How to Teach Children to Write a Thesis Statement

Shandi stevenson.

Learning how to write a thesis statement can give students confidence in writing.

By helping students to understand the purpose of a thesis statement, how it is put together and where it belongs in a composition, you can equip them with a skill that will make writing faster and easier. The ability to write an effective thesis statement makes it easier for students to write good papers and develops skills such as summary, organization and argumentation that will be valuable for the rest of their lives.

Explore this article

  • Purpose of a Thesis Statement
  • Good and Bad Thesis Statements
  • Methods for Writing the Statement
  • Practice Writing Thesis Statements

1 Purpose of a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is usually the last sentence of the first paragraph of a composition. It states the topic of the paper and the argument the author will make about the topic . It also outlines, in order, the points the paper will make to construct that argument. The first paragraph of the composition should provide an introduction to the paper's topic and its importance. The thesis statement then provides the specific approach to the topic the author will take. The succeeding body paragraphs refer back to and develop the points mentioned in the thesis statement. For example, the thesis statement, "School lunch reform is important, because it makes students healthier, helps students learn better and saves schools money," should be followed by one body paragraph discussing the health benefits of lunch reform, one discussing the academic benefits and one discussing the financial benefits.

2 Good and Bad Thesis Statements

Once students understand what a thesis statement's basic function is, it is helpful to have students practice recognizing effective and ineffective thesis statements. Use a page of thesis statements, some of which are correct and others which are not, have students practice recognizing which sentences meet the requirements of a good thesis statement and which do not. Students can then explain and discuss their reasoning. Allowing students to work on this in small groups can be a helpful way for them to grasp the skill quickly. Have students work individually or in groups to rewrite and improve poor thesis statements. The two most important concepts for students to grasp about the thesis statement are that it must state an opinion or an argument , rather than a fact and that it must be as specific as possible . Most students begin by writing thesis statements that are much too broad and must learn to narrow the focus.

3 Methods for Writing the Statement

Students may find it helpful to first write thesis statements for existing compositions, of which only the thesis statement has been left out or covered up. Students identify the essay's argument and its main points and draft a thesis statement to reflect them. This allows students to practice writing a thesis statement without having to plan and organize an argument at the same time. Students can also compare their thesis statements with other students', and with the original; this allows them to recognize that there is no one right way to phrase a thesis statement, yet every thesis statement must include certain elements.

Some students may then find it helpful to practice writing their own thesis statements using a fill-in "template," such as: " ** is important because of ** , ** and ** __," or "Martin Luther King Jr. changed America in three important ways: _, _ and ____." This exercise helps students make the transition to generating and organization their own arguments, while still getting a little help structuring and wording the thesis statement.

4 Practice Writing Thesis Statements

Once they have mastered the basic concept and structure of the thesis statement, students will benefit from practicing the skill as often as possible, and from plenty of feedback on how they can improve their thesis statements. It can take a long time for the skill to become second nature. In addition to requiring students to include thesis statements in all their compositions, consider using other games and activities for extra practice, such as letting students submit thesis statements to a contest and vote on the winner, working as a class to write a "thesis statement" for a math, science or social studies lesson on the board and letting students write thesis statements about things that interest them.

  • 1 Indiana University Writing Center: Thesis Statements
  • 2 Slide Share: Thesis Statement Power Point
  • 3 University of Michigan: Templates
  • 4 Teachers Net: Using Spongebob to Teach Thesis Statement
  • 5 Gustavus Adolphus College: Tips on Writing a Thesis Statement

About the Author

Shandi Stevenson is a teacher, tutor and author whose work has appeared in national and international publications including "Shibboleths," "Homeschooling Today," and "Resort Living." She holds a Bachelor of Arts in literature in English and a Master of Arts in humanities.

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Activities to Teach How to Write A Thesis Statement

If there’s any literacy skill you would want your English Language Arts students to master, it would probably be how to write a thesis statement . If you want to teach your students how to write powerful, eloquent, and exceptionally captivating thesis statements, then you’ll love the activities in this article.

The key to any good essay is a strong thesis statement. A strong thesis statement sets the tone and clarifies the author’s purpose : it tells you the writer’s opinion, along with the level of thought and criticism that has gone into formulating it.

A strong thesis statement also creates an alluring introduction paragraph. This makes each paper in your grading pile a lot more inviting.

How do you teach students to write a thesis statement to make their audience continue reading? This blog post explores six activities to teach how to write a thesis statement.

Activities to Teach How to Write a Thesis Statement in High School

1. Differentiate Between Strong and Weak Thesis Statements

Writing a thesis statement might be a new skill for your students. Thesis statements are often taught as a topic sentence or the “whole essay boiled down into one sentence.” This can be a challenging concept for your students to grasp.

To teach how to write a thesis statement, have a discussion about what makes a strong thesis statement. You can turn this into a collaborative lesson by brainstorming clarifying statements ; these statements dictate what a thesis is and is not.

For example: “ A proper thesis statement is written in one sentence ,” or “ a proper thesis statement is directly related to the rest of the essay .” This is a great opportunity to teach students the difference between concepts like a “topic sentence” or a “hook.”

Your students can use this free bookmark to differentiate between a strong thesis statement and a weak one. This slideshow lesson also explores clarifying statements with detailed examples.

How to scaffold thesis statements: the ultimate guide

2. Evaluate Thesis Statement Examples

Now that students have plenty of guidelines, challenge their understanding by evaluating thesis statement examples . You can use thesis statement examples from past students’ essays. You can even write your own examples based on the clarifying statements you create with your class.

If you’re open to your students receiving constructive, anonymous criticism , you can even have them write a thesis statement and evaluate each one as a class. I’ve had success with providing students with a thesis statement topic and having them write a thesis statement. Then, I prompt them to swap with their elbow partner to offer feedback.

If you’d rather provide a comprehensive list of thesis statements that reflect the common errors you would typically see in students’ essays, there are several student examples in this introductory lesson on how to write a thesis statement – this is one of my favourite activities for teaching thesis statement writing!

Scaffolding How to Write Thesis Statements

3. Provide a Thesis Statement Template

One of the easiest ways to teach how to write a thesis statement is to offer a thesis statement template . There are a variety of thesis statement templates that students can use as a framework for their essays. I start with a basic template that involves the three parts of a thesis statement: a topic, position, and evidence . I then demonstrate to students how they can create variations of this template, depending on which order they introduce each part. You can find examples for each template in these thesis statement handouts .

You can also introduce a few sentence styles to your students. These styles scaffold eloquent thesis statements. They also offer students the space to articulate their thoughts without exceeding the one-sentence limit.

Sentence Styles for the Three Parts of a Thesis Statement

Here are a few sentence styles that incorporate the three parts of a thesis statement. Each style also includes an example written by a real student:

  • Style A : “Noun phrase; Noun phrase; Noun phrase – Independent Clause” Example: “The promotion of hygiene; the presence of medical professionals; the prevention of death – these are all reasons why supervised injection services are an important facet of public health.”
  • Style B : If (subject + verb + object phrase), if (subject + verb + object phrase ), if (subject + verb + object phrase ), then (independent clause) Example: “If taxpayers do not wish to have their money allocated to cruelty, if more than 100 million animals die from animal testing a year, if alternatives to animal testing exist, then governments should ban the practice of testing on animals.”
  • Style C : Independent clause: subject + verb, subject + verb, subject + verb Example: “College education should be entirely funded by the government: student debt would be eliminated, education would not be commodified, and access to education would not be exclusive to privileged people.”

All of these sentence styles are outlined in these practice worksheets for how to write a thesis statement, with writing prompts to reinforce each thesis statement template through repeated practice.

Thesis Statement Templates for Teaching Writing in ELA

4. Daily Practice Activities to Teach How to Write a Thesis Statement

One of the most effective ways to teach how to write a thesis statement is through repeated practice. You can do this by incorporating daily bell ringers into your persuasive writing unit. To assign this activity, I provide students with three topics to choose from. I then prompt them to develop an opinion and write a thesis statement for one.

I’ll also include bell ringers that provide a thesis statement that students need to evaluate. Students really enjoy these drills! They get the opportunity to develop opinions on interesting topics, and many of them choose to explore these ideas as the subject of their final research paper.

If you’re looking for pre-made worksheets with thesis statement activities, these daily thesis statement bell ringers include one month’s worth of thesis statement prompts, graphic organizers, and templates in both digital and ready-to-print format.

5. Use a Self-Assessment Thesis Statement Anchor Chart

You can provide students with a thesis statement anchor chart to reference the guidelines and rules they’ve learned. A personalized anchor chart is best – like this free thesis statement bookmark – so that students can have it on hand while they are reading and writing.

