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how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

Canvas Late Submissions: Hacks on How to Deal with Late Deadline

  • peachyessay
  • March 9, 2022
  • Blogs , General

Instructors are wholly in charge of submission deadlines when it comes to canvas. They have the power and authority to accept or refuse any work that has been submitted past the stipulated deadline. Each student will develop various reasons why they have submitted their work past the agreed time; hence it is up to the instructor to accept their plea.

Each student will always come up with a reason why they could not submit their work on time; some are genuine reasons while others are mere excuses. Thus, the instructor will choose whom to extend the deadline for and who will face the consequences of late assignments. For one to hack canvas late submissions, they will only be able to do that with the permission of the instructor. One cannot bypass the instructor; therefore, to avoid having a hard time with the instructors, students should always strive to beat the laid down deadlines as they are set for a reason.

We will discuss the different hacks which students can use to deal with a late deadline when it comes to the canvas late submissions.

How an Instructor Can Extend a Deadline

Since only the instructors have the mandate to extend a deadline, we will highlight how the instructor can extend a deadline for particular students.

  • Start by clicking on the course that the students need an extension in
  • Within the canvas, scroll to where the assignment is indicated, then click on the edit
  • There is a bar displayed as assign whereby primarily it is assigned to everyone as the deadline cuts across every student
  • Then head to the add button, which is below the assign section
  • Click to the new assign to a field that appears and select the student or students that the instructor wants to extend the time for
  • Finally, the instructor should set the newly extended deadline dates for the selected students. The instructor should also remember to change the until dates that were previously set and put them until the new granted extension date to allow the selected students to access the canvas until their new extended deadline

An extended deadline by the instructor is only effective for the students they have selected; the rest will be governed by the previous deadline that was put in place.

Reasons Why Students Get Late with Assignments

Being ill is one of the most genuine reasons for submitting late work. Sickness is an unpredictable, uncontrollable, and undesirable occurrence, and one never chooses to be sick. For more credibility, the student can produce a doctor’s report to show that they were ill and not an excuse. Set deadlines can make one have anxiety attacks and another form of sicknesses, so it is an understandable reason for late submission in canvas.

Death of a family member

Calamities hit us when we least expect; death is never planned, and it is one painful event. When a student brings up an explanation of death regarding canvas late submissions, the instructor would often accept that explanation as it is hard to cope with such a painful scenario. Death usually disorients even the strongest people hence forgetting to submit an assignment on time due to the death of a relative is a good explanation.

Unforeseeable events

A student may not consider the unforeseeable circumstances that could take place. Things like severe earthquakes and drastic weather changes beyond anyone’s control can make a student submit their work past the agreed deadline.

Lack of proper resources

Resources are an essential part of every student’s education. Without the proper resources, one will not finish the assignment on time; hence late submission will be inevitable. The necessary resources include research materials, internet connection, and library books.

Lack of finances, especially school fees, is why many students get late with their submissions. Most institutions will not allow those with unpaid balances to sit for the examinations; thus, submitting the same work will be impossible. Students who lack fees can request the instructors in question to extend the deadline, and when they manage to clear the fee balance, they can submit the work without any inconveniences.

Poor communication

When the instructor fails to issue communication that is clear and concise, then the students will be confused about when they are supposed to submit the work given. Proper communication should always be issued to avoid confusion, as any form of miscommunication will lead to late submissions.


When people don’t attend classes for one reason or another, they tend to submit their work past the deadline as they will not be aware of any assignment given and when to hand it in.

Consequences of Getting Late with Assignment

Deadlines are put for a reason, and it is only proper that once an instructor sets a deadline for any form of assignment, the students should try as much as possible to beat the deadline or submit the work on time. Getting late with tasks has severe consequences, which could have been avoided with proper planning. The following are some consequences of getting late with an assignment:

  • The instructor can refuse to take in any late submissions. This will significantly affect the student’s grades, and at times, the student in question will be asked to redo the same course unit again.
  • Marks deduction is another consequence of getting late with an assignment. The instructor can decide to deduct ten marks for every late submission, and this can make one fail the entire course.
  • The instructor can also be biased when marking in that they may be lenient to those that always submit their work on time and mean on marks to those who have a habit of submitting late assignments.
  • Zero marks can be awarded for late assignments; some instructors don’t entertain late submissions and have set up rules to deter their students from being late with their assignments.

Deadlines are usually put to bring order and uniformity among the students; if everyone was allowed to hand in work whenever they felt like it, then others will do that even after a year, and this will be detrimental to the students and a waste of time and resources to the instructor. Students should always plan their days to finish the work given despite all the challenges they may encounter. Failure to submit assignments on time has serious consequences that affect the student’s progress. Therefore, everyone should thrive and present their work within the stipulated deadline.

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how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

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How to manage the 11:59 PM Deadline Comfortably


If you have ever had trouble submitting an assignment or received a penalty for minutes late submission, you understand how strict some professors can be. From losing an entire grade to losing a specific percentage of the grade or re-sitting a paper submitting an assignment (essay, discussion post, online quiz, homework, or research paper) can affect you as a student.

Late assignment submissions, albeit controversial, aim to make students learn the aspect of time management. Unfortunately, the immutable deadlines are sometimes biting lazy students, pushing them to begin working early and avoid even 1-minute late submissions.

Even though some educators might offer a grace period for a minimal time, some will apply a sliding scale late policy where they deduct a percentage of the score for each hour or day you are late with your assignments.

From the perspective of the professors, such policies ensure fairness for students who submitted their assignments earlier. We have tips and tricks to help you understand and manage minute late submissions to avoid being on the wrong side of the zero-tolerance late policy of your university.

What causes students to submit assignments late?

Different reasons can cause you to submit assignments late. We are addressing them here so that you are in the know and so that you can devise various strategies to avoid the associated late submission penalties.

Here are the top nine reasons students submit assignments late (you can use some when requesting a late submission from your professor or instructor):

1. Procrastination

Students sometimes find themselves missing submission due dates due to procrastination. Sometimes, procrastination can occur with the rigorous nature of studies and the fact that some students work and study. Furthermore, life outside of class, such as parties, festivals, movies, and meeting with friends, leaves one with little time to complete assignments on time. Having commitments and deciding to complete an assignment later can cause you actually to miss the deadline. Common ground is if you later learn that the assignment is demanding or complex or do not know what to write or hate writing essays.

2. Waiting for a response from a professor

Another reason students find themselves unable to meet submission deadlines is due to the late response from a professor. In most cases, especially when assignments are complicated, you can seek clarifications from your lecturer or professor. However, if your professor responds to your email late, the chances are that you will also submit the assignment late. We will see shortly how to manage such situations and avoid submitting your assignments late.

3. Lack of proper planning and time management

This happens mostly for working students. They often find themselves having too much on their schedule that they probably forget to complete and submit a school assignment early. For instance, if you are an undergraduate or MBA student working and studying, having assignments that require time at work can hamper your completion date for the assignments from school.

4. Writer's Block

Sometimes it is not about did I get the question right? or inadequate time management. Even with the right skills, time, and resources, you might still feel lazy to complete an assignment. With the fast-paced world around us, we get fatigued faster. Suppose you are one of those that like completing assignments last-minute; writers' block has probably messed you up before. We have tips to address this, as we shall see shortly.

5. Lack of knowledge about the assignment

Finally, lacking the knowledge to complete an assignment can make you submit it late. Sometimes, you will end up submitting a late assignment that is incomplete : two wrongs at a go. In addition, many classmates might not be willing to assist you with understanding the assignment.

6. Using shitty assignment help websites

Today, almost seven out of ten students use an assignment writing service. However, without choosing a reliable and legit service, you might run into problems with your submission deadlines. Mainly, this occurs due to the late submission of assignments by writers. Rogue writers are everywhere online, from Twitter to Reddit and now Facebook; they will approach you with sweet deals, and once you assign them to your homework and pay them to do it, they disappear on the internet. Putting too much trust in another person without a legit website to write your essay or assignment can mess you. We had a case where a client wanted to use our write my late assignment ASAP service because a previous writer from Twitter had held their paper ransom and requested more payment or expose them to their school and professor. Well, you can manage this by working with our custom assignment help website.

