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  • Creative Letter
  • Cover Letter
  • Cover letter for survey

In this article, we will discuss the importance of writing a cover letter for a survey and provide examples to help you create your own. A cover letter for a survey is an introductory document that accompanies your survey questionnaire. It serves as a formal way to introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the survey, and request the recipient's participation. A well-written cover letter can help increase response rates and provide context for the survey questions.

Letter Example 1: Customer Satisfaction Survey

Letter example 2: employee engagement survey, letter example 3: market research survey, letter example 4: academic research survey, suggestions for writing an effective cover letter for a survey, conclusions, q1: why is a cover letter important for a survey, q2: should a cover letter for a survey be formal, q3: how long should a cover letter for a survey be, q4: is it necessary to mention confidentiality in a cover letter for a survey, examples of cover letters for surveys.

Dear valued customer,

We hope this letter finds you well. We are conducting a customer satisfaction survey to gather feedback and improve our products and services. Your opinion is valuable to us, and your participation in this survey will greatly contribute to our continuous improvement efforts. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain confidential. We sincerely appreciate your time and input.

Thank you for your support and for being a valued customer.

Best regards,

Your Company

Dear team member,

We are excited to announce that we will be conducting an employee engagement survey to better understand your experiences and perspectives. Your feedback is crucial in helping us create a positive work environment and improve our internal processes. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and all responses will be anonymous. We encourage you to be open and honest in your responses.

Thank you for your time and valuable input.

Dear participant,

We are reaching out to request your participation in a market research survey. Your insights are vital in helping us understand consumer preferences and make informed business decisions. The survey will only take 5 minutes of your time, and your responses will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We appreciate your willingness to share your opinions.

Thank you for your cooperation.

We are conducting a research study as part of an academic project and would greatly appreciate your participation. Your responses will be used for research purposes only and will remain strictly confidential. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Your contribution will significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field.

Thank you for your time and support.

  • Keep the letter concise, clear, and professional.
  • Explain the purpose of the survey and how the recipient's participation will benefit the organization or research project.
  • Specify the estimated time required to complete the survey.
  • Assure the recipients that their responses will be treated confidentially, if applicable.
  • Express gratitude for their time and willingness to participate.

Writing a cover letter for a survey is an essential step in ensuring a high response rate and gathering valuable feedback. By following the provided examples and suggestions, you can create a compelling cover letter that encourages participation and provides context for the survey questions.

FAQ: Cover Letter for Survey

A1: A cover letter provides context and explains the purpose of the survey, increasing the likelihood of participation and providing valuable information to the respondents.

A2: Yes, a cover letter for a survey should follow a formal tone and structure to convey professionalism and respect for the participants.

A3: A cover letter for a survey should be concise and to the point, typically no longer than one page.

A4: If the survey responses will be treated confidentially, it is important to mention it in the cover letter to assure participants that their information will be protected.

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Formulating a cover letter for an customer survey

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If you invite your customers to the customer survey with a classic e-mail, then the cover letter in the e-mail is the first point of contact with your survey. As a rule, the customer does not yet know that you want to conduct a survey with him. Therefore, the cover letter should be well worded so that as many customers as possible participate in the survey.

The cover letter for a customer survey should include the following content:

  • Greeting: personal address
  • Reason for the survey: brief explanation of the plan and why the feedback is important
  • Highlight special features: E.g. if participation is anonymous, then elaborate on this
  • Duration: How long will participation take?
  • Link to the customer survey
  • Additional information about the provider, if required
  • Contact person for queries
  • Sender details

With the apparent abundance of information, don’t fall into writing too much. The point of the cover letter is to inform the customer, but not to invite them to read a “novel.” Always remember: attention spans are short and your customers have other activities to do.

We have formulated a sample text for you below:

Sample cover letter customer survey

Dear Mr./Mrs. Muster,

you have been a customer of ours for quite some time. We are very pleased about that. In order to continue to offer you good service and the best selection of products in the long term, we rely on your feedback. We would therefore like to invite you to participate in our survey.

The participation is anonymous and will take about 10 minutes. However, you also have the option to leave us your contact details at the end of the survey for possible queries.

Provide feedback: [Link]

If you have any questions, please get in touch with your personal contact.

Thank you in advance Your Customer Team

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How to Write a Survey Request Email With 17 Samples From Experts

  • Last Updated June 27, 2024

survey request email

If you’re struggling to get people to take your survey, chances are, the problem lies within your survey request email. No matter how perfect your survey is, it won’t matter if people don’t open the invitation email to begin with.

All the data you need is out there, in the minds of your target audience (whether that means your customers, employees, or business stakeholders); you just need to ask the right questions in the right way. And that’s what we are here to help you with. 

We’ll teach you how to craft an irresistible survey invitation email that gets opened, read, and acted upon. You’ll also find 17 survey request email samples and survey email examples that’ll easily get you started based on why you need it. 

Let’s get started.

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How to write a survey request email: Key elements to include and survey email format

In business, feedback is power. That’s how you adapt, innovate, and respond to the changing needs and preferences of your customers and business stakeholders alike. And that’s the very reason why survey emails are so darn important. 

The main purpose of your survey email is to engage recipients and prompt them to complete your survey. It’s not just a simple invitation; it’s your first (and sometimes only) opportunity to persuade someone to share their opinions, experiences, or insights with you.

But how do you do it and get a response? Well, writing a survey request email is like piecing together a two-cog engine. The first cog is knowing what to include in the email, and the second cog is how to structure the email so that it stands out and engages the recipient. 

That said, let’s start by finding out the key elements you need to include in your survey request email. 

What to say in a survey request email?

Inviting people to a survey via email and getting a positive response or engagement to your survey is all about asking the right thing the right way, and it starts with knowing what to include in the survey email.  

Once you know and understand what to include in the email, all the components naturally fit together. Here are some tips for things you should include in your survey request email:

Purpose of the survey

Right off the bat, recipients should understand why they’re being asked to take part in the survey. So, why? Are you launching a new product ? Seeking feedback on a recent event? Aiming to improve customer service? 

By clarifying the objective, you show transparency and respect for the respondent’s time , and they will be more likely to grant your request and take a few minutes out of their schedule to take the survey. 

Value for the respondents

This is one most survey emails miss. Every survey should offer some form of value to those taking the time to respond. 

Even if it’s just the satisfaction of contributing to a bigger cause or improving a product they care about, make sure this value proposition is clearly articulated . Position it as an opportunity for their voice to be heard and help improve the experience they get from your business.

Estimated completion time

Let’s face it, nobody likes drawn-out, endless surveys. Also, you don’t want people to start the survey, find it too long, and decide not to complete it. So, be upfront about how long it will take. Whether it’s “a quick 5-minute survey” or “a detailed 15-minute questionnaire”, give them a clear idea so they can decide when it’s best to proceed.

Embedded survey form

There are a lot of survey tools like SurveyMonkey or TypeForm that allow you to directly embed the survey form into your email. That means that, if possible, your respondents won’t have to click a link to land on another page; they can take the survey right inside the email.

So, if it makes sense for the type of survey you’re inviting them to, make it easy on them and embed the survey form directly within the email. It’ll also help boost your engagement rate. 

Confidentiality or anonymity assurances

Data privacy concerns are more significant than ever. If your survey is collecting any form of personal data, or even if it isn’t, it’s essential to reassure respondents. Clearly state how the information will be used, stored, and if applicable, how their anonymity will be preserved.

Incentives or rewards (if feasible)

People love incentives. Whether it’s a discount, a gift card, or entry into a prize draw, incentives can significantly boost response rates. If you’re offering one, make sure it’s relevant and enticing.

A clear call to action (CTA)

Your email should naturally end with your CTA. It’s the prompt, the nudge, the ‘go-ahead’. Whether it’s “Take the Survey” or “Share Your Thoughts,” it should be prominent, ideally with a contrasting button or hyperlink.

An opt-out option

While we all want high participation, it’s also crucial to respect preferences. Always provide a clear and straightforward way for recipients to opt out of future survey requests or communications, ensuring you comply with email marketing laws and best practices .

Now that we have all the key elements sorted out, let’s discuss how you should weave them together to format your email. 

