
Wealth Beyond Wealth: The True Essence of Luxury in a Healthy Lifestyle

By Martha Young

Published on February 1, 2024

In a world that often equates luxury with material excess and opulence, it’s crucial to pause and consider whether the true essence of a luxurious life extends beyond the realm of tangible possessions.

The resounding truth is that genuine luxury encompasses more than lavish vacations and designer labels – it thrives at the intersection of financial prosperity and optimal physical and emotional health.

Let’s delve into the profound connection between luxury and a healthy lifestyle, uncovering the reality that the true measure of richness transcends monetary wealth.

  • The Illusion of Wealth

Wealth Beyond Wealth

In the dazzling landscapes of affluence, it’s easy to succumb to the illusion that financial prosperity alone can guarantee happiness. Yet, as the timeless adage goes, “ Health is wealth. ”

No amount of riches can replace the vitality that comes with a robust and flourishing body and mind.

Imagine the finest cuisine, the most exquisite surroundings, and the grandest experiences—all tarnished by the shackles of poor health. The reality is that genuine luxury is a synergy of financial prosperity and a thriving well-being.

We must challenge the conventional narrative that wealth is the sole determinant of a luxurious life. While financial resources undoubtedly offer access to unique experiences and privileges, the foundation of true luxury lies in the symbiosis of wealth and health.

It’s a harmonious balance that transforms the pursuit of opulence into a holistic journey toward well-being.

  • The Mind-Body Connection

Mind-Body Connection

Luxury is not confined to outward appearances—it is an immersive experience that engages every facet of our being. A healthy lifestyle is not merely a fleeting trend; it is an enduring investment in the quality of one’s life.

Scientific studies consistently affirm the profound connection between physical health and emotional well-being. When our bodies are treated with care, our minds respond in kind, fostering a state of balance that amplifies our capacity to savor life’s indulgences.

The mind-body connection is the linchpin of a truly luxurious existence.

By nurturing both our physical and emotional well-being, we open the floodgates to a life where every experience is heightened, every pleasure more profound. It’s the difference between merely existing and authentically living, between fleeting moments of joy and a sustained state of bliss.

Any journey towards optimal health and wellness should start with the advice of a healthcare professional.

From scheduling a virtual care appointment with your primary care physician to finding a therapist to assist with emotional challenges, these experts provide the insight, diagnosis, and treatment options to get you on the right track.

  • Unleashing the Power of Nutrition

the Power of Nutrition

Embarking on the journey to a luxurious and healthy life begins with the fuel we provide our bodies. Indulge not only in gourmet delights but also in nutrient-dense, wholesome foods.

Opt for organic, locally sourced ingredients that nourish your body at a cellular level. Elevate your culinary experiences by savoring the rich flavors of whole, unprocessed foods—a true feast for the senses.

Nutrition is the cornerstone of well-being, and in the realm of luxury, it takes on a new significance.

It’s not just about the taste; it’s about the nourishment that transforms your body from the inside out. A symphony of flavors should not only titillate your taste buds but also contribute to your overall vitality.

  • Movement as Elegance

Movement as Elegance

Luxury isn’t about sitting idly; it’s about embracing the full spectrum of physical vitality. Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, not as a chore but as a celebration of your body’s capabilities.

Whether it’s a serene yoga session, a stimulating dance class, or a brisk morning jog, movement is the symphony that orchestrates the harmony between body and mind.

Physical activity is the embodiment of elegance—an expression of the body’s potential for strength, flexibility, and grace. It’s not a punitive measure but a luxurious gift to yourself, a manifestation of the vibrant energy that propels you through life’s adventures.

  • Mindful Moments of Opulence

Mindful Moments of Opulence

True luxury involves savoring the present moment with an unwavering focus. Integrate mindfulness practices into your daily life—be it through meditation, deep-breathing exercises, or simply taking a moment to revel in the beauty around you.

Cultivate a sense of tranquility that transforms ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences, enhancing your overall well-being.

Mindfulness is the golden thread that weaves through the fabric of a luxurious life. In a world that often races ahead, taking the time to appreciate the present becomes a revolutionary act. It’s a form of opulence that transcends material possessions—a wealth of presence that money cannot buy.

  • Rest, Rejuvenate, Repeat

Rest, Rejuvenate, Repeat

In the pursuit of a luxurious life, the importance of adequate rest often goes underestimated. Quality sleep is the ultimate indulgence for both body and mind.

Create a sleep sanctuary with sumptuous bedding, soothing scents, and a serene environment. Embrace the luxury of rejuvenation, waking up each day with renewed energy and vitality.

The bedroom transforms into a haven of opulence, where the act of sleep becomes a ritual.

It’s not merely about closing your eyes; it’s about surrendering to a profound state of restoration, where your body and mind undergo a nightly renewal. Quality sleep is the elixir of life, ensuring you approach each day with the vigor and clarity befitting a life of true luxury.

  • Cultivating Emotional Wealth

Cultivating Emotional Wealth

Luxury isn’t confined to tangible possessions; it extends to the intangible realms of emotional wealth.

Nurture meaningful connections, surround yourself with positivity, and cultivate a mindset that thrives on gratitude . The relationships we forge and the love we share contribute immeasurably to our overall sense of fulfillment.

Emotional wealth is the underpinning of a truly prosperous life.

It’s the richness of laughter shared with loved ones, the warmth of genuine connections, and the resilience forged through life’s challenges. In the tapestry of a luxurious existence, emotional well-being is the jewel that radiates brilliance.

Conclusion: The Holistic Luxury Lifestyle

The Holistic Luxury Lifestyle

As you unravel the layers of opulence and luxury, it becomes evident that true richness emanates from the synergy of financial prosperity, physical well-being, and emotional fulfillment.

A life of luxury is not a distant dream reserved for the elite; it is an attainable reality for those who prioritize health as the ultimate luxury.

So, embark on this journey to a holistic and luxurious lifestyle, where every moment is a celebration of well-being—a symphony of affluence that transcends the boundaries of mere wealth. In the tapestry of a truly luxurious life, every thread is woven with intention, and the masterpiece that unfolds is a portrait of opulence that money cannot buy.

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About Martha Young

Martha has been writing about all things fashion and beauty for as long as she can remember. She's turned this passion into a profession, working as a freelance writer for four years now, and adding a personal touch to her work with the unique insights gained from her vast travel experiences. Learn more about Luxatic's Editorial Process .

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How to live a luxurious lifestyle.

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In a world that often seems to move at an unprecedented pace, the pursuit of a luxurious lifestyle has become more than just a desire—it’s an aspiration for many. Living luxuriously goes beyond material possessions; it encompasses a holistic approach to life that prioritizes quality, mindfulness, and indulgence. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various facets of achieving and maintaining a luxurious lifestyle, from cultivating a mindset of abundance to curating an environment that exudes opulence.

Section 1: Cultivating a Luxurious Mindset

 Embrace abundance mentality

Living luxuriously begins with adopting an abundance mindset. This mindset focuses on the belief that there are limitless opportunities for success, wealth, and happiness. Practice gratitude daily, visualize your goals, and surround yourself with positivity to cultivate an abundance mentality.

Invest in Personal Development

A truly luxurious lifestyle involves continuous self-improvement. Invest in education, attend workshops, and read books that contribute to your personal and professional growth. This investment in yourself will pay off in the form of enhanced skills, confidence, and a broader perspective on life.

Financial Mastery for a Luxurious Lifestyle

Build Multiple Streams of Income

 Diversify your sources of income to create financial stability and flexibility. Explore investment opportunities, start a side business, or consider passive income streams to secure your financial future.

Budgeting with Style

Living luxuriously doesn’t mean reckless spending. Develop a budget that aligns with your financial goals and priorities. Allocate funds for experiences, travel, and high-quality products, ensuring a balanced and sustainable approach to your lifestyle.

Curating a Luxurious Environment

Surround Yourself with Quality

From your home decor to the clothes you wear, prioritize quality over quantity. Invest in timeless pieces that exude sophistication and durability, creating an environment that reflects your commitment to living luxuriously.

Design a Relaxing Oasis

Transform your living space into a sanctuary of comfort and tranquility. Incorporate luxurious textures, soothing colors, and ambient lighting to create an environment that promotes relaxation and well-being.

Indulging in Experiences

Travel in Style

Explore the world in a way that suits your taste for luxury. Whether it’s a five-star resort or a private villa, prioritize unique and opulent travel experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Culinary extravagance

Indulge your palate with fine dining experiences. Explore gourmet cuisine, attend exclusive culinary events, and savor the artistry of world-class chefs. Living luxuriously extends to the pleasures of exquisite dining.

Living a luxurious lifestyle is an art that requires a holistic approach to mindset, finances, environment, and experiences. By embracing an abundance mentality, mastering your finances, curating an opulent environment, and indulging in exquisite experiences, you can elevate your lifestyle and create a world that reflects your commitment to living luxuriously. Remember, true luxury is not just about what you have; it’s about how you live.

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The Psychology Behind Why People Buy Luxury Goods

essay about luxurious life

A luxury good is a non-essential product. Consumers don't need luxury goods to live. Examples include clothing from high-end designers, designer luggage and handbags, jewelry and watches, high-end vehicles, over-the-top vacations and real estate, and certain services, such as a live-in nanny.

The appeal of luxury goods is undeniable, but the price tag can be off-putting. Buying these goods can be cost-prohibitive unless you have a job with a high salary or a willingness to go into credit card debt . So why do people make these extravagant purchases?

Key Takeaways

  • Buying luxury goods can create a financial burden (unless, of course, you can afford to pay for them).
  • The luxury goods market is worth billions and is growing, though research indicates that people are cutting back on non-essential spending across the U.S. and Europe.
  • People buy luxury goods despite not being able to afford them for several reasons, including a sense of irrationality, a belief that a higher price equals higher quality, a desire for higher self-esteem, and a desire for a sense of accomplishment.


Consumers aren't always rational. According to some modern behavioral psychology studies, many consumers who buy luxury goods aren't in a financial position to afford luxury goods. The proof may be in the high rates of consumer debt in America. Total credit card debt for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $1.129 trillion.

A high-quality, durable handbag can be purchased for around $100, but some consumers opt to spend thousands of dollars on a luxury-brand handbag that performs the same function and is of the same relative quality.

Equating Higher Price With Higher Quality

One possible explanation is the human tendency to overemphasize the positive elements of a product and ignore its disadvantages. Great marketing and brand power may contribute to this.

Some consumers will wait overnight to grab new releases of iPhones, iPads, and Mac computers even though Apple ( AAPL ) products aren't necessarily technologically unique or superior. Samsung and other brands offer more variety and (according to some experts) more bang for a consumer's buck when it comes to smartphones, compared to Apple.

Microsoft ( MSFT ) and Xiaomi make phones that typically have a cheaper price point, but Apple experiences a high degree of brand loyalty and seems to break sales records year after year.

Some people perceive non-luxury goods as inferior based on their characteristics or quality. They come to the conclusion that higher-priced goods are simply superior. They may believe that you get what you pay for, regardless of whether the goods are better than their more affordable counterparts.

A Desire to Boost Self-Esteem

Self-esteem can be a factor, as well. This may be especially true if you can't easily afford the cost of these items. Whether it's basketball shoes or a polo, a luxury good can go a long way toward increasing self-esteem for some people, providing a sense of belonging and higher status.

A $500 scarf is just a click away with the rise of online shopping , and luxury goods can serve as the ultimate retail therapy for some people. The Internet makes it all easily accessible for impulse buying, aided by credit and a " buy now, pay later" feature on the checkout page that allow you to split the purchase into a handful of equal payments. 

You can also invest in the luxury goods market. There are several exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds that track this market.

A sense of accomplishment is another reason why some people buy luxury goods. They want to reward themselves for their hard work by treating themselves to something they might not be able to afford.

Authenticity Matters

Someone may decide to pass up a fake Rolex and pay full price for an authentic one even if the two watches look identical. Why? The owner will know that they don't have a real luxury good, even though it may appear the same to a stranger. But why wouldn't a facsimile do the trick if we buy luxury goods to show off to others and feel like we belong?

Researchers at Yale University have determined that this quest for authenticity develops early in childhood. A study that tried to convince children that a cloning machine produced their favorite toy found that most children refused to accept the duplicate as identical. The sentimentality of the item and the memory or feeling that comes from having purchased a genuine luxury good is part of the reason that we seek authenticity.

How Big Is the Luxury Goods Market?

Demand for luxury goods typically rises when incomes do. People tend to loosen their purse strings and spend more on items they don't necessarily need when the economy flourishes .

Research indicates that people have begun cutting back on non-essential spending across the U.S. and Europe, even though demand for these goods is still high.

The luxury goods market in 2023 was estimated at $253.7 billion. This number is expected to increase to $369.8 billion by 2030. Almost a third of this, $115.4 billion, is expected to come from luxury apparel alone.

What Are the Most Common Luxury Goods That People Purchase?

Some of the most common types of luxury goods include high-end designer apparel, handbags, jewelry, watches, and luxury cars. Apparel is so popular that this segment is expected to make up about one-third of the luxury goods market by 2030.

How Can I Spot a Fake Luxury Good?

Counterfeit goods are more common than you might think, especially when it comes to the luxury goods market. One of the most obvious ways to spot a fake is by the price. Be cautious if someone sells you a designer handbag for $100 when it normally retails for $3,000. You can also tell a knock-off from the real thing by the craftsmanship. Counterfeit luxury items may be shoddily made. Counterfeiters also use fake logos or alternate spellings of brand names.

People buy luxury goods for a variety of reasons. Nearly all of them are related to the strong emotions we attach to the purchase of expensive material goods . You may decide to purchase an item to achieve a certain feeling, regardless of whether you're in a financial position that allows you to do so. You might be looking for a feeling of accomplishment from hard work or to gain acceptance from others.

So be careful when you're considering a luxury purchase. Is it actually what you want, long-term—even when the credit card bill comes due? If you can truly afford it, and you go in with your eyes open, then go ahead. Buy it. But if you suspect you or a loved one may be buying luxury goods for the wrong reasons, tread carefully. Buy with both your head and your heart—not one or the other.

Federal Reserve Bank of New York. " Credit Card and Auto Loan Delinquencies Continue Rising; Notably Among Younger Borrowers ."

Android Authority. " Apple vs Samsung: The Ultimate Head-to-Head ."

Luxury Academy. " The Psychology Behind Luxury ."

Yale University. " Children Prefer Certain Individuals Over Perfect Duplicates ," Page 461.

J.P. Morgan. " What's Next for the Luxury Market? "

Research and Markets. " Luxury Goods: Global Strategic Business Report ."

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Why the simple life is not just beautiful, it’s necessary

<p>Detail from <em>Interior with Two Girls</em> by Peter Ilsted, 1904. <em>Photo courtesy Flickr</em></p>

Detail from Interior with Two Girls by Peter Ilsted, 1904. Photo courtesy Flickr

by Emrys Westacott   + BIO

essay about luxurious life

The good life is the simple life. Among philosophical ideas about how we should live, this one is a hardy perennial; from Socrates to Thoreau, from the Buddha to Wendell Berry, thinkers have been peddling it for more than two millennia. And it still has plenty of adherents. Magazines such as Real Simple call out to us from the supermarket checkout; Oprah Winfrey regularly interviews fans of simple living such as Jack Kornfield, a teacher of Buddhist mindfulness; the Slow Movement, which advocates a return to pre-industrial basics, attracts followers across continents.

