Sample MLA Papers

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MLA Thesis Statement

Ai generator.

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Embarking on the academic voyage of crafting an impactful thesis statement demands both skill and adherence to formatting nuances. When navigating the waters of MLA style, one must weave precision with flair. Discover illuminating MLA thesis statement examples, journey through a detailed writing roadmap, and absorb invaluable tips to enhance your scholarly writings. Begin this exploration and ensure your research resonates with both clarity and authority.

What is the MLA Thesis Statement? – Definition

The  concise thesis statement is summary or claim made at the beginning of an academic paper written following the Modern Language Association (MLA) style guidelines. This statement sets the direction for the paper by outlining the main idea or argument that the rest of the work will support. The MLA format focuses on citation and formatting, but the essence of a thesis statement remains the same across styles: a clear, focused claim that guides the reader’s understanding of the paper’s purpose.

What is an example of a Thesis Statement in MLA Format?

Remember, the content of a thesis statement remains consistent regardless of the citation style. However, when following MLA guidelines, any sources mentioned within the statement would need to be cited in proper MLA format. Here’s an example of a thesis statement:

“While Shakespeare often employs the theme of betrayal in his plays, ‘Macbeth’ stands out as a poignant exploration of the psychological consequences of treachery, as seen through the protagonist’s rapid descent into paranoia and madness.”

In this case, if you’re drawing a particular claim or interpretation from a specific source or critic, you’d follow MLA guidelines for in-text citation immediately after the claim within the thesis statement.

100 MLA Thesis Statement Examples

MLA Thesis Statement Examples

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Crafting a good thesis statement under the MLA format requires precision and a deep understanding of the topic at hand. It’s the focal point of your paper, setting the stage for everything that follows. While the format primarily focuses on citation styles, the essence of the content remains consistent. Let’s dive into diverse examples that showcase the depth and breadth of thesis statements aligned with various subjects.

