English Compositions

Short Essay on Pleasure of Reading [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Being able to read is the ultimate gift for human beings from god. This is considered one of the most pleasurable habits. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write essays on the topic of ‘Pleasure of Reading’ that you may find relevant in your exam. 

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Short Essay on Pleasure of Reading in 100 Words

Reading is the biggest pleasure in this world. Books are our best companions. So reading is the best thing we can do. We read many books. We also love to read magazines and newspapers. All of these give us pleasure. We enjoy a different world through reading. Reading our favourite books gives us immense joy.

Reading is the food for thought. We become intelligent when we read. If we are sad then reading a book helps us to become light. We read several things. Our parents and school encourage us to read storybooks. It expands our imagination and helps us to think better. So we must never give up the habit of reading. It should be the regular work of wise people.

Short Essay on Pleasure of Reading in 200 Words

We learn as we read. When we are young, we are taught to read by our parents. They teach us alphabets and numbers. We get many books that have pictures and colours on them. It makes us happy. From a little age, parents tell us to read books.

Reading is a wonderful habit. It stays with us forever. When we read, we feel joy. We get into a different world as we read. Reading helps us forget all the problems of our life. When we study in school, we read books for examinations. It teaches us a lot. But at home, we also read storybooks. It is our biggest pleasure. 

We read several things like stories, comics, and magazines. Our teachers encourage us to read newspapers. Reading newspapers improves our speaking skills. It increases our knowledge of words. We get to know about much important news when we read the daily newspaper aloud. Some people read in their leisure. Some love to read when they are travelling somewhere.

We still enjoy reading a storybook when we are enjoying long distances. It kills our boredom. We do not get tired of time when we read, Our ability to speak develops as we read a different text. We learn new words. We also learn how to write better by reading. So reading books is a wonderful habit for all.

Short Essay on Pleasure of Reading in 400 Words

What separates a learned person from a stupid? The answer is simple. His ability to read. Reading makes us wise. It makes us different from others. If we cannot read, we will stay stupid forever. People will cheat us if we are not learned. So reading is a must for everyone. All of us should be able to read and understand. We go to school so that we can read, write and learn. Our parents are always encouraging us to read every day. Our teachers help us to read several books. So reading is a joy for all.

Reading is a pleasure for us. It is also a necessity. We eat food every day. We bathe daily. We sleep for eight hours. Similarly, we have to read daily. We start reading when we are in our kindergarten school. There we first learn alphabets and numbers.

Our parents and teachers teach us how to read the alphabet and how to write them. Slowly we grow up. Then we can read things on our own. We no longer need the help. As we read, it stays in our minds. In childhood, we read rhymes. We forever remember those rhymes. Reading makes us happy. 

In schools, we are taught many things. Then we have to read many books. It helps in our examination. But we do not stop there. At home, we read storybooks. We read funny stories, fairy tales, detective stories, and also comics. All of these give us pleasure. Books are our best friends. So we like to spend time with them.

We enjoy reading books. As we read, we learn several things. We learn new words. Our teachers always tell us to read. We often read the newspaper. Reading the newspaper aloud helps us in our speaking skills. We learn how to write by reading daily. So reading anything helps us in different ways.

We must take care as to what we are reading. Today many books are available in the market that is not of good quality. It destroys our time and energy. We do not learn anything good from those books. So parents should be careful while giving a book to their children.

Some of us love reading while travelling long distances. It kills the boredom of the distance. We don’t feel the time when we read. We feel happy as we finish a book. Reading always takes us to a different world. We love the story every book tells us. Reading gives us pleasure and also information. So we should always develop the habit of reading daily. 

All the essays have been written in very simple language for a better understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this lesson, kindly mention that in the comment. To read more essays on such important topics, keep browsing our website.

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The Benefits of Reading for Pleasure

Reading for fun has numerous lifelong benefits, and we have ideas for how you can promote this habit among your students.

A teacher and young student sit together and talk.

Why don’t students read? Most teachers have the goal of promoting students’ lifelong love of reading. But why? And what can teachers and parents and librarians do to promote pleasure reading?

In our book Reading Unbound , Michael Smith and I argue that promoting pleasure reading is a civil rights issue. Data from major longitudinal studies show that pleasure reading in youth is the most explanatory factor of both cognitive progress and social mobility over time (e.g., Sullivan & Brown, 2013 [PDF]; Guthrie, et al, 2001 ; and Kirsch, et al, 2002 [PDF]). Pleasure reading is a more powerful predictor than even parental socioeconomic status and educational attainment.

So if we want our students to actualize their full potential as human beings and their capacity to participate in a democracy, and if we want to overcome social inequalities, we must actively promote pleasure reading in our schools, classrooms, and homes.

The Pleasures of Reading

Pleasure reading can be defined as reading that is freely chosen or that readers freely and enthusiastically continue after it is assigned. Our students (like all other human beings!) do what they find pleasurable. You get good at what you practice, and then outgrow yourself by deliberately developing new related interests and capacities.

In our study, we found that reading pleasure has many forms, and that each form provides distinct benefits:

  • Play pleasure/immersive pleasure is when a reader is lost in a book. This is prerequisite to experiencing all the other pleasures; it develops the capacity to engage and immerse oneself, visualize meanings, relate to characters, and participate in making meaning.
  • Intellectual pleasure is when a reader engages in figuring out what things mean and how texts have been constructed to convey meanings and effects. Benefits include developing deep understanding, proactivity, resilience, and grit.
  • Social pleasure is when the reader relates to authors, characters, other readers, and oneself by exploring and staking one’s identity. This pleasure develops the capacity to experience the world from other perspectives; to learn from and appreciate others distant from us in time, space, and experience; and to relate to, reciprocate with, attend to, and help others different from ourselves.
  • Work pleasure is when the reader develops a tool for getting something functional done—this cultivates the transfer of these strategies and insights to life.
  • Inner work pleasure is when the reader imaginatively rehearses for her life and considers what kind of person she wants to be and how she can connect to something greater or strive to become something more. When our study participants engaged in this pleasure, they expressed and developed a growth mindset and a sense of personal and social possibility.

Taken together, these pleasures explain why pleasure reading promotes cognitive progress and social possibility, and even a kind of wisdom and wholeness, and, in a larger sense, the democratic project.

Promoting the Pleasures of Reading

We need to help less engaged readers experience these same pleasures. That is our study’s major takeaway: We must make all five pleasures central to our teaching. We need to name them, actively model them, and then assist students to experience them.

To promote play pleasure, use drama techniques like revolving role play, in-role writing, and hot seating of characters in order to reward all students for entering and living through story worlds and becoming or relating to characters in the way that highly engaged readers do.

To promote intellectual pleasure, frame units as inquiry, with essential questions. Read a book for the first time along with your students—figure it out along with them, modeling your fits and starts and problems through think-alouds and discussion. Or pair an assigned reading with self-selected reading from a list, or a free reading choice that pertains to the topic. Use student-generated questions for discussion and sharing. Use discussion structures like Socratic seminar that make it clear there is no teacherly agenda to fulfill as far as topics or insights to achieve.

A whiteboard list of the author’s recent reading

To promote social pleasure, be a fellow reader with students. Put a sign on your door: “Dr. Wilhelm is reading _____.” Read one of their favorite books. Foster peer discussion of reading and response in pairs, triads, small groups, literature circles, book clubs, etc. Do group projects with reading that are then shared and even archived. Have a free reading program and promote books through book talks, online reviews, etc.

To foster work pleasure, use inquiry contexts and work toward culminating projects, including service and social action projects.

To foster inner work pleasure, engage students in imaginative rehearsals for living, inquiry geared toward current and future action, or inquiry for service. Have students think as authors making choices and plan scenarios for characters in dilemmas or those trying to help the characters. Write to the future or to a future self.

Make no mistake, the next-generation standards worldwide require profound cognitive achievements. Meeting such standards and the demands of navigating modern life will require student effort and the honing of strategies over time. Promoting the power of pleasure reading is a proven path there.

Why Should People Read for Pleasure? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Why people should read for pleasure, works cited.

We all have different methods to enjoy our free time. The current use of the internet explains why many people will not spend their time reading books or novels. The number of people reading various books and documents for pleasure is decreasing. Some scholars and theorists explain why people should make reading part of their culture. Reading is a good practice that presents numerous universal benefits. According to Waxer (28), “reading for pleasure becomes one of the best practices towards a successful life”. This essay seeks to outline the benefits of reading for pleasure. The discussion explains why reading is beneficial to every person who embraces the practice for pleasure.

The benefits of reading for pleasure are inexhaustible. Reading is a good practice that improves people’s ideas. The practice can also expand a person’s cultural understanding. Many books and novels can inform the reader about tragedies, comedies, and history. These themes are relevant in every social group. Individuals who read widely tend to have a bigger understanding of life. Such individuals are also aware of the issues or events affecting their lives. This practice explains why such individuals will achieve their goals faster than those who do not read for pleasure. Reading for pleasure is a healthy practice. The practice “makes it easier for readers to gain new ideas” (Court 48).

Imagination is the best method to widen our understanding. This practice creates much fun in our minds. Every child enjoys new stories and fairy tales from his or her parents. These tales help children create the best images of their surrounding world. These stories help these children create new imaginations. Every person can also benefit from the power of imagination. Readings give a person the ability to create imaginary pictures and scenes. The reader can use “such imaginations to address every challenge affecting him or her” (Court 48). Many readers can create new ideas and make appropriate decisions based on their imaginations. Reading for pleasure becomes the best practice towards achieving most of our goals.

