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work and leisure essay 200 words class 9

Solution of English Grade IX || Unit 9 || Leisure || Work and Leisure || Reading II

Solution of English Grade IX || Unit 9 || Leisure || Work and Leisure || Reading II

Summary of the Poem

"Leisure" is a poem by W.H. Davies that reflects on the value of leisure time and the importance of finding joy in the simple things in life. The speaker in the poem argues that leisure is necessary for true happiness and fulfillment, and encourages the reader to take time to appreciate the beauty around them and to be present in the moment.

The poem suggests that modern society often values productivity and achievement above all else, but that true happiness comes from taking time to relax and enjoy the world around us. The poem also touches on themes of nature and the passing of time, as the speaker reflects on the fleeting beauty of the natural world and the importance of taking time to savor it.

Overall, "Leisure" is a poignant and thought-provoking meditation on the value of leisure and the importance of finding joy in the simple things in life.

A. Match the words with their meanings.

a. stare- iv. to look at somebody or something for a long time

b. beneath- v. under somebody or something

c. woods- i. an area of trees

d. enrich - ii. to improve the quality of something

e. glance- iii. to look quickly at somebody or something

C. How do you spend your leisure time? Write a short paragraph.

B. Answer the following questions.

a. Why is our life so miserable, according to the poet?

b. What do sheep and cows do in nature?

c. What do squirrels do in the woods?

d. What magic does Beauty perform?

e. What is human life like, if observed carefully?

B. Change the following sentences into passive voice.

a. Someone is helping her with the housework.

b. The mail-order company sent him a parcel.

c. My friend sent me an invitation.

d. The secretary has given the minister the letters.

e. The traffic police officer had already fined him for a parking offence.

f. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

g. Her students have sent her flowers.

h. He must give the message to the right person.

i. We teach our students English and French.

j. Someone bought flowers for the bride.

k. The guide showed the tourists the sights of Pokhara.

l. They pay her an excellent salary.

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verbs in the brackets.

The Mayor inaugurated a sports centre in our town last week. The facility ……………. is believed (believe) to be one of the largest in the country and experts hope that it …………………….. will be visited (visit) by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course of the next few years. The centre……………………. had been constructed (construct) for over 6 years. However, it………….. hasn't been completely finished (not completely finish) yet. Workers are making the final adjustments this week and say that it …………………….. will be completed (complete) by the end of the month. The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming pools, three large gyms and a ball court. They …………………………. can be booked (can book) online or directly at the administration desk. The equipment ………………………… was bought (buy) from local companies, which also provided the training programs. The new centre …………………….. was financed/has been financed (finance) by government funds as well as grants that ………………. were given/have been given (give) to the region by the European Union. Politicians and famous athletes from all over the country …………..… have been invited (invite) to the official opening ceremony, scheduled for next Tuesday.

Write an essay about ‘Work and Leisure’ in approximately 200 words.

Work is an activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a goal. Leisure is the free time which is spent beyond one’s regular activities. Both work and leisure occupy a major part of a person’s life.

Research has found that people choose leisure activities involving the same psychological, social, and behavioral skills as their work. Leisure participation has a beneficial effect on work. Satisfaction, psychological well-being, and health add skill utilization to develop one’s sense of competence necessary for the workplace.

Leisure is a time to be spent beneficially to create knowledge, pleasures, and satisfaction. The participant in work is under compulsion to participate. Work is productive whereas leisure may or may not be productive but must not involve an individual’s duties and functions in the workplace.

The balance between work and life is a difficult thing to achieve. Family, community, and recreation can reduce pressure of work, and develop useful skills and perspectives for work, thus affecting attitude and commitment towards work.

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Essay on Work and Leisure

Students are often asked to write an essay on Work and Leisure in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Work and Leisure

Understanding work and leisure.

Work and leisure are two important aspects of life. Work helps us earn money, gain knowledge, and build careers. Leisure time, on the other hand, allows us to relax, pursue hobbies, and enjoy life.

The Balance

Balancing work and leisure is crucial. Too much work can lead to stress, while too much leisure can lead to laziness. So, it’s important to find a balance.

A good balance of work and leisure contributes to happiness and well-being. It helps in maintaining physical and mental health, fostering creativity, and improving quality of life.

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250 Words Essay on Work and Leisure

The dichotomy of work and leisure.

Work and leisure, two contrasting realms of human life, are often examined in isolation. However, understanding their interplay is essential in today’s fast-paced world.

Work: An Essential Component

Work is often associated with responsibility, productivity, and self-fulfillment. It is an integral part of human existence, shaping our identity and contributing to societal development. Work provides us with the means to sustain ourselves and achieve our ambitions.

Leisure: The Unappreciated Aspect

Leisure, on the other hand, is the time spent away from work, often perceived as a period of rest and relaxation. It encompasses activities that rejuvenate us, fostering creativity and mental well-being. Despite its importance, leisure is often undervalued, seen as a luxury rather than a necessity.

The Interplay

The dichotomy between work and leisure is not as clear-cut as it seems. Work can be fulfilling and enjoyable, blurring the lines between obligation and pleasure. Conversely, leisure can involve effort and commitment, such as when pursuing a hobby or personal project.

Striking the Balance

The key lies in achieving a balance between work and leisure. This equilibrium allows for a fulfilling work-life and a rejuvenating leisure time, contributing to overall well-being. It is vital to recognize the importance of both and to integrate them harmoniously into our lives.

In conclusion, work and leisure are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary aspects of life. By finding the right balance, we can enhance our productivity, creativity, and overall quality of life.

500 Words Essay on Work and Leisure

Introduction: the dichotomy of work and leisure, the traditional view of work and leisure.

Traditionally, work and leisure were seen as polar opposites. Work was a necessity, a means of earning a livelihood, and was often associated with stress and exertion. Leisure, on the other hand, was a luxury, a time for relaxation and enjoyment, seen as an antidote to the strain of work. This binary view, however, fails to account for the complexities of modern life.

The Modern Perspective: The Convergence of Work and Leisure

In the modern world, the boundaries between work and leisure have become increasingly permeable. This is largely due to the rise of the knowledge economy, where work is not confined to a specific time or place, and the advent of technology, which allows for flexible work arrangements.

The Benefits and Challenges of the Convergence

The convergence of work and leisure has significant benefits. It allows for more flexibility, enabling individuals to balance their work and personal life according to their needs and preferences. It also fosters creativity and innovation, as individuals can pursue their passions and interests even within their work.

However, this convergence also poses challenges. The blurring of boundaries can lead to overwork and burnout, as the line between work time and personal time becomes increasingly indistinct. It also raises questions about the nature of work and leisure, and whether the traditional distinction between them is still relevant.

Conclusion: Reimagining Work and Leisure

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Work and Leisure

The following example essay on “Work and Leisure” explores the importance of work-life balance – the ratio of time spent on work to time spent on the things you love: yourself, family, friends.


Do you feel like you are running two lives? One for you and one for work? Most of the people thinks that work leisure balance is binary. When people focus most of the times on the work, they get less time for their family and own life. Some people may struggle to get relax time from the professional life, others may have leisure time in their life and they try to do some productive work in their lives.

The key of this issue is balance. Balance is a main point to a successful and healthy life . When people dont have balance in their life, their lives are being limited than what they want to do. Balancing work and leisure are often a challenge because it involves many people and complex circumstances that changes over time (Stewart & Johnson, 2006).

It truly feels like they are running two lives. Every individual always needs to balance one life against another to get the results they desire.

According to Lawhon (2014), Work is one thing we have to make a necessity, but leisure doesnt fall far behind. Work is something that people do to get salary and fulfill needs of ourselves and family. On other hand, leisure is a time that spend away from the work and feel relax and enjoy ourselves. However, this paper explains the life of a two young person that how they are balancing their life between work and leisure.

work and leisure essay 200 words class 9

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A person who is better in his career, thoughts and skills that allow him to be better in his relationships, family life and hobbies.


I had conducted an interview of two person named respectively Utsav Patel and Urvin Patel, who are good friends of mine. I know them since my undergrad. Utsav is an assistant team leader in mathematics department of Fountainhead School which is located in India and Urvin is an owner of IT company named Jemistry Info Solutions LLP which is located in India. I had selected these two persons for my interview because they struggled too much in their lives in young age to achieve their goal which can be inspired to others to never give up in life.

I initially set my method to take an interview of both was Skype video call as they both are already known to each other. But under some circumstances, Utsav was not available on Skype. So, I had taken an interview of Utsav on phone and taken an interview of Urvin on Skype video call. I was ready with my questions to ask them during call.

I structured my questions in a way that I could get information about their education, their professional life and personal life. The opening discussion with Utsav began with the basic education question, What degree have you earned? Do you believe that your degree is helpful to get your current job? With Urvin, my opening question was, What degree have you earned? How helpful your degree was to start-up your own business?