  • Climate Change : “Human activity, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, is the primary driver behind the alarming rate of global climate change.”
  • Veganism : “Adopting a vegan lifestyle not only benefits individual health but also reduces the strain on our environment.”
  • Social Media : “The rise of social media platforms has drastically altered interpersonal communication, leading to both enhanced connectivity and increased feelings of isolation.”
  • Childhood Obesity : “The surge in childhood obesity can be attributed to a combination of sedentary lifestyles, high-caloric diets, and inadequate physical education in schools.”
  • Renaissance Art : “The art of the Renaissance period marked a significant departure from medieval styles, emphasizing humanism, realism, and a deep appreciation for classical influences.”
  • Mental Health : “Stigmas surrounding mental health continue to deter individuals from seeking necessary treatment and support.”
  • Economic Disparities : “The growing economic disparities in modern societies are a direct result of policy choices, corporate actions, and societal values.”
  • Artificial Intelligence : “The advent of artificial intelligence poses both unparalleled opportunities for societal advancement and ethical dilemmas.”
  • Women’s Rights : “The fight for women’s rights, especially in the 20th century, paved the way for significant legislative and societal changes that challenged patriarchal norms.”
  • E-commerce : “The exponential growth of e-commerce has transformed traditional retail, emphasizing convenience, variety, and global reach.”
  • Classical Literature : “Greek tragedies, such as those written by Sophocles, often delve into the complexities of fate, morality, and human agency.”
  • Quantum Physics : “The principles of quantum physics challenge traditional Newtonian concepts, introducing a realm of probabilities and uncertainties.”
  • Space Exploration : “Human endeavors in space exploration highlight our innate curiosity and drive to understand our place in the cosmos.”
  • Modern Architecture : “Modern architectural practices prioritize sustainability, functionality, and minimalism, often drawing inspiration from global influences.”
  • Cultural Appropriation : “In the age of globalization, the line between cultural appreciation and appropriation becomes increasingly blurred, necessitating informed dialogue.”
  • Cybersecurity : “As our reliance on digital platforms grows, the imperative for robust cybersecurity measures becomes even more critical.”
  • Shakespearean Tragedies : “Shakespeare’s tragedies, from ‘Hamlet’ to ‘Othello,’ delve deep into the human psyche, exploring themes of love, jealousy, betrayal, and ambition.”
  • Sustainable Agriculture : “The shift towards sustainable agriculture aims to balance current food needs without compromising the environment or future generations.”
  • Migration Patterns : “Global migration patterns in the 21st century are heavily influenced by geopolitical events, economic disparities, and environmental challenges.”
  • Language Evolution : “Languages, being dynamic entities, evolve over time, influenced by cultural interactions, technological advancements, and societal changes.
  • Digital Currency : “The proliferation of digital currencies like Bitcoin signifies a potential paradigm shift in global financial systems.”
  • Colonialism : “Post-colonial societies still grapple with the socio-cultural and political legacies left behind by their colonial masters.”
  • Nuclear Energy : “The debate surrounding nuclear energy centers on its efficiency as a power source versus the environmental and safety risks it poses.”
  • Animal Rights : “The movement for animal rights challenges traditional views on animal utility and emphasizes their intrinsic value.”
  • Virtual Reality : “Virtual reality’s immersion offers transformative possibilities in sectors from education to healthcare.”
  • Epic Literature : “Epic literature, such as Homer’s ‘Iliad,’ often conveys societal values and historical truths of ancient civilizations.”
  • Biotechnology : “Advancements in biotechnology promise solutions to some of humanity’s most persistent challenges, from disease to food security.”
  • Jazz Music : “Originating in African American communities, jazz music became a powerful medium of expression and cultural identity.”
  • Fashion Trends : “Fashion trends are not just sartorial choices but reflections of socio-political changes and zeitgeists of eras.”
  • Urbanization : “Rapid urbanization presents cities with challenges in infrastructure, ecology, and socio-cultural integration.”
  • Education System : “Modern education systems are increasingly recognizing the need for holistic approaches, valuing emotional and social learning alongside academics.”
  • Alternative Medicine : “The resurgence of interest in alternative medicine underscores a collective desire for holistic health approaches.”
  • Cinematic Evolution : “Cinema’s evolution reflects societal changes, technological advancements, and shifts in narrative preferences.”
  • Tourism Impact : “While tourism boosts local economies, it also necessitates a balance to protect cultural heritage and natural resources.”
  • Robotics : “The integration of robotics in various industries hints at a future where human-machine collaboration becomes the norm.”
  • Gender Norms : “Contemporary discussions on gender challenge binary norms, embracing a spectrum of identities.”
  • Aquatic Ecosystems : “Aquatic ecosystems, vital to global biodiversity, are facing threats from pollution, climate change, and overfishing.”
  • Historical Narratives : “The way history is narrated often reveals more about the narrator’s perspective than the actual events.”
  • Internet of Things (IoT) : “IoT’s promise lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate devices, transforming everyday experiences and industries.”
  • Ancient Civilizations : “Ancient civilizations, from Mesopotamia to the Mayans, laid foundational blueprints for modern societal structures and innovations.”
  • Human Genome : “Understanding the human genome unlocks mysteries of health, ancestry, and potential medical breakthroughs.”
  • Ethical Consumerism : “The rise of ethical consumerism reflects a societal shift towards valuing sustainability and ethical production.”
  • Political Revolutions : “Revolutions, like the French and Russian, showcase the power of collective dissent in shaping nations.”
  • Modern Dance : “Modern dance breaks from traditional forms, encapsulating a range of emotions and contemporary themes.”
  • Cyberbullying : “The digital age’s dark side is evident in the rise of cyberbullying, affecting mental health and well-being.”
  • Exoplanets : “The discovery of exoplanets ignites questions about the uniqueness of Earth and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.”
  • Biodiversity : “Biodiversity, essential for ecological balance, is under threat from human activities, necessitating urgent conservation measures.”
  • Epidemiology : “Epidemiology’s insights are crucial for public health strategies, as seen in global responses to pandemics like COVID-19.”
  • Solar Power : “Solar power stands at the forefront of sustainable energy solutions, promising a cleaner, decentralized energy future.”
