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Everything you need to know about multimedia presentations

Get your team on prezi – watch this on demand video.

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Anete Ezera May 25, 2023

Crafting a well-executed multimedia presentation can be the determining factor between success and failure when delivering presentations. The impact of a multimedia presentation is undeniable, but what exactly does it entail, and what are the essential considerations to keep in mind when creating one?

In this article, we’ll explore the key components involved in creating compelling multimedia presentations and delve into the strategies that can help you assemble these elements to craft the perfect presentation. We’ll discuss the importance of content structure, visual design, and engaging storytelling techniques that capture your audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. Additionally, we’ll provide insights on leveraging Prezi’s features to enhance your multimedia presentations, making them more dynamic and interactive.

presentation design tips

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a computer-based presentation that uses various forms of media to effectively communicate and engage an audience. In today’s fast-paced world, multimedia presentations have emerged as one of the most powerful and impactful means of communication. Complex ideas and information can be challenging to convey using only traditional tools. However, by harnessing the potential of visually engaging images, high-quality audio clips, and captivating video content, you can deliver a wealth of information that isn’t only clear, but also interesting, easy to understand, contextual, detailed, and engaging.

To facilitate the creation of multimedia presentations, Prezi offers a user-friendly and intuitive platform that empowers presenters to transform their ideas into attention-grabbing visual stories that move. One of the standout features of Prezi is its dynamic zooming capability. With this feature, presenters can seamlessly navigate between various levels of content, zooming in to emphasize critical details and zooming out to provide a comprehensive overview. This interactive zooming functionality not only adds visual interest to your presentation but also enables you to guide your audience’s focus and create a fluid and engaging storytelling experience. Furthermore, the presentation canvas allows for more creativity and freedom as you don’t need to be limited by the traditional slide-based presentation format. 

A man showcasing a multimedia presentation

The psychology of multimedia

Multimedia presentations are not just about what you say but also how you make your audience feel and remember. Let’s discover how colors, visuals, and sounds can influence your audience’s perception and memory retention.

Color psychology

Colors evoke emotions and convey messages. For instance, red can signal urgency and passion, while blue suggests trust and calmness. Choose your color palette wisely to align with the emotions you want to portray to your audience.

Visual impact

Visuals are your secret weapon. The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Use attention-grabbing images and graphics that resonate with your message. For example, if you’re presenting about eco-friendly initiatives, images of lush forests and clear skies can speak volumes.


Sound can set the mood and reinforce key points. Think about the background music in movies – it enhances the overall emotional impact of a scene. In your presentation, use background music or sound effects thoughtfully to complement your content.

Memory retention

Did you know that people tend to remember only about 10% of what they hear after three days? However, if you pair that information with relevant visuals, retention jumps to 65%. Craft your multimedia presentation with this in mind; use visuals to reinforce your message for better recall.

Incorporate these psychological cues effectively, and your multimedia presentation will not only capture attention but also leave a lasting imprint on your audience’s memory.

Young woman teaching online from her living room. Young woman wearing headphones while having a online training at home.

Which elements can be included in a multimedia presentation?

Multimedia presentations have come a long way from the relatively simplistic options of the past. Now a whole range of different elements can be used to ensure your stand-alone presentation wows your intended audience. Some of the examples of what you can add to your multimedia presentations include:

  • Slides: Slides are the backbone of most multimedia presentations. They consist of visual elements like text, images, graphs, and charts. Slides help you organize information and guide your audience through your presentation. For example, in a business pitch, slides can showcase product images, market data, and key points.
  • Videos: Videos add motion and life to your presentation. You can use them to demonstrate processes, showcase testimonials, or provide visual explanations. In an educational setting, a biology lecture might include videos of animal behaviors or experiments.
  • Audio clips: Audio clips can range from background music to voiceovers. They enhance the auditory experience of your presentation. In a travel presentation, you might include the sounds of waves crashing on a beach to create a more immersive feel.
  • Animations: Animations breathe life into static content. They can illustrate processes, emphasize key points, or add a touch of humor. In a marketing presentation, animations can show how a product evolves or highlight its unique features.
  • Music: Music sets the mood and tone of your presentation. It can create excitement, relaxation, or suspense. In a fashion show presentation, music may compliment the models’ walk down the runway, enhancing the overall experience.
  • Images: Images are powerful visual aids. They can create certain emotions, provide context, and simplify complex ideas. In a history lecture, images of historical events and figures help students visualize the past.
  • Text: Text is one of the most crucial parts of your content. It provides information, explanations, and key points. In a scientific presentation, text can explain research findings or provide definitions of complex terms.
  • Podcasts: Podcasts are audio presentations that offer in-depth discussions or storytelling. They are excellent for sharing interviews, discussions, or storytelling. In a business conference, you might use a podcast-style presentation to share insights from industry experts.
  • Pop-ups: Pop-ups are interactive elements that can surprise and excite your audience. They can include clickable links, additional information, or even mini-quizzes. In an e-learning module, pop-ups can provide learners with instant feedback on their progress.

For any professional who wants to stand out from the crowd with multimedia presentations that truly dazzle and inspire, Prezi’s multimedia platform brings you everything you need.

Choosing the right multimedia for your presentation subject

When creating a multimedia presentation, it’s crucial to select the appropriate multimedia elements that align with your presentation subject. By choosing the right multimedia, you can effectively convey your message, enhance understanding, and captivate your audience. Consider the following factors when selecting multimedia for your presentation:

A man in front of a class presenting a multimedia presentation.

Content relevance: does it fit your message?

Evaluate the relevance of each multimedia element to your presentation subject. Determine how each element contributes to the overall message and supports your key points. Choose multimedia that directly relates to your topic and enhances the understanding and engagement of your audience.

Visual impact: how visually appealing is it?

Visual elements play a significant role in multimedia presentations. Assess the visual impact of different multimedia options such as images, videos, and animations. Opt for high-quality visuals that are visually appealing, clear, and reinforce your message. Balance aesthetics with substance to maintain a professional and engaging presentation.

Audio enhancement: does it complement your content?

Determine if your presentation would benefit from audio elements such as background music, sound effects, or voiceovers. Audio can evoke emotions, set the mood, and reinforce key points. However, use audio sparingly and ensure it complements your content rather than overpowering it.

Data visualization: can it simplify complex data?

If your presentation involves data or statistics, explore options for effective data visualization. Choose charts, graphs, or maps that you can find on Prezi and incorporate those into your presentation. These elements will help you present complex information in a clear and digestible format. Visualizing data will also help your audience grasp the main points quickly and facilitate better comprehension. 

Multimedia integration: do all elements work together?

Aim for a cohesive and seamless integration of multimedia elements into your presentation. Ensure that different multimedia components blend well together and create a unified visual and auditory experience. Avoid using too many diverse multimedia elements that may distract or overwhelm your audience.

Accessibility considerations: is it accessible to everyone?

Keep accessibility in mind when selecting multimedia elements. Ensure that any visual or audio content you include is accessible to individuals with disabilities. Provide captions or transcripts for videos and ensure that any audio content is accompanied by text summaries. Consider the needs of all your audience members to ensure an inclusive and engaging presentation.

Technical feasibility: will it work smoothly during your presentation?

Assess the technical feasibility of incorporating various multimedia elements into your presentation. Consider the equipment and software requirements for displaying and playing different multimedia formats. Test the compatibility and functionality of multimedia elements in the presentation environment to avoid any technical glitches during your actual presentation.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the right multimedia elements that enhance your presentation’s effectiveness and engage your audience. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between informative content, compelling visuals, and appropriate interactivity to create a memorable and impactful multimedia presentation. 

Smiling professional young women giving a good presentation online.

What makes an effective multimedia presentation?

An effective multimedia presentation is like a good book you can’t put down or a catchy new song you hear on the radio that you can’t stop humming to all day long – it has your audience instantly engaged and wanting more. 

Gone are the days when we were limited to presentations that only featured text and basic graphics. Nowadays, using a combination of audio, video, and images can help anyone effectively communicate their message to any audience.

Prezi enables users to create attention-grabbing presentations that move their audience. You can create your own presentation from scratch or start out with a template that you can find in Prezi’s template gallery.

8 things to consider when creating a multimedia presentation

Creating a multimedia presentation can be very straightforward. It just requires some basic planning and preparation and the correct tools to implement those plans. Follow these steps when enhancing a presentation with multimedia.

What is your message?

What exactly are you presenting, and what key messages do you wish to communicate to your audience? Take time to thoroughly think through these questions before constructing your multimedia presentation.

Who is your audience? 

You must understand who exactly your audience is. After all, there is likely a huge difference between what might work best with 20-something IT specialists or a group of senior management. Are you hoping to sell a product to potential investors? Delivering a quarterly report to your bosses? Or preparing a presentation for a job interview? Be very clear about who your audience is.

Preparation is vital, and with it comes research. You can’t wait to get started creating your new multimedia presentation. And the temptation is often to begin without first investigating fantastic examples of other people’s work for ideas or not taking advantage of Prezi’s awesome customizable presentations that are freely available to you, the user. Simply head over to Prezi’s Gallery and get inspired!

Create your content outline

What content do you wish to include in your presentation? Once you have decided, it’s time to create a content outline for your multimedia presentation. You can begin building the structure of your presentation by splitting your topic into separate ideas that run in a clear, logical sequence. If you want to learn more about how to create an effective presentation structure, watch the following video:

Decide which visualization mediums work best 

There are literally dozens of visualization mediums to choose from. The hard part sometimes is deciding which of these works best for you. Options include GIFs, short animation clips, audio clips, TED Talk video clips – the list goes on and on. The great news is that you can easily integrate all of these elements into your Prezi presentation. What’s more, Prezi has an extensive library of different multimedia elements like GIFs, stickers, images, icons, and more that you can pick and choose while creating your presentation.

Utilize templates

You might start entirely from scratch, building the presentation from the bottom up, which is great if you already have a clear idea in your mind. However, if you’re still trying to figure out what you want the end result to look like or want to spend less time on presentation design, explore the numerous tried and tested templates available on Prezi. You’ll discover various templates that are great for multimedia presentations.

Prezi template gallery

It’s time to add your multimedia 

Don’t overdo the types of multimedia content you use in your presentation. Why? Because using too many different kinds can feel overwhelming and a little too ‘show offish’. Focus on 2-4 types of content that will work best with your target audience. Try to hit that balance between simplicity and style. If you are using video or animation, use it occasionally.

If you need to present online, take advantage of Prezi Video’s option to share your content next to you on-screen during your presentation. This will engage your audience and keep them hooked throughout your multimedia presentation even online.

Prezi Video template gallery

Review and analyze your work

Your multimedia presentation is ready. Or is it? Invest some time reviewing your presentation. Is it clearly structured and cohesive? Do the multimedia elements you have added achieve what you wanted them to achieve? Be honest with yourself and trust your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right with your presentation, don’t be afraid to make changes! 

Best practices for delivering a multimedia presentation

Delivering a multimedia presentation requires careful planning and execution to effectively engage and captivate your audience. Follow these best practices to ensure that you leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Know your material

Familiarize yourself with the content of your presentation to make sure you can confidently deliver it without relying too heavily on notes. Thoroughly understand the key points, supporting evidence, and transitions between different sections. This will enable you to maintain a natural flow and deliver a confident presentation. Also, consider using Presenter Notes . They serve as a reminder of important talking points and additional information during your presentation. Only visible to you, the presenter, the notes remain hidden from the audience. This allows you to effectively communicate your points without any interruptions.

Practice timing

Time your presentation to ensure it fits within the allocated time frame. Practice transitions between different multimedia elements, such as slides, videos, and interactive features, to maintain a smooth flow. Keep in mind that pacing is crucial, so allocate sufficient time for each part of your presentation while maintaining an engaging pace.

Use visual aids strategically

Visual aids are a powerful tool for conveying information and enhancing understanding. However, it’s essential to use them strategically to support and highlight your message, rather than distract from it. Use visuals sparingly and ensure they’re clear, visually appealing, and easy to understand. Avoid cluttered slides and prioritize concise and impactful visuals that reinforce your key points. If you want to learn more about good presentation design practices when it comes to adding visual content, watch the following video on the topic: 

Speak clearly and confidently

Effective communication is key to delivering a memorable presentation. Project your voice to ensure everyone in the audience can hear you clearly. Maintain eye contact with your audience to establish a connection and demonstrate confidence. Speak with clarity and conviction, emphasizing key points and using appropriate pauses for emphasis. A confident and engaging delivery will help your audience connect with your message.

Incorporate storytelling techniques

Storytelling is a powerful way to engage and captivate your audience. Incorporate storytelling techniques to create a narrative structure for your presentation. Begin with a compelling introduction that sets the stage and grabs attention. Use storytelling elements such as anecdotes, examples, and personal experiences to illustrate your points and make the content relatable and memorable. A well-crafted story can evoke emotions and leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Practice with technology

Familiarize yourself with the multimedia tools and technology you will be using during the presentation. In particular, get to know the endless features and capabilities of Prezi, the powerful multimedia presentation tool. Take the time to explore its features and understand how it can enhance your presentation. Familiarize yourself with the different templates, transitions, and interactive elements available. By mastering Prezi, you’ll be able to create attention-grabbing presentations that move.

Adapt to the audience

Tailor your presentation to resonate with your specific audience. Consider their demographics, interests, and background when delivering your content. Use language that is accessible and appropriate for your audience, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may be unfamiliar. Incorporate relevant examples and references that relate to their experiences. By adapting your presentation to their needs and preferences, you can create a stronger connection and enhance their overall engagement.

Engage the audience

Use interactive features to involve your audience and make the presentation more engaging. Incorporate audience polling, where participants can vote or provide feedback on specific questions or topics. Additionally, include dedicated Q&A sessions to encourage active participation and address any queries or concerns. Engaging the audience in this way promotes interaction and makes your presentation more dynamic. 

Business people raising hands to ask questions during a presentation. Woman giving a good presentation with people sitting in front raising hands at convention center.

Ask for feedback

You can practice your presentation in front of people to get honest feedback. This way you can make any changes or work on specific areas that may need tweaking before the real thing. After your real presentation, you may even want to seek feedback from your audience to gather insights on what worked well and areas for improvement.

Remember, a well-delivered multimedia presentation is a combination of interesting content, effective visuals, and confident delivery. By following these best practices, you can create an engaging experience for everyone in the room.

How to engage your audience with interactive multimedia presentations

In addition to the essential components and best practices we’ve discussed, incorporating interactive elements can take your multimedia presentations to the next level. By engaging your audience in an interactive experience, you can captivate their attention and create a memorable presentation. Let’s explore some strategies for incorporating interactivity into your multimedia presentations:

Interactive charts

Instead of static images, use interactive charts to convey data and complex information. Allow your audience to explore different data points, toggle between visualizations, and interact with the content. This hands-on approach enhances understanding and engagement.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) 

If applicable, consider incorporating VR or AR elements into your multimedia presentations. These technologies provide immersive experiences that can transport your audience to different environments or allow them to interact with virtual objects. VR and AR can be particularly effective in fields such as architecture, education, and product demonstrations.


Introduce gamification elements to make your presentation more interactive and enjoyable. Create quizzes, challenges, or interactive scenarios that require audience participation. Offer rewards or incentives for active engagement, such as badges or prizes.

Collaborative activities

Foster collaboration among your audience by including interactive activities. For example, you can divide your audience into small groups or pairs and provide specific tasks or discussions related to your presentation topic. Encourage participants to share their insights or findings with the larger group afterward.

The class tutor uses storytelling to engage students.

Live demonstrations

If possible, incorporate live demonstrations of software, tools, or processes directly into your presentation. Showcasing practical examples in real-time can enhance understanding and engage the audience through active participation.

Remember, interactivity should align with your presentation goals and content. Incorporate interactive elements strategically to support your message and keep your audience engaged throughout the presentation. Prezi offers various interactive features and templates to help you create dynamic and immersive multimedia presentations.

By embracing interactivity, you can transform your multimedia presentations into memorable experiences that leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Common concerns with multimedia presentations

People often share some common concerns when diving into multimedia presentations. Here are a few of those concerns and simple solutions to tackle them:

Technical glitches

  • Worry: Fear of technical issues derailing your presentation.
  • Solution: Always have a backup plan in case technology decides to be temperamental. Test your setup beforehand to avoid unexpected surprises.

Media overload

  • Worry: The fear of overwhelming your audience with too much media.
  • Solution: Strike a balance by using multimedia elements strategically. Less can often be more when it comes to engaging your audience effectively.

The evolution of multimedia tools

The world of multimedia presentation tools has seen quite a transformation over the years, making the process more user-friendly and accessible than ever before. Platforms like Prezi are at the forefront of this evolution, continuously updating and improving the presentation creation process. With intuitive interfaces and a wide range of creative options at your fingertips, multimedia tools have truly democratized the art of multimedia presentations. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the presentation scene, the evolution of multimedia tools has made it easier than ever to craft the perfect presentation.

Multimedia presentation examples 

Your audience will immediately lose interest if all you offer them is a traditional slide deck. Instead, take advantage of Prezi’s Gallery and get inspired by dynamic, interactive, and engaging presentations that include various multimedia elements.

Below are a few examples of attention-grabbing and creative multimedia presentations that you can get inspired by or even reuse as templates for your own presentation topic.

Summer Plans presentation

The summer plans presentation inspires and captivates. The template is perfect for delivering a story, sharing an experience, or presenting a plan. It features multiple media elements, such as animations, images, and data visualizations. 

Why Leaders Need to Get Out of Their Own Way presentation

This presentation grabs our attention with its visually appealing design and strategic use of visuals. The simple yet engaging layout divides the presentation into four parts, creating a well-defined structure that is easy to follow. You can reuse this presentation as a template for delivering a topic that you need to unpack in a certain order. 

Corporate Social Responsibility presentation

This multimedia presentation engages and captivates with animations, images, icons, and more. As a template, it’s perfect for creating and delivering informative presentations, where you need to dive into the details of certain topics.

Earth Day presentation

The Earth Day presentation is a great example of how one can create a timeline presentation with Prezi. It includes various media elements that make this multimedia presentation highly engaging and informative.

Future-proofing your presentations

To make sure your multimedia presentations stay useful and up-to-date in the long run, here are some straightforward tips:

Pick the right formats

  • Use common file types like PDF, MP4, and JPEG since they’re likely to stay usable in the future.

Keep things fresh

  • Don’t let your content get old. Update it regularly with new information and visuals to keep it interesting and relevant.

Fit different screens

  • Make your multimedia presentations so they can work on big screens and small devices like phones or tablets.

Try new tech

  • Keep an eye on new technologies like virtual reality and interactive features. They can make your presentations more exciting and modern.

Listen to your audience

  • Pay attention to what your audience likes and dislikes. Their feedback can help you improve your multimedia presentations and keep them interesting.

With these easy steps, you can make sure your multimedia presentations will still be great in the future!

Create attention-grabbing multimedia presentations with Prezi

In conclusion, crafting a well-executed multimedia presentation is crucial for achieving success in delivering presentations. This article has explored the key components involved in creating compelling multimedia presentations and provided insights on how to assemble these elements effectively. By considering the importance of content structure, visual design, and engaging storytelling techniques, presenters can capture their audience’s attention and leave a lasting impact. Furthermore, leveraging Prezi’s features can enhance multimedia presentations, making them more dynamic and interactive. By incorporating these strategies and utilizing the right tools, presenters can elevate their presentations to a new level and increase their chances of achieving their desired outcomes. Ultimately, mastering the art of multimedia presentations opens up opportunities for effective communication and successful presentations in various professional and academic settings.

presentation on media

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How to Easily Make a Multimedia Presentation (Tools & Templates)

Learn how to create a multimedia presentation in 6 steps with videos, GIFs, animations, audio, & photos. Go beyond PowerPoint - capture attention & engage.

presentation on media

Dominika Krukowska

7 minute read

How to make a multimedia presentation

Short answer

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a deck that uses a blend of text, images, audio, video, and interactive content to captivate an audience. It's a dynamic, engaging way to share your story where each media element plays its part to create a memorable experience.