Survey request email format

The survey request email format is more than a container for your message; it’s a framework for engagement, designed to facilitate the smooth flow of information and encourage a positive response. 

Pretty much, as with most business emails , you need to keep formal and adopt a professional email format. That means your email must contain the following:

  • A subject line
  • An email body
  • An email ending

Now, here is how to write each to ensure they’re effectively set up to drive the most engagement for your survey request. 

Survey invitation email subject line

How do you write the best survey invitation email subject lines?

Well, your email subject line needs to be compelling enough to entice your recipient to click and also transparent enough to set proper expectations. As you write it, be specific, use action verbs to let them know you want some action from them, and keep it short. 

Here are some survey email subject line examples you can use or learn from:

  • “Help us improve your shopping experience.”
  • “Quick survey: How are we doing?”
  • “Got 5 minutes? We’d love your feedback!”
  • “Your opinion matters: Help shape our new product line”

Survey request email body

The body of your email serves to expand upon what the subject line promises. It should provide more details and lead your recipient towards the desired action. 

It should address the key elements we discussed earlier: the purpose of the survey, value for the respondents, estimated time for completion, and so on. Here is how to shape it.

  • Step 1: Start with a greeting : Personalize the email with the recipient’s name if possible. Hello [name] or Dear [name] are both excellent for this. 
  • Step 2: Introduce the purpose: Explain why the survey is essential, not just for you but for the recipient as well.
  • Step 3: Highlight value proposition: What’s in it for them? Make this clear.
  • Step 4: Give details about the completion time: Mention how long it will take and what kind of questions will be asked.
  • Step 5: Offer privacy assurance: If you’re collecting sensitive or personal information, assure respondents that their data will be secure.
  • Step 6: Offer incentives: If available, mention the reward or incentive for participating.
  • Step 7: Call-to-action: Use a bold, contrasting button or a hyperlink to make it obvious what they should do next.

How to end a survey request email

The closing of your survey email should thank the recipient for their time and also include an opt-out option for future communications. Here are the key elements you need to include here:

  • Gratitude-based email closing line : Always thank the respondent in advance for their time and effort.
  • Opt-out option : Make it clear how recipients can avoid future survey emails if they wish to.
  • Email sign-off: Add a professional or formal email sign-off . Good examples include “Best,”; “Best regards,”; “Cheers,”
  • Contact information or Signature: End it all with a professional email signature. 

17 survey request email samples and examples 

Here, we’ll walk you through different survey invitation emails, each catering to a specific purpose, to help you gather the valuable feedback you’re seeking. These are effective survey invitation emails that’ll ensure you get excellent survey response rates for your campaigns.

Generic business feedback survey email sample

A generic business feedback survey email typically gauges the overall sentiment and experience of customers or stakeholders with a company or brand. It provides a broader perspective, touching on various aspects of the business, from products to customer service.

Here is an email sample to get survey responses for this:

Subject line: Help us improve with your feedback!

Dear [first name], We value your opinion. As a valued member of the [company name] community, your feedback helps us grow and serve you better. We’d appreciate it if you could take a moment to share your thoughts on your overall experience with us through a short survey. Your insights will influence our future decisions and directions. [survey link button: Share your thoughts] Thank you for being an integral part of our journey. We’re eager to hear from you! Warm regards, The [company name] Team

Post-event feedback survey email sample

A post-event feedback survey email aims to gather insights on a particular event hosted by the company or organization. This feedback can touch on topics like the event’s content, organization, venue, and overall experience. Here is a survey email example you can use:

Subject line: How was [event name]? Share your experience!

Hello [first name], Thank you for attending [event name]. We hope you had a memorable experience. As we always aim for improvement, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the event. Did the sessions meet your expectations? How was the venue? Every detail matters. [survey link button: Share my experience] Your feedback will help shape our future events, ensuring they resonate and provide value. Thanks for making [event name] a success! Best, [Your name / Event Team]

Product development survey email sample

A product development survey email is designed to capture customer feedback concerning a potential new product or feature. The survey data here serves to gauge interest, gather suggestions, or identify potential areas of improvement before the full-fledged launch. Here is an email sample for this:

Subject line: Sneak peek! Share your thoughts on our new product.

Hey [first name], Exciting news! We’re in the process of developing [new product name], and we’d love for you to be a part of its creation. As one of our trusted customers, your feedback is invaluable. Would you mind taking a few minutes to share your initial thoughts and suggestions? [Survey link button: View & provide feedback] Together, we can make [new product name] truly remarkable! Cheers, The [company name] Development Team

Employee satisfaction survey email sample

An employee satisfaction survey email helps you target your company’s workforce. It assesses the overall work environment, job satisfaction, growth opportunities, and more, aiming to improve workplace culture and productivity. Here is the perfect email sample for this:

Subject line: Your voice matters! Share your work experience.

Dear [first name], At [company name], we believe in creating a nurturing and progressive work environment. To achieve this, understanding your experience is crucial. Please take a moment to share your insights, feelings, and suggestions about working here. [Survey link button: Start the survey] Your anonymity and honesty are ensured. Let’s build a better workplace together! Thank you for your contribution and commitment. Warm regards, [HR name / HR Department]

Customer satisfaction survey email sample

The customer feedback survey email has pretty much the same spirit as the employee survey email. So, these are shot email surveys directed at clients to understand their satisfaction levels with your company’s products or services. This feedback is critical for continuous improvement and maintaining brand loyalty.

Here is a survey email template you can emulate here:

Subject line: How are we doing? Your opinion counts!

Hi [first name], Thank you for choosing [company name]. To ensure we continually exceed your expectations, we’d love to hear about your recent experience with our products/services. Could you take a few minutes to let us know how we did? [Survey link button: Rate your experience] Your feedback drives our innovation and service. Thanks for being a cherished part of our community. Best wishes, The [company name] Customer Service Team

Online shopping experience survey email sample

An online shopping experience survey helps sellers understand a customer’s experience during their online shopping journey. It covers elements like site navigation, product assortment, payment process, and more. 

The survey results here will help you optimize the eCommerce platform based on real user feedback for a seamless shopping experience. Here is an email sample for this:

Subject line: How was your shopping experience with us?

Hi [first name], Thank you for choosing [online store name]. As we continually aim to improve, your shopping experience insights are invaluable. From product selection to checkout, your feedback helps us enhance every step. Please take a moment to share your thoughts. [Survey link button: Share my shopping experience] Thanks for helping us make online shopping better for everyone! Warm regards, The [online store name] Team

Educational course feedback survey email sample

An educational course feedback survey is designed to gather insights from students about a specific course or program. It can touch upon the curriculum, teaching methods, resources provided, and overall learning experience. 

This feedback helps teachers or coaches collect valuable data to refine their course content and delivery. Here is an example of a compelling survey invitation email you can learn from: 

Subject line: How was [course name]? We’d love your feedback!

Dear [first name], Thank you for enrolling in [course name]. To ensure our courses are enriching and meet your learning needs, we’re seeking your feedback. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on the course content, teaching style, and resources. [Survey link button: Share my course feedback] Your insights drive educational excellence. Thanks for being a valued learner! Best, The [institution name] Team

Website user experience survey email sample

A website user experience survey helps collect feedback about a user’s experience navigating and using a website. It can cover website design, speed, content quality, and overall user-friendliness. The insights from this survey help in refining and optimizing the website.

Here is a survey email template for this:

Subject line: How do you find our website? Share your thoughts!

Hello [first name], Your online experience with [website name] is of utmost importance to us. We’d love to know how you find our site in terms of navigation, design, and content. Would you mind sharing your feedback? [Survey link button: Rate our website] Your voice will guide our website’s evolution. Thank you for helping us improve! Cheers, The [website name] Team

Brand perception survey email sample

A brand perception survey helps businesses understand how consumers view a particular brand. It gauges brand awareness, sentiments, values associated with the brand, and more. This feedback can help in shaping brand strategy and communication. Here is a survey email template for this:

Subject line: What do you think of [brand name]?

Hello [first name], Your perception shapes our direction. We’re eager to know how you view [brand name] in terms of quality, values, and overall impression. Can you spare a few minutes to share your perspective? [Survey link button: Share my brand perception] Your insights will help us serve you better and uphold the values you cherish. Thank you, The [brand name] Team

Post-purchase review request email sample

Post-purchase review requests are sent after a customer has purchased and received a product. The aim is to gather authentic reviews that can help potential customers make informed decisions and also help the business in quality control.