Every person wants to have the best vocabulary and command of English. Every person can increase his or her vocabulary at any particular age. A person who reads many books and articles will make quick decisions (Bloom 18). Reading is helpful because it helps a person express his or her ideas to the other people in a better manner (Court 53). This explains why every person should read widely in order to expand his or her vocabulary. The individual will make better decisions and communicate the best ideas to his or her friends. Many books are grammatically formal. These books will help more people expand their vocabularies in order to express themselves much better.

Communication is a critical aspect of human interaction. A person who communicates fluently will interact with others easily. A person who reads widely will find it easier to get assistance from others. This fact explains why “every individual should read widely in order to improve his or her communication skills” (Bender 62). Reading can help a person increase his or her knowledge. Such a person will read widely and interact with other people efficiently. Books can help a person improve his or her interactional skills. This practice will create the best reading culture. This will be the beginning of knowledge.

According to Waxer (48), “reading helps a person improve his mathematical skills”. Most of the students who study for pleasure will always get better grades in mathematics. Studies have also found that every student who spends a lot of time reading for pleasure will be sharp. This practice should be embraced because will help more people make decisions faster. The reader becomes aware of every issue in the world. The person becomes alert because he or she wants to gain more ideas and solve every challenge affecting him or her. Reading for pleasure helps people establish new ideas in order to improve their lives.

Reading is a positive culture that facilitates a person’s emotional maturity, growth, and healing. Many books present some of the best ideas towards a better life. These books will educate people to make appropriate choices and decisions in life. The person experiences a new form of therapy thus becoming mature and confident in life. This confidence helps a person overcome most of the trivial problems encountered in life. The practice also improves a person’s empathy. The reader experiences a simulation of the problems and challenges encountered in the universe (Bender 75). The experience creates a new impression thus helping the reader find new solutions to these problems.

According to Bender (59), “reading is one of the best practices towards improving our creativity and rationality”. The practice also lessens the rate of idleness. The person begins to analyze and identify new opportunities in his or her mind. This explains why a constant reader will always be a critical thinker. The reader will reduce every stress encountered in life and eventually realize his or her goals. Reading becomes one of the best strategies to relax and reexamine our opportunities. Every person should be ready to read widely for pleasure in order to achieve his or her goals.

Reading can also help a person improve his or her writing skills. Every best writer is always a reader. These two practices are closely connected. The reader gains new ideas and concepts. A person will replicate such skills whenever he or she is writing. Reading for pleasure becomes something intrinsic (Gray 64). The person remains motivated thus becoming a good writer. Reading for pleasure also boosts a person’s morale. Many people who read many books not encounter major disorders associated with depression (Waxer 67). These people will read more books and articles in order to improve their skills. The reader will also increase his presence in the public sphere. The person will establish better engagements and achieve the greatest goals in life.

The above discussion explains why every person should read for pleasure because the benefits are endless. This fact explains why every person should enjoy reading and make the practice part of his or her culture. Reading for pleasure helps people expand their knowledge and imagination. The people will also boost their vocabularies. People should not ignore the power of books because it can make a difference in their lives. A good reader will also use the internet to read many books and articles. This will create a new habit and make the person successful. The first approach towards achieving this goal is to choose the best books. The person should also create more time to read these books for pleasure. This is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge.

Bender, Tisha. Discussion-based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning: Theory, Practice, and Assessment. New York: Sterling, 2012. Print.

Bloom, Harold. How to read and why. New York: Scribner, 2000. Print.

Court, Joy. Read to Succeed: Strategies to Engage Children and Young People in Reading for Pleasure. London: Facet Publishers, 2011. Print.

Gray, John. Children are from heaven: positive parenting skills for raising cooperative, confident, and compassionate children. New York: HarperCollins, 2004. Print.

Waxer, Frankenstein. Reading Together: Everything You Need to Know to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read. New York: Penguin Book, 2009. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, May 19). Why Should People Read for Pleasure? https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-should-people-read-for-pleasure/

"Why Should People Read for Pleasure?" IvyPanda , 19 May 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/why-should-people-read-for-pleasure/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why Should People Read for Pleasure'. 19 May.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why Should People Read for Pleasure?" May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-should-people-read-for-pleasure/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Should People Read for Pleasure?" May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-should-people-read-for-pleasure/.


IvyPanda . "Why Should People Read for Pleasure?" May 19, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-should-people-read-for-pleasure/.

Reading is Good Habit for Students and Children

 500+ words essay on reading is good habit.

Reading is a very good habit that one needs to develop in life. Good books can inform you, enlighten you and lead you in the right direction. There is no better companion than a good book. Reading is important because it is good for your overall well-being. Once you start reading, you experience a whole new world. When you start loving the habit of reading you eventually get addicted to it. Reading develops language skills and vocabulary. Reading books is also a way to relax and reduce stress. It is important to read a good book at least for a few minutes each day to stretch the brain muscles for healthy functioning.

reading is good habit

Benefits of Reading

Books really are your best friends as you can rely on them when you are bored, upset, depressed, lonely or annoyed. They will accompany you anytime you want them and enhance your mood. They share with you information and knowledge any time you need. Good books always guide you to the correct path in life. Following are the benefits of reading –

Self Improvement: Reading helps you develop positive thinking. Reading is important because it develops your mind and gives you excessive knowledge and lessons of life. It helps you understand the world around you better. It keeps your mind active and enhances your creative ability.

Communication Skills: Reading improves your vocabulary and develops your communication skills. It helps you learn how to use your language creatively. Not only does it improve your communication but it also makes you a better writer. Good communication is important in every aspect of life.

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Increases Knowledge: Books enable you to have a glimpse into cultures, traditions, arts, history, geography, health, psychology and several other subjects and aspects of life. You get an amazing amount of knowledge and information from books.

Reduces Stress: Reading a good book takes you in a new world and helps you relieve your day to day stress. It has several positive effects on your mind, body, and soul. It stimulates your brain muscles and keeps your brain healthy and strong.

Great Pleasure: When I read a book, I read it for pleasure. I just indulge myself in reading and experience a whole new world. Once I start reading a book I get so captivated I never want to leave it until I finish. It always gives a lot of pleasure to read a good book and cherish it for a lifetime.

Boosts your Imagination and Creativity: Reading takes you to the world of imagination and enhances your creativity. Reading helps you explore life from different perspectives. While you read books you are building new and creative thoughts, images and opinions in your mind. It makes you think creatively, fantasize and use your imagination.

Develops your Analytical Skills: By active reading, you explore several aspects of life. It involves questioning what you read. It helps you develop your thoughts and express your opinions. New ideas and thoughts pop up in your mind by active reading. It stimulates and develops your brain and gives you a new perspective.

Reduces Boredom: Journeys for long hours or a long vacation from work can be pretty boring in spite of all the social sites. Books come in handy and release you from boredom.

Read Different Stages of Reading here.

The habit of reading is one of the best qualities that a person can possess. Books are known to be your best friend for a reason. So it is very important to develop a good reading habit. We must all read on a daily basis for at least 30 minutes to enjoy the sweet fruits of reading. It is a great pleasure to sit in a quiet place and enjoy reading. Reading a good book is the most enjoyable experience one can have.

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  • Importance Of Reading Essay

Importance of Reading Essay

500+ words essay on reading.

Reading is a key to learning. It’s a skill that everyone should develop in their life. The ability to read enables us to discover new facts and opens the door to a new world of ideas, stories and opportunities. We can gather ample information and use it in the right direction to perform various tasks in our life. The habit of reading also increases our knowledge and makes us more intellectual and sensible. With the help of this essay on the Importance of Reading, we will help you know the benefits of reading and its various advantages in our life. Students must go through this essay in detail, as it will help them to create their own essay based on this topic.

Importance of Reading

Reading is one of the best hobbies that one can have. It’s fun to read different types of books. By reading the books, we get to know the people of different areas around the world, different cultures, traditions and much more. There is so much to explore by reading different books. They are the abundance of knowledge and are best friends of human beings. We get to know about every field and area by reading books related to it. There are various types of books available in the market, such as science and technology books, fictitious books, cultural books, historical events and wars related books etc. Also, there are many magazines and novels which people can read anytime and anywhere while travelling to utilise their time effectively.

Benefits of Reading for Students

Reading plays an important role in academics and has an impactful influence on learning. Researchers have highlighted the value of developing reading skills and the benefits of reading to children at an early age. Children who cannot read well at the end of primary school are less likely to succeed in secondary school and, in adulthood, are likely to earn less than their peers. Therefore, the focus is given to encouraging students to develop reading habits.

Reading is an indispensable skill. It is fundamentally interrelated to the process of education and to students achieving educational success. Reading helps students to learn how to use language to make sense of words. It improves their vocabulary, information-processing skills and comprehension. Discussions generated by reading in the classroom can be used to encourage students to construct meanings and connect ideas and experiences across texts. They can use their knowledge to clear their doubts and understand the topic in a better way. The development of good reading habits and skills improves students’ ability to write.

In today’s world of the modern age and digital era, people can easily access resources online for reading. The online books and availability of ebooks in the form of pdf have made reading much easier. So, everyone should build this habit of reading and devote at least 30 minutes daily. If someone is a beginner, then they can start reading the books based on the area of their interest. By doing so, they will gradually build up a habit of reading and start enjoying it.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Importance of Reading Essay

What is the importance of reading.