  • Linguistic Diversity : “Linguistic diversity, a testament to human cultural richness, requires preservation in the face of globalization.”
  • Quantum Computing : “Quantum computing promises computational leaps, potentially revolutionizing sectors from medicine to cryptography.”
  • Gothic Literature : “Gothic literature, with its eerie settings and moral ambiguities, explores the darker aspects of human psyche and societal norms.”
  • Data Privacy : “In a digital age, data privacy emerges as a fundamental right, balancing technological advancements with personal security.”
  • Renaissance Science : “The Renaissance period marked a seismic shift in scientific thinking, laying groundwork for modern scientific principles.”
  • Neural Networks : “Neural networks, inspired by human brain structures, drive advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence.”
  • Oral Traditions : “Oral traditions, a primary source of historical and cultural knowledge, emphasize the importance of storytelling in preserving heritage.”
  • Youth Activism : “Youth activism today, propelled by digital connectivity, amplifies voices on global stages, addressing issues from climate change to social justice.”
  • Sustainable Fashion : “Sustainable fashion transcends trendiness, advocating for eco-friendly practices and ethical labor standards.”
  • Classical Mythology : “Classical mythology, replete with gods and heroes, offers insights into ancient societal values and human behaviors.”
  • Martial Arts : “Martial arts, beyond physical prowess, encapsulate philosophies of discipline, respect, and spiritual growth.”
  • Ballet : “Ballet, a harmonious blend of art and athleticism, narrates stories and emotions through graceful movements.”
  • Cognitive Sciences : “Cognitive sciences delve into the intricacies of the human mind, bridging biology, psychology, and philosophy.”
  • Meditation : “Meditation, an ancient practice, finds relevance in modern times, offering solace from the fast-paced stresses of contemporary life.”
  • Archaeological Discoveries : “Archaeological discoveries, like the Rosetta Stone, unveil mysteries of bygone eras, bridging gaps in historical knowledge.”
  • Modern Sculpture : “Modern sculpture challenges traditional forms, experimenting with materials, themes, and spatial concepts.”
  • Hybrid Vehicles : “Hybrid vehicles, a stepping stone to full electrification, address environmental concerns while meeting current transportation needs.”
  • Orchestra : “The evolution of orchestral music mirrors societal shifts, with compositions reflecting epochs’ ethos.”
  • Coral Reefs : “Coral reefs, often termed the rainforests of the sea, are biodiversity hotspots facing existential threats from climate change.”
  • Rural Economies : “Rural economies, though often overshadowed, play a pivotal role in national food security and cultural preservation.”
  • Photography : “Photography’s evolution from film to digital chronicles technological advancements and shifts in artistic expression.”
  • Child Rights : “Child rights, enshrined in international conventions, emphasize the universal importance of safeguarding children’s well-being and futures.”
  • Nano-technology : “Nanotechnology, operating at molecular levels, heralds breakthroughs from medicine to material sciences.”
  • Digital Literature : “Digital literature merges traditional narratives with interactive elements, redefining reader engagements.”
  • Mountain Ecosystems : “Mountain ecosystems, vital for freshwater sources and biodiversity, require conservation in the face of anthropogenic pressures.”
  • Organ Transplants : “Organ transplants, a medical marvel, bring forth ethical considerations of donation, allocation, and bioengineering.”
  • Space Tourism : “Space tourism, once a sci-fi dream, nears reality, opening debates on its ecological, economic, and ethical implications.”
  • Maritime History : “Maritime history chronicles seafaring civilizations, showcasing human ingenuity and exploration spirit.”
  • Public Transport : “Efficient public transport systems alleviate urban congestion, reduce environmental impact, and foster community interconnectedness.”
  • Graphic Novels : “Graphic novels, a blend of art and literature, tackle complex themes, often challenging traditional storytelling norms.”
  • Wildlife Conservation : “Wildlife conservation efforts are pivotal in maintaining ecological balances and preventing irreversible species extinctions.”
  • Human Rights : “The global human rights movement underscores the universality of basic rights, irrespective of borders or backgrounds.”
  • Molecular Biology : “Molecular biology’s insights, decoding life at cellular levels, have revolutionized medicine, genetics, and biotechnology.”
  • Impressionist Art : “Impressionist art, capturing fleeting moments, marked a departure from traditional realism, emphasizing light and perception.”
  • Online Learning : “Online learning democratizes education, breaking geographical barriers but also presenting pedagogical challenges.”
  • Urban Farming : “Urban farming initiatives merge sustainability with city living, promoting local food production and community cohesion.”
  • Jazz Age Literature : “Jazz Age literature, typified by Fitzgerald’s works, mirrors the hedonism, societal shifts, and disillusionments of the 1920s.”
  • Nuclear Disarmament : “Nuclear disarmament debates grapple with national security concerns versus global peace aspirations.”
  • Circadian Rhythms : “Circadian rhythms, our biological clocks, influence myriad physiological processes, from sleep to metabolism.”
  • Baroque Music : “Baroque music, characterized by its ornate style, mirrors the grandeur and intricacies of the era’s art and architecture.”
  • Sports Psychology : “Sports psychology delves into the mental facets of athletic performance, from motivation to coping with pressure.”
  • Desert Biomes : “Desert biomes, though seemingly barren, host unique biodiversity and are vital for understanding climate adaptations.”
  • Renaissance Music : “Renaissance music, harmonizing vocals and instruments, reflects the period’s innovations and societal transformations.”
  • Financial Crises : “Financial crises, like the 2008 meltdown, provide insights into systemic vulnerabilities and the interdependence of global economies.”
  • Drone Technology : “Drone technology’s applications span from photography to agriculture, revolutionizing industries and presenting regulatory challenges.”
  • Romantic Poetry : “Romantic poetry, with its emphasis on emotion and nature, rebelled against Enlightenment-era rationality.”
  • Oceanography : “Oceanography’s explorations reveal underwater mysteries, impacting climate studies, biodiversity conservation, and marine resources.”
  • Child Psychology : “Child psychology offers insights into developmental stages, shaping pedagogical approaches and parental strategies.”
  • Crime Fiction : “Crime fiction, through its intricate plots, mirrors societal anxieties and the eternal conflict between good and evil.”
  • Space-time Theories : “Space-time theories, from Einstein’s relativity to quantum mechanics, challenge our perceptions of reality.”
  • Plant-based Diets : “Plant-based diets, beyond health benefits, reflect growing environmental consciousness and ethical considerations towards animal welfare.

