰু (৪) উত্তৰ মৌচুমী , — এই চাৰিটা ঋতুত ভগাব পাৰি।

নৱেম্বৰ-জানুৱাৰী – শীত ;

ফেব্ৰুৱাৰী-এপ্ৰিল – প্ৰাক্‌ মৌচুমী

মে’-জুলাই – মৌচুমী ;

আগষ্ট-অক্টোবৰ – উত্তৰ মৌচুমী

অসমত গৰমৰ মাত্ৰা ভাৰতৰ অন্যান্য অংশতকৈ তুলনামূলকভাৱে কম শীতকালতো জাৰৰ মাত্ৰা তীব্ৰ নহয়।

অসমৰ প্ৰধান পাহাৰ

কাৰ্বি পাহাৰ, বৰাইল, বুঢ়া পাহাৰ, নীলাচল, ভোমোৰাগুৰি, শ্ৰীসূৰ্য, চৰাইদেউ, পঞ্চৰত্ন, ৰাক্ষসিনী, পাগলাটেক, টুক্ৰেশ্বৰী, ৰেংমা, চিত্ৰাচল, নৱগ্ৰহ, নখোলা আদি শৃংগ

সিংহাসন (উচ্চতা ১,৩৫৯ মিটাৰ), ডামবুকছো (১,৩৬১ মিটাৰ)। দুয়োটা শৃংগ কাৰ্বি পাহাৰ  আৰু উত্তৰ কাছাৰ পাহাৰৰ মালভূমি অঞ্চলত অৱস্থিত।

অসমৰ প্ৰধান বিল/পুখুৰী

বগীবিল (ডিব্ৰুগড়), কাৱৈমাৰী, দীপৰ (কামৰূপ), চানডুবি (কামৰূপ), গেলাবিল (গোলাঘাট), মেৰবিল (ডিব্ৰুগড়), শনবিল (কৰিমগঞ্জ), টাইপাৰবাৰ (কোকৰাঝাৰ), তামৰাঙা (গোৱালপাৰা), উৰপদ (গোৱালপাৰা), দলনি (বঙাইগাঁও), মৰিকলং (নগাঁও), কাছমাৰীজান, বৰডুবি, হাফলং লেক, পদুম পুখুৰী (তেজপুৰ), শিৱসাগৰ পুখুৰী (শিৱসাগৰ), জয়সাগৰ পুখুৰী (শিৱসাগৰ), ৰাজমাও পুখুৰী (যোৰহাট), দীঘলী বিল (ডিব্ৰুগড়), ৰাতা বিল কৰিমগঞ্জ) আদি।

অসমৰ জনসংখ্যা আৰু অন্যান্য তথ্য

(২০১১ চনৰ সাময়িক লোকপিয়ল অনুসৰি History of Assam)

‘মুঠ জনসংখ্যা      – ৩,১১,৬৯,২৭২

পুৰুষ                  – ১,৫৯,৫৪,৯২৭

মহিলা               – ১,৫২,১৪,৩৪৫.

২০২৫ চনত সম্ভাব্য জনসংখ্যা – ৩,৫৫,১২,০০০

পুৰুষৰ শতকৰা হাৰ               – ৫২

মহিলাৰ শতকৰা হাৰ             – ৪৮

চহৰ অঞ্চলৰ জনসংখ্যা(২০০১) – ৩৪,৩৯,২৪০ (মুঠ জনসংখ্যাৰ ১৩%) _:

গ্ৰামাঞ্চলৰ জনসংখ্যা (২০০১)   – ২,৩২,১৬,২৮৮ (মুঠ জনসংখ্যাৰ ৮৭%).

অনুমূচিত জাতি (২০০১) ঃ     – ১৮,২৫,৯৪৯ (মুঠ জনসংখ্যাৰ ৬. ৮৫%)

পুৰুষ                  – ৯,৪৩,৬৭৪ ,

মহিলা                – ৮,৮২,২৭৫ ‌

অনুসূচিত জনজাতি (২০০১)     – ৩৩,০৮,৫৭০ (মুঠ জনসংখ্যাৰ ১২.৪১%)