1. Improves general knowledge 2. Expands attention span/vocabulary 3. Helps in focusing better 4. Enhances language proficiency

What is the power of reading?

1. Develop inference 2. Improves comprehension skills 3. Cohesive learning 4. Broadens knowledge of various topics

How can reading change a student’s life?

1. Empathy towards others 2. Acquisition of qualities like kindness, courtesy

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📖Essay on Importance of Reading: Samples in 100, 150, and 250 Words

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  • Apr 26, 2024

Essay on Importance of Education

Language learning requires four skills i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. It is an important part that eventually builds up the communication skills of a person. Reading will help in attaining knowledge of variable fields. It enhances the intellect of a person. Reading helps students to enhance their language fluency. Students must adopt the habit of reading good books. Reading books can also improve the writing skills. If you are a school student and searching for a good sample essay on the importance of reading then, you landed at the right place. Here in this blog, we have covered some sample essays on the importance of reading!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words
  • 3 Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words
  • 4 Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Essay on the Importance of Reading in 100 Words

The English language is considered the global language because it is the most widely spoken language worldwide. Reading is one of the important parts of acquiring complete knowledge of any language. Reading helps in maintaining a good vocabulary that is helpful for every field, whether in school, interviews , competitive exams , or jobs. 

Students must inculcate the habit of reading from a young age. Making a habit of reading good books will eventually convert into an addiction over time and you will surely explore a whole new world of information.

Being exposed to different topics through reading can help you look at the wider perspective of life. You will eventually discover a creative side of yours while developing the habit of reading.

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Essay on Importance of Reading 150 Words

Reading is considered an important aspect that contributes to the development of the overall personality of any person. If a person wants to do good at a professional level then he/she must practice reading.

There are various advantages of reading. It is not only a source of entertainment but also opens up the creative ability of any person. Reading helps in self-improvement, enhances communication skills, and reduces stress. It is one of the sources of pleasure and also enhances the analytical skills. 

Here are some of the best books to study that may help you enhance your reading skills:

  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling .
  • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee .
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri .
  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The Great Gatsby

A person with good reading skills would be able to communicate with more confidence and shine brighter at the professional level. Reading is a mental exercise, as it can provide you with the best experience because while reading fiction, or non-fiction you use your imagination without any restrictions thereby exploring a whole new world on your own. So, Just Enjoy Reading!

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Essay on Importance of Reading 250 Words

Reading is a language skill necessary to present yourself in front of others because without being a good reader, it’s difficult to be a good communicator. Reading books should be practised regularly. Books are considered a human’s best friend.

It is right to say that knowledge can’t be stolen. Reading enhances the knowledge of a person. There are numerous benefits of reading.

I love reading books and one of my all-time favorite authors is William Shakespeare. His work “As You Like It” is my favourite book. By reading that book I came across many new words. It enabled me to add many words to my vocabulary that I can use in my life.

Apart from this, there are many other benefits of reading books such as reading can help you write in a certain way that can impress the reader. It also enhances communication skills and serves as a source of entertainment . 

Schools conduct various competitions which directly or indirectly involve reading. Some such competitions include debate, essay writing competitions, elocution, new reading in assembly, etc. All such activities require active reading because without reading a person might not be able to speak on a specific topic.

All such activities are conducted to polish the language skills of students from the very beginning so that they can do good at a professional level.

In conclusion, in a world of technological advancement, you are more likely to get easy access to online reading material available on the internet. So, you must not miss this opportunity and devote some time to reading different kinds of books. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Reading

Find a sample of a short essay on importance of reading below:

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Reading is a good habit; It helps to improve communication skills; Good books whether fiction or non-fiction widen your imagination skills; You can experience a whole new world while reading; It helps you establish your professional personality; Reading skills help you interact with other people at a personal and professional level; Improves vocabulary; Reading novels is considered a great source of entertainment; It helps you acquire excessive knowledge of different fields; Reading is motivational and a great mental exercise.

Reading is important to build the overall personality of a person. It establishes a sense of professionalism and improves the vocabulary. Adapting a habit of reading books will help in expanding your knowledge and creativity.

Here are some of the best books for students to read: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; The Alchemist, The 5 AM Club, Rich Dad Poor Dad, etc.

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Kajal Thareja

Hi, I am Kajal, a pharmacy graduate, currently pursuing management and is an experienced content writer. I have 2-years of writing experience in Ed-tech (digital marketing) company. I am passionate towards writing blogs and am on the path of discovering true potential professionally in the field of content marketing. I am engaged in writing creative content for students which is simple yet creative and engaging and leaves an impact on the reader's mind.

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Student Essays

Essay on Pleasures of Reading

8 Essays on Pleasures of Reading | Joys of Reading Essay

The pleasures of reading books include the entertainment that comes from hearing or telling interesting stories. We also feel pleasure when we read about things, which are not obvious to us. And finally, if you select the right book according to your age and mind , there is a good chance that you will feel a sense of accomplishment after reading it.

Essay on Pleasures of Reading | Joys & Wonders of Reading

We can feel pleasure in many different ways. If you are good at sports, for example, playing games may make you feel satisfied or happy. Reading books can also give us pleasure. What do you understand by the phrase ‘pleasure of reading’? The pleasure one feels when he/she reads something interesting or exciting is called the pleasure of reading.

Essay on Pleasures of Reading

To feel pleasure while reading books , you need to read interesting things, not repetitions of the kind of stories you have already read. Also, it is important to choose books that are in line with your age and mind, books which will make you think about problems differently after reading them. These are some ways through which one can enjoy while reading books.

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Pleasures of Reading;

Fun, pleasure , knowledge & wisdom are the benefits of books. Fun helps us to escape from daily life . Pleasure increases our capacity for joy . Knowledge increases our power to cope with the problems of life. Wisdom decreases our ignorance & narrowmindedness.

Reading books has the following top ten pleasures and benefits;

  • Escape from daily life:

Escape is the main pleasure in reading books. When people read books, they can forget about their stress and worries for a while. This is the greatest benefit of reading.

  • Increase your capacity to enjoy life:

We can increase our capacity for joy when we read interesting stories in books. If you often find yourself bored, you should read good books.

  • Increase your knowledge about the world around you:

Knowledge increases our power to cope with the problems of life. Reading makes us knowledgeable and sometimes it gives us wisdom which helps us to learn new things, understand other people’s minds and improve our judgement!

  • Increase your ability of expression:

Reading is very important in order to attain eloquence. People who are eloquent can easily express their feelings, thoughts and ideas.

  • Increase your wisdom:

Wisdom decreases our ignorance & narrowmindedness. When you read books offered by scholars, philosophers, thinkers and writers over the centuries, you learn many things that help you grow spiritually and intellectually.

  • Increase your knowledge about the world:

Knowledge allows people to understand many different things such as science, history, geography and philosophy, poetry and politics better.

  • Increase your memory power:

Reading for a while every day helps us remember what we have read recently. We can easily understand things when we repeatedly read them.

  • Increase your skills through experience:

Reading offers you the possibility to acquire new skills like riding, driving or playing an instrument for example! We also feel pleasure when we perform these tasks. Also this requires practice and commitment on our part.

  • Keep ourselves healthy:

If reading books is one of your hobbies, you are also likely to keep yourself healthy.

  • Increase your emotional intelligence:

Reading books that are written by psychologists, educationists or spiritual writers helps people to improve their emotional intelligence which is very important in order to lead a successful life.

  • Make us more sensitive:

We should read things related to social and ethical problems and then discuss them!

Reading books has a lot of benefits and pleasures! If you want to enjoy your life, reading should be one of your favourite hobbies.  We should read books written by a good writer because a good writer knows how to influence the reader, and can change or improve his/her point of view about life. A writer is always the best teacher because he teaches us through his writing. And as we have all learnt from our teachers, you can also learn from your favourite writers

Short Essay on Pleasure of Readings:

Reading is a wonderful activity that has been enjoyed by people of all ages for centuries. It is not only a source of knowledge and information, but also a means of escape and entertainment.

The pleasure of reading cannot be measured in words, as it can transport you to different worlds and make you experience a wide range of emotions. In this short essay, we will explore the different pleasures of reading and how it can enrich our lives.

One of the most obvious pleasures of reading is gaining knowledge. Books are a treasure trove of information, and reading allows us to learn about new topics, cultures, and ideas. Whether it’s history, science, or literature, every book has something to teach us.

It broadens our perspective and helps us understand the world and its complexities in a better way. Through reading, we can also develop critical thinking skills and form our own opinions on various subjects.

In addition to knowledge, reading can also provide a sense of escape from the everyday reality. When we open a book, we enter into a whole new world where anything is possible. It allows us to forget our worries and problems for a while and immerse ourselves in the lives of fictional characters.

Reading fiction can be therapeutic as it helps us deal with our own emotions and experiences through the characters’ journey. It is like taking a mental vacation without leaving the comfort of your home.

Moreover, reading is a form of entertainment that can keep our minds occupied for hours on end. With the rise of technology and social media, our attention spans have become shorter. However, when we read, we are forced to concentrate on one thing at a time and engage our brains in a way that screens cannot replicate. It is an enjoyable and productive way to spend our leisure time.

Apart from these pleasures, reading also has numerous other benefits. It can improve vocabulary, enhance memory and analytical skills, and reduce stress levels.

In fact, studies have shown that regular readers are more empathetic and have better communication skills. With all these advantages, it is no surprise that reading is often referred to as a “superpower”.