7. You just hate writing assignments

The assignment writing process is tedious and rigorous. For instance, when writing an essay, you begin by researching, then drafting an outline, and going all the way to proofreading and editing. As a result, if you hate writing homework, you might be slow and find yourself submitting an assignment late.

8. Unforeseeable Circumstances

Deadline violation often occurs when you face nasty circumstances that you cannot foresee as a human being. These circumstances include disasters, sickness, death, accidents, or injuries. Professors have a soft spot for accepting minutes late submissions if you face these issues, so you need not worry as long as you have proof. Sometimes it is your laptop that got either rained on, attacked by a virus, or stolen. Whatever happens to your computer or laptop, you probably do not have time to complete the assignment or begin doing it over and beat the deadline unless you are very fast.

9. Poor Internet

We have cases when you travel for the weekend, visit with others (friends or family), which can cause you to either forget submitting or, because you are in a hurry, to save the assignment on your laptop or phone and submit it later.

If you run into slow internet issues or poor coverage, you might find yourself turning in an assignment later than the 11:59 PM deadline or the deadline set by your professor.

Tips and Tricks to use to avoid minute-late submissions

To avoid submitting assignments after the deadline, missing full marks due to lateness, or earning a bad reputation, it is necessary to take precautions. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to avoid turning in assignments later than the due date and time.

Do your assignment early enough

Even with one-minute lateness, submitting an assignment later incurs some loss as a student. Expressly, professors and lecturers set the dates on Canvas and Turnitin and set an automatic deduction once your work is late.

If you know that your deadline for a ten or 5-page paper is 11:59 Sunday or Wednesday, and you have been assigned the paper 3-5 days before the deadline, the best thing is to begin earlier.

Students who draft a research paper or essay plan often find it easier to complete assignments within the deadlines than those who do not. As soon as you are assigned a paper, make it a point to clarify anything unclear with the professor. This leaves you plenty of time to research, decide on a topic, write the first draft, edit, and submit the paper on time.

Write the fast draft early enough, then edit later as the deadline nears. Sometimes, submitting an assignment too early might be judged by the professor as a result of rushing the paper. Therefore, before you hit the submit button, ensure that everything is addressed per the instructions and the rubric.

Set your deadline early before the actual submission deadline

Apart from just beginning the paper early, another excellent strategy is to set your personal deadline for completing the paper early than the actual deadline. If an assignment is due in 5 days, set your deadline to 3 or 4 days. You can use the rest of the deadline to do other stuff or equally edit the paper thoroughly.

There is some deep joy and peace that comes with completing a paper. However, you can only experience the moment when you complete the paper.

Do not procrastinate editing and submitting the final draft.

Sometimes, students write the papers early enough and procrastinate editing and proofreading. Nevertheless, doing so might land you in trouble because you might experience unforeseeable circumstances. For instance, your laptop might crash, or you can fall too ill to complete the paper. However, if you have an unrefined paper, you can hire a proofreader or editor to paraphrase, edit, and polish your essay. It is, however, a great practice to completely do away with a paper before committing your time elsewhere. Instead, plan your time, have adequate rest, and allocate the time you have the highest concentration to completing your paper.

Have an accountability partner, group, or study buddy

Another great way to ensure that you complete assignments before deadlines entails having an accountability partner, study group, or a study buddy.

An accountability partner is an effective strategy that helps you set and achieve goals. It also helps you maintain the zeal to complete assignments, read course materials, and hone your writing/reading/research skills.

With a study group, you will have members who share interests. They will likely remind you about your unsubmitted assignments and keep you in check. They can also be helpful with research and sharing insights on how to approach an assignment.

Finally, a study buddy (a friend, classmate, or roommate) can help you maintain the morale of reading, studying, and completing assignments.

Having either of the three can help you begin working on your assignments early enough to avoid the last-minute rush.

Email your professor for a deadline extension

If you are very sure you have done your best to complete a paper, but due to unavoidable circumstances, you cannot complete the paper on time, you can request your professor to accept a late submission. Note that with such a request, you must have proof. For instance, if your excuse is being sick or a family member died or fell ill, you should produce credible hospital evidence. In most cases, if the email is not answered soon enough, proceed to call your professor.

If you have already submitted an assignment later than the set deadline, email your professor to convince them not to hit you with the 10-25% deadline violation penalty. You should apologize and then explain the reasons for submitting the assignment late. Also, suggest how being rated poorly might affect your GPA and convince your professor that you will never submit a paper late again.

Play around with Turnitin Settings

If you want to make your professor not penalize you for late submission, you can tweak some settings on the Turnitin website. First, you can modify the assignment link from the control panel. First, select the Course Tools, then pick the assignment whose link you wish to edit. Next, select the link to the assignment and then select Edit Assignment. You can then comfortably change the deadline so that your submission deadline is within the deadline.

Another common trick you can use is submitting a corrupted Word or PDF file of the assignment. In this case, since your professor cannot open the file, they will write to you requesting the original uncorrupted file. You can use the time in between to complete your paper and wait for their call or email request.

Finally, you can also find a way to edit the submitted assignment by editing the content folder. In the case of Turnitin, you will find the link to the assignment and click on the Action Link tab to make the change.

Since these are not guaranteed tips to work because of ongoing updates, you should contact your professor because they are a person who has emotions. Alternatively, complete your papers early enough.

Work with a last-minute assignment service.

The ultimate trick to avoid minutes-late submission is hiring a fast essay writing service to write your last-minute paper. Gradecrest has experts who can write your last-minute essay faster. Our writers are experienced enough to write two pages within an hour or ten pages in 6-8 hours. Therefore, if you realize that the deadline is very close and you cannot complete your assignment, you can use our affordable academic writing services.

When someone is working on your paper, keep them on your toes, ask for progress, and involve yourself so that the final paper has much of your input and matches your writing style. Also, work with credible writing websites to avoid having papers that are traceable through Turnitin.

Understanding the 11:59 PM assignment submission deadline

11:59 PM, mainly on Sunday nights, is a dreaded time by many students. It is when all the discussion posts, assignments, essays, and most homework are due.

For Canvas, SafeAssign, and Turnitin, it is common to see the submission deadline set at 11:59 PM- a minute to midnight. If you do not take the precautions, we have highlighted above, the chances are that your 1-minute lateness might cost you a grade.

Submitting assignments at 11:59 means, you can submit your assignment at 11:59:59 PM. After the deadline, Turnitin, SafeAssign, or Canva automatically marks the submission as late.

Such lateness could be why you miss an A or B and get a poor grade for an otherwise easy paper. Therefore, complete your assignments on time, use writing services, plan your time, and consult with your instructor early enough to avoid late submission penalties.

You might incur risks when you submit an assignment later than 11:59 PM. First, you will face the consequences of being late. One of the consequences includes being undermarked. You can as well be requested to take a re-sit of the paper or lose the marks altogether. Either way, your final grade will be impacted by otherwise avoidable circumstances.

Note that 12-, 24-, or 1-hour late submissions are treated the same as 1-minute late submissions in terms of consequences.

Another risk of submitting an assignment late is facing technical hitches with the system. For example, your internet might act up, and also, because everyone is rushing to submit at the last minute, the chances are that the system gets overloaded and slow.

Before you close this Tab, ...

We have looked at some of the best strategies to avoid submitting your assignments late. However, if you are a frequent late assignment submitter, these tips and tricks can work well in your favor.

Related Reading: 

  • What is the acceptable Turnitin similarity percentage for essays and assignments?

Above all, you can always spare some cash to hire an assignment writer to assist if you have little time on your hands. However, if you have adequate time, avoid procrastination and writer's block by planning early, setting your own deadlines, and consulting with your instructor early enough.

