January 9, 2014

Suction Science: How to Break a Ruler Using Air Pressure

Perform an apparent feat of strength with this impressive physics demonstration

By Education.com & Mack Levine

Key concepts Physics Gas Pressure Suction

Introduction Do you think you could break a wooden ruler using just the air around you? What about if you added a newspaper and just one hand? In this cool physics demonstration you'll use the sheer force of our atmosphere's pressure to break a ruler with nothing but newspaper and a single hand.

Background Our atmosphere is a blanket of gas nearly 125 kilometers thick, and just like all matter in the universe the air in our atmosphere, which is made up of molecules, has mass. Gravity pulls on anything that has mass—even when it's as "light" as air! And because we're standing underneath most of this mass, we experience this pressure as a result—we just don't notice it because it has always been there.

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So how does your body deal with the sheer force of this pressure? It produces its own internal pressure to push back. If you've ever noticed a buildup of pressure in your sinuses or inner ear while traveling to a higher altitude, that's because your body had initially filled these spaces with the right amount of air to match the atmospheric pressure you experience at a lower altitude. You may also know that you can hold your nose shut and forcibly exhale to "pop" your ears (which is not recommended!); this helps equalize the pressure in your skull with that of the surrounding atmosphere as the latter changes with altitude.

More pressure also causes a higher air molecule density—that is, more molecules are forced into a smaller space. This is why athletes tend to perform better at sea level: each breath of air contains more oxygen molecules. This pressure–density relationship works in reverse, too: changes in density affect pressure. As the density of a gas rises, the pressure it exerts rises; as density drops, the pressure drops. Keep this relationship in mind when conducting the following experiment.

Materials • Large, broadsheet newspaper • One to two thin wooden rulers or meter sticks that can be broken. (Avoid using plastic, and avoid using rulers that have a strip of metal embedded in them.) • Sturdy table

Procedure • Place your wooden ruler or meter stick on the table so that slightly less than half of its length extends over the edge of the table. (For example, if using a ruler, allow about five inches to extend over the edge of the table.) • Find a spot on the ruler located about three inches beyond the edge of the table. • Without bracing the other side of the ruler give this location on the protruding end of the ruler your best knife-hand, or karate, chop, making sure to strike with the soft part of your palm. (And watch out for the flying ruler!) Don't brace the ruler with your nondominant hand. What happens when you strike the ruler? Why do you think this is? Try to identify the various forces at play. • Pick the ruler up off the ground and set it on the edge of the table just like you did in the first step. • Next, unfold the newspaper and cover the portion of the ruler touching the table with two overlapping sheets. Smooth the newspaper out to reduce the number of air pockets present in the space between the table and the newspaper. (You definitely won't be able to create a totally airtight seal, but do your best!) Again, make sure the appropriate length of ruler extends over the edge of the table. • Find a spot on the ruler located about three inches beyond the edge of the table. What do you think will happen to the ruler now after you try "chopping" it? • Give the ruler your best strike. (Again, no bracing other than the flattened newspaper is allowed!). What happened to the ruler this time? Why do you think that is? • If the ruler didn't break, try it again, being sure to smooth out the newspaper well and to use a swift, strong chop. If it hurts your hand, ask an adult to volunteer to do the chopping. Observations and results If you struck the ruler firmly and sharply enough during the trial that utilized the sheets of newspaper, you should have been able to break it! Why? You likely inferred that it had something to do with the fact that the end of the ruler that lifts up off of the table has to lift the large sheet of newspaper with it. The newspaper itself isn't very heavy, but it has to push against a lot dense air, which resists changes in its motion (a concept known as inertia).

As you saw (and felt!) from this activity, gases in our atmosphere aren't total pushovers! You'll know this if you've ever stuck a cupped hand out the window of a moving car and tilted it against the air. The inertia of its individual molecules and the continuous collisions between those molecules prevent a gas from just flying out of the way when a solid object passes through it. In fact, scientists describe gases as viscous—they resist being deformed by other forces. Air isn't exactly molasses in this regard, but it's a force to be reckoned with, nonetheless.

An even more powerful force that counteracts the chop you exerted on the ruler is suction. Ever wonder how suction cups are able to stick so firmly? "Suction" can be a misleading concept. Instead of a "pull" you might want to think of it as a "push" that comes from atmospheric pressure. Think about it this way—at a given altitude, air pressure exerts the same amount of force on all exposed surfaces of an object. Air presses on every inch of our skin—it doesn't just press down on the tops of our skulls. This means every inch of your newspaper in contact with the air experiences the same amount of air pressure—that is, until the newspaper lifts up off of the table. Because air isn't able to move very quickly into the expanding space between the newspaper and the table, the molecules in that space have to temporarily occupy more room. So, the density in this space drops and the pressure decreases as a result. In effect, you're creating a partial vacuum (an area of low pressure) in the space between the newspaper and the table. When atmospheric pressure pushes back against this area of lower pressure, it counteracts the ruler’s rotation, causing it to snap in two!

More to explore “ Why Your Ears Pop (and What to Do if They Don't) ,” from Gizmodo Amazing Strength of Air , from Brusspup More Great Science Experiments to Conduct at Home , from Education.com Break a Ruler Using Newspaper and Atmospheric Pressure , from Education.com

This activity brought to you in partnership with  Education.com

Is that sheet of newspaper really that heavy?

the ruler

Gilla: Dela:

air pressure newspaper experiment

  • 1 newspaper
  • 1 ruler (or a similar item made of wood) - This will break!

air pressure newspaper experiment

Short explanation

Long explanation.

  • What happens if you change the size of the newspaper?
  • What is the biggest wooden item you can break with your newspaper?
Gilla: Dela:

air pressure newspaper experiment

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Rotating Earth

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air pressure newspaper experiment

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air pressure newspaper experiment


air pressure newspaper experiment

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air pressure newspaper experiment

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air pressure newspaper experiment

Steve Spangler

Heavy Paper-Exploring the Power of Air

A few pages of large paper and a yard or meter stick reveal atmospheric pressure in a surprising way.

Print this Experiment

air pressure newspaper experiment

Everyday you feel it but you don’t even know it’s pressing on you. You walk with it, you run with it, you sleep under it, and you keep ignoring it. Even as you read this, it’s pressing relentlessly down on you. The air in the atmosphere brings weight to bear on you every second but you’re used to it and don’t realize you’re dealing with it.

Experiment Videos

Here's What You'll Need

Yard or meter sticks (furring strips work), full newspaper pages (butcher paper works), work gloves, table with a straight edge, safety glasses, adult supervision, let's try it.

air pressure newspaper experiment

Place a yard or meter stick on a table so that half of it hangs over the edge.

air pressure newspaper experiment

Lay a page or two of the newspaper over the stick on the table like a blanket. The center fold of the paper should be on top of the stick and a long side of the paper should be flush with the edge of the table. Smooth the newspaper so there are no pockets of air under the paper.

air pressure newspaper experiment

Put on your glove to protect your hand and wear the safety glasses to protect your eyes. Use your hand to strike the protruding end of the stick with a sudden, sharp hit.

The flattened newspaper pretty much stays in place and holds the stick in place, too. You don’t have to break the stick to prove to yourself that there’s something besides gravity holding the paper on the table.

How Does It Work

The results of the activity demonstrate that the newspaper is difficult to lift when it’s spread out over a large area. What force other than gravity is exerted on the newspaper that could account for this? The answer is as simple as the air we breathe. It’s the pressure of the air weighing down on the newspaper that prevents the paper from rising and holds the stick in place under it.

It might be useful to picture a giant column of air weighing down on the newspaper. This column of air is about 250 miles (402 km) high and at sea level, it presses down with a force of 14.7 pounds per square inch (76 cmHg). In other words, each square inch  (or square centimeter) of the newspaper has 14.7 pounds (6.7 kg) sitting on it.

