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  • Newsletters
  • Tamil Nadu govt declares 15 July as Education Development Day

report writing on educational development day

  • Updated On Jul 11, 2023 at 04:01 PM IST

<p>Chennai, July 11 (IANS) Aimed at eradicating illiteracy, the Tamil Nadu government has declared July 15, the birth anniversary of former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj, as Education Development Day.</p>

  • Published On Jul 11, 2023 at 03:57 PM IST

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Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words. ‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. - English


Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words.

‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.

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15 July 2020


St. Pius Higher Secondary School, Bandra, organised the Educational Development Day on 15th July 2020 to commemorate the birth anniversary of K. Kamaraj, the former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. The event was to promote the development of education in Tamil Nadu. About 800 students participated in the programme organised by the students and teachers. The event began with the prayer song by the school choir. The Headmaster welcomed the gathering.

The District collector presided over the function. She delivered the presidential address on the importance and development of education. She also unveiled the portrait of Thiru K. Kamaraj in the auditorium. The students and teachers also spoke on the occasion. This was followed by a various cultural programme by the junior and senior boys and girls. Mementos were given to the chief guest and the guests of honour. The participation certificates were also given to the students. The assistant Headmaster proposed the vote of thanks. The event came to an end with the National Anthem.


Sounds are tiny vibrations that can travel through air and other materials. The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels (db). Typical sound level in decibels: (1) Silence                                        0db (2) Rustle of leaves                           10 db (3) Breathing                                    10 db (4) Radio music inside home              50-60 db (5) Loud television                            70 db (6) Road traffic Noise                        60-90 db (7) Powerful rock music                    100 db (8) Motor cycle                                105 db (9) Heavy truck traffic                      90-100 db (10) Wind in the trees                       20 db

Read the following information and prepare a fact life: Delhi, capital of India, has an area of 1,483 sq.km. Haryana and U.P are its neighbours. It has a literacy rate of 81.7%: (males 87.3 %, females 74.7%). People generally speak Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English. It is known for its Roshnara festival Shalimar, Qutab, mango festivals, garden Tourism and winter carnival.

Imagine you are Gitika. Road the following conversation and write a suitable message for your mother in 50-60 words:

Ankita  : Hi, didi ! I'm Ankita on the line. Is aunty at home?

Gitika   : No, she has gone to visit my grandparents. Is there any problem?

Ankita  : No, I just wanted to inform her that we have a special havan tomorrow at 9 a.m. at our place. My mother has specially invited all of you.

Gitika   : Okay, Thanks ! I'll inform her and we will definitely come.

Wrestling mostly a male sport – Sakshi born in conservative surroundings – most unfavourable gender ratio for females – parental encouragement – one can't forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout.

Read the following extract carefully and present the information in the form of notes with the help of the given clues : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of India. He was a teacher, a philosopher and 'an author. He had introduced the thinking of Western idealist philosophers like Plato, Plontinus, Bergson into Indian thought. He was born on 5th of September, 1888 in a poor Brahmin family. As his father could not afford his education expenses, Radhakrishnan supported most of his education through scholarships. He completed his B.A. and M.A. with majors in philosophy. He went on to become a professor of philosophy. He showed that Indian Philosophy, once translated into standard academic jargon, is worthy of being called philosophy by Western standards. He thus, placed Indian Philosophy on world map. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had established a strong relationship with the Soviet Union when he w Is appointed as the ambassador to the Soviet Union. He has been honoured with many awards for his achievements nationally and internationally. He was honoured with the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He is also acknowledged with the Templeton Prize, Peace Prize of German Book Trade, Order of Merit and many other honours. Title : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Birth : 5th September, 1888 Qualifications : B.A. ___________ Introduced thinking of : _________,_________and ____ into Indian thought. Work : Translated_____________ into standard____________ Ambassador : __________________________________ Honours : National___________                 International Order of Merit

Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : They whisper like drizzle as they roam the streets with a lost gaze as though something they had thrown up never returned to earth.

They shiver like December nights in their dreamless sleep on shop verandahs.

(1) Why do the old women in this extract roam the streets?

(2) What would you like to do for the betterment of the old people? 

(3) Find out an example of 'onomatopoeia' from the first stanza of the extract.

(4) Pick out the expressions from the extract showing the sad situation of the old women.

Read the following extract and complete the note with the help of the clues provided :  Vitamins are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin C). They consist mainly of the elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in bod)' fat, while water-soluble vita1nins are used or quickly excreted in the urine. Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair, and bones; the B vitamins help enzymes to function; C is essential for the formation of collagen; D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage, and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and so must be obtained directly from food.

B Vitamins Fat-soluble
Vitamins consist of 1.
2. Oxygen
4. Hydrogen
Vitamin A
Essential for eyes, skin, etc.
Formation of collagen
Prevents cell damage

Write an application in response to the following advertisement using information given in the CV provided :

Smart, English speaking salesman for an electronic
showroom. Good salary offered. An experienced candidate will be preferred.
Write giving details to : The Proprietor, Ganesh Electronics, M.G. Road, Solapur.
(1) Name: Suhas Randive
(2) Age: 29 years
(3) Address: 105, Roshan Apartment, L.T. Road, Pune - 11
(4) Educational: B. A. (First class), Pune University qualification
(5) Experience: 3 years' experience of working as a salesman in a textile shop.
(6) Interests: Travelling, photography, reading.

Suggest two measures to increase the number of birds.

Give your suggestions that will help the people to make Maharashtra prosperous.

     Have you are wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in the jungles, their green attire blends into the surrounding trees and shrubs, making it difficult for the enemies to spot them.

        Long before man-made use of camouflaging, insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators.

       Butterflies and moths have developed a variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenceless and their predators are abundant. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around.

   Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world would be so dull and colourless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colours of bees and wasps to escape from being pursued by their predator. Long ago, birds have already learnt to avoid brilliantly coloured wasps and bees in fear of their painful stings. Hence, over millions of years, many harmless insects have assimilated the bees and wasps by imitating. their bright body colours and shapes. In this way, they appear dangerous and hence ward them off.

      The beefy, not only appears like the bumblebee in terms of body colour, even its hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the beefy does not have a stirring and is hence harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates. the body colours of the wasps. Their bodies are striped yellow and black. The only deviations are that hoverflies do not have stings, and they have only one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each. These variations are hardly noticed by the predators and hence help them to escape.

A1. Complete the table with the information from the passage : (2)

Insects Similarity Difference
Bumblebee - Beefy    
Wasp - Hoverfly    

A2. Complete the tree diagram : (2)

report writing on educational development day

A3. Find out : (2)

‘Nature has given a self-protection mechanism to insects’. Find out at least two examples from the passage to prove this statement. 

A4. Vocabulary - (2)

Find the words from the passage for : (i) animal or bird that hunts other for food (ii) to get free from danger (iii) to prevent something from harming (iv) to make a copy

A5. Personal response - (2)

‘Soldiers disguise themselves to prevent enemies to spot them’. Give two more examples when the disguising technique is used by humans.

A6. Grammar - (2)

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (i) They have only one pair of wings. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (ii) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. (Replace infinitive with gerund and rewrite)

(B) Summary : (3)

Summarise the above extract with the help of the points given and suggest a suitable title. Camouflage of soldiers and insects - reason and ways for disguising - assimilation of insects - need of imitation.

A1. Choose two sentences that appropriately mention the theme of the passage :

(1) The extract deals with the writer’s concern over Chaitanya's handicap. (2) The extract depicts the writer’s proud feelings towards her son’s achievement. (3) The extract deals with how Chaitanya made the writer see positively towards life. (4) The extract deals with how the writer helps Chaitanya to buy the bus ticket.

          Early in 1997-98, when he returned from state-level inter-school sports, he had two prizes to his credit and a silver medal. He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race.          When I saw the prizes and read the citation Chaitanya had received, I was stupefied, in total disbelief, then–hugged him, kissed him and cried unabashedly to my heart’s content. That day, I cried for the first time out of joy and a sense of being vindicated. Without practice, he had competed with approximately 1,800 children drawn from various schools all over the state. He was subsequently selected for the marathon race, but he could not participate due to a health problem. “Maybe next year, he would”, I assured myself. And I, as his proud mother, would proudly chronicle his future achievements and success to inspire other - mothers of the world.                  Looking back at my own life, I feel that it is the spirit with which we can accept our life gracefully is what matters ultimately; and it is love that nourishes us. All other things are unimportant. Chaitanya has made me look inwards. His handicap doesn’t disturb me any longer. He and I shall live with it and still be happy. The mental strength which he has given to me is inexhaustible.          One day, as both of us got onto a public transport bus, Chaitanya offered to buy the tickets for us.            “One full, one half ”, he said to the conductor beaming with joy.                Looking at him, I wondered whether he was really only a half? An incomplete person? Was I really full? Complete in all respects? Why do then normal people feel that they are ‘full’ and others like Chaitanya are ‘half’ or incomplete? Chaitanya’s world is complete in itself, pure and innocent while our lives are full of deceit, jealousies, ill-feelings. 

A2. Point out - 

Point out two instances where you find Chaitanya's victory over his disability. 

A3. Give reasons - 

Chaitanya’s silver medal in a running race was very special for the writer, because : (i) __________________ (ii) __________________ 

A4. Vocabulary - 

Match the pairs of the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’: 

(1) stupefied (a) official statement about the special act of courage
(2) chronicle (b) record events in the order they happened
(3) vindicated (c) surprised or shocked
(4) citation (d) justified

A5. Personal response -

Explain, your views about the ill-treatment the special children receive in society. 

A6. Grammar - 

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (i) He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only...but also’.) (ii) When I saw the prizes, I was stupefied. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘No sooner.... than’.)

Point out -  Point out two instances where you find Chaitanya's victory over his disability.

Give reasons - Chaitanya’s silver medal in a running race was very special for the writer, because : (i) __________________ (ii) __________________

Answer of these question in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

Punctuation Use capital letter, full stops, question marks, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. an arrogant lion was wandering though the jungle one day he asked the tiger who is stronger than you you O lion replied the tiger who is more fierce than a leopard asked the lion you sir replied the leopard he marched upto an elephant and asked the same question the elephant picked him up in his trunk swung him in the air and threw him down look said the lion there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.

Here is a topic for you to

1. think about;

2. give your opinion on.

Find out what other people think about it. Ask your friends/seniors/parents to give you their opinion.

‘Career Building Is the Only Goal of Education.’

‘Getting a Good Job Is More Important than Being a Good Human Being.’

You can use the following phrases

(i) while giving your opinion:

• I think that...

• In my opinion...

• It seems to me that…

• I am of the view that...

• As far as I know...

• If you ask me...

(ii) saying what other people think:

• According to some...

• Quite a few think...

• Some others favour...

• Thirty per cent of the people disagree...

• Fifty per cent of them strongly feel...

(iii) asking for others’ opinions:

• What do you think about...

• What do you think of...

• What is your opinion about...

• Do you agree...

• Does this make you believe...

Imagine that you are Santosh Yadav, or Maria Sharapova. You have been invited to speak at an All India Girls’ Athletic Meet, as chief guest. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to think and dream big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them. The following words and phrases may help you.

• self confident/confidence/sure of yourself

• self assured/assurance/belief in yourself

• morale/boost morale/raise morale

• giving somebody a boost/fillip/lift

• demoralising/unsure of yourself/insecure/lack confidence

Working in pairs, go through the table below that gives you information about the top women tennis players since 1975. Write a short article for your school magazine comparing and contrasting the players in terms of their duration at the top. Mention some qualities that you think may be responsible for their brief or long stay at the top spot.

Top-Ranked Women Players

I. The roll of honour of women who enjoyed life at the summit since everybody’s favourite player, Chris Evert, took her place in 1975.

Maria Sharapova (Russia) 22 August 2005 1
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.)

October 2004

Amelie Mauresmo (France) 13 September 2004 5

Justine Henin-Hardenne (Belgium)

20 October 2003 45
Kim Clijsters (Belgium) 11 August 2003 12
Serena Williams (U.S.) 8 July 2002 57
Venus Williams (U.S.) 25 February 2002 11
Jennifer Capriati (U.S.) 15 October 2001 17
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.) 12 October 1998 82
Martina Hingis (Switzerland) 31 March 1997 209
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (Spain) 6 February 1995 12
Monica Seles (U.S.) 11 March 1991 178
Steffi Graf (Germany) 17 August 1987 377
Tracy Austin (U.S.) 7 April 1980 22
Martina Navratilova (U.S.) 10 July 1978 331
Chris Evert (U.S.) 3 November 1975 362

Which of these words would you use to describe Santosh Yadav? Find reasons in the text to support your choices, and write a couple of paragraphs describing Santosh’s character

contented determined resourceful polite adventurous considerate
weak-willed fearful



patient persevering

Transform the following sentence as per the given instruction.

The old woman said to Arun, “Can you help me to cross the street?” (Begin: The old woman asked Arun……………….) 

The school captain was elected by the students of classes XI and XII. (Begin: The students ………………….)

How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh! (Begin: It was cruel………………….) 


In the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A.  Write sentence B.

(A) It is probable that the ship will reach the shore. (B) In all ................................................................................. 

(A) She said that she would return the book to the library the next day. (B) She said, “.........................................................................” 

Fill in the blank with the suitable word. 

I ran _____________ my old friend in the market place. 

What are the five words used in the poem to describe the role of a middle-aged woman?

What do you think of the old man’s point of view?

Do you agree with his justification of the war? Why/ why not?

What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

Which figure of speech is used in the lines: (Last week in someone’s place we saw A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)

Who are ‘they’ referred to in the third line of the last stanza? When had the poet come across them?

In “Caged Bird,” what does the line “and his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream” mean?

The caged bird sings with A fearful trill of things unknown But longed for still and his Tune is heard on the distant hill For the caged bird sings of freedom.

Read the above lines and answer the question that follow.

Explain, ‘stands on the grave of dreams / his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream’.

How has Browning used allusion in the poem? Explain.

What does the poem “Abou Ben Adhem” convey?

In how many ways was this Olympic special? Explain?

Discuss the theme of supernatural and paranormal as presented in the story?

Show how the story demonstrates that a good deed begets good.

Relate something unpleasant that happened to you during your childhood that nevertheless helped you to grow up and mature.

You are the editor of your school magazine. You have recently attended a cultural program in your city. Write an account of this program (in approximately 300 words) using the points given below:

Date and venue — occasion — Chief Guest — other invitees — inauguration — events —other important features — highlights — reaction of audience — conclusion.

(A) As soon as she reached home, she learnt that she had to leave for London. (B) Hardly……………………………

(A) Some of the cakes had been eaten by the boys before the party began. (B) The boys………………………… 

(A) If you are not ready to come with me, I will not go. (B) Unless…………………………..

Fill in the blank with an appropriate word: 

I don't know what they were arguing __________ but I could hear angry voices. 

(A) It is such a wonderful opportunity that we must not miss it. (B) It is too………………………….. 

The ailing company was taken________by the government.

He takes________ his grandfather

I have appointment________the dentist.

Louka! (she stops and looks defiantly at him) A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any ` circumstances. [with profound humility, uncovering his head]  beg your pardon. 

That sort of apology may satisfy a lady. Of what use is it to a servant? 

[rudely crossed in his chivalry, throws it off with a bitter laugh, and says slightingly) Oh! Do you wish to be paid for the hurt? [He puts on his shako, and takes some money from his pocket].

[her eyes filling with tears in spite of herself] No: I want my hurt made well.

Sergius : [sobered by her tone] I low?

(i) Why does Sergius ask Louka's pardon?  (ii) Why had he hurt her?  (iii) Why does Louka remind Sergius that she is a servant?  (iv) Why do Louka's eyes fill with tears?  (v) How does Louka want her hurt made well?  (vi) How does Sergius react to the suggestion 

One day a millionaire went to a hotel in New York and________(ask) for the cheapest room they________(have)."What________(be) the price of the room?" he________(ask). The manager________(tell) him."Is that that the cheapest room you________(have)? I________(stay) by myself and only________(need) a small room." The manager said, "Why do you choose a poor room like that? Your son always_______(stay) in our most expensive room.""Yes," said the millionaire, "but his father________(be) a wealthy man; mine is not."

The character of King Richard I is presented in Ivanhoe not only with all his admirable qualities but also with his shortcomings. Elaborate with close reference to the text.

Walter Scott appears sympathetic to Isaac's troubles. How does Scott highlight the treatment given to Jews through the character of Isaac? 

Join the following sentence to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so. 

My grandfather is very old. He is very active.

Referring closely to the essay Unbirthday and Other Presents, discuss why E V Lucas feels that `unbirthday‘ gifts are better than the regular gifts people give. 

Referring closely to the essay On Going on a Journey, give Hazlitt's views about the manner in which a change of place brings about a.change in ideas, opinions, and feelings. 

Ichabod Crane, the central character of the short story 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow', is a person who arouses both our amusement and pity. Discuss. 

How did the narrator and Lord Otori overpower the intruder?

In your opinion, does Boori Ma, the main protagonist of the story A Real Durwan, deserve the life that she meets at the end of the story? Give reasons for your answer. 

Wilfred Owen paints a horrific picture of a nightmarish memory on the battlefield. How does Duke et Decorum Est become Owen's condemnation and bitter response to war?

Write an original short story that begins with the words: “It's not my fault”, he shouted………”

Describe an early morning walk through your city or town in winter. Give details of the smells, sights, sounds, and feelings you experienced.

Think of a time when you found yourself in an embarrassing situation. Narrate how you got into that situation, how you dealt with it and the lesson you learned from it.

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Inspector: [Sharply] Are you sure there was nobody in the room already? De Levis: [Taken aback] I don’t know. I never thought. I didn’t look under the bed if you mean that. Inspector: [Jotting I Did not look under bed. Did you look under it after the theft? De Levis: No. I didn’t. Inspector: Ah! Now, what did you do after you came back from your bath? Just give us that precisely.

(i)  What reply did De Levis give to the inspector’s last question in the extract?  (ii) What made De Levis check the contents of his pocketbook? What did he find there? Whom did he go to upon discovering the theft?   (iii)  Who was Robert? Where was Robert’s room? At what time did he take De Levis’ clothes and boots?  (iv)  What is the Inspector’s final theory of the theft?   (v)  Whom did De Levis accuse of stealing his money? What were his reasons for making this accusation?  

Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, your composition must have a clear connection with the picture.

report writing on educational development day

Your uncle has promised to give you a gift of Rs. 1000/-. Write a letter thanking him for the offer, tell him how you plan to spend the money; and why you wish to spend it in this way.

Fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write in correct serial order the word or phrase appropriate to the blank space. 

Example: (0) From his perch behind the clock, Hugo could (0)……. (see) everything.

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word: 

  • The teacher spoke for Raju when he was wrongly accused of stealing money.
  • We can visit her at the hostel at 3 pm and 6 pm on Saturdays.
  • The Sinha's have lived in New Delhi 1943.
  • Little children are often afraid of the dark.
  • Sneha has applied for a scholarship.
  • It took Ahmed many months to get the loss of his friend.
  • She turned the generous offer made by the manager.
  • We were asked to take our footwear as we were entering a place of worship.

Re-write the following sentences according to the instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but do not change the meaning of each sentence.

  • As soon as we lit the candle, the power supply was restored. (Begin: No sooner………. )
  • The bee is more industrious than all other creatures. (Use: ‘most industrious’)
  • The old woman was too slow to catch the bus. (Begin : The old woman was so……… )
  • “I’ll do it tomorrow,” he promised. (Rewrite in indirect speech)
  • Though Reema got an expensive gift she was not happy. (Begin: In spite of……… )
  • I prefer reading a book to watching a movie. (Begin: I would rather…….. )
  • I have never seen Mr. Roy lose his temper. (Begin: Never…….. )
  • She found your keys in the garage. (Begin: The keys……… )

Join the following sentence to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.  

They bought a new car. They can travel long distances.

Since her childhood, Meera has been good in Mathematics.  (End: ............................ childhood) 

Answer the following questions with reference to Ray Douglas Bradbury’s short story, ‘All Summer in a Day’: Why was there so much excitement in the schoolroom that morning? What sets Margot apart from the other children?

The following words used in the text as ship terminology are also commonly used in another sense. In what contexts would you use the other meaning?

Knot stern boom hatch anchor

The following three compound words end in-ship. What does each of them mean? 

airship flagship lightship

Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.

forensic reconstruction

scudded across

casket grey


funerary treasures


computed tomography

eerie detail

Give reasons for the following.

The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.

List the advances in technology that have improved forensic analysis.

Discuss the following in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view.

Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.

Given below is an interesting combination of words. Explain why they have been used together.

eternal brilliance

Here are some commonly used medical terms. Find out their meanings.

CT scan MRI  tomography
Autopsy  dialysis  ECG
Post mortem  angiography  biopsy

To what is the bird’s movement compared? What is the basis for the comparison?

The movement words

Words which describe ‘sleek’, ‘alert’, and ‘abrupt’

Other sounds that occur frequently in the poem.

Look for some other poem on a bird or a tree in English or any other language.

Discuss the following statement in groups of four.

“The Emperor may rule over the territory he has conquered, but only the artist knows the way within.”

What is the language spoken in Flanders?

There are two voices in the poem. Who do they belong to? Which lines indicate this?

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics. Those who can bear all can dare all

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics.

Success begins in the mind

Why does the author aver that the growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society?

Locate the following words in the text and study their connotation.

1.  gripped the imagination of

2.  dawned upon

3.  ushered in

4.  passed into current coin

5.  passport of the future

The words ‘grip’, ‘dawn’. ‘usher’, ‘coin’, ‘passport’ have a literal as well as a figurative meaning. Write pairs of sentences using each word in the literal as well as figurative sense.

Write a letter to your friend narrating your experiences in a rescue operation.

Does Frank seem to encourage Taplow's comments on Crocker-Harris?

Based on the text enact your own version of the play. Work in pairs.

Identify the stanzas that talks of each of the following.

Individuality rationalism hypocrisy

Which do you think are the most poetic lines? Why?

Distinguish between the following pairs of sentences.

The team played two matches successively.

You will find the historian and the scientist in the archaeology and natural science sections of the museum respectively.

Explain the following phrase Spinning yarns

Use it in a sentence of your own.

What was John Garrideb's objective in inventing the story of Alexander Hamilton Garrideb and his legacy?

Why didn't John Garrideb like the idea of including Holmes in the hunt for the third Garrideb?

The cleverest of criminals leave behind clues to their crime.

Examine the structure of the short story ‘Adventure of the Three Garridebs’ with the help of this framework

  • The narrator of the story
  • Introduction of the topic of the story
  • Introduction of the main characters in the plot
  • Development of the plot
  • Resolution of the mystery.

Examine the subtle humour in the narration of the story that lightens the gravity of the subject matter.

Identify the words in the advertisement that gave away the fact that it was placed by John Garrideb.

Look at the highlighted expressions in the following sentences from the text and explain their figurative meaning.

  • 'I went through it, sir,  with a fine-toothed comb  and never a Garrideb could I catch.'

'They are my favourite covert for  putting up a bird , and I would never have overlooked  a cock pheasant  as that.'

'There is no  bolt-hole  for you in this country.'

'When  his castle in the air  fell down, it burred him beneath the ruins.'

How does Mammachi stand out as an independent resilient woman in the text?

Why does John Ipe consider retirement to be a dishonour?

What was the underlying reason for John Ipe's disgust with the world?

The contrast between the outward elegance of a person and his private behaviour.

How does the author succeed in raising crucial social issues not through open criticism but through subtle suggestion?

Identify instances of ironical comment in the story.

Guess what these words and phrases mean from the context


Grundig reel-to-reel





forsythia bushes






Indicate the details that tell us that the narrator was not very financially comfortable during his stay in London.

What do you understand the character of Mrs. Croft from the story?

Discuss in pairs or in small groups

Living abroad is challenging in many ways.

The eccentricities of the old are often endearing.

Discuss the manner in which the author interweaves details of the narrator’s family with the flow of the main narrative.

There are many instances of gentle humour in the story. Point out some of these and state how this contributes to the interest of the narration.

How did the narrator learn to distinguish between 'a flask' and 'a thermos'?

Look for these expressions in the story and guess the meaning from the context


attuned himself

queer rhythmic frenzy


flush of prosperity

daze of bewilderment

wide-eyed wonder and eager homage


talking animatedly

tremulous deliberation

on terms of a perpetual feud


Satyajit’s recollection of the forgerer when he was on the train.

Satyajit's feeling that he was an impostor.

The author is a humorist

a. How does the story reflect his sense of humour?

b. What makes his lady friend remark - 'You are quite a humorist'?

c. Give instances of the author's ability to laugh at himself.

‘Forgiveness is often better than punishment’. Write two paragraphs – one for and another against this notion.

You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an interview of a cop. Frame 8-10 questions with the help of the following points, give introduction and conclusion.

  • reasons for joining the department
  • special training
  • developing the skill to identify and locate criminals
  • dealing with criminals
  • achievements and awards.

Make a list of jobs which would give you an opportunity to help the society or serve the country. Also mention the different ways in which they can be beneficial to the people and also the country.

Go to your school/college library and read some other stories by O’Henry like, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Last Leaf’ and ‘After Twenty years’. Write the stories in short in your notebook.

Interview the students of your class regarding the career they would like to pursue and the reason for selecting that particular career. Collect the data from your class and analyze the information you have collected.

Surf the net and obtain more information about the conservation work done by Shaaz. Prepare posters to inspire others and display them on your college noticeboard.

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wild life such as:

Forest officer / Ranger

Wildlife photographer

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wildlife such as:


There are certain words that are repeated in the poem. For example, ‘no more’ (Line 7). Find out other similar expressions. Explain the effect they have created in the poem.

The use of personal pronoun ‘I’ is evident and prominent in this poem. Give reasons.

Write four to six lines of Free Verse on the topic ‘The road that leads to my college’. Express that it is the road to knowledge and bright future. You may begin like this: Every day I tread with the bag of books …

Take help from the sources available on the internet and make a list of proverbs and quotations about ‘road’.

Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost.

A handicraft exhibition is being organized in your college. You are given the task to compere the inaugural function. Write the script for compering.

Go to your college library and collect and read the poems written by Sarojini Naidu.

Find out information about the Mahavastra of Maharashtra - Paithani.

Find out different career opportunities in the field of social work.

Collect information of the NGOs working for the underprivileged section of the society.

Write a character sketch of your family member.

Use the phrase in a sentence of your own, after finding out its meaning.

We add ‘un-’ to make opposites. For example, true — untrue. Add ‘un’– to the word below to make its opposite. Then look up the meaning of the word you have formed in the dictionary.

educated: ____________

qualified: ____________

Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do. Then say (in another paragraph) how you think you can make your dream come true.

‘Kalpana Chawla was a heroine’. How did a journalist support his statement?

Read the descriptions below of what the snake did and what the mongoose did. Arrange their actions in the proper order

(i) ceased to struggle
(ii) tried to mesmerised the mongoose
(iii) coiled itself around the mongoose
(iv) struck the crow
(v) struck again and missed
(vi) struck on the side that the mongoose pretended to attack

Look at these sentences.

‘Would’ tells us what the author used to do, or what used to happen. ‘Could’ tells us what the author was usually able to do, or grandfather is now not able to do.

Choose would and could to replace the italicised words in the following sentences.

Choose  would  and  could  to replace the italicised words in the following sentences.

Grandfather says, in the old days,

1. elephants  were able to fly  in the sky, like clouds. They  were  also  able  to change their shapes. They  used to  fly behind clouds and frighten them. People  used to  look up at the sky in wonder.

2. because there was no electricity, he  used to  get up with the sun, and he  used to  go to bed with the sun, like the birds.

3. like the owl, he  was able to  see quite well in the dark. He  was able to  tell who was coming by listening to their footsteps .

Make a short list of things you find difficult to do. For example:

report writing on educational development day

Compare your list with the others in the class. Can you explain why you find these things difficult to do?

In groups of four discuss some more ‘whatifs’ that you experience in your day to day life and list them out.

(i) ______________________________

(ii) ______________________________

(iii) _____________________________

(iv) _____________________________

(v) _____________________________

(vi) ____________________________

(vii) ___________________________

(viii) ___________________________

And now write a poem of five or six lines with the ‘whatifs’ that you have listed.

Your teacher will speak the words listed below. Write against each a word of opposite meaning. Examples: liquid-solid hard-soft 1. old ————— 2. wet ————— 3. open ————— 4. blunt ————— 5. forget —————

The extract deals with the atmosphere of two homes. Collect the words associated with - Library.

Use your imagination and extend the story in about 100 to 150 words.

Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': Ice axe.

Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': Anchor.

Look at the sentences given below. Find out which one is correct. If the sentence is wrong give reasons.

Planting and growing more crops a year seems to be progressed by normal standards, but the chapter makes a case against it. Give reasons.

'Organic farming is the need of the time'. Write your views in favour of and against the statement.


Find out more career opportunities in the field of agriculture, organic farming, sales, storage, distribution, and marketing research.


Pillars form support for concrete buildings. Metaphorically speaking a strong nation too depends on strong pillars. Discuss with your partner and explain the pillars of a democratic nation. Make a list of obstacles that are a threat to the progress of a nation.

State whether the following statement is true or false. Correct the false statement.

There is nothing wrong with being grateful to great men.

Liberty cannot be divorced from equality.

One man one vote and one vote one value.

Write your views/opinions in brief on the following topic.

Liberty, equality, and fraternity lead to an ideal nation.

Discuss with your partner and make a list of steps that you feel are essential to unite the people of different castes, races, religions, and languages in India.

Imagine that Revathi’s father is abroad on business and she wishes to convey the news of her prize-winning plants. Draft an email for the above subject. Use an email format.

Recall your favorite crime story on TV. Discuss with your friend how you could prevent the villain/thief from committing the crime/theft.

The person who makes mistake or commits crime should be punished because _________________.

  • _______________________________

Refer to a standard dictionary and find out the meaning of the following word:


You might have read war stories or watched war movies. Make a list of the factors which make them interesting.

  • _____________________________

Enlist any four facts which made the capturing of Tiger Hill a national challenge.

Prompt reporting is of strategic importance during a war. explain it.

Complete the flow chart showing the events on the day of the assault.

report writing on educational development day

What vocation/profession/business would you like to take up in the future? Prepare a fact file for the same using the following points.

  • Name of the vocation/profession/business__________________
  • Educational qualifications required____________
  • Work profile/description____________ 
  • Opportunities for advancement____________ 
  • Your personal skills/talents for the choice____________

Read and understand the following poem ‘Paper Boats’ and write its paraphrase in your own simple language. (You may take the help of a dictionary or the internet.) The first line is done for you.

Read the following lines. Imagine it is the beginning of an instance you have experienced. Complete the incident using your imagination. Give it a positive ending.

I had often noticed that in my neighbour’s family, the son was greatly pampered, but the daughter was treated unfairly. I could not bear this. So one day I decided to__________________

Would you like to join the Indian Army/Navy/ Air force? If not, suggest other ways in which you could serve your nation.

Report writing

report writing on educational development day

Study the web diagram and write the characteristics of report writing.

Complete Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s profile with information picked from the lesson.

PROFILE - Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

  • Profession:
  • Branch of science:
  • Important position in Government held : 
  • His three visions for India :

The cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

Different places are mentioned.

Characters are referred to.

Compose 8 to 10 lines. Narrate an incident in your life without using any rhyming pattern.

If you could change the end of the story i.e. after the Swallow refused to fly to Egypt, how would you change it? Summarise your idea in 10 to 12 lines.

The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality’ which means one who has reached the highest position in his workplace.

Explain this using the following point.

Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

  • About the poem/poet/title.
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features/ novelties/focusing elements
  • Values, message
  • Your opinion about the poem.

You have just returned after your first experience of the kite - festival in Gujarat / Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.

You have a friend who lives abroad. Write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the kite-festival.

Let’s compose a poem. Two lines are given. Add two of your own.

There is another sky, Ever serene and fair

'The Road Not Taken' (Robert Frost), 'O Captain My Captain' (Walt Whitman), etc. are inspirational poems. Search these poems on the internet and write down your opinion about the poems in your notebook.

Choose the correct alternative for the given line. Focus on the inference of the poet.

‘Earth has not anything to show more fair:’

The line means - _________________.

‘Dull would he be of soul who could pass by’

The line means - __________________.

‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’

This line expresses the poet’s feelings. The sight he saw from the bridge is beautiful. There are a few more lines similar to the above. With the help of your partner find them and discuss what they express.

Find out the words and phrases which describe the following. One is done for you.

sight touching in its majesty

The pride of any city is its skyline.

Write 5 lines about the place where you reside and what makes you feel proud of it.

Comment on the following characters depicted in the poem, in a sentence or a phrase.


Write the appreciation of the poem.

  • About the poem/poet/title
  • Special features/novelties/focusing elements

Write a summary of the poem.

  • Introductory paragraph (about the poem, type, nature, tone)
  • Main body (central idea, the gist of the poem)
  • Conclusion (opinion, views, appeal).

Give suggestions to protect our national heritage monuments.

Compose four lines expressing the grief of having lost nature due to modernisation.

Complete the tabular columns to specify Dos and Don’ts associated with the 'Expansion of Ideas'.

(i) Begin impressively (i) Do not go off-track
(ii) (ii)
(iii) (iii)
(iv) (iv)

Writing is considered to be one of the most challenging, demanding, and lucrative careers in the world. Match the professions in table (A) with their descriptions in a table (B) and also what they are called from the table (C).

1. Blog Writing Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc as a result of their Studies and Research a. Translator
2. Story Writing Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column every day or weekly b. Blogger
3. Song/Lyric Writing Writes in National, State, and local newspapers as a staff member c. Journalist
4. Academic Writing Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction, and other genres d. Story Writer
5. Translating Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. e. Song Writer/Lyricist
6. Newspaper Writing Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic. f. Academic Writer
7. Column Writing Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www-World Wide Web) g. Dramatist/ Playwright
8. Screen Writing Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/ in magazines, anthologies, etc. h. Novelist
9. Fiction/Novel Writing Translates an original work from one language into another i. Screenplay Writer
10. Drama/ Play Writing Writes Scripts for Films/ Movies/ TV etc. j. Columnist

Project Gather information about the following insects. Draw their images or get pictures. On one sheet each, fix the image/picture and below it write the information. Compile these pages and make a file of ‘Insects - our friends’. Insects: Bee/Praying mantis/Butterfly Beetle/Wasp/Dragon-fly

Interview Question.

A brilliant student from your school has won a Mathematics Quiz at the National Level.

Frame questions to interview him/her when the school felicitates him/her.

Follow the steps given below.

  • Introduction of the interviewee and achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about growing years.
  • 4 to 6 questions about the achievements.
  • 2 or 3 questions about future plans and prospects.
  • Expression of thanks and good wishes.

Understand the quotation and expand it in a paragraph format.

‘Pride goes on horseback, but returns on foot’.

Form pairs and make a ‘pair presentation’ of any one of the two stories. To do so, each person presents only one sentence at a time, and the next one is immediately presented by the partner. Thus, each person in the pair presents alternate sentences without breaking the flow of the narration.

You are going to meet a Great Indian Bustard very soon. Prepare at least 10 questions to interview him.

Write a letter to your friend about the Great Indian Bustard. You may use the following points :

  • Why we need to protect the bird.
  • What you plan to do to help the bird.

Prepare a poster on the need for the conservation of the Great Indian Bustard.

Multinational companies expect a different type of Professional CV. Browse through the net to gather information about it.

Complete the table. One is done for you.

1. Callous Caring for people, environment, life
2. Violent  
3. Greedy  
4. Corrupt  

Visit a library. Find a school poem. Recite it to your parents.

A Project: ‘Sources of Light’

List all possible sources of light which enable you to see. Try to list at least 10 to 15. You may add the following to your list: Different kinds of lamps in your house, different sources you see in nature, different sources used by man in the past, etc.

What is your favourite source of light? Write its autobiography. (10 - 15 lines)

Place the given areas of questioning from the list in the appropriate columns.

  • future plans
  • inspiration
  • overcoming hurdles/ struggle
  • coach/ mentor/ guide/ teacher
  • message for the youngsters
  • family support
  • alternate career choice
  • first or maiden award/ achievement /success /setbacks
  • a turning point in life/ success formula/technique.
  Section of the interview Aspects to be covered
1. Introduction Welcoming/Greeting, Introduction of the guest/Occasion.
2. Opening questions  
3. Main body  
4. Concluding questions  
5. Summing up Concluding the statement, Expressing gratitude.

You can add your points.

‘Once you begin to learn there is no end to learning’. Write your views on this statement.

Complete the following sentences.

The factors that have made 'The Jungle Book' a great movie are - _________________.

  • It's a fantasy world of wonder.

Form groups and try to write a script for a short film or documentary on any topic of your choice. The script must develop properly. You can take the help of the following points.

  • choose a topic
  • central theme
  • the beginning, the middle, and the end
  • the message

Start a collection of proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known sentence or phrase that gives advice or tells you what is generally true. For example, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means ‘If one does something in time or immediately, it saves a lot of work later’. A proverb is also known as a saying. Here are some proverbs for your collection.

  • Appearances can be deceptive.
  • Do not judge by appearance; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  • Clothes do not make the man.

Mass media events often need comperes. Find out the area or sector in which a compere is a must. Write about the special skills needed to take up compering as a career and give some clues about how to acquire these skills.

Describe the climax scene in your own words. Write your comments on it.

Write down the consequences of the following occurrences with the help of the play.

Mayor Peter Stockmann persuades Mr. Hovstad and Mr. Billing from printing the article.

Katherine encourages Dr. Stockmann to proceed in his attempts in the cause of public attempts.

Watch the advertisements on TV. Choose any one of them for group discussion and analysis. Write your report in the advertisement.

From the passage, find and write any two examples of the following:

Sentences containing

  • ‘must’
  • ‘can’.

Imagine what must have happened after Mathilde’s friend discovered that the diamonds were real. Do you think she would return the necklace to Mathilde? Would that make Mathilde happy?

Discuss the following and write about the following in your own words in 5-6 lines.

