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Speech writing | Complete Format & Samples in PDF

In today’s era, everyone must have heard people presenting their views on any specific topic or subject, especially politicians addressing the general public. The intention behind giving a speech or writing a speech a speech is to convey a strong message to the targeted audience in a persuasive tone.

Speech writing is added to the CBSE curriculum to help students research, gather, and deliver their thoughts to an individual or a group. This writing piece will address speech, speech writing, and examples, followed by the techniques to write a strong and effective speech. 

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What is Speech?

A speech is a formal and verbal communication to deliver thoughts, opinions, and perspectives to a large audience. The opinions conveyed by speech can convey strong opposition or views on a specific topic or subject. 

Speech writing is the process of creating written content to deliver a strong message to the reader. It involves writing content that aligns with the idea behind the speech; it can be informative, entertaining, appealing, or engaging. It can greatly impact an audience if the delivered or written content can convey strong thoughts on a specific topic.

Writing a speech requires a speaker to be aware of the general issues prevailing in society. When delivering a speech, one must be able to comprehend the pros and cons of the topic one wants to deliver, along with relevant ideas, evidence, facts, and other details.

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Format of Speech Writing

speech writing class 10 cbse

Title: The title must be catchy and related to the topic. 

  • Self-Introduction: Be it a formal or informal event, or if there is a master of ceremonies available, introducing yourself is an integral part of writing and delivering a speech. The introduction should convey who the speaker is along with what they intend to deliver. The introduction can vary based on the target audience's nature. 
  • Opening Statement: It has been said that the average attention span for any human is 7 to 8.25 seconds, and that makes it necessary to write an engaging opening statement. The speaker or writer can add a quote, ask some engaging questions, and add a quote. 
  • Main Idea: The main idea should contain a detailed explanation of the topic that can impact the targeted audience. The said or written topics should be able to teach and inform the audience. 
  • Conclusion: The conclusion must be written or spoken in such a way that it will make the audience think about what was written or said.

Speech Writing Examples

Keeping good personal and public hygiene can play a crucial role in mitigating the spread of deadly viral diseases. Write a speech in 120 - 150 words on how it can be implemented in our personal and social lives. You are Nayan/Nidhi.

Importance of Good Hygiene in Mitigating the Spread of Deadly Diseases

Good morning, respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I, Nidhi, stand before you all to discuss the importance of good hygiene in mitigating the spread of deadly diseases.

During the recent outbreak of the novel coronavirus, the government issued a list of preventive measures that could help keep us safe from infection. The guidelines included steps like washing your hands properly and frequently, covering your face while sneezing or coughing, and regularly cleaning commonly touched surfaces to stop the spread of the virus.

You see, all of these tips are not new to us. We have been aware of them since childhood, but somehow we never followed them strictly.

However, we can promise ourselves to continue following these steps even after the threat of COVID-19 is lifted. Organisations like schools and offices should also continue enforcing these rules. We should all continue keeping our homes and roads clean to make this world a better place.

You are upset after reading a report in the newspaper that shows a shocking decline in the girl's population. Write a speech in 120-150 words that you will deliver during the school assembly highlighting the misconception still prevailing in our society that girls are considered a burden on the family. You are Rajesh/Rupali.

Decline in the Girl Child Population

Good morning everyone present here. Today, I, Rajesh of class XI A, am going to speak about the decline of the girl-child population.

According to the latest report, there is a gradual decline in the population of the girl child because of the misconception still prevailing in our society that girls are considered a burden on the family. We live in a country of Rani Laxmibai, Kalpana Chawla, Sarojini Naidu, and many other strong and inspirational women, still, this is the condition of the girls in our country. It is hard to believe that such atrocities prevail in the country which preaches "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao".

To stop this, women have to become empowered with mental and emotional strength and with assertiveness to say NO, The solution to save the girl child lies in women. It is time women stood up together and took a resolution to put an end to all atrocities done to them.

How to Write a Speech?

Writing a speech requires students to be aware of the general issues prevailing in society. When delivering a speech, students must be able to comprehend the pros and cons of the topic he or she wants to deliver, along with relevant ideas, evidence, facts, and other details. Here are a few things one needs to keep in mind while writing a speech:.

  • From the exam’s perspective, the proper speech writing format is needed. A speech is composed of an introduction, a stance or perception of the speaker on the given topic, and the conclusion thereof.
  • The speech must be conveyed from the first-person point of view. The conveyed information can be in favour or against it, but it should be backed by sufficient evidence.
  • Try to write or deliver the speech with authenticity to appeal to the audience. Authenticity can be achieved by reciting anecdotes, stories, and experiences in a precise manner. Speak only when it’s necessary. 
  • Do not use colloquial language. Avoid repeating ideas or writing the same point again.

Practice Questions

List of all the topics for speech writing English practice.

Speech Writing Topics for Practice
Write a speech on Cleanliness is the Responsibility of All
Write a speech on Balancing Academics and Sports.
Write a speech on the Importance of Cleanliness in Life
Write a speech on deteriorating air quality in the northern part of India
Write a speech on the occasion of Diwali, in which you voice your concern about the situation
Write a speech on the occasion of the school’s Sports Day, in which you show your appreciation
of the achievements made by Geeta and Babita under adverse circumstances and how they have
become role models for women athletes in the future
Write a speech stressing the importance of saving electricity,
and making some practical suggestions for the same
Write a speech on ‘Drug abuse and its prevention’
Write a speech on Preparing for Annual Examinations
Write a speech on Each One, Teach One
Write a speech describing how the students can also help by collecting clothes,
money, and medicines from their neighborhoods
Write a speech on Growing violence among the teens’

How do I write a speech? 

Begin speech writing after thoroughly researching the topic. Start with the introduction and address the audience. The content must be in a persuasive tone and from the first person’s perspective. Structure your speech in the introduction, body, and conclusion. 

What is the format of speech writing?

The speech writing formats include the title and the content. The content section comprises the introduction, followed by an opening statement. The persuasive main idea is followed by a conclusion.

How do I download multiple examples of speech writing in PDF format for class 11?

There are many practice questions and examples of speech writing that students can access by clicking on this link .

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Reported Speech: Dialogue Writing Practice Questions CBSE Class 10 Grammar

  • Post last modified: 25 February 2024
  • Post category: Grammar Exercises / School Grammar

Reporting the narration is done two ways – Direct or Indirect. The CBSE Class 10 Gramar syllabus includes this reporting in dialogue forms. After that an exercise with blanks to be filled to transform the whole conversation in indirect form. Here are given practice exercises to help practice Dialogue reporting.

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Dialogue Reporting Practice Questions

Q. read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. (cbse set 2, 2022) .

Neha: I’m really looking forward to the class picnic tomorrow. Namita: Yes, after a long time we will be meeting our friends and teachers.

Neha told Namita (1) ______________ looking forward to the class picnic _____________. Namita agreed that after a long time (2) ______________ friends and teachers.

(1) that she was really, the next day (2) they would be meeting their

Q. Read the conversation and complete the passage that follows: (OD 2022)

Ritika: Can I borrow your Math book for a couple of days? Mohit: Yes certainly, I have already studied for the test tomorrow. Ritika asked Mohit (1) ……………. for a couple of days. Mohit agreed and said that (2) ……………. .

(1) if she could borrow his Math book (2) he had already studied for the test the next day.

Q. Read the conversation between a teacher and student and complete the passage that follows. (Term 2 SQP 2021-22) 

Biology Teacher: I instructed you to draw the diagram of bacteria. Why did you submit a blank sheet?   Sameer: Sir, I had drawn the diagram of bacteria, but you can’t see it because it is not visible to the naked eye 

The biology teacher had instructed Sameer to draw the diagram of a bacterial cell and asked him (a) ……..… a blank sheet. Sameer respectfully answered that he had drawn the diagram but (b) …….…. to the naked eye. 

(a) why he had submitted (b) he/ the teacher couldn’t see it because it is not visible

Q. Read the following dialogue between a mother and her son. Complete the paragraph that follows by filling in the gaps appropriately. (2012)

Marie: Did you see my new umbrella? Isn’t it fine? Tony: Yes, it is! Did you buy it from the mall? Marie: No, your father has brought it for me.

Marie asked her son Tony (a) …………… and she wanted to know whether it was a fine one. Tony agreed and asked his mother (b) …………… His mother replied in the negative and added that (c) ……………

(a) if he had seen her new umbrella (b) if she had bought it from the mall (c) his father had brought it for her.

Note: A sentence in Simple Past (verb 2nd form or Did + Verb 1st form) need not always be converted to Past Perfect (had + Verb 3rd form) . But it is safe to convert to Past Perfect as others (evaluators) may not be knowing it. Even CBSE marking schemes seem to follow the safe rule i.e. Changing Past Tense to past Perfect tense. An example is given below.

Direct: He said, “I saw the thief myself.”

Indirect: he said that he had seen the thief himself. (The safe rule to follow) OR He said that he saw the thief himself. (It is also correct – but mostly not followed)

Q. Read the following dialogue between Garima and Karan. Complete the paragraph that follows by filling in the gaps appropriately. [AI 2011]

Garima: So, after a decade in the industry, are you truly ‘satisfied’? Karan: I love the film industry. It has its flaws though. Garima: What do you mean by this statement? Karan: We are a bunch of competitive, ambitious, sometimes petty people. But the passion cements us together.

Garima asked Karan if after a decade in the industry (a) _________. Karan told her (b) _________ although it had its flaws. Garima then enquired (c) _________. Karan explained that they were a bunch of competitive, ambitious, sometimes petty people but the passion cemented them together.

(a) he was truly ‘satisfied’ (b) that he loved the film industry (c) what he meant by that statement

Q. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Venu’s narration. [SQP 2020]

I saw Supanddi standing in the field. When I -(A)- doing there, he -(B)- he was trying to win a Nobel prize. I was confused and enquired how standing in the rice field would help him do so. He stumped me by saying that he -(C)- won Nobel prizes had all been outstanding in their fields!

(A) (a) exclaimed what he was (b) told him what he was (c) asked him what he was (d) says to him about what (B) (a) ordered that (b) refused that (c) questioned that (d) replied that (C) (a) has heard that people who has (b) was hearing that people who were (c) had heard that people who had (d) did hear that people who had

(A) – (c) (B) – (d) (C) – (c)

Q. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the narration of Patty’s conversation with Charlie. [SQP 2020]

Charlie: Dear Santa, here is a list if what I want. Patty: How do you suppose Santa Claus can afford to give away all those toys? Charlie: Promotion! Don’t kid yourself……Everything these days is promotion! I will bet if the truth were brought about, you will find that he’s being financed by some big eastern chain!

While making the list of what Charlie wanted from Santa Claus, he asked Patty how …..(A)….. all those toys. She said that …..(B)….. and that it was possible as Santa …..(C)….. big eastern chain.

(A) (a) Santa Claus could afford to give away    (b) will give away (c) gave away (d) giving away

(B) (a) everything these days were promotion (b) everything these days was promotion (c) everything those days was promotion (d) everything these days was going to be promotion

(C) (a) was financing by some big eastern chain (b) had been financed by some big eastern chain (c) was being financed by some big eastern chain (d) will be financed by some big eastern chain

(A) – (a) (B) – (c) (C) – (c)

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Gap filling: cloze test exercises english grammar for school classes, unseen comprehension passages practice cbse questions: grammar for schools, tenses: grammar practice exercises, rearrange and form meaningful sentences: english grammar, this post has 66 comments.

' data-src=

Thank you for question These were excellent and also improved my spech

' data-src=

It’s speech not spech

' data-src=

clapings it is speech

' data-src=

thank you it will help with my exam preparation

' data-src=

Thanks. New questions are also added from time to time.

' data-src=

Thanks a lot for these questions it helped me to be thorough with the exam pattern.

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Are you from India:)

' data-src=

thanks for those questions

' data-src=

Why are there so many mistakes in the given questions?The names of the people in the conversation and the names of the people in the related question are completely different.Pls chk and rectify.It is confusing the kids and the purpose of these practice questions is totally defeated.

Thank you for informing us of the mistakes. We have done the required corrections. I hope all is well now.

' data-src=

page 2 question 3 there is a name error plz rectify it as soon as possible to avoid more confusion

Thank you for informing us of the mistake. The required correction has been done- ‘Mohan’ has been replaced by ‘Vinnet’ in the last line of the question.

' data-src=

Please add more questions

' data-src=

In the second question (page 1) , answer to the first part is wrong as Did changes to had + verb’s 3rd form.

Thank you for referring to the issue. We have updated the post and added a ‘note’ section.

' data-src=

Thanks a lot! These were truly of great help! Excellent questions!

' data-src=

It was very helpful ☺️. Thanks ncert tutorials

' data-src=

Really, it was very helpful.

' data-src=

Sir, i wanted to know where “it” is changed to “that” . I have this confusion as there are many questions where it is changed to that..but in many questions there is “it” only.

' data-src=

Sir, In Question no. 4 , please check the answers of option (c) , (f) , (h) why there is “been”

‘Had been’ is used in place ‘was and were’.

' data-src=

Sir, In question 7 (a), How could ‘may’ change into ‘could’?

Thanks for pointing out the error. We have made the required correction.

' data-src=

It was nice to have such a exercise to practice….

Sir, In question 8(d), It should be ‘ she had been talking’ instead of ‘ she has been talking’

The correction done. Thank You Ayush for sparing time to help us clean the exercises out of mistakes.

' data-src=

Why are you using Wrong English ?

Why are you using Wrong English ? Please use correct English to teach. Thank you.

Please give proper reference. I would do required corrections or elaborate upon your issue.

' data-src=

Thank you for this. Please add more. And I think there are some mistakes please do check and correct them. Thanks again🙌

thank you, Elena, and after reports of some errors corrections also have been done. If future reports received, required corrections will be done.

' data-src=

in the fifth page 4th ques there will be what he had been reading as past progressive changes to past perfect progressive

Thank you Sarthak for informing us of the error. Corrections done and the question has also been modified with one more filling gap (d).

' data-src=

thank u for giving a lot of questions this was useful for my class 10 board term 2 exam

' data-src=

thank you so much

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Tomorrow is board

' data-src=

Yess all the bestt

' data-src=

I have my english board exam tomorrow, and this helped me a lot

' data-src=

thank you soo much. this site is the only one that consists of grammar questions based on the format of the board exams

' data-src=

it helped me a lot to prepare for my term 2 board exam of english. LOOKING FORWARD TO SCORE 40/40

Best of Luck Aishwarya 👍👍

' data-src=

best of luck to me to plz saaaayyyyy Subscribe to Jonja hi Jonja

Ok, Best of luck to you also 👍👍

' data-src=

Thank you sir , Your questions on reported speech have helped me a lot to study for my exam.