Take It Further

You can do this activity as a very interesting demonstration for a group. Besides, a little humor helps the audience and it always makes science more fun… if that’s even possible.

  • Place the stick on the table as before. Ask your spectators, “What will happen if I hit the end of the stick hanging over the edge of the table?” Make sure everyone is out of the way and smack the stick. Of course, the stick goes flying end over end as predicted.
  • Return the stick to the table again. “Let’s use a piece of newspaper to help hold the stick in place.” Show a single sheet of newspaper and fold it in half 3 or 4 times. Center the folded newspaper over the half of the stick on the table. Make sure it’s safe to do so and then hit the end of the stick. Once again, the stick goes flying and the paper flies off, too.
  • Finally, show your spectators a new, unfolded sheet of newspaper (or use two if you like) and use it to cover the half of the stick on the table, centered as before. Line it up with the table edge as before, too. “What will happen this time when I hit the stick?” You might anticipate answers like, “The newspaper will go flying” or “The sheet of newspaper will tear apart.” Smooth the newspaper and strike the stick as you did earlier. To everyone’s amazement, the stick either (1) breaks or, (2) lifts sharply off the table but flattens back immediately. Remind the audience that the weight of flat newspaper is exactly the same as the folded newspaper, yet the unfolded newspaper stayed in place and held down the stick. Take a bow and do the math for the skeptics!

A look at the numbers

If you know the area of the newspaper page, you can calculate the total pressure pushing on it. Say that the opened newspaper page measures 30″ x 23″ (76 x 58 cm). That area is 690 in² (4408 cm²). If each in² (2.5cm²) has a force of 14.7 pounds (6.7 kg) pushing on it, then 10,143 pounds (52, 454 cmHg) are holding it down! It’s no wonder the newspaper stayed in place when you hit the stick. Smoothing the newspaper prior to striking is an important step. You need to make certain there is no air trapped under the newspaper. It allows the paper to lift more when you strike the stick.

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Observing Air Pressure Weather Science Experiment

In this fun and easy science experiment, we’re going to explore and investigate weather by observing air pressure. 


  • Place the ruler on a table so that two inches hang over the edge.
  • Place a double sheet of newspaper over the ruler.
  • Align the edge of the newspaper with the edge of the table.
  • Strike the edge of the ruler.


How it Works:

When you strike the ruler, the newspaper will not move as the air pressure on the newspaper will hold it down. Air pressure is simply the weight of all the tiny air molecules that press down on you and the Earth. It is this air pressure, or weight of the air molecules, that hold down the newspaper. 



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Primary science investigations

  • 2 Air pressure and the antigravity bottle
  • 3 Air pressure, gases and the leaky bottle
  • 4 Dissolving, density and ‘heavy’ sugar
  • 5 Fizzy irreversible changes and bath bombs
  • 6 Irreversible changes and the ‘fire extinguisher’
  • 7 Irreversible changes and the ‘freaky hand’
  • 8 Properties of gases, air pressure and ‘sticky’ cups
  • 9 Properties of solids and ‘biscuit bashing’
  • 10 Viscosity and ‘racing’ liquids
  • 11 Freezing and the ‘intriguing ice’ experiment
  • 12 Liquids, gases and the ‘lava lamp’

Air pressure, gases and the leaky bottle

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Try this simple investigation to explore the effects of air pressure

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This experiment focuses on air pressure, and can help develop learners’ understanding of forces, gravity and the properties of air. Watch the video of the ‘leaky bottle’ demonstration below, and then find out how your learners can explore air pressure themselves using rulers and newspaper.

Learning objectives

  • To develop a simple definition of pressure in terms of force.
  • To develop an awareness that the air around us exerts pressure on the objects it comes into contact with.
  • To appreciate, through practical experimentation, that although air pressure is not often felt, its actions can be seen and explained.

Watch the video

The video below shows how to carry out the ‘leaky bottle’ demonstration.

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

Investigate gases and atmospheric pressure with the Leaky Bottle experiment.

Download the supporting materials

Set up and run the investigation with your class using the teacher notes and classroom slides, featuring a full equipment list, method, key words and definitions, questions for learners, FAQs and more.

  • Teacher notes

PDF  |  Editable Word document

Classroom slides

PDF  |  Editable PowerPoint document


What do learners need to know first?

Learners should already know that force is a push or a pull and that area is the space occupied by a flat shape or an object’s surface.

Equipment list

Leaky bottle demonstration (or per group if desired):.

  • Plastic water bottle with screw-top lid
  • Map/push pin
  • Plastic tray to catch excess water
  • Water to fill bottle

Main investigation (each group will need):

  • 30 cm ruler
  • Two identical sheets of newspaper
  • Clear table top with a straight edge

Additional resources

  • Investigate the affects of air pressure further in our anti-gravity bottle investigation or sticky cups investigation .
  • Read up on solids, liquids and gases in this  That’s Chemistry!  textbook chapter .
  • Introduce your learners to solids, liquids and gases with our  primary science podcast . 

Leaky bottle: teacher notes

Leaky bottle: classroom slides, additional information.

Primary science investigations were developed in collaboration with the Primary Science Teaching Trust

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Air pressure and the antigravity bottle

Photo of scrunched up newspaper balanced on a ruler

Dissolving, density and ‘heavy’ sugar

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Fizzy irreversible changes and bath bombs

Photo of seven lit tea lights in a glass bowl

Irreversible changes and the ‘fire extinguisher’

Photo of a jam jar, teaspoon, vinegar bottle and purple plastic glove

Irreversible changes and the ‘freaky hand’

Photo of a balloon stretched over the rim of a bottle

Properties of gases, air pressure and ‘sticky’ cups

Photo of equipment for the biscuit bashing investigation

Properties of solids and ‘biscuit bashing’

Photo of honey running off a honey dipper back into the jar

Viscosity and ‘racing’ liquids

Photo of salt on a spoon, held above a glass of water

Freezing and the ‘intriguing ice’ experiment

Photo of orange fizzy drink in a glass jug with a wooden ruler

Liquids, gases and the ‘lava lamp’

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Break a Ruler Using Newspaper and Atmospheric Pressure


Break a Ruler Using Newspaper and Atmospheric Pressure

In those rare moments when we actually think about the air around us, we typically think of the oxygen that allows us to breathe. But did you know that oxygen makes up only 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere? The rest is composed of nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, varying amounts of water vapor, and trace amounts of many other gases. These gasses form our atmosphere, a layer of air that is 80 miles thick. Like any type of matter, the gases in air have mass, and since Earth’s gravity causes the atmosphere to press down on the Earth’s surface, we call this force atmospheric pressure. Pressures are expressed in force per unit area. At sea level, the 80-mile column of air exerts a pressure of 15 lbs per square inch (psi). We don’t usually notice the earth’s atmosphere pressing down on us, because we’ve lived with it our entire lives! However, this cool science experiment can help us appreciate just how powerful air pressure is. How can we see and feel the power of air pressure? It is an educational content by education.com . By clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, you just have to join the website, which now is for FREE.

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Author Beth Touchette

Categories Ficha para imprimir, Experimento/Práctica, Física, 12-14 años, Science Fair - Education, Inglés add

Tags atmospheric pressure , newspaper , air pressure

Publication date 27 / 08 / 2020

License The original license is kept.