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The Ultimate Insider’s Guide to Canvas: Canvas Hacks for Students

Your grades on assignments and quizzes determine whether you proceed to the next academic level or graduate on time. It’s no wonder students want to get good grades. However, if the tests are in Canvas and the student is unprepared, they may look for Canvas hacks to cheat. So let us look at Canvas hacks for students that you might consider using in 2023.

canvas hacks for students

What Are the Top Canvas Hacks for Students?

There are several hacks that you can use to trick the Canvas and succeed in your quiz. Listed below are the best Canvas hacks for students.

Use Screen Sharing

In some cases, Canvas is unable to monitor the screen-sharing activities of the students. You can use the screen sharing option as canvas hacks for students to cheat on quizzes or tests.

Hover Over Answers

Looking for canvas hacks for students? In a graded exam in Canvas, hover over each of the answers; this gives away correct answers before a practice test-taker can make their best guess. This is a great way to find which answer is correct.

Hire Someone Who Looks Like You

To ensure the right student has taken the test, a teacher will have to compare every student snapshot with the ID photo. However, this can be a lengthy exercise for classes with several students.

In some rare cases, you might get someone else to do the exam, hoping your teacher won’t check on the photos taken during exams. However, the most effective Canvas hacks for students that ensure you don’t get caught involve hiring someone who looks like you to take the test or quiz.

Cause the Lockdown Browser to Malfunction

Causing the lockdown browser to have technical issues is one of the canvas hacks for students. It works because the test taker can get out of the program, back in, and continue from where they left off without getting suspected of cheating.

Take Advantage of Lockdown Browser Updates

Another canvas hack for students is to ensure that the lockdown browser gets to update during the exam. This will give the student enough time to check for answers either from the class source material or ask a subject expert.

Use Poor Internet Connectivity

This is another great Canvas hacks for students. It involves taking advantage of poor internet connectivity to look for answers. You can request a friend to disconnect the internet a few times.

Make the Webcam Freeze

This is one of the good Canvas hacks for students. It involves tweaking the settings so that the webcam freezes during tests giving you enough time to look for answers for the test.

Open Tabs Secretly

The professors will only see that you have opened other tabs but not a specific tab. They cannot access the actual information within those tabs. So you can open the tabs before the exams start and use them to check for answers in a way that the teacher won’t suspect you of cheating.

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Just like other Canvas hacks for students for this to work, ensure you open the tabs before the exam and copy and paste course material. If you open a new tab to access answers during the exam, the proctoring software will forbid the action or notify the instructor.

Use the 30 Seconds Window

Looking for more canvas hacks for students? Try the 30 seconds window. It involves looking at class material for less than 30 seconds because, after that, the system will detect that you looked away and assume you are cheating. To avoid getting caught, space the pattern of doing it.

canvas hacks for students

How Do You Use Canvas Effectively?

Students can use Canvas and its different features and tools to manage their academic work effectively and stay on track to achieve their academic goals. Here are some different ways a student can use Canvas effectively:

Check the Course Syllabus

The course syllabus contains essential information about the subject, such as the course schedule, assignments, grading criteria, and due dates. Students should review the syllabus regularly to stay on track and avoid missing deadlines.

Set Notifications

Canvas allows students to set up notifications for announcements, course updates, and assignment due dates. Setting notifications can help students stay informed about the course progress and avoid missing important information.

Participate in Discussions

Canvas offers a discussion board feature that allows students to engage in online discussions with their peers and instructors. Participating in discussions can help students clarify their doubts, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the course content.

Submit Assignments On Time

Canvas provides a user-friendly interface for submitting assignments. Students should make sure to submit their assignments on time and follow the assignment guidelines. If you believe you cannot meet the assignment deadline, contact EssayAxe , and a subject expert will help you.

Use the Calendar Feature

Canvas has a calendar feature that displays all the course deadlines and important dates. Students should use the calendar to plan their study schedule and avoid missing deadlines.

Take Advantage of the Grading Feature

Canvas provides a grading feature that allows students to view their grades, feedback, and instructor comments on assignments. Students can use this feature to monitor their progress and identify areas that need improvement.

Collaborate with Peers

Canvas offers collaborative tools such as group discussions, group assignments, and peer reviews. Collaborating with peers can help students learn from each other and develop teamwork skills.

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What Are Some Ways You Can Use Canvas to Save Time?

Canvas can be a powerful tool for students to save time and be more productive. Here are some different ways a student can use Canvas to save time:

Access Course Materials Online

Canvas allows students to access course materials such as readings, lecture notes, and videos online. This eliminates the need for students to spend time searching for physical copies of course materials in the library or online.

Submit Assignments Online

Canvas provides a user-friendly interface for submitting assignments online. This saves students time and eliminates the need for them to print, scan, or email their assignments.

Use the SpeedGrader Feature

Canvas has a SpeedGrader feature that allows instructors to grade assignments quickly and efficiently. This saves students time and allows them to receive feedback on their work faster.

Use the Discussion Board

Canvas allows students to engage in online discussions with their peers and instructors. This can save students time by allowing them to clarify doubts, exchange ideas, and deepen their understanding of the course content without having to schedule additional meetings or look for the teacher after office hours.

Canvas has a calendar feature that displays all the course deadlines and important dates. Students can use this feature to plan their study schedule and avoid missing deadlines, which can save them time in the long run.

Use the Mobile App

Canvas has a mobile app that allows students to access course materials, submit assignments, and receive notifications on the go. This can save students time by allowing them to stay up-to-date with their coursework while on the move.

canvas hacks for students

Is it possible to view quiz answers on Canvas?

The ability to view Canvas test answers depends on how the instructor sets up the quiz. In Canvas, instructors can allow or disallow quiz answer viewing by students during and after the quiz. If the instructor has not allowed students to view quiz answers after submission, they will not be able to view their answers. In such a case, a student can consider the Canvas quiz answers hack.

If the instructor has allowed students to view quiz answers after the quiz has been submitted, then students can view quiz answers through the “Quizzes” section of the course and click on the quiz title. From there, they can click on the “Quiz Results” tab to view their submitted answers.

Can I Change My Grade on Canvas?

You cannot change your grades directly on Canvas. This is because the grade book in Canvas is managed by the instructor of the course/teacher, who is the only one authorized to enter or change grades.

In addition, some assignments in Canvas may be set up with the option for students to submit multiple times or for the instructor to allow grading revisions. Students can make revisions or submit new work for a better grade in these cases.

How Can I Bypass the Time Limit on Canvas Quizzes?

In Canvas, extending the time limit for a quiz is an action that the course instructor can only perform. After the instructor has extended the time limit for the student, the student will be able to access the quiz with the extended time limit when they login to their Canvas account.

Looking for Canvas hacks for students related to the time limit in quizzes? It’s important to note that the process for extending time limits may vary depending on the specific quiz settings and the instructor’s policies.

Can I Use Inspect Element to Cheat on Canvas?

If you’re good at coding, you can use Inspect Element to cheat on Canvas. Unlike other Canvas hacks for students; for this to work, you need an ‘Inspect Element’ tool to read through the coding.

Inspect Element can be used to view the source code of the web pages that make up the Canvas interface. This includes the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code used to build and style the various elements of the Canvas platform.

Furthermore, Inspect Element allows you to debug the code of the web pages you are working with and circumvent or manipulate the functionality of Canvas. Students with good coding skills can use Inspect Element to manipulate the system in a specific way to get Canvas answers.

Can I Hack into Canvas to See Other Students’ Grades?

It’s not recommended to use Canvas hacks for students; if caught, you can face serious legal action. However, with good coding skills, you can hack into Canvas and view other students’ grades. Applying good coding skills is one of the most common canvas hacks for students.

How Can I Access Past Assignments on Canvas?

To access past assignments on Canvas, you can follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Canvas account and navigate to the course that contains the past assignment you want to access.
  • Click on the “Assignments” link in the course navigation menu.
  • Locate the past assignment you want to access in the list of assignments.
  • Click on the name of the past assignment to open it.

