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Four preteens gather around to plastic cups, watching a science experiment. Their reactions range from excitement to wonder.

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7 Science Experiment Bible Lessons for Children

Published: November 2, 2020

Take your kids to a scientific dimension, where science experiment Bible lessons are waiting to be discovered!

There’s a dimension of learning that naturally appeals to children. It’s the place where they discover the truth behind the words they read or hear. It’s the dimension that causes adults to ponder childhood memories of discovery, adventure, and exploration.

You can capitalize on kids’ love of discovery with these seven Sunday school activity ideas. Discover a new dimension of imagination and exploration with kids that can reveal biblical truth to their curious young hearts. Enter—The Discovery Zone.

What to Do if Your Science Experiment Flops

One of the unique features of science experiments is that they don’t always turn out the way you plan. And then panic sets in! “What do I do? Where do I go from here?”

Have no fear; the unknown is part of what makes science an exciting and wonderful teaching tool. Use these tips as a guide if you encounter a science experiment that flops.

Make it a teachable moment.

Sometimes what doesn’t happen becomes the lesson. Discuss with kids why the experiment didn’t work and what they could change in the experiment that might change the outcome. Discuss how life doesn’t always work according to plan either, and talk about how the choices we make can affect the outcome.

Find the answer.

Failure often yields the answer we’re seeking. If an experiment fails, dig into the root of what went wrong. Your unexpected conclusions may bring insight you never expected. Discuss that there are times we fail in life, but God is always there. He never changes.

Compare the hypothesis and result.

Science experiments begin with a hypothesis that doesn’t always match the results. Talk with kids about what they thought would happen during the experiment and what actually happened. Tell kids that sometimes God gives us answers in unexpected ways.

After repeat tries and a host of variables, your experiment still may flop. We don’t always have the answers, but God does. And in times when the going is tough, God challenges us to press on and persevere.

Science Experiment 1. Nifty Knitting (Grades K-6)

Kids will learn that they’re uniquely created by God.

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” ( Psalm 139:13 ).

You’ll need:

  • a dark-colored plate made of pottery or glass,
  • a half-eaten cookie,
  • talcum powder,
  • a small soft paintbrush,
  • 3×5 cards,
  • Scotch tape,
  • baby wipes, and

Psalm 139 Bible lesson

The Experiment

Before class, place a half-eaten cookie on the plate. Then make very clear fingerprints on the top of the plate. Make sure no one else touches the plate.

As the kids enter the room, say: Someone has mysteriously eaten the cookie on this plate! I’m going to need your help to figure out who ate my cookie.

  • What’s one thing that each person has and no two are alike?

Say: Let’s get to work solving our mystery.

Remove the cookie and have a child lightly sprinkle talcum powder on the plate. Have a second child use the soft paintbrush to lightly brush the talcum powder across the plate.

  • What did the powder reveal?

Say: We all have a little oil on our fingers, and we leave that oil on everything we touch. In this case, the oil left behind fingerprints! Each of us has a different fingerprint; it’s part of what makes us special. Let’s make pictures of our unique fingerprints.

Fingerprint Testing

Give each child two 3×5 cards, a pencil, and 10 one-inch pieces of tape. Say: Rub your pencil on one of your cards to make a dark smudge the size of your fingertip. After you’ve done that, rub your fingertip over the smudge until your fingertip is completely silver. Press one piece of tape to that fingertip. Then take the tape off your finger and stick it on your other card. Label your print with which finger it is and which hand it came from. Continue this process until you’ve made a print of each finger on both hands.

While the kids do this, make a set of your fingerprints. When kids are finished, give them baby wipes to wash their fingers.

  • What do you notice about your fingerprints?
  • Do they look like the fingerprints of the person sitting next to you?
  • What’s the same and what’s different?

The Science Behind Fingerprints

Say: The science of identifying fingerprints is called dactylography. People who investigate crimes use fingerprints to help capture criminals because no two prints are alike. One of the ways your fingers got those little prints on them is from moving around in your mother’s womb. That’s where God formed you, and you grew there until it was time for you to be born. All of your movements in the womb made those little swirls on your fingers.

Read aloud Psalm 139:13 . Then say: God was working on your uniqueness even before you were born. Now let’s try to figure out which one of God’s special creations ate my cookie. Let’s try to match someone’s fingerprints with the ones on the plate.

Kids will discover that the fingerprints are yours. Ask:

  • How did you figure out that the prints belonged to me?
  • How are my fingerprints different from yours?

Say: I’m glad God made our fingerprints so different and special!

(Experiment adapted from Amazing Science Devotions for Children’s Ministry , Group Publishing.)

Science Experiment 2. Mirror Images (Grades 3-6)

Kids will learn that they can reflect God.

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” ( 2 Corinthians 3:18 ).

  • one Bible for every five children,
  • a small square mirror for every five children, and
  • a wallet-size school photo or Polaroid photo of each child.

Form groups of five. Give each group a mirror, and have kids take turns looking at Bible text reflected in the mirror. Ask:

  • What do you see?

2 Corinthians 3:18 Bible lesson

Say: Mirrors produce a reflection that appear backwards because light waves reflect straight off the surface. But a face in the mirror is different; it doesn’t look backward in a mirror because it’s symmetrical, which means that when the image is divided, both halves look the same. Let’s test this concept together.

