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The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

 Fabio Principe / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Choosing to homeschool your kids is not a new concept. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, the phrase “school choice” took on a whole new meaning as more and more parents considered homeschooling a solution for their families.

To curb the spread of the virus, school districts around the country offered a variety of educational possibilities , from in-person school with masks to full online school to a delayed start to the academic year to a hybrid model that offered some days in a physical classroom and other days virtually.

Even as things opened back up and returned to normal, some schools continued to offer a virtual option. And since some younger kids are still unable to get the vaccine, some families feel uncertain about sending their kids back to brick-and-mortar schools.

UPDATE: November 2022

On October 20, 2022, the Center for Disease Control's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted to add COVID-19 vaccination to the childhood immunization schedule. While the CDC makes vaccine recommendations, each state will determine which ones are required for school entry. The updated schedule is set to be released in early 2023.

If you’re thinking of teaching your child at home for the first time, or you've always considered this option for your family, you likely know there are many pros and cons.

We’ve rounded up a list of common advantages and pitfalls you may encounter—with input from real-world homeschooling parents. As you weigh your decision, give some thought to how each of these might impact your own circumstance and trust that whatever decision you make will be the right one for your family.


Individualized education

Strong relationships

A lot of work

Less time for yourself

Inability to work

Too much togetherness

Missing out on certain opportunities

Facing judgment and bias

Whether you call it self-determination, freedom, or control, one clear advantage of homeschooling is the ability to make your own choices. As a homeschooler, you’ll be able to freely travel or move, include religious teaching in day-to-day learning, and not worry about social pressures or bullying your child may encounter at school.

Plus, in home-based education, all subjects are fair game, from sailing to sewing to science. Practical skills, volunteering , artistic pursuits, and traditional trades can all fall under the broad umbrella of homeschooling. According to some homeschoolers, teachable moments are always happening, and "school" isn't limited to school hours.

Who doesn’t like to set their own schedule? By educating at home, you determine the structure of your day. If your child struggles to wake up by 7:00 a.m., for example, you can start school later. And, since homeschool timing is fluid, you can go ahead and make your child's dentist appointment on a Tuesday at noon.

You even have room to push back a lesson when you (or your kids) just aren’t feeling it. There are many ways to make it up later.

Individualized Education

Every child is different. Unfortunately, in the larger group setting of regular school, teachers can’t always tailor lessons to your child’s unique needs. At home, on the other hand, you can meet your child right where they are, customizing lessons to their particular interests.

Does your younger child need a little extra help with math ? Take an extra 15 minutes to help them understand fractions. Is your older kid into outer space? Start an astronomy unit!

Homeschooling also lets you vary your approach from child to child if you have more than one—in terms of learning styles and grade levels. Plus, you get to celebrate any success or achievement together in real time.

Strong Relationships

The more time you spend with your kids, the more opportunities arise for bonding. If you’ve always wished for more hours in the day as a family, perhaps homeschooling is the boon you’ve been craving.

Positive experiences like fun field trips , a-ha moments in learning, and “recess” at the park can all build closer parent-child and sibling-to-sibling relationships . 

In some cases, homeschooling’s flexible schedule can even allow for more time with both parents—if work schedules usually limit time together on weekends or holidays.

A Lot of Work

In addition to the domestic responsibilities of your role as a parent, you’re now a teacher, tutor, curriculum researcher, and principal.

It’s quite possibly the humdinger of all reasons not to homeschool: Teaching your kids at home is simply a lot of work.

Creating, teaching, and grading a day’s or week’s worth of learning on multiple subjects takes serious time and effort. (However, many prepared curriculum packages do exist.) Plus, as delightful as it can be to tailor education to each child’s learning style, this can add to your workload, too.

And if you have younger children at home who aren’t school age, you may also struggle to keep them occupied while you sit down to teach older kids.

Less Time for Yourself

Not surprisingly, the workload of homeschooling—and kids home all day—is likely to leave you with less time for yourself. Some homeschooling parents say they don’t have time to shower, let alone exercise or take care of their own needs.

For parents who are used to a quiet, kid-free environment during the day, this aspect of homeschooling can be a major adjustment. 

Inability to Work 

All the work of homeschooling is guaranteed to take up hours of your day. Therefore, as a homeschooling parent, you may not be able to work outside the home, or you may have to cut your hours significantly. For some households, this may be a financial deal-breaker.

Too Much Togetherness

While many families find that homeschooling boosts good vibes between siblings and parents, there is such a thing as too much togetherness.

You may find that spending all day, every day, with your kiddos (and they with each other) leads to feelings of frustration or confinement . You may also go through an adjustment period as your kids learn how to view (and respect) you as their teacher.

It’s important to work in breaks, both for yourself and your kids. Or, depending on the resources in your area, you might try a homeschooling co-op or enrichment program one day a week to provide your kids socialization with others outside the family.

Missing Out on Certain Opportunities

Despite the enormous flexibility of homeschooling, in some ways, it can limit opportunities for your child. For high schoolers, for example, a homeschool curriculum may not be able to provide the same variety of electives as a large public school. (After all, most of us don’t have a metal shop in the backyard.)

If your child wants to pursue subjects you can’t easily teach at home, you’ll have to be diligent about seeking alternatives.

The same holds for social opportunities. As a homeschooler, it’s up to you to provide social interaction your child won’t get from school dances, assemblies, and everyday classroom partner work.

Facing Judgments and Biases 

Let's be honest: Homeschooling doesn’t necessarily have a reputation for being cool and modern. Unfortunately, plenty of biases and stereotypes exist around homeschooling and the folks who choose it.

If you decide to educate at home, you might get some flak from family members (or even strangers) who think you’re going full Little House on the Prairie mode or that your kids won’t actually learn anything. You may need to develop a thick skin toward other people’s judgments of your decision to educate at home.

A Word From Verywell

When more and more parents are exploring the wide world of homeschooling, it’s wise to look at the many advantages and disadvantages of this type of education.

Do some soul searching and have a serious discussion with your partner about whether this could be the right choice for your child's and family's needs. And don’t forget to find out how your kids feel about the subject! With everyone’s thoughts and feelings on the table, you can determine if homeschooling is best for you and your family.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ACIP Immunization Schedule Vote .

By Sarah Garone  Sarah Garone, NDTR, is a freelance health and wellness writer who runs a food blog.

Coalition for Responsible Home Education

An Introduction to Homeschooling

reading in the library copy

Homeschooling is an educational option that allows parents to teach their children at home instead of sending them to school. There are today a wealth of resources and opportunities available to homeschooling families, and in a landscape of increasing school choice homeschooling has become more and more accepted by the public at large. Parents choose homeschooling for a variety of reasons. Modern homeschooling began in the 1970s and 1980s, championed by progressive educational reformers hoping to free children’s inner creativity and conservative evangelical leaders concerned about the environment of public schools. There are now around two million children being homeschooled, and in the early twentieth century homeschooling has become increasingly diverse, both in terms of race and class and in terms terms of parental motivations. See Homeschooling Numbers and and Homeschool Demographics .

Parents choose homeschooling for a wide variety of reasons. Some parents have concerns about the social environment or academic quality of local public schools. Some want to ensure that their children are educated in accordance with their religious beliefs. Some believe their children will learn better through child-directed learning outside of a classroom setting. Some have children who were bullied in school or have health problems or demanding practice schedules. A growing number of families enjoy the flexibility homeschooling offers, and many children may find that homeschooling is a good fit for their natural learning styles or personalities. If there is one thing that can be said about parental motivations for homeschooling, it is that they are anything but monolithic. For more, see Reasons Parents Homeschool .

While homeschooling is legal throughout the United States, the level of oversight for homeschools varies from state to state. Most states require parents to notify state or local education officials of their intent to homeschool, and half of all states have some form of assessment requirement. Most states have days of instruction or subject requirements and a smaller number of states have parent qualification and bookkeeping requirements. Some states require none of the above. The patchwork and often woefully inadequate nature of homeschool oversight means that there are few protections in place safeguarding the interests of homeschooled children. For more, see  Current Policy .

Research has shown that children who are homeschooled can succeed academically, especially when given support and resources from their parents. Many homeschool parents are driven and motivated, and are extremely involved in their children’s education. They educate themselves as they go along and seek out resources, tutors, or classes for those subjects they may not be able to teach themselves. In many ways these parents are more facilitators or coordinators than teachers. However, while homeschooled children can succeed academically, that success is not guaranteed. In cases where homeschool parents are not driven and motivated or do not place as much importance on their children’s academic progress, homeschooled children may struggle academically or even not receive any education at all. For more, see Academic Achievement .

Homeschooled children are typically involved in an array of social activities, including homeschool cooperatives, dance and music lessons, church and Sunday school, field trip groups, and other classes, clubs, and groups outside of the home. With the networking potential of the internet and the greater social acceptance of homeschooling, the opportunities available to homeschool families have grown in recent years. If parents put in the effort to find social outlets for their children, homeschooled children can be well socialized and can integrate well into society. In contrast, if parents do not ensure that their children have adequate opportunities to meet their social needs, homeschooled children may be lonely, develop social phobias, or have difficulty integrating into society. For more, see Homeschooling & Socialization .

An increasing number of states allow homeschooled children to enroll in public school part time to take individual classes or to participate in public school athletics and other extracurricular activities. Some studies have found that as many as 20% of homeschooled students enroll in public school part-time.  Some states have public school at home or public or charter correspondence programs that allow children to be taught at home while receiving benefits from enrollment in public school. “Cybercharters” have become popular among some homeschoolers, and a number of charter schools have developed programs where children come to an actual school for classes once or twice a week and are otherwise educated at home. In an increasingly educationally diverse world, homeschooling offers a variety of flexible and creative options.

Feedback from the first generation of homeschooled students, now in their 20′s and 30′s, indicates that those who are homeschooled responsibly frequently do well in college and professional life while those who were neglected or subjected to an abusive homeschooling environment often face low-wage job prospects, poor integration and connection with their communities, and struggles with poverty and dependency that could have easily been prevented. For more, see Homeschool Outcomes and Abuse and Neglect . The quality of a child’s homeschool experience depends almost entirely on the parents’ dedication to providing a functional, nurturing environment with optimal conditions for education and healthy child development.

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Essays on Homeschooling

When it comes to homeschooling, essay writing can be a valuable tool for students to develop critical thinking and communication skills. However, choosing the right topic is crucial to ensure that the essay is engaging, informative, and relevant to the homeschooling experience. In this article, we will discuss the importance of selecting appropriate homeschooling essay topics and provide a detailed list of recommended topics for students to consider.

Choosing the right homeschooling essay topic is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it allows students to explore and express their thoughts and opinions on relevant homeschooling issues, which can contribute to their personal and academic growth. Secondly, a well-chosen topic can make the writing process more enjoyable and meaningful for the student, leading to a higher quality of work. Lastly, the chosen topic should be relevant and engaging for the intended audience, whether it's the student's teacher, classmates, or the wider homeschooling community.

When selecting a homeschooling essay topic, students should consider their personal interests, experiences, and knowledge. It is essential to choose a topic that is meaningful and relevant to the student's homeschooling experience. Additionally, students should consider the audience and purpose of the essay, as well as the availability of credible sources and research materials. By carefully considering these factors, students can choose a topic that will allow them to showcase their critical thinking, writing, and research skills.

Recommended Homeschooling Essay Topics

If you are looking for some interesting homeschooling essay topics, you have come to the right place. Below is a list of 30 different topics structured by categories, to help you find the perfect topic for your essay.

Educational Benefits of Homeschooling

  • The impact of individualized learning on homeschooling students
  • The role of parents as educators in the homeschooling environment
  • The benefits of homeschooling for students with special needs
  • Comparing the academic achievements of homeschooled students to traditional school students
  • The effectiveness of homeschooling in fostering creativity and critical thinking

Social and Emotional Development in Homeschooling

  • The socialization of homeschooling students in comparison to traditional school students
  • The impact of homeschooling on the development of social skills and emotional intelligence
  • Addressing the misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding homeschooled students
  • The role of extracurricular activities and community involvement in homeschooling
  • The influence of the homeschooling environment on mental health and well-being

Homeschooling Curriculum and Methods

  • Comparing different homeschooling curriculum options
  • The benefits and challenges of online homeschooling programs
  • The impact of technology on homeschooling education
  • Exploring alternative teaching and learning methods in the homeschooling environment
  • The role of field trips and hands-on learning in homeschooling

Homeschooling and Legal/Social Issues

  • The legal requirements and regulations for homeschooling in different states
  • The impact of homeschooling on the public education system
  • The influence of cultural and societal attitudes towards homeschooling
  • The rights and responsibilities of homeschooling parents and students
  • The role of homeschooling advocacy and support groups

Personal Experiences and Reflections on Homeschooling

  • The impact of homeschooling on family dynamics and relationships
  • Challenges and successes of transitioning from traditional school to homeschooling
  • The role of self-motivation and discipline in homeschooling education
  • Personal growth and development through the homeschooling experience
  • Addressing misconceptions and stereotypes about homeschooling through personal narratives

Global Perspectives on Homeschooling

  • The prevalence and acceptance of homeschooling in different countries
  • Comparing homeschooling practices and policies in different cultural and social contexts
  • The impact of globalization and technology on homeschooling education
  • Exploring the role of homeschooling in addressing educational inequality and access to quality education
  • The influence of international trends and movements on the homeschooling community

Parental Involvement

  • The role of parents as educators in homeschooling
  • Challenges and benefits of homeschooling for parents
  • Effective communication between parents and children in homeschooling
  • Parental support for extracurricular activities in homeschooling
  • Balancing work and homeschooling as a parent

Cultural and Diversity Perspectives

  • Homeschooling in different cultural contexts
  • The impact of homeschooling on religious and cultural beliefs
  • Addressing diversity and inclusion in homeschooling
  • Homeschooling and multicultural education
  • The role of language and heritage in homeschooling

These essay topics should give you a good starting point for exploring the various aspects of homeschooling. By considering these categories and the suggested topics within each, students can identify a relevant and engaging topic for their homeschooling essay. Whether they choose to explore the educational benefits of homeschooling, reflect on their personal experiences, or delve into legal and social issues surrounding homeschooling, there are ample opportunities for students to showcase their critical thinking and writing skills in the context of homeschooling.

