Assignment Operators

Add and assign, subtract and assign, multiply and assign, divide and assign, floor divide and assign, exponent and assign, modulo and assign.


to and assigns the result to

from and assigns the result to

by and assigns the result to

with and assigns the result to ; the result is always a float

with and assigns the result to ; the result will be dependent on the type of values used

to the power of and assigns the result to

is divided by and assigns the result to

For demonstration purposes, let’s use a single variable, num . Initially, we set num to 6. We can apply all of these operators to num and update it accordingly.

Assigning the value of 6 to num results in num being 6.

Expression: num = 6

Adding 3 to num and assigning the result back to num would result in 9.

Expression: num += 3

Subtracting 3 from num and assigning the result back to num would result in 6.

Expression: num -= 3

Multiplying num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 18.

Expression: num *= 3

Dividing num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 6.0 (always a float).

Expression: num /= 3

Performing floor division on num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 2.

Expression: num //= 3

Raising num to the power of 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 216.

Expression: num **= 3

Calculating the remainder when num is divided by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 2.

Expression: num %= 3

We can effectively put this into Python code, and you can experiment with the code yourself! Click the “Run” button to see the output.

The above code is useful when we want to update the same number. We can also use two different numbers and use the assignment operators to apply them on two different values.

Table of Contents

Introduction , assignment operator, addition assignment operator, subtraction assignment operator, multiplication assignment operator, division assignment operator, modulus assignment operator, floor division assignment operator, exponentiation assignment operator, bitwise and assignment operator, bitwise or assignment operator, bitwise xor assignment operator , bitwise right shift assignment operator, bitwise left shift assignment operator, walrus operator, conclusion , python assignment operator: tips and tricks to learn.

Assignment Operators in Python

Assignment operators are vital in computer programming because they assign values to variables. Python stores and manipulates data with assignment operators like many other programming languages . First, let's review the fundamentals of Python assignment operators so you can understand the concept.

In Python, the following operators are often used for assignments:

Sign Type of Python Operators = Assignment Operator += Addition assignment -= Subtraction assignment *= Multiplication assignment /= Division assignment %= Modulus assignment //= Floor division assignment **= Exponentiation assignment &= Bitwise AND assignment |= Bitwise OR assignment ^= Bitwise XOR assignment >>= Bitwise right shift assignment <<= Bitwise left shift assignment := Walrus Operator

Python uses in-fix assignment operators to perform operations on variables or operands and assign values to the operand on the left side of the operator. It carries out calculations involving arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operations.

Python assignment operator provides a way to define assignment statements. This statement allows you to create, initialize, and update variables throughout your code, just like a software engineer. Variables are crucial in any code; assignment statements provide complete control over creating and modifying variables.

Understanding the Python assignment operator and how it is used in assignment statements can equip you with valuable tools to enhance the quality and reliability of your Python code.

In Python, the equals sign (=) is the primary assignment operator. It assigns the variable's value on the left side to the value on the right side of the operator.

Here's a sample to think about:

In this code snippet, the variable 'x' is given the value of 6. The assignment operator doesn't check for equality but assigns the value.

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The addition assignment operator (+=) adds the right-hand value to the left-hand variable.

The addition assignment operator syntax is variable += value.

The addition assignment operator increments a by 5. The console displays 14 as the result.

The subtraction assignment operator subtracts a value from a variable and stores it in the same variable.

The subtraction assignment operator syntax is variable-=-value.

Using the multiplication assignment operator (=), multiply the value on the right by the variable's existing value on the left.

The assignment operator for multiplication has the following syntax: variable *= value

In this situation, the multiplication assignment operator multiplies the value of a by 2. The output, 10, is shown on the console.

Using the division assignment operator (/=), divide the value of the left-hand variable by the value of the right-hand variable.

The assignment operator for division has the following syntax: variable /= value

Using the division assignment operator, divide a value by 3. The console displays 5.0.

The modulus assignment operator (% =) divides the left and right variable values by the modulus. The variable receives the remainder.

The modulus assignment operator syntax is variable %= value.

The modulus assignment operator divides a by 2. The console displays the following: 1.

Use "//" to divide and assign floors in one phrase. What "a//=b" means is "a=a//b". This operator cannot handle complicated numbers.

The floor division assignment operator syntax is variable == value.

The floor division assignment operator divides a by 2. The console displays 5.

The exponentiation assignment operator (=) elevates the left variable value to the right value's power.

Operator syntax for exponentiation assignment:


The exponentiation assignment operator raises a to 2. The console shows 9.

The bitwise AND assignment operator (&=) combines the left and right variable values using a bitwise AND operation. Results are assigned to variables.

The bitwise AND assignment operator syntax is variable &= value.

The bitwise AND assignment operator ANDes a with 2. The console displays 2 as the outcome.

The bitwise OR assignment operator (|=) bitwise ORs the left and right variable values.

The bitwise OR assignment operator syntax is variable == value.

A is ORed with 4 using the bitwise OR assignment operator. The console displays 6.

Use the bitwise XOR assignment operator (^=) to XOR the left and right values of a variable. Results are assigned to variables.

For bitwise XOR assignment, use the syntax: variable ^= value.

The bitwise XOR assignment operator XORs a with 4. The console displays 2 as the outcome.

The right shift assignment operator (>>=) shifts the variable's left value right by the number of places specified on the right.

The assignment operator for the bitwise right shift has the following syntax:

variable >>= value

The bitwise right shift assignment operator shifts 2 places to the right. The result is 1.

The variable value on the left moves left by the specified number of places on the right using the left shift assignment operator (<<=).

The bitwise left shift assignment operator syntax is variable <<= value.

When we execute a Bitwise right shift on 'a', we get 00011110, which is 30 in decimal.

Python gets new features with each update. Emily Morehouse added the walrus operator to Python 3.8's initial alpha. The most significant change in Python 3.8 is assignment expressions. The ":=" operator allows mid-expression variable assignment. This operator is called the walrus operator.

variable := expression

It was named for the operator symbol (:=), which resembled a sideways walrus' eyes and tusks.

Walrus operators simplify code authoring, which is its main benefit. Each user input was stored in a variable before being passed to the for loop to check its value or apply a condition. It is important to note that the walrus operator cannot be used alone.

With the walrus operator, you can simultaneously define a variable and return a value.

Above, we created two variables, myVar and value, with the phrase myVar = (value = 2346). The expression (value = 2346) defines the variable value using the walrus operator. It returns the value outside the parenthesis as if value = 2346 were a function. 

The variable myVar is initialized using the return value from the expression (value = 2346). 

The output shows that both variables have the same value.

Learn more about other Python operators by reading our detailed guide here .

Discover how Python assignment operators simplify and optimize programs. Python assignment operators are explained in length in this guide, along with examples, to help you understand them. Start this intriguing journey to improve your Python knowledge and programming skills with Simplilearn's Python training course .

1. What is the ":=" operator in Python?

Python's walrus operator ":" evaluates, assigns, and returns a value from a single sentence. Python 3.8 introduces it with this syntax (variable:=expression).

2. What does = mean in Python?

The most significant change in Python 3.8 is assignment expressions. The walrus operator allows mid-expression variable assignment.

3. What is def (:) Python?

The function definition in Python is (:). Functions are defined with def. A parameter or parameter(s) follows the function name. The function body begins with an indentation after the colon (:). The function body's return statement determines the value.

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Python Assignment Operators

Lesson Contents

Python assignment operators are one of the operator types and assign values to variables . We use arithmetic operators here in combination with a variable.

Let’s take a look at some examples.

Operator Assignment (=)

This is the most basic assignment operator and we used it before in the lessons about lists , tuples , and dictionaries .  For example, we can assign a value (integer) to a variable:

Operator Addition (+=)

We can add a number to our variable like this:

Using the above operator is the same as doing this:

The += operator is shorter to write but the end result is the same.

Operator Subtraction (-=)

We can also subtract a value. For example:

Using this operator is the same as doing this:

Operator Multiplication (*=)

We can also use multiplication. We’ll multiply our variable by 4:

Which is similar to:

Operator Division (/=)

Let’s try the divide operator:

This is the same as:

Operator Modulus (%=)

We can also calculate the modulus. How about this:

This is the same as doing it like this:

Operator Exponentiation (**=)

How about exponentiation? Let’s give it a try:

Which is the same as doing it like this:

Operator Floor Division (//=)

The last one, floor division:

You have now learned how to use the Python assignment operators to assign values to variables and how you can use them with arithmetic operators . I hope you enjoyed this lesson. If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

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Python Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity, Membership, Bitwise

Operators are special symbols that perform some operation on operands and returns the result. For example, 5 + 6 is an expression where + is an operator that performs arithmetic add operation on numeric left operand 5 and the right side operand 6 and returns a sum of two operands as a result.

Python includes the operator module that includes underlying methods for each operator. For example, the + operator calls the operator.add(a,b) method.

Above, expression 5 + 6 is equivalent to the expression operator.add(5, 6) and operator.__add__(5, 6) . Many function names are those used for special methods, without the double underscores (dunder methods). For backward compatibility, many of these have functions with the double underscores kept.

Python includes the following categories of operators:

Arithmetic Operators

Assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, membership test operators, bitwise operators.

Arithmetic operators perform the common mathematical operation on the numeric operands.

The arithmetic operators return the type of result depends on the type of operands, as below.

  • If either operand is a complex number, the result is converted to complex;
  • If either operand is a floating point number, the result is converted to floating point;
  • If both operands are integers, then the result is an integer and no conversion is needed.