Depending on the settings chosen by your instructor, you can view your submission and any feedback or grades given by the instructor. If the assignment has been graded, you can view your score and any comments provided by your instructor.

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If the past assignment is no longer visible in your course, you can access it through the Canvas “All Courses” page. To access this page, click on the “Courses” link in the global navigation menu on the left side of the Canvas screen. From there, you can browse or search for the course that contains the past assignment you want to access.

How Can I Check If My Professor is Monitoring My Canvas Activity?

It’s not always possible to know if and when an instructor actively monitors your activity on Canvas. This is despite the fact that Canvas has built-in features that allow instructors to monitor student activity . A teacher can view students’ access to course materials, participation in discussions, submission of assignments, and completion of quizzes and exams. Likewise, students can access all quiz logs by clicking on the respective links and viewing any attempt they made.

Can I Create Fake Submissions on Canvas?

Yes, it’s possible. But it depends on how fast the teacher checks the work. For example, let’s say you haven’t finished an assignment on the due date. You can submit the part you have done. And after completing the task, you can resubmit it.

This will work because after resubmitting, you’ll lose all access to any earlier submissions you made. But you’ll lose marks if the teacher checks the work a few minutes after the due date and realizes you submitted half the work. Apart from other Canvas hacks for students, this is a good one that you might consider using.

Final Thoughts

While Canvas can detect cheating, one can go around it. With Canvas hacks for students, you can still cheat even when your professor is watching you with a video camera. Canvas answers can also be obtained on alternative devices, such as a tablet or smartphone. But if you get caught, you can face serious penalties, including getting expelled from that school.

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This article covers how to allow for and penalize late submissions of Homework assignments on Canvas.

Xavier avatar

Accepting Late Homework Submissions on Canvas

In order to accept late Homework submissions on Canvas, make sure to use the Due Date and Availability settings when creating your assignments (you can also edit this setting after creating the assignment by clicking on the Edit option located in the vertical dots button and then selecting the More Options button on the following window, pictured below).

Edit Button

how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

More Options

how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

Due Date Settings

Set the Assign > Available Until to a later date/time than the Assign > Due

how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

This will make your assignment available to students within the dates listed in the " Available from " and " Until " fields, and mark any assignment submitted after the Due Date as Late . ​

Penalizing Late Homework Submissions on Canvas

Late submission penalties on Canvas can be configured in the Gradebook Settings section of the Grades area of your course by selecting the Late Policies option. This documentation from Canvas will walk you through the steps to set up the Late Policy for your class: https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Instructor-Guide/How-do-I-apply-a-Late-Submission-policy-in-the-Gradebook/ta-p/965

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Canvas Late Submission: Hacks on How to Deal with Late Deadlines

how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

Canvas Late Submission Hack

Canvas always leaves the issue of deadlines to be determined by instructors. Instructors determine whether you can still submit your work after the deadline or not. Therefore, any good Canvas late submission hack must involve your instructor.

If you have a genuine reason as to why you did not submit your work as per the deadline, you can explain it to your instructor. However, you can avoid such lateness by using our assignment help service for timely submissions.

how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack

The main Canvas late submission deadline hack is by consulting your instructor with valid reasons for lateness. The instructor has full discretion on canvas deadlines. The choice is to either upload a paper late or request your instructor to extend the deadline for you.

In turn, the instructor may offer you an extension or not. When not offered an extension, a late submission may be allowed if set so by the instructor. Read some of the late assignment excuses you can use.

How an Instructor can extend the Deadline

Instructor extending deadline

Once you are on to the instructor’s canvas account:

  • Click on your course site.
  • On the left side of the screen, on the navigation menu, click on the assignments.
  • Click on the assignment title of the assignment you wish to edit once you are on the assignment page.
  • On the upper right corner of the page, click on the edit button.
  • On the assignment edit page, scroll down up to the “Assign” area. In the Assign box, change the due dates from the ones set before by clicking on the calendar icon next to these boxes.
  • When the calendar appears, set the new due date of your choice. You can let the time of the day that was set remain the same.
  • Click done to complete the setting.
  • After setting the new due date, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

Reasons Why Students Get Late with Assignments

Illness can make a student get late with assignments when it is lengthy. The illness should be notable to instructors in such a way that it has impacted their performance.

Feeling unwell briefly for a day or two is not enough reason to get late with your assignment. You must attach a doctor’s note for evidence when explaining to the instructor.

2. Miscommunication

Though this rarely occurs, students can submit their assignments late if the instructor does not send updates in time. Students may not be aware of the criteria that they should use to do the assignment hence resulting in a late submission.

Some students usually provide for themselves. They do not receive any help from the government, parents, or sponsors. Their job duties may contradict their school hours or they might be given specific tasks that they should complete before a certain time.

Such students may not have enough time to do their assignments in time and may end up submitting them late. To them, they do not want to risk their jobs.

4. Finances

Some students experience financial difficulties in school. Some may be unable to raise school fees, while others may be unable to find upkeep. This may make some students miss classes, and many find it hard to recover.

Some institutions may not allow students with fee balances to class. As a result, students missing classes may contribute to late assignment submissions. They lack the content taught in class.

5. Unavailable Resources

Students can submit assignments late if they do not acquire the resources needed to do the assignment in time. For example, practical materials, journal articles, and library books. These materials may be scarce or even not available in the institution.

6. Unforeseeable Events

A student may have intended to submit an assignment early, but events may force the student to late submission. Severe weather and other natural can prevent the student from reaching the university.

Political violence and industrial strikes may force the student to delay submitting an assignment at school due to insecurity concerns.

7. Tragic events

Some events, such as divorce and the loss of a loved one, may force a student into a very bad situation. It is hard to cope with these situations. Completing your assignments on time during these times may be hard.

Consequences of Getting Late with Assignments

Late assignment penalties vary on the kind of assignment given. Most instructors usually indicate the punishment for late submissions on the assignment’s instructions.

It is important to always complete and hand in your assignment on time. This will prevent you from getting into the consequences of late assignment submissions. But try the Canvas late submission hack and see if it works a thing.

While some universities tend to rethink late assignment penalties , most of them have consequences of lateness applied to the student.

Late submission policies and penalties

These may include:

  • Getting your paper not received. This may land you into trouble as well as affect your grades.
  • Getting marks deducted from the total score. Some institutions deduct marks depending on how late your assignment is. The more it is late, the more the marks are deducted.
  • Extended late submission penalties. The lateness duration involves working days only. In some late submission penalties, every late day has its percentage of grade deduction.
  • Getting a zero in your assignment. Some institutions don’t tolerate late assignment submissions; you get a zero once you submit your assignment late. In other institutions, you get a deduction for a specific period. When the period expires, you automatically score a zero.
  • Repeated late submissions can make your instructors lose trust in you. They will view you as undisciplined, disrespectful, and ignorant. As a student, the last thing you want is to get into bad blood with your instructors.

FAQs on Canvas Late Submission Hacks

Can canvas deadlines be hacked.

Any system can be hacked, and no matter how bad it is, the bad guys just do it. With the rapid growth of technology, it is accurate to say that nothing is secure on the internet. Not even canvas can prevent hackers from accessing their own systems. It is good to note that systems like Canvas do also acknowledged being hacked sometimes. Stolen data such as usernames, emails, and passwords can be used to login to an instructor’s account and change assignment deadlines.

Can you turn things in late on Turnitin?

Turnitin does not allow past-due date submissions on assignments. Resubmissions after the due date are not allowed even though you submitted a copy earlier. When the deadline surpasses, your only option is to have your instructor allow late submissions.

How do I submit a late assignment on canvas?

Canvas leaves the issue of late submissions at the discretion of the instructor. Your instructor may give extensions for late submissions. Though canvas marks them as late, the instructor can grade the submissions on the terms defined for the extension. The grading can either be partial or full credit. Students also can submit assignments anytime if the instructor did not include “until” an availability date on the deadline. If the deadline is not extended, the students’ submissions will be graded according to the lateness policy.

How do I hack the Turnitin deadline?