What would you do, if something like this happens to you?

Think and respond with ‘YES’ or ‘NO’.

When you are faced with a very serious problem or some grave danger, what do you experience?

Your feelings panic  
wishing you were never born  
no emotion  
calmness and composure  
willingness to tackle it  
Your reactions break down and cry  
run away and hide  
pray to God  
ask for help  
build up courage  
take it as a challenge  

Prepare a formal invitation for a function you have arranged at home. It should clearly state the following points:

  • Who is inviting people to the function.
  • What the program is.
  • The date and time.
  • The venue. (The place where
  • A polite request to attend the function. the function will take place.)

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally.

Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Write a letter from Abdul to the Emperor, requesting the Emperor to give Abdul a suitable job.

Rewrite the play in the form of a short story.

In the play, two devices that make use of wheels are given. The devices are:

  • _______________

From the internet or other sources, trace the history of the use of the wheel. Write ‘An Autobiography of a Wheel’.

Chalk out detailed programmes for the following occasions.

  • The Teacher’s Day programme in your school.
  • An exhibition of science projects arranged in your classroom.
  • A wedding anniversary/birthday celebration for your grandparents that you have arranged with your family

Write a short passage/essay on ‘Women Power’ in the Neolithic, Medieval, and Present Times.

Write a letter to your Class Teacher or the Principal of your school.

Your school library subscribes to a few newspapers. Your class wants old issues of the newspapers for some educational activity in the classroom. You are required to make cuttings/ news clipping. Therefore, the papers cannot be returned to the library but you will use them in a responsible manner. Use the format of a formal letter given below

Hold a discussion in the classroom about the differences between printed newspapers, radio news bulletins, TV news bulletins. Discuss the merits, demerits, and popularity of each.

Form pairs. List the things on which you have the same opinion and also the ones on which you have different opinions. Prepare a list of ten things in all and see how far you agree or disagree with your friend. Some useful phrases are given alongside. You could talk about:

  • Clothes, latest fashion.
  • Performance of sportsmen and women.
  • Traffic/Transport in your area.
  • Cleanliness and hygiene in your area.
  • Future occupations/Careers.
  • Latest news items.
  • TV programs
  • Mobile Apps
  • Any subject of your choice.
I totally agree with you. Do you think ...? No, I don’t think so.
Exactly/Absolutely! Do you agree ...? I totally disagree.
You are right. What do you think? Not necessarily.
I don’t know, I need to think about it. (partial agreement) What is your opinion? I’m not sure about that.
I suppose so. How do you feel about that? Let’s agree to disagree!

Write an informal letter from a teenager to his/her parent, expressing a few thoughts from the poem.

(My dear ______/Dearest ______./Hi! ______ Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted to talk to you about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter. Love,/Yours lovingly/Yours ______).

‘Invictus’ is an example of Traditional Poetry. ‘Please Listen’ is an example of Free Verse.

Write your opinion, in your own words:-

Why do you think the children dislike their aunt’s story?

‘The Storyteller’ has a story within a story.

Search from the Internet or your library books for other stories that have another story within. Enlist at least 3 to 5 of them.

Write an imaginary dialogue contesting opposite views on a topic of your choice, e.g., ‘Girls should learn to do all the housework and not boys.’

Archaic words are those that are no longer used in a language, but sometimes their usage adds a historical or old-times flavour to a piece of writing.

  • behold – look
  • afeared – frightened
  • forsooth – indeed
  • hither – this place

Now find out some archaic words from your mother tongue or another language that you are proficient in and write down at least ten of them, and against each, their modern equivalent and meaning in English.


Write about your own daydream in short.

Form groups of 3. Read aloud the conversations in the story, each group presenting one piece of conversation.

Hold a story-telling competition in which each one narrates a folk-tale or fairy-tale.

Prepare an announcement for an occasion.

Is the insect described in the poem a real insect? Think about an imaginary creature. Describe it in your own words. You may draw its picture and label it.

Read the following Headline and write the dateline, intro, and a short continuing paragraph.

Ask the students to read different news from English Newspapers and write the given points in the news. 

Discuss in pairs and write what your father and mother do for your family.

Write an appreciation of the poem (Basketful of Moonlight). 

Title ______
Poet ______
Rhyme scheme ______
Favorite line ______
Theme/Central idea ______
Figures of speech ______
Special features - Type of the poem, language, style, tone, implied meanings, etc. ______
Why I like/dislike the poem ______

Write a short essay on your own journey in a boat.

Write a short book review of any one of your favourite books. Your review should include the following things.

  • Title of the book
  • Name of the author/ authors
  • Name of the illustrator (artist)
  • The central idea of the book (what the book is about)
  • The important characters in the book and what they do
  • What you like about the book
  • Why you want others to read the book/what you learn from the book

Form groups of 5-8. In each group, rewrite the story in the form of a play. Present scenes from your play in the classroom.

Prepare and present a short speech on the following.

An inspiring incident in the life of a great leader.

Read the following passage carefully and draw a tree diagram to show this information.

Things in our surroundings form two groups - living things and non-living things. Living things are of two kinds, plants and animals. There are two types of plants - flowering plants and non-flowering plants. If we consider animals, we see that some animals lay eggs. They are oviparous animals. Some animals give birth to their young ones. They are viviparous animals.

Dos and Don’ts for delivering a speech. Add some more points.

Talk slowly Don’t mumble
Emphasize keywords Don’t look up /down

Your goal, this year, is to successfully pass out from secondary school. So let us be SMART and note down the following.

(a) Specific Area:

(Subjects) and number of units/lessons

  • English 4 units

(b) Measurable:

Comparison of scores in previous examinations and in recent one.

1. Poor Fair Fair

(c) Achievable goal:

(Target scores/performance in SSC Exams.)

(d) Realisitc approach:

Plan of action that matches with your expertise/resources. For example:

  • Make a study time table and follow it regularly.
  • __________________

(e) Time-bound Action:

Days required for revision

1. English  

Read about the space mission of Sunita Williams. Imagine you are going to interview her. Frame 10 to 12 interview relevant questions regarding-

  • her early life, training
  • her actual flight into space
  • her message to viewers.

Expand the theme in a write-up of about 20 lines.

‘Books are our real friends’

report writing on educational development day

Write a complete review on any book that you have read recently. Use the following points for your Book Review.

  • Introduction
  • Selectivity of contents
  • Subject/Title Apporpriacy
  • Sequence of Contents
  • Language Appropriacy/Type
  • Good Points/Novelty in the book.
  • Advantages/Scope of the book. (if any)
  • Demerits/Shortcomings (if any)
  • Message/Opinion/Views (Personal)
  • Conclusion (in short)

Divide the class in four groups. Collect four different stories written by Sudha Murthy. Select a story for every group and write it in the form of a play. Enact it in front of the class.

How can you prove this maxim to be incorrect - ‘Too many cooks spoil the broth’. Write a counterview on the given topic. (Clue -Teamwork)

Write a news report on the ‘Environment Day’ celebrated in your school.

Among your classmates, one is unable to walk properly, the second one can’t hear properly and the third one can’t see this beautiful world. All of them are facing lots of difficulties in life. Compose a dialogue among them, about the problems and difficulties faced by them. You can take the help of the following dialogue to expand your ideas.

Do you know, how many problems I have to face when I decide to go anywhere?
I can’t hear anything.
So, sad! You both can’t walk or hear but my problem is more serious than yours. You know, I can’t see this beautiful world.

(Now continue in your notebook.)

Divide the class into groups and conduct a poster-making competition for an Eye /Blood Donation Camp. Fix up the details of the above camp, like time, place, etc.

Read the extract beginning from - “Her name was Sulekha..... find bridegrooms for them.” Narrate this extract in short, making Sulekha (Bholi) the narrator. Write it in your notebook. Begin with “I was named Sulekha __________________ ”

Imagine that you are the Captain of your team. A famous cricketer is going to visit your school. You are assigned the task to conduct an interview of that famous cricketer. Frame a set of 10 questions that you will ask the cricketer. Take help of the points given below.

  • Interest in this field
  • Inspiration
  • Coaching and guidance
  • Achievement/Records
  • Future plans
  • Advice to youngsters

Write a short paragraph describing the life and work of Mary Kom. Take help of the points given below.

  • Achievements

‘What Men Can Do, Women can do better’ Divide your class in 2 groups. Let one group offer points ‘For the topic’ and the other, ‘Against the topic.’ Note down the points in your notebooks, expand the points in two separate paragraphs of about 15 to 20 lines each. Suggest suitable titles for each.

Prepare attractive advertisements using the hints given below.

Home appliances – Aadi Sale – 20-50% - Special Combo Offers – Muthusamy & Co., Raja Street, Gingee.

Your class has to stage a Puppet Show in the Assembly Open Forum on the topic ‘Child Labour’. Divide yourselves into groups and discuss the requirements for the presentation like a storyline, characters, dialogues, choice of puppets, and music for the interlude. Now complete the dialogues given below.

Ramesh Let us present a Puppet Show on CHILD LABOUR for our Assembly Open Forum.
Mohammed That is a very good idea! Let us start planning right away.
Geetha _______________________________________________________?
Leema I suggest we begin with the storyline first.
Mani How ___________________________________________________ ?
Ramesh We can have around five characters.
Mohammed What __________________________________________________ ?
Meena We can focus on the problems of poverty and illiteracy as the major reasons for child labour.
Ramesh Can _________________________________________________?
Leema I am good at making stick puppets. I will make them myself. But I require some help.
Mani I ________________________ . Tell me, ______________________. 
Leema Thank you, Mani. Let us stay back after the meeting and discuss.
Ramesh Have ___________________________ ?
Meena I think we should have some music for the interlude.
Geetha That would make it really interesting. I will get my music group to start working on the tunes for our puppet show.

Answer the following questions in a paragraph about 80 -100 words

It is said, “The choices made by one, shape one’s destiny”. Ponder on the thought and write a paragraph.

Imagine yourself as the writer. Narrate the story of your visit to your ancestral house.

The man who came to the house gave the cross as a gift to the girl. Why did he do this? What do you think would have happened if he had taken back the cross with him?

Based on the reading of the poem, complete the web chart given below.

report writing on educational development day

Taking clues from the lists on the board, complete the following chart.

report writing on educational development day

Look at the two trees. One is a green flourishing tree and the other, a brown withering tree.

report writing on educational development day

The class will now be divided into two groups. Group A will list down the agents that support a tree’s growth. Group B will list down those that prevent it. Once the groups are ready with their lists, a few representatives from each group will write down the lists on the black board.

Work in pairs. Create three slogans on ‘Saving Trees’. Read this example Save a Tree Get Oxygen for Free.

  • Use catchy, meaningful phrases.
  • Do not write complete sentences.
  • Ensure that the words at the end rhyme.

On the next day, Mr. Scotti was __________ at how the local people responded to his queries.

Imagine that you and your friend get a chance to visit another planet. There, you befriend an alien who takes you around the planet. After reaching the earth, write a letter thanking him for all the help he did.

Look at the image of the familiar advertisement given below. Identify the product and try to frame your own slogan.

report writing on educational development day

Imagine that you have parked your vehicle (two-wheeler)/ bicycle inside the school premises. You find it missing in the evening. Write a complaint to the head of the school regarding this issue.

Read the telephonic conversation between Malar and Selvi. Malar needs to leave a message for her father.

Malar: Hello, my name is Malar. Could I talk to Mr. Rao, please? I’m his colleague Mr.Vishvanath’s daughter. 

Selvi: I’m sorry, my father is out for his morning walk. Do you want to leave a message for him?

Malar: Yes, please. My father had to leave for Madurai all of a sudden since my grandfather is ill. So he won’t be able to come to work for a few days. It would be really nice if your father could inform the office.

Selvi: Don’t worry, I’ll leave the message for my father. 

Malar: Thanks a lot.

Selvi: You’re welcome.

This is the message that Selvi left for her father the previous day. Write a similar message based on her conversation with Malar.

 ______(Date)                                                                    4.30 p.m. (Time)

Dear Papa,

I have my music class at 5.00 p.m. so I am leaving now. I’ve prepared tea and samosa and kept it in the kitchen. Please come and pick me up at 7 p.m.

______(Date)                                                       ______(Time)

Dear Papa,


It is very late at night and your father hasn’t returned from the office. ______

You find it tough to learn a new language ______

Write an article for the following.

The service provided by the conservancy workers in your city is very poor. You find all the street corners dumped with garbage thrown by the residents of the locality. It causes a menace for the public at large. You are Ramya/Rajan of Class X, studying in TM Model School, Dharmapuri. Write an article in about 150-200 words to the editor of The Indian Express, about this and suggest ways by which the situation could be improved.

Venba was walking along the beach. When she saw a beautiful green perfume bottle that had been washed up on the shore she bent down and picked it up. There was something inside the bottle and it was calling her. When she opened the bottle….?!!!

Imagine you are Venba and act the situations in the class. Then conclude this mysterious story in your own words. Write at least five or six sentences with the help of the words given in the box.

Tiny Sing Talk Bird Free Fly Gift Thank

Discuss in groups. Draw the haunted house described in the poem and write a paragraph about it in your own words.

You are the receptionist of your school. Your Head master instructs you to send a message to all the parents of class ten to attend a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meet which is to be held on 22.12.2019





Fill in the template given for limerick.

There once was a ______(8 syllable)

______(8 syllable)

______(5 syllable)

______ (5 syllable)

Create a poster for the following.

You are Raja/ Ranjani. Draft a poster to create awareness about the harmful effects of using plastics, in not more than 50 words.

Say ‘No to Drugs’ – Design a poster for it is not more than 50 words. You may use slogans/ phrases.

“Save our Earth” is the need of the hour. Draft a poster with attractive slogans/ phrases for the same in not more than 50 words. Use attractive drawings.

You are Sita/ Sudhan. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to focus on not wasting water. Be creative.

Draft Letter for the following.

You are Raja. The street lights of your area do not work properly. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the newspaper enlightening them about the problem and also suggest ways to brighten the area.

Are the singers homeless travellers? Why do you think so?

What are the themes of the singers’ songs?

You are waiting to board a train in a railway station. The train is delayed by an hour. Write a paragraph about the crowded scene in the railway station based on your observation.

vendors tea vendors  shops families piles of luggage
porters trolley scroll board announcement ticket counter queue

report writing on educational development day

Develop the following hints.

Tortoise - hare - forest - tortoise walking- seen by a hardware laughs - tortoise speed - tortoise sad - bet - race - tortoise moving- slow speed -hare moves - fast - sleepy tortoise - reaches a winning point - first - wins the bet.

Read the story of Neerja Bhanot. Make notes based on the table and complete it.



Tortoises and Turtles are not the same. Read the facts given below. List the similarities and differences between them.

reptile family reptile family
land animal sea animal
has a long life lives for many years
uses tiny feet to walk use flippers to swim
eats grass, weeds and flowers eats insects and bugs

Write a paragraph from the contents of the table given below. Frame sentences with these words – but, as well as, whereas.

eg. A turtle as well as a tortoise belongs to the reptile family.

reptile family reptile family
land animal sea animal
has a long life lives for many years
uses tiny feet to walk uses flippers to swim
eats grass, weeds and flowers eats insects and bugs

What does the poet say about the crocodile? Write in your own words. (in about fifty words)

Read the acrostic poem on ‘Friend’. Write an acrostic poem like this on ‘Tree’.

riends always love each other

espect each Other

nteract with each other

njoy playing with each Other

ever hurt your friends


o everything together


Imagine that you are the sports captain of your school. Write a formal letter to the sports captain of another school inviting her/ his team for a friendly match. You may choose any sport. Give details of time and place

Write a formal email to Mr. Sundar Pitchai CEO of Google, requesting him for an appointment to interview him.

The Pooja holidays are about to start. Prasanth and Deepak are friends. Both their families have planned to go on a trip to Munnar. Develop a conversation on how they plan for their trip.

Trees can help you recognise seasons. How do the trees look different in each season? Write a short paragraph with the clues given below.

  • Summer - Trees stretch their leafy branches towards the sun. 
  • Spring - Branches are full of new green leaves.
  • Rain - Trees absorb water and look green. 
  • Autumn - Trees shed their leaves.

Work in groups and write a paragraph on “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Look at the cartoon strips. Create your own humorous story.

Write a sentence or two for each frame of the comic strip in the space given.

report writing on educational development day

Make the children write their own story. The following questions will help them to write. Ask them to gather information from their parents before writing and to give a title.

  • When were you born?
  • Where were you born?
  • What is your father’s name and what is he?
  • What is your mother’s name and what is she?
  • What is your birth order?
  • Do you have any nickname, if yes, reason for that?
  • An interesting incident that happened in your life.

Imagine a conversation among your friends about the four characters in the play – Tabaqui, Shere Khan, Mother Wolf and Father Wolf. Use the hints to write it.

  • The characters' entry in the play. 
  • Compare and contrast their character traits. 
  • The reaction of the characters on seeing the man cub.

Write the hungry fox story on your own by looking at the pictures and using the clues given under each picture.

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Application form annual day participation.

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Write some sentences about the picture.

report writing on educational development day

She, is, has, girl, shirt, pants, beautiful, pink, blue, long, hair.

Write some sentences about the picture. 

report writing on educational development day

It, is, has, walks, elephant, legs, tusk, trunk, big, long, slowly, strong.

Write the dialogue and complete the story.

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Fill in the blank by choosing the preposition from the option.

The boy ran ______ the dog.

Can we try to complete another dialogue now?

Rathi is visiting a shop to buy a pen. Let us try and complete the dialogues between her and the shopkeeper.

Hi Akka!
Hi! How can I help?
I need a______.
Sure. Which colour?
Give a______ pen.
Do you need a ten rupee pen or a five rupee pen?
Give me the ______rupee pen.
Do you want anything else?
Thank you. Goodbye.

Do you want to try to write your own paragraph now?

Write a paragraph on Cow.

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  •  ______

Write a paragraph on Palm tree.

report writing on educational development day

Fill up the withdrawal form to withdraw Rs.200 from your Savings Account.

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I got ______ to see his favourite heroine.

Use the following clues to complete the following exercise.

play stop buy learn see meet learn
 be eat go travel start read visit

Write three things you have not done in the last three years.

  • I have not played ______
  • ____________

Complete the following picture board.

Now complete the following suitably.

He was cleaning out his cupboard when _______

_______ a dog ran out onto the road.

Now complete the following, in the same way, using the words easy or strong.

Skipping is ______. Jumping is ______ than skipping. Walking is the ______ of all.

Punctuate the following sentence.

next wednesday my sister mita is going to join the state bank of india.

Who said these words and to whom?

“Wake up, dear! Wake up fast!”    
“Ma, who woke me up today?”    
“Why do you sleep at nine every night?”    

Use the option to fill in the blank.

Ram ______ a good football player.

Answer the question by looking at the picture.

Example: What is happening in picture 5?

What are Anil and his friends pulling in picture 3?

report writing on educational development day

______are pulling______

This is Rajiv’s family. They are a healthy family. See what each one does to remain healthy.

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Here is a word, clock. Write down words relating to clock.

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Words like morning, evening, watering end in ing. Write six more words to which ing can be added at the end to form a new word.

Look for words in the poem which sound like the words given below.

  • there ______
  • flour ______
  • where ______ 
  • threw ______

Look at this sentence –

A library is a place where books are kept.

Now fill in the blanks after reading these sentences.

  • An ______ is a place where aeroplanes take off and land.
  • A ______ is a place where food is cooked.
  • A ______ is a place where sick people are taken care of.
  • A______is a place where you can buy thing.
  • A______ is a place where children study.

Look at the words given below and put them under the things that they are made of –

report writing on educational development day

Make opposites with the words –

dis ______   in______

List as many summer activities as you can.

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Fill in the blank with choosing the preposition from the option.

This tree was the home a flock ______ wild geese.

report writing on educational development day

Use the above map to answer the questions.

  • What does the dotted line on the map show?
  • What road would Ajay take to get to the boat club?
  • What building is next to the picnic area?
  • What road passes by Ajay’s house?
  • What other way could Ajay use to get from his house to his grandmother’s house?

Use verbs like go, turn, cross

Use prepositions like: across, between, in front of, beside, near, behind, and write how you get home from school.

Make sentences using any two new words which you have learnt in the lesson.

Look at the following words. They are group names.

report writing on educational development day

troop of soldiers

swarm of bees

team of players

litter of puppies

fleet of ships

library of books

The travellers rested under the ______ of trees.

Sit in groups of five. Now, each student will tell a story. Decide which story was the best and declare a or of the group.

Choose a story that you like.

In groups of four, write down dialogues for the story and make it into a short play. You may then present it in the class.

Now complete the following, in the same way, using the words juicy or exciting . The order may vary according to your choice.

apple ______

orange ______

sugarcane ______

rock climbing ______

skiing ______

river rafting ______

The girl slept ______ [sound]

Why didn’t the grandmother feel sentimental when the author went abroad for higher education?

Describe the author’s grandmother.

The grandmother appreciated the value of education. Give instances in support of your answer.

Do you exercise regularly? If you do, which of the following activities do you prefer? Discuss and share with your partner a few ideas about your preference.

  • working out in a gym

Why did the friends part ways?

State whether the following statement are true or false

Both Jimmy and Bob were of the same age.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Jimmy Wells from Bob’s point of view?

Why didn’t Jimmy Wells, being a cop himself, arrest Bob?

Who do you think has been more successful of the two? Give reasons.

Compare and contrast the character of Jimmy Wells and Bob with suitable references from the story to support your view.

‘Tell me who your friends are and I shall tell you who you are’. How will you explain this statement in the light of Jimmy’s and Bob’s friendship?

Bob realised that the tall man was not Jimmy Wells from the shape of his nose.

What made her feel confident about the competitive players? Explain.

What caught his attention about the car door?

One has to be cautious and not be carried away by stories. How did Sletherby exhibit caution?

Summarising is to briefly sum up the various points given in the notes made from the original passage. It is a retrieval of information from the notes made. Hence, while writing it, one need not go back to the original passage but refer only to the notes made. A first draft will help us to write a fair summary.

Are children afraid of visiting the dentist? Give reasons.

Study the pie-chart carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Percentage of people who speak each language as their first language.

report writing on educational development day

  • Which language is spoken by most people?
  • What are the Indian languages that rank among the top five spoken languages?
  • Which are the languages that are spoken by less than three percent of people?
  • With the help of the questions and answers, draw your own conclusions from the pie chart. Then, write a paragraph on the popular spoken languages.

Write conversation on the following situation.

Between two friends about the importance of reading newspapers

Bring out the significance of what Leacock was reading at the photographers.

Why did the photographer take a long time to photograph Leacock?

What angered the author?

What was the human side to the photographer?

The photographer was pleased after ______.

How do you behave under the spells of different moods?

Do you think it is important not to be swayed by every passing mood?

What brought agony to the girls during the music lessons?

What advice did Aunt Jane offer the couple?

Bring out the humorous elements in the play.

Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing Director of a company. Include the following details: Educational qualification, experience, various other qualifications required for the post.

The Government of Tamil Nadu has imposed a ban on the use of plastic. Effective implementation of this ban depends on public awareness and individual responsibility.

Write an article of 150 words for your school magazine to create an awareness of the dangers posed by indiscriminate use of plastic. Expand the ideas given below as notes.

a. Introduction

(i) Plastic – synthetic material – doesn’t decompose in soil

(ii) Inevitable role of plastic – man’s day-to-day life

b. Human Health Hazard

(i) Leeching of plastic into food – micro plastic entering food chain

(ii) Human body’s inability to deal with this unnatural substance

(iii) Reaction of microplastic in human body and ill effects

c. Adverse Effects on Plants and Animals

(i) Plastic particles choking waterways – affect aquatic animals

(ii) Ingestion by aquatic and terrestrial animals–blocking of intestines and respiratory passages

d. Environmental Degradation

(i) Manufacturing process and burning of plastics–pollute atmosphere

(ii) Plastic–non-biodegradable – interferes with soil microorganisms – affects soil fertility

e. Conclusion

(i) Suggestions for restricted use – alternatives for one-time use of plastics

(ii) Segregation of plastic waste – for recycling

Urban living brings with it a possibility of various communicable diseases.

Now write an article of about 150 words for a leading newspaper on the various ways of maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation in order to ensure a healthy living. Make use of the hints given below

a) Introduction – ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ – brief explanation

b) Personal hygiene 

(i) Frequent washing of hands and regular bathing

(ii) Brushing of teeth, trimming of nails and hair

(iii)Wearing clean clothes

c) Keeping diseases at bay

(i) Avoid street food

(ii) Keep food containers covered

(iii)Drink boiled water

(iv) Wash fruits and vegetables in flowing water

d) Keeping living areas, surroundings and the environment clean

(i) Disposal of domestic organic waste on a daily basis and hazardous waste in designated places

(ii) Regular sweeping, mopping and dusting

(iii)Disinfection of toilets and bathing areas

(iv) Avoid littering of public places

(v) Avoid spitting, urinating and defecating in public places

e) Conclusion – hygiene – a collective exercise – everyone’s involvement and practice, a must – ensure community health and happiness – celebrate life

Write an essay of about 200 word 

The profession you would like to choose

How does nature communicate with the poet?

Summarizing is to briefly sum up the various points from the notes made from the below passage.

The Sherpas were nomadic people who first migrated from Tibet approximately 600 years ago, through the Nangpa La pass and settled in the Solukhumbu District, Nepal. These nomadic people then gradually moved westward along salt trade routes. During 14th century, Sherpa ancestors migrated from Kham. The group of people from the Kham region, east of Tibet, was called “Shyar Khamba”. The inhabitants of Shyar Khamba, were called Sherpa. Sherpa migrants travelled through Ü and Tsang, before crossing the Himalayas. According to Sherpa oral history, four groups migrated out of Solukhumbu at different times, giving rise to the four fundamental Sherpa clans: Minyagpa, Thimmi, Sertawa and Chawa. These four groups have since split into the more than 20 different clans that exist today.

Sherpas had little contact with the world beyond the mountains and they spoke their own language. AngDawa, a 76-year-old former mountaineer recalled “My first expedition was to Makalu [the world’s fifth highest mountain] with Sir Edmund Hillary’’. We were not allowed to go to the top. We wore leather boots that got really heavy when wet, and we only got a little salary, but we danced the Sherpa dance, and we were able to buy firewood and make campfires, and we spent a lot of the time dancing and singing and drinking. Today Sherpas get good pay and good equipment, but they don’t have good entertainment. My one regret is that I never got to the top of Everest. I got to the South Summit, but I never got a chance to go for the top.

The transformation began when the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and the New Zealander Edmund Hillary scaled Everest in 1953. Edmund Hillary took efforts to build schools and health clinics to raise the living standards of the Sherpas. Thus life in Khumbu improved due to the efforts taken by Edmund Hillary and hence he was known as ‘Sherpa King’.

Sherpas working on the Everest generally tend to perish one by one, casualties of crevasse falls, avalanches, and altitude sickness. Some have simply disappeared on the mountain, never to be seen again. Apart from the bad seasons in 1922, 1970 and 2014 they do not die en masse. Sherpas carry the heaviest loads and pay the highest prices on the world’s tallest mountain. In some ways, Sherpas have benefited from the commercialization of the Everest more than any group, earning income from thousands of climbers and trekkers drawn to the mountain. While interest in climbing Everest grew gradually over the decades after the first ascent, it wasn’t until the 1990s that the economic motives of commercial guiding on Everest began. This leads to eclipse the amateur impetus of traditional mountaineering. Climbers looked after each other for the love of adventure and “the brotherhood of the rope” now are tending to mountain businesses. Sherpas have taken up jobs as guides to look after clients for a salary. Commercial guiding agencies promised any reasonably fit person a shot at Everest.

Write slogan to create awareness of the following topic using the tips given above.

  • Blood Donation

Write a paragraph of about 150 word, on the following topic.

The teacher I like the most

The value of discipline

Need for Moral Education in schools

The importance of Good Health

The importance of Reading

Observe the following picture and write a paragraph in about 150 word about each one of them.

report writing on educational development day

Why did one of the girls wail?

Why did William and the other children bully Margot?

What does the title of the story convey?

What is the conflict between Margot and the other children in the story, “All Summer in a day”?

The sun brought about a positive change in the attitude of the children. Illustrate the statement.

Preparation of apple juice

You plan to delight your parents and sister, serving them chilled apple juice. Here is the process: (Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs)

Four or five apples ______ (take) and ______(wash) well. They ______(wipe) dry and cut into pieces of medium size. The seeds ______(remove). Then the apples ______(put) into the mixer. Some milk ____(add) .The apples ______(crush) and a fine liquid ______(obtain). This liquid ______(filter) and the juice ______(store) in the refrigerator. It is ______(take) out whenever needed, and after adding sugar, it ______(serve) in cups.

Installing a computer

The description of installing a computer in your study room is given in the form of jumbled sentences. Rearrange the sentences in the right order and form a coherent paragraph.

1. Once you connect the CPU, connect the keyboard and mouse.
2. Before turning on the power, check that all parts are connected to the CPU.
3. First, open the box and take out the computer parts.
4. Plug both the computer and the monitor with a power cord.
5. Set the computer on a table or flat surface.
6. Finally, turn on the power.

Attempt a description of the following process, in about 100 word each, either using the imperative or the passive.

Preparing your favourite dish

Sending a letter by courier service

Answer the following question as briefly as possible and with close reference to the relevant text.

Referring closely to the conversation between Prospero and Ferdinand at the beginning of Act IV of The Tempest, bring out Prospero’s concerns as a father.

Write a composition in approximately 350 – 400 words on the following subject:

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.)

International sports promote friendship between nations. Argue FOR or AGAINST the given statement.

How does Prospero prove, “the rarer action is in/virtue than in vengeance” in the final act of The Tempest?

Referring closely to the short story, The Singing Lesson relate what Basil wrote in his letter to Miss Meadows. What do you conclude about Basil from the tone and wording of the letter?

Referring closely to the poem, We are the Music Makers, refer to any two examples given by the poet which identify poets and singers as “movers and shakers.”

You have recently watched an interesting film. Write a review of this film, in about 200 – 250 words, based on the points given below.

Name of the film and its director – actors in the film – type of film – plot – quality of direction/acting – cinematography/costumes/sets – reaction of audiences – recommended/not recommended

Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on the following:

Imagine a situation where a child runs away from home but later returns. Why did he or she run away? What made him/her come back? Write an original short story entitled: 'Finding My Way Home'.

Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Describe an area in your city or hometown which is famous for its street food. Give details of the familiar sights and sounds you would experience on this street.

It is very important for young people to spend time quietly or alone for a short while every day. If you were given an hour to spend on your own, how will you spend it? What will you learn from the process?

Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it.

report writing on educational development day

You have been given a small sum of money to buy a gift with for a friend. What gift would you choose (specify) and why would you choose this? Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the gift and how it will benefit him/her.

You have planned to organize a health camp at school. Write a letter to the Manager of a supermarket requesting sponsorship for the event. Name the event and explain how it will benefit both the community as well as the supermarket.

Write an e-mail to the General Manager of a local hospital requesting him/her to send a senior doctor to talk to the participants at the event about the quality of mask which would give them the best protection.

Write the full form for the following.

wasn’t - ______

Read the given sentence and underline the 'no' word.

Ram has no book.

Read the given sentence and underline the no word.

Was Gopal nowhere around?

I have no coat.

Write a dialogue between a student and teacher on 'Importance of Yoga'.

News Report:

Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of the given points:

21-Year-Old Mayur Wins World Chess Championship

Make use of the following guidelines:

  • Body of the report

On returning home, Tishani Doshi writes her thoughts reflecting on how her decision to enrol for the Students on Ice programme has been the single most important decision of her life that has completely transformed her.

Imagine yourself to be Tishani and express these thoughts.

You may begin like this:

I can’t thank my stars enough for having cashed in on the opportunity of........

The given bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different games over the span of six years. Write an analytical paragraph about the given information in about 109 words:

report writing on educational development day

“What man calls civilization always results in deserts. Man is never on the square he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth. Each generation wastes a little more of the future with greed and lust for riches”- Don Marquis

With our modern awareness of ecology are we likely to make sufficient progress in conservation, or are we still in danger of damaging the earth beyond repair? Write a discursive essay discussing the issue being raised.

"That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value."- Thomas Paine

Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. (You may use examples from your reading, observations, and inputs from subjects such as History, Science and literature)

Certainly anyone who insists on condemning all lies should think about what would happen if we could reliably tell when our family, friends, colleagues, and government leaders were deceiving us. It is tempting to think that the world would become a better place without the deceptions that seem to interfere with our attempts are genuine communication. On the other hand, perhaps there is such a thing as too much honesty. - Adapted from Allison Kornet, "The Truth About Lying"

Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

It is widely believed that people do their best work when they are promised rewards for their achievements. Our schools and workplaces operate on the assumption that good work occurs when people are competing for grades, money, or recognition from others. In truth, the prospect of rewards provided by others can inhibit and limit people’s drive and creativity. People do their best work when motivated from within by their enjoyment of a particular challenge and their satisfaction in doing something well.

What do you think motivates people to do their best? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

Write letter to your father asking permission to go on a educational tour.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on the topic given below.

Write a letter to your father asking permission to go on an educational tour.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a program and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Group Discussion:

You along with your friends Sujit, Rohit and Kishore discussing their likes and dislikes. But all are fascinated with the reading habit. Write a short group discussion in the form of dialogue telling the importance of reading for enhancing knowledge.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter about the topic given below.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on any one of the topics given below.

Life is a series of choices that we make every day. Narrate an incident when you had to make a difficult choice. Elaborate on the positive impact it had on you.

Write a composition on humor.

Discuss the following and write the summary of your discussion in the form of bullet points.

  • How are certain ideas/customs/knowledge passed on from one generation to the next?
  • Is it necessary for children to follow the footsteps of their forefathers? If yes, why? Why is it sometimes necessary to change the old ways?
  • What do you like best about your school?
  • Do you think school is fun?
  • Which is the part that you don’t like?
  • How often should the teacher give you a test?

Read the following questions and answers. Form pairs and frame similar questions and answers for this website. How to use this website:

report writing on educational development day

How to use this website:

  • If I want to buy a story book on this website, where can I find it? - In the categories on the left, in the options under Books you will find story books. Click that option.
  • I want a CD of the dictionary. - Go to ‘e-learning’. Under that Click the ‘dictionary’ option.
  • Where can I look for books in the Hindi language? -You can go to the Languages option on the left and tick the box before Hindi.
  • How can I find what discounts are available? - Under the filters on left you will find discounts.
  • Are there any specific deals/offers on specific days? - There is a CSY (Chalashikuya) deal. You can click on it and find out the deal of the day.
  • Can I purchase only one thing at a time? - No, you can buy many things at a time. Select whatever you want and add to the cart and then browse again for another product.
  • When will my order be delivered? - Maximum in 10 working days. You can also track your order by clicking the icon ‘track order.’
  • There is one icon ‘Gift Coupons’. What does it mean? - You can give a gift coupon to your friend by using this icon and he/she can purchase the product of his/her choice with the help of it.
  • Is this site only for purchasing? - No, you can also sell your old books and other educational things here.
  • How can I find out whether the product is good or not? - You can see the ratings and reviews of users below each product.

Translate the following sentence into your mother tongue.

The second question to ask is - is it pleasant?

Find some examples of antithesis from your mother tongue and translate them into English.

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write.

A businessman

A politician

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write .

Think of different types of people who have to face great difficulties. Write what you can do to help at least one of them.

The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed-up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets.

  • Characters Enter
  • Curtain opens
  • Action begins
  • Scene of the play
  • Curtain closes
  • Finale (Final outcome)
  • Interaction of characters

Imagine you are a tourist guide at Sindhudurg. Write two sentences each about the following points to help foreign tourists.

  • About the place: History, languages spoken, special attractions
  • Food: speciality, local delicacies, options (Indian, continental)
  • Shopping: authenticity of local artefacts, price, variety

Using the internet, find the following information about a place you wish to visit using the following points.

  • Distance from your place
  • Available modes of transport
  • Accommodation facilities
  • Historical facts
  • Famous sites

Describe your dream vehicle in a few lines.

What provisions should be made in public places so that everyone gets the same access to public facilities?

Write about your own experience. Do you remember an occasion when you did something successfully for the first time? Write about it in short (10-12 lines). Prepare an outline of your composition before you write it.

Gather more information about the following:

  • Different types of impairment that limit a person’s activity or make it difficult for him/her to mix with others in society.
  • How modern technology can be used to overcome these problems.

What makes you happy?

What’s the difference between ‘hear’ and ‘listen?

Do you like slow-moving serials?

Divide the students into groups of five. They sit in a circle. They choose one object of daily use such as a bag, wallet, box, etc. The group leader writes four sentences about it.

  • I have found a ______
  • It’s (colour)
  • It’s (shape)
  • It has a ______
  • I found it (place where it was found)

Others, too, write four sentences each.

  • • I’ve lost a ______
  • • I lost it (place where it was lost)

They all open read their lines, beginning with the group leader. The player whose description matches the group leader’s the most gets the object.

Complete the dialogue.

Which is your favourite book?
What type of book is it?

Write letter to your father asking permission to go on an educational tour.

Send a formal letter of invitation · in 50 words to Dr. Mehra, noted novelist and educationist, to speak on, The Importance of Books'. You are Lena/Sanjay, Secretary Literary Club, S. S. Public School. Meritionday, date, time and venue.

Informal Letter -

Write a letter to your friend describing the details of the vacation.

Write a composition (in approximately 400-450 words) of the following subject:

Recently you attended the wedding of a close relative. It was the first family gathering after the pandemic. Describe the excitement of meeting all the family members, the venue of the wedding, the food that was served and the celebrations that followed.

Write a review of a film that you watched recently, using the points given below. The reveiw is to be published in your school newsletter and should not exceed 300 words.

Name of the film and director - lead actors and their performances - plot - setting - description of a scene that you particularly liked - rating and recommendation.

As a Member of the Student Council of ABC School, you wish to start a Laughter Club to develop the appreciation for humour among students. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, outlining the steps you would take to make this club a success.