Here is a sample email for this:

Subject line: Loving your new [product name]? Share your thoughts!

Hi [first name], Thank you for your recent purchase. We hope you’re enjoying [product name]! Reviews from valued customers like you not only help us improve but also guide others in their buying decisions. Would you mind leaving a quick review? [Review Link Button: Leave my review] Thanks for being an integral part of our community! Warm wishes, The [company name] Team

Market research survey email sample

Market research surveys help businesses understand market trends, identify customer preferences, and gauge competitive positioning. They can be about a potential product, a market trend, or the brand itself. 

Writing this email requires clarity about what specific information is sought and ensuring participants that their input will be valuable and impactful. Here is an email template you can use for this: 

Subject line: We need your insight for future innovations!

Dear [first name], As a valued customer of [company name], your preferences drive our innovations. We’re conducting a market research survey to better understand your needs and current market trends. Could you spare a few minutes to share your insights? [Survey link button: Participate in our market research] Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping our upcoming products and services. Thank you for helping us stay ahead of the curve! Regards, The [company name] Research Team

Annual company review survey email sample

The annual company review survey is an internal check to gauge employee sentiments regarding the company’s policies, culture, and overall work environment during the past year. It helps in identifying areas of improvement and celebrating successes. The email should emphasize the importance of employee feedback and assure anonymity. Here is a template for this:

Subject line: Your voice matters: Annual company review survey

Hi [first name], As we reflect on the past year and look forward to the next, your feedback is essential. Help us understand what we’re doing right and where we can improve. Please take our Annual Company Review Survey: [Survey link button: Begin the annual review] Your responses are confidential, and your honesty will drive positive change. Thank you for your commitment and insights! Warmly, The [company name] HR Team

Post-service feedback survey email sample

Post-service feedback surveys help service providers gauge the quality and satisfaction levels of the service rendered from the viewpoint of their customers. Whether it’s for a spa, car maintenance, or legal consultation, this feedback is critical for service improvement. 

Here is an email sample for this:

Subject line: How did we do? Share your experience!

Hello [first name], Thank you for choosing [service name]. We’re always striving to offer top-notch service, and we’d love to hear about your recent experience with us. Could you take a moment to provide your feedback? [Survey link button: Rate our service] Your insights help us serve you better. Thanks for your trust and feedback! Best wishes, The [service name] Team

Software user experience survey email sample

Software user experience surveys are designed to understand users’ experiences with a particular software or application, from ease of use to bug reporting. This feedback helps developers improve the software and fix any issues. Here is an email sample you can use to write this survey email: 

Subject line: How’s your experience with [software name]?

Hey [first name], We hope you’re finding [software name] beneficial. As part of our commitment to excellence, we’re seeking your feedback on the software’s user experience, features, and performance. Could you share your thoughts? [Survey link button: Share my software experience] Your insights are paramount in helping us refine and optimize [software name]. Thanks for being a valued user! Cheers, The [software name] Development Team

Newsletter feedback survey email sample

Newsletters are an effective medium for brands, institutions, or individuals to share updates, articles, and other curated content with their audience. However, to ensure that the content remains relevant and engaging, it’s essential to regularly gather feedback from subscribers. 

When crafting a newsletter feedback survey email, it’s important to emphasize how the recipients’ insights will guide the content and structure of future newsletters, making it more tailored and valuable for them. Here is an example email for this:

Subject line: How are we doing with our newsletter?

Dear [first name], We cherish having you as part of our newsletter community. As we aim to deliver content that resonates and adds value, we’re keen on hearing your thoughts. How have you been finding our newsletters? [Survey link button: Share my newsletter feedback] Your feedback will shape the direction of our future editions. Thanks for being an integral part of our journey! Best regards, The [brand/company name] Newsletter Team

Content preference survey email sample

Understanding audience content preferences gives you a competitive advantage. This survey tells you what types of content resonate most with the audience, whether it’s in terms of format (e.g., video, articles, infographics) or topic. 

When writing this email, make it clear that you’re seeking their preferences and that the audience will receive more of the content they enjoy. Here is an email template you can use to write this:

Subject line: What content do you love? Tell us!

Hi [first name], We want our content to be as delightful and informative as possible. Help us understand what you’d love to see more of! Which topics intrigue you? Which format do you prefer? [Survey link button: Share my content preferences] By sharing your preferences, you’ll help us tailor our content to suit your tastes even better. Cheers, The [brand/company name] Content Team

Community/social issue survey email sample

Surveys centered around community or social issues help gather insights and opinions or evaluate awareness on specific societal topics. This could be about local community projects, national policy changes, or global social issues. 

Crafting such an email requires sensitivity, ensuring the topic is approached with respect and underlining the importance of the respondents’ opinions in creating meaningful change. Here is an email sample you can use for this:

Subject line: Your thoughts on [specific issue] matter

Hello [first name], As engaged members of our community, we believe it’s crucial to be informed and share our voices on pressing issues. We’re conducting a survey about [Specific Issue] to understand community sentiments and foster informed discussions. Can you share your perspective? [Survey link button: Share my thoughts on [specific issue]] Your insights are vital in guiding our collective efforts and making a difference. Thank you for participating and contributing to our community’s discourse. Warm wishes, survey [Your name/oganization name]

Key takeaways

  • Starting your survey request email with the purpose of the survey not only establishes trust with the recipient but also underscores the importance of their input, making them more likely to participate.
  • Always highlight the value for respondents. Whether it’s to improve a product they use, influence community decisions, or refine content they consume, explaining how their feedback will serve your business can enhance participation rates.
  • Including an opt-out or unsubscribe option shows respect for the recipient’s preferences and can help in maintaining a positive relationship, even if they choose not to participate in the survey. Also, some recipients will be silent, and your survey answers suffer from this. You can consider a survey invitation reminder email or follow-up to give them a nudge.
  • Need help with email marketing and lead generation ? We are ready to help. Nerdy Joe can help you get stellar results from our sophisticated email marketing efforts. Talk with us today. 

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How to Write a Survey Introduction [+Examples]

Published: August 25, 2021

Writing a survey introduction probably isn't something you think about very often. That is until you're looking at the first screen of your almost finalized survey thinking "I should put something here. But what?"

Customer takes a customer service survey

While a potentially overlooked piece of the survey creation process, a good survey introduction is critical to improving survey completion rates and ensuring that the responses you receive are accurate. Taking the time to think about what information to include in your introduction can have a big impact on the success of your survey.

→ Free Download: 5 Customer Survey Templates [Access Now]

What is a Survey Introduction?

A survey introduction is the block of text that precedes the questions of your survey. It might be included at the top of an email requesting feedback or be the first slide in a series of questions. The survey introduction serves to set the stage for what the survey is, why the recipient should take the time to complete it, and what you're going to do with the information you collect. It should be compelling, informative, and reassuring.

cover letter for satisfaction survey

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How to Write a Survey Introduction

Start by thinking about the purpose of this survey. Who will be taking the survey? What information do you need for the project to be successful? Distill this information down into a sentence or two for your audience. Some examples may include:

  • We're looking for feedback on our new product line for men.
  • Tell us about your recent customer service experience.
  • We're revamping our spring menu! What do you want for dinner?

Secondly, follow up with any logistical information they need to know about the survey. How many questions is it? When does the survey end? Who should they contact if they have additional questions? This might sound something like:

  • This 5 question survey will take around 10 minutes to complete.
  • Click below to access the short, two-question survey. For further information or feedback, please contact our support team at [email protected].
  • This survey will be open until April 24th, 2022. Please take 5 minutes to provide your feedback before that time.

Finally, reassure the survey participants that their data is safe, and offer any information about how the survey data will be used:

  • Your answers are anonymous and will be used to improve our future customer service strategy.
  • Responses will be anonymized and analyzed for our upcoming report on consumer perception of insurance companies in the US. Please leave your email address if you'd like to receive a copy of the finished report.
  • We read every response to our customer happiness surveys, and follow-up to make sure you're left with a positive experience.