Why PowerPoint is the wrong tool for multimedia presentations

Most of us are still using PowerPoint to create our presentations. And knowing intimately how to create a multimedia presentation in PowerPoint, I can tell you it’s not easy, and it ain’t fun.

This is a problem because the work you’ll have to put in to create a half-decent multimedia presentation with PowerPoint is not worth the outcome.

Sorry, but the tool was just not built for this. And trying to force it to do something it wasn’t meant to do will take away from your ability to tell an engaging story.

Wanna know why?

1) PowerPoint was built for how stories were told 30 years ago

PowerPoint's technology hasn't evolved much since its inception. If you're using it for your business presentations, you're relying on a static decades-old content format while your audience is used to getting their content in a very different way.

Most of us now expect dynamic and interactive content, videos, audio, and clickable elements we control. That’s not PowerPoint.

2) It’s hard to design (well) with PowerPoint

Creating an attractive PowerPoint presentation requires a good eye for design and a fair amount of time. Even little tweaks can ruin the layout, as PowerPoint has no safeguards that prevent you from commiting design crimes.

3) Personalizing with PowerPoint takes ages

If you want to personalize presentations for different audiences, you need to create separate files for that and tweak them manually. This will take you absolute ages and leaves plenty of room for error.

4) It has a horrible mobile experience

We know for a fact that 1 in 3 presentations being viewed on mobile devices . But PowerPoint was not built for mobile, and you wouldn't wish a PPT mobile experience on your worst enemy.

This means that if your audience doesn't live in a mobile-free zone, PowerPoint is a massive drawback.

5) PowerPoint has no analytics

PowerPoint doesn't provide an analytics dashboard, which means you don't have access to valuable feedback. You can’t measure if your presentation is nailing it or getting the same attention as the dishes in your sink.

This is a problem. Because if you don’t know how you perform, you can’t improve.

Here’s what a PowerPoint looks like compared to a modern interactive multimedia presentation:

Static PPT example

How to create engaging multimedia presentations in 6 easy steps

Now let’s see how a modern multimedia presentation is done. For some of us, creating a presentation that resonates can feel overwhelming. But with the right presentation maker and a clear plan, it's as easy as following a recipe.

6 steps to create a multimedia presentation:

1. Tell our AI what presentation you want to create

Are you pitching a product , explaining a concept, or presenting quarterly results? Tell our AI the purpose of your presentation. This helps it generate content that's on point and relevant.

2. Introduce yourself, your company, and your product or service

You can also start by giving our AI a brief rundown of who you are, what your company does, the product you're showcasing, and the industry you're in. This helps the AI understand your context and tailor the presentation to your needs.

Introduce yourself to Storydoc's AI assistant

3. Pick a design template

No need to start from scratch. Storydoc offers a variety of presentation templates optimized for performance based on real-world data. Choose one that aligns with your brand and message.

Pick a Storydoc design template

4. Customize your presentation

Now, it's time to make the presentation truly yours. Add your text, tweak the design, and watch as the template adjusts to accommodate your content.

Sprinkle in some interactivity with clickable tabs, real-time variables for charts, or any other interactive elements that fit your content.

Then, upload your own multimedia or let our AI generate some for you.

Customizable Storydoc multimedia presentation

5. Add dynamic personalization

Our no-code editor allows you to easily add dynamic variables to your multimedia presentation. This means that you can personalize your decks at scale in just a few clicks.

The main benefit? Every deck looks like it was tailor-made for each specific reader, which can make your audience feel special and, in turn, significantly boost engagement.

Personalized Storydoc multimedia presentation

6. Review and refine your presentation

Take a moment to review your presentation. Make sure everything looks good, the flow makes sense, and your message is clear.

But making a mistake is not as critical as it is with PowerPoint since Storydoc lives online and not on your audience’s computer.

So If you need to fix any mistakes after the presentation has been sent over, you still can. You control the version everybody sees, forever.

Storydoc multimedia presentation

7. Advanced: Improve your presentation based on insights from analytics

Every presentation you create using Storydoc comes with access to an extensive analytics suite that gives you real-time insights into how your deck is performing.

Finally, you can see when your presentation is opened, how much time is spent on each slide, and even when your audience drops off. This enables you to quickly identify and fix any bad content.

One of the most powerful features of Storydoc's analytics panel is the ability to compare different versions of your presentation.

You can use this to A/B test your presentations, remove the guesswork, and continually improve based on data.

Even better, Storydoc's analytics panel integrates with your CRM and email marketing software . This means you can see all your data in your CRM where you and your team are already working, and use it to inform your sales and marketing strategies.

If you want to learn more about how it works, watch this short video:

Storydoc analytics pa

How to use multimedia to bring your presentation to life (3 techniques)

Multimedia is more than just a way to make your presentation look more cool—it can transform your content into an immersive, interactive experience that people enjoy and share with friends and colleagues.

Let me show you how you can strategically leverage multimedia to captivate your audience, simplify complex ideas, and create a lasting impact.

3 key multimedia techniques that maximize engagement:

1. Narrate your design through scrollytelling

Scrollytelling is a unique blend of scrolling and storytelling. It's an interactive way of presenting content that takes your audience on a narrative journey as they scroll through the presentation.

This approach combines text, images, videos, and animations into “scenes” in a play that readers can move through at their own pace.

Scrollytelling simplifies complex content into easy to understand pieces which reduces cognitive load, increases comprehension, and makes your content highly memorable.

Here’s an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

2. Bring yourself into the presentation with video bubble narration

Video bubble narration is a unique way to personalize your multimedia presentation. It involves adding a small video of yourself to your deck, providing commentary or extra insights.

The video bubble gives your audience a sense of connection with you, making the presentation more personal and engaging.

It's like having a one-on-one conversation with each member of your audience, which can significantly enhance their interest and investment in your deck.

3. Tell stories with animations and videos

Animations and videos can bring your message to life, illustrate complex processes, and provide visual examples that reinforce your points.

For instance, an animation could be used to demonstrate a process step-by-step, making it easier for your audience to understand.

A video could provide a real-world example that supports your argument, making your content more relatable and impactful. Perhaps use AI video maker tools to make the content more attractive.

Here’s a great example by one of our clients:

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

Octopai - Outbound sales one-pager

An outbound one-pager identifying a problem in modern-day analytics and offering an easy-to-grasp solution.

How to make highly engaging presentations with multimedia

Using multimedia is not just about adding visual flash—it's about guiding your audience's attention, enhancing understanding, and encouraging interaction.

Let's explore how simple animations and interactive content elevate your presentations from boring to share-worthy.

1. Direct attention using simple animations

Animations are a great way to guide your audience's attention. But complex or dominant animations can be distracting and may take attention away from your text message.

How to direct attention using animation:

  • Arrows: Arrows can be used to point out key information or guide your audience through a process. They're a simple yet effective way to direct attention where you want it.
  • Entrance animation: Entrance animations can be used to introduce new content or highlight a key point. They can create a sense of anticipation and make your presentation more dynamic.
  • Grayed-out content: Graying out content that's not currently relevant can help your audience focus on the key points. It's a subtle yet effective way to guide your audience's attention.

Here’s an example of what it looks like:

Example of grayed-out content

2. Get readers involved using interactive content

Interactive content makes your presentation more engaging and gives your audience a sense of control. It also makes your content more memorable, as people tend to remember things they actively engage with.

Interactive content you can incorporate into your presentations:

  • Tabs: Tabs allow you to neatly organize your content into sections, making it easy for your audience to navigate through your presentation. For instance, you could use tabs to separate different topics or information intended for different target groups.
  • Sliders: Sliders are a dynamic way to present a range of data or to show progression. For example, you could use a slider to illustrate the growth of your company over time or to show how a particular metric changes under different scenarios.
  • Calculators: Interactive calculators add a personal touch to your deck. They allow your audience to input their own data and see personalized results. For instance, you could use a calculator to show potential savings from using your product or to calculate ROI.
  • Live graphs: Live graphs take data visualization to the next level. Instead of static charts, live graphs allow your audience to interact with the data. They can zoom in on specific data points, compare different data sets, or see how the data changes over time.

Here’s an example of a presentation using interactive content:

Interactive presentation example

Multimedia presentation best practices

It's not enough to just add media like animations and videos—you need to use them to improve rather than hurt engagement.

Here are the best practices for making a multimedia presentation that works:

  • Use media that exemplifies your audience's needs and preferences.
  • Use media that adds context to your presentation text.
  • Make sure your animations and videos support your text rather than compete with it. Consider looking into text-to-video AI tools to ease your process.
  • Ensure that your media is high-quality and take advantage of design tools or background removers to ensure your narrative goals are achieved in your presentation.

Best multimedia presentation examples beyond PowerPoint

Let’s see the best multimedia presentation examples that break the PowerPoint mold.

These examples show you new and effective ways for making engaging content and how to stand out in a sea of same-old PowerPoint presentations.

Let’s go!

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Meta - Interactive corporate report

Insights and trends from Israel's thriving consumer-facing industry. A comprehensive review of the B2C ecosystem's performance and future prospects.

HealthTech SNC - Simplified data-heavy report

HealthTech SNC - Simplified data-heavy report

An extensive data report from a non-profit organization made easy to digest thanks to interactive, engaging design.

How to make a multimedia presentation

Cannasoft - Investment pitch deck

A hard-hitting investment deck of a publicly traded tech company dedicated to medical cannabis manufacturers.

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Orbiit - Visually narrated sales deck

Visually narrated sales deck of a virtual networking platform telling AND showing readers what's in it for them.

Matics - Digital product brochure

Matics - Digital product brochure

A product brochure showing smart manufacturing execution systems on a mission to digitalize production floors.

Galor - Personalized product sales deck

Galor - Personalized product sales deck

A highly-converting product sales deck with a modern design, interactive narrated content, and an integrated chatbot.

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

RFKeeper - Retail proposal deck

A dynamic, highly visual proposal deck for a retail software provider, designed to grab and keep attention.

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

Drive - Automotive research white-paper

A white-paper showing high-level research on electric vehicle charging wrapped in a stunning interactive experience.

If you want to see more multimedia presentation samples, check out our post containing the perfect presentation examples to set you apart from the competition.

Interactive multimedia presentation templates

Getting started with making your multimedia presentation is often the hardest part. But with interactive multimedia presentation templates , you can hit the ground running.

They take care of the design and interactivity, so you can focus on what matters most: your content.

So why wait? Grab a template.

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Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Unlocking the power of multimedia presentations: A complete guide

Create impactful multimedia presentations with our comprehensive guide.

Sahul Hameed

Building presentations

Multimedia presentation explained

Multimedia presentations have evolved from simple slideshows to interactive experiences that captivate audiences.

They blend text, images, audio, video, and animation to communicate messages more effectively.

This guide delves deep into the essentials, design principles, tools, planning, execution, and the future of multimedia presentations, ensuring you're equipped to create impactful and engaging presentations.

What is a multimedia presentation?

A multimedia presentation is a dynamic way to share information, stories, or ideas. It uses a combination of different media forms, such as text, images, sound, and video, to create a more engaging and informative experience than traditional, single-medium presentations.

The journey from the humble beginnings of the slide projector to today's interactive displays is a testament to technological advancement. This evolution has transformed how we share information, making presentations not just a one-way communication tool but an interactive experience that engages the audience.

The essentials of multimedia presentations

In multimedia presentations, the harmonious blend of text, images, audio, video, and animation transforms traditional storytelling, making complex ideas accessible and engaging for every audience. Each element plays a pivotal role in creating a captivating narrative.

Text and typography: Crafting the written message

The foundation of any presentation, text, and typography, plays a crucial role in conveying your message. Choosing the right fonts, sizes, and colors can significantly impact readability and audience engagement.

Images and graphics: visual storytelling

Images and graphics are powerful tools for storytelling, breaking down complex information into understandable visuals and making your presentation more memorable.

Audio elements: Enhancing narratives with sound

Sound can set the tone, evoke emotions, and enhance the narrative of your presentation, whether it's through background music, voice narration, or sound effects.

Video components: Dynamic visuals for engaging content

Videos add a dynamic element to presentations, illustrating points more vividly than static images and text alone.

Animation: Bringing content to life

Animations can make presentations more engaging by adding movement to otherwise static content, helping to draw the audience's attention to key points.

Design principles for effective multimedia presentations

To create a multimedia presentation that stands out, leveraging tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides is essential. By choosing the right presentation template and integrating various types of media, you design your multimedia presentation to captivate and engage. Incorporating video presentations, interactive elements, and well-designed slide decks enables your audience to interact and absorb the content effectively. Crafting your presentation using these principles, with a focus on presentation design and visual presentation, ensures a dynamic and engaging multimedia experience. Transition smoothly between slides and elements to maintain flow and interest.

Balance and contrast: Making your content stand out

Effective use of balance and contrast helps in drawing the audience's attention to the most important parts of your presentation.

Repetition and alignment: Creating a cohesive look

Repetition and alignment ensure your presentation has a unified look, making it more professional and easier to follow.

Proximity and hierarchy: Organizing content for easy consumption

By strategically organizing content, you can guide the audience through your presentation in a logical manner, making complex information easier to digest.

Tools and technologies

Choosing the right tools and technologies is crucial in creating a multimedia presentation that resonates with your audience. From powerful software solutions to cutting-edge hardware, leveraging these resources effectively can transform your presentation into an engaging and immersive experience.

Software solutions for multimedia presentations

  • Overview of leading presentation software There's a wide range of software available for creating multimedia presentations, each with its own set of features, from PowerPoint to more advanced platforms like Adobe Creative Suite, and enterprise business presentation software's like Prezent with Fingerprint feature to create personalized presentation.
  • Customization features: Themes, templates, and plugins These tools offer various customization options to make your presentation stand out, including themes, templates, and slide library that add functionality or aesthetic appeal.
  • Integrating multimedia elements: Tips and tricks Integrating multimedia elements smoothly can be challenging. This section provides tips and tricks for seamless integration, ensuring a professional result.

Hardware considerations

  • Projectors and displays: Matching your presentation to the venue Choosing the right projector or display is crucial for ensuring that your presentation is visible to the entire audience, regardless of the size of the venue.
  • Sound systems: Ensuring your audio is heard A good sound system is essential for presentations with audio elements, ensuring that your message is heard clearly by everyone in the room.
  • Remote controls and clickers: Navigating your presentation seamlessly Remote controls and clickers allow you to navigate through your presentation smoothly, keeping you in control and engaged with your audience.

Planning and execution: Crafting impactful multimedia presentations

In a world where even a goldfish boasts a longer attention span than us humans, mastering the craft of a multimedia presentation is akin to performing a magic trick.

Here we'll embark on a quest to transform those glazed-over gazes into wide-eyed wonder. With a sprinkle of strategic planning and a dash of delivery dynamism, we're not just going to capture attention; we're going to make it stick like gum on a hot sidewalk.

Get ready to turn your presentation into an unforgettable adventure that even the skeptics in the last row can't resist!

Structuring your multimedia presentation for maximum impact

Objective setting: inform, persuade, or entertain.

The foundation of any compelling multimedia presentation is a crystal-clear objective. Whether your aim is to educate, convince, or entertain your audience, setting a precise goal at the outset will direct every element of your presentation, from content to delivery.

Audience analysis: Customizing your message

A deep understanding of your audience is crucial for tailoring your presentation to meet their specific needs and preferences. By analyzing your audience’s interests, knowledge level, and expectations, you can craft a message that resonates deeply and fosters engagement.

Storyboarding: Designing your presentation’s flow

Employing a storyboard approach is instrumental in mapping out your presentation’s narrative flow. This technique ensures a seamless transition between topics, enhancing coherence and retaining audience interest. Starting with a well-thought-out outline enables you to organize ideas systematically, ensuring each segment aligns with your overarching goal. Leveraging user-friendly presentation tools simplifies slide organization, making your storytelling both effective and engaging.

Delivery techniques and best practices for engaging presentations

Verbal dynamics: mastering tone, pace, and articulation.

Your voice is a powerful tool in engaging your audience. A confident tone, well-modulated pace, and clear articulation can significantly enhance message delivery, making your presentation not just heard, but felt and remembered.

Non-verbal communication: Enhancing your message with body language

The silent language of your body speaks volumes. Adopting confident postures, using expressive gestures, and maintaining meaningful eye contact can reinforce your spoken words, forging a stronger connection with your audience and adding an extra layer of persuasion.

Interactive engagement: Making your presentation a two-way conversation

Transforming your presentation into an interactive experience can greatly increase its memorability and impact. Incorporating elements like live polls, interactive quizzes, and dedicated Q&A sessions invites your audience to actively participate, creating a dynamic exchange that enriches the presentation experience for everyone involved.

Through strategic planning, audience-centric content, and dynamic delivery techniques, you can elevate your multimedia presentations from mere information sessions to powerful, engaging experiences that leave a lasting impression.

Advanced techniques and trends

Interactive elements and audience participation.

Incorporating interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and live feedback can transform a static presentation into an engaging experience. Tools that facilitate audience participation not only make your presentation more interesting but also provide valuable feedback in real-time.

Future trends in multimedia presentations

Emerging trends in multimedia presentations , notably the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), are transforming audience engagement, paving the way for a more immersive and interactive experience. This multimedia presentation trend marks a significant evolution in how information is conveyed and received.

  • Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) integration Emerging technologies like AR and VR offer new ways to immerse and engage your audience, providing them with a unique and memorable experience.
  • AI and machine learning: Personalized presentations AI and machine learning are beginning to play a role in how presentations are created, allowing for more personalized and adaptive content that can respond to the audience's reactions and interests in real-time.

Case studies and examples

Success stories: memorable multimedia presentations.

In the realm of multimedia presentations, innovative approaches have led to remarkable success stories. From gamified demos to immersive VR training, these examples demonstrate how creative techniques can significantly enhance engagement and understanding.

Salesforce: Enhancing client engagement through interactive demos and gamification

Salesforce took a novel approach to showcase its software platform by developing an interactive, custom-built demo. Instead of a conventional presentation, users explored a 3D virtual office, engaging directly with the platform's modules and features. This interactive journey was gamified, rewarding users with points for interactions and task completions. The strategy led to an 80% increase in engagement and a 65% rise in purchase intent among participants, underscoring the effectiveness of immersive experiences in presenting complex software solutions.

Unilever: Leveraging data visualization for sustainability communication

To articulate the impact of its sustainability initiatives, Unilever shifted from traditional reports to a multimedia presentation enriched with infographics and animations. This method transformed complex data into interactive, easily digestible visuals, enabling stakeholders to delve into specific data points of interest. The innovative presentation method significantly enhanced stakeholders' understanding and appreciation of Unilever's sustainability efforts, demonstrating the power of visual storytelling in conveying intricate information.

McKinsey & Company: Advancing soft skills with virtual reality training

McKinsey & Company introduced a cutting-edge VR training program aimed at bolstering employee soft skills in a compelling and immersive manner. Participants were placed in virtual scenarios, such as client interactions and public speaking engagements, where their performance was evaluated by AI-driven feedback mechanisms. This VR training showed marked improvements in soft skills over traditional training approaches, highlighting VR's capacity to simulate realistic, impactful learning environments.

