What to Include in Your Perfect Prefect Application

  • by PatrickTurner
  • October 27, 2023

As the new school year approaches, many students find themselves contemplating the same question: “What should I write in my prefect application ?” Whether you’re a natural-born leader or simply want to contribute to your school’s community, applying for the position of prefect is a great opportunity to make a positive impact. But what exactly should you include in your application to stand out from the crowd?

In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of a strong prefect application and provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you craft an impressive letter . From understanding the purpose of an application and letter to expressing your genuine desire to be a prefect, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and learn how to start your academic cover letter and highlight your qualities effectively. Grab your pen and paper, because by the end of this post, you’ll be well-equipped to write a prefect application that shines.

Now, without further ado, let’s explore the essential elements that will make your prefect application a winning one.

What should I write in my prefect application?

What to Include in Your Perfect Application

So you’ve found your dream job, and now it’s time to put together the perfect application . But what exactly should you include? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this section, we’ll break down the key components of a stellar application and offer some tips to help you stand out from the competition.

A Captivating Cover Letter

Your cover letter is your chance to make a great first impression, so it’s essential to craft a captivating one. Start off by grabbing the reader’s attention with a catchy opening. Maybe you could share a funny anecdote related to the position or mention something impressive you achieved in your previous role—just make sure it’s relevant.

Next, take some time to research the company and tailor your cover letter to their specific needs. Highlight the skills and experiences that make you a perfect fit for the job. And of course, don’t forget to proofread to ensure there are no embarrassing typos or grammatical mishaps that could derail your application.

The Power of a Polished Resume

Your resume is like a superhero’s cape—it speaks volumes about your abilities and accomplishments. Make sure it’s well-organized, easy to read, and free from unnecessary fluff. Start with a strong headline that conveys your desired position and summarizes your expertise.

When listing your work experience, focus on quantifiable achievements. Instead of saying, “I managed a team,” try something like, “I led a team of 15 people, improving efficiency by 20% and boosting sales by 30% in just six months.” Numbers always make a strong impact.

Showcasing Stellar Skills

Employers love to see an impressive array of skills on an application, so don’t be shy about showing off what you’ve got. Whether it’s your ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously or your expertise in a specific software, make sure to highlight your most relevant skills and how they can benefit the company.

And remember, a sprinkle of humor never hurts. In a section where you list your skills, you could say something like, “I possess the rare talent of being able to make spreadsheets exciting—I even caught a colleague laughing hysterically at my pivot table once.”

Glowing Recommendations

When it comes to recommendations, quality beats quantity. Reach out to previous employers, colleagues, or mentors who can vouch for your skills and work ethic. A thoughtful recommendation from someone respected in your field can go a long way in boosting your application.

Don’t be afraid to ask for a recommendation that showcases your personality as well. For example, your coworker could mention your ability to make everyone in the office laugh during lunch breaks or your uncanny talent for turning a stressful situation into a comedy show.

The Extra Magic of a Personal Statement

Finally, consider including a personal statement that allows you to share a bit more about yourself and why you’re passionate about the position. This is your chance to let your personality shine and make a memorable impression on the hiring manager.

Inject a touch of humor into your personal statement to show that you’re not just a set of qualifications. Maybe you could mention your collection of quirky-shaped paperclips or your talent for crafting unforgettable puns—just make sure it’s lighthearted and doesn’t overshadow your professionalism.

In conclusion, writing the perfect application requires a careful balance of professionalism and personality. By crafting a captivating cover letter, polishing your resume, showcasing your skills, obtaining glowing recommendations, and adding a personal touch, you’ll increase your chances of securing that dream job. So go ahead, put on your writing cape, and get ready to impress!

What should I write in my prefect application?

FAQ: What should I write in my prefect application

So, you’ve finally decided to take on the prestigious role of a prefect in school. Congratulations! But now comes the challenging part: writing your prefect application. Fret not, my friend, for I am here to guide you through this process with some light-hearted advice and witty suggestions. Let’s dive into the frequently asked questions about what you should write in your prefect application.