' data-src=

EXCELLENT QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEP IT UP………………..

' data-src=

Sir in question no. 3(b) the past tense of buy should be bought and not brought.Pls make the changes.

Correction done 😊.

' data-src=

I love the lessons for they are smart enough to learn personally.

' data-src=

I would like to show my gratitude …….this website was really good and helpful 👍 and more comfortable

' data-src=

Very nice examples They helped me a lot in my exam preparation

' data-src=

thanks for sharing this information

' data-src=

Questions were very helpful and amazing also… Thanks for such practice question..

' data-src=

Good questions thank you

' data-src=

sir on page 1 Q 2 it should be “for tomorrow’s test” instead of “the test tomorrow”.

Hi Arnav, it is written as ‘for the test tomorrow’ so no problem.

' data-src=

Thanks too much this is awesome for my test this help me more

' data-src=

Thank you admin blog. Very good

' data-src=

Please add longer questions

' data-src=

there some questions with mistakes arun and rohit question pls rectrfy the mistakes thanks it helped me a lot because it was my todays homework i referred and completed it Thank you

We revisited the question mentioned by you but did not find any error. May be you have any doubt. Feel free to ask us about that.

' data-src=

Pls take a look at the first question Isnt ‘will’ supposed to be changed to ‘would’

Correction done

' data-src=


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speech writing class 10 cbse

Speech Writing Format, Topics, Examples Class 11, 12

Speech Writing Format for Class 11 and 12, Topics and Examples

Speech Writing Explained

Your guide for writing the perfect speech in your class 11, 12 examinations. In this article you will learn all about speech writing, Format of Speech writing, examples and also solutions to previous years English  question papers. Don’t miss out the tips for writing a great speech in English.

  • Speech writing Class 11,12
  • Speech Writing Format Class 11, 12

Speech Writing Tips for Class 11 and 12

Speech writing examples, speech writing faqs.

  • 10 Examples of Speech writing
  • Tips to score more in Speech writing Questions

speech writing

What is a speech?

Speech refers to a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience.

Speech writing Class 11,12 

Speech Writing – In an examination, nothing is written purposelessly. All the writing tasks have a purpose. Before writing a speech, make sure you are writing to inform people, to persuade them, to convince them, or to entertain them. Clarity of purpose will ensure clarity in the choice of style and vocabulary.

In the writing section (Section-B of Class 12 English paper ), Speech writing comes as a Very long answer type question (5 marks) with the maximum prescribed word limit of 120-150 words.

Generally, there is a choice (internal) between the following:-

1. Debate writing

2. Article writing

3. Speech writing

4. Report writing 

Talking about marks, it comes as a 5 marks question. The breakup of marks for class 12 English writing skills – speech writing (as per CBSE Marking scheme ) is as follows:-

(opening address and conclusion)

Speech Writing Format Class 11, 12 

Speech Writing Format – In order to write a perfect speech, we must be well acquainted with the topic and must possess a wide range of vocabulary, a thorough knowledge of the subject, some research, and excellent organizational skills. Here are the ideal format and tips to help you write your perfect speech.

A perfect speech must consist of:-

1. HEADING – The heading should be catchy and in not more than 5-6 words. You can go as creative as you want with this one just make sure you do not devote too much time to it in the exam.

2. OPENING LINE- This includes salutations, introduction, and the topic. Make sure you do not mention your personal details (name, school name, etc.).

Speech writing Example – Respected Principal, teachers, and my dear friends! Today, I (the name is given in the question) stand before you all to speak on the topic “(given in the question)”.

OR you could start with a quote related to the topic and then go with the salutations and introduction.

1. BODY- It is the main part of your writing piece.

2. It is always prescribed that you begin with a short introduction on the topic, it’s meant to be precise.

3. Then you need to explain the current situation, the problems (if any), and whether after any corrective actions, betterment in the situation has been observed or not.

4. It may include advantages/ disadvantages depending upon the topic in question.

5. Now here, it is important you follow a sequence. It is possible that you have too many points or very few points. When you have a lot of varied points, it is better you choose a few best ones and write a line on each. In case you have very few already, explain them in at least two lines each.

6. You have to strictly follow the prescribed word limit in a limited time frame so just do not go on writing and writing.

7. MOST IMPORTANT- Always begin with your strongest point. You can accommodate the weaker ones in between and end with another strong point.

8. Feel free to give your personal opinion in one or two lines.

9. It is very important that you do not deviate from the topic. There are chances you may get ideas linking from one to another that may deviate you from the main point. You have to refrain from doing so.

10. SOLUTION/CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH- Now, it is to be remembered that wherever you elaborate a problem, you always have to mention the steps being taken to improvise the situation and suggest a few solutions as well.

Now, it would be great if you could add a few quotes relating to motivating the people to take action.

Here also, the rule of STRONG-WEAK-STRONG applies.

1. Last but not the least, the concluding line, thanking the audience for their cooperation and their patience. It is very important to conclude what you’ve started. Never leave a speech or for that matter, any of your answers open-ended.

Below is an example from the Sample Paper by CBSE.


Suggested value points:

• Importance of Cleanliness – School, home & Surroundings • Present status • Prevents diseases • Need to practice? • Reflects the character of the nation • Benefits of Cleanliness • Conclusion

Tips on Speech writing – Here are a few valuable tips for you to attempt the class 12 English writing skills – speech writing question in a better way-

1. Make sure you use language which is suitable for the audience you are addressing. Usage of complex vocabulary for addressing children is not advisable.

2. Usage of quotes is highly recommended. Quotes can be used at the time of commencement or as an ending statement. A quote in the middle of the speech would also be fine.

3. Make sure you write in paragraphs.

4. Practice previous year question papers.

5. Read as many samples as you can. It will give you an idea as to how they are actually written.

6. Read newspaper editorials or opinions. They give new ideas and opinions that may help during exams.

7. Plan before you pen. Just make a list of all your important points on the rough sheet (last sheet of your answer booklet) so that you do not forget relevant points while writing. This also helps you in maintaining a sequence, which is very important.

8. The presentation is very important.

9. Make sure you double-check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. They carry marks.

10. Leave an adequate number of lines between paragraphs to make it look clean.

11. Underlining the main points is very important. But it is advised to do it after finishing your exam. Use a pencil and scale for underlining.

12. Always have a few general quotes in handy. They help in the presentation and show that you’re prepared.

Speech Writing Question Answers – Previous Years solved questions (Sample)

Below are a few solved questions for you so that you get an idea as to how to attempt class 12 English writing skills – speech writing question well. Remember, the more you read and practice, the better it is. As per, CBSE guidelines, it should not exceed the prescribed word limit of 150-200 words.

1. As Mukul / Mahima of Alps Public School, write a speech to be delivered in school assembly highlighting the importance of cleanliness suggesting that the state of cleanliness reflects the character of its citizens. (150-200 words) (10) (CBSE Sample Question Paper 2018-19)


In the words of the great John Wesley, “Cleanliness is next to godliness” Good Morning respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I, Mukul/Mahima, stand before you all, to highlight the importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean. It is essential for everyone to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation and the various diseases that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions. It is crucial for physical well-being and maintaining a healthy environment at home and at school. An unclean environment is an invitation for a lot of mosquitoes to breed in and spread deadly diseases. On the other hand, not maintaining personal hygiene leads to a lot of skin problems and decreased immunity.

The habits learnt at a young age get embedded into one’s personality. Even if we inculcate certain habits like washing hands before and after meals, regular brushing and bathing from a young age, we are not bothered about keeping public places clean. For this, on 2nd October, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister launched a nation-wide cleanliness campaign, “ Swachh Bharat” to provide sanitation facilities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and adequate drinking water supply. Teachers and students of schools are joining this ‘Clean India Campaign’ very actively with great fervour and joy.

Good health will ensure a healthy mind, which will lead to increased overall productivity resulting in higher standards of living, thus developing the economy. It will boost India’s international image. Thus, a clean environment is a green environment with less people falling ill. Cleanliness, hence, is defined to be the emblem of purity of mind.

2. You are Ali/Alia, Head girl / Head boy of your school. You are deeply disturbed by the rising cases of aggressive behaviour of students in your school. You decide to speak during the morning assembly about it. Write a speech on ‘Indiscipline in Schools’. (150 – 200 words) (10) (CBSE ALL INDIA Board 2017-18)


It has been reported that number of fights and cases of bullying has gone up tremendously in the last few months in our school. Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I, Ali/Alia, your head boy/girl stand before you to throw light upon the grave issue of “Increasing Indiscipline in Schools”.

It has been brought into lime light that disobedience of teachers, bullying, fights with peers, truancy and insults is becoming a common trend. Not only this, there have been complaints of parents witnessing a shift in their children’s attitude. This is resulting in a lot of children getting hurt emotionally, mentally and physically. The impact this attitude is having on kids at early age is disastrous and irreversible.

Not to forget the damage that has been done to the school property. Stealing chalks, scribbling on desks, walls and washroom doors, destroying CCTV cameras and the list goes on. By doing this, we are only letting us deprive ourselves of the amenities being provided to us.

After a lot of meetings, lack of proper guidance, excessive use of social media and peer pressure have been observed to be the root causes of the problem. The counsel is taking steps to improve the situation. Life skill classes are being made mandatory for everyone. Teachings will include counselling, motivation and inculcating friendly values. Seminars for parents and students will be regularly organised. A counsellor to help you all share your feelings, grudges and sharing your personal problem is being made available. We are doing everything we can and expect the same from you.

So, let’s join our hands together and build an environment where we encourage, motivate, help and be kind to each other for we are good and civilised beings capable of a lot of love.

3. The recent rise in incidents of violent behaviour of students is a matter of concern for all. The problem can be curbed if students learn how to manage anger. Write a speech on the topic in 150-200 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly. (10) (CBSE COMPARTMENT JULY 2018)


Honourable Principal, Respected teachers and my dear friends, today I would like to share with you few “Ways to Manage Anger”.

The growing intolerance among the new generation resulting in violence towards teachers is a matter of grave concern. The old-age guru-shishya parampara is losing its sheen. Aggressiveness in students may be triggered by several things: as a self-defence reaction, stressful situation, over-stimulation or lack of adult supervision.

It has become the need of the hour to curb the situation. Life skills classes shall be inculcated in the time-table. Teachers should be given training to handle such defiant and hostile behaviour. Meditation and deep breathing also helps and thus, should be practiced every morning. Students must be taught to count till 10 before reacting in anger. Also, sessions on anger management and it’s far-reaching importance must be held.

Remember, Anger is one letter short of danger. It makes it all the more important to be able to diffuse one’s anger. It’s never too late to begin because a wise man once said,

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of your peace of mind.”

Related – Free Online English Test – MCQ Test Series

4. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Benefits of early rising’ to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. (10) (CBSE 2016)


Honourable Principal, Respected teachers and my dear friends, today I, Karuna/Karan, your Head Girl/Head Boy stand before you all to highlight the far-reaching “Benefits of Early-rising”.

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.”

The words of Benjamin Franklin have been backed by science. It has been proved that morning people are persistent and proactive. It leads to better performance, greater success, and higher standards of living. Rising up early also relieves stress and tension because it gives you the time to squeeze in a workout before you get distracted. This is why; morning people tend to be healthier and happier as well as have lower body mass indexes.

For this, one needs to maintain a proper schedule and has to go to bed on time. You should restrict the usage of gadgets immediately before going to bed and these tiny steps will help you become an early riser. Researchers have also said that early morning is the best time to study and gain knowledge. This will help you in staying ahead in the class and keep your grades up. Most entrepreneurs are early risers as they believe it is the key to a successful, happy and content life.

Hence, if you don’t develop a habit of waking up before the rest of the world, you won’t be able to change the world.

5. Your PGT English Ms. Geetha is a short story writer also. ‘Sky is not Far’ is a collection of her latest short stories. This book has won a national award. Write a speech in 150 – 200 words you will deliver in her honour in the morning assembly. (10) (CBSE DELHI – 2017)


Good morning everyone! Today, I stand before you all to bring into limelight the “Commendable Achievements of our PGT English teacher Ms. Geetha”.

Ms. Geetha has made all of us proud by winning the National Award for her book “SKY IS NOT FAR”. The book is all about the infinite possibilities in life and that there is no such word as “impossible”. The word itself says, “I M POSSIBLE”. Nothing is unachievable if we have decided what we want and are working for it. It is very important to have a positive outlook and be fearless.

Through her book, she has given us all hope and motivation.

We all know what an articulate writer she is; she masters the art of short story-writing. She has contributed immensely and profoundly to the school’s literary society. Her works have a special place in the school library. A versatile writer, as she is, she has written books on various themes. Her other books are a work of triumph.

Thus, we congratulate her on this very special occasion. It is a proud moment not only for her, but for the entire school. She has set an example for all of us. Indeed, the sky is not far.

Once again, Congratulations, ma’am! Today is your day.




1. What is speech writing? A1. Speech writing is a form of writing in which we write a speech or a formal disclosure to an audience on a general topic.

2. How to write a speech? A2. A speech should be written according to its format:

Opening line

  • Introductory paragraph

3. What is the marks weightage and breakup of marks for class 11 speech writing? A3. Speech writing is of 5 marks. The breakup of these 5 marks is as follows-

  • Format carries 1 mark
  • content is for 2 marks
  • expression has 2 marks.

4. In how many words should we write a speech for class 11? A4. The word limit for speech writing is 120-150.

5. What are the important topics for speech writing? A5. Important topics for speech writing are as follows:

  • Importance of cleanliness
  • Importance of health
  • Global warming and climate change
  • Importance of hard work
  • Importance of discipline
  • Social media: Boon or Curse?

6. How can we score full marks in speech writing? A6. You can score full marks in speech writing easily with the following tips and tricks:

  • When you have a variety of points, choose the few best ones and write one line on each point.
  • Always begin your content with the strongest point.
  • Do not deviate from the given topic.
  • Add a few quotes to make it impressive.
  • Do not use complicated or elaborate vocabulary.
  • Plan before your pen.

7. Give two examples of endings of speech. A7. In the ending of speech, we can write these phrases:

  • Quotes motivating people to take action.
  • We can suggest solutions

8. Give two ways to start a speech. A8. The two ways to start a speech are as follows:

  • Start with a quote.
  • Start with salutations and introductions.

9. Should we add a title to a speech? A9. Yes, we should add a title to our speech.

10. How many paragraphs should be there in a speech? A10. Ideally, there should be three paragraphs in a speech, as follows-

  • Main paragraph

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Dialogue Writing for Class 10 with Format and Examples

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Dialogue writing is a crucial aspect of language learning, especially for students in class 10. It serves as a fundamental tool for expressing conversations and interactions between characters in a story or a play. Dialogue writing, report writing , and notice writing format are important skills that every student should have. It is important for students of class 10 to master the art of dialogue writing as it not only enhances creative writing skills but also helps in effectively communicating thoughts and emotions. In this blog, we will explore the basics of dialogue writing, its importance, the writing format, and some useful tips and examples for class 10 students to improve their skills.