From there, our discussion started with the follow-up questions during the flow of dialogue. The interview was conducted with Utsav for 30 minutes on phone and with Urvin for 45 minutes on Skype video call. My findings below combine the data which I got from both and I came up with ideas and conclusion.

No pressure, No diamonds

Diamonds are formed because carbon is set under extreme pressure in the earth. Without pressure, it just a carbon or maybe it turns into graphite. Likewise, if you work hard then it makes you more productive. Utsav had achieved his goal of life with hard work. He thinks that Follow your passion, Chase your dream, Never give up. He is a leader of a team by passion. He taught to high school students when he was doing his bachelors. He studied Information Technology.

Therefore, his parents wanted him to apply in colleges as a professor rather than school. But his dream was to become a teacher of a high school. His family were not happy with was he was going to do. He was a teacher of Math and Physics subjects when he joined the Fountainhead School. Because of his passion towards education, he promoted with assistant team leader of Mathematics Department.

Fight till the last gasp

The warrior stays on battleground until his last breath. This quotes also followed by Urvin. He was a coma patient because of stroke during his undergrad. He was in ICU for one week. His parents had not had hopes that Urvin survives his life. But after one week, he woke up and he believes that he fought against death. Then after he started his own business without taking any economic help from their parents.

For an economy support, he taught to high school students and he earned money to put one foot toward his dream. His dream was that if he could fight against death then definitely, he can fight again his dream. And he worked hard. He just followed his dream, his passion. Now, he is a successful entrepreneur. His dream came true just because of his hard work.

Treasure relationships, not possessions

Relationships are more valuable rather than money. Relationships reflect future and show future. Humans need to active socially and do interaction among them is necessary for their mental health. My question was to both Utsav and Urvin like Do you like to spend your free time with other people? How you spend your free time with other people? where I got answer about relationships with other people.

Utsav replied to this question that he loves to spend his free time with new people. He usually goes park and meet new people in his leisure time. He talks with new people and get to know about them. Urvin has same personality to talk with people. But he doesnt like to meet new person. He spends his leisure time with friends and family. Generally, he goes for coffee with friends or for dinner with family. Also, he likes to cook delicious food when he gets chance from work.

Work and leisure both are important to maintain happiness and peace in our life. So, the balance is most important between work and leisure. I observed upon interview that they both are managing their professional life and personal life easily. As a view of Urvin, he measured his professional life by how much profit is in the company, how many targets are reached. And he measured his personal life by health, taking time out and feeling relaxed and happy. He can easily find his own balance between work and leisure.

After analyzing this, I feel that every person is divided into two lives. Internal and external elements involve in life for creating balance. Internal elements are those elements which involves mind, heart, health and your spiritual element. External elements are those elements which involves work, social activity, fun, refreshing and relax.

Utsav believes that he never amalgamates professional and personal life. He always strives hard to find happiness within himself. He says, Work is a part of life, life is not a part of work!. He enjoys his work without feel stressed. Like that I found a way to balance a life.

Work is one of the most essential and important things for people in modern era. On other hand leisure is one that makes you relax out of the work. I learn from Utsav that it is easier to work when you need to do work and enjoy yourself when you need to get relax while you separate your work and leisure time. So, balance is important between work and leisure.

On a balancing scale, one side you have work and another side you have leisure. When you put more energy on one side that side falls down. So, when you feel drained, you need to find a way to increase the amount of leisure time you have. When you feel yourself very free, you need to go ahead to become more productive when you are working (Young, 2006). To achieve balance between work and leisure is not hard, it is necessary for both our productivity and enjoyment.

  • Stewart, S. I., & Johnson, K. M. (2006). Balancing leisure and work: evidence from the seasonal home. University of New Hampshire scholars repository. Retrieved from
  • Lawhon, M. (2014). Difference between work and leisure. Retrieved from
  • Young, S. H. (2006). Balancing work and leisure. Retrieved from

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"Work and Leisure." , 17 Dec 2019, (2019). Work and Leisure . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 17 Sep. 2024]

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"Work and Leisure," , 17-Dec-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-Sep-2024] (2019). Work and Leisure . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 17-Sep-2024]

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Unit 9 (Grade 9 ) Work and Leisure - Part II

Unit 9 Work and Leisure (Part II)

A. Look at the picture below and answer the following questions.

a.       What do you see in the picture?

b.      How is human life different from the lives of animals?  

a. We can see horses enjoying the nature.

b. Human life is different from the lives of animals because human life is quite busy without any leisure.

Leisure (Page 115)

A. Match the words with their meanings.

a.       stare       i.   an area of trees

b.      beneath   ii.   to improve the quality of something

c.       woods    iii.   to look quickly at somebody or something

d.      enrich     iv.    to look at somebody or something for a long time

e.       glance     v.   under somebody or something

a.      stare           iv.    to look at somebody or something for a long time

b.      beneath       v.   under somebody or something

c.       woods         i.   an area of trees

d.      enrich         ii.   to improve the quality of something

e.       glance         iii.   to look quickly at somebody or something

B.     Answer the following questions.

a.       Why is our life so miserable, according to the poet?

b.      What do sheep and cows do in nature?

c.       What do squirrels do in the woods?

d.      What magic does Beauty perform?

e.       What is human life like, if observed carefully?

a. According to the poet, our life so miserable because we have no leisure.

b. Sheep and cows play, enjoy and stare at the beauty of nature.

c. They hide their nuts in the grass.

d. Beauty performs the dance which enriches the smile.

e. Human life is poor, full of duties and responsibilities if it is observed carefully.

How do you spend your leisure time? Write a short paragraph.

Grammar II (page 117)

A. Study the example sentences in the table below.

Present Simple

He delivers the letters.

The letters are delivered.

Past Simple

He delivered the letters.

The letters were delivered.

Future Simple

He will deliver the letters.

The letters will be delivered.

Present Continuous

He is delivering the letters.

The letters are being delivered.

Past Continuous

He was delivering the letters.

The letters were being  delivered.

Going to

He is going to deliver the letters.

The letters are going to be delivered.

Present Perfect

He has delivered the letters.

The letters have been  delivered.

Past Perfect

He had delivered the letters.

The letters had been  delivered.


He has to deliver the letters.

The letters have to be  delivered.


He must deliver the letters.

The letters must be  delivered.

B. Change the following sentences into passive voice.

a.       Someone is helping her with the housework.

b.      The mail-order company sent him a parcel.

c.       My friend sent me an invitation.

d.      The secretary has given the minister the letters.

e.       The traffic police officer had already fined him for a parking offence.

f.        John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.

g.      Her students have sent her flowers.

h.      He must give the message to the right person.

i.        We teach our students English and French.

j.        Someone bought flowers for the bride.

k.      The guide showed the tourists the sights of Pokhara.

l.        They pay her an excellent salary.

a. She is being helped with her housework.

b. He was sent a parcel by the mail-order company.

c. I was sent an invitation by my friend.

d. The minister has been given the letters by the secretary.

e. He had already been fined for a parking offence by the traffic police officer.

f. Elizabeth was given that beautiful ring by John.

g. She has been sent flowers by her students.

h. The message must be given to the right person by him.

i. Our students are taught English and French.

j. Flowers were bought for the bride.

k. The tourists were showed the sight of Pokhara by the guide.

l. She is paid an excellent salary.

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verbs in the brackets.

The Mayor inaugurated a sports centre in our town last week. The facility …………….(believe) to be one of the largest in the country and experts hope that it …………………….. (visit) by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course of the next few years.

The centre……………………. (construct) for over 6 years. However, it………….. (not completely finish) yet. Workers are making the final adjustments this week and say that it …………………….. (complete) by the end of the month.

The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming pools, three large gyms and a ball court. They …………………………. (can book) online or directly at the administration desk. The equipment ………………………… (buy) from local companies, which also provided the training programs.

The new centre …………………….. (finance) by government funds as well as grants that ………………. (give) to the region by the European Union. Politicians and famous athletes from all over the country …………..… (invite) to the official opening ceremony, scheduled for next Tuesday.

The Mayor inaugurated a sports centre in our town last week. The facility is believed to be one of the largest in the country and experts hope that it will be visited by thousands of amateur and professional athletes over the course of the next few years.

The centre has been constructed for over 6 years. However, it has not been completely finished yet. Workers are making the final adjustments this week and say that it will have been completed by the end of the month.

The centre offers various sports facilities including two indoor swimming pools, three large gyms and a ball court. They can be booked online or directly at the administration desk. The equipment had been bought from local companies, which also provided the training programs.

The new centre has been financed by government funds as well as grants that have been given to the region by the European Union, Politicians and famous athletes from all over the country will be invited to the official opening ceremony, scheduled for next Tuesday.