Common pitfalls and how to avoid them

  • Overloading your audience: Finding the right balance It's important to strike the right balance between informative and overwhelming. Tailoring your presentation to your audience's capacity for information can help prevent cognitive overload.
  • Technical difficulties: Preparation and backup plans Technical issues can disrupt even the best presentations. Having backup plans and being prepared to troubleshoot common problems can help you maintain composure and keep your presentation on track.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Understanding the needs of your audience and the objectives of your presentation is crucial when deciding the type of multimedia presentation to make.
  • For business presentations, leveraging PowerPoint with embedded multimedia elements can create a compelling narrative, while academic settings benefit from a variety of multimedia presentations, including interactive elements and visual aids.
  • Incorporating additional examples of multimedia presentations, such as engaging videos or interactive polls, can enhance your presentation's effectiveness and engagement level.
  • It's essential to explore software that supports a variety of multimedia types to ensure your presentation stands out and effectively delivers your message.
  • Whether your presentation is based on PowerPoint or other tools, the key is to create an effective multimedia presentation that captivates your audience and conveys your message seamlessly.

FAQs to create a multimedia presentation

1. how can i create an engaging multimedia presentation that captivates my audience.

Incorporating multimedia elements like video clips, interactive presentations, and diverse media types can transform your PowerPoint slides into stunning multimedia presentations. Remember, the key is to ensure that your presentation flows smoothly, keeping your audience engaged throughout. Adding a video or using interactive polls are excellent ways to make your presentation more dynamic and interactive.

2. What steps should I take to ensure my multimedia presentation is effective and well-received?

Start by creating an outline to organize your ideas and presentation objectives. Use multimedia presentation tools and software options to add various multimedia components, ensuring variety in your presentation. Review your presentation to ensure it aligns with the purpose of your presentation, and practice delivering it to make sure it’s engaging from start to finish.

3. Are there easy steps to follow to create stunning multimedia presentations for business or educational purposes?

Yes, there are several easy steps you can follow: First, choose the right presentation maker or multimedia presentation software that allows you to create presentations using multimedia. Next, select engaging presentation themes and incorporate a variety of multimedia content, including two or three types of media. Finally, review and rehearse your presentation to ensure it meets your presentation objectives and engages your audience effectively.

4. What advantages do multimedia presentations offer over regular oral presentations, and how can I make mine stand out?

Multimedia presentations offer the advantage of engaging multiple senses, making your message more memorable than a traditional oral presentation. To make yours stand out, consider adding multimedia elements throughout the presentation, such as animations and video clips. This not only makes the presentation more interactive but also helps to convey your message in a more dynamic and engaging way. Plenty of tools and presentation software options are available to help you create even better presentations that use multiple types of media to captivate your audience.

5. How do I choose the right type of multimedia presentation for my business or academic needs?

Selecting the right type of multimedia presentation begins with understanding the unique needs of your audience and the objectives of your presentation. For business presentations, using PowerPoint with embedded multimedia elements can create a compelling narrative. For academic settings, a variety of multimedia presentations, including interactive elements and visual aids, can enhance learning. Assessing your goals and audience engagement will help you make the perfect multimedia presentation.

6. What tools are essential for creating a multimedia presentation that stands out?

The tool for creating a standout multimedia presentation often depends on the complexity and desired outcome of your presentation. PowerPoint remains a versatile foundation, but incorporating additional multimedia presentation examples, such as engaging videos or interactive polls, can elevate your presentation. For those seeking to make their presentation more engaging, it’s time to explore software that supports a variety of multimedia types, ensuring every presentation captivates and informs.

Create on-brand presentations with Prezent

Create on-brand presentations using Prezent, the innovative presentation tool designed to streamline and elevate your presentation creation process.

With Prezent, you can effortlessly align your presentations with your brand identity, thanks to its array of features tailored for branding consistency.

Utilize Prezent's in-built storylines to simplify the storytelling process, saving valuable time while ensuring impactful presentations. Personalize your content with Prezent's Fingerprint feature, which analyzes audience communication styles for tailored messaging.

Explore Prezent's extensive slide library of over 35,000 pre-designed slides, meticulously curated for effective communication and seamless brand integration. Experience the power of Prezent firsthand by signing up for a free trial or opting for a comprehensive demo. Elevate your presentations to new heights of professionalism and brand cohesion with Prezent today!

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How to Make a “Good” Presentation “Great”

  • Guy Kawasaki

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Remember: Less is more.

A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others. Here are some unique elements that make a presentation stand out.

  • Fonts: Sans Serif fonts such as Helvetica or Arial are preferred for their clean lines, which make them easy to digest at various sizes and distances. Limit the number of font styles to two: one for headings and another for body text, to avoid visual confusion or distractions.
  • Colors: Colors can evoke emotions and highlight critical points, but their overuse can lead to a cluttered and confusing presentation. A limited palette of two to three main colors, complemented by a simple background, can help you draw attention to key elements without overwhelming the audience.
  • Pictures: Pictures can communicate complex ideas quickly and memorably but choosing the right images is key. Images or pictures should be big (perhaps 20-25% of the page), bold, and have a clear purpose that complements the slide’s text.
  • Layout: Don’t overcrowd your slides with too much information. When in doubt, adhere to the principle of simplicity, and aim for a clean and uncluttered layout with plenty of white space around text and images. Think phrases and bullets, not sentences.

As an intern or early career professional, chances are that you’ll be tasked with making or giving a presentation in the near future. Whether you’re pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something else, a great presentation can give you a competitive advantage, and be a powerful tool when aiming to persuade, educate, or inspire others.

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  • Guy Kawasaki is the chief evangelist at Canva and was the former chief evangelist at Apple. Guy is the author of 16 books including Think Remarkable : 9 Paths to Transform Your Life and Make a Difference.

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Home Blog Design Multimedia Presentation: Insights & Techniques to Maximize Engagement

Multimedia Presentation: Insights & Techniques to Maximize Engagement

Cover for Multimedia Presentation Guide

Effective public speaking is a crucial skill often overlooked. Multimedia presentations, such as digital stories, offer an opportunity to cultivate this skill. When appropriately executed, they blend visuals, text, and compelling speech in any setting. This article explores multimedia presentation, focusing on its definition, components, and the advantages it brings to the table.

Table of Contents

What is a Multimedia Presentation?

Types of mediums used in a multimedia presentation, advantages of multimedia presentation, how to create a multimedia presentation.

  • How to Deliver a Multimedia Presentation?

Recommended Templates for Multimedia Presentations

Final words.

Multimedia originates from the combination of “multi” and “media,” where “multi” denotes “many” [1]. It represents a medium facilitating the seamless transfer of information between locations. Multimedia encompasses the computer-assisted integration of various elements like text, drawings, still and moving images (videos), graphics, audio, animation, and other forms of media [1]. It allows the expression, storage, communication, and digital information processing.

A multimedia presentation goes beyond traditional slides to convey information. It is a dynamic approach that enhances engagement and boosts information retention among the audience. With the use of technology, it requires thoughtful design, pacing, and interactive components. Multimedia presentations deliver information through various channels, offering a multi-sensorial experience. As a consequence, they accommodate different learning preferences.

To create a truly immersive experience, multimedia presentations leverage different mediums. Video clips offer dynamic visual content, infographics provide concise information, audio snippets add a layer of narration, and animations bring concepts to life. The synergy of these elements elevates the overall impact of the presentation.

Multimedia presentations employ diverse mediums to construct a comprehensive and immersive experience.

Video Clips

Video content consists of photographic images displayed in apparent motion at speeds ranging from 24 to 30 frames per second, and even higher values depending on the topic. The term “video” denotes a moving image accompanied by sound, commonly seen in television broadcasts [2]. Text can be incorporated into videos through captions or embedded in images, as seen in slide presentations. It provides a captivating element to the presentation. 

Video slide for course lesson presentation

By incorporating motion and imagery, video clips enhance audience understanding and retention, as they can be introduced as a refreshing break during the course of the presentation. It offers the presenter a moment to regroup, especially in lengthy presentations. Videos can emotionally engage audiences through narratives, but their inclusion alone doesn’t guarantee benefits. For effective integration, videos have to follow the narrative of the speech the presenter is sharing. This implies that no random video can be added to a multimedia presentation, and presenters should also take extra care in unrequired effects that don’t contribute to the overall impact of the speech (i.e., abusing VFX or unprofessional transitions).  

Now we know why and how videos help a presentation, those who are unfamiliar can learn how to embed a video on a Google Slide .


Infographics contribute to the attractiveness of multimedia applications. In numerous situations, the audience prefers visuals over extensive text. It aids in the clarification of concepts and provides background information. In contrast to regular graphics, infographics are commonly acknowledged as a better medium to communicate data extracted from charts and graphs [3]. Their visually appealing format ensures clarity without overwhelming the viewer, making data more digestible.

Infographic slide design for multimedia presentations

Text [4] is used in multimedia presentations because it is a familiar media channel. It includes characters of different sizes and styles, making words, phrases, and paragraphs. The text requires less effort compared to a video. But this doesn’t mean presenters shouldn’t care about formatting.

Different fonts and sizes in text matter. Using the wrong font shows a lack of professionalism. Multimedia uses text to share information or enhance other media. Therefore, fonts and sizes can be varied for a cohesive aesthetic.

Text in multimedia presentations

Graphic Design effects, like text on portrait, are mighty in presentations. This technique, featuring phrases alongside visuals of well-known public figures, enhances interest and reinforces key messages.  Choosing the right colors and contrast in text design has a psychological appeal. It increases the audience’s interest.

Text design should also consider those with visual impairments.  Hence, the text to be used has to follow specific guidelines. Multimedia follows this by presenting text in various formats. This helps everyone understand the message quickly. They make information accessible instantly.

Audio Snippets

Adding audio into a media presentation gives users information that may be challenging to convey through other mediums. Certain types of information, like a motivational speech or enlightening music, are best conveyed through audio. It is a common practice in the motivational presentation niche to use audio as a resource to accompany exercises, like meditational practices, group activities, and storytelling techniques in which the audience has to place themselves in the shoes of the “character” in the story, and the list goes on.

Research indicates that presenting information through multiple senses improves retention [6]. Importantly, audio can make communication accessible for users who present visual impairments.

Animation is a series of static images rapidly flipped through, creating the illusion of movement [5]. Animation involves making a still image appear to be in motion. It enhances the visual appeal of a presentation. Animation is used for illustrating concepts related to movement, such as playing a guitar or hitting a golf ball. These actions are challenging to depict accurately with static images or text alone.  

Likewise, animated sequences can guide employees to respond correctly to different threat scenarios. For instance, showing threat scenarios through animation can enhance employees’ ability to recognize and respond to potential risks. Through movement and visual storytelling, animated templates contribute to a deeper understanding of intricate ideas.

Roadmap animated template for multimedia presentation

Multimedia presentations emerge as a powerful tool for effective communication, offering engagement, retention, and adaptability in professional and educational settings.

Enhanced Engagement

Multimedia presentations excel in captivating audiences through a customized approach to diverse learning preferences. Multimedia presentations stimulate interest and maintain active engagement by integrating visuals and audio.

Improved Information Retention

Research conducted by Saini and Baba underscores the efficacy of multimedia presentations in enhancing information retention [7]. The combination of visual and auditory stimuli helps understanding quickly. It improves the audience’s ability to grasp and remember key concepts.

Professional Appeal

In professional settings, adopting multimedia presentations contributes to elevated sophistication. This method showcases a commitment to deliver information dynamically and accessibly. Thus, presentation on multimedia positively reflects on both the presenter and the organization.

Flexibility in Communication

Multimedia presentations offer flexibility in conveying complex concepts . Incorporating various mediums allows presenters to adapt their communication style to suit the nature of the information. It makes it more accessible to a broader audience.

Dashboard multimedia template

Increased Accessibility

The inclusion of diverse mediums enhances accessibility for a wider audience. Visual elements cater to visual learners, while auditory components appeal to those who learn best through listening. This inclusive approach ensures that the message resonates with different audiences.

Enhanced Persuasion

The dynamic nature of multimedia presentations facilitates a persuasive delivery . Engaging visuals, coupled with compelling narration, influence opinions. It effectively conveys the presenter’s message, making it more memorable and impactful.

Pitch deck in a multimedia presentation

Real-time Demonstration

Multimedia presentations enable real-time demonstration of concepts and ideas. Whether showcasing product features or illustrating complex processes, integrating videos, animations, and live demonstrations leave a lasting impression.

Adaptability to Technological Advances

By using multimedia presentations, presenters showcase adaptability to technological advances [8]. Multimedia presentation aligns with contemporary communication trends. It positions the presenter as forward-thinking and responsive to evolving methods of information delivery.

Crafting an effective multimedia presentation involves thoughtful planning and execution. A well-structured and engaging multimedia presentation is created by following several steps

Required elements to create a multimedia presentation

Define Presentation Objectives

The goals and objectives of the presentation must be clearly outlined [9]. A presenter should identify the key message that is conveyed to the audience. This initial step guides the selection of multimedia elements based on the nature of the content. For instance, data presentations involve the use of infographics. On the other hand, motivational presentations may require photos, illustrations, and videos. Likewise, Business presentations may include interactive graphs and infographics.

Audience Research

Understand the target audience to customize content. Choose multimedia elements that resonate with them [9]. Consider the audience’s demographics, preferences, and expectations to create a presentation that captures their interest.

Select Media Channels

Choose appropriate multimedia channels, such as GIFs, videos, infographics, and animated charts, per the defined objectives. Different media channels convey information in distinct ways. Selecting the right ones enhances the overall impact of the presentation. Otherwise, the presenter can learn about design ideas in detail from SlideModel.

A group of users defining metrics for a multimedia presentation

Write the Presentation Story

Develop a structured storyboard outlining the sequence of content, visuals, and multimedia elements. The story should have a logical flow. It captures the audience’s attention and maintains their interest throughout the presentation.

Select a SlideModel Template

Use a SlideModel template to maintain consistency and professionalism in design, including fonts, colors, and layout. Templates provide a cohesive visual identity. These templates reinforce the message and facilitate a clear understanding of the content. There are plenty of templates available that can assist in creating a multimedia presentation.

Create Narrations or Captions

Develop concise and focused content that supports the key message. This contributes to the overall narrative. Narrations provide spoken explanations, while captions offer written context. Narrations or captions should complement the visuals. They provide context and enhance the audience’s understanding.

Usage of text and graphics in multimedia presentations

Create Deliverables

Deliverables include the finalized presentation file. It ensures compatibility with the chosen presentation software. Generate deliverables for the multimedia presentation. Optimize files for seamless integration and playback. Pay attention to file sizes and formats.

Transitions and Timings

Incorporate smooth slide transitions for a seamless flow between content. Avoid excessive transitions that may distract from the message. Set appropriate timings to maintain a well-paced presentation. Keep the audience engaged.

Infographic and the usage of transitions in multimedia presentations

Speaker Notes

Prepare speaker notes to guide the presenter during the delivery. Attention must be paid to timing and the use of multimedia elements. Speaker notes serve as a roadmap. It ensures a confident and well-timed presentation.

How to Deliver a Multimedia Presentation

Delivering a multimedia presentation with impact involves a strategic approach.

Testing Presentation on Arrival

Prioritize testing upon arrival to prevent any technical inconveniences. Verify the compatibility of multimedia elements and the presentation software with the venue’s system. A smooth technical setup is essential for a flawless multimedia presentation.

Timing of Multimedia Elements

Study the timing of multimedia elements.  Especially when introducing videos. Allocate time for a Q&A session post-presentation. This strategic timing ensures audience commitment, thus providing a platform for clarifications and discussions.

Avoid Inconsistent Perceptual Mediums

Leverage various perceptual channels, like hearing and vision, to enhance comprehension. Clarify infographics through spoken explanations. Steer clear of concurrent speech and sound sources to prevent interference and distractions. Seamless integration of multiple media sources is paramount for an effective presentation [10].

Professional Tone

Uphold a professional and authoritative tone throughout the presentation. Stay away from overly casual language to underscore the gravity of your message. Opt for a direct approach, aligning with the formality expected in a multimedia presentation.

Body Language

Pay attention to your body language, a critical aspect of multimedia presentations. Show confident and open postures. It reinforces the verbal communication. Effective body language contributes to the audience’s understanding.

Strategic Pauses for Multimedia Absorption

Introduce strategic pauses at key junctures to allow the audience to absorb multimedia information. Recognize that multimedia elements often require additional processing time. Strategic breaks enhance understanding. This prevents information overload and ensures a smooth flow throughout the presentation.

Visual Commitment through Multimedia

Pay close attention to the effective use of multimedia elements. Use body language to complement multimedia content. It will enhance the audience’s connection with the presentation. Effective visual engagement is crucial for a successful multimedia delivery.

1. Pitch Deck for Multimedia Presentation PowerPoint Template

presentation on media

If you are looking for multimedia presentation examples, in this article, we used one slide of this investor pitch deck to showcase why graphics matter in first impressions. Customize this presentation template to meet the requirements of your company; it just takes a couple of clicks!

Use This Template

2. Multimedia Annual Report PowerPoint & Google Slides Template

presentation on media

Rather than delivering a plain MS Excel sheet, create your report presentation by using this presentation on multimedia format template. Entirely customizable, you can adapt the presentation theme to any color scheme you choose. Download it today and make your annual report presentation the highlight of this year!

3. CV Template for Interview Meetings with Multimedia Effects

presentation on media

Long gone are the days in which resumes were a blank piece of paper with text and a bad-quality photo. Impress recruiters with a well-designed curriculum vitae by harnessing the advantages of multimedia presentations.

4. Collection of Infographic PPT Templates for Multimedia Presentations

presentation on media

For those who don’t know where to start with infographics, this slide deck has it all. Bubbles, demographics, iceberg metaphor, funnels, and more. Access now and customize the graphics in this high-quality infographics template for PowerPoint – fully compatible with Google Slides and Keynote.

Multimedia presentations are at the forefront of the transformation of public speaking. Using various mediums, presenters create engaging experiences for their audience. Integrating multimedia elements in business or academia raises presentations to new heights.

[1] Li, Z.N., Drew, M.S. and Liu, J., 2004. Fundamentals of multimedia (pp. 253-265). Upper Saddle River (NJ): Pearson Prentice Hall.

[2] Bowen, C., 2017. Grammar of the Edit . Routledge.

[3] Siricharoen, W.V., 2013, May. Infographics: the new communication tools in digital age. In The international conference on e-technologies and business on the web (ebw2013) (Vol. 169174).

[4] Malhotra, R. and Verma, N., 2020. An impact of using multimedia presentations on engineering education. Procedia Computer Science , 172 , pp.71-76.

[5] Pavithra, A., Aathilingam, M. and Prakash, S.M., 2018. Multimedia and its applications. International journal for research & development in technology , 10 (5), pp.271-276.

[6] Henmon, V.A.C., 1912. The relation between mode of presentation and retention. Psychological Review , 19 (2), p.79.

[7] Saini, G. and Baba, M.M., 2023. Psychological expedient of multimedia in blended learning and metamemory satisfaction. The Learning Organization .

[8] Lauer, C., 2009. Contending with terms: “Multimodal” and “multimedia” in the academic and public spheres. Computers and composition , 26 (4), pp.225-239.

[9] Hosseini, Z. and Kamal, A., 2013. How to design effective multimedia presentations. In 7th International Symposium on Advances in Science and Technology (7th SASTech 2013) Pp (pp. 7-8).