What is the purpose of a prefect application and letter

Ah, the million-dollar question! A prefect application and letter are your golden tickets to showcase your leadership skills, dedication, and enthusiasm for making a positive impact on your school community. It’s your chance to shine, dear applicant, so make sure to grab it with both hands (figuratively, of course!).

Why would you want to be a prefect in school

Oh, why wouldn’t you want to be a prefect? Besides the fantastic chance to wear a snazzy badge and feel like a VIP, being a prefect offers a platform to influence school life, gain valuable experience, and become a role model for fellow students. Plus, think of all the power you’ll have over the cafeteria menu! Just kidding. But seriously, being a prefect is an incredible opportunity to shape your school experience and create lasting memories.

How should you start an academic cover letter

Ah, the classic cover letter predicament. Fear not, my ambitious friend, for I have some tips to get you started on the right foot. Begin your academic cover letter with a warm and enthusiastic greeting, such as “Dear Selection Committee” or “To Whom It May Concern.” Avoid starting with “Hey, y’all” unless your school encourages a super casual vibe (highly unlikely!). Then, proceed to introduce yourself and express your sincere interest in the prefect position. Remember to showcase your unique qualities, such as organizational skills or charisma, that make you the perfect (pun intended) candidate for the role.

How do you write a captivating prefect application

Ah, the ultimate question! To ensure your prefect application stands out from the crowd like a unicorn in a herd of horses, here are some tried-and-true tips: 1. Be yourself: Authenticity is key, my friend. Let your personality shine through your words. 2. Highlight your strengths: Emphasize your leadership skills, problem-solving abilities, and dedication to the school community. 3. Tell engaging stories: Make your application come alive by sharing anecdotes that demonstrate your passion and commitment. 4. Be specific: Instead of saying, “I want to make a difference,” explain how you plan to organize fundraisers or foster inclusivity. 5. Proofread like a pro: Good grammar and spelling are must-haves for a stellar application. Read it multiple times, or better yet, ask a friend or family member to give it a once-over.

There you have it, my future prefects! Armed with these FAQ-style tips, you will surely craft an application that will leave the selection committee in awe. Remember to be sincere, confident, and let your unique qualities shine. Best of luck, and may the prefect-worthy words flow effortlessly from your fingertips!

Note: This blog post was authored in 2023.

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  • impressive letter
  • perfect application
  • polished resume
  • prefect application
  • prestigious role
  • rare talent
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  • valuable tips

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Think Student

Applying for Head Boy or Head Girl at School – The Comprehensive Guide

In A-Level , GCSE , General by Think Student Editor March 29, 2021 5 Comments

Up and down the country, boys and girls apply to be Head Boy and Head Girl. These roles are common in both secondary schools and sixth form colleges. Of course, there is often competition for these high positions at school, so what is the best way to apply and have a good chance at becoming Head Boy or Head Girl?  

Table of Contents

Why Would You Want  to  Be Head Boy Or Head Girl?  

So, why should you aspire to be Head Boy or Head Girl? There are so many benefits to gaining this role , and here are a few of them:  

  • This position looks great on your CV.   When you are applying for a job (especially a position of leadership), being Head Boy/Girl will show your potential employer that you have had experience in leadership and organising things. Not to mention the people skills being Head Boy/Girl will give you.   
  • Being Head Boy/Girl gives you experience in leadership and organisation –  you will most likely be asked to attend events outside of school time and play a part in organising these events too, which will give you an idea as to what it is like to have a position of leadership in the future (possibly even your career).  
  • The position usually sets your university application apart from the rest.  If you are looking to apply to university (especially Russell Group Universities), being a Head Boy/Girl shows them that you have the enthusiasm to study at their university. However, it is important to remember that being Head Boy/Girl will not guarantee your place at university – academic ability takes precedence.  It is also important to note that certain universities (including Oxford) do not look at whether you were Head Boy or Girl at all on your application.   

Think About What  the  Role May Involve  

The amount of work you are given to do as Head Boy or Girl may differ depending on your school,  and it is important to think about the responsibilities you will have to take on before you  apply.   

