7.1 Simplifying and Verifying Trigonometric Identities

Learning objectives.

In this section, you will:

  • Verify the fundamental trigonometric identities.
  • Simplify trigonometric expressions using algebra and the identities.

In espionage movies, we see international spies with multiple passports, each claiming a different identity. However, we know that each of those passports represents the same person. The trigonometric identities act in a similar manner to multiple passports—there are many ways to represent the same trigonometric expression. Just as a spy will choose an Italian passport when traveling to Italy, we choose the identity that applies to the given scenario when solving a trigonometric equation.

In this section, we will begin an examination of the fundamental trigonometric identities, including how we can verify them and how we can use them to simplify trigonometric expressions.

Verifying the Fundamental Trigonometric Identities

Identities enable us to simplify complicated expressions. They are the basic tools of trigonometry used in solving trigonometric equations, just as factoring, finding common denominators, and using special formulas are the basic tools of solving algebraic equations. In fact, we use algebraic techniques constantly to simplify trigonometric expressions. Basic properties and formulas of algebra, such as the difference of squares formula and the perfect squares formula, will simplify the work involved with trigonometric expressions and equations. We already know that all of the trigonometric functions are related because they all are defined in terms of the unit circle. Consequently, any trigonometric identity can be written in many ways.

To verify the trigonometric identities, we usually start with the more complicated side of the equation and essentially rewrite the expression until it has been transformed into the same expression as the other side of the equation. Sometimes we have to factor expressions, expand expressions, find common denominators, or use other algebraic strategies to obtain the desired result. In this first section, we will work with the fundamental identities: the Pythagorean Identities , the even-odd identities, the reciprocal identities, and the quotient identities.

We will begin with the Pythagorean Identities (see Table 1 ), which are equations involving trigonometric functions based on the properties of a right triangle. We have already seen and used the first of these identifies, but now we will also use additional identities.

Pythagorean Identities

The second and third identities can be obtained by manipulating the first. The identity 1 + cot 2 θ = csc 2 θ 1 + cot 2 θ = csc 2 θ is found by rewriting the left side of the equation in terms of sine and cosine.

Prove: 1 + cot 2 θ = csc 2 θ 1 + cot 2 θ = csc 2 θ

Similarly, 1 + tan 2 θ = sec 2 θ 1 + tan 2 θ = sec 2 θ can be obtained by rewriting the left side of this identity in terms of sine and cosine. This gives

The next set of fundamental identities is the set of even-odd identities. The even-odd identities relate the value of a trigonometric function at a given angle to the value of the function at the opposite angle and determine whether the identity is odd or even. (See Table 2 ).

Even-Odd Identities

Recall that an odd function is one in which f (− x ) = − f ( x ) f (− x ) = − f ( x ) for all x x in the domain of f . f . The sine function is an odd function because sin ( − θ ) = − sin θ . sin ( − θ ) = − sin θ . The graph of an odd function is symmetric about the origin. For example, consider corresponding inputs of π 2 π 2 and − π 2 . − π 2 . The output of sin ( π 2 ) sin ( π 2 ) is opposite the output of sin ( − π 2 ) . sin ( − π 2 ) . Thus,

This is shown in Figure 2 .

Recall that an even function is one in which

The graph of an even function is symmetric about the y- axis. The cosine function is an even function because cos ( − θ ) = cos θ . cos ( − θ ) = cos θ . For example, consider corresponding inputs π 4 π 4 and − π 4 . − π 4 . The output of cos ( π 4 ) cos ( π 4 ) is the same as the output of cos ( − π 4 ) . cos ( − π 4 ) . Thus,

See Figure 3 .

For all θ θ in the domain of the sine and cosine functions, respectively, we can state the following:

  • Since sin (− θ ) = − sin θ , sin (− θ ) = − sin θ , sine is an odd function.
  • Since, cos (− θ ) = cos θ , cos (− θ ) = cos θ , cosine is an even function.

The other even-odd identities follow from the even and odd nature of the sine and cosine functions. For example, consider the tangent identity, tan (− θ ) = −tan θ . tan (− θ ) = −tan θ . We can interpret the tangent of a negative angle as tan (− θ ) = sin ( − θ ) cos (− θ ) = − sin θ cos θ = − tan θ . tan (− θ ) = sin ( − θ ) cos (− θ ) = − sin θ cos θ = − tan θ . Tangent is therefore an odd function, which means that tan ( − θ ) = − tan ( θ ) tan ( − θ ) = − tan ( θ ) for all θ θ in the domain of the tangent function .