You can distribute the anchor chart at the beginning of your research paper unit. Students can refer to it while evaluating thesis statement examples or completing daily practice activities. A thesis statement anchor chart has been a complete game-changer in my classroom, and I’m pleased to learn that many of my students have held on to these after completing my course.

Teaching thesis statements in high school ELA

6. Provide Engaging Thesis Statement Topics

You can collaborate with your students to generate an engaging list of good topics for thesis statements. Start by writing down every topic that your students suggest. Then, you can narrow this list down to avoid broad, far-reaching thesis statements that lead to a watered-down essay. When I make this list with my students, we end up with topics that are truly engaging for them. I also have the opportunity to clarify which topics might be a little too vague or broad for an exceptional essay.

For example, students often suggest topics like “racism” or “the problem with school.” These are learning opportunities to demonstrate to students that a great thesis statement is the essential starting point for an even greater essay.

To elaborate, a topic like racism has different implications all over the world. It is far too complex to explore in a single, 750-word essay. Instead, we work together to narrow this topic down to something like “racism in the media,” or even better, “representation in Hollywood.”

Additionally, a topic like “the problem with school” is more of a conclusion. To solve this, we work backward to identify some of the aspects of our school that make it an obstacle . This can include uniforms, early starts, or cell phone policies. This process leads students to a more concise topic, like “cell phone policies in twenty-first-century schools.”

If you’re looking for engaging thesis statement topics to inspire your students, I’ve included a list of 75 argumentative essay topics in this practice unit for how to write a thesis statement .

Tying it All Together

There are plenty of fun thesis statement activities and practice lessons that you can incorporate into your curriculum. Give thesis statements the love and attention they deserve in the classroom – after all, they truly are the most important part of a research essay.

All of the worksheets, lessons, and activities explored in this blog post are included in Mondays Made Easy’s unit for teaching how to write a thesis statement . This bundle has everything you need to teach your students how to master their thesis statements and apply these essential literacy skills to their writing.

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Thesis statement facts for kids

In an essay or research paper, a thesis statement is a statement at the start or the end of an introduction that shows the reader the argument of the essay. A thesis statement gives concise information about what the whole essay is about, including the topic of the paper. It is usually just one sentence but it may have more than one sentence. The thesis statement is explained further using body paragraphs. Thesis statements are not obscure, because obscurity happens when a "writer is himself not quite sure of his meaning. He has a vague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated it in his mind, and it is natural enough that he should not find a precise expression for a confused idea.” ( W. Somerset Maugham ). Clarity and unity of a thought in an essay flows from a good thesis statement. Rubrics of a good essay involve good sentence development and formation acceptable to grammatical standards and relevant word choices organized in forms of phrases, clauses and sentences.


The thesis statement is developed, supported, and explained in the course of the paper by means of examples and evidence . Thesis statements help organize and develop the body of the writing piece. They let readers know, what the writer's statement is and what it is aiming to prove. A thesis statement does not necessarily forecast organization of an essay which can be more complex than its purpose.

The thesis statement will reflect the kind of paper being written. There are three kinds of papers: analytical, expository, and argumentative. The structure of a thesis statement depends upon the nature of controlling essay type. In simple terms, first a thesis statement will have a main topic sentence formed from questioning the topic, then the writer's statement regarding the topic sentence, and finally ends with the specific supporting points detailing the writer's statement for justifying its relation with the topic sentence. In general, it should have a supportable opinion (specific/focused) and clear intent for the essay.

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5 Tips for Teaching How to Write A Thesis Statement

5 Tips for Teaching How to Write A Thesis Statement

The first time I had students write a thesis, I assumed they knew how to do it. After all, I learned all about the five-paragraph essay myself in middle school in the same school district. To my disappointment, not a single student knew how to write an adequate thesis statement. I realized it was a skill I was going to have to teach myself. After several papers and many years, here are my tips for teaching how to write a thesis statement. 

Image of students in a classroom writing with text overlay that says,

Tips for Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement #1: Teach Directly

You need a whole lesson around the thesis statement. 

thesis statement for kids

It can be ten minutes or a whole class period with note-taking and an activity. 

But you have to spend some time directly teaching the thesis statement. You can’t expect students–even seniors in high school–to know what a thesis statement is, its purpose, or where it’s supposed to go. 

If you’re teaching an essay writing unit, go ahead and explain the whole essay structure. But make sure you plan some time to specifically touch on the thesis statement and its role. 

Don’t have a thesis-specific lesson? Check out my five-paragraph essay mini-lessons here , which include some thesis-specific slides. 

Tips for Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement #2: Explain The Role of a Thesis

I think it’s easy for students to grasp the concept of a thesis. It states what the essay is going to be about. They can get that.

But I think it’s much harder for students to understand how the thesis also guides and outlines the rest of the essay.  

thesis statement for kids

By the time they’re writing the conclusion statements for their body paragraphs, they’ve forgotten their own thesis and rarely reference it. Instead of letting their thesis dictate the topic of their body paragraphs, they get stuck trying to come up with something new.

Don’t just tell students what a thesis is. Spend some time showing them how the thesis continues to be referenced in every following paragraph. Show them how the ideas presented in their thesis statement will guide the following paragraphs. 

Not sure how? This Unscramble the 5-Paragraph Essay Activity is a great start . Students will have to put the sentences in an essay in order, which can lead to some great discussions about how a strong thesis statement adds clarity to the rest of the essay’s structure.

Tips for Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement #3: Give Students A Framework 

If your students are struggling with writing strong thesis statements, give them a framework. 

I know as teachers, it can get really boring to read “W is true because X, Y, Z.” But the structure does work, and it’s a great place for struggling writers to start. 

If you’ve used other writing frameworks in class (such as claim, evidence, and reasoning or C-E-R ), your students will be familiar with having a structure for their writing. They’ll be familiar with the concept already and a lot more confident producing their own thesis statements. 

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Tips for Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement #4: Provide Lots of Examples

As with teaching all new skills, you can never have enough examples. 

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If your students are writing essays, provide them with examples for the topic they’re covering. But also provide lots of examples for other essay topics.

Give them examples that are both strong and weak, and let them discuss why each is which. 

Let them peer-edit one another’s thesis statements. 

You can do this in a note-taking style lesson, sit and get discussions, or, my personal favorite, a gallery walk. 

If this last idea is interesting to you, check out my Writing Strong Thesis Statements Activity . You’ll place examples of both strong and weak thesis statements around the room. Then, students will have to walk around the room, identifying which statements are strong and which are weak. It’s a great jumping off point for deeper discussions around effective theses. 

Tips for Teaching How to Write a Thesis Statement #5: Give Sentence Starters for More Scaffolding

If your students are still struggling, give them sentence starters. 

Provide students with the thesis statement itself. Leave a blank for their overall argument and their three supporting reasons (if that’s the structure you expect from them). 

Even if your students do alright with writing thesis statements, it might be nice to offer a variety of sentence starters to encourage them to try a new structure for their thesis. 

Image of a student writing with text overlay that says,

Bonus Tip: Teach the Plural Form

This is a little silly, but I thought I would add it. Teach students that the plural of “thesis” is “theses.”

Every time I use the word “theses” in my classroom, students are tickled by it. I’m not sure why they find the plural version so odd, but it’s an interesting tidbit you can casually share with your students during one of your essay-writing lessons.

Image of a student writing with text overlay that says,

Like all good teaching, taking it slow and offering multiple forms of scaffolding is the key to teaching how to write a thesis statement. 

If you’re looking for thesis or general essay-writing resources, check out my 5-Paragraph Essay Writing Resources Bundle!

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  • How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 16, 2024, from

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Teaching 5th Graders How to Write a Thesis Statement

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Our 5th-grade students write a 5 paragraph research paper about their choice of topics related to Ancient Egypt.  Some of my students are writing about Egyptian pyramids, Egyptian Gods, and one has undertaken the task of writing about the role of Egyptian women in religion.  All students are required to write “thin questions,” or questions that can be answered easily and with a fact, to get their minds going and then use their new knowledge to write a “thick question,” or overarching research question from which their thesis will be derived.

I can’t stress enough the importance of modeling how to write a thesis statement.   Model, model, model.   Bring in past students’ work, write your own thesis in front of them, do the thesis statement sheet (available below) with them a few times.  Go slowly for each step.   The idea isn’t getting your students to finish the thesis statement quickly, the idea is for them to learn how to craft their own argument and write it clearly.  