Have kids take turns looking into the mirror. Ask:

  • What unique facial qualities do you see in the mirror?
  • Do you think one side of your face looks exactly like the other side? Why or why not?

Have kids take out their photos. Demonstrate how to hold the edge of the mirror perpendicular to the photo. Half of the face should reflect into the mirror, making the photo and reflection look like a whole face. Allow time for each child to test the mirror concept.

Afterward, ask:

  • How was your symmetrical reflection in the mirror similar or different to your actual photo?
  • Did this experiment reflect an image in the mirror that you would easily recognize, or does the image look like a stranger to you?

Read aloud 2 Corinthians 3:18 . Say: This Scripture says that we’re to reflect the Lord’s glory.

  • What do you think that reflection looks like?
  • Is the Lord’s glory something we can see in a mirror? Explain.

Say: Your life is a reflection of a life that’s been changed by God; your actions can reveal what God is like. Take another look at your reflection in the mirror.

  • Does the image you see reflect a person who’s been changed by God?
  • What can you do to reflect what God is like every day ?

Science Experiment 3. Full of Life (Grades 3-6)

Kids will learn that Jesus desires for us to have full lives.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” ( John 10:10 ).

For each child you’ll need:

  • a large marshmallow,
  • a small glass iced tea or juice bottle with an opening slightly larger than the marshmallow (or one for every two children to share),
  • a small piece of clay, and

You’ll also need:

John 10:10 Bible lesson

Have kids form pairs. Give each child a marshmallow and a marker. Tell kids to draw faces on the flat end of their marshmallows.

Say: We’re going to do an experiment to see how much pressure your marshmallow face can take.

Give a glass bottle to each child. Tell kids to drop their marshmallows into the glass bottles. Give each child a lump of clay and a straw. Show kids how to wrap the clay 1 inch from one end of the straw so the clay forms a ring around the end of the straw. Have each child place the short end of the straw in the bottle so the clay prevents the straw from dropping into the bottle. Then have each child press the clay tightly around the mouth of the bottle so no air can get in or out.

Say: Your marshmallow face is plump and ‘full of life.’

  • What do you think will happen to the faces if you blow air into the bottle through the straw?

Say: Let’s experiment and see what happens.

Breathing Life

Have one partner blow air into the bottle and quickly suck it out. Have kids do this until their partners can see the marshmallows expanding and shrinking slightly. They may be surprised to discover that the marshmallows shrinks when the air is blown in and expands when the air is sucked out. Then have partners trade roles and do the experiment again.

Let kids experiment for three minutes. Afterward, ask:

  • Were you surprised at which action gave ‘life’ to your marshmallow? Why or why not?
  • What makes a person’s life full? Can a life ever become too full? Why or why not?
  • What things in our lives can keep our friendship with Jesus from growing? 

Read aloud John 10:10 . Then say: It’s good to remember that Jesus is the source of the good things that fill our lives. But sometimes our “stuff” can become more important to us than our friendship with Jesus. Friendship with Jesus grows when we clear away the extra “stuff” so our friendship with him can grow and grow! 

Science Experiment 4. Joyful Raisins (Grades Preschool-3)

Kids will experience the joy of praising the Lord.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations” ( Psalm 100 ).

  • a clear drinking glass for every five kids,
  • 2-liter bottles of carbonated soda water,
  • a CD or cassette player,
  • lively praise music, and

Say: Tell about a time you were so excited about something that you were bursting with joy and excitement.

  • What kinds of things make you that excited about God?

Psalm 100 Bible lesson

Read aloud Psalm 100 . Then say: God wants us to be filled with joy and excitement when we praise and worship. We’re going to try an experiment that reflects excitement.

Form groups of five. Fill one glass with carbonated soda water for each group of five kids. Tell them not to drink their experiment. Play the praise music and encourage kids to clap their hands and get excited about praising the Lord. While the music plays, pass out five raisins to each child. Say: Drop your raisins into the glass, and see how the raisins react.

The raisins may not move immediately, but soon they’ll be bouncing around in the glass because of the bubbles around them. Say: The raisins are dancing because they’re reacting to the soda water’s carbonation. The carbonation in the soda is a gas called carbon dioxide. Tiny bubbles form on the raisins when they’re dropped into the soda water. The bubbles collect carbon dioxide and grow; that’s what lifts the raisin. When the raisin reaches the top of the water, the bubbles pop, and the raisin sinks. Then the process starts over again.

  • Tell about a time you felt like your life was out of energy.
  • How can worshiping God give you excitement?

Science Experiment 5. Bursting With Joy (Grades K-3)

Kids will learn that God wants our lives to be filled with joy.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music” ( Psalm 98:4 ).

  • adult helpers,
  • a facial tissue for every four kids,
  • a teaspoon,
  • baking soda,
  • vinegar, and
  • one plastic 35mm film container for each child.

Before kids arrive, tear each facial tissue into fourths, and pour two teaspoons of vinegar into each film canister.

Psalm 98 Bible lesson

Read Psalm 98:4 . Say: On “go,” I want each of you to act out Psalm 98:4. Ready, set, go!

Allow kids to shout for joy for one minute. Then give each child a torn tissue piece and a film canister filled with vinegar.