Write an essay about ‘Work and Leisure’ in approximately 200 words. You can use the given prompts.

differences             similarities             benefits                  balance

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Class 9 English Guide 2080 : Unit - 9 Work and Leisure Guide

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 Class 9 English Guide Unit - 9 Work and Leisure Guide Read the following quotations and discuss what you think they mean. Answer- Similarly, "Any time is a good time to start a company" simply means that there is no set time to start a company and that the beginning of any new venture or task is likely going to be difficult for us. However, when we start the work with careful planning, time can work wonders and we can accomplish the work ultimately. If we wait for the ideal moment, we will have to wait our entire lives. So, regardless of our age, we can start our own business if we do our research and learn about the market. "We work to earn our leisure," we put in a lot of effort and do what we can to eventually get  the enjoyment of leisure. We cannot enjoy leisure without first working. We can have a simple and enjoyable time later if we work hard and wisely now. Much like the proverb, "Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise." According to this assertion, we should first put the action into practice rather than just discussing it. People won't perceive us as capable beings if we only talk and lack initiative. Therefore, we must labor diligently in silence, and success will eventually make noise.

work and leisure essay 200 words class 9

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Work and Leisure : Summary and Questions

Table of Contents

Work and Leisure by Aldous Huxley

Introduction Aldous Huxley was not only man of intellect, but also a man of vision. He sensed that with rapid industrialization and massive urbanization, the man’s lifestyle is going to change. He could see, in the coming days. the working hours will reduce to six hours per day, providing ample scope for leisure. Considering his contemporary scenario, Huxley is worried about the proper utilization of the leisurely hours. In that sense, the present essay is Huxley’s meditation over the relationship between work and leisure.

Summary At present, leisure is a privilege for very few people. But in the coming days, with efficient social organization and sophisticated machinery, more and more people will enjoy the fruits of leisure. Here, Huxley raises a question that what the people will do with this leisure? Here, he cites three authorities namely, Poincare, G. B. Shaw and H. G. Wells who have tried to find out the possible answers for this question. Surprisingly, everyone comes to the conclusion that the human beings of the future world would fill their long leisures ‘by contemplating the laws of nature’. Different prophets are also hopeful about the proper utilization of leisurely hours.

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But it would be wrong to assume <table width="100%"><tbody><tr><td><strong style="font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;">to assume / an assumption</strong><strong>‘Assume’ is a more formal word meaning ‘</strong><strong>guess</strong><strong>’. It can also mean ‘accept’ – especially in the expression ‘to assume a responsibility’. However, it can also be used for any theory or principle which is accepted without analysing or questioning it. It’s very common to do this in research reports, because you can’t research everything and, in order to make predictions, you need to imagine some elements of the situation. For example, ‘The model presented here assumes a steady inflation rate of 5%’ and ‘Assuming a continuing rise in electricity demand, Auckland will begin to suffer shortages by 2015.’ The noun is ‘assumption’. When you critique research, you will often question the assumptions made by the other researcher. For example, ‘Brown’s 2006 study assumed that domestic students had English as their first language. However, that is not strictly accurate.’</strong><strong>I wrongly</strong><strong> </strong><strong>assumed</strong><strong> </strong><strong>she was American because of her accent. Actually, she’d only been to college there.</strong></td></tr></tbody></table> " data-gt-translate-attributes='[{"attribute":"data-cmtooltip", "format":"html"}]' tabindex=0 role=link>assume that Huxley is against the notion of leisure. He refers to Leo Tolstoy, the great Russian writer, who considered leisure as something ‘wicked’ and ‘ absurd’. He regarded leisure lovers as conspirators against the welfare of the race. Whereas, Huxley doesn’t consider leisure as a curse. He opines that in a society where there are active minds, engaged in mental work, leisure would be” ‘an unmixed blessing’. Since leisure is directly related to mental work, some people may pinpoint the loopholes of education system. Huxley agrees with them. His observation is that plenty of people who have received the best education, employ their leisure as though they had never been educated at all. Therefore Huxley believes that if education is made really efficient, only then contemplating the laws of nature would become the leisure of people.

Though serious in tone, Huxley doesn’t make the essay dull and dry. Wherever possible, he gives illustrations to justify his point. With this style, he makes his opinions convincing to the reader. Even his sense of humour is reflected in the essay. Knowledge is a vast ocean. The human mind is helpless to acquire all the fields of knowledge. To exemplify this view, Huxley makes the use of an image of dog. While comparing. with the giants in various disciplines, Huxley says that he is a dog, an insignificant creature. Huxley’s comparison is really amusing. Subjectivity, convincing, style, humoruous tone, learnedness, etc. make the essay Work and Leisure an intellectual feast to the reader.

Check your progress :

B) Say true or false. If the statement is false correct it : 1. One should fill long leisures by contemplating laws of nature. 2. For most of the people, Florence is an earthly paradise. 3. Tolstoy was concerned with the leisured people who should get more work. 4. With a vast number of people, intellectual development never stops. 5. In a society, entirely composed of active minds, leisure is a blessing.

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Unit-9 Work & Leisure: The Ant and the Grasshopper – Class 9 English Exercise

  • July 12, 2024

Unit-9 Work & Leisure: The Ant and the Grasshopper - Class 9 English Exercise

Exercise of The Ant and the Grasshopper

The present discourse explores the utilization of the Romsay Family in juxtaposition with the renowned childhood tale, “ The Ant and the Grasshopper .” Within this context, the character Tom assumes the role of the grasshopper, while George embodies the character of the ant from the aforementioned tale. Although the narrative itself differs considerably, the primary objective lies in drawing parallels between the underlying moral lessons conveyed by both stories.

George Ramsay, a serious and hardworking man, has spent twenty years dealing with the troubles caused by his carefree and irresponsible brother, Tom. Tom abandoned his responsibilities, lived a lavish lifestyle, and relied on George for financial support. Despite Tom’s charm and unscrupulous behavior, George continued to provide for him, while his own life aged prematurely due to the stress. George had planned a modest retirement, hoping to leave behind the burden of his brother’s actions. As George sat in a restaurant, visibly distressed, his friend sympathized with him, highlighting George’s virtuous life and contrasting it with Tom’s reckless ways. The story leaves the outcome uncertain, as George contemplates the consequences of their divergent paths.

Glossary of the Story

admirable /ˈædmərəb(ə)l/ – worthy of admiration or respect

amusing /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ – entertaining; causing laughter or enjoyment

anticipate /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ – to expect or predict

assurance /əˈʃʊərəns/ – a guarantee or promise

blackmail /ˈblækmeɪl/ – the act of demanding money or favors by threatening to reveal damaging information

burden /ˈbɜːrd(ə)n/ – a heavy load or responsibility

career /kəˈrɪə(r)/ – one’s occupation or profession

charm /tʃɑːm/ – attractiveness or appeal

common sense /ˈkɒmən sɛns/ – practical intelligence or sound judgment

concern /kənˈsɜːrn/ – worry or anxiety

convicted /kənˈvɪktɪd/ – found guilty of a crime

cultivate /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ – to develop or improve through deliberate effort

disapproval /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv(ə)l/ – a negative opinion or lack of approval

discreditable /dɪsˈkrɛdɪtəb(ə)l/ – bringing shame or disrepute

dishonest /dɪsˈɒnɪst/ – not truthful; inclined to deceive or cheat

esteemed /ɪsˈtiːmd/ – highly respected or regarded

expenditure /ɪksˈpɛndɪtʃə(r)/ – spending or outlay of money

explanation /ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ – a statement or account that makes something clear

flirtatious /flɜːˈteɪʃəs/ – behaving in a playful or suggestive manner to attract romantic interest

fortitude /ˈfɔːrtɪtjuːd/ – courage and endurance in the face of adversity

fraudulent /ˈfrɔːdjʊlənt/ – involving deceit or deception, usually for personal gain

gaiety /ˈɡeɪəti/ – a state of joyful or cheerful exuberance

gloom /ɡluːm/ – a state of darkness, sadness, or depression

honorable /ˈɒnərəb(ə)l/ – deserving respect and admiration; having integrity and moral character

inconvenience /ˌɪnkənˈviːnjəns/ – a situation causing difficulty or disruption

industry /ˈɪndəstri/ – hard work or diligence in one’s occupation or profession

infamy /ˈɪnfəmi/ – a state of being well-known for a bad quality or deed

insensible /ɪnˈsɛnsɪb(ə)l/ – lacking awareness or consciousness

judicious /dʒuːˈdɪʃəs/ – showing good judgment or wisdom

levied /ˈlɛviːd/ – imposed or collected, usually in the form of taxes or fees

larder /ˈlɑːrdə(r)/ – a place where food is kept or stored

moral /ˈmɔːr(ə)l/ – relating to principles of right and wrong behavior

necessity /nɪˈsɛsɪti/ – something that is required or essential

optimism /ˈɒptɪmɪz(ə)m/ – a positive outlook or belief in favorable outcomes

philander /fɪˈlændə(r)/ – to engage in casual or illicit romantic relationships

prudence /ˈpruːd(ə)ns/ – cautiousness or sound judgment in practical affairs

qualify /ˈkwɒlɪfʌɪ/ – to meet the necessary requirements or conditions

respectable /rɪˈspɛktəb(ə)l/ – regarded as proper, decent, or honorable

revengeful /rɪˈvɛndʒfʊl/ – seeking or desiring revenge; vengeful

scoundrel /ˈskaʊndrəl/ – a dishonest or unscrupulous person; a villain

settle down /ˈsɛt(ə)l daʊn/ – to establish oneself in a stable or calm lifestyle

sobriety /səˈbraɪəti/ – the state of being sober; seriousness or solemnity

speculation /ˌspɛkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ – the act of engaging in risky financial transactions for potential profit

suffer /ˈsʌfə(r)/ – to experience pain, distress, or hardship

trial /ˈtraɪəl/ – a difficult or trying experience; a test of endurance or patience

trustworthy /ˈtrʌstwɜːrði/ – reliable and deserving of trust

unfaithful /ʌnˈfeɪθfʊl/ – not loyal or true to a partner, promise, or commitment

vindictive /vɪnˈdɪktɪv/ – having or showing a strong desire for revenge

worthless /ˈwɜːrθlɪs/ – having no value or merit; insignificant

yacht /jɒt/ – a medium-sized sailing or motorized vessel used for pleasure trips or racing

A. Choose the appropriate words given below to replace the underlined words in the given sentences.

[industry, hilarious, qualm, enticements, obliged, amendments, expostulations]

a. If your talent combines with diligence , you can excel in your field.

b. The dessert menu has a lot of delicious temptations .