The following table lists all the arithmetic operators in Python:

Operation Operator Function Example in Python Shell
Sum of two operands + operator.add(a,b)
Left operand minus right operand - operator.sub(a,b)
* operator.mul(a,b)
Left operand raised to the power of right ** operator.pow(a,b)
/ operator.truediv(a,b)
equivilant to // operator.floordiv(a,b)
Reminder of % operator.mod(a, b)

The assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The following table lists all the arithmetic operators in Python:

Operator Function Example in Python Shell
+= operator.iadd(a,b)
-= operator.isub(a,b)
*= operator.imul(a,b)
/= operator.itruediv(a,b)
//= operator.ifloordiv(a,b)
%= operator.imod(a, b)
&= operator.iand(a, b)
|= operator.ior(a, b)
^= operator.ixor(a, b)
>>= operator.irshift(a, b)
<<= operator.ilshift(a, b)

The comparison operators compare two operands and return a boolean either True or False. The following table lists comparison operators in Python.

Operator Function Description Example in Python Shell
>,b) True if the left operand is higher than the right one
<,b) True if the left operand is lower than right one
== operator.eq(a,b) True if the operands are equal
!=,b) True if the operands are not equal
>=,b) True if the left operand is higher than or equal to the right one
<= operator.le(a,b) True if the left operand is lower than or equal to the right one

The logical operators are used to combine two boolean expressions. The logical operations are generally applicable to all objects, and support truth tests, identity tests, and boolean operations.

Operator Description Example
and True if both are true
or True if at least one is true
not Returns True if an expression evalutes to false and vice-versa

The identity operators check whether the two objects have the same id value e.i. both the objects point to the same memory location.

Operator Function Description Example in Python Shell
is operator.is_(a,b) True if both are true
is not operator.is_not(a,b) True if at least one is true

The membership test operators in and not in test whether the sequence has a given item or not. For the string and bytes types, x in y is True if and only if x is a substring of y .

Operator Function Description Example in Python Shell
in operator.contains(a,b) Returns True if the sequence contains the specified item else returns False.
not in not operator.contains(a,b) Returns True if the sequence does not contains the specified item, else returns False.

Bitwise operators perform operations on binary operands.

Operator Function Description Example in Python Shell
& operator.and_(a,b) Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1.
| operator.or_(a,b) Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits is 1.
^ operator.xor(a,b) Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1.
~ operator.invert(a) Inverts all the bits.
<< operator.lshift(a,b) Shift left by pushing zeros in from the right and let the leftmost bits fall off.
>> operator.rshift(a,b) Shift right by pushing copies of the leftmost bit in from the left, and let the rightmost bits fall off.
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use of assignment operators in python

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Python Assignment Operator

The = (equal to) symbol is defined as assignment operator in Python. The value of Python expression on its right is assigned to a single variable on its left. The = symbol as in programming in general (and Python in particular) should not be confused with its usage in Mathematics, where it states that the expressions on the either side of the symbol are equal.

Example of Assignment Operator in Python

Consider following Python statements −

At the first instance, at least for somebody new to programming but who knows maths, the statement "a=a+b" looks strange. How could a be equal to "a+b"? However, it needs to be reemphasized that the = symbol is an assignment operator here and not used to show the equality of LHS and RHS.

Because it is an assignment, the expression on right evaluates to 15, the value is assigned to a.

In the statement "a+=b", the two operators "+" and "=" can be combined in a "+=" operator. It is called as add and assign operator. In a single statement, it performs addition of two operands "a" and "b", and result is assigned to operand on left, i.e., "a".

Augmented Assignment Operators in Python

In addition to the simple assignment operator, Python provides few more assignment operators for advanced use. They are called cumulative or augmented assignment operators. In this chapter, we shall learn to use augmented assignment operators defined in Python.

Python has the augmented assignment operators for all arithmetic and comparison operators.

Python augmented assignment operators combines addition and assignment in one statement. Since Python supports mixed arithmetic, the two operands may be of different types. However, the type of left operand changes to the operand of on right, if it is wider.

The += operator is an augmented operator. It is also called cumulative addition operator, as it adds "b" in "a" and assigns the result back to a variable.

The following are the augmented assignment operators in Python:

  • Augmented Addition Operator
  • Augmented Subtraction Operator
  • Augmented Multiplication Operator
  • Augmented Division Operator
  • Augmented Modulus Operator
  • Augmented Exponent Operator
  • Augmented Floor division Operator

Augmented Addition Operator (+=)

Following examples will help in understanding how the "+=" operator works −

It will produce the following output −

Augmented Subtraction Operator (-=)

Use -= symbol to perform subtract and assign operations in a single statement. The "a-=b" statement performs "a=a-b" assignment. Operands may be of any number type. Python performs implicit type casting on the object which is narrower in size.

Augmented Multiplication Operator (*=)

The "*=" operator works on similar principle. "a*=b" performs multiply and assign operations, and is equivalent to "a=a*b". In case of augmented multiplication of two complex numbers, the rule of multiplication as discussed in the previous chapter is applicable.

Augmented Division Operator (/=)

The combination symbol "/=" acts as divide and assignment operator, hence "a/=b" is equivalent to "a=a/b". The division operation of int or float operands is float. Division of two complex numbers returns a complex number. Given below are examples of augmented division operator.

Augmented Modulus Operator (%=)

To perform modulus and assignment operation in a single statement, use the %= operator. Like the mod operator, its augmented version also is not supported for complex number.

Augmented Exponent Operator (**=)

The "**=" operator results in computation of "a" raised to "b", and assigning the value back to "a". Given below are some examples −

Augmented Floor division Operator (//=)

For performing floor division and assignment in a single statement, use the "//=" operator. "a//=b" is equivalent to "a=a//b". This operator cannot be used with complex numbers.

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Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. For example,

Here, + is an operator that adds two numbers: 5 and 6 .

  • Types of Python Operators

Here's a list of different types of Python operators that we will learn in this tutorial.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Special Operators

1. Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. For example,

Here, - is an arithmetic operator that subtracts two values or variables.

Operator Operation Example
Floor Division

Example 1: Arithmetic Operators in Python

In the above example, we have used multiple arithmetic operators,

  • + to add a and b
  • - to subtract b from a
  • * to multiply a and b
  • / to divide a by b
  • // to floor divide a by b
  • % to get the remainder
  • ** to get a to the power b

2. Python Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. For example,

Here, = is an assignment operator that assigns 5 to x .

Here's a list of different assignment operators available in Python.

Operator Name Example
Assignment Operator
Addition Assignment
Subtraction Assignment
Multiplication Assignment
Division Assignment
Remainder Assignment
Exponent Assignment

Example 2: Assignment Operators

Here, we have used the += operator to assign the sum of a and b to a .

Similarly, we can use any other assignment operators as per our needs.

3. Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare two values/variables and return a boolean result: True or False . For example,

Here, the > comparison operator is used to compare whether a is greater than b or not.

Operator Meaning Example
Is Equal To gives us
Not Equal To gives us
Greater Than gives us
Less Than gives us
Greater Than or Equal To give us
Less Than or Equal To gives us

Example 3: Comparison Operators

Note: Comparison operators are used in decision-making and loops . We'll discuss more of the comparison operator and decision-making in later tutorials.

4. Python Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is True or False . They are used in decision-making. For example,

Here, and is the logical operator AND . Since both a > 2 and b >= 6 are True , the result is True .

Operator Example Meaning
a b :
only if both the operands are
a b :
if at least one of the operands is
a :
if the operand is and vice-versa.

Example 4: Logical Operators

Note : Here is the truth table for these logical operators.

5. Python Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators act on operands as if they were strings of binary digits. They operate bit by bit, hence the name.

For example, 2 is 10 in binary, and 7 is 111 .

In the table below: Let x = 10 ( 0000 1010 in binary) and y = 4 ( 0000 0100 in binary)

Operator Meaning Example
Bitwise AND x & y = 0 ( )
Bitwise OR x | y = 14 ( )
Bitwise NOT ~x = -11 ( )
Bitwise XOR x ^ y = 14 ( )
Bitwise right shift x >> 2 = 2 ( )
Bitwise left shift x 0010 1000)

6. Python Special operators

Python language offers some special types of operators like the identity operator and the membership operator. They are described below with examples.

  • Identity operators

In Python, is and is not are used to check if two values are located at the same memory location.

It's important to note that having two variables with equal values doesn't necessarily mean they are identical.

Operator Meaning Example
if the operands are identical (refer to the same object)
if the operands are not identical (do not refer to the same object)

Example 4: Identity operators in Python

Here, we see that x1 and y1 are integers of the same values, so they are equal as well as identical. The same is the case with x2 and y2 (strings).

But x3 and y3 are lists. They are equal but not identical. It is because the interpreter locates them separately in memory, although they are equal.

  • Membership operators

In Python, in and not in are the membership operators. They are used to test whether a value or variable is found in a sequence ( string , list , tuple , set and dictionary ).

In a dictionary, we can only test for the presence of a key, not the value.

Operator Meaning Example
if value/variable is in the sequence
if value/variable is in the sequence

Example 5: Membership operators in Python

Here, 'H' is in message , but 'hello' is not present in message (remember, Python is case-sensitive).

Similarly, 1 is key, and 'a' is the value in dictionary dict1 . Hence, 'a' in y returns False .

  • Precedence and Associativity of operators in Python

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Python Arithmetic Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Python Comparison Operators
  • Python Logical Operators
  • Python Bitwise operators
  • Python Special operators

Write a function to split the restaurant bill among friends.