Say: The Bible tells us that we can be really excited about God. Tell about a time when you were so excited about something that you felt like you were going to burst.

Then say: I watched how well you all acted out our Bible verse. Now let’s try to make something else burst forth.

Show kids how to measure one teaspoon of baking soda and place it in the center of the tissue square. Have kids wrap the tissue around the baking soda. Tell kids to remove the lids of their film canisters and wait.

Say: We need to be careful with the next step of our experiment. You’re going to place the tissue inside your film canister and quickly put the lid on. Then we’re going to stand back. A lot of pressure is going to build up inside—so much pressure, it just might burst!

Allow two kids at a time to conduct the experiment. Tell kids to quickly step back after they secure the lids. (Small children might need help securing the lids quickly.) The lids will pop into the air, creating a lot of foam and giggles.

When everyone has had a turn, say: I think our whole class is bursting with joy. God wants us to be bursting with the good news of Jesus. When we have so much of God’s joy built up inside, we just have to let it out! I hope that you’re so excited about God that you’ll be bursting all week!

Science Experiment 6. This Little Light of Mine (Grades 4-6)

Kids will learn that Jesus is the light in a dark world.

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ” ( 2 Corinthians 4:6 ).

  • an aluminum pie pan,
  • a thumbtack,
  • a hot glue gun,
  • a foam plate,
  • a wool rag or sweater, and
  • an empty ballpoint pen barrel (the hollow outside of the pen).

Alert: This experiment requires adult supervision.

Say: Think about a time you’ve seen a flash of lightning on a dark night.

  • How did the lightning change the sky?

Allow the kids to tell a few stories. Then ask:

  • Did you know that Christians are like a light in a dark place? Listen to what the Bible tells us.

2 Corinthians 4:6 Bible lesson

Read aloud 2 Corinthians 4:6 . Say: This Scripture says that Jesus’ light shines in our hearts. We’re going to do an experiment that’ll demonstrate a little spark. I’ll need three kids to help and one kid who wants to test our spark and doesn’t mind feeling a slight shock.

A Shocking Result

Place the pie pan face down on a table. Have a helper push the thumbtack through the center of the pan. Turn over the pan so you can see the point of the thumbtack. Coat the tip of the thumbtack with hot glue. Push the small open end of the pen barrel onto the thumbtack point. The pen barrel will act as a “handle” for the experiment.

While the glue dries, have another helper rub the foam plate and wool together for 45 seconds. Place the foam plate face down on the table. Have another helper place the pie pan on top of the upside-down foam plate using the pen handle. Turn off the lights and have the spark tester quickly touch the pie pan with his or her finger. The pan should produce a small shock and a small spark of light. Take the pie pan off the foam plate using the pen handle.

For another small shock, have the spark tester touch the pan with his or her finger again. Touching the pan a second time will neutralize the electrical charge. Repeat the activity for kids who want to feel the spark.

Say: When the plate was rubbed with wool, it created a negative charge because the plate attracted electrons from the wool. When the plate touched the pie pan, the electrons on the plate repelled the electrons on the pan. But when a finger touched the pan on the plate, the electrons traveled off the pan onto the finger. That was the spark you experienced, and then the pan was positively charged. That’s what the light of Jesus does in our lives. When we connect with Jesus, he can help us be a positive force in a negative world—a light in the dark!

Science Experiment 7. Listen Up (Grades 3-6)

Psalm 44 Bible lesson

Kids will learn that we need to be spiritually healthy.

“Would not God have discovered it, since he knows the secrets of the heart?” ( Psalm 44:21 ).

  • electrical tape,
  • one plastic funnel for every two children, and
  • 1 foot of plastic or rubber tubing for every two children.

Form pairs. Say: Listen! Can you hear your heart beating? Let’s try to hear our hearts beat after we do 20 jumping jacks. Ready? Go! Afterward, ask,

  • Can you hear your heart beating now?
  • Can you feel it beating?
  • What does it sound or feel like?

Say: Let’s try an experiment to see if we can hear our hearts more clearly. We’re going to make stethoscopes to help us listen to our hearts.

Give each pair a funnel and 1 foot of tubing. Show kids how to fit the tubing over the funnel’s spout. If the tubing doesn’t fit tightly on the funnel’s spout, secure it with tape. Partners can listen to each other’s hearts by having one child put the funnel over his heart while the other partner listens through the end of the tubing.

After every child has had a chance to listen, say: Your heart pumps blood 24 hours a day. There are valves in your heart that keep the blood moving through your body. These valves open and close as the heart pumps the blood. That’s what makes the sound of your heartbeat.

  • How was the sound of a heart different when you used the stethoscope?
  • Do you think everyone’s heart sounds the same? Why or why not?
  • What do you think God hears when he listens to our hearts?

Say: God has a special interest in your heart because your heart indicates more than your physical health. It also reveals your spiritual health.

Read aloud Psalm 44:21 . Ask:

  • What kind of secrets does your heart hide?
  • How can our hearts be spiritually unhealthy?
  • What can you do to make your heart spiritually healthy?

Courtney Wilson is a children’s pastor in Vancouver, Washington. 