⇒ enticements

c. The house passed the bill without listening to the public objections .

⇒ expostulations

d. Knowledge of the ill effects of tobacco has led to modifications in smoking behaviour.

⇒ amendments

e. Without any regret , Yule started spending his father’s inheritance.

f. Mr. Smith read a humorous story which matched his real life.

⇒ hilarious

B. Put the following sentences from the story in the correct order.

The correct order is:

  • The Ramsays were perfectly respectable people.
  • Tom left his wife and his office.
  • When his money was spent, he borrowed it from friends and spent it on luxuries.
  • George continued to pay for his brother’s expenses.
  • Tom promised to make a fresh start.
  • Tom bought a motor car and some very nice jewellery.
  • Tom never settled down.
  • Tom began to blackmail his brother for money.
  • Tom took the help of Cronshaw to cheat his brother, and left for Monte Carlo.

C. Answer the following questions.

A. why is tom described as the ‘black sheep’ of the ramsay family.

⇒ Tom was a black sheep in Ramsays’ family because he always created problems.

b. What was a respectable profession for Tom?

⇒ To serve in a bar or to drive a taxi was a respectable profession to Tom.

c. Why was George Ramsay staring into space?

⇒ George Ramsay was staring into space because his only brother, Tom, troubled him very much.

d. Why did Tom leave his work and wife?

⇒ Tom left his work and wife because he wanted to enjoy himself.

e. How did Tom manage his life when he ran out of money in the beginning?

⇒ Tom managed his life when he ran out of money at first by borrowing from friends.

f. How did Cronshaw and Tom cheat George?

⇒ Cronshaw and Tom cheated George by creating a fake case at the court.

g. What made George realise that his brother would never settle down?

⇒ George gave Tom considerable sums for amendment which Tom spent to buy a car and jewellery. Such situations forced George to realise that his brother would settle down.

h. What is the moral of the story ‘The Ant and Grasshopper’?

⇒ The story writer takes a different approach to the moral of the traditional fable, presenting a contrasting perspective. Instead of emphasizing the notion that honesty and hard work lead to success, the story delves into the darker aspects of life, suggesting that not everyone who is honest and diligent will necessarily achieve prosperity. However, despite this portrayal, the narrative also carries a message of optimism, encouraging readers to maintain a positive outlook even during difficult times.

Read the story again and write a brief summary.

The Ramsays were a respected family, led by George Ramsay and his troublesome brother, Tom. Despite starting a business, Tom found it dull and abandoned not just his venture but also his wife and two children to embark on a journey. In dire need of funds, he borrowed money from friends, while George, hoping Tom would eventually settle down and start anew, continuously supported him financially. However, Tom misused the money given by George, purchasing a car and jewellery instead of focusing on stability. When George stopped providing him with funds, Tom resorted to blackmailing his own brother. Eventually, with the assistance of Cronshaw, he concocted a fraudulent lawsuit and managed to acquire five hundred pounds. Immediately after cashing the cheque, Tom and Cronshaw escaped to Mont Carlo, where they remained for several months.

Causative Verbs

A. fill in the gaps with the correct form of have, get or make..

a. Did they make you give a speech on behalf of the group?

b. Instead of buying a new car, why don’t you get the old one fixed?

c. I will get my hair cut tomorrow morning.

d. The teacher gets every one of us to write an essay yesterday.

e. Ms Shrestha usually gets her hair dried at the hairdresser’s.

f. My mum always makes me clean my room on Saturdays.

g. I got my landlord to fix the broken windowpane this morning.

h. Suman had all the Maths problems solved by the teacher.

B. Rewrite the sentences with have, get or make.

a. She will ask her sister to light the lamp.

⇒ She will make her sister light the lamp.

b. I am going to ask the dentist to fill my teeth.

⇒ I get the dentist to fill my teeth.

c. Will you ask the barber to cut your hair?

⇒ I get the barber to cut my hair.

d. I can’t design my house myself. So I am going to ask an architect to do it.

⇒ I have an architect design my house.

e. The girl asked her mechanic to repair her moped.

⇒ She got her mechanic to repair her moped.

f. The landlady asks the gardener to cut the grass.

⇒ The landlady makes the gardener cut the grass.

C. Choose the best alternatives and complete the sentences.

[The answer of the Question has been bold]

a. Mina got Shambhu ……………… (carry/ to carry /carried) her suitcase.

b. Rita had Ankit ………………… ( wash /to wash/washed) her clothes.

c. They got me ……… (dance/ to dance /danced) at my brother’s wedding.

d. Kumari was made………….(turn on/ to turn on /turned on) the television.

e. Barsha got new books …………… (buy/to buy/ bought ) her last week.

f. Upendra got Mukesh ………… (watch/ to watch /watched) his house.

g. My father is very kind. He never makes us ……… ( do /to do/done) heavy work.

h. The film was very humorous. It made us all………………… ( laugh /to laugh/laughed) throughout the film.

i. His hair was too long. So he had it ………………… ( cut /to cut/cutting) yesterday.

j. The manager……………..( made /got/make) his secretary attend the conference.

k. Mathew made the mechanic ………………… ( overhaul /to overhaul/overhauling) his car.

l. Smith had Jacque ……………… (fetch/ to fetch /fetched) a pail of water.

m. My maths teacher asked us to remember all the theorems. In other words, we were made ……… (remember/remembered/ to remember ) all the theorems.


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  • Unseen Passage for Class 9

CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 9

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Unseen Passage for Class 9 English CBSE

Before going into the Class 9 unseen comprehension, students can look at the marks weightage of the unseen passage for Class 9 as prescribed in the CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus .

CBSE Class 9 English Unseen Passage: Reading Section

The unseen passage for Class 9 is asked under the reading section of the English Language and Literature paper. A total of two unseen passages are asked in the exam comprising 10 marks each. One is a discursive passage, and the other is a case-based factual passage, as mentioned below. The total length of the two passages is around 600-700 words.

1) Discursive passage: Multiple Choice Questions based on a Discursive passage of 400-450 words are asked to test students’ inference, evaluation and vocabulary. They have to answer ten out of twelve questions in the exam. (10×1=10)

2) Case-based factual passage: It consists of a 200-250 words passage (with visual input statistical data, chart, etc.) with multiple choice questions to test students’ analysis and interpretation skills. They have to answer ten out of twelve questions. (10×1=10)

The CBSE Class 9 reading comprehension consists of 25% of the marks weightage of the English paper, which comes up to be 20 marks out of total of 80 marks. Hence, students should put significant effort into the reading section to increase their marks and to quickly solve the unseen passage for the Class 9 English exam.

Unseen Passage for Class 9 English: Reading Comprehension

The questions in the CBSE Class 9 English Unseen passages are asked to test the conceptual understanding, decoding, analyzing, inferring, interpreting and vocabulary skills of students. So, to give practice to such kinds of questions, we have provided a short Unseen Passage for Class 9 students.

Unseen Passage for Class 9 English – Passage 1

Q1) Read the passage given below and write the option that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet: (5 marks)

The beginning of this fun-filled season with the sun hidden behind the grey clouds brings cheer to many of us, waiting eagerly to splash in the rain. Of course, not everything about rain is glamorous. Especially when you think about endless traffic jams, the bad roads dotted with potholes, uncleared garbage and the spate of waterborne diseases. Also, viral infections like colds and coughs make their presence felt.

Most infectious diseases prevalent in the rainy season can be prevented by simply washing our hands regularly. Scrubbing hands regularly with water and soap can prevent us from contracting respiratory and diarrheal diseases.

