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Internet Is Boon Or Bane Essay | Essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by sastry

Internet Is Boon Or Bane Essay:  The internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that link several billion devices worldwide. It is an international network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business and government packet switched networks, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as applications of world wide web (www), the infrastructure to support email, peer to peer networks for file sharing and telephony.

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Long and Short Essays on Internet Is Boon Or Bane for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Internet Is Boon Or Bane’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane of 400-500 words. This long essay about Internet Is Boon Or Bane is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Internet can be reckoned as the discovery of man which has revolutionised his style of working and living. It has totally reduced distance, broken all man-made barriers and made our world a small place. It has brought information at our doorstep opening before us what is known as ‘Information Superhighway’ at the click of a button.

The internet didn’t just happen overnight- ather it was the end result of a search that had been in place since the late 1950s. By the time the world started to get online in the mid-1990s, the net had been almost 40 years in the making.

The internet revolutionised the computer and world of communication like never before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The internet has a worldwide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location.

The internet has changed much in the two-decades since it came into existence. It started as the creation of a small band of dedicated researchers, and has grown to be a commercial success with billions of dollars of annual investments. According to a survey, as of June 2012, over a third of world’s human population have used the services of the internet. This made Bill Gate say

“The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”

It is changing to accommodate yet another generation of underlying network technologies with different characteristics and requirements from broadband residential access to satellites. New modes of access and new forms of service will spawn new applications, which in turn will drive further evolution of the net itself.

The internet boom in India has become one of the major contributors of the economic growth of the country. The use of internet has increased more than 11 times in the last seven years. The internet boom has equally affected the metros, the towns and villages. Internet has revolutionised the access of information, telephony, television, sharing ideas among other things. With the strike of a button, all is done. The internet boom in India has also contributed to the generation of employment. The rise in the use of internet has led to the growth of cyber cities, cyber cafes and internet parlours throughout India. With the rise in its popularity in India, there is a need for professionals who would feed the information into the web. Content writing and management, web page designing, internet advertising have become booming sectors within the IT industry in India.

Some of the ways the internet is being used are for finding people, place or information. One can use the directory services to search the phone books of any country together with zip codes. Businesses and potential businesses research their competition over the internet. In education field, school teachers co-ordinate projects with classrooms all over the globe. College students and their families exchange e-mails to facilitate letter writing and keep down the cost of phone calls. Students do researches with the help of their home computers. Moreover, the latest encyclopaedias are available online.

In the field of travel, cities, towns, states and countries are using the web to put up (post) tourist and event information. Travellers find weather information, maps, transportation schedules and tickets, and museum hours online. In marketing and sales, software companies are seen selling software and providing updates via the net. Companies are seen selling products over the net. Online shopping enables people to browse online, choose titles, and pay for stuff over the net. Not just for students, internet is an incredible tool for job finders too. One can distribute his/her resume online to prospective employers.

Furthermore, people are even finding romance on the net. Singles ads and matchmaking sites vie for users. Patients and doctors keep up-to-date with the latest medical findings, share treatment experience, and give one another support in medical problems around the globe. Some practitioners exchange e-mails directly with their patients. Also people do financial research, buy stock, and invest money. Some companies are online and they even trade their own shares. Churches, NGO’s and other community organisations put up pages telling about themselves and inviting new people. With so many varied and extensive usages, Bill Clinton once said

“The internet has become an integral of America’s economic, political and social life.”

Internet Is Boon Or Bane Essay

Short Essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Internet Is Boon Or Bane is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

However the internet boom has some setbacks too which is a threat to the whole humanity. Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems to their health. People are also seen wasting a lot of time surfing internet. Internet and television together are adding to the busy lifestyles of people further making them lazy.

Internet hackers are on the rise, creating havoc in the world of business and communication. They are creating a lot of problems by creating viruses, using it for identity theft or even misusing the confidential information of the government. There are a lot of thefts, frauds unscrupulous businesses that have sprung up on the internet to take undue advantage of the innocence of the people.

The problem of pornography is widespread and L thus ruining our youth. Anti-social elements of society like terrorists are also using internet against the humanity. During the times of riots or unrest in a nation, fast spreading information proves difficult to be tackled. Internet is a great tool which man has invented. Its potential is still not fully tapped. More and more uses of Internet are being discovered as days go by. It has made our life easy, comfortable, pleasurable and luxurious. Internet has ushered in the cyber age. However, it is high time that its wrong use and negative impact be minimised. If not put an end to, it will strangle our younger generation and lead them to moral abyss.

Internet Is Boon Or Bane Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Array – an impressively large number
  • Telephony – transmitting speech at a distance
  • Reckoned – considered, supposed, viewed
  • Unprecedented – unparalleled, extraordinary
  • Integration – incorporation, blending
  • Dissemination – distribution, diffusion, transmission
  • Spawn – generate, produce, give rise to
  • Facilitate -further, promote
  • Incredible – unbelievable, extraordinary, brilliant
  • Vie – compete, contest, strive
  • Practitioners – someone who practices a learned profession
  • Varied – diverse, miscellaneous, wide-ranging
  • Unscrupulous – corrupt, dishonest, unethical
  • Havoc – chaos, devastation, violent and needless disturbance
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The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse? Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


The internet, a blessing, the internet, a curse.

The invention of the computer and the subsequent birth of the internet has been seen as the most significant advance of the 20th century. Over the course of the past few decades, there has been a remarkable rise in the use of computers and the internet and these two have revolutionized the way in which we carry out our day to day activities. In addition to this, the unprecedented high adoption rate of the internet has resulted in it being a necessity in the running of our day to day lives. With this wide-scale penetration of the internet into many facets of our life, it has become apparent that the internet has both positive and negative effects on individuals and society at large.

In light of this reality of the two faces of the internet, there has risen the question of whether the internet is a blessing or a curse to mankind. This paper shall argue that while the internet does pose many real dangers, the internet is overall a blessing to humanity and its positive impacts far outweigh its ills. To reinforce this assertion, this paper shall highlight the significant merits of the internet and demonstrate how the ills can be mitigated for the good of all.

One of the most monumental effects of the internet is that it has led to the speeding up of globalization which is a process characterized by a major integration of economies and cultures. Globalization is characterized by a reduction in barriers between nations as the world strives to become a harmonic society. Sahay (2005, p.36) asserts that the ability of computing technologies to traverse geographical and social barriers has resulted in the creation of a closer-knit global community. The internet is to a large extent responsible for breaking down the barriers between different nations and therefore making the move towards making the world a global village feasible. This is because the internet exposes people to varying cultures and traditions therefore making us appreciate the differences.