Through much of human history, frugal simplicity was not a choice but a necessity – and since necessary, it was also deemed a moral virtue. But with the advent of industrial capitalism and a consumer society, a system arose that was committed to relentless growth, and with it grew a population (aka ‘the market’) that was enabled and encouraged to buy lots of stuff that, by traditional standards, was surplus to requirements. As a result, there’s a disconnect between the traditional values we have inherited and the consumerist imperatives instilled in us by contemporary culture.

In pre-modern times, the discrepancy between what the philosophers advised and how people lived was not so great. Wealth provided security, but even for the rich wealth was flimsy protection against misfortunes such as war, famine, disease, injustice and the disfavour of tyrants. The Stoic philosopher Seneca, one of the richest men in Rome, still ended up being sentenced to death by Nero. As for the vast majority – slaves, serfs, peasants and labourers – there was virtually no prospect of accumulating even modest wealth.

Before the advent of machine-based agriculture, representative democracy, civil rights, antibiotics and aspirin, just making it through a long life without too much suffering counted as doing pretty well. Today, though, at least in prosperous societies, people want and expect (and can usually have) a good deal more. Living simply now strikes many people as simply boring.

Yet there seems to be growing interest, especially among millennials, in rediscovering the benefits of simple living. Some of this might reflect a kind of nostalgia for the pre-industrial or pre-consumerist world, and also sympathy for the moral argument that says that living in a simple manner makes you a better person, by building desirable traits such as frugality, resilience and independence – or a happier person, by promoting peace of mind and good health, and keeping you close to nature.

These are plausible arguments. Yet in spite of the official respect their teachings command, the sages have proved remarkably unpersuasive. Millions of us continue to rush around getting and spending, buying lottery tickets, working long hours, racking up debt, and striving 24/7 to climb the greasy pole. Why is this?

One obvious answer is good old-fashioned hypocrisy. We applaud the frugal philosophy while ignoring its precepts in our day-to-day lives. We praise the simple lifestyle of, say, Pope Francis, seeing it as a sign of his moral integrity, while also hoping for and cheering on economic growth driven, in large part, by a demand for bigger houses, fancier cars and other luxury goods.

But the problem isn’t just that our practice conflicts with our professed beliefs. Our thinking about simplicity and luxury, frugality and extravagance, is fundamentally inconsistent. We condemn extravagance that is wasteful or tasteless and yet we tout monuments of past extravagance, such as the Forbidden City in Beijing or the palace at Versailles, as highly admirable. The truth is that much of what we call ‘culture’ is fuelled by forms of extravagance.

Somewhat paradoxically, then, the case for living simply was most persuasive when most people had little choice but to live that way. The traditional arguments for simple living in effect rationalise a necessity. But the same arguments have less purchase when the life of frugal simplicity is a choice, one way of living among many. Then the philosophy of frugality becomes a hard sell.

That might be about to change, under the influence of two factors: economics and environmentalism. When recession strikes, as it has done recently (revealing inherent instabilities in an economic system committed to unending growth) millions of people suddenly find themselves in circumstances where frugality once again becomes a necessity, and the value of its associated virtues is rediscovered.

In societies such as the United States, we are currently witnessing a tendency for capitalism to stretch the distance between the ‘have lots’ and the ‘have nots’. These growing inequalities invite a fresh critique of extravagance and waste. When so many people live below the poverty line, there is something unseemly about in-your-face displays of opulence and luxury. Moreover, the lopsided distribution of wealth also represents a lost opportunity. According to Epicurus and the other sages of simplicity, one can live perfectly well, provided certain basic needs are satisfied – a view endorsed in modern times by the psychologist Abraham Maslow’s ‘ hierarchy of needs ’. If correct, it’s an argument for using surplus wealth to ensure that everyone has basics such as food, housing, healthcare, education, utilities and public transport – at low cost, rather than allowing it to be funnelled into a few private pockets.

However wise the sages, it would not have occurred to Socrates or Epicurus to argue for the simple life in terms of environmentalism. Two centuries of industrialisation, population growth and frenzied economic activity has bequeathed us smog; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans; toxic waste; soil erosion; deforestation; extinction of plant and animal species, and global warming. The philosophy of frugal simplicity expresses values and advocates a lifestyle that might be our best hope for reversing these trends and preserving our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

Many people are still unconvinced by this. But if our current methods of making, getting, spending and discarding prove unsustainable, then there could come a time – and it might come quite soon – when we are forced towards simplicity. In which case, a venerable tradition will turn out to contain the philosophy of the future.

The Wisdom of Frugality (2016) by Emrys Westacott is published via Princeton University Press.

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Top Luxury Lifestyle Examples That Will Inspire You to Elevate Your Life

  • by Wellington Ashford
  • September 5, 2023 September 19, 2023

luxury fashion examples

Introduction to Luxury Lifestyle Examples

Do you ever wonder what a luxury lifestyle looks like? From yachts and private jets, to designer clothes and five-star dining experiences, luxury lifestyle examples come in all shapes and sizes. But what does the term ‘luxury lifestyle’ actually mean? Put simply, a luxury lifestyle refers to an elevated way of living that includes extravagant experiences, fine dining, and indulging in expensive hobbies. In this blog post, we will be exploring some of the most impressive luxury lifestyle examples that will inspire you to take your life to the next level.

What is a luxury lifestyle? Here are Some Luxury Lifestyle Examples

When you think of a luxury lifestyle, what comes to mind? Is it the image of a jetsetter hopping on private jets and staying at exclusive five-star hotels? Or perhaps it’s the thought of indulging in fine dining experiences and shopping for designer clothes. While these examples certainly capture elements of a luxury lifestyle, there is much more to it than meets the eye. At its core, a luxury lifestyle is about living in a way that is indulgent, opulent, and above the ordinary. It is about surrounding yourself with beauty, comfort, and exceptional experiences that elevate your everyday life. Whether it’s traveling to exotic destinations, owning high-end real estate properties, or enjoying extravagant leisure activities, a luxury lifestyle is about embracing the best that life has to offer.

essay about luxurious life

But living a luxury lifestyle doesn’t necessarily mean spending a fortune. It’s not just about the price tag, but rather the value and experience that you derive from it. There are plenty of ways to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank. Some luxury lifestyle examples can include luxury travel discounts on platforms like Skyscanner and Secret Escapes, to using luxury hotel aggregators to book your stays at renowned properties like the Ritz-Carlton, there are many resources and tips available to help you enjoy the finer things in life without emptying your bank account. In this blog post, we will delve into various aspects of a luxury lifestyle, exploring examples of luxury fashion, exotic travel destinations, high-end real estate properties, extravagant dining experiences, exclusive leisure activities, and even the latest technology and gadgets for the wealthy. We will also share inspirational success stories of individuals who have embraced the luxury lifestyle and provide tips on how you can elevate your own lifestyle without breaking the bank. So get ready to be inspired and learn how you can add a touch of luxury to your own life. It’s time to embrace the extraordinary and experience the true essence of a luxury lifestyle with our dive into luxury lifestyle examples.

Luxury fashion examples

Luxury fashion is synonymous with opulence, elegance, and impeccable craftsmanship. It represents a world where quality reigns supreme, and each garment tells a story of meticulous design and attention to detail. From haute couture to high-end ready-to-wear, luxury fashion exemplifies the epitome of style and sophistication. In this section, we will explore some captivating luxury fashion examples that will leave you in awe and inspire you to elevate your own wardrobe. One of the best luxury tips for fashion enthusiasts is to invest in timeless pieces that will stand the test of time. Classic designer brands such as Chanel, Gucci, and Louis Vuitton are renowned for their iconic handbags, which have become synonymous with luxury and prestige. The Chanel 2.55, the Gucci Dionysus, and the Louis Vuitton Neverfull are just a few examples of handbags that have achieved cult status and are considered must-haves in any luxury fashion collection.

luxury fashion examples

When it comes to luxury tips prediction, staying on top of the latest trends and fashion shows is essential. Pay attention to the runways of Paris, Milan, and New York, as they dictate the future of fashion. Whether it’s bold prints, avant-garde designs, or elegant silhouettes, the runway is where you can find the next big fashion statement. For those looking to experience luxury travel for less, indulging in luxury fashion can be a great way to save. Many high-end brands offer exclusive benefits to their customers, such as personal shopping services, private styling sessions, and access to limited-edition collections. By taking advantage of these perks, you can enhance your shopping experience and enjoy a taste of luxury without breaking the bank. Luxury fashion is not just about the clothes you wear but also the way you carry yourself. Confidence is the ultimate accessory, and when paired with a carefully curated outfit, it can make a statement that is truly unforgettable. So, take inspiration from the world of luxury fashion and let your style speak volumes about who you are and what you value.

Exotic travel destinations

Are you dreaming of a luxurious getaway to an exotic destination? From breathtaking beaches to vibrant cityscapes, there are countless travel destinations that offer the perfect combination of luxury and adventure. In this section, we will explore some of the most incredible exotic travel destinations that will leave you yearning for a passport full of stamps and unforgettable experiences. One luxury tip for today’s traveler is to plan your trip around unique experiences and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Instead of opting for the typical tourist hotspots, consider exploring hidden gems that offer a taste of authentic luxury. For instance, the Maldives, with its pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, is the epitome of paradise. Staying at an exclusive luxury resort like the Soneva Jani or the Velaa Private Island will provide you with an experience that is truly out of this world.

exotic travel destinations

If you prefer the thrill of exploring vibrant cities, Tokyo should be at the top of your list. With its unique blend of tradition and innovation, this bustling metropolis offers a luxury experience like no other. From indulging in Michelin-starred restaurants to shopping for high-end fashion in Ginza, Tokyo is a city that exudes sophistication and elegance. For those seeking a combination of adventure and luxury, the Amalfi Coast in Italy is the perfect destination. With its picturesque coastal towns, stunning cliffside views, and exquisite Mediterranean cuisine, this region is a must-visit for luxury travelers. Staying at a boutique hotel such as Le Sirenuse or Villa Cimbrone will ensure that your experience is nothing short of extraordinary. When planning your luxury travel, it’s important to consider travel tips and resources that can help you make the most of your trip. Websites like Luxury Flight Expert and Luxury Hotel Aggregator can provide valuable insights and deals on luxury travel, allowing you to experience the world in style. So whether you’re dreaming of relaxing on a pristine beach, exploring a vibrant city, or embarking on a thrilling adventure, there is an exotic travel destination that is sure to fulfill your luxury travel desires. Pack your bags and get ready to experience the world like never before.

High-end real estate properties

When it comes to a luxury lifestyle, owning high-end real estate properties is often at the top of the list. From glamorous penthouses in bustling city centers to sprawling mansions in exclusive neighborhoods, luxury homes are the epitome of opulence and elegance. In this section, we will explore the world of high-end real estate properties and provide you with some tips on how to find and own your dream luxury home. One essential luxury tip for buying high-end real estate properties is to create a checklist of your must-have features and amenities. Whether you prioritize a private pool, a home theater, or a state-of-the-art kitchen, having a clear vision of what you desire will help you find the perfect property that meets your specific needs. You can also consider enlisting the services of a luxury real estate agent who specializes in high-end properties, as they will have access to exclusive listings and can guide you through the buying process. For those looking to stay in luxury while traveling, staying at renowned properties like the Ritz-Carlton can provide an unparalleled experience. Known for their exceptional service and luxurious accommodations, the Ritz-Carlton offers a wide range of amenities that cater to the discerning traveler. From indulgent spa treatments to fine dining experiences, staying at a Ritz-Carlton hotel is a true luxury experience.

essay about luxurious life

When it comes to selling luxury real estate, it’s important to keep in mind that the presentation is key. Utilizing quiet luxury tips can help create a sense of exclusivity and allure for potential buyers. This can include staging the property with high-end furniture and decor, highlighting unique features and architectural details, and showcasing the property through professional photography and virtual tours. In addition to finding and owning luxury homes, there are also resources like luxury hotel aggregators and luxury flight experts that can enhance your luxury lifestyle. These platforms offer valuable insights and deals on luxury travel, ensuring that you can experience the world in style. Whether you’re in the market for a luxury home or looking for tips on selling your current property, the world of high-end real estate properties offers a wealth of opportunities for those seeking the ultimate in luxury living.

Extravagant dining experiences

Indulging in extravagant dining experiences is one of the ultimate pleasures of a luxury lifestyle. It’s not just about the food itself, but the entire experience that comes with it. From the ambiance of the restaurant to the impeccable service and the artful presentation of each dish, extravagant dining takes culinary enjoyment to a whole new level. One luxury tip for dining enthusiasts is to seek out Michelin-starred restaurants, where the world’s top chefs showcase their culinary expertise. These establishments are renowned for their exceptional cuisine, using the finest ingredients and pushing the boundaries of gastronomy. Whether it’s molecular gastronomy, fusion cuisine, or traditional dishes executed with precision and creativity, dining at a Michelin-starred restaurant is an experience like no other. For those looking to elevate their dining experiences while traveling, luxury hotel aggregators and luxury flight experts can be valuable resources. These platforms offer curated lists of the best restaurants and dining experiences around the world, ensuring that you can indulge in the finest cuisine wherever you go. Whether you’re craving authentic sushi in Tokyo, a world-class steak in Buenos Aires, or exquisite French cuisine in Paris, these platforms will help you find the perfect dining experience to suit your tastes.

fine dining examples

Selling luxury tips also come into play when it comes to dining. Some high-end restaurants offer exclusive experiences such as private dining rooms, chef’s tables, and personalized menus. These bespoke dining experiences allow you to tailor the evening to your preferences, creating a truly unforgettable meal. Additionally, many luxury hotels offer dining packages that include access to their renowned restaurants, allowing you to enjoy exquisite cuisine without even leaving your accommodation. So whether you’re a food lover looking to savor the best cuisine in the world or a traveler seeking to enhance your dining experiences, there are plenty of ways to indulge in extravagant dining. From Michelin-starred restaurants to bespoke culinary experiences, the world of extravagant dining awaits those who are ready to elevate their taste buds to new heights.

Exclusive leisure activities

When it comes to living a luxury lifestyle, leisure activities play a crucial role in enhancing your overall experience. These exclusive leisure activities are designed to provide you with unforgettable moments of relaxation, indulgence, and enjoyment. From spa retreats to private yacht charters, there are countless options available to help you create a lifestyle that is truly extraordinary. One way to elevate your leisure activities is to seek the expertise of luxury travel platforms such as Lux Flight Expert and Luxury Hotel Aggregator. These resources can help you plan and book unique experiences that cater to your personal preferences and desires. Whether you’re interested in a private island getaway, a helicopter tour of a scenic destination, or a personalized wellness retreat, these platforms can connect you with the best options available.

leisure activities for the wealthy

If you’re looking to enjoy leisure activities within the comfort of your own home, fashion luxury tips can come in handy. Hosting a lavish dinner party with a private chef and personalized menu can be a great way to impress your guests and create a memorable experience. Additionally, indulging in hobbies such as wine tasting, art collection, or luxury car ownership can add a touch of opulence to your everyday life. For those who enjoy the thrill of outdoor activities, luxury sports experiences like golfing at exclusive golf clubs or yachting in exotic locations can provide a sense of adventure and sophistication. These activities allow you to experience the world from a different perspective and create memories that will last a lifetime. No matter what your interests may be, there are exclusive leisure activities available to suit every taste and preference. Whether you choose to explore new destinations, indulge in luxurious experiences, or enjoy the finest amenities, embracing these exclusive leisure activities will add a new level of excitement and sophistication to your luxury lifestyle. So go ahead, and start planning your next extraordinary adventure.