Kids have a lower level of immunity, and hence hand washing becomes a crucial part of their lifestyle. When playing, especially during monsoon season, kids come into contact with germs and can unknowingly become infected simply by touching their nose, eyes or mouth. The Food and Drug Administration states that the human influenza virus can survive on surfaces for up to eight hours, making people susceptible to catching it each time they touch the infected surface. Hence repeated hand washing is required.

To make the best of the rainy season, we should follow some simple guidelines. First of all, if we decide to get wet in the rain we should change into a dry set of clothes at the earliest. Also, we should keep raw food items at bay and wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use. Moreover, strict kitchen hygiene should be maintained in order to enjoy one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Also, in order to have a trouble-free rainy season, home-made fresh food should be given preference over the fast food sold in the market.

Q (i). People wait for the rains since they can__________in it.

(b) have potholed roads

(c) spate of waterborne diseases

(d) endless traffic jams

Q (ii). After getting wet in rain we should put on dry clothes____________

(a) as late as possible

(b) whenever we like to

(c) as early as possible

(d) when we fall sick

Q (iii). Besides maintaining kitchen hygiene, we should_________________ so as to keep us disease free in the rainy season.

(a) avoid raw fruits

(b) enjoy raw fruits

(c) avoid vegetables

(d) consume more fruits and vegetables

Q (iv). The passage suggests that small children should wash their hands_____________ ____________in the rainy season since they have lower immunity.


(c) after every meal

(d) before every meal

Q (v). The word in the passage which means the same as’ prone and vulnerable ‘is _______.

(b) hygiene

(c) susceptible

(d) influenza

CBSE Class 9 English Unseen Passage – Passage 2

Q 2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (5 marks)

What exercise is to the body, reading is to the mind. There are different purposes for reading. One of them is deriving pleasure. Children reading for their pleasure rarely stop to ask about the words. They want to get on with the story. If the word is important, they can usually make a good guess about what it is. “He drew an arrow from his quiver”. Easy to see that a quiver is some sort of gadget to put arrows in. More complicated words they figure out by meeting them in different contexts. People learn to read well and get a good vocabulary from books, not workbooks or dictionaries. As a kid, I read years ahead of my age, but I never looked up words in dictionaries and didn’t even have a dictionary. In my lifetime, I don’t believe I have looked at even as many as fifty words – neither have most good readers. Most people don’t know how dictionaries are made. Each new dictionary starts from scratch. The company making the dictionary employs thousands of ‘editors’, to whom they give a list of words. The job of the editor is to collect as many examples as possible of the ways in which these words are actually used. They look for the words in books, newspapers, and so forth and every time they find one, they cut out or copy that particular example. Then after reading these examples, they decide ‘from the context’ what the writer in each case had meant by the words. From these, they make definitions. A dictionary, in other words, is a collection of people’s opinions about what words mean as other people use them.

Q (i). How do children find out meanings when they are reading for pleasure?

Q (ii). Does the passage suggest that a dictionary is essential for a good vocabulary? Why or why not?

Q (iii). Write any one step in the process of making a dictionary.

Q (iv). Define a dictionary in your own words.

Q (v). Find the phrase in the passage which means ‘calculate/think about until one understands.’

Students can also practise the unseen passages questions by solving the CBSE Class 9 English Sample Papers .

Unseen Passage for Class 9 English – Passage 3

Q3) Read the passage given below and write the option that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet: (5 marks)

Time is running out, and the parents are worried with just 10 days left for the schools to reopen after homework. Since the children have enjoyed their vacations, it is their parents who are surfing the internet, painting the charts, writing essays and preparing science models. Some busy parents who are well off but cannot spare time are compelled to send their wards to the “holiday homework special” classes.

Sumedha, who holds classes for completing the children’s homework, says that she charges anything between Rs.1000 and 5000 per child, depending on the class and volume of homework. Many schools give away prizes for the best homework or add the marks in internal assessments. This makes it almost imperative for parents to get the best quality. The majority of parents complain that the level of homework is so high that their children are clueless about how to do it. Also, many of them fret that the quantum of holiday homework is so much that children fail to complete it within the stipulated holidays.

In spite of all the troubles, all parents agree that holiday homework is essential for the children. Some of them opined that homework helps establish and strengthen bonds between them and their children as it brings them close to each other. Some others think that holiday homework keeps the children in touch with their studies when they are not going to school.

Q (i). The two objections raised by parents regarding holiday homework are____________

(a) children playing through the holidays and the amount of homework

(b) high level of homework and amount of homework

(c) too much time and a high level of homework

(d) lack of ideas among children and level of homework

Q (ii). Holiday homework special ‘classes are conducted for________________

(a) busy parents

(b) children of busy parents

(c) for all well off children

(d) teachers

Q (iii). That _________________makes it necessary that quality homework is done.

(a) Schools assign difficult homework

(b) parents are doing the homework

(c) schools add marks of the homework to internal assessment

(d) parents are paying a heavy price for homework.

Q (iv). Besides keeping the children in touch with their studies homework ____________between parents and children.

(a) sets up bonds

(b) builds bonds

(c) weakens bonds

(d) sets up and builds bonds

Q (v). The word/phrase ______________in the passage means the same as “expressed opinion”.

(a) running out

(c) imperative

CBSE Class 9 English Comprehension – Passage 4

Q4) Read the given passage carefully and choose the best answer from the given alternatives: (5 Marks)

Nepal lies between India and Tibet, among the Himalayan Mountains. The tallest mountain in the world, Mount Everest, is in Nepal, and there are several mountains nearly as high. When mountaineers try to climb Mount Everest, they take the help of the Sherpas, the strong and hardy people who live in these mountains, to carry heavy loads and act as guides.

A long time ago, the Sherpas crossed over the mountains from Tibet and made their homes along the southern slopes of the Himalayas in Nepal.

Some Sherpa families have three houses, one house in the lower hills, one a little higher, and one further up. The houses are in small village groups of about forty or fifty. Round each group of houses, there are cultivated fields, usually built in the shape of terraces right up the hillsides. In the highest fields, the Sherpas grow potatoes; In the lower fields, they grow barley; and turnips, garlic and other vegetables in the lower ones. They also graze their yaks on the higher mountain slopes in the summer and on the lower slopes in the winter. Yaks are very hardy, large cattle with thick, hairy blackish-brown coats and long horns. The Sherpas use them for almost everything they need. They ride them, plough with them, and use them to carry their goods. The hairy wool of these animals is made into cloth, and their skins into leather boots and tents. The yaks also provide milk, fat and meat. Their dung is dried and used as fuel instead of wood or coal.

Answer the questions by choosing the best alternatives:

Q (i). What is the situation in Nepal?

(a) between Mount Everest and Tibet

(b) between Tibet and India

(c) between Tibet and Himalayas

(d) between Tibet and Mount Everest

Q (ii). Sherpas are not known for :

(a) their strength and hardness

(b) for cunningness

(c) their carrying heavy loads

(d) acting as guides.

Q (iii). Where do the Sherpas have their houses?

(a) on the lower hills

(b) on a little higher

(c) another a little higher up

(d) all the three above.

Q (iv). These things Sherpas do not grow on the lower fields :

(a) potatoes

(b) turnip and garlic

(c) other vegetables

(d) barley.

Q (v). What are the things for which yaks are not used?

(a) for sports

(b) wool of these animals is made into cloth

(c) their skins into leather boots and tents

Unseen Passage for Class 9 English – Passage 5

Q5. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)

Children’s social and cultural environments will affect the extent and use of their oral language. A large number of children come from homes in which English is not the primary language spoken. The most significant variation among children, however, will be in the amount and quality of their previous literacy experiences. Some children will have read regularly and will be familiar with many books and stories. Their homes are literate environments in which reading and writing occur daily and are frequently modeled as they observe their parents and others reading newspapers, magazines, and books and writing letters, notes and lists. Such children are likely to emulate these behaviours. In contrast, other children will come to preschool or kindergarten with very different experiences. They have seen print in the environment (on street signs and food containers, for example) and on television. However, their parents have not read to them, and they have not seen reading and writing modelled functionally by adults. Effective early literacy programmes acknowledge and extend children’s previous experiences, whatever they are, and relate them to the world of print.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions:

Q (i). What affects the oral language of children?

Q (ii). ______________ causes ‘variation’ among children.

Q (iii). ‘Such children are likely to emulate’______________ Who are ‘such children’?

Q (iv). ‘They have seen print ______________ ‘They’ means?

Q (v). The word ‘containers’ means.

CBSE Unseen Passage for Class 9 must have helped students to boost their reading section of the English paper. To access more study material related to CBSE Class 9 , keep visiting BYJU’S. Also, download the BYJU’S App for interactive study videos.