[10] Sutcliffe, A.G., 1999. A design method for effective information delivery in multimedia presentations. New review of hypermedia and multimedia, 5(1), pp.29-58.

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What is a multimedia presentation, why should you create a multimedia presentation, 7 steps to making the perfect multimedia presentation, how can penji help you make a multimedia presentation, how to create a multimedia presentation in 7 easy steps.

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Sometimes a flat, static presentation just won’t cut it. If you want to keep your audience interested, a multimedia presentation is the perfect way to engage all the senses.

Whether you’re launching a product, pitching your service, or hosting a meeting, engagement is key to a winning presentation. Here’s your ultimate guide to creating a pitch perfect multimedia presentation.

A multimedia presentation is just what it sounds like—a visual presentation using multiple forms of media. Unlike a standard  presentation  made up of static slides, a multimedia presentation uses sound, motion, and interactive elements.

Types of media for multimedia presentations

A multimedia presentation can feature elements including (but not limited to):

  • Interactive features (e.g. infographics)

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presentation on media

Adding different forms of media allows you to break down the barrier between yourself and your audience. Using engagement tools is the best way to ensure that your audience engagement retains the important info from your presentation.

While they can aid important information, they can also inject some much-needed fun into business meetings. Whether it’s a weekly team meeting or a big keynote, your audience is more likely to check out if it’s all serious business. Contrary to popular belief, you can inject humor and playful energy into your presentation without sacrificing integrity.

If you have time, you should always consider incorporating different forms of media into your powerpoint slides.  Launching a product ? People will want to see it in action.

Onboarding new employees? Try some team building activities. Displaying data? Drive your points home with visual presentations that move.

Well-integrated media shows that you’re putting effort into your powerpoint presentation, and that you know what you’re doing. If you do them right, they’re a surefire way measure audience engagement for the best results.

Stock image of a projector

If your visual elements are an afterthought, they can come off as lazy. Technical difficulties can send your whole presentation off the rails, so you want to make sure you have the right tools.

The 7 steps to creating a multimedia presentation are:

  • Create an outline
  • Select your software
  • Design your slides
  • Prepare media elements
  • Incorporate media elements

Below, you’ll find an in-depth look at each step in the process.

1) Create an outline

Two people drawing a complicated plan on a whiteboard

For an essay (or an article), an outline can just be a brief list of visual building blocks. This will keep your presentation organized. For a presentation, especially a multimedia presentation, it’s a little more complicated. To craft your outline, you’ll need to consider:

  • Multimedia elements
  • Slide design
  • Special slides (quotes, graphics, questions, etc.)
  • Color scheme
  • Visual motifs
  • Spoken vs. written elements
  • Negative space

Start with the basic structure of your presentation, then think about how your slides can complement that structure. What visual motifs will help drive your message home? What text and images need to be displayed to keep people engaged?

This is where your multimedia elements come in. Everything in your presentation should have a reason for being there. How can a video presentation help prove your point?

2) Pick the right software

Stock image of a MacBook

For a static presentation, you would probably load up PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote and be ready to go. With media elements, however, you’ll have to think outside the box.

If you’re incorporating  audio , video, animations, or anything else, you’ll have to find it somewhere. If you want to make it yourself, you’ll need the tools for it, and some design agencies are better for multimedia than others.

To help, here are a few award winning presentation softwares to consider:

PowerPoint/Google Slides/Keynote

Logos for Keynote, Google Slides, and PowerPoint

Let’s start with the basics. Each of these classic presentation tools is quite powerful. They can be used to put together excellent multimedia presentations.

However, you’ll have to study up if you want to become a master. There is other software out there that makes the work of adding animations, media, and interactive elements easier. While these programs aren’t as intuitive, it may be more helpful to master them in the long run.

Screenshot of Canva multimedia presentation software

Canva’s  cloud-based  design tools are versatile and great for any budding graphic designer. Their presentation tools are some of the best you can find online. On top of quick animations and stylish templates, they offer integrations with tons of media apps and a selection of royalty-free audio. You can add GIFs from GIPHY, videos from  YouTube , and even maps from Google Maps.

Home page for Powtoon multimedia presentation software

Where you can use Canva to make just about any design, Powtoon is fine-tuned (or should I say, fine-tooned) for dynamic, animated visuals. You can start creating for free, but this option is best for businesses who need a one-stop shop for stunning multimedia presentations. Trusted by the likes of NASA and Pfizer, their tools allow for fully custom effects.

Slide templates from multimedia presentation software

What sets apart from other slide  design companies  is their use of AI to power designers. After you select from hundreds of customizable templates, the app integrates your content on its own.

You can click and drag icons, photos, videos and more. Your slides will auto-adjust to create a perfect fit. Video makers can especially be expensive. This is a great budget friendly option.

Home page for Prezi multimedia presentation software

If you need to give a big conference via video conference, Prezi is the tool for you. Their software seamlessly integrates multimedia presentation tools with  live video . It works with a wide range of video meeting software, including Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Slack. Their presentation tools—both free and paid—are fully integrated and second to none.

3) Design your slides

Slide design for a bottle service app pitch deck

One of the classic rookie mistakes in presentations is carefully outlining your content, but not paying attention to your imagery. Details from even your line shape need to look professional. Presentation design is a crucial step that shouldn’t be overlooked. If you happen to have a lot of design know-how, you can do this yourself. Otherwise, you’re left with three options:

  • Use a free template
  • Use a paid template
  • Hire a professional (freelancer, agency, or  design service )

This article  walks you through the best places to find each of these options. Here are a few crucial things to consider when creating your PowerPoint design.

Color schemes

Ensure that you’re properly using  color theory  when designing your slides. For a business presentation, use colors that are part of your brand identity or featured in your logo. Tools like  Coolors  can help you generate full color schemes.

Visual themes

Consider expressing the message of your presentation with visual themes and metaphors. For instance, if your message is aspirational, you can use space or mountain imagery to signify shooting for the stars. If your business is cutting-edge, circuits and sci-fi imagery can help convey a sense of futurism.

Dynamic imagery

Try unique photo frames and geometric design flourishes. Use alternate slide designs with reversed colors or positions. 

Pair different fonts  and employ all different types of slides. Consistency is key, but every slide should be distinctive in some way to keep your audience invested.

4) Prepare your media

Music producer creating audio with a DAW and a keyboard

Since you’ve planned ahead, you probably have a good idea for what media you want to include in your presentation. Now that your slides are designed, it’s a good idea to get your multimedia elements ready so you can easily drop them in during the editing process.

Narration:  Pick out your favorite  recording software  or DAW (digital audio workstation) and hop to it! For a professional presentation, you want to make sure your audio is fairly high quality. Use a large closet or other audio-friendly space for recording if you don’t have an audio setup.

Music:  You can use any music you want for an internal presentation, but for a public conference, you should definitely seek out some  royalty-free audio .

Video:  Whether you’re using pre-recorded or live video, you’ll want to make sure you have the right setup. As with narration, you’ll want high-quality sound, along with a decent camera. For live video, try to use an area with a strong internet connection to ensure you don’t suffer technical difficulties.

Interactive elements:  Creating these can be part of the slide design process (for instance, if you’re incorporating a game into your presentation). Creating these from scratch requires a great deal of technical know-how, but you can also find lots of pre-made  templates  out there.

GIFs and animations:  These are also included in many templates, since they’re such a vital part of creating a dynamic multimedia presentation. You may consider using animations for clever transitions, to spice up  infographics , or just to add color to your slides.

5) Write, write, write!

Person typing on a MacBook

Once you have a thorough outline, writing text for your presentation should be a breeze. Remember, most of the words should come out of your mouth, with only the bare fundamentals on your slides.

Still, this is the step where you’re actually using your software and creating your presentation. However much prep you’ve done, it can feel like a momentous occasion.

Don’t be afraid to make changes at this point in the process. It’s good to have a thorough outline, but you’re not bound by it. If you made space for an infographic but you feel your data would be better served with a text slide, feel free to make changes.

In terms of  writing  style, while your presentation will likely be structured like an essay, it should be written like ad copy. Keep everything short, sweet, and punchy, conveying your concepts as concisely as possible. You can actually be even less specific than you would in an ad, since you’ll be delivering the presentation yourself. But remember to include any details you want to stick in your audience’s head.

Beyond that, play around with style. Try to use writing that suits your brand or the meaning behind your presentation. A jovial, meme-y style might be perfect for a team-building meeting, while an inspirational, important tone better suits a keynote address.

6) Add your multimedia elements

Person compiling multimedia elements for a video on a desktop

Once you’ve got everything laid out, it’s time to add the fun stuff. Keynote, PowerPoint, and Google Slides all have accessible tools for adding multimedia elements, as do the other software examples listed above.

While preparing your media is a challenge, you’ll also have to spend some time figuring out the best way to integrate them. Technical difficulties can be a death sentence for any presentation, so you’ll want to prepare in advance to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Typically, you’ll be able to control what settings cause the media to play. For instance, Google Slides lets you set elements to play automatically, manually, or with a click. Regardless, you should be sure to preview your slideshow and make sure that everything looks right and plays on cue.

7) Review, revise, and present

Person celebrating at their desk looking at their laptop

Preview your multimedia presentation a few times over. This will help you make sure everything is in working order. How long is it? Does it ever lag? Is it engaging?

If you had any  presentation ideas  you failed to include, this is your last chance to bring them in. Don’t put too much pressure on it, but make sure it’s good enough to go before you finalize it. A multimedia presentation is more complex than a regular one, which means it may take you a little longer to fine-tune it.

Once it’s done, get ready to present it. On top of getting it ready to share through whatever channels you use, you should also consider making the  slide deck  available to your audience after the show. Especially for a pitch, this can help ensure they keep you and your ideas in mind.

Computer surrounded by graphics representing different design stages

Making a multimedia presentation isn’t easy. There are plenty of tools and templates out there to help you make great slides, but if you need something custom, you may be out of luck. That’s where Penji comes in.

Penji is an unlimited graphic design service offering access to world-class design talent for a simple monthly price. If you need regular, high-quality presentations or other designs for your business, Penji can help bring your vision to life.

With a  Team  subscription, you get access to unlimited presentations and animated graphics. Just share your design needs with Penji and let our A.I. pair you with the perfect designer(s) for your project. After that, you can expect results within days, even for complex projects.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for a demo today and put your business on the road to success.

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How to Give the Best Social Media Presentation in 2024

presentation on media

Raluca Cirjan

Apr 8, 2024

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No credit card required!

Creating an engaging presentation for social media is essential when you want to show your team the ROI of your latest social campaign or impress a client you’re trying to land. With an engaging presentation you’ll captivate your audience and effectively convey your message.

This article will help you learn how to showcase your work and deliver the key message while keeping your audience hooked. Pair this new knowledge with our free social media presentation template , and you’re ready to conquer the world.

What is a social media presentation?

How to create a social media presentation.

  • How to present your social media work
  • Social media marketing presentations to inspire you

A social media presentation is a visual document that shows how social media can be used to achieve specific goals or objectives . It can be used to pitch an idea to a potential client, to show how social media can be used in a marketing campaign, or simply to educate others about the benefits of using social media .

When creating a social media presentation , consider the following:

  • Who is your audience? Pick examples that will address your listeners’ specific pain points and make them nod in agreement.
  • What are you trying to achieve? Have a clear goal in mind: are you pitching to land a new client or showcasing your quarterly results and ROI to non-social-media-savvy execs?
  • What story do you want to tell?  Use your storytelling skills by including the problem, the actions to solve it, the resolution, and the results; always end with a call to action.
  • What is the hook? Hooking your audience early ensures you have their attention throughout. A good hook and withholding just enough information draws people in and intrigues them immediately. T hink shocking statistics, rhetorical questions, growth stats, engagement metrics or mind-blowing KPIs. 

Where do you even start creating your presentation? Different environments and audiences require a different presentation and tone of voice. Your social media marketing presentation should point out the advantages of personalized social media content and drive your main message home.

Properly showcasing your work can help you make a good first impression on potential clients and build a stronger relationship with existing ones. With this in mind, let’s tackle the topic of presenting your social media work to clients. The smart way: with the right social media marketing presentation. Ready, get set, read!

Using eye-popping videos, pixel-perfect images, and engaging storytelling, social media platforms help brands increase awareness, connect with their potential customers, and boost sales.

Step 1: Gather data & insights for your presentation about social media

Don’t skip your research and project discovery phase . Prepare an audit of the client’s existing social media presence, do a competitive analysis, understand the brand’s audience, and come up with content that is tailored to their needs. You can’t skip these steps if you’re looking to build a long-term professional relationship with your client and get the desired results.

  • Identify your audience
  • Pinpoint the tone of voice
  • Introduce solutions to common pain points

After doing your research, think about the extra things that can help you make a great first impression. It’s not enough to know the client’s past social media activity.

Look into the company’s values and overall website performance . Show them you’re really interested in their business by making content suggestions that support and emphasize their core values. It might help if you have similar clients in your social media portfolio to prove your experience in that industry, but it’s not mandatory. 

A social media portfolio is a set of pieces of creative work that you can use to demonstrate your social media skills. Building an engaging and creative portfolio is essential for showcasing your expertise as a social media expert. It can be anything from past posts to analytic reports . 

Don’t be afraid to address both the brand’s strengths and weaknesses. If you are going to work with this client, their problems become your problems as well. Collaboration is one of the most common challenges in any business. The marketing department makes no exception.

Step 2: Decide where to host the social media presentation

So you found out what your client needs in terms of social media presence, you understand the target audience, and you’ve come up with some brilliant content ideas. Hooray!

Now it’s time to start thinking about the way you are going to showcase those social media slides to your client.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. Are you maybe trying to save a ton of time and going with a premade template from Pitch’s proposal template collection or that lucky template you’ve used a few times before (and gotten amazing results with).

All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes. Then, a couple more.

Let’s analyze 4 environments you could use to present your work and explore what each of them allows you to do:

1. Planable — social media collaboration tool with great UI/UX

A dedicated social media management  tool is the right choice. Yes, it’s obvious we think that. It’s also true. 

how to schedule instagram posts planable

Planable offers one place to create, collaborate, showcase, and approve social media content. We help you preview Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, Google My Business, and YouTube posts — I’m outta breath with so many platforms we support — exactly as they appear when published.

We really offer one of the best marketing presentation formats you can think of. 

With Planable, you can visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all your pages. You can strategically plan and schedule your content by dragging and dropping posts in your predefined time slots. One calendar, one integrated social media marketing strategy presentation across multiple channels.

presentation on media

With Planable, teams can plan and create content for pretty much all the major channels out there. We’re talking about:

  • Scheduling recurring Facebook posts .
  • Planning and layout out beautiful Instagram grids .
  • Scheduling TikTok videos .
  • Writing and scheduling thought-provoking LinkedIn content .
  • Spreading the word about your chic local brewery with Google My Business .
  • Writing tags and descriptions for multiple YouTube videos at once instead of doing it individually.
  • Crafting the perfect, character-number-appropriate Twitter post .

Showcase all that hard work described above to clients in all its beauty without relying on spreadsheets and clunky mockups.

Make social media presentations with Planable’s mockup pages

Have you ever taken a look at your work and went “boy, I’m sure looking forward to setting up a test page to show all this stuff to my client!”? No? Thought so.

The format you present your work is just as important as the work itself. And let’s be real, test pages and screenshot-laden PowerPoint presentations are messy.

Enter mock-up pages. In Planable, you can create a custom page for any of the 7 supported platforms quickly and hassle-free. You don’t even have to connect the actual page. If you don’t have permission and don’t want to ask the client just yet, you can still show them your work in context.

Here’s how you do it:

  • Go to “Add pages” in your workspace
  • Select the relevant platform
  • Click on “Create a mockup page”

presentation on media

While we’re at it, here are some of the details you can tweak to make your mockup pages as enticing and personalized to your client’s wishes as humanly possible:

  • Profile image
  • Cover photo
  • Page description

Your mock-up page is ready for feedback and collaboration!

If you want to elevate your mockup page to the status of “totally publishable content”, simply connect it to a real account. You can find this option in your page’s settings:

presentation on media

2. Powerpoint or Keynote — best for primary social media presentation templates

Social media PPT presentations or Keynote slides can be distributed easily to the team and clients. You can use text, photos, illustrations , drawings, tables, graphs, and movies to effectively walk your audience through the presentation. So far, so good. You can choose to structure your work by social media channels (Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter posts), time (month/week/day), or formats (single image/video/carousel/gif, etc.)

Keynote presentation of Facebook posts for March

Unfortunately, even if you go the extra mile and manage to create previews of the social media posts and add them to your presentation, these are often incomplete. Take the carousel, for example. Showing the rest of the cards would imply extra mockups or a separate email with links to Google Drive, where you would have a folder with all the images.

3. Google slides — popular for standard templates designed for social media presentations

This is a useful tool for collaborative presentations. You can work on slides together with your team without any special software, and you can see what other people are doing at all times. Plus, every change made will be saved automatically, so there’s no need to worry about losing anything important. 

presentation on media

Google Slides’ predecessor, PowerPoint, has always been a complicated tool that makes it hard to create simple presentations. Not everyone understands Powerpoint’s options and what they mean at first glance, which leads many beginners into confusion when starting out. By comparison, Google Slides is much more intuitive and user-friendly. 

Since Google Slides is a web-based tool, you don’t need to download any software, and you can start creating your slides from the get-go. You can easily embed videos (and other media you can think of), which makes it super convenient for social media managers looking to showcase their work or mockup accounts. 

As with any new software, there is a learning curve when you first start using Google Slides. Among the biggest drawbacks of this tool for presenting your social media work is the limited collection of themes and limited file types for exporting.

4. Social media test pages — best for creating a presentation on social media pages

Facebook Test Page with one social media post

Social media test pages are the closest you are going to get to the actual outcome of your work. These previews allow everyone to see what the posts are going to look like on the official pages. You can also invite your team and clients to post and leave feedback in the comment section of each post.

Even though it is time-consuming, a lot of agencies and social media managers still use this method to showcase their work. This proves that seeing social media posts as though they’re live before approving them is something that clients want and need.

But you’re the marketer here. You need to think about both the upsides and the downsides. Before embracing this solution, bear in mind that you would have to create one test page for every social media platform that the client is using. What happens when the person who is responsible for approving the content does not own a social media account on a particular platform? Another thing to take into consideration is the privacy issue. Your client trusts that no other people get to see that jolly Christmas campaign before it’s (at least) December.

Fortunately, you don’t need to look for solutions to these kinds of problems. It’s 2020. There are tools out there that solve both the challenge of presenting your work and receiving feedback. It’s not a secret. In fact, thousands of marketers have already chosen this type of solution. Fast collaboration. Easy planning. And support that will never, ever leave you hangin’.

Are you planning on sending a social media Powerpoint presentation with slides for each platform? Have you already asked your designer friend to create some mockups in Photoshop? Or maybe you still have those secret test pages where you preview what your posts are going to look like. All of these solutions can work just fine up until the point when the client needs you to do a couple of changes.

How to choose the right environment for your social media presentation:

  • It has to allow the marketing team and client to see pixel-perfect content previews of the social media posts;
  • Any format, whether it’s text, video, gif, link, photo, album, or carousel, should be easy to show; 
  • Your social media work should be rich in emojis, active hashtags, page tags, or gifs. Your client needs to be able to see them as they will appear live;
  • It has to allow your posts to be adapted to the intended channel accordingly, whether there are image formats or character limits;
  • Ideally, your client should be able to visualize content by week or month and see everything at a glance across all the pages;
  • It needs to make collaboration easy for your team and clients. Changes to the original work are inevitable, so make sure to plan ahead. For instance, your solution should make it possible to give feedback right next to the posts, to add attachments to comments, resolve comments once feedback is implemented, and collaborate in real-time;
  • Whatever solution you choose, make sure it improves your team’s efficiency. No extra clicks, no need for extra communication channels to give and receive feedback.
  • Everything should be automated; Push notifications should be an exception. This is why Planable has the option to directly publish your posts ( Instagram included ) without manual work.