Argumentative About Homeschooling

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Home Schooling Essays

by czary Jacek (Poland)

essay school at home

In your essay you have too many ideas which are not supported with reasons or examples. You are better with fewer ideas that are fully explained.

Make sure you brainstorm and plan first. Choose your best brainstormed ideas and then decide how you will support them.

Also, you are asked to give the advantages of both methods. So you should have one paragraph on the advantages of homeschooling and one on the advantages of being educated at school. However, your organisation is a bit confusing.

Also you need to work on your grammar because there are quite a few errors.
Nov 16, 2014

Some believe that it is better to teach children at home whereas the majority of people believe that it is highly recommended to send them to school for their better development. In my opinion it is more appropriate to send children to school instead of teaching them at home.

One of the biggest advantages of sending a child to school is to improve his social skill. Children will develop social skills when they are admitted in a school by interacting with their teachers and fellow students. As children’s comes from various family backgrounds and are from different financial status, they tend to learn a lot among themselves more likely by noticing each other. For example, to name a few, a child can learn about other religions or moral practices of his fellow students or he can learn the dressing habits or way of speaking of his fellow students.

Secondly, the growth/development of the child is assessed on a regularly basis by conducting exams in a school .In this era of high competition among schools to gain popularity, this process will have impact on students as it will make them become more competent and will make them ready to sustain in the really challenging world.

On the contrary, teaching the children at home also has few advantages. If children are taught at home, with complete attention/focus on the only child, he is more likely to understand the subject well. Secondly, children can be taught in a more amicable way and will be more comfortable when they are accompanied by their family at home. The dearest advantage of all discussed so far is, parents are no more required to worry about paying of high fees to schools. It is not required to pay heavy tuition fees, transport charges and purchase any of those school uniforms.

In conclusion, both of the approaches has their own advantages but sending the student to school will make him more successful in his life whereas teaching him/her at home might results in lesser fees for education but will not make him competent in the world.
Oct 12, 2015

Why there is no title? Because we want to choose a new,big,good title that no one else has writ it yet. So plz. if you can write to use a titlt just for helping in exams.PLZ
Oct 14, 2015

There is no need for a title in an IELTS essay.
Nov 26, 2015

Task response is very much straightforward from the beginning and illustrations are very logical.
Feb 27, 2016

very good essay
Feb 03, 2017

Very good, nice & interesting Homeschooling essay!!!!!!!!!
Sep 30, 2017

Education is an enabler and every individual should have access to it. Whilst some people believe studying from home is beneficial, others have the opinion that formal schooling is essential for every child.

It is certainly true that homeschooling saves lot of time and money. To begin with, on an average 8 to 9 hours in a day are spent out of home for the purpose of schooling which includes the commutation time too. The effective study time is not beyond 4 hours. A lot of time, for instance, is wasted in extracurricular activities like celebrations and picnics. Also, the schools today have become a business center where extremely high fee is charged. Management fee, annual fee, activity fee, infrastructure fee, tuition fee, lab fee etc. are some examples of money charged under various heads by these schools.

However there are other benefits for children and society. Firstly, the regimen of going to school develops a sense of discipline in them. At school, also, a series of activities and events one after the other, period after period enables them to multitask as well as consolidate at the same time. Moreover, schooling helps children in making new friends. As a result their maturity and confidence grows enabling a fulfilling life for them.

Furthermore schooling provides a healthy competitive environment where children can analyze their strengths and shortcomings with respect to their peers.

To conclude, I believe that education is a must for all and attending schools is equally important. Schooling should be encouraged to make a liberal, open and better future for everyone.
262 words
Jan 25, 2018

Education is a vital element of children's development. Nowadays parents are allowed to choose either teach a child at home or sent him/her to public school. Both choices have pros and cons, but in my opinion, attending public school is a better choice for a student then a homeschoolling.

On the one hand, benefits of homeschooling cannot be overlooked. Students have flexible timetable and individual approach taking into account special needs of a child. Parents or tutors can adjust method of delivering information and pay attention to topics that student cannot understand. Also, it is known that information obtained in quite environment without any pressure or noise is easy to understand and memorise.Moreover, children in homeschools will not have a bad experience of bulling and unhealthy competition.

However, human beings are social beings and children learn from peers and adult how to cope with the social issues. Modern educational curriculum pays lots of attention on developing social and emotional skills. Facing with good and bad examples of behavior children learn what is good and bad and this play crucual role in personal establishment.

Also, schools have facilities for extra activities such as sport and art that can help develop child's talents and interests. In addition, school friend are usually become longlife friends. As an illustration, my best friend is my school friend, i know her from preschool and for me she is like sister.

In conclusion, parents want to make the best choise for their children,and the method of eduction is the crutual one. So all benefits and drowbacks should be taken into account. But in my opinion, public schools are the perfect place for harmonious development of a child.
Jul 21, 2021

So, first it was good for small children it explains both sides and some good points its good for homework's in 150-300 words but for long essays for higher classes it was not good at all
Jan 18, 2022

So much errors but you have good points.

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Home Schooling Essay

by Florence Cheng (Hong Kong)

Homeschooling is better than school. Do you agree or disagree? In general, most of the children study in public or private school, which is the formal way we gain knowledge from. However, some other people assert that homeschooling has more benefits. Although there are discussions on both sides, I strongly disagree that homeschooling is better. To begin with, the reasons why people prefer homeschooling consider several benefits. First, the time schedule is more flexible than school. Parents can arrange the time of learning courses freely without the fixed routine. Second, it depends on the children’s interests of what they are passionate to study so they can be more concentrated in the subjects. Third, children do not need to worry about the stress of competition with other students. They can follow and adjust their personal progress to study, thus it is more effective for learning. Despite I agree with some points above, the drawbacks of home learning far outweigh its advantages. Firstly, children are not likely to learn the general knowledge at home if they only focus on certain subjects. Their understanding and knowledge on various fields will be limited. Second, the lack of competition between the peer students will weaken the children’s ability of competitiveness. The less stress of competing with others, the less motivation of improvement and pursuit of better result. As a consequence, the capacity of pressure handling is lower considerably, especially adapting in the working environment in the future. Lastly, children barely have chance to develop the social skills undoubtedly due to the less interaction with the fellow children. They will become more introverted. The potential ability of leadership, communication and problem solving skills are diminished. To conclude, I am not in favor of homeschooling. It limits the children’s whole personal development and a slower learning progress. Studying in formal school is more beneficial in terms of the physical and mental purposes. *** Comment below on Florence's Homeschooling or School Essay in order to help her improve her score for IELTS writing.

a lot of new words. Academic. I can't understand.
Jul 04, 2015

very useful
Jul 18, 2015

Good explanation and using good vocabulary but in the first paragraph there is one point. That is not getting clear to the readers about what you want to explain. Otherwise your essay is fantastic
Jul 25, 2015

If you strongly disagree to homeschooling, you should not point out it's advantages.
Jul 30, 2015

Very strong and easy
Sep 17, 2015

very coherent
Sep 17, 2015

If you strongly disagree to homeschooling, you can still discuss it's advantages. You just need to word it carefully to make sure it is clear you are showing other people's views, and not your own.

This can be more difficult if you have weaker writing skills. If you are less confident about this and have more difficultly expressing yourself, then you are better to just stick with the disadvantages, as this will be easier.
May 26, 2016

Very strong Thank you
Jan 22, 2019

the essay has new ideas, new words, and coherence. great efort
Apr 09, 2019

I disagree because some people can have problems at school like with reading and writing but the worst part is i am in 6th grade and its the 3 trimester and i'm 98% of redoubling like if i am just tell me for me to be homeschooled. I don’t care about the time but homeschool is better. What do you think?

Learning from Home or School Essay

by Arun Kumar (Dubai, UAE )

Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child’s development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both and give your opinion. Learning from home has been recognised as the best way to develop offspring’s, while some critics suggest that going to school is far more beneficial for children. This essay will discuss the benefits of both methods, and provide statistics revealed by Oxford University recommends studying at the institutes is better-off for students when compared to studying from home. To begin with, there is a myriad of merits of taking classes from home. Firstly, pupils staying in their comfort zone will give more freedom to express their opinions. In schools, students are restricted to talk while the class is ongoing, and young ones are reluctant to say a word; however, at home, they feel very confident to speak. Besides, they save much time travelling to school. At times, going to school can be excruciating to young minds, and they get exhausted before starting their day. This can put their mind off from learning new subjects. So, this travelling time can be spent wisely to learn extra-curricular activities such as sports or learning a musical instrument when they are at home. Nevertheless, this essay thinks that studying at schools will outweigh the benefits of learning from home because of its noticeable benefits. Students tend to learn not only academic subjects but also social and cognitive skills at schools. It is only at the institutes where they can intermingle with other peers, and learn skills such as teamwork, group study, and sharing ideas. These skills are essential to the child’s growth. For example, as per the recent survey by Oxford University revealed that teenagers who studied at schools tend to be more innovative and intellectually competent than the students who studied online. Furthermore, there are a lot of other activities such as sports competitions, and cultural events are conducted at schools, these events can bring out the talents hidden in them. In conclusion, despite the pros of learning from home, this essay believes that studying at schools contributes majorly to their growth. 329 words send feedback to [email protected]

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IELTS Essay - School versus Homeschooling

by Asmaa (United Kingdom)

School versus Homeschooling

School versus Homeschooling

Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. Many people are in debate about whether children should be home-schooled or traditionally-schooled, and which of the two methods would be better for the child's development. While studying privately means the child will be getting a more focused and tailored education, traditional schools provide children with social and physical advantages that home-schooling does not. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits of both preferences and explain why I believe that children should be made to go into school rather than being restricted to text-book education. Parents who choose to get private tutors for their children tend to believe that they will be getting a better education and will be smarter than publicly educated children. This is because the one to one ratio means that the child is getting all of the teacher's attention, in comparison with public school where the teacher has to divide his/her attention between twenty or thirty different children. For instance, if a tutor see's that their pupil is struggling with algebra, it would be much easier to identify and address it. Whereas, in public schools the teacher might not know unless it is raised by the student or parent. Even then, it would be difficult to find the time and energy to help the individual student. In this aspect home-schooling might be more advantageous than public schooling. Nevertheless, the other components of child education and development should still be explored. Being taught with other children has numerous advantages that are often overlooked by supporters of home-schooling. One very obvious benefit is social interaction and its importance in dealing with strangers, learning social etiquette, building relationships and much more. Children who are given the opportunity to interact with other children and adults, will be far more socially advanced than those who are secluded to their homes. Furthermore, children who are publicly educated are able to explore and develop more interests than their privately tutored peers. For example, most school goers will play team games with their class at some point during their school years; through this they might find a new interest or hobby, they will be able to learn new skills, interact and experience competition but most importantly enjoy themselves. Through these interactions they also create relationships that extend beyond the school grounds. These are opportunities that can rarely be described for homeschooled children. The social components and fully experiencing childhood is fundamental to healthy development and must not be overlooked when choosing from the two options. In my opinion, the social advantages gained from public school surpass the academic advantages of home-schooling. This is because while the child will learn better if his/her classes are tailored to his or her need, they may never encounter the social experiences from which they can extract skills or enjoy the atmosphere of being with similar aged children. The aim of school is to prepare children for adult life and equip them with the skills they may need at that time, irregardless of whether they progress into academic disciplines or not. Education gaps can be corrected by parents at home or after school tutoring where necessary, meanwhile there is no substitute for the social benefits of school. In conclusion, parents choose which style of teaching best fits their expectations for their children. While some go with home tutoring, others go with traditional schooling; they both come with varying advantages. This essay discussed the main advantage of traditional schooling versus homeschooling in relation to the child’s development. It highlighted the academic benefits of private learning, as well as the social and personal gains of public school education, and explained why I think that traditional methods of schooling are far more advantageous than homeschooling.

Teaching Children at Home Essay

by Marius M

Some people believe that teaching children at home is best for a child's development while others think that it is important for children to go to school. Discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion. This topic is a point of contention amongst parents and teachers in today's ever changing world I think there are many advantages for home schooling one of the most important being a more flexible approach to training a child. A parent is easily able to adjust the difficulty of lessons to cater to the child's learning capacity and level. Home schooling could also involving self-training methods and many success stories in the world today are based on this especially in the world of tech and computer. A good example being silicon valley company founders such as Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs amongst others. The advantage being that sometimes the school curriculum is not quick enough to meet the speed at which areas in tech are moving with. Inspite of the strong points made by parents and tutors as to the importance of home schooling, as with most things, there is a myriad of reasons supporting a child's development from teaching in school. Principal of this being the fact that home schooling is an artificial representation of the real world and hinders children from developing useful skills required to deal with life when they grow. The reality is life does not wait for any one and if kids are made to believe that classes and therefore life will be tailored to their capacities only, then there would struggle to adapt to the real world when they become adults. An example of this can be seen when the children of celebrities who were home-schooled as kids but who struggle as adults and keep away from the outside world. I am of the opinion that schooling for kids is a delicate issue and should be handled with balance. I believe that it would be helpful for kids to attend school during term time, while during vacation period home schooling should come into effect to catch up with any gaps the child has versus school curriculum or advance their learning further. When deemed together, the success stories of home-schooling and the merits of going to school means it serves a better purpose combining the two.