The cotangent identity, cot ( − θ ) = − cot θ , cot ( − θ ) = − cot θ , also follows from the sine and cosine identities. We can interpret the cotangent of a negative angle as cot ( − θ ) = cos ( − θ ) sin ( − θ ) = cos θ − sin θ = − cot θ . cot ( − θ ) = cos ( − θ ) sin ( − θ ) = cos θ − sin θ = − cot θ . Cotangent is therefore an odd function, which means that cot ( − θ ) = − cot ( θ ) cot ( − θ ) = − cot ( θ ) for all θ θ in the domain of the cotangent function .

The cosecant function is the reciprocal of the sine function, which means that the cosecant of a negative angle will be interpreted as csc ( − θ ) = 1 sin ( − θ ) = 1 − sin θ = − csc θ . csc ( − θ ) = 1 sin ( − θ ) = 1 − sin θ = − csc θ . The cosecant function is therefore odd.

Finally, the secant function is the reciprocal of the cosine function, and the secant of a negative angle is interpreted as sec ( − θ ) = 1 cos ( − θ ) = 1 cos θ = sec θ . sec ( − θ ) = 1 cos ( − θ ) = 1 cos θ = sec θ . The secant function is therefore even.

To sum up, only two of the trigonometric functions, cosine and secant, are even. The other four functions are odd, verifying the even-odd identities.

The next set of fundamental identities is the set of reciprocal identities , which, as their name implies, relate trigonometric functions that are reciprocals of each other. See Table 3 .

Reciprocal Identities

The final set of identities is the set of quotient identities , which define relationships among certain trigonometric functions and can be very helpful in verifying other identities. See Table 4 .

Quotient Identities

The reciprocal and quotient identities are derived from the definitions of the basic trigonometric functions.

Summarizing Trigonometric Identities

The Pythagorean Identities are based on the properties of a right triangle.

The even-odd identities relate the value of a trigonometric function at a given angle to the value of the function at the opposite angle.

The reciprocal identities define reciprocals of the trigonometric functions.

The quotient identities define the relationship among the trigonometric functions.

Graphing the Expressions of an Identity

Graph both sides of the identity cot θ = 1 tan θ . cot θ = 1 tan θ . In other words, on the graphing calculator, graph y = cot θ y = cot θ and y = 1 tan θ . y = 1 tan θ .

See Figure 4 .

We see only one graph because both expressions generate the same image. One is on top of the other. This is a good way to confirm an identity verified with analytical means. If both expressions give the same graph, then they are most likely identities.

Given a trigonometric identity, verify that it is true.

  • Work on one side of the equation. It is usually better to start with the more complex side, as it is easier to simplify than to build.
  • Look for opportunities to factor expressions, square a binomial, or add fractions.
  • Noting which functions are in the final expression, look for opportunities to use the identities and make the proper substitutions.
  • If these steps do not yield the desired result, try converting all terms to sines and cosines.

Verifying a Trigonometric Identity

Verify tan θ cos θ = sin θ . tan θ cos θ = sin θ .

We will start on the left side, as it is the more complicated side:

This identity was fairly simple to verify, as it only required writing tan θ tan θ in terms of sin θ sin θ and cos θ . cos θ .

Verify the identity csc θ cos θ tan θ = 1. csc θ cos θ tan θ = 1.

Verifying the Equivalency Using the Even-Odd Identities

Verify the following equivalency using the even-odd identities:

Working on the left side of the equation, we have

Verifying a Trigonometric Identity Involving sec 2 θ

Verify the identity sec 2 θ − 1 sec 2 θ = sin 2 θ sec 2 θ − 1 sec 2 θ = sin 2 θ

As the left side is more complicated, let’s begin there.

There is more than one way to verify an identity. Here is another possibility. Again, we can start with the left side.

In the first method, we used the identity sec 2 θ = tan 2 θ + 1 sec 2 θ = tan 2 θ + 1 and continued to simplify. In the second method, we split the fraction, putting both terms in the numerator over the common denominator. This problem illustrates that there are multiple ways we can verify an identity. Employing some creativity can sometimes simplify a procedure. As long as the substitutions are correct, the answer will be the same.