Knowledge has always been seen to be critical to the advancement of any civilization. As such, man has always sought for ways to accumulate and disseminate information for the betterment of his kind. The internet has greatly aided this task by enabling the sharing of information among people at a previously unprecedented scale. This sharing of information has resulted in an increase in knowledge as people exchange ideas through the internet. With the help of the internet, are no longer confined to physical libraries as their only source of information. They can now tap into the vast resources that computers present through the internet. The internet’s connectivity has also led to more collaboration among students and scientists in their quest for knowledge thus further enhancing their educational experience.

The internet has afforded people the chance to get an education at their convenience. In the early years, one had to physically attend school facilities for educational purposes. This locked out multitudes of people who had the will to obtain an education but lacked the time to make it happen. Computers have changed this by enabling learning to be more dynamic by the use of online classes. This is in the form of the phenomenon known as “online education”. Students can take classes from wherever they may be and at any time by using virtual classrooms. The internet has therefore increased the number of people currently enrolled in higher learning institutes thus making education more universal than it was before the inception of computers.

The internet has led to a shift in the power bases by taking power from the political and economic elites, big businesses and governments and transferring the same to ordinary people. Ward (2003) suggests that through its distributive ability, the internet will decentralize traditional media channels, therefore, allowing for the interactive community which will result in citizen-based, participatory democracy. Therefore, as a result of the internet, people are no longer privy to government misinformation or even propaganda since they can report the news for themselves. This is a desirable change especially in countries whereby power is wielded by a few elites who control mainstream media and oppress their people.

As more people give information or perform activities online, the internet continues to cause a great infringement on individual privacy which is defined as “the right to be left alone” (Moran & Weinroth 2008, 46). This is especially through online shopping whereby one may be forced to enter personal details. When a person accesses the internet, their activities online may be monitored and information about them stored. User privacies have been violated by the use of tracking software and cookies which have enabled organizations to profile individuals. This information is normally collected without consent and sometimes without the knowledge of the user. Moran and Weinroth note that a more daunting reality is the possibility of this data being accessed and utilized for activities that may negatively impact the individual.

The internet has brought about the creation of a new class of people known as Hackers who are people who break into computer systems mostly for the fun of it. Hacking is one of the things which make the internet a very dangerous place. This is because hacking might lead to the exploitation of the vulnerabilities of a system resulting in harm or obtaining some illegal gains for the hacker.

While computer hacking is a criminal act under federal laws, this has not helped to deter the hackers and the fact that some countries do not have laws against hacking only makes dealing with hackers more difficult. While some hackers present themselves to the public and the hacking community as good or fighting for a good cause, this is not always the case as some hackers do use their skills for destruction or even blackmail (Jones & Valli 2008). As such, usage of the internet exposes one to dangers from hackers who may steal ones identity and use it to commit fraud.

One of the uglier effects of the internet is that it has made the world more dangerous for children. This is especially with regard to sexual exploitation since the internet has exposed children through its great connectivity power. The Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000) states that pedophiles may and actually do use the internet to find potential victims and trade in child pornography. By use of chat rooms, children may be lured into meeting strangers who may then proceed to sexually abuse them.

While such acts were there before the internet era, the internet has made prying on children easier and more effective than was in the past. The internet is also used to facilitate the sex trade through websites that offer detailed information as to the counties where pedophiles may go to exploit children owing to the place’s lax child protection laws. The fact that the internet gives anonymity to people is one of the features which have led to the increase in child sexual exploitation through the internet.

The internet has brought about the possibility of cyber terrorism which is defined as “the premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which result in violence against noncombatant targets by sub national groups or clandestine agents.” (Bidgoli 2004, p.354). The most notable of these attacks was perpetrated against Georgia and Estonia following the dispute with Russia. Korns and Kastenver (2009) note that these attacks resulted in the disabling of communication means for the Georgian government. These realities are bleak considering the fact that a small terrorist group may make use of the internet to severe essential infrastructure of a country.

For all its good, the internet remains as a dangerous and unregulated highway whereby crimes are committed and accountability is low. From the discussions presented above, it is clear that there are a number of real dangers that exist as a result of the internet. Some of these dangers e.g. the risk of children falling prey to molesters may be resolved by the use of a police force that has the power to monitor the internet.

The creation of global and enforceable laws which will make people legally accountable for their actions will also result in making the internet safer for all. While this goes against the basic idea of the internet as a place without any restrictions, every day realities dictate that law enforcement is necessary online to contain crimes that are continually being instigated through the internet. By so doing, some form of order can be brought to the internet, therefore, making it safer for all.

The threat of hackers is very real and presents a big challenge especially to organizations handling critical data. To cope with this, there are tools in place to secure computer networks against attacks. These tools ensure that threats against a network are identified and neutralized and that vulnerabilities are identified and protection measures are adopted. By detecting and defeating the intruders, the advantages of the internet can be reaped without any real danger to the individual or the organization.

The threat of terrorist attacks is very real in today’s world. Wilson (2005) notes that many international terrorist groups are actively using the internet to communicate amongst themselves, spread propaganda and even recruit new members. This raises the possibility that the internet could be used to carry out a well coordinated cyberattack on the critical infrastructure of the country. Wilson (2005) declares that it is unlikely that cyberterrorism will pose the same threat that physical attacks such as Nuclear, Biological or chemical threats pose. As such, the internet does not greatly empower terrorists to carry out their actions and as such, the fear of terrorists causing significant harm through the internet is unfounded.

This paper set out to argue that the internet is mostly benevolent to man. To reinforce these claims, this paper has highlighted some of the positive impacts of the internet on man. The negative impacts have also been stated and a discussion on how real the dangers are undertaken. From the findings in this paper, it is clear that some of the dangers associated with the internet are exaggerated and the real once can be gracefully handled through available means. This paper has noted that by adopting these measures against the dangers inherent in the internet, the dangers can be mitigated or even extinguish all together. Once that is done, the positive attributes of the internet can be exploited therefore making the internet a blessing to mankind and his endeavors.

Bidgoli, H 2004, The Internet encyclopedia, Volume 1. John Wiley and Sons.

Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime (2000), Child Sexually Exploitation and the Internet . Web.

Jones, A & Valli, C 2008, Building a Digital Forensic Laboratory, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Korns, WS & Kastenverg, EJ 2009, Georgia’s Cyber Left Hook . Web.