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93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best homeschooling topic ideas & essay examples, ⭐ good research topics about homeschooling, 📝 simple & easy homeschooling essay titles, ❓ homeschooling research questions.

  • Home School Versus Public School These two types of schools are also similar in that most of the subjects taught in public schools and home schools are the same.
  • The Significance of Home Schooling This article examines the concept of home schooling. 4, 2002, p.197.
  • Is Homeschooling Better? The points forwarded by the proponents of homeschooling like flexibility, excellent performance and individualized learning should be disregarded since it is not in conformity with government’s policy on education.
  • Homeschooling is a Viable Alternative to Public School General information: In public discourse, homeschooling can be seen as inferior to mainstream education and criticized as unregulated and ineffective from the standpoint of socialization.
  • Home Schooling From the Nursing Perspective Much to the credit of both sides, one must admit that the proponents of homeschooling and the supporters of the traditional teaching approach act on behalf of the child and in the latter’s interests.
  • Sociology: Home School Environment Homeschooling may also cause stress in a child because when the contents get tough, the child may have no peer to talk to, and the guardian is not suitable for such talks.
  • Homeschooling Is Changing in America Such a publication seems to be relevant for the ongoing study because it sheds light on the diversity of homeschooling in the United States to a great extent.
  • The Success of Homeschooling and How the Program Can Be Increased One of the first steps to undertake is to develop a proper assessment framework in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of current homeschooling methods.
  • Homeschooling Growth in the United States and Its Legalization In a recent study in America, it was found that eighty-five percent of parents enrolled their children in home schools because of fear about the environment of other schools.
  • Selection of Literature on Homeschooling The main achievement is the explanation of the very essence of the term homeschooling. The current culture is fighting for the fulfilment of the educational standards.
  • Home Schooling and Children’s Social Development Going back in time, the victory of the 13-years old Rebecca Sealfon in the contest Scripps National Spelling Bee in 1997, brought the attention of the country to the phenomenon that is called homeschooling.
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  • Homeschooling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Nowadays, education is extremely important because it provides the representatives of the general public to receive the knowledge needed to live an independent life to the fullest.
  • Homeschooling as a Valid Alternative to Formal Education One of the main questions that should be examined is the academic performance of children who were educated in this way.
  • The Arguments and Debates of the Home Schooling System The learner and the facilitator are able to twist or manipulate the learning times in a way that satisfies their comfort and schedule.
  • Positive Development: Home School vs. Public School The decision on whether to home school or take a child to a public school is vital to the future of the child.
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IvyPanda. (2023, September 26). 93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homeschooling-essay-topics/

"93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 26 Sept. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homeschooling-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2023) '93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 26 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homeschooling-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homeschooling-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 26, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/homeschooling-essay-topics/.

How Home Schooling Will Change Public Education

Subscribe to the brown center on education policy newsletter, paul t. hill paul t. hill founder - the center on reinventing public education, research professor - the university of washington bothell, former nonresident senior fellow - the brookings institution.

June 1, 2000

  • 14 min read

More than 1.2 million students are now being taught at home, more students than are enrolled in the entire New York City public school system. Paul T. Hill reports on the pros and cons of learning at home—and the effects home schooling will have on public schools.

Home schooling, not a present threat to public education, is nonetheless one of the forces that will change it. If the high estimates of the number of children in home schools (1.2 million) is correct, then the home-schooling universe is larger than the New York City public school system and roughly the size of the Los Angeles and Chicago public school systems combined. Even if the real number of home schoolers is more like 500,000, less than the lowest current estimate, there are more children home schooling than in charter schools and public voucher programs combined.

Home schooling is not a new phenomenon. In colonial days families, including wealthy ones, educated their children at home, combining the efforts of parents, tutors, and older children. The rural one-room schoolhouse was created by families that banded together to hire a teacher who could substitute for parents but who would use the same mixture of direct instruction, tutoring, and mentoring by older students.

There is nothing un-American about home schooling. Home-schooling families are, however, breaking a pattern established since colonial times—education has been becoming increasingly institutionalized, formal, and removed from the family. How important is the contemporary home-schooling movement and what does it portend for American public education? No one can say for sure. It is difficult even to estimate the numbers of children being schooled at home, and evidence about student learning and other outcomes is mostly anecdotal.

It is, however, possible to draw three conclusions about where home schooling is likely to go and how it will affect the broad public education enterprise—which for the purpose of this article includes charter schools and publicly funded voucher programs as well as conventional district-run public schools.

  • Home schooling is part of a broad movement in which private groups and individuals are learning how to provide services that were once left to public bureaucracies.
  • As home-schooling families learn to rely on one another, many are likely to create new institutions that look something like schools.
  • Although many home-schooling families are willing to accept help from public school systems, the families and the schools they create are far more likely to join the charter and voucher movements than to assimilate back into the conventional public school system.

Developing New Teachers

Parents who decide to school their children at home commit time and energy to an activity that was once left to specialized professionals. Even in the states with the most permissive home-schooling laws, parents must learn what is normally taught to children of a given age, find materials and projects that teach specific skills, and learn how to use their own time and that of their children productively. The vast majority of home-school parents hope their children will attend college and so must also learn how to assess their children’s progress against higher education admission standards.

Even a casual perusal of the home-schooling literature reveals the scale and intensity of home-schooling parents’ search for ideas, materials, and relevant standards of performance. Home-schooling web sites continually post new ideas and materials for teaching subjects from math to drama. Parents can find advice about what kinds of programs are likely to work for their own children and can enter chat rooms with other parents struggling with the same issues.

Without making a quality judgment about these resources, it is clear that many serious people are putting in a great deal of effort. The materials available are not amateurish: They come from universities, research institutes, mutual assistance networks, school districts, and state education departments. People who contribute to home-schooling web sites and association meetings are also conducting serious research and development. Home schooling is a very large teacher training program, and many tens of thousands of people are learning how to teach, assess results, and continuously improve instruction. It also must be one of the biggest parent-training programs in the country.

Like charter schooling, home schooling depends on the creation of new human capital. People have to learn how, in new contexts and under new rules, to teach and motivate students, take advantage of complementary adult skills, find resources, and make effective use of scarce time and money.

Critics charge that much of this effort is wasted and that at best all the new human capital developed at such cost can only duplicate what already exists in conventional public and private schools. Unlikely. Although the new people will undoubtedly reinvent some wheels and some may go down blind alleys, these initiatives bring new blood and new ideas into a stagnant education sector that was previously dominated by civil service cartels and was thus rule-bound and risk-averse.

Collaboration and Evolution

Home schoolers are not all recluses living in log cabins. Growing numbers of home-schooling families live in or near cities, are well educated, and hold down normal jobs. They are not all afraid of the modern world; many are inveterate users of the Internet, and large numbers of West Coast home-school parents work in the computer and software industries.

Although large numbers of home schoolers are Christian fundamentalists and Mormons, many other religions are represented as well. There are active home-schooling organizations for Lutherans, Catholics, and Jews. In Washington, Oregon, and California, many of the new urban home schoolers are not active members of any church.

Home schoolers’ fierce independence rarely leads to isolationism. Increasingly, parents are bartering services—the mother who was a math major tutors children from several families in return for music or history lessons. Families come together to create basketball or soccer teams, hold social events, or put on plays and recitals. Growing numbers of home schoolers value the expertise of professional educators and are readily accepting help, advice, and testing assistance offered by school districts.

In such an atmosphere, it is highly likely that parents will come together to collaborate, specialize, and exploit comparative advantages. It is too soon to say whether many such collaborations will ever become elaborate enough to include cash payments for services or the hiring of coordinators to schedule, integrate services, and exercise quality control. But some home-schooling collaboratives have already advanced to the point that groups of parents find themselves running organizations that look much like schools. In Colorado, Arizona, and Michigan, several such groups have won charters and are operating as new public schools. Some home-schooling groups have also created management firms offering to create new schools that coordinate parent efforts and incorporate many of the values and processes of home schooling.

The advantages are obvious: Parents can limit their time commitments and get for their children the benefits of others’ expertise. They can also get public funds to pay for materials, facilities, management time, Internet hookups, and testing. Those that have mastered a subject or learned a great deal about instructional methods can even decide to become paid teachers.

However, home-schooling parents would be skittish and demanding clients. Many have learned exactly what they want for their children and are unlikely to stick with an arrangement that does not deliver. But all the preconditions exist for the emergence of new schools based on what home-schooling families have learned.

Although growing numbers of home schoolers are receiving valuable assistance from local public school systems, mass returns to conventional public schools are unlikely. Most home-schooling parents fled something they did not like about the public education system—variously perceived as lax discipline, bad manners, low standards, unsafe conditions, or hostility to religious practice.

In general, their web sites make it clear that home schoolers dread bureaucracy, unions, and liberals. Parents complain about teachers who would not adjust to individual children’s needs and about principals who insist that district rules prevent using better methods, changing children’s placements, accelerating instruction, or replacing bad teachers. Web sites also complain about liberal social agendas, particularly those associated with homosexuality and perceived attacks on the family.

Although home-school web sites are full of ideas about learning projects and what conventional educators would call “authentic” performance measures, parents are openly suspicious about forms of student-directed “progressive” education used in public schools. They strongly favor reading, writing, and debating. Web sites are full of resources for teaching classic liberal arts subjects (including rhetoric) and suggestions for study of primary sources.

Complaints about state standards and performance-based education are far less prominent in home-schooling materials than in religious-right political agendas. Educated home schoolers are concerned about preparing their children for the real world and are open to state standards and testing programs that guide action and give measures of progress.

These concerns, and the fact that many families began home schooling after what they perceived as “takeovers” of their local public school systems by “progressive” academics and left-of-center parents, make it unlikely that large numbers of home-schooling parents can readily return to public schools. Some home schoolers will get by with the help available from public school systems, and others will seek to create charter schools. Some—the numbers depend on costs and the availability of private subsidies—will also be attracted to specially constructed private schools such as those now being created by the conservative Christian Heritage Schools.

Given American families’ reliance on dual incomes, it is unlikely that home schooling will continue to grow indefinitely. But it will almost certainly continue to attract families that cannot find comfortable places in conventional public schools, and it will continue to be a channel through which parents become attached to private and charter alternatives.

What’s the Harm?

What could be wrong with a movement that leads tens of thousands of people to spend vast amounts of time and money learning to teach, working closely with children, developing new instructional materials, and subjecting them to real-world tests? Critics charge that three things are wrong with home schooling: harm to students academically; harm to society by producing students who are ill-prepared to function as democratic citizens and participants in a modern economy; and harm to public education, making it more difficult for other parents to educate their children.

  • Student Learning. The very nature of home schooling makes it difficult to quantify student performance. But the best available evidence is strongly positive about home-school student learning. Consider these results from the Bob Jones University testing service for home schoolers:
  • Almost 25 percent of home-school students are enrolled one or more grades above their age level peers in public and private schools.

Home-school student achievement test scores are exceptionally high. The median scores for every subtest at every grade (typically in the 70th to 80th percentile) are well above those of public and private school students.

Students who have been home schooled their entire academic life have higher scholastic achievement test scores than students who have attended other educational programs.

However, these results are drawn from a small, self-selected group of home schoolers who sought a university’s help in assessing student progress. Although there is no known profile of home schoolers against which to compare the sample, it is almost certainly a better-educated, higher-income, and better-supported (e.g., by church membership) group than home schoolers as a whole.

Thus, it is still impossible to say whether, on the whole, home-schooling students are doing much better than their public and private school counterparts. However, it is also totally unwarranted to argue that home schoolers are doing badly. The available evidence certainly seems to indicate otherwise.

Preparation for Adult Life. Nobody knows whether home schooling produces any different mixture of geniuses, socially adept individuals, academic failures, or misfits than do conventional public schools. For that matter, nobody has a good grasp on what the distribution of those outcomes is—or ought to be—in the population as a whole.

Some educators worry about the agendas of conservative religious leaders and parents, assuming they want children to become intolerant, insular, hypercompetitive, or convinced of religious or racial superiority. There is little basis for these fears, other than the long-standing tensions between religious groups (both conservative and mainstream) and the academic left.

Others avoid the trap of assessing schools in terms of current pedagogical orthodoxies but worry that home schooling (along with private schooling, charters, and vouchers) pulls children away from the socially centripetal experience of the common school, in which people of all races and backgrounds are educated together to common standards. This concern too has little empirical basis. Home schoolers certainly do not experience “common schools,” but neither, apparently, does anyone else. Whether they attend private or public schools, the vast majority of students are likely to attend classes and associate with others very like themselves.

Moreover, contemporary public schools do not meet the aspirations of those who expect them to be incubators of young democrats. Graduates of private (including conservative Christian) schools are more likely than demographically similar public school graduates to express tolerant attitudes, volunteer time and money for social causes, and participate in civic debates.

None of this proves that home schooling meets every aspiration Americans have for their children. But it does place the worries about home schooling in perspective, and it suggests the basis on which home schooling should be evaluated: It needs to be compared to the real performance of conventional public schools, not to some idealized aspiration.

Harm to Public Education. Home schooling limits public school enrollments and therefore reduces the amounts of money state governments provide to local school districts. It also reduces the numbers of parents who expect to enhance their own children’s education by voting for taxes and bond issues. On the other hand, home schooling reduces the burdens on public school systems and, in areas with growing populations, decreases pressure for new buildings and staffs. Unlike charters and public vouchers, home schooling does not force an overt transfer of public funds from an incumbent bureaucracy to a new rival organization.