How do Prospero, Ferdinand and Caliban perceive Miranda? Give one example of each of their perceptions, from the Acts studied, to support your answer. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Referring closely to any two instances from the Acts studied, show how music is used to influence the course of events/action in the play, Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 200-250 words.

Based on the short story, The Story of an Hour, discuss what can be inferred about the significance of the open window in Mrs. Mallard’s room. Write your answer in a short paragraph of 100-150 words.

Miss Meadows’ need for societal acceptance makes her overlook Basil’s insensitivity and shortcomings. Discuss with reference to the short story. The Singing Lesson is about 200-250 words.

Show how Carol Ann Duffy presents a disturbing picture of confinement and exploitation in the poem, The Dolphins. Write your answer in about 200-250 words.

Write a composition (in approximately 400 – 450 words) on the following subject.

During the lunch break, a surprising sight unfolded as a monkey entered your school campus. Narrate your experience as you took charge and guided junior students to their classrooms ensuring their safety.

Parents should not influence their children when choosing the subjects they wish to study. Argue either FOR or AGAINST the given statement.

As the school leader, you have been given the responsibility of organising a school trip for the students of classes XI and XII to a place of historical importance. Write a proposal in about 150 words stating the steps you would take to successfully organise the trip.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter about the topic given below. 

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SSLC 10th Standard, English, Tamil Nadu, Write a report on ‘Educational Development Day’

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report writing on educational development day

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report writing on educational development day

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‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was

report writing on educational development day

Write a report of the following events in about 100-120 words.

‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were Jield and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.

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report writing on educational development day

Jawahar Higher Secondary School, Karuvalipat, celebrated the Educational Development Day on the 15th of July, 2019 in the school premises. As part of the event, many competitions were held from the morning for students. Primary School children actively participated in the Drawing Competition depicting Education Development Day. Oratorical contest on the topic, ‘The importance of education’ was held for students of Std VI to VIII.

A Debate on the topic, ‘Development is vivid only with an educated society’ was conducted for Std IX to XII Students. At 2 p.m., The District Collector, Ms. Yasmin Begum presided over the Valedictory function and addressed the students on the importance of being a literate. She encouraged students to pursue higher education and reach great heights. The Chief Guest distributed the trophies to the winners and all the participants were given certificates. It was a grand and successful event and a day to be remembered for ever.

Member Of The Organising Committee Shanmathy Velayudham

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Top 10 School Report Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 School Report Templates with Examples and Samples

Gunjan Gupta


We all know report cards, don’t we? With grades and numbers, they were nothing less than a horror story that influenced self-perception, parental opinions, and future educational or career pathways. 

But do you often wonder if the grades A to F in the report cards show our true potential? This question nudges us to dig deeper into these documents and change our outlook on using them, especially since the modern education system values diversity in learning styles and intelligence. 

If you are wondering how then keep on reading.

This is where our ready-to-use PowerPoint report templates act as a game-changer for educators striving to craft more personalized, comprehensive, and visually engaging documents. 

These reports allow educators to move beyond traditional grading systems, offering a canvas to illustrate students' progress with graphs, charts, and personalized comments. They enable the integration of digital portfolios, project-based assessments, and soft skill evaluations, thus providing a multi-dimensional view of student growth.

Intrigued to know more about school calendars and how they can be adapted for various educational levels, from elementary to high school? Here is a must-read then. Click to learn more! 

Utilizing ready-to-use PPT templates simplifies the report creation process and empowers educators to present a more nuanced and colorful narrative of student achievement. With these tools, school reports can truly reflect the unique journey of every learner, ensuring that each report is not just a summary of grades, but a story of individual learning paths and achievements. This modern approach to school reporting can revolutionize how educators, students, and parents view and value educational progress, making every report an opportunity to celebrate the diverse capabilities of students.

So, without further ado, let’s dive deeper into these designs and transform our grading system for good! 

Got a school success story? But don’t know how and where to feature it? Here are 5 best school newsletter templates to help you. Download them today! 

Template 1: Playschool Proposal Report Sample

Discover our Playschool Proposal, presenting comprehensive information on formal environments and structured processes tailored to children. This proposal outlines the project's context and primary objectives for daycare services, showcasing a range of engaging activities like the kids' introduction, snack breaks, outdoor play, etc. It details the diverse playing and learning programs that foster children's development, whether they be infants, toddlers, preschoolers, or kindergarteners. It also provides an investment plan outlining services such as summer school camps, play school, transportation, and others, along with their costs and key benefits that the clients can expect. Additionally, this proposal offers a concise overview of the company and its standards, and programs, including recent sessions and events. It is a great asset to up your planning game.

Playschool Proposal

Download now 

Template 2: Private School Annual Report Sample

Take advantage of this report template to provide a comprehensive overview of annual accomplishments, financial standings, student progressions, and future visions for your private educational establishments. It also highlights the key initiatives undertaken by the institution to improve learning such as English proficiency, support to teachers, and more. This makes this set essential for stakeholders such as parents, faculty, and board members to view invaluable insights to make informed decisions. It also guides the trajectory of the institution while ensuring alignment with its overarching goals and aspirations, thereby contributing to its sustained growth and success.

Private School Annual Report Samples

Template 3: Preschool Annual Report Template

Tailored for preschools, this specialized template tracks student advancement, staff growth, program efficacy, and financial robustness. By transparently documenting these facets, it nurtures stakeholder involvement and upholds accountability within the preschool ecosystem. This comprehensive tool furnishes a detailed panorama of the preschool's functioning and accomplishments, facilitating informed decision-making and continuous improvement. Whether assessing educational strategies or financial allocations, this template empowers administrators to make data-driven choices that enhance the overall preschool experience for students, staff, and families. Get it now.

Preschool Annual Report Template

Template 4: Sample School Counseling Annual Report

This document assesses the effects of counseling services on student welfare, academic prowess, and interpersonal development. This is done by shedding light on the school mission, academic activities, concerned crisis, counseling highlights, school balance sheet, and more. It also illuminates achievements and pinpoints avenues for advancement. This helps nurture a comprehensive framework for student assistance and growth and creates a conducive environment for achieving academic and personal excellence.

Sample School Counseling Annual Report

Template 5: Annual School Library Report Sample

This report outlines the library's role in realizing educational objectives by presenting circulation statistics, program accomplishments, resource enhancements, and strategic blueprints for future growth. It serves as a foundational document for championing library resources and propelling literacy endeavors throughout the school ecosystem by presenting sections like academic highlights, school progress snapshots, future developments, and more. This helps accentuate the library's profound impact on the holistic educational journey. The report emphasizes the library's vital role in enhancing intellectual engagement and academic progress by promoting knowledge dissemination and cultivating a learning culture. Its in-depth insights and proactive strategies enable stakeholders to appreciate and harness the library's essential contribution to shaping educational achievements.

Annual School Library Report Sample

Download now  

Template 6: Bifold One-Page Middle School Newsletter Template

This concise and dynamic report template helps in sharing significant updates, milestones, accomplishments, and forthcoming activities within the middle school. By facilitating swift and accessible communication, it cultivates a robust bond among students, educators, and families, bolstering a collective sense of belonging and enthusiasm. Through its streamlined approach, it fortifies school spirit and participation, nurturing an environment conducive to collaboration and inclusivity. By prioritizing clarity and conciseness, it optimizes engagement and ensures that pertinent information reaches all stakeholders, thus building a cohesive and vibrant middle school community. Get it now.


Template 7: Bifold One-Page Elementary School Library Newsletter

Crafted with the intention of fostering greater literacy and library involvement among elementary school students, this newsletter presents a diverse array of engaging content. From exciting updates on library happenings to curated book suggestions and insightful event recaps, it offers an enriching experience tailored to young readers. Interactive reading initiatives further enhance its appeal, encouraging active participation and a deeper connection with literature. More than just exchanging messages, this newsletter serves as a vital instrument in nurturing a passion for reading and cultivating a lasting appreciation for education. By highlighting literacy and advocating for library resources, it motivates students to eagerly explore the boundless domains of knowledge, empowering them to become enthusiastic pursuers of wisdom. Download this template now.

Selfie Reading Challenge

Download now

Template 8: One-Page Back to School Parent Newsletter Presentation Report

This invaluable tool provides parents with essential information, updates, and resources to facilitate a smooth transition back to school. With its thorough coverage of school policies, procedures, and available support services, it strengthens collaboration between parents and the school community. With crucial knowledge and resources at their disposal, parents can utilize this slide to ready themselves in offering necessary guidance and support, ultimately ensuring their children thrive. This comprehensive method cultivates a nurturing environment that promotes both academic and social development, setting the stage for a rewarding educational experience.


Template 9: Preschool Weekly Lesson Plan in One Page Summary Presentation Report

Designed as a concise and practical aid for educators, this one-page summary offers a structured approach to teaching. It delineates clear objectives, engaging activities, and effective assessment methods. By promoting consistency in learning experiences, particularly for preschool students, it facilitates optimal developmental outcomes. This tool serves as a roadmap for educators, ensuring their instructional plans align with overarching educational goals. Its streamlined format enhances instructional efficiency while fostering a conducive learning environment. With a focus on clarity and coherence, educators can confidently navigate each week's curriculum, maximizing the impact of their teaching efforts and supporting the holistic growth of young learners. Get it now.

Preschool Weekly Lesson Plan in One Page Summary

Template 10: One-Pager Monthly School Guide Newsletter Template

This comprehensive monthly digest offers a diverse array of content including news highlights, practical tips, event schedules, and valuable educational materials. By engaging with the broader school community, the newsletter cultivates essential links, promoting involvement and nurturing a feeling of cohesion within the school environment. This helps create an atmosphere of transparent communication and collaborative endeavors among students, parents, and staff. It also helps in raising awareness and encourage participation in the school’s educational community, where each person is empowered to play a significant role in advancing the school's objectives and ambitions. Get it now.


The Evolution of School Reports

As we draw the curtains on our exploration of the dynamic landscape of school reports, it's clear that these educational documents are on the cusp of a profound transformation. The journey from traditional grade listings to personalized narratives, powered by the innovative use of ready-to-use PowerPoint templates, marks a significant leap towards honoring the multifaceted achievements of students. 

This evolution is not just about changing formats or adding visual appeal; it's about redefining success in education. It shows a commitment towards recognizing every student's unique journey, celebrating not just academic milestones but personal growth, creativity, and resilience.

So, don’t just wait and watch. Download your favorite tools today! 

P.S. Are you curious about which newsletter templates are favored by educators? Here are a few to ease your racing mind

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  • [Updated 2023] 10 Tips to Write an Effective Business Report [Templates Included]
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Report Writing Class 12 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

September 24, 2021 by Bhagya

♦ Formal Address: A report is a brief account of an event that has already taken place. The report helps in recording the events of importance that occur in our day-to-day life. It attempts to present the firsthand information of an incident or event. A report of an event presents a record of events that took place. A report of an event includes one’s ideas, opinions and impressions about the event.

♦ Points to Remember:

  • Mention the place, date, time and other relevant facts about the event.
  • Include information collected from the people around or affected by the event.
  • Write the name of the reporter.
  • Provide a suitable title/heading.
  • Write in past tense.
  • Write in reported speech and use passive form of expression.
  • Develop ideas (causes, reasons, consequences, opinions) logically.
  • Write in a less formal and more descriptive manner, while writing a report for a school magazine.
  • Present your ideas and impressions to make the report interesting.

♦ Marks will be awarded for:

  • Reporter’s name
  • Expression: Accuracy + Fluency

report writing format cbse class 12

Report Writing Format and Examples

♦ Previous Years’ CBSE Examination Questions

♦ Very Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. You are Sweety/Suresh of L.M. Jain School, Ajmer. As Secretary of your School Co-curricular Activities Club, you visited a slum area in your city where the people suffered a great loss of life and property in a massive fire. The students of your school rendered their services and material help to the victims. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. (Delhi 2010) Answer:

Students Service To Victims Of Fire By: Sweety L.M. Jain School

14th February, 20xx. A major slum area in Vilas Nagar was gutted by a massive fire on 10th February, 20xx. The fire whose exact cause is still not very clear caused extensive damage to life and property. Ten persons lost their lives, many were injured and about two hundred people were rendered homeless. Our school joined and relief to the victims. The students of our school got together and collected food packets, old clothes, medicines, utensils, etc. to be distributed to these homeless and helpless people. Ten students and three teachers personally visited this slum area to ensure proper and fair distribution of the items that had been collected and thus provided some relief to these unfortunate people in their time of crisis and misery.

Question 2. Recently your school held a Seminar on Conservation of Water as a part of World Water Day celebrations. As the School Pupil Leader of Maryland School, Gurgaon, write a report in 100-125 words for a local daily. Sign as Pritham/Preeti. (Delhi 2010) Answer:

Seminar On Water Conservation By: Preeti Maryland School,

Gurgaon 16th March, 20xx, Gurgaon: Our school organised a seminar on ‘Water Conservation’ as part of the World Water Day Celebrations on 13th August, 20xx. The main aim of this seminar was to remind us all about the need to save the government and the non-governmental organisations in providing help water as it is a precious source imperative for our survival.

distinguished environmentalists and eminent personalities were our guest speakers and they reiterated the need not only of conserving water but also spoke at length on how to conserve water by stressing upon the fact that each drop of water is precious. Dr. Yashraj, an eminent environmentalist, suggested rain-water harvesting as one of the best ways to conserve water.

Using visual aids to highlight his discourse, he suggested that to ensure availability of water for the future generations the withdrawal of fresh water from an ecosystem should not exceed its natural replacement rate. The seminar concluded on the note that water conservation is the most cost-effective, environmentally sound way to reduce our demand for water and so each one of us must do our bit towards improving water management to enhance optimum use of water.

Question 3. Your school organised an exhibition-cum-sale of the items prepared under Work Experience Certificate by your school students. There was an overwhelming response from the public. Prepare a report in 100-125 words for a local daily. You are the Coordinator, S.U.P.W. activities, Nita School, Gurgaon. (All India 2010) Answer:

An Exhibition-Cum-Sale By: ABC, Coordinator, SUPW Activities Nita School, Gurgaon

3rd Aug. 20xx, Gurgaon. Our school organised an exhibition-cum-sale of items prepared under Work Experience by our students on the 31st of July in the school lawns. It was heartening to see the overwhelming response our endeavour got from not only the parents but also from the general public who showed a lot of interest in the items made by the students. A wide array of items such as candles, greeting cards, jewellery boxes, wooden handicrafts had been prepared by talented students.

The students were really encouraged by the positive feedback they got from everyone present. Our principal too was personally present there all the time interacting with everyone. He appreciated the students’ hard work and creativity and announced that the money collected from the sale of items would be donated to an old-age home in the vicinity of our school. Our principal also decided that such initiatives would be taken up by our school more frequently to motivate the creative students and to help a noble cause.

Question 4. Your state government has banned the use of plastic bags. Your are Amarjeet, a reporter of The National Herald. Write a report in 100-125 words on how the ban is being ignored and what damage the indiscriminate use of plastic bags in causing to the environment. (Comptt. Delhi 2010) Answer:

Environment Unfriendly Polybags By: Amarjeet, Staff Reporter The National Herald

In the year 2002 the government had banned the production and use of plastic bags in our country. But unfortunately, these are now being widely used again everywhere. Not only are we using a huge number of polybags daily but we are also discarding them in our drains uncaring about the fact that they will block the flow of drain water. Polybags are also a threat to our environment. They cause pollution, kill wildlife and are responsible for using up the natural resources of the earth. They are one of the main factors that litter the landscape. If burnt, they will infuse the surrounding air with toxic fumes.

The main problem of plastic bags is that they are non-biodegradable. The decomposition of plastic takes around a thousand years, so with the plastic rubbish produced each day it is likely that this problem will never be solved. While the government works out ways to lessen the impact of polybags on the environment each one of us too should shoulder some responsibility for this problem that ultimately harms us all.

Question 5. You are Ramesh/Rani, Sports Secretary, Government Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh. Last Monday an inter-school twenty-over cricket match was played on your school ground. Write a report in 100-125 words on the match. (Comptt. All India 2010) Answer:

Inter-School Twenty Over Cricket Match Ramesh, Sports Secretary,

Govt. Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh 17th January, 20xx. Last Monday an inter-school twenty over cricket match played in our school grounds between Kendriya Vidyalaya, Sector-4 and Central School, Sector-37. It was one of the most thrilling match that we all had seen as the winner was decided only after the last ball of the match had been bowled. Kendriya Vidyalaya won the toss and chose to bat. They set a target of 130 runs in twenty overs for the opposition team who beat them in the last ball of the match by hitting a boundary which took their score to 131 runs. Central School had to make ten runs in the last two balls in order to win. Their star batsman ABC scored a six followed by a fantastic boundary to take his team to victory. It was a great match with a nail-biting finish and all the spectators present there thoroughly enjoyed watching it.

Question 6. A major bus mishap which left several people seriously injured took place at Nicholas Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai. Luckily no life was lost. Collect the information from the eyewitnesses and send a report in 100-125 words to ‘The Nungambakkam Times’. You are Vinod/Vinodhini, a reporter. (Delhi 2011) Answer:

Bus Mishap Vinod, Staff Reporter

The Nungambakkam Times 14th February, 20xx: A major bus mishap took place at Nicholas Road in Nungambakkam, Chennai yesterday at about 10 a.m. It resulted in serious injuries to almost twelve of the twenty-five passengers who were on board the bus. Luckily though, there was no loss of life. An eyewitness accounts how the high speeding bus overturned when it took a sharp turn in an attempt to avert a collision with a truck that was coming in the wrong direction.

The authorities have arrested the truck driver for his negligence. The bus driver could not be taken into custody for overspeeding as he is admitted in hospital with grievous injuries. The state government has announced a compensation of? 25,000 for those seriously injured and ‘10,000 for those whose injurious are not very serious. A state-level inquiry has also been ordered into the mishap.

Question 7. You are Poorva/Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur. A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. Invent the details. (All India 2011) Answer:

Music And Dance Fiesta Poorva, Cultural Secretary D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur

26th August, 20xx: Our school organised a week-long Music and Dance festival, which commenced on the 18th of August and ended on the 26th of August, in which 15 schools of our town participated. It was a great music and dance extravaganza which saw a wide variety of Indian classical music and folklore and western music and dance forms. During this week-long festival, many competitions and programmes were organised in our school and these were graced by illustrious musicians and reputed dancers. On the concluding day of this festival, a two-hour-long programme displaying a unique fusion of classical and western dance and music was put up. This was a treat and delight for all music and dance lovers and was also the highlight of our festival. Seeing the huge success of this fiesta our principal assured us that attempts would be made to organise it on a regular basis.

Question 8. You visited a Job Fair organised by Ability Foundation at Chennai recently. You were impressed to see that nearly 55 companies from various sectors such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics etc. offered jobs to the final year students of colleges. As a reporter of ‘The Deccan Times’, Chennai, prepare a report in 100-125 words. You are Peeyush/Priya. (All India 2011) Answer:

Great Job Opportunities For Young Students Priya, Staff Reporter, The Deccan Times

14th April, 20xx: The Ability Forum organised a Job Fair in Chennai for final year students of colleges. The fair witnessed an overwhelming response from job seekers and companies from across the region. The two-day event saw 55 companies from various sectors, such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics, etc. offering jobs to these students. It was really a great incentive for these fresh graduates to be offered jobs literally ‘on a platter’. Over 500 job seekers walked into seek well-paying jobs with the most renowned companies. This is surely going to motivate other undergraduates to attend this fair every year. Such employment fairs should be organised as these provide an ideal platform for students who are on the lookout for jobs after having completed their graduate-level education.

Question 9. You witnessed a programme performed by differently-abled persons on Zee TV. You were very much impressed by their performance and were emotionally touched. Highlighting their talent, the reaction of the judges to their performance etc., prepare a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Gopal/Gopi, Student Editor of the magazine. (All India 2011) Answer:

A Special Programme On Zee Tv Gopi, Student Editor

On the occasion of Independence Day, Zee TV organized a special programme in which differently-abled persons performed in front of a live audience and were also watched by millions of people across the globe. They displayed their talent in the fields of music and dance. Their performances left the judges, the audience and the viewers enthralled. I am sure it also touched the hearts of many.

An outstanding sequence, in which wheelchair-bound boys and girls performed ‘Bharatnatyam’, left the audience spellbound and got a standing ovation from the judges.

It was most touching to see these children performing with such perfection despite their handicaps and their zest and enthusiasm added an extra touch to their performance. I strongly feel more such shows should be telecast so that more disabled children get an opportunity to showcase their talent. This will give them self-confidence that in spite of their disabilities they too are very much a part of our society.

Question 10. You are Pulkil/Prema, a staff reporter of The Times of India. You have been asked to cover an incident of daylight robbery on the outskirts of Delhi when the inmates were present in the house. Write a report in 100-125 words. (Comptt. Delhi 2011) Answer:

Daylight Robbery Prema, Staff Reporter Tire Times of India

17th August, 20xx, Delhi: A daring, daylight robbery has set fear and anxiety in the minds of the residents of Najafgarh, that lies on the outskirts of Delhi. Four armed robbers entered the house of a retired IAS official in broad daylight at about 4 p.m. The official himself was present in the house along with his wife, daughter-in-law and two-year-old grandson. Though the robbers did not harm the inmates, they locked them up in a store-room before escaping with? 75,000 cash and gold jewellery worth about? 3 lakhs. This incident evoked a lot of resentment among the residents of the area who complained about a total security lapse in their colony. The police have registered a complaint of robbery and on the basis of the appearance of the robbers given by the inmates a search has been launched to apprehend all the four.

Question 11. Recently a cultural programme was arranged by B.M. Public School, Noida with the help of the local artists of the city for raising funds to help an association for the differently-abled children of your city. Write a report in 100-125 words for publication in the newsletter of your school. You are Sunil/Sunita, Secretary of the Social Club of your school. (Comptt. Delhi 2011) Answer:

Cultural Programme To Help Disabled By: Sunita, Secretary, Social Club

Our school arranged a cultural programme with the help of the local artists of our city to raise funds to help an association ‘Nirmal-Chaya’ that works for the differently-abled children of our city. All the proceeds from this programme were given to the NGO so that they are in a better position to provide assistance to these unfortunate children in the form of medical aid. It was most heartening to see the overwhelming response of our staff, students and their parents for our noble endeavour. The local artists too participated in this programme without charging any money as everyone wanted to do their bit for a good cause. Seeing the positive response of everyone who was involved in this noble cause, our school authorities have decided to organise one such event every year to help the NGOs of our city.

Question 12. Write a report in 100-125 words on ‘No Tobacco’ campaign organized by your school in the academic session 2010-11. You are Deep/ Deepa, Cultural Secretary, Anupam Senior Secondary School, Meerut. (Comptt. Delhi 2011) Answer:

‘No Tobacco’ Campaign Deep, Cultural Secretary Anupam Sr. Secondary School, Meerut

Our school organised a ‘No Tobacco’ Campaign on 19th November during the academic session 2010-11. Our school children took out a huge procession around the school carrying posters and placards and shouting slogans on the harmful effects of tobacco. This campaign also brought together experts from various fields like fitness experts, public health experts, media representatives and also members of the youth organizations who increased awareness about the dangers of using tobacco. Various interschool art competitions, debates and declamations were also organised as a part of this campaign. The main aim of our campaign was to highlight the hazards of using tobacco and to encourage people to give up use of tobacco in any form. Through this campaign the student community came forth in its own way to lend its voice and draw public attention to the fatal dangers of using tobacco.

Question 13. Write a report as an eyewitness to the fire accident that occurred in your neighbourhood. Your report should be within 100-125 words. Invent the necessary details. You are Rashi/ Raman of 15, Ballimaran, Delhi. (Comptt. All India 2011) Answer:

Fire Mishap Raman 15 Ballimaran, Delhi

12th September, 20xx, Delhi: A fire broke out in our neighbourhood in Ballimaran yesterday in a two-storey house due to a gas cylinder explosion. Three persons received severe burn injuries and household goods worth almost five lakhs were completely destroyed. It was rather frightening to see the extent of the flames which seemed to engulf even the adjacent houses. Though the exact cause of the bursting of the cylinder is not known, it is suspected that a possible leakage in the gas pipe triggered the blast. It took three fire tenders almost four hours to control the fire. The police have registered a case of accident and a probe to investigate the exact cause of the fire will be carried out. The injured persons, a man and two women, have been admitted to the Bums Ward of ABC Hospital and their condition is stated to be critical.

Question 14. You are an eye-witness to a road accident resulting in loss of human life and property. As a press reporter of National Herald, write a report in 100-125 words. (Comptt. All India 2011) Answer:

Fatal Road Accident XYZ, Staff Reporter National Herald

5th May, 20xx, Delhi: Two persons were killed and three injured when a speeding Scorpio crashed into their Maruti 800 car near the INA Metro Station yesterday afternoon. The incident took place at around 12:45 p.m. when the victims, aged between 35-40 years, were going from their office to attend a meeting at South Extension. As their vehicle approached the INA Metro Station, a speeding Scorpio rammed into the Maruti from behind killing two people on the spot and injuring the other three occupants. The accident also caused a traffic snarl on the busy road before the police arrived on the scene and rushed the injured to the nearby AIIMS Trauma Centre. The accused, driver of the Scorpio, has been arrested and a case of rash and negligent driving causing death has been registered against him.

Question 15. Your school Commerce Association organised a seminar for class XII students of the schools of your zone on the topic, ‘Rising prices create a crisis’. As Co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Piyush/Priya of ABC School, Agra. (Delhi 2012) Answer:

Seminar On ‘Rising Prices’ Priya, Co-ordinator, Commerce Association ABC School, Agra

The Commerce Association of our school organised a seminar for the class XII students of all the schools of our zone on 19th November, 20xx. The topic of the seminar was ‘Rising prices create a crisis’. The three-day seminar, which was attended by distinguished and eminent personalities from the field of finance and commerce, was an eye-opener as to how the ever-rising prices are most likely to cause a crisis to which there may be no solution. The need of the hour of our government is to check and control the rising prices which have strained the pocket as well as the well-being of the common man. The students got an insight into how inflation is hampering the economic growth of our country. On a concluding note our principal assured us that he would do his best to organise seminars on contemporary issues regularly.

Question 16. A new indoor gymnasium has recently been constructed and inaugurated at APJ International School at Goa. As special correspondent of ‘The Hindu’ draft a report in 100-125 words on the gymnasium and the inauguration ceremony. (Delhi 2012) Answer:

State-Of-The-Art Gymnasium Inauguration Special Correspondent, The Hindu

7th August, Goa: An indoor gymnasium which had been under construction for the past few months was inaugurated at APJ International School. The State Health Minister, Shri S.D. Philips, inaugurated the fully equipped air-conditioned gymnasium yesterday in the presence of the staff and students of the school. In his inaugural speech, the Minister stressed upon the need of physical fitness and the importance of following a regular work-out regime in today’s stressful lifestyle. The gymnasium combines innovative early physical education, pre-gymnastics classes with state-of-the-art fitness equipment and other facilities.

Such initiatives empower the school children by j helping them to acquire the necessary skills, confidence and positive self-image needed to become healthy young adults.

Question 17. Your school conducted a seminar on ‘How to prevent cruelty towards animals’, in which 40 city CBSE schools took part. As Co-ordinator of the programme, write a report in 100-125 words for the school magazine. You are Vikram/Vidhi of C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Bengaluru. (Delhi 2012) Answer:

Seminar To Prevent Cruelty Towards Animals Vidhi, Co-ordinator C.P.S. Senior Secondary School, Bangalore

Our school conducted a seminar for classes XI and XII on ‘How to prevent cruelty towards animals’. Forty city CBSE schools participated in this three-day seminar which started on 31st October, 20xx. The seminar discussed animal cruelty in perspective to two main themes — preventing cruelty to animals through early intervention, educating and changing legislation and examining the connection between cruelty towards animals in relation to the violent human nature. Distinguished members of the SPCA organisation addressed: the members during this seminar.

They stressed upon the need for compassion and care which is due to animals as living and responsive beings. Animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans, and that is not to be left to the compassionate impulses of humans but is an entitlement that must be protected under the law. During this seminar, other animal-cruelty issues that came under the scanner were fighting animal cruelty perpetrated by industries like factory farming, the fur industry, animal experimentation and animals used in entertainment.

Question 18. You witnessed a bomb blast in a Delhi market when you went there for shopping along with your parents for Diwali purchases. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. (Delhi 2012) Answer:

Bomb Explosion In Market-Place By: ABC

Our shopping for Diwali could not have taken a more ghastly and ugly turn, that was beyond even our worst nightmare. On 24th October, 20xx, a powerful bomb blast rocked the busy Karol Bagh market where I had gone along with my parents for Diwali shopping. The explosion took place at about 6.10 pm near a three-wheeled vehicle which got ripped apart. Within seconds the entire area was strewn with glass and splattered with blood. Amidst utter fear, chaos and confusion people were seen running wildly, some in search of their dear ones and others to ensure their own safety.

I stood they are dumbfounded, almost paralysed with fear as my parents helped an old couple who had sustained severe injuries in the blast. Not even in my wildest dreams could I have imagined the horrific sights that then met my eyes. I am convinced that these nightmarish sights are there to stay in my memory for a lifetime. Every time I close my eyes I relive those horrifying moments where I can see people wailing and groaning.

Question 19. You witnessed a fire accident in a slum area near your colony on Saturday night. You were very much disturbed at the pathetic sight. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. You are Lakshmi/Lakshman, a student of P.D.K. International School, Madurai. (All India 2012) Answer:

Fire In Slum Area By: Lakshmi

P.D.K. International School, Madurai A fire broke out near our colony, I.G. Extension on 12th October, 20xx. This ghastly fire burnt down at least 50 shanties and about 30 casualties were reported. The meagre belongings of daily wagers and labourers living in this slum were turned to ashes. The pathetic sight of wailing children and women was heartrending. Since the fire broke out at around 7.30 pm, most of the womenfolk were cooking their evening meals. So many slum dwellers had to go hungry that night as the fire brigades took almost four hours to douse the flames and control the fire. People from our colony came forward to help these distressed people. We offered packed food and water to them. The miserable plight of these people as their abodes turned to ashes will continue to haunt the residents of our locality for a long time.

Question 20. You are Keshav/Karuna, Sports Secretary of Vidhyapeet, Bengaluru. You participated in the national level CBSE Chess Tournament at Delhi recently. Write a report for your school magazine, in 100-125 words on the programme and your team’s performance. (Comptt. Delhi 2012) Answer:

Cbse Chess Tournament By: Karuna,

Sports Secretary It was a great honour for me to represent my school, Vidhyapeet, Bengaluru, in the national level CBSE Chess Tournament held at Delhi j from 19th to 22nd September, 20xx. The I tournament was inaugurated by the CBSE chairman. Seven schools from all over India had qualified for the national level competition. The first round of the competition started on 19th September in the ABC Indoor Stadium. After various elimination rounds came the final round in which our school and Model School, Chennai qualified. Finally, this journey of ten cracker rounds was won by our school by scoring 8.5 points. With great pride I accepted the winning trophy. The Chairman, CBSE gave away the prizes during the closing ceremony. In his speech, he praised the CBSE officials for their good work in promoting the game of Chess.

Question 21. You are Jay/Jaya, an NCC cadet from Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy. You were selected as a member of the contingent to represent Tamil Nadu in the Republic Day parade in Delhi. Write a report for your school magazine, in 100-125 words on the programme, and about your participation. (Comptt. All India 2012) Answer:

Parade Honour By: Jay, NCC Cadet Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy

It was indeed a great honour for me to be selected as a member of the contingent to represent Tamil Nadu in the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. It was heartwarming to hear the loud applause and cheers that greeted our float as we marched past the VIP area which seated the President of India, the Prime Minister and various other foreign dignitaries. I felt extremely proud to be a member of the contingent to march on Rajpath with 86 other members. This march past was indeed wonderful with each contingent marching along in all their finery and official decorations. Our contingent highlighted the culture of Tamil Nadu by presenting the ‘Karagam’ folk dance. We had put in a great amount of practice and every minor detail was looked into minutely. We wanted to do everything perfectly including our costumes, jewellery and the essential props that were needed because the event we had been selected for was one that was of great national significance and pride. It was a lifetime opportunity for us and we wanted to put up our best.

Question 22. You are Jay/Jaya, studying in Shyamala Memorial Hall, Trichy. Some students of your school attended a first aid training camp for a week at Red Cross Headquarters of your state. Write a report for your school magazine in 100-125 words on the events of the camp and your participation and performance. (Comptt. All India 2012) Answer:

First Aid Training Camp By: Jaya,

Shyamalan Memorial Hall Some students of class XII of our school got an opportunity to attend a first aid training camp for a week at the Red Cross Headquarters in Chennai. Attending this camp proved very helpful to us because it gave us an opportunity to learn as to how we can help in providing emergency health care for anyone who requires immediate first-aid. I am sure all those who attended this camp will help make a difference to society. Our seven-day training started with a batch of 20 volunteers who received training under a Red Cross trainer.

The training comprised practical sessions in artificial respiration, use of bandages, simple medication through common drugs and ointments etc. Apart from administering first aid in emergency situations, the trainer also made us understand the basis of home nursing. We were also trained in potentially life-saving techniques that can be performed with minimal equipment. At the end of our seven-day camp, we were given a course completion certificate in which our performance was evaluated. We were confident we were now in a position of saving a life in case of an emergency.

Question 23. You are Deepak/Deepika, Secretary of Ahimsa club, Parsva Public School, Delhi. On 2nd October your school observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’, organizing various activities such as visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians etc. Write a report on the same in 100-125 words. (Delhi 2013) Answer:

International Day For Peace And Non-Violence By: Deepika,

Secretary, Ahimsa Club Parsva Public School, Delhi Our school observed ‘International Day for Peace and Non-violence’ on 2nd October this year. This was our way to pay our tribute to the Father of our Nation by attempting to highlight the principles he followed that enabled him to win our independence. On this occasion, our school organized various activities such as a visit to Raj Ghat, Charkha Spinning, lectures by eminent Gandhians etc. It was enlightening to hear the lectures of the eminent Gandhians who emphasised Gandhiji’s foremost principles that guided all his thoughts and activities. These included complete unity and integrity of the body, mind and soul in an individual. It was also revealed that one of the greatest achievements of Gandhiji was the spiritualisation of politics. This celebration was the most enlightening way to commemorate the memory of the Father of Our Nation.

Question 24. Your school, Sea View Public School, Kochi, organized a Blood-donation Camp on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations. As Cultural Secretary of your school, write a report on the event in 100-125 words. (Delhi 2013) Answer:

Blood Donation Camp By: Cultural Secretary,

Sea View Public School, Kochi Our school organized a Blood Donation Camp on 26th January, 20xx on the occasion of the Republic Day celebrations. This camp was a huge success and saw the participation from over 300 students and 50 faculty members. The camp was organized in collaboration with the Red Cross Society of India. Dr. Bela Anand from the Red Cross Society appreciated the efforts of the school in organizing the camp. She . appreciated the overwhelming response from the students as well as teachers and said it felt good when people, especially young students, come forward for a noble cause. Refreshments, certificates of appreciation and blood donor cards were given to all the donors. Our Principal finally administered the vote of thanks.

Question 25. Traffic police has launched a special drive against pollution causing vehicles. This has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. Write a report in 100-125 words to be published in ‘Chennai Times’. You are Prince/Priya, 12 M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai. (Delhi 2013) Answer:

Pollution Check Causes A Mess By: Priya,

12, M.G. Road, Adayar, Chennai 26th August, 20xx, Chennai: The traffic police has recently launched a special drive against the pollution causing vehicles. This has created more confusion than relief. It has led to traffic jams and crowds at important intersections. The traffic constables have gone into overdrive by putting barricades and conducting checks on pollution. These barricades, put up by the police, create heavy traffic snarls especially during the peak hours. Traffic congestion is a problem for commuters who are invariably delayed in reaching their destination. The police need to restrict their drive to lean traffic hours. This way they will be able to carry forth their drive against pollution without causing inconvenience to the commuters.

Question 26. Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal celebrated ‘Nutrition Week’ from 1st September to 7th September by arranging inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competitions, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. There was an overwhelming response from students and parents. Prepare a report in 100-125 words to be published in your school magazine. You are Arjun/Anita, School Pupil Leader. (All India 2013) Answer:

Nutrition Week Celebrated By: Anita, School Pupil Leader,

Maxim Gorky School, Kodaikanal Our school celebrated ‘Nutrition Week’ from the 1st to the 7th September, 20xx. The theme of the celebration was ‘Food & Nutrition for Better Health’. The celebration aimed to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating. Inter-school cookery contests, oratorical, painting and poster competitions were held, besides talks by eminent nutritionists and medical professionals. It was heartening to see the overwhelming response of students and parents. The highlight of the week-long celebration was a constant reiteration of healthy eating habits and adequate physical activity as a key to a healthy life. The ‘Nutrition Week’ provided a reminder to everyone that an appropriate lifestyle can prevent us from diseases, improve our quality of life and increase life- expectancy. Nutrition Week was concluded by a prize distribution ceremony.

Question 27. You are Roshan/Rohini, School Pupil Leader of Meerut Public School, Meerut. Your school joined a campaign organised by various agencies of your city to create awareness among people to conserve water. Write a report in 100-125 words highlighting the activities such as rainwater harvesting etc. (Delhi 2013) Answer:

Water-Conservation By: Rohini,

School Pupil Leader Meerut Public School, Meerut On 12th September, 20xx: Our school joined a water conservation campaign at the India Habitat Centre. This campaign was organised by various agencies of our city to create awareness among people to conserve water. The main agenda of this campaign was to reiterate the need to save water which is a precious source for our survival. Distinguished environmentalists suggested rain-water harvesting as the best way to conserve water and used visual aids to explain the process to harvest rainwater. The agencies explained time and again on the fact that water-conservation is the most cost-effective, environmentally sound way to reduce the demand of water and each one of us must do our bit towards improving water management to enhance optimum use of water.