Moran, JT & Weinroth, J 2008 , Invasion Of Privacy On The Internet: Information Capturing Without Consent, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Volume 6, Number 7.

Sahay, R, 2005, The causes and Trends of the Digital Divide . Web.

Ward, D 2003, Impact of New Technology on the Traditional Media: A Special Issue of Trends in Communication, Routledge.

Wilson, C 2005, Computer Attack and Cyberterrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 21). The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse? https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-internet-a-blessing-or-a-curse/

"The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" IvyPanda , 21 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/the-internet-a-blessing-or-a-curse/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse'. 21 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-internet-a-blessing-or-a-curse/.

1. IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-internet-a-blessing-or-a-curse/.


IvyPanda . "The Internet: A Blessing or a Curse?" March 21, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-internet-a-blessing-or-a-curse/.

Is Internet a Boon or Bane for Students?

Internet Boon or Bane

Why is the Internet a Boon?

  • The Internet provides one of the greatest benefits when it is used to provide educational opportunities for students based on their abilities and interests. Any lesson can become more motivating, exciting, and memorable for a student when it is aided with audio-video information from the internet. Brain research shows that individuals remember events and facts in more detail for a longer period of time if there are emotions involved in the initial learning experience. Therefore the Internet can increase the emotional impact of lessons and make learning interesting, fun and meaningful to students.
  • When students gain experience learning for the pure joy of learning, their emotional interest, intrinsic motivation, and hunger for knowledge also increases
  • The internet is a powerful resource for learning as well as an efficient means of communication. E-mail, chatting etc. have given a new way to discuss, impart and spread education through internet communication.
  • Its use in education provides a number of specific learning benefits like independent learning, development of research skills, access to resources etc.
  • The internet is a huge bank of learning material. It keeps on expanding the resources available to students beyond the standard print materials found in school libraries. It gives students access to the latest reports on government and non-government websites which include research material, scientific and artistic resources in museums and art galleries and other organisations with information applicable to student learning.
  • One of the main advantages of the internet is that it a time-efficient tool for teachers which has the possibility of curriculum development by incorporating internet-based activities into mainstream literacy programs and bringing diversity to their teaching strategies.
  • Searching for information on the internet can help to develop learning skills as it sharpens the ability to find relevant and reliable information. As various sites have particular views about issues, the skills of distinguishing fact from opinion and exploring subjectivity and objectivity are established and developed.
  • Website publishing is a powerful means of generating enthusiasm for literacy units and income generation as well if executed properly.
  • It also facilitates inter-cultural understanding when students are given certain projects which require the study of other cultures of the world. It also enhances students’ literacy skills mainly through email messaging with their peers from other schools or even other countries.
  • The Internet also inculcates social values and norms as the Internet itself is regulated by Norms which are known as Protocols. Learning these protocols and how to follow them gives an understanding of the rule-based society in which they live. This teaches them to treat others with respect and decency.
  • The internet also contributes to students’ broader understanding of information and communication technologies and its centrality to the information economy and society as a whole.
  • Career planning is another major benefit of the Internet as one can search for information on courses, prospects etc. of his or her desired field of interest. It gives an insight beforehand about his choice.
  • Online transactions for banking, shopping, bill payments etc.by university students aid them in learning new and easy ways of doing their chores. It also enhances time management.

Why is the Internet a Bane?

  • One of the most common problems of the Internet is its addiction. Some type of internet addiction is affecting a large number of the population. A small but growing number of Internet users are starting to visit their doctors for help with unhealthy attachments to cyberspace. Such individuals have s strong drive to compulsively use the Internet to check e-mail, make blog entries or visit Web sites or chat rooms. And it can lead to significant problems on the personal and professional levels. Internet addiction might include an extreme fondness for pornography, online gambling and some non-essential Internet activities.
  • Most of the teenagers spend every free moment on the computer. They play games on the net, chat online, instant message or just surf. Most of the time these activities are not productive. School work starts to suffer and the end result is the poor grade.
  • Excess usage of the Internet is Unhealthy both for the mind and the body. Lack of concentration, loss of interest in other physical activities etc. result in a weak body and mind which might fall prey to various health problems.
  • Teenagers might indulge in illegal Internet activities like downloading illegal software hacking other Internet users computers or even company systems, to spreading viruses. Out of curiosity or for having fun, some skilled kids might fall in the wrong company and may start doing what they think is harmless or simply mischievous, indulge in hacking or other activities that might put them at risk of violating the laws
  • Risky chatting in chat rooms dedicated to teenagers another problem area. Paedophiles often frequent chat rooms where they know children and teens will spend much of their time. A real-life meeting with such might lead to abduction, rape, torture or even murder
  • Past studies have shown a change in social trend where teenagers are rejecting real relationships and friendships for cyber relationships. This can have several unforeseen implications.
  • The Internet has increasingly become a way to escape problems or relieve negative mood, which is not a good solution. Traditional methods of dealing with such problems are a proper, effective and reliable way.
  • Though the Internet is a treasure of information but not all of it is beneficial for the betterment of the society. Some information like a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a pipe bomb can lead to serious consequences both for the culprit and the public.
  • The Internet also exposes children to inaccurate information from unreliable sites and confuses students by exposing them to the conworld of Advertisers who have one aim and that is to sell their products. This leads to misinterpretation of facts and unwise judgements. Not everything on the Internet is accurate or legit.
  • Pornography and other adult material are easily available on the internet. Downloading and viewing these can become addictive and corrupts the senses. Seeking physical pleasure then becomes a primary nature at a time when the focus should be on creative activities essential for personality development. A world of unhealthy behaviour is purported by porn stuff which can be witnessed by the growing number of AIDS patients.

Conclusion : The answer to 'Whether the Internet is Boon or Bane is Debatable' and just like all the other advancements in technology, we have to accept the two sides of the same coin. The Internet can and will be used for good or bad. The extent to which it is will be used and abused is upon us. Using the Internet is the norm for today’s youth and it cannot be abolished. Rather there is a need to approach a middle path wherein awareness towards its harmful effects and its productive potential is publicized in a constructive manner on a wide platform.

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Internet: Boon or Bane?