No matter what you include in your survey introduction, make sure to keep it concise and as short as possible. Too long, and you risk readers dropping off and not completing your survey. It's also important to keep your survey messaging on-brand. If you typically use a brand voice that's quite corporate, switching to a conversational tone in your survey introduction will feel out of place. It might even make some readers question if the survey is truly coming from your company - causing distrust in its authenticity.

Finally, thank your respondents for their time. Even if their responses are negative, the fact that they're engaging with your survey is a great indicator of their loyalty . Customers will not take the time to provide feedback to companies they don't care about. Here are some phrases you can use to show your appreciation:

  • This feedback is very helpful for our team in developing new features. Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey.
  • We read every comment you leave on these surveys, so thank you for your feedback!
  • We truly appreciate your insight and your time.

Want to make sure you've got it all covered? Save this checklist of the most important aspects to include in the survey introduction:

  • How long will it take? (Minutes or number of questions)
  • Why are you doing this survey?
  • Why should they fill it out? Is there a giveaway for respondents (such as a draw for a $50 Amazon card) or another incentive to complete it?
  • What are you going to do with the results? Are they anonymous?
  • When does the survey close? What is the overall timeline?
  • Are there any definitions or things they need to know before filling out the survey?
  • Where should they go if they have questions or more feedback?
  • Thank your participants for their time and feedback.
  • Any additional information they need to fill out the survey with good, accurate data

Good Survey Introduction Examples

These survey introductions hit all the right notes. Read on for inspiration and additional tricks on how to write your own!

1. Squamish Off-Road Cycling Association (SORCA)

survey introduction example: SORCA

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Survey Technician Cover Letter Sample

Sending a resume without a cover letter sets the employer wondering why you are applying for the job. Don’t do that.

Instead, send your resume along with a well-written and highly customized survey technician cover letter!

There are two main points to ponder on before writing a Survey Technician cover letter.

  • What does the employer want to hear?
  • What does your cover letter contain?

Once you have answers to these questions, it becomes a lot easier to write an impressive cover letter.

A cover letter must ideally be a page long and very specific. You do not need to repeat the work history that you have already mentioned in your resume.

All you need to do is to select some of your competencies that are highly job-relevant and elaborate the same, explaining how you can utilize the skills.

Related: Survey Technician Resume

Here is a perfect example:

Survey Technician Cover Letter Example

John Luis 571 Essex Ave, Williston, ND 56012 (000) 325-9565 [Email]

October 15, 2021

Mr. Kevin Logan HR Manager Wilson & Co. 87 Spurger’s Lane Williston, ND 56012

Dear Mr. Logan:

As a seasoned and driven survey technician, I am eager to work for Wilson & Co. Bu using my 8+ years of hands-on experience, I will be able to meet and exceed your goals.

Working in the field for many years now, I have had a wide range of exposure in the role. Some of my strengths include:

  • Well versed in adjusting and operating surveying instruments.
  • Experienced in management of land information computer systems, data storage, and plot reporting.
  • Excellent skills in calculations of earth curvature corrections and relevant components.
  • Expert user of AutoCAD and Civil 3D.
  • Proficient in the use of total stations and GPS.

I work best when I fully understand my employer’s expectations of the role. I would like to discuss the position in detail with you to establish my candidacy further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

(000) 325-9565

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Sample Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire

Sample Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire

Crafting a compelling cover letter for a survey questionnaire can be the key to engaging respondents and encouraging them to participate in your research. A well-written cover letter sets the tone for your survey, conveys the purpose and importance of the data collection, and can ultimately impact the quality of responses you receive. By following a few simple guidelines and incorporating some best practices, you can create a cover letter that captures the attention of your target audience and maximizes survey participation.

Best Structure for Sample Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire

When writing a cover letter for a survey questionnaire, it’s important to ensure that it is clear, concise, and engaging. Here is a suggested structure for a sample cover letter:

  • Introduction: Start by introducing yourself and the purpose of the survey. Mention who you are, your role, and why you are conducting the survey.
  • Background: Provide some context for the survey. Explain why the respondent’s input is valuable and how it will be used to make improvements or decisions.
  • Instructions: Clearly outline the instructions for completing the survey. Include details on where to access the survey, how long it will take, and any other important information.
  • Confidentiality: Assure the respondent that their responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the stated purpose of the survey.
  • Gratitude: Express gratitude for the respondent’s time and participation. Let them know that their feedback is valuable and appreciated.
  • Contact Information: Provide your contact information in case the respondent has any questions or concerns about the survey.

Here is an example of how the structure could be laid out in a cover letter:

My name is [Your Name] and I am a [Your Role] at [Company Name]. We are conducting a survey to gather feedback from our customers/employees/stakeholders on [Survey Topic]. Your input is crucial in helping us make informed decisions and improvements.
The survey will take approximately [Estimated Time] to complete and can be accessed [Survey Link]. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of [Survey Purpose].
We greatly appreciate your time and participation in this survey. Your feedback is incredibly important to us and will help us better serve you in the future.
If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

When writing a cover letter for a survey questionnaire, it is important to keep it concise and to the point. Start by addressing the recipient, introducing yourself, and explaining the purpose of the questionnaire. Be sure to clearly state the importance of their participation and the benefits of providing feedback. Provide a brief overview of the survey topics and how the information will be used. Finally, express gratitude for their time and cooperation, and provide contact information for any follow-up questions.

What is the Importance of Including a Cover Letter with a Survey Questionnaire?

Including a cover letter with a survey questionnaire is crucial for setting the tone and context for the survey. It helps to establish credibility, build trust, and show respect for the recipient’s time. The cover letter can also explain the purpose of the survey, why their input is valuable, and how their feedback will be used to make improvements. Additionally, a well-written cover letter can increase response rates and encourage more thoughtful and meaningful responses.

How should the Tone of a Cover Letter for a Survey Questionnaire be Presented?

The tone of a cover letter for a survey questionnaire should be professional, yet warm and engaging. It is important to strike a balance between being formal and approachable. Use language that is clear, respectful, and courteous, while also being personable and inviting. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may confuse or alienate the recipient. The tone of the cover letter should convey appreciation for their participation, enthusiasm for their feedback, and a genuine desire to hear their thoughts.

What Information should be Included in the Closing of a Cover Letter for a Survey Questionnaire?

In the closing of a cover letter for a survey questionnaire, it is important to reiterate gratitude for the recipient’s participation and emphasize the value of their feedback. Encourage them to complete the survey by providing clear instructions on how to access and submit their responses. Let them know if their responses will be kept confidential and if there are any incentives for participating. Lastly, thank them again for their time and consideration, and provide contact information for any further questions or concerns.

I hope this sample cover letter for survey questionnaire has been helpful in guiding you on how to approach potential respondents. Remember, personalizing the cover letter to match the tone and content of your survey is key to increasing response rates. Thank you for taking the time to read through this article, and feel free to visit again for more tips and tricks on creating successful surveys. Happy surveying!

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How to Write The Perfect Customer Feedback Survey Email Invite Template

the perfect survey invite email

Getting high response rates for your customer feedback survey starts with asking the respondent to fill in your survey by creating an effective customer satisfaction survey email template.

Your email needs to make people want to start the survey but it doesn’t have to be long and complex.

In fact it should be short and to the point.

Remember the only goal of the invite is to persuade the respondent to provide their feedback on your organisation .

In this post I’ll show you how to write a survey email template for your NPS, customer satisfaction or customer feedback survey that can generate response rates of 20%, 30% or more.

Sign-off Personalisation

Unsubscribe requests.

I’ve put together a template of the perfect survey invite which you can just  copy, paste and edit: Download it here

1. A Great Subject Line

The first thing your invitee will see is the email subject line so make it a good one.

Here is a checklist of things to consider when writing the your subject line:

  • Don’t Over Complicate it and Be Sincere
  • Avoid Spammy Words and Capitals
  • Make it About the Customer
  • Be Specific not Vague, Deceptive or “Creative”
  • Subject Line Length: 4-7 Words
  • The Email “From” Address Should Be A Person
  • You Probably Should Not Use Emojis 😥

For more details check out this blog post: Email Subject Lines that Maximise Customer Feedback Survey Responses

2. Email Invite Personalisation

Remember your respondent gets lots of emails each day and some simple personalisation can set you apart.