In order to help them through the process of getting from thin question to thick question to thesis I used several sources to develop my own version of “Write a Thesis Statement in 5 Steps.”  I was able to conference with students in small groups to help them look at their thick questions and their notes to develop a “because statement” for each of their papers.  Once they had a “because statement,” students had to prove it using three facts from their notes.  The next step and hardest step was synthesizing the question, the because statement, and the facts to write the thesis that will ultimately drive their body paragraphs and conclusion.

If you would like to use the “Write a Thesis Statement in 5 Steps” sheet, thesis statement in 5 steps .  It is free, but if you do use it please tell me how it went!


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Forming a Thesis Statement

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Forming a Thesis

The whole purpose of writing is to transfer an idea from your head into someone else's. If you can state your idea in a single, clear sentence, your reader can easily grasp it.

Use this simple formula to craft an effective thesis statement (for an essay) or topic sentence (for a paragraph).

Topic (who or what am I writing about? )

+ Focus (what specific thought or feeling do I have about my topic?)


= Thesis Statement (or Topic Sentence)

Here are some examples of the formula in action with different forms of writing.


Antibiotic resistance (topic) creates superbugs through the misuse of modern medicine (focus).

Sex and gender (topic) are related but different, one defined by biology and the other by culture (focus).

Narrative Writing

My hectic senior year of high school (topic) embodied the word overcommitment (focus) .

Your Turn Use the formula to create thesis statements for the following topics. Note: The focus is up to you.

  • Career opportunities
  • Community involvement
  • Generational differences
  • The search for colleges
  • Lasting lessons of high school

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Writing a Thesis Statement

  • By Gay Miller in Writing

January 11, 2021

Free Lesson on Writing a Thesis Statement

Writing a thesis statement is an extremely difficult skill for some students. This post provides step-by-step instructions. Student-friendly language helps students understand the concepts. To learn the rules, students watch a Google Slide presentation. While watching, they complete organizers. The printable organizers may be placed in an interactive notebook. Digital organizers are also provided. They may be housed on Google Drive. Students may use these organizers as reference tools any time they write essays.

So where to begin…

The Teaching Standards

Common Core State Standards do not include the words thesis statements. CCSS state essays should introduce the topic and state an opinion. (Sounds like a thesis statement to me?!?!) Before Common Core, this skill was included in the 6th grade Tennessee Standards. Depending on the level of your students, I recommend including thesis statements beginning in 5th or 6th grades. Find more information on Why Thesis Statements are Important for Kids here.  

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.1.A Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1.A Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.1.A Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

Thesis Statement Google Slides

This lesson includes a Google Slide Presentation that goes over rules and examples. The presentation also includes a section with examples for students to evaluate. Students rate examples as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and discuss why.  All the text in these presentations is editable. Therefore, you can change sentences to topics that interest your students. 

Download these free resources to use with your students.

Foldable Organizers

Grab this free thesis statement mini lesson.

To make learning the information a little easier, three foldable graphic organizers go over the information. These organizers need no cutting. Just print and fold.

For Organizers #1 and #2, check out these 3 versions:

  • Version 1 contains blanks for students to write their own definitions.
  • The next version contains sentences with blank spaces for students to write in keywords.
  • Version 3 is fully completed.

Use the third version as an answer key. Use different versions to differentiate instruction. Give absent students the completed organizer to use as a guide to complete their organizer.

For Organizer #3, students write example thesis statements. Because of this, only one version of the organizer is provided.

Free Lesson on Writing a Thesis Statement

The Content

Organizer 1 – what is a thesis statement.

A thesis statement is the main idea of an essay.

It is often a point you want to argue or support in an essay.

The thesis statement explains to a reader the main idea of the essay and the writer’s opinion on that idea.

 A thesis statement is usually one sentence .

 It is often placed in the introductory paragraph of an essay.

A thesis statement is a claim that could be argued .

The essay will contain evidence and opinions that support the argument.

Organizer 2 – Things Thesis Statements Should Include and Should Avoid

A thesis statement should:

  • contain a topic (main idea of what you are writing about)
  • contain an opinion about the topic (what your attitude is toward the topic)

Subject + Attitude = Thesis

A thesis statement should avoid:

  • the first person (I believe, In my opinion, etc.)
  • unclear language (It seems, etc.)
  • attempting two topics at once – even if they seem related. Pick one and stick with it.
  • just stating a fact – A thesis is something you plan to make an argument about. Facts can’t be argued.

Free Lesson on Writing a Thesis Statement

Organizer 3 – Thesis Statement Examples

  • A thesis statement should not be too broad .

Mountain City is a great place to live.

Better – One reason to live in Mountain City is access to many wonderful places to fish.

2. A thesis statement should not be too wordy .

Some problems with Mountain City Elementary School are that it needs a larger playground, an air-conditioned gym, an auditorium, restrooms connected to each classroom, running water in the classrooms, and a number of other physical changes to the building.

Better – Mountain City Elementary needs several changes to its facility to make it a better school.

3. A thesis statement should not be a title .

Cost of Living

Better – The cost of living in Mountain City is lower than in most other cities in the United States.

4. A thesis statement should not be too general .

Music makes people happy.

Better – Music therapy is useful in relieving stress and other conditions.  

5. A thesis statement should not be a fact .

The average temperature for Mountain City in winter is 34 and in summer is 75 degrees.

Better – The climate in Mountain City is ideal for outdoor sports.

Important Update

If you are looking for original organizers, don’t worry. They’re still here. I know how frustrating it can be to follow a link from Pinterest, only to not find what you are looking for. Because of this, I included the original organizers in the download.

These organizers contain the exact same information as the new. The difference is they require more time to assemble. A link to the original PowerPoint is also included in the download.

Original Thesis Statement Organizers

More Activities

  • Provide a topic. Tell students to write a  thesis statement on the topic. Collect the sentences. Read these aloud and have students evaluate them.
  • Provide thesis statements. Students use different color highlighters to show the parts: subject + attitude.
  • Anchor Chart
  • Word Map with Facts

  • Writing Strategies

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' src=

  • Theresa on January 25, 2015 at 12:20 pm

BRILLIANT! I will use this for my freshmen who have a tendency to “forget” what the thesis IS and IS NOT!

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  • anis on June 16, 2015 at 1:32 pm

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  • sarah egger on September 9, 2015 at 9:02 am

This is wonderful, thanks so much for sharing. I gave it to my fellow English teachers and we all use it and we are raving about how much the students enjoy it and learn from it.

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  • Beverly on September 9, 2015 at 9:31 am

Thank you so much.

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  • Louise on October 22, 2015 at 9:31 pm

This is so helpful. Thanks for sharing with us.

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  • ENRIQUE GUZMÁN CH on November 22, 2015 at 6:22 am

Hi. I´m from Colombia. Thanks a lot for everything.

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  • Pat on September 26, 2016 at 12:14 am

Thanks for sharing!

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  • student on September 29, 2016 at 5:25 am

Everything is very open with a really clear description.

It was definitely informative. Your website is very useful. Many thanks for sharing!

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  • Thesis Generator on January 27, 2017 at 12:30 pm

Most thesis statements are one sentence (Unless you have a really long paper) but if you need to add more info use a semi colon or a coordinating conjunction to add more.

' src=

  • Homeschool Teacher/Mom on March 22, 2017 at 12:22 pm

Thank you so much! This was very helpful!!

Comments have been disabled.

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© 2024 Book Units Teacher.

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Reading Worksheets, Spelling, Grammar, Comprehension, Lesson Plans

How to Write a Thesis Statement

About this worksheet:.

Practice developing thesis statements with this writing introduction worksheet! Students will learn how to improve their writing with a strong, attention grabbing thesis statement. This activity helps build writing skills by asking students to create a statement for the topics provided, such as: “What was the greatest challenge in your life?”.

How to Write a Thesis Sentence Activity

New Product! Create Academic and Professional Success with “Academic Vocabulary”!

Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay Writing Curriculum Logo

Why Thesis Statements Are Important for Kids


Should you teach thesis statements? If so, in what grade should you teach thesis statements? Hey, are thesis statements even important?

Most people don’t really understand what a thesis statement is, and even the people who do understand what a thesis statement is don’t really understand why it is important. Until a few years ago, I didn’t really get them. I didn’t think they were important. I always thought a thesis statement was just a word that English majors liked to use.

When getting my teaching credential I did get straight A’s, and I can honestly say that I never once thought about the term thesis statement . When getting my undergraduate degree, getting good grades was just one of my many interests, so I am quite sure that I cared even less about thesis statements back then. Don’t worry—I did just fine. So, how important are thesis statements if all of this is possible? Do thesis statements really help create good writing? Are thesis statements really an essential element of good writing?