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3 thoughts on “ 7 Science Experiment Bible Lessons for Children ”

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On experiment 3, the relationship is actually reversed….the marshmallows expand when air is sucked out and go back to normal size when air is added back. You can still make it work as a lesson if you talk about how removing things that may be blocking your relationship with God can help you grow in your life with Him.

science experiments bible object lessons

Hi, Marcy! Thank you for sharing that discovery with us. We’ve updated the activity accordingly.

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science experiments bible object lessons

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Bible science experiments

The goal of science experiments is to discover and understand scientific truth. Bible science experiments have the added benefit of helping young learners discover and understand God’s truth.

Use Bible science experiments in Sunday school, children’s church, small groups, VBS , camps and more. They allow children to be involved in hands-on learning rather than lecture or observation. Perhaps most importantly, Bible science experiments provide memorable moments that spark interest, command attention, and bring scriptural truth to life. That means the lessons will “stick” for children, who can apply them to their own lives.

For successful, safe Bible science experiments that “wow” children, remember these important tips:

  • Set up all supplies ahead of time. You lose momentum and interest if you aren’t ready to go at just the right moment.
  • Practice! Bible science experiments are memorable and meaningful only if they work. Never do something for the first time in front of children. Just because something sounds good on paper doesn’t mean it will be a success. Prepare !
  • As much as possible, don’t demonstrate the experiments. Let children do the Bible science experiments either in small groups or individually. That requires more supplies, structure and good instruction but will have a much greater “wow” effect on kids.
  • Be sure to move children from the abstract scientific truth you’re illustrating to an understanding of the concrete, practical truth for daily life. Do this by:
  • sharing a Bible story and/or real-life story that illustrates the truth,
  • asking good questions related to the Bible story and truth,
  • providing children opportunities to share how they will apply the Bible truth, and
  • praying together about obeying this Bible truth.

5 Bible Science Experiments You Can Try

1. power rockets.

Bible Truth: The Holy Spirit gives me power.

Bible Verse: Acts 1:8  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Bible Lesson: Peter preaches after receiving the Holy Spirit, Acts 2:1-41

  • Empty film canisters (clear, with interior-fitting lids)
  • Antacid tablets (generic works fine)

In Advance: Gather supplies

Bible Lesson: Share the story of Jesus’ disciples receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Emphasize how the Holy Spirit made Peter bold enough to stand and speak to thousands of people. Help children discover that the Holy Spirit will give them boldness (power, authority) to do what God has planned for them to do.

Give each child or group of children a film canister. This represents their life. Fill canisters with water. The water represents the living water, Jesus, who enters their lives when they are saved. Show children an antacid tablet. It represents the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that the baptism of the Holy Spirit would give power (authority, boldness). Have children quickly add the tablet to the film canister, snap on the lid, and stand back. In a few seconds, the lid will pop off! Emphasize that just as the tablet creates power to pop off the lid, the Holy Spirit gives us power to do God’s work.


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Skittles Experiment A fun Bible Object Lesson to teach the importance of the Unity of the Church

You've probably seen this Skittles experiment before, and kids love it!  Use the fun of science to initiate a Bible lesson focusing on how we as the Church, God's family, need to live in unity.

Bible object lessons are a great way to capture student's attention as well as giving them a memory anchor to remember what has been taught.

skittles experiment

Topic:  Unity of God's Family - The Church

Object Lesson Title:  We're in This Together!

Object:   Skittles & Warm Water (warm water will dissolve the candy coating at the best rate for observation)

Bible Verses:   1 Corinthians 1:10, Ephesians 4:1-6 Colossians 3:4

Key Takeaway:   Even though we are all different, when we focus on the fact we are all one family in Christ, we can move toward unity.

Object Lesson Prep:   For the Skittles experiment you will need enough skittles to form a circle on a plate and a little warm water.

Object Lesson - Skittles Experiment


  • Place the Skittles in a circle on a plate alternating the various colors.
  • Pour enough warm water over the skittles so that the circle is filled and touching all skittles.
  • Wait and watch.  The color of each skittle will begin drawing out towards the center.

Additional options:

  • For older kids and youth, give each their own small package of Skittles, water and plate.  Have them go through the steps watching what happens and to be ready to discuss what they observed. 
  • Another fun option is to give every child a Skittle to eat as they watch the Skittle Experiment. (Be aware of any allergies or diet restrictions for students.)
  • Suggestions for toddlers & preschoolers available at the end of the lesson below.

Observations & Comparisons

If time permits, allow students to share their own observations.  You may want to use these prompts:

  • What caused the Skittles' color to move into the water?
  • Why do you think they all moved towards the center?
  • Did the colors begin to mix?  At what point?

Diffusion   - the Science behind the Skittles Experiment:

When the water begins to dissolve the dyed sugar on each Skittle, the molecules of the colored sugar move toward the center where there is less concentration.  They move at the same rate and don't mix as they move because they each contain the similar amount of dyed sugar. 

skittles science experiment

Bible Verses for Skittles Experiment:

1 Corinthians 1:10

"I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other.  Let there be no divisions in the church.  Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose."   NLT

Ephesians 4:1-6

"Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. 2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. 3 Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. 4 For there is one body and one Spirit, just as you have been called to one glorious hope for the future.

5 There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all, in all, and living through all."

Colossians 3:4 - "Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity."

