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मराठीतील प्रसिद्ध आत्मचरित्रपर कादंबरी (Famous Marathi Autobiographies)

मराठीतील प्रसिद्ध आत्मचरित्रपर कादंबरी (Famous Marathi Autobiographies)

काहीतरी नवे शिकण्यासाठी आणि आत्मविश्वास मिळवण्यासाठी तुम्ही पुस्तक वाचत असाल तर आत्मचरिपर कादंबरी या तुमच्या आयुष्याला नेहमीच कलाटणी देणाऱ्या ठरतील. सध्याचे दिवस पाहता घरात राहून फारच कंटाळा आणि नैराश्याने आपल्या सगळ्यांना ग्रासले आहे. आयुष्याची दिशा सापडणे हे अनेकांना कठीण झाले आहे. अशावेळी मन शांत करुन काहीतरी चांगलं वाचावं यासाठी आम्ही मराठीतील प्रसिद्ध आत्मचरित्रपर कादंबरीची निवड तुमच्यासाठी केली आहे. त्यामुळे वाचते व्हा! अशाच वाचनप्रेमींसाठी काही उत्कृष्ट कांदबरीही .  मराठी थ्रिलर, रोमँटिक, हॉरॉर कांदबरी ही आम्ही तुम्हाला सांगितल्या होत्या. आता अधिक याबद्दल जाणून घेऊया.

चरैवति! चरवैति!

लेखक: राम नाईक

प्रकाशन:  इन्किन इनोव्हेशन

किंमत: 300 रुपये

परीक्षण:  महाराष्ट्राच्या दुष्काळी गावात एका शिक्षकाच्या पोटी राम नाईक यांचा जन्म झाला. शिक्षणांनतर नोकरीसाठी त्यांनी मुंबई गाठावी लागली. चाकोरीबद्ध नोकरीच्या जीवनाला अचानक कलाटणी मिळाली ते त्यांच्या संघटनेच्या कामामुळे. नोकरी सोडून त्यांनी अवाढव्य अशा मुंबईचे नेतृत्व केले. सलग 8 निवडणुका जिंकल्या. अनेक संकटावर मात करत त्यांनी केंद्रीय मंत्रीपदाची धुरा सांभाळली. चरैवति!चरैवति! म्हणजे चालत राहा. त्याच्या या आत्मचरित्रातून हाच धडा सगळ्यांनी घ्यावा. मराठीतील दर्जेदार साहित्य  तुम्ही आवर्जून वाचायला हवे.

autobiography of books in marathi

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पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध, Autobiography of Book in Marathi

नमस्कार मित्रांनो, आज आम्ही तुमच्यासाठी घेऊन आलो आहोत पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध, autobiography of book in Marathi हा लेख. या पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध लेखात या विषयाची संपूर्ण माहिती देण्याचा माझा प्रयत्न असेल.

सर्व वर्गांतील विद्यार्थी मित्र मैत्रिणींना एकाच लेखात संपूर्ण माहिती देणे हाच आमचा एकमेव उद्देश आहे, जेणेकरून तुमचा सर्व वेळ वाया जाणार नाही. चला तर मग पाहूया पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध, autobiography of book in Marathi हा लेख.

या लेखातील महत्वाचे मुद्दे

कोणीतरी म्हटले आहे की शरीरासाठी जसे अन्न आवश्यक आहे, तसेच पुस्तके देखील आहेत. लहान मुलांना पौष्टिक आहार दिला जातो जेणेकरून ते कोणत्याही आजारापासून दूर राहतील. लहान मुले हळूहळू बदलतात आणि जसजसे ते मोठे होतात, पुस्तके त्यांना नवीन गोष्टी शिकण्यास मदत करतात.

बाल्यावस्थेपासून किशोरावस्थेपर्यंत, त्याच्या पालकांनी त्याला वाढताना पाहिले. त्यामुळे मानवी शरीरात बदल होतात. परिवर्तनाची आणि ज्ञानाची, मानवी मनात रुची निर्माण करणारी पुस्तके, मानवी शरीरात चैतन्य निर्माण करणारी पुस्तके या पुस्तकांचे वाचन करून अनेक ठिकाणी पुस्तके आपल्याला मदत करतात.

एखादी व्यक्ती वयाच्या चौथ्या वर्षापासून लहान असतानाच लिहायला आणि वाचायला शिकायला लागते. अशा वेळी त्याच्या हातात पुस्तक देऊन त्याला चांगल्या ठिकाणी घेऊन जाते. हळूहळू त्याला पुस्तकातील रंगीबेरंगी गोष्टी कळायला लागतात आणि त्यामुळे मुलाला वाचनाची आवड निर्माण होते.

पुस्तकाचे मनोगत

होय मी पुष्ट्क बोलतोय, मी तुमच्या सर्वांचा खरा सोबती आहे, तरुण आणि वृद्ध, स्त्री आणि पुरुष. मी प्रत्येकासाठी काम करतो. मुलांना माझी रंगीत चित्रे पाहायला आवडतात. मी त्यांचे मनोरंजन करतो आणि त्यांना शिक्षण देतो. जीवनात खरे यश वाचनात येते, त्यामुळे जीवनातील यशाची गुरुकिल्ली मी आहे.