In conclusion, the pleasures of reading are countless and cannot be confined to a few paragraphs. It is a habit that should be nurtured from a young age and continued throughout our lives. Reading not only expands our knowledge but also enriches our minds and souls. As Stephen King famously said, “Books are uniquely portable magic.”

So let us embrace this magic and make reading a part of our daily lives. Let us discover new worlds, gain knowledge, and experience all the wonderful pleasures that reading has to offer. So, keep reading! Happy Reading!

Essay on Importance of Reading Books 150 Words:

Reading books is one of the most beneficial and enjoyable activities that anyone can engage in. It not only expands our knowledge but also helps us to develop critical thinking skills and enhance our imagination. The habit of reading should be instilled in everyone from a young age as it has numerous benefits.

Firstly, reading books has a positive impact on our vocabulary. Regular reading helps to improve our linguistic abilities and makes us more articulate in expressing our thoughts and ideas.

This skill is crucial, especially in today’s world where effective communication is essential for success. Moreover, reading also stimulates the brain and improves memory as it requires us to remember characters, plots, and events.

It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, making it a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Reading also broadens our perspectives and allows us to see things from different angles, thus promoting empathy and understanding towards others.

Furthermore, reading can be a gateway to new cultures and experiences. It allows us to travel through different time periods and countries without having to leave the comfort of our own home. Reading books on different topics also helps us gain knowledge about various subjects, making us more well-rounded individuals. It also has a positive impact on our mental health as it can improve focus, concentration, and overall cognitive abilities.

In conclusion, reading books is not just a hobby but an essential activity that everyone should engage in regularly. It improves our vocabulary, memory, imagination, understanding of different cultures, and mental well-being.

Short Paragraph on Reading:

Reading is a fundamental skill that allows us to access and understand information from various sources. It involves interpreting written words, symbols, and images to gain knowledge or pleasure. Reading has been an integral part of human civilization for centuries, with the invention of writing being a major milestone in our history.

It has played a crucial role in the transmission of knowledge and ideas, allowing us to learn from the past and expand our understanding of the world. In today’s fast-paced digital age, reading is more important than ever as we are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis.

The ability to read efficiently and critically is essential for success in both academic and professional settings. It also provides a means for personal growth, self-reflection, and relaxation. Therefore, it is crucial to cultivate good reading habits and continuously improve our reading skills throughout our lives.

In addition to aiding in the acquisition of knowledge and information, reading has numerous other benefits. It can enhance our vocabulary, improve our communication skills, and stimulate our imagination and creativity.

Reading allows us to explore different perspectives and broaden our understanding of diverse cultures and experiences. It also has been shown to have mental health benefits such as reducing stress levels and increasing empathy.

Furthermore, reading can serve as a form of entertainment and escapism, transporting us to different worlds and providing a break from reality. With the accessibility of books and other written materials, there is no limit to the topics and genres we can explore through reading.

In conclusion, reading is a crucial skill that not only enriches our lives but also plays a vital role in our personal and societal development. So, let us continue to nurture our love for reading and make it a lifelong habit. Let us encourage others to read and spread the joy and benefits of this incredible activity

Speech on Joy of Reading:

As Mark Twain once said, “The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them.” Indeed, reading is a fundamental skill that opens doors to knowledge, imagination and personal growth.

Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction or poetry, reading can provide endless joys and benefits. In this speech, I will share with you some of the joys of reading and why we should all make it a part of our daily lives.

Expanding Our Knowledge

One of the greatest joys that reading offers is the opportunity to expand our knowledge. Through books, we can learn about different cultures, histories, sciences and even new languages. We can travel through time and space without ever leaving the comfort of our homes.

The more we read, the more perspectives we gain and the better understanding we have of the world around us. Reading is not just about gaining knowledge, but also about enriching our minds and broadening our horizons.

Imagination and Creativity

Reading fuels our imagination and creativity. It allows us to escape from reality and immerse ourselves in different worlds and experiences. A good book can transport us to magical realms, take us on thrilling adventures or allow us to experience different emotions.

Through the pages of a book, we can explore endless possibilities and unlock our own creativity. As children, we were all able to do this effortlessly, but as adults, it’s important to make time for reading and keep our imagination alive.

Finding Solace

In the busy and often chaotic world we live in, reading can be a source of solace. It provides us with a quiet escape from our daily lives and gives us a chance to relax and unwind.

Whether it’s sitting in a cozy chair with a cup of tea or lying under a tree on a sunny day, reading can provide much-needed moments of peace and tranquility. It’s like taking a mental vacation without leaving your physical surroundings. Reading can calm our minds, reduce stress and provide a sense of comfort.

Lifelong Learning

Reading is not just for children or students. It’s a lifelong activity that never loses its appeal. No matter what age we are, there will always be something new to learn, whether it’s about the world, ourselves or others.

As we grow older and face different challenges in life, reading can offer guidance, inspiration and new perspectives. It keeps our minds active and helps us continue to evolve as individuals. After all, learning never stops and reading is one of the best ways to continue the journey.

In conclusion, reading is a source of endless joys and benefits. It expands our knowledge, stimulates our imagination, provides solace and enables lifelong learning. So let’s make it a habit to read every day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

As C.S. Lewis said, “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” Let us embrace the joys of reading and allow ourselves to be transformed by its power. Happy reading

Reading Makes a Man Perfect Essay:

Reading is an essential activity that has been practiced by humans for centuries. It involves the cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning from written or printed texts.

The ability to read not only helps in acquiring knowledge but also plays a crucial role in personal and intellectual development. This essay will explore the many benefits of reading and how it can lead to perfection.

Reading is a fundamental skill that forms the foundation of education, as it enables individuals to access information and expand their knowledge. It is through reading that we learn about different cultures, historical events, scientific discoveries, and more.

By reading extensively, we are exposed to new ideas and perspectives that broaden our understanding of the world around us. This continuous learning and acquisition of knowledge are essential for personal growth and development.

Moreover, reading also improves our cognitive abilities and critical thinking skills. When we read, our brain is constantly processing information, making connections, and analyzing the text to understand its meaning. This process helps in developing logical thinking and problem-solving skills that are crucial for success in all aspects of life.

It also enhances memory retention, as repeated exposure to information through reading strengthens neural pathways in the brain. This is why reading is often recommended as a way to improve academic performance.

Apart from its intellectual benefits, reading also has a positive impact on our emotional and social well-being. It allows us to step into the shoes of different characters and experience their emotions, thoughts, and perspectives. This helps in developing empathy and understanding towards others, which is essential for building strong relationships and fostering communication skills.

Furthermore, reading can serve as a form of escapism from the stresses of everyday life. It provides a temporary refuge from reality and allows us to explore new worlds and take a break from our own thoughts. This can be therapeutic and beneficial for mental health.

In conclusion, reading is a powerful tool that contributes to our personal growth and development. It expands our knowledge, improves cognitive abilities, and positively impacts our emotional well-being. It is through continuous reading that we can strive towards perfection by constantly learning, evolving, and understanding the world around us.

Short Speech on Reading:

Hello Everyone!

Reading is one of the most important activities that humans engage in. It is an activity that helps us to gain knowledge, expand our horizons and stimulate our minds. Today, I would like to talk about why reading is essential and how it can positively impact our lives.

First and foremost, reading is a great way to acquire knowledge. By reading books, articles or even online content, we can learn about various topics ranging from history to science to literature. We can expand our understanding of the world and gain insights into different cultures, societies and ways of thinking.

Reading also helps us to stay updated with current events and advancements in technology or other fields. It allows us to broaden our perspectives and stay informed about the world around us.

Moreover, reading is a great way to improve our vocabulary and language skills. As we read, we come across new words and phrases that we may not be familiar with. This helps us to build our vocabulary and enhance our communication skills.

Reading also exposes us to different writing styles, which can help us become better writers ourselves. It can also improve our critical thinking skills as we analyze and interpret the information presented in the text.

Not only does reading provide us with knowledge and improve our language skills, but it also has numerous other benefits. It can be a great stress reliever as it allows us to escape from the daily pressures of life and immerse ourselves in a different world.

Reading can also help improve memory and concentration, as it requires focus and attention to retain information. In fact, studies have shown that people who read regularly have better brain connectivity and lower levels of stress compared to non-readers.

In conclusion, reading is an essential activity that has countless benefits for our personal and intellectual growth. It allows us to gain knowledge, improve our language skills, reduce stress and enhance our overall well-being. I urge everyone to make reading a daily habit and reap the many rewards it has to offer. Thank you.

Essay on Pleasure of Reading 300 Words:

R eading is one of the oldest and most enjoyable activities known to humankind. It has been a source of knowledge, wisdom, and entertainment for centuries. Despite the advent of modern technology and various forms of media, reading remains an essential part of our lives. In this essay, we will explore the pleasures of reading and how it enriches our lives.

One of the most significant benefits of reading is the knowledge it provides. When we read, we learn about different cultures, places, events, and people. Reading helps us understand history, science, and various other subjects in a way that no other medium can.

It opens our minds to new ideas and perspectives and expands our understanding of the world around us. This knowledge gained through reading allows us to become better-informed individuals, which is crucial in today’s society.

Moreover, reading has the power to transport us to a different world. It can take us on adventures and allow us to experience things we might never get to otherwise. Whether it’s through fiction or non-fiction, reading can be an escape from our everyday lives.

It helps us relax and de-stress and provides a form of entertainment that is both immersive and fulfilling. It also allows us to develop our imagination and creativity, which is essential for personal growth.

