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How to save or share a Google Slides presentation?

Google Slides can be a great platform to create a presentation. By creating and storing your files in the cloud, you will be able to work on the slideshow from anywhere in the world. However, to do this effectively, you will need to know how to save and share your slides.

 How to save Google Slides?

First, you might want to learn how to save your work. In Google Slides, this is a straightforward process. As you write, the document will be saved to the cloud automatically. The updated copy will be available the next time you open the Google Slides presentation.

How to save Google Slides to flash drive?

In some cases, you might want a physical copy of your presentation. This copy will allow you to alter it, even without access to the internet. For this reason, you might want to save it to a flash drive. To do this, you will need first to insert the drive into the computer. Then, you will have to download the file. You can do this by navigating to the  File  button on the top left-hand side of the screen.

how to save presentation on google slides

Clicking on this button will open a drop-down menu. In this area, you will have to find and select the  Download As option. This option will create another menu with a list of the formats that you can use. Select the one that will best suit your needs.

how to save presentation on google slides

Once you download the file, you will have to open it and select the  Save As  option. Then, you have to select the  Computer option. This option will bring up a list of all the files on your computer.

how to save presentation on google slides

Navigate to the flash drive and click  Save .  In some cases, you might also have to adjust the title of the file.

How to share Google Slides?

Often, when you create a presentation, you might want other people to deliver their feedback to help you improve the project. One of the best ways of doing this is by sharing your slides with them. To  Google Slides  share, go to the  File  button in the top left-hand corner. This button will open a menu. At the top of the page, you should see the  Share icon. Clicking on this will allow you to choose to whom you send it. Often, the way you will share a file is by entering an email address. If you want to send a message explaining the message, you can click on the p encil  icon. Once you have finished, you should hit the  Done  button.

how to save presentation on google slides

Google Slides can be a great tool to employ when you are trying to create a presentation, allowing you to collaborate with your workmates and store the presentation in the cloud. So, use these tips to make sure that you always have access to your files.


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The article is useful, but how can I be sure that my presentation is safe when I share it? We need to be careful!

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Cristine, Yes, I agree. When sharing your presentation, it’s crucial to pay attention to access rights to control who can view or edit it.

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What if I don’t have internet access but need to work on the presentation?

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Thanks for the helpful information. This guide came in handy when I was trying to save my presentation.

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Hi! How do you save a Google Slides presentation to a flash drive?

Hello! To save a Google Slides presentation to a flash drive, follow these steps:

– Insert the flash drive into your computer. – In Google Slides, go to the “File” menu in the top left corner of the screen. – Click on this button to open a dropdown menu. – Find and select the “Download As” option. – In the menu that appears, choose the desired file format. – After downloading the file, open it and select the “Save As” option. – Then choose the “Computer” option. – Navigate to the flash drive and click “Save”. In some cases, you might also need to adjust the file name.

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Can I share the presentation with someone who doesn’t have a Google account?

Yes, you can create a public link to the presentation, and anyone can view it without a Google account.

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If I share the presentation, will other people be able to edit my slides?

It depends on the access rights you provide. You can allow view-only or also editing.

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Art of Presentations

How to Download Google Slides Presentation [Complete Guide!]

By: Author Shrot Katewa

How to Download Google Slides Presentation [Complete Guide!]

If you are a Google Slides user, you probably already know that Google Slides works on cloud storage. Meaning that your presentation files are stored online and can be accessed using just a browser. You no longer need to carry the physical file on a thumb drive. But, what if you intentionally need to save a Google Slides presentation? In that case, how do you download a Google Slides presentation?

To download a Google Slides presentation, simply open the presentation file in your browser. Then, click on the “File” menu and select the “Download” option. Choose the format (such as .pptx, .pdf, etc) in which you need to download the file, and save the presentation on your computer.

While that’s just a quick explanation, if you need a detailed step-by-step pictorial description, continue reading as I will be sharing the same below in the article. Plus, I will also share with ninja tips that will allow you to download just the audio or even a protected presentation to your computer!

So, let’s get started!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs . The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

1. How to Download a Google Slides Presentation?

Downloading a google slide presentation is very simple and absolutely free for Windows, Mac and other operating systems. There are a few ways you can download a google slides presentation on your computer which you can choose from, according to your preference.

In this section, I will show you step-by-step, the 3 ways you can download Google Slides presentation on your device.

1a. Save Google Slides as a PowerPoint File

The fastest way to save a Google Slides file as a Power Point file is to use the “Download” option in the “File” tab that you can find on the upper left corner of the ribbon. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide of the whole process:

Step-1: Click on File Tab and Select Download

how to save presentation on google slides

When the Google Slides document is open, you can find the “File” tab on the top left corner of your screen. Select that tab and you will find the “Download” option.

Step-2: Select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” Option

After selecting the “Download” option, there you will find a series of convertible formats to download to your computer. Select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” option.

Step-3: Open the Downloaded file.

After you select the “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)” option the download will begin automatically and the preview of the downloaded file will be displayed on the bottom left corner of your screen (if you are using Google Chrome as your browser) which will lead you to the downloaded PowerPoint file.

1b. Download Google Slides as a PDF

The process of Downloading a Google Slides presentation file as a PDF file is very simple and the steps of doing it is very much similar to downloading it as a Microsoft PowerPoint file. Here is a step-by-step guide to the entire process.

Step-1: Click on the “Download” Option from the “File” tab

how to save presentation on google slides

As we’ve learned from the previous section, the “Download” option in the “File” Tab is the first step to begin the process.

Step-2: Select the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option

Inside the “Download” option there is a range of convertible formats to choose from. Click on the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option.

Step-3: Open the downloaded PDF document

Right after clicking on the “PDF Document (.pdf)” option, the downloading process will being and the file will be downloaded in a few seconds.

A preview of the file will be found on the bottom left corner of the screen and the file will be found in the “Download” folder of your computer.

1c. Save Google Slides as Images

It is a bit tricky to download all the google slides into images since there is no ready option to do so. In any case, I will show you how to do it step-by-step below;

Step-1: Open the “Download” option from the “File” tab

When the Google Slides window is open on your computer screen, you can find the “File” tab in the top left corner of your screen. Open the “Download” option.

Step-2: Download the file as a Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)

To download the google slides as images, you have to first download it as a PowerPoint .pptx format.

Step-3: Open the Downloaded Presentation file on Microsoft PowerPoint.

After downloading the Googles slides presentation on your computer, open the file with Microsoft PowerPoint.

Step-4: Click on the “Export” option in the “File” tab

how to save presentation on google slides

At the top left corner of the screen you can find the “File” tab which will take you to the “Export” option.

Step-5: Select the “JPEG File Interchange Format” button in the “Change File Type” option

how to save presentation on google slides

At the bottom of the “Export” option you will find the “Change File Type” option which will allow you to select “JPEG File Interchange Format”

Step-6: Select the “Save As” or “Export” button

After selecting the “Save As” button in a pop-up will show you the file name destination and file type. For Mac users, you can directly click on the “Export” button (as shown in the image above).

After selecting the “Save” button each slide will be converted into a JPEG image and saved in a folder together.

2. How to Download Google Slides Presentation with Audio?

Downloading Google Slides Presentations with audio can be a little trouble because after downloading it as a Power Point presentation, the file open in a different window instead of the presentation background. Here is a step-by-step to solve that problem.

Step-1: Download the Audio by right clicking the mouse on the audio bar

how to save presentation on google slides

By selecting the speaker icon on the slide, you can turn on the audio in the presentation. Upon turning it on, right click on the audio bar and select “Save audio as”.

Step-2: Save the audio on your computer

how to save presentation on google slides

By selecting the “Save audio as” option, a pop up will appear the screen. Select the “Save” button

Step-3: Download the Google Slides Presentation as a PowerPoint File

Download the presentation as a PowerPoint presentation on your computer as explained in the previous section of this article.

Step-4: Insert the Audio in Your PPT File

how to save presentation on google slides

Open the slide where the audio was embedded on the google slide presentation. When the slide is open, go to the “Insert” tab on the upper part of the Power Point file.

By going to the “insert” tab, there is the “Audio” option in the top right part of the screen as shown in the figure

By clicking on the “Audio” option in your presentation, a pop-up window will appear. Select the audio downloaded for the presentation and hit “Insert”

Step-5: Re-arrange the position of the speaker icon

By inserting the audio into your presentation, an audio icon will appear at the center of the screen. Reposition the icon and you’re all set. This is just an optional step.

3. How to Download a Protected Google Slides Presentation?

There are no easy ways to download protected google slides presentations to your computer. There is no available direct links or download buttons. But there is a simple way of generating a direct download link from shared or protected files. Each step of the process is described below:

Step-1: Click on the Protected Google Slides presentation URL

https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/FILE_ID/ edit?usp=sharing

There is a link in the URL box located at the upper part of your browser. The link should look something like the link above

Step-2: Select the “edit?usp=sharing” part of the URL

In the link select the part of the URL from “edit” until the end. (check the section of the link that has been written in bold formatting

Step-3: Write “export/pptx” on the selected part

Your link should look something like this – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/FILE_ID/ export/pptx

Upon selecting the colored part of the URL, write “export/pptx” in its place. The URL should look like how it has been written above. 

Step-4: Press “Enter” to Open the New Link

The new link that you’ve created is a direct download link and so upon opening it, your presentation file should start downloading automatically.

4. How to Download Embedded Google Slides Presentation from a Website?

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to download an embedded google slides presentation from a website. However, there is a quick and simple way to download the presentation by simply making two bookmarks on your internet browser. The process is described below;

Step-1: Create a bookmark named “Open Google Sides”

how to save presentation on google slides

The first step is to create a bookmark named “Open Google Slides” on your preferred browser. Simply click the star mark on the right corner of your url box (for Google Chrome) and change the name of the bookmark to ‘Open Google Slides’.

Step-2:  Paste the JavaScript code in the url section.