Question 28. You are Smitha/Smith, Secretary, Cultural Association, Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati. Last month your school celebrated Library Week in which book reading sessions, writing of book reviews, lectures by eminent writers, etc. were organised. Write a report on it to be published in your school newsletter in 100-125 words. (All India 2013) Answer:

Library Week Celebrated By: Smitha,

Secretary, Cultural Association Motilal Fomra School, Tirupati Our school celebrated Library Week from 5lh January to 12th January. This was a great opportunity for each one of us to recognise the value of libraries. It was a much-awaited event and we made lots of preparations for it. Competitions were held on topics ranging from English Elocution, Book Mark Making, Book Cover Designs and Writing Book Reviews. Many students participated in these events and gave in their best. In addition to these competitions, book reading sessions and lectures by eminent writers were also organised. The new books purchased by our school library were also displayed. Library Week was altogether a very interesting and enjoyable week for students as well as teachers, who are already looking forward to celebrating it in the following years.

Question 29. You are Rohini/Rehan. Your school KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon organised a workshop on how to conserve energy. A number of CBSE schools participated in it. Many eminent personalities addressed the students. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. (All India 2013) Answer:

Workshop On Energy Conservation By: Rohini

KRM Senior Secondary School, Gurgaon Our school organised a workshop on ‘How to conserve energy’ on 24th April, 20xx. Around 25 CBSE schools participated in it. The participants were trained on various tools and methods for energy conservation and efficient use of energy. A training manual titled ‘Doing More with Less’ was distributed to all the participants. Many eminent personalities from the Energy Department of the NRSE Division addressed the students. They highlighted the importance of incorporating energy into different spheres. They also pointed out the various steps that could be taken at the individual levels to conserve energy and use it efficiently. This workshop which was organised as a part of the project, Building Energy Awareness on Conservation (BEACON), was most enlightening and everyone felt more such workshops should be organised at regular intervals.

Question 30. Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of the country, your school arranged a talk on disaster management. The speaker explained the precautionary measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of emergency. As a student reporter, Ravi/Rani prepare a report on the talk in 100125 words, to be published in your local paper. (All India 2013) Answer:

Talk On Disaster Management By: Ravi, Student Reporter

1st April, 20xx: Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, floods and torrential rains in different parts of our country, our school arranged a talk on disaster management. The talk was held in our school auditorium at 11 AM, on 24th March, 20xx. The main aim for arranging this talk was to spread awareness among the people on how to deal with disasters. The speaker, who was a member of the National Disaster Response Force, explained all of us about the steps that need to be taken to minimise the risks in case of any disaster. He also explained with the help of visual aids the precautionary measures that should be taken by the public and the government in case of an emergency. This talk, with demonstrations, is sure to help each one of us to enhance our knowledge to deal with disasters.

Question 31. Incessant rain has caused irrecoverable damage in your area. As an active participant in the flood relief programme, write a report in 125-150 words on the different flood relief measures carried out. You are Krishan/ Krishna. (Delhi 2014) Answer:

Flood Relief Programme By: Krishna

In an initiative to provide immediate material and trauma relief to the evacuees of the flood calamity struck victims in our area the volunteers of ‘The Saviours of the Earth Foundation’ organized a flood relief programme of which I was an active participant. Ever since incessant rains resulting in heavy floods lashed our area, volunteers of our organization have been working in coordination with the disaster management team to distribute door to door relief material to the victims. For providing material relief, our organization has been raising funds and has also been conducting trauma-relief meditation for the evacuees. A team of 250 volunteers of our organization including doctors are constantly providing medical aid and food, assisting in rescue operations and clearing the debris.

Question 32. You have visited a book exhibition in your neighbourhood. Write a report in 125-150 words on the exhibition. You are Rohan/ Rohini. (Delhi 2014) Answer:

Book Exhibition By: Rohini

The Book Trust of India successfully organized a three day Book Exhibition in our neighbourhood, in the Raja Garden grounds. Many reputed national and international publishers participated in this event. This fair was inaugurated by the Vice-Chancellor of Indira Gandhi National Open University, Professor Kumar. He appreciated all the arrangements made at the book fair and also visited many stalls and thanked the publishers for making the book fair such a success. Many people enthusiastically visited the book fair as it housed a good collection of academic, fiction, research and general books. This book fair is likely to play a pivotal role in reiterating the importance of books and is likely to be recognized as a huge annual cultural event of book bonanza keenly awaited by students, teachers, scholars, intellectuals, authors and book lovers.

Question 33. On Teachers’ day, the badge holders of your school organized a grand celebration to honour the teachers of your school. As the head boy of the school, write a report on the celebration in 125-150 words. (Delhi 2014) Answer: On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, on the 5th of September, the badge holders of our school organized a grand celebration to honour the teachers of our school. The programme started with a tribute to Dr. Radhakrishnan. The entire programme had an emotional and recreational touch. The students had made elaborate preparations to ensure that the Teachers’ Day, celebrations was a huge success. They had organized various games and a range of cultural programmes for the teachers.

The students also made a movie for the teachers in which they conveyed their heartfelt gratitude to their teachers. They also added on video messages from the school alumni and the members of the governing body of the school wherein the teachers were thanked for their contribution to the school and the society. The teachers were overwhelmed with emotion on seeing the movie. The programme ended with a vote of thanks from our principal.

Question 34. As you were travelling by train, you happened to witness an accident at an unmanned level crossing. As the reporter of a newspaper, write a report on the accident, including details of the number of people injured and the extent of damage caused. (Delhi 2014) Answer:

Two Killed In Train Accident By: ABC, Staff Correspondent

16th March, 20xx: Delhi: Two persons were killed when their car was hit by the KK Express at an unmanned level crossing at Dabri Mor. They were rushed to a local hospital where they were declared brought dead. The car driver was identified as Umesh (36) and the other passenger as Soham (39). Expressing sorrow and shock at the accident, the State Transport Minister, stressed the need to set up manned level crossings, which should be taken up by the Centre. According to eyewitnesses, at around 11:15 am, the car was at the level crossing and stopped just before the KK Express was to pass, but unfortunately, it was too close to the tracks. The car was thrown around 20 feet from the level crossing. The area where the road crosses the railway tracks is unmanned, and according to local residents, this is the second time within one year that a car has been hit by a train. An enquiry has been ordered into the accident.

Question 35. You had attended a workshop on personality development for students. Many eminent personalities had been present. Write a report in 125-150 words on how the workshop proved to be beneficial. You are Rajesh/Rajshree. (All India 2014) Answer:

Workshop On Personality Development For Students By: Rajesh

19th April, 20xx: Regular personality development workshops are organized for students wherein eminent personalities from different fields are invited to interact with the students. I attended one such workshop organized by Bharat Vikas Sadan, an NGO that works for child development. About 72 students attended this workshop wherein, Mrs. Rachita Sharma, a student counsellor and personality trainer conducted the workshop for the development of students’ communication skills.

Through multimedia presentation, along-with an animated and energizing speech, she stressed that for rising in any field of career, communication skills play a very important role. After attending the one hour workshop I understood that this was bound to prove most beneficial to the students who had attended it. They were sure to gain a lot of valuable knowledge that would prove to be most useful to them in the future. I feel such workshops should be organized more frequently.

Question 36. A few teachers and students from Edwin University had visited your school on an exchange programme. You welcomed them grandly. Write a report in 125-150 words on the celebration. You are Brijesh/Benu. (All India 2014) Answer:

Exchange Programme By: Brijesh

16th April, 20xx: A few teachers and students from Edwin University had visited our school on an exchange programme for ten days. They were given a grand welcome. The principal, staff and students of our school personally accorded them a warm welcome. A cultural extravaganza was held to familiarise them with our traditions and customs. They were served a traditional Indian meal and sweets. It was heartening to see the foreign teachers and students taking active and enthusiastic part in the different programmes we had specially organized for them. Our principal gave the welcome speech and then they were escorted to our school hostel where they stayed during their ten-day tour of our city.

Question 37. You are AnuragfAnjali, a reporter with a national daily. You have heard that a multistorey building near the main railway station has collapsed causing panic in the area. You rush to the site of the accident along with your team. Write a report in 125-150 words mentioning the time and place of the accident, number of casualties, the cause of the accident and the rescue operation conducted by the authorities. (Comptt. Delhi 2014) Answer:

Multistorey Building Collapses By: Anjali,

Staff Correspondent 5th September, 20xx: Tragedy struck the city early on Monday morning when an eight storeyed NDMC building collapsed around 7 a.m. in Central Delhi, near the main railway station. This building, civic officials said, was old and probably not maintained well. Rescuers raced to reach the dozens of people feared trapped in the rubble. At least ten people are reported killed and twenty have been so far pulled alive from the building and rushed to the hospital, said Alok Bansal, local commander of the National Disaster Response Force. “Approximately 70 to 80 people are believed to be left behind under the debris.”, Mr. Bansal said, citing reports from his team on the scene. This is the latest of several building collapses in Delhi and NCR this year. The State Government has ordered an enquiry into the mishap.

Question 38. Write a report in 100-125 words on the Zonal Cricket Tournament held in the playground of A.B.C. School, Laxmi Nagar last week. Your report should include details such as names of participating teams, exciting, cheerful atmosphere, decorated playground, a large crowd of cheering students and presentation ceremony. You are Gopalan/Gauri, Student Editor of your school magazine. (Comptt. Delhi 2014) Answer:

Zonal Cricket Tournament By: Gopalan,

Student Editor The Zonal Cricket Tournament was held in the playground of A.B.C. School, Laxmi Nagar from the 20th to the 27th of September, 20xx. The participating teams included JMJ School Rohini; XYZ Public School, Roop Nagar; PQR Public School, Fatehpuri; MPL School, Azadpur; RPW Senior Secondary School, Paschim Vihar and LML Boys School, Patel Nagar. After a series of knockout rounds, PQR Public School and XYZ Public School emerged as the finalists.

On the day of the finals, both these teams were cheered by a large crowd of students. After winning the toss, the PQR Public School team elected to bat first and set a target of 153 runs in 20 overs. But the XYZ team could only get 126 runs and thus PQR Public School won the match and their star batsmen Akash Ahuja was awarded with ‘Man of the Match’ trophy. It was most enthralling to see the cheerful and exciting atmosphere in the playground which seemed to resound with zest and enthusiasm.

The winning team was awarded with a trophy, medals and certificates which were presented by the Honorary Sports Secretary, Shri Vipin Kumar.

Question 39. Members of the Social Activities Club of your school recently visited an orphanage run by a well-known N.G.O. Members of the club were greatly impressed with the atmosphere in the orphanage. Write a report in 125-150 words, giving details such as clean surroundings, nice and caring staff, well-fed children with glowing faces, toys and games for kids, etc. You are Nutan/Naveen, President of your school’s Social Activities Club. (Comptt. All India 2014) Answer:

Visit To An Orphanage By: Nutan,

President, Social Activities Club Members of the Social Activities Club of our school recently visited an orphanage run by a reputed N.G.O. It was indeed a pleasure to be greeted by smiling faces of innocent children. Before we actually got to interact with the kids, we were given a tour of the property. Walking around was a pleasant experience as our expectations of a dusty and gloomy place were replaced by the reality of a vibrant, heartwarming and welcoming environment. The children smiled with sparkling and curious eyes as we walked around. We were pleasantly surprised to encounter such happy and lively kids, who were being looked after by nice and caring staff. It was a day spent between fun and games and towards the end of our visit we parted with the promise to return soon.

We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to all the staff members and volunteers of the orphanage for giving us this opportunity to interact with these wonderful kids.

Question 40. The members of Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Write a report on the rally in 125-150 words. You are Puneeta/ Pramod, the President of the Association. (Comptt. All India 2014) Answer:

Protest Rally By: Puneeta, President, Saraswati R.W.A.

25th 20xx: The members of the Saraswati Residents Welfare Association held a protest rally at the District Park on 19th November, 20xx. This protest rally was held against the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees for widening of roads to ease traffic congestion. Dozens of concerned citizens marched to the District Park on early Monday morning to strongly protest against what they called ‘rampant slaughter of trees’.

Since July this year residents have been campaigning against the Municipal Corporation’s decision to remove around 125 trees as part of its road extension plan. Many multisectoral groups also joined this protest rally which turned out to be quite successful and hopefully effective. Through this protest rally we hope to garner support so as to deter the decision of the Municipal Corporation to cut down trees.

Question 41. Cultural Society Sunshine Public School, Nellore organised an adult camp in its neighbourhood. Write a report in 150-200 words on the camp for your school newsletter. You are P.V. Sunitha, Secretary. Use the following clues: no. of volunteers—hours spent in teaching— location of the class—chairs, blackboards—no. of people attending the camp — benefit. (Delhi 2017) Answer:

Adult Literacy Camp By: P.V. Sunitlia, Secretary

Cultural Society, Sunshine Public School, Nellore The cultural society of our school organised an adult literacy camp in our neighbourhood from 22nd September to 21st October, 20xx for the slum dwellers, whose colony is located about two kilometres away from our school.

It was heartening to see the overwhelming response of our senior students who were keen volunteers and spent almost two hours each day teaching the adults who attended the camp in large numbers. The classes were held under a shed that the community center of our colony had allowed us to use for the camp. The members of the community center also lent us fifty chairs and five blackboards. The increasing number of adults who attended our month-long camp was proof enough of its success and of the fact that they were certainly gaining benefit from it. Reportedly, nearly 110 adults which included 45 females, benefitted from this noble initiative taken up by the cultural society of our school. Adult learners and the need for improved adult literacy deserves our attention and we need to constantly strive and take up initiatives to ensure literacy for all.

Question 42. History Society of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Krishna Nagar sent a group of students to visit a place of historical interest. You, Anant/ Anita, were its leader. Write a report in 150200 words for the school newsletter on the tour, describing the place, its history, how you reached there and all that you have learnt. (All India 2017) Answer:

Enlightening Visit Tokonark Temple By: Anant, Leader,

History Society Kendriya Vidyalaya, Krishna Nagar The History Society of our school organised a visit for thirty-two students to the Konark Temple in Orissa. As the leader of the group I was entrusted with a big responsibility to ensure that our travel, stay and visit was smooth as well as informative. We reached Bhubaneshwar railway station and took a deluxe bus from there to the Konark Temple which is about 65 kms away. After checking-in to our guesthouse, we were served lunch and given pamphlets about the history of the Konark Temple.

We rested that night and went to see the temple the next day. On reaching there we understood why the Konark Temple is an architectural marvel of India. It is believed that it was built by King Narasimhadeva I of Eastern Ganga Dynasty. The temple complex is in the shape of a gigantic chariot, having elaborately carved stone wheels, pillars and walls. Konark houses a massive temple dedicated to the Sun God. There are three images of the Sun God at different sides of the temple, positioned in such a direction as to catch the sun’s rays in the morning, noon and evening.

Our three-day visit to the Konark Temple was most enlightening and an experience that enriched us about the amazing cultural heritage of India. We hope our History Society organises more such trips to other historical sites.

Question 43. You are Ram/Rajani, an N.C.C. cadet who attended Republic Day Parade in Delhi. You study in Shyamala Public School, Salem. Write a report to be published in your school magazine, in 150-200 words on Republic Day Camp & Parade. Don’t forget to mention the floats and how you enjoyed the occasion. (Comptt. All India 2017) Answer:

The Grandeur Of Republic Day Celebrations By: Ram, N.C.C cadet Shyamala Public School, Salem

Being an N.C.C cadet I got the privilege of attending the Republic Day Parade in Delhi. I was awestruck by its sheer grandeur and magnificence. The parade showcases not only India’s defence capability but also gives us a unique glimpse of our cultural and social heritage.

The Republic Day Parade which is held in the capital city, New Delhi starts from the Rashtrapati Bhavan, along Rajpath, past India Gate. Before its commencement, the Prime Minister lays a floral wreath at the’ Amar Jawan Jyoti, a memorial to the soldiers who laid down their lives during various wars. The President then unfurls the National flag after which the different regiments of our armed forces march past with their bands in all their fineries saluting their commander-in-chief, the President of India.

Another highlight of the parade were the tableaus of different states that depicted India’s culture and diversity. Each Indian state and Union Territory is represented by a float that presents an aspect of its culture and is a visual treat. Watching the Republic Day celebrations was the most enjoyable experience and it was my good fortune to have got this opportunity to watch the parade from such close quarters, an experience that I will not be able to forget. The celebrations came to an end and everyone arose for the National Anthem following which the important dignitaries left Rajpath.

Important Questions for Class 12 English

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report writing on educational development day

Educational Development Day on 15th July 2023

Akash Saharan

Educational Development Day on 15th July 2023 – the 119th Birthday of former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, K. Kamaraj, who is revered as the father of the renaissance of Education in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry was celebrated by the citizens in Puducherry. The former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Shri K.Kamaraj Ji’s birth anniversary is observed as Tamil Nadu’s Educational Development Day. the day aims to remind people about his contribution to boosting the school education facilities of Tamil Nadu state. he was known as “ King Maker ”.

  • In the year 2006, The Tamil Nadu state Govt brought a development and celebration bill that highlighted 15th July as “ Educational Development Day ” in order to remember Perunthalaivar Kamarajar’s contributions.

Who is K Kamaraj:

  • Kumaraswami Kamaraj popularly known as Kamarajar was an Indian independence activist and politician.
  • He served as the Chief Minister of Madras State (Tamil Nadu) from 13 April 1954 to 2 October 1963.
  • He was the founder and served as the president of the Indian National Congress (Organisation).
  • He was acknowledged as the “Kingmaker” in Indian politics during the 1960s.
  • He also served as the president of the Indian National Congress for two terms i.e. four years between 1964–1967.
  • He was responsible for the elevation of Lal Bahadur Shastri to the position of Prime Minister of India after Nehru’s death and Indira Gandhi after Shastri’s death.
  • He served as the Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha during 1952–1954 and 1969–1975.
  • He was known for his simplicity and integrity.
  • He roled in developing the infrastructure of the Madras state and worked to improve the quality of life of the needy and the disadvantaged.
  • Perunthalaivar Kamarajar was born on 15 July 1903 in Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu, to Kumaraswami Nadar and Sivakami Ammal.
  • His name was originally Kamatchi, later changed to Kamarajar.
  • Kamaraj died at his home, on Gandhi Jayanti day (2nd October 1975), He was aged 72 and died in his sleep due to a heart attack.
  • In 1976, he was posthumously awarded Bharat Ratna, India’s highest civilian honor.
  • In 2004, the Government of India released a commemorative coin of ₹ 100 and ₹ 5 denomination to mark the centenary celebrations of him.
  • Terminal-1 of Chennai International Airport was named “Kamaraj Terminal”.
  • Ennore Port in Chennai was renamed Kamarajar Port Limited.
  • Maraimalai Nagar Railway Station was also named after him as Maraimalai Nagar Kamarajar Railway Station.
  • His statue was erected in the Parliament of India and Marina Beach to honor him.
  • Madurai University is renamed Madurai Kamaraj University.
  • North Parade Road in Bengaluru and Parliament Road in New Delhi are named as “Kamaraj Road”.
  • Marina Beach Road in Chennai and Ettayapuram Road in Thoothukudi were named as “Kamarajar Salai”.
  • Educational Development Day on 15th July

On September 12th, 2006, It was published in Part IV Section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette Extraordinary after receiving the assent of the Governor. Tamil Nadu Government introduced Tamil Nadu Educational Development Day (Declaration and Celebration) Act, 2006 to declare the birthday of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, on the 15th day of July, as “Educational Development Day”

Tamil Nadu Educational Development Day (Declaration and Celebration) Act, 2006 – What is it, Definitions

Short title and commencement. –

(1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Educational Development Day (Declaration and Celebration) Act, 2006. (2) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by notification, appoint.

Declaration of Educational Development Day –

The birthday of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, on the 15th day of July, has been declared as the “Educational Development Day.”

Celebration of Educational Development Day

  • Every school celebrates Educational Development Day on 15th July every year.
  • On this day, The portrait of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu is decorated and people pay tribute to him;
  • Various competitions such as essay writing, drawing and painting, and oratory are conducted with reference to the contributions made by Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, towards education;

About Tamil Nadu:

  • Formation – 26 January 1950
  • Chief Minister– Edappadi K. Palaniswami
  • Governor– Banwarilal Purohit
  • Capital– Chennai
  • State Dance – Bharatanatyam
  • State Mammal – Nilgiri Tahr
  • State Bird – Emerald dove
  • State Insect – Tamil Yeoman
  • State Flower – Gloriosa lily
  • State Fruit – Jackfruit
  • State Tree – Palm Tree
  • State Sport- Kabaddi

Why is Educational Development Day celebrated?

The birthday of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, on the 15th day of July, is celebrated as the “Educational Development Day.”

What is educational development day?

The government of Tamil Nadu declared the birth day of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, on the 15th day of July, as “Educational Development Day” and to celebrate the Educational Development Day in all schools in the State of Tamil Nadu;

When was education day or education development day celebrated?

In 2007, the first Tamil Nadu Educational Development Day was celebrated.

What special day is on July 15 in Tamil Nadu?

The day of 15th July marks the birthday of Perunthalaivar Kamarajar, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.

  • aim Educational Development Day
  • Educational Development Day
  • Educational Development Day 2020
  • when Educational Development Day


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report writing on educational development day

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report writing on educational development day

Education Development Day

  • The 116th birth anniversary of K.Kamaraj, former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu was celebrated on July 15 2018.
  • Tamilnadu celebrates Birth anniversary of K.Kamaraj (July 15th) as 'Education Day' or 'Education Development Day'.
  • Since 2006, this day is observed as educational development day.

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IEP Progress Report Examples

Are you exhausted from continually paging through IEP progress reports, attempting to grasp the information presented? Are you reading a foreign language regarding your child’s development? If so, you’re not alone. IEP progress reports can be intimidating and perplexing but do not need to be. That is why we’re here to assist you. We’ve compiled a list of real-life IEP progress report examples that summarize the information clearly and concisely. 

These examples can assist you in comprehending precisely what is being stated and offer you a clearer picture of your child’s development. Therefore, kick back, relax, and examine some IEP progress report samples that will simplify your life.

What Is an IEP Progress Report?

An IEP (Individualized Education Program) Progress Report aims to document and summarize a student’s progress toward the goals and objectives set in their IEP. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a legal document that is created for students with disabilities and details the particular support and accommodations that are needed for them to enjoy a free, adequate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive setting (LRE). You can read more about this on the Understood website.

Teachers, parents, and other members of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team frequently use the IEP Progress Report to assess whether or not the student is making adequate progress toward their goals. An academic, behavioral, and social-emotional snapshot of the kid, the report is compiled halfway through the school year or at the year’s conclusion.

These details are included in the report:

  • Summarize the learner’s strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Assessment of how well the kid is doing in their Individualized Education Program
  • Evaluation of the student’s present standing about their past accomplishments.
  • Details on what has been done to aid the student’s development are included below.
  • Suggestions for ongoing help and modifications
  • Include a place for input from parents and other team members on the progress of the Individualized Education Program.

An IEP Progress Report is a group effort that necessitates input from everyone on the IEP team. This report is essential to ensure the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is being carried out correctly. The Individualized Education Program (IEP) Progress Report is crucial for keeping tabs on students’ academic development and ensuring they get the help they need to thrive in the classroom. You can learn more about this process from the National Center for Learning Disabilities .

The Intentional IEP: A Team Approach to Better Outcomes for

What Should Be Included in an IEP Progress Report?

An IEP (Individualized Education Program) Progress Report should contain a complete and detailed review of the student’s progress in achieving their IEP goals and objectives. The report should offer an overview of the student’s strengths and shortcomings, academic development, and social-emotional growth. Include the following information in an IEP Progress Report:

  • Student Information: The report should contain the student’s name, grade, school, and report date.
  • Summary of Student’s Strengths: This part should include an overview of the student’s strengths, including academic, behavioral, and social-emotional qualities.
  • Evaluation of Progress Towards IEP Goals: This part should analyze students’ progress toward their IEP goals and objectives. It should include a summary of the student’s current performance, a comparison of their recent performance to their previous version, and an assessment of the student’s progress in fulfilling their IEP goals.
  • Strategies and Interventions: Describe the strategies and interventions utilized to support the student’s success in this area. It should also include information on the interventions’ frequency, length, and efficacy.
  • Recommendations for Future Support: This section should guide future support and accommodations that will assist the student in achieving their IEP objectives. It should include ideas for IEP changes and recommendations for extra help or interventions.
  • Feedback from Parents and Members of the IEP Team: This part should provide parents and other IEP team members with an opportunity to give feedback and comments on the student’s progress and IEP implementation.
  • Signature Block: The report should include a signature block for parents, teachers, and other IEP team members to indicate that they have read and discussed the information.

It is essential to remember that the IEP Progress Report is a collaborative document that should be created with the participation of all IEP team members. The report should be concise, straightforward, and presented in language that all stakeholders easily understand. The IEP Progress Report is vital for monitoring students’ progress and ensuring they receive the necessary educational support to succeed. You should know the sample IEP progress report examples.

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How Do You Write an IEP Progress Report?

This report is meant to keep parents and teachers apprised of how well the kid is doing about the goals and objectives outlined in their individualized education program (IEP).

  • Start with an informative and concise introduction, explaining why this report is being written and highlighting the student’s academic status.
  • Give a summary of the student’s existing IEP targets and aims. Please detail the student’s progress toward each target and goal.
  • Use objective criteria to back up your assessment of the student’s development. Scores on standardized tests, records of observations, and examples of past work could all fall under this category.
  • Talk about the student’s accomplishments and where they can grow. Include details and give evidence to back up your claims.
  • Assess how well the student is doing about the IEP’s stated expectations. The student’s progress should be discussed regarding whether they are meeting, exceeding, or needing further support to accomplish their goals.
  • Assess how well the present Individualized Education Program (IEP) and school setting work. Consider whether the student’s current situation can use tweaks or improvements to meet their needs better and help them achieve their goals.
  • Talk about any difficulties the student has had and how those issues were resolved or are being dealt with.
  • Give a quick rundown of how the student is doing in school, behaviorally and emotionally.
  • Provide a summary of the student’s development and the next steps that should be taken to sustain that development as the report’s final section.
  • Before signing off on the progress report, ensure everyone who needs to be notified has been.

At the end of the report, we will summarize the student’s strengths, areas for growth, and overall progress toward achieving their IEP goals. It’s a great way for everyone involved in a student’s life to stay in constant contact and work together for the best possible outcome.

What Are Some IEP Progress Report Examples?

The following are samples of IEP progress reports:

  • Academic Progress Report: This report focuses on the student’s academic progress about their IEP goals and objectives. It summarizes the student’s grades, test scores, and other academic measures. The report also offers a comprehensive review of the student’s academic strengths and opportunities for improvement.
  • Behavioral Progress Report: This report focuses on the student’s behavioral growth and evaluates their behavior in the classroom, during transitions, and in other relevant contexts. The report reviews the student’s positive actions and areas where they require self-control assistance.
  • Social-Emotional Progress Report: This report focuses on students’ social-emotional development and evaluates their social skills, emotional regulation, and overall well-being. The report reviews the student’s relationships with peers, instructors, and other staff members and their capacity to regulate emotions in different scenarios.
  • Physical Development Progress Report: This report focuses on students’ physical development and assesses their gross and fine motor skills. The report describes the student’s progress toward meeting their physical development objectives and areas requiring extra support.
  • Communication Skills Progress Report: This sort of report focuses on the student’s growth in speech, language, and other types of communication. The report summarizes students’ progress toward communication objectives and areas requiring extra assistance.

In each of these cases, the IEP progress report thoroughly assesses students’ progress toward their goals and objectives. It contains concrete, quantitative data to support the evaluation and recommendations for the student’s continued development. The report is a crucial instrument for ongoing communication and collaboration among all parties involved to ensure the sustained success of the student.

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How Do You Collect Data for IEP Progress Reports?

Data collection for IEP progress reports is crucial for gauging the student’s development regarding the IEP’s stated objectives. Data collection for Individualized Education Program (IEP) progress reports are described below.

  • Observations: One of the most important ways to get information about a student’s development is through observations made in a formal learning environment like a classroom or a therapy session. Keep careful notes on the student’s demeanor, grades, emotional health, and physical growth.
  • Standardized Tests: Achievement tests and behavioral assessments are two examples of standardized exams that can be administered to students to help teachers evaluate their development. Use assessments relevant to the student’s age, skill level, and learning objectives.
  • Work Samples: Data on Student Progress may be Obtained by Collecting Examples of Student Work Collecting samples of the student’s work, such as writing samples, math assignments, or projects, can provide valuable data on the student’s progress toward their academic goals.
  • Self-Reflection: A helpful method of data collection is student self-reflection, in which the student is prompted to consider their performance and tries to pinpoint both areas of strength and weakness. This can be done in various ways, including through written reflection, student discussions, etc.
  • Teacher and Staff Feedback: Getting input from the student’s regular educators and therapists is a great way to gauge their progress. It could be helpful to have teachers and other staff fill out a form or provide written comments on the student’s development.
  • Parent Feedback: Collecting comments from a student’s parents or guardians is a great way to get insight into how their child is doing in and out of the classroom. Think about discussing this with parents or sending them a questionnaire to complete.
  • Progress Monitoring Tools: Progress Graphs and checklists are only two examples of progress monitoring tools that can be used to observe a student’s development over time as they work toward a set of objectives.

These data collection techniques paint a complete picture of the student’s development toward their Individualized Education Program (IEP) targets. An accurate assessment of the student’s development requires the integration of multiple data sets.

Jennifer Hanson is a dedicated and seasoned writer specializing in the field of special education. With a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of children with diverse learning abilities, Jennifer uses her pen to educate, inspire, and empower both educators and parents alike.

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Report Writing on Educational Tour [With PDF]

In this article you are going to learn how to write a report on Educational Tour organize by your school. So with out much delay let’s jump in.

Report Writing on Educational Tour

Educational Tour From School

By Ashlyn Tony

February 23, 2018; Karnataka: A bright morning, our tutor came in and announced we are going for a field trip. We were excited but most of us didn’t know what was a field trip and what was the motive behind it. We packed ourselves and led ourselves to our school bus.

During the ride, our tutor explained to us what a field trip was and why it was conducted. We went to a zoological park. It was a different experience from classroom learning. We students grasped the concept much faster. The method of learning through experience was different. We could learn things outside textbooks.

This is done so that students can look into a particular topic from all possible perspectives enabling them to learn everything. It has also been proved that field trips are an excellent way for incorporating knowledge into young minds. This also helps students to learn and understand topics on their own without further explanations.

They help indirect learning and help students in finding things by themselves which is better than spoon-feeding information. This experience helps students to retain in their memories what they have learnt for a much longer period. 

Field Trip To A Butterfly Garden

By Rachel Harris

January 1, 2019; New Delhi: A field trip to a nearby butterfly garden was arranged for the kindergarten students. They were all excited about the idea of visiting a butterfly garden. We took the school bus to the garden. The students were so excited to see different types of butterflies.

Students observed different varieties and their teachers helped them understand the different features. They studied the different stages of growth. They saw a huge variety of butterflies. The students were so excited. By the end, students started recognising the different varieties of butterflies. They learnt all they could about Butterflies.

Also, they used this experience for instilling in students the importance of nature. They understood that the reason behind why they could not see butterflies like before is because of the disturbances humans create in the environment.

They were also taught the importance of trees in nature. They pledged that they would not hurt mother nature and will prevent unnecessary cutting of trees. Thus, the field trip was successful.

College Field Trip

By Saira Rajput

March 2, 2016; Bombay: We students were looking forward to the field trips. We were eagerly waiting for the days to come. We had pre-planned everything. Every single detail was planned and everything was set. We were visiting places with magnificent architectural designs.

The different varieties of ideas used made us think about the brilliance of the architecture. The designs, mural paintings, the statues, and the engraving on the walls. For some of us, this was the first experience. We learned about things that one should think about before planning and executing architectural designs.

This trip also taught us about the importance of precision in planning a design. One should be able to foresee everything before starting the actual construction. The quality of the materials, the materials used and also how much is the design applicable in a particular place.

Since some materials cannot be used in some climatic conditions, one should take utmost care in selecting materials for the construction. The trip made us realise our potential and also the importance of planning and precision in our field.

Field Trip To A Cow Farm

 By Mark Anthony

September 5, 2015; Gujarat: This field trip was planned so as to make students understand how a farm works. On reaching the farm, students saw a large number of cows, of different varieties. One could see the huge machines used for milking the cows. The farm had a large number of workers. There was a veterinarian for weekly checkups.

There were employees cleaning the farms. There were separate employees for each pair of cows. Cows at this farm were given high-protein foods. The sheds were cleaned regularly to control diseases that might affect the cows. One could see the care given to the cows by looking at them. After the milking process, they are sent to a nearby plant for pasteurization and packaging.

There are special sheds for pregnant cows so as to give them special care. The calves are very well taken care of. The students could understand the importance of cleanliness and regular checkups. This experience made the students realise something new and made them learn new things.

There You Have It

So you have seen the example reports on Educational Tour, I hope these examples indeed help you.

Do let me know if you have any other topic ideas that you want me to cover by leaving a quick comment just below the article.

Aussie Childcare Network

Writing Prompts and Phrases For Yearly Reports On Children

  • Written by  Lorina
  • December 5, 2023

Writing Prompts and Phrases For Yearly Reports On Children

When writing a report on a child, it's an opportunity for the Educator to capture the child's learning and for parents to receive an account of their child's engagements within an early childhood setting. The following article provides information on examples of writing prompts and comments that can be used when writing yearly reports on the child.

For educators writing the report, the comments need to be descriptive. It must be based on observation of the child in different environments and engaging in different activities. Comments should not be comparative, judgemental or conclusive.

Writing Prompts and Comments

The following are examples of writing prompts, and comments that can be used when writing yearly reports on the child:

Child's Personality 

  • Zee comes cheerfully to school and greets her teachers with a bright smile. She leaves her things in class and runs off to catch a little game with her friends outdoors before the bell goes.
  • Tina has learnt to express her needs and difficulties clearly and appropriately. When someone is assertive in a group and she disagrees, she is able to stand up to them with an emphatic ‘no’.
  • He does not give in easily to the demands of his peers. He confidently stands up and asks for his rights.
  • Her interest wanes when an activity has to be done in a group and she tends to get playful. She prefers to complete a project by herself.
  • He tries to talk himself out of a tricky situation with his teacher but his own sense of fairness and reasoning stops this process midway.


  • Her social circle has widened. She has begun playing with the boys in her class. She shares a warm relationship with adults in the class. She always communicates her difficulties with her teacher.
  • He seems interested in people, feels connected and has an affection for them. He is concerned when any of his classmates is in pain or is injured and will help them.
  • He is very observant of his classmates and can report coherently what most of his friends are doing at any given point in time.

Cognitive Development 

  • Learning by watching others is a strategy Lee adopts successfully.
  • He explores actively his natural environment and observes phenomena he comes across with a keen eye.
  • He makes good connections and infers well.
  • She is quick to follow concepts and directions. She listens carefully to instructions and responds accordingly.
  • She is confident of whatever she undertakes and works independently.
  • She completes a given task and does not hesitate to ask for help whenever required.
  • Her interest in books continues as she spends a lot of time browsing through the books in the library corner.
  • She is quick to notice the change of books and immediately settles down to browse through them.
  • His quality of listening is selective. He will listen only to what interests him.
  • He has to be reminded very often that he is in a group and needs to restrain himself.
  • Sometimes this lack of listening is because he thinks he knows it already.

Communication and Language

  • During circle time, she occasionally participates by sharing news.
  • She has not been regular in bringing things for Show and Tell’. Participating in the programme may help her gain confidence in the presentation.
  • Tarika is articulate. She has started participating in class discussions. She shares the news with much enthusiasm.
  • She enjoys the ‘guest’ assemblies and asks pertinent questions to the speaker.
  • He is an articulate child who speaks fluently in English. His speech is clear and coherent.
  • He expresses his thoughts and ideas clearly. He is regular in bringing items for ‘Show and Tell’. He speaks confidently to the group. He also listens to his friends while they are speaking.
  • Long conversations bore him as also listening to ‘Show and Tell’.

Physical Development

  • Active and energetic, John enjoys being outdoors. He is agile on the jungle gym and runs very fast.
  • He participates well in organised games. His motor coordination is good.
  • Lucy takes long to finish her lunch. She seems to have strong reservations about some vegetables and food
  • She is being helped to have all that is served without indulging in strong likes and dislikes.
  • Her creativity is expressed in her artwork. Her work is meticulously done. She is innovative in her craft work.
  • Chris is learning to take care of his belongings. Very often he misplaces his books and stationery.
  • He is also yet to take responsibility for the classroom chores. He does not volunteer to do the classroom duties but when called upon by the teacher or friends, does a neat job.

End Of The Year

  • I have truly enjoyed getting to know Rose and wish her the very best in Kindergarten and beyond.
  • I have enjoyed having Tim in my room this year and will truly miss him as he moves on to Kindergarten.
  • Maya is a very special child and one that I will never forget. I will miss her next year.
  • Toby is a wonderful student, and I’m happy to have had him this year.
  • With her friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant addition to Kindergarten.
  • Thank you for your cooperation and assistance at home with James.
  • I enjoyed having Corey in my room.

Words and Phrases

Here are words and phrases that can be used and incorporated into reports:

Stressing The Positive

  • Words : thorough, caring, cooperative, growth, superior, quality, striving, seeking, attempting, admirable, consistent, persevering
  • Phrases : is able to, is strong in, has a good grasp of, independent learner, works hard, improved tremendously, is willing to take more risks, excels at, making good progress, does a great job with, has great potential for

Appreciating a Child's Unique Qualities

  • Words : energetic, creative, hard worker, risk taker, imaginative, persistent, diplomatic, innovative, cooperative, original, leader, eager, thoughtful, enthusiastic, perceptive, welcomes, problem solver
  • Phrases : interested in, positive attitude, interacts well with peers, thinks clearly, understands complex tasks, shows compassion, sets a standard for others, selects carefully, concentrates well, follows directions carefully, suggests new approaches, generates many original ideas, fluent reader, intrigued by, special talent for, skilled in, follows projects through to the end

Child Needs Extra Help

  • Words : requires, struggles, seldom, usually
  • Phrases : could profit by, shows a need for, finds it difficult at times to, it is helpful to, is challenged by, works best when, needs help with, I'm working with him/her to, had trouble with, making progress, seems reticent about, needs encouragement in, has a tendency to, let's find a way to solve this together

Words to be Wary of : Unable, can't, won't, always, never

When completing the end of year reports remember the main focus is to inform parents about their child's progress. It's important when writing reports they remain positive and can be used to encourage the child. It's a good learning opportunity as an Educator to take this time to reflect on the child's learning and to develop a meaningful understanding of each individual child.