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Air Pressure Newspaper Experiment

Air Pressure Newspaper Experiment

Many of the versions in other books say to use a “ruler” but you should NOT use a ruler . Many rulers today have a wire edge. If the ruler breaks the wire edge can cut you or whoever hits the stick. I use wooden paint sticks that I get at lumber stores. They give the sticks out free and I can get dozens to use for this experiment. These sticks are also made of a fairly soft wood and work well for this experiment. If you are working with older students you should have them wear goggles. If they do break the stick the pieces can fly around. When I do this I move the students near the front of the class back and out of the way. Small children should not be hitting the stick hard attempting to break the stick. Their tiny hand bones could break. They can quickly push on the stick and feel the pressure. Above the paper there is actually about two tons of air (about 15 pounds per square inch.) It will move out of the way if the stick is pushed slowly, but can not move out of the way quickly.

In a high school class there is no shortage of students that want to come up to the front of the room and try to break the stick, but again be careful you do not want a student hurt by this experiment. I demonstrate this experiment first and have selected one or two students to try this. I warn them about the dangers of using some other wood which could be much stronger. You may want to try this first to see just how much force is required. It is not necessary to hit it so hard that the stick breaks to get the idea of the air pressure on the paper.

One time I had a large football player come up and he wanted to break the stick. His hands were large and muscular and I let him try. He completely missed the stick on the first try which cause a great deal of laughter. Of course he quickly tried again and easily broke the stick and redeemed his honor. In all of the experiments that I did in the classroom I tried to have some that were exciting but made every effort to keep them safe.

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20 Best Air Pressure Science Experiments / Science Fair Ideas

  • November 3, 2022
  • Science Experiments

We have put together a list of Air Pressure Science Experiments that is perfect for kids to try at home or to demonstrate their knowledge in a science fair .

These Air Pressure Science Experiments are a sure shot way of fun learning, experimenting, and exploring the fascinating forces of air pressure. These experiments can be conducted anywhere at home, playgrounds or outdoors .

Air Pressure Science Experiments

Before we step into our amazing experiments , let us learn a little about Air Pressure and its properties in words.

Air Pressure is the pressure created on the air molecules exerted by the air pressing down to the earth.

Generally, the air pressure is determined by three factors: Temperature , Moisture , and Altitude. Commonly air pressure is measured using a mercury barometer .

Air Pressure Experiment.

Here are the science activities or experiments to demonstrate Air Pressure to children.

1. Drinks Dispenser Science Activity

Drinks Dispenser Science Activity

We usually observe that Kids are curious about dispensing liquids out of the bottles while adults do the same at parties or in the home. Why don’t we let them prepare their own drinks dispenser! Check out whether our experiment helps our kids in making drinks dispensers in no time and with fewer materials.

Click Drinks Dispenser Science Activity to get all the details before you start investigating.

2. Hot Air Cold Air Science Activity

Hot Air Cold Air Science Activity

Performing this science activity is a perfect opportunity for the kids to understand the concept of cold and hot air. In addition, they will get the chance to talk about what is actually happening with the water and air together and to explore the reason or science behind it.

Click on Hot Air Cold Air Science Activity

3. Egg in the bottle Air Pressure Science Experiment

Egg in the bottle Air Pressure Science Experiment

An interesting and entertaining science activity with eggs to understand the differences in air pressure!! Kids, get ready to perform this activity and amaze your friends and family.

For more details about the cool science experiment on air pressure: Browse Egg in the Bottle Air Pressure Science Experiment

4. Oxygen and Air Pressure Experiment

Oxygen and Air Pressure Experiment

We cannot see the air but we always feel the pressure of the air around us on everything!! Great experiment with a better explanation, demonstration, and appropriate result. It works effectively to start homeschooling with your kids as the little magical trick explains clearly how air pressure works with oxygen.

It is better to browse the experiment once before you start the experiment: Click on Oxygen and Air Pressure Experiment

5. Newton’s Law of Motion Air Pressure Experiment

Newton’s Law of Motion Air Pressure Experiment

This is a fun science experiment for preschoolers and kindergartens to explore Air science in a wonderful way!! Kids can perform this cool activity on their own and be amazed to see the magical results of the experiment.

Grab the materials here and get ready to explore air pressure: Newton’s Law of Motion Air Pressure Experiment

6. Balloon in a Bottle : Air Pressure Experiment

Balloon in a Bottle: Air Pressure Experiment

This is a simple experiment that shows how Air Pressure works.

Objective: Kids learn how air and air pressure are able to expand a balloon and can have a great demonstration of air pressure.

For more details about the balloon in a bottle: air pressure Browse Balloon in a Bottle: Air Pressure Experiment

7. Balloon and Pin Experiment

Balloon and Pin Experiment

Here is an interesting experiment that shows you can make an un-poppable balloon.

A sharp object is a bad friend to an inflated balloon because it lets the balloon pop upon contact! But a pack of the same sharp object becomes a great friend to the same balloon.

Are you interested in learning about what the magical science around balloons and pins? Let’s dive into the Balloon and Pin Experiment (Air Pressure Experiment for Kids)

8. How to Put a Skewer Through a Balloon: Science Fair Project

How to put a skewer through a balloon

Do you think an inflated balloon pops out when you insert a skewer into it, as always? Of course, Yes!

But there is a simple trick to insert a sharp-ended skewer into the balloon without blasting it. Let’s learn about this Non-popping balloon experiment.

Though it appears easy, you may not succeed in one or two attempts.

Let’s try this interesting experiment How to Put a Skewer Through a Balloon

9. Crushing Can Experiment: Effect of Atmospheric Pressure

Crushing Can Experiment: Effect of Atmospheric Pressure

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Let’s work on this interesting experiment Crushing Can Experiment: Effect of Atmospheric Pressure

10. Drip Drop Bottle-Water Bottle Pressure Experiment

Drip Drop Bottle-Water Bottle Pressure Experiment

Are you aware of the magic water bottles? We are going to perform a very simple ‘Drip Drop Water Bottle Pressure Experiment’, which helps us to make the ‘Magic Water Bottle’.

Let’s check it out by clicking Drip Drop Bottle-Water Bottle Pressure Experiment

11. How to Build a Fast Balloon Powered Car

How to Build a Fast Balloon Powered Car

This one is an awesome engineering project, ‘Build a Balloon Powered Car’. In this project, we are going to learn about Newton’s Third Law and how it is applied to design propulsion vehicles such as cars or rockets, etc.

Let’s try this by clicking How to Build a Fast Balloon Powered Car

12. How To Make a Balloon Hovercraft

How To Make a Balloon Hovercraft

Hovercrafts might be old-fashioned means of transport, but they offer a ton of fun and education to children as a science fair project.

Today, we will learn about creating a ‘homemade version of hovercraft’ using just an old CD and a balloon.

Trying this by visiting How To Make a Balloon Hovercraft

13. Air Pressure Hands-on Experiments for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers

Air Pressure Hands-on Experiments

It is a little tricky to explain the concept of air pressure to the kids who are preschoolers and homeschoolers!!

Click the link below to find the two experiments back to back demonstrating air pressure in a simple and neat way.

To know the instructions and materials required to perform these experiments: Click here, Air Pressure Hands-on Experiments for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers

14. How does a paper towel stay dry Science Experiment?

Paper towel stays dry Science Experiment

Extremely easy activity to perform by your young kids. If you are a teacher or a parent, this simple science activity is perfect to introduce air pressure to the younger children in an entertaining way.

Get the details of the simple and fun activity that demonstrates air pressure here: How does a paper towel stay dry Science Experiment?

15. Air Pressure Experiment – Bernoulli Principle

Air pressure Experiment - Bernoulli Principle

A perfect experiment to understand Bernoulli Principle in an easy and neat way. Just an empty squash bottle is enough to investigate this experiment in simple steps. Wondered!? Browse the experiment to make your children WOW by the magical results it gives.