Like charters and vouchers, home schooling is also criticized for weakening the common civic enterprise represented by the public school system. To some, deliberation about education is a necessary means of making one society out of many groups. They think that people who demand freedom from regulations, educate children themselves, or pay for private schools weaken critical public forums. A contrary view is that intellectual and values diversity are so important to a democratic society that questions about education should never be settled authoritatively. People who hold that view point to legislatures’ susceptibility to capture by interest groups and their inability to settle deeply controversial issues. They have reason to think that state standard-setting processes have degenerated into logrolling sessions among advocates for different subjects and that states have pretended false clarity about what skills young people must have in our boisterous, competitive, fast-moving, technology-driven, and unpredictable society.

Again, in a situation where so little is understood, the potential harms of home schooling seem far smaller than the harms of trying to prevent or thwart it. Every issue raised here is amenable to evidence, but abstract arguments and fears do not stand up against home-school parents’ First Amendment rights and their evident willingness to back up conviction with money, time, and effort.

The issues raised above are far from resolved. Scholarly and political discussions about home schooling are burdened by an unrecognized ambiguity in our use of the term public education, which in some instances refers to a commitment to use any means necessary to ensure that every child learns enough to participate fully as a citizen, earner, and parent and in other instances refers to a specific set of political bargains, rules, programs, job rights, and bureaucratic oversight mechanisms. The difference between these two definitions of public education is evident everywhere but most painfully in the big cities. There, aspirations for student learning, racial justice, and introduction of disadvantaged students into the mainstream of society are high. Political and educational leaders talk endlessly about the importance of high standards. But students fall farther behind the longer they are in school, and more than half of them drop out before gaining a regular high school diploma.

Our dialogue about home schooling, charters, and public vouchers, then, is frozen by confusion over means and ends. The people who run and staff conventional public schools are convinced that the current arrangements are public education. The question—put into play by home schooling and related reforms—is whether that definition is too narrow. It is time to ask whether home schooling, charters, and vouchers should be considered parts of a broad repertoire of methods that we as a society use to educate our children.

A longer version of this essay will appear in a future issue of the Peabody Journal of Education.

Paul T. Hill is a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution; a member of Hoover’s Koret Task Force on K-12 Education; and a research professor, Center on Reinventing Public Education, University of Washington.

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Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example

Homeschooling: essay introduction, why homeschooling is bad: essay body paragraph, why homeschooling is good: body paragraph, home schooling: essay conclusion, works cited.

The popularity of homeschooling seems to increase, although some people are convinced that homeschoolers are not going to amount to anything valuable in the long run. In this speech, I am going to outline the strong points and drawbacks of homeschooling.

It is believed that homeschooled children lack social skills, and their parents bear huge expenses and have no time for themselves; on the other hand, homeschooling perfectly fits the child’s needs, is valued no less than public schooling, and creates closer family bonds; additionally, in contrast to public schools, homeschooling de-stresses children rather than distresses them.

As their strongest argument, skeptics generally maintain that homeschooled children do not receive the social interaction they need. At earlier stages of development, it is critical for children to socialize and advance their communication skills.

Children studying at home do not get this opportunity and are likely to have problems socializing and making friends later in life. An unsociable child is also prone to have troubles with peer acceptance – not least because homeschooling is still regarded as an oddity and deviation.

Another argument is concerned with the cost of home education. At that, it does not matter if the parents choose to educate the child themselves or hire a tutor –in both instances, their budget is likely to be shattered.

A serious point to consider is that, on average, a tutor’s services will cost $30-40 per hour (“The Tutor Guide” par. 1). A parent tutor will probably have to quit their job to get all the time they need. One way or the other, homeschooling is a costly affair.

Apart from the money it takes to homeschool children, parents are likely to devote most of their time to it. Eventually, they might find themselves spending 24 hours a day with their children with not a moment of solitude and privacy left. Although such parental participation does not seem alarming short term, it can be stressful in the long run – which is the reason some parents find they are not quite ready to homeschool.

These arguments are logical and true to life – but let us look on the brighter side.

Those who stand for homeschooling insist that it provides tailor-fit education. The child has a chance to learn at their own pace, which can be slower or faster than that of public school students. It is true that every child is special, and every child’s needs matter.

Still, in cases when children cannot cope with the public school environment, homeschooling can be the only way out (Kirk et al. 2). The parents (or tutor) can fit the education process to their child’s needs – presumably, for the children’s own good.

To counter the parental stress argument, it does not make much logical reasoning to admit homeschoolers are likely to have better relationships with their families. Provided that the parents are not overly authoritative when it comes to educational activities, familial bonds are formed and preserved lifelong.

By educating their children and tracking their progress, parents have a chance to know their children better, which is the cornerstone of good parenting. Additionally, parental involvement can prevent aggressive and destructive behaviors in teens and pre-teens, which is another solid point to consider.

Speaking about aggression, one cannot deny that bullying issues are pressing as ever. Despite public schools’ best efforts, peer pressure is persistent. Homeschoolers, in their turn, are free from the agony and negativity bullying brings.

Consider a harassed school student trying to concentrate – and failing at that. Now consider education in a comfortable homely atmosphere where a child feels loved and valued. In this respect, a homeschooler not only has a chance to focus but also develops an emotionally stable personality.

Finally – and this is good news – there is an extensive list of colleges that accept homeschoolers (Bunday n.pag.). Each year homeschooled students are admitted to study in selected colleges and universities across the U.S. Such institutions like Harvard College, Yale University, University of Chicago, Trinity University, and many others are known to have admitted homeschooled students – that is, without high school diplomas. Many institutions believe homeschoolers are more fit for the scholarly atmosphere. Based on some general tests, portfolios, and application essays, homeschoolers have equal admission chances.

To conclude, it would be wrong to say homeschooling does not have its weak points. Still, the strong points can seem more relevant for some and, eventually, determine their choice of educating children. Whether you think that the strengths of homeschooling outweigh the weaknesses or not, you have to admit the practice is viable and is quite likely to bring positive results.

Bunday, Karl M. “ Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers .” Learn in Freedom. Learn in Freedom, 2013.

Kirk, Samuel, James J. Gallagher, Mary Ruth Coleman, and Nicholas J. Anastasiow.

Educating Exceptional Children. 13th ed. Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

“ The Tutor Guide: Tutoring Fees .” Care.com . Care.com, 2016.

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Essentials in Writing

Essentials in Writing

Where learning to write well has never been so easy

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Different Types of Essays for Homeschoolers to Learn

Homeschool students should practice various styles of writing , both formal and informal, to prepare them for professional, personal, and civic responsibilities after high school. This article will discuss the differences between formal and informal writing and give some tips and guidelines for writing four of the most commonly assigned types of essays : expository, personal, persuasive, and compare/contrast. Mastering these different types of essays will set your homeschool student up for success in college and in his or her adult life.

What is Formal Writing?

Formal writing is used in academic and business settings or in other situations when the writer does not have a personal or familiar relationship with the recipient of the piece of writing. Formal writing should be used when writing essays for an academic assignment, business letters and emails, and any writing done for legal purposes. In these situations, the writer uses language, conventions, and style to make the best possible impression on the audience.

Specifically, the writer should maintain a sense of formality by:

  • * choosing language and sentence structure that creates a respectful tone
  • * avoiding use of first and second person singular pronouns (in most cases)
  • * omitting contractions, slang, and abbreviations
  • * organizing and developing each paragraph with purpose and attention to proper structure
  • * carefully editing for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

What is Informal Writing?

Informal writing is used to communicate in a personal or casual context. In informal writing situations, the writer, in most cases, is already on familiar terms with the recipient(s) of the writing. This type of writing might be used in a personal email or letter to a friend or family member, in text messages, or in social media posts done in a personal context. In general, informal writing is conversational and less concerned with proper paragraph and sentence construction.

In informal writing, the writer may:

  • * use contractions, abbreviations, and slang to communicate in a style that resembles oral language
  • * use first and second person
  • * pay little attention to spelling, grammar, or general editing
  • * deviate from traditional sentence and paragraph structure

How to Write Different Types of Essays

There are many types of essays , and each requires a slightly different approach. When writing essays for an academic assignment, the first step is to carefully read the prompt or instructions for guidelines or requirements given by the teacher. From there, the writer will want to consider the purpose and audience of the piece of writing when making choices regarding the style and content.

Most essays follow the same basic structure: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. While the styles of writing are different with each type of essay, the structure of a formal essay is as follows:

Introduction : The introduction should begin with a hook to capture the reader’s attention. The middle sentences of the introduction should contain some general discussion or context about the topic, but any specific details should be saved for the body paragraphs. The thesis statement, the sentence that communicates the main idea of the piece of writing, is usually the last sentence of the introduction.

Body Paragraphs : There are generally three body paragraphs in a formal essay, although depending on the nature of the assignment or level of the student, there may be more or fewer body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should be centered around a topic that supports the thesis and that is identified by the body paragraph’s opening sentence. The middle of each body paragraph should contain details and examples that develop the topic. Each body paragraph should end with a closing sentence that signals the end of discussion on that point and then transitions to the next body paragraph. 

Conclusion : The conclusion, or final paragraph, should restate the thesis, add some elaboration, and end with a thought-provoking ending statement.

Expository Essays

An expository essay is written in order to explain or inform an audience about a topic. The writer should take care to present facts and details without including persuasive tactics. Expository essays, like most other essays, should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

Introduction : The introduction should begin with a hook that captures the audience’s attention. For an expository essay, a startling statistic or interesting anecdote related to the topic works well. At the end of the introduction, the writer should include a clear and concise thesis that states the main idea of the essay. Often the thesis will come directly from the prompt, so students should read it carefully for clues about what should be included in the thesis.

Body Paragraphs :   The body of an expository essay should be organized so that each body paragraph  centers on one main aspect of the overall topic. Each body paragraph should start with an opening sentence that identifies the subject of the paragraph. Within each body paragraph, the writer should include details accompanied by specific examples and explanations that inform the audience and help them have a deeper overall understanding of the topic. The writer should take care to order the information in a logical sequence so that the reader can easily follow the ideas.

Conclusion: The conclusion of an expository essay should restate the thesis and provide closure for the topic in an engaging way. The conclusion should not provide any new information.

Personal Essays

A personal essay is a specific type of expository essay explaining something from the author’s life or perspective. Because of the personal nature of the writing, first person pronouns (I, me, etc.) are permissible in this type of composition. 

A personal essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each section should be developed as follows:

Introduction : The introduction should start with a hook that generates interest about the topic. Many writers like to begin a personal essay with a vivid description, thought-provoking question, or a glimpse of the action to come later in the essay. The thesis should directly state the main idea or main event that the essay will discuss.

Body Paragraphs : The body paragraphs of a personal essay should include an explanation of the thoughts and feelings of the writer about the topic. If the personal essay is narrative, the writer should also include a descriptive account of the events that occurred in chronological order and use transitions to help the reader understand the sequence of events.

Conclusion : The conclusion, or final paragraph, should restate the thesis and include some final thoughts about the event or topic.

Persuasive Essays

A persuasive essay seeks to make an argument to move the audience to act, believe, or feel a certain way. In a persuasive essay, the writer takes an arguable position or stance on a particular topic and provides evidence to convince the audience to agree with that position. The writer should approach the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion as follows:

Introduction: The introduction should begin with an engaging hook, such as a thought-provoking rhetorical question or a surprising fact or statistic that provides an entry into the topic followed by some general background information about the topic. The thesis statement should clearly state the writer’s position on the topic using language that provides a sense of urgency to the reader. In order to successfully persuade his or her audience, the writer must establish the topic as something worthy of time and attention.

Body Paragraphs: The body paragraphs should each be centered around a point related to the thesis that the writer seeks to prove with evidence and examples. The writer must interpret the evidence to show how it connects to the point he or she is trying to make. The writer should use strong language designed to appeal to the audience’s logic and emotions in order to persuade them to agree with the writer’s position. At the same time, the writer should take care not to overdo in this department so that he or she doesn’t inadvertently create a comical tone instead of a passionate one. The closing sentence of each body paragraph should connect the point made in the opening sentence to the overall thesis of the essay. 

Conclusion: The conclusion of a persuasive essay is incredibly important to the success of the essay. The writer should restate the thesis and include a call to action that tells the audience exactly what they should do now that they have been enlightened by the writer’s argumentation. The conclusion should also provide the “so what?” — the reasoning that motivates the audience to care about the topic and to act accordingly.

Compare/Contrast Essays

A compare/contrast essay is another specific type of expository essay and, as the name implies, involves a study of two subjects and explains their similarities and differences. Generally the writer chooses points of comparison and explains how the two subjects are similar and different in regard to those points. The writer should not feel pressured to provide an equal amount of development on both the similarities and differences. Like other essays, a compare/contrast essay should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Introduction: The writer should start the introduction with a hook that captures the audience’s attention and brings the subjects into focus, such as a vivid description or an interesting anecdote. The middle sentences should elaborate on the subject and lead into the thesis, which states the writer’s intent to explain how the two subjects are similar and different. 

Body Paragraphs: Each opening sentence should introduce a point of comparison or contrast between the two subjects. The middle sentences should provide details and examples that support the comparison or contrast, usually through the use of concrete details and descriptions.

Conclusion: The conclusion should include a restatement of the thesis and any final thoughts or insights the writer wishes to share about the two subjects.