माझ्याकडे असंख्य रूपे आहेत आणि माझ्या सर्व प्रती कोणीही वाचू शकत नाही. जर हिंदूंसाठी मी रामायण, गीता किंवा महाभारत आहे, तर मुस्लिमांसाठी मी कुराण आहे. जर ख्रिश्चन लोक मला बायबल मानतात, तर शीख लोक मला गुरू ग्रंथ साहिब म्हणून वाचतात आणि माझ्या शिकवणीचे पालन करतात. या वेगवेगळ्या आकारांमुळे माझी अनेक नावे आहेत. माझे वेगवेगळे आकार वाचनालयात बघायला मिळतात.

मानवी समाजात ज्याप्रमाणे अनेक जाती आहेत, त्याचप्रमाणे माझ्याही अनेक जाती आहेत. कथा, नाटक, कादंबरी, कविता, समीक्षा, लेख इत्यादी अनेक प्रकार आहेत आणि मानसशास्त्र, समाजशास्त्र, अर्थशास्त्र, विज्ञान शिक्षण इत्यादी अनेक प्रकार आहेत. तो आता कोणती आवृत्ती पसंत करतो हे वाचकांच्या पसंतीवर अवलंबून आहे.

माझा जन्म कसा झाला

माझी वाढ आणि विकास लहानपणापासूनच खूपच हळू गतीने होत आहे. तुम्ही आज माझ्याकडे पाहण्याचा दृष्टीकोन प्राचीन काळी माझ्यापेक्षा खूप वेगळा आहे. प्राचीन काळी कागद किंवा छपाईचा शोध लागला नव्हता. त्यावेळी शिक्षणाचे हे स्वरूप नव्हते. त्या काळात विद्यार्थ्याला मौखिक ज्ञान दिले जात असे आणि विद्यार्थी देखील आपल्या गुरूंचे शब्द लक्षात ठेवेल आणि आपल्या जीवनात लागू करेल.

कागदाचा शोध

कागद बांबू, पेंढा, लाकूड इत्यादीपासून बनवला जातो. पाने छापण्यासाठी प्रिंटिंग मशीनचाही वापर केला जात आहे. छापून आल्यावर मी ते पुस्तकाच्या रूपात संकलित करतो आणि मग पुस्तकाच्या रूपात तुमच्यासमोर येतो.

निसर्गाप्रमाणेच मी मानवजातीच्या हितासाठी जगतो. माझे वाचन ज्ञान वाढवते, नवीन माहिती देते आणि वाचकाचे मनोरंजन करते. जर मी निराश व्यक्तीमध्ये आशा निर्माण केली तर मी आशावादी व्यक्तीमध्ये नवीन ऊर्जा आणतो. मी खचलेल्या माणसाला आधार देतो, तर असहाय्य माणसाला मदत करतो. जो भरकटतो त्याला मी मार्ग दाखवतो आणि जो चांगुलपणाच्या मार्गाने चालतो त्याला मी मार्ग दाखवतो. तुम्हाला पाहिजे तेव्हा तुम्ही माझी सेवा घेऊ शकता, मी खात्री देतो की मी तुमचा थकवा दोन मिनिटांत दूर करू शकेन.

मला वाचून तुम्ही तुमचा वेळ हुशारीने वापरू शकता कारण मी ज्ञानाचा खजिना आहे. जगातील सर्व महापुरुष, शास्त्रज्ञ, ज्योतिषी यांनी मला वाचून ही उंची गाठली आहे. मला वाचल्याशिवाय ज्ञानाच्या शिखरावर पोहोचलेला जगात कोणीही नाही.

पुस्तकाचा प्रवास अनेक ठिकाणी ज्ञानाचा स्त्रोत ठरला, पण या सर्व घडामोडींचा स्वतः पुस्तक मूक प्रेक्षक आहे आणि तो त्याला आपला चांगला मित्र मानेल अशी आशा आहे.

माणसाला त्याच्या आयुष्यात एकाकीपणाचा सामना करावा लागतो पण असे म्हणतात की पुस्तकात नकारात्मक भावना काढून टाकण्याची ताकद असते ज्याला काही लोक सर्वोत्तम सहयोगी मानतात.

आज आपण काय वाचले

तर मित्रांनो वरील लेखात आपण पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध, autobiography of book in Marathi हि माहिती पाहिली. मला खात्री आहे कि मी तुम्हाला पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा  मराठी निबंध या विषयावरील सर्व माहिती वरील लेखात मिळाली असेल.

तुम्हाला हा लेख कसा वाटला, आम्हाला कमेंट बॉक्समध्ये सांगा, जेणेकरून आमच्या पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध लेखात काही चूक असेल तर आम्ही ती लवकरात लवकर दुरुस्त करण्याचा प्रयत्न करू शकू किंवा वरील लेखात तुमची अधिक माहिती समाविष्ट करण्याचा प्रयत्न करू.