With a click on the “More” option, there will be a pop-up box for you to paste a url. Paste the following code into the url box.

how to save presentation on google slides

Copy and Paste the code mentioned below – javascript: var n = document.querySelectorAll(‘iframe[src*=docs\\.google]’)[0], k = document.createElement(“a”); k.setAttribute(“href”,n.getAttribute(“src”)); k.setAttribute(“target”,”_blank”); k.setAttribute(“style”,”display:block”); k.innerText = “Open Google Slides”; n.parentElement.insertBefore(k,n);

Step-3: Make a similar bookmark with the name “Extract Slides”

Simillar to the last step, another bookmark make another bookmark, but name it ‘Extract Slides’ and instead of the previous code, paste the following code on the url box:

how to save presentation on google slides

Copy and Paste the below-mentioned code – javascript: var atag = “punch-viewer-content”,     btag = “-caption”,     ctag = “aria-setsize”,     dtag = “aria-posinset”,     msvg = document.getElementsByTagName(“svg”),     node = document.querySelectorAll(‘[class$=”‘ + btag + ‘”]’)[0],     view = document.getElementsByClassName(atag)[0],     size = node.getAttribute(ctag),     data = “”,     func = () => {       data += msvg[0].outerHTML;       if((i = node.getAttribute(dtag))==size) document.write(data);       else view.click(), setTimeout(func,10)     }; func()

Step-4: Download the embedded file

Once the bookmarks are in place, simply go to the website with the embedded presentation and click on the “Open Google Slides” bookmark. It should open a link on top of the embedded presentation to be downloaded.

5. How to Download a Google Slides Presentation Published to the Web

When there is no direct link to downloading a google slides presentation in a website, it can be frustrating to find complex ways to download it. But I will show you a simple way of creating a direct download link. The process is described below.

Step-1: Scroll to the last character of the shared protected google slide presentation URL

There is a link in the URL box located at the upper part of your browser. The link should look something like the link below:

In the link select the part of the URL that I intentionally made bold, to explain the process.

Upon selecting the bold part of the URL, write “export/pptx” in its place. The URL should look like the link showcased above. 

Step-4: Open the new link

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Credit to Benzoix for the Featured Image of this article.

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How to Export Your Google Slides Presentation as a PDF File

How to Export Your Google Slides Presentation as a PDF File | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

After you’re done creating a presentation, you might need a PDF version of it so that you can open it in any computer, regardless of the presentation software it has or whether there’s an internet connection available or not. Or, simply, you just want to have a printed version of your presentation with the speaker notes. In this tutorial you'll learn how to convert a Google Slides presentation to a PDF file , and there are two ways to do so.

Exporting without Speaker Notes, One Slide per Page

Exporting with speaker notes or with multiple slides per page.

  • Click File → Download as → PDF document (.pdf).
  • Click File → Print settings and preview.
  • A new menu will appear at the top of the screen. From there you can choose the number of slides per page, whether to include the hidden slides and/or the background, and the page orientation (horizontal or vertical). Please note that if you want to include speaker notes, you’ll only be able to choose one slide per page and a vertical orientation.
  • Click Download as PDF or Print.

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Google Slides cheat sheet: How to get started

How to use google slides to create, collaborate on, and lead business presentations..

Google Slides / A team views a presentation on screen.

Need to build a slide presentation for a meeting, training, or other event? Google Slides is an easy-to-use web app that comes with the essential tools and more. It stores your presentations in the cloud with Google Drive. Anyone with a Google account can use Slides and Drive for free, and they’re also included with a Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) subscription for business and enterprise customers. There are Google Sheets mobile apps for Android and iOS, too.

This guide will help you become familiar with the Google Slides web interface and show you how to start a new presentation, upload a Microsoft PowerPoint file to edit in Google Slides, collaborate with others on your presentation, and finally, present it to others.

Create or open a presentation

Log in to your Google or Workspace account. Then:

From Google Slides : At the top of the home page, you’ll see a “Start a new presentation” header, with a row of thumbnails underneath. To start a new, blank presentation, click the Blank thumbnail. To start a new presentation in a template, select one of the thumbnails to the right or click Template gallery toward the upper-right corner, then click any thumbnail on the page that appears.

google slides 01 slides home

The Google Slides home page. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Below the “Start a new presentation” area you’ll see a list of presentations that are stored in your Google Drive or shared with you. To open a presentation, click it in this list.

The list of your presentations appears in reverse chronological order starting with the presentation you most recently opened. Clicking the “AZ” icon at the upper right of this list changes the sort order to Last modified by me , Last modified , or in alphabetical order by presentation title. You can also browse to a specific folder by clicking the folder icon next to the “AZ” icon.

From Google Drive : Presentations stored in your Google Drive are listed in the main window of the Drive home page. To see a listing of presentations that others are sharing with you, click Shared with me in the left column. From either list, double-click a presentation to open it in Google Slides.

To start a new, blank presentation, click the New button at the upper-left of the screen and then click Google Slides .

If you want to use a template to start a new presentation, click the New button, then move the cursor over the right arrow next to Google Slides and select From a template . The template gallery for Google Slides will open; click a thumbnail to start a new presentation in that template.

google slides 02 drive new presentation

Creating a new presentation from Google Drive.

From Google Slides or Drive: You also can use the search box at the top to find presentations in your Google Drive or shared with you. Enter words or numbers that may be in the presentation you’re looking for.

Upload a PowerPoint presentation to Slides

You can edit a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides, but first you must upload it to Google Drive.

From Google Slides: Click the folder icon ( Open file picker ) that’s above and toward the right corner of your presentations list. On the panel that opens, click the Upload tab. Drag-and-drop your PowerPoint file (.ppt or .pptx) onto this panel, or browse your PC’s drive to select it.

From Google Drive: Click the New button, then File upload , and select the PowerPoint file from your PC’s drive and click Open .

Traditionally, when you uploaded PowerPoint files to Google Drive, they were automatically converted to Slides format. That’s still the case when you upload PowerPoint files via the Google Slides home page .

However, Google now supports the ability to edit Microsoft Office files in their native format. By default, any .pptx files that you upload via Google Drive will remain formatted as PowerPoint documents. You can edit and collaborate on a PowerPoint file right in Slides, with all changes made by you or your collaborators saved directly to the PowerPoint file.

On the Google Slides and Drive home pages, native PowerPoint files will be denoted with an orange “P” icon, and when you open a native PowerPoint file in Sheets, you’ll see a “.PPTX” flag to the right of the document title.

google slides 03 powerpoint file

Native PowerPoint files show the PowerPoint icon (top) instead of the Google Slides icon (bottom).

If you’d rather have Google convert PowerPoint files to Slides format automatically when you upload them via Google Drive, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the Drive home screen and select Settings from the drop-down menu. In the Settings box next to “Convert uploads,” check the checkbox marked Convert uploaded files to Google Docs editor format .

Work in a presentation

When you open a new or existing presentation, its first slide appears in the main window of Google Slides. Here’s a breakdown of the toolbars, menus, panes, and sidebars that appear around your presentation.

The left pane shows thumbnails of all the slides in your presentation. Click a thumbnail, and the slide it represents will appear in the main window, where you can edit it.

google slides 04 slides interface

The Google Slides editing interface. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Your presentation’s title appears along the top of the screen. To change it, click anywhere inside the title and start typing.

The menu bar below your presentation’s title has a complete set of tools for working with presentations. These are the main submenus to know:

  • File has commands for taking action on the whole presentation, including Print, Rename, and Share.
  • Edit lists the standard editing commands such as copy, cut, paste, delete, duplicate, and find and replace.
  • View lists several ways that you can view your slides as you design and edit them. This includes arranging them into a grid, previewing them as a slideshow, or zooming in on them. You can also watch the transition effect that takes place between slides when they’re played in a slideshow.
  • Insert lets you add several objects to your slides, including charts, diagrams, pictures, tables, and text. You can also add links to YouTube videos or sound or video files that are stored in your Google Drive.
  • Format lets you change the look of your slides. Certain functions on this submenu become clickable depending on whether you’ve selected an image or text on a slide, or selected the slide itself.
  • Slide is where you can add, delete, or duplicate a slide that you’ve selected. You can also add a preset layout to a slide, change its background or theme color, or add and edit a transition effect that takes place between slides when your presentation is played as a slideshow.
  • Arrange lists tools that let you group or reorder objects on a slide in relation to another. For example, you can place an image behind another image or group an image and a block of text together to make them easier to move at once.
  • Tools leads to several miscellaneous functions. These include letting you record a voice clip to go with a slide, running a spell checker, and showing you a list of objects in your presentation that are linked to other files.

The toolbar directly above your presentation puts commonly used commands in easy reach. From this toolbar, you can click buttons to add to a slide or change its background, comments, layout, objects (images, lines, shapes, text), text style, theme colors for the whole presentation, transition effects during a slideshow, and more. The buttons on the toolbar change depending on whether you’ve selected image or text on a slide or the slide itself.

Notice that there’s no Save button in the toolbar — or anywhere in Google Slides. That’s because Slides automatically saves any changes you make to your presentation.

Speaker notes: Along the bottom of each slide you’ll see an area marked Click to add speaker notes . Here you can type in brief notes to remind yourself what to do or say when the slide is being shown. Only you will see these notes when you show your presentation to an audience.

Themes sidebar: When you start a new blank presentation, the Themes sidebar opens on the right side of the screen. (You can also open this sidebar at any time by clicking Theme on the toolbar above your presentation.) Themes apply the same fonts, colors, and other design elements to all the slides in a presentation, giving it a consistent look and feel. Click a thumbnail in this sidebar to change your presentation to that theme.

Create and manage slides

Here are the basic things to know about working with slides in a presentation.

Add a new, blank slide to your presentation: Click the + button at the left end of the toolbar above your presentation. Alternatively, if you click the down arrow next to the +, you can choose a layout to use as the basis for a new slide.

google slides 05 new slide choose layout

Click the down arrow next to the + button in the toolbar to choose a layout for a new slide.

Apply or change a slide’s background: Select the slide’s thumbnail in the left sidebar and click Background on the toolbar above your presentation. On the panel that opens, you can change the slide’s background color or use an image file from your Google Drive, Google Photos account, or PC as the background.

Apply or change a slide’s layout: Select the slide’s thumbnail in the left pane, then click Layout on the toolbar above your presentation. On the panel that opens, select the layout you want to apply to this slide.

Apply or change a slide’s transition: Select the slide’s thumbnail in the left sidebar and click Transition on the toolbar above your presentation. In the Motion sidebar that opens along the right side of the screen, you can apply or change the animated transition effect that is played before this slide.

google slides 06 motion pane

Choosing a transition style in the Motion pane.

Move a slide to a different spot in the slideshow sequence: Click and hold its thumbnail in the left sidebar, drag it up or down to another place in the sequence, and release it.

Delete a slide: Right-click its thumbnail in the left sidebar and select Delete from the pop-up menu. Alternatively, select its thumbnail and select Edit > Delete from the menu bar or just press the Delete key.