পুৰুষ                  – ১৬,৭৮,১১৭

মহিলা               – ১৬,৩০,৪৫৩

জনবসতিৰ ঘনত্ব            – প্ৰতি বৰ্গ কিলোমিটাৰত ৩৯৭ জন।

পুৰুষ-মহিলাৰ অনুপাত – প্ৰতি ১,০০০ পুৰুষৰ ভিতৰত ৯৫৪গৰাকী মহিলা

জনসংখ্যা বৃদ্ধিৰ হাৰ (২০০১- -১০)            – ১৬.৯৩% ৰ

সাক্ষৰতাৰ হাৰ              – ৭৩.১৮%

পুৰুষ                  – ৭৮.৮১% _

মহিলা                – ৬৭.২৭%

অসমৰ কাষৰীয়া ৰাজ্য

অসমৰ কাষৰীয়া ৰাজ্য ছখন ৷ সেই কেইখন হ’লঃ

অৰুণাচল প্ৰদেশ – ইটানগৰ 

 মণিপুৰ – ইম্ফল

মেঘালয় – ছিলং

মিজোৰাম – আইজল.

নাগালেণ্ড – কহিমা

 ত্ৰিপুৰা – আগৰতলা

  • Directorate of Information and Public Relations, Government of Assam,  Assam at a Glance , archived from the original on 6 October 2007, retrieved 25 May 2007
  • Santanu Kausik Baruah and Pritima Kausik Baruah “Natun Janane” (Enlargen & Revised 17th Edition)
  • Something I collected from Wikipedia

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4 thoughts on “ History of Assam in Assamese । অসমৰ ইতিহাস ”

plz continues this

Nice information nabafit.com

indian history

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  • Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English PDF Download


Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

The following is an essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in English. Readers can use this essay at their convenience to learn the basics of writing an essay and also to gather valuable information on the highlights of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022. 

English Essay on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022

The 75 th Indian Independence Day will be celebrated on 15 th August 2022. It is going to be big this year since the diamond jubilee celebrations are on the way. The Indian army, the freedom fighters whom we lost, and some of whom are still alive, and the Indian culture and history will be nurtured and celebrated this year as well.      

It was Shri Narendra Modi, our Prime Minister, who started the official Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 12th March 2021, starting the journey from Sabarmati Ashram. In order to commemorate 75 years of India’s Independence, he started off a 75-week-long festival.  This is supposed to continue for 75 long weeks till the 75th Indian Independence Day and will extend another year to end on 15th August 2023.

Mahatma Gandhi began the Dandi Yatra on 12th March 1930. He started the march from the Sabarmati Ashram, keeping in mind the cause of awakening self-reliance and self-respect in his nation. Incidentally, our honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, started the symbolic Dandi Yatra on this very day in 2021. Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav marked the beginning of the revival of Indians’ journey towards self-reliance and self-respect.

The Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga Campaign 2022

The Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign aims to instil a sense of pride and love for our nation in the citizens, who will keep a tricolour flag in their houses 365 days of the year. This seems like a great initiative to keep reminding the citizens that they live in a colourful nation breeding love, unity, and diversity. 

The campaign is urging all Indian citizens to start a mass movement to commemorate our 75th Independence Day. They can do this by hoisting or putting up tricolour flags in their homes and putting up tricolour images as their profile pictures on social media handles.  

Previously, the Tricolour flag could only be hoisted between Sunrise and sunset. However, this year it is not the same scenario. People are allowed to hoist the flag all day long. 

The Flag Code for Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2022 

Following are some of the rules laid down by the Indian Government in 2021 for the hoisting and display of the Indian tricolour flag from then onwards:

The flag shall be either hand spun, hand woven, or machine made using cotton/polyester/wool/silk khadi bunting. 

Any member of the public, private, or educational organisation can hoist or display the national flag on all days and occasions, be it ceremonious or otherwise. 

The flag can be hoisted and displayed day and night if it is an open area where people can watch.

The flag can be of any size, but it has to be rectangular in shape with a length-to-width ratio of 3:2.

In a time of display, the national flag needs to be positioned appropriately and should appear distinctly.

People should not display a damaged or dishevelled flag.

No other flags should be hoisted or displayed from the masthead where the Indian national flag is hoisted. 

There should be no other flag or bunting hoisted above or side by side with the Indian national flag.  

No other citizens, except dignitaries like the President, the Vice-President, the Prime Minister, Governors, etc., should not fly the national flag on their vehicles. 

The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is a government initiative to commemorate the 75th or diamond jubilee year of Indian Independence Day , where the festivities will continue for 75 weeks until 15th August 2023, which is a year from now. This is a great approach to instil a sense of love, respect, pride, and responsibility towards the nation in Indian citizens, kids and adults alike. It is an important step to revive the culture and history of Indian Independence and other aspects as well. People are urged to take an active part in this campaign turned mass movement to do their part.