Technology and gadgets for the wealthy

Technology and gadgets have become an integral part of our lives, and for those living a luxury lifestyle, they offer endless possibilities for convenience, entertainment, and indulgence. From state-of-the-art home automation systems to the latest high-end smartphones, there are countless technology and gadgets available that can enhance your luxury lifestyle. When it comes to creating a luxurious home, incorporating smart technology is a must. With a luxury home checklist in hand, you can transform your living space into a high-tech haven. Imagine controlling the lighting, temperature, and security of your home with just a few taps on your smartphone. With home automation systems like Control4 or Crestron, you can customize and control every aspect of your home from anywhere in the world. For the jet-setting luxury traveler, having the latest gadgets is essential. Luxury hotel aggregators can provide valuable insights on hotels that offer the most advanced amenities and technology. From hotels with smart mirrors in the bathrooms to rooms equipped with virtual reality entertainment systems, these hotels cater to the needs of the tech-savvy traveler. You can also invest in travel gadgets such as noise-canceling headphones, portable chargers, and high-end cameras to capture every moment of your luxury travel experiences.

technology and gadgets for the wealthy

When it comes to entertainment, the wealthy have access to the best in technology. From high-end audio systems like Bang & Olufsen or Sonos to 4K OLED TVs from brands like LG or Samsung, there are endless options to create a truly immersive entertainment experience. Add in a high-end gaming console like the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox Series X, and you have the ultimate gaming setup for those who enjoy a bit of virtual adventure. Technology and gadgets are not just about functionality; they can also be a reflection of your style and taste. Luxury smartphone brands like Apple, Samsung, or Vertu offer exclusive editions with luxurious materials and limited-edition designs. Luxury watchmakers like TAG Heuer and Montblanc have also entered the smartwatch market, combining high-end craftsmanship with the latest technology.

Inspirational success stories of living the luxury lifestyle

Luxury lifestyle is not just a dream, but a reality for many individuals who have made their mark in the world. Their stories of success and living a life of opulence can be truly inspiring. These individuals have not only achieved financial success, but have also embraced the luxury lifestyle to its fullest extent. Take, for example, Mark Cuban, the billionaire entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks. He is known for his luxurious lifestyle, owning multiple mansions, private jets, and a yacht. However, his success story goes beyond material possessions. Cuban started from humble beginnings, working odd jobs and living in a small apartment. Through his dedication and entrepreneurial spirit, he was able to build a multi-billion-dollar empire and live a life of luxury.

inspirational success stories of the wealthy

Another inspiring success story is that of Ralph Lauren, the fashion designer who built a luxury empire. Lauren grew up in a working-class family in the Bronx, but his passion for fashion and his unwavering determination led him to create one of the most iconic luxury brands in the world. From designing his own ties to now having a global fashion empire, Lauren’s story is a testament to the power of following your dreams and creating your own version of luxury. These success stories show that a luxury lifestyle is attainable with hard work, determination, and a clear vision. It is not just about the material possessions, but also about the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that comes with achieving your goals.

When striving for your own luxury lifestyle, it is important to have a luxury home checklist to guide your journey. This checklist can include the features and amenities that are important to you, whether it’s a private pool, a home theater, or a state-of-the-art kitchen. By having a clear vision of what you desire, you can create the perfect luxury home that reflects your personal style and taste.

Additionally, luxury hotel aggregators can be a valuable resource when planning your travel experiences. These platforms provide curated lists of the best hotels and luxury accommodations around the world, ensuring that you can indulge in the finest experiences wherever you go. From private villas to exclusive resorts, these hotels offer unparalleled luxury and amenities that will make your travel experiences truly extraordinary.

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  • Top 10 Exotic Travel Destinations
  • Luxury Home Upgrades and Decor

Tips on how to elevate your own lifestyle without breaking the bank

how to elevate your lifestyle without breaking the bank

Living a luxury lifestyle doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can elevate your own lifestyle without sacrificing your financial stability. Here are luxury lifestyle examples and tips on how to achieve a luxurious lifestyle without breaking the bank.

  • Create a luxury home checklist: Before splurging on expensive items, make a checklist of the features and amenities that are most important to you in a luxury home. Focus on items that will enhance your daily life and provide long-term value. By prioritizing what truly matters to you, you can make informed decisions and allocate your resources accordingly.
  • Utilize luxury hotel aggregators: When planning your travel experiences, take advantage of luxury hotel aggregators that offer curated lists of the best hotels and accommodations. These platforms often provide exclusive deals and discounts, allowing you to enjoy a taste of luxury at a fraction of the cost. By carefully selecting your accommodations, you can elevate your travel experiences without breaking the bank.
  • Embrace the art of minimalism: A luxurious lifestyle is not about owning countless possessions, but about surrounding yourself with quality and beauty. Practice minimalism by decluttering your living spaces and investing in timeless, high-quality pieces that bring you joy. By prioritizing quality over quantity, you can create a luxurious and refined environment without excessive spending.
  • Take advantage of membership perks : Many luxury brands and establishments offer exclusive membership programs that provide access to special benefits and discounts. Whether it’s a loyalty program with your favorite designer brand or a membership with a luxury travel club, these perks can help you enjoy the finer things in life without breaking the bank. Explore different membership options and take advantage of the opportunities they provide.
  • Seek out luxury experiences in your own community : You don’t have to travel far to experience luxury. Look for local events, exhibitions, and restaurants that offer high-end experiences. Attend art gallery openings, indulge in a luxurious spa day, or dine at a renowned restaurant in your area. By exploring luxury options in your own community, you can elevate your lifestyle without the added costs of travel. Remember, a luxury lifestyle is not just about the price tag, but about the value and experience you derive from it. With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can add touches of luxury to your everyday life without compromising your financial stability. So go ahead and start elevating your own lifestyle while staying within your budget.

We hope you have enjoyed our in-depth look at these luxury lifestyle examples.

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The Luxe Insider

How To Lead A Luxurious Lifestyle

How To Lead A Luxurious Lifestyle

Before you start planning how you’ll live a life of luxury, take a step back and think about what it means to you. Although luxury is a personal concept, it can be very different from what you think of when you think of it. For instance, some people think that it’s about money and fulfillment, while others think it’s about happiness and playing slots . Let’s see in this post how to run a luxurious lifestyle.

Having a high income can be beneficial and contribute to a luxurious lifestyle of course, but it does not cure diseases or bring people back to life… I believe that the key to living such a lifestyle is finding inner tranquility and joy in one’s surroundings and life. It’s a feeling that you’re living your best life and nothing less.

Luxury is a State of Mind

The goal of luxury is to find the positive aspects of your life and enjoy them to the fullest. There will always be scope for more, but this can be useless if you don’t appreciate what you have.

Enjoy the Simple Pleasures

Nowadays, it’s so effortless to find pleasure in life in your own home. You can enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, go for a walk at dusk, spend time with family, and enjoy what you already have. It’s about appreciating what you have and not taking it for granted what you have.

essay about luxurious life

Getting ready for bed can be a daunting task, so why not start a skincare routine before sleeping? There are so many affordable products that can help you feel fresh and ready to go to sleep. One of the easiest ways to add a bit of luxury to your routine is a lymphatic drainage facial.

This may not seem like an appealing idea to some people, especially if you are more into a luxurious bubble bath or a bouquet of flowers every week. Nevertheless, it is still possible to achieve these pleasures in your life by looking for them and trying new things.

Quality over Quantity

A luxurious lifestyle involves investing in high-quality products that have the potential to last for a long time. This means avoiding buying cheap products when you can afford to spend more on luxury goods.

essay about luxurious life

This concept can also apply to various aspects of your home, such as the furniture that you have and the items in your wardrobe. Rather than going over your budget, you should invest in high-quality items that won’t need replacing in the future.

The Importance of Relationships

A luxurious lifestyle isn’t about money. It involves living a life filled with happiness and experiencing certain things that can’t be purchased. For instance, health is probably the most important thing on your list, but your relationships with your friends and family are also very important.

essay about luxurious life

Being able to maintain good relationships and having a close-knit group of friends can make your life more luxurious. One of the easiest ways to achieve this is by regularly connecting with people around you. You can also make time to call people who haven’t been in touch in a while. Having these relationships can help you feel valued and supported when you’re feeling down.

Streamline Your Schedule

Today, it’s easy for people to get overwhelmed by the endless amount of tasks and activities that they have to do. It’s also important to take a break from these activities and focus on something that you actually enjoy.

essay about luxurious life

Try taking one chore off your calendar each month and replacing it with something that you enjoy doing. Doing so can allow you to take time to relax and enjoy yourself.

If you’re not able to streamline your schedule because you’re overwhelmed by the amount of work that you have to do, consider implementing a time-blocking strategy. The concept of time blocking is a method of time management that involves separating your day into multiple blocks of time. It can help you focus on the important tasks at hand and avoid getting carried away.

essay about luxurious life

There are a wide variety of books and articles online that can help you time-block effectively. They can help you find ways to spend more time doing what you want to do.

Prioritize Comfort and Convenience

Today’s millennials are the first generation to tell you that modern-day life can be made more luxurious by focusing on comfort and convenience. Convenience can be considered a luxury, as it allows you to have what you need whenever you need it. A life where you can acquire what you desire takes little effort.

Recognize the Importance of Healthy Living

A healthy lifestyle is also a luxury, as maintaining this can help you avoid unnecessary stress and improve your health. Contrary to popular belief, a healthy and luxurious lifestyle can be easily achieved.

essay about luxurious life

Many people believe that a plant-based diet and regular yoga practice can help improve one’s mental health and overall well-being. While everyone has their own unique perspective on what’s best for them, living a more health-conscious lifestyle can have a positive impact on your life.

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My name is Francois Le Hecho, founder and main contributor of The Luxe Insider. Together with my travel mate and few more writers worldwide, we highlight what the luxury travel & lifestyle industry has the best to offer.

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  • Jun 12, 2021


essay about luxurious life

If you’re looking for the path to a more luxurious lifestyle, you’re in the right place.

We have a list of tips that will help you achieve the life you desire.

In today’s day and age, it’s very easy to hop online and see everyone else living the

good life. The luxurious lifestyle seems to come so effortlessly for them, but you can’t

seem to find a way to do it yourself. If it feels like we’re talking about you right now,

then this article is just for you. In it, we’ll be going over ways on how to truly live a life

of luxury without it being nearly as difficult as it seems.

Stop Watching, Start Doing

We’ll start this list by addressing the elephant in the room. If you spend all of your

free time watching other people live luxurious lifestyles, as we mentioned, stop

immediately. You can’t possibly live a lavish life yourself if you spend it all watching

other people’s lives. Sure, you can get some good ideas by seeing what others do,

but after you get those ideas, follow through with them. Luxury doesn’t come

knocking on your door to ask if you’re ready to be happy. You have to make the

moves to cause it to happen.

essay about luxurious life

Change Things Up

If you desire a more luxurious life, there’s a good chance you’re unhappy with your

current one. We suggest starting small with your changes. For instance, after work

one day, treat yourself to a day at the spa or spend your night with a bottle of wine

and a good movie. Anything that delights you will increase the luxuriousness of your

life little by little.

If you want to go all out, we’d recommend something bigger such as moving out of

your current apartment. Luxury apartment complexes are the way to go—not

because of how nice the rooms are, but because they offer tons of amenities and

activities. Using everything that the complex offers you is an easy way to live

essay about luxurious life

Less Is More

Now, this doesn’t mean you should get rid of everything you currently own. What it

actually means is you need to focus on quality over quantity. Having multiple cars

means nothing if you don’t care about cars in the first place. Instead, focus on things

that mean the most to you and spend your time and money on those.

essay about luxurious life

Overhaul Your Diet

One of the best ways to feel good about yourself is by being healthy. Changing the

foods you eat will drastically improve your health and your outlook on life, which in

turn will increase how lavish everything else in your life feels. Follow that up with a

regular exercise routine, and you’ll be well on your way to the life you desire.

essay about luxurious life

Shift Your Mindset

Now that we’ve gone over all of the main points in our list of how to truly live a life of

luxury, it’s time to state the most important one. You must realize that luxury is

simply a state of mind. We left hints in our previous points that all luxury is a mindset.

It’s not about spending all of your savings. It’s about finding the simple pleasures in

life and enjoying them to the fullest. If you never change your current mindset on the

matter, no amount of luxury items will do it for you, either.

essay about luxurious life

All images of the gorgeous home - La Chacuel. Shared from their IG gallery.

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I had the most luxurious stay of my life in Panama. Now, I want every tropical vacation to include a private island.

  • I spent three nights on Isla Palenque, a five-star private island resort in Panama.
  • As I dined on three-course meals and enveloped myself in nature, I discovered true relaxation.
  • It was a trip unlike any other, and I now want to add private islands to every vacation.

Insider Today

As I pushed open the passenger door and stepped out of the air-conditioned Toyota Fortuner, my senses were immediately overwhelmed.

Humidity clung to the back of my neck. The sweet scent of nearby tropical flowers filled my nostrils. The faintest bit of sea salt coated my tongue, and the sound of crashing waves was closer than I imagined.

In front of me was a sign for casita seven, my home for the next three nights at Isla Palenque , a five-star island resort off the coast of Panama.

As I walked the sandy path to the casita's entrance, the thatched structure came into view for the first time. Every other sense — the saltwater, flowers, and nearby tropical birds — vanished.

In front of me was a stunning one-bedroom building. Daniela, one of the island's concierge representatives, said the inspiration was a coconut with its brown roof and bright white exterior.

It was the most extravagant version of a coconut I've ever seen.

Daniela gave me a quick tour of the property's amenities. There was a small tub to rinse off my sandy feet, a mini bar with complimentary snacks, two outdoor showers, and all-natural soaps.

Meanwhile, my focus was still on the sight of the casita. It was easily the most captivating place I've stayed.

Off the coast of Panama sits the 400-acre private island

I woke up bright and early on a Sunday in April, waiting for a driver to cart me away from the lush valley of Boquete, Panama , and bring me to the Pacific coast for a three-night stay at Isla Palenque.

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To get to the resort, visitors hop on a 15-minute boat ride. As my driver, Carlos, said goodbye, Francis, the resort's lead naturalist guide, welcomed me onto the boat.

As we traveled through the Gulf of Chiriquí, Francis noted where dolphins are often spotted, shared the names of nearby islands, and chatted about the morning weather.