References : Shivram, Bina "Reporting On The Kindergarten Child", Journal of Krishnamurti Schools, Issue 8 "Favourite Words and Phrases For Reports", Scholastic, Teachers Magazine "Report Card Comments", Lake Shore Learning

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Report says instructor thought gun was empty before firing fatal shot at officer during training

The Associated Press

August 28, 2024, 1:46 PM

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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A firearms instructor failed to make sure his gun was empty and fired a fatal shot into the chest of prisons department officer during a training exercise in April, according to investigative records released by the victim’s family.

The trainer was standing in front of Lt. Randy Osborne to give him additional instructions when he pulled the trigger, hitting Osborne just above his protective vest, according to the Ohio Highway State Patrol report.

David Pearson, an instructor with the state corrections department, pleaded not guilty in early August after being indicted on a misdemeanor charge of negligent homicide. Pearson’s attorney declined to comment on the report, saying a pre-trial hearing is scheduled in September.

Pearson was the lead instructor during the training exercise on April 9 at a state corrections department facility in Pickaway County. He told investigators that he was demonstrating drawing his weapon during what was supposed to be a drill with no live rounds.

“I thought I was clear. I thought I was good. I thought it was clean,” Pearson told investigators.

Osborne, 43, worked on special operations teams with the corrections department and served at the state prison in Lucasville.

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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Report writing: educational tour.

Educational tours are valuable components of experiential learning, offering students firsthand experiences that enhance their understanding of academic concepts outside the classroom. Writing a comprehensive report on such a tour not only documents the journey but also evaluates its educational impact. Here’s how to craft an engaging and informative report on an educational tour.

  • Table of Contents

Introduction and Tour Details

Activities and educational outcomes.

Detail the itinerary and specific activities that comprised the tour. Describe each site visited, the educational content encountered, and any interactive or hands-on experiences that were part of the tour. Focus on how these activities align with the educational objectives of the tour, discussing specific learning outcomes and how the tour helped enhance the students’ understanding of certain subjects or concepts.

Analysis and Conclusions

Educational tour report example #1.

The first destination of the educational tour is the Science Museum. The museum houses a vast collection of exhibits that showcase the latest advancements in science and technology. It is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about various scientific phenomena, including electricity, magnetism, and optics. The exhibits are interactive, allowing students to participate in hands-on activities that help them understand the concepts better. The museum visit is relevant to the tour’s theme of promoting scientific knowledge and encouraging students to pursue careers in science.

In conclusion, the educational tour provides an excellent opportunity for students to learn outside of the classroom setting. The tour’s theme of promoting scientific knowledge, historical awareness, and environmental consciousness is evident in the choice of destinations. The tour is an excellent opportunity for students to gain practical knowledge that they can apply in real-life situations, broaden their horizons, and enhance their learning experience.

Educational Tour Report Example #2

Our next stop was a historical landmark, which was a fascinating experience. The site had a rich history that dated back to the colonial era, and we were able to explore the architecture and significance of the site. The tour guide provided us with a detailed account of the events that took place at the site, and we were able to visualize the events better. We also had the opportunity to see some of the artifacts that were recovered from the site, which added to our learning experience.

Our final destination was a nature reserve, which was a unique experience. We were able to observe and learn about the flora and fauna of the area. The reserve was home to various species of animals and plants, and we had the opportunity to see them up close. The tour guide provided us with valuable information about the ecosystem and how it was being preserved. We also learned about the threats that the ecosystem was facing and the steps being taken to protect it.

Educational Tour Report Example #3

Educational tours are an excellent way to enhance the learning experience of students. These tours provide an opportunity to explore the world outside of the classroom and to gain practical knowledge. In this essay, we will explore the educational value of an educational tour that includes a visit to the Museum of Natural History, a Historical Landmark, and an Art Gallery.

Visiting a Historical Landmark provides students with a unique opportunity to learn about the history of a particular place. The landmark may be a building, monument, or site that is significant to the history of a region or country. Students can learn about the historical context of the landmark, the events that took place there, and the people involved. This information can be used to connect to the curriculum and learning objectives, such as understanding the impact of historical events on society.

An art gallery is an excellent place for students to learn about art and its significance in society. The gallery may feature a variety of artwork, such as paintings, sculptures, and installations. Students can learn about the artists, the techniques used, and the historical context of the artwork. Art appreciation and analysis are essential skills that can be integrated with other subjects such as history and literature.

Final Thoughts

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.


Teacher Report Writing

Teacher report writing generator.

report writing about educational development day

Many may assume if you have already outgrown school or have graduated from school that you can escape reports . Unfortunately, that is not the case in any way. But it does not mean that this is considered a bad thing either. In a way, school taught you how to write reports of any kind, so in the real world, you would not have any issues whatsoever when it comes to reports. Whether you are a police officer, an employee in a company, an intern in an organization or a teacher or basically anyone, you would always encounter one or more reports.

To make it as frank as possible, you cannot avoid writing or filling out reports. For whatever reason, reports are always important one way or the other. For teachers, report writing is essential. As this is one of the ways to show that their students progress to their parents. In addition to that, report writing can also be used for teacher’s personal research for their class or for a higher educational purpose. For teachers out there, how do you explain your report writing to a parent?

What is Teacher Report Writing?

Teacher report writing refers to the process of creating written reports or evaluations about a student’s academic performance, behavior, and progress in a school or educational setting. These reports are typically generated by teachers or educators and are often a formal requirement in educational institutions.

The purpose of teacher report writing includes:

  • Assessment: To assess and document a student’s academic achievements and progress over a specific period.
  • Communication: To communicate a student’s performance and areas of improvement to parents, guardians, or relevant stakeholders.
  • Feedback: To provide constructive feedback on a student’s strengths and weaknesses, helping them and their families understand their educational development.
  • Planning: To assist in planning and implementing tailored educational strategies or interventions to support the student’s growth.

Teacher report writing typically covers various aspects, including:

  • Academic Performance: Assessment of a student’s performance in subjects or courses, including grades, test scores, and class participation.
  • Behavior and Attitude: Evaluation of a student’s behavior in the classroom, their attitude toward learning, and their interactions with peers and teachers.
  • Progress: Documentation of a student’s progress compared to previous reports or benchmarks.
  • Areas of Improvement: Identification of specific areas where the student can improve or areas that require attention.
  • Achievements: Recognition of a student’s achievements, awards, or accomplishments during the reporting period.
  • Recommendations: Suggestions for actions or strategies that can help the student succeed academically or behaviorally.

What is the format of a good report writing?

Title Page:

  • Title of the Report
  • Author’s Name
  • Date of Submission
  • Name of the Organization or Institution (if applicable)

2. Abstract:

  • A brief summary of the report’s purpose, methods, key findings, and conclusions.
  • Typically, it should be concise, ideally not exceeding 150-250 words.

3. Table of Contents:

  • A list of sections and subsections in the report, along with corresponding page numbers. This helps readers navigate the report easily.

4. List of Figures and Tables (if applicable):

  • A list of all figures and tables included in the report, with corresponding page numbers.

5. List of Abbreviations and Acronyms (if applicable):

  • An alphabetical list of abbreviations or acronyms used in the report, along with their meanings.

6. Introduction:

  • Provide context and background information about the report’s topic.
  • Clearly state the report’s purpose, objectives, and scope.
  • Present a brief outline of the report’s structure.

7. Literature Review (if applicable):

  • Summarize relevant prior research, theories, and concepts related to the report’s topic.
  • Provide a critical analysis of existing knowledge in the field.

8. Methodology:

  • Explain the research methods or procedures used in the report, including data collection, sampling, and analysis.
  • Justify the chosen methods and discuss any limitations or ethical considerations.

9. Findings:

  • Present the main results or findings of the report, typically using charts, tables, graphs, or textual descriptions.
  • Organize findings logically and use clear headings and subheadings.

10. Discussion:

  • Interpret and analyze the findings in the context of the research objectives.
  • Discuss implications, patterns, and relationships observed in the data.
  • Address any limitations or challenges encountered during the research.

11. Conclusion:

  • Summarize the key points and findings of the report.
  • Clearly state the conclusions drawn from the research and their significance.
  • Make recommendations, if appropriate.

How to Write a Teacher Report?

Given the chance to rewrite what you already know of what a teacher report is, you would of course take the opportunity and revise what you used to know and apply what you already know. Come take a look at these five simple ways to write a teacher report.

1. Use Simple but Clear Jargon

First on the list we have is, using simple but clear jargon . Let’s face it, a lot of us make this mistake. We assume that everyone understands what we are trying to say, but quite frankly, not everyone does. To avoid this kind of misunderstanding, use simple but clear jargon. Basically you don’t have to sound fancy when you can use simple words to make your point across.

2. Always Be Clear and Concise

Whether you are writing your report card for your students or you are writing something for your research, always make sure to be clear and concise. Remember that you are not the only audience to your research or to the progress report card you are making. Apart from using simple and clear jargon, you should also make sure that you are making enough sense.

3. Give Some Examples to Prove Your Point

Writing your research, it is always best to give some examples. This is used to prove your point and to make your explanations easier to understand. When you are making your report card for your students, a good example to show would be from a general point of view. Avoid comparing your students’ progress with another student. This would only lead to the parents getting angry and would put you in a bad light.

4. Use the Instructions Given by Your School

Depending on the school and their way of writing their reports, it is always best to check before you do. This is so that you will not be wasting your time and effort, as well as it is to show that you understand the rules you are following when writing your reports. As all schools may differ in some general way of writing, follow what is taught to you.

5. Revise the Report You Are Writing

The last one but still the most important part of your writing a report is revision. Revise anything that may come off as confusing or out of the topic. Revising your report, especially the comments section for your report card is helpful. This is simply to show that how you want your point to be taken is important as well as a good communication between you and the parent or you and the reader. Your report must at least be seen as something professional.

What is the Best examples of report writing?

Title: “The Impact of Social Media on Youth: A Comprehensive Analysis”

Abstract: This research report examines the influence of social media on the behavior and well-being of young individuals. The study investigates the extent to which social media platforms affect self-esteem, mental health, and interpersonal relationships among the youth. Through surveys, interviews, and data analysis, the report provides valuable insights into this growing concern.

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methodology
  • Data Analysis
  • Recommendations

1. Introduction:

  • Background information on the rise of social media.
  • Statement of the research problem.
  • Objectives of the study.

2. Literature Review:

  • Overview of existing research on social media and its effects on youth.
  • Theoretical frameworks used to analyze the impact.

3. Methodology:

  • Description of research design and data collection methods (surveys, interviews, content analysis).
  • Sampling techniques and participant demographics.
  • Ethical considerations.

4. Data Analysis:

  • Presentation of survey results, including charts and graphs.
  • Thematic analysis of interview data.
  • Discussion of findings.

5. Findings:

  • Summarized results, highlighting key trends and statistics.
  • Quotes from interviewees to illustrate personal experiences.

6. Discussion:

  • Interpretation of findings in the context of the research objectives.
  • Comparison of results with prior studies.
  • Discussion of the implications of social media use on youth.

7. Conclusion:

  • Summary of the research’s main findings.
  • Statement of the report’s contributions and limitations.

8. Recommendations:

  • Suggestions for addressing the negative effects of social media on youth.
  • Areas for further research.

9. References:

  • Properly formatted citations of all sources used in the report.

5+ Teacher Report Writing Samples

  • Teacher Report Writing in Primary School
  • Teacher Report Writing in High School
  • Teacher Report Writing to els Student
  • Teacher farewell report Writing
  • Teacher Report Writing for Participation and Social Skills

11+ Teacher Report Writing Examples

1. teacher classroom observation report template.

Teacher Classroom Observation Report Template

2. Sample Teacher Research Report Writing

Teacher Research Report Writing

3. Teacher Report Writing Format Template

Teacher Report Writing Template

4. Report Writing on Teachers Day

Report Writing on Teachers Day

5. Teacher Writing Report Card

Teacher Writing Report Card

6. Teacher Writing Training Report

Teacher Writing Training Report

7. Professional Teacher Report Writing

Professional Teacher Report Writing

8. Basic Teacher Report Writing

Basic Teacher Report Writing

9. Formal Teacher Report Writing

Formal Teacher Report Writing

10. Classroom Teacher Report Writing

Classroom Teacher Report Writing

11. School Teacher Report Writing

School Teacher Report Writing

12. Teacher Report Writing Questionnaire

Teacher Report Writing Questionnaire

How is a good report written?

Understand the Purpose:

  • Clearly understand the purpose and scope of the report. Identify the key questions or issues that the report aims to address.

2. Research and Gather Information:

  • Collect all the necessary information, data, and sources relevant to the report’s topic.
  • Ensure that your information is accurate, up-to-date, and from reliable sources.

3. Plan and Outline:

  • Create an outline or structure for your report. Identify the main sections, subheadings, and the logical flow of information.

4. Write a Clear Introduction:

  • Begin with an engaging introduction that provides context and sets the stage for the report.
  • State the purpose, objectives, and scope of the report.

5. Provide Background Information:

  • Offer background information on the subject matter to ensure readers understand the context.

6. Organize the Main Body:

  • Present the main content of the report in a logical sequence.
  • Use clear headings and subheadings to separate different sections.
  • Follow a coherent and systematic structure.

7. Use Clear and Concise Language:

  • Write in clear, concise, and jargon-free language.
  • Avoid overly complex sentences and technical terms unless necessary.

8. Support with Evidence:

  • Provide evidence, data, examples, or citations to support your statements.
  • Use charts, tables, and graphics where appropriate to enhance clarity.

9. Analyze and Interpret Findings:

  • Analyze the data or information presented and interpret the results.
  • Offer explanations, insights, and conclusions based on the findings.

10. Make Recommendations (if applicable):

  • If the report’s purpose involves recommendations, provide clear and actionable suggestions.
  • Ensure your recommendations are well-justified by the report’s findings.

What are the 7 steps of report writing?

Define the Purpose and Scope:

  • Clearly understand the purpose of the report and its intended audience.
  • Define the scope of the report, including what it will cover and any specific questions or issues it should address.

2. Research and Data Collection:

  • Gather all the necessary information, data, and sources related to the report’s topic.
  • Ensure that your information is accurate, relevant, and from reliable sources.
  • Create an outline or structure for the report. Identify the main sections and subheadings, establishing the logical flow of information.

4. Write the Introduction:

  • Start with an engaging introduction that provides context and explains the purpose and objectives of the report.
  • Clearly state what the report aims to achieve.

5. Develop the Main Body:

  • Organize the main content of the report into sections and subsections, following the outline.
  • Present the information in a logical, coherent, and systematic manner, using clear headings.

6. Analyze and Interpret Data:

  • Analyze the data, information, or evidence presented in the report.
  • Interpret the findings, providing explanations, insights, and conclusions based on the analysis.

7. Conclude and Make Recommendations (if applicable):

  • Summarize the key points and findings from the report in the conclusion.
  • If applicable, provide clear, well-justified recommendations based on the report’s findings and analysis.

What is a teacher report writing?

A teacher report writing is a document that you write to either use as a progress report, or a research report. This consists of the information you gathered either for research or for making your student’s progress card.

What is the purpose of this report?

The purpose of writing this report is to give out information to the right audience. If you are writing a progress report, you are going to be writing about the productivity of your student and explaining it to their parents. If you are writing a research report, you are going to be explaining your views to your readers.

What should be avoided when writing a teacher report?

There are a lot of things you should avoid, one of which is erasures. It makes the report less professional to look at. Another would be fabricating your report. Avoid this at all costs. Especially when you are doing your research. This is a huge no and should not be encouraged.

When it comes to writing reports, a lot of us may see this as a daunting task. A task that is best left for later or never at all. But what we fail to realize is that reports are quite useful for just about anyone. For teachers, this kind of tool is useful when it comes to doing their students’ progress report. It is also useful when it comes to doing research. Whether we may find this a daunting or for some a pointless task, it is without a doubt that reports are still a useful tool and should be seen as a useful tool.


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How Does Teacher Report Writing Reflect on Teaching Efficacy

Why Should Teacher Report Writing Be Prioritized in Curriculums

When Is the Best Time to Train in Teacher Report Writing

UNESCO celebrates International Day of Education

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Let’s deliver education systems that can support equal societies, dynamic economies and the limitless dreams of every learner in the world." UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Learning for lasting peace

Learning for peace must be a transformative process, enabling learners to gain essential knowledge, values, attitudes, skills, and behaviors, thereby empowering them to serve as catalysts for peace in their communities. The foundation of more peaceful, just, and sustainable societies is laid through education, a force that permeates every facet of our daily lives and overall prospects. In the face of escalating climate change, democratic erosion, persistent inequalities, growing discrimination, hate speech, violence, and conflict on a global scale, education emerges as a powerful tool to both address and prevent these challenges in the future. Moreover, when effectively shaped and implemented, education becomes a long-term investment with increasing returns.

An active commitment to peace is more urgent today than ever: Education is central to this endeavor.

Find our more on UNESCO's website . Read UNESCO’s concept note .

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International Day of Education "Learning for Lasting Peace"

24 january 2024: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm.

Location: ECOSOC Chamber, UNHQ, New York, United States of America Type:  Non-governmental conference Arrangement type: In-person Contact: Elisabetta Caporaso

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Raise your hand!

24 january 2024: 9:30 am | 14:30 gmt.

Hosted by GPE Youth Leader Heela Yoon, a peace and education activist based in the UK and founder of Afghan Youth Ambassadors for Peace, this Raise Your Hand LIVE! aims to highlight the critical link between education and peace, emphasizing how education has a multiplier effect, with the potential to reduce global inequities, drive economic progress and build a more peaceful and stable world.

The event will be broadcast live on Youtube .

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.

Education is a human right

The right to education is enshrined in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . The declaration calls for free and compulsory elementary education. The  Convention on the Rights of the Child , adopted in 1989, goes further to stipulate that countries shall make higher education accessible to all.

Education is key to sustainable development

When it adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, the international community recognized that education is essential for the success of all 17 of its goals. Sustainable Development Goal 4 , in particular, aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030.

Challenges to achieving universal education

Education offers children a ladder out of poverty and a path to a promising future. But about 244 million children and adolescents around the world are out of school; 617 million children and adolescents cannot read and do basic math; less than 40% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa complete lower secondary school and some four million children and youth refugees are out of school. Their right to education is being violated and it is unacceptable. 

Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle of poverty that is leaving millions of children, youth and adults behind.

Children drawing on a board

Transforming Education, Building our Future

The Transforming Education Summit was convened in response to a global crisis in education – one of equity and inclusion, quality and relevance. Often slow and unseen, this crisis is having a devastating impact on the futures of children and youth worldwide. The Summit provided a unique opportunity to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover pandemic-related learning losses and sow the seeds to transform education in a rapidly changing world.

A young girl writing on a blackboard in class.

The futures of education

Sociological, ecological, and technological trends are reshaping education systems, demanding adaptation. Despite the challenges, education possesses unparalleled transformative potential to mold equitable and sustainable futures. UNESCO takes the lead in generating ideas, sparking public discourse, and catalyzing research and action to revitalize education. This effort seeks to construct a new social contract for education, rooted in principles of human rights, social justice, human dignity, and cultural diversity. It steadfastly declares education as a public undertaking and a shared asset.

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances .

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Report Writing


  • Updated on  
  • Nov 4, 2023

Report Writing

The term “report” refers to a nonfiction work that presents and/or paraphrases the facts on a specific occasion, subject, or problem. The notion is that a good report will contain all the information that someone who is not familiar with the subject needs to know. Reports make it simple to bring someone up to speed on a subject, but actually writing a report is far from simple. This blog will walk you through the fundamentals of report writing, including the structure and practice themes.

This Blog Includes:

What is a report, reporting formats, newspaper or magazine reports, business reports, technical reports, what is report writing, report writing: things to keep in mind, structure of report writing, magazine vs newspaper report writing format, report writing format for class 10th to 12th, report writing example, report writing for school students: practice questions, report writing slideshare.

  • Report Writing in 7 steps

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A report is a short document written for a particular purpose or audience. It usually sets out and analyses a problem often recommended for future purposes. Requirements for the precise form of the report depend on the department and organization. Technically, a report is defined as “any account, verbal or written, of the matters pertaining to a given topic.” This could be used to describe anything, from a witness’s evidence in court to a student’s book report.

Actually, when people use the word “report,” they usually mean official documents that lay out the details of a subject. These documents are typically written by an authority on the subject or someone who has been tasked with conducting research on it. Although there are other forms of reports, which are discussed in the following section, they primarily fulfil this definition.

What information does reporting contain? All facts are appreciated, but reports, in particular, frequently contain the following kinds of information:

  • Information about a circumstance or event
  • The aftereffects or ongoing impact of an incident or occurrence
  • Analytical or statistical data evaluation
  • Interpretations based on the report’s data
  • Based on the report’s information, make predictions or suggestions
  • Relationships between the information and other reports or events

Although there are some fundamental differences, producing reports and essays share many similarities. Both rely on facts, but essays also include the author’s personal viewpoints and justifications. Reports normally stick to the facts only, however, they could include some of the author’s interpretation in the conclusion.

Reports are also quite well ordered, frequently with tables of contents of headers and subheadings. This makes it simpler for readers to quickly scan reports for the data they need. Essays, on the other hand, should be read from beginning to end rather than being perused for particular information.

Depending on the objective and audience for your report, there are a few distinct types of reports. The most typical report types are listed briefly below:

  • Academic report: Examines a student’s knowledge of the subject; examples include book reports, historical event reports, and biographies.
  • Identifies data from company reports, such as marketing reports, internal memoranda, SWOT analyses, and feasibility reports, that is useful in corporate planning.
  • Shares research findings in the form of case studies and research articles, usually in scientific publications.

Depending on how they are written, reports can be further categorised. A report, for instance, could be professional or casual, brief or lengthy, and internal or external. A lateral report is for persons on the author’s level but in separate departments, whereas a vertical report is for those on the author’s level but with different levels of the hierarchy (i.e., people who work above you and below you).

Report formats can be as varied as writing styles, but in this manual, we’ll concentrate on academic reports, which are often formal and informational.

Also Read: How to Write a Leave Application?

Major Types of Reports

While the most common type of reports corresponds to the ones we read in newspapers and magazines, there are other kinds of reports that are curated for business or research purposes. Here are the major forms of report writing that you must know about:

The main purpose of newspaper or magazine reports is to cover a particular event or happening. They generally elaborate upon the 4Ws and 1H, i.e. What, Where, When, Why, and How. The key elements of newspaper or magazine report writing are as follows:

  • Headline (Title)
  • Report’s Name, Place, and Date
  • Conclusion (Citation of sources)

Here is an example of a news report:

Credit: Pinterest

Business reports aim to analyze a situation or case study by implementing business theories and suggest improvements accordingly. In business report writing, you must adhere to a formal style of writing and these reports are usually lengthier than news reports since they aim to assess a particular issue in detail and provide solutions. The basic structure of business reports includes:

  • Executive summary
  • Findings/Recommendations

The main purpose of the technical report is to provide an empirical explanation of research-based material. Technical report writing is generally carried out by a researcher for scientific journals or product development and presentation, etc. A technical report mainly contains 

  • Experimental details
  • Results and discussions
  • Body (elaborating upon the findings)

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A report is a written record of what you’ve seen, heard, done, or looked into. It is a well-organized and methodical presentation of facts and results from an event that has already occurred. Reports are a sort of written assessment that is used to determine what you have learned through your reading, study, or experience, as well as to provide you with hands-on experience with a crucial skill that is often used in the business.

Before writing a report, there are certain things you must know to ensure that you draft a precise and structured report, and these points to remember are listed below:

  • Write a concise and clear title of the report.
  • Always use the past tense.
  • Don’t explain the issue in the first person, i.e. ‘I’ or ‘Me’. Always write in the third person.
  • Put the date, name of the place as well as the reporter’s name after the heading.
  • Structure the report by dividing it into paragraphs.
  • Stick to the facts and keep it descriptive.

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The format of a report is determined by the kind of report it is and the assignment’s requirements. While reports can have their own particular format, the majority use the following general framework:

  • Executive summary: A stand-alone section that highlights the findings in your report so that readers will know what to expect, much like an abstract in an academic paper. These are more frequently used for official reports than for academic ones.
  • Introduction: Your introduction introduces the main subject you’re going to explore in the report, along with your thesis statement and any previous knowledge that is necessary before you get into your own results.
  • Body: Using headings and subheadings, the report’s body discusses all of your significant findings. The majority of the report is made up of the body; in contrast to the introduction and conclusion, which are each only a few paragraphs long, the body can span many pages.
  • In the conclusion, you should summarize all the data in your report and offer a clear interpretation or conclusion. Usually, the author inserts their own personal judgments or inferences here.

Report Writing Formats

It is quintessential to follow a proper format in report writing to provide it with a compact structure. Business reports and technical reports don’t have a uniform structure and are generally based on the topic or content they are elaborating on. Let’s have a look at the proper format of report writing generally for news and magazines and the key elements you must add to a news report:

(Use a proper and creative and catchy heading related to the story)
(in newspaper terminology, this is known as a byline)
(Must be factual, crisp, and concise; It should generally cover the 4W and 1H of the topic, i.e. what, when, where, who, why & how)
Explain, WHY the particular event or incident took place. Conduct meticulous research and gather all factual information related to the story. Here, the readers would want to know more about the event in detail.
In the conclusion part, the background information of the story is mentioned. If you are covering any event, you have the liberty to add the list of participants or attendees who thronged the event. 
BylineBy Line (Along With The Designation)
Opening ParagraphDate And Place
Account Of The EventOpening Paragraph
ConclusionAccount Of The Event And Witness Remarks

To Read: How to Learn Spoken English?

The report writing structure for students in grades 10 and 12 is as follows.

  • Heading :  A title that expresses the contents of the report in a descriptive manner.
  • Byline : The name of the person who is responsible for drafting the report. It’s usually included in the query. Remember that you are not allowed to include any personal information in your response.
  •  (introduction) : The ‘5 Ws,’ or WHAT, WHY, WHEN, and WHERE, as well as WHO was invited as the main guest, might be included.
  • The account of the event in detail : The order in which events occurred, as well as their descriptions. It is the primary paragraph, and if necessary, it can be divided into two smaller paragraphs.
  • Conclusion : This will give a summary of the event’s conclusion. It might include quotes from the Chief Guest’s address or a summary of the event’s outcome.

Credit: sampletemplates.com

Credit: SlideShare

Now that you are familiar with all the formats of report writing, here are some questions that you can practice to understand the structure and style of writing a report.

  • You are a student of Delhi Public School Srinagar handling a campus magazine in an editorial role. On the increasing level of global warming, write a report on the event for your school magazine. 
  • On the Jammu-Srinagar highway, a mishap took place, where a driver lost his control and skidded off into a deep gorge. Write a report on it and include all the necessary details and eyewitness accounts. 
  • As a reporter for the Delhi Times, you are assigned to report on the influx of migrants coming from other states of the country. Take an official statement to justify your report.
  • There is a cultural program in Central Park Rajiv Chowk New Delhi. The home minister of India is supposed to attend the event apart from other delegates. Report the event within the 150-200 word limit. 
  • Write today’s trend of COVID-19 cases in India. As per the official statement. include all the necessary details and factual information. Mention the state with a higher number of cases so far.
  • In Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in New Delhi, a table tennis tournament was held between Delhi Public School New Delhi and DPS Punjab. Report the event in 250-300 words.

Also Read: Formal Letter Format, Types & Samples

Credits: Slideshare

Report Writ ing in 7 steps

  • Choose a topic based on the assignment
  • Conduct research
  • Write a thesis statement
  • Prepare an outline
  • Write a rough draft
  • Revise and edit your report
  • Proofread and check for mistakes

Make sure that every piece of information you have supplied is pertinent. Remember to double-check your grammar, spelling, tenses, and the person you are writing in. A final inspection against any structural criteria is also important. You have appropriately and completely referenced academic work. Check to make sure you haven’t unintentionally, purposefully, or both duplicated something without giving credit.

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Any business professional’s toolkit must include business reports. Therefore, how can you create a thorough business report? You must first confirm that you are familiar with the responses to the following three questions.

Every company report starts with an issue that needs to be fixed. This could be something straightforward, like figuring out a better way to organise procuring office supplies, or it could be a more challenging issue, like putting in place a brand-new, multimillion-dollar computer system.

You must therefore compile the data you intend to include in your report. How do you do this? If you’ve never conducted in-depth research before, it can be quite a daunting task, so discovering the most efficient techniques is a real plus.

Hopefully, this blog has helped you with a comprehensive understanding of report writing and its essential components. Aiming to pursue a degree in Writing? Sign up for an e-meeting with our study abroad experts and we will help you in selecting the best course and university as well as sorting the admission process to ensure that you get successfully shortlisted.

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Ankita Mishra

A writer with more than 10 years of experience, including 5 years in a newsroom, Ankita takes great pleasure in helping students via study abroad news updates about universities and visa policies. When not busy working you can find her creating memes and discussing social issues with her colleagues.

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  • Tamil Nadu govt declares 15 July as Education Development Day

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  • Updated On Jul 11, 2023 at 04:01 PM IST

<p>Chennai, July 11 (IANS) Aimed at eradicating illiteracy, the Tamil Nadu government has declared July 15, the birth anniversary of former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj, as Education Development Day.</p>

  • Published On Jul 11, 2023 at 03:57 PM IST

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  • Report Writing On Teachers Day

Report Writing on Teachers’ Day

Report writing is generally introduced in the English language syllabus when students are in 8th or 9th classes. There are plenty of topics on which reports can be asked to be written. This article will discuss how to write a report on Teachers’ Day. But students who have not written reports on Teachers’ Day might face some issues. So before discussing different reports on Teachers’ Day, let’s look at the importance of Teachers’ Day and why it is celebrated worldwide.

Teachers’ Day is celebrated on two different dates, on 5th September in India and 5th October worldwide. In India, Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th September, i.e., the birthday of our former president Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Besides being India’s former president, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a scholar, teacher and philosopher. It is said that this day came into existence when some of his students decided to celebrate his birthday, and he said instead of celebrating his birthday, they should celebrate this day as Teachers’ Day and show respect to all the teachers.

On this day, students around the country pay their respects and express gratitude, love and respect to their teachers and professors. Many cultural events are also organised by the students to entertain and give their teachers a day to remember.

Let’s now look at the following reports on Teachers’ Day discussed below.

Report on Teachers’ Day held in School

On 5th September, 2022 (Monday), Loreto School in Pune organised Teachers’ Day on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former president of India. All students decorated their classrooms and gave their teachers a bouquet of roses. After the morning assembly, the Teachers’ Day program was scheduled to start. Along with the teachers, the Principal, Vice Principal and the Chairperson of the school’s management committee were also present at the function. The function started with the students of Class 6 singing Saraswati Vandana and dancing beautifully with it. Soon after that, a student of class 8 gave a speech on why we celebrate Teachers’ Day and how Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan contributed to society. Soon after the speech, Miss Davis, the Principal of Loreto School, gave a speech thanking and appreciating all the teachers for their hard work and dedication, and for their role in helping the school achieve new heights. At the end of the speech by the principal, the students of Class 9 and 10 performed a comedy-drama that everyone enjoyed. The program ended with the Head Boy and Head Girl thanking the teachers for their efforts in shaping the life of students and inspiring them.

Report on Teachers’ Day held in College

On 5th September, 2020 (Saturday), the RCV Engineering College organised Teachers’ Day celebrations. The function took place in the auditorium of the college. All the departments of the college were beautifully decorated by the students for Teachers’ Day. The students of various departments, along with the help of the Student’s Union, organised a function for the teachers. The Dean of the college, too, was present at the function. The program started with the Dean, the Teacher-in-Charge and the Heads of the Department cutting the ribbon and lighting the diyas. The program started with the Sanskrit department reciting the Ganesh Vandana. Then the English Department performed a Shakespearean play and dedicated the play to their Head of the Department. A student from the Bengali Department recited a poem from Rabindranath Tagore’s Gitanjali. Students of various departments performed for their teachers. At the end of the program, the Dean of the college gave away trophies to the Best Teachers nominated by the students. The Dean gave a vote of thanks on behalf of the teachers and also appreciated the teachers for their immense contribution to the institution for years. The entire program ended on a happy note.

Also explore: Article on Teacher’s Day | Speech on Teacher’s Day | Slogans on Teacher’s Day

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is report writing.

Report writing is a formal way of writing detailed accounts on any topic based on specific evidence/ information.

Why is Teachers’ Day celebrated?

Teachers’ Day is celebrated to commemorate the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was not only the second president of independent India but also a great teacher.

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New performance report finds 32 concerns in State Department of Education programs

by Alexandra Sharfman

New performance report finds 32 concerns in State Department of Education programs (Photo by: Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images).

OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — A Consolidated Performance Review Report found 32 concerns that require urgent attention in the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) programs.

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) released the report made up of five sections with performance indicators.

Each program is given an indicator:

  • Met Requirements with Commendation - indicates high-quality implementation and exceeds expectations
  • Met Requirements - no instances of noncompliance were identified
  • Met Requirements with Recommendations - there are quality implementation concerns and some improvements could be made
  • Action Required - there are significant compliance or quality concerns that require urgent attention by State educational agencies (SEA)

OSDE received two commendations, 11 met requirements, seven recommendations, and 32 actions required.

Section I of the report is a snapshot of information on grant activities for Oklahoma.

This includes a breakdown of federal funding for Title I, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund), and Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS).

Section II is a summary of the state's performance with each program rated.

Section III goes more in-depth into areas where Oklahoma has exceeded requirements and is commended.

The report found the OSDE exceeded expectations in two areas, language instruction for English and immigrant students, and Indian education formula grants to local education agencies.

Section IV breaks down where the department has significant compliance and quality concerns and where corrective action is needed.

The report found 32 areas that require attention.

Within 60 days of receiving the report, the OSDE must provide a plan and timeline to conduct a review of its written policies and procedures, identify any gaps, and release updates to ensure compliance with the requirements.

Section V identifies where State educational agencies (SEA) have met requirements, but improvements could be made.

Seven recommendations were identified for:

  • Local Applications and Plans
  • Data Quality
  • Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care
  • Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers, Principals, or Other School Leaders: LEA-Level Funds
  • Subgrantee Use of RLIS Funds
  • Office of Indian Education – Formula Grants to Local Educational Agencies
  • Emergency Assistance to Non-public Schools – Governor’s Office

Read the full performance report below.

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Report writing

Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Master it now at university and writing reports in the workplace will be easier.

A report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade. They should be written as clearly and succinctly as possible with evidence about a topic, problem or situation.

Here are some general guidelines but check with your lecturer for more detailed information about what is expected.

What is a report?

Differences between a report and an essay, a report is similar to an essay in that both need:.

  • to be written in a formal style.
  • an introduction, body and conclusion
  • analytical thinking
  • extensive researching for information and evidence to support a conclusion
  • careful proofreading and neat presentation.

A report is different to an essay in that a report:

  • is a presentation of facts and information, rather than a discussion of various opinions
  • is often written for a very specific audience (e.g. an organisation that has commissioned a report)
  • is structured so that it may be scanned quickly by the reader
  • uses numbered headings and subheadings (e.g. 2.1 executive summary)
  • uses short, concise paragraphs and dot points where applicable
  • uses graphics wherever possible (tables, graphs, illustrations)
  • may need an abstract (sometimes called an executive summary)
  • makes recommendations
  • does not always need references and a bibliography
  • often has appendices.

Plan to write your report.

Ask some questions first:

  • Who has requested the report?
  • Why have they asked for a report?
  • What do they need to know?
  • How will the report be used?
  • Who is/are my audience or audiences? (e.g. clients, lecturers, assessors, managers etc.)

Analyse your task

Analysing your task is very important. Here are some questions to explore:

  • What type of report is needed? (e.g. experimental report, technical design proposal, business report)
  • How long does your report need to be?
  • What is required in the report?
  • What is the problem/question to be solved?
  • What is the aim of the report?
  • What key points or issues need to be addressed?
  • What information do you need to collect?

Types of reports for university

For all reports, you have to ensure that the conclusions that you draw are supported by the evidence that you find. At university, you will mostly be writing business, experimental/laboratory or technical reports.

Business report

A business report aims to:

  • examine how an organisation can achieve an objective
  • highlight a problem and suggest a solution
  • offer information, interpretation (e.g. product surveys), analysis and recommendations.

Experimental/Laboratory report

An experimental report aims to report on:

  • an experiment or research
  • what was achieved during the course of the experiment?
  • what was concluded and how this compares with previous published results?

Technical design report

A technical design report aims to:

  • solve a problem
  • recommend a design.

Typical format of a report

Letter or memorandum

Provided to the person or group who commissioned the report, stating the purpose of the report, brief summary and/or recommendations, and acknowledging others who have contributed.

Title page

Clearly describes what the report is about.

Abstract or Executive summary

Approximately 200 words. States the problem, how it was investigated, what was found, and what the findings mean.

Table of contents

A list of the major and minor sections of the report.


Sets the scene and gives some background information about the topic. States the aim/purpose of the investigation and outlines of the sections in the body of the report.

Main body

Organised into sections: what was investigated, how it was investigated it, what was found (evidence), and interpretations.


Summary, what the report achieved – did it meet its aims, the significance of the findings and a discussion and interpretation of the findings.


What is recommended as a course of action following the conclusion?