If you’re looking for a complete homeschool writing curriculum , consider giving Essentials in Writing a try! With EIW, you’ll get the complete package: engaging video lessons that show how to write many types of essays with step-by-step instructions and modeling, student-friendly text examples and explanations, practice activities, and expertly-designed writing prompts with accompanying rubrics and checklists. Offering curricula for grades 1-12, EIW makes at-home writing instruction a breeze for parents and a pleasure for students. Check out our level wizard to find the curriculum that best fits your child’s needs.

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14 Homeschooling Essay Topics for Elementary and High-School Students

Hello everyone! In this article, we’re going to talk about some really cool essay topics just for kids who are homeschooled. If you’re learning at home, either as a younger kid or a high school student, you’ll find some fun and interesting ideas here for writing essays. We’ll look at different topics that you can write about, like your favorite book, what your day is like when you learn at home, or even your thoughts about technology in education. For each topic, I’ll also tell you why it’s a good idea to write about it and what you might want to include in your essay.

So, get ready to explore some exciting ideas that will make your homeschool writing projects super fun! Stuggling to get started? A writing service can bean excited to help you find the perfect topic, so let’s jump right in and start exploring these fantastic essay ideas!

Homeschooling Essay Topics for Elementary Students

“my favorite book and what i learned from it”.

This topic is great because it lets you talk about a book you really love. You can explain why it’s your favorite, what the story is about, and what important things you learned from it. Maybe the book taught you about being brave, kind, or how to solve problems. You can share your favorite parts and what you think about the characters.

“A Day in My Life as a Homeschooler”

This essay is fun because you get to describe what a typical home schooling day looks like for you. You can talk about your daily routine, the subjects you study, and the special activities you do at home. It’s a good way to show others how homeschooling is different from going to a regular school and what you like about it.

“How I Would Design My Dream Playground”

This topic lets you use your imagination! You can dream up your perfect playground and describe what it would have in it. Would it have super tall slides, a maze, or maybe a treehouse? You can explain why you chose these things and how you would enjoy playing there.

“Creating My Own Learning Adventure”

This topic is fantastic because you can write about how you design your own learning experiences in homeschooling and public schooling. Talk about choosing what you want to learn, how you like to learn it (like through books, videos, or experiments), and why this makes learning fun and exciting for you.

“The Role of Parents in My Education”

This essay idea is great because you can discuss how your teachers and parents help you learn at home. You can describe what they do, like teaching you subjects, setting up experiments, or taking you on educational trips. It’s a chance to think about how learning with your family is special and different from regular schools.

“How I Stay Connected with Friends and Community”

This topic is important because it’s about social life in homeschooling families. You can write about how you make and keep friends, participate in community events or clubs, and what activities you do to meet new people. It’s a good way to show that homeschoolers can have a vibrant social life too.

“My Favorite Homeschool Project and What I Learned”

This topic is perfect for young homeschoolers because it lets you talk about a project you really enjoyed doing at home. You can describe what the project was, whether it was a science experiment, a history presentation, a piece of art, or even growing a plant. Explain why this project was your favorite and what new things you learned from it. Maybe you discovered interesting facts, developed a new skill, or just had a lot of fun while learning. This essay topic gives you a chance to share your creativity and curiosity, showing how homeschooling allows you to explore topics you’re passionate about in your own unique way.

Homeschooling Essay Topics for High School Students

“the impact of technology on education”.

This is a great topic because technology is a big part of our lives, including education. You can discuss how technology has changed the way we learn, like using computers for research or apps for learning new things. You can also talk about the good and bad sides of having technology in education.

“Comparing Homeschooling and Traditional Schooling”

This essay topic is interesting because it lets you explore the differences and similarities between homeschooling and going to a regular school. You can talk about things like teaching methods, social interactions, and how each type of schooling prepares you for the future and society. It’s a chance to think about what each method offers and what could be improved.

“The Role of Outdoor Activities in Education”

This topic is important because it’s about how doing things outside, like sports, hiking, or even gardening, can help with learning. You can discuss why these activities are good for health, how they can make learning more fun, and what skills they can teach, like teamwork or problem-solving. This essay can show homeschooled children that education isn’t just about books and classrooms.

“Self-Directed Learning: My Experiences and Challenges”

This essay topic is insightful as it allows you to reflect on managing your own education. Discuss the independence and responsibility of choosing what and how you learn, the challenges you face in the world of self-directed learning, and how it prepares you for life beyond school.

“Public or Private Schools: A Comparison from a Homeschooler’s Perspective”

This topic is really interesting because it gives homeschooled students, a chance to explore and compare what you know and think about both a public school and private school. Even though you’re homeschooled, you can research and write about the differences and similarities between these types of schools. You can discuss things like teaching methods, class sizes, types of subjects offered, and the overall environment.

This essay allows you to think about how each kind of school might affect students’ learning and experiences, and how your homeschooling experience compares to them. It’s a great opportunity to understand more about the different ways people learn and to appreciate the unique aspects of your own homeschooling journey.

“Balancing Academic and Personal Interests in Homeschooling”

This topic is great for exploring how homeschooling allows for a balance between school work and personal interests. You can talk about how you integrate your hobbies, like music or sports, into your learning plan and how this balance benefits your child for overall education and well-being.

“Preparing for the Future: College and Career Readiness in Homeschooling”

This essay is valuable as it focuses on how homeschooling prepares you for college or careers. Discuss the skills you’ve gained, like time management and independent study, how you’re preparing for college entrance exams or exploring career paths, and the advantages and challenges you face in this preparation as a homeschooler or homeschooling parents.

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Writing essays is a fantastic activity for homeschool students, including those who might find writing challenging. Essays give you a chance to express your thoughts and ideas in your own words, which is a great way to learn and remember new things. For students who have difficulties with writing , essays can be especially helpful. They offer a way to practice and improve your writing skills at your own pace, without the pressure of a traditional classroom setting.

Writing about topics that interest you, like your favorite homeschool project or your thoughts on public and private schools, can make the process more enjoyable and less intimidating. Remember, each essay you write helps you become a better writer and thinker, and that’s something to be proud of. So, whether writing comes easy to you or it’s a bit of a challenge, embrace the opportunity to express yourself through your homeschool essays. It’s a wonderful part of your learning journey

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How to Write Good Essays at Home

If essay writing sounds intimidating to you, think of it as a chance to pump up your writing skills. What’s more, there are plenty of case study writing help services that can help you figure out the nuances of writing. We’ve prepared a guide for you on how to write essays at home without difficulties. 

The tips to write a good essay are so helpful!

Structure of an essay 

The essay is certainly a creative process, but it is important to stick to a clear structure when writing it at home. The final grade for the written part may depend on it.

Also, knowing what to write will make your job easier. Moreover, knowing the structure can help you meet deadlines when time is limited. 

Let’s see what the basic structure of an essay can be:

  • introduction;
  • the main part;
  • conclusion.

Introduction: What to write in this part of an essay

Typically, the introduction is the first paragraph of the essay. This is where you first talk about the topic and may even give a brief overview of the entire essay . The introduction should not be long; about 4-6 lines are enough.

The introduction is an important part of the essay. You have to introduce your thesis statement. From the first paragraph, you need to show your creativity to interest and hold the reader’s attention. 

How to write the main part of an essay correctly

This is the longest and most informative part of the essay. You share your thoughts with readers, state your arguments, examples, and illustrations that support your thesis. But you don’t need to extend it for many pages. Stick to the suggested number of words. 

What to pay attention to in the conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph of the essay. It, like the introduction, is short and only consists of a few sentences. 

A good conclusion in an essay:

  • brings the reader back to the thesis statement;
  • ties together the main thoughts and ideas;
  • shows the reader why the topic is important.

Tips to Write a Good Essay

Make a plan.

Make a list of the ideas you want to cover and come up with a plan. This will help you understand how each part of the essay should relate to the other parts and make the text more logical.

However, the outline can be changed while you’re writing if necessary. Working on the structure of the essay begins before you start writing the text itself and lasts even after you finish writing the draft.

If you get an idea for something else in the essay while writing a certain section, take a few minutes to add it to your outline or make little notes in it.

Write a draft to put your main ideas on paper

Of course, there’s no time for drafts on the exam , but while you’re writing an essay at home, you can use it. The purpose of a draft is to turn your main ideas into text, add arguments and details to those arguments, and get the overall picture of the essay. 

Here are a few rules to help you write a draft:

Start writing with whatever you want

You don’t have to start writing a draft with an introduction. Start with what you think is easiest, quickest, or what you like best. It could be the first paragraph, an argument, or some particular paragraph in the essay. Write one paragraph and then build up the structure of the essay around it.

Another option is to start with the most difficult and then spend minimal effort on the simpler parts of the essay.

Work on the principle: one idea, one paragraph

There should be only one idea in each paragraph. You can add evidence, explanations, and arguments to it.

Write a key sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. Then refine and expand on that sentence. When you think you’ve said everything you want to say, move on to a new paragraph.

Don’t be afraid to change the structure in the middle of your essay

While writing your essay, you may feel like some of your ideas or points don’t fit or make much sense. Don’t be afraid to discard them, even if it’s the middle of the essay. Remove them from the main outline and replace them with more relevant ones.

You’ll probably also have new thoughts that might make the essay more useful, but you didn’t even think of them in the beginning. Add them, too! Unless, of course, there’s a proper place for them.

Don’t delete anything from your essay forever

If you start to dislike a section or even an entire essay, you don’t have to delete it all at once!

If something really doesn’t fit, copy it and leave it in a separate document. It may come in handy later or inspire another thought that fits your text better. 

There may also be words or expressions you can use in a different context.

 Forget perfectionism

When you’re writing a draft, it’s important not to get distracted by small details. Put your main ideas on paper first, and refine them later. If you’re not happy with a word, sentence, or argument, mark it down in your draft and come back to it later.

When you finish your draft, you’ll know which sections and paragraphs fit and which need to be changed. There’s no point in taking the time to edit right away what you can cut out later.

Writing essays at home gives you more benefits than writing essays during an exam or in class. You are not limited in time, and you have the opportunity to refer to sources or additional materials if you do not have enough facts and examples. 

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Cara Goodwin, Ph.D.


The research on homeschooling, the academic, social, and long-term outcomes for children in home schools..

Posted September 1, 2021 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch

About 4 to 5 million children in the United States (or approximately 8 to 9% of school-age children) were homeschooled in March 2021. This statistic increased dramatically during the pandemic: Only 2.5 million (or 3 to 4% of school-age children) were homeschooled in spring 2019.

The most common reason cited for homeschooling (before the pandemic) was concern about the local school environment, including safety and negative peer pressure . Many parents also choose to homeschool due to dissatisfaction with the educational quality of local schools, or for religious reasons.

However, many parents and caregivers considering homeschooling may be especially concerned about how homeschooling might impact their child’s academic progress and social development. Does the research find any differences between children who were homeschooled versus children in conventional school?

Academic Performance

Homeschooled students tend to score higher on tests of academic skills when compared to children in public schools across most studies. However, it is difficult to draw any conclusions from these studies since most do not control for important family demographic factors and compare self-selected homeschooling families’ test scores (from tests proctored by parents) to national averages. Interestingly, children in a “structured” homeschool program — that is, a homeschool program with organized lesson plans — tend to score higher on academic tests than children from conventional schools, while children in “unstructured” homeschool environments without organized lesson plans tend to score lower than children in conventional schools.

Social Skills

The findings on social skills seem to be more mixed. Some studies have found no difference in social skills between children in homeschool environments versus conventional schools, some studies have found that homeschooled children score higher on measures of social ability, and some have found that homeschooled children score lower on overall social skills. Not surprisingly, homeschooled students who have had more opportunities for peer interactions tend to show improved social skills.

Long-Term Success

Most studies find that homeschooled children tend to have higher college GPAs than children from conventional schools. In addition, most studies have found no difference between homeschooled and conventional students in college graduation rates. However, most homeschooled students do not attend competitive four-year colleges and one study found that homeschooled students may have lower math GPAs in college than children from conventional schools. Children who are homeschooled may also be more likely to work in a lower-paying job.

Limitations of this Research

It is important to note that this research is difficult to interpret because families that choose to homeschool are different from families who do not in many other ways — for example, they may have parents with higher income or educational levels — and these factors likely contribute to the results as well. For instance, we cannot conclude that homeschooling will improve your child’s test scores since homeschooled children may have more educated mothers and it may be the mother’s educational level that drives the higher test scores, not homeschooling itself.

Almasoud, S., & Fowler, S. R. (2016). The difference in the academic achievements of homeschooled and non-homeschooled students. Home School Researcher, 32(1), 1-4.

Cogan, M. F. (2010). Exploring academic outcomes of homeschooled students. Journal of College Admission, 208, 18-25.

Coleman, R. E. (2014). The homeschool math gap: The data. Coalition for Responsible Home Education.

Drenovsky, C. K., & Cohen, I. (2012). The impact of homeschooling on the adjustment of college students. International Social Science Review, 87(1/2), 19-34.

Kunzman, R., & Gaither, M. (2020). Homeschooling: An updated comprehensive survey of the research. Other Education, 9(1), 253-336.

Martin-Chang, S., Gould, O. N., & Meuse, R. E. (2011). The impact of schooling on academic achievement: Evidence from homeschooled and traditionally schooled students. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue Canadienne Des Sciences du Comportement, 43(3), 195.

McKinley, M. J., Asaro, J. N., Bergin, J., D'Auria, N., & Gagnon, K. E. (2007). Social Skills and Satisfaction with Social Relationships in Home-Schooled, Private-Schooled, and Public-Schooled Children. Online Submission, 17(3), 1-6.

Medlin, R. G. (2006). Homeschooled Children's Social Skills. Online Submission, 17(1), 1-8.