Step 3: Create your social media presentation outline

A presentation outline is a very important part of writing. It’s basically the skeleton of your essay, and if you’re going to have a good structure, then you need one. During the writing process, it’s key to make sure that your ideas are well organized. By writing an outline of what you’re planning on saying in a social media presentation beforehand, you can be sure that all of your points have a good transition and that you cover everything you set out to go over.

Step 4: Structure & organize the social media marketing presentation

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to shape your random ideas into a concrete social media presentation. Now that you have an idea of what the message should be, the design and organizing step implies molding your ideas into a digestible and appealing form for your audience. You want them to lap up your content, so don’t skimp out on the creativity.

The first step is to make a list of all the information that you want to include in your presentation. From there, decide on an organizational structure for this information.

Here’s an idea of how you can structure your presentation in three broad sections:

  • Introduce yourself & your team
  • Show your work
  • Present the social media management pricing range
  • Include a CTA

How to nail a social media marketing presentation

We all know there are many things to do before delivering a presentation. You must be confident, practice in front of the mirror, organize your slides and devices , and take care of any last-minute changes. 

Before the social media presentation

Preparation goes beyond last-minute adjustments. Here are a couple of valuable assets that will help you with presentations in general.

“Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die” by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

presentation on media

The secret to making your message ‘stick’ is all in the details. Once you know what makes people remember things, it’s easy to formulate a coherent and compelling argument for them!

Chip & Dan Heath’s book does exactly that (and more). It helps you understand how to make your audience remember the core message of your presentation. How to formulate your vision so that it ‘sticks’ in their minds with a simple formula:  Simple, Unexpected, Credible, Concrete, Emotional, Story (yep, it spells success).

“How to sound smart in your Tedx talk” by Will Stephen

Stephen’s viral and hilarious Tedx talk shows the power of confidence, inflection, and empathy. It’s the perfect example of presentation skills at work. Here’s the gist of the presentation:

  • gesticulate and use inflection to appear confident
  • ask the audience questions
  • tell an anecdote to connect with your audience
  • use images and other media
  • dress accordingly
  • build intensity, then change the tone near the end
  • connect the end of the speech to the beginning

After social media marketing presentation

Your offline deck is just as important as your live presentation. It’s always great to follow up after your live presentation. Remind them what it was about, include some highlights, and thank them for their time. This will not only help you stay in contact, but it can seriously increase your chances of hearing back from customers or potential clients. 

Done with your presentation? Engaging online or following up has several benefits. 

If you’ve given a social media presentation, follow up by sending thank-you notes or surveys. This will make sure your message stays fresh in people’s minds. Your focus should still be on offering value, not taking up someone’s time.

Social media presentation examples to get inspiration

Need some inspo? Here are six hand-picked examples to get those creative juices flowin’!

1. Introduction to Social Media Strategy Presentation

Before jumping into the never-ending nebula of content ideas for social media, never underestimate the power of an efficient social media strategy. That’s what this presentation will cover: the main aspects of creating a social media strategy for your brand . As a true geek, my favorite slide of this presentation is the one that defines SMART Goals and gives a specific example. 

2. 10+ Social Media Tips – Social Media Starts with a Content Strategy

If your social media strategy is fired-up and ready to meet the social networks, check out these slides with straight-up tried social media content tips & tricks. Skipping the fluffy theories, Joe Pulizzi takes us through the steps of creating a content plan that makes sense by giving explicit examples. 

3. How to: Optimise Facebook & Youtube for your Business

Check out this presentation that takes you step by step through the use of Facebook pages and YouTube features. If you’re new to Facebook and YouTube as a business, Megalyn will help you build brand awareness using social media. 

4. TikTok Hashtag challenge – for content ideas proposals

Planning on using a specific social media channel in your strategy? Here’s how to present it to the client. Pick a specific direction for your social media content and describe it: present the general concept and its potential, and showcase the most popular campaigns and their results (if possible). Take this TikTok Hashtag challenge as an example: 

5. Launching something new? Here’s a Website Launch Plan Presentation

Here’s an alternative way to present a website without building it from scratch. Tip: always include a meeting agenda and a summary of your project in the presentation. This would prepare the audience for what the presentation will cover and will emphasize that you’re an organized person/team. 

6. Weekly Progress Meetings Presentations

Once you’ve set up a social media workflow with your team and clients, it’s time to set up a weekly progress meeting. These meetings will help everyone exchange insights, get clarity and solve or anticipate possible issues. It’s also a good time to point out the main goals you’re seeking to achieve by implementing a social media strategy. Here’s an example of what your presentation could look like.

presentation on media

Raluca Cîrjan, Digital Marketing Specialist Advertising and social media enthusiast, fast learner & ailurophile. I believe that one joke a day keeps the doctor away. Feel free to share a funny story with me.

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180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

Written by: Orana Velarde

presentation topic ideas - header wide

Coming up with a presentation topic idea that's meaningful, relevant and has a creative angle can be tough. If your teacher or professor just assigned you a presentation and also asked you to pick your own topic, you're in the right place.

In this article, we've put together a list of informative and powerful presentation topic ideas for various subjects. When you're ready, head over to our presentation software to create an engaging slideshow that blows away your audience.

Here's a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. Check more templates below:

presentation on media

List of Presentation Topic Ideas for Students

We know how difficult it is to come up with an interesting presentation topic idea on the fly.  That’s why we put together a list of more than 200 ideas to help you out.

We've organized these presentation topics for students by subject so you can easily browse through and find what you're looking for. Each section also comes with a bonus presentation template!

We've also included some tips on designing a presentation once you've chosen a topic. For example, a flowchart data widget can help with a historic timeline presentation .

But first, let's dive into these interesting topics for presentations.

Table of Contents

Current events presentation topic ideas, education presentation topic ideas, general culture presentation topic ideas, health presentation topic ideas, history presentation topic ideas, life skills presentation topic ideas, literature presentation topic ideas, media presentation topic ideas, science presentation topic ideas, work life presentation topic ideas.

  • Why Do Teachers Assign Student-Selected Presentations?

How to Pick the Right Presentation Topic

Presentation tips for students.

  • Teachers share presentation topic ideas with students so they can find a topic of interest, find a purpose and direction for their future lives and career plans, learn how to do research properly and improve their creative performance.
  • Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science.
  • When picking presentation topics, consider these things: your hobbies, the books you read, the kind of TV shows you watch, what topics you’re good at and what you’d like to learn more about.
  • Follow these tips to create and deliver excellent presentations: Don’t present on topics you don’t understand, use data visualizations and high-quality visuals, avoid boring layouts and large walls of text,
  • Don’t read off your slides. Practice and rehearse your presentation or create index cards with speaking notes.
  • Visme’s presentation software has everything you need to create captivating presentations. Start with professionally designed presentation templates , customize them to your taste and present with style.
  • If you're racing against the clock, harness the power of Visme's AI presentation maker to whip up captivating presentations in seconds. Just explain what you want to create, select your preferred designs and watch the tool unleash its magic.

Below are Powerpoint presentation topics on current events.

  • What is the Israeli/Palestinian conflict?
  • What is happening in Kashmir?
  • What is ethnic cleansing and is it still relevant in 2021?
  • Who is Malala Yousafzai?
  • What are the different stances on immigration in the US?
  • Should the death penalty be outlawed?
  • Should University be free for everyone?
  • What is racism?
  • How can non-minorities be allies to minorities?
  • What is White Privilege?
  • Can a border wall really fix the immigration crisis?
  • What is Brexit?
  • What is Pride?
  • What is gentrification?
  • What is the European Union?
  • What is Sharia Law?
  • Why is it more profitable to be a plumber than a doctor?
  • What is happening in Syria?
  • Who is Harvey Weinstein and what is he accused of?
  • What is the #metoo movement?
  • What is happening in North Korea?
  • What is the problem with guns in America?

presentation topic ideas - current events presentation slides template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own! Edit and Download

Here are the education topics for presentations you can choose from.

  • What are the pros and cons of online education?
  • What is dyslexia?
  • What is the Pythagorean theorem?
  • Is a college education worth it?
  • Is reading better on Kindles or paper books?
  • What is worldschooling?
  • What is unschooling?
  • Why are teachers underpaid?
  • What is sociology?
  • What is anthropology?
  • What is social archaeology?
  • Why do schools need mentorship programs?
  • What is an education in Finland like?
  • What is Montessori Education?
  • Who is Rudolf Steiner?
  • What is the most difficult language to learn?
  • What is an Ivy League school?
  • What is the SAT?
  • What is the TOEFL?
  • What is the IB program?
  • How to get into an international university
  • What is a learning disability?
  • What is a gap year?
  • Why is it important to learn a second language?
  • What is a TCK?
  • What is the foreign exchange program?
  • Why is it important to study Physics?
  • What are Coding Bootcamps ?
  • How does reading benefit the brain?
  • How to make an infographic

presentation topic ideas - worldschooling education presentation template visme

  • Is Graffiti considered art?
  • Ancient Greek myths in modern media
  • Why should students learn about different religions?
  • What are crop circles?
  • What is Area 51?
  • What are the origins of Rock and Roll?
  • What was the Woodstock Music Festival?
  • 10 memorable things about any country
  • What are the different styles of coffee?
  • What does living “off the grid” mean?
  • What is Crossfit?
  • What is cultural appropriation?
  • What is Feminism?
  • What is the difference between White Hat and Black Hat Hacking?
  • Who is the artist formerly known as Prince?
  • Why is yoga so popular?
  • What is Art Therapy?
  • What is the difference between 80’s parenting and current parenting?
  • What is a journalist?
  • What is the 'generation gap'?
  • Who is a polyglot?
  • What is the difference between a religion and a cult?

presentation topic ideas - graffiti art general culture presentation template visme

  • Everything you need to know about COVID-19
  • How does the human immune system work?
  • What is the respiratory system?
  • How are diseases spread?
  • How does the nervous system work?
  • What is skin cancer?
  • What are infectious diseases?
  • When to call 911
  • What is the placebo effect?
  • How to read a nutrition label
  • How to eat a balanced diet
  • What is CPR?
  • How to dress a wound
  • What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • What is dry drowning?
  • What are allergens?
  • Why are cigarettes bad for you?
  • How are medicines approved for human consumption?
  • Why should Marijuana be legalized?
  • What is a neurosurgeon?
  • What is an EMT?
  • How does the digestive system work?
  • What are the effects of antidepressants on the human brain?
  • What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
  • Is depression real?

presentation topic ideas - how to dress a wound health presentation template visme

  • Prehistoric timeline of dinosaurs
  • Your favorite president of the United States
  • How has the role of women changed in society?
  • Who was Alexander the Great?
  • What is the Declaration of Independence?
  • Who was Harriet Tubman?
  • What is Pangea?
  • What is Gobekli Tepe?
  • Who is Nelson Mandela?
  • What is the Berlin Wall?
  • What is the Boxing Day Tsunami?
  • Who were the Conquistadors?
  • Who were the Incas?
  • What is the story behind Thanksgiving?
  • Who is Pocahontas?
  • What is the origin of Language?
  • How were Egyptian mummies conserved?
  • What is the story of King Tut’s Curse?
  • What made up the Ottoman Empire?
  • What was the first civilization to ever emerge?
  • What are the main Native American culture tribes?

presentation topic ideas - prehistoric timeline dinosaurs history presentation template visme

Customize this presentation template to make it your own!

  • Add your own text, images, colors and more
  • Add interactive buttons and animations
  • Customize anything to fit your design and content needs
  • How to change a tire
  • What are the basic cooking skills?
  • How to do laundry
  • How to budget monthly expenses
  • What is a healthy morning routine?
  • What are the essential tools for a household?
  • How to furnish a house on the cheap
  • How to drive a car
  • How to save money
  • How to take care of a baby
  • How to take care of a plant
  • How to change the AC filters
  • How to minimize the use of plastic
  • How to live trash-free
  • How to fry an egg
  • How to clean a house fast
  • How to use the internet to find what you need
  • Why is it important to teach our grandparents how to use the internet?
  • How to get dressed for a funeral
  • How to unclog a toilet or sink
  • How to pack a first-aid kit at home
  • What is emotional intelligence?

presentation topic ideas - how to do laundry life skills presentation template visme

  • Who is William Shakespeare?
  • What is Haiku?
  • What is The Catcher in The Rye about?
  • Who is Dante Alighieri?
  • What is a sonnet?
  • What is magical realism?
  • Who is Emily Bronte?
  • How is the book 1984 relevant today?
  • What is the difference between an autobiography and a memoir?
  • What book should be made into a movie which hasn’t yet?
  • Who is Oscar Wilde?
  • Who is Orhan Pamuk?
  • Who is Isaac Asimov?
  • What is historical fiction?
  • What is a Greek Tragedy?
  • What is the hero’s journey?
  • Who is Ulysses?
  • What is the origin of science fiction literature?
  • My top 10 favorite classic novels of all time
  • Who were the Brothers Grimm?
  • The colorful life of Ernest Hemingway
  • How did the Industrial Revolution shape American literature?

presentation topic ideas - william shakespeare literature presentation template visme

Looking for engaging ppt presentation topics about media? Explore this list for ideas on the evolution of media, social media trends and influential figures in the media landscape.

  • Evolution of the projector
  • How can social media be dangerous for underage kids?
  • The history of the internet
  • What is the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
  • Who is Steve Jobs?
  • Who invented the television?
  • Which came first, MTV or VH1?
  • What is Virtual Reality?
  • What is Augmented Reality?
  • The evolution of film and cinema
  • How are TV commercials made?
  • What is the role of an art director?
  • How are minorities represented in the media?
  • How are women represented in the media?
  • What is blogging?
  • Who was Elvis Presley?
  • The history of Jazz
  • The history of Tango
  • What is a social media manager ?
  • What is content marketing?
  • What is an influencer?
  • How has binge-watching changed television?
  • The impact of TikTok on advertising
  • What is the agenda-setting theory?
  • Mass communication in the digital age

presentation topic ideas - evolution of the projector media presentation template visme

Looking for science presentation ideas? Check these topics out.

  • What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
  • What are GMOs?
  • What is organ donation and why is it important?
  • How does the respiratory system work?
  • Should human cloning be allowed?
  • What is the greenhouse effect?
  • Why do some people say climate change is a hoax ?
  • What is the water cycle?
  • What is Photosynthesis?
  • What are the different states of matter?
  • How is medicine made?
  • What is alternative medicine?
  • What is biochemistry?
  • What is quantum physics?
  • What is the Big Bang Theory?
  • 50th anniversary of the moon landing
  • What is the plant cycle?
  • How are babies born?
  • What is a particle accelerator?
  • What is a light-year?
  • Why do humans want to colonize Mars?
  • Why is Pluto no longer a planet?
  • What causes a wildfire?

presentation topic ideas - moon landing science presentation template visme

  • What is the pay gap?
  • What is an entrepreneur?
  • What is a franchise and how does it work?
  • What are the best-paid careers?
  • Why is it important to hire mothers back into the workforce?
  • Should fathers have paternity leave?
  • Are internships worth it?
  • Why are more college-age students entering the labor force through skilled labor?
  • Why is it important for high-schoolers to have summer jobs?
  • What is the glass ceiling?
  • How to live as a digital nomad
  • How to stop discrimination in the workplace
  • What is a Candy Striper?
  • Is volunteering hurting the neediest?
  • What does “the 9 to 5” mean?
  • What constitutes a good work-life balance?
  • When should moms go back to work?
  • How to dress for a work interview
  • How to write a resume/CV
  • How secure is a freelance career in 2021?
  • The impact of COVID-19 on organizational culture?
  • Do employers care about cover letters?

presentation topic ideas - entrepreneur work life presentation template visme

Why Do Teachers Assign Student-Selected Presentations? [Infographic]

By now, you must have already chosen a presentation topic idea . But you might still be wondering why your teacher assigned you this task in the first place.

No, your teacher is not out to get you by assigning a presentation you have to choose the topic for. There are a few reasons why teachers and professors assign presentations this way.

Choosing a presentation topic idea inspires you to look inside themselves to find a topic of interest. Knowing about your interests helps give direction to your future life and career plans.

Selecting topics to present about in school also helps you learn how to do research properly. You get more familiar with the practice of taking notes, creating an outline and prioritizing information.

Brainstorming various topic ideas is also great for improving your creative performance. And finally, getting up on stage and presenting prepares you for public speaking in front of an audience.

Here's a quick infographic to sum it all up.

presentation topic ideas - why do teachers assign student selected presentations infographic visme

Believe it or not, assigning a presentation is one of the best ways to teach a student how to learn on their own. It’s similar to asking a student to write an essay, but a lot more fun!

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

presentation on media

If you're overwhelmed by all the school presentation ideas above and aren't sure which one is right for your presentation, don't worry. We have tips to help you pick the right topic in no time.

If after this process you still aren’t sure, just browse through the list above and find a specific presentation subject idea that sparks your interest most.

presentation topic ideas - choose a topic what types of books read

The first step to figuring out what your presentation should be about is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • What type of books do you read?
  • When you play Trivial Pursuit, which topic are you good at?
  • What kind of TV shows do you watch?
  • What would you like to learn more about?

What Are Your Hobbies?

It’s easy to find a presentation topic by looking at your hobbies. The best part of this choice is that you’ll be passionate when presenting it to your peers.

For example, if you love woodworking, create a presentation about the history of woodworking or a step-by-step look at “How to make a wooden bowl by hand.”

What Type of Books Do You Read?

When looking for innovative topics for presentation, consider the style of books you’ve been reading lately. Have any of them made an impact on your life?

If you're having a difficult time coming up with a topic idea, you can create a presentation about a book that you found really special, or about an author you’ve read a few books by.

When You Play Trivial Pursuit, Which Topic Are You Good At?

If you've ever played Trivial Pursuit or attended a Trivia Night, you must have noticed that some topics are easier for you to answer. That is your topic of interest and a great place to look for some ideas.

For example, if you always know the answer to the questions about classical music, you can create a presentation about your favorite composer.

What Kind of TV Shows Do You Watch?

What have you been binge-watching lately? Regardless if its Orange is The New Black or a documentary about the Sudanese civil war, you can find an interesting topic to work with.

It can be about history or current events. You could even do some kind of comparative analysis on how a specific show has affected you or the people who watch it.

What Would You Like to Learn More About?

Another way to find the best topics for presentation is to think of things you want to learn more about. Take the opportunity to learn something new and then share it in your presentation.

Present the facts of what you learned or turn the presentation into a journal entry of your personal experience using the new information that you just learned.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that whatever topic you choose, it must also be appropriate.

“Depending on your audience and occasion purpose, you have to steer away from topics that might bore or offend your audience.”

Once you have chosen the perfect presentation topic idea, it’s time to create your presentation. Here are some tips for putting together a great presentation that will get you a good grade.

Presentation Mistakes to Avoid

First things first, let’s talk about some presentation no-nos. You want to avoid these mistakes in any presentation you give—from a presentation for a grade in your middle school class all the way up to a business presentation.