Find the full experiment details here: Air Pressure Experiment – Bernoulli Principle

16. Floating Plate Experiment using Atmospheric Pressure

Floating Plate Experiment using Atmospheric Pressure

This floating plate experiment is specially designed for parents and teachers to explain atmospheric pressure to the kids in a clear way. This experiment provides you with crystal clear explanations of the basics along with some fun activities.

Let us try this experiment without any hassles: Click here, Floating Plate Experiment using Atmospheric Pressure

17. Smaller Balloon Stronger Balloon Experiment

Smaller Balloon Stronger Balloon Experiment

With this experiment, we are going to explore science and maths together in a brilliant way using simple ingredients available at home. Ask your children to connect two different-sized balloons and predict which way the air flows and why! Analyze their conclusions and teach them the appropriate science behind the experiment.

If you also find it interesting, then click here to know more details on how to perform the experiment: Smaller Balloon Stronger Balloon Experiment

18. Air Pressure Experiment using Straws and Tennis Ball

air pressure newspaper experiment

This is a fun and classic experiment to demonstrate air pressure to the children in an easy way!! Ball in the air keeps children engaged and entertained while learning Air Pressure Science.

Have a look at the experiment here: Air Pressure Experiment using Straws and Tennis Ball

19. Coin Poppers Science Experiment

Coin Poppers Science Experiment

Easy science experiment to demonstrate air pressure using coins! For young kids, this experiment is like a play while experimenting with coins. But can you use any type of coin!? How do coins demonstrate air pressure? Get the answers to all your questions from the experiment disclosed in detail here: Coin Poppers Science Experiment

20. Exploring Air and Air Pressure Science Experiment

Exploring Air and Air Pressure Science Experiment

A remarkable experiment to investigate the relation between air and air pressure. Best demonstration experiment for teachers to show children on after school classes about air pressure. Kids will get to know about the air and its properties in a simple way!!

Get the complete details here: Exploring Air and Air Pressure Science Experiment

Hope you have got a handful of the best and classic science experiments that clearly demonstrates Air Pressure. All the experiments are safe, easy-to-perform, easy-to-clean, and learning activities with simple steps and materials available in the home.

Air Pressure Experiments for Kids

Kids also will get to analyze the air properties and how it works on different objects around us in real life. Grab it and experiment hassle-free! Happy Experiments!!


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Air Pressure Experiments

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The Cartesian Diver

The buoyant force and gravity compete to determine where the Cartesian Diver goes:

You will need 1) A plastic soft drink bottle full of water and its lid 2) Plasticine 3) A Cup 4) A pen lid. A transparent one works best.

1) The pen lid will have a hole in it where the pen goes. Stick some plasticine around the hole, so that if you place it in water it will float with the hole pointing down and the tip just barely above the surface. If your pen lid has a hole in the tip, block it off with plasticine. If you are as equiptment challenged as i was when I filmed the video of this, you can experiment with hair ties, and rubber bands to weight the cap. Don't block the hole in the bottom of the pen lid. 2) Use the water in the cup to test if it is floating correctly.

3) Fill the bottle with water, right to the top.

4) Place the Diver in the bottle - make sure he stays right way up so he doesn't fill with water.

5) Screw the lid on the bottle. If the diver sinks as you screw the lid on, then it just a little too heavy - remove a tiny bit of the plasticine from the diver. What Happens When You Squeeze the Bottle? Squeeze the bottle and the diver will sink. Release the bottle and the diver will float. Dont forget to check out the video of the Cartesian Diver in Action Be careful: If the bottle is shaken or turned upside-down, the bubble can escape the diver. You will need to take the diver out, shake the water out of it and return it to the bottle. You can pour the water into a bucket and then pour it back into the bottle

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Antigravity Water

How can you turn a full glass upside down and not spill the water? Turn a glass of water upside down and the water always falls out. Gravity pulls the water towards the earth, right? Is there a way to turn the class upside down without it spilling out?

What You Will Need

1) Large Bowl of Water 2) Food Coloring

3) Small Clear cup

1) Make sure you’re doing this somewhere a spill wont cause a problem – there is a reasonable chance that water will hit the ground during this experiment. 2) Mix food coloring through the water.

3) Submerge the cup in the bowl, right way up so that it fills with water.

4) Keeping it fully submerged, turn the glass upside down.

5) Slowly lift the glass, but don’t lift the top of the glass above the surface of the water.

6) Now, carefully, see what happens. Watch the video of the Antigravity Water in action

Why does the Water stay inside the glass? When you lift the base of the cup above the surface of the water, gravity tries to pull it back into the bowl. However, the pressure of the air pushing down on the surface of the water forces it to remain in the cup. The atmospheric pressure at the surface of the earth can support a column of water approximately 10 meters high – above that height, even the pressure differential between the air and the vacuum that forms above the column when if drops cannot overcome the weight of the water.

When you lift the glass above the surface, the air can get in to the top of the glass by easily letting the water fall, so the glass empties.

A Balloon that won’t Burst!

If you push a pin, or a skewer or some other sharp object into a balloon, it bursts. Well, actually, I can think of two cases where it won’t burst:

1) If the balloon isn’t inflated (ok, that’s a bit silly, but it turns out that it’s to the point). If you poke a hole in an empty balloon, then there is no explosion, no “bang” and no little pieces of rubber everywhere. This seems to fit the description of the balloon not bursting.

2) This is the more surprising case. Take you uninflated balloon and blow it up, but don’t blow it up too far. Once you have got a few breaths into it, pinch shut the end and examine the balloon. You’ll notice that around the opening and around another point roughly straight across the balloon from there, the rubber is unstretched. You can tell it’s unstretched, because unlike the rest of the balloon, it is not translucent (i.e. it doesn’t let any light through), as rubber stretches, it gets thinner (just like if you stretch a piece of gum) and when it gets thin enough, it starts letting light through. If you poke a needle or some other sharp object into these dark areas, the balloon will not burst. In my experience, I’ve found that barbeque type skewers work very well, with the added advantage that you can usually work them right through the balloon and out the other dark patch. The balloon does have a hole in tit now, and if you listen closely, you’ll be able to hear the air escaping it, especially if you pull the sharp object out again, but in many ways it keeps the properties of a balloon. The most important property for us is “burstability” because the people you show this too are going to want proof that it’s not a trick balloon: so while the balloon is still skewered, poke it with another skewer, on the thin side. It should burst nicely.

Why doesn’t this balloon burst? Why do balloons burst anyway? Balloons are made of rubber, which is an elastic material, meaning, if you stretch it, it pulls back. In order to make a hole in the balloon, you need to push the skewer into the side of the balloon until the rubber in front of the point is so stretched that it breaks. Then two things can happen – either the balloon bursts, or it doesn’t. If the rubber you’re poking through is generally unstretched (like the end of an inflated balloon or an uninflated one), then the stretching due to the skewer is in a sense “local”, that is, only the rubber very close to the point is stretched and breaks., the rest of the rubber remains outstretched and holds together.

Around the hole the skewer made is a number of little cracks and tears in rubber. If the rubber is slack, these don’t spread and the balloon stays together. On the other hand, if the rubber is stretched, then it pulls on these cracks and tears and makes them larger and larger. Some of these tears very quickly become large enough that the balloon falls to pieces. This is when you burst a balloon by making a small hole in it, you still often end up with the balloon looking like it was torn to pieces.

Another way to prevent these tears catastrophically increasing is to reinforce the balloon in some other way. For example, if you put a strip of sticky tape on the balloon and carefully pierce the balloon through the tape, the tape should hold the tears together and kept he balloon in one piece.

But where does the bang come from?

The balloon is full of air at high pressure, held in by the balloon. Once the balloon is gone, there is nothing holding in the air, so it tries to spread out and equalize the pressure everywhere. This cannot happen instantaneously, so a “wave” of high pressure air spreads out from the balloon. Waves of high pressure air are exactly what sound is, so when this high pressure hits your ears, it “makes the bang”.