Name Personalisation

This is very simple to do but make sure that it’s in line with your business’s brand identity or brand voice.

“Dear Mr. Smith,” “Hi John,” “Hey John,” “Yo Jonny”

Never use “Dear Valued Client” – no one that ever received a message with that introduction ever felt valued – in fact the often feel exactly the reverse!

Content Personalisation

If your respondent may have had more than one interaction with you it can be a good idea to add a comment or reference to the interaction. This increased specificity will improve response rates and the relevance of feedback.

We’re keen to hear what you thought of [product name].

Your invite should always be signed off by an appropriate person in the organisation. Never send it from an anonymous “Customer Care Centre” or similar goup.

The simple act of putting a real person’s name at the bottom of the email will lift response rates by 50% .

If you are able take the next step and personalise the invite to be from a person the invitee knows or knows of, e.g. their account manager or regional General Manager.

3. Tell Them Why They are Receiving the Invite

Give the respondent some context for the survey invite; tell them who is being asked to respond and/or why they have been selected.

With email phishing attacks constantly on the rise you need to reassure your survey respondent. It also answers a common concern of email recipients: why am I getting this request?

Here are a couple of example templates – you’ll need to align it with your actual reason:

“You are receiving this invite because you recently shopped at our site.” or “We are inviting you because you are a valuable client.”

4. Don’t Tell Them How Great You Are

Some companies add a line near the start of an survey email that goes something like this:

We are the market leader and provide a great service. So we can do even better…

Resist the urge to do the same. It doesn’t increase the chance the invitee will respond it just adds words to the email and biases the start of the responses you will receive.

Try to keep your introduction as neutral as possible.

5. Explain the Purpose of the Survey

Okay, these days most (all?) people will have seen a customer feedback or Net Promoter Score survey so you don’t need to go into lots of detail but you do need to put the purpose in their terms.

Remember: they care much less about how you will benefit from the time they are investing in the survey and much more about how they will benefit.

So, ensure you put the purpose and value of the survey in the respondent’s terms.

For instance:

So we can provide you an even better experience we are collecting feedback on how we performed in our last engagement. OR We actively use feedback to constantly improve our delivery and provide you with the best possible service.

6. Give a Realistic Estimate of the Time it Will Take

Shorter is always better in customer feedback survey terms but regardless of how long the survey is you should give a specific and accurate estimate of the time it will likely take.

Be specific: say “10 minutes” not “a short time”. Specific times are more believable than vague times.

Resist the urge to deliberately under-state this time. Respondents still answering questions after 20 minutes, when told it will take 10 minutes, will be unhappy with your brand and provide more negative scores in the survey.

“Based on past experience this survey will take 5 minutes.” OR “Typically it takes 3 minute to complete.”

7. Give Them a Place to Ask Questions

Put some simple contact details in your email invite. A very small number of people will use them ask questions.

Many more will be reassured that they could have contacted you if they wanted to. This lends credibility to the invite and increases response rates.

This can be as simple as:

If you have any questions please contact John Smith at [email protected]

8. Show Them the Survey Link

Make sure you include a clear link to the survey and call to action.

Some organisations use an image for the survey link but many email clients hide images by default. If the image is blocked it will be hard for respondents to see.

Take this invite I received recently:

cover letter for satisfaction survey

If you are going to use this approach make sure you provide a simple text link as well as the image.

Also, make sure that the link has a good amount of clear space around it so it doesn’t get lost in the message: maybe even underline and bold the link to make it stand out.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Click here to start the survey. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

9. Mention the Incentive, or Not

With a well written invite, engaged audience and a properly designed customer feedback survey you should not need to include an incentive to achieve effective response rates .

However, you may want to include one anyway.

Incentives, such as discounts or free products, can be useful for lifting response rates for customer feedback surveys. But they should tailored to the individual customer to be even more effective.

Effective types of incentives include competitions, charitable donations or social recognition.

Here is a full breakdown of the best customer feedback survey incentives: The Best Customer Feedback Survey Incentives

10. Create a Sense or Urgency, if Appropriate

If your survey has a closing date, mention it in the invite to provide a sense not just of urgency but also to give respondent an understanding of your time line.

Surveys are a “job to be done” by your respondent. If you give them a date by which the job needs to be done it can improve response rates.

11. Embed The First Question to Boost Response Rates

As an extension of showing them the survey link, you can boost response rates from your invite by 50% if you embed the first survey question in the email itself.

We always use this in our NPS survey email templates and other customer feedback style surveys.

You should not use images for this question to avoid the issues noted earlier in this section. Instead use HTML colour codes.

cover letter for satisfaction survey

12. Thank Them

The respondent is doing you a favour by providing their feedback, so you should thank them for their effort. It can be a simple but sincere thank you.

Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate the time you have taken and will actively use it to improve our services to you.

13. Include a Signature Block

If you have followed our best practices on survey email subject lines this survey email invite will be coming from a real person so include a real person’s signature block.

If it is going to a large number of respondents you may like to remove some elements such as the cell/mobile phone number. Other than that it should be similar or the same as your standard email signature.

This will also ensure that it is “on brand” with your organisation.

14. Comply with Local Email Sending Legislation

Email sending legislation varies around the world and you should abide by your local requirements.

That being said, in general*, as this is a customer feedback survey you will have an existing commercial relationship with the respondent and this negates many of the anti-SPAM restrictions that marketing emails come up against.

However, it is still good practice to comply with any marketing email requirements your country enforces as email recipients have come to expect these elements in commercial email.

Postal Address

You should include clear text explaining where you are located and a valid postal address.

It is also good practice to include an unsubscribe mechanism to allow respondents to remove themselves from the invite list.

15. Send a Reminder

Once you’ve written a great survey invite go ahead and create a reminder to send 3-5 days after the primary invite.

Sending a reminder will generally lift response rates by 50% so it’s an easy way to drive additional responses for very little extra effort.

It should follow the same rules as suggested already – don’t make it identical but it can be very similar.

Oh – and don’t send more than one or, maximum, two reminders. Any more that that will annoy respondents and their responses will be more negative.

Customer Feedback Survey Email Invite FAQs

Typically you don’t email the survey form itself. Email still has limitations and doesn’t operate like a full webpage. The best practice is to email a link to your web based survey. A good customer feedback company will be able to manage this for you.

The best way is to engage with your customer in plain language. Ask them for their assistance and clearly show them the link to your survey. Remember the survey is itself a part of the overall customer experience .

Keep it simple. The old What, Why, Who and How are a great summary of the things that every customer satisfaction survey invite should include.

When sending a customer feedback survey invitation, it’s important to include the purpose of the survey, as well as instructions on how to complete it. If applicable be sure to provide a deadline for when the survey should be completed and let the customer know that their input is valuable and appreciated.

When designed correctly your survey may not even need an incentive but you if you do there are three approaches: promise an incentive for every response, enter the respondent into a lottery or pay a smaller incentive to every invitee and rely on the significant reciprocation drive in the human psyche.

* Disclaimer: This information is not legal advice. We’re not lawyers and while we have been in the customer feedback business for a while you should contact your legal group to get their final take on the legislation.

  • Customer Feedback Response Rates

increase survey response rates

How To Increase Survey Response Rates: The Complete Guide

customer feedback survey incentive

The Best Customer Feedback Survey Incentives

Subject Lines to Prevent Survey Deletes

Email Subject Lines that Maximise Customer Feedback Survey Responses

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Sample Employee Engagement Survey Introduction Letter

Learn how to write an employee engagement survey introduction letter and discover a sample of the same.

Sample employee engagement survey introduction letter

Understanding the engagement levels of your company is imperative for the organization’s growth. However, before you conduct an employee engagement survey, make sure you have communicated to them about it adequately. A letter to all the staff will serve as an employee engagement survey introduction.

How to write the employee engagement survey introduction letter

Whether you are sending employees emails or letters, they should include the following:

Announcement of the upcoming survey

Use the first paragraph to inform the employees about the upcoming survey. Remember to include the commencing date as well as the period it will take to complete.

Purpose of the survey

What is the significance of the study? Regardless of them being your employees, it is important that they understand why you need them to participate in the process. While at it, do not dwell much on the benefits of the exercise to the organization, but tell them how they will gain in the long term. Demonstrate that you value their participation.