जाता जाता मित्रांनो, जर तुम्हाला या लेखातून पुस्तकाचे मनोगत, पुस्तकाची आत्मकथा मराठी निबंध, autobiography of book in Marathi या विषयावर संपूर्ण माहिती मिळाली असेल. जर तुम्हाला हा लेख आवडला असेल तर तुम्ही हा लेख तुमच्या फेसबुक, ट्विटर आणि व्हॉट्सॲप या सोशल मीडियावर नक्कीच शेअर करा.

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Marathi books and their authors : मित्रांनो आपल्या मराठी भाषेत अनेक लेखकांनी अनेक पुस्तके लिहिली आहेत. ज्यामध्ये अनेक कादंबऱ्या, मराठी प्रेरणादायी पुस्तके यांचा समावेश आहे. यातील काही पुस्तके दुर्मिळ होत चालली आहेत. तर अनेक पुस्तके आपल्याला ऑनलाईन वाचायला मिळतात. आजच्या या पोस्टमध्ये आपण 100 मराठी पुस्तके आणि त्यांचे लेखक (Marathi books and their authors) यांची माहिती जाणून घेणार आहोत.

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बनगरवाडी व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर
अस्पृश्यांचा मुक्ती संग्राम शंकरराव खरात
छत्रपती शाहू महाराज जयसिंगराव पवार
आय डेअर किरण बेदी
तिमिरातून तेजाकडे डॉ. नरेंद्र दाभोळकर
मृत्युंजय शिवाजी सावंत
फकिरा अण्णाभाऊ साठे
बलुतं दया पवार
ग्रामगीता राष्ट्रसंत तुकडोजी महाराज
प्रश्न मनाचेडॉ. हमीद आणि नरेंद्र दाभोळकर
स्वामी रणजित देसाई
श्रीमान योगी रणजीत देसाई
ठरलं डोळस व्हायचं डॉ. नरेंद्र दाभोळकर
मी जेव्हा मी जात चोरली बाबुराव बागुल

मराठी पुस्तके आणि त्यांचे लेखक मराठी (Marathi Pustake aani tyanche lekhak marathi)

  • मराठी लेखकांची माहिती (Marathi writers information in marathi)
हाफ गर्लफ्रेंड चेतन भगत
वाट तूडविताना उत्तम कांबळे
एकच प्याला राम गणेश गडकरी
कोसला भालचंद्र नेमाडे
ययाती वि. स. खांडेकर
वळीव शंकर पाटील
लज्जा तसलिमा नसरीन
दैनंदिन पर्यावरण दिलीप कुलकर्णी
रणांगण विश्राम बेडेकर
बटाट्याची चाळ पु. ल. देशपांडे
श्यामची आई साने गुरुजी
माझे विद्यापीठ नारायण सुर्वे
बिऱ्हाड अशोक पवार
व्यक्ती आणि वल्ली पु. ल. देशपांडे
माणदेशी माणसं व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर
उचल्या लक्ष्मण गायकवाड
अमृतवेल वि. स. खांडेकर
नटसम्राट विष्णू वामन शिरवाडकर
हिरवा चाफावि. स. खांडेकर
क्रोंचवधवि. स. खांडेकर
झोंबी आनंद यादव
इल्लम शंकर पाटील
चिकाळा भास्कर बडे
झाडा-झडती विश्वास पाटील
नाझी भस्मासुराचा उदयास्तवि. ग. कानिटकर
बाबा आमटेग.भ. बापट
डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर शंकरराव खरात
कोल्हाट्याचं पोर किशोर काळे
बहादूर थापा संतोष पवार

100 मराठी पुस्तके आणि त्यांचे लेखक (Marathi books and their authors)

भूवैकुंठ किशोर सानप
आई मोकझिम गार्की
स्वभाव आनंद नाडकर्णी
समग्र तुकाराम दर्शन किशोर सानप
कर्ण खरा कोण होतादाजी पणशीकर
कापूसकाळ कैलास दौंड
पांगिरा, पानिपत, युगंधर, छावाशिवाजी सावंत
एक होता कार्वरवीणा गवाणकर
वावटळ व्यंकटेश माडगूळकर
ग्रेट भेट निखिल वागळे
भारताचा शोध पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू
गोष्टी माणसांच्या सुधा मुर्ती
अंधाराचा गाव माझा कैलास दौंड
उपेक्षितांचे अंतरंग श्रीपाद महादेव माटे
माणुसकीचा गहिवरश्रीपाद महादेव माटे
यश तुमच्या हातात शिव खेरा
आमचा बाप अन आम्ही डॉ. नरेंद्र जाधव
शिक्षण जे कृष्णमूर्ती
गांधीनंतरचा भारत रामचंद्र गुहा
आधुनिक भारताचे निर्मातेरामचंद्र गुहा
नापास मुलांची गोष्टअरुण शेवते
महानायक विश्वास पाटील
आहे आणि नाहीविष्णू वामन शिरवाडकर
मिरासदारद. मा. मिरासदार
अल्बर्ट एलिस अंजली जोशी
स्पर्धा काळाशी अरुण टिकेकर, अभय टिळक
बदलता भारत भानू काळे
गीताई विनोबा भावे
साता उत्तराची कहाणीग. प्र. प्रधान
मध्ययुगीन भारताचा इतिहासमा. म. देशमुख
ड्रीम्स फ्रॉम माय फादर बराक ओबामा
समग्र डॉक्टर बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरचांगदेव खैरमोडे
झोत रावसाहेब कसबे
एकेक पान गळावयागौरी देशपांडे
आई समजून घेताना उत्तम कांबळे
खरेखुरे आयडॉलयुनिक फीचर्स
ओबामा संजय आवटे
महात्म्याची अखेर जगन फडणीस
बुद्ध आणि त्याचा धम्म डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर

वारंवार विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न (FAQ)

पुस्तकांचे प्रकार.