The Lesson - Discuss

skittles object lesson experiment

Share that the Skittles look different because they are different colors.  As the water touches the Skittles, their uniqueness begins to move closer to the other colors while all continue moving towards the point at the center.

They don't lose their uniqueness, but as they come together they create something bigger - a beautiful rainbow of colors.  They don't overpower another color, but each enhances the other.  

One Skittle alone couldn't produce such beauty, but together they can!

It's the same with the Church, God's family!

Read 1 Corinthians 1:10. 

Paul is instructing the church, true believers who have been touched by the Living Water through Jesus Christ to live in harmony.  Our individual colors are not meant to stand alone as an island or overshadow the gifts of others.  We belong to something bigger now - God's family!  We are also called the Body of Christ and should work together as one body.

Read Ephesians 4:1-6.

Paul tells us practical ways we can live in unity and honor God.  He says for us to be gentle and humble with each other, to be patient, and moving together in the same direction and purpose - honoring our Father.  We are all moving towards the One glorious hope for the future!

Read Colossians 3:4.

Paul really simplifies it here; he says above all else, put on love for it is the perfect bond of unity.

The good news is that it is the Living Water, God's Holy Spirit, that gives us this kind of love and can bring us together in unity.  When we keep God first place as our central goal in life to continually move closer and closer to Him, unity in the church will happen.  Unity is a product of God's love in us.

1 John 1:9 tells us that - "We love because he first loved us."  The love God is and gives puts others needs above its own.  

Jesus also shared with His disciples that when we love each other like that, others will see and know we are His.  The unity of colors will shine bigger than each one of us on our own.  We are a family and belong to each other. 

Our individual uniqueness should touch and compliment that of our brothers and sisters as we move closer to each other and closer to God as our center.  The unity of God's family comes from loving God and loving others.

Memory Verse

Colossians 3:4 CSB -

"Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity."

Memory Verse Activities

Adapt for Toddlers & Preschoolers

skittles experiment kids

My three year old granddaughter loved this Skittles experiment, but the whole lesson would go right over her head and be too long...too much.

For little ones, keep it simple:

  • Point out the Skittles are different colors.  We are all different too.
  • As you place them in a circle, say God doesn't want us to be alone.  He wants us to belong to His family.
  • As you pour the water, mention that the Bible calls God - Living Water.  When Jesus touches our lives something remarkable happens! 
  • Watch the colors begin to move toward the center and say - "God wants us to always move closer to Him.  We can move closer and closer to God as we love Him and learn to love others.
  • Even at this early age, children can begin to hide God's Word in their hearts.  1 John 1:9 was the first memory verse our granddaughter learned when she was two.  Or have them learn Colossians 3:4 and to always show love.

© Written by Susan Smart, 2024

More Christian object lessons....

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4 fun science experiments to illustrate your next bible lesson.

science experiments bible object lessons

There are many creative ways to explore the Bible . Often overlooked is science. God has created an incredible world full of fascinating laws and elements. Use science to illustrate and bring your lessons to life.

Here are four simple experiments to get you started.

Elephant toothpaste: Small things make a big difference

Even though two substances have everything required to create a third, they may not have the ability to combine because energy is required. That’s where a catalyst comes in. Adding a little of a third substance causes a major change to occur. Making “elephant toothpaste” illustrates this well and uses inexpensive ingredients you may already have. To a mixture of soap and hydrogen peroxide (and food coloring if you wish), add a little dry yeast that has been activated in warm water. When you do combine them in a bottle, the result is a tube of warm bubbles that looks a bit like toothpaste for an elephant. This video has all the instructions you need.

Use the “elephant toothpaste” to illustrate how being faithful in the small things to which God calls us can make a huge difference in our world — how a faithful shepherd boy became a great king or how 12 disciples began a movement that transformed the lives of billions.

Particle/Wave duality helps explain the trinity

Begin with a simple explanation of the difference between a particle and a wave. At the most basic level, when a particle hits a piece of paper, you see a dot; if a wave hits the paper, it makes more of a line. However, when it comes to the tinier bits of creation — like photons (a particle of light) or electrons — they push the boundaries of what we can imagine. When put to the test, each of these tiny particles will show themselves as two completely different categories of substance. Tested one way, they will appear irrefutably as particles; but change the test slightly and the results show them to be waves.

So which are they? Are they particles or waves? The answer is both. This seems counterintuitive, but somehow, these two unique substances are bound together into a single tiny piece of creation. This can help us explore (or at least illustrate) the fact that the Trinity is three unique beings while being a single being.

If you want to do the experiment yourself (or with a small group), you’ll need a laser pointer, some black electrical tape and some small floral wire or any thin wire. There’s a great video showing the homemade version of the experiment , and another that explains the science behind it . The experiment may be best suited for a small group setting, or if it looks too hard to recreate, you could always show a short segment of the latter video to get the point across. Your science nerds will love it.

Breaking surface tension and fleeing from sin

We have all seen the advertisements that show the magic moment when the newest dish detergent hits a greasy pan, and it becomes sparkling clean. While the ads exaggerate, the result is not far from what actually happens. Water’s molecular structure causes it to have something called surface tension. That tension makes water pretty poor at washing anything by itself because all the dirt will simply sit on top of the water. If, however, you add some soap, the soap breaks the tension and the combination removes the grease.