In this part tell the employees when the results will be shared and how. They deserve to know the findings of the engagement survey. However, if you do not have plans to share the results, do not promise. It will certainly work against you during the next survey.

Emphasize anonymity and confidentiality

Usually, engagement surveys ask about the real perceptions of the employees. If they are not assured of confidentiality, they may decline to participate, or if they do, they can provide biased data.

Explain how you intend to use the results and benefits

Just by telling your employees that you are seeking to determine employee satisfaction, does not motivate. You have to be specific on the way you will utilize the findings to improve engagement levels and job satisfaction.

If you include the above contents in your letter, you can be assured of 100% participation in your engagement survey. Remember to send the letter 2 weeks prior to the survey.

Employee engagement survey introduction letter sample

To: All Employees

Subject: Upcoming Employee Engagement Survey

In the coming four weeks, we will be carrying out an engagement survey that will involve everyone in the company. The surveys objective is to get a better understanding of employee engagement levels at the company. Your ideas, opinions, and suggestions are valuable to use. This survey presents you with a forum to express your thoughts on business practice among other aspects.

The results will be used to identify leaders who engage people positively. They will also inform policy change. Third, the results will be used to identify problems that disengage employees, decline customer satisfaction, and derail overall performance.

An independent company will carry out the survey on behalf of the organization. It will be posted online where you can access it. All the responses will be anonymous and confidential. Be honest when responding to the survey questions.

Upon analysis of data, we will share the findings with the whole organization. The management and the HR team will meet with groups to discuss improvement measures. If there are policies that need change, they will be. Leaders who are good in engaging others will be appreciated. In a nutshell, the organization will become a better place to work. We urge you to participate to ensure everyone is heard.

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Survey Researcher Cover Letter Examples

A great survey researcher cover letter can help you stand out from the competition when applying for a job. Be sure to tailor your letter to the specific requirements listed in the job description, and highlight your most relevant or exceptional qualifications. The following survey researcher cover letter example can give you some ideas on how to write your own letter.

Survey Researcher Cover Letter Example

or download as PDF

Cover Letter Example (Text)

Adysson Surry

(278) 130-7484

[email protected]

Dear Aris Possley,

I am writing to express my interest in the Survey Researcher position at Gallup, Inc., as advertised on your company's careers page. With a solid foundation of five years of experience in survey research at Nielsen Holdings plc, I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise in data collection, analysis, and interpretation to your esteemed team at Gallup.

During my tenure at Nielsen, I honed my skills in designing surveys that capture accurate and actionable insights. I have managed large-scale research projects, developed questionnaires that minimize bias, and analyzed complex datasets to draw meaningful conclusions that have informed strategic decisions for our clients. My commitment to maintaining the highest standards of research integrity and my proficiency in utilizing the latest data analysis software have been pivotal in delivering results that exceed expectations.

I am particularly drawn to Gallup's reputation for pioneering methods in human behavior research and your commitment to delivering data-driven advice to organizations worldwide. I am eager to contribute to this innovative environment and collaborate with a team that values curiosity, critical thinking, and methodological rigor.

Moreover, I bring with me a deep understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of survey research, including the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies and digital platforms. At Nielsen, I played a key role in integrating digital analytics into traditional survey methods, a skill that I am enthusiastic about leveraging at Gallup to enhance the scope and impact of your research projects.

I am confident that my experience, combined with my passion for uncovering the stories behind the data, makes me an ideal candidate for the Survey Researcher role. I am keen to discuss how my background, skills, and enthusiasms align with the goals of Gallup, Inc. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team and to the continued success of your esteemed company.

Warm regards,

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8 best customer satisfaction survey email examples

  • Business Operations

Carla Vianna

Do you want to know how satisfied your guests are with your attraction?

A customer satisfaction survey is the most common method to gain customer feedback. And the most common way to survey your customers is via email.

In this post, you’ll learn how to write a survey email that your guests actually want to open. Read on for real-life email examples — including customer satisfaction survey email that you can use to start creating your own feedback campaign today.

What is a customer satisfaction survey email?

8 customer survey email examples

Email template example

Expedia customer survey, airbnb’s feedback survey, klook post-experience survey, ritual feedback survey email, aero market research survey, withings product review survey, uber customer satisfaction survey, 5 additional tips for writing customer satisfaction survey emails.

The purpose of a customer satisfaction survey email is to introduce the survey to your guest and convince them to complete it.

Your email should explain why the guest is receiving this survey, what the survey is about, and how long it’ll take to complete it. The survey itself can be embedded or linked within the email body.

Guests can then share their feedback by filling out the embedded survey, or clicking a link that’ll take them to the survey in a new window.

8 customer survey email examples 

Let’s take a look at an email template example we’ve put together. 

Then, we’ll share additional real examples from different companies across several industries — and go over what they’re doing right.

Hi [First Name]!

We hope you enjoyed your recent visit to [Attraction]. Your opinion matters to us, and we’d love to hear more about your experience.

Would you mind taking a quick 5-minute survey to help us improve our guest experience? We will use your feedback to provide you and future guests with an even better visit.

Click here to complete the survey 🙂

Thank you in advance for your time. We look forward to welcoming you back soon!

For any questions, please contact [Customer support email].

[Someone from your organization]

Expedias customer experience

There are a couple of good pointers we can take away from this Expedia email. First, the company does a great job informing the customer that the feedback will be used to help guide other travelers. Expedia is transparent about the fact that the reviews will be published on Feefo, a review website.

This email also addresses the customer by name, which makes the message feel less formal and more personalized. Finally, the call to action is clear and visible in a big, bright blue button. The survey link is hard to miss.

Source: HubSpot

Let’s take a look at an example from Airbnb. This survey email does a great job explaining the purpose behind the questionnaire. It explains that it wants to have a positive presence in cities around the world and that feedback will make customers like the recipient feel more welcome in its properties.

The email also has a very clear call to action: The bright pink button that says “Take a survey” pops out from the page.

Klook customer feedback email

Source: MailerSend

Klook, a travel activities booking platform, clearly reminds its customers of the experience they booked before asking for their feedback. Consider how the company portrays the survey as a way to benefit future travelers, rather than the company itself. Klook tries to appeal to the travel culture of sharing reviews with others when it says, “They would love to hear your stories.”

Klook also offers a small incentive — $1 in Klook credits per review —  to further persuade people to respond. While incentives typically help boost response rates, they should be used with caution.

Ritual customer feedback

Source: Really Good Emails

Ritual’s survey email is quick and to the point. The company explains why the recipient is receiving the survey and then tells them it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes — although it would be even better if it specified how many minutes. The best part of Ritual’s email is that the message is signed by a real person, Emma from Consumer Insights. This makes the email feel more personable than a message that’s sent by “The Team at Ritual.”

Take our survey to get 10% off your next Aero flight.

Aero uses customer surveys to stay in touch with its customers. In this particular case, the luxury jet company is conducting market research to get a feel for their customers’ future travel plans. The email clearly explains that when it says, “Help us provide you with the best air travel options this summer.”

Aero also includes an incentive — 10% off your next flight —to better persuade its customers to take the survey. Incentives typically help boost your response rates. But you should use them with caution as they can result in biased feedback.

Product review survey

Withings includes a photo of the purchased product to quickly remind customers why they’re receiving this feedback email. The company states that the survey will take a mere two minutes, followed by a clear call to action button that leads to the survey.

Uber customer satisfaction survey

Uber sends a survey to its customers to ask about a recent airport pickup experience. Notice how the company makes it clear that the survey will only take 3 minutes. The survey button pops out at the reader, making it easy to click for the full survey.

Your survey email can determine the success of your customer satisfaction campaign. A poorly written survey email will likely be ignored and lead to low response rates. To ensure your guests open your email and provide you with quality feedback, you’ll want to keep these five tips in mind.