Table of Contents

What is Dialogue Writing?

Dialogue writing is the process of writing a conversation between two or more people, sharing their thoughts, feelings, actions, or any other things. It is generally used in various content forms such as stories, novels, plays, and scripts to bring life to the characters and make the narrative more engaging and relatable.

How to Write Dialogue for Class 10?

To write effective dialogue for class 10, it is essential to follow a structured approach. Begin by understanding the characters’ personalities and the context of the conversation. Use simple language and avoid complex jargon to ensure clarity. Pay attention to the use of punctuation and formatting to indicate speech and actions. Make the dialogue realistic by incorporating natural pauses, interruptions, and emotions.

Purpose of Dialogue Writing

What purpose do you think dialogue serves in a play, movie, or story? Does a tale have to have a conversation in it? Stories can feature a third-person narrator or a character who tells the tale from their point of view, unlike the format of a debate where two opposing teams argue and defend a certain resolution. What difference does it make if there are conversations rather than a single person telling the entire tale from start to finish?

Having dialogues along with stage directions rather than just stories can be said to be a better jotting fashion as it gives the readers a clear picture of the characteristics of the varied characters in the story, play, or movie. It also gives your characters life and, overall, a voice of their own. Dialogues portray the emotional state, mindset, background information, and poise of the speakers. This will always be more effective as it will let the readers connect with the characters on a more personal level.

Another genre in which authors can express their creativity to the point of violating certain formal grammar norms is dialogue writing. To emphasize a point, you may, for example, lengthen a word, write the term in capital characters, or use several questions or exclamation marks. For instance: YESSSS!

Stage instructions are an additional element of dialogue writing. Brief sentences included in parenthesis that describe the actions of the characters throughout the dialogue are known as stage instructions. For instance, Dan: I’m still sleepy, wiping his eyes.

The Importance of Dialogue Writing

Dialogue writing plays a significant role in storytelling by adding depth and realism to characters and their relationships. It helps in portraying emotions, conflicts, and resolutions, making the narrative more compelling and immersive. Moreover, it assists in conveying information in a natural and engaging manner, facilitating a better understanding of the plot and the characters’ motives.

The Different Types of Dialogue

Dialogues can vary based on the purpose and context of the narrative. Dialogues are classified widely into 2 categories:

  • Inner Dialogue
  • Outer Dialogue

Inner Dialogue: The quiet ideas that a character has and does not reveal to other characters are referred to as inner dialogue. These might be the internal thoughts or responses of a character to events or acts expressed by another character. There are no quotation marks around conversations within.

Outer Dialogue: Spoken ideas are what the name “outer dialogues” implies. They include every word that the characters exchange with one another in a dialogue. Quotation marks are usually used to surround outer discourse.

Dialogue Writing Format or Structure of a Dialogue

The format for writing dialogue follows specific rules to ensure clarity and coherence. Each character’s speech is enclosed within quotation marks, and a new paragraph is used for each speaker. Proper punctuation, such as commas, full stops, question marks, and exclamation marks, is used to indicate the tone and flow of the conversation. Moreover, tags like ‘he said’ or ‘she asked’ are used to attribute the dialogue to specific characters.

  • Every speaker is given a fresh paragraph. You indicate that someone is speaking by starting a new paragraph. Yes, your characters receive fresh paragraphs even if they only utter one word.
  • The paragraphs are all indented. This rule only applies when a chapter or scene break occurs, in which case the first line—including dialogue—is never indented.
  • The quote marks are used to enclose punctuation for what is spoken. To ensure that the reader understands how the conversation is being delivered, punctuation is placed inside quotes wherever it appears in the speech of the speaker.
  • End citations are absent from speeches that are longer than a few paragraphs. Further details on this will be provided below, but in general, when a character speaks for an extended period, you should break up their speech into different paragraphs and remove the quotation marks at the end before beginning the next one.
  • If the speaker is citing another person, use single quotes. In the event that your character remarks, “Man, don’t you love it when girls say, ‘I’m fine’?” the single quotes point to the words of another person.
  • Ignore the small conversation and concentrate solely on the relevant details. Get to the point and skip the small chat unless it’s necessary for character development. This isn’t real life, and if you have too much, it will feel even more artificial.

The Importance of Punctuation

Punctuation plays a crucial role in dialogue writing, ensuring clarity, conveying emotions, and enhancing the overall reading experience. By mastering the proper use of punctuation marks, writers can effectively bring their characters’ conversations to life and engage their audience.

Clarity and Readability

Proper punctuation in dialogue writing is essential for clarity and readability. Without punctuation, it can be difficult to distinguish between speakers, identify pauses and emphasis, and understand the overall flow of the conversation. 

For instance, consider the following example:

“I love pizza said Emily I could eat it every day.”

Without commas to separate the dialogue tags from the actual dialogue, this sentence becomes confusing and difficult to follow. Adding commas makes it clear who is speaking and what they are saying:

“I love pizza,” said Emily. “I could eat it every day.”

Conveying Emotions and Tone

Punctuation marks also play a vital role in conveying emotions and tone in dialogue writing. Exclamation points indicate excitement or surprise, question marks convey curiosity or uncertainty, and ellipses suggest hesitation or unspoken thoughts. 

For example:

“I can’t believe you won the lottery!” exclaimed Sarah.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” asked Tom, his voice filled with doubt.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” stammered John.

Enhancing the Reading Experience

Effective punctuation in dialogue writing enhances the overall reading experience by making the conversation more natural and engaging. It allows readers to visualize the speakers’ expressions, hear their inflections, and feel the rhythm of their exchanges. Without proper punctuation, dialogue can become flat and lifeless, detracting from the overall impact of the writing.

Common Punctuation Marks in Dialogue Writing

Here are some of the most common punctuation marks used in dialogue writing:

  • Quotation marks (” “): Enclose the spoken words of a character.
  • Commas (“,”): Separate dialogue tags from the actual dialogue and indicate pauses.
  • Periods (“.”): End complete sentences within dialogue.
  • Question marks (“?”): Indicate questions within dialogue.
  • Exclamation points (“!”): Indicate excitement, surprise, or emphasis.
  • Ellipses (“…”): Suggest hesitation, unspoken thoughts, or trailing off.

By mastering the proper use of these punctuation marks, writers can craft dialogue that is clear, engaging, and emotionally resonant, bringing their characters’ conversations to life and captivating their audience.

Tips for Writing Effective Dialogue

  • Understand the character’s background and personality.
  • Use simple and realistic language.
  • Maintain a balance between dialogue and narrative.
  • Avoid lengthy monologues and focus on concise exchanges.
  • Show emotions through actions and dialogue.
  • Use appropriate punctuation and formatting.
  • Read the dialogue aloud to check for natural flow and coherence.

Examples of Dialogue Writing



A couple, EMILY and DAVID, are discussing their plans for the weekend.

EMILY: I’m so tired of being cooped up inside all week. I want to do something outdoors this weekend.

DAVID: I agree. Maybe we could go hiking or for a bike ride.

EMILY: Those both sound great. I’m also open to other suggestions.

DAVID: What about going to the beach? It’s supposed to be a nice day on Saturday.

EMILY: That sounds perfect! We could go swimming, sunbathing, and walking on the beach.

DAVID: Sounds like a plan.

EMILY: I’m really looking forward to it.

DAVID: Me too.



Two friends, ANNA and BEN, are sitting at a table, sipping their coffees.

ANNA: So, I’ve been thinking about taking a cooking class.

BEN: Oh, that sounds great! I didn’t know that you were interested in cooking, is it a new thing or what?

ANNA: Yeah, I love cooking for friends and family, but I feel like I could learn a lot more.

BEN: There are tons of great cooking classes out there. I’m sure you’ll find one that you love.

ANNA: I’m looking at a class that focuses on Italian cuisine. I’ve always loved Italian food.

BEN: That sounds delicious. I’m sure you’ll learn how to make some amazing Italian dishes.

ANNA: I hope so! I’m also excited to learn about different cooking techniques.

BEN: I’m sure you’ll pick up some valuable tips. Let me know how the class goes!

ANNA: I will!

Dialogue Writing Exercises

Practice is key to mastering dialogue writing. Engage in various exercises such as creating dialogues between friends, family members, or fictional characters. Write dialogues that convey different emotions like joy, anger, fear, or excitement. Experiment with diverse scenarios and settings to improve your dialogue writing skills and develop a deeper understanding of character dynamics. 

  • Write a dialogue between two friends talking about their favourite books.
  • Write a dialogue between husband and wife about the rising prices of essential commodities.
  • Write a dialogue between two friends discussing if science is a blessing or a curse.

Dialogue writing is a valuable skill that enables students to express their creativity and effectively communicate ideas and emotions. By following the prescribed format and implementing the suggested tips, class 10 students can enhance their dialogue writing abilities and create engaging narratives that resonate with their readers. Regular practice and exploration of diverse dialogue scenarios will further refine their storytelling capabilities and contribute to their overall growth as proficient writers.

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Dialogue Writing for Class 10 CBSE

Dialogue Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

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Dialogue Writing  for Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises PDF

Writing a dialogue must follow certain basic rules.

  • The language should be simple depending upon the relationship between the speakers.
  • Though a dialogue should read like real speech, the dull parts should be taken out. A real conversation would be completely boring to read. Edit out the filler words and unessential dialogue – that is, the dialogue that does not contribute to a given situation.

Sample Dialogue

David has met with an accident. His friends Rahul and Varun are talking about him. Read the dialogue between them. Rahul: Do you know that David was hit by a two-wheeler? Varun: Oh no! When did it happen? Rahul: He was hit by a motorcycle on his way back from school yesterday. Varun: How did it happen? Rahul: He was crossing the road at a zebra crossing when a speeding motorcyclist jumped the traffic light and knocked him down. Varun: Is he badly injured? Rahul: He has fractured his arm. Varun: Oh that’s sad! I suppose he will not be able to participated the Inter-school swimming competition next week. He was sure to have won the trophy this year, too. Rahul: Yes. He was quite upset about it.

Dialogue Writing Solved Example for Class 10 CBSE

Diagnostic Test – 14

Ram and Shyam are discussing their plans for the weekend. Complete the dialogue below in a suitable way in around 100 words. Ram: (a) …………………………. . Shyam: I don’t have any special plan. Ram: How do you like the idea (b) …………………………. . Shyam: That sounds lovely, but (c) …………………………. . Ram: I’ll come to your house this evening and request your parents to allow you to join the picnic. Shyam: Hey, that’s a good idea. Ram: (d) …………………………. . Shyam: Yes, I don’t think they are going out tonight. Ram: Then I’ll definitely come and meet them. By the way, (e) …………………………. . Shyam: No, I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s a lovely picnic spot. Answer: (a) What are you doing this weekend, Shyam? (b) of going for a picnic to the Dal Lake? (c) I will have to seek my parents’ permission. (d) Should I come over in the evening? (e) have you ever visited Dal Lake

Choose the right options from the ones given below:

  • I will have to seek my parents’ permission.
  • have you ever visited Dal Lake?
  • Should I come over in the evening?
  • of going for a picnic to the Dal Lake?
  • What are you doing this weekend, Shyam?

Dialogue Writing Practice Example for Class 10 CBSE

1. You go to borrow a book from the library, but the librarian says a book has been issued to you three weeks ago and is overdue. Talk to your librarian explaining why you need this book you are asking for now. Also explain why the other book is overdue. Write the conversation in 100 words.

2. You are undecided as to the stream you will choose in Class XI. Ask an elder for advice. Write the conversation in 100 words.

3. You have to go for a wedding but are not familiar with the venue. Ask a passer-by for directions. Write the conversation between yourself and the passer-by in 100 words.

4. Rajat/Rajini has gone to the railway station to make reservations. Write the conversation between him/her and the person at the ticket counter as he/she makes enquiries about the train route and/or accommodation in the train. Write the conversation in 100 words.

CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

The CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section is an integral part of the CBSE Class 10 English examination. This section is designed to assess the student’s writing skills and their ability to express their thoughts effectively. It aims to evaluate their understanding of various formats such as letter writing, article writing, and speech writing. In this article, we will explore the format, examples, topics, and exercises to help you excel in the CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section.

Also Read: English Writing Section Class 12 CBSE

Format Of CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section

The CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section consists of different formats, including letter writing, article writing, and speech writing. Let’s delve into each format and understand their specific requirements.

Letter Writing Format Letter writing is an essential skill that students need to acquire for effective communication. It includes formal letters and informal letters.

Formal Letters Formal letters are usually written for official purposes. They follow a specific format and require a formal tone. The format of a formal letter typically includes the sender’s address, date, receiver’s address, salutation, body paragraphs, conclusion, and signature. The language used in formal letters should be polite, respectful, and concise.

Informal Letters They have a less rigid structure compared to formal letters. Informal letters usually start with a friendly salutation and have a conversational tone. The format includes the sender’s address, date, salutation, body paragraphs, conclusion, and sender’s name or nickname.

Article Writing Format Article writing is a creative form of expression that allows students to share their opinions, ideas, and experiences on a particular topic. An article typically consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader’s attention, the body paragraphs should provide detailed information and arguments, and the conclusion should summarize the main points and leave a lasting impression.

Speech Writing Format Speech writing involves preparing a written script for delivering a speech on a specific topic. The format of a speech includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should captivate the audience’s attention, the body paragraphs should present key points and supporting evidence, and the conclusion should reinforce the main message and leave a memorable impact.

Examples Of CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section

To understand the different formats better, let’s take a look at some examples of formal letters, informal letters, article writing, and speech writing.

Formal Letter Example

Subject: Application for Leave

Date: 15th May 2023

Sender’s Address: 34, Park Street City, State Pin Code: 123456

Receiver’s Address: The Principal ABC School City, State Pin Code: 789012

Salutation: Dear Sir/Madam,

Body: [Content of the letter]

Conclusion: Thanking you, Yours faithfully, [Sender’s Name]

Informal Letter Example

Subject: Invitation to Birthday Party

Date: 25th June 2023

Sender’s Address: 56, Sunshine Apartments City, State Pin Code: 345678

Receiver’s Address: John Smith 45, Park Lane City, State Pin Code: 567890

Salutation: Dear John,

Conclusion: Looking forward to celebrating with you! Warm regards, [Sender’s Name]

Topics For CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section

Now, let’s explore some popular topics for each format in the CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section.

Formal Letter Topics 1. Write a letter to the editor expressing your concern about the rising pollution levels in your city. 2. Write a letter to the municipal corporation regarding the poor condition of roads in your locality. 3. Write a letter to the bank manager requesting information about opening a student bank account.