Illustrate this by filling a bowl or plate with water and pouring a little pepper on top. Then, dip the tip of your finger in your dish soap of choice and touch the center of the pepper-covered water. This simple surface tension experiment is striking. All of the oil will move away to the edges of the water.

Scripture talks similarly about sin. Just as the water cannot remove the grease entirely, we do not have the power to cleanse ourselves of sin. If we work hard, we might be able to do a little, but we can never deal with it all. However, as we surrender our hearts to God, the Holy Spirit (like the dish soap) empowers us to flee from sin and live holy lives.

Purple flowers and the abundance of our hearts

Beautiful flowers are directly affected by the water in which they are placed. This is best seen by using a white flower like a carnation. If you take fresh flowers and put them in colored water, the water will move up the stem and eventually begin changing the color of the flower.

Jesus says that people are the same way. If we allow ourselves to be surrounded by sinful things and continue to take those things into our hearts, they will be reflected publicly as well. Or, as Jesus puts it, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45).

TIP: Since this one takes a bit of time, it can be a great way to add continuity between two weeks with placing the flower in the water the first week and seeing the transformation the next.

We stand in a long line of people who were willing to engage with science. John Wesley valued observation to support hypotheses. Having fun with teaching is key, and making it interactive is even better. Whether you create elephant toothpaste or try to explain the Trinity through the particle/wave duality, we hope these science illustrations will help you connect the people of God with the message of hope.

Jeremy Steele

When Jeremy and his wife are not playing with their four children, he oversees youth and college ministries and leads the evening worship service at Christ UMC in Mobile, Ala. Jeremy is an author of several books and resources that you can find at or follow him on Twitter !

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Experiment - The egg that always falls into the water (God's calling and love)

A powerful object lesson about god calling people and the fact that nothing can separate us for his amazing love.

We love this simple, but powerful object lesson. At first glance it would seem impossible that the egg always falls into the water but once you have watched the video below, suddenly the impossible becomes a reality. Now you can use it to teach kids and adults on God calling people and that nothing can separate us from His love.

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Faith / unbelief

Instructional videos, love / heart, purim - feast of lots.

Proefje-affff3d5 Experiment - Teach on God’s love / God’s calling (The egg that always falls into the water)

Science experiments

James (son of zebedee), john (apostle), matthew / levi (apostle), paul (apostle), simon peter (apostle), david is anointed as king, esther saves her people, jonah runs away from god's call, moses is called by god at the burning bush, ruth follows her mother-in-law naomi, saul´s conversion, the call of the first disciples, the calling of levi, what you need:.

  • a large glass
  • a boiled egg
  • an empty toilet roll
  • piece of card / cardboard

Let's start...


Watching this object lesson reminded us of God's call on people's lives. In the Bible we see time and time again that when God calls someone that person ends up in the right place. But also about the beautiful Biblical truth that nothing can separate us from God's love.

You can use this object lesson to teach on:

God's calling on people's lives:

- David, who was called as a little shepherd boy to become king - Jona, who went the wrong way, but ended up in the right place - Abram, who was called to go to a new and unknown country - Moses, who obeyed his calling and brought the Israelites to the promised land - Esther, who was called to save her people in a time of great distress - Ruth, who follewed an inner call and became part of Jesus genealogy - Saul who was called to become the first king of Israel - Jeremiah, who was called to be a prophet at a young age - Saul, who was called to become the apostle Paul - The disciples, who were called to become followers of Jesus

All these people ( and lots more) followed God's call on their lives and ended up in the right place, just like the egg always falls into the water. Amazing, isn't it?

Nothing can seperate us from God's love

Another theme that came to mind was Paul's writing in Romans 8: 31 - 39 that nothing can separate us from God’s love. How better to illustrate this beautiful Biblical truth than with an egg falling into the water!

We at Creative Kidswork are real fans of  TheDadLab Youtube Channe l. Here is another of his great, short video's on easy to do science experiments. 

Watch the video

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Science Experiments That Teach Bible Truth, Part 2

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I was standing on stage in front of a large group of children with five raw eggs balanced on cardboard cylinders. The cardboard cylinders were on top of a tray held up by five glasses. As I smiled confidently at the children, my heart was racing. If I made a mistake, I was about to drop raw eggs all over the stage in front of everyone. I had practiced and was “fairly” certain that this object lesson would work. I said a prayer as I forcefully smacked the tray holding the eggs. All five eggs fell into the glasses, and I breathed a sign of relief as the children erupted into cheers.

This object lesson was a success, but I haven’t always been so fortunate. There have been times when things just didn’t work even after extensive practice. The failures have taught me an important lesson. Always be ready to use the failure in your sermon, as well as, the success. Either way, the children will be able to engage with the Bible point. (You can find the egg object lesson and its application in the Ideas You Can Use section.)

Ideas You Can Use

Egg Object Lesson

Sin Separates Us From God

Bible Point: Only Jesus can remove the sin that separates me from God.

Bible Verse: Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so he will not hear.

megaphone leader kid girl shouting speaking to friends on white background political leadership

Power of the Tongue

Bible Point: I will choose my words carefully.

Bible Verse: Proverbs 12:18 Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.


Bleach Experiment

Bible Point: Jesus takes away my sin.

Bible Verse: Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clear; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.