Show that cot θ csc θ = cos θ . cot θ csc θ = cos θ .

Creating and Verifying an Identity

Create an identity for the expression 2 tan θ sec θ 2 tan θ sec θ by rewriting strictly in terms of sine.

There are a number of ways to begin, but here we will use the quotient and reciprocal identities to rewrite the expression:

Verifying an Identity Using Algebra and Even/Odd Identities

Verify the identity:

Let’s start with the left side and simplify:

Verify the identity sin 2 θ − 1 tan θ sin θ − tan θ = sin θ + 1 tan θ . sin 2 θ − 1 tan θ sin θ − tan θ = sin θ + 1 tan θ .

Verifying an Identity Involving Cosines and Cotangents

Verify the identity: ( 1 − cos 2 x ) ( 1 + cot 2 x ) = 1. ( 1 − cos 2 x ) ( 1 + cot 2 x ) = 1.

We will work on the left side of the equation.

Using Algebra to Simplify Trigonometric Expressions

We have seen that algebra is very important in verifying trigonometric identities, but it is just as critical in simplifying trigonometric expressions before solving. Being familiar with the basic properties and formulas of algebra, such as the difference of squares formula, the perfect square formula, or substitution, will simplify the work involved with trigonometric expressions and equations.

For example, the equation ( sin x + 1 ) ( sin x − 1 ) = 0 ( sin x + 1 ) ( sin x − 1 ) = 0 resembles the equation ( x + 1 ) ( x − 1 ) = 0 , ( x + 1 ) ( x − 1 ) = 0 , which uses the factored form of the difference of squares. Using algebra makes finding a solution straightforward and familiar. We can set each factor equal to zero and solve. This is one example of recognizing algebraic patterns in trigonometric expressions or equations.

Another example is the difference of squares formula, a 2 − b 2 = ( a − b ) ( a + b ) , a 2 − b 2 = ( a − b ) ( a + b ) , which is widely used in many areas other than mathematics, such as engineering, architecture, and physics. We can also create our own identities by continually expanding an expression and making the appropriate substitutions. Using algebraic properties and formulas makes many trigonometric equations easier to understand and solve.

Writing the Trigonometric Expression as an Algebraic Expression

Write the following trigonometric expression as an algebraic expression: 2 cos 2 θ + cos θ − 1. 2 cos 2 θ + cos θ − 1.

Notice that the pattern displayed has the same form as a standard quadratic expression, a x 2 + b x + c . a x 2 + b x + c . Letting cos θ = x , cos θ = x , we can rewrite the expression as follows:

This expression can be factored as ( 2 x − 1 ) ( x + 1 ) . ( 2 x − 1 ) ( x + 1 ) . If it were set equal to zero and we wanted to solve the equation, we would use the zero factor property and solve each factor for x . x . At this point, we would replace x x with cos θ cos θ and solve for θ . θ .

Rewriting a Trigonometric Expression Using the Difference of Squares

Rewrite the trigonometric expression: 4 cos 2 θ − 1. 4 cos 2 θ − 1.

Notice that both the coefficient and the trigonometric expression in the first term are squared, and the square of the number 1 is 1. This is the difference of squares. Thus,

If this expression were written in the form of an equation set equal to zero, we could solve each factor using the zero factor property. We could also use substitution like we did in the previous problem and let cos θ = x , cos θ = x , rewrite the expression as 4 x 2 − 1 , 4 x 2 − 1 , and factor ( 2 x − 1 ) ( 2 x + 1 ) . ( 2 x − 1 ) ( 2 x + 1 ) . Then replace x x with cos θ cos θ and solve for the angle.

Rewrite the trigonometric expression: 25 − 9 sin 2 θ . 25 − 9 sin 2 θ .

Simplify by Rewriting and Using Substitution

Simplify the expression by rewriting and using identities:

We can start with the Pythagorean identity.

Now we can simplify by substituting 1 + cot 2 θ 1 + cot 2 θ for csc 2 θ . csc 2 θ . We have

Use algebraic techniques to verify the identity: cos θ 1 + sin θ = 1 − sin θ cos θ . cos θ 1 + sin θ = 1 − sin θ cos θ .