Head Boys and Girls tend to be involved with events which happen outside of school time such as networking events and parent’s evenings for any year group.  Being a Head Boy or Girl means that you are setting the example for the school , so you will probably be needed at open evenings for prospective students and subsequently  Year 6 induction days.  You should be willing to turn up to these events, and they should take priority over any extracurricular activities you may be a part of.  Because you are setting the example for younger students, your grades at school may play a part in whether you are picked to be Head Boy or Girl.  

As a Head Boy or Girl, you may also be required to deliver speeches to a variety of people , whether it be staff, your own year group, or those lower down the school than you.  This means that you will need at least basic public speaking skills.  

No matter where you become Head Boy or Girl, it will require dedication to what you are doing . A good Head Boy or Girl will put work into everything they organise and show enthusiasm about their role in the school.  

Before you apply for the role of Head Boy or Girl, you should have a good think about whether it is the role for you. Remember, if you decide it isn’t, there are plenty more positions you could take up which may be more suited to you with the same prestige as Head Boy or Girl.   

What Qualities Do You Need  to  Be Head Boy or Girl?  

The majority of  schools have a good idea/picture as to how they want their Head Boy and Girls to behave, and the qualities that they want them to have.  Firstly, you must be willing to take on the responsibilities that the position would involve – writing speeches, meeting new people and being there when and where you are needed.  The whole point of being a Head Boy or Girl is to take on a huge responsibility for the school, so if you are not willing, then maybe it’s not the position for you.   

One of the most important skills you need to be a Head Boy or Girl are leadership skills.  You will most likely be asked to organise events either by yourself or with the other Head Boy/Girl opposite you, and you will most definitely need resilience and management skills to do this. Of course , being Head Boy/Girl is an opportunity to work on these qualities/skills through experience,  but you must have some idea of what you are to do when you apply for the position.   

Another important skill which schools tend to look for is public speaking.  Head Boys and Girls must deliver speeches to their fellow students, as mentioned above. However, do not worry if you feel like this is a weak spot of yours – there are many ways in which you can improve your public speaking before you apply for your position.  For example,  delivering speeches to your friends or family may improve your confidence in speaking in front of people .  For some  more  ideas about how to improve your public speaking, check out  Better Public Speaking – Becoming A Confident, Compelling Speaker .   

Something which some schools may look at is your involvement with the school in general. You may want to join clubs or other extracurricular activities so that your school knows how you interact with the school as a student before you as a Head Boy or Girl.  Schools often looks for Head Boys and Girls who are very enthusiastic about school both in and out of the classroom.  

If you want to read more about the qualities that schools look for in Head Boys and Girls, I would recommend that you have a read of  this useful article , which discusses the top qualities that a Head Boy/Girl should have.   

Famous Head Boys  And  Girl s  

You may be surprised to find out that  many famous faces have been Head Boy or Girl during their time at school.   For some, it  is possible that  their position  at school  even helped them get to where they are today!  

Famous actors who have been Head Boy and Girl include  Kate Winslet  (Titanic) , Matt Smith  (Doctor Who) , Hayley Atwell  (Captain America) , Jenna Coleman  (Doctor Who)  and Christopher Eccleston  (Doctor Who) .   

Notable politicians who were Head Boy or Girl at their schools were  Jeremy Hunt, Alison McGovern and Margaret Thatcher.  

Other famous faces who were Head Boy or Girl include  J.K Rowling  (author, Harry Potter series) , Leigh-Anne Pinnock ( singer,  Little Mix), Prince Charles and Princess Beatrice.   

These all did it, and so could you!  

Tips  For  Applying For Head Boy or Girl  

Obviously,  the way in which you apply for Head Boy or Girl will determine your chance of getting the position , so it is important to really have a think through each step of the process.  The three most common application techniques for Head Boy or Girl are application letters, in-person interviews and speeches, so here are some ways in which you can polish up your skills for them.   

Effectively Compose Your Head  B oy/ G irl  Le tter  

When applying to be Head Boy or Girl in most schools, you will be asked to write a letter to  a senior staff member stating your reasons as to why you want the position.  This letter could be  written to your Head of Year, Head of Sixth Form, or even your Headteacher – it will all depend on which school you go to, so make sure you check!   