FAQs on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Essay in English PDF Download

1. How can you describe Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav in 1500 words?

A limit of 1500 words will give you enough scope to get into the details of the Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign, the Flag Code of India, and so on. However, the paragraphs should be concise and to the point so that the flow remains perfect and the intent remains clear. 

2. How can you write an Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav essay in English in 750 words?

750 words will give you a tighter limit, and you can just touch upon the major highlights of this year’s Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, apart from the introduction and conclusion. However, it is still enough to provide clear and consumable information to readers. It’s best to stick to a basic structure and use short paragraphs to make the idea intelligible.

3. How to write an Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav paragraph in English?

If you are to write only a paragraph in English on Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. In that case, you can mention the important dates, the people involved in the movement, the intent behind the movement, the span of celebrations, and add a few lines on the Har Ghar Tiranga, Har Din Tiranga campaign. 

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This paper carries out a critical review of the trends of historical writings in Assam. The historiographical study reveals that the beginning of the historical phase was, in fact, late in the North East region. Moreover, in many of these historical writings, the importance of the local histories of the communities of the region was ignored. The author highlights the fact that a pan-Indian history for the region may not be authentic enough to understand the cultural dynamics of the complex society of the Northeast. The author also focuses on corroborating ‘proper’ historical source material for reconstructing the history of the region rather than deriving inferences from mythology and legends. However, the importance of recent trends in historiography such as selective utilisation of oral traditions, folklores and memory studies has been emphasised. An alternative and more precise periodisation of the historical phase has been provided which does not, however, project any clear mark...

Gunjan Pandey

The essay attempts to explore some possibilities of Comparative Literary History with respect to Assamese literature. Writing a literary history is a complex business, and the tenets underlying its conceptualisation and execution have often been determined by factors other than purely ‘literary’ ones. In the essay, the conceptual dimensions of literary historiography are examined in relation to its recently developed nexus with comparative literature and cultural studies. Within this theoretical framework, the essay briefly touches upon the development of literary historiography within the Indian context in the precolonial, colonial and postcolonial periods, and subsequently moves on to discuss its position vis-a-vis Assamese literature, particularly in the latter’s institutionalisation as a subject for graduate and postgraduate study under Gauhati University, Assam, in the post-Independence period. The essay deals specifically with the efforts of Professor Satyendranath Sarma, prominent academician and literary historian of Assam, towards the academic study of Assamese literary history. It explores the possibilities of comparative literary history in Assamese—one that is not based on a linear narrative of succeeding generations of poets and writers recorded and documented under a progressive model of impact and response, but rather a history of literary reception with many complex and multidimensional narratives often at loggerheads with each other. Key words: Literary Historiography, Comparative Literature, Comparative Cultural Studies, Indian Literature, Assamese Literature, Satyendranath Sarma

Lakhyajit Nath

History, by nature, is the description of an event happened in the past. In this phenomenon there includes all the good and evil deeds done by people. The portrayal of the historical event also depends upon the historian. The most important task for a historian is to depict the event in a clearer, truer and a logical way. The sole aim of the author is to illustrate how an outsider is very much successful in the depictions of others' history. Though Sir Edward Gait was by birth a colonialist, he understood the social, political and economical conditions of Assam. He was the counterpart of Assamese historians like Gunabhiram Borua (Assam Buranji), Kanaklal Borua (Studies in the early history of Assam). In his masterpiece A History of Assam he very beautifully revealed from the prehistoric era to the British rule. Thus to project his interest of writing A History of Assam is prime concern in this paper.

Encyclopaedia of World Religions: Hinduism and Tribal religions

Shonaleeka Kaul

Adam Bowles

Satyakam Borthakur

Indian literature has a long history since the Vedic-period. Different social and political changes have influenced this literary history from time to time and these changes have given rise to different literary genres. The last two decades are important for Indian literature in the context of emerging modernity and in bridging a link between the East and the West. The colonial rule played a significant role in the emergence of modernity in Indian literature . In this paper, the attempt has been made to uncover the facts behind the emergence of modernity in Indian literature under the impact of colonizers with special reference to the Assamese Literature.

Jayjayanti Banerjee

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    The two successive language movements indicate that how dominant was the language issue in Assam. The first language movement started in 1960's, demanding Assamese as Official Language and the second was in 1970's, which demanded Assamese as a medium of instruction up to university level. The language issue of Assam was, however, somewhat

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