MLA Format Thesis Statement Examples for Essay

Essays often require concise and argumentative thesis statements that guide the reader’s expectations. Here are ten thesis statements structured in the MLA format, tailored for essays on diverse topics.

  • Globalization Effects : “The myriad facets of globalization, from cultural exchange to economic interdependence, have fundamentally transformed societies, both positively and negatively.”
  • Modern Architecture : “The aesthetics and principles of modern architecture reflect a fusion of functionality with minimalism, challenging traditional architectural paradigms.”
  • Emotional Intelligence : “Emotional intelligence, more than mere cognitive ability, plays a pivotal role in determining success in interpersonal relationships and professional settings.”
  • Digital Detox : “The concept of a digital detox has emerged as a response to society’s growing dependency on technology, emphasizing the need for balance.”
  • Pop Art Movement : “The Pop Art movement of the 1960s, characterized by its vibrant imagery and commercial aesthetics, critiqued and celebrated consumer culture.”
  • Mental Health Stigma : “The pervasive stigma surrounding mental health hinders early intervention and perpetuates misconceptions, necessitating societal awareness campaigns.”
  • Music Therapy : “Music therapy offers therapeutic avenues for various psychological and physical ailments, harnessing the universal appeal and impact of melodies.”
  • Language Evolution : “The continuous evolution of language, influenced by socio-political changes and technological innovations, is a testament to its dynamic nature.”
  • Sustainable Tourism : “Sustainable tourism endeavors to balance the economic benefits of travel with ecological preservation and cultural respect.”
  • Parenting Styles : “Differing parenting styles, from authoritative to permissive, have distinct impacts on child development, shaping their personalities and coping mechanisms.”

MLA Format Thesis Statement Examples for Research Paper

Research paper thesis statement delve deep into specific topics, necessitating clear and comprehensive thesis statements. The following are ten MLA-formatted thesis statements crafted for research papers spanning a range of subjects.

  • Neuroplasticity : “Recent research into neuroplasticity challenges longstanding beliefs about the brain’s rigidity, shedding light on its capacity to adapt and reorganize post trauma.”
  • Renewable Energy Technologies : “Emerging renewable energy technologies, from wave energy converters to advanced solar panels, hold the key to a sustainable, carbon-neutral future.”
  • Gut Microbiome : “The human gut microbiome, with its vast array of microorganisms, plays a crucial role in overall health, influencing everything from digestion to mental well-being.”
  • Quantum Teleportation : “Recent advancements in quantum teleportation mark significant steps towards practical quantum communication, with profound implications for information security.”
  • Forensic Anthropology : “Forensic anthropology’s methodologies provide invaluable insights in criminal investigations, assisting in the identification and analysis of skeletal remains.”
  • Nanomedicine : “The burgeoning field of nanomedicine promises targeted drug delivery and improved therapeutic outcomes, especially in oncological treatments.”
  • Artificial Photosynthesis : “Artificial photosynthesis, mimicking nature’s process, offers potential solutions for sustainable energy production and carbon dioxide reduction.”
  • Ancient Trade Routes : “Research into ancient trade routes, such as the Silk Road, uncovers the complexities of pre-modern commerce, cultural exchange, and geopolitics.”
  • Genetic Engineering in Agriculture : “Genetic engineering techniques in agriculture, like CRISPR, have revolutionized crop production, though they ignite debates on ethics and biosafety.”
  • Psychoacoustics : “The field of psychoacoustics delves into the intricate relationship between sound perception and psychological responses, informing areas from music production to urban planning.

Does MLA use a thesis statement?

Absolutely! The Modern Language Association (MLA) format is a widely-used style guide in the humanities, especially in fields like literature and linguistics. While MLA provides guidelines on how to format a paper, it doesn’t specify content. However, most academic essays and research papers demand a thesis statement, regardless of the citation style. In MLA-formatted papers, the emphasis is on clarity and conciseness, making thesis statements crucial for guiding readers and articulating the central argument or purpose of the paper.

Where does a thesis statement go in MLA format?

In an MLA-formatted essay or research paper, the thesis statement typically appears at the end of the introductory paragraph. This placement ensures that readers are aware of the paper’s purpose or main argument as they delve into the main content. The thesis statement is usually one or two sentences long and presents the central idea or claim of the paper.

How do you write a thesis statement in MLA Format? – Step by Step Guide

  • Identify Your Topic : Before writing a thesis, you need a topic. It could be an assigned topic or one of your choosing, but you should have a clear idea of what you want to discuss.
  • Narrow Down Your Focus : A thesis statement should not be too broad. For instance, instead of writing about “The impact of technology,” you might narrow it down to “The impact of smartphones on adolescent social behavior.”
  • Ask a Question : Pose a question about your topic. Using the previous example, you might ask, “How have smartphones affected adolescent social behavior?”
  • Formulate Your Answer : This becomes the core of your thesis statement. For instance, “Smartphones have transformed adolescent social behavior, leading to increased virtual interaction and decreased face-to-face communication.”
  • Revise for Clarity and Brevity : Refine your thesis to make it as clear and concise as possible. Eliminate unnecessary words or vague concepts.
  • Ensure It’s Arguable : A good thesis is not a fact but a claim that needs supporting evidence. Ensure your thesis invites discussion and is not just a statement of fact.

Tips for Writing an MLA Thesis Statement

  • Avoid the Passive Voice : Using active voice can make your thesis sound more decisive.
  • Stay Objective : Especially in research papers, avoid personal pronouns like “I believe” or “In my opinion.” The thesis should stand on its own.
  • Avoid Questions : While asking questions can help shape your thesis, the final statement should be declarative, not interrogative.
  • Stay Specific : Details can bolster a thesis statement. For instance, specify the groups or time periods you’re discussing.
  • Revisit Your Thesis : As you write, you might find your perspective shifting. Revisit your thesis to ensure it still aligns with your paper’s content.