Informal Letter Topics 1. Write a letter to your kinsman inviting them to your birthday party. 2. Write a letter to your stylish friend describing your recent holiday experience. 3. Write a letter to your grandparents expressing gratefulness for their love and support.

Article Writing Topics 1. The part of Social Media in Today’s Society 2. Climate Change and Its Environmental Impact 3. Benefits of Reading Books

Speech Writing Topics 1. The Importance of Mental Health Awareness 2. Gender Equality: A Step Towards a Progressive Society 3. The Significance of Education in Empowering Individuals

Exercises To Improve CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section

To enhance your writing skills for the CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section, practice the following exercises.

Letter Writing Exercises 1. Write a formal letter to your school principal requesting permission to organize a charity event. 2. Write an informal letter to your favorite author expressing admiration for their work.

Article Writing Exercises 1. Write an article discussing the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships. 2. Write an article highlighting the importance of conserving water resources.

Speech Writing Exercises 1. Write a speech on the significance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving success. 2. Write a speech advocating for the preservation of wildlife and biodiversity.

Conclusion On CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section

The CBSE Class 10 English Writing Section assesses students’ ability to effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas through different formats. By understanding the format, studying examples, exploring various topics, and practicing exercises, you can improve your writing skills and excel in this section. Remember to be clear, concise, and persuasive in your writing to leave a lasting impression on the readers.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

Reported Speech Class 10

In Online Education When we want to tell somebody else what another person said, we can use either direct speech and reported speech. When we use direct speech, we use the same words but use quotation marks, For example: Scott said, “I am coming to work. I will be late because there is a lot of traffic now.”

When we use reported speech, we usually change the verbs, specific times, and pronouns. For example: Scott said that he was coming to work. He said that he would be late because there was a lot of traffic at that time.

Online Education for Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers Pdf

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Reported Speech Class 10 Exercise

Rules for Reported Speech While changing direct speech into reported speech or vice-versa the following changes occur:

1. Changes In Reporting Verb Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, thought Interrogative sentences: asked, enquired, wanted to know Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded

2. Change Of Pronouns Direct Speech: Johnny said, ‘I am playing.’ Indirect Speech: Johnny said that he was playing. First-person generally changes to third person {depending upon the subject of the reporting verb).

3. Change Of Tenses

Johnny said, ‘I like to play.’ Johnny said that he liked to play.
Johnny said, ‘I am playing.’ Johnny said that he was playing.
Johnny said, ‘I have played this game.’ Johnny said that he had played that game.
Johnny said, ‘I have been playing this game.’ Johnny said that he had been playing that game.
Johnny said, ‘I played this game last week. ’ Johnny said that he had played that game the previous week.
Johnny said, ‘I was playing this game when Mohan came home.’ Johnny said that he had been/was playing that game when Mohan came home.
Johnny said, ‘I had played this game before you came.’ Johnny said that he had played that game before he came.
Johnny said, ‘I will play this game.’ Johnny said that he would play that game.

In general, present tense becomes past tense; past tense and present perfect become past perfect.

Reported Speech Exercises For Class 10

4. Change of situations Example: Nagesh said, ‘I read this book last week. (direct speech) Nagesh said that he had read that book the previous week, (indirect speech)

  • ‘this’ becomes ‘that’
  • ‘last week’ becomes ‘the previous week’
  • here – there
  • now – then
  • today – that day
  • yesterday – the day before/the previous day
  • tomorrow – the next day/the coming day
  • last week – the week before/the previous week
  • next month – the next month/the coming month

5. In case of questions and answers Examples:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘Have you read this book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked if’ whether I had read that book, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh asked, ‘Where is the book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked where the book was. (indirect speech)

(a) For yes/no questions – use if/whether (b) For wh- questions – use the wh-word

Word Order:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘What’s the matter?’
  • Nagesh asked what the matter was. (what + the matter + was)
  • Nagesh asked what was the matter, (what + was + the matter)
  • The word order can be either:
  • who/which/what + complement + be or ‘
  • who/which/what + be + complement

6. Reported Speech using present and future tenses Examples:

  • Nagesh said, ‘The sun rises in the east.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that the sun rises in the east, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh said, ‘I will read this book.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he will read that book, (indirect speech)
  • If the original speaker’s present and future is still present and future, the tense remains unchanged.

7. In case of modal verbs can becomes could

  • will – would
  • shall – should
  • may – might

would, should, could, might, ought to and must are unchanged. Example:

  • Nagesh said, ‘I can solve this sum.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he could solve that sum. (indirect speech)

Reported Speech Solved Examples Exercises for Class 10 CBSE

Read the dialogue given below and then complete the passage that follows.

Reported Speech Class 10 Exercise With Answers Question 1. Read the dialogue and complete the passage given below.

Interviewer: So, why do you want to be a computer programmer? Ravi: Well, I have always been interested in computers. Interviewer: I see. Do you have any experience? Ravi: No, but I’m a fast learner. Interviewer: What kind of a computer do you use? Ravi: Computer? Uhm, let me see. I can use a Mac. I also used Windows 10 once. Interviewer: That’s good.

Ravi recently attended an interview for the selection of a computer programmer. At the interview, he was asked (a) ……………………….. To this question he replied that he wanted to change his job because (b) ……………………….. When the interviewer asked him (e) ………………………. he replied that he (d) ……………………….. Finally, the interviewer wanted to know (e) ………………………. . Ravi replied that he could use a Mac and had also used Windows 10 once in the,.past. The interviewer seemed to be pleased with his answers. Answer: (a) why he wanted to be a computer programmer (b) he had always been interested in computers (c) whether he had any experience (d) didn’t but that he was a fast learner (e) the kind of computer he used

Reported Speech Exercises With Answers For Class 10 Question 2. Manu: Where are you going to? Annu: I am going to the market. Do you want anything?

Manu asked Annu (a) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… and she further asked (C) …………………… Answer: (a) where she was going. (b) that she was going to the market (c) if/whether she wanted anything.

Class 10 Reported Speech Exercises Question 3. Sunita: Tomorrow is your birthday, what do you want as a gift? Neetu: That is a lovely thought but I don’t want anything.

Sunita asked Neetu since the next day was her birthday, (a) …………………… Neetu replied that (b) …………………… but (C) ………………….. . Answer: (a) what she wanted as a gift (b) that was a lovely thought (c) she did not want anything.

Reported Speech Worksheet For Class 10 Question 4. Gardener: Did you water the plant today? Dev: No, but I will, today. Gardener: Then tomorrow I will get a sapling of sunflower.

The Gardener asked Dev (a) …………………… Dev replied negatively but (b) …………………… Then the gardener said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether he had watered the plant that day. (b) said he would that day. (c) he would get a sapling of a sunflower the next day.

Reported Speech Exercise Class 10 Question 5. Mr. Harish: Can you polish my shoes? Cobbler: Yes sir. But I will take 10 for each shoe.

Mr. Harish: I will not mind as long as it is done. Mr. Harish asked the cobbler (a) …………………… The cobbler replied affirmatively but (b) …………………… Mr. Harish said that (C) ……………………. Answer: (a) if/whether he could polish his shoes. (b) said that he would take 10 for each shoe (c) he would not mind as long as it was done.

Reported Speech Class 10 Questions Question 6. Electrician: When did your electricity go? Mohan: It is not working since evening. Electrician: Sorry sir, in this case, I will have to check the fuse now.

The electrician asked Mohan (a) …………………… Mohan replied that (b) …………………… The electrician apologetically said that in that case (c) …………………… Answer: (a) when his electricity had gone. (b) it was not working since evening. (c) he would have to check the fuse then.

Reported Speech Questions For Class 10 Question 7. Teacher : Children, let us all pledge to save trees. Children : Yes, mam, we all pledge to save our trees as the trees are the lungs of the city. Teacher : Let us start today by planting a sapling.

The teacher asked all the children to pledge to save trees. The children replied affirmatively (a) …………………… as the (b) …………………… Then the teacher said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) saying that they all pledged to save trees (b) trees are the lungs of the city. (c) they should start by planting a sapling that day.

Reported Speech Dialogue Exercises With Answers Pdf Question 8. Buddha : Honesty is the best policy. Disciple : Does honesty always pay? Buddha : It may or may not, but at least you will never feel guilty.

Buddha in his preaching said that (a) …………………… the best policy. A disciple asked him if (b) …………………… always pays, Buddha replied (c) …………………… but at least he would never feel guilty. Answer: (a) Honesty is (b) honesty (c) that it might or might not

Reported Speech Examples With Answers Class 10 Question 9. Doctor : You should take this medicine every day. Patient : Should I take it before dinner or after dinner? Doctor : No, you should take it after breakfast.

The Doctor advised the patient that (a) …………………… The patient further asked (b) …………………… The doctor replied negatively and then said (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) he should take that medicine every day. (b) if/whether he should take it before dinner or after dinner. (c) that he should take it after breakfast

Class 10 Reported Speech Question 10. Reena : Do you know how to swim? Surbhi : Yes I know. I have learnt it during this summer vacation.

Reena asked Surbhi (a) …………………… Then Surbhi replied (b) …………………… and also added that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether she knew how to swim (b) in affirmative (c) she had learnt it during the summer vacation.

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Home » 10th Class » Class 10 Speech Writing Format

Class 10 Speech Writing Format

To express views in the public.

  •  Salutation or greeting
  •  Disclosure of topic
  •  Narration of facts, presentation of data, relevant examples, etc.
  •  Sensible deviation from the topic
  •  Draw conclusion in an innovative and imaginative way.

Solved Example:

1. Today is women’s day and you are asked to deliver a speech on changing role of women in 21st century acknowledging their significant contribution in changing face of modern era. Your speech should not exceed the limit of 120-150 words.

HINTs: Gone are the days-when women were considered only fit to become home makers-position remarkably improved-have all rights of equality-possess higher position without any distinction have made their place in literature ,education ,administration-modern woman- self-confident, Self-respect, we are proud of them.


Respected Principal, Learned Teachers and Friends,

I am glad to have this opportunity of expressing my views on the ROLE OF WOMEN on women’s day.

Gone are the days when women considered themselves a weaker sex. Today, they are neither weak nor inferior .They have proved their worth. Name any field of progress wherein they have not left their mark? They are known for their sincerity, sensibility, hard work and timely wit. They have never failed in using them in time of need. Women like BarkhaDutt, Sonia Gandhi, RahatTaslim who won

1 million rupees in KBC Quiz Contest have left their signature style in whatever field they chose. Being woman myself, I feel tremendous power in myself and see no reason to lag behind. I am proud to be woman. We know that modern world cannot afford to leave women as they have time and again made the world realise their strong presence.

I acknowledge the vital role the women play for the emancipation of the society and their immense contribution in shaping and creating the definition of this era and therefore, salute them.

Questions for practice:

1- Ankit, a class X student was asked by his teacher to deliver a speech in the morning assembly of his school on “World Environment Day”-5th June. Using ideas given below, together with your own, write the speech in not more than 120 words.

a. Let’s not pollute the air we breathe!

b. Wake up in fresh air and maintain cleanliness

c. Plant trees and see them growing

d. Fight vehicular pollution

2-You are a member of your school Social Service League. You are visiting a nearby village to speak to the villagers how smoking is a silent killer of life, besides being drain on the limited income of an average man. Prepare your speech and also mention how vital organs are affected due to smoking, how it is harmful even to those who do not smoke but happen to be seen with smokers and how we should educate people on the dangerous effects of smoking. Restrict your speech to 150 words.

More Class 10 Writing Skill Format

  • Composition
  • Notice 
  • Diary Entry 
  • Biography 
  • Data Enterpretation
  • Dialogue 
  • Description 
  • Speech 
  • Sotry 

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  • How To Write A Speech

How to Write a Speech: A Guide to Enhance Your Writing Skills

Speech is a medium to convey a message to the world. It is a way of expressing your views on a topic or a way to showcase your strong opposition to a particular idea. To deliver an effective speech, you need a strong and commanding voice, but more important than that is what you say. Spending time in preparing a speech is as vital as presenting it well to your audience.

Read the article to learn what all you need to include in a speech and how to structure it.

Table of Contents

  • Self-Introduction

The Opening Statement

Structuring the speech, choice of words, authenticity, writing in 1st person, tips to write a speech, frequently asked questions on speech, how to write a speech.

Writing a speech on any particular topic requires a lot of research. It also has to be structured well in order to properly get the message across to the target audience. If you have ever listened to famous orators, you would have noticed the kind of details they include when speaking about a particular topic, how they present it and how their speeches motivate and instill courage in people to work towards an individual or shared goal. Learning how to write such effective speeches can be done with a little guidance. So, here are a few points you can keep in mind when writing a speech on your own. Go through each of them carefully and follow them meticulously.

Self Introduction

When you are writing or delivering a speech, the very first thing you need to do is introduce yourself. When you are delivering a speech for a particular occasion, there might be a master of ceremony who might introduce you and invite you to share your thoughts. Whatever be the case, always remember to say one or two sentences about who you are and what you intend to do.

Introductions can change according to the nature of your target audience. It can be either formal or informal based on the audience you are addressing. Here are a few examples.

Addressing Friends/Classmates/Peers

  • Hello everyone! I am ________. I am here to share my views on _________.
  • Good morning friends. I, _________, am here to talk to you about _________.

Addressing Teachers/Higher Authorities

  • Good morning/afternoon/evening. Before I start, I would like to thank _______ for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts about ________ here today.
  • A good day to all. I, __________, on behalf of _________, am standing here today to voice out my thoughts on _________.

It is said that the first seven seconds is all that a human brain requires to decide whether or not to focus on something. So, it is evident that a catchy opening statement is the factor that will impact your audience. Writing a speech does require a lot of research, and structuring it in an interesting, informative and coherent manner is something that should be done with utmost care.

When given a topic to speak on, the first thing you can do is brainstorm ideas and pen down all that comes to your mind. This will help you understand what aspect of the topic you want to focus on. With that in mind, you can start drafting your speech.

An opening statement can be anything that is relevant to the topic. Use words smartly to create an impression and grab the attention of your audience. A few ideas on framing opening statements are given below. Take a look.

  • Asking an Engaging Question

Starting your speech by asking the audience a question can get their attention. It creates an interest and curiosity in the audience and makes them think about the question. This way, you would have already got their minds ready to listen and think.

  • Fact or a Surprising Statement

Surprising the audience with an interesting fact or a statement can draw the attention of the audience. It can even be a joke; just make sure it is relevant. A good laugh would wake up their minds and they would want to listen to what you are going to say next.

  • Adding a Quote

After you have found your topic to work on, look for a quote that best suits your topic. The quote can be one said by some famous personality or even from stories, movies or series. As long as it suits your topic and is appropriate to the target audience, use them confidently.  Again, finding a quote that is well-known or has scope for deep thought will be your success factor.