  • Take the subtotal of the bill and the number of friends as inputs.
  • Calculate the total bill by adding 20% tax to the subtotal and then divide it by the number of friends.
  • Return the amount each friend has to pay, rounded off to two decimal places.

Video: Operators in Python

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Simple assignment operator in Python

Different assignment operators in python.

Rajat Gupta

Software Developer

Published on  Thu Jun 30 2022

Assignment operators in Python are in-fix which are used to perform operations on variables or operands and assign values to the operand on the left side of the operator. They perform arithmetic, logical, and bitwise computations.

Assignment Operators in Python

Add and equal operator, subtract and equal operator, multiply and equal operator, divide and equal operator, modulus and equal operator, double divide and equal operator, exponent assign operator.

  • Bitwise and operator

Bitwise OR operator

  • Bitwise XOR Assignment operator

Bitwise right shift assignment operator

Bitwise left shift assignment operator.

The Simple assignment operator in Python is denoted by = and is used to assign values from the right side of the operator to the value on the left side.

This operator adds the value on the right side to the value on the left side and stores the result in the operand on the left side.

This operator subtracts the value on the right side from the value on the left side and stores the result in the operand on the left side.

The Multiply and equal operator multiplies the right operand with the left operand and then stores the result in the left operand.

It divides the left operand with the right operand and then stores the quotient in the left operand.

The modulus and equal operator finds the modulus from the left and right operand and stores the final result in the left operand.

The double divide and equal or the divide floor and equal operator divides the left operand with the right operand and stores the floor result in the left operand.

It performs exponential or power calculation and assigns value to the left operand.

Bitwise And operator

Performs Bitwise And operation on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise And operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if both bits are 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 3 is 0011 and the binary value of 5 is 0101, so when the Bitwise And operation is performed on both the values, we get 0001, which is 1 in decimal.

Performs Bitwise OR operator on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise OR operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if any one of the bits is 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 5 is 0101 and the binary value of 10 is 1010, so when the Bitwise OR operation is performed on both the values, we get 1111, which is 15 in decimal .

Bitwise XOR operator

Performs Bitwise XOR operator on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise XOR operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if only one of the bits is 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 5 is 0101 and the binary value of 9 is 1001, so when the Bitwise XOR operation is performed on both the values, we get 1100, which is 12 in decimal.

This operator performs a Bitwise right shift on the operands and stores the result in the left operand.

The binary value of 15 is 1111, so when the Bitwise right shift operation is performed on ‘a’, we get 0011, which is 3 in decimal.

This operator performs a Bitwise left shift on the operands and stores the result in the left operand.

The binary value of 15 is 1111, so when the Bitwise left shift operation is performed on ‘a’, we get 11110, which is 30 in decimal.

Closing Thoughts

In this tutorial, we read about different types of assignment operators in Python which are special symbols used to perform arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operations on the operands and store the result in the left side operand. One can read about other Python concepts here .

About the author

Rajat Gupta is an experienced financial analyst known for his deep insights into market trends and investment strategies. He excels in providing robust financial solutions that drive growth and stability.

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Assignment Operators in Python

Image of Assignment Operators in Python

Table of Contents

Introduction, what are the assignment operators and why would you use them in python, how do you use the assignment operators in python and what are the benefits of doing so, what are the benefits of using the assignment operators in python, what are the potential drawbacks of using the assignment operators in python, when is it best to use the assignment operators in python, when is it not recommended to use the assignments operators in python, is there ++ in python, why isn't there ++ and -- in python.

Whether you are an old hand or you are just learning to program , assignment operators are a useful tool to add to your programming arsenal. Assignment operators are often used when you want to make a variable change by a specific amount in shorthand.

In this blog post, we will discuss what the assignment operators are, how to use them in Python, and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. We will also explore when it is best to use assignment operators in Python, and when it may not be the best option. Finally, we will answer the question of whether or not the incrementing operator ++ is available in Python.

An assignment operator is a symbol that you use in Python to indicate that you want to perform some action and then assign the value to a . You would use an addition or subtraction operator in Python when you want to calculate the result of adding or subtracting two numbers. There are two types of addition operators: the plus sign + and the asterisk * . There are also two types of subtraction operators: the minus sign - and the forward slash / .

The plus sign + is used to indicate that you want to add two numbers together. The asterisk * is used to indicate that you want to multiply two numbers together. The minus sign - is used to indicate that you want to subtract two numbers. The forward slash / is used to indicate that you want to divide two numbers.

Here are some examples of how to use the addition and subtraction operators in Python:

The += operator is used to add two numbers together. The result of the addition will be stored in the variable that is on the left side of the += symbol. In this example, the result of adding y (15) to x (25) is stored in the variable x .

The -= operator is used to subtract one number from another. The result of the subtraction will be stored in the variable that is on the left side of the -= symbol. In this example, the result of subtracting y (15) from x (25) is stored in the variable x.

These operators are convenient ways to add or subtract values from a variable without having to use an intermediate variable. For example, if you want to add two numbers together and store the result in a new variable, you would write:

first_number = first_number + second_number

However, if you want to use the += operator instead, you can simply write:

first_number += second_number

This will save you a few keystrokes and also make your code more readable.

The -= operator is similarly useful for subtracting values from a variable. For example:

first_number -= second_number

This will subtract the second_number from the variable first_number .

One potential drawback to using the += and -= assignment operators in Python is that they can be confusing for beginners.

Another potential drawback is that they can lead to code that is difficult to read and understand.

However, these drawbacks are outweighed by the benefits of using these operators, which include increased readability and brevity of code. For these reasons, I recommend using the += , -= , *= , and /= assignment operators in Python whenever possible.

The increment operator is best used when you want to increment or decrement a variable by a number and you want to eliminate some keystrokes or create some brevity in your code.

In addition, it can also be used with other operators, such as the multiplication operator * . The following example shows how to use the increment operator with the multiplication operator:

This will print out the value of x as "120".

You may consider not using the assignment operators when you are dealing with a team of new programmers who may find the syntax confusing.

There are ways to mitigate this though, with training, lunch and learns, and more you can bring up the developers to the place where using some of the intricacies of Python.

No, the ++ (and -- ) operators available in C and other languages were not brought over to Python.

If you attempt to use ++ and -- the way they are used in C you will not get the results you are expecting. Use the += and -= operators.

Python doesn't have a ++ operator because it can be easily replaced with the += operator. Having both was probably thought to create more confusion.

There's a certain amount of ambiguity in the operator to the language parser. It could interpret the ++ in Python as two unary operators (+ and +) or it could be one unary operator (++).

Lastly, it can cause confusing side effects and Python likes to eliminate edge cases when interpreting the code. Look up C precedence issues of pre and post incrementation if you want to know more. It's not fun.

The += and -= assignment operators in Python are convenient ways to add or subtract values from a variable without having to use an intermediate variable. They are also more readable than traditional methods of adding or subtracting values. For these reasons, I recommend using the += and -= assignment operators whenever possible. You can learn more in the Python documentation . Start using these powerful tools today!

If you're interested in learning more about the basics of coding, programming, and software development, check out our Coding Essentials Guidebook for Developers , where we cover the essential languages, concepts, and tools that you'll need to become a professional developer.

Thanks and happy coding! We hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to [email protected] .

Final Notes

Recommended product: Coding Essentials Guidebook for Developers

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use of assignment operators in python

Assignment Operators in Python

Assignment Operators in Python

In this article, we will learn about all the “ Assignment Operators in Python ” with examples of each.  Assignment operators in Python are essential tools for manipulating and assigning values to variables. These operators not only let you store data in variables but also perform various operations simultaneously. Understanding these operators is crucial for efficient Python programming, as they streamline code while making it more readable and maintainable. If you encounter any challenges in grasping these operators, don’t hesitate to seek Python help from the experts at CodingZap.

What Are Operators and Operands?

Operators can be understood as the mathematical symbols we have seen since childhood, like the +, -, *, / =. They are used to perform mathematical, logical or bitwise operations in a programming language. 

Operands are the values or variables on which operators act. For example, “+” will add the values of two operands, and similarly “*” will multiply the values of the 2 operands. 

In the expression “a+b”,  “+” is the operator and “a” and “b” are the operands. 

What Is Assignment Operators in Python?

Python Assignment Help

Assignment operators are a fundamental concept in Python and most programming languages. They are used to assign values to variables, as well as initialize and update them. They assign the value on the right-hand side to the variable on the left.

In Python, the primary assignment operator is the “Simple assignment operator (=)”, which as the name suggests, assigns values to variables. However, Python offers a rich set of assignment operators that provide more functionality than simple assignments. These operators not only assign values but also perform specific operations at the same time, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, bitwise operations, and more. 

What Are the Basics of Assignments?

First, we’ll clarify some basic rules about the assignments in Python. For this, we’ll use the simple assignment operator “=”.

A sample program using “=” is as follows:

In the above example, the value on the right-hand side is assigned to the variable on the left. We check the value assigned by printing the variable and get the expected result, i.e. 5. 

In the example above, the statement a = 5 is called an assignment statement, which assigns values to the variables. 

The syntax for an assignment statement is as follows:

As we can see, it is composed of three components:

  • The left operand of an assignment statement must always and only be a variable. 
  • Then comes the assignment operator itself.
  • The right operand can be a value, an expression or an object. 

Now that we have this rule clear let us look at the assignment operators in Python. The assignment operators allow us to create, initialise and update the variables. 