Then, he pointed to our destination, a long wooden dock. No other structures were in sight, an intentional decision to blend the resort's buildings with the surrounding jungle. After walking the dock, Francis and I hopped into a parked car and headed to my casita.

Isla Palenque is home to eight casitas and one six-bedroom villa. During low season, a night in a casita starts at $512, including meals, non-alcoholic drinks, boat transfers, outdoor gear, yoga classes, and daily excursions.

Every part of the property was a purposeful choice made by Benjamin Loomis, the property's architect and developer, who spent five years living on Isla Palenque before turning it into a resort.

The casitas were built at the jungle's edge. Steps away is a private beach, shared by a maximum of 32 guests at a time. Along with the beach, there's a communal area with a pool, a splattering of shaded day beds, and Las Rocas Restaurant and Bar, a thatched pavilion where meals and drinks are served.

There's a list of daily excursions, ranging from night walks to snorkeling to in-room massages to rum tastings, some of which have additional costs.

Nature is Isla Palenque's main draw. Guests have access to seven private beaches, or they can head into the jungle, where there's an abundance of winding trails. During my stay, I spotted green iguanas sunbathing on the beach, and howler monkeys joined me at the pool each afternoon.

There's no TV in your casita. The focus, no matter where you are on the island, is connecting with the outdoors.

I took that to heart during my first night when a storm barrelled in. I turned off the whirl of the AC unit and opened the casita's glass doors. It was like being inside a white noise machine, listening to the sounds of the ocean and rain.

The next day, I woke up and walked down the beach for breakfast. Across the resort's website, I read references to "barefoot luxury," which I assumed was an advertising ploy.

I quickly learned the phrase was accurate. A beach connects each casita to the pool and dining area. Besides hikes in the jungle, I didn't wear shoes during the entirety of my stay.

While nature can often be associated with "roughing it," that's far from the case on Isla Palenque. The rooms oozed comfort and luxury — the bed was practically a cloud, a fridge held cold refreshments, and with a simple message, I could have someone at my casita running me a bath in a large outdoor tub.

Outside my casita, everything was taken care of. I dined on three-course meals, towels were brought to me at the pool, and evening yoga classes ended with fresh watermelon juice. One day was spent on a snorkeling excursion that concluded with a picnic on a private beach, a highlight of the trip.

Beyond luxury and nature, sustainability was a the forefront of Isla Palenque. There's no plastic in sight. Some food is grown on the island, and the rest is sourced from local fishermen and farmers.

Even the furniture in my casita was built using materials from the island, and the hot water during my outdoor shower was heated using solar panels.

I'm now convinced private islands lead to ultimate relaxation

I had pangs of guilt a few days before my trip to Isla Palenque as I swam laps at Sofitel Legend's infinity pool . I was at another stunning property, and I wanted to take advantage of space, but I also had all of Panama City to explore.

If I had stayed any longer in the warm water, I would've been late for my dinner reservation at Intimo Restaurante , one of the city's top restaurants.

I spent my dinner brainstorming how I would squeeze in a tour of the Panama Canal. I debated if I had enough time to visit the Biomuseo, a popular museum exploring Panama's natural history.

On Isla Palenque, there was no guilt. When I grabbed a book and sat in the pool one afternoon, I wasn't worried about missing a good restaurant or skipping a historic tour — experiencing the island was my only focus.

My schedule was just that, my own time to designate how I wanted. So when my eyes glazed over the pages, I hopped out and adventured off on a paddleboard.

Rarely do I feel relaxed when visiting a new destination. Instead, there's a thrilling pressure to maximize time and squeeze in as much as possible.

While that feeling and those trips often lead to memorable experiences, Isla Palenque taught me that vacationing on a private island is an ideal way to relax.

Plus, I left with more appreciation for Panama. I explored the island's ancient, pre-Columbian history, connected and conversed with the property's staff, and fully soaked in the breathtaking nature that surrounded me.

When my three nights were over, I hopped back on the boat to head home, relaxed, re-energized, and ready to find another private island for my next trip.

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Luxury Lifestyle Tips: 11 Ways to Lead a Luxurious Life Whatever Your Budget

The good life. It’s something that we all aspire to, but what does it actually mean? For some, it might mean traveling the world and experiencing different cultures. For others, it might mean having a luxurious home and wardrobe. No matter what your definition of luxury is, these luxury lifestyle tips will help you live your best life!

Luxury Lifestyle Tips for all Budgets

When most people think of luxury, they imagine high-end brands and unaffordable lifestyles. But the truth is, there are many ways to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle without spending a fortune.

In this post, we’ll share eleven tips for living a luxurious life on any budget. So whether you’re looking to treat yourself or just want to know how to live a little bit more luxuriously, keep reading!

1. Invest in Quality Pieces

When it comes to luxury items, quality is key. If you invest in high-quality goods, they will last longer and look better over time. Plus, you’ll be able to use them for years to come.

If you want to add a touch of luxury to your everyday life, why not invest in some high-end accessories? A nice watch , elegant handbag , or a pocket square or dress shoes for men can really elevate an outfit.

For the home, you can find some amazing vintage designer furniture on sites such as 1stDibs. Yard sales in upscale neighborhoods are another interesting source.

Every once in a while, it’s okay to treat yourself to something luxurious. Just make sure that it doesn’t break the bank.

An elegant Franck Muller wristwatch

2. Create a Luxurious Home Environment

A luxurious home environment doesn’t have to be expensive. It just needs to be comfortable and relaxing.

Create a home that reflects your personality. When your home is decorated the way you want it, you will feel more at ease and comfortable in it.

Add some luxury touches like high-quality furniture, fresh flowers, soft lighting, or tropical decor to make your living room feel special. Think about engaging all your senses in your home. That could be with scented candles, wind chimes and velvet throws that are a pleasure to see and touch.

Declutter in order to achieve the kind of minimalist style that you see in boutique hotels. Luxury living is also about having a smart home with advanced security systems so you don’t have to worry about your possessions when you’re away.

A luxurious living room with gold accents

3. Plan For the Luxurious Lifestyle You Want

It’s a good idea to create a budget and stick to it. When you have a set budget, you are less likely to overspend on unnecessary items. Make sure that your budget includes savings, too!

Don’t forget to create a goal list, and also a visualization board or money mantras if you’re quite a visual person. It can either be a physical copy that you display somewhere you’ll see every day like the refrigerator door, or online. Pinterest is a handy free tool for organizing different mood boards.

This will help keep you accountable and motivated. Your goals should be both realistic and achievable. And if you’re already a High Net Worth or Ultra High Net Worth individual, consider setting up a Family Office to manage your assets.

4. Live a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is key to feeling your best. Make sure to get plenty of exercise and eat a balanced diet with healthy food. This will help you look and feel your best!

Start juicing for optimal results. It’s a great way to increase your uptake of fruit and vegetables.

Good mental health is also important for the best quality of life. Try a mind cleanse or use a meditation app if you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Try to get outside in the morning each day, even if the weather is overcast. Morning sunlight makes you feel more alert and enhances nighttime sleep quality.

We know from personal experience that it’s easy to get into bad habits and to go to bed late. However, if you can get to bed before midnight, the quality of your sleep will be a lot better.

A healthy juice drink

5. Travel the World

Traveling is one of the best ways to experience new cultures and get away from the everyday grind. If you can, try to travel at least once a year.

Luxury travel isn’t just about private jets and mega yachts. For the best travel memories, go island hopping , ask the locals where the best street food can be found and enjoy a massage on the beach. You’ll come back feeling refreshed and inspired!

Subscribe to your favorite airline’s marketing emails to get advance notice of ticket sales. One of the best ways to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle on a budget is by traveling at off-peak times.

Not only will you save money on airfare and hotel rates, but you’ll also avoid the crowds. Just be sure to check out the peak travel season for your destination so that you can plan accordingly.

Koh Phi Phi Don, one of the best Thailand gems

If you’re on a budget or simply don’t want to travel too far, why not take a break from your regular routine and enjoy a relaxing staycation ? Book a room at a local luxury hotel or resort and spend the weekend pampering yourself. You can also enjoy many of the amenities that are available on-site, such as pools, spas, and restaurants.

Alternatively, consider booking a luxury vacation rental . These properties come with all the amenities of a top-notch hotel, but often have more space and privacy. They can also be great value if you are traveling with a large group.

House swaps are also an interesting option for those on a budget. They’re available worldwide, just make sure that you use a reputable agency unless you’re exchanging keys with someone you already know and trust.

Luxury travel hacks

6. Make the Most of Your Spare Time

If you have the means, indulge in luxury hobbies . This could mean spending weekends skiing or golfing at luxurious resorts, taking cooking classes at a five-star hotel, or even hiring a personal trainer to help you stay fit.

Create a daily routine for your work and free time. Having a routine will help you to feel more organized and efficient. It can also be helpful to have specific times set aside for relaxing and enjoying your hobbies.

Spend as much time as you can with loved ones. Quality time spent with family and friends is one of the best ways to enjoy life.

Consider installing luxurious wellness amenities such as a cold plunge pool or sauna in your home. Not only are they relaxing, they also have many health benefits.

Enjoying time on the golf course

7. Dress Elegantly

Dressing classy doesn’t have to be expensive. Just focus on buying high quality items that will stand the test of time. Mixing and matching designer brands like Louis Vuitton with thrift store pieces is an easy way to create your own unique look.

It’s also about dressing for your body shape and adapting your outfit to each occasion – a smart casual flight outfit and more formal attire for special events.

Create a capsule wardrobe. Having a smaller wardrobe makes it easier to curate outfits and mix and match different items. It also helps you to be more mindful of what you’re buying.

Book in for a free personal shopping session at a department store . There’s no obligation to buy and you should get some great suggestions for outfits that you might not have considered before.

A stylish smart casual outfit

8. Enjoy Luxurious Spa Treatments

Another great way to enjoy some luxury without spending a lot of money is to book a spa day. Many local spas offer good deals on massages, facials, and other treatments. There are also some fantastic thermal spas around the world that are worth a visit.

And if you want to really treat yourself, why not add a mani/pedi to the agenda? You’ll come out feeling refreshed and invigorated!

For those on a budget, indulge in a home hair spa or do a steam facial with a few drops of your favorite essential oils. There are some great tips on social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok.

A luxurious spa treatment

9. Pamper Yourself with Luxury Skincare Products

Luxury skincare and beauty products are the perfect way to pamper yourself. The top brands contain highly effective ingredients and come in beautiful packaging.

They don’t have to cost the earth either. There are some great mid-range French skincare brands that work well for men and women.

Some of our favorites that you can buy online include Embryolisse, Eucerin, La Roche-Posay, Avène and Vichy Laboratories. They don’t have fancy packaging but they offer incredible hydration at reasonable prices.

Try using a luxury beauty product at least once a week to help you feel your best!

A jade roller and gua sha - ideal for depuffing

10. Listen to Classy Music

Luxurious music can set the perfect mood for any occasion. Whether you’re relaxing at home or hosting a dinner party, choose some luxurious music to set the tone.

It could be classical music by Mozart, smooth jazz or Ibiza chill out tracks. Whatever your personal preference, the main thing is that it’s relaxing and elevates your mood.

A retro microphone

11. Enjoy Luxurious Experiences

Instead of buying new things, invest in experiences such as vacations, concerts, and dinners out. Experiences will last longer and provide more memories than a new piece of jewelry.

The best way to enjoy luxury is by experiencing it first-hand. Make sure to try out different luxury activities and services, like water sports, fine dining and wine tastings .

You’ll be amazed at how relaxing and enjoyable they can be! If you’re on a budget, consider ordering in some high-end catering or sign up for an app such as Spotluck that gives restaurant discounts.

Another way to enjoy a luxurious lifestyle on a budget is by taking advantage of free events in your area. There are often a variety of free events available, from concerts and art shows to food festivals and block parties. Be sure to check out your local newspaper or online event listings to find out what’s happening in your area.

Set aside time for yourself. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath or reading your favorite book, make sure you take some time for yourself every day. It’s the little things like this that make all the difference.

Related reading: Luxury Brand Marketing T ips

A fine dining restaurant experience

In Conclusion: Luxury Lifestyle Tips

If you’re looking for ways to live a life of luxury on any budget, we can help. We offer lifestyle tips that are attainable for anyone who is committed to living the good life no matter what their financial situation may be.

From spending wisely and investing in yourself, to savoring every moment of your day with gratitude, there are many simple ways to lead an elegant existence without breaking the bank.

The wealthiest people know that happy relationships and self confidence are just as important as living in the lap of luxury. Check out our other lifestyle tips now!

Do you have any other hacks for living your own luxurious lifestyle? Share them in the comments below!

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How to Live Your Best Luxury Lifestyle – A Complete Guide

We all want to live our best lives, and for many folks that means living a luxury lifestyle..

What does it take to fulfill that desire though? How does one achieve the luxury lifestyle of their dreams when just navigating life at all is challenging? Sure, as a species we’ve moved past the need to hunt for our dinner each night or migrate so we don’t freeze in winter. But even though we are surrounded by constant miracles of technology and science, life can be difficult when you don't have the joys of a luxury lifestyle. For this reason, we've compiled everything you need to know to live your best life yet.

What is a luxury lifestyle?

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A luxury lifestyle begins within.

Having a cadre of servants waiting on you hand and foot might be nice, but it would probably stale after awhile. When considering a lifestyle, you have to think beyond the moment and consider all possibilities. It’s more than just choosing a nice jacket to wear or springing for that flashy car. No, a true luxury lifestyle has little to do with the material things around you, and everything to do with your attitude. 

Therefore, the first ingredient to luxury is the sort of confidence that comes with being comfortable with yourself. Before you adorn yourself with the trappings of success and wealth, you need to know how to inhabit your own skin. Luckily, everything after this step is easy. 

How to Make Your Luxury Lifestyle Last:

Once in touch with not just the person you are, but also the person you hope to be, it's time to build your luxury lifestyle around you. Disabuse yourself of the idea that simply surrounding yourself with expensive finery will do the trick. Following the guidelines below can help you make the right choices to live the life of your dreams.

1. Set Your Goals.

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Credit: Artichoke Ltd., Flickr

You could be living in a palatial estate on a cliff overlooking the ocean, but if you never wanted to be there in the first place it could feel like a prison. Just as you have to know who you are before building your luxury lifestyle, you have to know what it is you want from life.

Do you want to live in the heart of the city? Do you want a big house on land removed from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis? Do you want a fast, flashy car you can open up on empty highways? Or maybe a more sensible, dependable ride that prioritizes comfort and amenities over performance? The answers to these questions will determine your road map. 

Setting your goals is the hardest, yet most important step.

Think about what is important to you, and then go for it. You could be at the most exotic beach in the world and wanting for nothing, but if you hate the feel of sand on your skin, it’s not luxurious. The mistake people too often make when trying to build a luxury lifestyle is trying to impress others rather than pleasing themselves. Don’t do what your friends or media say is luxurious, especially if it conflicts with your own desires. Express yourself through your own tastes, and the people you hope will take notice probably will. Of course, don’t expect to get everything all at once. When you set your goals, think of them like a progression rather than a shopping list . Start with something small, like a bed or the most luxurious chair you can think of. Then, as you get one thing, start working towards the next. Your luxurious lifestyle will build up around you, it just requires a little patience.