The best way to bypass the Turnitin deadline is by finding means of buying some extra assignment time for your instructor. However, the following is a process on how to hack a Turnitin due date: 1. Login into your account. 2. Go to the control panel. 3. Click on the course tools. 4. Click on Turnitin Assignment on the drop-down list. 5. Click on the Turnitin Assignment link. 6. Choose the edit assignment on the top menu and change the date. The date should be after the deadline date. 7. To save the changes, click on the submit button. Another option of accessing the edit assignment by going to the content folder. On the content folder, find the Assignment link. Select the action link and finally edit the assignment. Set a deadline date of your choice, which must exceed the original.

To learn more on Canvas assignment submission, watch the video here

YouTube video

Jessica Smart

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Do You Know Students Can Submit Late Assignments Unless You Use an “Until” Date?

The Do You Know? series provides tips for working with quirks in Canvas. Please email Courseware Support at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Why Does Canvas Let My Students Submit Their Work After the Due Date?

The guiding principle behind this default ability is that decisions about whether or not an assignment should be accepted late is an instructor’s prerogative, so rather than deciding for the instructor that students cannot submit their work after the due date, Canvas leaves the choice about whether or not to accept the late submission up to the instructor, marking it “late” without taking any further action.

"Late submission messahe for students

If Canvas were to automatically block students from submitting after a due date, allowing extensions would require working with complex settings, and intervention from a Canvas support specialist would most likely be necessary. By accepting late submissions by default, Canvas obviates this need and defers to the instructor’s judgment, letting them manage late submissions according to their personal policies.

The gradebook cell for a late submissiomn is pink.

Thus if you gave a student an extension, the submission would be marked “late,” but you would be able to grade the submission according to the grading terns you defined for the extension (full credit, partial credit, etc.). If you did not give a student an extension but they submit late anyway, you can decide how or if to grade the submission according to your lateness policy.

SpeedGrader has a message in red for late assignments.

I Don’t Give Extensions. Can I Stop Late Submissions?

Yes, in addition to a due date, you can use an “Until” availability date to completely cut off student access to assignments after a certain date, including the ability to submit an assignment.

Set the "Until" Availability Date for at least 5 minutes after the due date to allow for technical difficulties.

More Information

Please click on the following link for information and instructions on using availability dates in Canvas:

What is the difference between due dates and availability dates?

Please contact Courseware Support at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Last Updated: 19 Mar 2015

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How to handle students who try to negotiate away penalties for late submission of coursework?

I'm teaching a course where coursework is submitted online. Recently, an important group project assignment was due. The students are required to submit a project report, which contains a link to a video produced by the students, usually uploaded onto a site such as YouTube, Google Drive or Dropbox. We had announced that for every day that an assignment is late, students will lose 10% of their score for that assignment.

As you might have predicted, there were several student groups who submitted their assignments late. The problem is that some of these students have sent me e-mails begging me not to impose the penalty for late submission. They gave reasons such as:

  • The original PDF file which we submitted was corrupted, so after the deadline, we had to submit the PDF again
  • There were some technical problems with the original video link, such that it is not possible for the video to be viewed at that link, so we had to upload a new video and are now sending you the new link
  • The project was due at 9 PM, and we submitted it at 9 PM (see our screenshot!) but the system marked it as late

Initially, I told them that they will be penalized as specified in the policy, in order to be fair to the students who did submit their work on time. However, the students continued to say that I should be more considerate or fair.

In my mind, I want to say to these students, "Stop wasting my time arguing for marks!" But this doesn't seem to be the right way for me to respond to the students. How should I respond to these students who keep on asking me not to penalize them when the penalty is deserved?

cag51's user avatar

  • 61 The students who submitted on time will include some who traded out an opportunity for e.g. another polishing pass over their writing in order to get it in early enough to be sure of being on time. They might have made a different decision given different rules. –  Patricia Shanahan Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 16:13
  • 116 It's worth pointing out that there is a trick involved with deliberately submitting "corrupted files" to try to buy some extra time. If you still have access to the old files and a Linux machine you can commonly pass them through the utility file and it might tell you what sort of file it really is. You can then say "Oh? I found a way to recover the original file you sent, so I'll let you choose: either I grade that file with the 20% penalty for turning in two days late, or I grade with 0% penalty this very high-resolution image of your dog you submitted on-time. The choice is up to you." –  CR Drost Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 19:49
  • 55 @CRDrost If you can proof that the "corrupted" version was not a corrupted version but, say, the picture of a dog, then I would interpret this as a cheating attempt and act accordingly. Probably the university has some general rules what should happen to cheating students. This might seem like overkill, but lying to try and get a better grade should really be punished in my opinion. –  Nobody Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 20:38
  • 25 It's not a waste of time to argue over something that matters: either the marks/penalties don't matter, in which case why are you even bothering?; or they do matter, in which case it's (somewhat) reasonable to argue it. Your frustration shouldn't be with arguing about grading, it should be with attempting to use blatantly spurious arguments to do so. ( That's what's wasting your time: nonsense arguments, not the arguing per se .) Solution? Provide a concise, non-equivocal reason why their argument is blatantly spurious. (ie briefly explain why the penalty is deserved, even in their case.) –  R.M. Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 20:41
  • 19 If you want to reduce the time wasted on bargaining for points you can include something in the syllabus like: Assignments submitted close to the deadline risk being marked as late, submit your work early. Corrupted files will not be graded, you are responsible for checking your file thoroughly before uploading. Screenshots will not be accepted as proof. If you are penalized for submitting late you can recover these points with an extra assignment at the end of the course. You'll need to mark an extra assignment, but most students will suddenly be fine with accepting the penalty anyway. –  Peter Bloem Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 23:38

14 Answers 14

Adhere to the guidelines and syllabus you posted. If students can get around consequences of late submission by arguing, you have set a precedent, and they (and future generations of students) will argue again the next time. Don't go there. Consciously cultivate a reputation that pointless arguments don't work with you.

Next time, make it clear that "normal" IT problems like corrupted files or network lag is not your responsibility, and encourage students to upload their work sufficiently early so they won't run afoul of such problems. If possible, allow students to change their submissions, so they can upload whatever they have a week before the deadline, and keep on uploading polished versions, with the last successful submission before the deadline counting for the grade. This is the way most MOOC sites do it.

(Of course, if the university servers went down, you should take this into account.)

This earlier question seems to be similar: How to deal with failing a student? (And I gave the same recommendation there.)

Community's user avatar

  • 45 I agree, but think that things like "if the university servers went down" should be emphasized more. As a student I've encountered too many buggy software systems likely built by a teaching assistant in a few hours. Also if the wording is bad, the deadline could possibly be interpreted as "clicking the submit button by that time" and the university should then have server logs showing when exactly that button was clicked (respectively when the the file transfer was started) and count by that time and not by the time when the transfer finished. –  Nobody Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 20:32
  • 7 @Nobody: I don't really agree with the button thing. It should be well known that uploads take some time and, at least for me, it is obvious that I have to start such an upload early enough that it is finished before the deadline (besides, it would make the upload system overly complicated). Also if I don't plan enough time to be able to check if the uploaded file is okay and maybe reupload it, this is just my fault. If students do not do that... well, they learned their lesson for the next time. –  luator Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 8:04
  • 8 @TomášZato Yes exactly, and for physical mail you are told whether the deadline is for sending (post stamp date) or arriving. I've encountered both. And the same also holds for electronic mail. So you might say "...has to be submitted to the system by xxx. Submitted means fully and successfully transmitted onto our system." and ideally go on with something like "If you encounter IT problems yyy before the deadline, contact @@@, after that time but still before the deadline hand your submission in personally at our office zzz." That's the standard procedure for important things where I study. –  Nobody Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 9:17
  • 5 @TomášZato The way I understood the OP, they were talking about web forms, so there would be the time when the POST request first arrives on the server which should be close enough. But really, I'm not saying anyone should use a system like this! What I wanted to say is make sure the rules are clear, but if they are not clear you can't interpret them against the student. –  Nobody Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 9:27
  • 4 Compare it to a job situation, if they were a contractor they just broke the terms of their contract (have work done by X). A good contractor will make sure it's working before this time anyway, and leave time for 'issues' to arised. My dissertation was finished, and bound 2 weeks before submission date - I still remember the queues (and some crying students) who were waiting to get theirs bound on submission day. If you know the date and time, you have no excuse for missing it due to difficulties which you couldn't of highlighted prior to submission time. –  djsmiley2kStaysInside Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 13:08
How should I respond to these students who keep on asking me not to penalize them when the penalty is deserved?