Montes, G. (2006). Do Parental Reasons to Homeschool Vary by Grade? Evidence from the National Household Education Survey, 2001. Online Submission, 16(4), 11-17.

Montes, G. (2015). The social and emotional health of homeschooled students in the United States: A population-based comparison with publicly schooled students based on the national survey of children’s health, 2007. Home School Researcher, 31(1), 1-9.

Pearlman-Avnion, S., & Grayevsky, M. (2019). Homeschooling, civics, and socialization: The case of Israel. Education and Urban Society, 51(7), 970-988.

Ray, B. D. (2017). A systematic review of the empirical research on selected aspects of homeschooling as a school choice. Journal of School Choice, 11(4), 604-621.

Redford, J., Battle, D., & Bielick, S. (2017, April). Homeschooling in the United States: 2012. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved August 1, 2017, from. (NCES 2016-096.REV) https://nces.ed.gov/pubsearch/pubsinfo.asp?pubid=2016096rev

Sikkink, D., & Skiles, S. (2015). Homeschooling and young adult outcomes: Evidence from the 2011 and 2014 Cardus Education Survey. The Cardus Religious Schools Initiative.

Cara Goodwin, Ph.D.

Cara Goodwin, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in translating scientific research into information that is useful, accurate, and relevant for parents.

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Home Schooling: Pros, Cons, What You Need to Know

Just a few weeks into COVID-related distance learning, Lauren Pelissier’s 11-year-old son, Jack, started really struggling. “Being on a screen with 20 to 30 kids and not being able to connect with another student or the teacher was really hard on him,” says the Georgia mom and event planner. “There was a lot of confusion, tears, and sadness.”

They stuck it out for the rest of the year. But in the spring, when their school district was waffling on a return to in-person learning for fall, Pelissier took action. She wanted to find an option that was “solid and consistent.” But she also knew she wasn’t prepared, or even able, to home-school Jack herself. So she did what any desperate parent does: She went to Google.

Pelissier “typed in ‘private homeschool instruction’” and quickly found her way to a small home school created by two local parents. And with that, she joined a national trend of families struggling with virtual school who are looking to home-school for the first time.

Jamie Heston, a home-school consultant in the Bay Area of California and a former board member of the Homeschool Association of California, has been hosting “Homeschool 101” a few times a year to an audience of 20 to 30 people. Since last April, she’s “been doing them weekly and getting 100 people every time.”

We put together a Homeschool 101 to answer common questions for any family that’s home-school-curious.

What Is Home Schooling?

“Home schooling is a broad umbrella,” says Blair Lee, founder of SEA Homeschoolers, the nation’s largest secular home-school organization. What started as a grassroots movement among Christian and “hippie” families has become a booming industry.

“More families are drawn to home schooling because they feel the public education system is not a good fit for their child,” Heston says.

“At its heart,” Lee says, “home schooling is education with a focus on the individual.”

Why Home Schooling?

“The most profound benefit of home schooling is there is no timeline for learning anymore,” Lee says. That means if, for any reason, the pace of traditional school doesn’t work for your child, you can create a pace tailored to them. This might mean moving faster through material and getting to additional areas of study or having focused time in challenging areas.

Pelissier says Jack is doing really well in an environment that lets him tap into his creativity. “The public school system kind of put him in a box,” she says. “Looking back, he was really stifled; there was no room for his brain to expand beyond what was being provided to him.”

In his new “school,” Pelissier says, there’s room for him to grow in relation to his interests.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Home Schooling?

“Anyone can benefit from this approach,” says Blair. But home schooling could really be a good fit if your child:

  • Is gifted or has a learning challenge and would benefit from more individual teaching
  • Has sensory issues and finds the school environment overwhelming
  • Is an actor or athlete who needs a more flexible schedule
  • Is being bullied at school
  • Learns better at their own pace
  • Has behavioral issues in school. These are often related to movement and behavior. They disappear in a home-school setting.

It can also help if someone in your family has a medical condition that requires limiting germs in the home ( pandemic or no pandemic).

Where Do I Start?

Home schooling is regulated by states, so there isn’t any one-stop shopping. Getting set up can be confusing.

Search for your state’s home-schooling organization to find out what it looks like where you live, Lee says.

“Every state is different,” Heston says. “Some you have to file a letter of intent. Some states have charter programs that are still under the public school system.”

They also vary in what they expect your kids to learn. “Some are completely hands-off, and you have a lot of autonomy,” Heston says. Others require you to submit a plan that the superintendent has to review. California, for example, says you need to provide an equivalent education to public school and cover the main topics. But, Heston says, you have complete flexibility in how you do that.

Once you know what your state requires, reach out to home-school groups (most of which are on Facebook) to find out what people are doing in your area. “Find two or three groups with descriptions that seem like they would be a good fit for your child or family, and join them, and ask questions,” Heston says. You’ll likely find like-minded folks who can serve as mentors, sharing resources for curriculum, local programs, and more.

How Do I Know What and How My Kid Should Learn?

You can buy an all-in-one curriculum and just “open the box and do it,” Heston says. But she encourages families to experiment before they spend money on anything. “It takes some time to find out what works for your kid and your home and your schedule -- and you can get overwhelmed with all the choices out there.”

“I usually see home school fail when people try to duplicate school at home -- when I see people making out long, specific schedules,” says Richmond, VA., home-schooler Alycia Wright. “For most people, that’s not real life, and that’s exactly what you’re trying to get rid of. You don’t need a classroom. A kitchen table will be fine.”

“Just start somewhere covering your major topics and then fine-tune it,” Heston says.

“Embrace the freedom and try it,” says Wright. “If it doesn’t work, you can change it up.”

Don’t Home-Schoolers Get Left Behind?

When parents are worried about keeping their kids “on track,” Heston tells them, “topics like math, reading, and writing are linear, so any program you use is going to keep you ‘on track.’”

For subjects like science and history, which aren’t necessarily covered every day in school, “there are a million and one websites out there that will tell you what the typical topics are and what kinds of experiments you can do.”

History was one of the main reasons Wright, a mom of three and former public school teacher, began home schooling. “In school, they start talking about African Americans in 1619 with slavery,” she says. “So, your whole lens starts with these traumatic events.”

Wright, who is Black, wanted to give her kids a fuller view of history that reflects her culture and community. She’s part of a movement among African Americans who are finding freedom in home schooling where they “can research and find all the stories that we wish we had when we were children, all the stories that are missing from the books.”

Can Home-Schooled Kids Get Into College?

“You can go to college as a home-schooler, no problem,” Heston says. “Most colleges now have special admissions officers just for the home-schooling set, and they covet home-schoolers because they know they are more autonomous.”

“Colleges have become very home school friendly,” says Lee, whose son got scholarship offers from all but one of the colleges he wanted to go to. And Wright says home schooling helped her oldest daughter enter college at 15. “Even though she didn’t get a traditional education, she was able to move at her own pace, which is what enabled her to get to such an advanced place,” she says.

What if I Don’t Want to -- or Can’t -- Teach My Kids?

You aren’t alone. But there are many small programs such as the one Pelissier found. It’s more like a mini-school, she says. “There’s been real growth in that area,” Lee adds.

Pelissier researched home schools with an outside teaching component. She found a hybrid home school, “which is 2 days a week in person, taught by teachers, and 3 days a week independent work, at home with little to no screens.”

Or you can look into a co-op like the one Wright founded. When she started home schooling, she says, she did a lot of networking to find other home-schooling families of color. As a result of her efforts, she launched the Cultural Roots Homeschool Co-Op. Her goal was to create a broad network of home-schoolers that can help culturally diverse kids learn more about their own backgrounds.

Co-op members can share teaching responsibilities or pool resources to hire a teacher for some or all of the subjects.

Other options include:

  • Using outside “vendors” that offer math, science, nature, and other programs, much like an afterschool program. Your child attends those for a portion of the day or the week.
  • Looking for public school programs that offer 2 days a week in a more typical school environment, and the other days you home-school

The bottom line, Heston says, is that “there are all kinds of different programs out there.”

Will Home Schooling Isolate My Kids?

Home-schooling folks hear lots of concerns about kids not interacting with others their age.

And while that’s true to some extent, they say home-schoolers still have plenty of opportunities to connect with other kids. It just takes some work.

“Everything that schools have, we have as well, just in smaller groups,” says Heston, who helps organize teen parties, moms’ nights out, Nerf battles, park days, field trips, and team day competitions.

With the home-school population growing during the pandemic, Heston says, “there’s going to be an even larger contingency of people clamoring for connection.”

And one of them will be Jack Pelissier. “This has worked out significantly better than I could have ever imagined,” his mom says. “I was exposed to it as a byproduct of COVID, but he will probably stay there, because the format works better for him as a person.”

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My Home Essay

500 words on my home essay.

A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me.

my home essay

A Place I Call Home

My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral home so my home is very vintage.

It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS, RM, and more.

Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift. Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.

Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.

Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden , my mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use them in our food.

The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.

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Appreciation Towards My Home

I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine. It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family, but luckily, I have been blessed with both.

I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.

Conclusion of My Home Essay

My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I can call home.

FAQ on My Home Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of a home?

Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night .

Question 2: Why is home important to a family?

Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.

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2024 High School Essay Contest Winning Essay

You are here, in this section, disinformation: a threat to every level of diplomacy.


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In his intellectual explorations, Benjamin Franklin, the first diplomat of the fledgling United States of America, committed himself to truth. Franklin created “Junto,” a discussion group, “in the sincere Spirit of Enquiry after Truth, without fondness for Dispute, or Desire of Victory” (Canada). Franklin recognized the value of truth over personal benefit or gain. But today, truth is becoming elusive. In public life, biased media publish sensationalized content, and social media platforms allow unverified information – from deep fakes to fabricated “facts” – to gain traction. Artificial intelligence, too, has allowed disinformation and misinformation to infiltrate the public sphere. Beyond depriving global citizens of the United Nations (UN)-declared right to information, which is expressed in Article 19 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, these disinformation tactics influence intergovernmental affairs. They allow nations to exploit each other and sow seeds of distrust. Accordingly, the UN is seeking to raise awareness about and combat disinformation. Disinformation is more than a danger to individual relationships between specific nations. It impacts every global conflict and major geopolitical challenge, from pandemics to immigration policy, and is therefore a pervasive diplomatic challenge itself. Diplomats can mitigate the damage that disinformation causes by ensuring truth in their dealings, promoting public trust-building initiatives, engaging in honest, principled efforts, and collaborating to take direct action against those who spread disinformation.

Some international disinformation efforts are targeted toward individual nations, creating public distrust, sowing division, and violating the fundamental expectation that nations be granted sovereignty over their land and people. Election interference provides a prominent example of disinformation efforts. The Russian Federation and its “Internet Research Agency” (IRA) are frequently cited for disinformation tactics used to interfere in other nations’ elections (Gerrits 4). According to a report from the Policy Department for External Relations of the European Parliament, the IRA “purchased around 3,400 advertisements on Facebook and Instagram during the US 2016 election campaign,” reaching millions of American voters (Colomina, Sánchez Margalef, and Youngs 15). The IRA is also presumed to be responsible for disinformation regarding casualties of the Russian war in Ukraine (Silverman and Kao). Other disinformation, although not necessarily of Russian origin, has been flagged in recent European democratic procedures, including the 2016 Brexit referendum and the 2016 referendum in the Netherlands on the EU Association Agreement with Ukraine (Gerrits 6). These matters, although originating in national elections, are relevant to the diplomats of the countries involved and to every global power, including the US. Ideologically, protecting democracy is one of the foremost priorities of the US and its foreign policy. Pragmatically, interference in election initiatives as contentious as Brexit has the potential to reshape international decisions and relationships, thus impacting every nation. And beyond election interference, disinformation campaigns have successfully impacted issues from public health to armed conflict, allowing one nation to dictate other nations’ actions by creating public unrest and pressuring governments (Guterres 2). Through preventing the spread of disinformation, nations preserve democracy and sovereignty and protect uninformed and vulnerable populations worldwide.

In addition to influencing national politics and their global impacts, disinformation also creates tension in international diplomatic relations. In 2017, a series of reports regarding apparent Qatari support for terror, including accusations of praise for Hamas and Iran and a ransom payment to al-Qaeda, led the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other Arab League countries to sever diplomatic ties with Qatar and implement a blockade on the nation (Windrem and Arkin). Qatar referred to the reports, which Qatar claims were uploaded to Qatari news sites via a hack orchestrated by the UAE, as a “smear campaign,” and US officials reported that the accusations were “false” and “apparently planted” (Windrem and Arkin). NBC News reported that the campaign against Qatar was also an effort to damage relations between Qatar and the US – an effort which seems to have been successful given then-President Donald Trump’s signaled support for the blockade against Qatar (Windrem and Arkin; Wintour). Normal relations between Qatar and the group of Arab League nations did not resume until 2021 (Krasna). This crisis highlights how disinformation damages international relationships. Had the US not investigated the accusations of the “smear campaign,” its relations with Qatar could have deteriorated. Such a shift could have upended diplomatic dynamics in the middle east and incited significant foreign policy changes. Similarly, disinformation regarding crime and immigration in Sweden led to tensions between Sweden and the US in 2017, which could have further negatively impacted the US’s relations in the Nordic and Baltic regions (Fjällhed). Disinformation can cause such “butterfly effects” in international affairs – ramifications beyond initial intentions can arise from disinformation. Without fighting disinformation globally, the Foreign Service invites more, similar crises to arise, some of which may not be resolved without great harm to the US.