Key presentation don’ts are:

  • Don’t create slides full of text —your presentation is not a 30-page essay. Instead, create slides with just a few bullets and some type of visual to represent your content.
  • Don’t just read off of your slides —you’ll bore your audience. Practice and rehearse your presentation or create index cards with speaking notes to make your presentation more engaging.
  • Don’t use a new design, transition, animation, etc., on each slide —you’ll clutter up your design. Choose one single design, color scheme, font pairing, transition style, animation effect, etc., and use it throughout to create a cohesive presentation design.
  • Don’t present on topics you don’t understand —you’ll sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Even if you’re choosing a “new to you” topic, you need to do enough research to have a firm grasp on the information you’re presenting.
  • Don’t ramble and go over your allotted time —you’ll sound flustered and unorganized. Again, make sure you practice your presentation so that you can smoothly transition from slide to slide and cover all information in the time given.

Regardless of the topic you're presenting, creating drafts shouldn't be a challenge. Utilize Visme's AI writer to generate high-quality content in seconds. Feel free to deploy it as a proofreading tool or an outline creator. Just describe what you want to write about and get content ideas or Power Point presentation topics and the tool will work out the details.

Use Data Visualization in Your Presentation

Regardless of which type of topic you’ve chosen, there’s likely some sort of data or information that would be better presented via visuals rather than written out numbers or text.

Make sure you choose a presentation tool that makes it easy to visualize certain information. For example, Visme allows you to create a number of data visualizations that help make information pop on your slide.

Some examples of data visualizations you can use within your presentation include:

  • Timelines for historical information
  • Charts and graphs for numerical data sets
  • Tables for organizing text
  • Maps for sharing geographic information
  • Flowcharts and diagrams for organizing information
  • Data widgets for visualizing standalone numbers

Avoid Using Boring Layouts

Don’t let your presentation look like a PowerPoint from the nineties with a blank white background and two columns of boring bullet points. Instead, take advantage of engaging presentation templates and spice up your slides.

First, start with a template that’s going to make your information stand out. You can browse a few options that Visme offers below. Use Visme’s Brand Wizard to automatically add your brand’s assets to your presentation.

Look for a unique way of presenting the information, use interesting backgrounds, apply shaped frames to the images, embed videos and use colorful shapes to create separations.

presentation topic ideas - tips for informational how to presentations

But for some specific ideas, consider pulling these design tactics into your presentation.

Slide Background Ideas:

  • Set photos as your slide background
  • Use color overlays to make sure your content is still visible on top of the photo background
  • Create a gradient background
  • Use a stock video as your background to create motion
  • Choose a color other than white as your background
  • Set a pattern as your background
  • Use an animated background

Visual Element Ideas:

  • Place photos strategically on your slide to drive your point home
  • Use colorful shapes and animated graphics
  • Try 3D graphics to make your content pop
  • Apply shaped frames to images within your slides
  • Use icons to visualize your text

Interactive Ideas:

There are so many ways to make sure your slides are engaging so you keep your audience interested throughout your entire presentation. Visme offers tons of features to make your presentation interactive .

  • Incorporate hover-overs or pop-ups that hide additional information
  • Link your slides to create a non-linear presentation
  • Embed videos that provide even more information
  • Create audio clips that activate when you click on an element

RELATED: 20 Ways to Create an Interactive Presentation That Stands Out

Prepare for Your Presentation

We already touched on how important it is to practice and rehearse your presentation. You want to appear confident and well-versed in your topic. Presenting and public speaking are also skills that you can carry into adulthood in your future career.

Although nerve-wracking, you’ll have a turn to deliver your presentation in front of the class. You’ll give your speech while simultaneously showcasing your slides.

Utilize these tips when preparing for your presentation:

  • Practice speaking while moving through your slides at least three times
  • Memorize the order of your slides and what information is on each slide
  • Create a flashcard for each slide so you have basic talking points in front of you
  • Use memorization techniques so you don’t have to fully rely on your flashcards
  • Focus on the end goal: delivering your presentation may be stressful but it will also make you feel great when you’re finished

Keep Your Audience Engaged During Your Presentation

Our last tip is to keep your audience engaged throughout your presentation. This will help your fellow classmates to better retain the information you’re sharing in your slides and can even help you feel more confident as you present.

A few tips for engaging your audience include:

  • Avoid using a monotonous tone; instead, tell stories, speak conversationally, and hold your audience’s attention
  • Try not to say things like, “um,” “er,” “like” and similar terms
  • Focus on keeping good posture throughout
  • Avoid chewing gum, fidgeting or doing other things that will detract from your speech
  • Make eye contact with your audience rather than staring at your notes or your slides

Create Beautiful Presentations with Visme

Here at Visme, we love helping students create better presentations. We’ve covered presentations on different topics you can choose from.

We have resources on how to use presentation templates, how to design slides from scratch, how to maintain consistency between slides, how to present data visually and how to successfully present to an audience.

Here are some articles to help you design and deliver your presentation:

  • Presentation Success Formula: How to Start Strong and End Powerfully
  • 100+ Creative Presentation Ideas That Will Delight Your Audience
  • 7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Once you’re ready to start designing, just open up the Visme dashboard and select one of the many presentation templates. You can also create a presentation from scratch; there are lots of tools to help you out along the way. Once done, you can easily share and publish your presentation without leaving the Visme editor.

We hope you were able to find the perfect presentation topic idea for your presentation on this list! Let us know how you did and link to your presentation in the comments.

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Design visual brand experiences for your business whether you are a seasoned designer or a total novice.

presentation on media

About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

presentation on media

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FAQs About Social Media Presentation Templates

What are social media presentation templates.

Social Media Presentation Templates are pre-formatted designs that can be used for creating professional and visually appealing presentations related to social media. These templates can be used across various presentation software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. They typically feature elements such as infographics, charts, and diagrams related to the social media realm.

These templates are used to present data and analytics, marketing strategies, campaign overviews, and other related topics in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. They are ideal for social media managers, digital marketers, business owners, or anyone who needs to showcase information about social media in a professional context.

Why should I use Social Media Presentation Templates?

Using Social Media Presentation Templates comes with several benefits. First, these templates can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of starting from scratch, you only need to input your data and adjust the design according to your branding or preferences. They provide pre-made layouts, so you no longer have to worry about designing your slides.

Second, templates ensure consistency in your presentation. All slides follow the same design, which contributes to a seamless and professional look. Lastly, these templates help in delivering your message effectively with the help of relevant visuals, making your presentation more engaging.

Why do I need a Social Media Presentation Template when I can use traditional ones?

Social Media Presentation Templates are designed specifically for presenting social media-related content. These templates usually include graphics, icons, and layouts that are tailored to present social media data and strategies. Traditional templates may not have these specialized components.

In addition, using targeted templates for your presentation can make it more focused and relevant to your audience. It also helps in keeping your audience engaged as the visuals are more relatable and easy to understand.

How customizable are Social Media Presentation Templates?

Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences.

Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often data-driven, which means you just need to replace the presented dummy data with your own. This feature can make a significant impact in terms of achieving a personalized and professional presentation.

Where can I find quality Social Media Presentation Templates?

Quality Social Media Presentation Templates can be found on various online platforms. These platforms include template marketplaces and specific tools for presentations like SlidesCarnival, SlideModel, Envato Elements, or TemplateMonster. These platforms offer a wide range of templates to satisfactorily cater to your needs.

When choosing a template, be sure to evaluate its design, customization features, and relevance to your content. A preview function is usually available to help you choose the most suitable template. It's also worthwhile to check reviews or ratings if available to ensure it's a reliable choice.

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How to give better social media presentations (free templates included)

Written by by Ronnie Gomez

Published on  December 11, 2023

Reading time  6 minutes

Public speaking skills are a career accelerator, especially in social media marketing . According to the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ , more than half (61%) of marketers agree the most effective way to share social metrics with executive leadership is through in-person presentations or meetings. Whether you’re on Zoom or in a meeting room, you have to speak on your data if you want to get ahead.

If that makes your palms sweaty, don’t panic. Skills can be learned. It just takes time and practice.

If you’re ready to start giving more compelling social media presentations, you’re in the right spot. In this article, you’ll find a list of the essential elements of a social media marketing presentation, expert advice on speech delivery and templates to speed up your deck creation process.

What is a social media presentation?

A social media presentation is a speech, lecture or pitch in which elements of a social media strategy are shared and explained to an audience—senior leaders, internal stakeholders, clients, etc.

A text based graphic that says, "What is a social media presentation? A social media presentation is a speech, lecture or pitch in which elements of a social media strategy are shared and explained to an audience—senior leaders, internal stakeholders, clients, etc."

Like a snowflake, no two presentations are the same. Every social media marketing presentation is tailored to the needs of a specific situation or goal. Broadly, these presentations can be categorized into the following:

  • Pitch presentations : Here, the speaker aims to persuade the audience on a strategic initiative. This could involve pitching services to a potential client in an agency setting, or in-house teams pitching a new tool or process.
  • Update presentations : These presentations keep stakeholders informed about the progress of a strategy—wins, opportunities, lessons learned, etc.
  • Knowledge-sharing presentations: The speaker aims to educate stakeholders on insights gained through social media data collection .

Each of these presentations has the power to give your social media efforts new meaning. They clarify the return on investment (ROI) of your social media strategy by creating more tangible connections between your work and its results.

The 4 elements of a persuasive social media presentation

It can be difficult to tell when a presentation is ready to share. After spending hours developing a talk track and creating a deck, the lines between critical information and fluff can blur. The following list will help you plan and audit presentations to ensure they’re well-received every time.

1. A cohesive narrative

Why are you delivering your social media presentation?

Behind every exceptional presentation lies a central thesis—a significant idea or perspective that you intend to convey to your audience. Even routine performance updates should have a driving purpose.

Starting from this point will align all of the information you incorporate—from your opening hook to your concluding thoughts—to create a cohesive, compelling story.

2. Succinct slides

Each slide you present should be simple, focused and void of unnecessary distractions. According to Paul Jurczynski, a TED Talk coach and cofounder of Improve Presentation, “The golden rule is to have one claim or idea per slide. If you have more to say, put it on the next slide.”

3. Compelling data visualizations

Social media marketing presentations often come down to proving ROI for stakeholders. Data visualization like graphs and charts are a compelling way to make your case.

In data journalist David McCandless’s TED talk , he explains that the beauty of data visualization is “that we can see the patterns and connections that matter and design that information so it makes more sense, it tells a story or allows us to focus only on the information that’s important.”

A text-based image breaking down the three C's of data visualization: Clarity, Consistency and Context. Good data visualizations are clear with their message, consistent across an entire presentation, and include context to help audiences make sense of the data.

Don’t get bogged down in mapping out every single data point you uncover during your research. The best graphs are simple graphs with takeaways that are quick to spot.

4. Room for conversation

Engaging your audience goes beyond simply presenting great content. It’s about fostering a connection with them. It’s not enough to ask “any questions?” at the end of your presentation. You need to create space for everyone to absorb and interact with their newfound knowledge.

Create space throughout your presentation to seek feedback on crucial concepts or areas of concern. Tailored questions create engaged audiences.

Expert advice for delivering your next social media presentation

If you’re looking for presentation advice, who better to turn to than a salesperson? That’s why we went to John Barrows, CEO of JB Sales for his guidance on presenting. Barrows provides professional sales training to companies like Salesforce, LinkedIn and Amazon, plus he has over 25 years worth of presentation experience.

We asked him for his expert advice on giving exceptional presentations. Here’s what he had to say.

Know the ins and outs of your business priorities

A great presentation is all about delivering value. You need to draw distinct lines between the content and its business value . Otherwise, you risk losing your audience’s attention right from the start.

“We have seconds to get people’s attention these days,” says Barrows. “A person’s most valuable asset is their time.”

You can give more engaging presentations simply by staying up to date on company goals and priorities. Get to know what’s top of mind for senior leaders and other stakeholders so you can tailor your presentation content accordingly.

On sales calls, Barrows does this by asking each individual attendee what they’d like to get out of the meeting. You can mimic this approach by setting up regular 1:1’s with team members to stay up to date on their priorities.

Practice, practice, practice

According to Barrows, practice can and will make perfect. “Public speaking is one of the biggest fears that most people have, but a lot of it comes down to confidence and preparation. The more prepared you are, the more confident you’ll be in your presentation.”

Barrows refers to confidence and preparation as the art and science of giving a good presentation. The art can be seen in skilled delivery and a snazzy deck, but it’s preparation that keeps everything on track. “If you come in unprepared to a meeting and you get one curveball of a question, you tend to fall apart. Preparation gives you the confidence you need to adjust on the fly.”

Watch your playback footage

It may make you cringe, but the best way to improve your presentation skills is to record yourself and watch it back.

Barrows figured this out after taking a presentation skills course, but not through instructor feedback. It was watching himself back on video that showed him everything he wanted to fix. Common public speaking issues—like overusing filler words and standing with closed body language—are easy to spot on tape.

The good news is, in increasingly distributed workforces, you don’t have to set up a camera during your Monday morning stand up to get footage of yourself speaking in front of an audience. You can just watch the Zoom recording.

Remember you’re a person speaking to people

This is especially important to keep in mind when talking to business leadership. You may look around and see a group of senior executives but at the end of the day, it’s really just another person.

“When I was first starting out in sales, I would get nervous presenting in front of CEOs and people who I perceived to be smarter or more important than I was,” says Barrows. “Presenting can cause imposter syndrome. But, if you take a minute to connect with your audience, you’ll see they’re not that intimidating.”

We can all agree “picture your audience naked” is universally bad advice. Instead, picture your audience as your friend’s dad or a neighbor. Thinking of people as who they are in their daily lives can be a powerful way to fend off nerves.

3 social media presentation templates to build off of

It happens all the time: You set aside 30 minutes for deck creation and an hour later, you’re still trying to figure out the layout of your third slide. A good presentation deck takes time, but that’s time you could be using to practice.

Instead of stressing over your design chops, try one of these pre-built social media marketing presentation templates. Update them to match your brand guidelines, fill in your information and you’re all set to present.  

Social strategy workshop template

A screenshot of the first slide in Sprout's Social Strategy Workshop Deck Template.

Download the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ Report for a customizable deck template that will help you align stakeholders around key opportunities for your social strategy. Use it to lead conversations around how your business can maximize the utility of:

  • Emerging technologies, like AI and automation
  • Changing consumer engagement preferences and patterns
  • Team structures and collaboration norms
  • Revenue impact from social

Social media strategy pitch template

A screenshot of the first slide from Sprout's Social Media Strategy Pitch Deck Template.

  This leadership presentation deck will help you pitch a compelling vision for your next campaign, initiative or annual strategy. Update it with historical performance insights to bridge the gap between raw data and direct business value.

Social insights analysis template

A screenshot of the first slide in Sprout's Social Insights Analysis Presentation Deck Template.

Your social insights can’t do anything for your business if they live and die within your marketing team. This social insights analysis deck template will help you synthesize findings from social media listening to provide key stakeholders with actionable insights to inform work across the org.

Your next social media presentation will be your best one yet

  It’s perfectly normal to feel nervous before speaking in front of a group; most people do. Some of the world’s best public speakers get the same increased heart rate and sweaty palms as the rest of us. Thankfully, now you have everything you need to give great presentations despite those nerves.

Go prep for your next presentation, and use insights from the 2023 Sprout Social Index™ Report to infuse even more value into your work. With it, you’ll get a presentation-ready insights deck that you can tailor to further establish your expertise.

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120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

Jenny Romanchuk

Updated: January 15, 2024

Published: August 09, 2023

Cooking is easy. The puzzle is figuring out what to eat. As soon as you know that, you can get started. The same holds for presentations. The sooner you can whip up a good, informative, and catchy topic, the easier the rest of the process becomes.

 man presents presentation topics to a group

Pick a good topic that resonates with you and your audience to set a strong foundation. But select the wrong topic, and it becomes difficult to connect with your audience, find mutual interests, or hold their attention.

So, let’s learn how to develop thought-provoking and relevant topics for your presentations. You’ll also find some best practices to make your presentation memorable.

presentation on media

10 Free PowerPoint Templates

Download ten free PowerPoint templates for a better presentation.

  • Creative templates.
  • Data-driven templates.
  • Professional templates.

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Table of Contents

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic in 5 Steps

120 presentation topic ideas, 5 presentation tips.

How to Choose a Great Presentation Topic. Be novel. Begin with the end in mind.

4. Choose an appropriate presentation style.

There are many ways to present a topic. Your personality, the topic at hand, and your audience’s personas will help you determine which style would best fit you and your audience.

Select a presentation style that will communicate the main idea clearly and have a lasting impact on your audience.

For instance, explore a freeform style presenter by Sir Ken Robinson.

5. Engage with your audience.

Work on your presentation skills to make a strong connection with your audience, get through to them and leave a mark.

Think of the presenter as the link between the topic and the audience. A strong or a weak presenter can make a difference between a presentation being a thriving success or a boring failure.

Hone your skills by engaging and interacting with your audience. Make them feel like a part of the presentation and not just spectators. 70% of marketers have found presentations with interactive content to be more effective than those without.

Here are a few ways you can make your presentation interactive:

  • Start your speech with uncommon questions to your audience. Involve them from the get-go, like ask to raise their hands if X.
  • Make eye contact to build credibility and show confidence. Don’t stare at your slides or notes. Smile occasionally and talk to the audience directly.
  • Have an active and confident body language. Don’t stand in the same place the entire time. Move around the stage.
  • Don’t be monotonous. Speak as you would to a colleague — with enthusiasm.
  • Ask close-ended questions in between to keep the audience engaged without losing time. Address them using their names to keep things interesting.
  • Share personal experiences and stories that your audience will find fascinating and relatable.
  • Practice thoroughly before you present so you’re fluent with the material and delivery.
  • Energy and excitement can be quite contagious. Make sure you exude enough to spread some to your audience.

Feeling Inspired Yet?

Now you have all the right ingredients for choosing amazing topics and a hundred ideas to drive inspiration from. So, go ahead and start cooking presentations that will blow your audience away.

Don’t forget to choose a super-relevant topic and add meaty information. Do it with excitement to make it enjoyable for you and your audience. Best of luck!

Blog - Beautiful PowerPoint Presentation Template [List-Based]

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

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How to create a social media presentation for any business and brand (+ bonus tips for newbies)

What is social media presentation.

In the digital age, where attention spans are shrinking, creating an effective social media presentation is crucial for capturing and retaining any client’s interest. For example, when a business is looking for a social media manager (SMM) to boost their company’s social media presence, they want to know what will be done before it is actually done: what results they’ll get and what methods will be used to achieve them. That’s when a social media presentation comes in handy as the most attractive and informative way to introduce a business PowerPoint presentation .

If you wonder how to present a social media strategy, consider the below tips to help guide your path forward. In today’s article, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to create an impactful social media strategy PPT for any platform that not only conveys your message effectively but also engages your client, so dive right in!

social media campaign presentation

How to create a social media strategy presentation?

Before you design slides, you need to have text, images, or infographics to add. A social media PowerPoint presentation must be related to content such as your social media strategy. Below, we share the steps that will help you craft an impactful social media marketing presentation for client they will never forget!

Disclaimer: You should not limit yourself to just one slide, e.g., to show the target audience, and we’ll now give you an approximate skeleton to follow.

Set goals: Slide 1 ⎼ Social media goals

To present informative social media presentation slides, you should have a solid discussion with the client to discover their business goals and transform them into social media goals. It will impact further brand presentation and research on the target audience, competitors, and promotion methods. In such a presentation, your clients will expect clear and tangible metrics.