Mastering the art of crafting an effective MLA thesis statement is pivotal for academic success. By understanding the structure, guidelines, and tips associated with the MLA format, writers can effectively communicate their main ideas, ensuring clarity and coherence in their essays and research papers.


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Free MLA Citation Generator

Generate accurate citations in MLA format automatically, with MyBib!

MLA 9 guidebook cover

😕 What is an MLA Citation Generator?

An MLA citation generator is a software tool designed to automatically create academic citations in the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation format. The generator will take information such as document titles, author, and URLs as in input, and output fully formatted citations that can be inserted into the Works Cited page of an MLA-compliant academic paper.

The citations on a Works Cited page show the external sources that were used to write the main body of the academic paper, either directly as references and quotes, or indirectly as ideas.

👩‍🎓 Who uses an MLA Citation Generator?

MLA style is most often used by middle school and high school students in preparation for transition to college and further education. Ironically, MLA style is not actually used all that often beyond middle and high school, with APA (American Psychological Association) style being the favored style at colleges across the country.

It is also important at this level to learn why it's critical to cite sources, not just how to cite them.

🙌 Why should I use a Citation Generator?

Writing citations manually is time consuming and error prone. Automating this process with a citation generator is easy, straightforward, and gives accurate results. It's also easier to keep citations organized and in the correct order.

The Works Cited page contributes to the overall grade of a paper, so it is important to produce accurately formatted citations that follow the guidelines in the official MLA Handbook .

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's MLA Citation Generator?

It's super easy to create MLA style citations with our MLA Citation Generator. Scroll back up to the generator at the top of the page and select the type of source you're citing. Books, journal articles, and webpages are all examples of the types of sources our generator can cite automatically. Then either search for the source, or enter the details manually in the citation form.

The generator will produce a formatted MLA citation that can be copied and pasted directly into your document, or saved to MyBib as part of your overall Works Cited page (which can be downloaded fully later!).

MyBib supports the following for MLA style:

⚙️ StylesMLA 8 & MLA 9
📚 SourcesWebsites, books, journals, newspapers
🔎 AutociteYes
📥 Download toMicrosoft Word, Google Docs

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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  • Sample MLA Paper – normal paper
  • Sample MLA Paper – has cover page
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  • APA Format Guidelines
  • MLA Format Cover Page

The Modern Language Association (MLA) does not require you to create a cover page when you complete your research paper, but some instructors may require it.

If your instructor requires your paper to have a cover page, here is how to make it (very easy). This cover page should include: your school name, your research paper title, your name, your class, your professor name and your paper due date.

How to Format Your MLA Cover Page:

  • This page is double spaced and the letters are centered.
  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Font size: 12
  • The first letter of each word should be capitalized with the exception of very short words such as: the, and, of, or, a, an, in, to, for. Note: the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, regardless of what kind of word it is.
  • Type the name of your university or college.
  • Skip to about one-third of the page and type your research paper title, include a subtitle if you have.
  • Skip several lines down and type your name, your course name and number, your instructor name and your paper’s due date.

Sample MLA Format Cover Page:

mla sample essays gonzales

Sample MLA Format Cover Page

Alternate First Page:

If your instructor requires a cover page, you would omit the main heading on your first page. Here is an example of the first page if a cover page is used. You still need your last name and page number on the first page and every other page.

mla sample essays gonzales

Sample MLA Format First Page with Cover Page

mla sample essays gonzales

Sample MLA Paper:

Visit here for a sample paper with the cover page. The cover page can vary slightly. This paper also has the outline page for your sample.

If you find this website useful, please share with a friend:

How do I get the header on the second page on down? I tried editing it but then it takes the header away from all the pages.

In word select the header then go to: Header & Footer>Page Number>Format Page Numbers>Page Numbering>Start at page>Set to 0

How do I get the header on the second page on down? I tried editing it but then it takes the header away from all the pages. I am using windows. Also, the page numbers are not working for me either. Please help me.

How should I start the page after my cover page?

Thank you so much Stephen !!! Helped a lot in my written assignments 🙂

Great site ! Thank you so much. Just returned to school to complete my bachelors and needed a little refreshing. Has all the information I needed !

Thanks so much for all of the great information! I have not used MLA before and was a little panic stricken. I have found all of my answers here. This is now saved to my favorites so I can use it regularly. Thanks again!

Should the lines on the cover page be double spaced?

Thanks so much for the picture of the cover page it has helped a lot. But, I was wondering do I still need to put my Title at the top of every page after the header?

Hello Lydia. You do not.

After your cover page, your next page’s heading should look like the “Alternate First Page” above.

After the “Alternate First Page” => your next pages should have “The Inner Pages” heading:

Sample paper:

hey Lydia you don’t need to but if you want to you can

Thank you so so much. I love the simplicity of the website, very easy to understand. I finally have a cover page for my paper!!