Balloon Forgiveness

Bible Point:  I will forgive others.

Bible Verse: Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

with God all things are possible

All Things Are Possible

Bible Point: All things are possible with God.

Bible Verse: Matthew 19:26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Woman's legs in shoes.

Run from Evil

Bible Point: I will stay away from sin.

Bible Verse: I Thessalonians 5:22-24 Avoid every kind of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.

Click here for a list of science experiment resources.

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Memorable object lessons that will stick with kids for years to come!


Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids' attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with these Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum. 8- to 12-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.

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Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids' attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with Sciency-Fun WOWS: 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons. These Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum guarantee your 8- to 12-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.

Here's a few of the 54 clever bible lesson ideas you'll find inside:

  • Experimenting with how many paper clips fit into a full cup of water (reminding kids that Jesus has room in his heart for everyone)
  • See how water prevents a balloon from popping (demonstrating Jesus' power over sickness and death)
  • Using static to repel two pieces of tape, then to attract them together (an illustration of how Jesus is drawn to children)
  • Using pressure to make ketchup sink or float in water (encouraging kids not to hold on to grudges because Jesus loves even his enemies)

These memorable object lessons will stick with kids for years to come! The Scripture and topical indexes make it easy to find an experience that goes with your Bible lesson for kids.

Get ready for a lot of oohs, ahs, and wows as kids are amazed to see how science can illustrate

important Bible truths.

This book of Bible lessons for children includes reproducible pages.

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Download these 5 science object lessons for free today to use in your kids church.

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This download includes 5 Science object lessons on the following themes:

  • Jesus Feeds the 5,000 Science Experiment 
  • Trusting Jesus When Life is Crazy Experiment 
  • Peter Walks on Water Experiment 
  • Noah and the Rainbow Experiment 
  • Resisting Peer Pressure Experiment 

Looking for more?  Be sure to view our entire collection of 52   Bible object lessons for kids  and  children's sermons  to find object lesson videos like the one below.

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Cain and Abel Object Lesson

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Sin is a big deal. People don’t like to admit that, but it is true. If it wasn’t such a big deal, then why did Jesus give up His life for us? Even during the beginning of civilization, blood sacrifice represented forgiveness and redemption. Knowing the difference between the offerings of Cain and Abel helps us to understand Jesus a little better.

Scripture Focus: Genesis 4:1-15

  • Cookie sheet or shallow pan
  • Vinegar (put a few drops of red food coloring in and stir.)
  • Red food coloring
  • Baking soda (put 2-3 tsp. in cup)
  • Small cup (I used an applesauce cup. Use a permanent marker to draw and angry face on the cup.)
  • Lego people

Background: Adam and Eve had eaten of the forbidden fruit and they were no longer welcome in the garden . Sin caused a broken relationship with God. Because of the sins of Adam and Eve, women now have great pain when they have babies. There is disease and heartache. Men must work hard in order to provide for their families. God placed hatred between the snake and the children of the woman. But one day that serpent will bite the heel of one of her children, and then that Child will turn around and crush the head of the serpent.

Cain and Abel Bible Lesson:

{Put the cookie sheet on a table in front of you. Have the other items to the side.}

Eve gave birth to Cain and then Abel. Her children did wrong just like you do wrong. No one taught you to do wrong things. Adam and Eve had to discipline their children as your parents discipline you. This is because all people sin. Every person is born with a nature to sin.

As the boys grew up, Cain became a farmer and Abel became a shepherd. One day both brought an offering to God. Cain brought of his first fruits of crops. Abel brought a spotless lamb. To us, both offerings seem to be acceptable. Both offerings reflect the jobs of those who were giving. But Abel’s offering was accepted. Cain’s was not.

Cain became very angry and his countenance fell.

{Show the angry cup to the children. Put it in the middle of the cookie sheet.}

His emotions became violent and filled with hatred. Even though Cain had not done anything physically wrong, God could see His heart. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked.” When we are born, we are born sinful. our hearts are yucky with sin. We have a sin problem and so did Cain.

  • Why do you think Cain’s sacrifice was not accepted and Abel’s was? [Allow for answers. Lead the children to think about other sacrifices from the Bible. Those in the temple, Abraham and Isaac, the blood over the doors of Passover, etc. All of those involved blood sacrifice .]

God went to Cain and asked, “ Why are you angry? Do what is right. Sin is waiting for you! ” Cain did not listen to God. Instead, he went to talk to his brother, Abel, and killed him in a field.

God went to Cain again and asked, “ Where is your brother?” Cain responded angrily, “ Am I supposed to take care of my brother? ” God replied, “ What have you done? I hear your brother’s blood calling from the field. ”

  • Did God already know why Cain was angry? [Yes.]
  • Did God know where Abel was? [Yes.]
  • Why do you think God asked Cain those questions when He already knew the answers? [Allow for answers. Lead children to think about why teachers ask questions. They want their students to think.]

God wanted Cain to think about what he had done. Conviction, realizing you have done wrong, can be a hard lesson to learn. Because we sin, we are then convicted once we have done wrong.