I would say that your "Stop wasting my time arguing for marks!" just needs a slightly different phrasing. So if students keep bugging you with basically the same unfounded reason to grant some exception, I would finally write something like

"I did consider your inquiry and your arguments throughly. Based on the announced rules, the present facts and the points you raised, I formed the decision that the deduction of 10% does apply in this case. My decision will not be altered after further inquiries."

I feel that it often helps to acknowledge the inquiry and state that you considered the points.

In case you are discussing with the students in person, I would go for "inquiries on grade changes have to made in written form" (paper better than email), see my answer here .

Dirk's user avatar

  • 16 If I received such a cold reply from a teacher, I'd never dare to email them ever again :) –  Tomáš Zato Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 9:03
  • 6 How about "Your arguments are not good enough, you should have taken random issues into account and submitted earlier. Please email me only if you have any better arguments. I will only cancel the penalty if the delay is my own or university's fault." to make you sound more like a human. :) –  user31389 Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 14:02
  • 8 @TomášZato Which would indeed help the OP with their problem. –  Dmitry Grigoryev Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 14:13
  • 21 What this lacks is the actual reason. Without the actual reason, I would understand this paragraph as "I would tell you to fuck off, but sadly I'm only allowed to use polite words." and would write back a carefully considered answer in the same style, highly polite, with the gist of "I will pester you until you give me a fucking reason" (profanities for illustration). Of course I would also only complain if I thought my reasoning was rock solid and I was willing to defend it. –  Nobody Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 19:37
  • 5 I would go with a simple "The course policies clearly state that late work will not be accepted for any reason." And this is why my course policies clearly state that late work will not be accepted for any reason. –  JeffE Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 19:15

I have tried many methods, to varying degrees of success. Here are some that work.

Check the wording in the syllabus to make sure it's impeccable. For example, "due by 9pm" can be revised to more specific as "due by 9pm, based on the indicated time of submission on [whatever online platform]."

Allow for 15 minutes technical mayhem leniency. If it's due by 9pm and there is a technical issue, and the students failed to notify the instructor about the technical issue by 9:15pm through e-mail, it's considered as late. You may consider adding this term to the syllabus.

Consider a low-risk mock submission. For instance, insert a few smaller assignments or projects into the course so that the students can get to make a pdf, create a video link, and try the submission platform. This would help reducing their anxiety and also provide them a chance to identify possible technical issues.

Slightly evil approach: If you're indeed correct that they were late. And they just want "no late penalty." That's fine. Remember you still have control over bonus. So don't take any penalty, give them what they deserve. It's 10% penalty, which means their score should have been multiplied by 0.9. Now go and divide all other on-time assignment scores by 0.9 to grant other people's an on-time bonus, about 11%. I usually tell them "Now this is technically and validly late. I understand you don't want a late penalty and I am happy to retract that. Do know that I will apply a bonus to other students for being on time." I have also used this at students asking for bonus points or extra credits. I used the same method to them. Thus far, out of about 5 incidences in the last 6 years, no one went for what I proposed. (And it's funny that none of them took it even I switched to absolute grading from relative grading; somehow people cannot accept a scheme that benefit more than just themselves.)

I will not recommend allowing the on-time students another chance to revise for a higher grade. They have done their due diligence to plan their academic life and now would be coerced to spend more time on it. I don't think that's fair.

Penguin_Knight's user avatar

  • 26 . I also put my deadlines when most students should be sleeping — 3 or 4am — so the work tends to be very clearly on time or late to avoid the "but I was so close!" (and even then I do about a five minute soft extension to account for clock differences, they can't see our server's internal clock after all), but since I switched the deadline time, that's not really come up –  user0721090601 Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 19:56
  • 14 +1 for point 2. I do think it is fair to give a bit of 'leeway', and teaching students to keep you in the loop if there are technical problems that they are presumably furiously working to overcome also seems fair. Also +1 for @Penguin_Knight's last paragraph noting that making it 'fair' by giving the on-time students another chance to revise project isn't necessarily so great an opportunity in the big picture. –  Carol Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 20:25
  • 8 @guifa: A variation: Set the official deadline to 4am. Set the inofficial deadline to "must be there when I arrive at the office in the morning". This makes arguing about it near impossible - any sane person would have submitted by 1am or 2am. And anyone who had problems submitting at the time of the deadline still had four hours to sort the problems out. –  gnasher729 Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 21:43
  • 10 @gnasher729 Students do not behave sanely at deadlines. Your scheme would lead to groups working all night and posting a lookout to submit at the last possible moment. –  TheMathemagician Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 14:33
  • 13 @guifa: "I also put my deadlines when most students should be sleeping — 3 or 4am" In which fantasy land do you live 😂😂😂 –  Lightness Races in Orbit Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 10:42

Combination of bullet-proof written penalty text, and very lax actual timing:

Official text: The submission system guarantees acceptance until 31. Nov 1pm. The submission system will close after the deadline and late submissions will not be eligible to any points.

Then configure the system to close down 24 hours later. Anyone who has not submitted by then will be more than 24 hours late and have no grounds to argue. - Anyone a few hours late will thank god for his luck that submissions were still accepted. You don't have any hassle.

Falco's user avatar

  • 5 Hmmm. 31st of November? :-) –  gnasher729 Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 22:05
  • 11 Easy way to recognise the ones clearly trying to "cheat" - they're the ones who swear they submitted it on the 31st :-P –  Rycochet Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 11:13
  • 7 Nope. "I thought on the 30th that I had one day left; then next thing I knew it was the 1st of December". –  Dawood ibn Kareem Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 0:34
  • The problem with this is that people who missed the secret deadline can legitimately complain that you allowed other submissions after the published deadline. Others who rushed to submit in time can legitimately complain that they could have done better if they'd known they had more time. –  Robin Bennett Commented May 24, 2019 at 11:27
  • @RobinBennett this is why the official text is worded like this. The only guarantee we give is submissions before the deadline are valid, and submissions after the deadline my be rejected without further explanation. - the system is still fair –  Falco Commented May 24, 2019 at 12:06

My advice on the specific case is similar to the other answers, but I want to add a general point on such penalties. I have found time-dependent penalties useful -- immediately after the deadline, the submitter starts losing marks based on how late they are, up to a maximum (which could be the entire assignment if you're evil).

This penalty model has the advantage that submissions that are only a few seconds or minutes late will be penalized by only a small amount, and students won't feel treated unfairly for network lag and bother you. People submitting really late however will be penalized more harshly.

You can have non-linear penalties to teach them about exponential growth at the same time. A penalty of 1% after 30 minutes is not much and allows for network lag, computer problems, corrupted files, etc. But 50% after an hour should encourage submissions that are roughly within the deadline!

Lars Kotthoff's user avatar

  • 1 If I've a meeting with 'Huge company' and am a few minutes late, do they 1. go 'Oh well maybe he was stuck in the lift' OR 2. go 'Well this guy sucks, we won't be using him'. Submit early, confirm it's correct and if somethings gone wrong you leave your self time to fix it. As long as the goal posts haven't moved, the students don't have a leg to stand on. –  djsmiley2kStaysInside Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 13:06
  • @djsmiley2k, most 90% of the time they are late! Therefore you being a few minutes late is unlikely to have an effect. –  Ian Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 13:16
  • Then the one on time can be happy that they get the full reward for being on time @Ian ! –  djsmiley2kStaysInside Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 13:38
  • 8 @djsmiley2k Sure, but there's a difference between being a minute late and 30 minutes late. Even "huge company" won't make much of a fuss if you're a minute late. –  Lars Kotthoff Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 19:25
  • 3 @djsmiley2k I hate comparisons of education to a job. (I assume college) A student is paying huge sums of money to the college/professor, not the other way around. Nobody is paying the student for this, don't pretend like that's the case/model. I'll take a JOBS 101 class if i wanted to learn all about job stuff. –  tobii Commented Dec 1, 2016 at 17:52

I think instead of writing bulletproof rules for submissions, what you really need is to put a reminder above the deadline rules:

It is recommended that students account for possible technical issues on their and their network's side by submitting early enough so they can check their results!