Share and collaborate on a presentation

Presentations are often a group effort, with several team members contributing to and polishing a presentation. In Slides, it’s easy for multiple collaborators to work on a presentation together.

First, you need to share the presentation. When you’re viewing your presentation in Google Slides, click the Share button at the upper-right. Or, from your Google Drive homepage, click to highlight the presentation that you want to share. Then, in the toolbar toward the upper right, click the Share icon (a head-and-shoulders silhouette with a +).

Either way, the “Share” panel will open.

google slides 07 share private invite

Setting permissions for a file being shared privately.

Share a presentation privately

In the entry box, enter the email addresses (or names of your Google Contacts) of the people with whom you want to share. By default, the people you invite to your presentation can edit it and reshare it with others.

To change access permissions for invitees: Click Editor to the right of the entry box and choose another option from the drop-down menu. Commenter means they can view your spreadsheet and add comments but can’t change it. Viewer means they can view your presentation but can’t edit it or add comments.

To prevent your presentation from being reshared, downloaded, or printed: Click the gear icon at the upper-right of this panel. On the smaller panel that opens, uncheck the boxes by Editors can change permissions and share and Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy .

When you’re done setting permissions (and, optionally, typing in a message to your invitees), click Send , and everyone you’ve added will receive an email with a link they can click to access the document.

google slides 08 shared file icon

The shared presentation icon.

A presentation you’ve shared (or that others have shared with you) will have an icon of two silhouetted heads next to it in the presentations list on your Google Sheets and Google Drive home pages.

To limit or change a person’s access to your presentation: With the presentation open in Google Slides, click the Share button at the upper-right. Or, from Google Drive, highlight the presentation and click the Share icon.

The Share panel reopens showing a list of all the people you’ve invited, along with their permission status. Click the down arrow to the right of a person’s name, change their permission level or remove their access entirely, and click Save .

google slides 09 share private permissions

You can change permissions for people you’ve shared a presentation with on an individual basis.

If you have a Google Workspace subscription, another option is to select Give temporary access and, next to Access expires , select a date within one year of the current date. If you set an expiration date for a person that you’ve assigned as Editor, their access will be downgraded to Commenter on the expiration date.

Share a presentation publicly

Most business users will want to share presentations privately with select colleagues or clients, but you do have the option to share a presentation publicly. At the bottom of the Share panel is a “General access” area where you can copy a link to the document. By default, this link is restricted to those you invite to the document. To change it to a public link, click Restricted and select Anyone with the link from the menu that appears.

Click Copy link and the link to your presentation will be copied to your PC’s clipboard. You can share this link by pasting it into a chat message, document, email, forum post, or most other means of online written communication. Anyone who clicks this link will be able to view your presentation online. (Be aware that anyone can copy and reshare this link.)

To allow anyone in the public to comment on or edit your presentation: At the bottom right of the Share panel, click Viewer and select Commenter or Editor from the drop-down menu. Then click the Done button. Now the web link to your presentation will let anyone who clicks it add a comment or edit it.

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Sharing a spreadsheet publicly.

To turn off public sharing for your presentation: Bring up the Share panel again. Near the bottom, click Anyone with the link and select Restricted from the menu, then click the Done button.

Note: You can apply both public and private sharing methods to your presentation. For example, you could allow the public to only view your presentation, but allow specific people that you’ve invited to comment on or edit it.

Collaborate on a presentation

The people you’ve shared a spreadsheet with can view or work on it at the same time as you or at other times. Remember that people who have Editor privileges to your presentation can change all aspects of it. Having multiple people making changes to a presentation can get confusing. In most cases, setting everyone to Commenter is the best way to collaborate in Slides: People can attach comments to a slide or to objects in a slide, but their comments won’t alter your presentation’s information or design.

To add a comment to a slide: Right-click its thumbnail in the left sidebar and select Comment from the menu that opens. Alternatively, you can select its thumbnail and select Insert > Comment from the menu bar or click the Add comment button (a speech balloon with a + sign).

A blank comment card with your name on it opens to the right of the slide in the main window. On this card’s entry line, type a brief comment, and when you’re finished, click the Comment button.

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Typing in a new comment.

To add a comment to an object on a slide: Right-click the object (a block of text, chart, image, picture, etc.) and select Comment from the menu that opens. Alternatively, you can select the object and select Insert > Comment from the menu bar.

To draw someone’s attention to a comment: As you’re composing the comment, type the @ symbol and begin typing their name, then select the person from the list of suggested Google contacts that appears. They’ll receive an email notifying them of the comment and linking to it.

To read, reply to, or remove a comment: A slide that contains a comment is denoted in the left sidebar with a speech balloon by its thumbnail. Click the slide’s thumbnail to make the slide appear in the main window, and you’ll see all its comment cards on the right.

To reply to a comment, click its card. The card will expand to reveal an entry line where you can add a comment in response.

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Replying to a comment.

Clicking the checkmark at the upper right marks the comment card as “resolved” and removes the card from the presentation. Clicking the card’s three-dot icon opens a menu that lets you edit or delete your comment.

To see a list of all comments: Click the Open comment history icon (the speech balloon) to the left of the Slideshow button. A sidebar will open along the right side of the screen; it lists all the comment cards in your presentation. When you click a comment on this list, the view of your presentation in the main window will jump to the cell where the comment is located and open its comment card.

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The Comments pane lets you quickly review all comments and jump to specific ones.

For more details about collaborating on your presentation, including what it’s like to collaborate in real time, see “ How to collaborate on a document ” in our Google Drive guide. You can also collaborate on a presentation in Google Chat; that’s covered later in this story.

Recover older versions of a presentation

It’s easy to go too far when making tweaks to a presentation. Fortunately, it’s also easy to roll back to an earlier version of the presentation. Click File > Version history > See version history . This opens a panel on the right that shows a list of older versions of your presentation.

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Using Version history to view an earlier version of a presentation. (Click image to enlarge it.)

To view an earlier version of your presentation: Click the date for it in the list. That version of the presentation will then appear in the main window.

To restore an earlier version so it replaces your current presentation: With the version you want to restore showing in the main window, click the yellow Restore this version button at the top of the screen. The restored version will then appear at the top of the version history list.

To give an older version a unique name: Click on its date. You’ll be prompted to type in words to replace the date. (The date and time will then appear in smaller size underneath the new name.)

Give a presentation

When it’s time to play your presentation to an audience, Google Slides has two modes: Slideshow and Presenter view. Slideshow mode essentially shows what your audience will see. Presenter view mode provides additional tools for your eyes only that run alongside Slideshow mode.

Slideshow mode: Click the Slideshow button at the upper-right corner of the screen. Google Slides will expand to full-screen view and show the slide that’s currently in the main window. (If you want to start the slideshow from the first slide in your presentation, click the down arrow to the right of the Slideshow button and select Start from beginning .)

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The control bar in Slideshow mode lets you click through the slides, turn on auto-play, use a laser pointer effect, and more. (Click image to enlarge it.)

When you move the on-screen pointer to the lower-left corner of your presentation, a control bar appears. You use this to click forward and back through the slides. Clicking the three-dot icon on the control bar opens a menu with other controls, such as starting auto-play and adjusting how quickly it moves from slide to slide.

On this menu, Turn on the laser pointer turns the mouse pointer into a simulated red laser dot. Captions preferences — available only if you’re using a Chrome browser or Chromebook — lets you turn on real-time, automatic transcribing of your words as you say them (English only) and shows them to your audience as on-screen captions. Open speaker notes takes your presentation out of full screen and opens a separate “Presenter view” window, as described below.

Presenter view mode: Click the down arrow to the right of the Slideshow button and select Presenter view . This shows the presentation in your browser window and launches a separate window that assists you while you’re giving your presentation.

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Presenter view lets you (but not your audience) see your speaker notes while presenting. (Click image to enlarge it.)

From the Presenter view window, you can jump to any slide in your presentation, read the speaker notes you wrote for a slide, and control the Q&A feature. There’s also a timer that you can set to remind yourself how much time you’re spending showing a slide — or the entire presentation — to your audience.

Click the AUDIENCE TOOLS tab to use the Q&A feature, which lets you take questions from your audience. To open questions for a slideshow, click the Start new button. A web link appears at the top of your presentation. An audience member watching your presentation on their computer, phone, or tablet can click/tap that link, which will take them to a page where they can type a question for you. You’ll see the question  in your Presenter view window, and you can choose whether to show their question to the rest of your audience during the presentation. To close questions for a presentation, turn the switch from ON to OFF .

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Audience members can submit questions from their devices, and the presenter can decide whether to display them as part of the slideshow. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Present in Google Meet

Need to give a presentation during a Google Meet video meeting? As long as you’re using a Chromium-based browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc.), it’s easy: Toward the upper right of the Google Slides page, click the Google Meet icon. From the panel that opens, select a meeting that’s scheduled on your Google calendar today, start a new meeting, or type/paste in the web link or code that you have for another meeting.

google slides 18 join google meet

Click the Meet icon to get started presenting to a video meeting.

If you start a new meeting, a sidebar for the meeting will open on the right. At the bottom of the sidebar, click the Present now icon (a box with an up arrow). On the panel that appears, select your presentation and click the Share button, and you’ll be presenting to the meeting.

google slides 19 share google meet

Choose which tab or window you want to share and click the Share button. (Click image to enlarge it.)

If you join a scheduled meeting, you have two choices: “Join the call” and “Just present this tab.” If you click Join the call , a sidebar for the meeting will open on the right. Follow the same steps as above to present to the meeting. If you click Just present this tab , you’ll go directly to the panel where you select your presentation and click Share , but you won’t have a sidebar where you can follow the main meeting.

To stop sharing your presentation to the meeting, click the Stop sharing button at the top left of your browser window.

For more details about using Google Meet, see our Google Meet cheat sheet .

Download and export a presentation

Google Slides lets you download presentations for use offline. On the top menu, select File > Download and choose a file format. You can save your presentation to your PC as a PowerPoint (.pptx) file or in other formats such as PDF, or as JPG or PNG for an individual slide.

5 tips for working with Google Slides

Now that you’re comfortable working in Google Slides, try these intermediate tips.

Use the Google Slides mobile app

With the exception of the “Version history” tool, the Google Slides app for Android , iPhone , and iPad has many of the same features described in this guide.