(Hint: Multiply the numerator and denominator on the left side by 1 − sin θ . ) 1 − sin θ . )

Access these online resources for additional instruction and practice with the fundamental trigonometric identities.

  • Fundamental Trigonometric Identities
  • Verifying Trigonometric Identities

7.1 Section Exercises

We know g ( x ) = cos x g ( x ) = cos x is an even function, and f ( x ) = sin x f ( x ) = sin x and h ( x ) = tan x h ( x ) = tan x are odd functions. What about G ( x ) = cos 2 x , F ( x ) = sin 2 x , G ( x ) = cos 2 x , F ( x ) = sin 2 x , and H ( x ) = tan 2 x ? H ( x ) = tan 2 x ? Are they even, odd, or neither? Why?

Examine the graph of f ( x ) = sec x f ( x ) = sec x on the interval [ − π , π ] . [ − π , π ] . How can we tell whether the function is even or odd by only observing the graph of f ( x ) = sec x ? f ( x ) = sec x ?

After examining the reciprocal identity for sec t , sec t , explain why the function is undefined at certain points.

All of the Pythagorean Identities are related. Describe how to manipulate the equations to get from sin 2 t + cos 2 t = 1 sin 2 t + cos 2 t = 1 to the other forms.

For the following exercises, use the fundamental identities to fully simplify the expression.

sin x cos x sec x sin x cos x sec x

sin ( − x ) cos ( − x ) csc ( − x ) sin ( − x ) cos ( − x ) csc ( − x )

tan x sin x + sec x cos 2 x tan x sin x + sec x cos 2 x

csc x + cos x cot ( − x ) csc x + cos x cot ( − x )

cot t + tan t sec ( − t ) cot t + tan t sec ( − t )

3 sin 3 t csc t + cos 2 t + 2 cos ( − t ) cos t 3 sin 3 t csc t + cos 2 t + 2 cos ( − t ) cos t

− tan ( − x ) cot ( − x ) − tan ( − x ) cot ( − x )

− sin ( − x ) cos x sec x csc x tan x cot x − sin ( − x ) cos x sec x csc x tan x cot x

1 + tan 2 θ csc 2 θ + sin 2 θ + 1 sec 2 θ 1 + tan 2 θ csc 2 θ + sin 2 θ + 1 sec 2 θ

( tan x csc 2 x + tan x sec 2 x ) ( 1 + tan x 1 + cot x ) − 1 cos 2 x ( tan x csc 2 x + tan x sec 2 x ) ( 1 + tan x 1 + cot x ) − 1 cos 2 x

1 − cos 2 x tan 2 x + 2 sin 2 x 1 − cos 2 x tan 2 x + 2 sin 2 x

For the following exercises, simplify the first trigonometric expression by writing the simplified form in terms of the second expression.

tan x + cot x csc x ; cos x tan x + cot x csc x ; cos x

sec x + csc x 1 + tan x ; sin x sec x + csc x 1 + tan x ; sin x

cos x 1 + sin x + tan x ; cos x cos x 1 + sin x + tan x ; cos x

1 sin x cos x − cot x ; cot x 1 sin x cos x − cot x ; cot x

1 1 − cos x − cos x 1 + cos x ; csc x 1 1 − cos x − cos x 1 + cos x ; csc x

( sec x + csc x ) ( sin x + cos x ) − 2 − cot x ; tan x ( sec x + csc x ) ( sin x + cos x ) − 2 − cot x ; tan x

1 csc x − sin x ; sec x  and  tan x 1 csc x − sin x ; sec x  and  tan x

1 − sin x 1 + sin x − 1 + sin x 1 − sin x ; sec x  and  tan x 1 − sin x 1 + sin x − 1 + sin x 1 − sin x ; sec x  and  tan x

tan x ; sec x tan x ; sec x

sec x ; cot x sec x ; cot x

sec x ; sin x sec x ; sin x

cot x ; sin x cot x ; sin x

cot x ; csc x cot x ; csc x

For the following exercises, verify the identity.

cos x − cos 3 x = cos x sin 2 x cos x − cos 3 x = cos x sin 2 x

cos x ( tan x − sec ( − x ) ) = sin x − 1 cos x ( tan x − sec ( − x ) ) = sin x − 1

1 + sin 2 x cos 2 x = 1 cos 2 x + sin 2 x cos 2 x = 1 + 2 tan 2 x 1 + sin 2 x cos 2 x = 1 cos 2 x + sin 2 x cos 2 x = 1 + 2 tan 2 x

( sin x + cos x ) 2 = 1 + 2 sin x cos x ( sin x + cos x ) 2 = 1 + 2 sin x cos x

cos 2 x − tan 2 x = 2 − sin 2 x − sec 2 x cos 2 x − tan 2 x = 2 − sin 2 x − sec 2 x

For the following exercises, prove or disprove the identity.