  • When a prisoner is told by a judge that he did wrong, what is that called? [Being convicted of a crime.]
  • What usually happens to a convicted prisoner? [He has to go to jail. He must pay a penalty.]
  • When we sin who do we sin against? [God]
  • Who do we hurt when we sin? [ourselves and others]

Cain allowed the sin to grow in his heart; and the anger and jealousy that he felt overwhelmed not only Cain, but his brother Abel. When we choose to sin, it bubbles out of us and can hurt those around us. Cain went and killed his brother. Sin can destroy not only those who sin, but those who surround the sinner.

{Put Lego people around the cup. Add the vinegar to the mix of baking soda in the cup. Watch as the sin takes out the Lego guys.}

During the beginning of civilization, blood sacrifice represented redemption. This Cain and Abel Bible Object Lesson helps us to understand Jesus better.

  • When you see the color red, what emotion do you think of? [Anger]
  • Who was hurt by Cain’s sin? [Abel, Adam, Eve, and Cain.]
  • Can you think of an example of a sin you did that hurt you and maybe another person? [Allow for answers.]

Life Application of Cain and Abel:

We need to pay attention to our hearts. We need to think about the people around us. God gives us second chances to change our behavior and do what is right. Scripture tells us that when we are tempted to do wrong, there will always be a way out. God gave Cain a chance to do better and to have his sacrifice accepted. All he had to do was sacrifice a lamb and he would have been forgiven. Blood must be shed for forgiveness. God encouraged Cain to change and He told him that sin was waiting at his door, ready to come in.

Many times, even before we do something wrong, God will talk to our hearts with a small voice and warn us to not do that wrong thing. Sometimes that voice tries to stop your thoughts. You need to listen to it.

And if you do choose to sin, God, who is the judge, will use the Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin. You get awful feeling inside when the Holy Spirit convicts you. It’s called feeling guilty. And because we sin, we have to pay a penalty. Cain’s penalty was to be a wanderer, a fugitive, for the rest of his life. God said that the ground would never produce for him again. He would never stay in one place to live. When you sin, you deserve a penalty.

We are not alone in our sin. That Lego guy got wiped out by the other person’s sin!! We are not in our sin alone. Decisions we make effect other people. We need a solution to this sin problem! Sin may be fun and look like fun at the start, but in the end, sin is no fun. No one is truly happy in sin. But it is wonderful to know that God gives us second chances to do the right thing!

Our sin means we have a penalty. Scripture says that the penalty for sin is death. Something or someone has to die. God sent Jesus to earth. Jesus, who was perfect and not guilty, took our penalty instead. He died on the cross and blood was shed.

What can we learn from Cain and Abel? Life is in the blood. The penalty for sin is death. Jesus took our penalty and it is His blood that sets us free from sin.


What to teach next spiral?

Sign up below for three lessons from the Victory in Jesus book you can use now to jump start your object lesson Bible teaching plan. 

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Science and the Bible: Walking on Eggshells

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Before the Activity:

o   Where are some places that you would like to walk that you cannot?

o   What would it feel like to walk on glass? Slime? The moon? Eggs?

o   Today we will study about Peter and how he was able to walk on water with Jesus.

Items needed:

o   4 dozen eggs

o   Vinyl tablecloth


o   Place the vinyl tablecloth on the ground.

o   Place the eggs on the vinyl tablecloth in their cartons.

o   Assist a volunteer in standing directly on the eggs.

o   Help the volunteer jump while standing on the eggs. (Supposedly this will work, use this suggestion at your OWN risk!)

What happened:

o   Eggs seem fragile, but God had a great design for them in their shape. The shape of the eggs gives them their strength. The curve of the shell distributes the pressure evenly.

Bible Story Connection:

o   Peter Walked on Water (Matthew 14:22-33)

o   Connection Point: Most people would never guess that you can actually walk on eggs, but we know that walking on water is impossible. God shaped eggs especially to give them strength so actually walking on them is possible. Peter was able to walk on water because he had the power of his faith in Jesus Christ.

After the Story/Activity:

o   Was it a miracle to be able to walk on eggs? What did walking on eggs require?

o   How was Peter able to walk on water? What made Peter start to sink?

o   How can you depend on Jesus like Peter did?

Jeff Land loves Life! That’s pretty great, because his job here at Lifeway is the Team Leader for Bible Studies for Life: Kids. Jeff loves his life which is so blessed by his amazing wife, Abbey, and their four sons, Reed, Nash, Will, and Tuck. A natural encourager and fun-lover, look for Jeff’s posts about teacher appreciation and game ideas. When not serving at work, Jeff serves 2nd graders at his church, First Baptist Church, Joelton, TN.

science experiments bible object lessons

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  1. 8 Science Object Lessons for Children's Ministry

    Have kids each cut a piece of string, varying in length from 1 to 3 feet. Give kids one straw each to cut in half. Have them thread their string through both halves of the straw. Tie the ends of the string together. Have kids submerge their string and straws in the solution.

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  6. Science Experiments That Teach Bible Truth

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  9. Science experiments

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  10. Bible Science Experiment

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  11. Experiment

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  12. Science Experiments That Teach Bible Truth, Part 2

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    That's pretty great, because his job here at Lifeway is the Team Leader for Bible Studies for Life: Kids. Jeff loves his life which is so blessed by his amazing wife, Abbey, and their four sons, Reed, Nash, Will, and Tuck. A natural encourager and fun-lover, look for Jeff's posts about teacher appreciation and game ideas.