Do We Really Need to Teach Thesis Statements in Elementary School and Middle School?

The California State Writing Standards for 5th grade states this:

Grade 5 Writing Strategies 1.0 – Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays.

Technically, and by definition, an essay has a thesis statement. Okay, so thesis statements may be important. However, when elementary and middle school students are struggling with paragraphs and grammar, thesis statements can SEEM quite unimportant.

In fact, when one considers Piaget’s constructivist learning theory , thesis statements can seem like a waste of time for students who still struggle with a variety of simple writing concepts. Do you want to spend valuable class time teaching students concepts that may not help them just yet? And surely you don’t want students to become so overwhelmed with writing that they think, “Okay, I admit it—I don’t understand writing… and I never will.” Thesis statements can have that effect. So should you or shouldn’t you teach them?

THESIS THINKING: The Real Reason Thesis Statements are Important

What I have now come to see is that you can use thesis statements as a tool for achieving many different writing and reading comprehension results.

Thesis statements have become a coat rack on which I hang many concepts. I’ve come to the conclusion that the most important thing about thesis statements is the THESIS THINKING that goes along with them.

John Truby, a screenwriting teacher, had this to say about story premises. The way he uses the term premise is what I have learned to teach my students about thesis statements.

The very first step in creating a good script is to figure out a great premise. Your premise is your story stated in a single line. It’s probably the most important element in any script, because if it’s not a good premise, there is very little that you can do to make the overall script work—make the overall script something that people will want to read. So it’s very important that you start with a good core idea. –– John Truby –– Screenwriting Teacher

Thesis is very closely related to premise. Let’s substitute thesis for premise and essay for script and see how it reads.

The very first step in creating a good essay is to figure out a great thesis. Your thesis is your essay stated in a single line. It’s probably the most important element in any essay, because if it’s not a good thesis, there is very little that you can do to make the overall essay work—make the overall essay something that people will want to read. So it’s very important that you start with a good core idea.

Put simply, THESIS THINKING is important in all kinds of writing. THESIS THINKING also helps with reading comprehension. In fact, thesis statements and THESIS THINKING help students in all these areas:

•     Write powerful topic sentences that put forth important main ideas. •     Find main ideas in text. •     Write whole compositions with a purpose. •     Master the different modes of writing. •     Summarize a text. •     Narrow or broaden a topic. •     Develop clear and concise thinking and clear and concise writing. •     Understand the purpose behind each of the different types of essays. •     Write and read stories that contain a larger meaning and that communicate a larger message—i.e., stories that have a premise. •     And many more!

Back to Piaget—Do Students Really Need to Understand Thesis Statements?

Beginning writers and struggling writers do need to understand thesis statements. However, they are not going to really understand them until they master a variety of foundational skills—skills that will make the concept of thesis statements have real meaning. Piaget certainly would not approve of demanding that students include thesis statements when students don’t understand the following basic concepts and when students don’t possess the following foundational writing skills:

Writing Foundation A: Students must understand and internalize two levels of beginning, middle, and ending:

1.     Beginning, middle, and ending in paragraphs. 2.     Beginning, middle, and ending in whole compositions.

Writing Foundation B: Students must be able to write basic whole compositions (essays, reports, narratives etc.) quickly and easily. They must own a method for breaking down writing topics and writing prompts and for organizing their thoughts. They must have a method for getting to work and finishing their work.

Writing Foundation C: Students must be in complete control over the paragraph and how paragraphs connect together within an essay. Students must also to be in complete control over the relationship that paragraphs have with the introduction and conclusion.

Parts to Whole: Create a True Foundation for Thesis Statements

As discussed before, thesis statements are, in one sense, the entire essay stated in a single sentence. The thesis statement represents the whole .

Unfortunately, students are taught parts—parts, parts, parts.  Students learn that they must be able to write just one good sentence—then just one good paragraph. Then all of a sudden, completely out of the blue, some teacher jumps to the top-down approach. This teacher starts with the whole—i.e., thesis statements.

Students learn parts—and then students learn wholes. But they never have the entire process constructed for them in a way that makes sense. Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the foundation that makes sense. You will create Writing Foundation A, B, and C, all of them, quickly and easily.

One homeschooling parent had this to say when she found the Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay program:

A kind lady on this board put me on the trail of a writing program that I downloaded last night and I think it is revolutionary – I finally ‘get’ it.

A 7th grade teacher had this to say:

I was describing it to a colleague a little while ago as, ‘the basics made clearer.’  I have taught many of these ideas but not as an organized structure. I had no formal way of getting the ideas to be part of my students’ natural writing process. Thank you for this opportunity to enjoy teaching my students writing.

Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay is the only writing program I know of that is truly constructivist parts-to-whole essay teaching. That’s why it works! That’s why it makes sense to students, parents, and teachers! If you teach elementary school, or if you have a few struggling middle school writers, be sure to take a serious look at the program on the homepage!

The fastest, most effective way to teach clear, organized paragraph and multi-paragraph writing… Guaranteed!

Create academic or professional success today by improving your critical thinking, logical arguments, and effective communication.

eBook Cover for Academic Vocabulary for Critical Thinking, Logical Arguments, and Effective Communication Curriculum

Storyboard That

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Thesis Statement Worksheet Templates

Customize thesis statement templates.

Yellow Umbrella Themed Thesis Statement Template

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!

Thesis Outlines | Thesis Statement Organizers

What is a Thesis Statement?

In academic writing, a thesis statement is the central idea, claim, or argument that guides the entire paper. Knowing how to write a one is essential for creating strong and coherent papers that convey your message effectively. However, crafting an effective statement is not easy and can be a daunting task for many writers, regardless of the subject. Our templates provide a structured framework for students to create well-crafted thesis statements that meet the requirements of academic writing.

What is a Thesis Statement Worksheet?

Our worksheets help plan for any essay or paper. Students can use a specific (enumerative) thesis statement or an umbrella thesis statement to plan out the primary idea of their essay and practice writing effective ideas. Academic writing often requires a strong statement that sets the tone and purpose of the work.

Why Are These Graphic Organizers Important and How Are They Best Used?

Thesis statements are the bedrock for any paper, debate, or other writing assignment. It is used to guide the writing and keep ideas focused on proving that statement true with relevant evidence. Students often have a difficult time getting started, so these templates can help guide them as they craft one to guide their writing. By using a template, learners can structure their thoughts and ideas to create something that is clear, concise, and effective. Outlines provide a framework for writers to understand the different types, generate ideas, and effectively communicate their message. Additionally, graphic organizers offer a visual way to organize ideas, making the process of writing more accessible for learners.

There are different types of worksheets that are designed for different purposes and levels of writing proficiency. Some worksheets may be geared towards helping students develop a basic understanding of how to get started, while others may be more advanced and focused on refining and strengthening existing pieces of writing. Having different templates gives students a choice on which is most useful for their task.

Other Useful Tips for Creating Successful/Useful Thesis Statements Organizer Worksheets

Using worksheet templates can be a powerful tool for helping kids craft strong and effective writing. By providing a structured framework for organizing ideas, learners can better understand the key elements and how to write one effectively. A graphic organizer example can help learners understand the different categories, such as argumentative, analytical, or expository, and how to write a something that fits within these categories.

Graphic organizer examples offer visual representations for parts such as the topic, argument, and main points. This approach can be particularly useful for visual learners who may struggle with written instructions. Templates also allow for differentiation of instruction for learners with different skill levels. For example, some templates may be more structured for learners who are just beginning to learn this type of writing, while others may allow for more flexibility and creativity for more advanced learners.

Using a template can also help learners to better understand the purpose of what they are writing. By breaking down the different components, learners have the space to see how their thesis statement relates to the broader context of their paper and how it guides the reader towards their argument or main point. Overall, worksheet templates can be an effective way to support learners with different learning styles and skill levels and help them to master the art of writing a strong and effective thesis statement.

How to Make A Good Thesis Statement

While a worksheet can be a helpful tool for developing your writing skills, it is not a substitute for careful reading, research, and critical thinking. When using a planning worksheet, it is important to carefully read and follow the instructions and prompts provided. Pay attention to the specific requirements of the assignment, such as the length and format of the thesis statement, as well as the audience and purpose of the writing. Be prepared to revise and refine as needed, based on feedback from your instructor or other readers.