A list of all the sources you used.


Any information (graphs, charts, tables or other data) referred to in your report but not included in the body.

Layout of the report

Lay out the report for easy reading and comprehension. Many managers will only read the recommendations but will dip into the report for the details which they want to find quickly and easily. Use this checklist:

Further resources

  • Bogg, D 2012, Report writing , MacGrawHill/Open University, Maidenhead, UK.
  • Eunson, B 2012, Communicating in the 21st century, 3rd edn , Wiley, Sydney.
  • Kuiper, S 2007, Contemporary business report writing , Thompson, Mason.
  • A resource on report writing from the University of Canberra.
  • An overview on reports from UOW Learning Co-Op
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GCSE results day 2024: Everything you need to know including the number grading system

report writing about educational development day

Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.   

Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren’t what you’re expecting.  

When is GCSE results day 2024?  

GCSE results day will be taking place on Thursday the 22 August.     

The results will be made available to schools on Wednesday and available to pick up from your school by 8am on Thursday morning.  

Schools will issue their own instructions on how and when to collect your results.   

When did we change to a number grading scale?  

The shift to the numerical grading system was introduced in England in 2017 firstly in English language, English literature, and maths.  

By 2020 all subjects were shifted to number grades. This means anyone with GCSE results from 2017-2020 will have a combination of both letters and numbers.  

The numerical grading system was to signal more challenging GCSEs and to better differentiate between students’ abilities - particularly at higher grades between the A *-C grades. There only used to be 4 grades between A* and C, now with the numerical grading scale there are 6.  

What do the number grades mean?  

The grades are ranked from 1, the lowest, to 9, the highest.  

The grades don’t exactly translate, but the two grading scales meet at three points as illustrated below.  

The image is a comparison chart from the UK Department for Education, showing the new GCSE grades (9 to 1) alongside the old grades (A* to G). Grade 9 aligns with A*, grades 8 and 7 with A, and so on, down to U, which remains unchanged. The "Results 2024" logo is in the bottom-right corner, with colourful stripes at the top and bottom.

The bottom of grade 7 is aligned with the bottom of grade A, while the bottom of grade 4 is aligned to the bottom of grade C.    

Meanwhile, the bottom of grade 1 is aligned to the bottom of grade G.  

What to do if your results weren’t what you were expecting?  

If your results weren’t what you were expecting, firstly don’t panic. You have options.  

First things first, speak to your school or college – they could be flexible on entry requirements if you’ve just missed your grades.   

They’ll also be able to give you the best tailored advice on whether re-sitting while studying for your next qualifications is a possibility.   

If you’re really unhappy with your results you can enter to resit all GCSE subjects in summer 2025. You can also take autumn exams in GCSE English language and maths.  

Speak to your sixth form or college to decide when it’s the best time for you to resit a GCSE exam.  

Look for other courses with different grade requirements     

Entry requirements vary depending on the college and course. Ask your school for advice, and call your college or another one in your area to see if there’s a space on a course you’re interested in.    

Consider an apprenticeship    

Apprenticeships combine a practical training job with study too. They’re open to you if you’re 16 or over, living in England, and not in full time education.  

As an apprentice you’ll be a paid employee, have the opportunity to work alongside experienced staff, gain job-specific skills, and get time set aside for training and study related to your role.   

You can find out more about how to apply here .  

Talk to a National Careers Service (NCS) adviser    

The National Career Service is a free resource that can help you with your career planning. Give them a call to discuss potential routes into higher education, further education, or the workplace.   

Whatever your results, if you want to find out more about all your education and training options, as well as get practical advice about your exam results, visit the  National Careers Service page  and Skills for Careers to explore your study and work choices.   

You may also be interested in:

  • Results day 2024: What's next after picking up your A level, T level and VTQ results?
  • When is results day 2024? GCSEs, A levels, T Levels and VTQs

Tags: GCSE grade equivalent , gcse number grades , GCSE results , gcse results day 2024 , gsce grades old and new , new gcse grades

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TAMIL-NADU:   9TH  10TH  11TH  12TH  சமையல் மற்றும் சினிமா அ முதல் ஃ வரை 

SSLC 10th Standard, English, Tamil Nadu, Write a report on ‘Educational Development Day’

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HSC Maharashtra Board Papers 2020

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SSC Maharashtra Board Papers 2020

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Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words. ‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. - English


Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words.

‘Educational Development Day’ was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event. Now, as the member of the organizing committee, write a report on the event in about 120 words.

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15 July 2020


St. Pius Higher Secondary School, Bandra, organised the Educational Development Day on 15th July 2020 to commemorate the birth anniversary of K. Kamaraj, the former Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. The event was to promote the development of education in Tamil Nadu. About 800 students participated in the programme organised by the students and teachers. The event began with the prayer song by the school choir. The Headmaster welcomed the gathering.

The District collector presided over the function. She delivered the presidential address on the importance and development of education. She also unveiled the portrait of Thiru K. Kamaraj in the auditorium. The students and teachers also spoke on the occasion. This was followed by a various cultural programme by the junior and senior boys and girls. Mementos were given to the chief guest and the guests of honour. The participation certificates were also given to the students. The assistant Headmaster proposed the vote of thanks. The event came to an end with the National Anthem.


Sounds are tiny vibrations that can travel through air and other materials. The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels (db). Typical sound level in decibels: (1) Silence                                        0db (2) Rustle of leaves                           10 db (3) Breathing                                    10 db (4) Radio music inside home              50-60 db (5) Loud television                            70 db (6) Road traffic Noise                        60-90 db (7) Powerful rock music                    100 db (8) Motor cycle                                105 db (9) Heavy truck traffic                      90-100 db (10) Wind in the trees                       20 db

Read the following information and prepare a fact life: Delhi, capital of India, has an area of 1,483 sq.km. Haryana and U.P are its neighbours. It has a literacy rate of 81.7%: (males 87.3 %, females 74.7%). People generally speak Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu and English. It is known for its Roshnara festival Shalimar, Qutab, mango festivals, garden Tourism and winter carnival.

Imagine you are Gitika. Road the following conversation and write a suitable message for your mother in 50-60 words:

Ankita  : Hi, didi ! I'm Ankita on the line. Is aunty at home?

Gitika   : No, she has gone to visit my grandparents. Is there any problem?

Ankita  : No, I just wanted to inform her that we have a special havan tomorrow at 9 a.m. at our place. My mother has specially invited all of you.

Gitika   : Okay, Thanks ! I'll inform her and we will definitely come.

Wrestling mostly a male sport – Sakshi born in conservative surroundings – most unfavourable gender ratio for females – parental encouragement – one can't forget the look of determination on her face in the last three minutes of the bout.

Read the following extract carefully and present the information in the form of notes with the help of the given clues : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of India. He was a teacher, a philosopher and 'an author. He had introduced the thinking of Western idealist philosophers like Plato, Plontinus, Bergson into Indian thought. He was born on 5th of September, 1888 in a poor Brahmin family. As his father could not afford his education expenses, Radhakrishnan supported most of his education through scholarships. He completed his B.A. and M.A. with majors in philosophy. He went on to become a professor of philosophy. He showed that Indian Philosophy, once translated into standard academic jargon, is worthy of being called philosophy by Western standards. He thus, placed Indian Philosophy on world map. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had established a strong relationship with the Soviet Union when he w Is appointed as the ambassador to the Soviet Union. He has been honoured with many awards for his achievements nationally and internationally. He was honoured with the Bharat Ratna in 1954. He is also acknowledged with the Templeton Prize, Peace Prize of German Book Trade, Order of Merit and many other honours. Title : Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Birth : 5th September, 1888 Qualifications : B.A. ___________ Introduced thinking of : _________,_________and ____ into Indian thought. Work : Translated_____________ into standard____________ Ambassador : __________________________________ Honours : National___________                 International Order of Merit

Read the following extract and complete the note with the help of the clues provided :  Vitamins are either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B vitamins, including niacin, folic acid and riboflavin, and vitamin C). They consist mainly of the elements nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in bod)' fat, while water-soluble vita1nins are used or quickly excreted in the urine. Vitamin A is essential for the eyes, skin, hair, and bones; the B vitamins help enzymes to function; C is essential for the formation of collagen; D helps the body absorb calcium; E prevents cell damage, and K helps blood clotting. Most vitamins cannot be produced by the body and so must be obtained directly from food.

B Vitamins Fat-soluble
Vitamins consist of 1.
2. Oxygen
4. Hydrogen
Vitamin A
Essential for eyes, skin, etc.
Formation of collagen
Prevents cell damage

Write an application in response to the following advertisement using information given in the CV provided :

Smart, English speaking salesman for an electronic
showroom. Good salary offered. An experienced candidate will be preferred.
Write giving details to : The Proprietor, Ganesh Electronics, M.G. Road, Solapur.
(1) Name: Suhas Randive
(2) Age: 29 years
(3) Address: 105, Roshan Apartment, L.T. Road, Pune - 11
(4) Educational: B. A. (First class), Pune University qualification
(5) Experience: 3 years' experience of working as a salesman in a textile shop.
(6) Interests: Travelling, photography, reading.

Suggest two measures to increase the number of birds.

Complete the table :

report writing about educational development day

Give your suggestions that will help the people to make Maharashtra prosperous.

     Have you are wondered why soldiers are always clad in green? This is to enable them to camouflage themselves during wartime. Hiding in the jungles, their green attire blends into the surrounding trees and shrubs, making it difficult for the enemies to spot them.

        Long before man-made use of camouflaging, insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. By having body colour close to those of the rocks and dried leaves, they can escape from being pursued by the predators.

       Butterflies and moths have developed a variety of camouflage strategies since they are quite defenceless and their predators are abundant. Possessing wings which resemble dried leaves help certain butterflies and moths to hide among heaps of dried leaves when predators are around.

   Fortunately, not all insects choose the art of disguise to escape from their predators; otherwise, the world would be so dull and colourless. There are insects which assimilate the bright body colours of bees and wasps to escape from being pursued by their predator. Long ago, birds have already learnt to avoid brilliantly coloured wasps and bees in fear of their painful stings. Hence, over millions of years, many harmless insects have assimilated the bees and wasps by imitating. their bright body colours and shapes. In this way, they appear dangerous and hence ward them off.

      The beefy, not only appears like the bumblebee in terms of body colour, even its hums sound similar too. The only difference is that the beefy does not have a stirring and is hence harmless. The hoverfly is another insect which imitates. the body colours of the wasps. Their bodies are striped yellow and black. The only deviations are that hoverflies do not have stings, and they have only one pair of wings each while wasps have two pairs each. These variations are hardly noticed by the predators and hence help them to escape.

A1. Complete the table with the information from the passage : (2)

Insects Similarity Difference
Bumblebee - Beefy    
Wasp - Hoverfly    

A2. Complete the tree diagram : (2)

report writing about educational development day

A3. Find out : (2)

‘Nature has given a self-protection mechanism to insects’. Find out at least two examples from the passage to prove this statement. 

A4. Vocabulary - (2)

Find the words from the passage for : (i) animal or bird that hunts other for food (ii) to get free from danger (iii) to prevent something from harming (iv) to make a copy

A5. Personal response - (2)

‘Soldiers disguise themselves to prevent enemies to spot them’. Give two more examples when the disguising technique is used by humans.

A6. Grammar - (2)

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (i) They have only one pair of wings. (Make it negative without changing the meaning) (ii) Insects have already adopted the tactic of disguise to escape from the clutches of their predators. (Replace infinitive with gerund and rewrite)

(B) Summary : (3)

Summarise the above extract with the help of the points given and suggest a suitable title. Camouflage of soldiers and insects - reason and ways for disguising - assimilation of insects - need of imitation.

A1. Choose two sentences that appropriately mention the theme of the passage :

(1) The extract deals with the writer’s concern over Chaitanya's handicap. (2) The extract depicts the writer’s proud feelings towards her son’s achievement. (3) The extract deals with how Chaitanya made the writer see positively towards life. (4) The extract deals with how the writer helps Chaitanya to buy the bus ticket.

          Early in 1997-98, when he returned from state-level inter-school sports, he had two prizes to his credit and a silver medal. He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race.          When I saw the prizes and read the citation Chaitanya had received, I was stupefied, in total disbelief, then–hugged him, kissed him and cried unabashedly to my heart’s content. That day, I cried for the first time out of joy and a sense of being vindicated. Without practice, he had competed with approximately 1,800 children drawn from various schools all over the state. He was subsequently selected for the marathon race, but he could not participate due to a health problem. “Maybe next year, he would”, I assured myself. And I, as his proud mother, would proudly chronicle his future achievements and success to inspire other - mothers of the world.                  Looking back at my own life, I feel that it is the spirit with which we can accept our life gracefully is what matters ultimately; and it is love that nourishes us. All other things are unimportant. Chaitanya has made me look inwards. His handicap doesn’t disturb me any longer. He and I shall live with it and still be happy. The mental strength which he has given to me is inexhaustible.          One day, as both of us got onto a public transport bus, Chaitanya offered to buy the tickets for us.            “One full, one half ”, he said to the conductor beaming with joy.                Looking at him, I wondered whether he was really only a half? An incomplete person? Was I really full? Complete in all respects? Why do then normal people feel that they are ‘full’ and others like Chaitanya are ‘half’ or incomplete? Chaitanya’s world is complete in itself, pure and innocent while our lives are full of deceit, jealousies, ill-feelings. 

A2. Point out - 

Point out two instances where you find Chaitanya's victory over his disability. 

A3. Give reasons - 

Chaitanya’s silver medal in a running race was very special for the writer, because : (i) __________________ (ii) __________________ 

A4. Vocabulary - 

Match the pairs of the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’: 

(1) stupefied (a) official statement about the special act of courage
(2) chronicle (b) record events in the order they happened
(3) vindicated (c) surprised or shocked
(4) citation (d) justified

A5. Personal response -

Explain, your views about the ill-treatment the special children receive in society. 

A6. Grammar - 

Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed : (i) He had won his laurels in athletic events and the silver medal in a running race. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘not only...but also’.) (ii) When I saw the prizes, I was stupefied. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘No sooner.... than’.)

Point out -  Point out two instances where you find Chaitanya's victory over his disability.

Give reasons - Chaitanya’s silver medal in a running race was very special for the writer, because : (i) __________________ (ii) __________________

Answer of these question in a short paragraph (about 30 words).

What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?

Punctuation Use capital letter, full stops, question marks, commas and inverted commas wherever necessary in the following paragraph. an arrogant lion was wandering though the jungle one day he asked the tiger who is stronger than you you O lion replied the tiger who is more fierce than a leopard asked the lion you sir replied the leopard he marched upto an elephant and asked the same question the elephant picked him up in his trunk swung him in the air and threw him down look said the lion there is no need to get mad just because you don’t know the answer.

Here is a topic for you to

1. think about;

2. give your opinion on.

Find out what other people think about it. Ask your friends/seniors/parents to give you their opinion.

‘Career Building Is the Only Goal of Education.’

‘Getting a Good Job Is More Important than Being a Good Human Being.’

You can use the following phrases

(i) while giving your opinion:

• I think that...

• In my opinion...

• It seems to me that…

• I am of the view that...

• As far as I know...

• If you ask me...

(ii) saying what other people think:

• According to some...

• Quite a few think...

• Some others favour...

• Thirty per cent of the people disagree...

• Fifty per cent of them strongly feel...

(iii) asking for others’ opinions:

• What do you think about...

• What do you think of...

• What is your opinion about...

• Do you agree...

• Does this make you believe...

Imagine that you are Santosh Yadav, or Maria Sharapova. You have been invited to speak at an All India Girls’ Athletic Meet, as chief guest. Prepare a short speech to motivate the girls to think and dream big and make an effort to fulfil their dreams, not allowing difficulties or defeat to discourage them. The following words and phrases may help you.

• self confident/confidence/sure of yourself

• self assured/assurance/belief in yourself

• morale/boost morale/raise morale

• giving somebody a boost/fillip/lift

• demoralising/unsure of yourself/insecure/lack confidence

Working in pairs, go through the table below that gives you information about the top women tennis players since 1975. Write a short article for your school magazine comparing and contrasting the players in terms of their duration at the top. Mention some qualities that you think may be responsible for their brief or long stay at the top spot.

Top-Ranked Women Players

I. The roll of honour of women who enjoyed life at the summit since everybody’s favourite player, Chris Evert, took her place in 1975.

Maria Sharapova (Russia) 22 August 2005 1
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.)

October 2004

Amelie Mauresmo (France) 13 September 2004 5

Justine Henin-Hardenne (Belgium)

20 October 2003 45
Kim Clijsters (Belgium) 11 August 2003 12
Serena Williams (U.S.) 8 July 2002 57
Venus Williams (U.S.) 25 February 2002 11
Jennifer Capriati (U.S.) 15 October 2001 17
Lindsay Davenport (U.S.) 12 October 1998 82
Martina Hingis (Switzerland) 31 March 1997 209
Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario (Spain) 6 February 1995 12
Monica Seles (U.S.) 11 March 1991 178
Steffi Graf (Germany) 17 August 1987 377
Tracy Austin (U.S.) 7 April 1980 22
Martina Navratilova (U.S.) 10 July 1978 331
Chris Evert (U.S.) 3 November 1975 362

Which of these words would you use to describe Santosh Yadav? Find reasons in the text to support your choices, and write a couple of paragraphs describing Santosh’s character

contented determined resourceful polite adventurous considerate
weak-willed fearful



patient persevering

Transform the following sentence as per the given instruction.

The old woman said to Arun, “Can you help me to cross the street?” (Begin: The old woman asked Arun……………….) 

How cruel Shylock was to demand his pound of flesh! (Begin: It was cruel………………….) 

It is easy to advise others not to worry, but difficult for oneself to follow the same. Narrate an experience which made you realise the truth of this statement. 

“The best things in life come free”. Write for or against the statement. 

You are Nitin / Nitin from XYZ School. You wish to start applying to various colleges for admission after your ISC examination. In about 300 words, draft your personal profile using the guidelines given below : 

Your name, year spend in the school you are passing out from – academin interests and performane – cultural activities you participated in – sports  - positions of leadership held during your staty in the school – your future plans and goals – two characteristics that your consider to be your strengths – two characteristics that set you apart from the others.

In the following items, sentence A is complete, while sentence B is not. Complete sentence B, making it as similar as possible to sentence A.  Write sentence B.

(A) He is so old that be cannot remember events of the past. (B) He is too ............................................................................

(A) She said that she would return the book to the library the next day. (B) She said, “She will return the book in the library tomorrow”. 

(A) When she heard the news of her daughter’s result, she was very happy. (B) On ........................................................................................ 

Fill in the blank with the suitable word. 

To every one’s surprise, he turned _____________ at the party.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions (a), (b) and (c) that follow : 

(1) At the Literary Society’s meeting, Isola read out the letters written to her Granny Pheen, when she was but a little girl. They were from a very kind man – a complete stranger.  Isola told us how these letters came to be written. (2) When Granny Pheen was nine years old, her cat died. Heartbroken, sitting in the middle of the road, she was sobbing her heart out. (3) A carriage, driving far too fast, came within a whisker of running her down. A very big man in a dark coat with a fur collar, jumped out, leaned over Pheen, and asked if he could help her. Granny Pheen said she was beyond help. Muffin, her cat, was dead. (4) The man said, ‘Of course, Muffin’s not dead. You do know cats have nine lives, don’t you?’  When Pheen said yes, the man said, ‘Well, I happen to know your Muffin was only on her third life, so she has six lives left.’ Pheen asked how he knew.  He said he always knew - cats would often appear in his mind and chat with him.  Well, not in words, of course, but in pictures. (5) He sat down on the road beside her and told her to keep still – very still. He would see if Muffin wanted to visit him.  They sat in silence for several minutes, when suddenly the man grabbed Pheen’s hand. (6) ‘Ah – yes! There she is!  She’s being born this minute!  In a mansion – in France. There’s a little boy petting her, he’s going to call her Solange. This Solange has great spirit, great verve – I can tell already! She is going to have a long, venturesome life.’ (7) Granny Pheen was so rapt by Muffin’s new fate that she stopped crying.  The man said he would visit Solange every so often and find out how she was faring. (8) He asked for Granny Pheen’s name and the name of the farm where she lived, got back into the carriage, and left. (9) Absurd as all this sounds, Granny Pheen did receive eight long letters. Isola then read them out. They were all about Muffin’s life as the French cat − Solange. She was, apparently, something of a feline musketeer.  She was no idle cat, lolling about on cushions, lapping up cream – she lived through one wild adventure after another – the only cat ever to be awarded the red rosette of the Legion of Honour. (10) What a story this man had made up for Pheen – lively, witty, full of drama and suspense. We were enchanted, speechless at the reading. When it was over (and much applauded), I asked Isola if I could see the letters, and she handed them to me. (11) The writer had signed his letters with a grand flourish :                                  VERY TRULY YOURS,                                           O.F. O’F. W.W. It was highly possible that Isola had inherited eight letters written by Oscar Wilde, for who else could have had such a preposterous name as Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Willis Wilde.                        Adapted from : The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society – By Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows

(a) (i) Given below are four words and phrases.  Find the words which have a similar meaning in the passage : [4]

(1) adventurous (2) cat-like (3) appreciated (4) received something on someone’s death

    (ii) For each of the words given below, write a sentence of at least ten words using the same word unchanged in form, but with a different meaning from that which it carries in the passage : [4]

(1) kind (line 2) (2) mind (line 13) (3) still (line 15) (4) sounds (line 26)

(b)  Answer the following questions in your own words as briefly as possible: (i) Where did Isola get the letters from to read at the Literary Society’s meeting? [2] (ii) Who consoled Granny Pheen when she was heart-broken?  What did he say about Muffin’s lives? [2] (iii) What did the man say when Granny Pheen asked him how he knew about cats’ lives? [2] (iv) According to the man, what was Muffin’s new fate? [3]

(c) In not more than 100 words, summarise why the eight letters were a treasure to Granny Pheen. (Paragraphs 2 to 10).  Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalised. You will be required to write the summary in the form of a connected passage in about 100 words. [8]

How does figurative language assist in conveying the theme and purpose of the poem?

What-is meant by,’ rainbow tinted circles of light? What kind of literary figure is  it?

What made the old man shake his head and sigh?

How does Dahl compare the leisure activities of children in the past and their activities now.

Mention the two moods of the poet?

How is he affected by the experience of seeing the daffodils?

What do ‘trade winds’ and ‘fat worms’ symbolise?

Can the poem be taken as interpretation of human fickleness?

It was roses, roses, all the way, With myrtle mixed in my path like mad; The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway, The church-spires flamed, such flags they had, A year ago on this very day.

Read the above lines and answer the question that follow.

When was the patriot welcomed?

“The house-tops seemed to heave and sway”. Explain

Explain briefly how Abou Ben Adhem demonstrated his love for God.

What is the message of the poem?

What is the significance of Easter Sunday in “Old Man at the Bridge”?

What is the conflict and twist to the short story “Heart and Hands”?

Discuss the theme of supernatural and paranormal as presented in the story?

Discuss with reference to the story An Angel in Disguise how love has the power to transform.

Anderson through the story a Little Match Girl gives an idea about the Victorian society of his times?

What are examples of simile, metaphor, and personification in “All Summer in a Day”?

You are the captain of your college cricket team. You have your final match on Sunday. Your teammates are nervous. Prepare a speech motivating them to face the challenge courageously. (About 100 words)

You are the editor of your school magazine. You have recently attended a cultural program in your city. Write an account of this program (in approximately 300 words) using the points given below:

Date and venue — occasion — Chief Guest — other invitees — inauguration — events —other important features — highlights — reaction of audience — conclusion.

(A) Ashita is the most beautiful girt in the class. (B) No ………………………………..

(A) As soon as she reached home, she learnt that she had to leave for London. (B) Hardly……………………………

(A) He knew the culprit but refused to admit it. (B) Although……………………….. 

(A) I am afraid you cannot get admission to the college without clearing the admission test. (B) I am afraid you cannot be……………….

Choose two of the passages (a) to (c) and answer briefly the questions that follow:

Come away from the window (She takes him firmly back to the middle of the room. The moment she releases him he turns mechanically towards the window again. She seizes him and turns him back, exclaiming) Please! (He becomes motionless, like a hypnotized rabbit, his fatigue gaining fast on him. She releases him, and addresses him patronizingly). Now listen. You must trust to our hospitality. You do not yet know in whose house you are. I am a Petkoff. 

The Man: A pet what? 

Raina : [rather indignantly] I mean that I belong to the family of the Petkoffs, the richest and best known in our country. 

The Man: Oh yes, of course. I beg your pardon. The Petkoffs, to be sure. How stupid of me! 

Raina: You know you never heard of them until this moment. How can you stoop to pretend! 

The Man: Forgive me. I'm too tired to think, and the change of subject was too much for me. Don't scold me.

(i) Why did the man keep turning to the window?  (ii) Which examples of the social superiority of the Petkoff's does Raina give the man? (iii) Which opera does Raina mention? With whom does she compare herself? What does this tell you about her?  (iv) In Raina's opinion, what should the man have done instead of threatening her?  (v) What does the man tell Raina about his father? Why does he do so?  (vi)  What does the man do at the end of the scene? 

The chairman says that he will look________their complaints.

The soldier laid________their lives defending their country.

I was laid________for three weeks with a broken leg.

This book runs________a hundred and fifty pages.

The programme ran________six hours.

The ailing company was taken________by the government.

Louka! (she stops and looks defiantly at him) A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any ` circumstances. [with profound humility, uncovering his head]  beg your pardon. 

That sort of apology may satisfy a lady. Of what use is it to a servant? 

[rudely crossed in his chivalry, throws it off with a bitter laugh, and says slightingly) Oh! Do you wish to be paid for the hurt? [He puts on his shako, and takes some money from his pocket].

[her eyes filling with tears in spite of herself] No: I want my hurt made well.

Sergius : [sobered by her tone] I low?

(i) Why does Sergius ask Louka's pardon?  (ii) Why had he hurt her?  (iii) Why does Louka remind Sergius that she is a servant?  (iv) Why do Louka's eyes fill with tears?  (v) How does Louka want her hurt made well?  (vi) How does Sergius react to the suggestion 

Referring closely to specific instances in the play 'Arms and the Man', discuss how Shaw presents class distinctions and social snobbery. 

The character of King Richard I is presented in Ivanhoe not only with all his admirable qualities but also with his shortcomings. Elaborate with close reference to the text.

Referring closely to the essay Unbirthday and Other Presents, discuss why E V Lucas feels that `unbirthday‘ gifts are better than the regular gifts people give. 

Referring closely to the essay On Going on a Journey, give Hazlitt's views about the manner in which a change of place brings about a.change in ideas, opinions, and feelings. 

What could the narrator hear as he was lying down?

Describe the incident of the assassination attempt that took place during the night, in not more than 100 words (Paragraphs 4 to 15). Failure to keep within the word limit will be penalized. You will be required to:

(i) List your ideas clearly in point form. [6] (ii) In about 100 words, write your points in the form of a connecting passage. [6]

Discuss how the speaker in the poem Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night rages against the traditional acceptance of death.

Write an original short story that begins with the words: “It's not my fault”, he shouted………”

‘Working women make better mothers than women who stay at home’. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Describe an early morning walk through your city or town in winter. Give details of the smells, sights, sounds, and feelings you experienced.

Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, your composition must have a clear connection with the picture.

report writing about educational development day

Your uncle has promised to give you a gift of Rs. 1000/-. Write a letter thanking him for the offer, tell him how you plan to spend the money; and why you wish to spend it in this way.

You are the President of the Nature Club in your school which is hosting the Earth Day Celebrations. Write a letter to the Principal of a neighbouring school inviting the school to participate in the event. State when, why and how you plan to celebrate Earth Day.

Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but or so.

  • He is good at gymnastics. His handwriting must improve.
  • Her grandfather gifted her a paint box. He knew she was good at art.
  • Ravi fractured his arm. He insisted on playing the match.
  • Mona has been ill for a month. She stood first in the examination.

He drew a beautiful diagram________ the board. 

What lessons do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death?

Here are the terms of different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of similar terms in your language.

The following are the meaning listed in the dictionary against the phrase `take on’. In which meaning is it used in the third paragraph of the account:

Take on sth:

to begin to have a particular quality or appearance; to assume sth

take sb on:

to employ sb; to engage sb
to accept sb as one’s opponent in a game, contest or conflict

Take sb/sth on:

to decide to do sth; to allow sth/sb to enter e.g. a bus, plane or ship; to take sth/sb on board

Locate Ile Amsterdam on the world map.

Give reasons for the following.

Howard Carter’s investigation was resented.

Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king’s remains.

Tut’s body was buried along with gilded treasures.

What were the results of the CT scan?

Discuss the following in groups of two pairs, each pair in a group taking opposite points of view.

Advanced technology gives us conclusive evidence of past events.

Knowledge about the past is useful to complete our knowledge of the world we live in.

What do you think are the reasons for the extinction of languages?

Given below is an interesting combination of words. Explain why they have been used together.

dark-bellied clouds

eternal brilliance

ritual resins

The constellation Orion is associated with the legend of Osiris, the god of the afterlife.

Find out the astronomical descriptions and legends associated with the following.

(i) Ursa Major (saptarishi mandala) (ii) Polaris (Dhruva tara) (iii) Pegasus (winged horse) (iv) Sirius (The dog star) (v) Gemini (Mithuna)

Which local bird is like the goldfinch.

The dominant colour in the poem.

Words with the sound ‘ch’ as in ‘chart’ and ‘tr’ as in ‘trembles’ in the poem.

Notice the following sentence patterns.

 I am the Poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain.

Rewrite the above sentences in prose.

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics. Himalayan Quake 2005

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics. Fascinating facts about water

Below is a topic for essay writing. Follow the steps listed above to write on these topics.

Success begins in the mind

Discuss in groups of four.

“ We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children”.

The problems of over population that directly affect our everyday life.

Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context.

got carried away

shrivelled up

Comment on the attitude shown by Taplow towards Crocker-Harris.

Discuss with your partners

The manner you adopt when you talk about a teacher to other teachers.

Reading plays is more interesting than studying science.

Distinguish between the following pairs of sentences.

Green stripes could be used or alternatively black ones.

What clues did Sherlock Holmes work upon to get at the fact that the story of the three Garridebs was a ruse?

What was John Garrideb's objective in inventing the story of Alexander Hamilton Garrideb and his legacy?

Why didn't John Garrideb like the idea of including Holmes in the hunt for the third Garrideb?

How did Holmes' digressions sometimes prove in the end to have a bearing on the matter on hand?

Examine the structure of the short story ‘Adventure of the Three Garridebs’ with the help of this framework

  • The narrator of the story
  • Introduction of the topic of the story
  • Introduction of the main characters in the plot
  • Development of the plot
  • Resolution of the mystery.

Identify the words in the advertisement that gave away the fact that it was placed by John Garrideb.

Look at the highlighted expressions in the following sentences from the text and explain their figurative meaning.

  • 'I went through it, sir,  with a fine-toothed comb  and never a Garrideb could I catch.'

'They are my favourite covert for  putting up a bird , and I would never have overlooked  a cock pheasant  as that.'

'There is no  bolt-hole  for you in this country.'

'When  his castle in the air  fell down, it burred him beneath the ruins.'

Why does John Ipe consider retirement to be a dishonour?

Approval from the outside world and approval within the family.

Indicate the details that tell us that the narrator was not very financially comfortable during his stay in London.

What kind of relationship did Mrs. Croft share with her daughter Helen?

How does the bond of affection between Mrs. Croft and the narrator evolve?

Discuss the manner in which the author interweaves details of the narrator’s family with the flow of the main narrative.

‘Mrs. Croft’s was the first death I mourned in America, for, hers was the first life I had admired; she had left this world, at last, ancient and alone, never to return’—how do these lines encapsulate the bond that is possible between two strangers?

Examine the pieces of conversation in the story. How do they reflect the world view of each of the speakers?

How did the narrator learn to distinguish between 'a flask' and 'a thermos'?

Look for these expressions in the story and guess the meaning from the context


attuned himself

queer rhythmic frenzy


flush of prosperity

daze of bewilderment

wide-eyed wonder and eager homage


talking animatedly

tremulous deliberation

on terms of a perpetual feud


Satyajit’s recollection of the forgerer when he was on the train.

Describe the cycle of events in Satyajit's life that brought him back to where he began.

'Failure had a tempo faster than success.'

The author's comment on crime and punishment.

Comment on the way in which the story is narrated from Satyajit's perspective.

How has the author used the episode of the bank theft to comment on Satyajit's success in his career?

Although the author was not a vindictive man he was very happy to see the twenty-one stone lady

who had impoverished him twenty years ago, and says he had finally had his revenge. What makes him say this?

There are quite a few places where the author uses the expressions 'my heart sank', 'panic seized' etc. What was the reason for this?

‘Forgiveness is often better than punishment’. Write two paragraphs – one for and another against this notion.

You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an interview of a cop. Frame 8-10 questions with the help of the following points, give introduction and conclusion.

  • reasons for joining the department
  • special training
  • developing the skill to identify and locate criminals
  • dealing with criminals
  • achievements and awards.

Go to your school/college library and read some other stories by O’Henry like, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Last Leaf’ and ‘After Twenty years’. Write the stories in short in your notebook.

Interview the students of your class regarding the career they would like to pursue and the reason for selecting that particular career. Collect the data from your class and analyze the information you have collected.

Surf the net and obtain more information about the conservation work done by Shaaz. Prepare posters to inspire others and display them on your college noticeboard.

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wild life such as:

Wildlife photographer

Find out the information about the qualification and eligibility required in the profession related to wildlife such as:

Tour Manager

There are certain words that are repeated in the poem. For example, ‘no more’ (Line 7). Find out other similar expressions. Explain the effect they have created in the poem.

The use of personal pronoun ‘I’ is evident and prominent in this poem. Give reasons.

Write four to six lines of Free Verse on the topic ‘The road that leads to my college’. Express that it is the road to knowledge and bright future. You may begin like this: Every day I tread with the bag of books …

Read the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost.

A handicraft exhibition is being organized in your college. You are given the task to compere the inaugural function. Write the script for compering.

Go to your college library and collect and read the poems written by Sarojini Naidu.

Find various career opportunities in Small-scale Industries like Handloom, Art and Craft, Block Printing, etc.

Find out information about the Mahavastra of Maharashtra - Paithani.

Compose 4-6 lines on your own on ‘Good deeds’.

Write a character sketch of your family member.

Multiple Choice Question:

The poet had a quarrel with her ______

Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do. Then say (in another paragraph) how you think you can make your dream come true.

What do you learn about Columbia from the lesson you have read? What was its final fate?

What do you know about Kalpana Chawla’s birth, education, a great achievement, and tragic end?

The poet says, “Beauty is heard in …” Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful. The poet, Keats, said: Heard melodies are Sweet, But those unheard are sweeter. What do you think this means? Have you ever heard a song in your head, long after the song was sung or played?

What is beauty? Where can, in the poet’s opinion, beauty be seen, heard, and experienced?

Match the words and phrases with their meanings in the box below.



paragraph numbers








it pains me


















it hurts me


test the strength of

understanding the difficulties

wanting to be home

a welcome change

not very caring

The words in the box are all words that describe movement. Use them to fill in the blank in the sentence below. When the cobra tried to bite it, the mongoose ____________ aside.

Re-word the line from the story:

Miss Beam was all that I had expected — middle-aged, full of authority.

Read the words/phrases in the box. With your partner find their meaning in the dictionary.

Harsh conditions  harmless  survive  intruder

threatened  predators  prey  continually

Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the above words/phrases.

All animals in forests and deserts struggle to ______________________in ______________

___________________ . Though most of the animals are ___________________, some are

dangerous when _____________________. If an ___________________ is noticed, they attack

or bite to save themselves. They struggle __________________ for food and water.

Some animals are called ______________because they __________________ on other animals.

Bring out the contrast between the two houses with the help of the following points.

1. Old, brown house a. ___________________
2. ___________________ b. Well kept grounds
3. Children played all around. c. ___________________
4. ___________________ d. No motherly face smiled at the windows.

Discuss with your partner the various hazards and risks that a mountaineer/ trekker has to face in an expedition.


Write down the significance of the following in the context of 'On to the Summit': husiar.

Discuss the following with your partner and complete the following sentence.

In a farmers’ market, we find _______________.

The writer goes in search of an invaluable indigenous variety of seeds. List three reasons for the importance of keeping records of our indigenous agricultural practices.

Plant the seed of a flower or fruit of your choice in a pot or in your garden. Note its growth every day and maintain a diary recording its progress.

Discuss with your partner and choose the correct alternative.

A system where the government is elected and ruled by people is called - ________________.

The trinity of democracy comprises three principles. Complete the web to show the trinity of democracy.

report writing about educational development day

Match the following.

1. Constitution a. It is the freedom to go where you want, do what you want, etc.
2. Liberty b. It is the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.
3. Equality c. It is a sense of common brotherhood.
4. Fraternity d. It is an aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organization, or other types of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.

Imagine that you are the fellow - pilgrim and you wish to share your experience of the incident in the poem. Write a short article about it for a magazine/journal. Also, convey what change it has brought in your life.

State whether the following statement is true or false. Correct the false statement.

Fraternity means common sense.

Write your views/opinions in brief on the following topic.

We must always cast our votes.

Role of youth in creating social awareness.

Imagine that Revathi’s father is abroad on business and she wishes to convey the news of her prize-winning plants. Draft an email for the above subject. Use an email format.

The person who makes mistake or commits crime should be punished because _________________.

  • _______________________________

Imagine your friend/younger brother or sister has committed a grave mistake that has resulted in a great loss to the college property or to your family. He/she seeks your advice to come out of the situation/problem. Write a dialogue between you and your friend/brother/sister who describes the entire situation and seeks help from you. Take the help of the following points.

  • Confessing the mistake
  • Seeking help
  • Your advice/suggestion
  • Concluding part

Enlist any four facts which made the capturing of Tiger Hill a national challenge.

Different arms and ammunitions are mentioned in the excerpt. Find their names.