कादंबरी, कवितासंग्रह, कथासंग्रह, ललित लेखसंग्रह, ग्रंथ, शब्दकोश, मासिके, साप्ताहिके, पत्रके इत्यादी.

पुस्तक म्हणजे काय?

पुस्तक हे लिखित, छापलेल्या व कोऱ्या कागदापासून व चर्मपत्रे, झाडाच्या पानांपासून किंवा इतर कोणत्याही साहित्यापासून बनविलेल्या पानांचे एकत्रित संकलन असते. साहित्यिक लिखित व प्रकाशित कृतीस पुस्तक म्हणतात.

सारांश (Summary)

मित्रांनो आजच्या या पोस्टमध्ये आपण 100 मराठी पुस्तके आणि त्यांचे लेखक (Marathi books and their authors) यांची माहिती जाणून घेतली. Marathi Pustake aani tyanche lekhak marathi ही माहिती तुम्हाला कशी वाटली हे कमेंट मध्ये नक्की सांगा. जर तुम्हाला ही माहिती आवडली असेल तर तुमच्या मित्रांना पण नक्की शेअर करा.

11 thoughts on “ 100 मराठी पुस्तके आणि त्यांचे लेखक | Marathi books and their authors ”

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Good list for Marathi department in my library book collection demand for books in my library.

Thanks for give me information

Thanks for information

नामवंत मराठी लेखकांच्या मराठी पुस्तकांची परिपूर्ण सूची चोखंदळ मराठी वाचकांसाठी फारच उपयुक्त आहे.ख्यातनाम विनोदी लेखक कै.दत्तू बांदेकर यांची पुस्तके उपलब्ध आहेत काय? कृपया माहिती द्यावी अशी विनंती. — अरुण दत्तू बांदेकर, मुंबई.

दत्तू बांदेकर यांनी लिहिलेली पुस्तके: अनिल अमृतवाणी (लघुनिबंध, 1948) आडपडदा (1947) आपकी सेवामे (हिंदी चित्रपटाची पटकथा, 1947) आर्य चाणक्य आवळ्या भोपळ्याची मोट (1958) कबुली जबाब (मृत्यूपर्यंत अप्रकाशित) कारुण्याचा विनोदी शाहीर गडी फू (मृत्यूपर्यंत अप्रकाशित) गुंडाच्या तावडीतील सुंदरी (1946, रहस्यमालाचा दिवाळी अंक) गुलछबूचा फार्स (दिवाळी अंकात) चिरीमिरी (1959) चुकामूक (लघु कादंबरी) चोरपावले जावईशोध (नाटक, 1951) तू आणि मी (आत्मकथन, 1944) तो आणि ती (संवाद, 1938) नजरबंदी (नाटक, 1944) नवी आघाडी (1944) पंचगव्य (विडंबन काव्यसंग्रह, 1957. या पुस्तकात बांदेकरांच्या ३६ कविता आहेत, बाकीच्या अत्र्यांच्या) पेचपसंग (1947) प्यारी (1944) प्रेमपत्रे (1946) प्रेमाचा गुलकंद (1959) बहुरूपी (1941)

Very systematic and valuable information about marathi books and name of author,it really helped me in writing my ‘letter writing’ in marathi,thank you.

Sundar Mahiti

Your blog is a true asset to the online community. Thank you for your contributions!

all book with year and explan

मराठी पुस्तकांची नावे व लेखक

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Ananda Publications

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List Of All Marathi Books | मराठी पुस्तके पीडीऍफ़

Bahakalelii Brahmachaarii by माधवराव कामत - Madhavrav Kamat

बहकळेळी - ब्रह्मचारी - Bahakalelii Brahmachaarii

Kaanhin Mhaataare by विठ्ठळराव घाटे - Viththalrav Ghate

कांहीं म्हातारे - Kaanhin Mhaataare

Maajhii Prithvii Pradaqsina by गोपाळ जयराम पाठक - Gopal Jayram Pathak

माझी पृथ्वी प्रदक्षिणा - Maajhii Prithvii Pradaqsina

Shriyaalachaangunaasatwadarshan Naatak by नारो आपाजी गोडबोळे - Naro Aapaji Godbole

श्रियाल चांगुणा सत्वदर्शन नाटक - Shriyaalachaangunaasatwadarshan Naatak

JYOTI CHARITRA  by पुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuhलक्ष्मणशास्त्री जोशी - LAXMANSHASTRI JOSHI