Although the fight against disinformation is urgent, it is a formidable challenge that cannot be addressed hastily. The UN has called for greater control and oversight of disinformation. A 2021 resolution passed by the General Assembly tied the fight against disinformation to treaties including the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discriminations (United Nations General Assembly 1). It then, among other clauses, “call[ed] upon States to counter all forms of disinformation through policy measures, including education, capacity-building for prevention and resilience to disinformation, advocacy and awareness-raising” and it requested that the Secretary-General “seek the views of States, United Nations entities and relevant stakeholders” and submit a report (United Nations General Assembly 4). In response, Secretary-General António Guterres released a report in 2022 in which he noted that “Any analysis of disinformation needs to be multifaceted” because disinformation wreaks havoc across initiatives is not confined to isolated issues (Guterres 2). His report raises elections, public health, armed conflict, minority rights, and climate change as examples of fields that disinformation can impact. Secretary-General Guterres further emphasized that efforts to mitigate disinformation must not infringe upon freedom of expression or allow oppressive regimes to further limit their citizens’ rights (2). His recommendations for solutions included platform transparency regulations, public information campaigns, ensuring media independence, and increasing media literacy initiatives, all while considering both state and non-state actors (17-19).

The existing UN action indicates a commitment to truth, and American diplomats are in a unique position to promote international acceptance of the UN's findings given the international influence of the US. Through actively and forcefully adhering to and promoting UN guidelines, ensuring that US diplomats are not engaging in dishonest diplomatic action, and providing American support for UN information campaigns, the United States Foreign Service creates a global environment that recognizes the gravity of the disinformation crisis. Given that disinformation can influence every single initiative to which the Foreign Service is committed, and given the moral leadership that the US has the capacity to express, it is imperative that US policy pursues truth not just internally but throughout its diplomatic dealings. The US must hold its allies to a standard of truth. Without a guarantee of truth, transparency, and international dealings free of disinformation, the US cannot claim its mantle of moral leadership.

While disinformation has become an even more pressing concern since the aforementioned UN resolution and report because of the rise of generative artificial intelligence, neither the UN nor the global community has taken firm action. Efforts have been limited to remediating damage and building institutional trust, not dismantling the systems that propagate disinformation. Individually, however, the US has been more proactive. Surrounding the 2018 midterm elections, US Cyber Command interfered with the disinformation campaigns of Russia’s IRA, sending warnings to its operators, disconnecting servers, and disrupting internet connection (Jensen). Although such perturbation may not disarm the IRA in the long-term or deter Russian disinformation campaigns, sustained and multilateral efforts – coordinated and agreed upon by diplomats – have the potential to subvert the disinformation industry in Russia and elsewhere.

The US is already engaging in international efforts, including a partnership with Bulgaria announced in September 2023, to counter disinformation (United States Department of State). But there is an open opportunity for an international treaty, that incorporates more than two countries, to join the ranks of past landmark UN actions like the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. Such an agreement would not only affirm the standards for public information campaigns and honest diplomacy outlined by the Secretary-General’s report but commit the international community to tangible and concerted work to combat disinformation. While the US alone disrupted the Russian IRA’s schemes, an alliance of nations would be able to more decisively and universally inhibit the spread of disinformation. The US Foreign Service has the chance to reignite the spirit of the US’s original diplomat, Benjamin Franklin, and prioritize truth before all else. With appropriate leadership, the war-torn and divided international community can unite against disinformation, which can derail any international effort, and cooperate to preserve good faith and truth, without which diplomacy cannot function.

Works Cited

Canada, Mark. “Talking Politics in 2021: Lessons on Humility and Truth-Seeking from Benjamin Franklin.” The Conversation , 8 February 2021, theconversation.com/talking-politics-in-2021-lessons-on-humility-and-truth-seeking-from-benjamin-franklin-153924.

Colomina, Carme; Sánchez Margalef, Héctor; Youngs, Richard. Policy Department for External Relations. The impact of disinformation on democratic processes and human rights in the world . European Parliament. April 2021. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/653635/EXPO_STU(2021)653635_EN.pdf .

Fjällhed, Alicia. “Managing Disinformation Through Public Diplomacy.” Public Diplomacy and the Politics of Uncertainty , Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, pp. 227–53.

Gerrits, André W.M. "Disinformation in International Relations: How Important Is It?". Security and Human Rights 29.1-4 (2018): 3-23. https://doi.org/10.1163/18750230-02901007 .

Guterres, António. Countering disinformation for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms . Report No. A/77/150. United Nations. 12 August 2022. https://undocs.org/en/A/77/287 .

Jensen, Benjamin. “Waging War against the Troll Farms.” Navy Times , 13 March 2019, www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2019/03/13/waging-war-against-the-troll-farms/ .

Krasna, Joshua. “Understanding the Wave of Normalization in the Middle East.” Foreign Policy Research Institute , 13 January 2021, www.fpri.org/article/2021/01/understanding-the-wave-of-normalization-in-the-middle-east/ .

Silverman, Craig, and Kao, Jeff. “Infamous Russian Troll Farm Appears to Be Source of Anti-Ukraine Propaganda.” ProPublica , 11 March 2022, www.propublica.org/article/infamous-russian-troll-farm-appears-to-be-source-of-anti-ukraine-propaganda .

United Nations General Assembly. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). New York: United Nations General Assembly, 1948.

United Nations General Assembly. 2021. Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 24 December 2021 – Countering disinformation for the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom . A/RES/76/227. https://undocs.org/en/A/RES/76/227 .

“U.S. and Bulgaria to Collaborate on Combatting Disinformation.” United States Department of State , 25 September 2023, https://www.state.gov/u-s-and-bulgaria-to-collaborate-on-combatting-disinformation/ . Press Release.

Windrem, Robert, and Arkin, William M. “Who Planted the Fake News at Center of Qatar Crisis?” NBCNews.Com , NBCUniversal News Group, 18 July 2017, www.nbcnews.com/news/world/who-planted-fake-news-center-qatar-crisis-n784056 .

Wintour, Patrick. “Donald Trump tweets support for blockade imposed on Qatar.” The Guardian , 6 June 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/06/qatar-panic-buying-as-shoppers-stockpile-food-due-to-saudi-blockade .

Works Consulted

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Mapping and Analysis of Efforts to Counter Information Pollution in Europe and Central Asia Region . UNDP. November 2022.

Nakashima, Ellen. “U.S. Cyber Command Operation Disrupted Internet Access of Russian troll factory on day of 2018 midterms” Washington Post , 27 February 2019, www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-cyber-command-operation-disrupted-internet-access-of-russian-troll-factory-on-day-of-2018-midterms/2019/02/26/1827fc9e-36d6-11e9-af5b-b51b7ff322e9_story.html .

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Essay on Gaming in 900 Words in English for School Students


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 18, 2024

Essay on gaming

Essay on Gaming: Do you play PUBG or BGMI? If you do, then you might remember the auto-generated guideline at the beginning of every match; ‘This is a simulation game set in a virtual world and does not represent real life. Please play in moderation and responsibly.

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Playing multiplier games has become a trend. Everyone, young and old, likes sitting on the couch and holding the joystick in their hands. Gaming has come a long way. With growing technological advancements and better infrastructure, new and fast gaming consoles are being developed. Popular gaming companies are Tencent Holdings Limited, Microsoft Corporation, Apple Inc., Sony Corporation, Krafton, etc. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Introduction to Gaming
  • 2 Importance of Gaming
  • 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaming
  • 4 Career in Gaming: eSports
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 6 Top 10 Online Games

Games offer cognitive benefits, can help improve strategic and creative thinking and some even educate us. We all played the games of the early 2000s, like GTA Vice City or NFS Most Wanted. These games were so addictive that children like us would spend hours without caring about the outside world and delving into the missions and races. While playing games, a simple thing we need to understand is, ‘Anything too much is dangerous’.

Introduction to Gaming

Today, the Internet, Google Play Store and Apple Store are flooded with games. If you search for one game, you will get a list of 20 similar games as well. So far, the gaming market has evolved. However, this was not the case when games were first introduced. Do you know the name of the first computer game? Spacewar! 

This influential computer game was developed in 1950 while scientists were still discovering computer software for the gaming future. Then Microsoft Corporation took the gaming market by introducing interesting games Bubble Space, Spider Solitaire, Pinball, and Age of Empires. 

While Microsoft was leading the gaming industry, American gaming companies like Electronic Arts Gaming and Activision Blizzard took the world by storm with their new gaming series like Call of Duty, FIFA, Need for Speed, etc.

As technology improves, gaming platforms have switched from desktops and consoles to mobile phones. These days, mobile games like PUBG, Candy Crush, Subway Surfers, Clash of Clans, etc. are the most popular games. 

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Importance of Gaming

Playing games is important as it helps improve our cognitive functioning, problem-solving, creative thinking and situational awareness. Every individual must play games to learn how to solve complex problems and adapt to the changing environment and social interaction.

Online gaming encourages social interaction as we connect with online friends and players. Competitive gaming, or esports, has become a major industry. Professional gamers and teams compete in tournaments watched by millions, creating a sense of community among fans.

Might sound cliche but gaming also serves as a powerful educational tool. They enhance learning through engagement and interactivity, which can make difficult subjects more accessible. Some ‘Minecraft’ are used in classrooms to teach subjects such as mathematics, science, and engineering. They encourage creativity and logical thinking.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Gaming

Games are interesting, some play for learning purposes, while others build a hobby. We get to learn a lot from games, which can improve hand-eye coordination, enhance memory and concentration, serve as a stress reliever, and lead to the development of persistence and resilience.

However, games are not just about benefits and cognitive development. There are disadvantages associated with gaming as well. Parents and lawmakers around the world are worried about the physical and mental health issues associated with excessive gaming. Long hours of exposure to computers and mobile screens weaken our eyesight and can lead to obesity, cardiovascular issues, and poor posture.

Continuous use of game controllers, keyboards, and mice can lead to repetitive strain injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Gaming addiction, also known as Internet Gaming Disorder, is a growing concern. It can lead to compulsive gaming behaviours, neglect of personal responsibilities, and significant distress or impairment in daily life.

Excessive gaming can also have negative effects on our social lives. Spending long hours on games can result in social isolation, as individuals may prioritise virtual interactions over face-to-face relationships. Its addiction can strain relationships with family and friends and lead to neglect of social responsibilities and interactions.

Other disadvantages of excessive gaming are behavioural issues, financial impact and ethical and societal concerns. 

Quick Read: Essay on Child Labour

Career in Gaming: eSports

Modern gaming has given birth to a new type of employment; esports. This new industry offers employment opportunities to programmers, game developers and designers, animators, etc. Professional gamers and online streamers compete in esports tournaments for prize money and sponsorships. This career requires exceptional skill in a specific game, dedication, and regular practice. 

Gaming involves a lot of research and development, such as the psychological effects of gaming, game design methodologies, and their economic impact. This role often requires advanced degrees and strong analytical skills.

Gaming is both good and bad. It is good when played in moderation, but bad when it disturbs our day-to-day activities. Gaming companies and governments are becoming more and more aware of the challenges posed by excessive gaming, and therefore several policies have been implemented. We need to understand that gaming is good for us and can improve our intelligence, but only when played in moderation.

Top 10 Online Games

Here’s a list of top 10 online games played today:

  • Call of Duty
  • World of Warcraft
  • Rocket League
  • Red Dead Redemption 2

Ans: Games are an important part of our life. They teach us many valuable lessons, improve our cognitive functioning and offer several other benefits. Online gaming encourages social interaction as we connect with online friends and players. Competitive gaming, or esports, has become a major industry. Professional gamers and teams compete in tournaments watched by millions, creating a sense of community among fans. It might sound cliche but gaming also serves as a powerful educational tool. They enhance learning through engagement and interactivity, which can make difficult subjects more accessible. Some ‘Minecraft’ are used in classrooms to teach subjects such as mathematics, science, and engineering. They encourage creativity and logical thinking.

Ans: Games present players with challenges and goals, giving a sense of accomplishment when these are achieved. Many games have multiplayer features that allow players to interact with friends or meet new people. Games often have built-in reward systems, such as points, levels, achievements, and in-game items. 

Ans: Playing games is important as it helps improve our cognitive functioning, problem-solving, creative thinking and situational awareness. Every individual must play games to learn how to solve complex problems and adapt to the changing environment and social interaction. Online gaming encourages social interaction as we connect with online friends and players. Competitive gaming, or esports, has become a major industry. Professional gamers and teams compete in tournaments watched by millions, creating a sense of community among fans.

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Elektrostal , city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia . It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning “electric steel,” derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II , parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the production of metallurgical equipment. Pop. (2006 est.) 146,189.

N.J. city school superintendent ticketed for using handicapped parking space at a Home Depot

  • Updated: Jun. 18, 2024, 6:01 p.m. |
  • Published: Jun. 18, 2024, 7:57 a.m.

  • Eric Conklin | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

The superintendent of Atlantic City public schools was issued a summons accusing her of using a handicapped parking space in a Home Depot in late May while using a family member’s placard.

La’Quetta Small, who is also the wife of the city’s mayor, Marty Small Sr., got the ticket at the Home Depot in Absecon, according to court records.

Police body-camera footage shows two Absecon police officers interacting with Small after investigating a complaint over the vehicle. Court records show the vehicle, which is owned by the city, is a 2022 Chevrolet SUV.

Small’s listed attorney, Jordan Barbone, did not immediately return an email from NJ Advance Media for comment on Monday. She is due to municipal court on July 15 over the ticket.

In a video posted to Facebook , John Exadaktilos, a local political advocate and former Atlantic City Council candidate, said he called police to report the vehicle “double parked” in the handicapped spot outside of the store.

Exadaktilos, who also owns the Ducktown Tavern in Atlantic City, told NJ Advance Media he was visiting the Home Depot when another customer recognized the vehicle and pointed it out to him.