Read and understand the following poem ‘Paper Boats’ and write its paraphrase in your own simple language. (You may take the help of a dictionary or the internet.) The first line is done for you.

Read the following lines. Imagine it is the beginning of an instance you have experienced. Complete the incident using your imagination. Give it a positive ending.

I had often noticed that in my neighbour’s family, the son was greatly pampered, but the daughter was treated unfairly. I could not bear this. So one day I decided to__________________

Would you like to join the Indian Army/Navy/ Air force? If not, suggest other ways in which you could serve your nation.

‘Even small things in nature play a big role. So protect nature!’

Frame some slogans based on the above topic.

Column A shows your involvement in growing a tree, as well as the stages in the life of a tree. Column B shows the feelings you experience at all stages. Match them appropriately.

1. You planted a sapling. a. Gave you a feeling of joy to see the promising future.
2. You watered the plant. b. The new experience brought excitement to you.
3. You saw the shoot for the first time. c. You were happy and satisfied because you experienced what you had often heard, that a small beginning can lead to great achievements.
4. You fenced the plant. d. The colour, symbolizing life, gave you a feeling of hope.
5. The plant gradually saw lush green leaves grow on it. e. You wanted to make a humble beginning.
6. The tree had buds too. f. Your motive was to protect it.
7. Birds made a nest on the tree which was fully grown and laden with flowers. g. You cared for it.

The cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

Characters are referred to.

Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points :

  • About the poem, poet, and title.
  • Theme/summary/gist of the poem.
  • Poetic style/language, poetic devices used in the poem.
  • Special features/novelties/focusing elements.
  • Message/values/morals in the poem.
  • Your opinion about the poem.

Write in 100 words what the cherry tree in the poem symbolises.

If you could change the end of the story i.e. after the Swallow refused to fly to Egypt, how would you change it? Summarise your idea in 10 to 12 lines.

report writing about educational development day

The poet has observed the sower closely. Express in your own words the reverence the poet has for the sower.

The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality’ which means one who has reached the highest position in his workplace.

Explain this using the following point.

Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

  • About the poem/poet/title.
  • Poetic devices, language, style
  • Special features/ novelties/focusing elements
  • Values, message

You have just returned after your first experience of the kite - festival in Gujarat/Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.

Write a short report about the kite - festival for your local newspaper. Give an attractive headline, a dateline, and an account of the kite - festive. Write the report in the third person with more use of Passive voice.

You have just returned after your first experience of the kite - festival in Gujarat / Ahmedabad. You were thrilled with the festivities.

You have a friend who lives abroad. Write a letter to your friend describing how you enjoyed the kite-festival.

Imagine your friend is a table tennis champion who has won the semi-final in the inter-collegiate championship. Due to overconfidence, she neither practices nor does she take her opponent seriously. This may result in her losing the final. Suggest some ways to make her aware of the importance of hard work and regular practice.

Use the following points and write an appreciation of the poem:

  • About the poem, poet, and title
  • Poetic style, language, poetic devices used in the poem
  • Special features
  • Message/values/morals in the poem
  • Your opinion about the poem

Write a summary of the poem with the help of the points given below:

  • Introductory paragraph (about the poem/ type/nature/tone)
  • Main body (central idea/gist of the poem)
  • Conclusion/ opinions/views/appeal.

Let’s compose a poem. Two lines are given. Add two of your own.

There is another sky, Ever serene and fair

Given below is the poem 'Blue Sky' by Mark Hastings. Imagine a poem of a similar kind by replacing the word blue. You can add any colour or object of your choice and write a poem of four lines.

report writing about educational development day

For example, replace 'blue' with

  • Starry sky above me _______________
  • Cloudy sky above me _____________

‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’

This line expresses the poet’s feelings. The sight he saw from the bridge is beautiful. There are a few more lines similar to the above. With the help of your partner find them and discuss what they express.

Compose a poem in an imaginary village. Try to maintain the rhyme scheme in the poem. You may begin like this….

Settled on the bank of a river       Like a queen Is my beautiful village     Full of bushes green.

Make a paraphrase of the poem ‘Leisure’ in your own simple words. Write it down in your notebook.

Write a summary of the poem.

Write the appreciation of the poem.

  • About the poem/poet/title
  • Special features/novelties/focusing elements

Explain the extended metaphor related to dentistry in the poem.

Write in short about at least five cities in India that are considered to be the most developed cities.

Discuss with your partner on the following topic. Express your views and opinions in favour of and against the topic.

Are sports essential in Jr. Colleges?

Are college council elections essential in Jr. Colleges?

Writing is considered to be one of the most challenging, demanding, and lucrative careers in the world. Match the professions in table (A) with their descriptions in a table (B) and also what they are called from the table (C).

1. Blog Writing Writes in scientific journals, university magazines, etc as a result of their Studies and Research a. Translator
2. Story Writing Writes on trends or comments on issues in a column every day or weekly b. Blogger
3. Song/Lyric Writing Writes in National, State, and local newspapers as a staff member c. Journalist
4. Academic Writing Writes long stories of fiction, non-fiction, and other genres d. Story Writer
5. Translating Writes for theatre on genres like fiction and non-fiction, historical, etc. e. Song Writer/Lyricist
6. Newspaper Writing Writes lyrics/songs for films, plays, etc. on a given topic. f. Academic Writer
7. Column Writing Writes/Publishes an information piece, views, opinions, etc. on (www-World Wide Web) g. Dramatist/ Playwright
8. Screen Writing Writes in short on one or more genres of fiction/ in magazines, anthologies, etc. h. Novelist
9. Fiction/Novel Writing Translates an original work from one language into another i. Screenplay Writer
10. Drama/ Play Writing Writes Scripts for Films/ Movies/ TV etc. j. Columnist

Given below is a list of words used to develop a CV or a Resume. Prepare a CV/Resume of your own.

Personal Information

  • Date of birth
  • Telephone / E-mail
  • Nationality
  • Marital status

Work Experience

  • Experience/ Occupation / Position
  • Employer / Employment History
  • Internships
  • Activities and responsibilities
  • Education and Training
  • Primary school
  • Secondary school
  • Other qualification

Personal Skills and Competencies

  • Competencies / Personal Competencies / Personal Skills/ Computer skills Mother tongue/ Other languages / Foreign languages

Understand the quotation and expand it in a paragraph format.

‘Pride goes on horseback, but returns on foot’.

Form pairs and make a ‘pair presentation’ of any one of the two stories. To do so, each person presents only one sentence at a time, and the next one is immediately presented by the partner. Thus, each person in the pair presents alternate sentences without breaking the flow of the narration.

Write a letter to your friend about the Great Indian Bustard. You may use the following points :

  • Why we need to protect the bird.
  • What you plan to do to help the bird.

Prepare a poster on the need for the conservation of the Great Indian Bustard.

Multinational companies expect a different type of Professional CV. Browse through the net to gather information about it.

Is an educated person the same as a degree holder?

Make a list of the behaviours in educated people that you find unacceptable:

  • ___________________

Consult the thesaurus and note down synonyms for 'ordinary'.

  • One synonym of the ordinary is banal. Eg. He finds English poetry very banal.
  • Similarly, find the meaning and make use of the words trite , routine , cliched , and regular in your own sentences.

Complete the table. One is done for you.

1. Callous Caring for people, environment, life
2. Violent  
3. Greedy  
4. Corrupt  

Visit a library. Find a school poem. Recite it to your parents.

Think of different ways of classifying them, for example, electric and non-electric, day-time sources and night-time sources

What is your favourite source of light? Write its autobiography. (10 - 15 lines)

‘Once you begin to learn there is no end to learning’. Write your views on this statement.

‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’ Mahatma Gandhi

Collect some more quotes on education by famous thinkers.

Every movie is worth critiquing. Describe in detail each point related to the film review with the help of the following web.

report writing about educational development day

Discuss and explain the movie 'The Jungle Book' with the help of the following points.

  • Classic element.
  • Photorealism
  • Blending of emotions

'Narnia' (part 1,2,3 and 4) is a film about 4 children who find a path to Narnia. Discuss in your class, the special effects, and direction. Write a review with the help of the following points in about 100 to 150 words.

  • Music Director
  • Characters/ casting (major and minor)
  • Setting / location
  • Significance of the title.

Start a collection of proverbs. A proverb is a short, well-known sentence or phrase that gives advice or tells you what is generally true. For example, ‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means ‘If one does something in time or immediately, it saves a lot of work later’. A proverb is also known as a saying. Here are some proverbs for your collection.

  • Appearances can be deceptive.
  • Do not judge by appearance; a rich heart may be under a poor coat.
  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • You can’t tell a book by its cover.
  • Clothes do not make the man.

There are ample career opportunities in film making and producing films.

The following professions which require different professional skills, and write them accordingly.

1. Actor-Male or Female Acting, voice modulation, Body language, facial expressions, etc.
2. Director  
3. Producer  
4. Music-director  
5. Script-writer  
6. Lyrist  
7. Cameramen  
8. Cinematographer  
9. Set-designer  
10. Costume-designer  

Write the story of Sage Dadhichi’s sacrifice in your own word.

The priorities of the Sergeant are shifted. Complete the given table by using the given clues.

in the beginning patriotism
law and duty  -

Make a ‘pair presentation’ of the poem, in the class.

Write down the consequences of the following occurrences with the help of the play.

Katherine encourages Dr. Stockmann to proceed in his attempts in the cause of public attempts.

The setting of the act is the office of the newspaper 'The Herald'. Explain how it is the proper background for the theme of the play.

Watch the advertisements on TV. Choose any one of them for group discussion and analysis. Write your report in the advertisement.

Prepare a formal invitation using the following format:

Mr and Mrs _______________________ solicit the pleasure of your company on the occasion of the ____________________ of their __________________ on _______________ (day), date _______________.

Venue __________________ Time ____________________

(Include other requests like RSVP, No presents please, etc. at the bottom.)

Write what you think about the following thoughts and actions of Mathilde :

Mathilde did not tell her friend about the loss and replacement.

Mathilde and her husband paid off the debt in ten years.

Discuss the following and write about the following in your own words in 5-6 lines.

What would you do, if something like this happens to you?

Write about your feelings and reactions in 4-5 lines.

You may describe your feelings and reactions using other words than those given here

Write the rhyme scheme of the poem (Invictus).

Give, in your own words, TWO reasons for each of the following :

The woman was reluctant to cross the street by herself.

Use the details given in the story and your imagination and prepare a timetable for the trip to the moon.

The same landscape appears different at different times. What message can we draw from this?

Think and write in your own words.

If you were in the traveller’s place, which road would you choose? Justify your choice.

Write a letter to your Class Teacher or the Principal of your school to make any one of the two following requests.

You wish to start a news bulletin for your school/ class. It will be a one-page bulletin to be published every week. A different group of students will manage the preparation of the bulletin every time.

According to the poet, how does God help people, when they pray to him for help?

Write an informal letter from a teenager to his/her parent, expressing a few thoughts from the poem.

(My dear ______/Dearest ______./Hi! ______ Are you surprised to see this letter? I wanted to talk to you about this, but then I thought I will be able to express myself better in a letter. Love,/Yours lovingly/Yours ______).

Write a character sketch of Papa Panov in your own words.

Say ‘WHY’?

The writer grew less dogmatic and more open-minded.

Answer the following question :

How does fear lead us to error?

Write the reason in your own words.

Akbar had to dress like a slave.

Have you ever eaten any fruit/ vegetable picking it straight from the tree or field? Write about that experience in 3-5 lines.

Hold a story-telling competition in which each one narrates a folk-tale or fairy-tale.

Name the occasion or reason for which the announcements are being made. Then think of an occasion and prepare an announcement for it as a group activity.

Is the insect described in the poem a real insect? Think about an imaginary creature. Describe it in your own words. You may draw its picture and label it.

Elements of Planning An Interview : (Group Activity)

Form groups and discuss each element of planning an interview and prepare notes on each element. 

Format - Structure ______
Size/Length - How much ______
Do’s and Dont’s - Rules and Regulations ______
Type of Questions - Yes/No questions or Wh Type. ______

Read the following Headline and write the dateline, intro, and a short continuing paragraph.

Ask the students to read different news from English Newspapers and write the given points in the news. 

Ask the students to read different news from English Newspapers and write the given points in the news.

Complete the following and write a paragraph for the given activity.

report writing about educational development day

Discuss with your friend/brother /sister / your classmate and write your list of wishes to make your village/town/city people happy. You can use the following words.

  • communicate

Write an appreciation of the poem (Basketful of Moonlight). 

Title ______
Poet ______
Rhyme scheme ______
Favorite line ______
Theme/Central idea ______
Figures of speech ______
Special features - Type of the poem, language, style, tone, implied meanings, etc. ______
Why I like/dislike the poem ______

Write a short essay on your own journey in a boat.

Prepare and present a speech on ‘My Favourite Place’. Use the following points.

  • Name of the place
  • Its special features
  • The reason why you like it

Imagine you are Dorothy and write about the day’s events in 5-8 lines in your (Dorothy’s) diary.

Imagine you are the lion and someone is interviewing you. Write the answers to the following questions.

  • Who were your companions on the way to Oz?
  • How did you take the others across the ditch? Were you afraid?
  • Were you afraid of the Kalidahs? Why did you decide to fight with them?
  • What did it feel like after you were out of the forest?

Write a short book review of any one of your favourite books. Your review should include the following things.

  • Title of the book
  • Name of the author/ authors
  • Name of the illustrator (artist)
  • The central idea of the book (what the book is about)
  • The important characters in the book and what they do
  • What you like about the book
  • Why you want others to read the book/what you learn from the book

Write a short essay on the following.

My favourite sports event.

Your goal, this year, is to successfully pass out from secondary school. So let us be SMART and note down the following.

(a) Specific Area:

(Subjects) and number of units/lessons

  • English 4 units

(b) Measurable:

Comparison of scores in previous examinations and in recent one.

1. Poor Fair Fair

(c) Achievable goal:

(Target scores/performance in SSC Exams.)

(d) Realisitc approach:

Plan of action that matches with your expertise/resources. For example:

  • Make a study time table and follow it regularly.
  • __________________

(e) Time-bound Action:

Days required for revision

1. English  

Describe in your notebook the challenges you faced while learning to ride a bicycle, swimming, or any skill. Take hints from the web to complete your write-up.

report writing about educational development day

Expand the theme in a write-up of about 20 lines.

‘Books are our real friends’

report writing about educational development day

Following are the ways to preserve ‘World Heritage Sites.’ Transfer these points into a small paragraph. Suggest a suitable title.

  • Practical conservation of posterity
  • Human/animal trespassing
  • Unmonitored/uncontrolled/unrestricted access
  • Threat of local administrative negligence

Prepare a set of questions to interview-

a person who has just returned from a trek in the woods

You have an Environment Protection Week to be celebrated in your school. You have invited an environmentalist. You have to interview him/her about how to save environment. Frame about 10-12 questions for the interview.

Imagine that you are the Captain of your team. A famous cricketer is going to visit your school. You are assigned the task to conduct an interview of that famous cricketer. Frame a set of 10 questions that you will ask the cricketer. Take help of the points given below.

  • Interest in this field
  • Inspiration
  • Coaching and guidance
  • Achievement/Records
  • Future plans
  • Advice to youngsters

Read the script from:

Joan (Girl) Good morning, Captain squire (up to)


Polly and Jack have promised to come with me.

Write a summary of that part of the script (in Indirect speech) in 15 to 20 lines.

You are the School Pupil Leader. You have been asked to write a report on the Inaugural Ceremony of English Literary Association of your school which was held recently. Write a report on the same in not more than 120 words.

Write a newspaper article in about 100 words, comparing the achievements of the two sportswomen based on the information you have already collected.

Your class has to stage a Puppet Show in the Assembly Open Forum on the topic ‘Child Labour’. Divide yourselves into groups and discuss the requirements for the presentation like a storyline, characters, dialogues, choice of puppets, and music for the interlude. Now complete the dialogues given below.

Ramesh Let us present a Puppet Show on CHILD LABOUR for our Assembly Open Forum.
Mohammed That is a very good idea! Let us start planning right away.
Geetha _______________________________________________________?
Leema I suggest we begin with the storyline first.
Mani How ___________________________________________________ ?
Ramesh We can have around five characters.
Mohammed What __________________________________________________ ?
Meena We can focus on the problems of poverty and illiteracy as the major reasons for child labour.
Ramesh Can _________________________________________________?
Leema I am good at making stick puppets. I will make them myself. But I require some help.
Mani I ________________________ . Tell me, ______________________. 
Leema Thank you, Mani. Let us stay back after the meeting and discuss.
Ramesh Have ___________________________ ?
Meena I think we should have some music for the interlude.
Geetha That would make it really interesting. I will get my music group to start working on the tunes for our puppet show.

On seeing these pictures, you would have gone down your memory lane. Write a paragraph in about 50 words describing your favourite sport when you were young.

report writing about educational development day

Make a poster of any natural disaster, giving details about the devastation caused.

Work in groups and discuss. Then write a diary entry in about 60-80 words describing your feelings and emotions for the given situation. Imagine, you are Pongo.

Your feelings and emotions when you came back and found the oranges gone.

Have you experienced any unexpected turn of events in your life? What happened? How did you feel about it at that moment? How do you feel about it now?

Write an article for your school magazine describing your experience in about 150 words.

You are Aadhav. While you were away on a holiday, your house was burgled. Use appropriate modals and complete the letter to your friend telling him/ her about it.

No. 36, Gandhi Road Chennai – 45 04 August 2018

Dear Ramesh,

How are you? I feel sad to inform you that my house was burgled last week when I was on a holiday. Burglars ______ have known from the accumulated newspaper pile that I had gone away. When I came back last Sunday, I found the back-door lock broken. I ______ have forgotten to bolt the back-door from inside and they _______ have entered through it. My room was ransacked. They took my laptop and other valuables. I ______ have deposited the jewellery in a bank locker to avoid this loss. I _______ have informed my neighbours about my week-long trip. Well, I have registered an FIR with the police. They are investigating the case. They have assured that I _____ get my jewels back. The burglars ______ be caught very soon. Convey my regards to all at home.

Yours lovingly, Aadhav

Imagine that you and your friend get a chance to visit another planet. There, you befriend an alien who takes you around the planet. After reaching the earth, write a letter thanking him for all the help he did.

What is the name of her diary?

Write a meaningful paragraph using the hints given below.

Mahesh – celebrates – 14th birthday – an old-age home – family, friends – informs home in advance – delegates tasks – friends buy things necessary – arrives home early – decorates place – balloons, colour papers – inmates gathered – cuts cake – sing-song, claps – distributes cakes – expresses his feelings – gets blessings – offers things – bedsheets, footwear, etc. needed – fun, entertainment – happy and content.

Read the given slogans and match them appropriately with their theme.

1. One for all and all for one Junk food
2. Limit your fast food otherwise, it would be your last food Save water
3. Restricting a woman restricts the growth of the family Cleanliness
4. Clean and green makes perfect scene Woman empowerment
5. It takes a lot of blue to stay green Unity

Look at the picture given below and frame your own slogan.

report writing about educational development day

Look at the image of the familiar advertisement given below. Identify the product and try to frame your own slogan.

report writing about educational development day

Imagine that you have parked your vehicle (two-wheeler)/ bicycle inside the school premises. You find it missing in the evening. Write a complaint to the head of the school regarding this issue.

Write a complaint to the officer of the PWD department to take immediate actions of maintaining cleanliness in the Children’s Park in your locality.

Your mom made your favourite dinner. ______

The first day at school ______

Discuss in groups. Draw the haunted house described in the poem and write a paragraph about it in your own words.

You are the receptionist of your school. Your Head master instructs you to send a message to all the parents of class ten to attend a PTA (Parent-Teacher Association) meet which is to be held on 22.12.2019





Create a poster for the following.

Say ‘No to Drugs’ – Design a poster for it is not more than 50 words. You may use slogans/ phrases.

Draft Letter for the following.

You are Sanjay. Your colony utilizes solar energy to light the common areas. You find many friends of your colony forgetting to switch off the lights in the common area. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to a newspaper, echoing the importance to conserve and preserve solar energy.

Local Historians

  • Ask students to collect stories about their town from older people.
  • Ask them to find out how the streets were named.
  • Are there any interesting people or legends to which the street names refer?
  • Are there any local places in town about which people tell stories?
  • Any haunted houses?
  • Let students find out when the town was founded and by whom.
  • Visit a local historical society to see old photographs or artifacts.

Let students create an original historical fiction:

Describe the town from the point of view of a fictitious citizen who might have lived in the town long ago. Include local issues of the time in the story. Write the story of the town from the fictionalized point of view of a resident who actually lived.

Create a pamphlet for the following.

Make a pamphlet on the latest gadgets (Mention the variety of models, uses, needs, and availability).

Your friend has presented a beautiful art piece on your birthday. Write a letter to her appreciating her art work.

What are the themes of the singers’ songs?

Your friend is coming to your city/town to spend a week with you. He/she wants to visit some tourist places and enjoy the special food items of the place. Prepare a two-day itinerary for the visit.

8.00 am Market Go shopping for  Auto

Develop the following hints.

Tortoise - hare - forest - tortoise walking- seen by a hardware laughs - tortoise speed - tortoise sad - bet - race - tortoise moving- slow speed -hare moves - fast - sleepy tortoise - reaches a winning point - first - wins the bet.

A wood cutter - cutting wood - dropped his axe in the pond - started weeping - an angel appeared - asked what the matter was - brought a golden axe - from the pond - wood cutter did not accept - brought a silver axe - not accepted - brought an iron axe - accepted - pleased with the honesty - offered all the axes to him.

A Bio - Poem is an essay about oneself in the form of poetry.

Line 1: Your name.

Line 2: Four adjectives that describe you.

Line 3: Son of / daughter of … brother of / sister of…

Line 4: Lover of three people, things or idea.

Line 5: Who feels (three sensations or emotion)

Line 6: Who needs (three things)

Line 7: Who gives (three things)

Line 8: Who fears (three things)

Line 9: Who would like to see (three persons or places)

Line 10: Who lives …

Line 11: Your last name.

Friendly, kind, smart and obedient

Daughter of Sam and Diana, sister of

Jack Lover of pets, sports and reading

Who feels cheerful, comfortable and excited

Who needs education, peace and friends

Who gives smiles, support and courage

Who fears spiders, the dark and stray dogs

Who would like to see Mt. Everest

Lives in Cape


Work in small groups. Pick out the adjectives and nouns that suit you using a dictionary. Read the steps given. Arrange adjectives and nouns like the given sample to construct your Bio-Poem. Present in the class.

Collect all the poems. Compile an Anthology of BioPoems of Class VII.

Write a character sketch of any character from fiction that has made an impact on you.

  • Introduce the person.
  • Highlight his/her character as revealed in the story.
  • Talk about what others say about the character.
  • Write if the character appealed to you, with reasons.
  • Support your views with evidence from text.

Arrange the jumbled sentences and write a paragraph. Use appropriate conjunctions.

Jane Eyre is an orphan.

She lives with her aunt Mrs. Reed.

Mrs. Reed does not like Jane because Jane is not her daughter.

Jane’s uncle Mr. Reed likes Jane, but he dies.

He makes Mrs. Reed promise to take care of Jane, but instead she sends Jane away.

Jane is ten years old, she is sent to Lowood school.

Jane graduates and stays there to teach.

She leaves for Thornfield, where she is a governess.

She is very happy there.

Look at the picture and write a paragraph using the clues in the picture.

report writing about educational development day

Read the acrostic poem on ‘Friend’. Write an acrostic poem like this on ‘Tree’.

riends always love each other

espect each Other

nteract with each other

njoy playing with each Other

ever hurt your friends


o everything together


How do you cook rice in your house?

Fill in the gaps in this recipe for cooking rice. Use the words in the box











What you'll need 

  • 1 cup uncooked white rice 
  • 2 cups water 
  • pinch of salt

How to make it

  • ______the rice until the ______runs clear. 
  • Drain the water and ______ aside.
  • In a medium sized pan, bring water to ______. 
  • Add the salt, stir, and then add the rinsed and drained ______.
  • Reduce the heat, cover the rice, and let it simmer on ______ heat for 20 minutes.
  • Check after 15 minutes to see if all the ______ has evaporated. If it has, the rice is ______.
  • If not, replace the ______ and let the rice simmer for 5 ______
  • Remove from ______ and serve

Your mother has written a message for you before going out. Write a message to her after finishing your lunch.

report writing about educational development day

Write about the following in your message.

  • You ate lunch______. 
  • What you liked______ (mention the dish). 
  • You have cleaned the kitchen ______. 
  • You are going out to play. ______(mention when you will be back).

Read the jumbled lines from the poem and rearrange them in correct order.

1. cinnamon, betel leaves
2. and ginger and garlic”
3. Go to Muthu’s
4. My mother would say:
5. and get some
6. “Little boy Raj…
7. And so I go to the shops
8. singing all the way
9. tomatoes and pickles”
10. “Sesame seeds, onions
11. I rattle off a list:
12. what I’d want
13. and when Muthu asks me
14. my mother twists my ear
15. and back home
16. ouch!

Fill in the blanks with different words and write your own poem.

Your Title for the poem:______

My ______would say:

“Little boy/girl______

Go to ______

and get some ______, ______

______ and ______”

And so I go to the _______

_____ all the way

and when ______ asks me

what I want

I rattle off a list: “

______, ______

And back home,

______ twists my ears

Fill in the form given below.


report writing about educational development day

Imagine that you are the sports captain of your school. Write a formal letter to the sports captain of another school inviting her/ his team for a friendly match. You may choose any sport. Give details of time and place

Make a diary entry on the impact of a sports personality who is an inspiration to you.

  • Date your entry. 
  • Write naturally and truthfully.
  • Use first person. (I read about Mithali, I like her playing style, etc.,)
  • Make your entry informal and expressive.
  • Use words that express feelings and write what you feel about it.

Write a formal email to Mr. Sundar Pitchai CEO of Google, requesting him for an appointment to interview him.

Trees can help you recognise seasons. How do the trees look different in each season? Write a short paragraph with the clues given below.

  • Summer - Trees stretch their leafy branches towards the sun. 
  • Spring - Branches are full of new green leaves.
  • Rain - Trees absorb water and look green. 
  • Autumn - Trees shed their leaves.

Find example of alliteration and write them in the blank.

in a blaze of heat

with sunny smiles.

Make the children write their own story. The following questions will help them to write. Ask them to gather information from their parents before writing and to give a title.

  • When were you born?
  • Where were you born?
  • What is your father’s name and what is he?
  • What is your mother’s name and what is she?
  • What is your birth order?
  • Do you have any nickname, if yes, reason for that?
  • An interesting incident that happened in your life.

Write the hungry fox story on your own by looking at the pictures and using the clues given under each picture.

report writing about educational development day

Application form annual day participation.

report writing about educational development day

Write some sentences about the picture.

report writing about educational development day

She, is, has, girl, shirt, pants, beautiful, pink, blue, long, hair.

Write some sentences about the picture. 

report writing about educational development day

It, is, has, walks, elephant, legs, tusk, trunk, big, long, slowly, strong.

Write the dialogue and complete the story.

report writing about educational development day

What will Glory say? Do you think you can help Glory by giving some ideas to Ravi?

You can write a story about the ______ and the ______.

Great idea! Thank you!
______ Ravi.

Can we try to complete another dialogue now?

Rathi is visiting a shop to buy a pen. Let us try and complete the dialogues between her and the shopkeeper.

Hi Akka!
Hi! How can I help?
I need a______.
Sure. Which colour?
Give a______ pen.
Do you need a ten rupee pen or a five rupee pen?
Give me the ______rupee pen.
Do you want anything else?
Thank you. Goodbye.

Do you want to try to write your own paragraph now?

Write a paragraph on Cow.

report writing about educational development day

  •  ______

Write a paragraph on Monkey.

report writing about educational development day

Write a paragraph on Palm tree.

report writing about educational development day

The child got an ______ for winning the race.

Complete the following picture board.

Now complete the following suitably.

_______ a dog ran out onto the road.

Now complete the following, in the same way, using the words easy or strong.

Skipping is ______. Jumping is ______ than skipping. Walking is the ______ of all.

Punctuate the following sentence.

she fed the baby washed the dishes put the lights off and went to sleep.

Connect the pairs of sentences below using and or but.

  • It is time to get up for school.
  • I want to sleep for some more time.

Fill in the blanks according to the example given below

tiny tinier tiniest
big ______ biggest
sleepy sleepier ______
______ lovelier loveliest
______ later ______
round ______ ______
small ______ ______
good ______ best

Rewrite the passage below using capital letters where necessary

oh dear said the fir tree I like my old needle-like leaves best for goats don't eat them and no man can steal them

Use the words ‘and’ or ‘but’ and make as many sentences as you can about Rajiv’s family.


Grandpa and Grandma get up early in the morning

Grandpa is walking but Rajiv is jogging.

Find one word from the story that means

to be inquisitive c ______.

Alice follows the strange rabbit because she wants to know a number of things. Re-arrange the words to make the questions that Alice has in her mind, and put a question mark (?).

read he can time the

Some word have similar sound, but different meaning. Choose the correct word from the options and fill in the blank.

This sum is ______.

In the sentence below the capital letter, comma, full stop and question mark are missing. Put these in the correct place.

on monday i will go to school

Make opposites with the words –

dis ______   in______

Now make sentences using some of the above words.

Fill in the blank with choosing the preposition from the option.

This tree was the home a flock ______ wild geese.

Look at the following words. They are group names.

report writing about educational development day

troop of soldiers

swarm of bees

team of players

litter of puppies

fleet of ships

library of books

Which country would you like to visit when you grow up?

Make a project by drawing or pasting.

  • a map of that country, its national flag
  • stamps of the country, its currency
  • some famous monuments or landmarks

Do you know that there are seven wonders in the world? Can you tell the name of the one which is in India? Find out and write the names of all the seven wonders and the countries they are located in.

(i) The Taj Mahal  
(ii) The Great Wall of China  

Find out stories about other great people’s lives and their childhood and write these in your notebook. Collect at least two such stories and share them with your friends.

You could think of famous

  • religious people
  • freedom fighters
  • brave children

Make groups of ten and present one of the following activities in class.

skit song dance painting a chart for class make paper bags from old newspaper

Read the following sentences.

  • Bhaiya has been studying in the same class for two years. (for a period of time)
  • Munna was flying kites since morning. (from a time in the past till the present)

Choose a story that you like.

In groups of four, write down dialogues for the story and make it into a short play. You may then present it in the class.

Find one story of bravery about a child. You can search for the story by talking to older people or watching a TV programme or from a film.

  • Write down the story. Also, mention its source.
  • Narrate the story to the class.
  • Which story did you like the best? Write down your reasons.

Here is a short story.

Once a lion lay fast asleep in the Ranathambore forest of Rajasthan. Some mice were playing hide and seek near him. One mouse got trapped under the lion’s paw. The lion woke up, laughed loudly, and let the mouse go!

After some days the mouse heard the lion’s roar. He saw that the lion lay in great pain as he was tied with many ropes. The mouse used his sharp teeth and cut the rope. ‘‘You are a true friend,’’ said the lion.

From Aesop’s Fables

A friend in need is a friend indeed

What does this mean?

  • We must be there for friends in trouble
  • Only a good friend will be with us when we are in trouble.

The ______of robbers escaped.

The hunter shot at the ______of birds.

The children finished their work______ [quick]

What made the dogs follow the grandmother after school hours?

Why didn’t the grandmother feel sentimental when the author went abroad for higher education?

The grandmother appreciated the value of education. Give instances in support of your answer.

A message is a verbal, written, or recorded communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.

You are the Sports Captain of your school. Write a message to the Physical Director, requesting him to be present during the football team selection scheduled for tomorrow.

How is that day celebrated?

Why did the friends part ways?

Who was the tall man?

State whether the following statement are true or false

The cop suddenly slowed his walk, when he heard the barking of dogs.

The friends parted one night after watching a movie together.

How did the cop come to understand that Bob had been successful in the West?

Why did Mary Kom think that she should not return empty-handed?

Why did she call herself ‘lucky’?

Why did Philip Sletherby visit Brill Manor?

What caught his attention about the car door?

‘Seeing is believing’. How is this humorously disproved in this story? Bring out the irony in the situation.

Explain the following phrase selected from the story in your own word and work with a partner to make sentence using these phrase:

making up for lost time

Given below is a list of tools and equipment. Associate them with the appropriate profession and complete the table.

plough, hammer, oven, thermometer, voltmeter, wood, chisel, seed drill, voltage, detector, cutting boards, stone picker, spatula, cultivator, nail puller, wire strippers, framing square, fork, flashlight

plough hammer    

Bring out the people’s reaction to the noises from the surgery.

Why did they sympathize with the first patient?

Why did Woman 1 panic more than the others?

How did Woman 5 move ahead in the waiting list of patients?

Write conversation on the following situation.

Between two friends on the importance of punctuality

What was the only similarity between Leacock’s face and his photograph?

The photographer told him to ______.

The photograph did not look like ______.

What kind of relationship existed between Miss Meadows and the Science Mistress?

How would Miss Meadows usually treat Mary? How did her behavior towards the girl change that day?

Fill in the following forms with imaginary details.

report writing about educational development day

Write an application for the post of Personal Secretary to the Managing Director of a company. Include the following details: Educational qualification, experience, various other qualifications required for the post.

Urban living brings with it a possibility of various communicable diseases.

Now write an article of about 150 words for a leading newspaper on the various ways of maintaining personal hygiene and sanitation in order to ensure a healthy living. Make use of the hints given below

a) Introduction – ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’ – brief explanation

b) Personal hygiene 

(i) Frequent washing of hands and regular bathing

(ii) Brushing of teeth, trimming of nails and hair

(iii)Wearing clean clothes

c) Keeping diseases at bay

(i) Avoid street food

(ii) Keep food containers covered

(iii)Drink boiled water

(iv) Wash fruits and vegetables in flowing water

d) Keeping living areas, surroundings and the environment clean

(i) Disposal of domestic organic waste on a daily basis and hazardous waste in designated places

(ii) Regular sweeping, mopping and dusting

(iii)Disinfection of toilets and bathing areas

(iv) Avoid littering of public places

(v) Avoid spitting, urinating and defecating in public places

e) Conclusion – hygiene – a collective exercise – everyone’s involvement and practice, a must – ensure community health and happiness – celebrate life

Write an essay of about 200 word 

The profession you would like to choose

The importance of a balanced diet

A memorable journey

The poet immortalizes the tree. Elucidate.

Reading a map

Nowadays though locations are traced easily using GPS, (Global Positioning System) one should know what to look for in the map to reach the destination. Here are a few general instructions to be followed while reading a map.

  • Identify and understand the elements of the map correctly.
  • Look out for the title to know what the map shows.
  • Study the symbols/colors that are used on the map and find what they stand for.
  • Look at the scale of the map. (whether to be scaled or not to be scaled)
  • Look for the pointer to know the direction.

Let us together scale the summit. Here is a drawing of the Everest showing the way to the summit, and the position of the camps with their heights. Trace the trekking trail to reach the summit with the given details and write an interesting paragraph in about 100 words.

The Summit of Mount Everest

report writing about educational development day

Summarizing is to briefly sum up the various points from the notes made from the below passage.

The Sherpas were nomadic people who first migrated from Tibet approximately 600 years ago, through the Nangpa La pass and settled in the Solukhumbu District, Nepal. These nomadic people then gradually moved westward along salt trade routes. During 14th century, Sherpa ancestors migrated from Kham. The group of people from the Kham region, east of Tibet, was called “Shyar Khamba”. The inhabitants of Shyar Khamba, were called Sherpa. Sherpa migrants travelled through Ü and Tsang, before crossing the Himalayas. According to Sherpa oral history, four groups migrated out of Solukhumbu at different times, giving rise to the four fundamental Sherpa clans: Minyagpa, Thimmi, Sertawa and Chawa. These four groups have since split into the more than 20 different clans that exist today.

Sherpas had little contact with the world beyond the mountains and they spoke their own language. AngDawa, a 76-year-old former mountaineer recalled “My first expedition was to Makalu [the world’s fifth highest mountain] with Sir Edmund Hillary’’. We were not allowed to go to the top. We wore leather boots that got really heavy when wet, and we only got a little salary, but we danced the Sherpa dance, and we were able to buy firewood and make campfires, and we spent a lot of the time dancing and singing and drinking. Today Sherpas get good pay and good equipment, but they don’t have good entertainment. My one regret is that I never got to the top of Everest. I got to the South Summit, but I never got a chance to go for the top.

The transformation began when the Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and the New Zealander Edmund Hillary scaled Everest in 1953. Edmund Hillary took efforts to build schools and health clinics to raise the living standards of the Sherpas. Thus life in Khumbu improved due to the efforts taken by Edmund Hillary and hence he was known as ‘Sherpa King’.

Sherpas working on the Everest generally tend to perish one by one, casualties of crevasse falls, avalanches, and altitude sickness. Some have simply disappeared on the mountain, never to be seen again. Apart from the bad seasons in 1922, 1970 and 2014 they do not die en masse. Sherpas carry the heaviest loads and pay the highest prices on the world’s tallest mountain. In some ways, Sherpas have benefited from the commercialization of the Everest more than any group, earning income from thousands of climbers and trekkers drawn to the mountain. While interest in climbing Everest grew gradually over the decades after the first ascent, it wasn’t until the 1990s that the economic motives of commercial guiding on Everest began. This leads to eclipse the amateur impetus of traditional mountaineering. Climbers looked after each other for the love of adventure and “the brotherhood of the rope” now are tending to mountain businesses. Sherpas have taken up jobs as guides to look after clients for a salary. Commercial guiding agencies promised any reasonably fit person a shot at Everest.

Look at the pictures given below, and write slogans to advertise the products. Suggest your own brand name for each of the products.

report writing about educational development day

Write slogan to create awareness of the following topic using the tips given above.

  • Blood Donation

Write a paragraph of about 150 word, on the following topic.