जोतिचरित्र - JYOTI CHARITRA

Swadishta Maalpoha by पुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuh

स्वादिष्ट मालपोहा - Swadishta Maalpoha

Santaanchaa Prasaad by विनोबा - Vinoba

संतांचा प्रसाद - Santaanchaa Prasaad

Kavitaa Sangrah  by वामन दाजी ओक - Vaman Daji Ok

कविता संग्रह - Kavitaa Sangrah

Lokmarshi Bhausaheb by पंजाबराव देशमुख - Punjabrav Deshmukh

ळोकमहर्षी भाऊसाहेब - Lokmarshi Bhausaheb

Poor Aani Dushkal by अज्ञात - Unknown

पूर आणि दुष्काळ - Poor Aani Dushkal

Vasaichi Mohim  by यशवंत नरसिंह केळकर - Yashvant Narsingh Kelkar

वसईची मोहीम - Vasaichi Mohim

Ulkaapaat  by वि. वि. बोकिळ - Vi. Vi. Bokil

उल्कापात - Ulkaapaat

Jainendriya Samjna : Ek Taulik Adhyayan by नीलेश जोशी - Neelesh Joshi

जैनेन्द्रीय संज्ञा: एक तौलनिक अध्ययन - Jainendriya Samjna : Ek Taulik Adhyayan

Sanskrit Vidhechen Punaruziivan  by नरसिंह चिंतामणि - Narsingh Chintamani

संस्कृत विद्येचें पुनरुज्जीवन - Sanskrit Vidhechen Punaruziivan

Vinod Natak by महादेव नारायण जोशी - Mahadev Narayan Joshi

विनोद नाटक - Vinod Natak

KHEL BUDDHIBALACHA by चन्द्रकिरण राठी - CHANDRAKIRAN RATHIपुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuhविनय आर० आर० - VINAY R. R.

खेळ बुध्दीबलाचा - KHEL BUDDHIBALACHA

Chimukalen Bhaarat by अज्ञात - Unknown

चिमुकलें भारत - Chimukalen Bhaarat

Sahyaadriichyaa Paayathyaashiin 1 by कमळादेवी चट्टोपाध्याय - Kamaladevi Chattopadhyayविनायक सदाशिव सुखठणकर - Vinayak Sadashiv Sukhthanakar

सह्याद्रीच्या पायथ्याशीं १ - Sahyaadriichyaa Paayathyaashiin 1

Laaman Divaa by दि. बा. मोकाशी - Di. Ba. Mokashi

लामण दिवा - Laaman Divaa

Booker T Washington by नीलांबरी जोशी - NEELAMBARI JOSHIपुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuh

बुकर टी. वाशिंगटन - Booker T Washington

Maharastriya Gyankosh 13 by श्रीधर व्यंकटेश केतकर - Sridhar Vyankatesh Ketakar

महाराष्ट्रीय ज्ञानकोश १३ - Maharastriya Gyankosh 13

Vanaspati Jiivan by श्रीपाद लक्ष्मण आजरेकर - Sripad Lakshman Aajarekar

वनस्पति जीवन - Vanaspati Jiivan

Ek Naa Dhad by वि. आ. बुवा - Vi. Aa. Buva

एक ना धड - Ek Naa Dhad

Emmiche Kade by पुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuhसुशील जोशी - SUSHEEL JOSHI

एमीचे कडे - Emmiche Kade

Taankaanchyaa Pheki by ना. सी. फडके - Na. C. Fadakeशं. वा. किर्लोस्कर - Shan. Va. Kirloskar

टांकांच्या फेकी - Taankaanchyaa Pheki

Nandaa Diip by दामोदर अच्युत कारे - Damodar Achyut Kare

नन्दा दीप - Nandaa Diip

Mahaaraashtra Shabdakosh Vibhaag 1 by अज्ञात - Unknown

महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश विभाग १ - Mahaaraashtra Shabdakosh Vibhaag 1

Sarv Deshatil Nivadak Hmani by सदाशिव विश्वनाथ - Sadashiv Vishvnath

सर्वदेशांतीळ निवडक ह्मणी - Sarv Deshatil Nivadak Hmani

HERMAN MEINER  by पुस्तक समूह - Pustak Samuhशोभना रानडे - SHOBHANA RANADE

हर्मन मायनर - HERMAN MEINER

Pandit Mahaashaya  by भा. वि. वरेरकर - Bha. Vi. Varerkar

पंडित महाशय - Pandit Mahaashaya

Haank by ग. त्र्यं. माडखोळकर - G. Tryan. Maadakholakar

हांक - Haank

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Sharing the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi (Marathi)

Front Cover

The Book that Sparked a Spiritual Revolution !

Paramhansa Yogananda was the first yoga master of India whose mission was to live and teach in the West. In the 1920s, enthusiastic audiences filled the largest halls in America to hear him speak. His initial impact was truly impressive. But his lasting influence is greater still. This book, first published in 1946, helped launch, and continues to inspire, a spiritual revolution in the West.

Only rarely does a sage of Paramhansa Yogananda’s stature write a firsthand account of his life experiences. Followers of many religious traditions have come to recognize Autobiography of a Yogi as a masterpiece of spiritual literature. Yet, for all its depth, it is full of gentle humor, lively stories, and practical common sense. This is a verbatim reprinting of the original edition, now also including previously unreleased bonus materials. This is the only available edition that contains:

The original, unedited text, as written by Yogananda himself, free from posthumous changes introduced by others. An appendix containing the final chapter, written five years after this edition was first published, presented free from all changes made after Yogananda’s death. An all-new foreword and afterword, written by Swami Kriyananda, one of Yogananda’s best-known direct disciples.

