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  • Experiment von Griffith (1928)

Grundlegend für das Verständnis der späteren Molekularbiologie sind die Experiment e von Griffith und Avery. Hier erforschen die Forscher erstmalig den Zusammenhang zwischen DNA und Vererbung.

  • Versuchsobjekt: Streptococcus pneumoniae

Die von Frederick Griffith ausgewählten Streptokokken kommen natürlicherweise in zwei Formen vor.

  • löst Krankheit aus
  • Bakterien sind durch spezielle Schleimkapsel geschützt und daher für das Immunsystem des infizierten Tiers nicht erkennbar
  • nicht krankheitserregend

Griffith behandelte Mäuse mit beiden Streptokokken -Stämmen. Dabei führte er vor dem eigentlichen Experiment folgende Kontrollen durch:

Die Versuchstiere werden injiziert mit:

  • S-Stamm => Maus stirbt
  • R-Stamm => Maus überlebt
  • hitzebehandelter (abgetöteter) S-Stamm => Maus überlebt.

Im Experiment mischte Griffith den hitzebehandelten und damit abgetöteten S-Stamm mit den unbehandelten (lebenden) R-Bakterien.

Ergebnis: die Maus stirbt.

Grundlegend für das Verständnis der späteren Molekularbiologie sind die Experimente von Griffith und Avery. Hier erforschen die Forscher erstmalig den Zusammenhang zwischen DNA und Vererbung. Experiment von Griffith (1928) ? Versuchsobjekt: Streptococcus pneumoniae Die von Frederick Griffith ausgewählten Streptokokken kommen natürlicherweise in zwei Formen vor. Smooth (S) ? löst Krankheit aus ? Bakterien sind durch spezielle Schleimkapsel geschützt und daher für das Immunsystem nicht erkennbar Rough (R) ? nicht krankheitserregend Griffith behandelte Mäuse mit beiden Streptokokken-Stämmen. Dabei führte er vor dem eigentlichen Experiment folgende Kontrollen durch: Die Versuchstiere werden injiziert mit: ? S-Stamm => Maus stirbt ? R-Stamm => Maus überlebt ? hitzebehandelter (abgetöteter) S-Stamm => Maus überlebt. Im Experiment mischte Griffith den hitzebehandelten und damit abgetöteten S-Stamm mit den unbehandelten (lebenden) R-Bakterien. Ergebnis: Maus stirbt!

Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, Maclyn McCarty (1944)

Fast 20 Jahre später führte die Forschergruppe um Oswald Avery das Experiment von Griffith (Versuchstiere: Mäuse behandelt mit Streptococcus ) nochmals in etwas veränderter Form durch. Avery und Kollegen reinigten verschiedene chemische Substanzen aus dem S-Stamm bzw. R-Stamm.

Isolierte Bestandteile des Streptococcus- Stamms S:

  • Nukleinsäuren


Antworten, die sich aus Averys Versuchsansatz ergeben:

  • Nukleinsäuren sind das transformierende Agens.
  • Nukleinsäuren sind die chemische Grundlage des Erbmaterials.

Die DNA (Desoxyribonukleinsäure) ist die chemische Grundlage der Vererbung von Merkmalen.

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Experimente von Griffith (1928) - kostenloses Unterrichtsmaterial online bei Elixier

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Die veränderbare Powerpoint - Präsentation enthält u.a. die Darstellung der Experimente von Griffith und (knapp) von Avery (1944).


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  • Biology Article
  • Griffith Experiment Genetic Material

Griffith Experiment and Search of Genetic Material

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The search for Genetic material started during the mid-nineteenth century. The principle of inheritance was discovered by Mendel. Based on his investigation, Mendel concluded that some ‘factors’ are transferred from one generation to another. Mendel’s Law of Inheritance was the basis for the researchers on genetic material. Keeping his conclusions in mind, scientists who came after him, focused on chromosomes in search of genetic material. Even though the chromosomal components were identified, the material which is responsible for inheritance remained unanswered. It took a long time for the acceptance of DNA as the genetic transformation. Let’s go through a brief account of the discovery of genetic material and Griffith experiment.

Griffith Experiment & Transforming Principle

Griffith experiment was a stepping stone for the discovery of genetic material. Frederick Griffith experiments were conducted with Streptococcus pneumoniae.

During the experiment, Griffith cultured Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria which showed two patterns of growth. One culture plate consisted of smooth shiny colonies (S) while other consisted of rough colonies (R). The difference was due to the presence of mucous coat in S strain bacteria, whereas the R strain bacteria lacked them.

Experiment: Griffith injected both S and R strains to mice. The one which was infected with the S strain developed pneumonia and died while that infected with the R strain stayed alive.