2. Figure Out What You Want Most.

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The next step to living a luxurious lifestyle is to prioritize your goals. This ensures that they are achievable and attainable with the practicalities of life. For example, if your goal is that flashy sports car, but you live in New York City and can’t afford parking, don’t get that first. Assessing your desires in terms of your current situations is essential for planning your strategy.

You should follow two guidelines when prioritizing these things. If you do, so you can not just eventually live in luxury, but enjoy it along the way:

1. Accept your budgetary limitations.

First, accept your budgetary limitations so that you can live comfortably -- the foundation of all luxury. Ensure you have an excellent financial plan in place, to prevent overzealous spending. Realizing your luxury lifestyle fantasy is an exciting time, and sometimes optimistic people forget that what goes up sometimes comes down. If you get a luxurious living room set but end up bouncing your rent check, that’s not very luxurious.

2. Learn to compromise.

Second, don’t be afraid to compromise with yourself. We’ve all been taught about the “devil” and the “angel” on our shoulders who represent the two sides to consequential choices. However, the choice is not binary -- at least not when it’s about manifesting the luxury lifestyle you want to live.

If your dream home has four bedrooms, don’t immediately discount a good deal on a dwelling with two bedrooms. You might even realize that two rooms works fine for you. You’ll be comfortable in that place and able to set your sights on the next goal, rather than living beyond your means.

3. Make wise investments.

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Credit: Escapio: Flickr

Unless your idea of a luxury lifestyle is changing surroundings or recycling possessions every so often, you will want to invest in your dreams. We don’t use this word lightly. These are the items you will surround yourself with every day.

The place where you live, your vehicle, your wardrobe, and everything that’s yours represents some facet of your luxury lifestyle. Thus, you should treat these things like investments, because that’s what they are. They are investments in you.

​ Avoid the hype.

Along with flash, novelty is often overly associated with the idea of luxury. Just because something is new doesn’t mean it’s the best thing to have. However, sometimes it does. It all depends on what is new about the item in question. 

A classic Rolls Royce is, without question, one of the ultimate symbols of luxury across the globe. Even still, the people in the two-year-old Hyundai in the next lane have heated seats, parallel parking assist, and dozens of other modern amenities. So, when it comes to driving or riding around in luxury , newer might actually be better in this case. However, the opposite can be true.

When it comes to things as varied as architecture or furniture, or even the kinds of light bulbs you use, sometimes older may feel more luxurious than the hottest new thing. Luxury is style, and style is another form of personal expression. So, express yourself.

4. Treat Yourself!

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Credit: Johnson Watch, Flickr

The tips so far focused on the more metaphysical aspects of constructing your luxurious lifestyle. However, sometimes you just have to treat yourself! Again, luxury means different things to different people. Still, pretty much everyone agrees that going out and getting something you want the moment you want it is as luxurious as it gets.

Whether you like to engage in occasional retail therapy or enjoy a spontaneous splurge, it's prudent to enjoy the fruits of your labor. As much as luxury and lifestyle are a mentality, sometimes you just have to treat yourself, like the character from the comedy Parks and Rec .

As much as the video is a joke, the idea behind it isn’t so bad. It’s all well and good to work diligently on a lifestyle plan to achieve your goals. Yet this doesn’t mean you can’t splurge once in a while, especially if it makes you happy.

Want that cool new electronic device or a hot new outfit? Do it. Want to indulge the foodie in you with a meal at a gourmet restaurant? Go for it. Want to spend all your savings on a luxury yacht? Wait, hold up. Don’t do that.

5. Don't Treat Yourself All the Time.

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Credit: UggBoy UggGirl, Flickr

There is a difference between a luxury lifestyle and living a materialistic life of pure indulgence. But it’s not as far apart as you might think. Treating yourself every so often is good for the soul. Constantly doing it will not only wreck your plan to achieve the luxury lifestyle of your dreams, but it will also make it less fulfilling. 

Imagine your favorite dessert. When you have the chance to enjoy a portion of it after a meal, it’s a wonderful surprise. But, if you eat it after every single meal, you’ll grow to hate it in months. Much the same can be applied to creating a luxury lifestyle. 

Indulging is fine -- in moderation.

While indulging your every whim is not exactly like eating the same food item every meal, the ultimate effect is the same. The joy you feel when indulging yourself in something special becomes less, well, special. So, as you treat yourself more and more, it becomes less satisfying.

Stick to your plan, and everything might work out for the best. Spend most of your money on nonsense whims, and you won’t live a life of luxury, but rather feel buried under a bunch of useless stuff. By avoiding useless buys now, you save money for larger purchases to epitomize a luxury lifestyle.

6. Forget About What the World Thinks.

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So much of our ideas about a luxury lifestyle have arisen from social media. Social media influencers share pictures, videos, and the likes of their cars, mansions, private planes, and so on. Consumers, in turn, offer validation by sharing, commenting on, and liking these posts.

Their luxury lifestyle isn’t about what they find luxurious, but rather what they think the world does. They boast their possessions, which can be fun to look at, but doesn’t mean they are happy. Therefore, when it comes to your personal luxury lifestyle, don’t try to emulate others. 

Embrace a luxurious lifestyle that works for you .

This is not to say that you have to cut all ties from social media like a luxury Luddite (otherwise how would you share our helpful tips with your friends and loved ones!). No, what we’re suggesting is that instead of worrying about the message your stuff sends, think about the message you are sending. Share expressions of yourself that make you happy and confident -- think of it like art . Social media is yet another way we can express ourselves in today’s world. So, cultivate these expressions like you would something creative. If you want to share a picture of your gourmet dinner, take a great photo. But, when deciding what is worth sharing, make sure it feels like you rather than a commercial for whatever products you're rocking.

7. Foster Good Relationships.

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Credit: Skaja Lee, Flickr

As we mentioned above, one person’s luxury lifestyle can feel like a luxury cage to another. Still, no matter what you enjoy, if all you do is totter around your lavish home alone, it won’t feel very luxurious. That’s because, as the old song says, people really do need other people.

Of course, you don’t want to be like The Great Gatsby , and just surround yourself with people there to drink your booze, eat your food, and peek in your closets. No, what you need are real, meaningful relationships with other people.

Avoid spending all your time focusing on your plans, and remember to make time for people. Once you have achieved your luxurious lifestyle, these are likely the people you will with whom you will share the fruits of your labor.

8. Give Back to a Cause You Care About

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Credit: Daniel M. Viero, Flickr

A luxury lifestyle worth living is not one that focuses solely on you all the time. In fact, what gives value to your accomplishment is doing your part to help others achieve their dreams.

Volunteer your time and money to charities and causes that are important to you. Help mentor youth to set their own plans for the future, using your example as a guide. Give of your time or money (or both) to those who weren’t so fortunate as to see their dreams for a luxury lifestyle realized.

Helping others helps you, too.

Of course, we all know we should do altruistic things for their own sake, but there is a benefit for you as well. It will help you continue to feel like you deserve the life you’ve built. This is key for sustaining your luxury lifestyle beyond the first time the direct deposit hits your account .

Seeing people at other stages of the journey can help you remember both how hard you fought to get where you are , and how far you still can go. But you will rest more comfortably in your own luxury lifestyle, in your own skin, if you remember to be of service whenever you can afford to be.

There is no guaranteed path to living a luxurious lifestyle, but you should go for it anyways!

Unfortunately, these tips can only help you create the outline of your journey towards the luxury lifestyle you know you deserve. Life is a strange, chaotic thing filled with constant marvels and distractions. But, with focus and hard work, you can not only build the luxury lifestyle you want, but also help others achieve their dreams. Still, knowing this, we hope you found these tips helpful in setting up your best plan to live the life of your dream.

Do you have any tips of your own or anything we missed? Share your comments and insights with us below!

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Joshua Patton

Joshua M. Patton is a father, veteran, and storyteller living in Pittsburgh, PA. You can find his work on his social media feeds or on his website. His book "What I Learned: Stories, Essays, and More" is available from all major booksellers. He is the best star pilot in the galaxy, a cunning warrior, and a good friend.

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The Lady Loves Living


Everyday luxury: 33 masterful ways to live like a queen.

everyday luxury featured - a femininiety blog for ladies who want to falll in love with life

Let me tell you a secret…creating a life of everyday luxury has almost nothing to do with how much money you have access to. The small details of your everyday routines are what build a life that is full of luxury. It is your daily habits and thoughts that open up the world of everyday luxury to you.

What Does Everyday Luxury Mean?

If you are anything like us, you have always dreamt of living a luxury lifestyle. The ability to sip champagne whenever and where ever you want, unlimited shopping trips where you throw whatever your heart desires in the bag, lavish vacations, and a huge house with staff to maintain it all sound like paradise.

An opulent vacation to the Seychelles or Paris will absolutely add to your luxury lifestyle, but you have to come home at some point. You should not have to leave your house or your city to experience luxury. If you don’t have small luxuries as part of your daily life you are highly unlikely to keep living the luxurious life you have experienced on your vacation. Experiencing bursts of extreme luxury is still a thing to be cherished, but those are not the things that define everyday luxury.

If you want to live a life that has a luxury experience every day you have to start to cultivate feelings of abundance, beauty, divinity, and vigor today. This will start to shift how you are showing up and moving through the world to attract more luxurious experiences.

how to create a luxurious everyday life

Living the Luxury Life

Sure, having a lot of money can make living a luxurious life easier, but appreciating the gift that it is might be overlooked. Luxury does not equate to large sums of money. Modern advertising entangles the two, but luxury is much more about the quality of the experience and the time spent. Buying luxury goods or experiences is just a bonus.

Daily luxurious living is a state of mind. It is a full embodiment of a way of living and that’s excellent news! Because living everyday luxury is a mindset and not an account balance, you can start living the luxury life right now.

Living a luxurious life is more about being able to control how you spend your time, who you spend it with, and being happy with yourself. When you start to practice gratitude for your health, meals, taking a walk, the smell of morning air, a laugh with a friend and anything else you have your life will start to feel a lot more luxurious.

When you shift your focus from what you think you don’t have to fully appreciate what you do have, your mindset about the level of luxury in your everyday life will change. Remember, not everyone has what you have and the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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How to Create a Luxurious Everday Life

To create a luxurious everyday life you need to have gratitude for and focus on the things that you have. With a few updates and modifications to your daily habits , you can make sure every day has a little something special and feels indulgent. Here are some tips to get you started.

Stop saying, “I can’t afford that.”

If you think something is too lavish for you to have it will always be too expensive. Try saying, “That’s not currently in my budget,” instead. It leaves the door open to budgeting for it in the future.

Grab a Drink at a Luxurious Hotel Bar

It won’t cost you as much as a full meal at a luxury restaurant, but you’ll get a taste of a luxury vibe.

Go to an Open House for a Home You’d Love to Live in

It might be out of your budget at the moment, but you can take some ideas from how it was staged and replicate them in your own space.

Wear your Good Things Whenever you Want

Don’t save your best items for a special occasion. You are the occasion.

Wear Perfume

Fragrance helps set the mood and so wear a scent that makes you feel luxurious.

Get Dressed Every Day

It doesn’t matter if you’ll just be at home , get dressed every day. When you look good, you feel good.

Shop your Closet

Choose your outfits like you’re shopping at your favorite store. You might shock yourself with the combinations you come up with.

Cook a Meal from Scratch

A homemade meal tastes so much better than anything store-bought or from takeout. You’ll know exactly what is in it and be able to pour love into it. That’s why it tastes better.

Use Quality Sheets

This is worth the splurge . The quality of your sleep affects literally everything about your waking life. Do whatever it takes to get good sleep.

Have a Glass of Wine or Champagne

Dealers choice here, but there is something about having a glass of wine while winding down for the weekend that breathes opulence into your routine.

Celebrate your Wins

Big or small you should celebrate your accomplishments.

Use a Silk Pillowcase

A silk pillowcase is great for your skin and hair because it keeps them moisturized and won’t pull on them causing wrinkles. Do you need another reason?

Write Thank You Notes

Bonus points if they are on personalized stationery. Taking a moment to express gratitude for someone showing you kindness or service makes you appreciate it more.

Visit Museums and Art Galleries

This helps you get a feel for what kind of art you like and you can’t help but feel luxurious when you are surrounded by art.

Take a Walk

Fresh air and sunshine are good for you mentally and physically.

Use Lavender or Frankincense and Myrrh Pouches in your Drawers

You’ll get a whiff of a heavenly scent every time you open them.

Move your Body Daily

Your entire body will thank you for exercising in some capacity. You’ll be healthier and happier for it in the long run.

Drink Good Coffee or Tea

Having good coffee or tea at home makes a world of difference if you like them. Upgrading from drip coffee to an espresso maker or from bagged teas to loose-leaf is a game-changer.

Wear Nice Lingerie

I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t feel like a goddess in lingerie .

Have Nice Outfits to Wear at Home

You should not only look nice when you’re leaving the house. You see yourself at home so looking put together there helps your self-esteem.

Buy Fresh Flowers

Luxury hotels have them all the time. Why shouldn’t you have them on occasion?

Get your Nails Done

Having your nails look like perfection every day is an easy way to feel luxurious daily.

Use High-Quality Beauty Products

Though the drugstore products will usually work just fine, there is a dash of something special with luxury products. Plus you’re telling yourself that you are worth investing in.

Not only will this practice help you regulate your emotions, but it also helps you feel more in tune with what you want from life.

Journal Daily with your Morning Coffee

Journaling can help you set the tone for your day so settling in with a nice cup of coffee (or tea) can really get the self-inspired desires going.

Simplify your To-Do List

Having a long list of things to do every day creates stress. Spread your massive list out to help you not feel overwhelmed.

Go Out with Your Friends

A fun night out with your girls is always a good time.

Clean Your House

It doesn’t sound fun, but a clean space is a happy space.

Enjoy Watching the Sunrise or Sunset

Seeing these daily phenomena makes you really appreciate living. The Earth is a life-sustaining work of art.

Use Cloth Napkins

They are much classier than paper and you can wash and reuse them.

Use Nice Tableware

Glass, ceramic, and porcelain cups, plates, and drinking glasses feel chicer. Having properly weighted flatware feels super chic too.

Learn How to Have a Good Relationship with Money

Whether you have a little or a lot, know the role money is supposed to play in your life and help it do that.

Move One Step Closer to a Goal

Do one thing that gets you closer to a goal. Having a sense of accomplishment and knowing that you did your future self a favor is a great self-esteem booster.

living a luxurious life everyday

Living a Luxurious Life Everyday

You don’t have to be at a luxury hotel or live in a $20 million house to experience everyday luxury. You can bring the luxuries of those places to you. If you love how clean hotel rooms are take a day to declutter your home and create a system to keep it clutter-free. You might not have the finest leathers, cashmere, and wool, but you can take care of what you do have like they are. To experience luxury living everyday work to surround yourself with things you find beautiful, comforting, and bring you pleasure. There is no way you can’t feel abundant when that is your lifestyle. Find ways to upgrade your daily habits and you’ll feel more luxurious in no time.