Your letter should show off examples of when you have shown the qualities which your school is looking for in their Head Students.  Perhaps you have shown teamwork skills in your sports team or have shown leadership skills when organising a charity event in the past. You should also mention how being Head Boy or Girl would benefit you personally (try not to make it sound as if you only want the position to put it on your CV). It is good to mention the experiences you are looking to gain by being Head Boy or Girl. You may also want to consider discussing the issues that you would like to face within your school, and what practical solutions you have come up with to improve them (if you are looking for ideas,  this article   could be very useful!).   

Of course,  the application letter should use accurate, good English , and you should  proofread  it multiple times.  Leaving spelling and grammar mistakes in your letter will leave a bad impression on the school  and will significantly lower your chances of being asked back for an interview. The best way to proofread your letter is to read it aloud or get your family and friends to read it  as they are more likely to spot mistakes which you might have missed.  

Most importantly, in your application letter, you should really introduce yourself to the reader. Let them know about your hobbies, interests and possible future career paths. This will bring a sense of uniqueness to your application, and make you stand out from the rest. If you don’t do this, your letter could be boring to read.   

Prepare For Your Head Boy/Girl Interview  

If your letter of application is successful, you will be asked to meet a member of staff for an interview.  This may seem nerve-wracking, especially if you are applying to be a younger Head Boy or Girl at your school, but there is no need to panic!  

You should treat this interview as you would a job interview  – following these simple rules can ensure that you appear as a worthy candidate for the role.  

  • Arrive early/on time.  Turning up late to your interview, no matter when it is, will give a bad impression of you to your interviewer. If you cannot turn up on time for your interview, then how are you going to be on time to an open evening or speech in the future? Arriving early will show preparedness for your interview and enthusiasm for the position.  
  • Dress appropriately . Again, not doing this will create a bad first impression for your interviewer. You may be asked to wear your school uniform if you have one . Make sure you have the basics covered – shirt tucked in, tie straightened, hair tidied, and shoes polished. If you are in sixth form, you should arrive in clothes which are smart, modest and not too uncomfortable – you don’t want to be distracted by your clothes while talking to your interviewer. For more information about what you should and shouldn’t wear to an interview, check out  What Should You Wear  To  A University Interview.    
  • Have a think about what you want to talk to your interviewer about  – they may ask about why you applied for the position again, and past experiences you have had with leadership and public speaking. You will most likely be discussing what you have written in your application letter, so it is important not to lie. By thinking through what you want to say beforehand, you will be giving yourself some confidence for when you walk into the interview room.   
  • Thoroughly read the email or letter about your interview . Some schools may ask you to deliver a speech to your interviewer for them to see your public speaking skills. You don’t want to turn up unprepared for something you could have made preparations for beforehand.  Read on for some tips on writing and delivering your speech.  

Write Your Head  B oy/ G irl  S peech  

You may be asked to deliver a speech either before or after you get given the role of Head Boy or Girl . As stated above, some schools get their applicants to show an example of their public speaking through them delivering a speech.   

By the time you are applying for Head Boy or Girl, you will have probably studied speech writing in your English Language classes, but here are a few tips to keep in mind when writing a speech for Head Boy or Girl.   

  • Use paragraphs . This may seem obvious, but it is a technique that many students tend to forget when coming up with a speech. Each paragraph you write should have a slightly different topic, however, these topics will of course depend on the general topic of your speech.   
  • Use anecdotes and personal experiences to make yourself more relatable to your audience.  By doing this, you are making yourself more likeable, and using an advanced literary technique at the same time.  
  • Make sure that you know exactly what your point is and what you want to convey.  There’s no use in writing a speech with no clear conclusion – you should ensure that you know exactly what you want the audience to gain from listening to you. 
  • Proofread your speech! The most important thing to ensure when writing a speech is that it makes sense – if you can’t understand your own speech, then how can you expect your audience to? You may want to ask a friend or family member to do this for you as a fresh pair of eyes often helps when spotting mistakes.
  • Practice!  It is a bad idea to turn up on the day and recite your speech for the first time. It doesn’t matter if you are memorising your speech or reading it from a script – you will need practice in delivering it. This is another good way to proofread your speech while also practicing the way you want to deliver it.  Perhaps you would like to put emphasis on certain words or phrases, or simply just need to go over it a few times to help with some tricky parts which you find difficult to read aloud.   