  • Write an enticing subject line: A compelling subject line will help your email stand out from the rest of the messages in an inbox. Personalize it by including the guest’s first name. Then, mention your company name and a note that reminds them why they’re receiving this email.
  • Explain why they’re receiving the survey: Perhaps you want to find out if you should increase staff numbers in your water park, so you survey guests who have recently visited on busy days. In your email, you’ll explain to them that they’re receiving the survey because they recently visited your attraction and you want to know if they were able to find help or a representative every time they needed to.
  • Be clear about the survey duration: Always include the estimated time it’ll take to complete the survey. Be as specific as possible  “10 minutes or less” — so guests know what to expect going into the questionnaire.
  • Make your call to action clear: If you’re linking your survey from the email body, make sure the call to action is clear and stands out from the page. Avoid any other links that may distract the reader from the survey link.
  • Personalize your email: If you want to capture your customer’s attention right away, go beyond just name personalization. Dig into customer data and see if there’s anything about their past interactions with your brand that can help you further tailor the email to them.

Now that you’ve seen what a customer satisfaction emails survey should look like, it’s time to start crafting your own.

Remember the five tips we shared to help boost your response rates:

  • Write a compelling subject line
  • Explain why you’re sending this survey
  • Be clear about the survey duration
  • Make your call to action stand out from the rest of the email
  • Personalize your message

It may take some trial and error, but soon you’ll find the survey template that works for your audience. Then, you can start checking in with your guests more often and continuously improve your visitor experience.

Writer Carla Vianna

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How to Write a Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire Sample: Tips and Examples

How to Write a Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire Sample: Tips and Examples 1

Are you struggling to figure out how to write a compelling cover letter for your survey questionnaire sample? You’re not alone. Crafting a cover letter that resonates with your audience is a challenge that even the most experienced writers face. Fortunately, there are plenty of examples out there that you can use as a starting point.

In fact, we have a range of sample cover letters that you can access right now to kickstart your creative process. Each one is unique and tailored to a specific survey questionnaire, so you’re sure to find one that’s a perfect fit for your project. All you need to do is take the time to edit them to suit your needs.

Our sample cover letters are designed to grab the reader’s attention from the get-go, using a mix of persuasive language and eye-catching formatting. They’re proven to generate interest and desire, so you can be confident that your recipients will be keen to provide you with the information you need.

If you want to get started on your cover letter for survey questionnaire sample right away, head over to our website and take a look at our collection of examples. With the right cover letter, you’ll be able to gather the insights and data you need to drive your project forward.

The Best Structure for a Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire Sample

When it comes to creating a cover letter for a survey questionnaire sample, there are a few important things that you should keep in mind. The cover letter is essentially your chance to introduce yourself, explain the purpose of the survey, and encourage the recipient to participate. In order to accomplish these goals effectively, it is essential to structure your cover letter in a clear, concise, and engaging way.

The first thing to consider when creating your cover letter is the overall structure. It is important to begin with a strong opening that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a brief anecdote, a startling statistic, or a rhetorical question that piques the reader’s interest. Once you have captured your reader’s attention, you can move on to introducing yourself and your project.

The next section of your cover letter should provide a brief overview of the survey itself. This should include information on the purpose of the survey, what the data will be used for, and how the recipient’s participation will be beneficial. It is also important to briefly outline the questions that will be asked and any specific instructions that the recipient should follow in order to complete the survey.

One key element of a successful survey cover letter is conveying the importance of the project and the value of the recipient’s participation. You may want to include some information on the wider context surrounding the survey, such as current trends or issues that make the survey particularly relevant. This can help to emphasize the importance of the recipient’s contribution.

Finally, it is important to wrap up your cover letter with a clear call to action. This should be a strong statement that encourages the recipient to participate and explains how to access the survey itself. You may also want to include your contact information in case the recipient has any questions or concerns.

Overall, the key to creating an effective cover letter is to be clear, concise, and engaging. By following these guidelines and structuring your cover letter in a logical and compelling way, you can increase the likelihood that the recipient will participate in your survey and provide you with the data you need to achieve your goals.

Survey Questionnaire Cover Letter Templates

Customer satisfaction survey.

Dear Valued Customer,

We appreciate your business and are committed to providing you with the best possible service. To ensure we are meeting your expectations, we would like to invite you to participate in our customer satisfaction survey. Your feedback will help us improve our products and services, and ultimately make your experience with us even better.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. We value your opinion and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Employee Engagement Survey

Dear Team Member,

We want to ensure that our employees feel valued and engaged in the workplace. In order to achieve this, we would like to request your participation in our employee engagement survey. Your feedback will help us understand what’s working well and what areas we need to improve, to create a positive and productive work environment.

Your responses will remain anonymous and will be used for internal purposes only. We believe in transparency, and we will share the results with you and the rest of the team to help guide our future actions.

Thank you for your dedication to our company and your willingness to share your thoughts with us.

Market Research Survey

Dear Survey Participant,

Our company is currently conducting market research to better understand the needs and preferences of our target audience. We value your opinion and would greatly appreciate your participation in our survey. Your responses will help us make informed decisions about our products and services.

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and your responses will remain confidential. We are committed to protecting your privacy and will not share your personal information with any third party.

Thank you for your time and valuable input.

Volunteer Feedback Survey

Dear Volunteer,

We appreciate your dedication to our organization and the valuable contribution you make to our community. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to participate in our volunteer feedback survey. Your feedback will help us better understand your experience as a volunteer and identify areas where we can improve our volunteer program.

Your responses will remain anonymous and will be used for internal purposes only. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our cause.

Event Attendee Survey

Dear Event Attendee,

We hope you enjoyed our recent event and would like to thank you for your attendance. We are committed to improving our events and would greatly appreciate your feedback through our event attendee survey. Your input will help us enhance our future events and provide a better experience for our guests.

The survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain anonymous. We value your opinion and look forward to hearing from you.

Website User Feedback Survey

Dear Website User,

We are committed to providing our visitors with the best possible experience on our website. To ensure we are meeting your needs, we would like to request your participation in our website user feedback survey. Your feedback will help us identify areas where we can improve and provide a better user experience.

The survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain anonymous. We appreciate your time and your willingness to help us improve our website.

Product Feedback Survey

Dear Product User,

We are constantly striving to improve our products and deliver the best possible experience to our users. To achieve this, we would like to request your participation in our product feedback survey. Your feedback will help us identify areas where we can improve our products and provide a better user experience.

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain confidential. We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

Tips for Writing a Cover Letter for a Survey Questionnaire Sample

Writing a cover letter for a survey questionnaire sample can be quite challenging. A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself and your survey questionnaire to potential respondents. It should be brief, yet engaging, and provide enough information to entice respondents to participate in your survey. Here are some tips for writing a cover letter for a survey questionnaire sample:

  • Start with a clear and concise introduction: Begin your cover letter with a clear and concise introduction that explains who you are and why you are conducting the survey. This will help establish your credibility with potential respondents and make them more likely to participate.
  • Provide a brief overview of the survey: Give a brief overview of the survey questions, what type of information you are seeking, and how the results will be used. This will help potential respondents understand the purpose of your survey and what type of information they can expect to share.
  • Emphasize the benefits of participating: Explain the benefits of participating in your survey questionnaire. For example, if the survey is related to a product, emphasize that their feedback will help improve the product. Alternatively, if the survey is for a research study, explain how their participation will contribute to valuable research findings.
  • Make the survey anonymous: Assure potential respondents that their responses will remain anonymous. This will make them feel more comfortable sharing their honest opinions without fear of retaliation or consequences.
  • Include contact information: Provide contact information so that potential respondents can reach out if they have any questions or concerns. This will also make them feel more comfortable about the legitimacy of the survey.
  • Use simple language: Use simple and clear language that is easy to understand. Avoid using technical terms, acronyms, or jargon that might confuse potential respondents.
  • Thank the potential respondents for their time: Thank potential respondents for taking the time to participate in the survey and express your appreciation for their valuable feedback. This will show that you value their time and input.

By following these tips, you can write an effective cover letter for your survey questionnaire sample that will engage potential respondents and encourage them to participate in your survey.

Frequently Asked Questions: Cover Letter for Survey Questionnaire Sample

What is a cover letter.

A cover letter is a document that is sent along with a survey questionnaire that highlights the purpose of the survey and assures the respondent of data confidentiality.

Is a cover letter necessary for a survey questionnaire sample?

Yes, a cover letter is important as it helps to introduce the survey purpose and also assures the respondent of data confidentiality.

What are the components of a cover letter?