To structure your speech easily, it is advisable to break it into three parts or three sections – an introduction, body and conclusion.

  • Introduction: Introduce the topic and your views on the topic briefly.
  • Body: Give a detailed explanation of your topic. Your focus should be to inform and educate your audience on the said topic.
  • Conclusion:  Voice out your thoughts/suggestions. Your intention here should be to make them think/act.

While delivering or writing a speech, it is essential to keep an eye on the language you are using. Choose the right kind of words. The person has the liberty to express their views in support or against the topic; just be sure to provide enough evidence to prove the discussed points. See to it that you use short and precise sentences. Your choice of words and what you emphasise on will decide the effect of the speech on the audience.

When writing a speech, make sure to,

  • Avoid long, confusing sentences.
  • Check the spelling, sentence structure and grammar.
  • Not use contradictory words or statements that might cause any sort of issues.

Anything authentic will appeal to the audience, so including anecdotes, personal experiences and thoughts will help you build a good rapport with your audience. The only thing you need to take care is to not let yourself be carried away in the moment. Speak only what is necessary.

Using the 1st person point of view in a speech is believed to be more effective than a third person point of view. Just be careful not to make it too subjective and sway away from the topic.

  • Understand the purpose of your speech: Before writing the speech, you must understand the topic and the purpose behind it. Reason out and evaluate if the speech has to be inspiring, entertaining or purely informative.
  • Identify your audience: When writing or delivering a speech, your audience play the major role. Unless you know who your target audience is, you will not be able to draft a good and appropriate speech.
  • Decide the length of the speech: Whatever be the topic, make sure you keep it short and to the point. Making a speech longer than it needs to be will only make it monotonous and boring.
  • Revising and practicing the speech: After writing, it is essential to revise and recheck as there might be minor errors which you might have missed. Edit and revise until you are sure you have it right. Practise as much as required so you do not stammer in front of your audience.
  • Mention your takeaways at the end of the speech: Takeaways are the points which have been majorly emphasised on and can bring a change. Be sure to always have a thought or idea that your audience can reflect upon at the end of your speech.

How to write a speech?

Writing a speech is basically about collecting, summarising and structuring your points on a given topic. Do a proper research, prepare multiple drafts, edit and revise until you are sure of the content.

Why is it important to introduce ourselves?

It is essential to introduce yourself while writing a speech, so that your audience or the readers know who the speaker is and understand where you come from. This will, in turn, help them connect with you and your thoughts.

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Speech Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Jan 16, 2024

Speech Writing

The power of good, inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking speeches can never be overlooked. If we retrospect, a good speech has not only won people’s hearts but also has been a verbal tool to conquer nations. For centuries, many leaders have used this instrument to charm audiences with their powerful speeches. Apart from vocalizing your speech perfectly, the words you choose in a speech carry immense weight, and practising speech writing begins with our school life. Speech writing is an important part of the English syllabus for Class 12th, Class 11th, and Class 8th to 10th. This blog brings you the Speech Writing format, samples, examples, tips, and tricks!

This Blog Includes:

What is speech writing, speech in english language writing, how do you begin an english-language speech, introduction, how to write a speech, speech writing samples, example of a great speech, english speech topics, practice time.

Must Read: Story Writing Format for Class 9 & 10

Speech writing is the art of using proper grammar and expression to convey a thought or message to a reader. Speech writing isn’t all that distinct from other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of certain distinct punctuation and writing style techniques. While writing the ideal speech might be challenging, sticking to the appropriate speech writing structure will ensure that you never fall short.

“There are three things to aim at in public speaking: first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart of your audience.”- Alexander Gregg

The English language includes eight parts of speech i.e. nouns , pronouns , verbs , adjectives 410 , adverbs , prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections.

  • Noun- A noun is a word that describes anything, such as an animal, a person, a place, or an emotion. Nouns are the building blocks for most sentences.
  • Pronoun – Pronouns are words that can be used in place of nouns. They are used so that we don’t have to repeat words. This makes our writing and speaking much more natural.
  • Verb – A verb is a term that implies activity or ‘doing.’ These are very vital for your children’s grammar studies, as a sentence cannot be complete without a verb.
  • Adjective – An adjective is a term that describes something. An adjective is frequently used before a noun to add extra information or description.
  • Prepositions- A preposition is a term that expresses the location or timing of something in relation to something else.
  • Conjunction- Because every language has its own set of conjunctions, English conjunctions differ from those found in other languages. They’re typically used as a connecting word between two statements, concepts, or ideas.
  • Interjections- Interjections are words that are used to describe a strong emotion or a sudden feeling.

Relevant Read: Speech on the Importance of English

The way you start your English speech can set the tone for the remainder of it. This semester, there are a variety of options for you to begin presentations in your classes. For example, try some of these engaging speech in English language starters.

  • Rhetorical questions : A rhetorical question is a figure of speech that uses a question to convey a point rather than asking for a response. The answer to a rhetorical question may be clear, yet the questioner asks it to emphasize the point. Rhetorical questions may be a good method for students to start their English speeches. This method of introducing your material might be appealing to the viewers and encourage them to consider how they personally relate to your issue.
  • Statistics: When making an instructive or persuasive speech in an English class, statistics can help to strengthen the speaker’s authority and understanding of the subject. To get your point over quickly and create an emotional response, try using an unexpected statistic or fact that will resonate with the audience.
  • Set up an imaginary scene: Create an imaginary situation in your audience’s thoughts if you want to persuade them to agree with you with your speech. This method of starting your speech assists each member of the audience in visualizing a fantastic scenario that you wish to see come true.

Relevant Read: Reported Speech Rules With Exercises

Format of Speech Writing

Here is the format of Speech Writing:

  • Introduction : Greet the audience, tell them about yourself and further introduce the topic.
  • Body : Present the topic in an elaborate way, explaining its key features, pros and cons, if any and the like.
  • Conclusion : Summary of your speech, wrap up the topic and leave your audience with a compelling reminder to think about!

Let’s further understand each element of the format of Speech Writing in further detail:

After the greetings, the Introduction has to be attention-getting. Quickly get people’s attention. The goal of a speech is to engage the audience and persuade them to think or act in your favour. The introduction must effectively include: 

  • A brief preview of your topic. 
  • Define the outlines of your speech. (For example, I’ll be talking about…First..Second…Third)
  • Begin with a story, quote, fact, joke, or observation in the room. It shouldn’t be longer than 3-4 lines. (For Example: “Mahatma Gandhi said once…”, or “This topic reminds me of an incident/story…”)

This part is also important because that’s when your audience decides if the speech is worth their time. Keep your introduction factual, interesting, and convincing.

It is the most important part of any speech. You should provide a number of reasons and arguments to convince the audience to agree with you.

Handling objections is an important aspect of speech composition. There is no time for questions or concerns since a speech is a monologue. Any concerns that may occur during the speech will be addressed by a powerful speech. As a result, you’ll be able to respond to questions as they come in from the crowd. To make speech simpler you can prepare a flow chart of the details in a systematic way.

For example: If your speech is about waste management; distribute information and arrange it according to subparagraphs for your reference. It could include:

  • What is Waste Management?
  • Major techniques used to manage waste
  • Advantages of Waste Management  
  • Importance of Waste Management 

The conclusion should be something that the audience takes with them. It could be a reminder, a collective call to action, a summary of your speech, or a story. For example: “It is upon us to choose the fate of our home, the earth by choosing to begin waste management at our personal spaces.”

After concluding, add a few lines of gratitude to the audience for their time.

For example: “Thank you for being a wonderful audience and lending me your time. Hope this speech gave you something to take away.”

speech writing format

Practice Your Speech Writing with these English Speech topics for students !

A good speech is well-timed, informative, and thought-provoking. Here are the tips for writing a good school speech:

Speech Sandwich of Public Speaking

The introduction and conclusion must be crisp. People psychologically follow the primacy effect (tendency to remember the first part of the list/speech) and recency effect (tendency to recall the last part of the list/speech). 

Use Concrete Facts

Make sure you thoroughly research your topic. Including facts appeals to the audience and makes your speech stronger. How much waste is managed? Give names of organisations and provide numerical data in one line.

Use Rhetorical Strategies and Humour

Include one or two open-ended or thought-provoking questions.  For Example: “Would we want our future generation to face trouble due to global warming?” Also, make good use of humour and convenient jokes that engages your audience and keeps them listening.

Check Out: Message Writing

Know your Audience and Plan Accordingly

This is essential before writing your speech. To whom is it directed? The categorised audience on the basis of –

  • Knowledge of the Topic (familiar or unfamiliar)

Use the information to formulate the speech accordingly, use information that they will understand, and a sentence that they can retain.

Timing Yourself is Important

An important aspect of your speech is to time yourself.  Don’t write a speech that exceeds your word limit. Here’s how can decide the right timing for your speech writing:

  • A one-minute speech roughly requires around 130-150 words
  • A two-minute speech requires roughly around 250-300 words

Recommended Read: Letter Writing

Speech Writing Examples

Here are some examples to help you understand how to write a good speech. Read these to prepare for your next speech:

Write a speech to be delivered in the school assembly as Rahul/ Rubaina of Delhi Public School emphasises the importance of cleanliness, implying that the level of cleanliness represents the character of its residents. (150-200 words)

“Cleanliness is next to godliness,” said the great John Wesley. Hello, respected principal, instructors, and good friends. Today, I, Rahul/Rubaina, stand in front of you all to emphasise the significance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the condition or attribute of being or remaining clean. Everyone must learn about cleaning, hygiene, sanitation, and the different diseases that are produced by unsanitary circumstances. It is essential for physical well-being and the maintenance of a healthy atmosphere at home and at school. A filthy atmosphere invites a large number of mosquitos to grow and spread dangerous diseases. On the other side, poor personal cleanliness causes a variety of skin disorders as well as lowered immunity.

Habits formed at a young age become ingrained in one’s personality. Even if we teach our children to wash their hands before and after meals, brush their teeth and bathe on a regular basis, we are unconcerned about keeping public places clean. On October 2, 2014, the Indian Prime Minister began the “Swachh Bharat” programme to offer sanitation amenities to every family, including toilets, solid and liquid waste disposal systems, village cleanliness, and safe and appropriate drinking water supplies. Teachers and children in schools are actively participating in the ‘Clean India Campaign’ with zeal and excitement.

Good health ensures a healthy mind, which leads to better overall productivity, higher living standards, and economic development. It will improve India’s international standing. As a result, a clean environment is a green environment with fewer illnesses. Thus, cleanliness is defined as a symbol of mental purity.

Thank you very much.

Relevant Read: Speech on Corruption

You are Sahil/Sanya, the school’s Head Girl/Head Boy. You are greatly troubled by the increasing instances of aggressive behaviour among your students. You decide to speak about it during the morning assembly. Create a speech about “School Discipline.” (150 – 200 words)


It has been reported that the frequency of fights and incidences of bullying in our school has increased dramatically in the previous several months. Good morning to everyone present. Today, I, Sahil/Sanya, your head boy/girl, am here to shed light on the serious topic of “Increased Indiscipline in Schools.”

It has come to light that instructor disobedience, bullying, confrontations with students, truancy, and insults are becoming more widespread. Furthermore, there have been reports of parents noticing a shift in their children’s attitudes. As a result, many children are suffering emotionally, psychologically, and physically. The impact of this mindset on children at a young age is devastating and irreversible.

Not to mention the harm done to the school’s property. Theft of chalk, scribbling on desks, walls and lavatory doors, destruction of CCTV cameras and so forth. We are merely depriving ourselves of the comforts granted to us by doing so.

Following numerous meetings, it was determined that the main reasons for the problem were a lack of sufficient guidance, excessive use of social media, and peer pressure. The council is working to make things better. Everyone is required to take life skills classes. Counselling, motivating, and instilling friendly ideals will be part of the curriculum. Seminars for parents and students will be held on a regular basis.

A counsellor is being made available to help you all discuss your sentiments, grudges, and personal problems. We are doing everything we can and expect you to do the same.

So, let us work together to create an environment in which we encourage, motivate, assist, and be nice to one another because we are good and civilised humans capable of a great deal of love.

Relevant Read: How to Write a Speech on Discipline?

The current increase in incidences of violent student misbehaviour is cause for alarm for everyone. Students who learn how to manage their anger can help to alleviate the situation. Write a 150-200-word speech about the topic to be delivered at the school’s morning assembly. (10)


Honourable Principal, Respected Teachers, and Dear Friends, I’d like to share a few “Ways to Manage Anger” with you today.

The growing intolerance among the younger generation, which is resulting in violence against teachers, is cause for severe concern. The guru-shishya parampara is losing its lustre. Aggressive behaviour in students can be provoked by a variety of factors, including self-defence, stressful circumstance, over-stimulation, or a lack of adult supervision.

It has become imperative to address the situation. Life skills workshops will be included in the curriculum. Teachers should be trained to deal with such stubborn and confrontational behaviours. Meditation and deep breathing are very beneficial and should be practised every morning. Students should be taught to count to ten before reacting angrily. Sessions on anger control and its importance must also be held.

Remember that Anger is one letter away from danger. It becomes much more crucial to be able to control one’s rage. It’s never too late to start, as a wise man once said.

“Every minute you stay angry, you lose sixty seconds of peace of mind.”

Relevant Read: English Speech Topics for Students

Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I Have A Dream’ is one of his most famous speeches. Its impact has lasted through generations. The speech is written by utilising the techniques above. Here are some examples:

“still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination” – emotive Language

“In a sense, we’ve come to our nation’s capital to cash a check” – personalising the speech

“to stand up for freedom together” – a call to action.

Importantly, this is an example of how the listener comes first while drafting a speech. The language chosen appeals to a specific sort of audience and was widely utilised in 1963 when the speech was delivered.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit?
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Understanding Feminism
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
  • My Favorite Fictional Character
  • Introverts vs Extroverts
  • Lessons to Learn from Sports
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Also Read: How to Ace IELTS Writing Section?

Ans. Speech writing is the process of communicating a notion or message to a reader by employing proper punctuation and expression. Speech writing is similar to other types of narrative writing. However, students should be aware of some different punctuation and writing structure techniques.

Ans. Before beginning with the speech, choose an important topic. Create an outline; rehearse your speech, and adjust the outline based on comments from the rehearsal. This five-step strategy for speech planning serves as the foundation for both lessons and learning activities.

Ans. Writing down a speech is vital since it helps you better comprehend the issue, organises your thoughts, prevents errors in your speech, allows you to get more comfortable with it, and improves its overall quality.

Speech writing and public speaking are effective and influential. Hope this blog helped you know the various tips for writing the speech people would want to hear. If you need help in making the right career choices at any phase of your academic and professional journey, our Leverage Edu experts are here to guide you. Sign up for a free session now!