After all, all the problems you have mentioned were on their side:

  • They submitted broken PDF. It's not exactly their fault, but it's fault of the software they're using.
  • They did not check the video link. 1
  • They obviously did not account for network lag.

I think all this should be obvious to average person, but well, a friendly reminder won't hurt anybody.

Remember however, that if your evaluation script is broken, that's not a problem on student's side. Your system should first record time of submission, then handle the homework data.

1 I see one exception here: If they submitted the homework on time, then the link went down, it's really not their fault and you should accept that. It's not clear from your post if it's the case.

Tomáš Zato's user avatar

  • 3 When e.g. a youtube link goes down, there's a placeholder page saying the video was there but was taken down for some reason. That's easy to check. –  Dmitry Grigoryev Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 14:24
  • @DmitryGrigoryjev that's like one video service and one particular reason of ehat taken down can mean. Not mentioning that I - of course - assumed that link is the only change students can re-submit in that case. –  Tomáš Zato Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 14:43
  • (1) I didn't mention any particular reason, and I'm pretty sure Dropbox and Google drive don't just shred your files without any notification and (2) I'm really struggling with your sentence link is the only change students can re-submit –  Dmitry Grigoryev Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 14:50
  • 3 "They submitted broken PDF. It's not exactly their fault, but it's fault of the software they're using." It's still their responsibility. This is a crucial lesson for your students to learn. –  Lightness Races in Orbit Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 10:43
  • @LightnessRacesinOrbit Well, that's exactly what I was saying. Is it unclear? Should I formulate it differently? –  Tomáš Zato Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 11:46

I found this useful to prevent students begging: Explicitly state that your decision is final and it will not be changed no matter what they claim. You could also follow with telling them they are wasting their time by arguing with you.

Edit: As explained in other answers, you should not budge from your decision. If you give an inch, next time a yard will be in question.

Cem Kalyoncu's user avatar

  • 1 It will surely scare them away, but it might not raise their opinion nor does it fix much of the underlying causes. OP mentioned students are saying he is not considerate or fair. If OP doesn't really bother about it, then this is the way to go. –  NoDataDumpNoContribution Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 9:17
  • Well, consider this as partial answer. Instead of saying them don't waste my time, this will do nicely without being rude. –  Cem Kalyoncu Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 9:59
  • Well, as someone who always submits assignments on time, if not for extraordinary circumstances, I would feel a professor who let's people discuss away late penalties isn't fair. I wouldn't complain about that to the professor, but in conversations with other students it would obviously come up. –  Josef Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 11:48
  • Extraordinary circumstances can be understood, but nothing can be done about them. The problem is there are no distinct labels. If a professor allows a well behaving student to bring his/her project late because of a valid reason; tomorrow another student will use this as a precedent and will ask for an extension for a reason that is probably a lie. –  Cem Kalyoncu Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 13:47
  • @Trilarion The task is to "have the work uploaded on the server". Having the work done is a part of the task. –  Crowley Commented Nov 30, 2016 at 19:11

Stick to your guns.

If the submissions are late, then they are late, and the deduction applies. This is a crucial learning opportunity to gear up students for life in both academia and the 'real' world: deadlines matter. Make a point to emphasize this to the students, in class, along the lines of

a post-deadline bid on a contract, or a late submission of a grant application, will most often result in the application not being considered.

Enforcing strict submissions deadlines is simply a reasonable model of life, and if students are playing brinksmanship by seeing how close to the deadline they can submit then that will also get them in trouble later on.

E.P.'s user avatar

After having a number of problems with group projects not being submitted on time and repeatedly hearing something like " It was Jack's job to upload the file. " I came up with the following strategy that helps prevent excuses like "corrupted file" and finger pointing...

Students will work in assigned teams which will create a Powerpoint file as described below. This file must be uploaded to the class DropBox no later than 09:00 a.m. on __________. EACH STUDENT will be responsible for INDIVIDUALLY uploading a separate copy of their project file with the filename is to be your team name and your student email name and the Powerpoint extension (example: superwinners_jsmith32.pptx ). The Powerpoint project is a team effort and all members of the same team must upload the same file contents. The project will be graded on the team's results HOWEVER individuals will have points deducted for uploading their individual copy of the work late. On the other hand, if ALL team members submit their copy of the project file at least 6 hours before the deadline the whole team will earn extra points on the project submitted.

This approach is carrot & stick, with bonus points awarded for improved teamwork. Additionally it seems to help decrease the "let one guy do all the work" attitude that sometimes plagues group projects, since everyone wants the file on time for their own sake. The final deadline is hard, but the early deadline is a bit softer since I am trying to reward the effort to work together and to submit early.

Point out verbally that it is in everyone's best interest to work together on the project and help each other get the file uploaded early.

O.M.Y.'s user avatar

  • Use services that backs up all changes and logs events.
  • Set deadline for upload and deadline to verify succesful upload. (say one hour)
  • If students encounter any problem, they shall inform you. (Server is down, what should I do?)
  • Set the rule, that after deadline student will lose 10% per day.
  • Count it as -0.007*[minutes] .
  • Add false-complaint penalty of another [significant ammount].

Cancel the penalty only if the student proves that the hour-long delay was caused by university servers malfunction (brakedowns shall be logged) and that the work was done before the deadline (timestamp).

If they cannot prove their statements then apply both delay and false-complaint penalties.

You can make submission more bulletproof when using multiple services and the work must be uploaded to all services on time. Probability of all services corrupted is much lower than probability of one service corrupted.

Or you can reject their complaints saying:

You were expected to upload your work and verify its validity before the deadline and proper plannig was part of the task. Your complains were raised late and will be ignored. Take it as a lesson for your further work.

In real life, companies are losing fortune per day if the work is delayed, no matter the circumstances. Students are about to lose couple of points. Take it to acount as well. :)

Crowley's user avatar

  • 1 In real life, students have engaged in enough e-commerce to know that if a package from Amazon is a day late from when they were told it would come, Amazon doesn't really care. Or if an item from Kickstarter is a year late. They've read Internet horror stories about managers demanding a report on Monday at all costs, and then the manager not reading it by Friday. The students are probably familiar enough with real life to not be impressed that everything is a fortune a day matter. –  prosfilaes Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 3:07
  • @prosfilaes Amazon is strong enough to not care. But if your payment to Amazon is delayed, they will press charges. Boss (Client) from Hell is another [censored]. Do you really want to teach students that rules are for dumb losers? –  Crowley Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 9:22

Since the issue here seems to be that you want to be slightly lenient without giving in to frivolous requests, here is another simple solution. Apply all deadlines strictly but give graded work that has total credit more than 100%. For instance you could easily have graded work that totals to 120%. It is especially useful if the extra 20% is more difficult, and you may even wish to label them as optional assignments or for bonus credit. People who are on time will have no need to do the extra work, but people who are late will have to earn the extra credit to cover their lateness.

The benefits of such schemes are obvious:

Students have an avenue to make amendments for their lateness.

Leniency with respect to lateness is not free and must be earned.

Not just the good students are encouraged to learn more.

user21820's user avatar

I would like to introduce randomness into the late submission penalty process, mimicking the situation in later life that you often do not know what the outcome of not finishing something by a deadline will be.