The simple assignment operator “=”

It is the primary assignment operator

Let’s look at some examples to understand the uses of the simple assignment operator:

[25, 77.0, ‘Python is easy and fun’, True, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], {‘Name’: ‘Sounetra’, ‘ID’: 345128, ‘Hobbies’: [‘Writing’, ‘Coding’, ‘Swimming’, ‘Martial arts’]}]

As we can see in the above code, the simple assignment operator is used to create every variable type in Python, be it a primitive integer, string, or complex data structure. Strings are also an interesting concept in Python, if you’re interested to know how to compare strings in Python then you can check out our article.

Updating values

The assignment operators are also used to update variable values in Python. An example is as follows:


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


[1, 2, 30, 4, 5]

In the above example, we initialized our integer and list with initial values and printed them for reference. Then, we modified these values and printed them again to verify the changes. 

Multiple and parallel assignments

Python provides additional functionality to perform multiple and parallel assignments to variables in a single line. This reduces lines of code and complexity. Let’s understand them with an example:

a = 45 , b = 45 , c = 45

d = 100 , e = True , f = This is so fun

In the above code, we demonstrate multiple and parallel assignments. 

We can assign the same literal value to multiple variables in multiple assignments. In the above code, the integer value 45 is assigned to all the variables a,b,c. The data type of all the variables in a multiple-assignment statement must be the same.

In parallel assignments, we can assign different values to different variables using comma-separated variables and values on either side of the assignment operator. The values are stored in the order of writing the pairs. The variable types need not be the same in parallel assignments. 

Augmented assignment operators in Python

The simple assignment operator is used to assign values to variables in Python. However, Python also supports complex assignments using which we can calculate various values and assign them to the variable in a single line. 

The basic syntax for augmented assignment operators is as follows:

The ‘$’ in the above syntax can be replaced by various operators to perform operations on operands before assigning the final value to the variable. 

Python equates the above syntax to the following expression:

We’ll understand these operators better if we directly look at their examples.  

Let’s have a look at all the augmented assignment operators in Python one at a time:

Add assignment operator “+=”

This operator adds the left and the right operands and assigns the resulting value to the variable on the left. 

An example would be

Which will equate to

It is important to note that only the value of “a” will change, whereas the value of “b” will remain the same. This is because the sum of “a” and “b” is finally stored in the variable “a”. 

Let’s look at the code and its output:

a =  10 b = 20

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

a =  30 b = 20

list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

In the above code, we initialized 2 variables and added the value of the second variable to the first one using the add assignment operator. Note that the value of “a” changes, but the value of “b” remains the same. 

This operator can also be used on some data structures like lists and tuples, using which we can append values at the end of the list, as can be seen in the code above. 

Subtract assignment operator

This operator is used to subtract the right operand from the left and assign the resulting value to the variable on the left. 

A sample code is as follows:

a =  50 b = 2

a =  48 b = 2

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. Then, we subtracted the value of “b” from “a” using the subtract assignment operator. The final expression equated to “a=a-b”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Multiplication assignment operator

The multiplication assignment operator is used to multiply the right operand with the left and assign the resulting value to the variable on the left. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  150 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. Then, we multiplied the values of “a” and “b” using the multiplication assignment operator. The final expression equated to “a=a*b”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b” to check the resulting values. 

Division assignment operator

The division assignment operator divides the left operand from the right and assigns the resulting value to the operand on the left. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  16.666666666666668 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. Then, we divided “a” by “b” using the division assignment operator. The final expression equated to “a=a/b”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Floor assignment operator

The floor assignment operator divides the operand on the left from the right and rounds the value to the greatest integer less than or equal to the resultant value. This value is then stored in the operand on the left.

Sample code is as follows:

a =  50 b = 3

a =  16 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. Then, we divided “a” from “b” using the floor assignment operator. This operator also divides the variables in the same way as the division assignment operator but rounds off the answer to the greatest integer less than or equal to the answer. In this case, the value “16.66” was rounded off to “16”.

At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Modulus assignment operator

The modulus assignment operator is used to extract the remainder after dividing the operand on the left from the right. The remainder is then stored in the operand on the left.

a =  50 b = 3

a =  2 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the modulus assignment operator to get the remainder of the division “a/b”, and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Exponentiation assignment operator

This operator is used to calculate the exponent of the left-side operand raised to the power of the right-side operand, which is then stored in the operand on the left. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  125000 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the exponentiation assignment operator to get the value of “a” raised to the power of “b”, and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Bitwise AND assignment operator

This operator calculates the Bitwise AND value of the operands on the left and right and stores the value in the left operand. 

Sample code:

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise AND assignment operator to get the bitwise AND of “a” and “b”, and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Bitwise OR assignment operator

This operator calculates the Bitwise OR value of the operands on the left and right and stores the value in the left operand. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  51 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise OR assignment operator to get the bitwise 

OR of “a” and “b”, and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Bitwise XOR assignment operator

This operator calculates the XOR of the 2 operands and stores the value in the left operand. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  49 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise XOR assignment operator to get the bitwise XOR of “a” and “b” and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Bitwise Left Shift assignment operator

This operator left-shifts the bits of the operand on the left by the units as declared by the operand on the right and stores the value in the left operand. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  400 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise left shift assignment operator to left shift the bits of “a” by “b” units and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

Bitwise Right Shift assignment operator

This operator right-shifts the bits of the operand on the left by the units as declared by the operand on the right, and stores the value in the left operand. 

a =  50 b = 3

a =  6 b = 3

In the above code, we initialized the 2 variables “a” and “b” and printed their values for reference. We then used the bitwise right shift assignment operator to right shift the bits of “a” by “b” units, and store the resulting value in “a”. At last, we printed the final values of “a” and “b”. 

In this article, we learned about the assignment operators in Python. The primary assignment operator is the simple assignment operator (“=”).

We then learned that Python supports more complex assignment operators that can be used to calculate values in place. 

The assignment operators can be used to calculate mathematical, logical, and bitwise operations. 

We also saw a consistent property of all the assignment operators, in which they calculated the expression on the right and assigned the resulting value to the variable on the left. 

There are many reasons why students look for assignment help online like difficulty in understanding the assignment, time limitation, etc. So, if you’re also looking then you can always hire CodinngZap experts.

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Sounetra Ghosal

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If that is about as clear as mud don't worry we're going to walk through a number of examples. And one very nice thing about the syntax for assignment operators is that it is nearly identical to a standard type of operator. So if you memorize the list of all the python operators then you're going to be able to use each one of these assignment operators quite easily.

The very first thing I'm going to do is let's first make sure that we can print out the total. So right here we have a total and it's an integer that equals 100. Now if we wanted to add say 10 to 100 how would we go about doing that? We could reassign the value total and we could say total and then just add 10. So let's see if this works right here. I'm going to run it and you can see we have a hundred and ten. So that works.


However, whenever you find yourself performing this type of calculation what you can do is use an assignment operator. And so the syntax for that is going to get rid of everything here in the middle and say plus equals and then whatever value. In this case I want to add onto it.

So you can see we have our operator and then right afterward you have an equal sign. And this is going to do is exactly like what we had before. So if I run this again you can see total is a hundred and ten


I'm going to just so you have a reference in the show notes I'm going to say that total equals total plus 10. This is exactly the same as what we're doing right here we're simply using assignment in order to do it.

I'm going to quickly go through each one of the other elements that you can use assignment for. And if you go back and you reference the show notes or your own notes for whenever you kept track of all of the different operators you're going to notice a trend. And that is because they're all exactly the same. So here if I want to subtract 10 from the total I can simply use the subtraction operator here run it again. And now you can see we have 90. Now don't be confused because we only temporarily change the value to 1 10. So when I commented this out and I ran it from scratch it took the total and it subtracted 10 from that total and that's what got printed out.


I'm going to copy this and the next one down the line is going to be multiplication. So in this case I'm going to say multiply with the asterisk the total and I'm just going to say times two just so we can see exactly what the value is going to be. And now we can see that's 200 which makes sense.


So we've taken total we have multiplied it by two and we have piped the entire thing into the total variable. So far so good. As you may have guessed next when we're going to do is division. So now I'm going to say total and then we're going to perform this division assignment and we're going to say divide this by 10 run it and you can see it gives us the value and it converts it to a float of ten point zero.


Now if this is starting to get a little bit much. Let's take a quick pause and see exactly what this is doing. Remember that all we're doing here is it's a shortcut. You could still perform it the same way we have in number 3 I could say total is equal to the total divided by 10. And if I run this you'll see we get ten point zero. And let's see what this warning is it says redefinition of total type from int to float. So we don't have to worry about this and this for if you're building Python programs you're very rarely ever going to see the syntax and it's because we have this assignment operator right here. So that is for division. And we also have the ability to use floor division as well. So if I run this you're going to see it's 10. But one thing you may notice is it's 10 it's not ten point zero. So remember that our floor division returns an integer it doesn't return a floating-point number. So if that is what you want then you can perform that task just like we did there.

Next one on the list is our exponents. I'm going to say the total and we're going to say we're going to assign that to the total squared. So going to run this and we get ten thousand. Just like you'd expect. And we have one more which is the modulus operator. So here remember it is the percent equals 2. And this is going to return zero because 100 is even if we changed 100 to be 101. This is going to return one because remember the typical purpose of the modulus operator is to let you know if you're working with an event or an odd value.


Now with all this being said, I wanted to show you every different option that you could use the assignment operator on. But I want to say that the most common way that you're going to use this or the most common one is going to be this one right here where we're adding or subtracting. So those are going to be the two most common. And what usually you're going to use that for is when you're incrementing or decrementing values so a very common way to do this would actually be like we have our total right here. So we have a total of 100 and you could imagine it being a shopping cart and it's 100 dollars and you could say product 2 and set this equal to 120. And then if I say product 3 and set this equal to 10. And so what I could do here is I could say total plus equals product to and then we could take the value and say product 3 and now if I run this you can see the value is 230.