For example, a shoe company wants to boost its sales using Instagram. In this case, you have to create goals of getting more conversions in sales, like increased clicks to the company’s website. Your social media analytics presentation should depict how a specific promotion method on a specific platform will give specific numbers.

Pro advice: Use Google Analytics for enhanced tracking and PowerPoint redesign services to create compelling diagrams.

Research your audience: Slide 2 ⎼ Target audience

Most clients know the “persona” they are marketing to, but your task is understanding if desirable business goals match the typical buyer persona. If the client doesn’t know their target audience, you should make recommendations but still try to discover the location, age, occupation, or favorite game of the people they want to reach. The more criteria you know, the more targeted tone and voice you will be able to use to influence people’s choices.

Research competitors: Slide 3 ⎼ Competitors

An effective social media marketing presentation ppt has to analyze direct competitors that definitely exist. And their SMM has already tried promotion strategies for you to learn from or avoid. Researching competitors is about thinking outside the box and analyzing their mistakes or successes. Your client should not be present on every platform, so do research and explore which ones will work best for their business.

When looking at competitors, consider two main things:

  • MARKET GAP (e.g., there is no podcast about house plant care).
  • LEAD ENGAGEMENT (e.g., they get fantastic traffic from Instagram).

Remember, researching competitors teaches you what to do and what not to do: posting frequency, type of content, followings of their followers, and more.

Do social media audit: Slide 4 ⎼ Social media analysis

Any social media report presentation must summarize what the company is already doing. It may be a new company you have to launch social media channels for, and it may be an experienced business looking for a new strategy.

If you create a social media strategy for an existing company, you have to audit its media to define baseline metrics: the number of followers, demographic data, average engagements, content performance, and other important analytics.

If you create a social media strategy for a startup, you will have what to offer only after researching their personas and suitable social media. For example, the target audience is women aged 40 to 55 living in the suburbs, so you offer to go with Facebook.

Set up the infrastructure: Slide 5 ⎼ Content posting tools

In the case of a new company, setting up the infrastructure means doing manual work or making use of SOPs to automate processes.

Answer the following questions if you’re going to do everything manually:

  • Am I going to post things natively?
  • How are we going to get the content calendars approved?
  • Am I the only one to contact/answer the audience in DM/messaging?

In the case of established companies, they will most probably onboard you on a tool they already use and assign a colleague for you to master it quickly.

Create a content calendar: Slide 6 ⎼ Instagram/Facebook/TikTok content calendar

The last thing is putting together your content calendar and content into motion, which can be the hardest part. The last slides in the social media presentations ppt show an example of a post and calendar in tools like CoSchedule. For instance, you will post stories daily, behind-the-scenes images twice a week, and share product posts thrice weekly.

Regardless of plenty of scheduling tools, we advise building a simple content calendar in Excel Spreadsheets to send directly to a client and get approval/feedback.

6 bonus tips for newbies

Tip #1: develop a compelling storyline.

Every effective presentation tells a story, and social media presentations are no exception. Craft a compelling narrative that takes your client on a journey, keeping them engaged from start to finish. Begin with a strong introduction, followed by a clear progression of ideas, and conclude with a memorable closing. Remember, a well-structured storyline can enhance the overall impact of your social media content strategy presentation.

Tip #2: Design eye-catching visuals

Visual elements play a crucial role in any presentation. Create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos that complement your content and are consistent with the brand’s aesthetics. Then, ensure they are optimized to maintain a professional and cohesive look across different devices.

Pro advice: If design is not your cup of tea, consider hiring a professional PowerPoint redesign company to create beautiful icons, diagrams, and other visuals for you.

Tip #3: Incorporate engaging multimedia

Diversify your content by incorporating various multimedia elements. Leverage the power of videos, GIFs, and interactive elements to captivate your client even more.

Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise

In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible. Consider using bullet points, short sentences, and impactful visuals to convey your ideas efficiently.

Tip #5: Leverage data and statistics

Support your claims and statements with relevant data and statistics. Incorporating credible information not only adds authenticity to your presentation on social media strategy but also helps build trust with your client. However, be sure to attribute your sources to enhance credibility.

Tip #6: Optimize for mobile

With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your presentation for mobile devices is crucial. Ensure that your content is responsive and looks appealing on smaller screens. Test your presentation on various devices to identify and address any formatting issues. A mobile-friendly presentation enhances accessibility and caters to the preferences of on-the-go clients.

Creating an effective social media campaign presentation requires a thoughtful combination of understanding the client’s needs and their target audience, compelling storytelling, and visually engaging content. By following the tips outlined above, you’ll be well-equipped to craft presentations your client will most definitely appreciate.

In case you need any help with social media slide design, don’t hesitate to contact us for professional assistance. Our presentation design experts are available to help 24/7/365!

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  • Presentations

What Is Multimedia? +How to Use It in Your PowerPoint Presentations

Andrew Childress

  • Bahasa Indonesia

What is a multimedia presentation? You've probably heard the term multimedia,  but what does it actually mean in PowerPoint? 

Adding a simple image to a slide makes it much more interesting than a text-only version

In short, it's combining many types of media in your presentation. You can use combinations of images, audio,  and  video  to make your point.

Every PowerPoint slide is a blank canvas. It's just waiting for your content to reinforce your speaking points or guide the presentation. Multimedia brings variety to your slides and helps visual learners understand your content better.

You probably already know how to work with text. So, I'll show you how to combine multiple types of media into the same PowerPoint presentation. You'll learn how to insert multimedia and edit it inside PowerPoint. Multimedia presentations hold more interest and engage your audience better when done well. 

Need Help? Grab Our New eBook on Making Great Presentations (Free)

We a great compliment to this tutorial. Quickly download this FREE eBook before you read on:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It'll help you write, design, and deliver the perfect presentation. 

Making Great Presentations Free Guide Download

Why Use Multimedia in Your Presentation?

If we were bound to using only text and shapes, it would be much harder to hold an audience's attention during a presentation.

You can define a multimedia presentation as a presentation that uses more than one type of media to reach the audience. 

Multimedia exists to help reinforce our key speaking points. Here are a few ideas for working with images, audio, and video to make your presentation more interesting:

  • Images . These could be used for everything from simple stock photos that add slide variety, to logos and icons that showcase your brand.
  • Audio . Audio is a great way to add narrations to your slides if you can't present directly to your audience or to add music and sound effects.
  • Video . You can add video clips from your computer or sites like YouTube. Videos could be used for showing instructional walkthroughs from YouTube, TED talks , or a recorded screencast of your own.

Discover high-quality PowerPoint presentation templates on Envato Elements like the popular Snow template we use in the slide above.

presentation on media

Before we dive in, always remember: less is more . It's great to incorporate multimedia in PowerPoint. But don't clutter slides with too many distractions for your audience.

How to Use Multimedia in PowerPoint Presentations (Watch & Learn)

Let's walk through multimedia together in this quick screencast. In it, I'll teach you how to insert each type of multimedia and make basic edits to them.

PowerPoint also has tools inside the app to add basic edits to your multimedia. You can crop images, trim video clips, and adjust audio levels. I'll show you how to use each of these tools, so that you don't have to open other apps to work with multimedia quickly.

presentation on media

If you want more detail on how to work with each of those types of multimedia, check out the step-by-step tutorial below on how to add multimedia to your presentations.

How to Use Multimedia in PowerPoint PPT Presentations

Multimedia is helpful in presentations to keep your audience's attention. Here's how to add multimedia to your presentation:

Snow PowerPoint template is a premium template from Envato Elements.

Let's get started with a multimedia presentation example:

1. Images in PowerPoint: Stills & Animated

The first thing we want to do is add images to the PowerPoint template. This section explains how to add still and animated images:

How to Insert Images into PowerPoint

The simplest way to add an image to PowerPoint is to simply copy and paste. You can copy an image to your clipboard in practically any app like a web browser or image editor, and then right-click to paste it into PowerPoint.

A better way to insert images is to save them to your computer, then insert them using the  Insert  menu. Go to the  Insert > Pictures  menu to browse to an image to insert.

Insert an image from the Insert > Pictures menu on the PowerPoint ribbon.

On the pop-up menu, browse to where your images are stored and click on them to add them to the presentation. 

Hold the  Control  button on your keyboard and click on multiple images before you press  Insert  to add them all to a slide.

Select multiple images by holding Control on your keyboard and clicking on them before pressing Insert to add them all to a slide.

Resize and Reposition Images

Once an image is on the slide, you can click and drag it to move it around on the slide. If the image is larger or smaller than you want, you can click and drag on the corner to resize it. 

Click and drag the white circle on the corner of an image to resize it on your PowerPoint slide.

PowerPoint Picture Tools

PowerPoint also includes a set of tools to edit images from within the app. You don't always have to open up Photoshop or another editor to make basic changes to your images. 

When you select an image, you'll see a new option on the PowerPoint ribbon. Click on the  Picture Tools > Format  to open up image editing tools.

Picture format menu

Here are the key Picture Tools to try out:

  • Cropping . Select the part of the image that you want to keep (and remove) to trim an image inside PowerPoint
  • Remove background . If you've got a logo with a white or black background, use this wizard to isolate the logo.

Check out this tutorial for a deep dive on working with images inside PowerPoint:

presentation on media

2. Audio in PowerPoint

Once you've added your images to PowerPoint, it's time to add sound. This section explains how to use audio files in your multimedia presentation:

Add an Audio File to PowerPoint

Audio is another multimedia type you can work with in PowerPoint. 

If you've got an audio track on your computer like an MP3 or WAV file, you can easily add them to your presentation. Choose the  Insert > Audio > Audio on My PC  option to browse for and choose an audio file.

Go to Insert > Audio > Audio on my PC option to browse for and choose an audio file to add.

After you choose the audio file, you'll see a small speaker icon on your PowerPoint slide. You can hover over it and press the play button to play it while presenting.

Record Audio Inside PowerPoint

If you don't already have your audio recorded in a file, you can actually capture it right inside of PowerPoint.

To record audio for the presentation, go to the  Insert > Audio > Record Audio  option.

Go to the Insert > Audio > Record Audio option to record audio using a microphone.

Now, you'll see the  Record Sound  option pop up. Press the red Record button, and PowerPoint will start grabbing audio. When you're finished press the  Stop  button (black square) to add your audio to PowerPoint.

Press the record button to record audio inside your presentation and add it to the PowerPoint file.

Working With PowerPoint's Audio Tools

PowerPoint lets you make minor edits and adjustments to audio files without having to open another app. With the audio file selected, the most useful options are found on the  Audio Tools > Playback menu.

Here are some of the most useful options:

  • Trim Audio . Open this option to reduce your audio file to play only a selection of the original file.
  • Start . Change from On Click  to  Automatically  to play the audio without clicking the speaker icon.

Using PowerPoint Audio Tools Playback options.

3. Video in PowerPoint

Video is a powerful multimedia type you can use. PowerPoint supports adding video from your computer or online. Let's look at how to insert and change them: 

Add a Clip From Your Computer

If you've got a video clip on your computer, you can quickly drop it into your presentation by using the Insert  menu. Go to  Insert > Video > This Device to browse to your video file.

After browsing to the video and inserting it, you'll see it placed on your slide with the playback controls.

Once the video is on your slide, you can drag the corners to resize it and control how much of the slide it covers.

PowerPoint has good support for most of the major video file types, like MP4, QuickTime, and Windows Media files. 

Learn more about how to add video into PowerPoint: 

presentation on media

Add a Video Clip from Online

Finding an inspiring or insightful YouTube video can help make drive your point to reach an audience. Instead of finding a workaround to download and convert a YouTube video, PowerPoint can link to and insert them directly.

To add a YouTube (or other online) video, go to  Insert > Video > Online Video  to launch the menu.

To add an online video, choose Insert > Video > Online Video to get started.

Now, PowerPoint shows a new window to search for or add an online video. If you want to add a YouTube video, you can drop in the URL for a video, or search directly inside this box for a relevant clip.

Other sites might give you embed codes on their site. On sites like Vimeo or TED, try out the Embed code and dropping the HTML into the bottom box.

Search for videos using the box or drop in a URL for a YouTube video of your choice.

Adding a YouTube video is a great way to include a video without increasing your PowerPoint file size. Instead of embedding the video inside the file, the link plays a YouTube video, right inside the presentation. For more detail, read through this quick tutorial: 

presentation on media

PowerPoint Video Playback Options

Just as PowerPoint has built-in tools to adjust images, the  Playback Options  are great to adjust how a video plays inside the presentation.

With the video selected, click on the Video Format tab.

You'll find video settings for the video under the Video Format tab.

Here are several key options to try out to change how the video plays:

  • Start . Change this option from On Click to Automatically to start playing the video as soon as the slide appears.
  • Play Full Screen . With this option turned on, playing the video will cut to a full-screen mode with the rest of the slide hidden.
  • Trim Video . Open this option to select which parts of the video to reduce the video to the parts you want to show.

Recap and Keep Learning More About PowerPoint

In this tutorial, you learned how to mix multimedia types to create an interesting presentation. PowerPoint makes it easy to add and edit images, video, and audio. 

We've just scratched the surface on what's possible with PowerPoint presentations. Here are a few more tutorials that'll help you build great-looking slides from scratch:

presentation on media

Five Top Multimedia Presentation Templates from in Envato Elements for 2022

If you’re looking for a template, it’s helpful to see the top premium templates. Here are five top multimedia PowerPoint presentation template examples:

PLAST template

PLAST is a modern multimedia presentation template that comes with 30 unique slides. Plus, this template comes with Icons, infographics, mobile mockups, charts, and graphs. The PLAST template has a colorful and fun design that'll work for any topic you want.

2. Terrenifa Multipurpose PowerPoint

Terrenifa presentation template

Terrenifa Multipurpose PowerPoint has 100 unique and editable slides. It also comes with two theme variations with 50 slides with each theme. This template comes with infographics, charts, graphs, and maps. You can quickly turn the Terrenifa template into a multimedia PowerPoint presentation.

3. Roara PowerPoint Template

Roara PowerPoint template

Roara PowerPoint Template can be used as a multimedia presentation with minimal and modern design. Since this template comes with picture placeholders, you can easily add an image of your choice to the slide. It also comes with two theme variations, allowing you to choose the design you want.

Maximus presentation template

This is a great option if you’re looking for a multimedia presentation with many infographics, charts, and graphs. The Maximus presentation also comes with ten color scheme options. Also included in this presentation template are animated slides and transitions.

5. Danastri - Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

Danastri PowerPoint template

Danastri template is a great option if you’re looking for a template with a pop of color. It comes with 40 slides that can be edited. It also comes with graphs, icons, mockup devices, and picture placeholders. Easily add an image by dragging and dropping an image into a picture placeholder.

Make Great Presentations (Free eBook Download)

We've got the perfect complement to this tutorial, which will walk you through the complete presentation process. Multimedia helps your presentation stand out, but there's a whole lot more to master. Learn how to write your presentation, design it like a pro, and prepare it to present powerfully. 

Making Great Presentations Free Guide Download

Download our new eBook:  The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations . It's available for free with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. 

Download a Template and Start Your Multimedia Presentation Today

You've just learned the answer to " what is a multimedia presentation. " Plus, we've shown you some multimedia PowerPoint presentation examples to help you get started on your own presentation.

So, don't wait any longer. Download your favorite multimedia PowerPoint template from Envato Elements and start building your presentation today.

Editorial Note: This tutorial was originally published in September of 2017. It's been updated to include new information and to make sure that it's relevant and up to date—with special help from Sarah Joy .

Andrew Childress

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WWDC24 Highlights

Tim Cook stands on a stage at at Apple Park on the opening day of WWDC24.

Apple Reveals Apple Intelligence

iOS 18 Makes iPhone More Personal and Intelligent Than Ever

iOS 18 brings new ways to customize iPhone, additional ways to stay connected in Messages, the biggest-ever redesign of the Photos app, and so much more.

iPadOS 18 Takes iPad to the Next Level

Two iPad Pro devices are pictured together, with one displaying a customized Home Screen and the other showing Math Notes.

macOS Sequoia Brings New Ways of Working and Transformative Intelligence to Mac

MacBook Pro shows iPhone Mirroring; Mac shows Highlights in Safari; and another MacBook Pro shows a more immersive gaming experience.

watchOS 11 Offers Powerful Health and Fitness Insights, and More Personalization

Three Apple Watch Series 9 devices show new features available in watchOS 11.

visionOS 2 Brings New Spatial Computing Experiences to Apple Vision Pro

Home and Audio Updates Elevate Entertainment and Bring More Convenience

The InSight feature in tvOS 18 displaying song info in an Apple TV+ show.

Text of this article

June 10, 2024

Relive the biggest moments from WWDC24

Today Apple kicked off its 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference, revealing groundbreaking new technologies and features during a keynote that was live-streamed from Apple Park to millions around the world. During the weeklong event, developers and students will have unique access to Apple experts, as well as insight into new tools, frameworks, and features to help elevate their apps and games.

This year’s keynote revealed Apple Intelligence , the personal intelligence system that combines the power of generative models with users’ personal context — at the core of iPhone, iPad, and Mac to deliver intelligence that’s incredibly useful and relevant. Major updates also come to iOS 18 , iPadOS 18 , macOS Sequoia , and watchOS 11 , including the biggest-ever redesign of the Photos app, game-changing productivity tools, and new ways for users to express themselves and customize their devices. visionOS 2 brings powerful new ways to interact with Apple Vision Pro and exciting updates to spatial photos and Mac Virtual Display, and tvOS 18 infuses useful information in Apple TV+ films and shows on users’ biggest screen in the home.

Beginning this month, Apple Vision Pro is also coming to more countries and regions, including China mainland, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, and next month will come to Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the U.K.

Apple Intelligence harnesses the power of Apple silicon to understand and create language and images, take action across apps, and draw from users’ personal context to simplify and accelerate everyday tasks. A cornerstone of Apple Intelligence is on-device processing, which delivers personal intelligence without collecting users’ data. Private Cloud Compute sets a new standard for privacy in AI, with the ability to flex and scale computational capacity between on-device processing, and larger, server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers.

With iOS 18 , users will now be able to arrange apps and widgets in any open space on the Home Screen, customize the buttons at the bottom of the Lock Screen, and quickly access more controls in Control Center. With the biggest redesign ever of the Photos app, photo libraries are automatically organized in a new single view in Photos, and helpful new collections keep favorites easily accessible. All-new text effects come to iMessage, amplifying any letter, word, phrase, or emoji with dynamic, animated appearances to bring conversations to life. Users can also now communicate over satellite in the Messages app, even when a cellular or Wi-Fi connection isn’t available.

With iPadOS 18 , the iPad experience is more versatile and intelligent than ever with new features and apps designed for Apple Pencil. The Calculator app comes to iPad with Math Notes, which allows users to type or write out mathematical expressions and see them instantly solved in their own handwriting. New handwriting tools in Notes including Smart Script make handwritten notes more fluid, flexible, and easier to read.

With macOS Sequoia , Continuity between iPhone and Mac gets better than ever with iPhone Mirroring, enabling full access to and control of iPhone directly from Mac. Safari gets another big update with the new Highlights feature for effortless information discovery on webpages while browsing. Gaming is even more immersive with Personalized Spatial Audio that puts players in the middle of the action like never before. And Apple Intelligence unlocks new ways for Mac users to enhance their writing and communicate more effectively, create playful images in seconds, and more. Apple Intelligence takes full advantage of the power of Apple silicon and its Neural Engine, and will be supported by every Mac with an M-series chip.

watchOS 11 offers breakthrough insights into users’ health and fitness, and more personalization than ever. The new Vitals app surfaces key health metrics and context, the ability to measure training load offers a game-changing new experience when working out, and the popular Activity rings are even more customizable. The Smart Stack and Photos face use intelligence to feature more individualization, and Apple Watch and the Health app on iPhone and iPad offer additional support for users who are pregnant. Check In, the Translate app, and new capabilities for the double tap gesture come to Apple Watch for added connectivity and convenience.