Everyday Luxury: 33 Masterful Ways to Live Like a Queen | The Lady Loves Living

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2 thoughts on “everyday luxury: 33 masterful ways to live like a queen”.

Absolutely love the 33 suggestions you included to live luxuriously each day. I recommend so many of them myself and can attest to the fact that they work. It’s also true that they can elevate the environment and lift those around you as well. Great post!

Thank you! And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. This means a lot to me!

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Just imagine, waking up with excitement, going through your day with clarity and unwinding in the evening with peace of mind and a dose of pleasure and extraordinary comfort.

In a very succinct way, this is what living a simply luxurious life is about each and every day.

But how does each of us reach this pinnacle? What do we need to do now to enjoy this state of being each and every day?

In a very broad sense, the how is always shared and examined here on TSLL blog and on The Simple Sophisticate podcast. We dive deep into the components of finding this peace of mind, of how to reach the clarity that will no doubt be different and unique just as we are different and unique individuals in this vast and amazing world, and finding what is pleasurable and lovely in our everyday routines, but today I would like to share with you the outline, the concepts of what a simply luxurious life entails, and thus how it will feel as you are living it day in and day out because trust me, while the descriptor above will be true, how you attain that feeling will be different on any given day.

A simply luxurious life involves:

1.Always learning and remaining curious

2. Maintaining and building a sturdy 3-legged stool of health: (1) a diet of moderation which involves real food, (2) physical soundness – daily, simple, enjoyable aerobic exercise, strength, and stretching, and (3) mastery of your mind – conscious decision making rather than reacting rashly, positive self-talk, meditation to let your mind rest and exercise your control and mastery of it and a good, regular night’s sleep.

3. Finding a purpose that correlates with your passions.  Then crafting a plan for success and working towards it in small steps daily.

4. Being clear about what you value and reassessing regularly. Eliminating responsibilities, activities and relationships that don’t support your primary values.

5. Allowing yourself to really feel what you’re feeling, not numbing yourself to what arises. In doing so, you come to understand and allow yourself the ability to move forward with more clarity, compassion and awareness.

6. Creating a sanctuary to wake up in each morning and fall asleep in every night. Keeping it decluttered, organized and stocked with your simple pleasures for your daily, weekly and monthly rituals so that it is simple to maintain and a pleasure to live in.

7. Successfully mastering a chic, stylish wardrobe while adhering to your budget and not letting the trends and media master you. 

8. Building and investing in a healthy social circle. Quality, not quantity.

9. Being compassionate, but having clear, firm boundaries in place. 

10. Establishing routines that enable moments of spontaneity.

11. Living within your means which involves spending to invest in yourself, both of which allow you to have your financial security in your complete control. Continuing to educate yourself so you can take risks, but also remain financially savvy.

12. Knowing what you value and being clear about your priorities so that your energy isn’t depleted for the things you care most deeply about. 

13. Being open to love. Taking your time, learning from past mistakes, knowing what you can and cannot compromise on.

14. Incorporating regular travel as we must continue to grow and evolve, making it luxurious as we venture with the attention to details and planning in preparation.

15. Allowing room for luxuries, both routine and unexpected, such as flowers, massages, facials, pedicures and manicures, excursions, entertainment, dining out, etc. Regularly planning special moments, no matter how small, at least one each day to celebrate or appreciate something that is going well.

16. Being productive in a career you love, but striving for balance with your personal life. 

17. Knowing thyself – what you need, what you know, and what you don’t know. Giving to yourself in the manner of self-respect, self-compassion, and finding your inner strength so that you can successfully attain your goals.

Discover what you will feel as you are living a simply luxurious life:

  • contentment
  • uncertainty which motivates you to seek answers and more knowledge, but also reminds you to trust yourself
  • initial doubt followed by confidence
  • inquisitive

The key to understanding why I can guarantee you will feel these emotions is because if you’ve built a strong foundation that involves the 8 pillars of a simply luxurious life , are actively cultivating and working toward achieving and making a reality each of the 17 concepts listed above which fall under the 8 pillars, and are always open to learning how to attain the skills necessary to effectively do each of these (which we talk about regularly on the blog and podcast), no matter where you are on your life’s journey, you will have the confidence to face any uncertainty, you will have the ability to appreciate where you are, what you have and how far you’ve come, you will be in touch with yourself so that you understand your emotions, and that is why the negative emotions don’t rise to the surface.

Yes, you may initially feel frustration or anger due to another’s actions or an outcome of a scenario that didn’t go your way, but you will know how to respond effectively, you will know what to let go of and you won’t burden yourself with unnecessary angst.

As the pioneer of this coined way of life “simply luxurious”, I know I am by no means the first to understand or try to better understand how to live a truly fulfilling life on my own terms so that my authentic self is able to reach its full potential, but perhaps no one was able to speak or write in such a way that I fully grasped and that is why I began this blog.

For example, while I was agog about living simply after reading Ralph Waldo Emerson’s book of essays as a teenager, I knew he wasn’t going to be the guru to finding my personal style which I so unabashedly loved spending time trying to understand and shop for accordingly. Likewise, Mireille Guilano seemed to speak to me almost directly when I read her first book, and I began to breathe a breath of angst-free air when I realized I didn’t have to torture myself at the gym to stay in shape. However, I am not French (although in my dreams I sometimes become a femme a la française).

And so, how to live simply luxuriously as someone who isn’t French, but adores their cultural and aesthetic values, how to come to understand myself and the world around me in this twenty-first century as a woman who values her independence, intelligence and femininity, and most importantly, while reaching my full potential, how to savor each and everyday so as to infuse a rich appreciation for the life that I am living now, this is why the blog, then the podcast , the first book and then a second book written to share specific tools to tailor your life to your uniqueness, and then the third book that shares a daily entry for each day of the year exemplifying how to live simply luxuriously every day in your own way is something I want to share with you. Because as much as I am on the journey with you, sharing as I go, revealing the aha moments I experience, with each step, with each challenge I overcome, this life, this simply luxurious life, just becomes more exceptionally extraordinary beyond my wildest expectations and I want you to experience this as well because you absolutely can.

Very much so, Henry David Thoreau’s quote rings true:

If one advances confidently in the direction of [her] dreams, and endeavors to live the life which [she] has imagined, [she] will meet with success unexpected in common hours.

To the typical outsider, your life may not be extraordinarily different, odd or magnificent. But to you, the insider, you will know the transformation you have undergone. You will feel all of those feelings listed above, and you will, to return to the first sentence of this post,  wake up with excitement, go through your day with clarity and unwind in the evening with peace of mind and a dose of pleasure and extraordinary comfort every single day.

The simply luxurious life is worth living, and you hold all the power to make it so.

~If you are new to TSLL blog, start here to discover how to live simply luxuriously as I break down the blog and all of its components so you can best utilitize this destination as a resource to live your best life. 

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What Does A Simply Luxurious Lifelook & Feel Like? | The Simply Luxurious Life,


8 thoughts on “ What Does a Simply Luxurious Life Look & Feel Like? ”

Shannon you have no idea how much I needed this post today and how much I have gained from it. For some weeks I’ve been quite unwell (severe, never-before back pain), so getting through the days has been a task in itself.

Although I still have a way to go to regain full health I’m on the way, it will help me enormously to reassess each of these 17, perhaps one a day?

Thank you for always inspiring us my friend.

Rose, I am sorry to hear about your back pain. Hang in there and do what you’re no doubt doing to heal. I am thinking of you and hope you recover fully soon. 🙂

This is wonderful. The French like to say that things are “correct,” or done “correctly.” It means much more than accuracy. It’s attention to detail without being slavish about it. The whole moderation thing. So work is done correctly–you work hard and do a good job but you take your lunch break and go home on time. Clothing is correct–clean, pressed, stylish, without being overly revealing, sloppy, or in disrepair. People are correct–polite without being either hostile or gushing. Restaurant portions are correct–good value but not more than one can eat. The word correct applies to so many things. And it seems be to integral to the simply luxurious life.

Intriguing concept. Thank you for sharing.

Awesome read! Thank you, Shannon 🙂

Jessica, Thank you for stopping by. 🙂

Great read and I almost immediately go into relaxation mode reading this blog post. Putting each of these steps in place takes time but well worth the effort. Shannon, I have been following your blog for a few years now and have slowly been creating my sancutary, minding my money and buying flowers weekly to name a few and the creation of simple luxurious life all starting to add up. Simple steps, big improvements! In the spirit of the All-Star games, This post is a home run!!!!!!! Thank you.

Lynette, so happy to hear! 🙂 Thank you for sharing your journey.

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584 Words Short Essay on Luxury

It is not easy to define luxury. It is a word whose meaning shifts and changes like the shape of a mountain in a driving mist. To the political economist, luxuries are all things which are not necessary to life and efficiency, and therefore they include many things, not only innocent, but very desirable.

But to a Puritan preacher, luxury was of the devil, and a temptation to mortal sin. Moreover, luxury is not absolute idea; we cannot say of any particular thing that it is in itself a luxury.

For what is a luxury to one class of people, or in one country, or in one period, may be a necessary to another class, in another country, or another period. As the standards of living rise, things that were luxuries to the grandfathers become necessaries to their grandsons.

As the economists classify things as necessaries and luxuries, perhaps it will help us to a definition of the latter word, if we consider necessaries for a minute. Necessaries for life and effi­ciency are a sufficient quantity of wholesome food, warm cloth­ing, fuel and shelter.

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If a man has these, he cannot only maintain life, but keep physically fit. But can any man, except the poorest, be content with only such bare necessaries? The Bible says, “Man doth not live by bread alone.” Man is not a mere animal; he has a mind and a soul to feed as well as a body.

And for real living, as distinguished from mere existence, many other things than food and clothes and a house and fuel are necessary. And the higher the standard of life to which any particular man has be­come accustomed, the greater the number and variety of things that are necessary.

A child brought up in a poor working-man’s home is quite comfortable and happy with very few things; but a boy reared in a well-to-do family becomes so accustomed to a certain standard of house, furniture, meals, dress, servants, and various conveniences, that he would be absolutely miserable if he were compelled to live in a working-class family.

These things, which to the poorer man would be luxuries, are, therefore, to him real necessaries; for though he might exist without them, he could not live (in the fullest sense of the term) without them.

Again, the tastes of individual men differ widely. To an eager scholar, books (which to many men are luxuries and quite unnec­essary) are more necessary even than food and drink and shelter; and many a student would rather go without a fire on a cold night than deprive himself of his books.

Luxury, however, in colloquial speech, has always a shade of bad meaning. It is something to be condemned. It means living in ignoble ease, self-indulgence, and expensive pleasure. Such a life leads to moral deterioration, and often to vice.

The lover of luxury loses his capacity for work or sustained effort of any kind; his moral fiber is softened, the distinction between right and wrong is blurred, and the whole man becomes in time physically, mentally, and intellectually degenerate.

Luxury has ruined whole nations. When Rome was a small republic, the Romans were noted for their simplicity of life, self-control, courage, loyalty, honesty, and hardihood.

But when Rome became a wealthy empire, the Romans gave themselves up to luxury, and in time became so effeminate and pampered that they fell an easy prey to the hardy barbarian invaders from North, who overran and conquered their great Empire.

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Yale Climate Connections

Yale Climate Connections

When will climate change turn life in the U.S. upside down?

Jeff Masters

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John Wesley Powell's expedition in the Grand Canyon, 1869

The words of explorer John Wesley Powell on the eve of his departure into the unexplored depths of the Grand Canyon in 1869 best describe how I see our path ahead as we brave the unknown rapids of climate change:

We are now ready to start our way down the Great Unknown. We have an unknown distance yet to run, an unknown river to explore. What falls there are, we know not; what rocks beset the channel, we know not; what walls rise over the river, we know not. Ah, well! We may conjecture many things. The men talk as cheerfully as ever; jests are bandied about freely this morning; but to me the cheer is somber and the jests are ghastly.

Powell’s expedition made it through the canyon, but the explorers endured great hardship, suffering near-drownings, the destruction of two of their four boats, and the loss of much of their supplies. In the end, only six of the nine men survived.

Likewise, we find ourselves in an ever-deepening chasm of climate change impacts, forced to run a perilous course through dangerous rapids of unknown ferocity. Our path will be fraught with great peril, and there will be tremendous suffering, great loss of life, and the destruction of much that is precious.

It is inevitable that climate change will stop being a hazy future concern and will someday turn everyday life upside down. Very hard times are coming. At the risk of causing counterproductive climate anxiety and doomism, I offer here some observations and speculations on how the planetary crisis may play out, using my 45 years of experience as a meteorologist, including four years of flying with the Hurricane Hunters and 20 years blogging about extreme weather and climate change. The scenarios that I depict as the most likely are much harsher than what other experts might choose, but I’ve seen repeatedly that uncertainty is not our friend when it comes to climate change. This will be a long and intense ride, but if you stick through the end, I promise there will be a rainbow.

By late this century, I am optimistic that we will have successfully ridden the rapids of the climate crisis, emerging into a new era of non-polluting energy with a stabilizing climate. There are too many talented and dedicated people who understand the problem and are working hard on solutions for us to fail.

Black and white photo of a group of people on a boat in a canyon river. One person is holding a sousaphone

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What is a dangerous level of climate change, climate change’s impacts will be highly asymmetric, an immediate u.s. climate change threat: an insurance crisis, a second potential immediate u.s. climate change threat: a global food shock, “black swan” and “gray swan” extreme weather events, a “new normal” of extreme weather has not yet arrived, longer-range concerns: global catastrophic risk events, devastating impacts from climate change are accelerating, paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology, hope for the future via ‘cathedral thinking’.

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Although there is a major climate change hurricane approaching, we’re busy throwing a hurricane party , charging up our planetary credit card to pay for the expenses, with little regard to the approaching storm that is already cutting off our escape routes. This great storm will fundamentally rip at the fabric of society, creating chaos and a crisis likely to last for many decades.

The intensifying climate change storm will soon reach a threshold I think of as a category 1 hurricane for humanity — when long-term global warming surpasses 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures, a value increasingly characterized over the last decade as “dangerous” climate change .

For humanity as a whole, this amount of warming is risky, but not devastating. Global warming is currently at about 1.2-1.3 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures and is likely to cross the 1.5-degree threshold in the late 2020s or early 2030s .

Assuming that we don’t work exceptionally hard to reduce emissions in the next 10 years, the world is expected to reach 2 degrees Celsius of warming between 2045 and 2051. In my estimation, that will be akin to a major category 3 hurricane for humanity — devastating, but not catastrophic.

Allowing global warming to exceed 2.5 degrees Celsius will cause category 4-level damage to civilization — approaching the catastrophic level. And warming in excess of 3 degrees Celsius will likely be a catastrophic category 5-level superstorm of destruction that will crash civilization.

We must take strong action rapidly to rein in our emissions of heat-trapping gases to avoid that outcome — and build great resilience to the extreme climate of the 21st century that we have so foolishly brought upon ourselves.