So that's a very common way whenever you want to generate a sum you can use this type of syntax which is much faster and it's also going to be a more pythonic way it's going to be the way you're going to see in standard Python programs whenever you're wanting to generate a sum and then reset and reassign the value.

So in review, that is how you can use assignment operators in Python.

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Assignment operator in python.

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Last Updated on June 8, 2023 by Prepbytes

use of assignment operators in python

To fully comprehend the assignment operators in Python, it is important to have a basic understanding of what operators are. Operators are utilized to carry out a variety of operations, including mathematical, bitwise, and logical operations, among others, by connecting operands. Operands are the values that are acted upon by operators. In Python, the assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable. The assignment operator is represented by the equals sign (=), and it is the most commonly used operator in Python. In this article, we will explore the assignment operator in Python, how it works, and its different types.

What is an Assignment Operator in Python?

The assignment operator in Python is used to assign a value to a variable. The assignment operator is represented by the equals sign (=), and it is used to assign a value to a variable. When an assignment operator is used, the value on the right-hand side is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. This is a fundamental operation in programming, as it allows developers to store data in variables that can be used throughout their code.

For example, consider the following line of code:

Explanation: In this case, the value 10 is assigned to the variable a using the assignment operator. The variable a now holds the value 10, and this value can be used in other parts of the code. This simple example illustrates the basic usage and importance of assignment operators in Python programming.

Types of Assignment Operator in Python

There are several types of assignment operator in Python that are used to perform different operations. Let’s explore each type of assignment operator in Python in detail with the help of some code examples.

1. Simple Assignment Operator (=)

The simple assignment operator is the most commonly used operator in Python. It is used to assign a value to a variable. The syntax for the simple assignment operator is:

Here, the value on the right-hand side of the equals sign is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value 25 is assigned to the variable a using the simple assignment operator. The variable a now holds the value 25.

2. Addition Assignment Operator (+=)

The addition assignment operator is used to add a value to a variable and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the addition assignment operator is:

Here, the value on the right-hand side is added to the variable on the left-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is incremented by 5 using the addition assignment operator. The result, 15, is then printed to the console.

3. Subtraction Assignment Operator (-=)

The subtraction assignment operator is used to subtract a value from a variable and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the subtraction assignment operator is

Here, the value on the right-hand side is subtracted from the variable on the left-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is decremented by 5 using the subtraction assignment operator. The result, 5, is then printed to the console.

4. Multiplication Assignment Operator (*=)

The multiplication assignment operator is used to multiply a variable by a value and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the multiplication assignment operator is:

Here, the value on the right-hand side is multiplied by the variable on the left-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is multiplied by 5 using the multiplication assignment operator. The result, 50, is then printed to the console.

5. Division Assignment Operator (/=)

The division assignment operator is used to divide a variable by a value and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the division assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is divided by the value on the right-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is divided by 5 using the division assignment operator. The result, 2.0, is then printed to the console.

6. Modulus Assignment Operator (%=)

The modulus assignment operator is used to find the remainder of the division of a variable by a value and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the modulus assignment operator is

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is divided by the value on the right-hand side, and the remainder is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is divided by 3 using the modulus assignment operator. The remainder, 1, is then printed to the console.

7. Floor Division Assignment Operator (//=)

The floor division assignment operator is used to divide a variable by a value and round the result down to the nearest integer, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the floor division assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is divided by the value on the right-hand side, and the result is rounded down to the nearest integer. The rounded result is then stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is divided by 3 using the floor division assignment operator. The result, 3, is then printed to the console.

8. Exponentiation Assignment Operator (**=)

The exponentiation assignment operator is used to raise a variable to the power of a value and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the exponentiation assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is raised to the power of the value on the right-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is raised to the power of 3 using the exponentiation assignment operator. The result, 8, is then printed to the console.

9. Bitwise AND Assignment Operator (&=)

The bitwise AND assignment operator is used to perform a bitwise AND operation on the binary representation of a variable and a value, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the bitwise AND assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is ANDed with the value on the right-hand side using the bitwise AND operator, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example,

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is ANDed with 3 using the bitwise AND assignment operator. The result, 2, is then printed to the console.

10. Bitwise OR Assignment Operator (|=)

The bitwise OR assignment operator is used to perform a bitwise OR operation on the binary representation of a variable and a value, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the bitwise OR assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is ORed with the value on the right-hand side using the bitwise OR operator, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example,

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is ORed with 3 using the bitwise OR assignment operator. The result, 7, is then printed to the console.

11. Bitwise XOR Assignment Operator (^=)

The bitwise XOR assignment operator is used to perform a bitwise XOR operation on the binary representation of a variable and a value, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the bitwise XOR assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side is XORed with the value on the right-hand side using the bitwise XOR operator, and the result are stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example,

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is XORed with 3 using the bitwise XOR assignment operator. The result, 5, is then printed to the console.

12. Bitwise Right Shift Assignment Operator (>>=)

The bitwise right shift assignment operator is used to shift the bits of a variable to the right by a specified number of positions, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the bitwise right shift assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side has its bits shifted to the right by the number of positions specified by the value on the right-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example,

Explanation: In this case, the value of a is shifted 2 positions to the right using the bitwise right shift assignment operator. The result, 2, is then printed to the console.

13. Bitwise Left Shift Assignment Operator (<<=)

The bitwise left shift assignment operator is used to shift the bits of a variable to the left by a specified number of positions, and store the result in the same variable. The syntax for the bitwise left shift assignment operator is:

Here, the variable on the left-hand side has its bits shifted to the left by the number of positions specified by the value on the right-hand side, and the result is stored back in the variable on the left-hand side. For example,

Conclusion Assignment operator in Python is used to assign values to variables, and it comes in different types. The simple assignment operator (=) assigns a value to a variable. The augmented assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=) perform a specified operation and assign the result to the same variable in one step. The modulus assignment operator (%) calculates the remainder of a division operation and assigns the result to the same variable. The bitwise assignment operators (&=, |=, ^=, >>=, <<=) perform bitwise operations and assign the result to the same variable. The bitwise right shift assignment operator (>>=) shifts the bits of a variable to the right by a specified number of positions and stores the result in the same variable. The bitwise left shift assignment operator (<<=) shifts the bits of a variable to the left by a specified number of positions and stores the result in the same variable. These operators are useful in simplifying and shortening code that involves assigning and manipulating values in a single step.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions on Assignment Operator in Python:

Q1 – Can I use the assignment operator to assign multiple values to multiple variables at once? Ans – Yes, you can use the assignment operator to assign multiple values to multiple variables at once, separated by commas. For example, "x, y, z = 1, 2, 3" would assign the value 1 to x, 2 to y, and 3 to z.

Q2 – Is it possible to chain assignment operators in Python? Ans – Yes, you can chain assignment operators in Python to perform multiple operations in one line of code. For example, "x = y = z = 1" would assign the value 1 to all three variables.

Q3 – How do I perform a conditional assignment in Python? Ans – To perform a conditional assignment in Python, you can use the ternary operator. For example, "x = a (if a > b) else b" would assign the value of a to x if a is greater than b, otherwise it would assign the value of b to x.

Q4 – What happens if I use an undefined variable in an assignment operation in Python? Ans – If you use an undefined variable in an assignment operation in Python, you will get a NameError. Make sure you have defined the variable before trying to assign a value to it.

Q5 – Can I use assignment operators with non-numeric data types in Python? Ans – Yes, you can use assignment operators with non-numeric data types in Python, such as strings or lists. For example, "my_list += [4, 5, 6]" would append the values 4, 5, and 6 to the end of the list named my_list.

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The Walrus Operator: Python 3.8 Assignment Expressions

The Walrus Operator: Python 3.8 Assignment Expressions

Table of Contents

Hello, Walrus!

Implementation, lists and dictionaries, list comprehensions, while loops, witnesses and counterexamples, walrus operator syntax, walrus operator pitfalls.

Watch Now This tutorial has a related video course created by the Real Python team. Watch it together with the written tutorial to deepen your understanding: Python Assignment Expressions and Using the Walrus Operator

Each new version of Python adds new features to the language. For Python 3.8, the biggest change is the addition of assignment expressions . Specifically, the := operator gives you a new syntax for assigning variables in the middle of expressions. This operator is colloquially known as the walrus operator .

This tutorial is an in-depth introduction to the walrus operator. You will learn some of the motivations for the syntax update and explore some examples where assignment expressions can be useful.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to:

  • Identify the walrus operator and understand its meaning
  • Understand use cases for the walrus operator
  • Avoid repetitive code by using the walrus operator
  • Convert between code using the walrus operator and code using other assignment methods
  • Understand the impacts on backward compatibility when using the walrus operator
  • Use appropriate style in your assignment expressions

Note that all walrus operator examples in this tutorial require Python 3.8 or later to work.

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Walrus Operator Fundamentals

Let’s start with some different terms that programmers use to refer to this new syntax. You’ve already seen a few in this tutorial.

The := operator is officially known as the assignment expression operator . During early discussions, it was dubbed the walrus operator because the := syntax resembles the eyes and tusks of a sideways walrus . You may also see the := operator referred to as the colon equals operator . Yet another term used for assignment expressions is named expressions .