When you have a slideshow open, the toolbar at the top of the screen lets you take a variety of actions:

  • To present your slides on your phone or tablet, on a Chromecast device, or in a Google Meet meeting, tap the triangle icon.
  • To share your presentation with other people, the headshot silhouette. (See “How to share from the Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Slides mobile apps” in our Google Drive cheat sheet .)
  • To view all the comments in the presentation, tap the Comments icon (a chat balloon) if you see it in the toolbar, or tap the three-dot icon and select View comments from the menu that appears.
  • The three-dot menu also lets you see the presentation’s Q&A history, export it, make it available offline, and more.

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The Google Slides Android app.

To edit or comment on a slide: Tap the slide, and a menu will appear that lets you add or view comments for that slide or edit it. Tap an element on a slide, such as text or an image, and tools to edit that element will appear.

Any changes you make to your presentation in the mobile app are automatically saved and will appear the next time you open it in the Google Slides web app.

Get suggested slide layouts and content

Click the Explore icon at the lower-right corner of the screen. The Explore sidebar will open along the right side. In most cases, you’ll be presented with thumbnails of suggested layouts that Google Slides has automatically customized for the slide that’s open in the main window. Click the one you want, and it will be applied to the slide.

google slides 21 explore tool

Use the Explore tool to get suggested layouts (left) and search for images (right).

At the top of the Explore sidebar is a search box. You can type in a word or phrase to find related content on the web or in your Google Drive. Search results appear on separate Web, Images, and Drive tabs in the sidebar. Click a web or Drive result to open it in a new browser tab. On the Images tab, click the + icon on the upper-right corner of an image to insert it onto your slide.

Create custom slide layouts to use as templates

You can design your own slide layouts to use as templates in any future presentation. First, open a new, blank presentation as described above. Then:

  • On the menu bar over the blank presentation, select View > Theme builder .
  • The main window switches to a layout editor. Toward the left you’ll see a column with the heading THEME on top and LAYOUTS just below that. Click the thumbnail of any layout in the LAYOUTS list. It will appear in the main window.
  • You can remove objects that are already in any layout. For example, click on a block of text. A frame appears around the text. Without selecting the text itself, move the pointer to ward an edge of the frame, right-click, and select Delete from the menu that opens.

google slides 22 custom slide layout

Creating a custom slide layout. (Click image to enlarge it.)

  • Using the formatting toolbar above the slide, you can add new objects to the slide, including images, image placeholders, shapes, lines, and blocks for text. (Tip: enter placeholder words inside the text blocks.) When you click on any object, a frame appears around it. Drag and drop the frame to relocate it on the slide, or drag its edges to change its shape or size. You can also add or change the border and background colors for any object on the slide and/or change the background color for the whole slide.
  • When you’re finished designing your layout, click the Rename button above the slide and give the layout a unique name.
  • If you want to create another custom layout, click on the thumbnail of another layout under the column LAYOUTS and repeat the above steps starting from #3.
  • When you are finished custom-designing all your layouts, click the X toward the upper-right of the slide layout in the main window.
  • Along the top of the screen, click anywhere inside Untitled presentation and start typing. Tip: Use a name that indicates this is a template (e.g., “Annual Budget Presentation – Template”).

In the future, you can make new presentations starting from this template, and your custom slide layouts will be available.

  • Open the template presentation you created in the steps above. On the menu bar, click File > Make a copy > Entire presentation . On the panel that opens, type in a name for the new presentation you want to create and click the Make a copy button. Google Slides will open this new presentation in a new browser tab.
  • On the toolbar above the first slide of your new presentation, click Layout . From the panel of thumbnails that opens, select one of the layouts that you created. It will then be applied to the slide in the main window.

Collaborate on a presentation in Google Chat

An alternative way to collaborate on a presentation is to share it in Google Chat. Other people in your chat can add comments and help make changes to your presentation.

Start in Google Chat . To the left of the box where you type in your chat messages, click the + icon and select Drive file from the menu that opens. A panel will open over the screen listing the files in your Google Drive. Find and click your presentation to highlight it, then click INSERT on the lower-right corner.

You’ll be taken back to the chat message box. Click the blue right-pointing arrow to the right of the box, and a panel will open over the screen designating permissions for the shared presentation. By default, permissions are set to Comment. To change this, click Comment and select View or Edit . You can also allow the people in the chat to share a web link to your presentation with others outside of the chat by selecting Turn link sharing on .

google slides 23 share google chat

You can share a presentation to individual or group chats in Google Chats. (Click image to enlarge it.)

After you’ve set the permissions, click SEND , and your message will appear in the chat stream with a large thumbnail of your presentation. To open a presentation in the chat, click the thumbnail. The presentation will open inside a large window that’s laid out alongside the right of the chat stream.

This is actually Google Slides running inside the chat window with your presentation loaded in it. Thus, most of the Slides commenting and editing tools are available for you and others in the chat to use on your presentation (if you granted them permission to comment or edit). The user interface is the same, except there’s no menu bar.

google slides 24 collab google chat

Collaborating on a presentation from within a Google Chat. (Click image to enlarge it.)

Use keyboard shortcuts

Save time in Slides by using keyboard shortcuts for common tasks. Below are some of the most useful to know. For more, select Help > Keyboard shortcuts from the top menu when you have a spreadsheet open or press Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or ⌘ + / (macOS).

Handy Google Slides keyboard shortcuts

This story was originally published in September 2019 and updated in August 2022.

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Howard Wen ( www.howardwen.com ) is a longtime contributor to Computerworld . He specializes in explainer guides, how-tos, and reviews of office applications and productivity tools.

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How to Download a Google Slides Presentation as a Powerpoint File

Downloading a Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint file is a straightforward process. First, open your Google Slides presentation. Next, go to the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Download’, and then choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’. Your Google Slides presentation will then be downloaded to your computer as a PowerPoint file, ready for you to open and edit in Microsoft PowerPoint.

After you complete this action, you’ll have a PowerPoint version of your Google Slides presentation. This means you can now use all the features and tools available in Microsoft PowerPoint to edit, present, or share your presentation.


Ever been in a situation where you needed to present, but the only available software was Microsoft PowerPoint, and your presentation was stuck in Google Slides? Well, that’s a common scenario in today’s digital world, where we use various platforms for our work and personal projects. Knowing how to convert a Google Slides presentation to a PowerPoint file can be a lifesaver, especially if you’re collaborating with users who prefer or require presentations in PowerPoint format.

Google Slides is a fantastic tool for creating presentations, offering collaboration and accessibility from any device with an internet connection. However, there might be times when you need to download your presentation as a PowerPoint file. Maybe you need to work offline, or perhaps the conference you’re presenting at only supports PowerPoint. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how to make that transition smoothly. And hey, don’t worry if you’re not a tech guru – it’s as easy as pie, and you’ll learn all about it right here.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Download a Google Slides Presentation as a PowerPoint File

Before diving into the steps, it’s important to note that downloading a Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint file enables you to access and edit your presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, offering greater flexibility, especially if you’re working with individuals who use different presentation software.

Step 1: Open your Google Slides presentation

Go to your Google Drive and open the Google Slides presentation that you want to download as a PowerPoint file.

This is the starting point. Make sure you’re logged into your Google account and that you can access the presentation you need. If you’ve been shared on a presentation, it should appear in the ‘Shared with me’ section of your Google Drive.

Step 2: Click on ‘File’ in the top menu

Navigate to the top menu of the Google Slides presentation and click on ‘File’.

Once you’ve got your presentation open, you’ll see the ‘File’ option on the top left corner of your screen. It’s your gateway to several actions you can perform on your presentation, including downloading it.

Step 3: Select ‘Download’

In the ‘File’ menu, hover over the ‘Download’ option to see the different file formats available.

When you click ‘Download,’ a list of different formats will drop down. These are all the formats you can convert your presentation into, including JPEG, PNG, PDF, and of course, PowerPoint.

Step 4: Choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’

From the list of formats, select ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’ to download your presentation as a PowerPoint file.

This is the moment of truth. By selecting ‘.pptx,’ you’re instructing Google Slides to convert your presentation into a file type that’s compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint.

Step 5: Open the PowerPoint file

After the download is complete, locate the file in your computer’s Downloads folder and open it with Microsoft PowerPoint.

And just like that, you’re done! Your presentation should now be open in PowerPoint, and you’re free to use all the features that PowerPoint offers. Edit, animate, and wow your audience with your newly converted presentation.

FlexibilityBeing able to convert Google Slides to PowerPoint gives you the flexibility to work across different software platforms.
Offline AccessOnce downloaded, you can access and edit your presentation without an internet connection.
CompatibilityYour presentation becomes more compatible with various systems that may only support PowerPoint files.
Potential Format IssuesSometimes, the conversion process might alter the formatting of your slides.
Extra Step RequiredIt requires an additional process, as opposed to just presenting directly from Google Slides.
Dependency on Microsoft OfficeTo edit the downloaded file, you need to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer.

Additional Information

While downloading a Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint file is relatively simple, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that your Google Slides presentation is complete and that you’re happy with the design and content. When you convert the file, slight changes in formatting or layout can occur due to differences between the two programs. It’s a good idea to double-check your PowerPoint file after downloading to ensure everything looks as it should.

Another tip is to consider the fonts used in your presentation. If you’ve used a Google font that isn’t available in PowerPoint, it might be replaced with a default font, altering the appearance of your slides. To avoid this, stick to common fonts or embed the fonts into your PowerPoint presentation if possible.

Keep in mind, too, that any animations or transitions that are specific to Google Slides may not transfer over to PowerPoint. If your presentation relies heavily on these features, you’ll want to recreate them in PowerPoint.

Lastly, remember that sharing is caring! If you’re working in a team, make sure to inform everyone about the format change to avoid any confusion or compatibility issues.

  • Open your Google Slides presentation.
  • Click on ‘File’ in the top menu.
  • Select ‘Download’.
  • Choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’.
  • Open the PowerPoint file.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if the formatting changes after i download the presentation.

Double-check the PowerPoint file and make necessary adjustments to the formatting as needed.

Can I edit the PowerPoint file on Google Slides after downloading it?

No, once you download it as a PowerPoint file, you’ll need to use Microsoft PowerPoint to edit it.

Do I need a Google account to download a Google Slides presentation?

Yes, you’ll need to be logged into a Google account to access Google Slides and download presentations.

Can I convert a PowerPoint presentation back to Google Slides?

Absolutely, you can upload the PowerPoint file to Google Drive and open it with Google Slides.