Reading can also be a form of self-discovery. Through books, we can learn about ourselves and the world around us. Reading can introduce us to characters that reflect our own struggles and victories, making us feel less alone in this world.

It also offers different perspectives on life, helping us understand ourselves better. This self-reflection through reading can lead to personal development and growth. It can also help us develop empathy and compassion, making us more understanding individuals.

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In conclusion, reading is a fundamental part of our lives that offers numerous pleasures. From gaining knowledge to experiencing new worlds and developing self-awareness, reading enriches our lives in countless ways. It’s an activity that should be encouraged from an early age as it brings joy, fulfillment, and personal growth.

Q1: What is reading pleasure?

A1: Reading pleasure is the enjoyment and satisfaction derived from reading a book, story, or any written material.

Q2: Why is reading for pleasure important?

A2: Reading for pleasure is important because it fosters a love of reading, improves literacy, enhances knowledge, and provides relaxation and escapism.

Q3: What are the 10 importance of reading?

A3: It’s difficult to list ten specific importance points concisely, but some key benefits of reading include enhancing knowledge, improving vocabulary, boosting empathy, reducing stress, and stimulating the imagination.

Q4: Why is reading fun for students?

A4: Reading can be fun for students when they discover engaging and relatable books, sparking their imaginations, and allowing them to explore new worlds, ideas, and experiences through the pages of a book.

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September 4, 2023

Reading for Pleasure Helps Kids’ Brain Development

The simple and fun act of reading for pleasure in early childhood produces better cognition, mental health and educational attainment in adolescence

By Barbara Jacquelyn Sahakian , Christelle Langley , Jianfeng Feng , Yun-Jun Sun & The Conversation US

A small child sits barefoot on chair in yard reading a book in Spring

Cavan Images/Getty Images

The following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation , an online publication covering the latest research.

Early childhood is a  critical period for brain development , which is important for boosting cognition and mental wellbeing. Good brain health at this age is directly linked to better mental heath, cognition and educational attainment in adolescence and adulthood. It can also  provide resilience  in times of stress.

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But, sadly, brain development can be hampered by poverty. Studies have shown that early childhood poverty  is a risk factor  for lower educational attainment. It is also associated with differences in brain structure, poorer cognition, behavioural problems and mental health symptoms.

This shows just how important it is to give all children an equal chance in life. But until sufficient measures are taken to reduce inequality and improve outcomes, our new study,  published in Psychological Medicine , shows one low-cost activity that may at least counteract some of the negative effects of poverty on the brain: reading for pleasure.

Wealth and brain health

Higher family income in childhood  tends to be associated  with higher scores on assessments of language, working memory and the processing of social and emotional cues. Research  has shown  that the brain’s outer layer, called the cortex, has a larger surface are and is thicker in people with higher socioeconomic status than in poorer people.

Being wealthy has also been linked with having more grey matter (tissue in the outer layers of the brain) in the frontal and temporal regions (situated just behind the ears) of the brain. And we know that these areas support the development of cognitive skills.

The association between wealth and cognition is greatest in the most  economically disadvantaged families . Among children from lower income families, small differences in income are associated with relatively large differences in surface area. Among children from higher income families, similar income increments are associated with smaller differences in surface area.

Importantly, the results from one study found that when mothers with low socioeconomic status were given monthly cash gifts,  their children’s brain health improved . On average, they developed more changeable brains (plasticity) and better adaptation to their environment. They also found it easier to subsequently develop cognitive skills.

Our socioeconomic status will even  influence our decision-making . A report from the London School of Economics found that poverty seems to shift people’s focus towards meeting immediate needs and threats. They become more focused on the present with little space for future plans - and also tended to be more averse to taking risks.

It also showed that children from low socioeconomic background families seem to have poorer stress coping mechanisms and feel less self-confident.

But what are the reasons for these effects of poverty on the brain and academic achievement? Ultimately, more research is needed to fully understand why poverty affects the brain in this way. There are many contributing factors which will interact. These include poor nutrition and stress on the family caused by financial problems. A lack of safe spaces and good facilities to play and exercise in, as well as limited access to computers and other educational support systems, could also play a role.

Reading for pleasure

There has been much interest of late in levelling up. So what measures can we put in place  to counteract the negative effects  of poverty which could be applicable globally?

Our observational study shows a dramatic and positive link between a fun and simple activity – reading for pleasure in early childhood – and better cognition, mental health and educational attainment in adolescence.

We analysed the data from the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) project, a US national cohort study with more than 10,000 participants across different ethnicities and and varying socioeconomic status. The dataset contained measures of young adolescents ages nine to 13 and how many years they had spent reading for pleasure during their early childhood. It also included data on their cognitive, mental health and brain health.

About half of the group of adolescents starting reading early in childhood, whereas the other, approximately half, had never read in early childhood, or had begun reading late on.

We discovered that reading for pleasure in early childhood was linked with better scores on comprehensive cognition assessments and better educational attainment in young adolescence. It was also associated with fewer mental health problems and less time spent on electronic devices.

Our results showed that reading for pleasure in early childhood can be beneficial regardless of socioeconomic status. It may also be helpful regardless of the children’s initial intelligence level. That’s because the effect didn’t depend on how many years of education the children’s parents had had – which is our best measure for very young children’s intelligence (IQ is partially heritable).

We also discovered that children who read for pleasure had larger cortical surface areas in several brain regions that are significantly related to cognition and mental health (including the frontal areas). Importantly, this was the case regardless of socioeconomic status. The result therefore suggests that reading for pleasure in early childhood may be an effective intervention to counteract the negative effects of poverty on the brain.

While our current data was obtained from families across the United States, future analyses will include investigations with data from other countries – including developing countries, when comparable data become available.

So how could reading boost cognition exactly? It is already known that language learning, including through reading and discussing books, is a key factor in healthy brain development. It is also a  critical building block  for other forms of cognition,  including executive functions  (such as memory, planning and self-control) and social intelligence.

Because there are many different reasons why poverty may negatively affect brain development, we need a comprehensive and holistic approach to improving outcomes. While reading for pleasure is unlikely, on its own, to fully address the challenging effects of poverty on the brain, it provides a simple method for improving children’s development and attainment.

Our findings also have important implications for parents, educators and policy makers in facilitating reading for pleasure in young children. It could, for example, help counteract some of the negative effects  on young children’s cognitive development  of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns.

This article was originally published on The Conversation . Read the original article .

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Benefits of Reading: Positive Impacts for All Ages Everyday


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Girl reading book on sofa

From apps to social media to Netflix to video games, there are so many ways to fill your free time that it can be hard to decide what to do. It’s also easy to overlook one of the most fulfilling and beneficial pastimes ever created. Let’s look at the main benefits of reading and how you can highlight them to your child.

What are the main benefits of reading books?

Benefits of reading before bed.

  • Benefits of reading to children

Benefits of reading out loud

Why is reading important.

  • Does listening to audiobooks have the same benefits?

What are the benefits of reading fiction?

What are the benefits of reading poetry, it’s a gym for your brain.

The act of reading is a remarkable mental feat and reading comprehension uses a lot of your brain power. When you’re thumbing through a novel you’re building a whole world of people, places and events in your mind and remembering it all as you follow the story. This gives your imagination and memory a thorough workout and strengthens networks in various other parts of your brain too. 💪

If you’re reading a non-fiction book you’re also getting an in-depth experience of a subject full of facts and details that you need to hold in your mind to follow the arguments of the writer. 

It’s well known that your memory improves with use as new memories are created and connected to older ones, making them stronger and easier to recall. Scientists have even found that the other parts of the brain activated by reading can continue to improve days after you’ve stopped reading, meaning even just a little bit of reading can go a long way. 

It improves your focus

From Insta stories to tweets to TikTok videos, information is being packaged into ever smaller chunks and researchers believe our attention spans are getting shorter. However, being able to concentrate on one thing for long periods and ignore distractions is essential for school and for work. Reading is an excellent way to improve your concentration skills and the more you read, the better you’ll be able to focus. 🔍

It expands your vocabulary

Reading expands your vocabulary more than any other activity. A rich vocabulary allows you to understand the world in a more sophisticated way. Reading is also great for your grammar skills and lets you communicate your thoughts and ideas more accurately in all areas of your life. 

It’s an education

Reading is the key to knowledge. Reading non-fiction books means you can learn about any subject you choose in as much detail as you want. Fiction allows you to learn about how other people all over the world live their lives and to put yourself in their shoes. This is a great way to improve your empathy and learn to approach other people with an open mind. 

It helps your problem-solving skills

Reading fiction is also fantastic preparation to learn how to solve various types of problems you may not yet have encountered in your own life. You get the chance to follow the characters through all kinds of situations and find out how they deal with challenges big and small. 

Maybe they make the right choices or maybe they don’t, either way, the writer has put a lot of thought and consideration into their story and you can always learn something from a character’s experiences. 🧩

It’s good therapy

Reading about difficult situations characters or real people experience can be hugely beneficial as well. It can be useful to read both fiction and non-fiction books about something you’re going through. Books can act as a type of therapy and help you to feel less alone in your situation. 

This bibliotherapy has proven effective in helping people deal with issues such as depression or other mood disorders. The NHS even prescribes books to help people through its Reading Well programme! 

Books offer the best value-for-money entertainment anywhere! There’s no expensive equipment to buy, no tickets to pay for and no monthly subscription fee. All you need is a library card for your local branch and you’re good to go! 

Your nearest library probably has tens of thousands of different books available, so you’re sure to find a title to hook you. If they don’t have something in particular you're looking for, you can even ask the librarian to order it from another library. 

Some libraries even offer ebooks on loan which you can add to your ereader or tablet 🏛️

It’ll inspire your child

If your children regularly see you reading you’ll be setting a good example. Children tend to copy what they see their parents do and they’ll soon be joining you storybook in hand for some quiet time you can enjoy together. 

It’s great for stress

It’s not most people’s first idea of a relaxation technique, but reading does an awesome job of helping you manage stress. According to research, reading can lead to a lower heart rate and blood pressure and a calmer mind and just six minutes of reading can bring your stress levels down by more than 66%. 

It helps you live longer!

If you still need another reason to commit yourself to read more, how about this: reading can actually help you live longer! Researchers discovered that those who read for half an hour a day had a 23% chance of living longer than people who didn’t read very much. In fact, readers lived around two years longer than non-readers! 🌳


So, if we’ve convinced you that you and your family need more reading in your lives, when is the best time to do it? Well, reading at bedtime allows you to kill two birds with one stone. 

It helps you get a good night’s sleep

Despite its importance, many of us don’t follow good sleep hygiene and spend the hours before bedtime staring at screens big and small, leading to difficulty falling asleep and affecting the quality of our slumber. The NHS found that one in three of us experience poor sleep. 

Choose to read an actual book before bedtime instead of checking your social media or watching Netflix and you can look forward to a better night’s rest. Reading fiction is a good way of relaxing the body and calming your mind and preparing for bed and has been shown to be as relaxing as meditation. 💤

It calms your child

If you treat your child to story time and read to them just before they go to bed you’ll discover that it’s perfect for calming them down and getting them in the right mood for sleep. As a bonus, they’ll get used to sitting still and concentrating on one thing for a long time.

  Benefits of reading to children

  Children can eventually enjoy all the benefits of reading mentioned above but whether they are too small to read much themselves or they just enjoy listening to you tell them a story, they can get some extra value out of the experience if you read to them regularly yourself. 

It gives them a love of learning

If you start by reading to your child you can get them hooked on books and start a habit that will last them throughout their lives and repay your investment over and over again. Children who learn to read for pleasure will go on to enjoy greater academic success throughout their education according to research. 👩🏽‍🎓

It gives them a head-start

Even if your little one is a toddler who isn’t ready to start reading storybooks by themselves, you can give their literacy skills an early boost and teach them to read by reading to them yourself. They might not understand everything but they’ll pick up enough to get the idea. Let them see the words on the page as you read and encourage them to turn the page when you get to the last word. 

By reading to them you’ll be helping them follow the natural rhythms of language, practise their listening skills and expose them to vocabulary they might not get to hear in their day-to-day lives.  

It brings you together

Time spent reading to your child is a wonderful chance to create some beautiful, cosy, loving memories together and strengthen your bond. It will become something like a regular adventure you and your child can look forward to doing together and will remember all your lives. 👩‍👦

It also gives you lots to talk about later and you can have enjoyable discussions about the characters, plots, dilemmas and mysteries you discover during your reading time. 

Even when your child starts to read for themselves, you don’t need to stop your shared storytime. You can swap it up, with them taking on the role of the reader as you listen or you can take turns reading to each other. 

  You’ve probably been taught that the best method of reading is in silence. However, research has found that quiet reading isn’t actually always the better option and that there are in fact some benefits of reading out loud. 📢

It helps you understand

It turns out that speaking as you read can help you understand texts better. You probably read aloud more than you realise. If you’ve ever received a slightly convoluted message or email or you’ve tried to read confusing legal jargon, you’ve probably found yourself repeating the words out loud to more clearly understand what was meant. ✅

It helps you remember

Or perhaps you’ve tried to memorise a phone number or the lines of a speech and you automatically started to say the information aloud to help you remember. 

Psychologists call this the “production effect” and have discovered that these tactics do actually help people remember things more easily, especially children. 📚

Research from Australia showed that children who were told to read out loud recognized 17% more words compared to children who were asked to read silently. In another study, adults were able to identify 20% more words they had read aloud. 

The theory is that because reading aloud is an active process it makes words more distinctive, and so easier to remember. 🧠

Why read? 

Reading is the most effective way to get information about almost everything and is the key ingredient in learning for school, work and pleasure. On top of this, reading boosts imagination, communication, memory, concentration, and empathy. It also lowers stress levels and leads to a longer life. 

Does listening to audiobooks have the same benefits as reading books?

It can be hard to concentrate for a long time and the experience of reading. With a real book you can quickly scan your eyes back over the page to reread what you’ve missed, this isn’t so easy with an audiobook. A psychology study showed that students who read material did 28% better on a test than those who heard the same material as a podcast. 

Reading fiction is a useful way to develop your empathy, social skills and emotional intelligence. Fictional stories allow you to put yourself in other people's shoes and see things from various perspectives. In fact, brain scans show that many of the parts of the brain you use to interact with other people are also activated when you’re reading fiction. 

Poetry is the home of the most creative, imaginative and beautiful examples of language and allows you to connect those powerful lines to real emotions all of us feel. Poetry is also efficient and a good poet can reveal deep ideas with a simple phrase. Reading poetry can also inspire your creativity and write some expressive verse of your own! 

Reading is something most of us have been doing all our lives and as a result, we can easily take it for granted, but it’s a great all-around experience for your mind and spirit. So, it's really worth digging out your library card and finding books you and your child can read together. 

If your child is having problems with reading, here at GoStudent we have education experts on standby to give you and them a helping hand in improving their literacy skills or any other learning challenges they need support with. Schedule a free trial lesson with GoStudent today!


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Essay on Pleasure of Reading (1297 Words)

January 4, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

“Keep reading. It is one of the most marvellous adventures that anyone can have.” This quote was said by the famous American author Lloyd Alexander, who understood the true joy of reading and therefore made it his life’s mission to provide this joy to others through his writings. Then, what is reading?  

According to Oxford Dictionary to read is to, “look at and comprehend the meaning of (written or printed matter) by interpreting the characters or symbols of which it is composed.” But, it is so much more. Reading is a whole activity in itself. Reading takes the reader to a different world.

It enables the reader to vicariously experience things and moments they can’t in real life and live and know the life and experiences of a person they have never met, yet they come to understand. It enables the reader to sympathise, empathise and improve.   

We are taught how to read in schools by our teachers. We start reading there. As a child, we explore the world of fairy tales and fantasy while reading stories such as Robin Hood or Goldilocks. Through reading, we come to learn about morals and values.

Stories in the Panchatantra teach us how to be a good human being. As a young child, reading also enhances our knowledge of the world surrounding us. We learn what life is and how it is lived. Thus, this capability of reading distinguishes us from other species on this lovely blue planet.

Reading thus plays an important role in the overall development of us as capable and knowledgeable human beings.   

Reading is also an essential activity for the development of human minds. Reading become imperative when one wants to study and learn new subjects.

To master that subject, one needs to know how to read, especially in modern times. Even if you are talented in a sport and want to develop you skills in that field, if you cannot read and understand the rules and how the game is properly played, your efforts would all go to waste.  

Reading is also necessary for a young child to learn and understand about the world around her. It is through reading that she comes to understand her surroundings, the things and scenes she sees in her everyday life. She comes to understand how flowers bloom, how rain occurs, how this beautiful planet earth functions and maintains itself, etc.

She also learns about the rules and regulations that govern the society she lives in. She comes to understand that she cannot hurt other people and has a remedy if other people hurt her. She learns about traffic rules, about the government, about courts, etc.

It is through reading that she comes to appreciate all that has been provided to her. She learns about her rights and how she can fight for them if someone arbitrarily takes them away. Through reading, she becomes strong. Finally, it is through reading that she comes to understand the problems that her society faces, the country faces and this planet faces.

To understand these problems, practical experience is not always feasible. It is through reading that she comes to understand these problems and how it is affecting the people. Most importantly, it is through reading that she comes closer to finding a solution to these problems. Thus, she succeeds in making her contribution to making her society a better place.  

Reading also increases and develops the imagination and creativity of a person. Many people say that when you read a book, your mind creates a movie for you to enjoy based on your imagination.

A person’s imagination is unbound and seamless. Therefore, a movie based on the novel that the person read is often disappointing and people frequently express the opinion that the book is better than the movie.   

Reading also enhances our knowledge and helps us learn new and exciting things which we were not aware of before. The knowledge available to and acquired by human kind is expansive. To even more increase this knowledge, reading is necessary.

Through reading, we can also come to understand the views and opinions of others, compare and contrast them, and for our own independent opinion. Reading newspapers enables us to know about things and events that are physically far away from us. Yet, reading makes it near to us.

Therefore, through reading, we as humans feels connected. No matter how far apart we are in our physical distance from each other, as long as we read, we will be able to connect to each other and share our knowledge and values. This brings people closer to one another. Dr. Seuss, the famous American author rightly said, “The more you read the more things you know. The more that you learn the more places you’ll go”  

Many people rightly say that reading is to mind as exercise is to body. Reading helps us exercise our brain and develop it. This is the reason why reading is emphasized in school teaching. But, the culture of reading is slowly deteriorating. In our busy lives, we don’t have the time to stop, relax and take some time off just to read.

This can lead to adverse effects. And, these days, even if we do read, we end up reading meaningless things that make no contribution to our knowledge. We need to make time to read and read selectively so that we don’t end up wasting our time on reading things that don’t matter. Thus, there is a need to reignite the reading culture in our schools, homes, etc.  

Reading brings us joy that in incomparable to other activities. Reading takes us to a world different from our own, created by words that paint a beautiful scenery for us to enjoy. We immerse ourselves into another world, that for a few precious moments we forget our own.

We forget our problems, worries and troubles and are able to relax and be free and unbound from worldly attachments for a few moments. This brings immense pleasure to the readers. Therefore, in a way, reading takes us away from reality, yet brings us closer to understanding our reality. After all, it is only through reading that we can understand and comprehend the realities of life.   

Reading also satisfies our emotional needs. When we are sad, we can read something light and funny to make ourselves happy. When we are feeling curious, or want to go on an adventure, we can delve into the life of detective through novels and grow and develop with the characters.   

Reading also helps us understand the experiences of others, whether good or bad. There is a zen proverb that says that ‘It takes a wise man to learn from his mistakes, but even a wiser man to learn from others’ Reading enables us to learn from the experiences of others through their writings. Thus, reading sharpens our decision making skills. We learn to better differentiate between right and wrong and form opinions about matters that are important to us.   

Reading also helps us escape our loneliness at times. Books are our best friends and best teachers. They accompany us throughout our lives and we always depend on them to help us escape and lighten our negative emotions. This makes us feel better and brings us pleasure  

Thus, reading is an activity full of pleasure and joy. It is for this very reason that no person should be denied the right to read and explore her horizons.

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What are the Benefits of Reading for Pleasure?

Abigail Pineau photo

Abigail is a nursing major living in Weymouth, Massachusetts. Abigail enjoys reading for pleasure, but before researching this essay she “never knew just how impactful it was.” She said that after researching this subject it became “important for me that students and parents know just how impactful pleasure reading is.” In addition to reading, Abigail’s other passion is nursing, as she loves both helping people in need and learning how we function as humans.

As children, we are taught by our parents and teachers that we should read outside of class to get smarter. And so, we read. But do we actually get smarter? I was curious as to what the benefits of pleasure reading are. In my research, I looked for the academic benefits that result from pleasure reading, but I only found a few studies about the academic benefit. What was interesting to me was that most studies and articles were conducted with social and personal benefits of pleasure reading in mind. According to the research I have done, our teachers and parents might have actually been wrong.

In order for pleasure reading to be considered pleasurable, you cannot be forced to read; it must be a personal decision. Jennifer and Ponniah (2015), who focus on the academic benefits of pleasure reading, wrote that if a student does not feel that they have autonomy over their reading choices then it will not be pleasurable to them (p. 3). According to Research Evidence (2012) the more someone reads, the more they like to read, and the more that person will benefit from it (p. 3). I agree with this but it needs to be emphasized that this only works if the reader experiences pleasure. I believe that if you are forced to read, much like academic reading, you will not receive any of these benefits. You need to be excited to read and curious about the text, you need to get pleasure from the text you are reading.

In 2016, Wilhelm and Smith conducted a study because they were curious about what types of pleasure teenagers get when they read books that are typically frowned upon by parents and teachers (i.e. romances, vampire stories, horror, dystopian fiction, and fantasy). They interviewed 8th graders about why they read, what the feel when they read and how it connects to their lives. Through these interviews, Wilhelm and Smith concluded that there are 4 kinds of pleasure a reader gets from pleasure reading: play, intellect, social, and work (p. 25).

Wilhelm and Smith (2016) believe that the pleasure you get from reading something you like is similar to the pleasure you get from playing (p. 27). Wilhelm and Smith assigned the phrase “pleasure of play” (p. 27) to this concept. The concept that Wilhelm and Smith call “the pleasure of play,” Jennifer and Ponniah (2015) call “aesthetic reading” (p. 2). These terms can be used interchangeably. Aesthetic reading is basically the feeling a reader gets when they find a book that they can’t put down; this feeling is what is considered the pleasure factor in pleasure reading. According to Wilhelm and Smith, feeling is a prerequisite to the other three pleasures: intellect, work and social. I absolutely agree with this because when I read, a book is not pleasurable to me unless I feel that I can’t put it down. If a student does not have this ‘pleasure of play’, I do not think it should be considered pleasure reading.

I love the concept of social pleasure, it is so relevant and very apparent, at least it is in my life. Wilhelm and Smith (2016) define social pleasure as connecting to others and identifying yourself through pleasure reading (p. 28). To me one form of social pleasure is when a reader either finishes a book or a chapter and instantly feels the need to talk to someone about it. I experience this with every pleasure book I read, but the most mind-blowing book I read that had this social effect is called We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. This is the first example that comes to mind when I think of social pleasure, but there are many more. Another possible way of experiencing social pleasure is seeing someone holding a book that you are also reading or that you have read, and feeling compelled to go over to them and to talk to them about the book. This connection could spark a friendship.

Social pleasure could also influence someone to read a book. I started reading because I heard my friends talk constantly about The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I started to feel left out, so I picked up the book and this caused me to be the bookworm I am today. Jennifer and Ponniah (2015) theorize that if a non-reader socializes with a pleasure-reader about a book they have not read, it may prompt them to read that book to feel included (p. 3). This can cause a new reader to begin to like reading rather than experiencing more typical negative feelings towards reading. Negative feelings or hatred towards reading can be counteracted with a basic theory developed by Jennifer and Ponniah, the theory that pleasure reading can cure readicide (p. 1). Jennifer and Ponniah define readicide as a “systematic killing of the love for reading” ( p. 1). This means that through various methods, people, usually teachers, unknowingly kill the love of reading for their students. This may occur through requiring students to read academic texts. Academic texts make students feel too much anxiety since the students may not understand the texts on their own because the books are usually at a higher reading level. Jennifer and Ponniah believe that pleasure reading cures readicide because the “curiosity of the content presented in texts”, often influenced by a social experience, creates a “[sustained] interest and extends the time devoted for reading” (p. 2). So basically, if you read a text that is interesting to you, there is a higher chance you will continue to read for pleasure.

I think the most important pleasure, or benefit that a student can receive from pleasure reading is the pleasure of work. Wilhelm and Smith (2016), talk about a physical work and an inner work (p. 29). To me, the inner work of a reader is far more important than physical work. Physical work is when you read a text and use it to accomplish something (p. 29), but I think this rarely occurs, unless you are in a specific workplace or class that requires outside reading. On the other hand, inner work is when someone tries to change to become the best version of themselves (p. 29). I often experience inner work by putting myself in a character’s shoes. It is beneficial to see other people’s perspective as this perspective may influence the way a reader sees the world and views other people’s lives. Venning (2015) states that placing yourself in other’s shoes will increase a readers’ empathy because they may learn something about various hardships a person may go through. I would have never known what it was like to live with short term memory loss, or to walk around with a birthmark covering half of my face without reading the One Memory of Flora Banks by Emily Barr or North of Beautiful by Justina Chen. Knowing that someone’s life is different than your own can create an empathetic person. This type of inner work is usually done unknowingly. But, you can also knowingly take part in inner work where you try to better yourself as a whole. A reader can also experience inner work by reading self-help books where they purposefully try to better themselves. This book genre has become very popular and is very beneficial to the reader in terms of inner work.

I think that most people start to read and continue the hobby because it is very calming. Venning (2015) states that pleasure reading reduces anxiety. The fact that pleasure reading reduces anxiety is important because everyone has stressors in their life like money, jobs, and school; pleasure reading can help take your mind off of these stressors. Pleasure reading is known to put forth a calming energy. It is almost like you are in your own little bubble when you read. This calmness that one experiences can reduce anxiety for the time that a person is pleasure reading. This is one of the reasons that I continued to pleasure read. When I read, I don’t think about any stressors in my life like grades, money or fitting in. When I read a good book, I solely think about the book’s characters and what is happening in their life rather than mine. The book may even be a stressful book-maybe it is a thriller or a character is going through a breakup-but what is calming and stress reducing about it is that you are not dwelling on a stressor in your own life.

According to Wilhelm and Smith’s (2016) four pleasures, only one pleasure affects a person’s intelligence, which is “intellectual pleasure” (p. 27). This shows how much more of an impact pleasure reading is on the student themselves than on their academic life. This is not to say that there are no academic benefits to pleasure reading, the social and personal benefits just outweigh the academic benefits. The academic benefits of pleasure reading are enhancing vocabulary, grammar, spelling, comprehension, exam scores and reading strategies.

Jennifer and Ponniah (2015), Research Evidence (2012) and Wilhelm and Smith (2016) all believe that comprehension skills (i.e. vocabulary, grammar, spelling etc.) are improved when a student pleasure reads. When a reader comes across a term in an academic text that is either the same or similar to a word they have read when pleasure reading, they have a higher chance of correctly defining and comprehending the word, which leads to a better comprehension of the text. This is because the reader will be familiar with the word and its meaning through pleasure reading (Jennifer and Ponniah, 2015, p. 4) which will in turn make the student comprehend the academic text better, as a whole. This comprehension does not stop at vocabulary, grammar and spelling; pleasure reading also helps with comprehension on academic exams (Research Evidence, 2012, p. 9).