To get a first impression of what assignment expressions are all about, start your REPL and play around with the following code:

Line 1 shows a traditional assignment statement where the value False is assigned to walrus . Next, on line 5, you use an assignment expression to assign the value True to walrus . After both lines 1 and 5, you can refer to the assigned values by using the variable name walrus .

You might be wondering why you’re using parentheses on line 5, and you’ll learn why the parentheses are needed later on in this tutorial .

Note: A statement in Python is a unit of code. An expression is a special statement that can be evaluated to some value.

For example, 1 + 2 is an expression that evaluates to the value 3 , while number = 1 + 2 is an assignment statement that doesn’t evaluate to a value. Although running the statement number = 1 + 2 doesn’t evaluate to 3 , it does assign the value 3 to number .

In Python, you often see simple statements like return statements and import statements , as well as compound statements like if statements and function definitions . These are all statements, not expressions.

There’s a subtle—but important—difference between the two types of assignments seen earlier with the walrus variable. An assignment expression returns the value, while a traditional assignment doesn’t. You can see this in action when the REPL doesn’t print any value after walrus = False on line 1, while it prints out True after the assignment expression on line 5.

You can see another important aspect about walrus operators in this example. Though it might look new, the := operator does not do anything that isn’t possible without it. It only makes certain constructs more convenient and can sometimes communicate the intent of your code more clearly.

Note: You need at least Python 3.8 to try out the examples in this tutorial. If you don’t already have Python 3.8 installed and you have Docker available, a quick way to start working with Python 3.8 is to run one of the official Docker images :

This will download and run the latest stable version of Python 3.8. For more information, see Run Python Versions in Docker: How to Try the Latest Python Release .

Now you have a basic idea of what the := operator is and what it can do. It’s an operator used in assignment expressions, which can return the value being assigned, unlike traditional assignment statements. To get deeper and really learn about the walrus operator, continue reading to see where you should and shouldn’t use it.

Like most new features in Python, assignment expressions were introduced through a Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP). PEP 572 describes the motivation for introducing the walrus operator, the details of the syntax, as well as examples where the := operator can be used to improve your code.

This PEP was originally written by Chris Angelico in February 2018. Following some heated discussion, PEP 572 was accepted by Guido van Rossum in July 2018. Since then, Guido announced that he was stepping down from his role as benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) . Starting in early 2019, Python has been governed by an elected steering council instead.

The walrus operator was implemented by Emily Morehouse , and made available in the first alpha release of Python 3.8.

In many languages, including C and its derivatives, assignment statements function as expressions. This can be both very powerful and also a source of confusing bugs. For example, the following code is valid C but doesn’t execute as intended:

Here, if (x = y) will evaluate to true and the code snippet will print out x and y are equal (x = 8, y = 8) . Is this the result you were expecting? You were trying to compare x and y . How did the value of x change from 3 to 8 ?

The problem is that you’re using the assignment operator ( = ) instead of the equality comparison operator ( == ). In C, x = y is an expression that evaluates to the value of y . In this example, x = y is evaluated as 8 , which is considered truthy in the context of the if statement.

Take a look at a corresponding example in Python. This code raises a SyntaxError :

Unlike the C example, this Python code gives you an explicit error instead of a bug.

The distinction between assignment statements and assignment expressions in Python is useful in order to avoid these kinds of hard-to-find bugs. PEP 572 argues that Python is better suited to having different syntax for assignment statements and expressions instead of turning the existing assignment statements into expressions.

One design principle underpinning the walrus operator is that there are no identical code contexts where both an assignment statement using the = operator and an assignment expression using the := operator would be valid. For example, you can’t do a plain assignment with the walrus operator:

In many cases, you can add parentheses ( () ) around the assignment expression to make it valid Python:

Writing a traditional assignment statement with = is not allowed inside such parentheses. This helps you catch potential bugs.

Later on in this tutorial , you’ll learn more about situations where the walrus operator is not allowed, but first you’ll learn about the situations where you might want to use them.

Walrus Operator Use Cases

In this section, you’ll see several examples where the walrus operator can simplify your code. A general theme in all these examples is that you’ll avoid different kinds of repetition:

  • Repeated function calls can make your code slower than necessary.
  • Repeated statements can make your code hard to maintain.
  • Repeated calls that exhaust iterators can make your code overly complex.

You’ll see how the walrus operator can help in each of these situations.

Arguably one of the best use cases for the walrus operator is when debugging complex expressions. Say that you want to find the distance between two locations along the earth’s surface. One way to do this is to use the haversine formula :

The haversine formula

ϕ represents the latitude and λ represents the longitude of each location. To demonstrate this formula, you can calculate the distance between Oslo (59.9°N 10.8°E) and Vancouver (49.3°N 123.1°W) as follows:

As you can see, the distance from Oslo to Vancouver is just under 7200 kilometers.

Note: Python source code is typically written using UTF-8 Unicode . This allows you to use Greek letters like ϕ and λ in your code, which may be useful when translating mathematical formulas. Wikipedia shows some alternatives for using Unicode on your system.

While UTF-8 is supported (in string literals, for instance), Python’s variable names use a more limited character set . For example, you can’t use emojis while naming your variables. That is a good restriction !

Now, say that you need to double-check your implementation and want to see how much the haversine terms contribute to the final result. You could copy and paste the term from your main code to evaluate it separately. However, you could also use the := operator to give a name to the subexpression you’re interested in:

The advantage of using the walrus operator here is that you calculate the value of the full expression and keep track of the value of ϕ_hav at the same time. This allows you to confirm that you did not introduce any errors while debugging.

Lists are powerful data structures in Python that often represent a series of related attributes. Similarly, dictionaries are used all over Python and are great for structuring information.

Sometimes when setting up these data structures, you end up performing the same operation several times. As a first example, calculate some basic descriptive statistics of a list of numbers and store them in a dictionary:

Note that both the sum and the length of the numbers list are calculated twice. The consequences are not too bad in this simple example, but if the list was larger or the calculations were more complicated, you might want to optimize the code. To do this, you can first move the function calls out of the dictionary definition:

The variables num_length and num_sum are only used to optimize the calculations inside the dictionary. By using the walrus operator, this role can be made more clear:

num_length and num_sum are now defined inside the definition of description . This is a clear hint to anybody reading this code that these variables are just used to optimize these calculations and aren’t used again later.

Note: The scope of the num_length and num_sum variables is the same in the example with the walrus operator and in the example without. This means that in both examples, the variables are available after the definition of description .

Even though both examples are very similar functionally, a benefit of using the assignment expressions is that the := operator communicates the intent of these variables as throwaway optimizations.

In the next example, you’ll work with a bare-bones implementation of the wc utility for counting lines, words, and characters in a text file:

This script can read one or several text files and report how many lines, words, and characters each of them contains. Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening in the code:

  • Line 6 loops over each filename provided by the user. sys.argv is a list containing each argument given on the command line, starting with the name of your script. For more information about sys.argv , you can check out Python Command Line Arguments .
  • Line 7 translates each filename string to a pathlib.Path object . Storing a filename in a Path object allows you to conveniently read the text file in the next lines.
  • Lines 8 to 12 construct a tuple of counts to represent the number of lines, words, and characters in one text file.
  • Line 9 reads a text file and calculates the number of lines by counting newlines.
  • Line 10 reads a text file and calculates the number of words by splitting on whitespace.
  • Line 11 reads a text file and calculates the number of characters by finding the length of the string.
  • Line 13 prints all three counts together with the filename to the console. The *counts syntax unpacks the counts tuple. In this case, the print() statement is equivalent to print(counts[0], counts[1], counts[2], path) .

To see in action, you can use the script on itself as follows:

In other words, the file consists of 13 lines, 34 words, and 316 characters.

If you look closely at this implementation, you’ll notice that it’s far from optimal. In particular, the call to path.read_text() is repeated three times. That means that each text file is read three times. You can use the walrus operator to avoid the repetition:

The contents of the file are assigned to text , which is reused in the next two calculations. The program still functions the same:

As in the earlier examples, an alternative approach is to define text before the definition of counts :

While this is one line longer than the previous implementation, it probably provides the best balance between readability and efficiency. The := assignment expression operator isn’t always the most readable solution even when it makes your code more concise.

List comprehensions are great for constructing and filtering lists. They clearly state the intent of the code and will usually run quite fast.

There’s one list comprehension use case where the walrus operator can be particularly useful. Say that you want to apply some computationally expensive function, slow() , to the elements in your list and filter on the resulting values. You could do something like the following:

Here, you filter the numbers list and leave the positive results from applying slow() . The problem with this code is that this expensive function is called twice.

A very common solution for this type of situation is rewriting your code to use an explicit for loop:

This will only call slow() once. Unfortunately, the code is now more verbose, and the intent of the code is harder to understand. The list comprehension had clearly signaled that you were creating a new list, while this is more hidden in the explicit for loop since several lines of code separate the list creation and the use of .append() . Additionally, the list comprehension runs faster than the repeated calls to .append() .

You can code some other solutions by using a filter() expression or a kind of double list comprehension:

The good news is that there’s only one call to slow() for each number. The bad news is that the code’s readability has suffered in both expressions.

Figuring out what’s actually happening in the double list comprehension takes a fair amount of head-scratching. Essentially, the second for statement is used only to give the name value to the return value of slow(num) . Fortunately, that sounds like something that can instead be performed with an assignment expression!

You can rewrite the list comprehension using the walrus operator as follows:

Note that the parentheses around value := slow(num) are required. This version is effective, readable, and communicates the intent of the code well.

Note: You need to add the assignment expression on the if clause of the list comprehension. If you try to define value with the other call to slow() , then it will not work:

This will raise a NameError because the if clause is evaluated before the expression at the beginning of the comprehension.