High pressure air balloon rockets and momentum.

It is the pressure of the air inside that holds the rubber sides of a balloon out, so it’s fun to play with. Balloons also give us another way to look at our last idea – air will try to move so that it equalizes any variation in pressure – when you blow up a balloon, but don’t tie off the end, the air will rush out so that the pressure inside and outside will be equal. When the air rushes out the end of the balloon, it makes the balloon shoot forward – another interesting effect called conservation of momentum – one of the most fundamental physics laws in the universe. Momentum is measure of how much “motion” an object possesses. In a sense, it is momentum that determines how hard a thrown ball hits your hand. A ball that is moving fast will hit harder than a ball moving slowly. A heavy medicine ball will hit harder than a baseball (going the same speed). Physicists have conducted hundreds of thousands of these collision experiments and determined that moment (which is equal to mass times velocity) is never created nor destroyed. When you catch a ball, its momentum is transferred to your hand – if you’ve caught a ball moving fast enough, you’ll have noticed that it pushes your hand backwards, which pushes your body backwards. You don’t go flying back as fast as the ball for two reasons: 1) you’re much heavier than the ball, so the velocity it gives you is much smaller than the velocity it had, and 2) the friction between you and the ground transfers the momentum into the earth, which is so heavy that the momentum going into it is unnoticeable (and pretty much cancel out the momentum taken from it by the person who through the ball in the first place)

Sucking Water Through a Straw - Air Pressure and Fluids If you lower the pressure in your mouth, the air pushes the top of the water up the straw!

When you suck water through a straw, what happens? First we need to talk about pressure. The gas molecules that make up air wiz around and bump into things. Like a ball bouncing against a wall (or your hand) when the gas bumps into things, it pushes against them. This pushing is exactly what we mean by pressure – and even if you think you’ve never experienced, I’ll bet if we think about it a little, I can convince you of this. Let’s try a little experiment

1) Take a deep breath 2) Breath out slowly and steadily through your mouth

3) Before you’ve finished breathing close your mouth – but don’t let the air out through your nose either, but continue blowing out against the inside of your cheeks Feel something pushing your cheeks out and trying to part your lips? That is air pressure. When you’ve got your mouth open, the air on the in and out sides of yourcheeks will be at the same pressure – so the air outside will push in with the same force as the air inside pushes out – so you won’t feel anything, but when your ribs squeeze the air out of your lungs, there’s more air jammed into the same space within your mouth – so it’s like having two or three or twenty (depending on how strong your lungs are) times as many balls bouncing against the inside walls – the pushing out is stronger than the pushing in, which stretches out your cheeks. Another example of this is a balloon – the pressure of the air inside holds the rubber sides of a balloon out, so it’s fun to play with. Balloons also let us into another important idea – air will try to move so that it equalizes any variation in pressure – when you blow up a balloon, but don’t tie off the end, the air will rush out so that the pressure inside and outside will be equal. When the air rushes out the end of the balloon, it makes the balloon shoot forward – another interesting effect called conservation of momentum – one of the most fundamental physics laws in the universe. But it’s the tendency to equalize pressure variations that helps us drink through straws.

Now let’s try the reverse of our last experiment – keeping your mouth closed, suck your cheeks in. Your lungs are expanding, reducing the amount of air in your mouth – now it is the air outside that wins in the contest to push you r cheeks. But as you suck your cheeks in, air will sneak in to your mouth, pushing your lips apart to do so. Air is that determined to bring back the equality of pressure, that it will move parts of your body!

So how is this related to drinking? When you suck through a straw, you’re doing exactly the same thing – but instead of pushing your cheeks in, the air outside has found a better way to get into your mouth – by pushing down on the top of your drink so that it shoots up the straw into your mouth. In order to get into your mouth, the air is willing to push all the drink in your glass all the way up to your mouth!

When Two Straws are Worse Than One Here’s another experiment 1) put two straws in your mouth 2) Place the other end of one of the straws in your drink, but leave the second straw in the air

3) Try to drink!

You’ll notice that no matter how hard you try to suck up the drink, all you end up getting is a mouthful of air from the second straw. Although nature is determined to equalize the pressures, it’s lazy – pushing air up through the free straw is much easier than pushing fluid, so only air flows into your mouth.

4) now, if you were lucky, or especially clever, at the last step, you might have succeeded at getting a drink – if you use part of your lip, or your tongue to seal the end of the free straw tightly, air will no longer be able to go up that straw, and you’ll be able to drink 5) Challenge others to “two straw drinking races” – but don’t tell them the secret. Use this to impress your friends, family and coworkers

A subtler version of this trick is to make a very tiny hole (or have an adult make the hole if you’re not allowed to use knives) in the side of a drinking straw about half way up. Now, if you try to drink with this straw (with the new hole outside your mouth and above the top of the drink) , you’ll find that you just get air – now try it with your finger over the hole

Water The Magic Can - a demonstration of pressure

Supplies: 1) Small coffee can 2) Coffee can lid The pushing force of air is called air pressure. The closer you are to Earth, the greater the air pressure. The farther away from Earth (in other words the higher your altitude), the less the air pressure. And remember, pressure is coming from all around us.

What to do: 1) Take the coffee can and punch 3 small holes in the bottom. Also punch one hold in the plastic lid. 2) Now fill the coffee about 1/2 full of water and put the lid on. 3) Place your hand over the hole and press down on the lid. Notice how the water streams out of the holes on the bottom due to the pressure you are exerting on the lid. 4) Now slowly stop applying pressure to the lid. Notice how the stream of water stops. You can stop and start the flow of water simply by removing you finger from the hole. (Now would be a good time to hand the can to one of your parents...) 5) When you filled the can only half full, you left some space empty. This space actually was not empty - it was filled with air. Pressure on the lid exerted pressure on this air which in turn exerted pressure on the water forcing it out of the can. When you stop pressing on the lid, and leave your finger over the hole, the pressure of the air outside the can holds the water up from the bottom.

SMALL SMOKE-RING CANNONS Many years ago WHAM-O sold a plastic air-puff gun. The puffs of air could fly across a room and knock over cardboard targets.

It turns out that this gun used ring-vortices, or "invisible smoke rings" as its ammunition. Also turns out that smoke-ring guns are extremely easy to make.

What you need:

1) A soup can

2) A piece of cardboard

3) A balloon

What to do:

1) Take a soup can, cut out the top and bottom, tape a piece of cardboard over one end, and cut a 1" hole in the center of the cardboard.

2) snip a balloon in half and stretch it across the other end.

3) When you gently whack the covered end of your vortex launcher, a transparent ring of spinning air will shoot out of the hole. Aim the device at your face or arm, and you'll feel the puff of air when it hits your skin.

4) The vortex rings can be made visible with a bit of smoke. I use stick incense, and just shove the end of the stick into the hole for awhile (don't set the cardboard on fire!!)

5) Tap the bottom gently, and slowly spinning smoke rings will be launched. Tap it hard, and the smoke rings will zoom so fast that you'll only see a grey blur. Tap it too hard and you generate air turbulence but no smoke rings.

To see the details of the smoke rings it helps to have bright lights and a dark background. Work in a darkened room while placing your device between you and a bright table lamp. The light should shine towards you, through the smoke, but position things so you observe the smoke against a darkened wall. Smoke rings are similar to tornadoes, but the ends of the tornado is curved around so its ends are joined into a circle. Try shooting slow rings then immediately shoot faster ones. The faster ones will catch up to the slower ones and move through them (the slower ones open wider to allow the fast ones to pass.) Rather than using smoke, you could instead use scent. Any fumes in the can will end up inside the air in the smoke ring. Try putting perfume in the can. When you launch your ring vortices, they will be invisible. But if you target a distant nose, your victim will know when they've been hit.