What happens to comments in Google Slides when I download it as a PowerPoint file?

Comments won’t be downloaded with the presentation. You’ll need to address them before downloading or note them separately.

Converting your Google Slides presentation to a PowerPoint file can bridge the gap between different software preferences and requirements. It’s a handy skill that can make your digital life a bit easier. Remember, the key is to check your presentation after downloading to ensure everything has transferred correctly.

With these tips and steps, you’re well-equipped to handle any presentation format-swapping scenario with grace and confidence. Keep this guide bookmarked for your next big presentation, and never let software incompatibility catch you off guard again.

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for SupportYourTech.com.

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to Convert a Google Slides to PPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Converting Google Slides to PowerPoint is a handy skill to have, especially if you need to share your presentation with someone who prefers or requires a PPT file. The process is straightforward: you just need to download your Google Slides presentation in a PowerPoint format. Here’s the quick scoop: open your Google Slides presentation, go to the File menu, select ‘Download’, and choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’. That’s it – your Google Slides will be converted to a PPT file.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Convert Google Slides to PPT

Before we dive into the steps, let’s quickly talk about why you might want to convert your Google Slides to PPT. Maybe you’re working with someone who doesn’t have access to Google Slides, or perhaps you need to submit your presentation in a specific format. Whatever the reason, converting your slides is a breeze.

Step 1: Open your Google Slides presentation

Open the Google Slides presentation that you want to convert to PowerPoint.

When you’re in your Google Slides presentation, make sure you’re connected to the internet because you’ll need an active connection to download the file.

Step 2: Click on the File menu

Click on ‘File’ in the top-left corner of the screen to open the dropdown menu.

You’ll see a bunch of options here, but don’t get overwhelmed! We’re focusing on the ‘Download’ option for this task.

Step 3: Select ‘Download’

From the dropdown menu, hover over the ‘Download’ option.

A side menu will appear with different file formats that you can download your presentation in.

Step 4: Choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’

Click on ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’ to start downloading your presentation as a PPT file.

Your computer will likely ask you where you want to save the file. Choose a location that makes sense to you so you can find it easily later.

After completing these steps, you’ll have a PowerPoint copy of your Google Slides presentation, ready to be shared or edited in Microsoft PowerPoint. The formatting and animations should remain intact, but it’s always a good idea to double-check everything once you open it in PowerPoint.

Tips for Converting Google Slides to PPT

  • Make sure you’re logged into your Google account before trying to download your presentation.
  • If you have specific fonts or formatting in your Google Slides, double-check that they’ve transferred correctly after conversion.
  • To preserve animations and transitions, it’s best to test the PowerPoint file after conversion to ensure everything works as expected.
  • Remember that some features unique to Google Slides may not be available in PowerPoint, so some elements of your presentation may look different.
  • If you’re planning to work on the presentation further in PowerPoint, save the file in a location where you can easily access it for future edits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i convert a google slides presentation to ppt without a google account.

No, you need to be logged into a Google account to access Google Slides and download your presentation.

Will my animations and transitions from Google Slides work in PowerPoint?

Most animations and transitions should work after conversion, but it’s always a good idea to check the PowerPoint file to ensure everything looks as expected.

Can I convert multiple Google Slides presentations to PPT at once?

Currently, Google Slides doesn’t support batch conversion, so you’ll need to download each presentation individually.

Is there a file size limit for converting Google Slides to PPT?

There might be limitations based on your internet connection and Google Drive’s file size restrictions, but typically you should be able to convert standard presentations without any issues.

Can I edit the PowerPoint file after conversion?

Yes, once you’ve converted your Google Slides to PPT, you can edit the PowerPoint file as you would with any other PPT document.

  • Open your Google Slides presentation
  • Click on the File menu
  • Select ‘Download’
  • Choose ‘Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)’

Converting a Google Slides presentation to PowerPoint is a fantastic way to ensure your content is accessible and editable across different platforms. Whether you’re collaborating with a colleague who prefers Microsoft Office or you need to submit your work in a PPT format, the process is simple and quick. Just remember to review your newly converted file to make sure everything has transferred over smoothly. With a little attention to detail and a few clicks, you’ll be a pro at switching between these two popular presentation tools. Keep these tips in mind next time you need to convert a Google Slides to PPT, and you’ll be good to go!

Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides [Step-by-Step]

  • Last updated December 29, 2023

Knowing how to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides can help you streamline presentations, increase accessibility, and improve your collaboration. If you need to switch from PPT to Slides, I’ve got you covered. 

In this guide, I walk you through the easiest ways to turn your PowerPoint into Google Slides. Let’s get started!

On the wrong page ? Click here to convert Google Slides to PowerPoint .

Table of Contents

What to Know Before Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

  • You’ll need internet access. 
  • It’s easy to turn a PPT into Google Slides, but certain elements may not convert perfectly. 
  • Wait until your PPT presentation is finished before converting it to Slides.

How to Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides: 3 Methods

It’s quite simple to convert PPT to Google Slides. I’ve compiled three ways to accomplish this task.

Option 1. Upload & Convert PPT Presentations to Google Slides

Manually converting PowerPoint to Google Slides may take more time and effort.

Note : If you plan on storing and sharing the final PPT presentation (without editing it later). If you fall into this category, proceed directly to the next step.

  • To get started, open your PowerPoint file.

open powerpoint presentation

  • Go to File > Export .

file export powerpoint presentation

  • Choose “Create PDF/XPS Document.” Follow the prompts to save the file to your computer.

Create PDF/XPS Document in powerpoint

4. Log in to your Google Drive account and click the “New” button.

open new google slides presentation

5. Select “File upload.” Choose the PDF file you’ve just saved and upload it to your Google Drive.

ppt file upload to google slides

6. Right-click the PDF file and select Open with > Google Slides.

open with google slides selection

Option 2. Import PPT to an Existing Google Slide Presentation

You can also import PowerPoint slides directly into the Google Slides editor, where you can modify the layout and contents. This is especially beneficial if you combine various slides from different presentations.

  • Open a new, existing, or imported presentation in Google Slides .

A new PowerPoint presentation showing the option to “Import slides” into Google Slides.

  • Choose to keep the original formatting of your PowerPoint presentation or apply the theme of your existing Google Slides presentation.
  • Click “Import Slides” to add the presentation/slides to your existing Slides file.  You can add and edit text, images, and other elements with Google Slides’ built-in tools .

arrow pointing to import slides from ppt to slides

Note : This process is similar to inserting Google Sheets in Google Slides .

Option 3: Use Online Conversion Tools

You can also use an online conversion tool to transfer presentations from PowerPoint to Google Slides. Some popular programs include: 

  • CloudConvert
  • Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the website of your conversion tool. Either drag and drop the file or select it from your computer.

zamzar conversion homepage for ppt to slides transfer

  • Click the “Download” button. Note : Some conversion tools may save the file to your Google Drive account.

download complete ppt to google slides on zamzar site

Extra Tips for Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

Before transferring files, there are a few issues to be aware of when converting PowerPoint to Google Slides.

  • Check the compatibility of your PowerPoint presentation’s fonts, images, and multimedia elements.
  • Try to keep the original formatting of the PowerPoint presentation.
  • If automatic conversion works poorly, convert the presentation manually. You can copy and paste the contents into a new Google Slides presentation.
  • After converting, be sure that charts and tables match the Google Slides format.
  • To convert multiple PowerPoint presentations, use the Google Slides API to automate the process.

Pros and Cons of Uploading a PowerPoint to Google Slides

Choosing between PowerPoint and Google Slides offers various advantages and disadvantages. 

pros cons uploading powerpoint to google slides

  • Google Slides is free to use for any GSuite user. 
  • The platform is cloud-based and doesn’t require any software installation.
  • You can check the timeline to see whether previous changes have been made.
  • It’s easy to share for seamless collaboration.
  • You can access it on iOS, PC, Android, and more.
  • Google Slides has limited basic animations and transitions.
  • The templates aren’t as robust as those on PowerPoint.
  • There are fewer export options.
  • Some corporations and organizations won’t accept the format.

Choosing PowerPoint vs. Slides: Which Is Better? 

PowerPoint is widely used because it’s available on nearly all Windows desktops, laptops, and other devices. The program has several tools and functions, like PowerPoint Designer, a unique feature that uses a suggestion engine to generate automatic design suggestions for each slide.

That said, Google Slides has exploded in popularity because it’s cloud-based and shareable via Google Drive.

Another advantage of using Google Slides is that multiple users with access to the file can change, edit, and save the presentation. Therefore, making it a great collaborative tool among teams. 

So, is Google Slides Better than PowerPoint? I think it’s preferable for Macbook users who need collaborative features (like me).

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i convert a powerpoint to google slides without losing the format.

To convert a PowerPoint to Google Slides without losing formatting, check for compatibility to ensure that fonts, images, and multimedia elements work on both platforms.

Next, try converting the presentation manually. Test it by copying and pasting the contents into a new Google Slides presentation. Make any necessary adjustments to charts and tables, then confirm that everything looks and functions correctly.

Why Does My PowerPoint Look Different on Google Slides?

There are a number of reasons that your slideshows look different. Google Slides may not support all of PPT’s features or fonts. There could be compatibility or aspect ratio issues, too. 

Whatever the case, try sticking to standard fonts and simpler designs in the future. Also, be sure to check compatibility before transferring anything. 

How Do I Open a Large PPT in Slides? 

To open a large PowerPoint presentation in Google Slides, reduce the size of images, audio, and video files. Next, convert the PowerPoint to a Google Slides format:

  • Select File > Save As > Google Slides
  • Upload the converted file to Google Drive. 
  • Open the file in Google Slides.

Wrapping up

Knowing how to convert PowerPoint to Google Slides is simple and straightforward. With this step-by-step guide, I hope you can easily convert your presentations to a more compatible, accessible, and presentable format! 

If you want to master your skills within either platform, consider checking out Udemy’s range of courses ! 

  • How to Add a GIF to Google Slides (Easy 2 Minute Guide)
  • Google Slides vs Microsoft PowerPoint: Which Program Is Better?
  • How To Insert a PDF into Google Slides [3 Easy Ways]

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Get started with Slides in Google Workspace

Create your first presentation in slides.

how to save presentation on google slides

On this page

Create or import a presentation, add slides to your presentation.

  • Update your presentation

how to save presentation on google slides

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Create your presentation

  • Open the Slides home screen at Google Slides .


You can also create new presentations from the URL https://slides.google.com/create .