Let’s look at a slightly more involved and practical example. Say that you want to use the Real Python feed to find the titles of the last episodes of the Real Python Podcast .

You can use the Real Python Feed Reader to download information about the latest Real Python publications. In order to find the podcast episode titles, you’ll use the third-party Parse package. Start by installing both into your virtual environment :

You can now read the latest titles published by Real Python :

Podcast titles start with "The Real Python Podcast" , so here you can create a pattern that Parse can use to identify them:

Compiling the pattern beforehand speeds up later comparisons, especially when you want to match the same pattern over and over. You can check if a string matches your pattern using either pattern.parse() or :

Note that Parse is able to pick out the podcast episode number and the episode name. The episode number is converted to an integer data type because you used the :d format specifier .

Let’s get back to the task at hand. In order to list all the recent podcast titles, you need to check whether each string matches your pattern and then parse out the episode title. A first attempt may look something like this:

Though it works, you might notice the same problem you saw earlier. You’re parsing each title twice because you filter out titles that match your pattern and then use that same pattern to pick out the episode title.

Like you did earlier, you can avoid the double work by rewriting the list comprehension using either an explicit for loop or a double list comprehension. Using the walrus operator, however, is even more straightforward:

Assignment expressions work well to simplify these kinds of list comprehensions. They help you keep your code readable while you avoid doing a potentially expensive operation twice.

Note: The Real Python Podcast has its own separate RSS feed , which you should use if you want to play around with information only about the podcast. You can get all the episode titles with the following code:

See The Real Python Podcast for options to listen to it using your podcast player.

In this section, you’ve focused on examples where list comprehensions can be rewritten using the walrus operator. The same principles also apply if you see that you need to repeat an operation in a dictionary comprehension , a set comprehension , or a generator expression .

The following example uses a generator expression to calculate the average length of episode titles that are over 50 characters long:

The generator expression uses an assignment expression to avoid calculating the length of each episode title twice.

Python has two different loop constructs: for loops and while loops . You typically use a for loop when you need to iterate over a known sequence of elements. A while loop, on the other hand, is used when you don’t know beforehand how many times you’ll need to loop.

In while loops, you need to define and check the ending condition at the top of the loop. This sometimes leads to some awkward code when you need to do some setup before performing the check. Here’s a snippet from a multiple-choice quiz program that asks the user to answer a question with one of several valid answers:

This works but has an unfortunate repetition of identical input() lines. It’s necessary to get at least one answer from the user before checking whether it’s valid or not. You then have a second call to input() inside the while loop to ask for a second answer in case the original user_answer wasn’t valid.

If you want to make your code more maintainable, it’s quite common to rewrite this kind of logic with a while True loop. Instead of making the check part of the main while statement, the check is performed later in the loop together with an explicit break :

This has the advantage of avoiding the repetition. However, the actual check is now harder to spot.

Assignment expressions can often be used to simplify these kinds of loops. In this example, you can now put the check back together with while where it makes more sense:

The while statement is a bit denser, but the code now communicates the intent more clearly without repeated lines or seemingly infinite loops.

You can expand the box below to see the full code of the multiple-choice quiz program and try a couple of questions about the walrus operator yourself.

Full source code of multiple-choice quiz program Show/Hide

This script runs a multiple-choice quiz. You’ll be asked each of the questions in order, but the order of answers will be shuffled each time:

Note that the first answer is assumed to be the correct one. You can add more questions to the quiz yourself. Feel free to share your questions with the community in the comments section below the tutorial!

You can often simplify while loops by using assignment expressions. The original PEP shows an example from the standard library that makes the same point.

In the examples you’ve seen so far, the := assignment expression operator does essentially the same job as the = assignment operator in your old code. You’ve seen how to simplify code, and now you’ll learn about a different type of use case that’s made possible by this new operator.

In this section, you’ll learn how you can find witnesses when calling any() by using a clever trick that isn’t possible without using the walrus operator. A witness, in this context, is an element that satisfies the check and causes any() to return True .

By applying similar logic, you’ll also learn how you can find counterexamples when working with all() . A counterexample, in this context, is an element that doesn’t satisfy the check and causes all() to return False .

In order to have some data to work with, define the following list of city names:

You can use any() and all() to answer questions about your data:

In each of these cases, any() and all() give you plain True or False answers. What if you’re also interested in seeing an example or a counterexample of the city names? It could be nice to see what’s causing your True or False result:

Does any city name start with "H" ?

Yes, because "Houston" starts with "H" .

Do all city names start with "H" ?

No, because "Oslo" doesn’t start with "H" .

In other words, you want a witness or a counterexample to justify the answer.

Capturing a witness to an any() expression has not been intuitive in earlier versions of Python. If you were calling any() on a list and then realized you also wanted a witness, you’d typically need to rewrite your code:

Here, you first capture all city names that start with "H" . Then, if there’s at least one such city name, you print out the first city name starting with "H" . Note that here you’re actually not using any() even though you’re doing a similar operation with the list comprehension.

By using the := operator, you can find witnesses directly in your any() expressions:

You can capture a witness inside the any() expression. The reason this works is a bit subtle and relies on any() and all() using short-circuit evaluation : they only check as many items as necessary to determine the result.

Note: If you want to check whether all city names start with the letter "H" , then you can look for a counterexample by replacing any() with all() and updating the print() functions to report the first item that doesn’t pass the check.

You can see what’s happening more clearly by wrapping .startswith("H") in a function that also prints out which item is being checked:

Note that any() doesn’t actually check all items in cities . It only checks items until it finds one that satisfies the condition. Combining the := operator and any() works by iteratively assigning each item that is being checked to witness . However, only the last such item survives and shows which item was last checked by any() .

Even when any() returns False , a witness is found:

However, in this case, witness doesn’t give any insight. 'Holguín' doesn’t contain ten or more characters. The witness only shows which item happened to be evaluated last.

One of the main reasons assignments were not expressions in Python from the beginning is that the visual likeness of the assignment operator ( = ) and the equality comparison operator ( == ) could potentially lead to bugs. When introducing assignment expressions, a lot of thought was put into how to avoid similar bugs with the walrus operator. As mentioned earlier , one important feature is that the := operator is never allowed as a direct replacement for the = operator, and vice versa.

As you saw at the beginning of this tutorial, you can’t use a plain assignment expression to assign a value:

It’s syntactically legal to use an assignment expression to only assign a value, but only if you add parentheses:

Even though it’s possible, however, this really is a prime example of where you should stay away from the walrus operator and use a traditional assignment statement instead.

PEP 572 shows several other examples where the := operator is either illegal or discouraged. The following examples all raise a SyntaxError :

In all these cases, you’re better served using = instead. The next examples are similar and are all legal code. However, the walrus operator doesn’t improve your code in any of these cases:

None of these examples make your code more readable. You should instead do the extra assignment separately by using a traditional assignment statement. See PEP 572 for more details about the reasoning.

There’s one use case where the := character sequence is already valid Python. In f-strings , a colon ( : ) is used to separate values from their format specification . For example:

The := in this case does look like a walrus operator, but the effect is quite different. To interpret x:=8 inside the f-string, the expression is broken into three parts: x , : , and =8 .

Here, x is the value, : acts as a separator, and =8 is a format specification. According to Python’s Format Specification Mini-Language , in this context = specifies an alignment option. In this case, the value is padded with spaces in a field of width 8 .

To use assignment expressions inside f-strings, you need to add parentheses:

This updates the value of x as expected. However, you’re probably better off using traditional assignments outside of your f-strings instead.

Let’s look at some other situations where assignment expressions are illegal:

Attribute and item assignment: You can only assign to simple names, not dotted or indexed names:

This fails with a descriptive error message. There’s no straightforward workaround.

Iterable unpacking: You can’t unpack when using the walrus operator:

If you add parentheses around the whole expression, it will be interpreted as a 3-tuple with the three elements lat , 59.9 , and 10.8 .

Augmented assignment: You can’t use the walrus operator combined with augmented assignment operators like += . This raises a SyntaxError :

The easiest workaround would be to do the augmentation explicitly. You could, for example, do (count := count + 1) . PEP 577 originally described how to add augmented assignment expressions to Python, but the proposal was withdrawn.

When you’re using the walrus operator, it will behave similarly to traditional assignment statements in many respects:

The scope of the assignment target is the same as for assignments. It will follow the LEGB rule . Typically, the assignment will happen in the local scope, but if the target name is already declared global or nonlocal , that is honored.

The precedence of the walrus operator can cause some confusion. It binds less tightly than all other operators except the comma, so you might need parentheses to delimit the expression that is assigned. As an example, note what happens when you don’t use parentheses:

square is bound to the whole expression number ** 2 > 5 . In other words, square gets the value True and not the value of number ** 2 , which was the intention. In this case, you can delimit the expression with parentheses:

The parentheses make the if statement both clearer and actually correct.

There’s one final gotcha. When assigning a tuple using the walrus operator, you always need to use parentheses around the tuple. Compare the following assignments:

Note that in the second example, walrus takes the value 3.8 and not the whole tuple 3.8, True . That’s because the := operator binds more tightly than the comma. This may seem a bit annoying. However, if the := operator bound less tightly than the comma, it would not be possible to use the walrus operator in function calls with more than one argument.

The style recommendations for the walrus operator are mostly the same as for the = operator used for assignment. First, always add spaces around the := operator in your code. Second, use parentheses around the expression as necessary, but avoid adding extra parentheses that are not needed.