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There is a saying that “work is worship ‘- because we can not survive or imagine our life without work. Each and every small doings that burns our energy is called work. But for every man those things which bring prospect, insensitive and proper respect are considered to  be the actual work. In our whole lifespan we work to live. In fact untill our last breathe we devote everything only for work or Duty. People work in the office, at home or in every fraction of second in their day to day life. Simultaneously with work leisure is truly important one’s life. Leisure is a break from the continuous process of working. Everybody body need a perfect leisure time to regain energy for their next work. But it is up to us of how we utilise our leisure period. Doing nothing but taking rest idly , having gossips or backbiting can’t be considered as a perfect leisure time. We can use those hours in doing some productive work,like reading  books , listening music, inculcate hobbies or try to give push to our mind and imagination power. Leisure means to take rest from a particular work by utilising your time in another productivity.  Productive works do not bring tirey feelings, they help us to push our energy level up and get us ready for the new journey.

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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Leisure Time” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Leisure time.

Work and leisure are interrelated. They are like the two sides of the same coin. The observation that “we must beat the iron when it is hot, but we may polish it at leisure”, best explains the proper relation between work and leisure. Leisure is like a margin on a printed or written page. In the absence of work, no leisure can be actually conceived. Leisure never means idleness. Leisure cannot be thought of as a non-activity. It should be seen in a broader perspective, as a fulfilling part of life and work. As J.B. Priestley has said, “Any fool can be fussy and rid himself of energy all over the place, but a man has to have something in him before he can settle down to do nothing. He must have reserves to draw upon, must be able to plunge into the strange, slow river of dreams and reverie, must be at heart a poet.” Only a very few have these reserves to draw upon. Moreover, dreaming, thinking and even meditation are activities, though of different kind. One works hard only to have some leisure because “man does not live by bread alone.” So leisure may be called the spare time, free from labour and drudgery of life. It is a kind of diversion. The dictionary definition of leisure is, “the state of having time at one’s disposal; time which one can spend as one pleases; free or unoccupied time”. A famous French scholar and sociologist has defined leisure as “an activity apart from the obligations of work, family and society, to which the individual turns at will, for either relaxation, diversion or broadening of knowledge and his spontaneous social participation, the free expression of his creative capacity.” Leisure is a kind of breathing space or a welcome and desirable pause in the long hours of work and labour. A labour is sweet and honourable when it is earned with the sweat of the brow.

The rapid and radical scientific and technological advancements have made life easy and convenient. Our life is now far more free and leisurely than it was for our forefathers. Affluence and ease have brought more leisure hours. We are relieved of much of drudgery now and have more spare hours to relieve us of fatigue. The housewife too, now has more free time as there are many labour-saving devices at her disposal. Consequently, all of us can now enjoy long hours of rest, relaxation, joy, diversion and entertainment. All work and no play would certainly make Jack a dull boy. Leisure is a kind of insurance against dullness, fatigue, boredom, tension and cares of life. After hours of work and struggle, we need some rest, relaxation, joy, respite, freshness and a kind of brief holiday. Leisure helps us in keeping our body and mind toned up, healthy and refreshed. Some time devoted to regular diversions, or hobbies, is bound to strengthen and refresh us in more than one way for better achievements in our respective fields of life. The five-day a week work culture gives us a lot of spare time to spend in recreation, rest, hobbies, simple and innocent joys of life and intellectual and artistic activities.

But for many, leisure may be a problem as they may not know how to use and enjoy their spare time. For them leisure may be more boring and monotonous than the daily routine occupation. Leisure is like a double-edged sword which can be either used well or misused. A person can be best judged by the way he or she uses the leisure hours. It never means frittering away the precious time in drinking, gambling or idle gossiping. It should be viewed as a golden opportunity and used for healthy enjoyment, intellectual, spiritual, cultural and artistic pursuits. One may spend this time in playing with children, listening to their stories or in observing nature and birds.

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. The right use of leisure hours can help us in shaping and developing our personality in the desired way. It is really condemnable to spend leisure without a definite plan to have purposeful gains. Leisure provides us a rare opportunity to satisfy our inner demands. By means of our regular occupations and professions, we satisfy our physical and material demands. Now, during leisure we can very well satisfy our artistic, cultural, aesthetic, intellectual and spiritual urges. We can devote our spare hours to reading, writing, playing a musical instrument or in the pursuit of some meaningful creative and socially relevant activity. There are many hobbies to choose from. We may select from these according to our aptitude and resources, etc. Once we have made a judicious selection, we can make our leisure really interesting, meaningful and worthwhile. All cultural and aesthetical achievements and improvements arise from leisure. It helps people in becoming whole, integrated and cultured. During these precious moments of respite, relaxation, rest and diversion, one can stand and stare at things beautiful, ponder on the meaning of life and turn one’s life into a real asset.

Different people spend leisure differently. Some may occupy themselves in gardening, photography, reading or playing outdoor or indoor games. Others may busy themselves in playing with children or in enjoying music.

In modern times, viewing television is becoming more and more popular. In western countries people spend roughly 45% of their leisure hours in front of their T.V. sets. In India also more and more people spend their time before their T.V. sets, viewing films, popular serials or other programmes. Women and children too are enthusiastic viewers of television programmes in India. But watching T.V. for long hours has its inherent risks as it is a passive entertainment and there is no participation by the viewers in it.

Short work weeks and automation of activities have resulted in more leisure and spare time. And with this, the danger of mental dissipation, flirtation and killing of time in idle entertainment have increased. Success and purposefulness of leisure is as important as that of our employment or vocational pursuits. Leisure can be a means of both our elevation, enrichment, improvement of sensibilities and degradation, fall, moral dissipation and flirtation. Leisure in itself is neither good nor bad. It is its use that makes it good or bad. No doubt all intellectual improvement arises from leisure but too much and too frequent leisure makes a poet cry:

Leisure is pain; takes off our chariot wheels,

How heavily we drag the load of life

Blest leisure is our curse; like that of Cain,

It makes us wander, wander earth around

To fly that tyrant thought.

Therefore, leisure with purpose and meaningfulness should be our aim for has not Cicero, the famous Roman statesman said, “The thing which is the most outstanding and chiefly to be desired by all healthy and good and well-off persons is leisure with honour.” If we stick to the principle of “leisure with honour” then it would be no problem at all. We must be alert and watchful against the abuse of leisure.

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Essay on Work Life Balance in English (150, 200, 250, 500 Words)


Work-life balance is the delicate equilibrium between professional obligations and personal life pursuits. In today’s fast-paced world, achieving this balance is paramount for overall well-being and satisfaction, yet increasingly challenging amidst evolving work dynamics and societal expectations.

Here, we’ve presented essays on “Work Life Balance” in 150, 200, 250 & 500 word samples. All the essays will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & class 12.

Table of Contents

Essay on Work Life Balance in 150 Words


Work-life balance is a crucial aspect of modern life, defining how individuals manage their time between professional responsibilities and personal pursuits. In today’s fast-paced world, achieving equilibrium between work and life has become increasingly challenging due to the demands of the workplace and personal commitments. Balancing these two spheres effectively is essential for maintaining overall well-being and satisfaction.

Understanding Work-Life Balance

Managing work-life balance requires a thoughtful approach. It involves setting boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout and maintain mental and physical health. Prioritizing tasks, practicing time management, and learning to delegate responsibilities are key strategies in achieving harmony between work and personal life.

Importance of Work-Life Balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is vital for various reasons. It enhances productivity and job satisfaction while reducing stress levels. Additionally, it fosters stronger relationships with family and friends, leading to a more fulfilling personal life. Striking a balance between work and personal life ultimately promotes overall happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, work-life balance is essential for individuals to lead fulfilling lives. By implementing effective strategies and prioritizing personal well-being, individuals can achieve harmony between their professional and personal spheres. Prioritizing work-life balance not only improves productivity and job satisfaction but also enhances overall quality of life.

Essay on Work Life Balance

Work Life Balance Essay in 200 Words

Work-life balance is a fundamental aspect of modern living, delineating the equilibrium between professional obligations and personal aspirations. In today’s dynamic world, attaining this balance is increasingly challenging due to the incessant demands of work and personal commitments. Striving for a harmonious coexistence between these realms is crucial for overall satisfaction and well-being.

Achieving work-life balance necessitates a strategic approach. It involves delineating boundaries between work and personal life to prevent exhaustion and sustain mental and physical health. Effective time management, task prioritization, and delegation of responsibilities are pivotal in fostering this equilibrium.

Challenges in Attaining Work-Life Balance

Numerous challenges hinder individuals from maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Pressing deadlines, excessive workload, and the pervasive culture of overwork contribute to the erosion of personal time and well-being. Balancing familial responsibilities, social engagements, and leisure pursuits alongside professional duties poses significant challenges.

The significance of work-life balance extends beyond individual well-being. It influences organizational productivity, employee morale, and overall societal health. Companies that prioritize work-life balance witness higher employee retention rates, increased productivity, and a more positive work culture.

In conclusion, work-life balance is indispensable for individuals seeking fulfillment and contentment in their lives. By adopting mindful practices and setting boundaries, individuals can navigate the complexities of work and personal life more effectively. Prioritizing work-life balance not only enhances individual happiness and productivity but also contributes to a healthier and more harmonious society.