More Air Pressure Experiments

Two Separate Experiments:

First experiment:

First we'll show that there is air pressure pushing on us, from every direction while we're on this Earth.

You will need:

1) Newspaper,

2) ACE' hardware yardstick (1/8" thick)

3) a flat table

1) Place a thin yardstick on a flat table with a little less than half of it hanging off of the edge of the table.

2) Place a sheet of newspaper over the yardstick flat against the table (have as little air as possible under the paper) so that the fold line of the newspaper is at the yardstick.

3) Quickly strike the end of the yardstick hanging off the edge of the table. If you strike it quick enough, the yardstick will break near the table edge. The Earth is covered in a layer of air that is nearly 80 miles thick and at sea level (the bottom) exerts or 'pushes' almost 15 pounds of pressure per square inch. That means that a full sheet of newspaper laid out flat has nearly 9,300 pounds of air above it. When you break the yardstick above, you are able to break it because of that 'heavy' air pushing down on the paper while you quickly strike the yardstick. Initially, the table is pushing back on the paper, and if you move the yardstick quick enough, other air around the edges of the paper can't get under the paper fast enough, so you are trying to lift that 9,300 pounds with the yardstick! Some air gets under the paper, but not enough, so the yardstick breaks.

Second Experiment:

Now, we're going to make a balloon 'rocket' that shoots along a kite string.

1) Kite string

2) plastic straws

3) balloons

4) cellophane or masking tape

1) Cut a plastic straw in half and tie a length of string (at least 20 feet long is more fun) between two chairs or something.

2) Before you tie the second knot in the string, slip the straw on to the string. Try to get the string fairly tight (the two chairs work well because you can pull the chairs apart to get the string tight).

3) Blow up a balloon, but don't tie off the end and tape it to the straw so that it resembles the drawing below.

4) Let go of the balloon and the 'rocket' should shoot along the string (very quickly) towards the other chair. Try a different kind of balloon!

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What is the Bernoulli Principle?

April 29, 2013 By Emma Vanstone 3 Comments

This experiment is a super easy air pressure activity to demonstrate the  Bernoulli Principle .

What is Bernoulli’s principle?

Bernoulli’s principle states that the pressure of a fluid decreases as its velocity increases.

Bernoulli Principle Demonstration

What you need:.

A large empty water bottle bottle

A rolled-up ball of paper, small enough to sit inside the mouth of the bottle.

Plastic bottle and a ball of paper to demonstrate Bernoullis Principle

How to demonstrate the Bernoulli Principle with a bottle and paper

Place the bottle on the edge of a table and put the ball of paper inside.

Try to blow the paper into the bottle.

The ball will wiggle around and shoot back out towards you.

What’s happening?

One of the principles that help to keep aeroplanes in the sky also applies to this neat little experiment. The key point is that moving air is at a lower pressure than still air. This is the Bernoulli Principle .

In the case of the water bottle, you can’t blow any more air into the bottle as it is already full of air!

When you try to blow into the bottle, the air is deflected around the sides (very little moves past the piece of paper). This means that the air pressure in front of the ball of paper is lower than behind, and so the paper flies out.

Aeroplane wings are specially shaped so that air travels faster over the top of the wing than over the bottom surface. Again, the pressure is lower above than below, and the wing is “pushed” upward by the higher-pressure air – called lift. The faster the plane moves forward, the bigger the lift it experiences.

Diagram of the Bernoulli Principle showing air flow over wings and areas of high and low pressure.

Who was Daniel Bernoulli?

Daniel Bernoulli ( 1700-1782 ) was a brilliant Swiss mathematician and physicist who was born in the Netherlands and later moved to Switzerland. Daniel came from a family of scientists. His father, Johann, was an early developer of calculus, and his uncle Jacob made valuable contributions to the theory of probability .

Daniel Bernoulli’s major contributions to science include working on the kinetic theory of gases, measurement of risk and The Bernoulli Effect .

More about air pressure

Use air pressure to make an egg drop into a jar .

Make your own bottle rocket .

Find out how to measure atmospheric air pressure by making a barometer .

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

May 01, 2013 at 1:29 pm

This looks like so much fun. I can see why your son was in fits of giggles. I’m going to try this with my son tomorrow. We’ve been doing lots of science experiments lately and he’s going to love this one. Thanks.

' src=

February 23, 2014 at 10:00 am

good and short experiment

' src=

January 10, 2017 at 4:52 am

So, I waited until almost midnight the night before I was to do an experiment about air pressure with my kids, only to find I had none of the stuff required. Thank you for saving my bacon!

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Sciensation hands-on experiment for school: Weight of air ( physics, air pressure, forces)

Tap on a ruler sticking out under a newspaper,…

Sciensation hands-on experiment for school: Weight of air ( physics, air pressure, forces)

…and the same ruler with the newspaper scrambled to a ball.

Sciensation hands-on experiment for school: Weight of air ( physics, air pressure, forces)

Do you note any difference?

air pressure newspaper experiment

Weight of air

Air has a low density, but there is a lot of it above us: it adds up to almost a ton of air on your shoulders. So why does the air not crush us? Let your students find out in this simple experiment.

If your time allows, you could combine this experiment with 'The invisible force within (a balloon)' .

Air exerts a significant pressure (force per area) on objects.

Air exerts a force in all directions, so that the net force on objects surrounded and filled with air is zero.

As seen in the photos, place a sheet of newspaper on the edge of the table and slide a ruler under it, so that about 1/4 of its length sticks out. Then tap with one finger on the ruler. Next scramble the paper to a ball, put it back on the ruler, and repeat the experiment.

1. What difference do you feel when tapping on the ruler in the two situations?

2. What force counters your force in the first case, i.e. why do the ruler and the paper stay on the table?

Does air have mass? › Yes. It has mass and weight.

Does air only pressure downwards? › No. The air exerts a pressure in all directions.

In what direction does the air exert force on the paper ball? › The paper ball experiences the force from all sides, so that it practically cancels out (otherwise it would be blown from the ruler).

Is there also air pressing against the flat sheet of paper from below? › Yes. However, if you tap the ruler to lift the paper, the air can't flow in under the sheet fast enough to cancel the pressure from above.

The air's weight on the newspaper exerts a force that one can feel when tapping on the ruler. If the same newspaper is scrambled to a ball (or you move the ruler so slow that air can enter below the newspaper), the air exerts force from all sides on it, including from below, and there is no net force holding the paper and the ruler down.

After you have explained the concept of air pressure and the unit Pascal ( 1 Pa = 1 N/m 2 ), you can encourage your students to measure the atmospheric pressure with a barometer and calculate the weight of the air on the newspaper. They should find that the weight per square centimeter corresponds to about 1 kg , or more than a ton for an DIN A3 paper format.

The invisible force within (a balloon)

Draining race

Flying with both Bernoulli and Newton

Feeling pressure

Feel your voice

Education Corner

Top 10 Air Pressure Experiments: Fun & Easy

Photo of author

Are you ready to be blown away by some exciting air pressure experiments?

Air pressure experiments can be a great way to spark students’ interest in science and encourage them to explore the world around them.

These hands-on experiments help students better understand the properties of air and how it behaves under different conditions, such as changes in pressure or temperature.

1. Balloon-Powered DIY Drink Dispenser

Get ready to impress your guests with your very own balloon-powered drink dispenser and discover the amazing potential of air pressure!

This experiment showcases the principles of air pressure and fluid dynamics, making it an excellent opportunity for students and science enthusiasts to learn about these fundamental concepts in a fun and engaging way.

2. Make A Bottle Rocket

Make A Bottle Rocket

Get ready for lift-off with this exciting experiment that will have you launching your very own bottle rocket! By harnessing the power of air pressure, you can create a simple yet thrilling rocket that flies high into the sky.

Learn more: Make a Bottle Rocket

3. Flying Ping-Pong

Bernoulli’s Principle

With one hand, place the ping-pong ball over the paper cone you’ve made, and with the other, blow a steady stream of air to cause the ball to levitate.

By gaining an understanding of Bernoulli’s principle, students can unlock the potential to design and create innovative solutions to real-world problems in a variety of fields.

Learn more: Bernoulli Principle for Kids

4. Air Pressure and Bottle

Get ready to witness a mind-blowing experiment that showcases the power of air pressure! By simply making a small hole in a plastic bottle and filling it with water, you can witness the incredible effects of air pressure at work.

5. Air-Powered Lift

Get ready to amaze your friends with this exciting experiment! With just a glass, a candle, and a plate, you can lift the plate using nothing but the power of air pressure.

6. Egg in a Bottle

With this exciting experiment using just a bottle, learn about the strength of air pressure! You may produce a variety of fascinating and unexpected effects by adjusting the air pressure inside the bottle.

7. Balloon Air Pressure Experiments

Balloon Air Pressure Experiments

With this exciting experiment using just a bottle, learn about the strength of air pressure! You may produce a variety of fascinating and bizarre outcomes by regulating the air pressure inside the bottle.

Learn more: Balloon in a Bottle

8. Weather: Measuring Air Pressure

Get ready to become a meteorologist with this fascinating experiment that allows you to measure air pressure and predict changes in the weather!

By using a simple barometer made from a glass jar, a balloon, and a straw, you can measure changes in air pressure and use them to predict changes in the weather.\

9. Can Crush

The Can Crush experiment is a great demonstration of the effects of air pressure and it can be a fun and engaging activity for students.

10. DIY Model Lungs-Air Pressure Experiment

The balloon lung experiment is a fascinating demonstration that combines the principles of air pressure and the mechanics of the respiratory system.

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Daily STREAM Activity: Air Pressure

Experiment with air pressure! This can be done anywhere using a Ziploc bag, 2 sponges and straw.

Activity best for children ages 3 and up (with adult supervision!)

  • Two sponges
  • Cotton ball

Place two sponges inside a Ziploc bag. 

Place a straw in-between the sponges with one end inside the bag and the other end sticking outside the bag. 

Seal the Ziploc bag with tape.

Blow into the straw to inflate the bag.

Test it out! Use a pom pom, cotton ball, or another light weight object and press down on the bag with the straw facing your object.

Build two air pressure machines and have a race. Which objects are faster? 

Be sure to share your air pressure experiments with us on Instagram by tagging @sdcdm320 . 

Do you have questions about this activity? Email [email protected]

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The difference in pressure as height increases.

The scientific unit of pressure is the Pascal (Pa), named after Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). One pascal equals 0.01 millibar or 0.00001 bar. Meteorology has used the millibar for air pressure since 1929.

When a change was made to scientific units in the 1960s, many meteorologists preferred to keep the magnitude they were used to and added a prefix "hecto" (h), meaning 100. Therefore, 1 hectopascal (hPa) equals 100 Pa, which equals 1 millibar. 100,000 Pa equals 1000 hPa which equals 1000 millibars.

Although the units use to in meteorology may be different, their numerical value remains the same. The standard pressure at sea-level is 1013.25 in both millibars (mb) and hectopascal (hPa).

The number of molecules in the atmosphere decreases with height.

The atoms and molecules that make up the various layers of the atmosphere are constantly moving in random directions. Despite their tiny size, when they strike a surface, they exert a force on that surface in what we observe as pressure.

Each molecule is too small to feel and only exerts a tiny bit of force. However, when we sum the total forces from the large number of molecules that strike a surface each moment, then the total observed pressure can be considerable.

Air pressure can be increased or decreased in one of two ways. First, simply adding molecules to a container will increase the pressure because a larger number of molecules will increase the number of collisions with the container's boundary. This is observed as an increase in pressure.

A good example of this is adding or subtracting air in an automobile tire. By adding air, the number of molecules increases, as does the total number of the collisions with the tire's inner boundary. The increased number of collisions increases the pressure and forces the tire to expand in size.

The second way of changing air pressure is by the addition or subtraction of heat. Adding heat to a container can transfer energy to air molecules. Heated molecules move with increased velocity, striking the container's boundary with greater force, which is observed as an increase in pressure.

Learning Lesson:   Heavy Air

Since molecules move in all directions, they can even exert air pressure upwards as they smash into object from underneath. In the atmosphere, air pressure can be exerted in all directions.

In the International Space Station, the density of the air is maintained so that it is similar to the density at the Earth's surface, 14.7 pounds per square inch.

Learning Lesson:  A Pressing Engagement

Learning Lesson:   Going with the Flow

Back on Earth, as elevation increases, the number of molecules decreases and the density of air therefore is less, which means there is a decrease in air pressure. In fact, while the atmosphere extends hundreds of miles up, one half of the air molecules in the atmosphere are contained within the first 18,000 feet (5.6 km).

This decrease in pressure with height makes it very hard to compare the air pressure at ground level from one location to another, especially when the elevations of each site differ. Therefore, to give meaning to the pressure values observed at each station, we convert the station air pressures reading to a value with a common denominator.

The common denominator we use is the sea-level elevation. At observation stations around the world, the air pressure reading, regardless of the observation station elevation, is converted to a value that  would  be observed if that instrument were located at sea level.

The two most common units in the United States to measure the pressure are "Inches of Mercury" and "Millibars". Inches of mercury refers to the height of a column of mercury measured in hundredths of inches. This is what you will usually hear from the NOAA Weather Radio or from your favorite weather or news source. At sea level, standard air pressure is 29.92 inches of mercury.

Millibars comes from the original term for pressure: "bar". Bar is from the Greek "báros", meaning weight. A millibar is 1/1000th of a bar and is approximately equal to 1000 dynes (one dyne is the amount of force it takes to accelerate an object with a mass of one gram at the rate of one centimeter per second squared). Millibar values used in meteorology range from about 100 to 1050. At sea level, standard air pressure in millibars is 1013.2. Weather maps showing the pressure at the surface are drawn using millibars.

Although the changes are usually too slow to observe directly, air pressure is almost always changing. This change in pressure is caused by changes in air density, and air density is related to temperature.

Warm air is less dense than cooler air because the gas molecules in warm air have a greater velocity and are farther apart than in cooler air. So, while the average altitude of the 500 millibar level is around 18,000 feet (5,600 meters) the actual elevation will be higher in warm air than in cold air.

How temperature effects the height of pressure.

Learning Lesson:   Crunch Time

The most basic change in pressure is the twice daily rise and fall due to the heat from the sun. Each day, the pressure is at its lowest around 4 a.m./p.m., and at its highest around 10 a.m./p.m. The magnitude of the daily cycle is greatest near the equator, decreasing toward the poles.

On top of the daily fluctuations are the larger pressure changes as a result of the migrating weather systems. These weather systems are identified by the blue H's and red L's seen on weather maps.

Learning Lesson:   Measure the Pressure: The "Wet" Barometer

How are changes in weather related to changes in pressure? From his vantage point in England in 1848, Rev. Dr. Brewer wrote in his  A Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things Familiar  the following about the relation of pressure to weather:

The H's represent the location of the area of highest pressure.

The FALL of the barometer (decreasing pressure)

In very hot weather, the fall of the barometer denotes thunder. Otherwise, the sudden falling of the barometer denotes high wind.

In frosty weather, the fall of the barometer denotes thaw.

If wet weather happens soon after the fall of the barometer, expect but little of it.

In wet weather if the barometer falls expect much wet.