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Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

September 19, 2020 by Prasanna

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10

When we want to tell somebody else what another person said, we can use either direct speech and reported speech. When we use direct speech, we use the same words but use quotation marks, For example: Scott said, “I am coming to work. I will be late because there is a lot of traffic now.”

When we use reported speech, we usually change the verbs, specific times, and pronouns. For example: Scott said that he was coming to work. He said that he would be late because there was a lot of traffic at that time.

Reported Speech Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers Pdf

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English  will help you to write better answers in your Class 10 exams. Because the Solutions are solved by subject matter experts.

Rules for Reported Speech While changing direct speech into reported speech or vice-versa the following changes occur:

1. Changes In Reporting Verb Affirmative sentences: said, told (object), asserted, replied, assured, informed, responded, whispered, alleged, believed, assumed, thought Interrogative sentences: asked, enquired, wanted to know Imperative sentences: ordered, begged, pleaded, implored, advised, demanded

2. Change Of Pronouns Direct Speech: Johnny said, ‘I am playing.’ Indirect Speech: Johnny said that he was playing. First-person generally changes to third person {depending upon the subject of the reporting verb).

3. Change Of Tenses

Johnny said, ‘I like to play.’ Johnny said that he liked to play.
Johnny said, ‘I am playing.’ Johnny said that he was playing.
Johnny said, ‘I have played this game.’ Johnny said that he had played that game.
Johnny said, ‘I have been playing this game.’ Johnny said that he had been playing that game.
Johnny said, ‘I played this game last week. ’ Johnny said that he had played that game the previous week.
Johnny said, ‘I was playing this game when Mohan came home.’ Johnny said that he had been/was playing that game when Mohan came home.
Johnny said, ‘I had played this game before you came.’ Johnny said that he had played that game before he came.
Johnny said, ‘I will play this game.’ Johnny said that he would play that game.

In general, present tense becomes past tense; past tense and present perfect become past perfect.

4. Change of situations Example: Nagesh said, ‘I read this book last week. (direct speech) Nagesh said that he had read that book the previous week, (indirect speech)

  • ‘this’ becomes ‘that’
  • ‘last week’ becomes ‘the previous week’
  • here – there
  • now – then
  • today – that day
  • yesterday – the day before/the previous day
  • tomorrow – the next day/the coming day
  • last week – the week before/the previous week
  • next month – the next month/the coming month

5. In case of questions and answers Examples:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘Have you read this book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked if’ whether I had read that book, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh asked, ‘Where is the book?’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh asked where the book was. (indirect speech)

(a) For yes/no questions – use if/whether (b) For wh- questions – use the wh-word

Word Order:

  • Nagesh asked, ‘What’s the matter?’
  • Nagesh asked what the matter was. (what + the matter + was)
  • Nagesh asked what was the matter, (what + was + the matter)
  • The word order can be either:
  • who/which/what + complement + be or ‘
  • who/which/what + be + complement

6. Reported Speech using present and future tenses Examples:

  • Nagesh said, ‘The sun rises in the east.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that the sun rises in the east, (indirect speech)
  • Nagesh said, ‘I will read this book.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he will read that book, (indirect speech)
  • If the original speaker’s present and future is still present and future, the tense remains unchanged.

7. In case of modal verbs can becomes could

  • will – would
  • shall – should
  • may – might

would, should, could, might, ought to and must are unchanged. Example:

  • Nagesh said, ‘I can solve this sum.’ (direct speech)
  • Nagesh said that he could solve that sum. (indirect speech)

Reported Speech Solved Examples Exercises for Class 10 CBSE

Read the dialogue given below and then complete the passage that follows.

Question 1. Read the dialogue and complete the passage given below.

Interviewer: So, why do you want to be a computer programmer? Ravi: Well, I have always been interested in computers. Interviewer: I see. Do you have any experience? Ravi: No, but I’m a fast learner. Interviewer: What kind of a computer do you use? Ravi: Computer? Uhm, let me see. I can use a Mac. I also used Windows 10 once. Interviewer: That’s good.

Ravi recently attended an interview for the selection of a computer programmer. At the interview, he was asked (a) ……………………….. To this question he replied that he wanted to change his job because (b) ……………………….. When the interviewer asked him (e) ………………………. he replied that he (d) ……………………….. Finally, the interviewer wanted to know (e) ………………………. . Ravi replied that he could use a Mac and had also used Windows 10 once in the,.past. The interviewer seemed to be pleased with his answers. Answer: (a) why he wanted to be a computer programmer (b) he had always been interested in computers (c) whether he had any experience (d) didn’t but that he was a fast learner (e) the kind of computer he used

Question 2. Manu: Where are you going to? Annu: I am going to the market. Do you want anything?

Manu asked Annu (a) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… Annu replied (b) …………………… and she further asked (C) …………………… Answer: (a) where she was going. (b) that she was going to the market (c) if/whether she wanted anything.

Question 3. Sunita: Tomorrow is your birthday, what do you want as a gift? Neetu: That is a lovely thought but I don’t want anything.

Sunita asked Neetu since the next day was her birthday, (a) …………………… Neetu replied that (b) …………………… but (C) ………………….. . Answer: (a) what she wanted as a gift (b) that was a lovely thought (c) she did not want anything.

Question 4. Gardener: Did you water the plant today? Dev: No, but I will, today. Gardener: Then tomorrow I will get a sapling of sunflower.

The Gardener asked Dev (a) …………………… Dev replied negatively but (b) …………………… Then the gardener said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether he had watered the plant that day. (b) said he would that day. (c) he would get a sapling of a sunflower the next day.

Question 5. Mr. Harish: Can you polish my shoes? Cobbler: Yes sir. But I will take 10 for each shoe.

Mr. Harish: I will not mind as long as it is done. Mr. Harish asked the cobbler (a) …………………… The cobbler replied affirmatively but (b) …………………… Mr. Harish said that (C) ……………………. Answer: (a) if/whether he could polish his shoes. (b) said that he would take 10 for each shoe (c) he would not mind as long as it was done.

Question 6. Electrician: When did your electricity go? Mohan: It is not working since evening. Electrician: Sorry sir, in this case, I will have to check the fuse now.

The electrician asked Mohan (a) …………………… Mohan replied that (b) …………………… The electrician apologetically said that in that case (c) …………………… Answer: (a) when his electricity had gone. (b) it was not working since evening. (c) he would have to check the fuse then.

Question 7. Teacher : Children, let us all pledge to save trees. Children : Yes, mam, we all pledge to save our trees as the trees are the lungs of the city. Teacher : Let us start today by planting a sapling.

The teacher asked all the children to pledge to save trees. The children replied affirmatively (a) …………………… as the (b) …………………… Then the teacher said that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) saying that they all pledged to save trees (b) trees are the lungs of the city. (c) they should start by planting a sapling that day.

Question 8. Buddha : Honesty is the best policy. Disciple : Does honesty always pay? Buddha : It may or may not, but at least you will never feel guilty.

Buddha in his preaching said that (a) …………………… the best policy. A disciple asked him if (b) …………………… always pays, Buddha replied (c) …………………… but at least he would never feel guilty. Answer: (a) Honesty is (b) honesty (c) that it might or might not

Question 9. Doctor : You should take this medicine every day. Patient : Should I take it before dinner or after dinner? Doctor : No, you should take it after breakfast.

The Doctor advised the patient that (a) …………………… The patient further asked (b) …………………… The doctor replied negatively and then said (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) he should take that medicine every day. (b) if/whether he should take it before dinner or after dinner. (c) that he should take it after breakfast

Question 10. Reena : Do you know how to swim? Surbhi : Yes I know. I have learnt it during this summer vacation.

Reena asked Surbhi (a) …………………… Then Surbhi replied (b) …………………… and also added that (c) ………………….. . Answer: (a) if/whether she knew how to swim (b) in affirmative (c) she had learnt it during the summer vacation.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12

Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

August 13, 2019 by Bhagya

A Speech is a formal talk that a person delivers to his audience. It must have the capacity to hold the attention of the audience with a proper choice of words, expressions and examples. At the same time care should be taken not to deviate from the main subject. You must keep in mind that it is a speech and you need to begin the draft with addressing the audience and conclusion should be with a sentence thanking the audience.

♦ Remember:

WHO you are writing the speech for (i.e., who your audience is). WHAT your speech is going to be about (its topic) and the main points in order of importance.

♦ Note: It is important to note that the written speech should consist of small sentences having not more than 10 to 12 words in a sentence.

♦ Value Points:

  • Greet your audience and introduce the topic you are speaking on.
  • The introduction part of the speech is the most important part.
  • It is this part which decides the impact of the speech.
  • Do not give a separate title for the speech.
  • Keep in mind, as already stated, the occasion of the speech and the nature of the audience.
  • The introduction should not be very lengthy.
  • The main topic should be taken up as quickly as possible.
  • Use concrete terms and tangible examples.
  • Avoid abstract phrases which are quite vague.
  • Use simple and familiar language.
  • The conclusion plays a very important role in the success of a speech.
  • Give your own conclusion on the topic in a telling manner.
  • Marking scheme is the same as for the Article.
  • Write ‘Thank you’ at the end of your speech.

Speech Writing Format CBSE Class 12

♦ Previous Years’ CBSE Examination Questions

♦ Very Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. Nowadays just about everyone owns a cellphone but most of the users do not follow even the basic rules of cellphone conduct. They are seen speaking loudly, taking a phone call in the middle of a meeting or even at a funeral etc. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the assembly of your school to appraise the fellow students of cellphone etiquette. (Comptt. All India 2011) Answer: Nowadays almost everyone owns a mobile phone but many users have no knowledge of the basic rules of cellphone conduct. Good Morning everyone, I, ABC, have come before you all to apprise you of cellphone etiquette. It is actually necessary to follow a few guidelines regarding the use of cellphones. Your cellphone does not have to go everywhere you go. There . are times when you should never answer your cellphone, especially in places of worship and funeral homes. At the very best they should be on the vibrate mode in these places. Use your quiet inside voice and do not yell into your cellphone. Be courteous to others’ right of not being disturbed by your megaphone range voice. In social situations where you are entertaining friends or clients, do not have long cellphone conversations as it gives the impression that you do not value the time and presence of the person in front of you. If your phone rings while you are driving, wait till you have pulled over before you answer or return the call. Your life and the life of the people around you is of much more value than your phone call. Be a responsible cellphone user, be aware of your surroundings before making or receiving a call and have respect for those around you. This will help others to appreciate your good judgement and consideration. Thank you!

Question 2. Regular practice of yoga can help in maintaining good health and even in the prevention Writing Skills 121 of so many ailments. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the usefulness of yoga. (Delhi 2012) Answer: Good morning Respected Principal Maam, Teachers and Dear Friends. I, ABC, have come before you all to speak on the usefulness of yoga. Yoga means the experience of unity with one’s inner being. Yoga is the Sanskrit word for “union”.

It has been a practice that uses postures and breathing techniques to induce relaxation and improve strength. In the last few years, the benefits of yoga have gained acknowledgement and popularity the world over. Yoga has now become a way of life with the aim ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body.’ Man is a physical, mental and spiritual being and yoga helps to promote a balanced development of all the three.

Other forms of exercises like aerobics, jogging etc. assure only physical well-being. They have little to do with the development of the spiritual body. Yogic exercises recharge the body with cosmic energy which facilitates attainment of perfect equilibrium and harmony, promotes self-healing, removes negative blocks from the mind and toxins from the body and also reduces stress and tension. One feels rejuvenated and energised with yoga. Yoga’s popularity worldwide is because people have realised the essence of self-contentment and inner peace and understand that yoga is the only and best way to attain these two essentials. Yoga also helps in the prevention of ailments like hypertension, diabetes, arthritis etc. With its numerous benefits to control the body and the mind the usefulness of yoga cannot be denied or overlooked. Thank you!

Question 3. You are Rajendra Kumar, a social worker. You read an article in The Hindu on ‘Health Care for Indian Workers’. Write a speech in 125-150 words on the importance of health care to be delivered at a public function to create awareness among the workers. (Delhi 2014) Answer: It is indeed unfortunate that despite the fact that the Indian workers form a majority of the population the health care available to them is by far most lacking.

Good morning everyone! I, Rajendra Kumar, am a social worker and I have come before you all to talk about the importance of health care for Indian workers.

I strongly feel that a coherent and sustainable plan that addresses the health care needs of Indian workers is strikingly absent. In spite of substantial economic growth in India, its benefits have not been inclusive and our country still faces large disparities in terms of health care of workers. This inequity in health care access across demographic segments within the population needs to be tackled. It is an acknowledged fact that out of pocket health expenditure caused due to lack of access to adequate public health care is preventing a large section of our workforce from not only climbing above the poverty line but also pushing a large section of their lot below the line.

The need of the present time is for us, the general public, to put pressure on our respective political representatives and hold them accountable so that they take improvement in health care for Indian workers as a top priority.

Question 4. Media has a stronghold on society. Write a speech in 125-150 words on how media influences public opinion to be delivered in the school assembly. (Delhi 2014) Answer: Over the last two decades, the influence of media has grown exponentially. We trust the media as an authority for news and information.

Good Morning! Respected Principal, Teachers and Dear Friends. I, have come before you all to talk about media’s strong influence on public opinion.

Media reflects and projects the view of a minority elite, which controls it. Society is influenced by the media. This media not only helps public to get information about a lot of things but also makes them form opinions and make judgement regarding so many issues. Media limits the thinking capacity of people and affects the youth in the society who lack in experience and sometimes blindly believe in what they see or hear. And many times the news covered is over-exaggerated and sensationalized and this diverts public attention away from the actual problem. The media also has the ability to influence society by broadcasting what they believe you should see.

The media can thus form or modify public opinion in different ways depending on what their objective is. So it is our duty as enlightened citizens to not let ourselves be misled.

Question 5. You are Sampreet, an educationist. You have noticed that the youth of today are often unable to cope with stress and become frustrated and bitter. Write a speech in 125-150 words to be delivered at a college function on ‘Youth, their problems and solutions’. (Delhi 2014) Answer: As you all are aware that in the present scenario the youth of today are often unable to cope with stress, and as a result become frustrated and bitter.

Good Morning Everyone! I, Sampreet, am an educationist and have come before you all to talk about ‘Youth, their problems and solutions’.

Today’s youth is faced with many problems which include a high level of competition in studies, career and jobs. Combined with this an equally high level of self and parents’ expectations, materialistic pursuits, peer pressure, a gap between what they aspire for and what they achieve. As a result of these mounting problems, youngsters face various emotional disorders like frustration, bitterness, depression etc. which in turn affect their physical, mental and emotional health. Such problems need to be tackled so that youngsters can lead a stress-free life. The youth need to be given proper counselling, their confidence needs to be developed, they also need to know their own potential, interest and priorities. All this can be achieved through meditation and Yoga and by pursuing various hobbies.

We need to encourage youngsters to lead stress-free lives so as to enable them to lead contented and happy lives.

Question 6. After Independence India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of corruption. The public has often become disgusted and disappointed. As Venkat, a well-known journalist, write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Corruption, its causes and solutions’. (Delhi) Answer: After independence, India has seen a steep upward trend in the graph of corruption. As a result of this the public has often become disgusted and disappointed.

Good Morning Everyone, I, Venkat, a journalist have come before you all to talk about ‘corruption’, its causes and solutions’.

The causes of corruption in India include excessive greed, materialistic pursuits, no fear of law, lack of deterrence, lack of role models, deterioration of moral and ethical standards, misuse of power and authority, peer and societal pressure etc. Corruption has a severe negative impact on the economy so it needs to be tackled with severity. We, as responsible citizens of India, need to raise our voice against corruption and exploitation and for that strict vigilance and laws are needed. Our judiciary should be given more independence and initiatives on issues related to corruption. NGOs and the media need to come forward to create awareness against corruption in society. Strong anti-corruption law and mechanism with the grit to make it work are crucial if we want to fight corruption effectively.

Finally, I conclude my speech by reiterating the need that each and every citizen of India should take an oath to deal with corruption on a very severe basis so as to discourage it at all levels.

Question 7. Mobile phone of today is no longer a mere means of communication. Music lovers are so glued to it that they don’t pay attention even to the traffic while crossing the roads. This leads to accidents, sometimes even fatal ones. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly advising the students to be careful in the use of this otherwise very useful gadget. Imagine you are the Principal of your school. (Delhi 2015) Answer: Mobile phones of today are not just a means of communication. Music lovers are so glued to it that it distracts them even while they are crossing the roads and this can lead to accidents which could be fatal.

Good Morning students, I, your Principal would like to advise you all to be careful in the use of this otherwise very useful gadget. A mobile phone undoubtedly serves many purposes other than making calls. It may be used as a radio/music player, camera, for surfing the internet, watching TV etc.

However, this wonder device may cause major distractions and leads to fatal accidents. Road safety researches have shown that people, especially youngsters, risk their lives by listening to music on their earphones while crossing the road. Unlike driving, which is completely under regulations and usage of earphones is strictly banned, walking with earphones is not covered by the law and thus for many of us listening to music on our mobile phones is an everyday part of life.

We all are aware that all road crossings require pedestrians to use their eyes and ears and make judgements of speed and driver intention and then decide when is it safe to cross. When you are listening to music, your attention and reflexes are majorly diverted. This distraction can interfere with your decision-making and sometimes even prove fatal. Apart from this, overexposure to radiation emitted by mobile phones may cause cancer and other serious problems. I would like to conclude my speech with the hope that my students will ensure their own safety in this regard and will spread this word of advise to others also.

Question 8. Power shortage has become a norm even in the metropolitan cities. One way to face this situation is by preventing the wastage of power. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the importance of power in our daily life and how to save power at school and at home. Imagine that you are the Principal of your school. (Delhi 2014) Answer: Power shortage has become a norm in rural as well as urban India. We need to find a remedy to this situation by preventing the wastage of power.

Good Morning students, I, your Principal would like to talk to you about the importance of power in our daily lives and how we can save power at home and at school.

Power or electricity lights up our homes, all household appliances and equipment are powered by electricity from fans, TVs, lights, geysers, phones etc. We all know that electricity requires a source to power it. These sources are natural resources such as coal, gas and oil. These resources are quickly disappearing because they are being used at a much faster pace than they can be replenished. So the need of the hour is to save power. As children, you too can do your bit in saving power at home and at school. You must ensure that lights and fans are turned off in unoccupied rooms both at home and at school. Keep your classroom doors closed as this will help prevent cool or warm air from escaping. Check that none of the taps around you are dripping and help to save water also. We are also planning to start an ‘Energy club’ in our school. In its meetings students can give inputs on different ways to save energy.

I conclude my speech with the hope that you will also give valuable tips to others—your parents, neighbours, relatives, on how they too can do their bit in saving power which is so important in our daily life.

Question 9. Today’s children are not yet aware of many opportunities awaiting them after they complete their school education. As an aca-demic counsellor give a talk to the students of St Antony’s School on the need for career guidance and how knowledge of the available careers can benefit the youth. Write the speech in 150-200 words. (Comptt. Delhi 2014) Answer: It is most unfortunate that despite the many opportunities that are awaiting you after you complete your school education many of you are not aware about them.

Good Morning children. I, an academic counsellor, have come before you all to talk about the need for career guidance.

The first and foremost thing that all of you should keep in mind is that the decision about what you want to do in life should be your own. Do not succumb to peer and parental pressure. Choosing a career is not a serious affair until your high school. But once you are done with high school, it becomes imperative to choose a definite career goal. At this time you can seek the help of a qualified career counsellor who can assist you in discovering your potential and aptitude and accordingly suggest the right course.

Sometimes despite having a clear idea of what you aspire to achieve in life some students are not sure about the career path they need to follow to have the requisite academic qualification to join a particular course. Career counselling can help you clear these doubts. So, students, I would like to reiterate that career guidance provides essential support and boosts the morale of students by helping them to overcome preconceived notions about certain fields.

I would like to conclude on the note that the crux of career guidance is to provide the necessary counselling that is bound to help students in making the right choice about their career.

Question 10. The Prime Minister’s campaign, ‘Swachh Bharat’ has become popular throughout India. Inspired by this, you, the principal of a reputed school decide to address the students on ‘The value of cleanliness’. Write your speech in 150-200 words. (Comptt. All India) Answer: The Prime Minister’s campaign ‘Swachh Bharat’ has become popular throughout India. It is India’s biggest ever cleanliness drive and aims to accomplish the vision of ‘Clean India’ by 2nd October 2019, Gandhiji’s 150th birthday. Good Morning children, I have come before you all to talk about ‘The value of cleanliness’. The importance of cleanliness cannot be ignored in individual as well as communal life. On the one hand it is an important factor for human health and spiritual development; on the other hand it is essential for environmental development. Cleanliness is one of the ‘must-have’ habits in all individuals. The high value attached to cleanliness is aptly expressed by the proverb, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.

We all need to do our bit to keep our surroundings and environment clean. Shrugging off our shoulders of the litter and dirt, cursing the government and civic agencies is just not right. Living in a society, we all have a moral responsibility to contribute to our surroundings. Set a good example and do not litter on roads and public places. Use dustbins and keep your surroundings clean. Cleanliness is a part of civilization and as civilized beings our foremost duty is to understand the value of cleanliness. To conclude, I quote the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “Sanitation is more important than independence”.

Question 11. You have always been proud of being a citizen of the country which shows love and care for elders. However, now this value is found to be disappearing. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Difficulties faced by senior citizens/ (Comptt. All India) Answer: We have always been proud of being citizens of a country which shows love, compassion and care for elders. However now this value seems to be disappearing.

Good morning everyone, I have come before you all to talk about the “Difficulties faced by senior citizens.” Deteriorating health, malnutrition, lack of shelter, financial incapacity are some of the most common problems that senior citizens face. Combined with these are isolation, rejection by family and callous attitude of their children. The number of ‘living alone’ seniors has also increased in recent times as seniors with non-resident children or out of station children are forced to live alone. In today’s materialistic world, where everyone is over-busy, it amounts to too much expectation if senior citizens expect their kith and kin to attend to their requirements or pay them frequent visits.

The problems faced by senior citizens need to be tackled through holistic care, that is by paying attention to the preventive, promotive and rehabilitative aspects of caring for them. Moreover, awareness needs to be created regarding elderly persons that can help them to lead productive and independent lives. With a view to ensure the well-being of senior citizens we need to strengthen their legitimate place in society and extend support for financial security and health care. Let us not forget that all the religions in the world have been advocating to respect and look after elderly parents and senior citizens. As directed by the fifth commandment of the Bible ” Honour your father and mother.”

Question 12. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Benefits of early rising’ to be delivered by you in the morning assembly of your school. Your are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. (Delhi 2016) Answer: The benefits of early rising have been drilled into our minds from the time we are children. From a very young age our elders have condemned sleeping late and rising late as a vice. Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends, I have come before you all to speak on the benefits of early rising.

The old proverb has taught us ‘Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’. Rising early has numerous benefits, including certain scientifically proven advantages of this habit. When we rise early we get those few extra hours in which we can keep our mind and body fit. But merely rising early is not enough. One needs to leave one’s bed and go for a walk or exercise in the cool and fresh air. This soothes both the body and the mind and keeps us physically fit. Moreover the mind is most receptive in the early morning hours.

There are less distractions and hence it enhances productivity in our work and study. Rising early enables us to start our days work at a time when the mind is fresh. By beginning our day early we are able to manage our work properly leading to better time management. One who rises early is able to go to bed early and has a most sound and peaceful sleep. Rising early gives us time to meditate which gives our body an energising and positive start to the day. To conclude, I would like to say fortunate are those who have formed the habit of rising early.

Question 13. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Library plays an important role at school’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan, Head Girl/Head Boy. (Delhi 2016) Answer: The school library is central to learning and plays a key role as a place of encouraging innovation and problem-solving. Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends. I, have come before you all to speak on the topic, ‘Library plays an important role at school.’

There is no doubt libraries in schools make a difference to students’ understanding and achievement. They provide support for teaching and learning for both students and teachers. The school library makes sure that each student has equal access to academic resources, books, expensive reading material irrespective of their home opportunities or economic status. Not just students it provides teachers with full access to relevant curriculum, books, reference material, etc.

The library is a model for inquiry learning and building knowledge and confidence and seeking and processing information. It is a fundamental resource for supporting students’ learning and reflects and encourages collaborative learning and sharing of ideas. Another potential quality of the school library is its potential for comprehensiveness. Moreover a school library is the best place to learn how libraries function in general and how one should make effective use of libraries. Students who are regular to their library develop questioning skills and become creative and critical thinkers. It is in the library where students become active seekers and users of information. They learn to discriminate and use valid information that is relevant to their task. The school library thus aims to give every student the opportunity to learn, to enjoy, reading and to enhance their knowledge and understanding.

Question 14. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘A student must know how to manage his time’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karan/Karuna, Head Boy/ Head Girl of the school. (Delhi 2016) Answer: Time Management is the key to success and will enable us to get the most out of life. The ability to manage one’s time must be cultivated at an early age.

Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends, I Karuna, the Head Girl, have come before you all to speak on the topic, ‘A student must know how to manage his time’.

Once we are able to manage our time we can do more work with less stress, more organization and less desperation. There are some excellent time management techniques that we can follow. We can organise and assess our time, set our priorities, make a schedule, use a calender to plan your schedule and plan our activities logically. Although it may sometimes appear like a waste of time, we actually gain huge time savings when we take a few minutes to plan our day.

When we know how to manage our time it helps us to be more productive. Moreover, if we know we have achieved the targets we had set for ourselves for the day, we can spend our free time in a relaxed manner with the utmost satisfaction. Time management helps us to take time out not just for recreation but also for other hobbies and skills we wish to indulge in. Time management will also enable us to eliminate tasks that are not important. So, I suggest we spend a little time learning time management techniques that will benefit us throughout our lives.

Begin today by taking one step towards each goal. By going at your own pace you will, gradually, plan and manage your time effectively.

Question 15. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the topic, ‘Discipline shapes the future of a student’. It is to be delivered in the morning assembly. You are Karuna/Karan. (All India 2016) Answer: Discipline is a concept everyone is aware of, but very few actually understand it. Without discipline the world around us would be chaos. Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends, I Karuna, have come before you all to speak on the topic, ‘Discipline shapes the future of a student’. Discipline brings a sense of stability and structure into our lives. It promotes good behaviour and teaches us to be respectful. The ability of an individual to be disciplined enables him to behave in a consistently controlled manner. As the saying goes, “Talent without discipline is like an Octopus on roller skates, there is plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backward or sideway.”

We should be disciplined and obey our parents and teachers who are our true well-wishers and have our best interests in their minds. We must remember that we can never be achievers if we do not practice the virtue of discipline. Indiscipline lowers the level of our confidence, causes unnecessary confusion in our lives and makes us irresponsible. Students sometimes see discipline as being the opposite of freedom but in reality it is the synonym for being organized and goal-driven. Discipline is a virtue that makes an individual focussed and dedicated in all walks of life. It promotes a sound character and a well-balanced personality which are keys to succeed in any sphere.

Remember, as an adult you will know you needed discipline but you cannot apply yourself to it as it is too late. As a student, you can apply yourself to it, but you think you do not need it.

Question 16. Write a speech in 150-200 words to be delivered in the morning assembly on the topic, ‘Water, a valuable asset, conservation at home and at school’. You are Karuna/Karan. (All India 2016) Answer: Water, as we all know, is a valuable asset and most vital for the continuation of life on earth so there is every need to use water sensibly. Good Morning Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and My Dear Friends. I, Karuna have come before you all this morning to speak on the topic, ‘Water, a valuable asset, conservation at home and at school’.

As responsible and educated inhabitants of this planet earth, it is our duty to create awareness among others to be a part of the water-conscious community. Water should be used strictly according to our need and requirement. The need to conserve water both at home and at school should be reiterated among students. To conserve water we need to reduce loss of water/avoid wasting water and improve water management practices like rainwater harvesting, recycling, etc.

While learning to implement water conservation principles a few activities can prove to our advantage. These include any beneficial reduction in water loss, its use and waste of resources, avoiding any kind of damage to water quality and improving water management practices that enhance the beneficial use of water. We have to remember that we must use only that much water which we actually need, without ever wasting it. The UN has warned that water scarcity will become one of the most pressing problems on the planet in the coming decades, so it is high time we heeded this warning and learn and practice to conserve water.

Question 17. Man, by destroying nature, is putting his own life at risk. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the ways in which man destroys nature and the need to create awareness of the benefits of protecting nature. (Comptt. Delhi 2016) Answer: The value and importance of nature cannot be undermined and its conservation has been our primary concern. But unfortunately, man has been destroying nature thereby putting his own life at risk. Good morning everyone, I, have come to talk on the topic, ‘Depleting Nature, Man’s Doing’.

Man’s selfishness, greed and desires are endless and uncontrolled and have led to the creation of concrete jungles. The result of this destruction of nature is an increase in barren land, soil erosion and pollution to name a few. Caring for nature and its resources and promoting their sustainable use is our essential responsibility to ensure our own survival and well being. Awareness needs to be created in schools and colleges through campaigns, assembly speeches and community rallies. NGOs need to get more active to curb all malpractices by the government and individuals. There should be a strict and firm control over industries to ensure that they adhere to rules of environmental guidelines on conservation.