Internet has a great influence in our lives. We may or may not realize, but it has changed a lot in our lives. We are surrounded by mobile phones, computers and many other electronic devices all the time.Actually sometimes you might actually feel being a slave of these devices. These changes are both advantageous as well as not so much advantageous for us. Connecting across the Globe

Social networks like Facebook and Twitter allow us to connect with people who, in a pre-Internet age, we might not have known about. On an average, people at facebook have 350 friends. Also, one tweet from twitter, shakes the whole country, change opinions of millions of people in a second.

Locating our favourite movies and music more easily.

You can stream almost anything online now. Music is available from Spotify, iTunes or Pandora. Movies are available from Netflix. TV is good to find through Hulu. All these forms of entertainment are available in convenient ways online, and people are going for it.

Skipping the Queues

Grofers, Flipkart, Amazon etc., they have changed our lives a lot.There’s no shortage of online stores nowadays. And with the fierce competition, there are giving competitive pricing. With competition, the best come out. Moreover, the cost of maintenance of a mall, and other costs lead to lowering of prices, from their end.

Showcasing our creativity

Writers, artists and other creative types are finding a lot of use for the Internet. Some writers have had their books published through e-publishers, skyrocketing them into the top-level tiers of fame. Others have started blogs, Tumblr accounts and online business through websites like Etsy to get their material out there and connect to an audience as well as earn a handsome amount of money.

We Multitask!!

Multitasking existed long before the Internet, of course, but the ubiquity of smartphones — and tabs! Infinite tabs! — has made multitasking both easier and more damaging.Order food,shopping,manage bank account,office job can all be done effectively in a similar span of time.

In earlier times, we had no way to video conference with our loves ones. Even if there was a way, it was quite expensive and tedious. But, with the emergence of internet, now we can connect face to face with our loved ones, or for corporate meetings etc. Free services like Skype, Google Hangouts, which use VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) have also  helped in reaching the masses via these services.

But then ..

Thinking Capacity reduced

These days, whenever teacher gives assignment to students, they tend to go to the internet, copy all the material and just submit it as it is. This just reduce the thinking capacity of students. Google has answer to almost everything in this world and so people do not actually think themselves or search from Books.

After drugs and alcohol, internet is the third most addictive thing. Once you fall the prey to this drug of internet, it is very difficult to come back. Addiction can be of social networking gaming sites, or even gambling websites.


In today’s world, where everyone has internet access but not everyone has right knowledge about what is right and what is wrong on the internet, it becomes a quiet security threat. Scams on internet have been increasing many folds in the past few days and have continued to scam innocent people, looting thousands of dollars. These scam artists work quite efficiently, by tricking and fooling people in lure of more money or any other tactics.

Reduction in real human interactions

Let us face it, with the emergence of more and more social media platforms and sites, people have shifted to more electronic interaction and have resulted in a loss of human touch. This is also a leading cause of depression and a major negative aspects of internet.


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Internet – boon or bane?

Table of Contents

Why the Internet is a boon:

Why the internet is a bane:, conclusion:.

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Essay on the internet a boon or a bane in 150 words.

The internet plays an important role in human life. nowadays people cannot think of a day without the internet. the internet is being used for finding people, places or information. students use the internet for learning and online classes. the internet has made this world a small place, by breaking all man-made barriers. the internet has become a one-stop solution for entertainment, social networking, service, or obtaining information. it has also made it possible to work from home or work when you travel. we can use the internet and do online shopping from anywhere. using video call, we can see and talk to a person who is in any part of the world. drawbacks pf internet the internet has some drawbacks too, which is a threat to the whole world. youth and children are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing health. children waste their time by playing online games for a long time. internet hackers create havoc in the world of business and communication. the internet has made our life easy. we should use it wisely..


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Internet is Boon or Curse

Internet is a part of Science and Technology development. Whether internet is used for good purpose or it spoils the human life.

Internet is Boon or Curse Introduction: As the technology and Science develops towards peak one side, whereas lot of harmful things happening on other side. As a good citizen, we are in a position to analyse whether the Science and Technology is doing good to human beings or it harms. When we are talking about Science and Technology, it is a vast subject. So many things involved in the ocean of Science and Technology. This article will not be enough to discuss about that vast subject. So let see a drop of that ocean which is nothing but 'Internet'. The usage of internet is such a drastic improvement and the number of users day by day increasing. Even children in school education are very much familiar about the internet and its usage. At the beginning, when computer are introducted, people are against the computer since it reduces the manpower and so many people will be unemployment. But this reason does not changed the development. After few years, situation changed as without computer, it is impossible to make things better. But now all the organizations are computerized. The same situation is going on for internet usage today. Everywhere Internet. Without internet, the communication will be very difficult. The following are few of the usage of internet, which is mandatory nowadays. # Bank # Railways # Airways # Travels like Bus transport # Universiities # Schools and colleges The above said usage are very important nowadays. Without internet they will be in very much critical position. Even to say, it will affect regular life of human beings. Even nowadays most of the houses are having internet connection to communicate with friends or relatives who lives abroad. This will be cost effective whereas by using telephonic conversation rates will be high when compared to video chat through internet. It also helps to conversate by seeing their face infront of them as it gives a feeling of conversating infron of them. Like there are so many things which helps human beings for their self development and also for their business development, there are some things which goes towards negative to ruin the human life. So many things are against this usage and it makes the human life in terrible position. Some websites which is very harmful to the human mind, no need to list out the website names as everyone who uses the internet know about that. So many sites which uses only movie actors photos, videos and about their personal life. Even some websites are changing the mental attitude of youngsters which makes their mind to forget about their career. Nowadays so many people are going behind Social networking sites. There are some social networking site which helps to improve their knowledge, business and social responsibilities whereas some social networking sites are dealing only with dating and chating . This will affects the culture of a nation and also spoils the mind of the youngsters. Inturn the people starts to forget about their social responsibilities , about the importance of their contribution to the nation as well as for their home. It starts as a chain reaction and it continues and increases day by day. Next one is forwarding the MMS clips through internet. As we all hearing daily at some places that MMS videos of college students are leaked. The videos are leaked through MMS and also through Internet by putting in some sites. People especially younger generation are showing very much eager to see these kind of videos. The sites which are famous for Dating are spoiling the culture of our nation. Not only spoils the culture of nation and also the members of that family. It takes the younger generation to wrong path. It makes them to think against the marriage bond. This makes the people to set their mind to live with anybody at anytime. This will result in murdering the spouse and other things which cannot be discussed here. Now we are in a position to analyse who is responsible for these drastic changes in the mind of human beings. Whether the Government or the person who invented the internet, parents, friends, Social networking site owners? As discussed earlier, there are so many good things are happening by using the internet by way of learning, by way of communication channel, by way of business development, even e-learning plays a good role nowadays. But the other side seems to be very dangerous. So what is the solution? Government should control these websites in our country. Since India is famous for tradition, culture and worship. So Government should monitor the websites which are used by most of the people. Thus they can control the wrong things to be planted as seeds in the human mind especially the younger generation. By advicing the people is not sufficient. By law and order only we can control. If a product is ready for sale, then definitely people will go to buy, otherwise if the product is not at all there, then there will be no chance to buy the product. So Government should propose a strict law against the unwanted websites. Next responsibility goes to parents. Parents should monitor their children about their activities in the internet. They should know what their child doing with the internet, whether they are using internet for good things like learning, developing their attitude skills, etc. A complete monitoring is a must to avoid any dangerous result from the children. Since site owners are building their website for earning good income and to develop their business, they are providing lot of unwanted things in their website. So users should have self responsibility when using the internet. They should think about their family values, our Indian culture, about their education and career path. If they start to think about these things, definitely our Science and technology will be of great use. Conclusion: A knife is common object. The usage of knife depends on the user. If a doctor using the knife, it will save a human life. If a murderer uses the same knife, it will take a human life. So can we blame the knife? Not possible, it all depends on who using the knife. So, Internet is really a great boon to our country. Some unwanted things results to a great worse. So make use of internet to develop our country by changing illiterates to literate people. Thus we can make our India to be a top country in 2020 as our ex-President Dr. Abdul Khalam wish. We all should work for that and make our country a great India. Hope for the Best!