Essay Writing on Work Life Balance in 250 Words

Work-life balance remains a paramount concern in contemporary society, with individuals striving to strike a harmonious equilibrium between their professional commitments and personal pursuits. In an era marked by technological advancements and globalization, the boundary between work and personal life has become increasingly blurred, posing significant challenges to achieving balance.

The Evolution of Work-Life Balance

Historically, the concept of work-life balance has evolved in response to changing societal norms and economic realities. The industrial revolution, for instance, introduced the notion of standardized working hours, delineating a clearer boundary between work and personal time. However, in the digital age, where connectivity is constant, the traditional nine-to-five paradigm has given way to a more fluid work schedule, making it harder to maintain a healthy balance.

The Impact of Work-Life Imbalance

The repercussions of work-life imbalance are far-reaching. Studies indicate a correlation between excessive work hours and increased stress levels, leading to burnout and diminished job satisfaction. According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association, 65% of Americans cite work as a significant source of stress, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue.

Strategies for Achieving Balance

Despite the challenges, there are strategies individuals can employ to achieve a better work-life balance. Time management techniques, such as prioritizing tasks and setting boundaries, can help mitigate the effects of overwork. Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and compressed workweeks, also offer opportunities for greater autonomy and flexibility.

Organizational Responsibility

Organizations play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of work-life balance. Implementing policies such as telecommuting, flexible scheduling, and wellness programs can enhance employee satisfaction and retention. Moreover, fostering open communication and promoting a healthy work environment are essential for supporting employees in achieving balance.

In conclusion, work-life balance is essential for both individual well-being and organizational success. By acknowledging the evolving nature of work and implementing proactive measures, individuals and organizations can mitigate the negative effects of work-life imbalance. Striving for a healthier balance between work and personal life is not only beneficial for individuals’ mental and physical health but also conducive to a more productive and fulfilling society.

Writing an Essay on Work Life Balance in 500 Words

Work-life balance has emerged as a critical concern in contemporary society, reflecting the challenge individuals face in reconciling their professional obligations with personal aspirations. In an era characterized by technological advancements and globalization, the boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred, necessitating a reevaluation of traditional approaches to time management and well-being.

The Changing Landscape of Work

The evolution of work dynamics, influenced by factors such as automation, globalization, and the gig economy, has transformed the traditional notion of a linear career trajectory. According to a study by Gallup, 53% of employees globally report feeling overworked or overwhelmed, indicating the pervasive nature of the issue. Additionally, advancements in technology have facilitated constant connectivity, making it difficult for individuals to disconnect from work even during non-working hours.

Understanding Work-Life Imbalance

Work-life imbalance manifests in various forms, ranging from long working hours and job insecurity to the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life. Research conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) highlights the detrimental effects of work-life imbalance, including increased stress, decreased job satisfaction, and heightened risk of burnout. Moreover, studies have shown that work-life imbalance can have adverse effects on physical health, such as sleep disturbances and cardiovascular problems.

Implications for Mental Health

The impact of work-life imbalance on mental health cannot be overstated. A survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that depression and anxiety disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide, with work-related stress cited as a significant contributing factor. Furthermore, the prevalence of mental health issues in the workplace underscores the need for proactive measures to address work-life balance.

Achieving work-life balance requires a multifaceted approach encompassing individual actions, organizational policies, and societal attitudes. Time management techniques, such as prioritizing tasks and setting boundaries, can help individuals reclaim control over their schedules. Moreover, adopting a holistic approach to well-being, including regular exercise, adequate sleep, and leisure activities, is essential for mitigating the effects of work-related stress.

Organizational Initiatives

Organizations play a crucial role in promoting work-life balance through the implementation of supportive policies and practices. Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting and flexible scheduling, have been shown to enhance employee satisfaction and productivity. Additionally, initiatives such as employee assistance programs (EAPs) and wellness initiatives can provide valuable resources and support for managing work-related stress.

Cultural Shift

Achieving sustainable work-life balance requires a cultural shift that prioritizes the well-being of individuals over productivity and profit. This necessitates challenging ingrained beliefs about work ethic and redefining success beyond traditional metrics. Initiatives aimed at promoting work-life balance awareness and advocacy can help shift societal attitudes and norms towards a more balanced approach to work and life.

In conclusion, work-life balance is a complex and multifaceted issue with profound implications for individual well-being and societal health. Addressing work-life imbalance requires concerted efforts at the individual, organizational, and societal levels. By recognizing the changing dynamics of work, implementing supportive policies, and fostering a culture that values well-being, we can create a more sustainable and fulfilling approach to work and life.

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Essay on Leisure | Leisure Essay for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by sastry

Essay on Leisure: Life may be considered an interval between birth and death. Life, according to an Arabian proverb, is composed of two parts, that which is past-a dream, and that which is to come-a wish.

What is this life full of care? We have no time to stand and stare. -W.H. Davies

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Essay on Leisure

Long Essay on Leisure 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Leisure of 500 words is helpful for classes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Knowing that life is a temporary phase of eternity, no one knows when the journey of our life will be over. It is like the journey in the caravan of olden days. In those days, when the caravan was on the road, a bell rang continuously. When the bell stopped ringing, the caravan also stopped, so, no one knows in life when the bell of the caravan of life will cease to ring and the journey will be over.

What is in our power to do is only this. We should live our life properly in a selfless way. God has given us this gift of life with a purpose and that purpose is not to squander it aimlessly but to fulfill our duties sincerely and truthfully.

It takes all kind of people to make the world. There are those who use every minute of their life sensibly and nobly and there are those who waste it. Unfortunately, the latter outnumbers the former. There are men and women who still live today in people’s memory and are remembered with love and reverence for their noble deeds. There are those also, who are remembered with hatred and fear for they had adopted destructive measures to become rulers of the world to satisfy their greed and ambition for power and wealth. History is the witness, that great men like Abraham Lincon, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Ram Mohan Rai, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Sardar Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Shekh Mujeebur Rahman changed the course of their countrymen’s lives in such a way and brought peace and happiness in others lives that life itself revers them. They will remain alive in the memories of their people and the whole world. Quite contrary to such great men, there have been men like Hitler, Mussolmi, Stalin, Saddam Husain, Idi Amin, terrorists like Osama bin Laden, Abu Baghdadi, Dawood Ibrahim and many such others who are also remembered by the world but with hatred and fear.

Now think of the lives of common men. Nowadays succumbing to the waves of time, they are also busy participating in the rat race of modern life and have made their life so, that they don’t have any time of leisure left. They have not a single moment in their life to rest, to enjoy the beauty of nature and be happy. They have forgotten to enjoy the small joys of life. There is no peace, harmony and contentment in their lives. The desire, the ambition to reach the top and be number one, has made their life hell. They have forgotten everything related to love friendship, peace, contentment and harmony. Life’s number one lesson that we live in deeds not years is forgotten. They want to become millionaires in a day. They don’t remember that Rome was not built in a day and those who work hard, they take it to the excess. If they have learnt to labor, they want the result of their labor within a day, they have yet to learn the virtue of patience. Small pleasures of life and the morals of humanity, love, friendship and compassion have been sent to oblivion. We should remember that we should try to live for the benefit of others.

Zimmerman has summed up the life of man in the very balanced and wise way: “There appears to be greater desire to live long than to live well. Measured by man’s desires, he cannot live long enough. Measured by man’s good deeds, he has not lived long enough, measured by his evil deeds, he has lived too long.”

There is no cure for birth and death, save to enjoy the interval. The dark background that death supplies brings out the tender colours of life in all their purity. While we try to enjoy life, we must never neglect the fact that the shaping of our life is in our own hands. It is a thing of beauty or a thing of shame as we ourselves make it. We should live as if we expected to live for a hundred years but might die tomorrow, and still achieving, still pursuing learn to labor and to wait.

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English Essay on “How Spend My Leisure” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

How Spend My Leisure

Leisure is the spare time available at our disposal. Different people have different ideas and different methods of spending their leisure time. Though people are busy in different kinds of work, time is also available which may be termed as .leisure time. For students, in particular, the question of spending their leisure time for a good purpose is Significant. Some students pass their leisure in gossip and loitering, some go to see movies, some play cards and some students stand on the corners of the roads and streets without any aim whatsoever, their methods of spending the leisure are not worthy. The leisure time should be spent by joining together and attending some programmes having educational, cultural and recreational values of a high order. I spend my leisure in visiting important places, historical monuments and other important places like Jantar Mantar, Red Fort, Raj Ghat, etc. Sometimes, I go to a library to spend my leisure. A very good library to spend my leisure time is the American Center library where a large number of magazines and books are available. There is an arrangement there even to watch video cassettes without the sound. The sound can, however, be heard by you through the ear-phone you may plug to your ears. These video cassettes are of tremendous educative value. Like any other spheres of activities, a proper planning for spending the leisure is an important aspect of human life.