1 1 + cos x − 1 1 − cos ( − x ) = − 2 cot x csc x 1 1 + cos x − 1 1 − cos ( − x ) = − 2 cot x csc x

csc 2 x ( 1 + sin 2 x ) = cot 2 x csc 2 x ( 1 + sin 2 x ) = cot 2 x

( sec 2 ( − x ) − tan 2 x tan x ) ( 2 + 2 tan x 2 + 2 cot x ) − 2 sin 2 x = cos 2 x ( sec 2 ( − x ) − tan 2 x tan x ) ( 2 + 2 tan x 2 + 2 cot x ) − 2 sin 2 x = cos 2 x

tan x sec x sin ( − x ) = cos 2 x tan x sec x sin ( − x ) = cos 2 x

sec ( − x ) tan x + cot x = − sin ( − x ) sec ( − x ) tan x + cot x = − sin ( − x )

1 + sin x cos x = cos x 1 + sin ( − x ) 1 + sin x cos x = cos x 1 + sin ( − x )

For the following exercises, determine whether the identity is true or false. If false, find an appropriate equivalent expression.

cos 2 θ − sin 2 θ 1 − tan 2 θ = sin 2 θ cos 2 θ − sin 2 θ 1 − tan 2 θ = sin 2 θ

3 sin 2 θ + 4 cos 2 θ = 3 + cos 2 θ 3 sin 2 θ + 4 cos 2 θ = 3 + cos 2 θ

sec θ + tan θ cot θ + cos θ = sec 2 θ sec θ + tan θ cot θ + cos θ = sec 2 θ

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  • Authors: Jay Abramson
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Precalculus 2e
  • Publication date: Dec 21, 2021
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/precalculus-2e/pages/1-introduction-to-functions
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/precalculus-2e/pages/7-1-simplifying-and-verifying-trigonometric-identities

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Discrete functions.

  • Arithmetic and geometric sequences I
  • Arithmetic and geometric sequences II
  • Arithmetic and geometric series
  • Compound interest and annuity

Exercises on characteristics of functions

  • ASSIGNMENT on characteristics of functions
  • Another ASSIGNMENT on characteristics of functions
  • QUIZ on characteristics of functions
  • Sample TEST on characteristics of functions
  • Class exercise (#6) on functions and function notation
  • Class exercise (#7) on domain and range
  • Class exercise (#8) on inverse of a function
  • Class exercise (#9) on multiplication and division of rational expressions
  • Class exercise (#10) on addition and subtraction of rational expressions

Exercises on quadratics and transformations

  • ASSIGNMENT on quadratics and transformations
  • Another ASSIGNMENT on transformations
  • Another ASSIGNMENT on rational expressions and transformations
  • QUIZ on quadratics and transformations
  • Sample TEST on quadratics and transformations
  • Class exercise (#11) on completing the square
  • Class exercise (#12) on combined transformations
  • Class exercise (#13) on zeros of quadratics
  • Class exercise (#14) on linear-quadratic systems

Exercises on exponential functions

  • ASSIGNMENT on exponential functions
  • QUIZ on exponential functions
  • Sample TEST on exponential functions
  • Class exercise (#15) on integral and rational exponents
  • Class exercise (#16) on exponential growth and decay
  • Class exercise (#17) on graphing exponential functions
  • Class exercise (#18) on transformations of exponential functions

Exercises on trigonometric functions

  • ASSIGNMENT on trigonometric functions
  • Sample TEST on trigonometric functions
  • Class exercise (#19) on trigonometric ratios
  • Class exercise (#20) on trigonometry of obtuse angles
  • Class exercise (#21) on applications of trigonometry
  • Class exercise (#22) on understanding angles
  • Class exercise (#23) on trigonometric identities and special angles
  • Class exercise (#24) on periodic functions
  • Class exercise (#25) on transformations of sinusoidal functions
  • Sample final exam
  • Sample culminating assignment