The teacher I like the most

The value of discipline

The importance of Good Health

The importance of Reading

Observe the following picture and write a paragraph in about 150 word about each one of them.

report writing about educational development day

Why did one of the girls wail?

Why did William and the other children bully Margot?

What does the title of the story convey?

Attempt a description of the following process, in about 100 word each, either using the imperative or the passive.

Organising a birthday party in your house

Sending a letter by courier service

Answer the following question as briefly as possible and with close reference to the relevant text.

Referring closely to the short story, The Sound Machine, describe the encounter between Klausner and Mrs. Saunders. How did it affirm his belief in his own invention?

“Then paint the cut with iodine.” With reference to this line, what is your understanding of Klausner? Do you sympathise with him? Give your reasons.

Write a composition in approximately 350 – 400 words on the following subject:

(You are reminded that you will be rewarded for orderly and coherent presentation of material, use of appropriate style and general accuracy of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.)

Referring closely to the short story, B. Wordsworth relate two important lessons that the young narrator learnt from his friend, B. Wordsworth. How were these lessons relevant?

Discuss how in the poem Dover Beach the poet, Mathew Arnold, reposes faith in love as a beam of hope amidst the surrounding despair.

You have recently watched an interesting film. Write a review of this film, in about 200 – 250 words, based on the points given below.

Name of the film and its director – actors in the film – type of film – plot – quality of direction/acting – cinematography/costumes/sets – reaction of audiences – recommended/not recommended

Write a composition (300 - 350 words) on the following:

Imagine a situation where a child runs away from home but later returns. Why did he or she run away? What made him/her come back? Write an original short story entitled: 'Finding My Way Home'.

Parents can never be friends with their children. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Describe an area in your city or hometown which is famous for its street food. Give details of the familiar sights and sounds you would experience on this street.

It is very important for young people to spend time quietly or alone for a short while every day. If you were given an hour to spend on your own, how will you spend it? What will you learn from the process?

Study the picture given below. Write a short story or description or an account of what the picture suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it.

report writing about educational development day

You have been given a small sum of money to buy a gift with for a friend. What gift would you choose (specify) and why would you choose this? Write a letter to your friend telling him/her about the gift and how it will benefit him/her.

You have planned to organize a health camp at school. Write a letter to the Manager of a supermarket requesting sponsorship for the event. Name the event and explain how it will benefit both the community as well as the supermarket.

Write an e-mail to the General Manager of a local hospital requesting him/her to send a senior doctor to talk to the participants at the event about the quality of mask which would give them the best protection.

Write the contraction for the following phrase.

do not - ______

Read the given sentence and underline the 'no' word.

Ram has no book.

Read the given sentence and underline the no word.

Was Gopal nowhere around?

Complete the dialogue:

Manas: How much is the SSC exam fee?
Clerk: __________________
Manas: When is the last date to submit the exam form?
Clerk: __________________

Write a dialogue between a student and teacher on 'Importance of Yoga'.

News Report:

Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of the given points:

21-Year-Old Mayur Wins World Chess Championship

Make use of the following guidelines:

  • Body of the report

On returning home, Tishani Doshi writes her thoughts reflecting on how her decision to enrol for the Students on Ice programme has been the single most important decision of her life that has completely transformed her.

Imagine yourself to be Tishani and express these thoughts.

You may begin like this:

I can’t thank my stars enough for having cashed in on the opportunity of........

The given bar graph shows the preferences of children in a school in playing different games over the span of six years. Write an analytical paragraph about the given information in about 109 words:

report writing about educational development day

“What man calls civilization always results in deserts. Man is never on the square he uses up the fat and greenery of the earth. Each generation wastes a little more of the future with greed and lust for riches”- Don Marquis

With our modern awareness of ecology are we likely to make sufficient progress in conservation, or are we still in danger of damaging the earth beyond repair? Write a discursive essay discussing the issue being raised.

"That which we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value."- Thomas Paine

Do we value only what we struggle for? Plan your response, and then write an essay to explain your views on this issue. Be sure to support your position with specific points and examples. (You may use examples from your reading, observations, and inputs from subjects such as History, Science and literature)

Certainly anyone who insists on condemning all lies should think about what would happen if we could reliably tell when our family, friends, colleagues, and government leaders were deceiving us. It is tempting to think that the world would become a better place without the deceptions that seem to interfere with our attempts are genuine communication. On the other hand, perhaps there is such a thing as too much honesty. - Adapted from Allison Kornet, "The Truth About Lying"

Would the world be a better place if everyone always told the complete truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

It is widely believed that people do their best work when they are promised rewards for their achievements. Our schools and workplaces operate on the assumption that good work occurs when people are competing for grades, money, or recognition from others. In truth, the prospect of rewards provided by others can inhibit and limit people’s drive and creativity. People do their best work when motivated from within by their enjoyment of a particular challenge and their satisfaction in doing something well.

What do you think motivates people to do their best? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on the topic given below.

Write a letter to your father asking permission to go on an educational tour.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally.

Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a program and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter on any one of the topics given below.

Write a letter to your father asking permission to go on a educational tour.

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Group Discussion:

You along with your friends Sujit, Rohit and Kishore discussing their likes and dislikes. But all are fascinated with the reading habit. Write a short group discussion in the form of dialogue telling the importance of reading for enhancing knowledge.

A college degree is needed to succeed in life. Argue for or against this statement.

You are the editor of your school magazine. You want to bring about awareness among the students on the topic -Noise Pollution: A threat to all life forms. Write an article in about 300 words based on the following points:

Causes of noise pollution - effects on humans - effects on other living creatures - measures to reduce noise pollution - role of authorities - conclusion. 

As a member of the Student Council of your school, you wish to set up a Food Club to promote healthy eating habits among students. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, outlining the steps that you will take to make this club a success.

Discuss the following and write the summary of your discussion in the form of bullet points.

  • How are certain ideas/customs/knowledge passed on from one generation to the next?
  • Is it necessary for children to follow the footsteps of their forefathers? If yes, why? Why is it sometimes necessary to change the old ways?

Do you have a role model? What qualities do you appreciate in your role model?

Read the following questions and answers. Form pairs and frame similar questions and answers for this website. How to use this website:

report writing about educational development day

How to use this website:

  • If I want to buy a story book on this website, where can I find it? - In the categories on the left, in the options under Books you will find story books. Click that option.
  • I want a CD of the dictionary. - Go to ‘e-learning’. Under that Click the ‘dictionary’ option.
  • Where can I look for books in the Hindi language? -You can go to the Languages option on the left and tick the box before Hindi.
  • How can I find what discounts are available? - Under the filters on left you will find discounts.
  • Are there any specific deals/offers on specific days? - There is a CSY (Chalashikuya) deal. You can click on it and find out the deal of the day.
  • Can I purchase only one thing at a time? - No, you can buy many things at a time. Select whatever you want and add to the cart and then browse again for another product.
  • When will my order be delivered? - Maximum in 10 working days. You can also track your order by clicking the icon ‘track order.’
  • There is one icon ‘Gift Coupons’. What does it mean? - You can give a gift coupon to your friend by using this icon and he/she can purchase the product of his/her choice with the help of it.
  • Is this site only for purchasing? - No, you can also sell your old books and other educational things here.
  • How can I find out whether the product is good or not? - You can see the ratings and reviews of users below each product.

Suppose one of your parents or an older relative wants to know about online shopping and you are explaining how to do it. Write a conversation between you and your parent/relative about it.

Translate the following sentence into your mother tongue .

The third question according to Socrates is - is it useful?

Find some examples of antithesis from your mother tongue and translate them into English.

Think before you use! Name some ‘ready to eat’ and ‘ready to cook’ food items available in the market. Discuss the following in groups.

  • Discuss whether it is necessary to use such items and why they are sold.
  • Discuss the possible adverse effects of such food items.

Your younger sister wants to eat something tasty. You are telling her the recipe of one such food item. Prepare a dialogue about it.

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write .

What might success mean to the following people? Think about it and write.

Prepare a set of questions to interview -

A famous author

These two passages are examples of a short introduction to works of art - a short review. They cover the following points:

  • The name of the creator
  • The theme or subject matter
  • Type of art
  • Individual style
  • Presentation techniques
  • Its effect on viewers
  • Message or interpretation

Choose a book/film and review it in short using the points you have listed.

The following are the different steps in a drama/play. They are in a mixed-up order. Rearrange them in ‘a’ proper order. Just write the order numbers in brackets.

  • Characters Enter
  • Curtain opens
  • Action begins
  • Scene of the play
  • Curtain closes
  • Finale (Final outcome)
  • Interaction of characters

Suppose a foreigner comes to visit your place and you have to accompany him for sightseeing. Prepare a dialogue between you and the foreigner.

Write a short note on your mother tongue and the attempts you make to study it well.

Write points and counter points on the following topic:

You must memorise the rules of grammar

Observe your surroundings and write whether such facilities are available. How can you help to improve the situation?

Disability Disability Necessary facilities
Hearing loss and deafness    
Vision loss and blindness    
Speech disorders    
Physical disability    
Intellectual disability    
Learning disorder    

Discuss the challenges that people have to face due to disabilities.

What do you like better - to listen to a joke, or to tell a joke?

What makes you laugh?

What’s the difference between ‘hear’ and ‘listen?

Which is the last play you saw?

Imagine someone has invited your family to a program, and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4–5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Imagine someone has invited your family to a programme and you were the only person at home when the invitation was given orally. Write a note (4-5 lines) to pass on the message to the other people in your family. Or, Write an imaginary conversation in which you pass on the message to your parents.

Complete the dialogue.

Which is your favourite book?
What type of book is it?

Send a formal letter of invitation · in 50 words to Dr. Mehra, noted novelist and educationist, to speak on, The Importance of Books'. You are Lena/Sanjay, Secretary Literary Club, S. S. Public School. Meritionday, date, time and venue.

Informal Letter -

Write a letter to your friend describing the details of the vacation.

Write a composition (in approximately 400-450 words) of the following subject:

Recently you attended the wedding of a close relative. It was the first family gathering after the pandemic. Describe the excitement of meeting all the family members, the venue of the wedding, the food that was served and the celebrations that followed.

Write an original short story that begins with the following words:

She was still on the phone giving out instructions when...

As a Member of the Student Council of ABC School, you wish to start a Laughter Club to develop the appreciation for humour among students. Write a proposal in not more than 150 words, outlining the steps you would take to make this club a success.

How do Prospero, Ferdinand and Caliban perceive Miranda? Give one example of each of their perceptions, from the Acts studied, to support your answer. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Despite being a half monster and half human, Caliban comes across as superior to Stephano and Trinculo. Justify the statement with supporting evidence from the Acts studied in 200-250 words.

Referring closely to any two instances from the Acts studied, show how music is used to influence the course of events/action in the play, Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 200-250 words.

Describe the event that led the narrator, Shankar, to suggest digging the ground under the Deodar tree in the short story, Fritz. Write your answer in a short paragraph of about 100-150 words.

Show how Carol Ann Duffy presents a disturbing picture of confinement and exploitation in the poem, The Dolphins. Write your answer in about 200-250 words.

How does John Brown convey his firsthand experience of war to his mother and evoke a deep emotional response in the readers? Justify your answer in about 200-250 words with supporting details from the poem, by John Brown.

As the Head of Environmental Initiatives at school, you have to deliver a speech on the occasion of World Environment Day on June 5 th . Write a speech following the guidelines given below:

  • Greeting or salutation and purpose – the importance of World Environment Day
  • Key issues such as climate change, and pollution – the role of students in fostering a sense of environmental responsibility 
  • Concrete steps required towards a more sustainable and an eco-friendly lifestyle – strong call for action.

Using the given informal letter as a model, write a letter about the topic given below. 

Write letter to your father asking permission to go on a educational tour.

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Robinson Takes Another Step and Earns Respect from Wirfs in the Process

Alain poupart | 20 hours ago.

Miami Dolphins linebacker Chop Robinson (44) works out during training camp at Baptist Health Training Complex.

  • Miami Dolphins

Chop Robinson keeps learning lessons as he prepares for his first NFL season with the Miami Dolphins, and he got a good challenge assignment.

When the Dolphins practiced with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Wednesday, Robinson found himself going head-to-head with Tristan Wirfs — former first-round pick, owner of a recent lucrative contract extension — in a series of reps pitting pass rushers against offensive linemen.

Robinson had one great rep in which he cleanly beat Wirfs by getting under his pads and overpowering him, though in the final analysis, they probably split their handful of reps.

The outcome, though, didn't matter as much as Robinson was able to get out of that work because great competition only makes players better.

"I mean, for me, coming into this practice, after working my fastball, my swiping, everything like that, I really just wanted to peek into other things, like using power and stuff like that to set up my fastball whenever," Robinson said. "So I was just sitting down with Coach [Ryan] Crowe, talking about that before we came out here. Came out here and started working different things and I was able to get underneath his pads but he's a hell of a player. He was talking to me out there saying some things I did good, some things on how I hit him. So it was just it was just a back-and-forth competition, so I'm just getting better and I'm able to I'm blessed to be able to learn from him."

Robinson learned something from Wirfs in this joint practice and earned the Bucs tackle's respect — if he didn't already have it.

"I mean, he just sees something great in me," Chop said. "That's what he said. And, of course, he's great. He just got paid a lot. So I'm just excited to learn."


The Dolphins' first-round pick in the 2024 NFL draft continues to get a lot of work this training camp as he prepares for what could be a big role in his rookie season.

It's not facing Wirfs that's providing lessons, though. Robinson is finding out that life in the NFL is a bit different than in college.

"I feel like in the NFL, some running backs are very patient, and they're able to hit the hole very quickly," Robinson said. "And in college, it's like running backs get the ball [and] they just wanna go. So that's the biggest difference between here and college. So I'm just learning from that, play by play, especially with our offense. And we got the great backs, so I'm just learning every single day.

"The biggest challenge for me was, I'll say, just the speed and just learning the game, that's it. Just in college, you're just as fast as everybody. And here, it's like some of the offense linemen are faster than you, so it's just different, but I'm learning day by day from the first day of camp until now. I feel like I got way better with that."

Facing Wirfs was just another big step in that process.

It was like a wow moment for Robinson, another realization that he's living the dream of being in the NFL.

"I mean, when I went up against them, I was just like, it's crazy that I get to go against him," Robinson said. "But it still hasn't hit me yet because I'm still competing and I'm grinding every single day. I feel like maybe once I get a little break or something, it'll probably hit me."

Alain Poupart


Alain Poupart is the publisher/editor of All Dolphins and co-host of the All Dolphins Podcast. Alain has covered the Miami Dolphins on a full-time basis since 1989 for various publications and media outlets, including Dolphin Digest, The Associated Press, the Dolphins team website, and the Fan Nation Network (part of Sports Illustrated). In addition to being a credentialed member of the Miami Dolphins press corps, Alain has covered three Super Bowls (for NFL.com, Football News and the Montreal Gazette), the annual NFL draft, the Senior Bowl, and the NFL Scouting Combine. During his almost 40 years in journalism, which began at the now-defunct Miami News, Alain has covered practically every sport at one time or another, from tennis to golf, baseball, basketball and everything in between. The career also included time as a copy editor, including work on several books such as "Still Perfect," an inside look at the Miami Dolphins' 1972 perfect season. A native of Montreal, Canada, whose first language is French, Alain grew up a huge hockey fan but soon developed a love for all sports, including NFL football. He has lived in South Florida since the 1980s.

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2024 primary election results: Hillsborough County races

Here are the latest results for the 2024 Florida primary election races in Hillsborough County.

Ousted State Attorney Andrew Warren is seeking the chance to run for his old seat again, and voters will elect a new public defender in either Rocky Brancato or Lisa McLean. County residents will also vote on candidates for judge, county commissioner and school board.

Please use a modern browser to view the results. If you are using our mobile app, click here .

Design and development by Langston Taylor.

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School Report Writing: 10 Top Tips and Expert Advice for 2022

Learning Ladders Blog School Report Writing: 10 Top Tips and Expert Advice for 2022

How to write a school report

We would all like to think that parents thoroughly read through our carefully crafted pupil school reports. How they must appreciate the hours we put into school report writing! However, the reality is that reports are often not as cherished as we would hope. It’s very easy to get them wrong. Wrong name in a copy and paste. Blanket statements for the class such as “We had a great time at Arundel Castle”, then finding out the student didn’t attend that day…

But it’s also just as easy to get them right. Being specific. Writing in simple language. Providing opportunities for parents to get more involved in their child’s education. All of these elements help to create a great school report.

To help you write great end of year reports, let’s answer the simple question: what is a school report? In a nutshell it’s a written assessment of a pupil’s performance and provides valuable guidance to parents and teachers, as well as students.

Reports take time

Unfortunately, school report writing can take time. To make them as personal as we would like to, they can take hours. We want to add personal touches. We want to tailor everything to every time. But if you are writing them frequently, end of year reports can eat into quite a few weekends. Writing them termly, or bulk writing huge reports yearly is very time consuming. Automation can help nowadays. No longer do you have to use the clunky systems of the past – many modern assessment systems can take away some of the strain. Ongoing communications with parents can streamline reports, so you don’t have to include those things which have already been discussed.

Personalising school reports can go wrong

Despite all attempts to the contrary, personalisation can go wrong. It can be difficult when trying to remember everything about every child over the whole year. Remembering exactly who did what at the nativity performance is difficult in June! For those teachers who teach one subject to many children it is even harder.

Teachers and parents each have a different focus Teachers may spend ages pouring over assessment data to pick out some key targets and achievements. Some parents may want to jump to the end of the report to see if their child has loads of friends. Other parents do want to have detailed information on their child’s successes and want to help from home. A lack of detail in this area could leave them feeling like they cannot build on the recommendations.

So how do you get it right?

Here are 10 top tips to assist you with school report writing:

  • Ensure nothing is a total surprise . A parent should not be finding out via the report anything which will come as a total shock – good or bad! If their child has been off task 80% of the time, they shouldn’t be finding out just before the holidays. This doesn’t help them to support changes. The report should build on and confirm the ongoing conversations, adding to the parental engagement which has gone beforehand throughout the year.
  • Keep it simple . Avoid the jargon and acronyms which abound in education. Add details and simple explanations where necessary. A glossary of terms relevant to the school could even be part of the template. This can be especially helpful if you have your own assessment terms. You may also want to add a quick guide to terms such as “fronted adverbials” also.
  • Be specific . Statements should be simple, and in layman’s terms, but be based on solid evidence. “Joshua did well this year” is not specific enough. Parents may like to hear such a lovely statement, but it gives them nothing to engage with. They will end up asking Joshua what he did well in… which Joshua may also not be sure of the details.
  • Use the ‘4 parts’ rule . Each statement in a school report should include 4 elements: the achievement/success; evidence of that success; the target; resources to help meet the target. So, a four-part phrase might be: “Joshua has progressed well in handwriting. He is now joining most of his letters in each word. His next step is to keep the sizing of his handwriting consistent. A great website to help model this is…” All too often we stop after 3 parts: success, evidence, target. This leaves parents stuck when they want to support that target. Directing them to resources that match the school’s curriculum helps the parents.
  • Follow school guidance . Every school has their own ideas about what should be included. How many words to include, for example, and usually a template. If you’re new to a school but want to get started on reports early, make sure to ask for some examples from last year to get a sense of what is expected. You may think you got the reports done before the holidays, but there is nothing more deflating than finding you need to rewrite them completely.
  • There is a place for automation . Teachers may have been stung by old report writing software. It may have messed up genders or come up with some grammatically terrible sentences. Many modern assessment platforms have much more advanced techniques and tools available now. You spend the term and year updating data for the graphs and assessment information. Why not then allow the system to take some of your workload? Your assessment knows exactly where the pupils are, based on your RAG ratings of statements and such. They will output sentences to reports which follow your own school’s curriculum, and it knows who is a girl or a boy! And gets the names right every time. Technology, at its very best, is efficient, which leaves you more time to write the personal statement parts.
  • Add resources and links . Again, some systems have a reporting online option. This links parents to resources that are curriculum-linked. This means that for each target they are directed to high-quality resources to use at home. This can turn your school report writing into a significant part of your teaching. Also, your learning and assessment cycle. Parents being involved in their child’s education makes a huge difference. Where you are printing reports, you can add short links. These could be simple recommended resources such as YouTube channels, websites and even apps, which you know are educationally sound.
  • Make the layout easy to follow . The school template can be important in making sure reports are easy to understand. If there are grades for some subjects and not others, a design change can help to make that seem strange. As with marketing rules, there are ways to bring the parent’s eye to the key information they need to see. At Learning Ladders, we have worked really hard to ensure our reports stand out. They are based on these principles outlined. You may not have control over your school template, but you can ensure sentences are concise and paragraphs are not too long. These make the report much easier to read.
  • Don’t overdo it . A few key successes and a few targets are great. Make it manageable. A list of 20 successes might seem wonderful but will be very overwhelming. For the core subjects, 3-5 successes and 3 key targets are plenty. For foundation subjects, 3 successes and 1 or 2 things to work on would be perfect.
  • Treat it like a parent’s evening . When writing the personal part of the report, I like to pretend the parent is in front of me, as though I am saying everything to their face, imagining their reaction. That helps me to be enthusiastic and realistic – which comes across even on the page. This also helps me to write each pupil’s report statement in one go, rather than going back and forth to edit (which is when I am more likely to make mistakes!). I also try to imagine their questions and add a bit of context or answer those upfront, as part of the report.

To find out how Learning Ladders makes school report writing easy, whilst keeping all those individual touches that parents love, have a read about our automated pupil reports .

children holding hand up in class

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Guide to GCSE results for England, summer 2024

Grading has continued as normal in summer 2024, following the return to pre-pandemic standards last year. Overall GCSE results are similar to summer 2023.

report writing about educational development day

Today, students in England are receiving more than 5.6 million GCSE results. Students’ grades have been determined by their performance in their exams and assessments. These qualifications provide students with trustworthy evidence of their achievements so they can move forward in their education or training.  

Grading has continued as normal this summer, following the return to pre-pandemic standards last year. It is important that grades reflect what students know, understand and can do, to support students in making the right choices about their next steps. 

The Chief Regulator at Ofqual, Sir Ian Bauckham CBE, said: “Consistent, rigorous standards of grading are producing consistent results.   

“It is evidence that we have settled back into a pattern of dependable and trustworthy results.”

Key points 

Grading has continued as normal this summer and standards have been maintained from summer 2023.   

GCSE entries have increased by more than 250,000 compared with summer 2023. There has been an increase in the 16-year-old population since 2023, and there are more entries from post-16 students this summer for GCSE English language and maths. The changes to the post-16 cohort are reflected in the GCSE English language and maths results published today. 

Overall GCSE results are similar to 2023. Outcomes at grade 7 and above are 21.7% compared with 21.6% in 2023, and outcomes at grade 4 and above are 67.4% compared with 67.8% in 2023. 

The results for GCSE French, German and computer science reflect the small adjustments we required exam boards to make this summer.

Today (22 August 2024) we are publishing: 

a summary of results (below) 

infographics about this year’s GCSE results  

interactive visualisations of outcomes by centre type, variability in school and college GCSE results, GCSE outcomes in England, an interactive map of England showing GCSE results in different subjects by grade and county and GCSE grade combinations 

results of the 2024 National Reference Test

As normal, the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has  published results in England for GCSE , overall and by subject. These results are also shown in our  interactive visualisation .

Centre type results 

Ofqual has updated its interactive visualisation to show GCSE results for different types of school and college compared with previous years, overall and by subject. The centre type categories are based on the  national centre number (NCN) register  and are self-reported by schools and colleges. Our interactive visualisations only include those schools or colleges that have entries for a particular subject in every year from 2018 to 2024. 

Overall results for all types of school and college are broadly similar to 2023 at grade 7 and above and grade 4 and above. When students take exams, the same assessment arrangements apply to everyone. Differences in outcomes are therefore likely to reflect longstanding trends in the pattern of results for different centre types. Changes compared with 2023 will reflect changes in attainment or changes in the cohort of students taking qualifications across different types of centre. For example, more post-16 students took GCSEs this summer compared with 2023, and these students typically make up the majority of GCSE entries in further education establishments and colleges.

Cumulative percentage outcomes by centre type – grade 7 and above

Centre type 2019 2023 2024
Academies 20.6 21.0 21.2
Free schools 20.1 20.1 21.6
FE establishment 0.9 1.0 0.8
Independent 48.1 47.5 48.4
Other 6.4 7.6 7.2
Secondary comprehensive 18.8 19.3 19.4
Secondary modern 12.4 12.8 12.6
Secondary selective 58.6 59.4 60.3
Sixth form college 1.0 1.4 1.2

Cumulative percentage outcomes by centre type – grade 4 and above

Centre type 2019 2023 2024
Academies 69.1 69.2 69.4
Free schools 68.7 67.5 69.0
FE establishment 24.0 19.2 17.3
Independent 91.0 91.0 90.9
Other 36.6 37.6 35.3
Secondary comprehensive 67.8 68.3 68.5
Secondary modern 60.9 61.3 60.7
Secondary selective 97.0 96.8 97.0
Sixth form college 30.6 24.1 24.9

Centre variability 

Ofqual’s interactive visualisation shows the level of variation in schools’ and colleges’ GCSE results compared with 2023. We know that, in any year, individual schools and colleges may see variation in the proportion of students achieving particular grades compared with previous years. This can be due to many different factors, including differences in the mix of students entered for particular qualifications, different teaching approaches, changes in teaching staff or teaching time, and changes to qualifications.   

Our interactive visualisation allows users to explore variation in centres’ results for different age groups and sizes of centres.

GCSE French, German and computer science 

This summer we required exam boards to award GCSE French, German and computer science more generously .  

The positive adjustments in French and German follow our detailed review of an extensive evidence base as part of our work on inter-subject comparability, and subsequent announcement in 2019, that we would seek  to align grade standards in GCSE French and German with Spanish . Exam boards were required to make small positive adjustments in French at grades 7 and 4, and in German at grades 9, 7 and 4. This follows adjustments in both subjects at grades 9, 7 and 4 in summer 2023. The adjustments were taken into account during awarding and are reflected in results. We did not require exam boards to make a further adjustment at grade 9 in French this summer, as the evidence suggests that there was broad alignment with Spanish in summer 2023.

For GCSE computer science we conducted an extensive programme of research considering grading standards over time , given the changes that have been made to the qualification in the short time that it has been available (the first awards were in 2012). Our research suggests that standards may have become slightly more stringent through the period from 2014 to 2019, likely due to the changes to the qualification and the context during this period. We therefore required exam boards to award more generously this summer at grades 9, 7 and 4, to reflect the findings of the research. These small adjustments were taken into account during awarding and are reflected in results.

Equalities analyses 

As well as the results breakdowns published today, Ofqual will be repeating the equalities analyses that we have published since 2020 . Ofqual makes this information available so that the whole sector can understand qualification results and use this to inform policy making and practice. These detailed analyses consider whether the gaps between results for different groups of students have changed compared with previous years, while controlling for a range of student characteristics. It is important that these analyses control for as many student characteristics as possible, so that meaningful conclusions can be drawn from the results. This does mean, however, that it is not possible for us to complete these analyses ahead of results being issued, because final data from exams is only available very close to results days. We will publish our equalities analyses as soon as we can, in the autumn. 

When students take exams, the same assessment arrangements apply to everyone – students’ grades are solely determined by the number of marks they achieve in the assessments, and the same rules apply to everyone taking the same qualification. The gaps between results for different groups of students are therefore likely to reflect long-standing trends in attainment, and any changes this year will reflect changes in attainment. Differential patterns of achievement in qualifications reveal, rather than create, educational disparities. They are an important part of the evidence needed for addressing those disparities.

Grade boundaries 

Exam boards have set grade boundaries this summer based on a combination of data and qualitative evidence. As in any year, there has been an important role for examiner judgement. Expert examiners have reviewed the quality of students’ work compared with previous years.  

Grade boundaries typically change each exam series and are often different between exam boards. This reflects any differences in the difficulty of the assessments. If an exam paper is harder the grade boundaries will be lower, and if an exam paper is easier the grade boundaries will be higher. This is important to ensure that students are not advantaged or disadvantaged based on the exam paper that they sit. This means that some grade boundaries are lower than 2023, while others are higher. 

Grading has taken place as normal this summer and standards have been maintained from summer 2023. Students can therefore be confident in the grades they receive, irrespective of the grade boundaries or how they compare with last year.

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English Compositions

Report Writing on Educational Tour [With PDF]

In this article you are going to learn how to write a report on Educational Tour organize by your school. So with out much delay let’s jump in.

Report Writing on Educational Tour

Educational Tour From School

By Ashlyn Tony

February 23, 2018; Karnataka: A bright morning, our tutor came in and announced we are going for a field trip. We were excited but most of us didn’t know what was a field trip and what was the motive behind it. We packed ourselves and led ourselves to our school bus.

During the ride, our tutor explained to us what a field trip was and why it was conducted. We went to a zoological park. It was a different experience from classroom learning. We students grasped the concept much faster. The method of learning through experience was different. We could learn things outside textbooks.

This is done so that students can look into a particular topic from all possible perspectives enabling them to learn everything. It has also been proved that field trips are an excellent way for incorporating knowledge into young minds. This also helps students to learn and understand topics on their own without further explanations.

They help indirect learning and help students in finding things by themselves which is better than spoon-feeding information. This experience helps students to retain in their memories what they have learnt for a much longer period. 

Field Trip To A Butterfly Garden

By Rachel Harris

January 1, 2019; New Delhi: A field trip to a nearby butterfly garden was arranged for the kindergarten students. They were all excited about the idea of visiting a butterfly garden. We took the school bus to the garden. The students were so excited to see different types of butterflies.

Students observed different varieties and their teachers helped them understand the different features. They studied the different stages of growth. They saw a huge variety of butterflies. The students were so excited. By the end, students started recognising the different varieties of butterflies. They learnt all they could about Butterflies.

Also, they used this experience for instilling in students the importance of nature. They understood that the reason behind why they could not see butterflies like before is because of the disturbances humans create in the environment.

They were also taught the importance of trees in nature. They pledged that they would not hurt mother nature and will prevent unnecessary cutting of trees. Thus, the field trip was successful.

College Field Trip

By Saira Rajput

March 2, 2016; Bombay: We students were looking forward to the field trips. We were eagerly waiting for the days to come. We had pre-planned everything. Every single detail was planned and everything was set. We were visiting places with magnificent architectural designs.

The different varieties of ideas used made us think about the brilliance of the architecture. The designs, mural paintings, the statues, and the engraving on the walls. For some of us, this was the first experience. We learned about things that one should think about before planning and executing architectural designs.

This trip also taught us about the importance of precision in planning a design. One should be able to foresee everything before starting the actual construction. The quality of the materials, the materials used and also how much is the design applicable in a particular place.

Since some materials cannot be used in some climatic conditions, one should take utmost care in selecting materials for the construction. The trip made us realise our potential and also the importance of planning and precision in our field.

Field Trip To A Cow Farm

 By Mark Anthony

September 5, 2015; Gujarat: This field trip was planned so as to make students understand how a farm works. On reaching the farm, students saw a large number of cows, of different varieties. One could see the huge machines used for milking the cows. The farm had a large number of workers. There was a veterinarian for weekly checkups.

There were employees cleaning the farms. There were separate employees for each pair of cows. Cows at this farm were given high-protein foods. The sheds were cleaned regularly to control diseases that might affect the cows. One could see the care given to the cows by looking at them. After the milking process, they are sent to a nearby plant for pasteurization and packaging.

There are special sheds for pregnant cows so as to give them special care. The calves are very well taken care of. The students could understand the importance of cleanliness and regular checkups. This experience made the students realise something new and made them learn new things.

There You Have It

So you have seen the example reports on Educational Tour, I hope these examples indeed help you.

Do let me know if you have any other topic ideas that you want me to cover by leaving a quick comment just below the article.

report writing about educational development day

Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli, virtually celebrated the "National Education Day on 11thNovember 2020" which commemorates the birth anniversary of "Maulana Abul Kalam Azad", the first union minister of education in India. The event witnessed ardent participation from the students. The event brought the students together ...

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development.. Without inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong opportunities for all, countries will not succeed in achieving gender equality and breaking the cycle ...

Report Writing. Educational tours are valuable components of experiential learning, offering students firsthand experiences that enhance their understanding of academic concepts outside the classroom. Writing a comprehensive report on such a tour not only documents the journey but also evaluates its educational impact.

Given the chance to rewrite what you already know of what a teacher report is, you would of course take the opportunity and revise what you used to know and apply what you already know. Come take a look at these five simple ways to write a teacher report. 1. Use Simple but Clear Jargon.

recent years. In this report, we at 826 National aim to bring writing education to the forefront of public, policy, and funding conversations by examining its current state and issuing a call to action to the field. In the summer and fall of 2020, we interviewed 19 writing education experts, including authors,

Today marks the third year in a row the world celebrates the role of Education for peace and development since the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in December 2018 proclaiming Education`s International Day on January 24th. This year`s theme Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 Generation highlights actions taken to protect education through the recovery and showcases best ...

1 Choose a topic based on the assignment. Before you start writing, you need to pick the topic of your report. Often, the topic is assigned for you, as with most business reports, or predetermined by the nature of your work, as with scientific reports. If that's the case, you can ignore this step and move on.

Report on. cation Day"Friday, 11 November 2022National Education Day is celebrated on November 11 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad who served as the first Minister of Education of Independent India from 1947 to 1958 in Prime Minister'. Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru's Cabinet. Azad laid the foundation of India ...

Education is a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as International Day of Education, in celebration of the role of ...

Report writing is a key skill that is required in higher education and in the workplace. This brief, easy-to-follow video takes you through the key elements of writing a professional report and looks at what each of the sections of the report should include. Open this video in a new tab . and is part of the University Ready hub.

National Education Day is celebrated on 11th November every year. On this day, schools across the country organise many activities to commemorate the great leader, Maulana Azad. Schools conduct innovative programmes, like seminars and workshops, that will make the students understand the importance of education.

According to a report by the New York Times, U.S. President Joe Biden approved in March a highly classified nuclear strategic plan that focused on China's quickly growing arsenal, but also seeks ...

Before writing a report, there are certain things you must know to ensure that you draft a precise and structured report, and these points to remember are listed below: Write a concise and clear title of the report. Always use the past tense. Don't explain the issue in the first person, i.e. 'I' or 'Me'.

US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

Increased funding for a wall on the US-Mexico border - one of Trump's signature proposals in 2016 - is proposed in the document. Project 2025 also proposes dismantling the Department of Homeland ...

Tamil Nadu govt declares 15 July as Education Development Day. Aimed at eradicating illiteracy, the Tamil Nadu government has declared July 15, the birth anniversary of former Chief Minister K. Kamaraj, as Education Development Day. IANS. Updated On Jul 11, 2023 at 04:01 PM IST.

On 5th September, 2022 (Monday), Loreto School in Pune organised Teachers' Day on the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, former president of India. All students decorated their classrooms and gave their teachers a bouquet of roses. After the morning assembly, the Teachers' Day program was scheduled to start.

The Nation's Report Card is a resource—a common measure of student achievement—because it offers a window into the state of our K-12 education system and what our children are learning. When students, their parents, teachers, and principals participate in the Nation's Report Card—the largest nationally representative and continuing ...

OKLAHOMA CITY (KOKH) — A Consolidated Performance Review Report found 32 concerns that require urgent attention inthe Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) programs. The U.S. Department ...

Report writing is an essential skill in many disciplines. Master it now at university and writing reports in the workplace will be easier. A report aims to inform and sometimes to persuade. They should be written as clearly and succinctly as possible with evidence about a topic, problem or situation. Here are some general guidelines but check ...

Thousands of students across the country will soon be finding out their GCSE results and thinking about the next steps in their education.. Here we explain everything you need to know about the big day, from when results day is, to the current 9-1 grading scale, to what your options are if your results aren't what you're expecting.

Write a report on 'Educational Development Day' 'Educational Development Day' was organized in your school on 15 th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event.

Write a report of the following event in about 100-120 words. 'Educational Development Day' was organized in your school on 15th July. The District Collector was the Chief Guest of the event. As part of the event, many competitions were held and the prizes were distributed to the winners and participants. It was a grand and successful event.

Today, on World Humanitarian Day (19 August, 2024) we honor those around the world who #ActforHumanity every day by facing any number of dangers in order to bring life-saving first-aid, medical attention or other forms help to people impacted by the crisis.

And we got the great backs, so I'm just learning every single day. "The biggest challenge for me was, I'll say, just the speed and just learning the game, that's it. Just in college, you're just ...

Here are the latest results for the 2024 Florida primary election races in Hillsborough County. Ousted State Attorney Andrew Warren is seeking the chance to run for his old seat again, and voters ...

Use the '4 parts' rule. Each statement in a school report should include 4 elements: the achievement/success; evidence of that success; the target; resources to help meet the target. So, a four-part phrase might be: "Joshua has progressed well in handwriting. He is now joining most of his letters in each word.

For example, more post-16 students took GCSEs this summer compared with 2023, and these students typically make up the majority of GCSE entries in further education establishments and colleges.

TRAINING REPORT. Y PLANNING July, 18-20, 2016 Rock City Resort - SWATJul 2016, This training report was made possible with support from the American. eople through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this report are sole responsibility of The Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) and. TABLE ...

By Saira Rajput. Visa Guide: Report Writing on Daylight Robbery in House [With PDF] March 2, 2016; Bombay: We students were looking forward to the field trips. We were eagerly waiting for the days to come. We had pre-planned everything. Every single detail was planned and everything was set.


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    report flag outlined. 15th July is the birth anniversary of K.Kamaraj and this day is celebrated as the educational development day in Tamilnadu. K.Kamaraj is the former chief minister of the state. Since the year of 2016, this day is being celebrated in the state as the educational development day. This day is celebrated in all the schools.

  20. J. Write a report of the following events in about 100-120 words

    Report on Educational Development Day Event. On 15th July, our school organized an "Educational Development Day" with great zeal and enthusiasm. The event aimed to foster educational excellence and holistic development among students. We were honored to have the District Collector as our Chief Guest, adding prestige to the occasion.

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