This article can now serve only as an academic archive . That is because internet has become a necessity, and now there is no meaning in discussing whether it is a boon or curse. Had it been a curse, then it would not have found its popularity and easy acceptance. It has come to a stage that we cannot live effectively without internet. Now the discussion topic may be to discuss how the interne is replacing our existing way of life and what transformation and mutation it will take in further future. What will replace the present day internet?

Hi Venkiteswaran, Thanks for your comment. What you have mentioned is right, this is what I have explained in my conclusion part.

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Social Media Bane Or Boon? Short and Long Speech for Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 17, 2024

Social Media Bane or Boon

Social Media Bane or Boon: We open our cell phones and search for something, say a restaurant or coffee shop. Within seconds, all our questions are answered. This is the power of social media , where we get to know any and every information across the world. Sitting in an Asian country, we can easily find out what’s happening in South America or any other continent. But as they say, as long as there is light, there will be shadows also. Social media is also like that. It does offer us several benefits and serves as a fundamental tool for the modern world, but it also has several drawbacks. Let’s understand why the concept of Social Media Bane or Boon is so popular these days.

Table of Contents

  • 1 10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon
  • 2 1-Short Speech on Social Media: Bane or Boon
  • Bane
  • Boon
  • 4 Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media: Bane or Boon

Also Read: Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

10 Lines on Social Media Bane or Boon

Here are 10 lines on social media bane or boon.

  • Excessive use of social media has resulted in a decline in face-to-face interactions, leading to a sense of isolation and disconnection in society.
  • Social media has empowered marginalized communities to voice their opinions and advocate for social justice and equality.
  • False information on social media creates confusion and societal discord.
  • Social media platforms have facilitated the spread of information and ideas, fostering global awareness and activism.
  • Social media has facilitated online learning and education, providing access to a vast array of resources and knowledge.
  • Social media creates the fear of missing out (FOMO).
  • India has the highest number of social media users, approximately 550 million.
  • Social media has helped people connect with others living in a far-off country.
  • More than 100 million businesses are flourishing on social media.
  • Social media offers immense knowledge, from the evolution of the world to the present day.

Also Read: Social Media Giving Day 2023  

1-Short Speech on Social Media: Bane or Boon

‘I greet you all present here. I’m here to present a short speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. We are all connected to social media, directly or indirectly. Social media has transformed the traditional way we communicate, share information, and connect with the world around us. However, social media has a dual nature, which we must not neglect. 

We all know that social media platforms operate as powerful tools for facilitating global awareness, promoting businesses, and enabling rapid communication during emergencies. It has created opportunities for individuals to express themselves, share their stories, and find communities that resonate with their interests and values.

But, the pervasive nature of social media has led to the rise of various concerns. Incidents like the dissemination of misinformation, fake news, cyberbullying, online harassment, etc. have brought the darker side of social media to the surface. These negative aspects have a profound impact on our mental health and societal well-being.’

Also Read: Speech on The Best Day of My Life  

Long Speech on Social Media: Bane or Boon

‘I welcome you all present here. Allow me to present myself on Speech on Social Media Bane or Boon. Social Media has become an integral part of our everyday lives. What’s going on around the world can all be figured out in seconds on the social media platforms. But social media is not meant for everyone and not everyone can operate it.

That was just one side of social media, for there is another, which must not be neglected. The increase in fake news, misinformation, and online scams has underscored the need for critical thinking and digital literacy to discern the authenticity of information shared on these platforms.

The addictive nature of social media leads to increased levels of anxiety, depression, and social isolation among users, highlighting the importance of fostering a healthy balance between online engagement and real-life interactions.

Social media’s algorithms create echo chambers, which reinforce our existing beliefs and perspectives while limiting exposure to diverse viewpoints, leading to heightened polarization and a decreased willingness to engage in constructive dialogue and compromise.

At last, the bane and boon of social media must be understood in equal measure to ensure a healthy and responsible digital environment, promote digital literacy, and encourage mindful and balanced use of these platforms.

Sometimes using social media is very simple; we open an application and search for any information or a product. Social media has allowed us to express ourselves, share our stories, and engage in meaningful dialogues.

There is no doubt that social media has democratized the flow of information, allowing marginalized communities to voice their concerns, advocate for social justice, and catalyze movements for positive change. 

Social media platforms have transformed the dynamics of business and marketing, providing organizations with an unprecedented opportunity to reach a vast audience and promote their products and services. 

Also Read: World Social Media Day

Popular Quotes and Slogans on Social Media: Bane or Boon

Here are some popular quotes or slogans on social media bane or boon. Feel free to use them anywhere.

‘Real Connections, Not Just Reactions: Navigating Social Media Wisely.’

‘From Likes to Real Life: Embracing the True Meaning of Connection.’

‘Online Empowerment, Offline Engagement: Harnessing the Power of Social Media.’

‘Filtering Facts, Fighting Fake News: Unveiling the Truth Behind the Posts.’