Import and convert an existing presentation

Converting your file from another program creates a copy of your original file in a Docs, Sheets, or Slides format. You can then edit the file in your browser.

If you have existing files, you can import and convert them to Docs, Sheets, or Slides.

  • Go to Drive .

and then

  • Choose the file you want to import from your computer to add it to Drive.

how to save presentation on google slides

Have a Microsoft file?

If you've already stored Microsoft files in Drive, you can also update them without converting them .

how to save presentation on google slides

Add a slide with the same layout as the current slide

  • On your computer, open a presentation in Google Slides .

Add a slide with a different layout

Down arrow

  • Choose a slide.

how to save presentation on google slides

Add a slide with your organization's branding

  • At right, click the template you want to use.

Note: The Templates option appears only if your administrator makes organization-branded slides available.

Update your presentation

Choose a theme and layout.

When you first create a presentation, you can choose a theme for your slides. A theme is a preset group of colors, fonts, background, and layouts. Your presentation's layout is the way your text and images are arranged on a slide.

Change your presentation's theme

and then

  • On the right, click the theme you want.

Change the layout of your presentation

  • Select a slide.
  • At the top, click Layout .
  • Choose the layout you want to use.

how to save presentation on google slides

Arrange slides

Move slide —Drag the slide to a different position in the presentation. To move several slides at once, Ctrl+click  multiple slides before dragging them.

Delete slide —Right-click the slide and select Delete .

Duplicate slide —Right-click the slide in the sidebar and select Duplicate slide .

Add pictures, text, speaker notes, and more

Rename your presentation —Click Untitled presentation and enter a new name.

and then

Add videos, shapes, charts, and more —Click Insert to add videos, shapes, charts, slide numbers, and other features to your presentation. You can also move, delete, or re-size these inserted features.

Add speaker notes —Use speaker notes to keep track of your talking points for each slide. In the presentation editor, speaker notes appear beneath the current slide. When you present your slides, your speaker notes show in a separate window.

how to save presentation on google slides

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how to save presentation on google slides

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How to use Google Slides

how to use google slides presenter view macbook desk

If you want to create a presentation for your company or a slideshow for your classroom, Google Slides is a solid option. The application is similar to Microsoft PowerPoint but is completely free and web-based for easy access.

Get started in Google Slides

Use views in google slides, add and format slides in a presentation, include speaker notes, insert and format text on a slide, insert and format images on a slide, insert other objects on a slide, view and present a slideshow.

Here, we’ll walk you through the basics of using Google Slides as a beginner. From adding slides to inserting text and images to presenting your slideshow, here’s how to use Google Slides.

What You Need

Web browser

Google account

To create a presentation, visit Google Slides and sign in with your Google account. You can then use a template for a quick start or create a blank slideshow.

Step 1: On the main Google Slides page, you’ll see a few templates across the top. To see them all, select Template gallery . If you see a template you want to use, select it.

Otherwise, pick the Blank option to create a slideshow from scratch.

Step 2: When the slideshow opens, head to the top-left corner and give it a name.

The default for a template is the template name, and for a blank slideshow, it’s “Untitled Presentation.” Simply replace that text with your own and press Enter or Return to save it.

Step 3: As you create your presentation, Google Slides saves it automatically. At the top of the slideshow screen, you’ll see that it is saved to your Google Drive and when you made the last edit.

Step 4: You can return to the main Google Slides screen anytime by selecting the Google Slides logo on the top left, beside the name.

As you create your presentation, you can use different views depending on how you want to work.

Step 1: The main view, as shown below, puts your slide front and center without distractions.

Step 2: To open thumbnails of your slides on the left, select View > Show filmstrip . You can then use the Filmstrip to move to different slides in your presentation and take action on a slide with a right-click.

To close the Filmstrip, return to View > Show filmstrip to deselect the option.

Step 3: To see a full screen of slide thumbnails, go to View > Grid view to select the option. This gives you a larger picture of how your slides are set up and actions you can take using a right-click.

To close this view, go to View > Grid view to deselect the option.

To build a presentation, you’ll add slides. Each slide can contain text, images, videos, shapes, and other elements. To make structuring your slides a bit easier, you can use a pre-made layout. But you also have the option to use a blank slide to place items where you like.

Step 1: To add a slide, do one of the following:

  • Go to the Insert tab and choose New slide near the bottom.
  • Go to the Slide tab and choose New slide at the top.
  • In the Filmstrip or Grid view, right-click a slide and pick New slide .

Step 2: By default, the new slide is placed after your selected slide and uses the same layout. You can change the layout for the new slide if you prefer.

Step 3: To change the layout, select the slide and do one of the following:

  • Go to the Slide tab, move to Apply layout , and choose a layout in the pop-out menu.
  • In the Filmstrip or Grid view, right-click a slide, move to Apply layout , and choose a layout in the pop-out menu.

When you present a slideshow that you plan to talk through, you can add notes to your slides that only you can see. This is similar to using physical index cards during a speech.

Step 1: To display the notes section on a slide, either drag up using the Three dots at the very bottom of the slide or select View > Show speaker notes .

Step 2: This expands the section below the slide. Place your cursor inside the Notes section and enter your text.

Step 3: To change the font style, size, color, or formatting, select the text in your note and use the Font buttons in the toolbar.

Step 4: To close the speaker notes area, either drag down until the notes section is out of sight or go to View > Show speaker notes to deselect the option.

You can add text to your slides using the pre-made text boxes that are included with the layout you select. Alternatively, you can add text boxes and move them where you want.

Step 1: To add text to an included text box, simply click inside the box and type. The text is automatically formatted per the text box type. For instance, if you enter text in a title box, it’s formatted in a larger font.

Step 2: To insert a text box of your own, either select Insert > Text box in the menu or choose the Text box button in the toolbar.

Step 3: Click a spot on your slide to add the text box, and then enter your text inside.

Step 4: You can move a text box by dragging it and resize one by dragging in or out from a corner or edge.

Step 5: To change the font style, size, color, or format for the text inside the box, select the text and then use the font options in the toolbar.

Slideshows are visual presentations, so along with text, you’ll likely want to include pictures or photos.

Step 1: Go to Insert and move to Image or select the arrow next to the Image button in the toolbar.

Step 2: Choose the location for your image. You can pick a picture from your computer, a web search, Google Drive, Google Photos, a URL, or your device camera.

Step 3: Once you locate and insert the image, drag to move it where you like. You can also drag a corner or edge to resize it.

Step 4: For additional formatting options such as rotation, position, shadow, reflection, and other adjustments, open the Format options sidebar.

You can do this by selecting the image and choosing Format options in the toolbar or by right-clicking the image and choosing Format options .

Along with text and images, you can include other types of visuals in your presentation. You can add videos, audio files, tables, charts, diagrams, word art, and lines.

Step 1: To see all of your options and add an element, go to the Insert tab and choose what you would like to add.

Step 2: Some items like shapes, charts, and lines display a pop-out menu for you to pick the type or style. Other elements like video and audio display a pop-up window for you to pick the location or enter a URL.

Step 3: Once you insert an object on your slide, drag to move it to the spot you want. You can also right-click the item to view additional actions like formatting, alignment, or arrangement with other slide elements.

You can view your presentation at any point in the creation process and can present it the same way to your audience.

Plus, you can take advantage of the Presenter view, which gives you controls and displays your notes. Or, simply watch the slideshow as your audience will.

Step 1: On the top right, select the arrow next to Slideshow and pick Presenter view or Start from beginning .

Step 2: In Presenter view, you’ll see your slideshow on one side of your display or second monitor, with a smaller control window floating on top.

Use the control window to move through the slides, pause the slideshow, and see your speaker notes.

Step 3: In regular slideshow view, you’ll see the presentation in full-screen mode, as mentioned.

Use the Floating toolbar on the bottom left to advance through the slides or pause the slideshow.

Step 4: In either of the above views, select the Three dots on the right side of the floating toolbar to do things like enter or exit full-screen mode, view your speaker notes, automatically play the presentation, or exit the show.

There you have it! These are the basics for how to use Google Slides if you’re new to the application. For more, look at how to use Google Sheets .

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Adventures with Art

How to Import Canva Presentations into Google Slides

By: Author Diana

Posted on Last updated: November 17, 2023

Categories Digital Art , Canva

One Canva feature that people often forget is its ability to make beautiful presentations. With tons of pre-made templates, Canva makes it easy to spice up even the most boring of topics. But, what do you do if you want to use Canva within Google Slides? How do you import them?

To import Canva presentations into Google Slides, design your slides in Canva. Then, either connect your Canva account to Google Drive, or download your presentation as a PowerPoint file. Import it into Google Slides. You can also download your Canva presentation as images to import into your Google Slides presentation.

There are a number of ways to import your Canva presentations into Google Slides. The method you choose will depend on your preferences and what you need to do.

Let’s dive in.

Option 1: Connect Your Google Drive Account to Canva

Canva can connect to Google Drive. This makes it quick and easy to share your presentation with your Google Drive account, which will then open it in Google Slides. There you go!

That said, you may not be comfortable connecting your Canva account to your Google Drive account. If that’s the case, skip to option 2.

If you are comfortable connecting your Canva and Google Drive accounts, here’s what you need to do.

1. Create your presentation in Canva.

Even though your slides will be editable once they’re imported into Google Slides, I still suggest designing them fully in Canva. Especially if you have Canva Pro, this will give you access to all of Canva’s amazing templates, images, design elements to make your presentation awesome.

canva presentation

2. Once you’re done, click the “Share” button and the “More” button

After you’ve finished designing your presentation in Canva, click on the “Share” button in the top right corner. Scroll down until you see the “More” button. Click on it.

canva share button and more button

3. Choose the Google Drive option

There are a LOT of options to share, save, and download your presentation. Find the Google Drive option within the Save section.

canva save options google drive

4. Connect your Canva and Google Drive accounts

If your Canva and Google Drive accounts aren’t connected already, you’ll need to go through a series of steps and permissions to connect them. Again, if you’re not comfortable with this, go to option 2.

5. Choose where you want to save your presentation and save it as a PPTX document

Once your Canva and Google Drive accounts are connected, you need to choose where in your Google Drive you want to save your presentation. Choose the folder that works for you.

Next, choose your file type. In order for the conversion to Google Slides to work properly, you’ll want to save your presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint document (PPTX).

canva to google slides pptx file type

6. Use your Canva presentation in Google Slides!

When you share your PPTX file to your Google Drive account, it should open in Google Slides.

canva presentation in google slides shared

The great thing about this option is that you can still edit your presentation! You can edit the text, move things around, and make the changes you need.

But, if you don’t want to connect your Canva and Google Drive accounts, the good news is that option 2 lets you edit your presentations as well. And, it’s only a few more steps than option 1.

Option 2: Import a PowerPoint Presentation into Google Slides

With this method, we’ll be downloading your Canva presentation as a PowerPoint presentation and then importing it into a Google Slides presentation. Let’s walk through it step-by-step.

3. Download your presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation file

There are a LOT of options to share, save, and download your presentation. Scroll down to the “Save” section and click on “Microsoft PowerPoint” and then click on the “Download” button.

save canva presentation in microsoft powerpoint

4. Open a new Google Slides presentation

Navigate to Google Slides and open a brand new presentation.

new google slides presentation

5. Choose the “Import Slides” option in Google Slides

Within Google Slides, click on “File” and then choose “Import Slides.”

google slides import slides

6. Drag and drop your Canva presentation into Google Slides

A box will appear that will allow you to either drag and drop your files into Google Slides, or find the file on your computer. Find your Canva presentation your just downloaded as a Microsoft PowerPoint file and drag and drop it into this box in Google Slides.

import presentation into google slides

7. Choose the slides you want to import

Google Slides will ask you to choose the slides you want to import. Click on the “All” button, or individually click on all of your slides to import all of them into Google Slides.

choose slides to import into google slides

8. Enjoy your presentation!

Google will import your slides after your first blank slide, so simply delete that first blank slide. Then, you’re done! You can edit, rearrange, and use your slides seamlessly within Google Slides!

canva presentation imported into google slides

Yay! Like option 1, you can edit your presentation in Google Slides. Edit the text, move things around, adjust your presentation as needed.

The first two options we’ve talked about are the quickest ways to import Canva presentations into Google Slides while maintaining your ability to edit them. That said, there are other options you may be interested in, depending on your needs. Let’s quickly review them.

How to Import a Canva Presentation into Google Slides-min

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Option 3: import fully designed canva images into google slides.

With this method, you’re going to design your slides in Canva and then move them over to Google Slides in their fully finished forms. These will be static images, so you WON’T be able to edit them down the road.

  • Open a Canva Presentation document. You want it to be “presentation” because the sizing will be similar to what you’ll need for Google Slides, which means you won’t have to mess with it too much when you’re done.
  • Design everything as you need it to be when it’s fully finished. All photos, texts, backgrounds; make sure all of it is there and finalized.
  • Download your Canva slides as png images. 
  • Set up your Google Slides presentation with the number of blank slides that you need. 
  • Drag and drop each png image onto a blank slide and position it so that it covers the entire slide. 
  • Make sure your slides are in the right order and then you’re done!

steps to convert canva designs into google slides

If you have zero need to edit your presentation in the future, this could be an appealing option for you. Our final options involves static images as well.

Option 4: Import Partially Designed Canva Images into Google Slides

If you don’t want to design your presentation fully in Canva, this could be a good option for you. Maybe you just want to create a unique background image, or import a few unique design elements. You aren’t worried about needing to edit them down the road and want to work on the majority of your presentation in Google Slides.

Here’s what you can do. Again, these will be static images that will NOT be editable in Google Slides.

  • Open a Canva Presentation document.
  • Design any static images and elements that you’re ok with finalizing and not being able to change later.
  • Download your Canva slides as png images.
  • Set up your Google Slides presentation with the number of blank slides that you need.
  • Drag and drop each png image onto a blank slide and position it so that it covers the entire slide.
  • Add any text and elements that you still need in Google Slides.

steps to convert canva designs into google slides

If you have some static backgrounds, images, or elements you want to incorporate into your Google Slides presentation, this can be a great option.

how to copy from one design to another in canva

Use Canva to Present Your Slideshow

Alright, so this is not an option for importing your Canva presentation into Google Slides, but it’s worth talking about.

It’s easy to forget that Canva can be a one stop shop for presentations. If you don’t actually need to use Google Slides, Canva’s own presentation mode is pretty good!

You can also share your presentation and collaborate with others within Canva itself.

In the toolbar, click on the share button. From there, you can type in the email addresses of your collaborators and choose whether you want them to simply view, or full on edit the presentation.

Important note: if you use any Pro elements within your presentation, those on your team with a Canva Pro subscription should be the ones to export or download your project if needed.

canva presentation share options

If you have the Pro version, you can also share the presentation for use as a template for future projects.

These capabilities are only available within Canva. Once you import your Canva presentation into Google Slides, you’re leaving the Canva ecosystem.

The biggest hurdle with this option is getting all of your team members on board with using Canva. As Canva users, we all know that once people start using Canva, they fall in love with it.

It can be hard to adjust to new platforms though. Even though Canva is easy to learn and use, it’s still an adjustment.

If you can woo your team onto the Canva train though, my best suggestion is to simply make your presentations in Canva and keep them there. As a presentation platform, Canva has a lot to offer.

how to save presentation on google slides

Diana has been an artist for over 27 years and has training in drawing, painting, digital drawing and graphic design. Diana’s latest obsession is digitally drawing with Procreate and Procreate Dreams. Diana has experience selling her art across a number of platforms and loves helping other artists learn how to make money from their art as well.

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how to save presentation on google slides

From PowerPoint to Google Slides: Your Ultimate Guide to a Seamless Conversion

how to save presentation on google slides

If you've ever been caught between the powerful features of Microsoft PowerPoint and the accessibility of Google Slides, you're not alone. Converting PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides is a common need, whether you're collaborating with others, presenting in a different format, or just prefer the cloud-based flexibility that Google Slides offers. The good news is that this conversion process is straightforward and can be done with minimal fuss. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you transition your presentations smoothly from PowerPoint to Google Slides.

 Why Convert PowerPoint to Google Slides?

Before diving into the how-to, let’s briefly explore why you might want to make this switch:

- Accessibility: Google Slides is cloud-based, meaning you can access and edit your presentations from any device with internet access, be it a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

- Collaboration: Google Slides excels at real-time collaboration. Multiple users can edit the same presentation simultaneously, making it ideal for team projects.

- Compatibility: Converting to Google Slides ensures that your presentation remains compatible with the Google ecosystem, making it easier to integrate with Google Classroom, Google Meet, and other services.

 The Hardware and Software You’ll Need

The conversion process doesn’t require any specialized hardware—just a device (like a laptop, desktop, or even a tablet) with internet access. On the software side, you'll need access to:

- Microsoft PowerPoint (optional): If you need to edit or save your presentation before converting.

- Google Account: Since Google Slides is part of Google Workspace, you'll need a Google account to upload and edit your presentation.

 Step-by-Step Guide to Converting PowerPoint to Google Slides

 1. upload your powerpoint file to google drive.

The first step in converting your PowerPoint presentation to Google Slides is to upload the file to Google Drive. Here’s how:

1. Log in to Google Drive: Open your web browser, go to [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com), and log in with your Google account credentials.

2. Upload the PowerPoint File: 

   - Click on the “+ New” button on the left-hand side of the screen.

   - Select “File upload” from the dropdown menu.

   - Navigate to the PowerPoint file (.pptx) on your computer and select it for upload. 

Your PowerPoint file will now appear in your Google Drive.

 2. Open the PowerPoint File in Google Slides

Once your PowerPoint file is uploaded, the next step is to open it in Google Slides:

1. Find Your File in Google Drive: Locate the PowerPoint file you just uploaded. It should be easy to spot, as Google Drive displays recent uploads at the top.

2. Open with Google Slides:

   - Right-click on the PowerPoint file.

   - From the context menu, select “Open with,” then choose “Google Slides.”

Google Slides will automatically convert the PowerPoint file to a Google Slides format, and you’ll be able to edit and manage it just like any other Google Slides presentation.

 3. Review and Adjust Your Presentation

While Google Slides does an excellent job of maintaining the integrity of your original PowerPoint file, it’s a good idea to review the converted presentation to ensure everything looks and functions as expected.

- Check Fonts and Formatting: Google Slides may substitute certain fonts that aren’t available in Google’s library. Make sure to review the text to ensure it’s consistent with your original design.

- Inspect Images and Graphics: Sometimes, images, charts, or animations may shift slightly. Take a few moments to click through each slide and verify that everything is in order.

- Test Animations and Transitions: Not all PowerPoint animations and transitions have direct equivalents in Google Slides. Double-check that your presentation’s flow is preserved.

 4. Save and Share Your Google Slides Presentation

After ensuring your presentation is up to snuff, it’s time to save and share it:

- Rename Your Presentation: Google Slides automatically saves your presentation in Google Drive, but you may want to rename it to reflect any changes you’ve made.

- Share with Others: If you’re collaborating with others, click the “Share” button in the upper right-hand corner. You can invite collaborators by email, set permissions (view, comment, or edit), and share the link directly.

 5. (Optional) Download as a PowerPoint File

If you ever need to revert back to PowerPoint, Google Slides makes it easy to download your presentation in the .pptx format:

1. Go to “File” in the menu.

2. Select “Download” and choose “Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).”

3. Your file will download in the PowerPoint format, ready to be used in Microsoft Office.

 Tips for a Smoother Conversion

- Keep It Simple: For the smoothest conversion experience, try to avoid overly complex animations or custom fonts in your PowerPoint presentation.

- Use Google Slides for New Projects: If possible, start new projects directly in Google Slides to avoid any conversion issues altogether.

- Regularly Back Up: If your presentation is particularly important, consider keeping backups in both PowerPoint and Google Slides formats.

 Wrapping Up

Converting PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides is a hassle-free process that opens up new possibilities for collaboration and accessibility. Whether you're working on a team project, sharing a presentation with clients, or just want the peace of mind that comes with cloud-based storage, Google Slides offers a robust platform for all your presentation needs. With these steps, you're ready to make the switch and take full advantage of what Google Slides has to offer!

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  • Google Slides Tutorials

How to Print Presentations in Google Slides: Complete Walkthrough

Google Slides tutorial banner, showing a person printing a presentation.

Creating a compelling Google Slides presentation is just half the battle; on delivery day, you might need physical handouts for your audience. Whether you’re a student, educator, or professional preparing for a meeting or workshop, effectively printing your Google Slides presentation can save time and ensure your materials look professional. This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the process, from setting up your slides for printing to choosing the right print settings, ensuring your audience has clear and informative takeaways.

Step-by-Step Guide to Printing Presentations in Google Slides

Step 1: open your google slides presentation.

First, open the presentation you wish to print. Ensure that your slides are complete and formatted how you want them to appear in print. 

Step 2: Access the Print Settings

Google Slides interface with print settings, displaying options to print 1 slide without notes, 1 slide with notes, etc.

Open the “File” menu located in the upper-left corner of the screen. From the dropdown menu, select “Print preview.” This will open a new view where you can see how your slides will look when printed.

Step 3: Choose Your Print Layout

In the print preview screen, you have several layout options. You can print one slide per page, multiple slides per page, or even include a notes section. Select the layout that fits your requirements best. For handouts, printing multiple slides per page is often the most efficient option.

  • One slide per page: Best for detailed presentations where each slide contains a lot of information.
  • Multiple slides per page: Ideal for handouts and summaries, allowing you to fit more content on fewer pages.
  • Notes pages: If you need to present additional information alongside your slides, printing with notes can be useful.

Step 4: Adjust Other Print Settings

In the preview screen, you can adjust other settings like page orientation (portrait or landscape), paper size, and whether to include the background. Consider these settings carefully to ensure your presentation looks its best when printed.

Step 5: Print Your Presentation

Click on the “Print” button, once you have configured all your settings. A standard print dialog box will appear, allowing you to choose your printer and finalize your print job. Double-check your settings here to ensure everything is correct.

Tips for Better Printing

  • Check Margins and Layout: Ensure your slides fit well within the margins to avoid content getting cut off.
  • Use High-Quality Images: Low-resolution images can look pixelated when printed. So, always ensure that the images are of high quality.
  • Preview Before Printing: Always use the print preview feature to check how your slides will look in print.

Going Green Tip: Consider double-sided printing to save paper and reduce your environmental footprint!

Final Touches: Acing the Handout

Here are some final touches to ensure your handouts are professional and user-friendly:

  • High-Quality Paper: Choose a paper type that complements your presentation’s content and visuals. Glossy paper might be suitable for presentations with a lot of images, while matte paper works well for text-heavy content.
  • Clear Headers and Footers: Add headers or footers with the presentation title, date, and your contact information for easy reference.
  • Punch Holes (Optional): If your handouts are meant to be placed in a binder, consider adding pre-punched holes for easy organization.

Bonus Tips:

To make your presentations more visually appealing, consider using premade Google Slides themes available online. These themes can save you time and ensure your slides have a professional look. Many websites offer free themes that you can easily customize to fit your presentation’s content.

If you often find yourself needing to print presentations in the MS PowerPoint platform, you might also be interested in our detailed guide on how to print presentations in PowerPoint. 

By following these steps and incorporating some creativity, you can ensure your Google Slides presentations translate flawlessly into impactful printed materials.  If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out our other resources for more tips and tricks on creating and printing presentations. So, go forth and print with confidence!

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Arockia Mary Amutha is a seasoned senior content writer at SlideEgg, bringing over four years of dedicated experience to the field. Her expertise in presentation tools like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Canva shines through in her clear, concise, and professional writing style. With a passion for crafting engaging and insightful content, she specializes in creating detailed how-to guides, tutorials, and tips on presentation design that resonate with and empower readers.

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How to save a powerpoint to Google drive?

How to Save a PowerPoint to Google Drive?

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to have a reliable cloud storage solution to store and share your files. Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services, offering a vast amount of storage space and seamless collaboration features. If you’re a PowerPoint user, you might wonder how to save your presentations to Google Drive. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of saving a PowerPoint to Google Drive.

Why Save PowerPoint to Google Drive?

Before we dive into the process, let’s explore the benefits of saving your PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive:

  • Collaboration : Google Drive allows multiple users to edit the same file simultaneously, making it an ideal solution for team projects.
  • Accessibility : With Google Drive, you can access your files from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Version Control : Google Drive keeps a record of all changes made to your file, allowing you to easily revert to previous versions if needed.
  • Automatic Backup : Google Drive automatically backs up your files, ensuring that your data is safe and secure.

Saving PowerPoint to Google Drive

There are two ways to save a PowerPoint to Google Drive:

Method 1: Using Google Drive’s Web Interface

  • Step 1: Sign in to Google Drive : Go to drive.google.com and sign in with your Google account.
  • Step 2: Click on the "New" Button : Click on the "New" button located at the top left corner of the page.
  • Step 3: Select "File" : From the dropdown menu, select "File" and then "Upload".
  • Step 4: Select Your PowerPoint File : Browse to the location of your PowerPoint file and select it.
  • Step 5: Upload the File : Click on the "Upload" button to upload your PowerPoint file to Google Drive.

Method 2: Using PowerPoint’s Built-in Features

  • Step 1: Open Your PowerPoint File : Open your PowerPoint file and click on the "File" menu.
  • Step 2: Click on "Save As" : Click on "Save As" and select "Google Drive" from the dropdown menu.
  • Step 3: Sign in to Google Drive : You will be prompted to sign in to Google Drive. Enter your credentials and click on the "Next" button.
  • Step 4: Select a Folder : Select the folder where you want to save your PowerPoint file.
  • Step 5: Click on "Save" : Click on the "Save" button to save your PowerPoint file to Google Drive.

Tips and Tricks

  • **Save a Copy : When saving your PowerPoint file to Google Drive, make sure to save a copy to your local computer as well. This will ensure that you have a backup of your file in case something goes wrong.
  • **Use a Consistent Naming Convention : Use a consistent naming convention for your PowerPoint files to make them easy to find and organize.
  • **Take Advantage of Google Drive’s Revision History : Google Drive keeps a record of all changes made to your file. Take advantage of this feature to easily revert to previous versions if needed.

Comparison of Methods

Method Time Ease of Use Collaboration Features
Method 1 (Web Interface) 2-3 minutes 8/10 9/10
Method 2 (PowerPoint’s Built-in Features) 1-2 minutes 9/10 8/10

Saving a PowerPoint to Google Drive is a straightforward process that can be completed using either the Google Drive web interface or PowerPoint’s built-in features. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily save your PowerPoint presentations to Google Drive and take advantage of its collaboration features, automatic backup, and version control. Remember to save a copy of your file to your local computer and use a consistent naming convention to keep your files organized.

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How to convert google slides to a video or gif.


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Convert using powerpoint, capture with your screen recording tool, use a google slides add-on.

While it's easy to share Google Slides using a link or publishing it to the web , you may want a single non-editable file that you can share privately. By converting the slideshow to a video or GIF, your visitors can watch it as you intended. Here are three methods to try.

Microsoft PowerPoint offers both video and GIF exporting . So, if you have PowerPoint, you can open the Google Slides presentation in it and create the video or GIF from there.

Related: How to Convert Google Slides to PowerPoint

Open your Google Slides presentation and go to File > Download. Select "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)" in the pop-out menu.

Microsoft PowerPoint in the Google Slides Download menu

Head to your downloads folder and click or double-click the file to open it in PowerPoint.

Downloads folder on Windows

Go to File > Export. Then, choose "Create a Video" or "Create an Animated GIF." 

If you pick a video, you can then use the drop-down boxes to choose the quality and whether you want to include recorded timings and narrations. You can also set the duration per slide. Click "Create Video."

Export PowerPoint as a video

If you pick a GIF, you can choose the quality, make the background transparent, set the duration per slide, and include only specific slides if you like. Click "Create GIF."

Export PowerPoint as a GIF

For both video and GIF, you'll then be prompted to choose a location, optionally change the name, and click "Export" when you finish. Then, grab your video or GIF and share it where you please.

If you have a screen recording tool, such as Game Bar on Windows , the Screenshot Utility on Mac , or a third-party application, you can capture your slideshow as it plays. Then, save the video file to share or turn it into a GIF using an online tool.

Related: How to Screen Record on Your Mac

Get your screen recording tool ready and select the Slideshow drop-down box at the top of Google Slides and pick "Start From beginning."

Start From Beginning in the Slideshow drop-down box

To ensure you don't see your mouse cursor in the recording when advancing through the slides, you can set it to automatically play.

When the presentation appears in full-screen mode, click the three dots on the right of the floating toolbar, move to Auto-Play, and choose the time per slide.

AutoPlay options for Google Slides

Then, start capturing with your screen recording tool and stop when the slideshow finishes. You can then edit or share your video.

Additionally, you can use a file converter to obtain a different video file format or turn the video into a GIF. You can use a few free online tools including Cloud Convert , Convertio , or Zamzar .

One other way to convert Google Slides to a video or GIF is with an add-on. There are a few Google Slides add-ons that you can try if you search the Google Workspace Marketplace.

One that works well and allows you to create a video or a GIF for up to five slides for free is Slides to Video .

Related: Everything You Need to Know About Google Chrome's Profile Switcher

Slides to Video works using Google Chrome with the same Google account as Google Slides. If you use a different browser, there are other add-ons such as Video and GIF From Slides and Creator Studio that each offer a free trial.

Once you install the add-on, open your presentation and go to Add-Ons in the menu. Move your cursor to Slides to Video and pick "Create Video" in the pop-out menu.

Create Video in the Slides to Video menu

When the sidebar opens, you can choose a duration per slide or a default for all slides at the top. Then, use the Choose Your Export Type drop-down box to pick "MP4" or "GIF." Click "Create Video."

Slides to Video setup sidebar

You'll see the progress as your video or GIF is created. When complete, you'll receive an email to your Gmail account and will also see a link in the sidebar to download the file.

Slides to Video download link

Until Google Slides provides the export option to create a video or GIF, these workarounds can help you get the job done.

For more, learn how to add a YouTube video or how to  add other types of videos and customize the playback in Google Slides.

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    Thankfully, both programs have found a way to be compatible with each other's files, so converting your Google Slides to PowerPoint is easy and straightforward. To export your presentation to PowerPoint, click File, then Download and select Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx).

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  25. Google Slides

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  26. How to save a powerpoint to Google drive?

    Step 5: Click on "Save": Click on the "Save" button to save your PowerPoint file to Google Drive. Tips and Tricks **Save a Copy: When saving your PowerPoint file to Google Drive, make sure to save ...

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    Open your Google Slides presentation and go to File > Download. Select "Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)" in the pop-out menu. Head to your downloads folder and click or double-click the file to open it in PowerPoint. Go to File > Export. Then, choose "Create a Video" or "Create an Animated GIF." If you pick a video, you can then use the drop-down ...