What If You Don’t Get It?  

If you don’t end up getting offered the position of Head Boy or Girl, then there is no reason to panic!  You will be given plenty more opportunities in the future for positions and experiences which look just as prestigious on your CV. As stated at the beginning of the article,  being Head Boy or Girl will not swing the decision of  whether or not  you get into university.  

It is also important to remember that if you are applying to be Head Boy or Girl  from Year 7 to 11, then you will most likely have another chance to apply for the position again in sixth  form  –  you could even use this time to prepare for the application process even more!  

If you are looking to apply for Head Boy or Girl, you should definitely consider the tips given in this article as they will boost your chances of being successful by a lot. Remember, there are lots of applicants for this position every year up and down the country, so you shouldn’t be hard on yourself if your application is unsuccessful. If you have applied to be Head Boy or Girl lower down the school, you can always apply again in the future for your sixth form.   


i really like this . it was really creative .


When can you apply to this position? At the start of year, or during summer? Is it okay to apply in the mid term or something ?


in my school they do it near the end of year 10 so around late may to early June


Wow….this is incredibly helpful. Thank you

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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I am writing this letter in application for the position of Prefect and Head/Deputy Head prefect. I see this position as a central part of the schools foundations, traditions, and effective communication

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  • Subject English

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How to Be a Good Prefect

Last Updated: March 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Oglesby and by wikiHow staff writer, Kyle Hall . Alicia Oglesby is a Professional School Counselor and the Director of School and College Counseling at Bishop McNamara High School outside of Washington DC. With over ten years of experience in counseling, Alicia specializes in academic advising, social-emotional skills, and career counseling. Alicia holds a BS in Psychology from Howard University and a Master’s in Clinical Counseling and Applied Psychology from Chestnut Hill College. She also studied Race and Mental Health at Virginia Tech. Alicia holds Professional School Counseling Certifications in both Washington DC and Pennsylvania. She has created a college counseling program in its entirety and developed five programs focused on application workshops, parent information workshops, essay writing collaborative, peer-reviewed application activities, and financial aid literacy events. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 775,802 times.

If you've applied to be a prefect at your school, or you're already serving as one, you might be wondering how to be the best prefect. To be a good prefect, it's important to remember that your role is to help both the faculty and the students at your school. By setting a good example for students, following your school's rules, and being there when people need you, you can ensure that you're successfully fulfilling all your duties as a prefect.

Setting a Good Example

Step 1 Have a positive attitude

  • For example, if your fellow students are complaining because the upcoming dance got cancelled, instead of complaining with them, you could say something positive like, "I know it's upsetting that the dance is cancelled, but we should all get together and think of something else we could do for fun that night."

Step 2 Be respectful...

Following the Rules

Step 1 Abide by your school’s dress code.

Being There for Students

Step 1 Be approachable...

Alicia Oglesby

Compassion is a sign of a thoughtful role model. Show you can be a thoughtful role model for others by demonstrating compassion, curiosity about the world, awareness of different viewpoints, and responsibility in following through on duties. Be solution-oriented and lead by mature example.

Step 4 Be fair.

Expert Q&A

Alicia Oglesby

Tips from our Readers

  • Should problems arise requiring administrative attention, advocate for the student perspective to faculty respectfully but steadfastly. As liaison between the two groups, tactfully serve as that crucial bridge for understanding.
  • Near the end of your tenure, privately encourage impressive leadership qualities you’ve observed in potential prefect candidates that could continue traditions of excellence after your term concludes. Help guide the future.
  • If younger students approach asking for guidance, offer a listening ear and thoughtful bits of wisdom, not just recitations of school policy. Mentor gently when sought out, rather than preaching rules harshly unprompted.
  • Keep a subtle eye on fellow prefects too, as your duty requires holding one another equally accountable. Politely but firmly remind any you witness violating codes of conduct, even minor slip-ups. Integrity matters.
  • Make an effort to remain visible and unambiguously available for student questions or issues during free periods by wandering halls greeting peers. Your consistent presence cultivates approachability.
  • Consider organizing occasional casual social events like movie nights or game tournaments to nurture bonding opportunities for students outside rigid classroom walls. Such activities build community.