Planning templates are effective by guiding writers through a series of prompts or questions that help them develop a clear and focused argument for their writing assignment. Typically, the worksheet will begin by asking the student to identify the topic of their paper and narrow it down to a specific focus.

The prompts may then ask the student to consider different aspects of their argument, such as the key points they want to make, the evidence they will use to support their claims, and the counterarguments or objections they may need to address. Some worksheets may also provide examples and offer tips for crafting a strong and persuasive argument.

As the student works through the prompts, they will begin to develop a more refined and focused statement that effectively communicates the main argument of their paper. They may also receive feedback or suggestions for improvement from their instructor or peers, which they can use to revise and refine further.

Graphic Organizer Worksheets

Tips to consider when making your worksheet:

  • Define the purpose and goals of the worksheet. Determine what specific skills or concepts you want your students to develop and what types of writing assignments they will be working on.
  • Choose appropriate prompts or questions. Develop a series of prompts or questions that guide learners through the process of developing a clear and focused thesis statement. The prompts should be clear, concise, and relevant to the specific writing assignment.
  • Provide examples and feedback. Offer examples and provide feedback and suggestions for improvement to help students refine their writing skills.
  • Consider the needs of different learners. Be sure to consider the needs of different types of learners, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners, and include a variety of activities and strategies to engage all learners.
  • Test and revise the worksheet. Try out the worksheet with a small group and gather feedback to identify any areas that may need to be revised or clarified.
  • Provide instruction and support. Introduce the worksheet to your class and provide clear instructions and support as they work through the prompts and activities.
  • Monitor progress and provide feedback. Monitor progress and provide ongoing feedback and support to help develop writing skills.

Free Thesis Statement Worksheets With Storyboard That

Storyboard That is not just a classroom label maker, it's also a versatile tool that can be used as a thesis statement generator free or even to create various educational resources. With the thesis statement maker, you can easily create templates that guide students in crafting strong and clear thesis statements. Simply choose a template and click on the elements to customize them according to your needs. Once done, you can save the worksheet and either print it right away or keep it in your storyboard library for later use. Whether you need to create free thesis statement worksheets, a specific type of thesis statement, or a general guide to writing thesis statements, Storyboard That's thesis statement creator can help simplify the process and provide a clear and structured framework for kids to follow.

How to Make a Thesis Statement Worksheet

Choose one of the premade templates.

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!

Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.

Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.

Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific questions and images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!

Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished with your worksheet, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

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Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions about Thesis Statements

Do i need a worksheet to figure out how to write a thesis statement.

While you don't necessarily need a worksheet to write a thesis statement, a worksheet can help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your thesis statement is strong and effective. Worksheets can provide prompts, examples, and feedback to guide you through the process of how to create a thesis statement that works. They can also help students to work through various examples of both strong and weak thesis statements, and help develop their ability to recognize the characteristics of effective thesis statements, such as clarity, specificity, and a clear argumentative focus. Additionally, the exercises facilitated by the worksheets can help students understand how to develop a thesis statement that effectively guides their writing and provides a strong foundation for their argument. Through the use of example exercises worksheets, students can improve their critical thinking skills and gain confidence in their ability to craft a strong thesis statement.

What is an umbrella thesis statement?

An umbrella thesis statement is a broad statement that encompasses the main point of a paper without providing specific details or evidence. It is called an "umbrella" because it covers a large topic or issue that can be broken down into smaller subtopics for further exploration. An example of an umbrella thesis statement is "The impact of technology on society." Umbrella thesis examples can be an effective tool for teaching students about the importance of clarity and specificity in thesis statements. By using umbrella thesis examples, students can see how a broad topic can be narrowed down into a specific statement that provides a clear direction for the paper. This can help students understand how to craft a thesis statement that is both focused and specific, while still allowing for flexibility in their argument.

How do the worksheets help me to figure out how to make a thesis statement?

Thesis statement exercises worksheets are meant to help students to organize their thoughts and ideas before they begin to write a thesis statement. Worksheets help by providing clear and concise prompts, examples, and support, and helps students to understand the key components of a strong thesis statement and to develop their own unique ideas and arguments. Through the use of a worksheet, students are able to refine their ideas and ensure that their thesis statement accurately reflects the content of their essay or research paper. Ultimately, the worksheet serves as a valuable guide that helps students to write a clear and effective thesis statement.

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The Writing Center of Princeton

How to Write a Thesis Statement in Four Easy Steps

Everyone knows that a good thesis statement is clear, specific, and focused. It draws the reader’s attention to your topic and announces your perspective on the topic.

But while teachers often tell you what to put in your thesis statement, they don’t always tell you how to write a thesis statement. The four steps below will show you how to write thesis statements quickly and effectively.

thesis statement for kids


How to Write a Thesis Statement: Thesis statement examples

  • Thesis Construction

Thesis statement examples

  • Thesis Websites



  • Vaccinations  Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.
  • Educational Resources for Low-Income Students  Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the school year.
  • School Uniforms  School uniforms may be an upfront cost for families, but they eradicate the visual differences in income between students and provide a more egalitarian atmosphere at school.
  • Populism  The rise in populism on the 2016 political stage was in reaction to increasing globalization, the decline of manufacturing jobs, and the Syrian refugee crisis.
  • Cyber Bullying  With more and more teens using smartphones and social media, cyber bullying is on the rise. Cyber bullying puts a lot of stress on many teens, and can cause depression, anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts. Parents should limit the usage of smart phones, monitor their children's online activity, and report any cyber bullying to school officials in order to combat this problem.
  • Medical Marijuana for Veterans  Studies have shown that the use of medicinal marijuana has been helpful to veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Medicinal marijuana prescriptions should be legal in all states and provided to these veterans. Additional medical or therapy services should also be researched and implemented in order to help them re-integrate back into civilian life.
  • Work-Life Balance  Corporations should provide more work from home opportunities and six-hour workdays so that office workers have a better work-life balance and are more likely to be productive when they are in the office.
  • Teaching Youths about Consensual Sex  Although sex education that includes a discussion of consensual sex would likely lead to less sexual assault, parents need to teach their children the meaning of consent from a young age with age appropriate lessons.
  • Studying Abroad  Studying abroad is one of the most culturally valuable experiences you can have in college. It is the only way to get completely immersed in another language and learn how other cultures and countries are different from your own.
  • Women's Body Image  Magazines have done a lot in the last five years to include a more diverse group of models, but there is still a long way to go to promote a healthy woman's body image collectively as a culture.
  • Cigarette Tax  Heavily taxing and increasing the price of cigarettes is essentially a tax on the poorest Americans, and it doesn't deter them from purchasing. Instead, the state and federal governments should target those economically disenfranchised with early education about the dangers of smoking.
  • Veganism  A vegan diet, while a healthy and ethical way to consume food, indicates a position of privilege. It also limits you to other cultural food experiences if you travel around the world.
  • Women in the Workforce  Sheryl Sandberg makes a lot of interesting points in her best-selling book,  Lean In , but she only addressed the very privileged working woman and failed to speak to those in lower-skilled, lower-wage jobs.
  • Assisted Suicide  Assisted suicide should be legal and doctors should have the ability to make sure their patients have the end-of-life care that they want to receive.
  • Celebrity and Political Activism  Although Taylor Swift's lyrics are indicative of a feminist perspective, she should be more politically active and vocal to use her position of power for the betterment of society.
  • The Civil War  The insistence from many Southerners that the South seceded from the Union for states' rights versus the fact that they seceded for the purposes of continuing slavery is a harmful myth that still affects race relations today.
  • Diversity in the Workforce  Having a diverse group of people in an office setting leads to richer ideas, more cooperation, and more empathy between people with different skin colors or backgrounds.
  • Re-Imagining the Nuclear Family  The nuclear family was traditionally defined as one mother, one father, and 2.5 children. This outdated depiction of family life doesn't quite fit with modern society. The definition of normal family life shouldn't be limited to two-parent households.
  • Digital Literacy Skills  With more information readily available than ever before, it's crucial that students are prepared to examine the material they're reading and determine whether or not it's a good source or if it has misleading information. Teaching students digital literacy and helping them to understand the difference between opinion or propaganda from legitimate, real information is integral.
  • Beauty Pageants  Beauty pageants are presented with the angle that they empower women. However, putting women in a swimsuit on a stage while simultaneously judging them on how well they answer an impossible question in a short period of time is cruel and purely for the amusement of men. Therefore, we should stop televising beauty pageants.
  • Supporting More Women to Run for a Political Position  In order to get more women into political positions, more women must run for office. There must be a grassroots effort to educate women on how to run for office, who among them should run, and support for a future candidate for getting started on a political career.