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Autobiography of a Yogi (Marathi)

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Paramahansa Yogananda

Autobiography of a Yogi (Marathi) Hardcover – January 1, 2022

  • Print length 300 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Neha Publishers & Distributors
  • Publication date January 1, 2022
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Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C3CK2PTJ
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Neha Publishers & Distributors (January 1, 2022)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 300 pages

About the author

Paramahansa yogananda.

1893 – 1952 Hailed as the “father of Yoga in the West,” Paramahansa Yogananda is regarded as one of the great spiritual figures of our time. Born in northern India, he came to the United States in 1920, where he founded Self-Realization Fellowship, to disseminate his writings and teachings worldwide. Through his best-selling classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, and his numerous other books, he has introduced millions throughout the world to the spiritual principles of yoga meditation and the universal truths underlying all world religions.

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[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Books in Marathi

After a long search (believe us it was really long – almost 2 years!) we are able to get a few of Dr Ambedkar’s books in Marathi! A kind friend pointed us in the right direction and here we are with a few volumes of Dr Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches in Marathi.

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Volumes of Dr Ambedkar Books in Marathi

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 18 Part 1

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 18 Part 2

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 18 Part 3

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 19

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches Vol. 20

Annihilation of Caste

Who were the Shudras?

Buddha or Karl Marx

Buddha and His Dhamma

Castes in India – Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development

You can find also Dr Ambedkar Books in Other Languages

[PDF] Writings & Speeches of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in English

[PDF] Writings & Speeches of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar in Hindi

[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings in Gujarati

[PDF] In Bengali – Dr B R Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches

[PDF] Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches in Telugu

[PDF] Dr Ambedkar Books in Tamil

[PDF] Dr Ambedkar Books in Punjabi

[PDF] 22 Volumes of Dr Ambedkar Books in Kannada

These Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Books in Marathi are from Dr Ambedkar Foundation, Govt. of India.

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Who is Kamala Harris' father? Economist Donald Harris absent from the DNC

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Vice President Kamala Harris  spoke at length about her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, during her speech on the final day of the  2024 Democratic National Convention  where she  formally accepted  the Democratic nomination for president.

She explained how  her mother , a “five-foot-tall brown woman with an accent” who came to the U.S. from India at age 19, taught her and her sister, Maya, to “do something” about injustice.

Harris also mentioned her father, Donald Harris,  in her speech , recalling pleasant early childhood memories.

“At the park, my mother would say, “Stay close.” But my father would say, as he smiled, “Run, Kamala, run. Don’t be afraid. Don’t let anything stop you.” From my earliest years, he taught me to be fearless,” she said.

But when Harris was in elementary school, she said, her parents split up.

“It was mostly my mother who raised us,” she said.

According to  Harris’ 2019 memoir , Donald Harris continued to see his daughters during the weekend and summer.

Who is Donald Harris, Kamala Harris’ father?

Donald Harris is a post-keynesian economist  who has written on Marxist theory. He is a retired  Stanford University  professor who has served as an economic advisor to his home country of Jamaica. He also taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

In her speech, Harris described her father as a “student from Jamaica” when he and her mother met.

Born in Jamaica, Donald Harris immigrated to the US to complete a doctorate degree at the University of California, Berkeley. That’s where he met Shyamala, who was pursuing  a degree in biochemistry  there.

Was Kamala Harris’ father at the DNC?

Donald is Harris’ only living parent. Shyamala died of colon cancer in 2009.

But he was absent from the Democratic convention this week, as he has largely been from his daughter’s political life in general. He hasn’t weighed in on her political career since 2019, when he criticized a comment she made about whether she’s smoked marijuana before.

“Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?” Harris had said.

Donald Harris responded  in a statement to Jamaica Global Online, saying that his grandmothers and parents “must be turning in their grave right now” to see their Jamaican identity being connected to “the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker.”

Harris’ campaign did not issue a response at the time.

Doug Emhoff, Maya Harris; Kamala Harris' family at the DNC

While Donald Harris didn't appear at the Democratic convention, many other members of Harris' family were there.

They included her husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff , her sister Maya Harris , her stepchildren Ella and Cole Emhoff , and nieces and nephews Meena Harris, Alexander Hudlin, Jasper Emhoff, and Arden Emhoff.

Maia Pandey of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contributed to this report.

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An Impressive Monument to Christopher Isherwood, Man of Letters (and Lovers)

Though it downplays unflattering details, Katherine Bucknell’s big biography hails the 20th-century writer as an early advocate for the “chosen family.”

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By Alexandra Jacobs

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Many writers’ graves are tourist attractions . Not Christopher Isherwood’s. Indeed, he doesn’t have one. Best remembered for his “Berlin Stories,” which became “I Am a Camera” which became “Cabaret” — and latterly for “A Single Man,” which the designer Tom Ford made into a movie — Isherwood, who died in 1986 at 81 , signed away his corpse to science.