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  • ↑ Alicia Oglesby. Professional School Counselor. Expert Interview. 13 April 2021.
  • ↑ https://kidshealth.org/en/teens/homework.html
  • ↑ https://clt.byuh.edu/clt/honest-teacher
  • ↑ https://soeonline.american.edu/blog/importance-of-school-attendance
  • ↑ https://www.waldenu.edu/programs/communication/resource/how-to-be-an-effective-communicator-in-7-easy-steps
  • ↑ https://newtoncollege.es/en/prefect-student-election/

About This Article

Alicia Oglesby

To be a good prefect, try to set a good example for other students by having a positive attitude and being respectful. Also, do your best in school since other students will notice how much effort you put in. You should also make sure you follow all of your school's rules, like abiding by the dress code, having a good attendance record, and going to class on time. In addition to setting a good example, try to be there for your fellow students by talking to them about their concerns and supporting students who are having a hard time. To learn how to be fair as a prefect, scroll down! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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So once you've chosen the right subject prefects, how do you get the most out of them?

Start by announcing them to your A Level Classes... drum up lots of congratulations, and make the hierarchy clear to all. The sense of 'importance' is powerful for motivating them to do the job well. Being selected as a subject prefect is supposed to be an honour, but for too long it's been seen as work with little reward. It's a big thing - treat it as such.

Ensuring Commitment

Your chosen prefects have probably never worked a 'professional' job before and so will need some 'safety measures' in place to keep them on track.

Having clear purpose and routines will sustain motivation. Prefects need to feel like they are part of a team and that they are building something with you... and not just your 'dogsbody' so you can go and have a cup of tea.

Yes, they are there to help with admin and so on, but this is so the department will run more smoothly and this will have a positive impact on students' learning. They are working to improve your department, not to improve your socialising time (although this is a nice, little bonus!)

For added clout, we ask our subject prefects to sign a 'contract of employment' (similar to a watered down job contract). We have one saved as a template and so can ”rinse and repeat" each year.

This contract has their 'Job Description' and reasons for “termination”. It's important for prefects to understand that their role is 'conditional' on their attitude and competency, and they aren't entitled to it as part of their UCAS or future employment applications.

application letter for attire prefect

During the application process, applicants are given the 'Job Description' for the prefect positions and so, from the beginning, they have a good idea of what is expected of them. We expect A LOT from our prefects, but we feel we give them a lot in return.

Working Hours

Once the prefect team has been selected, we ask for an initial meeting. Here, we ask them to write into their calendars the dates of all important events, such as Open Evenings (where their attendance is expected), and to create a timetable where they are expected to donate 1-2 hours of their time per week.

They must agree on the same amount of donated time (to avoid squabbles later on) and they have to 'pepper' donated time across the school timetable. You don't want to end up with it all on a Friday afternoon. Jobs can come in 'thick and fast' so you need their donated time spread across the week. You also need a 'To Do List’.

application letter for attire prefect

The 'To Do List’

Prefects are self-motivated if they know what they need to do. We create a 'To Do List’ which all members of the department and subject prefects can access from their phones and laptops. Platforms such as Microsoft 365 or Google Classrooms can make the sharing and editing of documents from multiple people easy.

Staff members and the Head Subject Prefect can add jobs to the list (often admin tasks e.g. displays, cutting up resources, counting piles of booklets, tidying classrooms etc.) and this can save my team hours of admin work each week, but we still get the jobs done.

I like my 'To Do List’ to be an Excel spreadsheet because it's easy to filter and keep tabs on which prefects are ”pulling their weight“. Our columns are: task, required resources, set date, deadline, completed by, assigned by and so on. However, you can design it with your own requirements in mind.