In fair weather, if the barometer falls much and remains low, expect much wet in a few days, and probably wind.

The barometer sinks lowest of all for wind and rain together; next to that wind, (except it be an east or north-east wind).

The RISE of the barometer (increasing pressure)

In winter, the rise of the barometer presages frost.

In frosty weather, the rise of the barometer presages snow.

If fair weather happens soon after the rise of the barometer, expect but little of it.

In wet weather, if the mercury rises high and remains so, expect continued fine weather in a day or two.

In wet weather, if the mercury rises suddenly very high, fine weather will not last long.

The barometer rises highest of all for north and east winds; for all other winds it sinks.

The barometer UNSETTLED (unsteady pressure)

If the motion of the mercury be unsettled, expect unsettled weather.

If it stands at "MUCH RAIN" and rises to "CHANGEABLE" expect fair weather of short continuance.

If it stands at "FAIR" and falls to "CHANGEABLE", expect foul weather.

Its motion upwards, indicates the approach of fine weather; its motion downwards, indicates the approach of foul weather.

These pressure observations hold true for many other locations as well, but not all of them. Storms that occur in England, located near the end of the Gulf Stream, bring large pressure changes. In the United States, the largest pressure changes associated with storms will generally occur in Alaska and the northern half of the continental U.S. In the tropics, except for tropical cyclones, there is very little day-to-day pressure change, and none of the rules apply.

Learning Lesson:   Measure the Pressure II: The "Dry" Barometer

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Could spraying sea salt into the clouds cool the planet?

An experiment in Alameda, Calif. highlights the controversy surrounding research on altering the environment to cool the planet.

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A city council meeting in Alameda, Calif. on Tuesday will take center stage in the global controversy over whether to try cool the planet by making clouds brighter.

Researchers at the University of Washington are studying a concept called “ marine cloud brightening ,” which aims to slow climate change by spraying clouds with sea salt. Salt particles help clouds form tiny, shiny water droplets, which reflect sunlight away from the earth before it can heat the planet.

In April, University of Washington scientists started testing a saltwater spraying machine on the deck of the USS Hornet, a retired aircraft carrier docked in Alameda. The city paused the experiment in May, citing health and environmental concerns — but outside consultants hired by the city later concluded the test doesn’t pose “a measurable health risk to the surrounding community.”

The Alameda experiment isn’t meant to “alter clouds or any aspect of the local weather or climate,” according to Sarah Doherty, a University of Washington atmospheric scientist who runs the university’s marine cloud brightening program. The scientists are only testing whether their salt spray machine works and studying how salt particles move through the air.

“Frankly, it was about as innocuous an experiment as one can do,” said Gernot Wagner, a climate economist at Columbia Business School who wrote a book on planet-cooling technologies, “ Geoengineering: the Gamble ,” and is not involved in the study.

The episode highlights the stiff opposition scientists face when they research anything related to geoengineering, a broad category of techniques that aim to manipulate the climate. Some environmentalists argue that these ideas could have dangerous, unpredictable side effects — and are a distraction from cutting carbon emissions, the most surefire way to avoid climate change.

“Geoengineering experiments, like the Marine Cloud Brightening project in the Bay Area, set a dangerous precedent and risk legitimizing a highly-speculative and harmful technology,” wrote Mary Church, who heads geoengineering advocacy for the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), an American and Swiss environmental nonprofit.

Environmental groups including the CIEL are calling on Alameda officials to end the University of Washington experiment . City council members will decide Tuesday whether the researchers can continue their study, which they hope to run for several more months.

What is marine cloud brightening?

Marine cloud brightening attempts to cool the planet by reflecting more sunlight back into space. Some scientists hope it could buy humanity more time to cut carbon emissions — or protect overheated ocean environments such as the Great Barrier Reef.

The fluffy, white tops of certain clouds act like a natural sunscreen for the planet; the water droplets and ice crystals within reflect 30 to 60 percent of sunlight that hits them, according to NASA. Geoengineering researchers believe they can make clouds brighter — and increase their cooling effect — by increasing the number of droplets they contain.

Since 1990, researchers have theorized they could do this by spraying clouds with sea salt particles , which give the moisture in the air something to glom onto so they can form water droplets, or ice crystals. This already happens naturally when ocean winds blow sea foam high into the air, but scientists believe they can amp up the process to noticeably lower the temperature underneath a cloud.

But scientists don’t have machines that can reliably spray sea salt particles at the right size and in the right quantity to alter clouds, making it hard to try this in the real world. The experiment in Alameda is meant to test a new salt spray machine to see if it works outside of a lab — and to study some basic physics about how particles move through the air.

Doherty stressed that the University of Washington researchers are not trying to brighten clouds in Alameda, but added that the experiment will help “study how clouds respond to particles … in the atmosphere and how this influences climate, including both the effects of pollution aerosols and the potential for brightening marine clouds to reduce climate warming.”

The shipping industry ran what amounted to an accidental test of the idea for decades, by emitting tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere from ships’ smokestacks. The sulfur particles, like salt, helped form water droplets in clouds. When new rules forced the ships to stop emitting sulfur in 2020, ocean temperatures rose — largely because ocean clouds were no longer as bright , according to a study published last month in Communications Earth & Environment.

Australian researchers at Southern Cross University began a small experiment with marine cloud brightening near the Great Barrier Reef in 2020 but haven’t published conclusive results.

Why is marine cloud brightening controversial?

Some environmental groups oppose marine cloud brightening and other geoengineering techniques because they worry altering planetary systems will have unintended consequences and give polluters an excuse to keep pumping carbon into the atmosphere.

More than 70 environmental nonprofits and activist groups wrote an open letter opposing this line of research last month. “Geoengineering our oceans is a dangerous distraction from the real solutions to the climate crisis and gives the fossil fuel industry a potential escape hatch while putting our oceans and coastal communities at serious risk,” they wrote.

Earlier this year, Harvard scientists gave up a decade-long quest to test a different geoengineering tactic that would involve releasing particles from a hot-air balloon high into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight. The researchers tried and failed to get approval to launch the balloon from Arizona, New Mexico and finally Sweden, whose government canceled the experiment under pressure from the Saami Council , which represents Indigenous groups in Finland, Russia, Norway and Sweden.

“There’s a fair number of people who think there shouldn’t be research [on geoengineering], and these early experiments have become a proxy battleground for this larger question about how to think about the development of these technologies,” said David Keith, who now directs the Climate Systems Engineering Initiative at the University of Chicago and used to be involved in the Harvard geoengineering experiment.

Local fights over small experiments like the one in Alameda are likely to define the future of geoengineering research in the coming years, Keith said.

“This generation is not likely to be the one that makes decisions about actually deploying these technologies,” he said. “Those will only get made in 20 years by the next generation. Right now, our only real choice is: Do we research them or do we not?”

air pressure newspaper experiment

  • Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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    You will need a large sheet of newspaper and a thin wooden lath (hardboard works well). Put the lath half on the table and cover it with the newspaper. ... A series of experiments to investigate air pressure. Last modified by: Keith Gibbs Created Date: 1/20/2003 6:13:00 AM Category: 11-14, experiments Company: Schoolphysics Other titles:

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    Be sure to share your air pressure experiments with us on Instagram by tagging @sdcdm320 . Do you have questions about this activity? Email [email protected]. Experiment with air pressure! This can be done anywhere using a Ziploc bag, 2 sponges and straw. Activity best for children ages 3 and up (with adult supervision!)

  24. Air Pressure

    Since molecules move in all directions, they can even exert air pressure upwards as they smash into object from underneath. In the atmosphere, air pressure can be exerted in all directions. In the International Space Station, the density of the air is maintained so that it is similar to the density at the Earth's surface, 14.7 pounds per square ...

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