In the second stage, Griffith heat-killed the S strain bacteria and injected into mice, but the mice stayed alive. Then, he mixed the heat-killed S and live R strains. This mixture was injected into mice and they died. In addition, he found living S strain bacteria in dead mice.

Griffith Experiment

Conclusion: Based on the observation, Griffith concluded that R strain bacteria had been transformed by S strain bacteria. The R strain inherited some ‘transforming principle’ from the heat-killed S strain bacteria which made them virulent. And he assumed this transforming principle as genetic material.

DNA as Genetic Material

Griffith experiment was a turning point towards the discovery of hereditary material. However, it failed to explain the biochemistry of genetic material. Hence, a group of scientists, Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn McCarty continued the Griffith experiment in search of biochemical nature of the hereditary material. Their discovery revised the concept of protein as genetic material to DNA as genetic material .

Avery and his team extracted and purified proteins, DNA, RNA and other biomolecules from the heat-killed S strain bacteria. They discovered that DNA is the genetic material and it is alone responsible for the transformation of the R strain bacteria. They observed that protein-digesting enzymes (proteases) and RNA-digesting enzymes (RNases) didn’t inhibit transformation but DNase did. Although it was not accepted by all, they concluded DNA as genetic material.

Frequently Asked Questions on Griffith Experiment

What was griffith’s experiment and why was it important.

Griffith’s experiment was the first experiment which suggested that bacteria can transfer genetic information through a process called transformation.

What is the conclusion of Griffith experiment?

The experiment concluded that bacteria are capable of transfering genetic information through transformation.

What was the most significant conclusion of Griffith’s experiments with pneumonia in mice?

The experiment conducted by Griffith found that bacteria are capable of transfering genetic information through transformation.

What did Frederick Griffith want to learn about bacteria?

Frederick Griffith wanted to learn if bacterial transformation was possible.

How did the two types of bacteria used by Griffith differ?

Griffith used two strains of pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) bacteria: a type III-S and a type II-R.

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Frederick Griffith was a British bacteriologist who performed transformation experiments that suggested that DNA was the hereditary material. His focus was on the epidemiology and pathology of bacterial pneumonia – which led him to develop the principle of bacterial transformation – which allow scientist to transform a bacterium through the introduction of exogenous DNA carrying the gene of interest.

Frederick showed that streptococcus pneumonia could transform from one strain into a different strain, an effect he attributed to an unidentified transforming principle or transforming factor . In 1928, Frederick reported what is now known as Griffith’s Experiment , which was the first widely accepted demonstration of bacterial transformation.

Frederick’s student, Avery Oswald , later demonstrated this principle of bacterial transformation conclusively. Frederick Griffith’s work established the foundation of molecular genetics, a field which is thriving today in the biomedical, biological and medical sciences.

His work showed that DNA is the genetic material.

Barrett   J.T (1998).  Microbiology and Immunology Concepts.  Philadelphia,   PA:  Lippincott-Raven Publishers. USA.

Beck R.W (2000). A chronology of microbiology in historical context. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press.

Nester E.W, Anderson D.G, Roberts C.E and Nester M.T (2009). Microbiology: A Human Perspective. Sixth edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, New York, USA.

Salyers A.A and Whitt D.D (2001). Microbiology: diversity, disease, and the environment. Fitzgerald Science Press Inc. Maryland, USA.

Slonczewski J.L, Foster J.W and Gillen K.M (2011). Microbiology: An Evolving Science. Second edition. W.W. Norton and Company, Inc, New York, USA.

Summers W.C (2000). History of microbiology. In Encyclopedia of microbiology, vol. 2, J. Lederberg, editor, 677–97. San Diego: Academic Press.

Talaro, Kathleen P (2005). Foundations in Microbiology. 5 th edition. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., New York, USA.

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What is the Griffith experiment?

Posted august 26, 2024.

The Griffith experiment, conducted by Frederick Griffith in 1928, was a pivotal study in microbiology and genetics. It was the first experiment that suggested bacteria could transfer genetic information via a process known as transformation. 

Griffith’s aim in conducting the experiment was to investigate different strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, a pneumonia-causing bacterium that showed two growth patterns. As part of the experiment Griffith injected Smooth and Rough strains of the bacteria into mice. Accidently, he discovered that when he injected mice with a combination of heat-killed pathogenic bacteria and live non-pathogenic bacteria, the live bacteria became pathogenic and caused diseases. This indicated that some “transforming principle” from the dead bacteria was transferring genetic material to the live bacteria, which could then express new traits. 

An efficient transformation method for genome editing of elite bread wheat cultivars

MycoLight™ Live Bacteria Fluorescence Imaging Kit


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    Griffith's Experiment — Printable Worksheet. Herunterladen and print this quiz as a worksheet. You can move the markers directly in the worksheet. Page 1 of 2. This is a printable worksheet made from a PurposeGames Quiz. To play the game online, visit Griffith's Experiment.

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