‘Beyond the Screen: Cultivating Relationships That Transcend Social Media.’

Also Read: How to Prepare for UPSC in 6 Months?

Ans: The bane and boon concept has been highlighted by debate competitions. Social media Bane signifies something that causes negative sides of using it, which causes distress, harm, or ruin. Boon refers to the positive sides of social media, which are beneficial, advantageous, or favourable.

Ans: Social media platforms facilitate instant communication and connectivity, serve as a vital tool for sharing information, and news, offer businesses a powerful platform for marketing their products and services, and enable the creation of communities and networks based on shared interests, values, and goals. Also, Social media is an excellent platform for educational services.

Ans: Cyberbullying, online harassment, the spread of misinformation and false news, privacy breaches, data leaks, and increased rates of depression, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy, due to its excessive use, are some of the major drawbacks of social media.

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Internet Is A Boon Or A Curse Essay

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Show More “The internet has been a boon and a curse”. As more people use social media sites there has been a progressive amount of cyberhate online. Cyber haters have taken over the online world with their dictatorial judgments. Stating explicit things, stating lies to harm someone 's reputation, stating threats or acts of harm all categorizes as what is known today as hate crimes. Social media has opened the door for cyber haters to commit the recurring hate crimes. The autonomy of social media allows people to participate in online hating because of the ability to be anonymous and the lack of regulations on what can be done online. Cyber heaters are attracted to use online sites as a way to hate on others because the lack of confrontation shields …show more content… The majority of cyber haters are unknown because the anonymity gives them the chance to speak truthfully and the chances of the victim finding out their assailant is minimal to none. Whether the individual creates a fake persona or is completely anonymous the person becomes disconnect to his or hers own moral values of sympathizing others. This new persona hides away any insecurities the attacker has creating a new found confidence to say whatever he or she wants. For instance with the app Yik Yak, an anonymous site mostly used by college students, allows people to post anonymously about their views and opinions within a certain demographic. However, recently the app was being scrutinized over racist comments, reinforce stereotypes of fraternities and sororities, and spread rumors about individuals being posted. The students’ anonymous hate is an expression of their discontentment however it shows their lack empathy of others online. This concept of deindividuation, where a person loses his or her self awareness is present among the number of cyber haters due to the lack of conformity online. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all prompt self express which cyber haters take advantage of and degrade others since in the offline world such behavior is frowned upon. There is no consequence for their actions allowing anonymous cyber haters to get …show more content… All social media sites have a blocking feature, which is irrelevant in trying to end the problem of hate crimes. Blocking someone online does not prohibit the cyber haters from finding their next victim. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all go against societal norms in how people interact because the rules do not apply to online media. Cyber haters know that they are protected under the fourth amendment right of the Constitution, freedom of speech. For example, Anthony Elonis, he was prosecuted by his ex-wife after posting several threatening rap lyrics he created about killing her on Facebook. Elonis was the first case to be prosecuted as a cyber harassers that brought attention to authorities. It brought questioning as to how our legal system is able to deal with these issues and what actions can be made to put an end to cyber haters. Therefore authorities have been trying defining what can be considered a true threat which can be held up against in court. However because do not see cyber harassment with the same severity compares to sexual harassment or domestic abuse . They believe the solution to end cyber hate is by simply getting up and leave the computer to avoid abuse. So the Supreme court ending would ultimately end in favor of Elonis deciding on lack of evidence. Anthony and his rap lyrics are an example about how cyber attackers can commit hate crimes and not

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essay on internet curse or boon

Is Internet a Boon or a Curse?

Vansh Sharma

Vansh Sharma

Is Internet a Boon or Curse?

Can we really choose or decide?

Whether a facility is a Boon or a curse, does it really depend on the characteristics of facility or it depends on how and for what purpose the person is using it?

Think of a Ak-47 rifle. What is it’s use? People use it to shoot and kill a person. Now, if an Army man use it, then it’s a boon and if a terrorist use it, it’s a curse. Let’s take another example, think of a Mobile phone. It is a boon when people use it communication purpose and a curse, when people use it harassment and stalking purposes.

The above two example tells us that it is not the facility, service or product which is boon or curse, it is the actions of humans which make a particular thing a boon or a curse. Internet is one of the greatest technologies ever invented. It has opened up vast number possibilities which can be created through internet. And when we talk about possibilities, every possibility can have two outcomes i.e. good or bad.

I have seen many people calling internet as curse because there is no privacy. I want to ask those people that, ‘Is somebody really forcing you to use internet?’ Many a time people blame google for disclosing the privacy but these people don’t realize that they themselves have opted for that. In one of the UN meets, Mr. Sundar Picchai, CEO of Google was asked whether the google know when we shift from one place to another and to this he answered that, ‘if you have applied for some services then yes’. When we create a google account or register for different services of google, we agree to some terms and conditions which most of us don’t read and for us not reading that, we cannot blame google for it. And yes, there are hackers too who breach our data. But again, is internet a bad thing or the intentions of the hackers are bad? If any spy agency or army does hacking, it’s a boon and if any individual with wrong intention does hacking, it’s a curse.

A very debated topic is ‘the impact of social media and internet on teenagers’. Some parents complain that their child spends too much time on social media & internet and spend less time on studying and regard internet as curse. But do you really think that parents of Mr. Ritesh Agarwal (who created OYO Rooms in teenage) would really consider internet as curse? Now think of the parents of members of ‘Boys Locker Room group chat’. They will definitely call internet as a curse because their children made wrong use out of it whereas the parents of Ritesh Agarwal will consider internet as boon because their son created history out of it.

Think of this lockdown period where almost every teenager was at home. Some teenagers really used this time to grow themselves on internet and social media and learning new things. But this doesn’t mean that did not had fun. They had fun too but they also focused on themselves. These teenagers maintained a balance. Whereas, there are many teenagers who did nothing for themselves and just spent time on internet for their personal fun which is not wrong in any sense. But for them, will internet be a curse or a boon? Now, don’t you think that it is the actions and intentions of teenagers which makes internet a boon or a curse?

People say that Internet is a distraction while doing various other activities such as driving and studying. Of course it’s a distraction whose priority is not safety while driving and learning while studying. It is not the distraction but the priority and choice people make. Some people say that Internet is a bad place because some companies put up bad content such as Pornography. Now this is really subjective. Firstly, pornography is made up and put up by people not by internet. Secondly, not all communities and societies are against it. Thirdly, if it is bad for you, it doesn’t mean that it is bad for others too. Some people enjoy it, infact many do and that is the reason it exists. So, whether a thing or facility is good or bad also depends on the community background, personal beliefs, thoughts and interests. So, now think, whether internet is boon or curse, or our thoughts and beliefs make it?