I love this website!! It helped so many times with all my essays. I’m working on a college one and this was very useful. Thank you soo much. And thanks for the examples im a visual person I needed that 🙂

Hi Kaylin, I am glad you find this site useful. Take care!

By the way (sorry i forgot!) for the coverpage, would the text font be 12 times new roman???

You can set everything 12, Times New Roman. Or you can set the Title a little larger than 12, that should work too.

In the example above, I have the title larger than 12.

Here is an example with everything set at 12.

Thank you so much for your help on this useful website! I found it very organized and I’m very glad that I came across this particular article. Thanks!!!!!!!:)

I have a question regarding the cover page and the following pages. If I have a cover page as the example provided, do I still need the heading on the next page? And should the pages after that contain my last name on the top left as the header does on the on the previous pages? or do I not need the header at all if I have the cover page and just my name?

Excellence question, Stella! I have updated this article with information on the first page if a cover page is used. Please see “Alternate First Page” above.

You can omit the main heading but you still need your last name and page number on the first page and all subsequent pages. Take care!

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Copyright © 2011–2024 • MLA Format • All rights reserved. Currently, MLA is at its 8th edition. This website has no official relationship with the Modern Language Association and is not endorsed by the MLA.

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How to Write a Header for an Essay: MLA vs. APA Format

Aug 27, 2024 | 0 comments

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Aug 27, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • An effective essay header typically includes the title, the student's name, and course information, which provides essential context for the reader and ensures proper attribution of the work.
  • The differences between headings and titles are significant: a title is the main label for the essay and appears at the top of the first page, whereas headings are used throughout the essay to organize content into sections.
  • When crafting a compelling title, it should be specific, include key terms related to the topic, be concise, potentially use a subtitle for additional context, and utilize title case for capitalization.
  • The formatting of an essay's first page differs depending on the citation style. In MLA format, the header should include the student's full name, instructor's name, course name, and date in the top left corner, with the title centered. APA format requires a separate title page with specific information and a running head on every page.
  • Common mistakes to avoid in essay headers include inconsistent formatting, incorrect capitalization, forgetting page numbers, using the wrong font, improper spacing, misplacing the running head (for APA), and not including all necessary information.

When you’re diving into the world of academic writing, one of the first hurdles you’ll face is crafting the perfect header for your essay. A header for an essay is a line of text typically included at the top of the page. It might seem like a small detail, but trust me, it’s crucial.

As someone who’s been through the ups and downs of essay writing , I’m here to guide you through the process of how to write a header for an essay, that not only meets academic standards but also sets the tone for your entire piece. Think of your essay header as the first impression you make on your reader – it’s your chance to show them you mean business!

How do you write a header for an essay? To write a header for an essay, include your last name and the page number in the upper right corner of every page.

For MLA header format, place your last name and page number 0.5 inches from the top of the page, while for APA format, include a shortened version of your essay title (up to 50 characters) along with the page number. The specific content and placement may vary depending on the required citation style , but generally, an essay header should be concise, informative, and consistently formatted throughout your paper.

Now, let’s break down the elements of an effective essay header and walk through the process step by step. Whether you’re dealing with MLA style , APA style, or another style guide, I’ve got you covered. Let’s make sure your essay starts on the right foot!

The Elements of an Effective Essay Header

When I first started writing essays, I was surprised to learn that a well-crafted essay header typically consists of three key components: the title, your name, and the course information. These elements work together to provide essential context for your reader and ensure your work is properly attributed.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these components:

  • Title: This is the heart of your header. It should be concise yet descriptive, giving readers a clear idea of what to expect from your essay. We’ll dive deeper into crafting compelling titles later.
  • Your name: This seems obvious, but it’s crucial. Always include your full name as the student who wrote the essay.
  • Course information: This typically includes your course title, instructor’s name, and date of submission. This information helps contextualize your work within your academic journey.

Remember, the exact placement and formatting of these elements can vary depending on whether you’re using MLA format, APA format, or another style guide. Don’t worry, though – we’ll cover those differences in detail as we go along.

Headings vs. Titles: Understanding the Difference

Headings vs. Titles

Now, before we dive deeper into the nitty-gritty of formatting, let’s clear up a common source of confusion: the difference between headings and titles. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they serve distinct purposes in academic writing.

A title is the main label for your entire essay. It’s what you see at the top of the first page and what appears in the table of contents (if your essay has one). Your title should encapsulate the main idea or argument of your entire paper.

Headings, on the other hand, are used to organize the content within your essay. They break up your text into sections and subsections, making it easier for readers to navigate your ideas. You might have main headings (usually in bold or larger font) and subheadings throughout your essay.

Understanding this distinction is crucial because it affects how you format your paper. Your essay header includes the title, while headings are used throughout the body of your essay to structure your arguments.

Crafting a Compelling Title

Now that we’ve cleared up the difference between headings and titles, let’s focus on crafting a compelling title for your essay. Your title is like the cover of a book – it’s the first thing your reader sees, and it needs to grab their attention.