According to the Carbon Action Tracker (see tweet below), we are on track for 2.7 degrees Celsius of warming; if the nations of the world meet their targets for reducing heat-trapping climate pollution, warming will be limited to 2.1 degrees. There’s a big difference between being hit by a Cat 4 versus a Cat 3, and every tenth of a degree of warming that we prevent will be critical.

Two years on from Glasgow and our warming estimates for government action have barely moved. Governments appear oblivious to the extreme events of the past year, somehow thinking treading water will deal with the flood of impacts? — ClimateActionTracker (@climateactiontr) December 5, 2023

As climate scientist Michael Mann explains in his latest book, “ Our Fragile Moment ,” great climate science communicator Stephen Schneider once said, “The ‘end of the world’ or ‘good for you’ are the two least likely among the spectrum of potential [climate] outcomes.” So forget sci-fi depictions of planetary apocalypse. That will not be our long-term climate change fate.

But the impacts of climate change will be apocalyptic for many nations and people — particularly those that are not rich and White. People and communities with the least resources tend to be the first and hardest hit by climate change , not only because poorer people and communities are inherently more vulnerable to the impacts of any disaster, but also because the extremes induced by climate change tend to be worse in the tropics and subtropics, home to many poor nations.

In the U.S., climate change has already turned life upside down for numerous communities. For example, in North Carolina, the financially strapped, Black-majority towns of Fair Bluff and Princeville are in danger of abandonment from hurricane-related flooding (from Hurricane Floyd in 1999, Matthew in 2016, and Florence in 2018). Seven Springs, North Carolina (population 207 in 1960, now just 55) is largely abandoned.

Climate change was a key contributor to these floods; a 2021 study found that about one-third of the cost of major U.S. flood events since 1988, totaling $79 billion, could be attributed to climate change. And for the town of Paradise, California — utterly destroyed by the devastating Camp Fire of 2018, which killed 85 and caused over $16 billion in damage — climate change has been apocalyptic.

In the U.S., the most likely major economic disruption from climate change over the next few years might well be a collapse of the housing market in flood-prone and wildfire-prone states. Billion-dollar weather disasters — which cause about 76% of all weather-related damages — have steadily increased in number and expense in recent years and would be even worse were it not for improved weather forecasts and better building codes. The recent increase in weather-disaster losses has brought on an insurance crisis — especially in Florida , Louisiana , California , and Texas — which threatens one of the bedrocks of the U.S. economy, the housing and real estate market.

In California, the insurer of last resort, the FAIR plan, had only about $250 million in cash on hand as of March 2024.

“One major fire near Lake Arrowhead, where the Plan holds $8 billion in policies, would plunge the whole scheme into insolvency,” observed Harvard’s Susan Crawford, author of “Charleston: Race, Water, and the Coming Storm.”

It is widely acknowledged that higher weather disaster losses result primarily from an increase in exposure : more people with more stuff moving into vulnerable places, including those at risk of floods. Martin Bertogg, Swiss Re’s head of catastrophic peril, said in a 2022 AP interview that two-thirds, perhaps more, of the recent rise in weather-related disaster losses is the result of more people and things in harm’s way.

But this balance will likely shift in the coming decades. Increased exposure will continue to drive increased weather disaster losses, but the fractional contribution of climate change to disaster losses — at least for wildfire, hurricane, and flood disasters — is likely to increase rapidly, making the insurance crisis accelerate.

County-level property overvaluation in the U.S. from flood risk

A 2023 study (Fig. 2) drew attention to a massive real estate bubble in the U.S.: the vast number of properties whose purported value doesn’t account for the true costs of floods. The study estimated that across the U.S., residential properties are overvalued by a total of $121-$237 billion under current flood risks. This bubble will likely continue to grow as sea levels rise, storms dump heavier rains, and unwise risky development continues.

Likewise, U.S. properties at risk of wildfires are collectively overvalued by about $317 billion, according to David Burt , a financial guru who foresaw the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis. Insurers are already pulling out of the areas most at risk, threatening to make property ownership too expensive for millions and posing a serious threat to the economically critical real estate industry.

Climate futurist Alex Steffen has described the climate change-worsened real estate bubble this way:

As awareness of risk grows, the financial value of risky places drops. Where meeting that risk is more expensive than decision-makers think a place is worth, it simply won’t be defended. It will be unofficially abandoned. That will then create more problems. Bonds for big projects, loans, and mortgages, business investment, insurance, talented workers — all will grow more scarce. Then, value will crash, a phenomenon I call the Brittleness Bubble .

Something brittle is prone to a sudden, catastrophic failure and cannot easily be repaired once broken. The popping of the real estate Brittleness Bubble will potentially trigger panic selling and a housing market collapse like a miniature version of the Great Financial Crisis of 2008 but focused on the 20% of American homes in wildfire and flood risk zones. In his 2023 Congressional testimony , Burt estimated that a wildfire and flood-induced repricing of risk of the U.S. housing market could have a quarter to half the impact of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.

However, the 2008 crisis was relatively short-lived, as fixes to the financial system and a massive federal bailout led to a rebound in property values after a few years. A climate change-induced housing crisis will likely be resistant to a similar fix because the underlying cause will worsen: Sea levels will continue to rise, flooding heavy rains will intensify, and wildfires will grow more severe, increasing risk.

Science writer Eugene Linden wrote in 2023, “as we saw in 2008, a housing crisis can quickly morph into a systemic financial crisis because banks own most of the value, and thus the risk, in housing and commercial real estate.”

Crawford of Harvard recently wrote : “Because insurance can help communities and households recover more quickly from disasters, and because so much of the U.S. economy is driven by spending on housing, the inaccessibility and unaffordability of insurance poses a threat to the stability of the entire economy.”

As Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse , a Democrat from Rhode Island, said earlier this year, “The thing about economic crises is that they come on slowly, until they come on fast.”

How the insurance crisis may play out: the “Wholly irrational and completely ad-hoc pirate capitalism” solution

In his blunt 2023 essay, “ Insurance Politics at the End of the World ,” journalist Hamilton Nolan offers these thoughts on the potential ways this climate change-induced insurance crisis could be addressed:

The rational capitalism solution here is: We accurately price your risk and that risk becomes unaffordable and people move away from areas that are stupid to live in and therefore climate adaptation is achieved. The rational socialism solution is: We collectively embrace the idea that we need to adapt to climate change and the federal government creates long-term programs that incentivize moving away from areas that are stupid to live in and disincentivize “build as much crap in South Florida flood zones as you can now to take advantage of the real estate bubble” and generally cushion the economic blow for all the people whose lives will have to change. The path we are on today, though — the path that our current political system makes likely — is the path of Wholly Irrational and Completely Ad-Hoc Pirate Capitalism: Increasing climate change-induced disasters cause panic among homeowners as a class; politicians rush to grab dollars to enable everyone to live the same as they are now for as long as possible; and eventually the whole thing crashes into the wall of reality in a way that causes uncontainable, national pain rather than just the specific, regional, temporary pain of the smarter solutions.

When will the Brittleness Bubble pop?

When might this “crash into the wall of reality” happen and the Brittleness Bubble pop? Politicians are working extremely hard to keep their jobs by delaying this day of reckoning, artificially limiting insurance rate rises and offering state-run insurance plans of last resort. This approach — the equivalent of giving a blood transfusion to the injured, without stopping the bleeding — does not fix the underlying problem and all but guarantees that the pain of the eventual national reckoning will be much larger. Insurance is designed to transfer risk, but risk is rising everywhere.

As the hurricane season is set to begin soon and wildfire risk gradually increasing, private insurers in some states are fleeing areas considered at high risk. It's leaving so-called "residual," or last resort plans, to pick up the tab. — Axios (@axios) May 10, 2024

Crawford addressed the issue in a 2024 essay, “ Who ends up holding the bag when risky real estate markets collapse? ” Citing financial guru Burt, she concluded: “2025 or 2026 is when things give way and it becomes very difficult to offload houses and buildings in risky places where mortgages are suddenly hard to get, much less insurance.” When asked in an interview with Marketplace if the market is due for another correction, as homeowners in places with growing risk of flooding and wildfire have to pay more for insurance, Burt said:

This is actually happening right now and is probably going to happen over the next three to five years, like a full reckoning of these new costs for 15 or 20% of the homes in the U.S. … If all their equity is already gone [because of lowered property values], their costs are going up a ton, they can barely afford it, that’s when people walk away.

In the same Marketplace story, though, Ben Keys, a professor of real estate and finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, said, “The idea that we would expect there to be a huge wave of defaults or delinquencies feels relatively unlikely.”

But like Burt, climate change futurist Steffen predicts the real estate Brittleness Bubble will pop within five years (10 at the most).

I suspect we're less than 5 years away from a prolonged surge of value loss in real estate assets based on risk, insurability, economic brittleness and local capacities to ruggedize (or not). That kind of devaluation will echo through the whole economy. — Alex Steffen (@AlexSteffen) May 21, 2024

This reckoning could come sooner for Florida if another $100-billion hurricane hits. The Florida insurance and coastal property market did manage to withstand the $117-billion cost of Category 4 Hurricane Ian of 2022, but another blow like that might well cause a severe downward spiral in the Florida real estate market from which it might never fully recover. This vulnerability was underscored by Florida Gov. DeSantis during a 2023 radio interview with a Boston host, when DeSantis suggested homeowners should “ knock on wood ” and hope the state didn’t get hit by a hurricane in 2024.

But “knocking on wood” is not an effective climate adaptation strategy for Florida. Because of climate change, Mother Nature is now able to whip heavier bowling balls with more devastating impact down Hurricane Alley. It’s only a matter of time before she hurls a strike into a major Florida city, causing an intensified coastal real estate and insurance crisis. And the odds of such a strike are higher than average in 2024 because of record-warm ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic, combined with a developing La Niña event.

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Watch out for increased coastal flooding in the mid-2030s

We may manage to avoid a coastal real estate market crash in the next 10 years if we get lucky with hurricanes and if our politicians continue to pump huge amounts of money to bail out the failing system.

But it will become increasingly difficult to keep the coastal property market propped up beginning in the mid-2030s, because of accelerating sea level rise combined with an 18.6-year wobble in the moon’s orbit. Thus, I expect that the longest we might stave off the popping of the coastal real estate Brittleness Bubble is 15 years.

Flood future of St. Petersburg, Fla.

As I wrote in my 2023 post, 30 great tools to determine your flood risk in the U.S. , beginning in 2033, the moon will be in a position favorable for bringing higher tides to locations where one high tide and low tide per day dominate. This will bring a rapid increase in high tide flooding to the coasts of the Gulf of Mexico, the Southeast, the West Coast, and Hawaii. This expected acceleration in the mid-2030s is obvious for St. Petersburg (Fig. 3), plotted using NASA’s Flooding Analysis Tool and Flooding Days Projection Tool . The rapid acceleration in coastal flooding simultaneously along a huge swathe of heavily developed U.S. coast in the mid-2030s will be sure to significantly stress the coastal housing market. And according to the Coastal Flood Resilience Project , the nation is flying blind on the possible impacts: There are no national assessments of the potential loss of major, critical infrastructure assets to coastal storms and rising seas.

Another immediate danger: a series of global extreme weather events affecting agriculture, causing global economic turmoil.

In my 2024 post, “ What are the odds that extreme weather will lead to a global food shock? ” I reviewed a 2023 report by insurance giant Lloyd’s, which modeled the odds of a globally disruptive extreme food shock event bringing simultaneous droughts in key global food-growing breadbaskets. The authors estimated that a “major” food shock scenario costing $3 trillion globally over a five-year period had a 2.3% chance of happening per year (Fig. 4). Over a 30-year period, those odds equate to about a 50% probability of occurrence — assuming the risks are not increasing each year, which, in fact, they are.

Chart of Lloyd's 2023 extreme weather leading to food and water shock scenario

Yet another concern for the U.S. is the risk of wholly unanticipated “black swan” extreme weather events that scientists didn’t see coming. As Harvard climate scientists Paul Epstein and James McCarthy wrote in a 2004 paper, “Assessing Climate Instability”: “We are already observing signs of instability within the climate system. There is no assurance that the rate of greenhouse gas buildup will not force the system to oscillate erratically and yield significant and punishing surprises.”

One example of such a punishing surprise was Superstorm Sandy of 2012, that unholy hybrid spawn of a Caribbean hurricane/extratropical storm that became the largest hurricane ever observed and one of the most damaging, costing $88 billion. And who anticipated that a siege of climate-change-intensified wildfires in western North America beginning in 2017, causing multiple summers of horrific air quality that would significantly degrade the quality of life in the West? Or the jet stream experiencing a sudden increase in unusually extreme configurations over the past 20 years, leading to prolonged periods of intense extreme weather over multiple portions of the globe simultaneously? As the late climate scientist Wally Broecker once said, “Climate is an angry beast, and we are poking at it with sticks.”

Just as concerning might be future “gray swan” events — extreme weather events that climate models anticipate could happen but exceed anything in the historical record. (“Gray swan” is an expression first coined by hurricane scientist Kerry Emanuel in his 2016 paper, “ Grey swan tropical cyclones .”) Several potential gray swan events I have written about include a $1 trillion California “ARkStorm” flood , the potential failure of the Old River Control Structure during an extreme flood that allows the Mississippi River to change course, or a storm like 2015’s Hurricane Patricia , with winds over 200 mph, hitting Miami, Galveston/Houston, Tampa, or New Orleans. The risk of gray swan events is steadily increasing.

I’m often asked if the absurdly extreme weather events we’ve been experiencing recently are the new normal. “No!” I reply. “Heat is energy, so the energy to fuel more intense extreme weather events will increase until we reach net-zero emissions. At that time, the climate will finally stabilize at a new normal with a highly dangerous level of extreme weather events.”

Barring a series of extraordinary volcanic eruptions or a major geoengineering effort, even under an optimistic “low” emissions climate scenario, the earliest the climate might stabilize is in the mid-2070s (Fig. 5); thus, the weather will grow more extreme, on average, for at least the next 50 years. Considering that CO2 emissions have not yet peaked and may be following the “Intermediate” pathway shown below, there is considerable danger that the weather will still be growing more extreme when today’s children are very old early next century. But even when net zero emissions are reached, sea level rise will continue to occur at a pace difficult to adapt to, and the climate crisis will continue to intensify.

A chart showing potential global carbon dioxide pathways, from very low to very high

The high probability that the weather will grow more extreme throughout the lifetime of everybody reading this essay means that we have to take seriously some very bad long-term threats. As I wrote in my 2022 post, “ The future of global catastrophic risk events from climate change ,” a global catastrophic risk event is defined as a catastrophe global in impact that kills over 10 million people or causes over $10 trillion (2022 USD) in damage. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been only three such events: World War I, World War II, and the COVID-19 pandemic. But climate change is a threat multiplier, increasing the risk of five types of global catastrophic risk events:

  • Coastal flooding from sea-level rise and land subsidence
  • Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), the powerful currents that circulate warm water in the tropical Atlantic Ocean to the Arctic and back (an August 2024 study gave a 59% chance of an AMOC collapse occurring before 2050)

The likeliest of these is a global catastrophic risk event from sea level rise, which is highly likely to occur by the end of the century. For example, a moderate global warming scenario will put $7.9-12.7 trillion dollars of global coastal assets at risk of flooding from sea level rise by 2100, according to a 2020 study, “ Projections of global-scale extreme sea levels and resulting episodic coastal flooding over the 21st century .” Although this study did not take into account assets that inevitably will be protected by new coastal defenses, neither did it consider the indirect costs of sea level rise from increased storm surge damage, mass migration away from the coast, increased saltiness of fresh water supplies, and many other factors. A 2019 report by the Global Commission on Adaptation estimated that sea level rise will lead to damages of more than $1 trillion per year globally by 2050.