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Essay Writing For Class 9 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Essay writing is an essential skill for students to develop as they progress through their academic journey. Class 9 is an important stage in a student’s education, where they learn various subjects and skills that prepare them for higher education. Essay writing in class 9 plays a crucial role in developing critical thinking, researching, and analytical skills. In this article, we will discuss the format, examples, topics, and exercises for essay writing for class 9.

Format Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

The format of essay writing for class 9 is similar to other essay formats, with some slight variations. The following is the standard format for essay writing:

Introduction: The introduction should be a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the topic, its relevance, and the thesis statement. The thesis statement should be a clear statement that presents the central idea of the essay.

Body: The body of the essay is where the arguments and evidence are presented to support the thesis statement. The body should be divided into paragraphs, each addressing a specific point related to the thesis statement. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the point of discussion.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis statement in a different way. The conclusion should also provide a final thought on the topic.

Also Read: Essay Writing Topics For Class 5

Examples Of Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Importance of Education: Education is the foundation of human development and progress. It plays a vital role in shaping the future of individuals, communities, and nations. Education provides individuals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and values to succeed in life. In this essay, the importance of education will be discussed in detail. 2. Impact of Social Media: Social media has become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with people from all over the world. However, social media has negative effects on individuals and society, such as cyberbullying, addiction, and misinformation. In this essay, the impact of social media on individuals and society will be explored. 3. Climate Change: Climate change is a global phenomenon that poses a threat to the environment, economy, and social well-being. The causes and consequences of climate change are complex and require urgent action to mitigate the impact. In this essay, the causes and effects of climate change will be discussed, along with possible solutions.

Topics For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. My Favorite Season 2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology 3. The Importance of Sports and Games 4. My Role Model 5. Environmental Pollution 6. Impact of COVID-19 on Education 7. Importance of Time Management 8. My Future Career 9. Women’s Empowerment 10. The Importance of Reading Books

Exercises For Essay Writing For Class 9:

1. Brainstorming: Choose a topic and brainstorm ideas using a mind map or a list. This exercise helps to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. 2. Outlining: Create an outline for the essay, with the introduction, body, and conclusion. This exercise helps to structure the essay and ensure that all the important points are covered. 3. Researching: Conduct research on the topic using reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and websites. This exercise helps to gather information and support the arguments presented in the essay. 4. Writing Practice: Practice writing essays on different topics, focusing on improving grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary. 5. Peer Review: Ask a classmate or teacher to review the essay and provide feedback on areas for improvement. This exercise helps to identify mistakes and improve the quality of the essay.

Conclusion On Essay Writing For Class 9:

Essay writing is a crucial aspect of academic learning, especially in class 9. It helps students develop critical thinking, analytical, and research skills that are necessary for higher education and future careers. By following the standard essay format, students can effectively present their ideas and arguments in a clear and concise manner. Additionally, practicing essay writing through exercises such as brainstorming, outlining, research and peer review can help students improve their writing skills and produce high-quality essays. Therefore, it is essential for students to take essay writing seriously and make efforts to improve their skills.

  • Secondary School

Write an essay on "Work and Leisure"




Work is sold time to another person in compensation for pay (salaries and wages) and is usually bound by the norms and values of the workplace. While leisure is not a time in which nothing is done, leisure is a time to be spent fruitfully to create knowledge, pleasures, and satisfaction and may or may not involve pay.

Work is productive. While leisure may or may not be productive but must not involve an individual's duties and functions in the workplace. We do work because we have to (usually for money). While, leisure is what we choose to do in our free time (usually for pleasure, or relaxation). Work is an activity, where an individual participates in regular jobs for survival and is usually bound by the norms and values of the workplace. While, leisure is an activity, in which an employee or worker experiences freedom of choice to do anything.

Work is an important part of people's lives because it acts as a training opportunity to develop and improve social skills and develop friendly and supportive relationships. It means more than just getting paid. It means being able to make your own choices about how you want to live your life. The support provided by co-workers can change someone's life experience from one of isolation to one of feeling part of a community. Work also helps us gain pride and self-satisfaction by reaffirming that we can support ourselves. With work, we earn money to cover bills and pay for activities in our leisure time. Leisure provides relaxation, relieves stress, and helps to recharge the mind and body. Leisure participation has a beneficial effect on satisfaction, psychological well-being, and health that add positive outcomes such as the opportunity for skill utilization, self-expression and self-actualization, gratification, freedom of choice, and an avenue to develop one's sense of competence necessary for the workplace.

Work is necessary to sustain life but too much work, and overtime harms people's family time and entertainment. Overwork diminishes the level of leisure satisfaction as well. So there should be a balance between work and leisure because research suggested that balance between work and leisure activity is important for improving health by reducing work-related stress and other stressful events.

                "Work and Leisure"


Work is an activity involving mental or physical effort done to achieve a goal. Leisure is the free time which is spent beyond ones regular activities. Both work and leisure occupy a major part of human life.

If we work for a long time, we need leisure. But if we have only leisure that also creates problems in our life. So, work and leisure are two parts of a same coin.

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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Leisure” Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 Class and Graduate Exams.

The word ‘leisure’ means time at one’s own disposal or free time which is not filled by work, whether it is by a paid job or by schoolwork or by housework. It is, in fact, ‘time on our hands’ when we can do exactly what we want to do. It is, therefore, one of the pleasures of life to have leisure and to be able to use it intelligently because, however old we are, or young, we have only one life, and time is most precious to all of us. It cannot be wasted.

If we are wise, therefore, we do not think of leisure as time to do absolutely nothing, because to do nothing is, for most intelligent people, the most boring thing of all. “Sometimes I sit and think and sometimes I just sit !” is a European saying not to be put into practice ! On the other hand, all of us sometimes, need to relax completely. “What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare ?”

Leisure, then, is time to be filled in congenial ways which differ with each individual, but it is wise to fill leisure hours with activities which are different from our main occupation. Thus, we have a change. for the indoor worker, perhaps a bank-clerk or a copy-typist, to spend leisure hours poring over books or cryptic puzzles would constitute no change, whereas, for a gardener or a farmer to do something like this, would provide the contrast needed for relaxation. Indoor workers are better served by doing outside activities and vice-versa.

But again, how we use our leisure depends entirely on our own individual tastes and talents. Here, hobbies and leisure are closely connected. The game lover will spend every available fee hour playing the game at which he excels or of which he is fond. The book lover will spend hours poring over books and will be a frequent visitor to the local library. Many people, including Britain’s famous Winston Churchill, find relaxation in painting. He even found it in brick-laying ! A music lover will either play his favorite instrument or visit a concert. Television supplies the leisure needs of many.

The more varied the interests of each individual, the more varied, of course, will be his use of leisure. Wise people try to do many different things with their leisure hours, so that indoor and outdoor activities are included, as also are passive ones (like watching television) and active ones (like gardening or knitting). In this connection, it is wise for young people to try to develop many interests outside their regular work, some sedentary and some active, so that later on they will not be forced to lead too narrow a life. A criticism, and rightly so, of many universities in both the East and West is that students have to concentrate so had on their studies that they do not have time to develop interests and liking for subjects and activities outside their own. This is a pity and the lack of suitable interests for leisure is perhaps most of all felt when, men retire from the occupation which has filled their life-time. Then, at the age of sixty or sixty-five, they find themselves with the rest of life on their hands — all of it leisure. There is a vacuum indeed for the man who is unable to fill any of it with interest and occupation.

Nowadays, it is not only for the old, but for all of us that the problem of how to use leisure usefully and well arises. With increased automation, labor-saving devices and precooked food, the housewife has more leisure than ever before. With shorter working hours and holidays with pay, people all over the world have more free time. A hundred years ago, a man was lucky if he had one half day a week ‘off’. Today, t is a five-days working week for most people, with two or three weeks holiday with pay every year. This is right and proper, but there are pitfalls which a modern society must avoid. Boredom is one of them and this affects all age groups from the suburban housewife, to the old man who seems to fade out of life, because he does not know what to do with it. Teenage crime, juvenile delinquency, and the ‘antics’ of “Mods and Rockers” are attributed by many social workers to boredom which arises out of having nothing to do. ‘Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do !’

The most important point of all, therefore, is to be educated for leisure so that however much free time we may have, and at whatever age, we may always be able to fill it happily and well, thus developing our fullest possible personalities.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Work-Life Balance — Work-Life Balance: Importance and Strategies


Work-life Balance: Importance and Strategies

  • Categories: Work-Life Balance

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Words: 885 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

Words: 885 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, definition and understanding of work-life balance, the role of work in one's life, the impact of an imbalance between work and personal life, strategies for achieving work-life balance, benefits of work-life balance, case studies/examples, challenges and obstacles in achieving work-life balance, ix. conclusion, references:.

  • Robbins, S.P., Judge, T.A. & Campbell, T.T. (2017). Organizational Behavior (17th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Huffington, A. (2014). Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-being, Wisdom, and Wonder. Harmony Books
  • Gottfried, S. (2016). The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, and Sex Drive; Lose Weight; Feel Focused, Vital, and Energized Naturally with the Gottfried Protocol. Scribner

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