Here are some tips I’ve learned for creating titles that pack a punch:

  • Be specific: Your title should give a clear idea of what your essay is about. For example, instead of “Education Essay,” try “The Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance in High School Mathematics.”
  • Use keywords: Include key terms related to your topic. This helps readers quickly understand your focus and can also be beneficial for search engines if your essay is published online.
  • Keep it concise: Aim for a title that’s informative but not overly long. A good rule of thumb is to keep it under 12 words.
  • Consider using a subtitle: If you need to provide more context, a subtitle can be helpful. For example: “Digital Classrooms: The Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance in High School Mathematics.”
  • Use title case: Capitalize the first letter of each major word. For example: “The Impact of Online Learning on Student Performance in High School Mathematics.”

Remember, your title is your first chance to engage your reader. Take the time to craft something that’s both informative and intriguing. After all, amidst a sea of essays, you want yours to stand out!

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Formatting the First Page of Your Paper

Now that we’ve got a killer title, let’s talk about how to format the first page of your paper. This is where things can get a bit technical, but don’t worry – I’ll walk you through it step by step.

The formatting of your first page largely depends on whether you’re using modern language association (MLA) or APA style. Let’s break down both:

MLA Format:

MLA Format for first page

  • Your full name
  • Your instructor’s name
  • The course name
  • Center your title about one-third of the way down the page.
  • Start your essay immediately after the title.
  • In the upper right corner, include your last name and the page number.

APA Format:

APA Format for the first page

  • APA requires a separate page for the title.
  • The title of your paper (centered, about 3-4 lines down from the top of the page)
  • Your institutional affiliation (e.g., your school)
  • Include a running head on every page, including the title page. This is a shortened version of your title (up to 50 characters) that appears in the header along with the page number. This should be right-aligned to the corner of the page in capital letters.

Remember, regardless of the format you’re using, your essay should be double-spaced with 1-inch margins on all sides. Use a readable font like Times New Roman in 12-point size.

As we transition to discussing common mistakes, keep in mind that paying attention to these details from the start can save you a lot of headaches later on!

Read More: Essay Title Page: Everything You Need to Know

Common Mistakes to Avoid

As someone who’s made plenty of formatting mistakes in my time, I can tell you that they’re easy to make but also easy to avoid if you know what to look out for. Here are some common pitfalls to steer clear of when creating your essay header:

  • Inconsistent formatting: Make sure your header is consistent across all pages. In MLA format , your last name and page number should appear in the upper right corner of every page, including the Works Cited page.
  • Incorrect capitalization: I n titles, capitalize all major words and any word that’s four letters or longer. For example: “The Impact of Social Media on Modern Communication.”
  • Forgetting page numbers: It’s easy to overlook, but page numbers are crucial. They help your reader (and you!) navigate the document easily.
  • Using the wrong font: Stick to standard, readable fonts like Times New Roman or Arial. Avoid fancy or decorative fonts that might distract from your content.
  • Improper spacing: Ensure your entire document, including the header, is double-spaced. This improves readability and gives your instructor space for comments.
  • Misplacing the running head in APA: In APA format, the running head should appear on every page, including the title page. It’s a shortened version of your title, up to 50 characters long.
  • Forgetting to include all necessary information: Make sure you’ve included all required elements – your name, course information, date, and title.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’re already ahead of the game. Remember, attention to detail in your header shows that you’re meticulous and care about presenting your work professionally.

Tips for Making Your Header Stand Out

Now that we’ve covered the basics and common pitfalls, let’s talk about how to make your header stand out. While it’s important to follow the guidelines of your chosen format, there’s still room for a bit of creativity. Here are some tips I’ve picked up along the way:

  • Use descriptive language in your title: Instead of a generic title like “Essay on Climate Change,” try something more specific and engaging like “Rising Tides: The Urgent Need for Climate Action in Coastal Communities.”
  • Consider using a subtitle: If your main title is catchy but not quite descriptive enough, a subtitle can provide additional context. For example: “Digital Natives: How Generation Z is Reshaping the Landscape of Online Communication.”
  • Pay attention to font choice: While you should stick to standard fonts, you can still choose one that complements your writing style. Just make sure it’s easily readable.
  • Use bold or italics sparingly: If your style guide allows it, you might use bold or italics to emphasize keywords in your title. But remember, less is often more.
  • Ensure proper alignment: In MLA, your header should be flush left, while in APA header in an essay, it should be centered. Proper alignment gives your paper a clean, professional look.
  • Consider your audience : Tailor your title to appeal to your intended readers. A title that works for a scientific journal might not be appropriate for a more general audience.

Remember, while these tips can help your header stand out, the most important thing is that it accurately represents the content of your essay. A flashy header won’t make up for weak content, but a well-crafted header can certainly enhance strong writing.