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Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

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Hypothesis For Kids

Ai generator.

thesis statement for kids

Crafting a hypothesis isn’t just for scientists in white lab coats; even young budding researchers can join in the fun! When kids learn to frame their curious wonders as hypothesis statements, they pave the way for exciting discoveries. Our guide breaks down the world of hypothesis writing into kid-friendly chunks, complete with relatable thesis statement examples and easy-to-follow tips. Dive in to spark a love for inquiry and nurture young scientific minds!

What is an example of a Hypothesis for Kids?

Question: Do plants grow taller when they are watered with coffee instead of water?

Hypothesis: If I water a plant with coffee instead of water, then the plant will not grow as tall because coffee might have substances that aren’t good for plants.

This hypothesis is based on a simple observation or question a child might have, and it predicts a specific outcome (the plant not growing as tall) due to a specific condition (being watered with coffee). It’s presented in simple language suitable for kids.

100 Kids Hypothesis Statement Examples

Kids Hypothesis Statement Examples

Size: 170 KB

Children’s innate curiosity lays the foundation for numerous questions about the world around them. Framing these questions as good hypothesis statements can transform them into exciting learning experiments. Presented below are relatable and straightforward examples crafted especially for young minds, offering them a structured way to articulate their wonders and predictions.

  • Sunlight & Plant Growth : If a plant gets more sunlight, then it will grow taller.
  • Sugary Drinks & Tooth Decay : Drinking sugary drinks daily will lead to faster tooth decay.
  • Chocolates & Energy : Eating chocolate will make me feel more energetic.
  • Moon Phases & Sleep : I’ll sleep more during a full moon night.
  • Homework & Weekend Moods : If I finish my homework on Friday, I’ll be happier over the weekend.
  • Pets & Happiness : Owning a pet will make a child happier.
  • Rain & Worms : Worms come out more after it rains.
  • Shadows & Time of Day : Shadows are longer in the evening than at noon.
  • Snow & School Holidays : More snow means there’s a better chance of school being canceled.
  • Ice Cream & Brain Freeze : Eating ice cream too fast will give me a brain freeze.
  • Video Games & Dreams : Playing video games before bed might make my dreams more vivid.
  • Green Vegetables & Strength : Eating more green vegetables will make me stronger.
  • Bicycles & Balance : The more I practice, the better I’ll get at riding my bike without training wheels.
  • Stars & Wishes : If I wish on the first star I see at night, my wish might come true.
  • Cartoons & Laughing : Watching my favorite cartoon will always make me laugh.
  • Soda & Bone Health : Drinking soda every day will make my bones weaker.
  • Beach Visits & Sunburn : If I don’t wear sunscreen at the beach, I’ll get sunburned.
  • Loud Noises & Pet Behavior : My cat hides when she hears loud noises.
  • Bedtime & Morning Energy : Going to bed early will make me feel more energetic in the morning.
  • Healthy Snacks & Hunger : Eating a healthy snack will keep me full for longer. …
  • Toys & Sharing : The more toys I have, the more I want to share with my friends.
  • Homemade Cookies & Taste : Homemade cookies always taste better than store-bought ones.
  • Books & Imagination : The more books I read, the more adventures I can imagine.
  • Jumping & Height : The more I practice, the higher I can jump.
  • Singing & Mood : Singing my favorite song always makes me happy.
  • Snowmen & Temperature : If the temperature rises, my snowman will melt faster.
  • Costumes & Play : Wearing a costume will make playtime more fun.
  • Gardening & Patience : Waiting for my plants to grow teaches me patience.
  • Night Lights & Sleep : Having a night light makes it easier for me to sleep.
  • Handwriting & Practice : The more I practice, the better my handwriting will become.
  • Painting & Creativity : Using more colors in my painting lets me express my creativity better.
  • Puzzles & Problem Solving : The more puzzles I solve, the better I become at problem-solving.
  • Dancing & Coordination : The more I dance, the more coordinated I will become.
  • Stargazing & Constellations : If I stargaze every night, I’ll recognize more constellations.
  • Bird Watching & Species Knowledge : The more I watch birds, the more species I can identify.
  • Cooking & Skill : If I help in the kitchen often, I’ll become a better cook.
  • Swimming & Confidence : The more I swim, the more confident I become in the water.
  • Trees & Birds’ Nests : The taller the tree, the more likely it is to have birds’ nests.
  • Roller Skating & Balance : If I roller skate every weekend, I’ll improve my balance.
  • Drawing & Observation : The more I draw, the better I become at observing details.
  • Sandcastles & Water : If I use wet sand, I can build a stronger sandcastle.
  • Hiking & Endurance : The more I hike, the farther I can walk without getting tired.
  • Camping & Outdoor Skills : If I go camping often, I’ll learn more about surviving outdoors.
  • Magic Tricks & Practice : The more I practice a magic trick, the better I’ll get at performing it.
  • Stickers & Collection : If I collect stickers, my album will become more colorful.
  • Board Games & Strategy : The more board games I play, the better strategist I’ll become.
  • Pets & Responsibility : The more I take care of my pet, the more responsible I become.
  • Music & Concentration : Listening to calm music while studying will help me concentrate better.
  • Photographs & Memories : The more photos I take, the more memories I can preserve.
  • Rainbows & Rain : If it rains while the sun is out, I might see a rainbow.
  • Museums & Knowledge : Every time I visit a museum, I learn something new.
  • Fruits & Health : Eating more fruits will keep me healthier.
  • Stories & Vocabulary : The more stories I listen to, the more new words I learn.
  • Trees & Fresh Air : The more trees there are in a park, the fresher the air will be.
  • Diary & Feelings : Writing in my diary helps me understand my feelings better.
  • Planets & Telescopes : If I look through a telescope, I’ll see more planets clearly.
  • Crafting & Creativity : The more crafts I make, the more creative I become.
  • Snowflakes & Patterns : Every snowflake has a unique pattern.
  • Jokes & Laughter : The funnier the joke, the louder I’ll laugh.
  • Riddles & Thinking : Solving riddles makes me think harder.
  • Nature Walks & Observations : The quieter I am on a nature walk, the more animals I’ll spot.
  • Building Blocks & Structures : The more blocks I use, the taller my tower will be.
  • Kites & Wind : If there’s more wind, my kite will fly higher.
  • Popcorn & Movie Nights : Watching a movie with popcorn makes it more enjoyable.
  • Stars & Wishes : If I see a shooting star, I should make a wish.
  • Diets & Energy : Eating a balanced diet gives me more energy for playtime.
  • Clay & Sculptures : The more I play with clay, the better my sculptures will be.
  • Insects & Magnifying Glass : Using a magnifying glass will let me see more details of tiny insects.
  • Aquarium Visits & Marine Knowledge : Every time I visit the aquarium, I discover a new marine creature.
  • Yoga & Flexibility : If I practice yoga daily, I’ll become more flexible.
  • Toothpaste & Bubbles : The more toothpaste I use, the more bubbles I’ll get while brushing.
  • Journals & Memories : Writing in my journal every day helps me remember special moments.
  • Piggy Banks & Savings : The more coins I save, the heavier my piggy bank will get.
  • Baking & Measurements : If I measure ingredients accurately, my cake will turn out better.
  • Coloring Books & Art Skills : The more I color, the better I get at staying inside the lines.
  • Picnics & Outdoor Fun : Having a picnic makes a sunny day even more enjoyable.
  • Recycling & Environment : The more I recycle, the cleaner my environment will be.
  • Treasure Hunts & Discoveries : Every treasure hunt has a new discovery waiting.
  • Milk & Bone Health : Drinking milk daily will make my bones stronger.
  • Puppet Shows & Stories : The more puppet shows I watch, the more stories I learn.
  • Field Trips & Learning : Every field trip to a new place teaches me something different.
  • Chores & Responsibility : The more chores I do, the more responsible I feel.
  • Fishing & Patience : Fishing teaches me to be patient while waiting for a catch.
  • Fairy Tales & Imagination : Listening to fairy tales expands my imagination.
  • Homemade Pizza & Toppings : The more toppings I add, the tastier my homemade pizza will be.
  • Gardens & Butterflies : If I plant more flowers, I’ll see more butterflies in my garden.
  • Raincoats & Puddles : Wearing a raincoat lets me jump in puddles without getting wet.
  • Gymnastics & Balance : The more I practice gymnastics, the better my balance will be.
  • Origami & Craft Skills : The more origami I fold, the better my craft skills become.
  • Basketball & Shooting Skills : The more I practice, the better I get at shooting baskets.
  • Fireflies & Night Beauty : Catching fireflies makes summer nights magical.
  • Books & Knowledge : The more books I read, the smarter I become.
  • Pillows & Forts : With more pillows, I can build a bigger fort.
  • Lemonade & Summers : Drinking lemonade makes hot summer days refreshing.
  • Bicycles & Balance : The more I practice, the better I get at riding my bike without training wheels.
  • Pencils & Drawings : If I have colored pencils, my drawings will be more colorful.
  • Ice Cream & Happiness : Eating ice cream always makes me happy.
  • Beach Visits & Shell Collections : Every time I visit the beach, I find new shells for my collection.
  • Jump Ropes & Fitness : The more I jump rope, the fitter I become.
  • Tea Parties & Imagination : Hosting tea parties lets my imagination run wild.