It would probably work better in the old days of having to physically hand in work, but I imagine a process where if you submit the work in late, for any reason whatsoever, I pull out a 20-sided die, and invite you to roll. Roll a 1, you get 0 for the work. Roll a 20, no penalty. 2-10, 10% per day pro-rated to the minute, 11-19, 10% per day, not pro-rated. After the first day, 20 also becomes a 0 zero mark, i.e. 10% chance of getting 0 marks, which should be somewhat motivating to not submit late. Obviously, there is no negotiation with a d20.

wycx's user avatar

  • 1 This is amusing, but far too complicated. A slightly less complex variant would be to multiply the score by (d20-roll / 20) once for each day (or portion of a day) the submission is late. So a submission 2 days plus 0.1 seconds after the deadline would get three die rolls, with an expected penalty of 87.5%. –  JeffE Commented Dec 4, 2016 at 19:28

Require a proof of the assignment existence at the given date

We all know that we should take upload time into account, but it is very easy to face unexpected delays when submitting near to the deadline: from the not accepting the , the generated pdf file being quite big (all those photographs looked very nice when preparing the document), the university server giving a timeout for the large assignment file, the teaching platform being slow when many files are being submitted at once, or simply the upload link being quite slower than expected.

However, an email simply saying "We are having issues sending the assignment foo of sha256 cb2730cb4d47b879f6f1a5627e0e94d8261065052375b5dd76abb44e1838008e" won't hit any size limit. They can even hand it out physically the next day in a DVD/USB.

By giving the cryptographic hash, they are committing to the exact file they will be handing out, thus you can verify there were no changes after the deadline. Explain to the students how to generate them on the first day, after the usual talk on "take into account upload time". You may even encourage them to email that (or post it into the forum for your lecture) on normal submissions (no screenshots showing the upload).

Having an official procedure will (a) make students more confident about what to do when genuinely getting computer issues handing out a work they performed on time and (b) give you an argument to disregard claims for students that did not follow the given procedure in case of upload problems.

Ángel's user avatar

In addition to agreeing with the general don't negotiate view of other responders, I always make it a point to remind students that my university has an appeals process that allows them to lodge an academic appeal if they believe that they have been unfairly treated or discriminated against. Some of my colleagues don't like me mentioning appeals but my own view is that it is simply part of my adherence to formal processes. Some students are already aware of the availability of an appeals process and it strikes me as being, in some ways, discriminatory not to mention the (often foreign) students who are not familiar with the idea. One of the things positive things I have noticed, however, is that a student will rarely persist with their attempts at negotiating/bullying ... and only very very rarely will one appeal.

CrimsonDark's user avatar

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how to submit a late assignment on canvas hack


  1. Canvas Time Stamp Hack? : r/Professors

    I had an assignment due two weeks ago. I graded them all. Then another submission popped up a few days later for me to grade (I allow them to submit late for partial credit). It was hers. I go to grade it, but then I see that according to Canvas, it was submitted three hours before the deadline!

  2. HACK CANVAS LOCKED ASSIGNMENT: How to submit an assignment ...

    Hey guys! Welcome to my channel where you can find videos on how to grow your channel, editing tutorials, unboxing tech stuff, as well as college and stock a...

  3. Solved: Is there a hack that lets students unlock my locke

    this isn't a hack, it is a glitch with Canvas's systems and tricks with times, but if students were to actually hack your quiz, they would see answers and do a lot more than just do the assignment ... Logging into Canvas Generate a Pairing Code Canvas Browser and Computer Requirements Change Canvas Notification Settings Submit a Peer Review ...

  4. ULPT: Forgot to do an assignment? In settings, change the date ...

    In settings, change the date on your computer to a few days before the due date, save the file, and send the file to your professor, telling them to check the file's "date last opened" as proof that you did the assignment on time.

  5. My students think they're so clever : r/Professors

    MOD. My students think they're so clever. The assignment deadline was an hour ago and I turned late submissions off in Canvas. A student just submitted their (late) assignment as a file attachment to a submission comment and just emailed me to confirm I received it.

  6. Trick For Late Assignment Submission

    Welcome Friends!In this video, I'm going to show you a trick for late assignment submission quick hack | tips and tricks Late Assignment Submission link: ww...

  7. Late and Missing Policies in Canvas

    Howdy! In this video we will walk you through how to create a late and missing policy, set a default grade, and understand which assignments will not be affe...

  8. Canvas Late Submissions: Hacks on How to Deal with Late Deadline

    Since only the instructors have the mandate to extend a deadline, we will highlight how the instructor can extend a deadline for particular students. Start by clicking on the course that the students need an extension in. Within the canvas, scroll to where the assignment is indicated, then click on the edit. There is a bar displayed as assign ...

  9. Stupid Canvas Tricks : r/Professors

    Use Canvas mastery paths to require students to: -read the page -mark as done -submit assignment -pass assignment with a grade of X, and, -require that it be done sequentially. Even if they just click it done, some may think twice and watch that lecture/recording you posted before jumping to the assignments due.

  10. How do I apply a Late Submission policy in the Gradebook?

    To calculate a late penalty, Canvas rounds up the day or hour to the next whole number. For example, you may set a 10% per day late submission policy. If a student submits a 10-point assignment 1.3 days late, the late penalty will round 1.3 days up to 2 days. The student's score will reflect a 20% (2 point) late submission deduction.

  11. How to manage the 11:59 PM Deadline Comfortably

    Apart from just beginning the paper early, another excellent strategy is to set your personal deadline for completing the paper early than the actual deadline. If an assignment is due in 5 days, set your deadline to 3 or 4 days. You can use the rest of the deadline to do other stuff or equally edit the paper thoroughly.

  12. Canvas Hacks for Students: Ultimate Insider's Guide

    Canvas allows students to access course materials such as readings, lecture notes, and videos online. This eliminates the need for students to spend time searching for physical copies of course materials in the library or online. Submit Assignments Online. Canvas provides a user-friendly interface for submitting assignments online.

  13. How to Accept and Penalize Late Homework Assignment Submissions

    Accepting Late Homework Submissions on Canvas. In order to accept late Homework submissions on Canvas, make sure to use the Due Date and Availability settings when creating your assignments (you can also edit this setting after creating the assignment by clicking on the Edit option located in the vertical dots button and then selecting the More ...

  14. Canvas Late Submission: Hacks on How to Deal with Late Deadlines

    Select the action link and finally edit the assignment. Set a deadline date of your choice, which must exceed the original. To learn more on Canvas assignment submission, watch the video here. The main Canvas late submission deadline hack is by consulting your instructor with valid reasons for lateness.

  15. The Blackboard Due Date Loophole : r/Professors

    If an assignment is available until 8pm or has not availability until date set, OP's students can access the assignment at 7:45pm, work on the assignment for several hrs, then submit the assignment say at 3am the next day. I think you are referring to the due date, if an assignment is available but past due, then yes, student can still submit ...

  16. Do You Know Students Can Submit Late Assignments ...

    Can I Stop Late Submissions? Yes, in addition to a due date, you can use an "Until" availability date to completely cut off student access to assignments after a certain date, including the ability to submit an assignment. Set the "Until" Availability Date for at least 5 minutes after the due date to allow for technical difficulties on ...

  17. If the assignment is closed on Canvas, should I still bother ...

    No. You shouldn't do the assignment unless you get an extension from the professor first. Don't waste your time doing (a probably half-assed job on) an assignment that isn't going to even get graded at all. And maybe make an effort to chill on the weed and spend less time dicking around, in the future. 2.

  18. How to handle students who try to negotiate away penalties for late

    The students are required to submit a project report, which contains a link to a video produced by the students, usually uploaded onto a site such as YouTube, Google Drive or Dropbox. We had announced that for every day that an assignment is late, students will lose 10% of their score for that assignment.

  19. Submitted exactly 11:59. Professor took off 30 points of an assignment

    The line has to be drawn somewhere so, with respect, arguing about this is why YOU people aren't taken seriously. Finish the assignment and get it submitted with a decent cushion and this won't happen. In my class I set the assignments to lock at 11:59 so, absent a documented emergency, OP would have been crap out of luck.