Internet is a facility. It is a stage for human beings where we have to go and perform. It gives us every opportunity to create & discover new possibilities and improve the lifestyle of people. It is just like the government we elect for ourselves. The government’s job is to create more opportunities and infrastructure for the people and then it is us who have to make best use out of it. Now there are some people who use these opportunities in positive way and some in negative way. When it’s positive, it is boon and when negative, it’s a curse. Same is with the internet. It is just that we have to use it in the best way possible for world’s development. If we will do that, Internet will definitely be a boon. If we fail to that, then curse will be there.

Now ask yourself that if we start thinking positive, accept & respect the individual’s behaviour, culture and beliefs and try to do something good for others and world, will there be any curse in our lifes?

Do give it a thought!

P.S. — I don’t possess much knowledge about technology. If I have written anything false or wrong regarding technical aspects, please mention it in the comment section.

Vansh Sharma

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Internet: Curse or Boon Essay Example

Internet: Curse or Boon Essay Example

  • Pages: 4 (1093 words)
  • Published: May 26, 2017
  • Type: Essay

As the technology and Science develops towards peak one side, whereas lot of harmful things happening on other side. As a good citizen, we are in a position to analyse whether the Science and Technology is doing good to human beings or it harms.

When we are talking about Science and Technology, it is a vast subject. So many things involved in the ocean of Science and Technology. This article will not be enough to discuss about that vast subject. So let see a drop of that ocean which is nothing but 'Internet'.

The usage of internet is such a drastic improvement and the number of users day by day increasing. Even children in school education are very much familiar about the internet and its usage.

At the beginning, when computer are introducted, people are against the computer since it reduces the manpower and so many peopl

e will be unemployment. But this reason does not changed the development. After few years, situation changed as without computer, it is impossible to make things better. But now all the organizations are computerized.

The same situation is going on for internet usage today. Everywhere Internet. Without internet, the communication will be very difficult. The following are few of the usage of internet, which is mandatory nowadays. # Bank

# Railways # Airways # Travels like Bus transport # Universiities # Schools and colleges

The above said usage are very important nowadays. Without internet they will be in very much critical position. Even to say, it will affect regular life of human beings.

Even nowadays most of the houses are having internet connection to communicate with friends or relatives who lives abroad. This will be cos

effective whereas by using telephonic conversation rates will be high when compared to video chat through internet. It also helps to conversate by seeing their face infront of them as it gives a feeling of conversating infron of them.

Like there are so many things which helps human beings for their self development and also for their business development, there are some things which goes towards negative to ruin the human life. So many things are against this usage and it makes the human life in terrible position.

Some websites which is very harmful to the human mind, no need to list out the website names as everyone who uses the internet know about that. So many sites which uses only movie actors photos, videos and about their personal life. Even some websites are changing the mental attitude of youngsters which makes their mind to forget about their career. Nowadays so many people are going behind Social networking sites. There are some social networking site which helps to improve their knowledge, business and social responsibilities whereas some social networking sites are dealing only with dating and chating. This will affects the culture of a nation and also spoils the mind of the youngsters. Inturn the people starts to forget about their social responsibilities, about the importance of their contribution to the nation as well as for their home. It starts as a chain reaction and it continues and increases day by day.

Next one is forwarding the MMS clips through internet. As we all hearing daily at some places that MMS videos of college students are leaked. The videos are leaked through MMS and also through Internet by

putting in some sites. People especially younger generation are showing very much eager to see these kind of videos.

The sites which are famous for Dating are spoiling the culture of our nation. Not only spoils the culture of nation and also the members of that family. It takes the younger generation to wrong path. It makes them to think against the marriage bond. This makes the people to set their mind to live with anybody at anytime. This will result in murdering the spouse and other things which cannot be discussed here.

Now we are in a position to analyse who is responsible for these drastic changes in the mind of human beings. Whether the Government or the person who invented the internet, parents, friends, Social networking site owners?

As discussed earlier, there are so many good things are happening by using the internet by way of learning, by way of communication channel, by way of business development, even e-learning plays a good role nowadays. But the other side seems to be very dangerous.

So what is the solution?

Government should control these websites in our country. Since India is famous for tradition, culture and worship. So Government should monitor the websites which are used by most of the people. Thus they can control the wrong things to be planted as seeds in the human mind especially the younger generation. By advicing the people is not sufficient. By law and order only we can control. If a product is ready for sale, then definitely people will go to buy, otherwise if the product is not at all there, then there will be no chance to buy the product. So

Government should propose a strict law against the unwanted websites.

Next responsibility goes to parents. Parents should monitor their children about their activities in the internet. They should know what their child doing with the internet, whether they are using internet for good things like learning, developing their attitude skills, etc. A complete monitoring is a must to avoid any dangerous result from the children.

Since site owners are building their website for earning good income and to develop their business, they are providing lot of unwanted things in their website. So users should have self responsibility when using the internet. They should think about their family values, our Indian culture, about their education and career path. If they start to think about these things, definitely our Science and technology will be of great use.


A knife is common object. The usage of knife depends on the user. If a doctor using the knife, it will save a human life. If a murderer uses the same knife, it will take a human life. So can we blame the knife? Not possible, it all depends on who using the knife.

So, Internet is really a great boon to our country. Some unwanted things results to a great worse. So make use of internet to develop our country by changing illiterates to literate people. Thus we can make our India to be a top country in 2020 as our ex-President Dr. Abdul Khalam wish. We all should work for that and make our country a great India. Hope for the Best!

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Internet : Curse or Boon

essay on internet curse or boon

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Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

What is modern technology.

Modern technology is all the new tools and gadgets we use every day. Think of smartphones, computers, and the internet. They make life easier by helping us talk to friends, find information, and do our work.

Technology as a Boon

Technology as a bane.

Sometimes technology can be a problem. People might use it too much and not talk to each other face to face. Kids might play video games all day instead of playing outside. It can also break and cost a lot of money to fix.

Technology is both good and bad. It depends on how we use it. If we use it to help us and be careful not to overuse it, technology can make our lives much better.

250 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Modern technology: good or bad, technology makes life easier.