A cover letter typically includes an introductory paragraph, a paragraph that highlights the survey purpose, instructions on how to complete the survey, a statement of data confidentiality, contact information, and a thank-you note.

How long should a cover letter be?

A cover letter should be brief and to the point, usually not more than one page.

Should I personalize my cover letter when sending it to different respondents?

Yes, it is recommended to personalize your cover letter when sending to different respondents by using their name in the salutation, if available.

When is the best time to send a cover letter for a survey questionnaire?

The best time to send a cover letter for a survey questionnaire is before the actual survey. This helps introduce the survey and its purpose to the respondent.

What are some key things to remember when writing a cover letter for a survey questionnaire?

It is important to highlight the purpose of the survey, assure the respondent of data confidentiality, give clear instructions for completing the survey, and provide contact information in case the respondent has any questions or concerns.

Thanks for Reading!

We hope you found our sample cover letter for survey questionnaire helpful and insightful. Remember, the key to a great cover letter is to be concise, persuasive, and engaging. By following our tips and using our template, you’ll be well on your way to creating a winning cover letter that captures the attention of your target audience. If you have any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Until next time, happy surveying!

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Best Sample Letters for Customer Satisfaction Survey

Table of Contents

Don’t know if you need a  letter for customer satisfaction survey ? Try answering the questions below.

If you want to know if they’re happy or unhappy with your items, how do you find out? And how can you tell if a consumer wants a new feature before you build it?

Here’s where customer satisfaction surveys come in; their findings reveal the honest opinions of your clientele on their level of contentment.

When Do You Write a Customer Satisfaction Survey?

No one can deny the value of the customer’s opinion. With the information from customer satisfaction surveys, you may better incorporate the “voice of the consumer” into your business strategies. 

You can’t assume what your customers need. So, it’s important to solicit their thoughts and ideas regularly to address their immediate and specific requirements better.

The customer journey is molded in part by their feedback. You can only keep them as customers, make them happy, or get them to make more purchases if you know what they think.

In light of this, customer satisfaction surveys provide valuable insights into the minds and hearts of your clientele . Without them, you can’t know your consumers’ sentiments and provide for their wants.

Sample Letter for Customer Satisfaction Survey

Distributing an email survey to your most valuable customers starts with writing an email that maintains their interest long enough to finish the survey. See these email template samples for conducting a customer satisfaction survey with INK.

A person in a brown garment typing on a laptop computer

Some people think the greatest strategy to get responses is to send a short, direct email inviting people to fill out a survey. Remember that your consumers’ time is valuable, so keep them from wading through an email that takes too long to get to the point. Additionally, remember that beginning an email to a customer with a personalized greeting is always appreciated.

Subject: Survey Invitation Email

 Hello [insert customer’s name], 

Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I am conducting a customer satisfaction survey and would appreciate it if you could answer a few questions. Your feedback is essential to us and will be used to improve our services. 

Would you say that you are satisfied with the products or services you received from us? Would you recommend us to your friends or family? How likely are you to do business with us again in the future? 

If you have any additional comments, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to let me know. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

Invoking a sense of community is another technique when crafting a survey email template for customer service. Here’s what we got with  INK !

Subject: Welcome to our community, [insert customer’s name]!

 Dear valued member of the [insert company/organization] community, thank you for being a loyal and dedicated member! We truly appreciate your commitment to our community.

We would greatly appreciate your feedback in a brief survey to continue providing the best possible experience for all of our members. Your input is essential in helping us identify areas of improvement and ensure that we meet our community’s needs. 

The survey will only take a few minutes, and your answers will be kept strictly confidential. To show our appreciation for your time, all participants who complete the survey will enter into a draw to win a $50 gift card. 

Thank you again for being such an essential part of our community! We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Final Words

Writing a  letter for customer satisfaction survey   may seem like a waste of time, but it’s crucial to document product or service issues. The tasks might seem daunting, but many benefits come with the letter.

Best Sample Letters for Customer Satisfaction Survey

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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How to write a cover letter for surveys, the four levels of customer service.

Surveys can provide vital information to a business owner, providing insights that customers may be hesitant to share face-to-face. If you’ve taken the time to craft a customer survey, you’ll want to take a bit more time to write a cover letter encouraging your customers to complete it. Keep your letter short and to the point; after all, you want your customers to spend most of their time completing the survey. Above all, underscore the value of their feedback and your appreciation of their time.

Address the recipient in the salutation just as you would if you were greeting her at your place of business. Use “Dear Ms. XX” or “Dear Nancy” rather than the impersonal “Dear Valued Customer.” Addressing each letter by name takes more time, but it will make your customer feel more genuinely valued.

Open your letter on a friendly note that states your purpose in writing: “As a respected customer of (name your business), you could help guide my efforts to serve you better by taking a few minutes to complete the enclosed customer survey.”

Explain why the survey is important to you and why the customer is being asked to participate. Writers and marketers often refer to this statement as an emotional appeal because it should prompt the customer to respond in kind to your request. You might say, for example, “We at (name your business) work hard every day to provide superior (name the products or services). But we rely on the honest opinions and ideas of customers like you to tell us how we can improve. It is in this spirit that we hope you will assist our best intentions by completing the survey.”

Direct the customer’s attention to the survey, how long it should take to complete and how it should be returned to you. To encourage participation, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.

Refer to any special premium or small gift you may be offering as a thank you for completing the survey. You also may encourage the customer to bring in the letter or the envelope – which should contain a tracking code – so that you can validate that the survey was indeed completed.

Close the letter by expressing your gratitude for the customer’s time and “good ideas.” Then thank her for her continued loyalty to your business, perhaps by saying that you will continue to “work hard to meet and exceed’’ her expectations.

End your letter with a formal closing, such as “Sincerely,” rather than the more informal “Best regards.” Sign your full name above your typed name and title.

Proofread and edit your letter before sending it.

  • As with all marketing efforts, be sure to track the response to your survey by putting a special code on the mailing envelope or the letter.

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Cover Letter for Survey

[tab name=’Example 1′]

Example 1: Example of cover letters for survey

Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip Date Addressee Address City, State Zip

At the Woodvine Convention Center we are committed to customer satisfaction. We know how important it is that the meetings you schedule at our facility go smoothly.

Our records show that over the past year you used our facilities on three occasions. Would you take a few moments and fill out the enclosed survey about the quality of the service you received at Woodvine? We have enclosed a stamped envelope for returning the survey.

With your help, we can help you better. We appreciate your time and consideration. [/tab] [tab name=’Example 2′]

Example 2: Cover letter to customer

Dear Ms. Aubrey:

We are pleased you have continued to use Bakerfields for your office equipment needs. The effectiveness of our company rests not only on your satisfaction in our equipment, but also in your ability to get your questions answered promptly and efficiently.

To make sure we’re meeting your needs, we have enclosed a customer service survey. We invite you to share your opinions on how well our service representatives were able to help you with your problems and questions. Please return the completed survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.

Thank you for your time, Ms. Aubrey. Your answers will help us to ensure that you are receiving quality service. [/tab] [tab name=’Example 3′]

Example 3: Covering survey letters

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Yarrow:

It was an honor to cater your 35th wedding anniversary party. We were proud to be offered the opportunity to help with the celebration of such a remarkable accomplishment.

You can help us ensure we provide the level of service for which we strive. We have enclosed a customer survey which addresses the quality of the food, decorations, and the quality of service rendered by the food servers at your anniversary party. Please use the enclosed stamped envelope to return the survey to our offices.

Congratulations again, and thank you so much for your time.

Cordially, [/tab] [tab name=’Example 4′]

Example 4: Cover letter to customer

Company Name or Letterhead Address City, State Zip

Addressee Address City, State Zip

Dear Mrs. Cartwright,

We at the Hotel California are constantly striving to better meet your travel needs and to make your stay with us pleasurable. To help us meet this goal, we survey guests from each hotel on a yearly basis. This survey helps us to make improvements in our hotels and gives you the best possible value for the money.

Our records show you stayed with us in our Denver hotel last June. We would greatly appreciate your taking a few minutes to complete the enclosed survey about your stay. Be assured that your responses will be kept completely confidential. I will personally review the results.

Please return your completed survey in the enclosed postage-paid envelope at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to having you at the Hotel California again soon.

Sincerely, [/tab] [end_tabset]

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