Nature has been given to mankind for cohabitation. The pursuit of man’s technological advancement should not destroy nature and its resources. If man wants his future generations to enjoy living on the planet earth, he must take full responsibility to protect it now.

Question 18. It has been the talk of the town, that behaviour of youngsters is changing due to their excessive use of mobile phones. You have been asked to speak in the morning assembly of your school on this topic. Write the speech in 150-200 words. (Comptt. All India 2016) Answer: It has been the talk of the town that the behaviour of youngsters is changing due to their excessive use of mobile phones. Good morning everyone, I, have come before you all to talk on this topic.

The youth of today are so glued to their mobile phones that they avoid the real world and live in a world of virtual reality. They pressurize their parents to buy them the latest gadgets so that they can show off and flaunt it among their peer group. They waste precious time on their mobile phone whether it is to text messages, play games or listen to music. Youngsters now have no time to interact with their parents and family. Excessive use of mobile phones is one of the major causes of accidents, conflicts, low academic result and stressful relationships among youngsters and this needs to be tackled most seriously.

Question 19. You are Radha, a well-known writer of short stories for children. You have been invited as the chief guest in a school which is celebrating its Annual Day. You decide to talk to them about the importance of storybooks. Write a speech for her in 150-200 words. (Comptt. All India 2016) Answer: It has been a pleasure and an honour for me to be invited as the chief guest for your Annual Day. I would like to congratulate the principal, the teachers and all the students for putting up a spectacular performance.

I would also like to take this opportunity to talk to you about the importance of storybooks since I write short stories for children and always encourage children to appreciate reading. Unfortunately, most children of today lack the habit of reading storybooks. They say they do not have the time and some just do not even have the inclination to read.

Let me remind you children that reading storybooks helps in character building and moral growth in your formative years. It also helps to boost creativity and intellect. Morals of many stories that we read can be connected to real life. You must understand that books have been and always will be a useful source of information and that good reading skills are important for success in our future lives.

I would like to conclude by emphasizing the fact that reading will enhance your confidence level and enable you to cope with your feelings more effectively.

Question 20. Your PGT English Ms. Geetha is a short story writer also. ‘Sky is not Far’ is a collection of her latest short stories. This book has won a national award. Write a speech in 150-200 words you will deliver in her honour in the morning assembly. (Delhi 2017) Answer: ‘Sky is not Far’ — this is not just the title of the short story collection of our esteemed teacher Ms. Geetha but it is also the motto by which she lives her life.

Good morning everyone, I…, have come before you all to offer our heartiest congratulations to our respected teacher on behalf of our Principal, teachers and my fellow students, as her book ‘Sky is not Far’ has won a national award. Those of us who have read her collection of short stories will agree that the award is most well deserved. Each story is inspirational and aspires the reader to reach greater heights. Geetha Ma’am herself is a lady with an exalted personality and we students are indeed very fortunate to be under her constant guidance. She has not only been our educator but also our friend, mentor, guide and counsellor. She has shown us, by example, the way we should lead our lives and continue to strive hard despite the odds. We are sure Ma’am that this national award is the first of many more to come in the future. Once again please accept our heartiest congratulations on a well-merited honour.

Question 21. Sakshi Malik won a bronze medal in Rio Olympics. Every Indian felt proud of her. You, Head girl of your school want to deliver a speech in order to express your feelings. Write the speech in 150-200 words. Apart from your own ideas use the following clues: Wrestling mostly a male sport—Sakshi born in conservative surroundings — most unfavourable gender ratio for females— parental encouragement—one can’t forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout. (Delhi 2016) Answer: Sakshi Malik did our country proud by winning a bronze medal in Rio Olympics, that too in wrestling, which is mostly considered a male-centric sport. It is indeed an impressive feat.

Good morning Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I…, have come before you all to express my feelings, which I am sure are shared by each one of you, on Sakshi Malik’s extraordinary achievement. I say extraordinary because Sakshi was born in conservative surroundings, in a small district in Haryana, a state where the gender ratio for females is most unfavourable. It is mainly due to parental encouragement that Sakshi has been able to surpass all the odds and reach her present commendable position. Can one ever forget that look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout? It silently conveyed the grit and determination in her heart to be successful.

I would like to conclude by saying that Sakshi Malik is an inspiration to all of us that if we have the diligence, zest and sincerity towards our goal, the sky is the limit for us.

Question 22. Holi is a festival of colours. It expresses pure and simple joy. Sometimes we start throwing coloured water and that too on strangers. As ! the Head boy/girl of your school write a i speech in 150-200 words that you will deliver in the morning assembly of your school, describing why Holi is played and how it should be played. (All India 2016) Answer: Holi, as we all know, is a festival of colours. It expresses pure and simple joy. But the beauty of this colourful festival lies in celebrating it in a conducive and appropriate way and not throwing coloured water or hurling water balloons on strangers.

Good Morning, respected Principal, Teachers and my dear friends. I, …., have come before you all to enlighten you as to why Holi is celebrated and how it should be played. Holi celebrations start on the night before Holi with a ‘Holika Dahan’ where people gather to perform certain religious rituals before a bonfire and pray for the destruction of evil. The next day the colourful festival of Holi is celebrated wherein people smear each other with colours and water. People visit family and friends to celebrate this colourful festival with them. That is how this festival should ideally be celebrated. Forcefully applying colours and throwing water-filled balloons on strangers especially women and small children dampens the spirit of this vibrant and happy festival. We need to understand the difference between playing holi and harassing people.

To conclude, I would like to remind everyone that Holi must be celebrated keeping in mind that the purpose of this festival is universal brotherhood and not to harbour hooliganism.

Question 23. After the rainy season is over, mosquitoes start breeding. They cause malaria, dengue, chikungunya, etc. These diseases can sometimes prove to be fatal. As Principal of your school, you have decided to deliver a speech on protection from mosquitoes. Write that speech in 150-200 words. (All India 2016) Answer: As we all are aware after the rainy season is over, mosquitoes start breeding and they cause diseases like malaria, dengue and chikungunya, etc., These diseases can sometimes prove to be fatal.

Good morning teachers and my dear students. Today I have come before you all to share with you how you can protect yourselves from these deadly mosquitoes. First and foremost it is essential to cover up. Wear light-coloured clothes that cover your legs and arms and are thick enough to prevent mosquitoes from biting. Avoid being outdoors in the morning and early evening. Efforts must be made to reduce mosquito breeding sites around your home. This can be done by eliminating stagnant water. We must make sure to empty drains or cover all things that can hold water and repair or prevent leaks. It is also important to keep rain gutters and drains clean and change water collection pans for potted plants weekly. Using an insect repellent to safeguard yourself from mosquito bites is also very effective.

By following these simple steps we can not only ensure protection from mosquitoes but also keep our home and surroundings clean. Thank you!

Question 24. You are Ram/Rajani, a nutritionist. You have been invited to speak on ‘Healthy Food’. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words pointing out how healthy food contributes to physical and mental well-being. (Comptt. Delhi 2016) Answer: There is enough evidence to prove that healthy food contributes to our physical and mental well-being. Good Morning everyone!… I am Ram, a nutritionist and I am here to speak on ‘Healthy food’ and its benefits and how good nutrition powers our life.

Healthy food fuels all bodily processes and increases your strength, agility, coordination, immunity endurance and level of performance. It supplies the source of power for our body as well as our brain and keeps us physically and mentally fit. Eating nutritious food that contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants nourishes both the body and the brain and protects them from oxidative stress. Unhealthy food choices lead to obesity and illness. This foods zap your energy, hinder you from socializing with your family and friends and thus leave nothing for you to look forward to. If you have difficulty in overcoming bad dietary habits, I suggest you speak to your doctor or consult a nutritionist or dietician about making better food choices based on your personal lifestyle and food preferences. Eating healthy will definitely have a positive impact on our waistline, but also remember that it will also have a good effect on our mental well-being. From reducing our risk from depression to protecting us from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, a healthy and well-balanced diet truly nourishes us from inside out.

Question 25. You are RaoVRajani an academic counsellor. You have been invited to speak on the topic, ‘Books are Our Best Friends’. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words, giving your views on books, how they can be our best friends and how they happen to be better than real human friends and how they can lead us to the great hobby of reading. (Comptt. Delhi) Answer: Man is a social being and so he needs friends. It could be the company of fellowmen or animals and there are many of us who love our association with books. Good Morning everyone! I am Rajani, an academic counsellor, and I have been invited to speak on the topic, ‘Books are Our Best Friends.’

I would like to start my talk with a quote by Charles William Eliot: “Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors and the most patient of teachers.” Books are our companions and they enrich our mind with good thoughts and are a storehouse of knowledge. Moreover reading inspirational books motivates us to achieve great heights and overcome our failure. Like it is with friends, it is our responsibility to choose the books we read wisely.

Books are our most accessible friends whose company we can enjoy at any time and place. Befriending good books is the medicine of life as they happen to be better than real human friends and can lead us to the wonderful hobby of reading. Like good friends books enrich our personality and enable us to take up a positive approach towards life. They engage us productively and also build up our level of concentration. J.K. Rowling very rightly said, ” I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

To conclude, I would like to say books enlighten us and those of you who develop the habit of reading will find yourself more knowledgable and well-informed. So make sure you enjoy the company of these selfless friends.

Question 26. You are Ram/Rajani, an academic counsellor. You have been invited to speak on ‘Reading Makes a Ready Man’. Prepare a speech in 150¬200 words, giving your views on reading and pointing out how reading improves our knowledge, promotes thinking and develops our emotional health, thereby promoting peace and prosperity in life. (Comptt. Delhi 2016) Answer: I would like to start my talk with a quote by the famous philosopher and author, Sir Francis Bacon ‘Reading Maketh a full Man..’ because reading not only improves our knowledge and promotes thinking but it also develops our emotional health, thereby promoting peace and prosperity in life.

Good Morning everyone!, I, Rajani am an academic counsellor and I have been invited to speak on ‘Reading Makes a Ready Man’. Reading is the best form of self-education and there is no limit to how much one can learn from sensible reading. Besides being an excellent way of passing our time, reading gives us a welcome break from our sometimes mundane and repetitive lives. Choose from a wide variety of written material to suit your personal preference and you will see it is a great way to feed your mind and spirit.

The human mind is a continuous processing machine, that is always seeking information, and reading is the most apt way to nourish and stimulate our mind and keep it engaged constructively, which in turn will keep it away from negative thinking. Reading also helps to keep our mental faculties sharp and intact and it gives the mind a mental workout that does not let our mind become stale and dormant. As Mark Twain said: ‘The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read’. Reading is a form of relaxation that also develops our emotional well-being by enabling us to explore and delve into new avenues. Although the benefits of reading are numerous and priceless it is important that we read only that which does not damage our mind and keeps us away from negativity. I would like to conclude with a quote by Rachel Ander. ‘The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page’.

Question 27. You are RanVRajani. Write a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Importance of Morning Walk’. (Comptt. All India 2016) Answer: The only thing one may at times not like about a morning walk is the fact that one has to get up early in the morning from a sound sleep. Other than that, the importance and advantages of morning walk are manifold. Good Morning everyone! I, Rajani, have come before you all to speak on the topic, ‘Importance of Morning Walk’.

The morning atmosphere is fresh and pleasant, there is less pollution in the air and the lovely sights and sounds of nature soothes one’s mind and body. Regular morning walk keeps one fit. It helps control blood pressure, lessens stress and gives us the energy to work with zeal. It is a light exercise that is suitable for people of all ages. Young men and women, old people as well as children, all can benefit from a morning walk which soothes our entire being.

A brisk walk in the morning activates our body’s systems, normalizes our pulse rate and improves our blood circulation. When we begin our day with a walk, we rid ourselves from lethargy and experience a high level of energy that has a positive effect on our physical and mental well-being. Morning walk actually creates a positive momentum that stays with us throughout the day. The best thing about a morning walk is that it is a simple workout regime that most people think they can stick to life long.

To conclude, I would like to say that since we all share the need to stay healthy, walking is a great way to spend quality time in the company of family and friends doing something that is beneficial to everyone.

Question 28. You are Ram/Rajani, President of Humour Club in Chennai. Prepare a speech in 150-200 words on ‘Laughter, the best medicine’ to address students in a school forum. Include the importance of laughing and smiling, the need to bring in harmless humour in life and the important role it plays in relieving stress, using interesting anecdotes. (Comptt. All India 2016) Answer: The proverb, ‘Laughter is the best medicine’, is as old as it is true. It is important to laugh and smile and bring in harmless humour in our daily life as it plays an important role in relieving stress. Good Morning all! I Rajani, President of Humour Club in Chennai, have come to address you on ‘Laughter, the Best Medicine’.

When we laugh, a positivity brightens us and we are able to spread this positive feeling to others. Just by having a good laugh we can relax both our body and our mind. Even in the most difficult of times a laugh or even a smile can make you feel better as it disintegrates feelings that make one upset. It helps one to unwind and energize himself. You can get rid of the tensions and stress that clutter your mind with a good laugh that infuses fresh energy and enthusiasm.

As Charles Dickens said, “There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humour.” But unfortunately, in today’s busy and hectic life people have forgotten how to laugh and enjoy small jokes. This could be one of the major reasons why there is an unprecedented rise in the number of people who suffer from depression. Charlie Chaplin very rightly said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted”.

I would like to conclude by saying, “You don’t stop laughing because you grow older, you grow older because you stop laughing.”

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Write a speech in about 100 words on the topic “The role of library in Schools”.

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    2. Change Of Pronouns. Direct Speech: Johnny said, 'I am playing.'. Indirect Speech: Johnny said that he was playing. First-person generally changes to third person {depending upon the subject of the reporting verb). 3. Change Of Tenses. Direct Speech. Indirect Speech.

  22. Speech Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples

    CBSE Sample Papers for Class 10; Solved CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 with Solutions 2023-2024; CBSE Sample Papers Class 8; CBSE Sample Papers Class 7; CBSE Sample Papers Class 6; ... WHO you are writing the speech for (i.e., who your audience is). WHAT your speech is going to be about (its topic) and the main points in order of importance.

  23. Write a speech in about 100 words on the topic "The role of ...

    A good speech has clarity of thought and expression. Here are some tips here to write or deliver a good speech. 1. Pick your idea: Do not try to mix ideas, focus on the main idea you want to convey to the audience. 2. Write like you talk: conversational tone. 3. Use concrete words and examples: concrete details keep people or the audience ...

  24. CBSE Class 12 Formal Invitation Format and Practice Questions (By CBSE

    Formal Invitation is a part of the writing section of the CBSE Class 12 English curriculum. ... Draft an invitation in about 50 words inviting a retired senior police officer to give an inspiring ...