The general design of assignment expressions is to make them easy to use when they are helpful but to avoid overusing them when they might clutter up your code.

The walrus operator is a new syntax that is only available in Python 3.8 and later. This means that any code you write that uses the := syntax will only work on the most recent versions of Python.

If you need to support older versions of Python, you can’t ship code that uses assignment expressions. There are some projects, like walrus , that can automatically translate walrus operators into code that is compatible with older versions of Python. This allows you to take advantage of assignment expressions when writing your code and still distribute code that is compatible with more Python versions.

Experience with the walrus operator indicates that := will not revolutionize Python. Instead, using assignment expressions where they are useful can help you make several small improvements to your code that could benefit your work overall.

There are many times it’s possible for you to use the walrus operator, but where it won’t necessarily improve the readability or efficiency of your code. In those cases, you’re better off writing your code in a more traditional manner.

You now know how the new walrus operator works and how you can use it in your own code. By using the := syntax, you can avoid different kinds of repetition in your code and make your code both more efficient and easier to read and maintain. At the same time, you shouldn’t use assignment expressions everywhere. They will only help you in some use cases.

In this tutorial, you learned how to:

To learn more about the details of assignment expressions, see PEP 572 . You can also check out the PyCon 2019 talk PEP 572: The Walrus Operator , where Dustin Ingram gives an overview of both the walrus operator and the discussion around the new PEP.

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Geir Arne Hjelle

Geir Arne is an avid Pythonista and a member of the Real Python tutorial team.

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use of assignment operators in python

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Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:

Python divides the operators in the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Identity operators
  • Membership operators
  • Bitwise operators

Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations:

Operator Name Example Try it
+ Addition x + y
- Subtraction x - y
* Multiplication x * y
/ Division x / y
% Modulus x % y
** Exponentiation x ** y
// Floor division x // y

Python Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:

Operator Example Same As Try it
= x = 5 x = 5
+= x += 3 x = x + 3
-= x -= 3 x = x - 3
*= x *= 3 x = x * 3
/= x /= 3 x = x / 3
%= x %= 3 x = x % 3
//= x //= 3 x = x // 3
**= x **= 3 x = x ** 3
&= x &= 3 x = x & 3
|= x |= 3 x = x | 3
^= x ^= 3 x = x ^ 3
>>= x >>= 3 x = x >> 3
<<= x <<= 3 x = x << 3
:= print(x := 3) x = 3


Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values:

Operator Name Example Try it
== Equal x == y
!= Not equal x != y
> Greater than x > y
< Less than x < y
>= Greater than or equal to x >= y
<= Less than or equal to x <= y

Python Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements:

Operator Description Example Try it
and  Returns True if both statements are true x < 5 and  x < 10
or Returns True if one of the statements is true x < 5 or x < 4
not Reverse the result, returns False if the result is true not(x < 5 and x < 10)

Python Identity Operators

Identity operators are used to compare the objects, not if they are equal, but if they are actually the same object, with the same memory location:

Operator Description Example Try it
is  Returns True if both variables are the same object x is y
is not Returns True if both variables are not the same object x is not y

Python Membership Operators

Membership operators are used to test if a sequence is presented in an object:

Operator Description Example Try it
in  Returns True if a sequence with the specified value is present in the object x in y
not in Returns True if a sequence with the specified value is not present in the object x not in y

Python Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to compare (binary) numbers:

Operator Name Description Example Try it
AND Sets each bit to 1 if both bits are 1 x & y
| OR Sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits is 1 x | y
^ XOR Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1 x ^ y
~ NOT Inverts all the bits ~x
<< Zero fill left shift Shift left by pushing zeros in from the right and let the leftmost bits fall off x << 2
>> Signed right shift Shift right by pushing copies of the leftmost bit in from the left, and let the rightmost bits fall off x >> 2

Operator Precedence

Operator precedence describes the order in which operations are performed.

Parentheses has the highest precedence, meaning that expressions inside parentheses must be evaluated first:

Multiplication * has higher precedence than addition + , and therefor multiplications are evaluated before additions:

The precedence order is described in the table below, starting with the highest precedence at the top:

Operator Description Try it
    Unary plus, unary minus, and bitwise NOT
      Multiplication, division, floor division, and modulus
  Addition and subtraction
  Bitwise left and right shifts
Bitwise AND
Bitwise XOR
Bitwise OR
                    Comparisons, identity, and membership operators
Logical NOT

If two operators have the same precedence, the expression is evaluated from left to right.

Addition + and subtraction - has the same precedence, and therefor we evaluate the expression from left to right:

Test Yourself With Exercises

Multiply 10 with 5 , and print the result.

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What actually is the assignment symbol in python?

Most sources online call = (and +=, -=, etc...) an assignment operator (for python). This makes sense in most languages, however, not in python. An operator takes one or more operands, returns a value, and forms an expression. However, in python, assignment is not an expression, and assignment does not yield a value. Therefore, = cannot be an operator.

So what exactly is it? In a statement like x = 0, x is an identifier, 0 is a numeric literal, but I don't know what to call "=".

  • language-theory

prushik's user avatar

  • 1 Where are you getting your definition of operator? There are other operators in python ( del for example) that also do not meet your criteria. –  Patrick Haugh Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 14:35
  • @Patrick Haugh The wording of the definition is my own but comes from my understanding of programming language theory, which comes from my attempts at implementing parsers. As far as I can tell, official python documentation supports this definition, see my answer below. Assignment is a statement, not an expression. likewise, del is a statement, not an operator. –  prushik Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 15:32
  • @Jainil Patel An expression is a combination of identifiers, literals, and operators that yields another value. In python, assignment does not yield another value but only produces a side effect (assignment). e.g. x = y = 1 is illegal syntax because y = 1 does not yield a value to assign to x. –  prushik Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 15:46
  • x = y = 1 is legal syntax (Though you're right that assignment doesn't produce a value). –  Patrick Haugh Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 15:49
  • @Patrick Haugh Yes, sorry that was a bad example. That syntax is covered by the expression statement production rule (the * at the end covers that syntax): expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (annassign | augassign (yield_expr|testlist) | ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*) –  prushik Commented Jun 25, 2019 at 16:01

2 Answers 2

I was able to find the correct answer in the official python documentation. = and friends are considered delimiters. source:

python docs reference for expressions does not define = as an operator nor as forming an expression. source:

It does, however, define assignment statements with their own production rule with = explicitly included in the rule. source:

So the final answer is that it is "delimiter" according to official sources.

The assignment symbol = behaves like a statement, not as an operator. It supports chaining as part of the syntax but cannot be used as an operation (e.g. a = b = 0 but not if a = b: ).

It is similar to the in part of a for ... in ...: statement. That in is part of the statement syntax, it is not the actual in operator.

Alain T.'s user avatar

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G-Fact 42 | Assign Value with If Statement in Python

In this video, we will explore how to assign values using the if statement in Python. The if statement is a fundamental control flow tool that allows for conditional execution of code, making Python a versatile and powerful language for various programming tasks. This tutorial is perfect for students, professionals, or anyone interested in enhancing their Python programming skills.

Why Use If Statements for Value Assignment?

Using if statements to assign values helps to:

  • Enhance code readability by clearly expressing conditional logic.
  • Improve code maintainability by reducing the need for multiple lines of code.
  • Allow for more dynamic and responsive programs by adapting to different conditions at runtime.

Key Concepts

  • Conditional statements that execute code blocks based on whether a condition is true or false.
  • Also known as ternary operators, they provide a concise way to perform conditional assignments.
  • Operators like "and," "or," and "not" used to combine or modify conditions.

Methods to Assign Values Using If Statements

  • Assign values based on simple conditions.
  • Provide alternative assignments when the if condition is false.
  • Handle multiple conditions by chaining multiple if-else statements.
  • Perform conditional assignments in a single line for compact code.

Practical Example

Example: Assigning Values with If Statements

Basic If Statement :

  • Define a condition and assign a value if the condition is true.

Using Else Statement :

  • Define a condition and provide an alternative value if the condition is false.

Using Elif Statement :

  • Handle multiple conditions using elif.

Using Ternary Operators :

  • Assign values using a compact if-else structure.

Practical Applications

  • Validate and assign default values based on conditions.
  • Process user inputs and provide feedback based on conditions.
  • Dynamically adjust settings based on various criteria.

Video Thumbnail


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    Since Python 3.8, code can use the so-called "walrus" operator (:=), documented in PEP 572, for assignment expressions.This seems like a really substantial new feature, since it allows this form of assignment within comprehensions and lambdas.. What exactly are the syntax, semantics, and grammar specifications of assignment expressions?

  21. Python Operators

    Python Identity Operators. Identity operators are used to compare the objects, not if they are equal, but if they are actually the same object, with the same memory location: Operator. Description. Example. Try it. is. Returns True if both variables are the same object. x is y.

  22. assign operator to variable in python?

    There is no analogue of int() here, since operators are keywords in the language and not values. Once you've compared that input string to your list of operands and determined the operator that it corresponds to, you can use the Python standard library's operator module to calculate the result of applying the operator to your two operands.

  23. operators

    1. Most sources online call = (and +=, -=, etc...) an assignment operator (for python). This makes sense in most languages, however, not in python. An operator takes one or more operands, returns a value, and forms an expression. However, in python, assignment is not an expression, and assignment does not yield a value.

  24. Assign Value with If Statement in Python

    The if statement is a fundamental control flow tool that allows for conditional execution of code, making Python a versatile and powerful language for various programming tasks. This tutorial is perfect for students, professionals, or anyone interested in enhancing their Python programming skills. Why Use If Statements for Value Assignment?