“This was dumb luck on my part,” he told NJ Advance Media. “I didn’t realize it was even her.”

In the body camera footage, Exadaktilos is seen approaching police after they arrive. Moments later, Small returns to her vehicle, explaining to police she uses a handicapped placard for her mother, who she said was not with her at the time.

State law requires a registered placard holder to be with the driver or in a vehicle as proof of disability, according to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.

City officials told NJ Advance Media the vehicle was issued to the superintendent as part of her job with the district. Questions about her vehicle access after the ticket was issued were directed school administrations, who did not return a request for comment.

The Smalls were charged earlier this year with child abuse.

Eric Conklin

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40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy , materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes , offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development .

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy , with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

Elektrostal's fascinating history, vibrant culture, and promising future make it a city worth exploring. For more captivating facts about cities around the world, discover the unique characteristics that define each city . Uncover the hidden gems of Moscow Oblast through our in-depth look at Kolomna. Lastly, dive into the rich industrial heritage of Teesside, a thriving industrial center with its own story to tell.

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Here are The Arizona Republic's 2023-24 High School Sports Awards winners

Nearly three dozen high school players, coaches and teams were honored by The Arizona Republic on Monday night at the Arizona High School Sports Awards event held at Arizona Financial Theater.

The event was sponsored by  Diamond Kitchen & Bath  and presented in partnership with  Western States Home Services.  

Top honors went to Gilbert High School senior hurdler Vance Nilsson, who was named The Republic's 2023-24 male athlete of the year , and Tucson Sunnyside High School senior wrestler Audrey Jimenez, who was named female athlete of the year .

Pinnacle softball player Alexa Wilde, who will be a senior next year, was presented with this year's Courage Award , after she overcame a serious blood clot last year that required surgery but returned in time for softball season. In addition, longtime Mesa Mountain View High School basketball coach Gary Ernst was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Players of the year also were announced in AIA-sanctioned sports for the 2023-24 school year, along with coaches and teams of the year.

Winners were chosen by The Republic's sports reporters and editors based on performances during the past school year, input from coaches and information available from the Arizona Interscholastic Association. Here is a full list of those honored at Monday night's event, including sponsors of several individual awards.

The Republic's 2023-24 Arizona High School Sports Awards

Specialty awards.

Boys Athlete of the Year : Vance Nilsson, Gilbert High School, Sr.

Girls Athlete of the Year : Audrey Jimenez, Sunnyside High School, Sr.

Boys Team Coach of the Year : Hosea Graham, Combs High School Basketball

Girls Team Coach of the Year : Barbara Chura, Xavier College Preparatory Soccer

Courage Award Recipient, presented by Diamond Kitchen & Bath : Alexa Wilde, Pinnacle High School, Jr.

School Spirit Award, presented by Diamond Kitchen & Bath : Antelope Union High School (Wellton)

Boys Team of the Year, presented by USA TODAY Sports : Liberty Football

Girls Team of the Year, presented by USA TODAY Sports : Sandra Day O'Connor Volleyball

Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by Western States Home Services : Gary Ernst, Mountain View (Mesa) High School

Fall sports

Badminton Player of the Year : Samiya Bodhankar, Hamilton High School, Sr.

Boys Cross Country Runner of the Year : Ryan Denhof, Liberty High School, Sr.

Girls Cross Country Runner of the Year : Landen LeBlond, Millennium High School, Sr.

Offensive Flag Football Player of the Year : Madison Coger, Campo Verde High School, Jr.

Defensive Flag Football Player of the Year : Maycie Bassett, Canyon View High School, Sr.

Defensive Football Player of the Year : Deshawn Warner, Desert Edge High School, Sr.

Offensive Football Player of the Year : Navi Bruzon, Liberty High School, Sr.

Boys Golfer of the Year, presented by Golfweek : Adam Croix, Liberty High School, Sr.

Girls Golfer of the Year, presented by Golfweek : Raegan Capizzi, Chaparral High School, Sr.

Boys Swimming & Diving Athlete of the Year : Hudson Schuricht, Chaparral High School, Sr.

Girls Swimming & Diving Athlete of the Year : Lorin Tobler, Gilbert High School, Sr.

Girls Volleyball Player of the Year : Teraya Sigler, Horizon High School , Sr.

Winter sports

Boys Basketball Player of the Year : Koa Peat, Perry High School, Jr.

Girls Basketball Player of the Year : Shay Ijiwoye, Desert Vista High School, Sr.

Boys Soccer Player of the Year : Leo Gutierrez, Salpointe Catholic High School, Jr.

Girls Soccer Player of the Year : Paxton Bock, Notre Dame Preparatory, Sr.

Boys Wrestler of the Year : Pablo Macias, Ironwood High School, Sr.

Girls Wrestler of the Year : Nylease Yzagere, Peoria High School, Sr.

Spring sports

Baseball Player of the Year : Cam Caminiti, Saguaro High School, Sr.

Softball Player of the Year : Lauren Putz, Xavier College Preparatory, Sr.

Beach Volleyball Players of the Year : Emma McSorley, Jr., & Lauren Watson, So., Notre Dame Preparatory

Boys Tennis Player of the Year : Jacques Sevrain, Phoenix Country Day School, Sr.

Girls Tennis Player of the Year : Japneet Kaur, Boulder Creek High School, Fr.

Boys Track & Field Athlete of the Year : Vance Nilsson, Gilbert High School, Sr.

Girls Track & Field Athlete of the Year : Kori Martin, Hamilton High School, Sr.

Boys Volleyball Player of the Year : Connor Oldani, Brophy College Preparatory, Sr.

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  1. Essay on Home Schooling in 150, 250 and 400 words

    Homeschooling refers to the practice of education at home or any other place outside the school premises. Over the years, the popularity of homeschooling has increased quite a bit. It is much more convenient for both students as well as parents. It saves time, is efficient, and de-stresses children, unlike normal schools that distress children.

  2. The Pros and Cons of Homeschooling

    Plus, in home-based education, all subjects are fair game, from sailing to sewing to science. Practical skills, volunteering, artistic pursuits, and traditional trades can all fall under the broad umbrella of homeschooling. According to some homeschoolers, teachable moments are always happening, and "school" isn't limited to school hours.

  3. An Introduction to Homeschooling

    An Introduction to Homeschooling. Homeschooling is an educational option that allows parents to teach their children at home instead of sending them to school. There are today a wealth of resources and opportunities available to homeschooling families, and in a landscape of increasing school choice homeschooling has become more and more ...

  4. Argumentative About Homeschooling: [Essay Example], 704 words

    Tailoring Education to Individual Needs. One of the main arguments in favor of homeschooling is the ability to tailor education to a child's individual needs. In a traditional school setting, children are often taught in large classes, with a standardized curriculum that may not cater to their specific learning style or pace. Homeschooling ...

  5. Essays on Homeschooling

    2 pages / 892 words. The choice between homeschooling and traditional education is a decision that parents around the world grapple with. It's a choice that can significantly impact a child's educational journey and overall development. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both homeschooling and... Homeschooling.

  6. Home Schooling Essays

    Home Schooling Essay by: Mariam Education is a vital element of children's development. Nowadays parents are allowed to choose either teach a child at home or sent him/her to public school. Both choices have pros and cons, but in my opinion, attending public school is a better choice for a student then a homeschoolling.

  7. 93 Homeschooling Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Homeschooling is a Viable Alternative to Public School. General information: In public discourse, homeschooling can be seen as inferior to mainstream education and criticized as unregulated and ineffective from the standpoint of socialization. Home Schooling From the Nursing Perspective.

  8. How Home Schooling Will Change Public Education

    Home schooling, not a present threat to public education, is nonetheless one of the forces that will change it. If the high estimates of the number of children in home schools (1.2 million) is ...

  9. Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example

    Powered by CiteChimp - the best easy citation generator. This paper, "Argumentation For and Against Homeschooling: Essay Example", was written and voluntary submitted to our free essay database by a straight-A student. Please ensure you properly reference the paper if you're using it to write your assignment. Before publication, the ...

  10. Different Types of Essays for Homeschoolers to Learn

    Different Types of Essays for Homeschoolers to Learn Posted In Writing | Posted By Kristy Robins. Homeschool students should practice various styles of writing, both formal and informal, to prepare them for professional, personal, and civic responsibilities after high school.This article will discuss the differences between formal and informal writing and give some tips and guidelines for ...

  11. 14 Homeschooling Essay Topics for Elementary and High-School Students

    Writing essays is a fantastic activity for homeschool students, including those who might find writing challenging. Essays give you a chance to express your thoughts and ideas in your own words, which is a great way to learn and remember new things. For students who have difficulties with writing, essays can be especially helpful.

  12. How to Write Good Essays at Home

    Another option is to start with the most difficult and then spend minimal effort on the simpler parts of the essay. Work on the principle: one idea, one paragraph. There should be only one idea in each paragraph. You can add evidence, explanations, and arguments to it. Write a key sentence at the beginning of each paragraph.

  13. IELTS Writing Task 2: Homeschooling (Corrected essay)

    Corrected essay: There is One view that suggests that children should be taught at home for their better development, while there is another view that suggests claims that it is essential for them to attend school. There are benefits attached to both views. Youngsters who go going to school often develop better social skills and life skills ...

  14. The Research on Homeschooling

    Posted September 1, 2021 | Reviewed by Gary Drevitch. About 4 to 5 million children in the United States (or approximately 8 to 9% of school-age children) were homeschooled in March 2021. This ...

  15. Home Schooling: Pros, Cons, and What You Need to Know

    Has sensory issues and finds the school environment overwhelming. Is an actor or athlete who needs a more flexible schedule. Is being bullied at school. Learns better at their own pace. Has ...

  16. WriteAtHome.com

    WriteAtHome exists to support families by helping students reach their writing potential and develop a love for literature, language, and history. Writing Courses. Asynchronous. Grades 6-12. With WriteAtHome, you can be confident your students are getting the instruction, practice, and coaching they need to become capable, college-ready writers.

  17. Homeschooling Essay

    Homeschooling is highly distinguished by the ability to give exact and individual attention, which allows teachers full focus on the student, while being able to grasp the errors and be able to give the student the appropriate methods in order to attain steady development. According to a Canadian college department head, who moved to Abu Dhabi ...

  18. Homeschooling Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    1. Parents are directly involved in their children's education. 2. Greater ability to monitor and guide learning. D. Socialization opportunities. 1..... Read More. View our collection of homeschooling essays. Find inspiration for topics, titles, outlines, & craft impactful homeschooling papers.

  19. My Home Essay for Students and Children

    500 Words on My Home Essay. A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me. A Place I Call Home. My home is situated in the city.

  20. 2024 High School Essay Contest Winning Essay

    BY IAN ROSENZWEIG. In his intellectual explorations, Benjamin Franklin, the first diplomat of the fledgling United States of America, committed himself to truth. Franklin created "Junto," a discussion group, "in the sincere Spirit of Enquiry after Truth, without fondness for Dispute, or Desire of Victory" (Canada).

  21. Full-Time MBA admissions

    Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University 2211 Campus Drive Evanston, IL 60208 847.491.3300. Contact Us  Maps & Directions  Kellogg Store ...

  22. Best Essay on Eid ul Adha in 500 Words in English

    Essay on Eid ul Adha: The month-long Ramadan fasting has finally ended, and it's time for celebrations.Eid Ul Adha, one of the two significant Islamic festivals. Eid ul Adha is known as Bakr-Id in India and is a public holiday.Eid ul-Adha originates from the tale of Prophet Ibrahim's readiness to sacrifice his son, Ismail, per Allah's instruction.

  23. Essay on Gaming in 900 Words in English for School Students

    Ans: Games present players with challenges and goals, giving a sense of accomplishment when these are achieved. Many games have multiplayer features that allow players to interact with friends or meet new people. Games often have built-in reward systems, such as points, levels, achievements, and in-game items. Q.3.

  24. Elektrostal

    Elektrostal, city, Moscow oblast (province), western Russia.It lies 36 miles (58 km) east of Moscow city. The name, meaning "electric steel," derives from the high-quality-steel industry established there soon after the October Revolution in 1917. During World War II, parts of the heavy-machine-building industry were relocated there from Ukraine, and Elektrostal is now a centre for the ...

  25. N.J. city school superintendent ticketed for using handicapped parking

    The superintendent of Atlantic City public schools was issued a summons accusing her of using a handicapped parking space in a Home Depot in late May while using a family member's placard. La ...

  26. Elektrostal

    Pool «Kristall» - school of the Olympic reserve: diving, synchronized swimming, swimming. Home arena hockey team Kristall Elektrostal - Ledovyi Dvorets Sporta «Kristall» in 1995 year. The city ice hockey team Kristall Elektrostal was established in 1949 and plays in the Junior Hockey League Division B. Notable people Nikolay Vtorov Street

  27. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    Home to renowned educational institutions. Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students. Committed to cultural preservation. The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

  28. Louisville football: Male High School CB Antonio Harris on commitment

    0:43. Antonio Harris sat in Male High School's gym and stared up at the 2006 Kentucky Mr. Football banner last Monday afternoon. The Bulldogs' junior wide receiver/cornerback sees it every day ...

  29. The Arizona Republic's 2023-24 High School Sports Awards winners

    The event was sponsored by Diamond Kitchen & Bath and presented in partnership with Western States Home Services. Top honors went to Gilbert High School senior hurdler Vance Nilsson, who was named ...

  30. State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region

    State Housing Inspectorate of the Moscow Region Elektrostal postal code 144009. See Google profile, Hours, Phone, Website and more for this business. 2.0 Cybo Score. Review on Cybo.