The Head Subject Prefect assigns tasks to their prefect team and checks they are completing them each week. If it's a busy week and I need more prefect help, I contact the Head Subject Prefect who 'rallies the troops'... it saves me so much time!

application letter for attire prefect

Open Evenings

I used to hate Open Evenings, but I love them now. The Prefect team make the function so much better and take the stress away from my department. Like my school, you probably have a room for your subject in which different tables are laid out with resources to show prospective students and parents. The evening can go through phases of graveyard silence to overwhelmingly busy. During those silent moments, the prefects provide entertainment and they take the heat away from you when there are too many parents to chat with in one given moment.

We assign roles for our prefects. Some are ' welcomers ' at the door and move parents and students to empty parts of the room to keep everyone flowing, whilst other prefects are ' explainers ' and station themselves by a particular table or activity.

This works beautifully. For starters, everyone is greeted and secondly the prefects become 'experts' for their stationed areas and provide quality information for parents and students. Last year our prefects even become competitive and wanted to give the best 'pitch' to those who walked through the door. This was well received by visitors.

The best bit: you can stand back, smile and watch it all happen... and you can save yourself from having to say the same spiel over and over again!

Student as Teacher

As well as admin chores, subject prefects can be really helpful in the classroom. We ask ours to help out with classes in a Teaching Assistant capacity. They help with behaviour management, task facilitating, small group work and so on.

Equally, they can be helpful with certain types of marking e.g. KS3 'tick and flick' tests, or stamping books for presentation... just make sure you don't give them anything too close to their own Year group! You could even anonymise scripts and let them have a go at marking them - sensible parameters permitting!

application letter for attire prefect

Student feedback

Subject prefects are your conduit to your classes. I often 'touch base' with mine to see how their A Level class is feeling. Many times this has helped me to resolve problems before they become problems.

We make it clear to our classes that the prefects are their 'defacto' reps and sometimes they come to us when they feel there is a problem brewing that needs resolving. Again, this saves me time in not having to respond to parental emails where both student and parent have misconstrued a situation or decision.

On an end note, they also bring good ideas to the table and several times we have adapted our practice based on their suggestions. This has only made for a stronger relationship.

So what’s the conclusion?

I am blown away by how much better my team's working life is because of how we utilise our subject prefects. They are so efficient that I don't even think my team realise how much the subject prefects do for them behind the scenes. It does take some work to set them up and select the right ones, but once you have, they really will save you time and help you raise standards, too.

application letter for attire prefect

So there you have it, a strong methodology for getting the most out of your subject prefects. Check out the sister blog ' Classroom Leadership: how to effectively choose school prefects for your subject area' for tips on how to select the right candidates for the job.

For more useful ideas, check out our blogs on leadership and engagement.

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Advice for application letters for prefect, house captain and head girl.

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Home » Letters » School » Recommendation Letter for Class Prefect – Sample Recommendation Letter by School Teacher for the Post of Class Prefect

Recommendation Letter for Class Prefect – Sample Recommendation Letter by School Teacher for the Post of Class Prefect

application letter for attire prefect

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Principal, _______ (Name of the School) _______ (Address of the School)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for approval of class prefect

Most respectfully, I am working in your reputed school as a subject teacher for ________ (subject name)

I write this letter to bring into your kind consideration that _______ (name of the student) has shown tremendous leadership skills in the previous academic session. Also, not only his academic grades are top-notch, but also his/her performance in ______ (sports/ arts/ etc.) has been brilliant. He/She is also popular among his/her peers. Hence, I hereby recommend his/her name for becoming class prefect for the upcoming session. Kindly accord your approval on same.

I shall be thankful to you.

In case, you have any queries, you may contact me at the contact details mentioned below.

Yours respectfully, _________ (Your name) ________ (Department) _________ (Employee ID)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Specifying achievements provides evidence of the candidate's qualifications and suitability for the role.
  • Yes, including contact details allows the recipient to reach out for further information or clarification.
  • Yes, addressing the principal respectfully maintains professionalism and enhances the credibility of the recommendation.
  • Yes, providing examples helps illustrate the candidate's capabilities and strengthens the recommendation.
  • Yes, expressing confidence reinforces the endorsement and highlights the candidate's potential for success in the role.

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