Simple Hypothesis Statement Examples for Kids

Simple hypothesis are straightforward predictions that can be tested easily. They help children understand the relationship between two variables. Here are some examples tailored just for kids.

  • Plants & Sunlight : Plants placed near the window will grow taller than those in the dark.
  • Chocolates & Happiness : Eating chocolates can make kids feel happier.
  • Rain & Puddles : The more it rains, the bigger the puddles become.
  • Homework & Learning : Doing homework helps kids understand lessons better.
  • Toys & Sharing : Sharing toys with friends makes playtime more fun.
  • Pets & Care : Taking care of a pet fish helps it live longer.
  • Storytime & Sleep : Listening to a bedtime story helps kids sleep faster.
  • Brushing & Cavity : Brushing teeth daily prevents cavities.
  • Games & Skill : Playing a new game every day improves problem-solving skills.
  • Baking & Patience : Waiting for cookies to bake teaches patience.

Hypothesis Statement Examples for Kids Psychology

Child psychology hypothesis delves into how kids think, behave, and process emotions. These hypotheses help understand the psychological aspects of children’s behaviors.

  • Emotions & Colors : Kids might feel calm when surrounded by blue and energetic with red.
  • Friendship & Self-esteem : Making friends can boost a child’s self-confidence.
  • Learning Styles & Memory : Some kids remember better by seeing, while others by doing.
  • Play & Development : Pretend play is crucial for cognitive development.
  • Rewards & Motivation : Giving small rewards can motivate kids to finish tasks.
  • Music & Mood : Listening to soft music can calm a child’s anxiety.
  • Sibling Bonds & Sharing : Having siblings can influence a child’s willingness to share.
  • Feedback & Performance : Positive feedback can improve a kid’s academic performance.
  • Outdoor Play & Attention Span : Playing outside can help kids concentrate better in class.
  • Dreams & Reality : Kids sometimes can’t differentiate between dreams and reality.

Hypothesis Examples in Kid Friendly Words

Phrasing hypothesis in simple words makes it relatable and easier for kids to grasp. Here are examples with kid-friendly language.

  • Socks & Warmth : Wearing socks will keep my toes toasty.
  • Jumping & Energy : The more I jump, the more energy I feel.
  • Sandcastles & Water : A little water makes my sandcastle stand tall.
  • Stickers & Smiles : Getting a sticker makes my day shine brighter.
  • Rainbows & Rain : After the rain, I might see a rainbow.
  • Slides & Speed : The taller the slide, the faster I go.
  • Hugs & Love : Giving hugs makes me and my friends feel loved.
  • Stars & Counting : The darker it is, the more stars I can count.
  • Paint & Mess : The more paint I use, the messier it gets.
  • Bubbles & Wind : If I blow my bubble wand, the wind will carry them high.

Hypothesis Statement Examples for Kids in Research

Even in a research setting, research hypothesis should be age-appropriate for kids. These examples focus on concepts children might encounter in structured studies.

  • Reading & Vocabulary : Kids who read daily might have a richer vocabulary.
  • Games & Math Skills : Playing number games can improve math skills.
  • Experiments & Curiosity : Conducting science experiments can make kids more curious.
  • Doodles & Creativity : Drawing daily might enhance a child’s creativity.
  • Learning Methods & Retention : Kids who learn with visuals might remember lessons better.
  • Discussions & Understanding : Talking about a topic can deepen understanding.
  • Observation & Knowledge : Observing nature can increase a kid’s knowledge about the environment.
  • Puzzles & Cognitive Skills : Solving puzzles regularly might enhance logical thinking.
  • Music & Rhythmic Abilities : Kids who practice music might develop better rhythm skills.
  • Teamwork & Social Skills : Group projects can boost a child’s social skills.

Hypothesis Statement Examples for Kids Science Fair

Science fairs are a chance for kids to delve into the world of experiments and observations. Here are hypotheses suitable for these events.

  • Magnet & Metals : Certain metals will be attracted to a magnet.
  • Plants & Colored Light : Plants might grow differently under blue and red lights.
  • Eggs & Vinegar : An egg in vinegar might become bouncy.
  • Solar Panels & Sunlight : Solar panels will generate more power on sunny days.
  • Volcanoes & Eruptions : Mixing baking soda and vinegar will make a mini eruption.
  • Mirrors & Reflection : Shiny surfaces can reflect light better than dull ones.
  • Battery & Energy : Fresh batteries will make a toy run faster.
  • Density & Floating : Objects with lower density will float in water.
  • Shadows & Light Source : Moving the light source will change the shadow’s direction.
  • Freezing & States : Water turns solid when kept in the freezer.

Hypothesis Statement Examples for Science Experiments

Experiments let kids test out their predictions in real-time. Here are hypotheses crafted for various scientific tests.

  • Salt & Boiling Point : Adding salt will make water boil at a higher temperature.
  • Plants & Music : Playing music might affect a plant’s growth rate.
  • Rust & Moisture : Metals kept in a moist environment will rust faster.
  • Candles & Oxygen : A candle will burn out faster in an enclosed jar.
  • Fruits & Browning : Lemon juice can prevent cut fruits from browning.
  • Yeast & Sugar : Adding sugar will make yeast activate more vigorously.
  • Density & Layers : Different liquids will form layers based on their density.
  • Acids & Bases : Red cabbage juice will change color in acids and bases.
  • Soil Types & Water : Sandy soil will drain water faster than clay.
  • Thermometers & Temperatures : Thermometers will show higher readings in the sun.

Hypothesis Statement Examples for Kids At Home

These hypotheses are crafted for experiments and observations kids can easily make at home, using everyday items.

  • Chores & Time : Setting a timer will make me finish my chores faster.
  • Pets & Behavior : My cat sleeps more during the day than at night.
  • Recycling & Environment : Recycling more can reduce the trash in my home.
  • Cooking & Tastes : Adding spices will change the taste of my food.
  • Family Time & Bonding : Playing board games strengthens our family bond.
  • Cleaning & Organization : Organizing my toys daily will keep my room tidier.
  • Watering & Plant Health : Watering my plant regularly will keep its leaves green.
  • Decor & Mood : Changing the room decor can influence my mood.
  • Journals & Memories : Writing in my journal daily will help me remember fun events.
  • Photos & Growth : Taking monthly photos will show how much I’ve grown.

How do you write a hypothesis for kids? – A Step by Step Guide

Step 1: Start with Curiosity Begin with a question that your child is curious about. This could be something simple, like “Why is the sky blue?” or “Do plants need sunlight to grow?”

Step 2: Observe and Research Before formulating the hypothesis, encourage your child to observe the world around them. If possible, read or watch videos about the topic to gather information. The idea is to get a general understanding of the subject.

Step 3: Keep it Simple For kids, it’s essential to keep the hypothesis straightforward and concise. Use language that is easy to understand and relatable to their age.

Step 4: Make a Predictable Statement Help your child frame their hypothesis as an “If… then…” statement. For example, “If I water a plant every day, then it will grow taller.”

Step 5: Ensure Testability Ensure that the hypothesis can be tested using simple experiments or observations. It should be something they can prove or disprove through hands-on activities.

Step 6: Avoid Certainty Teach kids that a hypothesis is not a definitive statement of fact but rather a best guess based on what they know. It’s okay if the hypothesis turns out to be wrong; the learning process is more important.

Step 7: Review and Refine After forming the initial hypothesis, review it with your child. Discuss if it can be made simpler or clearer. Refinement aids in better understanding and testing.

Step 8: Test the Hypothesis This is the fun part! Plan an experiment or set of observations to test the hypothesis. Whether the hypothesis is proven correct or not, the experience provides a learning opportunity.