Exercises on discrete functions

  • ASSIGNMENT on discrete functions
  • QUIZ on discrete functions
  • Sample TEST on discrete functions
  • Class exercise (#1) on arithmetic and geometric sequences
  • Class exercise (#2) on arithmetic and geometric series
  • Class exercise (#3) on recursion
  • Class exercise (#4) on binomial expansions using Pascal's triangle
  • Class exercise (#5) on compound interest and annuity

Maybe you've experienced this as a teacher (irrespective of your teaching subject). You designed a home work or an assignment. You printed copies and distributed to your students. You gave them a day to submit the work. The day arrived. Then a particular student -- or some students -- didn't do the work. You asked why? In response, the student mentioned that (inadvertently) the work was misplaced (or lost). The student then asked for another copy of the exercise. You, the teacher, obliged and gave another copy of the exercise to the student. The incidence then repeats itself. This is one of the excuses some students give for not doing the exercises assigned to them. From our personal perspective, not many classroom experiences frustrate as much as the above. In a bid to obviate this, we came up with this website -- our initial objective was to make all exercises available to our students outside the classroom (and school) environment. Our approach may have been a drastic one, but it was also made possible by our interest in web development. We then have to print our exercises ONCE and only ONCE. If the student misplaces (or loses) the copy of the exercise, it is then the student's responsibility to print new copies from our website. It will follow that most of the exercises below reflect our teaching taste, and so may not appeal to a wide audience. In fact, they are patterned after the Ontario curriculum, and so their possible usefulness may be limited to this Canadian province. Also, we haven't provided solutions to them -- but we're working on this, including changing the format. In the meantime if you find any of these exercises useful, we'll be more than excited.

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Course: trigonometry   >   unit 4.

  • Unit test Trigonometric equations and identities

trig identities assignment


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  2. Worksheet The Basic 8 Trig Identities

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  3. trig identities worksheet with answers 2

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  4. Trig Identities Worksheet With Answers

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  5. Verify Trig Identities Worksheet

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  6. Trig Identities

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  5. 7.1 Simplifying and Verifying Trigonometric Identities

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  10. Introduction to Trig Identities ( Read )

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  11. PDF Chapter 7: Trigonometric Identities and Equations

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    6) cos2. Directions for 7‐9: Use the sum/difference/double or half angle formulas to find the exact value. 7) cos105° 8) sin345° 9) tan15°. Directions for 10‐12: If tan. and is in Quadrant II and sin. and y is in Quadrant IV, find the exact value. Draw the reference triangle. 10) cos. 11) sin.

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  14. 8.2: Simplifying Trigonometric Expressions with Identities

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  15. PDF Chapter 7: Trigonometric Equations and Identities

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  17. Trig Identities

    1) Reciprocal Identities. 2) Quotient Identities. 3) Pythagorean Identities. 4) Even/Odd Identities. 5) Double-Angle Formulas. While the other identities and formulas in the chart are good to know, they will not be essential to your success in our course. Trigonometric Identities and Formulas. Assignments.

  18. 7.5: Solving Trigonometric Equations

    Solution. We can solve this equation using only algebra. Isolate the expression tanx on the left side of the equals sign. 2(tanx) + 2(3) = 5 + tanx 2tanx + 6 = 5 + tanx 2tanx − tanx = 5 − 6 tanx = − 1. There are two angles on the unit circle that have a tangent value of − 1: θ = 3π 4 and θ = 7π 4.

  19. 100% Quiz: Trigonometric Half Angle Identities Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like For 0 ≤ ϴ < 2π , what are the solutions to sin^2(ϴ) = 2sin^2(ϴ/2)?, Which expression is equivalent to (tan(0/2)) (-sin 0)?, What is the exact value of sin(75°)? and more.

  20. Trigonometric equations and identities: Unit test

    Unit test. Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. Khan Academy is a nonprofit with the mission of providing a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

  21. 11.1 Basic Identities and Trig Algebra

    pdf. Download File. Application Walkthrough. 1.3 Rates of Change in Linear and Quadratic Functions. 1.11B Polynomial Long Division and Slant Asymptotes. 2.5.A Exponential Function Context and Data Modeling. 2.5.B Exponential Function Context and Data Modeling. 2.13A Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities.