Careers for Medical Anthropologists

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Medical anthropologists use medical knowledge, coupled with the cultural and biological aspects of anthropology, to understand how social and cultural factors affect human health, the spread of disease and the treatment of illness. Medical anthropology work generally requires graduate school degree and years of field experience. Medical anthropologists work in a variety of careers, from medicine and medical research to academia and government.

Medical Anthropology Jobs

Medical anthropologists develop skills that lend themselves to a variety of careers, according to the University of Toronto . These skills include analyzing cultural development and the affect of culture on health, understanding medical data, investigating the spread of disease, studying alternatives to modern medicine, and communicating across cultures and languages.

Medical Scientists

Medical scientists conduct clinical trials and other forms of research aimed at improving human health. Entering this field requires a Ph.D. in biology, biochemistry or a related field. However, some medical scientists have both medical and doctoral degrees. Medical anthropologists who have graduate-level training in biology, biomedical science or a related field may find employment as a medical scientist. An anthropology background may be valuable as well, because medical scientists also need strong communication skills to write grant proposals and publish research.

Epidemiology and Related Fields

Epidemiologists track the origin and spread of infectious diseases and work with public health officials to develop preventive measures. They analyze scientific data in laboratory settings, but also do fieldwork similar to that of anthropologists, conducting interviews and collecting evidence for analysis. Becoming an epidemiologist requires a master's degree or a Ph.D., usually in epidemiology, public health or a related field. Epidemiologists earned a median annual salary of ​ $74,560 ​ per year in 2020, reports the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics .

Teaching Positions

Men and women with a background in medical anthropology, as well as an interest in teaching and research, may find employment as college and university faculty in such academic departments as anthropology, public health and social work. They teach undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as conduct research and publish books and journal articles.

Medical Anthropologist Salary and Job Outlook

Other medical anthropology jobs, according to the University of Toronto, include health services directors, health and social policy analysts, health care consultants, data analysts, social workers and health librarians. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) , which tracks data and makes projections for most civilian occupations, lists 2020 median earnings for some of these career fields, as follows. Median earnings mean that half the people in the occupation made more money, while half earned less.

  • Medical scientists: ​ $91,510 ​
  • Medical and health services managers: ​ $104,280 ​
  • Social workers: ​ $51,760 ​
  • Librarians and library media specialists: ​ $60,820 ​
  • Postsecondary teachers: ​ $80,560 ​

Job outlook for these career fields can vary. The BLS cites a job growth rate of 17 percent for medical scientists through 2030, which is considered much faster than average when compared to other occupations. COVID-19 has put public health in the spotlight; positions for epidemiologists are projected to grow at an astonishing 30 percent rate.

  • University of Toronto: Medical Anthropology Career Options
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Medical Scientists
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Librarians and Library Media Specialists
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Social Workers
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Medical and Health Services Managers
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Postsecondary Teachers
  • US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Epidemiologists

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Medical Anthropology

medical anthropologist phd salary

Medical anthropology is the study of how health and illness are shaped, experienced, and understood in the context of cultural, historical, and political forces. It is one of the most exciting subfields of anthropology and has increasingly clear relevance for students and professionals interested in the complexity of disease states, diagnostic categories, and what comes to count as pathology or health.

At Stanford some of our principal areas of inquiry include cultures of medicine, the social nature of emergent biotechnology, the economics of bodily injury, psychic expressions of disorder, the formation of social networks on health, the lived experience of disability and inequality, caregiving, and ever-changing concepts of human biological difference and race. We work in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in addition to the United States and its borderlands. We engage with patients, health scientists, and larger publics at home and abroad in order to contribute to a more robust understanding of the way  poverty, social status, war, racism, and nationalism produce illness and disease. We look both at the broad forces of structural violence and the microphenomenology of pain and suffering. Our program seeks students who creatively imagine interdisciplinary approaches to health questions, wish to increase dialogue with medical professionals, and aim to rethink operative principles within science and medicine.

medical anthropologist phd salary

Our core group of faculty includes:

Angela Garcia: Professor Garcia’s work explores political, economic and psychic processes through which illness and suffering is produced and lived. Through long-term ethnographic research with poor families and communities struggling with multigenerational experiences of addiction, depression, and incarceration, she draws attention to emerging forms of care and kinship, accounts of cultural history and subjectivities, and relations of affect and intimacy, that are essential to understanding health and life. Working in the United States and Mexico, her work also demonstrates the urgent need for drug law reform and new approaches to ethics and therapeutics as they concern suffering in shared and transgressive formations.

Duana Fullwiley: Professor Fullwiley explores how global and historical notions of health, disease, race, and power yield biological consequences that bear on scientific definitions of human difference. Through an ethnographic engagement with geneticists and the populations they study, she underscores the importance of expanding the conceptual terrain of genetic causation to include poverty and on-going racial stratification. She explicitly writes in the long histories of inequality and dispossession suffered by global minorities that often go missing from medical narratives of genetic disease and ideas of “population-based” severity. Working in France, West Africa and the United States, she details the legacy effects of postcolonial, post-Reconstruction, and Progressive Era science policies on present-day health outcomes. She also chronicles the remnants of racial thinking in new population genetic research and works with scientists to redress them.

Lochlann Jain: Professor Jain's research is primarily concerned with the ways in which stories get told about injuries, how they are thought to be caused, and how that matters. Figuring out the political and social significance of these stories has led to the study of law, product design, medical error, and histories of engineering, regulation, corporations, and advertising.

Matthew Kohrman: Professor Kohrman’s research and writing bring anthropological methods to bear on the ways health, culture, and politics are interrelated. Focusing on the People's Republic of China, he engages various intellectual terrains such as governmentality, gender theory, political economy, critical science studies, narrativity, and embodiment. His first monograph, Bodies of Difference: Experiences of Disability and Institutional Advocacy in the Making of Modern China, raises questions about how embodied aspects of human existence, such as our gender, such as our ability to propel ourselves through space as walkers, cyclists and workers, become founts for the building of new state apparatuses of social provision, in particular, disability-advocacy organizations. Over the last decade, Prof. Kohrman has been involved in research aimed at analyzing and intervening in the biopolitics of cigarette smoking among Chinese citizens. This work, as seen in his recently edited volume--Poisonous Pandas: Chinese Cigarette Manufacturing in Critical Historical Perspectives--expands upon heuristic themes of his earlier disability research and engages in novel ways techniques of public health, political philosophy, and spatial history. More recently, he has begun projects linking ongoing interests at the intersection of phenomenology and political economy with questions regarding environmental attunement and the arts.

Tanya Luhrmann: Professor Luhrmann has long standing interests in schizophrenia, with work on homeless, poverty, and social defeat. Her work focuses on the edge of experience: on voices, visions, the world of the supernatural and the world of psychosis. She has done ethnography on the streets of Chicago with homeless and psychotic women, and worked with people with psychosis who hear voices in Chennai, Accra and the South Bay. She has also done fieldwork with evangelical Christians who seek to hear God speak back, with Zoroastrians who set out to create a more mystical faith, and with people who practice magic. She uses a combination of ethnographic and experimental methods to understand the phenomenology of unusual sensory experiences, the way they are shaped by ideas about minds and persons, the relationship between the voices of madness and the voices of spirit, and what we can learn from this social shaping that can help us to help those whose voices are distressing.

What sets this program apart?

An engaged orientation

Our group at Stanford believes that anthropological analysis is not just for anthropologists and not just for the classroom. It matters elsewhere. Whether it is cancer, psychiatric disease, drug addiction, injury and disability, racialized health disparities, genetic disorders or the leading cause of premature death, tobacco, we tackle issues of great importance for people the world over. In addressing the societal and bodily aspects of these problems, we encourage our students to work with affected communities, medical professionals, basic scientists, patient advocates, and health NGOs while aiming to reach even larger publics.

The goal of our work is to advance the field of anthropology, which is the disciplinary home of medical anthropology, but to do so in ways that also advance thinking within broader intellectual communities. The field of medical anthropology addresses afflictions of increasing importance that are seldom sufficiently understood by biomedicine alone. Much of our work focuses on how health problems arise from larger social issues, which must also be addressed. As we strive to dissolve the stark divides between the life and the social sciences, we work in the spirit that cross-disciplinary conversations are possible and necessary to achieve effective medicine, humane healing, and ethical science. In this vein, we encourage our students to publish in the flagship journals of anthropology but also in relevant health science and more popular mainstream venues.

Theory and Methods

We are steadfast in our commitment to ethnography, affirming its empirical merits and value for theory building. We also realize that some research questions benefit from other methods, including statistical reporting, demographic observations, and survey techniques. In its specifics, training in our program includes courses in anthropological theory, the anthropology of science and technology, psychiatric anthropology, and various area foci where specific health problems are more prevalent for geo-political reasons. We expose students to these diverse approaches to allow them to contribute innovatively to anthropology as well as to a broader set of audiences. To facilitate this work, we also collaborate with Stanford’s Center for Comparative Studies on Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), the Center for International Studies (FSI), the Departments of Medicine and Psychiatry, the Department of Psychology, and the program on Science and Technology Studies (STS).

Duana Fullwiley

Duana Fullwiley

Angela Garcia

Angela Garcia

Lochlann Jain

Lochlann Jain

medical anthropologist phd salary

Matthew Kohrman

Tanya Luhrmann

Tanya Marie Luhrmann

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The Department of Anthropology's Social Anthropology program offers a Ph.D. in Anthropology, with a special emphasis on Medical Anthropology.

Students are regular members of the graduate program in social anthropology, and all requirements for the Ph.D. in anthropology pertain to those specializing in medical anthropology. In addition to selecting required and elective courses in anthropology, students join a group of faculty, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows working in medical and psychiatric anthropology. They participate in a weekly seminar in medical anthropology, take courses offered by the faculty in the program, may participate in specialized research activities with faculty and fellows, and may serve as teaching fellows in courses in medical anthropology.

Medical anthropologists and other faculty at Harvard work on a variety of theoretical and ethnographic issues, including: violence, urban anthropology, mental illness and cross-cultural psychiatry, subjectivity and culture, social suffering, stigma, ethics and bioethics, human rights, pharmaceuticals, substance abuse, infectious disease and epidemics, aging, governmentality, transnationalism and borders, and history of medicine and science. Participants in the Medical Anthropology program are united by a shared commitment to long-term ethnographic engagement with local cultural and social worlds, by a common concern with the practical relations between ethnographic research, medical knowledge, and public health policies, and finally by a common emphasis on the importance of social theory in medical anthropology.

The faculty works in close association with physicians and researchers at the Harvard Medical School and its Department of Social Medicine, as well as with public health practitioners at Harvard and in the community. While most of the anthropologists at Harvard deal in some way with these issues, the Medical Anthropology program is comprised of a group of faculty, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students, divided between Anthropology and Social Medicine. This group meets once a week for guest lectures by some of the most preeminent thinkers in the field of medical anthropology. At Harvard, the program is directed by Arthur Kleinman, Rabb Professor of Medical Anthropology, Department of Anthropology. 

Application to the Ph.D. program in follows usual procedures for application for the Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. You should indicate your medical anthropology interest in the statement of purpose when applying to the Ph.D. in Social Anthropology.

Application information is available on the  Harvard Kenneth C. Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences  website.

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Medical Anthropologist

$86,447 (usd)/yr, $41.56 (usd) /hr, $2,118 (usd) /yr.

The average medical anthropologist gross salary in United States is $86,447 or an equivalent hourly rate of $42. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $2,118. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States. An entry level medical anthropologist (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $61,561. On the other end, a senior level medical anthropologist (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $106,940.

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A medical anthropologist in the US earns an average salary of $69,780 per year or $5,815 per month.

Salary Range for a Medical Anthropologist in the US

The table shows the salary range for a medical anthropologist in the US:

$102,150 $8,512
$82,000 $6,833
$63,800 $5,317
$50,510 $4,209
$43,770 $3,648

Please note:

In order to show a salary range, we need to use the median and percentiles. (At the top of this page, we've used an average to indicate the salary of a medical anthropologist in the US.)

This is because only the median shows the value that 50 % of the people in the profession earn more and 50 % earn less than. An average can be higher or lower than that.

For example: The median for a range of people that earn $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 or $1,000, $3,000, and $10,000 is the same ($3,000). But the average is $3,000 in case one and $4,667 in case two.

Salary Trend for a Medical Anthropologist in the US

The graph shows the trend of the average salary of a Medical Anthropologist in the US over the past few years:

Line chart showing the salary trend for a medical anthropologist in the US

Highest Paying States for a Medical Anthropologist

The three states where a medical anthropologist earns the most are:

  • Michigan : $91,890
  • Nebraska : $90,210
  • Hawaii : $85,720

Highest Paying Areas for a Medical Anthropologist

These are the three top-paying areas for a medical anthropologist in the US:

  • Urban Honolulu : $87,970
  • Washington-Arlington-Alexandria : $86,020
  • San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara : $85,720

Medical Anthropologist Salary Versus Other Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations

For comparison, here are the salaries of three jobs that belong to the same occupation category as being a medical anthropologist:

  • Food Quality Control Technician : $54,000
  • Food Scientist : $88,350
  • Animal Nutritionist : $89,450

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Average Anthropologist Salary

The average salary for an Anthropologist is $61,042 in 2024

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An entry-level Anthropologist with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $40,455 based on 5 salaries. An early career Anthropologist with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $56,500 based on 8 salaries. A mid-career …Read more

What Do Anthropologists Do?

Anthropologists focus on answering complex questions regarding human origins by utilizing socio-cultural, biological, archaeological, and linguistic fields of study. To best understand their subjects, most anthropologists work closely with local cultures and the people they are researching, so both physical and mental adaptability to different and often-challenging life situations is very important in this position. From interviewing research subjects to in-field observations, anthropologists …Read more

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FAQs About Anthropologists

What is the highest pay for anthropologists.

Our data indicates that the highest pay for an Anthropologist is $NaN / year

What is the lowest pay for Anthropologists?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for an Anthropologist is $NaN / year

How can Anthropologists increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as an Anthropologist is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are an Anthropologist that oversees more junior Anthropologists, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

Anthropologist Salary

How much does an Anthropologist make? The average Anthropologist salary is $68,641 as of May 28, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $63,620 and $74,741 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target. 

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Anthropologist Salary in Major Cities

Anthropologist salary by state.

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Anthropologist Salary by City

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Average Salary Range for Anthropologist

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Average Total Cash Compensation

Includes base and annual incentives

View Average Salary for Anthropologist as table

Average Salary Average Salary Range
Base Salary $68,641 $63,620 - $74,741
Bonus $1,415 $1,490 - $4,316
Total Pay $70,056 $65,109 - $79,057

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The annual compensation for this career has gone up since 2004. Salaries have increased by an average of 42.08 percent nationwide in that time.

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