Now the director of his foundation, Katherine Bucknell, a novelist herself, has with great care erected a massive literary cenotaph entitled, with an apt echo of this summer’s most successful movie , “Christopher Isherwood Inside Out.” It joins Peter Parker’s equally gargantuan “ Isherwood: A Life Revealed ,” from 20 years ago: twin lions guarding fiercely the library of Isherwood’s own prodigious autofiction, letters and journals.

The biographers’ little-lion friend, their main Christopher whisperer, is Don Bachardy: the artist and Isherwood’s longtime partner , 30 years his junior and fondly known as Kitty. A landed-gentry Englishman who’d uprooted improbably to Los Angeles, Isherwood was Dobbin, after a toy horse he’d been given by his nanny as a child. They called themselves the Animals , their private domestic idyll the “basket.”

Dozens of other lovers pawed curiously at this basket — some even jumped in, for a time — but none unraveled or overturned it. The couple, who met when Bachardy was 18 and took a while to be accepted even in Isherwood’s bohemian circle, were the first subject of David Hockney’s celebrated double-portrait series.

Bucknell’s considerable sourcework — so much writing from all fronts, so many interviews from the golden age of newspapers, magazines, Cavett — is more than synthesis; it is photosynthesis. Her big blue book breathes and glistens. Her subject, who regularly meditated as a convert with Aldous Huxley to the Hindu philosophy Vedanta, is reincarnated.

And his reputation — somewhat tarnished after the publication of his diaries, which she edited, occasioned a harder look at his antisemitism and misogyny — gets a good spiffing. Isherwood is enshrined here as not just a Grand Old Man of gay liberation, minus the waving rainbow flag (nor did he write about AIDS), but a warrior of finding one’s tribe, or “chosen family.” Imagine the cage match with JD Vance.

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New Times, New Thinking.

Inside the court of Adolf Hitler

Richard J Evans’s group biography of the Third Reich’s enforcers provides a revelatory account of the Nazi mind.

By William Boyd

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Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Röhm, Albert Speer, Joachim von Ribbentrop. The roll-call is still grimly familiar some 80 years on from this motley and deeply unsavoury crew’s heyday. And I have to confess to a disquieting familiarity with these monsters’ lives as I spent many months in 2000 and 2001 researching and writing a six-hour TV drama series about Hitler’s astonishing rise to power over the years between 1913-33 – an unparalleled transformation from a homeless, mentally unstable, penniless vagrant in Vienna to the all-powerful chancellor of Germany in Berlin. I have shelves full of memoirs, histories, diaries and biographies of all the key Nazi players. The series was commissioned by the BBC and 20th Century Fox but was never made (Fox lost its nerve), but its conception – it wasn’t based on any book – absorbed and educated me in the history of the Third Reich and its noxious denizens. So, to open Hitler’s People was to renew acquaintances I thought I had left far behind. Scales fell from my eyes.

The premise behind Richard J Evans ’s utterly absorbing book is that a biographical approach to the history of the Third Reich will tell us more about the perverse culture and power struggles of those key personages who made up Hitler’s inner circle – and whose influence extended further down the food chain – than the overarching, geopolitical historical studies would. He presents us with 22 short biographies, or “portraits”, of the players he considers as crucial. They are congregated under four headings: the Leader, the Paladins, the Enforcers, and the Instruments. The result is an extraordinary rogues’ gallery of the Nazi elite and its more menial jobsworths. Intriguingly, although the Nazi programme was overwhelmingly male-driven, Evans identifies similarly enthusiastic cruelty among women in the lower ranks: Ilse Koch, Irma Grese and Gertrud Scholtz-Klink are among those he includes under the “Instruments” rubric. This top-to-toe analysis is as shocking as it is surprising.

Evans is a magisterial presence in the history of Hitler’s Third Reich. His three influential books – The Coming of the Third Reich , The Third Reich in Power and The Third Reich at War – make him pre-eminently suited to assess the significant personalities in the court of Adolf Hitler and, of course, Der Führer, himself, the “Boss”.

Evans starts his brilliant hundred-page biography of Hitler with the sentence: “For the first thirty years of his life, Adolf Hitler was a nobody.” Here lies the utterly compelling paradox. As Evans reminds us, without Hitler there would have been no Third Reich, no Second World War and no Holocaust. How could this deranged young man, selling his mediocre postcards in 1913 Vienna, wearing a yellow cycling cape that failed to disguise his rank body odour, end up as chancellor of Germany 20 years later and, through his crazed ambitions, have plunged the Western world into war and brought about the deaths of millions of people?

There are many possible answers and Evans judiciously analyses all the more recent historical interpretations. We know far more about Nazi Germany today than ever before. The catastrophe and humiliation of the 1918 Armistice; the revolutionary movements and social unrest that then ensued in Germany; the debilitating depression that followed the 1929 Wall Street crash are all useful pieces of evidence that might explain the rise of the Nazi party (the highest vote the Nazis ever achieved was 37 per cent in the 1932 elections) and its drawn-out, bloody, disastrous denouement. But it seems to me that Evans’s biographical approach to understanding this phenomenon is perhaps the new route to some sort of enlightenment.