Just months after its initial release, visionOS 2 brings powerful spatial computing experiences to Apple Vision Pro, including new ways for users to create spatial photos with the images already in their library, intuitive hand gestures to easily access important information at a glance, and new features for Mac Virtual Display, Travel Mode, and Guest User. visionOS 2 also introduces exciting new capabilities like Follow Your Breathing in the Mindfulness app, SharePlay for Photos, and multiview in the TV app.

With tvOS 18 , intelligent new features like InSight — and updates to Enhance Dialogue and subtitles — level up cinematic experiences, while new Apple Fitness+, Apple Music, and FaceTime capabilities get even better on users’ biggest screen. The Home app gains new features with iOS 18, like guest access and hands-free unlock with home keys, delivering effortless and secure access to the home. AirPods software updates will transform the way users respond to Siri with new gestures, take calls with friends and loved ones, and immerse themselves in their favorite games.

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Apple Media Helpline

[email protected]

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  • Cocktail Bars

The Owners of Headquarters Beercade Unleash a Cocktail Restaurant Plush With Mixology Theatrics

Presentation plays a key role at Dearly Beloved, now open, on the Near North Side

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A green cocktail glass on a tray of smoking rosemary sprigs.

After six months of anticipation, the owners of Headquarters Beercade have launched a new cocktail den around the corner from their arcade bar, just north of River North.

Chireal Jordan and Brian Galati, who also own Machine , the Instagram-friendly floral phantasmagoria in Wicker Park, have spent more than two years creating Dearly Beloved, which opened Friday, June 14 at 900 N. Franklin Street in the former home of French dining stalwart Kiki’s. The longtime friends and business partners have until now kept most details under wraps, but are unabashed about their ambitions for the new “cocktail restaurant” — their latest and most elaborate venue yet.

“We really want to rub elbows with the big dogs,” says Jordan, who notes that he and Galati spent about a year and a half on research trips around the country and the world. “We want to compete not just locally, but nationally.”

A moody, dark green cocktail lounge interior.

Armed with more than two decades of experience in Chicago hospitality, the partners see Dearly Beloved both as the culmination of what they’ve learned and a rare opportunity to unleash Aneka Saxon’s most outside-the-box ideas for drinks featuring lesser-known distillers and esoteric ingredients. Saxon is a Violet Hour alum and Machine’s lead bartender. Her opening offerings include the “Captured Shadow” (makrut lime-infused Kyro dark gin, agave, absinthe, coconut chai foam, citrus dust) and “Beautiful and Damned” (Ritual Sister smoked pineapple, Amara Amaro D’Arancia Rossa, Field Trip squash, dandelion honey, fenugreek).

Jordan wants patrons with open minds and the willingness to try unusual spirits and flavor combinations. Still, those seeking a more familiar tipple can order from a lineup of classic cocktails with slight twists like Pisco Sours (Logia Acholado pisco, tangerine apricot oleo saccharum, quail egg, juniper berry) and espresso martinis (Tenjaku vodka, Good Liquorworks coffee fruit vodka, Big Shoulders espresso, mascarpone, Faretti biscotti liqueur).

An orange cocktail in a flower-shaped glass.

Dearly Beloved’s menu also attends to a growing demand for tasty, well-made nonalcoholic drinks — a phenomenon Jordan understands well, as his fiancée is expecting their second child — with booze-free concoctions like Last Straw (Seedlip spice, chicory coffee, shiso, lavender, Madagascar vanilla). “We don’t want Shirley Temples on this menu — we wanted cocktails that you can’t tell are alcohol-free,” he says.

As the partners’ coinage of “cocktail restaurant” heavily implies, drinks are the main attraction at Dearly Beloved, but Machine executive chef Kristofer Lohraff offers selections that are heavy on vegetables in fun and unexpected forms. Dishes include carrot mochi (coconut curry, sesame, ginger), cigar-shaped Potato and Caviar (potato pave, malt vinegar, burnt shallot), French onion ramen (short rib, French onion soup dashi, fontina). The latter is particularly notable as Chicago is seeing an uptick in surprising cross-cultural ramen inventions like avgolemono ramen at newish Mediterranean restaurant Tama in Bucktown.

At 6,000 square feet, Dearly Beloved is divided into various tiers and sections, seating 60 at the bar and 94 in the lounge. The aesthetic rides a narrow fence between eeriness and elegance as moody lighting filters through glass chandeliers. An elaborate Victorian metal railing flanks an elevated section and ornate, otherworldly artwork fills the walls, punctuated by a 2,500-pound sculptural centerpiece above the back bar. A visual vignette of a woman in two forms — masked and unmasked — it extends two-and-a-half feet from the wall and taps into the sexy-yet-sinister masquerade style of Stanley Kubrick’s 1999 thriller Eyes Wide Shut .

A bowl of French onion ramen.

A dozen years have passed since Jordan and Galati founded ultra-casual arcade bar Headquarters Beercade in Lakeview and the partners say they’ve grown significantly as operators over the intervening years. With Juneteenth being more widely recognized, Jordan says that Chicago’s hospitality scene has also evolved, especially for Black hospitality entrepreneurship following the racial justice protests following the murder of George Floyd.

“I [once] felt very painted in a corner with a handful of other [Black] operators for years,” he says. “Now I’m seeing more people of color opening on the North Side — people I don’t know are getting more opportunities to get loans and open up. It’s not like fixed everything and now it’s an even playing field... we’re probably decades away from that, but I think we’re moving in the right direction.”

Dearly Beloved , 900 N. Franklin Street. Reservations via OpenTable .

Dearly Beloved

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Department of Environmental Science and Management

CLAS Grad Student Accolades: Presentations & Media Coverage for Spring/Summer 2024

by College of Liberal Arts and Sciences June 13th 2024 Share

accolades graphic

  • Madi Lou Alexander (Sociology Ph.D.) presented “How t4t Relationships Foster Joy Among Transgender People” at the 2024 annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association .
  • Olivia Awbrey (Environmental Management MS) co-presented "Navigating Healthy Conflict in the Natural Resources,” at the Society of American Foresters PNW Leadership Conference in February 2024.  
  • Thien-Kim Bui (Earth, Environment and Society Ph.D.) co-presented “Introduction to Mapping with Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS)” at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology .  
  • Justine Casebolt (Environmental Management MEM) co-presented “Crab Encounters of the Carcinus Kind: invasion of the Oregon coast by non-native European green crab” at the State of the Coast in November 2023.  
  • Natalie Cholula (Sociology Ph.D.) , a member of the Evicted in Oregon research team, saw her team's recent report on tenants' eviction experiences and outcomes covered by on May 29, 2024 ( “New report details mental, physical impacts on tenants facing eviction in Oregon” ) and KOIN on May 28, 2024 ( “PSU report shows rise in Oregon eviction cases despite assistance programs” ), among other media coverage.  
  • Clarissa Cressotti (Environmental Science and Management MS) presented “Anthropogenic resistance on occupancy of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus colubianus) and coyote (Canis latrans)” at the 2024 Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium .
  • Jenna DePasquale (Sociology Ph.D.) presented "What if Mussolini Had Twitter? How Italy's Center-right Parliamentary Coalition Frames the Migrant Crisis on Social Media" at the 2024 annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association .
  • Laurel Diciuccio (Anthropology MS) co-presented a panel on Student and Early Career Professional Development at the  2024 Northwest Anthropological Association annual meeting.  
  • Laura Guderyahn (Earth, Environment and Society Ph.D.) co-presented “How beavers (castor canadensis) affect habitat availability for two native oregon turtles” at the 2024 Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting and “Creation of a new baseline dataset of freshwater turtle basking occupancy across NW Oregon using standardized survey methods” and “Removal as a control method for introduced Trachemys scripta elegans and the response of Chrysemys picta bellii ” at the 2024 Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium . 
  • Grace Hall (Environmental Management MEM) co-presented “Assessment of avian community structure and habitat connectivity in the Fanno Creek corridor” at the 2024 Urban Ecology & Conservation Symposium . 
  • Aaron Hood-Foster (Anthropology MS) presented “Significance Modeling and Data Gap Analysis of Precontact Sites in the Tualatin River Basin” at the 2024 Northwest Anthropological Association annual meeting.  
  • Nathan Jereb (Anthropology MS) co-presented “Plowzone Archaeology in the Willamette Valley”  at the 2024 Northwest Anthropological Association annual meeting.  
  • Parker Malek (Geography MS) co-presented “Diagnosing Rainfall Variability Within a Series of Atmospheric Rivers over Northern California in February 2017” at the 2024 American Meteorological Society annual meeting.
  • Alexander Morrison (World Language: German MA) presented "SPARKing Interest in German: Outreach for Students and Teachers from Elementary through Graduate School” at the 2023 conference of the Confederation in Oregon for Language Teaching .
  • Gabriella Mota (Sociology Ph.D.) presented “Falling to the Right: Black and Latinx Republicans in the U.S.” at the 2024 annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association .
  • Dianna Wilson (Anthropology MS) co-presented “Taking Thermally Modified Rock Seriously: An Analysis of Use-Wear Attributes” and “Burning the Record in Order to Save It: Cultural Fire as Archaeological Survey Method” at the 2024 Northwest Anthropological Association annual meeting.
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Sony Teases Quentin Tarantino’s Final Film, the Beatles Movies and Live-Action ‘Zelda’ at CineEurope Presentation

By Alex Ritman

Alex Ritman

  • Warner Bros. Debuts Explosive New ‘Joker 2’ Trailer, Fresh Footage of ‘Twisters,’ ‘Beetlejuice 2,’ ‘Mickey 17’ at CineEurope 4 hours ago
  • Universal Fires Up CineEurope With New Michael Jackson Biopic Footage, Gives ‘Wicked’ Major Push 11 hours ago
  • Sony Teases Quentin Tarantino’s Final Film, the Beatles Movies and Live-Action ‘Zelda’ at CineEurope Presentation 1 day ago

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 27: Quentin Tarantino attends the "Elemental" screening and closing ceremony red carpet during the 76th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 27, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)

Sony Pictures gave the first major studio presentation at the 2024 CineEurope trade show on Monday.

In a short but sweet show in Barcelona — which preceded the screening of Greg Berlanti’s rom-com “Fly Me to the Moon,” starring Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum — Sony’s president of international distribution Steven O’Dell gave a whistle-stop rundown of the studio’s upcoming titles, revealing an enviable list of filmmakers it’s working with.

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Among the Sony titles to have already wrapped production and due to land this year are Taylor-Johnson’s long-awaited Marvel entry “Kraven the Hunter,” set for release in December; the Brad Pitt/George Clooney action-comedy “Wolfs,” also out in December; and Tom Hardy’s return in “Venom: The Last Dance,” coming out later this summer.

O’Dell said Sony’s upcoming slate hoped to cater to what he claimed cinema audiences were now looking for in their movies. While previously demand had been largely “IP dominated,” he said that now people wanted “IP, but mixed with bold and original content.”

Interestingly, he also teased one of the best known originators of bold and original content in Quentin Tarantino .

Although the director’s 10th and final film “The Movie Critic” was reportedly scrapped earlier this year, O’Dell said the studio — which released “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” in 2019 — was still hoping to work with Tarantino on his next project. “We hope Tarantino makes his final film with us,” O’Dell said.

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    A media presentation is a presentation that provides information to an audience in the form of a single type of media, such as visual media in the form of print, charts, tables, or graphs. Media ...

  3. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation (& Tools to Use)

    Step #4: Add multimedia content. At this stage, your presentation probably looks good-looking, but static. Let's make it interactive by adding unique multimedia presentation tools. Start adding multimedia content to the slides that need it.

  4. How To Make a Good Presentation [A Complete Guide]

    Apply the 10-20-30 rule. Apply the 10-20-30 presentation rule and keep it short, sweet and impactful! Stick to ten slides, deliver your presentation within 20 minutes and use a 30-point font to ensure clarity and focus. Less is more, and your audience will thank you for it! 9. Implement the 5-5-5 rule. Simplicity is key.

  5. How to Make a Multimedia Presentation (Tools & Templates)

    How to create engaging multimedia presentations in 6 easy steps. Now let's see how a modern multimedia presentation is done. For some of us, creating a presentation that resonates can feel overwhelming. But with the right presentation maker and a clear plan, it's as easy as following a recipe. 6 steps to create a multimedia presentation: 1.

  6. What is Multimedia Presentations: A Complete Guide

    A multimedia presentation is a dynamic way to share information, stories, or ideas. It uses a combination of different media forms, such as text, images, sound, and video, to create a more engaging and informative experience than traditional, single-medium presentations. The journey from the humble beginnings of the slide projector to today's ...

  7. How to Make a "Good" Presentation "Great"

    A strong presentation is so much more than information pasted onto a series of slides with fancy backgrounds. Whether you're pitching an idea, reporting market research, or sharing something ...

  8. Multimedia Presentation: Insights & Techniques to Maximize ...

    Multimedia Presentation: Insights & Techniques to Maximize Engagement. Design • December 28th, 2023. Effective public speaking is a crucial skill often overlooked. Multimedia presentations, such as digital stories, offer an opportunity to cultivate this skill. When appropriately executed, they blend visuals, text, and compelling speech in any ...

  9. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation in 7 Easy Steps

    2) Pick the right software. For a static presentation, you would probably load up PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Keynote and be ready to go. With media elements, however, you'll have to think outside the box. If you're incorporating audio, video, animations, or anything else, you'll have to find it somewhere.

  10. Multimedia presentation tools: Create a multimedia presentation

    Prezi's one-of-a-kind open canvas and zoom-reveals let you control the pace. Include GIFs, videos, data visualizations, and more with Prezi's extensive content library to finalize your stand out performance. Try for FREE. Let's talk! 1-844-773-9449. 8:30 am-5 pm PST.

  11. How to Create a Multimedia Presentation in 5 Easy Steps

    Multimedia presentations are a great way to get your information across. They're engaging and keep a viewer interested by what could come next. Learn more ab...

  12. Give a Social Media Presentation that Sticks

    Step 1: Gather data & insights for your presentation about social media. Don't skip your research and project discovery phase. Prepare an audit of the client's existing social media presence, do a competitive analysis, understand the brand's audience, and come up with content that is tailored to their needs.

  13. 180+ Presentation Topic Ideas [Plus Templates]

    Some of the best presentation topic ideas for students center around topics such as current events, education, general culture, health, life skills, literature, media and science. When picking presentation topics, consider these things: your hobbies, the books you read, the kind of TV shows you watch, what topics you're good at and what you ...

  14. 15+ Best Social Media Presentation Templates

    Social Media Presentation Templates are usually fully customizable. You can insert your text, photos, logos, or any other necessary graphics. You can also adjust design elements like color scheme, fonts, and backgrounds to align with your company branding or specific preferences. Moreover, the included charts, graphs, and infographics are often ...

  15. How to Give Better Social Media Presentations

    According to Paul Jurczynski, a TED Talk coach and cofounder of Improve Presentation, "The golden rule is to have one claim or idea per slide. If you have more to say, put it on the next slide.". 3. Compelling data visualizations. Social media marketing presentations often come down to proving ROI for stakeholders.

  16. How to Put Together a Killer Social Media Presentation

    Use your slides to support your purpose, don't use them as a crutch. Know your key takeaways. You want your audience to remember the most important parts of your presentation. Highlight two to ...

  17. The Media

    Blue Cool Illustration Education High School Elementary Middle School Internet Communication Slidesclass Editable in Canva. A comprehensive lesson on the evolution and classification of media, with ready content and available in different languages. Download for Google Slides & PPT.

  18. 120 Presentation Topic Ideas Help You Hook Your Audience

    For example, a presentation on social media targeted at Gen Z will differ from that targeted at Millennials. Step 3: Be novel. Make sure you either select a new topic or bring an entirely new and unique perspective to an already covered issue. For instance, don't make a presentation on the "best lead generation strategies."

  19. Social Media Presentation: Professional Tips and Strategy

    Tip #4: Keep your social media presentation ppt concise. In the fast-paced world of social media, conciseness is key, so keep your presentation focused on the essential points. Avoid overwhelming your client with excessive information. Instead, prioritize clarity and simplicity to ensure your message is easily digestible.

  20. What Is Multimedia? +How to Use It in Your PowerPoint Presentations

    Five Top Multimedia Presentation Templates from in Envato Elements for 2022. If you're looking for a template, it's helpful to see the top premium templates. Here are five top multimedia PowerPoint presentation template examples: 1. PLAST. PLAST is a modern multimedia presentation template that comes with 30 unique slides.

  21. Power of media

    S. This document discusses the power of media in three parts. It begins by defining media and its role in democratic societies like India as an outlet for free expression and two-way communication between the public and government. The next section covers advantages like keeping people informed and sharing knowledge, as well as disadvantages ...

  22. Social Media Presentation templates

    Freepik. Flaticon. Slidesgo. Wepik. Videvo. Use our Social Media presentation templates for Google Slides and PPT to build a successful strategy for your brand Free Easy to edit Professional.

  23. Free Social Media Presentation Templates

    Venngage's social media presentation templates are the ultimate tool for anyone seeking to make a significant impact in the digital world. In today's fast-paced online environment, having a compelling and well-structured presentation is crucial to capture your audience's attention and convey your message effectively.

  24. Power Of Media Presentation by Samantha Patulot on Prezi

    Media's Explanation of Power. Yet, perhaps the biggest reason we see social media as all-powerful is because we can easily measure it. The widespread availability of firehoses and the industry's embrace of analytics providers means companies, journalists, policymakers and even everyday citizens can consume social trends with ease.

  25. WWDC24 Highlights

    An overhead shot shows developers watching the keynote presentation on large screens in Caffè Macs at Apple Park. A close-up shows developers clapping, smiling, and holding up their iPhone devices while watching the keynote. Justine Ezarik, John Giannandrea, and Craig Federighi sit onstage together to speak during WWDC24 at Apple Park.

  26. Inside Dearly Beloved, now open from the owners of Headquarters

    After six months of anticipation, the owners of Headquarters Beercade have launched a new cocktail den around the corner from their arcade bar, just north of River North.. Chireal Jordan and Brian ...

  27. CLAS Grad Student Accolades: Presentations & Media Coverage for Spring

    How Italy's Center-right Parliamentary Coalition Frames the Migrant Crisis on Social Media" at the 2024 annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association. Laurel Diciuccio (Anthropology MS) co-presented a panel on Student and Early Career Professional Development at the 2024 Northwest Anthropological Association annual meeting.

  28. Spring 2024 ISA Student Presentations

    Iowa Sciences Academy Student Presentations. Regional/National Conferences: Waad Abdella: LSAMP: Waad Abdella, University of Iowa. Infection Dynamics of Disease Associated S. Suis (Dass) At Farrowing. IINSPIRE LSAMP Annual Conference, Ames, Iowa. February 9 - 10 2024. Jacques Bugumba: LSAMP

  29. PDF Department of The Air Force Presentation to The House Armed Services


  30. CineEurope: Sony Teases The Beatles, Zelda and Quentin Tarantino

    Sony Pictures gave the first major studio presentation at the 2024 CineEurope trade show on Monday. In a short but sweet show in Barcelona — which preceded the screening of Greg Berlanti's rom ...