According to Research Evidence (2012) pleasure readers are better exam takers than non-pleasure readers(p. 11),. Students who read information-based sources rather than pleasure books “tended to have lower attainment” (or comprehension); those who read for information (not pleasure) only once or twice a month score higher than those who read for information every day. Put another way, it is better for the reader to read pleasurable texts than academic texts when it comes to performing well on exams. This is because when students try to read academic texts without the guidance of a teacher, they will confuse themselves and may not retain the information as easily as a student who pleasure reads would without a teacher to guide them (Jennifer and Ponniah, 2015, pg. 4). And when it comes to applying what you have learned from either pleasure reading or academic reading, the pleasure reading will be much easier to apply since the reader had a much easier time understanding it and analyzing it. On the other hand, if you are asked to analyze an academic text, it will most likely be much harder.

Jennifer and Ponniah (2015) claim that the current testing strategies used in schools negatively affects pleasure reading and causes readicide in students (p. 2). This may be the result of being taught a “graded orientation” rather than a “learning orientation”. A grading orientation is when students read something and memorize it for a short amount of time to get a good grade and a learning orientation is when students read something and understand it to remember forever (p. 2). This graded orientation often comes from the exam taking strategies students are taught. Students are often taught to temporarily learn the topics rather than to comprehend them and to remember them. Pleasure reading helps students to comprehend texts, whether are for pleasure or academic purposes, so if a student pleasure reads they are able to test better than their non-reader peers. The students who do not pleasure read also shallow read rather than deep reading to pass a class. According to Jennifer and Ponniah deep reading is when a student analyzes a text and retains the information presented to them (p. 2). Shallow reading is deep reading’s counterpart; when students do not analyze texts nor retain the information. This often looks like skipping over hard-to-comprehend parts. Non-reader students who have not been taught or have not learned how to analyze and comprehend higher level texts would typically just skip over that section or reading. Although, if these students pleasure read, they would be better equipped to comprehend these harder sections and will succeed more than their non-reader peers.

The theory, presented by Jennifer and Ponniah (2015) that pleasure reading aids in the ability to comprehend academic texts, also results in improving a student’s mental health (p. 3). According to Venning (2015) pleasure reading helps to reduce anxiety. If a student is better able to understand and remember a text, they will have an easier time during tests, when writing papers, and even just when reciting something from the text. This ease will take away some of the anxiety associated with accomplishing these tasks. Anxiety levels can also become lower because a student will be more inclined to pick a book that is at their reading level, not higher. When a book is above a student’s reading level, the student will struggle to deep read and will create anxiety when trying to comprehend it (Jennifer and Ponniah, 2015, p. 3). So, it should be recommended to the student to read at their level when pleasure reading, and when the student takes on more daunting texts like the ones given in school, they will be better prepared and therefore less anxious when they are required to take a test, write a paper, or to perform a speech about these texts.

So, were our parents and teachers wrong to believe that pleasure reading makes you smarter? I don’t think so. Yes, you do technically get smarter. Pleasure reading makes you better equipped to excel in academia, but I don’t think we should focus on the getting smarter part of pleasure reading. From what I have learned and experienced, pleasure reading is much more important and influential for a person’s well-being than for a person’s intellect. Pleasure reading should be encouraged by parents and teachers, not just because it makes you smarter, but because it makes you a better person overall.

References Jennifer, J., & Ponniah, R. (2015). Pleasure Reading Cures Readicide and Facilitates Academic Reading. Journal on English Language Teaching , 5(4), 1-5.

Venning, L. (2015). Why is Reading for Pleasure Important?. Retrieved from https://readingagency.org.uk/news/blog/why-is-reading-for-pleasure-important.html

Wilhelm, J. D., & Smith, M. W. (2016). The Power of Pleasure Reading: What We Can Learn From the Secret Reading Lives of Teens. English Journal , 105(6), 25-30.

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  • Essay On The Pleasures of Reading
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Reading may be very essential for a schoolgoing child, a pastime for a retired person, and a pleasure for many. The pleasures of reading are many and different. We can get these pleasures at any place and at any time. Many people read books to get knowledge while others read them to get joy and fun.

People who have the ability of reading find pleasure in reading books, newspapers, magazines, novels, etc. Small children find pleasure in reading fairy tales, jataka tales, Panchatantra tales having moral stories, grandpa’s tales, etc. On the other hand, grown-up children find pleasure in reading novels, adventurous stories, and encyclopedias. Books involving wit and humor entertain us. Such books make us laugh as we read. Many sincere students also find joy and pleasure while reading the chapters and poems in their course books.

Books help us to come across a wide variety of descriptions and images. Waves of joy rise within us as we turn the pages of a book. Sometimes joy in reading books comes from the memory of what we have earlier read.

There are many pleasures that are outside the reach of people. However, the pleasure of reading is mostly within the reach as one can read at home during the day as well as night. It is said that poor and ignorant people are disadvantaged by the pleasure of reading. Similarly, it is the same with the blind and people having other visual problems.

While providing pleasure a book never makes difference between the rich and the poor. With the same affection, all books open their hearts in front of their readers to give them happiness and knowledge. Among other pleasures like watching television, listening radio, eating a favorite meal, etc. the pleasure of reading books are the politest and the finest.

Books can give the company when human beings cannot. We can happily spend our lonely hours in the company of characters created by the author. Any journey may be dull and boring if we do not have a book, magazine, or newspaper to read. One can also remember the past and create the future by reading.

By reading books, we improve our experience and sharpen our decisions. Moreover, experience makes us wiser and self-confident. In short, reading is an activity that benefits us immensely. We can increase our knowledge and skills through reading. The best part about reading is that it is an activity that does not require anything but only our attention. Reading acts as food for our thoughts and mental development.

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Reading for pleasure - how to get pupils reading

Reading for pleasure - how to get pupils reading

Subject: English

Age range: 5-7

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16 August 2024

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reading pleasure essay

Reading for pleasure is a hot topic in many schools at the moment, and as such has become over complicated and the subject of unhelpful advice about ‘tricks’ to get pupils reading. You don’t need tricks. Just teach reading properly. Download my free advice based on my years of successfully teaching and leading reading.

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Essay on “Pleasures of Reading” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Pleasures of Reading

               Introduction : Once , during an interview with a foreign journalist. Lokmanya Tilak said that he was ready to reside even in hell if it could provide him with sufficient reading material and reading time.

          Condition of reading : Reading can be possible only when there is a script, that is, something written. There was a time when the blind could not read, but now even they can read with the help of Braille.

          Pleasure explained : Sense organs convey any feelings or stimuli to the mind. If such feelings and stimuli are agreeable to the mind, they are pleasures. Otherwise, they are painful.

          Reading and pleasure : Reading is an excellent form of recreation as it involves the mind with various kinds of stories(long or short), poems, plays (drama). Comedies, jokes, news, thrills, suspense and various other thing.

          Accumulated knowledge devoured : The accumulated knowledge of mankind is available in written and printed form. By reading it, one feels that hidden treasure of someone has been presented before one.

          Pleasure of learning new things : learning , even knowing new things, places or persons always gives a great pleasure. By reading , one can know or learn many things within a very short time , e.g., by devoting only a few hours on “My  Experiments with Truth”. You can know the whole life of Mahatma Gandhi. Reading opens a whole new world to the reader.

          Benefits of reading : Reading enlightens, enriches and educates..  No person, therefore should be deprived of the benefits and pleasures of reading.. Reading should be encouraged right form childhood. But today reading is not possible for every person. Why ? poverty, lack of time reading now a costly affair, prevailing social and political conditions, growth of television culture..

                   Social responsibility : that everybody should be able o read is a social responsibility because of great benefits and effects of reading.. facilities of basic education, libraries, etc. should be extended to all people. Mobile libraries, lending libraries and voluntary organization can go a long way.

          Conclusion : Down the ages human beings have been enjoying the pleasures of reading. Man  has been adding and enlarging the list of his pleasures but the pleasure of reading has always been the most constant. Of course, the revolution in electronic media has tilted human mind towards TV and other things but even that one cannot enjoy to the full it one is denied the pleasures of reading.    

Essay No. 2

Food is necessary for our body. Similarly, we also need food for our mind. The best food for the mind is the reading of books. It has a joy of its own, which perhaps nothing else can give. The pleasure which one derives from reading is both recreate and ennobling. Reading gives us peculiar joy and we forget the cares and worries of life.

Reading is of different kinds. First there is light reading which means reading of news-papers and journals, etc. These are a storehouse of information about current events. Through them we come to know about what is happening throughout the world. Without this type of knowledge we would remain like a frog in a well. Therefore, such reading cannot be ignored.

Then there are the books of travel and adventure. Man wants to escape from the dull realities of life. The spirit of adventure is in the blood of man. Books of travel and adventure infuse into us the same spirit of adventure and fearlessness as was displayed by the travelers themselves. The reading of novel a pleasant pastime and nothing is more entertaining than to spend some time in reading a novel in the afternoon or in a train.

Next we came to the books of serious reading. They include works of literature, history, philosophy, etc. Which may be and thoughtful minds. A student of literature comes in contact with the master minds of all ages and find a  good deal of food for his thought. They give him an insight into the spiritual values of life. He can thus make his outlook is widened and the field of human sympathy broadened.

But we should be careful in the choice of books. If bad books come into the hand of the young, their minds are infected with their evil influence. Many promising youths have been ruined because of the taste for bad books. Good books, on the other hand, are purifying. They enlarge and enrich the mind and mould our character. Therefore, it is necessary that the youth should seek advice from those who are competent to give it.

The habit of reading is a sign of good culture. It is a great source of enjoyment and the best means to utilize leisure. Books are a treasure richer than any king’s treasurers. They are the gold mines of art, literature, science and information. They are our constant friends.

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