First, let’s talk about the good side. Technology, like computers and smartphones, has made life much easier. We can talk to friends and family no matter how far they are. We can find answers to our questions instantly by searching on the internet. Also, doctors use new tools to help sick people get better. In schools, tablets and smart boards make learning fun for kids.

Problems with Technology

On the other side, technology can cause problems. Some people spend too much time on their phones or playing video games. This can make them less active and even lonely because they don’t talk to people face-to-face. Also, machines are doing jobs that people used to do, which means some people can’t find work.

Keeping a Balance

In the end, it’s all about balance. Technology can be a good thing if we use it to help us and not let it take over our lives. We must remember to spend time with others and not just with our gadgets. We should also learn new skills so we can work with technology and not be left behind.

To sum up, modern technology can be a good helper or a problem, depending on how we use it. It’s up to us to make sure we use technology to make our lives better and not let it cause new problems.

500 Words Essay on Modern Technology Boon Or Bane

Introduction to modern technology.

In today’s world, modern technology is a big part of our lives. We use it every day for work, learning, and fun. It includes things like computers, smartphones, the internet, and many machines that make jobs easier. People often wonder if technology is a good thing (a boon) or a bad thing (a bane). This essay will look at both sides to help us understand technology better.

Another good thing is how technology helps doctors. They use special machines to check what’s wrong inside our bodies without any cuts. This is much safer and less painful. Also, we can talk to friends and family who live far away because of apps on our phones. This helps us feel close even when we are not.

Technology in Education

Technology has also changed how we learn. Many schools use computers and tablets to teach lessons. This can make learning more interesting and fun. There are games and programs that help with math, science, and languages. Students can also take classes online if they cannot go to school.

Technology and Safety

We must also think about safety. When we use the internet, we can share too much personal information. This can be dangerous because there are people who might try to steal or use this information in bad ways. Parents and teachers need to help kids learn how to be safe online.

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Is generative ai a boon or curse for content creators.

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Prakash Sangam is Principal of Tantra Analyst , a tech consulting & advisory firm, with experience working for Qualcomm, Ericsson & AT&T.

Generative AI (Gen AI) has already started to affect everyday life. Like any technology transition, there has been fear and criticism about how it will take away jobs and replace workers. This fear is even more pronounced in the content creation industry as Gen AI adoption has taken off with models like Adobe Firefly, Midjourney and others. Although there is some truth to this fear, in my view, it is largely overblown.

AI is still in its infancy, so I decided to speak directly to many content creators—both freelancers and corporations—to understand the impact. I learned that Gen AI is broadly helping creators significantly improve their productivity and, in some cases, even opening new revenue opportunities. Ultimately, I believe it will not be a “human vs. AI” consideration but a “human with AI vs. human without AI” race.

Gen AI is changing the content creator landscape.

As I pointed out in my earlier Forbes article , easy access to powerful tools is one of the key reasons for the meteoric rise of the creator ecosystem. The creative industry is among the first to not only commercialize but also generate new revenue with Gen AI. The relatively young workforce, eager to experiment with new things, has led to early and quick adoption.

Gen AI can significantly reduce the entry barrier and makes it more accessible. Even novices with limited experience or skill sets can generate images, videos, text, audio and other content for advertisements, marketing and product literature with simple text prompts. The ease of creation is making the industry march toward more and higher-quality content, faster turnaround and efficient delivery.

According to Market.Us , the Gen AI content creation market, estimated at around $11 billion in 2023, is projected to skyrocket to $175 billion by 2033, with an impressive 31% compound annual growth rate. This accelerated growth illustrates Gen AI's massive impact in reshaping the creative landscape. Industry leaders like Adobe showcase how Gen AI is set to revolutionize the entire content creation supply chain .

Content creators are benefiting from Gen AI.

Today, content creation is an iterative, multistep process. It is labor-intensive, and much of it is done manually. For example, for the ideation of image creation, creators have to imagine and visualize their creativity, draw multiple rough sketches, iterate and close in on the final image. This is done on physical or digital canvas and may use some software tools, but it is still labor- and time-intensive. However, with Gen AI, you only have to imagine and describe what you need with a few prompts. AI models do the trick and almost instantly create multiple options for the image. This fast creation allows the creators to try many ideas, much more than they would have otherwise, before homing in on their target.

Similarly, once the concept is decided, Gen AI allows creators to iterate quickly, optimize many things and finalize the image. Again, this involves many more iterations than otherwise possible. So, with Gen AI, creators are limited by their imagination, not time or effort.

Many creators, especially in the corporate sector, mentioned to me that Gen AI's significant advantage is automating routine and mundane tasks so that they can focus on creative tasks, which they excel at and enjoy. This not only improves productivity but also boosts employee morale.

Gen AI also enables the expansion of creator offerings. Creators can quickly and accurately create a multitude of variations of the same content to suit the specific needs of their customers. This is a game changer in the ad industry, where customized content is the name of the game. Additionally, it could open new opportunities. For example, creators who contribute to repositories like Adobe Stock can make more money by allowing Adobe and its customers to use their images for Gen AI training and to create derivative content. With the scrutiny of data used for training AI models increasing, more AI players will be inclined to use licensed content, further expanding the opportunity. This will create (pun intended) more income for creators for the same effort.

Will Gen AI replace content creators?

This is the crucial question. When talking to creators, I spent more time on this than any other question. The unequivocal answer I heard was “no.” One of them said that “authentic creations” will always have value. For example, original paintings are a highly valued asset. Although one can create many realistic-looking copies, that never diminishes the value of the original. In fact, as making copies becomes easier, the value often increases. There is also a groundswell of support for tagging AI-generated content, which will likely further increase the value of originals.

With AI adoption rapidly increasing, I expect it to become table stakes soon. As the rising tide elevates all boats, the baseline for almost all creators will be raised, keeping their relative competitive position intact.

It is also true that creative executives in corporations are starting to feel pressure from chief financial officers to show cost savings as a return on their investments in Gen AI tools. However, I heard from executives that there is so much demand for content that all the productivity gain will be utilized to create more content rather than making anybody redundant.

Just with any technology transition, some work will definitely be reduced. For instance, in our image generation example above, the mundane work that AI can automate is one such work. The folks responsible for such work must adapt to do it more efficiently using AI and even retrain to go up the value chain. If not, I believe they will be replaced. That’s precisely why I am saying it’s not “human vs. AI,” but “human with AI vs. human without AI.”

Forbes Business Council is the foremost growth and networking organization for business owners and leaders. Do I qualify?

Prakash Sangam

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