Tips for Writing Hypothesis for Kids

  • Encourage Curiosity : Always encourage your child to ask questions about the world around them. It’s the first step to formulating a hypothesis.
  • Use Familiar Language : Use words that the child understands and can relate to. Avoid jargon or technical terms.
  • Make it Fun : Turn the process of forming a hypothesis into a game or a storytelling session. This will keep kids engaged.
  • Use Visual Aids : Kids often respond well to visuals. Drawing or using props can help in understanding and formulating the hypothesis.
  • Stay Open-minded : It’s essential to teach kids that it’s okay if their hypothesis is wrong. The process of discovery and learning is what’s crucial.
  • Practice Regularly : The more often kids practice forming hypotheses, the better they get at it. Use everyday situations as opportunities.
  • Link to Real-life Scenarios : Relate the hypothesis to real-life situations or personal experiences. For instance, if discussing plants, you can relate it to a plant you have at home.
  • Collaborate : Sometimes, two heads are better than one. Encourage group activities where kids can discuss and come up with hypotheses together.
  • Encourage Documentation : Keeping a journal or notebook where they document their hypotheses and results can be a great learning tool.
  • Celebrate Efforts : Regardless of whether the hypothesis was correct, celebrate the effort and the learning journey. This reinforces the idea that the process is more important than the outcome.


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thesis statement for kids

How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement: 4 Steps + Examples

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What is the purpose of a thesis statement, writing a good thesis statement: 4 steps, common pitfalls to avoid, where to get your essay edited for free.

When you set out to write an essay, there has to be some kind of point to it, right? Otherwise, your essay would just be a big jumble of word salad that makes absolutely no sense. An essay needs a central point that ties into everything else. That main point is called a thesis statement, and it’s the core of any essay or research paper.

You may hear about Master degree candidates writing a thesis, and that is an entire paper–not to be confused with the thesis statement, which is typically one sentence that contains your paper’s focus. 

Read on to learn more about thesis statements and how to write them. We’ve also included some solid examples for you to reference.

Typically the last sentence of your introductory paragraph, the thesis statement serves as the roadmap for your essay. When your reader gets to the thesis statement, they should have a clear outline of your main point, as well as the information you’ll be presenting in order to either prove or support your point. 

The thesis statement should not be confused for a topic sentence , which is the first sentence of every paragraph in your essay. If you need help writing topic sentences, numerous resources are available. Topic sentences should go along with your thesis statement, though.

Since the thesis statement is the most important sentence of your entire essay or paper, it’s imperative that you get this part right. Otherwise, your paper will not have a good flow and will seem disjointed. That’s why it’s vital not to rush through developing one. It’s a methodical process with steps that you need to follow in order to create the best thesis statement possible.

Step 1: Decide what kind of paper you’re writing

When you’re assigned an essay, there are several different types you may get. Argumentative essays are designed to get the reader to agree with you on a topic. Informative or expository essays present information to the reader. Analytical essays offer up a point and then expand on it by analyzing relevant information. Thesis statements can look and sound different based on the type of paper you’re writing. For example:

  • Argumentative: The United States needs a viable third political party to decrease bipartisanship, increase options, and help reduce corruption in government.
  • Informative: The Libertarian party has thrown off elections before by gaining enough support in states to get on the ballot and by taking away crucial votes from candidates.
  • Analytical: An analysis of past presidential elections shows that while third party votes may have been the minority, they did affect the outcome of the elections in 2020, 2016, and beyond.

Step 2: Figure out what point you want to make

Once you know what type of paper you’re writing, you then need to figure out the point you want to make with your thesis statement, and subsequently, your paper. In other words, you need to decide to answer a question about something, such as:

  • What impact did reality TV have on American society?
  • How has the musical Hamilton affected perception of American history?
  • Why do I want to major in [chosen major here]?

If you have an argumentative essay, then you will be writing about an opinion. To make it easier, you may want to choose an opinion that you feel passionate about so that you’re writing about something that interests you. For example, if you have an interest in preserving the environment, you may want to choose a topic that relates to that. 

If you’re writing your college essay and they ask why you want to attend that school, you may want to have a main point and back it up with information, something along the lines of:

“Attending Harvard University would benefit me both academically and professionally, as it would give me a strong knowledge base upon which to build my career, develop my network, and hopefully give me an advantage in my chosen field.”

Step 3: Determine what information you’ll use to back up your point

Once you have the point you want to make, you need to figure out how you plan to back it up throughout the rest of your essay. Without this information, it will be hard to either prove or argue the main point of your thesis statement. If you decide to write about the Hamilton example, you may decide to address any falsehoods that the writer put into the musical, such as:

“The musical Hamilton, while accurate in many ways, leaves out key parts of American history, presents a nationalist view of founding fathers, and downplays the racism of the times.”

Once you’ve written your initial working thesis statement, you’ll then need to get information to back that up. For example, the musical completely leaves out Benjamin Franklin, portrays the founding fathers in a nationalist way that is too complimentary, and shows Hamilton as a staunch abolitionist despite the fact that his family likely did own slaves. 

Step 4: Revise and refine your thesis statement before you start writing

Read through your thesis statement several times before you begin to compose your full essay. You need to make sure the statement is ironclad, since it is the foundation of the entire paper. Edit it or have a peer review it for you to make sure everything makes sense and that you feel like you can truly write a paper on the topic. Once you’ve done that, you can then begin writing your paper.

When writing a thesis statement, there are some common pitfalls you should avoid so that your paper can be as solid as possible. Make sure you always edit the thesis statement before you do anything else. You also want to ensure that the thesis statement is clear and concise. Don’t make your reader hunt for your point. Finally, put your thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph and have your introduction flow toward that statement. Your reader will expect to find your statement in its traditional spot.

If you’re having trouble getting started, or need some guidance on your essay, there are tools available that can help you. CollegeVine offers a free peer essay review tool where one of your peers can read through your essay and provide you with valuable feedback. Getting essay feedback from a peer can help you wow your instructor or college admissions officer with an impactful essay that effectively illustrates your point.

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Thesis Statements For Kids

Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Thesis Statements For Kids .

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1. How to Write a Thesis Statement Worksheet

2. thesis statement mini-lesson, 3. writing thesis statements, 4. practice worksheet a writing a thesis statement, 5. thesis statement worksheet, 6. thesis statement practice name directions: carefully read ..., 7. writing an effective thesis statement, 8. thesis statement guide results.


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    A fun and engaging activity to practice writing thesis statements for informative and argumentative essays. Students collaborate in groups, compete, and get feedback from the teacher in 10 minutes.

  17. What is a Thesis Statement: Writing Guide with Examples

    A thesis statement is a sentence in a paper or essay (in the opening paragraph) that introduces the main topic to the reader. As one of the first things your reader sees, your thesis statement is one of the most important sentences in your entire paper—but also one of the hardest to write! In this article, we explain how to write a thesis ...

  18. How to Write a Thesis Statement: Thesis statement examples

    SAMPLE THESIS STATEMENTS . Vaccinations Because many children are unable to vaccinate due to illness, we must require that all healthy and able children be vaccinated in order to have herd immunity.; Educational Resources for Low-Income Students Schools should provide educational resources for low-income students during the summers so that they don't forget what they've learned throughout the ...

  19. How to write a thesis for beginners

    The basics of writing a thesis statement or introduction sentence. Check out the tutorial for works cited page help.

  20. Hypothesis For Kids

    When kids learn to frame their curious wonders as hypothesis statements, they pave the way for exciting discoveries. Our guide breaks down the world of hypothesis writing into kid-friendly chunks, complete with relatable thesis statement examples and easy-to-follow tips. Dive in to spark a love for inquiry and nurture young scientific minds!

  21. How to Write a Strong Thesis Statement: 4 Steps + Examples

    Step 4: Revise and refine your thesis statement before you start writing. Read through your thesis statement several times before you begin to compose your full essay. You need to make sure the statement is ironclad, since it is the foundation of the entire paper. Edit it or have a peer review it for you to make sure everything makes sense and ...

  22. thesis

    It's an interesting thesis, but you haven't provided enough evidence to convince me of its validity.Martin Luther put forward the thesis that one can achieve one's own salvation without the intermediary of a priest. synonyms: exposition, premise, proposition similar words: argument, hypothesis, statement, theorem, theory: definition 2:

  23. Thesis Statements For Kids

    Thesis Statements For Kids. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Thesis Statements For Kids. Some of the worksheets for this concept are How to write a thesis statement work, Thesis statement mini lesson, Writing thesis statements, Practice work a writing a thesis statement, Thesis statement work, Thesis statement practice name directions ...