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Tailoring Your Header to Different Essay Types

As we wrap up our discussion on essay headers, it’s important to note that different types of essays may require slight variations in header style. Let’s explore how you might adapt your approach based on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • Research Papers : For research papers, your header might include additional information like the name of the research institution or funding body. In APA format, you’ll need to include a running head with a shortened title of your essay.
  • Argumentative Essays : In these essays, your title could reflect your stance on the issue. For example: “The Case for Universal Basic Income: A Solution to Economic Inequality.”
  • Narrative Essays : For personal narratives, you might use a more creative title that hints at the story you’re about to tell. For example: “Lessons from the Summit: My Journey to Mount Everest’s Base Camp.”
  • Compare and Contrast Essays : Your title should indicate the subjects being compared. For instance: “Apple vs. Android: A Comparative Analysis of Smartphone Operating Systems.”
  • Group Projects : If you’re working on a group project, you’ll need to include all group members’ names in the header. Typically, you’d list names alphabetically by last name.

Remember, regardless of the essay type, always follow the specific guidelines provided by your instructor or institution. They may have particular requirements that supersede general formatting rules.

Conclusion on How to Write a Header for an Essay

As we’ve journeyed through the ins and outs of how to write a header for an essay, I hope you’ve come to see it as more than just a formality. Your header is the first impression your essay makes, setting the tone for everything that follows. It’s a small but crucial part of your academic writing that demonstrates your attention to detail and professionalism.

We’ve covered a lot of ground, from understanding the difference between headings and titles to tailoring your header for different types of essays. We’ve discussed the intricacies of MLA and APA formatting, common mistakes to avoid, and tips to make your header stand out.

Remember, whether you’re formatting your header in the upper right corner or creating a separate title page, consistency is key. Pay attention to details like capitalization, font choice, and proper alignment. These small elements can make a big difference in how your essay is perceived.

As you continue your academic journey, don’t be afraid to refer back to these guidelines. Practice makes perfect, and soon, creating a stellar essay header will become second nature. And remember, while formatting is important, it’s the content of your essay that truly matters. A great header is just the beginning – it’s what comes after that will truly showcase your ideas and arguments.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you write headings for an essay.

Writing headings for an essay involves understanding the structure and purpose of your essay. Typically, headings are used to organize content and make it easier for readers to navigate. To write headings for an essay, start by identifying the main ideas or sections of your essay. Each heading should succinctly reflect the content of that section. Use a consistent formatting style, such as bold or italics, to differentiate headings from the body text. If you’re following specific formatting guidelines, such as MLA format essay header or APA essay header includes, make sure to adhere to those standards for a professional appearance.

How to properly write a header?

To properly write a header, ensure it contains essential information that aligns with the requirements of your essay format. For instance, in MLA format essay header, the header typically includes your name, your instructor’s name, the course title, and the date, all placed in the left corner of the page. It should be double-spaced and use a readable font like Times New Roman. In contrast, an APA and MLA essay header might include a page number on the right corner of the page. Always remember to follow your specific formatting guidelines to achieve a polished look.

What is an example of a topic heading?

An example of a topic heading might be “The Impact of Climate Change on Urban Areas.” This heading indicates what the section will discuss and allows readers to quickly grasp the focus of your content. When creating a heading, make sure it is descriptive yet concise. Consider using an abbreviated version of the title if your essay has a long title, ensuring it remains relevant to the content that follows.

How do you write a header for a paragraph?

Writing a header for a paragraph involves creating a brief, focused statement that encapsulates the main idea of that paragraph. For instance, if the paragraph discusses the effects of social media on mental health, a suitable header could be “Social Media and Mental Health.” This not only aids the reader in understanding the paragraph’s thrust but also enhances the overall organization of your essay. Ensure that the header aligns with the overall thesis of your essay and adheres to any specific formatting guidelines you are following.

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With a student-centered approach, I create engaging and informative blog posts that tackle relevant topics for students. My content aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.

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What Is MLA Style? a set of rules intended to encourage and maintain clear, concise writing provides guidelines for formatting papers used to create citations for resources

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The Mla Format Essay Game In the event that you’re supposed to make a composition in format, however perhaps not certain where you can begin with, stay glued to your MLA format example essay and you undergo through the writing process. cover letter mla format – hadenough cover letter mla format examples resume sample sources page and corner grade essay writing prompt tragic hero on beautiful producer. 38 Free MLA Format Templates (+MLA Essay Format) ᐅ Template… If you are having a research paper or term paper and need to cite some sources, then you might want to use any of these MLA format templates. You can download these files in word and pdf format.

While advocacy may take many forms, should writing be required, the sample letter below (here in docx) may serve as a basic template and may be modified as needed. Alternate sample letters are available here (outline format) and here (academic achievement, health/welfare). The difficulty, of course, is that each of these 6-7 page letters is ...

How to Write a MLA Format Biography - InfoBarrel The proper format for citing books you use for MLA papers is to write the author's last name, comma, first name then period. Capitalize the first letter of each word in the title, and underline the title for your MLA research paper. How to Write a Term Paper in MLA Format | So, on the left of the page one has to write his first and last names; below the name and academic degree of the teacher; below the field of study and finally the date. The title of a term paper in MLA style is written in the middle of the page in the centre of the sheet in capital letters. How to Write a Research Paper in MLA Format

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