The Saturday Read

Morning call.

Of all the “Paladins” that Evans examines, the one that fascinates me most – and who played a significant role in my doomed TV series – is Albert Speer. Speer – tall, handsome, cultured, educated – was an architect, and the youngest member of the Nazi inner circle, only 40 years old at the end of the war. Hitler saw him as a putative son and Speer returned the “love”. It was Speer who first articulated the power of Führerkontakt – that bizarre charisma that Hitler, the most insignificant and undistinguished of men, seemed to possess in his pomp. Ernst “Putzi” Hanfstaengl, an urbane, sophisticated American-German who was briefly a kind of PR official to the embryonic Nazi party in the 1920s described Hitler as having all the allure of a “suburban hairdresser on his day off”. And yet Hitler’s singular presence to his acolytes, and the German population, miraculously grew as his power grew. It seemed almost messianic – and he knew absolutely how to cultivate it.

Hitler promoted Speer to become the minister of armaments and munitions in 1942, supervising a vast population of forced labour of some 14 million, which kept the Nazi war machine working to its best ability. Hundreds of thousands of slave-labourers died under Speer’s watch yet, at his trial in Nuremberg after the war, he claimed to be ignorant of every aspect of the Nazi’s ruthless extermination process.

Speer’s “get-out-of-jail” ruse was to assert that, at the very end of the war, he had tried to gas Hitler in the bunker, and those in the bunker with him, and bring about an end to the conflict. Ironies abound – gassing Hitler? He failed, he said, because the ventilation towers of the bunker were too high. However, Speer’s intellectual, classy, soigné manner was persuasive in court. He wasn’t to be executed – he was sentenced instead to 20 years imprisonment. Another brutal irony – Speer’s number two, Fritz Sauckel, was executed for the crimes Speer’s organisation committed. Speer’s incarceration ended in 1966 and his memoir, Inside the Third Reich , became a bestseller and made its author an international celebrity, continually interviewed about his unique familiarity with the Hitlerian court. He spun his story extremely well. Speer died in 1981, after having a stroke in a London hotel while on a visit to his mistress.

Evans is unsparing about Speer, calling him out as a clever, manipulating, unscrupulous liar who finessed his way to avoid his justified execution as one of the mass murderers of the Nazi regime. However, his portraits of the other significant figures in the Hitler entourage are far more nuanced. Evans rejects the knee-jerk depiction of Himmler, Göring and Goebbels, et al, as sociopaths, deviants and losers. His short biographies weigh up all the new evidence and present these ghoulish, mythic personas as rounded, three-dimensional figures. They were, by and large, middle class, and from normal, happy families. They had clearly delineated personalities. Röhm was an accomplished pianist; Goebbels had earned a doctorate; Göring was an enthusiastic if erratic art collector. But all of them owed their ascent to power to one man, Adolf Hitler.

So what about the “Boss”? Evans says that, despite the mass of new material about Hitler, “opinion among historians and biographers remains deeply divided”. But it is clear that this ordinary, disturbed man was transmogrified into a sort of semi-deity that the German populace readily identified with. Evans argues that:

“Constant adulation further corrupted Hitler’s already narcissistic mentality. His arrogance and overconfidence, based on crude racial stereotypes, led him into fatal misjudgements during the war. The Americans, he declared, were “as stupid as chickens”. “The Russian colossus is collapsing under its immobility”. The “English” were “decadent”… From the very beginning, misled by the memory of World War I, Hitler grotesquely overestimated the ability of Germany, a medium-sized European power, to confront and defeat three vast empires, the British, American and Soviet, any one of which possessed resources that far exceeded its own. But for Hitler, economic statistics were irrelevant: what counted in his mind was strength of will, a reflection above all of what he supposed to be the Germans’ racial superiority.”

My conclusion, after spending many months reading and writing about Hitler and his “people”, was that the most cogent interpretation of his behaviour and abhorrent values, from the outset of his rise to power, was that he was insane. This was to be the message of my aborted TV series. “Deluded”, “narcissistic”, “egomaniacal” – similar interpretations don’t do enough to explain his actions. To me, Hitler’s fraught endgame in the bunker in April 1945 was the moment the veils were stripped away. The rambling, thought-disordered, drug-abusing, Parkinson’s-diseased, weirdo-nutter was, writ large, the man he had always been.

Martin Amis , in the afterword to his 2014 novel about the Holocaust, The Zone of Interest , would appear to agree with me. He wrote about Hitler that “we are continuing to beg an enormous question: the question of sanity… And madness, if we impute it (and how can we exclude it?) is bound to frustrate our investigation – because of course we will get no coherence, and no legible why, from the mad.” If you only read one book about Hitler and the short, bleak, horrendous life of Nazi Germany, then this is the one for you. Richard Evans’s superb and important account – with its dark and chilling narrative of Hitler’s eagerly compliant associates, underlings, servants and enforcers – establishes that evil, apocalyptic regime as the most potent warning to our contemporary world.

William Boyd’s novel, “Gabriel’s Moon”, is out 5 September

Hitler’s People: The Faces of the Third Reich Richard J Evans Allen Lane, 624pp, £35

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[See also: The scandal that rocked the London art world ]

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