Furthermore, sea level rise, combined with other stressors, might bring about megacity collapse — a frightening possibility when infrastructure destruction, salinification of freshwater resources, and a real estate collapse potentially combine to create a mass exodus of people from a major city, reducing its tax base to the point that it can no longer provide basic services. The collapse of even one megacity might have severe impacts on the global economy, creating increased chances of a cascade of global catastrophic risk events. One megacity potentially at risk of this fate is the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, with a population of 10 million. Land subsidence of up to two inches per year and sea level rise of about an eighth of an inch per year are causing so much flooding in Jakarta that Indonesia is constructing a new capital city in Borneo.

Is the #AMOC approaching a tipping point? Here's my take after researching this topic for over 30 years. Open access, peer-reviewed, in full colour & understandable for non-experts. — Prof. Stefan Rahmstorf 🌏 🦣 (@rahmstorf) April 11, 2024

I also expect one or more climate change-amplified global catastrophic risk events from drought will occur this century. Mexico City, with a metro area population of 22 million, has suffered record heat over the past year, is in danger of its reservoirs running dry, and is drilling ever-deeper wells to tap an overtaxed aquifer. Though the city will muddle through the crisis now that the summer rains have come this year, what is the plan for 30 years from now, when the climate is expected to be drier and much, much hotter? Although Mexico City can greatly improve its water situation by fixing a poorly maintained system that has a 40% loss rate , it is unclear how the city will be able to survive the much hotter and drier climate of 30 years from now. And at least 10 other major cities are in a similar bind.

Technology can help us adapt to a hotter climate by providing air conditioning (if you are rich enough), but technological solutions to create more water availability when the taps run dry are much more difficult to achieve. I believe water shortages will drive a partial collapse of and mass migration out of multiple major cities 20-40 years from now, significantly amplifying global political and economic turmoil. For example, a 2010 study, “ Linkages among climate change, crop yields and Mexico-US cross-border migration ,” found that a 10% reduction in crop yields in Mexico leads to an additional 2% of the population emigrating to the United States.

In his frightening 2019 book “ Food or War ,” science writer Julian Cribb documents 25 food conflicts that have led to famine, war, and the deaths of more than a million people — mostly caused by drought. Since 1960, Cribb says, 40-60% of armed conflicts have been linked to resource scarcity, and 80% of major armed conflicts occurred in vulnerable dry ecosystems. Hungry people are not peaceful people, Cribb argues.

Though climate change itself is not accelerating faster than what climate scientists and climate models predicted , devastating impacts from climate change do seem to be accelerating. That is because the new climate is crossing thresholds beyond which an infrastructure designed for the 20th century can withstand. These breaches are occurring in tandem with an increase in exposure — more people with more stuff living in harm’s way — which is the dominant cause of the sharp increase in weather-disaster losses in recent years. It’s sobering to realize that the current U.S. insurance crisis has primarily been driven by increased exposure and foolish insurance policies that promote development in risky places — not climate change — and that climate change’s relative contribution to the crisis is set to grow significantly.

Accelerating sea level rise alone is sure to cause a massive shock to the U.S. economy; according to a 2022 report from NOAA , sea level along the U.S. coastline is projected to rise, on average, 10-12 inches (0.25-0.30 meters) in the next 30 years (2020-2050), which will be as much as the rise measured over the last 100 years (1920-2020). At this level, 13.6 million homes might be at risk of flooding by 2051 , triggering a mass migration of millions of people away from the coast.

If we add to sea-level-rise-induced migration the additional migration that will result from climate change-intensified wildfires, heatwaves, and hurricanes, we are forced to acknowledge the reality that a nation-challenging Hurricane Katrina-level climate change storm has already begun in the U.S., one which has the potential to cause catastrophic damage. As I wrote in my June post, The U.S. is finally making serious efforts to adapt to climate change , there have been some encouraging efforts to prepare for the coming mass migration. But, as I argued in my follow-up post, The U.S. is nowhere near ready for climate change , we remain woefully unprepared for what is coming.

And my subsequent post, Can a colossal extreme weather event galvanize action on the climate crisis? , argues that we should not expect that any future extreme weather event or breakdown of the climate system will galvanize the type of response needed — we’ve already had at least 13 events since 1988 that should have done so, yet have not. Even if such an event did prompt strong, transformative change, it’s too late to avoid having life turned upside-down by climate change. It’s like we’ve waited until our skin started getting red before seeking shade from the sun, and we’re only now taking our first stumbling steps toward shade. Well, it’s a long hike to shade, and a blistering sunburn is unavoidable.

Given the unprecedented nature and complexity of this planetary crisis, there is huge uncertainty on how this drama may unfold; there are climate scientists who offer a more optimistic outlook than I do (for example, Hannah Ritchie , author of “Not the End of the World”), and those who are more pessimistic ( James Hansen ).

I suggest that you make the most of the current “calm before the storm” and prepare for the chaotic times ahead, which could begin at any time. I will offer my recommendations on how to do this in my next post in this series, “What should you do to prepare for the climate change storm?”

The urgency to rapidly deal with the climate crisis was succinctly summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in its latest summary report: “There is a rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.”

But taking advantage of that window of opportunity is difficult because of human psychological and political realities. In climate scientist Peter Gleick’s 2023 book, “The Three Ages of Water,” he quotes Harvard’s E.O. Wilson, father of sociobiology, who perhaps said it best: “The real problem of humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.”

The boat of civilization has already hit multiple rocks along the rapids of climate change and is taking on water. Perilous rapids with even more dangerous rocks and waterfalls lie before us, but the course of our boat cannot be so easily altered to avoid the rocks, because of our Paleolithic emotions and medieval institutions. As a result, we may have only a few more years — or perhaps as long as 15 years — of relative normalcy in our everyday lives here in the U.S. before the approaching climate change storm ends our golden age of prosperity. But this “golden age” was made of fool’s gold, paid for with wealth plundered from future generations.

A photo of a stained glass window

Though this essay has dwelt on some grim realities, I am optimistic that we will prevent climate change from becoming a civilization-destroying category 5-level catastrophe. But we must fight extremely hard to correct the course of our boat and not allow its inertia to carry us into the rocks that stud the rapids of climate change. This is not a task that can be accomplished in our lifetimes.

Susan Joy Hassol, the climate communication veteran who served as a senior science writer on three National Climate Assessments, put it this way in an interview with Yale Climate Connections contributor Daisy Simmons: “This is the fight of our lives, and it’s a multigenerational task. We need what’s been called ‘cathedral thinking.’ That is, the people who started working on that stone foundation , they never saw the thing finished. It took generations to get these major works done. This is that kind of problem. And we have to all do our part. The more I act, the better I feel, because I know I’m part of the solution.”

Actions we take now will yield enormous future benefits, and the faster we undertake transformative actions to adapt to the new climate reality, the less suffering will occur. The Global Commission on Adaptation says that “every $1 invested in adaptation could yield up to $10 in net economic benefits, depending on the activity.” We should work to build our cathedral of the future with the thought that each action we take now will multiply by a factor of 10 in importance in the future.

An excellent @nytimes article on rapid growth of wind, solar, & EVs, including factories, in the US. Costs are below fossil and nuclear (see graphs). Reasons why, graphs with how fast, pictures of it happening. — Willett Kempton (@WillettKempton) September 5, 2023

But some of the hardest work has been done: The cornerstone of this cathedral of the future has already been laid. The clean energy revolution is here and has progressed far more rapidly than I had dared hope. Passage of the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and 2023 Inflation Reduction Act has been instrumental in getting this cornerstone laid. Solar energy is now the cheapest source of energy in world history, and the costs of wind power and battery technology have also plummeted. Two recent reports were optimistic that climate-warming carbon dioxide emissions had finally peaked in 2023, and GDP growth has decoupled from carbon dioxide emissions in recent years, giving hope that economic growth can still occur without making the planet hotter.

At its heart, the root of the climate crisis is humanity’s spiritual inharmoniousness: We overvalue the pursuit of material wealth and we worship billionaires but undervalue growing more connected to our spiritual selves and acting to preserve and appreciate the natural systems that sustain us. Making yourself more peaceful and loving through quiet spiritual pursuits and time spent in nature will help counteract the anxiety and fear sparked by the climate crisis. But in tandem with your increased peace must come a righteous anger to “throw the money changers out of the temple” and topple the might of the fossil fuel industry and its enablers.

So put your shoulder to an oar! Help us power the boat of civilization through the rapids of climate change. All of humanity shares the same boat, and you have the opportunity to make your own unique and valuable contribution to the effort.

This is a nice way to visualize the pathway to your unique climate action. — Jeff Masters (@DrJeffMasters) May 15, 2024

essay about luxurious life

As promised, here is the rainbow at the end. It’s the intro image from my first and last Weather Underground blog posts, “ The 360-degree Rainbow ,” and “ So long, wunderground! ” My unique and valuable contribution to building our new cathedral has not yet reached the end of the rainbow, for a rainbow has no end — it is a full circle. One just has to fly high in a rainstorm where the sun is shining to see it.

I will continue to make my voice heard as long as climate science-denying politicians, corporations, media pundits, and wealthy individuals continue to row the boat of civilization into the rocks of climate-change catastrophe. I encourage those of you who have learned about extreme weather and climate change from me to do the same. To get started, learn from one of the best communicators in the business, climate scientist Katherine Hayhoe :

essay about luxurious life

Recommended reading:

What should you do to prepare for the climate change storm.

  • Can a colossal extreme weather event galvanize action on the climate crisis?
  • The U.S. is nowhere near ready for climate change
  • The U.S. is finally making serious efforts to adapt to climate change
  • Book review: “On the Move” is a must-read account of U.S. climate migration
  • Book review: “The Great Displacement” is a must-read
  • Part one of my three-part sea level rise series: How fast are the seas rising?
  • Part two of my three-part sea level rise series: Eight excellent books on sea level rise risk for U.S. cities
  • Part three of my three-part sea level rise series: 30 great tools to determine your flood risk in the U.S.
  • Bubble trouble: Climate change is creating a huge and growing U.S. real estate bubble
  • Many coastal residents willing to relocate in the face of sea level rise
  • Disasterology: a book review
  • The future of global catastrophic risk events from climate change
  • With global warming of just 1.2°C, why has the weather gotten so extreme?
  • Recklessness defined: breaking 6 of 9 planetary boundaries of safety
  • Retreat From a Rising Sea: A book review
  • Quick facts on climate change, extreme weather-related events, and their impacts on society
  • Susan Crawford’s Substack feed on climate adaptation policy, Moving Day
  • Climate futurist Alex Steffen’s newsletter

Susan Joy Hassol ( @ClimateComms ) and Bob Henson ( @bhensonweather ) provided helpful edits for this post.

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Jeff Masters

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essay about luxurious life

College students are going viral on TikTok for luxury dorm room makeovers. You won't believe it.

Some of the rooms have custom artwork . Others, chandeliers . One even has a disco ball hanging from the ceiling.

No, these aren't houses that got revamped on HGTV . (Though, some of the creative transformations would fit right in on the channel.) They're college dorm rooms − and the jaw-dropping lengths to which some are going to make the tight student living quarters as luxurious as possible are going viral on TikTok .

Online, some parents seem to spare no expense to take their kids' dorm rooms from drab to chic, even employing professional interior designers and decorators for the task. But in some cases, students are the ones seeking out the design help or re-doing their dorms themselves, DIY-style.

Alethea Jay , an interior designer who went viral for revamping her sister's dorm room, says in a housing market where owning a home seems more and more out-of-reach , many Gen Zers want to make the most of what they already have, even if it's just a dorm room they'll be in for a year.

"l see so many people say, 'I can't wait to do this when I get my home,' or 'I am going to call you when I get to buy my first house,'" Jay says. "And I just keep reminding people you don't have to wait. There is a process. Give yourself the experience now in an affordable way. You don't have to wait until you get your forever home."

Who says a college dorm rooms can't be luxurious?

#DormTok − the corner of TikTok for all things college dorms − is replete with stunning designs in small quarters. In comments, users marvel at how much rugs, wall art, headboards and lighting can elevate a space.

Some dorm designs are more elaborate than others. In one video with 1.7 million views, a designer shows off a dorm room she decorated for two college students that includes a bar cart, a wall installation, custom art and a glass coffee table. "We’re talking about dorms they only stay in for one school year right?" asked one person in the comments. "Those types of dorms?"

It might seem like an unusual and unnecessary investment to some, but psychotherapist Stephanie Sarkis encourages people not to underestimate how much décor can impact one's mental health. As long as students and families keep the designs within an affordable budget, she says #DormTok can be a healthy space for expressing creativity and sharing how to make a space your own.

"To see someone take something and transform it, I think, is an art," Sarkis says. "When we feel more at home, we're more likely to be productive, more likely to get good sleep. We're more likely to feel a home away from home."

Not every #DormTok design breaks the bank

According to Jay, a common misconception about #DormTok is that parents are breaking the bank for their kids' dorm rooms. That may be the case for some; however, she says she and other designers find creative ways to give rooms a luxury feel for a reasonable price.

Her sister's dorm room for instance, Jay says, cost $500 to decorate and took about three hours of work. The final product − which featured framed portraits of her sister, ceiling lights and glass decorations − has 13.2 million views on TikTok .

"It's so important to talk about the budget part of it," Jay says. "People feel like it's either they do nothing, they can't afford it, or they do the most and spend a really, really big amount of money. ... It isn't the longest amount of time, so you don't want to spend too much money, but you definitely want to spend enough to make it feel like home."

Jay worked as a nurse until her college dorm design videos started taking off online. Now, she does interior design full-time and gets numerous requests from students seeking to hire her for dorm rooms revamps. Jay says she'll decorate dorms in-person in the New York City-area as well as around the country virtually. For a virtual dorm design consultation, she charges $300.

Each dorm room, Jay says, presents its own creative obstacles and finding a style that caters to the personalities of her clients is a fulfilling challenge.

Still, not everyone's a fan of #DormTok, with many questioning the need for a luxury dorm room. "And next year there will be a new theme and all this goes where?" asked one user.

More: Parents are hiring 'concierge moms' to help their kids at college, but is it a bad idea?

Jay doesn't pay attention to the critics. In her view, they miss the point of what #DormTok is really about, which is self-expression and making the most of what you're given − even if it's just a tiny dorm room.

"I did the room for my sister for her to enjoy, and she loved it," Jay says. "I loved it. And I think for the people who it inspired, it inspired them to do either something with their rooms or to go out there and try for themselves to be creative in their own way. So I'm all for anything positive about it; but anyone who doesn't have anything positive to say, I just don't care."


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